Advice to freeholders and other electors of members to serve in Parliament in relation to the penal laws and the tests : in a letter to a friend in the conntry [sic]. Penn, William, 1644-1718. 1687 Approx. 36 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 7 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2006-06 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A54101 Wing P1250 ESTC R21615 12361511 ocm 12361511 60242 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. 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IT having pleased the King , to emit a gracious Declaration for Liberty of Conscience , and it being more than probable , that the matter thereof , may be the Subject of the next Parliament ; I do here present you ( my old Friend ) with some of the Motives , inclining me to exert my self to my Ability , when called to it ( whatsoever Opposition or Censure , may therein attend me ) for the Election of such Members as may concur with his Majesty , in giving Sanction to this Indulgence ( it being what we have long wanted , and wished for ) and in securing it to after Ages , which is as undoubtedly the King 's Royal Purpose , as it is our common Interest ; my Reasons are . 1. That herein I shall be found to act in consistency with my constant Principle , for I always esteemed it , to be a glorious Work , to set Conscience free from Church-Tyranny , and to extricate the Nation from the intolerable Burden of destructive Penal Laws . 2. That in the present Undertaking ; I see my Security , we have in this happy Juncture , the Advantage of promoting what we highly prize , and that with his Majestie 's Royal Recommendation ; so we are safe ( whosoever snarles ) in conforming , to so great , so good , and so wise a Resolution , as the King has propitiously taken . And moreover , 3. Gratitude to his Majesty for this Declaration , and for his gracious Proclamation of Pardon of the 10th , of March 1685 , engages and spurs me ( as I hope it will do Multitudes ) to promote with my utmost Might , this present Work , as it is a thing acceptable to the King. To add no more , these Reasons are prevalent with me , and if they may dispose you to contribute to the making proper Elections , so that his Majestie 's gracious Purpose , for the Relief and Tranquility of his People , may not be frustrated , by unreasonable Malecontents , it will be most grateful to me ; for I know you to be very capable , of contributing significantly to this publick Good. I perceive that some of your Neighbours are beating their Brains for Arguments , to justify the upholding the persecuting Laws , and the discriminating , and most unreasonable Tests : With me it is out of Question , that those Men , are very narrow soul'd , and their Maxims ill grounded ; pray therefore bear with me , that I present you with my Thoughts , of the great Point now agitated , Liberty of Conscience , or Toleration . I am well satisfied , of the Truth , and Stability of the following Positions , and he that is so , must cease to Love Persecution . 1. Liberty of Conscience is consonant to the Gospel which no where countenances Force and Compulsion . 2. To grant this Liberty , is the true Interest both of Prince and People , to evince the Truth of these , let it be considered as to the first : That Liberty of Conscience is consonant to the Gospel . It is a Gospel of Peace , and not of Force and Fury : If so , it is most unbeseeming this Gospel , to do things rashly and violently , for its Advancement , it is not to be so propagated : Its Language is , he that believes shall be saved . And our blessed Lord , and his Apostles ( who had the command of all Power ) to bring Men to this Faith , used Instruction , Perswasion , and Reasoning , but never went about to deal with Mens Consciences , by Violence ; they used no Sword but that of the Spirit , and left every Man to his own Light. Error , as well as Truth , is seated in the Mind of Man , and we are without one Instance since the Creation , where Compulsion ever wrought a Change in any ones Principles , tho it hath wrought on many , to deny or conceal their Opinions . The Soul of Man is out of the reach of the Magistrates Sword , and therefore 't is as vain to pretend to direct what I shall believe , and to force in me a Faith of any thing , as 't is to attempt to bring the Angels under an outward secular Power . Compulsion undoubtedly will dispose a Man to hate whatsoever is so proposed , and not better evinced . To proceed , 2. That Liberty of Conscience is the Interest both of the King and his People , this is well proved , by the invincible Reasons in his Majesties gratious Declaration , which are these . 