
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
5861Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
28386''What appointment?''
28386He besought Grant not to stay in Washington, but to come back to the Mississippi Valley,"the seat of coming empire, and from the West where[ when?]
5863Halleck was present and spoke up, saying:"How would Sheridan do?"
5860What appointment?
5860When he did speak it was to ask:"Grant, how many wolves do you think there are in that pack?"
5860will you work?
5862Can Grant supply himself from the Mississippi?
5862Often"Johnny"would call:"Well, Yank, when are you coming into town?"
5862The next was,"What are WE to do?"
5865Well,said he,"did n''t you think it was the biggest shuck and the littlest ear that ever you did see?"
5865Well,said he,"did you see him take it off?"
5865MAJOR- GENERAL THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Is there not danger of Forrest moving down the Cumberland to where he can cross it?
5865Should his request be granted, who would you like as his successor?
5865Why not attack at once?
1067What appointment?
1067Can Grant supply himself from the Mississippi?
1067Often"Johnny"would call:"Well, Yank, when are you coming into town?"
1067The next was,"What are WE to do?"
1067When he did speak it was to ask:"Grant, how many wolves do you think there are in that pack?"
1067Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
1067will you work?
1068Well,said he,"did n''t you think it was the biggest shuck and the littlest ear that ever you did see?"
1068Well,said he,"did you see him take it off?"
1068Halleck was present and spoke up, saying:"How would Sheridan do?"
1068MAJOR- GENERAL THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Is there not danger of Forrest moving down the Cumberland to where he can cross it?
1068Should his request be granted, who would you like as his successor?
1068Why not attack at once?
4098By whose order is this?
4098Did I tell you that''Jim Nooks,''Mrs. Waite''s cat, was dead?
4098What appointment?
4098What efforts have been made to open up other roads for provisioning the army?
4098Where am I to find the new commander who is to possess that greater ability which you believe to be required?
4098Why did n''t you cut off his head?
4098-- Captain Grant in a Hard Fight Meanwhile, what had become of Grant?
4098How could he get well?
4098Might it not be possible to keep him busily occupied in front, while a force stole behind his right wing and caught it between two fires?
4098Should it be necessary to abandon our position to prevent being surrounded, what will you do?
4098The question is, is it right to surrender this army?
4098Was he engaged in a flanking movement such as had crumpled them to pieces at Chancellorsville?
4098Was he trying to lure them out of their position and catch them in some giant ambuscade?
4098Was it possible that Lee had retreated?
4098What was the explanation of this ominous silence?
4098one of them protested,"What will history say of the surrender of the army in the field?"
4367Well,said he,"did n''t you think it was the biggest shuck and the littlest ear that ever you did see?"
4367Well,said he,"did you see him take it off?"
4367What appointment?
4367Can Grant supply himself from the Mississippi?
4367Halleck was present and spoke up, saying:"How would Sheridan do?"
4367MAJOR- GENERAL THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Is there not danger of Forrest moving down the Cumberland to where he can cross it?
4367Often"Johnny"would call:"Well, Yank, when are you coming into town?"
4367Should his request be granted, who would you like as his successor?
4367The next was,"What are WE to do?"
4367When he did speak it was to ask:"Grant, how many wolves do you think there are in that pack?"
4367Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
4367Why not attack at once?
4367will you work?
13012But admitting that these two classes of citizens are to be benefited by expansion, would it be honest to give it?
13012But can they proclaim themselves entirely irresponsible for this condition?
13012But do they do right in ignoring the existence of violence and bloodshed in resistance to constituted authority?
13012How will such officials be likely to serve an Administration which they know does not trust them?
13012If refused by us, with what grace can we prevent a foreign power from attempting to secure the prize?
13012Is there not a disposition on one side to magnify wrongs and outrages, and on the other side to belittle them or justify them?
13012Shall we refuse them?
13012Shall we refuse them?
13012What faith can an Executive put in officials forced upon him, and those, too, whom he has suspended for reason?
13012When it arrives there, why should it seek Liverpool and London rather than New York?
13012Would it not be just as honest and prudent to authorize each debtor to issue his own legal- tenders to the extent of his liabilities?
13012Would not the general loss be too great to justify such relief?
45118And what then?
45118Are the haversacks filled?
45118Does n''t the prospect begin to look gloomy?
45118Then? 45118 Was that you?"
45118What are you doing in those coats then?
45118What are you thinking about, Baldy?
45118What are your plans, general, for the conduct of the campaign?
45118What is your name?
45118What''s in a name? 45118 Where could you have retreated if you had been beaten, general?"
45118Why do n''t you do it?
45118Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and position of your command?
45118Will you keep that pie till I send an officer for it?
45118At last his patience was exhausted, and he cried out,--"Father, why do n''t you say something?"
45118But what has he done for three minutes more than Private McMullen and Corporal Mullinstock have done during the entire battle?
45118But who doubted his sentiments?
45118Can I be unmoved while I look at The Man?
45118Could such a man be the slave of his own appetite?
45118Hancock extended his hand to Stuart, whom he had known before, exclaiming,"How are you, Stuart?"
45118How stands Grant among them?
45118Is he not responsible for every life sacrificed at his order after he knew that the strife was hopeless?
45118The destiny of a nation seemed to be placed upon his shoulders; and what wonder was it that he regarded mere applause as distasteful?
