id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt prudhomme prudhomme .docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 3690 245 49 However, "the viability of machine learning and artificial intelligence is predicated on the representativeness and quality of the data that they are trained on," as Thomas Padilla, Interim Head, Knowledge Production at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, asserts (2019, 14). In this essay, I begin by placing artificial intelligence and machine learning in context, then proceed by discussing why AI matters for archives and libraries, and describing the techniques used in a pilot automation project from the perspective of digital curation at Oklahoma State University Archives. Artificial intelligence, and specifically machine learning as a subfield of AI, has direct applications through pattern recognition techniques that predict the labeling values for unlabeled data. Along with greater computing capabilities, artificial intelligence could be an opportunity for libraries and archives to boost the discovery of their digital collections by pushing text and image recognition machine learning techniques to new limits. ./cache/prudhomme.docx ./txt/prudhomme.txt