. . 0-.:.,:.._v l .P'-,‘l_ x . 1. ‘1 ‘. . . . . .1 0:,,., . 1 11 lr..'.{.:l(~ . . _ . _v u _‘ - v_ .-> _< ..It _ . T0(,I<\H<1$‘ ?|<;-2-’ . 10 Thrift Clothing Child’s Underskirt Age 4 to 5 Years (Fig. 2) Material Made from woolen stockings. Dirrctio ns Cut off worn feet of six stockings. Slit each up the back seam, sew the six flattened out stockings together making the top of the hose the bottom of the skirt. This is already hemmed. Hem placket. Put on a band or finish for drawstring. May be made from four stockings if a large size. Wool Drawers (Fig. 4) Cut from the firmest part of the old garment. Use fell seams—half back stitch, lay flat and hem. Do not sew on machine as it cuts the material. Make continuous placket of muslin. 1 Finish legs with hem or with blanket stitch or crocheted edge. Face top with muslin strip or with a muslin band. 12 Thrift Clothing . Baby Nightdress (Fig. 3) Make a kimona slip of flannelette or flannel from men’s shirts. Open half way down front. Face one side and use extension piece for button side. French seam. Finish neck with bias facing of same. Finish sleeve and bottom with one inch hem. Run tape in bottom of hem that it may be drawn up for warmth. Sewing Aprons (Fig. Sa) These aprons may be made from the good portions of muslin sheets, men’s shirts, women’s cotton dress skirts. Infant’s Boots - Size 4 to 8 months. (Fig. 5 ) Material Made from tops of long kid gloves. Bootees similar to these sell for 75 cents in the stores. INFANTS BOOT) . 20 Thrift Clothing . Direetio ns Cast on 48 stitches on each of 3 needles, join. Knit 1, purl 1 etc. continue for 5 inches. Knit plain for 1!”; inches. Knit 7 stitches, knit 8 and 9 together etc. Knit plain 7 rows. _ Knit 6 stitches, knit 7 and 8 together etc. Knit plain 6 rows. Knit 5 stitches,knit 6 and 7 together etc. Knit plain 5 rows. Knit 4 stitches, knit 5 and 6 together etc. Knit plain 4 rows. Knit 3 stitches, knit 4 and 5 together‘ etc. Knit plain 3 rows. Knit 2 stitches, knit 3 and 4 together etc. Knit plain 2 rows. _ l Knit 1 stitch, knit 2 and 3 together etc. Knit plain 1 row. Knit 1 and 2 together etc. Bind off by slipping end ofyarn through remaining stitches, fasten. Wristlets (Fig. ll ) Double Wearing, Easy to Slip On. Conservation of Time Money and Wool. M aterial: One half hank of yarn 1/3 lb. Four Red Cross needles No. 1 or four needles Standard Gauge No. 3