45118Was it seen even then that he was a probable or a possible candidate in the future?
45118Was the solemn tragedy to be repeated again?
45118Was this success an accident?
45118Were those marshalled hosts once more to be forced back, and another great man to be hurled from his high eminence?
45118What am I?
45118What is the Great Captain, the illustrious hero of the Modern Republic?
45118What other man could, or would?
45118What was Andrew Jackson?
45118What was Napoleon?
45118What was Washington?
45118What was he but a"butcher"?
45118What were Cæsar, Wellington, Marlborough, Scott?
45118Where are McClellan, Fremont, Buell, Rosecrans, Pope, Hooker, Burnside?
45118Who am I?
45118Who shall say that an inspiration higher than his own thought did not suggest to the anxious father the idea of sending his son to West Point?
45118Why was it necessary, when the illustrious soldier had only taken a couple of steps towards fame, to make this astounding declaration?
13471A good looking set are n''t they?
13471And can the North afford this?
13471And now can such men be justified in their present purposes and activities?
13471And shall we all perish by her fratricidal hand?
13471And viewing it from this standpoint, we ask, what does the North expect to_ gain_ by it?
13471And what have your noble_ Ohioans_ done lately& repeatedly with our_ Ka._ boats at_ Gallipolis_?
13471And who would not prefer_ banishment_ or_ death_ to_ such_ a_ life?_ What Satisfac^n could the North themselves have in such an event?
13471And who would not prefer_ banishment_ or_ death_ to_ such_ a_ life?_ What Satisfac^n could the North themselves have in such an event?
13471Are not the North fighting for a Patroclus''grave in this struggle?
13471Are you going to the city to live?
13471Are you talking of paying Julia a visit?
13471Ca n''t you send it?
13471Can not Jennie and Orvil''s wife come this way when they start for Galena?
13471Can not some of you come and pay us a visit?
13471Can we not expect Mr. Corbin, you, Mary and two children down to spend a few days with us as soon as the latter arrives?
13471Court of the U.S. What then?
13471Did she receive it?
13471For one Chief Justice has already decided thus; and is not his decision final?
13471Has Simpson gone South?
13471How then is it possible that the North can entertain amicable feelings toward the South?
13471If so, upon what principles?
13471Is there anything we can do for you in Paris?
13471On your way to Galena can you not come by here?
13471Shall such hopes be blasted as soon as fondly cherished?
13471Shall we extinguish the brightest star in the constellation of human freedom?
13471Then are the North invaded?
13471Union or dis- union?
13471What meant those_ human cargoes_ that approached so close to its walls the day before the battle?
13471What then?
13471Wherein was the consistency?
13471Who caused the attack?
13471Why did the worthy(?)
13471Why not come down here and see me?
13471Why then was it that it became such a monstrous crime in their eyes?
13471Wo n''t you try to come?
13471can ever be effected again?
13471exist as a military despotism?
13471they are ready to repeat with a triple vengeance the untold horrors of the Spanish Inquisition?
13471they too would some day enjoy?
13471would have done, in friendly negotiation for peace?
4546Any chickens?
4546Any eggs?
4546Any flour or grain?
4546Any guerrillas?
4546Are you a member of the other House?
4546Are you the Governor of a State?
4546Certainly not"Have you ever had a vote of thanks by name?
4546Do you think you could become so interested in my conversation as not to notice the door- keeper?
4546Have you any meat?
4546Is anybody in the house?
4546Is it a good road, and how far?
4546Is it locked up?
4546Is no one about who can get in?
4546Now, where is the proper place to break it?
4546Well, ai n''t you on our side?
4546Well,said he,"did n''t you think it was the biggest shuck and the littlest ear that ever you did see?"
4546Well,said he,"did you see him take it off?"
4546Well,said he,"what do you want of me?"
4546Well,said he,"why do n''t you go into the gallery?"
4546What appointment?
4546What do you know of Uncle Billy?
4546What do you live on?
4546What is to be done with the freedmen?
4546What is your badge?
45461, but are in the immediate neighborhood, on their plantations?
45469:45 p.m."LIEUTENANT- GENERAL GRANT:"Would it not be well for Warren to go down with his whole corps and smash up the force in front of Sheridan?
4546A few days afterward the husband again appealed to his commanding officer( Taylor), who exclaimed:"Have n''t you got a musket?
4546After shaking hands all round, the Governor said,"Coleman, what the devil is the matter here?"
4546As I drew up by the party, Bismarck accosted me with,"Well, General, are n''t you hungry?
4546At every meal the steward would come to me, and say,"Captain Sherman, will you bring your ladies to the table?"
4546At this General Grant remarked:"Did he say so?
4546But it first became necessary to settle the important question of who should succeed General McPherson?
4546But what next?
4546Ca n''t you defend your own family?"
4546Can Grant supply himself from the Mississippi?
4546Can it be that such a resort finds root in any stratum of American opinion?
4546Can we whip the South?
4546Can you expedite the sending to Nashville of the recruits that are in Indiana and Ohio?
4546Could not such a camp be established about Pocotaligo or Coosawhatchie?
4546Could not such escaped slaves find at least a partial supply of food in the rice- fields about Savannah, and cotton plantations on the coast?
4546Could not your cavalry go back by the way of Stony Creek depot and destroy or capture the store of supplies there?
