The fundamental truths of Christianity briefly hinted at by way of question and answer : to which is added a treatise of prayer in the same method / by George Keith. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1688 Approx. 177 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 76 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2003-07 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A47146 Wing K168 ESTC R14276 12937444 ocm 12937444 95820 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A47146) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 95820) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 717:13) The fundamental truths of Christianity briefly hinted at by way of question and answer : to which is added a treatise of prayer in the same method / by George Keith. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. [7], 16; [10], 128 p. [s.n.], London : 1688. Errata: prelim. p. [7]. Added t.p. and separate paging ([10], 128 p.): Concerning prayer. [London] : 1687. Preface signed by R.B. [i.e. Robert Barclay] cf. BM. Reproduction of original in Huntington Library. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. 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Friendly Reader , AS there is nothing more necessary to be understood and minded , than the Doctrine of Christianity , which in it self is plain and easie ; so nothing hath been more clouded , obscured , and burthened by the wild and numerous Notions of Carnal Minded Man , by which true Wisdom hath been darkned . The Author of the ensuing Treatises ( who is now removed out of Europe ) hath been blessed with a singular Faculty of expressing himself both briefly and clearly ( as is well known to such as have perused his Writings ) which inclined me to present these to the publick . I hope Reader thou wilt find them answer this Character , and therefore it is left to thy Judgment , upon tryal , by Thy Sincere Friend R. B. London the 27th of the 5th . Month , 1687. ERRATA . PAge 14. l. 6. for oud read and , l. ult r. is the Faith ; in the second Preface , p. 2. l. 6. f. When r. Where , p. 29. l. 3. f. th●t r. who , p. 31. l. 24. dele must , and add , they wait 〈◊〉 them the more , p. 55. l. 21. si hath r. have , p. 57. l. 25. f. no r. nor , p. 62. l. 23. r. upon what , p. 108 l. 5. dele of , p. 113. l. 2. r. tempore , p. 122. l. 8. f. leisure r. service . p. 127. l. 22. f. there r. here . THE Fundamental Truths OF CHRISTIANITY Briefly hinted at by way of Question and Answer . Quest. OF whom have we our Being , our Living , and Moving , and all the good things we enjoy ? Answ. Of God. Q How know we that ? A. There is somewhat in our own hearts that declareth it unto us . Q. Is that our own Natural Reason as men ? A. Tho we might gather it even from Reason as men ; yet there is somwhat in us that doth more convincingly and manifestly declare it unto us , than our own Rseaon as Men. Q. How do we distinguish it from Reason ? A. Very plainly , because it oft teacheth us this and many other true things , when we are not exercising our Reason , but still and quiet in our minds ; yea , it oft preventeth all reasonings in us , and in a more ready and immediate way Convinceth us than Reason can do . Q. How so ? A. Because Reason teacheth us things by a way of Discourse and Inference , gathering a second thing from a first , and a third from a second , and a fourth from a third , &c. which way is but Mediate , and Commonly is wearisom and tedious . Q. How doth that other teach us . A. By setting the things before our understandings simply and immediately , even as when the outward Light giveth us to see the shapes and colour of outward things immediately , without the need or use of our Reason . Q. How may this other thing be called which is in us , a distinct principle from our Reason as Men ? A. It may be called ( according to Scripture ) a Spiritual and Divine Light which hath the same use to the mind that the outward Light hath to the eye . Q. What other Names hath it according to Scripture ? A. The Word of God , because thereby God speaketh his Mind and Will , unto the Hearts and Souls of Men , as one man speaketh his mind to another by the Word of his Mouth . Q. Is this Light and Word God himself ? A. It is one immediate manifestation of him , which tho it may be distinguished from him , yet is not , nor cannot be divided or separated from him , for he is with it and in it , and is the Fountain and Life of it . Q. What other difference is there betwixt our natural Reason , and this Principle ? A. Our Natural Reason may be corrupted , and is oft corrupted , and so may teach us contrary things , unto what this teacheth , but this is altogether uncorruptible . Q. What other difference is there betwixt them ? A. The Teachings of our Natural Reason , even of things that may be true , are but dry and barren , and void of that living vertue , influence and vigour , which the teachings of this principle have , for this principle is quick and powerful and pregnant , or full of Heavenly and Divine Vertue and life . Q. But do they not differ originally , as to their very Nature and Being ? A. Yea they do , the one is Natural , the other Supernatural ; the one is Humane , the other Divine ; the one is an essential property of the Humane Nature , the other is the free Grace and Favour of God given unto man to dignifie and exalt him above his natural estate and condition ; if so , he may be more than a natural man , even a Son and Child of God ; yea , to have a Name better than of Sons and Daughters . Q. Is this Principle given unto all men ? A. Yea , it is given unto all men . Q. For what end is it given unto all ? A. That they may become the Children of God thereby , and may live Soberly , Righteously , and Godly in this present World , as the Children of God ; that so after this life ( in this present World ) they may live with God in the World to come , in the fulness of everlasting Joy , Peace , and Happiness . Q. By whom doth this Grace or Gift come upon all Men ? A. By Jesus Christ , as Iohn declated The Law ( said he ) was given by Moses , but Grace and Truth cometh by Iesus Christ ; and of his fulness have we all received Grace for Grace . Q. Is Iesus Christ himself given unto all Men , or only His Grace ? A. He is given unto all men , in so far as he is sent of the Father unto all , and is come unto all , and is both offered of the Father as his Gift , and doth also offer himself unto all , so that his Grace is not alone without him , nor he alone without his Grace , they are given together , and are offered together , and are received together . Q. How is Christ and his Grace to be distinguished ? A. No otherwise than as the light , warmth , and influence of the Sun , is from the Sun himself , which proceedeth from the Sun as out of his fulness , according to Iohn his declaration , who said , Out of his fulness have we all received Grace for Grace . Q. How is Christ Iesus come unto all ? Is he come outwardly as a man unto all ? A. He is not come outwardly as a man unto all , tho he is come even outwardly as man for all ( so that all may receive the benefit of his outward coming as man , who are not wanting unto themselves ) but he is come inwardly unto all , as the true Light , that Lightens every man that comes into the World , and not only as the Light , but as the Resurrection and the Life . Q. How is he the Resurrection ? A. Because he quickeneth and maketh alive the Soul unto God , and raiseth it out of its Sin , in which as in a Grave it hath lain dead and corrupted , as to the Life of God. Q. Is this the general Condition of Men. A. Yea , the general Condition of Men in the first state , is , that they are dead in their Sins and Trespasses . Q. All men therefore do need Christ , not only to be a Light unto them , but to be the Resur rection and the Life also . A. Yea , for they want not only Light unto their Understandings , but they want Life unto their Hearts , and unto all their inward Powers and Affections which are dead ( as unto God ) so that they cannot move towards him , nor in his Service , but as they are quickned and influenced by him . Q. How doth Iesus Christ minister Light and Life unto the Souls of Men ? A. By his shinings and breathings in their Hearts . Q. Is that Immediately , or Mediately , or both ? A. Both Immediately , and Mediately . Q. How Immediately ? A. Even without all outward means , as by his Free Love and Favour , preventing them before the use of any outward means , and by ministring unto them who have not , nor never had the outward means , for he is the Light of the World , according to his own Testimony , and as Iohn declared of him , He Lighteth every man that cometh into the World , that all through him might Believe , and Believing might have Eternal Life . Now if he lighteth all men , then surely he lighteth as well those who have means , as those who want them , and those who want , as those who have them , as truly tho not as equally : And therefore seeing they who want the outward means are Immediately Inlightned and Taught , then surely they who have the outward means are also ; otherwise , their priviledg should be the less who have the outward means , and theirs the greater who want them . Q. How Mediately ? A. By the shining and breathings of his own Light and Life , in and through his Faithful Servants , and their Testimonies , whether by Words or Works ; all which have a manifestation and ministration of Light and Life in them , to encrease and raise up Light and Life in them , unto whom they minister . Q. But if God and Christ minister Light and Life Immediately unto men , are not all means useless and unnecessary ? A. We are to distinguish betwixt things that are absolutely necessary , and things that are necessary in some respect ; also betwixt things absolutely necessary , and things very useful and profitable ; for many things are greatly useful , which are not absolutely necessary : And thus , though men have no absolute need of outward means for the conveyance of Light and Life unto them , yet the outward means are very useful and helpful unto them . Q. Give us one Example in another case ? A. All men have a Principle of natural Reason in them , which without all outward means ( either of Men or Books ) teacheth them Immediately some things belonging to Natural Reason ; and yet none will deny , but that both Men and Books are very useful and profitable to further us in the knowledge of Natural Things , and in the exercise of our Natural Reason , to the further improving the same . Q But are the Immediate Teachings of God and Christ of absolute necessity unto every man , to give him the True and Saving Knowledge of God ? A. Yea , they are ; for indeed all outward means could do nothing , without the Immediate Teaching and Ministring of God and Christ , by his Holy Spirit , Light and Life ; because the Immediate is the Ground and Foundation , or Principle , for , or because of which , the outward means are useful and profitable . Q. Give us one Example in another case . A. The same as before , for if Men had not an outward and immediate Principle of Natural Reason in them , that taught them immeidately some things belonging to Natural Reason . All the Men and Books in the World , though never so convincing , could not gain ground upon them , but because Men have a Principle of Reason in themselves , therefore when things of Reason are presented and offered to them , by Men and Books , they imbrace them and receive them , not simply , or only because the Men and Books say so , but because the innate Principle of Reason in themselves saith so , and doth witness and answer to the same things . Q. By this it would seem that Men are taught many more things mediately than immediately . A. Yea surely , for according to the aforesaid Example , what men are there ( except Fools and Idiots ) but the Principle of natural Reason in them , teacheth them in the things of natural Reason , above an Hundred to one , more than any Book or Men ever did , or can do ? As is manifest in the daily Occurrences and Occasions in the outward life . A man's natural Reason teacheth him a Thousand things which he never learned from Men or Books : Even so the Children of God are taught of God many Divine and Spiritual things , which Men nor Books never did , or could teach them . Q. By all this it seemeth that the Knowledg of Divine and Spiritual things , must flow from a Divine and Spiritual Principle in the Heart , and that they cannot be known and learned sufficiently , from or by the natural Principle of natural Reason . A. It is even so ; for though the natural Reason in a subservient way may be made use of , yet it can no more reach unto the things that are Spiritual and Divine , nor indeed so much , as a Blind-man by all his Reason can reach unto Colours , to judg of them distinctly : or a Deaf-man to judg of Sounds , &c. For even as the things of sense are judged or known by a principle of their own Nature , which Reason cannot Immediately reach unto by descending . So the things of Faith , which are Divine and Spiritual , are judged and known by a principle of Faith that is of their own Nature also , to wit , Divine and Spiritual , which Reason cannot immediately reach unto by its ascending : but as a Man having the Natural Exercise of his Senses , can use his Reason in Natural Things that are sensible ; so he who hath the use of his Spiritual Senses , can use the same Reason in Spiritual Things , to wit , in a subservient and subordinate way . Q. What is the first thing required of Men , that they may learn of God and Christ Iesus , so as to become wise through those immediate Teachings ? A. That they believe those Teachings , and receive them in the love of them . Q. How can they do that ? A. Not of themselves , but there is a Vertue in all the Teachings of God and Christ , that is operative and effectual to cause men to believe them , and receive them , and the truth of them in love . Q. What is next required of them ? A. That they continually apply their whole Minds , Souls and Hearts , unto this Spiritual and Divine Principle in them , and unto God and Christ therein , that it may have its universal influence in them and upon them . Q. How can they do that ? A. By its own drawings , or rather by the drawings of God and Christ in it . Q. What is the universal Influence ? A. It is not only of an enlightening nature as to give knowledg , but it is of a quickening nature , and of a leavening , healing , and purifying , and sanctifying nature ; more particularly , it hath these two properties , 1. To kill , consume , and destroy Sin both in Fruit and Root , Stock and Branch . 2. To beget Righteousness and Holiness , which comprehends all the Fruits of the Spirit , such as Love , Meekness , Temperance , Patience , Humility , Joy , Peace , Hope and Confidence , &c. Q. How is the Grace or Gift of God conveyed unto Men at first , and how is it received ? A. As a small thing , even as a Seed , the least of all Seeds . Q. And how is it multiplied and encreased in Mens Hearts ? A. By its growth in them ; for if it doth not grow in them it doth not multiply , but remaineth as dead and barren as unto them , though living in its own nature . Q. How doth it grow in Men. A. By getting root in the Hearts , even as a grain of Corn , by getting root in the Earth . Q. How doth it get root ? A. It hath a Native Vertue and Influence in it , whereby it taketh root in the Heart naturally , if Men do not resist it ; and tho the Ground where it seeketh to take Root , be foul and unfit , yet it hath a cleansing and fitting Vertue in it , to prepare the Ground and make it good and fit , but it requireth Mans consent and concurrence , which it acts and God in it , and with it draweth and moveth effectually the Heart of Man unto . Q. But may these drawings and movings be commonly resisted ? A. Yea they may , and so the work of Man's Salvation may be hindered by Man himself , and that both in the beginning , or when begun in its progress . Q. Doth God teach Men all things necessary unto Faith and Godliness by this Principle . A. Yea , as he is faithfully and chastly waited upon , believed and followed . Q. But hath he not his order in teaching , or doth he teach all at once . A. He hath his order , and doth not teach all at once , but line upon line , here a little and there a little , according as a Man can bear , through the gravity of his Principle in them . Q. What are the first things he teacheth in and by this Principle ? A. To deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts , to Live Soberly and Righteously , to Live Godly . And when they have ascended by those degrees , he bringeth them into his Holy Mountain , City , House , Kingdom , oud Paradise , where he giveth them to enjoy of these Pleasures and Delights , that because of the Sweetness , Beauty and Glory of them , are beyond all utterance or thoughts of Man's Heart . Q. What are the first beginnings of Gods Work in the Heart after convincement , or enlightening the Understanding ? A. Faith and Repentance . Q. What is Faith ? A. It is a cleaving of the Soul and Heart of Man unto God and Christ , according to the inward Revelation of his Divine Power , Mercy and Goodness , in the shinings of his own Divine Light , Life and Spirit within him . Q. Is then the object of Faith God and Christ , as inwardly revealed ? A. Yea. Q. What Faith then have they , who say , Inward and Immediate Revelation is not the common priviledge of Men , nay , not of the Saints in these daies ? A. They have not the true Faith , which is the faith of Gods Elect , that worketh by love , and purifieth the Heart , and is fruitful of good works ; but their Faith is but a Dream and Imagination , which as it findetn them in their Sins , so it leaveth them to live and die in them . Q. What is Repentance ? A. It is a change of the Mind , and of all the Powers of the Soul , and its affections from Sin and Unrighteousness , unto Holiness and Righteousness ; so that whereas it loved , desired , and rejoyced in . Sin before , and had a distaste of all Righteousness and Holiness , and an aversion and alienation therefrom , now it hath a distaste of Sin universally , and an aversion and alienation from it ; and a true and intimate love of all Righteousness and Holiness , desire after it , and joy therein , and more abundantly after and in God and Christ , whose it is . Q. How is this Repentance wrought ? A. By degrees , through the power of God , his Life , his Love , his Judgment , his Mercy , his Goodness , revealed in his own Light by his own Spirit , as the Heart is turned thereunto , and continueth in a steddy and fixed application unto the same . This naturally and gently melteth and thaweth the Heart , and breaketh it into pieces ; yea , changeth it from a Heart of Stone into a Heart of Flesh , and maketh it naturally to savour and relish the things of God , which it hated before , and to disrelish and distaste the things of Dishonesty and Unrighteousness , which it loved before . Q. What Rule ( or Law ) hath God given unto Men , to Serve , Obey , and Worship him ? A. Even the same Divine and Spiritual Principle aforesaid , the Word of God , that is nigh unto us , even in our Mouths and in our Hearts , that we may know it , believe it , and obey it . This is the Law or Rule of the New Covenant , who walk after this Rule , Peace is and shall remain upon them ; neither is there any Condemnation unto them , but Justification and Approbation from henceforth and for ever . CONCERNING PRAYER . I. Some QUESTIONS answered . II. Some REASONS given , why all PRAYER in Words , whether only conceived in the Heart , or uttered and expressed by the Mouth , should be by the help of the Holy Spirit , helping us to conceive those Words . III. Some Objections or seeming Reasons brought , for using set Forms of PRAYER , read out of a Book ; as if that reading were PRAYER , Answered : Also a few Words concerning Singing or Praising God with a Psalm . By G. K. Printed in the Year 1687. To the Loving and Friendly Reader . SInce It pleased the Lord to give me some knowledg by experience , what True Prayer is ; after that I was turned with many others to his Marvelous Light , to believe and walk in it , wherein the deep things of God are seen and opened . Many true and fresh , and living openings have arisen in me concerning Prayer , the nature , use , ends , and manner of it , and how true and right Prayer is , and ought to be acceptably performed ; how the Spirit of God assists and helps his Servants and Children to Pray ; how he works not only upon their wills and affections , to quicken and excite them , and make them fruitful with good and holy desires , in the art , or exercise of Prayer ; but also how he works upon the Understanding , and all the Intellectual Powers , to enlighten them , and give to Man a true and real sense and understanding of his wants , or of the wants of others , for whom he prayeth , and also of the Love , Mercy , Bounty , and Compassion of the Lord , and the readiness and nearness of his helping hand to supply all his and their wants abundantly . When the Inward and Spiritual Eye is opened by the Lord , to see the Well of Living Water , where the thirsty Soul may drink : And also to see the Lords Table that is richly spread , where it may eat abundantly and be refreshed , and bless and praise the Name of the Lord , for all his great and rich Mercies and Blessings . And if the Spirit of the Lord did not enlighten the Understanding and Mind of Man , to teach him what to seek and pray for , but only did warm , and heat Mens affections , all this would be but a blind Devotion , which all true Protestants cry out against , &c. That Heavenly and Sacred Fire , that God sends down into the Hearts of his People , is not a dark obscure Fire , but shining and enlightening , and hath Light as well as Heat in it . The Spirit of Prayer and Supplication , is not only a Spirit of Love , but a Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding . And though there is a kind of Prayer , that may be , and oft is , without Words either expressed or conceived in the Understanding ; because there is a degree of Understanding in Man , that transcendeth all Words : I mean such Words as we commonly use , which are the signs of things signified by them , as Aristotle defineth Words : Verba sunt signarerum . i. e. Words are the signs of things . In which high degree of Understanding , the Spirit and Mind of Man , reacheth to the Divine and Heavenly things themselves , without these words , where the things are words themselves ; or where the words and things are not distinct : But the thing is its own word , and the word that signifieth it as the thing it self . But Aristotle so much admired for his worldly Wisdom and Philosophy as it seemeth , knew not this Mystery , nor yet do his followers . Notwithstanding of which , because the Lord who is Infinitely Bountiful and Gracious unto men , doth not only inlighten and shine upon this highest part of Man's Understanding ; but also causeth his Light and Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding to descend to the lowest degree thereof , even to his Reason and Imagination ( for the very Imagination of man is said in Scripture to be wrought upon by the Spirit of God ; see Isa. 26. 