WIDENER HN DH2X J le 8581.10.4.5 Llei CHRISTO CCCLISLA CSIAE V: ANG TARVARO ARD: ΛΟΝ Na CANT AN eo UN e{ - THE HAND, ITS MECHANISM AND VITAL ENDOWMENTS, AS EVINCING DESIGN. BY SIR CHARLES BELL, K. G. H. F.R.S. L. & E. NEW-YORK: "UBLISED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NO. 82 CLIFF-STRIET. 1840, Phil 4581.10.4.5 MANDARD COLLEGE LIBRARY Dei 1852 Soki 18 THE BRIDGEWATER TREATISES ON THE POWER, WISDOM, AND GOODNESS OF GOD AS MANIFESTED IN THE CREATION. TREATISE IV. THE HAND, ITS MECHANISM AND VITAL ENDOWMENTS, AS EVINCING DESIGN. BY SIR CHARLES BELL, K. G. 8. F. R. S. L. & E. NOTICE. The series of Treatises, of which the present is one, is published under the following circumstances : The Right HONOURABLE and REVEREND FRANCIS HENRY, EARL of BRIDGEWATER, died in the month of February, 1829; and by his last Will and Testament, bearing date the 25th of February, 1825, be directed certain Trustees therein named to invest in the public funds the sum of Eight thousand pounds sterling : this sum, with the ac- cruing dividends thereon, to be held at the disposal of the President, for the time being, of the Royal Society of London, to be paid to the person or persons nominated by him. The Testator further directed, that the person or persons selected by the said President should be appointed to write, print, and publish one thousand copies of a work Or the Power, Wizdo:n, and Goodness of Gol, as manifeste:t in the Creation ; illustrating such work by all reasonable arguments, as for in- stance the rariety an:formation of God's creatures in the animal, vege- table, and mineral kingdoms; the effect of digestion, and thereby of con- version ; the construction of the hand of man, and an infinite variety of other argumen!s ; as also by discoveries ancient and modern, in arts, sciences, and the rohole extent of literature. He desired, moreover, that the profits arising from the sale of the works so published should be paid to the authors of the works. The late President of the Royal Society, Davies Gilbert, Esq. requested the assistance of his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury and of the Bishop of London, in determining upon the best mode of carrying into effect the intentions of the Testator. Acting with their advice, and with the concurrence of a nobleman immediately con. nected with the deceased, Mr. Davies Gilbert appointed the follow- ing eight gentlemen to write separate Treatises on the different branches of the subject as here stated : THE REV. THOMAS CHALMERS, D. D. PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. ON THE ADAPTATION OF EXTERNAL NATURE TO THE MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN. JOHN KIDD, M. D. F. R. S. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. ON THE ADAPTATION OF EXTERNAL NATURE TO THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF MAN. viií PREFACE. reader that the sentiments and the views, which a sense of duty to the young men about him induced the author to deliver, and which Mr. Rennell heard only by accident, arose naturally out of those studies. It was at the desire of the Lord Chancellor that the author wrote the essay on “ Animal Mechanics;" and it was probably from'a belief that the author felt the importance of the subjects touched upon in that essay, that his lordship. was led to do him the fur- ther honour of asking him to join with him in illustra- ting the “ Natural Theology” of Dr. Paley. That request was especially important, as showing, that the conclusions, to which the author had arriv- ed, were not the peculiar or accidental suggestions of professional feeling, nor of solitary study, which is so apt to lead to enthusiasm, but that the powerful and masculine mind of Lord Brougham was directed to the same object : that he, who in early life was dis- tinguished for his successful prosecution of science, and who has never forgotten her interests amidst the most arduous and active duties of his high station, encouraged and partook of these sentiments. Thus, from at first maintaining that design and benevolence were every where visible in the natural world, circumstances have gradually drawn the au. thor to support these opinions more ostentatiously and elaborately than was his original wish. The author cannot conceal from himself the disad- vantages to which he is exposed in coming before the public, not only with a work, in some measure extra. professional, but with associates, distinguished by PREFACE. classical elegance of style, as well as by science. He must entreat the reader to remember that he was, ear- ly and long, devoted to the study of anatomy; and with a feeling (right or wrong) that it surpassed all other studies, in interest and usefulness. This made him negligent of those acquirements which would have better fitted him for the honourable association in which he has been placed: and no one can feel more deeply that the suggestions which occur in the intervals of an active professional life, must always be unfavourably contrasted with what comes of the learned leisure of a College. The author has to acknowledge his obligation to Davies Gilbert, Esq. late President of the Royal Socie- ty, for having assigned to him a task of so much inter- est. When he undertook it, he thought only of the pleasure of pursuing these investigations, and perhaps too little of what the public were entitled to expect from an Essay composed in circumstances so peculiar, and forming a part in “ this great argument.” CONTENTS. CHAP. I. INTRODUCTORY . . . . . Caap. II. DEFINITION OF THE HAND . .. Its Mechanism . . . . . Conformity of the Skeleton to the Extremity . . Bones of the Extremity not adapted to Man alone . Fossil Bones exhibit the Extent of the System . . Animals the most uncouth, in every Respect adapted to their Condition or . . . . . Mistaken Compassion for Animals Animals suited to the progressive Changes of the Earth and Elements. . Succession and Grouping of Animals . . . 32 39 Chap. III. The Comparative Anatomy OF THE HAND . Comparative View of the Anatomy of the Shoulder . The Arms wanting in a Boy The Structure of the Horse's Shoulder . In the Chelonian Order The Humerus. Spirit in which the Demonstration should be given . . . . . . Peculiarities in the Mole Bat . . . . . . Ant-Eater . Adaptation of the Anatomy in Birds The Anatomy of the Fore Arm . The Action of the Splint Bone in the Horse .. Horse's Foot ........ CONTENTS. The Hoofs of Animals and their Sensibility . Pago 140 145 CHAP. IX. OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. · Of the Sensibility of the Infant to Impressions, and gra- dual Improvement of the Sense of Touch . Of the same in Insects and Fishes . . . Loss of the Sense. . . Pleasures arising from the Muscular Sense 146 152 153 154 157 Chap. X. THE HAND NOT THE SOURCE OF INGENUITY OR CONTRIVANCE, NOR CONSEQUENTLY OF Man's SUPERIORITY The Subject illustrated by the Organs of Speech : The Ingenuity of the Hand has made a Revolution in - the Arts Changes in the Globe and successive Epochs . . CONCLUSION . . . . . . . 161 162 164 168 ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 171 THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOLID STRUCTURE OF THE ANIMAL BODY CONSIDERED Substitute for the Skeleton in the lower Animals . Mechanical Properties in Bone, or in the true Skeleton. The Muscular and Elastic Forces . . . 172 175 181 183 COMPARISON OF THE EYE WITH THE HAND . The Motion of the Eye considered in regard to the Ef- fect of Light and Shade in a Picture 197 ADDITION TO THE CONCLUDING PTER . . 204 ADDITION TO THE CONCLUDING CHAPTER APPENDIX, Explanation of Terms . . . . .. 10 THE HAND, ITS MECHANISM AND VITAL ENDOW. MENTS, AS EVINCING DESIGN. CHAPTER I. If we contemplate any natural object, especially any part of animated nature, fully and in all its bear. ings, we can arrive only at this conclusion: that there is design in the mechanical construction, benevolence shown in the living properties, and that good predo- minates: we shall perceive that the sensibilities of the body have a relation to the qualities of things external, and that delicacy of texture is a necessary consequence of this relation. Wonderful, and exquisitely constructed, as the me. chanical appliances are for the protection of this deli- cate structure, they are altogether insufficient; and ą protection of a very different kind, which shall ani. mate the body to the utmost exertion, is requisite for safety. Pain, whilst it is a necessary contrast to its opposite pleasure, is the great safeguard of the frame. Finally, as to man, we shall be led to infer that the pains and pleasures of mere bodily sense (with yet more benevolent intention) carry us onward, through the developement and improvement of the mind itself, to higher aspirations, 16 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. Such is the course of reasoning which I propose to follow in giving an account of the hand and arm, con- trasting them with the corresponding parts of living creatures, through all the divisions of the chain of vertebrated animals. When I first thought of extending my notes on this subject, it appeared to me that I might have many other topics more prolific in proofs of design, and more interesting; but I now find that there is no end to illustration, and that the subject branches out inter- minably.' Some may conceive that as I have for my title the Human Hand, and the relation of the solid structures of the animal frame, it will lead me to consider the body as a machine only. I neither see the necessity for this, nor do I acknowledge the danger of consider- ing it in that light. I embark fearlessly in the inves- tigation, convinced that, yielding to the current of thought, and giving the fullest scope to enquiry, there can be no hidden danger if the mind be free from vicious bias. I cannot see how scepticism should arise, out of the contemplation of the structure and me- chanism of the animal body. Let us for a moment think what is the natural re- sult of examining the human body as a piece of ma- chinery, and let us see whether it makes the creation of man more or less important in his relation to the whole scheme of nature. Suppose that there is placed before us a machine for raising great weights, be it the simplest of all, the wheel and axle. We are given to understand that this piece of mechanism has the property of multiply- ing the power of the hand. But a youth of subtile mind may say, I do not believe that it is possible so to multiply the power of the hand; and if the mechani- cian be a philosopher, he will rather applaud the spirit of doubt. If he condescend to explain, he will say, that the piles driven into the ground, or the screws which unite the machinery to the beams, are the fixed 18 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. materials, have as certainly a correspondence with the weight, as the wheels and levers of a machine, or the scaffolding which sustains them, have relation to the force and velocity of the machinery, or the load that they are employed to raise. The mechanism and organization of animals have been often brought forward for a different purpose from that for which I use them. We find it said, that it is incomprehensible that an all-powerful Being should manifest his will in this manner; that mecha- nical contrivance implies difficulties overcome : and how strange it is, they add, that the perceptions of the mind, which might have been produced by some di- rect means, or have arisen spontaneously, are received through an instrument so fine and complex as the eye ;-and which requires the creation of the element of light, to enter the organ and to cause vision. For my own part, I think it most natural tó con- template the subject quite differently. We perhaps presume too much, when we say, that light has been created for the purpose of vision. We are hardly en- titled to pass over its properties as a chemical agent, its influence on the gases, and, in all probability on the atmosphere, its importance to vegetation, to the form- ation of the aromatic and volatile principles, and to fructification, its influence on the animal surface by invigorating the circulation, and imparting health. In relation to our present subject, it seems more ra- tional to consider light as second only to attraction, in respect to its importance in nature, and as a link connecting systems of infinite remoteness. To have a conception of this we must tutor our minds, and acquire some measure of the velocity of light, and of the space which it fills. It is not suffi- cient to say that it moves 200,000 miles in a second ; for we can comprehend no such degree of velocity. If we are further informed that the earth is distant from the sun 95,000,000 of miles, and that light tra- verses the space in 8 minutes and 1-8th, it is but 20 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. and the mind. From aught that we learn by this mode of study, the mind may be as distinct from the bodily organs as are the exterior influences which give them exercise, ,'. Something, then, we observe to be common to our planet and to others, to our system and to other sys- tems; matter, attraction, light; which nearly implies that the mechanical and chemical laws must be the same throughout. It is perhaps too much to affirm, with an anonymous author, that an inhabitant of our world would find himself at home in any other, that he would be like a traveller only, for a moment per- plexed by diversity of climate and strangeness of man- ners, and confess, at last, that nature was every where and essentially the same. However this may be, all I contend for is, the necessity of certain relations being established between the planet and the frames of all which inhabit it; between the great mass and the physical properties of every part ; that in the mecha. nical construction of animals, as in their endowments of life, they are created in relation to the whole, planned together and fashioned by one Mind. The passiveness which is natural in infancy, and the want of reflection as to the sources of enjoyment which is excusable in youth, become insensibility and ingratitude in riper years. In the early stages of life, before our minds have the full power of comprehen- sion, the objects around us serve but to excite and exercise the outward senses. But in the maturity of reason, philosophy should present these things to us anew, with this difference, that the mind may contem- plate them; that mind which is now strengthened by experience to comprehend them, and to entertain grateful sense of them. It is this sense of gratitude which distinguishes man. In brutes, the attachment to offspring for a limited period is as strong as in him, but it ceases with the necessity for it. In man, on the contrary the affections INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. 21 continue, become the sources of all the endearing re- lations of life, and the very bonds by which society is connected." If the child, upon the parent's knee, is uncon- sciously incurring a debt, and strong affections grow up so naturally that nothing is more universally con- demned than filial ingratitude, we have but to change the object of affection, to find the natural source of religion itself. We must show that the care of the most tender parent is in nothing to be compared with those provisions for our enjoyment and safety, which it is not only beyond the ingenuity of man to provide, but which he can hardly comprehend, while he pro- fits by them. If man, of all living creatures, be alone capable of gratitude, and through this, sense be capable also of religion, the transition is natural; since the gratitude due to parents is abundantly more owing to Him“who "saw him in his blood, and said, Live.” For the continuance of life, a thousand provisions are made. If the vital actions of a man's frame were directed by his will, they are necessarily so minute and complicated, that they would immediately fall into confusion. He cannot draw a' breath, without the exercise of sensibilities as well ordered as those of the eye or ear. A tracery of nervous cords unites many organs in sympathy, of which, if one filament were broken, pain and spasm, and suffocation would ensue. The action of his heart, and the circulation of his blood, and all the vital functions are governed through means and by laws which are not dependant on his will, and to which the powers of his mind are altogether inade- quate. For had they been under the influence of his will, a doubt, a moment's pause of irresolution, a for- getfulness of a single action at its appointed time, would have terminated his existence. Now, when man sees that his vital operations could not be directed by reason that they are constant, and far too important to be exposed to all the changes 22 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. ! incident to his mind, and that they are given up to the direction of other sources of motion than the will, he acquires a full sense of his dependance. If man be fretful and wayward, and subject to inordinate pas- sion, we perceive the benevolent design in withdraw- ing the vital motions from the influence of such capri- cious sources of action, so that they may neither be disturbed like his moral actions, nor lost in a moment of despair. Ray, in speaking of the first drawing of breath, delivers himself very naturally: “ Here, methinks, “ appears a necessity of bringing in the agency or As some superintendant intelligent being, for what else “should put the diaphragm and the muscles serving “ respiration in motion all of a sudden so soon as ever 56 the fætus is brought forth? Why could they not 6 have rested as well as they did in the womb ? 6 What aileth them that they must needs bestir them- “selves to get in air to maintain the creature's life? "Why could they not patiently suffer it to die? You s will say the spirits do at this time flow to the or- “gans of respiration, the diaphragm, and other mus- “cles which concur to that action and move them. “But what raises the spirits which were quiescent, 66&c., I am not subtile enough to discover." We cannot call this agency, a new intelligence different from the mind, because, independently of consciousness, we can hardly so define it. But there is bestowed a sensibility, which being roused (and it is excited by the state of the circulation,) governs these muscles of respiration, and ministers to life and safety, independently of the will. When man thus perceives, that in respect to all these vital operations he is more helpless than the infant, and that his boasted reason can neither give them order nor protection, is not his insensibility to the Giver of these secret endowments worse than ingrati- tude? In a rational creature, ignorance of his condi- tion becomes a species of ingratitude ; it dulls his sense INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. 23 of benefits, and hardens him into a temper of mind with which it is impossible to reason, and from which no improvement can be expected. Debased in some measure by a habit of inattention, and lost to all sense of the benevolence of the Crea- tor, he is roused to reflection only by overwhelming calamities, which appear to him magnified and dis- proportioned ; and hence arises à conception of the Author of his being more in terror than in love. There is inconsistency and something of the child's - propensities still in mankind. A piece of mechanism, as a watch, a barometer, or a dial, will fix attention a man will make journeys to see an engine stamp a coin, or turn a block; yet the organs through which he has a thousand sources of enjoyment, and which are in themselves more exquisite in design and more curious both in contrivance and in mechanism, do not enter his thoughts; and if he admire a living action, that admiration will probably be more excited by what is uncommon and monstrous, than by what is natural and perfectly adjusted to its office-by the elephant's trunk, than by the human hand. This does not arise from an unwillingness to contemplate the superiority or dignity of our own nature, nor from an incapacity of admiring the adaptation of parts. It is the effect of habit. The human hand is so beautifully formed, it has so fine a sensibility, that sensibility governs its motions so correctly, every effort of the will is an- swered so instantly, as if the hand itself were the seat of that will ; its actions are so powerful, so free, and yet so delicate that it seems to possess a quality instinct in itself, and there is no thought of its complexity as an instrument, or of the relations which make it sub- servient to the mind; we use it as we draw our breath, unconsciously, and have lost all recollection of the feeble and ill-directed efforts of its first exercise, by which it has been perfected. Is it not the very pero fection of the instrument which makes us insensiblo 24 INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. to its use ? A vulgar admiration is excited by seeing the spider-monkey pick up a straw, or a piece of wood, with its tail; or the elephant searching the keeper's, pocket with his trunk. Now, fully to examine the peculiarity of the elephant's structure, that is to say, from its huge mass, to deduce the necessity for its form, and from the form the necessity for its trunk, would lead us through a train of very curious obser- vations, to a more correct notion of that appendage, and therefore to a truer admiration of it. But I take this part in contrast with the human hand, merely to show how insensible we are to the perfections of our own frame, and to the advantages attained through such a form. We use the limbs without being con- scious, or, at least, without any conception of the thou- sand parts which must conform to a single act. To excite our attention, we must either see the actions of the human frame performed in some mode, strange and unexpected, such as may raise the wonder of the ignorant and vulgar; or by an effort of the cultivated mind, we must rouse ourselves to observe things and actions, of which, as we have said, the sense has been lost by long familiarity. In the following essay, I shall take up the subject comparatively, and exhibit a view of the bones of the arm, descending from the human hand to the fin of the fish. I shall in the next place review the actions of the muscles of the arm and hand; then proceeding to the vital properties, I shall advance to the subject of sensibility, leading to that of touch; afterwards, I shall show the necessity of combining the muscular action with the exercise of the senses, and especially with that of touch, to constitute in the hand what has been called the geometrical sense. I shall describe the organ of touch, the cuticle and skin, and arrange the nerves of the hand according to their functions, I shall then enquire into the corre. spondence between the capacities and endowments of the mind, in comparison with the external organs, INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. 25 and more especially with the properties of the hand; and conclude by showing that animals have been created with a reference to the globe they inhabit ; that all their endowments and various organization bear a relation to their state of existence, and to the elements around them; that there is a plan universal, extending through all animated nature, and which has prevailed in the earliest condition of the world ; and that, finally, in the most minute or most comprè- hensive study of those things we every where see prospective design. NOT ADAPTED TO MAN ALONE. 29 admiring, are so far from being peculiarly suited to the hand of man, that they may be found in any other vertebrated animal. But this would not abate our admiration, it would only induce us to take a more comprehensive view of nature, and remind us that our error was in looking at a part only, instead of embracing the whole system; where by slight changes and gradations hardly per- ceptible, the same bones are adjusted to every condi- tion of animal existence. We recognize the bones which form the upper ex- tremity of man, in the fin of the whale, in the paddle of the turtle, and in the wing of the bird. We see the same bones, perfectly suited to their purpose, in the paw of the lion or the bear, and equally, fitted for mo- tion in the hoof of the horse, or in the foot of the camel, or adjusted for climbing or digging in the long clawed feet of the sloth or bear. i It is obvious, then, that we should be occupied with too limited a view of our subject, were we to consider the human hand in any other light than as present- ing the most perfect combination of parts: as exhibit- ing the parts, which in different animals are suited to particular purposes, so combined in the hand, as to perform actions the most minute and complicated, consistently with powerful exertion. The wonder still is, that whether we examine this system in man, or in any of the inferior species of ani- mals, nothing can be more curiously adjusted or ap- propriated; and we should be inclined to say, what- ever instance occupied our thoughts for the time, that to this particular object the system had been framed, The view which the subject opens to us, is un- bounded. The curous synthesis by which we ascer. tain the nature, condition, and habits of an extinct animal, from the examination of its fossil remains, is grounded on a knowledge of the system of which we are speaking. A bone consists of many parts; but for our present purpose it is only necessary to observe 30 FOSSILIZED BONES SHOW that the hard substance, the phosphate of lime, which we familiarly recognize as bone, is every where pene- trated by membranes and vessels as delicate as those which belong to any other part of the body. Some bones are found with their animal part remaining, others are fossilized. The phosphate of lime loses its phosphoric acid, and the earth of bone remains incor- ruptible, while the softer animal matter undergoes the process of decomposition, and is dissipated. The bone in this condition may become fossilized; silicious earth, or lime in composition with iron, or iron pyrites, may pass by infiltration into the interstices of the original earthy matter, and in this state it is as permanent as the solid rock. It retains the form, though not the internal structure of bone; and that form, in conse- quence of the perfect system which we have hinted at, becomes a proof of revolutions the most extraordi- nary. The mind of the enquirer is carried back, not merely to the contemplation of animal structure, but by inference, from the system of animal organization to the structure of the globe itself. , The bones of large animals and in great variety are found imbedded in the surface of the earth. They are discovered in the beds of rivers, they are found where no waters flow, they are dug up from under the solid limestone rock. The bones thus exposed, become naturally a subject of intense in- terest, and are unexpectedly connected with the en- quiry in which we are engaged. Among other im portant conclusions they lead to this that there is not only a scheme or system of animal structure per- vading all the classes of animals which inhabit the earth, but that the principle of this great plan of creation was in operation, and governed the formation of those animals which existed previous to the revo. lutions that the earth itself has undergone : that the excellence of form now seen in the skeleton of man, was in the scheme of 'animal existence long previous to the formation of man, and before the surface of THE EXTENT OF THE SYSTEM. 31 the earth was prepared for him or suited to his consti- tution, structure, or capacities. A skeleton is dug up which has lain under many fathoms of rock : being the bones of an animal which lived antecedent to that formation of rock, and at a time when the earth's surface must have been in a condition very different from what it is now. These remains prove, that all animals have been formed of the same elements, and have had analogous organs -that they received new matter by digestion, and were nourished by means of a circulating fluid—that they possessed feeling through a nervous system, and were moved by the action of muscles—that their or- gans of digestion, circulation, and respiration were modified by circumstances, as in the animals now alive, and in accordance with their habits and modes of liv- ing. The changes in the organs are but variations in the great system by which new matter is assimilated to the animal body,--and however remarkable these may be, they always bear a certain relation to the original type as parts of the same great design. In examining these bones of the ancient world, so regularly are they formed on the same principle which is evident in the animals now inhabiting the earth, that on observing their shape, and the processes by which their muscles were attached, we can reduce the animals to which they belonged, to their orders, genera, and species, with as much precision as if the re- cent bodies had been submitted to the eye of the ana- tomist. Not only can we demonstrate that their feet were adapted to the solid ground, or to the oozy bed of rivers,—for speed, or for grasping and tearing ; but judging by these indications of the habits of the ani- mals, we acquire a knowledge of the condition of the earth during their period of existence; that it was suited at one time to the scaly tribe of the lacertæ, with languid motion; at another, to animals of higher organization, with more varied and lively habits; and finally we learn, that at any period previous to man's ANIMALS THE MOST UNCOUTH creation, the surface of the earth would have been unsuitable to him. On comparing some of the present races of animals, with the fossil remains of individuals of the same family, some singular opinions on their imperfections have been expressed by Buffon, and adopted by Cu- vier. The animals I allude to are of the tardigrade family; the Ai,* in which, as they believe, the defect of organizaton is the greatest; and the Unau,+ which they consider only a little less miserably provided for existence. Modern travellers express their pity for these ani mals : whilst other quadrupeds, they say, range in boundless wilds, the sloth hangs suspended by his strong arms-a poor ill-formed creature, deficient as well as deformed, his hind legs too short, and his hair like withered grass ; his looks, motions, and cries con- spire to excite pity; and, as if this were not enough, they say that his moaning makes the tiger relent and turn away. This is not a true picture: the sloth cannot walk like quadrupeds, but he stretches out his strong arms,--and if he can hook on his claws to the ine- qualities of the ground, he drags himself along. This is the condition which authorizes such an expression as “the bungled and faulty composition of the sloth.” But when he reaches the branch or the rough bark of a tree, his progress is rapid ; he climbs hand over head, along the branches till they touch, and thus from bough to bough, and from tree to tree, he is most alive in the storm, and when the wind blows, and the trees stoop, and the branches wave and meet, he is then upon the march. The compassion expressed by these philosophers for animals, I which they consider imperfectly organ- * Bradypus Tridactylus :-bradypus (slovo footed,) tridactylus (three toed,) of the order EDENTATA (wanting incisor teeth.) | Bradypus didactylus. | The subject is pursued in the end of the following chapter. SUITED TO THEIR CONDITION. 33 ized, is uncalled for ; as well might they pity the larva of the summer fly, which creeps in the bottom of a pool, because it cannot yet rise upon the wing. As the insect has no impulse to fly until the meta- morphosis is perfect, and the wings developed, so we have no reason to suppose that a disposition or instinct is given to animals, where there is no corresponding provision for motion. The sloth may move tardily on the ground, his long arms and his preposterous claws may be an incum- brance, but they are of advantage in his natural place, among the branches of trees, in obtaining his food, and in giving him shelter and safety from his ene- mies. We must not estimate the slow motions of animals by our own sensations. The motion of the bill of the · swallow, or the fly-catcher, in catching a fly, is so ra- pid that we do not see it, but only hear the snap. On the contrary, how very different are the means given to the chamelion for obtaining his food ; he lies more still than the dead leaf, his skin is like the bark of the tree, and takes the hue of surrounding objects. Whilst other animals have excitement conforming to their rapid motions, the shrivelled face of the chame- lion hardly indicates life; the eyelids are scarcely parted; he protrudes his tongue with a motion so imperceptible towards the insect, that it is touched and caught more certainly than by the most lively action. Thus, various creatures living upon insects, reach their prey by different means and instincts; rapidity of motion, which gives no time for escape, is bestowed on some, while others have a languid and slow movement that excites no alarm. The loris, a tardigrade animal, might be pitied too for the slowness of its motions, if they were not the very means bestowed upon it as necessary to its existence. It steals on its prey by night, and ex- tends its arm to the bird on the branch, with a motion so imperceptibly slow, as to make sure of its 34 MISTAKEN COMPASSION FOR object.