National Library of Scotland *6000673063* . •> ENCYCLOPAEDIA BID TANNIC A. EIGHTH EDITION. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA OK DICTIONARY AKTS. SCIENCES, AND GENERAL LITERATURE. EIGHTH EDITION. WITH EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS; AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. VOLUME XVI. ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH. MDCCCLVIII. [The Proprietors of this Work give notice that they reserve the right of Translating it.\ NEILL AND CO., PRINTERS, EDINBURGH. ENCYCLOPEDIA BKITANNICA NAYIGATIOK History. Navigation is the art of conducting a ship from one port v-*-' or place to another. HISTORY. The profane poets refer the invention of the art of na¬ vigation to their heathen deities, though historians ascribe it to the Aginetes, the Phoenicians, the Tyrians, and the ancient inhabitants of Britain. Scripture refers the origin of so useful an invention to God himself, who gave the first specimen of navigation in the ark built by Noah under his direction. The earliest record of the practice of the art of navigation is that of the Egyptians, who at a very remote period are said to have established commercial relations with India. This traffic was carried on between the Arabian Gulf and the western coast of India, across the Indian Ocean. It would appear, however, that this intercourse was of no long dura¬ tion, and that the Egyptians soon confined themselves to overland traffic with their neighbours, even excluding from all access to their country those foreigners who would have traded with them by the Mediterranean Sea. The Phoenicians were the most distinguished of the early navigators; their commercial relations with other nations were the most widely spread ; and their capital, Tyre, was for ages the centre of ancient commerce and the “ mart of nations.” The narrowness and poverty of the little slip of ground they possessed along the coast, and the convenience of two or three good ports, naturally drove an enterprising and industrious people, stimulated by a genius for commerce, to seek by sea those riches which were denied them by land. Accordingly, Lebanon and the other neighbouring moun¬ tains furnishing them with excellent wood for ship-build¬ ing, they in a short time became masters of a numerous fleet; and constantly hazarding new navigations, and settl¬ ing new trades, they soon arrived at an incredible pitch of opulence and populousness, insomuch as to be in a con¬ dition to send out colonies. 1 he principal of these was Carthage, which, keeping up the Phoenician spirit of com- meice, in time not only equalled Tyre itself^ but vastly surpassed it, sending its merchant fleets through the Straits of Gibraltar, along the western coasts of Africa and Europe, and even, if we may believe some authors, to America itself. At an early period of their history, although long subse¬ quently to the rise of the Phoenician navigators, the Greeks learned and practised the art of navigating the adjacent seas, although they seem to have trusted almost entirely to the oar as the instrument of propulsion. The celebrated voy¬ age of the Argonauts belongs to a very early period; and in later times the Corinthians and Corcyraeans disputed with Athens the empire of the Greek seas. At length Tyre, whose immense riches and power are represented in such lofty terms both by sacred and profane authors, was de¬ stroyed by Alexander the Great, upon which its navigation and commerce were transferred by the conqueror to Alex¬ andria, a new city, admirably situated for these purposes, and intended to form the capital of the empire of Asia, of which Alexander then meditated the conquest. And thus arose the great navigation of the Egyptians, which was afterwards so much cultivated by the Ptolemies, that Tyre and Carthage were quite forgotten. Egypt being reduced to a Roman province after the battle of Actium, its trade and navigation fell into the hands of Augustus, in whose time Alexandria was only inferior to Rome; and the magazines of the capital of the world were wholly supplied with merchandise from the commercial capital of Egypt. At length Alexandria itself underwent the fate of Tyre and Carthage, being surprised by the Saracens, who, in spite of the Emperor Heraclius, overspread the northern coast of Africa. By them the merchants were expelled, and Alexandria was, until lately, in a languishing state; though it always had a considerable share of the commerce of the Christian merchants trading to the Levant. A fresh im¬ pulse, however, has been given of late years to the trade of Alexandria by its having Become an important post in the overland route to India. The fall of Rome and its empire drew along with it not only the overthrow of learning and thepolite arts, but also that 2 NAVIGATION. History, of navigation; the barbarians, into whose hands it fell, con- tenting themselves with the spoils of the industry of their predecessors. But no sooner were the braver amongst those nations well settled in their new provinces,—some in Gaul, as the Franks; others in Spain, as the Goths; and others in Italy, as the Lombards,—than they began to learn the advantages of navigation and commerce, and the me¬ thods of managing them, from the people they had sub¬ dued ; and this with so much success, that in a little time some of them became able to give new lessons, and set on foot new institutions for its advantage. Thus it is to the Lombards that we usually ascribe the invention and use of banks, book-keeping, exchanges, rechanges, &c. It does not appear which of the European people, after the settlement of their new masters, first betook themselves to navigation and commerce. Some think it began with the French, although the Italians seem to have the fairest title to this distinction, and are accordingly regarded as the restorers of navigation, as well as of the polite arts, which had been banished together from the time the empire was torn asunder. It is the people of Italy, then, and particularly those of Venice and Genoa, who have the merit of this restoration; and it is to their advan¬ tageous situation for navigation that they in great mea¬ sure owe their glory. In the bottom of the Adriatic were a great number of marshy islands, only separated by nar¬ row channels, but these well screened, and almost inac¬ cessible, the residence of some fishermen, w'ho here sup¬ ported themselves by a little trade in fish and salt, which they found in some of these islands. Thither the Veneti, a people inhabiting that part of Italy which stretches along the coasts of the gulf, retired, when Alaric, King of the Goths, and afterwards Attila, King of the Huns, ravaged Italy. These new islanders, little imagining that this was to be their fixed residence, did not think of composing any body politic; but each of the seventy-two islands of this little archipelago continued a long time under its separate mas¬ ter, and each formed a distinct commonwealth. When their commerce had become considerable enough to occa¬ sion jealousy to their neighbours, they began to think of uniting into a body; and it was this union, first begun in the sixth century, but not completed till the eighth, that laid the sure foundation of the future grandeur of the state of Venice. From the time of this union, their fleets of mer¬ chantmen were sent to all the ports of the Mediterranean ; and at last to those of Egypt, particularly Cairo, a new city built by the Saracen princes, on the eastern bank of the Nile, where they traded for the spices and other pro¬ ducts of the Indies. Thus they flourished and increased their commerce, their navigation, and their conquests, till the league of Cambray in 1508, when a number of jeaious princes conspired to bring about their ruin. This was the more easily effected by the diminution of their East India commerce, of which the Portuguese had got one part and the French another. Genoa, which had applied itself to navigation at the same time with Venice, and that with equal success, was a long time its dangerous rival, disputed with it the empire of the sea, and shared with it the trade of Egypt and other parts, both of the East and West. But jealousy soon broke out; and the two republics coming to an open rupture, there was almost continual war for three centuries. To¬ wards the end of the fourteenth century, the battle of Chioza ended the strife. The Genoese, who till then had usually the advantage, now lost all; and the Venetians, re¬ duced almost to despair, secured to themselves, by one happy and unexpected blow, the foremost place in com¬ merce and the sole empire of the sea. About the same time that navigation was retrieved in the southern parts of Europe, a new society of merchants was formed in the north, which not only carried commerce to the greatest perfection of which it was capable till the discovery of the East and West Indies, but also formed a new scheme of laws for its regulation, which still obtain under the name of Uses and Customs of the Sea. This society is that famous league of the Hanse Towns, commonly supposed to have been instituted about the year 1164. (See Hanseatic League, and Commerce. For the present state of navigation in the various countries of the world, see under the name of each.) We shall only add, that in examining the causes of com¬ merce passing successively from the Venetians, Genoese, and Hanse Towns, to the Portuguese and Spaniards, and from these again to the English and Dutch, it may be established as a maxim, that the relation between com¬ merce and navigation, or their union, is so intimate, that the fall of the one inevitably draws after it that of the other; and that they will always either flourish or decline together. Hence so many laws, ordinances, statutes, and edicts for its regulation; and hence particularly that cele¬ brated act of navigation, which an eminent foreign author calls the palladium or tutelar deity of the commerce of Eng¬ land, which was long considered as the standing rule, not only of the British amongst themselves, but also as that of other nations with whom they trafficked. The progress of political and commercial science, which gradually opened men’s eyes to the great principle that all trade is most healthy and prosperous when subjected to the fewest possible, and those only the most necessary, restric¬ tions, resulted in the total repeal of these famous navigation laws in 1846, since which period trade with England has been free and open to all the world ; but so far from British shipping and commerce being injured or diminished, they have been more prosperous since that repeal than they were at any former period, when most carefully fostered by History. protective laws. The art of navigation has been exceedingly improved in modern times, both with regard to the form of the ves¬ sels themselves, and also with respect to the methods of working them. The use of rowers is now entirely super¬ seded by the improvements made in the formation of the sails, rigging, &c.; by which means ships can not only sail much faster than formerly, but can tack in any direction with the greatest facility; and of late years the extensive and still growing employment of steam as the propelling power, whether applied to paddle-wheels or screws, has still further placed the mariner beyond the adverse retarding influence of calm and contrary winds, and has introduced an element of certainty and punctuality in commercial intercourse un¬ known at any previous period, and invaluable as it affects the interests of commerce. It is also very certain that the ancients were neither so well skilled in finding the latitudes, nor in steering their vessels in places of difficult navigation, as the moderns. But the greatest advantage which the moderns possess over the ancients consists in the mariner’s compass, by which they are enabled to find their way with more facility in the midst of an immeasurable ocean, than the ancients could have done by creeping along the coast, and never going out of sight of land. Some people indeed contend that this is no new invention, but that the ancients were acquainted with it. They say, that it was impossible for Solomon to have sent ships to Ophir, Tarshish, and Parvaim, which last they imagine to have been Peru, without this useful instrument. They insist, that it was impossible for the ancients to be acquainted with the attractive virtue of the magnet, and to be igno¬ rant of its polarity; nay, they affirm that this property of the magnet is plainly mentioned in the book of Job, where the loadstone is mentioned by the name of topaz, or the stone that turns itself. But it is certain that the Romans who conquered Judsea were ignorant of this instrument; and N AY IG History, it is very improbable that such a useful invention, if it had once been commonly known to any nation, would have been forgotten, or perfectly concealed from such a prudent people as the Romans, who were so deeply inter¬ ested in the discovery of it. Amongst those who admit that the mariner’s compass is a modern invention, it has been much disputed who was the inventor. Some attribute the honour of the discovery to Flavio Gioia of Amalfi in Campania, who lived about the beginning of the fourteenth century; whilst others con¬ tend that it came from the East, and was earlier known in Europe. But at whatever time it was invented, it is cer¬ tain that the mariners compass was not commonly used in navigation before the year 1420. In that year the science was considerably improved under the auspices of Henry, Duke of Visco, brother to the King of Portugal. In the year 1485, Roderick and Joseph, physicians to John II., King of Portugal, together with one Martin de Bohe¬ mia, a Portuguese native of the island of Fayal, and scholar of Regiomontanus, calculated tables of the sun’s declina¬ tion for the use of sailors, and recommended the astrolabe for taking observations at sea. Of the instructions of Mar¬ tin the celebrated Christopher Columbus is said to have availed himself, and to have improved the Spaniards in the knowledge of the art; for the farther progress of which a lecture was afterwards founded at Seville by the Em¬ peror Charles V. The discovery of the variation is claimed both by Colum¬ bus and by Sebastian Cabot. The former certainly did ob¬ serve the variation, without having heard of it from any other person, on the 14th of September 1492, and it is very probable that Cabot might have done the same. At that time it was found that there was no variation at the Azores, where some geographers have thought proper to place the first meridian, though it has since been observed that the variation alters in time. The use of the cross staff now began to be introduced amongst sailors. This ancient in¬ strument is described by John Werner of Nuremberg, in his annotations on the first book of Ptolemy’s Geography, printed in the year 1514. He recommends it for observ¬ ing the distance between the moon and some star, in order thence to determine the longitude. At this time the art of navigation was very imperfect, on account of the inaccuracies of the plane chart, which was the only one then known, and which, by its gross er¬ rors, must have greatly misled the mariner, especially in voyages far distant from the equator. Its precepts were probably at first only set down on the sea-charts, as is the custom at this day; but at length two Spanish treatises were published in the year 1545,—one by Pedro de Medina, and the other by Martin Cortes,—which contained a com¬ plete system of the art, as far as it was then known. These seem to have been the oldest writers who fully handled the art; for Medina, in his dedication to Philip, Prince of Spain, laments that multitudes of ships daily perished at sea, be¬ cause there were neither teachers of the art, nor books by which it might be learned; and Cortes, in his dedication, boasts to the emperor that he was the first who had re¬ duced navigation into a compendium, valuing himself much on what he had performed. Medina defended the plane chart; but he was opposed by Cortes, who showed its er¬ rors, and endeavoured to account for the variation of the compass by supposing the needle to be influenced by a magnetic pole (which he called the •point attractive), dif¬ ferent from that of the world, which notion has been far¬ ther prosecuted by others, and is now generally accepted as true in the scientific world. Medina’s book was soon translated into Italian, French, and Flemish, and for along time served as a guide to foreign navigators. Cortes, how¬ ever, was the favourite author of the English nation, and was translated in the year 1561 ; whilst Medina’s work A T I 0 N. 3 was entirely neglected, though translated also within a History, short time of the other. At that time the system of navigation consisted of an account of the Ptolemaic hypo¬ thesis, and the circles of the sphere ; of the roundness of the earth, the longitudes, latitudes, climates, &c., and eclipses of the luminaries ; a calendar ; the method of finding the prime, epact, moon’s age, and tides; a de¬ scription of the compass, an account of its variation, for the discovery of which Cortes said that an instrument might easily be contrived ; tables of the sun’s declination for four years, in order to find the latitude from his meridian altitude; directions to find the same by certain stars; of the course of the sun and moon ; the length of the days ; of time and its divisions ; the method of find¬ ing the hour of the day and night; and, lastly, a description of the sea chart, on which, in order to discover where the ship was, they made use of a small table, which showed, upon an alteration of one degree of the latitude, how many leagues were run in each rhumb, together with the departure from the meridian. Some other instruments were also described, especially by Cortes; such as one to find the place and declination of the sun, with the days and place of the moon ; certain dials, the astrolabe, and cross staff; together with a complex machine to discover the hour and latitude at once. About the same time proposals were made for finding the longitude by observations of the moon. In 1530 Gemma Frisius advised the keeping of time by means of small clocks or watches, which were then, as he says, newly invented. He also contrived a new sort of cross staff, and an instrument called the nautical quadrant, which last was much praised by William Cunningham in his Astronomical Glass, printed in the year 1559. In the year 1537, Pedro Nunez, or Nonius, published a book in the Portuguese language, to explain a difficulty in navigation proposed to him by the commander Don Martin Alphonso de Susa. In this he exposed the errors of the plane chart, and likewise gave the solution of several curi¬ ous astronomical problems, amongst which was that of determining the latitude from two observations of the sun’s altitude and the intermediate azimuth. He observed, that although the rhumbs are spiral lines, yet the direct course of a ship will always be in the arc of a great circle, where¬ by the angle with the meridians will continually change; and hence all that the steersman can here do for the pre¬ serving of the original rhumb, is to correct these devia¬ tions as soon as they appear sensible. But in reality the ship will thus describe a course without the rhumb line in¬ tended; and therefore his calculations for assigning the latitude, where any rhumb line crosses the several meri¬ dians, will be in some measure erroneous. He invented a method of dividing a quadrant by means of concentric circles, which, after having been much improved by Dr Halley, is used at present, and is called a nonius. In the year 1577, William Bourne published a treatise in which, by considering the irregularities in the moon’s motion, he showed the error of the sailors in finding her age by the epact, and also in determining the hour from ob¬ serving on what point of the compass the sun and moon appeared. He advised, in sailing towards high latitudes, to keep the reckoning by the globe, as there the plane chart was most erroneous. He despaired of our ever being able to find the longitude, unless the variation of the com¬ pass should be occasioned by some such attractive point as Cortes had imagined, of which, however, he doubted; but as he had shown how to find the variation at all times, he recommended to keep an account of the observations, as useful for finding the place of the ship ; and this advice was prosecuted at large by Simon Stevin, in a treatise published at Leyden in 1599, the substance of which was the same year printed at London in English by Edward Wright, 4 NAVIGATION. History, entitled the Haven-finding Art. In this ancient tract is also described the method by which our sailors estimate the rate of a ship in her course, by an instrument called the log. This was so named from the piece of wood or log which floats in the water, whilst the time is reckoned during which the line that is fastened to it is veering out. The inventor of this contrivance is not known ; but it was first described in an account of an East India voyage published by Purchas in 1607, from which time it became famous, and was much taken notice of by almost all writers on naviga¬ tion in every country. It still continues to be used as at first, although many attempts have been made to improve it, and contrivances proposed to supply its place, many of which have succeeded in quiet water, but proved useless in a stormy sea. In the year 1581 Michael Coignet, a native of Antwerp, published a treatise, in which he animadverted on Medina. In this he showed, that as the rhumbs are spirals, making endless revolutions about the poles, numerous errors must arise from their being represented by straight lines on the sea charts; but although he hoped to find a remedy for these errors, he was of opinion that the proposals of Nonius were scarcely practicable, and therefore in a great measure useless. In treating of the sun’s declination, he took notice of the gradual decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic; he also described the cross staff with three transverse pieces, which he admitted were then in common use amongst the sailors. He likewise described some instruments of his own invention ; but all of them are now laid aside, except¬ ing perhaps his nocturnal. He constructed a sea table to be used by such as sailed beyond the sixtieth degree of latitude; and at the end of the book is delivered a method of sailing upon a parallel of latitude by means of a ring dial and a twenty-four hour glass. The same year the discovery of the dipping-needle was made by Robert Norman. In his publication on that subject he maintains, in opposition to Cortes, that the variation of the compass was caused by some point on the surface of the earth, and not in the hea¬ vens ; and he also made considerable improvements on the construction of compasses themselves, showing especially the danger of not fixing, on account of the variation, the wire directly under the fieur de lis, as compasses made in different countries have it placed differently. To this per¬ formance of Norman’s is prefixed a discourse on the varia¬ tion of the magnetical needle, by William Burrough, in which he shows how to determine the variation in many different ways, and also points out many errors in the prac¬ tice of navigation at that time, speaking in very severe terms concerning those who had published upon it. During this time the Spaniards continued to publish trea¬ tises on the art. In 1585 an excellent Compendium was published by Roderico Zamorano, and contributed greatly towards the improvement of the art, particularly in the sea charts. Globes of an improved kind, and of a much larger size than those formerly used, were now constructed, and many improvements were made in other instruments; never¬ theless, the plane chart continued still to be followed, though its errors were frequently complained of. Methods of re¬ moving these errors had indeed been sought after; and Gerard Mercator seems to have been the first who found the true method of effecting this, so as to answer the pur¬ poses of seamen. He represented the degrees both of lati¬ tude and longitude by parallel straight lines, but gradually augmented the space between the former as they approached the pole. Thus the rhumbs, which otherwise ought to have been curves, were now also extended into straight lines; and thus a straight line drawn between any two places marked upon the chart formed an angle with the meridians, expressing the rhumb leading from the one to the other. But although in 1569 Mercator published a universal map constructed in this manner, it does not appear that he was acquainted with the principles upon which this proceeded; and it is now generally believed, that the true principles on which the construction of what is called Mercator's Chart depends, were first discovered by Edward Wright, an Englishman. Wright supposed, but, according to the general opi¬ nion, without sufficient grounds, that this enlargement of the degrees of latitude was known and mentioned by Pto¬ lemy, and that the same thing had also been spoken of by Cortes. The expressions of Ptolemy alluded to relate, in¬ deed, to the proportion between the distances of the paral¬ lels and meridians; but instead of proposing any gradual widening between the parallels of latitude in a general chart, he speaks only of particular maps, and advises not to con¬ fine a system of such maps to one and the same scale, but to plan them out by a different measure, as occasion might require; with this precaution, however, that the degrees of longitude in each should bear some proportion to those of latitude, and this proportion was to be deduced from that which the magnitude of the respective parallels bore to a great circle of the sphere. He added, that, in particular maps, if this proportion be observed with regard to the middle parallel, the inconvenience will not be great, al¬ though the meridians should be straight lines parallel to each other. But here he is understood only to mean, that the maps should in some measure represent the figures of the countries for which they are drawn. In this sense Mercator, who drew maps for Ptolemy’s tables, understood him; thinking it, however, an improvement not to regu¬ late the meridians by one parallel, but by two, one distant from the northern, the other from the southern extremity of the map, by a fourth part of the whole depth; by which means, in his maps, although the meridians are straight lines, yet they are generally drawn inclining to each other towards the poles. With regard to Cortes, he speaks only of the number of degrees of latitude, and not of the extent of them; nay, he gives express directions that they should all be laid down by equal measurement in a scale of leagues adapted to the map. For some time after the appearance of Mercator’s map it was not rightly understood, and it was even thought to be entirely useless, if not detrimental. However, about the year 1592 its utility began to be perceived; and seven years afterwards Wright printed his famous treatise en¬ titled The Correction of certain Errors in Navigation, where he fully explained the reason of extending the length of the parallels of latitude, and the uses thereof to navi¬ gators. In 1610 a second edition of Wright’s book was published, with improvements. An excellent method was proposed of determining the magnitude of the earth; and at the same time it was judiciously proposed to make our com¬ mon measures in some proportion to a degree on its surface, that they might not depend on the uncertain length of a barleycorn. Amongst his other improvements may be men¬ tioned the Table of Latitudes for Dividing the Meridian computed to Minutes, whereas it had been only divided to every tenth minute. He also published a description of an instrument which he calls the sea rings, by which the vari¬ ation of the compass, the altitude of the sun, and the time of the day, may at once I’eadily be determined in any place, provided the latitude is known. Fie also showed how to correct the errors arising from the eccentricity of the eye in observing by the cross staff. In the years 1594, 1595, 1596, and 1597, he amended the tables of the declinations and places of the sun and stars from his own observations made with a six-feet quadrant, a sea quadrant to take alti¬ tudes by a forward or backward observation, and likewise with a contrivance for the ready finding of the latitude by the height of the pole-star, when not upon the meridian. To this edition was subjoined a translation of Zamorano’s Compendium, above mentioned, in which he corrected some History. N A YIG History, mistakes in the original, adding a large table of the varia- tion of the compass observed in different parts of the world, in order to show that it was not occasioned by any magnetical pole. These improvements soon became known abroad. In 1608 a treatise, entitled Hypornnemata Mathematica, was published by Simon Stevin for the use of Prince Maurice. In the portion of the work relating to navigation, the au¬ thor treated of sailing on a great circle, and showed how to draw the rhumbs on a globe mechanically; he also set down Wright’s two tables of latitudes and of rhumbs, in order to describe these lines more accurately; and even pretended to have discovered an error in Wright’s table. But Stevin’s objections were fully answered by the author himself, who showed that they arose from the rude method of calculating made use of by the former. In 1624 the learned Willebrordus Snellius, professor of mathematics at Leyden, published a treatise of naviga¬ tion on Wright’s plan, but somewhat obscurely; and as he did not particularly mention all the discoveries of Wright, the latter was thought by some to have taken the hint of all his discoveries from Snellius. But this supposition has been long ago refuted; and Wright’s title to the honour of those discoveries remains unchallenged. Having shown how to find the place of the ship upon his chart, Wright observed that the same might be per¬ formed more accurately by calculation ; but considering, as he says, that the latitudes, and especially the courses at sea, could not be determined so precisely, he forbore setting down particular examples; as the mariner may be allowed to save himself this trouble, and only to mark out upon his chart the ship’s way, after the manner then usually practised. However, in 1614, Raphe Handson, amongst the nautical questions which he subjoined to a translation of Pitiscus’s Trigonometry, solved very distinctly every case of navigation, by applying arithmetical calculations to Wright’s Tables of Latitudes, or of Meridional Parts, as it has since been called. Although the method discovered by Wright for finding the change of longitude by a ship sail¬ ing on a rhumb is the proper way of performing it, Hand- son also proposes two methods of approximation without the assistance of Wright’s division of the meridian line. The first was computed by the arithmetical mean between the cosines of both latitudes; and the other by the same mean between the secants, as an alternative when Wright’s book was not at hand; although this latter is wider of the truth than the former. By the same calculations also he showed how much each of these compends deviates from the truth, and also how widely the computations on the erroneous principles of the plane chart differ from them all. The method generally used by our sailors, however, is commonly called the middle latitude, which, although it errs more than that by the arithmetical mean between the two cosines, is preferred on account of its being less oper- ose ; yet in high latitudes it is more eligible to use that of the arithmetical mean between the logarithmic cosines, equivalent to the geometrical mean between the cosines themselves—a method since proposed by John Bassat. The computation by the middle latitude will always fall short of the true change of longitude, that by the geome¬ trical mean will always exceed ; but that by the arithme¬ tical mean falls short in latitudes of about 45°, and exceeds in lesser latitudes. However, none of these methods will differ much from the truth when the change of latitude is sufficiently small. About this period logarithms were invented by John Napier, Baron of Merchiston in Scotland, and proved of the utmost service to the art of navigation. From these Edmund Gunter constructed a table of logarithmic sines A T I 0 N. 5 and tangents to every minute of the quadrant, which he History, published in 1620. In this work he applied to navigation, v—^ and other branches of mathematics, his admirable ruler known by the name of Gunter’s Scale,1 on which are de¬ scribed lines of logarithms, of logarithmic sines and tan¬ gents, of meridional parts, &c.; and he greatly improved the sector for the same purposes. He also showed how to take a back observation by the cross staff, by which the error arising from the eccentricity of the eye is avoided. He likewise described another instrument, of his own in¬ vention, called the cross bow, for taking altitudes of the sun or stars, with some contrivances for more readily find¬ ing the latitude from the observation. The discoveries concerning logarithms were carried into France in 1624 by Edmund Wingate, who published two small tracts in that year at Paris. In one of these he taught the use of Gunter’s scale ; and in the other, that of the tables of artificial sines and tangents, as modelled according to Napier’s last form, erroneously attributed by Wingate to Briggs. Gunter’s scale was projected into a circular arch by the Reverend William Oughtred in 1633 ; and its uses were fully shown in a pamphlet entitled the Circles of Propor¬ tion, where, in an appendix, several important points in navigation are well treated. It has also been made in the form of a sliding ruler. The logarithmic tables were first applied to the different cases of sailing, by Thomas Addison, in his treatise en¬ titled Arithmetical Navigation, printed in the year 1625. He also gave two traverse tables, with their uses; the one to quarter points of the compass, and the other to degrees. Henry Gellibrand published his discovery of the changes of the variation of the compass, in a small quarto pamphlet, entitled A Discourse Mathematical on the Variation of the Magnetical Needle, printed in 1635. This extraordinary phenomenon he found out by comparing the observations which had been made at different times near the same place by Burrough, Gunter, and himself, all persons of great skill and experience in these matters. This discovery was likewise soon known abroad; for Athanasius Kircher, in his treatise entitled Magnes, first printed at Rome in the year 1641, informs us that he had been told of it by John Greaves, and then gives a letter of the famous Marinus Mersennus, containing a very distinct account of the same. As altitudes of the sun are taken on shipboard by ob¬ serving his elevation above the visible horizon, to obtain from these the sun’s true altitude with correctness, Wright observed it to be necessary that the dip of the visible hori¬ zon below the horizontal plane passing through the ob¬ server’s eye should be brought into the account, which cannot be calculated without knowing the magnitude of the earth. Hence he was induced to propose different methods for finding this ; but he complains that the most effectual was out of his power to execute, and therefore he contented himself with a rude attempt, in some measure sufficient for his purpose. The dimensions of the earth deduced by him corresponded very well with the usual divisions of the log¬ line ; nevertheless, as he did not write an express treatise on navigation, but only for correcting such errors as pre¬ vailed in general practice, the log-line did not fall under his notice. Richard Norwood, however, put in execution the method recommended by Wright as the most perfect for measuring the dimensions of the earth, with the true length of the degrees of a great circle upon it; and in 1635 he actually measured the distance between London and York; from which measurement, and the summer sol¬ stitial altitudes of the sun observed on the meridian at both places, he found a degree on a great circle of the earth to contain 367,196 English feet, equal to 57,300 French 1 See Gunter’s Scale. NAVIGATION. 6 History, fathoms or toises; which is very exact, as appears from many measurements that have been made since that time. Of all this Norwood gave a full account in his treatise called the Seaman's Practice, published in 1657. He there showed the reason why Snellius had failed in his attempt; and he also pointed out various uses of his dis¬ covery, particularly for correcting the gross errors hitherto committed in the divisions of the log-line. But necessary amendments have been little attended to by sailors, whose obstinacy in adhering to established errors has been com¬ plained of by the best writers on navigation. This im¬ provement, however, has at length made its way into prac¬ tice ; and few navigators of reputation now make use of the old measure of forty-two feet to a knot. In this treatise Norwood also describes his own excellent method of set¬ ting down and perfecting a sea reckoning, by using a tra¬ verse table, which method he had followed and taught for many years. He likewise shows how to rectify the course, by taking into consideration the variation of the compass ; as also how to discover currents, and to make proper allow¬ ance on their account. This treatise, and another on Trigonometry, were continually reprinted, as the principal books for learning scientifically the art of navigation. What he had delivered, especially in the latter of them, concerning this subject, was abridged as a manual for sailors, in a very small work called an Epitome; which useful performance has gone through a great number of editions. No alterations were ever made in the Seaman's Practice till the twelfth edition in 1676, when the following paragraph was inserted in a smaller character :—“ About the year 1672, Monsieur Picart has published an account in French concerning the measure of the earth, a breviate whereof may be seen in the Philosophical Transactions, No. 112, wherein he con¬ cludes one degree to contain 365,184 English feet, nearly agreeing with Mr Norwood’s experimentand this adver¬ tisement is continued through the subsequent editions as late as the year 1732. About the year 1645, Bond published, in Norwood’s Epitome, a very great improvement of Wright’s method, from a property in his meridian line, whereby the divisions are more scientifically assigned than the author himself was able to effect. It resulted from this theorem, that these divisions are analogous to the excesses of the loga¬ rithmic tangents of half the respective latitudes aug¬ mented by 45° above the logarithm of the radius. This he afterwards explained more fully in the third edition of Gunter’s works, printed in 1653, where he observed that the logarithmic tangents from 45° upwards increase in the same manner as the secants do added together, if every half degree be accounted as a whole degree of Mercator’s meridional line. His rule for computing the meridional parts belonging to any two latitudes, supposed to be on the same side of the equator, is to the following effect:— “ Take the logarithmic tangent, rejecting the radius, of half each latitude, augmented by 45° ; divide the difference of those numbers by the logarithmic tangent of 45° 30', the radius being likewise rejected, and the quotient will be the meridional parts required, expressed in degrees.” This rule is the immediate consequence of the general theorem, that the degrees of latitude bear to one degree (or sixty minutes, which in Wright’s table stand for the meridional parts of one degree) the same proportion as the logarithmic tangent of half any latitude augmented by 45°, and the radius neglected, to the like tangent of half a degree aug¬ mented by 45°, with the radius likewise rejected. But here there was still wanting the demonstration of this general theorem, which was at length supplied by James Gregory of Aberdeen, in his Exercitationes Geometrical, printed at London in 1668; and afterwards more con¬ cisely demonstrated, together with a scientific determi¬ nation of the divisor, by Dr Halley, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1695 (No. 219), from the consideration Histor of the spirals into which the rhumbs are transformed in the v y' steieographic projection of the sphere upon the plane of the equinoctial, and which is rendered still more simple by Roger Cotes, in his Logometria, first published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1714 (No. 388). It is, moreover, added in Gunter’s book, that if divi¬ sion, which does not sensibly differ from the logarithmic tangent of 45° 1' 30", with the radius subtracted from it, be used, the quotient will exhibit the meridional parts ex¬ pressed in leagues ; and this is the divisor set down in Norwood’s Epitome. After the same manner, the meridi¬ onal parts will be found in minutes, if the like logarithmic tangent of 45° 1' 30", diminished by the radius, be taken; that is, the number used by others being 12633, when the logarithmic tables consist of eight places of figures besides the index. In an edition of a book called the Seaman's Kalendar, Bond declared that he had discovered the longitude by having found out the true theory of the magnetic variation ; and to gain credit to his assertion, he foretold, that at Lon¬ don in 1657 there would be no variation of the compass, and from that time it would gradually increase the other way; which happened accordingly. Again, in the Philo¬ sophical Transactions for 1668 (No. 40), he published a table of the variation for forty-nine years to come. Thus he acquired such reputation, that his treatise entitled The Longitude Found, was, in the year 1676, published by the special command of Charles II., and approved by many ce¬ lebrated mathematicians. It was not long, however, before it met with opposition ; and in the year 1678 another trea¬ tise, entitled The Longitude not Found, made its appear¬ ance ; and as Bond’s hypothesis did not answer its author’s sanguine expectations, the solution of the difficulty was un¬ dertaken by Dr Halley. The result of his speculation was, that the magnetic needle is influenced by four poles ; but this wonderful phenomenon seems hitherto to have eluded all our researches. (See Magnetism.) In 1700, however, Dr Llalley published a general map, with curve lines ex¬ pressing the paths where the magnetic needle had the same variation ; which was received with universal applause. But as the positions of these curves vary from time to time, they should frequently be corrected by skilful persons, as was done in 1644 and 1756, by Mountain and Dodson. In the Philosophical Transactions for 1690, Dr Halley also gave a dissertation on the monsoons, containing many very useful observations for such as sail to places subject to these winds. After the true principles of the art were settled by Wright, Bond, and Norwood, new improvements were daily made, and everything relative to it was settled with an accuracy not only unknown to former ages, but which would have been reckoned utterly impossible. The earth being found to be, not a perfect sphere, but a spheroid, with the shortest diameter passing through the poles, a tract was published in 1741 by the Reverend Dr Patrick Murdoch, wherein he accommodated Wright’s sailing to such a figure ; and the same year Colin Maclaurin, in the Philosophical Transactions (No. 461), gave a rule for determining the meridional parts of a spheroid; which speculation is farther treated of in his book of Fluxions, printed at Edinburgh in 1742, and in Delambre’s Astro¬ nomy (t. iii., ch. xxxvi.). Amongst the later discoveries in navigation, that of find¬ ing the longitude, both by lunar observations and by time¬ keepers, is the principal. It is owing chiefly to the rewards offered by the British Parliament that this has attained the present degree of perfection. We are indebted to Dr Maskelyne for putting the first of these methods in prac¬ tice, and for other important improvements in navigation. The time-keepers constructed by Harrison for this express NAVIGATION. Practice of purpose were found to answer so well that he obtained the Naviga- parliamentary reward. These have been improved by Ar- tion. noi(]) Earnshaw, and many others, so as now to be almost in common use. The works which have latterly appeared on navigation are Prelimin- those on the longitude and navigation by Mackay, Inman, ary Prin- Riddle, Norie, Jeans, and others ; and these contain every clPles- necessary requisite to form the practical navigator. PRACTICE OF NAVIGATION. BOOK i. CONTAINING THE VARIOUS METHODS OF SAILING. The art of navigation depends upon mathematical and astronomical principles. The problems in the various modes of sailing are resolved either by trigonometrical cal¬ culations, or by tables or rules formed by the assistance of plane and spherical trigonometry. By mathematics the necessary tables are constructed and rules investigated for performing the more difficult parts of navigation. The places of the sun, moon, and planets, and fixed stars, are deduced from observation and calculation, and arranged in tables, the use of which is absolutely necessary in reducing observations taken at sea for the purpose of ascertaining the latitude and longitude of the ship and the variation of the compass. The investigation of the rules required for this purpose belongs properly to the science of Astronomy, to which the reader is referred. A few tables are given at the end of this article, but as the other tables necessary for the practice of navigation-are to be found in almost every treatise on this subject, it seems unnecessary to insert them in this place. The subject naturally divides itself under two heads:—First, The methods of conductinga ship from one port to another by help of rules, in which the log-line and compass are alone required, which is Naviga¬ tion properly so called. Second, The method of ascertain¬ ing the ship’s latitude and longitude, and variation of com¬ pass, by means of observations on the heavenly bodies ; and the rules for that purpose deduced from astronomy, in order to correct the ship’s place, and the courses derived from the former method, to which the name of Nautical Astro¬ nomy is generally applied. Although the reader is referred to the respective articles on the sciences on which naviga¬ tion is founded in this work for complete information, we shall, nevertheless, endeavour to make our explanation of the several rules as complete as possible, even at the risk of re¬ peating somewhat the substance of portions of our other articles. Hemispheres, according as the North or the South Pole lies within them. The latitude of a place is its distance from the equator, reckoned on a meridian in degrees, minutes, and seconds, and decimal parts of seconds (if necessary), being either north or south, according as it is the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Hence it appears that the latitudes of all places are comprised within the limits 0° and 90° N., and 0° and 90° S. The first meridian, which is a great circle passing through the poles, also divides the earth into two equal portions, called the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, ac¬ cording as they lie to the right or left of the first meridian ; the spectator being supposed to be looking towards the north. The longitude of a place is the arc of the equator inter¬ cepted between the first meridian and the meridian of the given place reckoned in degrees, minutes, and seconds; and is either east or west as the place lies in the Eastern or Western Hemisphere respectively to the first meridian. The longitude of all places on the earth’s surface is comprised within the limits of 0° and 180° E., and 0° and 180° W. On the supposition that the earth is a sphere, the length of all arcs of great circles upon it subtending an angle of 1° at the centre are equal; hence T of latitude or longi¬ tude is equal to one geographical or nautical mile, of which a degree contains 60. Hence intervals of latitude and longi¬ tude, reduced to minutes and parts of minutes, also repre¬ sent the same number of nautical miles and parts of a nautical mile. In the practice of navigation, the latitude and longitude of the place which a ship leaves, are called the latitude and longitude/roni ; and the latitude and longitude of the place at which it has arrived, are called the latitude and longitude in. p 2. Definitions of Terms used in Navigation, and Explanations. Let QR ...V be a portion of the equator, P the pole, and PAQ, PBR, PCS PFV be meridians supposed very near to one another, passing through points A, B, C,D,E,F, the line AF being the path traced out by a vessel in pass¬ ing from A to F, such that it makes equal angles with every meridian over which it passes. From B, C, D, &c., let BH, Cl, DK, EL, &c., be drawn perpendicular to the Chap. I.—PRELIMINARY PRINCIPLES. SECT I. ON LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE ; DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN NAVIGATION ; AND GENERAL EXPLANA¬ TIONS. 1. Latitude and Longitude. The situation of a place, or any object on the earth’s surface, is estimated by its distance from two imaginary lines on that surface intersecting each other at right angles. The one of these is called the Equator, and the other the First Meridian. The situation of the equator is fixed; but that of the first meridian is arbitrary, and therefore different nations assume different first meridians. In Great Britain we assume that to be the first meridian which passes through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. I he equator is a great circle on the earth’s surface, every point of which is equally distant from the two poles or the extremities of the imaginary axis about which the earth makes her diurnal rotation. It therefore divides the earth into two equal parts, called the Northern and the Southern 8 NAVIGATION. Frelimin- two meridians between which they respectively lie; or, in ary Prin- other words, be arcs of small circles or parallels of latitude dples. through the points B, C, &c. These are consequently all parallel to one another, and to FG the whole arc of the parallel at F included between the extreme meridians FAQ and PFV. The constant angle at which the line AF is inclined to the successive meridians, viz., BAP, CBP, DCP, &c., is called the course. Also, if the small circles or parallels at B, C, &c., be continued to the meridian PAQ, the portion of this meridian intercepted between any two consecutive parallels, as erf, will be equal to CK, the distance between the parallels through C and D ; and so on for all. Hence the sum of these distances, AH + BI + CK + DL + EM = AG ; which is called the true difference of latitude, or true diff. lat. from A to F. The corresponding arcs of parallels at different latitudes intercepted between the same meridians are not equal, but gradually decrease from the equator to the poles. Hence the sum of the arcs BH -f Cl + DK + EL + FM is less than QV, the intercepted arc of the equator, but greater than FG, the arc of the highest parallel intercepted between PAQ and PFV. BH + CI + DK + EL + FM is called the departure; the arc QV of the equator is the difference of longitude ; and AF, the curve described by the vessel in passing from A to F, is called the distance. In navigation, each of the triangles ABH, BCI, &c., is considered as a plane triangle; and as each of them is right-angled, and contains, besides, one constant angle, viz., the course, the other angle in each must also be constant; and all the triangles will be equiangular and similar. Hence we have Or in logarithms, log. true diff. lat. = log. dist. + L cos course — 10, where L means tabular logarithm, i.e., logarithm increased by 10 ; and log. dep. = log. dist. + L sin course — 10. Prelimin. ary Prin¬ ciples. 2. Given course (BAC) and true difference of latitude (AB), to find distance and departure. AC = AB x sec BAC BC = AB x tan BAC; or dist. = true diff. lat. x sec course .... (in.) dep. = true diff. lat. x tan course .... (iv.). 3. Given course and departure, to find distance and true difference of latitude. AC = BC x cosec BAC AB = BC x cot BAC ; or dist. = dep. x cosec course . . . (v.) and true diff. lat. = dep. x cot course . . . . (vi.) 4. Given distance and true difference of latitude, to find course and departure. Cos BAC=^; or cosine course = true diff. lat.dist. (vn.) And the course having been found, we get dep. = dist. x sin course by (n.) 5. Given the distance and departure, to find the course and true difference of latitude. SinBAC=—; AO or sin course = dep.-f-distance . (vm.) And then we have AH:BH:AB::AH:BH:AB BI : Cl : BC : : AH : BH : AB CK : DK : CD : : AH : BH : AB &c. &c. &c. EM : FM : EF : : AH : BLI : AB. And since, when any number of quantities are in con¬ tinued proportion, as the first consequent is to its antece¬ dent, so are all the consequents to all the antecedents; we have AH + BI + CK+ &c.: BH + CI + DK+ &c. : AB + BC + CD+ &c. :: AH : BH : AB. But AH + BI +CK + &c. = AG the true diff. lat. BH q- Cl + DK + &c. = the departure. AB + BC + CD-i-&c. = AF or the distance. Hence the true difference of latitude, departure, and dis¬ tance, may be considered as the sides of a right-angled triangle, similar to each of the small triangles; the angle of which, therefore, between the true B c difference of latitude and distance, is / the course. / Take AB (fig. 2) = the true diff. lat. / Draw BC at right angles to it = de- / parture. Join AC. Then AC is the / distance, and BAC is the course. / From this it appears, that when any / two of the four quantities, true difference / of latitude, departure, distance, and / course are given, the remaining two / can be found by solving the right- a angled triangle ABC. 1. Given course (BAC) and distance (AC), to find true difference of latitude (AB), and departure (BC). AB = AC cos BAC BC = AC sin BAC, i.e., true diff. lat. (in miles) = dist. x cos course . (i.) and departure = dist. x sin course . (h.) true diff. lat. = dist. x cos course. 6. Given the true difference of latitude and departure, to find the course and distance. rp T} A n B ^ lan BAC = -£g ; or tan course = departure -f- true diff. lat. . . (ix.) And having found the course, we have dist. = true diff. lat. x sec course by (m.) ; or dist. = dep. x cosec course by (v.) Length of Arc of 1° of Parallels of Latitude. We have already stated that the lengths of the parallels of latitude diminish as the lati¬ tude increases. In fact, it de¬ creases in the ratio of cosine la¬ titude to unity. Let EQ be the equator, PCP' the polar diameter of the earth ^ | passing through C,and LML'any parallel of latitude. Let the angle ECL, or the latitude, be l, and let LM and EF be the arcs of the parallel and of the equator in¬ tercepted between the meridians PEP' and PFP'. Then angle ECF = angle LOM, because they both measure the angle between the planes of the tw’u meridians. Hence arc LM : arc EF :: OL : CE or arc LM = arc EF x :: OL: CL, because CE —CL; = arc EF x sin OCL = arc EF x cos LCE=arc EF x cos /. Hence if FE be the length of an arc 1° of longitude at the equator, or 60 miles, LM the length of an arc 1° of longitude in latitude /=60 x cos /. Prelimin¬ ary prin¬ ciples. NAVIGATION. 9 -* Middle Latitude. The departure is less than VQ (fig. 1), the intercepted arc of the equator, or than the intercepted arc of the parallel through A ; but it is greater than FG. But since the arc of the parallel gradually decreases from A to F, there is some point intermediate in position between A and F (//), the in¬ tercepted arc of the parallel of which will be exactly equal to the departure. The exact determination of this point is not very easy. Various methods have been proposed to deter¬ mine this latitude nearly, with as little trouble as possible: first, by taking the arithmetical mean of the two latitudes for that of the mean latitude ; secondly, by using the arith¬ metical mean of the cosines of the latitudes; thirdly, by using the geometrical mean of these cosines; and, lastly, by employing the latitude deduced from the mean of the meridional parts of the two latitudes. The first of these methods is the one usually employed. It has the merit of great simplicity; and as all the rules in navigation are ap¬ proximate only, it may perhaps be depended on as much as any of these. Hence y may be considered as the middle point between A and F ; and dep. = xyz. But xyz=\Ql cos lat. of y; or dep. = ditf. long, x cos y, where y is the arithmetical mean of the latitudes of A and F= (/+/ ), if l = latitude of A, /' = latitude of F. This is commonly called the middle latitude. Hence we have dep. = diff. long, x cos middle latitude. By equation (i.) we have true diff. lat. = dist. x cos course. Whence it appears that if the middle latitude be consid¬ ered as a course, and the departure as a true difference of latitude, the corresponding distance will be the difference of longitude. And conversely, treating the middle latitude as a course, and the difference of longitude as a distance, the cor¬ responding true difference of latitude will be the departure. Mercator's Chart—Meridional Parts. The chart used at sea for tracing the ship’s track exhibits the surface of the earth on a plane, in which the meridians are parallel, and consequently the distance between them throughout their length equal to the equatorial distance, instead of gradually decreasing as the latitude increases. In other words, FG is increased so as to become equal to VQ. Now, in order that on this chart all points may oc¬ cupy the same relative position with respect to each other that the points corresponding to them do on the surface of the globe, the distance AF and the distance AG must be increased in the same proportion that BH + CI + DK + &c., i.e., the departure has been increased. The distance AG so increased is called the meridional difference of latitude, or mer. diff. lat.; and the chart con¬ structed on this principle is called Mercator’s Chart. If for any latitude the meridional difference of latitude between this point and the equator be expressed in miles or minutes, the number of miles so expressed is called the meridional parts for that latitude. A table of meridional parts for every minute of latitude from 0° up to 90°, is given in every collection of nautical tables. Construction of Table of Meridional Parts. This table may be constructed approximately, by divid¬ ing the whole meridian from 0° to 90° into intervals of 1', and supposing the increase of the arc of the parallel of lati¬ tude, and consequently that of the arc of latitude, to take place at the end of the successive minutes. Now we have seen that an arc of any parallel = correspond¬ ing arc of equator x cos lat.; and since the arcs of the suc¬ cessive parallels have all become equal to the correspond- VOL. XVI. ing arc of the equator, they have all been increased in the ratio of sec lat. to 1. Hence, if the length of 1'of the meridian be 1, and a, b, c, d, the corresponding increased lengths between 0 and 1', between 1' and 2', 2' and 3', &c., a = 1 x sec 1' J = 1 x sec 2' c = 1 x sec 3 d— 1 x sec 3 &c. &c. And a + b + c, &c. = sec I' + sec 2'+ sec 3'+ &c.; or the meridional parts in any arc of the meridian is equal to the sum of the secants of all the successive angles, differing by 1', from 1' up to the given latitude. The true investigation is as follows:—Let m = the cir¬ cular measure of the angle subtended at the centre by the meridional parts in the arc between the latitudes 0 and l; and let l become /+<$/, and let 3m be the corresponding in¬ crease of m. Then 8m is proportional to the secant of /+S/; 8m .. ' or -^= sec (i + o/). And ultimately taking the limit dm , = sec l; Prelimin¬ ary prin¬ ciples. Let 45 - ^ ^, or 90 - /= /j; « + i=90-§; h cos 2 and m=log „ _ log e sin cot f 2 Now m- = 2'3025851 log10 cot arc (in minutes)’ radius (in miles) radius meridional parts for lat. I = 57*29577 x 60 .*. meridional parts for lat. I = 57-29577 x 60 x 2-3025881 x log10 cot In logarithms— log for lat. 7= 3-8984895 +log10(Lcot^colat. — 10). Whence we deduce the following Rule for Finding the Meridional Parts. Diminish the tabular logarithm of the cotangent of one- half the colatitude by 10. Find the logarithm of the re¬ mainder, and add to it the constant logarithm 3-898489o. The result is the logarithm of the meridional parts for the given latitude. 10 NAVIGATION. Prelimin¬ ary prin- 65 cipies. Ex.—Required the meridional parts for latitude 65 0 20'. (1.) L cot 12° 30' - 10 = 0-6542448 O and Log. 0-6542448 Constant log. Meridional parts, (2.) L cot 12° 20' - 10 Log. 0-6602609 Constant log. Meridional parts, = 1-8157403 = 3-8984895 3-7142298 = 5178-80 = 0-6602609 = 1-8197155 = 3-8984895 3-7182050 = 5226-43 Relations between Meridional Difference of Latitude and Difference of Longitude, Course, &c. It appears that on Mercator’s chart the difference of longitude, meridional difference of latitude, and increased distance, form the sides of a right-angled triangle, and are proportional to the departure, true difference of latitude, and distance, in the triangle ABC. The two triangles are there¬ fore similar. If, then, in AB produced (fig. 4) AB' be taken equal to mer. difference of latitude, and B'C' , be drawn parallel to BC, meeting ~7° AC produced in C'; the sides of the :b yc triangle AB'C' will be the meridional / difference of latitude, difference of / longitude, and increased distance. / Hence, in equations (i.), (il.), / (m.), (iv.), (v.), (vi.), (vix.), and / (vm.), we may substitute meridional / difference of latitude for true differ- / ence of latitude, difference of longi- / tude for departure, and increased dis- j£ tance for distance; and the equations Fig.4. will still hold. The relation principally required is that which connects the meridional difference of latitude, difference of longi¬ tude, and course ; or, diff. long. = mer. diff. lat. x tan course. Parallel Sailing. When the course is 90°, or the ship sails in a parallel of latitude, the equations (i.), &c., give no result when ap¬ plied to find the distance. In this case we must apply the formula, arc of parallel = corresponding arc of equator x cos lat. Here the arc of the parallel corresponds to the distance, and the arc of equator is difference of longitude, and we have for parallel sailing dist. = diff. long, x cosine lat., from which, any two of the quantities being given, the third may be found. Also, if d and d! be distances corresponding to the same difference of longitude in parallels l and /', we have d — diff. long, cos l cT=diff. long, cos J J, cos l or d =d . T, cos whicn enables ug to find the distance on one parallel corre¬ sponding to a given distance on another, the difference of longitude being the same. Middle-Latitude Sailing. Since departure == diff. of longitude x cos. mid. latitude, if in equations (ii.)., (iv.), (vi.), (vm.), we substitute this value for departure, we. shall obtain the following equations:— diff. long, x cos mid. lat.=dist. X sin course . . • (xi.) prelimin- diff. long, x cos mid. lat.=true diff. lat. x tan course. (xil.) ary prjn_ true diff. lat.=diff. long, x cos mid. lat. x cot course . (xm.) cipies. sin course =diff. long, x cos mid. lat.-j-dist. . . . (xiv.) _ji ^ from which all the rules for middle-latitude sailing may be derived. Traverse Tables. A table in which the true difference of latitude and departure, corresponding to certain distances for every course, expressed in points and degrees, are laid down, is called a traverse table. It is very useful to enable the seaman to solve the several problems which occur in navi¬ gation by simple inspection. It must of course be cal¬ culated on some of the principles laid down in this chapter. It is evident that as this table contains the relations of the sides and angles of a right-angled triangle, the solution of any right-angled triangle, whose sides represent any other quan¬ tities, will be given by it, by making the requisite changes. Thus, the course remaining the same, if, for difference of latitude we look out in the table the meridional difference of latitude, the corresponding departure will be the differ¬ ence of longitude; also, the difference of longitude can be found from the departure by these tables, by looking out the middle latitude as a course, and the departure as a true difference of latitude; then the corresponding distance is the difference of longitude. SECT. II.—LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE. Prob. I.—Given latitude from, and latitude in; to find the true difference of latitude. Rule.—Under latitude in, with its proper name, i.e., N. or S., place latitude from. Subtract the greater from the less, if of the same name, and reduce to minutes. The result is the true difference of latitude required, and is of the same or different name with latitude in, according as latitude in is greater or less than latitude from. If they are of dif¬ ferent names, add and affect with the name of latitude in. Ex. 1.—A vessel sails from the Lizard, Lat. 49° 58' N., to Cape St Vincent, Lat. 37° 3' N.; what is the true diff. of latitude ? Latitude in 37° 3' N. Latitude from 49 58 N. True diff. latitude 12 55 S.=775 miles S. Ex. 2.—A vessel sails from New York, Lat. 40° 42' N., to Liver¬ pool, Lat. 53° 25' N.; find the true diff. of latitude. Latitude in 53° 25' N. Latitude from 40 42 N. True diff. latitude 12 43 N.=763milesN. fix. 3.—A ship sailed from Funchal, Lat. 32° 38' N., to the Cape of Good Hope, Lat. 34° 29' S.; Avhat is the true diff. of latitude ? Latitude in 34° 29' S. Latitude from . 32 38 N. True diff. latitude.., 67 7 S.=4027 miles S. Prob. 2.—Given the latitude from, and true difference of latitude ; to find latitude in. Rule.—If the latitude from and true difference be of the same name, add them (the true difference of latitude being turned, if necessary, into degrees and minutes) ; the sum is the latitude in of the same name. If of unlike names, under latitude from place the true difference of latitude, subtract the less from the greater ; the result, with the name of the greater, is the latitude in. Ex. 1.—A ship sailed from the Lizard, 49° 58' N., and made good, in a northerly direction, 207 miles; what is the latitude in ? Latitude from 49° 58' N. True diff. latitude 3 27 N. Latitude in 53 25 N. Ex. 2.—A ship in Lat. 57° 18' N. sailed due S. 3789 miles; what is the latitude in ? Latitude from 57° 18' N. True diff. latitude 63 9 S. t. Latitude in .... 5 51 S. NAVIGATION. 11 Prelimin- Prob. 3.—To find the meridional difference of latitude; ary prin- having given latitude from, and latitude in. lake the me- cipics. ridional parts for the two latitudes from the table for me- ^ ridional parts ; subtract if the names be alike, and add if the names be unlike. The result is the meridional difference of latitude, and is N. or S. according as the latitude in is N. or S. of latitude from. Ex. 1.—Required the meridional diff. of latitude in sailing from Cape Finisterre, Lat. 42° 52' N., to Port Praya, in the island of Santiago, Lat. 14° 54/ N. Latitude in 14° 54' F. Mer. parts 904 K. Latitude from 42 52 IT. Mer. parts 2852 IT. Mer. diff. lat.... 1948 S. Ex. 2.—To find the meridional diff. of latitude in sailing from Lat. 5° 35' IT. to 8° 17' S. Latitude in 8° 17' S. Mer. parts 499 S. Latitude from 5 35 IT. Mer. parts 335 IT. 1 ^ Mer. diff. lat.... 834 S. Prob. 4.—To find the difference of longitude; having given longitude in, and longitude from. Rule.—Under longitude in place longitude from; sub¬ tract, if of like name ; reduce the result to minutes, and call it E. or W., according as longitude in is E. or W. of longi¬ tude from. Add, if of unlike names, and attach the name E. or W., according as the longitude in is E. or W. of longitude from. If the longitude found by this rule exceed 180° it must be subtracted from 360°, and affected with the contrary name. Ex. 1.—A ship sails from Liverpool, Long. 2° 59' W., to New York, Long. 73° 59' W.; required the diff. of longitude. Longitude in 73° 59'W. Longitude from 2 59 W. Diff. Longitude 71 0 W.=4260 miles W. Ex. 2.—A ship sails from Maskelyne’s Isles, in Long. 167° 59' E., to Olinda, in Long. 35° 54' W.; find the diff. of longitude. Longitude in 35° 54' W. Longitude from 167 59 E. 203 53 W. 360 0 Diff. longitude 156 7 E. = 9367 miles E. Prob. 5.—To find the longitude in; having given lon¬ gitude from, and difference of longitude. Rule.—Under longitude from place difference of lon¬ gitude. If of like names, add, and the result is the longitude in of the same name as the longitude from; if of unlike names, subtract the less from the greater. The result, with the name of the greater, is the longitude in. Ex. 1.—A ship from Long. 9° 54' E. sailed westerly till the dif¬ ference of longitude was 1398 miles; what is the longitude in ? Longitude from 9° 54' E. Diff. longitude 23 18 W. Longitude in 13 24 W. Ex. 2.—The longitude sailed from is 25° 9' W., and diff. of lon¬ gitude 112° 6' W.; find longitude in. Longitude from 25° 9' W. Diff. longitude 18 46 W. Longitude in 43 55 W. SECT. Ill,—OF MEASURING A SHIP’S RUN IN A GIVEN TIME. The method commonly used at sea to find the distance sailed in a given time is by means of a log-line and half¬ minute glass. (A description of these is given under the articles Log, and Log-Line, which see.) 1 he interval between two consecutive knots on the line —also technically called a /mot—is supposed to be the same fraction of a nautical mile (6080 feet) that half a minute is of an hour. Hence the proper length of a knot is ^q” = 51 feet nearly. But although the line and glass be at any time perfectly adjusted to each other, yet as the line shrinks after being wet, and as the weather has a consider¬ able effect on the glass, it will be necessary to examine them from time to time; and the distance given by them must be corrected accordingly. The distance sailed, therefore, may be affected by an error in the glass or in the line, or in both. The true distance may, however, be found as follows:— Prob. 1.—The distance sailed by the log, and the seconds run by the glass, being given ; to find the true distance run, the line being supposed right. Let the number of seconds in which the glass runs out be n, and let d and d' be the true distance and distance by log respectively. Then evidently the longer the time the glass is running, the less is the distance by log compared with the true distance, and conversely. Hence we have the proportion— d : d' :: 30” : n ; or true dist.: dist. by log :: 30”: number of seconds the glass is running 6080 Prelimin- or d= o > d’ x 30 ary prin¬ ciples. Rule.—Multiply the distance given by log by 30, and divide by the number of seconds the glass is running; the result is the true distance run. Ex. 1.—The hourly rate of sailing by the log is 9 knots, and the glass is found to run out in 35"; required the true rate of sailing. 9 30 35)270(7,7=true rate of sailing. Ex. 2.—The distance sailed by the log is 73 miles, and the glass runs out in 26"; required the true distance. 73 30 26)2190(84,2=the true distance. Prob. 2.—Given the distance sailed by the log, and the measured interval between two adjacent knots on the line; to find the true distance, the glass running exactly 30". Here evidently the true distance is greater or less than the distance by log, as the measured interval is greater or less than 51 feet. Let a be the measured interval between the knots in feet, and d and d! the true, and measure distances as before. Then 5\ : a d!: d, or 51 feet : measured distance in feet :: distance by log : true distance m .. , , measured distance. .\ True distance = distance by log.-i — o I Rule.—Multiply the distance given by log by the mea¬ sured length of a knot, and divide by 51; the quotient is the true distance. Ex. 1.—The hourly rate of sailing by the log is 5 knots, and the interval between knot and knot measures 53 feet; reauired the true rate of sailing. 53 _5 51)265(5’19=true rate of sailing. Ex. 2.—The distance sailed is 85 miles, by a log line which measures 42 feet to a knot; required the true distance run. 85 42 iTO 340 51)3570(70=true distance run. 3570 Prob. 3.—Given the length of a knot, the number ot seconds run by the glass in half a minute, and the distance 12 N AVIG Prelimin- sailed by the log. To find the true distance we must evi- arypnn- Gently compound the ratios given in problems 1 and 2 v ^ ant^ We llaVe ^ w x 51 : 30 x a : : d! : d'. or d~d' x 30a 5hi d'. 10a \ln ' Rule.—Multiply the distance given by the log by 10 times the measured distance between the knots, and divide by 17 times the number of seconds the glass is running. distance sailed by the log is 159 miles, the measured length of a knot is 42 feet, and the glass runs out in 33"; re¬ quired the true distance. Distance hy the log 159 10 times length of a knot 420 3180 17 times number of seconds run by the glass ....561)66780(H9-037=true distance- SECT. IV—-ON COURSES AND CORRECTIONS OF COURSES. Mariner's Compass. A ship is enabled to keep her course at sea by means of an instrument called the mariner’s compass. It consists of a magnetic steel bar attached to the under side of a card, divided into points and quarter points, and supported by a fine pin, on which it turns freely within a box covered with glass. By reason of the directive property of the magnet, the north point, which is commonly denoted by a. Jieur de Us, is readily known. The circumference of the card is generally divided into thirty-two points, which, in the best compasses, are again subdivided into half points and quarters. These are reckoned sufficient for nautical purposes. On the inside of the box is drawn a dark ver¬ tical line called lubber’s point. This point, or rather line, and the pin on which the card turns, are in the same line or plane with the keel of the ship; and hence the point on the circumference of the card opposite to lubber’s point shows the angle which the ship’s course makes with the magnetic meridian, called the course of the ship. The annexed diagram (fig. 5) gives a general view of the compass. (For a full explanation of its magnetic pro¬ perties, see Magnetism.) The names of the points, and the angles which they form with the meridian, are given in fig. 6, and as thus represented the instrument is called the steering compass. The azimuth compass is the same instrument more nicely made. The circumference of the card is divided into de¬ grees and parts by a vernier, and is fitted up with sight- vanes to take amplitudes and azimuths, for the purpose of determining the variation of the compass by observation. The variation is then applied to the magnetic course shown by the steering compass, whence the true course, with re¬ spect to the meridian, becomes known, A t i o N. Besides the variation, the needle is also affected by the Prelimi^- dip, which is likewise fully explained in the article Mag- aryprin- Fig. 6. effects of local attraction, arising from the effects of the iron, guns, &c., in the vessel itself. The compass course generally differs from the true course on account of three causes:—1. The variation of the compass; 2. The deviation of the compass; 3. The leeway. We shall now explain how these errors are to be applied. 1. The Variation of the Compass.—This is fully ex¬ plained under the article Magnetism, which see. The mode of ascertaining its amount will be given hereafter. Prob. I.—To find the true course, having given com¬ pass course. Rule 1.—Allow easterly variation to the right, and allow westerly variation to the left. Ex. 1.—The compass course is W.N.W., and variation 3J pts. W.; find the true course. Pts. qrs. Compass course 6 0 left of N. Variation 3 1 left of N. True course 9 1 left of N., or W. by S.|8. Ex. 2.—The compass course is S.W.f W-, and variation 2J E.; find the course. Pts. qrs. Compass course 4 3 right of S. Variation 2 2 right of S. True course 7 1 right of S., or W. by S.}W. Ex. 3.—The compass course is N.W., the variation is 3| E.; re¬ quired the true course. Pts. qrs. Compass course 4 0 left of N. Variation 3 1 right of N. True course 0 3 left of N., or NfW. Prob. II.—Given the true course, to find the compass course. Rule 2.—Allow easterly variation to the left, and westerly to the right. Ex. 1.—The true course is N.N.E.JE., and variation "W.; find the compass course. Pts. qrs. True course 2 2 right of N. Variation 1 2 right of N. Compass course ... 4 0 right of If., or N.E. Ex. 2.—The true course is N.fE., the variation 3J E.; required the compass course. NAVIGATION. 13 Pts. qrs. True course 0 3 right of N. Variation ’3 1 left of N. Compass course .... 2 2 left of N., or N.N.W.JW. 2. The Deviation of the Compass.—This error arises from the effects of local attraction,, and varies with every different position of the ship’s head. Several methods are employed in order to ascertain its amount. That most commonly adopted is to place a compass on shore, out of reach of the ship’s attraction, and to take the bearing of the ship’s compass, or some other object in the same direction with it; while at the same time the bearing of the compass on shore is taken on board. If now 180° be added to the bearing of the shore compass, so as to bring it round to the opposite point, the difference be¬ tween this augmented bearing and the bearing at the ship’s compass will be the amount of deviation for that position of the ship’s head. Suppose the ship’s head is N., and that the reading off at the shore compass is S. 17° 15' W., and that the reading off at the ship’s compass is N. 20° E. Adding 180' to the bearing of the shore compass, we get S. 197° 15' W., or N. 17° 15' E.; and subtracting this from the bearing of the ship’s compass, N. 20° E., we get the devia¬ tion equal to 2° 45' E., when the ship’s head is N. The ship is now turned round, so that the head points succes¬ sively to every point of the compass, and the deviation for each position found as before. A table is then made, showing the deviation for every point of the compass. The deviation so found is treated exactly as the variation,—i.e., in correcting the compass course to find the true course, easterly deviation is al¬ lowed to the right, and westerly deviation to the left; and conversely, to find the compass course from the true course, easterly deviation is allowed to the left, and westerly deviation to the right. Hence it appears, that when both variation and deviation are given, we may consider the latter as a correction of the former—to be added to it if of the same name, and to be subtracted from it if of the opposite name. Prelimin¬ ary Prin¬ ciples. Em. 1.—The compass course is S.W.fW., variation If K., and deviation ^W.; what is the true course ? Compass course Pt. qrs. Variation 1 3 right Deviation 2 left True course Pts. qrs. . 4 3 right of S. 1 1 right. ..6 0 right of S., or W.S.W. Ex. 2.—The compass course is W.^N., the variation W., and deviation f W.; what is the true course ? Pts. qrs. Compass course 7 2 left of N. Pts. qrs. Variation 2 2 left Deviation 0 3 left ^ l l ft True course 10 3 leftof N.,or W.fW. Ex. 3.—The true course is N.N.W.fW., variation If E., and deviation f W.; required the compass course. Pts. qrs. True course 2 3 left of N. Pt. qrs. Variation 1 3 left. Deviation 0 1 right. 1 2 ^ Compass course 4 1 left of N., or N.W.fW. The following table is taken from the monthly ex¬ amination-papers at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, and will serve as a specimen of the tables which ought to be made for all ships :— Deviation of the Compass of H.M.S. Vesuvius for different Prelimin- positions of the Ship’s Head. ary Prin¬ ciples. Direction of Ship’s Head. N. N. by E. N.N.E. N.E. by N. N.E. N.E. by E. E.N.E. E. by N. E. E. by S. E.S.E, S.E. by E. S.E. S.E. by S. S. S.E. S. by E. Deviation of Compass. 2° 45/ E. 4 57 7 30 9 0 10 0 10 55 10 40 9 55 8 50 7 15 5 35 3 40 1 50 0 20 E. 0 56 W. 2 20 Direction of Ship’s Head. s. S. by W. S.S.W. S.W. by S. S.W. S.W. by W. W.S.W W. by S. W. W. by N. W.N.W. N.W. by W. N.W. N.W. by N. •N.N.W. N. by W. Deviation of Compass. O' w. 20 0 7 0 27 50 8 20 8 50 8 10 6 50 40 50 20 40 W. 10 E. ¥ 3. Leeway. —The effect of the action of the wind upon the sails and hull of a ship is sometimes to produce a motion of the ship in a direction at right angles to that of the head or apparent course, as well as in this latter direction. I he true course, therefore, is not that given by the compass, but that which is due to the composition of the two velocities of the ship,—viz., that in the direction of its head, and that at right angles to this direction. To obtain the true course from the compass course, therefore, we must add or subtract the angle of leeway, which is the angle between the compass course and the true course. If the wind be on the right of a person on board ship who is looking towards the head, the real course is then evi¬ dently to the left of the direction of the ship’s head,—i.e., of the apparent course. If the wind be on his left hand, the true course is to the right. In the former case the ship is said to be on the starboard tack, and in the latter on the port tack. Whence is derived the rule for obtaining the true course from the compass course. Rule.—If the ship is on the starboard tack, allow lee¬ way to the left; if on the port tack, allow leeway to the right. Conversely, to obtain the compass course from the true course on the starboard tack, allow leeway to the right; if on the port tack, allow it to the left. There are many circumstances which prevent laying down accurate rules for the allowance of leeway. 1 he construction of different vessels, their trim with regard to the nature and quantity of cargo, the position and area of sail set, the velocity of the ship and the swell of the sea, are all susceptible of great variation, and very much affect the leeway. The following rules are usually given for the purpose:— 1. When a ship is close-hauled under all sail, the water smooth, and with a light breeze, allow no leeway. 2. When the top-gallant sails are handed, allow one point. 3. Under close-reefed topsails allow two points. 4. When one topsail is handed, allow two points and a half. 5. When both topsails are handed, allow three points. 6. When the fore-course is handed, allow four points. 7. When under mainsail only, allow five points. 8. Under balanced mizen, allow six points. 9. Under bare poles, alloio seven points. These rules, however, are not much to be depended up¬ on. A very good method of estimating the leeway is to observe the bearing of the ship’s wake as frequently as may be judged necessary, which may be conveniently enough done by drawing a small semicircle on the tafferel, with its diameter at right angles to the ship’s length, and dividing its circumference into points and quarters. I he angle con¬ tained between the semi-diameter which points right aft, 14 Plane Sailing. NAVIGATION. and that which points in the direction of the wake, is the lee¬ way. But the best and most rational way of finding the leeway is to have a compass or semicircle on the tafferel, as before described, with a low crutch or swivel in its centre; after heaving the log, the line may be slipped into the crutch just before it is drawn in, and the angle it makes on the limb with the line drawn right aft, will show the leeway very accurately. Ex. 1.—A ship’s apparent course is S.S.W.fW., leeway points, the wind being S.E.^E.; required the true course. In this case the wind is on the left of the vessel, or it is on the port tack, and leeway must he allowed to the right. Pts. qrs. Apparent course 2 3 right of S. Leeway 2 2 right of S. True course 5 1 right of S., or S.W. by W.^W. Ex. 2.—The apparent course is N.N.W., leeway points, and wind E.N.E. Here the vessel is on the starboard tack. Pts. qrs. Apparent course 2 0 left of N. Leeway 1 2 left of N. True course 3 2 left of N., or N.W. by N. JW. Ex. 3-—The true course of a ship is S.E.JS., leeway 2£ points, and wind N.N.E.; required the compass course. Here the ship is on the port tack. Pts. qrs. True course 3 2 left of S. Leeway 2 2 right of S. Compass course 1 0 left of S., or S. by E. Chap. II.—ON PLANE SAILING. Plane sailing is the art of navigating a ship upon prin¬ ciples deduced from the notion of the earth’s being an ex¬ tended plane. On this supposition, the meridians are con¬ sidered parallel lines. The parallels of latitude are at right angles to the meridians; the lengths of the degrees on the meridians, equator, and parallels of latitude are everywhere equal; and the degrees of longitude are reckoned on the parallels of latitude as well as on the equator; and conse¬ quently the departure and difference of longitude are equal. In fact, in the right-angled triangle ABC (fig. 7), where AB is the true difference of latitude, BAG the course, AC the distance, and BC the departure, which is assumed equal to the difference of longitude; all the problems in sailing are solved by the relations of the sides and angles of the single right-angled tri¬ angle ABC. Except, however, for a small portion of the earth’s surface near the equator, the departure can¬ not be assumed equal to the difference of longitude without very considerable error; and the longitude in cannot be at all depended on when found by this method. If, however, the departure be an element, this method is correct. In fig. 7, A is the place from which the ship sails; AB the meridian, and equal to the true difference of latitude- BC perpendicular to the meridian, and equal to the departure. It is always possible and easy to construct a right-ano-led triangle when two parts, of which one is a side, beside°the right angle, are given. Consequently problems in naviga¬ tion may always be solved by construction, with the aid of the rule and compasses. In making constructions for this purpose, it is only necessary to attend to the following con¬ vention Let the upper part of the paper or plan on which the drawing is to be made represent the north ; then the lower part will be south, the right-hand side east, and the Pig. 7. left-hand side west. This convention we have already plane tacitly assumed in treating of the corrections of the courses. Sailing. To mahe a Construction. A north and south line is to be drawn, to represent the meridian of the place from which the ship sailed ; and the upper or lower end of this line is to be marked as the posi¬ tion of the place, according as the course is southerly or northerly. From this point as centre, with the chord of 60° (on the rule), an arc of a circle is to be described from the meridian, towards the right or left, according as the course is easterly or westerly ; and the course, taken from the line of chords if given in degrees, but from the line of rhumbs if expressed in points of the compass, is to be laid on this arc, beginning from the meridian. A straight line drawn through this point and the point sailed from is the direc¬ tion of the distance, which, if given, must be laid down on this line, beginning at the point sailed from. A straight line is to be drawn from the extremity of the distance perpen¬ dicular to the meridian; and hence the true difference of latitude and the departure will be found. If the true difference of latitude be given, it is to be laid down on the meridian, beginning at the point from which the ship sailed; and a straight line drawn through the ex¬ tremity of the difference of latitude, perpendicular to the meridian, to meet the distance produced, will limit the figure, and enable us to find the parts required. If the departure be given, it is to be laid off on a parallel, and the line drawn through its extremity will limitthe distance. If the distance and true difference of latitude be given, through the extremity of the true difference of latitude draw a straight line perpendicular to the meridian; extend a pair of compasses to the given distance, place one of its points at the place from which the ship sailed, and let the other point be in the perpendicular line first drawn; join this point with the point from, and the triangle is deter¬ mined, and the course and departure found. If the departure and distance are given, with the point from as centre and‘the distance as radius, describe an arc of a circle. Let the departure be laid off on a parallel, so that one point is in the meridian and the other in the circle just described. Join this latter point with the point from, and the triangle is formed. The general mode of solving problems in plane sailing has already been given in chap, i., sect. 2. The following examples will show how the formulae are to be applied:— Obs. It is to be distinctly understood that the above method cannot be applied to obtain the difference of longi¬ tude without very sensible error. Ex. 1.—A ship from St Helena, in Lat. 15° 55' S. sailed S.W. by S. 158 miles; required the latitude in, and departure. By Construction.—Draw the meridian AB (fig. 8), and with the chord of 60° de¬ scribe the arc mn, and make it equal to the rhumb of three points, and through n draw AC equal to 158 miles; from C draw CB perpendicular to AB; then AB applied to the scale from which AC was taken will be found to measure 131-4, and BC 87-8. Tig. 8. By Calculation.—To find the true difference of latitude. L cosine of course 3 pts. = 9-91985 Log. distance 158 m. = 2-19866 -10 Log. true diff. lat = 2-11851 Hence, true diff. lat = 131-4 g. To find departure. L sin course 3 pts. — 9-74474 Log. distance 153 m. = 2-19866 -10 Log. departure 87-8 = 1-94340 NAVIGATION. Plane Sailing. By Inspection.—In the traverse table, the difference of latitude answering to the course 3 points, and distance 158 miles, in a dis¬ tance column, is 131'4, and departure 87-8. By Gunter’s Scale.—The extent from 8 points to 5 points, the complement of the course on the line of sine rhumbs (marked S. R.) will reach from the distance 158 to 131-4, the difference of latitude on the line of numbers; and the extent from 8 points to 3 points on sine rhumbs will reach from 158 to 87-8, the departure on numbers.1 Latitude St Helena 15° 55' S. Diff. latitude 2 11 S. Latitude in 18 6 S. Ex. 2.—A ship from St George’s, in Lat. 38° 45' N., sailed S.E.^S., and the latitude by observation was 35° 7' ; required the distance run, and departure. Latitude St George’s 38° 45' N. Latitude in 35 7 N. Diff. latitude 3 38=218 miles S. By Construction.—Draw the portion of the meridian AB (fig.9) equal to 218 miles; from the centre A, with the chord of 60°, describe the arc mn, which make equal to the rhumb of 3J points; through An draw the line AC, and from B draw BC perpendicular to AB, and let it be produced till it meets AC in C. Then the distance AC being applied to the scale will measure 282 miles, and the de¬ parture BC 179 miles. By Calculation.—To find the distance. L sec of the course 3 J pts. Log. true diff. latitude 218 m. Log. distance Or distance = 282 To find departure. L tan of the course 3J pts. Log. true diff. latitude 218 m. Fig. 9. = 1011181 = 233846 -10 = 2-45027 9-91417 2-33846 ■ 10 Log. departure = 2-25263 Or departure = 178-9 By Inspection.—Find the given difference of latitude 218 miles in latitude column, under the course of 3J points ; opposite to which, in distance column, is 282 miles; in departure column 178-9 m.; the distance and departure required. By Gunters Scale.—Extend the compass from 4J points, the complement of the course, to 8 points on sine rhumbs; that extent will reach from the difference of latitude 218 miles to the distance 282 miles on numbers ; and the extent from 4 points to the course 3£ points on the line of tangent rhumbs (marked T. R.) will reach from 218 miles to 178-9, the departure on numbers. Ex. 3.—A ship from Palma, in Lat. 28° 37' N., sailed N.W. by W., and made 192 miles of departure ; required the distance run, and the latitude come to. By Construction.—Make the departure BC (fig. 10) equal to 192 miles, draw BA perpendicular to BC, and from the centre C, with the chord of 60°, describe the arc mn, which make equal to the rhumb of 3 points, the complement of the course; draw a line through Cm, which produce till it meet BA in A. Then the distance AC being measured, will be equal to 231 m., and the difference of latitude AB will be 128-3 miles. Fig. io By Calculation.—To find the distance. L cos of course 5 pts. = 10-08015 Log. departure 192 m. = 2-28330 -10 Log. distance 230-9 = 2-36345 To find the true difference of latitude. L cot of course 5 pts = 9-82489 Log. departure 192 m. = 2-28330 -10 Log. true diff. latitude 128-3 = 2-10819 By Inspection.—Find the departure 192 miles in its proper column above the given course 5 points; and opposite thereto is the dis¬ tance 231 miles, and difference of latitude 128-3, in their respective columns. By Gunter’s Scale.—The extent from 5 points to 8 points on the line of sine rhumbs, being laid from the departure 192 on numbers, will reach to the distance 231 on the same line; and the extent from 5 points to 4 points on the line of tangent rhumbs will reach from the departure 192, to the difference of latitude 128-3 on num¬ bers. Latitude of Palma 28° 37' N. Diff. latitude 2 8 N. Latitude in 30 45 N. Ex. 4.—A ship from a place in Lat. 43° 13' N., sails between the north and east 285 miles, and is then by observation found to be in Lat. 46° 31' N.; required the course and de¬ parture. Latitude sailed from 43° 13/ N. Latitude by observation 46 31 N. Diff. of latitude 3 18=198 miles. By Construction.—Draw the portion of the meridian AB (fig. 11) equal to 198 miles ; from B draw BC perpendicular to AB ; then take the distance 285 miles from the scale, and with one foot of the compass in A de¬ scribe an arc intersecting BC in C, and join AC. With the chord of 60° de¬ scribe the arc mn, the portion of which contained between the distance and difference of latitude, applied to the line of chords, will measure 46°, the course; and the departure BC being measured on the line of equal parts, will be found equal to 205 miles. Fig. II. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. true diff. latitude (128) + 10 = 12-29660 Log. distance 285 — 2-45484 L cos course 46° = 9-84176 Or course is N.46° O' E. To find the departure. L sin course 46° Log. distance 285 = 9-85693 = 2-45484 -10 Log. departure 205 = 2-31177 By Inspection.—Find the given distance in the table in its proper column ; and if the difference of latitude answering thereto is the same as that given, namely, 198, then the departure will be found in its proper column, and the course at the top or bottom of the page, according as the difference of latitude is found in a column marked lat. at top or bottom. If the difference of latitude thus found does not agree with that given, turn over till the nearest thereto is found to answer to the given distance. This is in the page marked 46 degrees at the bottom, which is the course, and the corresponding departure is 205 miles. By Gunter’s Scale.—The extent from the distance 285 to the difference of latitude 198 on numbers, will reach from 90° to 44°, the complement of the course on sines; and the extent from 90° to the course 46° on the line of sines being laid from the distance 285, will reach to the departure 205 on the line of numbers. Ex. 5.—A ship from Fort-Royal, in the island of Grenada, in Lat. 12° 9' N., sailed 260 miles between the south and west, and made 190 miles of departure; required the course and latitude come to. 1 For the method of resolving the various problems in navigation by the Sliding Gunter, the reader is referred to Dr Mackay’s Treatise on the Description and Use of that instrument. 16 Plane Sailing. NAVIGATION. By Construction.—Draw BO perpendicular to AB, and equal to the given departure 190 miles; then from the centre C, with the distance A 260 miles, sweep an arc intersecting AB in A, and join AC. Now describe an arc from the centre A with the chord of 60°, and the portion mn of this arc, contained between the dis¬ tance and difference of latitude, mea¬ sured on the line of chords, will be 47°, the course; and the difference of lati¬ tude AB, applied to the scale of equal parts, measures 177£ miles. F'S- !2. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. departure 190 + 10 = 12-27875 Log. distance 200 =—2-41497 L sin course 46° 57' = 9-86378 Or course is S. 46° 57' W. To find the true difference of latitude. L cos course 46° 57' = 9-83419 Log. distance 260 = 2-41497 -10 Log. true diff. latitude 177-3 = 2-24916 By Inspection.—Seek in the traverse table until the nearest to the given departure is found in the same line with the given dis¬ tance 260. This is found to be in the page marked 47° at the bottom, which is the course; and the corresponding difference of latitude is 177-3. By Gunter's Scale.—The extent of the compass, from the distance 260 to the departure 190 on the line of numbers, will reach from 90° to 47°, the course on the line of sines; and the extent from 90° to 43°, the complement of the course on sines, will reach from the distance 260 to the difference of latitude 177J on the line of numbers. Latitude Fort-Royal 12° 9' N. Difference of latitude 177= 2 57 S. Latitude in 9 12 N. Ex. 6.—A ship from a port in Lat. 7° 56' S. sailed between the south and east till her departure was 132 miles, and was then, by observation, found to be in Lat. 12° 3' S.; required the course and distance. Latitude sailed from 7° 56' S. Latitude in, by observation 12 3 S. Difference of latitude...4 7 = 247 By Construction.—Draw the portion of the meridian AB equal to the difference of latitude 247 miles; from B draw BC perpendicular to AB, and equal to the given departure 132 miles, and join AC; then with the chord of 60° describe an arc from the centre A ; and the portion mn of this arc, being applied to the line of chords, will measure about 28°; and the distance AC, measured on the line of equal parts, will be 280 miles. ’ By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. departure 132 + 10 Log. true diff. latitude 247 L tan course 28° 7' == 9-72787 Or course is g. 28° 7' E To find the distance. L sec course >7' monAei Log. true diff. latitude 247 = 2-39270 -10 Log. distance 280 = 2-44724 By lnspection.-Seek in the table till the given difference of latitude and departure, or the nearest thereto, are found together in their respective columns, which will be under 28°, the required course ; and the distance answering thereto is 280 miles. By Gunter's Neale.—The extent from the given difference of latitude 247 to the departure 132 on the line of numbers, will reach from 45° to 28°, the course on the line of tangents; and the extent from 62 , the complement of the course, to 90° on the sines will reach from the difference of latitude 247 to the distance 280 on numbers. The six problems whose solutions are illustrated above Fig. 13. 12-12057 2-39270 are all that occur in the solution of the right-angled triangle* Mercator’s whose sides represent the true difference of latitude, de- Sailing, parture, and distance, and one of whose angles is the course, Chap. III.—ON MERCATOR’S SAILING. We have already explained the principle of Mercator’s Chart, and have shown that in every problem of navigation there is a second right-angled triangle similar to that whose solutions formed the subject of investigation in chapter ii.; and the sides of which, corresponding to the true difference of latitude and departure, are the meridional difference of latitude and difference oflongitude. We have already given a rule for finding the meridional parts for any given latitude, on the supposition that the earth is a perfect sphere. If the earth’s oblateness be taken into account, and the compression, i.e., the ratio of the difference of the equatorial and polar semi-diameters to the equatorial semi-diameter, be taken as 3^, which it is very nearly, the meridional parts for latitude l will be given by the formula— Mer. parts = 7915,705log. tan. ^45° + ^ — 22‘88sin l — O'OSOS sin 3l — 8cc. Let AD (fig. 14) be the meridian, BAG the course, AB the true differ¬ ence of latitude, AD the meridional difference of latitude ; then DE is the diff. long., and ED = DA x tan BAG; or, diff. long . = mer. diff. lat. x tan course ; or log. diff. long. = log. mer. diff. lat. + L tan course — 10. Also, by similar triangles, ADE and ABC, we have DE : BC : : DA : BA; or, e DE = BC x DA BA .•. diff. long. = dep. x mer. diff. lat. _ ’ true diff. lat. ’ °r’ log.diff. long. = log. dep. + log. mer. diff. lat. — log. true diff. lat. Whence, from the departure and true and meridional differ¬ ences of latitude, the difference of longitude may be found. The following examples will illustrate the mode of using these formulae:— Ex. 1. A ship sails from Cape Finisterre, Lat. 42° 52' N., Long. 9° 17' W., to Port Praya, in the island of Santiago, Lat. 14° 54' N., and Long. 23° 29' W.; required the course and distance. Lat. from 42° 52' N. Mer. parts ... 2852 Lat. in 14 54 N. Mer. parts... 904 Diff. of lat 27 58 S. Mer. diff. lat. 1948 S. 1678 S. Long, from 9° 17' W. Long, in 23 29 W. Fig. 14. Diff. long 14 12 = 852 W. By Construction.—Draw the straight line AD (fig. 15), to represent the meridian of Cape Finisterre, upon which lay off AB, AD, equal to 1678 and 1948, the true and meridional differences of latitude. From D draw DE perpendicular to AD, and equal to the dif¬ ference of longitude 852; join AE, and draw BC parallel to DE; then the distance AC will measure 1831 miles, and the course BAG 23° 37'. ‘ By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. diff. long 852 + 10 = 12-93044 Log. mer. diff. lat 1948 = 3-28959 L tan course 23° 37' = 9-64085 Or course is S. 23° 27' W. NAVIGATION. 17 Mercator’s Sailing. To find the distance. L sec. course 23° 27' — lO'OSTQS Log. true diff. lat 1678 miles = 3’22479 -10 Log. distance 1831 = 3-26277 2.—A ship from Cape Henlopen in Virginia, in Lat. 38° 47' N., Long. 75° 4' W., sailed 267 miles KB. by K; required the ship’s present place. By Construction.—With the course, and distance sailed, construct the triangle ABC (fig. 16), and the difference of lati¬ tude AB being measured, is 222 miles; hence the latitude in is 42° 29' K, and the meridional difference of latitude 293. Make AD equal to 293, and draw DE perpendicular to AD, and meeting AC produced in E; then the difference of longitude DE being applied to the scale of equal parts, will measure 196 ; longi¬ tude in is therefore 71° 48' W. Fig. ie. By Calculation.—find the true difference of latitude. L cos course 3 points = 9-91985 Log. distance 267 miles = 2-42651 -10 Lat. Port Canso 45° 20' K Lat. in, by observation 41 14 K Diff. lat 4 6=246 Mer. parts...3058 Mer. parts...2720 Mer. diff. lat. 338 By Construction.—With the course and departure construct the triangle ABC (fig. 18); now AC and AB being measured, will be found to be equal to 476 and 224 respectively ; hence the latitude in is 37° 42'K, and meridional difference of latitude 276. Make AD equal to 276, and draw DE Mercator’s Sailing. Fig. 18. perpendicular thereto, meeting the distance produced in E.; then DE applied to the scale will be found to measure 516. The longitude in is therefore 14° 56' W. By Calculation.—To find the distance. L cos course 5J points = 10-05457 Log. dep 420 miles = 2-62325 -10 Log. dist 476-2 = 2-67782 To find true difference of latitude. L cot course 5£ points = 9-72796 Log. dep 420 miles = 2-62325 -10 Log. true diff. latitude 222 K = 2-34636 Lat. from = 38° 47' K Mer. parts...2528 True diff. lat = 3 42 K Lat. in = 42 29 K Mer. parts...2821 Mer. diff. lat. 293 To find the difference of longitude. L tan course 3 points = 9-82489 Log. mer. diff. lat 293 miles = 2 46687 -10 Log. diff. long 195-8 E. = 2-29176 Long, from 75° 4' W. Diff. long 3 16 E. Long, in 71 48 W. Ex. 3.—A ship from Port Canso in Nova Scotia, in Lat. 45° 20' K, Long. 60° 55' W., sailed S E.JS., and, by observation, was found to be in Lat. 41° 14' K; required the distance sailed, and longitude come to. By Construction.—Make AB (fig. 17) equal to 246, and AD equal to 338; draw AE, making an angle with AD equal to 3f points, and draw BC, DE perpendicular to AD. Now AC being applied to the scale, will measure 332, and DE, 306. By Calculation.—To find the distance. L sec course 3f points = 10-13021 Log. true diff. lat 246 miles = 2-39093 -10 Log. distance 332 = 2-52114 To find the difference of longitude. L tan course 3f points = 9-95729 Log. mer. diff. lat 338 miles = 2-52892 • ' -10 Log. diff. long 306-3 E. = 2-48621 Long. Port Canso from ... 60° 55' W. Diff. long 5 6 E. i Long, in 55 49 W. 'Ex. 4.—A ship sailed from Sallee, in Lat. 33° 58' N., Long. 6° 20' W., the corrected course was N.W. by W. JW., and departure 420 miles; required the distance run, and the latitude and longitude in. VOL. XVI. Log. diff. latitude 224-5 = 2-35121 Latitude Sallee from.... 33° 58 N. Mer. parts 2169 Diff. latitude 3 44 N. Latitude in 37 42 N. Mer. parts 2445 Mer. diff. lat... 276 To find the difference of longitude. L tan course 5J points = 10-27204 Log. mer. diff. latitude 276 miles = 2-44091 -10 = 2-71295 = 2-62325 = 2-44091 5-06416 = 2-35121 = 2-71295 Log. diff. longitude 516 3 Or— Log. dep 420 Log. mer. diff. latitude 276 Log. true diff. latitude Log. diff. longitude 516-3 Ex. 5.—A ship from St Mary’s, in Lat. 36° 57' N., Long. 25° 9' W., sailed on a direct course between the north and east 1162 miles, and was then, by observation, in Lat. 49° 57' N.; required the course steered, and longitude come to. Latitude of St Mary’s... 36° 57' N. Mer. parts 2389 Latitude in 49 57 N. Mer. parts 3470 Diff. latitude 13 0 N. Mer. diff. lat... 1081 N. 780 N. By Construction.—Make AB equal to 780, and AD equal to 1081; draw BC, DE, perpendicular to AD ; make AC equal to 1162, and through A and C draw ACE. Then the course or angle A being measured, will be found equal 47“ 50', and the difference of longitude DE will be 1194. Fig. 19. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. true diff. latitude 780 + 10 = 12-89209 Log. dist 1162 = 3-06521 L cos course 47° 50' = 9-82688 To find difference of longitude. L tan course 47° 50' = 10 04302 Log mer. diff. latitude 1081 miles = 3-03383 -10 Log. diff. longitude 1194 = 3-07685 Longitude from 25° 9' W. Diff. longitude 19 54 E. Longitude in 5 15 W. Ex. 6.—From Aberdeen, in Lat. 57° 9' N., Long. 2° 8' W., a ship sailed between the south and east till her departure was 146 miles, and Lat. in 53° 32' N.; required the course and distance run, and longitude in. C 18 NAVIGATION. Mercator's Sailing. Latitude Aberdeen 57° 9' 17. Mer. parts 4199 Latitude in 53 32 N. Mer. parts 3817 DifF. latitude 3 37=217 S. Mer. diff. lat... 382 By Construction.—With the difference of latitude 217 miles, and departure 146 miles, construct the triangle ABC; make AD equal to 382, draw DE parallel to BC, and produce AC to E; then the course BAC will measure 33“ 56', the distance AC, 261, and the differ¬ ence of longitude DE, 257. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. dep. 146 + 10= 12-16435 Log. true diff. lat... 217 = 2-33646 L tan course... 33° 56' = 9-82789 A To find the distance. rig. 20. L sec course 33° 56' = 10-08109 Log. true diff. latitude 217 miles = 2-33646 — 10 Log. dist 261-5 = 2-41755 To find the difference of longitude. Log. mer. diff. latitude 382 Log. dep 146 Log. true diff. latitude 217 Log. diff. longitude 257 2-58206 2-16435 4-74641 2-33646 2-40995 Longitude from 2° 8' W. Diff. longitude 4 17 E. Longitude in 2 9 E. and is found, by observation, to be in Long. 18° 24' W.; required the latitude come to, and distance sailed. Longitude of Terceira 27° 6' W. Longitude in 18 24 W. Diff. longitude 8 42 = 522 By Construction.—Make the right-angled triangle ADE, having the angle A equal to the course 32°, and the side DE equal to the difference of longitude 522 ; then AD will measure 835, which, added to the meridional parts of the latitude left, will give those of the latitude come to, 48° 46'; hence the difference of latitude is 601. Make AB equal thereto, to which let BC be drawn perpendicular; then AC applied to the scale will measure 708 miles. D E Fig. 22. Traverse Sailing, or Compound Courses. By Calculation.—To find meridional difference of latitude. L cot course 32° 0' = 10.20421 Log. diff. longitude 522 miles = 2-71767 -10 Log. mer. diff. latitude 835-2 N. = 2-92188 Latitude from Tercera 38° 45' 17. Mer. parts... 2526 Mer. diff. lat. 835 Latitude in 48 46 17. 3361 True diff. latitude .... 10 1 17.=601 miles 17. To find the distance. L sec course 320 0' = 10-07158 Log. true diff. latitude 601 miles = 2-77887 -10 Log. dist 707-1 = 2-85045 Ex. 7.— A ship from Naples, in Lat. 40° 51' N., Long. 14° 14' E., sailed 252 miles on a direct course between the south and west, and made 173 miles of westing; required the course made good, and the latitude and longitude in. By Construction.—With the distance and departure make the triangle ABC as formerly. Now the course BAC being measured by means of a line of chords, will be found equal to 43° 21', and the differ¬ ence of latitude applied to the scale of equal parts will measure 183; hence the latitude in is 37° 48' N., and meridional difference of latitude 237. Make AD equal to 237, and complete the figure, and the difference of longitude DE will mea¬ sure 224; hence the longitude in is 10° 30' E. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. dep 173 + 10= 12-23805 Log. dist 252 = 2-40140 L sin course 43° 21' = 9 83665 To find the true difference of latitude. L cos course 430 21' = 9-86164 Log. dist 252miles = 2-40140 -10 Log. true diff. latitude 183-2 = 2-26304 Latitude from (Naples).... 40° 51' N. Mer. parts... 2690 True diff. latitude 3 3 S. Latitude in 37 48 N. Mer. parts... 2453 Mer. diff. lat. 237 To find the difference of longitude. L tan course 43° 21' = 9-97497 Log. mer. diff. latitude 237miles = 2-37475 — 10 Log. diff. longitude 223-7 = 2 34972 Longitude from 14° 14' E. Diff. longitude 3 44 W. Longitude in 10 30 E. Ex. 8.—A ship from Terceira, in Lat. 38° 45' N., Long. 27° 6' W., sailed on a direct course, which, when corrected, was N. 32° E., Chap. IV.—ON TRAVERSE SAILING, OR COMPOUND COURSES. It is the first business of the navigator, when he is about to conduct a ship from one port to another, to calculate be¬ forehand the course on which the vessel is to be steered, and the distance she must run on that course. If the sea is perfectly free from obstruction between the two ports, one course and one distance will suffice for this purpose. It very seldom happens, however, that the sea is free from obstruction; but rocks or shoals, islands or some part ot a mainland, intervenes, and a change of course is thus ren¬ dered necessary. In this case, the course and distance ot the vessel, supposing the navigation unobstructed, having been taken from the chart, the mariner will determine how many changes of course are necessary, and will proceed to calculate the several courses and distances which shall be equivalent to the one course and distance on which the vessel would sail if unobstructed. This calculation, it must be remarked, is very different from that of the course and distance actually made good on a given day, when, by rea¬ son of variation of winds and other causes, the course re¬ quires to be altered; although naturally the modes of making these calculations are similar. In the former case, however, the distances to be dealt with are very much greater, and the changes of course less frequent, than in the latter. The investigations of this chapter are intended to guide the navigator in making his preliminary calculation; the mode of correcting the course and calculating the distance run in each day will form the subject of a subsequent in¬ vestigation. If a ship sail on two or more courses in a given time, the irregular track she describes is called a traverse ; and to resolve a traverse is the method of reducing these several courses and distances run into a single course and distance. Rule 1.—Make a table sufficiently large to contain the several courses, &c. Divide this table into six columns ; the courses are to be put in the first, and the corresponding distances in the second column ; the third and fourth co¬ lumns are to contain the differences of latitude, and the two last the departures. A Traverse Sailing, or Compound Courses. N A V I G The several courses and their corresponding distances being properly arranged in the table, find the tiue difference of latitude and departure answering to each in the traverse table, remembering that the true difference of latitude is to be put into a N. or S. column according as the course is in a northern or southern direction, and that the departure is to be put in E. or W. column according as the course is easterly or westerly. Add together these several quantities in each of the columns, and set the sum down at the bot¬ tom. The difference between the sums in the N. and S. columns will be the true difference of latitude made good, of the same name with the greater ; and the difference be¬ tween the sums of the E. and W. columns is the departure made good, of the same name with the greater sum. Look in the traverse table for a true difference of latitude and departure agreeing as nearly as possible with those above; then the distance will be found on the same line, and the course at the top or bottom of the page, according as the true difference of latitude is greater or less than the departure, since in the former case the course is less than 45° or 4 points, and in the latter case greater. Having found the latitude, find also the meridional dif¬ ference of latitude ; and to the course and meridional dif¬ ference of latitude in a latitude column, the corresponding departure will be the difference of longitude, which, applied to the longitude from, will give the longitude in. It is also easy to resolve a traverse by construction ; and we now show how this may be done, although it is scarcely ever practised at sea. Describe a circle with the chord of 60° as radius, and in it draw two diameters at right angles to each other, at whose extremities are to be marked the initials of the car¬ dinal points, N. being uppermost. Lay off each course on the circumference, reckoned from its proper meridian ; and from the centre to each point draw lines, which are to be marked with the proper number of the course. On the first radius lay off the first distance from the centre, and through its extremity, and parallel to the second radius, draw the second distance of its proper length ; through the extremity of the second distance, and parallel to the third radius, draw the third distance of the proper length ; and so on until all the distances are drawn. A line drawn from the extremity of the last distance to the centre of the circle will represent the distance made good; and a line drawn from the same point perpendicular to the meridian, produced if necessary, will represent the departure ; and the portion of the meridian intercepted between the centre and departure will be the difference of latitude made good. To construct for the difference of longitude we must find by the table the meridional difference of latitude, and lay it off on the meridian, and then complete the triangle simi¬ lar to that whose sides represent the true difference of lati¬ tude ; distance and departure as usual. A T I 0 N. Latitude from 38° 32' N. True diff. latitude..... 3 30 S. Latitude in 35 2 N. Mer. parts 2509 Mer. parts 2247 Mer. diff. lat...~~262 Now to course 41J°, and opposite 131, half the meridional difference of latitude in latitude column, stands 115 in a departure column, which doubled gives 230 for difference of longitude. Longitude from 28° 36' W. Diff. longitude 3 50 E. Longitude in 24 46 W. By Construction.—With chord of 60° describe the circle NESW (fig. 23), the centre of which represents the place the ship sailed from. Draw two diameters NS, EW, at right angles to each other, the one representing the meri¬ dian, and the other the parallel of latitude of the place sailed , from. Take each course from the j line of rhumbs, lay it off on the W J- circumference from its proper meridian, and number it in order, ' 1, 2, 3, 4. Upon the tirst rhumb Cl, lay off the first distance 163 miles from C to A; through it draw the second distance All parallel to C2, and equal to 110 miles; through B draw BD equal to 180 miles, and parallel to 03 ; 23, and draw DE parallel to C4, and equal to 68 miles. Now CE being joined, will represent the distance made good, which, applied to the scale, will measure 281 miles. The arc Sn, which represents the course, being measured on the line of chords, will be found equal to 41£°. From E draw EF perpendicular to CS produced j then CF will be the difference of latitude, and FE the departure made good, which, applied to the scale, will be found to measure 210 and 186 miles respectively. On CF produced lay off to the scale CGf equal to 262, the meridional difference of latitude; and through G- draw GH parallel to FE, meeting CE produced in H. Then GH is the difference of longitude ; and, when applied to the scale, will be found to measure 230 miles. 19 Traverse Sailing, or Compound Courses. Although the above method is that usually employed at sea to find the difference of longitude, yet, as it has been already observed, it is not to be depended on, especially in high latitudes, long distances, and a considerable varia¬ tion in the courses; in which case the following method be¬ comes necessary :— Rule 2.—Complete the traverse table as before, to which annex five columns. Now, with the latitude from, and the several differences of latitude, find the suc¬ cessive latitudes, which are to be placed in the first of the annexed columns ; in the second, the meridional parts cor¬ responding to each latitude are to be put; and in the third, the meridional differences of latitude. Then to each course, and corresponding meridional dif¬ ference of latitude, find the difference of longitude by Ex. 4, chap, iii., which place in the fourth or fifth columns, ac¬ cording as the course is easterly or westerly; and the dif¬ ference between the sums of these columns will be the dif¬ ference of longitude made good upon the whole, of the same name with the greater. Ex. 1.—A ship from Fayal, in Lat. 38° 32' N., and Long. 28° 36' W\, sailed as follows :—E.S.E., 163 miles ; S.W.^W., 110 miles ; S.E.fS., 180 miles ; and N. by E. 68 miles : required the latitude and longitude in, the course, and distance made good. Remarks. 1. When the course is north or south, there is no differ¬ ence of longitude. 2. When the course is east or west, the difference of longitude cannot be found by Mercator’s Sailing; in this case the following rule is to be used:— To the nearest degree to the given latitude taken as a course, find the distance answering to the departure in a latitude column ; this distance will be the difference of longitude. Ex. 2.—A ship from Lat. 78° 15' N., Long. 28° 14' E., sailed the following courses and distances, viz. :—W.N.W. 154 miles, S.\Yr. 96, N.W4W. 89, N. by E. 110, N.W.fN. 56, S. by E.fE. 78. The latitude in is required, and the longitude, by both methods; the bearing and distance of Hacluit’s headland, in Lat. 79° 55 N., Long. 11° 55' E., is also required. 20 Parallel Sailing. NAVIGATION. Traverse Table. Courses. W.N.W 154 S.W 9 6 H.W4W 89 N. by E 110 N.W.fN 56 S. 6y E.|E 78 biff. of Latitude Dist. 58-9 56-4 107-9 45-0 268-2 141-3 126-9 67-9 73-4 Departure. 21-5 26-3 141-3 | 47-8 142-3 67- 9 68- 8 33-4 312-4 47-8 264-6 By Rule I. Lat. from 78° 15' N. Diff. lat 2 7 N. Lat. in 80 22 H. Mer. parts 7817 Mer. parts 8504 Mer. diff. lat ggy Log. mer. diff. lat 687 = 2-83696 Log. dep 264-6 = 2-42256 5-25952 = 2-10346 Log. true diff. lat. 126-2 Log. diff. long 143-2 = 3-15606 23° 52' W. Long, from 28 14 E. Long, in 4 22 E. The error of this method, in above example, is therefore 1° 23'. Longitude Table. Successive Latitudes. Merid. Parts. 78° 15' 79 14 78 6 79 2 80 50 81 35 80 22 7817 8120 7774 8056 8676 8970 8504 Meridional Diff. of Lat. 303 346 282 620 294 466 Diff. of Longitude. 123 6 166-7 731-7 346-0 343-6 218-0 290-3 1639-3 ! 290-3 | 1349-0 Long, from 28° 14' E. Diff. long 22 29 W. Long, in 5 45 E. To find the hearing and distance of Hacluit’s headland— Lat. H. H. = 79° 55' N\ Lat. ship = 80 22 N. M. P. 8347 M. P. 8504 Long. 11° 55' E. Long. 5 45 E. Diff. lat. = 0 27 S. M. D. L. 157 Diff. long. 6 10 E. 370 Now, opposite to 78-5, half the meridional difference of latitude, and 185-0, half the difference of longitude, stands the course 67° : and opposite to the difference of latitude 27, the distance is 69 miles. Hence Hacluit’s headland bears S. 67° E., distant 69 miles. Parallel Sailing. Chap. V.—OF PARALLEL SAILING. When the course is 8 points or 90° from the meridian, —i.e., due E. or W.,—the true difference of latitude be¬ comes = 0, and the rules we have investigated in chaps, iii. and iv. fail to give any result. In this case the ship sails on a parallel of latitude. We have already proved in chap, i., that, neglecting the earth’s oblateness, the arc of a parallel, in any given latitude, intercepted between two meridians, is equal to the corresponding arc of the equator, in other words, the difference of longitude, multiplied by the cosine of the latitude. Whence we derive these three formulae for parallel sail¬ ing :— Distance =diff. longitude x cos latitude; Cos latitude = distance -7-diff. longitude; Diff. longitude = distance x sec latitude. Problems in parallel sailing may be solved by construc¬ tion ; foi it is evident that we have only to construct a right- angled triangle whose hypothenuse is the difference of lon¬ gitude, one of the sides the distance, and the angle between this side and the hypothenuse the latitude. Also it is evi¬ dent, that in a traverse table, if we consider the latitude a course, and the difference of longitude a distance, the distance will be a true difference of latitude. Ex. 1.—Required the number of miles contained in a degree of longitude in latitude 55° 58'. By Construction.—Draw the in¬ definite right line AB (fig. 24); make the angle BAG equal to the given latitude 55° 58', and AC equal to the number of miles con¬ tained in a degree of longitude at the equator, namely, 60; from C draw CB perpendicular to AB; and AB being measured on the pig. 24. line of equal parts, will be found equal to 33-5, the miles required. By calculation— L cos lat 55° 58' = 9-7479360 Log. miles in a degree 60 r= 1-7781513 -10 Log. miles in a deg. in lat. 55° 58'...33-58 = 1-5260873 By Inspection.—To 56°, the nearest degree to the given latitude, and distance 60 miles, the corresponding difference of latitude is 33-6, which is the miles required. By Gunter's Scale.—The extent from 90° to 34°, the complement of the given latitude on the line of sines, will reach from 60 to 33-6 on the line of numbers. There are two lines on the other side of the scale, with respect to Gunter’s line, adapted to this particular purpose, one of which is entitled chords, and contains the several degrees of latitude ; the other, marked M. L., signifying miles of longitude, is the line of lon¬ gitudes, and shows the number of miles in a degree of longitude in each parallel. The use of these lines is therefore obvious. Ex. 2.—Required the compass course and distance from A to B. Given lat. A=17° 30' S. Long. A= 9° 12' E. lat. B =17 30 S. Long. B=10 42 E. Variation If E., and deviation as in the table on p. 13. The true course is due E. Also, long. A = 19° 12' E. long. B = 10 42 E. Diff. long. = 1 30 =90 E. Log. diff. long 90 = 1-954243 L cos lat 17° 30' = 9-979419 -10 Log. dist 85-8 m. = 1-933662 To find compass course. Pts. qrs. 8 0 right of N. 1 3 left of N. 6 1 right of N., or E.N.E.JE. Deviation by table 9° 55' E., or 0 3 left of N. Compass course 5 2 r. of N., or N.E. by E.JE. True course. Variation... Parallel Ex. 3.—A Sailing, to Gaspey Bay required the distance run Longitude from Longitude in NAVIGATION. ship sails from Treguier in France, Long. 3° 14' W., j, Long. 64° 27' W., the common Lat. being 48° 47' N.; . 3° 14' W. .64 27 W. By Calculation, as under:— L cos lat. from 66° O' = Log. distance on required parallel 232 miles = 61 13=3673 W. L cos latitude 48° 47' = 9-8188250 Log. diff. longitude 3673 —^3:5650209 Log. distance run 2420 — 3-3838459 Ex. 4.—A ship from Cape Finisterre, Lat. 42° 52' N., Long. 9° 17' W., sailed due W. 342 miles; required the longitude in. By Construction.—Draw the straight line AB (fig. 25), equal to the given distance 342 miles, and make the angle BAG equal to 42° 52', the given lati¬ tude ; from B draw BC perpendicular to AB, meeting AC in C; then AC applied to the scale will measure 466J, the difference of lon¬ gitude required. By Calculation— L cosec lat 42° 52' = 10-13493 Log. distance 342 = 2-53403 -10 ) Log. diff. long. 466-6 = 2-66896'"' Fig. 25. Long. Cape Finisterre 9° 17' W. Diff. longitude 7 47 W. Longitude in 47 4 W. Ex. 5.—A ship sailed due E. 358 miles, and was found by obser¬ vation to have differed her longitude 8° 42'; required the parallel of latitude. By Construction.—Make the line AB (fig. 26) equal to the give® distance; to which let BC be drawn per- pendicular, with an extent equal to 522', the difference of longitude; describe an arc from the centre A, cutting BC in C; then the angle BAC, being measured by means of the line of chords, will be found equal to 46|°, the required latitude. By Calculation— Log. dist 358+10 =12-55388 Log. diff. long. 512 = 2-71767 '42' Fig. 26. L cos lat....46° 42' = 9-83621 Ex. 6.—From two ports in Lat. 33° 58' N., distance 348 miles, two ships sail directly N. till they are in Lat. 48° 23' N.; re¬ quired their distance. By Construction.—Draw the lines CB, CE (fig. 27), making angles with CP equal to the complements of the given latitudes, namely, 56° 2' and 41° 37' respectively. Make BD equal to the given distance 348 miles, and perpendicular to CP. Now from the centre C, with the radius CB, describe an arc intersecting CE in E; then EF drawn from the point E, perpendicular to CP, will represent the distance required ; which being applied to the scale, will measure 278^ miles. By Calculation, as under:— Log. given distance 348 miles = 2-54158 L cos lat. in 48° 23' = 9-82226 L cos lat. from 33° 58 12-36384 = 9-91874 Log. distance on known parallel... 180 L cos latitude in 43° 53' 9-74756 2-36549 12-11305 2-25527 9-85778 21 Middle- Latitude Sailing. Log. distance required 278-6 miles = 2-44510 Ex. 7.—Two ships, in Lat. 56° 0' N., distant 180 miles, sail due S.; and having come to the same parallel, are now 232 miles distant. The latitude of that parallel is required. By Construction.—Make DB (fig 28) equal to the first distance 180 miles, DM equal to the second 232, and the angle DBC equal to the given latitude 56°. From the centre C, with the radius CB, describe the arc BE; and through M draw ME parallel to CD, intersecting the arc BE in E. Join EC, and draw EF perpendicular to CD ; then the angle FEC will be the lati¬ tude required ; which, being measured, will be found equal to 43° 53'. Chap. VI.—OF MIDDLE-LATITUDE SAILING. It has been already explained in chap. ii. that the departure is greater than the intercepted arc of the parallel of the higher latitude, and less than that of the parallel of the lower of two places between which a ship sails; but that there is an intermediate parallel, the arc of which is exactly equal to the departure. This parallel is supposed to pass through the middle point between the ex¬ treme latitudes; and hence the latitude of this point is called the middle latitude. The relations between course, distance, departure, and true difference of latitude are to be found as in chap. iii.; and the relation between the de¬ parture and difference of longitude is given by the above considerations, viz.,— Departure = diff. long, x cos mid. latitude. But departure = true diff. lat. x tan course. Hence we get True diff. lat. x tan course = diff. long, x cos mid. lat. (a.) also departure = distance x sin course. Whence also Distance x sin course = diff. long, x cos mid. lat. (b.) If ABC (fig. 29) be the triangle for plane sailing, where AB is the true difference of latitude, AC the distance, BAC the course, and BC the departure ; at C make BCD equal to the middle latitude, and produce CD to meet AB produced in D ; then CD is evidently the true dif¬ ference of longitude, and all the problems may be resolved and constructed by the two triangles which have a common side, —viz., the departure BC. Also problems in middle-latitude sailing may be solved by the traverse table ; for the relations between middle latitude, difference of longi¬ tude, and departure, are the same as those between course, distance, and true difference of latitude, and may therefore be found at once by inspection from the table. Ex. 1.—Required the compass course and distance from the Island of May, in Lat. 56° 12' N. and Long. 2° 37' W., to the Naze of Nor¬ way, in Lat. 57° 50' N., and Long. 7° 27' E.; variation 2J W. Latitude Isle of May 56° 12' N. 56° 12' Latitude Naze of Norway 57 50 N. 57 50 Difference of latitude 1 38=98'N. 114 2 Middle latitude 1 Longitude Isle of May 2° 37' W. Longitude Naze of Norway .7 27 E. Difference of longitude 10 4=604' E. By Construction.—Draw the right line A represent the meridian of the May; with the chord of 60° describe the arc mn, upon which lay off the chord of 32° 59', the complement of the middle latitude from m to n. From D through n draw the line DC equal to 604', the difference of longitude ; and from m C draw CB perpendicular to AD; make BA, equal to 98', the difference of latitude, and join AC; which, applied to the scale, will measure 343 miles, the distance sought; and the angle A being measured by means of the line of chords, will be found equal to 73° 24', the required course. Fig. 29. Fig. 30, 22 Middle- Latitude Sailing. NAVIGATION. By Calculation.—To find the course. L cos mid. latitude 57° 1' 9,73591 Log. diff. longitude 604 miles = 2-78104 T ~12'51695 Log. true difif. latitude 98 ~ 1-99123 L tan course 73° 24' = 10-52572 Or course = N. 73° 24' E. To find the distance. L sec course 73° 24' = 10-54411 Log. diff. latitude 98 miles = 1-99123 -10 Log. distance 343 = 2 53534 The true course is N. 73° 24' E.3 or E.N.E.fE. nearly. Pts. qrs. True course 6 3 right of N. Variation 2 2 right of N. 9 Or 6 Deviation 0 Compass course 7 1 right of N., or E.S.E.f E. 3 left of S. _2_left of S. 1 or E.lS. Jfo. 2.—A ship from Brest, in Lat. 48° 23' N., and Long. 4° 30' W., sailed S.W.fW. 238 miles; required the latitude and longi¬ tude in. By Construction.—With the course and distance construct the triangle ABC (fig. 31), and the difference of latitude AB being measured will be found equal to 142 miles; hence the latitude in is 46° 1' N., and the middle latitude 47° 12'. Now make the angle DCB equal to 47° 12'; and DC being measured will be 281, the difference of longi¬ tude ; hence the longitude in is 9° 11' W. Pig. 31. By Calculation.—To find the difference of latitude. L cos course 4f pts. = 9-77503 Log. distance 238 miles = 2-37658 -10 Log. true diff. latitude 141-8 = 2-15161 Lat. Brest 48° 23' N. 48° 23' N. Diff. latitude 2 22 S. Half. 1 11 S.' Latitude in 46 IN. Mid. lat. 47 12 N. 2-37658 9-90483 12-28141 9-83215 2-44926 Diff. of latitude 11 34=694' Middle latitude . By Construction.—Construct the triangle ABC (fig. 32), with the given course and difference of latitude, and make the angle BCD equal to the middle latitude. Now the distance AC and difference of longitude DC being measured, will be found equal to 864 and 558 respectively. By Calculation.—To find the distance. L sec course 3£ pts. = 10-09517 Log. diff. latitude .... 694 miles = 2-84136 -10 Log. distance 864 = 2-93653 45 34 N. 22 47 N. To find the difference of longitude. L tan course 3£ pts. = Log. diff. latitude 694 miles = 9-87020 2-84136 Middle- Latitude Sailing. 12-71156 9-96472 =: 2-74684 To find the difference of longitude. Log. distance 238 = L sin course 43 ptSt — Log. cos mid. latitude 470 12' = Log. diff. longitude 281-3 = Long. Brest 4° 30' W. Diff. longitude 4 41 Longitude in 9 H w. Ex. 3.—A ship from St Antonio, in Lat. 17° 0' N. and Long. 24° 25' W., sailed N.W.JN., till, by observation, her latitude was found to be 28° 34' N.; required the distance sailed, and longitude come to. Latitude St Antonio 17° 0' N. 17° 0' N. Latitude by observation 28 34 N. 28 34 n! L cos mid. latitude 22° 47' = Log. diff. longitude 558-3 Long. St Antonio 24° 25' W. Diff. longitude 9 18 W. Longitude in 33 43 W. Ex. 4.—A ship from Lat. 26° 30' N., and Long. 45° 30' W. sailed N.E.'N. till her departure is 216 miles; required the distance run, and latitude and longitude come to. D By Construction.—With the course and de¬ parture construct the triangle ABC (fig. 33) ; and the distance and difference of latitude being measured will be found equal to 340 and 263 respectively. Hence the latitude in is 30° 53', and middle latitude 28° 42'. Now make the angle BCD equal to the middle latitude, and the difference of longitude DC applied to the scale will measure 246', By Calculation.—To find the distance. jjg 33 L cosec course 31 pts. — 10-19764 Log. departure 216 miles = 2-33445 -10 Log. distance 340-5 = 2-53109 To find the true difference of latitude. L cot course 3^ pts. = 10-08583 Log. departure 216 miles = 2-33445 -10 Log. true diff. latitude 263-2 = 2-42028 Latitude from 26° 30' N. 26° 30' Diff. latitude 4 23 N. Half 2 12 N. Latitude in... 30 55 N. Mid. lat. 28 42 N. To find the difference of longitude. L sec mid. latitude 28° 42' = 10-05693 Log. departure 216 miles = 2-33445 -10 Log. diff. longitude 246-2 = 2-39138 Longitude from 45° 30' W. Diff. longitude 4 6 E. Longitude in 41 24 W. Ex. 5.—From Cape Sable, in Lat. 43° 24' N., and Long. 65° 39' W., a ship sailed 246 miles on a direct course between the S. and E., and was then by observation in Lat. 40° 48' N. • re¬ quired the course, and longitude in. Latitude Cape Sable 43° 24' N. 43° 24' N. Latitude by observation...40 48 N. 40 48 N. Diff. of latitude 2 36=156 S. Sum 84 12 N. Middle latitude 42 6 N. By Construction.—Make AB (fig. 34) equal to 156 miles, draw BC perpendicular to AB, and make AC ^ equal to 246 miles; draw CD, making with CB an angle of 42° 6', the middle latitude. Now DC will be found to measure 256, and the course or angle A will measure 50° 39'. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. diff. latitude 156 +10 = 12-19312 Log. dist 246 = 2-39093 L cos course.. .50° 39' = 9-80219 Pig. 34. Pig. 32. To find the difference of longitude. Log. dist 246 = L sin course 50° 39' _ . 12-27927 L cos mid. latitude 420 6' = 9-87039 Log. diff. longitude 256-4 = 2 40 88 2-39093 9-88834 NAVIGATION. Middle- Latitude Sailing. Longitude from 65° 39' W. Diff. longitude 4 16 E. Longitude in 61 23 W. Ex. 6. A ship from Cape St Vincent, in Lat. 37° 2' N., Long. 9° 2' W., sails between the S. and W.; the latitude in is 18° 16' N., and departure 838 miles ; required the course and distance run, and longitude in. Latitude Cape St Vincent 37° 2'N. Latitude in 18 16 N. 37° 2'N. 18 16 N. Difference of latitude 18 46=1126 S. Sum 55 18 N. Middle latitude...27 39 N. By Construction.—Make AB (fig. 35) equal to the difference of latitude 1126 miles, and BO equal to the departure 838, and join AC ; draw CD so as to make an angle with CB equal to the middle latitude 27° 39'. Then the course being mea¬ sured on chords is about 36|°, and the dis¬ tance and difference of longitude, measured on the line of equal parts, will be found to be 1403 and 946 respectively, By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. departure 838+10=: 12-92324 Log. diff.latitude 1126 = 3-05154 L tan course 36° 39' = 9-87170 To find the distance. L sec course 36° 39' Log. diff. latitude 1126 Fig. 35. = 10-09566 = 305154 -10 = _ 3-14720 Log. dist 1403 To find the difference of longitude. Log. departure 838 = 2-92324 L sec mid. latitude 27° 39' — 10-05266 -10 Log. diff. longitude 946 = 2-97590 Longitude from 9° 2' W. Diff. longitude 15 46 W. Longitude in 24 48 W. Ex. 7.—A ship from Bordeaux, in Lat. 44° 50' N., and Long. 0° 35' W., sailed between the N. and W. 374 miles, and made 210 miles of westing; re¬ quired the course, and the latitude and longi¬ tude in. By Construction.—With the given distance and departure make the triangle ABC (fig. 36). Now the course, being measured on the line of chords, is about 34^°, and the difference of lati¬ tude on the line of numbers is 309 miles ; hence the latitude in is 49° 59' N., and middle latitude 47° 25'. Then make the angle BCD equal to 47° 25', and DC being measured, will be 310 miles, the difference of longitude. Fig. sc. By Calculation.—To find the course. Log. departure 210 + 10= 12-32222 Log. distance 374 = 2'57287 L sin course 34° 10' = 9-74935 To find the true difference of latitude. L cos course 34° 10' = 9-91772 Log. distance 374 = 2-57287 -10 Log. diff. latitude 309*4 = 2-49059 Latitude from 44° 50' N. True diff. latitude 5 9 N. Half.. 44° 50' N. . 2 35 N. Longitude from .0° 35' W. Diff. longitude 5 10 W. Longitude in 5 45 W. Ex. 8.—A ship from Lat. 54° 56' N., Long. 1° 10' W., sailed between the N. and E. till, by observation, she was found to be in Long. 5° 26' E., and has made 220 .miles of easting; required the latitude in, course, and distance run. Longitude from 1° 10' W. Longitude in 5 26 E. Difference of longitude 6 36=396 E. By Construction.—Make BC (fig. 37) equal to the departure 220, and CD equal to the differ¬ ence of longitude 396; then the middle latitude BCD being measured, will be found equal to 56° 15'; hence the latitude come to is 57° 34', and difference of latitude 158'. Now make AB equal to 158, and join AC, which, applied to the scale, will measure 271 miles. Also the course BAC, being measured on chords, will be found equal to 54J°. By Calculation.—To find the middle latitude. 23 Oblique Sailing. Fig. 37. Log. diff. of longitude ..396 + 10= 12-59769 Log. departure 220 = 2-34242 L sec mid. latitude 56° 15' = 10-25527 Double middle latitude 112° 30' N. Latitude from ,54 56 N. Latitude in 57 34 N. True diff. latitude 2 38=158 miles N. To find the course. Log. departure 220 + 10= 12-34242 Log. diff. latitude 158 = 2-19866 L tan course 54° 19' — 10-14376 To find distance. L sec course 54° 19' = 10-23410 Log. diff. latitude 158 = 2-19866 6 -10 Log. distance 270-9 — 2-43276 Ex. 9.—A ship from a port in N. Lat., sailed S.E.JS. 438 miles, and differed her Long. 7° 28'; required A the latitudes from and in. By Construction.—With the course and dis¬ tance construct the triangle ABC (fig. 38), and make DC equal to 448, the given difference of longitude. Now the middle latitude BCD will B measure 48° 58', and the difference of latitude AB 324 miles; hence the latitude from is 51° 40', and latitude in 46° 16'. By Calculation.—To find the true difference of latitude. L cos course pts. Log. distance 438 miles 1) Fig. 38. = 9-86979 = 2-64147 -10 Latitude in 49 59 N. Mid. lat. 47 25 N. Log. true diff.latitude 324-5 = 2'51126 To find middle latitude. Log. distance 438 ms. = 2-64147 L sin course 3f pts. = 9-82708 12-46855 Log. diff. longitude 448 = 2-65128 L cos mid. latitude 48° 58' = 9-81727 Mid. latitude 48° 58' N. Half diff. latitude 2 42 S. Latitude from 51 40 N. Latitude in .46 16 N. To find the difference of longitude. L sec mid. latitude 47° 25' = 10-16963 Chap. VII.—OF OBLIQUE SAILING. Log. departure 210 = 2-32222 — 10 Oblique sailing is the application of oblique-angled plane Log. diff. longitude 310-3 = 2-49185 triangles to the solution of problems at sea. I his sailing . 24 NAVIGATION. Oblique will be found particularly useful m going along shore, and Sailing, in surveying coasts and harbours. Ex. 1.-—At 11 a.m. the Girdle Ness bore 'W.N.'W., and at 2 p.m. it bore NAY. by N.; the course during the interval S. by W. five knots an hour; required the distance of the ship from the Ness at each station. By Construction.—Describe the circle NESW(fig. 39), and draw the diameters NS, E\V at right angles to each other. From the centre C, which repre¬ sents the first station, draw the YY.N.W. line OF ; and from the same point draw ^ CH, S. by W., and equal to 15 miles, the distance sailed. From II draw l(F in a N.VY. by N. direction, and the point F will represent the Girdle Ness. Then the distances CF, HF will measure 19‘1 and 26'5 miles respectively. — iE By Calculation.—In the triangle FCH are given the distance CH 15 miles, the angle FCH equal to 9 points, the interval between the S. by W. and W.N.W. points, and the angle CHF equal to 4 points, being the supplement of the angle contained between the S. by \V. and N.W. by N. points. Hence CFH is 3 points; to find the distances CF, HF. To find the distance CF. Log. CH ,r 15 m. L sin CHF 4 pts. 1-17609 9-84948 4 02557 9-74474 L sin CFH 3 pts. Log. CF 19-07 m. = 1-28083 To find the distance FH. Log. CH ,.... 15 m. = 1-17609 L sin FCH.. 9 pts. j _ q.99157 99 1 = L sin 7 11-16766 L sin CFH 3 pts. =-9-74474 Log. FH 26-48 m. = 1-42292 To find BC. Log. CD.... 25 m. L sin BDC 7f pts. L sin CBD 4J pts. = 1-39794 = 9-99948 11-39742 = -9-88818 Log. BC 32-30 m. = 1-50924 To find BAG. BC-AC - 8-44 BC + AC = 56-16 Log. (BC-AC) 8-44 m.= 0-92634 L cot JACB ....' 2 pts. = 10-38278 11-30912 Log. (BC + AC) 56T6 =-1-74943 L tan $(BAC —ABC) 19° 56'= 1-55969 £(BAC +ABC) = 67 30 .-. BAG = 87 26 ABC = 47 34 Hence BAF = BAG —CAF = 87° 26'-1* pts. = 87° 26'-14° 4' = 73° 22'=73i° nearly. To find AB, or the distance. Log. BC 32-30m. L sin ACB 4 pts. 1-50924 9-84948 L sin CAB 87° 26' Log, AB 22-9 m. 11-35972 9-99956 = 1-36016 Windward Sailing. Many other examples might be given. These and all other cases which can occur in practice are to be resolved by plane trigo¬ nometry, from calculating the triangles which the data of the given case afford. Chap. VIII.—OF WINDWARD SAILING. Ex. 2.—Running up Channel E. by S. per compass at the rate of 5 knots an hour. At 11 a.m. the Eddystone Lighthouse bore N. by E.JE., and the Start Point N.E. by E.JE.; and at 4 p.m. the Eddy- stone bore N.W. by N., and the Start N.f E.; required the distance and bearing of the Start from the Eddystone, the variation being 2J points W. By Construction.—Let the point C (fig. 40) represent the first sta¬ tion, from which draw the N. by E.^E. line CA, the N.E. byE.JE. line CB, and the E. by S. line CD, which make equal to 25 miles, the distance run in the elapsed N time. Then from D draw the N.W. by N. line DA, intersecting CA in A, which re¬ presents the Eddystone ; and from the same point draw the N.fE. line DB, cut¬ ting CB in B, which therefore represents the Start. Now the distance A B applied to the scale will measure 22-9, and the bear¬ ing per compass BAF will measure 73£°. Tig. 40. By Calculation— The angle ACD=ACE + ECD=NCE—NCA+ECD :=:8 — 1J +1 pt.=7J pts. BCD=NCE - NCB + ECD=8 - 5 J +1 pt.=3l pts. ACB=ACD — BCD r £ts ADC=N'DC — N'DA =7 — 3 pts.=4 ?ts' and CDB=N'DC + N'DB =7| pts‘ Also, CAD=16 pts.-ACD-ADC ^ =16 —7| —4pts... =44 pts. and CBD=16 - BCD — CDB... =16 - 3f -7|=4£ pts. To find AC. Log. CD 25 m. = 1-39794 L sin ADC 4 pts. = 9-84948 . 11-24742 L sin CAD 4£ pts. = — 9-86979 Log. AC 23-86 m. = 1-37763 Windward sailing is when a ship by reason of a contrary wind is obliged to sail on different tacks in order to gain her intended port; and the object of this sailing is to find the proper course and distance to be run on each tack. Ex.—The wind at N.W., a ship bound to a port 64 miles to the windward proposes to reach it on three boards,—two on the star¬ board and one on the larboard tack, and each within 5 points of the wind; required the course and distance of each tack. By Construction.—Draw the N.W. line CA (fig. 41) equal to 64 miles; from C draw CB W. by S., and from A draw AD parallel thereto and in an opposite direc¬ tion. Bisect AC in E, and draw BED parallel to the N. by E. rhumb, meeting CB, AD in the points B and D. Then CB=AD applied to the scale will mea¬ sure 36| miles, and BD = 2CB = 72J- miles. D Fig. 41. Chap. IX.—OF CURRENT SAILING. The computations in the preceding chapters have been performed upon the assumption that the water has no mo¬ tion. 1 his may no doubt answer tolerably well in those places where the ebbings and flowings are regular, as then the effect of the tide will be nearly counterbalanced. But in places where there is a constant current or setting of the sea towards the same point, an allowance for the change of the ship’s place arising therefrom must be made. And the method of resolving these problems in which the effect of a current or heave of the sea is taken into consideration is called current sailing N A V I G Current In a calm, it is evident a ship will be carried in the direc- Sailing. tion and with the velocity of the current. Hence if a ship sails in the direction of the current, her rate will be aug¬ mented by the rate of the current; but if sailing directly against it, the distance made good will be equal to the dif¬ ference between the ship’s rate as given by the log and that of the current. And the absolute motion of the ship will be ahead if her rate exceeds that of the current; but if less, the ship will make sternway. If the ship’s course be oblique to the current, the distance made good in a given time will be represented by the third side of a triangle, whereof the distance given by the log, and the drift of the current in the same time, are the other sides ; and the true course will be the angle contained between the meridian and the line actually described by the ship. It is evident from the above observations that we may consider the direction of the current in the light of a separate course; and by multiplying the rate of the current per hour by the number of hours it has been running, and treating this as a distance, we may estimate the ship’s real place by any of the rules for compound courses. Ex. 1.—A ship sailed N.N.E. at the rate of 8 knots an hour dur¬ ing 18 hours, in a current setting N.W. by W. 2J miles an hour; required the course and dis¬ tance made good. By Construction.—Draw the N.N.E., line CA (fig. 42) equal to 18 x 8r=144 miles ; and from A draw AB parallel to the N.W. by W. rhumb, and equal to 18 x 2Jr=45 miles ; now BC being joined will be the distance, and NOB the course. The first of these will measure 159 miles, and the second 6° 23'. By Calculation— The angle CAB CA. AB CA+AB. CA-AB., = 9 pts. =144 m. = 45 m. =189 m. = 99 m. Fig. 42. Log. (CA-AB) 99 m. = L995635 L cot £CAB 4£ pts. = 9-914173 11-909808 Log. CA + CB 185 m. =-2-276462 L tan J (ABC - ACB) 23° 15'= i (ABC + ACB) = 39 22 .*. ACB=16° 7' and ABC = 62 37 NCA = 22 30 .-. NCB the course = 6 23 Log- AB 45 m. = L sin CAB 9 pts. = L sin ACB 16° 7' = Log. BC 159 m. = 9-633346 1- 653212 9-991574 11-644786 -9-443410 2- 201376 Or, ^ For first course we have course N.N.E., or 2 points. And distance 144 Whence, from traverse table, True diff. latitude 133-0 N. Departure 55-1 E. For secend course we have course KW. by W., or 5 points. And distance 45 And from traverse table, True diff. latitude 25 N. Departure 37-4 W. For last course— True diff. latitude.. 158 N. Departure 17.7 Log. departure 17-7 + 10= 11-24797 Log. true diff. latitude 158 = — 2-19866 L tan course N. 6° 23' E. = 9 04931 L sec course go 23/ _ 10=: .00271 Log true diff. latitude 158 m. = 2-19866 Log. distance 159 _ 2-20137 Ex. 2.-A ship from Lat. 38° 20' 2L sailed 24 hours in a VOL. XVI. A T I O N. current setting jST.W. by IST., and by account is in latitude 38° 42' N. having made 44 miles of easting; ’’ but the latitude by observation is 38° 58' N.; required the course and distance made good, and the drift of the current. 25 Day’s Work and Ship’s Journal. By Construction.—Make CE (fig. 43) equal to 22 miles, the difference / of latitude by dead reckoning, and / EA=44 miles, the departure, and ^ c join CA; make CD=38 miles, the Fig.43. difference of latitude by observation. Draw the parallel of latitude DB, and from A draw the N.W. by JS". line AB, intersecting DB in B, and AB will be the drift of the current in 24 hours; CB being joined, will be the distance made good, and the angle DCB the true course. Now AB and CB applied to the scale will measure 19-2 and 50-5 respectively, and the angle DCB will be 41^°. By Calculation— ABF..... — 3 pts. BF=CD —CE. = 16 miles. To find AB. Log. BF 16 m. = 1-20412 L sec ABF 3 pts. -10= 0-08015 Log. AB 19-2 m. = 1-28427 Or drift of current 19-2 miles. To find AF. Log. BF 16 m. = 1-20412 L tan ABF.....v. 3 pts. -10= 9 82489 Log. AF 10-7 m. 1-02901 Hence BDz=AE — AF=44-10-7=33-4. To find the course. Log. BD 33-4 +10=11-52244 Log. CD 38 = 1-57978 L tan course N.41014'E. = 9-94266 To find the distance. Log. sec course 41° 14'E. —10= 0-12376 Log. CD 38 = 1-57978 Log. distance 50-5 m. = -70354 By Traverse Table.—Taking the current course first, true differ¬ ence of latitude 16, and course N.W. by N„ we find in the traverse table the corresponding distance 19-3, and departure 10-7. Again, for second course, we have true difference of latitude 38, and departure 44 — 10-7=33-3 E. Points. 3 N. 41° E, Course N.W. by N. Dis¬ tance. 19-3 51 DifE of Latitude. N. 16 38 Departure. E. 33-3 W. 10-7 Whence the course and distance are found as above. Or, from the traverse table to nearest degree and minute, we find in the columns of distance and angle, opposite to difference of latitude 38-5, and departure 35"5—distance 51, and angle 41°. Chap. X.—OF THE DAY’S WORK AND SHIPS * JOURNAL. The most usual application of the principles laid down in the preceding chapters, is to ascertain from the several courses and distances run by a ship in the interval between the noons of two successive days, the ship’s place at the noon of the latter day,—i.e., its latitude and longitude ; its latitude and longitude being given for the noon of the pre¬ ceding day. This constitutes a day’s work; and the ship’s place deduced therefrom is called her place by account or dead reckoning. The day aboard ship, like the astronomi¬ cal day, commences at noon ; and the ship’s position is always calculated at every noon. In the Royal Navy, the log is hove once in every hour; but in most trading-vessels only once in every two hours. A record of the knots, and tenths of knots, run every hour or every two hours, the course, the direction of the wind, the leeway, and everything which affects the ship’s place, is kept in the journal, which, for this purpose, is usually divided into six or seven co¬ lumns. The first column on the left hand contains the houra D 26 NAVIGATION. Day’s from noon to noon ; the second and third, the knots and Work and tenths of knots sailed every hour, or every two hours; the Journal ^ourt^ contains the courses steered ; the fifth, the direction ^ ourna . * o£. wjn j . an(j when there are seven columns, contains the leeway; and the last contains general remarks, including phenomena, variation, &c., &c. The mode of forming a table showing the deviation of the compass for the several positions of the ship’s head, has already been given. The courses steered, as entered in the log-book, must be corrected for variation, deviation, and leeway. The setting and drift of current, and the heave of the sea, are to be marked down. These are to be corrected for variation only. In the day’s work, it is usual to treat a current as an independent course and distance. If the ship does not sail from a place whose latitude and longitude are known (which rarely happens), the bearing of some known place is to be observed, and its distance found, which is usually done by estimation. The ship is then supposed to have taken her departure from this place, in a course exactly op¬ posite to the observed bearing, and to have run the esti¬ mated distance on it. If there be any reason to suspect the correctness of the estimated distance, it will be easy to obtain the true distance as follows:—Let the bearing be observed of the place from which the departure is to be taken; and the ship having run a certain distance on a di¬ rect course, the bearing of the same place is again to be observed. We shall then have a triangle, all of whose angles are known from the observed bearings, and one of its sides, viz., the distance the ship has sailed. The other two sides, viz., the distance of the ship from the place of de¬ parture at each of the observations, can be immediately found, as in problem 1 on “Oblique Sailing.” The distances for each course may be obtained by adding together the hourly distances. The courses being thus corrected, and the distances found, the latitude and longitude in may be found by any of the methods explained in chap. iv. As the differences of latitude are not usually great, the traverse table may generally be made use of for finding the latitude in; and having found the middle latitude, the longitude may be obtained by the middle latitude method. The following example will enable the reader to apply the directions we have just given :— Ex.—September 12,1857, at noon, a point of land in Lat. 64° 20' S., and Long. 59° 40' E., bore by compass S.E., distant 15 miles (ship’s head being E.), afterwards sailed as by the following log-account; find the latitude and longitude in, on September 13, at noon. Departure course, N.W. being the opposite to S.E. Compass course 4 pts. 0 qrs. left of N. Variation 12 „ Deviation 0 3^ right, or True course 4 3 N.W.fW. Dist 15. First course, W. by N. Compass course 7 pts. 0 qrs. left of N. Variation 12 „ Deviation 0 3 ,, Leeway (wind N.E. on starboard tack) 2 0 „ 11 1 left of N. Or true course 4 3 right of S., or Dist 46-2 S.W.fW. Second course, N.N.E. Compass course 2 pts. 0 qrs. right of N. Variation 1 2 left. Deviation 0 3 right. Leeway (wind N.W. on port tack) 1 3 True course 3 0 Dist 34*7. Third course, S.E. Compass course 4 pts. 0 qrs. left of S. right. right of N., or N.E. by N. Variation 1 Deviation 0 Leeway (wind E.N.E. on port tack). 2 left. right. True course 3 0 left of S. or Dist 31-4. S.E. by S. Fourth course, S. by W. Compass course 1 pt. 0 qrs. right of S. Variation 1 2 left. Deviation 0 2 „ Leeway (wind W. starboard tack) 2 2 left. left of S., or S.E. by S.JE. True course 3 2 Dist 20-8. Current N.W. Compass course 4 pts. 0 qrs. left of N. Variation 12 „ Deviation 0 0 „ Dist Enter these in a table as under: 14. Points. 4f 4f 3 3 Course. N.W.fW. S.W.fW. N.E.6N. S.E.6S. S.E. by S JE. N.W.byW.JN. Distance. 15 46-2 34-7 31-4 20-8 14 N. 8-9 29-1 6-6 44-6 27-4 25-8 16-2 68-4 44'6 Departure. E. 19-4 17-2 133 49-9 w. 12'0 36-9 12-3 61-2 49'9 True diff. lat. S. 23-8 . Dep. W. 11-3 Lat. from 64° 20' S. T. D. Lat 0 23 S. Lat. from 64° 20' S. Half. 0 12 S. Lat. in 64 43 S. Mid. Lat 64 32 S. Log. departure ll-3 = I’OSSOS L sec mid. lat 64° 32' —10 — 0-36654 Log. diff. long 26’2 = 1,41962 Long, from 59° 40' E. Diff. long 0 26 W. Long, in 59 14 E. Day’s Work and Ship’s Journal. left of N. or N.W. by W.£W. In this example the true differences of latitude and de¬ partures are taken by inspection from the traverse table. When a ship is bound for a distant port, the bearing and distance of the port must be found. This may be done by calculation or by a chart. If islands, capes, or headlands intervene, it will be necessary to find the several courses and distances between each successively. The true course between the places must be reduced to the compass course NAVIGATION. Sea Charts. bY making the requisite allowances for variation and devia- v ; tion, as already explained. In hard blowing weather, with a contrary wind and a high sea, it is impossible to gain any advantage by sailing. In such cases, therefore, the object is to avoid as much as possible being driven back. With this intention it is usual to lie to under no more sail than is sufficient to prevent the violent rolling to which the vessel would be otherwise sub¬ jected, to the endangering of her masts and straining her timbers, &c. When a ship is brought to, the tiller or wheel is put down over to the leeward, which brings her head round to the wind. The wind having then little power over the sails, the ship loses her way through the water; and the action of the water on the rudder ceasing, her head falls off from the wind, the sail which she has set fills, and gives her fresh way through the water, which, acting on the rud¬ der, brings her head again to the wind. Thus the ship has a kind of oscillating motion, coming up to the wind and falling off from it again alternately. The middle point be¬ tween those upon which she comes up and falls off is taken for her apparent course ; and the leeway, variation, and devi¬ ation are to be allowed from this to find the true course. It is generally found that the latitude by account does not agree with that by observation. On considering the imperfections of the common log-line, and the uncertainty with regard to variation, an exact agreement of latitudes cannot be expected. When the difference of longitude is to be found by dead reckoning, and the latitudes by account and observation disagree, several writers on navigation have proposed to apply a conjectural correction to the departure or difference of longitude. Thus, if the course is near the meridian, the error is wholly attributed to the distance, and the departure is to be increased or diminished accordingly; if near the parallel, the course only is supposed to be erro¬ neous ; and if the course is towards the middle of the quadrant, the course and distance are both assumed to be in error. This last correction will, according to different authors, place the ship upon opposite sides of her meridian by account. As these corrections, therefore, are no better than guessing, they should be absolutely rejected. If the latitudes do not agree, the navigator should ex¬ amine his log-line and half-minute glass, and correct the distance accordingly. He is then to consider if the variation and leeway have been properly ascertained ; if not, the courses are to be again corrected, and no other alteration whatever is to be made in them. He is next to observe if the ship’s place has been affected by a current or heave of the sea, and to allow for them according to the best of his judgment. By applying these corrections, the latitudes will generally be found to agree tolerably well; and the longitude may be corrected in the same way. It will be proper for the navigator to determine the longitude of the ship by observation as often as possible, and the reckoning is to be carried forward in the usual manner from the last good observation ; yet it will perhaps be very satisfactory to keep a separate account of the lon¬ gitude by dead reckoning. The modes of finding the lati¬ tude and longitude of a ship by observation, and the variation of the compass, will be given in the next book. Chap. XL—OF SEA CHARTS. The charts usually employed in the practice of naviga¬ tion are the Plane and Mercator’s charts. The former of these is adapted to represent a portion of the earth’s surface near the equator, where the change in the lengths of cor¬ responding arcs of the parallel is very small; and the other for all portions of the earth’s surface. (Fora particular de¬ scription of these, see the articles Chart and Geography.) We shall here only describe their use. 27 Use of the Plane Chart. s.»Cl»rt». Prob. I.—To find the latitude and longitude of a place on the chart. Pule.—Take the least distance of the given place from the nearest parallel of latitude ; this distance applied to the graduated meridian from the extremity of the parallel will give the latitude of the place. In the same way the longi¬ tude is found by taking the least distance from the nearest meridian, and applying it to the graduated parallel. Thus the distance between Bonavista and the parallel of 15° being laid from that parallel on the graduated meridian, will reach to 16° 5', the latitude required. Prob. II.—To find the course and distance between two given places on the chart. Pule.—Lay a ruler over the given places; if a pa¬ rallel ruler be used, keeping the edge of one ruler passing through the places fixed, move the other until it passes through the centre of one of the compasses on the chart; the point of the compass through which this edge passes will show the course. Or, generally, let a line on the edge of another ruler be placed so as to be parallel to the first ruler, and to pass through the centre of a compass; it will cut the circum¬ ference in a point which will determine the course. The interval between the places being applied to the scale will give the distance. Thus the course from Palmas to St Vincent will be found to be about S.S.W.fW., and the distance 13^° or 795 miles. Prob. III.—The course and distance sailed from a known place being given, to find the ship’s place on the chart. Pule.—Lay a ruler over the given place parallel to another ruler laid over one of the compasses, with one edge passing through the centre, and the other the point on the circumference which shows the course, and lay off on it the distance taken from the scale ; it will give the point repre¬ senting the ship’s present place. Thus, supposing a ship has sailed S.W. by W. 160 miles from Cape Palmas ; then by proceeding as above, it will be found that she is in Lat. 2° ST' N. The reader will have no difficulty in solving various other problems by means of this chart, being, in fact, only the construction of the various problems in plane sailing on this chart. Use of Mercator’s Chart. The method of finding the latitude and longitude of a place, and the course or bearing between two given places, is the same as in the plane chart, which see. Prob. I.—To find the distance between two given places on the chart. Case 1.—When the given places are under the same meridian. Pule.—The difference or sum of their latitudes, accord¬ ing as they are on the same or on opposite sides of the equator, will be the distance required. Case 2.—When the given places are under the same parallel. Pule.—If that parallel be the equator, the difference or sum of their longitudes, according as they are on the same or on opposite sides of the first meridian, is the distance ; otherwise take the distance between the places, lay it off upwards and downwards from the given parallel, and the intercepted degrees will be the distance between the places. Or take an equal extent of a few degrees on the meridian on each side of the parallel; and the number of extents and parts of an extent contained between the places, mul¬ tiplied by the length of an extent, will give the required distance. NAVIGATION. 28 Observa- Case 3.—When the given places differ both in latitude tion Instru- longitude. v meD ^ j Rule.—Find the difference of latitude between the given v ^ places, and take it from the equator or graduated parallel; then lay a ruler over the places, and move one point of the compass opened to the difference of latitude just found along the edge of the ruler till the other just touches a parallel; then the distance from the point of the compass on the ruler to the point of intersection of the ruler and the parallel, applied to the equator, will give the distance be¬ tween the places in degrees and parts of a degree, which, multiplied by 60, will give it in miles. Prob. II.—Given the latitude and longitude in ; to find the ship’s place by the chart. Rule.—Lay a ruler over the given latitude, and lay off the given longitude from the first meridian by the edge of the ruler, and the ship’s present place will be obtained. Prob. III.-^-Given the course sailed from the given place, and the latitude in; to find the ship’s present place on the chart. Rule.—Lay a ruler over the place sailed from, in the direction of the given course; its intersection with the pa¬ rallel of latitude in, will give the ship’s present place. Prob. IV.—Given the latitude and longitude of the place left, and the course and distance sailed; to find the ship’s present place on the chart. Rule.—Lay a ruler over the given place, in the direction of the given course, take the distance sailed from the equator, and put one point of the compass opened to this distance at the intersection of the ruler with any parallel, and the other point will reach to a certain place by the edge of the ruler. This point being kept fixed, draw in the other point of the compass until it just touch the above parallel when swept round ; apply this extent to the equator, and it will give the difference of latitude. Hence the latitude in is known ; and the intersection of the edge of the ruler with the parallel of this latitude will give the ship’s present place. The above problems sufficiently illustrate the use of Mercator’s Chart. The reader will have no difficulty in solving other problems by means of it. BOOK II. CONTAINING THE METHODS OF FINDING THE LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF THE SHIP AT SEA, THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS, AND TIME OF HIGH WATER. Chap. I.—DESCRIPTION AND USE OF INSTRU¬ MENTS USED IN OBSERVATIONS. sect. i.—of hadley’s sextant and quadrant. The principal difference between these instruments is in the extent of the angle which can be observed by them; and in the more elaborate and careful workmanship of the latter of the two. Indeed the quadrant is only available for taking observations which determine the latitude. The distances of the moon from the sun or other heavenly body, which are frequently used for the determination of the longi¬ tude, can only be observed by the help of the sextant. Allowing for these differences, the 'principle on which the quadrant and sextant are constructed is the same. In the Royal Navy sextants are almost exclusively in use, although quadrants are still employed for the observation of altitudes in many trading vessels. The sextant, therefore, will first be described, and afterwards those points in which the quadrant differs from the sextant will be explained. The reader is supposed to be aware of the ordinary laws with regard to the propagation and reflection of light, viz.,— that m the same medium, light is propagated in straight Observa- lines, the smallest conceivable quantity of which that can tion In- be stopped or propagated alone is called a ray; and that struments. when a ray of light is incident on a plane reflecting surface, ^ it is bent or reflected after incidence in such manner, that the incident and reflected rays and the straight line perpendicular to the mirror at the point of incidence (called the normal to the surface) lie all in one plane; and that the incident and reflected rays make equal angles with the normal or the surface. Let MO (fig. 44) be an arc of a circle, CO and CM two radii, and Cl be a moveable radius carrying a plane mirror, silvered through its whole extent, firmly fixed toil; EFG another mirror, the lower part of which FG only is silvered, while the upper part EF is unsilvered, so that a ray reflected from the lower portion FG in direction FH, and a direct ray PFH through the unsilvered part EF, may be seen together by an eye at K. This mirror is fixed to the radius CM in such a manner that when the moveable radius occupies the position AGO, the two mirrors ACB and EFG are both perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, and parallel to one another. Let now S and P be two distant objects whose angular distance is required to be found. Let the instrument be placed so that its plane passes through S and P, and that a ray from P, passing through the unsilvered glass EF, may be seen directly by an eye at K; and while in this position let the bar be moved round C, Cl carrying the mirror with it until a ray from S, falling on ACB, is reflected in the direction CF, and again reflected by FG in the direction FH; so that to the eye at K the images of the two objects S and P are seen together, or coincide. Produce SA to meet PFH in H ; then SHP is the angle through which the ray SA has been deflected, and is also the angular distance between S and P. Let A'B' be the new position of the mirror AB ; then ACA' is the angle through which the mirror has turned, and consequently also the angle through which Cl has moved. Now angle of deflection SHP = SCF - CFH = 180° — 2 FCB' — (180° -2 EFC) because by law of reflection, SCA' = FCB'; and therefore SCF = 180° — SCA' — FCB' = 180°-2 FCB', and EFC = GFH; and therefore CFH = 180°-EFC-GFH = 180° -2 EFC; .*. SHP = 2 EFC -2 FCB'. But EFC = FCB, because EFG is parallel to ACB ; or SHP = 2 FCB -2 FCB' = 2 ACA' = twice the angle through which Cl has moved. Hence if the arc OM be divided into degrees, and each degree marked as two degrees, the reading off of the arc 01 will be the angle between the distant objects S and P. NAVIGATION. Observa- An instrument constructed on this principle, whose tion Instru- circular arc or limb is a sixth part of a circle, and therefore merits. capable of measuring angles up to 120°, is called a sextant; if the limb contain only an eighth part of a circle, it is a quadrant, and can only measure angles up to 90°. The Sextant. (1.) PLM (fig. 45) is the frame of the sextant. (2.) A A the graduated arc or limb. (3.) N the index, carrying the vernier OQ. (4.) I the index-glass. (5.) F the horizon-glass. (6.) D the coloured or dark glasses between the index- glass and horizon-glass. (7.) E the coloured glasses behind the horizon-glass. (8.) K the tube or collar in which the telescope is inserted. The frame The frame of the sextant consists of an arc AA, firmly of the sex- attached to the two radii LP, MP, which are bound together tant. by braces, as shown in the figure, to prevent warping and liability to bend. The index. The index N is a flat bar of brass, and turns on the centre of the sextant; at the lower end of the index there is an oblong opening; to one side of this opening the vernier scale is attached to subdivide the divisions ot the arc; at the end of the index there is a piece of brass which bends under the arc, carrying a spring to make the vernier scale lie close to the divisions. It is furnished with a finger- screw C, by which the index is fixed in any position to the limb of the instrument. There is also an adjusting-screw 13 attached to the index, capable of moving it with greater accuracy than the hand ; this screw does not act until the index is fixed by the finger-screw C. Care must be taken not to force the adjusting-screw when it arrives at either extremity of its adjustment. When any considerable move¬ ment is required to be given to the index, the screw C at the back of the sextant must be set free; but where the index is brought nearly to the divisions required, this back screw should be tightened, and then the index gradually moved by the adjusting-screw. The index- Upon the index, and near its axis of motion, is fixed a glass. plane speculum or mirror of glass I, quicksilvered. It is set in a brass frame, which is firmly fixed by a strong cock to the centre plate of the index, with its face perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. This mirror being fixed to the index, moves along with it, and has its direction changed by the motion thereof. As has already been observed, this glass 29 is to receive the rays from the sun or other object, and reflect Observa- them upon the horizon-glass. It is furnished with screwstion Instru- at its back, the object of which is to replace it in a perpen- ments- dicular position, if by any accident it has been deranged. To the radius PL is attached a small speculum F, whose The hori- surface is parallel to the index-glass when zero on the zon-glass. index coincides with zero on the limb. The under part only of this speculum is silvered, the upper half being left transparent, and the back part of the frame cut away, that nothing may impede the sight through the unsilvered part of the glass. The edge of the foil of this glass is nearly parallel to the plane of the instrument, and ought to be very sharp, and without a flaw. It is set in a brass frame, which turns on axes and pivots which move in an exterior frame; the holes in which the pivots move may be tightened by four screws in the exterior frame. G is a screw by which the horizon-glass may be set perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. Should this screw become loose, or move too easy, it may be easily tightened by turning the capstan-headed screw H which is on one side of the socket through which the stem of the finger-screw passes; this screw G is in some instruments under the glass, in others behind it, and in others at the side. There are four coloured glasses at D, tinged red and The colour- green, each of which is set on a separate frame that ed glasses turns on a centre. They are used to defend the eye from D anti E> the brightness of the solar image and the glare of the moon, and may be used separately or together as occasion may require. There are three more such glases placed be¬ hind the horizon-glass at E, to weaken the rays of the sun or moon when viewed directly through the horizon-glass. The paler glass is sometimes used in observing altitudes at sea to take off the strong glare of the horizon. The sextant is furnished with a plane tube K ; and in The tele¬ order to render objects distinct, it has two telescopes—one a scopes. Galileo’s telescope, representing the objects erect in their natural position ; the longer one, an astronomical telescope, shews them inverted. It has a large field of view ; and has parallel wires placed in the principal focus, where a true image of the object viewed by it is seen; thus rendering the position of the image more exact and more easy to be read off, and is that which should be used in taking observations at sea when great accuracy is required. A little use will soon accustom the observer to the inverted position, and to manage the instrument with ease. By a telescope the contact of the images is more perfectly distinguished; and by the place of the images in the field of view, it is easy to perceive whether the sextant is held in the proper position for observation. By sliding the tube that contains the eye-glasses in the inside of the other tube, the object is suited to different eyes, and made to appear perfectly distinct and well-defined. The telescopes are to be screwed into a circular ring at K ; this ring rests on two points against an exterior ring, and is held to it by two screws; by turning one of these screws, and tightening the other, the axis of the tele¬ scope may be set parallel to the plane of the sextant. I he exterior ring is fixed on a triangular brass stem which slides in a socket, and, by means of a screw at the back of the sextant, may be raised or lowered so as to move the centre of the telescope to that part of the horizon-glass which shall be deemed most fit for observation. Tinged glasses are provided to screw on the eye-end of either of the telescopes or the plane tube. The limb of the sextant is divided from right to left into Readingoff 120 primary divisions, which are to be considered as divisions degrees; the degree is subdivided in some cases *n*-0 equal parts, each of which is 30' ; in others into three equal parts, each of which is 20' ; and in others again into six equal parts, each of which is 10. If the zeto of tie index stand exactly at one of the divisions of the limb, the 30 N A V I G Observa- reading off in that case is immediately known. If, how- txon Instru- ever, the zero of the index do not stand exactly at one of - men S|‘ / ^ie divisions, but distant from it by a small space, the value of this space is known by means of the divisions of the vernier-plate to the left of 0. Reading off The vernier contains a space equal to nineteen divisions divisions on of the limb, and is divided into twenty equal parts ; hence the vernier, the difference between a division on the vernier and a division on the limb is one-twentieth of a division of the limb, or 1, if the interval between divisions on the limb is equal to 20'. Or supposing the limb divided into intervals of 10', and that fifty-nine divisions of the limb correspond to sixty divisions of the vernier ; it is then evident that the difference between a division of the instrument and of the vernier is -g^th part of 10', i.e., 10". This is the most usual kind of division. To find the actual reading off in any particular case, we must observe which division of the vernier coincides with a division of the limb ; the number denoting this, multiplied by the value of the difference between a division of the limb and of the vernier, will give the additional reading. Suppose, for instance, the nearest division of the limb to the zero of the vernier to be 25° 30', and the eighth division of the vernier to be coincident with a division of the limb, the additional angle will be 80" or T 20", and the reading off will be 25° 31' 20''. Adjust- The adjustments of the sextant are to set the mirrors per- ments of pendicular to the plane of the instrument, and parallel to thesextant. one another when the index is at zero ; and to set the axis of the telescope parallel to the plane of the instrument. Adjustment 1.—To set the index-glass perpendicular to the plane of the sextant. Set the index towards the middle of the limb, and hold the sextant so that its plane is nearly parallel to the horizon ; then look into the index-glass, and if the portion of the limb seen by reflection appears in the same plane with the limb seen directly, the speculum is perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. If they do not appear in the same plane, i.e., if the image be seen above or below the arc itself, its position must be gradually and carefully changed by means of the screws at its back until the error is rectified. Adjustment 2.—To set the horizon-glass perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. Place the instrument horizontal, and direct the sight to a distant well-defined object, as the sun, so as to view it directly; then move the index until the image of the object seen by reflection is on the field of view, and move the index backwards and forwards so as to make the image pass over the object. If it pass exactly over the object, the fixed mirror is perpendicular to the plane of the instrument; if not, move the screw G until their exact coincidence takes place. Adjustment 3.—To set the horizon-glass parallel to the index-glass when the zero of the index or vernier-plate co¬ incides with the zero of the graduations of the limb. Set 0 on the index exactly to 0 on the limb, and fix it in that position by the screw on the under side of it; hold the sextant with its plane vertical, and direct the sight to a well-defined part of the horizon; then if the horizon seen on the silvered part coincides with that seen through the transparent part, the horizon-glass is adjusted; but if the horizons do not coincide, the position of the glass must be altered by moving a screw placed near the fixed reflector, which gives it a motion about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. This adjustment is seldom made, as turning the adjusting- screw too often renders this part of the instrument very apt to get out of order. It is usual, therefore, to deter¬ mine the error in the reading called the Index Error. To do this, direct the sight to the horizon, and move the index until the reflected horizon coincides with that seen A T I O N. by direct vision; then the difference between 0 on the limb Observa- and 0 on the vernier-plate will be the index error, which is tion In¬ to be added when 0 of the vernier is to the right of 0 on strunwnts. the limb ; otherwise subtracted. A more accurate method than the above is to measure the sun’s apparent diameter twice with the index placed alter¬ nately on the right and on the left of the zero point of the graduated limb. Half the difference of these two measures will be the index error, which must be added to, or sub¬ tracted from, all observations, according as the diameter measured with the index to the left of 0 is less or greater than the diameter measured with the index to the right of the beginning of the divisions. Care must be taken to measure the sun’s horizontal diameter, as the vertical dia¬ meter is often affected with refraction. This must be done by keeping the plane of the instrument at right-angles to the vertical diameter of the sun. For example, on January 2, 1857, the sun’s diameter, measured with the index first to the right and secondly to the left of the zero point of division, was 33' and 32' 20" respectively, and the index error obtained by taking the semidifference is — 20". Adjustment 4.—To set the axis of the telescope pa¬ rallel to the plane of the instrument. Turn the eye-end of the telescope until the two wires are parallel to the plane of the instrument; and let two distant objects, or two stars of the first magnitude, be selected, whose distance is not less than 90° or 100u; make the con¬ tact of these as perfect as possible at the wire nearest the plane of the instrument; fix the index in this position; move the sextant until the objects are seen at the other wire, and if the same points are in contact, the axis of the tele¬ scope is parallel to the plane of the sextant. If, however, the objects are apparently separated, or overlap one another, correct half the error by the screws in the circular part of the supporter, one of which is above, and the other between the telescope and sextant; turn the adjusting-screw at the end of the index till the limbs are in contact; then bring the objects to the wire next the instrument, and if the limbs are in contact, the axis of the telescope is adjusted; if not, proceed as at the other wire, and continue till no error remains. In practice, this adjustment is usually made by means of the sun and moon. The mode of bringing the limbs of the sun and moon into contact will be explained when the use of the sextant is treated of. It is sometimes necessary to know the angular distance between the wires of the telescope ; to find which, place the wires perpendi¬ cular to the plane of the sextant, hold the instrument ver¬ tical, direct the sight to the horizon, and move the sextant in its own plane till the horizon and upper wire coincide; keep the sextant in this position, and move the index till the reflected horizon is covered by the lower wire, and the difference of readings off in these two positions will be the angular distance between the wires. Other and better methods will readily occur to the observer on land. The Quadrant. It has been already observed, that this instrument differs from a sextant in the extent of the divided limb and in its rougher manufacture. It is only calculated for observing altitudes. Fig. 46 represents a quadrant of the common construction. I he frame, index, index-glass, and F the fore horizon- glass, are much the same as in the sextant. There is, besides, another horizon-glass G, called the back horizon- glass attached to the same radius as F. Instead of a tube or telescope, the quadrant is furnished with vanes or sights H and I. I here are but three coloured glasses, two of which are red and the other green. They are fixed at K, as shown in the figure, when the fore horizon-glass is used. Observa¬ tion Instru¬ ments. Adjust¬ ments of Hadley’s quadrant, Use of Hadley’s sextant and quad¬ rant. NAVIGATION. 31 If the back horizon-glass be used, they are transferred to N. The back horizon-glass is silvered at both ends, but has a transparent slit in the middle through which the horizon may be seen. Each of the horizon-glasses is set in a brass frame, to which there is an axis passing through the wood-work, and is fitted to a lever on the under side of the quadrant, by which the glass may be turned a few degrees on its axis, in order to set it parallel or perpendicular, according as it is the fore or back horizon-glass, to the index-glass. The lever has a contrivance to turn it slowly, and a button to fix it. To set the glasses perpendicular to the plane of the instru¬ ment, there are two sunk screws, one before and the other behind each glass ; these screws pass through the plate on which the frame is fixed into another plate; so that by loosening one and tightening the other of these screws, the direction of the frame, with its mirror, may be altered, and set perpendicular to the plane of the instrument. The sight-vanes H and I are perforated pieces of brass, designed to direct the sight parallel to the plane of the quadrant. The vane I has two holes, one exactly at the height of the silvered part of the horizon-glass, the other a little higher, to direct the sight to the middle of the trans¬ parent part of the mirror. The limb is divided into ninety primary divisions, which are considered as degrees, and each degree subdivided into three equal parts, which are therefore of 20' each. The vernier-plate is generally so divided as to enable the ob¬ server to read off accurately to minutes. These consist in setting the mirrors perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, and the fore horizon-glass parallel, and the back horizon-glass perpendicular to the index-glass, when the zero of the index or vernier-plate coincides with zero of the graduations on the limb. The adjustments for the index-glass and fore horizon-glass are performed nearly in the same way as for the sextant. The index error, however, must be ascertained by bringing the horizon by reflection into the same line with the horizon seen directly. The method by taking the distance of two stars of the first magnitude, or the sun and moon, is in¬ applicable here. The back horizon-glass is so seldom used, that for its adjustments and the mode of taking observations with it, the reader is referred to Norie’s Navigation, and other works in which this subject is treated. Ihe altitude of an object may be determined by either instrument, and is the reading off on the limb, with the proper index error applied, when by reflection that object appears to be in contact with the horizon. The distance between the sun and moon, or other heavenly bodies, may be observed by the sextant when the limbs of the bodies observa- whose distance is required appear to be in contact. If the tion Instru- quadrant be used for taking the altitude of the sun, when meats, it is so bright that its image may be seen in the transparent ^ part of the fore horizon-glass, the eye is to be applied to the upper hole in the sight-vane, otherwise to the lower hole ; and in this case the quadrant is to be held so that the sun be bisected by the line of separation of the silvered and transparent parts of the glass. The moon is to be kept as nearly as possible in the same position, and the image of the star is to be observed on the silvered part of the glass ad¬ jacent to the line of separation of the two parts. With the quadrant two different methods of taking ob¬ servations may be employed. In the first, the observer faces the sun, and looks to that part of the horizon which is immediately under the sun, and the observation is there¬ fore called the fore observation. In the other method, the observer’s back is towards the sun, and he looks to the part of the horizon opposite to that which is under the sun; and this is consequently called the back observation. It is not to be employed exceptwhen the horizon under the sun is obscured, or rendered indistinct by fog or other impediment. In all cases of taking altitudes, it must be considered that it is necessary to be quite sure that the distance of the sun or other body from the horizon is the least pos¬ sible, otherwise it would not be the altitude that is ob¬ served. Consequently, after the instrument has been placed as nearly as possible in a vertical position, and a contact made, a motion about the line of sight of the sun must be communicated to the instrument, so as to keep the image always in the same part of the silvered mirror, the plane of the instrument being inclined. In this way we keep the angular distance of the sun from the line through the eye by which it is viewed the same, and the sun’s image de¬ scribes a small circle, whose angular radius is this distance. The horizon being fixed and viewed directly, will always occupy the same position. If, then, on giving this vibratory motion to the instrument, the arc described by the sun touches the horizon, the angular distance observed is the altitude. If it should cut the horizon, so that a portion of the sun’s image goes below it, the index must be moved back until this arc simply touches the horizon. In the back observation with the quadrant, and in observing with the sextant furnished with the inverting telescope, the images are inverted, and the arc described by the sun’s image lies below the horizon, to which line it is convex. The motion must be given round the axis passing through the observer’s eye and the sun. To do this, a motion about the axis of vision must be given to the instrument, and at the same time the observer must turn himself about upon his heel; for the motion about the line of sight of the sun may be resolved into these two motions; and the observer has no means of giving the requisite motion directly by one movement. When the sun is near the horizon, the line from the eye to the sun will not be far removed from the axis of vision, and the principal motion of the instrument will be performed on this axis ; while that part of the motion made about the vertical axis will be small. On the con¬ trary, if the sun be near the zenith, the line from the eye to the sun is nearly vertical and perpendicular to the axis of vision ; hence the motion about the vertical axis is the greatest, and that about the axis of vision very trifling. In intermediate positions of the sun the motions of the in¬ strument about these two axes will be more equally divided. When the distance between the moon and sun, a planet or a star, is to be observed, the sextant must be so held that its plane may pass through the eye of the observer and both objects ; and the reflected image of the brighter of the two is to be brought into contact with the other seen directly. To effect this, therefore, it is evident that when the brighter object is to the right of the other, the face of the sextant 32 NAVIGATION. Observa- must be held upwards, and if to the left, downwards. When tion Instru- the face of the sextant is held upwards, the instrument ments. should be supported with the right hand, and the index moved with the left hand. But when the face of the sex¬ tant is from the observer, it should be held with the left hand, and the motion of the index regulated with the right hand. Sometimes a sitting posture will be found conve¬ nient for the observer, particularly when the reflected object is to the right of the direct one. In this case the instru¬ ment is supported by the right hand; the elbow may rest on the right knee ; the right leg at the same time resting on the left knee. If the sextant be provided with a ball and socket, and a staff, one of whose ends is attached thereto, and the other rests in a belt fastened round the observer’s body, the greater part of the weight of the instrument will be supported by his body. In all cases where the sextant is used, when the contact is nearly made, the index should be fixed by the under screw, and the re¬ maining small motion given by the adjusting screw. Causes of Error may arise from two kinds of causes : one inherent error in the jn tjle construction of the instrument—as defect of parallel- tant°orSeX" ^sm or Perfect planeness in the fore and back surfaces of the quadrant, mirrors, as also of the coloured glasses, and of the true cir¬ cular form of the arc, and true centring, for which no remedy can be provided ; and the other arising from the bending and elasticity of the index or moveable radius. The parallelism of the two surfaces of the mirrors may be tested by viewing through them obliquely a distant dis¬ tinct object. If the image is perfect and well defined, the surfaces are parallel; otherwise not. To ascertain whether the surfaces of the mirrors are plane, observe the angle between two distant objects which are nearly of the same altitude, the image of the left-hand object being brought into contact with the right-hand object viewed directly; then move the instrument in its own 'plane so as to bring the image of the right-hand object into contact with the left-hand object viewed directly. If they continue in contact, the surfaces are plane; otherwise not. To test the form of the dark glasses, measure the sun’s diameter to the right and to the left of the zero point with different combinations of the glasses. If the sum of the diameters so measured be nearly equal to four times the semidiameter given in the Nautical Almanac, the form of the glasses is satisfactory. For the true centering of the arc, and its truly circular form and correct graduation, the navigator must trust entirely to the skill of the maker. By reason of the bending and elasticity of the index, and the resistance it meets with in turning round the centre, its extremity, on being pushed round the arc, will sensibly ad¬ vance before the index-glass begins to move, and may be seen to recoil when the force acting on it is removed. Mr Hadley, in order to remedy this defect, which he seems to have apprehended, gave special directions that the index be made broad at the end next the centre, and the centre or axis itself have as easy a motion as is consistent with steadiness; that is, an entire freedom from looseness or shake, as the workmen term it. By strictly complying with these directions, the error in question may indeed be greatly diminished, so as to be nearly insensible, when the index is made strong, and the proper medium between the two extremes of a shake at the centre on the one hand, and too much stiffness there on the other, is nicely hit; but it cannot be entirely corrected, for to more or less of bending the index will always be subject, and some degree of resist¬ ance will remain at the centre, unless the friction there could be totally removed, which is impossible. Of the reality of the error to which he is liable from this cause, the observer, if he is provided with an instrument furnished with an adjusting screw for the index, may thus satisfy himself:—After finishing the observation, lay the instrument on a table, and note the angle } then cautiously loosen the screw which fastens the index, and it will Observa- immediately, if the instrument is not remarkably w'ell tion instru- constructed, be seen to start from its former situation, ments. more or less according to the perfection of the joint and strength of the index. This starting, which is due to the index recoiling after being released from the confined state it was in during the observation, will sometimes amount to several minutes ; and its direction will be oppo¬ site to that in which the index was moved by the screw at the time of finishing the observation. But how far it affects the truth of the observation depends on the manner in which the index was moved in setting it to 0, for adjusting the instrument, or in finishing the observations necessary for finding the index error. The easiest and best rule to avoid these errors seems to be this :—In all observations made by Hadley’s quadrant or sextant, let the observer take notice constantly to finish his observations by moving the index in the same direction which was used in setting it to 0 for adjusting, or in the observations necessary for finding the index error. If this rule is observed, the error arising from the spring of the index will be obviated. For as the index was bent the same way, and in the same degree, in adjusting as in ob¬ serving, the truth of the observations will not be affected by this bending. To Observe the Sun’s Altitude at Sea. T urn down one of the dark glasses before the horizon-glass (if the instrument be the quadrant, the fore horizon-glass is to be used) according to the sun’s brightness ; direct the sight to that part of the horizon which is under the sun, and move the index until the coloured image of the sun appears in the horizon-glass. Then give the instrument a slow vibratory motion about the axis of vision, as already de¬ scribed ; move the index until the upper or lower limb of the sun is nearly in contact with the horizon at the lowest or highest part of the arc (according as the image is seen erect or inverted) described by this motion ; and complete the contact by the tangent-screw, if the sextant be used— if not, by moving the index. The reading off of the limb will be the altitude of the sun. To Observe the Moon’s Altitude at Sea. Turn down the green glass, and observe the moon in the silvered part of the horizon-glass, the eye being directed towards the horizon ; move the index gradually, and proceed as already described in the case of the sun, until the enlightened limb is in contact with the horizon at the lowest or highest point of the arc described by the vi¬ bratory motion. The reading off will be the altitude of the moon’s observed limb. If the lower limb be observed, the moon’s semidiameter must be added ; and if the Tipper limb be observed, it must be subtracted from the observed altitude, in order to obtain the altitude of the moon’s centre. If the observation is made in the day-time, the coloured glass is not to be used. . To Observe the Altitude of a Star or Planet. Put the index to zero ; then direct the sight to the star so as to see it through the unsilvered part of the horizon- glass ; turn the instrument a little to the left, and the image of the star will be seen in the silvered part of the glass. Now move the index, and the image will be seen to descend ; continue to move the index gradually, until the star is in contact with the horizon at the lowest point of the arc described by the vibratory motion ; in the case of the sextant, clamping the index when the contact is nearly made, and completing it with the adjusting or tangent screw. NAVIGATION. 