id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoy Nancy Ross Digital Art History for Beginners: The Spreadsheet 2020 7 .pdf application/pdf 1560 128 68 The original post can be found on Nancy Ross's site Experiments in Art History. interested in teaching some of the basics of digital art history in my upper-division classes different kinds of art history questions, and I want to demonstrate that there are a variety I can find out which work of art sold for the most money if I sort the "Sale Price" column Any other notes need to be in a different column, or the prices will not sort in a I'm interested in the sale prices for works of art by women. women and then delete the extra columns so that only Artist and Sale Price remain. delete multiple works by the same artist leaving only their highest priced work of art. I delete the extra columns, leaving Artist, Gender, and Price. same artist leaving only their highest priced work of art. ./cache/work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoy.pdf ./txt/work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoy.txt