1. The Glory of the King. 2. The Peoples Peace . 3. Union between the King and his People . 4. The Unreasonableness of constraining Conscience , and forceing People in matters of meer Religion . 5. The Mischiefs of Compulsion by spoiling Trade , depopulating Countries , and discouraging Strangers . And lastly , the ill Success which Force has had in Religious Matters , which shews the invincible Difficulties which attend those Methods . 1. The Glory of the King. Will any Member of the Church of England ( so fam'd for Loyalty ) repine at his Majesties being truly Glorious ? surely no ; and hath not this his Act of Tenderness , added highly to his Glory ? It undoubtedly hath : It secures not only common Homage of Obedience , and Subjection to his Majesty ; but with it , that more noble , of the Hearts and Affections , of a very great multitude of his People , who are sober , serious , industrious , and also wealthy ; these by Persecution have been made heartless in themselves , and useless in a very great Measure , to the King , and Kingdom : I say this Indulgence hath secured to the King the Hearts of his dissenting Subjects , who are brought to depend upon him , and they will love him , who favours and protects them , and hath put them into a Posture , than which they can never hope for a better ; and seeing the Church of England cannot but love him , and be Loyal , he is without Controversy become the most Glorious , because the greatest , and most beloved Prince , that ever yet swayed the English Scepter . 2. The Peoples Peace . Do not we know by sad Experience , how greatly Coercion in things relating to God and Conscience , has disturbed the Peace of Mankind , and created terrible Concussions in these Kingdoms ? What lamentable Divisions and Animosities , have we beheld to spring from the Execution of the Penal Laws , and how dismally sad have been their Effects ? It is not reasonable to imagine that Persecution should not disgust those who suffer ; and By-slanders ( tho otherwise perswaded as to Religion ) are dissatisfied , to behold their peaceable honest dealing Neighbours , torn to pieces for Conscience sake , such are disposed to pity the Sufferers , and to dislike the Severities wherewith they are exercised . 3. Union between the King and his People . It is most evident that the Disaffection , which not long since had overspread our Horizon , did spring from the Severities of the Laws , and of their Execution . The happy Union between Prince and People has been ( if not broken ) to a very great degree weakened , by a mistaken Maxim , that but one part of his Majesties Subjects ( and that a much lesser part , than some are willing they should be thought ) deserved to live , and to be protected : This too predominant Opinion , did manifestly narrow the Interest of the King , by confining it to one Party ; but blessed be God , and the King , that we have out lived that fond Conceit , and that we see , that Liberty of Conscience hath united the Dissenters to his Majesty , and that he becomes the common Father of all his People . 4. The Unreasonableness of constraining Conscience , and forcing People in matters of meer Religion . Conscience is God's peculiar , and so out of Man's Jurisdiction : Is it not then most unreasonable , to have it floating about at the Will of humane Powers , and to oblige Christians to suffer or to fall in with all Changes of Religion ? It is unreasonable , because impossible , to compel a Man to the Belief of any thing , out of the compass of his Knowledg ; our Lord left neither Precept nor President for such a Practice : Men under the Gospel are first to be enlightned , and then to practice in Conformity thereto : The way of dealing with Men by Violence , was in all Ages unsuccessful , therefore 't is more than time to explode it ; & ad hominem , to give one irrefragible Argument to our Church of England ( which at this day , is , or would be the Persecutor of her Brethren ; ) Is it not unreasonable , nay absur'd , that that Church which in its Doctrin allows Judicium discretionis , a liberty of judging for our selves , and pretends not to Infallibility ; should require me to change my Opinion , and to be of hers , when I conceive my self to be in the right , and she hath no infallible Assurance that she is not in the wrong ? 