33 Observa- To find the Altitude of the Sun on Shore with an Artificial tion Instru- Horizon. ments. A flat dish, containing a small quantity of mercury, is generally used for this purpose. The surface of the mer¬ cury is horizontal, and is a good reflector of the sun’s rays. Let the observer so stand that he may receive on his eye rays from the sun which have been reflected from the sur¬ face of the mercury. He will then, according to the prin¬ ciples cf optics, see the reflected image of the sun as much below the surface of the mercury as the sun is above it. If, then, he looks at the image through the unsilvered part of the horizon-glass, instead of at the horizon, and brings the image of the sun reflected at the index-glass and horizon-glass into contact with this, it is evident that the angle observed will be double of the sun’s altitude. The details of this process are the same as have been already explained. Having read off the angle when the contact has been made, it must be corrected for the index error; and the result, divided by 2, will be the apparent altitude of that limb of the sun which has been observed. To Observe the Distance between the Moon and any Celestial Object with the Sextant. 1. Between the Sun and Moon.—Put the telescope in its place, and the wires parallel to the plane of the instru¬ ment ; and if the sun is very bright, raise the plate before the silvered part of the speculum; direct the telescope to the transparent part of the horizon-glass, or to the line of separation of the silvered and transparent parts, according to the brightness of the sun; and turn down one of the coloured glasses. Then hold the sextant so that its plane produced may pass through the sun and moon, having its face upwards or downwards, according as the sun is to the right or left of the moon ; direct the sight through the telescope to the moon, and move the index till the limb of the sun is nearly in contact with the illumined limb of the moon ; now clamp the index, and, by a gentle motion of the instrument, make the image of the sun move alternately to one side and the other of the moon ; and when in that position, where the limbs are nearest each other, make the contact of the limbs perfect by the tangent-screw ; this being effected, read off the degrees and parts of a degree shown by the index on the limb, using the magnifying-glass ; and thus the angular distance between the nearest limbs of the sun and moon is obtained. 2. Distance between the Moon and a Planet or Star.— Direct the middle of the field of the telescope to the line of separation of the silvered and transparent parts of the horizon-glass; if the moon is very bright, turn down the lightest-coloured glass, and hold the sextant so that its plane may be parallel to that passing through the eye of the ob¬ server and both objects ; its face being upwards if the moon is to the right of the star, but downwards if it be to the left. Now direct the sight through the telescope to the star, and move the index till the moon appears by the re¬ flection to be nearly in contact with the star; clamp the index, and turn the adjusting or tangent screw till the co¬ incidence of the star and the enlightened limb of the moon is perfect; and the reading off of the limb at the index will be the observed distance between the moon’s enlightened limb and the star. 1 he contact of the limbs must always be observed in the middle, between the parallel wires. It is sometimes difficult for those not much accustomed to observations of this kind, to find the reflected image in the horizon-glass; it will perhaps, in this case, be found more convenient to look directly to the object, and, by moving the index, to make its image coincide with that seen directly. * VOL. XVI. SECT. II. OF THE CORRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED TO OBSERVED ALTITUDES AND DISTANCES. 1. Parallax. Observa¬ tion Instru¬ ments. In order that the place of a heavenly body may be fixed in space, it is necessary to suppose that all observations are taken from one point. This point is the centre of the earth. Consequently the places of the sun, moon, and planets, whose distances from the earth are measurable, as observed, must be reduced to what they would be if seen from the centre. The correction for this object is called parallax. The fixed stars are at so great a distance from the earth that they have no sensible parallax, and this cor¬ rection is not to be applied to them. Let C (fig. 47) be the centre of the earth, P the place of the observer on its surface, and Z his zenith ; and let S be a heavenly body whose position is observed. Then ZPS is the observed zenith distance, or complement of the ob¬ served altitude, and ZCS z the true zenith distance, —i.e., the zenith distance as observed at the earth’s centre. Then clearly the angle ZPS is greater than the angle ZCS by the angle PSC, which is also in the plane of the vertical circle through S. It is evident from the figure that a heavenly body \s depress¬ ed by parallax ; and the observed altitude is less than the true altitude by a certain amount depend¬ ing on the altitude, which Fig. 47. is called the correction of parallax. The correction of parallax, therefore, must always be applied with the positive sign. Its amount may be easily found ; for, let ZPS = 2, and ZCS = z, and PSC the parallax = o; then, in triangle PSC, 8 Sin PSC = —T sin SPC = ^sin SPZ. Let PC = r, the radius of the earth, and SC = R, the dis¬ tance of the heavenly body from C ; also PSC is always very small, and sin PSC = PSC=/> very nearly. Hence P — ^ sin z. r and R being invariable, p is greatest when 2' —90°, or when S is in the horizon. Let P be the value of p in this position; then and jo = P sin 2 = P cos a', if d be the observed altitude. This will illustrate the principle on which tables of cor¬ rection for parallax for different heavenly bodies, as sun, moon, &c., for different angles of altitude, are calculated. 2. Refraction. Refraction is a correction to be applied in consequence of the rays from every heavenly body being bent or re¬ fracted as they pass through the successive layers of the earth’s atmosphere, in consequence of which they describe curvilinear paths, having their convexity turned towards the zenith of the observer. The tangent to this curve at the eye of the observer is the direction in which he sees the object, and is evidently, from what has been said, bent toviards the zenith. Hence the effect of refraction is to raise the heavenly bodies in the heavens above their true E 34 NAVIGATION. Observa- places; and the correction must therefore be applied to the ^merits™ 0^erve(^ altitudes of all bodies with a negative sign. i t j _ law which this correction follows is very complex ; it is very great when the body is near the horizon, and vanishes when it is in the zenith. The best position of heavenly bodies for observation, so far as this correction is concerned, is near the zenith. A table of this correction for every 5' of altitude is cal¬ culated, and is to be found in all nautical tables. Hence ACH' in seconds = 57'29577 x 60 x 60 x 2d * 6120 x 3958 Hence, putting d=l, 2, 3, &c., feet respectively, we can find the dip when the eye is 1, 2, 3, &c., feet respectively above the surface. Whence tables for the dip at different elevations may be calculated. 3. Correction for Semidiameter. When tne sun or moon, or a planet, is observed, the altitude of one of the limbs is the observed altitude, the altitude of the centre must be obtained by adding or subtracting the semidiameter of the observed body according as the lower or upper limb is observed. The semidiameters of the sun and moon are continyally changing; and tables are given in the Nautical Almanac of their values at noon of every day at Greenwich, and in the case of the moon at mid¬ night also. Their values at any intermediate hour may be calculated from these, as will be more fully shown here¬ after. This correction is not to be applied when a fixed s ar is the object observed. 5. Index Error. This error has already been explained. It wall be observed that all observed altitudes are affected with refraction and dip, of which the first is always subtractive, and the second is subtractive in all ob¬ servations, except when the back horizon-glass of the quadrant is made use of, when it is additive. Parallax and semidiameter affect only those bodies whose distance from the earth is not very great, and which have a sensible diameter, as the sun and moon ; but no fixed stars. Parallax is always additive; and the semidiameter is to be added or subtracted according as the lower or upper limb of the heavenly body is observed. 4. Correction for Dip. The altitude is supposed to be observed from the true horizon—i.e., from a horizontal plane through the place of the observer. This, however, is never the case, for the observer’s eye must then be on the earth’s surface. It is in fact, always elevated above it, and the apparent horizon is depressed in consequence below the true horizon. The nature of this correction will be easily seen from fig. 48. B the place of observation at a distance AB = <7 feet above the surface, BH' touching the surface at H' ; then BH' is the plane of the sensible horizon; S a heavenly body to be observed. Draw B/i parallel to AH, the true horizon of A, and let BH'and AH in¬ tersect in J. Then, since AB is very small compared with BS and AS, the ^2 ABS may be considered as equal to HAS. Also letR = earth’s radius, CA or CH'. Hence observed altitude of S ti t)!5 = ABSH-/zBH „ .. =ABS-t-AJB = ABS +ACH', Ur true altitude = observed altitude - ACH' Now tan ACH' = BH 'CH' V(2 ir+rf] d R _/2d (p V ^nearly, because may be ne¬ glected in comparison of IT Also ACH —tan ACH' nearly; ACH' = a/?? A R Now R in feet = 6120 x 3958. Chap. II.—PRELIMINARY PROBLEMS IN NAUTI¬ CAL ASTRONOMY, AND USE OF NAUTICAL AL¬ MANAC AND TABLES. SECT. I.—OF TIME. A day is the interval between two successive transits of a heavenly body over the meridian, and derives its name from the body whose motion is observed; and of whatever denomination it be, it is divided into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds. The interval between two successive transits of the sun is a solar day ; of the moon, a lunar day; of a fixed star, a sidereal day. The earth’s revolution about her axis is per¬ formed always in the same time ; hence if all the heavenly bodies retained the same position with regard to one another, all days of whatever name would be of the same length. The sun (or, more strictly speaking, the earth), the moon, and planets are always varying their position w'ith respect to one another and the fixed stars ; and they move with velocities not only different from each other, but variable in different parts of their own orbits. The length of the day, therefore, determined by these bodies is variable. In order to obtain a definite and uniform measure of time, the mean solar dap, which is the average of all the apparent solar days in the year, is employed. An imaginary body, called the mean sun, is supposed to de¬ scribe the equator uniformly with the true sun’s average or mean daily motion, and the interval between two suc¬ cessive transits of this imaginary sun is a mean solar day. Clocks and chronometers are adapted to mean solar time; so that a complete revolution through twenty-four hours of the hour-hand of one of these instruments would exactly correspond with the revolution of the earth about her axis with regard to the mean sun. Time reckoned in mean solar days and parts of mean solar days is called mean solar time. I he true sun sometimes passes the meridian before and sometimes after the mean sun ; the difference in time of the transits of the true and mean suns is called the equation of time, and is sometimes to be added and sometimes to be subtracted from the one of these times to obtain the other, as is pointed out in the Nautical Almanac. As the earth revolves about her axis from E. to W., different meridians successively come under the mean sun ; and since, after the lapse of twenty-four mean solar hours, Nautical Astrono¬ my, &c. N A Y I G Nautical the same meridian again comes under the sun ; it follows Astronomy that for every 15° of longitude between the places, there is a difference of lh of mean time; and that mean noon is lh earlier for every 15° of E. longitude, and lh later for every 15° of W. longitude. A sidereal day is the interval between two successive transits over the same meridian of the vernal equinox, or the first point of Aries. This is not strictly a uniform measure because of the change of the position of this point of Aries in consequence of precession and nutation. Time, therefore, so reckoned, ought strictly to be called apparent sidereal time ; and mean sidereal time to be reckoned from the transit not of the true but of the mean equinoctial point. 1 he smallness of the fluctuations to which a clock regulated to apparent sidereal time, compared with one regulated to mean sidereal time, is subject, amounting at the utmost to 28'3 in 19 years, has prevented the practical inconvenience of this being felt; no clock being sufficiently perfect to go for so long a period without requiring frequently to be re¬ adjusted. The sun’s apparent revolution in his orbit round the earth takes place in 365-242218 mean solar days; the mean sun, therefore, describes an angle of 59' 8"-33 in a mean solar day; hence, in the interval between two suc¬ cessive transits of the mean sun over the same meridian, the earth revolves through 360° 59' 8"-33; but in a sidereal day the earth revolves through 360°. Whence we obtain the proportion— A sidereal day: a mean solar day :: 360° : 360° 59' 8"-33. Whence also it is evident that, if the same interval of absolute time be expressed in mean solar and also in sidereal time, it will be greater in the latter denomination than in the former. Tables are calculated for the acceleration of sidereal on mean solar time, and, conversely, for the retardation of mean solar on sidereal time, which are useful for convert¬ ing intervals of sidereal into mean solar time, and con¬ versely. These are to be found at page 516 of the Nau¬ tical Almanac. Astronomical mean time always begins at noon, and goes on to the succeeding noon through 24 hours; so that a clock which shows astronomical mean time, set for any place (as Greenwich), shows 0h CP 08 when the mean sun is on the meridian, and shows 24 hours, or 0h (P 08, when the mean sun is again on the meridian. A clock set to show sidereal time shows 0h (P 0s when the mean equinoctial point is on the meridian, and shows 24 hours, or 0h (P 0a, again when this point is next on the meridian. Sidereal Time, in the Nautical Almanac, is the sidereal time at mean noon for the meridian of Greenwich; or, in other words, the hour angle of the equinoctial point when the mean sun is on this meridian ; and is very useful in all cases where mean time is to be deduced from observations of heavenly bodies. The civil day is reckoned from midnight to midnight, and is divided into 12 hours, from midnight to noon, called a.m. ; and into 12 hours, from noon to midnight, called Evidently time p.m., and astronomical mean time up to midnight, are the same. But for time a.m., add 12 hours, and date the day one back. Thus, June 3, 7h 5m 27s p.m. is, June 3, 7h 5m 27s astronomical time; but, June 3, 5h 12ra378 a.m. is, June 2, I7h 12m 378 a.m. Conversely, if the astronomical time is given, and the corresponding civil time is required, if under 12 hours, the given time is the same time p.m. for the same date; if above 12 hours, subtract 12 hours from it, and date the day one forward, and the result is civil time a.m. Thus, September 18, 7h 1(P 15* is, September 18, A T I O N. 7h 1(P 15s p.m. ; but September 18, 22h 13m 45s astro¬ nomical is, September 19, 10u 13m 458 a.m. Prop. 1.—To convert degrees, or parts of the equator, into time. Hide.—Divide the degrees by 15; the result gives hours. Multiply the remaining degrees, if any, by 4 ; the result is minutes. Divide the number of minutes by 15 for minutes, and then multiply the remaining minutes*by4 for seconds. Divide the seconds by 15 for seconds, and decimals of seconds, if necessary. Ex. 1.—Reduce 26° 46' to time. Divide 26 by 15, the quotient is 1, with remainder 11. Hence, by the rule— 26° = P 44“ 45' = 0 3 or 26° 45' = 1 47. Ex. 2.—Reduce 139° 48' 18" to time, 139° = 9^ 16m 0* 48' = 0 3 12 18" =0 0 1-2 or 139° 48'18"= 9 19 13-2. Prop. 2.—To convert time into degrees, minutes, and seconds. Rule.—Multiply the given time by 10, and add to the result half of the product. The result will be the corre¬ sponding degrees, minutes, and seconds. Ex.—Convert 3h 4m 28* into degrees, &c. 3h 4m 28* 10 30 44 40 One half = 15 22 20 46 7 0 Answer 46° 7'. Prop. 3.—Given the time under any known meridian, to find the corresponding time at Greenwich. Rule.—Let the given time be reckoned from the pre¬ ceding noon to turn it into astronomical time ; convert the longitude of the known meridian into time, which add to the given time if the place be W. of Greenwich, and sub¬ tract from the given time if it be E.; and, if necessary, increase the time by 24 hours, reckoning the day one back. If the resulting time exceed 24 hours, put the date one day forward, and subtract 24 hours. Ex. 1.-—It is 61115m p.m., June 23, in a ship whose longitude is 76° 45' W. 76° 45' = 5!l 7m. Given time, June 23... 611 15m Longitude 5 7 W. Time at Greenwich ll 22 June23. Ex. 2.—The time at a ship in longitude 139° 48' 15" E. is, July 24, 5h 25m 20“ P.M.; required the Greenwich time. 139° = 9fc 16m 0* 48' = 0 3 12 15" = 0 0 1 9 19 13 This being greater than the given time, we next add 24h to the latter, and we have— 29h 25m 20® 9 19 13 Time at Greenwich.,....20 6 7 July 23, Or civil time 8 6 7 a.m. July 24. Ex. S.—The time at a ship in longitude 175° 45; W. is, June 28, 4h IS81 12* a.m. ; what is the Greenwich time ? 175° = ll11 40“ 45' = 0 3 Longitude =11 43 W.- Time at ship Is, June 27 16h 18141 12* Longitude..., .11 43 0 W. Time..,,. 28 1 12 Jut \e 27. Or.. 4 1 12 Jut >e 28. 35 Nautical Astronomy I 36 Nautical Astronomy NAVIGATION. Ex. 4.—The time at a ship in longitude 178° E. is, October 14, 3h 15m a.m. ; what is the time at Greenwich ? 3h 15m a.m. on Oct. 14... = Oct. 13, IS1 lom 0s Longitude 178° = 11 52 0 E. Time at Greenwich. = Oct. 13, 3 23 0 Prob. 4.—To find the Greenwich time by a chronome¬ ter whose error on Greenwich mean time is known. Rule'—Add or subtract the error of the chronometer to the time shown by it, according as it is slow or fast; the result is Greenwich time. Sometimes 12 hours must be added to this result, and the day reckoned one back. The best way to obviate this error, is to obtain Greenwich time approximately, by Problem 3, by help of the ships mean time and longitude by account; if the difference between the two (Greenwich) dates, so found in these two ways, is nearly 12 hours, then the date by chronometer must be increased by 12 hours, and the day reckoned one back if necessary, so as to make the two dates agree in the day and hour nearly. Ex. 1.—June 15, 1857, at 7h 45m p.m. mean time nearly, in longitude 45° W., a chronometer showed 1011 53“ 12*, being 3m 15* fast; required the Greenwich time. By Chronometer. June 15, Chronometer 10h 53m Error on Greenwich 1 q 3 mean time (fast) .... J Greenwich time 10 49 Ex. 2.—October 12, 1857, at 35' W., a chronometer showed 7l quired the Greenwich date. J3y Chronometer. Oct. 12 7h 0” 40* Error (slow) 0 9 5 7 9 45 12 0 0 Greenwich, Oct. 12,19 9 45 By Rule 3. 12* Ship, June 15.... 7h 45m 15 Longitude 3 0 W. 57 Greenwich time, 10 45 llh 45m p.m., in longitude 110° 1 0“ 40*, being 9m 5* slow ; re- By Rule 3. Ship, Oct. 12 II11 45“ 0* Longitude 7 22 20 Greenw., Oct. 12... 19 7 20 Prob. 5.—Given the Greenwich date, to find the date under a given meridian. Rule.—The Greenwich date being reduced to the pre¬ ceding noon, reduce the longitude to time, and subtract it from Greenwich date, increased by 24 hours, and put one day back if necessary, if the longitude be W.; and add if the longitude be E. tity to be applied to the value at the preceding noon, which Nautical must be added if the quantity is increasing, and subtracted Astronomy if it be decreasing. As the values of the quantities are given for Greenwich noon, it is necessary to 1 educe the ship’s time to Greenwich time, in order to obtain theii pio- per value. This process may be materially shortened by the use of proportional logarithms, which are given in nautical tables, and to which the reader is referred for an explanation. For example, to take out the sun s declination at a given time in a s'—v—^ out of the Nautical Almanac, increased, if necessary, by 24 hours, subtract the right ascension of the mean sun at mean noon (or sidereal time, as it is called in the Nautical Alma¬ nac). This gives the mean time at the ship approximately. Apply the longitude to this, and thus get a Greenwich date, and by this date correct the right ascension of the mean sun, and subtract the quantity so found from the star’s right ascension ; this will be the time required. Ex.—At what time will /3 Corvi pass the meridian of a place in Long. 62° 20' E., on July 24, 1857 ? Right ascension jS Corvi, July 24 1211 26” 53s-88 Right ascension of mean sun at mean noon (sidereal time, Naut. Almanac) 8 8 37-33 Sidereal time ship, approximate 4 18 16-55 Longitude 4 9 20-0 E. Greenwich date, July 24 0h 8” 56a-55 Right ascension of mean sun at mean noon 8 8 37-33 Correction for 8” 0 0 1-31 „ 56“ 0 0 0-15 Eight ascension of mean sun 8 8 38-79 „ /3 Corvi 12 26 53 88 Time of star’s passing the meridian. 4 18 15-09 SECT. VI.—OF THE MOON’S AUGMENTATION—CORRECTION OF SEMIDIAMETER ON ACCOUNT OF REFRACTION—THE MOONS MERIDIAN PASSAGE, &c., &c. 1. Of the Moon’s Augmentation.—The moon’s semidiame¬ ter given in the Nautical Almanac is calculated as if seen from the earth’s centre. Moreover, on account of the com¬ paratively moderate distance of the moon from the earth, the moon’s semidiameter subtends an angle at the earth’s surface which sensibly varies with the altitude,being greatest when the moon is in the zenith, and least when in the horizon of the observer. The correction to be applied to the semi¬ diameter from this cause is called the augmentation. It is computed for every degree of altitude, and is to be found in all nautical tables. 2. Contraction of Moon’s Semidiameter on account of Refraction.—The correction for refraction varies very ra¬ pidly near the horizon, and consequently the moon’s lower limb is sensibly more raised than the upper; and the moon’s apparent form is that of an ellipse instead of a circle. Hence, in taking a lunar distance when the moon is near the horizon, the moon’s semidiameter to be added to the observed distance, as taken from the tables, is greater than it ought to be; and a correction must be applied in con¬ sequence of the moon’s diameter being an oblique diameter of the elliptic face, and not the horizontal or greatest diame¬ ter. rI his correction is always subtractive, and is given in nautical tables. 3. Of the Moon’s Meridian Passage.—In west longitude the moon crosses the meridian later with regard to the sun than at Greenwich, and in east longitude earlier; because the moon’s distance from the sun in right ascension is con¬ stantly changing. Hence to the Greenwich meridian pas¬ sage of the moon must be applied a correction for every other place, depending on the longitude. All nautical tables contain this correction. The corrections to be applied to the observed altitudes and distances of the heavenly bodies have been now suffi¬ ciently explained, and the reader will, with a little expe¬ rience, easily understand how the several corrections are to be taken out of the tables. Index error, dip, and refrac¬ tion are common to all observed altitudes, and must be applied in the order in which they are here set down. If the body observed be a star, this is all that is required. 40 NAVIGATION. Finding If a planet, the parallax for the given altitude, taken fiom the Lati- proper table, must be added. If the observed body be the sun, after the dip apply the sun’s semidiametei, and then correct for refraction and parallax. I hese two cor- tude. The process will differ in detail, according to the nature of the body observed. (1.) If it be a fixed star, the altitude must be corrected only for index correction, dip, and refraction; and the de¬ letions are frequently given together, under the name of clmation is given at once by the tab es. correction in a/L*/which is always subtractive, because (2.) If it be a planet, the declination must be corrected correction in aituuae, wmc . ’ Ifthe by getting a Greenwich date, applying the proportional in¬ crease or decrease for this date. If great accuracy is re¬ quired, the semidiameter and horizontal parallax must also be found, and the altitude corrected for these. (3.) If it be the sun, the Greenwich date must be got, and the declination corrected for this; the altitude must be corrected for index, dip, semidiameter, refraction, and parallax. (4.) If it be the moon, a Greenwich date must be got. If it be only known that the observed altitude is a meridian altitude, the meridian passage at Greenwich must be cor¬ rected for the longitude, and the Greenwich date obtained by applying the longitude in time as already shown. Th moon’s semidiameter, horizontal parallax, and declination, must be corrected for the Greenwich date, and the true altitude and declination thus found. When the true alti¬ tude and declination are found, the remainder of the process is according to the rule given above, and is the same for all. Ex. 1.—May 20, 1857, the observed meridian altitude of Castor was 49° 20' 30w (zenith N. of star), the index correction was — 3' 40", and the height of the eye above the sea was 18 feet; required the latitude. the refraction is always greater than the parallax, observed body be the moon, the semidiameter and hoiizon- tal parallax cannot be considered as invariable for 24houis; they must therefore be corrected for the proper Gieen- wich date, as already pointed out. 1 o the semidiametei thus corrected must be added the augmentation, fiom the proper table. The rest of the process is exactly the same as for the sun. Ex. 1—Feb. 1, 1857, at 2^ 40m P.M , in Lat. 53° 20' N., and Lon 40” 0* 2 1 20 E. 7^38 40 P 42 NAVIGATION. linding Sidereal time at mean noon, Greenwich, the Lati- Jan, 20 tude. i Acceleration for 7h 39m s—Mean time at place Sidereal time Observed altitude Index 19h 59m 14s,42 0 1 15 9 40 0 5 40 29-42 31° 40'20" - 0 2 20 Dip. 31 38 0 3 Correction in altitude .. True altitude of Polaris. Deduced altitude With argument 5* 40m (first cor.)- Approximate latitude Arguments ( _.3®° I second ) . } 5h 40m [ cor. j Arguments, Jan. 20,1857,5h 40m {third cor.) Latitude 31 34 53 0 1 34 31 33 19 0 2 0 31 31 19 0 32 13 30 59 6 0 31 2 16 31 1 53 N. 3. By Observed Altitudes of a Heavenly Body very near the Meridian. Or 19-837225 Hour angle 41m 305-61, log. haversine 7-912484 Constant log 6-301030 Natural number, 1124 3-050739 Or 19-837225 Half-hour angle, 20m 45"-3, 2 log. sin 17-912484 Constant log 6-301030 Natural number, 1124 3-050739 Observed altitude 36° 35'20" Index correction — 0 2 20 36 33 0 Dip 0 3 56 36 29 4 Semidiameter 0 16 4 36 45 8 Correction in altitude 0 111 36 43 57 Nat. sine 597080 1124 Mer. zen. dist 53° 16' 11" N. Nat. cosine 598204 Declination 6 59 OS. True lat 46 16 11 N. Finding the Lati¬ tude. 1 he sun is the body most usually observed for the purpose. The apparent time from noon or hour angle is supposed to be known ; as also the latitude by account, which is supposed to differ from the true latitude only by a small quantity. Buie. Add together the tabular logs, of cosines of the latitude by account, and of the declination of the observed body. To these add log. rising, if a table of log. rising be used ; or, 6’301030-flog, haversine hour angle, if a table of haversines be used; or twice the log. sine of half the hour angle with the same constant log., if a table of loo-, sines only be used. In all cases cast out the tens from the result, and the remainder is the logarithm of a natural number, which, added to the natural sine of the true altitude, will give the natural cosine of the meridian zenith distance. The de¬ clination applied to this—as already pointed out in pre¬ ceding problems—will give the latitude. The hour an> 38™ 10», being slow Greenwich 14™ 10*. The altitude of the sun’s lower limb observed to be 36 35' 20", the index error was -2' 20", and height of the eye above the sea 16 feet; required the latitude. Chronometer 411 38™ 10s Error (slow) 0 14 10 4 52 20 12 0 0 Green., Oct. 10.... 16 52 20 Sun’s declination, October 10.... 6° 44' 0"-9 » 11.... 6 43-5 T5318 0 21 42-6 •91843 107166 0 14 59 Declination S 6 58 59-9 Semidiameter ... 0 16 4 Lat. by acct 46 10 0 Declination 6 58 57-9 Equation of time, October 10.... + O’1 12™ 59-81 »> 11 0 13 15-15 o o’T^sS •15318 2- 84873 3- 00191 0 0 10-8 Equa. of time O 13 10-61 Chron. showed .... 4 38 10 Error (slow) 0 14 10 Greenw. m. t. 12 + 4 52 2cT Longitude ......... 7 36 0 E. 24 28 2cT Equation of time 0 13 10-61 Hour angle 0 41 Sim L cosine 9-840459 cosine 9-996766 T9 837225 '= Eog. rising 3-213724 3050949 L°g 0 41 30-61. Nat. number by table of log. rising, 4. By two Observed Altitudes of the Sun, and the Time between ; having given also the Latitude by Account (Douwe’s Method). Rule.—To find the hour angle corresponding to the greater meridian altitude—i.e., the hour from apparent noon, at which the greater altitude is observed. To the log. secant of the latitude by account, add the log. secant of the sun’s declination (the mean between the declinations at the first and second observation); this, rejecting 20, is called the logarithm ratio. To this add the log. of the difference of the natural sines of the two alti¬ tudes, and the logarithm of the half-elapsed time from the proper column (taken from nautical tables, which are fur¬ nished with special tables for this purpose). Find this sum in the column of middle times, and take out the time answering thereto ; the difference between this and the half-elapsed time will be the time from noon, when the greater altitude was observed. Or from any table :— Find the logarithm ratio as before. Subtract each of the true altitudes from 90°, to get the true zenith distances, and take half their sum and half their difference ; and to the logarithm ratio add the sum of .the log. of the sines of this semi-sum and semi-difference, and from this sum subtract the log. sine of the half-elapsed time; the remainder is the log. sine of middle time, which find from a table of log. sines, and the difference of the middle time and half-elapsed time is the time from noon, at which the greater altitude is observed. We have now an observed altitude and the time from noon or hour angle corresponding; the remainder of the solution is therefore the same as in the last case, except that the log. ratio, being the sum of the logarithms of the secants, may be used instead of the sum of the logarithms of the cosines, with the negative sign. If the latitude so found differs much from the latitude by account, the work must be repeated, using the computed latitude for the latitude by account. I his rule is only approximate, and must be used under the following restrictions :—1. The observations must be taken between nine in the forenoon and three in the afternoon. 2. It both the observations be made in the forenoon, or both in the afternoon, the interval must not be less than the dis¬ tance of the time of observation of the greatest altitude from noon. 3. If one observation be in the forenoon and the other in the afternoon, the interval must not exceed 4-|-h; and in all instances the nearer to noon the greater altitude is observed the better. 4. If the sun’s meridian zenith distance be less than the latitude, the limitations are still more con- Finding the Lati¬ tude. NAVIGATION. tracted. If the latitude be double the meridian zenith dis¬ tance, the observations must be taken between half-past nine in the morning and half-past two in the afternoon ; and the interval must not exceed 3|-h. The observations must be taken still nearer to noon if the latitude exceed the zenith distance in a greater proportion.1 As the ship is generally in motion between the two obser¬ vations, it is necessary to apply to the first altitude a correc¬ tion for its run in the interval, so as to obtain what the altitude would have been if observed at the same time as the second. If 6 be the angle between the course of the ship and the bearing of the sun, the correction for run is y = ^k:m cos 6, where m is the number of minutes in the angle subtended by the ship’s run,—i.e., number of miles run,—and 0 the angle between the bearing of the sun and the course; and the sign + or — is to be used according as the ship is moving towards or from the heavenly body : in the former case 6 is less than 90°, and in the latter greater. It is evident, from the form of the expression, that this correction may be found in a traverse table by looking out the difference be¬ tween the course and bearing, or what it wants of 8 points for a course, and the ship’s run as a distance ; the correspond¬ ing difference of latitude, multiplied by 60, will then be the number of seconds in the correction for run, which is to be added or subtracted according as the angle is less or greater than 8 points or 90°. Thus, the bearing of the sun was S.E., the run was S.S.E. 18 miles ; required the correction for run. Here the angle between the bearing and the course is 2 points, and the distance 18 miles ; on entering a traverse table with these, we find the true difference of latitude 16‘6. Hence the correction for run is + 16' 12 ". Ux.—April 20, 1857, in Lat. 44° 20' N., Long. 35° 50' E., the following double altitude of the sun was observed :— Mean Time, nearly. Chronometer. Obs. Alt. Sun’s L.L. True Bearing. 10h 40“ a.m. 8k 30“ 20* 53° 5' 457 S.E. by S. 2 40 p.m. 0 29 40 41 0 30 S.W. by W. The run of the ship in the interval was S.S.E. 25 miles, the index correction was — 4' 40", and the height of the eye above the sea 15 feet; required the true latitude at the last observation. The angle between the true bearing at first observation and ship’s course is 1 point; the true difference of latitude, corresponding to distance 25 and course 1 point in traverse table, is 24/-5. Hence correction for run to be applied to the greater altitude is + 24' 30". First observation— Second observation— Ship, April 19, 2211 40“ 0* Ship, April 20, 2h 40“ 0* Longitude 2 23 20 E. Longitude 2 23 20 E. Greenw.,Ap. 19,20 16 40 Sun’s Declin. April 19 11° 15' 16"-7 15' 56"-9 . 11 35 53-8 20. •07319 •94105 1-01424 True decl., Greenw., Ap. 20,0 Semidiam. Sun’s Declin. 11° 35' 53"-8 11 56 19-6 16 40 Semidiam. 15' 56"-6 0 20 37-1 0 17 25 32 41-9 36 7-9 1- 93668 •94849 2- 88517 True decl., 0 20 15-8 0 0 14-1 11 36 7 9 2)23 8 49-6 11 First obs. alt... 53° Index - 0 34 24-8 mean declination. 5' 45" 4 40 Dip, 53 .-0 1 5 3 49 Semidiameter alt... 52 • + 0 57 16 15 56-9 Second obs. alt. 41° Index — 0 40 0 40 Semidiameter.. 0 0' 30" 4 40 Dip. 55 50 3 49 52 1 15 56-6 53 .-0 13 12-9 0 38 41 57-6 0 53 Cor. for run ... + 0 12 34-9 24 30 True alt... 53 37 4-9 Cor. in alt 0 True alt.... 41 6 57-6 Lat. by acct. N. 44° 20' 0" Mean declin. S. 11 34 24 Log. secant -145520 Log. secant -008947 Log. ratio -154467~ Greater alt., 53° 37' 4"-9 Less alt 41 6 57-6 Nat. sine, 80508 „ 65758 Diff. 14850 Chronometer.... 1211 29“ 40* 8 30 20 Nat. number 3298 Nat. sine gr. alt.. 80508 83806 Nat. cos... 33c 11 Approx, lat. 44 36 9 Latitude 44° 36' 9" Declination 11 34 24-8 Log. secant -147522 Log. secant -008947 Log. ratio -156469 Difif. nat. sine... •14850 Log 4-171726 Log. ratio -156469 Half-elapsed time .... ‘30213 lh 59“ 40* 0 49 18 1 10 22 Nat. number... N. sinegr. alt... 3269 80508 83777 Nat. cosine... 33° 5' 11 32 True lat., 44 38 21 N. Or, if a table of logarithmic sines, &c., only be used, we have— 1st true corrected alt. 4"-9 0 53° 37' 90 0 Zenith dist. 36 22 55-1 48 53 2-4 2d true alt... 41° 90 6' 57"-6 0 0 48 53 2-4 2)85 15 57-5 Semi-sum zenith dist.... 42 37 58-7 Log. sine Q’SSOSIS 2)12° 30' 7"-3 Semi-difference 6 15 36 Half-elapsed time lh 59“ 40* 0 48 44 2)1 10 56 Half-hour angle... 0 35 28 Nat. number 3314 Nat. sine gr. alt... 80508 83822 Log. sine 9-036953 Log. ratio •154467 19022233 Log. sine 9-697874 9-324359 2 log. sine 18-375806 Constant log.... 6-301030 24-676836 Log. ratio -15647 4-520366 Nat. cosine.. 33° 2' 48" mer. zen. dist. Decl 11 32 41 Approx, lat. 44 35 29 Similarly, by taking this approximate latitude, we shall get the true latitude, 44° 38' nearly, as before. 1 See Mackay’s Treatises on Longitude and Navigation. &c. Treatises on Navigation, &c. Requisite Tables, 3d edition | Mendoza Rios’s Tables; Node’s and Riddle’s 43 Finding the Lati¬ tude. Dog 4-171726 Log. ratio, 0-154467 2)3 59 20 Elapsed time. 1 59 40 Half elapsed time 0-30213 0 49 4 Middle time 4-62832 1 10 36 Time from noon at which greater altitude is observed. Log. rising 3-67277 Log. ratio -154467 3-518303 3' 48" N. mer. zen. dist. 32 41 decl. at greater alt. Middle time 4-63032 Time from noon at which greater altitude is observed. Log. rising ...... 3-67196 Log. ratio *15647 3-51449 40" N. mer. zen. dist. 41 sun’s decl. 44 NAVIGATION. Finding the Lati¬ tude. o. Hy any Two Altitudes of the same or different Heavenly Bodies, and the Polar Angle between them. In this case the declinations of the heavenly body or bodies at the two observations are supposed to be known. If the same body be observed at different times, the polar angle is the elapsed time measured sidereally, if necessary. If different bodies be observed at the same time, this angle is the difference of their right ascensions. If different bodies be observed, but not at the same time, to the right ascension of the first observed body, add the elapsed time measured sidereally, and the difference be¬ tween this sum and the right ascension of the second ob¬ served body is the polar angle required. The polar angle being given, the following rule will give the latitude :—- (1.) If the sun be the body observed: from the decli¬ nation find the polar distance by subtracting it from 90°, if of the same name with the latitude ; and adding it, if of an opposite name. Add together log. sine polar distance at the greater bear¬ ing, log. sine polar distance at lesser bearing, and log. haver- sine of polar angle ; reject 10 from the index ; the result is the haversine of an arc, which look out, and call arc (1). (2.) If two stars be observed : find the polar distances ; add together log. sine polar distance at greater bearing, log. sine polar distance at lesser bearing, and log. haversine of the polar angle ; the result is the haversine of an arc, which find from the table, and add its versed sine to the versed sine of the difference of the polar distances ; the result is the versed sine of an arc, which is arc (1), as before. Find the difference of the polar distances, and take the difference and the sum of this quantity and of arc (1). Add together log. cosecants of the arc (f) and of polar distance at greater bearing, and the halves of the log. haversines of the two arcs just obtained; the sum, rejecting 10 in the index, is the log. haversine of an arc, which take from tables, and call arc (2). Again, take the difference of arc (1) and the zenith dis¬ tance at greater bearing, and take the sum and difference of this arc and the zenith distance at less bearing. Add to¬ gether log. cosecants of arc (1) and of zenith distance at greater bearing, and the halves of the log. haversines of the arcs just found; and the result, rejecting 10 in the index, is the log. haversine of an arc, which call arc (3). Arc (4) is the difference between arc (2) and arc (3) ; or the sum if the arc joining the heavenly bodies at the two observations passes between the zenith and the pole. Add together log. sine polar distance at greater bearing, log. sine zenith distance at greater bearing, and log. haver¬ sine arc (4) ; the sum, rejecting 10 in the index, is the log. haversine of an arc, which call arc (5). Add together versed sine of the difference of the zenith distance and polar distance at greater bearing, and the versed sine of arc (o). The result is the versed sine of the co¬ latitude. Find this from the tables, subtract it from 90°; and the result is the latitude. This method of finding the latitude, which is at once the most general and accurate, is due to the Rev. Dr Inman, to whose excellent work on Navigation the reader is referred for further information respecting it. Ex. 1.— March 25, 1857, in Lat. 54° 47' N., and Long. 98° E., the following double altitude of the sun was observed:— Mean time, nearly. Chronometer. Obs. Alt. L. L. Bearing. 911 30ra A.M. IQh 26m 26° O' 40v S.E. 1 45 p.m. 2 39 84 6 20 S.W. by S. The run of the ship in the interval was S.S.E. 18 miles, the index correction was +2' 10", and the height of the eye above the sea was 18 feet; required the latitude at the last observation. Ship, March 24 2111 30m Ship, March 25 lh 45m Longitude 6 32 E. Long 6 32 E. Greenwich, Mar. 24, 14 58 Greenwich, Mar. 24, 19 13 Sun’s declination, March 24 1° 30' 57"-2 „ 25 1 54 32 9 Diff. 0 23 35-7 •20509 •88236 1-08745 Part. 0 14 43 Sun’s declination, March 24 1° 30' 57"-2 „ 25 1 54 32-9 Diff 0 23 35-7 ■09653 •88236 •95889 Part. 0 18 54 Dec. less bear. 51-2 0 26 2 50 Dip -0 4 11 25 58 39 Semidiameter... 0 16 4 34 8 30 -0 4 11 Dip ^4 4 19 Semidiameter... 0 16 4 26 14 43 Cor. in alt. for refr. and parallax —0 1 50 26 12 53 Cor. for run +0 16 36 True altitude... 26 29 29 90 0 0 34 20 23 Cor. in altitude —0 1 18 True altitude.... 34 19 5 90 0 0 Zen. dis. less. bear. 55 40 55 Zen. dis. gr. bear. 63 30 31 To find arc (1). P. dist. gr. bearing 88° 14' 19"'3 L sin 9*999794 P. dist. less. bear. 88 10 8 ’8 L sin 9 999778 Chronometer 1011 26m 14 39 4 PS Elapsed time or polar angle. L haversine 9,439255 L haversine arc (1)...9'438827 Arc (1) 63° 12' 52" To find arc (2). Arc (1) 63° 12' 52" Log. cosec '049296 P. dist. gr. bear 88 14 19'3 Log. cosec '000206 Difference 25 1 26'7 P. dist. less, bear.,..88 10 8 8 Sum 113 11 35'5 Difference 63 8 42'1 £ log. haversine.... 4-921590 $ log. haversine 4‘718970 Log. haversine arc (2)... 9'690062 Arc (2) 88° 50' 12" To find arc (3). Arc (1) 63° 12' 52" Log. cosec •049296 Zen. dist. gr. bear. 63 30 31 Log. cosec ‘OISDO Difference 0 17 39 Zen. dist. less. bear. 55 40 55 Sum 55 58 34 Difference 55 23 16 $ haversine 4‘671438 4'667217 Log. haversine arc (3) 9,436127 Arc (3) 62° 59' 48" To find arc (4). Arc (2) 88° 50' 12" Arc (3) 62 59 48 Arc (4) 25 50 24 To find arc (5). P. dist. gr. bearing...88° 14' 19"-3 L sin 9'999794 Zen. dist. „ ...63 30 31 L sin 9 951824 Difference 24 43 48-3 Log. haversine 8'698906 Log. haversine arc (5) 8'650524 Arc (5) 24° 9' 12" Nat. ver. sine 24° 9' 19" = 0089450 Nat. ver. sine 24 43 48‘3 = 0091710 Nat. vers, colatitude = 0181160 Colatitude 35° 1' 16" 90 0 0 Latitude 54 58 44 Finding the Lati- tude. T. dec. gr.bearing 1 45 40'7 N. Dec. less bear. 1 49 90 0 0 90 0 P. 88 14 19 3 P. dis. less. bear. 88 10 8 8 Sun’s semidiameter 16' 14" Sun’s altitude at gr. bearing. Sun’s altitude at lesser bearing. Obs. alt 26° 0' 40" Obs. altitude 34° 6' 20" Index correction + 0 2 10 Index correction+0 2 10 NAVIGATIO N. 45 Finding the Longi¬ tude. Ex. 2.—Nov. 30, 1857, in Lat. by account 30° N., the following altitudes of stars were taken at the same time; required the true latitude. True alt. /3 Orionis. Bearing. True alt. « Hydras. Bearing. 42° 45' 15". S.W. 39° 35' 15" S.S.E. From Nautical Almanac we find— /3 Orionis, It.A. S'* 7m 44* Declination, S 8° 21" oT" 90 0 0 N. P. D. at G. B 98 21 57 a Hydras, H. A. 9 20 36 Declinations 8 2 30 Polar angle ... 4 12 52 90 0 0 N. P. D. at L. B 98 2 30 P.D. at G. B....98 21 57 L sine 9-995353 „ L. B....98 2 30 L sine 9-995708 „ Diff..... 0 19 17 Haversine polar angle .... 9-438871 Haversine 9-429932 Arc 62° 29' 58". Nat. ver. sine 62° 29' 58" = 0537993 248 Nat. ver. sine 0 19 17 =0000015 Nat. ver. sine arc (1) 0538256 Arc (1) 62° 30' 1". To find arc (2). Arc (1) 62° 30' 1" Dog. cosec *052069 P. D.atG. B 98 21 57 ., -004646 Diff 35 51 56 P. D. at L. B 98 2 30 Sum 133 54 26 J haversine.... 4-963876 Diff. 62 10 34 „ ... 4-712946 Ilaversine arc (2) 9733537 Arc (2) 94° 45' 8" To find arc (3). True alt. at G. B 42° 45' 15" 90 0 0 Z. D. at G. B 47 14 45 True alt. at L. B 39 35 15 90 0 0 Z. D. at L. B 50 24 45 Arc (1) 62° 30' 1" Z. D. at G. B.... 47 14 45 Diff 15 15 16 Z. D. at L. B.... 50 24 45 Log. cosec *052069 „ *134142 ^ Haversine... 4-734159 „ ... 4-480037 Sum 65 40 1 Diff 35 9 29 Ilaversine arc (3) 9‘4U0407 Arc (3) 60° 11' 18". To find arc (4). Arc 2 94° 45' 8" Arc 3 60 11 18 Arc (4) 34 33 50 To find arc (5). P. D. at G.B. 98° 21' 57" L sine 9 995354 Z. D. at G.B. 47 14 45 9 865858 Diff 51 7 12 Haversine arc (4).. 8-945729 Log. haversine arc (5) 8-806941 Arc (5) 29° 20' 4". Nat. ver. sine 51° 7' 12"=0372263 45 „ 29 20 4 =0128226 Nat. ver. sine, colatitude 0500534 Colat 60° 2' 7" 90 0 0 Lat. N 29 57 53 together with the altitude of each. The planets used in Finding the Nautical Almanac for this purpose are the followingthe Longi- Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The stars are, a Arietis, tude. Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus, Spica Virginia, Antares, v'— a Aquilce, Fomalhaut, and a Pegasi; and the distances of the moon’s centre from the sun, and from one or more of these planets and stars, are contained in the xiii. to xviii. pages of the month, at the beginning of every third hour mean time by the meridian of Greenwich. The distance between the moon and one of these objects is observed with a sextant; and the altitudes of the objects are taken as usual with a sextant or a Hadley’s quadrant. In the practice of this method it will be found conve¬ nient to be provided with three assistants. Two of these are to take the altitudes of the sun and moon, or moon and star, at the same time that the principal observer is taking the distance between the objects ; and the third assistant is to observe the time, and write down the observations. In order to obtain accuracy, it will be necessary to observe several distances, and the corresponding altitudes, the in¬ tervals of time between them being as short as possible ; and the sum of each divided by the number will give the mean distance and mean altitudes ; from which the time of observation at Greenwich is to be computed by the rules to be explained. If the sun or star from which the moon’s distance is ob¬ served, be at a proper distance from the meridian, the time at the ship may be inferred from the altitude observed at the same time with the distance. In this case the chrono¬ meter is not necessary ; but if that object be near the me¬ ridian, the chronometer is absolutely necessary, in order to connect the observations for ascertaining the mean time at the ship and at Greenwich with each other. An observer without any assistants may very easily take all the observations, by first taking the altitudes of the ob¬ jects, then the distance, and again their altitudes, and re¬ duce the altitudes to the time of observation of the dis¬ tance ; or, by a single observation of the distance, the time being known from which the altitudes of the bodies may be computed, the longitude may be determined. A set of observations of the distance between the moon and a star or planet, and their altitudes, may be taken with accuracy during the time of the evening or morning twi¬ light ; and the observer, though not much acquainted with the stars, will not find it difficult to distinguish the star from which the moon’s distance is to be observed. For the time of observation nearly, and the ship’s longitude by account being known, the estimated time at Greenwich may be found ; and by entering the Nautical Almanac w'wh. the reduced time, the distance between the moon and given star will be found nearly. Now set the index of the sex¬ tant to this distance, and hold the plane of the instrument so as to be nearly at right angles to the line joining the moon’s cusps, direct the sight to the moon, and, by giving the sextant a slow vibratory motion, the axis of which being that of vision, the star, which is usually one of the bright¬ est in that part of the heavens, will be seen in the transpa¬ rent part of the horizon-glass. SECT. II.—TO FIND MEAN TIME BY A SINGLE OBSERVATION OF THE SUN OR MOON, OR OTHER HEAVENLY BODY. Chap. IV.—ON FINDING THE LONGITUDE BY OBSERVATION. SECT. I.—INTRODUCTION. The observations necessary to determine the longitude by this method are the altitudes of the sun or other heavenly body, or the distance between the sun and moon, the moon and a planet, or the moon and a fixed star near the ecliptic, Prob. 1.—Given the latitude of a place, the altitude, and declination of the sun, to find the true time and the error of the chronometer. Rule.—If the latitude and declination are of different signs, take their sum; otherwise take their difference. From the natural cosine of this sum or difference, take the natural sine of the altitude (corrected) ; find the logarithm of the remainder, and to it add the log. secants of the lati- 46 NAVIGATION. Finding tude and declination ; the sum will be the log. rising of the "tude^* horary ^'stance the sun from the meridian, and hence j the apparent time will be known; by applying to it the ” equation of time, the mean time may be found, and the error of the chronometer. Or, if a table of log. haversines be used, take the differ¬ ence or sum of the latitude and declination as before. Un¬ der this difference place the zenith distance of the sun, and take their sum and difference. Take the sum of half of the log. haversines of these quantities and of the log. secants of the latitude and de¬ clination ; the result, rejecting the tens, is the log. haver- sine of the hour angle. Or, if a table of sines only be used, add together one- half of the log. sines of half the arcs above found, of the log. secants of latitude and declination ; the result is the log. sine of one-half the hour angle. Ex.—March 25, 1857, at 3h 30m P.M. nearly, in Lat. 53° N., and Long. 35° 20' W., when a chronometer showed 511 46m 20s, the ob¬ served altitude of the sun’s lower limb was 23° 12' 10", and the index correction was —4' 20", and the height of the eye above the sea 20 feet; required the true time, and error of chronometer. Ship, March 25 3h 30m 0* Longitude 2 21 20 Greenwich, March 25 5 51 20 Sun’s declination, March 25 1° 54' 32",9 N. Sun’s semidiam... 16' 3"*7 „ 26 2 18 6 Equation of time +6m 3S'20 Diff. 0 23 331 DifF. for lh 0-767 5 •61334 •88328 1-49662 0 5 44 Sun’s dec.... 2 0 16-9 3- 835 Diff. for 30m is \ -383 „ 20 is £ '256 ,, 1 is if-j "013 „ 20s is y -004 4- 4§i Equation, 5m 58s,703 Sun’s obs. altitude 23° 12' 10" Index correction — 0 4 20 “23 7 50 - 0 4 24 Dip Semidiameter. 23 3 26 + 0 16 3-7 23 19 29-7 - 0 2 13 Correction in altitude True altitude 23 17 16-7 90 0 0 Zenith distance 66 42 43-3 Lat. N 53° 0' 0" Log. sec -220537 Declin. N. ....... 2 0 16-9 „ -000266 Diff 50 59 43-1 Nat. cosine 0629380 Nat. sin. 23° 17' 16", 0395349 0234031 Log 4-369272 Log. rising, 4-590075 Hour angle 3h 29m 24" Equation of time +0 5 59 Ship’s mean time 3 35 2jf Longitude 2 21 20 Greenwich mean time..... 5 55 43 Chronometer showed 5 46 20 0 10 23 Or error of chronometer is 10m 23s slow on Greenwich. Or— Lat 53° 0' 0"N. Log. sec -220537 Declination.... 2 0 16-9 N. Log. sec -000266 50 59 43-1 Zenith dist 66 42 43-2 ihaversine.... 4-932397 „ 4-135845 Sum 117 42 26-3 Diff. 15 43 0-1 Log. haversine hour angle Ih289045 Hour angle 311 29m 24s, as before. By taking another observation at the interval of a few days, the daily rate of the chronometer may be found. Prob. 2.—Given the latitude of a place, and the altitude Finding of a known fixed star, to find the mean time of observation the Longi- and error of chronometer. tude- The right ascension of the mean sun or sidereal time must be corrected for the Greenwich date of observation. The star’s hour angle must then be found as in the last problem. To the hour angle thus found add the star’s right ascension, and from the sum (increased, if necessary, by twenty-four hours) subtract the right ascension of the mean sun; the remainder is the mean time at the place at the instant of observation. Ex.—January 16, 1857, at 8h p.m. (mean time, nearly), in Lat. 49° 57' N., and Long. 32° 10' W., when a chronometer showed 1011 23“ 30s, the observed altitude of Regulus E. of meridian was 8° 20' 30", the index correction was — 5' 20", and the height of the eye above the sea, 20 feet; required the mean time, and error of chronometer on Greenwich mean time. Ship, Jan. 16 811 0“ 0s Longitude 2 8 40 W. Greenwich, Jan 16 10 8 40 ^ Observed altitude 8° 20' 30" ' Index correction — 0 5 20 8 15 10 -0 4 24 8 10 46 Refraction — 0 6 27 Dip. True altitude 8 90 4 19 0 0 True zenith distance 81 55 41 Star’s right ascension I0i> 0“ 46* Star's declination 12° 39' 50" Right ascension of mean sun 19k 43m £8* Correction for 10h 0 1 38-6 „ 8“ 0 0 1-3 „ 40s 0 0 0-1 True right ascension of mean sun, 19 45 8 Latitude 49° 37' 0"N. Log. sec -188493 Declination.... 12 39 50 N. Log. sec -010696 Diff. 36 57 10 Zenith dist 81 55 41 Sum Tib 52 51 Half 59 26 25-5 Log. sin 9 935054 Difference 44 58 31 Half. 22 29 15 Log. sin 9-582611 2)19-716854 Log. sin... 9-858427 Hence half hour angle 3h 4“ 49* 6 9 38 24 0 0 Star’s hour angle 17 50 22 „ right ascension 10 0 46 27 51 8 Sun’s right ascension 19 45 8 Ship’s mean time ”8 6 CT Longitude 2 8 40 W. Greenwich mean time 10 14 40 Chronometer 10 23 30 Error (fast on Greenwich) 0 8 50 SECT. III.—TO FIND THE LONGITUDE BY MEANS OF A CHRO¬ NOMETER. In order to find the jongitude at sea by means of a chro¬ nometer, its daily rate in mean solar or sidereal time must be established by observations made at some particular place, and its error ascertained for the meridian of that or of any other known place. An observatory is the most proper and convenient place for this purpose, as there the rate and error may be both determined with the utmost accuracy by equal altitudes, or transits over the meridian of the sun or stars. But if an observatory is not adjacent, the rate and error of the chro¬ nometer may be found by altitudes taken daily for several NAVIGATION. 47 Finding days from the horizon of the sea, or by the method of re- the Long!-flection from an artificial horizon. tiide. If fly these observations the daily rate is found to be nearly the same,—that is, if the chronometer gains or loses nearly the same portion of absolute time daily,—it may be depended on for finding the longitude; but if its rate is unequal, it must be rejected, as the longitude inferred from it cannot be expected to be accurate. It would be proper to have two chronometers, and that they should be wound up at different stated times of the day, so that if one should be found stopt, either through neglect in winding up or otherwise, it may be set by the other, observing to apply the former interval of time between them, and the change in their rates of going in that interval. Prob.—To find the longitude of a ship at sea by a chro¬ nometer. Let several altitudes of the sun or a fixed star or planet be observed, and find the true mean altitude ; with which, and the ship’s latitude, and declination of observed body, com¬ pute the mean time of observation as in sect. ii. To the mean of the times of observation, as shown by the chronometer, apply the error and accumulated rate. Hence the mean time under the meridian of the place where the error and rate were established will be known ; to which apply the difference of longitude in time between that place and Greenwich, and the mean time of observa¬ tion under the meridian of Greenwich will be obtained. The difference between the time at the place of observa¬ tion and that at Greenwich will be the longitude of the ship in time ; and it is east or west according as the time is later or earlier than the Greenwich time. Ex. 1.—May 30, 1857, at 3h p.m. (mean time nearly), in Lat. 30° 20' S., and Long, by account 155° 10' E., when a chronometer showed 4h 40m 50s, the observed altitude of the sun’s L.L. was 22° 10', the index correction was —7' 10", and the height of the eye above the sea was 20 feet; required the longitude. On May 20 the chronometer was fast on Greenwich mean time 4“ 50s, and its daily rate was 2S,5 losing. Ship, May 30 3h 0m 0s Longitude 10 20 40 E. Greenwich, May 29 .’ 16 39 30 Chronometer daily rate 2s-5 losing 9 22-5 12k ;s £ i-2 411 is £ -4 30m is j- -05 9m 36s is £ nearly... ‘0166 Accumulated rate 24-1666 Chronometer showed 4h 40™ 50s 4 41 Original error (fast) 0 4 14166 50 4 12 36 0 24-17 0 Greenwich mean time 16 36 24-17 Sun’s declination, Equation of time, subtractive— May 29, N.... 21° 39' 43"-9 3™ ls-73 30 21 48 46-1 2 54-19 0 7-54 0 2-2 0-15967 1-25383 1-41350 0 6 57 0-15967 3-15836 3-31803 0 5-2 Sun’s decl. at obs. 21 46 40-9 Equation of time, 2 56-53 Sun’s semidiameter, 15' 48"-5. Observed altitude 22° 10' 0" Index correction 0 7 10 — 22 0 2 50 4 24 Dip 21- 58 26“ Semidiameter.. 0 15 48-5 22 14 14-5 Correction in altitude 0 2 14- 22 12 0-5 Latitude... 30° 20' 0" S. Declin 21 45 18-2 N. Log. secant -063938 -029140 52 Nat. cosine 52 Nat. sine... 22 5 18-2 5 18-2 = 61434-7 12 0-5 = 37784-1 Finding the Longi¬ tude. 23650-6 Log 4-373831 Log. rising ."4-466909 Hour angle 3h 0™ 3* Equation of time 0 2 56 Ship’s mean time 24 57 0 26 57 Chronometer 16 36 7 0 7 24-17 Longitude 155‘ 10 20 42-83 10' 42"-45 E. Ex. 2.—August 20, 1857, at 0h 30™ a.m. (mean time nearly), in Lat. 50° 20' N., and Long. 142° 15' E., when a chronometer showed 2h 41™ 13s, the observed altitude of a Aquilae, west of meridian, was 36° 59' 50", the index correction was + 6' 20", and height of the eye above the sea 20 feet; required the longitude. On August 4, at noon, the chronometer was slow on Greenwich mean time 17™ 50s, and its daily rate was 4s-5 losing. Ship, August 19 12h 30™ 0s Longitude 9 29 0 E. Greenwich August 19 3 10 Interval 15d 3k Daily rate 4-5 15 ~225 45 67-5 ' -5 3h is i Accumulated rate 1 8 Chronometer showed 2 41 13 2 42 21 Original error 0 17 50 Greenwich mean time 3 011 Observed altitude 36° 59' 50 Index 0 6 20 + 37 0 10 24- Dip 0 4 24. 37 1 46 Refraction 0 1 17 — True altitude 37 0 29 90 0 0 True zenith distance 52 59 31 Right ascension of mean sun (sidereal time)— Aug. 19 9k 51™ 7s-80 Part for 3h 0 0 29-57 11s 0 0 0 03 9 51 37-4 Star’s right ascension 19h 43™ 51s-33 Star’s declination 8° 29' 43"N. Latitude 50° 20' 0" N. Declination... 8 29 43 N. 41 50 17 Zenith dist... 52 59 31 Sum 94 49 48 Half 47 24 54 Difference.... 11 9 14 Half 5 34 37 Log. secant... Log. secant... •194962 •004791 Log. sine 9-867039 Log. sine 8-987594 2)19-054386 Log. sine half-hour angle.., Half-hour angle 9-527193 lkl8™41s-6 2 Hour angle Star’s right ascension 2 19 37 43 23-2 51-33 Right ascension of mean Ship, mean time Greenwich 22 9 21 51 14-53 37-4 12 3 29 0 37-13 11 9 29 26-13 Longitude 142° 21' 31" E. 48 NAVIGATION. Finding SECT. IV.—TO FIND THE LONGITUDE BY MEANS OF A LUNAR the Longi- DISTANCE. v tude' , Prob. 1.—Given the apparent distance between the moon and sun, or a fixed star or planet, and the apparent and true altitudes of these bodies, to find the true distance, or, as it is called, to clear the distance. Rule 1. (Borda’s method).—Add together the logarithmic cosines of the true altitudes, the logarithmic secants of the apparent altitudes, the logarithmic cosines of one-halt the sum of the apparent altitudes and apparent distance, and ot this last arc, less the apparent distance. From one-half of this sum subtract the logarithmic cosine ofone-halfof the true altitudes ; the result, rejecting 10 in the index, is the logar¬ ithmic sine of an arc. Find the logarithmic cosine of this arc, and add to it the logarithmic cosines of one-hall of the true altitudes ; the result, rejecting 10 in the index, is the logar¬ ithmic sine of one-half of the true distance required. Or,— Rule 2.—Find the auxiliary angle A (which is given in the nautical tables of Inman, Norie, Riddle, and others). Take the versed sine of the difference of the true alti¬ tudes. To it add the versed sines of the sum and differ¬ ence of the auxiliary angle A and the apparent distance ; under the difference of the apparent altitudes place the auxiliary angle A, and take their sum and difference ; add together the versed sines of these two arcs, and subtract from the former quantity ; the result is the versed sine of the true distance. Ex.—Required the true distance of the moon from the sun, hav¬ ing given— App. alt. sun ... 34° 2V 32" True alt. sun ... 34° 20' 14" App. alt. moon.. 57 11 25 True alt. moon.. 57 40 11 App. distance of centres 35° 47' 24" By Rule 1 — True ait. moon ... 57° 40' 11" True alt. sun 34 20 14 App. alt. moon ... 57 11 25 ,, sun. 34 21 32 91 32 57 App. distance ... 35 47 24 2)127 20 21 63 40 35 47 10 24 L cos 9-728227 L cos 9-916839 L sec -266131 L sec -083267 L cos 9-646941 27 52 46 L cos 9-946353 2)39-587758 Sum of true alt.... 92° 0' 25" Half 46 0 12 19-793879 L cos 9-841746 Diff. 23 19 57 A 60 25 16 App. distance 35 47 24 Sum 96 12 40 Diff 24 37 52 App. alt. sun 34 21 32 „ moon... 57 11 25 Diff 22 49 53 A 60 25 16 Vers 0081777 Vers 1108192 Vers 0090990 1280969 Sum 83 15 9 Diff. 37 35 23 True dist. 35° £9' 18". Vers. 0882506 1 Vers. 0207601 j 1090107 Prob. 2.—To find the longitude by a lunar observation. Finding Get a Greenwich date, and to this date take out the moon’s the Longi- horizontal parallax and semidiameter. Increase the tu 9 0 0 Greenwich mean time 11 36 14 Ship mean time 7 45 43 3 50 31 Longitude...57° 37' 45" W. Chap. V.—OP THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. The variation of the compass is the deviation of the points of the mariner’s compass from the corresponding points of the horizon, and is denominated east or west variation, ac¬ cording as the north point of the compass is to the east or west of the true north point of the horizon. (A particular account of the variation, and of the several instruments used for determining it from observation, may be seen under the article Magnetism, where the method of communicating magnetism to compass-needles is also fully described. Besides the variation, there is also the deviation of the compass arising from the local attraction of the iron on board ship, of which we have already given an account in the former part of this article. This deviation is always taken into account in ships of the Royal Navy, but not G True alt. 47 3 49 6 50 NAVIGATION. of the Compass anation alWays in ships belonging to the mercantile navy. In the latter case the variation is the whole difference between the observed bearing of the sun and the compass bearing; in the former, allowance must be made for deviation. We shall take deviation into account, as it is easy to omit it when it is not required. To correct the variation for deviation, it will be sufficient to place under the variation, when determined by observa¬ tion with its proper name, the deviation with a name oppo¬ site to its true name. Add these when the names are alike, and subtract the less from the greater if the names are dif¬ ferent; and the remainder, with the name of the greater, is the true variation. Prob. 1.—Given the latitude of a place, and the sun’s declination, and the sun’s magnetic amplitude, to find the de¬ viation. [ Obs.—The amplitude is the distance from the east point at which it rises, or from the west point at which it sets.] Rule.—To the log. secant of latitude add log. sine of sun’s declination; the sum, rejecting 10 from the index, will be the log. sine amplitude, which is east if the body is rising, and west if it be setting. The variation is the difference between the true and magnetic amplitudes if these be of the same name, and their sum if of different names. Also the variation is east if the true bearing is to the right of the compass bearing, west if the true bearing is to the left of the compass. Ex.—May 18, 1857, about 5h 25m A.M., in Lat. 51° 5' N., Long, 143° W., the sun rose by compass E. 6° 40' S., the ship’s head being E.; required the variation. Ship, Atay 17 1711 25m 0s Longitude 9 32 0 W. 26 24 57 0 Greenwich, May 18 2 57 Sun’s declin., 18... 19° 36' 18"-0 N. „ 19... 19 49 36-1 0-91039 0 12 58-1 1-14244 0 0 0 2-05283 0 1 36 19 Latitude 51 37 44 5 ON. Sin 9-526303 Sec 0-201909 Sin amplitude. 9-728212 True bearing E. 32° 20' 0" N. Compass E. 6 40 0 S. 39 0 Deviation g 50 0 W. 0 W. ing haversines is used, to the log. secants as before add the The Tides, log. sines of half the arcs obtained as before ; one-half of the i / result is the log. sine of half the true bearing. Double the arc taken out of the table is the true bearing. Mark the true bearing N. or S., according as the latitude is N. or S., and E. or W., according as the observed body is E. or W. of the meridian. The variation then can be found as before. Ex.—On Afay 5, 1857, about 8h 10m 0s a.m., mean time, in Lat. 51° 10' N., Long. 140° W., the sun bore by compass S. 65° 25' E., and the observed altitude of the sun’s lower limb at the same time was 28° 30' 10", the index correction was +1' 20", and the height of the eye above the sea 15 feet, the ship’s head being N.W.; required the variation of the compass. Ship, Atay 4 20h 10m 0s Longitude 9 20 0 Greenwich, May 5 5 30 Sun’s semidiameter 0° 15' 53" 0 Sun’s declination, May 5.. 16° 19' 13"-2 N. „ „ 6 16 36 8 0-63985 1-02696 1-66681 0 16 55 0 3 53 16 23 90 0 N.P.D 73 36 54 Sun’s altitude—■ Obs. altitude 28° 30' 10" Index correction + 0 1 20 28 31 30 0 3 49 Dip 28 27 41 Semidiameter 0 15 53 28 43 34 - 0 1 38 Correction in altitude. True altitude 28 41 56 Latitude 51° 10' 0" Altitude 28 41 56 Sec. Sec. •202693 •056923 Diff 22 28 4 Polar dist 73 36 54 Sum . Diff. 96 51 4 58 8 50 Half havers... 4-871355 Half havers... 4-635130 9-766101 True bearing N. 99° 37' 22 E. Magnetic bearing N. 114 35 0 E. 14 57 38 E. Deviation 4 50 0 E. Variation 19 47 38 E. Variation ,.47 50 0 W. It may be remarked, that the sun’s amplitude ought to be observed at the instant the altitude of its lower limb is equal to the sum of fifteen minutes and the dip of the horizon. Thus, if an observer be elevated 18 feet above the level of the sea, the amplitude should be taken at the instant the altitude of the sun’s lower limb is 19’ 11". Prob. 2.—Given the magnetic azimuth, the altitude and declination of the sun, together with the latitude of the place of observation, to find the variation of the compass. Rule.—-Find the polar distance by adding 90° to the de¬ clination if the altitude and declination have unlike names, and subtracting the declination from 90° if they have the same name. Take the difference of the latitude and altitude, and ob¬ tain the sum and difference of this quantity and the polar distance. To the log. secants of the altitude and declination add the halves of the log. haversines of the last two arcs; the result, rejecting 10 in the index, is the haversine of the true bear¬ ing, which take from the table. Or if a table not contain- Chaf. VI.—OF THE TIDES. The theory of the tides has already been explained under the article Astronomy, and will again be further illustrated under that of Tides. In this place, therefore, it remains only to explain the method of calculating the time of high water at a given place. As the tides depend upon the joint actions of the sun and moon, and therefore upon the distance of these objects from the earth and from each other; and as, in the method gene¬ rally employed to find the time of high-water, whether by the mean time of new moon, or by the epacts, or tables de¬ duced therefrom, the moon is supposed to be the sole agent, and to have a uniform motion in the periphery of a circle whose centre is that of the earth ; it is hence obvious that this method cannot be accurate, and by observation the error is sometimes found to exceed two hours. This me¬ thod is therefore rejected, and another given, in which the error will seldom exceed a few minutes, unless the tides are greatly influenced by the winds. The Tides. Moon’s Transit. h. m. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 NAVIGATION. Table I.—For Determining the Time of High Water. Moon’s Horizontal Parallax. 60' 59' 60 60 60 59 58 57 - 56 58' 45 47 49 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 62 62 - 58 16 19 22 25 28 31 47 49 51 54 56 57 57' 56' 49 51 53 56 58 60 60 62 63 65 66 67 67 68 68 68 67 65 65 - 62 65 66 68 69 70 70 71 72 71 70 68 68 - 65 55' 69 70 72 73 74 75 - 69 kaj Moon’s Moon’s Transit. Transit. 72 73 75 76 78 79 79 80 80 78 76 74 - 72 h. m. 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 14 0 10 20 30 40 50 15 0 10 20 30 40 50 16 0 10 20 30 40 50 17 0 10 20 30 40 50 18 0 h. m. 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 9 0 10 .20 30 40 50 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 11 0 10 20 30 40 50 12 0 - 56 52 49 46 43 38 1 + 2 5 8 11 13 - 1 59' 58' + 1 4 7 10 13 16 - 1 + 2 5 9 12 16 18 + 0 57' + 3 7 11 15 18 20 21 23 25 24 24 23 + o 56' 55' + 5 9 14 18 21 23 24 26 28 27 27 27 + 2 + 7 12 16 21 25 27 30 29 27 26 25 22 + 4 54' - 72 68 63 58 53 45 37 30 22 14 6 + 1 + 9 14 19 24 28 30 32 34 36 35 35 34 34 32 31 30 28 25 23 20 17 14 11 8 + 6 Moon’s Transit h. m 18 0 10 20 30 40 50 19 0 10 20 30 40 50 20 0 10 . 20 30 40 50 21 0 10 20 30 40 50 22 0 10 20 30 40 50 23 0 10 20 30 40 50 24 0 Table II.—For finding the Height of the Tide. Time of Transit. (PART I.) Moon’s Hor. Par. 60'. Moon’s Hor. Par. 57' Multipliers. Multipliers. Moon’s Hor. Par. 54'. Multipliers. (PART II.) Time fromH. W. Time fromH. W. h. m. 0 0 40 20 0 40 20 0 40 5 20 6 0 6 40 7 20 8 0 8 40 9 20 10 0 10 40 11 20 12 0 h. m. 12 0 12 40 13 20 14 0 14 40 15 20 16 0 16 40 17 20 18 0 0'995a+0-1495 l-104a + 0-0385 l-138a +0-0005 l-104a+0-0385 0-995a +0-1495 0-853a +0-3195 0-668a +0-5275 0-460a +0'7495 0-284a +0-9585 0-133a +1-1275 0-883a +0-1175 0-970a +0-0305 l-000a +0-0005 0-970a +0-0305 0-883a + 0-ll75 0-750a 4-0-2505 0-587a + 0-4135 0-413ct +0-5875 0-250a, +0-7505 0-117a +0-8835 0-795a + 0-0825 0-874a +0-0215 0-901a +0-0005 0-874ct +0-0215 0-795a +0-0825 0-676a + 0-1765 0-529a +0-2905 0-372a +0-4125 0-225a4-0-5275 0-105a +0-6215 18 40 19 20 20 0 20 40 21 20 22 0 22 40 23 20 24 0 0-034a +1-2385 0-000a+1-2775 0-034a +1-2385 0-133a+1-1275 0-284a +0-9585 0-460a +0-7495 0-668a + 0-5275 0-853a + 0-3195 0-995a + 0-1495 0-030a +0-9705 0-000a +1-0005 0-030a +0-9705 0-117a + 0-8835 0-250a +0-7505 0-413a +0-5875 0-587a+0-4135 0-750a +0-2505 0-883a +0-1175 0-027a+ 0-6826 0-000a +0-7036 0-027a +0-6826 0-105a + 0-6216 0-225a +0-5276 0-372a +0-4126 0-529a +0-2906 0-676a + 0-1765 0-795a + 0-0826 h. m. 0 0 0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 1 0 1 10 1 20 1 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1-000 0-998 0-993 0-985 0-974 0 959 0-941 0-921 0-897 0-871 0-843 0-812 0-779 0-774 0-708 0-670 0-631 0-591 0-551 0-510 0-460 0-429 0-389 0-349 0-311 0-274 0-238 0-204 0-173 52 NAVIGATION. The Tides. TO FIND THE TIME OF HIGH-WATER. Rule.—Let the approximate time of high-water be found, by taking the corrections for the moon’s horizontal parallax for the nearest noon or midnight from Table I. Again, to this time and the given longitude take from the Nautical Almanac the moon’s horizontal parallax. Also to the time of the moon’s transit over the meridian of Greenwich apply the variation answering to the longitude and daily variation between the given and preceding day if the longitude is E. Subtract this from the transit over the meridian of Green¬ wich, and the remainder will be the time of transit over the meridian of the given place. But if the longitude be W., the correction answering to the longitude and daily variation of transit between the given and following day must be added to the time of transit over the meridian of Greenwich, to ob¬ tain the time of transit over the meridian of the given place. To the time of high-water, if new and full moon at the given place, add the reduced time of transit over the meri¬ dian of the same place, and to the sum apply the equation from the table answering to the time of transit and hori¬ zontal parallax formerly found ; the result will be the true mean time of high-water required. The apparent time may be found by applying the equation of time, with its proper sign. Ex. 1.—Required the time of high-water at Leith on Wednesday the 10th of May 1837, in Long. 3° ll' W. By the rule, the time of high-water will he about six o’clock in the evening. In this case, the moon’s horizontal parallax will he 54' 167, and the time of transit 4h 50m mean time, or 4h 54m ap¬ parent time by applying the equation of time 3'n 50s by addition. Apparent time of transit of upper meridian... 4h 54m Equation from the table to horizontal parallax 54' 16v, and transit 4h 54m, subtract —1 18 Remainder 3 36 Time of high-water at new and full moon +2 20 Apparent time of high-water 5 56 Equation of time —0 4 Mean time of high-water 5 52 If the sum exceed 12h 25m, subtract this number from it; if it exceed 24h 50m, subtract as before, and the re¬ mainder will be the time of high-water in the afternoon of the given day nearly. The time of high-water of the tide preceding may be found nearly by subtracting 25m from it, and the succeeding tide by adding 25m to it. In cases of great accuracy, however, a computation should be made for each tide in a manner similar to that above. Ex. 2.—Required the time of high-water at Aberdeen on the 21st of June 1837, in Long. 2° 6' W. As before, the time of high-water will readily be found to be about three o’clock. Here the horizontal parallax of the moon will be 60' 30", and the mean time of transit on the given day 1511 32™. But as this transit exceeds 1211, it will he necessary to take the time of transit over the under meridian, or, what comes to the same thing, half the sum of the transits on the given and preceding days, or, £ (14h quio Tides 32m + 15h 32™) =15* — Correction from the table — 0 Remainder 14 18 High-water at new and full moon + 1 10 Sum exceeding 12h 15 28 By rule, subtract 12 25 Apparent time of high water 3 3 Equation of time + 0 1 Mean time 3 4 Ex. 3.—Required the depth at Aberdeen at the same time, the rise of spring tides being 19 feet, denoted by a in Table II., part 1, and that of the neap 14 feet, by b. How, by Table II., part 1, to transit 15* 2™, and horizontal pa¬ rallax 60' 30", will be obtained 0-917 x 194-0-242 x 14=20-8 feet. Ex. 4.—Required the height of the tide at 3* 15™ after high- water. By part 2, 20-8 x 0-5 = 10-4 feet. In this manner, the time and rise of the tide may be readily obtained nearly, unless both are much influenced by the strength and direction of the wind. In the preceding pages we have not considered it our pro¬ vince to supply the reader with the tables which have been made use of in the solution of the several problems—e. j » j 56 Canals. Reaches and locks. NAVIGATION, INLAND. derived from Lochs Ness, Oich, and Lochy, which, indeed, constitute the greater part of the navigation ; they afford ample depth of water, and though on different levels, they extend in an almost continuous line through the country. In other cases, such as the Union, Forth and Clyde, Crinan, Birmingham, and other canals, it has been found necessary to construct large artificial reservoirs, from which the water is led in feeders to points convenient for forming a junction with the canal. The water in these reservoirs, whether artificial or natural, is stored up in winter, and let off as re¬ quired during the droughts of summer. In situations where the canal communicates with the sea or a tidal river, and where the natural supply is small, as in the case of the Foss Dyke, the water may be raised by pumping- engines. 2. In determining the direction of a canal, it is of im¬ portance to consider the levels of the country through which it passes, and to lay out the work in a succession of level reaches, so as to overcome elevations in cumulo at those places where it can be most advantageously effected. This arrangement not only leads to a saving of attendance and expense in working the canal, but is also more convenient as presenting fewer stoppages to the traffic. The means of overcoming the difference of level between the various level reaches must depend very much on circumstances. With few exceptions, the change of level is effected by means of locks, which generally have a lift of from 8 to 10 feet, though in some cases it is some¬ what greater. The dimensions of the locks ought to be regulated by the traffic; but they should, in order to save water, be as near as possible the size of the craft to be passed through them. The smallest class of canals have locks about 8 feet in breadth,and from 70 to 80 feet long; those on the Forth and Clyde are 20 feet in breadth, and 74 feet long; on the Caledonian Canal they are 40 feet br-oad, and 180 feet long, and on the great Holland ship-canal they are 51 feet broad, and 297 feet long. The water is gradually admitted into and flows from each lock by sluices formed in the gates. Sir William Cubitt, in carrying out the improve¬ ments of the Severn navigation, introduced the water through a culvert parallel to the side wall of the lock, and opening in the centre by means of a tunnel, which admits 16,000 cubic feet of water to flow into or out of the lock in 1£ minute ; and in little more than that time loaded vessels can be passed through.1 Inclined planes and perpendicular lifts, which have the great advantage of saving water, have also been adopted in a few cases. In 1837 the writer in¬ spected the Morris Canal in the United States, constructed by Mr Douglas of New York, on the line of which there are no fewer than 23 inclined planes, having gradients of about 1 in 10, and an average lift of 58 feet each. The boats weighed, when loaded, 50 tons, and after being grounded on a carriage, were raised by water-power up the inclines with great ease and expedition. The length of the Morris Canal, which connects the Rivers Hudson and Delaware, and is a most interesting work, is 101 miles, and the whole rise and fall is 1557 feet, of which 223 are overcome by locks, and the remaining 1334 by inclined planes.2 But inclined planes were used on the Ketling Canal in Shropshire in 1789, and afterwards on the Duke of Bridgewater’s Canal. Mr Green introduced on the Great Western Canal a perpendicular lift of 46 feet; and more recently Mr Leslie, of Edinburgh, and Mr Bateman, constructed an inclined plane on the Monkland Canal, wrought by two high-pressure steam-engines of 25 horse¬ power each. The height from surface to surface is 96 feet, and the gradient is 1 in 10. The boats are not wholly grounded on the carriage, but are transported in a caisson of boiler-plate, containing 2 feet of water. The maximum Canals, weight raised is from 70 to 80 tons, and the whole transit is accomplished in about 10 minutes. For the five years previous to the end of 1856, the average number of boats that passed over the incline each year was 7500. Sir Wil¬ liam Cubitt has also introduced three inclined planes, having gradients of 1 in 8, on the Chard Canal, Somersetshire. One of these inclines overcomes a rise of 86 feet, and they are said to act very satisfactorily.3 3. An essential adjunct to a canal is a sufficient num- Waste her of waste weirs to admit of the discharge of the surplus weirSi water which accumulates during floods, and which may, if not provided with an exit, rise to such a height as to overflow the tow-path, and cause a breach in the banks, producing stoppage of the traffic and damage to the adjoining lands. In determining the number and positions of these waste weirs, the engineer must be guided entirely by the nature of the country through which the canal passes. Whenever an opportunity occurs of discharging surplus water into a stream crossed by the canal, a waste weir may safely be introduced; but, independently of this natural facility, the engineer must consider from what quarters, and at what points, the greatest influx of water may be apprehended, and must at such places not only form waste weirs of suf¬ ficient size to void the surplus, but prepare artificial courses for their discharge into the nearest streams. These waste weirs are overflows placed at the top water-level of the canal, so that in the event of a flood occurring, the water flows over them, and thus relieves the banks. The want of sufficient escape for flood-water has occasioned overflows of canal banks which were attended with very serious injury to the works, and lengthened suspension of the traffic; and attention to this particular part of canal construction is of essential importance. 4. Another very necessary precaution is the introduc- Stop-gates, tion of stop-gates at short intervals of a few miles, for the purpose of dividing the canal into isolated reaches, so that in the event of a breach occurring, the stop-gates may be shut, and the discharge of water confined to the small reach intercepted between them, instead of extending throughout the whole line of canal. In large works these stop-gates may be most advantageously formed in the same manner as the upper gates of locks, two pairs of gates being made to shut in opposite directions. In small works they may be made of thick planks, which are slipped into grooves formed at those narrow parts of the canal which occur under road bridges, or at contractions made with grooves at intermediate points to receive them. Self-acting stop-gates have been tried, but their success has not been such as to lead to their general introduction. Stop-gates are further found to be very useful in cases of repairs, as they admit of the water being run off from a short reach, when the re¬ pairs can be made, and the water restored, with compara¬ tively little interruption to the traffic. Their value in obviating serious accidents was well exemplified on one occasion in the experience of the writer, when the water during a heavy flood flowed over the towing-path at the end of an aqueduct adjoining a high embankment, and the uncontrolled current carried away the embankment, and the soil on which it rested, to the depth of 80 feet, as mea¬ sured from the top water-level. The stop-gates were, on the occasion referred to, promptly applied, and the discharge confined to a short reach of a few miles, otherwise the in¬ jury (which was, even in its modified form, very consider¬ able) would have been enormous. 5. For the purpose of draining off the water to admit ®®et3, of repairs after the stop-gates have been closed, it is ne¬ cessary to introduce, at convenient situations, a series of 1 Transactions of Institution of Civil Engineers. 3 Transactions of Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. xiii., p. 205. 2 Stevenson’s Sketch of Civil Engineering in North America. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 57 Rivers. Drainage of tow- paths. Puddling. exits called offlets, consisting of pipes placed at the level of the bottom of the canal, and fitted with sluices which can be opened and shut when required. These offlets are generally formed at aqueducts or bridges crossing rivers where the contents of the canal can be run off directly into the bed of the stream, the stop-gates on either side being closed so as to isolate the part of the canal from which the water is withdrawn. (6.) In executing the work, provision must be made for the proper drainage of the tow-paths, especially in cuttings. The drainage of the tow-paths should be carried to a sky drain at the bottom of the cutting, and at intervals passed below the tow-path into the canal. The preservation of the banks at the water-line is also a matter of importance. “Pitching” with stones and “facing” with brushwood are employed, and, in the writer’s experience, the latter, if well executed, forms an economical and effectual protection. (7.) In forming the alveus or bed of the canal, care must be taken, particularly on embankments, and also in cuttings, if the soil is porous, to provide against leakage by the application of puddle. And here it is proper to re¬ mark, that an all-important matter, as affecting the construc¬ tion of the works, is the possibility of getting clay in the district, or such other soil as may be worked into puddle, on the good quality of which the stability of the reservoir embankments, and the imperviousness of the beds and banks of the canal, mainly depend. These are the only points of general application in the construction of canals to which we can advantageously direct attention in the present communication. In carry¬ ing them into practice, the engineer must be guided partly by the valuable details to be found in the works to which reference is made in this article, but mainly by that expe¬ rience which can be gained only by the study of works in actual operation. We do not propose to extend our remarks to the means of conducting traffic on canals and rivers, and have to refer the reader for information on that subject to observa¬ tions and works on Traction and Steam Navigation. On the former subject the reader may consult the observations, by Mr Walker and Mr George Rennie, in the Transactions of the Royal Society and of the Institution of Civil Engineers ; and especially the very valuable researches on Hydrody¬ namics, by Mr Scott Russell, in the Edinburgh Philosophi¬ cal Transactions. On the latter he is referred to the arti¬ cles Steam-Engine, and Steam Navigation.1 SECT. II.—RIVERS, THEIR PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Difference From what has been said, it will be seen that a canal between may be described as a work by which water is diverted canal and from its natural course, and made to occupy a channel pre- eationiaVi' Pare^ ^or reception, extending through the country for the transport of boats and vessels. Canal navigation is thus entirely artificial in its character. In this respect it differs from river navigation, which may be described as the art of using, for the purposes of inland communication, rivers flow¬ ing in their natural courses, and of applying means to ren¬ der them subservient to the purposes of navigation incases where the depth is limited, or where rapid currents exist. Our consideration of rivers must therefore necessarily com¬ prehend a general sketch of their physical characteristics, and the laws of their motion, as a necessary introduction to the more practical part of the subject, embracing the engi¬ neering works required for their improvement, with which we have chiefly to deal in this treatise. As introductory, therefore, to the remarks which are to Rivers, follow, it seems desirable to premise, as described by the v— writer in a communication to the Royal Society of Edin- The com- burgh,2 that in all rivers affected by tidal influence, two physi- partments cal boundaries, more or less apparent, are invariably found to described exist, caused by the influx of the tidal wave through firths a? oc^ur' or bays, and the modification it receives in its passage up the m gradually rising inclination or slope of a river’s bed. These boundaries again produce three compartments. The seaward, or lowest of these, the writer termed the “sea proper;” the next, or intermediate one, into which the sea ascends, and from which it again withdraws itself, was termed the “ tidal compartment of the river;” and the highest, or that which is above the influence of the sea, the “ river proper.” Their relative extent in different situations is influenced not only by the circumstances under which the great tidal wave of the ocean enters the river, but by the size of its stream, the configuration and the slope of its bed, and, in short, by every natural or artificial obstruction which is presented to the free flow of the tidal currents along its channel. These three compartments possess very different physi- Their phy- cal characteristics. The presence of unimpaired tidalsical char- phenomena in the lowest, the modified, flow of the tide, pro- acterist,cs* duced by the inclination of the river’s bed in the interme¬ diate, and the absence of all tidal influence in the highest compartment, may be shortly stated as the phenomena by which these spaces are to be recognised. The tides in the “ sea proper” compartment of an estuary, for example (although the place of observation be several miles embayed from what in strictness could be called the “sea” or “ocean”), will be found to resemble those of the adjoining sea with which it communicates,—\st, in the identity of the levels of low water ; 2d, in the shortness of the time which elapses between the cessation of ebbing and the commencement of flowing, or, in other words, the absence of any protracted period of low water, during which the surface appears to remain stationary at the same level ; 3cZ, in the symmetri¬ cal form traced by the passage of the tidal wave ; and Ath, in the range of tide, so far as that is not influenced by the formation of the shores in narrow seas or channels. In ascending into the intermediate compartment, however, the level of the low water is no longer the same; the range of tide, excepting in peculiar cases, becomes less, and is gra¬ dually decreased as the bed of the river rises, and at length a point is reached where its influence is not perceptible. In this intermediate section the phenomena of ebbing and flow¬ ing are still found to take place, but the times of ebb and flow do not remain constant, that of ebb gradually gaining the ascendency ; the duration of low water being gradually protracted as we proceed upwards, until the influence of tide is unknown. This forms the boundary line of the upper compartment, the characteristic of which is the total absence of ebbing and flowing ; the river at all times pur¬ suing its downward course in an uninterrupted stream, and at an unvarying level, except in so far as may result from the changes due to land floods. In the investigation of these different characteristics, the variable nature of the elements to be dealt with must be kept in view. The river, for example, is liable to be affected by floods, and the state of the tides by winds and other causes ; and therefore a great degree of precision in defining these spaces cannot in all cases be expected, nor indeed is it necessary for the purpose of the present inquiry. But it is satisfactory to know that the termination of the low- water level at the separation of the seaward and intermediate spaces, as laid down by marine surveyors, simply from ob- tn °n from Transactions of Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1837, by J. S. Russell; “ On the Resistance of Fluids to Bodies passing through them” (Philosophical Transactions, 1828), by James Walker, C.E 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. ii., p 26. TOL. XVI. II 58 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers. Tidal phe¬ nomena of Dornoch Firth. Low water line practi¬ cally level from Port- mahomac to Bonar Quarry. servation of the tidal phenomena, has in several situations been found to agree exactly with the position of that boundary as determined by engineers by means of accurate levelling, combined with careful tidal observations. But an example in actual practice will best illustrate what is meant, and for this purpose we shall refer to the investigation of the tidal phenomena, made by the writer in 1842, of the Firth of Dornoch and Kyles of Sutherland in Cromartyshire. By referring to the small chart of the Dornoch Firth in Plate I., the reader will be better able to follow the illustrations to be given. The harbour of Port- mahomac, marked A on the chart, about 3 miles from Tar- betness Lighthouse, was selected as the place at which to observe the ocean or sea tvave. The second station at which it was found convenient to institute observations was within the Firth at Meikleferry, marked B, about 3 miles above the town of Tain, and 11 miles distant from Portmahomac. The third station was at Bonar Quarry, marked C, situated on the north shore of the Firth, and 8 miles inland from Meikleferry; and the fourth station was at Bonar Bridge, marked D, one mile from the Bonar Quarry. Beyond Bonar Bridge the observations were also extended as far as the junction of the Rivers Oykell and Cassley, marked E, a distance of 12-|- miles; so that the whole dis¬ tance embraced in the investigation was 33|- miles. Gra¬ duated tide-gauges were fixed at Portmahomac, Meikleferry, Bonar Quarry, and Bonar Bridge; and by means of two distinct sets of observations, the levels of these gauges, in re¬ lation to each other, were accurately determined, so that all the tidal observations made at them could be reduced to the same datum line. The result of the observations was, that the low-water of each tide is, ’practically speaking, on the same level at Portmahomac, Meikleferry, and Bonar Quarry. We use the word practically, because the level of the sea is more or less affected by every breeze of wind, which necessarily must pen up and elevate some portions of its surface, and cause corresponding depression, at other places, so that an unvarying low-water line will not be found to exist throughout a series of tides on any part even of the ocean itself, however limited the number of low-waters embraced may be. Accordingly, deviations from a truly level line of a few inches occasionally occurred in the observations made at the Dornoch Firth; but these were not of greater extent than could reasonably be traced to the effect of wind, and were found to vary, not only in their amount, but also in their value, being sometimes plus and sometimes minus quantities, causing corresponding varia¬ tions in the results deduced from the different series of tidal observations that were made. Some of these showed the low-water within a fraction of an inch of being level; while others gave a notable elevation at some of the sta¬ tions; and others, again, gave a depression below the level line at the very stations where previously there had been a rise. To illustrate this more fully, we shall give a few examples : Thus, on the 23d of June (on which day the weather hap¬ pened to be very calm), the level of low-water at Meikle¬ ferry was three-quarters of an inch above that at Portma¬ homac ; and on the next day, the wind blowing fresh from the S.E., the level of low-water at Meikleferry was 3f inches above that at Portmahomac. Again, a succeeding observa¬ tion gave the level of Meikleferry three-quarters of an inch belovj Portmahomac. In the same way, and in similar small degrees, the level between the low-water at Bonar Quarry tide-gauge and at Portmahomac was found to varv. The average of all the observations made, gave the level of low- water at Meikleferry 2‘2 inches above that at Portmahomac, and the level of low-water at Bonar Quarry 1'1 inch below the low-water at Portmahomac. Whether these average Rivers, differences of level be traceable to the effects of prevailing winds, which may be supposed to have exerted a greater influence on the water at the more exposed stations, or to any inaccuracy in the levels, must evidently, from the ex¬ amples given of the extent and nature of the daily devia¬ tions, be a point which we cannot determine ; but the result of a lengthened train of observations, notwithstanding the average difference above stated, may fairly be held to be, that the low-water of each tide is practically on the same level at Portmahomac, Meikleferry, and Bonar Quarry; and there¬ fore that the low-water tidal phenomena, throughout the whole extent of the firth, correspond with those of the sea. But when the results of the observations at Bonar Bridge Low-water come to be compared with those made at the seaward station, ^ses from a very marked difference presents itself; for, while the low- ^^7 t0 water line is found to be practically level from Portmahomac Bridge, to Bonar Quarry, a distance of 20 miles, throughout a narrow firth, varying from 1|- mile to 550 feet in breadth at low-water, we find that between the Quarry and Bonar Bridge, a distance of only one mile, there is a rise in the low- water line of spring-tides of no less than 6 feet 6 inches. It was therefore concluded that, in the Dornoch Firth, the point at which the low-water level of spring-tides met the descending current of fresh water, lay somewhere between the Quarry and Bonar Bridge. A different series of obser¬ vations was made to ascertain the exact point at which this junction takes place, and the result of these observations was, that at low-water of an ordinary spring-tide, rising 14 feet at Meikleferry, the low-water level of the sea meets or intersects the descending fresh-water stream from the Kyle of Sutherland, at a point 1700 yards below Bonar Bridge, or nearly opposite Kincardine Church, and within 60 yards of the Quarry station. Between this point and the bridge, a distance of 1700 yards, there is a rise of 6 feet 6 inches, giving an average slope on the bed of the river of 1 in 784, or 6'7 feet per mile. In addition to this uniformity in the level of low-water, it was further found that the tidal phenomena of the firth corresponded to that of the adjoining sea, in the outline traced by the passage of the tidal wave, as deduced from observations made at the different stations on the rise and fall of the tide-level between the periods of low and high water. During the period between each low-water or high-water the level of the surface was ever varying, there being no lengthened cessation of ebbing and flowing, the tide-wave being fully developed at the whole of the stations up to Bonar Quarry. The range of tide was indeed increased in the inner part of the firth to the extent of 9 inches at Meikleferry, and 12 inches at Bonar Quarry ; that is, when the rise of tide was 12 feet 8 inches at Portmahomac, it was 13 feet 5 inches at Meikleferry, and 13 feet 8 inches at Bonar Quarry—an increase which is due to the momentum of the tidal wave when obstructed by the contracting shores of the firth, and is accounted for by the principle of the conservation of forces.1 But if we inquire into the tides at Bonar Bridge, we find that Rise of tide they do not correspond with those of the adjoining sea or of at Bonar the firth; for taking the tide to which we have already alluded, Bridge, which rose 13 feet 8 inches at Bonar Quarry, it was found on the same day to rise only one-half of that amount, or 6 feet 10 inches at Bonar Bridge ; the difference between the two results being occasioned by the rise on the low-water line of the channel between these two places. The tide on the particular day alluded to rose no less than 6 feet 10 inches at Bonar Quarry before it attained the level of the low- water at Bonar Bridge, when it began to rise at that place also, and afterwards continued to flow nearly uniformly at 1 Essay towards a First Approximation to a Map of Co-tidal Lines, by the Rev. W. Whewell, Philosophical Transactions, 1833. NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, both places. Fig. 1 is a diagram illustrative of the form of the tide-wave at Meikleferry and Bonar Bridge, the hard line represents the curve formed by the passage of the tidal wave at Meikleferry, and the dotted line shows that at Bonar 59 Rivers. Fig. 1. Bridge. In both cases the vertical space represents the rise of tide, and the horizontal space the elapsed time. From this diagram it will be seen, that while the tide at Meikleferry is symmetrical, and presents a constantly rising or falling outline, the tide at Bonar Bridge represents a long period, extending on some occasions by actual observation to several hours at low-water, nearly unaffected by tidal in¬ fluence, during which period the water stood almost at the same level. The tidal water admitted into the upper part of the estuary above Bonar Bridge took a considerable time to drain off through the narrow water-way at that place, and hence the water did not attain a permanent low-water level, even long after the tide had ceased to operate in affecting its surface. The observations made to ascertain how far the tidal influence extended up the Kyles of Sutherland were conducted with the same care, and proved that the highest point influenced by the tide was at the junction of the Rivers Oykell and Cassley, 12£ miles above Bonar Bridge. Mean sea- A further test of the “sea proper” will, it is believed, be level. found in the existence, at any place of observation within that compartment, of a central point in the vertical range of tide from which the high and low water levels of every tide are very nearly equidistant. The existence of such a point was, it is believed, first determined by Mr James Jardine at the Tay in 1810,1 and has been ob¬ served in the firths of Forth and Dornoch, at the Skerry- vore Rocks on the west of Scotland, at the Isle of Man, and in the Mersey. These different series of observations, made at points so far distant from each other, seem to prove the universality of the phenomenon, at least on the shores of this country. But in ascending into the tidal compart¬ ment, the rise on the low-water level, which has already been described, destroys at once the symmetry of the tide-wave, as shown in fig. 1, and the existence of any such central point equidistant from the high and low water level of each tide. The case we have adduced will serve to illustrate the definition we have given of the compartments of rivers. From Portmahomac to Kincardine, near Bonar Quarry, we have all the evidences of what we have termed the “ sea properthe line traced through the low-water mark at different parts of the firth is practically level; the curve formed by the rise and fall of the tide is symmetrical; there is no lengthened cessation of ebbing and flowing at the period of low water; and the range of tide is unmodified save by the additional rise due to the narrow frith through which the tide-wave passes. From Kincardine to the junc¬ tion of the Oykell and Cassley, we have proofs no less evident of the modified flow of the tide peculiar to the “ tidal compartment.” Even at Bonar Bridge, one mile above the quarry, the low-water level is 6 feet 6 inches higher than at the station below. At low-water the tide remains within a few inches of the same level for several hours, and its maximum range is reduced to about one-half of what it is further seaward, while at the junction of the Oykell and Cassley it disappears altogether. Above this _ point no tide is known to affect the flow of the stream, which being free from all tidal influence, may be termed the “ river proper.” We must here warn the reader not to These suppose that the boundaries we have traced boundaries as existing in the Dornoch Firth, and many not equally other places which the writer has inves- distinct in tigated, may be determined with the same cases* precision under all circumstances and in every case. The observations to which we have alluded, are supposed to be made at periods when the river is free from floods and the sea unaffected by heavy gales ; moreover, the configuration of the bottom and shores of a river and estuary may, in certain cases, render the accurate determination of the boundaries very difficult. All that we assert is, that these compartments do in some measure, more or less defined, exist in all cases; and although not determined with the same careful precision as explained in the case of the Dor¬ noch Firth, we have made observations of a more general character, and with complete success, to define approxi¬ mately the tidal compartments in many estuaries and rivers in Britain and Ireland. But there are other data with which the engineer must Data re_ be furnished before he can advantageously consider the qUired by improvement of any part of a river. These data include the en¬ tile determination of its slope, velocity, and discharge, the gineer. nature of its bed and banks, and many other particulars. For full details as to the character and extent of such in¬ formation, and the means of obtaining it, we can only refer the reader to works on the subject of River and Marine Surveying.2 Neither do we include in the present treatise any sketch or digest, however brief, of the interesting and gradual progress made by philosophers and engi¬ neers of the early Italian and French schools, in the theo¬ retical and experimental investigations of the laws which regulate the flow of water in natural and artificial channels, which investigations form the basis of all our practice in hydraulic engineering. These lengthened and laborious experimental researches will be found to be most fully dis¬ cussed—historically, theoretically, and practically—in the valuable article by Dr Robison on the Theory of Rivers, in this Encyclopaedia (see River), and also in the report made by Mr George Rennie to the British Association on the progress and present state of our knowledge of hydraulics as a branch of engineering.3 While we do not therefore propose to advert at length either to the theoretical or practical details of the subject, still the whole of river engineering is so connected with, and dependent on, those physical characteristics of rivers which are termed the slope, the hydraulic mean depth, the velocity, and the discharge, that it seems to be indispensable to a proper understanding of the subject that these elements should be defined, and that the relations which subsist be¬ tween them should be considered. The following defini¬ tions will suffice to answer the purpose in view :— 1. The slope is the fall on the surface of the river, which pefini_ is generally expressed in feet or inches per mile. tions. 2. The hydraulic mean depth is the quotient arising from dividing the sectional area of the channel in square feet by the wetted border or perimeter in lineal feet. 3. The mean velocity is that velocity which is common to the whole cross section of a stream, and is represented by the discharge divided by the area of that section. 1 Report by James Jardine, O.E. 2 Treatise on the Application of Marine Surveying and Hydrometry to the Practice of Civil Engineering, by David Stevenson, C.E. Edin- burgh, 1842. 3 Pcport of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1834. 60 Rivers. NAVIGATION, INLAND. Method of ascertain¬ ing dis- 4. The discharge is the quantity of water yielded by the stream in a given time, and is generally stated in cubic feet. In the practice of engineering it is frequently necessary to consider questions involving the relations which subsist —a — between these different elements, and many formulae have charge by been pr0p0seci t0 facilitate this operation. The Chevalier rnpnt^re” Dubuat was the first investigator who, by discovering the effects of the friction of fluids on their own particles, and on the bed along which they move, was enabled to apply his theoretical knowledge of hydraulics to practical purposes, and his views and formulae will be found fully discussed in the article River alreadv alluded to. 1 he writer of this article has, however, found that such formulae are not gene- rally applicable, and it seems desirable to lay before the practical engineer the various results given by different for¬ mulae when applied under the same circumstances, in order that he may be cautioned as to relying on such a means of computation in cases where great exactness is requi¬ site. In order to ascertain the discharge of a stream or river the writer has therefore in practice resorted to actual measurement. For this purpose, a situation was selected where the bed was tolerably uniform in its longitudinal and transverse outline. A correct transverse section of the bed or channel was made, and the section was di¬ vided into compartments. The surface velocity in the centre of each compartment was then taken by means of floats, or the instrument called the tachometer. These surface velocities were reduced to mean velocities for each compartment by Dubuat’s formula : ■ m=(VV-1)!±V or more simply, in cases wdiere great accuracy is not re* quired, M=0-8V where V = the observed surface velocity in inches per second. M = the mean velocity in inches per second. We have found by means of the tachometer, used at different depths, that this formula expresses accurately the mean velocity of any vertical section of the stream to which the observed surface velocity is applicable. But as the surface velocity on the same cross section is not uniform throughout the width of the stream, it becomes necessary, as already stated, to divide the section into compartments, so as to em¬ brace the maximum and minimum speeds. The areas of the different sections being then multiplied by the corresponding mean velocities obtained by either of the above formulae, the sum of the discharge due to the different compartments is held to give the total discharge of the stream or river. It is obvious that the accuracy of the result obtained by this process depends on the judgment with which the cross- sectional area is subdivided, and on the care with which the observations are made. The operation is, in many cases, attended with difficulties, and in all with a considerable con¬ sumption of time; and many formulae have been proposed to shorten it. The writer has compared the computed dis¬ charge given by several of these formulae with the dis¬ charge as ascertained by careful observations made in the manner described, and the following result is submitted for the information of engineers. The formulae subjected to trial were :— and by f0r- I. Formula given by Dr Robison, founded on Dubuat’s mulae. investigations :x M= _ 307 (vV-O-l) __0,3 VS —Hyp. log. of VS + 1‘6 in which M = the mean velocity in inches per second, d=the hydraulic mean depth in inches, S = the reciprocal of the slope of the surface which is the denominator of the fraction expressing the slope, the numerator being always unity (a slope of 1 foot a mile is therefore 5280 = reciprocal for that slope), Hvn loff. = the common log. of the number to which it is attached, multiplied by 2-3026. II. Formula given by Sir John Leslie:2 in which M = the mean velocity in miles per hour, a = the hydraulic mean depth in feet, y= the fall on the surface in feet per mile. III. Formula given by Mr Ellet for calculating discharge of the Mississippi :3 V”10 ^ 20 M = 0-8V in which V = the surface velocity in feet per second, rf=the maximum depth of the river in teet, f— the fall on the surface in feet per mile, M = the mean velocity in feet per second. IV. Formula given in Mr_Beardmore’s tables :4 M = Va 2/x 55 in which M = mean velocity in feet per mile, « = hydraulic mean depth in feet, y= fall per mile in feet. V. In addition to these formulae, the writer also sub¬ jected to trial the formula: M_ (W-iy + V 2 in which M = the mean velocity in inches per second, V = the maximum surface velocity in the axis ot the stream in inches per second. In order to compare these different formulae, a very favourable situation was selected for ascertaining the dis¬ charge of a stream by careful measurements of its sectional area and of the velocities at different parts of its surface from the centre to either side, and the result gave a dis¬ charge of 1653 cubic feet per minute, which, from various measurements, the writer believes to be a very near approxi¬ mation to the actual discharge. _ The slope was alsojiccu- rately ascertained, and the following are the results. Cubic feet. Discharge from measurement as above, 1653 per minute. Rivers. 221. 1st. By Robison’s formula 2d. By Leslie’s do 2d. By Ellet’s do 4tA. By Beardmore’s do . bth. By formula assuming the mean de¬ duced from the centre surface velocity as the mean for the whole section ... 1950 do. do. do. do. do. It will be seen from this statement, that none of the for mulae afford a near approximation to the discharge of the small stream to which they were apphe . Again, it was ascertained by the late Dr Anderson, after most carefully dividing the cross section into compartments that the discharge of the main branch of the aY ^ was 147,391 cubic feet per minute.5 The writer has also ascertained the discharges, as calculated by the different mulse as above, and the following are the results. 1 See article River ; also A System of Mechanical Philosophy, by John Robison, vol. ii., p. 453. 2 Elements of Natural Philosophy, by Professor Leslie, Edinburgh, 1829, vol. i., p. 423. 3 The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, by Charles Ellet, Philadelphia, 1853. . _TT.,, , ,1.. T,’„rn * Hydraulic Tables, by Nathaniel Beardmore, C.E., London, 1852. 6 This does not include the Willowgate, nor tbe Ra . Bivers. Formula generally applicable, but afford¬ ing only an approxi¬ mation. Result of formula destroyed where under-cur¬ rents exist. NAVIGATION, INLAND. Cubic feet. Discharge per measurement 147,391 per minute. 1st by Robison’s formula 153,632 do. 2ci „ Leslie’s 166,134 do. 3ci „ Ellet’s 122,002 do. 4fA. ,, Formula in Beardmore’s tables 156,569 do. 5tA „ Formula assuming the mean deduced from the centre surface velocity as the mean for the whole section 179,237 do. The result of these trials, and others which the writer has had occasion to make, is, that none of the formulae that have been proposed will be found generally applicable. As it is often convenient, however, to be able to approximate to the velocity or discharge due to a given area and fall, the following formula may be applied, and will, in most cases, give a pretty near approximative result, viz.:— x = yjaf x x 5280 S ~ 60 D —sz in which x — the mean velocity of the whole section of the stream in miles per hour, y = a, quotient which is found to vary from 0-65 tor small streams under 2000 cubic feet per minute, to 0'9 for large rivers, such as the Clyde or the Tay, a = the hydraulic mean depth in feet, f — the fall on the surface in feet per mile, 2 = the mean velocity of the whole section of the stream in feet per minute, s = the sectional area of the stream in feet; and D = the discharge in cubic feet per minute. It must still be kept in view that the application of any known formula to the determination of the mean velocity and discharge of a river is shown, by experimental inquiry, to afford only a rough approximation ; and that if a near ap¬ proximation is required, it must be obtained by means of observations embracing the velocities at different parts of the cross-sectional area, made in the manner already described. We must offer the further caution, that those rules whereby the mean velocity is deduced from, or is assumed as bearing any constant ratio to, the surface velocity, do not apply in many situations which are within the influence of the tide. As will be explained more fully hereafter, the fresh water of the river being specifically lighter, is to a certain extent borne up by and floats upon the denser water of the sea. In surveying the Dee at Aberdeen in 1810, Mr Robert Stevenson found that, while there was an out¬ ward upper-current of fresh water, there was an inward under-current of salt water; so that, although the upper stratum was constantly running toward the sea, there was a regular rise and fall of the surface produced by the influx of the tidal waters below. Another instance of such an un¬ der-current, though not occasioned by the presence of a river, was found to exist in a marked degree at the Cro¬ marty Firth by Mr Alan Stevenson in 1837- The waters of the Cromarty Firth pass to and from the sea through the narrow gorge between the Suters of Cromarty, where the width is about 4500 feet, and the depth about 150 feet. The mean velocity due to the column of water passing this gorge, as deduced from the observed surface velocity, was not sufficient to account for the quantity of water ac¬ tually passed during each tide, as determined by measuring the cubical capacity of the basin of the firth. This led to the observation of the under-currents through the gorge by means of submerged floats, and it was found that dur¬ ing flood-tides the surface velocity was T8 mile per hour; while at the depth of 50 feet the velocity was not less than 4 miles per hour, being an increase of 2’2 miles per hour. During ebb-tide the surface velocity was 2‘7 miles per hour, and at 50 feet it was not less than 4'5 61 miles per hour, being an increase of 1-8 mile per hour. Rivers. The existence of these under-currents is due to some ob- scure causes connected no doubt with the configuration of the bottom, and the circumstances under which the tidal wave approaches and recedes from the shore. The existence of a powerful oceanic under-current during the flood-tide may account for the increased under-velocity of the tide flowing into the Cromarty Firth ; and if we suppose a similar rapid under-current to sweep along the coast during the ebb-tide, the tendency would be to draw off' the water more quickly from the lower part of the channel between the Suters which forms the mouth of the firth, and thus to increase the velocity at and near the bottom during the ebb-tide, as also indicated by the observations to which we have alluded. It is evident that in all such situations the application of a common or mean velocity, deduced from the observed sur¬ face velocity, cannot be relied on as correct. As the slopes, velocities, and discharges of rivers are so important in all matters connected with the flow of streams, and may be useful for comparison in considering questions of river engineering, we give at the end of this article, in a tabular form, the physical characteristics of different rivers, embracing all the information we have been able to collect, with the sources from whence that infor¬ mation was obtained. We have considered it necessary to enter thus far into detail, to prepare the way for what is to follow,—First, Because it is quite impossible to consider and design with advantage the improvements of a river without a correct knowledge of its physical characteristics, as developed in the course of such investigations as we have described. Such information cannot in every case be procured with an equal amount of precision, but the more complete and detailed it is, the more confidently and advantageously will the engineer proceed to form his design. Secondly, We have been particular in defining the physical boundaries of rivers, because the remedial means which call for the engi¬ neer’s consideration in designing improvements on the three compartments which they include, are not less distinct than the different phenomena which have been described as their peculiar characteristics. In proof of this, it may be stated generally, that the works on the “ river proper” section consist chiefly in the erection of weirs, by means of which the water is dammed up so as to form stretches of canal in the river’s bed, with cuts and locks between the different reaches. The “tidal compartment” embraces a more varied range, including the straightening, widening, or deepening of the courses and beds of rivers, the forma¬ tion of new cuts, the erection of walls for the guidance of tidal currents, and in some cases the shutting up of sub¬ sidiary channels; while the “ seaward compartment” em¬ braces all works connected with the improvements or re¬ moval of bars and shoals. On these subjects we shall have to enter at some length; and in treating of them it may be most convenient to con¬ sider the question of river navigation under the three fol¬ lowing sections, viz.:— 1^. The upper compartment, or “ river proper.” 2d. The intermediate compartment, or “tidal river;” and 3(7. The lower compartment, or “sea proper.” SECT. III.—THE “ RIVER PROPER” DEPARTMENT. The magnitude of a river is, under certain conditions, g;zes 0f proportional to the extent of country which is drained, rivers pro¬ as will be seen by reference to the table at the end of thisportional article, and all our ideas regarding rivers, as affording thet0 extent of means of inland navigation, must necessarily be to some(jraineji extent varied to meet the different physical characteristics of different countries. Thus, in continents we find riversof great magnitude, fed by the drainage of vast tracts of surrounding land, rolling their contents in a broad, deep current to the 62 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, ocean, and affording a highway for vessels of the largest ''—■V**-''' class to pursue their course for hundreds of miles into the interior of the country. Of such is the Mississippi, which, according to Mr Ellet, maintains, for a distance of nearly 1200 miles above New Orleans, an average breadth of 3300 feet, and a depth 6f 115 feet. The Ohio, which joins it at this place, is navigable to Pittsburgh, where the writer of this a tide has seen from thirty to forty large-sized steamers lying at the quays of that truly inland port, which were all engaged in trading to New Orleans, on the Gulf of Mexico,1 being a river navigation of upwards of 2000 miles. In considering the improvement or maintenance of such a navigation as this, the engineer has to deal chiefly with the control of the discharge due to the rains of the district through which the river flows. His difficulty does not so much consist in deficient depth or breadth of navigable channel, as in the magnitude of the floods with which he has to contend, and the provision he has to make for retain¬ ing them within such limits as to secure the safety of the surrounding district. In less extended tracts of country the rivers are propor¬ tionally smaller; and when we come to consider our own island, we find that its area and drainage are altogether in¬ sufficient to afford depth and breadth of water for extended inland navigation. This will readily be understood when the areas of the basins and the discharges of some of our largest rivers are compared with the Mississippi, to which we have alluded. For example, according to the table to which we have already referred, the Tay drains 2283 square miles, and discharges 274,000 cubic feet per minute; the Clyde drains 945 square miles, and discharges 48,000 cubic feet per minute; the Mississippi drains 1,226,600 square miles, and discharges 76,800,000 cubic feet per minute. The Mis- It will not, we believe, be considered inappropriate to sissippi. the subject wre are discussing, to offer a short sketch of what is undoubtedly the most gigantic river navigation in the world, taken from the elaborate work by Mr Charles Ellet, on the Mississippi and the Ohio. It appears, from the information given in that work, that the Mississippi varies from 2200 to 5000 feet in width, the average width being assumed as 3300 feet. It is from 70 to 180 feet in depth, the average being 115 feet. The area of the cross section varies from 105.544 square feet to 268,646 square feet, the average being 200,000 square feet. The length, from its junction with the Ohio to the Gulf of Mexico, is 1178 miles, and its average descent at full water is 3J inches per mile, and in absence of floods (or during summer and autumn) 2^ inches per mile. The length of the Ohio, from its junction with the Mississippi to Pittsburgh (the head of the navigation for large vessels), is 975 miles, and the average inclination is about 5\ inches per mile. From Pittsburgh to Olean Point the distance is 250 miles, and the inclination 2 feet 10 inches per mile. When the water is high, steamboats have ascended to Olean Point, which is 2400 miles from the Gulf of Mexico ; and in doing so, have had to overcome a current which at some places runs with a velocity of 5 miles per hour. This, however, is chiefly in the upper part of the river. Generally speaking, vessels have no difficulty, in the lower or more open part of the stream, in avoiding the strength of the currents by keep¬ ing in-shore. But in the Ohio much inconvenience is felt during dry seasons from the currents at certain parts of the river; and the writer has seen a steamer, when deeply loaded, unable to overcome them until assisted by a warp attached to an anchor dropped ahead of the vessel, in the middle of the channel, by which, after considerable deten¬ tion, she was “ warped through the rapid.” The discharge of the Mississippi is computed by Mr Ellet, at high water, at 1,280,000 cubic feet per second; and its drain- Rivers, age he estimates at 1,226,600 square miles. When the autumnal rains set in, the river rises above its summer level to the enormous extent of about 40 feet at the mouth of the Ohio, and 20 feet at New Orleans. In investigating the physical characteristics of this mighty stream, Mr Ellet found—UC, That the average surface velocity in the centre of the river was 5 miles per hour, and occasionally the speed reached 7 miles per hour; 2d, By using under¬ current floats, he found that the speed of a float, supporting a line of 50 feet long, was always greater than that of the surface float—the average increase of velocity being 2 per cent.; 3c?, The results of the experiments made, lead him to conclude that the mean velocity of the Mississippi is about 2 per cent, greater than the mean surface velocity; 4th, In coming to this conclusion, no account is taken of such observations as show remarkable under-currents, the ve¬ locity of which were in some places found to be 17 per cent., and 20^- per cent, greater than the surface velocities ; 5th, While the mass of water which the channel of the Mississippi bears is running downwards with a central velocity, the current next the shore is sometimes found to be running upwards, or in the opposite direction, at the rate of 1 to 2 miles per hour; 6th, While the water is running down¬ wards in the one side of the river, it is often found with an appreciable slope, and visible current running upwards on the other side of the river; 7th, The surface of the river is therefore not a plane, but a peculiarly complicated warped surface, varying from point to point, and inclining alternately from side to side. After considering all the conflicting results derived fi’om his investigations, Mr Ellet, in order to obtain the mean velocity and discharge of the river, employed the formula as already noticed,— 8 df V 10^ df+20 M = 0*8 V and Ma = D where V = the velocity of central surface current in feet per second, y circum¬ stances. The object of all im¬ prove¬ ments is to increase it. The tidal wave. NAVIGATION, INLAND. gation. The amount of fresh water which they discharge varies as the river floods rise and fall; and even at its maxi¬ mum its effects in the lower portion of our estuaries is but feebly felt, as more fully explained hereafter in section vi., under the head of “ Bars.” Our rivers, indeed, may be re¬ garded simply as creeks or inlets, formed and kept open, not by the fresh-water stream alone, but mainly by the action of the tide; and may be said to be navigable only when their channels are filled by the influx of water from the ocean. The great agent, therefore, in keeping open and deepening our navigations is to be found in the tidal flow, which not only scours and maintains the sea channels of our rivers, but also increases their depth of water. Nor is this all: another most important advantage derived from the tides is that upward current due to the tidal rise, which, at first checking and ultimately overpowering and reversing the flow of the ebb-stream, carries vessels to their port, far, it may be, into the interior, without the aid of either steam or wind. This is a view of the subject which cannot fail to strike even the most superficial observer, when he sees, on the Thames or Mersey, for example, a vast fleet of vessels of all sizes, and from all countries, hurried on by the silent but powerful energy of the flowing tide. How invaluable is such an agent to the commercial interests of this country ! If, indeed, the action of our river-tides were suspended, it might truly be said of the steam power employed on our railways, that its occupation would be gone. Nor need we do more to enforce the wide-spread interests of the subject than remind the reader that the ports of London, Liverpool, and Glasgow, not to name less important places, are entirely dependent on tidal navigation for their existence. From what has been said as to the physical boundaries of rivers, it will be apparent that the extent to which this tidal influence is felt varies in different situations. Where the slope of the river is gentle, and the channel is com¬ paratively clear and unobstructed, it is felt far up the river, as in the case of the Thames, where it reaches Teddington Weir, 65 miles from the Nore; and in the Tay, where it reaches its junction with the Almond, 35 miles from the bar. In other cases, such as the Lune in Lancashire, or the Dee in Cheshire, the tidal flow is suddenly checked by artificial weirs erected in the bed of the river for the supply of mills. In a third class of rivers the upward flow of the tide is almost neutralized by the existence of natural ob¬ structions, as in the case of the Erne at Ballyshannon, where it flows only about 3, and the Ness, where it flows only about 6 miles up the river. Now, the great object of the engineer, in dealing with what we have termed the “ tidal compartment of a river,” is to increase the tidal influence, or, in other words, to facilitate the propagation of the tidal wave through the estuary or river for which he has to design works, and it will be found in the examples we have hereafter to offer that, with proper management, this desirable improvement may be surely accomplished, and its amount accurately de¬ termined. But that the subject may be fully understood, it is necessary that we should in the outset explain the na¬ ture and laws of “ tidal propagation” and “ tidal currents”— phenomena attending the tides of our rivers and estuaries which must be duly recognised and estimated in all de¬ signs for improvements which are based on sound principles of river engineering. The tidal wave which enters an estuary is a branch of the great tidal wave of the ocean. Mr Scott Russell was the first experimental inquirer who conducted investigations on the tide wave of estuaries. Mr Russell’s observations were made on the Dee in Cheshire, and the Clyde, and the results which he obtained may be briefly stated as follows:— 1. The great primary wave of translation differs from Rivers, every other species of wave in its origin, its phenomena, and its laws. ' _ Laws of 2. The tide wave is identical with the great primary its propa- wave of translation. gation. 3. In a rectangular channel, the velocity with which the tidal wave is propagated is equal to the velocity acquired by a heavy body falling freely by gravity through a height equal to half the depth of the fluid, reckoned from the top of the wave to the bottom of the channel. In a sloping or triangular channel the velocity is that of a gravitating body due to ^d of tbe greatest depth. In a parabolic channel the velocity is that due to fths or -^ths of the greatest depth, according as the channel is convex or concave. And generally the velocity is that due to gravity, acting through a height equal to the depth of the centre of gravity of the transverse section of the channel below the surface of the fluid. 4. The velocity in channels of uniform depth is inde¬ pendent of their breadth. 5. A tidal bore is formed when the water is so shallow that the first waves of flood move with a velocity so much less than that due to the succeeding parts of the tidal wave as to be overtaken by the subsequent parts, or whenever the tide rises so rapidly that the height of the first wave of the tide exceeds the depth of water at that place. 6. A wave of high-water of spring tides travels faster than a wave of high-water of neap tides. These laws are supposed to apply to the passage of the wave through channels having a pretty uniform depth and form of cross section ; but the very irregular outline of the beds of most of our tidal channels renders it almost always difficult, and in many cases impossible, to apply them rigidly to cases which occur in actual practice. The writer may, however, state generally, in corroboration of the correctness of Mr Russell’s deductions, that after investigating the tidal phenomena of many estuaries and rivers, he has found that in all cases the quickest propagation of the tidal wave occurs at those places where there is the greatest average depth ; but the varying outline of the cross section renders it almost impossible, in most cases, to determine what is the ruling depth for calculating the rates of propagation in any particular section of the river. In the Dornoch Firth, to which we have already alluded, the writer found that the distance of 11 miles between Portmahomac and Meikle- ferry is traversed by the tide-wave in thirty minutes, giv¬ ing a velocity of 22 miles per hour. The depth of the water of that part of the firth varies from 9 to 50 feet. Between Meikleferry, again, and the Quarry, a distance of 8 miles, where the depth is much less, varying from 6 to 20 feet, the transit of the wave occupies 65 minutes, giving a speed of 6-4 miles per hour.1 Between the Quarry and Bonar Bridge, a distance of 1 mile, the water is comparatively shallow, varying from 1 to 3 feet, and the rise on the bed of the river is very rapid. In consequence of these ob¬ structions, the tide does not appear at Bonar Bridge for an hour and a half after it has appeared at the Quarry, giving a rate of propagation of only two-thirds of a mile per hour. From observations made by the writer at the Dornoch Firth and elsewhere, it appears evident that, in addition to the elements on which the laws of propagation as quoted are based, the slope on the surface of the stream in tidal rivers affects to some extent the rate of propagation, independently either of the depth or cross-sectional lorm of the channel; but it will be more convenient to notice this at a subse¬ quent part of this treatise. Now, the obstructions which are most frequently found Obstacles to operate as retarding influences are, the circuitous routes which of the channels of rivers, inequalities in their beds, the pro- operate in retarding tidal wave. 1 The times are the intervals which elapse between the first appearance of the tide at the different stations. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 65 Rivers, jection of obstacles from their banks, and in certain circum- stances the slopes of their surfaces. The combined effect of these obstructions is such as in all rivers to check the propagation of the tide-wave ; and in situations where there is a great and rapid rise of tide, to heap up the wrater in the lower part of the river, and so to occasion what are termed “ bores,” and other apparent anomalies. In the Dee, for example, there is at low-water a fall of 11 feet from Chester to Flint, a distance of 12 miles ; and on one occasion the writer found that after the tide had risen 18 feet 4 inches at Flint, it had not commenced to flow at Chester. While, therefore, at low-water there is a fall seawards of 11 feet from Chester to Flint, there was at the time alluded to a fall from the sea downwards, so to speak, of no less than 7 feet 4 inches from Flint to Chester. Fig. 2 is a diagram Fig. 2. of these tide lines, which will illustrate more clearly the effect of this heaping up of water in the seaward part of the river. The lower line represents the surface of low- water, and the upper line shows the surface at the period of flood-tide to which we have alluded.1 In this case the small depth of water, and tortuous and unequal channel, retarded the early waves of flood-tide so much, that they were overtaken by the succeeding w’aves ; and, in accord¬ ance with Mr Russel’s theory, a tidal bore was the result, or, in other words, the water was heaped up so high, and the slope was consequently so great, as to cause the water • H f:: » '•! c. ■ • '%■ i) a Fig. 3. to tumble over, and ascend the river in the form of a break¬ ing wave. The manner in which such tides flow up an estuary may Rivers, be explained by a simple illustration. In fig. 3 the letters ^ «, b, c, d represent a partof the low-water channel of the River Example Dee, at a place where the estuary is about 3 miles wide, and °f a tidal consists of extensive sand-banks. In examining minutely bore on the windings of the stream in reference to certain investi-the Dee- gations, it was necessary to walk down the right bank of the river at low-water, close to the edge of the channel. While so engaged, the writer crossed at the point b, a hol¬ low in the sand-bank, which, though depressed below the general height of the surrounding surface, was nevertheless quite dry, the lowest part of the track being considerably above the level of the water of the river. Crossing this hollow, the noise of the approaching tide was heard; and expecting to meet the flood forcing its way up the river, he continued to walk on ; but seeing no appearance of its approach by the proper channel, and still hearing the noise gradually increasing, and apparently coming from behind, he turned round and perceived a rapid run of water flowing (in the direction shown by the arrow) through the hollow deb, which had just been crossed, and emptying itself into the river at b. He immediately hastened back, and after having waded through the newly-formed stream at b, which had attained a depth of 6 or 8 inches, he remained on its upper side to see the result of this unexpected inroad. The water continued to rush through the hollow, rapidly gain¬ ing breadth and depth, and at last, after an interval of 2 or 2J minutes from the time at which the noise was first heard, the tide appeared forcing its way up the proper channel of the river with a head or bore of 6 or 8 inches in height. In this case it is clear, from what has been said as to the slope on the river from Flint to Chester during the early periods of tide, that the level of the wrater at d in the dia¬ gram would be above that at b. The tide, on arriving at the point d, would be naturally divided into two branches or currents, one proceeding up the natural channel towards c, and the other flowing into the hollow in the sand-bank at d towards e; and as the level of the water at d rose, the stream which flowed into the hollow in the sand-bank would gra¬ dually rise higher until it surmounted the summit-level at e, after which it w'ould rush from e to b without obstruc¬ tion. The other branch of the tide would in the meantime be forcing its way along the circuitous channel deb, which was about a mile in length; and before it reached b, the water at d had attained a much higher level than at b, and having surmounted the summit-level of the sand-bank at e, continued to flow without obstruction into the channel of the river in the manner represented. Thus in all places where the retarding influences which exist in the regular channel of the river exceed the obstructions in any back lake or swash-way, the tide will flow sooner through the latter than the former, and give rise to an apparent ano¬ maly such as has been described. The late Admiral Beechey, in his Remarks on the Tidal Bore on Phenomena of the River Severn, published in 1851, gives the Severn. 1 The writer has found, that in all cases the heaping up of the water increases with the rise of tide, being greatest in spring and least in neap tides ; as will be seen from the following tabular views of the maximum difference of level between the surface of the water at Flint and Chester on the Dee, and (to offer another example) at Glasson and Lancaster on the Lune, during the flow of tides of vanous amounts of vertical range. Date. 1839. May 21 „ 23 „ 25 „ 29 June 10 Rise of tide at Flint. Ft. in. 14 0 15 6 16 4 18 0 19 8 Maximum fall from Flint to Chester. Ft. in. 3 8 4 5 5 8 6 6 7 10 River Lune. 1838. Aug. 29 „ 31 Sept. 1 „ 3 „ 5 „ 6 Rise of tide at Glasson. 12 12 15 4 19 8 23 23 Maximum fall from Glasson to Lancaster. Ft. in. 1 1 1 6 2 0 2 10 3 2 4 4 VOL. XVI. I 66 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, the following interesting account of the bore on that river: —“ The bore,” he says, “ is not dangerous to boats if afloat in the middle of the river; and it is the common practice up the Severn to row the boats out to the centre of the stream on the approach of the bore, and put their head to the wave; but if this precaution be not taken, and the boats are allowed to remain at the edge of the shore, they are liable to be swamped or stove, as the waves break with great violence along the banks as it proceeds; but towards the centre of the river, if the water be not very shallow, the wave is smooth and unbroken. Before the arrival of the bore, the stream runs down the river, and the altitude of the water at a distance from the sea is quite stationary; but on the arrival of the bore, the water instantly rises ac¬ cording to the height of the breast of the wave, and the stream turns and follows the wave up the river, although it had but a few minutes before been running down at a rapid rate; and this change of stream is effected without any breaking wave. When there is a heavy fresh down the river, and the stream is running at the rate of four or more miles an hour, the upward stream hangs for several minutes after the bore has passed, not being able to over¬ come at the moment the impetus of the ebbing water; but when it has once turned upwards, it attains its maximum speed in the first half hour of the tide. When the reaches of the river are straight, the bore travels evenly up the river, but at the turnings it is thrown off towards the fur¬ ther side, where it rises higher than in the straight reaches; thence it recoils and impinges upon the opposite shore, and so, like a disturbed pendulum, it oscillates from side to side, and only regains its steady course when the reaches lengthen. The highest tide of the year rolled up the Se¬ vern on the 1st of December. There was about 2 feet of water above the ordinary summer-level in the river, and the morning was calm and favourable to the phenomenon. The stream at low-water ran down at the rate of 2£ miles (geographical) per hour, until the time when the bore came rolling up the river with a breast from 5 to 6 feet high at the sides, and 3 feet 6 inches in the centre. The wave was glassy smooth ; and as it advanced towards a spectator stationed at Stonebench, a singular effect was produced by the distorted surface of the wave reflecting the rising sun, and brilliantly illuminating the stems and branches of the wood skirting the river as the bore passed along—an effect which greatly enhanced the interest of the phenomenon, which is at all times an object of curiosity. The stream turned up the instant after the bore passed, and ran at the rate of 3£ miles per hour, which was about half the average rate of the bore, the speed of which varied from 12 to 7 miles per hour, averaging 8 between Stonebench and Glou¬ cester.” Admiral Beechey further says, “ that the effect of a fresh, or a certain depth of water in the river, upon the advance of the bore is remarkable. At dry periods the great obstruction to the progress of the bore lies between Sharpness and Bollowpool, and at such times the many dry sand-banks prevent the bore attaining a rate greater than about 4 miles an hour; but when the river is under the influence of freshes, and the water raised and covering some of the banks, it appears to roll on at a rate of 10 miles an hour in opposition to the stream, which runs down at the rate of upwards of 4 miles an hour.” Tide cur- But the passage of the tidal-wave through an estuary rents. or river, must not be mistaken for what is called the “ tide current,” which is a totally different phenomenon. The tidal-wave which we have been describing as passing through the lower part of the Dornoch Firth, for example, at the rate of 22 miles per hour, is not the current due to the flowing tide by which vessels are carried across the bar, and borne onward to their destination. 4 hat current Rivers, flows with a velocity which at the Dornoch Firth does not exceed 4 or o miles per hour ; a velocity which, indeed, is not often exceeded, excepting in such rapid tideways as the Severn, at the New Passage, where the velocity is said to reach 9 miles per hour and in the Pentland Firth, where Captain Otter measured a velocity during ebb-tide of no less than 10Tyh nautical miles per hour,1 2 being, so far as we know, the greatest tide velocity on record. The laws of the propagation of the tidal wave, to which we first alluded, depend, as explained, on circumstances somewhat obscure; but the velocity of the tide current, or that current which flows into our rivers, and affects the transit of shipping, is due entirely to the slope or fall on the surface of the water. The amount of this slope has been shown to be dependent on the rapidity with which the tide rises, and the amount of obstruction presented to its propagation up the river. The more rapid the rise of tide, and the greater the ob¬ struction to its flow, the higher will the tide-wave at cer¬ tain parts of a river or estuary be heaped up. A head of water is thus formed whose height is due to the rapidity of the rise of the tide and the obstruction to its progress ; and a flow of water having a velocity due to that head is gene¬ rated up the river or estuary, and this flow of water is what we term the tide current. This is probably the most convenient place to notice By increas- some facts of great importance in river engineering, winching the rate we deduce from these considerations, as to the nature ofof tidalPro- the tidal propagation and tide currents. The obstructions Paeg^lon to which we have alluded retard the rate of propagation, ^rease the but by raising the head, they increase the velocity of the velocity of tide currents. Now, as the aim, and, if successful, the the tidal effect of all engineering works, is to increase the rate of currents, tidal propagation, no less certainly will they tend to lessen the heaping up of water in the lower reaches, and at the same time to decrease the velocity of the tide currents. In cases where these currents are found to act prejudicially by producing a bore, or by bringing up sand from the lower parts of the estuary, or where they are inconveniently rapid for navigation, we are thus, while increasing the pro¬ pagation of the tidal wave, enabled to check their energy, and thus to effect an important improvement. Another important circumstance is worthy of notice at The level this place. It is well known that the momentum of the of high- column of water, flowing up the gradually contracting and w»ter not rising channel of a river, causes the level of high-water to stand higher than in the open ocean or in the lower reaches. t^al' pro- This is accounted for, as already stated, on the prm-pagation. ciple of the conservation of forces. The height to which the water is thus raised depends on the quantity of water thrown in by the tide during a given time, the elevation being greatest at spring, and smallest at neap tides. At the Dee, for example, the writer found that the high-water of spring tides at Chester was 14 inches higher than that at Connah’s Quay; while at neap tides the difference of level was only 4 inches. Now, the effect of engineering works, as will be more fully detailed hereafter, is not only to produce a free propagation of the tide, but to admit a larger body of tidal water; and it has been contended that such operations must necessarily cause the tide to rise higher, and it has been attempted to be shown that they might in some situations occasion inconvenience, and even injury to property, in consequence of the overflowing of the river’s banks. After the most careful observation, however, the writer has not been able to detect that such operations have in any case had the effect of appreciably raising the level of the high-water line. Although the tide in improved rivers begins to flow earlier, and a much larger body of 1 Report to the Admiralty on the Severn Improvement Bill, 1849, by Captain Vetch. 2 Admiralty Survey of Pentland Firth, by Captain Otter, Admiralty coasting pilot. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 67 Rivers, water is thrown up the river, still, in conformity with the views already stated, the velocity with which the water flows is decreased, so that the momentum of the column of water remains nearly the same, or at least is not so notably altered as sensibly to increase the height to which the high-water rises ; and by this fortunate compensative action our rivers, though their beds are opened up and improved, do not inundate our towns or even overflow our quays, but quietly keep within their original limits. Removal The removal of all obstacles to the flow of the tide is the of obstruc- object, as already stated, to which the engineer has chiefly tidal flow *° t^rect attention in designing improvements in the department of navigation now under consideration ; and it may be stated, that in order to form a satisfactory opinion on this matter, it is essential to have an accurate survey, showing the depths of water and the breadths of channel throughout the whole extent of the river, and also to as¬ certain the amount of tidal range, the velocity of the cur¬ rents, the rise on the bed, and the nature of the materials of which the bottom and banks are composed. Possessed of this information, he is in a position to consider to what extent the bed of the river may with advantage be deep¬ ened and widened, and the currents directed by means of walls ; also if subsidiary channels may with safety be shut up, or new cuts be made for the passage of the river, or whether or not irregularities in the width which injuriously affect the currents may be corrected. In all these matters the engineer must, in each particular case, be guided by experience. While it is therefore impossible, in such cir¬ cumstances to specify works which shall be of universal application, it is nevertheless quite within the range of sound engineering advice to point out generally the works which are most likely to effect improvements, and to direct the reader to cases in which such works have proved successful; and this is all that we propose to do in the remarks we have to offer on this part of our subject. With reference to these operations, then, it may be stated, that all obstructions which prevent the extension of the tidal influence up the river may safely be taken away, and their removal may confidently be expected to be followed by highly beneficial effects. It is necessary to remark, however, that the removal of artificial weirs erected for the purposes of manufacture is, in many cases, attended with difficulty, arising from the value of the interests involved, which are sometimes so great that the abolition of such erec¬ tions cannot be effected without large compensation. The weirs on the Dee in Cheshire, and the Lune in Lancashire, are instances of this, being productive of much injury; while in both cases the interests affected are so important, and the consequences so serious, as hitherto to have operated as an effectual barrier to their removal. The removal of existing quays and other works of long standing, as in the case of the Thames, the Tyne, and the Wear, is also for the same reason difficult, and works must therefore be designed for such localities which shall not injuriously affect existing interests. But all natural weirs or shoals, consisting of fixed rock or hard gravel, which cannot be disturbed by the action of the current, as well as all projections into the stream, where unattended by the difficulties alluded to, should at once be removed. Whenever it is possible, divided cur¬ rents should be united into one stream. The channel, where it is necessary, should be guided by longitudinal walls, and the river’s bed should be deepened to the full extent compatible with a due amount of slope being left on the surface. I hese may be said to be the safest and most beneficial W’orks which can be adopted in designing river improvements, their effect being to cause the currents of flood and ebb tide to flow always in one channel, and thus to exert their full and combined power in keeping open one navigable track. The manner in which they are executed demands a few remarks; and we shall treat the different works under the heads of:— 1. Removal of lateral obstructions. „ 2. Closing subsidiary channels. 3. Dredging. 4. Excavation. 5. River walls; and 6. Scouring. Rivers. 1. Removal of Lateral Obstructions. Under the “Removal of Lateral Obstructions” maybe classed all those works which have for their object the forma¬ tion of proper outlines for the banks or sides of the river. In the early history of river engineering it was not uncommon jettjes ob. to construct jetties or groins projecting from the banks on jectionabll either side, with the view of narrowing the stream and pro¬ ducing a greater scouring power to operate on the bottom. It is no doubt true, that such projections have the effect of producing a local acceleration of the currents, and in soft bottoms a corresponding increase of depth in their imme¬ diate vicinity. But this increase of velocity and depth being due entirely to the obstruction and consequent rais¬ ing of the level of the water caused by the jetty, is strictly local. Whenever the water passes the head of the jetty, it expands into the greater width of bed, the head is reduced, a stagnation or eddy takes places, and a bank or shoal is formed,—a result which invariably follows the projection of any obstruction or foreign body into a stream having a soft bottom. As an aggravated instance of the effect of such obstructions, we may refer to the case of a vessel of about 170 tons, which, in consequence of the breaking of a tow- line, grounded at the side of the River Tay when there was some flood in the river. The effect g is shown in fig. 4, where the ves- 1 sel is represented at a as lying in a 1 pool which was scoured to the depth of about 10 feet in the course of a i few tides ; and the gravel thus ex- ) cavated by the current, acting on |j| the grounded vessel, and amount- Ml ing to upwards of 1000 tons, was # deposited in the form of a bank, 5 ^ feet above low-water, immediately | below the pool, as shown in hatch- H ed lines. A similar effect, though m varying in degree, occurs in all = rivers confined by jetties. The beds Tig. 4. of rivers so treated consist of an alternation of shoals nearly dry at low-water, and pools of a depth far greater than is ac¬ tually requisite, instead of presenting, as they ought to do, a regular bottom and a uniform depth of water available for the purposes of navigation. Examples of the prejudicial effect of jetties are to be met with in the history of the Clyde, the Ribble, the Dee in Cheshire, the Tay, and, the writer believes, with little or no exception, in every situation where the system of contracting, or even directing the cur¬ rents by means of such works, has been generally adopted. From the Clyde, the Ribble, and the Tay they have been entirely removed. The writer has invariably found, that whenever jetties existed, their entire or partial removal formed one of the first steps towards an improvement of the navigation, and this course has, in all cases which have come within his experience, been followed by good results. In some instances, where the river is contracted by the projection of quays or by the natural formation of the banks, it is desirable, where it can be done consistently with ex¬ isting interests, to enlarge the cross-sectional area, in order to reduce the velocity of the currents and prevent disturb¬ ance of the tidal flow. 68 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, 2. Closing Subsidiary Channels. The next work to be noticed is the closing of what v e term subsidiary channels. These are channels, or, as they are sometimes called, back lakes, caused by islands which divide the stream and reduce its scouring power. Ihe consequence is, that instead of flowing in one broad, deep, navigable bed, kept open by the whole available scouring power, the river is divided into two shallow channels, neither of them affording a good navigation, while frequently a ford or shallow is occasioned both above and below the^ island by the disturbance which occurs at the junction of the divided currents. On the Tay and the Lune several such secondary channels were, with much advantage to tlm navigation, closed up by means of embankments formed of gravel dredged from the river, while the other or principal channel was enlarged and deepened, so as fully to com¬ pensate for the closing of the smaller channel, and assimi¬ late its cross-sectional area to the rest of the navigable track. 3. Dredging. The introduction of mechanical appliances for the pur¬ pose of excavating materials under water, raising them to the surface, and depositing them in barges, was an im¬ portant era in canal and river engineering. The first em¬ ployment of machinery to effect this important object is, like the discovery of the canal lock, claimed alike for Holland and Italy, in both of which countries dredging is believed to have been practised before it was introduced into Britain. The moving power at first employed in con¬ ducting the process was manual labour, but in all large works dredging is now performed by steam, and is probably the most effective and generally applicable means of improve¬ ment at the command of the engineer. I he Dutch, at a very early period, employed what is termed the “ bag and spoon” dredge for cleaning their canals. It consisted of a ring of iron about 2 feet in diameter, flattened and steeled for about one-third of its circumference;, to this ring a bag of strong leather was attached by means of thongs, and the whole apparatus was fixed to a long pole, which, on being used, was lowered to the bottom from the end of a barge moored in the canal or river. A rope made fast to the iron ring was then wound up by a windlass placed at the other end of the barge, and the spoon was thus dragged along the bottom, and was guided in its progress by a man^ who held the pole. When the spoon reached the end of the barge where the windlass was placed, the winding was still continued, and it was raised to the surface, bringing with it the stuff excavated, and deposited in the bag during its progress along the bottom. The windlass being still wrought, the whole was raised to the gunwale of the barge, and the bag being emptied, was again lowered and bauled back to the opposite end of the barge for another supply. This system is slow, and only adapted to a limited depth of water and a soft bottom. It has, however, been gene¬ rally employed in canals, and was much used in the Thames; and the writer, in one situation where, from want of space and other peculiarities, more perfect mechanical means could not be employed, used it to a pretty large extent, the quantity raised being about 135,000 tons. The pro¬ cess, although tedious, was very convenient, and the cost of raising the materials did not exceed 7^d. per ton. Another plan practised at an early period was to moor two large barges, one on either side of the river; be- tveen them was slung an iron bucket or box, attached to both bargts by chains wound round the bands of a power- ^ ful crab-windi in one barge, and round a capstan in the other. The bucket was lowered at the side of the barge in which was the capstan, and being drawn across the bottom by the crab in the opposite barge, was raised and emptied; after which it was again lowered, and hauled across by the capstan for a repetition of the process. But in all laro-e operations these and other primitive appliances have, as "already stated, been superseded by the steam-dredge, which was first employed, it is believed, in deepening the Wear at Sunderland, about the year 1796. This machine was made for Mr Grimshaw by Bolton and Watt.1 Re¬ ceiving improvements from Mr Hughes, Mr Rennie, Mi Jessop, and others, the steam-dredge, as now generally con¬ structed, is a most efficient machine, excavating and raising materials from the depths of 15 to 20 feet of water, at a cost not very different from that at which the same work could be performed on dry land. For details as to the construction of steam-dredges, we have to refer to the articles in Wealds Quarterly Papers, already quoted. As to the nature and extent of work per¬ formed by them, we may state generally, that almost all materials, excepting rock or very large boulders, may be dredged with ease. Loose gravel is probably the most favourable material to work in ; but a powerful dredge will readily break up and raise indurated beds of gravel, clay, and boulders. In such cases it is usual to alternate on the bucket-frame, a bucket of sheet-iron for raising the stuff, with a rake or pronged instrument for disturbing the bot¬ tom. Hand-dredges have been used by Messrs Stevenson at several harbours, by means of which, even disintegrated or rotten rock has been easily raised; and the writer be¬ lieves, that in very many cases the surfaces of submerged rocks near the mouths of harbours may, by means of such machines, be broken up and removed, so as to obtain in cer¬ tain situations a considerable increase of depth, without re¬ course to coffer-dams, which, on exposed coasts, involve great expense and sea risk, as well as interruption to the trade. These small dredges are worked by eight or ten men, and cost about L.350. A well-constructed steam-dredge of 16 horse-power will, under favourable circumstances, raise about 140 tons of stuff per hour. The excavated materials are first dis¬ charged into lighters or barges, and then deposited in any convenient position, where they are sufficiently icmoved from the risk of being carried oft' by floods, and again thrown into the bed of the river. In some cases the discharge is made into hopper punts or barges, which are floated out to sea, and the stuff is dropped in deep water. The cost of steam-dredging va¬ ries according to the nature of the materials and the circum¬ stances of working, as regulated by the tides and the dis¬ tance of deposit. It has, in the writer’s own experience, va¬ ried from 4d. to 6d. per ton, or from 5Jd. to 8d. pei cubic yard, including all expenses.2 3 We believe that in no place has steam-dredging been more extensively used than in the Clyde, where the navigable depth has been increased and is maintained mainly by that process. I he following details as to the dredging on that river are given in a communica¬ tion made to the Institute of France by the late Mr \\ illiam Bald, who acted as resident engineer on the Clyde.2 Mr Bald says, that annual dredging to the amount of from 160,000 to 180,000 tons was necessary at the time he wrote, in order to maintain the navigable depth of water in the Clyde in the 18 miles from Glasgow seawards. In execut- Rivers. 1 Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, by Edward Cresy, London, 1847 ; “ The Dredging Machine,’' Weale's Quarterly Papers, part i., London, 1843; The Improvement of the Port of London, by R. Dodd, Engineer, 1798. 3 It was found on the Tay that 18 cubic feet of gravel weighed 1 ton. 3 Civil Engineers’ and Architects' Journal for August 1845. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 69 Rivers, ing this work, the river trustees employed 5 dredges, a steam-tug, 2 diving-bells, and 160 punts; the whole value of the working machinery being about L.39,000. The fol¬ lowing table gives the details of the dredging-machines : Rivers. No. of Dredge. When she com¬ menced to work. 1824 1826 1830 1836 1841 Greatest depth of Working. Ft. 10 14 14 15 in. 6 0 0 6 17 to 19 ft. Least depth of Working. Ft. in. 3 9 Diameter of Cylinder. Inches. 21 24 24 26 27 J Length of Stroke. Ft. in. 2 6 Number of Backets. 31 33 33 34 34 Length of Bucket- frame. Ft. in. 47 9 52 11 52 11 54 58 Nominal Power of Engine. Ho.-power. 12 16 16 20 22 All these dredges had governors, which regulated the speed to about 28 strokes per minute in ordinary work¬ ing stuff. The average pressure in boilers was about 3^- lb. per square inch. In general, 14 buckets were discharged per minute. The speed of the buckets on the frames of dredges Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, was 48 feet 5 inches per minute, and that on No. 5, 49 feet 8 inches per minute. They consumed from 15£ to 18 lb. of coal per horse¬ power per hour. The following is a statement of the amount of work which was performed by these dredges, and the expense of the process :— Cross¬ dredging. Tabular View of the Dredging of the Wear at Sunderland in 1842-46. 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 Total Quantity Raised per Annum. Tons. 128,245 141,325 90,980 101,075 140,350 Expenditure in Labour for Rais¬ ing and Depositing per Annum. L. s. 922 1 2 879 16 0 567 13 4 721 9 0 724 5 4 d. Expense of Fuel per Annum. Expenditure in Labour for Repairs per Annum. L. s. d. Ill 0 0 70 0 0 66 5 9 66 7 6 58 2 5 L. s. d. 754 16 0 503 13 4 259 2 1 336 8 0 500 17 2 Expenditure in Materials for Re pairs per Annum. Total Expenditure per Annum. L. s. d. 704 17 11 786 13 11 563 9 10 527 7 10 520 3 2 L. s. d. 2492 15 1 2240 3 3 1456 11 0 1651 12 4 1803 8 1 Average cost per Ton on the Tear’s Expenditure. Pence. 4-665 3-804 3-842 3-921 3-083 1842 to 1846 Hence the average cost per ton on five years’ work- For raising and depositing at sea For fuel For labour in repairs For materials to ditto Average total Expenditure...... 1-528 0-149 0-943 1-243 = 3-863 Mr Murray gives the above tabular view of the dredging of the Wear at Sunderland, which is also an interesting record of the quantity and cost of material raised by a dredging-machine; but this view is not given by way of comparison with the preceding, as there is little analogy between the cases. The contracted state of the Clyde, the frequent interruptions to which the work was subject by the constant passage of vessels, and the expense of removing and depositing the stuff, necessarily increased the cost of executing the work in that situation. In river-dredging two systems are pursued ; one plan consists in excavating a series of longitudinal furrows pa¬ rallel to the axis of the stream, the other in dredging cross furrows from side to side of the river. It is found that in¬ equalities are left between the longitudinal furrows, when that system is practised, which do not occur to the same extent in side or cross-dredging ; and the writer has inva¬ riably found cross-dredging to leave the most uniform bot¬ tom. To explain the difference between the two systems of dredging, it may be stated, that in either case the dredge is moored from the head and stern by chains about 250 fathoms in length. These chains in improved dredges are wound round windlasses worked by the engine, so that the vessel can be moved ahead or astern, by simply throwing them into or out of gear. In longitudinal dredging, the vessel is worked forward by the head chain, while the buckets are at the same time performing the excavation ; so that a longitudinal trench is made in the bottom of the river. When the dredge has proceeded a certain length, it is stopped and permitted to drop down and commence a new longitudinal furrow parallel to the former one. In cross-dredging, on the other hand, the vessel is supplied with two additional moorings, one at either side, and these chains are, like the head and stern chains, wound round barrels wrought by the engine. In commencing to work by cross-dredging, we may suppose the vessel to be at one side of the channel to be excavated. The bucket-frame is set in motion, but instead of the dredge being drawn for¬ ward by the head chain, she is drawn to the opposite side of the river by the side chain, and having reached the ex¬ tent of her work in that direction, she is then drawn a few feet forward by the head chain ; and the bucket-frame being yet in motion, the vessel is hauled back again by the opposite side chains to the side from whence she started. By means of this transverse motion of the dredge, a series of cross furrows is made ; she takes out the whole excavation from side to side as she goes on, and leaves no protuberances such as are found to exist between the furrows of longitudinal dredging, even where it is executed with great care. The two systems will be best explained by reference to the annexed cut (fig. 5), where AB repre¬ sents the head and stern moorings, and DC the side moor¬ ings ; the arc ef represents the course of the vessel in cross¬ dredging ; while in longitudinal dredging, as already ex- NAVIGATIO plained, she is drawn forward towards A, and again dropped down to commence a new longitudinal furrow. In some cases, however, the bottom is found to be too hard to be dredged until it has been to some extent loos¬ ened and broken up. Thus at Newry, Mr Rennie, after blasting the bottom in a depth of from 6 to 8 feet at low- water, then removed the material by dredging, at an ex¬ pense of from 4s. to 5s. per cubic yard. The same pro¬ cess was adopted by Messrs Stevenson at the bar of the Erne at Ballyshannon, where, in a situation exposed to a heavy sea, large quantities of boulder stones were blasted, and afterwards raised by a dredger worked by hand, at a cost of about 10s. 6d. per cubic yard. But the most exten¬ sive application of blasting, preparatory to dredging, of which the writer is aware, was that on the works for improving the Severn, by Sir William Cubitt, of which an interesting and instructive account is given by Mr George Edwards, in a paper addressed to the Institution of Civil Engineers, from which the following particulars are taken:1— “ It appears that a succession of marl beds, varying from 100 yards to half a mile in length, were found in the chan¬ nel of the Severn, which proved too hard for being dredged, the whole quantity that could be raised being only 50 or 60 tons per day; while the machinery of the dredges employed was constantly giving way. Attempts were first made to drive iron rods into the marl bed, and to break it up ; a second attempt was made to loosen it by dragging across its surface an instrument like a strong plough. But these plans proving unsuccessful, it was determined to blast the whole surface to be operated on. The marl was very dense, its weight being 146 lb. per cubic foot;2 and it was determined to drill perpendi¬ cular bores, 6 feet apart, to the depth of 2 feet below the level of the bottom to be dredged out. The bores were made in the following manner, from floating rafts moored in the river:—Pipes of A -inch wrought-iron, 3|- inches diameter, were driven a few inches into the marl. Through these pipes holes were bored, first with a 1^-inch jumper, and then with an auger. The holes were bored 2 feet below the proposed bottom of the dredging, as it was expected that each shot would dislocate or break in pieces a mass of marl of a conical form, of which the bore-hole would be the centre and its bottom the apex; so that the adjoining shots would leave between them a pyramidal piece of marl, where the powder would have produced little or no effect. By carrying the shot-holes lower than the intended dredging, the apex only of this pyramid was left to be removed; and in practice this was found to form but a small impediment. Fig. 6 is a section, and Watei’ Level -Surface of Rock Fig. 6. fig. 7 a plan of the bore-holes ; the inner dotted circles represent the diameters of the broken spaces at the level of the bottom of dredging. The cartridges were formed N, INLAND. in the ordinary way, with canvas, and fired with Pickford’s fuse. The weight of powder used for bore-holes of 4 feet, 4 feet 6 inches, and 5 feet, were respectively 2 lb., 3 lb., and 4 lb. The effect of the shot was generally to lift the pipes a few Rivers. Fig. 7. inches, which were secured by ropes to the rafts. Mr Ed* wards says that not one in a hundred shots missed fire, and these shots were generally saved by the following sin¬ gular expedient:—The pointed end of an iron bar, f-inch diameter, was made red-hot, and being put quickly through the water, and driven through the tamping as rapidly as possible, was in nine cases out of ten sufficiently hot to ignite the gunpowder and fire the shot. “ The cost of each shot is calculated as follows :— Use of material £0 1 0 Labour 0 3 3 Pitched bag for charge 0 0 3 3 lb. of powder at 5£d 0 1 15 feet of patent fuse at -^ths of a penny 0 0 9 Pitch, tallow, twine, coals, &c 0 0 41- Cost per shot £0 7 0 Each shot loosened and prepared for dredging about 4 cubic yards ; so that the cost for blasting was Is. 9d. per yard. The cost of dredging the material, after it had been thus prepared, was 2s. 3d.; making the whole charge for removing the marl 4s. per cubic yard.” 4. Excavation. But there are cases where the bottom cannot be advan¬ tageously operated on by any of the means we have men¬ tioned, and where it is necessary to have recourse to other appliances for its removal, such as the diving-bell or diving- helmet, and coffer-dams. The diving-bell has, in conjunc- By diving- tion with dredging, been much used on the Clyde, and Mr bell. Bald gives the following account of the operation as con¬ ducted on that river :— “Between Erskine Ferry and the New Shot Isle the bed of the Clyde, for a distance of 2000 yards, was greatly encumbered with stones and stone boulders, which were highly injurious to vessels if they grounded there ; and frequently large ships, in being tugged through this part of the river-channel, had their copper bottoms in¬ jured when they touched the rocky channel-bed. In deep¬ ening and clearing this part of the river, two diving-bells were employed, and one, and sometimes two, steam-dredgers. The clearing and deepening of this channel was exceed¬ ingly severe on the machinery and working-gear of the steam-dredgers; the speed of the engines was therefore governed by the nature of the material in the bottom ; and although the iron-work frequently gave way, yet spare links and buckets being always ready to replace those 1 “ Account of Blasting on the Severn,” by George Edwards, C.E. {Trans, of Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. iv., p. 361). 2 Clay weighs about 109 lb., and sandstone about 155 lb. per cubic foot. NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, which broke, there was little interruption to the contin- uous working of the dredgers. When the dredgers had cleared away the material which covered the boulders in the bottom of the channel, the diving-bell boats were worked over the ground so cleared, removing all the larger boulders ; and when that part of the channel had been cleared of them, the dredgers went again over the same bottom, removing all the lighter material from the heads of the lower boulders, preparatory to the bells com¬ mencing again ; and these operations were continued until the necessary depth was attained. “ The buckets of the steam-dredgers, in working along the bottom, always slipped over the head of the large boulders, which the diving-bells alone could lift and re¬ move. Some of these masses of trap or whinstone were 4 and 5 tons in weight, and from their rounded forms and smooth surfaces, it was evident that they had been brought from some distance. Some of them were of sandstone, but they were more angular than the trap boulders. Quanti¬ ties of these boulders, lifted from the bed of the channel, might be seen lying along the sides of the river; and many of them had since been split and broken up by gun¬ powder for repairing the river dykes. The tops of some of the large stone boulders lifted from the bed of the chan¬ nel were found grooved to a depth of about an inch or more, by the ship’s keels having been rubbing over them ; and metallic particles were distinctly to be seen upon their surface. In removing these stone boulders from the bed of the channel, the diving-bell men found numerous frag¬ ments of copper and iron which had been torn off the ship’s bottoms and keels by the large stones; but latterly this had not been the case, as great progress had been made in the removal of the boulders, and the deepening of the channel.” 71 Large isolated masses of stone have also been removed Rivers. en masse from many rivers by fixing Ionises in them, and v raising them by floatation. On the Tay this was done to some extent, and one boulder of 50 tons was raised from the river by that means. Where a large area and consi¬ derable depth of solid rock has to be removed, coffer-dams are doubtless the best means of executing the work; but the chief difficulty in employing dams in the narrow chan¬ nels of rivers is the obstruction which they necessarily pre¬ sent to the passage of floods and also to shipping. It is therefore a matter of high importance to reduce their bulk to the smallest possible limits. With this view the writer1 By coffer- designed a coffer-dam for the works of the River Kibble, dams, which consisted of two rows of iron rods, 3 feet apart, jumped into the rocky bottom, and supporting two linings of planking, the intermediate space being filled with clay, and the whole structure being stayed from the inside, so as to present no obstruction beyond the outer line of the dam. Three dams of this construction were formed in the Kib¬ ble ; and by means of them, a bed of rock, 300 yards in length, and of a maximum depth of 13 feet 6 inches, was successfully excavated. The maximum depth of water at high-water against the dam was 16 feet, but in very high floods of the river the whole dam was sometimes com¬ pletely submerged; but on the water subsiding, it was found that the iron rods, on which alone its stability de¬ pended, although only jumped 15 inches into the rock, were not drawn from their fixtures. As this construction of dam completely overcomes the difficulty of fixtures in a hard bottom, where piles cannot be driven, and offers very little obstruction to the navigation ; and moreover, as it has been successfully used on a large scale, and seems to fulfil all the conditions demanded in such a situation, it may be perhaps considered generally applicable to situations where ELEVATION SECTION there is a hard bottom and limited space. The sketch (fig. 8) shows, by an elevation, section, and plan, the manner in which it was constructed. 5. River-Walls. In open estuaries filled with sand-banks, the courses of rivers are liable to constant alteration, due to every change in the tides or winds. The accompanying woodcut (fig. 9) of the River Lune illustrates this remark; the several dotted lines represent the variation of the channel during the period of a few years. This tendency to wander is common to all rivers when left undirected to work their way through a 1 “ Description of a Coffer-Dam adapted to a Hard Bottom,” by David Stevenson, C.E. {Trans, of Inst, of Civil Engineers, vol. iii., p. 377). 72 N A VI G A T I O N, IN L A N D. Fig. 9. which is constantly shifting its course never remains suffi¬ ciently long in one position to form for itself a properly defined bed, but is in fact always in a transition state ; the sand which is worn from the concave being thrown to the convex side of the stream, while some portion of the floaty ing materials, carried to and fro during this process of perpetual change, is often deposited, and forms shoals in the middle of the fairway. A river left in this state of nature cannot possibly attain the maximum depth due to the natural scour of the tidal currents, as their power is expended in abrading and removing the sand-banks through which the stream flows, and not, as it ought to be, in deep¬ ening and scouring its bed. In such cases what is wanted is to secure a permanent channel, by guiding the first of the flood and the last of the ebb tide by means of walls, so that the strength of the currents may constantly operate on the same line of channel. In this way, it is obvious that not only will the advantage of a permanent navigable track be obtained, but the constant action of the currents of flood and ebb tide flowing in the same channel, will secure a much greater permanent depth than they could possibly do if permitted to wander at random through the estuary, sometimes operating in the same channel, and at other times directly opposed to each other. Questions have been raised as to the comparative advan¬ tages of straight and curved walls for directing a channel, antages of It is believed that, in most cases, the direction of such walls straight is necessarily determined, not by any abstract consideration and curved ^ as to the superiority of straight "a 8’ or curved walls, but chiefly by the relative positions of the points between which the stream is to be conducted, and the outline and geological formation of the shores and banks of the estuary that inter¬ vene between those points. The consideration of such matters may render it expe¬ dient, according to the special circumstances of the locality, to adopt walls having concave, straight, or convex outlines, as shown in figs. 10, 11, and 12. Viewed as a purely abstract question, it may, we think, be safely affirmed, that a stream is most likely to follow a permanent course when directed by a concave wall, as Compara tive ad- P.IVER Fig. 10. Fig. 11. rig. 12. shown in fig. 10, in which the axis of the stream is repre¬ sented by the dotted line. Dr Young observes that the centrifugal force in curved channels has a tendency to draw the greater portion of the water to the concave side, and thus the greatest scouring power, and consequently the greatest depth of the stream, will be found upon that side. In a channel directed by straight walls (fig. 11), the current has no such decided bias for either wall, and is consequently easily thrown across from side to side. A wall, on the other hand, having a convex outline, as shown in fig. 12, is (espe¬ cially if the radius of curvature be small) still less suitable as a guide, as the line of wall diverges from the direction of the axis of the current. These remarks are not hypo- theticai, as the writer has found that their correctness has been verified by cases in actual practice. There is doubt¬ less some disadvantage in the deep water being on one side of the channel, as more particularly shown in the cross section, fig. 13. It would be more convenient for naviga- Fig. 13. tion were the deep water in the centre ; but it is found that the current invariably adheres to one or other of the walls, and it is better that the channel should keep constantly to one wall, than that it should alternate from side to side, as is more apt to be the case in absolutely straight channels. The direction and extent of river-walls must, however, be carefully considered by the engineer with reference to existing circumstances, and every case must be judged per se. But we think it will be found safe, in executing such works, to adhere as closely as possible to the following general rules :— First, The channel through open estuaries should, in all cases where funds will admit of it, be guided by double walls. In cases, however, where the estuary is bounded by a hard beach, presenting a favourable line of direction, a single wall may occasionally be found sufficient. All curves which it may be necessary to introduce should be of as large a radius as possible, and should, if practicable, be tangential to each other, or to the straight parts of the line with which they are connected. Second, The w’alls should not be raised to a higher level above the low-water line than is absolutely necessary for the purpose of conducting the early and late currents of the NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, tide; and their direction should be marked by occasional aries, as executed under the direction of Messrs Stevenson perches. They are raised from 3 to 5 feet above the low-water line Fig. 14 represents the disposition of such walls in estu- so that, while they guide the low-water channel, they do not prevent the tide at high-water from flowing on either side of them and filling the estuary. Third, River-walls should, during their erection, be pushed forward with vigour, and not in a desultory, timid manner; the effect of such a course being to increase the depth of water in which the wall has to be made, and the amount of stone required for its construction. Fourth, It will be found that such walls as we have been describing will be most advantageously formed of rough rubble stones, backed with clay and gravel, in the manner shown in fig. 15. It was found by Mr Park, under whose immediate direc¬ tions, as local engineer, the walls on the River Ribble, which are about 12 miles in length, were constructed, that their foundations, with few exceptions, did not sink more than a few feet below the sand. He found that it was advantageous to mix clay in the internal core of the wall; and after the materials were deposited, it was necessary from time to time, in certain places, to add additional stones to make tip slips, before attempting to pitch the top or the face of the slope. Walls somewhat similar have also been largely introduced on the Clyde by Mr Walker. 