The grand question resolved, what we must do to be saved instructions for a holy life / by the late Reverend Divine, Mr. Richard Baxter ; recommended to the bookseller a few days before his death to be immediately printed for the good of souls. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1692 Approx. 100 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 25 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2006-02 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A26936 Wing B1279 ESTC R14371 12390784 ocm 12390784 60991 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. 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Acts 16. 30. Sirs , What must I do to be Saved . LONDON : Printed for Tho. Parkhurst , at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheap-side , 1692. The Great Case Resolved , How to be certainly SAVED . Instructions for a Holy Life . I. The Necessity , Reason and Means of Holiness . II. The Parts and Practice of a Holy Life . For Personal Direction , and for Family Instruction . With two short Catechisms , and Prayers . Reader , IGnorant Persons cannot remember long and many words , nor understand a brief stile and few words . This maketh it impossible to write a Catechism , that shall not be unsuitable either to the Understanding or the Memory of such . I must therefore desire the Teacher to make up this unavoidable Defect , by opening the 〈◊〉 ( especially of the Catechisms ) to the Children and Servants , when they have learned and say the words : Read the Instructions often to them , and press all as you go on their Affections . For the bare words without a present Guide , may ●●e be all lost . I. The Necessity , Reason , and Means of Holiness . 1. To keep up the Resolutions of the Converted . And , 2. To instruct those in Families that need them . THough the a saving of Souls be a matter of unexpressible Importance , yet ( the Lord have mercy upon them ; ) What abundance are there that think it not worthy of their serious Enquiry , nor the reading of a good Book , one hour in a Week ? For the sake of these careless slothful Sinners , I have here spoken much in a little room , that they may not refuse to read and consider so short a Lesson , unless they think their Souls worth nothing . Sinner , as thou wilt shortly answer it before God , deny not to God , to thy self , and me , the sober pondering , and faithful practising these few Directions . I. Begin at home and know thy self : Consider what it is to be a b MAN. Thou art made a nobler Creature than the Brutes . They serve thee , and are governed by thee ; and Death ends all their Pains and Pleasures . But thou hast Reason to rule thy self and them ; to know thy God , and ●oresee thy End , and know thy way , and do thy Duty . Thy Reason and Free-will , and Executive Power , are part of the Image of God upon thy Nature ; so is thy Dominion over the Brutes , as ( under him ) thou art their Owner , their Ruler , and their End. But thy Holy Wisdom , and Goodness , and Ability , is the chief part of his Image , on which thy Happiness depends . Thou hast a Soul that cannot be satisfied in Knowing , till thy c Knowledge reach to God himself : Nor can it be disposed by any other : Nor can it ( or the Societies of the World ) be well governed according to its Nature , without regard to his Soveraign Authority , and without the hopes and d fears of Joy and Misery hereafter : Nor can it be e happy in any thing , but seeing , and loving , and delighting in this God , as he is revealed in the other World. And is this Nature given thee in vain ? If the Nature of all things be fitted to its f Vse and End , then it must be so with thine . II. By knowing thy self then , thou must needs know ▪ that there is a g GOD ; and that he is thy Maker , and infinite in all Perfections ; and that he is thy Owner , thy Ruler , and thy Felicity or End. He is mad that seeth not , that such Creatures have a Cause or Maker ; and that all the Power , and Wisdom , and Goodness of the World , is caused by a Power , and Wisdom , and Goodness , which is greater than that of all the World. And who can be our Owner , but He that made us ? And who can be our highest Governour , but our Owner ? whose infinite Power , Wisdom , and Goodness , maketh him only fit thereto . And if he be our Governour , he must needs have Laws , with Rewards for the Good , and Punishments for the Bad ; and must Judge and Execute accordingly . And if he be our Chiefest Benefactor , and all that we have is from him , and all our Hope and Happiness is in him , nothing can be more clear than that the very Nature of Man doth prove , that in Hope of future Happiness , he should absolutely resign himself to the Will and Disposal of this God , and that he should h absolutely obey him , and that he should love and serve him with all his Power . It being impossible to Love , Obey , and Please that God too much , who is thus our Cause , our End , our All. III. By knowing thus thy self and God , it is easie to know what Primitive Holiness and Godliness is . Even this hearty , entire and absolute resignation of the Soul to God , as the infinite Power , Wisdom , and Goodness ; as our Creator , our Owner , Governour , and Felicity or End ; fully submiting to his Disposals ; obeying his Laws , in hope of his promised Rewards , and fear of his threatned Punishments : and loving and delighting in himself , and all his Appearances in the World ; and desiring and seeking the endless sight and enjoyment of him in heavenly Glory , and expressing these Affections in daily Prayer , Thanksgiving and Praise . This is the Vse of all thy Faculties ; the End and Business of thy Life ; the Health and Happiness of thy Soul : This is that Holiness or Godliness which God doth so much call for . IV. And by this it is easie to know , what a k state of Sin and Ungodliness is . Even the want of all this Holiness , and the setting of carnal Self instead of GOD. When Men are proudly Great , and Wise , and Good in their own Eyes ; and would dispose of themselves , and all their Concernments , and would rule themselves , and please themselves , according to the fleshly appetite and Fancy ; and therefore love most the Pleasures , and Profits , and Honours of the World , as the Provision to satisfie the desires of the Flesh ; and God shall be no ●urther Loved , Obeyed or Pleased , than the Love of Fleshly Pleasure will give leave ; nor shall have any thing but what the Flesh can spare . This is a Wicked , a Carnal , an ungodly State ; though it break forth in various ways of Sinning . V. By this , Experience it self may tell you , that most Men l ( yea all , till Grace renew them ) are in this ungodly miserable State : ( Though only the Scripture tells us how this came to pass ) Though all are not Fornicators , nor Drunkards , no● Extortioners , nor Persecu●ors , nor live not in the same way of Sinning ; yet Selfishness , and Pride , and Sensuality , and the love of Worldly Things , Ignorance and Ungodliness are plainly become the common Corruption of the Nature of Man ; so that their Hearts are turned to the World from God , and filled with impiety , filthiness , and injustice ; and their Reason is but a Servant to their Senses ; and their m Mind , and Love and Life , is Carnal ; and this carnal Mind is Enmity to the Holiness of God , and cannot be subject to his Law. This Corruption is hereditary , and is become , as it were , a Nature to us , being the mortal Malady of all our Natures . And it is easie to know that such an unholy wicked Nature must needs be loathsome to God , and n unfit for the happy enjoyment of his Love , either here , or in the Life to come : For what Communion hath Light with Darkness ? VI. Hence then it is easie to see , what Grace is needful to a Man's Salvation . So odious a Creature , such an unthankful Rebel , that is turned away from God , and set against him , and defiled with all this filth of Sin , must needs be both o Renewed and Reconciled , Sanctified and Pardoned , if ever he will be saved . To love God , and be beloved by him , and to be delighted herein , in the sight of his Glory , is the Heaven and Happiness of Souls ; and all this is contrary to an unholy State. Till Men have new and holy Hearts , they can neither see God , nor love him , nor delight in him , nor take him for their chief Content ; for the Flesh and World have their delight and Love. And till Sin be p pardoned , and God reconciled to the Soul , what Joy or Peace can it expect from him , whose Nature and Justice engageth him to loath and punish it ? VII . And Experience will tell you , how q insufficient you are , for either of these two Works your selves ; to renew your Souls , or to reconcile them unto God. Will a Nature that is Carnal resist and overcome the Flesh , and abhor the Sin which it most dearly loveth ? Will a Worldly Mind overcome the World ? When Custom hath rooted your natural Corruptions , are they easily rooted up ? O how great and hard a Work is it , to cause a blind unbelieving Sinner to set his Heart on another World , and lay up all his Hopes in Heaven , and to cast off all the things he seeth , for that God and Glory which he never saw ! And for a hardned , worldly , fleshly heart to become Wise , and Tender , and Holy , and Heavenly , and abhor the Sin which it most fondly loveth ! And what can we do to satisfie Justice , and reconcile such a rebel Soul to God ? VIII . Nature and Experience having thus acquainted you with your Sin and Misery , and what you want , will further tell you that God r doth not yet deal with you according to your deserts . He giveth you Life , and Time , and Mercies , when your Sins had forfeited all these : He obligeth you to repent and turn unto him . And therefore Experience telling you , that there is some Hope , and that God hath found out some way of shewing Mercy to the Children of Wrath , Reason will command you to enquire of all that are fit to teach you , what way of Remedy God hath made known . And , as you may soon discover , that the Religion of Heathens and Mahometans , is so far from shewing the true Remedy , that they are part of the Disease it self : So you may learn , that a (ſ) wonderful Person , the Lord Jesus Christ , hath undertaken the Office of being the Redeemer and Saviour of the World ; and that he , who is the Eternal Word and Wisdom of the Father , hath wonderfully appeared in the Nature of Man , which he took from the Virgin Mary , being conceived by the Holy Ghost ; and that we might have a Teacher sent from † Heaven infallably and easily to acquaint the World with the Will of God , and the unseen things of Life Eternal : How God t bare Witness of his Truth , by abundant , open , and uncontrouled Miracles : u How he conquered Satan , and the World , and w gave us an Example of perfect Righteousness , and underwent the Scorn and Cruelty of Sinners , and suffered the Death of the Cross , as a Sacrifice for our Sins to reconcile us unto God : How he rose again the third day , and conquered Death , and lived forty days longer on Earth , instructing his Apostles , and giving them Commission to preach the Gospel to all the World ; and then ascended bodily into Heaven , while they gazed after him : How