id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 7548 Lever, Charles James Quotes and Images From The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer .txt text/plain 1179 88 78 Though the title page has no author's name inscribed, this work is Harry Lorrequer was a young Gutenberg in the old fashioned way--she typed it! Air of one who seeks to consume than enjoy his time Always a pleasure felt in the misfortunes of even our best friend Memory of them when hallowed by time or distance My English proves me Irish My English proves me Irish Pleased are we ever to paint the past according to our own fancy Seems ever to accompany dullness a sustaining power of vanity That vanity which wine inspires The tone of assumed compassion The tone of assumed compassion There is no infatuation like the taste for flirtation Time, that 'pregnant old gentleman,' will disclose all What we wish, we readily believe When you pretended to be pleased, unluckily, I believed you select a short segment and copy it into your clipboard memory--then ./cache/7548.txt ./txt/7548.txt