* Just so, the Indian perfectly naked, his hair cut short, and his skin oiled, creeps under the canvass of the tent, and moving like a ghost, stretches out his hand, with so gentle a motion as to displace nothing, and to disturb not even those who are awake and watching. Against such thieves, we are told, that it is hardly possible to guard ; and thus, the necessities or vicious desires of man subjugate him, and make him acquire, by practice, the wiliness which is im- planted as instinct in brutes ; or we may say that in our reason we are brought to imitate the irrational creatures, and so to vindicate the necessity for their particular instincts, of which every class, affords an instance. We have examples in insects, as striking as in the loris or the chamelion. Evelyn describes the actions of the spider (aranea scenica) as exhibiting remarkable cunning in catching a fly. “ Did the “ fly, (he says,) happen not to be within a leap, the "spider would move towards it, so softly, that its “ motion seemed not more perceptible than that of “ the shadow of the gnomon of a dial.”+ I would only remark further on these slow motions * For our purpose, it may be well to notice other characters of this and similar animals which prowl by night. They are inhabitants of the tropical regions. Now, the various creatures which enliven the woods in the day-time, in these warm climates, have fine skins, and smooth hair; but those have a coat like animals of the arctic regions. What is this, but to clothe them, as the sentinel is clothed, whose watch is in the night. They have eyes too, which, from their peculiari- ty, are called nocturnal, being formed to admit a greater pencil of rays. For this purpose the globe is large and prominent, and the iris con- tractile, to open the pupil to the greatest extent.-We have seen how all their motions and instincts correspond with their nocturnal habits. | The passage continues—“if the intended prey moved, the spider would keep pace with it exactly as if they were actuated by one spirit, moving backwards, forwards, or on each side without turning. When the fly took wing, and pitched itself behind the huntress, she turned round with the swiftness of thought, and always kept her head to- wards it, though to all appearance as immoveable as one of the nails driven into the wood on which was her station; till at last, being ar- rived within due distance, swift as lightning she made the fatal leap, and secured her prey."-Evelyn, as quoted by Kirby and Spence. ANIMALS OF PECULIAR FORM. 35 of the muscles of animals ; that we are not to‘ac- count this a defect, but rather an appropriation of muscular power. Since in some animals the same muscles which move their members in a manner to be hardly perceptible, can at another time act with the velocity of a spring. Now Buffon, speaking of the extinct species of the tardigrade family, considers them as monsters by de- fect of organization; as attempts of nature in which she has failed to perfect her plan ; that she has pro- duced animals which must have lived miserably, and which are effaced as failures from the list of living beings. The Baron Cuvier does not express himself more favorably, when he says of the existing species, that they have so little resemblance to the organiza- tion of animals generally, and their structure is so much in contrast with that of other creatures, that he could believe them to be the remnants of an order unsuitable to the present system of nature ; and if we are to look for their congeners, it must be in the inte- rior of the earth, in the ruins of the ancient world. · The animals of the Antediluvian world were not monsters; there was no lusus or extravagance. Hideous as they appear to us, and like the phantoms of a dream, they were adapted to the condition of the earth when they existed. I could have wished that our naturalists had given the inhabitants of that early condition of the globe, names less scholastic. We have the plesiosaurus, and plesiosaurus dolichodeirus, we have the ichthyosaurus and megalosaurus, and igùanodon, pterodactyles, with long and short beaks, tortoises, and crocodiles; and these are found among reeds and grasses of gigantic proportions, alga and fuci, and a great variety of mollusca of inordinate bulk, compared with those of the present day, as am- monites and nautili. Every thing declares, that these animals inhabited shallow seas, and estuaries, or great inland lakes: that the surface of the earth did not rise up in peaks and mountains, or that per- 36 MAN SUITED TO THE PRESENT. pendicular rocks bound in the seas; but that it was flat, slimy, and covered with a loaded and foggy atmosphere. There is, indeed, every reason to believe that the classes mammalia and birds. were not then created, and that if man had been placed in this con- dition of the earth, there must have been around him a state of things unsuited to his constitution, and not calculated to call forth his capacities.' But looking to the class of animals as we have enumerated them, there is a correspondence; they were scaly; they swam in water, or crept upon the margins; there were no animals possessed of rapidity of motion, and no birds of prey to stoop upon them; there was, in short, that balance of the power of destruction and of self preservation, which we see now to obtain in higher animals since created, with infinitely varied instincts and powers for defence or attack. It is hardly possible to watch the night and see the break of day in a fine country, without being sensible that our pleasantest perceptions refer to the scenery of nature, and that we have feelings in sympathy with every successive change, from the first streak of light, until the whole landscape is displayed in val- leys, woods, and sparkling waters; and the changes on the scene are not more rapid than the transitions of the feelings which accompany them. All these sources of enjoyment, the clear atmosphere and the refreshing breezes, are as certainly the result of the several changes which the earth's surface has undergone, as the displaced strata within its crust are demonstrative of these changes. We have every reason to conclude that these revolutions, whether they have been slowly accomplished and progressively, or by sudden, vast and successive convulsions, were necessary to prepare the earth for that condition which should correspond with the faculties to be given to man, and be suited to the full exercise of his reason, as well as to his enjoyment..., GROUPING OF ANIMALS. 39 If the naturalist or geologist, exploring the rocks of secondary formation, should find inclosed within them animals of the class Molusca, it agrees with his preconceived notions, that only animals of their simple structure were in existence, at the time of the subsidence of that matter of which the rock consists." But if the spine of a fish, or a jawbone, or a tooth, be discovered, he is much disturbed, because, here is the indication of an animal having been at that time formed on a different type,-on that plan which belongs to animals of a superior class.—Whereas on the supposition that animals are created with that relation to circumstances, which we have just alluded to, it would only imply that certain animals, which had hitherto increased undisturbed, had arrived at a period, when their numbers were to be limited; or that the condition of the elements and the abundance of food were now suited to the existence of a species of the vertebrata. The principle then, in the application of which we shall be borne out, is, that there is an adaptation, an established and universal relation between the in- stincts, organization, and instruments of animals on the one hand, and the element in which they are to live, the position which they hold, and their means of obtaining food on the other ;-and this holds good with respect to the animals which have existed, as well as those which now exist. . In discussing this subject of the progressive im- provement of organized beings, it is affirmed that the last created of all, man, is not superior in organiza- tion to the others, and that if deprived of intellectual power he is inferior to the brutes. I am not arguing to support the gradual developement and improve- ment of organization; but, however indifferent to the tendency of the argument, I must not admit"the statement. Man is superior in organization to the brutes,---superior in strength-in that constitutional property which enables him to fulfil his destinies by 40 OF THE SUCCESSION AND extending his race in every, climate, and living on every variety of nutriment. Gather together the most powerful brutes, from the artic circle or torrid zone, to some central point—they will die, diseases will be generated, and will destroy them. With respect to the superiority of man being in his mind, and not merely in the provisions of his body, it is no doubt true ;-but as we proceed, we shall find how the Hand supplies all instruments, and by its corres- pondence with the intellect gives him universal do- minion. It presents the last and best proof of that principle of adaptation, which evinces design in the creation. . Another notion which we meet with, is, that the variety of animals is not a proof of design, as showing a relation between the formation of their organs, and the necessity for their exercise ; but that the circum- stances in which the animal has been placed, have been the cause of the variety. The influence of these circumstances, it is pretended, has, in the long progress of time, produced a complication of structure out of an animal which was at first simple. We shall reserve the discussion of this subject until we have the data before us;, which, of themselves, and without much argument, will suffice to overthrow it. I may notice here another idea of naturalists, who are pleased to reduce these changes in the structure of animals into general laws. They affirm that in the centre of the animal body there is no disposition to change, whilst in the extremities we see surpris- ing variations of form. If this be a law, there is no more to be said about it, the enquiry is terminated. But I contend that the term is quite inapplicable, and worse than useless, as tending to check enquiry. What then is the meaning of this variation in the extremities and comparative permanence towards the centre of the skeleton ? I conceive the rationale to be this, that the central part, by which in fact they mean the skull, spine, and ribs, are permanent in GROUPING OF ANIMALS. their offices; whilst the extremities vary and are adapted to every exterior circumstance. The office of the back part of the skull is to protect the brain, that of the spine to contain the spinal marrow, and the ribs to perform respiration. Why should we expect these parts to vary in shape while their office remains the same? But the shoulder must vary in form, as it does in motion. The shape of the bones and the joints of the extremities must be adapted to their various actions, and the carpus and phalanges must change, more than all the rest, to accommodate the extremity to its different offices. Is it not more pleasing to see the reason of this most surprising adjustment, than merely to say it is a law ? There is yet another opinion, which will suggest itself by the perusal of the following chapter, to those who have read the more modern works on Natural History. It is supposed that the same elementary parts belong to all animals, and that the varieties of structure are attributable to the transposition and moulding of these elementary parts. I find it atterly impossible to follow up this system to the extent which its abettors would persuade us to be practicable. I object to it as a means of engaging.us in very tri, fling pursuits,mand of diverting the mind from the truth"; from that conclusion, indeed, to which I may avow it to be my intention to carry the reader. But this discussion also must follow the examples, and we shall resume it in a latter part of the volume. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Were it my purpose to teach the elements of this subject, I should commence with examining the lowest animals, and trace the bones of the anterior extremity as they come to resemble the human arm, and to be employed for a greater variety of uses in the higher animals; but as my present object is illus- tration only, I shall begin with the human hand, and compare its parts. With this view, I shall diyide the extremity into the shoulder, arm, and hand, and treat each subdivision with a reference to its structure in animals. In viewing the human figure, or human skeleton, in connection with our present subject, we remark the strength and solidity of the lower extremities, in contrast with the superior. Not only are the lower limbs longer and larger than those of any other ani- mal, but the pelvis is wider, and the obliquity of the neck of the thigh-bone greater. The distances of the large processes on the upper ends of the thigh- bones (the trochanters,) from the sockets, are also greater than in' any of the vertebrata. Altogether the strength of these bones, the size and prominence of their processes, the great mass of the muscles of the loins and hips, distinguish man from every other animal ; they secure to him the upright posture, and give him the perfect freedom of the arms, for pur- poses of ingenuity and art. The Chimpanzee* is an ape which stands high in, * Simia troglodytes, from the coast of Guinea, more human in its form, and more easily domesticated than the ouràng-outang. We would do well to consider the abode of these creatures in a state of nature-vast forests extending in impenetrable shade below, whilst above, and exposed to the light, there is a scene of verdure and beauty; this is the home of those monkeys and lemurs which have extremities like hands. In many of them the hinder extremity has the more perfect resemblance to a hand; in the Coaita we see the great toe assuming the characters of a thumb, whilst in the fore paw, the thumb is not distinguishable, being hid in the skin. In short, these paws are not approximations to the hand, corresponding with a higher ingenuity, but are adaptations of the feet to the branches on which the animals climb. OF THE SHOULDER. 45 the order of quadrumana, yet we cannot mistake his capacities : that the lower extremities and pelvis, or hips, were never intended to give him the erect pos- ture, or only for a moment; but, for swinging, or for a vigorous pull, who can deny him power in those long and sinewy arms. The full prominent shoulders, and the consequent squareness of the trunk, are equally distinctive of man, with the strength of his loins; they indicate a free motion of the hand. OF THE BONES OF THE SHOULDER. The bones of the shoulder; being those which give firm attachment to the upper extremity, and which afford origins to the muscles of the arm and fore arm, are simple, if studied in man, or, indeed, in any one genus of animals ; but considered in reference to the whole of the vertebral animals, they assume a very extraordinary degree of intricacy. We shall; how- ever, find that they retain their proper office, notwith- standing the strange variations in the form of the neighbouring parts. In man they are directly con- nected with the great apparatus of respiration ; but in other animals we shall see the ribs, as it were, withdrawn from them, and the bones of the shoulder, or fundamental bones of the extremity, curiously and mechanically adapted to perform their office, without the support of the thorax. We shall not, however, anticipate the difficulties of this subject, but look first upon that which is most familiar and easy, the shoulder of man'in comparison with the varieties in the mammalia. The clavicle, or collar bone, is that which run across from the breast bone to the top of the shoulder. The square form of the chest, and the free exercise of the hand, are very much owing to this bone. It keeps the shoulders apart from the chest, and throws 46 COMPARATIVÈ ANATOMY the action of the muscles upon the arm bone, which, but for it, would be drawn inwards, and contract the upper part of the trunk. E B B D- If we take the motions of the anterior extremity in different animals, as our guide, we shall see why this bone is perfect in some, and entirely wanting in others. Animals which fly, or dig, or climb, as bats, moles, porcupines, squirrels, ant-eaters, armadilloes, and sloths, have this bone, for in them, a lateral or outward motion is required. There is also a certain degree of freedom in the anterior extremity of the cat, dog, martin, and bear; they strike with the paw, and rotate the wrist more or less extensively, and they have therefore a clavicle, though an imperfect one. In some of these, even in the lion, the bone which has the place of the clavicle is very imperfect indeed; and if attached to the shoulder, it does not extend to the sternum ; it is concealed in the flesh, and is like the mere rudiments of the bone. But, however imperfect, it marks a correspondence in the A. Triangular portion of the Sternum. B. B. Clavicles. .c. c. Scapulæ. D. Coracoid process of the Scapula. E. Acromion pro. cess of the Scapulæ. OF THE SHOULDER. bones of the shoulder to those of the arm and paw, and the extent of motion enjoyed.. When the bear stands up, we perceive, by his ungainly attitude and the motion of his paws, that there must be a wide difference in the bones of his upper extremity, from those of the ruminant or solipede. He can take the keeper's hat from his head, and hold it ; he can hug an animal to death. The ant-bear especially, as he is deficient in teeth, possesses extraordinary powers of hugging with his great paws; and, although harmless in disposition, he can squeeze his enemy, the jaguar, to death. These actions, and the power of climbing, result from the structure of the shoulder, or from possessing a collar bone, however imperfect.. Although the clavicle is perfect in man, thereby corresponding with the extent and freedom of the motion of his hand, it is strongest and longest, com- paratively, in the animals which dig or fly, as in the mole and the bat. . Preposterous as the forms of the kangaroo appear to us, yet even in this animal we see a relation pre- served between the extremities. He sits upon his strong hind legs and tail, tripod like, with perfect security, and his fore paws are free. He has a cla- vicle, and possessing that bone and the corresponding motions, is not without means of defence ; for with the anterior extremities he seizes the most powerful dog, and then drawing up his hinder feet, he digs his sharp pointed hoofs into his enemy, and striking out, tears him to pieces. Though possessed of no great speed, and without horns, teeth, or claws, and, as we should suppose, totally defenceless, nature has no been negligent of his protection. * * There is in the form of the kangaroo, and especially in its skele- ton, something incongruous, and in contrast with the usual shape of quadrupeds. The head, trunk, and fore paws, appear to be a por- tion of an animal, unnaturally joined to another of greater dimensions • and strength. It is not easy to say what are, or what were, tha puso 48 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY It cannot be better shown, that the function or use of a part, determines its form, than by looking to the clavicle and scapula of the bird. Three bones converge here, to the shoulder joint, the furculum, clavicle, and scapula ; but none of these have the resemblance which their names would imply. The scapula is the long thin bone, like the blade of a knife; and the clavicle is that stronger portion of bone which is articulated with the breast bone : this leaves the furculum as a new part. Now I think, that the furculum, or fork bone, which in carving, we detach, after removing the wings of a fowl, corresponds with the form and place of the clavicle; and if we so consider it, we may then take rior relations corresponding with the very peculiar form of this animal; but the interior anatomy is accommodated, in a most remark- able manner, to the enormous hinder extremities. The uterine system of the female is diminutive, and does not under- go the developement, which universally takes place in other animals. The young, instead of remaining within the mother for the period of gestation, become, by some extraordinary mode of expulsion, attached to the teats; where they hang by the mouth, covered by an exterior pouch, until, from minute and shapeless things, they are matured to the degree in which the young of other animals are usually produced. The artery which supplies the milk glands, is the epigastric, a branch of the great artery of the thigh ; and in this curious manner is the provision for the young drawn from the great limbs of the mother, certainly the part best enabled to supply it. I think I perceive the reason of this very peculiar manner of bring- ing forth the young, to be in the form of the animal and its upright position. The argument would stand thus, were we here at liberty to discuss it: 1. An upright position of the mother requires a pelvis of a peculiar and complex construction, 2. A pelvis, of this construc- tion, requires that the form of the offspring shall accurately corres- pond, and that the anterior part of the fætus shall much exceed in size the posterior parts. 3. But the kangaroo is, in shape, the very reverse,--the head could not, consistently with the conformation of the whole animal, be larger than the hips and hinder extremities. 4. Nature has accomplished her work safely, and by the simplest means, by anticipating the period of the separation of the fætus, and providing for the growth of the offspring, exterior to the circle of bones through which its birth must take place. It will, perhaps, be objected to this reasoning, that the order didelphis (with a double womb) embraces animals which have no such remarkable dispro- portion in the hinder extremities. OF THE SHOULDER. the strong bone, commonly called the clavicle, as a process of the irregularly formed scapula. However this may be, what we have to admire in birds, is the mode in which the bones are fashioned, to strength- n the articulation of the shoulder, and to give extent f surface for the attachment of muscles. Another peculiarity in birds is, that there is not an alternate motion of the wings; their extremities, as we may continue to call them, move together in fly- ing; and, therefore, the clavicles are joined, forming the furculum. OF THE SCAPULA. If we attend to the scapula, or shoulder-blade, we shall better understand the influence of the bones of the shoulder, on the motions and speed of animals. The scapula is that flat triangular bone, which lying on the ribs, and cushioned with muscles, shifts and revolves with each movement of the arm. The muscles converge from all sides towards it, from the head, spine, ribs, and breast bone.' These acting in succession, roll the scapula and toss the arm, in every direction. When the muscles combine in action, they fix the bone, and either raise the ribs in drawing breath, or give firmness to the whole frame of the trunk. · Before I remark further on the influence of the scapulæ on the motions of the arm, I shall give an instance in proof of a very important function which they perform. Hearing that there was a lad of four- teen years of age, born without arms, I sent for him. I found that indeed he had no arms, but he had cla- vicles and scapulæ. When I made this boy draw his reath, the shoulders were raised, that is to say, the capulæ were drawn up, were fixed, and became the points from which the broad muscles of the chest diverged towards the ribs, to draw and expand them in respiration. We would do well to remember this double office of the scapula and its muscles, that HORSE'S SHOULDER. 51 they were as powerful as the posterior extremities, they would suffer fracture or dislocation. We can- not but admirė, therefore, the provision in all quad- rupeds whose speed is great, and whose spring is extensive, that, from the structure of their bones, they have an elastic resistance, by which the shock of descending is diminished. If we observe the bones of the anterior extremity of the horse, we shall see that the scapula is oblique to the chest ; the humerus, oblique to the scapula ; and the bones of the fore arm at an angle with the humerus. Were these bones connected together in a straight line, end to end, the shock of alighting would be conveyed through a solid column, and the bones of the foot, or the joints, would suffer from the concussion. When the rider is thrown forwards on his hands, and more certainly when he is pitched on his shoulder, the collar bone is broken, because in man, this bone forms a link of connection between the shoulder and the trunk, so as to receive the whole shock; and the same would happen in the horse, the stag, and all quadrupeds of great strength and swiftness, were not the scapulæ sustained by muscles, and not by bone, and did not the bones recoil and fold up. The horse-jockey runs his hand down the horse's neck, in a knowing way, and says, “this horse has got a heavy shoulder, he is a slow horse !” He is right, but he does not understand the matter; it is not possible that the shoulder can be too much loaded with muscle, for muscle is the source of motion, and bestows power. What the jockey feels, and forms his judgment on, is the abrupt transition from the neck to the shoulder, which, in a horse for the turf, ought to be a smooth undulating surface. This ab- ruptness, or prominence of the shoulder, is a conse- quence of the upright position of the scapula ; the sloping and light shoulder results from its obliquity. An upright shoulder is the mark of a stumbling HORSE'S SHOULDER. 53 power in bending it; but as we bend it the power is increased; which is owing to the change in the direc- tion of the force acting upon the bone; or, in other words, because the tendon becomes more perpendi- ular to the lever. A scapula which inclines ob- quely backwards, increases the angle at which it ies with the humeruș, and, consequently, improves the effect of those muscles which pass from it to the humerus. We have only to turn to the skeleton o the elephant, the ox, the elk, or the stag, to see the confirmation of this principle. When the scapula is oblique, the serratus muscle, which passes from the ribs to its uppermost part, has more power in rolling it. When it lies at right angles with the humerus, the muscles which are attached to the latter, (at B.) act with more effect. And on the same principle, by the oblique position of the humerus, and, conse- quently, its obliquity in reference to the radius and ulna, the power of the muscle inserted (at C.) into the olecranon, is increased. On the whole, both power and elasticity are gained by this position of the superior bones of the fore-leg. It gives to the ani- mal that springs, a larger stretch in throwing himself forwards, and security, in a soft descent of his weight. A man, standing upright, cannot leap or start off at- once; he must first sink down, and bring the bones of his extremities to an angle. But the antelope, or other timid animals of the class, can leap at once, or start off in their course without preparation : another advantage of the oblique position of their bones when at rest, The leg of the elephant is obviously built for the purpose of sustaining the huge bulk of the animal, whilst in the camel we have a perfect contrast. Were we to compare the bones of these larger animals with any form of architecture, we might say, it was the Egyptian, or rather like the Cyclo- pean walls of some ancient city; they are huge and shapeless, and piled over each other, as if they were 5* 54 COMPARISON OF THE BONES destined more to sustain the weight, than to permit motion, We further perceive, from the comparison of these sketches, that if the humerus be placed obliquely, it must necessarily be short, otherwise it would throw the leg too far back, and make the head and neck project. It is one of the “points" of a horse to have the humerus short. And not only have all animals of speed this character, but birds of long flight, as the swallow, have short humeri. This is owing, I think, to another circumstance, that in the wing, the short humerus causes a quicker extension ; for the further extremity of the bone moving in a lesser circle, makes the gyration be more rapid. If we take the bones of the shoulder as a distinct subject, and trace them comparatively, we shall be led to notice some very curious modifications in them. We have already seen that there are two objects to be attained in the construction of these bones. In man, and mammalia, they constitute an important part of the organ of respiration; and they conform to the structure of the thorax. But we shall find that in some animals, this function is in a manner withdrawn from them; the scapulæ and the clavicles are left without the support of the ribs. These bones forming the shoulder, therefore, require additional carpentry; or they must be laid together on a new principle. In the batrachian order, for example in the frog, the thorax, as constituted of ribs, has disappeared; the mechanism of respiration is altogether different from what it is in the mamma- lia. Accordingly, we find that the bones of the shoulder are on a new model; they form a broad and flat circle, sufficient to give secure attachment to the extremity, and affording a large space for the lodgment of the muscles which move the arm.- Perhaps the best example of this structure is in the siren and proteus; where the ribs are reduced to a very few imperfect processes, attached to the ante- 56 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY strange if, now being joined for the purpose of giving attachment to the humerus, and in circumstances, as we may express it, so very new, they preserved any resemblance to the forms which we have been contemplating in the higher animals. In the figure on the preceding page, we have the bones of the shoul- der of the turtle ; and it is readily perceived how much they have changed both their shape and their offices. That part which is most like a scapula in shape, lies on the fore part, instead of the back part; and the bones which hold the shoulders apart, abut upon the spine, instead of upon the sternum. Hence it appears idle to follow out these bones under the old denominations, or such as are applicable to their condition in the higher animals. În fishes, where the apparatus of respiration has undergone another entire change, and where there are no proper ribs, the bones which give attachment to the pectoral fin, are still called the bones of the shoulder; and that which is named scapular appen- dage, is, in fact, attached to the bones of the head. So that the whole consists of a circle of bones, which, we may say, seek security of attachment by approach- ing the more solid part of the head, in defect of a firm foundation in the thorax. ' Thus, the bones which, in a manner, give a foun- dation to those of the anterior extremity, have been submitted to a new modelling, in correspondence with every variety in the apparatus of respiration; and they have yet maintained their pristine office. The naturalist will not be surprised, on finding an extraordinary intricacy in the shoulder apparatus of the ornithorynchus paradoxus, since the whole frame and organs of this animal imply, that it is intermediate between mammalia and birds; and it is placed in the list of edentata. We introduce it here, as another instance of the changes which the bones of the shoulder undergo with every new office, and in cor- respondence with the motions, of the extremity; OF THE BONES OF THE SHOULDER. 