he is now in Heaven both God and Man in one Person , the Teacher , and King , and High-Priest of his Church . Of Him must we learn the way of Life ; by Him must we be ruled as the Physician of Souls . All Power is given Him in Heaven and in Earth . By his Sacrifice , and Merits , and Intercession must we be pardoned and accepted with the Father ; and only by him must we come to God. He hath procured and established a Covenant of Grace , which Baptism is the Seal of : Even [ That God will in him be our God and reconciled Father , and Christ will be our Saviour , and the Holy Ghost will be our Sanctifier , if we will unfeignedly consent ; that is , if penitently and believingly we give up our selves to God the Father , Son , and Holy Ghost , in those Resolutions . ] This Covenant in the Tenor of it , is a Deed of Gift , of Christ , and Pardon , and Salvation to all the World : ●f by the true Faith and Repentance they will turn to God. And this shall be the Law according to which he will judge all that hear it at the last ; for he is made the judge of All , and will raise all the dead , and will justify his Saints , and judge them unto endless Joy and Glory , and condemn the Unbelievers , impenitent and x ungodly , unto endless Misery . The Soul alone is judged at Death , and Body and Soul at the Resurrection . This Gospel the Apostles preached to the World ; and that it might be effectual to Mens Salvation , the y Holy Ghost was first given to inspire the Preachers of it , and enable them to speak in various Languages , and infallibly to agree in One , and to work many great and open Miracles to prove their Word to those they preached to : And by this means they z planted the Church ; which ordinary Ministers must increase , and teach , and oversee , to the end of the World , till all the Elect be gathered in . And the same a Holy Spirit hath undertaken it , as his Work , to accompany this Gospel , and by it to convert Mens Souls , illuminating and sanctifying them ; and by a secret b Regeneration to renew their Natures , and bring them to that Knowledge , and Obedience , and Love of God , which is the Primitive Holiness , for which we were created , and from which we fell . And thus by a Saviour and a Sanctifier must all be reconciled and renewed , that will be glorified with God in Heaven . All this you may learn from the Sacred Scriptures , which were c written by the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit , and sealed by multitudes of open d Miracles , and contain the very Image and Superscription of God , and have been received and preserved by the Church , as the certain Oracles of God , and blessed by him through all Generations , to the sanctifying of many Souls . IX . When you understand all this , it is time for you to e look home , and understand now what State your Souls are in . That you were made capable of Holiness and Happiness , you know : that you and all Men are fallen from God , and Holiness , and Happiness , unto Self , and Sin , and Misery , you know : that you are so far redeemed by Christ , you know , as to have a pardoning and saving Covenant tendered you , and Christ and Mercy offered to your choice . But whether you are truly penitent Believers , and renewed by the Holy Ghost , and so united unto Christ , this is the Question yet unresolved ; this is the Work that is yet to do , without which there is no Salvation ; and if thou die before it is done , wo to thee that ever thou wast a Man. Except a Man be f Regenerate by the Spirit , and Converted , and made a New Creature , and of Car●al be made Spiritual , and of Earthly be made Heavenly , and of Selfish and Sinful be made Holy and Obedient to God , he can never be saved , no more than the Devil himself can be saved . And if this be so , ( as nothing is more sure ) I require thee now , who readest these words , as thou regardest thy Salvation , as thou wouldest escape Hell Fire , and stand with Comfort before Christ and his Angels , at the last , that thou soberly consider whether Reason command thee not to try thy State ; whether thou art thus g renewed by the Spirit of Christ or not ? And to h call for help to those that can advise thee , and follow on the search till thou know thy Case . And if thy Soul be a stranger to this sanctifying Work , whether Reason command thee not , without any delay , to make out to Christ , and beg his Spirit , and cast away thy Sins , and give up thy self entirely to thy God , thy Saviour and Sanctifier , and enter into his Covenant , with a full Resolution never to forsake him ; to deny thy self , and the desires of the Flesh , and this deceitful transitory World , and lay out all thy hopes on Heaven , and speedily , whatever it cost thee , to make sure of the Felicity which hath no end ? And darest thou refuse this when God and Conscience do command it ? And further I advise you , X. Understand how it is that Satan hindreth Souls from being sanctified : That you may know how much to resist his Wiles . Some he deceiveth by i malicious Suggestions , that Holiness is nothing but Fancy or Hypocrisie ! ( And if God and Death , and Heaven , and Hell , were Fancies , this might be believed . ) Some he debaucheth by the power of fleshly Appetite and Lust , so that their Sins will not let their Reason speak : Some he keepeth in utter Ignorance , by the evil Education of ignorant Parents , and the negligence of k ungodly Soul-murdering Teachers : some he deceiveth by worldly Hopes , and keepeth their Minds so taken up with worldly Things , that the Matters of Eternity can have but some loose and uneffectual Thoughts , or as bad as none : Some are entangled in l ill Company , who make a scorn of a holy Life , and seed them with continual Diversions and vain Delights : And some are so m hardened in their Sin , that they are even past feeling , and neither fear God's Wrath , nor care for their Salvation , but hear these things as Men asleep , and nothing will awake them : Some are discouraged with a conceit that Godliness is a Life so n grievous , sad , and melancholy , that rather than endure it , they will venture their Souls , come on it what will ; ( as if it were a grievous Life to love God , and hope for endless Joys , and a pleasant Life to love the World and Sin , and live within a step of Hell ! ) Some that are convinced , do o put off their Coversion with Delays , and think it's time enough hereafter ; and are purposing and promising till it be too late , and Life , and Time , and Hope be ended . And some that see there is is a necessity of Holiness ▪ are p cheated by some dead Opinion , or Names , or Shews and Images of Holiness ; either because they hold a strict Opinion , or because they joyn with a Religious Party , or because they are of that which they think is the true Church , or because they are baptized with Water , and observe the outward parts of Worship ; and perhaps because they offer God a great deal of Lip-Service , and Lifeless Ceremony , which never savoured of a Holy Soul. Thus Deadness , Sensuality , Worldliness and Hypocrisie , do hinder Millions from Sanctification and Salvation . XI . If ever thou wouldest be saved , oppress not Reason by Sensuality or Diversions : But sometimes q retire for sober Consideration , distracted and sleepy Reason is unuseful : God and Conscience have a great deal to say to thee : which in a crowd of Company and Business thou art not fit to hear . It is a r dolesul case that a Man who hath a God , a Christ , a Soul , a Heaven , a Hell to think of , will allow them none but running Thoughts , and not once in a Week bestow one Hour in Man-like serious s Consideration of them ! sure thou hast no greater things to mind . Resolve then sometimes to spend half an hour in the deepest thoughts of thy everlasting State. XII . Look t upon this World , and all its Pleasures , as a Man of Reason , who foreseeth the end , and not as a Beast , that liveth but by Sense or present Objects , Do I need to to tell thee , Man , that thou must die ? Cannot Carcases and Dust instruct thee to see the end of Earthly Glory , and all the Pleasures of the Flesh ? Is it a Controversie , whether thy Flesh must shortly perish ? and wilt thou yet provide for it before thy Soul ? What a sad farewel must thou shortly take , of all that Worldlings sell their Souls for ! And O how quickly will this be ! Alass , Man , the Day is even at hand ; a few days more , and thou art gone ! and darest thou live unready , and part with Heaven for such a World as this ? XIII . And then think soberly of the u Life to come , What it is for a Soul to appear before the living God , and be judged to endless Joy or Misery ! If the Devil tempt thee to doubt of such a Life , remember that Nature , and Scripture , and the Worlds Consent , and his own Temptations are Witnesses against him . O Man , canst thou pass one day in Company , or alone in Business or in Idleness , without some sober Thoughts of Everlastingness ? Nothing more sheweth that the Hearts of Men are asleep or dead , than that the Thoughts of endless Joy or Pain , so near at hand , constrain them not to be Holy , and overcome not all the Temptations of the Flesh , as Toys and inconsiderable Things . XIV . Mark well what Mind most Men are of when they come to x die ! Unless it be some desperate forsaken Wretch do they not all speak well of a Holy Life ? and wish that their Lives had been spent in the most fervent Love of God , and strictest Obedience to his Laws ? Do they then speak well of Lust and Pleasures and magnifie the Wealth and Honours of the World ? Had they not rather die as the most mortified Saints , then as careless , fleshly , worldly Sinners ? And dost thou see and know this , and yet wilt thou not be instructed , and be wise in time ? XV. Think well what manner of Men these were , whose y Names are now honoured for their Holiness ! What manner of Life did St. Peter , and St. Paul , St. Cyprian , St. Augustine , and all other Saints and Martyrs live ; Was it a Life of fleshly Sports and Pleasures ? Did they deride or persecute a Holy Life ? Were they not more strictly Holy than any that thou knowest ? And is he not self-condemned , that honoureth the Names of Saints , and will not imitate them ? XVI . Think what the difference is between a Christian and an z Heathen . You are loath to be Heathens or Infidels : But do you think a Christian excelleth them but in Opinion ? He that is not Holier than they , ●s worse , and shall suffer more than they . XVII . Think what the difference is between a a Godly Christian and an Ungodly . Do not all the Opposers of Holiness among us , yet speak for the same God , and Christ , and Scripture ; and profess the same Creed and Religion with those whom they oppose ? And is not this Christ the Author of our Holiness , and this Scripture the Commander of it ? Search and see , whether the difference be not this , that the Godly are serious in their Profession , and the Ungodly are Hypocrites , who hate and oppose the practise of the very things which themselves profess ; whose Religion serveth but to condemn them , while their Lives are contrary to their Tongues . XVIII . Understand what the Devil's Policy is , by raising so many b Sects and Factions and