id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 814 Trollope, Anthony Hunting Sketches .txt text/plain 19237 845 78 the number of hunting men who don't like it. But the man who hunts and doesn't like it, has his moments of him who envies the condition of the man who hunts and likes it, remember He has a crowd of men around him; but he knows enough of hunting hunting men are fast, given to unclean living and bad ways of life; that remembering that no man ever likes a woman to know as much about a horse average hunting man any more think of riding than he would at a small Some men ride for hunting, some for jumping, and some were twenty men before the hounds there," says our man of the road, who hunting man who can talk only of his runs, is, I think, worse even than young beginner always remember that in hunting the fox a pack of hounds ./cache/814.txt ./txt/814.txt