3. That which is Translated in , and according to the Hebrew , signifieth Imagination . ) See also , 1 Chron. 29. 18. Keep this for ever in the Imagination of the Thoughts , &c. Which inferiour and lower Powers of man's Soul , cannot reach to Divine things , without the signes of Words : Therefore it pleaseth God to work upon the Understandings of Men , so as to make them fruitful to bring forth good and pertinent Words of Truth , as well as upon their minds and affections , to bring forth the fruits of Holy and Spiritual desires : Wherefore the Apostle Prayed to the Lord , that God would establish the true Believers in him , in every good word and work . 2 Thes. 2. 17. Whence I conclude , that good words are as real a Fruit of the Spirit , as good works or desires ; and these good words must not be borrowed words from the mouths or lines of others made ready to our Hands , but must spring from the inward fruitfulness of our own Understandings , as the spirit of the Lord doth water them , and make them fruitful after a Heavenly sort . For it is not the Corn that lyeth upon the ground , though ever so abundantly , which hath grown in another Land or Country , that denominates the Ground where it lyeth , to be fruitful ; but that is only a fruitful Ground which bringeth forth from within it self , as it is assisted by the Heavenly Rains and Influences , the like Corn , or any other Grain that is good and profitable . And therefore it is not the abundance even of Scripture Words , which a man receives into his memory , or bare natural Understanding , that simply makes his Mind and Understanding fruitful unto God , but the inward sense and mystery of Scripture words must be opened in him by the Spirit of the Lord , and then the Understanding of a man , by the help of the Scripture words , being inwardly and spiritually opened by the Holy Spirit , brings forth , as it were , as so many Seeds a plentiful Harvest , where the good Ground of the good and honest Heart , yieldeth its fruit , some Thirty , some Sixty , and some an Hundred Fold ; and alwaies with some increase : So that although Scripture words have a most excellent service and use to the Children of God , and their minds and understandings are made fruitful , with the Spiritual knowledg and opening of them by the Spirit of the Lord : As the ground or soil is with seed sown in it ; yet the understanding is not confined to the strict and precise number of scripture words ; but yieldeth an increase of other words from the same spirit , and of the same tendency and signification : As the seed that is sown , yeildeth more Grains than what was sown . These and such like openings in great plenty , to the praise of God , have livingly sprung up in me as concerning Prayer , time after time , and have at the present writing been livingly brought to my remembrance , with an addition of many more , which here I present to all Friendly and Loving Readers , to whose hands this may come for a general service ; where I have handled and treated of things , I hope soberly and fairly , in the spirit of Love and Meekness , not naming any Persons or Parties by way of reflection to provoke them to anger or dislike ; only with some Fervency . But yet in true Love I have reproved and argued against those who pretend to Pray by the Spirit without a set Form , and yet deny the spirits Immediate Teachings and assistance . And tho I aim against Reading set Forms of Prayer , so as to make that Reading to be Prayer it self ; yet I am not simply against Reading of Prayers , which have in any measure proceeded from the spirit of God in the Ages past . SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CONCERNING PRAYER : And some Reasons that all Prayer in words , whether conceived in the Heart , or uttered and expressed by Mouth , should be by the help of the Spirit , helping us to conceive those words : With an Answer to some Objections , or seeming Reasons , brought for using set Forms of Prayer read out of a Book . Also concerning Singing or Praising God with a Psalm . Quest. WHat is Prayer ? A. It is a calling upon the Name of God ( through Jesus Christ ) and the asking of him in Faith , the things which we should , or do desire . Q. What are these things which we should desire and ask of God by Prayer ? A. They are many , but may be reduced to these Three Heads . 1. The things which are for God's Glory , and the Sanctifying his great Name in the Earth . 2. The things which we stand in need of , or want as to our selves . 3. We are also to Pray for others , even for all men , that they may be saved , whose Day of Salvation is not expired ; yea , for our greatest Enemies . Also we are to Pray for the Church of God in general , that God may build her up more and more , preserve and defend her , multiply his Graces , and pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon her , and upon her Members , in their respective places ; and especially for those who have a publick Ministry in the Church , that he may more and more qualifie them for so great a work , and open an Effectual Door unto them ; and that it may please the Lord to increase the number of Faithful Labourers to work and labour in his Vine-yard . And lastly we are to pray for Kings , and all in Authority , that God may incline their Hearts to do good and just things in the Earth , that we may live a quiet and a peaceable life , in all Godliness and Honesty , which is the true end of Government and Magistracy , its being Appointed and Ordained of God. Q. What are the things which we are to Pray for as to our selves ? Are they only Spiritual things , and such as belong to the Soul ? or are they Temporal things also ; such as Riches , or encrease of Corn , Wine and Oyl , or Health ? If one be in Sickness and Liberty , if one be in in Prison ? And if it be not lawful to pray for Riches , or great plenty of Worldly and Temporal Things ? May we not at lest pray for our necessary Provision , as Food and Raiment , as Christ taught his Disciples saying , Give us this day our daily Bread. A. As for Riches or great Plenty of Worldly and Temporal Things , we find no Precept nor Example to commend it as a lawful Thing unto us to Pray for , in all the Scripture ; nor indeed are they to be sought for ( altho when it pleaseth God to bestow them , in blessing Mens sober and lawful Callings and Employments , they are to be received with Thanksgiving : and God is to be Praved unto , that he may give those who have them a Heart to use them to his Glory ; and that they may be as Faithful Stewards of them , especially to Minister unto others who are in necessity ) for many Tentations and Snares do follow Worldly Riches , next as to Temporal or Wordly Necessities , as Food and Raiment , or Health in time of Sickness , and Liberty in case of Bondage or Imprisonment ; and other such like things : I do not say ▪ it is unlawful to pray for them , providing it be with a due submission to the Will of God , who knows best what is good for us . So that sometimes Sickness , and sometimes Imprisonment is best for us , and other Worldly afflictions , Tryals and Exercises of our Faith , and we stand in need of them , and they are sent to us from God for some good end and purpose : and therefore we should mainly desire that all these things may be Sanctified unto us , and the end and purpose of God in doing us good , may be fully answered in all of them . But I do not find it commanded any where in Scripture , or laid upon us as a necessary duty , to pray for any Temporal or Worldly Thing whatsoever : for Christ did not teach or command his Disciples to seek , or be careful what they should Eat or Drink , or wherewith to be Cloathed ; but ( said he ) Seek first the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof , and all these things shall be added unto you : So here is a promise that God will give us these things , although we do not ask for them . And he said further , The Gentiles seek after these things ; importing , that even to pray unto God for Temporal Necessities , was but a part of the Gentiles Religion , which was but low and weak in respect of the Christian Religion , which leads further to ask Spiritual and Heavenly Things , and little or nothing to mind Worldly or Temporal . And Christ said unto them further , For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things , Matth. 6. 31 , 32 , 33. Hereby signifying , that if we did not seek them they would be given us , because we have a provident and tender Father , that regardeth us and all our Necessities , even as the Fathers of our Flesh provided for us , and gave us things we wanted , when we neither did nor could ask them , as in the time of our Infancy ; and as to these words which Christ taught his Disciples to pray , saying , Give us this day our daily Bread. That cannot be proved that that Bread was the Natural Bread , that the Natural and Outward Body wanteth . And Ierome , one of the Fathers , so called , who lived above twelve hundred years ago , did read or translate the words , Give us this Day our Super substantial Bread ; the which Translation , many , called Learned Men , say ; the Greek will bear . But passing the Translation , it is very unlikely and improbable , that it can be meant of Natural Bread , which is but a Temporal and Corruptible thing ; for it is the first Petition in that Prayer , in relation to our selves ( the three former Petitions relating especially unto God ) and it is placed in order before that Petition , wherein he taught them to Pray for Forgiveness of Sins ; and the next following , That we be not led into Tentation , but that God would deliver us from Evil ( or the evil one ( to wit the Devil . ) Now the matter of the two last Petitions being Spiritual things , how unprobable is it that Christ would teach them to seek first a Temporal thing , such as the Outward and Natural Bread is , before those Spiritual things ; when at the same time he bids them Seek first the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof : which comprehends all Spiritual things . Q. But doth not our Heavenly Father know all the Spiritual things which we have need of , as well as the Temporal , and therefore why should we pray for the one more than the other ? A. We do not pray for Spiritual things , as if we were to inform the Lord that we want them ; or as if he did not know that we wanted those things before we pray unto him ; for he knoweth most perfectly all our wants , even the most Inward and Spiritual , before we pray unto him , from whose all-seeing Eye nothing can be hid , whether past , present , or to come : But the great cause why the Lord will have us to pray unto him for Spiritual things , is , that thereby our desires are enlarged the more after them ; our love is excited unto them , and all the Graces and Vertues , and gracious Gifts of Gods Holy Spirit in us , are thereby quickened and ●et on work in true Prayer ; all which tend to our Sanctification , and promoting us in the same . And seeing the substance of Prayer consists in the Souls desire after God , so as to be joined and united unto him , and be refreshed with his Love and Divine Influences of his Life ; and to partake more abundantly of his Spirit ; and to taste and feed upon his living Word , which is the same to the Soul that Bread and Meat , and Drink , o● any most comfortable thing is unto the Body ; and that the Souls desire after those Heavenly and Divine Enjoyments , is enlarged in and by true Prayer : this , as it were , both gives and encreases the Souls appetite after God , and prepares the Soul for the enjoyment of him , by raising it on high , above all worldly things and the desires thereof ; and accordingly Damascen and Augustine did well describe Prayer to be the ascent or lifting up of the mind unto God. Now the Souls Appetite after God , and the Divine things of his Kingdom , is as necessary to it as Hunger and Thirst is unto the Body : for as the Bodily Hunger and Thirst , 1. Makes the Nourishment which the Body receiveth , comfortable and pleasant unto it . And 2. It is a sign of Bodily Health in ordinary Cases . And 3. It causeth a good Digestion , so that the Body is the better and the more Nourished ; even so it is as to the Souls Appetite and Desire after God , and the Refreshings that come from his Heavenly Presence , the which in Scripture is called a Hunger and Thirst , as Christ said , Blessed are they that Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness , &c. And said David , My Soul thirsteth for God , Psal. 42. 2. The Soul which thus hungers and thirsts after God , and the enjoyment of him , when it receiveth this enjoyment in any measure . Oh! How sweet and comfortable it is to the hungry Soul , but the full Soul even loaths the Hony-comb , whereas to the hungry Soul every bitter thing is sweet ; yea , even the Judgments and Chastnings of the Spirit of the Lord , which are sent unto the Soul , as it hath need of them , are sweet and precious unto it . 2. The Spiritual Hunger and Thirst of the Soul , is alwaies a sign of the Souls Health and prosperous Condition . And 3. The Inward and Spiritual Food and Nourishment that the Soul receiveth , even that Living Bread and Water of Life , which cometh down from Heaven , doth the more nourish up the Soul unto Eternal Life , and causeth it to grow the more up into the Heavenly Image and Similitude of God and Christ ; in all Holiness and Righteousness , and Spiritual Beauty and Glory , and also in Spiritual Might and Strength ; and likewise in Wisdom and Counsel , and Knowledg and Understanding . The more that the Souls Desires are enlarged after God , so the more the Soul desireth the more it feedeth upon the Bread of Life ; which Bread is Christ the living Word ; and the more it feedeth the more it groweth , and is nourished up unto his Heavenly and Divine Image : and the more it is nourished and groweth , the more again it desireth after God. And besides , In the true desire of the Soul after God and Christ , there is a true attractive Vertue , so to speak , which draweth or sucketh the Water of Life out of the Wells of Salvation , Isa. 12. 3. And both draweth Life from Christ ( the Fountain of it ) into the Soul , and draweth the Soul after Christ : Even as the desire that we have after the Air , causeth us to suck or draw it in to the inward parts of the Body : and as the Infants desire after the Mothers Milk , causeth it to suck and draw at the Breast , thus the Souls desire after God and Christ , draweth in a sweet and Heavenly Divine Breathing of his blessed Spirit , which it again breatheth forth in Holy Breathings of Prayers and Thanksgivings : and those Souls , whose desires are living and fresh after God , as new born Babes ( as the Scripture saith ) They desire the sincere Milk of the Word that they may grow thereby . And thus it may appear why we should pray rather and mostly , if not only and altogether for Spiritual and Heavenly , then for Carnal and Earthly Things ; because the desire of Spiritual and Heavenly Things , doth purifie and sanctifie the Soul , and raiseth it up after them , and maketh the Soul like unto them ; yea , transformeth into the nature and likeness of them ; for Love and Desire have a wonderful transforming power in them , whether Natural or Spiritual . And therefore the love of Heavenly and Spritual Things , makes the Soul Heavenly and Spiritual ; the love of God in the Soul , makes it Godly and God-like , and the love of Christ makes it Christ-like , and to resemble him in his manifold Graces and Vertues : but the love and desire of Earthly and Worldly Things , makes not the Soul Heavenly and Spiritual , but rather Earthly and Worldly ; and therefore they are little or nothing to be desired , in comparison of those Heavenly and Spiritual Things . Q. How and after what manner is Prayer to be distinguished ? A. Prayer is either Private or Publick , as also it is either Mental or Vocal . Mental Prayer is the Cry of the Heart unto or after God , as it is said , Lam. 2. 18. Their Heart cryed unto the Lord. And as the Prophet Isaiah , 26. 9. said , With my Soul have I desired thee in the Night , yea , with my Spirit within me will I seek thee early . Again , Mental Prayer may be either with words conceived in the Heart , but not expressed with the Mouth and Lips , as that of the Psalms 4. 4. Commune with your own Heart upon your Bed : Or as the old Latine hath it , Speak in your Hearts , &c. and be still . And such kind of Mental Prayer was that which Abraham's Servant used , Gen. 24. 45. And ( said he ) before I had done speaking in my Heart , &c. As also that of Moses in the Red Sea , Exod. 14. 15. And the Lord said unto Moses , wherefore eryest thou unto me . But we read not that any words of Prayer were expressed by Moses at that time ; or that ( to wit , Mental Prayer ) may be without all words , so much as conceived in the mind , in a deep silence of all words , such as that in the Psalms 62. 1. Where according to the Hebrew it is , Truly my Soul is silent unto God. For seeing the substance of Prayer consisteth in the Souls desire after God , and that desire may be in the Soul without words , so much as conceived ; even as a natural desire after Meat or Drink , may be in us without words , therefore there is a Praver that may be in the Heart or Spirit of Man , without words , so much as inwardly conceived ; the which Prayer is oft times the most effectual and permanent , for it may remain continually in the Soul , without any intermission , as it doth in every good man ; by which Prayer he doth pray continually , or without ceasing , as the Scripture requireth ; for the Souls desire after God , may remain a constant and perpetual thing , by which it continually prefleth after God , as the stone continually inclineth to the center ; or as the Needle of the Compass , that is well touched with the Load-stone , and hath drunk in , or received the magnetical virtue thereof , continually pointeth Northward ; and if it be at any time diverted by any violent motion , it ceaseth not until it hath arrived at its former station : And thus it is with the soul that is effectually touched with Gods living Arm and Power , that its desire is continually after him ; and that desire causeth in it a continual motion towards him , and to his holy and blessed will to know and perform it . Vocal Prayer is that which is made unto God , both with the Heart and Mouth , in words audibly uttered or expressed . And betwixt Mental and Vocal Prayer , there is a mixt sort , where the words are not audibly expressed to the hearing of others , but yet come up from the Heart into the Mouth , where they are secretly or silently whispered , such as the Prayer of Hannah was , 1 Sam. 1. 12 , 13. And it came to pass as she continued praying before the Lord , that Eli marked her Mouth . Now Hannah she spake in her Heart , only her Lips moved , but her Voice was not heard , &c. Q. May Vocal Prayer in words that are audible to others at some distance , be used in private , when a man is alone by himself ? A. Upon some solemn or extraordinary occasions it may be used , as if such a wicked Law should be made that no man should pray unto God , as in the case of Daniel , cap. 7. Where it was decreed that none should ask any thing for thirty daies , but of the King ; Daniel found himself the more concerned to bear a testimony against such a Law or Decree , that even his private Prayer came under the observation of his accusers , so that he could not satisfie himself with meer inward and mental Prayer , which none of them could observe . And it seemeth it had been Daniel's custom formerly so to do , he living among Idolaters , that so he might more abundantly bear a Testimony against their false Worship , and for the true Worship of the True and Living God. Again , 2. Vocal Prayer in private may be the more freely used , when any hath the opportunity of some remote or retired place , where none are within the reach of hearing them ; for sometimes the earnestness and pressure of Spirit , in their earnest wrestling with the Lord , may provoke , and constrain some to use Vocal Prayer , and sometimes the using of it , helps them that are weak , to excite and make them more servent and lively ; but it is to be used with great wariness and discretion , when used in private , to take away all occasion of Ostentation or Hypocrisie , which is too incident to many , who pray , or cry out their private Prayers , of purpose that others may hear them ; as the Pharisees did of old , whose Hypocrisie Christ sharply reproved ; and he taught his Disciples the best manner to perform their private Devotions Matth. 