id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 26168 Slesar, Henry The Success Machine .txt text/plain 4008 638 90 "Ten o'clock department head meeting, Mr. Colihan." "PEP!" said President Moss at the end of the room. "Production report doesn't look too good," said Miss Blanche, crisply. "Don't grow apples like they used to," the President said. spoil the whole derned lot.'" The boss looked at Colihan and took a big "Yes, sir," said Colihan, wondering if he should voice his fears about "Yes, sir," said Colihan unhappily. "Good boy!" The boss chuckled and clapped his hand on Colihan's Colihan put his hands to his head. His hand shook as he placed Grimswitch's card into the Personnelovac. When Miss Blanche announced that President Moss himself was in Colihan's like my father said: 'Trees go dead on the top.' Colihan--" The boss "Yes, sir!" said Colihan eagerly. When the card was burped out at the other end, Colihan took it out with Colihan dropped the pink card into the chute. ./cache/26168.txt ./txt/26168.txt