Controversies about Religion in the World : Even to make some think that they are religious , because they can prare for their Opinions , or because they think their Party is the best , because their Faction is the Greatest , or the Least ; the Uppermost , or the suffering Side . And to turn holy edifying Conference into vain Jangling ; and to make Men A●heists , suspecting all Religion , and true to none ; because of Mens diversity of Minds . But remember that Christian Religion is but One ; and a thing easily known by its ancient Rule ; and the universal Church , containing all Christians , is but One. And if carnal Interest or Opinions so distract Men , that one Party saith , We are all the Church ; and another saith , It is we , ( as if the Kitchin were all the House , o● one Town or Village , all the Kingdom ; ) Wilt thou b●● mad with seeing this Distraction ? Hearken , Sinner , all these Sects in the Day of Judgment shall concur 〈◊〉 Witnesses against thee , if thou be Unholy ; because however else they differed , c all of them that are Christians , professed the Necessity of Holiness , and subscribed to that Scripture which requireth it . Though thou canst not easily resolve every Controversie , thou mayst easily know-the true Religion ; it is that which Christ and his Apostles taught , which all Christians have professed , which Scripture requireth ; which is first d pure , and then peaceable ; most Spiritual , Heavenly , Charitable and Just . XIX . Away from that e Company which is sensual , and an Enemy to Reason , Sobriety , and Holiness ; and consequently to God , themselves and thee . Can they be wise for thee , that are foolish for themselves ? or Friends to thee , that are undoing themselves ? or have any pity on thy Soul , when they make a Jest of their own Damnation ? Will they help thee to Heaven , who are running so furiously to Hell ? chuse better Familiars , if thou wouldest be better . XX. Judge not of a holy Life by hearsay , for it cannot so be known . f Try it a while , and then judge as thou findest it . Speak not against the things thou knowest not . Hadst thou but lived in the Love of God , and the lively belief of endless Glory , and the Delights of Holiness , and the Fears of Hell , but for one Month or Day ; and with such a Heart , Hadst g cast away thy sin , and called upon God , and ordered thy Family in 〈◊〉 holy manner , especially on the Lord's Day ; I dare boldly say , Experience would constrain thee to h justifie a holy Life . But yet I must tell thee , it is not ●rue Holiness , if thou do but try it with i Exceptions and Reserves : If therefore God hath convinced thee that this is his Will and Way , I adjure thee , as in his dreadful Presence , that thou k delay no longer , but resolve , and absolutely give up thy self to God as thy Heavenly Father , thy Saviour , and thy Sanctifier , and ●ake an everlasting Covenant with him , and then he and 〈◊〉 his Mercies will be thine ; his Grace will help thee , ●nd his Mercy pardon thee ; his Ministers will instruct ●hee , and his People pray for thee , and assist thee ; his Angels will guard thee , and his Spirit comfort thee : and when Flesh must fail , and thou must leave this World , thy Saviour will then receive thy Soul , and bring ●t into the participation of his Glory ; and he will raise ●hy Body , and justifie thee before the World , and make ●hee equal to the Angels ; and thou shalt live in the ●ight and Love of God , and in the Everlasting Pleasures ●f his Glory : This is the end of Faith and Holiness . But 〈◊〉 thou harden thy Heart , and refusest Mercy , l everlasting Wo will be thy portion , and then there will be no remedy . And now , Reader , I beg of thee , and I beg of God on my bended knees , that these few words may sink into thy Heart , and that thou wouldest read them over and over again , and bethink thee as a Man that must shortly die . Whether any deserve thy Love and Obedience more than God ? and thy thankful Remembrance more then Christ , and thy Care and Diligence more than thy salvation ? Is there any Felicity more desirable than Heaven ? or any Misery more terrible than Hell ? or any thing so regardable as that which is everlasting ? Will a few days fleshly Pleasures pay for the loss of heaven and thy immortal Soul ? or will thy Sin and thy Prosperity be sweet at Death , and in the Day of Judgment ? As thou art a Man , and as ever thou believest that there is a God , and a World to come , and as thou carest for thy Soul , whether it be saved or damned , I beseech thee , I charge thee , think of these things ! think of them once a day at least ! think of them with thy most sober serious Thoughts ! Heaven is not a May-game , and Hell is not a Flea-biting ! Make not a jest of Salvation or Damnation ! I know thou livest in a Distracted world , where thou mayest hear some laughing at such things as these , and scorning at a Holy Life , and fastning odious Reproaches on the Godly , and merrily drinking , and playing , and prating away their Time , and then saying , that they will trust God with their Souls , and hope to be saved without so much ado ! But if all these Men do not change their minds , and be not shortly down in the Mouth , and would not be glad to eat their Words , and wished that they had lived a holy Life , though it had cost them Scorn and Suffering in the World , let me bear the shame of a Deceiver for ever : But if God and thy Conscience bear witness against thy Sin , and tell thee that a holy Life is best , regard not the Gain-sayings of a Bediam World , which is drunk with the Delusions of the Flesh : But give up thy Soul and Life to God by Jesus Christ in a faithful Covenant ! Delay no longer , Man , but resolve ; Resolve immediately , resolve unchangeably ; And God will he thine , and thou shalt be his for ever . Amen . Lord have Mercy on this Sinner , and to let it be resolved by thee in him . II. The Parts and Practice of a Holy Life for Personal and Family Instructions . ALL is not not a done when men have begun a Religious Life : All Trees that blossom prove not fruitful ; and all Fruit comes not to perfection . Many fall off , who seemed to have good Beginnings : And many dishonour the Name of Christ , by their Scandals and Infirmities : Many do grieve their Teachers Hearts , and lamentably disturb the Church of Christ , by their Ignorance , Errors , Self-conceitedness , Unruliness , Headiness , Contentiousness , Sidings and Divisions : Insomuch that the b Scandals and the Feuds of Christians are the great Impediments of the Conversion of the Infidel and Heathen World , by the exposing Christianity to their contempt and scorn , as if it were but the Error of men , as unholy and worldly , and proud as others , that can never agree among themselves : And many by their Passions and Selfishness are a Trouble to the Families and Neighbours where they live : And more by their Weaknesses and great Distempers , are Snares , Vexations , and Burdens to themselves . Whereas Christianity in its true Constitution , is a Life of such Holy c Light and Love , such Purity and Peace , such Fruitfulness and Heavenliness , as if it were accordingly shewed forth in the Lives of Christians , would command Admiration and Reverence from the World , and do more to their Conversion , than Swords or Words alone can do : and it would make Christians useful and amiable to each other : And their Lives a Feast and pleasure to themselves . I hope it may prove some help to these Excellent Ends , and to the securing Mens Salvation , if in a few sound Experienced Directions I open to you the Duties of a Christian Life , I. Keep still the true d Form of Christian Doctrine , Desire and Duty , orderly printed on your Minds : That is , Understand it clearly and distinctly , and remember it , I mean the Great Points of Religion contained in Catechisms . You may still grow in the clearer understanding of your Catechisms , if you live an hundred Years : Let not the Words only , but the Matter , be as familiar in your Minds , as the Rooms of your House are . Such e solid Knowledge will establish you against Seduction and Unbelief , and will be still within you a ready Help for every Grace , and every Duty ; as the Skill of an Artificer is for his Work : And for want of this , when you come among Infidels or Hereticks , their Reasonings may seem unanswerable to you , and shake , if not overthrow your Faith ; And you will easily err in lesser Points , and trouble the Church with your Dreams and Wranglings . This is the Calamity of many Professors ; that while they will be most censorious Judges in every Controversie about Church-matters , they know not well the Doctrine of the Catechism . II. Live daily by Faith on f Jesus Christ , as the Mediator between God and you . Being well-grounded in the Belief of the Gospel , and understanding Christ's Office , make use of him still in all your Wants . Think on the Fatherly Love of God , as coming to you through him alone : and of the Spirit , as given by him your Head , and of the Covenant of Grace as enacted and sealed by him ; and of the Ministry as sent by him ; and of all Times and Helps , and hopes as procured and given by him . When you think of Sin , and Infirmity , and Temptations , think also of his sufficient , pardonin● , justifying and victorious Grace . When thou thinkest of the World , the Flesh , and the Devil , think how he overcometh them . Let his Doctrine and the Pattern of his most perfect Life , be always before you as your Rule . In all your Doubts , and Fears , and Wants , go to him in the Spirit , and to the Father by him , and him alone . Take him as the Root of your Life and Mercies , and live as upon him and by his Life ; and when you die , resign your Souls to him , that they may be with him where he is , and see his Glory . To live on Christ and use him in every Want , and address to God , is more than a general confused Believing in him . III. So believe in the Holy Ghost , as to g live and work by him , as the Body doth by the Soul. You are not h baptized into his Name in vain ; ( but too few understand the sense and reason of it . ) The Spirit is sent by Christ for Two great Works . 1. To the Apostles and Prophets , to i inspire them infallibly to preach the Gospel , and confirm it by Miracles , and leave it on Record for following Ages , in the Holy Scriptures . 