4546Davis, etc.?
4546General Blair simply asked,"Do you like it?"
4546General Grant remarked,"What is to prevent their laying the rails again?"
4546General Halleck had a map on his table, with a large pencil in his hand, and asked,"where is the rebel line?"
4546Governor of a State?
4546Halleck was present and spoke up, saying:"How would Sheridan do?"
4546Halleck''s telegram of last night says:"Who sent Smith''s division to Nashville?
4546Has any thing been heard from the troops ordered from Vicksburg?
4546Have any more troops arrived from Richmond, or are any more coming, or reported to be coming?
4546He asked me,"Where?"
4546He dropped out of the retinue with an orderly, and after we had ridden a mile or so he overtook us, and I asked him,"What luck?"
4546He inquired,"Why not both?"
4546He remaining mounted, spoke first to me, saying simply,"How are you, Sheridan?"
4546He said:"What is the use of your persevering?
4546He then asked in his quizzical way,"Are you a foreign embassador?"
4546He then said,"Have you any impudence?"
4546He turned to me and said,"Ca n''t you take your regiment up there?"
4546I answered, rather shortly,''How the devil do you know there is a masked battery?
4546I answered:"How can you go to New York?
4546I asked Deshler:"What does this mean?
4546I assured him with thanks that I was"first- rate,"when, pointing toward the village, he asked,"Is General Lee up there?"
4546I had on my undress uniform indicating my rank, and inquired of the sentinel,"Is General Fremont up?"
4546I presume that some one said to the Governor about this time,"Why do n''t you get Sheridan?"
4546I said I had come to see him on business; and he added,"You do n''t suppose that he will see such as you?"
4546I touched it and examined one or two of the larger pieces, and asked,"Is it gold?"
4546If Hood goes to the Alabama line, will it not be impossible for him to subsist his army?
4546If the rebel leaders were to arm the slaves, what would be its effect?
4546If you ca n''t get over, how can the rebels get at you?''
4546In that event, would it not be possible for you to become a citizen of our State?
4546MAJOR- GENERAL THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Is there not danger of Forrest moving down the Cumberland to where he can cross it?
4546Major Childs inquired,"Where is Coacoochee?"
4546Major W. T. Sherman: Will you accept the chief clerkship of the War Department?
4546Mason said to me,"What is that?"
4546Member of Congress?"
4546Mr. Lincoln, who was still standing, said,"Threatened to shoot you?"
4546Of parties claiming foreign protection?
4546Offering the flask to his uncle, he said:"You''ve had a hard day of it; wo n''t you refresh yourself?"
4546Often"Johnny"would call:"Well, Yank, when are you coming into town?"
4546Others say:"What are we to do?
4546Pausing awhile, and watching the operations of this man roasting his corn, he said,"What are you doing?"
4546Renick said,"What do you want with General Fremont?"
4546Sherman said to me:"Admiral, how could you make such a remark to McClernand?
4546Should his request be granted, who would you like as his successor?
4546Should we allow them to escape, etc.?
4546So that among the younger officers the query was very natural,"Who the devil is Governor of California?"
4546So that the only questions that remained were, would he surrender at Raleigh?
4546Some say:"I have such a one sick at my house; who will wait on them when I am gone?"
4546State in what manner you would rather live--whether scattered among the whites, or in colonies by yourselves?
4546State what you understand by slavery, and the freedom that was to be given by the President''s proclamation?
4546State what, in your opinion, is the best way to enlist colored men as soldiers?
4546The Governor knocked at the door, and on inquiry from inside"Who''s there?"
4546The next was,"What are WE to do?"
4546Then followed the question,"Is Fort McAllister taken?"
4546This being so, how is it possible for the people still here( mostly women and children) to find any shelter?
4546This feature was more than acceptable to the parents at times, for how else could they so thoroughly learn all the neighborhood gossip?
4546We then returned to Benicia, and Wool''s first question was,"What luck?"
4546What can I do for you?"
4546What signified the terms to them, so long as we obtained the actual surrender of people who only wanted a good opportunity to give up gracefully?
4546What was to be done with the rebel armies when defeated?
4546When ground is owned by parties who have gone south, and have leased the ground to parties now in the city who own the improvements on the ground?
4546When he did speak it was to ask:"Grant, how many wolves do you think there are in that pack?"
4546When houses are occupied and the owner has gone south, leaving an agent to collect rent for his benefit?
4546When houses are owned by loyal citizens, but are unoccupied?
4546When movable property is found in stores that are closed?
4546When parties owning houses have gone south, and the tenant has given his notes for the rent in advance?
4546When parties who occupy the house are creditors of the owner, who has gone south?
4546When the owner has gone south, and parties here hold liens on the property and are collecting the rents to satisfy their liens?
4546When the owner lives in town, and refuses to take the oath of allegiance?
4546When the tenant has expended several months''rent in repairs on the house?
4546Where are you?"
4546Who ever supposed they would come away down here in Alabama?"
4546Who have prompted him?
4546Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
4546Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
4546Why not attack at once?
4546Why was this, or why was all mention of any field of duty for the head of the army left out of the army regulations?
4546Wo n''t you speak your mind freely on this question of slavery, that so agitates the land?
4546said Mr. Lincoln,"how are they getting along down there?"