5. The Mischiefs of Compulsion , in spoiling Trade , depopulating the Country , and discouraging Strangers , amongst the many mischievous Events which we have seen , from the denyal of Liberty of Conscience , that upon Trade is not the least , nor to be last mentioned : Imposition in Religion damps mens Undertakings , and hath drove Multitudes into forreign Parts , and not a few to a Retirement from their Trades , and Vocations , who would otherwise have been very useful to the Common-wealth ▪ Conscientious Men have a very sow Esteem of all things , compared with their religious Liberty ; who will lay out his Estate and Trade freely , where the bare exercising his Religion , gives vile Informers a Power to dispoil him of his Substance ? Toleration in the united Netherlands , hath brought them from all parts of Europe , a Confluence of People , and by consequence of Treasure , and Trade ; wherefore their Policy , has heretofore , as much approved our pressing a Uniformity here , as they now seem disturbed at our Liberty of Conscience , it being that , which with so great Advantage they have long monopolized . And Lastly , The ill Success which Force in Religious Matters has always been attended with : Compulsion never attained the intended End , it may , and hath too often made Hypocrites , never sincere Converts . The earnest desire of Liberty when refused , creates Discontents , which boile in the Breasts of Men , and have too often broken out , to the endangering Governments ; for Persons of differing Sentiments in Religion will unite in an Opposition to the Force about Religious Things , which renders every dissenting Party uneasy , so that the Danger seems to lye in Persecution for Conscience sake , and not in the having under one Government several Perswasions and Parties in Religion . I shall now proceed to the Objections made against this Liberty of Conscience , and the Repeal of the Penal Laws , by some very warm Clergy Men ( for the Church is not a little divided in this Point , and the best , possibly the greatest part thereof , will be found not to approve Persecution . ) 1. They say , their Opposition arises from a Dread of Popery . To answer these Gentlemen , and dissipate their Fears . 1. Can the Church of England ( Circumstances considered ) possibly invent a better Security than she hath by his Majesties Declaration ? That first of all Declares , that the King will protect and maintain Her , in the free Exercise of her Religion , as , by Law established , and in the quiet and full Enjoyment of all her Possessions without any Molestation or Disturbance whatsoever . What would she further have ? Will she call into question the Sincerity of his Majesties Promise ? The King intends the Concurrence of a Parliament for the establishing the Indulgence , and the abolishing the Tests and Penal Laws : It will be then seasonable , for the Church of England to ask her further Security , if she will pretend to stand in need thereof . 2. Let the Church consider that the King only takes from her the Power of doing Mischief . She will not pretend to deny his Majesty Liberty of Conscience ; If she doth not , can she expect by his Permission and Authority to cudgel her fellow Subjects into a Communion which he doth not approve , and that after he hath so solemnly declared his Royal Judgment to be against all Persecution for Conscience sake ? He intends not to deprive the Church of England of such Laws as are defensive of her Religion and Possessions , but only to abrogate such Statutes , as the Iniquity or short-sightedness of past Ages hath armed her with to annoy and offend her Neighbours ; Laws wicked in themselves , and which she hath too long , very wickedly executed , and therefore very fit to be yielded up . The Objectors fear of Popery , by the Repeal of the Penal Statutes , is not easily to be comprehended ; let the Papists , with all other the Kings Subjects , be restored to what ought to be theirs , by the Laws of God , and let them have their Birth-rights , and we have them in the common Interest of the Nation . Such who are in love with Persecution , may not think to make the Romanists uneasy , in the Reign of the present King ; let us then weigh it , whether it be not the best Discretion , to secure them of Ease in the next Reign . Another Objection brought for keeping up the Penal Laws is , That they for whom Liberty is desired , are Factious , and that it will strengthen those who have always been for a Common-Wealth . Of what force this Objection is , will be seen , if it be considered . That Persecution foments Faction , but Liberty wins over the Malecontent , if not , it lays him open , and will make every Body ready to be his Executioner . Violence may have forced many