2. To all his k Members , to illuminate and sanctifie them , to believe and obey this Sacred Doctrine ( beside his common Gift to many to understand and preach it . ) The Spirit having first indicted the Gospel , doth by it first regenerate , and after govern all true Believers . He is not now given ●s for the revealing of new Doctrines , but to understand and obey the l Doctrine revealed and sealed by him long ago . As the Sun doth by its sweet and discreet Influence , both give and cherish the natural life of things Sensitive and Vegetative ; so doth Christ by his m Spirit our spiritual Life . As you do no work but by your natural Life , you should do none but by your spiritual Life : You must not only Believe , and Love and pray by it , but manage all your Calling by it ; for Holiness to the lord must be written upon all ; All things are sanctified to you , because you being sanctified to God , devote all to him , and use all for him ; and therefore must do all in the Strength and Conduct of the Spirit . IV. n Live wholly upon God , as All in All : As the first Efficient , principal Dirigent , and final Cause of all things . Let Faith , Hope , and Love , be daily feeding on him . Let Our Father which art in Heaven , be first inscribed on your Hearts , that he may seem most amiable to you , and you may boldly trust him , and filial Love may be the spring of Duty . Make use of the Son and Spirit to lead you to the Father ; and of Faith in Christ to kindle and keep alive the Love of God. God's Love is our Primitive Holiness , and especially called , with its Fruits , [ Our Sanctification , ] which Faith in Christ is but a means to . Let it be your principal End , in studying Christ , to see the Goodness , Love , and Amiableness of God in him : A condemning God is not so easily loved , as a gracious reconciled God. You have so much of the Spirit , as you have Love to God : This is the proper Gift of the Spirit to all the adopted Sons of God , to cause them , with filial Affection and Dependance , to cry , Abba , Father . Know not , desire not , love not any Creature , but purely as subordinate to God! Without him , let it be nothing to you , but as the Glass without the Face , or scattered Letters without the Sense ; or as the Corps without the Soul. o Call nothing Prosperity or Pleasure , but his Love ; and nothing Adversity or Misery , but his Displeasure , and the Cause and the Fruits of it . When any thing would seem lovely and desirable which is against him , call it p Dung ! And hear that Man , as q Satan , or the Serpent , that would entice you from him ; and count him but Vanity , a Worm , and Dust , that would affright you from your Duty to him . Fear him much , but love him more ! Let r Love be the Soul and End of every other Duty : It is the End and Reason of all the rest ; but it hath no End or Reason , but its Object . Think of no other Heaven , and End , and Happiness of Man , but Love , the final Act , and God the final Object : Place not your Religion in any thing but the Love of God , with its Means and Fruits . Own no Grief , Desire , or Joy , but a mourning , a seeking , and a rejoycing Love. V. Live in the belief and hopes of Heaven , and s seek it as your Part and End ; and daily delight your Souls in the sore-thoughts of the endless Sight and Love of God. As God is seen on Earth but as in a Glass , so is he proportionably enjoyed . But when mourning , seeking Love hath done , and Sin and Enemies are overcome , and we behold the Glory of God in Heaven , the Delights of Love will then be perfect . You may desire more on Earth than you may hope for . Look not for a Kingdom of this World , nor for Mount Zion in the Wilderness . Christ reigneth on Earth , as Moses in the Camp , to guide us to the 〈◊〉 and of the Promise : Our perfect Blessedness will be , where the Kingdom is delivered up to the Father , and God is All in All. A Doubt , or a strange heartless thought of Heaven , is Water cast on the sacred Fire , to quench your Holiness and your Joy. Can you travel one whole day to such an End , and never think of the Place that you are going to ? which must be intended in every righteous Act ( either notedly , or by the ready unobserved Act of a potent Habit. ) When Earth is at the best , it will not be Heaven . You live no further by Faith , like Christians , than you either live for Heaven in seeking it , or else upon Heaven in Hope and Joy. VI. Labour to make Religion your Pleasure and t Delight . Look oft to God , to Heaven , to Christ , to the Spirit , to the Promises , to all your Mercies . Call over your Experiences , and think what matter of high Delight is still before you , and how unseemly it is , and how injurious to your Profession , for one that saith he hopeth for Heaven , to live as sadly as those that have no higher hopes than Earth . How should that Man be filled with Joy , who must live in the Joys of Heaven for ever ? Especially rejoyce when the Messengers of Death do tell you , that your endless Joy is near . If God , and Heaven , with all our Mercies in the way , be not reason enough for a joyful Life , there can be none at all . Abhor all Suggestions which would make Religion seem a tedious irksome Life . And take heed that you represent it not so to others ; for you will never make them in love with that which you make the● not perceive to be delectable and lovely . Not as the Hypocrite , by forcing and framing his Religion to his carnal Mind and Pleasure ; but bringing up the Heart to a holy suitableness to the Pleasures of Religion . VII Watch as for your Souls , against this flattering tempting u World ; especially when it is represented as more sweet and delectable , than God , and Holiness , and Heaven . This World with its Pleasures , Wealth , and Honours , is it that is put in the Ballance by Satan , against God , and Holiness , and Heaven : And no Man shall have better than he chooseth and preferreth . The Bait taketh advantage of the brutish part , when Reason is asleep ; and if by the help of Sense it get the Throne , the Beast will ride and rule the Man ; and Reason become a slave to Sensuality . When you hear the Serpent , see his Sting , and see Death attending the forbidden Fruit : When you are rising , look down and see how far you have to fall ! His Reason , as well as Faith , is weak , who for such Fools-gawds , as the Pomp and Vanitles of this World , can forget God and his Soul , and Death , and Judgment , Heaven and Hell , yea and deliberately command them to stand by . What Knowledge or Experience can do good on that Man , who will venture so much for such a World , which all , that have tried it , call vanity at the last ? How deplorable then is a World●ings case ? Oh fear the World when it smileth , or seems sweet and amiable . Love it not , if you love your God and your Salvation . VIII . Fly from Temptations , and crucify the x Flesh , and keep a constant Government over your Appetite and Se●●●es . Many , who had no designed stated Vice , or worldly Interest , have shamefully fallen by the sudden surprize of Appetite or Lust . When custom hath taught these to be greedy and violent , like a hungry Dog , or a lusting B●ar , it is not a sluggish Wish or Purpose , that will mortify or rule them ! How dangerous a case is that Man in , who hath so greedy a Beast continually to restrain ? that if he do but neglect his Watch one Hour , is ready to run him headlong into Hell ? Who can be safe that standeth long on so terrible a precipice ? The Tears and Sorrows of many Years , may perhaps not repair the loss which one Hour or Act may bring . The ●ase of David , and many others , are dreadful Warnings . Know what it is that you are most in Danger of ; whether Lust and Idleness , or Excess in Meats , or Drinks or Play ; and there set your strongest Watch for your Preservation . Make it your daily Business to mortify that ●ust , and scorn that your brutish Sense or Appetite should conquer Reason . Yet trust not purposes alone ; but away from the Temptation ; Touch not , yea look not on the tempting Bait : keep far enough off , if you ●esire to be safe . What Miseries come from small beginnings ? Temptation leads to Sin , and small Sins to greater , and those to Hell ! And Sin and Hell are not to be played with ! Open your Sin or Temptation to some Friend , that shame may save you from Danger . IX . Keep up a constant skilful Government over your y Passions and your Tongues . To this end , keep a tender Conscience , which will smart when in any of these you sin . Let Holy Passions be well ordered , and selfish carnal Passions be restrained . Let your z Tongues know their Duties to God and Man , and labour to be skilful and resolute in performing them . Know all the Sins of the Tongue , that you may avoid them ; for your Innocency and Peace do much depend on the prudent Government of your Tongues . X. Govern your a Thoughts with constant skilful Diligence . In this , right Habits and Affections will do most , by inclining them unto Good. It 's easy to think on that which we love . Be not unfurnished of matter for your Thoughts to work upon : And often retire your selves for serious Meditation . Be not so solitary and deep in Musings , as to over-stretch your Thoughts , and confound your Minds , or take you off from necessary converse with others ! But be sure that you be Considerate , and dwell much at Home , and converse most with your Consciences and your God! with whom you have the greatest Business ! Leave not your thoughts unimployed , or ungoverned : Scatter them not abroad upon impertinent Vanities . O that you knew what daily business you have for them ! Most men are wicked , deceived , and undone , because they are inconsiderate , and dare not , or will not , retiredly and soberly use their Reason ; or use it but as a slave in Chains in the service of their Passion , Lust and Interest . He was never Wise , or Good , or Happy , who was not soberly and impartially Considerate , How to be Good , to do Good , and finally enjoy Good , must be the sum of all your Thoughts . Keep them first holy , then charitable , clean and chaste . And quickly check them when they look towards sin . XI . Let b Time be exceeding Precious in your Eyes , and carefully and diligently redeem it . What haste doth it make ? and how quickly will it be gone ? and then how highly will it be valued ; when a Minute of it can never be recalled ? O what important Business have we , for every Moment of our Time , if we should live a thousand Years ! Take not that Man to be well in his Wits , or to know his God , his End , his Work , or his Danger , who hath Time to spare . Redeem it , not only from needless Sports , and Plays , and Idleness , and Curiosity , and Complement , and excess of Sleep , and Chat , and Worldliness ; but also from the Entanglements of lesser Good , which would hinder you from greater . Spend time , as Men that are ready to pass into another World , where every Minute must be accounted for ; and it must go with us for ever as we lived here let not Health deceive you into the expectation of living long , and so into a sensless Negligence . See your Glass running , and keep a reckoning of the expence of Time : and spend it just as you would review it when it is gone . XII . Let the c Love of all in their several Capacities become as it were your very Nature : and doing them all the Good you can , be very much of the Business of your Lives . God must be loved in all his Creatures , his natural Image on all Men , and his spiritual Image on his Saints . Our Neighbour must be loved as our natural selves ▪ That is , our natural Neighbour as our natural Self , with a Love of benevolence ; and our spiritual Neighbour as our spiritual Self , with a Love of Complacence . In opposition to Complacence , we may hate our sinful Neighbour , as we must our selves ( much more : ) But in opposition to Benevolence we must neither hate our Selves , our Neighbour , or our Enemy . O that Men knew how much of Christianity doth consist in Love , and doing Good ! With what Eyes do they read the Gospel , who see not this in