The declaration of Captain James Hind (close prisoner in New-gate) and his acknowledgment, protestation, and full confession at his examination before the Councel of State, on the 10. of this instant Novemb. 1651. Together with a perfect narrative, (written by his advice) of all his strange proceedings and travels; setting forth the great difficulties and dangers he escaped in severall countreyes, upon his adventuring to the King of Scots at Sterling. With his letter to the said King; and his resolution to suffer any kind of death, rather then to impeach or betray any man. Hind, James, d. 1652. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A86363 of text R5367 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E646_4). Textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. The text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with MorphAdorner. The annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). Textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. This text has not been fully proofread Approx. 12 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. EarlyPrint Project Evanston,IL, Notre Dame, IN, St. Louis, MO 2017 A86363 Wing H2051 Thomason E646_4 ESTC R5367 99872842 99872842 165991 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A86363) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 165991) Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 99:E646[4]) The declaration of Captain James Hind (close prisoner in New-gate) and his acknowledgment, protestation, and full confession at his examination before the Councel of State, on the 10. of this instant Novemb. 1651. Together with a perfect narrative, (written by his advice) of all his strange proceedings and travels; setting forth the great difficulties and dangers he escaped in severall countreyes, upon his adventuring to the King of Scots at Sterling. With his letter to the said King; and his resolution to suffer any kind of death, rather then to impeach or betray any man. Hind, James, d. 1652. [2], 6 p. Printed for G. Horton, London : 1651. The title page has a pasted-on engraved portrait. Annotation on Thomason copy: "Nou: 18". Reproduction of the original in the British Library. eng Hind, James, d. 1652. Brigands and robbers -- England -- Early works to 1800. A86363 R5367 (Thomason E646_4). civilwar no The declaration of Captain James Hind (close prisoner in New-gate): and his acknowledgment, protestation, and full confession at his examin Hind, James 1651 2199 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 B The rate of 5 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. 2008-10 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2008-12 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2009-01 Scott Lepisto Sampled and proofread 2009-01 Scott Lepisto Text and markup reviewed and edited 2009-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE DECLARATION OF Captain JAMES HIND ( close Prisoner in New-gate ) and his Acknowledgment , Protestation , and full Confession at his Examination before the Councel of State , on the 10. of this instant Novemb. 1651. Together with a perfect Narrative , ( written by his advice ) of all his strange proceedings and Travels ; setting forth the great difficulties and dangers he escaped in severall Countreyes , upon his adventuring to the King of Scots at Sterling . With his Letter to the said King ; and his Resolution to suffer any kind of death , rather then to impeach or betray any Man . The true Portraicture of Captain James Hind . portrait of James Hind London , Printed for G. HORTON , 1651. The Declaration of Captian James Hind , together with his Acknowledgment , and full Confession , at his Examination before the Councel of State : And a perfect Narrative of all his Travels ; setting forth the great difficulties and dangers he escaped in several countreyes , in his adventuring to the King of Scots at Sterling , &c. Indeared Countrey-men , WHereas there hath been sundry and various Relations of the proceedings of Capt. James Hind , fraught with impertinent stories , and new-invented fictions ; I am ( in order thereunto ) desired by the said Mr. Hind , to publish this ensuing Declaration , for sattisfaction , & true information of the People ; together with a Narrative of his Travels , which I shall ( here ) impartially represent , as followeth : The Declaration of Captain James Hind , &c. WHereas the Heavens are doomers of mens deeds , and God holds a ballance in his hand , to reward with favour , all those that walk uprightly ; and to revenge with justice , all those that steers their wayes to the contrary ; even so may the life of man well be compared to the Ocean Seas , that for every calm hath a thousand storms ; for a little pleasure much pain ; and for high desire , much discontent : For as folly perswaded me to lead a sinfull life , so at length Justice may bring me to a sorrowful end ; ( but God requires mercy in the midst thereof ) Yet notwithstanding , I am confident , the wrongs which I have committed doth not cry aloud for vengeance ; but rather the Mercy that I shewed in all my Designs and Actions , may plead an acquitment of all punishment : However , Gods Will be done ; for while I live my heart shall not faint me : I sorrow not to die ; neither shall I grieve at the manner of my death , though it be never so untimely . Yet could I have but that happiness , as to fight for my life , and to encounter an Enemy in the field , it would be an infinite comfort , and joy of spirit to me . But blessed be the Name of the Lord , that he hath given me an humble spirit in these my dayes of Tribulation , and a heart of repentance to bewail my former course of life : For every wrong I have done ( called now to remembrance ) wrings drops of bloud from my heart ; although I never shed one : Neither did I ever take the worth of a peny from a poor man ; but at what time soever I met with any such person , it was my constant custom , to ask , Who he was for ? if he reply'd , For the King , I gave him 20 shillings : but if he answer'd , For the Parliament , I left him , as I found him . As for any other Exploits since 1649. I am guiltless of : For in the same year , May 2. I departed England ( as appears by my Confession to the Councel at White-Hal on the 10 instant , 1651. ) and went to the Hague ; But after I had been there three dayes , I departed for Ireland , in the Vessel that carryed the Kings Goods , and landed at Galloway : in which Kingdome I staid three quarters of a year ; part of which time I was Corporal to the Marquess of Ormond's Life-Guard : And being at Yonghall , when that was surprised by the Parliaments Forces , was there wounded in the right Arm and Hand with Halberts . After which ( making a narrow escape ) I went to