6. Scouring. The removal of hard portions of the bed of a river by dredging or coffer-dams, and the direction of the channel by low walls, are operations which are in themselves im¬ provements; but they further operate beneficially in causing the currents to scour the softer parts of the river’s bed, so that it sometimes happens that by dredging a few hundred yards of hard material from a river’s bed, or erecting a short wall, thousands of tons of soft materials are scoured away by the action of the current. In all river improvements this is an effect which should be fully taken into consideration by the engineer, especially in forming estimates; and its import¬ ance will be apparent on inspecting the section of the River Lune(Plate II.) By dredg ing the upper shoals of that river, which are marked in hatched lines in the section, the whole lower part of the river was deepened by the natural scour, without entailing any expense in its removal. To facilitate this scour, a species of harrow has sometimes been applied, which is drawn to and fro by a tug-steamer across the bank to be removed. This system was extensively employed by Captain Denham in opening the Victoria Channel at the Mersey ; it was also employed by Messrs Stevenson at the Tay; but it is obvious that it can only be advantageously used where there is deep water in the immediate neighbour¬ hood of the bank to be removed, in which the sand and mud disturbed by the harrow, and carried off by the current, may be deposited. The process of scowring has, in some situations, to the knowledge of the writer', continued in operation for many years after the completion of the ori¬ ginal work, the low-water level of the river continuing gra¬ dually to sink; and as this process goes on, it sometimes happens that hard portions of the bottom originally covered become gradually exposed.1 Such obstructions are, in fact, hard portions of the bed brought to light, in consequence of the improvement of the river, and must not be mistaken for accumulations due to ill-regulated currents. It is neces¬ sary, however, that such hard portions should be removed as soon as they appear, otherwise they disturb the currents and occasion shoals. Whenever the depth due to the currents acting in their improved direction has been reached, such obstructions will cease to present themselves.2 The effect of works executed according to the principles indicated is,—First, to fix the navigable track in a defined course; second, to deepen the bed of the river; third, to reduce the slope, and lower the low-water level; a.ndi,fourth, to increase the duration of tidal influence and the quantity of tidal water in the river. The benefits to navigation are threefold :—First, greater depth of water ; second, a pro¬ perly defined channel; and, third, a greater length of time during which, in consequence of the presence of the tide, the river is navigable. The writer has, before leaving this part of the subject, to state that the works specified are believed to be those most generally applicable. All of them may not be applicable in every case ; and there may be special cases which render it expedient to adopt works of a somewhat different, and, in some respects, apparently antagonistic character,—such, for example, as the contraction of channels by means of quay-walls. SECT. V.—APPLICATION OF THESE WORKS IN PRACTICE. Me come now to give a sketch of' navigation improve- -Apphca- ments, executed in accordance with these general views,tio11 and to show their application in practice, and the effect pro- in duced by them. The first example to which we shall allude practice, is the River Tay, improved under the advice and direction of Messrs Stevenson of Edinburgh; as we know of no instance in which the improvements effected by particular works are more fully and satisfactorily demonstrated by a comparison . , . J7 .en ? ’ 111 ^r's a(idress as president of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1852, says,—“ At the present moment changes ai in0 P ace in tie Thames and most of the principal rivers, which afford invaluable opportunity for observations on the effects rivei motion0” UCe ^ ^ e*r °Wn ac^onJ an<^ also on what is done by the passage of steam-vessels in keeping the lighter silt constantly i Admiral Beechey, in his Observations on the Tides of the River Severn, mentions a fact which it is proper to record. He says, lt WhiJ pon e su jec o the low-water line, it may here be remarked, that the inverse of the ordinary effect of the spring-tide occurs in th er a o\ e ji ney. 10m Lidney downwards to the sea, the low-water at springs follows the general rule of being lower at sue nondm]hfn' a e neaP8, hut above Lidney the reverse takes place, the low-water at the springs being higher than at the neaps. This , is occasione y the tide at springs throwing more water into the river than can escape before the return of the following tide. VOL. XVI. r K 74 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, of observations made previously and subsequently to their execution, than in the case of that navigation ; where the changes were brought about in so short a time, and were so marked as to leave no doubt, even to superficial observers, of their attainment, and no difficulty, by the use of proper means, in ascertaining their amount. River Tay. The River Tay, with its numerous tributaries, as stated in the table at the end of this treatise, receives the drainage- water of a district of Scotland amounting to 2283 square miles, as measured on Arrowsmith’sMap. Its mean discharge has been ascertained to be 274,000 cubic feet, or 7645 tons of water per minute. It is navigable as far as Perth, which is 22 miles from Dundee, and 32 from the German Ocean. The different points on the river, hereafter to be referred to, will be seen in the small chart given in Plate II.; and we propose, in this particular case, to enter some¬ what into detail as to the nature of the obstructions to the navigation, the means employed for their removal, and the effects produced by the works on the tidal currents; as the remarks made will, it is believed, serve to illustrate the sub¬ ject of river improvement generally. Before the commencement of the works, certain ridges, called “fords,” stretched across the bed of the river at different points between Perth and Newburgh, and ob¬ structed the passage to such a degree, that vessels drawing from 10 to 11 feet could not, during the highest tides, make their way up to Perth without great difficulty. The depth of water on these fords, the most objectionable of which were six in number, varied from 1 foot 9 inches to 2 feet 6 inches at low, and 11 feet 9 inches to 14 feet at high water of spring tides; so that the regulating navigable depth, under the most favourable circumstances, could not be reckoned at more than 11 feet. In addition to the shallowness of the water, many detached boulder stones lay scattered over the bottom. Numerous “fishing cairns,” or collections of stones and gravel, had also been laid down, without regard to any object but the special one in which the salmon-fishers were interested, and in many cases they formed very prominent and dangerous obstructions to vessels. The chief disad¬ vantages experienced by vessels in the unimproved state of the river was the risk of their being detained by ground¬ ing, or being otherwise obstructed at these defective places, so as to lose the tide at Perth,—a misfortune which, at times when the tides were falling from springs to neaps, often led to the necessity either of lightening the vessel, or of de¬ taining her till the succeeding springs afforded sufficient depth for passing the fords. The great object aimed at, therefore, was to remove every cause of detention, and facilitate the propagation of the tidal wave in the upper part of the river, so that inward-bound vessels might take the first of the flood to enable them to reach Perth in one tide. Nor was it, indeed, less important to remove every obstacle that might prevent outward-bound vessels from reaching Newburgh, and the more open and deep parts of the navigation, before low-water of the tide with which they left Perth. The works undertaken by the harbour commissioners of Perth for the purpose of remedying the evils alluded to, and which extended over six working seasons, may be briefly described as follows :— Isf. The fords, and many intermediate shallows, were deepened by steam-dredging; and the system of harrowing was employed in some of the softer banks in the lower part of the river. The large detached boulders and “ fish¬ ing cairns,” which obstructed the passage of vessels, were also removed. 2d. Three subsidiary channels, or offshoots from the main stream, at Sleepless, Darry, and Balhepburn islands, the positions of which will be seen on the plan, were shut up by embankments formed of the produce of the dredging, so as to confine the whole of the water to the navigable channel. 3d. In some places the banks on either side of the river Rivers, beyond low-water mark, where much contracted, were excavated, in order to equalize the currents, by allowing sufficient space for the free passage ot the water; and this was more especially done on the shores opposite Sleepless and Darry islands, where the shutting up of the secondary channels rendered it more necessary. The benefit to the navigation in consequence of the completion of these works has been of a twofold kind; for not only has the depth of water been materially increased by actual deepening of the water-way, and the removal of numerous obstructions from the bed of the river, but a clearer and freer passage has been made for the flow of the tide, which now begins to rise at Perth much sooner than before; and as the time of high-water is unaltered, the ad¬ vantages of increased depth due to the presence of the tide is proportionally increased throughout the whole range of the navigation; or, in other words, the duration of tidal in¬ fluence has been prolonged. The depths at the shallowest places are now pretty nearly equalized, being o feet at low and 15 feet at high water, of ordinary spring tides, instead, as formerly, of 1 foot 9 inches at low and 11 feet at high water. Steamers of small draught of water can now therefore ply at low-water, and vessels drawing 14 feet can now come up to Perth in one tide with ease and safety. In obtaining the requisite data, both as to the design and execution of these works, minute tidal observations were made at various times during a period of ten years, from 1833 to 1844 inclusive, throughout the River and Firth of Tay, at the following stations,—viz., Dundee, which is marked No. 1 on the plan, Plate II.; Balmerino, No. 2; Flisk Point, No. 3; Balmbreich Castle, No. 4; Newburgh, No. 5; Carpow, No. 6; Kinfauns, No. 7; and Perth tide harbour, No. 8. The general results deduced from these observations are given in the following tables, and show, by the favourable change which has been effected in the tidal phenomena of the estuary, that the works executed fully answered the intended end:— 1. Propagation of Tidal Wave. The following table of elapsed times, between arrival of the tide-wave, or commencement of the tidal flow, at the following stations, during spring tides in 1833 and 1834, shows the rate of its propagation :— tv» i.__ _ Kate of Tide- Time. Distance in Wave in Mileg Miles. 5-00 2-93 2- 04 3- 42 per Hour. 1875 6-06 4-69 3-86 3-42 Dundee to Balmerino 0 16 Balmerino to Flisk Point 0 29 Flisk Point to Balmbreich 0 26 Balmbreich to Newburgh 0 53 Newburgh to Perth (tide 1 2 30 8-56 harbour) J The result of observations made in 1842, 1843, and 1844, on spring tides, give the same velocity, as above stated, between Dundee and Newburgh, and the following rates between Newburgh and Perth :— Time. • Rate of Tide- ^MUes6 in ^Vave in Miles Newburgh to Carpow 0 25 Carpow to Kinfauns 0 55 Kinfauns to Perth (tide har.).. 0 20 1- 33 4-92 2- 32 per Hour. 3-17 5- 36 6- 93 8-56 8-56 5-13 3-42 Giving, as a mean for the whole distance from New-( 1 40 burgh to Perth in 1844... J Time from Newburgh to ) 9 of. Perth in 1833 j ~ Thus showing an increase in the velocity of the tide-wave in the upper part of the river, which was improved, of more than If mile per hour as the result of the improvements. The difference of the time in neap tides between New¬ burgh and Perth in 1844, was 1 h. 53 m. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 75 Rivers. 2. High-Water Level. The levels of the surface of high-water at different sta¬ tions throughout the river have been found to be unchanged, and the following results refer to the years 1833 and 1844:—• From Flisk Point to Balmbreich there is a fall of 5 in. ... Balmbreich to Newburgh there is a rise of 7y „ 1 Spring ... Newburgh to Perth (tide harbour) there | Tides, is a rise of. 18 ,, j From Flisk to Balmbreich there is a fall of ,, v ... Balmbreich to Newburgh there is a rise of 6 „ I Neap ... Newburgh to Perth (tide harbour) there j Tides, is a rise of. 12 „ ' 3. Lore- Water Level. Rise on the Surface of Low-water (Spring Tides) in 1833. Flisk to Balmbreich there was a rise of. Ft. in. J 0 4 RateofSlope RateofTide Distance !n Mi]e ^ in Miles Mlles- Inches. per Hour. 204 1-95 4-69 3-42 9-35 3 88 Newburgh to Perth (tide \ . harbour), a rise of. ] 4 0 8 56 5 06 3 42 Rise on the Low-water of Spring Tides in 1844. Newburgh to Carpow,) thereisariseof...;..... j° 5 133 3/5 3,17 Carpow to Perth there is 1 , - - n a rise of J17 ?'63 Hence from Newburgh to ) 9 „ Perth, 1844, the rise is.. J 8-56 2-80 513 The result of the observations of 1844 thus gives a depression on the level of the low-water mark on the gauge of two feet at Perth tide harbour. 4. Duration of Flood and Ebb. The results of observations in 1833 and 1844 at New¬ burgh show that the duration of flpod and ebb tides at thgt place are unchanged. The times are as follows:— n. m. Spring Tides flow 4 20 ebb 7 20 Neap Tides flow 4 30 ... ebb 6 45 At Perth in 1833 :— Rivers. Spring Tides flowed 2 20 ... ebbed 7 q Neap Tides flowed 3 15 ... ebbed 7 0 At Perth in 1844:— Spring Tides flowed 3 10 ... ebbed 7 0 Neap Tides flowed 3 10 ... ebbed 7 0 Increase of duration of Flood in springs at Perth 0 50 It will be observed from these tables that important changes have taken place :— First, The fall on the surface of the river from the tide basin at Perth to Newburgh in the year 1833 was 4 feet, but after the works were executed it was only 2 feet. Second, In 1833 the passage of the tidal wave from New¬ burgh to Perth (8*56 miles) occupied 2 hours 30 minutes, being at the rate of 3’42 miles per hour; but it is now pro¬ pagated between the same places in 1 hour 40 minutes, being at the rate of 5T3 miles per hour,—giving a decrease in the time of 50 minutes, and an increase in the speed of the first wave of flood of more than If mile per hour, since the commencement of the works. Third, The spring tides in 1833 at Perth flowed 2 hours 20 minutes, and ebbed 7 hours; but now the tide flows 3 hours 10 minutes, and ebbs 7 hours,—being an increase in the duration of flood of 50 minutes. The works on the Forth, also executed under the direc- River tion of Messrs Stevenson, produced changes on the tidal Forth, phenomena, which, in connection with those described on the Tay, are interesting and instructive as regards the pro¬ pagation of the tide, and therefore we shall briefly allude to them. The river between Stirling and Alloa is very cir¬ cuitous, the distance by the navigation being lOf miles, while in the direct line it measures only 5 miles. The navi¬ gation was found to be impeded by seven fords or shallows which occur between Alloa and Stirling, and are composed of boulder stones, varying from a few pounds to several tons in weight, embedded in clay. It was determined, in the first instance, to remove two of these obstructions, viz., the “ Town” and the “Abbey” fords, which lie nearest to Stirling, and having the smallest depth pf water, form the greatest obstruction to the free STIRLING SHORE passage of vessels. The works were commenced at the lower end of the Abbey ford, and were carried regularly upwards. The new channel excavated through this ford was about 500 yards in length and 75 feet in breadth, and was deepened in some places about 3 feet 6 inches. Previous to the commencement of the work, tide-gauges were erected in the positions marked 1, 2, 3, and 4, in fig. 16, on which a series of observations was made for the pur¬ pose of establishing the original tidal phenomena of the river. After the Abbey ford was cut through, farther obr servations were made on the same gauges; and it is to a comparison of these two sets of observations that we desire specially to refer. It is necessary to explain that gauge No. 1 is at Stirling quay, No. 2 about 500 yards farther down, No. 3 at the top of the Abbey ford, and No. 4 im¬ mediately below it. It will therefore be understood that the Abbey ford, through which a channel was cut, lies between gauges Nos. 3 and 4. The whole of the gauges were placed on the same level, so that their readings might be more easily compared 5 and the following are the results obtained with reference to the level of the low-water line:— Levels of Low-water Line. In 1847 tke low-water line was found to stand at the following levels In 1840 Depression. Gauge No. 4. Ft. in. 2 0 2 0 0 0 Gauge No. 3. Ft. in. 5 0 3 6 1 6 Gauge No. ■>. Ft. in. 5 3 4 6 0 9 Gauge No. 1. Ft. in. 5 6 5 0 0 6 From this tabular statement, we find that the low-water level at No. 4, which is below the site of the works, remains unaltered, but that it has fallen 1 foot Gin. at the top of the Abbey ford (through which the cut has been made). It further appears that the formation of this cut has drained off the water, and lowered the surface 9 inches at gauge No. 2, and 6 inches at gauge No. 1, which is at Stirling. The 76 N A VIG A T ION, IN L A N D. Rivers, former and present low-water lines and bed of the river are represented in fig. 16, in which is also shown the amount of excavation on the Abbey Ford by hatched lines. This general depression of the level has of course altered the slopes or inclinations formed by the surface of low-water; the slope between 4 and 3 being decreased, while the in¬ clinations between 3 and 2, and between 2 and 1, have been increased in the following ratios:— 1550 3050 1400 122-5 5-19 11-31 Inches per Mile. 61-3 20-77 22-62 Differ¬ ence in 1848. -61-2 + 15-58 + 11-31 Inclinations. Inclination between 4 and 3. Do. do. 3 and 2. Do. do. 2 and 1., Again, these changes on the low-water line have pro¬ duced corresponding alterations on the velocities of the first wave of flood, which are found to be as follows:— Velocities. 1847. Minutes. i1ime occupied by first wave of tide in passing between gauges Nos. 4 and 3 Do. do. Nos. 3 and 2... Do. do. Nos. 2 and 1... Do. do. Nos. 4 and 1... 24 6 6 36 1H 28 -16 + + n From this it appears that between Nos. 4 and 3 there is an acceleration of 16 minutes, while between 3 and 1 there is a retardation of 8 minutes, leaving the difference, or 8 minutes, as the actual amount of acceleration at Stirling, due to the removal of the ford and the lowering of the low-water level 6 inches at that place. The rates of propagation in miles per hour are as follows:— Rates of Propagation. Rates of propagation between Nos. 4 and 3 Do. do. Nos. 3 and 2... Do. do. Nos. 2 and 1... •65 5-77 2-65 Miles per hour. 2-2 3-0 1-87 + 1-55 -2-77 -0-78 Relations of the slopes and rates of tidal pro¬ pagation. These observations and results seem to throw some addi¬ tional light on the circumstances which modify the propa¬ gation of the tidal wave. The table of the results obtained at the lay shows that the decreased inclination of the low- water lines of that river was attended by an acceleration of the velocity of the tidal wave; and the above observations further show that a retardation has attended an ^creased inclination of the low-water line of the upper part of the Forth. From the foregoing tabular statements, it will be seen that between gauges 4 and 3, where the slope has been decreased, the propagation has been accelerated; while between 3 and 2, where, from the state of the works when the observations were made, it is found to have been in¬ creased, the rate of propagation had been sensibly retarded. It is worthy of remark, however, that the rates of propagation do not, either at the Tay or Forth, bear any constant rela¬ tion to the slopes, but are modified by other circumstances ; in proof of which, it will be found that the rate of propaga¬ tion at the Forth between gauges 4 and 3, where the slope is 6F3 inches per mile, is actually greater than between gauges 2 and 1, where it is only 22-62 inches per mile. The circumstances of the Forth at this particular place are somewhat peculiar. Before the Abbey ford was cut through, it acted as a dam extending across the river, and had the effect of increasing the depth at low-water all the way up Rivers, to Stirling. By cutting the channel through the ford, how- ever, not only has the water been drained off and rendered shallow, but its surface has been broken by the projection of boulders from the bottom, which formerly were entirely covered; and while this effect has taken place in the upper part of the river, a comparatively smooth cut, with regular sides and bottom, has been formed in the Abbey ford, through which the river flows at low-water in a body of considerable depth. The writer therefore attributes the slow propagation of the tide between 2 and 1 to the shallow¬ ness of the water and the very rugged state of the bottom, which is in many places completely studded with boulders, rising some above the surface at low-water, and others to within a few inches of it; while the high velocity up the steep slope of the ford is to be attributed—ls<, To the depth of water caused by the whole river being made to pass through a comparatively narrow channel; 2d, To the rect¬ angular cross section of the cut; and 3c?, To the smooth¬ ness of the sides and bottom. At the Firth of Dornoch, again, as already noticed, between the Quarry and Bonar Bridge, a distance of 1 mile, although the water is shallow and the bottom rough, it is not, on the whole, more so than between gauges 1 and 2 on the Forth; but at the Dornoch the slope on that mile is no less than 6 feet 6 inches, and the rate of propagation is only two-thirds of a mile per hour. Moreover, it was found that the tide did not begin to show at Bonar until it had risen 6 feet 6 inches on the gauge at the Quarry, being the exact difference of level between the two points of observation. These various results as to slopes and rates of propagation, as well as others which have come under the writer’s notice, seem to justify the following deductions as to the propaga¬ tion of the tide-wave in rivers with sloping surfaces and irregular bottoms:—1st, That a decrease of slope is fol¬ lowed by an acceleration of the rate of propagation of the tidal wave. 2d, That an increase of slope is followed by a retardation of the rate of propagation. 3c?, That the rate of propagation does not bear any constant relation to the amount of slope, although it is to some extent modified by it. Ath, That while the rate of propagation in rivers is in some measure due to the depth of water, it is nevertheless influenced by the slope of the surface, the form of the channel, and the obstructions protruding from the sides or bottom. 5th, That if not in all cases, at least when there are steep slopes and shallow water, as at the Dornoch Firth, the level of the crest of the wave must rise to the level of the surface of the water (or perhaps the bed of the river) above it, before a progressive motion takes place ; and, Qth, That, from the difficulty of dealing with so many variable elements, it is impossible in most rivers to determine the ruling circumstances which can be held as regulating the rate of tidal propagation. The Clyde affords a striking proof of the extent to which Clyde, river improvements may be carried. So insignificant was the stream in its natural state, that Smeaton, in 1775, pro¬ posed to erect a dam with locks in the lower part of the river, and to convert it into a tidal canal. In 1775, how¬ ever, Golburne surveyed the river, and although he found that as far down as Kilpatrick the depth of water was only 2 feet, he nevertheless recommended the construction of a series of jetties from either side, for the purpose of narrowing and deepening the stream; and this may be held as the commencement of the improvement of the River Clyde, which originally barely afforded depth of water for larger craft than flat boats, but which now, as our readers know, admits vessels of large draught up to Glasgow Bridge. The reader must be cautioned from supposing, however, that this result has been attained by means of the jetties which were erected under the advice of Golburne. It was soon discovered that the object could not be gained by such NAVIGATION, INLAND. 77 Rivers. River Kibble. River Lune. works. It was not until the ends of the jetties were con¬ nected by longitudinal walls, and until dredging-machines were extensively employed, that the Clyde improvements began to assume an importance commensurate with the vast commercial interests of the city of Glasgow and surround¬ ing districts. The works on the Clyde have latterly been under the direction of Mr Walker, and have mainly con¬ sisted in forming longitudinal walls, dredging, and increasing the width of certain parts of the channel, which had in the early stage of the improvements been contracted to an in¬ jurious extent. The Ribble in Lancashire, the improvements of which were designed by Messrs Stevenson, presents an example of a great amount of additional depth having been obtained in a comparatively short space of time. That river, accord¬ ing to Mr Park, who conducted, as resident engineer, the greater part of the works, has a course of 82 miles, and drains 900 square miles of the counties of York and Lancaster. The formation of the bed in which it flow's rendered the state of the tidal compartment previous to the improvements very defective. The bottom in the lower part of the river consists of loose sand ; while that of the upper reach is alternately compact gravel and sandstone rock. About half a mile below Preston, in particular, it was found that a solid ridge of sandstone, extending to 300 yards in length, stretched quite across the channel. Its surface was from 3 to 5 feet higher than the general bed of the river both above and below it, and so prominent an obstruction did it form, that the higher parts of the rock were occasionally left dry during the long droughts of summer. The propagation of the tidal wave, and free flow of the currents, were checked on approaching it; while the pow er of the tidal and fresh-water scours was in a great mea¬ sure neutralized and rendered almost unavailable in keeping open the upper and lower stretches of the navigation ; so that its influence in obstructing the river resembled that of a great artificial weir stretching across the stream. In proof of this, it may be stated that the ordinary rise of spring tides at Lytham, which is 12 miles seaward of Pres¬ ton, is about 19 feet,1 and that of neap tides is 14 feet, while at Preston, prior to the operations, the rise of spring- tides did not exceed 6 feet, and neap tides of 13 or 14 feet rise at Lytham did not reach Preston at all. The re¬ moval of the rock which encumbered the bed, was natu¬ rally viewed as the most urgent and important work for ef¬ fecting an improvement in the tidal phenomena and general depth of water. To this, therefore, the Navigation Company first directed its attention, and in the course of eighteen months, succeeded in excavating a channel through the solid rock 300 yards in length, and in some places 13 feet 6 inches in depth. This operation was successfully accom¬ plished, at an expense not exceeding L. 10,000, by means of a coffer-dam of the construction already shown in fig. 8. In addition to this work, about 480,000 tons of gravel and sand have been removed from the upper part of the river by dredging; and 9 miles of low rubble walling (formed, in so far as it was available for the purpose, of the rock exca¬ vated from the bed of the river) have been constructed in accordance with the sketch shown in fig. 15, for guiding the current in the lower channel. I he effect of the different works that have been executed has been to increase the tidal range at Preston about 5 feet, and to accelerate the propagation of the tidal wave nearly an hour; and vessels, to which the navigation may be said to have been previously closed, now come up to the quays of Preston with comparative ease and safety. 1 he works on the Lune in Lancashire were executed by Messrs Stevenson, under the direction of the Admiralty. Rivers They extended over a period of four years, and consisted in removing fords by dredging, shutting up subsidiary chan- nels, and erecting river walls; the whole operation cost¬ ing under L.10,000. The sketch of the Lune in fig. 9 shows the varying state of the channel in its original condi¬ tion, which was regulated by means of a single rubble wall, as the funds did not admit of a double wall being erected. It was necessary also, from the configuration of the shores, that the channel should follow the convex side of the wall which should, if possible, be avoided, as some difficulty oc¬ curs in maintaining the channel always close to the wall, —a difficulty which can only be removed by the formation of a second wall ; and we mention this as an example of the desirableness, as already stated, of forming double w'alls in all cases when the funds at disposal will admit of it. Fig. 17 represents the gradual depression of the tidal lines GLASSON HEATON PT LANCASTER. Fig. 17. since the w'orks commenced: the upper line shows the sur¬ face of the river in 1838, the intermediate line in 1848, and the lower line in 1851. The effect of the works has been to increase the depth of water up to the quays at Lancaster about 4 feet, and to prolong the duration of the tidal influence at that place thirty minutes in neap, and one hour and a half in spring tides; so that vessels can approach and leave Lancaster much earlier than formerly, while the improved channel is navigated with much greater ease. It is unnecessary to give farther examples of navigations which have been benefited by means of works constructed on the principles which we have indicated. We doubt not that such cases could be quoted, although we do not possess sufficient details to enable us to do so ; and we close this part of our subject by stating that the further extension of these works in such rivers as the Tay, the Kibble, or the Lune, and their application in many other cases, would be followed by a greatly increased improvement of their navigation. Instances might be referred to where a course of treat¬ ment opposed to that which w'e have recommended has not been fbllow'ed by similar favourable results ; but we deem it sufficient to confine this treatise to an exposition of the correct principles of river improvement, without discussing erroneous practice or its baneful results; the more so as these have been most fully and ably treated by Mr E. K. Calver, 11.N., whose investigations into the former and pre¬ sent state of some of our tidal rivers are of great value to the hydraulic engineer.2 SECT. VI.—SITUATIONS WHERE THE PRINCIPLES OF IMPROVE¬ MENT RECOMMENDED ARE NOT APPLICABLE. V We have further to state, that in some situations the principles of improvement which we have advanced will be found to be of very limited application. Such cases indeed are rarely to be met with, but still it is necessary to notice them. We allude to rivers the tidal or intermediate com¬ partments of which are, from natural causes, of very small extent. In illustration of what we mean, we may refer to 1 Captain Sir Edward Belcher, while engaged in making the Admiralty survey of the Ribhle. found that on one occasion the tide at Lytham rose 25 feet 7J inches. 2 The Conservation and Improvement of Tidal Rivers, by E. K. Calver, R.N., London, Weale, 1853. 78 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers. The Erne. The Ness. Back¬ water. the Erne in Donegal, which has a tidal capacity of only 2^ miles, extending from the bar up to the town of Bally- shannon, where the tidal flow is terminated by the “ Salmon Leap,” a perpendicular rise in the bed of the river of about 15 feet in height. This waterfall forms the limit of the tidal flow, beyond which it could not, without works of a gigantic character, be extended. Another case is the Ness, which has a short course of about 2 miles, from a little above the town of Inverness to the Beauly Firth, at Kessock Roads. The difficulties attending the navigation of this river are mainly the pre¬ vailing outward currents due to the physical conforma¬ tion of the bed of the Ness, which may be shortly de¬ scribed, as it illustrates generally a class ot rivers which are very difficult to improve:—ls£, I he rise of ordinary spring tides at the mouth of the river is 14 feet. 2d, Ihe distance to which the influence of such tides extends is only about 2 miles, which includes the whole tidal com¬ partment of the river. 3rf, The slope or inclination of the low-water line of this tidal compartment is no less than 7 feet per mile, and the tide takes from two to three hours to make its way up the first mile. ±th, The natural result of such a state of matters is, that no tidal current is gene¬ rated at the mouth and propagated up the stream, and consequently the phenomenon of a current due to flood- tide may be said to be almost unknown. Under these circumstances, the barrier to the free navi¬ gation of the River Ness is the absence of a tidal current or in-draught, to aid the entrance of vessels from Kessock Roads, and assist their progress up to the quays. This is at present effected by help of men and horses against the nearly constant downward current, which varies in strength with the amount of water discharged by the River Ness, during its frequent heavy floods.1 This absence of sufficient internal capacity and gentle¬ ness of inclination to admit of the generation of tidal cur¬ rents is strikingly exemplified in the two rivers to which we have alluded, and naturally leads us to offer some gene¬ ral remarks in passing on the subject of the “backwater” and the “ slopes” of rivers. In most, if not in all cases, it will be found (as more particularly noticed hereafter in sec¬ tion 8, in treating of bars) that it is of the highest import¬ ance to maintain unimpaired the full tidal capacity, and to be careful to make no reduction of its amount without ob¬ taining an equivalent in the low-water section, to compen¬ sate for any reduction which it may be found advisable to make at or near the high-water line. The subject of the reduction of backwater has given rise to various questions, which have occupied the attention of the engineer; but as every case must be judged on its own merits, and no two situations are exactly alike, it would be unprofitable to enter upon the discussion of the various arguments that have been adduced with reference to parti- Rivers, cular localities. All we can do is to lay down the general prin- ciple, that the more the tidal influence can be extended, and the larger the amount of backwater that can be obtained, the greater will be the benefit conferred on the navigation from the bar upwards; provided always that such increased scour¬ ing power is, by judicious works, placed under proper regu¬ lation. The question as to the possibility of excluding the tide from any part of an estuary, without injury to the outer channels, is a wide subject, as will be seen from our merely stating some of the considerations which may be held to de¬ termine the peculiar circumstances in which the exclusion of water may be compensated. These are, the configura¬ tion of the banks and bed of the estuary, the simultaneous levels of the surface of the water at different periods of the tide throughout the estuary, the velocities of the surface and under-currents at different periods of tide, and the times of ebbing and flowing, together with many other more minute data peculiar to each case, which it is not possible to specify in a general summary. The existence of a moderate amount of fall or slope on Slopes of the low-water line of a river is a hopeful feature in its capa- rivers, bilities for improvement; while on the other hand, such a slope as that on the Ness proves a great barrier to its ex¬ tended improvement as a tidal river; for it is obvious, that to obtain on that river a slope sufficiently gentle for easy navigation, it would be necessary to lower its bed to so great an extent, and to execute works of such magnitude, as to render it inexpedient to entertain such a project. The consideration of the proper slope is important in river engineering. Dubuat considers 1 in 500,000 to be the smallest possible inclination that can be given to a canal to produce sensible motion. It will be found, on inspecting the table at the end of this treatise, that the slopes of tidal rivers vary from a few inches to several feet per mile.2 As a general rule, we should say that the engineer may cal¬ culate on reducing the slopes of tidal navigations to 4 inches per mile ant^ ^iat ^iey should not, if possible, exceed 10 inches per mile Directly connected with the slope is the velocity of streams, Velocities —an important matter as affecting navigation, for it cannotof river be conducted with advantage in situations where the velo- currents* city of the currents is very great. The velocities of tidal currents in some places are very great; as, for example, in the Pentland Firth, where Captain Otter measured a velo¬ city of 10-8 miles per hour, and in the Severn, where it was found to be 9 miles per hour. From 2 to 3 miles per hour is, however, a very common velocity on many of the rivers in this country, and it is found to present no inconvenience to the navigation of vessels. The following are the velo¬ cities of the currents in different rivers, with their authorities. The whole of them are surface velocities:— Mississippi Clyde,between Glasgow and junction of Cart, during \ ebb J Do., flood Do., from junction of Cart to 1 Dumbarton, ebb J Do., flood Do. during high floods below l Glasgow harbour, ebb .... J Do. at narrow places during 1 floods J Severn, near Stonebench, 1 flood, spring tide | Mia. yds. 5 0 0 1576 0 771 1 1069 0 1561 2 1613 3 1148 4 950 Authority. Ellet. W. Bald. Do. Do. Do, Do, Do. Admiral Beechy. Name. Severn, near Stonebench, ebb Wear, spring tide, ebb Po., neap tides, „ Do., flood tides Tay at Buddonness, sp. tides. Do. at Perth Willowgate at Perth, Dornoch Firth, Meikleferry flood Do. do. ebb Tay at Mugdrum, flood and ebb Thames Per Hour. Miles. 3-12 1J to 2J 1 to If 1 to 2 Knots. 2 to 2£ Miles. 3-09 1-55 2 63 255 2 to 21 2 to 2f Authority. Admiral Beechy. J. Murray, C.E. Do. ' Do. North Sea Pilot. Messrs Stevenson. Do. Do. Do. Do. G. Rennie. 1 See Report of Tidal Harbour Commission, by D. Stevenson, C.E., and Joseph Maynard, R.N., in Admiralty Reports for 9th March, 1847. 2 The slope of the river Niagara at the rapids, immediately above the far-famed “ Falls,” is said to be 50 feet in half a mile, or 1 in 52-8. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 79 Rivers. Tide- basins. Docks. River quays or wharves. SECT. VII.—WORKS FOR ACCOMMODATION OF VESSELS. The works we have described are for facilitating the in¬ gress and egress of vessels. In addition to this, it is neces¬ sary to provide for their accommodation. For this purpose it is desirable, where local circumstances admit of it, that it should be possible to withdraw them from the action of the river currents which, during heavy floods accompanied by ice, are often very destructive to shipping. This is accomplished in a simple manner by forming what are termed tide-basins, which are artificial cuts retiring from the stream having their sides bounded by quays or wharves, into which vessels may be withdrawn, but where they are still liable to take the ground at low-water. The object is accomplished more effectually by means of wet docks, for details of which the reader is referred to the article on that subject. In many situations, however, especially where the river is wide, and affords ample room, as in the case of the Foyle at Londonderry, for example,the berthage forvessels is afforded by means of lines of quays formed along the shore. Such quays constitute an important part of all harbours which are formed in tidal rivers ; and in illustration of some of the various methods of construction adopted in such cases we submit the following cross sections. Fig. 18 shows the timber wharfage constructed by Mr Smith at Belfast, SECTION Fig. 18. which is composed of a facing of timber-work secured by iron ties fixed to piles, the space behind the face-work being filled up, and the roadway formed at the top. Fig. 19 is Fig. 19. by Messrs Stevenson. At this place the ground is very soft, Rivers. and in order as much as possible to reduce the weight, the front compartment of the wharf next the river is left open. Figs. 22 and 23, again, are sec¬ tions of the stone wharves now being constructed from a de¬ sign by Mr Walker, at Glasgow, under the superintendence of Mr Ure. Fig. 22 is the section adapted to a clay bottom ; and fig. 23 is that which Found\Covrse .vrr Concrete I I I U I M M 1 Fig 22. a plan showing the positions of the piles and ties. Some¬ times a similar face-work is employed, backed by a wall of concrete ; and iron plates have also been used for the facing, I ' ' ' i I l : l l I Fig. 23. SECT. VIII.—‘ is adopted when the bottom consists of sand. In both cases the depth of water in '°f1- front of the quays is 20 feet at low-water, and is intended to accommodate mer¬ chant vessels of the : largest class. These examples furnish an illustration of the means employed for jiroviding wharfage on tidal rivers; the de¬ tails of their construc- ‘ tion must be studied in treatises on such ] branches of engineer- ; ing construction as Carpentry, Masonry, ; Piling, Foundations, Mortar, and Quay '. Walls. The engineer is often called on to con¬ struct swing-bridges in connection with navigations, but for particulars as to such °F- works, reference is made to the article Iron Bridge. Swing- bridges. SEA PROPER OF RIVERS. DEPARTMENT Figs. 20 and 21. instead of planking. Figs. 20 and 21 are a section and ele¬ vation of the quays of Londonderry, designed and executed Having considered the treatment of rivers from their source to the ocean em¬ bracing the upper or “ river proper,” and the intermediate or “ tidal compartment,” we have now to direct attention to what we have termed the “sea proper” compart¬ ment, which, in the sense we have at¬ tached to it, may be said to embrace the phenomena connected with the flow of rivers or bodies of tidal water into the sea. In some instances, such, for example, as Barg. the Forth, the junction of the river with the sea occurs without giving rise to any very perceptible or marked phenomena; the one seems to glide naturally into and be mingled with the other, without producing any apparent disturbance of the currents or 80 Rivers. Theories to account for forma¬ tion of bars. NAVIGATION, INLAND. change on the bed of the channel. But such cases are ex¬ ceptions ; and, generally speaking, we may safely affirm that the junction of a river with the sea gives rise to what is termed a “ bar,”—the most difficult subject with which the hydraulic engineer has to grapple, and the nature and cause of which we have now to discuss. A bar, then, is the name applied to that shallow part of a channel which occurs at the junction of a river or estuary with the sea. On either side of it—that is, both seaward and landward of it—there may be ample depth of water for all purposes of navigation, but the bar forms the regulating navigable depth, and no passage over it can be obtained until the tide has risen sufficiently high to enable vessels to cross it. The depth at low-water on the bars of some ot our rivers is as follows :— The Mersey has a depth of from 9 to 10 feet at low-water. „ Tyne 6 to 7 do. „ Wear 3 to 4 do. „ Kibble 7 to 8 do. „ Tay 16 to 18 do. And while these limited depths exist on the bar, there is in all of these cases ample depth within, or landward, for ves¬ sels of the largest class to lie afloat at all times of: tide. Many theories have been propounded to account for the phenomenon of the bar. Some have advocated the idea that bars are composed of materials held in suspen¬ sion by the river, and deposited so soon as its current is checked by meeting the still water of the ocean. But this theory, at all events as regards sea bars, of which we are now treating, is disproved by the facts of the Dor¬ noch Firth, to which we have already alluded. I he bar at that place occurs at a point 14 miles seaward of the point at which the river enters the sea. The idea that a bar of such magnitude as that at the Dornoch Firth, could be formed by the detritus brought down by the small rivers Oykell and Cassily, is wholly untenable, and is indeed con¬ tradicted by the fact that the bar and adjoining banks are composed of pure sand ; and hence the writer attributed its formation, when he examined the firth in 1842, entirely to the action of the sea. We find that Mr Ellet, though found¬ ing his opinion on totally different premises, also comes to the conclusion that the bars of the Mississippi were not due to materials deposited by the outgoing stream. In explaining his views, he writes as follows:—“ The velocity of the river is not destroyed, nor very sensibly diminished, at the bai-s. When the river was rising, but still far from being at full height, I measured the velocity of the current on tire bar of the Passala Loutre, and found it to vary, at different times and places, from 3 feet to 3-J feet per second, or from 2 miles to 2-j,54h miles per hour. I mea¬ sured it also repeatedly on the south-west bar, and found it there 3 feet per second, or about 2 miles per hour. But there are many parts of the river where the speed of the current does not exceed 2^ miles, or even 2 miles per hour, in times of flood, and where it is, notwithstanding, more than 100 feet deep. In fact, on testing the velocity of the south-west pass, 4 miles above the bar, and in 5 fathoms water, I found the current to be but 2 miles per hour,—precisely the same as it was under like circumstances of wind and tide on the bar. The current of the Mississippi sweeps over the bars at the mouths of the passes, and at periods of flood many miles out into the gulf, with a velocity almost undiminished by its contact with the waters of the gulf.” He therefore concludes that there is in the Mississippi no retardation of the river’s velocity on the bar to account for any deposit due to such a cause. Another theory attributes bars to the want of sufficient scouring power; but when we find bars existing at the mouths of such rivers as the Mississippi, we cannot Rivers, attach much importance to such a suggestion. Another theory attributes the absence of a bar to the piesence of a nearly ecjual duration ol the period of the ebb and flow in the lower reach of the river accompanied by an extremely gentle inclination of its surface at low water. 1 lo refer again to the Dornoch Firth, we have an equal duration of the ebb and flow throughout the firth, and a surface practically level, and yet we have as perfect a specimen of a bar at the Gizzen Briggs, at the mouth of the firth, as can pos- sibly be imagined. We cannot, therefore, in endeavouring to account for the existence of bars, or the exemption from them, accept the explanations to which we have alluded. The bars with which we have to do in this country may be said to be of two kinds; one class of bars is due to the hard formation of the bottom, which occurs in some situations; the other class is due to the action of certain elements, on the soft matters of which the bottom in other places is composed. Of the first class are such bars as that at Ballyshannon in Ireland, or at the entrance of Loch Fleet in Sutherlandshire, both of which the writer has had occasion professionally to examine. The bar at Loch Fleet, for example, is composed of boulder stones firmly imbedded in a mass of indurated gravel, and is obviously a continua¬ tion of a bed of similar lormation which seems to traverse the coast at that place. The consequence is, that no scour¬ ing power can prove available in deepening the channel. Such bars being entirely due to the hardness of the bottom, are generally comparatively easily treated by the engineer, and an encouraging prospect is held out that their removal will be attended with permanent benefit, since, by excavat¬ ing a channel through them, the engineer at the same time removes the evil and its cause. In the other class are comprehended those sand-bars which occur at the mouths of the firths of Dornoch and Tay, and of the Tyne, Wear, Mersey, Ribble, and other tidal rivers and estuaries ; and it is to the formation of these capricious and troublesome accumulations that the theories to which we have alluded apply. The true source of all such bars is to be found, as already stated, in the action of the sea. The natural effect of the sea is to throw up sand, and form a continuous line of beach across the mouths of all our tidal rivers and inlets; while, again, the flow of the tidal and fresh-water currents tends to maintain an open channel through the beach. In this way the antagonistic action of the waves of the sea on the one hand, and the currents of the estuary or river on the other, produce the well-known feature of a submerged beach or sand-bank, extending from shore to shore across our inlets, having a deeper channel through them, which channel is termed the “ bar.” This explanation is due to the Abbot Castelli, who, in his work on the Mensuration of Running Waters, written in the beginning of the seventeenth century, gives the following clear announcement of his views :2—“ As to the other point of the great stoppage of ports, I hold that all proceedeth from the violence of the sea, which being sometimes dis¬ turbed by winds, especially at the time of the waters flowing, doth continually raise from its bottom immense heaps of sand, carrying them by the tide and force of the waves into the lake; it not having on its part any strength of current that may raise and carry them away, they sink to the bottom, and so choke up the ports. And that this effect happeneth in this manner, we have most frequent experience thereof along the sea-coasts; and I have observed in Tuscany, on the Roman shores, and in the kingdom of Naples, that when a river falleth into the sea, there is always seen in the sea itselfj at the place of the river’s outlet, the resemblance, as 1 Treatise on the Improvement of the Navigation of Rivers, by W. A. Brooks. 2 The Mensuration of Running Waters, by Don Benedetto Castelli, Abbot of St Benedetto Aloysio, and professor of the mathematics to Pope Urban VIII. in Rome; translated by Thomas Salusbury, Esq., London, 1661. NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers, it were, of a half-moon, or a great shelf of settled sand under water, much higher than the rest of the shore, and it is called in Tuscany il cavallo, and here, in Venice, lo seanto; the which cometh to be cut by the current of the river, one while on the right side, another while on the left, and sometimes in the midst, according as the wind fits. And a like effect I have observed in certain little rillets of water along the Lake of Bolsena, with no other difference save that of small and great. “ Now whoso well considereth this effect, plainly seeth that it proceeds from no other than from the contrariety of the stream of the river to the impetus of the sea-waves ; seeing that great abundance of sand, which the sea con¬ tinually throws upon the shore, cometh to be driven into the sea by the stream of the river, and in that place where these two impediments meet with equal force, the sand settleth under water, and thereupon is made that same shelf or cavallo; the which, if the river carry water, and that any considerable store of it shall be thereby cut and broken, one while in one place, and the other while in another, as hath been said, according as the wind blows; and through that channel it is that vessels fall down into the sea, and again make to the river, as into a port. But if the water of the river shall not be continual, or shall be weak, in that case the force of the sea wind shall drive such a quantity ot sand into the mouth of the port and of the river as shall wholly choke it up. And hereupon there are seen along the sea-side very many lakes and meers which at certain times of the year abound with waters, and the lakes bear down that inclosure, and run into the sea. “ Now it is necessary to make the like reflections on our ports of Venice, Malamocco, Bandolo, and Chiozza, which in a certain sense are no other than creeks, mouths, and openings of the shore that parts the lake from the main sea; and therefore I hold that if the waters in the lake were plentiful, they would have strength to scour the mouths of the ports thoroughly and with great force; but the water in the lake failing, the sea will, without any opposal, bring such a drift of sand into the ports, that if it doth not wholly choke them up, it shall render them at least unprofitable and impassible for barks and great vessels.” Conditions Ihe conditions under which such accumulations are under formed the writer holds to be,—1^, The presence of sand which bars or shingie) or other easily moved material; 2d, Water of aie orme >a g0 as admit of the waves during storms acting on the bottom ; and 3d, That the depth of water on such bars as are produced by the ac¬ tion of the waves may be maintained, and even increased, by means of the works which have been described as appli¬ cable to the intermediate or tidal compartments of rivers. Size of While treating of deposits, this is probably the proper particles place to observe, that the size of detrital particles which transport- can carriecj by a current depends on the velocity tional°tor* ^le stream> ^ie nature the bottom along which the velocity of ^et:i'itus is moved, as well as the shape of the particles of stream. which the detritus itself is composed, and is altogether a subject so dependent on special circumstances, that there is great difficulty in laying down rules which can be ge¬ nerally applicable. The following are the results of expe¬ riments made by Bossut, Dubuat, and others, on the size of detrital particles which streams flowing with different velocities are said to be capable of carrying :— 3 in. per 6 8 12 24 M )) » » )> » 3 ft. sec. = 0-170 mile per hour will just begin to work on fine clay. = 0-340 do., will lift fine sand. = 0'4545 do., will lift sand as coarse as linseed. = 0-6819 do., will sweep along fine gravel. rrl-SGSS do., will roll along rounded pebbles 1 inch in diameter. =2-045 do., will sweep along slippery angular stones of the size of an egg. The only recent experiments made on this subject are those of Mr T. Login, C.E., given in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. iii., p. 475, which were made with a stream seldom exceeding half an inch in depth ; and are as follows :— Nature of Materials. Rate of sink¬ ing in water. Current required to move. Brick-clay when mixed with 'j water, and allowed to settle i for half an hour J Fresh-water sand Sea sand Rounded pebbles about the 1 size of peas f Vegetable soil Feet per minute. •566 10 11-707 60 Feet per minute. 15 40 66-22 120 50 Mile per hour. •170 •454 •752 1-37 •56 Brick-clay in its natural state was not moved by a current of 12S feet per minute, or 1-45 mile per hour. We give these results as they have been stated by their Rivers, authors; at the same time it is necessary to say that, for the reason above mentioned, we consider their application in practice to be very uncertain. Regarding the subject in a general point of view, however, certain laws as to the trans¬ mission and deposition of detritus will be found applicable to certain situations. On this subject Sir H. De la Beche says—“ Where the velocity of a river is sufficient to pro¬ duce attrition of the substances which it has either torn up, ^ ’’lvers» collected by undermining its banks, or which have fallen matters into it, they gradually become more easy of transport, and found next would, if the force of the current continued always the the sea. same, be forced forward until the river delivered" itself into the sea; but as the velocity of a current greatly de¬ pends on the fall of the river, the transport is regulated by the inclination of the river’s bed. Now it is well known that this inclination varies materially even in the same river; so that it may be able to carry detritus to one situation, but may be unable to transport it further under ordinary cir¬ cumstances, in consequence of diminished velocity. As a general fact, it may be fairly stated that rivers, where their courses are short and rapid, bear down pebbles to the seas near them, as in the case of the Maritime Alps, &c.; but that where their courses are long, and change from rapid to slow, they deposit the pebbles where the force of the stream dimi¬ nishes, and finally transport mere sand or mud to their mouths, as is the case with the Rhone, Po, Danube, Ganges, &c.” This holds true in the case of such rivers as those to The re- which Sir H. De la Beche refers ; but it will be found that verse of the case is exactly reversed in tidal estuaries. There the this the heavier sands and deposits are found at the mouth of the c.ase in estuary, and the particles are lighter as we recede inwards. til!al estu" The writer has tested this on several occasions, more partial- arieS‘ larly in the Dee, the Ribble, the Lune, the Wear, the Forth, and the Tay, by agitating equal quantities of sand and de¬ posit (taken from different parts of the tidal estuary) in equal quantities of water, and observing the time which elapsed in each case before the materials were deposited and the water assumed a state of purity. The result of these observations proved that the sand of outer or seaward banks was com¬ posed of large particles, which were held in suspension only a few seconds, and that in the inner parts of the estuary the deposit decreased in weight, and that generally it de¬ creased from low to high water, where the silt was exceed¬ ingly fine, and remained in suspension in some cases even for hours after the agitation of the water. The following statement by Mr William Bald of experiments made on materials taken from different parts of the bed of the Clyde, shows the variety of materials found in the same stream, and is a valuable record of the weight of the deposits which form the beds of our tidal rivers :2— Deposits. Fine sand and a few pebbles laid in the box, 1 loose, not pressed, nearly dry J Do. do. pressed Mud at White Inch, dry, and firmly packed ; 1 contained very fine sand and mica J Wet mud, rather compact and firm, well pressed j into the box J Wet, fine sharp gravel, well pressed Wet running mud Sharp dry sand deposit in harbour Port-Glasgow Bank (sand)wet, pressed into a box Sand opposite Erskine House, wet, pressed Alluvial earth, pressed ,, ,, loose Lbs. to cubic feet. 87 92 97 115 124 122J 92 120* 116 93 67 No. of cubic ft. to the Ton. 26 24 23 19 18 18-1 24-3 18-6 19-3 24 33 The writer of this article found the gravel of the Tay to be 18 feet to the ton. 1 De la Beche’s Geological Manual. 2 Trans, of Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. v., p. 330. 86 NAVIGATION, INLAND. Rivers. The quantity of solid matter carried or held in suspen- sion by rivers has also been made the subject of observa- Quantity tion ; but the different observers whose remarks have come of matters under our notice have stated their results in different ways, in suspen- some giving the weight and others the hulk of detritus. But assuming 18 cubic feet of solid matter to weigh a ton, we think the following table presents a fair view of the cubic measure of solid matter, and the ratios of volume and weight in each case. In submitting this table, we must observe that the discrepancies in the statements are so great, that further observations are necessary before any satisfactory conclusion can be arrived at; but we give the results as they have been stated by their respective authorities:— Formation of deltas. Name of River. Cubic inches of solid matter in every cubic yard of water. Mississippi, mean.., Irrawaddy, in flood. Do., ordinary state Rhine, in flood ... Do., ordinary state Do., mean Mersey, flood-tide.. Do., ebb-tide 15-5 11-71 4-1 1-87 1-13 1-5 29- 33- Ratios of volumeiRatios of weight of solid matter of solid matter to volume of to weight of water. water. TT© HIT TTimj TT-2fB'-g‘ 1TCTUT T7> TT TTtny ytVt T32"57TTF Tl>1 ■jrlT H- TSS ) From this table it will be seen that the Rhine, as compared to the others, is exceedingly pure ; while the waters of the Mersey, on the other hand, hold in suspension a very large amount. It must be kept in view, however, that the source from whence the sedimentary matter in the Mersey is de¬ rived is very different from any of the other cases men¬ tioned in the table. The main part of the solid matter in suspension in the Mersey, and indeed in all our tidal rivers, is sand, stirred up by the flowing tide, which is deposited again during the ebb-tide. The sedimentary matters in such rivers as the Mississippi or the Irrawaddy, on the other hand, are borne down from the low tracts of alluvial coun¬ try through which it flows, and form a constant and conse¬ quently increasing deposit at the mouth of the river.- In all cases where the tidal currents across the mouths of such rivers are languid or altogether absent, as in the Mississippi, the Nile, the Danube, and other continental rivers, the deposits brought down are not carried away, but form deltas, which collect with greater or less rapidity in proportion to the quantity of material brought down and the depth of water in which it is deposited. Mr Ellet com¬ putes the delta of the Mississippi at 40,000 square miles in ex¬ tent, its average length from north to south being 500 miles. Assuming the sedimentary matter brought down at so'o(fth of the volume of water, and the discharge of the river at 21,000,000,000,000 cubic feet per annum, he estimates that this vast accretion of deposited stuff must have formed at an average rate of 1 mile in 99 years, giving a period for its entire formation of something like 45,000 years ! Sir H. De la Beche has, however, with reason, suggested that deltas would increase most rapidly at the first period of their forma¬ tion, on account of the greater declivity of the river, and the supposition that the detritus from the interior would become Rivers, gradually less, from the equalization of levels and the fewer asperities that agents have to act on ; and thus it seems impossible to calculate from the present rate of accretion the time which the whole mass has taken to accumulate. In concluding this treatise, we have to point out in what Adjoining way, and to what extent, river improvements conducted on the principles advocated benefit adjoining property ; for it ^ rjver is obviously highly important if the two objects of river and improve- land improvement can be carried on simultaneously, and ments. we think that to a certain extent this is perfectly practi¬ cable. The attempts of proprietors to protect the fore¬ shores of their lands from the encroachments of rivers in tidal estuaries are often attended with great expense ; and if those efforts prove for some time effectual in warding off the approach of the channel, the land speedily takes on vege¬ tation, and is fit for pasturage. But the tenure by which such propertyTs held is very slight; and the spot which to¬ day affords grazing for cattle may in a few tides become the navigable channel of the river. Now, it is obvious that the perfect protection from such encroachments afforded by the training and guiding of the low-water channel by longitu¬ dinal walls, adds materially to the value of the adjoining property; for not only is the land beyond high-water mark completely protected from encroachment, but the marsh lands bordering the estuary become in fact permanent pro¬ perty, and not an ever-changing benefit held for one year and probably lost the next. Marsh lands so protected from waste are still, it is true, liable to be flooded by high tides, a circumstance, however, which is considered by some persons not injurious, but rather beneficial, for marsh pasture lands. The process of reclamation in all such cases goes on very slowly after it has reached a certain stage, because, as the on Inargjl banks rise, they are more seldom covered by the tide, and ian(is> the materials deposited on the inner and higher parts of the banks are, as already stated, exceedingly fine, and are car¬ ried only by the highest tides, which seldom reach them. Mr Park has found on the Kibble that the first indications of vegetation appear when the banks are elevated 12 feet above the ordnance datum-line, which is the mean level of the sea. This height corresponds at the Ribble to about the level of high-water of neap tides. Mr Gordon2 also found, that in the Norfolk estuary “ the samphire began to settle on the sands, which the neap tides just cover,” and that “ grass be¬ gan to grow about one foot above the samphire level.” Such marsh lands, if left unprotected, must remain for ever liable to be covered during high floods or tides, and therefore cannot be said to be available as arable lands, without the erection of considerable works for the purpose of protecting them from floods, and providing for their effectual drainage. As the erection of such works, however, forms no part of river improvement, we allude to them in this place only for the purpose of remarking, that in all cases they should be erected with caution. There are situations in which the erec¬ tion of embankments for protecting land may be injurious to the interests of navigation ; there are others in which such works, if judiciously laid out, may be harmless ; but their 1 Mr Ellet says that the sedimentary matter transported by the Mississippi forms Part °f t'le volume discharged by the river. (Ellet, On the Ohio and Mississippi.)—Mr T. Login, C.E., in Pegu, states in a paper on the Delta of the Irrawaddy, read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, session 1857, that the waters of the Irrawaddy contained TTVjth part of their weight of sediment during floods, and ■sTV'jth part of their weight when the river was in a low state, and gives the mean deposit at 8 inches per cubic yard.—Mr Leonard Horner found that the water of the Rhine at Bonn contained from TT?i^th part of its weight during floods to ^yuith part of its weight in a low state. {Arcana of Science and Art, 1835.)—Captain Denham found that the tidal water of the Mersey contained 29 cubic inches of solid matter in every cubic yard during flood-tide, and 33 cubic inches in every cubic yard during ebb-tide. {Observations on the Mer¬ sey, by Captain H. M. Denham, R.N., Liverpool, 1840.)—Mr Lyell says:—“ Hartsaeker computed the Rhine to contain, when most flooded, 1 part in 100 of mud in suspension. By several observations of Sir George Staunton, it appeared that the water of the Yellow River in China contained earthy matter in the proportion of 1 to 200. Manfredi, the celebrated Italian hydrographer, conceived the average proportion of sediment in all running water to be if^th. Some writers, on the contrary, as De Maillet, have declared the most turbid waters to contain far less sediment than any of the above estimates would import; and there is so much contradiction and incon¬ sistency in the facts and speculations hitherto promulgated on the subject, that we must wait for additional experiments before we can form any opinion on the subject.” {Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell, F.R.S., London, 1830, vol. i., p. 247.) 2 Report on Norfolk Estuary, by L. D. B. Gordon, C.E., Glasgow, 1856. NAVIGATION, INLAND. 87 Rivers, effect in any case can only be determined by a careful consideration of the special circumstances of the locality in which they are erected. We know many cases where the interests of navigation have been sacrificed by unwarrant¬ able encroachment; and, on the other hand, instances are not wanting where even important works have been em¬ barrassed and crippled by an over-cautious regard to the principle of non-encroachment on the high-water line. With reference more particularly to the operations of landowners, it is notorious that in many cases attempts to reclaim or protect property have led to serious and costly legal proceedings between landowners and the local con¬ servators of navigations; and this we are sensible has in some instances arisen from a feeling, on the part of the landowners, that their operations could not be regarded as prejudicial. The local conservators, on the other hand, have generally no means of knowing what the ultimate in¬ tentions of the landowners are until their operations have proceeded so far as to render it impossible, if the interest of navigation require it, to stop or to remove the works with¬ out considerable loss. A difference of opinion has thus been raised, which has too often ended in an expensive law¬ suit. We have long held the opinion that it would in many, if not in all, of our estuaries, be most desirable to have a line of conservation marked out by the Admiralty (without whose authority no encroachment can be made within high- water mark) for the regulation of all works for the protec¬ tion of land. Were such a line defined, the landowners could then with confidence, and without risk of challenge, enter on such works within the line of conservation as they considered necessary for the protection of their property, and a source of much difference of opinion and expensive litigation would be at once removed. We had hoped that the Tidal Harbour Commission, who have been enabled, through the exertions of Captain Washington, the hydro- grapher of the Admiralty, who was one of the commission, to give in their printed reports so valuable a fund of infor- Rivers, mation on our tidal harbours, would have terminated their labours by pointing out and recommending some such sys¬ tem as we have suggested of defining lines of conservation for all the important rivers and estuaries of the country. It is obvious, however, that were such a duty to be per¬ formed, it must be committed to a duly qualified commis¬ sion, acting most naturally under the Admiralty, and so composed that the protection of navigation, and the in¬ terests of landowners or trustees for public works, should be fully represented, the whole of its members being actu¬ ated by one common desire to do what is best for the community at large. The following is a statement of ratios between the dis- Discharges charges of certain rivers during low-water and when in of Rivers, flood; but it must be kept in view, as stated in treating of the formulae for calculating the discharge, that its deter¬ mination is a difficult problem; so that the results stated with reference to the discharge of different rivers must be received with this caution as to their accuracy. Mean Discharge. . Cubic ft, per min. * ooc1, Clyde 48,000 194,000 1 to 4-0 Conon 7,969 216,589 1 „ 27-2 Earn 54,000 215,600 1 „ 3-9 Ganges 12,420,000 29,652,480 1 „ 2'4 Irrawaddy 4,500,000 45,000,000 1 ,, 10-0 Mississippi 39,954,000 76,800,000 1 ,, l-9 Nile 1,386,000 13,200,000 1 „ 9-5 Tay 218,000 753,740 1 „ 3-4 Thames 80,220 475,000 1 „ 5-9 The high ratio on the Conon may be due to the steep¬ ness of its bed, and the absence of any natural lake or reservoir on its course to act as a regulator. The quantities in the following table represent the dis¬ charges of the rivers in their ordinary state. Physical Characteristics of Rivers. Name of River. Amazon Annan... Boyne ... Clyde ... Conon Coquet .y. Dee, Aberdeen.. Dee, Chester.. Forth r Before works< wereexecut. I Foyle Ganges Irrawaddy Lune Before works'! were execut. j Mersey lississippi... | Mississippi.... Ness. Nile., Nith gs ^1 4000 35 60 98 / 35 44 87 85 63 above Alloa. 55 1680 50 70 4400 includ, Missouri 2240 45 Area of drainage in square miles. 700 945 399 "‘765 620 452 1100 432,480 1,748 Jl,226,600 700 520,200 Ordinary discharge per minute 180,000 48,000 7969 10,675 29,385 31,500 12,420,000 4,500,000 39,954,000 1,386,000 ifs g 257 65 19-9 75'7 28-6 28-7 32-5 2-6 c ° a 3 _© s p< 2'34 66 60 81 11 11 13 1-25 3-37 1-6 3-8 26-76 20- 24- 2-8 3-25 96 55 3-25 20 Part of River where slope occurs. { Annan Waterfoot to Annan Bridge, 2 miles Broomielaw to Port-Glas- gow, 18 miles Lower part Chester to Flint. Black Dub to Stirling Stirling to Alloa Londonderry to Culmore Ft j Rajmahal to Mirzapore 1 t Creek j in summer ) in flood J Glasson to Heaton, 3i miles ~i Heaton to Lancaster, 2J ... I ( Average slope between j ( Glasson and Lancaster... J ordinary ( from Ohio to Gulf ) flood I of Mexico j Loch Dochfour to Kessock.. when high t Cairo to Medi- ) when low.. | terranean... j Dumfries to Burron Point... Length of River affected by tide, in miles. Depth on bar at lowwater, in feet, 400 2 22 above Port- Glasgow, 32 15 aboveAlloa 23 above Lon¬ donderry. 105 no bar East, W-est, 9 12 no bar 9 to 10 Authority. N. Beardmore’s Hyd. Tables. Messrs Stevenson, C.E.,Edin. A. Nimmo, C.E. J. Ure, C.E.. Glasgow. Messrs Stevenson, Edin. E. K. Calver, R.N. J. Gibb. (Messrs Stevenson, Edin. < and Admiralty Report,by l Captain Washington. Messrs Stevenson. Messrs Stevenson. ( Johnston’s Physical Atlas. ( Beardmore’s Tables. (. Rev. Mr Everest. T. Login, C.E. Messrs Stevenson. Captain Denham, R.N. C. Ellet. Messrs Stevenson. N. Beardmore. Johnston’s Physical Atlas. Messrs Stevenson. NAY 88 Naviga¬ tion Laws II Naviga¬ tor’s Islands. NAY Physical Characteristics of Rivers—Continued. Name of River Rhine Rhone. Ribble, before works Severn works } Tees Thames { Tweed. Tyne.. Wear. oj; rj e a 700 560 80 180 160 100 204£ navigab, 100 Area of drainage in square miles. 88,853 38,329 880 8,580 2,283 680 5,000 1,870 1,100 437 Ordinary discharge per minute in cubic feet. 3,960,000 139,935 274,000 102,000 "’9500 44-5 159 120 204 22 c-g V ^ e" 0 c 5 o g p. (2119 119 63 20-7 V 77 24'18 47-8 4-5 2 3 2 0-75 5 10-5 75 15 20-5 23-25 V 7 ( 1-95 7 9-35 { 5-06 20 •92 109 116 49 16 Part of River where slope occurs. Source to Reichenau Reichenau to Constance ... Constance to Basle Basle to Cologne Cologne to sea Besan^on to Mediterranean Lower 22J miles DiglisWeir to Upton Bridge^ Upton Bridge to Mythe Br. Mythe Bridge to Haw Br. Haw Bridge to Stonebench Stonebench to Rosemary Pt. Rosemary Pt. to Framilode Framilode to Newnham ... Newnham to Awre Point... Awre Point to Sharpness... Sharpness to Guscar Guscar to Inward Point ... Inward Pt. to AustHead..., Flisk to Balmbreich Balmbreich to Newburgh Newburgh to Perth Lechdale to Teddington ... f Teddington toYanlet Creek | Confluence of Gala Water , to Leader Water I Leader to Kelso ( Kelso to sea J Length of River affected by tide, in miles. Depth on bar at lowwater, in feet. New Bridge to sea. 22J 68 35 22 66 from Note, 18 10 54 18 6 no bar 6 2 to 4§ Authority. {Johnston’s Physical Atlas. Beardmore’s Tables. Falls and Discharge, from L. Horner, Esq. Johnston’s Physical Atlas. Beardmore’s Tables. P. Park, C.E. Preston. {Remarks on the Tidal Phenomena of the River Severn, by Capt, F. W. Beechey, R.N. Messrs Stevenson. John Murray, C.E. .Messrs Rennie, C.E. A. Peterman, F.G.S. E. K. Calver, R.N. Thos. Meik,C.E., Sunderland. Naviga¬ tor’s Islands. (d. S—N.) NAVIGATION LAWS, The, of which some notice has been given under the articles Commerce and Eng¬ land, and which were considered obnoxious to the inter¬ ests of commercial enterprise, were in effect repealed in 18o4. An act to admit foreign ships to the coasting trade of this country (17th Viet., cap. 5) was passed March 23, 1854; and an act to amend and consolidate the acts relat¬ ing to merchant shipping (17th and 18th Viet., cap. 104) on the 10th August 1854. The latter act received some amendment, particularly with regard to the erection and maintenance of colonial lighthouses (18th and 19th Viet., cap. 91) in 1855. NAVIGATOR’S ISLANDS, or Samoan Islands, a group in the Pacific, lying to the N.E. of the Friendly Islands, between S. Lat. 13. 30. and 14. 30., and W. Long. 168. and 173. They are eight in number, and three of them are of considerable size. The largest of the group is Savaii, which is upwards of 200 miles in circuit, and the principal others are Maoona, Pala, and Oyalava. They are for the most part mountainous and of volcanic formation. The soil is very rich and fertile, and the mountains are thickly covered with wood to their very summits. The trees are chiefly evergreens, and are remarkable for the beauty and variety of their appearance. Palms, cocoa-nut trees, breadfruit trees, banyans, sugar-canes, pine-apples, potatoes, coffee, yams, and tobacco are among the productions of these islands. The climate is variable, and heavy rains fall during the winter. No indigenous quadrupeds are found; but horses, cattle, and swine, which have been introduced from other places, thrive well and increase largely. Fowls are numerous, and the surrounding parts of the ocean abound in fish. The inhabitants are superior in appearance to most of the tribes of the South Sea Islands. They are stout, well-proportioned, and of a dark-brown complexion, and the men are in general better looking than the women. In character, they are generally good-natured, hospitable, and affectionate, and they show great respect for the aged. They are intelligent, and display considerable ingenuity in making their canoes and houses ; but they are indolent, fond of pleasure, covetous, and deceitful. Their language is smooth and liquid, and in it alone of Polynesian tongues the sibilant sound occurs. The Navigator’s Islands were first visited by missionaries in 1830 from Otaheite; and since 1836 missionaries have been sent out directly from Europe, by whose means a great number of the inhabitants have been converted to Christianity. They are also beginning to pursue the employments of trade, and to learn the use of money. Cocoa-nut oil is the principal article of export, and the imports are cotton, calicoes, fire-arms, ammunition, &c., supplied chiefly by American whalers. The whole area of the islands is 2650 square miles ; and the estimates of the population vary from 50,000 to 160,000. 89 N A Navy. An insular empire, like that of the united kingdom of —Great Britain and Ireland, which is so much indebted, and always must be, for that power, prosperity, and renown which she enjoys, to the glorious deeds of her navy, can¬ not but take a peculiar degree of interest in every thing that concerns it. This vast machine, indeed, has at all times been the pride and boast of Great Britain, the ter¬ ror of its enemies, and the admiration of the wrorld. It is under the impression of its vast importance that we have been induced to give, under their proper heads, such de¬ tails of the civil and military branches of the naval de¬ partments as may afford, without entering into too mi¬ nute details, a comprehensive sketch of this great nation¬ al bulwark, of which it is now proposed to take a general view. The term Navy is generally intended to express all ships of commerce as well as those of war, the mercantile as well as the military marine ; but the observations con¬ tained in the present article are meant to relate only to the latter, excepting that, in speaking of the progressive enlargement of ships, and improvements in naval architec¬ ture, the remarks may sometimes equally apply to ships of commerce and of war. Navy composed of Materiel and Personnel. The composition of a navy may be considered under the two distinct heads into which it naturally divides itself, and under which the French generally distinguish an army, the materiel, and the personnel; the former embracing every thing that appertains to the ships, their capacity, con¬ struction, armament, and equipment; the latter all that concerns the rank, the appointment, the various duties, &c. of the officers, seamen, and marines. I. MATERIEL OF THE NAVY. History. It would occupy too large a space to give even a short sketch of the origin and the progress of naval architecture, from a bundle of branches, or the hollow trunk of a tree— the rude raft and the frail canoe—to the more perfect co¬ racle, or the wicker-boats of the ancient Britons, covered with hides. For many centuries after the expulsion of the Romans from, or their abandonment of, the British Islands, very little progress appears to have been made by us in the art of navigation or ship building: the natives would appear, for many centuries afterwards, to have acted merely on the defensive against naval invasions. “ The whole of our naval history,” say the commis¬ sioners for revising the civil affairs of the navy, “ may be divided into three periods; the first comprehending all that preceded the reign of Henry VIII.; the second end¬ ing with the restoration of Charles II.; and the third coming down from the Restoration to the present day.” First r° what size, and to what extent, the amount of the period. English ships or vessels were carried, which supported so many contests with the invading Danes in the ninth cen¬ tury, our naval history has not preserved any record. We are told, however, that Alfred increased the size of his galleys, and that some of them were capable of rowing thirty pair of oars. These galleys were chiefly employed in clearing the Channel of the nests of pirates by which it was infested. It is also said, as a proof of his attention to naval matters, that, under his auspices, one Ochter under- VOL. XVI. V Y. took a voyage into the arctic regions, made a survey of Matdri 1 the coasts of Lapland and Norway, and brought to Alfred ^ f an account of the mode pursued by the inhabitants of those countries to catch whales. It is, moreover, on record, that his two sons, Edward and Athelstan, fought many bloody actions with the Danes, in which several kings and chiefs were slain ; and that Edgar had from three to five thousand ships, divided into three fleets, stationed on three several parts of the coast, with which, passing from one fleet or squadron to the other, he circumnavigated the island ; that after this he called himself “ Monarch of all Albion, and Sovereign over all the adjacent Isles.” Some notion, how¬ ever, may be formed of the size of the vessels which com¬ posed his fleets, from the imposition of a land-tax, which required certain proprietors to furnish a stout galley of three rows of oars, to protect the coast from the Danish pirates. The more effectually to check these marauders, and protect the coasts of the kingdom, William the Con¬ queror, in 1066, established the Cinque Ports, and gave them certain privileges, on condition of their furnishing fifty-two ships, with twenty-four men in each, for fifteen days, in cases of emergency. We should not, perhaps, be far amiss in dating the period of our naval architecture from the Conquest. “ The Normans,” says Sir Walter Raleigh, “ grew better shipwrights than either the Danes or Saxons, and made the last conquest of this land; a land which can never be conquered whilst the kings thereof keep the dominion of the seas.” But Raleigh does not de¬ scribe what the ships were which the Normans taught us to build ; nor can it now be known in what kind of vessels Wil¬ liam transported his army across the Channel, or what was the description of the hundred large ships and fifty galleys of which the naval armament of Richard I. consisted on his expedition to the Holy Land. We are told, however, that having increased his fleet at Cyprus to two hundred and fifty ships and sixty galleys, he fell in with a ship belong¬ ing to the Saracens, of such an extraordinary size that she was defended by 1500 men, all of whom, with the excep¬ tion of 200, Richard, after taking possession of her, ordered to be thrown overboard and drowned. There can be no doubt that the nations of the Mediter¬ ranean, particularly the Genoese and Venetians, introduced many improvements as to the capacity and stability of their ships, in consequence of the crusades, and the demands for warlike stores and provisions which such vast and ill-pro¬ vided armies necessarily created ; but these improvements would seem not to have reached, or, at least, to have made but a tardy progress in, Great Britain. King John, it is true, stoutly claimed for England the sovereignty of the sea, and decreed that all ships belonging to foreign na¬ tions, the masters of which should refuse to strike to the British flag, should be seized and deemed good and lawful prize. And this monarch is said to have fitted out no less than five hundred sail of ships, under the Earl of Salisbury, in the year 1213, against a fleet of three times that num¬ ber, prepared by Philip of France for the invasion of Eng¬ land ; of which the English took three hundred sail, and drove a hundred on shore, Philip being under the neces¬ sity of destroying the remainder, to prevent their falling also into the hands of the English. Of the kinds of ships of which his fleet consisted, some notion may be formed by the account that is related of an action fought in the fol¬ lowing reign with the French, who, with “ eighty stout ships,” threatened the coast of Kent. This fleet being dis¬ covered by Hubert de Burgh, governor of Dover Castle, he put to sea with forty English ships, and having got to M 90 NAVY. Materiel, the windward of the enemy, and run down many of the ^ smaller ships, he closed with the rest, and threw on board them a quantity of quicklime, which blinded them so effec¬ tually that all their ships were either taken or sunk. Whatever the size and the armaments of our ships were, the empire of the sea was bravely maintained by the Ed¬ wards and the Henrys in many a gallant and glorious sea- fight with the fleets of France, against which they were generally opposed with inferior numbers. The temper of the times, and the public feeling, were strongly exemplified in the reign of Edward I. by the following circumstance: An English sailor was killed in a Norman port, in conse¬ quence of which a war commenced, and the two nations agreed to decide the dispute on a certain day, with the whole of their respective naval forces. The spot of battle was to be the middle of the Channel, marked out by an¬ choring there an empty ship. The two fleets met on the 14th April 1293; the English obtained the victory, and carried off above two hundred and fifty sail. In an action with the French fleet off the harbour of Sluys, Edward III. is said to have slain 30,000 of the ene¬ my, and to have taken two hundred great ships, “ in one of which only, there were four hundred dead bodies.” This is no doubt an exaggeration. The same monarch, at the siege of Calais, is stated to have blockaded that port with seven hundred and thirty sail, having on board 14,956 mariners ; twenty-five only of which were of the royal navy, bearing four hundred and nineteen mariners, or about se¬ venteen men each. In various other sea actions did this great sovereign nobly support the honour of the British flag. But though we then, and ever after, claimed the '‘dominion of the seas,” that dominion, says Raleigh, “ was never absolute until the time of Henry the Eighth.” It was a maxim of this great statesman, that “ whosoever commands the sea, commands the trade of the world; whosoever commands the trade, commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself.” The reign of Henry V., however, was most glorious in maintaining the naval superiority over the fleets of France. From a letter of this sovereign to his lord chan¬ cellor, dated 12th August 1417, discovered by Samuel Ly- sons among the records in the Tower, and of which the following is a copy, it would appear that there was some¬ thing like an established royal navy in his reign, indepen¬ dently of the shipping furnished by the Cinque Ports and the merchants, for the king’s own use, on occasion of any particular expedition. The letter appears to have been writ¬ ten nine days after the surrender of the castle of Touque in Normandy, from whence it is dated. “ Au reverend pere en Dieu VEvesque de Duresme Tire Chanceller d!Engleterre. “ Worshipful fader yn God We sende you closed within this letter a cedule conteyning the names of certein Mais- tres for owr owne grete Shippes Carrakes Barges and Ba- lyngers to the whiche Maistres We have granted annui- tees such as is appointed upon eche of hem in the same Cedule to take yerely of owre grante while that us lust at owr Exchequer of Westmr. at the termes of Michelmasse and Ester by even porcions. Wherefore We wol and charge yow that unto eche of the said Maistres ye do make under owr grete seel beyng in yowre warde owr letters patentes severales in due forme after th’effect and pourport of owr said grante. Yeven under owr signet atte owr Castle of Touque the xij. day of August.” Extract from the Schedule contained in the preceding Letter. vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Grande Nief ap-1 vj. Mariners por la pelle the dont John William >- sauf garde deink est Maistre ) Hamult. vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Trinate Royale | • dont Steph’ Thomas est Maistre / ^ vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Holy Gost dontT • Jordan Brownyng est Maistre J vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Carrake appel- I lee le Petre dont John Gerard /-vj. est Maistre J vj. li. xiijs. iiijd, La Carrake appellee ) le Paul dont William Payne vj. est Maistre ) vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Carrak appellel le Andrewe dont John Thor- > vj. nyng est Maistr’ ) xiijs. iiijd. La Carrak appellee le { . Xpofre dont Tendrell est Maistr’ J VJ’ vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Carrak appelle 4 le Marie dont William Riche- v vj. man est Maistr’ j vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Carrak appellee \ le Marie dont William Hethe kvj. est Maistre j vj. li. xiijs. iiijd. La Carrak appelle 1 le George dont John Mersh > vj. est Maistr’ Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. Mariners. The remainder, to the masters of which pensions were thus granted, consist of seventeen “ niefs, barges, and ballyn- gers,” some with three, and others two mariners only. But history informs us, that about this time Henry embarked an army of 25,000 men at Dover on board of 1500 sail of ships, two of which carried purple sails, embroidered with the arms of England and France; one styled the King’s Chamber, the other his Saloon, as typical of his keeping his court at sea, which he considered as a part of his domi¬ nions. Still we are left in the dark as to the real dimen¬ sions of his ships, and the nature of their armament; they were probably used only as transports for his army. It would appear, however, from a very curious poem, writ¬ ten in the early part of the reign of King Henry VI. that the navy of his predecessor was considerable, but that, by neglect, it was then reduced to the same state in which it had been during the preceding reigns. The poem here alluded to is entitled “ The English Policie, exhorting all England to keep the Sea, and namely the Narrow Sea; showing what profit cometh thereof, and also what worship and salvation to England and to all Englishmen;” and is printed in the first volume of Hackluyt’s Collection of Voy¬ ages. It was evidently written before the year 1438, when the Emperor Sigismond died, as appears by the following passage in the prologue : For Sigismond, the great Emperour, Which yet reigneth, when he was in this land, With King Henry the Fifth, Prince of Honour, Here much glory, as him thought, he found A mightie land, which had take in hand To werre with France, and make mortalitie, And ever well kept round about the sea. The part of the poem which alludes to the navy of King Henry V. is entitled “ Another incident of keeping the Sea, in the time of marveilous werriour and victorious Prince, King Henrie the Fifth, and of his great Shippes.” The following are the most remarkable passages : And if I should conclude all by the King Henrie the Fift, what was his purposing, Whan at Hampton he made the great dromons. Which passed other great ships of the Commons; The Trinitie, the Grace de Dieu, the Holy Ghost, And other moe, which as nowe be lost. What hope ye was the Kings great intent Of thoo shippes, and what in mind he meant: It was not ellis, but that he cast to bee .Lorde round about environ of the see. And if he had to this time lived here, He had been Prince named withouten pere : Materiel. His great ships should have been put in preefe, Unto the ende that he ment of in chiefe. For doubt it not but that he would have bee Lord and master about the round see: And kept it sure, to stoppe our ennemies hence, And wonne us good, and wisely brought it thence, That no passage should be without danger, And his licence on see to move and sterre. Shortly after the time when this poem must have been written, it appears from the parliament roll (20th Henry VI. 1442), that an armed naval force, consisting only of eight large ships, with smaller vessels to attend them, was to be collected from the ports of London, Bristol, Dartmouth, Hull, Newcastle, Winchelsea, Plymouth, Fal¬ mouth, &c.; and, of course, the royal ships of 1417, the names of which are contained in the foregoing schedule, were then either gone to decay or dispersed. We are not to judge of the size of these ships from the few mariners appointed to each. These were merely the ship-keepers, or harbour-duty men, placed on permanent pay, to keep the ships in a condition fit for the sea when wanted. It is very probable that, until our merchants engaged in the Mediterranean trade, and that the attention of the go¬ vernment was turned, in the reign of Henry VII. (about 1496), to imitate Portugal in making foreign discovery, under the skilful seaman Sebastian Cabot, very little was added to the capacity or the power of British ships of war. It is said, however, that on the accession of Henry VII. to the throne in 1485, he caused his marine, which had been neglected in the preceding reign, to be put into a condi¬ tion to protect the coasts against all foreign invasions ; and that, in the midst of profound peace, he always kept up a fleet ready to act. In his reign was built a ship called the Great Harry, the first on record that deserved the name of a ship of war, if it was not the first exclusively appropriated to the service of the state. This is the same ship which Camden has miscalled the Henry Grace de Dieu, and which was not built till twenty years afterwards, under the reign of Henry VIII. The Great Harry is stated to have cost L.14,000, and was burned by accident at Woolwich in the year 1553. Second We now come to that period of our naval history in Period. which England might be truly said to possess a military marine, and of which some curious details have been left us by that extraordinary man of business Mr Pepys, a com¬ missioner of the navy, and afterwards secretary to Charles II., at a time when the king executed in person the office of lord high admiral, and also to James II. until his ab¬ dication. His minutes and miscellanies relative to the navy are contained in a great number of manuscript vo¬ lumes, which are deposited in the Pepysian Library in Magdalene College, Cambridge. From these papers it appears, that in the thirteenth year of Henry VIII. the following were the names and the tonnage of the royal navy : Tons. Henry Grace de Dieu 1500 Gabriel Royal 650 Mary Rose 600 Barbara 400 Mary George 250 Henry Hampton 120 The Great Galley 800 Sovereign 800 Catherine Forteleza 550 John Baptist 400 Great Nicholas 400 Mary James 240 Great Bark 250 Less Bark 180 Add to these two row-barges of sixty tons each, making, in the whole, sixteen ships and vessels, measuring 7260 Materiel, tons. ^ The Henry Grace de Dieu is stated in all other accounts, and with more probability, to have been only 1000 tons ; the rule for ascertaining the measurement of ships being still vague, and liable to great error, was probably much more so at this early period. This ship was built in 1515, at Erith, in the river Thames, to replace the Regent, of the same ton¬ nage, which was burned in August 1512, in action with the French fleet, when carrying the flag of the lord high ad¬ miral. There is a drawing in the Pepysian papers of the Henry Grace de Dieu, from which a print in the Archse- ologia has been engraved, and of which a copy has been taken as a frontispiece to C. Derrick’s Memoirs of the Rise and Progress of the Royal Navy. From these papers it ap¬ pears that she carried fourteen guns on the lower deck, twelve on the main deck, eighteen on the quarter-deck and poop, eighteen on the lofty forecastle, and ten in her stern- ports, making altogether seventy-two guns. Her regular establishment of men is said to have consisted of 349 sol¬ diers, 301 mariners, and fifty gunners, making altogether 700 men. Some idea may be formed of the awkwardness in manoeuvring ships built on her construction, or similar to her, when it is stated that, on the appearance of the French fleet at St Helens, the Great Harry, built in the former reign, and the first ship built with two decks, had nearly been sunk; and that the Mary Rose, of 600 tons, with 500 or 600 men on board, was actually sunk at Spit- head, occasioned, as Raleigh informs us, “ by a little sway in casting the ship about, her ports being within sixteen inches of the water.” On this occasion the fleets cannon¬ aded each other for two hours; and it is remarked as something extraordinary, that not less than three hundred cannon-shot were fired on both sides in the course of this action. From the prints above mentioned, which agree very closely with the curious painting of Henry crossing the Channel in his fleet to meet Francis on the Champ de Drap d’Or, near Calais, and now in the great room where the Society of Antiquaries hold their meetings in Somerset House, it is quite surprising how they could be trusted on the sea at all, their enormous poops and fore¬ castles making them appear loftier and more awkward than the large Chinese junks, to which, indeed, they bear a strong resemblance. It is worth remarking that, in the year 1840, the position of the Mary Rose, .near Spithead, was pointed out to that extraordinary diver Mr Deane, who went down several times, and brought up some beautiful pieces of brass ordnance, as perfect and as fine specimens as any we have at the present day. Henry VIII. may justly be said to have laid the foun¬ dation of the British navy. He established the dock-yards at Deptford, Woolwich, and Portsmouth; he appointed certain commissioners to superintend the civil affairs of the navy, and settled the rank and pay of admirals, vice-admi¬ rals, and inferior officers; thus creating a national navy, and raising the officers to a separate and distinct profes¬ sion. The great officers of the navy then w'ere, the vice- admiral of England, the master of the ordnance, the sur¬ veyor of the marine causes, the treasurer, comptroller, ge¬ neral surveyor of the victualling, clerk of the ships, and clerk of the stores. Each of these officers had their par¬ ticular duties, but they met together at their office on Tower Hill once a week, to consult, and make their re¬ ports to the lord high admiral. He also established the fraternity of the Trinity House, for the improvement of navigation and the encouragement of commerce ; and built the castles of Deal, Walmer, Sandgate, Hurst Castle, &c. for the protection of his fleet and of the coast. At the death of Henry VIII. in 1547, the royal navy consisted of about fifty ships and vessels of different sizes, the former from 1000 to 150 tons, and the latter down to Materiel. 92 NAVY. Materiel, twenty tons, making in the whole about 12,000 tons, and ' manned by about 8000 mariners, soldiers, gunners, &c. In the short reign of his son Edward, little alteration seems to have taken place in the state and condition of the royal navy. But the regulations which had been made in the reign of his father, for the civil government of naval affairs, were revised, arranged, and turned into ordinances, which form the basis of all the subsequent instructions given to the commissioners for the management of the civil affairs of the navy. In the reign of Mary the tonnage of the navy was reduced to about 7000 tons ; but her lord high admiral nobly maintained tbe title assumed by England of Sovereign of the Seas, by compelling Philip of Spain to strike his flag that was flying at the main-top-mast head, though on his way to England to marry Queen Mary, by firing a shot at the Spanish admiral. He also demanded that his whole fleet, consisting of 160 sail, should strike their colours and lower their top-sails, as an homage to the English flag, before he would permit his squadron to sa¬ lute the Spanish monarch. The reign of Elizabeth was the proudest period of our naval history, perhaps surpassed by none previously to the Revolution. She not only increased the numerical force of the regular navy, but established many wise regulations for its preservation, and for securing adequate supplies of timber and other naval stores. She placed her naval offi¬ cers on a more respectable footing, and encouraged fo¬ reign trade and geographical discoveries, so that she ac¬ quired justly the title of the Restorer of Naval Power, and Sovereign of the Northern Seas. The greatest naval force that had at any previous period been called together was that which was assembled to oppose the Invincible Armada, and which, according to the notes of Mr Secre¬ tary Pepys, consisted of 17G ships, with 14,992 men ; but these were not all “ Shippes Royall,” but were partly com¬ posed of the contributions of the Cinque Ports and others. The number actually belonging to the navy is variously stated, but they would appear to have been somewhere about forty sail of ships, manned with about 6000 men. At the end of her reign, however, the navy had greatly increased, the list in 1603 consisting of forty-two ships of various descriptions, amounting to 17,000 tons, and man¬ ned with 8346 men. Of these, two were of the burden of 1000 tons each, three of 900 tons, and ten from 600 to 800 tons. James I. was not inattentive to his navy. He warmly patronised Mr Phineas Pett, the most able and scientific shipwright that this country ever boasted, and to whom we undoubtedly owe the first essential improvements in the form and construction of ships. The cumbrous top- works were first got rid of under his superintendence. “ In my owne time,” says Raleigh, “ the shape of our English ships hath been greatly bettered; in extremity we carry our ordnance better than we were wont; we have added crosse pillars in our royall shippes, to strength¬ en them ; we have given longer floors to our shippes than in older times,” &c. Jhe young Prince Henry was so fond of naval affairs, that Phineas Pett was ordered by the lord high admiral to build a vessel at Chatham in 1604, with all possible speed, for the young Prince Henry to dis¬ port himself in, above London Bridge ; the length of her keel was twenty-eight feet, and her breadth twelve feet. In 1610 Pett laid down the largest ship that had hitherto been built. She was named the Prince Royal; her bur¬ den was 1400 tons, her keel 114 feet, and she was armed with sixty-four pieces of great ordnance, “ being in all respects,” says Stowe, “ the greatest and goodliest ship that was ever built in England.” He adds, “ the great workmaster in building this ship was Mr Phineas Pett, gentleman, some time master of arts, of Emanuel College, in Cambridge.” This excellent man, as appears from a manuscript ac¬ count of his life in the British Museum, written by him- Materiel self, was regarded by the shipwrights of the dock-yards, who had no science themselves, with an eye of jealousy ; and a complaint was laid against him before the king, of ignorance in laying off a ship, and of a wasteful expendi¬ ture of timber and other matters. The king attended at Woolwich with his court, to inquire in person into the charges brought forward, and, after a painful investiga¬ tion, pronounced in favour of Mr Pett. One of the charges was, that he had -caused the wood to be cut across the grain ; but the king observed, that, as it appeared to him, “ it was not the wood, but those who had preferred the charges, that were cross-grained.” The state of the navy at the king’s death is variously given by different writers; but on this subject the memo¬ randa left by Mr Secretary Pepys are most likely to be correct. From them it appears that, in 1618, certain com¬ missioners were appointed to examine into the state of the navy, and by their report it appears there were then only thirty-nine ships and vessels, whose tonnage amounted to 14,700 tons ; but in 1624, on the same authority, the num¬ bers had decreased to thirty-two or thirty-three ships and vessels, but the tonnage increased to about 19,400 tons. The commissioners had, in fact, recommended many of the small craft to be broken up or sold, and more ships of the higher rates to be kept up. The navy was not neglected in the troublesome reign of Charles I. This unfortunate monarch added upwards of twenty sail to the list, generally of the smaller kind; but one of them, built by Pett, was of a description, both as to form and dimensions, far superior to any that had yet been launched. This ship was the celebrated Sovereign of the Seas, which was launched at Woolwich in 1637. The length of her keel was 128 feet, the main breadth forty-eight feet, and from stem to stern 232 feet. In the description of this ship by Thomas Heywood, she is said to have “ bore five lanthorns, the biggest of which would hold ten persons upright; had three flush-decks, a fore¬ castle, half-deck, quarter-deck, and round-house. Her lower tier had thirty ports for cannon and demi-cannon ; middle tier, thirty for culverins and demi-culverins ; third tier, twenty-six for other ordnance ; forecastle, twelve; and two half-decks, thirteen or fourteen ports more within board, for murthering pieces ; besides ten pieces of chace ordnance forward, and ten right aft, and many loop-holes in the cabins for musquet-shot. She had eleven anchors, one of 4400 pounds weight. She was of the burden of 1637 tons.” It appears, however, that she was found, on trial, to be too high for a good serviceable ship in all wea¬ thers, and was therefore cut down to a deck less. After this she became an excellent ship, and was in almost all the great actions with the Dutch ; she was rebuilt in 1684, when the name was changed to that of Royal Sovereign ; and was about to be rebuilt a second time at Chatham in 1696, when she accidentally took fire, and was totally con¬ sumed. In this reign the ships of the navy were first classed, or divided into six rates, the first being from 100 to sixty guns, the second from fifty-four to thirty-six, &c. In 1642 the management of the navy was taken out of the king’s hands, and in 1648 Prince Rupert carried away twenty-five ships, none of which ever returned ; and such, indeed, was the reduced state of the navy, that at the be¬ ginning of Cromwell’s usurped government, he had only fourteen ships of war of two decks, and some of these car¬ ried only forty guns ; but, under the careful management of very able men, in different commissions which he ap¬ pointed, such vigorous measures were pursued, that, in five years, though engaged within that time in war with the greatest naval power in Europe, the fleet was increased to 150 sail, of which more than a third part had two decks, and many of which were captured from the Dutch, and N A V Y. 93 Materiel, upwards of 20,000 seamen were employed in the navy, v—Our military marine was, indeed, raised by Cromwell to a height which it had never before reached ; but from which it soon declined under the short and feeble administration of his son. Though Cromwell found the navy divided into six rates or classes, it was under his government that these ratings were defined and established in the manner nearly in which they now are ; and it may also be remarked, that, under his government, the first frigate, called the Constant War¬ wick, was built in England. “ She was built,” says Mr Pepys, “ in 1649, by Mr Peter Pett (son of Phineas), for a privateer for the Earl of Warwick, and was sold by him to the state. Mr Pett took his model of this ship from a French frigate which he had seen in the Thames.” During the first period of our naval history, we know nothing of the nature of the armament of the ships. From the time of Edward III. they might have been armed with cannon, but no mention is made of this being the case. According to Lord Herbert, brass ordnance were first cast in England in the year 1535. They had various names, such as cannon, demi-cannon, culverins, demi-culverins, sakers, mynions, falcons, falconets, &c. What the calibre of each of these was is not accurately known, but the cannon is supposed to have been about sixty-pounders, the demi-cannon thirty-two, the culverin eighteen, falcon two, mynion four, saker five, &c. Many of these pieces, of dif¬ ferent calibres, were mounted on the same deck, which must have occasioned great confusion in action in finding for each its proper shot. Third pe- ^ie restoration of Charles II. the Duke of York riod. was immediately appointed lord high admiral, and by his advice a committee was named to consider a plan, pro¬ posed by himself, for the future regulation of the affairs of the navy, at which the duke himself presided. By the advice and able assistance of Mr Pepys, great progress was speedily made in the reparation and increase of the fleet. The duke remained lord high admiral till 1673, when, in consequence of the test required by parliament, to which he could not submit, he resigned, and that office was in part put in commission, and the rest retained by the king. Prince Rupert was put at the head of this com¬ mission, and Mr Pepys appointed secretary to the king in all naval affairs, and of the admiralty; and by his able and judicious management there were in sea-pay, in the year 1679, and in excellent condition, seventy-six ships of the line, all furnished with stores for six months, eight fire¬ ships, besides a numerous train of ketches, smacks, yachts, &c. with more than 12,000 seamen ; and also thirty new ships building, and a good supply of stores in the dock¬ yards. But this flourishing condition of the navy did not last long. In consequence of the dissipation of the king, and his pecuniary difficulties, he neglected the navy on account of the expenses ; the duke was sent abroad, and Mr Pepys to the Tower. A new set of commissioners were appointed, without experience, ability, or industry ; and the consequence was, as stated by the commissioners of revision, tliat “ all the wise regulations formed during the administration of the Duke of York were neglected; and such supineness and waste appear to have prevailed, that, at the end of not more than five years, when he was re¬ called to the office of lord high admiral, only twenty- two ships, none larger than a fourth rate, with two fire¬ ships, were at sea; those in harbour were quite unfit for service ; even the thirty new ships which he had left building had been suffered to fall into a state of great de¬ cay, and hardly any stores were found to remain in the dock-yards.” The first act on the duke’s return was the re-appoint¬ ment ol Mr Pepys as secretary of the admiralty. Finding the present commissioners unequal to the duties required of them, he recommended others. Sir Anthony Deane, the Materiel, most experienced of the shipbuilders then in England, was ~y-—• joined with the new commissioner-s. To him, it has been said, we owe the first essential improvement in the form and qualities of ships of the line, having taken the model of the Superbe, a French ship of seventy-four guns, which anchored at Spithead, and from which he built the Har¬ wich in 1664. Others, however, are of opinion that no improvement had at this time been made on the model of the Sovereign of the Seas after she was cut down. The new commissioners undertook, in three years, to complete the repair of the fleet, and furnish the dock-yards with a proper supply of stores, on an estimate of L.400,000 a year, to be issued in weekly payments ; and in two years and a half they finished their task, to the satisfaction of the king and the whole nation ; the number of ships repaired and under repair being 108 sail of the line, besides a consider¬ able number of vessels of smaller size. The same year the king abdicated the throne, at which time the list of the navy amounted to 173 sail, containing 101,892 tons, car¬ rying 6930 guns, and 42,000 seamen. The naval regulations were wisely left unaltered at the Revolution, and the business of thfe admiralty continued to be carried on chiefly, for some time, under the imme¬ diate direction of King William, by Mr Pepys, till the ar¬ rival of Admiral Herbert and Captain Russell from the fleet, into whose hands, he says, “ he silently let it fall.” Upon the general principles of that system, thus esta¬ blished with his aid by the Duke of York, the civil go¬ vernment of our navy has ever since been carried on. In the second year of King William (1690), no less than thirty ships were ordered to be built, of sixty, se¬ venty, and eighty guns each ; and in 1697 the king, in his speech to parliament, stated that the naval force of the kingdom was increased to nearly double what he found it at his accession. It was now partly composed of various classes of French ships which had been captured in the course of the war, amounting in number to more than sixty, and in guns to 2300 ; the losses by storms and cap¬ tures on our side being about half the tonnage and half the guns we had acquired. At the commencement of this reign, the navy, as we have stated, consisted of 173 ships, measuring 101,892 tons ; at his death, it had been ex¬ tended to 272 ships, measuring 159,020 tons, being an in¬ crease of ninety-nine ships and 57,128 tons, or more than one half both in number and in tonnage. The accession of Queen Anne was immediately follow¬ ed by a war with France and Spain, and in the second year of her reign she had the misfortune of losing a vast number of her ships, by one of the most tremendous storms that was ever known ; but every energy was used to re¬ pair this national calamity. In an address of the House of Lords, in March 1707, it is declared as “ a most un¬ doubted maxim, that the honour, security, and wealth of this kingdom does depend upon the protection and encour¬ agement of trade, and the improving and right encourag¬ ing its naval strength therefore we do in the most ear¬ nest manner beseech your majesty, that the sea affairs may always be your first and most peculiar care.” In the course of this war were taken or destroyed about fifty ships of war, mounting 3000 cannon ; and we lost about half the number. At the death of the queen, in 1714, the list of the navy was reduced in number to 247 ships, measuring 167,219 tons, being an increase in tonnage of 8199 tons. George I. left the navy pretty nearly in the same state in which he found it. At his death, in 1727, the list con¬ sisted of 233 ships, measuring 170,862 tons, being a de¬ crease in number of fourteen, but an increase in tonnage of 3643 tons. George II. was engaged in a war with Spain in 1739, in consequence of which the size of our ships of the line 94 NAVY. MaMrieL ordered to be built was considerably increased. In 1744, France declared against us ; but on the restoration of peace in 1748, it was found that our naval strength had prodi¬ giously increased. Our loss had been little or nothing, whilst we had taken and destroyed, of the French twenty, and of the Spanish fifteen sail of the line, besides smaller vessels. The war with France of 1755 added considerably to the list, so that, at the king’s decease, in 1760, it con¬ sisted of 412 ships, measuring 321,104 tons. In the short war of 1762, George III. added no less than twenty sail of the line to our navy. At the conclusion of the American war in 1782, the list of the navy was in¬ creased to 600 sail; and at the signing of the prelimina¬ ries in 1783 it amounted to 617 sail, measuring upwards of 500,000 tons; being an increase of 185 ships and 157,000 tons and upwards since the year 1762. At the peace of Amiens the list of the fleet amounted to upwards of 700 sail, of which 144 were of the line. The number taken from the enemy, or destroyed, amounted nearly to 600, of which ninety were of the line, including fifty-gun ships, and upwards of two hundred were frigates ; and our loss amounted to about sixty, of which six were of the line and twelve frigates. * The recommencement and long continuance of the re¬ volutionary war, and the glorious successes of our naval actions; the protection required for our extended com¬ merce, of which, in fact, we might be said to enjoy a mo¬ nopoly, and for the security of our numerous colonies; con¬ tributed to raise the British navy to a magnitude to which the accumulated navies of the whole world bore but a small proportion. From 1808 to 1813, there were seldom less than from 100 to 106 sail of the line in commission, and from 130 to 160 frigates, and upwards of 200 sloops, besides bombs, gun-brigs, cutters, schooners, &c. amounting in the whole to about 500 sail of effective ships and vessels; to which may be added 500 more in the ordinary, and as pri¬ son, hospital, and receiving ships; making at least 1000 pendants, and measuring from 800,000 to 900,000 tons. The commissioners appointed to inquire into the state and condition of the woods, forests, and land revenues of the crown, state, in their report to parliament, in the year 1792, that, “ at the accession of his majesty (Geo. III.) to the throne, the tonnage of the royal navy was 321,104 tons, and at the end of the year 1788 it had risen to no less than 413,467 tons.” In 1808 it had amounted to the en¬ ormous extent of 800,000 tons, having nearly doubled it¬ self in twenty years. It must not, however, be supposed that the effective navy consisted of more than half this amount of tonnage. Since the conclusion of the war with France, it would appear that at least one-half of the number of ships then in existence had been sold or broken up as unfit for service; and as, by the list of the navy at the beginning of the year 1821, the number of ships and vessels of every description, in com¬ mission, in ordinary, building, repairing, and ordered to be built, had been reduced to 609 sail, we may take the greatest extent of the tonnage at 500,000 tons; but the greater part, if not the whole, of this tonnage was efficient, and in a state of progressive efficiency. According to the printed list of the 1st January 182], the 609 sail of ships and vessels appear to be as under: 1st rates from 120 to 100 guns ... 2d „ „ ss „ so 3d „ „ 78 „ 74 „ 4th „ „ 60 „ 60 „ 3th ,, „ 48 ,, 22 ,, 3th „ „ 34 ,, 24 ,, ... Sloops „ 22 „ 10 „ Making a total of. To which being added, gun-brigs, cutters, schooners, tenders, bombs, troop-ships, store-ships, yachts, &c,, Grand total 23 16 90 20 107 40 136 432 177 609 In the year 1836 the total number of ships of war, in- Materiel, eluding every description mentioned in the above list, amounted to about 560 sail; of which 95 wrere ships of the line in a state of efficiency for any service, or capable of being speedily put into a fit state for sea; and many of them were of a very superior class to any employed in the war. In the year 1846 there were 671 ships, including every description ; and there are now (1857) on the list of the royal navy 735 ships, exclusive of those appropriated to harbour service, and of the coast-guard cruisers; making a grand total of 888 ships and vessels of all classes. The increase in the size of our ships of war was unavoid¬ able ; France and Spain had increased theirs, and we were compelled, in order to meet them on fair terms, to increase the dimensions of ours ; many of theirs were, besides, added to the list of our navy. The following sketch will show the progressive rate at which ships of the first order, or of 100 guns and upwards, were enlarged in their dimensions. In 1677 the first-rates were from 1500 to 1600 tons. In 1720 they were increased to 1800 tons. In 1745 we find them advanced to 2000 tons. During the American war they were raised to 2200 tons. In 1795 the Ville de Paris, of 110 guns, measured 2350 tons. In 1804 the Hibernia, of 110 guns, was extended to 2500 tons; and in 1808 the Caledonia, carrying 120 guns, measured 2616 tons, and here we stopped; but since then the Nelson, the Howe, the St Vincent, the Britannia, the Prince Regent, the Royal George, and the Neptune, have been built, all nearly of the same dimensions, and from the same draught—nine such ships as the whole world could not at the time produce. The French had one ship larger than any of these, called the Commerce de Marseilles. She was taken by us in Toulon, but broke her back in a gale of wind. The following were the comparative dimensions of the Caledonia and the Commerce de Marseilles:— Ships. Length of Gun-deck. Length of Keel. Extreme Breadth. Depth of Hold. Tons. Caledonia Commerce de 1 Marseilles J feet. in. 205 0 208 4 feet. in. 170 9 172 0 feet. in. 53 8 54 9* feet. in. 23 2 25 0} 2617 2747 The armament of the Caledonia was as follows:—On the gun-deck she carried 32 guns, 32-pounders; middle-deck 34 24-pounders, upper-deck 34 24-pounders, carronades ; quar¬ ter-deck 10 32-pounders, and 6 12-pounders, carronades ; forecastle, 2 32-pounders, and 2 ] 2-pounders, carronades. Her complement of men was 875. At the commencement of the tfiird period, we have a somewhat more precise account of the armament of our ships of war. On the 16th of May 1677, a committee of the Navy Board, Ordnance, and certain naval officers, re¬ commended to his Majesty the following scheme for arm¬ ing and manning the thirty new ships of the line ordered to be built by act of Parliament. Guns. Cannon (supposed 42 prs.). Demi-cannon (32 prs.) Culverins (18 prs.) Twelve-pounders Sakers, upper-deck „ Forecastle „ Quarter-deck Three-pounders Total. 1st Kates. No. 26 28 28 4 12 2 100 2d Kates, 26 26 26 io 2 90 3d Kates. 26 26 4 10 4 For the 1st rate 780 men For the 2d do 660 do. For the 3d do 470 do. The rates of ships immediately after the revolution were reduced, the first being turned to second-rates, the second- NAVY. 95 Materiel, rates to third, &c., and the size of each class more equal¬ ized. But from this time forward it was found impossible to preserve anything like uniformity in the several classes. So many ships captured from the French, Dutch, and Spaniards, were added to our navy, and so many new ones built after the models of ships taken from these maritime powers, that the various descriptions of ships of which our navy was composed became a very serious evil. In the year 1745, a committee, composed of all flag-offi¬ cers unemployed, of the commissioners of the navy who were sea-officers, under the presidency of Sir John Norris, and assisted by the master shipwrights, were ordered to meet, to consider and propose proper establishments of guns, men, masts, yards, &c.,for each class of his Majesty’s ships; and, according to their recommendation, the rates, armaments, and complements of his Majesty’s ships were to be as follows :— 1st rates. 2d „ . 3d „ . 4th „ . 5th „ . 6th „ . 100 guns 850 or 750 men. 90 „ 750 „ 660 „ 80 650 „ 600 „ 70 „ 520 „ 460 „ 60 „ 420 „ 380 „ 50 „ 350 „ 280 „ 44 280 „ 220 „ 24 160 „ 140 „ But this establishment was very soon departed from ; for on the 3d of February 1747 the Board of Admiralty acquainted his Majesty, that the French ship Invincible, lately captured, was found to be larger than his Majesty’s ships of 90 guns and 750 men; and suggested that this ship, and all other prizes of the like class, and also his Ma¬ jesty’s ships of 90 guns, when reduced to two decks and a-half, and 74 guns, should be allowed a complement of 700 men. And it further appears that at the latter end of the reign of George II. the rates of ships had undergone a very material alteration, for they consisted as under:— 1st rates 100 guns. 2d „ 90 „ 3d „ 80 „ 74—70 — 64 guns. 4th „ 60 „ 50 „ 5th „ 44 ,, 38—-36—32 ,, 6th „ 30 „ 28-24—20 „ The scales for measuring the ships were as various as their rates; and the evil was further increased by the va¬ rieties which it was found necessary to introduce in the rigging and arming of the ships of war. The masts, yards, rigging, and stores, were of so many and various dimen¬ sions, as to be not only highly inconvenient, but extremely expensive. When Lord Nelson was off Cadiz with 17 or 18 sail of the line, he had no less than seven different classes of 74-gun ships, each requiring different-sized masts, sails, yards, &c., so that in the event of one of these being dis¬ abled, the others could not supply her with such stores as could be appropriated to her wants. To remedy the many inconveniences resulting from the irregularities above mentioned, the lords of the Admiralty suggested, by their memorial to the Prince Regent, which, by his order in Council, of the 25th November 1816, was ordered to be carried into effect, that the ships of the navy should for the future be rated as under:— The first rate to include all three-deckers, in as much as all sea-going ships of that description carry a hundred guns and upwards. The second rate to include all ships of 80 guns and upwards, on two decks. The third rate to include all ships of 70 guns and up¬ wards, but less than 80 guns. The fourth rate to include all ships of 50 and upwards, but less than 70 guns. The fifth rate to include all ships from 36 to 50 guns. The sixth rate to include all ships from 24 to 36 guns. And that the complements of men be established as Materiel. 1st rates 900 — 850 or 800 men. 2d „ 700 or 650 „ 3d 650 „ 600 4th „ 450 „ 350 „ 5th „ 300 „ 280 „ 6th „ 175 — 145 or 125 „ Of sloops, the complements established according to their size were to consist of 135, 125, 95, or 75 men ; of brigs (not sloops), cutters, schooners, and bombs, 60 or 50 men. 4 Thus at that time stood the rating and manning of the navy ; but it is now as follows, viz i- Present Rating of the Navy. Classes and Denominations of Her Majesty’s Ships. 1. Rated ships, that is to say, ships registered on the list of the royal navy, under one of the six following rates :— First-rates, to comprise all ships carrying 110 guns and upwards, or whose complements consist of 950 men or more. Second-rates, to comprise one of her Majesty’s yachts, and all ships carrying under 110 guns, and not less than 80 guns, or whose complements are under 950, and not less than 720 men. Third-rates, to comprise her Majesty’s other yachts, and all such vessels as may hear the flag or pennant of any admiral, superin¬ tendent, or captain superintendent of one of her Majesty’s dock¬ yards ; and all ships carrying under 80 guns, and not less than 70; or whose complements are under 720, and not less than 600 men. Fourth-rates, to comprise all ships carrying under 70 guns, and not less than 50, or whose complements are under 600, and not less than 440 men. Fifth-rates, to comprise all ships under 50 guns, and not less than 30; or whose complements are under 440, and not less than 300 men ; and Sixth-rates, to consist of all other ships hearing a captain. 2. Sloops,—to comprise homb-ships and all other vessels com¬ manded by commanders. 3. All other ships commanded by lieutenants, and having com¬ plements of not less than 60 men. Smaller vessels, not classed as above, to have such smaller com¬ plements as the lords commissioners of the Admiralty may from time to time direct. The following is the present complement of ships :— It is of the utmost importance, with a view to convenience and economy, that the size and dimensions of the several rates should be kept as nearly as possible equal, in order that one description of stores may be applicable to every ship of the same rate. To this end the commissioners of naval revision have recommended, “ that the ships of each class or rate should be constructed, in every particular, according to the form of the best ship in the same class in our navy; of the same length, breadth, and depth; the masts of the same dimensions, and placed in the same parts of the ship, with the same form and size of the sails.” A complete classification of masts, yards, and sails, has since been established. The nine line-of-battle ships previously alluded to as “ the largest the world could produce,” are now far ex¬ ceeded by the screw steam-ships recently built, and in course of construction,—viz., the Victoria, and Howe, each of 121 guns and 1000 horse-power; the Royal Sovereign, Prince of Wales, and Marlborough, each of 131 guns and 800 horse-power; and the Duke of Wellington, of 131 guns and 700 horse-power. Besides these, we have the Royal Albert, 121 guns, 500 horse*power; the Trafalgar, 120 guns ; the Donegal, 101 guns, 800 horse-power; the Revenge, 91 guns, 800 horse-power; the St Jean d’Acre, 101 guns, 600 horse-power; the James Watt, Agamem¬ non, and Orion, each of 91 guns and 600 horse-power; the Princess Royal, 91 guns, 400 horse-power; the Shan¬ non steam frigate, 51 guns, 600 horse-power ; the Terrible (paddle), 21 guns, 800 horse-power; the Doris, 32 guns, 800 horse-power; and many other screw ships (including the Mersey and Orlando, both of the lai'gest class frigates with an armament of 40 and 50 guns respectively). The large line-of-battle ships, however, are generally considered ill adapted for the ordinary purposes of war, and will pro¬ bably be discontinued. The rapid increase of steam-ships in the Royal Navy has of late years been surprising, and probably ere long there will be no other class of ships or vessels afloat. Indeed this is nearly the case now. Steam corvettes and steam gun-boats supply the place of all the smaller class of vessels. There are at present 160 gun-boats on the list of the Royal Navy, of 20, 40, 60, and 80 horse-power. Improvements in Construction. If we look back to the days of Elizabeth, when the chain-pump, the capstan, the striking of the top-masts, the studding-sails, top-gallant-sails, sprit-sails, &c., were first introduced into the navy, one can scarcely conceive how they contrived to keep the sea for any length of time; but these improvements, important as they were, are trifling when compared with those aids and conveniences which have gradually been introduced since her reign, and which a ship of war now enjoys. When Sir Anthony Deane, in 1664, raised the lower ports of a two-decker four and a half feet out of the water, which had before been scarcely three feet, and made a ship of this class to stow six months’ provisions instead of three, it was justly considered as a most important improvement; not less so, when the breadth of a ship of this class was carried to 45 feet. “ The builders of England,” says Pepys, “before 1673, had not well considered that breadth only will make a stiff ship.” It must be confessed, however, that, as far as the form of a ship’s bottom depends on scientific principles, we have copied our best models from the French, sometimes with capricious variations, which more frequently turned out to be an injurious alteration than an improvement. The first essential alteration in the form of our ships of the line was taken from the Superbe, a French ship of seventy-four guns, which anchored at Spithead, on the model of which, as already stated, the Harwich was built by Sir Anthony Deane in 1674; since which time we have constantly been copying from French models, improving or spoiling, as chance might determine. “ Where we have built exactly after the form of the best of the French ships that we have taken,” say the commissioners of naval revi¬ sion, “ thus adding our dexterity in building to their know¬ ledge in theory, the ships, it is generally allowed, have proved the best in our navy; but whenever our builders have been so far misled by their little attainments in the science of naval architecture as to depart from the model before them in any material degree, and attempt improve¬ ments, the true principles on which ships ought to be con¬ structed (being imperfectly known to them) have been mistaken or counteracted, and the alterations, according to the information given to us, have in many cases done harm.” Whilst, therefore, they add, “ our rivals in naval power were employing men of the greatest talents and most extensive acquirements to call in the aid of science for improving the construction of ships, we have contented ourselves with groping on in the dark in quest of such discoveries as chance might bring in our way.” Upon these grounds, and by the recommendation of the commissioners, a school for a superior class of shipwright apprentices was established in Portsmouth dockyard. It consisted of twenty-five young men of liberal education, whose mornings were passed in the study of mathematics and mechanics, and in their application to naval architec¬ ture, and the remainder of the day under the master ship¬ wright in the mould-loft, and in all the various kinds of manual labour connected with ship-building, as well as in the management and conversion of timber, so as to make them, at the same time, fully acquainted with all the duties in detail of a practical shipwright. After producing more officers than could be provided for, it was deemed expedient to break up the establishment. If, however, we had hitherto been inferior to the French in the scientific principles of ship-building, in the construc¬ tive part we left them behind beyond all comparison ; and notwithstanding the narrow prejudices which have been more remarkably adhered to among shipwrights than among almost any other class of artizans, various alterations and improvements have from time to time been introduced into the mechanical part of naval architecture, which have added to the strength, the stability, the comfort, and convenience of our ships of war, and rendered them, in every point of view, superior to those of any other nation. The applica¬ tion of iron where wood was formerly used, and of copper for iron, has added considerably to the durability of ships; and the sheathing of their bottoms with copper, to their celerity, giving them at the same time a protection against the worm and those marine insects which were wont to adhere to them; yet it is remarkable how strong the preju¬ dice was against this practice before it obtained a due de¬ gree of credit. In the fleet of Sir Edward Hughes in India there was but one coppered ship, and Rodney’s squadron in the West Indies had but four that were coppered in the year 1782 ; but these were enough so completely to establish their superiority over the others with wooden sheathing, that in the year 1782 the whole British navy was coppered. But the greatest of all improvements in the construc¬ tion of ships of war, as tending to their strength and durability, is the system of diagonal bracing, first intro¬ duced by Mr (afterwards Sir Robert) Seppings, surveyor of the navy, and now universally adopted in all ships of the line and frigates,—a system that may be said to have estab¬ lished a new era in naval architecture. Of all large ma¬ chines destined to undergo severe shocks, a ship is perhaps the least skilfully and artificially contrived. Her several parts are put together on a principle so much opposed to that which constitutes strength, that if a ship on the old construction should be put upon wheels, and drawn over a rough pavement, the action of a day would shake her in pieces; but being destined to move in an element that closes upon her, and presses her equally on all sides, she is prevented from falling in pieces outwards, and her beams and decks preserve her from tumbling inwards. Whoever has observed a ship in frame, as it is called, on the stocks— that is, with only her timbers erected—must be forcibly re¬ minded of the skeleton of some large quadruped, as of a horse or ox, laid on its back; the keel resembling the back¬ bone, and the curved timbers the ribs, which is, in fact, the name by which they sometimes go. These ribs, issuing at right angles from the keel, consist, in a seventy-four gun ship, of about 800 different pieces, the space between each rib seldom exceeding five inches. These ribs are covered with a skin or planks of different thicknesses within and without, also at right angles to the ribs, and fixed to them by means of wooden pins or tree-nails. In the inside three or four tiers of beams cross the skeleton from side to side, at right angles to both planks and ribs. These beams sup¬ port the decks. At right angles to the beams are pieces of wood called carlings, and at right angles to these other pieces called ledges, and upon these the planks of the deck N A Materiel, are laid in a direction at right angles to the beams, and pa- rallel to the planking of the sides. From this sketch it will be perceived that all the parts of a ship are either parallel or at right angles to each other. The ribs form a right angle with the keel, the planks inside and out are at right angles to the ribs, the beams at right angles to these, the carlings to the beams, the ledges to the carlings, and the planks of the decks to the ledges, the beams, and the ribs. Now, it is well known to every common carpenter that this disposition of materials is the weakest that can be adopted. Thus, if five pieces of wood be pinned together in the shape of a parallelo¬ gram, it will require but little force to move them from the rectangular to the oblique or rhomboidal shape. But place a cross-bar, as in the figure Z, as carpenters are accus¬ tomed to do on a common gate, and it is no longer moveable on the points of fastening. The strongest proof of a ship’s partaking of this weakness in the old construction is afforded on her being first launched into the water, when it is invaria" bly found that the two extremities, being less water-borne than the middle, drop, and give to the ship a convex cur¬ vature upwards, an effect which, from its resemblance to the shape of a hog’s back, is usually called hogging. In very weak or old ships this effect may be discovered in all the port-holes of the upper-deck, by their having taken the shape of lozenges, declining different ways from the centre of the ship to each extremity. To obviate this great defect, Seppings tried the expe¬ riment of applying to the ribs or timbers of the ship, from one extremity to the other, and from the orlop-deck down¬ wards to the kelson, that well-known principle in carpen¬ try, called trussing; being, in fact, a series of diagonal braces disposing themselves into triangles, the sides of which give to each other a mutual support and counter¬ action. These triangles were firmly bolted to the frame; and in order to give a continuity of strength to the whole machine, and leave no possible room for play, he filled the spaces between the frames with old-seasoned timber cut into the shape of wedges; but afterwards with a prepared cement, thus rendering the lower part of the ship or floor one solid complete mass, possessing the strength and firm¬ ness of a rock; but a few years have proved that this cement has injured the timber. The same principle of trussing is carried from the gun- deck upwards, from whence, between every port, is in¬ troduced a diagonal brace, which completely prevents the tendency of ships to stretch, or draw asunder their upper works. The decks, too, are made subservient to the more firmly securing of the beams to the sides of the ship, by the planks being laid diagonally in contrary directions, from the midships to the sides, and at an angle of forty-five degrees with the beams, and at right angles with the ledges. In frigates and smaller vessels, iron plates, lying at an angle of forty-five degrees with the direction of the trusses, are substituted for the diagonal frame of wood in ships of the line. By this mode of construction, the ceiling or internal planking is wholly dispensed with, and a very consider¬ able saving of the finest oak timber thereby effected; and, what is more important, those receptacles of filth and ver¬ min between the timbers, which were before closed up by the planking, are entirely got rid of. This is not the least important part of the improvement, either as it concerns the soundness of the ship or the health of the crew. It is stated that a ship which had been three years in India, on YOL. XVI. V Y. 97 being laid open, exhibited a mass of filth, mixed up with Materiel, dead rats, mice, cockroaches, and other vermin, which was ^ taken out in cakes, not unlike in appearance the oil-cake with which certain animals are fed; that the stench was abominable, and the timbers with which it was in contact rotten. No such filth can find a lodgment in ships of war as they are now built. It has been a subject of discussion amongst ship-build- Fasten¬ ers, whether tree-nails or metallic fastenings are to beinSs- preferred. The objection to iron bolts is their rapid cor¬ rosion, from the gallic acid of the wood, the sea-water, and perhaps by a combination of both; in consequence of which the fibres of the wood around them become in¬ jured, the bolts wear away, the water oozes through, and the whole fabric is shaken and disarranged. This corro¬ sion of iron fastenings was most remarkable when the practice of sheathing ships with copper became general, and when iron nails were made use of to fix it; for, by the contact of the two metals in the sea-water a galvanic action took place, and both were immediately corroded. Mixed metal nails are now used for this purpose; and cop¬ per bolts are universally employed below the line of flotation, though it is found that in these also oxidation takes place to a certain degree, and causes partial leaks. Various mixtures of metals have been tried, but all of them are considered as liable to greater objections than pure copper. It would appear, then, that tree-nails, if properly made, well seasoned, and driven tight, are the least objec¬ tionable, being seldom found to occasion leaks, or to injure the plank or timbers through which they pass. This spe¬ cies of fastening has at all times been used by all the maritime nations of Europe. The Dutch were in the habit of importing them from Ireland, it being supposed that the oak grown in that country was tougher and stronger than any which could be procured on the Continent, and in all respects best adapted for the purpose. “ Under all circumstances,” says Mr Knowles, “ it appears that the present method of fastening ships generally with tough, well-seasoned tree-nails, with their ends split, and caulked after being driven, and securing the buts of each plank with copper bolts well clenched, is liable to fewer objections, and more conducive to the durability of the timber, than any other which has been tried or proposed to be established.” Rounding the form of the bow in ships of the line is Round considered by nautical men as of great utility and import- t0 ance. The plan was first proposed by Seppings in 1807, and has since been generally adopted. The removal of the head railing, and the continuing of the rounded form, give not only great additional strength to the ship, but also much more comfort and convenience to the crew, and security in that part of the ship when in action. The scarcity of compass or crooked timber was, forScarphing some time, attended with serious injury to those ships ofasubstitut0 war while on the stocks, into which it was considered necessary to be introduced. The difficulty with which it^s im was procured, the length of time which a ship sometimes remained on the stocks waiting for a few pieces of com¬ pass timber, the green wood, when found, being imme¬ diately added to the seasoned timber in other parts of the frame, gave to the ship different periods of durability; though, in the long run, the seasoned parts became af¬ fected by the green wood with which they were in con¬ tact, and a premature decay of the whole fabric was the consequence. Seppings, therefore, proposed a plan in 1806, which, by uniting short timbers according to a me¬ thod called scarphing, enabled him to obtain every spe¬ cies of compass-form that could be required from straight timber. Since that period, the whole tfame of a ship can be prepared at once, without waiting for particular pieces, and thus every part of it can be made to undergo an equal . degree of seasoning. N* 98 Materiel. Plan for rendering frigate timber ap¬ plicable to ships of the line. Use of chocks abo¬ lished. NAVY. By the same ingenious and indefatigable surveyor of the navy, a plan was proposed and adopted in the year 1813, by which ships of the line were built with timber hitherto considered as applicable only to the building of frigates, and that which had been deemed only fit for in¬ ferior uses was appropriated to principal purposes. The Talavera was the first ship built on this principle, and the expense of her hull is stated to have been about L.1000 less than that of the Black Prince, a ship of similar dimensions built upon the old principle. The method by which the timbers were united was found, on trial of the Talavera with the Black Prince, whilst in frame, to give so much additional strength to the former, that it furnished the groundwork of the present mode of framing the British navy, by the introduction of the same union of materials in the application of the large as was practised in that of the small timber, and from which both strength and economy have been united. The building of the Talavera, and the great strength of her frame, led to the practice of putting together the frames of ships of the line from timbers ot reduced lengths, and dispensing altogether with the chocks used for uniting their extremities, or, as they are technically called, their heads and heels. These chocks are of the form of an obtuse wedge, as A, and they are used to unite the two pieces of timber, as B and C, by firmly bolting the piece A to the two timbers B and C. It generally happened, however, that in the operation of thus fixing this chock its two extremities split, and the surfaces of the chock and timbers not being in perfect contact, the moisture and the air were admitted, and occa¬ sioned, as they always do, the dry rot to a greater degree in those parts of the ship than in most others ; and as there were from 400 to 500 of these chocks in a 74-gun ship, it will readily be conceived what mischief was done to the whole fabric, if the greatest care was not taken by the work¬ men to prevent their splitting, and to bring their surfaces immediately into contact. It is obvious, also, that a great deal of timber must have been cut to waste in making these chocks; and, in fact, they consumed timber in each ship, when it was at a high price, to the value of from L.1500 to L.2000, besides a considerable expense in workmanship; and when the ship came to be repaired, not one chock in six was found to be in a fit state to be used again. It is not easy to conceive how this practice of uniting the tim¬ bers of a ship’s frame came to be introduced so generally into the British navy, more especially as it is unknown in any other nation. It was probably first adopted to preserve the length of some particular timber, one of the ends of which being defective, the unsound part may have been cut away in the manner represented, and the sound chock introduced to fill up the vacuity. But it is quite surprising how a practice should have become general which creates a waste of timber, an increase of workmanship, and sows the seeds of premature decay. To obviate these disadvantages, Sir Robert Sep- pings brought the butt ends of the timbers together thus— 3E and kept them together by means of a round dowal or coak, as C, just as the fellies of a carriage-wheel are fas¬ tened together. He justly observes, that the simplicity of the workmanship, the economy in the conversion of timber, and the greater strength and durability, although of con¬ siderable moment, are of but trifling importance when com¬ pared with the advantage of rendering timber generally more applicable to the frames of ships which had heretofore but been partially so. t Another great improvement in the construction of ships of war, introduced by Seppings, is the round stern, which, Materiel, however unsightly it may at first appear, from our being ac- v* customed to view the square stern, with its grotesque carved Round work, is even in appearance more consistent with the ter- stern, mination of the sweeping lines of a ship’s bottom than the cutting them off abruptly with a square stern. But the ad¬ ditional strength which is thus given to a ship in that part which was hitherto the weakest, is alone sufficient to re¬ commend the adoption of the plan in our ships of war, par¬ ticularly in those of the larger classes. The advantages gained by circular sterns are thus enumerated by Sir Robert Seppings:— 1. They give additional strength to the whole fabric of a ship. 2. They afford additional force in point of defence. 3. They admit of the guns being run out in a similar way to those in the sides. 4. From the circular form, and mode of carrying up the timbers, an additional protection against shot is obtained if the ship should be raked. 5. The stern being equally strong as the bow, no serious injury can accrue in the event of the ship being pooped; and the ship may be moored, if so required, by the stern. 6. A ship will sail better upon a wind, from the removal of the projections of the quarter galleries. 7. Ships of the line have now a stern-walk, protected by a veranda, and so contrived that the officers can walk all round, can observe the set of the sails, and the fleet in all directions. 8. The compass-timber heretofore expended for transoms is replaced with straight timber, and worked nearly to a right angle, which affords a considerable saving in the con¬ sumption of timber. 9. The counter being done away by the circular stern, the danger from boats being caught under it is obviated. In fact, the circular stern possesses many other advan¬ tages not necessary to be enumerated in this place. Another important improvement in the interior construe- Iron knees, tion of ships has been the substitution of iron in lieu of the clumsy wooden knees for the support of the decks. Sir William Symonds, who was many years surveyor of Classifica- the navy, and who greatly improved the build of ships oftion of all classes, assisted by Mr Edie, was the first to reduce to a an<1 system and classify the masts and yards, the advantage of^ar s‘ which cannot be overrated. In the same way the armament of a ship is now brought Armament, more into a system, and it is no longer necessary to alter the fittings of the ports to allow of elevating and depressing the guns. These, and many other similar systematic ar¬ rangements—simple enough, it must be admitted—are of very recent introduction into the service. The names of Oliver Lang, his son Oliver W. Lang, (who has built the fastest steam-vessels afloat), Fincham, and Roberts, master-shipwrights of the several yards, are also closely connected with various important improve¬ ments in ship-building in the Royal Navy. Improvements in the Preservation of the Navy. Not only is the new mode of construction highly favour¬ able to the duration of ships, but the ravages of the disease which is known by the name of the dry rot, occasioned principally by the hurry in which ships were built in the course of the French war, and the unseasoned state of the timber made use of (see Dry Rot), led to such measures as tend most effectually to the preservation of the fleet. In the first place, various modes were put in practice for By pre- assorting and seasoning the timber, and for protecting it vention of from the vicissitudes of the weather. The oak and fir ot dry r0 ’ Canada, which had been introduced to a great extent into our dockyards during the time the Baltic was shut against this country, are now excluded ; these woods having been NAVY. 99 Materiel, found not only to possess little durability, but to be so friendly to the growth of fungi that they communicated the baneful disease to all other descriptions of timber with which they came in contact. The practice of building ships under cover, introduced into our dockyards in the course of the said war, and carried to an extent so as to have roofed over almost every dock and slip in all the yards, has been pre¬ ventive of the progress of dry rot. (See Dockyards.) By pre- A ship now placed in ordinary, whether new or newly cautions in repaired, is carefully housed over, so that no rain can reach ordinary. ]ier lower decks; several streaks of planks are removed from her sides and decks to admit a thorough draft of air, which is sent down by wind-sails, and which pervades every part of the ship : and these, with the addition of two small airing-stoves, in which a few cinders are burned, render her perfectly dry and comfortable on all the decks and store¬ rooms. All the shingle ballast is removed out of the hold, which is thoroughly cleaned and re-stowed with iron ballast. The former practice of mooring two ships together, by which the two sides next to each other, deprived of the sun and a free circulation of air, were generally found to be de¬ cayed, is discontinued. The lower masts are left standing, and their tops housed over; the gun-carriages and several of the stores are left on board; and such, in short, is the state of a ship in ordinary, that she may be fitted in all re¬ spects for proceeding to sea in half the usual time. “ The ships,” says Mr Knowles, “ are frequently pumped to clear them of bilge-water, and cleanliness in every respect is at¬ tended to; the lower decks are rubbed with dry stones, commonly called holly-stones, and with sand, the use of water upon them being strictly forbidden.” But that which most of all is likely to insure the preservation of the fleet whilst in the state of ordinary, is the recent regulation which places the ordinary under the immediate superintendence of a captain at each port, with other commissioned officers under his orders, who take care that the warrant-officers and ship-keepers attend to the proper airing, ventilating, and keeping clean and dry their respective ships. By immer- A practice had been introduced into the dockyards of sion of steeping oak timber in salt water for several months, and timber in t|ien stacking it till it became perfectly dry, which is said sa water. to jiave entire]y pUt a st0p to the progress of dry rot where it had already commenced, and to have acted as a preventive to that disease. Some doubts, however, were entertained on this point, and the practice has been discontinued. The Americans seem to place little confidence in the good effects which are said to have been experienced from the immer¬ sion of timber. Rodgers, the commissioner of their navy, stated in an official report addressed to the secretary, that “ experiments have been made to arrest the dry rot in ships, by sinking them for months in salt water, but without suc¬ cess. The texture of the wood was found to be essentially injured by being thus water-soaked, and it became more subject to this disease than before it was sunk. The ships were also injured in their fastenings, and the atmosphere within them was kept in a constant state of humidity, whence, among other ill effects, proceeded injury to pro¬ visions and stores, and sickness to the crews.” The truth is, the American timber, with the single exception, per¬ haps, of the live-oak, is remarkably subject to dry rot, of which, during the war with France, we had fatal experience. Mr Rodgers, however, accounts for the condition in which the oak and pine were received in England from Canada by their immersion in water. “ The Canada timber,” he ob¬ serves, “ is brought down the St Lawrence in large rafts, continues months in water, and in that saturated state is landed and exposed to frost; every attempt to season it under cover is unavailing; its pores never close again, and when used as ship-timber dry rot ensues, which, when once commenced, can never be arrested but by taking out all the pieces in any degree affected.” The Russians, he says, are so fully aware of the injurious effects of soaking ship-timber Materiel in water, that it is brought from great distances down the ^ ^) rivers in crafts instead of rafts. The Russian ships, how¬ ever, with all this precaution, are not remarkable for dura¬ bility. The ships built at Antwerp by the French were in a state of rottenness before they were launched; but whether this was owing to the bad quality of the timber of the Ger¬ man forests, or to its being water-soaked in rafting down the Rhine, remains doubtful. But we can have no doubt that porous timber is injured by moisture, though the solid Bri¬ tish oak may be improved by the dissolution of its sap juices, to the fermentation of which the disease known by name of dry rot may perhaps be chiefly owing. “ Water,” says Lescalier, a French writer of considerable merit on the subject, “ seems to be favourable to the decomposition of the sap of timber when immersed ; but it substitutes in its place another kind of moisture not less destructive, of which the timber, though afterwards exposed to the air, will not easily get rid ; besides, it weakens and destroys the grain of the wood.” “The best means,” he adds, “of preserving timber, appears to be that of keeping it in well- constructed and airy sheds, in a vertical position, so that the moisture which remains in the interior of the logs, by running along the fibres of the wood, may be enabled to issue from the lower extremity. Timber thus kept dry, under shelter, will preserve itself for ages.” Mr Knowles, secretary to the committee of surveyors of his Majesty’s navy, in his treatise on the Means of Preserving the British Navy, is led to conclude, from a variety of experiments, “ that timber is better seasoned when kept for two years and a half under cover, than when placed for six months in water, and then for two years in the air, protected from the rain and sun; that it loses more in seasoning by having been, during the six months of immersion, alternately wet and dry, than the whole time under water ; and that the loss in moisture is greater in all cases in a given time when the butt ends are placed downwards.” And he adds, as a general principle, “ that no timber should be brought into use in this country until it has been felled at least three years.” Sir William Burnett, many years physician of the navy, pro¬ duced a solution for the preservation of timber and canvas, which has been found in many cases efficacious. Next to the system of diagonal braces, the roofing thrown By roofing over them whilst building and in ordinary may be con-tlie ships, sidered as the greatest of all improvements for the preserva¬ tion of the navy. The utility of it is so obvious, that it is quite extraordinary such a practice should not have been earlier adopted; more especially as at Venice, at Carlscrona, and at Cronstadt, ships of war had long been built, re¬ paired, and protected under covered roofs. It was strongly recommended to the English ship-builders sixty or seventy years ago, but without effect; and had it not been for the extraordinary ravages of the dry rot in the unseasoned timber-built ships of the navy, we should still have been without roofs to our docks and slips. If the dockyards were of sufficient capacity, there can be By other no doubt that the efficient plan to accomplish their dura- means, bility would be that of keeping them on the slip, when built, under cover. A large frigate, the Worcester, remained on the slip and under cover for six or seven years, and there was not a flaw in her of any kind. It was stated by Mr Strange, when examined by the commissioners for land re¬ venue, that in the year 1790 there were twenty-two ships of the line under roofs in the port of Venice, some of which had remained in that situation fifty-nine years. Since, how¬ ever, it is utterly impracticable to keep our navy on slips or in dry docks, the next important consideration is, how best to preserve them afloat in a state of ordinary. Various expedients have been at different times resorted to in order to prevent the premature decay of ships laid up in this state during peace. The two great requisites for their preserva- 100 Materiel. Principal naval stores. Hemp. Pitch and tar. NAVY. tion are ventilation and cleanliness. To promote the for¬ mer, wind-sails were in general use ; though, if not attended to, so as to oppose the open part to the quarter from whence the wind blows, or if the weather be calm, they are of little benefit. Pneumatic machines of various kinds, as pumps and bellows, have been applied to force out the foul air, and introduce atmospherical air into the lower parts of a ship’s hold. Heated air from stoves, placed in various parts of the ship, and conducted through tubes, was thought at one time to be efficacious in the preservation of the navy; but experience soon showed that the heat thus circulated was so far objectionable, as it tended to encourage the growth of fungus where there was any moisture lodged, and in the timber which had not been thoroughly seasoned. Perhaps no better means can be suggested than those we have de¬ scribed to be in practice,—namely, to keep them clean, to ad¬ mit as much dry air as possible, and to exclude all moisture. Finally, if we take into consideration the numerous im¬ provements which a war, unparalleled in its duration, had been the means of introducing into the materiel of the navy, whether it regards the economy of its application, the construction of the ships, or their mode of preservation, we may safely say, that at no former period was this country in possession of such a navy as after the close of the war with France, in respect of the number, size, and good con¬ dition of the ships which compose a fleet superior to those of the whole world besides ; and it is gratifying to find that, with all the enormous consumption of the military and mer¬ cantile navy, it does not appear that the naval resources of Great Britain were at that time at all impaired. The pre¬ sent state of the navy, at the close of another great war, in which its resources were in some respects severely tried, is no less satisfactory. Naval Resources. It is of essential importance that the supply of stores for the use of the fleet should not only be adequate to the de¬ mand, but that a sufficient stock should be kept on hand to answer any sudden emergency. This is the more neces¬ sary with regard to those species of stores which are derived from foreign nations. The principal articles of consumption required for build¬ ing and equipping a fleet are,—hemp, canvas, pitch, tar, iron, copper, and timber. All these articles might un¬ questionably be produced in sufficient quantities in the united kingdom and her colonies, if necessity absolutely required it. Hemp, for instance, might be grown to any extent in Great Britain and Ireland, were not the land more advantageously employed in raising other articles of consumption, and if it could not be cheaper imported from Russia. In the East Indies, the Sunn hemp (inferior, it is true, to Russian hemp) might be procured to any extent; and other plants, both there and at home, might be substi¬ tuted for the making of cordage and canvas. For pitch and tar recourse might be had to the pitch-lake on the island of Trinidad, and the coal-tar, of which an inexhaust¬ ible supply may be had at home. The lake is about four miles in circumference, and many feet in depth, of solid pitch; and it is stated that, when mixed with oil or tallow, it is rendered fit for all the purposes to which pitch and tar are usually applied. It has the advantage of securing ships’ bottoms against the attack of the worm, which is very active in the neighbouring gulf of Para; and it does not corrode iron. The coal-tar of home manufacture, from some prejudice or other, was refused a fair trial till very lately, and it is now deemed not inferior for many purposes to the common tar. For painting or tarring over wood¬ work of every kind, it is said to stand exposure to the weather even better than the common tar ; and it is used for injecting, in large quantities, between the timbers of ships, as a preservative from the dry rot; its powerful smell having also the good effect of driving rats and other Materiel, vermin out of the ships in which it is employed. In the two important articles of copper and iron, our own Copper and resources may be considered as inexhaustible. Formerly iron, it was deemed indispensable that certain articles should be made of Swedish iron ; but of late years our own has been manufactured in every respect equally good; and the exten¬ sive application of this metal in bridges, barges, dock-gates, roofs, rafters, floors, &c., has been equally progressive in most naval purposes. Iron knees, and other modes of bind¬ ing the beams to the side timbers of ships, are now substi¬ tuted for those large and crooked pieces of timber, as al¬ ready stated, which were once deemed absolutely neces¬ sary. Our cables, rigging, buoys, and tanks for holding water, are also now of iron. A few steam-vessels have also iron ships, been constructed of iron ; but from experiments made by firing at them, they have been found wholly unsuited for purposes of war, the shot passing through their side, and leav¬ ing frightful rents, which, if struck between wind and water, would speedily cause them to fill and sink. It is therefore assumed that they will be discontinued in the Royal Navy. But the most important article of demand for the use of Timber, the navy is timber, principally oak, concerning the supply of which from our own territories different opinions have been entertained. A deficiency in other articles may readily be supplied. A failure in the importation of hemp, for instance, in any one year, might be remedied the next, by an extended cultivation of that article ; but it requires a whole century to repair any defalcation of oak timber, and to render us independent of other nations. Nor has the subject been sufficiently elucidated, so as to form a just opinion, by the several committees of the House of Com¬ mons, the evidence produced being almost always loose, and generally contradictory. The committee of 1771, which was directed to inquire into the state of oak timber throughout the kingdom, either from a disagreement of opinion, or defect of evidence, or a wish to avoid giving alarm, prayed the House to discharge that part of its order which required them to report their opinion. The Commis¬ sioners of Woods and Forests, however, in their report laid before Parliament in 1792, appeared to establish the fact of an alarming scarcity of oak timber in general, but more particularly of large naval timber, both in the royal forests and on private estates. And if such was really the fact in 1792, it will readily be conceived what the state of timber fit for naval purposes must have been at the conclusion of the revolutionary war, when the amount of private shipping had increased from 1,300,000 tons to 2,500,000 tons, or nearly doubled; that of the East India Company, in the same period, from 79,900 tons to 115,000 tons ; and that of the navy from 400,000 to 800,000 tons: to say nothing of the vast consumption of oak timber in all kinds of mill-work and other machinery ; in the barrack and ordnance depart¬ ments ; in mines, collieries, and agriculture; in docks and dock-gates ; in piers, locks, and sluices; in boats, barges, lighters, bridges, and a great many other purposes to which this timber is applied. From these and many other causes, the diminution of oak timber was infinitely greater than the commissioners had calculated upon, and yet they recommended that 100,000 acres belonging to the crown should be set apart and planted for the future supply of the navy. A bill to this effect, relating to the New Forest, passed the Commons, but was thrown out by the Lords. On the departments of the surveyor-general of the land Report of revenue and the surveyor-general of the woods and forests the Com- being united, the board of commissioners made their report, which was printed, by order of the House of Com- jievenue mons, in June 1812. In this report, it is stated that, taking reSpectii)g the tonnage of the navy in 1806 at 776,087 tons, it would timber, require, at one load and a half to a ton, 1,164,085 loads to build such a navy; and supposing the average duration of Materiel. Quantity of timber required for the navy. N A a ship to be fourteen years, the annual quantity of timber required would be 83,149 loads, exclusive of repairs, which they calculate would be about 27,000 loads, making in the whole about 110,000 loads ; of which, however, the com¬ missioners reckon, may be furnished 21,341 loads as the annual average of prizes; and of the remaining 88,659 loads, they think it not unreasonable to calculate on 28,659 from other sources than British oak. “ This,” they observe, “ leaves 60,000 loads of such oak as the quantity which would be sufficient annually to support, at its present unex¬ ampled magnitude, the whole British navy, including ships of war of all sorts, but which may be taken as equivalent together to 20 74-gun ships, each of which, one with an¬ other, contains about 2000 tons, or would require, at the rate of a load and a half to the ton, 3000 loads, making just 60,000 loads for 20 such ships.” Now it has been supposed that not more than forty oak trees can stand on an acre of ground, so as to grow to a full size, fit for ships of the line, or to contain each a load and a half of timber; 50 acres, therefore, would be required to produce a sufficient quantity of timber to build a 74-gun ship, and 1000 acres for 20 such ships; and as the oak requires at least 100 years to arrive at maturity, 100,000 acres would be required to keep up a successive supply for maintaining a navy of 700,000 or 800,000 tons. The com¬ missioners further observe, that as there are 20,000,000 of acres of waste lands in the kingdom, a two-hundredth part set aside for planting would at once furnish the whole quantity wanted for the use of the navy. This calculation, we suspect, is overrated by about one- half. In the first place, it supposes a state of perpetual war, during which the tonnage of the whole navy is con¬ sidered as more than double of what it is in time of peace ; and in the second place, it reckons the average duration of the navy at fourteen years only, which, from the im¬ provements that have taken place in the construction and preservation of ships of war, with the resources of teak ships, built in India, we should not hesitate in assuming at an average of twice that number of years; and if so, the quan¬ tity of oak required for the navy will be nothing like that which the commissioners have stated. This, we think, will appear from a statement made (apparently on good autho¬ rity) in the midst of the war, when the ships of the line built in merchants’ yards were falling to decay after a service of five or six years. “ Assuming 400,000 tons as the amount of tonnage to he kept in commission, and the average duration of a ship of war at the moderate period of twelve and a half years, there would be required an annual supply of tonnage, to preserve the navy in an effective state, of 32,000 tons ; and as a load and a half of timber is employed for every ton, the annual demand will be 48,000 loads. The build¬ ing of a 74-gun ship consumes about 2000 oak trees, or 3000 loads of timber; so that 48,000 loads will build eight sail of the line and sixteen frigates. Allowing one- fourth part more for casualties, the annual consumption will be about 60,000 loads, or 40,000 full-grown trees, of which thirty-five will stand upon an acre of ground. The quantity of timber, therefore, necessary for the construc¬ tion of a 74-gun ship will occupy fifty-seven acres of land, and the annual demand will be the produce of 1140 acres. Allowing only ninety years for the oak to arrive at perfec¬ tion, there ought to be now standing 102,600 acres of oak plantations, and an annual felling and planting, in perpetual rotation, of 1140 acres, to meet the consumption of the navy alone. Large as this may seem, it is little more than twenty-one acres for each county in England and Wales, which is not equal to the belt which surrounds the park and pleasure-grounds of many estates.” The above calculation proceeds upon the principle that every acre is covered with trees fit for naval purposes, or v Y. ioi that it contains thirty-five trees, with a load and a half of Materiel, timber in each. It may be doubted, however, if on the ■> average of plantations we shall find more than one-tenth of that number on an acre ; and as the same writer endea¬ vours to show that the quantity of oak timber consumed in the navy is only about one-tenth part of the whole con¬ sumption of the country, instead of 102,600 acres being sufficient for a perpetual supply, there would be required some ten or twelve millions of acres, in plantations similar to those at present existing, to supply the demand for oak timber. Whether such a quantity exists or not, the fact is certain, that, before the conclusion of the long war, a scarcity began to be felt, especially of the larger kind of timber, fit for building ships of the line ; and so great was this scarcity, that if Sir Robert Seppings had not contrived the means of substituting straight timber for those of a certain form and dimension, before considered as indispensa¬ ble, the building of new ships must have entirely ceased. If, however, the growth of oak for ship-timber was greatly diminished during the war, so as to threaten an alarming scarcity, there is little doubt that, from the increased atten¬ tion paid by individuals to their young plantations, and the great extension of those plantations, as well as from the measure of allotting off portions of the royal forests to those who had claims on them, and inclosing the remainder for the use of the public, this country will, in future times, be fully adequate to the production of oak timber equal to the demand for the naval and mercantile marine. It will require, however, large and successive plantations, on account of the slow growth of the oak. But there is another tree, of late years very generally planted on rising grounds, which bids fair to become an object of great national importance, as furnishing the best, and perhaps the only substitute for oak timber. We mean the larch, which thrives well and Value of grows rapidly in bad soils and exposed situations, the timber larch for of which has been found to be durable, and, from several experiments, not inferior in strength, toughness, and elas-in®’ ticity to oak. So rapid is its growth, that the Duke of Atholl received twelve guineas for a single larch fifty years old ; the timber was valued at two shillings a foot. A larch of seventy years’ growth produces timber fit for all naval purposes, and may be considered as equal in size to an oak of double that age. The dimensions of a larch tree cut down at Blair Atholl in 1817, and then seventy-nine years of age, were as follows, viz.:—Stem, 82 feet; top, 20 feet; total height, 102 feet; girth at the ground, 12 feet ; at 19 feet, 8 feet 3|- inches; and at 57 feet, 4 feet 10 inches: solid contents, 252’8 cubic feet. Another larch, growing at Dunkeld, measured, in the year 1819, when it was eighty years old, and in full vigour, as follows, viz.:—Height of stem, 75 feet; top, 14 feet; total height, 90 feet; at 1 foot from the ground, 17 feet 8 inches in girth ; at 10 feet, 10 feet 4 inches ; and at 70 feet, 3 feet 2 inches : its contents, 300 cubic feet, or six loads. For all kinds of mill-work, as wheels, axle-trees, &c., the utility of the large larch wood is unquestionable ; and the thinnings are excellent for paling, rails, and hurdles. The value of its application for naval purposes has been put to the test of experiment ; two frigates of 28 guns, one built entirely of larch from the Duke of Atholl’s plantations, the other of Riga fir (which was considered inferior only to oak), having been intended to go through the same service, precisely in the same parts ofthe world, in order to ascertain their comparative dura¬ bility. What was the result of the experiment we are not aware, beyond the fact that the Atholl, which was one of the frigates, is still a good, sound ship, in commission at Greenock, though built, we believe, some forty years ago. In addition to our resources of naval timber at home, we Indian have wisely availed ourselves of those which India affords forteal1, building ships of war at Bombay, of teak, a wood far superior in every respect to oak, and many times more durable, not 102 Personnel. Commis¬ sioned offi¬ cers. Warrant- officers. Petty offi¬ cers. NAVY. liable to corrode iron or other metallic fastenings, not suscep¬ tible of the dry rot, nor subject to the attack of the worm. II.—PERSONNEL OF THE NAVY. "Wie personnel of the navy is composed of two different bodies of men, the seamen and the marines, each of whom have their appropriate officers. The officers of the navy are divided into two distinct branches—the military and the civil. The military, or exe¬ cutive branch, consists of flag-officers, commodores, captains, commanders, lieutenants, masters of the fleet, masters, mates, second masters, midshipmen, masters’ assistants, naval cadets, gunners, boatswains, carpenters. Flag-officers are divided into three ranks, and each rank into three squadrons, distinguished by the colours red, white, and blue : as admiral of the red, white, or blue; vice- admiral of the red, white, or blue ; rear-admiral of the red, white, or blue : the admiral wearing his colour at the main, the vice-admiral at the fore, and the rear-admiral at the mizen mast head. There is also an admiral of the fleet, who, if in command, would carry the union flag at the main. There are, besides, flag-officers on reserved half-pay, divided into three ranks, to which they rise by seniority; and super¬ annuated rear-admirals, enjoying the rank and pay of a rear-admiral, but incapable of rising to a higher rank on the list, which is considered a grievance. The rank of com¬ modore is temporary : he is generally an old captain, and is distinguished by wearing a broad pennant. He ranks next to the junior rear-admiral, and above all captains, except where the captain of the fleet shall be a captain who, in that situation, takes rank next to the junior rear-admiral. The commissioned officers of the navy take rank with Army. Field-Marshal. General. Lieutenant-General. Major-General. Brigadier-General. Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel. Major. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. command according to the priority of their commissions, or, having commissions of the same date, according to the order in which they stand on the list of the officers of the navy; except in the case of lieutenants of flag-ships, who take precedence according as the flag-officer shall think fit to appoint them. The civil branch consists of the director-general of the medical department of the navy (who ranks with a brigadier- general), medical inspectors of hospitals and fleets, and de¬ puty-medical inspectors (who rank with lieutenant-colonels and majors), chaplains, secretaries to commanders-in-chief and commodores of first class, surgeons, paymasters (for¬ merly pursers), assistant surgeons, assistant paymasters, naval instructors, clerks, clerks’ assistants, inspectors of machinery, chief engineers, and assistant engineers of 1st, 2d, and 3d class. The warrant-officers of the navy may be compared with the non-commissioned officers of the army. They take rank as follows, viz.:—Gunner, boatswain, carpenter. The petty officers are very numerous; they consist of chief petty officer, and 1st and 2d class working petty officers. Their names or ratings will be seen in the table of the establishment of the ratings and pay in the several classes of ships of war. By the Queen’s order in Council, the following regulations those ot the army as follows :— Navy. Admiral of the fleet Admiral Vice-admiral Rear-admiral Commodore (1st and 2d class)... Captain of three years Captain under ditto Commander.... Lieutenant 1 Master J Mate Second Master. 