id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt www-inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe-org-5420 The Library Commons: An Imagination and an Invocation – In the Library with the Lead Pipe .html text/html 6086 436 47 In "Neoliberalism within Library and Information Science," Jonathan Cope writes, "As more information is produced in distributed networks that have new and ambiguous relationships to the specific geographical and educational communities, which libraries have traditionally served, it is LIS's responsibility to articulate a vision of how to view information as a public and common good" (Cope 2014, 7-8). Providing some specificity to the steps of decolonization and steps of dismantling of white supremacy within libraries and knowledge institutions, in "Imagining: Creating Space for Indigenous Ontologies," Duarte and Lewis identify five steps to building indigenous knowledge systems toward decolonization. By centering communities in their work and assisting them in funding, HR, infrastructure, engagement, and governance, Educopia is building smaller commons or community based projects outside of the traditional institution and providing an alternate vision for library work and funding. ./cache/www-inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe-org-5420.html ./txt/www-inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe-org-5420.txt