4546said a listener,"do n''t you know that old Sherman carries a duplicate tunnel along?"
4546where are they to come from?"
4546will you work?
57383''Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? 57383 ''The question,''Mr. Lincoln replied,''was,"Why does man have breasts?"''
57383''Well, what about General King?'' 57383 ''Well,''he said,''are you on good terms with Price and King?''
57383***On the vote to repeal the Fugitive Slave Law, how did that( Democratic) side of the House vote?
57383And suppose they could be induced by a Proclamation of Freedom from me to throw themselves upon us, what should we do with them? 57383 Any chickens?"
57383Any eggs?
57383Any flour or grain?
57383Any guerrillas?
57383Are you a member of the other House?
57383Are you prepared for such a change in the institutions of your country? 57383 Are you the Governor of a State?"
57383But what more was done? 57383 But why should Emancipation South, send the freed people North?
57383Certainly not"Have you ever had a vote of thanks by name?
57383Dependenceupon whom, and with regard to what?
57383Descendants of the same people inhabit the country; yet what is the reason of this vast difference? 57383 Do you think you could become so interested in my conversation as not to notice the door- keeper?"
57383Have you any meat?
57383He said,''Wo n''t General Price vote for it? 57383 How will it be with New England?
57383I ask the Senator to recollect, too, what, save to send aid and comfort to the Enemy, do these predictions of his amount to? 57383 If, then, for a common object, this Property is to be sacrificed, is it not just that it be done at a common charge?
57383If, then, we are at some time to be as populous as Europe, how soon? 57383 Is anybody in the house?"
57383Is it a good road, and how far?
57383Is it doubted, then, that the plan I propose, if adopted, would shorten the War, and thus lessen its expenditure of money and of blood? 57383 Is it locked up?"
57383Is it true, then, that Colored people can displace any more White labor by being Free, than by remaining Slaves? 57383 Is no one about who can get in?"
57383Is there no Justice in putting an end to human Slavery? 57383 It is not,''Can any of us imagine better?''
57383Now, I ask any plain common- sense man what was the meaning of that? 57383 Now, then, tell me, if you please, what possible result of good would follow the issuing of such a Proclamation as you desire?
57383Now, where is the proper place to break it?
57383Question. � And of course an abandonment of the purpose for which you were there? 57383 Question. � At that time General Patterson felt it was so important to attack Johnston that he had determined to do it?
57383Question. � Behind his intrenchments? 57383 Question. � Did not General Patterson issue orders at Bunker Hill, the night before you marched to Charlestown, for an attack on the Enemy?
57383Question. � Even if you had received a check there, it would have prevented his junction with the forces at Manassas? 57383 Question. � That order was not countermanded until late on Tuesday, the 16th, was it?
57383Question. � You understood General Patterson to be influenced to make that attempt because he felt there was a necessity for detaining Johnston? 57383 Question[ by Mr. Odell]. � Had you any such understanding with Patterson?
57383Question[ by Mr. Odell]. � You covered his movement? 57383 Question[ by the Chairman]. � Did he[ Patterson] assign any reason for that movement?
57383Shall one battle determine the fate of empire, or a dozen? � the loss of one thousand men, or twenty thousand? 57383 The question is, if the Colored people are persuaded to go anywhere, why not there?
57383Was it possible to lose the Nation and yet preserve the Constitution? 57383 Well, ai n''t you on our side?"
57383Well,said he,"did n''t you think it was the biggest shuck and the littlest ear that ever you did see?"
57383Well,said he,"did you see him take it off?"
57383Well,said he,"what do you want of me?"
57383Well,said he,"why do n''t you go into the gallery?"
57383What appointment?
57383What are the uses of decisions of Courts? 57383 What do you know of Uncle Billy?"
57383What do you live on?
57383What else was done at the very same session? 57383 What good would a Proclamation of Emancipation from me do, especially as we are now situated?
57383What is to be done with the freedmen?
57383What is your badge?
57383What says the Preamble to the Constitution? 57383 What troops are those?"
57383What,said he, referring to Mr. Ross,"has been the course of that gentleman and his Party on this floor in regard to voting supplies to the Army?
57383Whether such language is not Treason?
57383Why should they leave this Country? 57383 Why should this Property be exempt from the hazards and consequences of a rebellious War?
57383Why was not this taken and accepted? 57383 Why?"
57383Will you ever submit to a warfare waged by the Southern States to establish Slavery in Illinois? 57383 � you ask �"What next?"
57383''Must a Government of necessity be too strong for the liberties of its own people, or too weak to maintain its own existence?''
57383*** But you may ask me what are these rights and these privileges?
57383*** How has the planting of Slavery in new countries always been effected?
57383*** On the subject of arming Slaves, of putting Negroes into the Army, how has my colleague and his Party voted?
57383*** This being so, what is Judge Douglas going to spend his life for?
57383*** What can authorize him to draw any such inference?
57383*** What cause is there for further alarm in the Southern States, so far as the Territories are concerned?
57383*** What is fairly implied by the term Judge Douglas has used,''resistance to the decision?''
57383*** What is now the case?
57383*** Who did it?
57383*** Will it be any more valid?
57383***"''Question. � In what direction would Johnston have had to move to get by you?
57383***"I ask Mr. Lincoln how it is that he purposes ultimately to bring about this uniformity in each and all the States of the Union?