6. 6. But thou , when thou Prayest , enter into thy Closet , and when thou hast shut thy Door , Pray to thy Father which is in secret , and thy Father which seeth in secret , shall reward thee openly . Now as this Closet , or secret Chamber , may partly be understood to be outward , when men have the opportunity thereof , or any outward place of retirement ; yet because it oft falleth out to good Christians , that they have no Closet , or outward Place of Retirement , many being oft confined to a Prison , where they must alwaies be in Company with others , and sometimes with bad People : In that case the Lords Servants have the Closet of their Hearts to retire into , at all times , where they may freely pray unto the Lord in secret : and here also they must be careful to shut their Door , to wit , the Door of their Heart , whereby shut out and exclude all idle and wandering Thoughts and Imaginations , yea all thoughts even of their Lawful occasions , that their hearts and thoughts may be wholly exercised for that space of time , towards the Lord , as he shall be pleased to assist them . Q Is it not requisite and necessary that every true Christian set apart some time every day , in a Solemn way for Meditation and Private Prayer ( as well as that some time is set apart once or twice every Week by a company of Christians for publick Worship ) where opportunity can be had ? A. That some part of our time is to be set apart for private Prayer and Meditation , and waiting upon God , as well as for publick Prayer and Worship , or any other Religious performance , is most clear from the practise and example of the Servants of God , both in the Old and New Testament ; for not only the Prophets of old , under the old Testament , used frequent times of retirement to give themselves in a Solemn and peculiar way , to waiting upon God , Meditation , and Prayer ; as did Abraham , Isaac , Iacob , Moses , David , Elijah , Daniel , &c. But Christ himself used such Solemn times , and so did the Apostles . As concerning Christ , it is said , Matth. 14. 23. And when he had sent the Multitudes away , he went up into a Mountain apart to Pray : And when the Evening was come , he was there alone . And a little before his Passion , or outward suffering , at the place called Gethsemane , Matth. 26. 36. he retired from his Disciples , and Prayed alone at three several times , saying , O my Father if it be possible let this Cup pass from me ! Nevertheless , not as I will , but as thou wilt . Next as for the Apostles , we find in the Acts , cap. 10. 9. That Peter went up upon the House ( in some upper Chamber ) to Pray about the Sixth Hour . Which according to the Jewish Account of Hours , was the middle of the Day . And no doubt Peter made it his frequent practise to retire himself thus unto Prayer . And Paul after his Conversion ( lodging at the House of Iudas ) was exercised in Prayer , when Ananias was sent to him ; at which time he had a Vision of Ananias his coming ; as Peter had of the Vessel coming down from Heaven , as he was at Prayer in private , in the House of Simon the Tanner : Thus we see how the Lord did bless and countenance such solemn private exercises of Prayer , unto his Servants . And no doubt the same was the practise of the other Apostles , and servent Christians of those times : But as to any limited time for Prayer , we find no Precept in the Scripture for Christians , or those who live in Gospel Times . Under the Law , Morning and Evening Sacrifices were to be offered up , which no doubt were accompanied with Prayer by the Faithful . David said , Morning and Evening , and Mid-day , he would call upon the Lord , yea , Seven times a Day ; and Daniel used Thrice in the Day to pray unto the Lord. And surely the Devotion and Fervent Zeal of Christians , should be no less in Gospel Times , than was theirs under the Law ; but rather more and more frequently exercised : Although Christians are not under any tye or command given in general ; as to the number of times , how oft to be retired out of all worldly occasions ; to give themselves solemnly to Prayer every day ; that and many other things being wholly left to the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit , which as it teacheth all true Christians what and how to Pray ; so no doubt it sheweth also the times when ; which times are frequent even of the Holy Spirit , his moving of the Souls and Hearts of true and tender Christians , who are become acquainted with the movings and leadings of the same . And if by outward occasions such true and tender Christians may be diverted , or hindred by some inevitable lets or hindrances , as to the outward ; as oft falleth out that they cannot have either conveniency of time or place to be so frequently retired , in the outward posture of Prayer ; they will , and ought to take care to supply it another way ; that every day ( at least inwardly , if not outwardly ) they have frequent times to be retired into the Closet of their Hearts ( the Door of their Hearts being shut ) and there in secret to Pray unto the Lord , laying aside all wordly thoughts for that time . Nor is it safe to neglect this exercise , or lay it aside upon the pretence of the constant and continual sort of Prayer , which consists in the Soul's desire after God , and may well be without all words , so much as inwardly conceived ; for no doubt the Prophets and Apostles had this constant sort of Prayer , that consists in a manner wholly ( or for the most part ) in the will , and desire , and affections of the Soul , which keeped their Hearts continually in a godly and spiritual frame ; but notwithstanding of this , they used also frequent Solemn times of that other kind of Prayer , which exerciseth not only the will and affections , but the understanding also , whereby they spoke unto God , at least in their Hearts , words of Prayer which some call discursive Prayer , or the Prayer of Meditation , the which is frequently necessary to be performed by every true and good Christian , for the strengthening and encreasing the Prayer of the will and desire which ought to be a continual thing , and without the said discursive Prayer used at least in the Heart , and that frequently the prayer or desire of the will groweth flat and dull , yea languisheth and is ready to die , and be extinguished , unless it be helped and assisted with discursive Prayer and Meditation , in the frequent exercise of it : For discursive Prayer when duly and rightly performed , exciteth and stirreth up the Prayer of desire , even as the blowing of the Bellows , makes the Fire to burn the better , and raiseth it into a bright and burning Flame . And the Prayer of desire , which is principally lodged in the will and affections , is like the continual motion of the heart , in the body of a living man , which must be preserved , and assisted with Eating and Drinking , and other outward Labours and Exercises of the Body , without which the inward motion of the Heart would soon fail , and he extinguished . Nor is it sufficient for any to excuse their not using this kind of Prayer , by speaking to God in their Hearts , upon a pretence of not being called or moved thereunto by the Holy Spirit ; for whoever do not find themselves frequently called and moved to such a Divine and Heavenly Exercise , so exceeding necessary to every true Christian , it is too manifest an evidence that they are carnal and earthly ; also that they have quenched the Spirit , and resisted the same , and that they are got into a false liberty of their fleshly will , out from under the Yoak and Cross of Christ , whereas all such who keep under his blessed Yoak and Cross , to crucifie self , and all the thoughts and desires thereof , are kept in a living , tender , and sensible condition of Soul and Heart , and these feel the callings and movings of the Holy Spirit , to be frequent in them , to Prayer , Meditation , giving of Thanks , and all other necessary Duties , and such continually watch unto Prayer , and are still waiting for the Spirit 's gentle and soft breathings , and the more they wait for them the more they find them , and have experience of them . Q. How , and after what manner doth the Spirit help and assist the Faithful to Pray in words , either inwardly conceived , and spoke only in the heart unto God , or outwardly expressed in the audience of others ? Doth he give or dictate to them all , and every one of the words of their Prayer , just so many in number , and neither more nor less , and doth he make use only of their Understanding , and other powers of their Soul , in a passive way , so as only to receive what is delivered unto them ; as the Conduit or Water-pipe , only sends out the Water that is put into it , or as the Wax or Clay only showeth the figure or form of the impression it hath received from the Seal ? A. It is somewhat hard and difficult to express the manner of the Spirits helping us to pray in words ; for all the Operations of the Spirit , are better and more clearly felt and perceived in the Souls of them , who witness them , than they can be uttered or expressed in words . And it is very hard to express the manner of the natural Operations of a man ; as how he seeth , heareth , smelleth , tasteth and feeleth , or how he speaketh , and how the words arise from his mind and heart , until they come to his mouth ; and how the Mouth , Tongue and Lips , do utter them : And if these natural Operations , whereof we have daily experience , are so hard to be explained ( as to the manner of them ; how much more hard and difficult are they , which are Spiritual and Supernatural , to be clearly explained and expressed in Words , unless the Lord give an ability in a good measure ? However , somewhat may be said to those who have a single and honest desire to be informed , that may be of service unto them ; but as for such who are only curious to pry into this Mystery , and lye at the ●atch to take advantage , they are like to receive no satisfaction . And now to the Question , I Answer directly and positively thus ; that the Soul and its powers , are not wholly and altogether passive , and meerly receptive , or recipients in this case ( as Water-conduits , or Wax and Clay in respect of the Seal ) but partly passive , and partly active ; as the Earth is in the production of its Fruits and Vegetables ; or as the Womb of the Mother is in bringing forth of her Children , for both the Earth and the Woman , are active as well as passive , in the production of their respective Births , and bring them forth from the Seeds which they have received . And hence it is that true Prayer , as it is a Fruit of the Spirit , who has ●own the true seed of it in the Soul , and causeth it to grow with its Divine and Heaven●y Influences ; so is it also a Fruit of the Soul , which the Soul being quickned and made a●ive unto God , and made fruitful with the Divine-feed it hath received , and the Divine over-shadowings of that Holy Spirit of promise brings forth unto God. And hence it is that dead and fruitlesssouls in Scripture , which are empty of good Fruits , are compared to dry and barren Trees , and also to barren Ground , as the good and honest Heart in the Parable , is compared to good Ground , which brought forth some an Hundred Fold , and some Sixty , and some Thirty . And said Iohn the Baptist to the Pharisees , Bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance ; for now the Ax is laid to the Root of the Tree , every Tree therefore that bringeth not forth good Fruit , is hewed down and cast into the Fire . Now true Prayer is one of these good Works and Fruits , which the Souls of the Faithful bring forth unto God the Husband-man , as a natural Tree bringeth forth its natural Fruit , from a principle of activity in its own Nature , as it is assisted and helped by the influences of the Heavens , and especially the heat and warmth of the Sun , and the Heavenly Dews and Rains. And certainly the Prayers of the Prophets and other Holy Men and Women recorded in the Scripture , were of this sort ; God moved and wrought upon their Souls , and the powers and faculties thereof , from the highest to the lowest , and caused them all to concur , and made them fruitful to bring forth Holy Prayers and Praises unto God : And thus was it also with them in respect of their Preaching and Writing the Holy Scriptures , in doing of which they were not bare passive Instruments ; but partly active , and partly passive for most part at least , as is demonstrable from the variety of stile , and different manner of expression used by the Writers and Pen-men of the Holy Scripture , the Holy Spirit acting upon them , according to the diversity of their natural , as well as spiritual Capacities , and gifts whether natural or acquired wherewith they were endued . So that as the Fruits of the Earth , with their beautiful forms and shapes , and diversity of Colours , proceed not from the Earth alone , nor from the Sun and Heavens alone , but from both acting partly together , and as the Child which the Mother brings forth , in the comely and beautiful linements and proportion of its form , is not the Mothers Child alone , but the Fathers also . So all true Preaching and Praying , which proceeds from the Spirit of God : and also true and right Meditation and Thanksgiving , or any other true spiritual and acceptable Performances , is a Birth of two Parents , whereof the Faithful Soul is the Mother , and God by the working of his Spirit is the Father : And therefore it is that all Faithful Souls in Scripture , are called the Spouse of the Lord , and the Church is called Christ's Wife ; because as the Wife bringeth forth true and lawful Children to her Husband lawfully begot of him ; so the Faithful Soul brings forth as it were Spiritual Children unto God and Christ ( whose Father God is ) by the working of his Holy Spirit : And these Spiritual Children are good Words and Works which the Soul brings forth unto God , by the help of his Holy Spirit . And therefore all such Preaching , and Praying , and Thanksgiving , which proceed not from the Spirit of God in its inward workings upon the Soul : And also , all kind of Meditation , or any other performance or work , that is offered up unto God , without the said inward working of the Holy Spirit , is but a spurious and bastard-brood , and cannot therefore be received and accepted of the Lord , who only accepteth what is of his own begetting in the Soul. For what man will accept of a Bastard as if it were his own Child ? Now in this doth appear both the Wisdom and Love of God , that he hath made the Soul an active as well as passive Instrument , to joyn and co-operate with him in his work and service , and in all what he requires of it . And that there are none of the powers or abilities of the Soul or Faculties of it , from the lowest to the highest ; but they may be actively imployed in some part of his service , as the Imagination , the Memory , the Reason and Understanding of Man , and its institutive Faculty , which being opened and made alive in man , through the Work of Regeneration , can see and behold God , as he doth reveal and discover himself to his Children , many times without all words , so much as inwardly conceived , or remembred , though all times it pleaseth God to make use of Words , and through them , as through the Lattess , to show himself unto the Soul ; as also , God maketh use of the Will , Love and Affections of his People , in the day of his power , making them a willing People , giving them not only to think and understand what his good and acceptable , and holy will is , but also to will and to do it . For thus the Faculties and Abilities of the Soul , which God hath given it , are most nobly and excellently exercised , when they are exercised in his service immediately , and attain to their noblest and best end ; and herein is the Wisdom and Love of God also manifest , that the Soul being thus made active with all its powers , abilities , and faculties , in the works and service of God , as co-works with him ; the Soul it self is the more delighted , and hath the more joy and pleasure in those works , when it reflecteth on them , and considereth them , as having a share in them , as the Mother hath in the Children whom she hath conceived and brought forth ; for as it is natural to all Mothers to love their own Children whom they have conceived and born , and suffered for , so is it also natural to the Soul to love its works which it hath wrought in God , and take delight or pleasure in them , as God doth in his ; and as the Mother loveth her own Children whom she hath conceived and born , and travelled in great pangs to bring forth into the World , more than she loveth any other Children whom she hath not born , although these other may be more beautified , so the Soul loveth and delighteth most in those works which it bringeth forth ( as the fruit of its Womb ) through the assistance of God's Holy Spirit , and it is well allowed of the Lord so to do , provided it be with due moderation , for this is a part of our own reward , even to rejoyce in good works , which the Lord hath enabled us to perform , but the praise is wholly and alone to be given unto the Lord for them all , for he it is who hath given to the Soul its being , and powers , and every ability both Natural and Spiritual , so as without him it could not do any thing that is good , neither Spiritual nor Natural . They , are therefore greatly mistaken who think ( as some foolishly and idly have done , and Printed it against us ) that because we plead for the Spirits Immediate Revelation and Teaching , and Immediate assistance to help us in attaining the true knowledg of God , in right and true Meditations , Preachings , Prayers , Thanksgivings , &c. That therefore we lay aside not only the use of the Scripture , and other outward means and helps , but also the whole use of our Reason and Understanding as men , and of any other faculties and abilities of our Souls , and become as so many dead and unactive Truncks , Stocks or Stones , or as if we did judg that the Divine Revelations , Inspirations and Motions of God's Holy Spirit , helping us to know and understand Divine things , to Meditate , to Preach , and Pray , and give Thanks , &c. did pass through us , as a Sound passeth through a hollow Cave , or as Water through a bare Conduit . These and such like absurd consequences , are but the idle and foolish dreams of mens vain imaginations , who ( as it too much appeareth ) have never had any experience of , or acquaintance with the operations of the Holy Spirit in their own Hearts . Know then that we do believe , know and witness it to be Truth , that when God's Holy Spirit inspireth us immediately , and moveth us to Preach , or Pray , or give Thanks , as it did Holy Men of God of old , and Holy Women also , even Daughters as well as Sons , and Maid-servants , as well as Men-servants , and so doth at this day ; the said Holy Spirit worketh upon our Understandings and Reasons , as we are Men and reasonable Creatures , and upon all the powers and abilities of our Souls , according to their several capacities , and the Graces and Spiritual Gifts we have received from God , and all that is in us of parts , whether natural or acquired , or supernatural , and maketh them serviceable to us , and active in the work and service of God , more or less as he pleaseth . And thus when we pray or give thanks in Words , as we receive these words from the Lord ( when the Prayer and Thanksgiving is purely and rightly performed ) so they also spring up in us from the fruitfulness of understanding , and those parts and graces which God hath given us , and our Hearts and Souls , and Spirits , are the Mothers that bring them forth , and the good matter and purposes whereof they declare , together with the good life , vertue , and force or energy that is in them , or doth accompany them . Hence true and right Prayer in Scripture is called A pouring out of the Soul and Heart , so that somewhat of the very inward strength , vertue and power of the Soul and Heart of man , yea of his Spirit , or what is most noble and excellent in him goeth forth in words , whether of Preaching or Praying , or giving of Thanks , as he is truly and fervently exercised in the same , by the moving and enabling of the Holy Ghost ( according to which David ( Psal. 103. 