id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.ah423v Buckley, George Wright The wit and wisdom of Jesus; also Carlyle and Emerson: a contrast by George Wright Buckley 1901 .txt text/plain 28638 1816 76 of some disposition on the part of John's disciples to question the ways of Jesus. say, Behold a gluttonous man and a winej6 The Wit and Wisdom of Jesus right?" With quick mind for the incongruous, Jesus presses on his hearers the interrogatories which admit of but one answer: With all his idealism, Jesus had an observing eye for the practical activities of men, and giving him good words." The "good-lord-andgood-devil" people Jesus found numerous all times; a "palpable hit," too, at the overimpatient radical who wants to take the kingdom of heaven by violence, despite God's law hear them not, because ye are not of God. The Jews answered and said unto him, Say a man keep my word, he shall never taste Some excellent proverbs and sayings, expressing the above thought of Jesus, are afloat Like all the rabbis of the time, Jesus, little given to men, the working of Jesus' mind is prompt ./cache/hvd.ah423v.pdf ./txt/hvd.ah423v.txt