57383***"You may ask, why does the South want us to do it by Constitutional Amendment, when we have just done it voluntarily by Law?
57383******"What more, then, is demanded?
57383********* Question[ by the Chairman]. � Would there have been any difficulty in preventing Johnston from going to Manassas?
57383*********"Question. � While at Bunker Hill, the night before you left there, were any orders issued to march in the evening?
57383**********''Question[ by the Chairman]. � And that left Johnston free?
573831, but are in the immediate neighborhood, on their plantations?
573839:45 p.m."LIEUTENANT- GENERAL GRANT:"Would it not be well for Warren to go down with his whole corps and smash up the force in front of Sheridan?
57383A Freeman?
57383A few days afterward the husband again appealed to his commanding officer( Taylor), who exclaimed:"Have n''t you got a musket?
57383After assisting him in checking his steed, the President said to me:''He came pretty near getting away with me, did n''t he?
57383After shaking hands all round, the Governor said,"Coleman, what the devil is the matter here?"
57383And Farnsworth met this idea � which had also been advanced by Messrs. Ross, Fernando Wood, and Pruyn � by saying:"What constitutes property?
57383And as it is to so go, at all, events, may we not agree that the sooner the better?
57383And as to Oligarchal rule � the rule of the few( and those the Southern chiefs) over the many, � was not that already accomplished?
57383And how is it, that Johnston gets away from Patterson so neatly?
57383And if such is the case, what are we to hope in the future?
57383And is it not needed whenever it helps us and hurts the Enemy?
57383And then cried the orator- his voice rising to a higher key, penetrating, yet musical as the blast from a silver trumpet:"What would he have?
57383And then, having succeeded in convincing himself of Republican failure, he exultingly exclaimed:"But why enumerate?
57383And to this more than fair proposition to the Southerners � to this touching appeal in behalf of Peace � what was the response?
57383And we are asked by one of my colleagues,( Mr. Cox) does the gentleman from New York intend to call us Traitors?
57383And what can that purpose be, but to throw his augmented right upon our left, at Blackburn''s Ford, and so, along the ridge- road, upon Centreville?
57383And what have we seen?
57383And what is this"republican"form of government, thus pledged?
57383And what next?
57383And what was the chief cause or pretext for discontent at that time?
57383And what was the response of the South to this generous and conciliatory message?
57383And when does he do it?
57383And whose the sacrilegious hand that dared be first raised against his Country and his Country''s flag?
57383And why may we not continue that ratio far beyond that period?
57383And why the hasty after- indorsement of the decision, by the President and others?
57383And, above all, is it consistent with any notion, which the mind of man can conceive, of human Liberty?"
57383And, in any event, can not the North decide for itself, whether to receive them?
57383Another, Mr. Charles E. Lex( a Republican), speaking of the Southern People, said:"What, then, can we say to them?
57383Are they not already in the Land?
57383Are they not intended for disorganization in our very midst?
57383Are they not intended to animate our enemies?
57383Are they not intended to destroy our zeal?
57383Are they not intended to dull our weapons?
57383Are we to predict evil, and retire from what we predict?
57383Are we to stop and talk about an uprising sentiment in the North against the War?
57383Are you for it?
57383Are you for it?
57383As I drew up by the party, Bismarck accosted me with,"Well, General, are n''t you hungry?
57383As a political question and a question of humanity, can I receive the services of a father and mother, and not take the children?
57383At every meal the steward would come to me, and say,"Captain Sherman, will you bring your ladies to the table?"
57383At this General Grant remarked:"Did he say so?
57383Aye, what next?
57383Benjamin, why do you not vote?
57383But do you think they are so perfectly moulded to their state as to be insensible that a better exists?
57383But how can we attain it?
57383But it first became necessary to settle the important question of who should succeed General McPherson?
57383But the matter regarded by him of larger moment � the safety of the Union � how about that?
57383But to return to Military operations: On December 10th?
57383But what have we seen?
57383But what next?
57383But what would be the effect upon South Carolina?
57383Ca n''t you defend your own family?"
57383Can Grant supply himself from the Mississippi?
57383Can I have fifty?
57383Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws?
57383Can aliens make treaties, easier than friends can make laws?
57383Can it be that such a resort finds root in any stratum of American opinion?
57383Can not this last bloody battle be avoided?''
57383Can the Union endure under such a system of policy?
57383Can their self love be so totally annihilated as not frequently to induce ardent wishes for a change?
57383Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends?
57383Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens, than laws can among friends?
57383Can we Abolish Slavery in the Loyal State of Kentucky against her will?
57383Can we account for it to ourselves, gentlemen?
57383Can we afford to send them forward to their masters, to be by them armed against us, or used in producing supplies to sustain the Rebellion?
57383Can we do anything more?
57383Can we whip the South?
57383Can you expedite the sending to Nashville of the recruits that are in Indiana and Ohio?
57383Continuing, he said:"What more do the Southern States want?
57383Could I get a hundred tolerably intelligent men, with their wives and children, and able to''cut their own fodder''so to speak?
57383Could not such a camp be established about Pocotaligo or Coosawhatchie?
57383Could not such escaped slaves find at least a partial supply of food in the rice- fields about Savannah, and cotton plantations on the coast?
57383Could not your cavalry go back by the way of Stony Creek depot and destroy or capture the store of supplies there?