1 Midshipmen. J And all officers of the same rank are established for the promotion of commissioned officers Personnel, of the navy. Midshipmen are required to serve five years on board some of Her Majesty’s ships, three years and six Order of months of which they must have been rated as midshipmen, promotion, to render them eligible to the rank and situation of lieu¬ tenant; and they must be nineteen years of age. They enter the navy between the age of thirteen and fifteen as naval cadets, in which rank they are required to serve eighteen months, the first three of which in a training ship ; and at the end of the five years they are rated mates, and so continue till promoted. There are several intermediate ex¬ aminations required to be passed by them. No lieutenant can be promoted to the rank of commander until he has been on the list of lieutenants during two years, and has served that period at sea; and no commander to the rank of captain until he has been on the list, and has served at sea one year. Captains become admirals in succession according to their seniority on the list, provided they shall have commanded four years in a rated ship during war, or six years during peace, or five years in war and peace combined. No person can be appointed to serve as master of one of Her Majesty’s ships who shall not have served as second master; and no person can be appointed as second master until he has passed such examination as may from time to time be directed. No person can be appointed gunner unless he shall have served seven years, one of which as gunner’s mate or other petty officer, or seaman gunner, on board one or more of Her Majesty’s ships; and he must produce certificates of his good conduct, and undergo the necessary examination. No person can be appointed boatswain unless he shall have served seven years,—one complete year with the rating, and actually doing the duty of a petty officer in Her Majesty’s navy; and he must produce certificates of good conduct, and undergo the necessary examination. No person can be appointed carpenter unless he shall have served an apprenticeship to a shipwright, and been six months a carpenter’s mate or caulker, or twelve months with the rating of carpenter, on board one or more of Her Majesty’s ships. No person can be appointed chaplain to one of Her Ma¬ jesty’s ships until he has received priest’s orders; but he may be appointed to act whilst in deacon’s orders. No person can be appointed paymaster unless he shall have been rated, and have discharged the duties of a cap¬ tain’s clerk for three complete years; or two years as cap¬ tain’s clerk, and one year clerk to a secretary of a flag-officer; and been employed in the office of the secretary to a flag- officer for one other year; and shall produce good certificates, and find such security for the honest and faithful discharge of his duty as shall be required. No person can be appointed surgeon to one of Her Ma¬ jesty’s ships until he has discharged the duties of assistant- surgeon for three years, one of which at sea; and all persons applying for the situation of assistant-surgeon must undergo an examination touching their qualifications before the medical director-general of the navy. The Royal Marines, recently made light infantry, consist Royal Ma- of four great divisions; the first stationed at Chatham, the rines. second at Portsmouth, the third at Plymouth, and the fourth at Woolwich. They are composed of 104 companies besides fourteen companies of Royal Marine artillery, whose head-quarters are at Portsmouth. The first division has twenty-five companies, the second twenty-seven companies, the third twenty-seven companies, and the fourth twenty- five companies. The officers of Royal Marines take rank with the officers of the line in the army. The deputy adjutant-general, who is a major-general, and the assistant adjutant-general, who is a lieutenant- colonel in the corps, are resident in London; and to each N A Personnel, of the divisions is attached a colonel-commandant and a co- V—lonel and second commandant, a proper number of lieutenant- colonels, captains, and subaltern officers. Whilst on shore the marines are subject to the same regulations as the army; but when embarked they are liable to the naval articles of war, and to the Marine Mutiny Act. Each division has two or more adjutants; two quarter¬ masters, who are all first lieutenants; a paymaster, who is a captain in the corps; and barrackmaster, also a captain ; and to each division is a deputy-inspector of hospitals, or staff-surgeon and two assistant-surgeons. There is also a retired list of officers, who, in consideration of wounds, infirmities, and long and meritorious services, are permitted to receive their full pay, and also a reserved half-pay list. The commissions of officers of every rank in the marine corps are signed by the sovereign; but all commissions of officers of the navy are signed by two or more of the lords commissioners of the Admiralty. But the marines, whether ashore or afloat, are, as well as the officers of the navy, under the immediate direction and control of the lords commis¬ sioners of the Admiralty. All the appointments of com¬ missioned and warrant officers to ships are made exclusively by the lords of the Admiralty, or made subject to their con¬ firmation, unless in cases of the death or dismissal of officers by sentence of court-martial on foreign stations, when the admiral commanding has the power to fill up the vacancies. And the duties of each rank are pointed out in a code of instructions emanating from that board, and sanctioned by the sovereign’s order in Council. Military The civil powers and duties of the Lord High Admiral, duties of or lords commissioners of the Admiralty, are treated of under meh Ad- the ?rticle 4r)MIRAL' Their mihtary powers are more ex- miral. tensive and important. By their orders all ships are built, repaired, fitted for sea, or laid up in ordinary, broken up, or sold; put in commission or out of commission, armed, stored, and provisioned; and employed on the home or foreign stations, or on voyages of discovery. All appoint¬ ments or removals of commission and warrant officers are made by them, and all instructions issued for the guid¬ ance of their commanders; all promotion in the several ranks emanates from them; all honours bestowed for bril¬ liant ^services, and all pensions, gratuities, and superan¬ nuations for wounds, infirmities, and long services, are granted on their recommendation. All returns from the fleet are sent to the Board of Admiralty, and everything that relates to the discipline and good order of every ship. All orders for the payment of naval monies are issued to the accountant-general of the navy by the lords commissioners of the Admiralty; and the annual estimate of the expenses of the navy is prepared by them, and laid before Parliament for its sanction. All new inven¬ tions and experiments are tried by their orders before be¬ ing introduced into the service; all draughts of ships must be approved by them ; all repairs, alterations, and improve¬ ments in the dockyards, and all new buildings of every description, must be submitted for their decision before they are undertaken. Comman- flag-officers, commanders-in-chief, are considered as der-in- responsible for the conduct of the fleet or squadron under chief. their command. They are bound to keep them in perfect condition for service; to exercise them frequently in form¬ ing orders of sailing and lines of battle, and in performing all such evolutions as may occur in the presence of an ene- my; to direct the commanders of squadrons and divisions to inspect the state of each ship under their command; to see that the established rules for good order, discipline, and cleanliness, are observed; and occasionally to inquire into these and other matters themselves. They are re¬ quired to correspond with the secretary of the Admiralty, and report to him all their proceedings. If a commander-in-chief should be killed in battle, his V Y. 103 flag is to be continued flying, and intelligence conveyed Personnel, by signal or otherwise, to the next in command, who is immediately to repair on board, leaving his own flag (if a flag-officer) flying, and direct the operations of the fleet until the battle be ended, or the enemy out of sight. Every flag-officer serving in a fleet, but not commandino- Other flag- it, is required to superintend all the ships of the squadron officers, or division placed under his orders ; to see that their crews are properly disciplined ; that all orders are punctually at¬ tended to; that the stores, provisions, and water, are kept as complete as circumstances will admit; that the seamen and marines are frequently exercised; and that every pre¬ caution is taken for preserving the health of their crews; for all which he is responsible to the commander-in-chief. When at sea, he is to take care that every ship in his di¬ vision preserve her station, in whatever line or order of sailing the fleet may be formed; and in battle he is to ob¬ serve attentively the conduct of every ship near him, whether of the squadron or division under his immediate command or not; and at the end of the battle he is to re¬ port it to the commander-in-chief, in order that commen¬ dation or censure may be passed, as the case may appear to merit; and he is empowered to send an officer to super¬ sede any captain who may misbehave in battle, or whose ship is evidently avoiding the engagement. If any flag- officer be killed in battle, his flag is to be kept flying, and signals to be repeated, in the same manner as if he were still alive, until the battle shall be ended; but the death of a flag-officer, or his being rendered incapable of attend¬ ing to his duty, is to be conveyed as expeditiously as pos¬ sible to the commander-in-chief. The captain of the fleet is a temporary rank, where a Captain of commander-in-chief has ten or more ships of the line un-tlie fleet‘ der his command ; it may be compared with that of adju¬ tant-general in the army. He may either be a flag-officer, or one of the senior captains; in the former case, he takes his rank with the flag-officers of the fleet; in the latter, he ranks next to the junior rear-admiral, and is entitled to the pay and compensation of a rear-admiral. All orders of the commander-in-chief are issued through him, all returns of the fleet are made through him to the com- mander-in-chief, and he keeps a journal of the proceedings of the fleet, which he transmits every three months to the Admiralty. He is appointed and can be removed from his situation only by the lords commissioners of the Admiralty. A commodore is a temporary rank, and of two kinds; Commo- the one having a captain under him in the same ship, and ^ore* the other without a captain. The former has the rank, pay, and allowances of a rear-admiral, the latter such additional pay as the lords of the Admiralty may direct. They both carry distinguishing pennants. When a captain is appointed to command a ship of war, Captain, he commissions the ship by hoisting his pennant; and if fresh out of the dock, and from the hands of the dock¬ yard officers, he proceeds immediately to prepare her for sea, by demanding her stores, provisions, guns, and ammu¬ nition, from the respective departments, according to her establishment. He enters such men as may volunteer and be fit for the service (in time of peace), or who may be sent to him from some rendezvous for raising men ; and he gives them the several ratings of petty officers, leading sea¬ men, able seamen, ordinary, or landsmen, as their apparent qualifications may entitle them to. If he be appointed to suc¬ ceed the captain of a ship already in commission, he passes a receipt to the said captain for the ship’s books, papers, and stores, and becomes responsible and accountable for the whole ot the remaining stores and provisions ; and, to en¬ able him to keep the ship’s accounts, he is allowed one or more clerks or clerks’ assistants. The duty of the captain of a ship, with regard to the se¬ veral books and accounts, pay-books, entry, musters, dis- 104 Personnel. Lieu¬ tenant. Master. N A charges, &c., is regulated by various acts of Parliament; but the state of the internal discipline, the order, regularity, cleanliness, and the health of the crews, will depend mainly on himself and his officers. In all these respects the general printed orders for his guidance, contained in the present edition of the Queen’s regulations and Admiralty instruc¬ tions, prepared by Sir George Cockburn (aided by Mr Bar- row), and issued to the fleet in 1844, are particularly precise and minute. And, for the information of the ship’s com¬ pany, he is directed to cause the articles of war, and abstracts of all acts of Parliament for the encouragement of seamen, and all such orders and regulations for discipline as may be established, to be hung up in some public part of the ship, to which the men may at all times have access. He is also to direct that they be read to the ship’s company, all the officers being present, once at least in every month. In every ship where there is a chaplain, he is desired to be particularly careful that the attention and respect due to his sacred office be shown to him by all the officers and men, and that divine service be performed, and a sermon preached, every Sunday. He is not authorized to inflict any corporal punishment on any commissioned or warrant officer, but he may place them under arrest, and suspend any officer who shall misbehave, until an opportunity shall offer of trying such officer by a court-martial. He is enjoined to be very careful not to suffer the inferior officers or men to be treated with cruelty and oppression by their superiors. He alone is to order punishment to be inflicted, which he is never to do without sufficient cause, nor ever with greater severity than the offence may really deserve, nor until twenty-four hours after the crime has been com¬ mitted, which must be specified in the warrant ordering the punishment; and all the officers and the whole ship’s company are to be present at every punishment, which must be inserted in the log-book, and an abstract at the end of every quarter made out and sent to the Admiralty ; a regulation which has been attended with infinite benefit to the strict and just discipline of the naval service. The greatest number of lashes he can inflict is 48. The total abolition of flogging, so often advocated, can never, in the opinion of any officer, be advantageously carried into effect; but it would seem desirable to reduce the number of lashes to 24, considering the extreme severity of the punishment and pain inflicted, which often renders the man totally unfit for duty for some days. The disgrace attending the punish¬ ment is more likely to deter others than the pain inflicted. In a few well-regulated ships corporal punishments are quite unknown during the whole period of their commission. It was never found necessary in any ship employed in the Arctic squadron, owing to the great regularity observed on board, to daily prayers being read, and to there being little or no drunkenness. With a view to checking the flogging in the navy, a return is annually called for by Parliament, and a column inserted showing the number of lashes sen¬ tenced, and the numbers inflicted, together with the highest number of lashes given in any one case, and the lowest, to¬ gether with a sum total. The lieutenants take the watch by turns, and are at such times intrusted, in the absence of the captain, with the command of the ship. The one on duty is to inform the captain of all occurrences which take place during his watch ; as strange sails that may be in sight, signals from other ships in company, change of wind, &c. He is to see that the ship be properly steered, the log hove, and the course and distance entered on the log-board ; and, in short, he is to see that the whole of the duties of the ship are carried on with the same punctuality as if the captain himself were present. In the absence of the captain, the senior lieutenant is responsible for everything done on board. The master receives his orders from the captain or any of the lieutenants. His more immediate duties are those V Y. of stowing the ship’s hold, and of attending to her sailing Personnel, qualities; of receiving and placing the provisions in the ship, so as most conveniently to come at those which may be wanted. He is to take care that the cables are pro¬ perly coiled in the tiers. The keys of the spirit-room are in his custody, and he is directed to intrust them only to the master’s assistants. He has the charge of the store-rooms of the warrant-officers, which he is ordered frequently to visit; in short, the whole of the ship’s provisions, water, fbel, and stores of every description, are under the super¬ intendence of the master; and he is also intrusted, under the command of the captain, with the charge of navigating the ship, bringing her to anchor, ascertaining the latitude and longitude of her place at sea, surveying harbours, and making such nautical remarks and observations as may be useful and interesting to navigation in general. He keeps the ship’s log-book and remark-book. For distinguished conduct masters are eligible for promotion to the rank of lieutenant; but few would accept it, except with a certain prospect of rising to the higher grades, of which there are instances. The warrant-officers are charged with the duty of re¬ ceiving on board from the dockyards, and examining, the various stores of their respective departments, and keeping an account of the expenditure ot them. The gunner has the charge of the ship’s artillery and of Gunner, the powder magazine. He is to see that the locks and car¬ riages are kept in good order, and that the powder is pre¬ served from damp; he is frequently to examine the mus¬ ketry and small arms, and to see that they are kept clean and fit for service; and, in preparing for battle, it is his duty to take care that all the quarters are supplied with everything necessary for the service of the guns, and, during the action, that there be no want of ammunition served out. He is frequently to exercise the men at the guns, and to see that they perform this part of their duty with correctness, explaining and enforcing the necessity of their pointing the guns before they fire them, spunging them well, and close-stopping the touch-hole immediately after firing. The armourer and his mates are under the immediate orders of the gunner in everything that relates to the great guns and small arms. The boatswain is charged with the duty of receiving and Boatswain, examining all the stores belonging to his department, con¬ sisting chiefly of the ropes and rigging, the latter of which he is ordered to inspect daily, in order that any part of it chafed or likely to give way may be repaired without loss of time. He is always required to be on deck at such times as all hands are employed; he is bound to see that the men, when called, move quickly upon deck, and when there, that they perform their duty with alacrity, and with¬ out noise or contusion. The sailmaker and the ropemaker are under his immediate orders. The carpenter, when appointed to a ship, is carefully to Carpenter, inspect the state of the masts and the yards, whether in the dockyard or on board of the ship, to see that they are perfectly sound and in good order. He is to examine every part of the ship’s hull, magazine, store-rooms, and cabins. He is every day when at sea carefully to examine into the state of the masts and yards, and to report to the officer of the watch if any appear to be sprung, or in any way defect¬ ive. He is to see that the ports are secure and properly lined, and that the pumps are kept in good order, as also the boats, ladders, and gratings. The caulker is placed under his immediate orders, and he is to see that the former performs his duty in a workmanlike manner, in stopping immediately any leaks that may be discovered. The engineer, when first appointed to a steam-vessel, Engineer, carefully examines the engines, paddles (or screw), and the boilers, and reports to the commanding officer any defects he discovers. He takes charge of all the engineers’ stores and tools, and keeps account of receipts and expenditure. Personnel. Paymaster, Other officers. Midship¬ men and naval cadets. Marines. Number of commis¬ sioned offi¬ cers. N A He is never to quit the engine-room during his watch, and visits it frequently at all times day and night. The leading stoker and stokers are under his immediate control. ' The paymaster (formerly purser) has the charge of all the ship’s provisions, and of the serving them out for the use of the crew. His charge is, therefore, of a most important matter; and, accordingly, he must not only produce good certificates of his conduct whilst serving in the capacity of clerk, but must also find two sureties for the due discharge of his trust, who are required to give bond in a penal sum, according to the rate or class of ship to which he may be appointed. The regulations and instructions for his guidance are mi¬ nutely detailed in the general printed instructions, with all the various forms established for the keeping of his ac¬ counts with the accountant-general and comptroller of vic¬ tualling, to whom he is immediately responsible. To assist him in the performance of his arduous duties, he is allowed to employ the clerk, with the sanction of the captain, who is responsible for the strict performance of the duties of all the officers under his orders, and acts, as it were, as a check on the paymaster in many parts of his duty, regarding the slop-books, muster-books, &c. He has also a steward under his immediate orders. The duties of the medical inspectors of hospitals and fleets, the surgeon of a ship and his assistants, the secretary to the commander-in-chief, the chaplain, the naval instructor, and inspectors of machinery afloat, are too obvious to require any specification. The midshipmen are considered as the principal petty officers, but have no specific duties assigned to them. In the smaller vessels, some of the senior ones are intrusted with the watch ; they attend parties of men sent on shore; pass the word of command on board, and see that the orders of their superiors are carried into effect; in short, are exercised in all the duties of their profession, so as, after five years’ service (eighteen months as cadet, and three years and six months as midshipmen), to qualify them to become lieutenants; and are then rated mates, provided they have passed the requisite examination, and are nineteen years of age. Every ship, according to her class, has a certain number of marines as part of her complement. They are commanded by a captain or brevet-major, in from first to fourth rates inclusive, with three or two subalterns under them, and an established number of non-commissioned officers ; but the party on board fifth rates and under is commanded by a subaltern, and in small vessels by a sergeant or cor¬ poral. All marine officers, of whatsoever rank, when embarked, are to obey the orders of the captain or the commanding officer of the watch. The marines are exercised by their officers in the use of their arms; they are employed as sen¬ tinels, and in all other duties on board of which they are capable, with the exception of going aloft. The officer commanding has the charge of the arms, accoutrements, and drums; and he is to inspect, weekly at least, the state of the clothing of his party. The marines are in every respect treated as part of the ship’s company. The long continuance of the revolutionary war neces¬ sarily created a prodigious increase of the commissioned officers of the navy. Their numbers in the five following years of peace were,— Admirals Vice-admirals. Rear-admirals. Captains Commanders... Lieutenants.... 1793. 11 19 19 444 160 1408 1803. 45 36 51 666 410 2461 1815. 70 73 77 824 762 3211 1821. 63 59 68 828 776 3797 1836. 43 59 63 755 823 2976 y y. 105 In the year 1857 there were on the active list of the Personnel, navy 371 captains, 530 commanders, 1122 lieutenants; and on the retired and reserved list 129 captains, 243 com¬ manders with rank of captain (besides 113 command¬ ers on reserved half-pay), 254 lieutenants with rank of re¬ tired commanders (besides 618 on reserved half-pay). The total number ofcaptains was therefore 743; commanders, 897; lieutenants, 1740; being a diminution of considerably up¬ wards of 1000 officers of the foregoing ranks, as compared with the list in 1836. The warrant-officers have increased from the average of about 400 in 1793 and 700 in 1821, to upwards of 1000 in 1857. They are divided into two classes,—viz., those who are fit for sea service, and those who are fit for harbour duty. The latter consist of about 150 gunners, boatswains, and carpenters. The total number of officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines in 1857 was upwards of 7300, excluding mates and midshipmen, clerks, warrant-officers, and engineers. These may be computed at 3000; making a grand total of 10,300 officers of all ranks. The number of seamen and marines voted in 1792 was 16,000 (but never reduced to that number); in 1822 it was 21,000; in 1836, 32,000; 1840-1, 35,165; 1850-1, 39,000; 1853-4, 45,500; and in 1854-5, 48,000. The greatest number of seamen and marines voted in any one year during the French war was 150,000, and during the war with Russia, 76,000. All officers of the navy wear a uniform, which is estab¬ lished in pursuance of the pleasure of the sovereign. It consists of blue cloth, with white collars and cuffs to the coats, and various embroidery and epaulets. The epaulets of the officers of the civil branch of the service are embroidered in gold and silver. The full dress, with cocked hats, is worn, on state occasions and at courts-martial, by all naval officers. The first naval uniform (blue and white) was established in 1748. The identical patterns then issued may now be seen in the United Service Institution. They were obtained a few years since from Plymouth, where they had been carefully preserved. In the reign of William IV. the facings were for a short time changed to red. The last alteration of the uniform was in 1856. The petty officers, seamen, and boys also wear certain regulated articles of dress; the former with marks of distinction on the left sleeve of their jackets. The seamen, too, wear good-con¬ duct badges. The crew of a ship of war consists of leading seamen, Ship’s able seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, leading stokers, company, stokers, coal-trimmers, boys, and marines. The lands¬ men, boys, and marines, are always entered voluntarily, the latter in the same manner as soldiers, by enlisting into the corps, the two former at some rendezvous or on board particu¬ lar ships. A supply of boys for the navy is also regularly sent from the Asylum at Greenwich and the Marine Society. Able and ordinary seamen also very commonly volunteer to serve during the war, and always in time of peace ; but the high wages given by the merchant ships to seamen in time of war hold out such encouragement as to induce them to give the preference to that service, though in all other respects their treatment is far superior on board a Queen’s ship, having better provisions, being subject to much less fatigue and exposure to the weather, well taken care of in sickness, and being entitled to pensions after twenty-one years’ service, or when disabled. Indeed, the excellent regulations now rigidly adhered to on board H.M.’s ships, and the attention that is paid to the health and comfort of the crew, have overcome much of that reluctance which formerly was felt to the ser¬ vice of a ship of war. The state of health on board of a Queen’s ship is, generally Health of speaking, not exceeded in the most favoured spot on shore ; the crew, and that horrible disease, the sea-scurvy, may now be con¬ sidered as unknown in the British navy, since the universal O YOL. XVI. 106 NAVY. Personnel, introduction of lemon juice, or the citric acid, without an ample supply of which no ship is permitted to sail on a foreign voyage. It appears to have been known as a remedy for the scurvy, far superior to all others, two hundred years ago, but seems to have been utterly neglected, till Dr Lind, more than a hundred years afterwards, revived and stated clearly its singular powers. In 1600 Commodore Lancaster sailed from England with three other ships on the 2d of April, and arrived in Saldanha Bay on the 1st of August. The commodore’s crew, having each had three table-spoonfuls of lemon juice every morning, arrived there in perfect health; whereas the other ships were so sickly, that they were unmanageable for want of hands. We have all felt the commiseration and horror which the perusal of the narrative of Anson’s voyage produces. His ship, the Centurion, left England with 400 men, of whom 200 were surviving on his arrival at Juan Fernandez, and of these eight only were capable of duty, from scurvy. Yet even this horrible catastrophe seems to have failed in rous¬ ing the nation to have recourse to a remedy so certain and efficacious. Cook was well supplied with vinegar and other acids, and found the good effects of them; but the first general supply of lemon juice to the navy was established only in the year 1795, in consequence of a trial which had been made of it the preceding year in the Suffolk, of 74 guns. This ship left England, and arrived at Madras in September, without touching at any land. With every man’s grog there were daily mixed two-thirds of a liquid ounce of lemon juice and two ounces of sugar. She lost not a man ; and though the disease made its appearance in a few, an increased dose of lemon juice immediately removed it. Thus the Suffolk, after a voyage of 162 days, arrived without losing a man, or having a man sick of the scurvy ; whereas the Centurion, in 143 days from the last place of her refreshment, lost half of her crew, whilst the other half were so feeble and emaciated as to be utterly help¬ less. Many instances not less remarkable might be men¬ tioned. The abundant supply of lime juice to the squadrons em¬ ployed on Arctic service was the means of averting this dreadful malady, very few cases having occurred, except in the Investigator (Sir Robert M'Clure), after being four years in the ice. The issue of preserved meats and vegetables to all ships in the Royal Navy has also doubtless tended to the health of the crews. Progres- From the official returns collected by Sir Gilbert Blane, sive dimi- ]yj Dupin, a French author well versed in naval subjects, sickness^ ^ias ^rawn out ^ie following table, which exhibits at one view the progressive diminution of sickness, death, and desertion in the British navy, calculated on 100,000 men :— Tears. Sick sent to Hospital. Deaths. 1779 1782 1794 1804 1813 40,815 31,617 25,027 11,978 9,336 2654 2222 1164 1606 698 1424 993 662 214 10 Hence it would appear, that the diminution of sickness and of deaths has been in the proportion of 4 to 1 nearly between the years 1799 and 1813. The diminution of desertions from the hospital in the same period is not the less remarkable; and it affords, at the same time, the strongest proof of the progressive amelioration of the con¬ dition of seamen on board British ships of war. Indeed, whether on board of ship, or in any of those noble institu¬ tions the naval hospitals, which are established at all the principal ports at home, and in the colonies abroad, the attention which is paid to the sick sailor is above all praise. The following returns, of more recent date, advance of medical science in this department: show the Personnel. Years. 1820 1830 1840 1850 1855 Sick Sent to Hospitals. 3,564 3,137 6,589 9,743 11,748 Dead in Hospitals. 362 187 225 309 384 Run from Hospitals. No wonder that 214 men should have run away from the doctors in 1804, when upwards of 1600 died in hospital out of 11 978. In 1855, out of the same number, there were only 384 deaths and 2 deserters. Can anything show more strongly the wonderful progress made in the medical de¬ partment of the Royal Navy of late years ? The speedy manning of the fleet, on the first breaking Manning out of a war, is one of the most important objects thatthe fleet> can devolve on the naval administration, as on it alone must depend the safety of our commerce and our colonies. This has been felt at all times; and accordingly a variety of schemes have been brought forward for this purpose, but all of them have heretofore tailed of success, except the compul¬ sory mode of raising men, under the authority of press- warrants, issued by the lords commissioners of the Admiralty, by virtue of the Queen’s order in Council, renewed from year to year. On the occasion of the late war with Russia, how¬ ever, the fleet was manned, for the first time, without re¬ course to impressment. There likewise issues, on the break¬ ing out of awar, a proclamation from the sovereign, recalling all British seamen out of the service of foreign princes or states; and commanders of all ships of war are directed to search foreign vessels for such seamen. The impressment of seafaring men, however anomalous Impress- under a free constitution like that of Great Britain, is de- ment* fensible on state necessity, until it can be shown that the fleet, on an emergency, is capable of being manned with¬ out resorting to that measure. In consequence of some doubts being raised on the legality of the subject in the year 1676, when the affairs of the Admiralty were managed immediately under the direction of the King and the great officers of state, a discussion was held on this point, when it was decided by the judges and crown-lawyers, that the King had an indefeasible right to the services of his sub¬ jects when the state required them, and that the power of impressing seamen was indispensably inherent in the crown, without which the trade and safety of the nation could not be secured. The first instance of impressing men in Ire¬ land seems to have been in the year 1678, when the lord- lieutenant received directions from the Privy Council to raise 1000 seamen for the fleet. In 1690 the lords-jus- tices of Ireland were directed to assist the officers of the navy in impressing men in that kingdom. In 1697 a re¬ gister was taken of all the seafaring men in Ireland, which amounted to 4424 men, of whom it is noted 2654 were Catholics. On several occasions, during Queen Anne’s reign, the lords-justices of Ireland received directions to raise men to serve in the fleet. In Scotland the mode of raising men by impressment was unknown before the Union ; but in various instances the Council of Scotland was directed to raise volunteers for the fleet, each man to have 40s. as bounty. In 1706 an experiment was tried for the speedy man¬ ning of the fleet, by virtue of an act of Parliament, which required the civil magistrates of all the counties to make diligent search for all seafaring men, and 20s. were allowed to the constables for each man taken up; the seamen to have pay from the day of delivery to the naval officers stationed to receive them; and if they deserted after that, they were to be considered as guilty of felony. By the same act, insolvent debtors, fit for the service, and NAVY. Discipline. Personnel, willing to enter it, were released, provided the debt did notex- 's—>ceed L.30 ; and no seaman in the fleet was to be arrested for any debt not exceeding L.20. The whole proceeding under this act incurred a very heavy expense, and totally failed. In the same year, the Queen referred to the Prince of Denmark, then lord high admiral, an address from the House of Lords, relating to the three following points:— 1^, The most effectual means for manning the fleet; 2c?, The encouragement and increase of the number of seamen ; 3c?, The restoring and preserving the discipline of the navy. His Koyal Highness submitted these points to such of the flag-officers and other commanders as could be assembled, who made a report, of which the substance was to the fol¬ lowing effect:—\st, To cause a general register to be kept of all seafaring men in England and Ireland, for which they presented the draft of a bill; 2d, That all marines qualified to act as seamen should be discharged from the army, the officers to have levy money and the men’s cloth¬ ing returned; 3o?, That not fewer than 20,000 seamen should be kept in employ in time of peace. But they observe, that as to restoring and preserving the discipline of the navy, no particular defect being specified, they could pro¬ nounce no opinion on that head. I he discipline of the navy, or the government of Her Majesty’s ships, vessels, and forces by sea, is regulated by the act 22d Geo. II., usually known by the name of the Articles of War. By this act, the lords commissioners of the Admiralty are empowered to order courts-martial for all offences mentioned therein, and committed by any person in and belonging to the fleet and in full pay; and also to delegate the same power to admirals commanding in chief on foreign stations, which power also may devolve on his successor in case of death or recall, provided that no com¬ mander-in-chief of any fleet or squadron, or detachment thereof, consisting of more than five ships, shall preside at any court-martial in foreign parts, the officer next in com¬ mand being ordered to preside thereat. By this act no court-martial can consist of more than thirteen or of less than five persons, to be composed of such flag-officers, captains, or commanders, then and there pre¬ sent, as are next in seniority to the officer who presides at the court-martial. And when there are but three officers of the rank of captains, the president is to call in as many commanders under that rank as will make up five in all. This code of laws for the government of the fleet con¬ sists of thirty-six articles, of which nine award the punish¬ ment of death, and eleven death or such other punishment as the court-martial shall deem the offence to deserve. Those which incur the former penalty are,—the holding illegal correspondence with an enemy; cowardice or neglect of duty in time of action ; not pursuing the enemy ; deser¬ tion to the enemy ; making mutinous assemblies ; striking a superior officer ; burning magazines, vessels, &c., not belong¬ ing to an enemy; murder ; sodomy. The penalty of death for cowardice, or other neglect of duty, in time of action (art. 12), and of not pursuing the enemy (art. 13), was, by the 19th George III., so far mitigated as to authorize the court-martial “ to pronounce sentence of death, or to in¬ flict such other punishment as the nature and degree of the offence shall be found to deserve.” Under these articles thus mitigated, Admiral Byng would probably not have been condemned to death. The other eleven articles, which leave the punishment to the discretion of the court, are,—not preparing for fight, or not encouraging the men in time of action; suppression of any letter or message sent from an enemy; spies delivering letters, &c., from an enemy; re¬ lieving an enemy ; disobedience of orders in time of action; discouraging the men on various pretences ; not taking care of and defending ships under convoy ; quarrelling with and disobeying a superior officer in the execution of his office ; wilfully neglecting the steering of ships; sleeping on watch, 107 Courts- martial. Articles of War. and forsaking his station ; robbery. The remaining sixteen Personnel, articles incur the penalty of dismission from the service or from the ship, degradation of rank, or such other punish¬ ment as the court may judge the nature and degree of the offence to deserve. The discipline of the navy is also maintained, and greatly Queen’s depends upon the strict carrying out, on the part of the Regula- commanding officers, and the observance by all others, oftionsand the regulations and instructions issued from time to time ^dmiralty by the lords of the Admiralty, under sanction of the Queen tions*10" in Council, for the government of Her Majesty’s forces at sea. 10nS’ The first regular code of printed instructions would ap¬ pear to be that known as the Duke of York’s Sailing and Fighting Instructions, bearing date about 1660, which formed the basis of all the subsequent ones. There have been various editions from time to time; but by far the most comprehensive, while at the same time clear and as concise as the nature of the work would admit, is that now in use, which was prepared, as we have said, in 1844, with great skill and labour, by Admiral Sir George Cockburn, than whom there never was an officer before nor'since so intimately acquainted with all the duties and professional details of the service, or more anxious for its welfare. In the com¬ pilation of this important and laborious work, known as the Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions, he was assisted by Mr Barrow. Fourteen years have now elapsed, and it is quite time,—but unhappily Sir George Cockburn is no more,—that there should be a new edition brought out, embodying all the new orders and regulations, and con¬ sequent alterations and additions. There are upwards of 800 printed circulars alone, we believe, which have been subsequently issued, independently of written orders. Much, however, of the internal discipline of a ship of Petty pun- war depends upon the captain, who, being empowered to ishment. punish the men for minor offences, according to the usage of the service, courts-martial on seamen are rarely found necessary to be resorted to in well-regulated ships. In 1853 a more uniform system, defining the nature and duration of minor punishments, was promulgated by the Board of Admi¬ ralty. The principal circumstance which formerly militated against the perfect good order of the crew, was the great allowance of grog served out daily to the men, as established by order in Council, and which frequently led to drunkenness, and this again to insubordination. Perhaps half the punish¬ ments in the navy were, and still are, for this offence, which it requires the utmost vigilance and precautions on the part of the officers to prevent; but since the recent report of the committee of flag officers, which assembled in 1850, upon the question of the issue of spirits to the Royal Navy, and the diminution of the supply to one-half the quantity,— viz., from one gill to half a gill daily, with compensation- payment in money for the remainder,—-the non-issue of raw spirits (the allowance of which is now mixed with three times its quantity of water), the stoppage of it altogether to boys of second class, and the issue of it at the discretion of the captain to boys of first class,—consequent upon the report of the committee,—there has been less drunkenness in the navy and less necessity for punishment. Great credit is mainly due to Admiral Sir James Deans Dundas, for his anxiety and humane exertions in endeavouring to suppress the punishment in the fleet, in which he has thus so happily succeeded. I he greatest desire has been evinced by many boards of Admiralty, of late years (more particularly those of Sir James Graham, the Earls of Minto, Haddington, and Auckland, and of Sir PVancis Baring), to improve all branches of the ser¬ vice, and to render the Royal Navy as attractive as possible both to officers and men. One of the most material improve¬ ments is the attention which has been paid to the education both of boys and men. Seamen’s libraries have been estab¬ lished on a large scale, and boys’ schools; and rated ships 108 NAVY. Personnel, have all got chaplains, naval instructors, and seamen’s school- master appointed to them. Why sloops and small vessels should be without one or the other it is not easy to compre¬ hend. One thing, however, yet remains to be carried out, viz., daily prayers on board every ship in the service. They are read in a few well-regulated men-of-war on some sta¬ tions, and were never omitted in any one of the ships en¬ gaged in the Arctic squadron. It is not too much to say, that owing principally to this, and to there being little or no opportunity for drunkenness, no corporal punishment was ever inflicted. The practice of daily prayers on board men-of-war is of ancient date, and the omission compara¬ tively modern. In all the earlier editions of the regula¬ tions, till that of 1810, an order for daily service will be found. Effects of In other respects the discipline of a well-organized ship discipline, of war is perfect; and to this discipline M. Dupin, a trench writer of great sagacity, mainly ascribes the brilliant suc¬ cesses of the British navy, and to the want of it the ruin of that of France. “ We have already cited,” says he, “ as a model, the management of the materiel of the Eng¬ lish ships. In the preservation of this materiel, in the stowing it away, in the arrangement of whatever may be necessary either for manoeuvres or for action, the most perfect regularity is observed. At the same time, what be¬ coming austerity is maintained by the commanding officer; what obedience amongst the subalterns; and, in a space so limited, considering the number of men on board, and the multiplicity of movements they have to make in obeying so many different orders, what imposing silence! It is the calm¬ ness of strength, the presiding influence of wisdom. In the midst of the most complicated operations, and even in the heat and transport of battle, one hears only the words of command, pronounced and repeated from rank to rank, with a measured tone and perfect sang froid. No unseasonable advices, no murmurs, no tumult. The commanders medi¬ tate in silence; the word is given, and the men act without either speaking or thinking.” This is remarkably so in the day of battle. Every officer and man knows pre¬ cisely his place, and the duty he has to perform, on that day. By the general printed instructions, the captains of Her Majesty’s ships are required to accustom the men to assemble at their proper quarters, to exercise them at the great guns, to teach them to point, fire, &c., under all circumstances of sea and weather. Indeed, it is well known that the preservation of the high character of the British navy essentially depends on the proper training of the seamen to the expert management of the guns, so as to be duly prepared in the day of battle, the issue of which so mainly depends on the cool, steady, and regular manner in which the ship’s ordnance is loaded, pointed, and fired. Practice in these respects is much more necessary on board ships than on shore, as it can never happen that the ship is entirely steady, and has most frequently a rolling or pitch¬ ing motion, for which allowances must be made, and which can only be made with effect by long practice. Since 1830, when the Excellent was first established, much attention has been paid to the practice of gun¬ nery in the Royal Navy; and all mates have to pass an examination on board that ship, which is stationed at Portsmouth for the practice of gunnery, where officers and men are instructed. They, too, pass examinations, and are appointed gunnery lieutenants and mates in the several sea¬ going ships; and the men are appointed seamen-gun- ners,—a rating of comparatively recent date. The training of seamen for landing in brigades with field-pieces has lately been adopted with great success. Naval tac- If the management of the great guns of a ship of war is tics. more difficult than the artillery of a fort, so likewise are naval tactics more difficult than those of an army; inasmuch as there is more difficulty and less dependence in placing and directing the movements of an inanimate than an ani- Personnel, mate machine; although the recent introduction of auxiliary steam-engines in all the line-of-battle ships and frigates, and in many of the corvettes and sloops, has placed them under greater control. The general principles, however, are the same; the object of both being that of bringing the greatest possible force to bear on that point which is likely to produce the greatest possible injury to the enemy. With this view, as well as to keep a fleet together in com¬ pact order, so that straggling ships may not be cut off by the enemy, it has been found necessary to preserve a cer¬ tain order of sailing, whether out of sight of an enemy or in his presence; and such an order as, according to the state of the wind and weather, and the point of bearing of the enemy’s fleet, may most conveniently and expeditiously be changed into such a line of battle as the commander-in¬ chief may deem it most expedient to adopt in the attack to be made on his opponent. In order to do this, it is obvious that every individual captain must be able to know, under all cir¬ cumstances, what the ship he commands will be able to do, in order to preserve her station in the fleet; for it is with ships as with horses, no two perhaps performing the same evolu¬ tion with the same tightness of rein, or the same pressure of sail or steam. This shows the absolute necessity of a com¬ mander-in-chief frequently exercising his fleet in naval tactics, and to observe how such and such a ship will be¬ have under a certain quantity of canvas and steam-power, and to assign her station in the line where she may ap¬ pear calculated to act with the greatest efficiency. To facilitate these movements, the admirals commanding squadrons are considered as responsible for the movement of the ships in their respective divisions. They are to see that each captain strictly obeys the general order; and if any one is perceived to neglect his duty, whether belonging to his proper division or not, if in action, he has the power to send immediately another officer to suspend him. And in order that no confusion may arise, if, in time of battle, the admiral commanding in chief, or any of the admirals commanding squadrons, should be killed, his or their flags remain flying till the battle is decided. If the commander-in-chief be killed or severely wounded, a pri¬ vate signal is made to the second in command; or if a junior admiral be killed or wounded, the commander-in¬ chief is also acquainted by signal. Since the introduction of steam, the system of naval tac- steam tac¬ tics has undergone a great change, and some well-planned, tics, well-tried scheme of naval steam tactics is yet a desidera¬ tum. Admiral Moorsom was the first to turn attention to this subject. Happily no two steam fleets have hitherto been engaged in action, or brought into hostile collision ; neither has there been any separate action with single steam-ships. The silent method of communicating what is going on c0(je of is the perfection of naval tactics; indeed it is very difficult naval sig- to conceive how our ancestors contrived to manage a fleet nals. without a code of signals. For great and important occa¬ sions, the exhibition of a flag or flags, in some particular part of the ship, might be generally understood to imply that the fleet should anchor, or tack, or form the order of sailing in two lines, or the line of battle, or some other great movement. The hoisting of a cask at the yard-arm might be understood to imply a want of water; or a hatchet, of wood; or an empty bag, of bread ; and the table-cloth was a very significant invitation to dinner; but they had no means of interchanging freely their wants or intentions, or of conveying detailed intelligence. Even so late as the American war there was no established code of signals in the navy. “If an admiral,” saysDr Beatson in his db\eMemoirs, “ cannot command all the necessary movements of his ships by signal in the day of battle, he is not upon a foot¬ ing with an enemy who possesses that advantage; and, even with better ships and better men, and more expe- N A Personnel, rienced commanders, he may be foiled in his expectations of victory, if not defeated, from his want of means to direct and to perform the necessary evolutions of his fleet.” “ In no fight,” he adds, “ was the insufficiency of the present system of naval signals more conspicuous than in this (Keppel’s unfortunate action); and it is to be hoped that if ever a new code be adopted for the use of the Royal Navy, it may be so clear and comprehensive, that such fatal errors as those which have been pointed out will in future be pre¬ vented.” This, we may now say, has been accomplished on a plan of Sir Home Popham, which (together with Marryatt’s) has rendered signals by flags as nearly perfect Boat sig- as they probably ever will be. Boat signals are also of nals. the utmost importance; and the navy is indebted to Cap¬ tain Wilmot for an admirable code which has recently been introduced by him, and is now in general use. Improve- The encouragement afforded by government to every ment in branch of science connected with the navy, and navigation navigation. in general, has been carried much farther by England than by any other European nation, and has produced the hap¬ piest results for commercial enterprise, by determining with accuracy the precise position of ships, by shortening long voyages, and by the discovery of new lands and un¬ explored regions. The name of Admiral Sir Francis Beau¬ fort, who was for many years hydrographer of the Admi¬ ralty, and has recently departed this life, will ever hold a prominent position in the naval annals of England as one who, in his generation, rendered the utmost service, not only to his profession, but to the navy and marine of all nations, by the extreme care and accuracy with which the numerous charts published under his immediate superin¬ tendence have been issued to the world, embracing elaborate surveys in all parts of the globe. From the commencement of the eighteenth century, when a national reward was first offered to the man of science, or the artist, who should dis¬ cover a method sufficiently exact to determine the longitude of a ship’s place at sea, to the present time, the improvements V Y. in the construction and division of all kinds of instruments Personnel, for measuring angles, in the calculations of lunar and other tables, and, above all, in the manufacture and adjustments of chronometers, have continued in gradual progression and may now be considered as having arrived a? such a* degree of perfection, more especially the chronometers, that the discovery of the longitude can scarcely be said to re¬ main a desideratum. We may form an idea what the pro¬ gress in the improvement of chronometers has been, when a reward was offered by Parliament in the year 1814, to the first w'ho should determine the longitude at sea within a de¬ gree ; and in 1820, three chronometers, after remaining in the arctic regions for 18 months, returned to England with¬ out altering their rates more than a few seconds of time. 1 he officers of the Royal Navy are now much more gene¬ rally versed in the sciences than they were in former years. In fact, it is now necessary for a young man to be well acquainted with a certain portion of mathematical and astronomical knowledge to enable him to pass an exami¬ nation, without which he cannot be qualified for the com¬ mission of a lieutenant. Lord Auckland, desirous of en¬ couraging a taste for scientific pursuits, caused a valuable scientific manual to be drawn up in the year 1847, and issued to the fleet. The examinations also of the several warrant-officers, and their qualifications for their respec¬ tive stations, are more strictly attended to than formerly. The encouragement given to the navy from its first re- Pay and gular establishment has marked it as a favourite service emofu* in the minds of the public. The sea-pay, the half-pay, and ment8* other emoluments, have generally been superior to those enjoyed by the army, but subject to great fluctuations in every reign, and to frequent changes in the same reign. 1 he following table will exhibit, at one view, the com¬ plete war establishment of officers and non-commissioned officers, seamen, and marines, on board every class of Her Majesty’s ships, with the rate of pay now granted to each, as established by order in Council:— Full Pay of the Royal Navy. FLAG OFFICERS AND THEIR RETINUE. Admiral of the Fleet Admiral ,...., Vice-Admiral Rear-Admiral ■) Commodore of the First Class ' j Table Money to all the above, in addition, u hen Commanding in Chief, and whilst their Flag ) is flying within the limits of their Station f Captain of the Fleet. (For pay, see Captains.) Commodore of the Second Class, n If Commanding in Chief in addition to his Pay as Cap¬ tain, if so ordered by the Ad¬ miralty ) If not Commanding in Chief Flag-Lieutenant. (For pay, see Lieutenants.) Master of the Fleet. (For pay, see Masters.) / To the Admiral of the Fleet Secretary j To a Flag Officer, Commander-in-Chief ^ j To all other Flag Officers and Commodores of the 1st Class \ To a Commodore of the 2d Class Clerk to the Secretary ( ^ a CTomraa"d]er-i^hief--” -••••••••••••’— J ( To a Junior Flag Officer or Commodore of the 1st Class... Coxswain To a Flag Officer Steward ^ Cook I Ditto j Domestic j > Secretary’s Servant I Captain of the Fleet f 1st Class. Captain 3 ;d Class. * ] 3d Class. COMMISSION OFFICERS. Commander To the first 70, when employed To the next 100, ■when employed To all other Captains, when employed, below j the first 170 j Year. L. s. d. 2190 0 0 1825 0 0 1460 0 0 1095 0 0 1095 0 0 365 0 0 182 10 0 500 7 1 401 10 0 301 2 6 150 11 3 66 18 4 54 15 0 36 10 0 450 301 24 6 8 1095 0 0 701 2 1 574 17 6 3 4 2 6 Month of 31 Days. L. s. d. 186 0 0 155 0 0 124 0 0 93 0 0 93 0 0 31 0 0 15 10 0 38 7 8 30 16 0 25 11 6 12 15 9 5 13 8 4 13 0 3 2 0 2 14 93 0 0 59 10 11 48 16 6 38 4 25 11 Day. L. s. d. 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 1 7 1 2 0 16 0 8 0 3 0 1 10 3 0 0 1 18 5 1 11 6 14 8 0 16 6 110 Personnel NAVY. Full Pay of the Royal Navy—Continued. COMMISSION OFFICERS—Continued. Lieutenant. Master. I In Command of any Ship or Tender other than those on the Packet or Surveying Establishment I Senior of a sea-going rated Ship Ditto of a Flag Ship at the Home Ports Ditto of a rated Surveying Vessel, if he re¬ ceive no additional Pay as Assistant Sur¬ veyor Ditto of a Troop Ship 'An * Of the Fleet 1st and 2d (if 20 Years’ Service, &c.) „ (if 15 Years’ Service, &c.) ( 1st, 2d, and 3d Rates... ( Store Allowance when in Charge •! 4th, 5th, and 6th Rates [ Sloops, &c ( (If 10 Years’ Service, &c.) In all other Ships 1 (If 6 Years’ Service, &c.) (, (Less than 6 Years’ Service) f Above 10 Years’ Service Afloat Chaplain < Under 10 „ „ „ I >) 3 ,, „ „ (Above 10 Years’ Service as Naval Instructor ” I ” ” ” ” Under 3 ’/, ” ” ”, Tuition allowance for each young Gentleman Instructed... Medical Inspector of Hospitals f Above 5 Years’ Service as such and Fleets \ Under 5 Years’ Service as such Deputy Medical Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets With such further allowance when employed in Hospitals on Shore, as their Lordships may think proper. If employed on the 1st July 1840, or on the completion of 3 Years’ Ser¬ vice from 1st January 1838. Surgeon. Paymaster. Assistant Paymaster in Charge. Assistant Paymaster, 1st Class . „ 2d Class . Clerk Of an Hospital Ship Above 20 Years’ Full Pay Service, in¬ cluding Service as Assistant Sur¬ geon Above 10 Years’ ditto » 6 „ Under 6 „ If unemployed on Above 20 Years’ Full Pay Service, the 1st July 1840, including 3 Years’ service only as until the comple- Assistant Surgeon tion of 3 Years’! Above 10 Years’ ditto Service from 1st I ,, 6 „ January 1838. ^ Under 6 „ (1st Class, 30 in number 2d Class, 60 „ ^ 3d Class, 80 „ 1 4th Class, 130 „ Assistant Clerk Mate fin Ships in which! Aboye 10 Years, Full P Service... ) nojurgenn „ 1 In Ships in which a f ^^ove ” ” \ Surgeon is borne. | ^ 3 ’’ ” {In all Rates if qualified for Master If not qualified for Master, but above 4 Years’ Full Pay Service.. If not qualified for Master, and under 4 Years’ Service.... Store allowance when in Charge If in ships hearing a Master, and from his absence or other cause, the stores should be placed under charge of a Second Master, the same store allowance is to be made to the latter as regulated for the former ; or when a Second Master or other officer shall have charge of the stores in a tender, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty will decide, according to the circumstances of the case, whether any or what portion of the store allowance shall be granted to such officer. Assistant Surgeon Second Master SUBORDINATE AND WARRANT OFFICERS. "Above 10 Years’ Service on Full Pay as such » 7 » ,, Naval Instructor ( „ 3 „ „ Under 3 ,, ,, Tuition allowance for each young Gentleman Instructed Midshipman .'.In all Rates Year. L. s. d. 200 15 0 Month of 31 Days. L. s. d. 182 10 365 0 328 10 273 15 73 0 48 13 38 0 219 0 200 15 182 10 200 15 182 10 161 4 136 17 115 11 104 18 95 16 5 0 766 10 574 17 365 0 328 10 0 255 10 0 219 0 0 200 15 0 328 10 0 255 10 200 15 182 10 600 14 474 10 349 15 10 249 8 4 155 2 127 15 91 5 73 0 45 12 66 18 184 0 165 15 174 17 11 156 12 11 147 10 5 91 0 5 73 0 0 66 18 4 27 7 6 L. s. d. 17 1 0 0 11 0 15 10 0 31 0 0 27 18 0 23 5 0 6 4 0 4 2 8 3 4 7 18 12 0 17 1 0 15 10 0 17 1 0 15 10 0 13 13 10 11 12 6 9 16 8 18 8 2 0 8 65 2 48 16 21 14 17 1 15 10 51 0 40 6 29 14 21 3 13 3 10 17 7 15 6 4 3 17 5 13 15 12 14 1 14 17 16 6 12 10 182 10 6 155 2 6 136 17 6 127 15 0 5 0 0 31 18 9 31 0 0 27 18 0 21 14 0 18 12 0 17 1 0 27 18 0 7 15 0 6 4 0 5 13 8 2 6 6 15 10 0 13 3 6 11 12 6 10 17 6 0 8 5 2 14 3 0 10 0 10 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 4 0 0 2 8 0 2 1 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 8 10 0 7 6 0 6 4 0 5 9 0 5 3 0 0 3 2 2 0 1 11 1 0 0 18 0 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 18 0 0 14 0 0 11 0 0 10 0 1 12 11 16 0 0 19 2 0 13 8 0 8 0 0 7 0 5 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 10 1 0 9 1 0 9 0 8 0 8 0 5 0 4 0 0 3 8 0 16 0 10 0 0 8 6 0 7 6 0 7 0 0 0 3 0 19 Personnel. Personnel. N A V Y. Full Pay of the Royal Navy—Continued. SUBORDINATE AND WARRANT OFFICERS. Master’s Assistant. Kaval Cadet .In all Rates. Gunner ^ Boatswain l Carpenter J Inspectors of Machinery and Chief Engineers Assistant Engineers (on New Establishment) (1st Class Sea Pay < 2d Class V 3d Class Tool Money to Carpenter on Sea Pay TT , d • f 1st Class Harbour Service I 2d Clasg Pay I 3d Class.. Inspectors of Machinery, when appointed to take charge I of the Machinery of a Fleet or Squadron J Inspectors of Machinery Chief Engineers above 20 Years’ Service as Chief Engineers, 1 if qualified for 1st or 2d rates | Chief Engineers, 15 Years’ Service as Chief Engineers, if 1 qualified for 1st or 2d rates J Chief Engineers, 10 Years’ Service as Chief Engineers Chief Engineers, 6 Years’ Service „ Chief Engineers, less tha» 6 Years’ Service, ,, Engineers qualified for Charge, with an increase of Is. 1 a day after 6 years’ Sea Service as Engineers in Charge J Sea Pay and when \ ( 1st Class employed in Dock- V Assistant Engineer-i 2d Class yards J ( 3d Class Harbour Service J Assistant Engineer 12d Class t 3d Class Year. L. 47 16 14 120 103 86 13 4 11 s. d. 2 11 2 11 8 4 101 17 11 79 1 63 17 365 0 328 10 328 10 0 282 17 6 237 5 0 209 17 6 182 10 0 182 10 0 158 126 106 88 69 19 56 5 Month of 31 Days. L. s. d. 4 0 1 18 5 10 4 1 8 15 8 7 7 3 0 7 9 8 13 1 6 14 4 5 8 6 31 0 0 27 18 0 27 18 0 24 0 6 20 3 17 16 15 10 0 15 10 0 13 8 8 10 14 5 9 0 10 7 9 10 5 18 10 4 15 7 Day. L- s. d 0 2 7 0 0 11 0 6 7 5 4 0 5 4 3 10 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 15 6 0 13 0 11 0 10 0 10 0 Table of Pay of Petty Officers, Seamen, and Boys, in the Royal Navy. Rate of Pay for Men entering under the Old System, in all Rates. 31 Days. L. s. d. 3 2 036 10 0 2 14 3,31 18 9 Chief Petty Officers. Master at Arms Chief Gunner’s Mate Chief Boatswain’s Mate Chief Captain of the Fore¬ castle Admiral’s Coxswain Chief Quarter Master *Chief Carpenter’s Mate ' Seamen’s Schoolmaster Ship’s Steward :—• 1 ° 1 a New Rate of Pay for Continuous-Service Men, in all Rates. 31 Days. Year. 8. d. 2 0 2 0 . d. s. d. 3 65 6 3 05 0 2 02 64 6 2 02 04 0 1st Rates 2d Rates 3d Rates , 4th Rates 5th Rates 2 01 6|3 6 6th Rates ;20 1 lj3 1 Sloops, &c., with a com- . . . plementof 100 > 2 OiO 8 2 8 men and up- I wards. ? Smallervessels[2 o|o 4,2 1st Class Working Petty Officers. \ Ship’s Corporal Gunner’s Mate Boatswain’s Mate Captain’s Coxswain Captain of the Forecastle .... Quarter-Master Coxswain of the Launch Captain of the Main-Top Captain of the Fore-Top Captain of the Afterguard... Captain of the Hold 3 9 9 41 17 0 3 2 0 100 7 6 91 5 0 82 2 6 73 0 0 63 17 6 56 5 5 48 13 4 42 11 8 36 10 0 Rate of Pay for Men entering under the Old System, in all Rates. 31 Days. 3 2 0 2 9 1 36 10 0j 2 11 8 2 9 1 2 11 8 2 9 1 28 17 11v EATINGS. 1st Class Working Petty Officers- Continued. Sailmaker Ropemaker *Carpenter’s Mate *Caulker Blacksmith Leading Stoker 30 8 4 28 17 11 30 8 4 28 17 11 2d, Class Working Petty Officers. Coxswain of the Barge \ Coxswain of the Pinnace Captain of the Mast Second Captain of the Fore¬ castle Second Captain of the Main¬ top Second Captain of the Fore¬ top Yeoman of the Signals Second Captain of the After¬ guard Captain of the Mizen-top Sailmaker’s Mate Coxswain of the Cutter ! f Cooper Armourer ^Caulker’s Mate Musician Head Krooman New Rate of Pay for Continuous-Service Men, in all Rat s. 3 9 9,41 1 3 2 6 627 7 6 2 9 128 17 11 2 3 11 25 17 1 2 14 331 18 9 2 1 4,24 6 8 2 16 10 2 19 5 2 16 10 2 19 5 33 9 2 34 19 33 9 Leading Seaman 2 14 3 ^Shipwright 2 16 10 Yeoman of the Store-Room... Second Captain of the Hold.. Painter Sailmaker’s Crew Blacksmith’s Mate Armourer’s Crew *Carpenter’s Crew fCooper’s Crew Stoker and Coal Trimmer .... Able Seaman 2 11 8 34 19 7 31 18 33 9 30 8 4 0 36 10 0 128 17 11 NAVY. Table of Pay of Petty Officers, Seamen, and Boys, in the Royal Navy—Continued. Personnel. Fate of Pay for Men entering under the Old System, in all Rates. 31 Days. L. *. d. 2 6 6 2 14 L. «. d. 27 7 6 24 6 8 Sick Berth Attendant ^ Bandman Tailor Butcher Second Head Krooman Flag Officer’s and Superin¬ tendent’s Domestics.,.. Captain’s Steward Captain’s Cook Ward, or Gun-Room Steward Ward, or Gun-Room Cook ... Secretary’s Servant J New Rate of Pay for Continuous-Service Men, in all Rates. 31 Days. L. 8. d, L. 8. d. Rate of Pav for Men entering unaer the Old System, in all Rates. 31 Days. Year. R. s. d.!L. 8, d. 2 1 4 24 6 8 < 1 13 719 15 6 I 1 8 516 14 7 Ship Steward’s Assistant ) Ordinary Seaman..... 1 18 9 Cook’s Mate Barber Second-Class Ordinary Seaman 1 11 0 Commander’s Servant Kroomen Ship’s Steward’s Boy Boy of the First Class.... |0 18 1 Boy of the Second Class 0 15 6 31 Days. Year. 16 3 "5 0 12 11 2 6 Seamen Gunners to receive Id. a day in the 2d Class, and 2d..a day in the 1st Class, in addition to all other pay of their ratings. Divers to receive Id. a day in addition to all other pay of their ratings. . .. , Men with these ratings (*), who have a complete set of tools, to receive 3d. a day for tool money, in addition to all other pay of their ratings. Men with Seamen’s Steward’s Rate of Full Pay, Half Pay, and Retirement of Medical Officers serving in Hospitals, §c. FULL PAY. Medical Inspector of Hospitals— On first appointment After 5 years’ service Deputy Med. Inspect, of Hospitals, on appointment. Per Diem. L. S. d. 1 13 2 2 1 7 FULL PAY. Surgeons of Hospitals— On appointment with less than 20 years’ ser¬ vice Above 20 years’ service Per Diem. L. *. d. 0 16 6 10 6 Scale of Retirement for Inspectors, Deputy-Inspectors, &c., on the principle of allowing all Service to count in claims for Retirement, as recommended by the Naval and Military Commission. ACTIVE SERVICE. Inspectors, from date of promotion to the rank (unless entitled to a higher rate by previous service) „ after 20 years’ service, including 3 years as Inspector of Hospitals... „ after 25 years’ service „ after 30 „ „ after 35 „ „ after 40 „ Retirement. Per Diem. Per Annum. L. *. d. 0 17 6 l 1 1 4 1 7 1 9 1 12 L. s. d. 319 7 6 392 7 6 442 11 3 492 15 0 541 8 4 593 2 6 ACTIVE SERVICE. Deputy-Insp’tors, from date of promotion to the rank (unless entitled to a higher rate by previous service „ after 20 years’ service, including 3 years as Deputy-Inspector „ after 25 years’ service „ after 30 „ „ after 35 „ ,, after 40 „ Retirement. Per Diem. Per Annum. L. j. d. 0 15 0 0 17 6 0 19 9 12 0 14 3 16 6 L. s . d. 273 15 0 319 7 6 360 8 9 401 10 0 442 11 3 483 12 6 Pay of Royal Marines. RANKS, &c. First Colonel-Commandant Second do. Lieutenant-Colonel Captain, having higher rank by Brevet Captain First T. . , f Above 7 years’ JjieutGnant yt a i ? ( Under 7 years service service Year. Adjutant (in addition to his pay as First Lieutenant). Quartermaster do. do. Second Lieutenant Cadet Serjeant-Major Colour-Serjeant Quartermaster’s Serjeant. Serjeant Corporal *Fifer or Drummer. Private 1st Class 3d Class Good Conduct or Badge Pay. Gratuities to Serjeants and Corporals. (See Petty Officers.) ( 1st Class , { 3d Class , t 1 badge .. 2 badges 3 badges 4 badges 5 badges 6 badges L. ». d. 702 12 6 365 0 0 310 5 0 247 17 11 211 7 11 136 17 6 118 12 118 12 85 3 95 16 66 18 54 15 42 11 45 12 33 9 27 7 24 6 20 18 21 18 1 10 3 0 10 4 11 3 6 18 7 12 1 9 2 6 6 6 4 3 4 0 8 6 2 6 8 2f 5 10 5 0 5 Month of 31 Days. L. s. 59 13 31 0 26 7 21 1 17 19 11 12 d. 6 0 0 1 1 6 6 6 8 9 8 0 4 3 17 6 2 16 10 6 6 1 4 8 2 5 13 4 13 3 12 2 2 1 15 1 16 1 11 0 2 2 0 7 0 5 2 0 7 9 0 10 4 0 12 11 0 15 6 L. s. d. 1 18 6 10 0 0 17 0 0 13 7 0 11 0 7 0 6 6 4 5 3 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAVY. Pay of Royal Marine Artillery. 113 Personnel. RANKS, &c. Second Colonel-Commandant Lieutenant-Colonel Captain, having higher rank hy Brevet. Capta Captain superintending the Laboratory First Lieutenant { ^ve \ serv|ce | Under 7 years’ service Second Lieutenant Serjeant-Major Serjeant attending the Laboratory Colour-Serjeant Serjeant Corporal { Fifer or Drummer.,.., Bombardier / \ 3d Class Gunner | 1st Class \ 3d Class N-B-—Corporals, Fifers, or Drummers, Bombardiers and Gunners, who obtain Good Conduct Badges, are allowed additional pay according to the regulated scale. Yeab. L. s. 479 1 326 19 257 0 220 10 220 10 142 19 124 14 101 17 11 74 18 63 17 53 12 44 9 42 11 39 10 10 26 4 8J 39 10 10 36 10 0 26 4 8jr 23 3 10J Month of 31 Days. L. s. 40 13 27 15 21 16 18 14 18 14 12 2 10 10 11 10 8 13 1 6 7 2 5 8 6 4 11 3 15 3 12 3 7 4 2 6f 2 0 1 19 4| Personnel. Day. L. s. d. 16 3 0 17 11 0 14 1 0 12 1 0 12 1 0 7 10 0 6 10 0 5 7 0 4 1£ 0 3 6 0 2 11J 0 2 5£ 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 5i 2 0 5i 3* Establish¬ ment of half-pay. Though the navy, as we have seen, was put upon a re¬ gular establishment under the reign of Henry VIII., nei¬ ther officers nor seamen received any pay or emolument in time of peace until the reign of Charles II., when in 1668 certain allowances were made to flag-officers and their captains out of the L.200,000 a year voted for the whole naval service; and in 1674 certain other allowances were granted, by order in Council, to captains who had commanded ships of the first and second rates, and to the second captains to flag-officers, on the ground, as assigned in the preamble, that they had undergone the brunt of the war, without sharing in the incident advantages of it, as prizes, convoys, and such like, which the commanders of the smaller classes of ships had enjoyed. But the first regular establishment of half-pay for all flag-officers, cap¬ tains, first-lieutenants, and masters, was by King William, in the year 1693, provided they had served a year in their respective qualities, or had been in a general engagement with the enemy. A regularly-established half-pay was fur¬ ther sanctioned by an order in Council of Queen Anne in 1700, the conditions of which were, that no officer should enjoy the benefit thereof who had absented himself without permission of the Lord High Admiral or lords commissioners of the Admiralty, or who had been dismissed for any mis¬ demeanour, or by court-martial, or who had not behaved himself to the satisfaction of the Lord High Admiral, or who should have leisure to go out of his Majesty’s dominions, if employed in the merchant service or otherwise, or who en¬ joyed the benefit of any public employment. Since the above period the rate of half-pay to the several officers of the navy has undergone various modifications. At present it stands thus:— Rates of Half-Pay at present established for the Navy and Marines. FLAG OFFICERS. Per Annum. Admirals of the Fleet L.1149 15 0 Admirals 766 10 0 Vice-Admirals 593 2 6 Rear ditto 456 5 0 Flag Officers on reserved half-pay 456 5 0 Retired Rear-Admirals (under order in Council of 1846) 456 5 0 CAPTAINS. To each of the first 70 as they stand on the active list of officers in seniority L.264 12 To each of the next 100 228 2 To the rest 191 12 Retired (under order in Council of 1846).... 365 0 Do. do. 328 10 ♦Retired Captain of 1840, and Aug. 1851... 191 12 Reserved half-pay (order (in Council, 25th June 1851) 191 12 COMMANDERS. To each of the first 150 in seniority on the active and reserved lists combined L.182 10 To the remainder 155 2 Reserved half-pay (order in Council, 25th June 1851) 155 2 ♦Retired Commander of 1816 155 2 * Do. do. 1830 127 15 * Do. do. 1846 (From the Master's List) 228 2 * Do- do- do. ’ " (do.)”"” 191 12 Per Diem. L.3 3 0 2 2 0 1 12 6 15 0 15 0 All lieutenants promoted to that rank after 1st July 1840 to receive 4s. a day, or L.73 per annum, to be increased to 5s. a day after three years’ service as lieutenants in sea-going ships, and to advance by senior¬ ity to the rates of 6s. and 7s. a day; hut may be placed on the 5s. list if, through illness contracted in the service, they shall have been unable to serve three years at sea in that rank. 15 0 L.O 14 6 0 12 6 0 10 6 10 0 0 18 0 0 10 6 0 10 6 L.O 10 0 0 8 6 0 8 0 8 0 7 0 12 0 10 LIEUTENANTS. To each of the first 300 on the list in senior¬ ity on the active and reserved lists com¬ bined L.127 15 0 To each of the next 700 do., do 109 10 0 To the remainder 91 6 0 VOL. XVT. L.O 7 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 ROYAL MARINES. Per Annum. Per Diem. Colonels L.264 12 6 L.O 14 6 Lieutenant-Colonels 200 15 0 0 11 0 Captains 127 15 0 0 7 0 First Lieutenants of 7 years’ standing 82 2 6 0 4 6 The rest 73 0 0 0 4 0 Second Lieutenants 54 15 0 0 3 0 Above 20 years’ service in the rank of Mas¬ ter, if qualified for 1st and 2d rates L.237 5 0 L.O 13 0 Above 15 years’ service in the rank of Mas¬ ter, if qualified for 1st and 2d rates 182 10 0 0 10 0 Above 10 years’service in the rank of Master 146 0 0 0 8 0 Above 5 do. do 109 10 0 0 6 0 Under 5 do. do 91 5 0 0 5 0 INSPECTORS OF MACHINERY AFLOAT AND CHIEF ENGINEERS. Above 20 years’ service as Inspectors and Chief Engineers, or as Chief Engineers, if qualified for 1st or 2d rates L.237 5 0 L.O 13 0 Above 15 years’ service as Inspectors and Chief Engineers, or Chief Engineers, if qualified for 1st or 2d rates 182 10 0 0 10 0 Above 10 years’ service as Inspectors and Chief Engineers, or as Chief Engineers.... 146 0 0 0 8 0 Above 5 years’ service as Inspectors and Chief Engineers, or as Chief Engineers.... 109 10 0 0 6 0 Under 5 years’ service as Inspectors and Chief Engineers, or as Chief Engineers,,.. 91 5 0 0 5 0 114 Personnel. NAVY. MEDICAL OFFICESS. Per Annum: Medical Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets L.319 7 6 After 5 years’ service as such 383 5 0 Physicians—After 10 years’ service 383 5 0 „ 3 years 273 15 0 Under that time..... ,••••• 191 12 6 Deputy Medical Inspectors of Hospitals and Fleets from date of promotion, unless en¬ titled to a higher rate by previous service After 7 years’ service as such SURGEONS. Surgeons ^ ^ Above 6 years service , if , ^ 1A IZi 10 273 15 319 7 Per Diem. L.O 17 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 15 0 0 10 6 0 15 0 17 10 15 20 25 30 (with leave to retire), do 146 0 182 10 237 5 273 15 ASSISTANT-SURGEONS. Assistant-Surgeons..... I'-** W Above 3 years’service ••••■ ^ „ 10 „ J 91 91 L.O 0 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 15 0 L.O 0 0 0 0 (i 20 j, Dispensers i - All medical officers below the rank of deputy medical inspector who may hereafter be appointed to hospitals, and who may be superseded or retire therefrom, shall, according to their respective ranks, receive the rate of half-pay to which they may be entitled according to length of service, all time included. PAYMASTERS. On the retired list if n 7 n To each of the next 200 a a f n To the remainder...... 91 5 0 0 5 u Such Paymasters as shall serve three years under the new system will receive half-pay at the following rates:— If with 12 years’service as a Paymaster, 3 of ^ T ^ „ which in a 1st or 2d rate L.191 12 6 L.O 10 6 If with 9 years’service as Paymaster, 3 of which in a 3d or 4th rate 164 5 0 0 9 0 If with 6 years’ service as Paymaster, 3 of . which in a 5th or 6th rate 136 17 6 ^ n If with 3 years’ service as Paymaster 109 10 0 0 6 5 To the remainder •••• 91 5 0 0 5 0 RATES OF PENSION TO BE GRANTED TO INSPECTORS OF MACHINERY AFLOAT, AND TO ENGINEERS OF THE ROYAL NAVY. {Under Her Majesty’s Order in Council of 13t/t June 1853.) To an inspector of machinery afloat, provided he shall have served upwards of five years in that rank, a pension of from L.160 to L.180 per annum. If an inspector of machinery afloat be found unfit prior to completing five years’ service in that rank, the time so served shall be added to his service as chief engineer, and he shall be pensioned on the scale for chief engineers. To a chief engineer, having served twelve years as a chief engineer, and being in the first class, a pension of L.110 to L.130 per annum; having served six years as a chief engineer, and being in the first or second class, a pension of from L.85 to L.105 per annum ; having served five years as an engineer in the Royal Navy, three of which as a chief engineer, a pension of from L.75 to L.90 per annum. If a chief engineer be found unfit prior to completing three years in that rank, the time so served shall be added to his service as assistant- engineer, and he shall be pensioned on the scale for an assistant-engineer. To an assistant-engineer, having served as such twenty years in the Royal Navy, and being in the first class, a pension of from L.65 to L.75 per annum; having served as such ten years in the Royal Navy, and being in the first or second class, a pension of from L.50 to L.6ti per annum; having served as such three years in the Royal Navy, a pension of from L.40 to L.50 per annum. The time served by assistant-engineers as engineers on the old estab¬ lishment shall be reckoned as if the same had been served as assistant- engineers. CHAPLAINS. After 8 years’service at sea L.91 5 0 L.O 5 0 After 10 „ ,, under New Regulations 91 5 0 0 5 0 For each year’s longer service than 8 at sea, 6d. per diem additional till it reach 182 10 0 0 10 0 CHAPLAINS AND NAVAL INSTRUCTORS. After 15 years’ service, one half of the highest rate of half-pay of naval instructors, in addition to the half-pay to which they may be en¬ titled as chaplains. NAVAL INSTRUCTORS. After their first entry L.36 10 0 L.O 2 0 After 3 years’ service on full pay 54 15 0 0 3 0 „ 10 „ „ 82 2 6 0 4 6 „ 15 „ „ 91 5 0 0 5 0 „ 20 „ „ 127 15 0 0 7 0 {Payable Quarterly.) SE0MTAE,ES- p.,*,™,. After 12 years’ actual service as Secretaries L.219 0 0 MATES. 2s. 6d. a day, or L.45,12s. 6d. per annum, after three years’ actual sea service as mates, and when unable to obtain employment in Her Majesty’s service, provided their conduct during service shall have been satisfactory, and provided they do not decline or avoid service when called upon. The lords commissioners of the Admiralty are empowered to allow any mate to retire from the service, with a pension of 2s. 6d. a day, after twenty years’actual Service, during ten years of which he must have held the rating of mate. SECOND MASTERS. 2s. 6d. a day, or L.45,12s. 6d. per annum, after three years’ sea ser¬ vice as second masters, provided they cannot obtain employment in the navy, and do not decline or avoid service when it is offered to them. The period of three years’ service may be dispensed with in the case of officers who shall have been invalided for sickness or injuries caused by the service, and which shall render them permanently disqualified for further employment. In no case will half-pay be allowed to second masters unless the con¬ duct of the officer whilst serving shall have been in all respects satisfac¬ tory.. „ ASSISTANT PAYMASTERS—as Mates. The boatswains, gunners, and carpenters of the navy have pensions or superannuations, in lieu of half-pay, ac¬ cording to the following scale, formed on a consideration of the total length of service as warrant officers, with the length of service in commission. Total Commis. Service. Service. 20 yrs 5 yrs. 15 .15 .. 15 .. Total Service. 30 yrs., 30 .. Commis. Service. ,. 20 yrs., ..15 .. 10 , 5 20 15 10 Pension. ..L.85 ....75 .... 65 .... 55 ....75 .... 65 ....55 15 10 10 10 5 10 , 5 Pension. ....L.45 60 50 40 45 35 By proclamation, bearing date 9th March 1854, the fol-Prize lowing regulations were adopted for the distribution of money, prize money, viz.:— The flag-officer or officers shall have one-twentieth part of the whole net proceeds arising from prizes captured from the enemy by any of the ships or vessels under his or their com¬ mand* and of the rewards conferred for the same, according to the following conditions and modifications, save and ex¬ cept as hereinafter provided and directed; that is to say:— When there is but one flag-officer he shall have the entire one-twentieth part; when two flag-officers shall be sharing together, the chief shall have two-thirds, and the other flag- officer shall have the remaining one-third of the one-twen¬ tieth part; and when there shall be more than two flag- officers, the chief shall have one-half of the said one-twen¬ tieth part, and the remaining half shall be equally divided among the junior flag-officers ; commodores of the first class and captains of the fleet to share as flag-officers: Provided always, That no flag-officer, unless actually on board any ship or vessels of war, and at the actual taking, sinking, burning, or otherwise destroying any ship or ships of war, privateer or privateers, belonging to the enemy, shall share in the distribution of any head money or bounty money granted as a reward for taking, sinking, burning, or other¬ wise destroying any such ship or vessel of the enemy. No flag-officer commanding in any port in the United King¬ dom shall share in the proceeds of any prize captured from the enemy by any ship or vessel which shall sail from or leave such port by order of the Lord High Admiral, or of the com¬ missioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral. When ships or vessels under the command of several flag- officers belonging to separate stations shall be joint captors, each flag-officer shall receive a proportion of the one-twen¬ tieth part, according to the number of officers and men present under the command of each such flag-officer; and when any ship or vessel under orders from the Lord High Admiral, or from the commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, are joint captors with other ships or N A Personnel, vessels under a flag or flags, the like regulations as to the apportionment of the flag share to the flag-officer or officers are to be observed. With reference to flag-officers it is to be noted:— That when an inferior flag-officer is sent to reinforce a superior officer on any station, the superior flag-officer shall not share in any prize taken by the inferior flag-officer be¬ fore he has arrived within the limits of that station, unless the inferior officer shall have received some order directly from, and shall be acting in execution of, some order issued by, such superior flag-officer. No chief flag-officer quitting any station, except upon some definite urgent service, and with the intention of re¬ turning to the station as soon as such service is performed, shall share in any prize taken by H.M.’s ships or vessels left behind after he has passed the limits of the station, or after he has surrendered the command to another flag-officer appointed by the Admiralty to command in chief upon such station. An inferior flag-officer quitting any station (except when detached by orders from his commander-in-chief upon a special service, accompanied with orders to return to such station as soon as the service has been performed) shall have no share in prizes taken by the ships and vessels remaining on the station after he has passed the limits thereof. In like manner flag-officers remaining on such station shall not share in the prizes taken by such inferior officer, or by ships or vessels under his immediate command, after he has quitted the limits of the station, except he has been detached as aforesaid. A commander-in-chief or other flag-officer belonging to any station shall not share in any prize or prizes taken out of the limits of that station by any ship or vessel under the command of a flag-officer of any other station, or under orders from the commissioners of the Admiralty, unless such commander-in-chief or flag-officer is expressly autho¬ rized by the said commissioners to take the command of that station in which the prize or prizes is or are taken, and shall actually have taken upon him such command. Every commodore having a captain under him shall be esteemed a flag-officer with respect to the twentieth part of prizes taken, whether he be commanding in chief or serving under command. The first captain to the admiral and commander-in-chief of the fleet, and also the first captain to any flag-officer appointed to command a fleet of ten ships of the line or upwards, shall be deemed to be a flag-officer for the purpose of sharing in prize, and shall be entitled to share therein as the junior flag-officer of such fleet. Any officer on board any ships of war at the time of capturing any prize or prizes who shall have more com¬ missions than one, shall be entitled only to share in such prize or prizes according to the share allotted to him by the above-mentioned distribution, in respect to his superior commission or office. ^ And with reference to other officers it is to be noted,— 1 hat a captain, commander, or other commanding officer of a ship or vessel, shall be deemed to be under the com¬ mand of a flag when he shall have received some order from, or be acting in the execution of some order issued by, a flag-officer, whether he be or be not within the limits of the station of such flag-officer; and in the event of his being directed to join a flag-officer on any station, he shall be deemed to be under the command of such flag-officer from the time when he arrives within the limits of the station, which circumstance is always to be carefully noted in the og-book 5 3-ud it shall be considered that he continues under t ic flag-officer of such station until he shall have received some order directly from, or be acting in the execution of some order issued by some other flag-officer, duly autho¬ rized, or by the Lord High Admiral, or the commissioners tor executing the office of Lord High Admiral vy. ns The captain, commander, lieutenant commanding, master Personnel, commanding, or any other officer duly commanding, any ship, sloop, or vessel of war, singly taking any prize from the enemy,—that is to say, the officer actually in command at the time,—shall have one-eighth of the remainder, or if there is no flag, one-eighth of the entire net proceeds; ex¬ cept that, if the single capturing ship be a rated ship, having a commander under the captain, the commander shall take a portion of the one-eighth part, as if he were commander of a sloop, according to the proportion hereinafter set forth; and if more than one commanding officer of the same rank of command shall be entitled to share as joint captors, the one-eighth shall be equally divided between them; but when captains, commanders, lieutenants commanding, and mas¬ ters commanding, respectively, H.M.’s ships and vessels of war, and commanders under captains in rated ships, shall share together, in whatever variety of combination, the one- eighth shall be so divided into parts for a graduated appor¬ tionment as to provide for each captain receiving six parts, each commander of a sloop, or commander under a captain in a rated ship, three parts, and each lieutenant command¬ ing, or master commanding, or other officer actually com¬ manding, a small vessel of wTar, two parts; commodores of the second class, and field-officers of marines, or of land forces serving as marines, doing duty as field officers, above the rank of major, to share as captains; and field officers of marines, or of land forces serving as marines, and doing duty in the rank of major, to share as commanders of sloops. After provision shall thus have been made for the flag share (if any), and for the portion of the commanding officer or officers, and others as above specified, the remainder of the net proceeds shall be distributed in ten classes, so that each officer, man, and boy, composing the rest of the com¬ plements of H.M.’s ships, sloops, and vessels of war, and actually on board at the time of any such capture, and every person present and assisting, shall receive shares, or a share, according to his class, as set forth in the following scale :— First Class.—Master of the fleet, inspector of steam machinery afloat, when embarked with a fleet, medical in¬ spector, or deputy medical inspector, when embarked with a fleet, forty-five shares each. Second Class.—Senior lieutenant of a rated ship, not bearing a commander under the captain, secretary to the admiral of the fleet, or admiral commanding in chief, thirty- five shares each. Third Class.—Sez lieutenant, master, captain of ma¬ rines, of marine artillery, or of land forces doing duty as marines, whether having higher brevet rank or not, secretary to an admiral or to a commodore of the first class not com¬ manding in chief, chief engineer, twenty-eight shares each. Fourth Class.—Lieutenant or quarter-master of marines, lieutenant of marine artillery, lieutenant, quartermaster, or ensign of land forces doing duty as marines, secretary to a commodore of the second class, chaplain, surgeon, pay¬ master, naval instructor, mate, assistant-surgeon, second master, assistant-paymaster in charge, assistant-engineer, gunnex*, boatswain, carpenter, eighteen shares each. Fifth Class.—Midshipman, master’s assistant, pilot, clerk (not passed), master-at-arms, chief gunner’s mate, chief boatswain’s mate, chief carpenter’s mate, chief captain of the forecastle, admiral’s coxswain, chief quartermaster, seamen’s schoolmaster, ship’s steward, ship’s cook, ten shares each. Sixth Class.—NaVal cadet, clerk’s assistant, captain’s coxswain, ship’s corporal, quartermaster, gunner’s mate, boatswain’s mate, captain of the forecastle, captain of the after-guard, captain of the hold, captain of the maintop, captain of the foretop, coxswain of the launch, sailmaker, ropemaker, caulker, leading stoker, blacksmith, serjeant oi marines, of marine artillery, or of land forces doing duty as marines, nine shares each. Seventh LYass.—-Captain of the mast, captain of the 116 NAVY. Personnel, mizen-top, yeoman of the signals, coxswain of the barge, coxswain of the pinnace, coxswain of the cutter, second cap¬ tain of the forecastle, second captain of the maintop, second captain of the foretop, second captain of the afterguard, sail- maker’s mate, caulker’s mate, musician, cooper, armourer, cor¬ poral of marinesor of land forces doing duty as marines, bom¬ bardier of marine artillery, head krooman, six shares each. Eighth Class.—Leading seaman, shipwright, second cap¬ tain of the hold, able seaman, carpenter’s crew, sailmaker’s crew, cooper’s crew, armourer’s crew, yeoman of the store¬ rooms, steward’s assistant, ordinary seaman, blacksmith’s mate, private and fifer of marines, or of land forces doing duty as marines, gunner of marine artillery, painter, stoker, coal trimmer, second head krooman, sick-berth attendant, bandsman, tailor, butcher, three shares each. Ninth Class.—Cook’s mate, ship’s steward’s boy, ad¬ miral’s domestic, superintendent’s domestic, admiral’s steward and cook, captain’s steward and cook, ward-room and gun¬ room steward and cook, subordinate officer’s steward and cook, commander’s servant, secretary’s servant; second class ordinary seaman, assistant stoker, barber, boy of the first class, first and second class krooman, supernumeraries, except as hereinafter provided, persons borne merely as passengers, and not declining to render assistance on occa¬ sion of capture, two shares each. Tenth Class.—Boy below the first class, one share. All supernumeraries holding ranks in the service above the ranks or ratings specified in the fifth class, who have been ordered to do duty in any of H.M.’s ships or vessels by the Lord High Admiral, or by the commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, by the senior officer of the fleet or squadron; or, if none senior, then by the captain or commanding officer of the capturing ship or vessel, if not by special authority employed in higher capa¬ cities, shall share according to the rank which they respec¬ tively hold in the service ; but in all cases to qualify them for so sharing, and not merely as supernumeraries in the ninth class, due notation of their being thus respectively ordered to do duty must have been made on the muster-books. With respect to supernumeraries of ratings in the service below the denominations of those specified in the fourth class, who, at full victuals, are engaged in the ordinary duties of the ship, they shall share according to their ratings. When any capture is made from the enemy, the captains or commanding officers of H.M.’s ships or vessels of war making the same shall transmit, or cause to be transmitted, as soon as may be, to the secretary of the Admiralty a true and perfect list of all the officers, seamen, marines, soldiers, and others, who were actually on board on the occasion, accompanied by a separate list, containing the names of those belonging to the crew who were absent on duty or otherwise at the time, specifying the cause of such absence, each list to contain the quality ot the service of each person. Conveyance of Treasure.—Scale of Bates. Between any two ports, the navi-> gable distance between which I shall not exceed six hundred! leagues ) Between any two ports, the navi-"! gable distance between which shall exceed six hundred! leagues, and shall be less than two thousand leagues J For any distance of two thousand 1 leagues and upwards J For Crown Treasure. Per cent. For Treasure belong¬ ing to other Parties. Peace and War. Gold or Jewels. H Silver. Per cent. 1 4 The above rates are payable clear of all deduction what- Personnel soever; and it is to be stipulated in the bill of lading that the captains and commanding officers of H.M.’s ships and ves¬ sels shall not be liable to any expenses attending the ship¬ ment of such treasure, or other articles, until the same shall be safe alongside of their respective ships or vessels, and that their liability shall cease from the moment they shall have landed the treasure at the port to which the ships car¬ rying the treasure shall be destined. Another great encouragement for young men to enter Honours the naval service arises from the honours bestowed by the and re' sovereign for any brilliant exploit. Thus, in consequence wards> of the skill and bravery which were exhibited in the great and glorious action of the 1st of June 1794, his Majesty was graciously pleased to confer on Earl Howe the order of the garter; Admirals Graves and Sir Alexander Hood were made barons of the kingdom of Ireland; and Rear- admirals Bowyer, Gardner, and Pasley, together with Sir Roger Curtis, captain of the Queen Charlotte, were created baronets. Gold medals and chains were also distributed to such admirals, and gold medals to such captains, as were particularized in Lord Howe’s despatches. The first lieutenants of each ship were promoted to the rank of com¬ manders ; and pensions of L. 1000 per annum were granted to Rear-admirals Bowyer and Pasley, in consideration of the loss of limbs. For the action of the 14th of February 1797, Lord St Vin¬ cent was advanced to the dignity of an earl, and a pension was granted to him of L.3000 a-year; Vice-admirals Thompson and Parker were created baronets ; Commodore Nelson received the order of the bath, and Captain Calder of the Victory the honour of knighthood; and gold medals were distributed to the admirals and captains. For the action of the 11th of October 1797, Admiral Duncan was created a viscount, with a pension of L.2000 a-year ; Vice-admiral Onslow was made a baronet ; and Captain Fairfax had the honour of knighthood. Gold medals were also distributed to the admirals and captains. For the action of the 1st of August 1798, his Majesty was pleased to testify his sense of the importance of this brilliant achievement by raising Sir Horatio Nelson to the dignity of the peerage, by the title of Baron Nelson of the Nile, and by directing medals to be distributed to the cap¬ tains. The first lieutenant of the Majestic was made a captain, and the first lieutenants of the other ships were promoted to the rank of commanders; and for the attack of the Danish fleet at Copenhagen, Lord Nelson was raised to the dignity of a viscount, and the order of the bath was conferred on Admiral Graves. For the ever memorable action of Trafalgar, in which Lord Nelson fell in the arms of victory, his Majesty was pleased to confer upon his brother the rank of earl, with a pension of L.5000 a-year, and the sum of L.120,000 was voted by Parliament for the purchase of an estate to be an¬ nexed to the title; Admiral Collingwood was raised to the dignity of baron, Lord Northesk was honoured with the order of the bath, and Captain Hardy was created a baronet; the captains received medals, five lieutenants were made captains, and twenty-four commanders; twenty-two mid¬ shipmen were made lieutenants, and the senior captain of marines was made brevet-major. By this last act of Lord Nelson’s life was annihilated the only remaining hope of the combined navies of France and Spain, and a blow given to the naval power of the enemies ot Great Britain, which they never recovered during the remainder of the war. In the secondary victories of Sir John Warren, Sir John Duckworth, Sir Robert Calder, Sir Richard Strachan, Lord Gambier, and Lord Exmouth, and even for brilliant actions of single ships, appropriate distinctions have never been with- NAVY. Personnel, held. Exclusive of peerages and baronetcies, the honours bestowed for gallant conduct in the naval service at present consist of six knights grand crosses of the military Order of the Bath, thirty-three knights commanders, and 114 com¬ panions of the Bath. In addition to these, there are of the civil Order of the Bath one cross, two knights commanders, and three companions. Medals have also been granted of late years by the Queen for various naval services, and distributed alike to the officers, seamen, and marines. These consist of the war medal for actions in ships and boats from 1793 to 1815 ; the medal for Algiers, Navarino, Acre, and Syria; the Bur¬ mese, China, and Kafir medal; and, lastly, the medal for services performed in the Arctic seas, which have greatly added to the renown of the British navy, have led to vast discoveries in that interesting portion of the globe, solving the problem of the N.W. passage, which for three cen¬ turies engaged the attention of the maritime nations of Europe, and rendering illustrious the names of many officers. Conspicuous among these in our naval annals will ever stand the names of Franklin, Parry, Ross, Collinson, and M‘Clure, while those of Scoresby and Penny will be scarcely less conspicuous in the mercantile marine. The institution of the Order of Valour will be another incentive to the offi¬ cers and men of the Royal Navy in the performance of heroic deeds in their country’s service. There are at present twenty-five officers, seamen, and marines, recipients of the Victoria Cross. In addition to the foregoing there are many officers and seamen authorized to wear foreign orders—the Legion of Honour, the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, the orders of St Michael, St George, the Tower and Sword, Redeemer of Greece, the Medjedic, &c. Naval Amongst the honours bestowed by the sovereign upon aides-de- officers of the navy and Royal Marines is the appointment n.™Lt0 the °* ai(ies-de-camp to the Queen. Of these there are twelve : one of them, the first and principal, is an admiral, ten are captains, and two colonels of marines. Good-service pensions are also awarded to a certain number of flag-officers, captains, and field-officers of marines. These are selected according to their standing, length and nature of services, a statement of which is given, in each case, in the annual naval estimates presented to Parliament. There are at present seven flag-officers and twenty-one captains of the Royal Navy, and three field-officers of the Marines, in receipt of the good-service pension. The provision which is made for officers, in the event of for wounds, losing a limb, or being so severely wounded in the service that the prejudice to the habit of body is equal to the loss of a limb, is another encouragement for entering the naval service. There are at present 173 officers to whom pen¬ sions for wounds have been granted. For an admiral, from L.300 to L.700 per annum. A.captain, wounds .... 250 0 ; loss of a limb, L.300 0 Commander 150 0; 200 0 Lieutenant 91 5; 91 5 Marine officers the same as in the army. A provision is likewise made for the widows of the com¬ mission and warrant officers of the royal navy, and voted annually on the navy estimates. The pensions are allowed according to the annexed scale, being similar, in most cases, to the widows of officers in the army of corresponding ranks. I he latter are also provided for by an annual vote of Parliament. Hides and Orders for granting Pensions to the Widoios of Commission and Warrant Officers of the Royal Navy. Art. 1. idows of commission and warrant officers of the Royal Navy may be allowed pensions as hereinafter directed, and subject to the following restrictions, provided they shall appear to the lords commissioners of the Admiralty to be proper and de- 117 Queen. Good-ser¬ vice pen- Pensions Widows’ pensions. c7mScS.“ls of the p“blic ’,oun‘:^■and not left in w“lthy Art. 2.—The rates of pensions shall be as follows, viz.'s— Rank of Officer. Flag officers. Captains retired under O. C. 1846 Captains of 3 years standingand upwards Captains under 3 years standing Captains retired under O. C.1840 Commanders Commanders retired under O. C. of 1846... Commanders retired under 0. C. of 1816... Commanders retired under 0. C. of 1830... Lieutenants Masters of the fleet Masters Mates Second Masters Gunners warranted prior to 1830 G unners not warranted prior to 1830 Boatswains warranted prior to 1830 Boatswains not war¬ ranted prior to 1830.. Carpenters warranted prior to 1830 Carpenters not war¬ ranted prior to 1830.. Masters of naval vessels warranted prior to 1830 Masters of naval vessels not warranted prior to 1830 £ c3 O O Gw I? 5 ROYAL MARINES. General officers Colonels.... Lieutenant-colonels.... Majors Captains 1st Lieutenants 2d Lieutenants CIVIL BRANCH. Medical inspectors of hospitals and fleets Secretaries to com- manders-in-chief Deputy inspectors of hospitals and fleets... Paymasters-in-chief.... Inspectors of machi¬ nery afloat Chaplains Secretaries to junior flag-officers Surgeons Paymasters Naval instructors Chief engineers Assistant-surgeons Assistant-engineers .... L. 120 110 90 80 75 70 60 60 50 50 60 50 25 25 25 25 120 90 80 70 50 40 36 80 70 leo J 50 40 Special Pension in lien of Ordinary Pension.* According to circumstances 200 200 & 120 80 90 80 60 60 35 According to circumstances. 200 200 120 80 60 50 200 120 Special Pension in lieu of Ordinary Pension.f L. According to circumstances. 150 140 100 65 80 65 50 50 30 90 80 65 35 According to circumstances. 150 140 100 65 50 40 140 100 80 65 50 30 * If the officer was killed in action, or died within six months of wounds received in action. t If the officer was drowned, or suffered other violent death in an imme¬ diate act of duty, or if it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the lords com¬ missioners of the Admiralty that he has died from the effects of any injury or disease caused by extraordinary exposure or exertion on service within six months after his being first certified to be ill. 118 Personnel. Compas¬ sionate Fund. NAVY. PENSIONS TO THE MOTHERS AND SISTERS OF OFFICERS KILLED IN ACTION. Mothers.—Where an officer is killed in action, and leaves no widow nor legitimate child, but leaves a mother who is a widow in distressed circumstances, and who was dependent upon him, the mother shall receive a pension equal to the ordinary rate of widowJs pension attached to the rank which her son held at the time of his death; but if such mother shall herself he in receipt of a pension as an officer’s widow, or shall have any other provision of any kind from the public, in that case no allowance will be made to her on account of her son, unless she gives up the other pension or allow¬ ance ; and the pension given to a mother on account of her son will be forfeited on re-marriage. Sisters.—The allowance made to the sisters of officers is not to exceed that which would be given to a mother, and will not be given in any case unless the officer shall have fallen in action, or shall die of wounds received in action, within six months after being wounded, and shall have left no widow, legitimate child, nor mother, nor unless the sister shall be ai^brphan, having no surviving bro¬ ther, and shall have been dependent for support upon the officer killed. Every pension so granted will cease when the person re¬ ceiving it shall marry, or be otherwise sufficiently provided for. The widows of boatswains, gunners, and carpenters of the royal navy, and masters of naval vessels, appointed prior to the 30th of June 1830, will, if otherwise qualified, be entitled to a pension of L.25. Widows of the above warrant-officers, and the widows of engineers who shall have been warranted subsequently to the 30th June 1830, are not entitled to pensions unless their husbands shall have suffered a violent death, and provided they shall be otherwise entitled to the same, in which case the following pensions will be allowed:— Art. 1.—To the widow of a gunner, boatswain, carpenter, or engineer, whose husband shall have been killed in action, a pen¬ sion of L.35 a year. Art. 2.—To the widow of any of the above-named warrant-officers, whose husband shall have been drowned on duty, or suffered a violent death in an immediate act of duty, a pension of L.30 a year. Art. 3.—The pensions of all widows shall commence from the first day of the month following that in which their husbands died, pro¬ vided application be made by the widow within twelve months from the same, otherwise from the time only of such application; and all applications for pensions must be addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty. Art. 4.—The widows of officers (except chaplains) who shall have married after the 31st of December 1830, are only entitled to the pensions of their respective classes in the event of their husbands having been on the list of commission or warrant officers, or on the list of naval instructors, ten complete years, except the husband be killed in action, or lose his life in the execution of the service. Art. 5.—No widow shall receive a pension as a chaplain’s widow, unless her husband shall have been in priest’s orders, nor unless his name was on the list at the time of his death, nor unless she shall have been married during, or prior to, her husband’s service in the navy, and unless her husband shall have served three years on full pay subsequent to their marriage, and shall have served the length of time to entitle him to his half-pay. Art. 6.—No widow shall be entitled to the pension who has not been married twelve months to the officer by whose right she claims the same, unless the said officer was killed or drowned in the sea service; but the lords commissioners of the Admiralty may grant the pension, in such cases as they think proper, when officers die before the expiration of twelve months from the time of their mar¬ riage. Art. 7.—If any officer shall marry after the age of sixty years, his widow shall not be entitled to receive the pension; or, if being capable of service, he should, at his own solicitation, be excused from it, being at the time warned that his widow would thereby forfeit the pension. Art. 8.—The above pensions shall not be received by any widow together with any other pension from the government. Art. 9.—Widows who shall have re-married after the 31st De¬ cember 1830 shall forfeit their pensions. Art. 10.—The pensions of widows who shall have re-married prior to the 31st of December 1830 shall be paid to themselves, and their receipts shall, notwithstanding their coverture, be deemed a sufficient discharge for the payment of their pension. Besides these pensions, there has been established a Compassionate Fund, for the relief of such widows and orphan children as may appear to be proper objects of com¬ passion. The sums annually required are voted by Parlia¬ ment, and at present are limited to L.16,000 a year. One of the greatest benefits that could be conferred upon the Royal Navy would be to double the vote for the Compas- Personnel. sionateFund, which is quite inadequate for the object in- tended, and admits of very little compassion being shown to the orphan children of officers who have faithfully served their country. Pensions to petty officers and seamen are granted by the Board of Admiralty for wounds, infirmities, and length of service; and the sum required for this purpose is voted an¬ nually on the navy estimates. In addition, however, to the pensions granted for wounds, and the pensions and compassionate allowances secured to the widows and children of officers,’ there are happily other provisions made for them by charitable institutions,—for instance, Naval Knights of Windsor, formerly called Poor Knights. Naval —There is an asylum afforded at Windsor, by the will of Knigbts of the late Samuel Travers, Esq., for seven “ superannuated or " inds°r- disabled lieutenants of English men-of-war, who are to be single men, without children, inclined to lead a virtuous, studious, and devout life; and to be removed if they give occasion for scandal.” One of these, the senior officer, is appointed governor of the institution. Queen Adelaide's College at Penge was established by Queen her late Majesty for the widows of twelve officers of the Adelaide’s ranks of lieutenant, master, surgeon, and paymaster. Each College, widow is allowed L.30 per annum, with coals and candles. The nominations are in the gift of the First Lord of the Admiralty. The Royal Naval Benevolent Society, established in The Royal 1739. It affords relief to officers (being subscribers) of Naval Be- and above ward-room rank, and to their widows and fami- nevolent lies under misfortune and distress. The scale of subscrip- SocietV tion entitling to relief is so small that all officers would do well to support it. The following is the scale, viz.:—Flag- officers—annual, 1, 2, and 3 guineas; life, L.20. Captains, commanders, inspectors of hospitals and fleets, and secre¬ taries—annual, 10s. 6d.; life, L.10. Chief engineers— annual, 6s.; life, L.6. Ward-room officers (including as¬ sistant-surgeons who are entitled to ward-room rank, and naval instructors)—annual, 5s.; life, L.5. It appears by the report that many cases have occurred where the widows, orphans, or other relatives entitled, have received hundreds of pounds for the husband’s subscription of as many shillings. Thus, the sister of a deceased captain, for four years’ sub¬ scription of L.l, Is., received for his L.4, 4s. the sum of L.530. The orphans of a master, for six years’ subscrip¬ tion of 5s., received for his L.l, 10s. the sum of L.l82, 8s. A lieutenant, with eight children, for twenty years’ sub¬ scription of 5s., received prior to his death L.l 70; and sub¬ sequently his widow the sum of L.88; and many other similar cases might be mentioned. Queen Adelaide's Naval Fund.—This fund was estab- Queen lished in 1850 for the relief of the orphan daughters of Adelaide’s officers of the Royal Navy and Marines. The dividends Naval arising from donations and subscriptions are entirely appro- Fund, priated to the relief of orphans, who are assisted by pecu¬ niary grants bestowed at the discretion of the committee, nw/-l r»11 ■fViv tinn of tlio maintenance of the aged, or the casual assistance of those in temporary difficulty. The Royal Naval School at New Cross, Kent, incor-The Royal porated by Act of Parliament 1840, has been established a Naval quarter of a century. The annual charge for board and School, education of the sons of naval and marine officers of ward¬ room rank is L.30, some are admitted at L.25, a limited number gratuitously, and at L.15 a year, according to the necessitous circumstances of the parents, a preference be¬ ing given to orphans of those who may have fallen in the service of the country. A limited number of pupils, not being sons of naval or marine officers, are admitted on payment of L.50 per annum. Several young officers who NAVY. Personnel Royal Naval Female School. Orphan schools for seamen’s children. Sailors’ homes. Greenwich Hospital. , were educated ai this school distinguished themselves in ’ the late war with Russia, and particularly so in the recent Arctic expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin and the crews of H.M. ships Erebus and Terror. The Royal Naval Female School, formerly at Rich¬ mond, and now St Margaret’s, Isleworth, was established in 1840, for the purpose of bestowing upon the daughters of necessitous naval and marine officers, of and above the rank of ward-room officers, a good, virtuous, and religious educa¬ tion at the lowest possible cost. It owes its origin to the late Admiral Sir Thomas Williams, G.C.B., who invested L.1000 in trust; and by an additional contribution of L.100 per annum for seven years, arranged payments of the rents for that period. The Patriotic Fund made last year (1857) a grant of L.5000 to the institution. There are now 87 daughters of officers in the school; of these 26 are received at the annual payment of L.40; 56 (all daughters of neces¬ sitous officers) are boarded and educated at the entire cost to the parents or guardians of L.12 per annum ; and 5 are nominees of the Patriotic Fund, whose fathers died during the late war with Russia, the establishment defraying the larger amount of actual cost through the means of voluntary contributions. Of the number of pupils on the reduced scale of payment, 5 have lost both parents, and 35 others have lost their fathers. Neither are there wanting charitable institutions for the orphan children of seamen and marines at the several ports ; and the recent establishment of sailors’homes for men-of-war’s men and merchant seamen, at most of the ports throughout the United Kingdom, is one of the greatest boons that could have been conferred. It is impossible to speak too highly of those zealous and humane officers through whose exertions they have been established, more especially the late Cap¬ tain Robert Elliot, who devoted the whole of his time and private resources on the first sailors’ home that was opened in Wells Street, London; and the present Captain William H. Flail, C.B., who has been most indefatigable at every port in the kingdom. The late Sir Edward Parry was another zealous supporter of the sailors’ homes, and of all institutions which had for their object the eternal as well as the temporal welfare of the British seaman. To his illus¬ trious name must be added those of Admiral Bowles, the late Sir Francis Beaufort, the Hon. F. Maude, of Captain Gambier, and of many other well-known officers, who have also zealously devoted themselves to the object. These various institutions are now countenanced, and in some cases aided, by the government, by whom annual grants are made both to the orphan schools and sailors’ homes. It would be well if these grants were made upon a more liberal scale. The establishment of Greenivich Hospital embraces much more extensive objects than any of the foregoing. The first idea of this noble institution,—the glory and orna¬ ment of the kingdom, which it is to be hoped that the rest¬ less spirit of innovation will leave untouched,—has been as¬ cribed, with every appearance of justice, to Mary, the consort of William III. Being desirous that our gallant seamen, worn down by age or infirmities, as well as suffering from wounds, should not be left destitute, she made a grant, jointly with King William, of the palace of Greenwich, and of cer¬ tain lands adjoining, to be appropriated to this purpose, in order, as stated in the king’s commission, to “ the making some competent provision, that seamen who, by age, wounds, or other accidents, shall become disabled for further service at sea, and shall not be in a condition to maintain themselves comfortably, may not fall under hardships and miseries, but may be supported at the public charge, and that the children of such disabled seamen, and also the widows and children of such seamen as shall happen to be slain in sea service, may, in some reasonable manner, be provided for and educated.” In 1695 the committee appointed to examine and report 119 on the premises recommended an additional wino- to Kino- Charles’s building, which being approved by the king, Sir verson°el; Christopher Wren undertook to superintend the new erec- tions without any pay or reward. Since that time various additions and improvements have been made to this mag¬ nificent pile of building, which was completed, very nearly as it now appears, in the year 1778. The king granted L.2000 a year towards the carrying on, perfecting, and endowing of this hospital. The great officers of state and wealthy individuals also subscribed liberally to the undertaking. It was at the same time en¬ acted by Parliament, that a deduction of sixpence per man per month should be made out of the wages of all mariners for the use of the hospital; and power was given to the Lord High Admiral to appoint commissioners for receiving the said duty, whose office is situated on Tower Hill. These deductions no longer exist, and the establishment has been broken up. In 1699 his Majesty contributed the sum of L.19,500, being fines laid by the House of Lords on cer¬ tain merchants convicted of smuggling. In 1705 Queen Anne assigned to the use of the hospital the effects of Kid the pirate, amounting to upwards of L.6000. In 1707 Robert Osbaldiston, Esq., devised by will half of his estate, which was valued at L.20,000. In the same year Anthony Bowyer gave the reversion of a considerable estate for the use of the hospital. By several statutes the forfeited and unclaimed shares of prize-money were given to the hos¬ pital, and various grants from time to time continued to be made by Parliament. But the most substantial grant was that made by the Commons of the rents and profits of the forfeited estates of the Earl of Derwentwater, amount¬ ing at that time to about L.6000 a year, and at present to the gross rental of L.60,000, of which, after payment of all expenses for improvements, repairs, collections, and incum¬ brances, the annual receipt may be estimated at from L.30,000 to L.40,000. At present the permanent revenues of the hospital con- sist Of the following heads Permanent o revenues 1. The duties arising from the North and South Fore¬ land lighthouses. 2. The rents and profits of the Derwentwater estates, including the lead mines. 3. Rents of the market of Greenwich, and of certain houses there and in London. 4. Interest of money invested in the public funds. 5. Forfeited and unclaimed shares of prize-money 6. Fines for various offences. It is evident that the funds of the establishment must vary considerably in times of war and peace; being lowest in the latter period, when the demands are heaviest upon it, especially for a certain number of years after the close of a war. The rental of the estates belonging to the hospital in the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Dur¬ ham, rose from L.23,000, in 1805, to L.43,000, in 1816. The present gross rental of these estates and the lead mines, as above stated, amounts to about L.60,000; the North and South Foreland lights to L.7000; and the in¬ terest of funded property to L.50,000; making, with other contingencies, an annual revenue of about L.150,000, the whole of which is expended on the household establish¬ ment, the clothing, maintenance, and allowances to pen¬ sioners and other attendants, with repairs, taxes, and con¬ tingencies. Hie establishment of this noble institution consists of . military and civil department. In the former there is a establLsh- governor, who is a flag-officer in the navy, lieutenant- ment. governor, who is also a flag-officer, four captains, four com¬ manders, eight lieutenants, and two masters ; two chap¬ lains, two physicians, five surgeons, and two dispensers, —all resident within the hospital. In the latter there are 120 NAVY. Personnel, five civil commissioners, two of whom are now naval officers; a secretary and his assistant, a cashier, steward, clerk of the check,—each of whom has his chief clerk; an architect, and two inspectors of works, with their clerk. The number of in-pensioners is about 3000, and the num¬ ber of nurses 180, all of whom must be the widows of sea¬ men of the navy, and under the age of forty-five years at the time of admission. Pensioned Under the naval administration of Earl Grey the follow- officers on ing officers were added to the out-pensions of Greenwich Greenwich H0Spita]( to selected by the Admiralty according to their ^ ' respective claims on the service:— Per Year. 10 Captains at L.80 15 Commanders at 60 50 Lieutenants at 50 In addition to their half-pay. Out-pen- The out-pensions to seamen were first established in the sioned sea- year 1763, fiy act of 3d Geo. III., c. 16, in consequence of men‘ which 1400 out-pensioners were appointed at L.7 per an¬ num each, after undergoing an examination at the Admi¬ ralty as to their claims. At the close of the long revolutionary war the applica¬ tions became so numerous, and the claims of the seamen who had been wounded or worn out in the service so strongly grounded in humanity and justice, that it became necessary to adopt a scale of pensions, and to establish certain rules and regulations, by which seamen of Her Ma¬ jesty’s fleet and Royal Marines should be remunerated for wounds or hurts, debility, and length of service. The fol¬ lowing are the present regulations:— For Wounds, Hurts, or Debility. Every seaman, landman, boy, or royal marine, wounded or hurt in Her Majesty’s service, is entitled to a pension proportioned to his wounds or hurts, of not less than six¬ pence a day, and not more than one shilling and sixpence or two shillings a day. For sickness or debility, after seven years’ service, and under special circumstances before that period, of not less than fivepence a day, nor more than tenpence, according as he may appear capable of assisting himself. Be¬ yond fourteen, and less than twenty-one years’ service, not less than eightpence, nor more than one shilling and three¬ pence. And after twenty-one years’ service, one shilling and sixpence a day. But the rates are altered from time to time. All the above-mentioned pensions may be forfeited by misconduct, by desertion, and by sentence of a court-mar¬ tial ; also by neglecting or omitting to attend at such port or place, and at such time, as shall, in time of war or in prospect of a war, be appointed for the assembling of the pensioners, by the lords commissioners of the Admiralty. In 1853 a committee of naval officers was appointed to consider the whole subject of manning the navy and grant¬ ing pensions to seamen. Upon their recommendation, all boys entering the navy are now required to engage for ten years’ “ continuous service,” from the age of eighteen, and are allowed to count time for pension from that age, instead of from the age of twenty, as heretofore. All men volun¬ teering for ten years’ continuous service are also allowed pensions after twenty years’ service, instead of twenty-one. In order to insure a certain number of trained seamen, in the event of an armament, in addition to those borne on the peace establishment, seamen who have served ten years continuously in the navy, reckoning from the age of eighteen, are eligible, at the discretion of the Board of Admiralty, to be granted pensions of 6d. a day each, and men with fifteen years’ service, pensions of eightpence a day each,—both classes being liable to give further service, if called upon, in the event of an armament. All men and boys, upon entering the service for the first time, and who may be granted pensions for twenty or twenty-one years’ service, Personnel, are held liable, under the pension stipulation, to give further service, if required, to meet the exigencies of an armament or of war. To the noble institution of Greenwich Hospital is ap- Naval pended an asylum for the maintenance and education of Asylum, the children of officers and seamen of the royal naval service. The Naval Asylum was originally instituted by the Patriotic Fund and private subscriptions, and afterwards established at Greenwich, by warrant under the king’s sign-manual, dated in January 1818, appointing the lords commissioners of the Admiralty to be commissioners and governors, who, with twenty-four directors, were to super¬ intend and manage the same. The object was, the main¬ tenance and education of a certain number of orphans and other children of the non-commissioned officers, seamen, and marines of the Royal Navy. As it was manifest, how¬ ever, that this establishment, so contiguous to the hospital of Greenwich, could be managed without inconvenience by the commissioners and directors of that hospital, under a more effective and economical system, His Majesty was pleased, by his warrant of January 1821, to annul the for¬ mer warrant, and to vest the superintendence and internal management of the said asylum in the commissioners and governors of Greenwich Hospital. The two schools of Greenwich Hospital and the Naval Greenwich Asylum, and the funds thereof, are now therefore incorpo- schools, rated. The internal management is confided to the board of directors, and one of the captains of the hospital is in¬ trusted with the general superintendence. The schools consist of the Nautical School and of the Upper and Lower School. A chaplain, and proper schoolmasters, matron, and inferior assistants, with moderate salaries, reside in the building. The number of children maintained and educated in the institution are,— In the Boys’ Upper School 400 ... Lower School 400 In the whole...800 The Upper School is divided into two classes. 100 are the sons of commissioned and ward-room warrant-officers of the Royal Navy and Marines; and 300 are the sons of officers of the above or inferior rank, and of private seamen or marines of the navy, and of officers and seamen of the mer¬ chant service. The whole 400 are subject to the same regulations as to education, diet, clothing, discipline, and destination. None are admitted unless they can read fluently, write small text, and perform the first three rules of arithmetic. They must be free from infirmity of every description. The age of admission is from ten to eleven ; and at fifteen, or sooner if qualified, the whole are sent to sea, either in the navy or merchant service, or are other¬ wise disposed of. Presentations by the directors in rotation. The boys of the Lower School are the children of war¬ rant and petty officers and seamen of the naval service, and non-commissioned officers and privates of the Royal Marines, admitted by the board of directors, giving a preference to orphans. The age of admission is from nine to eleven years inclusive; but none are retained beyond the age of fifteen. The boys are sent into the navy or merchant service, if situations can be provided for them ; it not, they are to be taken away by their parents or guardians at the age of fifteen. Thus all the classes of officers, seamen, and marines, who have faithfully served in the navy, are provided for by the state; and the children of such as may be in indigent circumstances receive an education at the public expense, suited to their condition in life. The total expense of the navy, including every branch Of the service, civil and military, for one whole year, about NAY Navy Bay the middle of the war with France, was estimated at about II L.18,000,000. In the year 1822, according to the esti- a*08' j mates which were laid before Parliament, it amounted to about L.5,000,000; and in the year 1837, L.4,663,000; but it would be perhaps better to give a comparison between the year 1835-6 and the year 1856-7, an interval of 21 years. When at peace at the former period, the estimates amounted to L.4,245,723, with a vote for 20,000 men, 2000 boys, and 9000 marines. When at war with Russia during the latter period, the navy estimates amounted to L. 16,298,155, with a vote for 71,000 men, being more than three times the number of seamen voted for 1835-6, and very nearly four times the amount. Some idea may be formed of the prodigious increase of correspondence consequently conducted at Whitehall, by comparing the letters received and registered in the record department of the Admiralty at the same periods. In 1835-6, when Mr (now Sir Charles) Wood was secretary, and Mr Bedford held the office of keeper of the records, 25,973 letters were registered. In 1855-6, when Mr Osborne was secretary, and Mr Barrow (with one additional clerk) was in charge of the department, 49,181 letters were registered : the letters in the previous year having amounted to no less than 53,194, occasioning considerably more than double the amount of work in 1855-6, as compared to the period when Mr Wood was secretary. N A X The following table will show the increase in estimates since the introduction of steam : the navy Year. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840-1 Men voted. Not given L.1,508,451 Supplement 2,624 j- Sum voted. 0 0 ^.1,511,075 15 11 0 0 Not given L.2,229,904 For conveying and victualling settlers to the Cape of Good H°pe 86,760 5 4 on non * ~ 2,316,664 29,000 men 5,595,855 1850- 1.33,446 zzrr:=:::: S6 1851- 2. 33,610 Yw okk 1854- 5. 50,907 (5000 seamen for 6 months.) 10 417’309 1855- 6. 65.000 11,857,506 1856- 7. 71,000 16 298 155 1857- 8. 39,000 ...I::; sliosilos . . cl°Se °f the war with Russia> the navy estimates (18o7-8) were cut down from over 16 millions (as above) to L.8,109,168. They now stand (1858-9) at L.9,140 127 • and it is to be hoped that they may not be reduced, if the Royal Navy is to remain in that state of efficiency, both in its personnel and materiel, which must be the ardent desire of every true lover of his country. (j. b—w.) NAVY BAY, or Limon Bay, an inlet of the Caribbean Sea, indenting the N. coast of the isthmus of Panama, in the republic of New Granada; N. Lat. 9. 21., W. Long. 80. It is about 5 miles wide at its mouth, stretches 4 miles into the land, gradually diminishing in depth, and can afford safe and convenient anchorage for many large vessels. On the western side there are several projecting headlands, which afford protection to vessels moored be¬ hind them, and which might be rendered still more secure by the construction of breakwaters. On the eastern side of the bay lies the island of Manzanilla, a mile and a half long by a mile in breadth ; and between it and the mainland is a channel, with excellent anchorage and good shelter for small vessels under repair. This anchorage is capable of accommodating 300 ships, and has a depth of 6 or 7 fathoms in the centre. On the island of Manzanilla stands the town of Aspinwall, near which there is a railway across the isthmus to Panama. NAXOS, or Naxia, an island in the Grecian Archi¬ pelago, lying to the E. of Paros, the northern extremity being in N. Lat. 37. 12., E. Long. 25. 33. It is about 18 miles in length, by 12 in breadth, and has an area of 170 square miles. It bore the same name in ancient times; but was also called Slrongyle, from its round shape; Diony¬ sius, in consequence of the worship of Dionysus or Bac¬ chus; and by the poets, Dia, in honour of Jupiter. In this island, according to ancient legends, Bacchus found Ariadne, who had been brought from Crete and left here by The¬ seus. It is said that the earliest inhabitants were Thra¬ cians ; and that a colony of Carians afterwards settled here under a chieftain named Naxos, who gave his name to the island. It was afterwards colonized by lonians from Attica; and from its size and fertility rose to great power and pros¬ perity among the Cyclades. The original government of Naxos seems to have been oligarchical, but a tvranny was established by Lygdamis, who, after being expelled, was re¬ stored to power by Pisistratus of Athens, whom he had as¬ sisted to reinstate in the supreme power over Attica. This state of affairs, however, did not last long; and the aristocra- tical party again obtained for a time the upper hand; but laving been expelled by the people, they applied for assist¬ ance to Anstagoras of Miletus, wlw induced the Persian king VOL. XVI. b to undertake an expedition against the island. This expedi¬ tion, sent against Naxos in 501 b.c., proved unsuccessful; but in 490 the island was reduced to subjection by the Persians under Datis and Artaphernes. At the battle of Salamis the Naxian contingent of four vessels deserted the I ersians, and fought on the side of the Greeks. After the Persian war they joined the league of which Athens was at the head ; but in 471 B.c., having revolted, they were re¬ duced by the Athenians to a state of subjection. After this time few important events happened in connection with Naxos, till 1207 a.d., when a Venetian, named Marco Sanudo, took possession of this and some of the other islands, and founded a state, under the name of the Duchy of the jEgean Sea. This duchy, after a duration of 360 years, was destroyed by the Turks in 1566, under whom the island continued till the Greek insurrection, after which it formed pai t of the kingdom of Greece. The island is very fertile and picturesque; and produces vines, olives, oranges, pome¬ granates, figs, and other fruits. In the centre rises a mountain 3000 feet high, anciently called Drius, and now Zia or Dia; and there is also another eminence called Coronon, the name of which is probably derived from the nymph Coionis, the nurse of Bacchus. The rocks of Naxos consist principally of marble and granite, of which there are quarries; and the marble is hardly inferior to that of I aros. Iron ore is also found. The higher ground affords good pasturage for cattle. The resinous substance called ladanum is obtained here in modern as in ancient times. Near the north end of the island is a marble quarry, containing an ancient colossal statue, said to be one of Apollo, in an unfinished state. The principal town in the island is that of Naxos, which stands on the site of the an¬ cient capital, on the west coast. It is irregularly built; and though it presents a fine appearance from the sea, the streets are narrow and dirty. It contains the remains of an ancient temple of Bacchus, and of the palace of the Venetian dukes, which was plundered by Barbarossa; and two moles, one ancient and the other modern, built by Marco Sanudo. 1 he population of the town is about 4000. The island is the see of a Greek bishop and of a Roman Catholic archbishop, and has convents of both religions. 'I here are numerous small towns and Q ;/ 122 NAY Naylor villages; and the entire population is estimated at II 20,000. Nazareth. NAYLOR, Nayler, or Nailer, James, an unfortunate fanatic, was the son of a farmer, and was born at Ardsley in Yorkshire about 1616. When the civil war broke out in 1641, he was living with his wife and family in the parish of Wakefield, and was probably engaged in agriculture. He took up arms for the Parliament, and during eight or nine years fought successively under Fairfax and Lambert. It seems to have been about this period that he first began to be seized with sudden religious impulses. He was converted from Presbyterianism to Independency. Then in 1651, two years after he had quitted the army and returned to the plough, the preaching of Geoige Fox drew him into the community of the Quakers. An apostolic zeal immediately fired the new convert, and he abandoned his family and his occupa¬ tion to become an itinerant preacher. His fevered imagina¬ tion, untempered by a cool judgment, began to vent itself in the most fanatical opinions. The Quakers, as a body, disowned him; but a few silly men and women accepted his fluent ravings as inspired prophecies ; recognised in his constant use of scriptural phraseology a sign of divine sanctity; and at length inferred from his habit of talking about “ Christ being in him,” that he was the very Son of God. It was no uncommon practice with these devoted disciples to leave their homes in different parts of the country, and to attend their prophet in his wanderings from city to city. Such enthusiastic worship quite overturned the previously tottering judgment of Naylor; so that he appears to have believed himself to be possessed of every supernatural attribute that was ascribed to him. His wor¬ shippers, encouraged by his acquiescence, soon brought their fanaticism to a crisis. They knelt before him and kissed his feet as he lay in Exeter jail in 1656, a sufferer for his extravagant zeal. On his release they celebrated his approach to Bristol by singing hosannas and by spread¬ ing their garments before his horse’s path, in irreverent imitation of our Saviour’s entrance into Jerusalem. At this point the government interfered, and apprehended Naylor, with six of his votaries, on the charge of blasphemy. His trial occupied the Parliament for several days. A few days afterwards their sentence was inflicted upon him. His head was fixed in the pillory for two hours, he was whipped at the cart-tail from the Palace-yard to the Old Exchange, his tongue was bored with a red-hot iron, and the stigma of a blasphemer was branded on his forehead. After a short respite, he was conveyed to Bristol, and whipped through the streets of that town. He was then brought back to bridewell, and doomed to an imprisonment of two years. These severe chastisements tamed the delirium and the spiritual pride of the fanatic. He recanted his heinous errors in several small books, and was re-admitted into the com¬ munion of the Quakers. In 1660, two years after his release, Naylor set out northward, to visit his long-forsaken family, but died by the way, in Huntingdonshire. A collection of his books, epistles, and papers was printed in 8vo, 1716. Memoirs of the Life, Ministry, Trial, and Sufferings of James Naylor appeared in 8vo, London, 1719. NAZARETH, a town of Galilee in Palestine, stands on the western side of a narrow oblong valley, about 6 miles W.N.W. from Mount Tabor. Before the Chris¬ tian era it seems to have been a paltry uninteresting vil¬ lage. It is not mentioned even once either in the Old Testament or in Josephus ; and it is probable that it was the insignificance of the town itself, rather than the bad repute of its inhabitants, that prompted the exclamation of Natha¬ nael, “ Can there any good tiling come out of Nazareth ?” But the fact that our Saviour passed his youth and early manhood within its humble precincts, invested it with an interest which it has ever since retained, and which it will still retain as long as a single trace of its existence re- N E A mains. It is now a well-built town, consisting of flat-roofed Nazarite stone houses, and standing conspicuous amid a neighbour- hood fertile with fig-trees, olive-trees, vineyards, and corn- ^gh. fields. The chief objects of interest in the town are the ^ localities which are pointed out as the scenes of some of the events in our Lord’s history, and the richly-decorated church of the monastery erected over a grotto which is supposed to contain the kitchen and fire-place of the Virgin. There is also shown the synagogue in which our Saviour expounded the Scriptures. About 2 miles from Nazareth stands the “ Mount of Precipitation,” which, as its name implies, is supposed to be the height from which he was about to be thrown by his fellow-townsmen. But how the credulous monks identify this precipice with the hill men¬ tioned in Scripture as that “ whereon the city was built,” it is difficult to understand. The population of Nazareth is about 3000, of whom the majority are Christians of va¬ rious denominations, and the rest are Mohammedans. NAZARITE, or Nazarene, a term which signifies one who is of Nazareth, or any native of the city of Nazareth. It was given to Jesus Christ and his disciples, and is com¬ monly employed in a sense of derision and contempt by those authors who have written against Christianity. It has also been applied to a sect of heretics called Nazarenes, who sprung up during the second century in Palestine. Their main peculiarity consisted in the imagined necessity of combining the Jewish ceremonial with the religion of Jesus Christ. They refer to a Hebrew Gospel of St Mat¬ thew ; and the Christian fathers make frequent allusion in their writings to the Gospel of the Nazarenes. This gospel was preserved by them in its primitive purity; but the Ebionites, a contemporary sect which they intimately re¬ sembled, and with which they have been often confounded, afterwards corrupted this scripture to suit their own here¬ tical opinions. Both sects seem to have died out before the fifth century. Sometimes Nazarite means one who has laid himself under the obligation of a vow to observe the rules of Nazariteship, whether it be for his whole life, as Samson and John the Baptist, or only for a time, as in the case of those mentioned in Numbers vi. 18, 19, 20 ; and Amos ii. 11, 12. Lastly, the name Nazarite denotes, according to some, a man of particular distinction and great dignity in the court of some prince. Nazir is the Hebrew word em¬ ployed to designate the dignity of the patriarch Joseph (Gen. xlix. 26; Deut. xxxiii. 16); and Calmet mentions that this word is still applied to the chief minister of the crown in Persia. (See Carpzov, Appar., p. 151, sq., p. 799, sq.; Reland, Antiq. Sacr. ii. 10; Meinhard, De Nasirms, Jen., 1676; Zorn, in Miscell Lips. Nov. iv., 426, sq.; Spencer, De Leg. Heb. Rit. iii. 6; Dongtaei. Analect. i. 37; Lucian, De Dea. *Syr., c. 60 ; Mishna, AWr.) NEAGH, Lough, a lake of Ireland, province of Ulster, bounded N. and E. by Antrim county, W. by Tyrone, and S. by Armagh. It is the most extensive lake in the United Kingdom, and one of the largest in Europe, measuring 18 miles in length by 11 in breadth, and covering an area of 98,255 acres. The height of its surface above the level of the sea at low water is 48 feet, and its greatest depth is 102 feet. The lake is far from picturesque, and contrasts un¬ favourably with the other loughs ol Ireland. Its shoies are low and flat, and frequently become flooded after heavy rains. There are several islets, one of which, Ram’s Island, is 6 acres in extent, and contains the remains of a round tower. The principal streams which flow into the lake are the Blackwater, the Upper Bann, and the Six-Mile Water; and its only outlet is the Lower Bann, which leaves the lough at its N.W. corner, and after flowing through Lough Beg, enters the sea near Coleraine. It is connected by canals with Belfast, Newry, and Lough Erne. It is navigated by small vessels; and one or two commodious ports or harbours are stationed along its coasts. The waters of the lough have N E A Neal strong petrifying qualities, and the petrifaction is sili- VonirW C1°US and suscePtible of a beautiful polish. The fish most a.bundant are the pollan (Coregonus pollan), a bright silvery fish, resembling the herring; and the dollaghern, a species of trout. Numbers of aquatic birds, such as the heron, widgeon, &c., frequent the shores. NEAL, Daniel, the author of an able History of the Puritans, was born in London in December 1678. After receiving his elementary education first at Merchant Tailors’ School, and subsequently at a dissenting academy, he spent three years on the Continent, studying successively at Utrecht and Leyden. On his return in 1703 he com¬ menced to preach. His learning and abilities recommended him in the following year to the office of assistant to Dr Singleton, the minister of an Independent congregation in Aldersgate Street. The Doctor died in 1706, and Neal was chosen his successor. He now appeared as a most aithful pastor, and at the same time as an assiduous culti¬ vator of polite letters, especially of history. The History of New England, published in 1720, introduced him to the iterary public. Meanwhile several of his sermons, preached loi charitable purposes or on special occasions, were printed by request, and gained for him considerable fame as a pulpit orator. About 1729 he had risen so high in the estima¬ tion of his co-religionists, that he was requested to un- ertake an historical account of the Nonconformists. Ac¬ cordingly, the first volume of The History of the Puritans, commencing at the Reformation in England, was published VioJ mithr SeC°nd fol,owed in 1733, and the third in 1116 fourth, bringing the narrative down to the Act of I oleration of 1689, was published in 1738. This history, though written in a calm and judicious spirit, was accused of being one-sided, and was attacked by Bishop Maddox and Dr Zachary Grey. Neal answered the former, and would m all probability have answered the latter also, had his declining health prevented him. He died in April 1743. Neal s History of the Puritans, accompanied with fr, *e afobor> was edited by Toulmin in 6 vols., 1793. rhe same edition was reprinted in 3 vols. 8vo, London, loo7 • NEALCES, an ancient Greek painter, flourished in the time of Aratus of Sicyon, about the middle of the third century b.c. Little is known regarding either his life or his works. A Venus, and a painting of the naval battle on the Nne between the Egyptians and Persians, are mentioned by Pliny as two of his masterpieces. In the latter of these he very happily indicated the country in which the scene was laid, by representing a crocodile on the eve of seizing an ass that was drinking at the river. Nealces had a daugh¬ ter named Anaxandra, who became an artist. The painter Engonus was once his colour-grinder. NEANDER, one of the most distinguished and influen¬ tial of the modern theologians of Germany, was born at Gottingen in the beginning of 1789 of Jewish parents. His father Emmanuel Mendel, is said to have been a com¬ mon Jewish pedlar; but little seems to be really known of his circumstances and character. His mother was a woman of tender and noble disposition; and from the maternal side, as in so many other cases, the virtues and talents of the son TnS hT SLrUn?* WhiIe sti11 y°ung’ he removed with Tnfmn ^ 0 ^amburg 5 and in the grammar school, or Thprp nTl’ °f ^ Clt,y he rece!ved his classical education. ’ r°T0U‘ !fe’ t^le simPlicity of his personal ap- but stfll morP hd 0ddnty °f his manners> attracted notice, t more, under all outward peculiarities, his great in¬ dustry and mental power. His teacher, Gurlitt, took pride in is progress; and to the countenance and encouragement he thus received he owed much, which he always remem- ere with gratitude. FromtheJohanneum young Mendel passed to the gymnasium, where he attended for a year the pre ections in philology, philosophy, and theology. The N E A 123 study of Plato appears especially to have engrossed him ^ this time. One of his young friends, Wilhelm Neumann writes of him in 1806,—“Plato is his idol—his constant watchword. He sits day and night over him; and there are few who have so thoroughly, and in such purity, imbibed his wisdom. It is wonderful how entirely he has done this without any foreign impulse, merely through his own reflec¬ tion and downright study.” Consitlerable interest attaches to his early companionship with the writer of this letter, and certain others, among whom were the afterwards well-known writer Varnhao-en Von Ense and the poet Chamisso. This young band of students, strongly devoted to the romantic school of Tieck and Schlegel, had started a poetical periodical, in connection with which they formed themselves into a literary union, under the symbol of the Pole Star. The Star of the North, the region of enlightenment, was meant to signify their aspiring cultivation of the true and the beautiful. Varn- hagen and Neumann having come to Hamburg, were at¬ tracted by the kindred spirit of the young Jewish student, and enrolled him in the brotherhood. He adopted the common symbol, and in virtue of his new connection opened up a correspondence with Chamisso, which was fortunately preserved by the latter, and gives us the deepest insight which we possess into his views and character at this period. The letters are singularly interesting. They breathe throughout the most simple and glowing enthusiasm ; while the picture of a pure and affectionate nature, and the struggling comprehensiveness of a great spirit, are im¬ pressed on every page of them. These letters enable us to understand with some degree of clearness the great change which now took place in Neander s convictions. 1 hey reveal a course of spiritual training very much analogous to that which he has described in many cases, with such remarkable power, in his Church History. He reached the gospel through Platonism. In that philosophy which, he continued to think, addresses itself more directly than any other to the divine instincts in man, and which, he has expressly said, “ contains so much that really or seemingly harmonizes with Christian truth,” he found those points of contact with Christianity which always attracted him more closely to it as a source of spiritual life, and the satisfaction of all his inward necessities. The ideals which in Plato “ ravished his intellectual vision,” and were at first worshipped with that intense devotion which leaves no room for any other worship in the heart of the student, he found in the gospel transmuted into realities, fitted not only to dazzle his intellect, but to pacify his heart and quicken and ennoble his whole being. Plato was thus his schoolmaster to bring him to Christ. And while he never ceased his admiration of the philosopher, he yet always came to embrace more and more, in its depth and purity, the “ truth as it is in Jesus.” The influence of his teacher’s idealism may be visibly traced in some of his conceptions of Christian doctrine; but the divine simplicity and practical power of the gospel asserted themselves always more strongly in him. He was baptized on the 25th February 1806, and on this occasion adopted, instead of his Jewish name of David Mendel, that, under which he was always afterwards known, of Augustus Neander (veos avrjp). In the same year he went to Halle to study divinity. He had matriculated at the gymnasium in Hamburg as juris studiosus; but with his new views, and the earnest spirit which animated him, he could now only serve the church. At Halle, Schleiermacher was then lecturing in the first height of his fame as a teacher. Neander met in him the very impulse which he needed, while Schleiermacher found a pupil of thoroughly congenial feeling, and one destined to carry out his views in a higher and more effective Chris¬ tian form than he himself was capable of imparting to them. From this period we are to date Neander’s devotion to 124 N E A Neander. church history. Catching the enthusiasm and higher ap- preciation of his teacher, he began to live in studious com¬ munion with the fathers, and to amass those stores of divine wisdom and lore which he drew so copiously from their writings. His repose at Halle, however, was soon dis¬ turbed. The French having taken possession of the town after the battle of Jena, the university was suspended, and the professors and students scattered abroad. Neander had the misfortune, along with some other students, to be robbed by the French soldiers; and, friendless and ill from the fatigue of the journey on foot, he at length found refuge in his native city. Here he continued his studies with ardour, made himself yet more master of Plato and Plutarch, and especially advanced in sacred learning under the vener¬ able Planck. The impulse communicated by Schleiermacher was confirmed by Planck, and he seems now to have real¬ ized that the original investigation of Christian history was to form the great work of his life. Having finished his university course, he returned to Hamburg, and passed his examination for the Christian ministry with great distinction. He was not fitted, how¬ ever, for the pulpit, and never seems to have commenced preaching. He betook himself to an academic career, and the study of Christian history, in Heidelberg, where two vacancies had occurred in the theological faculty of the university, from the removal of Mahreineke and De Wette to Berlin. He entered upon his work here as a theo¬ logical teacher in 1811, commencing with a Latin disser¬ tation on a subject which never ceased to attract him (Z)e jidei gnoseosque idea secundum Clementum Alexi)', and in the year following an extraordinary professorship re¬ warded his learning and industry. In the same year (1812) he first appeared as an author by the publication of his monograph on the Emperor Julian. The fresh insight into the history of the church, and the vivid and striking power of delineation evinced by this work,—vague and sketchy, perhaps, as it now seems in the light of his maturer produc¬ tions,—at once drew attention to its author, and marked him as a rising theologian of the first rank. Accordingly, even before he had terminated the first year of his academical labours at Heidelberg, he was called to Berlin as the asso¬ ciate of De Wette and Schleiermacher—an illustrious band, whose labours have left an ineffaceable impress upon Ger¬ man theology. In Berlin, Neander settled at once to those laborious habits of study and of earnest faithfulness in the discharge of his professorial duty which distinguished all his future career. His life was only varied by the successive publi¬ cations which appeared in such fertility from his pen. In the year following his appointment he published a second monograph on St Bernard and his Age; then in 1818 his work on Gnosticism. A still more extended and elaborate monograph than either of the preceding followed on Chrysostom ; and again, in 1825, another on Tertullian. He had in the meantime, however, begun his great work, to which these several efforts were only preparatory studies. The first part of his General History of the Christian Reli¬ gion and Church made its appearance in 1825, embracing the history of the first three centuries. The remaining parts have appeared at successive intervals,—the last volume since his death, bringing down the narrative to the eve of the Reformation. Besides this great work, he published in 1832 his History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles ; and in 1837 his Life of Jesus Christ, in its Historical Connection and Development, called forth by the famous Life of Strauss. In addition to all these labours, he gave to the public many miscellaneous sketches from the history of the church and of theological opinion ; as, for example, his Memorabilia from the History of the Christian Life, his volume under the title of the Unity and Variety of the Christian LAfe, and his papers N E A on Plotinus, Thomas Aquinas, Theobald Thamer, Pascal, Neapolls Newman, Blanco White, and Arnold, &c. Several brief || works of a mixed exegetical and historical character have ^rchus. also come from his pen ; and since his death a succession -t ' 1 of volumes, representing his various courses of lectures, have been promised, of which two, containing his Lectures Qyi Dogmengeschichte, admirable in spirit and execution, appeared last year (1857). The life of Neander, as may be gathered from this mere enumeration, was one of unwearied work in his study and in his lecture-room. He lectured usually three times a day, his lectures embracing almost every branch of theo¬ logy, exegetics, dogmatics, and ethics, as well as church history. He cherished the most warm and affectionate interest in his students, his ungrudging self-denial and benefactions in their behalf forming one of the most kindly traditions which surround his name. It is difficult to con¬ ceive a more child-like and yet more aspiring nature; at once so simple and so subtle—so lovely in affectionateness, and yet so grand and comprehensive in capacity and views. He died in 1850, worn out, and nearly blind, with incessant study. Germany mourned him as one of the greatest of her sons. Our space will not permit us to enter into any full ap¬ preciation of Neander’s theological and historical labours. This could only be done by showing at length his relation to the previous theology of Germany, and especially his connection with Schleiermacher, and the manner in which, while adopting, he modified and carried out the principles of this great thinker. With a mind less restlessly specu¬ lative, less versatile, discriminating, and logical, he possessed, in higher union than Schleiermacher, depth of spiritual insight and purity of moral perception with profound philosophical capacity. Characteristically meditative, while Schleiermacher was characteristically dialectical, he rested with a more secure footing on the great central truths of Christianity, and recognised more thoroughly their essen¬ tial reasonableness and harmony. Strongly alive to the claims of criticism, he no less strongly asserted the rights of Christian feeling. “ Without it,” he emphatically says, “there can be no theology ; it can only thrive in the calm¬ ness of a soul consecrated to God.” And exactly in the same spirit, and proceeding from the same strong recog¬ nition of the absolute necessity of this Christian element in all theology, was his favourite motto,—“Pectus est quod theologum facit.” His Church History remains the greatest monument of his genius; and, upon the whole, the greatest work that has yet attempted to embrace so wide a field. Defective in graphic personal details and in a clear exhibition of the political relations of the church, somewhat heavy in style, with a certain vagueness and want of pictorial life through¬ out, it is yet unrivalled in its union of vast learning and profound philosophic penetration; its varied comprehen¬ siveness and abundant store of materials ; its insight into the living connection of historical events, but especially into the still more living and subtle nexus which binds together the growth and development of human opinion ; in its dis¬ play of such qualities, with the most simple-hearted Chris¬ tian piety, the most lively appreciative interest in the ever- varying fortunes of the church, the finest discernment^ of all the manifold phases of the Christian life, the most genuine liberality, and the most catholic sympathy. (j. t h.) NEAPOLIS. (See Naples.) NEARCHUS, a distinguished ancient admiral, was the son of Adrotimus, and was born in Crete in the former half of the fourth century B.C. Obtaining a high position at the court of Macedon, he became a devoted friend of the young Alexander, and was banished on that account by the sus¬ picious Philip. Alexander, on succeeding to the throne, recalled him ; and Nearchus in 335 n.c. set out with the N E A Neath, king on his career of conquest. He was left behind in the following year to govern Lycia and Pamphylia. Five years afterwards, however, he joined the conquering prince once more in the far-distant province of Bactriana. But it was not until 325 b.c. that a high command was conferred upon him. A fleet was then launched upon the Hydaspes, and Near- chus was appointed to conduct it to the sea. This was ef¬ fected in safety ; but the more difficult task of leading the ships through the unexplored Indian waters to the Persian Gulf remained to be accomplished. Nearchus volun¬ teered his services, which were gladly accepted. He set sail from the mouths of the Indus about the end of Septem¬ ber 325 b.c. On approaching nearly opposite the western border of the Indians, the ships were obliged to tarry for twenty-four days in a port, afterwards called Alexander, until the north-east monsoon had set in. From this point the inexperienced mariners began to be encompassed with perils and objects of terror. A storm met them, and de¬ stroyed three of the galleys; they were under a per¬ petual dread of running upon rocks and shoals ; huge sea- monsters rose upon the surface of the water, and threatened to overwhelm them ; when they drew close to the land, ferocious savages, covered entirely with shaggy hair, and armed with nails like those of wild beasts, glared upon them from the shore. When at length, they arrived oppo¬ site the country of the Ichthyophagi, Leonnatus, who at the head of a land army had hitherto supplied them with provisions, could no longer attend them; and the barren sandy plain that extended for hundreds of miles along the shore could afford them no sustenance. The crews, appalled at the inevitable famine and the weary stretch of unknown sea that lay before them, became faint-hearted and refrac¬ tory. At this crisis the indomitable energy of the admiral saved all from destruction. Overbearing the spirit of dis¬ obedience by his commanding firmness, he steered right onwards for many days, in spite of hunger, and danger, and discontent, until he landed his famished sailors on the fer¬ tile shores of Carmania. The remainder of the voyage was comparatively easy; and on the 9th December he brought his ships to anchor at the mouth of the River An- amis near the town of Harmozia. He then hastened to the camp of Alexander, which was pitched at a short dis¬ tance in the interior, to announce his arrival. “ By the Grecian Zeus and the Lybian Ammon !” exclaimed the king, “ I swear to you I am more happy in receiving this intelligence than at being the conqueror of all Asia.” From this date the facts known concerning Nearchus are compa¬ ratively unimportant. In the beginning of the following year (324 b.c.) he conducted his fleet to Susa. When the empire of Alexander was divided, his old provinces of Lycia and Pamphylia fell to his lot. He became an attached friend of King Antigonus. The latest mention of him in history is in 314 B.c., when he was appointed one of the counsellors of Demetrius, the son of the above-named monarch. A narrative of the famous voyage of Nearchus is said to have been written by the navigator himself, and to have furnished the materials of Arrian’s Indica. This opinion has been contested by Dodwell and other critics; but has been upheld by the generality of authorities, and especially by Dr Vincent in his Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Seas. The work just mentioned also gives a full account of the voyage. NEATH, or Nedd (anc. Nidum), a parliamentary and municipal borough and market-town of South Wales, in the county of Glamorgan, on the left bank of the river of the same name, 7 miles E.N.E. of Swansea, 35 W.N.W. ot Cardiff, and 208 W. by N. of London by railway. It extends along the edge of the river ; and though neither well nor regularly built, it has some broad, well-paved streets. In the middle of the market-place stands a town- NEB 125 hall, built in 1837. The parish church is a large and Nebraska, ancient structure, with a square embattled tower ; and there 'w are several other churches. The town has a philosophical society, mechanics’ institution, library, museum, and several almshouses. There are extensive copper and iron works and the trade is considerable. The River Neath, which is here crossed by a bridge, is navigable for vessels of 300 or 400 tons up to the town, where there is a harbour with convenient docks. The principal articles exported are coal, iron, copper, tin, oak, and bricks; while copper and iron ore, corn, flour, timber, and other goods, are im¬ ported from foreign countries. Near the town are the re¬ mains of an old castle; and about a mile off, on the road to Swansea, are those of Neath Abbey ; but very few traces now remain of the former splendour of either of these edi¬ fices. The borough is governed by a mayor, 4 aldermen, and 12 councillors ; and unites with Swansea in returning a member to Parliament. The market-day is Wednesday ; and three annual fairs are held. Pop. (1851) 5841. NEBRASKA, a territory of the United States of North America, bounded N. by British America; W. by the Rocky Mountains, which separate it from Washington, Ore¬ gon, and Utah ; S. by Kansas ; and E. by Iowa and Min¬ nesota. It lies between N. Lat. 40. and 49., and W. Long. 95. and 113.; and has an estimated area of 335,882 square miles. The country is still in its wild, primitive condition, and little is known of its topography, except in the neighbour¬ hood of the Missouri and Platte rivers. The greater por¬ tion is an immense plain, sloping gradually from the Rocky Mountains in the W. to the Missouri in the E. Little of it is mountainous, except that part contiguous to the Rocky range. The principal rivers are the Missouri and its afflu¬ ents the Platte, or Nebraska, and the Yellowstone. The country on both sides of the former tributary, as far up as the Elkhorn, is described as an undulating plain, here and there broken by ravines of considerable abruptness. But farther up the quality of the land deteriorates, and, except in the immediate vicinity of the river, is unfit for cultiva¬ tion. The section of the territory at the head of Platte River, called the Black Hill district, is more elevated and is well watered. Many of the hills are covered with pine and cedar, and the valleys are said to be luxuriantly clothed with grass. From Fort Laramie, on the same river, there extends, for a distance of about 90 miles, a remarkable tract of land called “ the Bad Lands,” on account of its great sterility and forbidding aspect. It is studded with a number of co¬ lumnar masses of sandstone from 100 to 200 feet high, which give it all the appearance of a vast, though quaint old town entirely deserted by its inhabitants. An interest of another kind has also been imparted to this place by a number of fossil skeletons of various tribes of animals now extinct, par¬ ticularly of the Pachi/dermata, being found here, among which the skeleton of a Palceotherium was discovered 18 feet in length. The Platte valley forms one of the highways for overland emigrants to Utah and California. The river is from one to three miles broad, but yet so shallow, that, ex¬ cepting at high flood, it is fordable at almost any part. The course of the stream is obstructed by numerous islands co¬ vered with cotton-wood, willows, and shrubs; while the shift¬ ing sand-banks and the rapidity of the current effectually pre¬ vent navigation. It rises among the Great River Moun¬ tains, and, under the name of the North Fork, flows E. by S., till joined by the South Fork, when it assumes the name of Platte or Nebraska River. It discharges its water into the Missouri near Platteville, after a course of about 1200 miles. The Yellowstone River, which waters the northern part of Nebraska, though not so long as the Platte, has a greater volume of water. It rises in Sublette’s Lake, N. Lat. 43. 40., and W. Long. 110., and after a north-easterly course of about 1000 miles, joins the Missouri at Fort Union. From the condition of the soil and surface of Nebraska, 126 NEB Nebuchad- it will in all likelihood become an agricultural country of nezzar. some importance. The climate is warmer than in the same latitude east of the great lakes. Owing, however, to the vast extent of prairie land, the temperature is subject to sudden changes, and the country is exposed to the north and west winds, which sweep over the plains with great violence. It is reported that minerals exist to a consider¬ able extent, and coal is said to have been lately discovered here. Emigrants have not as yet flowed into the territory in large numbers; and hence it is that here the Indians are found in greater numbers, and in a less civilized state, than in any other part of the Union. The government have assented to the construction of several roads through Ne¬ braska, which, when completed, will no doubt tend greatly to the increase of its population. The territory formed a part of the Louisiana purchase, and came into the posses¬ sion of the Union in 1803. It then comprehended the territory of Kansas, which was separated from it and organ¬ ized a territory of the Union in 1854. Nebraska, as it now stands, received a like privilege in the same year. The capital town is Omaha city, situated on the west side of the Missouri. The entire white population was estimated in 1854 at 6000. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, Nebuchadrezzar, or Nabo- pouassar, a great Chaldean king of Babylon. The account of his life given in the sacred narrative has received con¬ siderable elucidation from the canon of Ptolemy the mathe¬ matician, and from an extract preserved by Josephus out of a history by Berosus, a priest of the temple of Bel. From the combined import of these three narratives, we gather that Nebuchadnezzar, having virtually received the sovereign power from his infirm father Nabopolassar, set out at the head of a mighty army to chastise Necho, King of Egypt. The Egyptian monarch, after subduing the kingdom of Judaea, had advanced as far as the banks of the Euphrates, and had seized upon Carchemish (Circesiuni). There the youthful Chaldean prince met him, routed his army, and retook the captured city. The Jews, deprived of the support of their allies, yielded to the conqueror; their king Jehoiakim be¬ came a tributary of Babylon; and within two years the Egyptian influence in Syria was completely crushed. At this time (605 b.c.) Nebuchadnezzar received intelligence of his father’s death. Leaving his army to conduct the cap¬ tives and the spoils to Babylonia, he hastened home with a slender escort to assume the sole sovereignty. To con¬ solidate his throne by an alliance, the young king married Amytis, the daughter of the King of Media. About the same time his great and splendid genius, unoccupied by schemes of conquest, began to find a congenial exercise in expensive improvements and gorgeous architecture. He decorated the temple of Belus to a superb magnificence with the treasures and the sacred vessels from Jerusalem ; he planned stupendous canals, rivalling in depth and breadth the river Euphrates; and he laid the foundations of that massive and lofty palace, whose terrace-gardens, hanging from its sides like woods from the brow of a mountain cliff, became the wonder of the world. These peaceful occupa¬ tions were interrupted by the intelligence that the Jews, instigated by Necho, King of Egypt, had rebelled. In the eighth year of his reign Nebuchadnezzar was besieging Jerusalem in person. The city was soon forced to surren¬ der ; the newly-appointed king Jehoiachim was deposed; the temple and the palace were plundered ; no less than 50,000 captives, including Ezekiel the prophet, the nobles of Judah, and the craftsmen, followed in the train of the conqueror to Babylon; and Zedekiah, the brother of the late monarch, was left to govern the remnant. But no sooner had the Chaldean monarch departed to his distant capital, than his old enemies the Egyptians began to plot against him. They had induced Zedekiah to renounce his allegiance to Babylon, and had sent an army under their NEC king Hophra to support him in his rebellion, when Nebu- Neckar chadnezzar, at the head of all the forces of his empire, re- || appeared in Palestine. After driving the Egyptians back decker, into their own country, he sat down before Jerusalem in v'—V^'' 590 b.c. A hot siege of two years ended in the complete surrender of the city to his merciless vengeance. As a summary punishment upon the refractory Jews, he con¬ demned their capital city to be first plundered of all its brass and gold, and then reduced to ashes, and their entire nation to be carried into captivity. The plunder of this expedi¬ tion, like that of former expeditions, was devoted to the adorning of the royal seat of the conqueror with specimens of art and enterprise. One of these was the gigantic golden image which is mentioned by the prophet Daniel. Nebu¬ chadnezzar was yet destined to be the minister of Divine vengeance upon the idolatrous Tyrians and Egyptians. At the end of an arduous siege of thirteen years, he took the city of Tyre, and levelled it with the dust. The Egyptians, who had added to their former provocations by sending succours to the besieged Tyrians, then became the object of his attack. Invading Egypt he marched from Migdol to Syene, overwhelming all resistance, taking numerous cap¬ tives, and filling the entire length and breadth of the land with burning cities and slaughtered citizens. This cam¬ paign seems to have closed the military career of the Baby¬ lonian conqueror. He returned home to enjoy in peace the sway of that wide empire which had been won by his sword, and the splendour of that metropolis which had be¬ come under him the queen of the cities of the earth. His pride, pampered by the remembrance of an uninterrupted series of successes, swelled to a monstrous height. Walking one day in his palace, and looking down upon the imposing scene of magnificent houses around him, he burst out into an apostrophe of self-exultation. Immediately a voice fell from heaven, dooming him to live like a beast of the field until he should learn “ that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.” In the same hour the arrogant, self-elated monarch was changed into a bewildered monomaniac that fancied himself an ox, and fled from the abodes of men to eat grass in the wilder¬ ness. At the close of seven years, he was restored to his reason and to his kingdom ; and it is probable that the rest of his days were passed in that humility of spirit which be¬ comes a creature. He died in 562 b.c. and was succeeded by his son Uouaroudamos, or Evil-Merodach. NECKAR, a river of Germany, rises in Wiirtemberg, near the borders of Baden, in the Black Forest, not far from the source of the Danube. It flows in an irregular course, first N.E., traversing the N.W. corner of Hohen- zollern, then N. through Wiirtemberg, and finally nearly W. through Baden, to the Rhine, which it joins at Mann¬ heim. Its principal affluents are the Enz, on the left side, and the Kocher and Jagst, on the right. The towns of Rothenberg, Tubingen, Esslingen, Heilbronn, and Heidel¬ berg stand on its banks ; and those of Stuttgardt and Louis- burg are in its vicinity. The whole length of the river is about 270 miles, and it is navigable as far up as Cannstadt, 120 miles from its union with the Rhine. NECKER, Jacques, a statesman and financier of France, was born at Geneva on the 30th of September 1732. He was descended from a respectable family, originally from North Germany, and his father was a professor of law in Geneva. At the age of fifteen he quitted Geneva, and proceeding to Paris, entered first into the banking-house of Vernet, and afterwards into that of Thelluson, of which he became the cashier, and at length a partner. On the death of Thelluson, he established a bank on his own account, by which he accumulated a very large fortune. After twenty years of unremitting attention to his profession, he married a Protestant lady of respectable family, and having retired from business, was shortly afterwards named minister of the NEC Necker. republic of Geneva at Paris. In accepting of this employ- ment, he refused the emoluments which were attached to it; a degree of forbearance not very usual in public men, but in which he resolutely persisted during the whole course of his political life. In 1769 he published the Compagnie des Indes ; and the Essai sur la Legislation et le Commerce des Grains, as well as the Eloge de Colbert, which was crowned by the French Academy, greatly extended the reputation of his political talents. The disorder in the state of the French finances had become so alarming, that it was found necessary to break through the routine of official promotion, and to choose able men for the public service wherever they could be found. M. Necker, although a foreigner and a Protestant, was ac¬ cordingly appointed in the year 1776 director of the royal treasury, and in the following year director-general of the finances. The great object of M. Necker was to introduce order and economy in the public management. With this view, he found himself compelled either to suppress useless offices, or to diminish emoluments ; and his retrenchments drew upon him the enmity of all those who suffered by his economical reforms. He published in 1781 the well-known piece on the state of the finances entitled Le Compte Rendu au Roi, which had not the effect of lessening the number or violent hostility of his enemies. In order the better to struggle with his opponents, he made a demand for a seat in the Council, but was objected to on the ground of his religion. Being persuaded that this scruple would be abandoned, he persisted, and offered his resignation, which was accepted ; and in this manner, as is alleged, he became the dupe of his own presumption. He now retired to Switzerland, tvhere he purchased the barony of Coppet. In 1784 he published an able work en¬ titled De VAdministration des Finances, in 3 vols. 8vo, of which 80,000 copies were speedily sold. In 1787 M. Necker sent a memorial to the king, for the purpose of proving the correctness of his calculations in the Compte Rendu. His Majesty having read these documents, re¬ quested that they might not be published, a proposition in which Necker did not acquiesce, and for this offence he was exiled, by a lettre de cachet, 40 leagues from Paris. Calonne, however, and the Archbishop of Toulouse were found unequal to the task of regulating the French fin¬ ances, and were successively obliged to resign and make way for Necker, the favourite of the people, who wras rein¬ stated in his former post in August 1788. At this period the French government was assailed by a complication of difficulties, the chief of which was the impracticability of raising the necessary supplies, and the danger of an immediate bankruptcy. A great scarcity also prevailed at Paris, which rendered the populace un¬ usually discontented and tumultuous. Louis XVI. and his advisers pursued a weak and vacillating policy ; and, when it was too late, desperately meditated even the most violent measures for the recovery of their authority. Troops were drawn from the most distant parts and encamped around Paris, intended to overawe the deliberations of the As¬ sembly, or perhaps to dissolve it at once at the point of the bayonet. These violent courses M. Necker opposed, and he accordingly, at his own suggestion, was dismissed on the 11th July 1789, and requested to quit the king¬ dom in tw'enty-four hours. It is impossible to describe the consternation and wild confusion which prevailed in the capital when the dismissal and exile of this favourite minis¬ ter was made known. His recall was demanded by the enraged populace, and a letter was written to Necker at Basle, requesting him to return. This popularity, how¬ ever, was not of long duration. Being alarmed by the ex¬ cesses which had already taken place, Necker became de- siious to support the authority of the sovereign ; and, without conciliating the confidence of the king’s friends, NEE 127 Nectar he lost that of the popular party. His personal safety being now in danger from the violence of the people, he 11 quitted Paris in the most private manner in the month Needles, of December 1790. v. l After the loss of his power and popularity, Necker seems to have sunk into the greatest dejection. “ I could have wished,” says Gibbon, who passed some days with him about this period, “ to have exhibited him as a warning to any aspiring youth possessed with the demon of ambition. With all the means of private happiness in his power, he is the most miserable of human beings; the past, the pre¬ sent, and the future, are equally odious to him. When I suggested some domestic amusements, he answered with a deep tone of despair, ‘ In the state in which I am, I can feel nothing but the blast which has overthrown me.’ ” He had recourse to writing to divert his melancholy; and several works which he published were the fruits of his labours during this period. He died at Coppet on the 9th of April 1804, after a short but painful illness. His writings, besides those already mentioned, are,— Memoire sur les Administrations Provinciates, 1781; De VImportance des Opinions Religieuses, 1788; Sur l’Ad¬ ministration de Necker, par lui-meme, 1791; Du Pouvoir Executif dans les Grands Etats, 1792 ; De la Revolution Frangaise, 1797. (See his Memoires by his illustrious daughter, Madame de Stael. A complete edition of Necker’s (Euvres was published in 15 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1821.) NECTAR, among the early Greek and Roman poets, was the drink of the gods {ambrosia being their food), and was fabled to have the power of imparting health, vigour, youth, and beauty to all who drank of it. NEDJED, a district of Arabia. (See Arabia.) NEEDHAM, John Tuberyille, was born at London on the 10th September 1713, and was descended from an ancient and noble family. He studied and taught rhe¬ toric at the English college at Douay, conducted a Roman Catholic school near Winchester, and in 1744 was ap¬ pointed professor of philosophy in the English college at Lisbon. Ill health soon compelled him to leave Portugal, and he passed several years at London and Paris, which were principally employed in microscopical observations, and in other branches of experimental philosophy. The results were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, of which he was a mem¬ ber, in 1749, and at Paris in 1750, in 1 vol. 12mo. An account of them was also given by his friend Buffbn in the first volumes of his Natural History. From 1751 to 1767 he wras chiefly employed as a travelling tutor, and in 1768 he retired to the English seminary at Paris. He after¬ wards received the appointment of chief director of the Imperial Academy, then instituted in the Austrian Nether¬ lands, where he remained till his death, on 30th Decem¬ ber 1781. The papers of Needham inserted in the Philosophical Transactions are contained in vols. xlii., xliv., xlv., and li. He also wrote a curious pamphlet in connection with the controversy then in agitation respecting the origin of the Chinese, entitled De Inscriptione quadam AEgyp- tiaca Taurini inventa, et characteribus, Egyptiis olim et Sinis communibus exarata, 1761, in 8vo. NEEDLES. These useful articles are made of steel wire, which may be mill-drawn or hand-drawn. The latter is preferred for the best needles, because, as in that case there is only one wire running at a time, the drawer can feel when the surface rips or tears, and can stop the process, so as to re-adjust the draw-plate and remove the damaged wire. In cleaning the wire after it has been softened, the scale is not removed by pickling in dilute sulphuric acid, but by the friction of rubbers smeared with emery and oil. The needle-maker obtains his wire in 128 NEE Needles, coils of various sizes and weights, and his first operation is to cut it into lengths, each of which is sufficient for two needles. The curved pieces thus cut from the coils are straightened by inclosing many thousand lengths within a couple of rings, and rubbing them with an iron instru¬ ment called a smooth file ; the friction of the pieces of wire upon each other producing the intended effect. Before this operation the wires are sometimes softened by being raised to a red heat, and allowed to cool gradually. The next process is to point both ends of the wires, which is done on small grit-stones; the grinder holding a number of wires in his left hand, and by a peculiar motion of the right hand making them roll upon the stone, so as to pro¬ duce an accurate point. This dry grinding loads the air with particles of grit and of steel, which, entering the lungs, produce a fatal disease, known as grinder's asthma. The remedy for this is to attach to each wheel a ventilating ap¬ paratus capable of carrying off the dust as fast as it is formed. After the wires have been pointed, the centre of each is stamped or flattened out, and a groove is sunk on each side, together with a small cavity for the eye, by means of dies. One of the dies is contained in a block of iron resting on wood, and the other is attached to the bottom of a hammer, so connected with a lever as to be worked by the foot of the stamper; by which means the centre of each wire is flattened out, and the shape of the two eyes given. If it were attempted to form the eyes at one punch¬ ing, the wire would probably be torn. In the next opera¬ tion, called eyeing, a couple of steel points or cutters are brought down to punch out the eye. The wires are now threaded by their eyes upon a couple of wires, and the bur formed by stamping out the blank eyes is filed oft’. The lengths are next divided, by bending the wires backwards and forwards between the two wire spits; and shape is given to the heads of each row of needles by grasping the points in a hand-vice, and filing the heads upon a raised piece of metal. The needles are now said to be headed or made, and this completes the processes known as soft work, from the soft state of the wire. Before the finishing processes known as bright ivork are entered on, the needles are straightened by rolling them on a flat steel plate with the convex face of a curved smooth steel file. The next process is hardening: the needles being raised to a red heat are sud¬ denly quenched in cold water or oil, after which they are tempered by a more gentle heating on an iron plate, the proper temper being judged of by the formation of a blue film upon the surface. In this operation the needles be¬ come more or less distorted, and they are straightened by being tapped upon an anvil with a small hammer: this is called hard or hammer straightening. The needles are ex¬ amined by rolling with the finger on a smooth plate of steel, and such as do not roll truly are corrected with the ham¬ mer. The needles are now made up with canvas, in bundles of from 40,000 to 50,000, with emery, oil, and soft soap, each bundle being about 2 feet in length, and 3 or 4 inches in diameter. These rolls are placed in a scouring machine, resembling an ordinary mangle, and the bundles being made to roll backwards and forwards during many hours, such an amount of friction is produced on the needles as to make them bright and smooth. After about eight hours’ friction the bundles are taken out and re-made, with the addition of putty-powder and oil. For the best needles the scouring or cleaning and polishing is continued for seven or eight days. 1 he heads of the needles are now softened by placing them in rows upon metal strips, with the eyes projecting over the edge, and bringing a red-hot plate sufficiently near to produce the deposit of a dark blue film on the heads. This indicates the proper temper for the next operation, which is the very delicate one of removing sharp or jagged portions from the interior of the eye. This is done by drilling, the drills being minute three-sided NEE tools attached to a wheel, and revolving rapidly. The Needles, operator brings each eye up to the drill, first on one side and then on the other; first countersinking, as it is called, jfeei|[Ucj, or converting the sharp edge of the eye, where it commu- v muc \ nicates with the groove, into a curved one; after which the drill is made to pass round the rest of the eye in such a way as to produce the kind of curve seen in the bow of a pair of scissors. The points are next finished upon a small revolving stone, after which they are polished on wheels of wood coated with buff leather and polishing paste. The needles are lastly counted into quarters of hundreds, folded up in papers, and labelled. Recently they have been sold in cases, containing several small tubes, each tube holding a different size of needle. The needle-making district of England includes the villages of Redditch, Feckenham, Beoley, Studley, Cough- ton, Alcester, Astwood Bank, Crabb’s Cross, &c.; all of which lie near together. It should be noticed that the ma¬ nufacture differs somewhat for the heavier kinds of needles, such as packing, sail, upholsterers’, stay, mattress, book¬ binding, surgeons’, harness,and collar needles; knitting, net¬ ting, tambour, and crochet needles ; and meshes. (c. t.) NEEDLES, The, a name given to five remarkable rocks lying immediately off the western extremity of the Isle of Wight, in N. Lat. 50. 39., and W. Long. 1. 34. Their origin is attributable to the sea beating on the sharp cliffs which form the W. point of the island, and the same influence is gradually wasting them away; the largest of them, which was 120 feet in height, having been submerged in 1764. They are white, but black at their bases, and curiously streaked throughout with black strata of flints. A light¬ house standing on this extremity of the island rises 715 feet above the sea. NEEFS, Peter, surnamed “ the Elder,” an eminent Flemish painter, was born at Antwerp in 1570. He studied under Steenwyck the Elder, and like his master, directed his attention to the painting of the interior of churches and convents. His delicate finish, exquisite colouring, and correct execution of perspective, soon placed his pictures among the best of their class. The figures which he em¬ ployed Jan Breughel, Teniers, or other eminent artists, to introduce into his churches, added much to the effect. Neefs died about 1650. His son, called Peter Neefs “the Younger,” imitated him both in the selection of subjects and in style, but with no great success. NEEMUCH, in Hindustan, a town with a British can¬ tonment, in the territory of Gwalior, or possessions of Scin- dia, situated on the N.W. border of Malwa, at a short distance from the boundary which separates that tract of countgv from Mewar. Bishop Heber describes the can¬ tonment as a stationary camp of thatched bungalows and other buildings, open on all sides, and surrounded by a fine plain for the performance of military evolutions. Wal- lich, a later traveller, gives the following account of it:— “ The cantonment extends on a slightly elevated ridge, running about N.W. and S.E.; its extreme length is 2^ miles, and the extreme breadth 1 mile. The lines are placed in front, facing to the northward; the regimental officers’ quarters behind these; and the Sudder Bazaar and staff to the rear of all. Lines have at various periods been built capable of containing one regiment of native cavalry, one troop of native horse artillery, four regiments of native infantry, and a regiment of irregular horse.” A small fort has been constructed by the British as a place of refuge for the families of the military, when called to a distance on duty. The native troops stationed at this place participated in the general mutiny of the Bengal army. The rising took place on the night of the 3d June 1857, when a general massacre of Europeans took place. The work of slaughter was commenced by the artillery, and all the na¬ tive troops joined heartily in it. A native officer opened Neer II Neff. NEE the gate of the fort, and gave entrance to the rebels. Having committed the most frightful enormities, and out- raged every law of humanity, a large body of the mis¬ creants marched in the direction of Agra. (Some account of their subsequent proceedings will be found under the article North-Western Provinces of Bengal.) Nee- much is distant 312 miles from Agra, and 371 from Delhi; N. Lat. 24. 27., E. Long. 74. 54. NEER, Arnould, or Aart Vander, “ the prince of moonlight painters,” was born at Amsterdam in 1619. His paintings soon became remarkable for their fidelity to na¬ ture, and for their calm poetical tone. He excelled in representing winter scenes; but his favourite subject was the moon shedding down her silver light upon a sleeping hamlet, in the midst of a few trees on the bank of a smooth¬ flowing river. These moonlight pieces are found all over Europe, and are marked by a monogram, consisting of A. V. D. N. Neer died in 1683. Neer, hglon Hendrick Vander. an eminent artist, was the son of the preceding, and was born at Amsterdam in 1643. His first lessons in painting were received from his father. He then became the pupil of Jacob Yanloo, and about the age of twenty followed his teacher to Paris. His principal studies, however, seem to have been the mas¬ terpieces of Gaspar Netscher, William Mieris, and Ter- burg. It was soon apparent that he had caught some of the several excellencies of these famous artists, A more striking feature of his pictures, however, was an elaborate¬ ness in detail. On every kind of subject which he painted he employed the careful and minute attention of one who strives to build his reputation on a few highly-finished masterpieces. His pictures of conversational parties are crowded with the most splendid accessories; and owing to the excessive finish of his trees and flowers, his historical pieces ought to be called landscapes, and his landscapes ought to be called garden pieces. Neer died in 1703, at the court of the elector-palatine at Diisseldorf. Specimens of his paintings are to be seen in the Bridgewater collec¬ tion, and in the collections of Mr Hope and the Marquis of Bute. NEIF, Felix, a devoted Swiss missionary, was born at Geneva on the 8th of October 1798. He received his early education chiefly from his widowed mother, who was distinguished for her piety ; and occasionally had the bene¬ fit of a lesson from some kind pastor of his native canton. I he favourite authors of his boyish years were Plutarch and Rousseau; and he took great interest in the study of natural history and mathematics. He was placed at an early age with a florist-gardener in the environs of Geneva, and at the age of seventeen entered the army, that he might no longer be a burden to his poor mother. Here his patient industry and excellent character soon raised him to the rank of serjeant; but his earnest, thoughtful nature becoming greatly impressed with the truths of religion, he was induced in 1819 to exchange the life of a soldier in the garrison of Geneva for that of a Protestant missionary in the wild glens of the High Alps. The first years of his missionary life were spent as a proposant or catechist in the cantons of Geneva, Neufchatel, Berne, and the Pays de Vaud. In 1821 he turned his attention to the desti¬ tute district of Grenoble in France, and subsequently to t lat of Mens in Isere, with the hope of making “ recruits,” too*? was1wo.nt to ph^se it. He went to England in April 18-3, and after obtaining clerical ordination from the In- ependents there, he returned to the scene of his former abours at Mens. A short time afterwards, we find him among the High Alps, pursuing his noble undertaking with great courage and zeal among the descendants of the Vau- . in the wild picturesque valleys of Queyras and Freys- simeres. Here he dedicated temples, organized schools, and laboured incessantly, “ by day and night, through wind, vol. xvi. 45 ’ N E G 129 snow, and ice, among those lonely glens and savage moun- tains, until he broke his health. The baths of pfombieres S f were visited without any permanent effect, and he returned Negropont. to native Geneva only to die. Small companies of the poor people of the distant Alpine valleys made lonp- jour¬ neys on foot through the snow to see their dying pastor • but the spring of 1829 put an end to his sufferings, and sent these devoted ones back to their native wilds in tears {The Life of Felix Neff, by A. Bost, London, 1855.) NEGAPATAM, a considerable seaport in the south of India, and province of Tanjore. It was formerly well for¬ tified, and had a citadel of a pentagonal form, with wet ditches. It has no considerable trade, but is frequently touched at by ships for refreshments, which are plentiful. The town lies at the north side of the citadel, near which is the mouth of a small river, capable of receiving vessels which draw little water. At the mouth of the river there is a bar, over which the surf breaks with great violence in bad wea¬ ther, and renders the entrance dangerous. The anchoring place is about 3 miles from the shore, opposite the town, where there is very little current; and to the S.E. of the town, at the distance of 5 miles, there is a shoal about 5 miles in length, having from 3 to 6 fathoms water on it. It was originally a small village, but was fortified and improved by the Portuguese. In 1660 it was taken from them by the Dutch, who strengthened its fortifications, and made it the capital of their settlements on the Coromandel coast, where they established a mint. Under their rule it enjoyed a long period of tranquillity; its trade increased, and it became a very flourishing city. In 1781 it was besieged and taken by the British with about 4000 troops, and was finally ceded to them at the peace of 1783; since which period the fortifications have been neglected, and the trade has been transferred to other places. E. Long. 79. 55., N. Lat.. 10. 46. NEGRAIS, an island, harbour, and cape of the Eastern Peninsula, is situated at the S.W. extremity of the kingdom of Pegu, in N. Lat. 16. 1., E. Long. 94. 