57 whether it be to support the weight in running, or to give freedom to the arm, or to provide for flying, or D . In GUNA a B. for performing equally the act of creeping and of swimming.' Unprofitable as the enquiry may seem, there is no other way by which the geologist can distinguish the genera of those oviparous reptiles, which he finds imbedded in the secondary strata, than by studying the minute processes and varying characters of these bones, in the different classes of animals. In the ichthyosaurus, and plesiosaurus, the inhabitants of a former world, and now extinct, we perceive a consid- erable deviation from the perfection of the bones of the arın and hand, compared with the frog and tortoise: but if strength is the object, there is a greater degree of perfection in the bones of the shoulder. The expla nation of this is, that the ribs and sterno-costal arch es, constituting the thorax are more perfect, than in A. Clavicle. B. Coracoid bone. c. A new bone, introduced into the apparatus, which articulates with the coracoid bone, and lies interior to the clavicle. D. Scapula. E. Acromion Scapulæ. 58 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the chelonian and batrachian orders; and the bones of the shoulder are therefore external, and resemble those of the crocodile ; yet the ribs are so weak as to be incapable of sustaining the powerful action of the anterior extremities; accordingly, the bones, which by a kind of licence we continue to call clavicle, omoplate or scapula, and coracoid, though strangely deviating from the original form and connections, constitute a texture of considerable strength, which perfects the anterior part of the trunk, and gives attachment and lodgment to the powerful muscles of the paddle. But in giving their attention to this subject, it does not appear that naturalists have hit upon the right explanation of the peculiar structure, and curious varieties of these bones. Why is the apparatus of respiration so totally changed in these classes of ani- mals? They are cold blooded animals; they require to respire less frequently than other creatures, and they remain long under water. I conceive that the peculiarity in their mode of respiration corresponds with this property. Hence their vesicular lungs, their mode of swallowing the air, instead of inhaling it; and hence, especially, their power of compressing the body and expelling the air; it is this, I imagine, which enables them to go under the water and crawl upon the bottom ; without this, that is to say, had they possessed the lungs of warm blooded animals, which are compressible only in a slight degree, their capa- city of remaining under water would have left them struggling against their buoyancy, like a man or any of the mammalia when diving. The girdle of bones of the shoulder is constituted with a certain regard to the peculiar action of respiration, and to the pliancy of the body, in order that the vesicular lungs may be compressed, and the specific weight diminished. The facility which the absence of ribs gives, in the batrachian order, and the extreme weakness and pliancy of these bones in the saurians, OF THE MOLE AND THE BAT he TA There can be no greater contrast to these bones than is presented in the skeleton of the bat. In ASSES which their hands are assisting, in throwing aside the earth. The conformation of the head in shape and strength of bones, and the new adjustment of a muscle, which is cutaneous in other animals (the Platisma Myoides) to the motions of the head, are among the most curious changes of common parts to new officos. 62 ANT-EATER. that animal the bones are light and delicate; and whilst they are all marvellously extended, the pha- langes of the fingers are elongated, so as hardly to be recognized, obviously for the purpose of sustaining a membraneous web, and to form a wing. ... Contemplating this extraordinary application of the bones of the extremity, and comparing them with those in the wing of a bird, we might say, that this is an awkward attempt a failure. But before giving expression to such an opinion, we must un- derstand the objects required in this construction.- It is not a wing intended merely for flight, but one which, while it raises the animal, is capable of re- ceiving a new sensation, or sensations in that exqui- site degree, so ás almost to constitute a new sense. On the fine web of the bat's wing, nerves are distri- buted, which enable it to avoid objects in its flight, during the obscurity of night, when both eyes and ears fail. Could the wing of a bird, covered with feathers, do this? Here then we have another ex- ample of the necessity of taking every circumstance into consideration before we presume to criticise the ways of nature. It is a lesson of humility.* In the next page we have a sketch of the arm bones of the Ant-eater, to shew once more the corres- pondence in the whole extremity. We observe these extraordinary spines of the humerus marking the power of the muscles which are attached to it; for as I have said before, whether we examine the hu- man body, or the comparative forms of the bones, the distinctness of the spines and processes declares the strength of the muscles. It is particularly pleas- * Besides the adaptation of the bat for flight, through a new ad- ustment of the bones of the arm, this animal has cells under its skin; but I know not how far I am authorized to say that they are analo- gous to the air-cells of birds, or that they are for the purpose of mak- ing the bat specifically lighter. They extend over the breast, and under the axillæ in some bats; and they are filled by an orifice which communicates with the pharynx. f Tamandua, from South America. 64 STRUCTURE OF BIRDS. is an example of the relation of the particular parts of the skeleton to one another; and were it our busi- ness, it would be easy to shew, that as there is a cor- respondence among the bones of the arm, so is there a more universal relation between those of the whole skeleton. As the structure of the bones declares the provision of the extremity for digging into the ant- hills, so we shall not be disappointed in our expecta- tion of finding a projecting muzzle unarmed with teeth, and a long tongue provided with a glutinous secretion, to lick up the emmets which are disturbed by the animal's scratching. In the skeleton of the cape-mole, we may see, from the projecting acromion scapulæ, and a remarkable process of the humerus, that there is a provision for the rotation of the arm, which implies burrowing. But the apparatus seems by no means so perfect as in the mole, implying that it digs in a softer soil than that animal, whilst the possession of gnawing teeth indicates that it lives on roots. . In Birds there is altogether a new condition of parts, as there is a new element to contend with. The very peculiar form and structure of their skele- ton may be thus accounted for. First, it is necessary that birds, as they are buoyed in the air, be specifi- cally lighter. Secondly, the circumference of their thorax must be extended, and the motions of their ribs limited, that the muscles of the wings may have sufficient space and firmness for their attachment. Both these objects are attained by a modification of the apparatus of breathing. The lungs are highly vascular and spongy, but they are not distended with air. The air is drawn through their substance into the large cavity common to the chest and abdomen ; and whilst the great office of decarbonization of the blood is securely performed, advantage is taken to let the air into all the cavities, even into those of the bones. From what was said in the introductory chapter, of the weight of the body being a necessary STRUCTURE OF BIRDS. 65 concomitant of muscular strength, we see why birds, oy reason of their lightness, as well as by the confor- mation of their skeleton, walk badly. And, on the other hand, in observing how this lightness is adapt- ed for flight, it is remarkable how small an addition to their body will prevent them rising on the wing. If the griffon-vulture be frightened after his repast, he must disgorge, before he flies; and the condor, in the same circumstances, is taken by the Indians, like a quadruped, by throwing the lasso over it.* As every one must have observed, the breast-bone of birds extends the whole length of the body; and owing to this extension, a lesser degree of motion suffices to respiration. So that a greater surface, necessary for the lodgement and attachment of the muscles of the wings, is obtained, whilst that surface is less disturbed by the action of breathing, and is more steady. · Another peculiarity of the skeleton of the bird is the consolidation of the vertebræ of the back; a proof, if any were now necessary, that the whole system of bones conforms to that of the extrem- ities, the firmer texture of the bones of the trunk, being a part of the provision for the attachment of the muscles of the wings.t The vertebræ of the back being fixed in birds, and the pelvis reaching high, there is no motion in the body; indeed, if there were, it would be interrupted by the sternum. We cannot but admire, therefore, the composition of the neck and head, and how the extension of the vertebræ, and the length and plia- bility of the neck, whilst they give to the bill the office of a hand, become a substitution for the loss of * It is interesting to notice the relations of great functions in the animal economy. "Birds are oviparous, because they never could have risen on the wing had they been viviparous; if the full stomach of a carnivorous bird retard its flight, we perceive that it could not have carried its young. The light body, the quill-feathers, the bill, and the laying of eggs, are all necessarily connected. f The ostrich and cassowary, which are rather runners than fliers, have the spine loose. 6* 68 ANATOMY OF reached double the whole length of the animal, and the conjecture is, that upon it was extended a mem- brane, resembling that of the Draco fimbriatus. In the imperfect specimens which we have, we cannot discover in the height of the pelvis, the strength of the vertebræ of the back, or the expansion of the sternum, a provision for the attachment of muscles commensurate with the extent of the supposed wing. The humerus, and the bones, which we presume are the scapula and coracoid, bear some correspondence to the extent of the wing ; but the extraordinary circumstance of all, is the size and strength of the bones of the jaw and vertebræ of the neck, compared with the smallness of the body, and the extreme deli, cacy of the ribs; which make it, altogether, the thing most incomprehensible in nature. ; . OF THE RADIUS AND ULNA. - The easy motion of the hand, we might imagine to be in the hand itself; but, on the contrary, the move- ments which appear to belong to it, are divided among all the bones of the extremity.* The head of the humerus is rotatory on the sca- pula, as when making the guards in fencing; but the easier and finer rolling of the wrist is accom- plished by the motion of the radius on the ulna. The ulna has a hooked process, the olecranon, which catches round the lower end of the humerus or arm bone, (this articulating portion is called tro- chlea), and forms with it a hinge joint. The radius, again, has a small, neat, round head, which is bound to the ulna by ligaments, as a spindle is held in the bush. This bone turns on its axis and, as it turns, * In the sketch in the next page, the upper bone of the fore-arm is the radius, and in revolving on the lower bone, the ulna, it carries the hand with it. THE FORE-ARM. 69 carries the hand with it, because the hand is strictly attached to its lower head alone. This rolling, is what is termed pronation and supination. ne Such a motion would be useless, and a source of weakness in an animal that had a solid hoof. Ac- cordingly, in the horse, these bones are united together and consolidated in the positon of pronation. 70 ANATOMY OF It is interesting to find that by studying the pro- cesses of the bones, than which nothing, at first sight, appears more inconsequent, we are learning the characters of a language which shall enable us to read monuments of the highest interest ;-the records of the creation, which give an account of the revo- lutions of the earth itself.. If a geologist should find the nearer head of the radius, and see in the extremity of it a smooth de- pression, where it bears against the humerus, and observe the polished circle that turns on the cavity of the ulna,--he would say,—This animal had a paw it had a motion at the wrist, which implies claws. Claws may belong to two species of animals ; the feline, which is possessed of sharp carnivorous teeth, or to animals without teeth. If he should find the lower extremity of this same bone, and ob- serve on it spines and grooves for the distinct tendons which disperse to the phalanges, he would conclude that there must have been moveable claws that it belonged to a carnivorous animal; and he would seek for canine teeth of a corresponding size. OF THE WRIST AND HAND. In the human hand, the bones of the wrist (car- pus) are eight in number; and they are so closely connected that they form a sort of ball, which moves on the end of the radius. Beyond these, and to- wards the fingers are the metacarpal bones, which diverge at their further extremities, and give support to the bones of the fingers. The thumb has no'me- tacarpal bone, and is directly articulated with the carpus or wrist. There are thus in the hand twenty- nine bones, from the mechanism of which, result strength, mobility, and elasticity. . Lovers of system (I do not use the term disparag- ingly) delight to trace the gradual substraction of the THE WRIST AND HAND. 71 bones of the hand. Thus, looking to the hand of man, they see the thumb fully formed-in the simiæ they find it exceedingly small; in one of them, the spider-monkey, it has disappeared, and the four fin- gers are sufficient, with hardly the rudiments of a thumb. In some of the tardigrade animals, there are only three metacarpal bones with their fingers. In the horse, the cannon bone may be shewn to consist of two metacarpal bones. Indeed, we might go further and instance the wing of the bird. To me, this appears to be losing the sense, in the love of system. There is no regular gradation, but a variety, most curiously adapting, as I have often to repeat, the same system of parts to every necessary purpose. .. . In a comparative view of these bones, we are led more particularly to notice the foot of the horse ; it is universally admitted to be of a beautiful design, and calculated for strength and elasticity, and espe- cially provided against concussion. . The bones of the fore-leg of the horse become firmer as we trace them downwards. The two bones corresponding with those of the fore-arm, are braced together and consolidated; and the motion at the elbow joint is limited to flexion and extension. The carpus, forming what by a sort of license is called the knee, is also new modelled; but the metacarpal bones and phalanges of the toes are totally changed, and can hardly be recognized. When we look in front, instead of the four metacarpal bones, we see one strong bone, the cannon bone, and posterior to this, we find two lesser bones, called splint bones. The heads of these lesser bones enter into the knee- joint; but at their lower ends they diminish gra- dually, and they are held by an elastic ligamentous, attachment to the sides of the cannon bone. ! I have some hesitation in admitting the correct. ness of the opinion of veterinary surgeons of this cu- rious piece of mechanism. They imagine that these 72 ACTION OF THE SPLINT BONES. moveable splint bones, by playing up and down, as the foot is alternately raised and pressed to the ground, bestow elasticity and prevent concussion.- The fact certainly is, that by over action this part be- comes inflamed, and the extremities are preternatu- rally joined by bone to the greater metacarpal or can- non bone; and that this, which is called a splint, is a cause of iameness. . - I suspect, rather, that in the perfect state of the joint, these lesser metacarpal bones act as a spring to throw out the foot, when it is raised and the knee- joint bent. If we admit that it is the quickness in the extension of this joint on which the rate of motion inust principally depend, it will not escape observa- tion, that in the bent position of the knee, the exten- sor tendons have very little power, owing to their IN THE HORSE'S LEG. 73 · running so near the centre of motion in the joint; and that, in fact, they require some additional means to aid the extension of the leg. Suppose that the head of the lesser metacarpal bone A enters into the composition of the joint, it does not appear that by its yielding, when the foot is upon the ground, the bones of the carpus can de- scend, as long as they are sustained by the greater metacarpal or cannon bone. I do not, therefore, conceive that this bone can add to the elasticity of the foot. But when we perceive that the head of the splint bone is behind the centre of motion in the joint, it is obvious that it must be more pressed upon, in the bent condition of the joint when the foot is eleva- ted, and that then, the bone must descend. If it be depressed when the foot is raised, and have a power of recoiling (which it certainly has) it must aid in throw- ing out the leg into the straight position and assist the extensor muscles. Further, we can readily believe that when the elasticity of these splint bones is lost, by ossification uniting them firmly to the cannon bone, the want of such a piece of mechanism, essential to the quick extension of the foot, will make the horse apt to come down. ' In looking to this sketch, and comparing it with that of the hand on page 69, we see that in the horse's leg the five bones of the first digital phalanx are consolidated into the large pastern bone; those of the second phalanx, into the lesser pastern or coronet; and those of the last phalanx, into the coffin bone. OF THE HORSE'S FOOT. But the foot itself de- serves our attention. The horse, a native of exten- sive plains and steppes, is perfect in his structure, as adapted to these, his natural pasture grounds. When brought, however, into subjection, and running on our hard roads, his feet suffer from concussion. The value of the horse, so often impaired by lameness of the foot, has made that part an object of great inter- 74 OF THE HORSE'S FOOT. est : and I have it from the excellent professor of ve. terinary surgery to say, that he has never demon- strated the anatomy of the horse's foot without find- ing something new to admire. . · The weight and power of the animal require that he should have a foot in which strength and elasti- city are combined. The elasticity is essentially ne- cessary to prevent percussion in striking the ground; and it is attained here, through the united effect of the oblique position of the bones of the leg and foot -the yielding nature of the suspending ligament, and the expansibility of the crust or hoof. So much depends on the position of the pastern bones and coffin bone, that judging by the length of these and their obliquity, it is possible to say whether a horse goes easily, without mounting it. When the hoof is raised, it is smaller in its diameter, and the sole is concave ; but when it bears on the ground it expands, the sole descends so as to become flatter; and this expansion of the hoof laterally, is necessary to the play of the whole structure of the foot. Hence it happens that if the shoe be nailed in such a manner as to prevent the hoof expanding, the whole interior contrivance for mobility and elasticity is lost. The foot, in trotting, comes down solid, it consequently suffers percussion; and from the injury, it becomes inflamed and hot. From this inflammation is gene- rated a variety of diseases, which at length destroy all the beautiful provision of the horse's foot for free and elastic motion. This subject is of such general interest, that I may venture, on a little more detail. The elastic or suspending ligament spoken of above, passes down from the back of the cannon bone, along all the bones, to the lowest, the coffin bone; it yields, and allows these bones to bend. Behind the ligament the great tendons run, and the most prolonged of these, that of the perforans muscle, is principally inserted into the coffin bone, having at the same time 176 FOOT OF RUMINANTS. ant, there are appropriate horny coverings and that when the bones are joined to form the pastern bones and coffin bone, there is a hoof or crust, as in the horse, couagga, zebra, and ass. In ruminants there is a cannon bone, but the foot is split into two parts, and this must add to its spring or elasticity. I am inclined to think that there is still another intention in this form; it prevents the foot sinking in soft ground, and permits it to be more easily withdrawn. We may observe how much more easily the cow withdraws her foot from the yielding margin of a river, than the horse. The round and concave form of the horse's foot is attended with a vacuum or suction, as it is withdrawn; while the split and conical shaped hoof expands in sinking, and is easily extricated.' In the chamois and other species of the deer there is an additional toe. A sort of lesser cannon bone, with its two pasterns, supports this toe, and is joined by ligament to the larger cannon bone, so that it must have great elasticity. As a division of the flexor tendon runs into it, it must increase the spring when the animal rises from its crouching position. We see, in these sketches, that the lesser metacarpal bone, which, in the horse, entered into the joint of the “knee,” is here brought down to increase the elasticity, or to expand the foot... * The two lateral toes of the hog are short, and do not touch the ground, yet they must serve to sustain the animal when the foot sinks. In the rein-deer these bones are strong and deep, and the toe, by pro- jecting backwards, extends the foot horizontally thus giving the animal a broader base to stand on, and adapting it to the snows of Lapland, on the prin- ciple of the snow-shoe. The systematic naturalist will call these changes in the size, number, and place of the metacarpal bones “gradations;" I see in them only new proofs of the same system of bones being applicable to every circumstance, or condition ELEPHANT AND CAMEL. 77 of animals, and furnishing us with other instances of adaptation. I have explained why I think that the bones of the elephant's leg stand so perpendicularly over each other; there is a peculiarity also in the bones of the foot. In the foot of the living animal we see only a round pliant mass, which, when he stands, resembles the base of a pillar, or the lower part of the trunk of a stately tree. But when we examine the bones of the foot, we find this broad base to consist of the car- pus, metacarpus, and phalanges of the toes; and these bones have a very different use from what we have hitherto noticed. They are not connected with a moveable radius, and have no individual motion, as in the carnivorous animal--they merely serve to ex- pand the foot, the base of the column, and to give it a certain elasticity. In page 53 I have noticed the bones of the foot of the camel in contrast with those of the elephant. The camel's foot having no such disproportioned weight to bear as in the elephant, lightness of motion is secured by the oblique position of its bones, as well as by the direction of the bones of the shoulder, which we have formerly noticed. In the soft texture of the camel's foot there is much to, admire ; for although the bottom be flat, like the sole of a shoe, yet there is between it and the bones and tendons a cushion, so soft and elastic that the animal treads with great lightness and security. The resemblance of the foot of the ostrich to that of the camel has not escaped naturalists. We are now treating of the last bones of the toes; and let us see what may be done, by the study of one of these bones, to the bodying forth of the whole animal. I allude to the dissertations of the President Jefferson and Baron Cuvier on the Megalonix. But we must preface this part of our subject by some remarks on the form of the claws of the lion. The canine tribe are carnivorous, like the feline, 7* 78 MECHANISM OF and both have the last bones of their toes armed with a nail or claw. But their habits and their means of obtaining food are different. The first combine a keen sense of smelling with a power of continued speed ; they run down their prey. The feline order have their superiority in the fineness of their sight, accompanied with a patience, watchfulness, and stealthy movement ; they spring upon their prey, and never long pursue it. They attain their object in a few bounds, and, failing, sulkily resume their watch. When we look to the claws, we see a cor- respondence with those habits. The claws of the dog and wolf are coarse and strong, and bear the pressure and friction incident to a long chase.' They are calculated to sustain and protect the foot. But the tiger leaps on his prey, and fastens his sharp and crooked claws in the flesh. These claws being curved and sharp, we must admire the mechanism by which they are preserved. The last bone, that which supports the claw, is placed lateral to the penultimate bone, and is so articulated with it, that an elastic ligament (A) draws it back and raises the sharp extremity of the claw, upwards. The nearer extremity of the furthest bone presses the ground in the ordinary running of the animal,* whilst the * The pads in the bottom of the lion's foot cover these bones, or rather, we should say, protect them; they are soft cushions, which add to the elasticity of the foot, and must, in some degree, defend the animal in alighting from its bound. I could not comprehend how the powerful flexor muscles did not unsheath the claws when the lion made its spring, and how they produced this effect when there was an excitement to seize and hold the prey-I'made this dissection to detect the cause. The last bone of the toe is placed in a manner so peculiar in relation to the penultimate, being drawn back by the elastic ligament (A) beyond the centre of motion of the joint, that the flexor tendon (B) acting upon it, forces the nearer end, and the cush- ion of the toe to the ground. But when a more general excitement takes place in the muscles called interossei, and the extensors, D, E, the relative position of the two last bones is altered; so that the action of the flexor tendon can now draw forward the last bone-thus unsheathing and uncovering the claw, and preparing it to hold or to tear. THE LION S CLAW. . . B claw is thus retracted into a sheath. But when the - tiger makes his spring, the claws are uncased by the action of the flexor tendons; and they are so sharp and strong in the Bengal tiger, and his arm is so powerful, that they have been known to fracture a man's skull by a touch, in the act of leaping over him. I have alluded to the observation of President Jef- ferson on the Megalonix. Haying found a bone, which by its articulating surface and general form, he recognised to be one of the bones of the phalanx of an animal of great size, he thought he could dis- cover that it had carried a claw; and from this cir 84' BONES IN THE CETACEA. We have sketched here, the bones of the morse, or walrus, and they are remarkably complete, if we consider the appearance of the feet in the living'ani- mal. The bones are here accommodated to an in- strument for swimming; for these animals live in the water, and come to land only to suckle their young, or to bask in the sun; and they, are the most unwieldy and helpless, out of the water, of all ani- mals which breathe. In the Cetacea, we have mammalia without hind feet. The scapula is large, the humerus very short, and the bones of the fore-arm and hand flattened and confined in membranes which convert them into a fin. They live in the water, but must rise to breathe. I need not say that in the dolphin we recognize the bones of the anterior extremity, only a little fur- ther removed from the forms which we have hitherto been contemplating. The seal and morse raise them- selves out of the water and lie on the rocks; the dif- ferent species of the dolphin continue always in the the water; the extremity is now a fin or an oar, and those who have seen the porpoise or the pelloch in a stormy sea, must acknowledge how complete the apparatus is, through which they enjoy their element. The last examples I select, shall be from the an- cient world.* * The figure to the left is the anterior extremity of the Plesiosau- rus; to the right that of the Ichthyosaurus. In these paddles we see the intermediate changes from the foot of land animals to the fin of the fish. The walrus, dolphin, turtle, plesiosaurus, ichthyosaurus where we no longer find the phalanges or attempt to count the bones. They become irregular polygons or trapezoids—less like the phalanges than the radii of the fins of a fish. In fishes the ante- rior extremnity is recognized in the thoracic fin; and we may even discover the prototypes of the scapula and the bones of the arm. I know not what the naturalist, who likes to note the gradual decrease of the elementary parts, makes of these hundred bones of the pad- dle or of the fin; where there is an increase of the number, whilst, relatively speaking, there is a defect of form and motion, of the parts. IN THE ICHTHYOSAURUS. 85 . : These figures are taken from specimens in the Col- lege of Surgeons, of fossil animals of singular struc- ture, between the crocodile and the fish. They are in a calcareous rock, and the skeletons are entire, but crushed, and a good deal disfigured. Here are the extremities or paddles consisting of a multitude of bones articulated; and among these we still discover the humerus, radius and ulna, and bones of the car. pus and fingers. No fault is to be found with the construction of these instruments; they are suited to their offices, and no bone is superfluous, or misplaced, or imperfect. The ichthyosaurus and plesiosaurus (the animals which offer these specimens) inhabited the sea ; the remains are found low in the lias de- posit ; great changes have been wrought on the land 86 PECULIARITIES IN THE HAND. and on the deep since they existed; and the race of animals, the structure of whose extremities we have been engaged in examining, were not then in being., When we discover the same series of bones in the animals of the old world, we admit the existence of the same system ; and we must necessarily acknow- ledge the progressive developement of that system, through a period of time incalculably remote; even if, instead of our days and years, referable to history, each day were as a thousand years, or we were to make our estimate by the records of the revolutions which have left their traces on the globe itself. I have now given, I hope, sufficient examples of the changes in the bones of the anterior extremity, which suit them to every possible variety of use. After a little attention to the form of the human hand, I shall take up another division of my subject. The motions of the fingers do not merely result from the action of the large muscles which lie on the fore-arm-these are for the more powerful actions; but in the palm of the hand, and between the meta- carpal bones, there are small muscles (Lumbricales and Interossei), which perform the finer motions, ex- panding the fingers and moving them in every direc- tion, with great quickness and delicacy.' These are the organs which give the hand the power of spin- ning, weaving, engraving; and as they produce the quick motions of the musician's fingers, they are called by the anatomist fidicinales. Attention to our most common actions will shew us, how the division into fingers, by combining motion with the sense of touch, adapts the hand to grasp, to feel, and to com- pare. We shall presently see how well the points of the fingers are provided for feeling : as the joints and numerous muscles of the hand are adapted for various, distinct, or separate motions. In this sketch we have the bones of the paw of the adult Chimpanzee, from Borneo; and the remarka- PECULIARITIES IN THE HAND. ble peculiarity is the smallness of the thumb; it ex- tends no further than to the root of the fingers. On the length, strength, free lateral motion, and perfect mobility of the thumb, depends the power of the human hand.