id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_wj7cy5bgmzbh5gqmelimp62u5e A. Weiss TCR Signal Transduction: Opening the Black Box 2009 8 .pdf application/pdf 7235 755 68 showed that the TCR activated the inositol phospholipid pathway by inducing the tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase David showed that in J.CaM1 there was no inducible phosphorylation of the TCR �-chain or downstream proteins following TCR stimulation and that a tyrosine kinase activity associated in the TCR �-chain was lost. Thus, David identified Lck as the most proximal tyrosine kinase associated with TCR signaling. well as studies of the P116 mutant Jurkat line that Bob Abraham's lab isolated (40), it was apparent that ZAP-70 is necessary then postdoc fellows in my lab, showed that Jurkat T cells require CD45 expression to initiate signaling, including tyrosine activation of the T-cell antigen receptor induces tyrosine phosphorylation of Tyrosine phosphorylation of the human T cell antigen receptor �-chain: activation via CD3 but not lck tyrosine kinase in signal transduction through the T cell antigen receptor. ZAP-70 in TCR signaling and T cell development. ./cache/work_wj7cy5bgmzbh5gqmelimp62u5e.pdf ./txt/work_wj7cy5bgmzbh5gqmelimp62u5e.txt