12. The island is small, and is now deserted and overgrown with jungle; but the harbour is one of the safest in the Bay of Bengal. In 1687 a settlement was founded here by the British government of Madras, but it was soon after abandoned. In 1751 it was again for a short time occupied by the Bri¬ tish ; and in 1757 was ceded to them by the Burman em¬ peror ; but two years afterwards, the Burmese attacked it, and put to death all the inhabitants who did not succeed in effecting their escape. NEGROES. See Ethnology, and Africa. NEGROPONT , or Chalcis, a town of Greece, capital of Euboea, is situated on the Euripus, which separates that island from the mainland, and is here at its narrowest point only 40 yards in breadth. It is built in the form of a cres¬ cent, touching the sea at each extremity, and surrounding the citadel, or castro, as it is termed, which stands on a lofty rock overlooking the straits. The fortifications of the cita¬ del are partly of Venetian and partly of Turkish construc¬ tion ; while the outer walls of the town, which are now in a state of great dilapidation, are Venetian. The streets are narrow, but there are many good houses, especially those built by the Venetians. There is also a Gothic church with square towers; and, as a few Mohammedans still remain in Negropont, one of the mosques is used by them in its former capacity, while the others have been converted into Christian churches. The gate of the citadel is surmounted by the lion of St Mark. In the middle of the straits is a small rocky islet, on which stands a tower; and this is connected with the mainland by a stone bridge about 70 feet long, and with the island by one of wood 35 feet long, with a drawbridge at each end, to allow the pas¬ sage of ships. The ancient name of the town was Chalcis; and it was a place of great importance in antiquity. Strabo 130 N E G ^egro> informs us that it was twice colonized by lonians from At- . tica in early times. It soon became one of the greatest commercial towns of Greece, and sent out a large number of colonies to various parts of the world. The peninsula of Chalcidice in Macedonia obtained its name from the num¬ ber of Chalcidian colonies founded there. Cumae and Rhegium in Italy, and Naxos, Zancle, and Taurorpenium in Sicily, are among the cities which owed their origin to Chalcis. The government was originally in the hands of an aristocracy, called hippobotce, who were in all proba¬ bility the proprietors of the rich plain of Lelantum, between Chalcis and Eretria. This plain was claimed by both of these cities; and at an early period a war took place be¬ tween them, in which Miletus and Samos took part. After the expulsion of the Pisistratidae from Athens, the Chalci- dians joined the Boeotians in a war against that city ; but the Athenians, in 506 B.C., invaded the island with a large force, and after a complete victory, divided the lands of the nobles among 4000 Athenian settlers. These, how¬ ever, retired from the island on its invasion by the Per¬ sians in 490 B.c. After the Persian war, Euboea joined the Athenian confederacy, and continued in that alliance till 445 b.c., when a general insurrection took place in the island against Athens. It was, however, soon re-con¬ quered and reduced to subjection by Pericles, and the aristocracy of Chalcis were deprived of their power. In 411 b.c., after the disastrous end of the Athenian expedi¬ tion to Sicily, the whole of Euboea again threw off the Athenian yoke, and the bridge across the straits was then first built, in order to secure the communication with Bceo- tia. The island continued independent for some time, and joined the Theban confederacy against Sparta; but when the Athenian power was again in the ascendant, the cities of Euboea became once more subject to her supremacy, and were governed by tyrants. About 350 B.c., Callias and Taurosthenes, joint tyrants of Chalcis, wishing to ob¬ tain the sovereignty of the whole island, asked the as¬ sistance of Philip of Macedon, who readily acceded to their request; but Plutarch, tyrant of Eretria, having ap¬ plied to the Athenians for aid against this attempt, they sent an army under Phocion, by whom the Chalcidians were defeated. The Macedonian party, however, still re¬ tained their power in Chalcis; and soon the influence of Philip was predominant throughout the island. Owing to its strength and position, Chalcis was a place of much im¬ portance in the contest for the dominion of Greece which took place after the death of Alexander, and it was fre¬ quently taken in these wars. In later times it fell succes¬ sively into the hands of Antiochus and Mithridates and was finally taken and destroyed by the Romans, by whom Euboea was included in the province of Achaia. From this time the island continued undisturbed under the power of Rome, and under that of Constantinople after the division of the empire, until the Latin conquest of the East in 1204 a.d. At that time the island came into the hands of the Vene¬ tians, who retained possession of it till 1470, when the city of Negropont, as it was then called, was taken by the Turks, and the inhabitants cruelly massacred. In 1688 the Venetians made an unsuccessful attempt to retake the town. Since the Greek revolution, Eubcea has formed part of the modern kingdom of Greece ; and as the ancient appellations have been by law restored, Eubcea and Chalcis are now the names by which the island and town are most commonly known. Pop. of the island (1852), 65,299; of the town, 5000. NEGRO, Rio, a river of South America, forming the boundary between Patagonia and the Argentine Confeder¬ ation, takes its rise in the Andes by two head-streams, one from the north and the other from the south, and flows eastward to the Atlantic, into which it falls in S. Lat. 41., W. Long. 62. 50., after a course of from 500 to 600 miles. N E H It is full of small islands and sand-banks; and about the Negro, middle of its course it separates into two branches, which inclose an island of considerable size. The river is sub- . ject to two annual floods, one of which, in December and ^ ^ em^a ^ January, is occasioned by the melting of the snows of the ^ Andes ; and the other, in June and July, by the heavy rains in the interior. The river is about 2 miles broad at its mouth ; but at the town of Carmen, about 16 miles from the sea, it does not exceed 300 yards in width. Near its entrance is a bar, over which there are several channels, some of which may be crossed by vessels drawing 11 feet of water. The climate of the district is healthy ; and though very warm in summer, ice is frequently formed between the months of April and July. The winds are very variable, and frequently violent. The principal town on the river is Carmen, on the north bank, with a population exceed¬ ing 1000. Negro, Rio, one of the principal tributaries of the Amazon, rises in New Granada by two head streams, and flows eastwards till it falls into the Amazon, in S. Lat. 3. 16., W. Long. 59. Its principal affluents are the Cassi- quiare, by which it is connected with the Orinoco, the Ca- babure, Padaviri, and Branco, from the N.; and the Tomo, Zie, Haupes, &c., from the S. and W. In the lower part of its course the river flows through a succession of lakes from 15 to 20 miles broad : at its junction with the Amazon it is about 1£ mile in breadth. The river is flooded during the months of August and September, when it rises about 30 feet above its lowest level. The length is about 1000 miles. NEGROS, one of the Philippine Islands, lies between N. Lat. 9. 3. and 10. 58., and between E. Long. 122. 28. and 123. 29.; being separated by narrow' channels from the islands of Panay on the N.W., and Zebu on the E. It is about 140 miles in length, with an average breadth of 25 miles, and an area estimated at 3827 square miles. A range of mountains traverses the island from N. to S., and it is watered by numerous rivers. The interior is little known ; it contains large forests abounding in beautiful and valuable timber. Coffee, tobacco, and rice are cultivated ; and palms and cocoa-nut trees also grow on the island. Wax, honey, palm oil, rock-crystal, pearls, sulphur, &c., are among the productions of Negros. The climate is gene¬ rally healthy; but the island is subject to earthquakes. The inhabitants of the interior are rude and uncivilized ; and there are few Spanish settlers. The governor resides at Timamailan, where there is a church and a small har¬ bour. Pop. of the island, 35,622. NEHEMlAH, a distinguished Jew'ish patriot, and author of the book of Scripture which bears his name, was the son of Hachaliah (Neh. i. 1), and brother of Hanani (vii. 2). His genealogy is unknown. Some think, however, that he wras of priestly descent, because his name appears at the head of a list of priests in chap. x. 1-8 ; but it is obvious, from chap. ix. 38, that he stands there as a prince, and not as a priest. Others with some probability infer, from his station at the Persian court, and the high commission he received, that he w'as, like Zerubbabel, of the tribe of Judah and of the house of David (Carpzov, Introductio, See., p. i. 339). While Nehemiah was cup-bearer to Artaxerxes Longima- nus in the royal palace of Shushan, 444 b.c., he learned the mournful and desolate condition of the colony returned to Judaea. This filled him with such deep concern, that his sad countenance revealed to the king his sorrow of heart, which induced the monarch to send him with full powers to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and “to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.” Nehemiah reached Je¬ rusalem b.c. 444, and remained there till B.c. 432 (v. 14). The principal work then accomplished by him was the repairing of the city wall, which was done “ in fifty and two days” (vi. 15), notwithstanding many discour¬ agements and difficulties, caused chiefly by Sanballat, a N E H Nehemiah. Moabite of Horonaim, and Tobiah, an Ammonite, who were leading men in the rival and unfriendly colony of Samaria (iv. 1-3), as well as by certain of the Jewish people them¬ selves. Nehemiah, however, displayed great firmness, saga¬ city, and zeal; and the completion of the wall was most joyously celebrated by a solemn dedication under his own direction (xii. 27-43). Having succeeded in fortifying the city, he turned his attention to other measures, in order to secure its good government and prosperity (vii. 1-3; xii. 44-47; viii. 1-12; viii. 13-18; ix.; x.; vii. 4; also xi. 1-19). In these important public proceedings, Nehemiah enjoyed the assistance of Ezra, who had gone up to Jerusalem a number of years previously. (See Ezra.) At the close of his successful administration Nehemiah returned to Babylon in the year 432 B.C., and resumed, as some think, his duties as royal cup-bearer. He returned, however, to Jerusalem, probably about 424 B.C., where his services became again requisite, in consequence of abuses that had crept in during his absence. (See Prideaux, i. 520; Jahn, Emleitung ins A. Test. ii. 288; Winer, Real- worterbuch; also, Havernick, Einleitung ins A. Test. ii. 324.) The duration of this second administration, during which he effected many important reforms, both social and re¬ ligious, cannot be accurately determined, but it probably lasted ten years, namely, from 424 to 413 b.c. It is not unlikely that he remained at his post till about the year 405 B.c., towards the close of the reign of Darius Nothus, who is mentioned in chap. xii. 22. At this time Nehe¬ miah would be between sixty and seventy years old, if we suppose him (as most do) to have been only between twenty and thirty when he first went to Jerusalem. That he lived to be an old man is thus quite probable from the sacred history. Josephus {Antiq. xi. 5, 6) states that he died at an advanced age ; but of the place and year of his death nothing is known. Besides the account in Josephus, there are some honourable notices of Nehemiah in the Apocrypha. Nehemiah, The Book of, was anciently connected with Ezra, as if it formed part of the same work (Eichhorn, Einleitung, ii. 627) (See Ezra.) From this circumstance some ancient writers were led to call this book the 2d book of Ezra, and even to regard that learned scribe as the author of it (Carpzov, Introductio, &c., p. 336). There can, how¬ ever, be no reasonable doubt that it proceeded from Nehe¬ miah, for its style and spirit, except in one portion, are wholly unlike Ezra’s. The canonical character of Nehemiah’s work is established by very ancient testimony. It is not expressly named, how¬ ever, by Melito of Sardis (a.d. 170) in his account of the sacred writings; but this creates no difficulty, since he mentions Ezra, of which, as we have seen, Nehemiah was then considered a part. The work is properly a collection of notices of some important transactions that happened during the first year of Nehemiah’s government, with a few scraps from his later history. The contents appear to be arranged in chronological order, with the exception perhaps of ch. xii. 27—43, where the account of the dedication of the wall seems out of its proper place: we might expect it ra¬ ther after ch. vii. 1-4, where the completion of the wall is mentioned. While the book as a whole is considered to have come from Nehemiah, it consists in part of compilation. He doubtless wrote the greater part himself, but some por¬ tions he evidently took from other works. It is allowed by all that he is, in the strictest sense, the author of the nar- uitive from ch. i. to ch. vii. 5 (Havernick, Einleitung, ii. o04). lire account in ch. vii. 6—73 is avowedly compiled, for he says in ver. 5, ‘I found a register,’ &c. This re¬ gister we actually find also in Ezra ii. 1—70 : hence it might be thought that our author borrowed this part from Ezra ; but it is more likely, from their obvious discrepancies, that N E I they both copied from public documents, such as “ the book of the chronicles” mentioned in Neh. xii. 23, which were not themselves harmonious. The exegetical helps for the explanation of this book are chiefly Poole’s Synopsis, Lond. 1669-76; Jo. Clerici, Comm, in Lib. Historicos V. T Amst. 1708; Maurer, Comment. Crit. Grammat. in V. T vol. i., Lips. 1833; Strigelii, Scholia inNehem., Lips. 1575 • and Rambach, Annotationes in Librum Nehemice, Hal re' 1751. NEHRUNG, Curische, a long strip of land in Prussia, in the province of East Prussia, about 60 miles in length’ and nowhere above 3 in breadth, separating the lagoon called the Curische Haff from the Baltic. It consists of sand, and is entirely barren. Several villages have been buried by the gradual accumulation of the sand. Nehrung, Frische, a similar sandy strip in West Prussia, between the Frische HafF and the Baltic. NEILGHERRIES, in Hindustan, a range of mountains in the presidency of Madras, situated between N. Lat. 11.10. and 11. 35., E. Long. 76. 30. and 77. 10. This remarkable range is connected on its western side, where its summits bear the name of the Koondahs, with the Siadri branch of the Western Ghauts, here terminating in a southern face of lofty and perpendicular precipices, and forming the north side of the great Palghat valley or depression, which, extending east and west with a breadth of about 20 miles, affords an easy communication between the Carnatic and Malabar. I he general outline of the Neilgherry group approaches to a triangle, having the side which may be regarded as the base extending nearly from N. to S., and facing Malabar; its north side extending E. and W. facing Mysore; and the remaining side extending from N.E. to S.W., towards the British district of Coimbatore. From the last-mentioned district, the Neilgherries rise in a vast precipitous mass to the height of from 5000 to 7000 feet, and the aggregate of the group is popularly divided into three ranges,—the Neddimullah on the N., the Koondah on the S., and the central or principal range, rising to the summit of Doda- betta, the highest in the group, and having an elevation of 8^60 feet above the level of the sea, being the greatest in India south of the Himalaya. Owing to the great eleva¬ tion of the various summits, and the consequent rarefaction of its atmosphere, the district, although distant only 11° from the equator, enjoys a climate famed for its salubrity, and the remarkable evenness of its seasons. The tempera¬ ture, which falls in the coldest month of the year to the freezing point, seldom in the hottest reaches 75° in the shade. The great importance of this group lies in its sana¬ tory stations for the re-establishment of health in those who have suffered from the heat of the climate in less elevated regions. The principal of these stations is Ootacamund, the two minor ones Coonoor and Kotageri. This tract of territory was transferred to the British on the downfall of lippoo Sultan in 1799. (R. Baikie’s JVeilgherries.') NEILSTON, a village and parish of Scotland, in the county of Renfrew, is situated on the Levern, 4 miles S. of Paisley, and 9 W.S.W. of Glasgow. It has an Established, a Free, and a United Presbyterian church, several schools, and a mechanics’ institute. There are here also cotton- mills and bleachfields; and four fairs are held annually. Pop. (1851) of village, 2075 ; of parish, 12,233. NEISSE, a town of Prussia, province of Silesia, on both sides of a river of the same name, 47 miles S.S.E. of Bres¬ lau. It is well built, surrounded by walls, and strongly fortified. There are three gates ; and the town contains several fine public buildings. The episcopal palace is an ancient edifice, and is memorable for the meeting between Frederic II. and the Emperor Joseph II., which took place here in 1/69. There are also two Protestant and several Roman Catholic churches, a grammar school, an industrial school, two hospitals, an establishment for superannuated 131 Nehrung Neisse. 132 N E J Nejin Roman Catholic priests, large powder-mills, barracks, and il arsenals. Cotton is manufactured here, and a considerable Nelson. tracJe is carried on in yarn and building stone. A weekly market for yarn, and an annual fair, are held here. Pop. (1849), 17,164. NEJIN, or Nieshin, a town of Russia, in the govern¬ ment of Tchernigov, stands on the Oster, 49 miles S.E. of Tchernigov, and 475 S.W. of Moscow. It is well built, and surrounded by earthen ramparts; and contains a castle, a cathedral, numerous other churches, a convent, a school, and an hospital. There are manufactures of soap, leather, silks, perfumes, confectionary, liqueurs, See. The town has also a considerable trade, the intercourse between the ports on the Baltic and Moldavia, Wallachia, and the Crimea being carried on through it. Three annual fairs are held here, and largely attended. Pop. (1849) 17,981. NEKO, or Necho, a king of Egypt who flourished in the fifth century b.c. (See Egypt.) NELL ORE, in Hindustan, a town within the presi¬ dency of Madras, on the right bank of the River Penna, 18 miles from the spot where it falls into the Bay of Bengal. The town is irregularly built, and in places rather crowded and confined; but there are some good streets occupied by the better classes, and on the whole, for a native town, it is tolerably clean and airy. The population is estimated at 20,000; distant N. from Madras 100 miles; N. Lat. 14. 27., E. Long. 80. 2. The British district, of which this town is the chief place, is bounded on the N. by Guntoor, on the E. by the Bay of Bengal, on the S. by Arcot, and on the W. by Cuddapah. It lies between N. Lat. 13. 55. and 16., E. Long. 79. 8. and 80. 21. The area, according to official return, is 7930 square miles, and the population 935,690. NELSON, Horatio, Lord Viscount, the son of Ed¬ mund and Catherine Nelson, was born on the 29th of September 1758, at the parsonage-house of Burnham- Thorpe, a village in the county of Norfolk, of which his father was rector. The maiden name of his mother was , Suckling; her grandmother was an elder sister of Sir Robert Walpole, and the subject of this notice was named after the first Earl of Orford. Mrs Nelson died in 1767, leaving eight out of eleven children. Upon this occasion her brother, Captain Maurice Suckling, of the navy, visited Mr Nelson, and promised to take care of one of the boys. Three years afterwards, when Horatio was only twelve years of age, and with a constitution naturally weak, he applied to his father for permission to go to sea with his uncle, recently appointed to the Raisonnable of sixty-four guns. The uncle was accordingly written to, and gave a reluctant consent to the proposal. “ What,” said he, in reply, “ has poor Horatio done, who is so weak, that he should be sent to rough it out at sea? But let him come; and the first time we go into action a cannon-ball may knock off his head, and provide for him at once.” The Raisonnable, on board of which he was now placed as a midshipman, was soon afterwards paid off, and Captain Suckling removed to the Triumph, of seventy-four guns, then stationed as a guard-ship in the Thames. This, however, was considered as too inactive a life for a boy, and Nelson was therefore sent a voyage to the West Indies in a mer¬ chant ship. “ From this voyage I returned,” he tells us in his Sketch of my Life, “ to the Triumph at Chatham in July 1772; and if I did not improve in my education, I returned a practical seaman, with a horror of the royal navy, and with a saying then constant with the seamen, ‘ Aft, the most honour ; forward, the better man.’ ” While in connection with this guardship, he had the opportunity of becoming a skilful pilot, an acquirement which he afterwards had frequent occasion to turn to account. Not many months after his return, his inherent love of enterprise was excited by hearing that two ships were fit¬ ting out for a voyage of discovery towards the North Pole. N E L From the difficulties expected on such service, these vessels Nelson, were to take out none but effective men, instead of the usual number of boys. This, however, did not deter Nel¬ son from soliciting to be received, and by his uncle’s in¬ terest he was admitted as cockswain under Captain Lut- widge, the second in command. The voyage was under¬ taken in consequence of an application from the Royal Society; and the Honourable Captain John C. Phipps, eldest son of Lord Mulgrave, volunteered his services to command the expedition. The Racehorse and Carcass, bombs, were selected as the strongest ships, and the expedi¬ tion sailed from the Nore on the 4th of June 1773, and re¬ turned to England in October. During this voyage Nel¬ son gave several indications of that daring and fearless spirit which ever afterwards distinguished him. The ships were paid oft' shortly after their return, and the youth was then placed by his uncle with Captain Far¬ mer in the Seahorse, of twenty guns, which was about to sail for the East Indies in the squadron of Sir Ed¬ ward Hughes. In this ship he was rated as a midshipman, and attracted attention by his general good conduct. But when he had been about eighteen months in India, he felt the effects of the climate of that country, so peril¬ ous to European constitutions, and became so enfeebled by disease that he lost for a time the use of his limbs, and was brought almost to the brink of the grave. He embarked for England in the Dolphin, Captain Pigot, with a body broken down by sickness, and spirits which had sunk with his strength. But his health materially improved during the voyage, and his native air speedily repaired the injury it had sustained. On the 8th of April 1777 he passed, with much credit to himself, his examina¬ tion for a lieutenancy, and next day received his commission as second lieutenant of the Lowestofte, of thirty-two guns, then fitting out for Jamaica. In this frigate he cruised against the American and French privateers which were at that time harassing our trade in the West Indies; distin¬ guished himself on various occasions by his activity and enterprise ; and formed a friendship with his captain, Locker, of the Lowestoffe, which continued during his life. Having been warmly recommended to Sir Peter Parker, the com¬ mander-in-chief upon that station, he was removed into the Bristol flag-ship, and soon afterwards became first lieuten¬ ant. On the 8th of December 1788 he was appointed commander of the Badger brig, in which he rendered im¬ portant assistance in rescuing the crew of the Glasgow, when that ship was accidentally set on fire in Montego Bay, Jamaica. On the 11th of June 1799 he obtained the rank of post-captain, and with it the command of the Hinchin- brook of twenty-eight guns. As Count d’Estaing, with a fleet of 125 sail, men-of-war and transports, and a reputed force of 25,000 men, now threatened Jamaica from St Do¬ mingo, Nelson offered his services to the admiral and governor-general, Dalling, and was appointed to command the batteries of Fort-Charles at Port-Royal, the most im¬ portant post in the island. D’Estaing, however, attempted nothing with this formidable armament, and the British general was thus left to execute a design which he had formed against the Spanish colonies. This project was to take Fort San Juan, situated upon the river of that name, which flows from Lake Nicaragua into the Gulf of Mexico ; to make himself master of the lake itself, and of the cities of Granada and Leon; and thus to cut oft' the communi¬ cation between the northern and southern possessions of Spain in America. Nelson was appointed to the command of the naval department, and distinguished himself greatly in the siege of Fort San Juan and in taking the island of St Bartolomeo. Pestilence, however, decimated the crew of the Hinchinbrook ; and her gallant young commander, pros¬ trated by sickness, was compelled to return to England. He was taken home in the Lyon, by Captain, afterwards NELSON. Nelson. Admiral, Cornwallis, to whose care and kindness he believed himself indebted for the preservation of his life. In three months, however, his health was so far re-established that he applied for employment; and being appointed to the Albemarle, of twenty-eight guns, he was sent to the North Seas, and kept there cruising during the whole winter, which he did not at all relish. In this cruise, however, he gained a considerable knowledge of the Danish coast and its soundings. On his return he was ordered to Quebec, and during the voyage the Albemarle had a narrow escape from four French sail of the line and a frigate, which, having come out of Boston, gave chase to her. Confiding in his own skill and pilotage, Nelson, perceiving that they gained on him, boldly ran among the numerous shoals of St George’s Bank, and thus escaped. In October 1782 he sailed from Quebec with a convoy of transports for New York, where he joined Lord Hood, and accompanied him to the West Indies. At the peace of 1783, the Albemarle returned to England, and was paid off. After his arrival in England, Nelson, finding it prudent to economize his half-pay during the peace, went to St Omer, where he remained till the spring of the following year. On his return, he was appointed to the Boreas, of twenty-eight guns, which had been ordered to the Leeward Islands as a cruiser. Whilst on this station, w'here he found himself senior captain, and consequently second in com¬ mand, he evinced the utmost zeal and activity in protecting British interests, and in causing the Navigation Act to be respected, especially by the Americans, who had attempted, under various pretences, to establish an independent com¬ merce with the West India Islands ; a line of conduct which involved him in much trouble, without procuring him re¬ ward or even acknowledgment—the thanks of the Treasury having been transmitted to the commander-in-chief, who had thwarted instead of encouraging him in the discharge of an arduous and important duty. On the 11th of March 1787, Nelson married the widow of Dr Nisbet, a physician, and daughter of Herbert, the president of the island of Nevis. The Boreas returned to England in June, but was not paid oft till the end of November, having been kept nearly five months at the Nore as a slop and receiving ship. Nelson was still in a very precarious state of health ; and this treatment, whether proceeding from intention or ne¬ glect, excited in his mind the strongest indignation. His resentment, however, was appeased by the favourable re¬ ception which he met with at court, when presented to his Majesty by Lord Howe ; and having fully explained to that nobleman the grounds upon which he had acted, he retired to enjoy the pleasures of domestic happiness at the parson¬ age-house at Burnham-Thorpe, which his father had given him as a residence. But the vexatious affair of the Ame¬ rican captures was not yet terminated. He was harassed with threats of prosecution, and, in his absence on some business, a writ or notification was served on his wife, upon the part of the American captains, who now laid their dam¬ ages at L.20,000. -When presented with this paper, his indignation was excessive; and he immediately wrote to the ireasury, that unless he was supported by government he would leave the country. “ If sixpence would save me from prosecution,” said he, “ I would not give it.” The answer he received, however, quieted his fears ; he was told to be under no apprehension, for he would assuredly be supported ; and here his disquietude upon this subject seems to have ended. At the commencement of the French war, it was judged expedient again to employ Nelson; and on the 30th of January 1793 he was appointed to the Agamemnon, ofsixtv- four guns, and placed under the orders of Lord Hood then holding the chief command in the Mediterranean ’fleet Being sent to Corsica with a small squadron, to co-operate with Paoli and the party opposed to France, he undertook the siege of Bastia, and in a short time reduced it. The place capitulated on the 19th of May 1794. He next pro¬ ceeded in the Agamemnon to co-operate with General Sir Charles Stuart in the siege of Calvi. Here Nelson had less responsibility than at Bastia; he was acting with a man after his own heart, who slept every night in the advanced battery. Here Nelson received a serious injury. A shot having struck the ground near him, drove the sand and small gravel into one of his eyes. He spoke of it lightly at the time, and in fact suffered it to confine him only one day ; but the sight of the eye was nevertheless lost. After the fall of Calvi his services were, by a strange omission, alto¬ gether overlooked, and his name was not even mentioned in the list of wounded. Nelson felt himself not only ne¬ glected, but wronged. “ They have not done me justice,” said he ; “ but never mind, I’ll have a gazette of my own.” And on another occasion the same second-sight of glory led him to predict that one day or other he would have a long gazette to himself. “ I feel,” said he, “ that such an opportunity will be given me. If I am in the field of glory, I cannot be kept out of sight.” Lord Hood now returned to England, and the command devolved upon Admiral Hotham. Tuscany had now con¬ cluded peace with France ; Corsica was in danger ; Genoa was threatened ; and the French, who had not yet been taught to feel their inferiority upon the seas, openly braved us on that element. Having a superior fleet in the Medi¬ terranean, they now sent it out with express orders to seek the English and engage them. In the action which fol¬ lowed between the English fleet under Admiral Hotham, and that which had come out from Toulon, Nelson greatly distinguished himself, manoeuvring and fighting his ship with equal ability and determination ; and when the action was renewed the following day, he had the honour of hoist¬ ing the English colours on board of the Ca Ira and the Censeur, which both struck to him, and were the only ships of the enemy taken on that occasion.1 About this time Nelson was made colonel of marines, a mark of approba¬ tion which he had rather wished for than expected; and soon afterwards the Agamemnon was ordered to Genoa to co-operate with the Austrian and Sardinian forces. This was indeed a new line of service, imposing multifarious duties, and involving great responsibility; yet it was also one for which Nelson had already evinced a singular apti¬ tude, and in which, had he been at all seconded by the land forces, his assistance would have led to important results. Through the gross misconduct, however, of the Austrian general, Devins, the allies were completely defeated by an army of boys, and the French obtained possession of the Genoese coast from Savona to Yoltri, thus intercepting the direct communication between the Austrian army and the English fleet. After this disgraceful affair, the Agamem¬ non was recalled, and sailed for Leghorn to refit, being literally riddled with shot, and having all her masts and yards seriously damaged. Sir John Jervis having arrived to take the command in the Mediterranean, Nelson sailed from Leghorn in the Aga¬ memnon, which had now been repaired, and joined the admiral in St Fiorenzo Bay. When the French took pos¬ session of Leghorn, he blockaded that port, and landed a force in the Isle of Elba to secure Porto Ferrajo. Soon confpnfpH • ° PUf,Sue the enemy> and ap his advantage to the utmost; but the latter replied, “ We must be snil ” onOiTo “ ,.T,a n VfrT We,1L The caPtain of the Agamemnon did not understand such timid reasoning. “Had we taken ten Hp if h- tlle eleventh to escape when it had been possible to have got at her, I could never have called it well done.” He adds, that if his advice had been followed, they would have had such a day as the annals of England never produced. 134 N E L Nelson, afterwards he took the island of Capraja : and the British cabinet having resolved to evacuate Corsica, he ably per¬ formed this humiliating service. He was then ordered to hoist his broad pennant on board of the Minerve frigate, Captain George Cockburn, and to proceed with the Blanche to Porto Ferrajo, and bring away the troops and stores left at that place. On his way thither he fell in with two Span¬ ish frigates, the Sabina and Ceres, the former of which, after an action of three hours, during which the Spaniards lost 164 men, struck to the Minerve. The Ceres, however, had got off from the Blanche ; and as the prisoners had hardly been conveyed on board of the Minerve when ano¬ ther enemy’s frigate came up, Nelson was compelled to cast off the prize and go a second time into action. But after a short trial of strength, this new antagonist wore and hauled off; and as a Spanish squadron of two sail of the line and two frigates now came in sight, the commodore made all sail for Porto Ferrajo, whence he soon returned with a convoy to Gibraltar. Off the mouth of the Straits he fell in with the Spanish fleet, and reaching the station off Cape St Vincent on the 13th of February 1797, he communicated this intelligence to Sir John Jervis, by whom he was now directed to shift his broad pennant on board the Captain, of seventy-four guns. Before sunset the signal was made to prepare for action, and to keep in close order during the night; and at daybreak on the 14th the enemy were in sight. The British force consisted of two ships of 100 guns, two of 98, two of 90, eight of 74, and one of 64, with four frigates, a sloop, and a cutter ; the Spaniards had one ship of 136 guns, six of 112 guns each, two of 84, and eighteen of 74, with ten frigates and a brig. The admiral, Sir John Jervis, made signal to tack in succession. Nel¬ son, whose station was in the rear of the British line, per¬ ceiving that the Spaniards were bearing up before the wind, with an intention of forming line and joining their separated ships, or of avoiding an engagement, disobeyed the signal without a moment’s hesitation, and ordered his ship to be wore. This at once brought him into action with seven of the enemy’s ships, four of which were first-rates. After a desperate conflict, in which Nelson was nobly supported by Troubridge in the Culloden and by Collingwood in the Excellent, the Salvador del Mundo and San Isidro dropped astern, and the San Josef fell on board the San Nicolas. The Captain being now incapable of further service, either in the line or in chase, Nelson directed the helm to be put a-starboard, and calling the boarders, ordered them to board. The San Nicolas was carried after a short struggle, Nelson himself boarding her through the cabin windows. The San Josef was instantly boarded from the San Nicolas, the gallant little commodore leading the way, and exclaiming, “Westminster Abbey or victory!” This was the work of an instant; but before Nelson could reach the quarter-deck of the Spanish ship, an officer looked over the rail and said they surrendered. This daring achievement was effected with comparatively small loss, and Nelson himself received only a few bruises. The Captain, however, had suffered severely in the action. She had lost her fore-topmast; not a sail, shroud, nor rope was left; her wheel had been shot away ; and a fourth part of the loss sustained by the whole squadron had fallen upon that single ship. As soon as the action was discontinued, Nelson went on board the admiral’s ship. Sir John Jervis S 0 N. received him with open arms, and said he could not suffi- Nelson, ciently thank him. For this victory the commander-in-chief was rewarded with a peerage and the title of Earl St Vin¬ cent ; whilst Nelson, who, before the action was known in England, had been advanced to the rank of rear-admiral, was knighted, and received the insignia of the Bath, and a gold medal from his sovereign. In April 1797 Sir Horatio Nelson, having hoisted his fla" as rear-admiral of the blue, was sent to bring away the troops from Porto Ferrajo ; and having performed this ser¬ vice, he shifted his flag to the Theseus, a ship which had taken part in the mutiny in England. Whilst in the The¬ seus he was employed in the command of the inner squadron at the blockade of Cadiz. During this service his personal courage was eminently signalized. In a night attack upon the Spanish gun-boats (3d July 1797), his barge was assailed by an armed launch, carrying twenty- six men, whilst he had with him only the usual comple¬ ment of ten men and the cockswain, besides Captain Freemantle. After a severe conflict, hand to hand, eigh¬ teen of the enemy were killed, all the rest wounded, and the launch taken. Twelve days after this rencontre, Nel¬ son sailed at the head of an expedition against Teneriffe. It having been ascertained that a homeward-bound Ma¬ nilla ship had recently put into Santa Cruz, the expedition was undertaken in the hope of capturing this rich prize. But it was not fitted out upon the scale which Nelson had proposed; no troops were embarked; and although the attack was made with great intrepidity, the attempt failed. The boats of the squadron being manned, a landing was effected early in the night, and Santa Cruz taken and occu¬ pied for about seven hours; but the assailants, finding it impracticable to storm the citadel, were obliged to prepare for retreat, which they effected without molestation, agree¬ ably to stipulations which had been made with the Spanish governor by Captain Troubridge, whose firmness and pre¬ sence of mind were conspicuously displayed on this occasion. The total loss of the English in killed, wounded, and drowned, amounted to 250. Nelson himself was amongst the wounded, having, in stepping out of the boat to land, received a shot through the right elbow, which shattered the whole arm, and rendered amputation neces¬ sary. Nelson was nowr obliged to return to England, where honours awaited him sufficient to cheer his mind amidst the sufferings occasioned by the loss of his arm. Letters were addressed to him by the first lord of the Admiralty and the Duke of Clarence; the freedom of the cities of London and Bristol was transmitted to him ; he was in¬ vested with the Order of the Bath ; and he also received a pension of L.1000 a year.1 His sufferings from the lost limb, however, were long and painful. In April 1798 he had so far recovered, however, as to hoist his flag on board the Vanguard, and was ordered to rejoin Earl St Vincent. Immediately on his arrival, he was despatched to the Me¬ diterranean with a small squadron, to ascertain, if possible, the object of the great expedition which w as then fitting out at Toulon. He sailed from Gibraltar on the 9th of May for the Mediterranean, with three seventy-fours, four frigates, and a sloop of war. On the 19th the squadron reached the Gulf of Lyons ; and on the 22d a violent storm inflicted very serious injury on the Vanguard; but after extraordinary exertions, the Vanguard was refitted in four 1 The memorial which, as a matter of course, he was called upon to present on this occasion, exhibited an extraordinary catalogue of services performed during the war. It is dated “ October 1797,” and addressed “ to the King’s most excellent Majesty.” It stated, that he had been in four actions with the fleets of the enemy, and in three actions with frigates, in six engagements against batteries, in ten actions in boats employed in cutting vessels out of harbour or in destroying them, and in taking three towns; that he had served on shore with the army four months, and commanded the batteries at the sieges of Bastia and Calvi; that he had assisted at the capture of seven sail of the line, six frigates, four corvettes, and eleven privateers of different sizes; that he had taken and destroyed nearly fifty sail of merchant-vessels, and had actually been engaged against the enemy upwards of one hundred and twenty times; in which ser¬ vices he had lost his right eye and right arm, and had been severely wounded and bruised in his body. This memorial alone, apart from the splendid additions which he afterwards made to it, is perhaps without a parallel in our naval history. N E L Nelson, days, and he received a reinforcement of ten ships of the line and one of fifty guns, under the command of Commodore Troubridge. Baffled in his attempts to get sight of the French fleet, he kept scouring the Mediterranean waters under a press of sail night and day for nearly two months, till, on the 1st of August 1798, he came in sight of Alex¬ andria, and at four in the afternoon descried the French fleet. For several days previous to this the admiral had scarcely taken either food or sleep. He now ordered his dinner to be served, whilst preparations were making for battle; and when his officers rose from table to repair to their several stations, he said to them, “ Before this time to-morrow I shall have gained a peerage, or West¬ minster Abbey.” Brueys, the admiral of the French fleet, had moored his ships in Aboukir Bay, in a strong and compact line of battle ; the headmost vessel being close to a shoal on the north-west, and the rest of the fleet forming a kind of curve along the line of deep water, so as not to be turned by any means on the south-west. The advantage of numbers, both in ships, guns, and men, was in favour of the French. 1 hey had thirteen ships of the line and four frigates, car- rying 1196 guns, and 11,230 men. The English had the same number of ships of the line, and one 50-gun ship, carrying in all 1012 guns and 8068 men. The English ships were all seventy-fours; the French had three 80-gun ships, and one three-decker of 120 guns. Nelson, accord¬ ing to the preconceived plan of attack, resolved to keep entirely on the outer side of the French line, and to station his ships, as far as he was able, one on the outer bow, and another on the outer quarter, of each of the enemy’s, thus doubling on a certain portion of their line.1 The battle commenced at half-past six o’clock, a little before sunset. As the squadron advanced, the enemy opened a steady fire from the starboard side of their line into the bows of the leading British ships. It was received in silence, whilst the men on board of each ship were employed aloft in furling the sails, and below in tending the braces and making ready for anchoring ; a proceeding which told the enemy that escape was impossible. Four ships of the British squadron, having been detached previously to the discovery of the French fleet, were at a considerable distance when the battle commenced, and on coming up, the Culloden, the foremost of these ships, suddenly grounded in the dark¬ ness, and, notwithstanding the greatest exertions, could not be got off in time to bear a part in the action. The first two ships of the French line had been dismasted within a quarter of an hour after the commencement of the action ; and the others had suffered so severely that victory was already certain. At half-past eight o’clock the third, fourth, and fifth were taken possession of. In the mean¬ time Nelson had received a severe wound on the head from a langridge shot, which cut a large flap of skin from the forehead, and occasioned such an effusion of blood that the injury was at first believed to be mortal. But when the surgeon came to examine the wound, he found that the hurt was merely superficial, and requested that the admiral would remain quiet. Nelson, however, could not rest, and having called for his secretary, had begun to dictate his despatches, when suddenly a cry was heard upon deck that L Orient was on fire. In the confusion, he found his way up unassisted and unnoticed, and having appeared on the quarter-deck, immediately gave orders that boats should be sent to the relief of the enemy. It was about SON. ten minutes after nine o’clock when the fire broke out in L Orient. Brueys was dead. He had received three wounds, yet would not leave his post; and when a fourth cut him almost in two, he desired to be left to die upon deck. In the meanwhile the flames soon mastered the devoted ship, and by the light of the conflagration, the situation of both fleets could be perceived, their colours beino- clearly distinguishable. About ten o’clock the ship blew°up with a tremendous explosion, which was followed by a pause not less awful. The firing immediately ceased; and the first sound which broke the silence was the dash of her shattered masts and yards falling into the water from the vast height to which they had been projected by the explo¬ sion.2 The combat recommenced with the ships to lee¬ ward of the centre, and continued till about three in the morning. Of thirteen sail of the line, nine were taken, twTo burnt, and two escaped; and of four frigates, one was burnt and another sunk. In short, it was a conquest rather than a victory. The French fleet had been annihi¬ lated ; and if the English admiral had been provided with small craft, nothing could have prevented the destruc¬ tion of the store-ships and transports in the harbour of Alexandria. Nelson was now at the very summit of glory. Congra¬ tulations, rewards, and honours were showered upon him by all the foreign states and powers to which his victory promised a respite from French aggression. In his own country he was created Baron Nelson of the Nile and of Burnham-Thorpe, with a pension of E.2000 a year for his own life and those of his two immediate successors. A grant of L.10,000 was voted to Nelson by the East India Company; the Turkish company presented him with a piece of plate; the city of London bestowed honorary swords on the admiral and his captains; and the thanks of the Parliament and gold medals were voted to him and to all the captains engaged in the action. In the distribution of rewards he was particularly anxious that the captain and first lieutenant of the Culloden should not be passed over because of their misfortune. “ It was Troubridge,” said he, in addressing the Admiralty, “ who equipped the squadron so soon at Syracuse; it was Troubridge wdio ex¬ erted himself for me, after the action; it was Troubridge who saved the Culloden, where none that I know in the service would have attempted it.” Having made the necessary arrangements in regard to the prizes, and left a squadron before Alexandria, Nelson stood out to sea on the seventeenth day after the battle, and early on the 22d of September appeared in sight of Naples, where the Culloden and Alexander had preceded him, and given notice of his approach. Here he was received with every demonstration of joy and triumph, both by the royal family and the people ; and it was here he formed that unfortunate connection with Lady Hamilton which exercised so baneful an influence on the rest of his life. The state of Naples at this period was deplorable. The king, like the rest of his race, was passionately fond of field sports, and cared for almost nothing else. The queen had all the vices of the House of Austria, with little to mitigate and nothing to ennoble them. I he people were sunk in ignorance, and debased by misgovernment; at once turbulent and cowardly, ferocious and indolent, irreligious and fanatical. Nelson was fully sensible of the depravity and weakness of all by whom he was surrounded ; yet, seduced by the blandishments of the queen, the flatteries of the court, and the pernicious 135 Nelson. G C B ) as™ 7 ^ PUt °n *ehalf °f Captain °f the Goliath (aft™ds Admiral Sir Thomas Foley, of this claim SirgN H^rrisN? Sagge.Stlllg this mode of attack ; hut after carefully examining the evidence brought forward in support * To remTnd the sei W 5 w ’ ^ ^ edltl°n °f Kels0n S ^patches, vol. iii., p. 62, &c., is inclined to think that it is unfounded! an eccentric idea occurred^ rhlSf“0ri,alny a,T1ld^he torrents °f V™'™ and adulation which were poured upon him after the victory, mast. Nelson set ureat sW WP^-n IIallov'e11 °/ the Swiftsure, of presenting his chief with a coffin made of part of L’Orient’s main- own trophies ” (Nelson's 7W. Present> a.nd''as actually buried, as the gallant captain of the Swiftsure desired, “in one of his own tropmes. (Nelson s Ihipatches, &c., by Sir N. H. Nicolas, vol. iii., p. 88, &c.) 136 N E L Nelson, influence which Lady Hamilton now began to exercise over his mind, he suffered himself to be implicated in transac¬ tions which, to say the least of it, were not calculated to bring honour to his country, or to heighten his own fame. The defeat of Mack at Castellana, and the advance of the French towards Naples, were followed by the flight of the royal family, who were conveyed by Nelson to Palermo. After this an armistice was signed (10th of January 1799), by which the greater part of the kingdom was given up to the enemy ; and this cession necessarily led to the loss of the whole. Naples was occupied by the French under Cham- pionnet, and the short-lived Parthenopean republic soon afterwards established. But the successes of the allies in Italy speedily changed the face of affairs, and prepared the way for the restoration of the exiled monarch. Relying on the diminished numbers of the enemy, whose force had been greatly reduced, the royalists took the field, and Cardinal Ruffo appeared at the head of an armed rab¬ ble, which he called the Christian army. Captain Foote, in the Seahorse, with some Neapolitan frigates, and a few smaller vessels, was ordered to co-operate with this force, and to give it all the assistance in his power. Ruffo, ad¬ vancing without any plan, but ready to take advantage of any accident which might occur, now approached Naples. Fort St Elmo, which commands the city, was garrisoned by French troops ; but the castles of Uovo and Nuovo, com¬ manding the anchorage, were chiefly defended by the Neapolitan “ patriots,” the leading men amongst them having taken shelter there. As the possession of these castles would greatly facilitate the reduction of Fort St Elmo, Ruffb proposed to the garrison to capitulate, on con¬ dition that their persons and property should be respected, and that they should at their own option, either be sent to Toulon or remain at Naples, without being molested in their persons. These terms were accepted, and the capitulation was signed by the cardinal, the Russian and Turkish com¬ manders, and also by Captain Foote as commanding the British force. But Nelson, who soon afterwards arrived in the bay with a large fleet, made a signal to annul the treaty, declaring that he would grant to rebels no other terms than those of unconditional submission ; and notwithstanding the strenuous opposition of the cardinal, the garrisons of the castles were delivered over as rebels to the vengeance of the Sicilian court. This questionable transaction was followed by the execution of Caraccioli. This aged prince, a man who hitherto had borne a high character, and who was a commodore in the Neapolitan navy, had, from some motive or other, joined the enemy; and after being tried by a court-martial of Neapolitan officers assembled on board the British flag-ship, was found guilty, and sen¬ tenced to death. This sentence Lord Nelson ordered to be carried into execution the same evening, on board of the Sicilian frigate La Minerva. As a reward for these services, which have, in the judgment of many, left a blot on the scutcheon of the great admiral, Nelson received from the Sicilian court a sword splendidly enriched with diamonds, SON. in addition to the dukedom of Bronte, with a domain Nelson, worth about L.3000 a year.1 After the appointment of Lord Keith to the chief com¬ mand of the fleet in the Mediterranean, Nelson was so deeply mortified that he made preparations for his return to England ; and, as a ship could not be spared to convey him thither, he travelled through Germany to Hamburg, in company with Sir William and Lady Hamilton, and having embarked at Cuxhaven, landed at Yarmouth on the 6th of November 1800, after an absence of three years from his native country. He was welcomed in England with every mark of popular respect and admiration ; in the towns through which he passed the people came out to meet him, and in London he was feasted by the city, drawn by the populace, thanked for his victory by the Common Council, and presented with a gold-hilted sword studded with diamonds. He had now every earthly blessing except domestic happiness, which, in consequence of his infatuated attachment to Lady Hamilton, he had forfeited for ever. Before he had been three months in England he separated from Lady Nelson, after much uneasiness and recrimina¬ tion on both sides. On taking final leave of her, on 13th January 1801, he emphatically said “ I call God to witness there is nothing in you or your conduct I wish otherwise.” His best friends remonstrated against this causeless and cruel desertion ; but their expostulations produced no other effect than to make him displeased with them, and dissatis¬ fied with himself. The three northern courts of Denmark, Sweden, and Russia, had now formed a confederacy for the purpose of setting limits to the naval pretensions of Great Britain; and as such a combination, under the influence of France, would soon have become formidable, the British cabinet instantly prepared to crush it. With this view a formidable fleet was fitted out for the North Seas, and the chief com¬ mand of it given to Sir Hyde Parker; under whom Nelson, who had recently been made vice-admiral of the blue, con¬ sented to serve as second in command. The fleet sailed from Yarmouth on the 12th of March 1801 ; and on the 30th of the same month, Lord Nelson, having shifted his flag from the St George to the Elephant, led the way through the Sound, which was passed without any loss. The Danes had made every preparation for a determined resistance. Besides, the navigation was little known and extremely intricate ; all the buoys had been removed; the channel was considered as impracticable for so large a fleet; and in a council of war, held on board of the flag-ship, considerable diversity of opinion prevailed. Nelson, however, cut short the discussion by offering his services for the attack, requir¬ ing only ten sail of the line and the whole of the smaller craft. Sir Hyde Parker assented, but gave him two more line-of-battle ships than he had asked, and left everything to his own judgment. On the morning of the 1st of April, the whole fleet moved to an anchorage within two leagues of the town ; and about one o’clock Nelson, having completed his last examination of the ground, made the signal to weigh, 1 In connection with this whole matter, the heaviest accusations have been again and again brought against Nelson. He has been accused of “ treachery, ' in annulling the treaty of capitulation, and of “ murder ” in the execution of Franceso Caraccioli. The entire question has been subjected to a minute and careful examination by Sir N. Harris Nicolas, in an Appendix to the third volume of his edition of Nelson’s Dispatches, where he endeavours to mitigate or remove the weighty charges brought against the brave admiral. The impression left upon the mind of the reader by the vast amount of evidence therein accumulated is, that while Nelson was possibly wrong in suspending the capitulation, even although its conditions were not executed, nevertheless, “ the intentions and motives,” to use the words of Lord Spencer, then first lord of the Admiralty, and a statesman of great humanity of character, “by which all his measures were governed, were as pure and good as their success was complete.” Nelson believed at the time that he acted correctly, and retained the same opinion to the end of his life. It must, however, continue to be deeply regretted that he should have seen it his duty to suspend the treaty, as often as the dark consequences are contemplated which ensued after the rebels were handed over to the Neapo¬ litan authorities. \\ ith respect, again, to the execution of the old Neapolitan commodore, who commanded the republican gunboats, and fired upon the Neapolitan frigate, Sir Harris pronounces it as his deliberate opinion, in view of all the evidence of the case, that “it is indisputable that t araccioli, and the other Neapolitans whc fought against those forces, had, according io the law of every nation in Europe, committed high treason of a flagrant description, and that they were consequently relels.” The justice of the sentence was therefore unquestionable; and the question of humanity could only be fairly pronounced upon by those who know the entire circumstances in which Nelson was placed. N E L Nelson, which was received with a shout throughout the whole divi- sion destined for the attack. They weighed with a light and favourable wind, the small craft pointing out the course to be followed ; and the whole division, having coasted along the shoal called the Middle Ground, doubled its farther extremity, and anchored there just as the darkness closed, the signal to prepare for action having been made early in the evening. As his anchor dropped, Nelson exclaimed, “ I wdll fight them the moment I have a fair wind.” On the following morning, at half-past nine, the signal was made for the ships to weigh in succession ; at ten minutes after ten the action commenced, at the distance of about half a cable length from the enemy ; and by half-past eleven the battle became general. The plan of attack had been complete; but seldom had any project of the kind been disconcerted by more untoward accidents. Three of the ships had grounded, and only one gun-brig and two bomb-vessels could be got fairly into action. Nelson’s agita¬ tion was extreme when he found himself, before the action began, deprived of a fourth part of his force ; but no sooner was he in action than the wild music of the fight seemed to drive away all anxious thoughts; his countenance bright¬ ened, and his conversation became joyous, animated, and delightful. At one o’clock the enemy’s fire continued un¬ slackened ; and the commander-in-chief, despairing of suc¬ cess, made the signal for discontinuing the action. At this moment, whilst Nelson was pacing the quarter-deck in all the excitement of battle, a shot passing through the main-mast, knocked the splinters about. “ It is warm work,” said he, “ and this day may be the last to any of us at a moment; but, mark you,” he added, “ I would not be elsewhere for thousands.” The signal-lieutenant now called out that the signal for discontinuing the action had been thrown out by the commander-in-chief. Nelson continued to walk the deck, and appeared not to notice it. At the next turn, the lieutenant asked if he should repeat the signal. “ No,” replied Nelson ; “ acknowledge it.” He then called to know if the signal for close action was still hoisted ; and being answered in the affirmative, said, “ Mind you keep it so.” A little after, “ I have a right to be blind sometimes, Foley,” added he, addressing the captain ; then putting the glass to his blind eye, in a mood of sportive bitterness, which gives an inexpressible interest to the scene, I really do not see the signal,” he exclaimed ; and after a pause, “ Keep mine for closer battle flying ; that’s the way I answer such signals ; nail mine to the mast.” Between one and two o’clock, however, the fire of the Danes slackened : by half-past two the action had ceased, except with the Crown batteries, and one or two ships which had renewed their fire, though with but little effect. At this critical moment, Nelson, with his accustomed presence of mind, resolved to secure the advantage he had gained, and to open a negotiation. He retired into the stern gal¬ lery, and wrote to the Crown Prince thus : “ Vice-Ad¬ miral Lord Nelson has been commanded to spare Denmark when she no longer resists. The line of defence which covered her shores has struck to the British flag;—but if the firing is continued on the part of Denmark, he must set on fire all the prizes he has taken, without having the power of saving the men who have so nobly defended them. The brave Danes are the brothers, and should never )e the enemies, of the English.” This, after an interchange of communications, led to an interview between Nelson and the Crown Prince, at which the preliminaries of negotia¬ tions were adjusted ; and a treaty was at length concluded, by which the northern confederacy was dissolved, and the maritime superiority of Britain unequivocally recognised. For the battle of Copenhagen, Nelson was raised to the rank of viscount, and, on the recall of Sir Hyde Parker, appointed to the chief command in the North Sea. His complaints in his correspondence (vol. iv. of Dispatches and VOL. XVI. SON. 137 Letters') are loud and indignant, however, that the gallantry Nelson, of his captains had not, as after other great battles, been re- V.. v ^ warded with medals, and that the city of London had with¬ held its thanks from those who won that brilliant victory. “ I long to have the medal for Copenhagen,” he said, “ which I wmuld not give up to be made an English duke.” But the medal never came. Having settled affairs in the Baltic, Lord Nelson returned in a frigate to England. But he had not been many weeks ashore when he was called upon to attack the flotilla which had been prepared at Boulogne for the threatened invasion of England. The enemy were fully prepared, however, and though nothing could exceed the gallantry with which they were assailed, the enterprise proved unsuccessful. He now desired to be relieved from this boat-service, thinking it an unsuitable employment for a vice-admiral; and his wishes were speedily gratified by the signature of the preliminaries of peace. He had purchased a house and an estate at Merton in Surrey, meaning to pass there the remainder of his days, in the society of Sir William and Lady Hamilton. But the happiness which he had promised himself was not of long continuance. Sir William Hamilton died early in 1803. A few weeks subsequent to this event the war was renewed ; and the day after his Majesty’s message to Par¬ liament, announcing the recommencement of hostilities, Lord Nelson departed to assume the command of the fleet in the Mediterranean. On the 20th of May 1803, he hoisted his flag on board the Victory, and having taken his station immediately off Toulon, he there waited with incessant watchfulness for the coming out of the enemy. This blockade proved one of the longest and most persevering that have been recorded in our naval annals ; yet notwithstanding all his vigilance, the Toulon fleet put to sea on the 18th of January 1805, and shortly afterwards formed a junction with the Spanish squadron at Cadiz; Sir John Orde, who commanded off that port, having retired at their approach. Nelson had formed his own judgment of their destination, when Donald Camp¬ bell, then an admiral in the Portuguese service, went on board of the Victory, and communicated his certain know¬ ledge that the combined French and Spanish fleets were bound for the West Indies. The enemy had five and thirty days’start; but Nelson calculated that he should gain eight or ten days by his exertions. To the West Indies there¬ fore he bent all sail with his ten ships, in eager pursuit of eighteen, and on the 4th of June reached Barbadoes, whither he had sent despatches before him. Deceived by false intelligence, he then stood to the southward in quest of the enemy; but advices having met him by the way that the combined fleets were at Martinique, he immediately sailed for that island, where he arrived on the 9th, and received certain'intelligence that they had passed to the leeward of Antigua the preceding day, and taken a home¬ ward-bound convoy. It was now clear that the enemy, having accomplished the object of their cruise, were flying back to Europe; and accordingly, on the 13th, he steered for Europe in pursuit of them. On the 17th July he came in sight of Cape St Vincent, and directed his course towards Gibraltar, where he soon afterwards anchored, and went on shore for the first time since the 16th of June 1803. The combined fleet having thus eluded his pursuit, he returned almost inconsolable to England, to reinforce the Channel fleet with his squadron, lest the enemy should bear down upon Brest with their whole collected force. Having landed at Portsmouth, Lord Nelson at length received news of the enemy’s fleet. After an inconclusive action, in which they had run the gauntlet through Sir Robert Calder’s squadron on the 22d of July, about 60 leagues west of Cape Finisterre, they had proceeded to Ferrol, brought out the squadron which there awaited their 4 138 N E L Nelson, arrival, and with it entered Cadiz in safety. Upon receiving this intelligence, Nelson again offered his services, which were willingly accepted; and Lord Barham, then at the head of the Admiralty, gave him a list of the navy, desiring him to choose his own officers. No appointment could be more in unison with the feelings and judgment of the nation. The Victory, destined once more to bear his flag, was re¬ fitted with incredible despatch; and such was his impa¬ tience to be at the scene of action, that although the wind proved adverse, he worked down the Channel, and, after a rough passage, arrived off Cadiz on the 29th of September, the day on which the French admiral, Villeneuve, had re¬ ceived peremptory orders to put to sea the very first oppor¬ tunity. Fearing that the enemy, if they knew his force, might be deterred from venturing to sea, he kept out of sight of land; desired Collingwood to hoist no colours, and fire no salute; and wrote to Gibraltar to request that the force of the fleet might not be inserted in the gazette pub¬ lished there. The station which he chose was some 50 or 60 miles to the westward of Cadiz, off Cape St Mary’s. On the 9th of October Lord Nelson communicated to Admiral Collingwood his plan of attack. The order of sailing was to be the order of battle. His object he de¬ clared to be close and decisive action. “ In case signals cannot be seen or clearly understood,” said he, “ no captain can do wrong if he place his ship alongside that of an enemy.” This was what he called the Nelson-touch. It was a mode of attack equally new and simple. Every one comprehended it in a moment, and was convinced that it would succeed. In fact, it proved irresistible. Villeneuve, relying upon the information he had received, put to sea on the 19tb? and at daybreak, on the 21st of October 1805, the combined fleets were distinctly seen from the deck of the Victory, formed in a close line ahead, about 12 miles to the leeward, and standing to the southward, off Cape Trafalgar. The British fleet consisted of 27 sail of the line and 4 frigates ; the enemy’s fleet of 33 sail of the line and 7 frigates. But their superiority was greater in size and in weight of metal than in numbers; they had 4000 troops on board ; and the best riflemen who could be procured, many of them Tyrolese, were dispersed through¬ out the ships. Soon after daylight Nelson came on deck, and the signal was made to bear down on the enemy in two lines, upon which the fleet set all sail; Collingwood, in the Royal Sovereign, leading the lee line of 13 ships, and Nelson, in the Victory, leading the weather line of 14. Having seen that all was right, he retired to his cabin, and wrote a devout prayer, in which, after beseeching the Al- mighty to grant a great and glorious victory, he committed his life to the God of Battles ; and in another writing which he annexed in the same diary, he bequeathed Lady Hamil¬ ton as a legacy to his king and country, and commended to the public beneficence his adopted daughter, Horatia, desiring that in future she would use the name of Nelson only. Blackwood went on board the Victory about six, and found him in good spirits, but very calm, and with none of that exhilaration which he had displayed on enter¬ ing into battle at Aboukir and at Copenhagen. With a prophetic anticipation, he seems to have looked for death with almost as certain a conviction as for victory. His whole attention was fixed upon the enemy, who now formed their line with much skill on the larboard tack. Then ap¬ peared that signal—Nelson’s last signal—which will be re¬ membered as long as the language or even the memory of England shall endure :—u England expects every man to do his duty. ’ It was received throughout the fleet with a responsive burst of acclamation, rendered sublime by the spirit which it breathed, and the determination it expressed. “ Now,” said Nelson, “ I can do no more. We must trust to the great disposer of all events, and the justice of our cause. I thank God for this great opportunity of doing my duty.” SON. On this memorable day Nelson wore, as usual, his admi- Nelson, ral’s frock-coat, bearing upon the left breast the various orders with which he had at different times been invested. Decorations which rendered him so conspicuous a mark to the enemy were beheld with ominous apprehension by his officers, especially as it was known that there were rifle¬ men on board the French ships, and it could not be doubted that his life would be particularly aimed at. This was a point, however, on which it was hopeless to reason or remonstrate with him. “ In honour I gained them,” said he, when allusion was made to the insignia he wore, “ and in honour I will die with them.” Nevertheless, Captain Blackwood, and his own captain, Hardy, having represented to him how advantageous it would be to the fleet were he to keep out of action as long as pos¬ sible, he consented that the Temeraire and the Levia¬ than, which were sailing abreast of the Victory should be ordered to pass ahead. But the order was unavailing; for these ships could not pass ahead if the Victory continued to carry all her sail; yet, so far from shortening sail, Nelson took an evident pleasure in pressing on, and rendering it impossible for them to obey his own order. As the enemy showed no colours till late in the action, the Santissima Trinidad was distinguishable only by her four decks; and to the bow of his old opponent in the action off Cape St Vincent he ordered the Victory to be steered. In the mean¬ time, an incessant raking fire was kept up on the Victory ; and as the ship approached, Nelson remarked, “ This is too warm work to last long.” She had not yet returned a single gun, though by this time fifty of her men had been killed or wounded, and her main-top-mast, with all her stud¬ ding-sails and booms, shot away. A few minutes after 12, however, she opened her fire from both sides of her deck, and soon afterwards ran on board the Redoubtable, just as her tiller ropes were shot away. Captain Harvey, in the Temeraire, fell on board the Redoubtable on the other side; and another enemy’s ship, the Fougueux, fell on board the Temeraire ; so that these four ships formed as compact a tier as if they had been moored together, their heads lying all the same way. The lieutenants of the Vic¬ tory now depressed their guns, and fired with a diminished charge, lest the shot should pass through and injure the Temeraire; and as there was danger that the Redoubtable might take fire from the lower-deck guns, the muzzles of which, when run out, touched her sides, the fireman of each gun stood ready with a bucket of water, which, as soon as the gun had been discharged, he dashed into the hole made by the shot. In this situation, the Victory kept up an incessant fire from both sides, directing her larboard guns on the Bucentaur and Santissima Trinidad. But Nelson’s hour was now come. It had been part of his prayer that the British fleet might be as distinguished for humanity in victory as for bravery in battle. Setting an example himself, he twice gave orders to cease firing upon the Redoubtable, supposing she had struck, because her great guns were silent; for as she carried no flag, it was impossible instantly to ascertain the fact. From the ship which he had thus twice spared he received his death- wound. In the heat of the action, about a quarter after one o’clock, a musket-ball from the mizen-top of the Redoubt¬ able struck the epaulette on his left shoulder; and he fell upon his face on the spot covered with the blood of his secretary, Mr Scott, who had been killed a short time be¬ fore. “ They have done for me at last, Hardy,” said he, as a serjeant of marines and two seamen raised him from the deck. “ I hope not,” replied Captain Hardy. “ Yes,” he rejoined ; “ my back bone is shot through.” But, though mortally wounded, he did not for a moment lose that pre¬ sence of mind for which he was ever distinguished. As they were carrying him down the ladder to the cockpit, he observed that the tiller ropes, which had been shot away Nelson. N E L early in the action, were not yet replaced, and ordered that new ones should be immediately rove. He was laid upon a pallet in the midshipman’s berth, and the surgeon being called, it was soon perceived that the wound he had re¬ ceived would speedily prove mortal; but this was concealed from all except Captain Hardy, the chaplain, and the me¬ dical attendants. Being certain, however, from the sensa¬ tion which he felt in his back, and the gush of blood within his breast, that no human aid could avail him, he insisted that the surgeon should leave him, and attend to those to whom he might be useful. “ You can do nothing for me,” said he. Suffering from intense thirst, and in great pain, he expressed much anxiety as to the fate of the action ; and his countenance brightened with a gleam of joy as often as the hurrah of the crew of the Victory announced that an enemy’s ship had struck. At length he became very impatient to see Captain Hardy, whom he repeatedly sent for; but that officer could not leave the deck, and upwards of an hour elapsed before he could quit his station. When they met, they shook hands in silence, Hardy struggling to suppress his emo¬ tions. ‘ Well, Hardy, ’ said Nelson, “ how goes the day with us?” “ Very well,” replied the captain; “ten ships have struck, but five of the enemy’s van have tacked, and show an intention of bearing down on the Victory. I have called two or three of our fresh ships round, and have no doubt of giving them a drubbing ” “ I hope,” said Nelson, none of our ships have struck.” “ There is no fear of that,” answered Hardy; upon which the dying hero said, “ I am a dead man: I am going fast; it will soon be all over with me ; my back is shot through.” Hardy, unable any longer to suppress his feelings, hastened upon deck; but in some fifty minutes, returned, and taking the hand of his dying commander, congratulated him on having gained a complete victory. He did not know how many of the enemy had struck, as it was impossible to perceive them distinctly; but fourteen or fifteen at least had surrendered. “ That’s well,” answered Nelson; “ but I had bargained for twenty.” Then, in a stronger voice, he said, “ Anchor, Hardy,^ anchor;” and again, most earnestly, “ Do you anchor.” Next to his country, Lady Hamilton occupied his thoughts. “ Take care of my dear Lady Hamilton, Hardy; take care of poor Lady Hamilton ;” and, a few minutes before he expired, he said to the chaplain, “ Re¬ member that I leave Lady Hamilton and my daughter Ho- ratia as a legacy to my country.” The last words he was heat d to utter distinctly were, “ I thank God, I have done my duty.” He expired at half-past four o’clock, three hours and a quarter after he had received his fatal wound. The total loss of the British in the battle of Trafalgar amounted to 1587. Twenty of the enemy struck, and of the ships which escaped, four were afterwards taken by Sir Richard Strahan. But unhappily the fleet did not anchor, as Lord Nelson with his dying breath had enjoined; a heavy gale came on from the S.W.; some of the prizes went down, some were driven on the shore, one effected its escape into Cadiz, others were destroyed, and four only were, by the greatest exertions, saved. Still, by this mighty N E L achievement the navies of France and Spain received a blow from which they were not destined soon to recover the gigantic combinations of Napoleon, with a view to a descent upon England, were completely baffled ; and the success of his campaign of Austerlitz was in a great mea sure neutralized. The remains of Lord Nelson were buried at St Paul’s, on the 9th of January 1806. It is needless to add, that all the honours which a grateful country could bestow were heaped on the memory of the man who had achieved this unequalled victory.1 In Lord Nelson’s professional character were united all the highest qualities of a great commander,—wonderful fore¬ sight, prompt judgment, never-failing presence of mind, ardent zeal, unbounded confidence in the resources of his own mind, and that intuitive decision in the midst of diffi¬ culty and peril which is the distinguishing attribute of great military or naval genius. His daring was without rashness, and his enterprise founded upon the most skilful calculation ; his ardour never outran his understanding, nor his love of glory a due consideration of the material and moral means by which alone success can be obtained. His talents for command were of the highest order, and he knew the invaluable secret of inspiring other men with con¬ fidence in him, as well as with confidence in themselves. But the best character which can be drawn of him is the history of his achievements, all stamped with the im¬ pression of his genius ; and, that nothing might be wanting to the consummation of his renown, he departed in a bright blaze of glory, leaving to his country a name which is her pride and boast, and an example which will continue to be her shield and her strength. (See, in particular, the Dis¬ patches and Letters of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, 7 vols., Lond. 1844-46; also Southey’s Life of Nelson, in 2 vols. 12mo ; Life by Clarke and M‘Arthur, 8vo; Ekins’ Naval History, 4to ; and James’s Naval History, 6 vols. 8vo.) (j. b e.) Nelson, Robert, the author of several works on practi¬ cal religion, was the son of a wealthy London merchant, and was born in 1656. After attending St Paul’s School, he studied at Cambridge as a fellow-commoner of Trinity College. On his entrance into active life, his worth and accomplishments raised him to a high place in the estima¬ tion of the learned. He became the bosom-friend of Tillot- son ; and in 1680 was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. But not until 1691, at the conclusion of a series of visits to the Continent, did his character as an earnest friend of re¬ ligion and philanthropy begin to appear in its full excel¬ lence. He became a liberal patron of charity-schools; and there was not a scheme for propagating religion, either at home or abroad, to which he did not afford substantial encouragement; while at the same time his pen was perse- veringly employed in advocating practical religion. It was while engaged in performing the pious task of writing the life of his old tutor, Bishop Bull, that he contracted his last illness. His death took place in 1715. Nelson’s best- known works are,—A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, 8vo, 1704; The Great Duty of Frequenting the Christian Sacrifice, 8vo, 1707; 139 Nelson, Robert. 1805J and with Loch Oich on NFS I ON Great, a town of England, county of Ches- ter near the shore of the estuary of the Dee, 11 miles N.W. ot uiiester. It has an ancient church with a handsome front Ca ho iTrF 5 ! d'1’ IndePendent, Calvinist, and Roman Cathohc churches; and several schools. The town depends chiefly for lts prosperity on the summer visitors, who resort ithei for the sake of the sea-bathing. Pop. (1851) 1524. N E S 151 NESTORIUS, the founder of the sect of the Nestorians n * • was born at German,cia in Syria towards the close oTthe ^l !^ fourth century. After receiving his education in a con ^ vent, he was ordained a presbyter of Antioch. It was there that he imbibed the doctrine of the Syrian church winch held, in opposition to the Egyptian church, that the two natures of Christ were distinctly separate, and were united into one person by a certain relation. His simple and austere babits, his devotion to the cause of the church and his fervid and winning eloquence, marked him out in no long time as a fit champion of the tenets he had adopted. An opportunity soon occurred for the exercise of his zeal and mfluence. In 428 he was promoted to the patriarchate of Constantmople. “ Help me to subdue the heretics, and I will help you to subdue the Persians,” was the fanatical boast by which he indicated to the emperor his intention of immediately commencing a vigorous course of proselytizing. Not content with persecuting the Arians, Novatians, and Cjuartodecimamans, he soon discovered in the current s speech of the city an expression which savoured of the peculiar doctrine of the Egyptian church. That was the epithet s the Mother ot God,” a phrase which he alleged to imply the deification of the human nature of Christ, and which he therefore condemned. From this incident arose the famous Nestorian quarrels. The Constantinopolitan patriarch forthwith found himself engaged in hot contro¬ versy with several of his monks and clergy. They accused him of Photinianism; he accused them of Manicheism. I hey preached against him in the churches, and renounced t^eir ecclesiastical allegiance; he turned them out of the churches, and deposed them. At this crisis, Cyril, the meddling and arrogant Patriarch of Alexandria, eager for an opportunity to bring down a powerful brother-bishop, in¬ sinuated himself into the contest, and changed it from a mere local squabble about a name of the Virgin Mary mto a serious controversy touching the respective doctrines of the Syrian and Egyptian churches. After solemnly pro¬ fessing to be actuated solely by love for the true faith, and after employing the most gross deceits to maintain this profession, he organized a strong opposition against Nesto- nus, and at length, by artful flattery, he obtained from 1 ope Ccelestine I. the power of dealing with the alleged heresiarch. Convening a council at Alexandria in 430, die Egyptian patriarch launched twelve anathemas at the head of Nestorius. Nestorius hurled back twelve other anathe¬ mas. This rupture was fast growing into a schism, when the emperor, Theodosius II., anxious to restore the peace of the church, summoned the third oecumenical council to meet at Ephesus in 431. Nestorius repaired thither, trust- mg to the justice of his cause ; but that, he soon found, was a frail offset against the shameless machinations and power¬ ful influence of his adversary. He was summoned to the bar before his friends the Antiochian bishops had arrived • he was deposed on the charge of blasphemy before he bad pled his cause; his appeal to the emperor was coun¬ teracted by misrepresentations; those who were favourable to him at court were overawed by a fanatical mob artfully raised by his indefatigable foes ; and at length he was glad to escape from the ever-thickening broil by retiring to the cloister of Euprepius near Antioch. There the heresiarch enjoyed peace for four years. But by that time some of his former friends had taken up the cry against him, and, atraid lest he should communicate the taint of heresy to those around him, they resolved to cast him, like a pestilen¬ tial carcass, beyond the pale of civilized society. He was accordingly banished to the Greater Oasis in Upper E-ypt. 1 ut even in that solitary retreat no rest was to be found. He was soon obliged to flee before the invasions of the barba¬ ric Blemmyes, and to take refuge in the Thebaid. Then the o d man, at the command of the Roman governor of that dis- trict, was dragged about by a savage soldiery from one place to 152 N E S Nestorius. another, until death closed his long career of troubles. The date of his demise is unknown. Meanwhile, the favourers of Nestorius, or, as they were • called, the Nestoriam, were becoming numerous in the provinces of the East. The writings of the exiled patriarch, and of Theodore of Mopsuestia, translated into Syriac, were already circulating through Assyria and Persia, and making many converts. As early as 435 the celebrated school of Edessahad become the seminary of Nestorianism, and was sending forth numerous disciples zealous for the new doc¬ trine. The most famous of these was Barsumas, the in¬ defatigable and politic Bishop of Nisibis. In conjunction with Maanes, Bishop of Ardaschir, he prevailed upon the Persian king Pherozes to establish the Nestorians as the national church of Persia. A great stimulus was thus given to the sect. Patronized by the state, they made Seleueia the seat of their patriarch, and established an excellent seminary at Nisibis. Isolated from other Christians, and therefore forced to maintain a distinct and real individu¬ ality, they began to make their peculiar creed something^ more than a mere repudiation of the epithet “ Mother ot God.” Accordingly, at a synod convened by the Patriarch Babaeus at Seleucia in 496, a system of doctrine was framed and adopted. The characteristic dogmas of this system were, that in Christ there were two persons, the Divine Logos and the man Jesus; that these two persons were united together by no other connection than that of will and affection ; that Christ, on that account, ought to be clearly distinguished from God ; and that these tenets had not been derived from Nestorius, but had been held by^ the church from her infancy. Another peculiar opinion was, that it was lawful for bishops and presbyters to marry. Having thus obtained a constitution of its own, Nestorian¬ ism started on a long career of prosperity and activity. It was regarded with favour, or at least with toleration, under the Saracens, Arabs, and Tartars, the successive masters of Persia. Its missionaries travelled over all Northern Asia, and as far west as China, evangelizing the heathen, and planting numerous churches. At length, in 1551, it received a severe check, and its members were di- ? vided into two factions, by a dispute regarding the election of a patriarch. One party elected Sulaka, placed them- : selves under the jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff, and were afterwards known by the name of Chaldean Christians. The other party have continued till the present day to be the true representatives of the primitive Nestorian church in Persia. They are at present a simple, poor, illiterate, yet f independent people, amounting to about 140,000, and living * around Diz, the seat of their patriarchate, among the moun¬ tainous ranges of Kurdistan. Subjected for many ages to the proselytizing influence and persecution of Papists and Mohammedans, they he-e not escaped the infection of superstition. Their patriarch and their eighteen bishops are doomed to celibacy and perpetual abstinence from ani¬ mal food ; many fasts are observed; a peculiar religious festival in commemoration of the dead is held annually ; and charms and talismans are often distributed by the clergy among their flocks. Yet their system of doctrine is free from all the more gross and deadly errors of the church of Rome. The Bible is recognised as the supreme and sole canon of faith ; the inferior clergy are permitted to marry ; and auricular confession, image-worship, and the belief in purgatory, are abjured. There is also a body of Nestorians existing in India, under the name of Syrian Christians, and acknowledging the jurisdiction of a patriarch. They abound to the number of 100,000 in Travancore, and are also nu¬ merous in the neighbourhood of that state. Although igno¬ rant and superstitious, they are said to be essentially ortho¬ dox, and are on terms of friendly intercourse with the English prelates of India. Several sermons, epistles, and fragmentary writings of N E U Nestorius, and other papers relating to the Nestorian quar- Nesvish rels, are published in the works of Marius Mercator by || Baluze, 8vo, Paris, 1684. The most recent treatises on the ^euburg. subject are,—Perkins's I'Jujht Yeavs spent cunoncf the Nesto- "“v 1 1 rian Christians, New York, 1843 ; Badger’s Nestorians and their Rituals, in 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1852 ; and Mars- den’s Christian Churches and Sects, in 2 vols., London, 1856. NESVISH, a town of European Russia, in the govern¬ ment of Minsk, on the Usha, 60 miles S. W. of Minsk. It is protected by fortifications, which, however, are in a very dila¬ pidated state ; and it has a Benedictine abbey. Pop. 4230. NETHERLANDS. See Holland. NETSCHER, Gaspar, an eminent painter, was born, according to one account, at Heidelberg in 1639, but ac¬ cording to another, at Prague, in 1636. His father died when he was two years of age; and his widowed mother, fleeing from the dangers of a civil war, carried him to Arn- heim. There the young orphan was adopted and educated by a benevolent physician named Tullekens. At first he was destined for the profession of his patron ; but his great apti¬ tude for painting soon caused the plan of his future career to be altered, and he was placed under an artist named De Koster. After a short time spent in painting birds and objects of still life, the pupil had exhausted all his master’s instructions, and set out for Italy to complete his education there. Happening, however, to get married at Liege, and being compelled to practise his art for the support of his household, he could proceed no farther. He settled at Bordeaux, and toiled hard to earn a livelihood by painting fancy subjects. But those small cabinet pictures, which are now so highly valued on account of their exquisite finish, brought but a small remuneration; and after re¬ moving to the Hague, he turned his attention to portrait¬ painting. In this branch of his art he was more success¬ ful. His earnings soon became so considerable, that he was enabled at times to gratify his own taste and fancy by depicting musical and conversational pieces. It was in these that Netscher’s genius was first fully displayed. The choice of the subjects, and the habit of introducing female figures, dressed in rich, glossy satins, were imitated from Terburg ; but the.easy yet delicate pencilling, the brilliant yet correct colouring, and the complete mastery over light and shade were all his own. He soon attracted notice, and was rapidly gaining both fame and wealth, when he was cut off at the premature age of forty-one. Many of Netscher’s pictures may be found in the galleries of the Louvre, Hesse- Cassel, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, and Florence; at the Hermitage in St Petersburg, and in the English collections of Sir Robert Peel, Mr Hope, Lord Ashburton, and the Earl of Bridgewater. The style of Netscher was imitated by his two sons Theodore and Constantine; but these, though meritorious painters, were far inferior to their father. NEU-BRANDENBURG, a town in the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz,on the shore of Lake Tollen, 55 miles W.N.W. of Stettin. It is regularly built, and surrounded by walls, through which entrance is obtained by four gates. The principal buildings are the palace of the grand duke, a long, low building in the market-place ; and the church of St Mary, a fine Gothic edifice, lately restored, which con¬ tains some good paintings. This town contains two other churches, several schools, a town-hall, and a theatre. It has manufactures of tobacco, paper, cards, leather, &c.; and carries on a considerable trade in these articles, and in horses and hides. An annual fair for wool is held here, and there are also horse races. Pop. 6145. NEUBURG, a town of Bavaria, in the circle of Suabia, stands on the right bank of the Danube, 33 miles N.N.E. of Augsburg, and 45 N.N.W. of Munich. It is an old town, picturesquely situated on a wooded hill that rises from the river’s side. Besides the town itself, which con- N E U Neuch&tel. sistsof an old and a new part, and is partly walled, there are V*-'' two suburbs. The ancient castle, formerly the residence of the dukes-palatine of Neuburg, is surrounded by a fine garden, and contains a collection of portraits, old armour, tapestry, &c. There are in the town three churches, a con¬ vent, a college (which formerly belonged to the Jesuits), several schools, a public library, museum, town-hall, bar¬ racks, arsenal, infirmary, and orphan hospital. Beer, brandy, earthenware, cloth, and saltpetre are the principal articles manufactured here; and fishing is also carried on to some extent. On an island in the river are the ruins of the ancient castle of Altenburg; and in the neighbourhood of the town are two residences of the King of Bavaria. The Danube is here crossed by two bridges, under which steamers pass by lowering their funnels. Pop. 6350. NEUCHATEL, or Neufciiatel (Germ. Neuenburg), a canton of Switzerland, lying on the N.W. shore of the lake of the same name, between N. Eat. 46. 50. and 47. 10., and E. Long. 6. 25. and 7. 5. It is bounded on the N.E. and E. by the canton of Bern; S.E. by the Lake of Neu- chatel, which separates it from Fribourg and Vaud ; S. by Vaud; W. and N.W. by France. Its length is about 30 miles, average breadth 11 miles; area 280 square miles. I he surface of the canton is mountainous, being traversed through its whole length by the Jura Mountains. It con¬ sists of three different regions, distinct from each other in nature and appearance. The lowest part of the canton is that which extends along the shores of the lake, and is known by the name of Vignobles. This tract of country is for the most part planted with vines, and has an eleva¬ tion of 1400 feet above the sea. The centre of the canton comprises a tract of land inclosed between two parallel ridges of the Jura, and is elevated from 2000 to 2400 feet above the sea. This region is known by the name of Vallon, and includes the Val de Travers and the Val de Ruz. Corn, pulse, grass, and fruits are grown here. That part of Neuchatel which lies on the borders of France is called the Montagnes, and consists of the lofty ridges of the Jura and the high-lying valleys by which they are separated. These valleys are called La Chaux de Fond, Locle, La Chaux du Milieu, La Brevine, and La Sagne, respectively. I he highest peak of the Jura within this canton is that of Chasseral, which has an elevation of 5285 feet. The can¬ ton contains numerous small streams, each of the valleys having at least one, to which it gives name ; and, besides these, Neuchatel is partly bounded by the Doubs on the French frontier, and by the Thielle, which joins the lakes of Bienne and Neuchatel on the frontier of Bern. The cli¬ mate of the different parts varies very considerably,—in the lower regions it is mild enough for the growth of the vine, but in the uplands it is very cold and bleak, the snow lying on some of the heights for seven or eight months in the year. The geological structure of the country is almost en¬ tirely calcareous, consisting of a kind of rock known by the name ot Jura limestone. I he only valuable mineral that is obtained in Neuchatel is iron. The corn produced in the canton is not sufficient to supply the wants of the inhabit¬ ants, and a considerable amount has to be imported from the cantons ot Bern and Basle. Potatoes are largely culti¬ vated, even at great elevations among the mountains; and in the lower regions the cultivation of the vine is extensive, and the wines produced are highly esteemed. Of the whole Ao^n6 °* t^le canton’ has been calculated that about co are mountain pasture-land, 28,500 forests, 62,000 arable land, 37,000 meadows, and 2480 vineyards. t- coo11 i er °* ^orne(^ eattle in the canton in 1848 was 1 • ~ioo?rSe™ 2589; sheeP’ 5113; goats, 2105; and swine, 4284. Bears and wolves, as well as deer and other inds of game, are found in the forests; and the rivers and lakes abound in fish. The manufactures are of consider- a e importance ; and among these that of watches occupies VOL. XYI. N E U 153 the first place, and has contributed most effectively to the v . prosperity of the country. This branch of ind 'sVy „s UCl“te,• first introduced here in 1665 ; and after it had been a cen tury in operation, 12,000 gold and silver watches were an¬ nually produced. In 1848 the canton contained 9067 watchmakers, by whom upwards of 100,000 watches were yearly produced. The chief seats of this manufacture were the villages of Locle and Chaux de Fonds, in the bleak uplands of the Jura. The manufacture of lace is also carried on to a considerable extent, but it has declined con- sidei ably from its former importance. There were in 1848 only 1475 hands employed in this branch of industry, of which the chief seat is in the Val de Travers. Manu¬ factures of linen, cotton, paper, &c., are also carried on. The trade of Neuchatel is not very extensive, and consists principally in the export of the various articles manufactured here. The established religion is Protestant and Calvin- istic, and this is professed by the majority of the people, the proportion of Protestants to Roman Catholics being nearly twelve to one. There are also a small number of Jews. The constitution of the canton is very anomalous; for though the King of Prussia claims the title of Prince of Neuchatel, he has resigned all right of sovereignty over it; and the constitution, as established April 30, 1848, is entirely republican. The legislative body consists of 80 members, chosen by the people, one for every 500 in¬ habitants. Their term of office is for six years, and one-third of the number go out every two years. The executive power is confided to a council of seven, chosen by the members of the legislature, and presiding each over one of the seven departments of the canton. Neu¬ chatel sends four members to the National Council of Switzerland, and two members to the Council of States. The canton of Neuchatel was formerly a part of the German empire, but afterwards was bestowed on the House of Chalons, with the title of Count of Neuchatel. These counts were subject to the feudal rights of the princes of Orange. In 1398 Neuchatel was admitted into the Swiss Confederation; and in 1579 the county ofValendis having been joined to that of Neuchatel, the title of Count was ex¬ changed for that of Prince of Neuchatel. The line of Chalons having become extinct, it passed to William III. of Great Britain as Prince of Orange ; and on his death in 1702, his nephew Frederic I. of Prussia took possession of the principality. In 1805 it was ceded by the treaty of Tilsit to France, and given by Napoleon to Marshal Ber- thier; but it was restored to Prussia in 1814, though still recognised as holding the twenty-first place in the Swiss confederacy. After this it continued under the government °f Prussia* and a constitution was granted by Frederick William III.; but in 1848 this state of things came to an end ; a republican constitution was established ; and since that time the authority of the King of Prussia has been merely nominal. On the 2d of September 1856 an at¬ tempt was made by a party of royalists to re-establish the authority of the Prussian monarch in Neuchatel; but this proved unsuccessful, and they were taken prisoners, and arraigned for high treason. The Prussian ambassador de¬ manded that the prisoners should be released, and the rights of Prussia recognised. This demand was rejected by the Swiss government, and the King of Prussia refused to enter into any negotiations about the canton of Neuchatel until the prisoners were released. At last it was settled by a treaty at Paris, May 26th 1857, that an amnesty thould be granted to the insurgents of Neuchatel, and that the King of Prussia should resign all claim of sovereignty over the canton, reserving only the right to bear the title of Prince of Neuchatel. Pop. (1850) 70,753. Neuchatel, the capital of the above canton, stands at the mouth of the Seyon, partly on the level ground on the shore of the lake, and party on the slope of the v 154 ' N E U Neuchatel. Jura Mountains. It is well built, and contains several il handsome streets, some of which stand on the alluvial Neuhoff. groun(i gained from the lake. The castle, which is situated on'an eminence, is an ancient building of some size, and was formerly the residence of the princes of Neuchatel, but is now occupied by the government offices. Near the castle stands the church, a Gothic edifice of the twelfth century, with some parts of still more ancient date. The town- hall, a handsome building in the Grecian style, stands in the lower part of the town. The town contains also a public school, with a museum of natural history, a ladies’ school, and two hospitals. A considerable trade is carried on through Neuchatel in the manufactures and agricul¬ tural produce of the canton. Pop. (1850) 7727. Neuchatel, Lake, forms the S.E. boundary of the can¬ ton of the same name, and is about 24 miles in length by 4 in breadth. The surface is 1320 feet above the sea, and the greatest depth is 400 feet. It is fed by the Orbe from the S.W., by the rivers of Neuchatel from the N.W., and by the Broye from Lake Morat; and it dis¬ charges its waters by the Thielle into the Lake of Bienne, and thence into the Aar. The scenery of the lake is fine, but inferior in grandeur to that of some of the other Swiss lakes. A considerable trade is carried on on this lake ; and it is navigated by a steamer, which touches at the principal places on its banks. NEUDORF (Hungarian, Iglo), a town of Hungary, county of Zips, in a beautiful plain on the Hernad, 5 miles S. by W. of Leutshau, and 136 N.E. of Pesth. It is well built, and has one principal street and square. The parish church is a fine building with a lofty tower. There are also a Protestant church, a high school, court-house, town- hall, theatre, and hospital. The manufacture of linen and paper, and the forging of iron, are carried on here; and iron and copper mines are worked, and flax cultivated, in the vicinity. Pop. 5900. NEUHAUS, a town of Bohemia, circle of Tabor, stands on the Nezarka, 26 miles N.E. of Budweis. It has an old castle, now in ruins, a handsome parish church, five other churches, a Franciscan convent, town-hall, barracks, and theatre. Manufactures of linen, cotton, and woollen fabrics are carried on. Pop. 7604. NEUHAUSEL, a market-town of Hungary, in the county of Neutra, on the river, and 22 miles S.S.E. of the town of that name. It was formerly a fortress of some import¬ ance; and has a church, a Franciscan monastery, two schools, and a town-hall. Some trade is carried on in corn, wine, and cattle. Pop. 6780. NEUHOFF, Theodor, Baron yon, a noted military adventurer, was descended from a noble Westphalian family, and was born at Metz toward the close of the seventeenth century. His father, an officer in the French service, died when he was still young, and left him exposed to the attacks of poverty and the freaks of fortune. He ob¬ tained a lieutenancy in the regiment of Alsace ; but a habit of falling into debt, and of never getting out of it, did not suffer him to remain long at this post. He then shifted about from one country to another, trusting to his titles, Address, and good luck for a livelihood. At length he seemed to have gained a permanent footing in Spain. The two famous statesmen Alberoni and Ripperda patronized him in succession; a colonel’s commission was conferred upon him ; and a lady of honour to the Spanish queen gave him her hand in marriage. But no sooner did the German fortune-hunter find that his wife’s dowry fell far short of his expectations, than he seized upon her jewels, bade adieu to the land of his adoption, and escaped over the border into France. His plunder was soon squandered, and his favourite character of wandering impostor was resumed. For several years he continued to skulk from one European city to another, changing his name to suit his circumstances, N E U and fleeing from old debts only to fall into new ones. Neuhoff. At last fortune began to smile upon him once more. Hap- pening, in the course of his wanderings, to meet some of those Corsican patriots who were then asserting their country’s independence against the Genoese, he commenced, with his usual ready hypocrisy, to profess a deep interest in their cause, and to proffer his counsel. He advised them to elect some noble and influential personage for their king, who should lead their armies, form their government, and lay the foundation of their independence; and he hinted that he, a German baron, and a favourite with the princes of Europe, was a suitable object for their choice. The hint was taken; and the Corsicans agreed to support his ambitious scheme, on condition that he should furnish some substantial proof of his devotion to their cause. Neuhoff was immediately on foot, using all his arts and address to obtain assistance from several European courts for the pa¬ triotic Corsicans. His efforts were unsuccessful. He then posted to Africa, and by dint of enormous promises, received a ship-load of supplies and ammunition from the Dey of Tunis. With these he landed at Corsica in March 1736, and was received with enthusiasm by the islanders. The game of ambition thus successfully begun was now played out with consummate tact and dexterity. He kept up a show of possessing great wealth; added to his name the honour¬ able titles of most of the courts in Christendom; feigned to be constantly receiving despatches from the principal powers of Europe and Africa ; and at length declared him¬ self a candidate for the crown, and obtained it in the fol¬ lowing April. The same system of display which had raised the foreign adventurer to the throne was now found necessary to keep him there. Accordingly, he surrounded himself with 400 body-guards, distributed among his fol¬ lowers many brevets of nobility, instituted a new order of knighthood under the name of the Order of Deliverance, and asserted his sovereign power and majesty by hanging up three persons of high birth. But these arts, though successful at first, could not long defend the impostor against the disclosures of advancing time. The great pro¬ mises he had held out of foreign assistance continued to be unfulfilled ; rumours concerning his real character began to reach the island; and the failure of his attempt to take the town of Bastia from the Genoese proved his incapacity to vindicate the freedom of his new subjects. His popu¬ larity was waning fast when, at the end of a reign of eight months, he entrusted the government to a council of regency, and repaired to Europe to procure the reinforcements which he had promised. Here ended the reign of Theo¬ dore I. of Corsica. Happening, in his vain search for sup¬ plies, to repair to Amsterdam, he was pounced upon by some of his old creditors, and was cast into prison. When by mortgaging two of the Corsican towns to a Jewish mer¬ chant, he had received a large sum of money, and had been enabled in 1738 to release himself from prison, and to repair to Corsica with three merchant vessels and a frigate, he found that the island was entirely under the power of the French, the allies of the Genoese, and that the islanders were unable to receive him. Affairs wei’e not more favourable, even after the French had departed in 1741. On present¬ ing himself once more before his subjects in 1742, Neuhoft found that there was a strong faction of the Corsicans against him, and that the Genoese had set a price upon his head. He immediately abandoned his forlorn hopes, and fled to England. The reverses, however, of this poor puppet of fortune were not yet at an end. His Dutch creditors soon ferreted him out, and for seven years he lay in the King’s Bench Prison. Through the interference of Horace Walpole, he obtained his release in 1756, under the act of insolvency, and was enabled to make an agreement with his creditors by mortgaging Corsica. But grief and poverty brought his life to a close in December of the same year. N E U Neuilly- NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, a town of France, department sur-Seme 0p geinej on t]le right bank of that river, about 1^ mile Neuss N.W. of Paris, on the road to St Germain. Here are the i ruins of the palace of Neuilly, which was a favourite resi- / dence of Louis Philippe, but which was destroyed in 1848. The park of Neuilly, which extends for some distance down the river, is a favourite holiday resort of the Parisians. The river is here crossed by a handsome bridge of five arches, each 120 feet wide. Manufactures of porcelain, starch, and chemical substances are carried on. Pop. 15,897. NEUMARKT, a town of Prussia, in the government of Breslau, 16 miles W.N.W. of the town of that name. It has Protestant and Roman Catholic churches, and several courts of law. Manufactures of tobacco, tiles, woollen and linen stuffs, and paper, are carried on here; and there is a market for corn. Pop. 4320. NEUMUNSTER, a town of Denmark, in the duchy of Holstein, 17 miles S.S.W. of Kiel. It is large and well built, and has a church in the Italian style of architecture. The manufactures are considerable, consisting principally of cloth and metal buttons. Pop. 4700. NEUSATZ (Hung. Uj-Videk), a town of Hungary, county of Bacs, on the left bank of the Danube, opposite to Peterwardein, and 46 miles N.W. of Belgrade. It is sur¬ rounded by walls ; and has several Greek, Roman Catholic, and Armenian churches; a synagogue ; and several schools. A considerable trade is carried on here, for which the position of the town on the Danube, and not far from the Drave, the Save, and the Theiss, gives it great advantages. The Danube is here crossed by a bridge of boats. Com¬ mercial intercourse is carried on through Neusatz between Vienna, Leipsic, &c., on the one hand, and Salonika and other Turkish ports on the other. Pop. 19,700. NEUSIEDL, Lake of (Hung. Ferto Tavd), a lake of Hungary, extends between the counties of Gidenburg and Weiselburg. It is about 23 miles in length and 7 in breadth, and varies from 9 to 13 feet in depth; area about 120 square miles. Its waters are not potable, from containing much sulphate of soda, with some muriate of soda and carbonate of soda. (See Bright’s Travels in Hun¬ gary?) It is fed by the River Vulka. The principal towns on its shores are Rusth and Neusiedl. NEUSOHL, or Beszterczebanya, a town of Hungary, capital of the county of Sold, in the territory of Presburg, is situated on the right bank of the Gran, about 80 miles N. of Buda. It is pretty well built, and has wide streets, and a market-place near the centre. It contains the ruins of an old castle; several churches, one of which has a bell weighing upwards of 5 tons; an episcopal palace; Roman Catholic and Protestant schools; a theatre; court-house; and infirmary. Neusohl is situated in the middle of a mining district, whence copper, gold, silver, iron, &c., are obtained; and the annual produce of the mines of Her- rengrund, which are at some distance from the town, amounts to 100 tons of copper and 400 lb. of silver. Neu¬ sohl contains one of the largest smelting houses in Hungary; and the manufacture of sword-blades, cloth, leather, paper, earthenware, sugar, &c., is carried on here. Pop. 6500; but including the suburbs, upwards of 10,000. NEUSS, a town of Prussia, in the province of Diissel- dorf, near the union of the Erft and the Rhine, 21 miles N.W. of Cologne. It is surrounded by walls, and protected by towers and ditches. The principal building is the church ot St Quirinus, which was built in the thirteenth century, and exhibits a curious specimen of the transition from the round to the pointed style in architecture. The town has also two other churches, a synagogue, a school, a lunatic asylum, orphan’s hospital, &c. Manufactures of cotton and woollen cloth are carried on here ; and there is a consider¬ able trade, especially in corn, for which Neuss is the prin¬ cipal market in Rhenish Prussia. This town, under the N E U - 155 name of Novesium, was founded by the Romans under Xeustadt Drusus, and is frequently mentioned by Tacitus. Pop.9567. NEUSTADT (Polish, Prudnitz), a town of Prussia, in Neu' the province of Silesia, on the Prudnitz, 29 miles S.W. of Strelitz> Oppeln, and 18 S.E. of Neisse. It is well built, and con- tains Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, a convent, synagogue, two hospitals, courts of law, and a penitentiary. The manufactures consist of cloth, leather, paper, tiles, &c. Pop. 6797. Neustadt, or Wiener-Neustadt, a town of Austria, 26 miles S. of Vienna. It is built with some regularity, in the form of a square, and surrounded by fortifications. The streets are broad and well paved. The ancient castle, which is now used as a military academy for the education of officers for the Austrian army, is a square building with a tower ; and in the chapel attached to it the Emperor Maximilian I. is buried. This academy, the only one of the kind in the empire, is attended by 468 pupils, who re¬ ceive their appointments, some from the emperor, and some from the provincial estates. Many of the public buildings of Neustadt were destroyed by a dreadful fire in 1834, which laid nearly the whole of the town in ashes. There is here a Cistercian convent, which has a museum and a library of 20,000 volumes. The manufactures are consi¬ derable, consisting of silk and velvet cloth, paper, porcelain, &c.; and an active transit trade in wine, hardware, leather, sugar, &c., is carried on. Neustadt, which is as old as the twelfth century, has obtained, on account of its constant fidelity to the Austrian princes, the designation of “ Ever Faithful.” Pop. 12,346. Neustadt-an-der-Haardt, a town of Bavaria, circle of Palatinate, on the Spirebach, 14 miles W. of Spires, and 16 E.S.E. of Kaiserslautern. The principal church is a building of the tenth century, and contains monuments of many of the electors and counts palatine. There are also to be seen here the remains of an old castle, to which the town pro¬ bably owed its origin. Neustadt has a court of law, a school, and an hospital. Its manufactures are cloth, paper, che¬ mical substances, gunpowder, &c. Some trade is carried on in wine and timber. Pop. 6088. Neustadt-an-der-Orla, a town of Saxe-Weimar, ca¬ pital of a circle of the same name, 24 miles S.E. of Weimar. It has an ancient castle, two churches, a savings-bank, and an hospital. Manufactures of cloth, leather, &c., are car¬ ried on ; and there is some trade in books. Pop. 4250. Neustadt-Eberswalde, a town of Prussia, in the province of Brandenburg, on the Schwartz, 28 miles N.E. of Berlin. It is surrounded by walls, and consists of three parts, an upper and lower town, and a suburb. It has mineral baths; and manufactures of hardware, cloth, earthenware, &c. There is some trade in manufactured goods, and also in wool and cattle. Pop. 5581. NEUSTADTL-AN-DER-WAAG, or Vagh-Ujhely, a town of Hungary, county of Neutra, on the Waag, 52 miles N.N.E. of Presburg. The cultivation of the vine is largely carried on here ; and there is a considerable trade in corn, wool, &c. Pop. 5500. NEU-STRELITZ, the capital of the grand duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, is situated on Lake Zierker, 5^7 miles N. of Berlin. It is regularly built, in the form of an octagon, has several handsome streets and squares, and is surrounded by walls and fortifications. The palace of the grand duke is a building partly in the Grecian, partly in the Italian style, and contains an extensive library and a collection of antiquities. In the town there are various churches, a college, several hospitals, schools, a theatre, &c. Most of the inhabitants find employment in connec¬ tion with the court or the army ; but some are engaged in the manufacture of beer, soap, tobacco, &c. Neu-Strelitz^ is the seat of the legislature and of the supreme courts ol law, as well as of the government of the duchy. It was 156 N E U Neutits- founded by Adolph Frederic, who fixed upon this as his chein residence, after the destruction by fire, in 1712, of the Neutralit ^ormer Pa^ace at Alt-Strelitz, some miles distant. The i ^ town thus rose up round the new palace ; but the intention of their founder to connect by buildings the old and new towns has not been carried into effect. Pop. 6484. NEUTITSCHEIN, or Nowy-Gycin, a town of Aus¬ tria, in Moravia, stands on the Titsch, 26 miles E. of 01- niiitz. It is well built; and has an old castle, three churches (one of which is ancient, and in the Byzantine style), a town-hall, and several schools and hospitals. The inha¬ bitants are principally employed in the manufacture of woollen stuffs, in which some trade is carried on. Pop. 9000. NEUTRA, or Nyitra, a town of Hungary, capital of a county of the same name, stands on the River Neutra, about 50 miles E.N.E. of Presburg, and 70 N.W. of Buda. It has a castle, which stands on an eminence, and contains within its precincts a cathedral, an episcopal palace, and a county-hall. Neutra has also a theological seminary, a high school, an inferior school, and a charity school belong¬ ing to the order of the Piarists. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in agriculture, but partly also in weaving; and an active trade is carried on in the wines of the adjacent country. Pop. 4490. Definition. NEUTRALITY (Fr. Neutralite), in politics is the term employed to indicate the state of those nations who, when a war is being carried on, take no part in the contest, and evince no peculiar friendship for, or hostility to, any of the belligerent powers. Neutrality Many volumes have been written in regard to the rights in general. and duties of neutral nations. But it is easy to see that these cannot be exactly defined; that, with the exception of a few leading principles, they are necessarily subject to much alteration; and that a line of conduct which a neutral power might very properly follow at one time and under one set of circumstances, might be very improper at another time and under a different set of circumstances. This arises from the fact, that the rights and duties of neutrals are not absolute, but relative only. They are in all cases affected by, and mixed up with, the rights of belligerents. And as the latter vary with the varying nature of different contests, so must the former, or the rights of neutrals. In general it may be laid down that it is the duty of neutrals to conduct themselves in a spirit of perfect impar¬ tiality, and to do nothing that can be fairly considered as being peculiarly favourable or hostile to either of the parties engaged in hostilities. And this is about the only principle that can be said to be universally applicable to neutrals. We do not mean, in the few remarks we have to offer on this subject, to enter into any inquiries with regard to the conduct of neutrals on land. The questions to which such conduct may give rise are for the most part easy of solu¬ tion, and have comparatively little interest. But it is other¬ wise with those questions which arise out of the proceed¬ ings of neutrals at sea. These give birth to questions in regard to which there is much diversity of opinion; and which, from our being a great maritime power and their direct bearing on our interests, have always been justly looked upon in this country as of paramount importance. Articles E When two nations are engaged in war, if there be any contraband foreign article or articles necessary for the defence or sub- of war. sistence of either of them, and without which it would be difficult for it to carry on the contest, the other may legiti¬ mately exert every means in its power to prevent its opponent being supplied with such article or articles. All writers of authority on international law admit this principle; and lay it down, that a nation which should furnish a belligerent with articles contraband of war—that is, with supplies of N E U warlike stores, or of any article required for the prosecution Neutrality, of the war—would forfeit her neutral character, and that the other belligerent would be warranted in preventing such succours from being sent, and confiscating them as lawful prize. And besides being consistent with the most obvious principles, approved by jurists, and enforced in every contest, this doctrine has been sanctioned by repeated treaties. The only difficulty, indeed, that has ever arisen in regard to this matter has been with respect to the articles which should be reckoned contraband of war; and in the view of obviating such difficulty, these articles have some¬ times been specified in treaties and conventions. (See the references in Lampredi del Commercio de' Popoli Neutrali, § 9.) But this classification has not always been respected during hostilities. And it is sufficiently evident that an article which may not be contraband at one time, or under certain circumstances, may become contraband at another time, or under different circumstances. It is admitted on all hands, even by Hubner, the great advocate for the free¬ dom of neutral commerce,1 that everything that may be made directly available for hostile purposes is contraband, as arms, ammunition, horses, timber for ship-building, and all sorts of naval stores. The greatest difficulty has occurred in deciding as to provisions {munitions de bouche), which have sometimes been held to be contraband, and sometimes not. Lord Stowell has shown that the character of the port to which the provisions are destined, is a principal circum¬ stance to be attended to in deciding whether they are to be looked upon as contraband. A cargo of provisions intended for an enemy’s port, in which it was known that a warlike armament was in preparation, would be liable to arrest and confiscation ; while, if the same cargo were intended for a port where none but merchantmen were fitted out, the most that could be done, according to his lordship, would be to detain it, paying the neutral the same price for it he would have got from the enemy. By the ancient law of Europe, a ship conveying any con¬ traband article was liable to confiscation as well as the article. But in the modern practice of the courts of admi¬ ralty of this and other countries, a milder rule has been adopted, and the carriage of contraband articles is attended only with the loss of freight and expenses, unless when the ship belongs to the owner of the contraband cargo, or when the simple misconduct of conveying such cargo has been connected with other malignant and aggravating circum¬ stances. Of these, a false destination and lalse papers are justly held to be the worst. It appears pretty evident that the principle on which the doctrine of goods contraband of war has been established may justify, or rather require, its extension to various im¬ portant articles not hitherto or usually reckoned as contra¬ band. The rights of belligerents to hinder neutrals from sup¬ plying their enemies with articles necessary to enable them to carry on the contest, is alike clear and undoubted. But a foreign article, indispensable or highly useful to a nation en¬ gaged in war, may not be of the class called munitions de guerre, and may not be directly available in the prosecution of hostilities. That, however, is really immaterial. It is enough to warrant the prevention of its importation, that without it the importers would be unable to continue the contest, or that the inconveniences resulting from the want of it would be so very considerable as to dispose them to sue lor peace, or to accept reasonable terms if offered. The distinctive peculiarity of articles declared to be contraband of war is not that they belong to one class of products or another, but that the want of them would inflict serious injury on the party by whom they are imported. Considered in this, its true light, the term “contraband of war ” becomes of the highest importance; and there are 1 De la Saisie des Bdtimens Neutres, tom. i., p. 193. N E U T R Neutrality, but few products which may not be fairly brought, at one period or another, within the list of contraband articles. Thus, supposing that we had the misfortune to be engaged in a contest either with a single power or a combination of powers which had means to intercept, cut off, or materially obstruct our supplies of corn, cotton, and tea: can any one doubt that our enemies would be justified, or that they would hesitate, in availing themselves of so powerful a means of annoyance ? Neutrals might join us in protesting against such a proceeding, on the ground that the articles referred to had not hitherto been reckoned contraband of war, and they might also allege that their trade would be seriously preju¬ diced by so unusual and so illegal a proceeding. But these representations, supposing them to be made, would not go for much. Our enemies would say, that in defining contraband of war, everything depended on circumstances; and that as the want of- the articles referred to would lay us under very • considerable difficulties, they were, from that very circum¬ stance, properly included in the prohibited list. They would no doubt express at the same time their regret that this conduct of theirs should be productive of injury or in¬ convenience to neutrals. That was not its purpose. They had resorted to it in the exercise of their undoubted rights as belligerents j1 and it was only indirectly and by accident that it affected neutrals. When great nations are at war, such contingencies can seldom be avoided ; and when they occur, they should be ascribed to the necessity of the case, and afford no reasonable ground of complaint. Nations engaged in hostilities may not always have acted on these principles; but if so, it will be found that their forbearance was not dictated by a want of right or of will, but of power. Supposing that we w'ere unhappily again engaged in a struggle with France, we could not employ our navy in any way more likely to accelerate the return of peace than in preventing the importation of cotton, colonial produce, and naval stores, into that country; and the expor¬ tation of her silks, wines, and other products. This would be a very likely way to distress our enemy ; and the more he is distressed, the sooner will the struggle terminate. In the following Declaration in regard to maritime law, signed by the principal European powers in 1856, the dis¬ putes to which its uncertainty has led are justly deplored :— rclaration “ Declaration respecting Maritime Law, signed by the 1856 in Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, adtime Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, assembled in w_ Congress at Paris, April 16, 1856. “ The Plenipotentiaries who signed the Treaty of Paris of the 30th of March 1856, assembled in Conference,— “ Considering: “ That maritime law, in time of war, has long been the subject of deplorable disputes; “ f hat the uncertainty of the law, and of the duties in such a matter, gives rise to differences of opinion between neutrals and belligerents which may occasion serious difficulties, and even conflicts; “ That it is consequently advantageous to establish a uni¬ form doctrine on so important a point; “ That the Plenipotentaries assembled in Congress at 1 aris cannot better respond to the intentions by which their Governments are animated, than by seeking to introduce A L I T Y. 157 into international relations fixed principles in this re- Neutrality spect ; “The above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized, resolved to concert among themselves as to the means of attaining this object; and, having come to an agreement, have adopted the following solemn Declara¬ tion :— “ 1. Privateering is, and remains, abolished ; “2. The neutral flag covers enemy’s goods, with the exception of contraband of war; “ 3. Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy’s flag; “4. Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective, that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy. “ The Governments of the undersigned Plenipotentiaries engage to bring the present Declaration to the knowledge of the States which have not taken part in the Congress of Paris, and to invite them to accede to it. “ Convinced that the maxims which they now proclaim cannot but be received with gratitude by the whole world, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries doubt not that the efforts of their Governments to obtain the general adoption thereof will be crowned with full success. “ The present Declaration is not and shall not be binding, except between those Powers who have acceded, or shall accede, to it. “Done at Paris, the 16th April, 1856. (Signed) “ Buol-Schauenstein. “ Walewski. “ Clarendon, &c.” But the “ uncertainty ” complained of in the above De¬ claration is not of a kind that can be got rid of. It is inherent in the subject. Maritime laws of the class now under consideration do not rest on any fixed or immutable principles. They necessarily vary with the varying condi¬ tion and exigencies of society. And those rules and regu¬ lations that may in the estimation of one country appear to be alike just and expedient, may in that of another be held, on quite as good grounds, to have exactly the opposite qualities.* The above Declaration expressly excepts articles contraband of war from the privileges conceded to goods on board neutral ships; but it does not specify the articles which are to be considered contraband. And it was quite as well that this vexed, or rather insoluble question was left open ; for it is most probable that the plenipotentiaries who subscribed the Declaration would not have agreed on any definition. And supposing they had subjoined a list of contraband articles to the Declaration, it would very speedily have ceased to be of any weight. Whether an article should or should not be deemed to be contraband depends on cir¬ cumstances which it is impossible to foresee or appreciate beforehand. And such being the case, it is futile to attempt to prevent further disputes by making out lists of contra¬ band articles. We have seen that this has been frequently attempted, and it has as frequently failed. Such lists may be respected for a while; but as soon as any contracting party or great power conceives that it would be for her in¬ terest or advantage to exclude some articles from, and to include others in, the list, there is an end of its influence and authority. NEUTRALITY. 158 Neutrality. The principle that free ships make free goods, or that the flag covers the cargo {que le pavilion couvre la marchan- dise), and that consequently enemies’ goods, not contra¬ band of war, may be safely conveyed in neutral bottoms, after being long resisted by this and most other maritime states, has been assented to in the Declaration referred to. In judging of the wisdom of this concession, everything depends on the interpretation of the phrase “contraband of war.” If it were restricted, as has usually been the case, to warlike stores {munitions de guerre), or articles directly available for warlike purposes, it would be in many respects justly censurable. For it is plain, that under the limita¬ tion now supposed, the trade of a belligerent power, with its colonies or other countries beyond sea, might be prosecuted in neutral ships nearly to the same extent, and with as much security, during war as during peace. But it is not easy to imagine that a principle having such consequences should be acted upon by any power having a preponderating naval force, in the event of her engaging in hostilities. Such power must then do one of two things: she must either consent to relinquish some of the most important advantages to be derived from her naval ascendancy, or she must reject the principle in question. And there is little doubt that she would adopt the latter alternative; and she might do this directly, by resorting to her natural and indefeasible right to seize enemies’ goods wherever they are to be met with ; or indi¬ rectly, by extending the list of contraband articles, so as to make it include all those of any importance carried by sea into or from the enemy’s ports. Either way would answer the pur¬ pose; and we may be pretty well assured, that under the sup¬ posed circumstances one or other of them would be followed. Blockade, II. But it may perhaps be said, that though the right to influence carry enemies’ goods not contraband of war be conceded to of' neutrals by the Declaration of Paris, that right is restricted and confined within proper limits by the maintenance of the system of blockade. But we take leave to doubt whether this restriction be good for much. It is distinctly laid down in the Declaration, that to be binding or legal, a blockade must be effective; that is, it must be “ maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.” But though the blockade of one or of a few ports may perhaps be made effective, it is abundantly certain that no such blockade can ever be made to apply to an extensive coast. Though our navy were doubled or trebled, it would not suffice to make an effective blockade of the coasts of France, of Spain, or of the United States. And why should a country with a powerful naval force bind herself beforehand to employ it only in one way? Why not employ it in any way, whatever it may be, which happens to be at the time most conducive to the ends she has in view? But supposing that an impossibility may be realized, or that an extensive coast may be effectually blockaded, the circumstance would be of much less consequence now than formerly, or than is generally imagined. Suppose, for ex¬ ample, that we are at war with France, and that we effec¬ tively blockade every portion of her coast, whether on the ocean or the Mediterranean : the result would be, that the over-sea produce suitable to her wants would be imported into the contiguous ports of Belgium, Spain, and Piedmont, and that it would be carried from them by railways and otherwise to every part of France. It is plain, therefore, that these are not matters in which much dependence can be placed on the resource of block¬ ades. These may be advantageously resorted to when the object is to reduce a town, to obstruct the trade of a port or a river, to prevent the sailing of a squadron, and so forth ; but as measures directed against the trade of any great country, they must be nearly, if not wholly, impotent. In the case of France, it is quite clear that the strictest possible blockade could not inflict half the injury on her that its maintenance would entail upon ourselves. If the trade of Neutrality, neutrals in war is to be influenced by nothing but effective blockades, it may be held to be practically free from all obstruction. But it cannot be supposed that when the evil day comes it will be so dealt with. When the existence of nations are at stake, they will not be withheld by declara¬ tions like the above from availing themselves of every means by which they may hope either to promote their own secu¬ rity or to injure their enemies. III. It is further obvious, were the rules laid down in Influence the Declaration of 1856 to be carried into effect without of the new large additions being made to the list of contraband articles, system over that neutrals would engross almost the entire over-sea trade^)ej1|ia^eot of countries engaged in war. Comparatively few of therentf articles which we export come under the description of warlike stores; and supposing we were to be engaged in hostilities, neutral ships which did not take on board contra¬ band articles would navigate with perfect security, while our ships would be exposed to the risk of capture. The magnitude of this risk would depend on various contin¬ gencies, and would be measured by the higher premium of insurance that would have to be paid on them and on articles embarked in them. But considering the close competition to which our shipowners are already exposed, the additional premium they would have to pay, even though it were not very considerable, would most probably turn the scale in favour of the neutrals; and if they were once introduced and employed for any considerable period, it might not be an easy matter for our ship-owners to regain the ground they had lost, or to recover their former position, on hostili¬ ties being terminated. But in whatever way it may be defeated or eluded, it is not to be supposed that we should abide, in periods of war and difficulty, by a rule that would tie up our hands and consign the entire over-sea trade of the empire to foreigners. This would be a degree of liber¬ ality to which we can hardly be expected ever to arrive, and which, were it realized, would be more injurious to our best interests than the most intense selfishness. IV. Some of the more recent opponents of the old system Project for of maritime law do not deny these statements. But they exempting allege that they are founded on false principles. Private Prlvate ^ property, say they, is now respected in all contests carried gcTfror/at- on by land; and it would be for the advantage of all tack during nations, whether belligerent or neutral, were the same war. Inex- humane and generous policy extended to private property pediency of at sea. But this sort of reasoning is more specious than ?uch Pr0' solid. On a little examination it will be found that theject’ cases have no real analogy. Private property on land, and the treasures of art and learning, are respected so far, that they are sometimes unconditionally, but frequently also on the payment of a contribution or ransom, exempted from injury. This is done because experience has shown that, while the destruction of the articles referred to may be pro¬ ductive of much misery and loss, it has little or no influence over the decision of the contest. But we are not hence to infer that the destruction of private property at sea will be equally ineffectual. In our unfortunate contest with the United States in 1814, the destruction of the Capitol at Washington was an act disgraceful to our arms, and which had no effect except to inflame the hostile feelings of the Americans. But the severe check which the contest gave to the trade of the Union made the citizens generally averse to the war; and was, indeed, the main cause of its being so speedily terminated. No such result could, however, have happened had American merchant ships been exempted from capture or molestation. Suppose we are at war, and that our enemy, having succeeded in landing a force in some part of the kingdom, such as Kent or Connaught, inflicts on the peasantry out- NEUTRALITY. 159 Neutrality, rages similar to those which the troops of Louis XIV. in- flicted on the defenceless inhabitants of the Palatinate; such proceedings, by not sensibly affecting either our wealth or the sources of our power, would in no wise accelerate the termination of hostilities. On the contrary, they would tend to their prolongation, by inspiring us with a strong desire to avenge such wanton and unnecessary cruelty. But it would be quite another matter were our enemy able seri¬ ously to obstruct our trade, to prevent our exports, or to sink, burn and destroy the ships that were conveying to us sup¬ plies of necessary articles. Such proceedings might lay us under the greatest difficulties, and would be the most likely means to make us listen to proposals for an accommodation. Everybody knows that the unpopularity of the French rule in Germany and other parts of the Continent, in the latter part of the war against Napoleon, was in great mea¬ sure occasioned by the destruction of their trade, which, on the one hand, rendered their corn and other disposable pro¬ duce a mere drug, while, on the other, it added enormously to the prices of cotton, sugar, coffee, and most foreign articles. But had the rules and regulations embodied in the Declaration of 1856 been then in force, no such result would have happened. We should have had the singular 'combination of maritime peace and territorial war. And the trade of Prussia, Holland, and the other countries subject to France, and, indeed, of France herself, would have been as securely and cheaply carried on in neutral bottoms as it would have been in a period of universal tranquillity. No¬ thing, therefore, can be more contradictory and illogical than to contend that we are bound to extend the same immunity during war to private property at sea that is ex¬ tended to private property on land. The cases are in no degree parallel. In the one, private property is respected because its destruction is seldom injurious except to the individuals immediately interested, and has little or no general influence; in the other case, private property is seized or destroyed because those from whom it is taken, being the carriers or purveyors of necessary articles for the community, their loss must seriously affect the latter, and may reduce them to the greatest straits. Abolition V. The abolition of privateering by the Declaration of of priva- Paris is of the highest importance, and should give general teering. satisfaction. This practice appears to be a remnant of that system of private war which is universally waged by indi¬ viduals in early or barbarous ages, but which gradually dis¬ appears as society advances. Privateers rarely attack ships of war. They do not act in concert, or with any object in view other than their own private gains. They are, in truth, a sort of legalized robbers ;x and while they occasion much individual suffering, they have little or no influence over the result of the war. But their employment is principally objectionable from its having been found that, despite every precaution, it is not possible to hinder them from committing the greatest excesses. The desire to amass plunder is the ruling passion by which they are actuated ; and being so, it would be childish to suppose that they should be scrupulous in their proceedings, or that they should endeavour to keep within the pale of the law when they think that their objects will be likely to be promoted by overstepping its limits. And hence their injurious treatment of the ships of neutral and friendly powers. A system of this sort may perhaps be useful to a nation which has little trade, and may hope to acquire riches by fitting out privateers, without being ex¬ posed to the risk of retaliation. But except under very peculiar circumstances, it is difficult to suppose that it should be advantageous to a nation with an extensive over-sea ^^rality. trade. A notion has, indeed, been long entertained, that while the interests of humanity would be promoted, the rights of belligerents would not be injuriously affected bv the abolition of privateering. It was stipulated, for instance, in the treaty between Sweden and the United Provinces in 1675, that neither party should in any future war grant letters of marque against the other; and stipulations to the like effect have since been embodied in various treaties. These, however, being only isolated efforts, were insufficient materially to abate the nuisance, which could not be put down without an agreement to that effect by the great powers, such as has been announced in the Declaration of 1856. The United States, however, though possessed of a most extensive mercantile marine, have refused to consent to the abolition of privateering. But they have not done this capriciously ; nor is it to be denied that there is a great deal of weight in the reasons given by the American govern¬ ment for their refusal.1 2 They grow out of circumstances peculiar to the United States,—that is, of their warlike navy bearing but a very small proportion to their mercantile navy, which is the largest in the world. And they contend, that were they to abolish privateering, their merchant ships would be captured in vast numbers by the numerous cruisers of their enemies; while the merchant ships of the latter, owing to the fewness of their own ships of war, would be comparatively little affected ; and that to restore the balance, to place themselves on a level with their opponents, they have no resource but to appeal to the patriotism (selfishness) of their citizens by licensing privateers. The Americans have, however, intimated their willing¬ ness to assent to the abolition of privateering, provided the other powers agree not to attack or molest private ships at sea during war. Such an agreement would no doubt be very much for their advantage; but we have already seen that it is not one to which we can consent with¬ out at the same time, and by the same act, consenting to forego the use of some of the most powerful of our means of defence and attack. This, however, is about the very last thing that we either should or will do. No British statesman will ever agree to an arrangement that would diminish our powers and paralyze our energies at the very moment when, perhaps, our independence and security may depend on these being exerted to the utmost. VI. Nothing is said in the Declaration of 1856 in regard 0 to the right of visitation and search, probably because it is obviously inherent in belligerents; for it would be absurd to allow that they had a right to prevent the conveyance of contraband goods to an enemy, and to deny them the use of the only means by which such right can be made available. The object of the search is twofold: first, to ascertain whether the ship is neutral or an enemy, for everybody knows that the circumstance of its hoisting a neutral flag affords no security that it is really such; and, secondly, to ascertain whether it has contraband articles or enemies’ property on board. All neutral ships that would navigate securely during war must consequently heave-to when summoned by the cruisers of either belligerent, and be provided with passports from their government, and with all the papers or documents necessary to prove the property of the ship and cargo; and they must carefully avoid taking any contraband articles, and perhaps also belligerent property, on board. And hence it has been generally admitted that a merchant ship which seeks to avoid a search by crowding sail or by open force, may be justly captured and confiscated. 1 L’armateur indifferent au sort de la guerre et souvent de sa patrie, n’a d’autre amorce que I’avidite du gain, d’autre recompense que ses prises et les prix attaches par I’etat a ses pirateries privilegiees. (Martens, Essai sur les Armateurs, cap. L, § 8.) This essay, which was translated into English, and published in 1801, contains the fullest details in regard to privateering. Valin, who defends and even eulogizes privateering, admits that it is very apt degencrer en abus et en brigandage. (Traite des Prises, i., cap. i., § 7.) 8 See Letters of Mr Marcy to the Count de Sartiges, 28th July 1856. 160 W E U Neuwied. One of the most cliicult questions in regard to the right of search has reference to merchantmen sailing under con¬ voy. Is the allegation of the officer commanding the vessel of war convoying the merchantmen, that the latter have no contraband articles or belligerent property on board, to be held to be sufficient to nullify the right of search ? or may the exercise of that right be notwithstanding insisted upon ? A case of this sort occurred in the early part of 1798, when a fleet of merchantmen belonging to Sweden, a neutral power, and sailing under convoy of a frigate, were detained by a British squadron. The Swedish captain, on the question being put to him, answered that the ships were destined for different ports of the Mediterranean, and that they were laden with hemp, iron, pitch, and tar. These articles were the produce of Sweden but as they have most commonly been reckoned contraband of war, and as France and her allies had many ports on the Mediterranean, there can be little or no doubt that we were warranted, despite the threatened but unattempted opposition of the Swedish captain, in detaining the ships. But besides being detained, they were condemned with their cargo as lawful prize; a proceeding which gave rise to a great deal of discussion at the time, and which it is not easy to justify.2 In the event of the captain of a vessel convoying neutral merchantmen distinctly declaring that they have no contraband articles or enemy’s property on board, their detention or search would be a very strong measure. It would, in truth, be an insult to the flag and honour of the neutral power. And unless the presumptions that the cap¬ tain had emitted a false declaration were exceedingly strong, to question his veracity would be an act contrary to the comity of nations, and one that a high-spirited people would be sure to resent. But except in the case of a limited number of vessels sailing to specified ports under convoy, and when there is a clear and explicit declaration by the officer in command that they have neither contraband arti¬ cles nor belligerent property on board, the right of search, supposing it to be exercised without any unnecessary vio¬ lence, is one that is essential to belligerents, and cannot be justly objected to. (j. r. m.) NEUWIED, a town of Prussia, government of Cob- lentz, on the right bank of the Rhine, here crossed by a suspension-bridge, 7 miles N.N.W. of Coblentz. It is re¬ gularly built, in the form of a square; and the streets, which are broad and straight, intersect one another at right angles. At the west end, near the Rhine, stands the palace of the Prince of Wied, a fine building surrounded by gardens, and containing an extensive library and col¬ lections of Roman antiquities and of natural history ; the latter of which was made by Prince Maximilian of Wied in North America and Brazil. Neuwied has one Roman Catholic and three Protestant churches, a synagogue, several schools, infirmaries, &c. The manufactures of the place are considerable, and consist of silk, cotton, wool, leather, hats, carpets, tobacco, chicory, hardware, beer, brandy, vinegar, &c. A large trade is carried on in manufactured articles, and also in pipe-clay, timber, iron, lead, corn, wine, and other products of the neighbouring country. The town was founded in the first half of the eighteenth century, upon the principle of affording com¬ plete toleration to every religious sect; and it rapidly rose to a flourishing condition, being peopled by Protestants, Roman Catholics, Jews, Moravians, &c. The principality N E V of Wied was for a long time independent, but was an¬ nexed to Prussia in 1814. Pop. 6659. NEVA, a river of Russia, flows from Lake Ladoga to the Baltic, into which it discharges itself by several mouths at St Petersburg, after a course of about 40 miles. It forms the only outlet of the four lakes of Onega, Ilmen, Saima, and Ladoga ; and owing to the vast extent of these sheets of water, that of Ladoga being the largest in Europe, it conveys an immense quantity of water to the sea. Its average breadth is 1500 feet, its depth about 50 feet; and, flowing with a velocity of 37 inches per second, it has been calculated to carry to the Gulf of Finland 116,000 cubic feet of water in a second. Such a body of water, moving at such a rate, would be exempt from the influences of frost, were it not for the long continuance of the winter, and the quantities of ice which are drifted down from the lakes by the violent storms to which they are subject. Owing to the combination of these circumstances, the river is generally frozen for four or five months in the year. The following are the dates of the opening and closing of the river by ice for each year from 1851 to 1856 :— Closing. December 4th October 29th November 30th November 21st November 23d November 10th Duration of freezing. 158 days. 181 „ 147 „ 149 „ 159 „ Year. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. Opening. April 18th May 10th April 28th April 26th April 19th April 30th NEVADA SIERRA. See Spain. NEVERS, a town of France, capital of the department of Nievre, stands on the right bank of the Loire, at its confluence with the Nievre, 153 miles S.S.E. of Paris. It is built on the slope of a hill, and has a fine appearance when seen from the opposite side of the river; but the streets are narrow, steep, irregular, and dirty. Of the walls and towers that formerly defended the town some re¬ mains are still to be seen, and one of the old gates, called the Porte du Croux, still remains. The cathedral, a build¬ ing of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, stands at the top of the hill. It has a heavy appearance outside, but the interior is richly carved; and the choir contains some fine painted glass and old tapestry. The Romanesque church of St Stephen, built in 1063, is the oldest in Nevers. There are two other old churches, one of which is now used as a warehouse, and the other as a brewery. The former palace of the dukes of Nevers is now the town-hall, and the park behind it has been con¬ verted into a public garden. The town is entered from Paris by a triumphal arch, erected to commemorate the victory of the French at Fontenoy in 1745. Nevers also* contains an arsenal, barracks, a college, several schools, a public library, and a society of agriculture, science, and art. It is the seat of a prefecture, of a bishopric, of a court of first resort, and of a court of commerce. The manu¬ factures of Nevers are very considerable ; that of pottery has been carried on here for eight centuries, and employs about 700 hands. Cannon and shot, chain-cables, anchors, massive machinery, implements of husbandry, violin-strings, glue, candles, beer, vinegar, ropes, and other articles are also made here. The trade of the place is also consi¬ derable ; and there is a good harbour here on the river. 1 Articles which form a considerable part of the produce of a country, though contraband of war, have sometimes been allowed to be conveyed in neutral ships. But even in that case belligerents have been accustomed to detain them, not for confiscation, but for pre-emp¬ tion. (Robinson’s Admiralty Reports, i. 244.) 2 For an account of this famous case, see Robinson’s Admiralty Reports, i., pp. 340-379. In an elaborate argument, Sir William Scott (afterwards Lord Stowell) states, with his usual ability, but with too sensible a bias, the reasons for his judgment. Its legality was questioned in a tract by Mr J. F. W. Schlegel, professor at Copenhagen, translated into English, and published in London in 1801. Schlegel was answered by Dr Croke in a tract entitled Remarks on Mr SchlegeVs Work on the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy, published in the course of the same year. N E V Kevin Timber, iron, steel, coal, wool, leather, wine, cattle, and II manufactured goods form the chief articles of commerce. Nevis, 'pj^g town js arfcient, and is mentioned by Caesar, under the name of Noviodunum. Here that general, in 52 B.C., fixed his head-quarters, and here he left his hostages, supplies, baggage, and military chest. After his defeat at Gergovia, the people of Noviodunum rose against the Romans, massacred all of them who were in the town, and plundered the stores. The place was afterwards called Nevirnum, whence the modern name is derived. It was formerly the capital of a county, which was raised by Francis I. to the rank of a duchy. It was united to the crown of France by Charles III. of Gonzaga, the last duke, who sold the duchy in 1665 to Cardinal Mazarin. It then formed the province of Nivernais. Pop. (1856) 16,082. NEVIN, or Nef?;, a town of Wales, Carnarvonshire, on the shore of Carnarvon Bay, 20 miles S.S.W. of the town of Carnarvon. The town is ill built. It has a parish church, several chapels, and a number of schools. Some trade is carried on by steam navigation with Liverpool in agri¬ cultural produce. Edward I. held a festival and tourna¬ ment here, soon after his conquest of Wales ; and the posi¬ tion of the lists can still be traced. Pop. (1851) 1854. NEVIS, one of the Leeward Islands, in the West Indies, is situated in N. Lat. 17. 10., W. Long. 62. 42. It has an area of about 20 square miles; and consists of a single conical mountain, rising to the height of 2500 feet above the sea, and surrounded by a tract of flat, fertile, and well- cultivated land. Nevis is well watered by streams and rivu¬ lets. It was formerly thickly wooded, and even now timber is plentiful on the island, especially on the higher parts of the mountain. The surface, from the shore to a consider¬ able height, is occupied by sugar plantations; and though the soil of the higher districts is less fertile, the climate is not so warm, and many European vegetables are success¬ fully cultivated. The island has no harbours, but there are three roadsteads, the best of which is that of Charlestown, the capital, which stands on the shore of a large bay. Nevis contained in 1850, 380 horses, 2110 horned cattle, 1605 sheep, and 351 mules. Sugar, molasses, and rum are the chief articles of produce; and these, along with live stock, furnish the principal exports of the island. The value of the exports in 1854 was L.32,794, and of imports in the same year L.20,933. Beef, pork, meal, flour, and cotton and linen stuffs are the principal articles imported. The number of vessels that entered in 1854 was 86, and their tonnage 4921; of those that cleared 85, and their tonnage 4518. The government is in the hands of a president, who i^ subject to the governor-in-chief of Antigua; and there is a council of seven, and a representative assembly of nine members. For ecclesiastical purposes, the island is divided into five parishes; and there is a Wesleyan mission, which has been in operation here since 1789. There were in 1854 fourteen schools, attended by 1707 scholars; but though the state of education is thus far satisfactory, the instruction is of a some¬ what superficial and unpractical character. No government aid is given to the schools. There is an hospital on the island for the poor and infirm, which receives an annual grant of L.150. Ihe revenue in 1854 amounted to L.3875, and the expenditure to L.4123. 1 his island was discovered by Columbus, and named by him after the mountain Nieves in Spain, to which it bore some resemblance. It was first settled by the British in 1628 from the neighbouring island of St Kitt’s, and soon rose to a high pitch of prosperity and importance; but in the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century it suffered severely from the ravages of an epidemic, the hostilities of the French, and the devastation of a hurri¬ cane. Nevis afterwards gradually regained its prosperity ; but since the emancipation of the slaves it has been gra¬ dually declining ; the proprietors, from their aversion to VOL. xvi . N E 161 that measure, having endeavoured W preserve as much as Nevyle possible of the old system, which had ceased to be appli- II cable or beneficial in the present state of society, instead Newark- of adopting a system suitable to the changed state of affairs uPon-Trent The absence of any law respecting the relations of master and servant produces mutual distrust; and the acquisition of wealth by the Negroes is still discouraged by their employers. The white population does not exceed 60 adult males ; while the whole population is estimated at more than 10,000. NEVYLE, or Nevile, Alexander, an old English author, was born in Kent in 1544. He is best known by an elegant and spirited metrical version, or rather paraphrase, of Seneca’s (Edipus. It was written as early as his six¬ teenth year; and was printed in 1581 in a collection en¬ titled Seneca his Tenne Tragedies translated into English. Nevyle is also known as the secretary to the famous Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, and as the author of a Latin narrative of Kett’s Norfolk insurrection, printed in 1575; # and the Cambridge verses on the death of Sir Philip Sidney printed in 1587. His death took place in 1614. NEW ALBANY, a town of the United States, North America, Indiana, is situated on the right bank of the Ohio, 3 miles below Louisville, and about 100 S. by E. of Indiana¬ polis. It is one of the largest and most commercial places in the state ; and has broad and handsome streets regularly' laid out. There are about twelve churches, several schools’, a theological seminary, a court-house, and a jail. Two news¬ papers are published here. Ship-building, especially that of steamers, is carried on here; and there are also machine- works, flour-mills, saw-mills, &c. It forms the southern terminus of the New Albany and Salem Railway, which extends as far N. as Michigan citv. Pop. (1850) 8181 ; (1853) about 12,000. NEWARK, a town of the United States of North America, state of New Jersey, is situated on the Passaic, 4 miles from its mouth, and 9 miles W. of New York. It is regularly laid out, with broad and straight streets inter¬ secting each other at right angles; and has two spacious public squares, which are planted with fine elm trees. The court-house is a large structure of brown stone in the Egyptian style. The library building is also very handsome, and contains a public hall and a gallery of paintinn's. There are many fine churches in the town, three of which have elegant and lofty spires. They belong to Roman Catholics, Methodists, and Presbyterians. There are in all about forty churches of various sects in Newark. Among the literary and educational institutions are,—a historical society, a lite¬ rary association, a W esleyan institute, and seven schools, attended by about 2500 scholars. The chief importance of the town is derived from its extensive manufactures, of which the establishments for the production of India-rubber goods, of carriages, and of machinery are the largest and most important. Leather goods and articles of clothing are also manufactured. The trade of the city is principally coasting. The registered and enrolled shipping in 1852 had a tonnage of 510<, of which 1189 were propelled by steam. In the same year the number of ships that entered was 21, and their tonnage 2304 ; of those that cleared 13, tonnage 1393. Pop. (1850) 38,893 ; (1853) about 45,500. NEWARK-UPON-TRENT,amarket-town, and municipal and parliamentary borough of England, county of Nottingham, on an affluent of the drent, 20 miles N.E. of Nottingham, and 124 N.N.W. of London. It is well though irregularly built, and has a large market-place in the centre. The parish church is one of the largest and finest in England; and though originally a Norman building, it underwent great changes in the time of Henry YI. It is in the form of a cross, has a lofty spire, and contains some fine painted glass, carved wood-work, and ancient monuments. To the N.W. of the town are the remains of an ancient castle, which was either built or repaired by Bishop Alex- x 162 NEW New ander in 1125. King John died here in 1216; Wolsey Bedford lodged here after his fall in 1530; and in the neighbour- hood Charles I. surrendered himself to the Scotch commis- Brunswick. s*oners hi 1646. Newark has Wesleyan Methodist, Bap- v tist, Independent, and other chapels; a town-hall, court¬ house, several schools, and almshouses. A considerable trade is carried on in malt, flour, corn, wool, cattle, and coal; and the commerce of the river is facilitated by the wharves and warehouses which have been constructed here. A county court is held at Newark; and there are six annual cattle fairs. The borough returns two members to the House of Commons. Pop. (1851) 11,330. NEW BEDFORD, a town of the United States of North America, in the state of Massachusetts, is situated on the estuary of the Acushnet, an arm of Buzzard’s Bay, 55 miles S. of Boston. It stands on the slope of a hill, and is for the most part built of wood. The streets, which are 4 straight and regular, are generally lined with trees, and many of the houses are surrounded by gardens. The town- hall is a very handsome building of granite, 100 feet long, 60 wide, and three storeys high. There is also a fine granite^ custom-house. New Bedford contains about 20 places of worship belonging to various denominations, and numerous public schools. The manufactures are considerable, but principally in connection with the whaling trade, in which the town is extensively engaged. Ship-building and cooper¬ ing are largely carried on. In the year ending June 30,^ 1852, 18 vessels were admeasured, having a tonnage oi 5626. There are more than twenty manufactories of oil of various kinds, and several planing-mills, rope-works, iron¬ works, &c. The shipping of New Bedford is chiefly em¬ ployed in whaling; and the total amount registered and enrolled had in 1852 a tonnage of 149,208, of which 125,530 tons were employed in the whale fishery. I he number of ships that entered in that year was 113, with a tonnage of 27,940; those that cleared 174, with a tonnage of 55,347. Pop. (1850) 16,443 ; (1853) about 17,500. NEWBERN, a town of the United States of North America, in North Carolina, stands at the confluence of the rivers Neuse and Trent, 120 miles S.E. of Raleigh. It was formerly for some time the capital of the state. It has a court¬ house, jail, theatre, public hall, and several churches and schools. The trade of the place is considerable, and the river is navigable for steamers for eight months in the year. Grain, timber, turpentine, tar, and naval stores are exported. The registered and enrolled tonnage of the port in 1852 was 5235. The vessels that arrived in the same year were 22, tonnage 2822 ; those that cleared 24, tonnage 3151. Pop. (1850) 4722. NEW BRITAIN, an island in the Pacific Ocean, N.E. of New Guinea, between S. Lat. 5. and 7. 30., and E. Long. 148. and 153. It is separated from New Guinea by Dam- pier’s Strait, which is about 40 miles broad, and from New Ireland by St George’s Channel. The outline is irregular, and the area is 24,000 square miles. The surface is moun¬ tainous, rising to a considerable height, and well wooded on the sloping sides. In some places the mountains extend quite to the coast; but in others there are extensive plains stretching along the shore. The highest summit in the island has been observed to emit smoke. The soil is fertile, and produces bananas, bread-fruit trees, sago palms, cocoa- nut palms, and other trees; besides sugar-canes, bamboos, yams, ginger, &c. The animal kingdom is represented by dogs, pigs, turtle, and fish in large numbers. The New Britons resemble the Papuans in their stout, well-propor¬ tioned figures and dark complexions. They are numerous and entirely uncivilized, without any articles of clothing. NEW BRUNSWICK, a colony of Great Britain in North America, lying between N. Lat. 45. and 48. 5., W. Long. 63. 50. and 67. 53.; and bounded on the N. by the River Ristigouche and the Bay of Chaleurs, which separate NEW it from Lower Canada; E. by the Gulf of St Lawrence; S. New by Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy; and W. by the Brunswick state of Maine. Its length from N. to S. is 180 miles; breadth, 150 ; area, 27,704 square miles. Its form is that of an irregular quadrangle, and the length of its coast-line is about 500 miles. The surface of New Brunswick, though not presenting Surface very striking varieties in the character of the different parts, may be divided into three regions, differing to some extent from each other in nature and aspect. The southern region comprises the tract of land which stretches along the Bay of Fundy, and is divided into two unequal parts by the River St John. The whole coast of this region is bold and rocky, and the surface is much broken and diversified with rocks and ravines. To the W. of the St John the soil is deep and fertile, and covered with tall and dense forests. To the E. of that river the soil is not so fertile, but there are many beautiful valleys covered with forests mixed with corn-fields, and traversed by streams flowing into lakes at the bottom of the valleys, and ultimately joining the St John. The coast of the central region, along the Gulf of St Law¬ rence, is low and sandy, covered with trees of a small size. For nearly 20 miles inland the country is flat, and consists of marshes and mosses; but in the interior it rises into gently- sloping hills and undulations, which extend westward as far as the St John. The northern and north-western parts of New Brunswick are more mountainous than any of the other regions. A branch of the Alleghany Mountains traverses the N.W. corner of the province, from the borders of Maine to the Bay of Chaleurs. The mountains are not of any great height; and while some are bold and preci¬ pitous towards the top, others are of a more rounded form, and many of the hills are clothed with wood to their sum¬ mits. The scenery of this district is exceedingly varied and beautiful; the mountains and glens contrast finely with the rich valleys, the rivers, cataracts, and lakes, that are everywhere seen ; and the immense forests add to the beauty and luxuriance of the view. It is these forests that form the most striking feature of New Brunswick, and constitute not the least part of its value to the colonist. The principal trees are those belonging to the order of pines, which occupy most of the low-lying land in the pro¬ vince. Pines, larches, and spruces occur in great abundance; and the rocky shores of the Bay of Fundy are rendered extremely picturesque, especially in winter, by the dark- green clumps of spruces contrasting finely with the snow which lies around, and standing firm against the winds and storms which agitate the waves beneath. The oak, ash, maple, birch, poplar, and many other trees, are also found in New Brunswick, affording inexhaustible supplies of timber, and giving the forests in autumn a most gorgeous and rich appearance from the varied tints of their foliage and flowers. A circumstance that adds greatly to the resources of the Rivers and country and the beauty of the scenery, is the number of lakes, rivers, streams, and lakes with which it is watered. Hardly any part of the country is destitute of some stream, of greater or less size; and in some parts of the interior a canoe can be conveyed with equal ease to the Bay of Chaleurs, the Gulf of St Lawrence, or the Bay of Fundy. The largest river is the Looshtook or St John, which rises in a lake of the same name in the state of Maine, flows first N.E. and afterwards E., forming part of the boundary between Maine and Canada. It then enters New Bruns¬ wick, and flows S. and S.E., till it falls into the Bay of Fundy at St John’s, after a course of 450 miles. About 225 miles above its mouth, where the river enters New Brunswick, occur the Grand Falls, a cataract 58 feet in height, over which the rocks rise steeply to the height of 100 or 150 feet. The St John is navigable for large steamers as far as Fredericton, 85 miles from the sea ; but NEW BRUNSWICK. New smaller vessels can ascend to the falls. Above them it is Brunswick, navigated by steamers for 40 miles, to the mouth of the Madawaska; and small boats and canoes may proceed as far as the source. The St John receives many tributaries, among which the most important is the Tobique, which joins it on the left from the mountainous region of New Brunswick; and in the lower part of its course there are several lakes communicating with the river, the largest of which, Grand Lake, about 50 miles from the sea, is 30 miles in length, and varies from 3 to 9 in breadth. The river and bay of Miramichi are noticed in a separate ar¬ ticle. The Ristigouche, which marks the boundary be¬ tween New Brunswick and Canada, is formed by five main branches; and from this circumstance it derives its name, which signifies in the Indian language, “ the river that divides like the hand.” It has a length of 100 miles, and falls into the Bay of Chaleurs, having at its mouth a breadth of 3 miles and a depth of 9 fathoms. The Nipisigit waters the north-eastern part of New Brunswick, and falls into the Bay of Chaleurs after a course of 100 miles. Next to these the most important river in the province is the Peticodiac, which falls into the north-eastern extremity of the Bay of Fundy. It is navigable for large vessels to the distance of 25 miles from its mouth. Geology The geological structure of New Brunswick resembles and mine- in its general arrangement that of most other parts of North rak. America. The different formations extend either parallel to the branch of the Alleghanies, which crosses the country from S.W. to N.E., or parallel to the shores of the Atlantic. Ihese mountains consist of granite, syenite, trap, porphyry, and other rocks; and in other parts of the province the Silurian, the Carboniferous, and the Old Red Sandstone strata occur. The geology of the interior of New Brunswick is not minutely known, owing to the country being so little cleared. Several excellent salt springs are found, especially in Sussex Yale, to the N.E. of St John’s. Many of the strata of New Brunswick are very rich in fossil remains, which are remarkable in many cases for the distinctness and perfec¬ tion with which they have been preserved. Of the mineral riches of the province, the most important item is coal, of which there is an immense quantity to be found. A vast coal-field occupies the central counties, covering an area of between 7500 and 10,000 square miles, or about one-third of the whole extent. Iron has been found in great abun¬ dance, and of excellent quality for steel, at Woodstock on the St John ; and copper on the banks of the Nipisigit. The climate of New Brunswick, like most of the adja¬ cent parts of North America, is more subject to extremes than places of the same latitude in the Eastern Continent. At Fredericton the temperature ranges from 35° below zero to 95 above, and the mean temperature is about 42°. The severest part of the winter is from the middle of December to the middle of March; but the deepest snows do not fall till the end of February or beginning of March, when the winds blow from the E. with great fury, piling up the snow in drifts and banks. About the middle of March the south w inds begin to blow with considerable strength, and soon afterwards the ice disappears from the rivers and lakes, and the country becomes fit for the plough. The spring is short, and generally cold and rainy; but during the summer very little rain falls, except in thunder-storms, which at e frequent. I he finest part of the year in New Bruns¬ wick is the autumn, and especially what is called the In¬ dian summer, which occurs in the month of November. t t ns period the varied hues of the forest, the dryness anc clearness of the atmosphere, and the brilliancy of the northern lights, all combine to increase the beauty of the set nery. I he climate of the coast is somewhat more moist than that of the interior. The clearing of the country, which is lapidly going on, seems to be producing a gradual in¬ crease m the mildness of the inland regions; for w hile the 163 Climate and agri¬ culture. winter formerly lasted for six months, it now rarely exceeds New three or foui. The climate is extremely healthy: epidemics Brunswick, are rare ; rheumatism, low-typhus, and consumption are the only prevalent diseases; and there have been many re¬ markable instances of longevity in the province. The soil of New Brunswick is very good; and though the severity of the winters is unfavourable to the growth of some kinds of crops, potatoes, turnips, pulse, wheat, oats, rye, and barley thrive extremely well here. The largest crop raised, however, is that of hay, which is not only sufficient to sup¬ ply the cattle with fodder, but is also exported in consider¬ able quantities to the United States. The forests of New Brunswick, having been as yet but partially cleared, and as the occupation of cutting and sawing wood is more pro¬ fitable than that of farming, agriculture has made but little progress, and the produce of the country is not sufficient to supply the wants of the inhabitants. The cultivation of the land, however, is rapidly extending; and im¬ provements are 'being gradually introduced, which will render the produce of the soil more commensurate with its natural fertility. The amount of land under cultivation in the province in 1851 was 643,954 acres; and the crops raised in 1855 were,—of wheat, 206,635 bushels; of barley, 74,300; of oats, 1,411,164; of buck-wheat, 689,004 ; of Indian corn, 62,228 ; of pulse, 42,663 ; of turnips, 539,803 ; of potatoes, 2,792,394; of other roots, 47,880; and of hay, 225,093 tons. The number of horses in the same year was 22,044; of horned cattle, 106,263 ; of sheep, 168,039; and of swine, 47,932. Besides farming, the people of New Brunswick are em- Industry- ployed for the most part in the fisheries ; in the lumbering and com- business, as it is called,-—that is to say, in cutting down tirn-merce- ber from the woods, and preparing it for exportation; and in ship-building. The nature of the coasts of the province affords great facilities for fisheries ; and the great abundance offish which is to begot here would render fishing a profitable pursuit. It is not, however, carried on to a very great ex¬ tent ; for though many of the inhabitants of the coast pursue this occupation, along with those of farming and lumbering, yet the demand for timber and the scantiness of the population give greater encouragement to other occupations; while the idleness of the people and the en¬ croachments of American fishermen prevent this employ¬ ment from being prosecuted with as much activity as it might be. In consequence of the recent reciprocity treaty with the United States, admitting the produce of the colonial fisheries free of duty into that country, it is believed that the fisheries of New Brunswick will be more actively car¬ ried on and more highly valued than hitherto. The princi¬ pal seats of the fisheries are in the harbour of St John’s, and on the islands at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Cod, haddock, herring, and mackerel, are the principal fish got here ; and the total value of the fisheries in the Bay of Fundy was, in 1850, L.52,700. The occupation of lum¬ bering, in which a great part of the inhabitants are em¬ ployed, though it is not favourable for the agricultural pro¬ gress of the country, serves to clear out and open up the forests; and produces an active, hardy, and industrious set of men. The timber is floated down the rivers to the saw¬ mills, of which there are in the province a large number. The exports of New Brunswick consist principally of timber and fish. rI he total value of the wood exported in 1854 was L.740,157; and that of the fish, L.55,359. The total value of the exports in 1855 was L.826,381, and of the imports, L. 1,431,330. The number of ships built in the province in 1854 was 135, and their tonnage 99,426; in 1855 the number of ships was 95, and their tonnage 54,561. The number belonging to the province on the 31st December 1854 was 878, tonnage 141,454; at the same date in 1855 the number of ships was 866, and the tonnage 138,292. The number of vessels that 164 New Brunswick. Divisions and go¬ vernment. Iteligion and edu¬ cation. History and popu¬ lation. N E W NEW entered the various ports in 1855 was 3442, tonnage 590,767; those that cleared in the same year 3381, ton¬ nage 663,981. The number of saw and grist mills in the province in 1851 was 845, employing 4668 hands. There were also in the same year 125 tanneries, employing 255 hands; 11 foundries, employing 242; 52 weaving and carding establishments, producing 622,237 yards of cloth, and employing 96 hands ; 8 breweries, producing 100,975 gallons of malt liquors; and 94 other factories, employing 953 hands. The province is at present divided into fourteen counties, some of which, however, are but thinly peopled; and por¬ tions of land have been reserved for the aboriginal Indians, of whom there were in 1851, 1116 still remaining. Hie extent of land set apart for them is 61,2 <3 acres. The government is in the hands of a lieutenant-governor, with an annual salary ol L.3000, who is aided by an executive council of eight, a legislative council, and a icpresenta- tive house of assembly. The public revenue in 1855 amounted to L.93,916; and the expenditure in the same year was L.138,353. The judicial establishments of New Brunswick consist of a supreme court oi four judges, a court of chancery, one of marriage and divorce, and one for the trial of offences committed at sea; the three last of which are presided over by the lieutenant-governor. There is also a court of vice-admiralty, and one of probate. 1 he number of barristers in the colony, practising also the business of attorneys, was, in 1849, 155. The military force of the colony consists of a regiment of yeomanry ca¬ valry, 3 separate troops ol cavalry', a regiment of artillery, and 18 regiments of infantry, numbering in all 27,200 rank and file. The religious sects in New Brunswick are Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, and Roman Catholics. None of these sects are supported by the government; but the Bishop of Fredericton takes precedence next to the lieutenant-governor and the commander of the forces. The diocese of Fredericton was created in 1845, and included in 1849 a bishop, an archdeacon,33 rectors, and 8 curates, with 61 churches, capable of containing 17,920 people. The synod of New Brunswick in connection with the Established Church of Scotland consists of 13 ministers; and the synod in connection with the Free Church of Scotland consists of 17 ministers. The Wesleyan Methodists had, in 1847, 21 ministers and 33 local preachers in the province. The Bap¬ tists, who are divided into various sects, had, in 1846, 41 ministers; and the Roman Catholics, in the same year, 1 bishop and 24 priests. The whole number of places of worship in the colony in 1851 was 423. Education is well attended to in New Brunswick. There is a university at Fredericton, founded in 1828, and constituted after the model of those of Oxford and Cambridge. It receives annually from the crown a grant of L.1000, an equal sum from the pro¬ vincial legislature, and has an endowment of 6000 acres of land near Fredericton. There are also Baptist and Methodist colleges in the province. Grammar and parish schools have been established in every county ; the manage¬ ment of the former being in the hands of a board of trustees appointed by the lieutenant-governor and council, who themselves form a board of education for the superintend¬ ence of the parish schools. The parish schoolmasters receive government allowances, varying from L.18 to L.30 per annum. The whole number of schoolhouses in 1851 wTas 798. The public charitable institutions consist of a marine hospital, a lazaretto, and a provincial lunatic asylum. The amount of money expended in 1854 for educational and charitable purposes was L. 17,269. The early history of New Brunsw’ick is closely con¬ nected with that of Nova Scotia, of which it originally formed a part, when that province, then called Acadia or New France, w'as under the French dominion. The earliest attempt at colonization here was made in 1639; and m New 1672 a number of French emigrants settled on the Mira- Brunswick, michi and in other parts of the country. In 1/13 New Brunswick was ceded to Great Britain, in terms of the treaty of Utrecht. The country was first settled by British colonists in 1764 ; and in 1784 New Brunswick was sepa¬ rated from Nova Scotia, and made a distinct province. It was originally peopled by several different Indian tribes; but these have all now disappeared except two,—the Mic- macs and the Melicetes,—who, though resembling each other in physical appearance, differ considerably in their origin and language. They wander in families about the country; but an annual council is held, at which arrange¬ ments respecting their hunting, fishing, and other affairs, are made. The European inhabitants of the province con¬ sist to a large extent of descendants of royalists from the United States, who left their country at the American revolution, that they might remain under the British sway. The capital of New Brunswick is Fredericton, in the Principal county of York, on the St John, 88 miles from its mouth.towns- It stands on a plain bounded on one side by the river, which is here three-fourths of a mile broad, and on the other by a range of hills, 2 miles long and half a mile wide ; and it is regularly built with long and straight streets. The most of the houses are of wood, but the public edifices are of stone, and some of them are very handsome. This town has a cathedral, five or six churches, a province-hall for the accom¬ modation of the courts of law and legislature, a government- house, library, barracks, and other buildings. Pop.about6000. St John’s, the principal commercial town in the province, is situated on a rocky promontory at the mouth of the St John River, in N. Eat. 45. 20., W. Long. 66. 