every Page ? Abhor all that Selfishness , Pride and Passion which are the Enemies of Love ; and those Opinions , and Factions , and Censurings , and Back-biting , which would destroy it . Take him that speaketh Evil of another to you , without a just cause and call , to be Satan's Messenger , intreating you to hate your Brother , or to abate your Love. For to perswade you that a Man is bad , is directly to perswade you so far to hate him . Not that the good and bad must be confounded : but Love will call none bad without constraining evidence . Rebuke Back ▪ biters . Hurt no Man , and speak evil of no Man ; unless it be not only just , but necessarily to some greater Good. Love is lovely : They that Love shall be Beloved . Hating and hurting makes Men hateful . Love thy Neighbour as thy self ; and Do as thou wouldst be done by , are the Golden Rules of our Duty to Men ; which must be deeply written on your Hearts . For want of this , there is nothing so false , so bad , so cruel , which you may not be drawn to think , or say , or do against your Brethren . Selfishness and want of Love , do as naturally tend to Ambition and Covetousness , and thence to Cruelty against all that 〈◊〉 in the Way of their Desires , as the nature of a 〈◊〉 to kill the Lambs . All Factions , and Contentions , and Persecutions in the World , proceed from Selfishness , and want of Charity . Devouring Malice is the Devilish Nature . Be as zealous in doing gòod to all , as Satan's Servants are in hurting . Take it as the use of all your Talents , and use them as you would hear of it at last . Let it be your Business and not a matter on , the by : Especially for publick Good , and Mens Salvation . And what you cannot do your selves , perswade other to . Give them good Books : and draw them to the means , which are most like to profit them . XIII . Understand the right Terms of Church-Communion : especially the Unity of the Universal Church , and the Universal Communion , which you must hold with all the parts ; and the difference between the Church as Visible and Invisible . For want of these , how woful are our divisions ? Read oft , 1 Cor. 12. & Eph. 4. 1. to 17. Job . 17. 21 , 22 , 23. Act. 4. 32. & 2. 42. 1 Cor. 1. 10 , 11 , 13. & 3. 3. Rom. 16. 17. Phil. 2. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. 1 Thes . 5. 12 , 13. Act. 20. 30. 1 Cor. 11. 19. Titus . 3. 10. James . 3. Col. 1. 4. Heb. 10. 25. Acts 8. 12 , 13 , 37. 1 Cor. 1. 2 , 13. & 3. 3 , 4. & 11. 18 , 21. Study these well . You must have Union and Communion in Faith and Love , with all the Christians in the World. And refuse not local Communion when you have a just call , so far as they put you not on sinning . Let your usual meeting be with the purest Church , if you lawfully may , ( and still respect the publick Good ; ) But sometimes occasionally communicate even with defective faulty Churches , so be it they are true Christians , and put you not on Sin : that so you may shew that you own them as Christians , though you disown their Corruptions . Think not your presence maketh all the Faults of Ministry , Worship , or People to be yours ( for then I would join with no Church in the World. ) Know that as the mystical Church consisteth of Heart-Covenanters , so doth the Church as Visible consist of Verbal-Covenanters , which make a credible profession of Consent : And that Nature and Scripture teacheth us to take every Man's word as Credible , till Perfidiousness forfeit his Credit ; which forfeiture must be proved , before any sober Profession can be taken for an insufficient title . d Grudge not then at the Communion of any Professed Christian in the Church Visible : ( though we must do our part to cast out the obstinately impenitent by Discipline ; which if we cannot do , the Fault is not ours . ) The presence of Hypocrites is no hurt , but oft a Mercy to the Sincere . How small else would the Church seem in the World ? Outward Privileges belong to Outward Covenanters ; and Inward Mercies to the Sincere . e Division is wounding , and tends to Death . Abhor it as you love the Churches welfare or your own : The Wisdom from above is first pure , and then peaceable . Never separate what God conjoineth . It is the Earthly , sensual , devilish Wisdom , which causeth bitter envying , and strife , and confusion , and every evil Work. Blessed are the Peace-makers . XIV . Take heed of f Pride and Self-conceitedness in Religion : If once you over-value your own understandings , your crude Conceptions and gross Mistakes will delight you as some supernatural light : And instead of having compassion on the Weak , you will be unruly and despisers of your Guides , and censorious contemners of all that differ from you ; and persecutors of them if you have Power ; and will think all intolerable , that take you not as Oracles , and your words as Law. Forget not that the Church hath always suffered by censorious , unruly Professors on the one Hand , ( and O what Divisions and Scandals have they caused ! ) as well as by the Prophane and Persecucutors on the other . Take need of both : And when Contentions are afoot , be quiet and silent , and not too forward ; and keep up a Zeal for Love and Peace . XV. Be faithful and conscionable in all your g Relations . Honour and obey your Parents , and other Superiors : Despise not , and resist not Government : If you suffer unjustly by them , be humbled for those Sins , which cause God to turn your Protectors into Afflictors : And instead of murmuring and rebelling against them , reform your selves , and then commit your selves to God ▪ Princes and Pastors I will not speak to : Subjects , and Servants , and Children , must obey their Superiors , as the Officers of God. XVI . Keep up the Government of God in your h Families . Holy Families must be the chief preservers of the Interest of Religion in the World. Let not the World turn God's Service into a customary lifeless Form. Read the Scripture , and edifying Books to them ▪ Talk with them seriously about the State of their Souls , and everlasting Life ; Pray with them fervently ; Watch over them diligently ; Be angry against Sin , and meek in your own cause ; Be Examples of Wisdom , Holiness and Patience ; And see that the Lord's Day be spent in holy preparation for Eternity . XVII . Let your i Callings be managed in Holiness and Laboriousness . Live not in Idleness ; be not slothful in your Work , whether you be Bound or Free ; in the sweat of your Brows you must eat your Bread , and labour the six Days , that you may have to give to him that needeth ; Slothfulness is Sensuality as well as filthier Sins . The Body ( that is able ) must have fit Employments as well as the Soul , or else Body and Soul will fare the worse ; but let all be but as the labour of a Traveller , and aim at God and Heaven in all . XVIII . Deprive not your selves of the benefit of an able faithful k Pastor , to whom you may open your Case in secret ; or at least of a holy l faithful Friend : And be not m displeased at their free Reproofs . Wo to him that is alone ! How blind and partial are we in our own Cause● and how hard is it to know our selves without an able faithful Helper ! You forfeit this great Mercy , when you love a Flatterer , and angrily defend your Sin. XIX . n Prepare for Sickness , Sufferings , and Death . Overvalue not Prosperity , nor the Favour of Man. If selfish Men prove false and cruel to you , even those of whom you have deserved best , marvel not at it , but pray for your Enemies , Persecutors , and Slanderers , that God would turn their Hearts and pardon them . What a Mercy is it to be driven from the World to God , when the love of the World is the greatest danger of the Soul ? Be ready to die , and you are ready for any thing . Ask your Hearts seriously , What is it that I shall need at a dying Hour ? And let it speedily be got ready , and not be to seek in the time of your Extremity . XX. Understand the true Method of Peace of Conscience , and judge not of the State of your Souls upon deceitful Grounds . As presumptuous Hopes do keep Men from Conversion , and embolden them to sin ; so causless Fears do hinder our Love and Praise of God , by obscuring his Loveliness : And they destroy our Thankfulness , and our Delight in God , and make us a Burden to our selves , and a grievous Stumbling block to others . The general Grounds of all your Comfort , are . 1. The o gracious Nature of God. 2. The p sufficiency of Christ . And. 3. the Truth and q Universality of the Promise , which giveth Christ and Life to all ▪ if they will accept him . But this Acceptance is the Proof of your particular Title , without which these do but aggravate your Sin. Consent to God's Covenant is the true Condition and Proof of your Title to God as your Father , Saviour , and Sanctifier , and so to the saving Blessings of the Covenant : Which Consent , if you survive , must produce the Duties which you consent to . He that heartily consenteth that God be his God , his Saviour and Sanctifier , is in a state of Life . But this includeth th●● ) rejection of the VVorld ; Much Knowledge , and Memory , and Utterance , and lively Affections , are all very desirable : But you must judge your state by none of these , for they are all uncertain . But , 1. If God , and Holiness , and Heaven , have the highest estimation of your practical Judgment , as being esteemed best for you : 2. And be preferred in the Choice and Resolution of your Wills , and that habitually before all the Pleasures of the VVorld : 3. And be first and chiefly sought in your Endeavours ; This is the infallible proof of your Sanctification . Christian , Upon long and serious study and experience , I dare boldly commend these Directions to thee , as the VVay of God , which will end in Blessedness . The Lord resolve and strengthen thee to obey them . This is the true Constitution of Christianity : This is true Godliness ; and this is to be Religious indeed : And all this is no more than to be seriously such , as all among us in general VVords profess to be . This is the Religion which must difference you from Hypocrites ; which must settle you in Peace , and make you an Honour to your Profession , and a Blessing to those that dwell about you . Happy is the Land , the Church , the Family , which doth consist of such as these ! These are not they that either Persecute or Divide the Church , or that make their Religion a servant to their Policy , to their ambitious designs , or fleshl● Lusts ; nor that make it the Bellows of Sedition or Rebellion , or of an envious hurtful Zeal , or a snare for the Innocent , or a Pistol to shoot at the Upright in Heart : These are not they that have been the shame of their Profession , the hardning of Ungodly Men and Infidels and that have caused the Enemies of the Lord to blaspheme . If any Man will make a Religion of , or for his Lusts ; of Papal r Tyranny , or Pharisaical Formality , or of his private Opinions , or of proud censoriousness , and contempt of others , and of Faction , and 〈◊〉 warr●ntable Separations and Divisions , and of standing at a more observable distance from common Professors of Christianity , than God would have them ; or yet of pulling up the Hedg of Discipline , and laying Christ's Vineyard common to the Wilderness ; the Storm is coming , when this Religion founded on the Sand will fall , and great will be the fall thereof . When the Religion which consisteth in Faith and Love to God and Man , in mortifying the Flesh , and crucifying the World , in Self-denyal , Humility and Patience , in sincere Obedience , and faithfulness in all Relations , in watchful Self-Government , in doing Good , and in a Divine and Heavenly Life , tho' it will be hated by the ungodly World , shall never be a dishonour to your Lord , nor deceive or disappoint your Souls . A Short Catechism . Quest . 