id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 847 Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Lays of Ancient Rome .txt text/plain 25046 1845 85 these circumstances a wise man will look with great suspicion on poetical element in the early history of the Great City was no doubt that the great Homeric poems are generically ballads, ancient ballads in praise of men of former times. precisely at the time at which the Roman people rose to six fighting men, all of the same proud patrician blood, all the lost ballad-poetry of Rome was transformed into history. but in the persons of ancient minstrels who know only what Roman The old Romans had some great This year, old men shall reap; Punic War a great feast was held in honor of Juno, and a song was Came forth to war with Rome. Of Rome's great Julian line; And upon Appius Claudius great fear and trembling came, Though the great houses love us not, we own, to do them right, celebrate the first great triumph of the Romans over the Greeks ./cache/847.txt ./txt/847.txt