EUR volume 30 issue 2 Cover and Back matter TABLE DU T O M E XX X 1 9 8 9 A s s A Y A G, Jackie. Bouddha en exit, p. 6$. A u B 1 N, Franchise. La version chinoise de l'islam, p. 192. B E E T H A M, David. Max Weber and the liberal political tradition, p. pi. B E R G E R, Peter A. Ungleichheitssemantiken : graduelle Unter- schiede und kategoriale Exklusivitaten, p. 4$. B O W M A N , John R. Transaction costs and politics, p. IJO. C R E P P E L L , Ingrid. Democracy and literacy : the role of culture in political life, p. 22. D O R S C H E L , Andreas. 1st strategisches Handeln erganzungsbediirf- tig? Karl-Otto Apels These und ihre Begriind- ung, p. 12). F R I E D M A N N, Daniel & Ulysses SANTAMA— RIA. Identite et changement : les Falachas entre l'assimilation en Ethiopie et l'integration en Israel, p. 90. H A B 1 B 1 s, Daphne. Millenarianism and Mahdism in Lebanon, p. 221. P A T z E L T, Werner J. AUtagssoziologische Antworten auf offene Fra- gen der Erforschung politischer Kultur, p. 324. R A N D E R I A , Shalini. Carrion and corpses : conflict in categorizing untouchability in Gujarat, p. 171. R A Y , Laurence J. AIDS as a moral metaphor. An analysis of the politics of the 'Third Epidemic', p. 24}. S A N T A M A R I A , Ulysses & Daniel F R I E D - MANN. Identite et changement : les Falachas entre l'assimilation en Ethiopie et l'integration en Israel, p. fo. S H A R M A, Prayag Raj. Values in the doldrums. Does the West meet the East in Nepal ? p. j . S I L V E R , Allan. Friendship and trust as moral ideals : an historical approach, p. 2/4. S T A A L, Frits. The independence of rationality from literacy, p. 301. Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:41, subject to the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY* I II III IV V VI VII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII I 2 , I J 2 , 2 I 2 I 2 2 , 2 I 2 J 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 Industrial Society and Rep- presentative Government. A la recherche des classes perdues. Le sabre et la loi. -2 Universitat im Umbau : Anspassung oder Wider- stand ? In Quest of Political Par- ticipation. Trois etudes sur la science. Organisation der Macht, Macht der Organisation. Tocqueville, Marx, Weber. Simulation in Sociology. Armed Forces and Society in Western Europe. Alienation et structure or Conscience and Conscious- ness. Paradoxes of Transitional Societies. Sympathy for Alien Con- cepts. Weber et Durkheim : le solitaire et le chef d'ecole. Zur Problematik des Mo- dernisierung or The Con- cept of Modernity. Survivances et permanen- ces or Continuity and Re- enactment. Myths and Mass Media. La planification dans des nations du tiers monde : bitan critique. La foi et les moeurs or Faith and Morals. Permanent non-Revolution. Reflections on Durkheim. Permanent non-Revolution /continued). "A Sack of Potatoes" ? The Political Elite, British and French. Tantum Religio... Faith and Power. Citoyens armes, pretoriens desarmes. Observer's Analysis of Caste and Clientele. From Madness to Mental Illness. Structure and Interest. Professions avec ou sans competence. Might and Rite. Whither the unwithered state. XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 Le prix moral de l'egalite. Sociologie de la science. Hidden God, visible cleric. Auslese in der Kultur- geschichte. Capitalism and the Rite of Religion. Racines aristocratiques de la democratic Michels and his critics. Comprendre les cas extre- mes. Soziologische Selbstbespie- gelung. Overt and Covert Politics clients, factieux, brigands. Unnecessary Revolution. Auslese durch Erziehung oder Technik ? Tending the roots : nation- alism and populism. N'ecessite de la vie poli- tique. Le mythe du mythe. Caste, feudality, nation. Vin nouveau, vieilles ou- tres. Cber politisches Handeln. Liberalism: a communitar- ian critique. (a) Le pouvoir et l'entre- prise. (b) An enquiry into pa- tronage. "Homes fit for heroes". Allegeances en exil. Sentiments moraux, effets sociaux. Volumes 1-21 are available from Swets and Zeitlinger, Heereweg }4j, PO Box 810, 2160 Lisse, Holland. Volumes 22-)o are available from Cambridge University Press, £,42.00 each. Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:41, subject to the IMPRIMERIE F. PAILLART A B B E V I L L E ISSN 0003-9756 Le gerant : JACQUES LAUTMAN Printed in France Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:41, subject to the DU CNRS 2 0 / 2 2 , RUE ST. AM AN 0 7 5 0 1 5 . 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Tarif 1990 : L'abonnemen! (4 numeros) France 276 F Etranger 335 F Vente au numero : Par correspondance : Presses du CNRS, 20-22, rue Saint-Armand; 75015 Paris. Tel. : ( I ) - Telex : 200 356 F. A la librairie du CNRS, 295, rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris. Tel. (1) Le numero.. Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:41, subject to the TABLE QUINQUENNALE DES TOMES XXI A XXV 1 9 8 0 - 1 9 8 4 A R C H E R , Margaret S. Process without system, XXIV 1. A R J O M A N D , Said Amir. The Shi'ite hierocracy and the State in pre- modem I n n : 1785-1890, XXII 1. A U G U S T I N S , Georges. Esquisse d'une comparaison des systemes dc perpetuation des groupes domestiques dans les societes paysannes europeennes, XXIII 2. B A B A D Z A M , Alain. Inventer des mythes, fabriquer des rites? XXV 2. B A E C H L E R , Jean. Les origines de la democratic grecque, XXI 2. La nourriture des hommes. Essai sur le neolithique, XXIII 2. B E E T H A M , David. Michels and his critics, XXII 1. B B N E T O N , Philippe. La dynamique reVolutionnaire ou la logique du totalitarisme. A propos de Interpretation de la Revolution francaise par Augustin Co- chin, XXII 1. B E N - R A F A E L , Eliezer m/Sasha W E I T M A N . The reconstitution of the family in the kib- butz, X X V 1. C A H N U A N , Werner J. Toennies and Weber : a rejoinder, XXII 1. C H E R K A O U I , Mohamed. Changement social et anomie : essai de forma- lisation de la theorie durkheimienne, XXII 1. C O S E R , Lewis A. The notion of civility in contemporary society, XXI 2. D R I E S S E N , Henk. The 'noble bandit' and the bandits of the nobles : brigandage and local community in nineteenth-century Andalusia, XXIV 1. E I S E N S T A D T , Shmuel N . The axial age : the emergence of trancendental visions and the rise of clerics, XXIII 2. E L S T E R , Jon. Negation active et negation passive. Essai dc sociologie ivanienne, XXI 2. F A R M E R , Mary K. Rational action in economic and social theory : some misunderstandings, XXIII 1. F o x , Renee C. Is religion important in Belgium? XXIII 1. G O O D E L L , Grace. From status to contract : the significance of agrarian relations of production in the West, Japan, and in 'Asiatic' Persia, XXI 2. G R A Y , John N. Lamb auctions on the borders, X X V 1. G R E E N F E L D , Liah. The role of the public in the success of Asiatic styles, X X V 1. G U R E V I C H , Aaron J. Medieval culture and mentality according to the new French historiography, XXIV 1. H A L L I D A Y , Terence C. Professions, class and capitalism, XXIV 2. H A L S E Y , A. H. Provincials and professionals : the British postwar sociologists, XXIII 1. H A S S A N , Riaz. Suicide in Singapore, XXI 2. H E L L I N G , Ingeborg. Das Erklarungsmodell der Situationslogik bei Popper : eine logische Rekonstruktion und Kritik, XXIII 1. J A N I K , Allan. Schorske's Vienna, XXII 2. K A H A N E , Reuven. Religious diffusion and modernisation : a prelim- inary reflection on the spread of Islam in Indo- nesia and its impact on social change, XXI 1. K A N T O W S K Y , Detlef. Die Rezeption der Hinduismus/Buddhismus- Studie Max Weber in Sudasien : ein MiSvcr- standnis? XXIII 2. K E D O U R I E , Elie. Minorities and majorities in the Middle East, X X V 2. K E M E N Y , Jim. Professional ideologies and organisational structure : tanks and the military, XXIV 2. K E N N A , Margaret E. Institutional and transformational migration and the politics of community : Greek inter- nal migrants and their migrants' association in Athens, XXIV 2. K H A Z A N O V , Anatolii M. Myths and paradoxes of nomadism, XXII 1. K I L B O R N E , Benjamin. Anthropological thought in the wake of the French Revolution : the 'Societe des observa- teurs de 1'homme', XXIII 1. K U M A R , Krishan. Class and political action in nineteenth-centu- ry England : theoretical and comparative perspectives, XXIV 1. K U P E R , Adam. The man in the study and the man in the field. Ethnography, theory and comparison in social anthropology, XXI 1. L I E B E R S O H N , Harry. Leopold von Wiese and the ambivalence of functionalist sociology, XXIII 2. Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:41, subject to the L I N D H O L H , Charles. Images of the Pathan : the usefulness of colonial ethnography, XXI 2. M A C K E R E L , Claude. Don et reciprocity en Europe, XXIV 1. M A L A U O U D , Charles. Scmantique et rhetorique dans la hierarchic hindoue des « buts de 1'hommc », XXIII 2. M A N N , Michael. The autonomous power of the State, X X V 2. M E R Q U I O R , Jose Guilherrne. Mort a Phomo ccconomicus ? XXI 2. M I L T O N , John R. The origin and development of the concept of the 'laws of nature', XXII 2. M o 1111 S E N , Wolfgang J. Max Weber and Roberto Michcls. An asymmet- rical partnership, XXII 2. M o s s , David. The kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, XXII 2. O S I E L , Mark J. Going to the people : popular culture and the intellectuals in Brazil, XXV 2. O T T , Sandra. Blessed bread, 'first neighbours' and asymmet- ric exchange in the Basque country, XXI 1. P A T T E R S O N B R O W N , Ellen. The ultimate withdrawal : suicide among the Sara Nar, XXII 2. P O G C I , Gianfranco. The place of political concerns in the early social sciences, XXI 2. R A Y , Laurence J. Models of madness in Victorian asylum prac- tice, XXII 2. R H O D E S , Aaron A. Material and nonmaterial incentives io politi- cal machines, X X V 1. R O N I G E R , Luis. Modern patron-client relations and historical clientelism. Some clues 6 0 m ancient Republic- an Rome, XXIV 1. R O S E L , Jakob. The economy of an Indian temple : landed endowment and sacred food, XXIV 1. R U L E , James B. Law and strategy in sociological explanation, XXV 1. RUNCIMAN, W. G. Comparative sociology or narrative history? A note on the methodology of Perry Anderson, XXI 1. Unnecessary revolution : the case of France, XXIV 2. S A N T C A S S I A , Paul. Patterns of covert politics in post-Independence Cyprus, XXIV 1. S U I T H , Anthony D. Ethnic myths and ethnic revivals, XXV 2. S T A E R M A N , E. M. Zu Problemcn der sodalokonomischen Ge- schichte Roms, XXI 1. S W A R T Z , David. Classes, educational systems and labor markets, XXII 2. T A P P E R , Nancy. Matrons and mistresses : women and boundaries in two Middle Eastern tribal societies, XXI 1. T H E O B A L D , Robin. The decline of patron-client relations in devel- oped societies, XXIV z. T R A U G O T T , Mark. Durkheim and social movements, XXV a. U R R Y , James. Who are the Mennonites? XXIV 1. V A N P A R I J S , Philippe. Sociology as general economics, XXII a. W E E D E , Erich. Ordnungspolitik und Skherbeltspolitik als Elemente dcr Sicherungspolirik, XXV 1. W E I N G R O D , Alex. Rashomon in Jerusalem : ideology and power in an urban dispute, XXII 1. W E I S S , Linda. The Italian State and small business, XXV 2. W E1 T u A N, Sasha and Eliezer BEN-RAFAEL. The reconstitution of the family in the kib- butz, XXV 1. W I N D O L P , Paul. L'expansion de renscignement et la surqualiii- cation sur le marchc du travail, XXV 1. W O O D , Geoffrey. Frazer's magic wand of anthropology : inter- preting Tit GcUen Bo«j*, XXIII 1. Z A R E T , David. Ideology and organization in purinnism, XXI 1. ISSN 0003-9756 November 1989 C A M B R I D G E U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CBz iRP 40 West 20th Street, New York NY 10011, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oaklcigh, Melbourne J166, Australia Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:39:41, subject to the