id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.32044048284814 Peters, Madison Clinton Wit and wisdom of the Talmud edited by Madison C. Peters ; with an introduction by Rabbi H. Pereira Mendes 1900 .txt text/plain 15413 1587 89 "Great king," said a wise man, who noticed possesses, nevertheless, extraordinary qualities, of which you may soon convince yourself by weighing it with gold or silver." Alexander said he would like to try, and, ordering a pair of scales, placed the skull in one "Certainly," said the wise man, "very little not explain to me this remarkable phenomenon?" "Great king," replied the wise man, and charity, turns away from God. 34 (Ulit amo (UligöOm knowest, dear father, that nothing can prevail against death; neither children, nor relatives, nor friends are able to save man from Rufus, asked Rabbi Akiba: "If your God loves Rather be thou called a fool all thy days Let a man be careful to honor his wife, God's Will, As The Guide of Man's Duties Man's Accountability to God God looks to the heart of man and then to ./cache/hvd.32044048284814.pdf ./txt/hvd.32044048284814.txt