This is a Distant Reader "study carrel", a set of structured data intended to help the student, researcher, or scholar use & understand a corpus.
This study carrel was created on 2021-05-24 by Eric Morgan <>. The carrel was created using the Distant Reader zip2carrel process, and the input was a Zip file locally cached with the name Documents in the Zip file have been saved in a cache, and each of them have been transformed & saved as a set of plain text files. All of the analysis -- "reading" -- has been done against these plain text files. For example, a short narrative report has been created. This Web page is a more verbose version of that report.
All study carrels are self-contained -- no Internet connection is necessary to use them. Download this carrel for offline reading. The carrel is made up of many subdirectories and data files. The manifest describes each one in greater detail.
There are 9 item(s) in this carrel, and this carrel is 451,741 words long. Each item in your study carrel is, on average, 50,193 words long. If you dig deeper, then you might want to save yourself some time by reading a shorter item. On the other hand, if your desire is for more detail, then you might consider reading a longer item. The following charts illustrate the overall size of the carrel.
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is very difficult and 100 is very easy, the documents have an average readability score of 95. Consequently, if you want to read something more simplistic, then consider a document with a higher score. If you want something more specialized, then consider something with a lower score. The following charts illustrate the overall readability of the carrel.
By merely counting & tabulating the frequency of individual words or phrases, you can begin to get an understanding of the carrel's "aboutness". Excluding "stop words", some of the more frequent words include:
xml, id, lemma, reg, pos, pc, acp, hi, cc, rendition, av, po, unit, sentence, vvn, nn, cs, vvz, vvb, vvi, crd, type, silver, vvg, gold, crq, hand, lord, head, pns, company, one, contract, two, lordship, pn, right, join, left, city, ep, vvd, pno, banner, vmb, golden, div, four, gentlemen, pageant
Using the three most frequent words, the three files containing all of those words the most are London in luster projecting many bright beams of triumph disposed into several representations of scenes and pageants : performed with great splendor on Wednesday, October XXIX, 1679, at the initiation and instalment of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Clayton, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London ... : all set forth at the proper cost and charges of the worshipful Company of Drapers / devised and composed by Tho. Jordan, Gent., The triumphs of London performed on Friday, Octob. 29, 1675, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable and truly noble pattern of prudence and loyalty, Sir Joseph Sheldon, Kt., Lord Mayor of the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : together with several songs sung at this solemnity : all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of drapers / designed and composed by Tho. Jordan ..., and The goldsmiths'' jubile, or, Londons triumphs containing, a description of the several pageants, on which are represented, emblematical figures, artful pieces of architecture, and rural dancing : with the speeches spoken on each pageant : performed Octob. 29, 1674, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable and truly noble pattern of prudence and loyalty, Sir Robert Vyner, Kt. & Bar, Lord Mayor of the city of London : at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, the Kings Most Sacred Majesty and His Royal Consort, Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of York, Prince Rupert, the Duke of Monmouth, several foreign embassadours, chief nobility, and secretaries of state, honouring the city with their presence / composed by Tho. Jordan..
The most frequent two-word phrases (bigrams) include:
pos acp, pc xml, cc reg, pos cc, pos po, po reg, rendition hi, pc unit, unit sentence, sentence xml, pos av, vvn reg, pos vvn, nn reg, cs reg, vvz reg, pos vvz, pos vvb, vvb reg, av reg, vvi reg, pos vvi, crd reg, pos crd, vvg reg, pos vvg, pos crq, pns reg, pos pns, type contract, pos cs, pn reg, pos pn, hi xml, pos vvd, vvd reg, pos pno, pno reg, pos vmb, vmb reg, ab reg, join left, contract lemma, company pos, lemma company, head xml, hi pc, pb facs, facs tcp, rendition follows
And the three file that use all of the three most frequent phrases are London in luster projecting many bright beams of triumph disposed into several representations of scenes and pageants : performed with great splendor on Wednesday, October XXIX, 1679, at the initiation and instalment of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Clayton, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London ... : all set forth at the proper cost and charges of the worshipful Company of Drapers / devised and composed by Tho. Jordan, Gent. The triumphs of London performed on Friday, Octob. 29, 1675, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable and truly noble pattern of prudence and loyalty, Sir Joseph Sheldon, Kt., Lord Mayor of the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : together with several songs sung at this solemnity : all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful company of drapers / designed and composed by Tho. Jordan ..., and The goldsmiths'' jubile, or, Londons triumphs containing, a description of the several pageants, on which are represented, emblematical figures, artful pieces of architecture, and rural dancing : with the speeches spoken on each pageant : performed Octob. 29, 1674, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable and truly noble pattern of prudence and loyalty, Sir Robert Vyner, Kt. & Bar, Lord Mayor of the city of London : at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, the Kings Most Sacred Majesty and His Royal Consort, Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of York, Prince Rupert, the Duke of Monmouth, several foreign embassadours, chief nobility, and secretaries of state, honouring the city with their presence / composed by Tho. Jordan..