* The thumb is called pollex, because of its strength ; and that strength is necessary to the power of the hand, being equal to that of all the fingers. Without the fleshy ball of the thumb, the power of the fingers would avail nothing ; and, ac- cordingly, the large ball, formed by the muscles of the thumb, is the distinguishing character of the human hand, and especially of that of an expert workman,t In a French book, intended to teach young people philosophy, the pupil asks why the fingers are not of equal length ? The form of the argument reminds us of the difficulty of putting natural questions--the fault of books of dialogue. However, the master makes the scholar grasp a ball of ivory, to shew him that the points of the fingers are then equal ! It would have been better had he closed the fingers upon the palm, and then have asked whether or not they corresponded. This difference in the length of the fingers serves a thousand purposes, adapting the hand and fingers, as in holding a rod, a switch, a sword, a hammer, a pen, or pencil, engraving tool, &c., in all which, a secure hold and freedom of * The monkey has no separate flexor longus of the thumb. Vicq. Azyr. *Manus parva, majori adjutrix.” Albinus. PECULIARITIES IN THE HAND. and on the deep since they existed; and the race of animals, the structure of whose extremities we have been engaged in examining, were not then in being. When we discover the same series of bones in the animals of the old world, we admit the existence of the same system; and we must necessarily acknow- ledge the progressive developement of that system, through a period of time incalculably remote ; even if, instead of our days, and years, referable to history, each day were as a thousand years, or we were to make our estimate by the records of the revolutions which have left their traces on the globe itself. I have now given, I hope, sufficient examples of the changes in the bones of the anterior extremity, which suit them to every possible variety of use. After a little attention to the form of the human hand, I shall take up another division of my subject. The motions of the fingers do not merely result from the action of the large muscles which lie on the fore-arm--these are for the more powerful actions; but in the palm of the hand, and between the meta- carpal bones, there are small muscles (Lumbricales and Interossei), which perform the finer motions, ex- panding the fingers and moving them in every direc- tion, with great quickness and delicacy.' These are the organs which give the hand the power of spin- ning, weaving, engraving; and as they produce the quick motions of the musician's fingers, they are called by the anatomist fidicinales. Attention to our most common actions will shew us, how the division into fingers, by combining motion with the sense of touch, adapts the hand to grasp, to feel, and to com- pare. We shall presently see how well the points of the fingers are provided for feeling : as the joints and numerous muscles of the hand are adapted for various, distinct, or separate motions. In this sketch we have the bones of the paw of the adult Chimpanzee, from Borneo; and the remarka- CHAPTER IV. OF THE MUSCLES. The muscle of the body is that fleshy part, with which every one is familiar. It consists of fibres which lie parallel to each other. This fibrous, or filamentous part, has a living endowment, a power of contraction and relaxation, termed irritability. A single muscle is formed of some millions of these fibres combined together, having the same point of attachment or origin, and concentrating in a rope or tendon, which is fixed to a moveable part, called its insertion. We may demonstrate upwards of fifty muscles of the arm and hand, all of which must con- sent to the simplest action ; but this gives an imper- fect view of the extent of the relation of parts which is necessary to every act of volition. We are most sensible of this combination' in the muscles, when inflammation has seized any of the great joints of the body; for even when in bed, every motion of an extremity gives pain, through the necessity of a cor- responding movement in the trunk. When we stand, we cannot raise or extend the arm without a new position of the body, and a poising of it, through the action of a hundred muscles. ON THE ACTION OF THE MUSCLES OF THE ARM. We shall consider this subject under two heads ; in the first, we shall give examples of the living pro- perty of the muscles ;, and then of the mechanical contrivances, in their form and application. In all 8* 90 OF THE MUSCLES OF that regards the muscles, we see the most bountiful supply of power commensurate to the object, but never any thing in the least degree superabundant. If the limb is to be moved by bringing a muscle, or a set of muscles into action, the power is not given in that excess which would enable them to overcome their opponents; but the property of action is with- drawn from the opponents; they become relaxed, and the muscles, which are in a state of contraction, perform their office with comparative ease. A sta- tionary condition of the limb results from a balanced but regulated action of all the muscles ; which con- dition may be called their tone. If, in an experiment, a weight be attached to the tendon of an extensor muscle, it will draw out that muscle to a certain degree, until its tone or permanent state resists the weight: but if the flexor muscle be now excited, this being the natural opponent of the extensor, the weight will fall, by the relaxation of the extensor, So that the motion of a limb implies an active state or a change in both classes of muscles, the one to contract, the other toʻrelax; and the will influences both classes. Were it not so regulated, instead of the natural, easy, and elegant motions of the frame, the attempt at action would exhibit the body con. vulsed, or, as the physicians term it, in clonic 'spasms, The similitude of the two sawyers, mentioned by Paley, gives but an imperfect idea of the adjustment of the two classes of muscles. When two men are sawing a log of wood, they pull alternately, and when the one is pulling, the other resigns all exertion. But this is not the condition of the muscles--the relaxing muscle has not given up all effort, like a loose rope, but it is controlled in its yielding, with as fine a sense of adjustment, as is the action of the contracting muscles. Nothing appears to us more simple than raising the arm, or pointing with the finger; yet in that single act, not only are innume- rable muscles put into activity, but as many are THE ARM AND HAND. 91 thrown out of action, and the condition of these classes is totally opposite to each other, under the same act of volition. By such considerations, we are prepared to admire the faculty which shall combine a hundred muscles so as to produce a change of posture or action of the body; and we now perceive that the power taken from one class of our muscles, may be considered as if it were bestowed on the other; so that the pro perty of life, which we call the irritability, or action of a muscle, is upon the whole, less exhausted than would be the case on any other supposition. As to the second head, our demonstration is of an easier kind. We have said that nature bestows abun. dantly, but not superfluously; a truth evinced in the arrangement of the muscles. All the muscles of the limbs have their fibres running in an oblique direc- tion,-thus, A. being the tendinous origin of a muscle, and B. the tendinous insertion, the fleshy fibres run obliquely between these two tendons. A ht BE The fibre acting thus obliquely løses power, but gains the property of pulling what is attached to its further extremity through a greater space, while it contracts. This mechanical arrangement is intelli- gible on the law, that velocity of motion through space, is equal to power or weight. Here in the muscle, there is a resignation of power to obtain ve- locity of motion. The same effect is produced by the manner in which the tendons of the muscles run over the joints. They would act more powerfully, if they went in a OF THE MUSCLES OF straight line to the toes or tips of the fingers: but by being laced down in sheaths, they inove the toes and fingers with a velocity proportioned to their loss of power. Let us see how far this corresponds with other mechanical contrivances. A certain power of wind or water being obtained, the machinery is moved; but it is desired to give a blow, with a velo- city far greater than the motion of the water or the turning of the wheels. For this purpose a fly-wheel is put on, the spokes of which may be considered as long levers. The wheel moves very slowly, at first, but being once in motion, each impulse accelerates it with more and more facility; at length, it acquires a rapidity, and a centrifugal force which nothing can equal in its effects, but the explosion of gunpowder. The mechanist not having calculated the power of the accelerated motion in a heavy wheel, has seen his machinery split and burst up, and the walls of the house blown out as by the bursting of a bomb- shell. A body at rest receives an impulse from ano- ther, which puts it into motion--it receives a second blow ; now, this second blow has much greater effect than the first for the power of the first was ex- hausted in changing the body from a state of rest to that of motion—but being in motion when it receives the second blow, the whole power is bestowed on the acceleration of its motion ; and so on, by the third and fourth blows, until the body moves with a velo- city, equal to that of the body from which the im- pulse is originally given. The slight blow given to à boy's hoop is sufficient to keep it running; and just so the fly-wheel of a machine is kept in rapid action by a succession of impulses, each of which would hardly put it in motion. If we attempt to stop the wheel, it will give a blow in which a hundred lesser impulses are combined and multiplied. There is, in the machinery of the animal body, in a lesser degree, the same interchange of velocity and force. When a man strikes with a hammer, the • THE ARM AND HAND. 93 muscle near the shoulder, * c. acts upon the humerus, B. in raising the extended lever of the arm and hammer, with every possible disadvantage ; seeing that it is inserted or attached so near the centre of motion in the shoulder joint. ANNO HP But the loss of power is restored in another form. What the muscle D. loses by the mode of its insertion, is made up in the velocity communicated to the liam- mer; for in descending through a large space, it ac- cumulates velocity, and velocity is equal to force.- The advantage of the rapid descent of a heavy body is, that a smart blow is given, and an effect produced which the combined power of all the muscles, with- out this mechanical distribution of force, could not accomplish.' This is, in truth, similar to the opera- tion of the fly wheel, by which the gradual motion of an engine is accumulated in a point of time, and a blow is struck capable of crushing or of stamping a piece of gold or silver. In what respect does the me- chanism of the arm differ from the engine with which the printer throws off his sheet? Here is a lever with a heavy ball at the end ; in proportion to its weight, it is difficult to be put in motion. The * A. The scapula, or shoulder blade: B. the humerus, or arm- bone ; c. the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, arising from the shoulder- blade and clavicle, and inserted into the arm-bone ; D. a muscle which draws the arm down, as in striking with a sword or hammer. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY test of his master's perfection as a teacher. Nothing is more uninteresting, tedious, and difficult to attend to, than the demonstration of the muscles of the arm, when they are taken successively, as they present themselves ; but when they are taught with lucid arrangement, according to the motions performed by them, it is positively agreeable to find how much interest may be given to the subject. It would be foreign to the object of this work to introduce such demonstrations here. Yet it is very remarkable that the muscles of the arm and hand should resemble so closely the muscles of the fore extremity of the lion, for example. The flexors, extensors, pronators, and supinators are, in the brute, exactly in the same place, and bear all the relations which the student of anatonly is taught to observe with so much interest in the human arm. This example is sufficient to show how accurately the comparative anatomy of the muscles conforms to that of the bones ; and that in proportion as the bones of the extremity resemble in shape and power of motion those of the human arm, so do the muscles another proof of the great extent of the system of relations established in the animal system. . . There is one circumstance more which should not be omitted in the comparative anatomy of these mus- cles, as it exhibits another instance of conformity in their structure, to the offices which they have to per- form. We have just stated that the power of con- traction is a vital property. The continued action of a muscle, therefore, exhausts the vitality; and to support that action, when it is inordinate, there must be a more than usual provision for the supply of this living power, viz :-a means of increasing or perpetu- ating the circulation of the blood, which is the source of all vital power. In the lémur tardigradus it has been observed that the axillary and femoral arteries, the great arteries of the anterior and posterior extremities, have this pecu- OF THE MUSCLES OF THE ARM. 97. liarity--that the trunk is subdivided into a number of equal-sized cylinders, which again unite to form a single trunk previous to the distribution of its branches to the muscles.* It has been argued that this pecu- liarity, as it produces a retardation of the blood, is adapted to long continued action in the muscles. I believe it to be a provision for long continued action; because the animals which possess it, are not more remarkable for the slowness of their progression than for the tenacity of their hold. The extremities, are long and the muscles powerful, either to sustain the animal by grasping the branches of trees, or for dig- ging; but surely the strength of the muscles cannot · be produced by retardation of the circulation, on the principle, universally admitted, that the expenditure of arterial blood is in proportion to the vital force employed. Were the arteries of the living body. like rigid tubes, and the laws of the circulation the same as those of hydraulics, such might be the conclusion. But it is impossible to suppose that the circulation of the blood could be performed according to the laws which govern the flow of water in dead tubes. The artery is dilatable, it contracts with a vital force; both the dilatability and the contractility of arteries are subject to the influences of the living principle. When, therefore, the artery of a limb is divided into four or five vessels, the result is a greater capacity of dilatation, a greater power of contraction; and these . being vital operations, are subject to be influenced and adjusted according to the necessity for the in- crease or diminution of the circulation. . If such a peculiarity in the form of the vessels in he extremities of these animals, retards the blood, t can only be during repose ; for, on excitement, so far from retarding, it must bestow remarkable power of acceleration. I conclude, therefore, that this va- * There is some doubt as to the reunion of the vessels. 98 SUPERIORITY OF THE riety of distribution in the arteries is a provision for occasional great activity in the muscles of the limb; and for forcing the blood into contact with the fibres, notwithstanding their continued action and rigidity. We have seen in the preceding chapter the same organ, which moves at one time as slowly as the hand of a watch, at another moves with extreme rapidity : consequently, we cannot admit the infer- ence that the tortuous and subdivided artery is a pro- vision for languid motions. In speaking of the arteries which go to the hand, it may be expected that we should touch on a sub- ject, which has been formerly a good deal discussed, whether the properties of the right hand, in compa- rison with those of the left, depend on the course of the arteries to it. It is affirmed that the trunk of the artery going to the right arm, passes off from the heart so as to admit the blood directly and more forcibly into the small vessels of the arm. This is assigning a cause which is unequal to the effect, and presenting, altogether, too confined a view of the subject : it is a participation in the common error of seeking in the mechanism the cause of phenomena which have a deeper source. For the conveniences of life, and to make us prompt and dexterous, it is pretty evident that there ought to be no hesitation which hand is to be used, or which foot is to be put forward ; nor is there, in fact, any such indecision. Is this taught, or have we this readiness given to us by nature ? It must be observed, at the same time, that there is a distinc- tion in the whole right side of the body, and that the left side is not only the weaker, in regard to muscular strength, but also in its vital or constitutional pro- perties. The developement of the organs of action and motion is greatest upon the right side, as may at any time be ascertained by measurement, or the tes- timony of the tailor or shoemaker; certainly, this RIGHT HAND OVER THE LEFT 99 superiority may be said to result from the more fre- quent exertion of the right hand; but the pecu- liarity extends to the constitution also ; and disease attacks the left extremities more frequently, than the right. In opera dancers, we may see that the most difficult feats are performed by the right foot. But their preparatory exercises better evince the natural weakness of the left limb, since these performers are made to give double practice to it, in order to avoid awkwardness in the public exhibition ; for if these exercises be neglected, an ungraceful preference will be given to the right side. In walking behind a person, it is very seldom that we see an equalized motion of the body; and if we look to the left foot, we shall find that the tread is not so firm upon it, that the toe is not so much turned out as in the right, and that a greater push is made with it. From the peculiar form of woman, and the elasticity of her step resulting more from the motion of the ankle than of the haunches, the defect of the left foot when it exists, is more apparent in her gait. No boy hops upon his left foot, unless he be left handed. The horseman puts the left foot in the stirrup and springs from the right. We think we may conclude, that every thing being adapted in the conveniences of life to the right hand, as for example the direction of the worm of the screw or of the cutting end of the auger, is not arbitrary, but is related to a natura, en- dowment of the body. He who is left handed is most sensible to the advantages of this adaptation, from the opening of the parlour-door to the opening of a pen-knife. On the whole, the preference of the right hand is not the effect of habit, but is a natural provision, and is bestowed for a very obvious pur- pose : and the property does not depend on the pecu- liar distribution of the arteries of the arm but the preference is given to the right foot, as well as to the right hand. SUBSTITUTES FOR THE HAND. 101 free for such efforts as enable them* to seize their food. The apparatus by which they attach them- selves resembles a boy's sucker : the organ being pressed against the surface to which the creature is to be fixed, the centre is drawn by muscles in the same manner that the sucker is drawn with the cord, and thus a vacuum is made. In the cuttle-fish we see a modification of this apparatus : the suckers are on the extremities of their processes or arms, and become instruments of prehen- sion and of locomotion. They are capable of turning in all directions, either to fix the animal or to drag it from place to place. In the Indian Seas, these crea- tures become truly terrific from the length of their arms, which extend to eight or nine fathoms, and from the firmness with which they cling. Dr. Shaw tells us, that on throwing a fish of the species cyclopterus lumpus into a pail of water, it fixed itself so firmly to the bottom, that by taking hold of the tail, he lifted up the pail, although it con- tained some gallons of water. . There is another fish, which from its name we should expect to perform strange antics ; it is called harlequin angler.t It appearance is grotesque and singular ; the pectoral fins resemble short arms, and are palmated at their tips. M. Renau, in his histo- * In the Mollusca and Zoophytes we find many instances of the animal holding on against the force of tide or current. The Actiniæ fix themselves to rocks and shells; and some, as the sea carnation, hang suspended from the lower surface of projecting rocks, resem- bling the calyx of a flower. By the elongation of their tentacula, they expand and blow out like a flower; but instead of petals, these are prehensile instruments by which they draw whatever food floats near them into their stomachs. The Byssus of the muscle is a set of filaments which retains the shell at anchor and prevents it drifting or rolling with the tide. These filaments are the secretion of a gland, and whilst they are fixed to the rock, the gland retains the hold at their other ends. The shell of the oyster is itself cemented to the rock. † Lophius Histrio, from a Greek word that has reference to the process which floats from the head, like a streamer or pennant. I These fins have two bones in them like the radius and ulna; but Cuvier says, that they are more strictly bones of the carpus. 9* 102 SUBSTITUTES FOR THE HAND. ry of fishes, affirms that he knew an individual of this species; and the expression is not so incorrect, since he saw it for three days out of the water, walking about the house in the manner of a dog. The cir- cumstance of its walking out of the water has some interest, as showing relations between organs which are apparently the least connected. The fact of this fish living out of the water is doubted; but the form of its branchial organs inclines me to believe it ; and its habits require such a provision. In this genus, the operculum does not open to let the respired water pass off freely behind, as in most fishes; but the water is discharged by a small aperture which, in Mr. Owen's opinion, is capable of being closed by a sphincter. The cavities in which the branchiæ lie are large, and this is, indeed, partly the reason of the monstrous head of this fish. Thus, it has not only its fins converted into feet, but its gills into pouches, capable of containing water, and of permitting the function of the branchiæ to proceed when the water is retired; that is, when it lies in mud, or shallow pools ; for in such situations does the lophius find its food, where it angles for it in a very curious manner. But there are other fishes that move out of the water on dry land, and even ascend trees, without being carried there by floods. The perca scandens, by means of the spines of its gill-covers, and the spinous rays of its fins, climbs trees ; so that Dr. Shaw calls it the climbing fish.* All creatures which have their skins protected, whether by feathers, or shells, or scales, have an exquisite touch in their mouth, or in the appendages which hang from it. Fishes have cirri which hang from their mouth, and these are equivalent to the palpa and tentacula of insects and crustacea. The .* The spines of the Echinus are moveable; they assist in progres- sion. They are directed towards an advancing enemy! Although these spines may be effectual for their purpose they are the lowest or least perfect substitutes for the extremities. SUBSTITUTES FOR THE HAND. 103 fishing lines of the lophius piscatorius are examples of these processes : and Pliny relates that this frog-like fish, hiding in the mud, leaves the extremities of these filaments visible; which, from their resem- blance to worms, entice the smaller fishes, and they become the prey of their concealed enemy. It is surprising how varied the means are by which fishes obtain their food. The chætodon (bandouliere à bec) squirts water at flies as they pass and brings them down. The scicna jaculatrix, according to Pallas, has a similar power; and the sparus insidiator catch- es aquatic insects by the sudden projection of its snout. It is affirmed by some naturalists that the rays of the dorsal and anal fins, as in the cordonnier of Martinique, zeus ciliaris, le blepharis, Cuv., are employed to grapple or coil round the stems of plants and sustain the fish. The several offices attributed to these processes in fishes imply that they possess sensibility, if not mus- cular power. By anatomical investigation and experiment, I, some years ago, discovered that the sensibility of all the head and of its various appendages resulted from one nerve only of the ten which are enumerated as aris- ing from the brain, and are distributed within and around the head ; and, pursuing the subject by the aid of comparative anatomy, I found that a nerve cor- responding to this, which is the fifth nerve in man, served a similar purpose in all the lower animals. In creatures which are covered with feathers or scales, or protected by shell, this nerve becomes almost the sole organ of sensibility. It is the developement of this nerve which gives sensibility to the cirri, which hang about the mouths of fishes, and to the palpa of the crustacea and insects. It is the same nerve which supplies the tongue, and is the organ of its ex- quisite sensibility to touch, as well as of taste. In some animals, especially in the reptiles, the tongue, by its length and mobility, becomes a substitute for CHAPTER VI. THE ARGUMENT PURSUED FROM THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. So far as we have hitherto proceeded, by examin- ing objects in comparative anatomy which from their magnitude can not be misunderstood, we have been led to conclude that, independently of the system of parts marvellously combined to form the individual animal, there is another, more comprehensive system, which embraces all animals; and which exhibits a certain uniformity in the functions of life, however different in form or bulk the creatures may be, or to whatever condition of the globe they may have been adapted. We have seen no accidental deviation or deformity, but that every change has been for a pur- purpose, and every part has had its just relation. We have witnessed all the varieties moulded to such a perfect accommodation, and the alterations pro- duced by such minute degrees, that all notion of ex- ternal and accidental agency must be rejected. We might carry our demonstration downward through the lower classes of animals; for example, we might trace the feet of insects from their most perfect or complex state, till they disappear; or, ob- serving the changes in another direction, we might follow out the same parts from the smallest begin- ning to the most perfect condition of the member, where we see the thigh, leg, and tarsus of the fly We might distinguish them at first as the fine cirri, like minute bristles, which on the bodies of worms take slight hold of the surface over which they creep. In the sea mouse, (aphrodita) we might notice these 106 THEORY OF bristles standing out from distinct mammillary pro- cesses, which are furnished with appropriate muscles. Then in the myriapodes, the first order of insects, we might see the same “ many feet,” and each foot having a distinct articulation. From that, we might pass to the feet of those insects, where there is a thigh, leg, and foot, with the most perfect system of flexors, extensors, and adductor muscles, possessing, in fine, all that we most admire in the human anatomy. Nay, it is most curious to observe how the feet of the true insects are again changed or modified ; taking new offices, the anterior feet becoming feelers, organs of prehension, or hands. When, with such an ob- ject, we view the delicate and curiously adapted in- struments of insects, we must perceive that it would be easy to trace almost every part through a succes- sion of modifications. Among the vertebrata, we have seen the hand become a wing or a fin ; so might we trace the wings of insects. If we begin with a fly, which has two delicate and perfect wings incased and protected, we find that the covers are raised to admit the expansion of the wings. In another, the case becomes a wing; and the fly is characterized by four wings. Proceed to examine a third example, and we shall discover that this anterior wing is larger and more perfect than the posterior : the fourth spe- çimen has lost the posterior wings, and has only two perfect ones; and if we continue the examination, the next specimen will present an insect deprived of wings altogether. These are not freaks 'of nature, but new forms of the body; new appendages re- quired for a different poišing of the fly in its flight. They are adaptations in that regular series which we have observed to obtain in the larger animals, and where the intention can not be mistaken. A very natural question will force itself upon us, how are those varieties to be explained? The curious adaptation of a member to different offices and to different conditions of the animal has ELEMENTAL PARTS. 107 led to a very extraordinary opinion in the present day,—that all animals consist of the same elements. It would be just to say that they consist of the same chemical elements, and that they attract and assimi. late matter by the performance of the same vital functions, through every species of animals, however different in form and structure. But by the elements which are now mentioned, the authors of this new theory mean certain pieces which enter into the structure of the body, and which they illustrate by the analogy of the building materials of a house. If these materials, they say, are exhausted in the or- namental parts of the portico and vestibule, there must be a proportionate limitation of the apartments for the family! · This new theory has been brought forward with the highest pretensions; the authors of it have called upon us to mark the moment of its conception as the commencement of a new æra! They speak of the “ elective affinities of organs,” “the balancing of or- gans," "a new principle of connection,” and a “new theory of analysis.” --The hypothesis essentially is this, that when a part, which belongs to one animal, is missed in another, we are to seek for it in some neighbouring organ: and on such grounds they af- firm, that this surpasses all former systems as a means of discovery. Now, the perfection or aggran- dizement of any one organ of an animal is not at- tended with the curtailment or proportional deficien- cy of any other. Like ourselves, perhaps, the sup- porters of this theory dwell too much upon the bones; but even in them, we shall show that the system is untenable. In the mean time, we may ask, do ad- ditional parts connected with the stomach, making it highly complex, as in ruminating animals, shorten' the intestinal canal, or make its form simpler ? On the contrary, is not a complex stomach necessarily connected with a long and complicated intestine ! Does a complex intestinal canal throughout all its 108 THEORY OF course render imperfect the solid viscera which are in juxtaposition to it? Is there any defect in them, because the organs of digestion are perfect, or com- plicated ? Does the complex heart imply a more simple, or a more perfect condition of the lungs? In short, as animals rise in the scale of existence, do we not find that the systems of digestion, circulation, re- spiration and sensation, bear ever a proportional in- crease? Is there any instance of an improvement in one organ thrusting another out of its place, or di- minishing its volume? Now, as to the osseous system, were we to follow these theorists into the very stronghold of their posi- tion, the bones of the skull, where the real intricacy of the parts allows them some scope for their ingenu- ity, we might show how untenable the principle is which they assume. But we must confine ourselves to our own subject. In the higher orders of the vertebrata, we find that the bones of the shoulder perform a double office ; that they have an important share in the act of re- spiration, whilst they are perfect as a foundation for the extremity. Now, let us take an instance where the mode of respiration of the animal is inconsistent with what we may term the original mechanism of the bones of the shoulder. In the batrachian order, the ribs are wanting: where then are we to look for them ? Shall we follow a system which informs us that when a bone is wanting in the cavity of the ear, we are to seek for it in the jaw; and which, yet, shall leave us in the contemplation of this class of ani- mals deficient in thirty-two ribs, without pointing out where they are to be found, or how their elements are uilt up in other structures ? If, on the contrary, we take the principle that parts are formed or with- drawn, with a never-failing relation to the function which is to be performed, we see that no sooner are the compages of the chest removed, and the should- er thus deprived of support, than the bones to which 110 THEORY OF through the air. With this obvious defect of the external ear, can we admit that the internal ear is also imperfect, notwithstanding the very remarkable acuteness of hearing, which we know to result from this internal structure, and from it alone ? Now we do, in fact, find a different structure in the ear of birds; but, yet nothing is wanting. The columella is a shaft of bone of exquisite delicacy; which is extended from the outward membrane of the ear to the labyrinth or proper seat of the nerve of hearing. It occupies the place and office of the chain of four bones which belong to the ear of mammalia. We have no authority, however, for affirming that the incus is here wanting more than any other bone of the chain;—and if it be said that the os quadratum is the missing incus, why should not we find in the oviparous reptiles, where there is a columella in the ear, an os quadratum in the jaw? From this mode of inquiry, we find that the sense of hearing is enjoyed in an exquisite degree in birds : that the organ of the sense is not imperfect, but is adapted to a new construction, and a varied appara- tus-suited to the condition of the bird : and that there is no accidental dislocation or substitution of something less perfect than what we find in other classes of animals. If we now look to the structure of the mandible of the bird, we shall find as curious, though a some- what grosser example of mechanical relation. The bill of the bird, in some degree, pertains to our sub- ject, as it is the organ of prehension and of touch. It is withal'a fly trap-hence, its motions must be rapid : and the velocity is increased by the most obvious means imaginable,—that is, by giving motion to both mandibles, instead of to one. When a dog snaps he throws back his head, and thereby raises the upper jaw at the same time that the lower jaw is dropped ; but these are slow and clumsy motions, pertaining to the muscles of the neck as well as of SURROUNDING INFLUENCÉ. 