id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 9779 Vance, Louis Joseph The Black Bag .txt text/plain 95552 6800 82 Kirkwood's brain comprehended little that his eyes perceived; his thoughts up, Kirkwood's very good friend--and his only one then in London--Mr. Brentwick looked and was an English gentleman. "Good-by, Mr. Calendar." A smile twitched the corners of Kirkwood's To the girl, watching her face covertly, Kirkwood turned for clue to the am sure Dorothy will come in to wait, if I ask her," she told Kirkwood in a Calendar helped her in and turned back to Kirkwood with a look of arch frequent street-lights, Kirkwood could see that the eyes of Mrs. Hallam "Thank you," said Kirkwood; and, turning to the man, "Your boat?" he asked Kirkwood dropped the flap and turned back to find the girl's wide eyes occupied by Kirkwood and Dorothy Calendar, his eyes encountered the young The girl paused, lifting to Kirkwood's face her eyes, clear, fearless, "Miss Calendar," said Kirkwood from his heart, "just as soon as I get you ./cache/9779.txt ./txt/9779.txt