to factious Practises , who were not , nor would not chuse be Factious , Oppression making the wise Man mad : Give Men Security in their worshipping God , and you may soon distinguish between Conscience and Faction . It hath been well observed , that no Government is endangered by the People it seeks to preserve : Did not the Church , by Rigour and Severity in time past , drive many Dissenters from their Native Country , and force those who remained , to shelter themselves under the Enemies of the Crown ? I justify not the Practice , nor can the Fact be denyed : The King is at this Day , by his transcendent Grace & Tenderness to Consciences become Master of the Hearts , and by consequence of the Lives and Estates of his dissenting Subjects . I shall in the next place take the liberty of offering some things to the Consideration of all our Country-men , both of such as are Members of the Church of England , and of Dissenters . 1. The Gentlemen of the established Church may please to remember , that their Church , when brought under , pleaded for Liberty , and thankfully accepted it from the late Usurpers ; surely then , they will , or ought to deport themselves decently in this Juncture , to their lawful Soveraign ( differing from them in Religion ) and not censure , or repine at his Resolution to make all his People easy , when that same Clemency of the Kings , secures them in their Religion , with the comfortable Addition of their large Possessions . Let them consider their antient Loyalty ( interwoven with their Religion ) and approve themselves ( against those , who begin to accuse them of turning upon the Government ) what they have always boasted , unalterably Loyal . Shall the Fanaticks with alacrity come into the King's Interest , and will the Church of England appear sullen , soure and averse thereto ? I am confident she will not : To clear up my meaning herein , let me tell you , I take not the Clergy to constitute the Church of England : No , not in conjunction with some cloudy , morose & ambitious great Men , who seem at this Day to abet their Discontents , but the People who joyn in her Communion , will be found to be the best , & by far the greatest part of that Church . The Ecclesiasticks and some of their designing Adherents , are indeed angry , and why ? Because his Majesty resolves they shall not confound their Neighbours : But did you ever observe a violent persecuting Minister , to enjoy the Hearts of the People who lent him their Ears ? You may remember , that in our late highly contested Elections of Parliament Men , we saw in many parts of the Kingdom the rigid , siery Parson abandoned his by Flock , and galloping to give his single Voice , which was all that he and his Horse could bring in ; the Parish certainly falling in with the Side which he opposed , and why ? Because detesting his Spirit and Principles , they could not be disposed to esteem him a good Man for whom their Minister voted . May this go for some sort of measure of the Churches Interest ? I think we cannot readily have a better , than that of the Freedom of voting in Elections , how miserably then will that Interest be found to dwindle , when the Clergy shall come stript of the Advantage of compelling Men into it , by making use of the Kings Name ( to that they were formerly owing their Success where they found it , and not to the Esteem they had with their own Members . ) I have heard some compute , that not above one 5th or 6th . part of the known World is Christian : It will be found that his Majesties Interest in his People , vastly excels that of the Clergies , and that the Church of England in the Point now discussed , Liberty of Conscience , will not be found to comprehend such a part of the Nation , as the Christians make of the World. Would our Militant Church-men but put on Temper , and sequester so much Time , as to weigh with calmness and deliberation , the Opinions of the most eminent Divines of their Church , in the Point of Imposition , they would be found no Friends to Persecution . Reverend Dr. Taylor , late Bishop of Downe , thus expressed himself for Liberty of Conscience , viz , I do earnestly contend , that another Mans Opinion shall be no Rule to mine , and that my Opinion shall be no Snare or Prejudice to my self . In another place that learned Man proceeds thus ; It is a part of Christian Religion , that the Liberty of Mens Consciences should be preserved in all things , where God hath not set a Limit . And further — The same Meekess and Charity should be preserved in propagating Christianity , which was in its