3. It is regularly and well built; but the streets are in some places very steep, although much labour has been expended in re¬ ducing them to a level. There are many handsome public buildings of stone, brick, and wood, among which are a court-house, church, and bank. The extreme point of the promontory is defended by two batteries; and here are also barracks and military stores. The number of new vessels registered at St John’s in 1854 was 97 (besides which 11 vessels were built for owners in the United Kingdom), aggregate tonnage 81,379; in 1855 the number was 76, and the tonnage 40,986. At 31st December 1855, 566 vessels, of 110,451 tons burden, belonged to the port. The number of vessels that arrived in 1851 was 1527, tonnage 282,450 ; those that cleared 1545, tonnage 324,821. The total value of the imports in the same year was L.826,398, and that of the exports L.535,441. Pop. about 12,000. I he population of the various counties of New Brunswick in 1851 was as follows :— Albert 6,313 Carleton 11,108 Charlotte 19,938 Gloucester 11,704 Kent 11,410 King’s 18,842 Northumberland 15,064 Total Queen’s Kistigouche... St John’s Sunbury Victoria Westmoreland York 193,800 10,634 4,161 38,475 5,301 5,408 17,814 17,628 New Brunswick, a town of the United States of North America, capital of Middlesex county, in the state of New Jersey, stands on the right bank of the River Raritan, 26 miles N.N.E. of Trenton, and 30 S.W. of New York. The older part of the town, which is built on the low ground close to the river, has narrow and irregular streets; but on the hill which rises behind there is a more recent portion, with broad streets and many handsome edifices. Rutger’s College, a building of dark red freestone, situated on a hill, has 7 professors, 66 students, and a library of 10,000 vo¬ lumes. There is also here a theological seminary of the Dutch Reformed Church, with 3 professors, 34 students, and a library of 7000 volumes. New Brunswick has NEW Newburg about ten churches, several schools, two banks, a court- 11 house, and a jail. The Raritan is navigable as far as this ^ Port^" l^ace> ant^ tovvn >s connected with Bordentown, 42 miles , distant, by the Delaware and Raritan Canal. It is also a ^ station on the New Jersey Railway, and has a considerable trade. Pop. (1850) 13,070. NEWBURG, a town of the United States, North Ame¬ rica, state of New York, on the right bank of the Hudson River, 84 miles S. of Albany, and 61 N. of New York. The ground on which it is built gradually rises from the water’s edge to the height of 300 feet. It is well built; and con¬ tains ten churches; a court-house; jail; theological seminary of the Associate Reformed Church, with about 11 students, and a libraryof3200volumes; several schools; andfivebanks. Newburg has large manufactories of cotton, wool, machin¬ ery, flour, plaster, leather, &c., and an active trade is car¬ ried on in grain, flour, and dairy produce, for which the surrounding country is famous. Pop. 11,415. NEWBURGH, a royal burgh and market-town of Scot¬ land, county of Fife, is situated on the right bank of the Firth of Tay, 9 miles E.S.E. of Perth. It is well built, and has one principal street running along the shore, and crossed at right angles by another leading to the harbour, which is formed by several piers extending into the river. The town has a town-hall with a spire, a large parish church, two United Presbyterian churches, Baptist and Independent churches, and several schools. The harbour is pretty good, admitting vessels of 500 tons burden; and some trade is carried on in corn, timber, linen, and coal. The inhabitants are principally employed in the weaving of coarse linens. In the neighbourhood of Newburgh are the ruins of the abbey of Lindores, and two curious antique crosses. The town is ancient, and was made a burgh in 1457. Pop. of the burgh (1851) 2638. NEWBURY, a municipal borough and market-town of England, county of Berks, on the right bank of the Kennet, 16 miles W. by S. of Reading, and 56 W. by S. of London. The river is here crossed by a stone bridge of three arches; and the town, which is well built, has two principal streets, which are broad, and arranged in the form of the letter T. There is a large market-place in front of the parish church, which is a large but plain stone building of the age of Henry VII. 1 he town contains also places of worship for Wesleyan Methodists, Independents, Baptists, Quakers, and Unita¬ rians, and a new Episcopal church has recently been erected in the Gothic style. There is also in Newbury a substan¬ tial town-hall, jail, alms-houses, large workhouse, dispen¬ sary, literary institution with library, and several schools. The Kennet supplies water-power for several large corn- mills in the town and neighbourhood; and there are also silk and paper mills, malthouses, and breweries, in and about Newbury. The manufacture of woollen cloth was formerly carried on to a much more considerable extent than at present; and the place was of much importance in the days of posting, from its position on the road to Bath. It is now connected with the metropolis by a branch of the Great Western Railway. Some trade is carried on in malt and flour; and horse and cattle fairs are held thrice a year. I wo engagements were fought here during the civil war in 1643 and 1644, in both cases with doubtful issue. Donning- ton Castle, not far from Newbury, to the N.W., was the pro¬ pel ty of Chaucer the poet, who is believed to have spent there the last years of his life. Pop. (1851) 6574. Newbury-Port, a seaport of the United States of Noith America, Massachusetts, situated on a gentle slope on the right bank of the Merrimack, 34 miles N. by E. of Boston. It is regularly built, with wide streets, some of w nch rise in terraces parallel to the river, and in its centre is a pond about six acres in extent, which is surrounded by hne pleasure-grounds. The custom-house is a large granite building, with a fine colonnade in the Grecian style; the NEW city hall, a handsome building, has recently been erected the cost of about L.7000; and there are also a court-house • 16 churches, belonging to various sects; and about 30 schools’ I here is a lyceum, at which lectures are delivered • and a public library has recently been established. Newbury-Port has five manufacturing companies, employing in all from 1500 to 1600 hands, and an aggregate capital of L.246 000 Cotton goods are principally produced; but iron, machinery* leather, boots, shoes, &c., are also among the manufactures’ Ihe harbour is large and safe, though there is a shifting sand-bank at its mouth. The registered and enrolled ship¬ ping of the port at June 30, 1852, had a tonnage of 29,430. The number of vessels that arrived in that year were'110 tonnage 9231; those that cleared 116, tonnage 10 140* George Whitfield died here in 1770, and his remains’ are buried in one of the churches of the town. Pod GSSO'l 11,318; (1853) about 13,000. ' NEWGASILE, a market-town of Ireland, county of Limerick, situated on the Arra, 25 miles S.W. of Limerick and 144 S.W. by W. of Dublin. It is a neat country town,’ with four principal streets and a large square. The parish church is a fine building ; and the town has also a Roman Catholic church, two schools, town-hall, market-house, bar¬ racks, fever hospital, dispensary, workhouse, and the re¬ mains of an old castle that once belonged to the Templars, but is now the residence of the Earl of Devon. Coarse cloth is the principle article of manufacture here, and dyeing and bleaching are also carried on. Pop. (1851) 2513. Newcasxle-Emlyx, a market-town of Wales, in the county of Caermarthen, is pleasantly situated on the banks of the leifi, 16 miles N.W. by N. of Caermarthen, and 229 W. by N. of London. It was anciently called Dinas-Emlyn, or the “City of Emlyn ;” and a castle existed here at a very early period. It was rebuilt in the time of Henry VII. by SirRhys-ap-Thomas, and the place then obtained the name of Newcastle. Hie castle was held by the royalists during the civil war, but after that period it gradually fell into decay, and only the ruins now remain. The town is well built, and contains an Episcopal, a Baptist, and other churches ; a school; and a savings-bank. Some trade is can ied on in cattle, for which there are eleven yearly fairs. Newcastle-Emlyn is included in the parish of Kenarth, which had in 1851 a population of 1980. Newcastle-under-Lyme, or under-Lyne, a market- town and municipal and parliamentary borough of England, in the county of Stafford, on the right bank and near the source of the Trent, 16 miles N. by W. of Stafford, and 150 N.W. of London. It is well though irregularly built, chiefly of brick, on the slope of two hills; and contains a handsome town-hall; two Established churches, one of which has an ancient square sandstone tower; besides Methodist, Independent, Baptist, and Roman Catholic churches; a literary and scientific institution, with a library; a theatre; a savings-bank; and a range of alms-houses founded by Christopher Monk, Duke of Albemarle, son of the cele¬ brated general. The principal manufacture carried on here is that of hats, but there are also silk and paper mills, and a cotton factory; while shoes, clocks, and earthenware aie also produced. In the neighbourhood there are coal¬ pits and iron-works. An old castle, of the time of Henry VII. formerly stood here, but no remains of it have been preserved. The borough returns two members to Parlia¬ ment. Several fairs and cattle markets are held here an¬ nually. Pop. (1851) 10,569. Newcastle-upon- Tyne is situated, as its name denotes, on the River lyne, about 8 miles from the sea in a direct line, and exactly 10 miles by the course of the navi¬ gable channel. It is a county within itself, having its own shei iff and other officers distinct from the county of Nor¬ thumberland, of which it originally formed part. The assizes for Northumberland are, however, still held in Newcastle, 165 Newcastle 11 Newcastle- upon- Tyne. 166 NEWCASTLE. Tyne. Naviga¬ tion. Newcastle, the court-house and its precincts being exempt from the npon- jurisdiction of the municipal authorities. The Tyne is formed by the confluence of two streams, of which the North Tyne rises near a place called Deadwater, on the confines of Liddesdale in Scotland; the South Tyne has its source near the mountain of Crossfell in Cumberland. The point of junction is near Warden, a village 2 miles W. of Hexham, from which town the united stream flows past Newcastle, and thence between the towns of North and South Shields, discharging its waters into the German Ocean at Tynemouth, the ruins of the ancient monastery at which place forms a conspicuous landmark on the north of the entrance to the port. In the night a revolving light is constantly kept burning, and exhibits a face every minute. The River Tyne commissioners are at this time (1858) erecting substantial stone piers at the entrance of the har¬ bour, which, when completed, will add greatly to the safety of ships trading to the Tyne. Within the river, near the town of North Shields, there are two lighthouses for the use of vessels passing over the bar. There are three warping buoys within the river, two on the south and one on the north side; and in addition to these there is a distinguishing buoy on the north side, where the low light is situated. The tide flows up the Tyne from Shields to a distance of 18 miles; and at New¬ castle Bridge it generally runs upwards about four hours and a half, and downwards about seven hours and a half. The perpendicular rise at the bar at Tynemouth is about 18 feet, and at the bridge from 11 to 12 feet. It is high- water on the bar, at the full and change of the moon, at about three o’clock, if the weather be settled ; but a strong northerly wind will sometimes make it high-water an hour sooner, and a strong southerly wind an hour later, than the regular course ; and there will be at times 2 or 3 feet more water on the bar with a strong northerly wind than with a strong southerly one. The commissioners are making great exertions to improve the navigation of the river, and employ a powerful steam-engine for the purpose of dredging. Due precautions against accidents to shipping have been rendered necessary by the vast number of vessels that pass up and down the Tyne; and an association, formed in 1825 at the Trinity House, has for its object the preser¬ vation of lives from shipwreck and the maintenance of a life-boat at South Shields. The pilots on the river, and the sea-pilots connected with the port of Newcastle,, with all its creeks and harbours, which extend from Holy Island on the north to Whitby on the south, are about 800 in number, and are under the regulation of the corporation ot the Trinity House, who have a spacious hall, a chapel of very ancient workmanship, and alms-houses for poor brethren and widows, situated in Trinity Chare, near the quay. This ancient society is governed by a master (elected annually) and twelve brethren, who hold a com¬ mon seal. The charter of this corporation was renewed by King Henry VIII. in 1536, and confirmed by Queen Mary in 1553, and also refounded by Queen Elizabeth in 1584. The bridge was founded in very ancient times, and consisted of wood. It was once burnt, and at subsequent periods was more than once carried away by the floods. The existing bridge was built between the years 1775 and 1799. It was only 21 feet wide, which, as the population and trade increased, was found very inconvenient; and in 1801 it was enlarged and widened, and is now 33 feet 6 inches in width. It connects the town of Newcastle with its suburb Gateshead, which is in the county of Durham. The inadequacy of this means of communication between the opposite sides ot the river was long a subject of com¬ plaint, and several attempts were from time to time made to secure the erection ot a second bridge on a high level, so as to avoid the dangerous declivities of both banks. All these failed in consequence of the magnitude of the capital Trinity House bridges. required, until the formation of a company to complete the Newcastle, eastern line of railway communication between London and upon. Edinburgh. The promoters of this scheme, now carried into Tyne. successful operation, undertook, on the solicitation of the inhabitants and others interested, to make the bridge which was necessary for the transit of the railway available also for ordinary traffic ; and to their liberality and enterprise, under the scientific direction of Mr Robert Stephenson, the public are indebted for that magnificent structure, the “ High-Level Bridge.” The design is as remarkable for its originality as for its grandeur; the structure consisting of two distinct roadways, one above the other,—the lower ap¬ propriated to ordinary traffic, the upper to the railway,—their respective elevations above the level of the river being 90 and 118 feet. The piers of the bridge are of stone, and are six in number,—one on the margin of the river on each side, and four in the stream, the distance between each being 124 feet. The railway works within the town of Newcastle, including the High-Level Bridge and the pur¬ chase of property, entailed an expenditure on the company of upwards of half a million sterling. The quay lies immediately to the east of the old bridge, Quay and and was considered, previous to the introduction of wetwaU- docks in our principal ports, as the finest wharf in England. Its length was nearly 550 feet, to which a further length of 1000 feet has been added by the corporation. The new portion, however, still presents an unsightly appearance, in consequence of the delay which has occurred in effecting the contemplated removal of a mass of property of the very worst description, and the erection of buildings which would have presented a handsome elevation to the river. The old quay appears even more desolate, from the disastrous effects of a tremendous explosion which occurred in the neighbouring town of Gateshead in 1854, involving an un¬ precedented destruction of property on both sides of the river. The town-wall formerly ran between the warehouses on the quay and the river, to the great obstruction of com¬ merce, but was removed about the middle of the last cen¬ tury. Other portions of the wall have from time to time been removed without any pressing necessity, and little of it now remains. Leland, who saw it in its integrity, says,— “ The strength and magnificence of the walling of this town far passeth all the walls of the cities of England, and of most towns in Europe.” Sir Ralf Sadleyr gives similar tes¬ timony. From an early period Newcastle has been chiefly indebted Coal trade, for its mercantile importance to the extensive coal-fields adjacent. The cinders of this mineral discovered amongst the ruins of several of the Roman stations in Northumber¬ land show that its use was not unknown to the imperial legions in Britain, although the abundance of wood every¬ where available for fuel necessarily confined the consump¬ tion of coal to the immediate locality in which it was pro¬ duced. During the Saxon period we have no notice of coal either as an article of commerce or of domestic con¬ sumption, although it is probable that where the seams were easily accessible they were not altogether neglected. The earliest authentic records of the Newcastle coal trade, after the Conquest, is found in a charter of Henry III. to the burgesses, a.d. 1239, in which he grants them license to dig coal in the Forth and Castle field, within the liberties of the borough. From an inquisition in the reign of Ed¬ ward I. it appears that, in consequence of the rapid de¬ velopment of this traffic, the revenues of Newcastle were then worth L.200 per annum, although they had been granted by King John at a fee-farm rent of L.100 per an¬ num, which was more than their then estimated value. In 1306 the use of sea-borne coal must have been general in London, as in that year Parliament complained to the king of its infecting the air with noxious vapours, in con¬ sequence of which the use of coal was prohibited, and NEWCASTLE. Newcastle- strict orders given to destroy all furnaces and kilns in upon- which it was used. Coals, however, must have again ffyDe‘ ] come into use in 1327, as at the coronation of Edward III. a debt appears to have been due for this mineral; and in the same reign orders were issued relating to the measuring of coals; and such as were got in the field of Gateshead were to be taken across the Tyne in boats, and, after paying the custom-duty, to be sent to any port of the kingdom, but to no port out of the kingdom except to Calais. About the year 1338 the Prior of Tynemouth granted colliery leases. In the year 1582 Queen Eliza¬ beth obtained a lease for ninety-nine years of the manors and royalties of Gateshead and Whickham for L.90 per annum, which caused the price of coals in London to rise to 9s. the chaldron ; upon which the lord mayor made ap¬ plications to Lord Burleigh that the price might be reduced to 7s. In 1615 the trade appears to have employed 400 sail of ships, some of which sailed to France, and others to the Netherlands. During the civil wars the trade and the prices of coal fluctuated much, as at one time London was with the Parliament, and Newcastle with the royal party. In 1675 the shipping of Newcastle was estimated at 80,000 tons. In 1710 the annual average export for the three preceding years had amounted to 178,143 chaldrons, and in ] 776 to 260,000. The following account will show the vast but gradual increase since that time :— An Account of the Quantity of Coals shipped at New¬ castle from 1794 to 1835, distinguishing those sent Coast¬ wise and those over Sea. 167 3ad. Year. 1794 1800 1805 1810 1815 Coastwise. Chal (Irons. 388,724 537,793 552,827 632,299 650,209 Over Sea. Chaldrons. 39,935 47,487 49,572 17,258 42,834 1820 1825 1830 1835 Coastwise. Chaldrons. 756,513 687,029 817,870 853,359 Over Sea. Chaldrons. 44,826 51,444 74,456 116,803 The preceding account is given in Newcastle chaldrons, which weigh 53 cwt., but the London chaldron weighs only 28 cwt. The former contains 68, the latter 36 Winchester bushels. Since the duty on coals water-borne ceased the account of the quantities shipped has been kept with less correctness. Coals Shipped from the Port of Newcastle from 1849 to 1857. Year. 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 Coastwise. Tons. 2,127,558 2,252,293 2,049,846 2,157,273 2,131,417 Foreign. Tons. 778,465 1,007,716 1,001,939 1,057,463 1,032,566 Year. 1854 1855 1856 1857 Coastwise. Tons. 2,138,311 2,014,760 1,942,843 2,082,001 Foreign. Tons. 1,345,456 1,417,640 1,649,788 1,773,363 The number and tonnage of vessels registered as be¬ longing to the port of Newcastle on 31st December 1856 were,—Sailing-vessels under 50 tons, 110 ; tonnage, 3083 : above oO tons, 452; tonnage, 124,830: steam-vessels under 50 tons, 81; tonnage, 1364: above 50 tons, 23; tonnage, 7621. During 1856 there entered and cleared at the port in the vrrfoo? trr^e.’—Sai,ing-Vessels, inwards, 2172; tonnage, 179,281: foreign, outwards, 9860; tonnage, 1,262,076: steam-vessels, inwards, 525 ; tonnage, 112,325: outwards, /fL; tonnage, 196,713. In the colonial trade,—Sailing-ves- tonnaSe> 17,040: outwards, 151; tonnage, 5J,01J: steam-vessels, outwards, 1 ; tonnage, 16. In the lo-flm trade,~?aiiinS'Vessels> inwards> 3816; tonnage, 593,339: outwards, 6697; tonnage, 1,217,689: steam vessels, TUMI8’ 103 ’ tonna&e5 33,452: outwards, 119; tonnage, The export of lead from Newcastle, although much in¬ ferior in importance to that of coal, is of still greater anti¬ quity The lead mines are situated in the mountainous Newcastle- districts in the west of Northumberland and Durham, and in upon- the adjacent parts of Cumberland, from which the produce T^ne- is conveyed to Newcastle for shipment. The discovery of ^ the mines of Cumberland in the reign of Henry I. is noticed in the Chronicle of Robert de Monte ; and [those of Dur¬ ham were probably known at as early a period. The latter were granted by King Stephen to his nephew Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham. The Cumberland mines were gradually extended into Northumberland ; and in the reign of Richard I. by much the more valuable portion was in the latter county. In the earliest records the mines both of Cumberland and Durham are described, not as lead but as silver mines, from the abundance of that precious metal which they contained. Those of Cumberland were let to the royal moneyers at Newcastle and Carlisle, and those of Durham probably supplied the mint which pertained to that episcopate. The pipe rolls of Cumberland and Northum¬ berland afford several instances of the transport of lead from the former county for export from Newcastle in the reign of Henry II. The productiveness of these mines continues undiminished; and large quantities are yearly ex¬ ported from Newcastle, both in pigs and in a manufactured state. The manufactures carried on here include patent shot, and all other preparations of lead, whether for pig¬ ments or otherwise. The manufacture of glass was first introduced into Eng- Glass, land by emigrants from Germany, who established them¬ selves in the neighbourhood of Newcastle in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The trade has continued to flourish ever since, and is now extensively carried on in all its branches—bottle, crown, sheet, and plate glass. Works for smelting iron have been established in this Ironworks, district for many years, but these have been multiplied to a great extent within a short period. Various branches of the iron manufacture are also carried on, including three very extensive establishments for building locomotive en¬ gines ; one of them set on foot by the late George Ste¬ venson, father of the locomotive system, and now conducted by his son, Robert Stevenson, C.E. The building of iron ships has also been recently introduced on a very extensive scale. Since the year 1816 a most important business has arisen in the neighbourhood of Newcastle, namely, the pro¬ duction of crystals of soda and mineral alkali by the decom¬ position of common salt. Besides these, there are manu¬ factures of paper of all descriptions, and mills for the crushing of linseed ; and the manufactories of copperas, coal-pitch, spirits of tar, varnishes, soda, aquafortis, whiting, glue, vine¬ gar, and soap, are numerous and extensive. The imports are various, but the principal articles are corn, wine, spirits, fruits, sugar, tobacco, tea, coffee, but¬ ter, cheese, tallow, hides, oak-bark, rags, flax, hemp, linen yarn, mahogany, deals and other timber, spars, masts, cordage, tar, iron, and what is necessary for the equip¬ ment of shipping. This view of exports and imports ac¬ counts for the number of vessels which have entered this port in successive years from foreign countries. Newcastle occupies the site of the Roman fortress of Ancient Pons AElh, one of the stations on the Wall of Hadrian, history, which traversed the island from the Tyne to the Solway Firth. In the immediate vicinity the Saxon kings had a a ilia or occasional residence, called Ad Murum, celebrated, according to Beda, for the baptism within its walls of two royal converts—Sigebert, King of the East Saxons, and Paeda, the son of Penda, King of Mercia. At the period of the Norman conquest the Roman station was known as Monkchester, having probably been used as a place of refuge by the brethren of some of the numerous monastic establishments which existed in the neighbourhood prior to their destruction by the Danes, towards the close of the ninth century. The castle, which gives name to the pre- 168 NEWCASTLE. Newcastle- sent town, was built by Robert, the eldest son of William upon Tyne. Conqueror, on his return from a hostile expedition into v ^ Scotland, a.d. 1080. William Rufus is said to have fostered . the growth of the infant community, as well by grants of privileges as by pecuniary aid. The particulars of these concessions rest on the authority of the metrical annalist Hardyng, a comparatively recent historian ; but the gene- - ral truth of his narrative is confirmed by the ascertained position of Newcastle in the succeeding reign. The “ Laws and Customs of Newcastle” under Henry I. bespeak the advanced maturity of the borough, and the amount of royal favour which it must have experienced. In the reign of Stephen, Newcastle, with the rest of Northumberland, was enjoyed in succession by the Earls Henry and William, the son and grandson of David I., King of Scotland, but was taken from the latter by Henry II. on his accession to the crown of England. King John granted several charters to the burgesses ; amongst others, one conferring the right of holding the town in fee-farm, instead of at the will of the crown. Henry III. further extended their immunities by authorizing the election of a mayor out of their own body, who should preside over them, instead of a provost, as heretofore, appointed by the crown. The enfranchisement of the borough from the dominion of the sheriff of Nor¬ thumberland, and the liberty of electing a sheriff of their own, was conceded to them by Henry IV. Several additional immunities were granted by successive charters, all of which were, in the reign of Elizabeth, condensed and con¬ firmed by what was known then as the “Great Charterand that, being afterwards slightly changed in the reign of James I., continued till the passing of the existing law in 1835. By that law the town has been divided into eight wards for the purposes of that act, and has now fourteen aldermen, forty-two councillors, a mayor, and sheriff, with justices of the peace, nominated by the crown. It returns two members to Parliament. The revenue of the corporation is very large, amounting in 1856 to L.82,000, arising from dues on coal and cinders, rents of property, tolls, &c. Docks, &c. The corporation were, up to 1850, conservators of the Tyne, but in that year they were superseded by a commis¬ sion composed of members from Newcastle, North and South Shields, Gateshead, &c. By the Tyne Improvement Act, which received the royal assent on the 15th July 1850, the conservancy of the River Tyne is transferred from the corporation of Newcastle to the “ Tyne Improvement Com¬ missioners.” Those commissioners are in number 18,—viz., 4 life commissioners named in the act, and 6 elected annu¬ ally by the Newcastle council, 3 by the Tynemouth coun¬ cil, 3 by South Shields council, and 2 by Gateshead coun¬ cil. 1 he elections of river commissioners by the respec¬ tive councils takes place on the 9th November in each year. By the T.yne Improvement Act 1852, additional powei’s are vested in the commissioners ; and they are, by that act, authorized to construct a dock at Hayhole, to be called the Noi thumberland dock, and to form piers at the mouth of the river. The Northumberland dock has since been completed, and the two piers are in a state of considerable forwardness. By the Tyne Improvement Act 1857, the commissioners aie also authorized to construct a deep-water dock at Coble Dean, communicating by a junction with the Northumberland dock. Besides the corporation their are many guilds or companies, having chartered privileges, and halls for their assembling. Therearethe “Twelve Mysteries,’’founded between the years 1215 and 1621; the “Fifteen By-Trades,” founded between 1426 and 1626; and the various com¬ panies, eight in number, created at different periods, like the others, between the years 1454 and 1675. These companies choose annually sixty-nine stewards, out of which number a body of nine is nominated, called the Herbage Committee, whose duty it is to superintend the improve* ment and enforce the regulations respecting the free com-Newcastle- mons, of 1200 acres, upon which the burgesses have the upon-Tyne. privilege of pasturing two cows each (and a free pasturage is thus afforded to 700 cows), and also to watch over the interests of the freemen, and of their respective fraternities. They have a revenue of about L.900, derived from ground- rents, way-leaves, and other sources. Newcastle being a county of itself, the courts of assize Town and and nisi prius are held thrice a year at the guildhall at the county Exchange. Those for Northumberland, in the county- courts, courts at the Castle Garth, are held at the same time. There are also some inferior courts of justice held, such as the mayor’s court, in which only free burgesses or their widows are sued, and in which are tried all cases relating to real or personal actions to any amount arising within the town; the sheriffs court, in which all actions are brought as in the mayor’s court, but with this distinction, that they may be instituted against all other persons than free bur¬ gesses ; the court of conscience, to determine all debts or actions not exceeding in amount forty shillings, which ex¬ tends to all persons residing within the liberties of the town ; and the court of guild, the chief business of which now is the admission of persons to their freedom, whether they are entitled to it by birth, or by an apprenticeship during seven years. Besides these, a court of admiralty is occasionally held, the principal duties of which consist in preventing injury from being done to the river or to the salmon fishery. The population of Newcastle has advanced in nearly the Population, same proportion as that of the other towns of the kingdom. In 1801 it amounted to 28,366, in 1811 to 27,587, in 1821 to 35,181, in 1831 to 42,760, in 1841 to 69,430, and in 1851 to 87,784. But each of these accounts is materially deficient, owing to their exhibiting only the number of in¬ habitants within the limits of the burgh ; and does not in¬ clude those of its populous suburbs. In 1851 Gateshead alone had 25,568 inhabitants. Annual rental 1857, New¬ castle, L.351,408 ; Gateshead, L.75,749. The public buildings for religious purposes are nume- Public rous. Those of the Established church claim the first at- buildings, tention. Of these, the mother church of St Nicholas is probably the oldest, and certainly the most striking. It was founded in the year 1091, by Osmond, Bishop of Salis¬ bury, and placed under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Carlisle. The edifice was burned in 1210, and the present structure finished in 1359. The interior of the church is 242 feet; and on entering it by the great western door, the spectator is struck with mingled impressions of delight and solemnity, from the general and noble effect produced by the view. Some considerable improvements in the arrange¬ ment of the pews made in 1783 have adapted it for ac¬ commodating a congregation of more than 1200 persons. The organ is a remarkably fine instrument. The frame¬ work is mahogany, and the two pillars in front are magni¬ ficent ; the centre is surmounted by the figures of two recumbent angels, and the compartments of the front are embellished with a variety of richly-gilt pipes. Several fine marble monuments have recently been erected on this edifice. A public library is attached to this church, formed by donations at different periods since the year 1661, but principally by Dr Tomlinson. St John’s church is an ancient structure, and supposed to have been built in the latter end of the thirteenth cen¬ tury ; but it has since been enlarged and beautified at dif¬ ferent periods. The great eastern window contains some curious ancient specimens of stained glass. By the erec¬ tion of some new galleries and other arrangements of pews, it has been made capable of seating, including scholars in the aisles, more than 1400 persons. It has a square steeple with four pinnacles, a clock and six bells, with a large burying-ground adjoining, NEWCASTLE. Newcastle- St Andrew’s church is said to have been built by David upon-Tyne. king of Scotland, who died in 1153. It still exhibits some specimens of Anglo-Norman architecture, though many alterations have been made at different periods. Being near the town wall, it suffered much during the siege of 1644, and was long afterwards closed. It is furnished with a new organ, and the interior so arranged as to accommo¬ date 1300 hearers, besides 200 children. Near to it is the burying-ground, which, by the removal of some houses in ] 824, is laid open to public view, and handsomely sur¬ rounded by palisades. All-Saints’ church is a modern structure, having been erected between the years 1786 and 1796, at an expense ofL.27,000, raised by an assessment upon the owners of houses in the parish. It has a stately Doric portico at the entrance, from which there rises an elegant spire to the height of 202 feet from the ground. It has a fine set of bells and a clock. It contains a spacious gallery, and the whole seat-room will accommodate near 1200 persons, and 270 children of the charity schools, who have seats in the gallery. This building w'as erected on the site of an ancient church which existed before the year 1284, but which was considerably larger, and capable of containing 2000 persons. St Ann’s church is, properly speaking, a chapel of ease to the parish of All-Saints. It'was erected in 1768, on the foundation of an ancient building, at the expense of the corporation. It has a large school attached to it, in which boys are instructed in reading, writing, and arithmetic, on very cheap terms. The church has seat-room for about 500 perons. St Thomas’ church is a chapel of ease to the parish of St Nicholas. It was begun in 1828, and finished in 1830. It is an elegant structure, built in the early English style. The church is 135 feet in length and 63 feet in breadth, and has a tower 138 feet in height. It can accommodate from 1000 to 1100 persons. In the suburb or town of Gateshead is the church of St Mary, a new steeple to which was built on an old foundation in 1740. Its chief ornament is an ele¬ gant window of stained glass in the southern transept, which was presented to it in 1824. There is seat-room for 800 persons, including that for the charity children. Among the other churches are St Peter’s, Oxford Street, and St Paul’s, Arthur’s Hill. This latter has been purchased by the In¬ dependents. 1 he places of worship for the various classes of dissenters from the Established church are numerous. From the vicinity to Scotland, the adherents of the Presbyterian form of worship are the greatest in number, occupying nine meeting-houses, most of them being of the Scotch kirk, and others secessions from it. I he next largest portion of wor¬ shippers are the Wesleyan Methodists of the new and old connection, who have six chapels, one of them the largest place of worship in the town. The Independents occupy thiee chapels, the Baptists three, the Roman Catholics two, and the following persuasions,—viz., the Quakers, the Glass- ites, the Unitarians, and the Swedenborgians,—one each. To the enterprise of Mr Richard Grainger the inhabi¬ tants ot Newcastle owe the creation of almost a new town, built in a style of architectural beauty not inferior to any in the kingdom. After having built Eldon Square, Blackett street, and several others of minor importance, Mr Grain¬ ger s first exertions, in an embellished style of architecture, v\ ere made on a large piece of ground adjoining the Leazes. Upon this he erected a parallelogram, consisting of up- \wuts o i ty houses, all faced with polished stone, and of gieat elegance of design, and some of them of large (imensions. ns undertaking was carried through by him at t ic same time that a spacious and splendid arcade was constructed in the centre of the town. The next attempt o this individual was more gigantic, and incurred an expenditure of half a million sterling. There existed in the VOL. XVI. 169 very centre of the town a large piece of ground, about Newcastle- thirteen acres, which had originally been the gardens of the upon-Tyne. Grey Friars, and of a convent of Benedictine nuns. This ' completely cut off the communication between the oppo¬ site sides of the town, except by circuitous streets, and was partly occupied by stables, cow-sheds, and other nui¬ sances. Mr Grainger conceived the idea of covering this extensive piece of ground with houses and markets of ele¬ gant construction. The purchase of the ground was effected and the work begun, in the summer of 1834. This extra¬ ordinary undertaking consists of seven streets, some of them 80 feet broad, and all of stone, and highly embellished; besides a butcher market and a vegetable market, which alone occupy a space of more than two acres, and are en¬ tirely covered in. The butcher market consists of four avenues, 19 feet 4 inches wide, 27 feet high, and extend¬ ing in length 338 feet. The vegetable market is connected with the butcher market, and consists of one stupendous hall, 318 feet long, 57 feet wide, and upwards of 40 feet high. A new theatre of great architectural beauty, a chapel for the Methodists of the new connection, anew dispensary, and a church, are also included in the plan. At the top of the principal street,- named Grey Street, is a column 150 feet high, surmounted by a statue of Earl Grey. This elegant memorial is from a design by Messrs John and Benjamin Green of Newcastle, and the statue is by Bailey of London. The cost was defrayed by public sub¬ scription. Recently a large and massive building has been erected for the jail and house of correction, which cost L.49,000. Newcastle is as well supplied with those institutions which tend to the acquisition and diffusion of knowledge as anyplace of its extent in the kingdom. The Literary and Philoso¬ phical Society was founded in 1793. Its objects were—the discussion of the several branches of polite literature, and making inquiries into the situation and properties of the mineral productions of the neighbourhood, with the eluci¬ dation of the sciences applicable to commerce, antiquities, local history, biography, nautical inquiry, and other sub¬ jects. A new institution for delivering lectures has been united with it since 1802. A library, of more than 12,000 volumes, has been collected, and a valuable apparatus pur¬ chased for the illustration of chemistry and other branches of physics. The usefulness of this society has recently been greatly increased by the reduction of the annual sub¬ scription from L.2, 2s. to L.l, Is., in consequence of a munificent donation to its funds by a spirited individual (Robert Stevenson, Esq., M.P.) The Natural History Society has erected an elegant building, which contains a museum of very great value. The published transactions of this society have raised the character of its members to a high rank in that science. The Newcastle Antiquarian Society hold their meetings in the old castle. There is also an establishment recently formed, called “ The Literary, Scientific, and Mechanical Institution,” of which young persons may become members, and attend classes appointed for drawing, mathematics, chemistry, and the languages, at a very small expense. This society is also gradually forming a library, and various collections to assist in science and in art. There are likewise several subscription-rooms for newspapers,—especially good ones at the Exchange, Sandhill, and Central Exchange, Grey Street. I here is a well-endowed royal free grammar school, in which Greek and Latin were intended to be taught gra¬ tuitously ; but a small fee is now paid by the scholars. It has access to some exhibitions at Lincoln College, Ox¬ ford. In several other schools many boys and girls are taught on the Lancasterian and Madras plans; and most of the churches and chapels have schools connected with them. 170 NEW Newcome. The institutions for benevolent purposes are numerous, of which the most prominent are Jesus’ hospital, which provides for fifty old persons ; Blackett, and the two David¬ son’s hospitals, in all for eighteen poor widows of clergy¬ men or merchants; the Keelman’s hospital, formed by that class of persons for the relief of their destitute, and chiefly maintained by a duty of one farthing per chaldron on all coals exported from the River Tyne; and the hos¬ pitals of St Mary Magdalen andof the Virgin Mary, the former for a master and three, and the latter a master and eight poor brethren. The establishments for administering relief to the dis¬ eased or infirm poor are,—the infirmary, to which is now annexed a lock hospital, and which extends relief to the sick and lame poor of the counties of Newcastle, Durham, and Northumberland; the average annual number of in¬ patients being 800, and of out-patients 700 ; the dispensary, founded in 1777, supported by voluntary contributions, the object being the administration of medical and surgical aid to all diseased applicants, and the promotion of vaccine inoculation; the house of recovery, for the reception of persons afflicted with febrile diseases; the lunatic asylum, for thirty-eight males and the same number of females; the lying-in hospital, for poor pregnant women; the eye infirmary, and St Luke’s hospital. Markets, The markets are well supplied with provisions of all &c< kinds; and the market for corn is one of the largest in the north of England. Water is abundantly supplied by the Water Company, from resources and reservoirs at Whittle Dean, 12 miles W. of Newcastle. There are no less than twelve public fountains, here called pants, in different parts of the town, but on account of the height of the reservoirs above the town, they are seldom now required, the pres¬ sure being sufficient; the fire-engines are under good re- gulatijon. There are companies for insurance against fire, as well as for ship and life risks. The town is well watched and lighted with gas. The places of amusement are not numerous ; the most prominent being the theatre-royal. The former house was opened in 1788, and was pulled down in 1836 to make way for the building of Grey Street. The new theatre, which is a structure of great beauty, was opened in February 1837. The assembly-rooms, built in 1766, are commodiously planned, having a ball-room 94 feet by 36, with a music gallery; adjoining are card-rooms, a room for private assemblies, and on the lower story is a supper-room, in which 460 individuals have been accom¬ modated at the same time. There is a music hall ap¬ propriately fitted up, with the requisite auxiliary apart¬ ments. The communication between Newcastle and the western coast is greatly facilitated by the Newcastle and Carlisle Rail¬ way, and to the north by the North British Railway, (j. H.) NEWCOME, William, Archbishop of Armagh, a learned divine, was born in Bedfordshire in 1729. Having entered the university of Oxford, he was first a student of Pembroke College, and afterwards a fellow and tutor of Hertford College. His rise to honour and preferment was sudden and rapid. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him in 1765; in the same year he became chaplain to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland; and in 1766 he was pro¬ moted to the bishopric of Dromore. All the while New- come was closely directing his attention to biblical criticism, and was carefully maturing his views preparatory to pub¬ lishing them. At length the results of his studies began to appear in quick succession. He published, among other works, The Harmony of the Gospels, in 1778; The Dura¬ tion of our Lords Ministry particularly considered, in 1780; Observations on our Lord’s Conduct as a Divine Instructor, in 1782; An Historical View of the English Biblical Translations, in 1792 ; and An Attempt towards NEW revising our English Translation of the Greek Scriptures, New Eng- in 1796. Meanwhile, the author, after having been sue- land cessively translated to the sees of Ossory and Waterford, I! had been installed in the archbishopric of Armagh in ^nd 1795. His death took place in 1800. v ‘ , NEW ENGLAND, a name given to the north-eastern portion of the United States'of North America, comprising the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa¬ chusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. (See United States.) NEWENT, a market-town of England, county of Glou¬ cester, 8 miles N.W. of the town of that name, and 110 W. by N. of London. It consists of three irregular streets, and has a large old parish church, with a lofty spire, 2 dis¬ senting churches, and a national school. Pop. (1851) 1547. NEW FOREST. See Hampshire. NEWFOUNDLAND, an island belonging to Great Britain, in the N. Atlantic Ocean, off the E. coast of North America, and forming the most of the eastern boundary of the Gulf of St Lawrence. It lies between N. Lat. 46. 38. and 51. 37., W. Long. 52. 44. and 59. 31.; and is separated from Labrador by the Straits of Belleisle, about 12 miles broad; and on the S.W. it approaches within 70 miles of North Point, in Cape Breton Island. Its form is generally triangular, but extremely irregular. Its area is about 36,000 square miles, and its coast line is estimated at nearly 1000 miles in length. This vast island reposes upon an immense bank, a con- Surface of tinuation of which has been observed all the way to Nova the coun- Scotia. It is apparently a mass of solid rock, having a very try- wild and rugged appearance from the sea, and being any¬ thing but inviting. On its south-eastern quarter Newfound¬ land is formed into a peninsula of about 80 miles in length, by from 15 to 60 in breadth ; the isthmus which unites it with the mainland being not more than 4 miles in breadth. This peninsula is called Avalon. To the N. of it, and on the eastern side of the island, lies Trinity Bay, which is separated from that of Bonavista by a narrow neck of land, the point of which is Cape Bonavista. A long neck of land also divides Trinity Bay from Conception Bay on the northern side of Avalon. This bay ranks as the first dis¬ trict in Newfoundland, as well on account of the spirit and enterprise of the inhabitants who people its shores, as from its natural advantages of large harbours, coves, and the like. The scenery on this part of the coast is majestic, wild, and calculated to strike the beholder with awe. About 20 miles from Cape St Francis, the eastern boundary of Con¬ ception, are the bay and harbour of St John’s, the capital of Newfoundland. A succession of bays indent the coast all round the peninsula of Avalon, the principal of which are—Trepassey Bay, St Mary’s Bay, and Placentia Bay. The last, about 60 miles deep and 45 broad, lies between Cape St Mary and Cape Rouge, and contains several harbours and islands. It is separated from Fortune Bay by one of those long and narrow necks of land which are so common in the island. Fortune Bay is from 60 to 70 miles deep, and from 20 to 30 broad, receiving many rivers from the island lakes, and containing numerous harbours, the principal of which is Fortune Harbour, on the eastern side. St Pierre and Miquelon Islets are situated at the mouth of Fortune Bay. They were ceded to France in the year 1814, and the former contains a harbour which is the ren¬ dezvous of the French shipping, and the residence of the governor. From this point, all along the south side of New¬ foundland to Cape Ray, which forms the N.E. entrance of the Gulf of St Lawrence, there are numerous bays, but none of sufficient size or importance to require particular descrip¬ tion. On the western side, formed by Cape Anguille and Cape St George, is the Bay of St George, a large and deep inlet of the sea, into which several rivers, emerging from lakes in the interior, empty themselves. Further to the NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfound- north is the Bay of Islands, formed by three arms, into land, which several rivers discharge their waters. One of these, called the Humber, is the most considerable yet dis¬ covered, its course having been traced for 114 miles to the north-westward, where it issues from a lake between 50 and 60 miles in length. As its name would indicate, this bay contains a number of islands, but none of any parti¬ cular consequence. The next large indentation of the sea on the western side of Newfoundland is Bonne Bay, which has also rivers communicating with the lakes in the interior. I he next bay is called Ingornachoix Bay, which contains two harbours; and to the north of it is St John’s Bay, which receives the waters of Castor’s River. Along the Straits of Belleisle, which separate Newfoundland from the coast of Labrador, are a few inconsiderable inlets; but beyond Cape Norman, the N.W. point of the island, js a large bay called Pistolet Bay; and further to the S. is Hare Bay, a deep gulf, the bottom of which intersects the island for two-thirds of its breadth at this point, branch¬ ing oft into innumerable bays and coves, sheltered by lofty hills. From this haven to White Bay, a very large inlet of the sea on the eastern side of the island, and thence to Cape St John, the coast is indented at short distances by commodious and much-frequented harbours. The Bay of Notre Dame and the Bay of Exploits are of great extent, and contain a vast number of islands, together with a thriv¬ ing settlement called Twilingate. The River Exploits is about 70 miles long, but its navigation is obstructed by rapids, some of which have a velocity of nearly 10 miles an hour. This river connects the Red Indian Lake, a large sheet of water in the interior, with the Atlantic. From Cape St John to Cape Freels the coast is a continuation of ledges, shallows, islands, and rocks, but affords excellent fishing-grounds. Bonavista Bay contains several islands, and is itself indented by a number of small inlets and har- bours. To the south of it is Catalina Bay, containing Ragged Harbour, which completes the circuit of the island. After the exterior aspect of Newfoundland has been de¬ scribed, the interior comes naturally to be noticed. But this has as yet been very imperfectly explored. In 1823 a Mr Cormack succeeded in traversing its breadth from Conception Bay on the east to St George’s Bay on the west; and from his account it appears, that this portion of it at least is much intersected with lakes and rivers, but poorly wooded, and of a rocky and barren soil. In this respect the island differs greatly from the other North American colonies, producing little timber but what is dwarf and stunted, except on the margins of bays and rivers, where spruce, birch, and poplar sometimes grow to a considerable size. Several high hills occur near the centre of the island, and the inland country is represented as generally undulating, so that lakes, rocks, marshes, and occasional elevations, with little or no vegetation, consti¬ tute its characteristic features. The geologv of Newfound¬ land is nearly the same as that of the coast of Labrador. J be prevailing formation is granite; but porphyry, syenite, trap, gneiss, raica} clay-slate, and other strata are also found. he island, it appears, abounds with minerals of various sorts. Loal and lime have been wrought in more than one part with some success ; and there is little doubt as to the ex- liSvU 0,ftlC0PPer’ iron> and other mines, but it is not y la le.y are very Productive. There are excellent u!T nf tEUameS nfar U ape Ray> and there is also a quan- tliJ i c rninend called marcasite, or iron pyrites, which the early d^coverers mistook for real gold. taliTvllflTV1?01^11 SeVere’is healthy; the rate of mor- Md mlv a,"y Part °f the “Minent of America; and many of the inhabitants attain to a great ao-e. The of AnriD n 16 beS.inning of December to the middle of April, and the most intense cold occurs in the months of January and February. During this period, owing to the 171 Geology. Climate. clearness of the atmosphere, the brightness of the stars and Newfound- northern lights have an exceedingly beautiful appearance land. Ihe snow does not lie long on the ground, and the cold is not so great as in Canada. The summer is short, but mild and pleasant; though the heat is sometimes great in that season. The most remarkable feature connected with Newfound¬ land is the fogs which prevail on its coasts. Those of the Gulf of St Lawrence are attributed to the coldness of the gulf-waters, which is supposed to be permanent a few feet below the surface, as well as at great depths. The fogs on the banks of Newfoundland are undoubtedly chiefly due to the meeting, in that point, of the cold air transported along with the polar current with the warm atmosphere over the gulf-stream. On the great bank the surface of the water is many degrees colder than it is in the neighbouring sea, and much less than that of the Gulf-stream, which is within a short distance of it. The soil of Newfoundland in the vicinity of the rivers Soil, and lakes is generally rich and fertile, but it is covered in many places with a thick coating of moss; and in the eastern and southern parts of the island there are many tracts which are very sterile, and can only be made pro¬ ductive by constant manuring. The amount of cultivated land in the island, according to the census taken in 1845, was 82,259 acres. The most valuable vegetable productions are potatoes products, and cabbages; and, next to these, turnips, carrots, parsnips, radishes, and other garden roots, yield the most abundant crops. There were in the island, according to the census of 1845, 2409 horses, 8135 horned cattle, 5750 sheep, and 5791 goats. Carriboo deer, beavers, foxes, wolves, and bears abound; as well as the well-known Newfoundland dog, the true breed of which has become very scarce. Besides the great staple of the island, fish, which is here understood to mean cod, the numerous large and small sheets of water abound in divers kinds of excellent trout and eels of a great size ; and lobsters, lance, herrings, mackerel, and salmon, are in great abundance ; plaice, sole, halibut, and thornback, are likewise found on the coast. The capelin arrives periodically in such immense shoals as to change the colour of the sea. Herrings likewise arrive during spring and autumn in prodigious numbers. As a product of the coast may be mentioned kelp, which, with other sea-weed, is used as manure. The importance of this colony has exclusively arisen from its fisheries. The different settlements are scattered prin¬ cipally on the shores of the eastern and southern sides of the island, but especially on the former. They are gene¬ rally formed at the heads of the bays, particularly Concep¬ tion Bay, thence to St John’s, and southward to Cape Race. The principal are, besides St John’s, the Bay of Bulls, Brigus, Cape Broyle Harbour, Ferryland, Fermore, and Renowes. St John’s, the capital of the island, is a place of St John’s, considerable strength, situated about 70 miles to the N. of Cape Race; N. Lat. 47. 35., W. Long. 52. 48. The har¬ bour is one of the best in Newfoundland, being formed be¬ tween two mountains, the eastern points of which leave an entrance, called the Narrows. This is the only assailable part, but it is so well defended that any vessel attempting to force an entrance would inevitably be destroyed. There is about 12 fathoms of water in the middle of the channel, with tolerably good anchorage-ground. The most lofty perpendicular precipices rise to an amazing height upon the north side, and the southern shore appears less striking in its altitude, only from a comparison with the opposite rocks. There is a light shown every night on the left side of the entrance, where there are also a small battery and a signal-post. Other batteries of greater strength appear towering above the rocky eminences towards the north. At about two-thirds of the distance between the entrance and 172 N E W F O U Newfound- what may properly be termed the harbour itself, there is a land. dangerous shelf called the Pancake, opposite the Chain Rock, so called from a chain which, in time of war, extends across the strait at that place, to prevent the admission of any hostile fleet. There are other fortifications besides those already noticed, planted upon the heights around the town, so as to render St John’s perfectly secure against any sud¬ den attack. Fort Townshend is situated immediately over the town, and is the usual residence of the governor. Forts Amherst and William are more to the north ; and there is also a small battery perched on the top of a single pyramidal mount, called the Crow’s Nest. The town itself consists chiefly of one long straggling street, extending nearly par¬ allel to the shore on the north side of the port, from which branch out several narrow lines of houses, that can only be called lanes. The houses are chiefly built of wood, although diversified by some of brick and a few of stone ; but they are somewhat irregularly placed, although the town has been much improved in this respect since the fire of 1846. The principal feature of the town consists in its multitude of wharves and fishing stages, which entirely line the shore. The government wharf is a fine broad quay, open to the ac¬ commodation of the public. St John’s has repeatedly and severely suffered from fires. In 1815 a great amount of property was destroyed by a visitation of this sort. Other conflagrations took place in 1817 and 1818; and in 1846 the town was again almost destroyed by fire. 1 here are nine places of public worship of various denominations at St John’s, several school-houses, and numerous literary, scien¬ tific, and benevolent institutions. The town has a brewery, a distillery, a flour-mill, and a foundry. The number of vessels that entered the port in 1851 was 842, and their tonnage 103,016. Those that cleared in the same year were 703, and their tonnage 91,191. The trade of the place consists principally in the export of dried fish, and of seal, whale, and cod oil; and in the import of bread, flour, tea, sugar, and other necessaries of life. The resident population is about 19,000, and the fishermen amount to about 6000. The following table shows the quantities of dried cod and seal-oil exported from Newfoundland for each year from 1851 to 1855, a quintal of fish being 100 lb.:— Years. Dried cod. Seal-oil. 1851 1,017,152 quintals. 6968 tons. 1852 972,921 „ 7333 „ 1853 922,718 „ 8137 „ 1854 774,117 „ 5667 „ 1855 1,107,388 „ 3760 „ The number of vessels that entered in 1855 was 1185, and their tonnage 150,603 ; those that cleared were 1017, and their tonnage 137,513. The total value of the im¬ ports in the same year was L.1,152,804; and that of the exports L.1,142,212. The government of the island is in the hands of a lieutenant-governor, with a yearly salary of L.3000, assisted by an executive council, not exceeding seven in number, appointed by himself. The legislature consists of a legislative council, above ten and below fifteen in number, appointed by the Crown, and a house of as¬ sembly of thirty members, elected by the people. The constitution received its present form in 1854, and at the same time the system of responsible government was estab¬ lished. The public revenue in 1855 was L. 126,449, and the expenditure L. 120,926. The public debt of the colony in the same year amounted to a total of L.150,000. The judicial establishments of the island comprise a supreme court, composed of one chief and two assistant judges; and three circuit-courts for the Northern, Central, and Southern divisions of the island. No religious establish¬ ment is supported by the public funds, but the bishop of Newfoundland receives a salary of L.300 a-year from the N D L A N D. British Treasury, the remainder of the provision for the Newfound- episcopate being supplied by the Society for the Propaga- land. tion of the Gospel. There were in 1855 forty ministers v of the Protestant Episcopal church in Newfoundland and the coast of Labrador, and sixty-six churches. 1 he Ro¬ man Catholics, in the same year, had forty-nine churches ; the Wesleyans thirty-seven churches, forty preaching sta¬ tions and thirteen missionaries; and the Established Church of Scotland, the Free Church, and the Congrega- tionalists, had each a place of worship at St John’s. A con¬ siderable part of the public money is devoted to the pur¬ poses of education; and this sum amounted in 1855 to L.8871. The number of schools aided by these grants was 219, and the number of scholars 13,602. The sum expended for benevolent purposes in the same year was L.17,787; and the principal charitable institutions are an hospital and lunatic asylum at St John’s. When Newfoundland was first visited it was found to contain two distinct races of aborigines; the one termed Red Indians, and the other Esquimaux. Both are now almost extinct; the former, it is supposed, is entirely so, as deadly feuds were waged between them and the early settlers. Besides, the Mic-mac Indians, who were intro¬ duced into the island from Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, carried on with the Red Indians an exterminating war5> which proved far more fatal to them than the hostilities of the Europeans. A female of this tribe was captured in 1818, and from her a vocabulary of their language was ob¬ tained. Without dwelling upon the tradition which represents Newfoundland as having been settled at a very early period by one Biron, a sea-king or pirate of Iceland, we have authentic evidence of its re-discovery by John Cabot, on the 24th June 1497. Sailing under the commission of Henry VII. in these seas, he descried a headland, which, as a lucky omen, he called Bonavista, a name which it still retains. It was at that time inhabited by native Indians, three of whom he brought home, clothed in skins, and speaking a language which no person understood. It was afterwards visited by navigators from France and Portugal, who, reporting favourably of the abundance and excellency of its cod fishery, European fishermen were soon attracted to its coasts. In 1536 an English vessel attempted to win¬ ter upon the island, but the crew nearly perished from star¬ vation. Not deterred by this failure, however, nor by that of a former attempt, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, in 1583, landed on the island with 200 followers, and, under a patent of Queen Elizabeth, took quiet possession of the country. Being, however, desirous of prosecuting his discoveries, his crews became disaffected, and, having separated into two parties, one of them returned home. Most of those who followed him were lost in a gale of wind off the Sable Island, and the remainder perished, along with himself, on their voyage homewards. Subsequent attempts were made to explore and settle Newfoundland, but it was not until the year 1623 that the first colony was established under Sir George Calvert, afterwards Lord Baltimore. His son was made governor of the colony, which he named Avalon and soon afterwards proceeding thither himself, it increased and flourished under his auspices. Other individuals ob¬ tained grants of land; and, about the year 1654, fifteen settlements, comprehending 300 families, had been ma e on the island, notwithstanding the constant bickerings between the English and French, the latter having established a colony at Placentia. On the breaking out of the war after the accession of William III., these assume a more serious character, and, after various recrimina¬ tions, St John’s was compelled to surrender to the French in 1696. The captors set fire to the fort and town, and destroyed most of the British settlements. To repair these losses, our government despatched a squadron ; but I NEW New the cowardice of one commander, and the ignorance of Granada another, frustrated the design. The re-establishment of peace put an end to hostilities for the time ; but they were Hampshire.resume^ in 1702, during which year several of the French i settlements were destroyed, and a great many fishing-boats were burned or captured. In the following year an expe¬ dition miscarried, and this circumstance encouraged the French to attempt the conquest of the whole island in 1705. For this purpose 500 men were despatched from Canada to the assistance of the garrison of Placentia, who, though repulsed from St John’s, extended their ravages over the different settlements as far as Bonavista. In the year 1708 the French completely demolished the town of St John’s ; and, shortly afterwards, Carbonia, the only set¬ tlement ot consequence remaining in our hands, wras par¬ tially destroyed. From this time until the conclusion of the peace of Utrecht, the French remained in quiet pos¬ session of Newfoundland; but, by this treaty, the island, with all the adjacent ones, was declared to belong to Great Britain, the French being only allowed the use of the two islets of St Pierre and Miquelon. The revolutionary war in America occasioned fresh disputes as to the right of fishing upon the banks of Newfoundland. The New Eng¬ landers had hitherto enjoyed the right of taking fish, and on this being resisted, they retaliated, by refusing to supply the colony with many articles of provision upon which it depended. This dispute was settled by the treaty of Ver¬ sailles in 1 /83, by which it was stipulated that the inhabi¬ tants ot the United States should have liberty to take fish of every kind on the coast of Newfoundland, but not to dry or cure their fish upon the island. Pop. (1845) 96,864; (1850) estimated at more than 100,000. NEW GRANADA. See Granada, New. NEW HAMPSHIRE, one of the United States of North America, is bounded on the N. by Canada, E. and S.E. by Maine and the Atlantic Ocean, S. by Massa¬ chusetts, and W. by Vermont. It lies between 42. 41. and 45. 25. N. Eat., and between 70. 40. and 72. 35. W. Long.; extending in length about 185 miles, whilst its average breadth is about 50 miles, and its area is computed at 9280 miles. On the map its shape nearly resembles a wedge inserted between the states of Maine and Vermont, and having Massachusetts for its base. The line of coast is indented with small inlets of the sea, and skirted by a narrow sandy plain. At no great distance the country swells into a mountainous region, and New Hampshire has justly been called the “ State of Hills,” and also the “ Granite State.” Mount Washington, the highest peak of the White Mountain range, has a height of 6226 feet; and is thus, with the exception of Mount Mitchell, in North Carolina, the highest mountain in the Union E. of the Mississippi. Between the Merrimack and the Connecticut are situated many considerable mountains; the names of the principal heights being Monadnock, 3718 feet high; Kearsarge, 3067 feet; Car’s Mountain, 1381 feet; and Moosehillock, 4636 feet. As a whole, the physiognomy of New Hampshire is bold and prominent, and, although rugged, often sublime in the highest degree. The mountains of the state are in the centre, with a zone ol finely-diversified hill and dale country around, the hills consisting generally of stony and moist land, and affording excellent pasturage. The geological structure of the mountains of New Hampshire consists princqjally of granite and mica slate; the former predomi¬ nating among the White Mountains, and the latter among t ie e evations farther to the S. The mineral resources of the state are considerable. Iron has been found in great a umance in many parts of the country; and there are also mines of copper, tin, lead, and zinc. Granite is more abundant here than in any of the other states; and ne mai i e has bfeen found in considerable quantities, i he general slope of the state is from N. to S., and in 173 NEW that direction the most of the rivers flow. Of these the New principal are—the Connecticut, which forms the boundary Hampshire, between this state and that of Vermont; the Merrimack v-*-' flowing through the middle of the state ; the Piscataqua in the S.E.; and the Androscoggin, which flows for the greater part of its course in the state of Maine. The principal lake in New Hampshire is Lake Winnipiseogee, which is of an in egular shape, about 25 miles in length, and varying from 1 to 10 in breadth. Its depth is great, and the scenery is very picturesque and beautiful. There are also many smaller lakes, of which Umbagog, on the confines of Maine, Connecticut Lake, and Squam Lake, are the chief. The whole surface of the water in this state is estimated to amount to 110,000 acres. J he climate of New Hampshire is severe, but less variable than that of Maine and of the other northern states. The winters are long, and the snow lies from November till April, and sometimes till May; while the mountains are covered with snow for the greater part of the year. The spring is generally wet and foggy, but great heat is often experienced in the summer, when the thermometer sometimes stands above 100°. The soil is in general not very fertile; but the labour and industry of the people have succeeded in rendering it productive of many valuable crops. The richest portions are those along the banks of the rivers, especially the Connecticut. The uplands afford good pasture ground; and the whole country, notwithstanding its few natural advantages, has a rich and flourishing appearance. The lower slopes of the mountains are thickly covered with forests of oak, pine, beech, maple, walnut, &c.; while on the lower regions elm, ash, birch, poplar, and other trees abound. The amount of cultivated land in the state in 1850 was 2,251,488 acres; and during the year ending June 1, 1850, the produce was 185,658 bushels wheat; 183,117 rye; 1,573,670 maize; 973,381 oats ; 70,856 peas and beans ; 65,265 buckwheat; 70,256 barley; 4,304,919 potatoes; 1,108,476 lb. wool; 6,977,056 butter; 3,196,o63 cheese; 257,174 hops; 7652 flax; 1,298,863 maple sugar; 117,140 bees’wax and honey; 598,854 tons hay; L.51,781 orchard produce; and L.11,833 market-garden produce. The number of horses in the same year was 34,233 ; milch cows, 94,277; working oxen, 59,02 /; other cattle, 114,606; sheep, 384,756; and swine, 63,487; while the total value of live stock in the state was L.1,848,310. The state of New Hampshire is actively engaged in manufactures; for which great conveniences are afforded by the water power which is furnished by the different rivers and streams. There were in 1850,3301 manufactories in the state, of which 44 were cotton factories, employing 2911 male, and 9211 female hands, having a capital of L.2,280,000, consuming L. 1,008,210 of raw material, and producing 113,106,247 yards of cotton and 140,700 lb. of yarn, valued at L.1,839,708; 61 woollen factories, employing 926 male, and 1201 female hands, having a capital of L.507,850, consuming L.264,023 of raw material, and producing 9,712,840 yards of cloth and 165,200 lb. of yarn, valued at L.443,277; 29 iron-foun¬ dries, furnaces, &c., employing 390 hands, having a capital L.49,/00, consuming L.39,073 of raw material, and pro¬ ducing 6074 tons of iron, valued at L.80,850; and 163 tanneries, having a capital of L.92,076, consuming L.l 12,867 of raw material, and producing leather valued at L.187,586. Ship-building is carried on to a considerable extent in New Hampshire; and the number of vessels built in 1852 was 14, with an aggregate tonnage of 9515. The whole of the vessels owned in the state in the same year had a tonnage ol 24,891, of which 2283 tons were engaged in the cod and mackerel fishing. The trade of the state is very incon¬ siderable, as there is only one port of entry in the state, viz., Portsmouth; while there are few rivers capable of affording facilities for inland navigation. The tonnage of the vessels that entered in 1850 was 11,044; of those that 174 NEW NEW New cleared 8213. The number of vessels built in the state in v amps the year ending June 30, 1856 was 10, and their tonnage v~"- 10,395. Ihe total value of exports for the same year was L.1097, and of imports L.5068. The government of the state is in the hands of a gover¬ nor, who is appointed annually by the people, and has a salary of L.208. He is assisted by an executive council of 5 members; and there is also a senate of 12, and a house of representatives of 286 members, popularly elected. The judicial establishment consists of a supreme court, composed of a chief justice and four associates, and of a court of com¬ mon pleas, having one chief justice and two associates. Ihe supreme court has exclusive jurisdiction in criminal cases; and there is a right of appeal to it from the court of common pleas in civil cases where the matter in dispute exceeds L.20 in value. For legal purposes, the state is divided into five districts, in each of which the supreme court holds two annual terms. The amount of the public income for the year ending June 2, 1857, was L.43,636, and the expenditure for the same year was L.40,187. The total value of the taxable property in New Hampshire in 1856 was L.25,239,460; and in June 1857 the total num¬ ber of banks in the state was 52, their aggregate capital L.1,048,185, and their circulation L.741,302. There were also at that time 20 savings-banks, of which the deposits were L.802,115, and the total means L.843,332. There are numerous railways in the state, crossing it in various directions, and communicating with the principal towns of New England. The total length of all the lines in opera¬ tion in January 1857 was 480 miles. There are also seve¬ ral canals in New Hampshire; and telegraphs have been established between the principal towns. The number of churches in the state in 1850 was 602, being one for every 528 inhabitants ; and of these the Baptists owned 180; the Christians 23; the Congregationalists 172; the Episco¬ palians 11; the Quakers 15 ; the Methodists 99; the Pres¬ byterians 13; the Union Church 32; the Unitarians 13; the Universalists 36, &c. The total value of church pro¬ perty was L.291,995. The interests of education in the state are committed to the care of a board of commissioners from the several counties. The number of scholars in 1856 during the winter was 67,103; and in summer 58,203. The number of teachers was 1077 male, and 3042 female. The amount of money raised by taxation for schools was L.44,230; and the whole amount expended for district schools during the year 1856 was L.53,908. There were, in the same year, 89 academies and private schools in the state; and also a college at Hanover, with 16 professors, 251 students, and a library of 31,900 volumes; three theological schools belonging to Methodists, Congregation- ahsts, and Baptists, having in all 99 students; and one medical school, having 5 professors, and 50 students. The principal charitable institution of the state is the lunatic asylum at Concord, which was opened in 1843, and has at present 170 inmates. It is supported by the public funds; and the receipts in 1857 amounted to L.5638 and the expenditure to L.5502. There is also a house of re¬ formation for female and juvenile offenders, and a state prison at Concord. The earliest settlements in this part of the country were made by Mason and Gorges, who obtained in 1622, from James I., a grant of the land between the Merrimack and the Kennebec; and, in the following year colonies were planted at Portsmouth and Dover. In 164l’ the colonists placed themselves under the protection of Massachusetts, of which colony they continued to form a part until 1679, when their country became a royal pro¬ vince. It was, however, afterwards united with Massachu¬ setts ; and was finally, in 1749, made an independent colony. New Hampshire suffered very much at one period from the inroads of the Indians; but having escaped this danger, t le colony rapidly increased in wealth and population. Although this state took an active part in the war of New the American revolution, no important battles were fought Haven within its territory, either at that time, or during the war || of 1812. The capital of the state is Concord. Pop. ^ewhaven. (1850) 317,976. NEW HAVEN, a town of the United States of North America, state of Connecticut, pleasantly situated on a plain at the head of New Haven Bay, an inlet of Lono- Island Sound, 76 miles N.E. of New York, and 160 S.W. of Boston. The plain on which it stands slopes gradually to the sea, and is bounded on the other three sides by hills, which on the E. and W. form steep and rugged precipices, from 300 to 400 feet high. Three small rivers traverse the plain from N. to S.; the Quinepiack on the E., the Mill River which joins the former near its mouth, and the West River; and these rivers are crossed by several bridges. The town is regularly laid out, and very handsomely built; the streets are broad, and in general lined with rows of fine elms; and in the centre there is a public park, surrounded and intersected by numerous avenues of elms. On account of this conspicuous feature, New Haven has been called the “ City of Elms.” There are also several other squares ; and the public burial-ground is beautifully adorned with trees, shrubs, and flowers. 1 he state house is a handsome building of brick, covered with stucco, in the Grecian style, and contains halls for the legislature and courts of law. There are about 22 churches, many of which are re¬ markable for neatness and elegance. Of these 8 are Con¬ gregational, 4 Episcopal, 4 Methodist, 2 Baptist, 2 Roman Catholic, 1 Universalist, and 1 Jewish synagogue. There is also a handsome state hospital, built of stone, and placed on a rising ground. Yale College, which is next to Har¬ vard, the principal university in the United States, was founded in 1700, and transferred to New Haven in 1717. It has extensive buildings, partly of brick and partly of stone; and that which contains the library is a handsome Gothic structure. It has 24 professors, 365 students, and a library of 63,500 volumes. There are at present five departments in this college—those of arts, divinity, medicine, law, and science. Yale College has a valuable museum of mineralogy and geology, which is the finest of the sort in the United States, and surpassed by few in the world. New Haven has also numerous schools which enjoy a high reputation, and several literary and scientific societies. It is connected by railway with the principal places in the surrounding country; and steamers ply daily between this and New York. The railway station for all the lines that lead to the town is a handsome building of brick with towers. The harbour is large and safe, but the shallowness of the water prevents the entrance of large vessels; and, though a long quay has been built into the centre, the continual accumulation of sand at the bottom has neutralized all the benefit that might have been derived from this erec¬ tion. The trade of the port is chiefly with the West In¬ dies, and mules form one of the principal articles of export. I he number of vessels that entered from foreign parts in the year ending June 30, 1852, was 110, and the tonnage 21,356; those that cleared were 108, and the tonnage 20,580. The manufactures of the town are considerable; and the principal articles produced are carriages, clocks, India-rubber goods, boots, shoes, and hardware. Pop. (1850) 22,529; (1853) about 23,000. NEWHAVEN, a village of Scotland, county of Mid- Lothian, on the shore of the Firth of Forth, 2 miles N. of Edinburgh. It consists for the most part of poor houses, inhabited by a fishing population; but there have been recently erected many handsome houses and villas, which are chiefly used as seaside residences. There are here an Established and a Free church; and a stone pier, which is convenient for small fishing-boats. Pop. 2103. Newhaven, a town and parish of England, county ot NEW tfew Ire- Sussex, near the mouth of the Ouse, 8 miles E.S.E. of land Brighton. It has a parish church, a dissenting church, and II a national school. The harbour has recently been much few Jer- jmproved, and it is now considered the best between the e^' j Downs and the Isle of Wight. Steam-packets sail regularly from this to Dieppe, performing the passage in four or five hours. Pop. (1851) 1260. NEW IRELAND, an island in the South Pacific Ocean, between S. Lat. 2. 40. and 4. 52.; E. Long. 150. 30. and 152. 50. It is separated from New Britain on the S.W. by St George’s Channel, and from New Hanover on the N.W. by Byron’s Straits. It is about 200 miles long by 12 in average breadth; and the coasts are indented by several small harbours. The surface is hilly, the elevations attain¬ ing a height of 1500 or 2000 feet; but they are all covered with forests of bread-fruit, cocoa, and other trees. The lower parts are well cultivated, and produce the sugar-cane, the banana, yams, &c. Dogs, pigs, and turtles, are the chief animals. The inhabitants, like those of the neighbouring island of New Britain, belong to the race of Australian negroes. For a description of them see Australasia. Fancy woods and tortoise-shell seem to be the only articles of commercial value to be obtained in this island. NEW JERSEY, one of the United States of North America, lying between N. Lat. 38. 55. and 41. 21., and W. Long. 73. 58. and 75. 29.; and bounded on the N. by New York; E. by the Hudson River and Staten Sound, which separate it from New York, and by the Atlantic; S.E. by the Atlantic; S.W. by Delaware Bay; and W. by the River Delaware, which separates it from the states of Delaware and Pennsylvania. Its length from N. to S. is about 168 miles; its breadth varies from 37 to 70 miles ; and its area is 8320 square miles. The northern part of the state is hilly, being crossed from S.W. to N.E. by several branches of the Alleghany ridge. Of these the principal are,—the Blue Mountains in the extreme N.W., Schooley’s Mountain, the Trowbridge range, and First Mountain, further to the S.E. These hills, though not remarkable for their height, present in general a bold and picturesque appear¬ ance, and inclose beautiful and fertile valleys, containing some of the best land in the state. The west bank of the Hudson is skirted for the length of 20 miles by a ridge of rocks called the Palisades or Cloister Hill, which in some places rises steeply above the river to the height of 200 feet. The middle part of the state is the most agricultural portion, and has a rich and beautiful appearance. That part of New Jersey which lies S. of Trenton and Raritan Bay consists of a flat sandy plain, never rising above 60 feet from the sea level, except to the S.E. of Raritan Bay, where the Nevisink Hills rise to the height of 300 or 400 feet, and present a conspicuous object to the navigator as he leaves the harbour of New York. From the low sandy promontory called Sandy Hook, opposite to the entrance of New York Harbour, to Cape May, which forms the eastern boundary of Delaware Bay, the whole coast con¬ sists of a low sandy shore, having in some places, inlets and long, narrow, and shallow lagoons. The heavy surf of the Atlantic is constantly beating against this beach, and the form of the coast-line is being constantly changed. The principal inlets on this coast are Barnegat Bay, Little Egg Harbour, Gieat Bay, and Great Egg Harbour. Further inland there is a tract of salt marsh, which gradually gives place to the sandy plain of the interior. The shores of Delaware Bay are skirted by a similar salt marsh ; but along the left bank of the River Delaware the land is more ele¬ vated, and a branch of the mountains of Pennsylvania crosses the river at Trenton, and forms, by a ledge of rock over which the waters roll, the Falls of Trenton. I he rivers of New Jersey, with the exception of the Hudson and Delaware, which merely bound the state, are not of great size. The Hackensack from the north, and NEW 175 the Passaic, which follows a circuitous course from the New Jer- west, fall into Newark Bay ; the former being navigable for 8ey* small vessels to the distance of 15 miles, and the latter to that of 10 miles from the sea. The Passaic is remarkable for its falls near the village of Paterson, which are situated in the midst of wild and beautiful scenery; but the volume of water has been much diminished by being carried off for mills, and it is only in times of flood that the full magni¬ ficence of the cataract can be seen. The Raritan, from the west of the state, falls into the bay of the same name, and is navigable for 17 miles ; the Great and Little Egg Har¬ bour rivers fall into the Atlantic, and the Maurice falls into Delaware Bay, each being navigable for about 20 miles; and there are also numerous rivers, but none navigable, which discharge themselves into the Delaware. The hills in the north of the state consist for the most part of sand¬ stone towards the west, and of gneiss towards the east; while in the valleys of this region are found strata of slate, sandstone, and limestone. The central and southern re¬ gions belong to the chalk formation, and contain beds of marl, which are of great value for manure. Besides these, the mineral riches of New Jersey consist of iron, which occurs in great abundance in various forms ; copper, containing in some places silver ore ; zinc, of which the mines in this state are among the richest in the Union; slate, marble, limestone, and granite. The soil of the country varies con¬ siderably in different parts; the central and southern re¬ gions, though not naturally rich in soil, may be easily made to produce excellent crops of wheat, maize, and potatoes ; while the northern portions, though not very fertile, are well adapted both for agriculture and pasturage. The cold¬ ness of the climate is moderated in the south by the neigh¬ bourhood of the ocean ; while in the north it resembles that of the south of the state of New York and the north of Pennsylvania. The mean temperature at Lambertville of the warmest month (July) for the year ending 30th June 1852 was 820,43; that of the coldest month (January), 30o,74. The greatest heat in the same year was 97°, the greatest cold 16°‘5, and the mean temperature of the year 57°'82. The central and southern parts of the state con¬ tain extensive forests of pine, much of which is used for charcoal, and sold at Philadelphia. There are also cedar swamps in the south of New Jersey; and the principal other trees that occur here are oak, hickory, sycamore, dogwood, &c. The quantity of cultivated land in the state in 1850 was 1,767,991 acres; and the produce in that year com¬ prised 1,601,190 bushels of wheat, 1,255,578 of rye, 8,759,704 of maize, 3,378,063 of oats, 14,174 of peas and beans, 3,715,261 of potatoes, 874,934 of buckwheat, 91,331 of grass seeds, 375,396 lb. of wool, 9,487,210 of butter, 565,756 of cheese, 182,965 of flax, 156,694 of bees’ wax, 453,950 tons of hay, L.126,511 worth of orchard produce, and L.99,006 worth of market produce. The number of horses in New Jersey in the same year was 63,955 ; of milch cows, 118,736 ; of working oxen, 12,070 ; of other cattle, 80,455 ; of asses and mules, 4089; of sheep, 160,488 ; of swine, 250,370; and the total value of the live stock was L.2,224,848. The state of New Jersey is, con¬ sidering its population, extensively engaged in manufactur¬ ing industry. In 1850 there were 4374 manufactories, each annually producing goods to the value of L.100 and up¬ wards. Of these, 21 were cotton factories, employing 616 male and 1096 female hands, having a capital of L.309,060, consuming L.138,880 worth of raw material, and producing 8,122,580 yards of cloth, and 2,000,000 lb. of yarn, valued at L.301,148; 41 woollen factories, employing 411 male, and 487 female hands, having a capital of L.102,970, con¬ suming L. 114,296 worth of raw material, and producing 771,100 yards of cloth, and 350,000 lb. of yarn, valued at L.242,590; 108 furnaces, forges, &c., employing 1996 hands, having a capital of L.536,891, consuming L.198,894 Govern¬ ment. NEW worth of raw material, and producing 42,452 tons of cast and wrought iron, valued at L.390,881 ; 133 tanneries, with a capital of L.119,342, consuming L.88,237 worth of raw material, and producing leather valued at L.150,928 ; be¬ sides numerous breweries and distilleries, producing 34,750 barrels of ale, and 1,250,530 gallons of whisky and wine. The state of New Jersey, as it lies directly between the two largest cities of the United States, New \ork, and Philadelphia, is traversed by several lines of railway, which have in general for their object the connection of New York with Pennsylvania. In January 1857 the length of the railways in the state was 492 miles. There are also several canals, the total length of which amounts to 145 miles. The foreign trade of New Jersey is not very great; for, though it is bordered on one side by the sea, and on two sides by navigable rivers, and though there are several sea¬ ports within its limits, the neighbouring great cities and harbours of New York and Philadelphia carry off most of the direct commerce to these places. The exports for the year ending June 30, 1856, amounted to L.80, and the im¬ ports for the same year were L.576. There is, however, an important internal and transit trade carried on through this state. The number of ships built in the state in the same year was 75, and their tonnage 9543. There were, in January 1857, 46 banks, with an aggregate capital of L.1,371,406, and a circulation of L.991,533. The executive power in the state is in the hands of a governor, who is elected by the people for three years, and has a salary of L.374 and fees. The legislature consists of a senate, elected for three years, composed of one member from each county ; and a house of representatives, composed of sixty members, annually elected. The judiciary consists of a supreme court, composed of a chief and six associate justices, who are appointed for a period of seven years by the governor, with the consent of the senate. There are also a court of errors and appeals, consisting of a chancellor, the judges of the supreme court; and six others, appointed in the same way for six years; a court of chancery, over which the chancellor presides ; circuit-courts, and courts of oyer and terminer, held thrice a year in each county by the judges of the supreme court; and courts of common pleas. New Jersey sends five members to the House of Representatives of the United States. The public revenue for 1856 was L.37,804, and the expenditure for the same year L.37,506. Kelipion, The number of churches in the state in 1850 was 807, education, 0f which 107 belonged to Baptists, 66 to the Dutch Re¬ formed Church, 51 to the Episcopalians, 52 to the Quakers, 312 to the Methodists, 146 to the Presbyterians, and 21 to the Roman Catholics. The proportion of churches to the whole population is 1 to every 606 inhabitants. The whole value of church property in the same year was L.737,588. The educational establishments of the state consist of 3 colleges, having in all 72 professors, 460 students, and 33,000 volumes in their libraries ; theological seminaries of the Presbyterian and Dutch Reformed Churches; besides numerous lower schools, at which, in 1856, 125,035 out of 176,350 children between 3 and 18 were educated. The whole number of teachers in the same year was 1942; and the total amount of funds raised for purposes of education was L. 107,132. The principal benevolent institution of New Jersey is the state lunatic asylum, at Trenton, con¬ taining 233 patients in 1856. There is also, at the same place, a state prison. History. The earliest settlements in this country were made by the Dutch, not long after their arrival in 'New York, be¬ tween 1614 and 1624. These were planted in the east of the district, between the Hudson and Delaware ; the whole of which was claimed by the Dutch, although the Swedes had made some settlement in the western part of the same country. These claims were, however, disregarded by the New Orleans. N E W British; for, in 1664, Charles II. granted to the Duke of Newmarket York the whole of this country, and in the same year the duke sold it to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, in honour of the latter of whom, a native of Jersey, it re- , ceived the name which it still bears. The Dutch again got possession of it in 1673, but resigned it on the conclusion of peace in the following year. New Jersey escaped the inroads of the savage tribes which desolated and afflicted most of the older colonies ; but, in the war of the Revolu¬ tion, it was the scene of several victories gained by the Americans, in most of which Washington was present. Among these were the battle of Princeton in 1776, and that of Monmouth in 1778. The state is divided into 20 counties; and had in 1850 a population of 489,555. NEWMARKET, a market-town of England, partly in the county of Cambridge, and partly in that of Suffolk, is pleasantly situated at the foot, and on the gently sloping side of a valley, 13 miles E. by N. of Cambridge, and 61 N. by E. of London. There is one principal street, about three quarters of a mile long, only partially paved, but lined with good houses, most of them modern, and many very handsome. It has a market-house, two parish churches, one of which is a fine building, Independent and Methodist churches, a national and other schools, and a savings-bank. Malt and beer are the chief manufactures. The principal importance of Newmarket, however, is derived from horse¬ racing, for which it is the most famous place in the country. The race-course is about 3 miles to the west of the town, and is between 4 and 5 miles in length. There is also a training ground on the slope of a hill to the south of New¬ market, and the town contains no less than fifteen training establishments for horses. Races seem to have been esta¬ blished here as early as the end of the sixteenth century; and soon afterwards, in the reign of James L, they became a fashionable amusement. A house was erected at New¬ market for the accommodation of that monarch, which was destroyed during the civil war, and restored in the time of Charles II. Part of it still remains, but the rest has been pulled down. Seven races are held during the year, which attract a large number of visitors. Pop. (1851) 3356. NEW ORKNEY, a group of islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, lying between 60. and 61. S. Lat., about 675 miles S.E. of Cape Horn. The principal island is called Mainland or Pomona, and another, called Saddle Island, has a lofty mountain, known by the name of Noble’s Peak, which is visible from a distance of nearly 70 miles. The islands are all covered with high and rugged hills; and there are found here large numbers of seals, and immense flocks of sea-fowl. This group forms a part of New South Shetland. NEW ORLEANS, the commercial metropolis of Louis¬ iana, and of the south-western states of the American Union, is situated on the left bank of the Mississippi River, at a distance, by the windings of the river, of about 100 miles from its mouth; Lat. 29. 58. N., Long. 90. 7. W. The position being one of commanding commercial im¬ portance, when viewed in connection with the immense area of navigable waters (the shore lines of which, including both banks, being estimated to be 35,000 miles in length) which find their outlet in this direction, the city has pro¬ gressed in despite of many natural disadvantages. The country in its immediate vicinity has been reclaimed by the industry of man, and there is little or no land on the banks of the river within the state of Louisiana, with an incon¬ siderable exception at Baton Rouge, which would not be covered by the waters of the Mississippi during a consider¬ able portion of the year, were it not for the artificial em¬ bankment which, at vast labour and expense, has been erected. This embankment or levee is 15 feet above low- water mark at New Orleans, or 6 feet above the level of the city, towards which it slopes almost imperceptibly, form- New Orleans. Public buildings, &c. Education, religion, &c. NEW ORLEANS. 177 ihg a crescent-shaped quay, several miles in length, which has scarcely a parallel in any part of the world for the advan¬ tages it affords for the landing and shipment of produce. Along this line for 6 or 7 miles, during the season of active business, may be seen dense forests of masts of vessels of every nation moored three or four deep. The city was originally laid out regularly in the form of a parallelogram, with a front of about half a mile on the river; but in its subsequent progress the same regularity has not been observed. In the modern portions, however, including the chief business parts, and what, until very lately, was known as Lafayette, the streets are generally wide, and the buildings large and commodious, displaying much taste and elegance. Within a few years numerous blocks of buildings for stores, four to six storeys in height, have been erected; and private residences, in the upper portions of the city and in the suburbs, are every day advancing in number and style. Airy verandahs, large and beautiful gardens, groves of ornamental trees, among which the orange and the lemon scatter their fragrance and exhibit their mellowed fruit, and the magnolia spreads its luxuriant shades, adorn and beautify the town. There are many spacious public squares, laid out with taste, and shaded with beautiful trees. In one of these, originally known as the Place D’Armes, but now changed to Jackson Square, shnib- bery and flowers abound; vases, statuettes, and busts crown the walks; and, in the centre, a bronze equestrian statue of the hero of New Orleans, the work of an American artist, rises to great height. Among the public buildings, the New Custom-House is most notable. It has been in course of construction about ten years, and will not be completed for two or three years more. It will cover an area greater than that of any public building in America, except perhaps the Federal Capitol, and will cost several millions of dollars. Among the finest buildings in the city are the Municipal Hall, Odd Fellows’ Hall, Merchant Exchange, United States’ Branch Mint, Charity Hospital, Mechanics’ Institute, New School of Medicine, University Buildings, New Ma¬ rine Hospital, and Widows’ Home; the St Charles and St Louis Hotels, City Hotel, banks, and Arcade ; and among the churches, the Cathedral, St Patrick’s, the Presbyterian church in Lafayette Square, the Episcopal in Canal Street, and the Independent in Camp Street. The numerous cotton-presses and markets are also on the largest scale, possessing no inconsiderable interest. The St Charles’ Hotel is one of the most imposing structures in America, and has been lately rebuilt upon the site of a similar building destroyed by fire. It is capable of accommodating 800 to 1000 guests, and is said to have been built at an expense of about L. 100,000. The public cemeteries are embel¬ lished and adorned in a style peculiar to the city. The educational statistics of New Orleans show a larger proportion of children at the public schools than either Cincinnati, Baltimore, or New York. The system has been some years in operation, and is highly honourable to the city. Upwards of LAO,000 are annually expended upon the public schools, and about 10,000 children are taught. The private schools are not so numerous as in other cities, and the means of acquiring an academical education are much circumscribed. A university has been located at New Orleans, with law, medical, and collegiate departments. Ihe medical college has been in existence since 1835, and has matriculated over 2000 students, the number being, in 1856, 200. 1 he law school was organized in 1847, and has an average of forty to fifty students. In the collegiate de¬ partment little has yet been accomplished, there being no sufficient organization or endowment. A chair of com¬ merce, founded by a merchant of New Orleans (Maunsel White), is a somewhat novel feature introduced into this university. Ihe subject of this university is again before the legislature of the state, and it is thought that efficient VOL. XYI. improvement will be the result. A new medical school, New established during the last year, affords much promise of Orleans, excellence, and numbers many students. The medical student has free and constant access to all the hospitals. Of these the Charity Hospital is the chief, and is the largest institution of the kind in America, and perhaps the most efficiently regulated. It is an immense building, ad¬ mirably arranged and ventilated, with handsome grounds, and acommodation for 1000 patients at one time. Amono- the other hospitals are the Naval, on the opposite bank of the river, Stone’s, the Franklin Infirmary, and a new mili¬ tary hospital in course of construction. There are at New Orleans an academy of sciences, which meets regularly for discussion and reports; a lyceum con¬ nected with the public schools, where lectures and addresses from distinguished men are frequently delivered ; and, con¬ nected with these schools, a library of 10,000 volumes, well selected, in all departments of literature and science. A free public library attached to the Mechanics’ Institute was lately destroyed by fire. Newspapers are published in the French, Spanish, and German languages, as well as in English. Two monthly medical journals, of established re¬ putation, are published; and De Bow’s Monthly Review, a periodical devoted to the exposition of the industry of the southern and western states. By the census of 1850 (but there have been many changes for the better since that time), it appeared there were 13 Roman Catholic, 1 Episcopal, 2 German Reformed, 1 Jewish, 5 Methodist, 4 Presbyterian, 1 Universalist, 1 Christian, and 2 other churches, with accommodation for 27,350 persons, or 23 per cent, of the population (Boston being capable of accommodating 56 per cent., and Charles¬ ton 67 per cent.). Total value of church property L.323,703, which is now swelled to about L.400,000. In proportion to population and wealth, there is no city Manufac- in America which produces so few manufactures as Newtures. Orleans. With the exception of a few foundries and ma¬ chine shops, no efforts in establishing factories on a large scale have been successful. This is owing to the cost of labour, the climate, and (as much as to either) a deficiency of capital. In 1850 the capital invested in manufactures was reported atL.618,675; hands employed, 3134; product, L.931,422. Nine schooners and ten steamers were built in Louisiana in 1856, of which nearly all were at New Orleans. It is the commerce of New Orleans which gives to the Commerce, city its distinctive character, and extends its reputation throughout the world. This commerce has been gradually extending from the humblest beginnings ; and so admirable is its position in this respect that, vast as is the present trade, it must continue to grow with the development and settlement of the great interior basin of which it is the mart. Railroads and canals may divert, as they are now diverting, large portions of her trade to the markets of the eastern states; but there will be left sufficient at all times to follow the natural channels, and add to the commercial opulence of New Orleans. Already is the city active in giving aid to such internal improvement schemes as will counteract the strokes of her enterprising rivals ; and, in a few years she has appropriated many millions of dollars for this purpose. At the time of the transfer of New Orleans to the Americans in 1803, its commerce was very inconsiderable. In 1817, 137,746 tons entered or cleared from New Or¬ leans; and there also arrived in the year 1500 flat-bot¬ tomed boats and 500 barges. The exportswere L.2,812,713; while in 1856 they amounted to L.30,053,346. The im¬ ports through the custom-house, for the fiscal year ending 30th June 1856, amounted in value to L.3,579,856. In the year ending 31st June 1856, the foreign exports of New Orleans reached L.16,786,798; being larger than those of any American port except New York, ana being about z 178 NEW NEW Newport, one-fourth of the whole exports of the Union. Excluding coin and bullion, New Orleans exports more largely of domestic goods than New York. The amount of cotton received at New Orleans, in the year 1855-6, amounted to 1,759,293 bales, or one-half of the whole crops of the United States, and was valued at L.14,660,772. In 1856 the total tonnage which entered and cleared at New Or¬ leans was 1,436,299. The total arrivals,—ships, 874; barks, 375 ; brigs, 261; schooners, 399; steamers, 234; total, 2143: besides steam-boats, 2956. In 1854 there were 5 banks in New Orleans, with a capital of L.3,306,348; 3 free banks, with a capital of L.560,157; and 2 other banks in liquidation. In 1856 the banking capital of New Orleans had not increased, and is believed to be inadequate to the wants of its commerce. Under the general banking law lately adopted it is believed there will be an amelioration. History New Orleans was founded in 1717 by Bienville, the and popu- governor of the province of Louisiana under the French, lation. jn 1769 fhg colony was transferred to Spain. Its popula¬ tion in 1785 reached 4780. Napoleon I. obtained it from Spain, and sold it to America in 1803, after it had been for many years the centre of intrigues and negotiations. On January 8,1815, was fought the battle of New Orleans, a few miles below the city, between General Jackson, at the head of the American forces, and the British under General Pakenham, ending in the defeat of the latter with a loss in killed and wounded of nearly 3000 men. The American loss was but 13. The laws, manners, and institutions, of the French and Spanish inhabitants of New Orleans are blended happily with those of the American, and all distinctions and prejudices are being gradually obliterated. The population in '1788 reached 5331; in 1797, 8056; in 1810, 17,240; in 1820,27,176; in 1830, 46,310; in 1840, 102,193; in 1850, 116,375 ; in 1856, about 125,000. Of the total po¬ pulation of 1850, 59,312 were white males, and 44,431 white females; 4104 free coloured males, and 6196 free coloured females; and 8012 male, and 11,595 female slaves. Of the same population (excluding slaves) 50,470 were born in foreign countries, and only 48,601 were born in the United States. (j. d. b. d® b.) NEWPORT, a municipal and parliamentary borough and market-town of England, county of Hants, in the Isle of Wight, on the left bank of the Medina, 18 miles S.S.E. of Southampton, and 82 S.S. W. of London. It is a neat well kept town, with good houses, chiefly built of brick, and has five principal streets, extending from E. to W., and several others crossing them at right angles. The parish church is a large and plain building, built in 1172, but fre¬ quently since then repaired and altered, though now in a somewhat dilapidated condition. In it was found in 1793 the coffin of the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I., who died at Carisbrook Castle, shortly after her father’s execu¬ tion. Newport has besides a modern Episcopal church, with an embattled tower; and Baptist, Independent, Wesleyan, Unitarian, Roman Catholic, and other churches. There are a handsome town-hall and market-house; a theatre; jail; grammar-school, founded in 1619, and remarkable as the scene of a conference between Charles I. and the Par¬ liamentary Commissioners ; several other schools; a public library, occupying one of the best buildings of the town ; almshouses ; and an infirmary. The industry of the town is chiefly employed in the making of lace, in which about 300 hands are engaged, and in the manufacture of imple¬ ments of agriculture. For the latter of these Newport is widely famed. The market of Newport, which is held on Saturday, attracts a large number of persons from all parts of the Isle of Wight; and the corn and other produce of the island are exported from this town; while coal, provisions, and manufactured goods are imported. The River Medina, here crossed by a bridge, is navigable for small vessels as far as the town, which the tide nearly reaches. There is a quay in front of the town for the accommodation of Newport ships. In the neighbourhood of Newport there are some v „ beautiful walks ; and a fine view of the surrounding country may be obtained from a hill, called Mountjoy, to the S. of the town. The borough returns two members to the House of Commons. Pop. parliamentary borough (1851), 8047. Newpokt, a municipal and parliamentary borough and market-town of England, in the county of Monmouth, is situated on the right bank of the River Usk, which is here crossed by a fine stone bridge about 5 miles above its mouth, and 20 miles S.W. of Monmouth. The older parts are irregularly built, but other parts of it are of modern con¬ struction and of elegant appearance, and there are a number of handsome buildings. The parish church of St Woollos is an edifice in the Norman style, of which the nave and western archway are still well preserved in their original form ; while the aisles are not older than the middle of the fifteenth century. Newport has two other Episcopal, besides Wesleyan and Calvinistic Methodist, Independent, Roman Catholic, and Baptist churches; several schools; an athe¬ naeum ; a mechanics’ institute ; a working-man’s institute ; a dispensary; and a savings-bank. The town-hall and the post-office are handsome buildings, which have been recently erected. Ship-building is carried on to a great extent here; and there are also several iron foundries, a large nail-work, manufactories of anchors, chain-cables, &c. Newport has a spacious dock, which is able at all times to admit vessels of any size. The number of vessels regis¬ tered as belonging to the port in 1856 was 92, and their tonnage 16,280. During the year 1856 there entered the port:—In the coasting trade, 1544 sailing vessels, tonnage 86,246; and 468 steamers, tonnage 34,298 : in the colonial trade, 70 sailing vessels, tonnage 17,040; and 1 steamer, tonnage 602: in the foreign trade, 461 sailing vessels, tonnage 96,334; and 2 steamers, tonnage 1200—in all, 2075 sailing vessels, tonnage 199,620; and 471 steamers, tonnage 36,000. In the same year there cleared:—In the coasting trade, 6777 sailing vessels, tonnage 414,002; and 269 steamers, tonnage it,259: in the colonial trade, 151 sailing vessels, tonnage 39,019: in the foreign trade, 898 sailing vessels, tonnage 183,440; and 5 steamers, tonnage 2828—in all, 7826 sailing vessels, tonnage 636,461 ; and 274 steamers, tonnage 20,087. Thus the total number of vessels entered in that year was 2546, tonnage 135,620; of those that cleared the number was 8100, and the tonnage 656,548. The town is connected with Gloucester, Cardiff, and Pontypool by railway, and with the last of these places also by the Monmouthshire Canal, which facilitates the intercourse with the neighbouring country. The trade of Newport is very extensive; the chief exports being coal, iron, and tin; while timber, provisions, and other articles are imported from America. The principal market-day is Saturday, and there are several annual fairs. Of the Castle of Newport, which is supposed to have been built by the Earl of Gloucester, a son of Henry L, only a square tower and a part of the great hall now remain, and are at present employed as a brewery. Newport was attacked in 1839 by a body of Chartists under John Frost; but the ringleaders were afterwards convicted of treason, though the punish¬ ment was commuted to transportation. The borough unites with Monmouth in sending a member to Parliament. Pop. parliamentary borough (1851), 19,842. Newport, a municipal borough and market-town of England, county of Salop, on the borders of Staffordshire, 16 miles E.N.E. of Shrewsbury, and 142 N.W. of London. It is a small town, and has a parish church, part of which is of the fifteenth century, and which would be very beau¬ tiful in the interior were it not for the brick side aisles which have been added in more recent times. There are also Roman Catholic and Independent churches, two free schools, two sets of almshouses, and a savings-bank. The NEW Newport only manufacture carried on here is that of stockings. Pop. I! (1851)2906. Parnell** NEWPORT, or Newport- Tip, a market-town of Ireland v g > the county of Tipperary, 11 miles N.N.E. of Limerick; v has a parish church, a Roman Catholic church, a national school, and infantry barracks. Pop. (1851) 1114. Newport, a seaport of the United States of North America, in the state of Rhode Island, is beautifully situ¬ ated on the slope of a hill on the W. side of the island, 28 miles S. by E. of Providence. It is well built; and has recently been considerably improved in this respect. The principal buildings are—the state house, a brick edifice, hav¬ ing an octagonal cupola, and containing accommodation for the state legislature and courts of law; a library and athe¬ naeum ; a custom-house ; a market-house; a masonic hall; an armoury; 15 churches of various denominations; and numerous fine hotels. Previously to the American Revo¬ lution, Newport was of great importance as a commercial city, and rivalled in that respect those of New York and Boston ; but it suffered greatly during the war that followed that event; and, at its close, the population was reduced from 10,000 to 5500. The vessels belonging to the port in 1852 had an aggregate tonnage of 11,000 enrolled and licensed ; of which 1851 tons were employed in the whale fishery, 3/85 in the coasting trade, 560 in cod and mackerel fishing, and 255 in steam navigation. The vessels that entered in that year were 28, and their tonnage 4863 ; those that cleared were 20, and their tonnage 4337. The town has 7 banks, with an aggregate capital" of L. 130,000, and a savings-institution, whose deposits amount to L.60,791. There are also several woollen and cotton factories, and 5 newspaper offices, in the town. The assessed value of tax¬ able property is about L. 1,000,000. Newport, on account of its beautiful situation and mild climate, is a favourite summer resort, especially for visitors from the south. There is here a curious ancient structure of unknown origin, and equally mysterious in the purpose for which it was designed. It is a round building, 28£ feet high, and 23£ in diameter; and, in its lower part, it has 8 pillars about 10 feet in height. The walls are about 18 inches thick, and are pierced by 3 small loopholes. 4 here is also a fireplace and chimney; but the roof and floors have disappeared. Some have sup¬ posed this to be a religious edifice, built by the Northmen ; and others that the original settlers used it as a place of defence against the Indians: but these are mere conjec¬ tures, and no certain knowledge can be obtained about its origin or use. Pop. (1850) 9563; (1853) about 10,000. Newport, a seaport of Wales, in the county of Pem¬ broke, on the slope of a hill near the mouth of the Nevern, 7 miles E.N.E. of Fishguard. The streets are mean and irregular; and the whole place has a very decayed appear¬ ance. In the neighbourhood there are some Druidical re¬ mains ; and the town has the ruins of an old castle, built by the Normans in the thirteenth century, but afterwards destroyed by Llewelyn. Newport has an old parish church, and others belonging to Baptists, Independents, and Metho¬ dists, as well as several schools. Limekilns, malt-houses, carding and flour mills are in operation; and, by means of the harbour, which is secure, the export of slates, and the im¬ port of coal, timber, &c., is carried on. Pop. (1851) 1716. Newport-Pagnell, a market-town of England, county of Buckingham, is situated near the confluence of the Ouse and Ousel, 48 miles N.N.W. of London. The latter river divides the town into two parts, and is crossed by an iron bridge, built in 1810. The parish church is a large ancient budding, with a square tower and pinnacles. There are also Baptist, Independent, and Methodist churches; several schools; almshouses; a circulating library; and a savings- bank. The only manufacture here is that of lace, and even that is not so largely carried on as formerly; but there is some trade in corn, coal, and timber. Pop. (1851) 3312. NEW 179 NEWRY, a parliamentary burgh and seaport of Ireland Newry on the borders of the counties of Down and Armagh, is II beautifully situated in the valley traversed by the river of the ^ew same name, not far from its mouth in Carlingford Bay 32 Wales* miles S.S.W. of Belfast, and 63 N. of Dublin. It consists of a fine square, and several good and well-paved streets lined with well-built and handsome houses chiefly of brick. The parish church is a fine modern building of early English architecture, with a tower and spire 190 feet. high. There are also Presbyterian, Independent, Methodist, and Roman Catholic churches ; a town-hall, court-house, two jails, cus¬ tom-house, infantry barracks, assembly-room, fever hospital, dispensary, and workhouse. The manufactures are exten¬ sive, consisting of beer, brandy, leather, linen, cordage, cotton, glass, iron, brass, coaches, &c. The trade of the place is also considerable, especially in the export of butter, eggs, provisions, and cattle, and the import of coals, iron, &c. The river, which is here crossed by four stone bridges, ad¬ mits vessels of 600 tons burden up to the town, and those of 1000 tons to within 6 miles of it. There is also a ship- canal leading to the sea, and a boat-canal to Lough Neagh, which is 32 miles distant. The number of ships registered at the port, 31st December 1856, was 114, and their tonnage 6648. In that year there entered the port coastwise, 793 sailing vessels, tonnage 47,495 ; and 254 steamers, tonnage 42,115. From the colonies, 16 sailing vessels, tonnage 7306; from foreign parts, 15 sailing vessels, tonnage 2535—in all, 824 sailing vessels, tonnage 57,336; and 254 steamers, ton¬ nage 42,115. In the same year there cleared, coastwise, 278 sailing vessels, tonnage 15,111; and 250 steamers, ton¬ nage 42,945: for the colonies, 5 sailing vessels, tonnage 2401 : for foreign parts, 4 sailing vessels, tonnage 1962— in all, 287 sailing vessels, tonnage 19,474 ; and 250 steamers, tonnage 42,945. Steamers ply regularly twice a-week be¬ tween this town and Liverpool, a distance of 153 miles. Newry is a place of great antiquity, and a Cistercian abbey was founded here in 1157 by Maurice M‘Loughlin, king of Ireland. The name of the town is supposed to have been derived from the number of yew-trees which grew here, and two especially within the limits of the abbey which was called in Irish Na yar (“ of the yew-trees”). After the Reformation, the abbey was granted to Sir Nicholas Bagnal, marshal of Ireland, who converted it into a dwelling-house, erected a church and castle, and rebuilt the town. Newry formerly sent two members to the Irish, and now sends one to the imperial Parliament. Pop. 1851)13,191. NEW SOUTH SHETLAND, a group of islands in the Antarctic Ocean, lying between S. Lat. 60.32. and 67.13., and W. Long. 44. 53. and 68. 15.; about 600 miles S.S.E. of Cape Horn. They are twelve in number, and extend for a distance of 300 miles from N.N.E. to S.S.W., being bounded on the S. by a broad strait called Bransfield Strait, separating them from an extensive country which appa¬ rently lies near the S. pole. The islands are rocky and mountainous, having some peaks between 6000 and 7000 feet high. They are covered with snow for nearly the whole year, and the only vegetation that is found in these desolate regions consists of lichens and mosses, and some scanty grass, which appear in a few tracts of the islands in the warmest time of the year. They are of volcanic for¬ mation, and some of the mountains are covered with scoriae and lava; while hot springs have been discovered rising from among the snow with a temperature of not less than 146°. The only animals that are found on these islands are sea-fowls, of which the albatross, the penguin, and the sea- cormorant are the principal. Whales and seals of different kinds are found in the seas; and the islands are fre¬ quently visited for the purpose of taking these animals. New South Shetland was discovered in 1819 by Captain Smith. L NEW SOUTH WALES. See Australia. 180 News¬ papers. Legal de¬ finition of a news¬ paper. Contrasted character of the newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries. NEWSPAPERS. In popular language the term “ Newspapers” has a more restricted application than is given to it in the language of the law. Its use is confined, or almost con¬ fined, to such periodical publications as contain more or less of political intelligence, published at short in¬ tervals ; whilst in the phraseology of the British statutes and law-books the word “ Newspaper” is defined to include —(1.) “Any paper containing public news, intelligence, or occurrences, printed in any part of the United King¬ dom, to be dispersed and made public;” (2.) Any paper, printed at intervals, not exceeding twenty-six days, of which advertisements are the sole or principal contents; and (3.) “Any paper containing any public news, intelligence, or occurrences, or any remarks or observations thereon, printed in any part of the United Kingdom for sale, and published periodically, or in parts or numbers, at intervals not exceeding twenty-six days between the publication of any two such papers” (provided such paper shall not exceed in dimensions and bulk two sheets of paper, each twenty- one inches in length, by seventeen inches in breadth ; and provided also that such paper shall be published for sale for a less sum than sixpence). These definitions and provisos were enacted with reference to duties which have since been repealed, but they have still the force of law, although within smaller limits. And to this cause it is owing that publications, which none of their readers would speak of as “ newspapers,” still continue to bear that de¬ signation in the official returns of the Stamp-Office and the Post-Office. The elaborate machinery, the wide circulation, and the vast influence of newspapers, are now such familiar things, that it needs some mental effort to conceive of their absence, without an undue depreciation of the public opinion of the days when newspapers were unknown. It is even difficult thoroughly to apprehend the facts that those days are little more than two centuries removed from us, and that the newspaper of a period considerably less distant than one century, was utterly unlike any publication that now bears the name. A few men, indeed, of high principle and vigorous intellect,—of some of whom we shall have to speak hereafter,—earlier employed themselves in political writings, which were periodically issued ; but those writers were rather pamphleteers than journalists. The true predecessors of the broad-sheets of our own day were for the most part little better than court newsmen, slen¬ derly endowed even as respects syntax and orthography, who were usually content to retail meagre intelligence in dis¬ jointed paragraphs, without a syllable of useful comment or intelligible inference ; and of whom not a few were in the habit of filling up occasional blanks by the insertion of false news on one day, and the contradiction of it on another. In this article it will be our aim to indicate, how¬ ever briefly, the successive steps by which publications of such a class have been transformed into what even states¬ men are accustomed to honour with the name of a “fourth estate” of the realm ; to show in what manner the legis¬ lation affecting newspapers has been gradually amended in Great Britain, though by no means at an equal pace with the improvement of the press itself, and that this amend¬ ment of British law is pregnant with instruction for other countries; and, finally, to sketch, as far as our needful News- limits will permit, the growth and present statistics of lepers, newspapers in the principal countries of continental Europe, as well as in the United States of America. I.—THE NEWSPAPERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. The first journalists were the writers of “ news-letters.”The early Originally the dependents of great men, each employed in wrRers of keeping his own master or patron well-informed, during his absence from court, of all that transpired, the duty grew at length into a calling. The writer had his periodical subscription-list, and instead of writing a single letter, wrote as many letters as he had customers. Then one, more enterprising than the rest, established an “ intelligence- office,” with a staff of clerks,1 and thus realized in sober prose Chaucer’s poetical vision of The House of Fame:— “ When one had heard a thing, I wiss, He came straight to another wight, And ’gan him telling anon, right The same tale that to him was told. ****** Whether the tidings were sooth or false, Yet would he tell it natheless, And ever more with more increase Than it was erst: Thus North and South Went every tiding, from mouth to mouth.” Of the earlier news-letters good examples may be seen in Sir John Fenn’s collection of Paston Letters, and in Arthur Collins’ Letters and Memorials of State (better known, perhaps, as the Sydney Papers). Of those of later date, specimens will be found in Knowler’s letters and Dispatches of Strafford, and in other well-known books. In the recently-published Diary of Narcissus Luttrell, examples of manuscript news-letters occur as late as the reign of William III. By the pains and critical acumen of Mr Thomas Watts, The fiction of the British Museum, the old and obstinate fiction, thatof an, “ for the first printed newspaper, mankind are indebted to ^n£lisl1 the wisdom of Elizabeth and the prudence of Burleigh,” is at length gradually disappearing from current literature, although it has been many times repeated since the first publication of his able pamphlet. The remarkable tenacity of life which characterizes misstatements that have once gained the public ear, may still therefore make it desirable to enumerate the principal reasons which led to the con¬ viction that the English Mercurie of 1588 is a forgery. As adduced by Mr Watts himself, they run thus:—(1.) The obvious resemblance of the type to Caslon’s “English fount” of the middle of the eighteenth century. (2.) The rigid maintenance of that distinction between m’s and Fs, i’s and j’s, which was utterly unknown to the printers of the six¬ teenth century. (3.) The preservation of the original MSS. from which the printer worked, written in a modern hand, with modern spelling, and with corrections,—obviously those, not of a transcriber, but of an author,—which the printer has copied; these MSS. being on paper manufactured in the early part of the reign of George III.; and (4.) Serious misstatements of fact, and anachronisms of date, of a kind which could not occur in the statements of persons who had taken part in the events they profess to narrate. These 1 Cymbal.—“ This is the outer room where my clerks sit, And keep their sides, the Register in the midst; The Examiner, he sits private there, within; And here I have my several rolls and files Of news by the alphabet, and all put up Under their heads.”—Jonson, The Staple of Newt (acted in 1625), NE WSP News¬ papers. The news- pamphlets of the 16th century. The Week¬ ly News of 1622. points nave been thoroughly established; and it may now be hoped that the English Mercuric is finally relegated to its proper niche in the gallery of literary impostures. Although no genuine newspaper of the sixteenth century can be produced, English pamphlets, as well as French, Italian, and German, occur with such titles as Newesfrom Spaine, and the like. In the early years of the seventeenth they became very numerous. In 1614 we find Butler (the anatomist of Melancholy)pointing a sarcasm against the non¬ reading habits of “ the major part,” by adding, “ if they read a book at any time... ’tis an English Chronicle, St Huon of Bordeaux, AmadisdeGaul, &c.,aplay-book,or50/ne/?fl'm/>///^ of news?1.. . The most eminent purveyors of reading of this sort were Nathaniel Butter, Nicholas Bourne, and Thomas Archer; and by them was issued, in May 1622, the first au¬ thentic periodical newspaper which is now known to exist:2 —“ The 23d of May—The Weekly News from Italy, Ger¬ many, See., London, printed by J. D. for Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer.” Butter’s name does not occur on this number, but on many subsequent numbers it appears in connection sometimes with Bourne’s and sometimes with Archer’s name; so that there was probably an eventual partnership in the new undertaking. Butter had published Newes from Spaine in 1611, and he continued to be a pub¬ lisher of news until 1641, if not later. It is to him that a passage in the fourth act of Fletcher’s Fair Maid of the Inn obviously refers: — ... “ It shall be the ghost of some lying stationer. A spirit shall look as if butter would not melt in his mouth 3 a new Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus.”—Act iv., sc. 2. In The Certain Newes of this Present Week [ending 23d August 1622] the publisher inserted this advertisement:— “ If any gentleman or other accustomed to buy the weekly relations of newes be desirous to continue the same, let them know that the writer, or transcriber rather, of this newes hath published two former newes; the one dated the second, the other the thirteenth of August, all which do carry a like title, and have dependence one upon another ; which manner of writing and printing he doth purpose to continue weekly, by God’s assistance, from the best and most certain intelligence.” There are on the face of these early papers many indications that they were published without legal sanction or cognisance. They touched very slightly on home news; and it is probable that for a time the censorship did not much care to interfere with their scraps of foreign intelligence. But as their numbers in¬ creased, jealousy appears to have been excited, and forced suppressions to have been imposed. One of the latest which bears Butter’s name, entitled The Continuation of the Forraine Occurrents for 5 iveekes last past, January 11, 1640 (o.s.), contains this address:—“The Printer to the Header—Courteous reader, we had thought to have given over printing our foreign avisoes, for that the licenser (out of a partial affection) would not oftentimes let pass apparent truth, and in other things (oftentimes) so cross and alter, which made us almost weary of printing; but he being vanished, and that office fallen upon another more under¬ standing in these forraine affaires, and as you will find more candid, we are again, by the favour of His Majesty and the State, resolved to go on printing, if we shall find the world to A P E R S. 181 give a better acceptation of them than oflate, by their weekly News¬ buying them. Fhese hopeful anticipations do not appear papers, to have been realized in the individual case of the writer; v ■- J but a vast number of competitors for public support quickly Rapid mul- presented themselves in the stirring times which England tiplication was then entering upon, and their productions were eagerly of news- read. November 1641 is especially noticeable for the pub- PaP-ers lication, in the form of a newspaper, of the earliest authentic c^n^-u-^ report of the proceedings of Parliament. Diurnal Occur¬ rences, or the Heads of several Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament,was usually, notwithstanding its title, a weekly periodical, and it sometimes contained ordinary news in ad¬ dition to its staple matter. This was followed, within five years, by a long train of newspapers, most of which were published weekly, such as The English Post, Ireland's True Diurnal, England's Memorable Accidents, Weekly Intel¬ ligence, The Kingdom's Weekly Intelligencer, The Spy, Mercurius Aulicus, M. Anglicus, M. Civicus, M. Rusticus, The Weekly Account, The Parliament!s Scout, M. Britan- nicus, The Scotch Intelligencer, The Scottish Mercury, The Welch Mercury, Mercurius Cambro-Britannicus, The King¬ dom's Weekly Post, Le Mercure Anglais (in French), The London Post, The Country Messenger, and a multitude more. Nearly the whole of these papers are characterized by clumsiness of arrangement, by extreme paucity of original comment on the news narrated, and very frequently by the fierce virulence of such comments as do appear. The papers of this period which stand out most saliently from the rest are, the Mercurius Britannicus, M. Pragmaticus, and M. Politicus of Marchmont Nedham ; and the Mercurius Au¬ licus of John Birkenhead. Nedham was unquestionably both the ablest and the readiest man that had yet tried his hand at a newspaper. He commenced Britannicus on the 22d August 1643, zealously advocated in it the cause of the Parliament, and continued its publication until 1647. At that period he changed sides for a time, under circum¬ stances of which we know nothing, save from the reports of his enemies. According to them, “obtaining the favour Newspa- of a known royalist to introduce him into Flis Majesty’s Pers writ- presence at Hampton Court, ann. 1647, he then and there ^rj^mont knelt before him, and desired forgiveness for what he had js^dham written against himself and his cause; . . . . and soon after wrote Mercurius Pragmaticus, which, being very witty, satirical against the Presbyterians, and full of loyalty, made him known to, and admired by, the bravadoes and wits of those times. ... At length . . . Lenthall and Bradshaw .. . persuaded him to change his style once more [in favour of] the Independents, then carrying all before them. So that, being bought over, he wrote Mercurius Politicus, so ex¬ treme contrary to the former, that the generality for a long time . . . could not believe that that ‘ intelligence’ could possibly be written by the same hand that wrote the M. Pragmaticus. . . . The last [i.e., the Pragmatic!] were en¬ deavoured by the parliamenteers to be stifled, but the former, the Politici, which came out by authority, and flew every week into all parts of the nation for more than ten years, had very great influence. . . . He was then the Goliah of the Philistines, the great champion of the late usurper, who'e pen, in comparison of others, was like a weaver’s beam.”3 Birkenhead’s M. Aulicus was also begun in 1643, and con- an(J V Sir J. Birken- head. 1 So Crabbe, writing in similar strain a hundred and seventy years later:— “ To you all readers turn, and they can look Pleased on a paper who abhor a book ; Those who ne’er deigned their Bible to peruse, Would think it hard to be denied their news.”—The Newspaper, 1785. 3 The Courant, or Weekly Newes from Foreign Parts, of Oct. 9, 1621, mentioned by Nichols (Literary Anecdotes, iv. 38), is of doubtful authenticity. It is described as “ a half-sheet in the black letter, 4to, out of High Dutch, printed for Nath. Butter.” Yet it is probable that future researches will discover papers, serially published, of even earlier date. Publications of this sort have been usually too little cared for in our great libraries. 3 Wood, Athena; Oxoniemes (by Bliss), iii. 1182. A new Mercurius Britannicus appeared in June 1647, but did not long continue. Another, entitled M. Britannicus again Alive, was published in May 1648, and the title was often subsequently revived. 182 NEWSPAPERS. News¬ papers. The news¬ papers of the Re¬ storation. Establish¬ ment of the London Gazette. tinued, although irregularly, until nearly the close of the civil war. According to Wood, Charles I. “ appointed him to write the Mercurii Aulici, which being very pleasing to the loyal party, His Majesty recommended him to the [Uni¬ versity] electors that they would choose him moral philo¬ sophy readerwhich was done accordingly. He was as¬ sisted in the composition of Aulicus by George Digby and by Dr Peter Heylin. He had considerable powers of satire after a coarse fashion, and was one of the few rough-weather royalists who were permitted to bask in the sunshine of the Restoration. Under Cromwell, the chief papers were M. Politicus and The Public Intelligencer (of which the first number ap¬ peared on the 8th October 1655). These publications were issued on different days of the week, and at length they became conjointly the foundation of our present Lon¬ don Gazette. Even at their origin they were in some de¬ gree official papers. The Intelligencer underwent several modifications of title at various periods, and was for a time edited by Nedham. In 1659 the Council of State caused the following announcement to be published :—“ Whereas Marchmont Nedham, the author of the weekly news-books, called Mercurius Politicus, and The Publique Intelligencer, is, by order of the Council of State, discharged from writing or publishing any publique intelligence; the reader is de¬ sired to take notice that, by order of the said council, Giles Dury and Henry Muddiman are authorized henceforth to write and publish the said intelligence, the one upon the Thursday and the other upon the Monday, which they do intend to set out under the titles of The Parliamentary Intelligencer, and of Mercurius Pubhcus.” After the Restoration, a monopoly of newspapers was attempted to be set up in favour of Roger L’Estrange, by a royal grant of “all the sole privilege of writing, printing, and publish¬ ing all narratives, advertisements, mercuries, intelligencers, diurnals, and other books of public intelligence; . . . with power to search for and seize unlicensed and treasonable, schismatical and scandalous books and papers.” L’Estrange continued the papers above mentioned, but changed their titles to The Intelligencer and The News. In the first number of the former he paints both himself and his epoch in unmistakeable colours :—“ Supposing the press in order,” he says, “ the people in their right wits, and news or no news to be the question, a public Mercury should never have my vote; because I think it makes the public too familiar with the actions and counsels of their superiors, too pragmatical and censorious, and gives them not only an itch, but a kind of colourable right and license to be med¬ dling with the government.” But then, he bethinks him, that in some shape or other the government is sure to be at¬ tacked; and therefore ends thus:—“ So that, upon the main, I perceive the thing requisite; and (for ought I can see yet) once a week may do the business; for I intend to utter my news by weight, not by measure. . . . The way as to the vent that has been found most beneficial to the master of the book, has been to cry and expose it about the streets, by Mercuries and hawkers, but whether that way may be so advisable in some other respects may be a question.” But not even in that day was such a scheme workable. L’Estrange’s papers continued only until 1665, and within that short period had their competitors, though of a miser¬ able kind. The first number of The Oxford Gazette was published (whilst the court was at Oxford, on account of the great plague then raging in London) on the 14th No¬ vember 1665, and became The London Gazette with the twenty-fourth number, issued on the 5th February 1666. For a very long period it retained its original size of a single leaf in small folio. It contained no news or documents but such as were palatable to the court; and these were retailed in the most meagre fashion, without a scintilla of literary ability. After the Revolution, however, it shared, to some small extent, in the general improvement of the press; and News- has now been published twice a week, without interruption, papers, and in a continuous and uniform series, for nearly two cen- turies. The excitement which attended the “Popish plot,” and Restric- the “ Exclusion Bill,” largely increased the number of news- tions °n papers, without much elevating their character. The in- the news- crease led to a new “Proclamation for suppressing the in^gQ™33 printing and publishing unlicensed news-books and pam¬ phlets of news” (May 12, 1680), in which it is set forth that, “ of late, many evil-disposed persons have made it a common practice to print and publish pamphlets of news, without license or authority, and therein have vended . . . idle and malicious reports,” &c. Great efforts were made to give effect to this proclamation by the infliction of punish¬ ments of atrocious severity; but when English printers were terrified into submission, Dutch printers supplied their places. News-pamphlets poured in from Holland in spite of the utmost efforts of licensers and custom-house officers, and helped to prepare the way for the downfall of the Stuarts. A few incidental paragraphs and announcements may de- Specimen serve to be culled from the London newspapers of this period, of news- by way of a small sample of their quality. In the fiftieth PaPer3 of number of Domestick Intelligence, or News both from City the clos]ng and Country (9th July, 1679), we read :—“ Whereas, on Charles II Thursday the 18th instant, in the evening, Mr John Dryden was assaulted and wounded in Rose Street, in Covent Gar¬ den, by divers men unknown: if any person shall make discovery of the offenders to the said Mr Dryden, or to any justice of peace, .... he shall not only receive fifty pounds, .... but if the discoverer be himself one of the actors, he shall have the fifty pounds without letting his name be known, or receiving the least trouble by any prosecution.” [In the present day such an advertisement as this would entail a fine of fifty pounds on the newspaper in which it appeared.] In No. 37 of The True News (27th March, 1680), it is announced that a project is set on foot “ for conveying of letters, notes, messages, amorous billets, and all bundles whatsoever under a pound weight, and all sorts of writings (challenges only excepted), to and from any part of the city and suburbs; to which purpose the projectors have taken a house in Lime Street for a general office, and have appointed eight more stages in other parts at a convenient distance ; a plot which, if not timely pre¬ vented by the freemen porters of the city, is like to prove the utter subversion of them and their worshipful corporation? The London Gazette of the 3d December 1683 informs its readers that “ there is a considerable sum of money already paid in to Mr Child at Temple Bar, towards the lottery of the jewels of his late R.H. Prince Rupert. For the satisfaction of all such as have any doubts of the fair and equal proceeding in the drawing thereof, .... His Majesty will be pleased publicly, in the banqueting-house, to see the blanks told over, .... and to read the papers in which the prizes are to be written, which .... His Majesty will mix amongst the blanks.” In this instance, it will be noticed, the style of the gazetteer is sufficiently prolix to necessitate abridgment, but usually it is of the concisest. Deeds which still sound in our ears like a trumpet are narrated in the same bald manner as are the merest trivialities of the court. Thus, No. 1884 ends with this paragraph :—“ This day Algernon Sidney, Esq., was brought from the Tower to the place appointed for his execution on Tower Hill, where he was beheaded on a scaffold erected for that purpose ;” and No. 1886 with the following:—“ On Monday last, His Majesty and Her Royal Highness were pleased to do Sir William Jennens the honour to see his new-erected bagnio in Longacre, and very well to approve thereof.” The very day which followed the abdication of James II. w'as marked by the appearance of three newspapers—The NEWSPAPERS. ::88. lb press Drier (leen Ane. News- Universal Intelligence, The English Courant, and The papers. London Courant. Within a few days more, these were fol- lowed by The London Mercury, The Orange Gazette, The crease of London Intelligence, The Harlem Currant, and others, nwspapers Licensing Act, which was in force at the date of the vlutionof ^evo^uti°n> expired in 1692, but was continued for a year, when it finally ceased. On the appearance of a paragraph in The Flying Post of 1st April 1697,1 which appeared to the House of Commons to attack the credit of the ex¬ chequer bills, leave was given to bring in a bill “ to prevent the writing, printing, or publishing of any news without license but the bill was thrown out in an early stage of its progress. That Flying Post which gave occasion to this attempt was also noticeable for a new method of print¬ ing, which it thus announced to its customers:—“ If any gentleman has a mind to oblige his country friend or cor¬ respondent with this account of public affairs, he can have it for twopence .... on a sheet of fine paper, half of which being left blank, he may thereon write his own affairs, or the material news of the day.” But it was in the reign of Queen Anne that the news¬ paper press first became really eminent for the amount of intellectual power and of versatile talent which was em¬ ployed upon it. It was also in that reign that the press was first fettered by the newspaper stamp. The accession of Anne was quickly followed by the appearance of the first London daily newspaper, The Daily Courant (1703), published and edited by the well-known printer Samuel Buckley, and this by a crowd of new competitors for public favour of less frequent publication. The first number of one of these, The Country Gentleman's Courant (1706), was given away gratuitously; and the following special pre¬ tensions were put forward on its behalf:—“ Among the crowd of newspapers that come out weekly, it is hoped that this may find as favourable a reception as any, when its usefulness is rightly considered ; for here the reader is not only diverted with a faithful register of the most remarkable and momentary [i.e., momentous] transactions at home and abroad, .... but also with a geographical description of the most material places mentioned in every article of news, whereby he is freed the trouble of looking into maps.” Shortly after the commencement of The Daily Courant, Defoe began his famous paper The Review. At first he called it A Weekly Review of the Affairs of France, purged from the Errors and Partiality of News-Writers and Petty Statesmen of all sides. But this long and singular title was objected to by friends and ridiculed by foes. With the eighteenth number Defoe dropped the words “ of the affairs of France,” although on the title-page of his second volume he returned to the original designation thus modi¬ fied :—A Review of the Affairs of France, with Observa¬ tions on Transactions at Home. At the outset it was published weekly, afterwards twice, and at length three times a week. It continued from February-1704 to May 1713 ; and a complete set is of extreme rarity. From the first page to the last it is characterized by the manly bold¬ ness and persistent tenacity with which the almost unaided author utters and defends his convictions on public affairs, against a host of clever and bitter assailants. He wTaxed very wroth at times—as well he might—but expresses his anger much oftener by incisive sarcasm than by the coarse personalities which were then so common. The work is as much marked by genial humour as by keen insight; and it in its style it lacks polish, it undeniably abounds in vigour. Lspecially memorable is it as the first newspaper which bears plainly on its face that the author was far more intent on making patriots than on making money. In that corner 183 News¬ papers. llfoe’s Kiview. of his paper which he entitled “ Advice from the Scandalous Club,” and set apart for the discussion of questions of litera¬ ture and manners, and sometimes topics of a graver kind Defoe to some extent anticipated the Tatlers and Spec’- tators of a later day. He thus explains the purpose which he had there in view:—“ As to our brethren of the worship¬ ful company of news-writers, .... they shall meet with no ill treatment. But if they tell a lie that a man may feel with his foot, and not only proclaim their folly but their knavery; if they banter religion, sport with things sacred, and dip their pens in blasphemy; our Scandalous Club is a new corporation erected on purpose to make inquisition of such matters, and will treat them but scurvily, as they deserve.” The essays of Queen Anne’s day, though in their origin they partook of the character of newspapers, open a theme too wide for the scope of this article, and more properly belong to the subject of Periodical Publications. The year 1710 was marked by the appearance of 27ie Morn- begun in 1769. William Woodfall (‘Memory’Woodfall, |nS Chron' as he was called) was its printer, reporter, and editor; andlcle" continued to conduct it until 1789. James Perry suc¬ ceeded him as editor, and so continued, with an interval during which the editorship was in the hands of the late Mr Sergeant Spankie, until his death in 1821. In the days of the “ Black Acts” the Chronicle was the most uncompro¬ mising opponent of the government, and Perry’s editorial functions were occasionally discharged in Newgate ; in 1819 the daily sale nearly reached 4000. When sold in 1823 to the late Mr Clement, the purchase-money amounted to L.42,000. Mr Clement held it for about eleven years, and then sold it to the late Sir John Easthope, for a much smaller sum than it had cost him. Of its subsequent for¬ tunes, it is enough here to say, that in 1854 its average circulation had sunk to 2791 copies daily. But no loss of popularity can deprive it of the distinction of having been the first newspaper which was adorned by literary criticism of the highest order. The Morning Post dates from 1772. For some years it Tlie Morn- was in the hands of the notorious ‘ Parson Bate’ (afterwards in£ Post* known as Sir Henry Bate Dudley), and it attained some degree of temporary popularity, though of no very enviable sort. In 1795 the entire copyright, with house and printing materials, was sold for L.600 to Peter and Daniel Stuart, who quickly raised the position of the Post by en¬ listing Mackintosh and Coleridge in its service, and by giving unremitting attention to advertisements and to the copious supply of incidental news and amusing paragraphs. A few years ago there was a long controversy about the Newspaper share which Coleridge had in elevating the Post from obscurity to eminence. That he greatly promoted this eri ®e" result there can be no doubt. His famous “ Character of Pitt,” published in 1800, was especially successful. It largely increased the sale of the paper, and created a de¬ mand for the particular number in which it appeared that lasted for weeks, a thing almost without precedent. Nor were newspaper-owners likely to be at all insensible to the value of talents which bore such a golden stamp. Mr D. Stuart, indeed, was once silly enough to write,—after quot¬ ing the anecdote of the city bookseller Sir Richard Phillips having slapped Coleridge on the shoulder at a dinner party, saying, “ I wish I had you in a garret without a coat to your back,”—“ In something like this state, I had Coleridge!' But, when in a better mind, he has borne testimony on this point which is unexceptionable. To write the leading articles of a newspaper, he says, “ I would prefer Coleridge to Mackintosh, Burke, or any man I ever heard of. His observations were marked by good sense, .... extensive knowledge, deep thought, and well-grounded foresight- . . . They were the writings of a scholar, agentleman, and a states¬ man, without personal sarcasm, or illiberality of any kind.” But unhappily, we must add, these noble qualities lacked another. In his best days the poet-philosopher never pos¬ sessed that capacity for steady, persistent, punctual labour which is the sinew of periodical literature, and for the want VOL, XVI. 1 Debates of the Irish House of Commons, 3d Marsh 1789, 136 NEWSPAPERS. News- of which we have all of us seen names synonymous with papers, genius become symbols of failure. To say, therefore, ^ that it was less to the powers of Coleridge, than to the energetic enterprise and the eminent business qualities of the new proprietors, that the Morning Post owed its ex¬ traordinary rise, from a daily circulation in 1795 of 350, to one in 1803 of 4500 copies, is consistent alike with the ascer¬ tained facts, and with the obvious necessities of the case. Rapid de- But it may well excite some degree of wonder to find a cline of the journaj which had attained such a position sinking within PosTafter a very ^evv years to a depth of degradation which carried it lsn3 as far below its competitors as it had formerly risen above them. When Stuart sold his paper in 1803, with its circula¬ tion exceeding by one half that of its most popular daily rival, and with a character for honest independence which was still more enviable, he could hardly have anticipated that in 1812 he would read in its columns a poetical ad¬ dress “ to the Prince Regent,” which, for unblushing false¬ hood and venal adulation, might challenge the enslaved press of Austria or of Russia. “ Glory of the People,” “ Protector of the Arts,” “ Maecenas of the Age,” “ Con¬ queror of Hearts,”—such were the epithets thickly strewn in a eulogy which was wound up in this fashion :—> “ Thus gifted with each grace of mind, Born to delight and bless mankind; Wisdom, with pleasure in her train, Great Prince, shall signalize thy reign ! ” It was for lashing this vile parasite in terms of manly in¬ dignation, and for vigorously enforcing the pregnant truth, “ Flattery in any shape is unworthy a man and a gentle¬ man ; but political flattery is almost a request to be made slaves,” that John Hunt and Leigh Hunt were sentenced to a fine of one thousand pounds; to be, each of them, imprisoned two years in separate gaols ; and to give heavy security for good behaviour for five years more. Repeated Whilst the general influence of the newspaper press was augmenta- becoming both more extensive, and, in the main, incom- tion of the parably more civilizing, the steady industry of official per- j^V3Paf)er sons was constantly employed in endeavours to restrain and diminish it. In 1756 an additional halfpenny had been added to the tax. In 1765 and in 1773 various restrictive regulations were imposed (5th Geo. III., c. 46; and 13th Geo. III., c. 65). In 1789 the three halfpence was in¬ creased to twopence (29th Geo. III., c. 50); in 1797 to twopence-halfpenny (37th Geo. III., c. 90); in 1804 to threepence-halfpenny (44th Geo. III., c. 98) ; and, in 1815, was altered to fourpence, less a discount of 20 per cent. Penalties of all kinds were also enhanced, and obstructive regulations were multiplied. Very obviously, these restric¬ tions failed in a great degree of their immediate purpose. Yet their prejudicial effect in eking out the existence of the worst portion of the press, by fettering fair competition, is incalculable. Happily for humanity, there are, and will al¬ ways be, men to whom obstacles become spurs in the career which conscience has traced for them. Their delight in the chase rises with the difficulty of the country. When once engaged in political conflict, they will, like Defoe, neither give nor take quarter.1 But the legislation which offers to such men the widest field for their energies, multi¬ plies the basenesses of weaker men, and gives impunity to their crimes. Before proceeding to notice the later history of the me¬ tropolitan newspapers, it may be desirable to glance at the rise and progress of the English provincial press. A glance News- at it is all that can here be attempted. papers. The earliest provincial paper with which we are acquainted is The Stamford Mercury, a publication which is still in Growth of existence, and of which its proprietors can say, with some the English reasonable pride, that it has appeared weekly, without in- provincial terruption, for a hundred and sixty-two years. Next to Pu¬ tins came the Norwich Postman, first published in 1706, in small quarto, and of meagre contents. The stated price of this paper was a penny, but its proprietor notified to the public that “ a halfpenny is not refused.” Two other papers were started in Norwich within a few years afterwards,— Early pa. The Courant in 1712; The Weekly Mercury, or Protes- pers of tant’s Packet (which still exists) in 1720. Worcester seems Norwich, to have been the third country town in England to boast 0f ^c°rcester> a newspaper; the Worcester Postman appearing in 1708, and the Worcester Journal having begun its more fortunate career (still continued) in 1709. The Nexocastle Courant followed in 1711; The Liverpool Courant in 1712; the Salisbury Postman, and the Felix Farley's Bristol Journal, each in 1715; The Nottingham Post in 1716; and the Kentish Post in 1717. The Courant is still published at Newcastle, and the Kentish Post (under the altered title of Kentish Gazette) at Canterbury. Farley’s Bristol Journal has merged into the Bristol Times. The others have long since ceased to appear. The Leeds Mercury was established in the year 1718, The Leeds and, for the purpose of evading the Stamp Act, was made Mercury, to extend to twelve pages, small quarto (or a sheet and a half; the stamp being then levied only on papers not ex¬ ceeding a single sheet). Like its contemporaries, it was published weekly, and its price was three-halfpence. In 1729 it was reduced to four pages of larger size, and sold, with a stamp, at twopence. From 1755 to 1766 its publi¬ cation was suspended, but was resumed in January 1767, under the management of James Bowley, who continued to conduct it for twenty-seven years, and raised it to a circu¬ lation of 3000. Its price at this time was fourpence. The increase of the stamp duty in 1797 altered its price to sixpence, and the circulation sank from 3000 to 800. It was purchased in 1801 by the late Edward Baines, who first began the insertion of “ leaders.” It took him three years to ob¬ tain a circulation of 1500; but the Leeds Mercury after war ds made rapid progress, and became one of the most important and valuable of the country papers, as it still continues to be. New-Year’s-Day 1719 was marked in Manchester by Early Man- the appearance of the first number of the Manchester Weekly Journal, published by Roger Adams. ThisPaPers- was followed in 1730 by the Manchester Gazette (after¬ wards called the Manchester Magazine), published by Henry Whitworth. Harrow’s Manchester Mercury was begun on the 3d March 1762, and continued to exist until the close of 1830. Both of the papers last named, although alike characterized by that utter absence of literary talent which usually marked the provincial press of the period, were of violent politics, on opposite sides. The Magazine was Whiggish and Hanoverian ; the Mercury, Tory and Jacobi- tical. A controversy, which lasted for more than a year, between the former and the Chester Courant (a paper that may be regarded as in some sort a continuation of the Manchester Journal above-mentioned, the publisher of which had removed to Chester), is not the least curious of the many episodes of the rebellion of 1745-6. It grew out of the following paragraph, which had appeared in the Mercury of 23d Sept. 1746 1 “ If I might give a short hint to an impartial writer, it would be to tell him his fate. If he resolves to venture upon the dangerous precipice of telling unbiassed truth, let him proclaim war with mankind a la mode le pays de Pole—neither to give nor to take quarter. If he tells the crimes of great men, they fall upon him with the iron hands of the law; if he tells their virtues, when they have any, then the mob attacks him with slander. But if he regards truth, let him expect martyrdom on both sides, and then he may go on fear less; and this is the course I take myself.” NEWSPAPERS. News- “Manchester, Sept. 22.—Last Thursday, about four in the morn- papers. ing, the heads of Thomas Siddal and Thomas Deacon were fixed upon v ^ —i J the Exchange. Great numbers have been to view them; and yester¬ day, betwixt eight and nine in the morning, Dr Deacon, a non-jur¬ ing priest, and father to one of them, made a full stop near the Ex¬ change, and, looking up at the heads, pulled off his hat, and made a bow to them with great reverence. Pie afterwards stood some time looking at them.” The incident here recorded was but the spark which fell amidst a large accumulation of combustible matter. Party feeling was at that period in an especial state of ex¬ citement in Lancashire ; and the paper war which followed afforded matter enough for a volume, under the title of Manchester Vindicated: Being a complete Collection of all the Papers recently published in Defence of that Town in the Chester Courant. The Man- Thirty years later, the American revolution rekindled Chester^ tjie ioca{ big0try of faction, beneath the mask of patriotism, fn^the*1^ even more than its former fierceness. At this period American ^e Manchester Mercury published special supplements war. from time to time, as intelligence came from the seat of war; and whenever the news was unfavourable to the Americans, prefixed headings to the supplements, which served the double purpose of exulting in their defeat and exciting popular hatred against such of the townsmen as were known, or supposed, to regard the colonists in the light of an injured people. Thus, on the 7th January 1777, an extra sheet was published, entitled “No. 1312.—A New Year’s Gift for all true lovers of their King and Country, and a JReceipt in full to the most wicked, daring, and un¬ natural Rebellion that ever disgraced the Annals of History, fomented and abetted by a Junto of Republicans on this side the Atlantic. Joseph Harrop, printer of the Man¬ chester Mercury, with unspeakable pleasure again presents his friends, gratis, with the following London Gazette Extraordinary f &c. In the next paper this paragraph was inserted:— “We are assured by a gentleman just arrived from America, that when Washington found himself reduced to the necessity of quit¬ ting his strong entrenchments near King’s Bridge, he declared that all was over with the colonies, and dropped some intimation of not wishing to survive the misfortunes of the day. . . Mr Washing¬ ton, notwithstanding his amour with Mrs Gibbons, is, we hear, married to a very amiable lady; but it is said that Mrs Washing¬ ton, being a warm loyalist, has been separated from the General since the commencement of the present troubles, and lives very much respected in the city of New York.” The next supplement begins thus:—“Ye republican fomenters and abettors of rebellion, blush and tremble at your deeds.” And another:—“ The hour is now approach¬ ing when all those vile republican miscreants, as well on this as on the other side the Atlantic (who have fomented ... a most wicked and horrid rebellion against the best of kings and the best of ministers), must answer for all their mal-practices,” &c. Nor did the utter failure of these predictions teach the conductors or the patrons of the Mercury the wisdom of moderation. The same paper, under the same manage¬ ment, fostered the “Church and King” mobs of 1792; incited innkeepers to put up boards bearing the words, “ No Jacobins admitted here ;” and denounced all opposi¬ tion to the government of the day as seditious and treason¬ able. When these frantic counsels had borne their natural fruit of outrage on the property and persons of reformers, the Mercury defended the criminals, and those who had failed to put the law in force against them, in these words: •—I he fact stands thus : If any man, at such a crisis as this, will publicly make use of expressions inimical to the wellbeing of the government under which he lives, the consequence cannot be arrested by the best-regulated police, because it will be summary.” At this time, Man¬ chester possessed no paper of any shade of liberalism. The printing-office of the Manchester Herald, which had been 187 started on the 31st March 1792, as the advocate of moderate News- reform, was partially destroyed by a mob in the month of papers. December following ; the local authorities of the town standing by and applauding the act; and the paper itself ceased to appear in March 1793. The York CWarc* other Eng- dates its first appearance in 1719 ; The Northampton lish papers Mercury and The Salisbury Journal date from 1720;Priorto The Gloucester Journal from 1722; The Reading Mer-17 50- cury from 1723 ; The Chester Courant (already men¬ tioned) and The Chelmsford Chronicle from 1730; The Kendal Courant appeared in 1731 ; The Derby Mercury dates from 1732 ; The Sherborne Mercury (now called The Western Flying Post) from 1736 ; The Hereford Journal from 1739 ; Aris’s Birmingham Gazette from 1741; The Bath Journal from 1742 ; and The Cambridge Chronicle from 1748. The total number of existing pro¬ vincial newspapers, the first publication of which is prior to 1750, is eighteen. Twenty-nine others have dates which range between the years 1750 and 1790. Most other country papers date their origin subsequently to the middle of the last century. The Times is usually dated from the 1st of January Origin of 1788, but was really commenced on the 18th JanuaryThe Times 1785, under the title of The London Daily Universal newsPaPer' Register, printed topographically. This “ word-printing ” process had been invented by a person named Henry Johnson’s Johnson several years before, and is the subject of two patents for patents, bearing date, respectively, 9th November 1778, loS°gra- and 16th October 1780. The first of these is described P|”c Print‘ as a “method of printing with types or figures so connected1110' as to prevent the possibility of error in all business where figures are used, particularly in taking down the numbers of blanks and prizes in the lottery.” The second is de¬ scribed as a “ method of casting and moulding types for the purpose of composing by or with entire words, with several words combined, with sentences, and syllables, and figures . combined, instead of the usual method of composing and printing with single letters,” &c. These patents were Johnson’s; but the invention was eagerly taken up by Mr Walter (himself a printer), who was sanguine of its success. His Daily Register contained four pages, was printed on a halfpenny stamp, and was at first sold for twopence-half- penny, afterwards for threepence. In Nos. 510 and 511 Mr Walter made a long address to the public on the ad¬ vantages of the logographic plan, and of the obstacles it had encountered. “ Embarked in a business,” he writes, “ into which I entered a mere novice, .... want of experience laid me open to many and gross impositions ; and I have been severely injured by the inattention, ignorance, and neglect of others. These reasons, though they will not excuse, will account for and palliate the errors .... of the logographic press,” &c. And he proceeds to state that the impediments thrown in his way, by the typefounders in particular, were such as to oblige him to erect a foundry for himself. In short, it is the old story of all inventors, dif¬ ferenced in this case from many others by the circumstance, that here there were difficulties in the way of ultimate and permanent success which seem to have been really insu¬ perable. Another obstacle in Mr Walter’s path will be best de¬ scribed in his own words :— “The Universal Register has been a name as injurious to the The Daily logographic newspaper as Tristram was to Mr Shandy’s son. Universal But old Shandy forgot he might have rectified hy confirmation Register the mistake of the parson at baptism—with the touch of a bishop changed have altered Tristram to Trismegestus. The Universal Register, into The from the days of its first appearance to the day of its confirmation, Times, has, like Tristram, suffered from unusual casualties, both laughable and serious, arising from its name, which, on its introduction, was immediately curtailed of its fair proportion by all who called for it,—the word Universal being universally omitted, and the word 188 NEWSPAPERS. News¬ papers. Register being only retained. 1 Boy, bring me the Register., The waiter answers, ‘ Sir, we have not a library, but you may see it at the New Exchange Coffee-House.’ ( Then, I’ll see it there,’ an¬ swers the disappointed politician; and he goes to the New Ex¬ change, and calls for the Register, upon which the waiter tells him that he cannot have it, as he is not a subscriber, and [or?] presents him with the Court and, City Register, the Old Annual Register, or the New Annual Register For these and other reasons, the parents of the Universal Register have added to its original name that of the Times, which, being a monosyllable, bids defiance to corrupters and mutilators of the language.” {The Times, or Daily Universal Register, printed logographically .... for J. Walter, at the Logographic Press, Printing-House Square, &c. No. 1, 1st January, 1788.) Within two years Mr Walter had his share in the Georgian persecutions of the press, by successive sentences to three fines and to three several imprisonments in New¬ gate, chiefly for having stated that the Prince of Wales and the dukes of York and Clarence had so misconducted them¬ selves “ as to incur the just disapprobation of his Majesty.” In 1803 he transferred the management of the journal to his son, the late Mr Walter (together with the joint pro¬ prietorship), by whom, as is well known, it was carried on with remarkable energy and consummate tact. To Lord Sidmouth’s government he gave a general but independent support. That of Mr Pitt, which succeeded, he opposed, especially on the questions of the Catamaran expedition and the malversation of Lord Melville. This opposition was characteristically resented by depriving the elder Mr Walter of the printing of the Customs department, which he had performed for eighteen years; by the withdrawal of government advertisements from the Times ; and by the systematic detention at the outports of the foreign intelli¬ gence addressed to its editor. Mr Walter, however, was News- strong and resolute enough to brave the government, and papers, to beat it. He organized a better system of news trans- mission than had ever before existed. He introduced steam-printing, and repeatedly improved its mechanism ; The Times’ and although machines which now print 12,000 sheets in steam the hour may seem to thrust into insignificance a press ofPrinting- which it was at first announced as a notable triumph that Press- the new machine performed its task “with such a ve¬ locity and simultaneousness of movement, that no less than 1100 sheets are impressed in one hour;” yet Mr Walter’s assertion was none the less true, that the Times of 29th November 1814 “presented to the public the practical result of the greatest improvement connected with printing since the discovery of the art itself.” The effort to secure for the Times the best attainable Growth of literary talent in all departments kept at least an equal pace the circu- with those which were directed towards the improvementlation of of its mechanical resources. And thus it has come to pass the Times' that a circulation which did not, even in 1815, exceed on the average 5000 copies, became, in 1834, 10,000; in 1844, 23,000; in 1851, 40,000 ; and in 1854, 51,648. In the year last named, the Morning Advertiser, the most popular of its daily contemporaries, attained an average cir¬ culation of but 7668 ; whilst that of the Daily News was but 4160; that of the Morning Herald, 3712; of the Morning Chronicle, 2800 ; and of the Morning Post, 2667. But this extraordinary fact will be best appreciated if the average daily circulation of the Times, for a few years past, be compared with that of all its daily contem¬ poraries of the London press collectively:— The Times Aggregate of the other Daily Morning Papers Total average circulation of Daily Morn- 1 ing Papers J Year 1846. 28,594 38,999 67,593 29,409 33,945 63,354 1848. European Revolution. 35,225 34,558 69,783 36,102 25,347 61,449 1850. 38,019 24,116 62,135 40,081 30,266 70,347 1852. 42,384 29,580 71,964 1853. 44,578 28,768 73,346 1854. Russian War. 51,648 26,268 77,916 The Times Of the many curious incidents which occur in the public continent- J”story Times, one only can here be mentioned, al banking ^ ^at one ’s t00 honourable to journalism, and has been too forgeries of use^u^‘n its results to the community, to be passed over. 1840. In 1840, the then Paris correspondent of this paper (Mr O’Reilly) obtained information respecting a gigantic scheme of forgery which had been planned in France, to¬ gether with particulars of the examination at Antwerp of minor agent in the conspiracy, who had been there, almost by chance, arrested. All that he could collect on the sub¬ ject, including the names of the chief conspirators, was pub¬ lished by the Times on the 26th of May in that year, under the heading, “ Extraordinary and Extensive Forgery and Swindling Conspiracy on the Continent (Private Corre¬ spondence).” The project contemplated the almost simul¬ taneous presentation, at the chief banking-houses through¬ out the Continent, of forged letters of credit, purporting to be those of Glyn and Company, to a very large amount; and its failure appears to have been in a great degree owing to the exertions made, and the heavy responsibility assumed, by the 7imes. One of the persons implicated brought a,n action for libel against the printer, which was tiied at Croydon in August 1841, with a verdict for the plaintiff, one farthing damages. A subscription towards defraying the heavy expenses (amounting to more than L.oOOO) which the Times had incurred, was speedily opened, but the pioprietois declined to profit by it; and ultimately it Mas determined, that of the sum (L.2625) which had been laised, an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty guineas should be expended on twro commemorative tablets, the one to be placed in the Times office, and the other in the Royal Exchange ; the remainder of the money being funded, and the dividends applied to the support of two Times scholarships,” in connection with Christ’s Hospi- The Times tal and the City of London School, for the benefit of pupils scholar¬ proceeding thence to the universities of Oxford or Cam- bridge. This scheme was carried into effect in 1842. For upwards of sixty years from the establishment of the Repeated Times, only one of the many attempts that were made to failures of found a new daily paper in London was successful. The new at' most conspicuous failures were those of the Neiv Times temPtfto (started by Dr Stoddart, better known as “Dr Slop”); of^Jfon the Representative (in which the late Mr John Murray daily pa- risked and lost a very large sum); and of the Constitu- pers. tional (originated by a joint-stock subscription, under the title of “ The Metropolitan Newspaper Company”). All these failures were complete, notwithstanding that neither talent, industry, nor money seems to have been wanting to give the new papers a fair start. Of the latter, indeed, about L.50,000 was lost in these three unsuccessful attempts. Ihe stamp may have had its influence in promoting these miscarriages, but the main cause of them lay in the unre¬ mitting energy, the wide forecast, and the practical wisdom with which their most formidable rival provided for and anticipated the wants of the public. The lesson is an in¬ structive one, M'ell deserving to be thoroughly studied by all whom it may concern. In the exceptional case, that of the Morning Advertiser, Establish- the new paper attained commercial success by reason of its ment of special character, as being at once the representative of the ^he De"r- interests and of the charities of the Licensed Victuallers, [i'ser Every publican who subscribed to it had his share in the an(i tlie profits. I he subsequent success of the Daily News (the Daily first number of which appeared in 1846), after a long and News. News¬ papers, ondon vening ewspa- ers. ondon eekiy iwspa- ;rs. obbett’s reekly egister. NEWSPAPERS. 189 severe struggle, has been mainly due to the ready skill with which it corrected its early blunders, and turned them to future account. Its literary staff was strong, and its enter¬ prise, especially in relation to the early obtainment of foreign news, remarkable. For a time, too, it offered to the public a tolerably complete newspaper for twopence-halfpenny; but under the then existing circumstances this could not continue. In January 1847 the price was raised to three¬ pence, and at this price it reached a daily sale at one time of 23,000 copies, and managed for a while to hold its own against a formidable combination of rivals. In February 1849 it resumed its original size, and was sold at the usual price of fivepence. Its average sale in 1854 was (as we have seen) only 4160. But it has always held a highly respectable place in the ranks of metropolitan journalism. London possessed no dailr/ evening paper until 1788, nor did any evening paper attain an important position until the period of the war with Napoleon, when the Courier became the newspaper of the day. During the last three years of that war its average daily circulation reached 8000 copies. After the peace its popularity de¬ clined, and eventually a total change in its politics completed its ruin. The Globe and the Sun, as independent papers, and the Express and the Evening Mail, as offshoots respectively of the Daily News and of the Times, are now the principal journals of their class. The London weekly press has always worn a motley garb. In its ranks are to be found some of the most worth¬ less newspapers and some of the best. Weekly publication facilitates the individuality of a journal, both as respects its editorship, and as respects the class of readers to which it more especially addresses itself. From the days of Daniel Defoe to those of Albany Fonblanque and Robert Rin- toul, there have always been newspapers bearing the un- mistakeable impress of an individual mind. And this char¬ acteristic quality, whilst it has strengthened and deepened the influence of good journals, has also, of necessity, in¬ creased the temporary power of bad journals. When to great force of character in the writer and its natural result, an almost personal intimacy between writer and reader, governments have been unwise enough to add the strength which inevitably grows out of persecution, the combination might well prove a formidable one. Cobbett’s Weekly Re¬ gister affords perhaps as striking an illustration of journalism, in its greatness and in its meanness, as could be culled from its entire annals since a newspaper was first issued. When Cobbett commenced his Political Register in the year 1802, its plan was very different from that which he ultimately adopted. The author was at first chiefly anxious to make his work a good repertory of state papers ; but his point of view soon changed. What had been intended as a storehouse of materials for the future historian became a record ot the varying moods of mind under which a man ot remarkable powers regarded the passing events of the day. The extraordinary success of the paper was mainly owing to the vividness w'ith which these impressions were recorded; to the clear and vigorous English, racy of the soil, in which they were clothed; and, above all, to the evidence it carried on its face that the writer, whatever his other faults, was not to be bribed, and that he meant what he said at least whilst he was saying it. Egotism beyond all precedent, hatreds the most vindictive, and inconsis¬ tencies so numerous, that after a time opponents ceased to take note of them, were qualities in this paper so apparent that he who ran might read; and three-fourths perhaps of the topics which came under notice were discussed with a lack of information and a shallowness of thought that were quite as striking as was the blaze of light in which the writer placed the remaining fourth. To William Cobbett no question was so difficult, and no name so sacred, as to call for modest or reverent silence. Of reverence, in truth, he had none. Cobbett’s French Grammar seemed to him News- a greater work than the Paradise Lost; and the chief im- papers, pression he derived from the writings of Addison was, that they afforded copious examples of faulty syntax. To him all subjects were almost equally welcome, were handled with like confidence, and afforded similar opportunities for bitter personality and fierce invective. Yet the Weekly Political Register maintained a popularity that was almost unexampled. Cobbett carried it on during thirty-three years, and amidst all varieties of fortune. Whether he was at home or on his travels, a prisoner in Newgate or an exile in America, the work went steadily on, until it had filled 88 volumes, and then his labour ceased but with his life. He owed to it an influence that was co-extensive with the empire, and that made his name a household word at the hearths of tens of thousands who had never set eyes upon him. But if it be asked, what was the real outcome of Effect of all this rare energy and untiring industry, in the way of the Weekly enlightening and elevating that numerous public whose Register ear it had gained, a truthful answer will be a sad one. te^chinSon Here and there it set a-thinking men who had capacity history1 of enough to seek further and better instruction elsewhere; Chartism, but to a large proportion of its readers, the Register became a sort of political gospel. Nor is it uncharitable to say, that some of the worst excesses of “ Chartism ”—its bigotry and rancour, its short-sighted obstruction of social improvements, and its obstinate pursuit of courses leading to riot and out¬ rage—are partly ascribable to the one-sided teachings and the frantic violence of the Weekly Register. Mis- government, indeed, was the seed-plot; but these were po¬ tent fertilizers. Whatever else may have been wanting to insure a large crop was amply afforded by the results of the pertinacious maintenance of the newspaper stamp, and of those other impediments which then so thickly studded the path of every temperate and truth-loving writer who sought to address himself to the masses of his countrymen, without either flattering.their vanity or exciting their passions. The manifest incongruity between the maintenance of The un- “ taxes on knowledge” and the pretensions of a reforming stamped government, gave a strong impulse to the violation of the law. Press of Between the years 1831 and 1835 many scores of un- BUl^erkid1 stamped newspapers made their appearance. Poor Man’s 1 1,6110 Guardians, Twopenny Dispatches, Destructives, People’s Conservatives, London Democrats, anda hostof other penny and halfpenny papers swarmed from presses that seemed to rival, in their mysterious itinerancy and sudden vanishings, the famous Marprelate press of the sixteenth century. The political tone of most of them was fiercely revolutionary. Some of them taught Marat’s doctrine that the shortest and surest path to political amelioration lies through a sea of blood. Those of the latter class were characterized by Lord Brougham (when under examination in a committee of the House of Commons on the libel law), as competing one with the other in the ferocity of their writings. “ Where one,” he says, “ charged public characters with all offences, another recommended their extirpation ; where one main¬ tained the lawfulness of rebellion, another maintained the propriety of assassination.” Prosecution after prosecution failed to suppress the obnoxious publications. The total number of such prosecutions exceeded 700, and nearly 500 persons suffered imprisonment in the course of them. But the law continued to be systematically broken. 1 o Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton is due the credit of having Reduction grappled with this question in the House of Commons, in of the a manner which secured the speedy reduction of the tax from stamP' fourpence to a penny, and paved the way towards its sub- ^ggg sequent though long-delayed abolition. This reduction ’ took effect on the 15th September 1836. At that date the number of newspapers stamped in Great Britain and Ire¬ land was about 36,000,000 in the year, and the gross amount of duty upwards of L.553,000. Of this sum English news- 190 NEWSPAPERS. News- papers paid L.473,910; Scottish newspapers, L.47,999; papers, and Irish newspapers, L.31,287. In the year ending 5th January 1838, the first financial year during the whole of which the reduced duty was in operation, the number of Number of stamps issued throughout the United Kingdom was raised stamps, and to 53,897,926, and the gross amount of the duty was re- dutv^subse- ^uce<^ ^ L*223,425, 10s. lid. Of this sum English news- quently to PaPers Paid L.182,998, 3s. 2d.; Scottish newspapers, the reduc- L.18,671, 13s. 3d.; and Irish newspapers, L.21,755,14s. 6d. tion in In the year ending 5th January 1849, the number of stamps had risen to 86,465,684, and the gross amount of duty was L.360,273, 12s. Finally, in the year ending 5th January 1855, the number of stamps issued to newspapers, exclusive of price-currents, &c., at the rate of one penny,—to which rate the parliamentary return before us is limited,—was 107,052,053, and the gross amount of duty thereon, Fews- L.446,050. The details are as follows :— papers. 1836. United Kingdom. England. Wales.... Scotland. Ireland.. Total. Number of Newspapers stamped. 412 21 102 108 643 Aggregate No. of Id. Stamps issued to Newspapers. 87,930,085 1,107,434 9,112,245 8,902,289 107,052,053 Gross Amount of Duty thereon. L. s. 366,375 7 4,614 6 37,967 13 37,092 17 446,050 4 5 At the date of this return (January 1855), the relative consumption of ordinary stamps, and the average circula¬ tion of the principal newspapers, stood respectively thus:— Eelative circulation of the prin¬ cipal news¬ papers in 1854. Name of Newspaper. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ' 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Times—[See also Evening Mail] News of the World Illustrated London News . Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper Weekly Times Reynolds’ Weekly Newspaper Morning Advertiser Dispatch Daily News Bell’s Life in London Morning Herald M anchester Guardian Dublin Telegraph Liverpool Mercury Morning Chronicle Globe Express...j Morning Post Sun North British Advertiser (Edinburgh)^. Evening Mail Saunders’ News-Letter (Dublin) Dublin Daily Express Leeds Mercury Glasgow Saturday Post Stamford Mercury Birmingham Journal Manchester Examiner and Times Shipping and Mercantile Gazette Bell’s Weekly Messenger Dublin General Advertiser North British Mail (Glasgow) Glasgow Herald Dublin Freeman’s Journal Staffordshire Advertiser Leeds Times London Gazette Observer Standard St James’s Chronicle Scotsman (Edinburgh) Witness „ Examiner Spectator Date of Establish¬ ment. 1785 1843 1842 1842 1847 1850 1794 1801 1846 1820 1781 1821 1852 1811 1770 1803 1846 1772 1792 1826 1789 1746 1851 1718 1830 1695 1825 1846 1836 1796 1837 1847 1803 1763 1795 1833 1655 1792 1827 1761 1817 1840 1808 1828 Periods of Publication in 1855. Daily Weekly Do. Do. Do Weekly Daily Weekly Daily Weekly Daily Twice a week Weekly Four times a week Daily Do. Do. Do. Do. Weekly Three times a week Daily Do. Twice a week Weekly Do. Twice a week Do. Daily Weakly Do. Daily Three times a week Daily Weekly Do. Twice a week Weekly Daily Three times a week Twice a week Do. Weekly Do. Politics. Liberal Do. Do. Democratic Liberal Democratic Liberal Do. Do. Do. Conservative Liberal Do. Do. Conservative Liberal Do. Conservative Liberal Neutral Liberal Neutral Conservative Liberal Do. Do. Do. Bo. Neutral Conservative Neutral Liberal Conservative Liberal Neutral Liberal Neutral Liberal Conservative Do. Liberal Do. Do. Do. No. of Penny Stamps in 18o4. 15,975,739 5,673,525 5,627,866 5,572,897 3,902,169 2,496,256 2,392,780 1,982,933 1,485,099 1,161,000 1,158,000 1,066,575 959,000 912,000 873.500 850,000 841,341 832.500 825,000 802,000 800,000 756,000 748.500 735.500 727,000 689,000 650,750 636,000 628,000 625.500 598,000 565,000 541.500 480,000 425,633 421.500 420,000 419,000 417,000 415,000 359,000 297,000 248,560 142,000 Average Circulation in 1854. 51,040 109,106 108,228 107,171 75,041 48,005 7,644 38,133 4,744 22,326 3,699 10,255 18,442 4,384 2,790 2,715 2,688 2,659 2,635 15,423 5,128 2,415 2,391 7,072 13,980 13,250 6,257 6,115 2,019 12,028 11,500 1,805 3,471 1,533 8,185 8,105 4,035 8,057 1,332 7,980 3,451 2,855 4,780 2,730 Final re- Ihe penny stamp, so far as it was compulsory, was at coninulsorv en^re y rePealed by an act of Parliament, which re- stamp-duty c,e.ived the r°yal assent on the loth of June 1855. Mr Milner in 1855. Uibson had, in the previous session, carried a resolution of the House of Commons affirming “ that it is the opinion of this House that the laws in reference to the periodical press and newspaper stamp are ill defined and unequally enforced; and it appears to this House that the subject demands the early consideration of Parliament.” This resolution neces¬ sarily brought the subject under the attention of the go¬ vernment, and especially ot Mr Gladstone, then chancellor of the exchequer. That minister did not retain office long enough to introduce his measure into Parliament; but his successor took up the bill he had prepared, and with some modification carried it into a law. It continued to be prac¬ ticable to stamp newspapers for transmission by post; and in respect of all newspapers any part of the impression of which should be so stamped, the existing regulations as to the declaration, registration, and recognisances of newspaper proprietors remained in force. In the course of the debates the chancellor of the exchequer acknowledged that the question had become “ not simply a question whether we NEWSPAPERS. News¬ papers, shall retain or shall not retain a revenue of L.200,000,”— (this was said on the assumption that about one-half of the net revenue arising from the stamp would continue to be received),—“ but it is whether we shall enter upon a cru¬ sade against a large portion of the existing newspaper press, for the sake of enforcing a law which can only be enforced by means of the verdicts of juries, which are somewhat doubtful in their result.” Mr Drummond amused the House after his fashion with a summary of the history of the newspaper press, as it shaped itself to his fancy, in the course of which he said that the writers in the Times “ reminded him a good deal of what they called on board ship a ‘ handy-billy,’— a tackle that came in upon all occasions whenever it was wanted and also, “ of a bit of bog he had near a farm of his. He once thought of draining it, and asked the opinion of the farmer, who replied,—‘ No, no ! don’t drain it; in wet weather there’s something for the cow; and if there’s no¬ thing for the cow, there’s something for the pig; and if there’s nothing for the pig, there’s something for the goose.’ So it was with the Times; if there was nothing in it for one man, there was sure to be something for another.” In the division at the second reading, taken on an amendment professedly for delay, but substantially intended to defeat the measure, the ayes were 215, the noes 161, the majo¬ rity 54. In the House of Lords no division took place; ord Mont-hut Lord Monteagle recorded a protest against the bill, igle’s pro-grounded partly on fiscal objections, and partly on the as- ist against sertion that the proposed remission, “ so far from being ie repeal. SOught for as a relief to the class of newspaper proprietors whose interests are primarily involved in the question, is, on the contrary, earnestly deprecated by them as being likely to lead, through an unjust and unchecked piracy, to the depreciation of their capital and the sacrifice of their com- Year. 1753 1760 1790 1801 1806 1811 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1825 1826 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1851 1852 1854 1856 Population at the Decennial Periods of the Census. [England, 6,186,366 Do 6,479,730 Do 8,540,738] Great Brit., 10,942,646 Do 12,596,803 Unit. King., 21,272,187 Do 24,392,485 Chief Political Events or Topics of the Year. French Revolution War with Napoleon Do. Do. Defeat of Napoleon Waterloo campaign Congress of Vienna I Discontent in England.. J Peterloo massacre Trial of Queen Caroline. Catholic Association .... Commercial distress J Catholic emancipation French Revolution of July | Reform Bill agitation Do 27,036,450 Do 27,724,849 Peel-Wellington administration .... Stamp duty reduced Sept. 15, to Id. First year of penny stamp Chartist agitation Number of Stamps Issued. j. England. "Great Britain. Commencement of the systematic 1 agitation of Corn Law repeal.. J Corn Law agitation Repeal of the Corn Laws Famine in Ireland ( French Revolution of February 1 \ European insurrections J War with Russia. Great Britain ' and Ireland, ^ 62,651,342 65,074,219 69,054,067 78,586,650 83,074,638 82,380,875 86,465,684 84,069,472 91,600,000 Amount of duty, L.421,811 1 122,178,5011 39,184,474 Optional stamp. 1 Inclusive of prices current, trade lists, &c., and of halfpenny stamps for supplements. 7,411,757 9,464,790 14,035,639 16,085,085 20,532,793 24,424,713 26,308,003 24,385,508 ' 22,050,354 24,277,464 24,718,541 23,048,449 29,387,843 30,451,176 30,453,566 32,585,481 32,989,884 34,540,496 37,713,068 37,210,691 34,748,922 35,823,859 39,423,200 53,897,926 53,680,880 58,981,078 60,759,392 Rate of Duty (Net). Hd. 2d. 3d. 31d. ( Part of the year, 3|d j From Sept. 15, Id. 191 mercial interests.” It was pertinently rejoined by Lord CanningThis in no way affects the justice of the ques¬ tion. It will be remembered that not many shipowners ' petitioned for the alteration of the navigation laws, nor many farmers for the repeal of the corn laws.” Thus was struck out from the statute-book a law which had been thrust upon it at a time of unusual excitement, in opposition to the counsels of the best statesmen of the day, but which, nevertheless, continued in force for a hundred and forty-three years. During that long term it uniformly showed itself to be potent for mischief, and powerless for good. Any period of unusual stringency in the execution of it was in¬ variably marked by rampant misgovernment, crowded gaols, and wide-spread discontent. At length the contrast between professions of anxiety for the promotion of popular educa¬ tion, and an obstinate perseverance in impeding the pro¬ gress of one of the most efficient of popular educators, be¬ came too glaring to be longer endured. It deserves to be remembered, that at this final stage, although there was a formidable array of maintainers of the stamp, not one of the number was bold enough to avow any sympathy with the reasons for supporting it which had so often been can¬ didly asserted by writers like L’Estrange, and by statesmen like North and Pitt. In these days no politician has either fear or dislike of an unshackled press. His only alarm is, lest in losing its fetters, it should lose its character. The interval since the repeal is as yet too brief to afford materials for any satisfactory estimate even of the imme¬ diate results. We close this section of the subject, there¬ fore, with a brief statistical statement of the present posi¬ tion of the British newspaper press; first, however, pre¬ fixing a tabular summary of the operation of the stamp duty at various periods of its existence. News¬ papers. 