1. ) stirred up not only his Soul to praise the Lord , but all that was within him [ note ] to bless his Holy Name . ) Which tender and sensible hearers , whose Souls and Hearts God hath quickned and made alive , are well sensible of , and can and do well distinguish betwixt a dead and a living , or a barren and fruitful Ministry , whether in Preaching or Prayer . Habet enim nescio quid latentis energiae viva vox , & transmiss● per aures in animos audientium fortius sonat ; Which is in English thus , The living Voice ( saith he ) hath I know not what , something of a secret energy or power , and being transmitted through the Ears of the Hearers into their Hearts and Minds , doth sound the more effectually . And if this be true of a natural Speech , when it comes from a mans heart , and is spoke but with a natural Fervency , that it reacheth forcibly the natural Faculties of the Hearers ( which borrowed speeches , or those which come not from the heart , but from the bare understanding and memory cannot do . ) How much more is it apparent in words and speeches that are Spiritual , which come both from the Heart livingly touched , and affected with the sense of the things whereof the words declare , and also from the Spirit of the Lord ? Hence it is said , that Christ spoke as one having authority , and not as the Scribes ; and the Apostles Preaching was with power and the Holy Ghost , and so no doubt was their Praying . Q. Is it any part of Gospel Worship or Prayer to read set forms of Prayer out of a Book , whether in private or publick , or whether all Vocal Prayer used either in private or publick in Families , or large Congregations , should not be as the Spirit of God , helps the Speakers to conceive , and gives them an utterance to bring forth Words of Prayer or Thanks giving ; we cannot believe , nor are we convinced in Conscience ? A. To read set forms of Prayer out of a Book , whether in private or publick , and call that reading , Prayer , is any part of Gospel Worship , or true and real Prayer , but rather one of the many Inventions and Traditions of Men since the Apostacy , and falling away from the true Faith did enter among ( those called ) Christians , who retained the Name , but losed the power and Spirit of the true ancient and primitive Christians . For surely if it had been any part of Gospel Worship , Christ or the Apostles would have mentioned it , and the Scripture would have born record of it , as they do of all the parts of Gospel Worship and true Christian Religion : And if it had been the Will of God , that such a way of Worship should have been used in the true Church as a common Liturgy or set Form of Prayers , it would have been used in the Apostles days ; for none were so fit to have given forth such forms of Prayers , after Christ his Ascension , and giving of the Holy Ghost , as the Apostles were , who were so abundantly replenished with the Holy Spirit . But neither the Apostles , nor their immediate Successors either made or used any such set Forms of read Prayers . Nothing of this kind was known in the Church , either in Iustin Martyr or Tertullian his time , who lived above Two Hundred Years after Christ ; for Tertullian telleth plainly the manner how Christians Prayed in his time , Ex pertore sue Monitore , per Spiritum Sanctum . i. e. From the Heart without a Monitor ( or any thing outwardly to teach them ) and by the Holy Spirit . But Secondly , They who plead for using read set Prayers in the Church , do acknowledg they were not in use nor practised in the Apostles days , nor in the days of their immediate Successors ; for they grant that in those early and primitive times , they who prayed in the Church as the mouth of the whole Congregation , were assisted and guided by the Holy Spirit , and that their Words both of Prayer and singing Psalms , were by immediate Inspiration . So that it is as clear as the Noon-day , that when these Divine Gifts of Praying and Singing by the Spirit were lost , and the Holy Spirit himself ( the Author and Fountain of those Gifts ) was in great measure departed from , the invention of reading ser Forms of Prayer took place . The first Instance that I find of Peoples being put to use a composed or set Form of Prayer made by another , was that Form of Prayer which Constantine the great composed , and gave to his Soldiers to say , but yet they were not to read it , but get it by Heart ; and we must consider that Constantine himself , at this time , was but a young Christian , and the purity of Spiritual Worship began to decline apace even in his daies , and most of his Souldiers were Heathens and no Christians ; so that what they did was no president to us . But neither in Constantine's time , nor a considerable space thereafter do I find , that any made or composed Prayers before-hand , were used in the Church . It seemeth the Third Council of Carthage , about the year after the Birth of Christ , 397. did first ordain Set Forms of Prayer in the Church , to prevent or hinder mens uttering any thing , either ignorantly or rashly that might be contrary to the Doctrine then received . And to say the truth , it is altogether unfitting that men should use extemporary words of Prayer , who do not know the leading and assistance of God's Holy Spirit to direct them in the words and matter they utter , for it cannot be expected , but that frequently they will speak amiss , and deviate or wander into impertinent expressions , or words contrary to Truth , whose Hearts and Tongues are not guided by the Spirit of Truth , even as a Ship , if she be let loose to Sail without a Pilot , or one to rule the Helm , cannot but go astray , and of two I have alwaies judged it the least inconvenience , since God gave me a right understanding what Prayer is , rather to use a Set Form of sound words , than to allow or permit men ( without a reproof ) to presume to speak words of Prayer unto God , of their own extemporary conceiving , without the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit , and who do not so much as pretend unto it , as many do not . As for those who are against the using of Set Forms of Prayer , upon a pretence of Praying by the help of the Spirit , and yet plainly deny and vigorously oppose all Immediate Inspiration and Revelation , since the Apostles daies , I cannot see how they can clear or rid themselves of a contradiction , and of being guilty of an horrid Impostor and Cheat ; for when they argue with such as are for Set Forms of Prayer , they seem to be altogether for Praying by the Spirit , and make it the main Argument against Set Forms of Prayer , that they quench , and limit the Spirit , but when they argue with these who are indeed for Praying by the Spirit , and who do affirm , that the Spirit of God is to be kept unto in Prayer , and not to be limitted neither as to a Set Form of words formerly made and composed by others , nor as to a set time , when man or men please , to begin or end ; nor as to the persons who may or do Pray in Assemblies . Here these are as great limiters ▪ of the Spirit as any , for they can , and do Pray when they will , and how long they will , begin and end when they will , which doth evince , that they have not a regard to the Spirits time and season of moving them to Pray , otherwise they would silently wait for it , seeing few ( if any ) upon Earth , are so replenished with the Spirit , as to be ready upon all occasions , and at all times to Pray vocally , or in words by the Spirit as the Mouth of the Assembly of the People unto God ; and to be sure , as no Prophecy came of Old in the will of man , so no motion of the Spirit cometh now in the will of men , and men cannot use the Spirit or its help , either to Preach or Pray , as they use a natural habit of Writing , or Singing , or Playing upon a Musical Instrument , which habits they can use at any time , according to their natural will and pleasure , because they have the command over them , and are , as it were , Masters of those natural habits and Arts. But it were the highest presumption , for any man to think that he hath the command of the Spirit , to use it when , and where , and how he pleaseth : For the best of men , are and ought to be the servants or Ministers of the Spirit , as Paul and the other Apostles were ; and therefore the Spirit did command , lead and order them in all their Services , and so it did all other true and faithful Ministers , who were therefore to attend unto it , and wait the seasons of the Spirits movings , as those who at the Pool waited for the stirring of the waters by the Angel , and therefore true Christians and Ministers are bid , Watch unto Prayer . And said Christ unto the Apostles , Wait for the Promise of the Father , which ye have heard of me , Acts 1. 4. Again , If those men were for the true liberty of Praving by the Spirit , they would suffer ; yea , not only suffer , but encourage any other in the Congregation to Pray vocally ; or in words by the Spirit as well as they , according to the practise of the ancient and primitive Church , when the gift of Praying and Singing by the Inspiration of the Spirit did remain , but no such thing is permitted by these Men , who will suffer none but themselves , and such as they give power unto , to use vocal Prayer in their Assemblies , as if these Men because forsooth , they are Masters of a few Natural Arts , or at least called so , were Masters of the Spirit , and that holy and blessed Spirit of Truth , must speak in none but whom they please and give leave unto ; yea , the Holy Spirit of God must be silent in his Children and Servants at their will and command . These and many other instances , which could be given , do evince , that these men , though they pretend to pray by the Spirit , are as great strangers unto it , for most part , and unto true praying by the Spirit , as they who have no such pretence ; and they who have no such pretence , as to pray by the Spirit , in respect of conceiving and uttering the words of Prayer , are an hundred fold more ingenious and more commendable , on that account , for their plainness and ingenuity ; who , as they have not that Divine Gift of Praying in words by the Spirit , so do not pretend unto it , but simply and plainly speak it out , that they have it not ; which is a great deal more honestly done than those do who have it not , and yet pretend to it , and that pretence deceives simple People , as if their Prayers were by the Spirit , because they conceive them ex tempore , though the raw indigested matter of their Prayers , and unsound expressions as they often use , as well as the great deadness and want of life , that doth accompany their Prayers , for the most part , sufficiently demonstrate they are not from the Spirit of God. But that which adds to the cheat and imposture , to make it the greater , is , that some , yea , many or them have got an Art , by affected Eloquence , or some new invented Phrases , followed with a mighty seeming Zeal and Fervency of Spirit , to play upon the Peoples Natural Affections and Passions , and excite them at their pleasure , which the ignorant People for want of a Spiritual Discerning , do imagine to be the real work and effect of Gods Holy Spirit , when for most part , it is nothing else but the animal and natural Passions in the Hearers , excited either by Art in the Speakers , or at least by the same or like Passions in them , who speak both in their Preachings and Prayings , for like stirreth up and begetteth its like , according to that of the Poet , Si vis me flere dolendum est primum ipsitibi , i. e. If thou wilt have me weep , thou must first weep thy self before me . And though I am far from condemning any true tenderness and contrition of Heart , or inward meltings of the Soul , which are caused by the real working of the Holy Spirit , which may have its visible Effects , even the shedding of Tears in him that Preacheth or Prayeth ; and that more or less abundantly : yet the hypocritical show and affection of such a thing , without the reality thereof , is loathsome and abominable ; and as great a Transgression against the Law of Heaven ; as false and counterfeit Money or Coin is against any Earthly Law : And yet such hypocritical Tears and Flashes of fained Devotion , kindled up by Sparks of their own raising , abounding among too many of that Tribe and Generation , as if they were the effects of Gods Holy Spirit , when alass it is far the contrary . But to such as have any measure of Sobriety and Ingenuity among them , I propose this Question to be answered in plainness and simplicity by them . 1. How can they pretend to pray by the Spirit in words , and yet they deny all immediate Inspiration and Revelation ; which alone guided and assisted those who prayed by the Spirit in words , recorded in the Holy Scriptures ? 2. By what Rule or Touchstone do they know when they are assisted and helped by the Spirtt to pray in words , and when not , seeing they deny the Holy Spirit , as he doth inwardly reveal himself in Mens Hearts , to be the rule in any case ? 3. When they are not moved by the Holy Spirit , and that they do not find themselves so moved as to pray in words , whether in that case , seeing they will needs pray , as well when they want the Spirits help , as when they have it , and that they plead : Natural Men , who have not the Spirit of God , may be true Ministers of Christ , and may and ought lawfully to Preach and Pray , if they have an outward Call , from them ; they should not rather use the set Forms of Prayer , than their own bare invention and wandring imagination : for here their great Argument against set Forms of Prayer , hath no place , to wit ▪ the limiting or stinting the Spirit of God ; because he who prayeth in words without the Spirit , whether by a Book or ex tempore without a Book , is in one and the same case , if none of them pray by the Spirit , for he who hath not the Spirit , cannot properly be said to limit or stint it . But to this I know they will reply , that natural and unconverted men , though they have not the Grace of the Holy Spirit to sanctifie and saye them , yet they have a Gift of Preaching and Praying by the Spirit , that may be useful and edifying to the Church , they have Gratia gratis data ( as they call it ) but not Gratia gratum faciens , i. e. Grace freely given them , but not Grace rendring them acceptable unto God ; and for this they give the instance or Example of Balaam . To this I answer , this distinction used so much of Gratia gratis data , and Gratia gratium faciens , hath not any warrant from Scripture , but is borrowed in express words from popish School-men and Jesuits , whom at other times they call Locusts , Come out of the bottomless Pit. And as for Balaam , it was somewhat an extraordinary case , whereby God shewed his mighty Power that he had over his Spirit , to cause him to Prophecy good things concerning Israel , contrary to his own inclinations ; and to bless instead of cursing them : but an extraordinary Example is not to be made a Rule or President unto us . And indeed they have but a sad pattern of him , whom rather they follow and imitate for most part , in loving and taking the wages of Unrighteousness , then in Prophecying or speaking by the Spirit of God , as he did , at these few extraordinary times . And though he prophesied some words by the Spirit , yet we do not read that ever God made him the Mouth of the Congregation , to pray by the Spirit , which is the present case . And besides , though he Prophesied twice or thrice by the Spirit of God , which was extorted from him , contrary to his own evil mind and inclination ; yet he was no true Prophet of God , but beareth the infamous mark of a false Prophet to this day ; and we do not read that ever any one Soul was converted to God by his Prophecying or Ministry . God can command the Devils , if he please , to confess to Christ , as some of them did of old , which yet is no president for wicked men , in whom the Devil rules , to Preach and Pray in the Church . Now , whereas they say , Men may have a Gift of Prayer to use it in the Church , from the Spirit of God , and yet be not sanctified by the Spirit . I ask them , Is it such a Gift as can secure them from speaking impertinent and unsound words , contrary to the truth : if yea , then they have an infallible Gift , which seeing they will not grant unto themselves , no more will they unto these others . And if it cannot secure them from unsound and impertinent words , but leaves them at liberty as much to use unfound words as sound ; and that the corruption of their Hearts , who are but meer Natural Men , will soon cast the Ballance , and byass them rather to use the unsound words than the sound . Is it not more safe in that case , at least the less inconveniency of the two , rather to be tied and limited to use 2 form of sound words , then that their corrupt and unrenewed Hearts . However , so much they imagine it is to be helped with an unsanctified Gift , of an abused Eloquence , should be left at liberty to speak unto God , and utter before him whatever it pleaseth . But if we shall search to the bottom , what this Spiritual common Gift of the Spirit is , we shall find it to be no other but some meer Natural Gift of Memory , Elocution , and a ready or quick Fancy and Imagination , which many Heathenish Idolatrous Priests have had as much as any of them ; improved with some acquired Arts of Grammar , Logick and Rhetorick , and words of Scripture abused and misapplied by them : and that which crowns all , some more than ordinary degree of confidence ; that when they are thus furnished , and can or do Preach and Pray by those meer natural and artificial helps at best , to call them and baptize them into the name of a Spiritual Gift , or the Spirits help and assistance . But leaving these men , and their ex tempore praying without the Spirit , which thus far I found my very Soul and Spirit concerned to discover , in true love and compassion , to their abused and betrayed Hearers and Followers ; and to them also if they can receive it . I shall return to plead a little further , for the true and right manner of praying in words by the Spirit , as he is pleased to give assistance , both in the conceiving and utterance , without any set Form , either read out of a Book , or repeated from the Memory without a Book . Because , 3. This way of Praying doth alone and only answer to the liberty of the Spirit , which is free , even the Holy Spirit of Truth , and neither will nor can be limitted , and who seek to limit him , he departs from them , in so far and remaineth still in his own freedom , altho such who seek to limit the Spirit by using Set Forms , may and do quench the Spirit , as unto themselves . But they think there is no limitting , or quenching , or grieving of the Spirit in the case , because they believe there is no such gift in the Church remaining since the primitive times , as to be helped by the Spirit to Pray in words , either in the conceiving or uttering them . They grant indeed so far the help and assistance of the Spirit , and acknowledg it altogether necessary to Pray acceptably unto God , that the Holy Spirit stir up our desires and affections , and excite in us his own Graces , and the doing of this , as they say , is a sufficient helping of us by the Spirit , as well when a set Form of Prayer is used as otherwise . But why do they believe there is no such gift remaining in the true Church , seeing they generally confess it was in the Church , both in the Apostles daies , and some considerable time since . They say it ceased with the ceasing of the gift of Tongues and Miracles ; but what ground have they for this ? That is a bad Argument , that because some of these Gifts which were extraordinary , and less necessary , did cease or discontinue , that therefore this allo did cease with those other . And seeing they do not profess to have the Spirit or Gift of Discerning , whereby to know , whether this Gift be in the Church or no. How do they know but some have it ? And as they say , the Spirit is ceased in respect to help us to pray in words ; so others do as confidently say , to wit , the Socinians and Pelagians , that it is ceased in all other respects , and there is no need of it , either to help us to conceive words of Prayer , or excite our Affections , but that man by his free will , helped by the Scriptures , without any immediate help of the Spirit , can pray sufficiently , both with good Words and fervent Affections . And yet even these will say , they are helped by the Grace of the Spirit , to wit , mediately and remotely , by means of the Spirit . Again , Why do they limit and stint the help and operation of the Spirit , only to the Will and Affections , and to exciting the Graces of the Spirit in us . Doth not the Spirit operate upon the Understanding , as well and as nearly , and immediately and closely , as upon the Will and Affections ? Are there not intellectual Graces and Gifts of the Spirit , to wit , such as properly belong to and are seated in the Understanding , as well as such that belong to the Will ? Do not we read in Scripture , as well of the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledg , Counsel , Understanding , as of the Spirit of Love and Meekness , &c. And if they will grant that there are such intellectual Graces , that belong to the Understanding , as well as others that belong to the Will ; shall not these intellectual Graces , be made fruitful by the Spirit and Understanding , in whom they reside and are placed , as well as these other in the Will. Again , Will they not grant that the Spirit helpeth us to conceive Words , at least in Meditation ? Or will they confine us to see Forms of Meditation , as well as of vocal Prayer ? I suppose not , seeing no such set Forms are yet extant : and they themselves take liberty to their Meditations upon religious matters , and preach to the People these said Meditations ; and yet I suppose they will reckon at times , the Spirit helpeth them to conceive these Meditations , which cannot be conceived without words . And further , The words of these set Forms of Prayer , whence came they ? Had the Spirit no influence upon the Understandings