113 . sun, or as the roots shoot to the appropriate soil, so do the exterior organs of animals grow and adapt themselves. We shall presently find that an opinion has prevailed that the organization of animals deter- mines their propensities; but the philosophers, of whom we are now speaking, imagine the contrary,— that under the influence of new circumstances, organs have accommodated themselves, and assumed their particular forms. It must be here remarked that there are no in- stances of the production of new organs by the union of individuals belonging to different species. Nor is there any foundation in observation for the opinion that a new species may be formed by the union of individuals of different families. But it is contended, that, although the species of animals have not changed in the last 5000 years, we do not know what might have been the effect of the revolution be- fore that time; that is, previous to the present condition of the world. But, on subjects of this nature, we must argue from what we know, and from what we see. We do perceive surprising changes in the con- formation of animals; some of them are very fami- liar to us; but all show a foreknowledge and a pro- spective plan, an alteration gradually taking place in preparation for the condition, never consequent upon it. It will be sufficient for our purpose, if we take the highest and the lowest examples. Man has two conditions of existence in the body. Hardly two creatures can be less alike than an infant and a man. The whole fotal state is a preparation for birth. My readers would not thank me, were I to show how necessary all the proportions and forms of the infant are to his being born alive, and yet nothing is so easy to demonstrate. Every one may see that from the moment of birth there is a new impulse given to the growth, so as finally to adapt the proportions of the body to the state of perfect manhood, Few, however, are aware that the fætus has a life adapted 10* 114 THESE THEORIES INCORRECT. to its condition, and that if the confinement of the womb were protracted beyond the appointed time, it must die !--from no defect of nourishment, but sim- ply, because the time is come for a change in its whole economy ! - Now, during all the long period of gestation, the organs are forming; the lungs are perfected before the admission of air-new tubes are constructed before the flood-gates, which are to admit the blood, are opened. But there are finer, and more curious, provisions than these. If we take any of the grand organs, as the heart, or the brain, and examine it through all its gradations of change in the embryo state, we shall recognize it simple, at first, and gra- dually developing, and assuming the peculiarities which finally distinguish it. So that it is affirmed, and not without the support of a most curious series of observations, that the human brain, in its earlier stage, resembles that of a fish: as it is developed, it resembles more the cerebral mass of the reptile ; in its increase, it is like that of a bird, and slowly, and only after birth, does it assume the proper form and consistence of the human encephalon. But in all these changes to which man is subject, we nowhere see the influence of the elements, or any other cause than that it has been so predestined. And if, passing over the thousand instances which might be gathered from the intermediate parts of the chain of animal existence, we take the lowest link, and look to the me tamorphosis of insects, the conclusion will be the same. For example, if we examine the larva of a winged insect, we shall see the provisions for its motion over the ground, in that condition, all admirably supplied in the arrangement of its muscles, and the distribu- tion of its nervous system, But if, anticipating its metamorphosis, we dissect the same larva immedi, ately before the change, we shall find a new appara. tus in progress towards perfection ; the muscles of its many feet are seen decaying; the nerves to each THESE THEORIES INCORRECT. 115 muscle are wasting; a new arrangement of muscles, with new points of attachment, directed to the wings instead of the feet, is now visible; and a new distri- bution of nerves is distinctly to be traced, accommo- dated to the parts which are now to be put in motion. Here is no budding and stretching forth under the influence of the surrounding elements; but a change operated on all the economy, and prospective, that is, in reference to a condition which the creature has not yet attained. . These facts countenance the conclusion drawn from the comparative anatomy of the hand and arm- that with each new instrument, visible externally, there are a thousand internal relations established : a mechanical contrivance in the bones and joints, which alters every part of the skeleton : an arrangement of muscles, in just correspondence: a texture of nervous filaments, which is laid intermediate between the in- strument and the very centre of life and motion ; and, finally, as we shall discover from what follows, new sources of activity must be created in relation to the new organ, otherwise the part will hang a useless appendage. : 1. It must now be apparent that nothing less than the Power, which originally created, is equal to the effect- ing of those changes. on animals, which are to adapt them to their conditions : that their organization is - predetermined, and not consequent on the condition of the earth or the surrounding elements. Neither can à property in the animal itself account for the changes which take place in the individual, any more than for the varieties which take place in the species. Every thing declares the species to have its origin in a distinct creation, not in a gradual variation from some original type ; and any other hypothesis than that of a new creation of animals suited to the succes- sive changes in the inorganic matter of the globe-the condition of the water, atmosphere, and temperature brings with it only an accumulation of difficulties. CHAPTER VII. OF SENSIBILITY AND TOUCH. We find every organ of sense, with the exception of that of touch, more perfect in brutes than in man. In the eagle and the hawk, in the gazelle and in the feline tribe, the perfection of the eye is admirable ;- in the dog, wolf, hyæna, as well as in birds of prey, the sense of smelling is inconceivably acute; and if we should have some hesitation in assigning a more exquisite sense of taste to brutes, we cannot doubt the superiority of that of hearing in the inferior ani- mals. But in the sense of touch, seated in the hand, man claims the superiority; and it is of consequence to our conclusion that we should observe why it is so. It has been said that, accompanying the exercise of touch, there is a desire of obtaining knowledge; in other words, a determination of the will towards the organ of the sense. Bichat says, it is active whilst the other senses are passive. This opinion implies that there is something to be understood--something deeper than what is here expressed. We shall arrive at the truth by considering that in the use of the hand there is a double sense exercised; we must not only feel the contact of the object, but we must be sen- sible to the muscular effort which is made to reach it, or to grasp it in the fingers. It is in the exercise of this latter power that there is really an effort made ; there is no more direction of the will towards the nerve of touch, than towards any other sensible nerve. But, before entering on the consideration of the sen- sibility and action which belong tº the fingers, we must attend to the common sensibility of the surface, COMPARED WITH THE DEEPER PARTS. 119 and kind of sensibility with the skin, so far from sery- ing any useful purpose, this sensibility would have been a source of inconvenience and continual pain in the common exercise of the frame. The reason why surgeons more than physicians have advanced the study of physiology, may be, that they become practically acquainted with the pheno- mena on which the science is founded. The surgeon who has to perform an operation by incision, when he has cut through the skin, informs his patient that the greatest pain is over. If, in the advanced stage of the operation, he has to extend the incision of the skin, it is very properly considered as a great awkwardness; and this not only because it proves that he has mis- calculated what was necessary to the correct perform- ance of his operation, but because the patient, bear- ing courageously the deeper incisions, cannot sustain the renewed cutting of the skin, without giving toker of severe pain.' The fact of the exquisite sensibility of the surface, in comparison with the deeper 'parts, being thus as- certained by daily experience, we cannot mistake the intention : that the skin is made a safeguard to the delicate textures which are contained within, by forcing us to avoid injuries : and it does afford us a more effectual defence than if our bodies were covered with the hide of the rhinoceros. The fuller the consideration which we give to this subject, the more convincing are the proofs that the painful sensibility of the skin is a benevolent provi- sion, making us alive to those injuries, which, but for this quality of the nervous system, would bruise and destroy the internal and vital parts. In pursuing the i nquiry, we learn with much interest that when the bones, joints, and all the membranes and ligaments which cover them, are exposed—they may be cut, pricked, or even burned, without the patient or the animal, suffering the slightest pain. These facts must appear to be conclusive; for who, witnessing 120 SENSIBILITY TO PAIN. - these instances of insensibility, would not conclude that the parts were devoid of sensation. But when we take the true, philosophical, and I may say the religious view of the subject, and consider that pain is not an evil, but given for benevolent purposes and for some important object, we should be unwilling to terminate the investigation here. , In the first place, we must perceive that if a sensi- bility similar to that of the skin had been given to these internal parts, it must have remained unexer- cised. · Had they been made sensible to pricking and burning, they would have possessed a quality which would never have been useful, since no such injuries can reach them; or never without warning being received through the sensibility of the skin. But, further, if we find that sensibility to pain is a benevolent provision, and is bestowed for the purpose of warning us to avoid such violence as would affect the functions or uses of the parts, we may yet in- quire whether any injury can reach these internal parts without the sensibility of the skin being excited. Now, of this there can be no doubt, for they are sub- ject to sprain, and rupture, and shocks, without the skin being implicated in the accident. If we have been correct in our inference, there should be a pro- vision to guide us in the safe exercise of the limbs; and notwithstanding what has been apparently de- monstrated of the insensibility of these internal parts, they must possess an appropriate sensibility, or it would imply an imperfection. • With these reflections, we recur to experiment and we find that the parts, which are insensible to pricking, cutting, and burning, are actually sensible to concussion, to stretching, or laceration. How consistent, then, and beautiful is the distribu- tion of this quality of life! The sensibility to pain varies with the function of the part. The skin is endowed with sensibility to every possible injurious impression which may be made upon it. But had 122 SENSIBILITY TO HEAT. “ the parts that press upon the bed ; from which come “ local irritation, then fever and mortification and 6 death. - « Thus you perceive that the natural sensibility of “the skin, without disturbing your train of thought, “induces you to shift the body so as to permit the free “circulation of the blood in the minute vessels; and “that when this sensibility is wanting, the utmost "attention of friends and the watchfulness of the “nurse are but a poor substitute for this protection “which nature is continually affording. If you suf- “fer thus lying on a soft bed, when deprived of the " sensibility of the skin, how could you encounter “ without it the rubs and impulses incident to an ac- “tive life? . You must now acknowledge that the “sensibility of the skin is as much a protection to the “frame generally, as the sensibility of the eyelids is “ to the eyes, and gives you a' motive for gratitude “ which probably you never thought of.” The sensibility of the hand to heat, is a different endowment from that of touch. This sensibility to the varietįes of temperature is seated in the skin, and is, consequently, limited to the exterior surface of the body. The internal parts of the body being of a uni- form temperature, it would have been, in them, a quality altogether, superfluous. But as we are sur- rounded by a temperature continually varying, and are subject to destruction by its extremes, and as we must suit our exertions or our contrivances so as to sustain life against these. vicissitudes, our possession of this peculiar sensibility on the surface affords another proof of there having been a foreknow- ledge of our condition. We might, indeed, take our former example in evidence of what must befal through the want of this sensibility-the paralytic is brought to us severely burned, or with his extremities mortified through cold. A man having lost the sense of heat in his right hand, but retaining the muscular power, lifted the cover of a pan which had fallen into SENSIBILITY OF HEAT. 123 the fire and deliberately replaced it, not being con- scious that it was burning hot; the effect, however, was the death and destruction of the skin of the palm and fingers. In this man there was a continual sensation of coldness in the affected arm, which actual cold applied to the extremity did not aggra- vate nor heat in any degree assuage.* Sensibility to heat is a safeguard in as much as it is capable of becoming a painful sensation, whilst it is a never- failing excitement to activity and a continual source of enjoyment. And here we may remark an adaptation of the living property very different from the physical in- fluence. Heat is uniform in its effect on matter; but the sensation varies as it is given or abstracted from the living body. Cold and heat are distinct sensa- tions; and this is so far important that without such contrast we should not continue to enjoy the sense. For in the nervous system it holds universally that variety or contrast is necessary to sensation, the finest organ of sense losing its property by the continuance of the same impression. It is by a comparison of cold and heat that we enjoy either condition. To contrast still more strongly the sensibility of the surface with the property of internal parts, to shew how very different sensibility is, in reality, from what is suggested by first experience, and how admi- rably it is varied and accommodated to the functions, we shall add one other fact. The brain is insensible --that part of the brain, which if disturbed or dis- eased, takes away consciousness, is as insensible as the leather of our shoe! That the brain may be touched, or a portion of it cut off, without interrupting the patient in the sentence that he is uttering, is a surprising circumstance! From this fact Physiolo- gists formerly inferred that the surgeon had not * There are certain morbid conditions of sensation when cold bodies feel intensely hot.—Dr. Abercrombie's Inquiry into the Intel- lectual powers. 124 SENSIBILITY OF THE EYE. reached the more important organ of the brain. But that opinion arose from the notion prevailing that a nerve must necessarily be sensible. Whereas, when we consider that the different parts of the nervous sys- tem have totally distinct endowments, and that there are nerves, as I have elsewhere shewn, insensible to touch and incapable of giving pain, though exquisite- ly alive to their proper office, we have no just reason to conclude that the brain should be sensible, or exhibit the property of a nerve of the skin. Reason on it as we may, the fact is so ;—the brain, through which every impression must be conveyed before it is perceived, is itself insensible. This informs us that sensibility is not a necessary attendant on the delicate texture of a living part, but that it must have an appropriate organ, and that it is an especial provi- sion.* To satisfy my reader on this interesting subject, I shall take the contrast of two organs, one external and exposed, and the other internal and carefully excluded from injury. . . , · The eye, consisting of its proper nerve of vision and its transparent humours and coats; is an organ of exquisite delicacy-not only is it exposed to all the injuries to which the general surface of the body is liable, but to be inflamed and rendered opaque by particles getting into it which are so light that they float in the atmosphere, and to the contact of which the common skin is quite insensible. The mechani- cal, and more obvious contrivance for the protection of this organ, is a ready motion of the eyelids and the shedding of tears; which coming, as it were, from a little fountain, play over the surface of the eye, and wash away whatever is offensive. But to the action of this little hydraulic and mechanical apparatus there is required an exquisite sensibility to direct it--not that kind of sensibility which enables the eye to receive * See the Sensibility of the Retina, Appendix. SENSIBILITY OF THE EYE.' 125 the impressions of light—but a property more resem- bling the tenderness of the skin, yet happily adapted, by its fineness, to the condition of the organ. ' A nerve, possessed of a quality totally different from that of the optic nerve, extends over all the ex- terior surfaces of the eye, and gives to those surfaces their delicate sensibility. Now it sometimes hap- pens that this nerve is injured and its function lost; the consequences of which are very curious,-smoke and offensive particles, which are afloat in the atmos- phere, rest upon the eye: fies and dust lodge under the eyelids, without producing sensation, and with- out exciting either the hydraulic or the mechanical apparatus to act for the purpose of expelling them. But although they do not give pain, they neverthe- less stimulate the surfaces so as to produce inflamma- tion, and that causes opacity in the fine transparent membranes of the eye; and the organ is lost, al- though the proper nerve of vision remains entire. I have seen many instances of the eye being thus destroyed for want of sensibility to touch, * and it has been curious to remark that when the hand was waved or a feather brought near the eye, the person winked; yet he did not shut his eye on rubbing the finger across the eyeball, or when blood was removed by the lancet from the inflamed vessels. In those cases, when vision gave notice of danger to the or- gan, the patient winked to avoid it, but when the point touched the eye or eyelids, the sense of touch gave no alarm, and was followed by no action for the protection of the organ. I shall present another instance of the peculiar 'na- ture of the sensibility which protects the eye. The Oculist has observed that by the touch of a thing as light as a feather, the muscles of the eye will be thrown into uncontrollable actions and spasms ; but it the point of the finger be pressed somewhat rudely * They are stated at length in my papers in the Philosophical Transactions, and in the Appendix of my work on the Nervous System. , 11* 126 SENSIBILITY OF THE HEART. between the eyelids, and directly on the eye itself, he can by such means hold the eye steady for his intend- ed operation, producing hardly any sensation, certain- ly no pain! ' This is one of the little secrets of the art; the Ocu list turns out the eyelids, and fingers the eye, in a manner which appears, at once, rude and masterly. and still the wonder grows that he can do such things with so much dexterity as to inflict no pain, when by daily experience we know that even a grain of sand in the eye will torture us. The explanation is this: the eye and eyelids are possessed of a sensi- bility which is so adjusted as to excite the action of its protecting parts against such small particles as might lodge and inflame its fine membranes. But the apparatus is not capable of protecting the surface of the eye against the intrusion of a stick or a stone ; from such injuries it could not be defended by a deli. cate sensibility and involuntary action, but only by the effort of the will. In these details, we have new proofs of the minute relation which is established between the species of sensibility in an organ and the end to be attained through it. It will not be denied that but for the pain to which the eye is exposed, we should quickly lose the enjoyment of the sense of vision altogether, But we were about to institute a comparison of the eye with the heart. The observation of the admirable Harvey, the dis- coverer of the circulation of the blood, is to this effect. A noble youth of the family of Montgomery, - from a fall and consequent abscess on the side of the chest, had the interior marvellously exposed, so that after his cure, on his return from his travels, the heart and lungs were still visible and could be handled ; which when it was communicated to Charles I., he expressed a desire that Harvey should be permitted to see the youth and examine his heart. 6 When," says Harvey, “I had paid my respects to this young SENSIBILITIES OF EXTERNAL PARTS, &c. 127 “ nobleman, and conveyed to him the king's request, “ he made no concealment, but exposed the left side 56 of his breast, when I saw a cavity into which I 56 could introduce my fingers and thumb; astonished so with the novelty, again and again I explored the 6 wound, and first marvelling at the extraordinary 6 nature of the cure, I set about the examination of 66 the heart. Taking it in one hand, and placing the « finger of the other on the pulse of the wrist, i 66 satisfied myself that it was indeed the heart which 6 I grasped. I then brought him to the king that 66 he might behold and touch so extraordinary a thing, s and that he might perceive, as I did, that unless 66 when we touched the outer skin, or when he saw 56 our fingers in the cavity, this young nobleman $ knew not that we touched his heart !" Other ob- servations confirm this great authority, and the heart is declared insensible. And yet, the opinions of man- kind must not be lightly condemned. Not only does every emotion of the mind affect the heart, but every change in the condition of the body is attended with a corresponding change in the heart: motion during health--the influerice of disease-every passing thought will influence it. Here is the distinction inanifested. The sensibility of the surface of the eye is for a purpose, and so is the sensibility of the heart. Whilst that of the eye guards it against in- jury from without, the heart, insensible to touch, is yet alive to every variation in the circulation, subject to change from every alteration of posture or of exertion, and is in sympathy of the strictest kind with the constitutional powers.' . . When we consider these facts, we can no longer doubt that the sensibilities of the living frame are ap- propriate endowments; not qualities necessarily aris- ing from life ; still less the consequences of delicacy of texture. Nor can we, I should hope, longer doubt that they are suited to the condition, and especially to the degree of exposure of each part, and for its pro- 128 PLEASURABLE SENSATIONS COULD NOT tection. We perceive that the sensibilities vary in an extraordinary manner as they are given to exter- nal or to internal parts, as they belong to one appara- tus of action or to another, and they are ever adapted to excite some salutary or necessary action. We perceive no instance of pain being bestowed as a source of suffering or punishment purely, or without finding it overbalanced by great and essential advan- tages-without, in short, being forced to admit that no happier contrivance could be found for the pro- tection of the part. It is provided that the more an organ is exposed, and in proportion to its delicacy of organization—the more exquisitely contrived is the apparatus for its protection, and the more peremptory the call for the activity of that mechanism. The motive to action admits of no thought and no hesita- tion, and the action is more instantaneous than the quickest suggestion or impulse of the will. . We are speaking of the natural functions of the body. - It requires a deeper consideration, and is indeed fo- reign to my subject to speak of the pains which result from disease, or to reconcile those who suffer in an extraordinary degree to the dispensations of Provi- dence. But as a witness I may speak. It is my dai- ly duty to visit certain wards of the hospital, where there is no patient admitted but with that complaint which most fills the imagination with the idea of in- sufferable pain and certain death. Yet these wards are not the least remarkable for the composure and cheerfulness of their inmates. The individual who suffers has a mysterious counterbalance to that con- dition, which to us who look upon her, appears to be attended with no alleviating circumstance. .. It affords an instance of the boldness with which philosophers have questioned the ways of Providence, that they have asked-why were not all our actions performed at the suggestion of pleasure ? why should we be subject to pain at all? In answer to this I should say, in the first place, that consistently with HAVE BEEN THE MOTIVES TO ACTION. 129 our condition, our sensations and pleasures, there must be variety in the impressions ; such contrast and variety are common to every variety of sense ; and · the continuance of an impression on any one organ, occasions it to fade. If the eye continue to look steadfastly upon one object, the image is soon lost- if we continue to look on one colour, we become in- sensible to that colour, and opposite colours to each other are necessary for a perfect impression., So have we seen that in the insensibilities of the skin varia- tions are necessary to continued sensation. It is difficult to say what these philosophers would define as pleasure : but whatever exercise of the senses it should be, unless we are to suppose an entire change of our nature, its opposite is also implied. Nay, further, in this fanciful condition of existence, did anything of our present nature prevail, emotions purely of pleasure would lead to indolence, relaxation, and indifference. To what end should there be an apparatus to protect the eye, since plea- sure could never move us to its exercise ? Could the windpipe and the interior of the lungs be protected by a pleasurable sensation attended with the slow determination of the will instead of the rapid and powerful influence which the exquisite sensibility of the throat has upon the act of respiration, or those forcible yet regulated exertions, which nothing but the instinctive apprehension of death could excite? To suppose that we could be moved by the solici. tations of pleasure and have no experience of pain, would be to place us where injuries would meet us at every step and in every motion, and whether felt or not, would be destructive to life. To suppose that we are to move and act without experience o. resistance and of pain, is to suppose not only that man's nature is changed, but the whole of exterior nature also there must be nothing to bruise the body or hurt the eye, nothing noxious to be drawn in with the breath : in short, it is to imagine altogether 130 PAIN NECESSARY TO EXISTENCE. another state of existence, and the philosopher would be mortified were we to put this interpretation on his meaning. Pain is the necessary contrast to pleasure: it'ushers us into existence or consciousness : it alone is capable of exciting the organs into activity : it is the companion and the guardian of human life. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE SENSES GENERALLY, INTRODUCTORY TO I, THE SENSE OF TOUCH. · ALTHOUGH we are most familiar with the sensibili. ty of the skin, and believe that we perfectly under- stand the nature of the impressions upon it and the mode of their conveyance to the sensorium, yet there is a difficulty in comprehending the operations of all the organs of the senses--a difficulty not removed by the apparent simplicity of that of touch. ' There was a time when the enquirer was satisfied on finding that in the ear there was a little drum and a bone to play upon it, with an accompanying nerve. This was deemed a sufficient explanation of the organ of hearing. It was thought equally satisfacto- ry if in experimenting upon the eye, the image was seen painted at the bottom of it on the surface of the nerve. But although the impression be thus traced to the extremity of the nerve, still we comprehend nothing of the nature of that impression, or of the manner in which it is transmitted to the sensorium. To the most minute examination, the nerves, in all their course, and where they are expanded into the external organs of sense, seem the same in sub- stance and in structure. The disturbance of the extremity of the nerve, the vibrations upon it, or the images painted upon its surface, cannot be transmit- ted to the brain according to any physical laws that we are acquainted with. The impression on the nerve can have no resemblance to the ideas suggest- ed in the mind. All that we can say is, that the agitations of the perves of the outward senses are the ORIGIN OF IDEAS. 