57383Could the one, in any way, greatly disturb the seven?
57383Davis, etc.?
57383Do not its principles and theories become daily more fixed in our practice?
57383Do we not know it to be so?
57383Do we not know that they have been anxious for a change of Government for years?
57383Do we not know this?"
57383Do you mean that I am to concede the benefits of the political struggle through which we have passed, considered politically, only?
57383Do you mean that I am to give up my convictions of right?
57383Do you mean that we are to deny the great principle upon which our political action has been based?
57383Do you suppose we shall do nothing, even upon the sea?
57383Do you think differently?
57383Do you visit the North in the Summer?
57383Does it appear otherwise to you?
57383Does not the Fugitive Slave Law affect the Black soldier in the Army who was a Slave?
57383Does the Free Republic of the United States exist, in fact, to- day?
57383Does timidity ask WHEN?
57383From your Custom- houses?
57383General Blair simply asked,"Do you like it?"
57383General Grant remarked,"What is to prevent their laying the rails again?"
57383General Halleck had a map on his table, with a large pencil in his hand, and asked,"where is the rebel line?"
57383Governor of a State?
57383Halleck was present and spoke up, saying:"How would Sheridan do?"
57383Halleck''s telegram of last night says:"Who sent Smith''s division to Nashville?
57383Has Congress any power over the subject of Slavery in Kentucky or Virginia or any other State of this Union?
57383Has any thing been heard from the troops ordered from Vicksburg?
57383Has he not stolen a march and sent re- enforcements toward Manassas Junction?
57383Has it more waste surface by mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts, or other causes?
57383Have any more troops arrived from Richmond, or are any more coming, or reported to be coming?
57383Have we not at the South, as well as the North, grown great, prosperous, and happy under its operations?
57383He asked me,"Where?"
57383He dropped out of the retinue with an orderly, and after we had ridden a mile or so he overtook us, and I asked him,"What luck?"
57383He inquired,"Why not both?"
57383He remaining mounted, spoke first to me, saying simply,"How are you, Sheridan?"
57383He said:"What is the use of your persevering?
57383He then asked in his quizzical way,"Are you a foreign embassador?"
57383He then said,"Have you any impudence?"
57383He turned to me and said,"Ca n''t you take your regiment up there?"
57383How can this be done?
57383How can we feed and care for such a multitude?
57383How can we, by conceding what you now ask, relieve you and the Country from the increasing pressure to which you refer?
57383How did that side of the House vote on the question of arming Slaves and paying them as soldiers?
57383How does it happen that we have not had unanimity enough to agree on any measure of that kind?
57383How is he going to do it?
57383How long have we been at War?
57383How many letters of marque and reprisal would it take to put the whole of your ships up at your wharves to rot?
57383How will he do it?
57383I answered, rather shortly,''How the devil do you know there is a masked battery?
57383I answered:"How can you go to New York?
57383I asked Deshler:"What does this mean?
57383I assured him with thanks that I was"first- rate,"when, pointing toward the village, he asked,"Is General Lee up there?"
57383I had on my undress uniform indicating my rank, and inquired of the sentinel,"Is General Fremont up?"
57383I presume that some one said to the Governor about this time,"Why do n''t you get Sheridan?"
57383I said I had come to see him on business; and he added,"You do n''t suppose that he will see such as you?"
57383I said to Mr. Pickens,''What next do you propose we shall do?
57383I submit to you, my fellow- citizens, whether such a line of policy is consistent with the peace and harmony of the Country?
57383I touched it and examined one or two of the larger pieces, and asked,"Is it gold?"
57383If Hood goes to the Alabama line, will it not be impossible for him to subsist his army?
57383If Rebellion and bloodshed and murder have followed, to whose skirts does the responsibility attach?
57383If one man says it does not mean a Negro, why not say it does not mean some other man?
57383If such persons have what will be an advantage to them, the question is, whether it can not be made of advantage to you?
57383If the rebel leaders were to arm the slaves, what would be its effect?
57383If you ca n''t get over, how can the rebels get at you?''
57383In answer to his compliments about the comfortable location I had made, I said:''Very comfortable, General, when shall we move on?''
57383In that event, could you stand the reaction feeling which the suffering commerce of Charleston would probably manifest?
57383In that event, would it not be possible for you to become a citizen of our State?
57383In what do our new Territories now differ in this respect from the old Colonies when Slavery was first planted within them?
57383In what way can that Compromise be used to keep Lee''s Army out of Pennsylvania?
57383Is he going to spend his life in maintaining a principle that no body on earth opposes?
57383Is it doubted that it would restore the National authority and National prosperity, and perpetuate both indefinitely?
57383Is it inferior to Europe in any natural advantage?
57383Is it less fertile?
57383Is it not a mere usurpation without any known mode of justification, under any existing Code of Laws, human or Divine?"]
57383Is it not a time when the measure is most likely to produce danger and mischief to the Country at large?
57383Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before?
57383Is it worth our while to continue this union of States, where the North demands to be our masters and we are required to be their tributaries?
57383Is that what you mean?
57383Is there a single Court or Magistrate, or individual that would be influenced by it there?
57383Is there no danger to the Tranquillity of the Country in its existence?
57383Is there, has there ever been, any question that, by the Law of War, property, both of enemies and friends, may be taken when needed?
