id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 26671 Edgar, John G. (John George) The Boy Crusaders: A Story of the Days of Louis IX. .txt text/plain 65757 2890 74 At the time when Henry was King of England and when Louis of France was 'I marvel much, good Walter,' said Guy Muschamp to his brother-in-arms, 'However,' said Walter, 'I fancy King Louis is not quite so splendid in English Crusader, named Bisset, who had taken service with King Louis; [Illustration: "Young gentleman," said King Louis, "it has come to my 'Now, good Walter,' said Guy Muschamp, as the brothers-in-arms, having And no time was lost; for, of all the armed pilgrims, King Louis was WHILE King Louis lay at Damietta, awaiting the arrival of Crusaders from At the time when Louis, King of France, undertook his Crusade, it was in which the Emir Fakreddin had boasted he would dine on the day of St. Sebastian--Guy Muschamp approached Bisset, the English knight, and 'Christian warriors,' said he, 'I come from your king to ask whither are ./cache/26671.txt ./txt/26671.txt