192 NEWSPAPERS. News¬ papers. Number of newspa¬ pers cur¬ rent in 1857. The number of newspapers commenced from the early part of 1855, when the repeal of the stamp duty had be¬ come a certainty, although not actually accomplished, and which continued to be in existence at the beginning of 1857, amounts to 107. Eighty of these were started in 1855, and twenty-seven in 1856; twenty-six are metropo¬ litan, and eighty-one provincial. Of the latter, the majo¬ rity belong to towns which possessed no newspaper what¬ ever under the compulsory stamp act, and the price of nearly one-third of them is but a penny. In some cases, however, a portion of these new cheap papers is printed in London, usually with pictorial illustrations, and to this is added a local supplement containing the news of the district. The total number of the newspapers published through¬ out the United Kingdom at the beginning of 1857 was 711; and they may be classified as follows:— Newspapers of Liberal politics. Democratic „ . Conservative ,, . Neutral ,, . Total number. Engl and. Metro- Pro- politan. vincial. 40 3 20 38 134 90 131 101 355 19 06 112 38 111 ta c 13 289 3 173 246 711 If these existing newspapers be classified according to their respective dates of first publication, the enumeration will run thus :— Date of Tublication. Wales iwo'- Jre- isie oi Metro. Prov. vvale8• land. land. Man. First pub. prior to year 1700 betw. 1701 & 1750 „ 1751-60 „ 1761-70 „ 1771-80 „ 1781-90 „ 1791-1800 „ 1801-10 „ 1811-20 „ 1821-30 „ 1831-40 „ 1841-50 „ 1851-54 in 1855 „ 1856 First publication uncertain. Total number. England. 101 355 19 112 111 13 4 22 4 11 11 13 18 32 33 49 101 134 116 116 40 7 711 . Postal transmis¬ sion of newspa¬ pers in 1855 and 1856. "I he decrease in the number of newspapers which passed through the post-office in the year 1855 (during exactly one-half of which the compulsory stamp had been abolished), amounted to about one-fourth of the aggregate number which had been posted in the preceding year. During the six months of the optional stamp the money received for impressed stamps was about L.93,000, and that for postage stamps affixed on newspapers about L.25,000. In the year 1856 the number of newspapers which passed through the post-office was nearly 71,000,000, and of these about three-fourths bore the impressed stamp, and one- fourth was franked by the ordinary postage stamps. The total gross revenue was therefore about L.295,833. Prior to the abolition of the compulsory stamp the avcratje wei Neavtoavn-Limavady, a market-town of Ireland, in the county of Londonderry, is situated on the Roe, 13 miles S.W. of Coleraine, and 15 E.N.E. of Londonderry. It has a large parish church ; three Presbyterian and Iavo Wesleyan churches; besides Independent, Roman Catholic, and Uni¬ tarian chapels ; several schools; a market house; jail; dis¬ pensary ; work-house ; and savings-bank. The manufacture NEW Newtown- Stewart New York State. Islands. of linen is carried on here ; and there is a considerable trade in grain and flax. Pop. (1851) 3206. Newtown-Stewart, a market-town of Ireland, in the county of Tyrone, 9 miles N. by W. of Omagh, con¬ tains many well-built houses; a large parish church; Presbyterian, Wesleyan, and Roman Catholic churches; a school; a dispensary; and the ruins of an old castle. Pop. 1405. Extent and NEW YORK, one of the United States of America, is situated between Lat. 40. 30. and 45. N., and (including Long Island, &c.) between Long. 71. 51. 58., and 79. 55. It is bounded N. by Lake Ontario, St Lawrence River, and Canada East; E. by Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; S. by the Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; and W. by Pennsylvania, Lake Erie, and Niagara River. Its form is irregular, but may be compared to that of an irregular triangle, with its apex touching the Atlantic. 1 he extreme length east and west of its con¬ tinental part is about 335 miles, and the extreme breadth noith and south about 308 miles. Including Long Island, Staten Island, &c., the total area ol the state is computed at 47,000 square miles, or about one sixty-third of the entire area of the United States. Long Island, the largest insular portion of the state, pro¬ jects into the Atlantic (opposite, and in the main parallel, to the shore of the mainland, the most of which is embraced by Connecticut), a distance of about 125 miles ; its greatest breadth is about 20 miles, its average breadth 12 miles, and its area about 1440 square miles. Staten Island, at the mouth of New York harbour (and included in Rich¬ mond county), is about 14 miles long, from 4 to 8 miles wide, w'ith an area of about 60 square miles. Manhattan Island (embraced in New York city and county) has an extreme length of 13J miles, an average breadth of 2 miles, and an area of 211 square miles. In New York harbour are three islands—Governor’s, Elies’, and Bedlow’s, ceded to the United States government, and fortified. In the East River, or Strait of Long Island Sound, are three islands occupied by New York city institutions. In Niagara River, about 4 miles above Niagara Falls, is Grand Island, having an area of 2<-j?g- square miles, besides several small islands. I he surface of the state is considerably elevated, the larger part of it being a section of the great Alleghany table-land. I here is, however, a great diversity in the aspect of the several physical divisions. The eastern half of the state is traversed by ranges of mountains; the in¬ terior has an uneven surface, and contains several large and deep lakes ; and the western part, though frequently un¬ even, is distinguished for its broad and rich plains. There NEW 213 'hysical spect. atural visions. tliintic aie four great natural divisions,—1. The Atlantic district, an land. the smallest of these, comprises Long Island, which is a low strict or saut*y reS>01b with extensive plains rising along its north- ang J er(* borders into hills of moderate elevation, at but one only exceeding 300 feet in height. Its temperature differs much from that of the mainland. Its insular posi¬ tion, and its early settlement, have occasioned the extirpa¬ tion of the larger quadrupeds ; and it is more remarkable for t ic a undance and variety of its birds, than for the number of its mammalia. It forms the southern limit of the migra¬ tions of the arctic species of birds, and the northern limit to those of the torrid zone. It seems also to be the bound- aiy etween the fishes and other classes of the northern n a- • troflca seas* 2‘ The Hudson valley district com- iieydis- prises the region watered by the Hudson River and its tnbutanes, the chief of which is the Mohawk River. The outline bears some resemblance to the letter L inverted \ l)> t le peipendicular and main part of the letter re¬ presenting the Hudson River, and the horizontal and minor part of it representing the Mohawk River. The latter, after an eastward course of 140 miles, enters the Hudson ulson at a distance of 160 miles from the Atlantic. This district New YnrV is traversed by ranges of the Alleghany Mountains, and its State, western border embraces the Catskill range of mountains some of which are nearly 4000 feet high. In regard to size, this is the third of the four districts/ 3. The Northern Northern district lies N. of the Mohawk valley, is bounded W. district, by Lake Ontario and the River St Lawrence, and has the shape of an irregular truncated triangle. Its south-eastern half embraces the region of the Adirondack Mountains, estimated to contain an area of about 6000 square miles, and containing numerous conical peaks and short ranges, reaching in some places an elevation of more than 5000 feet. lowards Lakes Champlain and George they subside suddenly to the level of those sheets of wrater. To the N. and N.W. there is a very gradual slope towards the River St Lawrence. 4. The Western district includes the Western region between Lakes Ontario and Erie on the N., and the district. Pennsylvania boundary-line on the S. A large proportion of it is. elevated and furrowed by valleys, extending N. and S., which give rise to rivers pursuing opposite directions. Its central position is a level table-land, rising in its south¬ ern parts to elevations of from 1000 to 1200 feet above the sea,.and abruptly subsiding on its western border to the level of Lake Erie. 1 his same portion contains a series of lakes, stretching generally from N. to S., varying fiom 15 to 38 miles in length, and discharging their waters by one common outlet, the Oswego River, into Lake Ontario. Lakes Erie and Ontario exercise a great influence on the climate and other features of this dis¬ trict, the whole of which is exceedingly fertile, and in its uncultivated portions is covered by a vigorous growth of forest trees. 1 he Alleghany Mountains enter the S.E. part of the Mountains, state by two distinct ridges from New Jersev and Pennsyl¬ vania. The former crosses the Hudson River at West Point, forming the highlands of the Hudson, celebrated for their scenery, which combines grandeur with the most pic- tmesque beauty. At this crossing the highlands are from 15 to 20 miles in breadth, and have a height of about 1400 feet, and in one instance, on the E. bank of the river, near Fishkill, they attain an elevation of nearly 1700 feet. East of the Hudson this range has a N.E. direction, until it ap¬ proaches near the Connecticut boundary-line, and then extends N., being called the Taconic range, until it mero-es in the chain of the Green Mountains. The second branch of the Alleghanies, leading from Pennsylvania, is the range of the Shawanzunk Mountains, which also extends in a N.E. direction, approaching the Hudson, but not crossing it. 1 he Catskill range approaches the Hudson bv a similar course, and extends parallel to it for 20 miles' but then bends oft to the N.W., towards the Mohawk River. The mountains in the northern part of the state, which are to¬ gether generally called the Adirondack Mountains, com¬ prise several ranges which have distinct local names; but they constitute a cluster which may be considered as a branch of the great Appalachian system. In other sections there are ranges of hills and highlands. I he most important river for purposes of general naviga- Rivers tion exclusively within the state, is the Hudson, which is iiEo one of the most magnificent water-courses in the New World.. It rises, by two branches, among the Adirondack ilountains, and having received the Sacandaga, pursues its course (of about 160 miles from its sources) to Waterford, 10 miles above Albany, where it receives the Mohawk River, and thence flows almost directly southward about 156 miles, to its entrance through New York Bay into the Atlantic Ocean, lo Troy, 151 miles from the city of New York, the tidal wave passes in from seven to nine hours from New \oik ; and to that city the river is navigable for large steamboats of light draught. Ocean vessels do not ascend above Hudson, 118 miles from New York. The River St 214 NEW YORK. Falls and cascades. New York Lawrence, the outlet of the great lakes, forms a large part State. 0f the northern boundary of the state, and conveys to the ocean a larger volume of water than any other river in the world, except the Amazon. It is navigable for sloops to Ogdensburg, 60 miles from Lake Ontario, but below that place its navigation is much interrupted by rapids. Seve¬ ral rivers of great volume, lying within the state, have each a course of above 150 miles; and, in addition to then na¬ tural service in draining and watering their respective valleys, afford, from their descent, most valuable water¬ power, which latter circumstance prevents continuous na¬ vigation by vessels of considerable size. The falls and cascades of the rivers of this state^ are numerous, forming notable features in its scenery. I be great Falls of Niagara are elsewhere described. The Ge¬ nesee River has a series of falls; near its sources it descends, within the space of two miles, by three falls of 60, 90, and 110 feet, through a wild and picturesque gorge, formed in the solid rock to the depth of 400 feet; and at Rochester it again descends by three falls of 96, 20, and 105 feet (mak- ino-, with two rapids, a total descent of 268 feet within the city’s limits), the first of which, by its affording immense water-power, has been a principal cause of the piospeiity o that flourishing city. Fall Creek, near Ithaca, descends 438 feet, in the space of one mile, by several cascades, one of which has a perpendicular pitch of 116 feet. Ihe Mo¬ hawk River in its falls at Cohoes is precipitated over a broken rock 62 feet high, the bank of the river forming precipitous walls 140 feet above the stream; and at Little Falls, some miles above, it passes through a fissure m the rocks, which rise on each side 500 feet above its surface. Trenton Falls is a series of cascades and rapids m West Canada Creek, a tributary of the Mohawk, and 15 miles N. of Utica, extending over 2 miles in a narrow channel cut through solid limestone rock, the sides of which in places rise perpendicularly to the height of 140 feet. At Glenn s Falls, 18 miles from Saratoga, the Hudson flows over a precipitous ledge of rocks, with a descent of 70 feet. In various other rivers, especially in the northern part of the state, there are many waterfalls of much beauty, which are also of importance from their furnishing motive P The great exterior lakes, Ontario and Erie, are navigable for the largest steamers and sailing-vessels, and each has several good harbours. Lake Champlain, between this state and Vermont, is 134 miles in length, and of compara¬ tively narrow though unequal width, but is navigable throughout its length for steamboats of the first class. I he lakes in the interior of the state not only constitute an in¬ teresting feature in its physical geography, but they are of considerable importance to commercial navigation. The largest of these which are navigable by steamers are Lake George, 36 miles long ; Cayuga, 38 ; and Seneca, 35 ; after which are Oneida Lake, 20 miles long; Skaneateles, 16; Crooked, 18; Canandaigua, 15; Chautauque,18; and several others. The northern district of the state abounds with small lakes, there being perhaps 200, some of which are greatly elevated above the sea. The harbours of Buffalo and Dunkirk, on Lake Erie, are capacious, and are also important commercial stations, forming the termini of the two great lines of railroad which extend through the whole length of the state to the Hudson River. On Lake Ontario there are several good harbours,—viz., Sackett’s Harbour, Oswego, Genesee (port of Rochester), Niagara, &c.; the first of which is the best, and was an important naval station during the war of 1812-14. Lake Champlain has some harbours, which are sufficiently com¬ modious for the shipping on that lake. The sea-coast of the state is nearly all comprised in the shores of Long Island, which contain a few harbours and inlets, but none that are much frequented by shipping. Lakes. Lake bar- tours. Sea-coast. The bay and harbour of New York are subsequently York described. ^ TI« legislature of N-Yo J act _ “SVp'S «cou„f of rocks and soils, and their tke Jte. localities ^with a list of all its mineralogical, botanical, and zoolo- locaiHies, witu should also procure and preserve spe¬ cimens^ the same. In the execution of that act, and of the acts of “18 1840 and of April 9, 1842, the survey was made. The final report on the results of the survey consists of sixteen large nCarto volumes, abundantly and splendidly illustrated. There are eio-ht several collections of specimens of the animals, plants, soils, minerals rocks, and fossils, found within the state, one of which collections constitutes a museum of natural history at the capital of the state, and the others are distributed among its collegiate institutions. A geological map is also published, and several more volumes are expected upon the palaeontology. The total cost of the survey and of printing, &c., has been estimated at about L Withthe exception of the alluvial and diluvial deposits, and the Geology, beds of Tertiary on the St Lawrence, occupying a very limited area all the formations of the state of New York are older than the coal formation. The lowest rock of the coal formation occupies some small patches in the south-western part of the state; but none o the coal-bearing strata approach nearer than within six miles of the state line. The prevalence of limestone in nearly all the forma¬ tions is worthy of notice, affording as it does the basis rock best adapted to yield the materials for fertilizing the soil. . . „ . There are two tracts of rocks of the Primary system (comprising Primary the unstratified crystalline and the stratified non-fossihterousj system, which together occupy about one-third of the area of the state, and are separated from each other by the intervention of a narrow belt of sedimentary rocks. The first is in the north-eastern part of the state, and is of irregular circular form, occupying the counties ot Essex, Warren, and Hamilton, with parts of the adjoining counties embraced in the region of the Adirondack Mountains. Nearly the whole of the county of Essex, with its lofty mountains, is composed of hypersthene rock, a compound of Labrador felspar and hypers- thene, allied to syenitic granite. In this region it is associated with very large deposits of magnetic iron ore. Throughout this northern section primitive limestone, important for the manufac¬ ture of lime for agricultural purposes, is_ quite abundant. Ihe second tract of the Primary formation consists of a comparatively small section, somewhat triangular, in the southern and south¬ eastern portion of the state, comprising the counties of Putnam and Westchester, with the larger part of New York, and parts of Rockland, Orange, and Dutchess. The predominant rock in both these Primary sections is gneiss, which furnishes a fine building material, and, under the popular name of granite, is extensively quarried, varying, however, in appearance and composition in di - ferent sections. Granite exists, but it is quite unimportant both in extent and value. . nPaconic The term Taconic system has been given to that series (comprisi g seven groups, according to the New York geologists) denominated syste . metamorphic, lying between the most decided crystalline slates and the lowest fossiliferous rocks. (This system, according to Professor Emmons, is fossiliferous, distinct from and lower than the New York system, and corresponds to the Cambrian rocks of Great Bri¬ tain ; but according to others, it is the New York system metamor¬ phosed by heat.) The term is derived from the laconic or lag i- kannic range of the Appalachian chain, on the eastern boundary of the state, in which is the principal deposit; but there are extensive deposits of similar character all along the west side of the Green and Hoosac Mountains of New England, and so through the Appa¬ lachian ranges to Alabama, besides thinner ones in many other places throughout the United States, making in all a series of rocks many thousand feet thick and many hundred miles long._ Its seven srouns or formations are,—granular quartz (which furnishes white siliceous sand for glass and sand-paper, and for sawing rnarbie), Stockbridge limestone, magnesian slate, sparry limestone roohng slate, Taconic slate, and black slate. The limestone is fine, furnish¬ ing good building material. v i New Yrork The New York geologists denominate as the New York syste™ , that whole series of rocks which are identical with the lower and y upper Silurian of Europe, including two or three members of the Devonian group; and this system they divide into four principal groups, and subdivide into twenty-eight minor groups. Uther American geologists have given other names to these series. Uur limits allow only a synopsis of their extent in the state of iNew York and brief allusion to their characteristics. The four princi¬ pal groups are named Champlain division, Ontario division, Helderberg series, and Erie division. The Champlain division, the lowest of the four, corresponding New York ^'eLower Silurian (or Cambrian or graywacke) system of Europe State. embraces eight formations. It occupies a very considerable but irregular territory. It extends along the St Lawrence, commencino- from its mouth, to its source in Lake Ontario. A branch runs southerly along the east side of the granitic mountains of Essex &c. along the borders of Lake Chamnlain. and thanno i.. NEW YOKE. 215 ssiLoT“cb:it “Xiir “e r rth7?rs sand above. ^ 111 ceiitre, and State. Iron ores are abundantly distributed throuo-h the north istern and south-pastorn <.1 . s 16 .nortil" Minerals. ALbama. The., rod,. Indeed, dank the mountain, of Sff” *??“" °"he fa to form a huge granitic island, giving us an idea r°i™er. in Llinton and Essex counties, the deposits of 1£S when the Silurian rnnVc magnetic iron orp- thp r r t ^ blls > xiiuuuLains oi Jiissex eounty &c., so as to form a huge granitic island, giving us an idea o the state of things when the Silurian rocks were in course of de¬ position. Its lowest formation,—viz., the Potsdam sandstone is supposed to be the lowest fossiliferous rock in the world. The most common shell in it is a lingula, a genus which has survived all the revolutions of the earth, and is still found in the ocean. This formation, 300 feet thick, furnishes a beautiful and durable building material The other formations (in ascending order), and their estimated thickness, are—calciferous sand-rock, 300 feet, in which fossils are both rare and obscure; Chazy and Black River lime- T-100 fee*’ sonl<; of which produce fine dark-coloured marbles as well as good quick-lime; Trenton limestone, 400 feet rich in orgamc remains; Utica slate, 100 feet, employed in roofing; and which f ™ J i gr0UP-’ embracinff the gray sandstone, 700 feet, which furnishes stone suitable for grindstones. of^PPer?UUrian °-f EuroPe embraces the two highest members Saif of heT r dKViS10n’.a11 the 0ntario division, and more than half of the Helderberg series of the New York geologists; and its thickness is about 2400 feet. In New York the Upper Silurian rocks extend in a belt of nearly equal width along thesouth side of Lake Ontario (and in Canada on the north side of Lake Erie), whence it spreads out southerly and westerly over more than half of the iJn0orLSt th\ lovvest °f this astern is the Oneida grit, which orlnic ’ Trse and fine grained, and almost destitute of o game remains. Next to this are the formations comprised in the Canton andN0" ^ Y°rk 8ysten,’-viz-’ Medina sandstone, Clinton and Niagara groups, and the Onondaga Salt group. The Medina sandstone, 350 feet thick, is a red or variegated siliceous mass, sometimes marly and friable, interstratified with gray hands quartzose sandstone. The Clinton group, 80 feet, is composed of received^ariegated shales and sandstones, so diversified as to have received the name of Protean, and it abounds in fossils. The Nia- gara grouj), -64 feet, consists of shale below and limestone above Jhofonnor, exposed to atmospheric and aqueous action, crumbles , c^,a,nf |eaves •'be limestone in overhanging masses which at eniuh break by their own weight. These are the rocwlr wLh e water at Niagara Falls is iirecipitated, and this is the cause of - elr retracession. This formation is highly fossiliferous. The n fr'rtrvi 1 AAA ^ i j • ■« . Onondaga Salt group, from 600 to 1000 feet thick^i^artoimense “™tleS of CattaraUgUS and Alleghany; the nitrogfn springs mass of argillo-calcareous shaly rocks, abounding in veins and beds f ^ew Lebanon and Hoosac; and the carburetted hvdrofren neighbourhood of Labe EriHndfc magnetic iron ore, the black oxide, form beds offt-'orn11'to -0 feet in thickness, almost without mixture, encased in gramte; they are also found in the mountains of that region and appear to extend without interruption into New York horn Canada. Ihe Stafford vein in Essex county was esti- rmted in the geological survey to contain ore sufficient to yield three million tons of malleable iron. The specular oxide is founu chiefly in the counties of St Lawrence, Jef- ferson, and Franklin, which border the St Lawrence River In the south-eastern section there are extensive beds of abund^n! T1 h^matite but the latter is the more abundant The carburet of iron occurs abundantly in the same section, and less abundantly in the north-east section! o/which h°CfCUrtin cons,derable.deposits in various sections, of which by far the most extensive and celebrated are those and ‘umilu!' R°t’r St1LawrenCe county- In 1837 hm ,i838i h yielded nearly 3000 tons ot' metallic lead ; The,e !LhsaVeiin0t bee? regularly WOrked t0 that extent. ties Thl Aa T1"8 ° i21"0’ C°Pper’ &C-’ in several coun- ties. Ihe Onondaga salt springs, at and around Syracuse aie the most important in the Union; they have been worked since 1797, and the amount of their product has inci eased with nearly every successive year. The number I n89 ° saL in 1854 was 5,803,347; in 1855 6,082 88o ; and m 1856, 5,966,810. Mineral springs, cele¬ brated for their medicinal value, and as places of great resort some of!h1erwrVeX1St 111 Vari°US districts> The central, and - me of_ the western counties, contain abundance of gypsum S 15 Thf yhU6e,d “S “ ffe, tilizer’ “"O exten3ively ex^ 1 , The abundance of excellent bmldinc material bas already been noticed. The petroleum springs, in the nf , T aoounamg m veins and beds gy) sum, and the source of all the salt springs in New York and the Western States. Notwithstanding its great thicknesl itos vorv arren in fossils. This Ontario division occupies a strip about 20 miles m width, and nearly equal in length to Lake Ontario, which riin f8] ^ ,theao]Ith- The remaining varieties of the Upper Silu¬ rian (placed by Professor Hall under the name of the Lower lleldcr berg limestones) are-the Water Lime group, 100 feet thick • Pen tamerous limestone, 80; Delthyris limesfone^OO; and Uppe; len- tamerous limestone. The last named (with the following—Qris- any sandstone, /00 feet thick—in Pennsylvania ; Cauda Galli grit- winn16 0r Sandstone’ Onondaga limestone; and corniferous ^e’ c.onstltute tlle Helderberg series (of the New York 2uS dTl0Ped “ anthe sandstones being T„eClay, !anasof -the teMi„y format;oo stirt theshoresof n/rSoSirk tcwSby a'lbVaverage^'tem liaritics. Taken aitogelher^'dl^yXXi; everywhere one of great extremes, and subject to sudden fng thIserhowangeS -f a11 timeS °f the year* Notwithstand- verV healthv Tl’ aPPGarS Ulat the State as a whole is state is 46°:49 ^1mean aVeragG temPeratiire of the whole mum 12° hoi9 ,5 m!fn1.maximurn 92°’ mean »ani- 'ri1P Cn "u zero, and the mean annual range 104°. whole nf Jo11 7r, 0f th? Valley 0f the Hudson,°and the state Th * M f ^i ’ arp 1 le mosfc e(luable portions of the vm-v’erre1, to Il£lS a clitliate which does not U Mil aLvM. Ve ™ean averag'e- The region N. and 216 New York State. Vegeta¬ tion. NEW YORK. Zoology. The abori gines and their anti quities. perature, backward seasons, and early frosts. 1 He wesjtei or lake region has a similar climate to that of Long Islan . Summarily, this state has the summer heats of Spam and Italy, and the rigour of its winter is equal to those ot ttie northern portions of Europe. . . , . . nf Corresponding to the varieties m its characteristic^^ sur face, soil, and climate, we find, as we should expect, that this state has an exceedingly diverse vegetation Within borders are trees, shrubs, grasses, &c., of both extre™c the States—the north and the south. Its most important na tural o-rowth is that of its forest trees, which once covered its whole territory, and yet occupy the immense tracts that have not been brought The most common tree in the forest are the varieties of oak, pine, beech, scarcely any variety, found under similar iatitude and chma ^ is wanting. The mountain sides and woods aie clothed witii a shrubby undergrowth. The native grasses are numerous Ld widely distributed, bu, only a few of *em are v»lu“bk, and the cultivated meadow grasses are o fore. n m - The whole number of flowering plants in the state ^ ab 1450,—of which 1200 are herbaceous, and loO may be regarded as ornamental. Of woody plants, there aie - «necies including 80 that attain to the stature of tree . are reputed medicinal there are, native and natu- climate, which exercises a great influence upon the number and distribution o its animals it results that its classes of the animal kingdom comprise those found in both the northern and southern portions of Europe The families Cervidce and Mustehdm may seive as examples of the one; while the Vespertdtomdce and will illustrate the other. The previous explanation of the natural divisions of the state points out the four pri c oal zoological districts, each sufficiently distinct in itself, but of course so much blended at the lines of separation as not to be contradistinguished. The forests were formerly ranged by the moose, stag, and reindeer, but these are now seldom met with. The existing animals are the Amei.can deer, black bear, puma, &c, descending mjze to the hares, squirrels, and smaller quadrupec s. the most has been found in a fossil state in several places , the most perfect and gigantic skeleton being that found in 1845 near Newburgh, Orange county, weighing 2000 lbs., and owned by Dr John C. Warren of Boston, by whom it has been described in one of the memoirs published bYjh® ^ll " sonian Institution. Teeth and other remains of elephant^ &c., have been occasionally dug up. Of birds of Fey te species are numerous; of birds of passage, tribes and 149 species; of the Scansoriae, the genus Picw> (woodpecker) is verv common; of the Galhnaceae, seveia species; of the Grallatorise, or waders, there are 62 species in 7 families; and of the Palmipedes, or swimming birds, there are many varieties. In regard to the Reptiha, m phibia, Pisces, Mollusca, Crustacea, and Insecta, we have not room for even a condensation of the results ot the survey of the state. , The state of New York, in common with other portions of North America, possesses many interesting but obscure traces of once powerful nations, which seem to have existed previous to those savage tribes who occupied the country at the period of its discovery by Europeans. The ruins ot fortifications, mounds, &c., the traces of agriculture, and the remains of rude art which have been brought to light in various parts of the state, display marks of high antiquity, and bespeak the existence of a people entirely distinct from the Indians who were found here by the first European discoverers. These works consist chiefly of earthen para¬ pets, the sites of which, with a view to defence, appear to have been selected with much judgment; and greater skill was exercised in their construction than has been displayed by the Indian races known to us. The forms ot these a^cenfcou^y ' Near nvany of the forts rounds of eith ^ unnPc in various stages ot deca\, aie eum j have been™ e burial places, in some instances, of the more have oeen me t number of forts and mounds in recent Indian tribes exceed3 100. The rioseedta™asPof the fortifications vary from 6 acres to 100 incioseu a ea. earthen walls which inclose them 'r^theiTpresmhf abradedcondition, are from 10 to V2 feet in height, and from 6 to 8 feet in breadth, borne of these breastworks bear or have borne trees, whose age has been estimated at more than two hundred and seventy- five tears, and which may have been preceded by others. There are indications that the architects of these works vveie not so greatly advanced in civilization as the Toltecs o Aztecs of Mexico, and thus their origin is surrounded with adddional the settlement of New York, the Indian principal Indian tribes in the region now comprised in the tribes, state were those of the celebrated confederacy of the Five Nations viz., the Mohawk, Oneida, Seneca, Onondaga, and Cayuga.’ It is asserted by a writer in 1741, that this con¬ federacy was established, as the Indians say, one age or one man’s life before the white people settled at Albany (1615), or before white men came to the country. Long be ore they were known to the Europeans, these nations had ac¬ quired a decided superiority over other Indians; and tin they long retained, extending their conquests as far as South Carolina. In 1714 they were joined by the lusca- roras. and from that time the confederation was known as that of the Six Nations. In 1608 Champlain by his attack, had rendered them hostile to the French, and their hostility continued until the French lost Canada. Their alliance with the English continued so firm, that on the breakup out of (and in fact before) the Revolutionary war, they were induced to engage against the Americans. 1 he Six Nations then numbered about 10,000, and bad 2000 bo d and skilful warriors. Including these, there were, wdbm the Indian de- nartment of the northern provinces, 130,000 Indians, o whom 25,420 were fighting men. But if their employme by the British government was disastrous to the American8, it was equally so to the Indians. A considerable poition of the Oneidas refused to join with the other tribes against the colonists. The bond of this confederacy was severed never to be reunited. The war made sad havoc with the warriors, and at its close the remnants of the tnbes passed away before the influx of settlers. In 1188 and 17 89 the Six Nations, by treaty, conveyed to the state a arge trac of their territory; and by other purchases, &c., the Indian title to nearly all lands in the state was extinguished. Cer¬ tain reservations, chiefly in the western counties, were made, portions of which the Indians and their descendants have continued to hold to the present time. I heir total numbei m The^ history of New York commences with 1609. On Discover the third day of September in that year Henry Hudson, in 1609. an Englishman by birth, in the service of the Dutch East India Company, anchored his vessel, the Crescent, with Sandy Hook. Almost at the same time Champlain was invading New York from the north. After a week s delay, Hudson sailed (Sept. 11) through the Narrows, and anchored in New York harbour. Ten days (Sept. 12th to 22d)were employed in exploring the river. Hudson, the first ot Europeans who penetrated so far into the country, went sounding his way beyond the Highlands, till the Cres¬ cent had sailed some miles above the city of Hudso , and a boat had advanced a little beyond Albany, fre¬ quent intercourse was held with the astonished Indians. Having completed his discovery, Hudson descended the 3arly )utch rafliu. Colonial istory. vents of ie Itevolu- on in evv York. formation f Slate ;overn- iuent. NEW stream to which time has given his name; and, on the fourth day of October, set sail for Europe. The right of possession of the country was claimed for the United Provinces; and, in 1610, merchants of Amster¬ dam fitted out a ship with various merchandise to traffic with the natives. The voyage was prosperous, and was renewed. In 1614 the first rude fort was erected—probably on the southern point of Manhattan Island. In the next year (1615) the settlement at Albany was begun, on an island just below the present city. This was the remote port of the Indian trader, and was never again abandoned. Yet at this early period there was no colony; not a single family had emigrated; the only Europeans on the Hudson were commercial agents and their subordinates. The Dutch West India Company was incorporated, June 3, 1621, for twenty-four years, and became the sovereign of the central portion of the United States, though colonization on the Hudson was neither the motive nor main object in its establishment. Its first ship arrived in the harbour of New York in 1623. This is the era of the permanent settlement of the country, which in its development shortly assumed the form of a colony. In 1624 Peter Minuits, the commercial agent of the West India Company, arrived with several families, and thenceforward held the office of director (governor) until 1633, when he was succeeded by Wonter Yan Twiller, who in 1638 gave place to William Kieft. During the administration of the latter, the colony was troubled by con¬ troversies with the encroaching English, and suffered from the provoked hostilities of the Indians. In 1647 Peter Stuyvesant became governor, and by his exertions a provi¬ sional treaty was made with the surrounding English colo¬ nies. In 1664 Charles II. granted to his brother James, the Duke of York, the territory claimed by the Dutch. On 8th September of that year, Colonel Nichols, commis¬ sioned for the purpose, compelled Stuyvesant to surrender, and changed the name of New Netherlands to New York. In 1673 the Dutch retook the colony, but in the next year they finally surrendered it to the English, who held posses¬ sion until the American Revolution. During this lengthy period New York suffered much from the Indian depreda¬ tions and ravages in the wars waged between the French and English. In 1690 Schenectady was burned by the savages, and many of its inhabitants massacred. Apart from these wars, no very important event occurred for many years preceding the negro plot in 1741. On 7th October 1765, the first continental congress of the colonies met in New York city ; and from that time, until the close of the Revo¬ lution, the general history of New York is almost identical with that of the united colonies. A considerable portion of the active hostilities of the revolutionary war took place on the soil of this state. At its commencement the American militia captured Ti- conderoga, Crown Point, and Whitehall, and thus secured the command of Lake Champlain. The most prominent occurrences in New York were,—the defeat, in the autumn of 1776, of the Americans on Long Island and at White Plains ; the surrender, on 17th October 1777, of Burgoyne, the British general, with his 6000 troops; and the cap¬ ture, on the 16th July 1779 of StQ,ny Point by the Ame¬ ricans, under General Wayne. Jay, Hamilton, and others distinguished in the national councils, were natives of New York. Ihe colonial government was suspended in May 1775, from which time, to 20th April 1777, a provincial congress governed; of which Nathaniel Woodhill was president from August 1775. On 9th July 1776, the fourth session of this body met, by adjournment, at White Plains, and having received the Declaration of Independence, ap¬ proved it. On 12th March 1777, a constitution for the YORK. 217 state was reported by a committee of the congress ; on New York the 20th April following it was adopted ; and it so remained State, through the war, and afterwards. On 26th July 1788 it v'—^ was ratified by the state legislature, and it thence con¬ tinued to be the organic law, without change (exceptino- a few amendments in 1801) until 1821, when it was revised by a convention elected for that purpose ; and their revision was duly ratified by the people. In 1846 a new constitu¬ tion, prepared by a convention, was approved by the people ; and to this was made, in 1854, an amendment relative to the public debt. The present constitution came into operation 1st Jan-Govern- uary 1847. The right to vote is granted to every white ment. male adult citizen resident of the state one year, of the Abstract county four months, and of the election district thirty of.the.Con- days; and to coloured persons having paid tax on freehold stitution‘ estate of L.52, and been citizens for three years. General elections are held on the Tuesday after first Monday in November. The legislature assembles on the first Tues¬ day in January. Senators (32) are elected for two years; assembly-men (128) for one year; and both receive 12s. 6d. per diem for a hundred days’ session, with mileage. The Judiciary is thus constituted:—The court for the trial of impeachments consists of the senate and the judges of the court of appeals, and its judgment extends only to removal or disqualification for office, with liability to indictment. The court of appeals is composed of 8 judges, of whom 4 are elected by the electors of the state, and 4 are se¬ lected from the justices of the supreme court having the shortest time to serve, and its chief judge is chosen from those elected. The supreme court, having general juris¬ diction in law and equity, comprises 8 districts, in each of which 4 justices are elected for eight years. County courts (except New York county) consist of 1 judge, elected for four years. Municipal courts have uniform organization and jurisdiction; justices of the peace are elected for four years. Any male adult citizen of good morals, and requisite ability, may practice in all state courts. The governor, elected by the people for two years, must be thirty years old, state resident for five years, and United States citizen. Of the administrative officers, the secretary of state, comptroller, treasurer, attorney- general, and state engineer, are elected by the people for two years. In 1814 the state had a fund applicable to the support pinances# of its government, amounting to L.916,017. In 1817 the construction of the Erie and Champlain canals was com¬ menced ; and in defraying their cost the public monies were exhausted, and a debt was created. Before the year 1835 the state had formed 656 miles of canal, at a cost of L.2,427,631, of which the Erie Canal, 364 miles long, cost L.1,488,285. The public debt, though it has been gra¬ dually increasing, has never been a burden to the tax¬ payers of the state ; since the receipts from the tolls, &c., of the canals, have not only paid the expenses of the canals and a large share of the ordinary expenses of government, but have earned a surplus, used in discharging the interest of the debt. On 30th September 1856, the total canal debt was L.4,670,056. The work of enlarging the canals, which, for several years, has been in progress, has resulted in an increase of the canal debt; but, it is confidently be¬ lieved, that when this is completed, the canals will amply repay all the cost of construction and maintenance, and thereafter, afford a large revenue to the state. In 1856 the assessed value of taxable property in the state was nearly L.292,000,000; but this assessment, as in all the states, is much below the real value. The following table exhibits the result of the census PopnJa- of New York during the period preceding the War oftioa. Independence:— VOL. XVI. 2e NEW YORK. 218 Years. 1698 1703 1723 1731 1737 1746 1749 1756 1771 Whites. Male. 8,143 9,322 17,583 24,856 25,740 26,860 32,355 43,261 73,990 Female. 7,754 9,085 16,810 18,205 25,756 25,622 30,401 39,981 69,484 Blacks. Female. 1,174 3,364 4,866 4,948 4,857 5,696 7,570 10,623 2170 1084 2807 2897 3993 4250 4896 5978 9240 Total Population. 18,067 20,665 40,564 50,824 60,437 61,589 73,348 96,790 163,337 In 1774 it was estimated that the colony of New York embraced a population of 161,098 whites, and21,149 blacks; or 182,247 in all. Of the enumerations in 1776 and 1782, only fragments now remain. In 1786 a full census gave to the state a total of 238,897 ; of which there were 219,956 whites, 18,889 slaves, and 12 Indians paying taxes. The following table is a synopsis of the enumerations of the state from 1790 to 1850,taken by United States’authority:— Date of Census. White Persons. Coloured persons. Free. Slave. Total Population. 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 314,142 556,039 918,699 1,332,744 1,873,663 2,378,890 3,048,325 4,654 10,374 25,333 29,980 44,870 50,027 49,069 21,324 20,343 15,017 10,088 75 4 0 25,978 30,717 40,350 40,068 44,945 50,031 49,069 340,120 586,756 959,049 1,372,812 1,918,608 2,428,921 3,097,394 The increase of population in this state during these sixty years was not only greater in absolute numbers, but was also greater in proportion than in any other of the free states, the ratio having been SICHiS per cent.; while Maine, which exhibited the next greatest growth, increased its po¬ pulation 504‘07 per cent, during the same period. On 1st June 1855, the population had increased to 3,466,212 ; of which there were 45,286 coloured persons. Origin of The state census of 1845 first directed inquiries con- population. cerning place of birth, which were of a general character. Similar, but more minute inquiries, were made in the na¬ tional census of 1850, and still more careful investigations in the state census of 1855. A synopsis of the returns of the three periods thus presented :— Place of birth. State of New York... -New England States (6) Other United States.. Total United States.. Foreign countries At sea Unknown Total 1845. 1,894,278 228,881 83,642 2,206,801 347,266 50,428 2,604,495 2,129,651 | 307,1201 2,436,771 655,929 4,694 3,097,394 2,151,196 206,630 81,470 2,439,296 651,801 6,297 3,097,394 2,222,321 207,539 98,584 2,528,444 920,019 511 17,238 3,466,212 Percentage of classes:— 1845. 1850. 1850. United States 84-731 78'672 /8-/53 Foreign countries 13-333 2U177 2U043 Unknown 1'935 ‘ISl -203 1855. 72-903 26-585 0-512 New York State. The published results of the census of 1850 and 1855 Migrations, confirm the well-known fact that the Americans are mi¬ gratory in their character, and that the tendency of their migration is westward. In 1850 the number of persons born in this state, but then residing in other states, was 547,218 ; and the number of those born in other states, but then residing in this state, was 288,100; showing an excess of 259,119 given to other states. The census of 1855 plainly shows that a very large proportion of the inhabi¬ tants of the western counties were born in the eastern counties. ^ The following table shows the respective numbers of the Origin of population, on the 1st June 1855, born in foreign countries the foreign (having over 100 emigrants in the state), and the percent-^orn' age of the same in the total population :— Countries. Number. Per cent. Countries. Number. Per cent. Ireland Germany.... England .... Canada Scotland France Wales Prussia Holland Switzerland Poland West Indies. Nova Scotia. 469,753 218,997 102,286 47,842 27,523 18,366 8,557 6,352 4,214 3,948 1,880 1,846 1,602 13-549 6-314 2-949 1-379 0-794 0-529 0-246 0-183 0-124 0-114 0-054 0 053 0-046 Sweden Italy Austria New Brunswick Denmark Spain Norway Belgium Newfoundland South America Portugal Russia Mexico 1,472 0-042 1,231 0-036 1,197 0-034 766 0-022 583 0-017 570 0-017 537 0-016 454 0-013 398 0-011 296 0-008 291 0-008 256 0-007 119 0003 In 1821, by a provision of the state constitution as then Census of revised and adopted, the elective franchise was extended electors, to all white male citizens, of the age of twenty-one years, who paid taxes or performed military duty, or who were by law exempt from taxes or military service. In 1826 the constitution was amended by entirely abolishing the pro¬ perty qualification of white voters by a popular vote of 127,077 for, to 8215 against it. Since 1821 the state census period has been decennial, commencing with 1825. Its successive returns of the total population, and of the number of voters and aliens, have been as follows :— 1825 1835 1845 1855 Total Population. 1,616,458 2,174,517 2,604,495 3,466,212 Total number of Voters. 296,132 422,034 539,379 652,322 Aliens. 40,430 82,319 153,717 632,746 Percentage of Pop. Voters. 18- 32 19- 41 20- 32 1801 Aliens. 2- 50 3- 79 5-89 18-54 The constitution of 1821 provided that no man of colour Persons of should vote unless possessed of a freehold worth L.52, above colour, all incumbrances, and for three years a citizen, &c. ; also, that no person of colour should be taxed unless possessed of said real estate. In the adoption of the constitution of 1846, this provision was retained by a special vote of 1 The two tables for 1850 are both derived from the official United States census. Their discrepancies are owing to the circum¬ stance that the tables from which these totals were taken were prepared for different purposes, in different ways, and at different times, involving the examination of the names of many millions of persons, and easily giving opportunity for some errors. The first is per¬ haps the more correct. It is taken from Tables XL. and XLVII. of the Compendium, 8vo, and is composed thus :— Nativities. AVhites. Free Coloured. Total. '’Born in the State...., "Born out of the State, and in the United States. Born in foreign countries Unknown Aggregate. 2,092,076 296,754 665,224 4,271 3,048,325 37,575 10,366 705 423 49,069 2,129,651 307,120 655,929 4,694 3,097,394 NEW YORK. New York 114,900 for, to 3901 against retaining it. The returns of State, this class have been as follows :— Coloured persons. Not taxed. Taxed Voters 1825. 38,770 931 298 1835. 42,836 934 578 42,321 2,025 1,001 1855. 35,956 9,330 Growth of the cities. The rural districts. Occupa¬ tions of the people. One of the most prominent indications of the recent enumerations is the tendency of the population to central¬ ize in cities and large towns, and apparently at the expense of the rural districts. These changes, however, inevitably result from the greater changes in the general condition of the state and the whole Union. The increase of the facili¬ ties of intercommunication has concentrated the trades that they may take advantage of the division of labour. The unlimited field of enterprise offered in manufactures, trade, and commerce, has caused a remarkable growth of cities and towns along the lines and at the centres of the great routes of transportation and travel; and these localities have also received the greater share of the foreign immi¬ gration. In 1855 the eight chief cities contained nearly one-third of the whole population of the state. The fol¬ lowing table shows their growth :— Cities. New York Brooklyn Buffalo.... Albany .. Rochester Troy Syracuse Utica 197,112 17,014 8,668 24.209 9,207 11,556 1835. 268,089 27,854 19,715 28,109 14,404 16,959 1840. 312,710 42,622 18,213 33,721 20,191 19,334 1845. 371,223 72,769 29,773 42,139 26,965 21,709 (incorporated as a city in 1848.) 8,3231 10,1831 12,7821 12,190 1850. | 1855. 515,547 131,357 42,261 50,763 36,403 28,785 22,271 17,565 629,810 205,250 74,214 57,333 43,877 33,269 25,107 22,169 Productive industry. In 1855 there were twenty-eight townships, with an ag¬ gregate population ranging from 5000 to 14,000, which con¬ tained one or more flourishing villages ; and fifty-four other townships, with a population ranging from 4000 to 6500, with villages, &c. In the western and other agricultural sections of the state, the increase of population has been checked by the extensive emigration therefrom to the western states and territories. This emigration has drawn off a considerable share of the best class of the native population. However, it should be considered that, in many sections, agriculture itself requires less manual labour than formerly. The well provided farmer of the present day has his machines for sowing, hoeing, reaping, and threshing, and other improved implements of agriculture. The employments of the male population over fifteen years of age were thus summed up in the census of 1850 Occupations of the People. Numbers. Agriculture 313,980 Manufactures, mechanic arts, mining, trade,, and 1 commerce * r ol2,697 Labour not agricultural 195 gl3 Sea and river navigation 23 243 Law, medicine, and divinity 14'258 Other pursuits requiring education 11,104 Government civil service 4 985 Army. 1,462 Domestic servants 6 324 Other occupations 3 628 Total 888,294 Owing to the absence of uniformity in the schedules on this subject in the several enumerations, there are no reliable data for comparing the number of persons in the various occupations at different periods. New \ork stands unrivalled among the states of the 219 Union in most 01 the gieat branches of national industry. New York In some few particulars it is surpassed by some states, which State, have greater natural advantages for the prosecution of those v'’—v'—^ branches,—as Maine, in making lumber and building ves¬ sels ; Pennsylvania, in raising coal and producing iroir; and Massachusetts, in manufacturing cotton and woollen goods, and in prosecuting the coast fisheries. But, taken altoge¬ ther, the industrial pursuits in New York are more varied and more valuable in their results than those of any other state. Agriculture employs the greater part of the population, Agricul- exclusive of the inhabitants of the cities and large villages, tare. Great efforts have been made, especially by agricultural societies, to introduce everywhere the best modes "of culture, and with much success. Improvements of this class have been particularly made in the vicinity of the city of New York ; although in that section this result has been directly owing to the great demands of the populous city. For example, the western part of Long Island has soil that is naturally of moderate fertility ; but it has been greatly im¬ proved, and it is now noted for its market produce. Comparison of some of the Returns in 1850 and 1855. In State of New York. 1850. Number of farms, &c 170,621 Acres of improved land 12,408,964 Acres of unimproved land .... 6,710,1201 Cash value of farms L.115,530,545 Cash value of implements 4,601,021 Cash value of stock 15,327,183 1855. 231,740 13,657,491 13,100,693 L.166,532,362 5,609,892 21,620,007 In 1850, average number of acres in the farms, 113; aver¬ age value of same, L.675; average value of farming imple¬ ments and machinery, L.25. According to the census of 1850 (in which the returns of products are for the year ending 1st June 1850) New York ranked as first of the states in its aggregate production of oats (26,552,814 bush, out of 146,584,179 in the whole Union), of buckwheat (3,183,955 out of 8,956,812), of barley (3,585,059 out of 5,167,015), of Irish potatoes (15,398,368 out of 65,797,896), of peas and beans, of market garden products, of orchard products, and of hay, maple, sugar, honey, and hops. The wheat crop was 13,121,498 bush., or 13 per cent, of the whole United States’ crop, and ranking as the third state in this respect; that of Indian corn was larger, amounting to 17,858,400 bush., though only 3 percent, of the United States’ crop. It also ranked as first of the states in the amount of its live stock (valued at L.l5,325,099 out of L.l 13,370,936 in the whole Union), in the value of animals slaughtered, and in its products of butter and cheese. Its product of wool was about one-fifth of all in the Union, greatly exceed¬ ing that of every other state, excepting Ohio, which was a trifle larger. In manufactures New York is very extensively engaged. Manufac- Its aggregate productions of this class of industry in 1850tures. not only exceeded the corresponding product of any other state, but amounted to nearly one-fburth of all manufactures produced in the United States. Statement of Establishments in 1850, each producing to the amount of L.l04, or upwards, yearly. Classes. Cotton Woollen Pig iron Iron-casting.... Wrought iron . Distilling, &c... Tanning Salt 86 249 18 323 81 189 942 192 Capital. L.870,189 929,032 126,040 963,013 389,924 539,726 1,046,901 170,820 L.413,740 799,618 66,878 499,738 480,297 1,263,584 131,654 Persons Employed, 6,320 6,674 505 5,925 2,130 1,676 4,945 873 L.748,326 1,464,706 124,564 1,233,742 783,068 204,298 207,979 TotaI 23,553 L.20,813,414 L.28,053,260 199,349 L.49,499,421 Percent, profit of the total, 53‘86; total females employed 1 This return of unimproved land is of that attached to fame, 220 NEW YORK. New York (included in the above) 51,612—in cotton works 3668, State, woollen 2412, tanninjj 31; total annual wages of all per- i,„- j sons employed L.8,360,623. From the census of 1850 it appears that of the classes of manufactures specifically men¬ tioned New York then ranked as first of the states only in the manufactures of iron-casting, those of tanneries, and of salt, beer, and ardent spirits ; indicating that its products, aside from the great classes, were of many kinds. It also appears that, in distilleries and breweries, New York em¬ ployed more capital than any other state (amounting to L.538,726 out of L.1,772,409 in the whole Union) ; that its product of beer was about four-sevenths, of rum about two- fifths, and of whisky and high wines about two-ninths of all made in the Union. The census of 1855 returned the following statements:— Total number of establishments 24,833 Establishments using water-power 7,551 Establishments using steam-power 2,444 Persons J Women 37,771 ( oiarqq Employed. 1 Boys under 18 years 15,736 J ’ 'Girls under 18 years 6,233-’ Capital invested in real estate L.14,818,832 Capital invested in tools and machinery 7,337,406 Cash value of raw materials used 37,165,478 Cash value of manufactured articles 66,128,815 The products from mining, so far as reported in 1850, are included in the preceding total of the manufactures. The localities in which this branch of industry is prosecuted are referred to in the previous descriptions of the geology and mineralogy of the state. The census of 1840 reported that 1898 persons were then employed in mining. The lumber business of this state is a source of much wealth. The forests about the Sasquehanna and Delaware furnish large quantities of pine for the Philadelphia and Baltimore markets. Albany is noted as one of the greatest markets for lumber in the world, though the greater part of it is not obtained from New York, but from Canada, Michi¬ gan, and Ohio. The interest of New York in the coast fisheries is im¬ portant, but there are no official or reliable returns on this subject. In the deep-sea fisheries the state is not largely engaged, and less so now than formerly. The number ot vessels in the whale fishery, January 1, 1856, was 31, with aggregate tonnage of 10,493 tons, showing a great decrease from former times. The building of vessels is very extensively prosecuted. The amount of tonnage built within this state annually, during the last four years, has uniformly averaged one-fifth of the whole built in the Union. Nearly all of the great American steam-ships have been built in New York city. The amount of tonnage owned in this state is propor- tionably less than the commerce, because many vessels few York, which are employed in its carrying-trade are built, owned, and registered, or enrolled in other states. New York, how¬ ever, owns two-sevenths of the total tonnage, and one-third of the steam tonnage of the whole United States. Statement of 30th June 1856. New York. United States. Total tonnage 1,508,810 4,871,652 Registered steam tonnage 68,777 89,715 Enrolled steam tonnage 155,738 583,362 Total steam tonnage 224,515 673,077 Tonnage of the several Districts in 1856. Mining. Lumber business Fisheries. Buildin vessels. of, Tonnage owned in New York 1,328,036 Sag Harbour 7,219 Greenport 10,238 Cold Spring 1,393 Champlain 11,249 Oswegatchie 9,572 Cape Vincent 6,130 Sackett’s Harbour 1,571 Oswego : 38,888 Genesee 4,012 Niagara 566 Buffalo Creek 89,929 The internal improvements of New York are remark- New York able for their extent and cost, and have most beneficially in • State, fluenced the prosperity of the state and of the Union. Most of the canals were constructed, and are now owned by the Internal state, and these have an aggregate length ofabout 800 miles, improve- All the railroads have been formed by incorporated com- ments- panics, and without the aid of the state, excepting its sub¬ scription of L.625,000 to the New York and Erie Railroad. In the interior, especially in the vicinity of large towns, there are many excellent plank-roads, which have probably cost, in the aggregate, at least L. 1,000,000. The state’s receipts from the canals have of late years varied between L.540,000 and L.625,000 annually; and about one-third of this is expended for the care, repairs, &c., of the canals. The Erie Canal was constructed during 1817-25, 364 miles long and 40 feet wide, at «. cost of L. 1,488,286 ; at various periods sections of it have been enlarged, and this work of improvement is still in progress. The Delaware and Hud¬ son Canal was built, and is owned by an incorporated com¬ pany ; 83 miles of its length is within New York. In 1832 the first two lines of railroad were opened,—viz., from Albany to Schenectady 15 miles, and from the latter place to Saratoga Springs. Statistics (September 30, 1855) of railroads in New York:—Length of track laid, 2611^ miles; length of double track, including sidings, 912J miles; total cost of road, equipment, and other expendi¬ tures, L.26,851,679; total amount of funded and floating debt, L.16,276,209; capital stock paid in, L.14,404,560 ; gross receipts in fiscal year 1855, L.4,492,224 ; do. ex¬ penses, L.2,520,448. Length of main line of Erie Rail¬ road,—New York city to Dunkirk, 461 miles ; New York Central Railroad, Albany to Buffalo, 298 miles; Hudson River Railroad, New York to Albany, 144 miles. The total amount of the domestic and coasting trade of Domo«tic this state is not known with any exactness; but this, un- and doubtedly, is in a ratio corresponding to the extent of its ino lrade- canals and railroads, and the amount of its foreign com¬ merce, as compared with other states. The foreign commerce of New York comprises about Foroign two-fifths of the exports of all the United States, and some- commerce, what more than three-fifths of the imports,—thus averaging more than half the foreign commerce of the nation. The following table is made up from the returns of the collection districts for fiscal year 1856:— Collection Districts. New York Champlain Oswegatchie Cape Vincent Sackett’s Harbour.. Oswego Genesee Niagara Buffalo Creek Total in 1852 ... Total in 1854 ... Total in 1856 ... Exports. L.20,573,660 490,578 161,374 138,718 169 997,445 157,896 182,266 180,967 15,425,535 21,989,942 22,885,102 Foreign. L.1,270,538 242,499 154,095 62,218 142,987 40,562 16,845 2,800,387 3,538,101 1,929,785 Imports. Total. L.40,759,478 358,000 376,832 330,691 3,770 1,108,595 232,787 219,943 393,171 27,568,600 40,714,148 43,783,425 Total tonnage owned in the state, 1,508,810; consisting of 734,283 enrolled and licensed, and 774,526 registered. Soon after the organization of the state government, pro- Education, vision was made for an efficient system of public education. Every town is divided into a suitable number of districts, and in each is a school maintained at the public expense. Statistics of the year 1855 :— School districts in which school was kept on-an aver¬ age eight months in the year, reported 11,883 Teachers employed (males,10,117; females 14,019), do. 24,136 Children in state between 4 and 21 years, do 1,207,214 Attendance in the common schools, do 876,603 Attendance in private unincorporated schools, do. ... 45,362 Attendance in academies, do 29,967 N E W New York -^gKrega^e attendance, as above 951,932 State. Aggregate expenditures for common schools L.735,817 It may be justly concluded that there is comparatively only a small proportion of the children and youth in the state who do not spend a portion of their time in school. State Funds for Education. Capital. Common school fund L.519,146 Literature fund 56,132 United States deposit fund 836,357 Income 1856. L.32,736 3,536 53,519 Eighteen collegiate institutions, in the census of 1850, were reported to have 174 teachers, 2673 pupils, and an annual income of L.30,864 ; and 883 academies, &c\, were reported to have 3130 teachers, 49,262 pupils, and annual income of L. 168,817. Public Libraries other than private in the State in 1850. Libraries. Number. Volumes. Public 43 197,229 School 10,802 1,388,729 College 25 138,870 State school 137 33,294 Church 6 2,698 Aggregate of libraries reported, 11,013 1,760,820 The Press. In 1810 there were 66 newspapers, with circulation of 4,139,200; in 1828, 161 ; and, in 1834, 267 issues; of which 21 were dailies. The returns of subsequent periods are as follows:— The Press. Number in 1840. 1850. Number. Copies Yearly. Number in 1855. Dailies Tri-Weeklies Semi-Weeklies Weeklies Monthlies, &c. 34 13 198 57 51 8 13 308 48 Total. 302 63,928,685 776,100 3,116,360 39,205,920 8,358,408 428 115,385,473 73 13 16 411 157 670 In 1855, number whose circulation was reported... 540 Copies printed per annum of those reported 193,294,621 Estimated copies per annum of all classes 241,749,902 Churches. The following table presents the statistics of the prin¬ cipal religious denominations, according to the census of 1855, preceded by the total, which embraces over forty sects. Ihese returns are of those religious societies that have each a regular chapel of their own, not including those that worship in schoolhouses and places of secular use :— Denominations. Chapels. Value of Property. Usual At¬ tendance. Church Members Baptists, four sects Congregational Evangelical Lutheran Friends Methodists, nine sects Presbyterians, five sects... Protestant, Episcopal Reformed Protest. Dutch Roman Catholic Union Bethel and Free ." Universalists The total. 882 301 100 134 1580 710 346 260 291 152 133 L. 658,233 300,873 81,281 86,533 958,607 1,239,137 1,396,626 628,146 798,184 46,834 143,528 143,465 56,637 ' 20,834 9,985 250,995 163,054 78,698 70,093 272,084 17,415 18,064 89,713 25,946 13,964 5,340 140,196 92,712 32,978 30,197 242,225 7,923 4,570 5077 L.6,558,547 1,124,211 70 2,384 Average value of churches, L.1290; average accommo¬ dation, 421; average number of inhabitants to each church, Percentage of accommodation to total population, Or /3 ; of attendance do., 32#41; of membership do., 20,23. Pauperism, Hy census of 1825 the percentage of paupers to total &c. population was _034; do. 1835, 0-31; do. 1845, 0 32. The census of 1855 made no report on this subject. It is known, however, by the annual reports of the secretary of state, that pauperism has, since 1845, been much increased, YORK. 221 though in no greater ratio than the foreign immigration, to New York whicn it is in a very large degree attributable. " City. During the year 1855 there were convicted in the courts of record of the state 1842 persons, as follows:—Of Crime offences against the person, 397 (383 males and 14 females) • offences against property with violence, 278 (275 males and 3 females); offences without violence, 586 (507 males and 79 females) ; offences against the currency, 37 (36 males and 1 female); all other offences, 544 (513 males and 31 females). In all the courts there were 6744 convic¬ tions, and of these 5076 were of foreigners. There are three state prisons, in which for the 8 years State 1847-55, the average yearly number of prisoners was about prisons. 1700; and the average yearly increase was 86. Number on 1st December 1855,1901 (1679 whites and 222 blacks); and of these 92 were white females, and 14 black females. The state has two establishments for the reformation ofllousps of juvenile offenders. The older one, at Randall’s Island, city refuge, of New York, was opened in 1825; and, up to the close of 1856, had received 6880 children and youth, of whom it is believed that /0 per cent, were there reformed. ihe state maintains numerous public institutions for Public in- those unfoi tunate by nature or calamity. These are very stitutioi.s. extensive, and conducted according to the best practice known in similar establishments. The chief of these are —the lunatic asylum at Utica; institution for the deaf-and- dumb at New York; institution for the blind at New York ; and the asylum for idiots at Syracuse. At New York also, partly sustained by the state, are the City Hospital, Bloom- ingdale Asylum for the insane ; emigrant hospitals; insti¬ tutions for seamen ; dispensaries, &c. (f. h.) NEW Y ORK, city and port of entry, New York county, state of New York, lies at the head of New York Bay, and at the confluence of the Hudson River and the strait called East River, which connects Long Island Sound through New York Bay with the Atlantic Ocean. It is the commercial metropolis of the state of New York, and the greatest emporium in the New World. In general importance it surpasses all other great cities of the world, excepting London and Paris. Its area comprises (the city and county having the same limits) the whole of Manhattan or New York Island, and several small islands immediately adjacent. I he separation of the former Rom the mainland is caused by the water-course called Harlem River, con¬ necting the Hudson and East Rivers; but this is, in fact, of little account; for, although the stream is, or might be, of considerable service in navigation, it is crossed by bridges and the Croton Aqueduct. The extreme length of New It ork Island is about 13^- miles; its width through the greater part of its length is about 2 miles; but at each extremity it decreases irregularly; and its area is about 14,000 acres, or 22 square miles. Lat. of the City Hall 40. 42. 43. N., Long, of do. from Greenwich 74. 0. 3. W. New lork enjoys from nature almost every advantage Harbur that could be desired to build up a great emporium. It baj*. and extends between two rivers, each of which is navigable for rivers, the largest vessels; and the harbour, below their confluence, might contain the navies of all nations. The width of the Hudson River is quite uniform, and is somewhat more than a mile; while that of the East River varies, being, in some narrow localities, not more than two-fifths of a mile, though generally much greater. The harbour or inner bay is of irregular elliptical form, about 8 miles long and 25 miles in periphery. Ihis is not only one of the best but one of the most beautiful harbours in the world. Its southern part is surrounded with small settlements, connected by elegant villas and their gardens. Toward its northern part the number of vessels at anchor increases ; and beyond these is the dense forest of masts, bearing the flags of all nations, crowded around the wharves of the great city and its suburbs. In it are three islands ceded to the national go- 222 NEW YORK. New York vernment, and fortified for the defence of the city. By v j ^ie strait called “ the Narrows,” 7 miles from the lower part of the city, and which is, for the space of a mile, about 1 mile wide, with extreme depth of 86 feet, it communicates with the outer harbour, or bay proper, which extends thence to Sandy Hook Light, 18 miles from the city, and opens directly out into the ocean, forming one of the best roadsteads on the Atlantic coast. On the bar, at Sandy Hook the depth of water in the old channel is 21 feet at low tide, and 27 or 28 feet at high tide; but, in the New or Gedney’s Channel, it is 32 at low tide, and 38 or 39 at high tide. The channel inside varies from 35 to 72 feet. The rise of the tide is nearly 7 feet. The depth of water at the wharves is sufficient for the vessels which they respec¬ tively accommodate, and increases rapidly outwards. The currents in the rivers and bay are very strong, keeping these waters open when the rivers and bays much farther south are frozen up. In very severe winters the East River is obstructed for a short time by ice ; which, in a few cases, has collected so as to form a solid mass. Defences. The harbour has for a long period been well provided with defences, and these are being steadily augmented by the general government. The principal works are at the Narrows, which is the most important and most readily ac¬ cessible avenue of approach. On the Long Island side, or shore of the channel, are Fort Hamilton and Fort Latay- ette. On the Staten Island side, or shore of the channel, are batteries Hudson and Morton, Fort Richmond (in 1857 not completed), and Old Fort Tompkins. Quite near the lower point of the city there are fortifications on three islands,—Governor’s, Bedlow’s, and Ellis’s,—and to these may be added Castle Clinton, which is now entirely dis¬ mantled, but occupies a good position, and might again be put in serviceable condition. The passage by the East River from Long Island Sound is defended by Fort Schuyler, a powerful work, situated at a narrow pass in the river, about 17 miles from the lower part of the city. Since 1854 there has been in construction a monster iron steamer, or steam battery, designed for use in the waters of the bay from Sandy Hook upwards, and intended to be, in fact, a moveable fort of great efficiency. In 1857 Con¬ gress provided for the commencement of a fort opposite Fort Schuyler; for the erection of another on the site of old Fort Tompkins; for the repairs of those already estab¬ lished; and for extensive fortifications at Sandy Hook. Surface. The island was originally much diversified ; and, in its upper portion, where least peopled, it still retains somewhat of its original character. The elevated rocky portions sub¬ sequently mentioned, vary from 70 to 130 feet above tide water—the valleys being often deep, and the hills precipitous. With the increase of population improvements have been made according to a uniform system, in laying outavenues and streets, levelling them, providing sewerage, &c. The island is traversed centrally throughout its lower part by a ridge, on each side of which the ground slopes gently to the water. There is also a line of elevation along the western side of the island in its upper part, from which the ground descends to the Hudson and the East River. A consider¬ able portion of the lower part of the city, particularly that near the rivers, is artificial ground. The Battery, a public park at the southern extremity, was made upon a low ledge of rocks, much beyond the original water-line, at first of 10 acres; but since 1854 it has been extended to 17 acres. Geological The island lies upon the upturned edge of the primitive formation, range which extends through Westchester county and the New England States into Canada. The basis rock is gneiss, except for about 1 mile at the northern extremity, which is limestone, granular and primitive, and consider¬ ably quarried. The middle and northern portions are, or were, rough and broken, from the almost constant outcrop¬ ping of the rock, The rock begins to makes its appearance in the neighbourhood of Thirtieth Street, and thence ex- New York tends northward to Manhattanville. In many places it City, occupies large patches. On the west side of the city, not far from the Hudson River, between Fiftieth and Sixtieth Streets, and in some other parts, streets were cut through it. The lower portion is everywhere covered with alluvial and diluvial deposits, and is comparatively level. The soil is a sandy alluvion, and less fertile than in many other parts of the state. The history of the city is directly divided into three Events in periods, during which it has belonged to the three govern-the annals ments,—Holland from 1609 to 1664; Great Britain from of the city- 1664 to 1783 ; and the state of New York since 1783. The most prominent events in each period are thus stated:— Dutch period.—1609, September 3, Hendrick Hudson entered New York Bay; 1613, the settlement of New Am¬ sterdam was commenced; 1621, the Dutch WYst India Company commenced operations; 1626, the island was purchased of the Indians; 1652, New Amsterdam was in¬ corporated, and the government passed from the West India Company into the hands of two burgomasters and five assistants, called schepens, and one sellout or sheriff; 1664, September 9, the English took the province. English period.—1664, name changed to New York; 1673, July, retaken by the Dutch and called New Orange, and held by them until ensuing year (treaty of 9th February 1674); 1686, James II. abolished the representative sys¬ tem, &c.; 1689, Leisler insurrection ; 1690, a colonial con¬ gress assembled here; 1696, city lighted by ordinance; 1711, slave-market established in Wall Street; 1720, two per cent, laid on European imports; 1725, New York Garette appeared; 1730, enlarged charter granted by Go¬ vernor Montgomerie; 1732, stage routes established to Boston and Philadelphia, travelled once a month; 1741-2, “Negro plot” and yellow fever; 1765, a colonial congress assembled hei'e ; 1776-83, Revolution; 1776, September 21, a few days after the city had fallen into the hands of the British, a conflagration, destroying from one-eighth to one-fourth of the whole city ; 1783, November 25, evacua¬ tion by British army. American period.—1789, April 30, Washington inaugu¬ rated first president of the United States at Federal Hall, on site of present custom-house; 1798, 2086 deaths by yellow fever, which returned in 1803, 1805, and 1822; 1807, Fulton’s steamboat on Hudson River; 1811, great fire ; 1812, war with Great Britain, which suspended com¬ merce ; 1126, Erie Canal completed and great celebration ; 1832, Asiatic cholera, 4360 deaths ; 1835, December 16, 17, conflagration of 648 buildings, loss L.5,200,000 ; 1837, commercial revulsion; 1842, October 14, celebration of completion of Croton Aqueduct; 1845, conflagration of 546 buildings, loss L.1,250,000; 1849, cholera; 1850, Collins’ steamers to Liverpool; 1851, May, Erie Railroad completed to Dunkirk; 1852, avenue railroads; 1853, World’s Fair at Crystal Palace; 1854-5 (winter of), tem¬ porary depression of business, and suffering among the poorer classes; 1857, May 1, new city charter partially car¬ ried into effect; June 16, culmination of the riot resulting from opposition to the reorganization of the police depart¬ ment, followed through the summer by disturbances about municipal affairs; September and October, a terrible fin¬ ancial panic, which increased daily to 14th October, when the banks suspended specie payment; 1858, January 4, new city charter carried into full effect, with installation of new officers. The foregoing enumeration of the principal occurrences in the annals of the city does not constitute or comprehend a correct outline of its real history. For a correct under¬ standing of this, we must compare the progress of the city with the outline history of the domestic and foreign com¬ merce of the United States; and by so doing it is readily of com¬ merce. N E W New York apparent that the remarkable prosperity of the former has City. resulted from the general prosperity of the latter. v'—^ Commercial interests originated the settlement of New Growth of York, developed its rapid growth, have always directly in- the'resultk ^"cnce(\ its changes of fortune, and are now the main sup- 0 resu port of its greatness. With the fluctuations of the course of events, in regard to general commerce, there has always been a corresponding change in the ratio of increase of the population of the city and its general prosperity. After the close of the Revolution, an activity in business was every¬ where apparent; and the citizens, by their persevering in¬ dustry, were ultimately enabled not only to materially ad¬ vance their own private interests, but also to promote the prosperity of^the community at large. During the ten years from 1790 to 1800, the population of the city in¬ creased from 33,131 to .60,489, or at a ratio of 82-16 per cent. During this period the old world, involved in wars, was making constant demand upon the produc¬ tiveness and industry of the new world. In the latter the produce of New York and the Western States was pressing to the Atlantic, whence the shipping of the port of New York carried it abroad, returning again with goods loi disti ibution, both in its own and neighbouring markets. Thus the business of the city increased wonderfully, and its attendant advantages drew thither capital and men to par¬ ticipate in the profits from the large investments there made. During the next decade, 1800 to 1810, there was a falling oft of the ratio of increase of both population and wealtli^ and business enterprise was greatly depressed. Though the increase of population during this period was at a ratio of per cent., viz., from 60,489 in 1800 to 96,783 in 1810, the increase in wealth was but 8 per cent.: viz., from L.5,101,323 to L.5,407,572. In the first half of the suc¬ ceeding 10 years, 1810-20, the foreign commerce of the citv was entirely suspended for 3 years by the war of 1812-14 with Great Britain ; after which, from 1815 to 1820, it again levived, and greatly promoted the prosperity of the city and nation. During this period, 1810-20, the increase in valua¬ tion was from L.5,407,572 to L. 14,485,568,or 163 per cent.; while the increase in population was from 96,373 to 123,706 or only 28 J per cent.; which ratio is less than that of any other decade, and clearly illustrates the connection of the citv’s growth with commerce, since, during this same period the increase of the population of the state was more rapid than iooc6 , • iFrom ^82° commerce steadily increased until 18w5, m which year it reached a climax that was not ao-ain attained until 1831. In 1826 the completion of the Erie Canal opened a new avenue for trade and commerce, and assisted in the formation of the great speculations which soon characterized the financial career of the city. * The reaction that followed this unnatural prosperity for a time prostrated all branches of business, and most seriously aftected the commercial interests of the city. Since its recovery from that reverse of fortune, i'ts commercial prospenty nis, foi the most part, been steadily augmenting-, l ^ugh of course somewhat affected by the changes in the taults of the national government, and by the changing rela¬ tions of the nations with which it has had interc rogress of population. rcourse. Progress of Population of the City Proper. Population. -. 2,500 1^98 4,937 8,628 10,381 17J3 21,876 1786 23,614 1790 33,131 1800 60,489 1805 75,770 1808 83,530 1810 96,373 Year. Population. 1814 95,519 1816 100,619 18-0 123,706 1825 166,086 1830 202,589 1835 268,089 1840 312,710 i845 371,223 l850 512,547 1855 629,810 YOKE. 223 been very defectively taken, and it is highly probable tW x, a correct enumeration would have shown i permanem population of above 700,000. The ponulatinn Ac 7 • 6 v Clty' mediate suburbs should ’also be consldTd “ ZAt'ct ™t' since these are, in fact, parts of the metropolis. ’ Un the East River side is the city of Brooklyn „ since 1854, has comprised the former cities of BnfnLl j Su^llrl)s Williamsburg, and L town of BusWk tug table states the progress of population from 1840 in each of its divisions and in the whole of King’s county which consists of the city and several towns : * Years. Consolidated City of Brooklyn. Brooklyn. 1840. 1845. 1850. 1855. 36,233 59,574 96,838 148,774 Williams¬ burg. 5,094 11,338 30,780 48,367 Bushvrick. 1,295 1,857 3,739 8,109 Total. 42,622 72,769 131,357 205,250 King’s County. Total. 47,613 78,691 138,882 216,355 On the New Jersey side of the Hudson, opposite the lower part of the city, are Jersey city and Hoboken. The popu¬ lation of the former, in its present area, was 11,473, and in 1855, 21,715; that of the latter was, in 1850, 2668, and in 1855, 5842; and this growth was but a continuance of previous duplication. Newark, the largest city in the state of New Jersey, situated 8 miles west of Jersey city, in 1830 had 10,953 inhabitants; in 1840, 17,290; in 1850, 38,894 ; and in 1855, 53,440; and this growth was, in great part, owing to that of New York, since the greater part of the business consists in producing manufactures for the New York market. The manufacturing city of Paterson, 16 miles from Jersey city, had 7596 inhabitants in 1840,' 11,334 in 18o0, and 23,960 in 1855; and its business like¬ wise centres in New York. Origin of Population of New York in 1845-50-55. Origin of Population. Born in the United States. Born in foreign countries . Born at sea Unknown 236,567 128,492 6,164 Total population j 371,223 1850. 277,752 235,733 2,062 515,547 1855. 303,721 322,366 103 3,620 629,810 Origin of those Born in the United States. Origin of Population. The state of New York The New England States (6). Other States of the Union.... Total United States. 1845. 194,916 16,079 25,572 236,567 1850. 234,843 17,543 25,366 277,752 262,156 17,976 23,589 303,721 Summary of those Born in Foreign Countries. ■r, , 1850. Engiand \ . Wales... J 23,671 Scotland 7,660 Ireland 133,730 Germany 55,476 Prussia 665 Austria 109 Italy 708 Spain 303 France 4,990 Various other countries 8,421 1855. f 22,713 [ 935 8,487 175,735 95,986 1,586 331 968 343 6,321 8,961 The census of I800 (June and July), is known to have Total 235,733 322,366 In 1850 tlie population comprised 13,815 free coloured^0 fre® persons, and we have the following statistics concerningco oure ' them:— 224 New York City. Civil con¬ dition. Voters and aliens. Adults un¬ able to read and write. Families and dwell¬ ings. Owners of land. I’lan. NEW YORK. Items of Returns. Males ... Females Number of families .... Number of dwellings Born in state of New York • ... New Jersey .. ... Virginia ... Pennsylvania. ... Maryland {Labourers Servants....... Barbers Coachmen Cook Mulattoes. 1,330 1,736 663 211 1,887 246 166 169 170 187 196 42 11 17 Blacks. 4,765 5,984 2,326 721 6,469 1,234 712 513 580 957 612 80 96 78 Total. 6,098 7.717 2,989 932 8,356 1,480 878 682 750 1,144 808 122 107 95 Sixty of this class were engaged in pursuits requiring edu¬ cation, of which one-third were Mulattoes. The census of 1855 is the first that affords data for com¬ parison of the number of single, married, and widowed in the population. In the city the percentages of tnese classes were—single, GO’TS ; married, STdl; widowers, T01; anu widows, 3-63. . The number and percentages of aliens and voters since 1821 in the city have been as follows: Of adults (above 20 years) unable to read and write there were in the city in 1840, 7775 whites. The same class in 1850 (also above 20 years) consisted of 17,140 whites, and 1667 coloured ; or a total of 18,807—of whom 2358 were native, and 16,449 foreign born. In 1855 the total number, white and free coloured, above 21 years, was 25,858, origi¬ nating; as follows:— Countries. Males. Ireland 6,383 England 97 Scotland 20 Germany 597 France 43 Females. 14,995 162 41 856 56 Countries. Males. Switzerland 3 Other European 1 g0Q Countries j Canada 25 8 United States... 1,108 955 Females. 6 223 Returns of 1850 and 1855 on Families and Dwellings. Statements. Dwellings. Families. 1850. 1855. 1850. 18o5. Number 37,677 42,668 93,608 126,558 Persons in each IS^O 14-79 5-47 4'97 In 1855 the total value of dwellings, including the value of their lots, was reported at L.56,975,391, being an average of L. 1333. The number of all classes reported in 1855 as holding land by deed, contract, or perpetual lease, was 14,784, or 2’34 per cent, of the whole population. The total value of real and personal estate in the city and county of New York, for the year 1856, was L.106,612,599, of which L.70,935,849 was of real estate. The valuation, as stated previously, is less than the real value of property assessed. In 1856 the total valuation of the “moneyed or stock corporations deriving an income from their capital” was L.19,648,062, consisting of L.17,363,539 personal estate, and L.2,284,523 real estate; on which the tax for city purposes was L.271,248. The general plan of the city is regular. In the old or southern part, now devoted wholly to business, the principal streets were in part formed according to the shape of the island, and hence its plan is not continuously uniform, although each of its large divisions is by itself comparatively regular. The uniform plan of avenues and streets com¬ mences at Houston Street, 1 mile from the City Hall, and New lork 1 f- miles from the Battery. Above this point the island City, is divided longitudinally by fourteen parallel Avenues, 100 v'— feet wide, which are crossed at right angles by 156 streets, numerically designated, running directly from liver to river, and 80 feet wide, excepting sixteen. The latter are 100 feet wide, of which Fourteenth Street is the fust that ex¬ tends entirely across the island. The principal street is Principal Broadway, especially that main portion of it which occupies streets, the central ridge of the island, extending in a straight line, and with uniform breadth of 80 feet, nearly 2J miles, from the Battery to Tenth Street (Grace Church). It is mainly occupied by stores, but it also contains the principal hotels and theatres, besides several banks and other prominent structures. Although a very large proportion of the build¬ ings in this street are of costly construction, so that there is not a more splendid business thoroughfare in the world, yet its general aspect is impaired by a remarkable diversity of architecture, for almost every block comprises several fronts of marble, sandstone, and brick. The Bowery is the next most important of the thoroughfares ; it is more plainly built, and is traversed by some of the city railroads. Fifth Avenue is the central street of the most elegant and fashion¬ able portion of the city, and is wholly occupied by very costly private residences, which are chiefly constructed of brown sandstone ; and several fine churches. Like all other large cities, however, New York has many streets which are lined with cheap, miserable, and densely-peopled tene¬ ments, which, with their inmates, afford a sad contrast to the display of wealth and magnificence in other sections. Besides the great central park, the city has seventeen Pub’ic public squares and other areas, for the most part of small l)ar extent, though varying in size, their aggregate area being 170 acres; they are generally inclosed with handsome iron fences, and ornamented with trees, fountains, &c., affording pleasant promenades. The new central park, designed in 1853, and not yet completed, extends from Fifty-ninth to One Hundred and Sixth Street, between Fifth and Eighth Avenues. It is miles long by half a mile wide, comprising 776 acres, including the present distributing reservoir (occupying a position nearly central), the ground taken for a new reservoir, and the Arsenal grounds belong¬ ing to the state, and valued, as first taken in its unimproved state, at L.l ,076,947. Its surface is somewhat uneven, and its natural configuration is used as the basis of the improve¬ ments. There are two beautiful parks, each comprising a square, which are private property. Owing to the natural shape of the island, to the fact that Movement it was first settled at its southern extremity, and to the "io£opu a* eligibility of that section for the extension of trade and commerce, it has resulted that the growth of the city has,. with successive years, been manifested by an increase of houses and business buildings in a northward direction. In the southern and business section the number of dwell¬ ings has yearly decreased, the old houses being pulled down, and stores or other establishments erected. Therefore in that section the number of inhabitants, instead of increasing or remaining stationary, has rather diminished, and the absolute increase of population has been most apparent in the northern section. In the spring of 1853 the city was quite compactly built from the Battery to Forty-second Street, 4 miles. In that year, and somewhat before, a great impulse was given to the northward movement by the erec¬ tion of the Crystal Palace ; and also by the sale on the part of the city of large tracts of ground in that section. Tlie increase, since 1853, of population in the northern sections has been very great, and in part attributable to the intro¬ duction and extension of city railroads. The several sections of the city are characterized by con- Styles of siderable uniformity in their respective styles of building, building. In the upper parts many of the blocks consist of houses NEW New York constructed precisely alike. Building lots are almost every- City. where of equal width. In the older streets the buildings are almost wholly of brick, which is now by far the chief building material in all sections; though of late years the use of freestone, marble, granite, and iron, for the front of buildings, has become quite general. Public edi- The City Hall occupies the centre of the park, in the ficcs. lower part of the city. It is a very large and handsome edifice, built, in combined Ionic and Corinthian orders, of white marble, except its north side, and surmounted by a cupola, which is crowned by a statue of Justice. It was constructed between the years 1803 and 1812, at a cost of L.112,232. It contains 28 apartments, used as the public offices of the mayor and other members of the city govern¬ ment. The principal apartment, called the Governor’s Room, contains a fine collection of portraits of men cele¬ brated in the civil, military, and naval history of the country. In the common council-room is the identical chair occupied by Washington when president of the first American Con¬ gress, which assembled in this city. In the rear of this edifice is another large building, occupied by the principal courts and some public offices; and east of it is the Hall of Records, in which are preserved all the records and public documents of the city. The Merchants’ Exchange, occupying an entire block, is built of Quincy granite, and cost about L.375,000. Its front has a recessed portico with 18 columns, each of which is a solid block of granite, 38 feet high, 4£ feet in diameter, and weighing over 40 tons. Its central rotunda is elabo¬ rately constructed of white marble, and lighted by a very lofty dome, which is in part supported by 8 Corinthian columns of Italian marble, 41 feet high. The Custom-House (on the site of the old Federal Hall, where General Washington was inaugurated the first presi¬ dent) is built of white marble, in the Doric style, after the model of the Parthenon, with two grand porticos, each having 8 massive columns; its principal hall is circular, surmounted by a dome, supported by 16 Corinthian columns, 30 feet high, beautifully wrought with capitals of the most exquisite workmanship. Its construction occupied seven years (1834-41) ; and its cost, ground included, was L.248,900. The Post-Office is not noteworthy for its architecture, though it is so for its history. It was formerly the Middle Dutch Church, and was erected before the Revolution. Much of its interior wood-work and its steeple were brought from Holland during the Revolutionary war; this church, in common with others used by the British, was much injured from its occupation as a prison, hospital, &c. In 1790 it was repaired, and continued to be used for public worship until rented by the United States government for the general post-office of the city. The Hall of Justice, or city prison, is an extremely mas¬ sive granite building of Egyptian architecture, and occupies an entire block. Its gloomy aspect has obtained for it the general name of “ The Tombs.” Its front has a recessed portico, supported by 14 huge columns. It is chiefly occu¬ pied as a prison, though in part by the criminal courts, and in part as a police station. The Crystal Palace was erected in 1853 for the World’s Fair, or “ Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations,” on Reservoir Square, 3 miles from the City Hall. Since the close of that exhibition it has been used only at intervals, and then for sundry fairs, exhibitions, and festive assem¬ blages. It has a somewhat octagonal form; each main diameter is 365^ feet long, and the area of its flooring is 1 < 3,000 square feet. Ihe dome is 100 feet in diameter, and 123 feet high. Excepting the floors, the building was constructed entirely of iron and glass,—requiring 1800 tons of iron, 55,000 square feet of glass, and 750,000 square feet of timber. VOL. XVI. YORK. 225 The State Arsenal, 4J miles from the City Hall, is a laree N.w York edifice, containing arms and munitions belongino- to the City state. It was erected in 1848, and is in the Gothic castel¬ lated style, presenting a massive and appropriate appearance The City Armoury, or Down-Town Arsenal, is a hand¬ some structure in the Gothic style, two stories high, built of blue stone. It is constructed on the best plan3for de¬ fence; as, for example, its windows are only 18 inches wide so that in case of an attack it could be defended with suc¬ cess by fifty men. In January 1855 the citizen soldiery of the city (comprised in the First Division, New, York State Militia, in four brigades) consisted of—infantry, 3906; cavalry, 1291 ; and artillery, 1589: total, 6786. The hotels of New York are generally very large, and Hotels, noted for their excellence; while a considerable ‘number cost fully L.200,000, and are remarkable for their splendour. Upon Broadway alone there are about twenty-five, all elegant in their appointments, and severally accommodating from 200 to 800 guests. Prominent among these, as the oldest, and not surpassed in substantial excellence by any of the more recent establishments, is the Astor House, a rare example of popular favour, deservedly secured and long and surely retained. It was erected by John Jacob Astor, at a cost of L. 165,000, and opened in May 1836. ' The building is constructed of Quincy granite, in the most sub¬ stantial manner, and contains about 400 rooms. The Sj: ’ Nicholas Hotel, opened in 1853, and subsequently much enlarged, now constitutes the most capacious and costly hotel in the world. It is built of white marble and free¬ stone, and is noted for the splendour of its apartments and its general magnificence. The Metropolitan Hotel, built of freestone, and a very imposing and attractive edifice, was opqned in September 1852. Of similar character with these three are the Clarendon, Everett, Brevoort, St Ger¬ main, and Lafarge. To this list might be added others of nearly equal rank. The United States Hotel, built of marble, at a cost of L.72,000, containing about 250 rooms, was the first of the mammoth hotels. Many other hotels are very large, elegant, and well appointed; but their great number precludes particular mention. Hotel¬ keeping, as practised in New York by the best houses, is brought nearer perfection than in any other city in the world. Until the summer of 1852 the omnibuses of the city City con- affbrded almost the only means of cheap and regular con- veyances veyance. Up to that titn,e these were very extensively used by the people, as they yet are, except in certain tho¬ roughfares, where they have been superseded by the rail¬ roads. I he city cars of the Harlem Railroad commenced running in June 1833, and at the same rate of fare as the stages, In August 1852, notwithstanding the strenuous opposition of thousands against the establishment of rail¬ roads through the leading avenues of the city, the Sixth Avenue and the Eighth Avenue lines commenced operation ; and in July 1853 the Second Avenue and the Third Avenue lines. These channels of travel are now better patronized than the stages ever were, or ever would have been, had the roads not been formed. On each line the fare is 2±d., without regard to the length of the routes, which vary from 2f (Fourth Avenue) to 5|- miles (Third Avenue). The cars (which are drawn by horses or mules, and are about twice the length of an omnibus) run day and night, at intervals varying from two to thirty minutes, according to the public requirements. Their successful operation has resulted in their establishment in other cities. Ihere are thirty lines of omnibuses, having in all about Omnibus 600 in daily use. The routes of these lines vary in length lines and from three to five miles. The uniform fare is 3d. With hacks, &c. these Broadway is often completely blocked from morn till midnight, all efforts to remove or supersede them having proved ineffectual. The number of hacks is not propor- 2f NEW YORK. 226 New York tionate to the population of the city, owing mainly to the Gity. greater facilities afforded by the more popular conveyances, and somewhat to the extortionate demands of the hackmen, though their rates are duly prescribed by law. By census of 1855, 1741 persons were occupied as drivers; 5838 as carters and draymen ; 3052 as porters; and 1004 as boat¬ men and watermen. Ferries. Between New York and its immediate suburbs across the rivers, steam ferry-boats are constantly plying. On the principal ferries these are run throughout the night as well as the day. From the populous part of the city there are, across the East River, fourteen ferries, and across the Hudson four; and from the upper part of the island there are others across each river. On the East River the fer¬ riage is (excepting for the longest routes) Id.; on the Hud¬ son 1-^d. The number of passengers, vehicles, &c., crossing daily is very great. In the morning and towards night the boats are often crowded. To many places near the city steamboats are run, especially in summer, at very low rates of fare. Manufac- In its manufactures, as well as commerce, New York is turcs. the first city in America. In 1850 the number of hands employed in manufactures, mining, or the mechanical arts (establishments producing annually to the amount of L.104), was 80,302; capital invested L.6,126,615; pro¬ duct annually L.1,882,958. The branches which are here most extensively prosecuted are those directly developed by the great trade and commerce. Building of Ship-building is carried to a high degree of perfection ; vessels. and in speed, beauty of model, and internal convenience, the vessels built here are nowhere surpassed. Table showing the number of vessels of all kinds built in the district of New York, with their aggregate measure¬ ment, from 1843 to 1857, compiled from the Treasury Reports:— Fiscal Years. Ships & Barques Brigs. Sloops and Canal Boats. Steam¬ boats. Total Vessels. Total Tonnage. 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 5 11 18 11 16 26 15 26 23 24 18 40 40 24 28 8 16 25 37 43 59 44 42 56 46 66 63 76 35 37 102 89 130 160 117 200 145 104 81 38 97 81 219 108 73 5 14 17 23 15 19 17 28 47 43 58 49 41 17 21 122 136 192 234 193 307 228 202 208 153 244 240 381 191 164 13,179 18,026 26,621 29,465 37,591 57,977 37,933 55,525 77,214 69,054 68,454 93,496 92,697 49,317 43,118 The construction of splendid ocean steamers has, since 1846, formed a distinguishing feature in the business of the New York ship-yards. Of these there have been launched about 120, all of which have fully satisfied, and in fact exceeded, the expectations of their builders ; while several have become celebrated throughout the world as superior to ah, of every other nation, previously afloat. So great, how¬ ever, has been the rivalry between American and British ship-builders, that, since 1850, the marine of each nation has been yearly increased with new steamers, constructed to surpass all their predecessors. This rivalry, still conti¬ nued, promises to furnish both of these countries, and others also, with a vast number of steamers, which will greatly promote their respective interests, and aid in extending civilization over the globe. Tonnage in The increase in the amount of the tonnage employed in steam steam navigation since 1848, and owned in the district, is navigation, exhibited in the following table:— Years. 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 Registered. Enrolled & Licensed. Tons. 6,523 10,642 36,148 52,-392 63,860 76,851 82,607 89,105 68,777 69,051 95ths. 73 76 47 68 33 78 73 9 26 67 Tons. 57,705 61,175 58,967 69,148 77,063 88,311 101,487 107,692 107,820 111,526 95ths. 41 92 9 89 84 53 41 88 67 89 Total. Tons. 64,229 71,818 85,115 121,541 140,924 165,163 184,095 196,798 176,597 180,578 95ths. 19 73 56 62 22 36 19 2 93 61 New York City. The following statement from the annual reports of the Total ton- Secretary of the United States Treasury exhibits theregis- nage of the tered, the enrolled and licensed, and the total tonnage be- dlstrict. longing to the district of New York, in each decennial year from 1825:— 1825 1835 1845 1855 1857 Registered. Tons. 156,728 191,626 248,717 737,509 802,356 95ths. 14 43 37 10 Enrolled & Licensed. Tons. 147,756 185,071 301,642 550,725 575,068 95ths. 8 29 48 29 51 Total. Tons. 304,484 376,697 550,359 1,288,234 1,377,424 95ths. 22 72 48 66 61 Nearly all of the enrolled and licensed tonnage is em- Coasting ployed in the coasting trade; but there are no complete tra(le* official accounts of this trade. The law exonerates vessels engaged in it from entering or clearing at the custom¬ house, unless they have foreign goods or distilled spirits on board ; and comparatively few vessels which arrive from a domestic port come within this exception. The record of clearances coastwise (as many such vessels take foreign goods or spirits) exceeds the number entered; but even this list is far from including ah which are engaged in this trade. The following summary, derived from the custom-house records, is for the calendar years mentioned:— 1849 1851 1853 1855 1856 Entered Coastwise. Vessels. 1855 1768 1733 1966 1669 424,976 455,542 507,531 614,045 539,461 Cleared Coastwise. Vessels. 3994 4803 4789 4563 4696 895,589 1,214,942 1,310,697 1,378,889 1,482,310 The coastwise trade is carried on entirely by American vessels, built and owned within the United States, as foreign vessels are by law prohibited from engaging in it. In addition to the foregoing, we give the following state- Coastwise ment of coastwise arrivals for three years, collected from arrivals, the returns of Mr James Thorne, boarding-officer, United States revenue department, Whitehall:— Note.—In the above no sloops are included. These, if added to the many schooners from Virginia and Philadelphia, with wood and coal, which, though consigned here, discharge their cargoes at Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Jersey city, and the adjacent towns on the Hudson, and are not hoarded owing to the remoteness of these points for general business, would make the number much greater. The officer estimates the schooners that arrive at the above places and are not reported, at eight per day; which he thinks is an esti¬ mate rather under than over the actual number. This would give for each year 2920 additional schooners to be added to the coast¬ ing trade, making the whole number of coastwise arrivals in 1855, 9222; in 1856, 9029; and in 1857, 9017. In the above statement the steamers arriving from New Orleans, via Havana, are included. The trade of the city with the interior of the Union New York vastly exceeds its foreign commerce ; but of this there are City, no full reports. The available data consist of the accounts of the articles brought to tide-water by the Erie Canal, and Trade with the statistics of freight-traffic on the railroads which centre the inte- }n tjle (.jj-y. Qf tj]e the most important is the Erie Railroad, which bears a relation to the entire southern por¬ tion of the state, and northern portion of Pennsylvania, very similar to that sustained by the Erie Canal to the northern part of the state. The eleven railroads leading from the city have an immense and ever-increasing traffic; and they directly connect the metropolis with every im¬ portant section of the country. The receipts of the city from the Erie Canal are approximately known, because the greater part of the receipts at tide-water at Hudson, near Albany, from the same source, are directly sent to New York. The following statement shows the aggregate ton¬ nage and value of the property which came to the Hudson River, on all the canals, during the year 1856:— Tonnage. Value. Product of the Forests 858,771 L.2,176,431 Agriculture 1,023,417 10,379,644 Manufactures 50,454 934,199 Merchandise 14,073 1,103,’685 Other articles 176,754 882,365 Total 2,123,469 L.15,476,324 Of the total tonnage, the amount from Western States and Canada, arriving by way of the Erie Canal, was 1,212,550. The amount of the produce of the state of New York, arriving by all the canals, was 374,580 tons. Number of barrels of flour by all the canals, 1,130,509; bushels of wheat, do., 11,776,332 (or 2,355,266 barrels of flour; total, 3,485,775 barrels wheat flour); bushels of corn, do., 9,587,714. The property which went up the canals in 1855 was in tons 638,597, and in value L.23,634,234 ; the same in 1856 was in tons 650,943, and in value L.27,944,001. Aggre¬ gate of property brought and taken in 1855, L.39,667,732 ; in 1856, L.43,420,325. Foreign In surveying the business of New York, and comparing commerce. }t with that of other American cities, it is at once seen that the point in which it is relatively greatest is its foreign commerce. From this source, more than any other, New York derives its general pre-eminence. Compared with the other great seaports of the world, the ocean commerce of New York is more extensive than any, excepting perhaps London and Liverpool. For this branch of industry the city naturally possesses uncommon advantages; but its re- mai kable prosperity has been owing mainly to the enterprise of its merchants. 1 he following table is a summary view of the percentage of New York in the entire foreign com¬ merce of the United States, at intervals of five years from 1825:— NEW YOKE. 227 Fiscal Years. 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1857 Tonnage entered. 26-21 27-78 23-35 23-41 19-66 26-33 29-20 28’38 Tonnage cleared. 21- 65 24-19 13-12 17-38 16-22 22- 52 23- 40 24- 82 Value of Exports. 44-80 23-93 23-86 22-85 29-83 25-44 36-48 34-27 Value of Imports. 51-92 54-54 59-58 53-05 58- 78 57-96 59- 09 61-67 Duties collected. 78-37 68-48 74-61 55-84 64-18 61-73 61-58 Vessels and Tinnage entered into District of New Ynrh New York ' City. Fiscal Years. 1826 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1857 American Vessels. 1,528 1,443 1,450 1,882 2,588 3,014 Tonnage. 248,176 273,790 374,602 417,443 439,676 734,431 1,377,738 1,584,764 Foreign Vessels. 480 512 558 1,281 1,185 1,054 Tonnage. 26,285 31,391 91,063 128,488 139,542 410,900 358,169 450,885 Total Vessels. 2,008 1,955 2,008 3,163 3,773 4,068 Tonnage. 274,461 305,181 465,665 545,931 579,218 1,145,331 1,735,907 2,035,649 Ihe number of arrivals from foreign ports entered at the custom-house is always greater than the official record of clearances, because many vessels entering from abroad clear for a coastwise port. Vessels and Tonnage cleared from District of New York. Fiscal Ye ars 1826 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1857 American Vessels. 1,226 1,067 1,127 1,379 1,941 2,307 Tonnage. 208,202 210,535 289,268 283,149 341,094 596,812 1,091,244 1,310,875 Foreign Vessels. 433 503 561 1,230 1,169 1,047 Tonnage. 19,655 32,620 77,121 125,619 142,431 385,666 354,510 445,566 Total Vessels. 1,659 1,570 1,688 2,609 3,110 3,354 Tonnage. 227,857 243,155 366,389 408,768 483,525 982,478 1,445,754 1,756,441 The next tabular statement exhibits the value of im- Imports, ports, the duties collected thereon, and the value of ex-duties, and ports in each fifth fiscal year from 1820. The years exl,orts- end with September 30th to 1840, and thereafter with June 30th:— Fiscal Y ears. 1820 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1856 1857 Value of Imports. 10,419,783 8,053,342 18,278,089 12,515,526 14,561,955 24,305,736 32,188,648 41,314,728 47,121,696 Duties collected. L. 1,143,325 3,281,684 3,127,613 2,416,135 1,493,323 3,594,852 5,198,532 6,803,926 8,880,935 8,808,589 Value of Exports. E. 2,451,978 7,089,824 3,680,542 6,135,661 6,751,805 6,990,573 9,912,571 20,912,898 22,042,927 26,376,387 The returns previous to 1852 are from a United States Treasury document, and those of subsequent years are from the statements published in Hunt’s Merchants' Magazine. Tmnnrt9 1 he latter also presents the following classification of im- classified ports and exports:— Foreign Imports. igsg. Entered for consumption L.31,268,354 Entered for warehousing 6,160,078 Freegoods 3,631,686 Specie and bullion 234,600 1857. L.29,464,603 12,974,093 3,340,940 1,342,050 Total entered at the port.... L.41,294,718 Withdrawn from warehouse... 4,569,606 L.47,121,686 5,822,957 The imports in 1857, at New York, were even greater than the total imports into the whole United States in any fiscal year previous to 1853. Prior to 1855 about one-half of the imports at this port were dry goods, but since that date the enormous increase has been chiefly in general merchandise:— tonnage ‘.ntered (( T^.e ,n^xt tw® tabular statements, derived from the Old cleared .u"lted„btates Treasury Report on Commerce and Na- i New Vlgatl0nj exhibit the number of vessels and amount of <- tonnage entered into and cleared from the district of New York for foreign ports, in each fifth year from 1826. The years end with September to 1840, thence with June:— rom fork Years. 1854 1855 1856 1857 Dry Goods. 19,247,841 13,108,005 17,895,555 19,312,304 General Merchandise. L. 20,559,344 19,080,638 23,399,168 27,809,387 Total Imports. 39,807,185 32,188,643 41,294,723 47,121,691 228 .New York City. Exports classified, &c. Moneyed institu¬ tions. NEW YORK. Description of Dry Goods Imported for Two Years. Articles. 1856. Manufactures of wool L.5,178,249 Manufactures of cotton -.... 3,173,270 Manufactures of silk 6,242,410 Manufactures of flax 1,796,205 Miscellaneous dry goods 1,505,399 Total dry goods L.17,895,533 Which were disposed of as follows:— Entered for consumption L.16,243,806 Entered for warehousing 1,651,727 1857. L.5,488,085 4,082,083 6,185,393 1,893,034 1,657,523 L.19,306,118 L.15,590,337 3,715,781 Under the inducement to await the operation of the new tariff, which provided for an important reduction in duties on 1st July 1857, the stock in bonded warehouses had on that day accumulated to the amount of L.7,695,466, against the corresponding value of L.2,928,627 one year previous. The exports to foreign ports during the fiscal year 1857 were larger, both in specie and produce, than during any previous year. Classification for two fiscal years: Articles. 1856. Domestic produce L.15,630,464 Foreign merchandise, free 264,354 Foreign merchandise, dutiable, 769,079 Specie and bullion 5,379,018 1857. L.15,818,526 499,350 819,239 9,239,260 Total exports L.22,042,915 Total, exclusive of specie. 16,663,897 For a series of years the city of New York ha.s proved to be the regulator of the policy adopted in financial affairs throughout the Union, and may now be considered as its financial centre* This has naturally resulted from its being the leading channel of imports and exports; and thus it has become the pivot upon which almost the whole business of tbe country has turned. Since 1849 this has especially been the case, by the constant influx of vast amounts of gold from California; which, being brought first of all into the city of New York, has materially aided in augmenting the number and capital of all classes of its moneyed institutions. Meanwhile, other causes have been producing a gradual and powerful concentration of capital at New York from all parts of the Union. During the same period the banks and private bankers of every state have increasingly made this city the depository of their surplus funds, and more particularly since the practice of allowing from 4 to 6 per cent, interest has prevailed. Hence, of late years, exchange on New York has been considered as equivalent to cash funds on hand by all en¬ gaged in the banking business. New York has for many years been a creditor of the whole Union. Thereby it has obtained a vast credit, and, consequently, the con¬ trol of immense capital, belonging, in small and large sums, to remote parties. This rapid accumulation of capi¬ tal has not only aided to build up New York, but it has at length been regarded as belonging permanently to the interests of the city. From 1849 to 1857 the imports of New York increased 133 per cent.; the bank capital 160 per cent.; the average bank loans 125 per cent.; and the average bank deposits about 225 per cent. In 1830 the capital of the banks in the city was L.3,183,330; on 1st February 1834 (twenty-one banks) L.3,929,472; and on 1st January 1837 (twenty-four banks) L.4,346,080. The general banking law was passed by the legislature 18th April 1838. In 1845 the number of banks was twenty-four, and their capital L.4,809,184 ; and there was no increase until 1849. In that year the capital was raised to L.5,095,390; at the close of 1850 it was L.5,634,645 ; in July 1852 (forty banks), L.7,465,610; in January 1854 (fifty-seven banks), L.9,928,622; in July 1856, L.11,077,146; and in July 1857 (fifty-six banks), L.13,453,352. Without presenting an account of the progress of the L.26,376,375 17,137,115 banks during a series of prosperous years, and their usual New York operations in such years, we shall briefly sketch the City, features of their condition through the year 1857, which ^ v 7 opened favourably with a very buoyant stock mai ket. The banks Throughout January money was in good demand, and a in 1857. moderate stringency existed. In February the rates gra¬ dually declined, and stock securities were pretty well sustained. In March there was more active movement, with an advance in prices. In April money was abundant, and the banks gradually increased their discount lines upon an increasing specie basis and a larger deposit account; and on the 11th of the month their loans were L.24,036,395, being a higher point than ever before known. The highest point in 1856 was 2d August, L.23,381,488; and the highest in 1855 was on 1st September, L.20,924,365. Through May the money market was easy, stocks were buoyant, and the banks maintained a very uniform move¬ ment in the discount and specie departments. On 6th June the loans and discounts were L.24,028,868, and for four weeks remained above L.24,000,000, and at about the same amount; but in that time the specie decreased from L.2,736,395 to L.2,271,058,. owing to the active ship¬ ments. From 3d July the loans increased daily until 8th August (the highest point of the expansion), when they amounted to L.25,432,756, being an increase of L.l ,454,796 in five weeks, or at an average of L.48,489 each business day. With this expansion in discounts there was a steady decrease in the specie reserve. During the last of the five weeks just mentioned the loans and discounts in¬ creased L.308,373, while the specie decreased L.245,965. Thus, on the 8th August, the loans and other chief items of the accounts of all the banks in the city were, in com¬ parison with their condition on 3d January, as follows :— Apprehensions of coming troubles were immediately ex¬ cited in the minds of many financiers. Thenceforward the banks rapidly contracted their loans; at the same time their specie reserve ran down, and the money market daily became more stringent. The remarkable extent of this contraction is readily apparent from the following tables:— Increase of the Currency, fyc., in Nineteen Weeks. Decrease of the Currency, fyc., in Four Weeks. The foregoing statements show that the contraction in four weeks after 8th August, was much greater than the expansion in nineteen weeks before that date. The next table shows, on comparison with the first table, that the contraction in six weeks after 8th August was also much greater than the expansion during the thirty-one weeks before that date $ viz,, from 3d January :— New York City. NEW Decrease of the Currency, fyc., in Six Weeks. Date. Aug. 8 Sept. 19.... Loans. L. 25,432,756 22,661,960 Decrease... 2,770,796 Increase in specie reserve Specie. L. 2,445,281 2,824,200 378,919 Circulation. L. 1,871,192 1,682,039 189,153 Deposits. 19,674,249 15,785,991 3,888,258 On 2Gth September the banks in Philadelphia and Bal¬ timore suspended specie payments ; but the banks in New York city, and in part of New England, published that they were able to maintain themselves as specie-paying in¬ stitutions. This announcement inspired hope ; but the banks, instead of giving to their customers the expected (and in fact promised accommodation), continued to diminish their loans. The financial panic waxed more intense, sur¬ passing descriptiom Commencing in August, business of almost every kind was gradually brought to a stand. In almost every place the operations of manufactories, and shops and stores, were reduced; and thousands of opera¬ tives and employes were discharged. Through Septem¬ ber the gloom deepened every day. Men were everywhere calling for aid, and in vaim Property seemed to have no fixed or certain value. In the fore part of October the number of mercantile suspensions and failures augmented rapidly over the corresponding daily announcements in Sep¬ tember. The paper of many of the most prominent and reputable mercantile firms, of several of the largest private banking-houses, and of some great railroad corporations, was protested. The suspension of a few of the banks in the city, and of a score of those in the interior of the state, and per¬ haps a hundred in other states, aided in bringing about the general suspension by inducing a general run upon all other banks. On Tuesday, 13th October, nineteen banks ceased to pay specie to bill-holders and depositors; but to the latter either paid notes or closed their doors entirely. In the evening of that day all other banks resolved to suspend on the ensuing day. This course was imme¬ diately followed throughout the Union. It is generally considered that the panic which brought on the crisis was owing chiefly, if not wholly, to the impru¬ dent course of the banks in expanding their discounts, and then too suddenly contracting them. The actual suspension of the banks was owing to the disgust and in* dignation of the mercantile classes, who, having been injured by the banks, retaliated by using their own power. On this point, the London Times of 26th October re¬ marked that 4 The entire suspension of specie payments by the New York and Boston banks, reported this morn¬ ing by the American mail, is the most satisfactory an¬ nouncement that could have been looked for. Had the step been taken a fortnight earlier, an immense amount of ruin might have been averted. The banks, after having, by their mismanagement, brought about the state of affairs which rendered the panic possible, sought to save them¬ selves by the sacrifice of the whole mercantile community ; but the public, at last, took, the matter in their own hands, and forced them to a stoppage, which placed them in the same condition with their victims, and thus termi¬ nated the struggle.” The Times regarded the matter in Us tine bearing, attributing the blame to the proper parties, he returns for the week of suspension, ending 17th ctober, being ten weeks from 8th August, are thus com- pared with the returns of that date :— Date. Aug. 8., Oct. 17. Decrease. Loans. 25,432,756 20,259,543 5,173,213 Specie. L. 2,445,281 1,634,003 811,278 Circulation. L. 1,871,192 1,684,881 186,311 Deposits. L. 19,674,249 11,019,709 8,654,540 YORK. 229 showing several still greater changes in each item, and par¬ ticularly in the decrease of specie and deposits, these having been withdrawn by bill-holders and depositors. After suspension the banks rapidly augmented their specie to a sum several millions above any previous total gaining from 17th October (when L. 1,634,003) to 12th December (when L.5,428,928) the sum of L.3,794,925. But no ease in the rtioney market was realized amongst business men for seven or eight weeks, and there was no important change in financial affairs until 11th December. On that day the specie in the bahks hadaccumulatedto L.5,415,000, and it was then resolved to resume specie payments on the next day. In the first week after resumption the specie increased nearly L.415,000, swelling the amount to L.5,824,855, in the face of a very active shipment to foreign ports. At the close of the year the banks of Phi¬ ladelphia, Baltimore, &c., had not resumed. .New York City. Although it is reasonable to suppose that another revul¬ sion may occur in an interval of twenty years, it is pro¬ bable that this of 1857 will produce at least three benefi¬ cial results throughout most of the states, viz.,—The abolition of small bank notes (under L.l or L.2); the establishment of a specie basis of not less than 1 to 3 (or 4) of circulation ; and the requirement of ample securities for bill-holders and depositors. On 1st January 1857 there were sixteen savings-banks Savings- in the city, which had on deposit L.6,760,879. Number banks- of depositors’accounts, L.151,559. During 1856 there were 193,317 deposits, amounting to L.3,053,992 ; and 139,422 withdrawals, amounting to L.2,412,978. Interest received on stocks and securities, L.l,855,110. Interest received on bonds and mortgages, L.l81,854. Interest allowed to depositors, L.286,973. The daily newspapers, with many of the weeklies and The press, other periodicals, are remarkable for their intrinsic merits, size, cheapness, and immense circulation; Each of the leading newspaper establishments employs a very large amount of capital, and is furnished with the best presses and other equipments known among printers. The earliest newspaper in New York was commenced on 16th October 1725, and printed weekly. Before the Revolution about 90 others had been in existence. In 1775 there were 4 newspapers. In 1832, 64 newspapers and periodicals. Ac¬ cording to the census of 1855, there were in that year 145 newspapers and 78 other periodicals,published as follows:— Daily, 19; tri-weekly, 1; semi-weekly, 8; weekly, 87; semi¬ monthly 10; monthly, 87; quarterly, 13; semi-annually, 2; annually, 3. Four of the daily papers are reputed to have each a circulation above 30,000 (their proprietors not un- frequently claim much more); and several of the weeklies circulate to regular subscribers each from 40,000 to 50,000 copies. One weekly, devoted to news and politics, has 175,000 of a regular circulation, almost wholly to sub¬ scribers; while another, devoted to tales and “light read¬ ing,” is believed to have above 300,000. One of the popular monthly magazines has 170,000, and a religious monthly newspaper above 200,000. The public and private provisions for the general educa- Education tion of children, youth; and adults, are upon a liberal scale. It is believed that less attention is given to education by the illiterate and poor classes than in most large cities of the Union ; but these are chiefly of foreign birth, and feel compelled to make use of their children to gain a livelihood. By the census returns it appears that the greater num¬ ber of the adults unable to read and write are of foreign birth. 8 The number of public schools Under the jurisdiction of Public the Board of Education, in the year 1855, was 271, viz.,— schools. Grammar, for boys, 47 j grammar, for girls, 48 ; primary, 101 ; coloured, 14; corporate and asylum, 28; evening, 29; normal, 3 $ and the Free Academy. The whole num- * 230 NEW YORK. New York ber of teachers employed in the several schools was 1067, • consisting of 187 males, and 880 females. The amount ~ ^ expended for purposes of education during the year was L. 191,217; of which the sum of L.27,649 was received from the state funds, and L. 163,568 raised by tax on pro¬ perty in the city. In the grammar and primary schools (238) the whole number taught in 1855 was 137,874 ; the annual average attendance was 47,858 ; and the cost (total L.112,507) per pupil was, on the whole number taught, 15s. 5d.; on average annual attendance, L.2, 4s. 5d. The evening schools, for adults, &c., were attended by 12,762 persons, and their support cost L.6796. The normal schools, with 782 pupils, cost L.1256 for support. The Free Academy, established in 1848, crowns the system of public school education. In 1855 it had 696 pupils, and its support cost L.7714. Its spacious edifice is built in the Gothic style, after the manner of the town-halls of the Netherlands, and cost, with site and fitting up, L.22,811. It has 23 teachers, a library of 5000 volumes, besides 10,000 text-books, &c., excellent apparatus, laboratory, and cabinets. Academies. Select schools and academies, conducted by individual and associated enterprise, are proportionately numerous. Some of the seminaries for young woman are of very high reputation, and have each several hundred pupils. Colleges. Columbia College was founded in 1754 by royal charter as King’s College, and received its present name in 1784. Its trustees and officers are of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It is richly endowed, possesses a valuable library, and has usually about 120 students in its collegiate de¬ partment. It occupied its ancient position near the city- hall, in beautiful open grounds, shaded by venerable trees, until 1857, when it was removed to the upper part of the city, and its former site is now covered with warehouses. The university of the city of New York was founded in 1831, and is non-sectarian. Its edifice, fronting Washing¬ ton Square, is one of the finest structures in the city, and the most costly collegiate building in the country. It is constructed of marble, in English Gothic architecture ; and its central part, used as the principal chapel, is an imita¬ tion of the celebrated King’s College chapel, Cambridge, England. There are three flourishing medical colleges, and several minor medical institutes. The College of Physicians and Surgeons was founded in 1807; medical de¬ partment of the university in 1837 ; and New York me¬ dical college in 1851 ; each of which has an excellent edifice, and is well furnished with a library and cabinet. There are two theological seminaries,—the Episcopal, founded in 1817, and richly endowed; and the Union (Presbyterian), founded in 1836,—each possessing a large and very valuable library. Institu- The Cooper Institute, or the “ Union,” devoted to tions and science and art, is an important establishment, founded by libraries. Mr Peter Cooper, at a cost of L.62,500, for the educational advancement of the youth and people of the city. Its handsome edifice, of freestone, six storeys high, and cover¬ ing 20,000 square feet of ground, is unusually substantial, and fireproof. The American Institute, incorporated in 1829, for the encouragement of commerce, agriculture, and manufactures, has a building, containing a library of 8000 volumes and repository for models, in which weekly meetings are held for scientific objects; but this organization is espe¬ cially noted for its annual exhibitions of national industry. The Mechanics’ Institute has 5000 volumes, a good collection of philosophical and chemical apparatus, and regular courses of lectures. The Historical Society, founded in 1804, pos¬ sesses an extremely valuable library of 25,000 volumes, and interesting collections, safely deposited in its fireproof edifice. It has published numerous volumes on American history. The Geographical and Statistical Society, founded in 1851, holds frequent meetings, and has about 3000 volumes. The total number of volumes in the public libraries and institu- New York tions in 1855 was 336,290; of which, in the Astor Library, City. 80,000; Mercantile, 47,000; Society, 40,000, &c. The Astor Library was founded by John Jacob Astor, by his be¬ quest of L.83,000, which directed that L. 15,600 should be expended for a building, L.25,000 in a first outlay for books, and the residue, or over L.42,000, invested as a fund for the maintenance and increase of the library. The Mercantile Library Association, formed in 1820 for merchants’ clerks and others, is one of the most useful organizations in the city, has 5100 regular members, and an annual revenue of over L.2000. Since 1854 it has occupied the building formerly known as the Astor Place Opera House. The National Academy of Design, the chief art institu- Fine-art, tion of America, was founded in 1826, since which time it societies, has steadily advanced in influence and usefulness. It galleries, numbers among its academicans and associates nearly all &c> the eminent artists of the city and vicinity. It supports free schools for the study of the antique and living models ; possesses an extensive and valuable art library; makes annual exhibitions of original works by American and foreign painters and sculptors, &c. The New York Gallery of the Fine Arts is a permanent collection of American art, commenced a few years ago, containing many valuable works, but not yet accessible to the public, through want of a suitable and permanent gallery. The Dusseldorf Gallery is an admirable exhibition of the works of German painters, chiefly of the Dusseldorf school, in the building erected and formerly occupied by the late American Art Union. The Bryan Gallery of Christian Art is an extremely interesting and valuable collection of the works of the old masters. Several shops in Broadway, for the sale of oil- paintings, engravings, picture-frames, artists’ materials, &c., keep up a rich display of works of art. Theatres and other places of amusement are compara- Places of tively numerous and well patronized. Some of them are amuse- very large and elegant establishments. The building of1"6111- the Academy of Music (or new opera house), completed in October 1854, has 4600 seats; it cost L.57,000, and its site L.12,500,—total, L.69,500. Among other permanent amusements are several companies of Ethiopian minstrels; and the changing attractions include an endless number of panoramic exhibitions, concerts, balls, &c. The benevolent or charitable institutions of a public Private nature, founded and sustained by special associations, are and incor' highly creditable to the citizens. These are numerous, Poratec| cj j 7 benevolent and some of them very extensive. The list embraces 9 institu. hospitals, 3 infirmaries, 6 dispensaries, 7 homes for the tions. relief of certain unfortunate classes, 4 homes for the aged and indigent, 2 houses of industry, besides the missionary establishments, and very many aid societies. In the upper part of the city are the institutions for the blind, deaf-and- dumb, and insane, each having spacious buildings, with beautiful grounds. There are extensive institutions for sea¬ men on Staten Island, 6 miles from the Battery. Most of the public institutions maintained by the city Public government are situated on the islands in the East River, charities. The almshouse and its hospitals, lunatic asylum, workhouse, and city penitentiary, are on Blackwell’s Island. The Nursery and various establishments for children, and the house of refuge, are on Randall’s Island. Ward’s Island is occupied with the hospitals, &c., under the charge of the Commissioners of Emigration. New York contains many of the central offices and Religious publication establishments of those great religious societies and nJoral and denominations which embrace in their labours the whole S0Cletles• country. Some of their printing-offices are among the largest in the city,—as those of the American Bible So¬ ciety; American Tract Society; Methodist Book Concern; &c. In 1852 the Bible Society erected, at a cost of about L.62,500, a new building, six storeys high, and comprising NEW YORK. New York an entire block; part of it being occupied by offices of other City. societies. v'—Synopsis of the census returns on churches:—Number Churches, of churches in 1850, 214; in 1855, 252; aggregate accommodation in 1850, 219,098; in 1855, 234,730; value of church property in 1850, L.1,895,559; in 1855, L.2,519,319, consisting of L.2,270,916 as value of churches and lots, and L.248,403 as value of other real estate. Twenty-seven sects were mentioned in returns of 1855, from which are taken the following statistics of the chief denominations:— 231 Religious Denominations. Baptist Congregational Jews Methodist Episcopal Methodist African Presbyterian (Old & New ) School) J Presbyterian, Associate Protestant Episcopal Reformed Protes. Dutch.... Roman Catholic Church Edifices. 26 9 10 33 6 33 6 43 22 24 Value. Usual At¬ tendance. L. 131,622 60,935 36,894 121.414 25,000 324,810 78,748 700,844 191,456 335.415 12,140 4,175 3,825 15,090 3,005 17,675 ' 3,700 21,850 13,100 100,500 Church Members, 7.116 905 1,953 8,878 1,668 10,643 1,708 9,006 5.117 78,488 are carried -5 feet beneath the ground, and the exterior New York 44-|- feet above it. The new reservoir, in the Central Park City, begun in 1856 covers 97 acres; the cost of its construction is estimated at L.250,000; amount awarded for the land L.147,500. The total length of street pipes laid to 31st December 1856 was 255 miles. The entire water receipts to that date amounted to L.l,103,823. The fire department of the city is a powerful organiza- Fire de- tion, effective in the preservation of life and property, partment. The city is divided into eight fire districts; and in case of fire the alarm bells are struck according to the number of the district in which the fire exists. The name of the locality is signalled to the bell-ringers by telegraph. There are 46 fire-engine companies, 57 hose companies, and 13 hook and ladder companies; nearly all of which are well sup¬ plied with the necessary apparatus for efficient service. There are also 4 hydrant companies, whose duty it is to take charge of the hydrants at fires. The fire marshal’s re¬ ports afford the following statements :— Vo ton iqueduct. The most costly and conspicuous ecclesiastical edifices are those of the Protestant Episcopal denomination. Of these Trinity Church, built entirely of freestone, including the tower and spire, 264 feet high, cost L.83,000, and is the noblest building of Gothic architecture in America; and Grace Church, a very elaborate structure of white marble, cost L.42,000. 1 he Croton Aqueduct is the greatest and most import¬ ant public work, and is not only superior in grandeur and costliness to anything of the kind on the globe in modern times, but to any work ever executed by a comparatively small community. In April 1835 the plan for its construction was ratified by the electors by a vote of 17,330 for, to 5963 against it. In July ensuing the surveys were commenced ; in the spring of 1837 the work was fairly begun ; and on the 14th October 1842 its completion was celebrated. Its cost to 1843 was L.2,386,158. The pond, now called Croton Lake, formed by the dam of Croton River, is 5 miles in length ; the aqueduct from this dam to the distributing re¬ servoir is 40J miles; and the large mains from this reser¬ voir, through the central part of the city to the Battery, add 4 miles, making the total length of the main conduit 50 miles. The aqueduct, built of stone, brick, and ce¬ ment, has form and dimensions as follows:—The bottom is an inverted arch ; the chord or span line is 6 feet 9 inches, and the versed sine 9 inches; the greatest interior width is 7 feet 5 inches; and the greatest depth 8 feet 5£ inches. For the first 5 miles the side walls have an extia height. It crosses Harlem River on A magnificent bridge, 1450 feet long, constructed of well-dressed granite, with 15 arches, the under side of which is 100 feet above high tide, completed in 1849, at a cost of L.200,710. Its general declivity per mile is, in its upper part, 13J inches, and in its lower part, 9 inches. The dam covers about 400 acres, and is available as a reservoir for 500,000,000 gallons above the level that would allow the aqueduct to ischaige 3o,000,000 gallons daily. The receiving reser- ymr, 5 miles from City Hall, contains an area of 35 acres, f int0 two equal parts, and has a capacity for 150,000,000 gallons. The distributing reservoir, 3 miles trom City Hall, includes 4 acres, is also divided into two equal parts, and has capacity for 25,000,000 gallons. Its walls consist of an exterior and an interior wall, connected at every 10 feet by cross walls. At their base the thickness of the interior wall is 6 feet, of the exterior 4 feet, and the intermediate space is 14 feet; or 24 feet in all. Both walls Items returned. Number of fires. Alleged loss Insurance Amount paid June 1st to May 31st. 1854-5. 353 L.288,994 645,140 288,994 1855-6. 331 L.192,335 583,952 103,605 Decrease in 1855-6. 22 L.96,656 61,186 185,387 The permanent fund of the fire department, for the relief of widows and children of its deceased members, exceeds L.20,000; and the annual accounts of its payments for relief, have of late years ranged from L.3000 to L.4100. Gas-light is supplied by two companies, of which we have Gas-ligVt. the following statistics:—The New York Gas-Light Com¬ pany, chartered in 1823, with a capital of L.208,000, sup¬ plies the district south of Grand Street; and in 1856 had about 130 miles of mains of various sizes, and lighted 3500 public lamps. The Manhattan Gas Company, chartered in 1833, with a capital of L.416,000, supplies the rest of the city; and in 1856 had 190 miles of mains, lighted 7300 street lamps (in 1850, 3797), and furnished gas to over 17,000 shops and dwellings. The following is a statement of the assessed valuation of these companies in 1856:^—New York,—personal estate, L.70,286; real estate, L.121,248: total, L.191,534. Manhattan,—personal estate, L.274,570; real estate, L.180,666: total, L.455,236. The city charter, as it now stands, according to the Act The city of Amendment of 14th April 1857, provides, that the govern- corporate name of the body politic shall, as formerly, be ment. “ the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York.” The legislative power is vested in the com¬ mon council. This body consists of the Board of Aider- men and the Board of Councilmen. The former comprises 17 members, each elected for two years, 8 or 9 retiring an¬ nually. The Board of Councilmen consists of 24 members, 6 from each senatorial district, elected on general ticket. Both aldermen and councilmen must, at time of election, be residents of the districts from which elected. Execu¬ tive power is vested in the mayor, who is elected for two years. There are 6 executive departments, the heads of which are appointed by the mayor, with approval of the Board of Aldermen. The various departments of city business are duly arranged according to statute. The ex¬ penses of the government have for many years been con¬ stantly increasing. During 1856 the total amount re¬ ceived into the treasury from all sources, except the sink¬ ing fund, was L.3,700,551 ; and the expenditure there¬ from was L.3,589,312; showing an excess in receipts of L.l 11,239. I he principal items in the accounts wrere of the sale of new city bonds, and the redemption of bonds due. I he expenditures for the support of the city govern¬ ment proper were L.956,231. The permanent city debt 232 N E W New (chiefly for the Croton Aqueduct) on 1st January 1857, Zealand. wag L.2,964,712, and the amount then held by the com- missioners of the sinking fund towards its payment was L.1,152,071, leaving as the outstanding debt unprovided for L.1,825,037. Amount received on account of the fund in 1856, L.253,723; interest paid on city stock in 1856, L.173,758; amount of funded debt redeemable from taxation, 1st January 1857, L.240,415; amount of city debt cancelled in 1856, L.117,926; in the early part of 1857 the sum of L.206,248 was paid on account of the aqueduct loans. The total operations of the city treasury for the years 1855 and 1856 were :— Receipts in 1855, L.3,545,850. In 18.56, L.4,315,939. Payments in 1855, 3,444,555. In 1856, 4,236,276. The total amount of tax (including the state tax) levied in each year, from 1851 to 1856 inclusive, was:— In 1851 L. 609,233 In 1852 ...... 703,816 In 1853 1,066,173 In 1854 L.1,008,591 In 1855 1,217,459 In 1856...... 1,474,045 The value of the real estate owned by the city in Fe¬ bruary 1857 was L.9,002,511 (as estimated, being chiefly unproductive, at its cost price); of which the aqueduct L.3,370,247; parks, L.2,913,406; piers and bulkheads, L.1,213,122 (those used for commerce, L.842,915; for ferries, L.336,873 ; for corporation purposes, L.33,334); almshouses, L.354,166; schoolhouses, L.332,038; markets, L.245,164. (f. h.) Situation NEW ZEALAND consists of three islands of unequal and area, size, situated in the South Pacific Ocean, between the pa¬ rallels of 34. and 48. S. Lat., and of 161. and 179. E. Long. The northern island, called by the natives Ea- (“The Child of'Mawe”),is of very irregular shape, the northern portion being a narrow peninsula, varying from 8 to 50 miles across, the centre widening to a breadth of 200 miles, and then decreasing to an average of 60 or 70 towards its southern extremity. Its length, as measured by a line drawn from Cape Maria Van Diemen to Cape Palliser, is 540, and the breadth between Cape Egmont and East Cape, 290 miles. The actual surface extent is not more than 48,710 square miles, or 31,174,400 acres. The middle island, called by the natives Tavai Poenammoo (“ The Land of Green Talc”), extends from N. to S. about 470 miles; the breadth from E,to W. varies from 100 to 170 miles; and its area is computed at 72,072 square miles, or 46,126,080 acres. The southern island (called also Stewart's Island) is about 60 miles long, and 30 broad ; its area being about 1800 square miles, or 1,152,000 acres. Thus the area of the three islands is estimated at 78,452,000 acres, being about 1,192,160 acres beyond the extent of the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. The names of New Ulster, New Munster, and New Leinster, attempted to be imposed upon these islands by the Colonial Office, have been disre¬ garded by the British colonists, who desire for their adopted country a nomenclature more suitable to its future position among the nations of the Southern World, Zeelandia, Aus¬ tral Britain, and South Britain, have been proposed, as being more euphonious and descriptive, and it is probable that one of these will in due time be adopted by the general legislature. Geological That these islands are of volcanic origin, admits of no formation, question. At no very distant period their whole area pre¬ sented the appearance of a group of rocky islets, precipitous and barren, except in the gullies of the mountains. New Zealand largely participates in a general elevatory move¬ ment, extending from the southern pole over the whole Southern Hemisphere. Besides this, she has her own centres of volcanic action, some of which are yet in operation, gradually raising the level of the land; the proofs of which in the upheaving and increase of elevation are even now ob¬ vious to any intelligent traveller. Some of these changes NEW have been witnessed by the present generation. (Forbes.) New These centres of volcanic action are supposed to be—(1.), Zealand, at Qtawa, near the Bay of Islands; (2.) the vicinity of ^ Auckland; (3.) a range of country which may be de¬ fined by a line drawn from White or Sulphur Island to Rotorua, Lake Taupo, and Mount Tongariro, to Wanganui; (4.) the country afound Wellington. (Taylpr.) In the middle island the upheavement of the land is observable in a marked manner through the entire length of the west¬ ern coast from Cape Farewell to Dusky Bay. Some of the most extraordinary changes in these regions have taken place within the last few years. More than half of the mountains of New Zealand are extinct volcanoes; a few are yet in partial action, as Waka-ari (White or Sulphur Island), Montohoro (Whale Island), Tongariro, and occa¬ sionally one of the Kaikora peaks. In the centre of the northern island, between Rotorua, Lake Taupo, and Mount Tongariro, the number of boiling mud pools, mud volcanoes, and openings emitting sulphureous steam, is astonishing. Some of them shoot up volumes of boiling water, like the geysers of Iceland, to which they are little, if at all, inferior. Earthquakes, as might be expected, occur occasionally; but their action appears now to be confined to the shores along Cook’s Straits, and the western coasts of the middle island. The geological formation is simple, the rocks being erupted, metamorphic, trappean, and sedimentary, the latter all of them of tertiary origin, as proved by their imbedded fossils. (Forbes.) New Zealand is eminently a mountainous country, level Face of the plains, though such there are of great extent, being the ex- country.— ception. The mountain ranges run parallel with the sea- moun' coast, generally from N.E. to S. W. In the northern island j.^1” s these ranges vary from 500 to 1500 feet in height, until they reach the centre of the island near Mount Pirongia, where the great central Rangitito chain commences, which, under the names of Ruahine and Tarahua, extends as far as the southern extremity. “ This central mountain range throws off spurs or ridges of a very difficult mountainous country in various directions to the coast; the valleys be¬ tween these ridges, generally mere gorges at the hills, be¬ come fertile and extensive plains near the coast; and form the channels of the Thames, the Waikato, the Mokau, the Wanganui, the Rangitiki, and other minor streams. These subsidiary mountain ridges or spurs, thrown from the main range, are for the most part, where roads have not been constructed across them, impassable even for horses; so that no overland communication, except for foot-passengers, can be considered as yet existing between the several principal settlements.” (Sir George Grey.) Some of these mountains are very elevated, and are covered with perpetual snow. Pirongia is only 2500 feet high ; but Tongariro is 6200 feet, and Ruapahu 9000 feet in height. Though not connected with any of the central or minor ranges, Mount Egmont or Taranaki stands about 30 miles from the sea, and rises to an elevation of nearly 9000 feet; it is distinguished by the perfect shape of its cone, covered with perpetual snow. The middle island has its northern shores skirted by a high crescent-shaped range of mountains, throwing out spurs towards the sea, and terming the sheltered har¬ bours in which that locality abounds, This range unites with a great central range which runs through the island midway, and with another of yet greater elevation which skirts the western coast, and winch approaches even to the very margin of the sea. Numerous streams subject to sud¬ den floods flow from these ranges. The highest peak in New Zealand, Mount Cook, which rises to about 13,000 feet above the level of the sea, is one of the mountains of this western range. The appearance of the country generally is singularly gcenery picturesque and attractive. “ It may be called a wooded highland country, displaying some half dozen noble plains, I New and thousands of brook-watered valleys, dells, and dales. Zealand. In combination of those great natural features which con- /—■V—stitute the foundation of fine scenery, New Zealand is un¬ surpassed by any country in the world. She displays noble forests, snow-capped mountains, shooting up 10,000 feet from a sea of green, and wooded up to the line of snow; tracts of rolling champaign country, dells, valleys, rivers and rivulets innumerable ; and 3000 miles of bay and ocean coast. The indigenous plants and trees being evergreen, there is no autumnal fall: the country is always verdant.” (Hursthouse.) To the truth of this glowing picture we can bear testimony. 1 0ii. The soil is generally fertile : the swamps may be easily drained, and will afford the best land to reward the la¬ bours and enterprise of future capitalists. There is per¬ haps as large a proportion of available land for agricultural and pastoral purposes as in the British Islands ; and it must be kept in mind, that the grazing capabilities, as well as the results of husbandry in general, are fully equal to a similar extent of land in Britain. “ Every English grain, grass, fruit, and flower attains .full development and per¬ fection. Surface and subsoil are generally light and porous : wet rapidly drains and percolates away.” (Hursthouse.) Ilimate. The climate is undoubtedly one of the best in the world, and is peculiarly congenial to English constitutions and tastes. The summer is a little warmer than in England, and of longer duration ; and winter, spring, and autumn, are much milder. Rain and heavy dews are frequent, but there are more fine days than in England ; the high winds are perhaps the greatest inconvenience felt by strangers. Snow is never seen in the northern island, except on the mountain-tops; but there are occasional falls on the Can¬ terbury and Otago plains in the middle island. Fogs and mists are rare, and thunder-storms less frequent than in England. As New Zealand is near our antipodes, the seasons are reversed, our summer months being winter months in the Southern Hemisphere. Some little difference of climate is caused by the difference of latitude between the northern and southern colonies; but this is less than might be expected. The mean temperature of the central part of New Zealand, as compared with that of London, is as follows:—New Zealand—spring 56°, summer 66°, autumn 58°, winter 52°; London—spring 49°, summer 62°, autumn 52°, winter 40. (Swainson ; Hursthouse.) ■ linerals. From the peculiar geological formation of the country, it is probable that coal, copper, gold, and other metals, will be found in abundance ; already accident, rather than scientific research, has discovered that the most important and valuable exist. Coal has been found near the North Cape, on the banks of the Waikato, at Mokau, at Massacre Bay, and in the Canterbury and Otago settlements. Gold- diggings are being worked at Coromandel, near Auckland, and at Aorere, near Nelson; and it is reported that this precious metal has been discovered in the Matoura River in the Otago colony. Copper is found at Kawau, the Great Barrier Island, Monganui, and at the Dun Mountain, near Nelson. Iron, in the form of pyrites and magnetic iron-sand,abounds; thelatterespeciallynearNewPlymouth, and covers the shores for miles, yielding 50 per cent, of iron of the finest quality. Some of the rocks are powerfully magnetic. Lead and manganese have been met with near Auckland. The purest sulphur is abundant. Alum and nitre are found at Wanganui and near the Rotorua lakes : rock-salt near Mercury Bay. Various useful earths—fire- clay, pipe-clay, ochres, &c.—are common. Slate, marble, granite, sandstone, and freestone, are found in various parts; and limestone exists in many localities, and is of great purity. (Hursthouse.) egeta- 1 he vegetation of New Zealand is remarkable. Six 2 0I>- hundred and fifty distinct species of trees and plants are in¬ digenous, of which scarcely twenty bear even a general VOL. XVI. 233 resemblance to any of our English plants; there are few New annuals and flower-bearing plants, but a large number of Zealand, tree-creeping parasitical plants, and of the beautiful fern and palm-tree family. The mode of growth in a New Zea¬ land forest is different from anything in the Old World. “ Thousands of tall columnar trees, 100 to 200 feet high, struggle up through a wilderness of underwood, their leafy heads so loaded with tufts of rushy parasites, that the true foliage is almost lost, while innumerable creepers coil round every stem, run up every limb, glide from head to head, and entwine the topmost boughs of a dozen trees in fifty Gordian knots. The underwood consists of these creepers, and of an equally dense growth of young saplings mixed with forest shrubs; and such is the closeness of the growth, that sun and air scarcely can penetrate.” (Hursthouse.) The Kauri pine supplies splendid spars and masts. Other pines are useful for building purposes, furniture, &c. A resinous gum is an article of export. The root of the fern was formerly the chief vegetable food of the natives ; and the Phormium tenax furnishes the New Zealand flax, which at some future period may be an important export. The quadrupeds of New Zealand, previous to the arrival Animal of Europeans, were the rat and the dog. Pigs were intro- kingdom, duced by Captain Cook, and other valuable quadrupeds followed. There are about fifty varieties of land birds, and about a dozen of coast birds, of which the kiwi is the largest. The gigantic moa, 12 feet in height, is probably extinct, unless existing in the western ranges of the middle island. The rivers abound in small fish resembling the eel, gray¬ ling, whitebait, &c\, of our rivers. The sea fish are nu¬ merous, but inferior to those of Europe for culinary pur¬ poses. The black whale frequents the coast from June to October. Seals are found in the remote south. Sharks are common on the coast. Cray-fish, oysters, cockles, and mussels are abundant. The insects are similar to those in England. The sand-fly is annoying to travellers in the summer. (Hunburn.) (For the natural history of New Zealand we must refer to the able treatise of the Rev. Robert Taylor, Teika a Maui.) By the New Zealand Constitution Act (1852), the three Polities islands are divided into six provinces, three of which are in geography, the northern island, viz., Auckland, New Plymouth, and —The six Wellington ; the remaining three are in the middle island, colonies, viz., Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago. The southern island forms an appendage to the latter colony. Although a very small portion of the island thus geographically appropriated is occupied by the European settlers, this division is a con¬ venient one for the purpose of a more particular description of the present condition of the British colonies in New Zealand. Auckland, the northern province, is about 400 miles in Auckland, length, 200 in breadth, with a coast-line of 800 miles, and an area of about 16,000,000 acres. It possesses the only navigable rivers of any importance to be found in the island, namely, the Waikato, with its tributary the Waipa; the Thames; the Piako; the Kaipara, with its tributary the Wairoa; and the Hokianga. There are also several smaller streams, which at their mouths form suitable har¬ bours for ships of from 400 to 500 tons, and are navigable for boats of 20 tons from 7 to 10 miles. Larger harbours are numerous. The Waitemata (upon which Auckland stands), on the east coast, nearly joins the Manukau harbour, on the west coast, from which a narrow isthmus of 6 miles separates it. The Waikato, Kavvhia, Whaingaroa, Kaipara, Hokianga, Wangaroa, Bay of Islands, Mercury Bay, Tau- ranga Bay, Maketu, Hicks Bay, Turanga or Poverty Bay, are also respectable harbours, with others of less note. This very extensive water communication, so important to infant settlements, especially in a country where roads are few, and carriage by land almost impossible without them, has led to the largest amount of European immigrants being NEW ZEALAND. NEW ZEALAND. 234 New settled in this part of New Zealand, without any adventi- Zealand. tious lielp fr0m colonizing companies. About one-twelfth of the sixteen millions of acres has been purchased of the natives by the colonial government. The chief town, Auckland, situated on the south side of the Waitemata harbour, and, like another Corinth, commanding the narrow isthmus of Manukau, is one of the finest commercial sites in New Zealand, “ the centre of a network of marine high¬ ways, a youthful antipodal Venice, surrounded by natural canals.” (Hursthouse.) Being built upon hills, there are few level streets ; but the houses are generally respectable. The public buildings, churches, chapels, &c., are equal to those in any town of the same size in the mother country. The Church of England and the Wesleyans have respect¬ able schools for the education of the European population, and institutions for the training of the native youth in the vicinity. Two weekly English newspapers are published, and one in the native (Maori) language. The population is about 8000. Near to Auckland are the military pensioner villages of Panmure, Howick, Oneunga, and Otahu, all within a range of 6 or 10 miles, and connected with Auck¬ land by well-made roads. Russell, in the Bay of Islands, which was once intended for the capital, is but a very small town. Besides, there are various coast settlements, such as Coromandel, Otea, Wangari, Wangaroa, Monganui, Hoki- anga, Whaingaroa, Kawhia, and Tauranga, which have from . ' 50 to 100 pioneer settlers, the nucleus of future city popu¬ lations. The principal lakes are Rotorua, Tarawera, Ro- tomahana, and Taupo, in the vicinity of which are found the hot springs, mud volcanoes, &c., to which reference has already been made. In the general fertility of the soil, and in the amount of available land for cultivation, Auck¬ land is fully equal, if not superior, to the other provinces in the northern island, although in the peninsula north of the Waitemata there is much poor and swampy land. The gold field at Coromandel, and the copper-works at the Great Barrier Island and Kawau, are now partially abandoned for want of labour; but the mineral treasures of this province will at some future period contribute largely to its resources. The census of 1855 gave a population of 11,919 Europeans; but the estimate for 1857 is about 15,000, to which we must add 35,000 natives, who contribute their fair share to the industrial resources of the colony. New Ply- New Plymouth, called also Taranaki, is the smallest of mouth. the six provinces, and is situated on the west coast, be¬ tween Auckland and Wellington. It has a coast-line of ]50 miles, and is about 100 miles long by 50 broad, with an area of about 3,000,000 acres, of which not quite a fiftieth part is yet in the possession of the colonists. It has no navigable rivers, but many small streams, as the Mokau, Oneiro, Waitera, Manawapo, and Patea, which are occa¬ sionally entered by small vessels. The roadstead near the town of New Plymouth affords great facilities for the load¬ ing and unloading of the largest vessels, and there is no doubt but that by the outlay of a moderate sum of money a good harbour might be formed at this place, for which there are peculiar natural facilities. Around the town, or rather township, of New Plymouth, the European popula¬ tion is mainly concentrated within a radius of 10 miles. The soil is peculiarly fertile; so that this portion of the island is by common consent termed the “ Garden of New Zealand.” The country near the sea is open and undulat¬ ing ; beyond, at some distance, it is forest, containing excel¬ lent timber. Mount Egmont, covered with perpetual snow, gives a peculiar character to the scenery. The unwilling¬ ness of the natives to sell their lands has hitherto retarded the progress of this settlement, by preventing a larger accession of immigrants. In ] 855 the European population was 2113, and the estimate for 1857 was 3000. This small community, intellectually and morally, is perhaps one of the most select and respectable in the world—not even excepting the most favoured portions of the mother country. New The native population is about 8000. One weekly paper’ Zealand, is published. When the colonial funds admit of the expense »» requisite for the formation of a harbour, and when the native title has been more extensively extinguished by purchase, this portion of New Zealand will offer irresistible attractions to settlers from the mother country. Wellington is the southern province of the northern Welling- island, 200 miles long, 100 broad, with a coast-line of 500 ton. miles, and an area of 12,000,000 acres, of which about one- third has been purchased of the natives for the purpose of European settlement. The land near and within 20 miles of the principal harbour (Port Nicholson) is mostly moun¬ tainous, densely timbered, broken by steep ravines, and most unfit for cultivation; but the valleys of the Hutt, Wairarapa, Wanganui, Rangatiki, Manawatu, and sundry adjacent portions, are admirably adapted for agricultural purposes. The vicinity of Hawkes Bay (Ahuriri) has also much good land ; and ifom this point there is a communi¬ cation across the island to Manawatu, and southerly to the Wairarapa valley. Three of the rivers may be called semi-navigable, as they may be entered by vessels of small tonnage—the Wanganui, the Rangatiki, and Manawatu. The harbour of Porirua is available for small vessels, and this harbour and the available country to the north, in the basins of the Manawatu, Rangatiki, and Wanganui rivers, are connected with the town of Wellington (Port Nichol¬ son) and the Hutt River district by an excellent road, which winds round the spurs of the Tarirua range. A good road along the bay connects Wellington with the Hutt River valley ; and another road now forming will lay open the whole of the Wairarapa valley, and afford easy means of intercourse with the capital. In no part of New Zea¬ land has so much been done to overcome formidable natural obstacles by means of good roads. Wellington, the capital, is situated on a beautiful bay opening into Cook’s Straits, which forms the harbour of Port Nicholson, and which is 6 miles across, surrounded by hills of great elevation, and affording a shelter for large vessels. The town, built mainly of wood, stands on two level spaces on the west and south sides of the harbour, and rises in terraces from the margin of the bay, which gives it a most picturesque ap¬ pearance from the sea. The bay and scenery around has been compared to that of Naples. Occasional earthquakes, which have, however, ceased to be dreaded since the houses have been built of wood, and high winds, are the main drawbacks to this locality. Its central position on the great marine highway of Cook’s Straits is the greatest advantage of Wellington, which must secure for it an important rank among the future depots of New Zealand; especially as it possesses, next to Auckland, the best portion of the northern island. Its population in 1857 was probably 5000. The other townships are, a rural settlement in the Hutt valley, a small town at Wanganui, Port Napier at Ahuriri (Hawkes Bay), and the native mission village of the Church of Eng¬ land at Otaki, remarkable for its beautiful church, of native workmanship. The province probably contains 12,000 Europeans and 15,000 native inhabitants. Two weekly papers are published at Wellington. Nelson is the northern province of the middle island, and Nelson, is 150 miles long, 140 broad (with a coast-line of 500 miles), and an estimated area of 15,000,000 acres, all of which are virtually open for settlement, as the native population scarcely amounts to 1000. The climate is comparatively serene and dry, and more equable than in any of the other provinces. It possesses great mineral wealth in coal, copper, and gold. Between D’Urville Island and Cloudy Bay are a large number of noble harbours opening into Cook’s Straits, of which Queen Charlotte’s Sound and Pelorus Bay are the principal; but the wooded hills rise so abruptly that it has been stated, though perhaps with some fl NEW ZEALAND. banter- iury. exaggeration, that there is scarcely a thousand acres of land fit for the plough to be found along their margins. The valleys of the Waimea and Motueka, of Blind Bay, Massacre Bay, and Cloudy Bay (Wairau), afford, how¬ ever, ample room for the agriculturist and grazier. The Grey and Butter rivers, on the west coast, are now found to be available as ports, and to possess in their vicinity much valuable land—a pleasing exception to the general dis¬ paraging character which has been given to the capabilities of the west coast of the middle island. Nelson, the only town, is situated at the bottom of Blind Bay, and possesses a small but safe harbour, 50 miles away from the turbulent winds of Cook’s Straits. It is sheltered by a range of hills from the southern blasts, and enjoys a climate equable and serene beyond any other locality. The Dun Mountain, within a mile of Nelson, contains treasures of copper yet to be developed. The European population of the colony, which amounted in 1855 to about 6000, and which was sup¬ posed to be, in 1857,9000, is mainly located around Nelson, or within a moderate distance. There is a weekly paper pub¬ lished at Nelson. A new township has been formed at the harbour of Waitohi or Newton Bay, a south-eastern branch of Queen Charlotte’s Sound; this is intended to be a port for the produce of Wairau (Cloudy Bay), and of the Awatere plains, to which district a road is now being formed of 12 miles through a nearly level valley. Other paths are being discovered through the mountain-passes, by means of which communication will be facilitated with the various settlements in the Nelson province, and with those in the adjacent province of Canterbury. Two lakes are con¬ nected with the Butter River (Rotorua and Rotuiti) ; but as yet the interior of the middle island has not been explored. The gold-diggings at Aorere (Motueka River) are now exciting much attention, from their productiveness ; but their main value to this province will be the additional in¬ centive given to emigration to it. Canterbury is the central province of the middle island, and is 200 miles long by 100 broad, with a coast-line of 500 miles, and an area of about 14,000,000 acres, all of which are available for settlement, as the native population is not above 500. I he western portion of this province is pro¬ bably rugged and scarcely accessible ; the centre is occupied by mountainous ranges not yet explored. A vast elevated plain of 4,000,000 acres extends from the foot of these central ranges, gradually descending 40 miles to the heights above Port Victoria (called also Port Cooper). This plain is watered by more than twenty rivers. The portion nearest the west coast consists of a deep border of fine cattle-graz¬ ing and loamy agricultural land; but the great inland por¬ tion is a true pastoral country, covered with a perpetual herbage of grasses and dwarf shrubs, and admirably suited for the breeding and depasturage of sheep, horses, and cattle. The absence of wood is remarkable, but there is plenty in Banks’ Peninsula and at the foot of the central highlands. About fifty small rivers discharge themselves into the sea on the east coast of this province, of which the mouths of the Ashley, Courtney, and Avon are navigable for a short distance by very small boats. A remarkable eature in this province is Banks’ Peninsula, which pro- tru es bom the east coast, and consists of a pile of densely- w ooc ed volcanic hills, among which the principal harbours of the colony are found,—viz., Port Victoria (or Cooper), I ort Levy, Pigeon Bay, and Akaroa Harbour. Lyttleton, t10 Post-town of the colony, is situated upon Port Victoria, at the foot of the heights which lead to the great plain. Population from 2000 to 3000. A good road is being made up the heights, to connect Lyttleton with Christchurch, the capital, which stands on the Avon, on the border of the great plain. Population between 2000 and 3000. There are smal settlements on the other harbours of the penin- su a. aroa was the site of the French settlement formed 235 in 1840, and yet retains many of its original settlers. This New colony was originally designed for members of the Church Zealand, of England, and possesses a large number of the clergy of that cburch, and educational institutions conducted by them. There are also Wesleyan and Presbyterian churches, as the exclusive principle has been wisely abandoned. Great facilities are offered to small farmers and graziers, and the tide of emigration is rapidly flowing in this direction. The European population in 1857 was supposed to be not less than 7000, who, as a matter of course, have their weekly journal. Otago is the southern province of the middle island, and Otago, includes the whole of the southern or Stewart’s Island. It is 150 miles long, 200 broad (with a coast-line of 500 miles), and an area (including Stewart’s Island) of about 18,000,000 acres, the whole of which is available for settlement, as the natives do not exceed 500 in number. The south¬ western coast is remarkable for its thirteen harbours, like so many breaches in the sea-wall of this otherwise iron-bound coast, and which run in a N.N.E. and S.S.W\ direction from six to twenty miles inland. The land around these har¬ bours rises almost perpendicularly from the water’s edge, and is covered with trees suitable for all purposes. The depth of water also is remarkable, as soundings can rarely be obtained under from 80 to 100 fathoms. The ports on the east coast are Moerangi, Otago, and Molyneux Bay. Stewart’s Island is well wooded, contains many excellent harbours, of which Port Pegasus is the principal, and is partially colonized by various little communities of tens and twenties of old whalers, half-castes, and natives. The European population of the province, about 4000, chiefly Scotch, is settled on the east coast, in or near the following settlements :—Dunedin, the capital, stands at the head of an arm of the sea, which is only navigable for large ships as far as Port Chalmers; population about 2000. Port Chalmers is a rising seaport. Invercargill, the most recent settle¬ ment, is situated on the Bluff in Foveaux Straits, in a central position between the Bluff harbour and the New River, a fine stream, navigable for 20 miles. The lofty mountain ranges towards the west coast, and the three large lakes which are reported to exist in the interior, have not yet been explored. From these ranges to the sea-coast on the east the province consists for the most part of splendid plains diversified with hill and dale, as if to suit our notions of beauty, and available for all grazing and agricultural purposes. The climate is bracing and invigorating, yet temperate. This important province has the advantage of being a few days nearer England than any other part of New Zealand. Dunedin has, like the other colonial capitals, its weekly journal. It was originally the settlement of the Free Church of Scotland, and complaints are made of the Somewhat exclusive tone of feeling prevalent in society, which is annoying to settlers from other countries and be¬ longing to other churches; but this grievance, if it does exist at all, must vanish with the increase and spread of the population, while the industry, moral worth, and enterprise of the Scottish population must insure for this colony a high place among the political communities of New Zea¬ land. It will be seen from the above sketch of the various Emigra- colonies, that while there is ample room in the northern tion field, island for emigrants, the whole of the middle and southern islands are open for settlement, without any possible inter¬ ference with native rights. And when we consider the climate, soil, harbours, and other available capabilities of these invaluable islands, which only require a large Euro¬ pean population for their speedy and full development, we cannot but augur favourably as to the position which New Zealand will at some future period occupy in the history of the world. Ihe population of European race in New Zealand is * 236 NEW ZEALAND. New estimated by Hursthouse, for the year 1857, at 50,000, Zealand, which is perhaps somewhat beyond the nctual number; add to these 60,000 natives, and the entire population Statistics, will be found not to exceed 100,000,—a scanty supply for population, a land which is as capable as the British Islands of supporting &c’ nearly thirty millions of people in all the comfort and luxury of civilized life. Trade, marine. Political govern. ment. Districts. Auckland New Plymouth Wellington Nelson Canterbury ... Otago Native po- I pulation... J Total. Euro¬ peans. 15.000 3,000 12,000 9,000 7,000 4,000 Natives. 35,000 8,000 15,000 1,000 500 500 50,000 60,000 225,000 Acres cul¬ tivated. 50,000 15,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 Sheep. 50,000 30,000 350,000 330.000 320,000 120,000 1,200,000 Cattle. 20,000 6,000 23,000 17,000 16,000 12,000 6,000 100,000 Horses, 2,800 500 2,200 2,000 1,600 1,200 1,700 12,000 Pigs. The exports of the New Zealand colonies consist of provisions and timber to the neighbouring Australian co¬ lonies, and of wool, tallow, spars, flax, gums, copper ore, &c., to the mother country. The estimated value of these exports for 1857 is L.400,000, while the imports may be calculated at L.600,000; part of the latter consisting of pro¬ perty belonging to emigrants from Europe, and forming part of their capital stock. The welfare of New Zealand depends mainly upon agricultural pursuits, as whaling sta¬ tions have ceased to be profitable, and the copper mines have not succeeded, from the scarcity of labour. A taste for maritime pursuits seems to be rapidly developing, if we may judge from the statistics of the shipping the property of New Zealand, as well as that employed in the foreign trade. About 700 vessels of all sizes belong to the colonists, the tonnage of which is 20,000, and most of them are of colonial build. The foreign trade employs 400 vessels, with a tonnage of 250,000. Steam communication is main¬ tained between Sydney and Auckland, and subordinate lines are soon to ply between Auckland and the principal ports of the islands. The adoption of the Panama route for the Australian mail service to and from England would bring New Zealand within forty days of the mother country. The value of land varies in every colony, but the mini¬ mum price of wild land may be stated as ranging from 5s. to 60s. the acre. Large tracts of land, especially in the middle island, may be occupied, at fixed moderate rents, for grazing purposes. The present constitution of New Zealand, adopted by Sir J. Pakington, the colonial secretary under Earl Derby’s administration, received the sanction of the British Parlia¬ ment in the session of 1852. A plan of government, on the principle of double election, framed by Earl Grey, the co¬ lonial secretary of a previous administration, had met with almost universal disapprobation, and had been withdrawn without having had a trial. The main provisions of the plan of government now in operation are as follows:— (1.) The six provinces were formed into distinct corpo¬ rate bodies, with privileges- far beyond those enjoyed by ordinary municipalities; so that the term “government” may be with propriety applied to them. Each of these was empowered to elect a superintendent and provincial coun¬ cil, the latter not to consist of fewer than nine members, but capable of being enlarged at the discretion of the gover¬ nor-general. The superintendent and council are elected for a period of four years, by a suffrage which is almost universal, the qualifications being small, and the possession of property being a common thing in new colonies. The governor-general may disallow the election of any superin¬ tendent, and may dissolve the provincial council at pleasure, and may also disallow any bill passed by them within three months ; but if allowed by him, it cannot be annulled by the imperial government in England. The superintend¬ ent may summon and prorogue his council; but there must be one session at least in each year. These provincial councils New are prohibited from interfering with general legislation af- Zealand, fecting the whole colony; as the customs, civil or common law, currency, weights and measures, post-office, bank¬ ruptcy, lighthouses, harbour dues, marriage, inheritance, &c. (2.) The government of the whole colony of New Zea¬ land to be vested in a governor appointed by the crown, with a moderate civil list, secured by act of Parliament; and also in a General Assembly, consisting of a Legislative Council and House of Representatives, meeting in annual session in Auckland and legislating for the entire colony, with the exception of matters of purely local interest, which are left to the provincial councils. The Legislative Council consists at present of 15 members, nominated for life by the governor. The House of Representatives consists of 36 members elected for five years, by a suffrage similar to that of the electors of the provincial councils. The House can be dismissed by the governor at pleasure. (3.) In the general government, and also in the provincial superintendencies, the principles of responsible government are carried out as in England. The majorities create and turn out administrations, and each acceptance of office by a member is followed by a necessity of a re-election. (4.) To avoid the interference of the British Colonial Office in the land question, the control of the public lands in each province has been since vested by the General As¬ sembly in the respective provincial councils ; the legislation of which minor bodies, if confirmed by the governor-general, is not liable to be disallowed by the government in England. This appears to be a palpable evasion of the plain mean¬ ing of the act of Parliament by which the new constitu¬ tion was established in New Zealand. . Making due allowance for the natural and inevitable dif¬ ficulties attendant upon the introduction of a new system of government into a new country, and among a scattered population, it must be admitted that the constitution (cum¬ brous and complex as it may appear for a population which, in 1853, scarcely exceeded 30,000, and which now, in 1857, does not amount to 50,000) on the whole works well. Local self-government is so desirable for young colonies, that any inconvenience and cost is a small price for the inhabitants to pay for the privilege of developing their own resources and managing their own affairs, unchecked by a distant executive and legislature, necessarily ill acquainted with their wants and capabilities. These provincial assem¬ blies and administrations have called forth much local pa¬ triotism, and have developed much administrative talent; and it must be remarked that the colonists of New Zea¬ land are, a large proportion of them, from the more edu¬ cated and respectable classes of the mother country. A time may come when increased facilities of communication may render it desirable to consolidate the local superin¬ tendencies, and merge their powers in that of the general government; but this and other changes may be left to the colonists themselves, who are the best judges of their own legislative necessities. It is difficult to ascertain the exact amount of the annual Revenue revenue and expenditure of the seven exchequers of New and e*pen- Zealand (viz., the six colonies and the general government). Hursthouse gives the expenditure and revenue of 1856 at L.270,000 ; one-half of the expenditure being for purchase of land and public works. The revenue for 1857 arising from land sales, customs, &c., is estimated by the same writer at L.300,000. A loan of L.500,000 has been guaran¬ teed by the British Parliament for New Zealand, to enable the general government to pay off the debt claimed by the New Zealand Company, and for emigration and other purposes. The government claim the right of pre-emption in the case of land, so that no land can be sold by natives except to the crown ; this land is sold ^gain at a much higher price to the European settler. It is questioned i NEW Z E New whether this mode of purchase has not been on the whole Zealand, injurious, as the natives are becoming more and more un- willing to part with land in large portions, but would be ready to sell in small parcels to individual purchasers. The Maori Some account of the native population will be found in the ("native) article Australasia, section viii., vol. iv. We may here add population, some further information respecting this interesting people, now rapidly progressing from savage life into civilization. It is ob¬ vious that the Maori belongs physically, and by the structure of his language, to the light-coloured race of the Pacific Ocean, which is found spread over the islands for a distance of 6000 miles (from the Sandwich Islands to New Zealand). This race is supposed to be of Malayan origin by some; while others suppose the ancient Mexicans to have been the parent stock of the Pacific islanders. We require a more perfect acquaintance with the languages of the Eastern Archipelago in order to arrive at any definite conclusion respecting the ethnology of this part of the world. Certain it is that the progenitors of the Maori came from Hawaii and Tanai, two of the Sandwich Islands, called in the New Zealand dialect Hawaiki and Tawai, about 500 years ago. The names of thirteen canoes of the leading chiefs, and of the articles brought in each canoe have been preserved, with the additional information, that the emigration came by the way of Tahiti and Easter Island (Waiho). “ The New Zealanders are decidedly a mixed race : some have woolly hair, others brown or flaxen; some are many shades darker than others. The peculiar features of the Tartar are also very common; the oblique eye, the yellow countenance, the remarkable depression of the space between the eyes, so that there is no rise in the nose, seem clearly to indicate that some portion of the race is of Chinese or Japanese descent.” (Taylor.) This view is confirmed by the fact of a bell, with characters similar to Japanese, being found in the district of Wangaree in 1839. It is supposed that, as a race, the Maori have degenerated from their ancestors, who, at Easter Island, have left monuments of bygone skill in the arts, and who, up to the discovery of the islands by Captain Cook, possessed double canoes of superior build to any now found among them. The superior houses of the Maori, and the art of weaving, may have been introduced by these Chinese or Ja¬ panese emigrants accidentally thrown upon their coasts. Native traditions, mixed up with much fable, seem to indicate tbe exist¬ ence of an aboriginal population, which was either destroyed or amalgamated with the Maori emigrants. It is remarkable that, like most colonists, while preserving the religious traditions of their ancestors, the political bond of union was broken among themselves. Split into innumerable families and tribes, each having its own head, and independent of the rest, the history of the Maori is one of discord, war, and blood. It is reported that once a large temple called the Whare-Kura existed, in which all the tribes met for worship, for council, and for the settlement of disputes. This sacred locality, at first a grand place of union, be¬ came the source of discord; the chiefs quarrelled, fought, and at last burnt the building; and from that period there has been no union ; one tribe has ever been opposed to the other. At present Taylor enumerates twenty-three principal tribes yet intact, be¬ sides fragments of others nearly extinct. The power of the chiefs rests upon their birth and personal character. No great chief, like those found in the Polynesian islands, exercises regal power. By the Tapu, which is a powerful engine of control possessed by the chiefs in New Zealand, as well as in the other islands of the Pacific, the common people were effectually restrained, sometimes for good, and also for evil. It consisted in making any person, place, or thing sacred for a longer or shorter period, and was in fact a re¬ ligious observance established for political purposes. (Taylor.) With a philosophical cosmogony and a poetical mythology, they had no knowledge of a Supreme Being, but believed in a multitude of divine beings, the creators of various natural objects; and these were confused and mixed up with the spirits of their ancestors. Thus, like the Greek heroes of the mythical period, most distin¬ guished persons among the Maori trace up their ancestry to a deity (Atua). One of these (Maui) is said to have fished up New Zealand (the universal tradition of the Polynesian races in reference to their several islands). Prayer, in our sense of the term, formed no part of the religion of the people: the karakia, which we translate “ prayer,” is rather a spell or incantation to compel the gods to be obedient to their wishes. These were accompanied by sacrifices and offerings. Image-worship was confined to one locality, and was offered to the^deity, who was supposed to be present in the idol. The high chiefs (Ariki) and priests (Tohunga) were supposed at all times to be able to hold visible intercourse with the gods. The belief in the power of bewitching, as being possessed by every one, was universal, and kept the native mind in bondage. Great at¬ tention was paid to the burial of the dead, for the sake of the spirit which survived the dissolution cf the body. “ The prevailing A L A N D. idea of the abode of spirits was, that they went to the Reinrm which is another name for Po or Hades : the word Reinga literally means a “leaping place.” The spirits were supposed to travel to the North Cape, or land’s end, and there, passing along a long, narrow ledge of rock, they leaped down upon a fiat stone, and thence slinging themselves into the water by some long sea-weed, they entered Po, the Reinga being the passage to it. It was supposed that there were several compartments in Hades, the lowest being the worst, having no light or food, and there the spirits were thought gradually to pine away, and to be finally annihilated ” (Taylor.) Before the general reception of Christianity the natives resided in large fortified stockades, commonly erected on the summit of a steep hill, or on a peninsula, &c.: these are called pahs. The strong high fence of these pahs presents no mean obstacle to foes not possessed of artillery. Within the pah are numerous subdi¬ visions and lower fencings, communicating with each other by means of stiles : in each court a house, cart-house, and store for food: the houses partly sunk in the ground, with a gable roof, and a portico or verandah, where the occupants generally sit. The post in the middle of the house, which supports the ridge-pole, has its lower part carved into the form of a human figure represent¬ ing the founder of the family ; and the same figure is generally found to surmount the gable end of the house. The inner chamber or sleeping-place is heated like an oven, and is offensively so for Europeans; but the natives enjoy it the more, being huddled to¬ gether almost naked for the whole night. Now the pahs are generally deserted, especially those in inconvenient positions; the stockades are left to waste away ; and the population is found in villages and solitary farms, as in our own country. Slavery scarcely exists now, having yielded to the power of Christianity ; though the social distinction yet subsists, as it does even in more civilized communities. The pride of birth is found in perfection in New Zealand, for “ very little is thought of a chief who cannot count back some twenty or thirty generations, and the high families carry theirs back even to the beginning of all things. I was once very much amused, in obtaining a tradition of this kind, beginning with 1 from the nothing the something,' which went on gradually introducing name after name, and at last terminating with that of the speaker.” (Taylor.) To assist the memory, each family has a carved board, which serves as a sort of genealogical table, and the children were from this taught the names of their ancestors. Polygamy, especially among the chiefs, was common before the conversion of the natives to Christianity. Infanticide was not un¬ usual, and there was a great want of natural affection, with much show of it, if we may judge of the ceremonious salutations—the nose-rubbing, and the tangi, or weeping. War was carried on most barbarously ; the defeated party, if not slain, were reduced to slavery. . Cannibalism was universal, but was said to be but of re¬ cent origin, and arose, not from hunger, but from a deep feeling of revenge. Now the very mention of this horrid custom is hateful to the Maori; such a change has Christianity effected in public opinion, as well as in national usages, within the space of one short generation. A large number of songs, proverbs, and fables are known to the old men, and formed the oral literature of the people before the missionaries introduced letters and a new order of ideas. These have been preserved by Sir George Grey and by the Rev. Richard Taylor, just in time, as in another generation they would have been lost. The native dress, made of the flax plant,'and the practice of tatooing, and many other peculiarities of the preceding generation, are now rapidly passing away ; and future travellers will not be able to recognise the Maori described in the writ¬ ings of visitants of twenty or thirty years ago. The land tenure of the Maori people throws some light upon their economical condition while comparatively savage and uninfluenced by Euro¬ pean civilization, and is also of importance in its bearings upon the future relationships of our colonial government with the native tribes. No one has so fully and satisfactorily described these as the Rev. Richard Taylor c—l< Band is held in three ways by the natives: either by the entire tribe, by some family of it, or by a single individual. The common rights of a tribe are often very extensive. These generally apply to waste lands or forests, and con\ ey to each individual of the tribe the right of hunting and fishing over those parts. By intermarriages several tribes are some¬ times thus entitled ; but if such land be sold, it is nominally said to belong to the principal chief or chiefs of the tribe ; they are the parties with whom the treaty is made, and to them the payment is given, which is, however, a nominal honour, the money being equitably divided amongst all wrho are entitled to a portion, the seller rarely retaining anything for himself. The same may be said of that which is claimed by families : private rights to land are very rare. rlhe eel-cuts are held in the same way. These are drains made from lakes or swamps, w'ith weirs at the outlet to catch the fish, which flow' out in great quantities during the floods.” 