1. WHat is the Christian Religion ? Answ . The Christian Religion is the Baptismal Covenant made and kept ; wherein God the Father , Son and Holy Ghost , doth give himself to be ou● reconciled God and Father , our Saviour and Sanctifier and we believingly give up our selves accordingly to him , renouncing the Flesh , the World , and the Devil . Which Covenant is to be oft renewed , specially in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper . Quest . 2. Where is our Covenant-part and Duty fullier opened ? Answ . 1. In the Creed , as the Sum of our Belief . 2. In the Lord's Prayer , as the Sum of our Desires . 3. And in the Ten Commandments ( as given us by Christ , with the Gospel-Explications ) as the Sum of our Practice . Which are as followeth . The CREED . I Believe in God the Father Almighty , Creator of Heaven and Earth : And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord , which was conceived by the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin Mary , suffered under Pontius Pilate , was Crucified , dead and buried , he descended into Hell : The third day he arose again from the Dead , he ascended into Heaven , and sitteth on the right Hand of God the Father Almighty , from thence he shall come to Judg ▪ the Quick and the Dead . I believe in the Holy Ghost , the Holy Catholick Church , the Communion of Saints , the Forgiveness of Sins , the Resurrection of the Body , and the Life Everlasting . Amen . The LORD'S Prayer . OUR Father which art in Heaven , Hallowed be thy Name . Thy Kingdom come . Thy Will be done on Earth , as it is in Heaven . Give us this day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Trespasses , as we forgive them that trespass against us : And lead us not into Temptation , but deliver us from Evil ; for thine is the Kingdom , and the Power , and the Glory for ever . Amen . The Ten Commandments . I. I Am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the Land of Egypt , out of the House of Bondage : Thou shalt have no other Gods before me . II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven Image , or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above , or that is in the Earth beneath , or that is in the Water under the Earth ; thou shalt not bow down thy self to them , nor serve them : For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God , visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me , and shewing Mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments . III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain ; For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his Name in vain . IV. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy ; six days shalt thou labour and do all thy Work ; but the seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God , in it thou shalt not do any Work ; thou , nor thy Son , nor thy Daughter , thy Man-servant , nor thy Maid-servant , nor thy Cattel , nor the Stranger that is within thy Gates . For in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth , the Sea , and all that in them is ; and rested the seventh Day ; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-Day , and hallowed it . V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother , that thy Days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee . VI. Thou shalt not Kill . VII . Thou shalt not commit Adultery . VIII . Thou shalt not Steal . IX . Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour . X. Thou shalt not covet thy Neighbour's House thou shalt not cover thy Neighbour's Wife , nor his Man-servant , nor his Maid-servant , nor his Ox , nor his Ass , nor any thing that is thy Neighbour's . Quest . 3. Where is the Christian Religion most fully opened , and entirely contained ? Answ . In the Holy Scriptures , especially of the New Testament : Where , by Christ , and his Apostles and Evangelists , inspired by his Spirit , the History of Christ and his Apostles is ●ufficiently delivered , the Promises and Doctrine of Faith are perfected , the Covenant of Grace most clearly opened , and Church-Offices , Worship , and Discipline established ; in the understanding whereof , the strongest Christians may increase whilst they live on Earth . The explained Profession of the Christian Religion . I. I Believe that there is one GOD , an infinite Spirit of Life , Understanding and Will ; perfectly Powerful , Wise and Good ; The Father , the Word , and the Spirit , the Creator , Governour , and End of all things ; our absolute Owner , our most just Ruler ▪ and our most gracious Benefactor , and most amiable Good. II. I believe that Man being made in the Image of God , an imbodied Spirit of Life ▪ Understanding and Will , with holy Vi●acity , wisdom and Love , to know , and love , and serve his Creator , here and for ever , did by wilful finning fall from his God , his Holiness , and Innocency , under the Wrath of God , the Condemnation of his law , and the Slavery of the Flesh , the World , and the Devil . And that God so loved the World , that he gave his only Son to be their Redeemer , who being GOD ▪ and one ●ith the Father , took our Nature , and became MAN : being conceived by the Holy Ghost , born of the Virgin Mary , called Jesus Christ , who was perfectly holy , sinless , fulfilling all ▪ Righteousness ▪ over came the Devil and the World , and gave himself a Sacrifice for our Sins , by suffering a cursed Death on the Cross , to ransom us , and reconcile us unto God ▪ ●nd was buried , and went among the Dead ; the ●hird Day he rose again , having conquered Death . And he fully established the Covenant of Grace , that ●ll that truly repent and believe , shall-have the love of the Father , the Grace of the Son , and the Com●union of the Holy Spirit ; and if they love God , and ●bey him sincerely to the Death , they shall be glori●●ed with him in Heaven for ever : And the Unbelievers , Impenitent , and Ungodly shall go to ever●●sting Punishment . And having commanded his Apostles to Preach the Gospel to all the World ▪ and promised his Spirit , he ascended into Heaven Where he is the Glorified , Head over all Things to the Church , and our prevailing Intercessor with the Father : who will there receive the departed Souls of th● Justified : and at the end of this VVorld will come again and raise all the Dead , and will Judge all according to their VVorks , and justly execute his Judgment . III. I believe that God , the Holy Spirit , was given 〈◊〉 the Father and the Son , to the Prophets , Apostles , 〈◊〉 Evangelists , to be their Infallible Guide in Preach●●● and Recording the Doctrine of Salvation ; and the Witness of its certain Truth , by his manifold Divine Operations ; and to quicken , illuminate , and sanctifie all true Believers , that they may overcome the Flesh , th● VVorld , and the Devil . And all that are thus sanctified , are one holy Catholick Church of Christ , and m●●● live in holy C●mmunion , and have the pardon 〈◊〉 their Sins , and shall have everlasting Life . Believing in God the Father Son and Holy Spirit , do presently , absolutely , and resolved 〈◊〉 give up my self to him , my Creator and reconciled God and Father , my Saviour and Sanctifier : And repenting of my Sins ▪ I renounce the Devil , the World , and the sinful desire● of the Flesh : And denying my self , and taking up m● Cross , I consent to follow Christ the Captain 〈◊〉 my Salvation , in hope of his promised Grace and Glory . A Short CATECHISM for those that hav●● Learned the first . Quest . 1. WHat do you believe concerning GOD ? 1 Assent . Answ . There is one onely God ; a● Infinite Spirit of Life , Understanding and Will , m●●● perfectly Powerful , Wise and Good ; The Father , the Word , and the Spirit : The Creator , Governour and end of all things ; Our Absolute Owner , our most Just Ruler , and our most Gracious and most Ami●ble Father . Quest . 2. What believe you of the Creation , and the nature of Man , and the Law which was given to him ? Answ . God created all the World : And made MAN in his own Image , an imbodied Spirit of Life , Understanding and Will , with holy Liveliness . Wisdom and Love ; to know , and love , and serve has Maker , here and for ever : and gave him the inferiour Creatures for his use : But forbad him to eat of the Tree of Knowledge , upon pain of Death . Qu. What believe you of Man's fall into sin and misery ? Ans . Man being tempted by Satan ▪ did by wilful sinning fall from his Holiness , his Innocency , and his Happiness , under the Justice of God , the condemnation of his Law , and the slavery of the Flesh , the World , and the Devil ; whence sinful , guilty and miserable Natures are propagated to all Mankind : And no meer Creature is able to deliver us . Quest . 4. What believe you of Man's Redemption by Jesus Christ ? Answ . God so loved the World , that he gave his only Son to be their Saviour : Who being GOD , and One with the Father , took our Nature , and became MAN ; being conceived by the Holy Ghost ; Born of the Virgin Mary ; and called JESUS CHRIST : who was perfectly holy , without sin , fulfilling all Righteousness ; and overcame the Devil and the World ; and gave himself a Sacrifice for our Sins , by suffering a Cursed Death on the Cross to ransom us , and reconcile us unto God ; and was buried , and went among the Dead : the third day he rose again , having conquered Death ; and having sealed the New Covenant with his Blood , he commanded his Apostles and other Ministers , to Preach the Gospel to all the World ; and promised the Holy Ghost : And then Ascended into Heaven , where he is God and Man , the Glorified Head over all things to his Church , and our prevailing Intercessor with God the Father . Quest . 5. What is the New Testament , or Covenant , 〈◊〉 Law of Grace ? Answ . God through Jesus Christ , doth freely give to all Mankind , himself , to be their Reconciled God and Father , his Son to be their Saviour , and his Holy Spirit to be their Sanctifier , if they will believe and accept the Gift , and will give up themselves to him accordingly ▪ Repenting of their sins , and consenting to forsake th● Devil , the World , and the Flesh , and sincerely ▪ ( though not perfectly ) to obey Christ ▪ and his Spirit to the end , according to the Law of Nature , and his Gospel Institutions , that they may be glorified in Heaven for ever . Quest . 6. What believe you of the Holy Ghost ? Answ . God the Holy Spirit was given by the Father and the Son to the Prophets , Apostles , and Evangelists ; to be their Infallible Guide in Preaching and Recording , the Doctrine of Salvation ; and the Witness of its certain Truth by his manifold Divine Operations ▪ And he is given , to quicken , illuminate , and sanctifie all true Believers , and to save them from the Devil , the World , and the Flesh . Quest . 