id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 41826 Meade, L. T. Wild Heather .txt text/plain 73875 5607 95 "Eat your pudding like a darling," said my father, and as Aunt Penelope "Your Aunt Penelope and I want to have a little private talk," he said, "The very first thing I want you to see about, kind Lady Helen," said "Well, Heather," said my father, "what a wonderful day this must have father, as I had said to him in reality the night before, "Lady Helen is "You dear little mite!" said father, smiling into my eyes. "By Jove," said father, "you are a good child to have kept it so long. "For goodness' sake, child," said Lady Helen, "don't talk in that prim "John," said Lady Carrington, "here is little Heather." "Heather, you must not mind Vernon, he always talks nonsense," said Lady "I am going to take Heather away now for a little time," she said. said: 'My father is the best man in all the world.' Lady Mary looked at ./cache/41826.txt ./txt/41826.txt