id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 41269 Boothby, Guy Sheilah McLeod: A Heroine of the Back Blocks .txt text/plain 66631 4127 89 'Take James out and put the child in his place,' said my father, coming father did not know about horse and cattle breeding no man in the length 'Jim,' she said, laying her little hand upon my arm, 'you have saved my race for life with a vengeance, and only a man like Pete could have path towards the house, she put her little hand upon my arm and said that horse to-day, I'll turn you out of my house to-night. 'By the way, Mr Jarman,' said Pete, turning to the man who had asked 'You begin to talk like a man,' said Pete, rising from the chair in 'That I will,' I answered, completely carried away by the good old man's face, for Sheilah looked at me and then said,-'Good-bye, James, my lad,' said the old man, giving me his hand. said Sheilah, looking into my face with her beautiful eyes. ./cache/41269.txt ./txt/41269.txt