7. What believe you of the Holy Catholick Church , the Communion of Saints , and the Forgiveness of Sins ? Answ . All that truely consent to the Baptismal Covenant , are one sanctified Church or Body of Christ , and have Communion in the same Spirit of Faith and Love , and have the forgiveness of all their sins ; and all that by Baptism visibly Covenant , and that continue to profess Christianity and Holiness , are the universal visible Church on Earth ; and must keep holy Communion with Love and Peace in the particular Churches ; in the Doctrine , VVorship , and Order Instituted by Christ . Quest . 8. What believe you of the Resurrection and Everlasting Life ? Answ . At Death the Souls of the Justified go to Happiness with Christ , and the Souls of the Wicked ●o Misery : And at the end of this World , Christ will ●ome in Glory , and will raise the Bodies of all Men ●rom Death , and will Judge all according to their Works : And the Righteous shall go into Everlasting Life , where being made perfect themselves , they shall 〈◊〉 God , and perfectly Love and Praise him with Christ● and all the glorified Church ; and the rest into Ever●asting punishment . Quest . 9. You have told me what you . Il. Consent . Believe : Tell me now what is the full Resolution and Desire of your Will , concerning all this which you Believe ? Answ . Believing in God the Father , Son , and Holy ●pirit , I do presently , absolutely and resolvedly give up my self to Him , my Creator and reconciled God and Father , my Saviour , and my Sanctifier . And Repenting of my Sins I renounce the Devil , the World , and the sinful desires of the Flesh . And denying my self , and taking up my Cross , I consent to follow Christ the Captain of my Salvation ; In hope of the Grace and Glory promised . Which I daily desire and ●eg as he hath taught me , saying , [ Our Father which 〈◊〉 in Heaven , &c. ] Quest . 10. What is that Practice which by this Covenant , 〈◊〉 are obliged to ? Answ . According to the Law of Nature , and Christs ●nstitutions I must ( desiring Perfection ) sincerely Obey him in a Life of Faith , and Hope , and Love● Loving God as God , for himself above all , and loving my self as his Servant , especially my Soul ; and seeking 〈◊〉 Holiness and Salvation ; and Loving my Neighbour 〈◊〉 my self . I must avoid all Idolatry of Mind or Body , ●nd must Worship God according to his Word , by ●earning and Meditating on his Word ; by Prayer , Thanksgiving , Praise , and use of his Sacrament : I must not profane , but holily use his holy Name ▪ I must keep holy the Lord's Day , especially in Communion with the Church Assemblies : I must Honour and Obey my Parents , Magistrates , Pastors , and other ●●lers : I must not wrong my Neighbour in thought , word , or deed , in his Soul , his Body , his Chastity , Estate , Right o● Propriety ; but do him all the good I can ▪ And do as I would be done by ; which is summed up in the Ten Commandments , [ God spake these words , saying , &c. A Prayer for Families in the method of the Lords Prayer , being ●ut an Exposition of it . MOST Glorious GOD , who art Power , and Wisdom , and Goodness it self , the Creator 〈◊〉 all things ; the Owner , the Ruler , and the Benefactor of the World , but especially of thy Church and Chosen Ones : Though by sin original and actual we were thy Enemies , the Slaves of Satan and our Flesh , and under thy displeasure , and the condemnation of thy Law ; yet thy Children Redeemed by Jesus Christ thy Son , and Regenerated by thy Holy Spirit , have leave to call thee their reconciled Father : For by thy Covenant of Grace thou hast given them thy Son to be their Head ▪ their Teacher , and their Saviour : And in Him thou ha●t pardoned , adopted , and sanctified them ; sealing and preparing them by thy Holy Spirit , for thy C●●lestial Kingdom , and beginning in them that holy life , and light , and love , which shall be perfected with thee in Everlasting Glory . O with what wondrous love hast thou loved us , that of Rebels we should be made the Sons of God! Thou hast advanced us to this dignity , that we might be devoted wholly to Thee as Thine Own , and might delightfully obey Thee , and entirely love Thee with all our Heart ; and so might glorifie Thee here and for ever . O cause both us , and all thy Churches , and all the World , to hallow thy great and holy Name ! And to 〈◊〉 to Thee as our Ultimate End ; that thy shining 〈◊〉 on Holy Souls may Glorifie thy Divine Perfection . And cause both us and all the Earth , to cast off the Tyranny of Satan and the Flesh , and to acknowledge thy Supream Authority , and to become the Kingdom● of Thee and Thy Son Jesus , by a willing and absolute subjection . O perfect thy Kingdom of Grace in our selves and in the World , and hasten the Kingdom of Glory . And cause us and thy Churches , and all people of the Earth , no more to be ruled by the Lu●●s of the Flesh , and their Erroneous Conceits , and by Self-will , which is the Idol of the Wicked ; but by thy perfect Wisdom and holy Will revealed in thy Laws : Make known thy Word to all the World , and send them the Messengers of Grace and Peace ; and cause Men to understand , believe and obey the Gospel of Salvation and that with such Holiness , Unity , and Love , that the Earth , which is now too like to Hell , may 〈◊〉 made liker unto Heaven ; and not only thy scattered imperfect Flock , but those also , who in their carnal and ungodly minds do now refuse a holy Life , and think thy Word and Ways too strict , may desire to imitate even the Heavenly Church ; where Thou art obeyed , and loved , and praised , with high Delight , in Harmony and Perfection . And because our Being is the subject of our well-being , maintain us in the Life which thou hast here given us , until the work of Life be finished ; and give us such health of Mind and Body , and such protection and supply of all our wants , as shall best 〈…〉 our Duty ; and make us contented with our daily Bread , and patient if we want it ; And save us from the love of the Riches , and Honours , and Pleasures of this World , and the Pride , and Idleness , and Sensuality which they cherish ; And cause us to serve thy Providence by our diligent Labours , and to serve thee faithfully with all that thou givest us ; And let us not make provision for the Flesh , to satisfie its desires and lusts . And we beseech thee of thy Mercy , through the Sacrifice and Propitiation of thy Beloved Son , forgive us all our sins , original and actual , from our Birth to this Hour ; our omissions of Duty , and committing of what thou didst forbid : Our sins of heart , and word , and deed ; our sinful thoughts and affections , our sinful passions and discontents ; our secret and our open sins ; our sins of negligence , and ignorance , and rashness ; but especially our sins against Knowledge and Conscience , which have made the deepest guilt and wounds . Spare us , O Lord , and let not our sins so find us out as to be our ruin ; but let us so find them out , as truely to repent and turn to thee ! Especially punish us not with the loss of thy Grace ! Take not thy Holy Spirit from us , and deny us not his assistance and holy operations . Seal to us by that Spirit the pardon of our Sins , and lift up the light of thy Countenance upon us , and give us the joy of thy Favour and Salvation . And let thy Love and Mercy so fill us not only with Thankfulness to Thee , but with Love and Mercy to our Brethren and our Enemies ; that we may heartily forgive them that do us wrong , as through thy Grace we hope we do . And for the time to come suffer us not to cast our selves wilfully into Temptations ; but carefully to avoid them , and resolutely to resist and Conquer what we cannot avoid ; And O mortifie those inward Sins and Lusts , which are our constant and most dangerous Temptations : And let us not be tempted by Satan or the World , or tryed by thy Judgments , above the strength which thy Grace shall give us . Save us from a fearless confidence in our own strength . And let us not dally with the snare , nor taste the bait , nor play with the Fire of thy wrath ; But cause us to fear and depart from evil ; lest before we are aware , we be entangled and overcome , and wounded with our Guilt and with thy Wrath , and our End should be worse than our Beginning . Especially save us from those radical Sins of Error , and Unbelief , Pride , Hypocrisie , Hardheartedness , Sensuality , Slothfulness , and the love of this present World , and the loss of our love to Thee , to thy Kingdom and thy Ways . And save us from the malice of Satan and of wicked Men , and from the Evils which our sins would bring upon us . And as we crave all this from thee , we humbly render our Praises with our future Service to thee ! Thou art the King of all the World , and more than the Life of all the Living ! Thy Kingdom is Everlasting : Wise ▪ and Just , and Merciful is thy Government . Blessed are they that are thy faithful Subjects ; But who hath hardened himself against thee , and hath prospered ? The whole Creation proclaimeth thy Perfection ▪ But it is Heaven where the Blessed see thy Glory , and the Glory of our Redeemer , where the Angels and Saints behold thee , admire thee , adore thee , love thee , and praise thee with triumphant joyful Songs , the Holy , Holy , Holy God , the Father , Son and Holy Ghost , who was and is , and is to come ; Of Thee , and through Thee , and to Thee are all things : To Thee , be Glory for ever , Amen . A short Prayer for Families . MOst Glorious , Ever-living God , Father , Son and Holy Ghost , Infinite in thy Power , Wisdom and Goodness ; Thou art the Creator of all the World , the Redeemer of lost Mankind , and the Sanctifier of thine Elect. Thou hast made us living reasonable Soul● , placed a while on Earth in Flesh , to seek , and know , and love , and serve thee , which we should have done with all our Soul and Might : For we and all things are Thine own , and Thou art more to us than all the World. This should have been the greatest Busines● , Care and Pleasure of our Lives : We were bound to 〈◊〉 by thy Law , and invited by thy Love and Mercy , and the Promise of a Reward in Heaven : And in our Baptism we were devoted to this Christian Life of Faith and Holiness , by a solemn Covenant and Vow . But with Grief and Shame we do confess , that we have been too unfaithful to that Covenant , and too much neglected the Lord our Father , our Saviour and our Sanctifier , to whom we were devoted ; And have too much served the Flesh and the World , and the Devil which we renounced . We have added to our Original Sin , the guilt of Unthankfulness for a Saviour , and resisting his Spirit and Grace that should have renewed , governed and saved us . We have spent much of our Lives , in fleshly and worldly Vanity , and finfully neglected the greatest work , of making a sure Preparation for Death and Judgment , and our endless State. In a Custom of sinning we have hardened our Hearts against thy Word and Warnings , and the Reproofs of thy Ministers , and of our Consciences that have oft told us