first Publication . The Reverend and Learned Dr. Stillingfleet did once apprehend the Mischief of Imposition , when he declared his Opinion to be , That Non-conformity to any suspected Practise , required by any Church Governor , as the Condition of her Communion , was lawful , if the thing so required , was judged unwarrantable by a Man 's own Conscience . I have been told and doubt not the Truth thereof , that a late Reverend Prelate , Dr. Brownrig ( who lived to see the Restoration of his late Majesty , and of the Church of England secured , tho' not actually accomplished ) did upon his Death-Bed lament the imposing presecuting Spirit , which he foresaw would return with the Church : And I think I have good ground to say , that at a late Conference between a Bishop ( whose Health is drank throughout the Kingdom ) and some of his Clergy of great note , a dignified Doctor of eminent Learning , and candor of Spirit , did very freely declare , That he thought the Church was under Gods Displeasure for her Severity to Dissenters , and that thereupon the Bishop lamented that he ever had his Hand in that Work , and declared , that should he be restored to Power , he would use it better than he had done : I wish all the Clergymen then present and throughout the Kingdom , were so resolved , and would shew themselves for Peace , by throwing away their Weapons of War. 2. I propose to the Consideration of Dissenters , and that of every Denomination , that as when a Town is on Fire every Man ( without any great Regard to what Intimacy or Distance hath been amongst Neighbours ) doth his best to extinguish the devouring Flames , so that they would with unanimity joyn in this common Cause , of removing , and that for ever , the undistinguishing Instruments of Mischief , the Penal Statutes : They do equally extend to all , and may by turns reach every Dissenter . Hath not the Church of England persisted to exercise her Severities upon all Dissenters within her reach , even in the present Reign ? Are the Roman Catholicks ( tho sheltered by the Kings Religion ) willing to deliver other Dissenters with themselves from those destroying Laws , and to secure them , from what hath been of so terrifying an Aspect in Popery , Persecution ? And will they refuse to be unshakled ? I cannot imagine they should , especially when I observe amongst them such a universal Serenity since his Majesties Declaration . They owe their Ease to the Kings Princely Clemency , he invites them out of Slavery ; if they will , their Liberty may be established ; his Majesty is resolved to do that which the Church never would when she had Power , nor can we think she would now , if it be true that she accosts the King with heat against it : Let then all Dissenters see their common Interest , to approach the King with Duty and Affection , and to evidence their Affection , by closing with the happy Opportunity which now offers , of setting themselves free by Law , seeing his Majesty calls them to it : But , The Fanaticks are told by Church-Men , That it is not now either seasonable or safe ( I doubt in their Opinion it never will ) and they promise that they will do the Work. Affliction is the best School , and I do hope the Fanaticks have learn'd therein better , than to be tampered withal , and decoy'd into an Opposition to his Majesties so gracious Disposition : They know the King never broke his Word , that the Church hath , and that with them in this very Point of Indulgence . I appeal herein to the Memories of some Men of Note now living , who were of so clear Credit , and so great Reputation in the House of Commons ( tho Dissenters ) that without their Concurrence , an Address had not been obtained for the recalling the late King's Declaration of Indulgence , which for the time made the Kingdom happy ; it must be acknowledged by these honest well meaning Gentlemen , that they were wheedled and cheated of that Indulgence , by the fair Promises and Caeresses of some , who are now also living , and attempting to play that Game over again : I conclude therefore , with difference to their Qualities , that they are not to be again trusted . To provoke Dissenters to avoid the Rock , and gain a safe Harbour , I shall remind them ( tho' I would not have it remembered for Vengeance , but for Prevention sake ) what and how they have suffered by the Penal Laws , which some so highly struggle to keep up . How many Families have we seen ruined , by the vexation of Citations , and what quickly followed , Excommunications , in the Courts Ecclesiastick : The Lawyers say that Excommunication