Duncannon ; but because of the sickness , came thence to Scilly , staid there eight moneths ; and from thence I came to the Isle of MAN , staid there 13 weeks ; and went thence to Scotland , arrived at Sterling , where I sent a Letter to his Majesty , acquainting his Highness of my arrivall ; and represented my service , &c. Which was favourably accepted of ; for no sooner had the King notice of my coming ; but immediatly I had admittance into his chamber , and kist his hand ; and after some discourse , his Majesty commended me to the D. of Buck●ngham then present , to ride in his troop because his Life-guard was full . I came to England with the said Troop , was in the Engagement at Warrington , also at Worcester , where I kept the field , till the King was fled , and in the evening , the Gates being full of flying persons , I leapt over the Wall on foot by my self onely , travel'd the Countrey , and lay three dayes under Bushes and hedges , because of the Souldiery , till I came to Sir John Packington's Woods , where I lay five dayes ; and afterward came on foot to London , by the name of James Brown , lodg'd five weeks in London , and was taken 9 Novemb. at Denzy's the Barber neer Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet . This is all that was declared and confessed by him , who remains captivated in close Prison in the Gaol of New-gate . JAMES HIND . Novem. 15. 1651. On Munday being the 10 instant , by Order from the Right Honourable the Councel of State ; the said Captain Hind was brought to White-hall , where he was examined before a Committee ; and divers questions put to him , in relation to his late Engagement with Charles Stuart ; and whether he was the man that accompanied the Scots King , for the furtherance of his escape . To which Hind answered , That he never saw the King , since the fight at Worcester ; neither did he know of his getting off the field ; but he was now glad to hear that he had made so happy an escape , &c. After some time spent in taking of his Examination , it was ordered by the Committee , that he should be sent prisoner to the Gate-house , till the further pleasure of the Councel of State was known therein ; which accordingly was done , and the said Hind was guarded from White-Hall , to the aforesaid prison : with 4. files of Musquetiers , where he remained in safe custody that night . The next day being Tuesday he was remanded back from thence ( by speciall Order and Authority from the Councel of State ) to Newgate ; and accordingly was brought in a Coach with iron Bolts on his Legs ; and Cap. Compton , and two other Messengers belonging to the Councel to guard them : And about two of the clock in the Afternoon they brought him to the said place , where Capt. Compton shewed the Master of the prison an Order of the Councel for his commitment ; and also close imprisonment , and to let no persons whatsoever to have access to him . This Order was accordingly observed : But during the time that the Hole was preparing for him , and the three souldiers removed to another place , that were in it before , for misdemeanours of great concernment ; divers persons frequented the place to see him , asking him severall questions : To whom he returned very civill and mild answers : And amongst the rest , a Gentleman came to him , born in the same Town that he was , viz. Chipping-Norton ; who took acquaintance of him , and saluting him , said ; Truly Countrey-man I am sorry to see you in this place . He answered , That imprisonment was a comfort to him , in suffering for so good and just a Cause , as adhering to the KING . His Countrey man reply'd , That to morrow ( being Wednesday ) he was to return home , and that if he had any thing to recommend to his wife , or friends , he would communicate it : I thank you Sir ( said Hind ) Pray remember my love to them all , and certifie them , that although I shall never see them more in this world ; yet in the world to come , I hope we shall meet in glory . Then the Gentleman took a Glass of Beer , and drank to him ; which he pledged about half ; And filling up his Glass , said ; Come , ( taking the Gentleman by the hand ) here is a good health to my Master the King ; and God bless and preserve his Majesty : But the Gentleman refusing to drink the same upon such an account , moved Hind to passion , who said ; The Devill take all Traytors : Had I a thousand lives , and at liberty , I would adventure them all for King Charles ; and pox take all Turn-coats . Forbear Sir , replyed one of the Keepers , and be not in passion . Not in the least , I am free from it ; but I could wish more love and loyalty amongst you all : As for my own part , should I live a hundred years , I would not flinch from my principles ; and then immediatly ( his time being short ) he again spake as followeth : Well Gentlemen ! This is all that I have to say to you before I go to my captivity : I desire all men to be true to their Trust , and to stand firm & unmoveable to their principles ; and those that have laid a foundation for their King ( moving his hat ) let them endeavour to raise it ; and those that are on the contrary party , let them strive to level it : As for my part , I had not been here now , if there had not been a Judas abroad . Then one of the Keepers called him from the fire-side to the Window , and looked upon the Irons about his legs , to see whether they fitted him . Well! ( said Mr. Hind ) all this I value no more then a three pence ; I owe a debt to God , and a debt I must pay ; blessed be his Name , that he hath kept me from shedding os innocent bloud , which is now a great comsort to me : And indeed , this likewlse is a supportment to me , that I have taken from the rich , and given to the poor ; for nothing doth more impoverish the Cottage-keeper , then the rich Farmer , and full-fed Lawyer : Eut truly I could wish , that thing was as little used in England amongst Lawyers , as the eating of Swines-flesh was amongst the Jews : ☞ They were the men I chiefly aimed at . On Friday last a Gentleman came to him , importuning him to petition the Parliament for life , and to impeach and make a discovery of his Associates , perswading him in so doing , the Parliament would be merciful to him . No , no , Sir ! I defie such treachery and perfidiousness : no man living shall be by me impeached ; if I die , I 'le die alone ; I am resolved to keep my Conscience cleer and untainted of that bloudy Fact , or guilt of Sin . He stands accused of High-Treason ; and hath two men to watch every night with him : They burn candle night and day . Since his commitment , he hath sent a Letter to his wife , inserting many comfortable expressions ; Which Letter bears this inscription ; From my close imprisonment , and Captivity in New-gate . JAMES HIND . FINIS .