133 been my painful duty to attend on persons who have pretended blindness and that they could see with their fingers. But I have ever found that by a deviation from truth in the first instance, they have been en- tangled in a tissue of deceit; and have at last been forced into admissions which demonstrated their fol- ly and weak inventions. I have had pity for such patients when they have been the subjects of nervous disorders which have produced extraordinary sensi- bility in their organs such as a power of hearing much beyond our common experience; for it has at- tracted high interest and admiration, and has gradu- ally led them to pretend to powers greater than they actually possessed. In such cases it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of disease, from the pre- tended gifts which are boasted of. Experiment proves, what is suggested by Anatomy, that not only the organs are appropriated to particular classes of sensations, but that the nerves, intermediate between the brain and the outward organs, are re- spectively capable of receiving no other sensations but such as are adapted to their particular organs. Every impression on the nerve of the eye, or of the ear, or on the nerve of smelling, or of taste, excites only ideas of vision, of hearing, of smelling, or of tast- ing; not solely because the extremities of these nerves, individually, are suited to external impressions, but because the nerves are, through their whole course and wherever they are irritated, capable of exciting in the mind the idea to which they are appropriate, and no other. A blow, 'an impulse quite unlike that for which the organs of the senses are provided, will excite them all in their several ways; the eyes will flash fire, while there is noise in the ears. An officer received a musket-ball which went through the bones of his face---in describing his sensations, he said that · he felt as if there had been a flash of lightning, accom- panied with a sound like the shutting of the door of St. Paul's. 12 134 MORBID SENSATIONS. On this circumstance, of every nerve being appro- priated to its function, depend the false sensations which accompany the morbid irritation of them from internal causes, when there is in reality nothing pre- sented externally ;—such as flashes of light, ringing of the ears, and bitter taste or offensive smells. These sensations are caused, through the excitement of the respective nerves of sense, by derangement of some internal organ, and most frequently of the sto- mach. . But my chief object is to show that the most per- fect proof of power and of design, is to be found in this, that the perceptions or ideas arising in the mind, are in correspondence with the qualities of external matter; and that, although the manner in which the object presented to the outward sense and the idea of it are connected, must ever be beyond our comprehension, they are, notwithstanding, indis.lu- bly united ; and when the object is so presented to us, it is attended with the conviction of its real exis- tence-a conviction independent of reason and to be regarded as a first law of our nature. in The doctrine of vibrations acting on the nerve of vision, has had powerful advocates in our day. But it is quite at variance with anatomy, and assumes more than is usually granted to hypotheses. It requires that we shall imagine the existence of 'an ether; and that this fuid shall have laws unlike anything of which we have experience. It supposes a nervous fluid and tubes of fibres in the nerve, to receive and convey these vibrations. It supposes everywhere motion as the sole means of propagating sensation. These opinions have been formed on the miscon- ception that if a certain kind or degree of vibration be communicated to any nerve, this particular motion must be propagated to the sensorium, and a corres- ponding idea excited in the mind. For example, it is conceived that if the nerve of hearing were placed : ORGAN OF TOUCH. (37 all animals from the lowest to the highest in the chain of existence. .. While this sense is distinct from the others, it is the most important of all; since through it alone some animals possess the consciousness of existence; and to those that enjoy many organs of sense, that of touch, as we shall presently show, is necessary to the full developement of the powers of all the other organs. . OF THE ORGAN OF TOUCH.. Touch is that peculiar sensibility which gives the consciousness of the resistance of external matter, and makes us acquainted with the hardness, smoothness, roughness, size, and form of bodies. It enables us to distinguish what is external from what belongs to us; and while it informs us of the geometrical qualities of bodies, we must refer to this sense also our judgment of distance, of motion, of number, and of time.. Presuming that the sense of touch is exercised by means of a complex apparatus-by a combination of the consciousness of the action of the muscles with the sensibility of the proper nerves of touch, we shall, in the first place, examine in what respect the organiza- tion resembles that of the other senses. .. We have said before that, on the most minute ex- amination of the extremity of a nerve, no appropriate structure can be detected ; and that the nerves ex- panded on the organs of sense appear every where the same,soft, pulpy, prepared for impression, and so distributed that the impression shall reach them. What is termed the structure of the organs of sense, is that apparatus by which the external impression is conveyed inwards, and by which its force is concen- trated on the extremity of the nerve. The mechan- ism by which those external organs are suited to their offices, is highly interesting ; it serves to shew (in a way that is level to our comprehension, as most re- sembling things of human contrivance) the design 12* ORGAN OF TOUCH. 139 insensible covering ; it guards from contact the true vascular surface of the skin ; and in this manner, it often prevents the communication of infection. We are most familiar with it as that scarf skin which scales off after fevers, or by the use of the flesh-brush, or by the friction of the clothes ; for it is continually separating in thin scales, whilst it is as regularly formed anew by the vascular surface below. The condition of this covering is intimately connected with the organ of touch. The habit of considering things as produced accidentally, has induced some anato- mists to believe that the cuticle is formed by the har- dening of the true skin. The fact, however, that the cuticle is perfect in the new-born infant, and that even then it is thickest on the hands and feet, should have shewn that, like every thing in the animal struc- ture, it participates in the great design. ! The cuticle is the organ of touch in this respect, that it is the medium through which the external impression is conveyed to the nerves of touch ; and the manner in which this is accomplished is not with- out interest. The extremities of the fingers exhibit all the provisions for the exercise of this sense, The nails give support to the fingers; they are formed broad and shield-like,* in order to sustain the elastic cush- ion which forms their extremity; and the fulness and elasticity of the ends of the fingers adapt them admirably for touch. But on a nearer inspection, we see a more particular provision in the points of the fingers. Wherever the sense of feeling is most ex- quisite, there are minute spiral ridges of cuticle.- These ridges have, corresponding with them, de- pressed lines on the inner surface of the cuticle ; and these again give lodgement to a soft pulpy matter, - in which lie the extremities of the sentient nerves. There the nerves are sufficiently protected, while they are exposed to impressions through the elastic cuticle, * Unguis scutiformis. 140 ORGAN OF TOUCH. and thus give the sense of touch. The organization is simple, yet it is in strict analogy with the other organs of sense. Every one must have observed a tendency in the cuticle to become thickened and stronger by pressure and friction. If the pressure be partial and severe, the action of the true skin is too much excited, fluid is thrown out, and the cuticle is raised in a blister. If it be still partial, but more gradually applied, a corn is formed. If, however, the general surface of the palms or soles be exposed to pressure, the cuticle thickens, until it becomes a defence like a glove or a shoe. Now, what is most to be admired in this thick, ening of the cuticle is, that the sense of touch is not lost, or indeed diminished, certainly not at all in pro- portion to the protection afforded by the thickened skin. The thickened cuticle partakes of the structure of the hoofs of animals: and we shall now attend to the nature of the hoof, as the best possible illustration of the manner in which the sensibility of the skin is in a due degree preserved whilst the surface is guarded, The human nail is a continuation of the cuticle, and the hoof of an animal belongs to the same class of parts. In observing the manner in which the nerves enter the hoof, we have, in fact, a magnified view of that which exists, but is only more minute and delicate, in the fingers. We may take the horse's foot as the example. When the crust or hoof, which is insensible, is separated from the living part, we see small villi hanging from the vascular surface, and which have been withdrawn from the crust; looking to the inside of the crust, wé perceive the pores froin which these villi have been pulled. These processes of the living surface are not merely extremities of nerves ; they consist of the nerves and the necessary accompaniments of membrane and bloodvessels; on a very minute scale, For it must be remembered that nerves can perform no function unless supplied with blood, all qualities of life being supported through ORGAN OF TOUCH. 141 the circulating blood. These nerves, so prolonged into the hoof, receive the vibrations of that body. By this means the horse is sensible to the motion and pressure of its foot, or to its percussion against the ground ; and without this provision, there would be a certain imperfection in the limb. I In a former part of this treatise I have shewn by what curious mechanism the horse's foot is made yielding and elastic, for the purpose of bearing the percussion against the ground. But in made roads, and with the imperfections of shoeing, the pressure and concussion are too severe and too incessant ; so that the protecting sensibility of the foot is converted into a source of pain from the inflammation which arises, and the horse is thus “foundered.” There is à remedy for this condition in dividing the nerve ; the consequence of which operation is, that the horse, instead of moving with timid steps, puts out his feet freely, and the lameness iš cured. If, however, we were to receive the statement thus barely, the fact would militate against our conclusion that mechani- cal provision and sensibility go together, being equal- ly necessary to the perfection of the instrument. We must take into consideration this leading fact, that pressure against the sole and crust is necessary to the play of the foot and to its perfection. When this part becomes inflamed, the animal does not put its foot freely down, nor does it bear its weight upon the hoof so as to bring all the parts into action; hence con- traction is produced, the most common defect of the horse's. hoof. When the animal is relieved from pain by the division of the nerve, it uses the foot freely, and use restores all the natural actions of this fine piece of mechanism. It is obvious, however, that there is a certain defect; the horse has lost his natural protection, and must now be indebted to the care of his rider. It has not only lost the pain which should guard against over exertion, but the feeling of the ground, which is necessary to his being perfectly safe as a roadster. ORGAN OF TOUCH. 143 injected from its heart, the blush from the vermilion extends over its foot ; the foot, in these gasteropoda, being the whole lower flat surface on which the ani. mal creeps. This surface is also the organ of touch, by which it feels and directs its motions. It is on the same principle, if we may compare such things, that we explain the rosy-tipped fingers and the ruby lips, which imply fine sensibility combined with high vascularity. Having described the relation of the cuticle to the nerves of touch, we may take notice of another qua- lity, in its roughness, and of the advantages accruing from this. In the first place, as to the subserviency of this quality to feeling, we must be sensible that in touching a finely polished surface the organ iş but imperfectly exercised, as compared with its condition when we touch or grasp a rough and irregular body, Had the cuticle been finely polished on its surface it would have been but ill suited to touch : but, on the contrary, it has a very peculiar roughness which adapts it to feeling. A provision for friction, as op- posed to smoothness, is à necessary quality of some parts of the skin. The roughness of the cuticle has the advantage of giving us a firmer grasp, and a steadier footing. Nothing is so little apt to slip as the thickened cuticle of the hand or foot. In the hoofs of animals, as might be expected, this structure is further developed.. The chamois or goat steps securely on the ledges of rocks and at great heights, where it would seem impossible to cling. On the pads or cushions of the cat, the cuticle is rough and granular; and in the foot of the squirrel, indeed of all animals which climb, those pads covered with the peculiar texture of the cuticle, give security in de- scending, as their claws enable them to climb. In concluding this section, we perceive that the organ of touch consists of nerves appropriated to re- ceive the impressions of bodies capable of affording resistance. Fine filaments of those nerves, wrapt up 144 ORGAN OF TOUCH. in delicate membrane with their accompanying arte- ries and veins, project from the true skin into corres- ponding grooves or foramina of the cuticle. They are not absolutely in contact with the cuticle, but are surrounded with a semi-fluid matter. By this fluid and by the cuticle they are protected, at the same time that they are sensible to the pressure made on the surface, and to cutting, pricking, and heat.* But this capacity, we repeat, is not owing, strictly speaking, to any thing in the structure of the organ, but to the appropriation of the nerves to this class of sensations. * It is a curious confirmation of the fact, that the cutaneous nerve is adapted to receive impressions from the varieties of temperature, that when disease takes place in the centre of the trunk of a nerve, or when the nerve is surrounded with diseased parts, the sensation of burning accompanies the pain ; and the patient refers this to the part of the skin to which the extreme branch of the nerve is distributed. By a burning sensation in the sole of the foot, I have been directed to the disease seated in the centre of the thigh. CHAPTER IX. OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. Of the Sensibility of the Infant to Impressions, and the gradual improvement of the Sense of Touch. A NOTION prevails that the young of animals are directed by instinct, but that there is an exception in regard to the human offspring: that in the child we have to trace the gradual dawn and progressive improve- ment of reason. This is not quite true ; we doubt whether the body would ever be exercised under the influence of reason alone, and if it were not first di- rected by sensibility which are innate or instinctive. - The sensibilities and the motions of the lips and tongue are perfect from the beginning: and the dread of falling is shewn in the young infant long before it can have had experience of violence of any kind. The hand, which is to become the instrument for perfecting the other senses and developing the endow- ments of the mind itself, is in the infant absolutely pow- erless. Pain is poetically described as that power into whose “ iron grasp" we are consigned, to be introdu- ced to a material world ; now, although the infant is capable of an expression of pain, which cannot be mis- understood and is the same which accompanies all painful impressions during the whole life, yet it is un- conscious of the part of the body which suffers. We have again recourse to the surgeon's experience. There occur certain congenital imperfections which require an operation at this early stage of life ; but the infant makes no direct effort with its hand to repel the instrument, or to disturb the dressing, as it will at a period somewhat later. 13 146 OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. The lips and tongue are first exercised ; the next motion is to put the hand to the mouth, in order to suck it : and no sooner are the fingers capable of grasping, than whatever they hold is carried to the mouth. So that the sensibility to touch in the lips and tongue, and their motions, are the first inlets to knowledge ; and the use of the hand is a later ac- quirement. .. The knowledge of external bodies as distinguished from ourselves, cannot be acquired until the organs of touch in the hand have become familiar with our own limbs ; we cannot be supposed capable of exploring any thing by the motion of the hand, or of judging of the form or tangible qualities of an object pressed against the skin, before we have a knowledge of our own body as distinguished from things external to us. The first office of the hand, then, is to exercise the sensibility of the mouth : and the infant as certainly questions the reality of things by that test, as the dog does by its acute sense of smelling. In the infant, the sense of the lips and tongue is resigned only in favour of the sense of vision, when that sense has im- proved and offers a greater gratification, and a better means of judging of the qualities of bodies. The hand very slowly acquires the sense of touch, and many ineffectual efforts are seen in the arms and fingers of the child before the direction of objects or their distance is ascertained. Gradually the length of the arm, and the extent of its motions become the measure of distance, of form, of relation, and perhaps of time. · Next in importance to the sensibility of the mouth, we may contemplate that sense which is early exhi- bited in the infant,—the terror of falling. The nurse will tell us that the infant lies composed while she carries it in her arms up stairs; but that it is agitated in carrying it down. If an infant be laid upon the arms and dandled up and down, its body and limbs will be at rest, whilst it is raised; but they will strug- : 148 OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. ventured on this explanation from the commence- ment; much doubting, however, the correctness of my reasoning, from seeing that the great authorities on this subject made no account of the knowledge derived from the motions of our own frame. I called this consciousness of muscular exertion a sixth sense considering it as essential to the exercise of the sense of touch. I can now refer, in confirmation of this, view, to the works of philosophers who have been educated to medicine ; and to whom the necessity of the combination of the two faculties had suggested itself as it had to me.* Those distinctions were con- nected with my enquiries into the functions of the nervous system, and in some measure, directed them. The Abbé Nollet, after extolling the sense of touch as superior to all the other senses, and as deserving * See Dr. Brown's Lectures on Moral Philosophy. | It was this conviction--that we are sensible of the action of the muscles, which led me to the investigation of their nerves ; first, by anatomy, and then by experiment. I was finally enabled to show that the muscles had two classes of nerves that on exciting one of these, the muscle contracted ; that on exciting the other, no action took place. The nerve which had no power was found to be a nerve of sensation : and thus, it was proved that there is a nervous circle connecting the muscles with the brain : that one nerve is not capable of transmitting what is called the nervous spirits, in two different directions at one instant of time; but that for the regulation of the muscles, there is a nerve of sensibility to convey the nervous influence from the muscles towards the sensorium, as well as a nerve of action for conveying the mandate of the will to the muscles. In their dis- tribution through the body, the nerves which possess these two dis- tinct powers are wrapped up, or, as it were, woven together in the same sheath; and they present to the eye the appearance of one nerve. It was only by examining the nerves at their roots, that is, where they arise from different tracts of the brain and spinal mar: row, and before they have coalesced, that I suoceeded in demonstrat- ing their distinct functions. In the face, the nerve of motion passes by a circuitous course, apart from the nerve of sensation, to be dis- tributed in the muscles; and therefore the distinct characters of these nerves were more easily proved by experiment than in any other part of the body. See the Philosophical Transactions on the “Ner- vous Circle which connects the Voluntary Muscles with the Brain," and the “ Nervous System.” 4to. Longman, OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. 149 to be considered the genus under which the others. should be included as subordinate species, makes this remark—“ Besides, it has this advantage over them, 6 to be at the same time both active and passive ; for it 6 not only puts it in our power to judge of what makes “ an impression upon us, but likewise of what resists “ our impulsions." The mistake here lies in giving to the nerves of touch a property which must belong to the actions of muscles. So it is affirmed by phy- siologists, as I have already had occasion to state, that the sense of touch differs from the other senses by this circumstance that an effort is propagated towards it, as well as a sensation received from it. This confusion obviously arises from considering the muscular agency, which is directed by the will dur- ing the exercise of touch, as belonging to the nerve of touch properly. We proceed to show how the sense of motion and that of touch are necessarily combined. When a blind man, or a man with his eyes shut, stands upright, neither leaning upon, nor touching aught; by what means is it that he maintains the erect position ? The symmetry of his body is not the cause; the statue of the finest proportion must be soldered to its pedestal, or the wind will cast it down. How is it, then, that a man sustains the perpendicu- lar posture, or inclines in due degree towards the winds that blow upon him ? It is obvious that he has a sense by which he knows the inclination of his body, and that he has a ready aptitude to adjust it, and to correct any deviation from the perpendicular. What sense then is this ? for he touches nothing, and sees nothing; there is no organ of sense hitherto ob served which can serve him, or in any degree aid him. Is it not that sense which is exhibited so early in the infant, in the fear of falling? Is it not the full de. velopement of that property which was early shown in the struggle of the infant while it yet lay in the nurse's arms? It can only be by the adjustment of 13* 150 OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. . muscles that the limbs are stiffened, the body firmly balanced and kept erect. There is no other source of knowledge, but a sense of the degree of exertion in his muscular frame, by which a man can know the position of his body and limbs, while he has no point of vision to direct his efforts, or the contact of any ex- ternal body. In truth, we stand by so fine an exer. cise of this power, and the muscles are, from habit, directed with so much precision and with an effort so slight, that we do not know how we stand. But if we attempt to walk on a narrow ledge, or stand in a situation where we are in danger of falling, or rest on one foot, we become then subject to apprehension: the actions of the muscles are, as it were, magnified and demonstrative of the degree in which they are excited. We are sensible of the position of our limbs; we know that the arms hang by the sides ; or that they are raised and held out; although we touch nothing and see nothing. It must be a property internal to the frame by which we know this position of the members of our body : and what can this be but a consciousness of the degree of action and the adjust- ment of the muscles ? At one time, I entertained a doubt whether this proceeded from a knowledge of the condition of the muscles or from a consciousness of the degree of effort which was directed to them in volition. It was with a view to elucidate this, that I made the observations which terminated in the dis- covery that every muscle had two nerves-one for sensation, and one to convey the mandate of the will and direct its action. I had reasoned in this manner we awake with a knowledge of the position of our limbs : this cannot be from a récollection of the ac- tion which placed them where they are ; it must, therefore, be a consciousness of their present condition. When a person in these circumstances moves, he has a determined object; and he must be conscious of a previous condition before he can desire a change or direct a movement. OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. 151 After a limb has been removed by the surgeon, the person still feels pain, and heat, and cold in it. Urg- ing a patient to remove who has lost his limb, I have seen him catch at the limb to guard it, forgetful that it was removed ; and long after his loss, he experiences a sensation not only as if the limb remain- ed, but as if it were placed or hanging in a particular position or posture. I have asked a patient-"Where do you feel your arm now?" and he has said, “ I feel it as if it lay across my breast,” or that it is “ lying 6 by my side.” It seems also to change with the change of posture of the body. These are additional proofs of a muscular sense ; that there is an internal sensibility corresponding with the changing condition of the muscles; and that as the sensations of an organ of sense remain after the destruction of the outward organ, so here a deceptious sensibility to the condition of the muscles, as well as to the condition of the skin, is felt after the removal of the limb. By such arguments I have been in the habit of showing that we possess a muscular sense, and that without it we could have no guidance of the frame. We could not command our muscles in standing, far less in walking, leaping, or running, had we not a perception of the condition of the muscles previous to the exercise of the will. And as for the hand, it is not more the freedom of its action which constitutes its perfection, than the knowledge which we have of these motions, and our consequent ability to direct it with the utmost precision. The necessity for the combination of two distinct properties of the nervous system in the sense of touch becomes more obvious if we examine their operation in another but analogous organ : for example, in the palpa or tentacula of the lower animals. These ani. mals use those instruments to grope their way: and they consist of a rigid tube containing a pulpy mat- ter, in which there is a branch of nerve that possesses in an exquisite degree the sense of touch. Now when OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. 153 six feet. The zeus insidiator* has also the power of forming its mouth into a tube and squirting at flies so as to encumber their wings and bring them to the surface of the water. Whether led to admire the wonderful power of instinct in these inferior crea- tures, or the property acquired by our own eye, we must acknowledge a compound operation. The impression of odours on the nerve of smelling is exactly what some would have us to believe the effect of light is on the nerve of vision ; and yet, that impression on the nerve of vision is sufficient, in their opinion, to inform us of all that we know through the eye. Now of the direction and distance from which odours come, we are quite ignorant, until by turning the head and directing the nostrils, and moving this way and that, we make comparison, and discover on which side the smell is strongest on the · sense. We can judge of the direction of sounds without turning the head, because the strength of vibration is unequal on the two sides of the head, and a comparison is made of the two impressions. But when a person is deaf of one ear the operation is difficult; he is often mistaken as to the direction of sounds, and he has more necessity to turn the head and to compare the position of the tube of the ear with the strength of the impressions. Accordingly, in mixed company, where there are many speakers, he appears positively deaf, from the impossibility of distinguishing minutely the direction of sounds. The last proof of the necessity of the combination of the muscular sense with the sense of contact will be conclusive. The following is not a solitary in- stance : A mother while nursing her infant was seized with * Belonging to another genus of the same Order. . | In these instances a difficulty will readily occur to the reader; how does the fish judge of position, since the rays of light are refract- ed at the surface of the water ? Does instinct enable it to do this, or is it by experience ? 154 OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. a paralysis, attended by the loss of power on one side of her body, and the loss of sensibility on the other side. The surprising, and, indeed, the alarming cir- cumstance here was, that she could hold her child to her bosom with the arm which possessed muscular power, but only as long as she looked at the infant. If surrounding objects withdrew her attention from the state of her arm, the flexor muscles gradually relaxed and the child was in danger of falling. The details of the case do not belong to our present en- quiry ; but we see here, first, that there are two pro- perties in the arm ; which is shown by the loss of the one and the continuance of the other; secondly, that these properties exist through different conditions of the nervous system; and, thirdly, we perceive how ineffectual to the exercise of the limbs is the continuance of the muscular power, without the sensibility which should accompany and direct it. The property in the 'hand of ascertaining the dis- tance, the size, the weight, the form, the hardness and softness, the roughness or smoothness of objects results from the combined perception-through the sensibility of the proper organ of touch and the mo- tion of the arm, hand, and fingers. But the motion of the fingers is especially necessary to the sense of touch; they bend, extend, or expand, moving in all directions like palpa, with the advantage of embrac- ing the object, and feeling it on all its surfaces; sen- sible to its solidity and to its resistance when grasped ; moving round it and gliding over its surface, and, therefore, feeling every asperity.. THE PLEASURES ARISING FROM THE MUSCULAR SENSE. The exercise of the muscular frame is the source of much of the knowledge which is usually supposed to be obtained through the organs of sense ; and to this source, also, we must trace some of our chief enjoy- ments. We may, indeed, affirm that it is benevolently 156 OF THE MUSCULAR SENSE. his steps will fall into a measure, in his common walk. A boy striking the railing in mere wantonness, will do it with a regular succession of blows. This disposi- tion of the muscular frame to put itself into motion - with an accordance to time is the source of much that is pleasing in music, and aids the effect of melody. There is thus established the closest connection be- tween the enioyments of the sense of hearing and the exercise of the muscular sense. * * To learn how much the enjoyment of the sense of vision belongs to motion, see the “ Additional Illustrations," at the end of the volume. CHAPTER X. THE HAND NOT THE SOURCE OF INGENUITY OR CON- . TRIVANCE, NOR CONSEQUENTLY OF MAN'S SUPE- RIORITY. Seeing the perfection of the hand, we can hardly be surprised that some philosophers should have en- tertained the opinion with Anaxagoras, that the supe- riority of man is owing to his hand. We have seen that the system of bones, muscles, and nerves of this extremity is suited to every form and condition of. ver- tebrated animals ; and we must confess that it is in the human hand that we have the consummation of all perfection as an instrument. This, we perceive, consists in its power, which is a combination of strength with variety and extent of motion; we see it in the forms, relations, and sensibility of the fingers and thumb; in the provisions for holding, pulling, spin- ning, weaving, and constructing ; properties which may be found in other animals, but which are com- bined to form this more perfect instrument. In these provisions the instrument corresponds with the superior mental capacities, the hand being capa- ble of executing whatever man's ingenuity suggests. Nevertheless, the possession of the ready instru. ment is not the cause of the superiority of man, nor is its aptness the measure of his attainments. So that we rather say with Galen--that man had hands given to him because he was the wisest creature, than ascribe his superiority and knowledge to the use of his hands. * * Ita quidem sapientissimum animalium est homo; ita autem et manus sunt organa sapienti animali convenientia. Non enim quia 14 158 THE HAND NOT THE This question has arisen from observing the perfect correspondence between the propensities of animals and their forms and outward organization. When we see a heron standing by the water side, still as a grey stone, and hardly distinguishable from it, we may ascribe this habit to the acquired use of its feet, constructed for wading, and to its long bill and flex. ible neck; for the neck and bill are as much suited to its wants as the lister is to the fisherman. But there is nothing in the configuration of the black bear particularly adapted to catch fish; yet he will sit on his hiņder extremities by the side of a stream, in the morning or evening, like a practised fisher; there he will watch, so motionless as to deceive the eye of the Indian, who mistakes him for the burnt trunk of a tree ; and with his fore paw he will seize a fish with incredible celerity. The exterior organ is not, in this instance, the cause of the habit or of the propensity; and if we see the animal in posses- sion of the instinct without the appropriate organ, we can the more readily believe that, in other exam- ples, the habit exists with the instrument, although not through it. The canine teeth are not given without the carni- vorous appetite, nor is the necessity of living by car- nage joined to a timid disposition; but boldness and fierceness, as well as cunning, belong to the animal with retractile claws and sharp teeth, and which prey on living animals.