is a Disability to sue for Debts , and many honest Men have found that wicked Advantage made thereof ; I know the Name of a Clergy-Man , who to supply his Occasions , borrowed Money of a Neighbour , a Dissenter , and to defraud him of the Money ( instead of Payment ) pleaded that his Creditor stood excommunicate : A more severe Step of those Courts was , the burying the Dissenter alive in a Goal by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo , from which there was no Redemption , but at the Price of his Conscience . Indeed where Men had money , and would farm their Liberty ( not of Conscience but ) from Prison , I have seen the tender hearted Gentlemen of Doctors Commons ( since the Death of his late Majesty ) for Fifteen or Twenty Pound paid , half yearly , to respit the claping up of an industrious man , and they have permitted him , till the next Rent Day , to work for his Family . That the Dissenters have been Tenants to under Sheriffs , Clerks of the Peace , Town Clerks , Apparitors , Bailiffs , &c. Is too well known throughout the Kingdom , the first came but twice a year , the others quarterly or monthly . If these Devourers left any thing , the Informer followed , and very often swept all , and sometimes stock'd a Justices House or Farm with Beds , Horses , Cowes , or what else the Gentleman wanted , and that at very reasonable Rates . Are there not also , to make the Dissenter compleatly miserable , Imprisoning , Banishing , murdering Laws ? To them , what can the Invention of Cruelty it self add ? Have we not , with regret beheld the Execution of these Laws ? It may possibly be said that none have been hanged for Nonconformity , if so , we may say , thanks to the Kings Mercy , for restraining the Churches foolish Rage , but 't is not a small number both of Ministers and others , whose Lives have been destroyed by lingering pining Deaths in noisom Goals and Dungeons . Nay the rigorous Execution of these too rigid Laws , did not suffice , we have known many Informers swear by guess , and very fasly , and the Perjured protected and rewarded , of which take an Instance : An Informer ( by Trade a Tinker ) having manifestly perjured himself in swearing against an honest Gentleman upon the Conventicle Act , and being indicted for the Perjury , the Prosecutor was hurried by the procurement of the Informers Patron , into no less Prison than the Tower of London , and there closely detain'd : The Villain was rewarded with a place worth Twenty Pound per Annum , and still enjoys it . But why should I argue with Dissenters from particular Instances , to make them out of Love with their Shackles , when 't is evident the whole Kingdom groans under , and would gladly throw off the Burthen of these oppressive bloody Laws . I shall therefore take my Leave of the Dissenters with the Story of the Jews in good Nehemiah's time . He being informed of the very deplorable Case , of those who were left of the Captivity , made an Address to the King , representing the sad State of Jerusalem , and petitioned for Leave to rebuild it : The King ( who was the great Artaxerxes ) gave a gracious Answer , and not only permitted it , but contributed to the Work ; and Nehemiah ( to the Grief of Courtiers ) went cheerfully about it . Sanballat and Tobiah , ( men of great Power under the King ) appeared grieved that there was come a man to seek the Welfare of Israel ; however Nehemiah invited the Jews to build the Wall , and they came unanimously and cheerfully into the Work. Sanballat and Tobiah having drawn into their Faction , Geshem an Arabian , laughed the Jews to Scorn , and termed the Work Rebellion against the King. Nehemiah , knowing that God would prosper him , ( mangre Opposition ) proceeded to build , and all the People assisted , but the Nobles contributed not to the Worke of the Lord , but held Correspondance with the Enemy Tobiah , and betrayed to him Nehemiah's Counsels . Sanballat and Tobiah , that they might obstruct the Work , resolved to fight the Jews : In this great Distress God fought for them , and brought the Enemies Counsel to nought , and the Jews made up the Breaches in the Wall : Then Sanballat and his Confederates , betook themselves to Flattery and Dissimulation , and invited Nehemiah again and again to a Conference , but he declines the Invitation , answering , that he was doing a great Work , and would not leave it . Thereupon Sanballat ( still pretending Friendship ) informed Nehemiah by Letter , That the Heathen reported , and Geshem said it , that he and the Jews thought to rebel , and to make Nehemiah