While often deemed superficial or sophomoric, rudimentary frequencies and their associated "word clouds" can be quite insightful:
Sets of keywords -- statistically significant words -- can be enumerated by comparing the relative frequency of words with the number of times the words appear in an entire corpus. Some of the most statistically significant keywords in the carrel include:
xml, reg="the, reg="of, reg="and, pos="po, pos="n1, pos="d, pos="cc, pos="acp, lemma="the, lemma="and, unit="sentence, pos="av, pos="n1-nn, lemma="in, lemma="be, reg="to, reg="in, pos="vvn, pos="crd, lemma="with, pos="pns, pos="av_j, reg="his, pos="vvz, pos="crq, lemma="on, lemma="his, lemma="all, reg="silver, reg="all, pos="vmb, lemma="gold, lemma="do, type="contract2, reg="your, reg="gold, reg="by, pos="fw, lemma="for, id="a63171, id="a59355, id="a59351, id="a59350, id="a59314, id="a46276, id="a46249, id="a46248, id="a46246
And now word clouds really begin to shine:
Topic modeling is another popular approach to connoting the aboutness of a corpus. If the study carrel could be summed up in a single word, then that word might be xml, and The triumphs of London prepared for the entertaiment [sic] of the right honorable Sir Thomas Lane, knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London. Containing a full description of the pageants, speeches, songs, and the whole solemnity of the day. Performed one Monday the 29 of October, 1694. Set forth at the proper cost and charges of the honorable Company of Clothworkers. Published by authority. is most about that word.
If the study carrel could be summed up in three words ("topics") then those words and their significantly associated titles include:
If the study carrel could be summed up in five topics, and each topic were each denoted with three words, then those topics and their most significantly associated files would be:
Moreover, the totality of the study carrel's aboutness, can be visualized with the following pie chart:
Through an analysis of your study carrel's parts-of-speech, you are able to answer question beyonds aboutness. For example, a list of the most frequent nouns helps you answer what questions; "What is discussed in this collection?":
xml, id="a46249, pc, p, pos="n1, pos="n2, id="a46276, l, cs, unit="sentence, id="a59355, pos="vvi, pos="po, pos="n1-nn, w, >, r, av, reg="silver, g, reg="and, pos="vvg, reg="other, hi">,''tAn enumeration of the verbs helps you learn what actions take place in a text or what the things in the text do. Very frequently, the most common lemmatized verbs are "be", "have", and "do"; the more interesting verbs usually occur further down the list of frequencies:
lemma="your, pos="av_j, lemma="by, lemma="hand, rendition="#follows, lemma="silver, lemma="i, pos="pns, lemma="lordship, lemma="more, lemma="golden, reg="being, lemma="banner, pos="vvg, lemma="bear, div, lemma="great, lemma="king, lemma="hair, reg="bearing, reg="golden, pos="n1, pos="acp, lemma="those, lemma="each, lemma="large, lemma="first, lemma="attend, pos="vvi, lemma="mayor, lemma="year, lemma="crown, lemma="while, lemma="curl, lemma="come, coloured, lemma="at, reg="king, lemma="well, lemma="bring, lemma="side, reg="having, lemma="sing, lemma="take, lemma="name, lemma="fringe, lemma="foin, is, lemma="move, lemma="next
An extraction of proper nouns helps you determine the names of people and places in your study carrel.