* On the other hand, the timid vegetable feeder has not his propensities produced by manus habuit propterea est sapientissimum, ut Anaxagoras dicebat : sed quia sapientissimum erat, propter hoc manus habuit, ut rectissime censuit Aristoteles. Non enim manus ipsæ homines artes docuerunt, sed ratio. Manus autem ipsæ sunt artium organa: sicut lyra, mu- sici, et forceps, fabri. * In some of the quadrumana, the canine teeth are as long and sharp as those of the tiger-but they are in them only instruments of defence, and have no relation to the appetite, or mode of diges- tion, or internal organization. SOURCE OF INGENUITY. 159 the erect ears and prominent eyes ; though his dis- position corresponds with them in his suspicious- ness and timidity. The boldness of the bison or buffalo may be as great as that of the lion ; but the impulse is different—there is a direction given to him bv instinct to strike with his horns : and he will so push whether he has horns or not. “The young calf will “butt against you before he has horns," says Galen :: and the Scotch song has it “ the putting cow is ay a doddy,” that is, the humble cow (inermis), al- though wanting horns, is always the most mischiev- ous. When that noble animal, the Brahmin bull, of the Zoological Gardens, first put his hoof on the sod and smelt the fresh grass after his voyage,-placid and easily managed before, he became excited, plung- ed, and struck his horns into the earth, and ploughed up the ground on alternate sides, with a very remark- able precision. This was his dangerous play; just as the dog, in his gambols, worries and fights : or the cat, though pleased, puts out its claws. It would, indeed, be strange, where all else is perfect, if the instinctive character or disposition of the animal were at vari- ance with its arms or instruments. But the idea may still be entertained that the acci- dental use of the organ may conduce to its more frequent exercise and to the production of a corres- ponding disposition. Such an hypothesis would not explain the facts. The late Sir Joseph Banks, in his evening conversations, told us that he had seen, what many perhaps have seen, a chicken catch at a fly whilst the shell stuck to its tail. Sir Humphry Davy relates that a friend of his having discovered under the burning sand of Ceylon, the eggs of the alligator, he had the curiosity to break one of them; when a young alligator came forth, perfect in its motions and in its passions; for although hatched under the in- fluence of the sunbeams in the burning sand, it made towards the water, its proper element : when hinder- ed, it assumed a threatening aspect and bit the stick 160 INSTINCT OF THE YOUNG ANIMAL. presented to it. As propensities to certain motions are implanted in animals, to which their external organs are subservient, so are passions given as the means of defence or of obtaining food. But this has been well said seventeen hundred years ago. 6 Take," says Galen, “three eggs, one of an eagle, another 6 of a goose, and a third of a viper; and place them " favourably for hatching. When the shells are 6 broken, the eaglet and the gosling will attempt to “fly; while the young of the viper will coil and twist “ along the ground. If the experiment be protracted “to a later period, the eagle will soar to the highest “ regions of the air, the goose betake itself to the “marshy pool, and the viper will bury itself in the “ground." When we direct the enquiry to the comparison of man's faculties with his outward organization, the subject has increased interest. With the possession of an instrument like the hand there must be a great part of the organization, which strictly belongs to it, concealed. The hand is not a thing appended, or put on, like an additional movement in a watch ; but a thousand intricate relations must be established throughout the body in connection with it -such as nerves of motion and nerves of sensation : and there must be an original part of the composition of the brain, which shall have relation to these new parts, before they can be put in activity. But even with all this superadded organization the hand would lie inactive, unless there were created a propensity to put it into operation. I have. been asked by men of the first education and talents whether any thing really deficient had been discovered'in the organs of the orang-outang to prevent him from speaking! The reader will give me leave to place this matter correctly before him. In speaking, there is first required a certain force of expired air, or an action of the muscles of respiration; in the second place, the vocal chords in the top of 162 THE INGENUITY OF THE HAND guish and admire, then are its features in action; its voice begins to be modified into a variety of sounds ; these are taken up and repeated by the nurse, and already a sort of convention is established between them. We cannot, therefore, doubt that a propensity is created in correspondence with the outward organs, and without which they would be useless appendages. The aptness of the instrument or external organ will undoubtedly improve the faculty, just as we find that giving freedom to the expression of passion adds force to the emotion in the mind. . One cannot but reflect here on that grand revolu- , tion which took place when language, till then limite ed to its proper organ, had its representation in the work of the hand. Now that a man of mean estate can have a library of more intrinsic value than that of Cicero, when the sentiments of past ages are as familiar as those of the present, and the knowledge of different empires is transmitted and common to all, we cannot expect to have our sages followed, as of old, by their five thousand scholars. Nations will not now record their acts by building pyramids, nor consecrate temples and raise statues, once the only means of perpetuating great deeds or extraordinary virtues. It is in vain that our artists complain that patronage is withheld : for the ingenuity of the hand has at length subdued the arts of design--printing has made all other records barbarous, and great men build for themselves a " livelong monument." Buffon has attempted to convey to us the mode in which knowledge may have been acquired by watch- ing (in fancy) the newly awakened senses in the first created Man; but, for that which is consistent and splendid in our great poet—who makes him raise his wondering eyes to Heaven and spring up by quick instinctive motion as “thitherward endeavouring,” he substitutes a bad combination of philosophy with eloquence. HAS MADE A REVOLUTION IN THE ARTS. 163 “To place the subject more distinctly before us,” says Buffon, “the first created man shall speak for “himself;" and the sentence which he is made to utter is to the effect," that he remembers the moment “ of his creation that time, so full of joy and trouble, “when he first looked round on the verdant lawns and “crystal fountains, and saw the vault of Heaven over “his head ;"—and he proceeds to declare, “that he "knew not what he was or whence he came, and be- "lieved that all he saw was part of himself.” He is thus represented to be conscious of objects, which even to see implies experience, and to enjoy, sup- poses a thousand disagreeable associations already formed :—but from this blissful state he is awakened - by striking his head against a palm tree, which he - had not yet learned could hurt him! . Men are diffident of their first notions, and con- ceive that philosophy must lead to something very different from what they haýe been early taught: hence the absurdity of this combination of philosophy and poetry. Later writers have argued that we have no right to suppose that there has been, at any time, an interruption to the course of 'nature. What they term the uniformity of nature, is the prevalence of the same laws which are now in operation. If, say they, it happened that on the arrival of a colony in a new country, fruits were produced spontaneously around them, and flowers sprung up under their feet, then, we might suppose that our first parents were placed in a scene of beauty and profusion-suited to their helpless condition and unlike what we see now in the course of nature. . It is not very wise to entertain the subject at all, but if it is to be argued, this is starting altogether wide of the question. We do not desire to know how a tribe migrating westward could find sustenance, but in what state man could be created to live without a deviation from what is called the course of nature. If man had been formed helpless as an infant, he 164 CHANGES IN THE GLOBE . must have perished ; and if mature in body, he must have been created with faculties suited to his condi- tion. A human being, pure from the Maker's hands, with desires and passions implanted in him, adapted to his state, and with a suitable theatre of existence, implies something very near what we have been ear- ly taught to believe. In every change which the globe has 'undergone, we see an established relation between the animal created, and the elements around it. It is idle to sup- pose this a matter of chance. Either the structure and functions of the animal must have been formed to correspond with the condition of the elements, or. the elements must have been controlled to minister.' to the necessities of the animal ; and if the most care- . ful investigation lead us to this conclusion, in con- templating all the inferior gradations of animal exis- tence, what is it that makes us so unwilling to ad- mit such an influence in the last grand work of creation ? We cannot resist those proofs of a beginning, or of design prevailing everywhere, or of a First Cause. When we are bold enough to extend our inquiries in- to the great revolutions which have taken place, whether in the condition of the earth or in the struc- ture of the animals which have inhabited it, our no- tions of the uniformity of the course of nature must suffer some modification. Changes must, at certain epochs, have been wrought, and new beings brought into existence different from the order of things previ- ously existing, or now existing: and such interference is not contrary to the great scheme of creation. It is not contrary to that scheme, but only to our present state. For the most wise and benevolent purposes, a conviction is implanted in our nature that we should rely on the course of events, as permanent and neces- sary. We belong to a certain epoch ; and it is when our ambitious thoughts carry us beyond our natural condition, that we feel how much our faculties are AND SUCCESSIVE EPOCHS. 165 constrained, and our conceptions, as well as our lan- guage, imperfect. We must either abandon these speculations altogether, or cease to argue purely from our present situation. It has been made manifest that man and the animals inhabiting the earth have been created with reference to the magnitude of the globe itself;—that their living endowments bear à relation to their state of exis- tence and to the elements around them. We have learnt that the system of animal bodies is simple and universal, notwithstanding the amazing diversity of forms that meet the eye-and that this system not only, embraces all living creatures, but that it has been in operation at periods of great antiquity, before the last revolution of the earth's surface had been accom- plished.. The most obvious appearances and the labours of the geologist give us reason to believe that the earth has not always been in the state in which it is now presented to us. Every substance which we see is compound; we nowhere obtain the elements of things: the most solid materials of the globe are formed of decompounded and reunited parts. Changes have been wrought on the general surface, and the proofs of these changes are as distinct as the furrows on a field are indicative that the plough has passed over it. The deeper parts of the crust of the earth and the animal remains imbedded, also give proofs of revolu- tions : and that in the course of these revolutions there have been long periods or epochs. In short, progres. sive changes, from the lowest to the highest state of existence, of organization and of enjoyment, point to the great truth that there was a beginning. When the geologist sees a succession of stratified rocks---the lowest simple, or perhaps chemical ; the strata above these, compound; and successively others more conglomerated, or more distinctly composed of the fragments of the former-it is not easy to contra- 166 COMPARISON OF SOME PARTS OF THE dict the hypothesis of an eternal succession of causes. But there is nothing like this in the animal body, the material is the same in all, the general design too is the same: but each family, as it is created, is sub- mitted to such new and fundamental arrangements in its construction as implies the presence of the hand of the Creator There is nothing in the inspection of the species of animals, which countenances the notion of a return of the world to any former condition. When we ac- knowledge that animals have been created in suc- cession and with an increasing complexity of parts, we are not to be understood as admitting that there is here proof of a growing maturity of power, or an increasing effort in the Creator; and for this very plain reason, which we have stated, that the bestow- ing of life or the union of the vital principle with the material body, is the manifestation of a power supe- rior to that displayed in the formation of an organ or the combination of many organs, or construction of the most complex mechanism. It is not, therefore, a greater power that we see in operation, but a power manifesting itself in the perfect and successive adap- tation of one thing to another-of vitality and organi- zation to inorganic matter. In contemplating the chain of animal creation, we observe that even now, there are parts of the earth's surface which are marshy, and insalubrious, and that these are the places inhabited by amphibious and web-footed animals,-such as are suited to the oozy margins of swamps, lakes or estuaries. It is most in- teresting to find that when the remains of animals of similar construction, are found in the solid rocks, the geologist discovers by other signs that at the period of the formation of these rocks, the surface was flat, and that it produced such plants as imply a similar state of the earth to these swampy and unhealthy regions.. We mark changes in the earth's surface, and ob- ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS. - ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS. THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOLID STRUC- TURE OF THE ANIMAL BODY CONSIDERED. I YIELD to the suggestion of friends in further pur- suing the subject of the solid textures of the animal frame, with the proofs of design which are exhibited in its mechanical provisions. It has been shown in the first chapter that solidity and gravity are qualities necessary to every inhabitant of the earth : the first to protect it; the second, that the animal may stand, and possess that resistance, which shall make the muscles available for action. The first material to be taken notice of, which be- stows this necessary firmness on the animal textures, is the cellular substance. This consists of delicate mem- branes, which form cells; these cells communicate with each other, and the tissue thus composed enters. every where into the structure of the animal frame. It constitutes the principal part of the medusa, which floats like a bubble on the water; and it is found in every texture of the human body. It forms the most delicate coats of the eye, and gives toughness and firmness to the skin. It is twisted into ligaments, and knits the strongest bones ; it is the medium be- tween bone, muscle, and blood-vessel : it produces à certain firmness and union of the various component parts of the body while it admits of their easy motion. Without it, we should be rigid, notwithstanding the proper organs for motion; and the cavities could not be distended or contracted, nor could the vessels pulsate. But this cellular texture is not sufficient on all oc- casions, either for giving strength or protection: nor 172 ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS does it serve to sustain the weight, unless the animal live suspended in water, or creep upon the ground. We see, therefore, the necessity for some harder and more resisting material being added, if the weight is to rest on points or extremities”; or if the muscular activity is to be concentrated. Nature has other means of supplying the fulcrum and lever, besides the bones, or true skeleton, which we have been examining in the first part of this vo- . lume: and perhaps we shall find that there may be a system of solid parts superior to what we have been studying in the vertebrata. The larvæ of proper insects and the annelides have no exterior members for walking or flying: but to enable them to creep, they must have points of re- sistance, or their muscles would be useless. Their skins suffice; they are hardened by a deposit within them for this purpose ; but if this skin were not fur- ther provided, it would be rigid and unyielding, and be no substitute for bone. These hardened integu- ments are, therefore, divided into rings ; to these the muscles are attached ; and as the cellular membrane between the rings is pliant, these annelides can creep and turn in every direction. Without further argument, we perceive how the skin, by having a hard matter deposited in it, is adap- ted to all the purposes of the skeleton. It is worthy of notice that some animals, still lower in the scale, the tubipores, sertularia, cellularia, &c., exhibit some- thing like a skeleton. They are contained within a strong case from which they can extend themselves : whilst the corals and madrepores, on the other hand, have a central axis of hard material, the soft animal substance being, in a manner, seated upon it. But these substitutes for the skeleton are, like shell, foreign to the living animal; although in office they may resemble bone in sustaining the softer substance and giving form. In the proper insect I should say that there is a nearer approach to a skeleton, did it not appear that OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES. 173 the apparatus is more perfect than in some of the ani- mals which have a true skeleton. The resisting ma- terial is here deposited externally, and is converted to every purpose which we have seen attained by means of the skeleton. Distinct members are formed, with the power of walking, leaping, flying, holding, spin- ning, and weaving. The hardened integuments, thus articulated and performing the office of bones, have, like them, spines and processes : with this dif- ference, that their aspect is towards the centre, instead of projecting exteriorly. Were we to compare the system of “ resisting parts" in man and in the insect, we should be forced to acknowledge the mechanical provisions to be superior in the lower animal ! The first advantage of the skeleton (as we may be permit- ted to call the system of hard parts in the insect) be- ing external and lifeless, is, that it is capable of hav- ing greater hardness and strength bestowed upon it, according to the necessities of the animal, than can be bestowed upon bone : true bone being internal and growing with the animal, is penetrated with blood vessels; and therefore must be porous and soft. The next advantage is mechanical. The hard material is strong to resist fracture, and to bear the action of mus- cles, in proportion to its distance from the centre : for the muscles in the insect, instead of surrounding the bones, as in the higher animals, are contained within the shell, and the shell is, consequently, so much the further thrown off from the axis. When considering the larger vertebral animals, we had reason to say that there is a correspondence be- tween the resistance of the bones and the power of the muscles, and we may indulge the same reflection here. As the integument covering the insect is much harder than bone, so are the muscles stronger, com- pared with the muscles of the vertebrata. From the time of Socrates, comparisons have been made between the strength of the horse and of the insect; to the obvious superiority of the latter. 15* 176 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ing a certain swing and elasticity. It lately happen- ed that a bridge of this kind fell in very curious cir- cumstances,--by the marching of a body of soldiers over it. Now the bridge was calculated to sustain a greater weight than this body of men: and had they walked tumultuously over it, it would have with- stood the pressure : but the soldiers marching to time, accumulated a motion, aided by the elasticity of the material, which broke it down. This leads us to form a conception of the necessity of the fine adjust- ment of the material in the animal fabric; not mere. ly to enable it to sustain the incumbent weight, or transverse or oblique impulses, but to withstand the frequent, and regularly repeated forces to which it may be subject in the various actions of the body. It gives interest to this fact, that there is hardly a bone but what has a constitution of its own, adjusted to its place and use : the heel bone, the shin bone, the ver- tebræ, and the bones of the head, differ in mechani. cal, construction.. But the consideration of these adaptations in the constitution of the bones makes some general remarks necessary. Perfect security against accidents in the animal body, and in man especially, is not consistent with the scheme of nature. Without the precautions and the continued calls to exertion, for safety, which danger and the uncertainty of life produce, many of the fa- culties of the mind would remain unexercised; and whence else would come courage, resolution, and all the manly virtues ? Take away the influence of the uncertain duration of life, and we must suppose also a change in the whole moral constitution of man. Whether we consider the bones as formed to protect the part, as in the skull ; or to be levers to which the muscles are attached, as in the limbs : or in both capacities, as in the texture of the chest : while they are perfectly adapted to their function, they are yet subject to derangements. from accident. The me- chanical adaptations which we have to observe are MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BONE. 177 perfectly sufficient to their ends, and afford safety in the natural exercises of the body. To these exer- cises there is an intuitive impulse, ordered with a re- lation to the frame of the body; whilst, on the other hand, we are deterred from the excessive or dangerous use of the limbs by the admonitions of pain. Without such considerations, the reader would fall into the mistake that weakness and liability to frac- ture implied imperfection in the frame of the body: whereas a deeper contemplation of the subject will convince him of the incomparable perfection both of the plan and of the execution. The body is intended to be subject to derangement and accident, and to be- come, in the course of life, more and more fragile, until by some failure in the frame-work or vital ac- tions, life terminates. The bones of the extremities are called hollow cylinders. Now, after we have convinced ourselves of the necessity of this formation, we find these bones, upon a more particular examination, extremely varied in their shapes; and we are, at last, prone to believe that there is much of chance or irregularity in their shapes; but such a conception is quite inconsistent with a correct knowledge of the skeleton. As this notion, however, is very commonly entertained and leads to further mistakes, we shall take pains to show,-first, why the bones are hollow ; and, in the second place, why they vary in their shape, so as to appear to the superficial observer irregular. The reasoning that applies to the hollow cylindrical bone serves equally to explain many other natural forms, as that of a quill, a reed, or a straw. The last example reminds us of the unfortunate man who was drawn from his cell before the Inquisition, and accu- sed of having denied that there was a God; when pick- ing up a straw that had stuck to his garments, he said, “ If there were nothing else in nature to teach 6 me the existence of a Deity, this straw would be 6 sufficient.” It hardly requires demonstration to MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BONE. 181 With regard to the articulation of the bones, we cannot mistake the reason of the surfaces of contact being enlarged. In machinery it is found that, if the pressure be the same, the extension of the sur- faces in contact does not increase the friction. If, for example, a stone or a piece of timber, of the shape of a book or a brick, should be laid upon á flat surface, it would be drawn across it with equal facility, whe- ther it rested upon its edge or upon its side. The fric- tion of the bones which enter into the knee joint is not increased by their greater diameter : while great advantages are gained; the ligaments which knit these bones give more strength than they otherwise would, and the tendons which run over them, being removed to a distance from the centre, have more power. THE MUSCULAR AND ELASTIC FORCES. The muscular power is contrasted with the elastic, as possessing a living property of motion. We acqui- esce in the distinction, since the muscular fibre ceases to have irritability or power in death, while elasticity continues in the dead part. But yet there is a pro- perty of elasticity in the living body which cannot be retained after death. To illustrate this we shall take the instance of the catgut string of a harp. Suppose that the string is screwed tight, so as to vibrate in a “strong enough to bear a proportioned increase of weight: granite “ must be placed in its stead; and even the granite would not be capable of sustaining four times the weight which the soft stone bore in the first instance. In the same way the stones which form an arch, of a large span, must be of the hardest granite, or their own weight would crush them. The same principle is applicable "l to the bones of animals. The material of bone is too soft to admit " an indefinite increase of weight; and it is another illustration of “ what was before stated, that there is a relation established through " all nature : that the very animals which move upon the surface of “ the earth are proportioned to ils magnitude, and the gravitation to “ its centre."-Animal Mechanics. 16 182 OF ELASTIC PARTS. given time, and to sound the note correctly; if that string be struck rudely, it is put out of tune; that is, it is stretched and somewhat relaxed, and no longer vibrates in time. This does not take place in the living fibre : for here there is a property of restoration. If we see the tuner screwing up the harp string, and with difficulty, and after repeated attempts, bringing it to its due tension,-trying it with the tuning fork, and with his utmost acquired skill restoring it to its former elasticity, we have a demonstration of how much life is performing in the fibres of the animal frame, after every effort or exertion; and the more powerful the mechanical parts of the body are, the more carefully is the proper tension of the tendons, ligaments, and heart-cords preserved. Or we may take the example of a steel spring. A piece of steel, heated to a white heat, and plunged into cold water, acquires certain properties; and if heated again to 500 of Fahrenheit, it is very elastic; possessing what is called a “spring temper," so that it will recoil and vibrate. But if this spring be bent in a degree too much, it will lose part of its elasticity. Should the parts of the living body, on the other hand, be thus used, they have a power of restoration which the steel has not. If a piece of fine mechanism be made perfect by the workman, it may be laid by and preserved; but it is very different with the animal body. The me- chanical properties of the living frame, like the endow- ments of the mind, must not lie idle, or they will suf- fed deterioration. If, by some misfortune, a limb be put out of use, not only is the power of the muscles rapidly diminished, which every one will acknow- ledge, but the property of resistance is destroyed; and bones, and tendons, and ligaments quickly degene- rate. * This subject is illustrated in the Essay on Animal Mechanics, Part II. A COMPARISON OF THE EYE WITH THE HAND. IF we are in search of an object which shall excite the highest interest, and at the same time afford proofs of design in the most delicate of all the organs of the body, we naturally turn to the eye: and this organ suits our present purpose the better, that we have to show how much of the sense of vision de- pends on the hand, and how strict the analogy is between the two organs. From the time of Sir Henry Wotton to the latest writer on light, the eye has been a subject of admi- ration and eulogy. But I have ventured, on a former occasion,* to say, that this admiration is misplaced, while it is given to the ball of the eye and the optic nerve exclusively ; since the high endowments of this organ belong to the exercise of the whole eye, to its exterior apparatus, as much as to its humours and the proper nerve of vision. It is to the muscu- lar apparatus, and to the conclusions which we are enabled to draw from the consciousness of muscular effort, that we owe that sense by which we become familiar with the form, magnitude, and relations of objects. One might as well imagine that he under- stood the effect and uses of a theodolite, on estimat- ing the optical powers of the glasses, without looking to the quadrant, level, or plumb-line, as suppose that he had learnt the whole powers of the eye by con fining his study to the naked ball. : We must begin our observations by a minute atten- tion to the structure and sensibility of the retina. The retina is the internal coat of the eye ; it consists of a delicate, pulpy, nervous matter, which is con- tained between two menibranes of extreme fineness, and these membranes both support it and give to its * See Philosophical Transactions, 184 COMPARISON OF THE EYE surfaces a mathematical correctness. The matter of the nerve, as well as these supporting membranes, are perfectly transparent, during life; and on the axis of the eye, there is a small portion which remains transparent, when the rest of the membrane becomes opaque, and which has been mistaken for a foramen, * or hole in the 'retina. It is surprising, that with all the industry whieh has been employed to demonstrate the structure of the eye, it is only in the present day that a most essential part of the retina has been dis- covered the membrane of Mr. Jacob. From ob- serving the phenomena of vision, and especially the extreme minuteness of the image cast upon the reti- na, I had conceived that the whole nerve was not the seat of vision, but only one or other of its surfaces. This could not be well illustrated until the exterior membrane of the retina was demonstrated. But now we see that this membrane, when floated in water and under a magnifying glass, is of extreme tenuity, and its smooth surface is well calculated to correspond with the exterior surface of that layer of nervous matter which is the seat of the sense. The term retina would imply that the nerve con- stitutes a net-work : and the expressions of some of our first modern authorities would induce us to be- lieve that they view it in this light, as corresponding with their hypothesis. But there is no fibrous tex- ture in the matter of the nerve; although, when the retina is floated and torn with the point of a needle, the innermost of the membranes which support the nerve, the tunica vasculosa retina, presents something of this appearance. ' Vision is not excited by light unless the rays pene- trate through the transparent retina and reach the exterior surface from within. It is well known, that if we press upon the eye- ball with a key or the end of a pencil-case, zones of * It is this part which is called the foramer of Soemmerring. 