King , and that this would be told the King , and therefore Sanballat offered to Counsel him how to obviate this heinous Charge . But Nehemiah ( seeing the Snake in the Grass ) refused to take Counsel of him , and answered Sanballat , that no such things were doing , and that he feigned the Accusation out of his own Heart : Then these Men of Mischief , hire false Prophets to Prophesy Nehemiah's Death , in case he did not withdraw : This Plot also failed ; Nehemiah saying , should such a Man as I flee : So persisting , the Wall was finished , to the Enemies Confusion , who perceived at length , that the Work was of God. I have made the History too long , the Application shall be shorter . Has God put it into the King's Heart to pitty them , who are left of the Captivity , such whom Penal Laws have not destroyed ? Let us return due Thanks to God and the King. Are there Sanballats , Tobiah's , and Geshem's , who vex themselves that there is come a Man to seek the Welfare of all his Israel ? Do they in Confederacy with the Arabians , and false Prophets , and with Tobiah's Correspondents undermine and discourage the great Work of delivering Conscience from the pernicious Penal Laws ? Let us with Heart and Hand unite therein , and not be seduced by Flattery or Threats , to leave this glorious Work half done : Do the Heathen report , and Gesham say , or doth false Sanballat so pretend , that we are overturning the Government , and introducing a Common-Wealth ? Let us deport our selves with such Duty and Affection to the King , that his Majesty , and his Successors also , may tell Sanballat , That no such things , as he suggested , were doing by the Kings peaceable dissenting Subjects , but that the Accusation was a Fiction of his own wicked Brain ; and when this blessed Work shall be finished , may the Enemies thereof be cast down in their own Eyes , perceiving that this Work was wrought of our God ; I am , what I always was , and therefore most certainly , Yours POSTS●●IPT . I would beseech the Church of E●●land to yield to Christ , his own Throne in the Kingdom of God , and to Magistrates their Thrones in the Kingdoms of the World ; the whole inward Man is under Christ's Power , and the whole outward Man is under the Magistrates ; if so , the inward and outward Man being disposed of before , what room is there left for Ecclesiastical Power ? The Clergy indeed have long pretended to lift up the Magistrate to the Throne of Christ over Conscience , not that they would have him sit there , but place them upon it , and we have seen the Power Ecclesiastick , interweaving it self with the Power of Princes , that their Power which was not of God ; might be supported by the Power which was of God : But it may be worth Consideration whether they do not exalt themselves in Christ's stead in the Church , and set under their Feet the Magistrates Power in the World ; and whether they are Friends to Magistracy , further than it is serviceable to their Ends , who is it that discerns them not at this Day , venting their Discontents against the King in Pamphlets and Discourses , and in spreading very false News ( in which , with too great Boldness they take their full swing ) and why ? Because he will not do all that they would have him do , and restrains their Power in Religious Things . And when they mind his Majesty of the Services they have done him , do they not do it , in such a manner , as hints what they can do against him , as well as for him , if he will not serve their Designs ? But these Gentlemen demand , Would you have no Laws : Yes , but no other in God's Kingdom , but his own Laws , those only being proper , and adequate , and therefore a Thousand times better than all the Laws of Men , which never acquired any other sort of Proselytes , than such as the young Man in the Story in Frithe's Answer to the Bishop of Rochester ; which is this ; A young Man having beheld his Fathers Martyrdom ; the Officers ( laying hold of him , and of that Opportunity to work his Conversion ) examined him of his Faith ; the Youth dismay'd , and fearing his Father's Fate , answered , Gentlemen , I believe even as it pleaseth you . Our Church hath of late Years ( by breathing out Threatnings , Punishments , Imprisonments , &c. ) made too many such Converts . Once more adieu . London , Printed , and sold , by Andrew Sowle , at the Crooked-Billet in Holloway-Lane in Shoreditch , and at the Three Keys , in Nags Head Court , in Grace-Church-Street , overagainst the Conduit , 1687. Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A54101-e10 ☜ ☜ ☞ ☞ ☜ ☜ ☜