of those Men , who conceived them to help and assist them in those Conceptions ? If they say nay , they will render the set Forms of Prayer of small value ; what the People in that respect . But if they say the Spirit did help them to form these Conceptions , of the words of their set Prayers , then such a Gift is not ceased in the true Church , for it was in these men , who penned and conceived those Prayers ; it may as well be in men now to conceive other words of Prayer . But 4. Praying by a set Form , not only tendeth to limit and stint the Spirit and quench it , in regard of its operations , but also it tendeth to make the Understanding , and divers other Faculties and Abilities , or Powers of our Souls , and the intellectual Graces and Vertues seated and planted in them , altogether barren and unfruitful , in respect of Prayer , which yet ought to exercise the Understanding , as much as any other thing ; as Paul said , I will pray with the Spirit , I will pray with the Understanding also . For if the Understanding be limited to a set Form of Words , then there is no room nor place , nor liberty left for it to bring forth Prayer in any other Forms , the which seemeth verily as absurd to me : As who would limit the Earth to bring forth only such a limited and determined number of Forms of Vegetables , Flowers and Fruits ; and not only so , but to limit her as to length , breadth , and depth of each Form , which we know is an impossible thing : for the Forms of all living and growing things , must have liberty to spring out from their respective Seeds , Principles , and Causes ; otherwise they will not grow but wither and die : And as the Forms of Vegetables must not be limited and stinted to such peculiar Figures and Dimensions , much less the Forms of Animals , and yet far less the Forms and Figures of Mens Bodies and Faces . For among all the many millions of Mankind , that have been or are upon the Earth , never were any two found , but did more or less , differ in outward Form and Figure , in the Face or Countenance . And surely as differing as Mens Bodies and Faces are ; so much , or rather more , do the Thoughts or Conceptions of their Understanding differ ; and to limit them all to one Form of inward conceptions of Words , is as vain as to stint and determine all Men to have one and the same Form of Visage or Countenance . And he who would go about to limit the Figure of the Childs Body and Face , in the Mothers Womb , to another shape and form than God and Nature hath designed to have , would do amiss , and be occasion of causing the Womb to miscarry , and render it barren , rather than any way to help it . I know it is answered by some , that the fruitfulness of the Understanding , may show it self in other Exercises and Performances , whereas man also may use his Gifts freely , as in Preaching , Writing , Conference , &c. But why not in Prayer , as well as in these other for to restrict ; yea , and to hinder and stop the fruitfulness of the Understanding , and the intellectual Graces seated therein ; in one respect is of a tendency to stop its fruitfulness ; and render it barren in other respects . A Woman that is with Child ; and hath twins in her Womb , that is hard for to make her miscarry in the one , but she will miscarry also in the other ; and he that seeks to kill one of the Twins in the Mothers Belly , shall be in hazard to kill the other also . But why should the one be killed or choaked more than the other ? Or why should the Divine Begettings of Gods Holy Spirit in the Understanding of the Soul , as also in its Reason and Imagination be strangled , more than these in the Will and Affections , feeing they have both one Father , which is God , as they have one Mother , which is the Soul. And also seeing what is begot by the Spirit of the Lord , in the Will and Desires , or Affections of the Soul , hath a great dependency what is begot by the same Spirit , in the Understanding and Reason . For the Children and Servants of God , they love him as reasonable Creatures ; and on reasonable accounts , and for reasonable causes ; yea , they have the best and greatest reasons for to love him ; and those reasons are presented to the Soul by the Holy Spirit in the Understanding and reasonable Faculty . And it is generally acknowledged , that the Will and Affections do commonly follow the dictates and suggestions of the Understanding , and according as the Thoughts of the Understanding , whether good or bad , do most prevail in the Soul , the Will and Affections , with the Desires thereof , do imbrace what is presented , whether it be a true and real good , or only seeming and apparent . So that the Wills and Affections of all Men , are swayed by the strongest Dictates , which raise and spring up from their Understanding , and intellectual Faculties , whether true or false : And thus either Wisdom or Folly ruleth the Wills of all Men , with their Desires and Affections , and consequently all their Actions . All good Men are led by wise and good Counsels , which the Holy Spirit begets in them ; and all bad and evil men , are led by foolish and evil Counsels . And hence it is , that every good man is a wise man , and every wise man , who is truly so , is a good man , and every bad or evil man , is a fool , and is called so in Scripture , and all sin and wickedness is folly , and the real effect and fruit of it ; Seeing therefore all good inclinations , motions and Affections in the will of Man , Rise from good and wise Counsels in the Understanding and Reason of Man , we must needs say that the Holy Spirit doth operate in both Understanding and Will ; and begets those good and wise Meditations and Conceptions of Truth , in order of Nature , before the good Inclinations and Affections , which afterwards he begetteth and causeth to arise in the Will. But these good and wise Meditations and Counsels , cannot be without words , at least inwardly spoke or conceived in the Reason , or rational Understanding of Man. And therefore the Spirit of God doth no less help and assist the Understanding or Reason of Man ; to conceive good Words , then it doth help the Will to conceive good Desires and Affections . It is therefore a great mistake and error of judgment , in those who think , that the Spirit of God doth only excite or beget in his Children , good Desires and Affections , but doth not suggest unto them , or help them to conceive good words of Meditation , and that as well to pray and give thanks as to preach . And seeing Preachers are not stinted to set Forms of words in Preaching , why should they be any more stinted to set forms in Praying , I cannot understand , for the Spirit of God is as near and ready to assist in the one as in the other ; And if it be said that men Preach not ex tempore , but by study and long premeditation , and therefore they are in less danger to utter or express unsound and impertinent words in their deliberate and long premeditated Sermons , than in their extemporary Prayers . To this I Answer , 1. It is found by frequent experience ; that even in those long studied and premeditated Sermons many men have uttered very impertinent and unsound , yea , false and hurtful words and expressions , for it is not much or long time to study or premeditate a Discourse that maketh it good or soundp ; seeing they who err in their understandings ; and have received or drunk in wrong and false Doctrines and Principles of Religion , and wrong and false Traditional Glosses and Interpretations of Scripture , may Preach very unsound and erronious Sermons , altho they have taken a long time to study and prepare them . 2. According to the former Reply , If men shall study before-hand their Prayers as well as their Sermons , then they are in no greater danger to speak impertinent and unsound words in Prayer than in Preaching , but rather they are less obnoxious to such a danger , because in Prayer men commonly do not meddle with matters of controversie , or disputable points of Doctrine , as indeed it is not proper . 3. He who preacheth or prayeth by the true and real assistance of the Holy Spirit as he keepeth faithfully and carefully unto the same , altho what he doth either Preach or Pray proceedeth from premeditation . It being impossible that the mouth can utter any thing , but the heart or mind of man , must first conceive it , which is a true and real kind of premeditation , yet he need eth not any long time for the said premeditation . For when his heart and Soul is once well prepared and fitted to be the instrument of the Spirit , whether in Preaching or Pray ing , &c. ( The which preparation of the Heart , at times , may require a considerable season , longer or shorter , as the man is more or less grown up in Vertue and Holiness ) i● the least space of time imaginable , as in moment or instant , when it pleaseth the Lord to assist the understanding by the Divine influences of his Spirit , it can be and 〈◊〉 is made fruitful to bring forth , and conceive as many solid and living Meditations 〈◊〉 Truth , as may sufficiently yield matter . 〈◊〉 discourse , in true and sound and living words for divers hours . But if the Spirit should not suggest so much matter of discourse , in so short a space as a moment or instant ; but only as much as to furnish the Speaker with two or three Sentences , or perhaps but one Sentence at first , before that one Sentence be well spoke , further matter may and doth oft arise from openings of life in the understanding of the Speaker to speak more , and so continually still new matter may be and oft is afforded , to continue his speech longer or shorter , as it pleaseth the Lord to require , or as in the wisdom of God a service is seen or felt . And indeed various and manifold , as well as wonderful are the waies of the Lord towards his Servants , whose mouthes he doth open either in Preaching or Praying in the Assemblies of his People . For sometimes as one waiteth upon the Lord in pure silence , and in holy fear and reverence , his heart at the present time being empty of all thoughts or meditations , in respect of any particular subject or matter of discourse , and not having one particular Subject more than another in his view , but his mind and Conscience singly exercised towards God , suddenly , and as in the twinkling of an eye a particular subject is presented unto him , or the opening of some particular place of Scripture ( and here the Lord chuseth his Text for him , and ground of his discourse ; or if it be to Pray , the matter of his Prayer ) and his heart that was empty before of thoughts , as to these matters is now filled with living thoughts and meditations concerning them , being made fruitful to bring them forth by the showre or Rain of the Divine influence of the Holy Spirit , in a moment or twinkling of an eye . And at other times the case is otherwise , as a little at first given , and then a little more , as it pleaseth the Lord to order , and as the condition either of the Speakers or Hearers doth require it ; as even in natural conceptions of natural things , those men , who have a fruitful understanding , and a quick and ready invention , upon any fit occasion , how suddenly , and as in a moment will plenty of good and pertinent matter arise in them to discourse of . If in a Lawyer to discourse of the Laws ; if in a Physician to discourse of Physick , or in a Phylosopher to discourse of Moral or Natural subjects of Phylosophy , the which extemporary and ready discourses , when they come from a mans heart , and the real fruitfulness of his understanding , have alwaies more acceptance , and authority with the intelligent and discerning Hearers , than long studied or premeditated Speeches , which according to the Proverb , Smell of the Lamp , and have more of Art than of Nature in them , and more of Form than Substance . And extemporary discourses that flow and spring freely from the fruitfulness of a man's understanding , and the noble and generous parts or faculties of a well composed and clear mind , are like fresh waters that have newly streamed from the living Spring or Fountain of them , that on that very account are more sweet and pleasant than discourses long since premeditated and treasured up in the memory , which through their oldness , contract a certain tincture , and lose of their freshness and sweetness of savour , even as water long kept in a Cistern . And if these extemporary discourses of Natural things , flowing only from a natural fruitfulness of man's understanding , have more acceptance and authority with the judicious Hearers , than long studied Sermons , dressed up with paint of Art , how much more are those extemporary Speeches to be valued , and how much greater authority have they , and true and real acceptance with all discerning Hearers , whether in Preaching or Praying , which proceed from the rich and fruitful Soil of a good and honest heart , abundantly watered and made fruitful with the descendings of the venly Showres and Rains of Gods holy and blessed Spirit . And if it be yet again Replyed , That the limitting or confining of him that prayeth to a Set Form , doth not hinder the fruitfulness of his understanding , for his mind and understanding is still at liberty to have as many and as various good and holy Meditations and conceptions of thoughts and words , as is possible for him to contain or comprehend ; only he is outwardly limited to those forms , as to his Tongue and Mouth , whereas his mind and understanding doth remain free to abound in the greatest variety of good and holy thoughts and meditations : For the people who hear , they may also abound in these good thoughts and meditations , who notwithstanding do not open a mouth in the Assembly , either to Preach or Pray . To this I Answer , As there are many good thoughts and meditations which God giveth unto men , for their own particular comfort and profiting , such as these which the people have who do not speak ; so there are also many which God giveth for the comfort and profiting of others , and especially of the Church . And these ought not to be suppressed , but uttered and brought forth in the Lord 's leading and ordering , according to his appointed time and season . And if the Lord move and require a man to bring forth these good things out of the good Treasure of his heart , as certainly at one time or another he will so move and require , where these good things are given to the man , not for himself alone , but also for others . Is it not a plain limitting and confining the Spirit and mind of a man , not to give him liberty either in Preaching or Prayer , to bringforth what the Lord has put in his mind for that very purpose ? Is not this like the hindring the Child to come out of the Mothers Belly , when its appointed time is come , and to make her Womb its Grave , then which what can be imagined more cruel ? But 5. There is this great hurt and inconveniency to limit and confine both Speakers and Hearers to Set Forms of Prayer , the one to Speak and Read them , the others to Hear them , that it cannot be supposed , that those Set and stinted Prayers will either alwaies , or at most times suit and agree with the present states and conditions of the people . The Scripture saith , That words spoken in season , are like pictures of Gold in Apples of Silver . And concerning Isaiah , it was said , That the Lord had given him a Word in Season to the weary Soul. And indeed a word spoken in season , whether it be in Preaching or Praying how sweet and comfortable it is ? Now these Set Forms of Prayer being to be used according to the Calendar , such Prayers on such a day , and others on other daies , as the Calendar , or order of the Service requireth : Can these Forms be alwaies , or for most part seasonable to the peoples states and conditions , unless it could be supposed , that the inward states and conditions of mens Souls and Spiris should regularly vary , according to the Seasons and Daies of the year , which were most absurd to think or imagin . Or how do these Set Forms of Prayer , which tell us daily what to Pray for , agree with Paul's words , Rom. 28. The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities , for we know not what we should Pray for as we ought . And if it be said , That most of those Set Forms are conceived in such general words , that they may suit or agree with all the various states and conditions of the peoples Souls . To this I Answer , To suit or agree with them in a general way is one thing , and to suit them in their particular cases and circumstances is another . And besides , it is not upon the bare words of Prayer so much that relieveth and comforteth the Souls of people , as the life that goeth along in words that are uttered from the heart of the Speaker , as God giveth him a sense of the various and several states and conditions of the Hearers , according to which sense of their various States , he is furnished both with sutable words , and a sutable degree and measure of life to accompany them , wherewith to minister in Prayer , and whereby the faint and weak desires of the Hearers many times are enlarged and strengthened . But it can never be supposed , that he who only reads a Set Form of Prayer out of a Book , according to the order of the Calendar , or repeats it from his memory , can Pray with either such fit and sutable matter of words , or can minister that sutable degree and measure of life , that the Hearers require and stand in need of , for where the words are not seasonable , life will not join with them , to make them effectual and profitable to the Hearers . I know it will be hard for these who have not the inward experience of the workings of the Divine Life and Spirit in their own Souls , to believe or imagine , how the Speaker , who is assisted to Preach , or pray with the Spirit of God , can have a distinct and clear feeling of the several states and conditions of the people , and in that sense and feeling be enabled by the same Spirit , who gave this sense to him , to minister to them all that which is seasonable , both for matter and life . However this is abundantly known and witnessed to those who have an inward experience of life , and its workings in themselves to be a truth ; for as in the natural body , one member hath a sence of its fellow members , and the more noble that one member be , its sence of the other members is the more universal , full and comprehensive : Even so is it in the Body of Christ , which is his Church ; and how can it be otherwise , when as the Scripture saith , All the single hearted , and upright minded Professors of Christ are of one heart and soul , as expressing a greater unity and sympathy , or fellow feeling , than that of the body ; as if to be of one Soul , were more than to be of one Body ; for if the parts of the Body have a sence one of another , much more the powers and faculties of the Soul have a discerning and sympathy one with another . 6. And lastly , To add no more here ( altho many more reasons might be brought ) against the using of Set Forms of Prayer , the whole Superstructure dependeth upon a false and wrong bottom or foundation , viz. an Opinion , that immediate Inspiration and Revelation is ceased or discontinued in the Church , and in and among true Christians , as well as false ; for I dare say , If they who are so zealous for using Set Forms of Prayer , did but believe that Immediate Inspiration and Revelation did remain in the true Church of God , and in and among true Christians , this would presently end the dispute , and determine the Controversie betwixt them and us , for when Immediate Inspiration and Revelation was in the Church , as in the Apostles daies , and for some considerable time thereafter , they readily grant , that men then prayed and sung Psalms ex tempore without Book , by the Spirit ; and therefore if they did now believe that such a dispensation is restored and restoring again , and was never altogether lost among true Christians , although much impaired and diminished by reason of the general Apostacy and prevailing power of darkness that was over the greatest part of those called Christians , they would lay aside their Set Forms , and wait for this Divine Gift . But it were too long and unseasonable a labour in this place , to prove that Immediate Revelation and Inspiration doth remain in and among all true Christians , I shall therefore refer the Readers to what our Friends have writ on that subject , and particularly to two Treatises of mine . And withal , I beseech all sober and impartial people , laying aside all prejudice , to weigh and consider , upon what slender and weak Arguments that Opinion is built , which saith , That Immediate Inspiration and Revelation is ceased in and among all true Christians . And above all , I recommend them to the Light of Christ Jesus , and the manifestation of his holy Spirit of Truth , in every one of their hearts and Consciences , that bears witness to every necessary Truth , as they hearken to it , and with their minds turned to the said Light , and Spirit of Truth , to read and search the Scriptures diligently , in that very respect as the Noble Bereans did of old , and the Lord give them understanding in that and all other necessary things . I shall now proceed to Answer the most ordinary Objections , that seem to have most weight for using Set Forms of Prayer , whether in the Church or in private . 1. It is Objected , That Set Forms of Prayer and Blessing the People were used in the Iewish Church , under the Law , as Numb . 10. 