BULLETIN OF THE Winthrop Normal and Industrial College OF South Carolina Bulletin No. 2 DECEMBER, 1908 Volume 2 ... ;-..." it SEwing BY MRS. BESSIE WEBB BIRDSALL MISS LORA BERTHA ABLE 1908 The R. L. Bryan Company, Printers Columbia, S. C. 5. Ulotg N any course in sewing, the funda- mental stitches and operations should be given first. These may be exemplified on small pieces of unbleached cloth, sewed with colored thread; and should include hems, patches, darns, buttonholes, and so forth. This, how- ever. should be only by way of introduction. If work is confined to the small model, it soon grows tiresome, and, therefore, as soon as practicable, finished articles should be made. Sewing bags, towels, aprons, flannel skirts and sets of undergarments will naturally follow: and will be found to arouse interest, develop taste and contribute to social efficiency. d Stitching g n ti S a. C r e V . ninĀ£ n u : : ' : | : tl : : : : : : a. it W : inin Stn : nR ; E. d a French Gathers b Band f Hemstitching c Bound Hem g Cut-out Corner d Faced Hem e French Hem h Mitered Corner | | "* Dress Darning Straight Darn Thre C C Orn ered Darn Bias Darn Darn for Worn Spot One should darn with same color as stocking to be darned. Never use knots. Darning should be as smooth as possible. ' A very thin net may be used to darn over, as it makes work much easier. Always have edges drawn well together; and, if necessary, baste on stiff paper, to hold in place while darning is being done. Darn with thread the same color and about the same size of thread of garment. A lengthwise thread of same material, if practicable. Avoid using silk thread on wool or cotton; the gloss of silk makes the darned place more notice- able. In darning, always go under and over edges alternately, thus holding them smoothly together, and not allowing them to lap. If tear is straight across or lengthwise, just darn across the tear, being sure to extend the stitches far enough out to take in all worn parts. Darn just as in straight darn, except at corner, where the stitches should be in shape of opened fan. When the tear is across both warp and woof threads, it should be darned with vertical stitches, going directly with grain of goods and not on line of tear. All of these darns are done on right side, with no extra material placed under them. Place patch under hole matching grain of goods or pattern. Darn with vertical stitches, through both thicknesses of cloth. Page Eighteen