of our Sin and Danger , and called us to Repent . And now , O Lord , our convinced Souls confess that we deserve to be forsaken by thee , and left to our own lust and folly , and to the deceits of Satan , and untoendless Misery . But seeing thou hast given a Saviour to lost Man , and a pardoning Covenant , through the Merits of Christ , promising Forgiveness and Salvation to every true penitent Believer ; we thankfully accept thy offered Mercy , and penitently bewail our Sin , and cast our miserable Souls upon thy Grace , and the Sacrifice , Merits and Intercession of our Redeemer . Forgive all the sins of our Hearts and Lives ; and as a reconciled Father take us as thy adopted Children in Christ . O give us thy renewing Spirit , to be in us a powerful and constant Author of Holy Light , and Love and Life , to fit us for all our Duty , and for Communion with thee , and for Everlasting Life : And to dwell in us as thy Witness and Seal of our Adoption . Let him be better to our Souls than our Souls are to our Bodies , Teaching us thy Word and Will , and bringing all our love and will to a joyful compliance with thy Will : and quickening our dull 〈◊〉 drowsie Hearts to a Holy and Heavenly Conversation . Let him turn all our sinful Pleasures and Desires , into the delightful love of thee and of thy Ways and Servants . Save us from the great Sins of Selfishness , Pride , and Worldliness , and give us Self-denial , Humility , and a Heavenly Mind . That while we are on Earth our Hearts may be in Heaven , where we hope to live in thy joyfull Love and praise with Christ and all his Holy Ones for even ▪ Let us never forget that this Life is short , and that the Life to come is endless : That our Souls are precious and our Bodies vile , and must shortly turn to rottenness and dust ; that Sin is odio●s , and Temptation● dangerous , and Judgment dreadful to unprepaved guilty Souls ; and that without a Saviour and his Grace and Spirit , there is no Salvation : Cause us to live as we would die , and let no Temptation , Company or Business , draw us to forget our God and our everlasting state . Lord bless the World , and specially these Kingdoms , ●ith Wise , Godly , Just and Peaceable Princes , and ●nferiour Judges and Magistrates ; and guide , protect ●nd prosper them for the common good , and the pro●oting of Godliness and suppressing of sin : And bles●●ll Churches with able , godly , faithful Pastors , that are ●ealous Lovers of God , and Goodness , and the Peoples ●ouls . And save the Nations and Churches from Op●essing Tyrants and Deceivers , and from melignan● Enemies to serious Piety . And cause Subjects to live in just Obedience , and in Love and Peace . Bless Families with wise religious Governours , who will carefully instruct their Children and Servants , and restrain them from Sin , and keep them from Temptation , Teach Children and Servants to fear God , and honour and obey their Governours . O Our Father which art in Heaven , Let thy Name b● hallowed . Let thy Kingdom com● . Let thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven . 〈◊〉 in this day our daily Bre●d ; Forgive us our Trespasses , as 〈◊〉 forgive them that Trespass against us . Lead us not into Temptation , but Deliver us from Evil : For thine is the Kingdom , the Power and the Glory , for ever . Amen . Before Meat . MOst Gracious God who hast given 〈◊〉 Christ , and with him all that is necessary to Life and Godliness : We thankfully take this our Food as the Gift of thy Bounty , procured by his Merits : Bless it to the Nourishment and Strength of our frail Bodies , to fi● us for thy chearful Service : And save us from the abuse of thy Mercies by Glu●tony Drunkennes● , Idleness or sinful fleshly Lusts , for the sake of Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Lord. Amen . After Meat . MOst Merciful Father , Accept of our Thanks for these and all thy Mercies : And give us yet more thankful Hearts : O give us more of the great Mercies proper to thy Children , even by Sanctifying and Comforting Spir●● assu●●nce of thy Love thr●ugh Christ , and a ●reasure , and 〈◊〉 Conversation in Heaven : And bring and keep 〈◊〉 in a constant readiness for a safe and Comfortable Death ▪ For the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour . Amen . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A26936-e170 a Mar. 8. 36. Mat. 6. 33. Job . 21. 14. and 22. 17. Psal . 1. 2 , 3. Psal . 14. and 12. b Psal . 8. 4 , 5 , 6. Gen. 1. 26 , 27 , Gen. 9. 6. Col. 3. 10. c Joh. 17. 3. 1 Joh. 4. 6 , 7. Jer. 9. 24. d Luk. 12. 4 , 5. e Psal . 16. 5 , to 11. f Isa . 45. 18. g Psal . 14. 1. Gen. 1. 1. Rev. 1. 8. Rom. 1. 19. 20. Psal . 46. 10. Psal . 9. 10. Psal . 100. and 23. Psal . 19. 1 , 2 , 3. Psal . 47. 7. Ezek. 18. 4. Gen. 18. 25. Mal. 1. 6. h Matth. 22. 37. Jer. 5. 22. 2 Cor. 5. 8 , 9. Titus 2. 14. 2 Cor. 8. 5. & 6. 16 , 17 , 18 , 1 P●t . 2. 9. Psal . 10. Psal . 37. 4. Psal . 40. 8. Col. 3. 1. 2. Mar. 6. 20. 21. 2 Cor. 4. 17 , 18. k Psal . 14. & 1. Heb. 12. 14. Rom. 8. 12 , 13. Joh. 3. 34. 5. 6. 1 Joh. 2. 15 , 16. Rom. 13. 14 , 15. Rom. 6. 16. Luk. 18. 23 & 14. 26 , 33. l Rom. 3. Psal . 14. Ephes . 2. 2 , 3. Rom. 5. 12. 17. 19. Joh. 3. 6. m Rom. 8. 5 , 6 , 7. n Psal . 4. 3. 2 Cor. 6. 14. 17. o Psal . 32. 1 , 2. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Tit. 2. 14. Tit. 3. 5 , 6 , 7. Heb. 14. 14. Mat. 5. 8. p Rom. 5. 1 , 2 , 3. q Psal . 97. 7 , 8 , 15. 1 Cor. 2. 11 , 21. Heb. 14. 12. 2 Pet. 1. 3. r Act. 14. 27. & 17. 24 , 27 , 28. Rom. 1. 19. 20. Rom. 2. 4. Job 33. 14. to 25. Mat. 12. 42 , 43. (ſ) Isa . 9. 6 , 7. & 53. Joh. 3. 16. 19. & 1. 1 , 3 , 4. & 3. 2. ●●ohn 1. 18. t Acts 2. 22. Heb. 2. 3 , 4. u Mat. 4. 〈◊〉 w ●●Pet . 2. 22 , 23 , 24 , 25. Mat. 26. 27 , 28. Act. 1. Heb. 4. Eph. ● . ● . ●2 . 3. Rom. 5. 1 , 3 , 9. Heb. 8 , 9 , 13. & 8. 6 , 7. Heb. 7. 25. 1 John 5. 10 , 12. John 5. 22. & 3. 18 , 19. Mat. 25. x Luke 16. y Acts 2. John 17. 23. z Mat. 28. 19 , 〈◊〉 Acts 14. 23. Act. 20. Act. 26. 17 , 18. a Rom. 8. 9. b Tit. 3. 5 , 6. Joh. 13. 5 , 6. c 2 Tim. 3. 16. d Heb. 2. 3 , 4. e 2 Cor. 13. 5. Psal . 4. 4. 2 Pet. 1. 10. f John 3. 5. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Rom. 8. 7 , 9. Phil. 3. 18 , 20. g Acts 16. 14. h Acts 2. 37. & 16. 30. & 11. 23. 2 Cor. 6. 1 , 2. Rev. 2. 7. i Acts 24. 14. & 28. 22. & 24. 5 , 6. k Mal. 2. 7 , 9. Hos . 4. 9. l Prov. 13. 20. m Ephes . 4. 18 , 19. n Mal. 1. 13. o Mat. 25. 3. 8. 12. & 24. 43 , 44. p John 8. 39 , 42 , 44. Rom. 3. 1 , 2. Gal. 4. 29. Mat. 13. 19 , 20 , 21 , 22. & 15. 2 , 3 , 6. Gal. 1. 1. q Psal . 4. 4. Hag. 1. 5. Deut. 32. 7 , 29. r Isa . 1. 3. s Job 34. 27. Jer. 23. 20. Psal . 119. 59. t 2 Cor. 4. 8. Deut. 32. 29. 1 John 2. 17. 1 Cor. 7. 31. Luke 12. 19 , 20. John 14. 1 , 2. 1 Thes . 5. 13. u Luke 12. 4. Eccl. 12. 7. 2 Pet. 3. 11. 2 Cor. 4. 18. Phil. 3. 18 , 20. x Numb . 23. 10. Mat. 25. 8 & 7. 21 , 22. Prov. ●● . 28 , 29. y Matth. 23. 29 , 30 , 31 , 33. Heb. 11. 38. John 8. 39. z Matth. 10. 15. Rom. 2. Acts 10. 34 , 35. a Rom. 2. 28 , 29. Matth. 25. 28. Luke 19. 22. Acts 24. 15. Gal. 4. 29. b Eph. 4. 14. Act 20. 30. 1 Cor. 11. 19. 2 Tim. 4. 3 & 2. 14. 16. 1 Tim. 1. 5 , 6. Tit. 3. 9. Ephes . 4. 3. &c. 1 Cor. 12. Matth. 12. 25. Rom. 2. 12 , 27 , 28 , 29. c Gal. 1. 7 , 8. Matth. 28. 20. d James 3. 17. e Eph. 5. 11. Prov. 23. 20. 2 Cor. 6. 17 , 18. Psal . 15. 4. Deut. 13. 3. f John 5. 40. Luke 14. 29 , 30. John 6. 35 , 37 , 45. g Isa . 55. 6 , 7. h Matth. 11. 19. i Luke 14. 33. k Rev. 22. 17. John 1. 12. Rev. 2. & 3. 1 John 5. 12 , 13. Psal . 34. 7. Psal . 73. 26. Matth. 25. Luke 20. 39. Heb. 2. 3. 〈◊〉 Thes . 2. 12. l 〈…〉 19. 27. Prov. 29. 1. & 1. 25. a 1 Cor. 1. 25. Heb. 4. 1. 2 Pet. 2. 22. 1 Cor. 3. Gal. 3. & 4. Matth. 13. 41. & 18. 7. b Phil. 3. 18 , 19. Acts 20. 30. c Matth. 5. 16. 1 Pet. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 15. & 1. 8. 2 Cor. 1. 21. d 2 Tim. 1. 13. & 3. 7. Heb. 5. 12. Phil. 1. 9. Rom. 15. 14. e Eph. 4. 13 , 14. Col. 1. 9. & 2. 2. & 3. 10. 1 Tim. 6. 4. f John 17. 3. Ephes . 3. 17 , 18. Mat. 28. 19. Ephes . 1. 22 , 23. & 4. 6 , 16. Rom. 5. 2 Cor. 12. 9. John 16. 33. 1 John 5. 4. 〈◊〉 4. 14 , 16. Col. 3. 3 , 4. Acts 7. 59. g Gal. 5. 16 , 25. h Matth. 28. 19. i John 16. 13. Heb. 2. 34. k 1 Cor. 12. 12 , 13. Rom. 8. 9. 13. Joh. 3. 5 , 6. l 2 Tim. 3. 15 , 16. Jude 19. 20. m Ezek. 36. 27. Isa . 44. 3. Rom. 8. 1 , 5. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Zech. 14. 20. n 1 Cor. 10. 31. Rom. 11. 36. 2 Cor. 5. 7 , 8. 1 John 3. 1● Rom. 5. 1 , 2 , 3. Mat. 22. 37. Ephes . 1. 6. 2 Cor. 5. 19. Gal. 4. 4 , 5 , 6. o Psal . 30. 5. & 63. 3. p Phil. 3. 7 , 8. q Mat. 16. 13. r 2 Thess . 3. 5. 2 Cor. 13. 14. s Col. 3. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. Mat. 6. 19 , 20 , 21 , 33. 2 Cor. 4. 17 , 18. & 7. Luk. 12. 20. Heb. 6. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 28. Ephes . 4. 6. & 1. 23. Phil. 3. 18 , 20. Psal . 73. 25 , 26. Joh. 18. 36. t Psal . 1. 2 , 3. & 84. 2 , 10. & 63. 3 , 5. & 37. 4. & 91. 19. & 119. 47 , 70. Isa . 58. 14. Psal . 112. 1. Rom. 14. 17. & 5. 1 , 3 , 5. 1 Pet. 1. 8. Mat. 5. 11 , 12. Psal . 32. 11. u Gal. 6. 14. 1. Joh. 2. 15 , 16. Jam. 1. 27. & 4. 4 , 5. 1 Joh. 5. 4 , 5. Rom. 12. 2. Gal. 1. 4. Tit. 2. 12. Mat. 19. 24. Luk. 12. 16. 21. & 16. 25. James 1. 11. & 5. 1 , 2 , 4. Luke 8. 14. Heb. 11. 26. x Rom. 8. 1 , 13. Gal 5. 24. Rom. 13. 14. Gal. 5. 17. ●ude 8. 23. 2 Pet. 2. 10. Ephes . 2. 3. 1 Pet. 2. 11. Mat. 〈◊〉 . 13. & 26. 41. Luke 8. 13. y Jam. 1. 19. & 3. 13 , 17. 1 Pet. 3. 4. Mat. 5. 5. Eph. 4. 2 , 3. Col. 3. 12. z Jam. 1. 26. & 3. 5 , 6. Psal . 34. 13. Pro. 18. 21. a Deut. 15. 9. 2 Cor. 10. 5. Gen. 6. 5. Psal . 10. 4 & 94. 19. & 119. 113. Prov. 12. 5. & 15. 26. Psal . 119. 59. Prov. 30. 32. Jer. 4. 14. Deut. 32. 29. b Ephes . 5. 16. Joh. 14. 1 , 2. Act. 17. 21. 1 Cor. 7. 29. 2 Cor. 6. 2. Joh. 9. 4. Luk. 19. 42 , 44. Psal . 39. 4. Mat. 25. 10 , 1●● . c 1 Tim. 1. 5 , 6. Mat. 19 , 19. Rom. 13. 10. 1 John 1. 16. Ephes . 4. 12 , 15 , 16. Col. 2. 2. & 1. 4. 1 Tim. 6. 11. Jam. 3. 17. Phil. 2. 1 , 2. 1 Thes . 4. 93. John 13. 35. Mat. 5. 44 , 45. 1 Cor. 13. Jam. 4. 11. Gal. 6. 10. Tit. 2. 14. Phil. 2. 20 , 21. Rom. 15. 1 , 3. d Mat. 13. 29 , 41. e John 16. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 10. Rom. 16. 17. Jam. 3. 14. 15 , 16 , 17 , 18. f 1 Tim. 3. 6. Col. 〈◊〉 18. 1 Cor. 8. 1. 1 Cor. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 6. 4. 1 Pet. 5. 5. Jam. 3. 1 , 17. g Eph. 5 , & 6. Col. 3 , & 4. Rom. 13. 1 , 7. 1 Pet. 2. 13 , 15. h Command . 4. Josh . 24. 15. Deut. 6. 6 , 7 , 8. Dan. 6. i Heb. 13. 5. Command . 4. 2 Thess . 3. 10 , 12. 1 Thess . 4. 7. 1 Tim. 5. 13. Prov. 31. 1 Cor. 7. 29. k Mal. 2. 7. l Eccles . 4. 10 , 11. m Prov. 12. 1. & 15. 5 , 10 , 31. Heb. 3. 13. n Luk. 12. 40. 2 Pet. 1. 10. Phil. 1. 21 , 23. Jer. 9. 4 , 5. Mat. 7. 4 , 5. 2 Cor. 5. 1 , 2 , 4 , 〈◊〉 o Exod. 34. 6. p Heb. 7. 25. q Joh. 4. 42. Joh. 3. 16. 1 Tim. 4. 10. & 2. 4. Mat. 28. 19 , 20. Rev. 22. 17. Isa . 55. 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 , 7. r Luke 14. 26 , 33. 1 John 2. 15. Mat. 6. 19 , 20 , 21 , 33. Col. 3. 1 , 2. Rom. 8. 1 , 13. Notes for div A26936-e4760 The Assent . The Consent , or Covenant . Notes for div A26936-e5060 The Lord's Supper , and other Church-Ordinances , are opened in the VIIIth , days Conference , and more fully in my Universal Concord .