186 COMPARISON OF THE EYE organ of vision, but the exterior surface of it only In the extremity of the optic nerve there is, of course, no posterior surface; and, indeed, nothing can better prove the distinct office of the nerve as contrasted with the expanded retina, than this circumstance, that when the strongest ray of light strikes into the nerve itself, the impression is not received. It seems to imply, that the capacity of receiving the impres- sion, and of conveying it to the sensorium, are two distinct functions. Is not this opinion more consistent with the phe- nomena than what is expressed by one of our first philosophers, that the nerve, at its extremity towards the eye, forms what has been called the punctum coe- cum, and is insensible, because it is not yet divided into those almost infinitely minute fibres which are fine enough to be thrown into tremors by the rays of light. Independently of this punctum cæcum, we have to observe that the whole surface of the retina is not equally sensible to light. There is a small spot, op- posite to the pupil and in the axis of the eye, which is more peculiarly sensible to visual impressions. An attempt has been made to ascertain the diameter of this spot; and it is said, that a ray at an angle of five degrees from the optic axis, strikes exterior to this sensible part. But we shall, on the contrary, see reason to conclude, that the sensible spot is not limit. ed to an exact circle, that it is not regularly defined, and that the sensibility, in fact, is increasing to the very centre. Some have denied the existence of this extreme sensibility in the centre of the retina, attributing the distinctness of the vision to the circumstance of the light being made to converge through the influence of the humours, more correctly to this point. I shall, therefore, show how impossible vision would be, were it not that the sensibility of the retina increases gradu, ally from its utmost circumference to the point which forms the axis of the eye. 188 COMPARISON OF THE EYE cise of the organ; and to this may be attributed the high perfections of it. This faculty of searching for the object is slowly acquired in the child : and, in truth, the motions of the eye are made perfect, like those of the hand by slow degrees. In both organs there is a compound operation :-the impression on the nerve of sense is accompanied with an effort of the will, to accommo- date the muscular action to it. It is no contradiction to this, that the faculty of vision is made perfect in the young of some animals from the beginning ; no more than the instinct of the duck, when it runs to the water the moment that the shell is broken, con- tradicts the fact that the child learns to stand and walk after a thousand repeated efforts. Let us now see how essential this searching motion of the eye is to vision. On coming into a room, we see the whole side of it at once--the mirror, the pic- tures, the cornice, the chairs; but we are deceived : being unconscious of the motions of the eye, and that each object is rapidly, but successively, presented to it. It is easy to show, that if the eye were steady, vision would be quickly lost': that all these objects, which are distinct and brilliant, are so from the motion of the eye : that they would disappear if it were other- wise. For example, let us fix the eye on one point, a thing difficult to do, owing to the very disposition to motion in the eye : but by repeated attempts we may at length acquire the power of fixing the eye to a point; and when we have done so, we shall find, that the whole scene becomes more and more obscure, and finally vanishes. Let us fix the eye on the cor- ner of the frame of the principal picture in the room. At first, every thing around it is distinct; in a very little time, however, the impression becomes weaker objects appear dim, and then the eye has an almost incontrollable desire to wander; if this be resisted, the impressions of the figures in the picture first fade : for a time, we see the gilded frame : but this also WITH THE HAND. 189 becomes dim. When we have thus far ascertained the fact, we change the direction of the eye, but ever so little, and at once the whole scene is again perfect before us. . These phenomena are consequent upon the retina being subject to exhaustion. When a coloured ray of light impinges continuously on the same part of the retina, it becomess less sensible to it, but more sensible to a ray of the opposite colour. When the eye is fixed upon a point, the lights, shades, and colours of objects continuing to strike upon the same relative parts of the retina, the nerve is exhausted : but when the eye shifts, there is a new exercise of the nerve : the part of the retina that was opposed to the lights, is now opposed to the shades, and what was opposed to the different colours is now opposed to other colours, and the variation in the exciting cause produces a renewed sensation. From this it appears, how essential the incessant searching mo- tion of the eye is to the continued exercise of the organ. Before dismissing this subject, we may give ano- ther instance. If we are looking upon an extensive prospect, and have the eye caught by an object at a distance, or when, in expectation of a friend, we see a figure advancing on the distant road, and we en- deavour to scrutinize the object, fixing the eye in- tently upon it, it disappears; in our disappointment. we rub the eyes, cast them about, look again, and once more we see the object. The reason of this is very obvious: the retina is exhausted, but becomes recruited by looking on the other objects of different shades and colours. The sportsman on the moor or the hill side, feels this a hundred times when he marks down his covey, fixing his eye and travelling towards the spot. Here we may interrupt our inquiry to observe how inconsistent these phenomena are with the favourite hypothesis-that light produces vision by exciting 190 COMPARISON OF THE EYE vibration in the fibres of the nerve. By all the laws of motion from which this hypothesis is borrowed, we know that if a body be set in motion, it is easily kept in motion; and that if a cord vibrate, that vi. bration will be kept up by a motion in the same time. It appears to me natural to suppose, that if these fibres of the nerve (which, be it remembered, are also imaginary) were moved like the cords of a musical instrument, they would be most easily con- tinued in motion by undulations in the same time : that if the red ray oscillated or vibrated in a certain pro- portion of time, it would keep the fibres of the nerve in action more easily, than a green ray, which vi- brates in a different time. If the colour of a ray depended upon the peculiar undulation or vibration, it appears that before the green ray could produce a motion corresponding with itself, it must encounter a certain opposition, in interrupting the motion already begun.* * "Although any kind of impulse or motions regulated by any “ law may be transferred from molecule to molecule in an elastic “ medium, yet in the theory of light it is supposed that only such “ primary impulses, as recur according to regular periodical laws “at equal intervals of time and repeated many times in succession, “ can affect our organs with the sensation of light. To put in motion “the molecules of the nerves of our retina with sufficient efficacy, “it is necessary that the almost infinitely minute impulse of the " adjacent ethereal molecules should be often and regularly repeated, “ so as to multiply and concentrate their effect. Thus, as a great “ pendulum may be set in swing by a very minute forcè, often ap- “plied at intervals exactly equal to its time of oscillation, or as one “elastic body can be set in vibration, by the vibration of another at “ a distance propagated through the air, if in exact unison, even so " we may conceive the gross fibres of the nerves of the retina to be thrown into motion by the continual repetition of the ethereal pulses ; and such only will be thus agitated, as from their size, shape or elasticity, are susceptible of vibrating in times exactly equal to those at which the impulses are repeated. Thus it is easy " to conceive how the limits of visible colour may be established : for “ if there be no nervous fibres in unison with vibrations more or less “ frequent than certain limits, such vibrations, though they reach the “ retina, will produce no sensation. Thus, too, a single impulse, or "an irregularly repeated one, produces no light. And thus also “ may the vibrations excited in the retina continue a sensible time af- WITH THE HAND. 191 Reverting to the sensible spot in the retina, it does not appear that we are authorized in terming it a spot. The same law governs vision when we look to a fine point of a needle, or to an object in an exten- sive landscape. We look to the point of a pen, and we can rest the attention on the point upon the one side of the slit, to the exclusion of the other, just as we can select and intently survey a house or a tree. If the sensible spot were regularly defined, it must be very small : and were it, indeed, so defined, we should be sensible of it; which we are not. The law, therefore, seems to be, at all times, that the nearer to the centre of the eye, the greater the sen- sibility to impression; and this holds whether we are looking abroad in the country, or are microscopically intent upon objects of great minuteness. When men deny the fine muscular adaptation of the eye to the sensation on the retina, how do they account for the obvious fact—that the eye-ball does move in such just degrees ? how is the one eye ad- justed to the other with such marvellous precision? and how do the eyes move together in pursuit of an object, never failing to accompany it correctly, be it the flight of a bird, or the course of a tennis-ball, or even of a bomb-shell? Is it not an irresistible conclusion—that if we so follow an object, adjusting the muscles of the eye so as to present the axis of vision successively to it, as it changes place, we must be sensible of these motions ? for how can we direct the muscles unless we be sensible to their action ? The question then comes, to be—whether being sensible to the condition of the muscles, and being capable of directing them with this extraordinary minuteness, this action of the « ter the exciting cause has ceased, prolonging the sensation of ligh “ (especially if a vivid one) for an instant in the cye in the manner * described.” Sir W. Herschell, Art. Light. Enc. Met. Now it does appear to me that this reasoning is inconsistent with the phenomena above noticed. 192 COMPARISON OF THE EYE muscles does not enter into our computation of the place of an object ? But is not this exactly the same question recurring as when we asked-whether we can direct the hand without knowing where the hand is ? Must there not be a feeling or knowledge of the position of the hand, before we can give it direction to an object ? And must we not have a conception of the relation of the muscles and of the position of the axis of the eye, before we can alter its direction to fix it upon a new object? . It surprises me to find ingenious men refusing their assent to the opinion, that the operation of the mus- cles of the eye is necessary to perfect vision, when the gradual acquisition of the power may be seen in observ- ing the awakening sense in the infant. When a bright object is withdrawn from the infant's eye, there is a blank expression in the features ;, and an excitement when the object is again presented. For a time, the shifting of the object is not attended with the search- ing action of the eye: but, by, and bye, the eye fol- lows it and looks around for it, when it is lost. In this gradual acquisition of power in the eye, there is an exact parallel to the acquisition of motion in the hand ; and in both instances, we seek to join the expe- rience obtained by means of the muscular motion with the impression on the proper nerve of sense.. Some maintain that our idea of the position of an object is implanted in the mind and independent of experience. We must acknowledge the possibility of this, had it been so provided. We see the young of some creatures with their vision thus perfect at the moment of their birth. But in these animals, every corresponding faculty is, in the same manner, perfect from the beginning : the dropped foal, or the lamb, rises and follows its mother. We must no more com- pare the helpless human offspring with the young of these animals than with a fly, the existence of which is limited to an hour at noon,which breaking from its confinement, knows its mate and deposits its eggs on 194 COMPARISON OF THE EYE the visible impression on the nerve with the motion, its direction, and its extent. We find even mathematicians affirming that we judge of the direction of an object by the ray that falls upon the retina. But the ray which is here spoken · of strikes a mere point of the retina : this point can have no direction ; the obliquity of the incidence of the ray can inform us of nothing : rays of all degrees of obliquity are converging to form that point. And do not the same mathematicians give us, in the first lessons of their science, as the definition of a line, that which is drawn through two points at the least ? Where are the two points here to indicate the direc- tion of the line,--since the cornea, or the humours of the eye,* are not sensible to the passage of the ray ? Or is this an error which has crept in from inaccurate conceptions of the anatomy ? Has the idea that the direction of the ray can afford this knowledge, arisen from the notion that the ray passes through the thick and turbid matter of the retina ? I would ask for what reason is the “finder” attached to the great telescope ? is it not because the larger instrument from magnify- ing one object in a high degree, cannot be directed in the heavens, the observer seeing nothing but that one object ? Accordingly to remedy this, there is mounted on the greater telescope a smaller one, ex- actly parallel, of lesser Power, but commanding a greater field : this finder, the astronomer directs to the constellation and moves from star to star, until that which he desires to examine is in the centre of the field : and by this means he adjusts the larger telescope to his object. Is this not a correct illustra- tion of the operation of the eye ? is the eye not im- perfectly exercised when it sees but one point-on the other hand, is it not in the full performance of its function when it moves from one object to the other, * See a paper by Mr. Alexander Shaw, who has explained this subject very happily --Journal of the Royal Institution, 1832. WITH THE HAND. 197 finest organ of sense, which so largely contributes to the developement of the powers of the mind, would lie unexercised. THE MOTION OF THE EYE CONSIDERED IN REGARD TO THE EFFECT OF SHADE AND COLOUR IN A PIC- TURE, A QUESTION naturally arises whether it be possible, from this part of philosophy, to suggest some princi- ples for the amateur and painter. The ideas and lan- guage of the amateur, when he attempts to establish rules for the disposition of colours or shades in a pic- ture, are certainly very vague. We have to remark, in the first place, that the co- lours of nature, and those of objects when represented in a painting, differ in most essential circumstances. Bodies of various colours, when placed together, have their colours reflected from the one to the other ; and so they are sent to the eye. This is one mode in which the hues of nature are harmonized; but the colours upon the flat surface of the canvass cannot be thus reflected and mingled. The next difference re- sults from the atmosphere, through which the rays from distant objects proceed to the eye and are soften- ed; the canvass being near the eye, the effect which the atmosphere produces on colours amounts to no- thing in the picture. The third mode in which co- lours are affected, is common to natural objects and to paintings, and is connected with the law of vision which we have been considering, and to which we must now revert. When we make experiments by looking upon co- loured spots, the effect on the sensibility of the retina is remarkable ; and as this does not occur incidentally, but takes place, more or less, whenever we exercise the eye, it must have its influence when we look to works of art. - The familiar fact which we have to carry with us into this enquiry, is, that if we throw a 17*. 198 COMPARISON OF THE EYE silver coin upon a dark table, and fix the eye upon the centre of it, when we remove the coin there is, for a moment, a white spot in its place, which presently be- comes deep black. If we put a red wafer upon a sheet of paper, and look upon it, and continue to keep the eye fixed on the same point, upon removing the wafer, the spot where it lay on the white paper will appear green. If we look upon a green wafer in the same manner and remove it, the spot will be red ; if upon blue or indigo, the paper will appear yellow. These phenomena are to be explained by considering that the nerve is exhausted by the continuance of the im- pression, and becomes more apt to receive sensation from an opposite colour. All the colours of the prism come into the eye from the surface of the paper when the wafer has been removed; but if the nerve has been exhausted by the incidence of the red rays upon it, it will be insensible to these red rays when they are thus reflected from the paper ; the effect of the rays of an opposite kind will be increased, and consequently the spot will be no longer white, but of the prevailing green colour. Let us see how the loss of sensibility produces an effect in engraving, where there is no colour, and only light and shade. .. Is it possible that a high tower, in a cloudless sky, can be less illuminated at the top than at the bottom ? Yet if we turn to a book of engravings, where an old steeple or tower is represented standing up against the clear sky, we shall find that all the higher part is dark, and that the effect is picturesque and pleasing. Now this is perfectly correct, for although the highest part of the tower be in the brightest illumination, it is not seen somit never appears so to the eye. The reason is, that when we look to the steeple, a great part of the retina is opposed to the light of the sky; and on shifting the eye to look at the particular parts of the steeple, the reflected light from that object falls upon the retina, where it is exhausted by the 202 COMPARISON OF THE EYE the flesh be, as the painter terms it, “too warm," it may be made “cold" by rendering the eye insensi- ble to the red and yellow rays, and more than usually susceptible of the blue and purple rays. Every co- loured ray from the flesh is transmitted to the eye ; but if the eye has moved to it from a yellow or crimson drapery, then the rays of that kind will be, for the moment, lost to the vision, and the colour of the flesh will appear less warm, in consequence of the preva- lence of the opposite rays of colour. It ought to be unsatisfactory to the philosophical student to make use of a term without knowing its full meaning. There has been a great deal said about contrast and harmony in painting, as resulting from certain colours placed together—the idea being that we see these colours at the same time—whereas, the effect, of whích we are all sensible, results from alter- nately looking at the one and at the other. The subject might be pleasantly pursued, but I mean only to vindicate the importance of the motions of the eye to our enjoyment, whether of the colours of art or of nature. There is another subject of some interest, namely, the effect produced upon the retina when the eye is intentiy fixed upon an object, and is not permit- ted to wander from point to point. This touches the chiaroscuro of painting ; which is not merely the managing of the lights and shadows, but the presery- ing of the parts of a scene subordinate to the principal object. There is something umpleasant and imper- fect, even to the least experienced eye, in a picture in which every thing is made out-the drapery of every figure, the carving or ornament of every object minute- ly represented; for these things were never so seen in nature. The true picture, on the other hand, is effec- tíve, and felt to be natural, when the eye is at once led to dwell on that principal group, or principal figure, with which it is the artist's intention to occupy the imagination. By fine mastery of his art, and by in- sensible degrees, the painter keeps down the parts WITH THE HAND. 203 which are removed from the centre; and thus he represents the scene as when we look intently upon an object-seeing that which is near the axis of the eye distinctly—the other objects, as it were, retreating or rising out less and less distinctly, in proportion as they recede from the centre. In the one instance, the artist paints a panorama, where we turn round and have presented before the eye the several divisions of the circle, in each of which the objects are equally distinct; in the other, he paints a picture representing things, not as when the eye wanders from the one part to the other, but where it is fixed with higher interest upon some central object, while the others fall off subordinately. Looking to our main argument, the proofs of bene- ficence in the capacities of the living frame, we revert naturally to the pleasures received through this double property of the eye--motion and sensibility; and whilst we perceive that the varieties of light and shade are necessary to vision, we find that the coloured rays are also, by variety, suited to the higher exercise of this sense. They do not all equally illuminate objects, nor are they all equally agreeable to the eye. The yellow, pale green, or Isabella colours, illuminate in the highest degree, and are the most agreeable to the sense; and we cannot but observe, on looking out on the face of nature, that they are the prevailing co- lours.* The red ray illuminates the least, but it irri. tates the most; and it is this variety in the influence of these rays upon the nerve that continues its exer- cise, and adds so much to our enjoyment. We have pleasure from the succession and contrast of colours, independently of that higher gratification which the mind enjoys through the influence of association. * The astronomer selects a glass for his telescope, which refracts the pale yellow light in the greatest proportion, because it illuminates in the highest degree and irritates the least. , ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE CONCLUDING CHAPTER. I have sometimes thought it possible, that a great- ly extended survey of nature may humble too much our conceptions of ourselves; and that this requires to be corrected by the study of things more minute, and in which we are more directly concerned: by dwel- ling on the perfection of the frame of the animal body and the marvellous endowments of the living proper- ties. When we have formed some estimate of the immensity of the heavenly bodies, we are struck with admiration in following the successive advance- ment made in the science :--an improvement in the curves of the glasses of the telescope, a new mode of polishing the reflecting surfaces, a change in the chemical composition of the glasses, or a more per- fect adjustment of their dispersive powers-is follow- ed by the discovery of circle beyond circle of worlds interminably.. We fan the imagination and labour to comprehend the immensity of the creation, and fall back with the impression of the littleness of all that belongs to us: our lives seem but a point of time, compared with the astronomical and geological periods, and we ourselves as atoms, driven about, amidst unceasing changes of the material world. . But it has been shown, that whether we take the animal body as a single machine, or embrace in the survey the successive creation of animals, conforming always to the improving condition of the earth, there is nothing like chance or irregularity in the composi- tion of the system. In proportion indeed as we com- prehend the principles of mechanics, or of hydraulics, THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS, IN EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS INCIDENTALLY USED IN THE VOLUME. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM is arranged in four Divisions : · Division I. Vertebral Animals : so called from their possessing a ver- tebral column or spine. Division II. Molluscous Animals : such as shell-fish, which are of a soft structure, and without a skeleton. Etym, mollis, soft. Division III. Articulated Animals : like the worm or insect: they are without a skeleton, but their skins or coverings are divided and jointed. Etym. Articulus, dim. a joint. Division IV. Zoophytes : animals believed to be composed very nearly of a homogeneous pulp, which is moveable and sensible, and resembles the form of a plant. Etym. Zwov, zoon, a living creature; putov, phyton, a plant. DIVISION I. · 'The division of vertebral animals is composed of four Classes : viz., 1. Mammalia, animals which suckle their young. Etym. mamma, a teat. 2. Aves. Etym, avis, a bird. 3. Reptilia, animals that crawl. Etym. from a part of the word repo, to creep. 4. Pisces. Etym. piscis, a fish. The first Class Mammalia, is divided into Orders, which are subdivided into Genera, and these are further divided into Species. Wo present the principal Orders with familiar examples. Bimana, man. Etym. bis, double ; manus, hand. 18* 210 APPENDIX. Quadrumana. Etym. quatuor, four; manus, hand. Monkeys, ma- kis or lemurs (Etym. lemures, ghosts.) The loris tardigradus (tar- dus, slow ; gradior, to walk) is a species of lemur. Cheiroptera. Etym. Xelp, cheir, the hand ; Ttepov, pteron, a wing. The Bats. Insectivora. Etym. insecta, insects ; voro, to eat. Hedge-hog ; shrew mole. Plantigrade. Etym. planta, the sole of the foot ; gradior, to walk. Bear ; racoon. Digitigrade. Etym. digitus, the toe, or finger; gradior, to walk. Lion; wolf; dog; weasel. Amphibia. Etym. apoi, amphi, both ; Bros, bios, life Walrus ; seal. Marsupialia. Etym. marsupium, a pouch. Kangaroo ; opossum. Rodentia. Etym. rodo, to gnaw. Squirrel ; beaver ; rat; hare. Edentata. Etym. edentulus, toothless : animals without the front teeth. Ai; unau ; armadillo; ant-eater; tamandua; megatherium (ueya, mega, great; Jeplov, therion, a wild beast); megalonyx (ueyası megas, great; ovuš, onyx, a claw); ornithorhynchus (opvidos ; ornis thos, of a bird ; Quixos, rhynchos, a beak.) Pachydermata. Etym. Taxus, pachys, thick ; depua, derma, skin, Rhinoceros, elephant; mammoth: mastodon (uaotos, mastos, a nipple ; odwv, odon, a tooth) ; tapir ; horse ; couagga. Ruminantia. Etym. ruminatio, chewing the cud. Camel; giraffe; deer ; goat; cow; sheep. Cetacea. Etym. cetus, a whale. Dolphin; whale; dugong. SECOND Class. Aves, or Birds. Accipitres. Etym. accipiter, a hawk. Vulture ; eagle ; owl. Passeres. Etym. passer, a sparrow. Lark; thrush; swallow ; crow, wren. Scansores. Etym. scando, to climb. Parrot; wood-pecker; toucan. Gallinæ. Etym. gallina, a hen. Peacock ; pheasant; pigeon. Grallæ. Etym. grallæ, stilts. Ostrich; stork; ibis ; flamingo. Palmipedes. Etym. palma, the palm of the hand; pes, foot. Swan; pelican ; gull. THIRD Class. Reptiles. Chelonia. Etpm. xelus, chelys, a tortoise. Tortoise ; turtle. Sauria. Etym. gavpa, saura, a lizard. Crocodile ; alligator, chame- leon; dragon ; pterdoctyle (Trepov, pteron, a wing: daktudos, dacty- . APPENDIX. 211 lus, a finger); ichthyosaurus (exOvs, ichthys, a fish ; oavpa, saura, a lizard); plesiosaurus (1) coloy, plesion, near to; oavpa, saura, a repo tile); megalasaurus (ueyann, megale, great; oavpa, saur a, a reptile); iguanadon. Ophidia. Etym. opis, ophis, a serpent. Boa; viper. Batrachia. Etym. Batpaxos, batrachos, a frog. Frog; salamander proteus, Fourth Class. Fishes. Chondroplerygii. Etym. Xovdpos, chondros, gristle; atspuš, pterys, the ray of a fin. Ray; sturgeon; shark ; lamprey; ammocete (appos, ammos, sand ; KNTOS, cetos, a fish.) Plectognathi. Etym, adekw, pleco, to join; yvabos, gnathos, the jaw. Sun-fish ; trunk-fish. Lophobranchi. Etym. dopos, lophos, a loop; Bpayxia, branchia, the gills. Pipe-fish ; pegasus. Melacopterygii. Etym. yalakos, malakos, soft ; #TEPVĚ, pteryx, the ray of a fin. Salmon ; trout; cod; herring; remora. Acanthopterygii. Etym. akavba, acantha, a thorn ; Trepuš, pteryx, the ray of a fin. Perch ; sword-fish ; mackarel ; lophius piscatorius (nopia, lophia, a pennant ; piscator, a fisher) ; chætodon rostratus (xaite, chæte, hair ; odwv, odon, a tooth ; rostratus, beaked); zeus ci- liaris (cilium, an eye-lash.) DIVISION II. MOLLUSCOUS ANIMALS. Ist Class. Cephalopoda. Etym. Kepads, cephale, the head; roda, poda, the feet. Animals which have their organs of motion arranged round their head. This Class includes Sepia, or Cuttle-fish. Argonauts (Apyw, the ship Argo, vavrns, nautes, a sailor). Nautilus, (vavrns, nautes, a sailor.) Ammonite, an extinct Cephalopode which inhabited a shell resembling that of the Nautilus ; coiled like the horns of a ram or of the statues of Jupiter Ammon; whence the name. Belemnites: also extinct the shell is long, straight, and conical (BeNeuvov, belemnon, a dart). Nummulites : likewise extinct. Whole chains of rocks are formed of its shells. The pyramids of Egypt are built of these rocks, (nummus, a coin). 2nd Class. Pteropoda. Etym. Trepov, pteron, a wing ; moda, poda, feet ; having fins or processes resembling wings on each side of the mouth. 212 APPENDIX. The Clio Borealis, which abounds in the North Seas, and is the prin- cipal food of the whale. 3rd Class. Gasteropoda. Etym. yaotne, gaster, the stomach ; voda, poda, the feet. Animals which move by means of a fleshy apparatus placed under the belly. The snail ; slug; limpet. 4th Class. Acephala. Etym. a, a, without ; kepalm, cephale, the head. Molluscous animals without a head. The oyster; muscle. 5th Class. Brachiopoda. Etym. Bpaxlov, brachion, the arm; moda, poda, the feet. Animals which move by means of processes like arms. Lingula ; terebratula. 6th Class. Cirrhopoda. Etym. cirrus, a lock or tuft of hair ; noda, poda, the feet. Balanus ; barnacle · anatifera, (anas, a duck, fero, to bring forth.) DIVISION III. ARTICULATA. 1st Class. Annelides, or Vermes. Etym. Annellus, a little ring ; vermia, a worm. Leech; sea-mouse ; earth-worm ; sand-worm ; tubicolæ, (tubus, a tube, colo, to inhabit); worms which cover themselves by means of a slimy secretion that exudes from their surfaces, with a case of small shells and pebbles, like the caddis-worm, or with sand and mud. 2nd Class. Crustacea. Animals which have a shelly crust, covering their bodies. The crabs; shrimps; lobsters. 3rd Class. Arachnida. Etym. apaxvus, arachnes, a spider. Spiders; aranea scenica, or saltica; the leaping spider ; the scorpion spider ; the mite. 4th Class. Insecta. They are divided into insects which are without wings and those which have them: and these are further subdivided accord- ng to the peculiarities of the wings. Aptera (a, a, without ; atepov, pteron, a wing.) Centipede (having a hundred feet); louse ; fea. Coleoptera (Kodeos, coleos, a sheath or scabbard, arepov, a wing), insects which have their wings protected by a cover, as the beetle, corn- weevil. Orthoptera (opbos, orthos, straight, rrepov), as the locust, grass-hopper. Hemiptera (plov, hemisu, half, *Tepov), insects which have one half of their wings thick and coriaceous, and the other