57383It forces us to ask:''Is there in all republics, this inherent and fatal weakness?''
57383It has the sanction of God''s own Apostle; for when Paul sent back Onesimus to Philemon, whom did he send?
57383It is only a week ago last Monday, that a Bill was introduced here to punish guerrillas*** and how did my colleague vote?
57383Look to the illustrations which the times now afford, how, in the illustration of that sentiment, do we differ from the Black man?
57383MAJOR- GENERAL THOMAS, Nashville, Tenn. Is there not danger of Forrest moving down the Cumberland to where he can cross it?
57383Major Childs inquired,"Where is Coacoochee?"
57383Major W. T. Sherman: Will you accept the chief clerkship of the War Department?
57383Mason said to me,"What is that?"
57383May it not interfere with the common Defense and general Welfare?
57383May they not pronounce all Slaves Free?
57383May they not think that these call for the abolition of Slavery?
57383Member of Congress?"
57383Mr. Lincoln*** more than once exclaimed:''Must more blood be shed?
57383Mr. Lincoln, who was still standing, said,"Threatened to shoot you?"
57383My friends, is it possible to preserve Peace between the North and the South if such a doctrine shall prevail in either Section of the Union?
57383Not that he feared the North � but the South; how would the wayward, wilful, passionate South, receive his proffered olivef- branch?
57383Now, what do we find?
57383Now, who was it that did the work?
57383Object whatsoever is possible, still the question recurs,''Can we do better?
57383Of all the times when an attempt was ever made to carry this measure, is not this the most inauspicious?
57383Of parties claiming foreign protection?
57383Offering the flask to his uncle, he said:"You''ve had a hard day of it; wo n''t you refresh yourself?"
57383Often"Johnny"would call:"Well, Yank, when are you coming into town?"
57383One party to a contract may violate it � break it, so to speak; but does it not require all, to lawfully rescind it?
57383Or would he conduct this War so feebly, that the whole World would smile at us in derision?"
57383Others say:"What are we to do?
57383Our position for renewing the action the next morning was excellent; whence, then, our failure?
57383Pausing awhile, and watching the operations of this man roasting his corn, he said,"What are you doing?"
57383Renick said,"What do you want with General Fremont?"
57383Shall we send a flag of Truce?
57383Sherman said to me:"Admiral, how could you make such a remark to McClernand?
57383Should his request be granted, who would you like as his successor?
57383Should we allow them to escape, etc.?
57383Simply that a Constitutional Amendment shall be adopted, affirming � what?
57383Sir, are they not words of brilliant, polished Treason, even in the very Capitol of the Nation?
57383Sir, how can we make Peace?
57383Sir, how can we retreat?
57383Sir, is not this a remarkable spectacle?
57383So that among the younger officers the query was very natural,"Who the devil is Governor of California?"
57383So that the only questions that remained were, would he surrender at Raleigh?
57383Some say:"I have such a one sick at my house; who will wait on them when I am gone?"
57383State in what manner you would rather live-- whether scattered among the whites, or in colonies by yourselves?
57383State what you understand by slavery, and the freedom that was to be given by the President''s proclamation?
57383State what, in your opinion, is the best way to enlist colored men as soldiers?
57383Suppose he does re- enact the same law which the Court has pronounced unconstitutional, will that make it Constitutional?
57383The Governor knocked at the door, and on inquiry from inside"Who''s there?
57383The immediate Secessionists, or those who are opposed to separate State action at this time?
57383The next was,"What are WE to do?"
57383The only question now was, how to get rid of it?
57383The question, then, naturally arises, what are those rights and privileges, and what is the nature and extent of them?
57383Then followed the question,"Is Fort McAllister taken?"
57383These speeches of his, sown broadcast over the Land, what clear distinct meaning have they?
57383This being so, how is it possible for the people still here( mostly women and children) to find any shelter?
57383This feature was more than acceptable to the parents at times, for how else could they so thoroughly learn all the neighborhood gossip?
57383To mob law, to partisan caucuses, to town meetings, to revolution?
57383To whom shall you appeal?
57383Tracy desiring"to know whether, in these Halls, the gentleman from Maryland invoked Almighty God that the American Arms should not prevail?"
57383Upon what terms?
57383Warming up, he proceeded to say:"Can the Union be restored by War?
57383Was it Mr. Clark?
57383Was it that they believed a Monarchical form of government was incompatible with civil liberty?
57383Was it that they were opposed to a Monarchical form of government?
57383Was it the firing on our flag at Sumter?
57383Was that the first adversary passage?
57383We then returned to Benicia, and Wool''s first question was,"What luck?"
57383Well, so much being disposed of, what is left?
57383Well, suppose he is; what is he going to do about it?
57383Were it his own, would he not have said in"making"it, instead of in"stating"it?
57383What American is not proud of the result?
57383What Commissioners?
57383What better Compromise could have been made?
57383What can I do for you?"
57383What can it be?
57383What could I do?
57383What do those terms mean when used now?
57383What do those terms mean?
57383What good does it do to pass a second Act?
57383What has become of it?
57383What has become of that Squatter Sovereignty?
57383What has been their course in regard to raising money to pay the Army?
57383What has now become of all his tirade about''resistance to the Supreme Court?''"
57383What is Popular Sovereignty?
57383What is War?