35. when the Ark set forward , Moses commonly said , Arise , O God , let thine Enemies be scattered , let them also that hate thee , flee before thee ; and when it rested , he said , Return , O Lord , to the many thousands of Israel . And Numb . 6. 23. Aaron and his Sons , were on this wise to bless the people , saying , The Lord bless thee and keep thee , the Lord make his face to shine favourably on thee . And Joel the Prophet taught the People to pray , saying , Spare thy People , O Lord , give not thy Heritage to reproach , that the Heathen should rule over them , wherefore should they say among the people , Where is their God , Ioel 2. 17. And yet under the Law , people had the Spirit of God , and were to pray by the Spirit , and Moses and Aaron who were to use these Forms of Prayer and Blessing , were endued wiih a great measure of the Spirit , and able enough to have conceived other Forms of Prayer and Blessing . Ans. From their using Set Forms of Prayer and Blessing under the Law , to argue for the use of them under the Gospel , will not hold good , for not only Sacrifices , and Offerings of Beasts , but many other things were both commanded , and allowed under the Law , which are not under the Gospel . And although Moses and Aaron , and many others in those daies had great plenty of the Spirit ; yet for the sake of the people , who generally were weak and rude , they were to go along with them , in those Rudiments . No doubt Moses and the Prophets saw to the substance and end of those Shadows and Figures , and knew well enough that the blood of Bulls and Goats could not wash or purifie the Conscience , and yet because of the general dispensation of the Law , which was to continue until the fulness of time , wherein Christ should be revealed , they were to remain in the practise of these things , which were afterwards to be abolished . And though under the Law , some Forms of Prayer and Blessing the People were to be used , yet they were but few , and very short , and such as did proceed from the Spirit of God , the matter and words of such Forms seem to carry in them some extraordinary Majesty or Glory , and to have some deep and profound signification and force with them more than ordinary , as we know , some Scripture words and sentences have more than others , as that Spirit is felt from whom originally they came . And though all the Scripture words did proceed from the Holy Spirit , yet some have proceeded from a greater measure of it , and more depth of the Divine Wisdom , and hold forth somewhat of more Majesty , and deep inward sense and mysterie , and are commonly accompanied with a greater measure of the Spirit , when they are used either in Reading or hearing them Read , or in Meditation , and may be also used at this day in Prayer , as the same Spirit doth move any of his Servants thereunto , either in part or in whole . But we do not find that even under the Law , or at any time before , the Lord did limit and confine his People , or Servants to such a precise number of Set Forms of Prayer , and made unlawful unto them , to use any others when they prayed in publick , or that any one was ever forbid to whom God had given any spiritual gift ( of uttering words either of Prayer , or of a Psalm or Song ex tempore , by the help and moving of the Spirit ) to make use of it . But on the contrary , we find that many prayed ex tempore by the inspiration of the Spirit , what the Lord did give them , or put into their mouthes of words , both in private and publick , as Solomon's prayer at the Dedication of the Temple ; also Esdras's Prayer , Chap. 9. and the Levites Prayer , Nehem. 9. and Daniel's Prayer , Dan. 9. and for private Prayers , David's Prayers in the Psalms , and Asaphs , also Moses , and Samuel , and Habbakkuk their Prayers with many others under the Law , are clear instances ; and before the Law , Abraham , Isaac , and Iacob their Prayers . Nor do we find that ever a Book of Prayers , containing so many Prayers in number , to be said or read in order , was ever made in the Church by any of the Prophets as Prayer , or as any part of Worship in the Law. For though divers excellent forms of Prayers are recorded in Scripture , and put into Books , yet they were not appointed by the Lord to be read or used in so many words ; without adding or diminishing , as Prayers . But they were read in the Congregation as other parts of Scripture , pattly for information , and partly to excite the Spirit and gift of Prayer in the Hearers . Excepting only some very few short forms as above mentioned , which did not hinder or stop the liberty of the Spirit of Prayer to express it self ex tempore in any other words . And those few Forms they used as Prayers and Blessings , we do not find they read them out of a Book ; when they prayed them , but spoke them from their hearts , where they were livingly , as it were , Writ and Recorded . And tho the words of these short Forms were formerly conceived , and in that respect were old or ancient , yet as they uttered or pronounced them in a fresh and living sense of God's Spirit and power , which never waxeth old ; this gave them alwaies a new luster , and put a new Savour of life in them , and made them , as it were , alwaies new to them . And thus it is at this day , with the Servants of the Lord , whom he hath endued with a Spirit of Prayer , who when they Pray ( either in private or in publick ) do frequently find and feel Scripture words of Prayer , formerly conceived and uttered by the Servants of the Lord , as Moses , David , &c. to arise in them from a fresh and living sense of the Word of Life , to speak them forth in Prayer , and this without any limitation of the Spirit of Prayer , but coming freely in the liberty of the Spirit , and also of Heart , Soul and Understanding ; and the liberty of the Spirit of Prayer , as also of the Heart and Understanding of him that Prayeth is manifest ; in this , that it is the free choice of the Spirit what words of Scripture to make use of , and to bring into the Remembrance of him that Speaketh , who doth not also limit or confine the Man's Understanding only to those Scripture Words ; but giveth him liberty to make use of any others that freely arise or spring up in him , in unity with the life , as it is opened in him , as a Fountain or Well of Living Water . 2. It is Objected , That Christ taught his Disciples , to Pray in a set Form of Words , who even then were endued with a measure of the Spirit , Matth. 6. 9. Luke 11. 2. Answ. Though they are endued at that time with a measure of the Spirit , yet it was but small in respect of what was to follow : And we must remember , that as yet the dispensation of the Law remained in force ; and if Moses prescribed unto the People under the Law some short ( but of a very excellent composure ) Forms of Prayer and Blessing without limiting them only to these ; well might Christ teach his Disciples this short form of Prayer , which is of a most excellent and wonderful composure ; in regard of its plainness and simplicity , and yet most comprehensive , in respect of the largeness and fulness of matter expressed in so few Words ; a most worthy Pattern of all our Prayers , and of all that we can ask or desire ; for it is a sum of all the Prayers that ever was or can be made by any of the Servants of God , and whatever is lawsul to be prayed for , is most easily reducible to some of the Petitions of the said Prayer ; and though it hath great plainness and simplicity of Words , yet great depth of matter , and may be compared to Solomon's Temple , which had not only the outer Court , but the Holy place within it ; and within the Holy place , the most Holy , or Holy of Holies : For beside the Letter and Words of it which answer to the outer Curt , it hath a Holy inward Sense or Understanding , which none can reach or come into , but who are made a Royal Priest-hood unto God ; as none were to enter into the Holy place , but such as were Priests under the Law. And although many Christians have reached to the inward Sense of the whole Prayer in great part , yet who can say he has reached to the full depth of it , and most inward Pith or Marrow thereof , which is as the Holy of Holies ? It is a Question if any ever reached into the most inward Sense and Understanding of it , but Christ Jesus himself who spoke and uttered it , in whom dwelt all fulness and riches of Wisdom and Understanding , who is our High Priest , made higher than the Heavens , and all the Angels that dwell in them . But , 2. Christ did not limit them only to this Form of Prayer , nor did he give them a Book of Forms of Prayer , or any other Forms that we read of but this only , which therefore was rather to be a Pattern and Example unto them , according to which they were to Pray , than tye or confine them to the precise number of the Words of it , as is clear from Matth. 6. 9. After this manner therefore ( said he ) Pray ye . And although Luke ( 11. 2. ) hath it , When yee Pray , say , Our Father , &c. Yet Luke may be expounded by Matthew , as one place of Scripture is oft expounded by another . So that Luke may very well be understood according to Matthew his words , thus , When ye Pray , say , ( viz , after this manner ) Our Father , &c. Nor can this one only short Form of Prayer be a sufficient argument to make a large Book of Forms of Prayer , and impose them by constraint upon Christians : For either this one Form of Prayer taught by Christ was sufficient for the Apostles without any other , or it was not ; if sufficient for them , why not also for all other Christians ? And yet I know not any sort of these called Christians who confine themselves only to it ; or are willing so to do , but think it needful to express their Prayers frequently in other Words ; for variety and change of Words ( when the matter is the same ) doth help to stir up and beget in men the more Fervent Affections . But if that one only Form was not sufficient to the Apostles , it is clear that Christ did not intend by teaching them that Form , to give them or their Successors an intire System or Scheme of Common Prayer , but as is already said , to be a Pattern or Example unto them , and also to afford unto them matter of Meditation , as the Holy Spirit should open the deep and comprehensive Sense of it unto them ; so that by a due and serious , and deliberate Meditation upon all the parts and words of it , by the help of the Spirit they might be stirred up unto Prayer , their hearts being lifted up unto God upon the Meditation on every part of it , by saying Amen thereunto , or expressing the inward desire and prayer of their hearts in the same or more words , as the Holy Spirit should be pleased to enable and assist them . And though I cannot , and dare not recommend it to be read or said as a Prayer twice or thrice every day , in a dead formal customary way , as too many do , nor can I limit any to the strict and precise number of words in it to pray by , without using any more or , less words , lest thereby I should seem to limit the Holy Spirit who is most free in all his Workings . Yet I can and do freely thus far recommend it , even unto all Christians , as well great as small , as a most worthy subject of their frequent Meditation , which the Spirit of the Lord will not be wanting to incline them unto , and assist them in . And how often in the Day , Week , Month , or Year they are to Meditare upon it , or how long their Minds and Hearts are to dwell upon the Thoughts and Meditations of it , or any other places of Holy Scripture , no outward rule can be given , but must all be left to the free ordering and leading of the Spirit , which I certainly believe as it is regarded and minded , will be found very frequent . For it is a great part of the Spirits Work and Office to bring the Scripture words , and especially the words of Christ to our remembrance , and the more useful and necessary any words of Scripture are unto us ; no doubt the Holy Spirit that Faithful Remembrancer , will bring them to our Minds , the more frequently and seasonable : And I know no words in all the Scripture that are more necessary and profitable unto us to be remembred , and often meditated upon , than those very words contained in this excellent Form of Prayer taught by Christ. And indeed , not only these few Words of Prayer taught the Apostles by Christ , but any other words of Prayer , whither Recorded in Scripture , or that are Writ and Recorded any where else , that have proceeded from a true Breathing and Spring of Life , in these who first conceived and expressed them in word or writing , may be and are of great service . So that Forms and words of Prayer which proceed in the least measure from the Spirit of Prayer , we are not against , but for , and our Souls have oft been greatly refreshed and quickned by them , and the Spirit of Prayer , yea true Prayer and Supplication hath oft been excited in us , at the reading or hearing read such Prayers , as are frequently to be found not only in the Scriptures , but in the Books of true Martyrs , and Witnesses of Jesus : What precious Words of Prayer have oft dropped from them ? althongh but a little of those is recorded ; and it might be wished more of these precious words of Prayer or Thanksgiving , and other Testimonies that came from the Spirit of God in them , which flowed from them had been preserved if it had been the will of God. How oft when we hear , or read , or call to mind these precious Words of Prayer , or some part of them , that any Servant or Hand-maid of the Lord has uttered , either at the Hour of their Death , or any other time by the Spirit of the Lord , which we find upon record in true History ? How oft I say , and how purely doth Life spring in us , and bear its Living Witness , to the Original and Fountain of those Prayers , out of which they have proceeded , even the Pure and Holy Spirit of God and Christ ? And what pure inward , living , powerful and comfortable Touches of the same Spirit have we felt at such times , confirming our Heavenly and Spiritual Unity with those dear and precious Servants of the Lord. Therefore I say , we are not against Words or Fruits of Prayer ( for all Words have a Form ) that have at any time come , or do and may come from the Spirit , but are very much for them as fit and proper Subjects of Meditation and Occasions ( as the Spirit of the Lord is pleased to concurr ) to excite the Grace of Prayer in us thereby , or any other Divine Grace and Gift , as doth oft come to pass . Also all such Prayers are excellent patterns and examples unto us of Prayer ; but yet we cannot set them up to be read or heard , as our Prayers , so as to tye and confine our selves , or others , to the precise number of the words contained in them . Not can we acknowledg that the bare reading or repeating the Words , are a Prayer , as many do ignorantly imagine , for all true Vocal Prayer comes from the Heart , as it is moved and wrought upon by the Holy Spirit , and the Words of Prayer simply considered , are not properly the Prayer ( otherwise every one that hath and useth the words should pray those Prayers which is far otherwise ) but the words are but the signs and expressions of the Prayer which was in those who first conceived them , and are called Prayer only by a Figure or Metonymie of the Sign for the thing signified . And whereas it is objected by some , that these Forms of Prayer , as they are good and fit patterns of our Prayers , so they may be used by us as Prayers , even as some Weights and Measures , which are kept as Standards to make other Weights by , may be used themselves , as Weights and Measures . I answer , the comparison and example in this case is most unequal ; those Weights and Measures being but dead things , whether they be Standards , or those which are made by them . But all true Prayer is a living thing , and must have a living Form of its own , and cannot borrow the Form of another , even as a Rose , or Tulip , or Lilly , or any other Flower or Vegetable , or Fruit of the Earth , as it springs up out of the Ground , must have its own proper living Form and Figure ; and though it may be like to other things of its kind , yet it is distinct from them , and may , yea and doth alwaies more or less vary from them in form and shape , or figure and quantity ( as well as Colour , and Taste , and Smell ( at least as to the degree ) and no art or device of Man can bring forth an Herb or Fruit of the Earth precisely of the same quantity and shape , with any other of the same kind : And so it is as to true Prayer in great part ; and although one Prayer may be like another as to the words , and may have the same words when the Prayer is short , as containing perhaps one or two Sentences , yet in this case the one Prayer doth not borrow the words of the other Prayer , but both the Prayers have their own proper form , that naturally spring from that Divine Life , and inward Sense and Understanding in the Soul from whence they come . As it was in those Prayers of Christ a little before his Passion , when he prayed three times , saying the same Words ; which instance some bring for using a constant set form of Prayer ; for who will , or dare say , but that those few Words thrice uttered by him , did immediately spring from Life in him , and not from a bare remembrance of the Words formerly spoken . And besides , the time being so short betwixt those three Prayers , they may be said to be as well one as three , the frame and bent of his heart remaining the same the whole time , and the desire of his heart being still one and the same , and after one thing , to wit , That the will of his Father might be done ; when his Prayer was rather a breathing forth of his earnest desire after one only thing , and consisted at this time more in the will and affection , than in the Understanding ( though it was in and with great Understanding also ) then that called Discursive Prayer , where the Understanding and Reason is much exercised ; the which sort of Breathings , after one thing expressed in one or two Sentences , and sometimes in one or two Words , yea sometimes but one only Word , as to say , Father ( according to Gal. 4. 6. ) is commonly called the Prayer of Aspiration , and by others Ejaculatory Prayer , and by others the Prayer of the Will ; which differs much from that other kind of Prayer which is Discursive , where the Understanding and Reason is much exercised , and the Mind is filled with many Thoughts and Words of Prayer inwardly conceived , and the desires of the Soul are excited after divers things : In which case it s almost impossible , that at several times a man can pray the same words without adding or diminishing , if he speak from his Heart and not from a bare Remembrance . For even in Natural Discourse upon any Natural Subject , a man that speaks from his Heart and the inward Fruitfulness of his Understanding , he will vary in expression , though the subject of his Discourse be the same . And therefore to argue for the using a constant set Form of Prayer , from the Prayer of Aspiration , which hath but one Sentence or Word in it many times , to Discursive Prayer which hath commonly many , holds not good , and is as improper and unequal as who would say , when the Child cryeth unto the Father twice or thrice every day , Father give me Bread , using the same words ; that therefore in all the Child's Discourse at any time to his Father , in answering his Father any question , or asking any other thing of him , and using many arguments to prevail with him that he may obtain it , he should still use one and the same Form of Speech . We find by daily experience , that in Converse and Society of men with men , they do not bind themselves to the same Forms of Speech , as they discourse and talk one to another ; and if they did , it would make their Converse very barren and unfruitful , and would look very odd , and import in him that alwaies used these same words on the same subjects of Discourse , either want of Understanding and Judgment , or some pedantick affectation : Although in all intercourse of Speech , there are some short Forms that are constantly and commonly used : And if two Men should preach on the same Text , and have the same subject of Discourse , if they should both use the same Form of Words in kind and number , without addition or diminition , it would be generally concluded , that the one had stoln his Discourse from the other , or at least borrowed it , and not conceived it from his own Mind and Understanding . For as much as one Man's Child differs from another in Form and Figure of Body ; as much or rather more , doth the birth of his Mind and Understanding , in conceiving and uttering the matter of his Discourse differ from another ; yea ▪ as the Children of one and the same Father and Mother ( though ever so many ) do considerably differ one from another in Form and Figure , especially of the Face : So every Man's Speech or Discourse , whether in Preaching or Praying , will somewhat differ one time from another , if he bring it from his Heart and Understanding , and not from his bare Memory , although the stile and manner of expression may be much the same . And commonly those Men whose Understandings are naturally more pertinent and fruitful , when they Speak or Write on the same Matter or Subject , the Forms of their Speech or Writing do most differ , and so it may in Prayer ; whereas other Men whose Understandings are not so Fruitful in Words , but they may be as Fruitful , and sometimes more Fruitful in Good and Holy Affections , when they Preach or Pray the Forms of their Words and Speech , may seem to be well near the same , though alwaies there will be some difference , as much as one Child who is very like to his Brother , doth differ from him , or as one Apple may be like another of the same Tree , and yet when narrowly considered , do still differ . And here these last Mens Prayer , whose Hearts and Wills are more fruitful in Holy Affections than their Understandings are , in great variety of Words and Eloquent Expressions , may , and oft do Pray with more Life , and Authority or Power , than the other ; because the main strength and force of Prayer , consisteth in the good and holy Will and Affections . But in this and all other things , as every one hath his proper gift , one so , and another otherwise , so he is to exercise it , and not to limit or confine one another , but give liberty to each other in the Holy Spirit of Truth , and growing up together in God's Heavenly Garden , as lovely Plants and Flowers , each one having their proper Shapes , Forms , and Fruit , all of a sweet and pleasant smell and taste , and of a lovely Beauty , and all useful and profitable one to another , and to the Church of God in general , without any envy or grudging , but rejoycing in the manifold and various Graces and Gifts of God freely bestowed upon all , and all growing and springing from the same Holy Root and Ground . And now these two main Objections being Answered at length ( which did require the opening or explaining of divers things which may be of service to some ) I shall proceed to answer some others , wherein I may be more brief . 