id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 60713 Sohl, Jerry Counterweight .txt text/plain 4654 439 86 "And now," Ellason said, "you're going to try again." Rexroad said very gravely, "We've got the finest captain in "If I return," said Ellason. Captain Branson and his fifty crewmen want to return as badly as you "Gentlemen," Branson said at last, as Ellason knew he would, "I want When Ellason saw Branson about it, the captain said, "Of course I She said the culprit was a husky man wearing a red rubber mask, and "You wonder at my reluctance, Mr. Ellason," Captain Branson said. "I know my men," Branson said flatly. "If we had had a gun, we'd have got Red Mask," Tilbury said. Let Red Mask move against armed men, they said. "I figured as much," Ellason said. "You're perhaps a little too good as an observer," Branson said. "And you, Mr. Ellason, were along to observe it all," Captain Branson Captain Branson will say they were found somewhere on the ship. ./cache/60713.txt ./txt/60713.txt