57383What is it?
57383What more can any man demand?
57383What more?
57383What of future hopes?
57383What of past glories?
57383What should be done with them?
57383What signified the terms to them, so long as we obtained the actual surrender of people who only wanted a good opportunity to give up gracefully?
57383What then?
57383What then?
57383What was Squatter Sovereignty?
57383What was to be done with the rebel armies when defeated?
57383What were they but a clear indication that the framers of the Constitution intended and expected the ultimate extinction of that institution?
57383What will become of Constitutional Government?
57383What will become of public Liberty?
57383What would be its fate there?
57383What would he have?
57383What would our condition be in the event of the greatest calamity that could befall this Nation?"
57383What''vested right''has any man or State in Property in Man?
57383When ground is owned by parties who have gone south, and have leased the ground to parties now in the city who own the improvements on the ground?
57383When he did speak it was to ask:"Grant, how many wolves do you think there are in that pack?"
57383When houses are occupied and the owner has gone south, leaving an agent to collect rent for his benefit?
57383When houses are owned by loyal citizens, but are unoccupied?
57383When movable property is found in stores that are closed?
57383When parties owning houses have gone south, and the tenant has given his notes for the rent in advance?
57383When parties who occupy the house are creditors of the owner, who has gone south?
57383When the navigation laws cease to operate, what will become of your shipping interest?
57383When the owner has gone south, and parties here hold liens on the property and are collecting the rents to satisfy their liens?
57383When the owner lives in town, and refuses to take the oath of allegiance?
57383When the tenant has expended several months''rent in repairs on the house?
57383When this Tariff ceases to operate in your favor, and you have to pay for coming into our markets, what will you export?
57383When your machinery ceases to move, and your operatives are turned out, will you tax your broken capitalist or your starving operative?
57383Where are you?"
57383Where is Rome, once the mistress of the World?
57383Where is it?
57383Where is the remedy when you refuse obedience to the constituted authorities?"
57383Where is to be your boundary line?
57383Where the end of the principles we shall have to give up?
57383Which party will prevail?
57383Who defeated it?
57383Who ever supposed they would come away down here in Alabama?"
57383Who have prompted him?
57383Who heard of any such thing, because of the Ordinance of''87?
57383Who is responsible for it?
57383Who is so bold as to do it?
57383Who shall treat?
57383Who would go?
57383Who, then, has brought these evils on the Country?
57383Who, then, shall come in at this day and claim that he invented it?
57383Whose fault was it?
57383Why better after the retraction than before the issue?
57383Why declare that within twenty years the African Slave Trade, by which Slaves are supplied, might be cut off by Congress?
57383Why deprive him of supplies by a blockade, and voluntarily give him men to produce them?
57383Why disguise this great truth?
57383Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
57383Why do you not obey my orders to report strength and positions of your command?
57383Why even a Senator''s individual opinion withheld, till after the Presidential election?
57383Why is this so?
57383Why may not our Country at some time, average as many?
57383Why not attack at once?
57383Why not save this Proposition, and see if we can not bring the Country to it?''
57383Why not?
57383Why should they do anything for us if we will do nothing for them?
57383Why the delay of a re- argument?
57383Why the incoming President''s advance exhortation in favor of the decision?
57383Why the outgoing President''s felicitation on the indorsement?
57383Why this sad difference?
57383Why was the Court decision held up?
57383Why was the amendment, expressly declaring the right of the people, voted down?
57383Why was this, or why was all mention of any field of duty for the head of the army left out of the army regulations?
57383Why were all these acts?
57383Will he be able to convince the Court that the second Act is valid, when the first is invalid and void?
57383Will he shrink from armed Insurrection?
57383Will his State justify it?
57383Will it be said the South required in addition to this, laws of Congress to protect Slavery in the Territories?
57383Will its better public opinion allow it?
57383Will liberation make them any more numerous?
57383Will that do any good?
57383Will that success continue?
57383Will the Senator yield to Rebellion?
57383Will the galling comparison between themselves and their masters leave them unenlightened in this respect?
57383Will you not embrace it?
57383Will you not embrace it?
57383Wo n''t you speak your mind freely on this question of slavery, that so agitates the land?
57383Would it be less than stealing?"
57383Would my word free the Slaves, when I can not even enforce the Constitution in the Rebel States?
57383Would we not be in the wrong?"
57383Would you not lose that in which your strength consists, the union of your people?
57383You ask, what is the general''s opinion, upon this subject?
57383You here are Freemen, I suppose?
57383You will ask in this view, how do you consult the benefit of the slaves?
57383and will they not be warranted by that power?
57383and"whether it is in order to talk Treason in this Hall?
57383are we to tell the People that Republicanism is a failure?
57383because of the Missouri Restriction because of the numerous Court decisions of that character?
57383but,''Can we all do better?''
57383or is it not manifest that there is no just title?
57383or one hundred million or five hundred million dollars?
57383said Mr. Lincoln,"how are they getting along down there?"
57383said a listener,"do n''t you know that old Sherman carries a duplicate tunnel along?"
57383what do you export?
57383what more than we have expressed in the resolutions we have offered?
57383where are they to come from?"
57383where will their revenue come from?
57383why have not the People of that Heaven- favored clime, the spirit that animated their fathers?
57383will you work?
57383� said Davies �"and can they get through that road?"