3. They object , That some having good Hearts , and great Love , and strong Affections towards God , and Heavenly and Divine things , yet have weak Heads and Understandings , and are not able well to conceive Words of Prayer in their Understandings . And therefore should not these be helped by hearing or reading set Forms of Prayer , well and Piously composed ? Answ. None have such weak Heads or Understandings if they have good Hearts , or any measure of True Love and Affections towards God and Divine things , but the same Spirit of Love which beget in them those good desires and affections , hath been , and is also in them a Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding to beget in them , or help them to conceive good Thoughts and Words of Prayer sufficient for them ( as is above proved and made apparent ; for the Spirit of God works upon the whole Soul and all its powers and abilities , and as well upon the Understanding as the Will , and whatever the Will cleaveth unto , or the Heart loveth , is first proposed and represented to the Understanding in Thoughts , as lovely and desirable . And if a Man have not El●cution , either none or small , God requireth but of every man as he giveth him ; and he who cannot Pray with his Mouth ( as in the case of those who are Dumb ) if he pray with his Heart shall be accepted . But he who can read a Prayer , if his Heart and Understanding were as well , and as much exercised in Divine and Spiritual things , as in Earthly and Temporal , and had as great a love to them , and delight in them , would soon find himself furnished with Words ex tempore , whereby to express the desires of his heart to God : And indeed in true and real Love , there is for most part an admirable Force or Virtue to make a man Eloquent , both to praise the thing he loveth most , and also to find out Reasons and Arguments , wherewith to perswade to the obtaining it . He who loveth a Woman and greatly desireth to have her to be his Wife , he needeth not go to a Book and steal or borrow an Oration or Form of Discourse to speak unto her , in order to perswade her ; and if he did , it would but coldly come from him ; and if she did know it ( as a very small measure of good discerning cannot but discover it ) that it was a borrowed Speech , she would not perhaps accept it , nor answer it . But the natural and simple words that flow from the love of his Heart , would most prevail and have the greatest force . It is not Eloquence or Excellency of Speech , that God requires or regards , the profit and service of it is unto men , and not unto God. It stirreth up mens Affections to make them the more servent ; but doth not more prevail with God , than more simple and mean words ; yet God will have every man to use his own Gift , and it is but want of Love to Divine and Heavenly things , and want of exercise in improving and stiring up the Gifts which God hath given them , that makes them think extemporary prayer by the help of the Spirit , to be so hard and difficult . Why may not Men find Words and Expressions as ready and easie , wherewith to seek a thing of God by the help of his Spirit , as they find them wherewith to seek a thing from Men , which few or none do in borrowed Forms of Speech composed by another , unless it be to some King or great Person , that some who are feeble minded and want courage , make their address , by borrowed Words , or by something writ on a Paper , or by some other they get to speak for them ? But none of all these things is necessary in this case ; for God invites the weakest and meanest to call upon him , as well as the strongest , and the meanest words , where the Heart is sincere are accepted of him ; yea , suppose the words were broken and imperfect , and not according to the Grammar of the Language , they may be used ( at least ) in private . And as for publick Prayer in the audience of an Assembly or Congregation ; these whom God calleth to such an Employment or Office , he will no doubt sufficiently qualifie and furnish them , for he who made the mouth , can easily put words in it . As when Moses excused his being sent to Pharaoh for his want of Eloquence . The Lord said unto him , Who hath made man's Mouth ? or who maketh the Dumb , or Deaf , or the Seeing , or the Blind ? Have not I the Lord ? Now therefore , go and I will be with thy Mouth , and teach thee what thou shall sav . Ex. 4. 11. And tho the Lord sent Aaron to assist him , who was naturally more Eloquent ; yet God also put Words in Moses his Mouth , as well as in the Mouth of Aaron . And when Moses Prayed unto God in the Mount , that Israel might prevail over Amalek , we do not read that Moses borrowed any words from Aaron , or that Aaron put any words into his mouth ; only Aaron and Hur , helped to hold up his Hands . And surely Moses in his Prayer here , used not any Form of Prayer borrowed from Aaron , or any body else ; altho some from this passage [ and Moses his being less Eloquent than Aaron ] have argued for using set Forms of Prayer . But we cannot find it in Scripture , that Moses stood with a Book of Common Prayer in his Hand , and Read or Prayed out of it upon the Mountain , but that he had in his Hand a Rod. 4. They Object , That many by Reading or Hearing read set Forms of Pious and Godly Prayers ( both in publick and also in private ) have found their Souls and Hearts refreshed thereby , and what they did read or hear read , hath oft stirred up true and living Breathings in them , and hearty Desires and Supplications , with Thanksgivings unto God. And it is hard and uncharitable to judge that all they who read or hear set Forms of Prayer ( in private and publick ) and seldom or never use Extemporary Prayer , are altogether void of true Devotion , and never Pray by the Spirit , because they alwaies ( or for the most part ) Pray by the Book . Answ. I do readily grant that Reading , or hearing Read Words of Prayer , whether in publick or private ( if these Words have been originaly conceived by the Spirit of Gods help and assistance ) may and do at times refresh the Souls of True Christians , and may and do excite or stir up true and living breathings , and hearty Desires and Supplications in them , with Thanksgivings unto God at Seasons : But then it is so , when the Reading or Hearing those words of Prayer , are put in their true and right place , and accounted and valued to be what they are indeed , and not another thing , which is to say , when hearing or reading those words of Prayer , are accounted hearing and reading as they are , and not Prayer , which they are not for hearing and reading are things differing in Nature and Kind from Praying , and ought not to be confounded with the same ; and the greatest service and advantage that reading or hearing words of Prayer read by another unto us , have or indeed can have , is but Preparatory , to excite or stir up unto Prayer ; and then only can they do so much , but as the Spirit of the Lord is pleased to concur and give his assistance with them . But if People confound these so differing things , and set up the bare reading , or hearing what is read in the place or room of true Prayer , as if they were true Prayer it self , they may provoke the Lord to with-draw that concurrance and assistance of his Spirit , from reading and hearing those words , however so good , yea tho Scripture words , and altogether blast , and make ineffectual and unprofitable those exercises , which otherwise and in themselves considered , are lawful and profitable . For the Lord who is a God of order , he will not have the nature of things confounded but keeped distinct : He will not have a thing judged or esteemed to be what it is not , or above what it is ; the tendency of which in this very case , is down-right Superstition and Idolatry ; as to judg that to be Prayer and Divine Worship , which is no such thing ; for whatever is not true Prayer and Divine Worship , and yet is called so , and really so judged and esteemed , is false and a sort of Idolatry . For I know no midst betwixt true Divine Worship , and Idolatry under that head of Worship , seeing all pretended Divine Worship is either true or false ; and if false , it is a sort or kind of Idolatry . Now it deserves to be well examined and considered , whether the putting reading , and hearing read set Forms of Prayer , either in publick or private , in so high a place as many put them ( if not most or all who use them ) hath not provoked the Lord to deny that concurrence and assistance of his Spirit unto those exercises , which otherwise he might and would give , especially when those read Prayers do altogether exclude those real Prayers , which come from the Spirit of God , as he enables the Speakers to conceive and bring them forth in words , without any set Form. And why is it that many sensible and tender Souls feel no Vertue in many or most of those read Prayers , and on the contrary feel great deadness and heavyness , and great weights and burdens in hearing them ? which hath occasioned many to with draw , and seek where to find a People , where true and living Prayer and Praises are to be found , which effectually reach to the Soul , and carry their Souls and Hearts along to join with them . For neither is it true Prayer to hear the words of him that prayeth most effectually by the Spirit of God , but where the Heart and Soul joineth and goeth along by the moving of the same Spirit both in Speaker and Hearers , that is true Prayer : Again , if People should not so far mis-place those things , as to judg reading , and hearing read Prayers to be Prayers , or any part of Divine Worship ; yet if they lean too much on them , and rely more upon them than they should , and have more an eye and regard unto them than unto the Spirit of God ; this also will make their reading and hearing , or any other exercise ineffectual unto them , and altogether unprofitable . But Secoudly , I shall neither be so hard nor uncharitable ( but am very far from it ) as to judg that all they who hear or read set Forms of Prayer in private and publick , and seldom or never use Extemporary Prayer by the help of the Spirit , giving them to conceive or express words of Prayer , are altogether void of true Devotion , and never Pray by the Spirit : For my Charity is so large and free in that respect , that I believe among all People , Jews and Turks , as well as Christians , and many of those called Heathens , if they do believe in one only God , and are Faithful to what they know , they are at times visited with gentle breathings of the Spirit of God , which helps them truly to Pray unto him , with desires and affections , and true breathings of the Soul after him . It is one thing what the Lord doth by high and soveraign acts of his wonderful Mercy and Condescendence to the Children of Men ; and another what he doth to them , upon terms of their doing what he only requires of them , and is pleased with , in them . 5. It is Objected , If the Spirit of God doth dictate unto any Men in our days the words of their Prayers , in that case , those words would be as good Canonical Scripture , as any of the Prayers of David , or of other Holy men , and their Psalms recorded in Scripture ; which were absurd to affirm . Answ. These words of Prayer which come truly from the Spirit of God , helping and assisting the Speakers to conceive and express them , are no doubt real Divine Testimonies of God's Spirit , Light and Life , according to their measure ; but to compare or equal them to Scripture ( as we do not ) so to infer it is unequal . For if all the Divine Testimonies which originally did livingly and purely proceed and spring from the Spirit of God , hadbeen writ , and aded to the Scripture , the bulk or volumn of it had been too great ; yea many Volumns would not have contained them , and it had been impossible for men to have read them all . Therefore God hath Wisely and Graciously ordered it by his Divine Providence , that a part of these many Testimonies which have come from his Spirit should be left upon record , and preserved to all future Generations , which were writ by some of the most Eminent of his Holy Prophets and Apostles , and which have been unquestionably received in all Ages among the best sort of Christians , who have had a true discerning , to favour these Holy Writings and Testimonies , and that what hath been so writ , should be generally received as unquestionable Testimonies and Oracles of God's Holy Spirit , and acknowledged as a publick Standard , Rule and Touch-stoue , whereby to judg and examine all Doctrines and Principles of Religion held forth by any . Now it was altogether necessary that this publick Standard and Touch-stone of all Doctrines and Principles of Religion , should not be too large and voluminous , but compendious and easie to be read over , and diligently searched and examined in a short time , to find how the Doctrines and Principles Preached by others , did agree , or disagree with them , as the Spirit of the Lord should give an Understanding , and so according to receive or reject them . And God in his Infinite Wisdom hath seen fit that the Writings of the ancient Prophets , Apostles and Evangelists , should only be this publick and universal outward Standard , as having some peculiar excellency in them of plainness and briefness , and comprehending much matter in few words , and writ from a deeper and larger measure of the Divine Wisdom , to which no writings or words since uttered , are comparable in equality , or in the service they were designed for . And more might be said as to this matter , to show the excellency of the Scriptures above all other writings or words , the Scriptures being generally received and believed , and that worthily , to be pure and infallible Testimonies of Truth , without any mixture of humane weakness , error or mistake , as they were originally writ and continue at this day ; as to the main , and giving sufficient evidence and witness to necessary Truths , which we are not bound to believe equally concerning any other writings , as being wholly and throughout Infallible , and therefore may take leave to question them , and accordingly as we find them to agree or disagree with the said publick Standard of the Scriptures Testimony to receive or reject them , in part or in whole . And admitting or granting that many Testimonies of Good and Holy Men , their Preaching , Praying and Writing , should wholly agree to the Scriptures Testimony , and that they have also proceeded from a measure of the same Spirit , purely and without all mixture , yet they are not to be made equal with that which by the Appointment of God , and general consent of Christians , is made the publick Standard of Truth : As in respect of an outward Testimony , for in all Cities and Corporations the publick Standard of Weights and Measures is of greater and more Authority , than any others however so just and agreeable to them . And this Objection hath no more force or weight against Preaching and Praying by Divine Inspiration now , than it had Two or Three Hundred Years after the Birth of Christ , when it is generally confessed the gift of Preaching and Praying by the Immediate Inspiration of the Spirit , did remain in the Church , and yet their words were not held equal to the Scripture in that day . And tho we may not add our Words and Testimonies ( the purest of them ) to be any part of Scripture , yet we dare not be so Presumptuous as to say , there never was , nor ever shall be more Scripture , than what we have at present ; for it is probable more of equal Authority with what we have , hath been , but is lost , and possibly some judged Apocryphal ; by one sort may be of equal Authority and value with God , and other good men , with other parts of Scripture that are acknowledged . Neither are all Christians yet agreed upon the number of the Books of Scripture , but it sufficeth that so much is generally agreed upon , as is sufficient to be a publick Standard . And lastly this Objection can be equally retorted upon the makers of it : For they do hold , That all the Words in their Set Forms of Prayer , are either plain express Scripture Words , or deduced and deduceable from them , by just and necessary consequence of Truth , and what is so deduced , are the real Commands and of Oracles God ; as they ( or at lest as most of them ) say ; as in the example of Infant Baptism , which they hold to be a command of God , consequently a Divine Oracle , and yet they confess it is no where expressed in Scripture , but only by consequence deduced from it ; the which notwithstanding is justly denyed by many to be any firm or sure consequence of Scripture . And if none of their set Forms of Prayer have come originally , no not in the least measure from the Spirit of God in those who Penned them , it seemeth a great derogation to those Prayers , and to render them of small value with the People ; therefore such who use this Objection against us , should take heed lest they derogate from their own Prayers , and so fall under the censure of their own Brethren . But perhaps some will acknowledg , that the Spirit helped those who Penned these set Forms of Prayer , not only by exciting or moving their affections , but also by working upon their Understandings , and make them fruitful to conceive the matter or words of these Prayers , but not Immediately , or by an Immediate Divine Inspiration , as the Spirit wrought in David and others who preached and prayed by Immediate Inspiration , so as to make no use of their judgment and reason , to find out the matter , or chuse the words they expressed . To this I answer , that David , or any other of the Prophets and Apostles , when they were Immediately Inspired to Preach , or Pray , or Write , made no use of their Judgment and Reason , or other Faculties and Abilities of their Souls ; or that the Spirit of God which wrought in them , made no use of them , but as meer passive Subjects and Recipients , is a thing commonly alledged by those men , but no where proved , either from express Words of Scripture , nor from any just and necessary consequence therefrom . Yea the contrary is manifest from Scripture , that the Spirit of God wrought upon , and used the Understanding and Rational Faculties , and Abilities of the Prophets and Apostles , not as meer passive Instruments alwaies , or most frequently , but made them fruitful to work , and co-operate with him ; as Paul , who Preached and Prayed by Immediate Inspiration ( as they do confess ) said , That he had laboured more abundantly than the other Apostles : which was not a meer bodily labouring , but a travelling or labouring in Spirit more especially , wherein his Understanding and rational Faculties were concerned , as well as his Will and Affections , which is also clearly implied in his following words , Yet not I , but the Grace of God with me . So that it was not he alone , nor the Grace alone , but the Grace of God co-working with him , that caused this earnest and servent labouring in Paul's Soul. Nor is there any more reason to say , that the Understandings and Reasons of the Prophets and Apostles when they spoke by Immediate Revelation , were wholly passive , than to say , their Wills and Affections were wholly passive , or their Mouths and Tongues when they spoke . And the diversity of Stile in the Pen-men of the Scriptures ( which varieth not only according to the natural gifts and parts ( wherewith they were more or less endued ) but also according to their Education and Acquired Parts ) doth sufficiently show , they were not altogether passive . The stiles and manner of expression used by Isaiah , Paul and Luke , clearly show their Education , differing from the homely stile of Amos a Country-man , who said , He was no Prophet , nor the Son of a Prophet . Paul said he could Pray not only with the Spirit , but with the Understanding : meaning certainly that his Understanding might be active and fruitful , both to himself and others also . It 's true , the same Paul speaketh of a case , wherein the Spirit Prayeth , but the Understanding is unfruitful , as it happened at times when a man was so inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit , that he spake in an unknown Tongue , as appeareth from 1 Cor. 14. 13. Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown Tongue , pray that he may interpret . And in this case it is like , that as the Soul's Understanding was unfruitful , so it was unactive , and was used only by the Spirit , as a passive Instrument like a Pen in the Hand of a ready Writer : As when the outward Ear of a man receiveth the Voice of a strange Language , which he doth not understand . There are other cases also , wherein the Understanding and Rational Faculties of man may be laid aside , and not used by the Spirit of God , when he Immediately Inspireth him ; as when the highest and most noble Faculty of a Man's Soul or Mind is excited , and wholly imployed and exercised by the Spirit , which by some is called the Spirit of the Mind , by others the Visual or Intentive Faculty of the Soul , which seeth God as he is pleased to reveal himself ; and whereby a man hath a sense or perception of Divine or Spiritual things , without any use or exercise of his Understanding , Reason or Imagination , as in a Spiritual Rapture and extasie . But for most part the Understanding and Reason was used and imployed , yea and the Memory also , by the Prophets and Apostles , so as to remember what they had read or heard , and seasonably to apply it to the present occasion , when they spoke or writ by Immediate Revelation or Inspiration . For Immediate Revelation or Inspiration doth not exclude the use of means whether inward or outward , it only implyeth a most near and close , or intimate conjunction and union of the Spirits Operation with the Soul in the use of means , as well as when they are not so used : And Solomon , who is generally acknowledged to have writ both the Books of the Ecclesiastes and Proverbs , by Divine Immediate Inspiration and Revelation ; yet he saith , Eccles. 12. 10. He sought to find out acceptable words , &c. So that the Spirit of God made use of that Faculty or Ability of his Soul ( which is called by Logicians Invention ) as well as his Judgment ; not that he had any trouble or difficulty to find out those acceptable words , but the Spirit making his Understanding Fruitful with plenty of matter , and seasonable and suitable Words , he freely and without any trouble or disquiet of his mind , used such acceptable words . 6. It is Objected , That even they who pray ex empore by the Spirit in a Congregation of People , do stint or limit the Spirit in the Hearers , and their Understandings and Attensions , to consider what they who speak say , no less than if they heard a Set Form of Prayer read unto them . Answ. This is altogether denyed ; for first , the Spirit of God in one can never be thought to stint the same Spirit , or limit the operation thereof in another , or many , because the Spirit is the same in both , and doth ever accord and agree with it self in all its operations , and what it moveth the Speaker to Speak , it moveth and inclineth the Hearers to consider , and where true Unity is witnessed with one inward voice and cry of their Hearts , they speak the same things unto God , their Hearts at every Sentence , saying Amen , to what they feel and perceive to come from the Spirit of God in them who speak . Nor doth it hinder the understanding and attention of the Hearers , in being exercised towards the Spirit 's workings and openings in themselves : For many , yea and most times , what the Spirit speaks through one , doth excite the understandings of the Hearers into more faithfulness , so that they have more opened and revealed unto them by the Spirit , than what the Speakers words did import ; as oft also the like falleth out in Discoursing upon a natural subject , where the words do signifie more to some Hearer , than they do to the Speaker himself , exciting clearer and fuller notions or ideas of Truth in him : And thus even natural arts have been perfected , when the first Inventers had but some small beginnings ; others by those beginnings have been excited to find out more perfect things ; as the bringing of the first words of a Sentence to a man's Memory which he hath forgot , doth oft excite his Memory to remember the whole Sentence . Nor is the Mind of Man so strait or narrow , but it can well enough attend to what another Man sayeth in Preaching or Prayer , and also to what God inwardly doth suggest , or reveal unto him : And the liberty of the Hearers understandings and Spirits is manifest in this also , that after one has Prayed in words , if the same Spirit reveal any thing to be spoken in Preaching or Prayer by any of the Hearers , he is free to do it without giving any offence , which was the order prescribed by Paul , to the Church of Corinth . 7. It is Objected , That set Forms of Prayer are most for the edifications of the People , who by often hearing of the same Prayer can commit it to Memory , and so it passeth to the Understanding , and remaineth with them ; whereas extemporary Prayers pass away for most part , as a Sound , and are little remembred . Answ. This also is altogether denyed , viz. That set Forms of Prayer are most for the edification of the People ; for admitting or supposing that the Hearers commonly by oft hearing these set Forms had them all perfect in their Memory , yet it will not follow that they have a true understanding of them ; for men may and do remember many things which they do not understand . But again , either these set Forms of Prayer are few or many ; if few , they cannot give a large understanding to the People , if many , they cannot be well remembred by them , and if they were as many as would fill many Volumns , they cannot give so great occasion to edifie and inform the understanding , as these Prayers which proceed ex tempore , by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Holy men , which must needs be many more , and containing much more matter , than the greatest Book of ever so many set Forms of Prayer can . For on this account it is as I reckon , why men are not tyed to set Forms of Preaching , but are allowed freely to exercise their gift , because that is more edifying to the People , than set Forms to Preach by would be unto them . And the same reason is as good concerning Praying as Preaching . And tho words of ex tempore Prayer without the Spirit , pass away as an empty transient sound , yet by and with the help of the Spirit both in speakers and hearers , they take impression both upon the understanding and memory of People , who are made tender and sensible : And tho all or most of the words spoke be not remembred , yet if they have that good effect to open the understanding , and work holy Affections in the Souls of People , it is sufficient to edification : For where a thing is well understood , a man needs not concern his memory much about it : As he who understandeth the reasons and grounds of rules and precepts of Art , he can practise the things belonging to that Art better with his understanding , without thinking on those rules , then he who only hath the rules of Art in his memory , but understandeth not the reasons and grounds of those rules . Nor can these forms be so edifying as extemporary Prayer by the true Spirit of God , because they cannot so universally in all particulars reach to the various states and conditions of Peoples Souls . And to say that all the various states of Peoples Souls , if there were a thousand of them , are comprehended under the words of those general set forms doth not satisfie . For as on the one account set forms are too few , and strait or narrow to reach all particular states , and seasonable times ; so if generals can serve , these set forms commonly used are too many ; because one only set form of Prayer contained in a few words may in general reach to all Peoples states , and surely none doth or can better do that , than the Prayer which Christ taught his Disciples . And if men deny that they have any assistance of the Spirit to help them to conceive these set forms of Prayer which they use , were it not better to collect together forms of Prayer out of the Old and New Testament , putting all these words and sentences together which are most to the same purpose , or if belonging to several purposes that have some fit connexion together ; and so the words of their Prayer would be pure Scripture words , without any mixture of the words of man's Wisdom , which are oft times very unsound . 8. They Object , That many who Pray extempore contradict one another in thrir Prayers , ask contrary things ; and therefore both such Prayers cannot be from the Spirit of God , which as it is one in Nature , so in Operations , ever agreeing and in unity with it self . Ans. The whole weight and stress of this Objection , lyeth upon Persons and Men , and not upon the Principle , to refute or refe● it in the least , and as for these who most commonly pray contrary one to another , they are such , who do not pretend or lay claim to pray by Divine Immediate Inspiration . But if both sides should lay claim thereunto , and yet contradict one another in their Preaching or Praying , it only proveth that the men are faulty , sometimes on the one side , and sometimes on the other , and sometimes they may be faulty and wrong on both sides , but the Principle remaineth still unblamable : nor hath this Objection more weight now than in the daies of the true Prophets of old , against whom the false Prophets both Preached and Prayed , and pretended to be also Divinely and Immediately Inspired , as well as the true . And lastly , This Objection can be well enough retorted , for they who pray by Set Forms , may pray contrary one to the other . The Greek and Latine Churches had both Set Forms of Prayer , and prayed one against another , as well as preached , when that great Zeal and Schism came to be between them . And how many Preach against one another , who pretend to Scripture and good Reason , and also to good Literature , which yet is no just reflection on any of these three things , but only on the Men or Persons , who abuse them . 9. It is objected , That Paul in his Epistles used the same Forms of Salutations and Prayers , both at the beginning and end of them frequently , and therefore he could not be against Set Forms , who used them so much himself , as Grace , Mercy and Peace from God our Father , and the Lord Iesus Christ , at the beginning of divers of them , and at the end , Grace be with you , &c. Answ. These little short Forms , being ( as is already said upon another occasion ) expressions and significations of the Prayer of Aspiration and Affection , and not of that called Discursive Prayer , which require divers Sentences , do not infer that Set Forms may be used in Discursive Prayer . For when the Heart and Affection is earnestly and zealously bent and moved to desire one only thing , it may be expressed in one Sentence , and as oft as that Affection is renewed , the expression of it in the same Sentence , as it freely ariseth in the Heart , may be renewed also : but men find it not so in Discursive Prayer , or other Discursive Exercises . As when men at this day commonly write Epistles one to another , they retain some little common Forms of Salutation , at the beginning and end of their Epistles , which are commodious and not thought strange not disliked . But if a Man , yea , if a School-boy at School , should alwaies write to his Father or Kindred , the same words throughout , without any alteration , they would say he were a fool and void of understanding , to be so barren as to have no new matter in his Epistles , even when daily occasion is given . 10. It is Objected , That God is not delighted with variety of words , and novelty of matter and method in new stiles , and flourishes of Tropes and Figures , and is far unlike those squeemish Stomacks , or delicious and lustful Appetites , who every day seeketh after variety of Dishes , or else they cannot be satisfied ; at being the Heart that he requireth . Answ. It is true , God is not delighted with variety of Words and Sentences as Man is , or after the manner of Men : but yet , he requireth that every man make use of the Graces and Gifts which he hath given him ; and they being the works of God , and proceeding from him , he may be said to delight in them , and in their manifold Variety , as he doth in all his other Works , altho not after the manner of men , yet after such a way and manner , as becometh his infinite Greatness and Perfection . And tho it be the Heart that God mainly requireth and regardeth ; yet he commandeth us to love and serve him , with our whole man , which is our reasonable service ; and we are to love him with all our Understanding , as well as Heart , as the Scripture saith , and the best and most fruitful part of our Understanding ; and all the Gifts belonging to it , our Judgment , Reason , and Elocution , may and ought to be employed in his Service , and in this particular Service of Praver , as Holy Men of old , who used their Understanding and Reason , and such Elocution also and variety of Expressions , as God had given them : and so ought every Man to do , as the Spirit of the Lord leads him , and works upon him ; and those Gifts he has given him without affection or stretching and straining beyond his measure . And tho we find no affected or artificial Eloquence in Words of Man's Wisdom , which is carnal and from below , yet a true Eloquence and excellency of Speech is to be found in many places of Scripture , both in the Preachings and Prayers of the Lords Servants that stand on Record , far surpassing all the Eloquence that either the Masters or Disciples of that artificial Eloquence , so much admired in the World , ever arrived or ever can arrive at , meerly as such . And likewise the same Argument may be retorted , in respect of using any words at all in Prayer , whether extempore or by Set Forms , because to speak properly God is not moved by any words , and hath need of them , who knoweth all oue most secret Thoughts and Desires without words . And if it be said that words are used to Men , because they have a leisure to excite their affections ; then I say , and variety of words with new matter , as the Heart of Man conceiveth them by the help of the Spirit hath the like service , and that more effectually , as abundant experience doth prove ; then Set Forms of Prayer , read out of a Book , especially when the Reading is accounted Prayer , whereof we find no instance in Scripture , that ever at any time Reading was accounted Prayer , though Prayer of the Heart and Affection may and oft doth follow and accompany serious Reading and Hearing . 11. They Object , That Solomon forbids men to be rash with their mouth , or to let their Heart be hasty to utter any thing before God ; for God ( saith he ) is in Heaven , and thou upon Earth , therefore let thy words be few . Answ. But he doth not conclude , therefore let thy Prayer be in a Set Form of Words . For here only he reproveth vain Repetitions , and the Pharisaical Spirit , which thought to be heard for their much speaking , as Christ did also reprove the same . And certainly Solomon was far from forbidding all extemporary Prayer , in these words , Eccles. 5. 2. Which may very well be conceived in few words as well as marry ; for he used it himself at the Dedication of the Temple , as at other times , although I shall willingly grant , that ex tempore Prayer without the Spirit ( where the mind of man irreverently rambleth and wandreth into airy Imaginations ) is here and every where else forbidden in Scripture : And wheras some also except against ex tempore Prayer , as being monstrous like , because of the smalness or shortness of time , betwixt the conception and birth of that kind of Prayers ; however this argument may be used against ex tempore Praying without the Spirit , that can have no place against Praying by the Spirit , unless such Objectors will also cry out against the ex tempore Prayers made by the Prophets and Apostles of old , as being monstrous or Monsters on that account ; but I hope they will be more sober . And tho in some respect the time be very short , as perhaps a moment or instant betwixt the conception and birth of Prayer , as to the words or expressions , yet the Substance and Root of Prayer , wherein the very Essence and Life of true Prayer doth chiefly consist , is long time conceived in the Soul , before its outward Birth or Expression in the Mouth , and is a constant abiding thing in the Soul. 12. Many who pretend to pray by the Spirit , and have used , or do as yet use ex tempore Prayer , discover many weaknesses in those Prayers , as vain Repetitions , impertinent Sayings , light and airy Phrases , and unsound Matter and Expressions , to the causing many People to abhor the Sacrifices , rather than to be piously and religiously affected with those Prayers . And seeing few , if any have a Spiritual Gift of Praying ex tempore , with words conceived by the help of the Spirit ; and that yet publick Prayers in Congregations and Assemblies of People are necessary ; is it not better to use Set Forms of Prayer in sound Words , then to adventure on ex tempore Prayer without the Spirit . Answ. As for all these weaknesses , which Men have discovered or may discover in ex tempore Praying , they reflect , as is said , upon the Men , but not upon the Principle . And when most of these Weaknesses have appeared , it is in Men , who pray without any pretence unto immediate Inspiration of the Spirit , or belief that they have it : and such Men , I confess , should lay aside their ex tempore Praying , and wait upon the Spirit of God , to receive help from him to pray , first believing that it is to be received , as it is waited for . And these also who pretend to pray by the Spirit , and yet do nothing so , but are meerly guided by their floating and airy Fancies and Imaginations , should desist from such a practice , and come with silence both outward and inward , and in the same wait for the true Spirit of Prayer to help their infirmities , whether with Sighs and Groans that cannot be expressed , or with distinct and audible expressions . But surely , these who indeed pray by the Spirit , keeping close and chastly to the same throughout , from first to last , bewray none of these Weaknesses ; and though they may use Repetitions , yet if the Spirit move to use them , and that there be any vertue or savour of Life in them , they are not vain but profitable , and like the warbling Notes , repeated Sounds of a skilful Musician , in a musical Descant , which rendred the method more sweet and pleasing ; and such serious , grave , and weighty Repetitions we find oft in the Psalms of David . And these also who use Set Forms of Prayer , have need that they use not vain Repetitions ; for some who have heard these Set Forms , have been as much disgusted and offended with the many Repetitions they find there , as others with those elsewhere . Now it may at times happen , that a man may be partly assisted and helped by the Holy Spirit to conceive words of Prayer , and good and servent Affections , and yet through Humane Weakness , may discover some frailty in his Prayer , who yet is not altogether to be rejected or discouraged . But great care ought to be had by all , who make mention of the Name of the Lord , that they bring forth nothing but that which is pure and without mixture , even a pure Offering and Sacrifice unto the Lord , who is pure . And suppose few or none , in many places or Congregations , have the Spiritual Gift of praying ex tempore , by the Spirit helping them to conceive the words of Prayer , yet there is no need of praying by a Set Form ; for if the Principle and Doctrine of Truth , were once received and believed , that God giveth his assistance by his Spirit to all who desire it , and whom he thinks worthy of it , or fit to bestow it on , for the edification of others , to pray ex tempore , with words truly edifying , quickening and refreshing , as People did but wait a little time in sincerity for such a Divine Gift , it would be given to a sufficient number of them , and until it be given it is better to pray with affection of Heart , though without all words , and wait in silence for a further gift and measure of the Spirit , then to be rash or hasty to pray without the Spirit , either ex tempore or in a Set Form. And to help the weaknesses of many who cannot bear well long , or much silence , such as are serious and best affected , as they find a freedom and liberty in the Lord , may read unto the People , or unto their Families , the Holy Scriptures , which was an ancient custom in the Primitive Church ; but that Reading is not to be used as Prayer or Worship , but only as a mean to excite Prayer and good Affections and Defires in them , as it pleaseth the Lord to concur and give his Blessing unto the same , and also for Information and Doctrine . What is there said all along in this Treatise of Praying by the Spirit , helping to conceive the words of Prayer , is also to be understood of Singing and Praising God with a Psalm ; and the Reasons and Arguments drawn from Scripture for the one serve equally for the other ; for all Singing and Praising with a Psalm or Psalms , in Gospel times , was a Spiritual Gift , as is clear in the Church of Corinth , when some had a Psalm to utter or express in words ( and others went along with them in Unity of Spirit , making Melody in the Heart , though not a● audible noise , pronouncing the same words ) as some had a Doctrin and some a Revelation , some an Interpretation , 1 Cor. 14. 26. THE END . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A47146-e3530 ☞