id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt umn.31951000946266u Butterick Publishing Company. The dressmaker : a complete book on all matters connected with sewing and dressmaking from the simplest stitches to the cutting, making, altering, mending and caring for the clothes 1916 .txt text/plain 30024 2348 87 Diagonal Bastings are slanting stitches used in dressmaking to secure the outside material to its lining, particularly The facing is cut to fit the outline of the lower edge and applied as a false hem, as Method of Finishing Skirt without the facing over and stitch directly on the edge; figures out of pasteboard and working over them, is to baste a piece of canvas or crinoline on the wrong side of the material, and work right through it, cutting the edges of the facing three inches wide, stitching the upper edge of the facing flat to the lining. Place a piece of lining material inside each armhole, turn in the armhole edges threeeighths of an inch and fell them to it. Pin the edges of the slash (Fig. 190 A), remove the lining, baste in the alteration, and outside of each front or back, stitch a seamed edge, and turn the facing over toward the ./cache/umn.31951000946266u.pdf ./txt/umn.31951000946266u.txt