w, pos="acp, id="a63171, id="a46276, id="a59351, id="a59350, pos="j, id="a59314, lemma="the, reg="the, id="a46248, pos="cc, lemma="and, pos="d, reg="and, lemma="of, reg="of, id="a59355, lemma="a, pos="vvn, reg="a, pos="po, id="a46249, lemma="in, lemma="be, pos="vvz, pos="vvb, reg="in, pos="crd, pc, unit="sentence, lemma="with, reg="to, xml, pos="av, id="a46246, pos="crq, /p, pos="pn, reg="is, lemma="his, lemma="that, pos="cs, pos="vvg, pos="pno, pos="vvi, reg="his, lemma="their, pos="vmb, reg="all
An analysis of personal pronouns enables you to answer at least two questions: 1) "What, if any, is the overall gender of my study carrel?", and 2) "To what degree are the texts in my study carrel self-centered versus inclusive?"
i, >, their, his, lemma="back, w, lemma="breast, its, them, lemma="wreathe, lemma="matron, lemma="cotsall, id="a63171-e940, id="a63171-e830, id="a63171-e6790, id="a63171-e590, id="a63171-e310, id="a63171-e280, id="a63171-e1720, id="a63171-e110, id="a59355-e700, id="a59355-e590, id="a59351-e1590, id="a59350-e760, id="a59350-e490, id="a59350-e370, id="a59350-e330, id="a59350-e1720, id="a59314-e760, id="a59314-e580, id="a59314-e270, id="a46276-e910, id="a46276-e7860, id="a46276-e7310, id="a46249-e8460, id="a46249-e5430, id="a46249-e310, id="a46249-e180, id="a46248-e640, id="a46248-e360, id="a46248-e330, id="a46248-e270, id="a46246-e720, 011-a-1900">areBelow are words cloud of your study carrel's proper & personal pronouns.
Learning about a corpus's adjectives and adverbs helps you answer how questions: "How are things described and how are things done?" An analysis of adjectives and adverbs also points to a corpus's overall sentiment. "In general, is my study carrel positive or negative?"
pos="n1, id="a59355, pos="n1-nn, pos="av, reg="for, reg="in, reg="gold, lemma="gold, reg="two, reg="be, la, pos="cs, reg="an, lemma="pageant, lemma="several, reg="his, reg="several, reg="sir, lemma="honourable, lemma="where, reg="we, lemma="majesty, green, lemma="rear, w, reg="mantle, pos="pns, lemma="trumpet, lemma="time, lemma="worshipful, reg="six, id="a46276, reg="did, reg="curled, early, reg="placed, pos="n2-nn, reg="worshipful, lemma="merchant, coloured, reg="three, lemma="noble, reg="true, lemma="glory, lemma="purple, lemma="flower, reg="some, reg="great, lemma="world, lemma="part
lemma="which, w, r, lemma="before, lemma="bright, lemma="left, lemma="also, lemma="master, lemma="ever, lemma="stately, forth, lemma="guildhall, lemma="prudence, not, lemma="water, back, online, more, linguistically, lemma="only, fully, even, computationally, above, reg="justly, together, reg="lovely, lemma="lovely, lemma="lily, lemma="loom, reg="gradually, lemma="spirit, lemma="princely, lemma="praise, lemma="influence, lemma="brother, truly, reg="sprightly, reg="nobly, reg="lively, reg="kindly, reg="equally, reg="curiously, reg="accordingly, lemma="tall, lemma="sprightly, lemma="show, lemma="lively, lemma="here, lemma="early
There is much more to a study carrel than the things outlined above. Use this page's menubar to navigate and explore in more detail. There you will find additional features & functions including: ngrams, parts-of-speech, grammars, named entities, topic modeling, a simple search interface, etc.
Again, study carrels are self-contained. Download this carrel for offline viewing and use.
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