id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 43661 Langland, William The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, Volume 2 .txt text/plain 83164 13224 98 Whan men seye hir graces. But God sente hem som tyme 9150 Hadde thei no thyng but of poore men, For ther are ful proude herted men, And seide it in sighte of hem alle, To kulle hym whan thei myghte, 11080 "Ben here alle thi lordes lawes?" quod I. Hope shal lede hem forth with love, And alle are thei but o God; Ther alle reson hym dampneth. And seide to hem alle, Sholde lede hem alle hennes." "Why calle hym Crist," quod I, Til he hadde alle hem Verray men bifore hem alle, Quod Conscience to alle cristene tho, 13670 Leve it wel, thei ben lost, And alle hise as wel as hym, Ac for thei kouthe noght wel hir craft, That hath power over hem alle, Men shal hem ful knowen." 300 Ich lyve wel, by oure Lorde! Bothe God and good men, God and alle good men, ./cache/43661.txt ./txt/43661.txt