237 New Zealand. 238 New Zealand. Missionary labours. The future ot the Maori po¬ pulation. NEW ZEALAND. It appears that all the descendants of the first possessor of a piece of land or eel-cut possess a claim to a share of the property, and that the stones placed as landmarks are as sacred as the dii termini of the ancient Romans. The property of the native tribes in their lands having been acknowledged and strictly respected by the British government, the existence of the Maori is secured from the degradation which has befallen the natives of many of our colonial possessions. Yet for some time after the commencement of regular intercourse with Europeans, the population rapidly de¬ clined, owing, perhaps, in some measure, though not entirely, to the introduction of European diseases, and the evils attending the transition state of the population from their previous habits to those of Europeans. For instance, the warm flax dress, impervious to the rain, was abandoned for the shirt and habiliments of the Europeans. This mode of dress—worn in all weathers, and by night as well as by day, without a change, and when wet, dried upon the body of the wearer—was followed by a great increase in consump¬ tive complaints: add to this the introduction of fire-arms, which was at first attended with a large increase in the number slaughtered in war, as their possession was confined to a few tribes who took advantage to revenge themselves upon their enemies. At present there is a great disparity in the number of the sexes,—the women being few in number compared with the men ; and the children are yet fewer in proportion, say 75 females and 45 children to every 100 adult males. We suspect that this diminution of population is incident to savage tribes on coming in contact with a more civilized people, and that after a time this diminution may cease, and a gradual increase take place. Indeed, it is the opinion of in¬ telligent missionaries that the population is beginning to increase, and that in some parts of New Zealand—Taranaki, for instance the number of births already exceeds the number of deaths. The present advanced condition of the Maori population is owing mainly to the indefatigable and praiseworthy exertions of the mis¬ sionaries. The Rev. Samuel Marsden, the colonial chaplain in New South Wales, established the first mission of the Church of England in New Zealand in December 1814 ; and in 1821 the first Wesleyan mission station was founded by the Rev. Samuel Leigh. For many years the field appeared the most unpromising, and no impression appeared to be made upon the native mind j but at last complete success has followed the efforts made, and now all the inhabitants of New Zealand are nominally Christian. Cannibal¬ ism, polygamy, slavery, and other abominations of heathenism have disappeared. Life and property are perhaps as safe in New Zealand as in any country in the world. The missionaries have introduced the plough and all the useful arts of civilized life; they have reduced the language to writing, compiled grammars and dic¬ tionaries, and translated the Word of God and other works into the language of the Maori population, most of whom can now read and write. The progress of the natives in civilization has far surpassed the most sanguine anticipations of those who are competent to esti¬ mate the obstacles which have to be overcome in the transition of a whole people from savage customs to the decencies and comforts of civilized life. As agriculturists and traders, the Maori people occupy respectable positions; some of their farms are highly credit¬ able to them ; and in bargain-making they manifest something of the caution and shrewdness of the Scottish character. Many of the chiefs are owners of steam flour-mills, and others possess small trading-vessels; some are shareholders in colonial banks; and many, both of the chiefs and people, after selling portions of their land to the colonial government, have shown their appreciation of the security of an English title, and their faith in the additional value which will be given to it by European industry, by becoming pur¬ chasers of allotments for their own use. In addition to the Euro¬ pean missionaries who labour among them, almost every village has its native teacher and common school; and there is an institu¬ tion for training native teachers at Turanga. Among the special friends of the Maori race we may mention the late governor, Sir George Grey, and that remarkable man, Bishop Selwyn. The Wesleyans have an institution at the “ Three Kings,” near Auck¬ land, for the training of Maori youths, which deservedly stands high, and, together with other kindred institutions, is exerting an important influence upon the more respectable class of the native population. There are other missions of minor importance carried on by the Roman Catholics and by a German society. The future of the Maori population is contemplated by philan¬ thropists with intense interest. If the legislation of the British colonies of New Zealand be in keeping with the general character of the colonists, and of the religion which they profess, the Maori will, in one or two generations, become thoroughly identified in interests, views, arid feelings with the English population. It is, however, very desirable that means should be adopted at once to give the chiefs and more respectable wealthy and educated natives a definite political and social position in connection with the local and general legislatures. Much uneasiness is already felt by the more intelligent natives at the fact of their political nothingness; New and one very large meeting was held last year (1857) to consider Zealand, the propriety of electing a king as the representative of the Maori people. This proposal has for the present been negatived ; but the feeling which prompted it remains, and must be grappled with. The Rev. Robert Taylor, an experienced missionary, and Charles Hursthouse, Esq., a well-known colonist and writer on New Zealand, contemplating this difficulty from very different points of view, agree in recommending that a certain number of the high chiefs should have seats in the General Assembly, and that they should be placed in the magistracy of their respective districts, with suit¬ able salaries. We have no doubt that in all questions affecting the local interests of their respective districts and people, they would be valuable senators, legislators, and magistrates. It is gratifying to know that the feeling among the European population of New Zealand towards the aborigines is most friendly ; and no plans are so popular, or meet with more general support, than those which have the advancement of native interests for their object. The history of the discovery of these islands, and of History of European intercourse up to the year 1809, will be found European in the article Australasia, § viii., vol. iv. The increase intercours« of the whale fishery in the South Pacific Ocean led to*“zJ?°' the settlement of numerous deserters from whale ships in various parts of New Zealand. This was followed by the establishment of whaling stations on the shores, which afforded opportunities for the introduction of many of the less reputable of the convict class from New South Wales. In the wake of these followed many reputable traders and settlers engaged in the timber trade, &c. A large Euro¬ pean population was thus planted principally in the northern part of the northern island, uncontrolled by any legitimate authority, and amenable to no law. Besides these irregu¬ lar settlements, there were a number of mission villages belonging to the Church of England and the Wesleyan missionary societies, exercising a measure of influence upon the natives and more respectable Europeans, and occasionally brought into trying circumstances through the conduct of the lawless portion of the European population, as well as from the violence and cupidity of the natives. The measures adopted at intervals by the imperial govern¬ ment, and by the colonial government of New South Wales, were not only partial and calculated rather to irritate than repress crime, but proceeded on assumptions of a contradic¬ tory character as to the right of interference, which after¬ wards caused much embarrassment to these authorities when compelled to take more decisive action. By the acknow¬ ledgment of the independence of the native chiefs in 1831, and again in 1835, and by the appointment of Mr Busby as consul and British resident, but with no means at his disposal to maintain his authority, the British government endea¬ voured to meet the necessities of the case, and to throw obstacles in the way of colonization. Other views influ¬ enced a large class of merchants and gentry in Great Britain; and the New Zealand Company was formed in 1837, which, in the year 1839, received a charter, and immediately pro¬ ceeded to send out colonists to New Zealand. This move¬ ment obliged the British government to establish its autho¬ rity in the islands; and in order to this, Captain Hobson was sent out in August 1839 as consul. The missionaries and respectable Europeans at once rallied around a legiti¬ mate authority; and in February 1840 a large council was held at Waitangi, when all the chiefs of that part of the island agreed to acknowledge the Queen’s supremacy—“ giving up,” as they said, “ the shadow of the land, but retaining the substance.” A second council was held at Hokianga, with similar results; and then Captain Hobson, as lieuten¬ ant-governor, proclaimed the British sovereignty over the Isles of New Zealand, 21st May 1840. The seat of govern¬ ment was at first established at Russell, in the Bay of Islands, but in 1841 was removed to Auckland, the present capital; and on the 3d May 1841 the colony was relieved from all dependence upon New South Wales. Meanwhile, a French expedition, sent to occupy Banks’ Peninsula, in the middle island, was forestalled by Captain Stanley, who had pro- N E Y N E Y ceeded there a few days previously, and had planted the British flag. The New Zealand Company, which, by taking measures to colonize direct from England, had compelled the assumption of British sovereignty, planted its first settle¬ ments at Wellington, in Port Nicholson, and at Nelson in 1839; the year following, Wanganui and New Plymouth were established. The difficulty in obtaining possession and satisfactory title to land purchased by them from the natives, and dissensions with the new government of New Zealand, retarded the progress of these infant settlements, and involved many respectable colonists in ruin. Some untoward events were attendant upon this rapid influx of emigrants. In 1843 a fatal affray occurred at Wairau (in the middle island), in which a large party of European gentle¬ men were murdered in a dispute with certain natives respect- ing property in land. Two years after, the chief Heki raised the standard of rebellion in the northern island, and burned the town of Russell; and in 1846 there were disturbances in the Hutt River district. In 1847 there were petty dis¬ turbances in Wanganui, since the suppression of which there has been peace in New Zealand with the native tribes. The example of the New Zealand Company was followed by an association of gentlemen connected with the Church of England, who, in 1848, formed the Canterbury settle¬ ment ; and the same year the Otago settlement was planted by gentlemen in connection with the Free Church of Scot¬ land. No other colonies separate and distinct from these six have been established in the islands. The proceedings of the New Zealand Company provoked much animadver¬ sion and controversy both in England and in the colonies which they had originated ; but to enter into the discussion of the merits of the case would require more space than can be afforded to this article, and, besides, would lead to no profitable result. The company was finally broken up in 1851, and its debt of L.200,000 has been thrown upon the land revenue of the New Zealand colony, much to the annoyance of the people of Auckland, whose province was beyond the sphere of the Company’s operations. In order to reconcde the colony to this burden, a loan of L.500,000 has been guaranteed by the imperial government for the purpose of local improvements, &c. (\y. b. b.) NEY, Michel, a marshal and peer of France, was born at Sarrelouis on the 17th of January 1769. His father had been a soldier, but after the Seven Years’ War had re¬ tired to his native village, where he exercised the humble trade of a cooper. Young Ney had received his education at a school kept by the monks of St Augustin, under whom he appears to have made considerable progress in his studies; but being fired with military ardour by the recitals of his father, he early enlisted, in 1787, in a regiment of hussars, where he served for some time, and was a subaltern at the commencement of the Revolution. He then attained the rank of captain, in which capacity he made his first cam¬ paigns, acting as aide-de-camp to General de Lamarche, arid afterwards as adjutant-general under the orders of Kleber.. 1 his latter employment afforded him several op¬ portunities of distinguishing himself; and he was commonly known by the well-merited surname of “ Indefatigable” be¬ stowed on him by his admiring general. In the official reports of the time honourable mention is made of him at the passage of the Than in 1795, and also at the combats of Neuwied, Altenknrchen, Montabaur, and Wurtzburg. On the 8th of August 1796 he took Pfortzheim, and was pro- rank of brigadier-general. In the campaign of ! ,97 he was again successful; but his horse having been killed at the combat of Steimberg, he fell into the hands of the enemy Hoche, who admired his undaunted courage, earnestly solicited his exchange, and, as soon as he had ob¬ tained it, appointed him general of division. It was in this capacity that, m l ,98, Ney commanded the cavalry of the army which, under the orders of Schaumbourg, executed the invasion of Switzerland. On this occasion he acted to¬ wards the inhabitants with as much generosity as circum¬ stances would permit; and the following year he acquired a great reputation under Massena, particularly at the battle of Zurich. In the year 1800 he served with the army of Moreau, and greatly distinguished himself both at Moes- kirch and at Hohenlinden. After the peace of Luneville he returned to Paris, and was received with great distinc¬ tion by Napoleon, who found him a wife in the person of Mademoiselle Augnie, a friend of Hortense Beauharnais. When Bonaparte wished to effect the entire subjugation of Switzerland, Ney was sent into that country with the title of minister plenipotentiary, and there seems to have won for himself the golden opinions of the people and the esteem of his master. In 1804 he obtained the baton of marshal of the empire; and the distinguished part which he played in the storming of Elchingen, on October 4, 1805, induced Napoleon, who was an eye-witness of his impetuous daring, afterwards to honour him with the rank and title of Duke of Elchingen. After the capitulation of Ulm, being ordered to occupy the Tyrol, he entered Innspruck on the 7th of November, at the head of the sixth corps of the grand armv, which he also commanded the following year in the contest with Prussia. Having contributed essentially to the victory of Jena, he appeared before Magdeburg, and, by a prodigy which still remains inexplicable, he, on the 11th of No¬ vember 1806, in less than twenty-four hours, received the capitulation of that redoubtable fortress, made 23,000 pri- soners, and took 800 pieces of cannon. In the beginning of 1807 he obtained a signal success before Thorn, where the whole Russian army had advanced to attack him, hoping to surprise him in his winter quarters ; and, at a later period^ he carried the town of Friedland at the battle of that name, which terminated the war in the north of Europe. But the war in which Napoleon found himself involved, if extin¬ guished at one point, was assiduously kept alive at others. Scaicely had he concluded a peace with the Russians at Tilsit, when he hurried away to attack the Spaniards ; and Marshal Ney, with his corps d’armee, was transported from the banks of the Niemen to those of the Ebro and the Tagus. The marshal, finding himself obliged to carry on a war of posts and of chicane in Galicia, lost a great number of men in this inglorious service, and with difficulty main¬ tained his ground till the moment when he received orders to unite his corps with that of Massena, who had been sent in order to expel the English from Portugal. But this was found to be impracticable. It was judged that the lines of Pones \ edras could not be attacked with any prospect of success; and when Massena found himself constrained to retiie before the Duke of W ellington, Ney commanded his rearguard, and in that difficult retreat displayed equal talent and courage. In 1812 he was recalled by Napoleon to assist in the approaching invasion of Russia, for which an army of more than four hundred thousand men had been assembled on the Vistula. At the terrible battle of Mojaisk or Borodino Ney commanded the centre ; and it was on this occasion, amid the carnage of a conflict unequalled in modern times, that “ the bravest of the brave,” as Ney was called by the army, earned the title of Prince of Moskwa. Nor did he display less valour and firmness in the disastrous retreat from Moscow, in which his corps almost entirely perished. Napoleon, in one of the bulletins of the army, designated him as having a soul tempered with steel. In 1813 Ney pai ticipated in the indecisive victories of Liitzen and Bautzen; but he had the misfortune to lose the battle of Dennevitz, where he was defeated by Bernadotte and Bulow, with the loss of 13,000 men, 43 pieces of cannon, and 3 standards. Ihis event made a deep impression upon his mind. Napoleon, according to St Cyr, manifested no displeasure at the reverse, but ascribed it wholly to the peculiar difficulties of the military art. Ney returned, 240 N E Y • Ney. however, to Paris in a sort of disgrace. Nevertheless, he was again employed in the unfortunate winter campaign of 1814 ; and he was at Fontainebleau when Napoleon was compelled to abdicate. Ney contributed materially to bring about this event; and he was one of the first generals who submitted to the Bourbons. Having presented himself before Mon¬ sieur on the 12 th of April, he said to that prince, “Your Royal Highness will see wit!) what fidelity we can serve our legitimate king.” He also went to pay his respects to the king at Compiegne, and was there most favourably received. Louis XVIII. himself received his oath as a chevalier of the order of Saint-Louis, confirmed to him all his titles and pensions, and created him a peer of trance. Marshal Ney wTas living at his estate of the Coudreaux when Napoleon, having escaped from the island of Elba, landed on the coast of France in February 1815 ; and he there received orders from the minister of war to repair to his government of Besanjon. He immediately proceeded to Paris, and presenting himself before the king, made great protestations of devotion, and, kissing the hand of Louis, declared to him that he would bring back tbe disturber ot Europe in an iron cage. He then set out for the eastern frontier, assembled some regiments at Besanyon, and placing himself at their head, proceeded towards Lyons. At Lons- le-Saulnier, however, he learned that Napoleon had already entered Lyons; and from this time great agitation mani¬ fested itself amongst the troops. Nevertheless, the marshal himself still appeared faithful to the king, and even ex¬ erted himself to calm the excitement which prevailed in the army ; but in the night between the 13th and 14th of March, an emissary sent by General Bertrand brought him proclamations and letters from Napoleon. His old master knew well that the heroic marshal was much more at home in the field of battle than amid the mazes of po¬ litical intrigue. Bonaparte accordingly made him brilliant promises, and styled him, as formerly, “ the bravest of the brave.” The marshal could not resist the seductions of the great general, and next day he read to the troops his famous proclamation, beginning with these words, “ The cause of the Bourbons is for ever lost. It is the Emperor Napoleon, our sovereign, who is alone entitled to reign.” His whole conduct during the Hundred Days was a conse¬ quence of this step. Napoleon sent him as extraordinary commissioner to survey the frontiers of the North, and also appointed him a member of his Chamber of Peers. In the short but decisive campaign which ensued he displayed all his accustomed gallantry. At Quatre-Bras, however, his usual success did not attend him. Five horses wTere shot under him at Waterloo ; yet with a dauntless spirit, which no danger could quell, he headed the terrible charge of the guards on foot, his clothes pierced thick with balls. And when that fierce conflict was over, and his wild daring proved bootless, he was among the last to leave the bloody field. After the defeat of the French army he returned to the capital. When Paris capitulated, Ney, having no hopes of finding favour with the Bourbons, took refuge in Au¬ vergne, where lie was arrested in consequence of the ordi¬ nance of the 24th of July, in which he was described as one of the authors of the revolution of the 20th March. Being conducted to Paris, he was confined in the Concier- gerie, subjected to several interrogatories, and at length brought before a court-martial, composed of marshals of France and lieutenant-generals, to whose competency he objected. His counsel insisted much upon this point, in which they were ultimately successful; the members of the court being glad to escape from an embarrassing position, by pronouncing their own incompetence to try the prisoner. By an ordinance of the king, Ney was then brought before the court of the peers, whose competency was not disputed. But his counsel remonstrated warmly against the ex¬ pressions employed by the ministers, who had declared that N G A it was “ in the name of Europe ” that they demanded his Neyva trial; and the same learned persons appealed with much II . force and eloquence to the conditions of the capitulation or ^ g*1111- Paris, which guaranteed to all who were within the walls of the capital that they should neither be disturbed nor sought after on account of their political conduct. All their efforts to save their client w^ere, however, unavailing. After fifteen sittings, Marshal Ney was condemned to death, on the 6th of December 1815, by a large majority ; and the following day the sentence was carried into execution. “ He who,” says Napier (Peninsular War, vol. ii.), “ had fought 500 battles for France—not one against her—was shot as a traitor ” by a platoon of veterans, near the palace of the Luxembourg,where he had been condemned; and displayed in his last moments the same heroic courage which had so often distinguished him in the field of battle. Llis body was given to his friends, and conveyed to the cemetery of Pere la Chaise, where his tomb may now be seen. Marshal Ney and Colonel Labedoyere were the only victims of a revolution where it is evident that neither played the prin¬ cipal part, and that both were led away by the force of cir¬ cumstances, and the spell which Napoleon exercised over the minds of the officers as well as the common soldiers of the army. (j. B—E.) NEYVA, or Neiva, a town of New Granada, on the Magdalena, at its confluence with the River Neyva, 130 miles S.W. of Bogota. It is a place of considerable trade, chiefly in cacao of excellent quality. It suffered much from an earthquake in 1827, but is still a place of some importance. NGAMI, a lake of Southern Africa, lying between S. Lat. 20. 23. and 20. 40.; E. Long. 22. 30. and 24. Reports of the existence of this lake had been received a long time before it was actually reached by European tra¬ vellers ; it occurs on Portuguese maps as early as 1508 ; and its position was laid down with considerable accuracy nearly twenty years before it was visited by Livingston, Murray, and Oswell, July 28, 1849. They approached it from the south, having crossed the Kalahari Desert, which had for a long time presented an insuperable obstacle to any attempts to explore the country in this direction. Four years afterwards the lake was again reached by Mr Anderson, who, following a course which had been for¬ merly deemed impracticable, started from Walfisch Bay, on the W. coast of Africa, arrived at the western end of the Ngami, and then travelled round a great part of its banks. The discovery is of very great interest and importance, not only because it enlarges our knowledge of the geo¬ graphy and natural history of the interior of Africa, but also as it may tend to open up those hitherto inaccessible regions to the influences of commerce, civilization, and reli¬ gion. The lake is known by the natives under various names, derived from its different characteristics, such as Inghate, or the “ Giraffe;” Noka ea Mokorbn, or the “ Lake of Boats,” &c.; but that which has been adopted by Europeans is Ngami, which signifies “ The Waters.” Its size was at first somewhat over-estimated, on account of the low and almost undistinguishable character of part of its banks, and in consequence of the original discoverers having mistaken its length for its breadth. It extends from E. to W., hav¬ ing a length of about 40 miles, a breadth at the widest part of 10, and an average breadth of 8 miles. Its circum¬ ference is about 70 or 80 miles, and its area about 295 square miles. Its shape is somewhat like that of a pair of spectacles, being narrow in the middle and spreading out at each end to a considerable width. Its northern bank is lined by a low and sandy tract of country, entirely destitute of vegetation. This region has a breadth of about a mile, beyond which distance tbe country is thickly wooded with various kinds of acacia and other trees, among which the enormous baobab is here and there seen raising its head 'N G A Ngami. above the forest. The southern and western shores are considerably higher; and the water is bordered by strips of ground so thickly covered with reeds and rushes as to admit of access to the lake only at a few points. The water is very shallow at the western end of the lake; but the depth is more considerable towards the eastern extre¬ mity. A remarkable peculiarity of the waters of the Ngami is, that they are subject to a regular ebb and flow every twenty-four hours. The ebb takes place during the night, when the wind that prevails during the day entirely falls, but in the morning the waters return to their original position. This curious phenomenon has been supposed to depend on the wind. Lake Ngami is fed by the Teoge, which enters it from the N.W., and discharges into it a considerable volume of water during the time of its annual rise, which occurs in June, July, and August, and sometimes later. This river has not as yet been ex¬ plored to any great distance; but it is believed to be of great length, rising probably near the sources of the Coanza and other large rivers. Its course is very circuitous, and it is said to be wider further up than it is near the lake. During the time of flood its depth is considerable ; and it has been navigated with canoes for about 65 miles from the lake. An outlet to the waters of the lake is furnished at its eastern extremity by the broad and gently-flowing river Zouga, which pursues an easterly course for about 300 miles, and is then lost in an immense sandy marsh, though it has been supposed by some that it pursues its course underground, and finally discharges itself into the Indian Ocean. A branch of the Teoge is said to join this river, and at some seasons of the year to force back its waters to the lake. The scenery along the Zouga is extremely beau¬ tiful, and the thick and luxuriant forests in many places extend to the very edge of the water. To the west of the Teoge two other rivers are reported to exist, one of which is small, and loses itself in the sand; while the other flows parallel to the Teoge, but in an opposite direction, and joins the Cunene, a river which falls into the Atlantic. By this latter river it is probable navigation might be estab¬ lished from the sea-coast to the fertile land in the interior. A great number of wild animals are found in the neigh¬ bourhood of the lake, of which the elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, giraffe, and antelope, are the Iprincipal. Hippo¬ potami are numerous, especially at the north-western ex¬ tremity of the lake; and the rivers and lake abound in otters and crocodiles. The birds of this region are also many and various, including many species of ducks and geese, herons, storks, cranes, &c. The inhabitants of the lake country are called Batoana, and form a small tribe of the large and powerful family of the Bechuanas, who are widely spread throughout Southern Africa. This tribe, however, is not aboriginal in this district, but has only re¬ cently settled here, having conquered and reduced to slavery the original inhabitants, who called themselve's Bayeye, or “ men but are styled by the Batoana, Bakoba, or “ serfs,” in consequence of their condition. The appearance of the Batoana is handsome; but the women are generally short and stout, and they encumber themselves with numerous strings of beads, and with iron, brass, and copper rings on their arms and legs. They smear their bodies with grease and red ochre, which they conceive to be a much superior practice to washing themselves. They are extremely fond of snuff, and indulge much, especially the women, in the habit of smoking. The principal occupations of the men are, war, hunting, and the making of skins and furs into garments; while to the women are left the more arduous tasks of building the house, cultivating the ground, pre¬ paring the corn, and rearing the family. They are not de¬ ficient in intelligence, but this for the most part takes the form of deceitfulness and cunning; and though outwardly they are frank and well-behaved, this arises rather from their VOL. XVI. NIC habits of politeness and etiquette than from real kindliness of disposition. They are much given to revenge, but easily appeased by presents. The prevailing vice among this people is theft, and even their chiefs are not safe from their pilfering propensities. They have no religion, nor any notions of a Supreme Being; but they believe implicitly in wizards, and especially^ the “ rain-makers,” although they frequently put them to death^when disappointed in their expectations. The government is monarchical and patri¬ archal, each tribe being governed by a chief, who resides in the principal town, and has under him several inferior chiefs at the head of the smaller towns and villages. These inferior chieftains maintain a check on the .power of the king, which is in other respects despotic. They as¬ semble in meetinsrs called pichos, where speeches are often heard of considerable ability and even eloquence. The principal town of the Batoana tribe is situated at the east end of the lake, on the north bank of the .Zouga. The principal articles of commerce that have yet been found in the lake district are hides and furs of different sorts, ostrich feathers, rhinoceros’ horns, and ivory; while the natives demand in exchange beads and ammunition, but especially the latter. (See Lake Ngami; or, Explora¬ tions and Discoveries during Four Years’ Wandering in the Wilds of South-Western Africa, by Charles John Anderson, London, 1856; and Livingston’s Travels and Memoirs.} NGANHOEI, an inland province of China, bounded on the N.E. by Kiangsoo, S.E. by Chekiang, S. by Kiangsee, W. and N.W. by Houpe and Honan. It lies between N. Lat. 29.5. and 34. 18., and E. Long. 114. 50. and 119. 17.; and has an area of 48,461 square miles. The surface for the most part is level; but towards the south and west ranges of hills occur, never, however, rising to any great height. The principal rivers are the Yang-tse-Kiang and the Hoai-ho, with their affluents. There are several lakes, of which the Chau-hu, or Nest Lake, is the largest. Mines of gold, silver, copper, &c., are worked; and the soil is very productive, especially of green tea, in the south¬ eastern regions, which are the best in China for the growth of this plant. Ink and lanterns are the principal manu¬ factures of the province. Pop. 34,168,059. NIAGARA.* See Canada. NICiEA {Ishnik or Isnik), a well-built and important city of Bithynia, stood in a spacious and fertile plain on the eastern shore of the Lake of Ascania {Lake of Isnik). According to one tradition, it was built by some of Alex¬ ander’s soldiers, natives of Nicsea in Locris, and derived its name from the birth-place of its founders. Another ac¬ count, however, states that it was erected on the ruins of a former town (Ancore or Helicore), by Antigonus, and was called after him Antigoneia, and that this name was after¬ wards changed into Nicaea, in honour of Nicsea, the wife of Lysimachus. The town enjoyed a long career of prosperity under the different governments that successively ruled over it. Under the native kings of Bithynia it was important enough to compete with Nicomedia for the honour of being considered capital of the country. During its subjection to the Romans many of its public buildings were restored, and its streets were often the scene of the celebration of great festivals in honour of the emperors and the gods. In the time ol the Eastern Empire the city was enlarged, was surrounded with new walls, and became famous throughout Christendom as the place where, in 325 A.D., the Nicene creed was drawn up. (See Nice, Council of.) After be¬ ing during the middle ages a frequent subject of dispute between the Turks and the Christians, it was constituted by Theodore Lascaris, in the thirteenth century, the capital of Western Asia. At length, however, in the fourteenth century, on being incorporated with the Ottoman empire by the Emir Orchan, Nicaea began to decline in prosperity. 2 h 242 NIC Nicffia Many of the fine Greek temples and churches were then II pulled down to furnish materials for mosques and other Nicaragua, buildings From that time the large city gradually dwindled V ^ J down until, in the present day, it has become a poor paltry village of little more than a hundred houses. Yet many ruined baths and edifices standing amid gardens and corn¬ fields, and a large portion of the ancient walls, still indicate to the visitor the splendour and magnitude of the ancient Nicaea. Nic^ea, a town of Liguria. See Nice. NICANDER, the author of two Greek poems on poisons and antidotes, was a native of Glares near Colophon in Ionia, and flourished in the second century B.C., in the reign of Attains, the last king of Pergamus. He succeeded his father Damnaeus in the hereditary office of priest of Apollo Clarius. His poems show that he possessed a fine talent for observation, and was fully equal to the other naturalists of his own age. The other features, however, of his literary character are not so favourable. His dis- . sertations were unmethodical and often prolix; he was ever on the outlook for obsolete and antiquated expressions, which must often have rendered his meaning obscure even to his contemporaries; and almost the only quality of the poet he evinced was a fondness for the strange and the fabulous. The longer of his two extant poems is entitled Theriaca, treats of the wounds inflicted by poisonous ani¬ mals, and consists of nearly a thousand hexameter verses. Among the curious zoological passages which are found heterogeneously mingled with erroneous doctrines and ab¬ surd fables, are the first account ever given of the moths that flutter round the evening candle, and an interesting description of the resistance that the serpents make in de¬ fence of their eggs against the ichneumon. The other poem, entitled Alexipharmaca, is a treatise, as its name im¬ plies, on antidotes, and contains more than 600 hexameter lines. It seems to have been intended for a continuation of the Theriaca, and accordingly it gives an account of the effect of different poisons. A full analysis of the medical portions of these two poems is given in Dr Adams’ edition of the work of Paulus Algineta. Nicander was the author of several other productions, both prose and poetical, of which little more than the titles remain. The best edi¬ tion of his works, entire and fragmentary; is that of J. G. Schneider, in two volumes, published respectively at Halle in 1792, and at Leipsic in 1816. NICARAGUA, an independent republic, formerly one of the states of the Republic of Central America, and, under the Spanish dominion, one of the provinces of the captain-generalcy, called also the kingdom, of Guatemala. The boundaries claimed by the republic of Nicaragua are those which pertained to it as a province, viz.,—the Carib¬ bean Sea on the E., from the lower or Colorado mouth of the San Juan River to Cape Gracias a, Dios; and the Pacific Ocean on the W., from the mouth of the Rio Salto de Nicoya or Alvarado on the Bay of Nicoya to the Bay of Fonseca. On the N., and separating it from Honduras, its boundary extends from the mouth of the Rio Negro, falling into the Bay of Fonseca, to the head-waters of the Rio Wanks or Segovia, following down that river to the sea at Cape Gracias. Its southern boundary, separating it from Costa Rica, is claimed to be a right line drawn from the Colorado mouth of the San Juan river to the mouth of the Rio Salto de Nicoya. Nicaragua is, therefore, em¬ braced between 83. 20. and 87. 30. W. Long., and 9. 45. and 15. N. Lat., and, according to these claims, embraces an area of not far from 59,000 square miles. A considerable part of this territory, however, embracing the entire Atlantic coast, with an undefined extent inland, from the River San Juan to Cape Gracias, has been claimed on behalf of the Mosquito Indians (see Mosquito Shore) ; but the claim has never been conceded by Nicaragua. The NIC whole territory south of the River San Juan, and below the Nicaragua, little River Flores, flowing into the Pacific, embracing the ancient department of Guanacaste, has been claimed by Costa Rica, and is at present in the actual occupation of that state. Should these claims be idtimately admitted, they will reduce by nearly one half the territorial area of the re¬ public. The geographical and topographical features of Nicaragua are not only remarkable, but interesting to the world at large, from the facilities which they are supposed to afford for opening a ship-canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The northern part of the republic, embracing the whole of the district of Segovia, and a portion of Chontales, borders on the high grounds or plateau of Honduras, and partakes of its mountainous character. The valleys are narrow, and the numerous streams which flow through them rapid and turbulent. The hills are clothed with pines and oaks, and the aspect and climate of the region are those of the temperate zone. Here are found numerous rich mines of gold, silver, and copper; and many of the streams carry gold in their sands, whence it is washed in considerable quantities by the Indians. To the southward of this ele¬ vated district, and between it and the high mountain group or centre of elevation in Costa Rica, is the great basin of the Nicaraguan lakes, lying transversely to the great range of the Cordilleras, and completely interrupting it. It is precisely this physical feature which has directed attention to Nicaragua, as probably the best point where the oceans may be connected by a canal. This great basin or valley is not far from 300 miles long by 150 miles wide, and con¬ sists in great part of broad, beautiful, and fertile plains. In its centre are spread out the Lakes of Nicaragua and Managua, which collect the waters flowing inward from every direction, and discharge them through a single out¬ let, the Rio San Juan, into the Caribbean Sea. Some of the streams flowing into these lakes, especially those from the north, are of considerable size, and furnish a supply of water which could not be sensibly affected by drains for artificial purposes. Lake Managua is a beautiful sheet of water, nearly 50 miles long by 25 broad, and with an average depth of 5 fathoms of water. It approaches, at the nearest point, to within 20 miles of the Pacific Ocean, from which it is separated on the south by a range of low vol¬ canic hills; but between its northern extremity and the sea there are only the magnificent plains of Leon and El Conejo, in the midst of which rise the regular cones of the volcanoes of El Viejo, Telica, and Axusco. The gigantic volcano of Momotombo stands out boldly into the lake; its bare and blackened summit, which no human foot has ever pressed, crowned with a light wreath of smoke, attesting the continued existence of those internal fires which have seamed its steep sides with burning floods, and which still send forth hot and sulphurous springs at its base. Upon the northern and eastern shores of the lake, lifting their blue, rugged peaks one above another, are the mountains of Matagalpa, gradually merging into those of Segovia, rich in metallic veins. Upon the south and west are fertile slopes and broad plains, covered with luxuriant verdure, and of almost unlimited productiveness; while in the lake itself stands the Island of Momotombita, an almost perfect cone in outline, covered with a dense forest, in the deepest recesses of which are still found gigantic idols, the rude relics of abori¬ ginal superstition. The town of Leon was first built on the north-western shore of the lake, at a place now called Moa- bita, which was subsequently abandoned for its present site, in the midst of the great plain of the Marabios. From this circumstance the lake is sometimes called Lake Leon. The great feature of Nicaragua, however, is the lake of the same name, the Cocibolca of the aborigines, which is unquestion¬ ably one of the finest bodies of water on the American con¬ tinent. Itis upwards of 100 miles in greatest length, by about NICARAGUA. 243 Nicaragua. 40 miles in average width. Upon its southern shore, near the head of the lake, stood the ancient city of Granada, lately the rival of Leon, and once the most important com¬ mercial town in the republic. A few miles below Granada, and projecting boldly into the lake, is the extinct volcano of Mombacho, 5000 feet in height. Studding the lake at its base, is a cluster of innumerable small islands called Los Corales, of volcanic origin, rising in the form of cones to the height of from 20 to 100 feet, and covered with ver¬ dure. Upon the same shore with Granada, but 40 miles distant, is the ancient city of Rivas or Nicaragua, the capital of a large, fertile, and comparatively well cultivated district. Flowing into the lake, at its extreme southern extremity, nearly at the same point where the Rio San Juan (the ancient El Desaguadero) commences its course, is the considerable Rio Frio, which has its origin at the base of the great volcano of Cartago in Costa Rica. It flows through an unexplored region, inhabited by an un¬ conquered and savage tribe of Indians called Guatusos, of whose ferocity the most extraordinary stories are related. The northern shore of the lake, called Chontales, for the most part is undulating, abounding in broad savannas, well adapted for grazing, and supporting large herds of cattle. There are a number of considerable islands in the lake, tbe largest of which are El Tapatero, Solentenami, and Omo- tepec. The two former are deserted, but the latter has a considerable population of Indians of the pure Mexican or Aztec stock. This island is distinguished by two high co¬ nical mountains or volcanic peaks, called respectively Omo- tepec and Madeira, which are visible from every part of the lake, and from a distance of many leagues on the Pacific. The name of the island, in the Nahuatl or Mexican lan¬ guage, signifies “two mountains,” from ome, two, and tepee, mountain. The water of the lake, in most places, shoals very gradually ; and it is only at a few points that vessels of considerable size may approach the shore. Still, its general depth, for all purposes of navigation, is ample, ex¬ cept near its outlet, where for some miles it does not ex¬ ceed from 5 to 10 feet. There are points, however, where the depth of water is not less than 40 fathoms. The pre¬ vailing winds on the lake, as indeed of the whole state, are from the N.E. ; they are, in fact, the Atlantic trades, which here sweep entirely across the continent, and encountering the conflicting currents of air on the Pacific, form those baffling revolving winds, detested by navigators, under the name of Papagayos. When the winds are strong the waves of the lake become high, and roll in with all the majesty of the ocean. At such times the water of the lake is piled up, as it were, on the southern shore of the lake, occasionally producing overflows of the low grounds. As the trade winds are intermittent, blowing freshly in the evening, and subsiding towards morning, the waters of the lake seem to rise and fall accordingly; and this circum¬ stance gave rise to the notion, entertained and promulgated by the ancient chroniclers, that the lake had a regular tide like that of the sea. Some of them imagined, in conse¬ quence, that it communicated with the ocean by a subter¬ ranean channel. As already observed, the sole outlet of the great Nicaraguan basin, and of the lakes just described, is the River San Juan, debouching into the Caribbean Sea., at the now well-known port of San Juan (Greytown). I his river is a magnificent stream, but its capacities have been greatly exaggerated, as will be seen in the paragraphs referring to the proposed ship-canal. It flows from the south-eastern extremity of Lake Nicaragua, nearly due east to the ocean. With its windings it is 119 miles long. 1 he body of water which passes through it varies greatly at different seasons of the year. It is, of course, greatest during what is called the “ rainy seasonthat is to say, from May to October. To this variation, in some degree, may be ascribed the wide difference in the statements of the depth and capacity of the river made by different observers. Several considerable streams enter the San Juan, the largest of which are the San Carlos and Serapiqui, both rising in the highlands of Costa Rica. The streams flow¬ ing in from the north are comparatively small; indicating that the mountains are not far distant in that direction, and that upon that side the valley is narrow. The Serapiqui is ascended by canoes to a point about 20 miles above its mouth, where commences the road, or rather mule-path, to San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. About midway be¬ tween the lake and the ocean, on the south bank of the river, are the ruins of the old fort or castle of San Juan, captured by the English in 1780. The expedition against it was commanded by Colonel Poison, with captain, after¬ ward Lord Nelson, as second in command. Of 200 men under Nelson, drawn from his vessel, the Hinchenbrook, but ten returned to the coast. At one time, besides this fort, another at the head of the river (San Carlos), and a third at its mouth, the Spaniards kept up not less than twelve military stations on its banks. The width of the river varies from 100 to 400 yards, and its depth from 2 to 20 feet. It is interrupted by five rapids,—viz., Rapides del Toro, del Castillo, de los Valos, del Mico, and Machuca. The Machuca rapids are the largest, and in many respects the worst in the river. For a distance of nearly half a mile the stream is spread over a wide and crooked bed, full of large rocks projecting above the surface, between which the water rushes with the greatest violence. They are con¬ sidered dangerous by the native boatmen, who are only en¬ abled to ascend them by keeping close to the northern shore, where the current is weakest, and the bed of the river least obstructed. Here the bongos or boats are pushed up by main force. The late Transit Company lost a number of their small steamers on these rapids, which, without great artificial improvement, must remain an in¬ superable obstacle to regular steam navigation on the river. The rapids of El Castillo are short, and deserve rather the name of falls. Here the water pours over an abrupt ledge of rocks, falling 8 feet in but little more than the same number of yards. Bougos are unloaded here, and the empty boats trucked past by men stationed there for the purpose. The steamers of the Transit Company did not attempt to pass these rapids, the passengers and merchan¬ dise being transferred by means of a tram-road to vessels above. The remaining rapids, although formidable ob¬ stacles to navigation, do not require a special description. The banks of the San Juan, for 20 miles from the lake, and for about the same distance above its mouth, are low and swampy, lined with palms, canes, and a variety of long coarse grass called gamalote. Elsewhere the banks are generally firm, in some places rocky, from 6 to 20 feet high, and above the reach of overflows. They are every¬ where covered with a thick forest of large trees, draped all over with Hanes or woodbines, which, with the thousand varieties of tropical plants, form dense walls of verdure on both shores of the stream. The soil of the river-valley seems uniformly fertile, and capable of producing abundantly all tropical staples. Like the Atrato, the San Juan river has formed a delta at its mouth, through which it flows for 18 miles, reaching the sea through several channels. The largest of these is the Colorado Channel, which opens directly into the ocean; the next in size is that which bears the name of the river, and flows into the harbour of San Juan. Between the two is a smaller one called Tauro. This delta is a maze of low grounds, swamps, creeks, and lagoons, the haunts of the manati and alligator, and the homes of in¬ numerable varieties of water-fowl. The port of San Juan (Greytown) derives its principal importance from the fact that it is the only possible eastern terminus for the pro¬ posed inter-oceanic canal, by way of the River San Juan and the Nicaraguan lakes. It is small, but well protected, Nicaragua. NICARAGUA. 244 Nicaragua, easy of entrance and exit, and lias a depth of water vary- ■“v'"*"' ing from 3 to 5 fathoms. Upon the Pacific the best port of the republic is that of Realejo, anciently Posession, which is capacious and secure, but difficult of entrance. Ihe little bay of San Juan del Sur, which was used as the Pacific port of the late Transit Company, is small and insecure, and scarcely deserves the name of harbour. The same may be said of the so-called ports of Brito and Tamaranda. A good port is said to exist on Salinas Bay; but this falls on that part of the coast in dispute with Costa Rica. Next to its great lakes, the most striking physical fea¬ tures of Nicaragua are its volcanoes, which bristle along its Pacific coast, in nearly a right line, from the Bay of Fonseca to that of Nicoya. Commencing at the volcano of Cosequina, we come in order to El Viejo, Santa Clara, Telica, Las Pilas, Orota, Axusco, Momotombo, Masaya or Nindiri, Mombacho, Ometepec, Madeira, Solentanami, and Orosi, of which Cosequina, Momotombo, Masaya, and Orosi are said to be vivo, or active. Besides these volcanic peaks, there are numerous ancient craters and fissures giving forth smoke and sulphurous vapours, called Infernillos. At the time of the conquest of Nicaragua, in 1520, the vol¬ cano of Masaya, then called the “ Hell of Masaya,” was in active eruption. Oriedo, the chronicler of the Indias, has left us a graphic account of it as it then appeared. It has had one or two violent eruptions since that period, and after more than half a century of quiescence, is now (1857) throwing out volumes of smoke, and giving other evidences of renewed activity. It is a low, broken mountain, and the country for miles around its base is covered with lava. The volcanoes on the plain of Leon, knowrn as Los Marabios, w'ere also active at the period of the conquest; and as late as Dampier’s time, El Viejo was “ a volcano or burning mountain.” Momotombo to this day sends out a constant column of smoke, and an occasional cloud of ashes. The erup¬ tion of the volcano of Cosequina in 1835 was one of the most fearful on record. It commenced on the 30th of January of that year, and continued with uninterrupted violence for four days, and then suddenly ceased. For three days the clouds of smoke and sand which it sent forth totally ob¬ scured the sun for the distance of a 100 miles. Sand fell in Jamaica, in Santa Fe de Bogota, and in Mexico, over an area of more than 1500 miles in diameter. The explo¬ sions were heard 800 miles; and a ship off the coast sailed for 50 leagues through floating masses of pumice, which almost entirely concealed the surface of the water. Since 1835 this volcano has remained perfectly quiet, with no signs of activity, except a few rills of smoke and vapour, indistinguishable at a distance. The volcano of Orosi is in a state of constant activity. Besides the volcanoes them¬ selves, and the hundred yawning craters amongst the hills, there are numerous lakes of volcanic origin, shut in by vitrified, blistered, and precipitous walls of rock, without outlets, and often of great depth. Such is the remark¬ able Lake of Masaya, near the volcano of the same name, which furnishes water, not only to the considerable town of Masaya, but also to the inhabitants of numerous villages in its vicinity. It is about 10 miles in circumference, and its surface 500 feet below the general level of the country. The water is reached by steep, narrow paths, halt cut in the rock, and is carried up by the aquadoras in jars, supported on their heads, or on their backs, by bands passing around their foreheads. In some of these volcanic lakes the water is fresh and good ; in others salt and bitter. Perhaps no equal extent of the earth’s sur¬ face exhibits so many or so marked traces of volcanic action as that part of Nicaragua intervening between its lakes and the Pacific Ocean. I he climate of Nicaragua, except among the mountains or Chontales and Segovia, is essentially tropical, but never¬ theless considerably modified by a variety of circumstances. The absence of high mountains towards the Atlantic, and Nicaragua, the broad expanse of its lakes, permits the trade-winds here to sweep entirely across the continent, and to give to the country a degree of ventilation agreeable to the senses, and favourable to health. The region towards the Atlantic is unquestionably warmer, more humid, and less salubrious, than that of the interior, and of the country bordering on the Pacific. The Nicaragua basin proper, and within which the bulk of its population is concentrated, has twm distinctly marked seasons, the wet and the dry ; the first of which is called summer, the latter winter. The wet season com¬ mences in May, and lasts until November; during which time, but usually near the commencement and the close, rains of some days’ duration are of occasional occurrence, and showers are common. The latter do not often happen except late in the afternoon, or during the night. They are seldom of long continuance, and often days and weeks elapse, during what is called the rainy season, without a cloud obscuring the sky. Throughout this season, the verdure and the crops, which, during the dry season, be¬ come sere and withered, appear in full luxuriance; the temperature is very equable, differing a little according to locality, but pursuing a very nearly uniform range from 78° to 88° of Fahrenheit; occasionally sinking to 70° in the night, and rising to 90° in the afternoon. During the dry season, from November to May, the temperature is less, the nights positively cool, and the winds occasionally chil¬ ling. The sky is cloudless ; and trifling showers fall at rare intervals. The fields become parched and dry, and the cattle are driven to the borders of the streams for pastur¬ age; while in the towns the dust becomes almost insuffer¬ able. It penetrates everywhere, sifting through the cre¬ vices of the tiled roofs in showers, and sweeping in clouds through the unglazed windows. This season is esteemed the healthiest of the year. Its effect is practically that of a northern winter, checking or destroying that rank and ephemeral vegetation which, constantly renewed where the rains are constant, as at Panama, form dense, dark jungles, the birth-places and homes of malaria and death. For the year commencing September 1850, and ending September 1851, the thermometer at the town of Rivas gave the following results:—Mean highest, 86°'45 of Fahr.; mean lowest, 7l°T5: mean average for the year, 77°'42; mean range, ]50,3. The amount of rain which fell from May to November inclusive was 90‘3 inches; from December to April inclusive, 7'41 inches. None fell in February; but 22‘64 inches fell in July, and 17'86 inches in October. The natural resources of Nicaragua are very great. The staples of the tropics, cotton, sugar, indigo, tobacco, rice, cacao, coffee, &c., may be produced in the greatest abun¬ dance. The cotton, although as yet, from lack of sufficient labour, produced in but small quantities, is of a superior quality. The cacao of Nicaragua has long been cele¬ brated as next only to that of Soconusco in quality and value. Its sugar is produced from a plant slenderer, but containing more and stronger juice, than the variety cultivated in the West India Islands. Two crops, and sometimes, when the fields are irrigated, three crops are taken from the same ground annually. This cane sel¬ dom requires to be replanted oftener than once in twelve or fourteen years. The crystals of the sugar are remarkably large and fine; and the sugar itself, when carefully manu¬ factured, nearly equal in beauty to the refined sugar of commerce. The indigo is produced from an indigenous plant called juiquilite (Indiyoj'era dispermu, Lin.), and has a high reputation in commerce. Coffee flourishes well on the higher grounds, but is not extensively cultivated. The same may be said of tobacco, which is a government mono¬ poly, and its production not allowed, except in certain quantities. Maize grow's in great perfection, and, manu- NICAKAGUA. 245 Nicaragua, factured into tortillos, constitutes a food. Cattle are numerous, and hides form a large item amongst the exports of the country. Dye-woods, chiefly the braziletto, are also extensively exported. In short, nearly all the edibles and fruits of the tropics are produced naturally, or may be cultivated in great perfection ; plan¬ tains, bananas, beans, tomatoes, yams, arrow-root, ci¬ trons, melons of all kinds, limes, lemons, oranges, pine¬ apples, guavas, cocoa-nuts, and many other varieties of fruits and vegetables. Among the vegetable produc¬ tions which enter into commerce, may be mentioned sar¬ saparilla, arnotta, vanilla, ginger, gum-copal, gum-arabic, copaiba, caoutchouc, dragon’s-blood, &c. The mineral resources of Nicaragua are also very great. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and iron are found in considerable quantities in various parts, but chiefly in the districts of Segovia and Chontales. The production of these metals has greatly tallen oft' since the assertion of the country’s independence ; still the produce is considerable ; but such is the unsettled state of the country, it is impossible to obtain any satisfac¬ tory statistics concerning it. Sulphur may be had in inex¬ haustible quantities, crude and nearly pure, from the volca¬ noes ; nitre is also abundant, as also sulphate of iron. Not¬ withstanding the variety of its products, and the ease with which they may be prepared for market, the commerce of Nicaragua is very small. The wants of its people are few and easily supplied. Politically, Nicaragua is divided into five departments, exclusive of the disputed department of Guanacaste, each of which is subdivided into districts for municipal and other purposes. The departments are as follows :— principal article of Moresque ; but there are a few, and conspicuously among Nicaragt « form a lnrrr« Gom them the great cathedral of Leon, which are of simpler and - h more classical styles. This cathedral is of substantial ma- sonry throughout. It was finished in 1743, after havin<>- occupied thirty-seven years in building. The cost is said to have been L.1,000,000 sterling. Nothing can better illustrate its strength than the fact, that it has endured un¬ impaired the earthquakes and storms of more than a cen¬ tury. During the frequent revolutionary paroxysms of the country, it is used as a fortress, heavy guns being mounted on the roof. It has sustained several severe cannonades. The project of opening a canal for ships through Nicaragua began to be entertained as soon as it was found that no natural com- munication existed between the oceans, as early as 1527. Since that period it has furnished a subject for much speculation ; but beyond a few partial examinations, until very lately, nothing of a practical or satisfactorj* character had been attempted. In 1851 a careful survey was made of the River San Juan, Lake Nicaragua, and the isthmus intervening between this lake and the Pacific, by Colonel Childs, under the direction of the now extinct “ Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company.” Until then, it had always been assumed that the River San Juan, as well as the lake itself, could easily be made navigable for ships, and that the only obstacle to be overcome was the narrow strip of land between the lake and the ocean. Hence, all the so-called surveys were confined to that point alone. One of these was made, under the orders of the Spanish government, by Don Manuel Galisteo, in 1781. Another, and that best known, by Mr John Daily, under the direction of the govern¬ ment of Central America in 1838. An intermediate examination, quoted by Thompson, seems to have been made early in the present century. The following table will show the results of these surveys as regards this particular section :— Departments. Meridional...., Oriental Occidental Septentrional of Matagalpa. Septentrional of Segovia.... Capitals. Rivas Granada.... Leon Matagalpa. Segovia Total. Population. 20,000 95,000 90,000 40,000 12,000 257,000 Authorities. Galisteo, 1781 Quoted by Thompson, 18- Baily, 1838 Childs, 1851 Distance from Lake to Ocean. Miles feet. 17 200 17 330 16 730 18 588 Greatest Elevation above Ocean. Feet. 272 296 615 159 Greatest Elevation above Lake. Feet. 134 154 487 47* The population here given is the result of a census at¬ tempted in 1846. Making due allowance for deficiencies, we may estimate the actual population of Nicaragua at not less than 300,000; and it may be divided as follows, with approximate exactness:— Whites 30,000 Negroes 18,000 Indians 96,000 Meztizos 156,000 As the survey of Colonel Childs is the only one which can be ac¬ cepted as conforming to modern engineering requirements, it will be enough to present the detailed results at which he arrived. The line proposed by him, and on which all his calculations and esti¬ mates were based, commences at the little port of Brito on the Pa¬ cific, and passes across the isthmus between the ocean and the lake, to the mouth of a small stream called Rio Lajas, flowing into the latter ; thence across Lake Nicaragua to its outlet, and down the valley of the Rio San Juan to the port of the same name, on the Atlantic. The length of this line was found to be 194* miles as follows:— Total 300,000 The people generally live in towns, many of them going 2, 4, and even 6 miles, to labour in their fields, starting before davyn, and returning in the evening. . The planta¬ tions, haciendas, hattos, huertas. See., are scattered over the country, and are often reached by paths so obscure as almost wholly to escape the notice of the travellers. The dwell¬ ings are usually of canes, thatched with palm, many of them open at the sides, with no other floor than the bare earth, and deserving of no better name than that of huts. These fragile structures, so equable and mild is the climate, are adequate to such protection as the natives are accustomed to consider necessary. Some of the dwellings are more pretending, are roofed with tiles, and have the canes plas- teied over and white-washed ; and there are a few, belong¬ ing to ai ge proprietors, which are roomy, neat, and com¬ fortable. In the towns, the residences of the better classes are built of adobes or sun-dried bricks, inclosing large courts faced by broad corridors. The churches, as usual in Catholic countries, monopolize nearly all that there is of architectural skill and beauty. Their leading features are Western Division :—Canal from the port of Brito on the \ Pacific, through the valleys of the Rio Grande and Rio l Lajas, flowing into Lake Nicaragua J Middle Division :—Through Lake Nicaragua, from the "j mouth of Rio Lajas to San Carlos at the head of the l San Juan River J Eastern Division—First Section :—Slack water naviga¬ tion on San Juan River, from San Carlos to a point on the river nearly opposite the mouth of the Rio Sera- piqui Second Section:—Canal from point last named to port | of San Juan del Norte J Miles. 18-588 56-500 90-800 28-505 Total as above. 194-393 The dimensions of the canal were designed to be—Depth 17 feet j excavations in earth, 50 feet wide at bottom, 86 feet wide at 9 feet above bottom, and 118 feet wide at surface of water; excavations in rock 50 feet wide at bottom, 77 feet wide at 9 feet above bottom, and 78* feet wide at surface of water. The construction of the canal on this plan contemplates supply¬ ing the western division, from the lake to the sea, with water from the lake. It would, therefore, be necessary to commence the work on the lake at a point where the water is 17 feet deep at mean level. This point is opposite the mouth of the little Rio Lajas, and twenty-five chains from the shore. From this point, for 1* mile, partly along the Rio Lajas, the excavation will be principally in earth; but beyond this, for a distance of 5* miles, which carries 246 NICARAGUA. Nicaragua, the line beyond the summit, three-fourths of the excavations v i~ v y would be in trap rock, that is to say, the deepest excavation or open cut ■would be 64 J feet (summit 47 J feet + depth of canal 17 feet=64£ feet), and involve the removal of 1,870,000 cubic yards of earth, and 3,378,000 cubic yards of rock. The excavation and construction on this miles alone was estimated to cost upwards of L.1,250,000. After passing the summit, and reaching the valley of a little stream called Rio Grande, the excavation, as a general rule, would be only the depth of the canal. Mr Childs found that the lake at ordinary high-water is 102 feet 10 inches above the Pacific at high, and 111 feet 5 inches at low tide, instead of 128 feet, as calculated by Mr liaily. He proposed to accomplish the descent to Brito by means of fourteen locks, each of 8 feet lift. The harbour of Brito, as it is called, on the point where the Rio Grande enters the sea, is in fact only a small angular indentation of the land, partially pro¬ tected by a low ledge of rocks, entirely inadequate for the termi¬ nus of a great work like the proposed canal, and incapable of an¬ swering the commonest requirements of a port. To remedy this deficiency, it was proposed to construct an artificial harbour of 34 acres area, by means of moles and jetties in the sea and extensive excavations in the land. If, as supposed, the excavations here would be in sand, it would be obviously almost impossible to secure proper foundations for the immense sea-walls and piers which the work would require. If in rock, as seems most likely, the costand labour would almost surpass computation. Assuming the excava¬ tions to be in earth and sand, Colonel Childs estimated the cost of these improvements at upwards of L.540,000. Returning now to the lake, and proceeding from 17 feet depth of water, opposite the mouth of the Rio Lajas, in the direction of the outlet of the lake at San Carlos, there is ample depth of water for vessels of all sizes for a distance of about 51 miles, to a point half a mile south of the Boceas Islands, where the water shoals rapidly to 14 feet; for the remaining 5£ miles to San Carlos, the depth averaging only 9 feet at low, and 14 feet at high water. For this distance, therefore, an average under-water excavation of 8 feet in depth would be required to carry out the plan of a canal of 17 feet deep. But if the lake were kept at high level, the under¬ water excavation would have an average of only about 3 feet. Co¬ lonel Childs proposed to protect this portion of the canal by rows of piles driven on each side, and supposed that when the excavation should be completed, there would be sufficient current between them to keep the channel clear. We come now to the division between Lake Nicaragua and the Atlantic through or along the Rio San Juan. Colonel Childs car¬ ried a line of levels from the lake at San Carlos to the port of San Juan, and found the distance between those points to be 119^- miles, and the total fall from the level of high-water in the lake to that of high-tide in the harbour, 107J feet. From San Carlos to a point half a mile below the Serapiqui River, a distance of 91 miles, Colo¬ nel Childs proposed to make the river navigable by excavating its bed, and by constructing dams, to be passed by means of locks and short canals ; the remaining 28 miles to be constructed through the alluvial delta of the San Juan, inland, and independently of the river. Of the whole fall, 62$ feet occur on that portion of the river which it was proposed to improve by dams, and on which there were to be eight locks; and the remaining 45 feet on the inland portion of the work, by means of six locks,—fourteen locks in all, each with an average lift of nearly 8 feet. It was proposed to place the first dam, descending the river, at the Castillo rapids, 37 miles from the lake, and to pass the rapids by means of a short lateral canal. By means of this dam the river was to be raised at that point 21$ feet, and the level of Lake Nicaragua 5 feet above its lowest stage; or, in other words, kept at high-water mark, to avoid the extensive submarine excavations which would be ne¬ cessary to enable vessels to enter the river. The fall at this dam would be 16 feet. The other dams were to be four of 8 feet fall, one of 13$ feet, and another of 14$ feet. Between all of these it was found there would be required more or less excavation in the bed of the stream, often in rock. Colonel Childs also proposed to improve the harbour of San J uan by means of moles, &c., and also to construct an artificial harbour or basin, in connection with it, of 13 acres area. As regards the amount of water passing through the San Juan, it was found that at its lowest level, June 4, 1851, the discharge from the lake was 11-930 cubic feet per second. The greatest rise in the lake is 5 feet. When it stood 3-43 feet above its lowest level, the flow of water in the river, at San Carlos, was IS'OSfl cubic feet per second, being an increase of upwards of 50 per cent. Supposing the same ratio of increase, the discharge from the lake at extreme high-water would be upwards of 23-000' cubic feet per second. The river receives large accessions from its tributaries, which, at the point of divergence of the Colorado chan¬ nel, swell the flow of water to 54-380 cubic feet per second; of which 42-056 cubic feet pass through the Colerado channel, and 12*324 cubic feet into the harbour of San Juan. The cost of the work was estimated by Colonel Childs as follows : Nicaragua, Eastern division (from Port of San Juan to lake), L.2,604,655 Central division (through lake) 213,682 Western Division (from lake to Pacific), 2,895,126 L.5,713,463 Add for contingencies 15 per cent 857,019 Total estimated cost L.6,570,482 The charter of the company, under the auspices of which Colonel Childs was sent to Nicaragua, stipulated that the canal should be of dimensions sufficient “ to admit vessels of all sizes.” A canal therefore, such as the proposed, but 17 feet deep, and 118 feet wide at the surface of the water, could not meet the requirements of the charter, nor be adequate to the wants of commerce. To pass freely large merchantmen and vessels of war, a canal would require to be at least 30 feet deep, with locks and other works in proportion, which would involve at least three times the amount of excavation, &c., of the work proposed above, and a corresponding augmentation of cost. A canal so small as to render necessary the transhipment of merchandise and passengers is manifestly inferior to a railway, both as involving, in the first instance, greater cost of construction, and, in the second place, greater expense in work¬ ing, with less speed. The surveys and estimates of Colonel Childs were submitted to the British government, and by it referred for report to Mr James Walker, civil engineer, and Captain Edward Aldrich, Royal Engineers. The report of this commission, proceeding on the as¬ sumption that the plans, measurements, &c., of Colonel Childs were correct, was on the whole favourable. It, however, suggested that the item of “contingencies” in the estimate should be increased from 10 to 25 per cent. Of all the works of the proposed naviga¬ tion, it pronounces the Brito or Pacific harbour as least satisfactory. “ Presuming the statements and conclusions of Colonel Childs to be correct, the Brito harbour is, in shape and size, unworthy of this great ship navigation, even supposing the Pacific, to which it is quite open, to be a much quieter ocean than any we have seen or have information of.” Subsequently the plans and reports were laid before a committee of English capitalists, with a view to pro¬ cure the means for the actual construction of the work. This committee, after a patient investigation, declined to embark in the work, or to recommend it to public support, on the ground—1st. That the dimensions of the proposed work were not such as, in their opinion, would meet the requirements of commerce ; 2d. That these dimensions were not conformable to the provisions of the company’s charter; 3 moter in 1455. NICHOLAS, St, one of the Cape Verde Islands, is si¬ tuated in N. Lat. 16. 42., W. Long. 24.20. ^ Its shape is irre¬ gular; and its area is 115 square miles. There are two re¬ markable mountains in the island, one of which, near the centre, has the form of a sugar-loaf, and is called the Peak of Trade. The soil is fertile, but there is not much wood or water. There are several not very good harbours on the south coast; but the principal trade is carried on at Grand or St George Bay, at the western extremity. Pop. 5418.' NICHOLS, John, a writer of literary anecdotes, was born at Islington in 1745, and at the age of twelve became an apprentice to the famous printer William Bowyer. His taste for literature, his industry, and his business talents soon raised him high in the favour of his master. He was taken into partnership in 1766, and succeeded to the entire business in 1777. It was then that the aptitude for curious biographical and topographical research by which he was specially characterized began to appear to the world. In course of time it found full scope in the Gentleman's Magazine, of which he became editor and part proprietor in 1778 ; in his History of Leicestershire, which he began in 1795, and completed in 4 vols. fol. in 1815 ; and in a series of rare literary and antiquarian works which he con¬ tinued to edit and print. But its chief result was the Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, in 9 vols. 8vo, 1812-15. This work was a rich biographical treasury, containing numerous traits of eminent men of every stamp, and much correspondence, judiciously selected and accu¬ rately given. But Nichols had not yet exhausted his stock of this sort of historical materials. In 1817-22, he pub¬ lished Literary Illustrations of the Eighteenth Century, intended as a Sequel to the Literary Anecdotes, in 4 vols. A fifth volume was in the press, and a sixth in preparation, when the author died in 1826. The former was published in 1828, and the latter in 1831. A seventh volume appeared in 1848, and an eighth in 1858, both by his son, John Bowyer Nichols, who succeeded to his fathers business. (See Gentleman's Magazine for 1826.) NICHOLSON, William, an eminent chemist and me¬ chanician, was born in London in 1753. His early years were spent in commercial pursuits, but he soon abandoned that occupation for the more congenial walk of scientific research. He opened a school in the metropolis in 1775, which he continued to conduct with great success for a long series of years. Meanwhile he prosecuted mechanical invention and scientific inquiry with great zeal. Besides English translations of the chemical works of Fourcroy, Chaptal, &c., he wrote numerous treatises on natural philosophy and chemistry, and was unquestionably the most eminent philo¬ sophical journalist of his day. His most valued works are his Dictionary of Chemistry, 2 vols. 4to, 1795 ; and his Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, 5 vols. 4to, 1797-1802, of which a new series appeared in 36 vols. 8vo, 1802-14. He invented an araeometer and other instruments, but so impoverished himself by these pursuits that he was imprisoned for debt. He died in London in June 1815. (See Dissert. Sixth, chap, vii.); NICIAS, an Athenian statesman, son of Niceratus, chosen by the aristocracy and the more moderate of the democratical party, as the fittest person to lead the councils of the commonwealth after the death of Pericles, in 428 B.C. He was also a favourite with the people, as he was liberal of his wealth for their gratification, and ever ready to assist the distressed. He resembled Pericles in the conservative nature of his foreign policy, and in the thorough incorrupti¬ bility of his character. The rigid decorum and strict devout- NIC Nicias. ness of his character have been severely ridiculed by Aristo- phanes, in the Equiies, as nothing better than timidity and superstition. The first matter in which Nicias and Cleon took opposite views was the punishment that ought to be in¬ flicted on the inhabitants of Mitylene for their rebellion. Cleon proposed and carried a decree for putting every man to death, and for reducing the women and children to slavery. This monstrous proposition was opposed by all the influ¬ ence of Nicias, but passed in spite of its evident injustice. Nicias led several expeditions, and was always successful, because, as Plutarch says, he selected those commands where success was nearly certain, although the glory might indeed be small. He took the islet called Minoa, at the mouth of the harbour of Nisaea, the seaport of Megara; and he plundered the coast of Boeotia. He commanded the fleet, 425 B.c., at the time that the island Sphacteria was blockaded by the Athenians, and willingly gave up the command to Cleon, who exclaimed that if he were in that station he would engage to subdue the island within twenty days, and bring the garrison prisoners to Athens. To the great surprise of all parties, Cleon succeeded in the enter¬ prise (Thucydides, iv. 28). The following year we find Nicias commanding an expedition, which was directed against the island of Cythera, an important appendage of the Lacaedemonian territory, and which Nicias took without much difficulty. After the death of Cleon at Amphipolis, 422 B.c., there was a strong inclination on both sides to bring the war to a close ; and as Nicias was the most active in promoting the measure, it was usually called the Niceian peace. The fundamental principle of the treaty was, that each party should restore what had been taken in war, ex¬ cept that Nisaea w'as reserved to Athens, in consideration of the refusal of the Thebans to surrender Plataea. It was concluded for fifty years, 421 b.c. (Thucydides, v. 18.) At this time Alcibiades began to occupy himself with public affairs; and wishing to ingratiate himself with the popular party, he took th» opposite side to Nicias in almost every question. It wras so in respect to the peace ; and as there were some articles liable to be disputed, Alcibiades soon managed to embroil matters, and war again broke forth in all its original fury, 418 B.c. An expedition to Sicily was next proposed by Alcibiades; and although it was strongly opposed by Nicias, the decree was passed, and Nicias was appointed, along with Lamachus and Alcibiades, 415 b.c., to command the troops. Matters were conducted with various success; but the Athenians were at length completely defeated, and Nicias fell into the hands of the Syracusans. The mob demanded his life; and although Gylippus, the Syracusan general, exerted himself to save Nicias, it was without success. When Nicias and his col¬ league Demosthenes heard the sentence which had been passed against them, they anticipated their fate by putting themselves to death, in the year 413 b.c. (Thucydides, vii.; Plutarch ; Diodorus Siculus ; Thirlwall’s History of Greece, vol. iii.; Grote’s History of Greece, vols. vi., vii.) Nicias, a great Greek painter, was the son of Nico- medes, and flourished at Athens about the fourth century b.c. He studied his art under Antidotus, a pupil of the celebrated Euphranor. One of his earliest undertakings seems to have been the painting of the marble statues of Praxiteles, a process which the Romans called circum- litio. But, though eminently successful in this engage¬ ment, he soon turned his hand to the more legitimate blanches of his art. All his energies became absorbed in t ic executing of pictures. He devoted great attention to colouring, and was the first painter who used burnt oc ire ; he studied the subjects of his pieces with the mi¬ nute caie which the dramatic poet bestows upon his plot; and he was often so engrossed with his work that he forgot to ta ^e his meals. The result of such painstaking industry was, t lat the artist soon grew famous for the graceful de- NIC 251 sign, the beautiful colouring, the exquisite light and shade Nicobars and the fine general effect of his pictures. His master- II piece was entitled Neicvta, and was a representation of the Nicolai* infernal regions taken from the description in the Odyssey. Ptolemy, King of Egypt, offered sixty talents for it; but the painter chose rather to present it to his native Athens. Such a patriotic liberality seems to have combined with his genius in gaining for him the esteem of his fellow-citizens; for, at his decease, he was honoured with a public funeral* and was interred in the cemetery consecrated to the great Athenian dead, on the road between the city and the aca¬ demy. The other important works of Nicias, as enumerated by Pliny, were a Nemea, a Hyacinthus, a Bacchus, and an Alexander (Paris), all at Rome. (A minute account of Nicias is given in the English Cyclopcedia.) NICOBARS, a cluster of islands in the Indian Ocean, lying between N. Lat. 6. 40. and 9. 20., and E. Long. 93. 3. and 94. 13., and inhabited by Malays. A settlement was formed here by the Danes in 1756, but abandoned by them in 1768. In the year 1840 the whaler Pilot, of London, was seized by pirates infesting the Nicobars. At this period the sovereignty of these islands was claimed by the Danes. Evidence subsequently obtained, left little room for doubt, that, in several instances, the crews of British vessels had been murdered, and the vessels scuttled and sunk by the islanders. Measures were taken to give notoriety to these circumstances. In 1848 the Danish government came to the determination to abandon all claim to sovereignty over the Nicobars. Some years later, certain residents of Chit- tagong made a representation to the Indian government regarding two brigs which had sailed for the Nicobars in the year 1852. Neither of them had since been heard of, and a strong presumption existed that both had been cut off by savages. Captain Dicey, of the steamer Tenasse- rim, was therefore despatched to the Nicobars for the pur¬ pose of inquiring into the fate of the missing vessels ; and the report of this officer, the official authorities observes, “ leaves no doubt that two vessels, one of them English, have recently been destroyed, and their crews murdered by the inhabitants of the Nicobars ; and there seems too much reason to fear that these atrocities have been preceded by many similar outrages.” These and the adjacent islands, the Andamans, would, it has been suggested, answer admirably for a convict settlement. NICOLAI, Christoph Friedrich, a German author, was the son of a bookseller, and was born at Berlin in March 1733. The intense ardour for learning which characterized his life was early shown. Though engaged so soon as his sixteenth year in the bookselling trade, he made himself a proficient in general literature, and in the Greek, Latin, and English languages. His increasing devotion to letters led him in 1757 to resign his partnership in the family firm; and though he was recalled to business in the following year by the death of his brother, yet the projects that he had planned during his retirement were actively carried out. By this time he had formed, in conjunction with Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, a literary triumvirate, for the pur¬ pose of founding a new school of German criticism. They had begun their scheme in 1757, by publishing the Biblio- thek der Schbnen Wissenschaften. They now continued it in 1759 by giving to the world the first of their famous Letters on Criticism. It was with a similar end in view that in 1765 Nicolai became the projector and editor of the influential periodical styled Allgemeine DeutscheBibliothek. I he severe and prosaic tone of criticism which character¬ ized this work soon involved him in many disputes with some of the greatest writers in Germany. His facile and ever-active pen was especially employed in writing pamph¬ lets and satirical romances against the philosophy of Kant. Fichte and A. W. Schlegel attacked him in turn. Yet the 252 NIC Nicolaitans irascible Nicolai continued to wrangle with his numerous II enemies, and at the same time to dabble in all sorts of sub- ^ ico as. ^ jecj.g^ tj]j (jea|.]1 jn 1811. His Life was published by V^L Gbckingk in 8vo, Berlin, 1820. NICOLAITANS, a Gnostic sect of the second century, mentioned by Irenseus, Tertullian, and Clement of Alex¬ andria. They claimed to have been founded by Nicolas, one of the seven deacons enumerated in the sixth chapter of the Acts ; and they were believed by the early fathers to be identical with the sect of the same name alluded to in the second chapter of the Apocalypse. But neither of these opinions rests on satisfactory grounds. The peculiar tenets of the Nicolaitans were founded on the principle that the passions ought to be allowed to exhaust and destroy themselves by indulgence. “ Subdue the flesh by abusing it ” was the favourite motto with which they justified their licentious conduct. (Neander’s Church History.) NICOLAS, Sir Nicholas Harris, a very eminent English antiquary, was the fourth son of John Harris Ni¬ colas of East Looe in Cornwall, whose Breton ancestors had settled there on the revocation of the edict of Nantes. He was born on the 10th March 1799. He entered the navy on the 27th October 1808 ; and after some years of active service as midshipman under his brother, in which he took part in the capture of several armed vessels and convoys on the coast of Calabria, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant on the 20th September 1815. Not succeeding at the close of the war in obtaining employ¬ ment, he left the service, and took to the study of English law and antiquarian literature. His first work, The Life of Secretary Davison, appeared in 1823, the author having married a descendant of the family of that worthy privy counsellor during the previous year. He was called to the bar by the society of the Inner Temple in 1825, but his practice never extended beyond the occasional claims of peerage before the House of Lords. Nicolas was chosen shortly afterwards a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, became a member of their council in 1826, and was a fre¬ quent and valuable contributor to the Archceologia. His imprudent zeal and violent temper, however, did not per¬ mit him long to enjoy this dignity; for after his first ap¬ pearance at its deliberations, the society struck him off their list. He thereupon commenced a series of attacks against the administration of the affairs of the society, which do not seem to have been in the most perfect state possible. These animadversions, besides appearing in pamphlets, found a frequent place in the pages of the Re¬ trospective Review, of which Nicolas had become joint editor in 1826. He continued with incredible industry to elucidate and illustrate various departments of history, genealogy, and heraldry, in a series of works, displaying great research and sound critical acumen. As a whole, his works possess a substantial historical value; but those perhaps in which he has placed the majority of writers under the greatest obligations to his industry and acuteness, are the Synopsis of the Peerage of England, 2 vols., 1825; the Testa,menta Vetusta, 2 vols., 1826 ; and his Chronology of History, a work of great value, written in 1835 for Lard- ner’s Cyclopcedia, and remodelled from his Notitia Histo- rica of 1824. In his Controversy between Sir Richard Scropeand SirRobertCrosvenor, 2 vols.,1832, a work which was never completed, and in his Siege of Caerlaverock, there occur a number of highly valuable biographical notices; and, among others, one of Geoffrey Chaucer, which the author afterwards enlarged for Pickering’s Aldine edition of that poet. For the same series of British poetical au¬ thors, Nicolas wrote the memoirs of Surrey, Wyatt, Col¬ lins, Cowper, Thomson, Burns, and Kirke White. In con¬ nection with the same field, he made some curious and suc¬ cessful explorations in his Lives of Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton, prefixed to Pickering’s beautiful edition of NIC The Complete Angler. His greatest works, however, and Nicolas those by which his name will be longest remembered by _ || the majority of readers, are the History of the Orders of Nicole. Knighthood of the British Empire, four large 4to vols., ^ 1841-42; and The Dispatches and Letters of Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, 7 vols. 8vo, 1844-46. In acknow¬ ledgment of his merits in connection with the former work, he was made a knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order in 1831, was appointed chancellor of the Ionian Order of St Michael and St George in 1832, and was advanced to the grade of Grand Cross by Her Majesty in 1840. Sir Harris left an unfinished History of the British Navy, in 2 vols., which promised to be a work of very great merit. He was engaged in editing the papers of Sir Hudson Lowe, until within a few days of his death, which took place at Cape Cure, near Boulogne, August 3, 1848. (See Gentlemarts Magazine for October 1848, which contains a complete list of his writings; and Athenceum for August 12, 1848.) Nicolas L, Pavlovich, Emperor of Russia, was the third son of the Emperor Paul, and was born at St Petersburg on the 7th of July 1796. He succeeded his eldest brother, Alexander I., on the 1st of December 1825, and was crowned at Moscow on the 3d September 1826. He declared war against the Shah of Persia in this latter year, incorporated the kingdom of Poland with his own empire in 1832, commenced a war with Turkey in 1853, which brought against him the allied armies of England and France in 1854, and died on the 2d March 1855, leaving his throne to his eldest son, the present Emperor Alexander II. (See Russia.) NICOLAS, or Nicholas, St, a town of Belgium, in the province of East Flanders, is the principal place in the populous and well-cultivated district called the Pays de Waes, 20 miles N.E. of Ghent. It is well built, with broad and regular streets, and a spacious market-place, surrounded with fine houses. There are several churches, one of which, that of St Nicholas, is a handsome structure; a town-hall, a college, several schools, an hospital, two orphan asylums, and a prison. Among the manufactories of the town, tanneries, breweries, distilleries, salt-refineries, dye-works, and potteries are the chief; and in addition to these, linen, cotton, woollen, and silken stuffs, carpets, lace, hats, tobacco, chocolate, earthenware, &c., are manufac¬ tured. In corn, flax, hemp, linen, &c., an active trade is carried on ; and a market for flax is held here which is said to be the largest in the world. Pop. 20,500. NICOLAUS, surnamed Myrepsus, or “the ointment- maker,” the author of a Greek pharmaceutical work, flour¬ ished in the thirteenth century at the court of the Emperor John III. His treatise is known to the public only in the form of a Latin translation entitled De Compositione Medi- camentorum. Its value is almost cancelled by the fact that it places the most absurd monkish charms and talis¬ mans in th§ category of remedies, and is little else than a compilation from Nicolaus Praepositus, and other medical writers. Yet it has found a place in the second volume of H. Stephens’s Medicce Artis Principes, fob, Paris, 1567, and has since been reprinted. Nicolaus, surnamed Prsepositus to distinguish him from Nicolaus Myrepsus, was the author of a Latin pharma¬ ceutical work entitled Antidotarium, and flourished in the former half of the twelfth century as the principal of the medical school at Salerno. His book was a standard autho¬ rity during the dark ages, was first printed at Venice in 1471, and has frequently been republished. Nicolaus Damascenus. See Damascenus, Nicolaus. NICOLE, Pierre, one of the most illustrious of the Port-Royalists, was born at Chartres on the 19th October 1625. His father, Jean Nicole, who was a parliamentary advocate, succeeded early in imbuing the mind of his son with not a little of his own taste for classical literature. At NIC Nicole, the age of fourteen this grave and studious boy had com- —pleted his preliminary studies; and his father removed him to Paris, where, in 1644, he finished a course of philosophy and theology, and took his master’s degree. The univer¬ sity of Paris was at that time in a ferment touching the celebrated propositions of the Jansenists ; and Nicole had his attention turned to the solitaries of Port-Royal. The profound piety of that venerable community, and the austere tranquillity of their life, had strong attractions for a spirit so calm and meditative as that of Nicole, whose only wish was for study and retirement. He accordingly betook him¬ self to their quiet retreat, and divided his time during the three following years between studying the theology of the Sorbonne, and giving instructions in belles lettres in the educational institutions of Port-Royal. Having made ap¬ plication for licence, it was discovered that his opinions were not in accordance with those of any Roman Catholic university, much less with those of the theological faculty of Paris, and he resolved to content himself with his theo¬ logical baccalaureat,w\\\c\\ he had obtained in 1649. From this period he attached himself more closely to Port-Royal and the Jansenists, and soon after took up his pen, in con¬ junction with the celebrated Antoine Arnauld, in defence of Jansenius and his doctrines. Nicole never adopted Jansenism, however, in all its extreme rigour. In various treatises written at a comparatively early period of his career, he took exception to not a few of the doctrines of his brethren of Port-Royal, even while he put forth all his strength in behalf of w hat he regarded as their grand claims upon his fellow-men. This attitude is most noticeable perhaps in a theological dissertation, published by him in 1657, under the pseudonym of Paul Irenaeus, designed to pacify the Church, and to prove that Jansenism was only an imaginary heresy. This interesting work bore the title of Disquisitiones sex Pauli Irencei ad prcesentes Ecclesice tumultus sedandos opportunce. In 1658 Nicole made a journey into Germany in behalf of the cause ; and during his residence there, translated into Latin the famous Lettres Provinciates, which had recently issued from the most gifted pen among the Port-Royalists. During the execu¬ tion of this task, the translator read Terence incessantly, in order to catch the rare pungency and sprightliness of the dramatist, and transfuse it, if possible, into his version of these immortal letters. He submitted his work to the Germans and Dutch as the performance of “ William Wendrock, doctor of the University of Salzburg.” On his return he retired with Arnauld to Chatillon, near Paris, to devote himself with renewed ardour to the prosecution of his cherished pursuits. One of the earliest products of his pen in this retreat was the part he took in the composition of the celebrated “ Port-Royal Logic,” published anony¬ mously at Paris in 1662, under the title La Logique, ou l’Art de Penser; a work of pre-eminent merit, which stands unrivalled even to the present day as an introduction OLE. to the study of the laws of thought.1 In 1664 Nicole gave to the world his well-known Perpetuite de la Foi, better known as La Petite Perpetuite, which the attempted re¬ futation of Claude induced the author to expand, five years afterwards, into La Grande Perpetuite, in 3 vols. 4to. The reputation gained for the humble Port-Royalist by this striking performance proved too much for his modesty, and he was fain to attribute the merit of it to his illustrious friend Arnauld. Les Visionnaires (1665-6), directed bv Nicole against the absurd mysticism of the poet and romancist Desmarets, called forth a bitter attack from Racine upon his ancient master at Port-Royal. At the urgent request of his friends, Nicole in 1676 again solicited ordination, but found his Port-Royal sympathies too great a barrier for the liberality of the Bishop of Chartres. A I^ettre which he wrote in 1677, for the bishops of Saint- Pons and Arras, to Pope Innocent XL, on the laxity of the casuists, raised such a storm against him that he was "obliged to withdraw from the capital. On the death (in 1679) of the Duchesse de Longueville, the most ardent protectress of Jansenism, Nicole, considering himself as no longer safe in France, left the kingdom, and sought an asylum in the Low Countries. He returned to France in 1683, and after remaining in concealment for some time, ultimately took up his abode at Paris and resumed his literary occupations. It was during this period that he completed "his Essais de Morale, of which the first four volumes had been given to the public between 1671 and 1678. The last two volumes were published after the author’s death, the fifth in 1700, and the sixth in 1714. After EArt de Penser, it is unques¬ tionably on this work that Nicole’s reputation as a philo¬ sophical writer mainly rests. We search in it in vain, however, for much decided speculative originality. His strength did not lie there. He is mainly occupied with de¬ lineations of a moral and religious nature, characterized by exquisite subtilty and discrimination; but he seldom or never permits his thoughts to traverse the decisive circle meted out by his faith. Yet one constantly admires the delicate observation, steady judgment, and calm spirit of the man. Among his moral treatises there is, perhaps, no one more characteristic of the author, and certainly no one superior to Les Moyens de Conserver la Paix avec les Hommes. It is only after reading this that one can adequately estimate how great must have been that loyalty to the cause of truth, and devotion to the honourable brotherhood with whom he laboured, which could have induced so gentle a nature to leave the quiet which he loved so well, to do earnest battle in the arena of religious controversy, or to share in the fierce strifes of political partizanship.2 The repose which his nature longed after he was not destined to find here. “ Rest! we shall rest through eternity,” said the bright and brave Arnauld to him reproachfully. Nicole’s closing years were occupied with two notable controversies,—the one on monastic studies, in which he defended the liberal The authorship of this famous work was for a long time problematical. It was sometimes ascribed to Nicole, sometimes to Arnauld and sometimes to both. The latter is the correct opinion, however; for the younger Racine, who was a pupil at Port-Royal, informs us, that the dissertations and additions are by Nicole ; the first, second, and third parts by Arnauld and Nicole together; and the fourth irr9rnaUld a*0ne' (®ee ■Barbier’s Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes Pseudonymes, Paris, 1806.) After the first draft of the book in lbo2, numerous changes and additions were made to it in the editions which were issued during the lifetime of the authors. The fifth ediUon, from which the endless reprints which followed were taken, was published at Paris in 1683. It was translated into Latin soon alter its first appearance ; and of the various versions of it in that language there have been a great number of editions. A Spanish translation appeared in 1769, and an Italian one some years previously. There have been three English translations of the Art of Think¬ ing ; the first by “ several hands,” in 1685 ; the second by John Ozell, in 1716 ; and the third by Thomas Spencer Baynes, in 1851. The atter is an admirable performance, and contains an Introduction, in which the scientific position, character, and history of the work are carefully traced. J a The simple and ingenuous character of Nicole often manifested itself in extreme timidity and amusing eccentricity. If an objec- lon was raised in a discussion which he had not foreseen, he was entirely disconcerted. “ Trgville beats me,” he said “ in the chamber * ut before he reaches the foot of the stair I confute him.” Having resided for a long time in the Faubourg Saint-Marcel, some one asked’ ^ *• Preffrr?li tbl8 locality. “ It is,” said he, “ because the enemies who menace Paris will probably enter by the gate of aint-Martin, 8'nl1 wil* accordingly be obliged to traverse the whole city before reaching my place of abode.” “ When walking in the s ree s, says the Comtesse de la Riviere, “ he was always haunted by the fear that a tile would fall upon his head; and when he tra¬ velled by water, he was in perpetual terror lest he should be drowned.” (Lettret dc M. L. C. de la Riviere, Paris, 1776.) 254 NIC NIC ]N icoll II Nicolson. sentiments of Mabillon ; the other on Quietism, in which he took part with Bossuet against Fenelon, but with infinitely more honest manliness and liberality than was displayed by the proud “ Eagle of Meaux.” The weighty labours of a long life and the repeated excitement of controversy, for which his temper was so little fitted, had in 1693 produced their natural effect upon his health. After a lingering ill¬ ness of two years he was suddenly struck with apoplexy. Crowds of persons from all quarters of Paris hurried to visit the dying couch of the gentle-hearted pious old man. Young Racine, now at the summit of his great fame, forgot his former animosity to the author oiLes Visionnaires, and, with a restorative medicine in his hand, hastened to where his old master lay. But it was all in vain ; the good man’s work was done. ” He died on the 16th November 1695, at the age of seventy. Contrary to his expressed desire to be interred without ceremony, his remains were accompanied to the grave by the most distinguished men of the time. The works of Nicole, entitled Essais de Morale et In¬ structions Theologiques, form 25 vols. l2mo, and were pub¬ lished between i67l and 1714. They were reprinted in 1741-44. Among a number of minor performances not already mentioned, there is a Vie de Nicole by the Abbe Goujet, forming the 14th vol. of the series. A Life of Nicole will also be found in Besoigne’s Histoire de Port-Royal, vol. iv.; and another by Saverien, in his Vies des Philosophes Modernes, vol. i. The role of Nicole at Port-Royal, and his dissent from certain positions of Pascal charged with scepticism, have been placed in a clear light by Victor Cousin in the Revue des Deux Mondes for January 1845. On the opposite side, see Flottes’ Etudes sur Pascal, 1846. NICOLL, Robert, a Scottish poet, was born in the parish of Auchtergaven, in Perthshire, on the 7th of Janu¬ ary 1814. His parents were too poor to give him a regu¬ lar education; but his mother, who was a woman of singu¬ lar energy and intelligence, snatched an occasional hour when her day of field-labour was done to teach her boy to read. His school education was of the most rudimentary character ; but by industry and courage he strove to supply the deficiency. At the age of eight we find him tending cattle for a livelihood, and eagerly reading books. When he was thirteen, he could write an occasional paragraph for a local newspaper ; and when bordering on twenty, he had completed his apprenticeship with a grocer and wine-mer¬ chant in Perth, and was known as a writer of tales, poems, and songs. In 1834 he opened a small circulating library in Dundee, and during the following year published a vo¬ lume of Poems and Lyrics, which was very favourably received by the press, and soon passed through three edi¬ tions. His verses, without being characterized by any of the highest qualities of poetry, display great sweetness, purity, and tenderness, and breathe much of the joyous hope¬ ful valour of his life. In 1836 his strongly liberal senti¬ ments got full vent in the pages of the Leeds Times, an ultra-radical journal, of which he had become editor. The spirit, energy, and devotion, with which he entered upon this new undertaking, soon tripled the circulation of the paper, but broke the health of the brave young poet. He had been little more than a year in this position when he was compelled to leave it. He died of consumption, at the house of a friend in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, on the 9th December 1837, at the premature age of twenty- three. (See his Life by Mrs Johnstone, in the third edition of his poems.) NICOLO, San, the chief town of the island of Tinos, in the TEgean Sea, and the see of a bishop, has a modem cathedral, and a population of 4000. NICOLSON, William, Archbishop of Cashell, a learned antiquarian, was the son of a clergyman, and was born at Orton, in Cumberland, in 1655. Having entered Oxford in 1670, he was chosen a fellow of Queen’s Col¬ lege in 1679, and was shortly afterwards presented to seve- Nicoma* ral livings. His favourite studies now began to be prose- chus cuted with vigour. He produced The English Historical II Library in 1696-99; and The Scottish Historical Library ^ lcome(^C3, in 1702; a series of national antiquarian works, which he afterwards completed in 1724, by the publication of The Irish Historical Library. His increasing fame was at¬ tended by high ecclesiastical preferment. He was pro¬ moted to the bishopric of Carlisle in 1702; was translated to the see of Londonderry in 1718; and had the arch¬ bishopric of Cashell conferred upon him in 1726. His death took place a few days after his elevation to this last dignity. NICOMACHUS, a distinguished Greek artist, the son of the painter Aristodemus, was a native of Thebes, and flourished in the latter half of the fourth century b.c. He rose to be unrivalled both for the celerity and completeness of his execution. If we may believe Plutarch, he closely resembled Homer in the spontaneous, and, at the same time, graceful and vigorous play of his genius; and, ac¬ cording to Cicero, his pictures attained the very pitch of perfection. His success as a teacher was also great. Among his pupils he numbered several who were after¬ wards famous painters, such as his brother Aristides, his son Aristocles, Philoxenes of Eretria, and Corybas. Yet Vitruvius enumerates him among those artists who were prevented by fortune from rising to their proper place in the public estimation. The following pictures of Nico- machus are mentioned by Pliny :—“ The Rape of Proser¬ pine,” “ Victory riding in a four-horsed Chariot,” “ Apollo and Diana,” “Cybele,” “ Female Bacchanals,” and “Scylla.” He was engaged in a magnificent picture of the “ Tynda- ridae,” when he died. NICOMEDES I., the earliest of the Bithynian kings who bore that name, succeeded his father Zipoetes in 278 b.c. He inaugurated his reign by the assassination of two of his brothers. This act of jealous cruelty rendered him unpopular. An insurrection, headed by his remaining brother Zipoetes, broke out and established itself in the maritime provinces. Before tranquillity could be restored, he was forced in 277 b.c. to employ the assistance of a horde of Gauls who were then besieging Byzantium, and thus to give that race for the first time a footing in Asia Minor. The rest of the reign of Nicomedes seems to have been spent in peaceful enterprises. In 264 B.c. he founded the great city of Nicomedia to be the capital of his king¬ dom, and to perpetuate his name. Other beneficial under¬ takings were progressing under his superintendence, when he died about 250 b.c. Nicomedes II., surnamed Epiphanes, assassinated his father Prusias II., and seized upon the throne of Bithynia in 149 B.c. He had spent his youth at Rome as a hostage, had secured the favour of the senate, and was therefore inclined at first to trust for the prosperity of his kingdom to an alliance with the great republic. Not until about 102 b.c., did he attempt to act independently of his power¬ ful allies. Joining himself to Mithridates, the great king of Pontus, he laid hold upon Paphlagonia; and though he pretended to relinquish his conquest at the command of Rome, he set one of his own sons upon the vacant Paphla- gonian throne. The next encroachment of the crafty king was not so successful. By marrying Laodice, the widow of Ariarathes VI. of Cappadocia, and by taking her orphan sons under his protection, he thought to gain possession of that kingdom. But the strong hand of Mithridates was by that time upon the coveted crown; the Romans then in¬ terfered ; and Nicomedes, besides being foiled in his pro¬ ject, was deprived of his former acquisition, the kingdom of Paphlagonia. He died shortly after this of disappointment, about 91 b.c. Nicomedes III. was the son of the preceding, and suc¬ ceeded his father about 91 b.c. His territories lay too NIC Nicomedia near the seat of the grasping Mithridates to remain long _ II _ in tranquillity. In a short time his brother Socrates, in- Nicosia. gtjgated by {bat intriguing foe, rose in rebellion and drove him from his kingdom. No sooner had the unfortunate king, by the intervention of the Roman senate, been re¬ seated upon his throne in 90 B.C., than he was induced by the crafty counsels of Rome to embroil himself once more with Mithridates. The result was, that in the course of two years his forces were cut to pieces by the troops of Pontus on the banks of the Amnius; his kingdom was in¬ vaded ; and he did not consider himself safe from his for¬ midable enemy until he had fled as far as Italy. There he waited till the treaty concluded between Sylla and Mithri¬ dates in 84 B.C. restored him to his sceptre. The rest of his reign seems to have passed in comparative tranquillity. He died in 74 b.c., leaving no issue, and bequeathing his kingdom to the Romans. NICOMEDIA. See Ismid. NICOPOLIS (Turk. Nikopol, anc. Nicopolis ad Is- trum), a town of European Turkey, capital of a pashalic in Bulgaria, stands on the right bank of the Danube, just be¬ low its confluence with the Aluta from the N., and the Osma from the S., 80 miles S.W. of Bukharest, and 280 N.W. of Constantinople. It consists of two parts; one of which, inhabited by Mohammedans, and protected by a fortress, stands on a cliff of limestone, several hundred feet high, rising from the river, and surrounded on the other three sides by a ravine. Though provided with heavy pieces of artillery, this castle, being commanded by the surround¬ ing heights, is of very little importance as a defence. The Mussulman town is further defended by ramparts and bat¬ teries ; and though generally ill built, it presents a fine ap¬ pearance, with the many glittering minarets of its handsome mosques. On the slopes which rise beyond the ravine, stand groups of white houses, forming the other part of the town, and occupied by Bulgarians, Wallachians, and Jews. The surrounding country is very beautiful, and much of it is laid out in gardens. Owing to its convenient situation on the Danube, Nicopolis is a place of some commercial activity. It was originally founded by Trajan, of whose fortifications some remains still exist; and it is remarkable as the place where the Sultan Bayezid I. defeated Sigis- mund, King of Hungary, in 1396. It has since that time been repeatedly injured by the Russians. Pop. about 10,000. Nicopolis, “ The City of Victory,” a town of an¬ cient Greece, stood on the promontory of Epirus, on the low isthmus which separates the Ionian Sea from the Am- bracius Sinus {Gulf of Arid). It was erected by Augus¬ tus in 31 b.c. to perpetuate the fame of the victory which he had gained at the neighbouring headland of Actium. Special care was taken to render it worthy of its imperial founder. A large population was drawn within its walls from the adjacent cities; it was admitted into the Amphic- tyonic Council; the privileges of a Roman colony were con¬ ferred upon it; and it became the scene of a quinquennial festival, called Actia, in honour of the above-mentioned battle. Under the successors of Augustus, Nicopolis con¬ tinued to be the capital of Epirus. It was, however, gra¬ dually sinking into decay; and during the dark ages its dilapidated buildings were finally abandoned. About three miles north of the modern town of Prevesa, a line of ruins, stretching across the isthmus, and containing the remains of a larger and a smaller theatre, a palace, a stadium, and an aqueduct, still indicates the site of the ancient city of Nicopolis. NICOSIA, a town of Sicily, in the province of Catania, occupies^ two hills near the rivers Salato and Capizzi, 35 miles W.N.W. of Catania. It has several churches and convents. Few or no manufactures are carried on here ; but the inhabitants gain their livelihood by agriculture, N I E 255 and by trading in its produce and in cattle. In the vicinity Nicosia alum, iron-pyrites, and rock-salt are found; and there are || some bituminous and sulphureous springs. Poo. about Niebuhr. 13,000. ^ v-^ Nicosia, or Lefkosia, the capital of Cyprus, stands near the centre of the island, on the right bank of the Pedia, in a plain inclosed by mountains. Though some¬ what decayed from its former splendour, it still has a fine appearance when viewed from a distance; but the streets are narrow and dirty, lined by houses of which many are in a ruinous condition. It is surrounded by walls and bastions, which have a circuit of about 3 miles ; but before these were erected by the Venetians, the town was of much greater extent. A handsome Gothic edifice, formerly the church of St Sophia, is now converted into a mosque, and many of its monuments have been injured by the hands of the Turks. Besides the churches, convents, and mosques, Nicosia has an ancient palace over the entrance of which the lion of Venice still stands ; a handsome bazaar; and a khan or inn for the accommodation of travellers. Carpets, cotton stuffs, and leather, are manufactured here; and the principal articles of commerce consist of wine and raw cot¬ ton. Nicosia is the seat of a Greek archbishop, and of the Turkish governor of Cyprus. It was formerly the resi¬ dence of the Cyprian kings of the Lusignan dynasty; and in 1570 was stormed by the Turks, who on that occasion put to the sword about 20,000 of the inhabitants. Pop. about 16,000. NIEBUHR, Barthold George, the illustrious historian of ancient Rome, was born at Copenhagen the 27th August 1776. He was son of the oriental traveller, Carsten Niebuhr. His family for many generations had been settled in Hadel, the north-western province of Hanover, where they occupied a small patrimonial estate. The elder Niebuhr had been em¬ ployed by the Danish government on an exploring expedi¬ tion in Arabia, in the year 1760, in which he exhibited re¬ markable abilities and energy. On his return, after suffering great hardships, he received an appointment in Copenhagen, married, and had two children,—a daughter named Chris¬ tiana, and a son, Barthold George, a few years her junior. The mother was also a German by birth; so that Barthold, though born in Denmark, was himself German on both sides, and learnt the German as well as the Danish language in his nursery. When he was two years old his father removed to Meldorf, the capital of South Denmark, a district of Holstein, lying on the shore of the German Ocean, between the mouths of the Elbe and Eyder, which, though subject to Denmark, was occupied by a population claiming closer connection by origin and language with its German than its Danish neighbours. I he inhabitants of this border-land had se¬ cured in the middle ages a certain political independence, of which they still retained the traces in their habits, their feelings, and their municipal institutions. From these in¬ stitutions, in which the distinction of classes was strongly marked, Niebuhr drew many illustrations of his theory re¬ garding the relations between the patricians and plebeians of ancient Rome. The bent of Niebuhr’s genius, and his habits of mind, may be traced more clearly than in most cases to the cir¬ cumstances of his early years. From his father he derived his interest in languages, in geography, and in the manners and institutions of different nations, together with unwearied diligence and great earnestness of character. To his mother he owed apparently his moral and physical susceptibility ; he was easily affected by change of climate and temperature, and liable to fits of peevishness and irritability; while at the same time he was endowed with great warmth of heart, and gained the devoted affection of his friends and family. From his father’s employment as a fiscal agent in Denmark he acquired his turn for the subject of finance. Accus¬ tomed from his infancy to the marshes and moors of his 256 NIEBUHR. Niebuhr, province, it was not till late in life that he acquired a taste for picturesque scenery; to the last the fens of Holland and the plains of the Campagna had more interest for him than the romantic glories of the Alps and Apennines. Meldorf seems to have afforded him no companion of his own age, and but little society among his elders, which could assist in expanding his intellect; but Boje, the pre¬ fect of the district, an intimate friend of his father’s, was a man of cultivated mind and literary taste; and young Niebuhr delighted in listening to their conversation, and, as he grew up, in devouring the contents of their libraries. Marvellous stories are told of the quickness of his obser¬ vation, and his powers of memory. His first political in¬ terest was excited by the war between Russia and Turkey in 1787, the course of which he followed, or, if his father may be believed, anticipated, with the map before him; and the information he displayed in matters of history, geo¬ graphy, and statistics, was from the first extraordinary. In 1790, his thirteenth year, he was placed at the gymnasium of Meldorf; in 1792 he was removed to a commercial school at Hamburg, and in 1794 was admitted into the university of Kiel. The system of education at a small German university such as Kiel, was very similar to that, little noticed and soon to be forgotten, pursued in our East India College at Haileybury. The students, about 100 in number, lived in habits of easy intercourse, and often of affectionate friendship, with the professors and authorities, frequenting their little parties, and associating with their wives and daughters. The course of study, ranging over two years, was wide, but necessarily superficial, exercising the memory more than the understanding; the students attending, with considerable latitude of choice, the lectures of teachers in the learned languages, in German and Danish history, in jurisprudence, logic, metaphysics, natural philo¬ sophy, chemistry, “aesthetics,” and philology, and probably others, delivered orally and taken down in writing; great stores of which manuscripts, more or less methodically arranged, they carried away with them to form the basis of future works or lectures of their own. On all these subjects Niebuhr gained crude masses of information which none but a mind of extraordinary activity, such as his own, could have digested. But a more important acquisition than all this learning, for the future development of his character, was the friendship of Madame Hensler, the widowed daughter of one of the professors, a woman of remarkable sense and in¬ telligence, towards whom, being six years her junior, he continued through life to entertain the most respectful regard, with whom he corresponded, without reserve, on all his thoughts and feelings, and whose younger sister he afterwards married. Here he also formed many valu¬ able intimacies; e.g., with the two Counts Stolberg, with Count Adam Moltke, with Voss, Jacobi, Reventlow, and Schlosser. At Easter 1796 Niebuhr left Kiel. The reputation of his abilities had become known to Count Schimmelmann, the Danish minister of finance, who offered him the place of private secretary. The elder Niebuhr, it seems, had looked forward to his son following his own steps as a geographer and explorer; but he felt that the delicacy of his health was an obstacle to the realization of this plan, and he now advised him to accept this opening to official life at home. Niebuhr accordingly went to Copenhagen, and entered his new patron’s service; but in August the same year he was appointed secretary to the royal library by the prime minister Bernstorff, the duties of which post he combined, at least for a time, with those of the other. Almost at the same time he received the offer of some literary post in France; and again Schimmelmann proposed to him the situation of consul-general at Paris. Both these offers he declined. “ How could I bear,” he said, “ to live »o far from all who are dear to me, among a na¬ tion to whom in general I have an aversion ? ” Such was Niebuhr, the variety of openings, not lucrative perhaps, but involv- ing some responsibility, which presented themselves to a young German of t wenty years of age, known for his abilities only in the small circle of one of the least conspicuous of German universities. In August 1797 Niebuhr went to see his friends in Holstein.0 On this occasion the regard he had long enter¬ tained for Amelia Behrens, the younger sister of Madame Hensler, determined him to make her the offer of his hand ; and the young couple, Niebuhr being at this time twenty-one, and the lady three years older, became solemnly betrothed. He returned to his duties at Copenhagen ; but his views now pointed to a professorship at Kiel, which might enable him to marry, and devote his life to literary labours. Before, however, entering deliberately on the career to which he had destined himself, Niebuhr was anxious for the improvement to be derived from foreign travel, and particularly for an opportunity of making himself acquainted with England, a country to which his father was much attached, and in which he had himself felt especial interest from a child. In June 1798 he sailed from Cuxhaven, landed at Yarmouth, and went direct to London, where he resided till October, and then fixed himself for six months at Edinburgh. Here he attended the university for one session, and after tra¬ velling through parts of Scotland and England, returned home in November 1799. His letters from this countryshow with what active interest he studied the character andcustoms of the English; but it is to be regretted that the acquaint¬ ance he formed here was confined to a few families and individuals within a narrow circle ; and the habit of hasty generalization, to which he was through life addicted, was never more conspicuous than in the conclusions he drew from his limited experience regarding the whole subject of English life and manners. In the spring of 1800, Niebuhr having obtained two small appointments from the government at Copenhagen, took up his residence there, and married his betrothed. It is from this time that his thoughts and reading began to be directed particularly towards classical antiquity, gradually centring in the history of ancient Rome. Six years passed in intense study and moderate employment, until, in 1806, his name, not only as a scholar, but as a man of business and knowledge of commerce and finance, rising higher and higher, he received an invitation to transfer himself to the service of the Prussian government. In accepting this offer, after mature deliberation, he acknowledges himself to have been influenced in some degree by pique at an anti¬ cipated slight in his official career in Denmark. His temper was undoubtedly irritable, and his extraordinary quickness of apprehension was combined apparently with some rest¬ lessness ; but the charges sometimes made against him, of ingratitude to his first patrons, and insensibility to the claims of his country, are wholly unreasonable. Schimmel¬ mann and Bernstorff seem to have given their full con¬ sent and approval to his proposed migration; and Niebuhr, as we have seen, was himself a German, not a Dane, by origin. At that moment, in the attitude of resistance to France assumed generally by the nations of Eastern Eu¬ rope, a feeling of common nationality pervaded all the people, at least of Teutonic birth and language. At a later period, indeed, when the independence of the whole of Germany seemed hopelessly lost, Niebuhr could con¬ template without hesitation the prospect of seeking a retreat for his literary labours in Russia. The change of life, however, which he now made was, at its commencement, far from auspicious. He had en¬ rolled himself a citizen of Prussia at a moment when the very existence of the Prussian state was trembling in the balance. He arrived at Berlin, October 5, 1806, only nine days before the fatal battle of Jena, which, with the disas- NIEBUHR. Niebuhr. 1 ters which rapidly followed, obliged him quickly to quit the ✓ capital, and seek more and more distant retreats in the train of the flying government. He thus passed through Dantzic and Konigsberg; and at last, about the beginning of 1807, found himself at Memel, the northern extremity of the kingdom. He had been placed in the department of finance, for which he was qualified by previous connec¬ tion with the bank at Copenhagen. The minister who had discovered his merit, and secured his services for Prussia, was Von Stein, who seems to have had the highest con¬ fidence in his abilities as a financier. But the overthrow of Prussia in the war with France brought about a complete change of administration. Stein was replaced by Harden- berg ; yet, though he lost a personal friend at the head of affairs, Niebuhr’s talents seem to have been not less appre¬ ciated by the new minister. The financial department of the commissariat was intrusted to him, and he removed to the head-quarters of the government at Tilsit; till, on the utter overthrow of Prussian independence, he desired leave to retire to Copenhagen, and there await the result. He was prevailed upon to remain; and when Napoleon de¬ manded the dismissal of Hardenberg, Niebuhr, in the wreck of the government, was appointed with four others as a pro¬ visional commission to carry on affairs till a new adminis¬ tration could be formed. 1 he finances of the country were, of course, in utter confusion ; immediate measures were required to provide for paying the interest of the public debt; and some fiscal reforms and arrangements, now set on foot by Niebuhr, were accepted afterwards by Stein, when he succeeded to the head of the government. Niebuhr w’as now appointed to negotiate a loan at Amsterdam, and thither he repaired with his wife in March 1808. There he remained for a year; but his negotiation was unsuccess¬ ful : he paid a visit to Ditmarsh in 1809, and returned to Berlin at the end of the year, where he was once more placed at the head of the department charged with the management of the national debt and the supervision of the banks. In 1810 Niebuhr found his administrative views so much at variance with those of Hardenberg, who had once more replaced Stein, that he demanded his dismissal, and re¬ quested at the same time an appointment as professor at the new university then about to be opened at Berlin. In his conduct in this matter it seems impossible to acquit him of waywardness, and of weakly giving way to his ha¬ bitual restlessness of disposition. Hardenberg was sincerely anxious to retain his services, willing to discuss and con¬ sider his views, and to come to an understanding with him ; and Stein himself, the rival of Hardenberg, and Niebuhr’s patron and personal friend, judged his conduct indefensible. In a piivate letter to Humboldt, Stein thus expresses him¬ self,—Niebuhr declares his dissentient opinion. M. von Hardenberg invites him to discuss the matter with him, and to send another plan : to this he vouchsafes no reply; mt instead hands in a lengthy chain of arguments against Hardenberg’s plan to the king, without bringing forward any other project; and now he wants to appear as a martyr to the truth. All this is nothing but a refined egotism,” &c. Niebuhr, it would seem, was beginning to pine again for the literary occupation to which he was always recur- nng in the midst of his official duties. After stating to Madame Hensler, in very general and vague terms, his grounds of dissatisfaction with the government measures, he adds, Besides this, I must confess, that my sorrow for the sacrifice of my mward life to this miserable finance often wakes up with renewed force.” He allows himself to i amble on m a very unworthy strain of reflection. “ A consciousness how dearly any perfection in this art must be purchased by a man who is fit for something better is piobably the tiue reason why so feiv honest men have ever made themselves masters of it For a lono- time past I have been almost unable to refresh myself by'study .... This estrangement from my true life has now lasted nearly three years and a half.” It was evidently InVh time to speak in the mildest language, that the man of letters should return to the occupations from which he had been so long dissevered; and we may rejoice, as he did himself, when the king acceded to Hardenberg’s recommendation and gave him the post of historiographer. The minister however, continued to consult him occasionally on financiai matters; and Niebuhr, released from the responsibilities of office, was not unwilling to tender his counsel. We may ascribe to the natural vanity of a youno- man, raised to important public offices by the disastrous circum¬ stances of his country,—for the flower of the youth of Prussia was drained off into the armv,—the overweening opinion Niebuhr seems to have entertained of his adminis¬ trative abilities. But none of his admirers—and no man has received more indiscriminate admiration—have ever pointed to any special service he rendered to Prussia in the vaiious situations he filled in the government; and there seems much reason to apprehend that, in relieving himself from his official duties, he yielded to an imprac¬ ticable temper, ill suited to the conduct of public affairs. However this may be,—and his friends, it should be men¬ tioned, averred that eventually even Stein acknowledged the correctness of his views on the question between him and his superior,—there can be no doubt that the change now made in his career was fortunate for his fame, for his comfort, and for the interests of literature. From this time Niebuhr experienced but little interruption in his devotion to letters, to classical antiquity, and specially to the history of Rome. When the Prussian government was in want of able civil administrators to direct or recruit the finances, it was obliged to seek out a clever youth from a neighbouring country, almost fresh from academic distinctions ; but when it had to create a new university in its capital city, and furnish it with a body of professors fitted bv their reputa¬ tion and abilities to place it at once on a level with the oldest and most renowned seats of learning in Germany, it could command the services of a whole corps of men, each of them among the most illustrious in his own department of knowledge. Niebuhr, whose reputation was destined to eclipse them all, was less famous in 1811 in the republic of letters than Schleiermacher, Savigny, Heindorf, Buttmann, and others perhaps of the Berlin professors, among whom he was now to be admitted. In the prostration of Prussia at this period, while Stein at least, and a few others per¬ haps, were secretly preparing the country to re-assert her independence at the favourable moment, the men of letters seem to have made up their minds to forget their political degtadation in their earnest devotion to intellectual specu¬ lation. 1 he university of Berlin gave great impulse to thought among the educated men of the countrv, the pro¬ fessors above enumerated exercised, with many others, great influence on the intellect of the age, and impressed a. character for boldness, freedom, and originality upon tho literature of Northern Germany. In his capacity of histo- riographei, Niebuhr devoted himself specially from the first to the history of ancient Rome. In 1811-12 he de¬ livered courses of lectures upon this favourite subject; and these, with the promptness and ardour of his impatient temperament, he worked up without delay into two volumes Oi a history, which he published before the close of the- second of these years. The appearance of the original edi¬ tion was unfortunately timed. The stirring political events 2 K 257 Niebuhr. VOL. XVI. Steins Leben, ii. 507, quoted in Niebuhr't Lift and Lettert, i. 234. 258 N I E B Niebuhr, of 1813 cast it wholly into the shade. Even the author, in the ardour of his patriotism, was contented to for¬ get it while he himself carried a musket on the exercising ground, and undertook at the same time the conduct of a political journal. With the return of peace and leisure for literature, the history was not found to command all the approbation or attention its author might have expected. Though at a later period, as has been already intimated, he changed his views on many essential points, he was far from acquiescing at the time in the objections urged against them, and continued loudly to proclaim the blindness and stupidity of all who refused to accede to them. It was for¬ tunate, perhaps, that a long interval was now given him for reflection. He had scarcely resumed the quiet tenor of his lectures and studies, after the return of peace, when it was painfully interrupted by the increasing weakness, and finally by the death, of his amiable wife, whose health, al¬ ways precarious, seems to have suffered much from the hardships of the migratory winter of 1806. Her parting injunctions to him were to continue his history “ for her sakeshe had perceived, perhaps, that his task had be¬ come already irksome to him, and he wanted encourage¬ ment to pursue it. But her loss for the time completely broke his spirits, and he accepted, as a relief, the timely and considerate offer of the Prussian embassy at Rome,—a post which ordinarily was little more than honorary, but which, in the contemplated event of a concordat being ar¬ ranged with the Pope, would require both tact and ability. Before setting out on this long and distant banishment, at which his sensitive nature was considerably dismayed, Niebuhr was fortunate in securing himself a second wife in the person of Margaret Hebrem, the niece of Amelia, a woman of excellent sense, though probably with less appre¬ ciation of his intellectual character than the first, and who, confident of the influence she should gradually win over his affections, was content to stand avowedly second for a time in his imagination. In July 1816 the newly-married couple quitted Germany. They were accompanied by Brandis, who has since attained a distinguished name in literature, as secretary to the lega¬ tion. They passed through Wurzburg and Munich, where Niebuhr did not omit to examine the MSS. in the libraries; Innsbruck, where he inquired with intense interest into the circumstances of the recent patriotic struggle of the Tyrolese ; and Verona, where he made his discovery of the Institutes of Gaius. This discovery was notified by Nie¬ buhr in a letter to Savigny from Venice, but he at first supposed the fragment to be a portion of Ulpian. He copied on the spot a single leaf, and sent it by way of spe¬ cimen to his friend at Berlin, where measures were promptly taken for the recovery and publication of the lost treasure. After visiting Venice, Bologna, and Florence, he reached Rome on the 7th October 1816. At the period of his ar¬ rival there he seems to have been depressed in spirits and suffering in health; he saw Italy also for the first time under the pressure of famine; and, among other personal inconveniences, the vessel in which his books were sent to Leghorn was wrecked at Calais, and he remained for seve¬ ral months uncertain of their fate. He complained of the character of the people ; he was dissatisfied with, perhaps disappointed at, the meagre remains of antiquity which were alone apparent—at least on a first view—upon the site of the greatest of ancient cities, as well as in the country around; and he was harassed by the difficulty of studying at a place where he could only read in the public libraries on certain days, and for some limited hours. Under these circum¬ stances, peculiarly untoward to a man of his temperament, he seems to have been long unable to work upon the His¬ tory to which he had hoped to devote himself with more zeal than ever; and though he was never idle, and con¬ stantly making some discoveries among the MSS. of the U H R. Vatican, he did not for some time recover the even tenor Niebuhr, of his literary habits. Gradually, however, the vexations of his position wore off; he was able to look with more in¬ dulgence on the character of the people ; he found more to admire and attract him in the scenes around him; the re¬ spect in which he was personally held enabled him to relieve himself from the frivolities of the society among which his position might have thrown him; he regarded with genial sympathy the enthusiasm of a clique of young German artists, especially the painter Cornelius, who, in their turn, revered him as a patron and director; and, finally, the birth of a son, in April 1817, came opportunely to brace all his energies, and fill him with pleasant and hopeful views of life. To the child he gave the Roman name of Marcus ; and began from the first month of its existence to lay out his plans for its future education and career. He con¬ tinued all this time in constant correspondence wflth his literary friends at Berlin, especially with Savigny and Ni- colovius; but his letters to Madame Hensler still pre¬ sent, as before, the fullest picture of his life, his thoughts, and his interests. He occupied himself with his usual as¬ siduity, but in desultory studies, tending, however, for the most part, in the direction of Roman history, the reading of the Latin scholiasts, the publication of various fragments he discovered of Livy and Cicero, and the investigation of the history of the successors of Alexander, as a preparation for the period when the Romans first came in contact with the Greeks and Orientals. During the greater part of his residence in Rome he occupied lodgings in an old palace built on a lofty story of the ancient theatre of Marcellus, which lies between the Capitoline and the Tiber. The negotiations with the papal government, to carry on which Niebuhr was ostensibly sent to Rome, were not brought to an issue till 1821, when he had been at his post more than four years. The favourable termination of the affair followed quickly upon a visit paid to Rome by Har- denberg in person, and the minister’s friends claimed for him the merit of settling it. The friends of Niebuhr, on the other hand, maintained that all the preliminaries had been arranged by him, and that the successful issue itself, though Niebuhr himself allowed all the credit of it to fall to his superior, was owing to his zeal and tact. There can be no doubt that Niebuhr had made himself personally re¬ spected both by Pius VII. and his minister Cardinal Con- salvi; but it appears that he had to wait nearly four years for his instructions from the court of Berlin, and in the nego¬ tiations themselves he could have borne little part. At all events it wmuld seem, from the serious quarrels which ensued fifteen years later between the popish Archbishop of Cologne and the Prussian government, that the concor¬ dat, whether it were the work of Hardenberg or of Nie¬ buhr, failed to make a practical settlement of the questions it dealt with. Brandis, the secretary of legation, had removed from Rome before this time. He was succeeded by Bunsen, who became one of the most devoted of Niebuhr’s friends and admirers. In 1821 Niebuhr was engaged in sketching the plan of the great work on Roman topography which Bunsen, Plainer, and other coadjutors, have since given to the world,—a work ill arranged and unequal in the execu¬ tion of its parts, but deserving, on the whole, to be con¬ sidered one of the most important and valuable of modern additions to our knowledge of Roman antiquity. Some of the chapters, particularly that which gives a general history of the site of the city,—the most vivid and interesting of the whole,—were contributed to the work by Niebuhr. In 1822 Niebuhr had been six years absent from home. The chief object of his mission had been effected, and not¬ withstanding the increasing estimation in which he was held, and his consequently increased means of usefulness, evinced on some public occasions, he became anxious to N I E B U H B. Niebuhr, return to Germany. His family now consisted of one son and three daughters, and he was dismayed at the idea of bringing up children amidst a society for which generally he had so little respect. Having obtained, in the first in¬ stance, temporary leave of absence, he allowed himself, ap¬ parently for the first time,—such was the insecurity of the country even round Frascati and Tivoli,—to leave the im¬ mediate neighbourhood of Rome, and paid a visit to Naples in the spring of 1823. Returning from thence at the end of five weeks, he took his farewell of Rome, and commenced his journey northward in May. At St Gall he passed some weeks, to recruit his health and to examine the MSS. in the library there,—a labour which was repaid by the discovery of the poem of Merobandes, which he prepared for publi¬ cation during his stay. From St Gall he went to Heidel¬ berg, and then on a visit to Brandis at Bonn, where he proposed to take up his residence until it should be finally decided whether or not he should return to his post at Rome. At Rome, Niebuhr resumed his history in earnest. Some new light had dawned upon him, and cleared up difficulties that had long, perhaps unacknowledged to himself, thwarted his efforts to make any substantial advance. But while still engaged on his third volume he recurred to the correction, and eventually to the re-casting of the two former, and these occupations were again interrupted by a visit to Ber¬ lin. Here he obtained a final release from his duties as ambassador, and was gratified with a pension. He was expected, however, to remain for a time in the capital, and give his aid to a financial commission. In the course of 1824, however, he was allowed to return to Bonn, and to devote himself to studies, directed henceforth, rather than interrupted, by the congenial duty of delivering lectures in the university on ancient history. His first course (1824) was on the history of Greece after the battle of Chaeronea: this was followed by others on Roman antiquities, in the winter of 1825, repeated in 1827; on ancient history gener¬ ally, 1826; ancient ethnography and geography in the winter of 1827; the history of Rome under the empire, in 1828 and 1829; and a second course on earlier Roman history, in the summer of 1830. The appreciation of Niebuhr’s services to literature seems to have grown rapidly at this period, and this evidently in¬ spired him with more genuine confidence in himself than, notwithstanding a sanguine, indeed we must say a boast¬ ful, habit of talking, he had hitherto really felt. In October 1825 he began to work again regularly on his History, and he commenced a thorough revision of the first volumes, without a pang of regret for the past or misgiving for the future, with the full assurance that the book was about “ to gain immensely in value,” and “ its principles to be fixed immoveably for all ages.” “ I do not hesitate to say,” he writes in April 1827, “ that the discovery of no ancient his- toiian could have taught the world so much as my work; and that all that may hereafter come to light from ancient and uncorrupted sources will only tend to confirm or de¬ velop the principles I have advanced.” When the two volumes appeared in their new form, they were at once re¬ ceived with acclamations by the learned, and Niebuhr un¬ doubtedly had the happiness of feeling that he had given a new impulse to historical study, and created, in fact, an era m literature. Among the compliments he received, none seems to have been more gratifying to him than the zeal and ability with which his work was translated by Messrs ai e and Thirlwall, and the favour with which, under their auspices, it was regarded at the university of Cambridge. Besides working at his History (which he carried on through a third volume), and the daily occupation of the lecture-room, Niebuhr found time to undertake the super¬ intendence of a great work, no less than the publication of tlie Corpus Scriptorum Byzantinorum, to which he himself contributed an edition of Agathias. His name attracted a 259 number of able assistants, and he received abundance of Niebuhr, important subsidies from foreign countries, as well as from Germany, in the shape of collections, emendations, &c. Of this work he speaks with his usual ardour : “ Is it not a great thing that a publisher and a philologist should be able to accomplish in six years from hence at the furthest, a work that was but partially carried out in sixty years, under the auspices and with the munificent aid of Louis XIV. ?” But his labours now were as regular and methodical as they were incessant. His residence at Bonn continued with hardly a day’s interruption, excepting one journey to Hol¬ stein ; his mode of life was simple, his hours of study and relaxation systematically allotted, and though always ac¬ tively alive to the politics of the day, and a regular fre¬ quenter of the public news-room, he did not suffer his atten¬ tion to be diverted to other literary occupations than those above mentioned. He no longer indulged in visions of great works to be carried on simultaneously with his His¬ tory, nor even to succeed it. He began even to limit his views with regard to the great work of his life, and pre¬ scribed the triumph of Octavius as the termination of its career. Yet he was more cheerful at this than at any other period of his life, and seems to have hoped to attain his seventy years, like the generality of people, as he says, about him. He had visions also of a future visit to Rome, “ twelve years hence.” But all these visions or anticipations were suddenly cut off. In the winter of 1830 he had the misfortune to suffer the loss of his house and some of his books and MSS. by fire. He returned to his work with more elasticity of spirit than might have been expected at his age; nevertheless he wras considerably shaken by the anxiety and mortification it occasioned him. The French revolution of July 1830 was a still severer blow. He had long regarded the progress of republican principles with a morbid horror, and his mind was now filled with the worst forebodings. He became more assiduous than ever in his study of public events, and in his visits to the news-room. At last, on the evening of Christmas-day 1830, he caught a chill in walking home from the casino, where he had been more than usually excited and heated in perusing the account of the trial of Charles X.’s ministers. He took to his bed, but inflammation of the lungs set in, and in the course of a week his illness reached a fatal termination. He died on the 2d January 1831; and his wife, who had sickened at his bedside, died also on the 11th. They were buried in the same grave, over which the present King of Prussia, formerly his pupil at Berlin, erected a neat and appropriate monument. Upon it a Roman Cains is represented as taking his Caia by the hand, and the linea¬ ments of the two figures portray, with a certain air of Roman formality and sternness, the features of Barthold George Niebuhr and Margaret Hensler. In the summer of 1831 this monument was not yet in existence; but the eyes of the writer of this notice were attracted to a simpler memorial of the great historian at Bonn, in the brass plate on which his name was inscribed still affixed to the door of the house which was his no longer. The reputation of Niebuhr as a philologer and historian had reached, as we have seen, a distinguished eminence at the time of his decease, and it still continued to rise. He was admitted, both in Germany and in this country, as a standard authority on the points of classical antiquity to which he had devoted himsell, and the revolution he had aimed at effecting in the principles of Roman history were ac¬ cepted, almost without dispute, as accomplished and ratified. According to the testimony of his admirer the Chevalier Bunsen, he was even more fully appreciated in England than in his own country; and the fact of 7000 copies of the English translation of his History (vols. i. and ii.) having been purchased within eight or ten years from the publica¬ tion, is adduced in proof of our superior discernment. But 260 N I E B Niebuhr, even in Germany, as Niebuhr himself remarked, with re- ference to the sale of his Byzantine Corpus, a class of wealthy collectors had arisen, the number of which fur¬ nished no measure of the number of readers ; and any man acquainted with English scholarship knows well that, not¬ withstanding a certain amount of superficial reading or handling of Niebuhr’s volumes, there were but few among us who really made a study of them, or rendered them¬ selves competent to express a reasonable judgment upon them. Still, the great principles of his work, his reputed discoveries, and more particularly the spirit in which they were conducted, sank deeply into the academic mind of England; and his genius, especially after it received the enthusiastic adoration of Arnold, was admitted as almost beyond cavil, or even qualification. In Germany the re¬ sults of his investigations were more strictly questioned from an early period, and more severely criticised. The time was coming w’hen a great re-action was to set in with regard to Niebuhr’s estimation in this country also. Ihere can be little doubt that the publication of his Lectures, and still more of his correspondence {Lebensnachrichten, &c., abridged and translated into English, 1852) has tended very sensibly to diminish it. The Lectures, it must be al¬ lowed, have been published at a great disadvantage, having been only taken down from his oral delivery in the lecture- room, and bearing evident marks, not only of the occasional haste and incorrectness of all lectures delivered vive voce, as these were, without even the assistance of notes, but of in¬ experienced and unskilful abridgments, and often of actual misconception. Of these Lectures three series have been given to the world by Dr Leonhard Schmitz, himself a hearer of them: they embrace a course on Ancient History generally, which must be pronounced extremely meagre and colourless; and another on Ancient Ethnology and Geography, about one-half of which is devoted specially to Italy and Rome, undoubtedly far more interesting, though abounding, to what must be called a morbid extent, in crude theories and groundless assertions. A third course, that on Roman History, extending as far as the reign of Constantine, gives a connected view of the spirit in which Niebuhr would have treated the later portions of the work before him ; it cannot be said, however, that it evinces any of the novelty or originality which so strongly characterize his discussions on the earlier period, nor is it drawn out sufficiently in detail to enable us to judge of his powers of narration and description. On the whole, it must be said that these Lectures have been received with great disap¬ pointment by the English reader, and have given a shock to the feeling of unbounded devotion with which the author was previously regarded. The publication of the Lebensnachrichten is perhaps still more to be regretted than that of the lectures. The correspondence of Niebuhr exhibits, no doubt, in glowing colours, his earnestness of character, his strict integrity, his generous sympathy with everything noble, and de¬ testation of all meanness and injustice. Yet all this was patent to a reader of ordinary insight on the face of his published History, and required no further illustration from his life and letters; while the evidence we receive from it of his amiableness as a son, a husband, a parent, and a friend, is in some measure balanced by certain indi¬ cations of peevishness, changeableness, and other infirmities of temper, which are calculated to provoke and mortify those who were most disposed to admire him. But it is with Niebuhr’s literary character that we are most concerned. The correspondence, and various essays and fragments of essays on literary and political subjects, contained in the U H R. Kleine Schriften betray infirmities of judgment which are Niebuhr, quite surprising.1 His views, for instance, on the dates of ^ ^ ^ Petronius and Quintus Curtius, are now generally regarded as founded on very inadequate bases. His theory that the municipal institutions of Italian towns in the middle ages were derived, not from the northern conquerors, but from the Romans, has been rejected by modern inquirers. He was especially proud of his acquaintance with the institutions and politics of England; yet he was wont to illustrate the claims of the Italian allies on the Roman republic by com¬ paring them with the demand of the Irish Catholics for the so-called emancipation, forgetting that from 1793 the Catholics had acquired the franchise, the point for which the Italians contended, and that their later cry was for admission to Parliament, to which the claims of the Italians presented no analogy whatever. His want of practical good sense is shown characteristically in the notion he elsewhere promulgates, that it would have been best for the world that Spain should have retained her American colonies, opening the trade with them to foreign nations through Cadiz as an emporium, evidently with a retrospect to the days of ancient or mediaeval commerce. All these views, and many others equally frivolous, are advanced with a dogmatism which is painful in a man of real genius, as in any other it would be ridiculous. Further, we have clearly seen how much he prided himself on his insight into the principles of finance: yet we have observed how, on the first occasion when an opportunity really offered for bringing this insight to a practical test, he broke down completely, and, in fact, fled from his post. Gibbon gives three rea¬ sons for the decline of the Roman empire : a distinguished English writer of the present day has rejected them all, and laid it wholly on the restriction of the currency and the want of bank-notes. This is a question which it requires not book-learning but actual knowledge of affairs to solve; and of all others it is the question which we had a right to look to Niebuhr, with his official training, to elucidate. _ Yet, strange to say, there is not a single passage in his History, his Lectures, his Essays, or his Correspondence, which shows that he had ever considered the financial and mo¬ netary system of the Romans at all. Grave complaints have been made against Niebuhr by the Liberals of modern days, for his alleged desertion of the cause of freedom. A fair consideration of his various writings fully rebuts this ill-natured accusation. That there are indications in the course of his life of some vacil¬ lation and indistinctness in his views, is no more than may be said with equal truth of almost all thoughtful men, men of speculation rather than of action,—whose lot has been cast in periods of change and amidst the trial of politi¬ cal principles. Niebuhr’s political creed is ably and satisfac¬ torily drawn up in a communication from the Chevalier Bun¬ sen to the translator of his Correspondence ; though we must here again remark the unpractical character which appears on the face of his scheme for developing the parliamentary system of Prussia. Deeply impressed as he was with the hollowness of the election system in modern European constitutions, on a mixed but uniform basis of property and numbers, he would have filled his deliberative assemblies by appointment from town-councils and corporations, a notion which he probably derived from the conventions of the Roman provinces under the empire. There is yet another subject on which it is still more pain¬ ful to speak. The character of Niebuhr’s mind is remarkably exemplified by his manner of dealing with religious subjects. His feelings on this point were from the first deep and strong. They survived the rejection which, after the many in- 1 The third volume of the English “ Life and Correspondence ” contains a selection as well as from the Nach-gelassene or “ Posthumous.” from the Kleine Schriften or “Lesser Writings, NIEBUHR. Niebuhr, stances of precipitate judgment on his part already alleged, s—we may call hasty as well as ill-considered, of the greater part of the positive belief of the Christian world. It was on the birth of his son that the sense of the indeterminate¬ ness of his own creed,—of the chasm between his feelings and his opinions,—became suddenly intolerable to him ; and he determined, and with his curious simplicity of character bluntly declared his determination, that the child “ should believe in the letter of the Old and New Testaments.” . . . “ I shall nurture in him,” he adds, “ from his infancy a firm faith in all I have lost or feel uncertain about? After such an avowal, it is impossible not to feel great dis¬ trust in Niebuhr’s speculations on other subjects, and ap¬ prehension lest, in perfect good faith and sincerity, he should fatally mislead us for the satisfaction of a theory or a sentiment. Let us now turn, in conclusion, to the History, the great work by which our author will continue hereafter to be known, and by which it were much to be wished that he could be known only. Niebuhr, it must be clearly un¬ derstood, comes before us much less as a destroyer of the early Roman history than as a restorer. Among enlightened students of antiquity the incredibility of the narratives of Livy and Dionysius was already admitted, though the main features of these accounts still retain their hold upon them, from the apparent impossibility of constructing a substan¬ tial edifice from the fragments of truth, and a natural reluctance to let the ground lie unoccupied. It was not then the destructive, but the reconstructive part of Nie¬ buhr’s History which gave it its peculiar character, and kindled so warmly the imagination of his most intelligent readers. Arnold, above all men, was grateful to his master for restoring to him the possibility of a belief in the Origines of Roman history. But a sterner, perhaps a colder cri¬ ticism, has dispelled these last shadowy visions. Among other writers,—for Niebuhr’s theories have been a fruitful field of controversy, particularly in his own country, ever since their publication,—Schwegler in Germany, and Sir G. Cornewall Lewis among ourselves, have shown, it should seem, the actual baselessness of some of the chief of his reputed discoveries. The most important of these discoveries, or theories, as we must be content to call them, is undoubtedly that which was received with unhesitating conviction, and ren¬ dered so popular, in this country at least, by Mr (now Lord) Macaulay and Dr Arnold, as to have been for many years accepted by all our scholars and students as an ascertained fact; namely, the presumed derivation of the early history of Rome from ancient national ballads. Schwegler, a very competent and trustworthy authority on the present state of the controversy, declares that in Germany this theory has been now generally abandoned. Sir G. Cornewall Lewis has recently analysed and discussed it in a masterly man¬ ner; and it may be presumed that it will henc'eforth retain little favour with those among us who have read the Essay on the Credibility of the Early Homan History. The posi¬ tive evidence on which it pretends to rest is shown to be utterly inconclusive. The passages cited from Cato, Varro, Lnnius, Cicero, Horace, and Valerius Maximus, are all absolutely irrelevant. The assumption, that fragments of t ese supposed ballads may be traced in the narrative of Livy, is wholly gratuitous; the assertion that some of his piose is actually verse, and may be read into Saturnian mctie is only an amusing fancy; the attempt to produce any analogous instance of history preserved in national poetiy is entirely futile. Such is the conclusion to which, whatever his own early prepossessions may have been, a candid inquirer must be brought by a fair examination of tne subject, as it is now presented to him. But interesting and seductive as this' theory proved to the first students of Niebuhr’s History, it was still less 261 attractive perhaps than his interpretation of the relations of Niebuhr, the patricians and plebeians, as representing respectively a v - dominant and a subject race, coalescing gradually into a V single political body. This idea, which Niebuhr has de¬ veloped with peculiar force, and illustrated by minute and multifarious learning, was not wholly new; nor did he stand alone in his own generation in "marking the import¬ ance of regarding; such national relations. The theory that most historic polities have.sprung from the subjection of race to race, and that their career is generally to be ex¬ plained only by constant reference to this circumstance, has been prolific of very serious consequences in modern times. It is not too much to say, that the revolutionary movements which pervaded so large a portion of western Europe in 1848 were directed in no slight degree by pe¬ dantic notions of the influence of race and nationality. Niebuhr in Germany, and Thierry in France, gave birth simultaneously to a school of history in which this theory played a conspicuous part. The French writer acknow¬ ledged that he derived the first germ of the idea which he developed in his brilliant romance of the Conquest of England, from a few pages in an early chapter of Scott’s novel of Ivanhoe. There can be little doubt that Niebuhr was right at bottom in conceiving that the institutions of ancient Rome were really moulded, in a great measure, by the mutual relations of different races, with different habits, feelings, and languages, and also wuth a different political status, yet combining in one polity; but it cannot be allowed that he was always successful in tracing these diffe¬ rences, nor, indeed, that it is now possible to disentangle the hopeless intricacies of the Roman constitution. Thus, for instance, the distinction he alleged, that populus properly means the patricians, as opposed to plebs, the plebeians; and his bold assertion that Livy was incorrect in using populus for the nation in general,—a theory which was once eagerly embraced as the key to much of the early history,—must now be regarded with distrust. His ex¬ planation of the real object of the Agrarian laws, which is founded also on his fundamental distinction between the patricians and plebeians,—the burghers, as he delights to call them with reference to certain mediaeval analogies, and the commons,—has been also severely contested ; but this view, so clear, so interesting, and so apparently satisfac¬ tory, may be considered as tolerably well established at the present day. It will appear, from these remarks, that even in his His¬ tory, on which the fame of our author pre-eminently rests, he is convicted by modern inquirers of error in some of his fundamental positions. His work can never again be ac¬ cepted, with the faith and admiration of Arnold, as the basis of a history of Rome. The notion of reconstructing Roman history, of shelling off the husk of the ancient nar¬ rative, and bringing to light a new body of facts, of which Livy and Dionysius were wholly ignorant, will probably be discarded from henceforth ; while some writers will always be found to cling pertinaciously to the legends of antiquity, others vvill plunge more and more deeply into scepticism ; and we may expect perhaps rather to see the accounts of the later republic and the empire pulled to pieces, than those of the kings and the decemvirate restored. It is not without pain that the students of Niebuhr— those who have been mainly led by him to look beneath the surface of history, and examine the principles of human affaiis can consent to abandon so large a part of his con¬ clusions, and modify so far their veneration for their master. But Niebuhr must follow the fate of the great inventors before him. Bossuet was the first to snatch at the clue of a Divine Prqvidence through the history of man ; and he created a school of historians which will continue always to have its disciples, however much the specific views and conclusions of their founder may be modified or rejected. 262 N I E Niebuhr. Voltaire and Montesquieu sought the springs of history in the manners and institutions of society; and they, too, have generated a school of philosophic inquiry which has long survived the reputed discoveries of its originators. Niebuhr himself indeed may be regarded as a pupil of this school, though in the depth of his investigations, the sagacity of his combinations, and the boldness of his inferences, he stands far before it, and deserves himself the reputation of an originator and a founder. It is due to him to lay before the reader, in a few words taken from the introduction to his Lectures on Ancient Ethnography, fyc., the view he de¬ liberately took of the province of the historian :— “ All history resolves itself into a knowledge of tlm cir¬ cumstances in the midst of which events occur, and of the events themselves. In an abstract point of view, the two are conveniently kept apart, although, concretely, they can never appear separated. A history which does not enter into the. development of circumstances at all, and altogether presup¬ poses them to be barren, is scarcely conceivable, unless indeed it were written for contemporaries alone. Never¬ theless, the one side or the other predominates according to the predilection of the individual historian. Livy gives scarcely anything but the nai’ration of events ; earlier his¬ torians are fond of occupying themselves with the descrip¬ tion of circumstances ; and the more ancient the historian the more striking is the peculiarity. Thucydides, the greatest of all historians, whenever he has an opportunity, as in his description of nations, dwells upon the representation of circumstances. In the earliest times, therefore, ethnography and chorography were always the principal objects of at¬ tention ; while, subsequently, this tendency decreased more and more, and the narration of events alone was attended to. The two, however, ought not to be separated; for, without a knowledge of the circumstances in the midst of which events take place, the study of history is altogether useless. The mere knowledge of a country, however, is not sufficient. The peculiarities of its inhabitants, products, and the like, must be well known to the student; and without this, history has no life,” &c. Animated with this view of what was required in a true expounder of the events and facts of past times, Niebuhr tried to surround himself, as it were, with glowdng pictures of the whole life of the people of whom he wrote. His immense erudition, his extraordinary memory, and his vivid imagination, all played into one another; and he believed himself, as he has some¬ where said, capable of reproducing before his mind’s eye the minutest details of Roman manners and usages. If he dig¬ nified with the name of “ divination ” the habit in which he freely indulged of guessing where it was impossible to ascer¬ tain, great allowance mustundoubtedly be made for one whose mind had fed from his youth upwards upon the remains of Roman antiquity, and whose fancy had never ceased for a moment to remark, arrange, and combine their scattered frag¬ ments, till they assumed at will every shape it suggested. It is his power of imagination which stamps Niebuhr as a man of the highest genius, and will secure immortality to his name and works. Even the errors of such a man will re¬ tain a halo of glory in the eyes of posterity ; his methods and principles will continue to command respect and imi¬ tation ; he will be ranked in a triumvirate of philology with Scaliger and Bentley, to whom he bears no common resemblance in his rapid intuitions and bold combinations— in his sanguine temper and unabashed self-confidence—in his aims, his achievements, and his failures. The following is a list of Niebuhr's works:—1. Published or prepared for publication by himself:—History of Rome, 1st edition, 2 vols., 1812 ; 2d edition of vol. i., 1827; 3d edition of vol. i., 1828; 2d edition of vol. ii., 1830; 1st edition of vol. iii., 1832; edition of Agathias, 1828, and Merobaudes, 2d edition, 1836, for the Corpus Hist. Byzant.; Kleine Schriften, 1828. 2. Published since his death, in English and German :—Lectures in Roman History, by Dr Schmitz, 2 vols.; second edition of the same, with additions, in 3 N I E vols.; Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography, 2 vols.; Niebuhr Lectures in Ancient History, 3 vols. 3. To these may be added the n Lehensnachrichten, a biography of Niebuhr connecting the remains Niem- of his correspondence, 3 vols., 1838, with a supplemental volume, cevvicr containing the Circular-Briefe,—a series of letters intended for cir- culation among his family, written during his residence in Holland in 1808-1809 ; together with a collection of literary and political tracts from his contributions to periodicals. The first edition of the History, 2 vols., was translated into English by Mr Walter ; the re¬ vised History, vols. i. and ii., by Messrs Hare and Thirlwall; the 3d vol. by Drs Smith and Schmitz. An abridged translation of the Lehensnachrichten has been given by Miss Winkworth, in 3 vols. (c. M—E.) Niebuhr, Carsten, a celebrated traveller, and the father of the great Niebuhr, was the son of a farmer, and was born in the duchy of Lauenburg in 1733. His parents died when he was very young, and left him in the condition of a poor peasant boy. Yet at the age of twenty-one he had raised himself to the position of land-surveyor of his native district, and was busily engaged in studying geometry. The vigorous start which he had thus made in life soon carried him on to higher preferments. While he was deeply im¬ mersed in 1758 in the study of mathematics at the univer¬ sity of Gottingen, the Count Bernstorff, the minister of Frederick V. of Denmark, began to carry out a project which had been suggested by Michaelis of sending a staff of scientific men to explore the countries of the East. The place of mathematician was offered to Niebuhr. He ac¬ cepted the office, but his modesty would not permit him to accept the title of professor, which was intended to add dig¬ nity to the office. It was in January 1761 that Niebuhr, in company with Von Haven the orientalist, Cramer the physician, Forskal the naturalist, and Baurenfeind the painter, set sail from Copenhagen. After exploring the gigantic architectural remains of Lower Egypt, the expe¬ dition sailed down the Red Sea, touching at various places on the coast of Arabia, and finally landed and established their head-quarters at Mocha. The rest of the journey was saddened by a series of fatal disasters. All the ex¬ plorers, with the exception of the judicious Niebuhr, had been persisting in living on European diet, and were now sick unto death. Accordingly, when the expedition set sail for Bombay in 1763, Von Haven and Forskal were left behind in foreign graves ; Baurenfeind was buried at sea ; and Cramer died at the end of the voyage, leaving Niebuhr to betake himself homeward alone. He lost no time in re¬ embarking ; and after passing through Persia, Syria, and Asia Minor, and marking these countries with an attentive eye, he arrived at Copenhagen in November 1767. It now became his chief business to lay the results of his travels before the world. He therefore published a Description of Arabia, in 4to, Copenhagen, 1772 ; and Travels in Arabia and the Circumjacent Countries, in 2 vols., 4to, Copenhagen, 1774-78. These works were remarkable for their new and correct information, expressed in a plain un¬ affected style ; and they soon brought the author into gene¬ ral recognition. The government at Meldorf in Holstein, made him their land-surveyor in 1778 ; many learned men throughout Europe began to seek his acquaintance; and the Danish government conferred upon him the cross of Dane- brog, and the title of councillor of state, and continued to cherish him till the close of his life. He died in April 1815. Carsten Niebuhr wrote for a German periodical accounts of The Interior of Africa, and The Political and Military State of the Turkish Empire, and several other papers. His principal works have been translated from the German into French and Dutch. A Life of him by his eminent son was published at Kiel in 8vo, 1817. NIEMCEWICZ, Julian Ursin, a famous Polish poet and patriot, was born in 1757 at Skoki in Lithuania. His youth was spent in learning the profession of a soldier; and at the age of twenty he entered the Lithuanian army. In !l N I E JTiemen. his own corps he found Kosciuszko, and imbibed from that ' noble spirit those patriotic sentiments which gave a direc¬ tion to the whole of his subsequent career. As early as 1788 his energies and talents had begun to be consecrated to the cause of national freedom. In that same year, as one of the deputies for Livonia, he became one of the great patriotic orators of the Polish diet; in 1791, in conjunc¬ tion with Weyssenhoff, he started the National and Fo¬ reign Gazette, to be a vehicle for spreading his opinions; and all the while he was fostering the spirit of nationality among the populace by the poems he published and the dramas he produced on the stage. Nor did his activity slacken at the approach of commotion and peril. In the insurrection that followed the second partition of Poland, he was a most efficient confederate of Kosciuszko, both in the council and in the field. But in October 1794 the dis¬ astrous battle of Macieiowice was fought; the cause of the patriots received its death-blow ; and among the captives who were carried away and immured in the fortress of St Petersburg, was the zealous Niemcewicz. A check was now put for a time upon his national ardour. For two years he lay in his damp cell, relieving the tedium of his confine¬ ment by reading the English poets of the eighteenth cen¬ tury, and by translating Pope’s Rape of the Lock. On his liberation, there was no resource for him but to repair, with his compatriot Kosciuszko, to the United States of Ame¬ rica. Ihere he formed new acquaintances, married a lady of New York, and became domesticated. Yet the welfare of his fatherland still lay next his heart; and the intelli¬ gence, in 1806, that Napoleon had espoused the cause of Polish liberty, hurried him back to Europe. He was soon appointed, under the newly-instituted grand-duchy of War¬ saw, secretary of the senate, member of the supreme coun¬ cil of public education, and inspector of schools; and in these capacities he began a new career of patriotism. His activity did not flag when the Russians had regained their supremacy over Poland. Though reinstalled by the Em¬ peror Alexander in the high office of perpetual secretary of the senate, he did not hesitate to keep alive, both with tongue and pen, the nationality of the people. In 1816 he revived the memory of the ancient glory of his coun¬ try by the publication of his Historical Ballads; in 1817 he pronounced a funeral oration over Kosciuszko; and in 1822 he began to celebrate the great national heroes in his Collection of Memoirs on Ancient Poland. All his efforts were evidently aiming at another revolution. Ac¬ cordingly, the insurrection that broke out in November 1830 numbered the veteran Niemcewicz among its pro¬ moters. He was destined, however, to see the favourite project of his life thwarted once more. The remaining strength of his old age was spent in advancing the cause of his beloved Poland in foreign lands. He died at Mont¬ morency, near Paris, in May 1841. Besides the works already mentioned, Niemcewicz wrote several tragedies and comedies, novels, historical sketches, and tianslations from the English poets of the eighteenth century. A complete collection of his poetical works ap¬ peal ed in 12 vols., Leipsic, 1838-40. An autobiographical fragment, written in French, and entitled, Captivitu in St Petfrfl>urg in 1794-96, was published in 1843 by the olish Historical Committee at Paris, and was shortly after¬ wards translated into English by Laski. {English Cyclo- pccdia of Biography.) ; N1EMEN, or Memel, a river of Europe, rises in the swampy regions of the Russian government of Minsk, where it is foimed by several small streams between N. Eat. 53. and 54., E. Long. 27. It flows first N., and then W., separating the governments of Vilna and Grodno ; then, aftei making a detour through the latter, it divides them Cnr /h M 0Jant ’ anc fi‘ially flows through Prussia to the Cunsche Half, into which it falls by two mouths. It re- N I E ceives from the right the Beresina, the Vilia, the Joura and other affluents; from the left, the Zelva, Szeschuppe &c’ Its whole length is 450 miles; and, though in some places impeded by shoals, a great part of it is navigable. It is of considerable commercial importance; for most of the produce of Lithuania is conveyed by barges down this river • and all the timber exported from Memel is floated down the same channel. NIEMES, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of Bunz- lau, 18 miles N.N.W. of Jung Bunzlau, and 42 N.N.E. of Prague. It contains a fine castle with extensive gardens* a church, town-hall, and school. Linen and woollen stuffs are manufactured here. Pop. (1846) 4181. NIENBURG, a town of Hanover, capital of the county of Hoya, stands on the right bank of the Weser, which is here crossed by a stone bridge, 29 miles N.W. of Hanover, and about as far S.E. of Bremen. It was formerly fortified’ but the defences were destroyed by the French in 1807.’ There are two churches, a high school, an hospital, several courts of law ; linen, cloth, and vinegar manufactures, and some trade in corn and timber. The town has also some river shipping. Pop. (1852) 5052. NIEUWENTYT, Bernard, an erudite Dutch philo¬ sopher, was born at Wastgraafdyk, in North Holland, on the 10th of August 1654. His father, who was a Protest¬ ant clergyman, originally designed him for his own profes¬ sion ; but as Bernard displayed a stronger predilection for science than for the church, he was allowed to follow his own inclinations. He studied mathematics, medicine, law, and philosophy with zeal and success. His confidence in mathematical science, however, seems to have been greater than his skill; for in 1694 he commenced a series of attacks upon the calculus, which increased his notoriety, but did not add to his fame. His first brochure was entitled, Con- siderationes circa Analyseos ad Quantitates Infinite Par¬ ras Applicator., he., Amst. 1694; a work which he followed up next year by Analysis Infinitorum seu Cur- vilineorum Proprietates ex Polygonorum Naturd Deductce. Leibnitz replied to his objections in the Leipzig Transac¬ tions, to which Nieuwentyt produced a rejoinder in 1696. John Bernoulli defended Leibnitz; and Jacob Herman, in a work published at Bale in 1700, ultimately silenced the Dutchman, to the satisfaction of all intelligent mathemati¬ cians. With the exception of A Treatise upon a New Use of the Tables of Sines and Tangents, contributed to the Literary Journal of the Hague in 1714, we hear no more of Nieuwentyt and mathematics. In philosophy he was a follower of Descartes, and produced some fresh speculations on the subject of natural theology. He attempted to estab¬ lish the existence of Deity by proofs drawn from the order ol: nature and from the marks of design exhibited in the universe. Flis great work on this subject, and the one which forms the mainstay of his reputation, appeared origi¬ nally in the Leipzig Transactions, and was afterwards published in Dutch, under the title of Regt gebruyk der weereld beschovinge, 4to, Amsterdam, 1716. In the authors own country it went through four editions in as many years. ^ It was translated into English in 1718; into French in 1 / 2o; and subsequently into German by two different hands. I he English version was executed by John Chamberlayne, under the title of The Religious Philosopher, 3 vols. 8vo, London, 1718-19, and 1730. A new interest attaches to this popular work of the solid Dutchman, from the fact only recently made public (see Athenamm for 1848, pp. 803, 907, 930), that Paley’s well- known Natural Theology seems to have been all but copied from it. Not only has the English archdeacon, it is alleged, borrowed the general argument of the Dutch thinker, he has likewise followed his arrangement, appropriated his thoughts, made use of his form, and copied his details, and that without anything like honourable acknowledgment. 263 Ifiemes II Nieuwen¬ tyt. 264 N I E Nieuwland Paley refers twice in his work to the name of Dr Nieuwentyt, Jl but in such a manner as obviously to decline the general ad- Nievre. 0f sources of his information. Paley’s celebrated " ^ v"*- ivatch which he found “ in crossing a heath ” in 1802, had been picked up “ in the middle of a sandy down ” in Holland, just eighty-six years before. An attempt to extenuate the guilt of the reverend culprit may be seen in the Athenceum already referred to. In addition to his other works, Nieu¬ wentyt left a refutation of Spinoza in Dutch, which was published at Amsterdam in 1720. He had considerable fame in his day as a physician; and his good sense, ready eloquence, and amiable character, won him esteem as burgo¬ master of the town of Purmerend, and gave him great influence in the provincial states. He died on the 30th of May 1718. NIEUWLAND, Peter, a Dutch writer, remarkable for the precocity and versatility of his talents, was the son ot a village carpenter, and was born at Diemermeer, near Am¬ sterdam, in 1764. Under the humble tuition of his parents, his infant mind took to learning with an instinctive ardour, and he could compose verses and solve geometrical problems before the age of eight. This ardent predilection for two branches of study so dissimilar, continued to be the promi¬ nent feature in his opening intellectual character. At the university of Leyden, to which he had been sent through the liberal patronage of Bernard Bosch, he was equally noted for the easy rapidity with which he solved the most intricate problems of the calculus, and the spirited elegance with which he translated the poetry of the classics. When his academical education had been finished, he appeared before the public in 1787 as the author of a treatise on the means of ascertaining the latitude at sea, and in 1788 as the author of a volume of occasional poems. It was not until he had been appointed professor of navigation and natural philosophy at Amsterdam in 1789 that his attention was exclusively devoted to mathematical studies. He published, in 1793, a treatise on the art of navigation, and two papers in Bode’s Astronomical Almanac. Other subjects of a kindred nature were engaging his mind; and he was ac¬ quiring great academical fame at Leyden in the chair of physics, mathematics, and astronomy, to which he had been promoted in 1793, when he was cutoff at the age of thirty. Among Nieuwland’s poems is an elegy, entitled Orion, which became very popular in Holland. NlilVRE, a department of France, lying between N. Lat. 46. 40. and 47. 35., E. Long. 2. 50. and 4. 10; and bounded on the N. by the departments Loiret and Yonne, E. by those of Cote-d’Or and Saone-et-Loire, S. by Saone- et-Loire and Allier, and W. by Cher. Its form is that of an irregular quadrangle; its greatest length is 79 miles, its great¬ est breadth 65 miles; area 2642 square miles. A range of mountains, forming an offset of those of Cote-d’Or, traverses the department from S.E. to N.W., and separates the tribu¬ taries of the Seine from those of the Loire. These hills gradually diminish in height towards the N.W. from 2640 feet to 400 or 600 feet high, and are connected with the Cote-d’Qr Mountains by the Mountains of Morvan, which extend westwards in the department of Cote-d’Or, and then southwards between Nievre and Saone-et-Loire. The general height of this chain is 1600 feet; but one of the peaks, called Mount Prenelay, rises to the height of 2904 feet. The main ridge of the mountains of Nievre sends off numerous smaller branches, which give the country a rugged and uneven aspect. They are all thickly covered with wood, and present a very wild appearance. The geological struc¬ ture of the south-eastern part of the department is chiefly granitic and schistose, while in the N. the secondary strata are predominant. There are few extensive plains, except at the north-western extremity of the mountains, and on the borders of the Loire and Allier, where there are some tracts of sandy but fertile soil. The Loire enters the N I G department from the S., crosses it towards the N.W., and Nigdeh. then flows northward between Nievre and Cher. Its prin- v-w cipal affluents in this department are—the Aron, the Nievre, and the Nohain, from the right, and the Allier from the left, which merely skirts the department, separating it from those of Allier and Cher. The Yonne rises in the Morvan Mountains, and flows northwards to the Seine, receiving several small affluents. The streams in the basin of the Loire form numerous ponds, most of which are dried up in the summer; and many canals have been constructed by the inhabitants, which are useful for the irrigation of the soil, and for supplying water-power to various manufactures. The soil is in general poor, but it produces enough of grain for the wants of the people. The climate is temperate but moist; and in some parts fevers are common ; from which the valleys of the Loire and Allier are protected by the warm and dry winds which blow from the S. and E. Agriculture has in recent years made great progress in the department; rye and flax are the most important of the crops; and vines are grown with success on the banks of the Loire and Yonne. Of the whole extent of the country, about 303,000 acres consist of arable land, 79,000 of pasture land, 15,000 of vineyards, 368,000 of wood, 27,000 of waste land, &c. The timber of the forests contributes in no small degree to the wealth of the department; it consists princi¬ pally of oak, beech, and maple. The mineral resources of Nievre are great, and are worked to a considerable extent: iron, copper, and argentiferous lead are the principal metals; and coal, marble, granite, sandstone, flint, &c., are found in great abundance. One of the principal branches of indus¬ try in the department consists in the working of the mines and in the smelting of iron ; the annual value of the mineral productions is estimated at L.400,000. It has also been calculated that Nievre contains 126,000 head of large cattle, 285,000 sheep, 48,000 pigs, 4000 goats, 16,000 horses, 1400 mules, and 2500 asses. There is abundance of game in the department. Besides the smelting of iron, for which there are 30 large furnaces, the manufactures of Nievre consist of linen and woollen stuffs, pottery, porcelain, hard¬ ware, and cutlery of an inferior kind. Some trade is carried on in agricultural produce and in articles of manufacture, especially timber, charcoal, mill-stones, iron, steel, copper, tin, cattle, hides, &c. The internal communication in the country is facilitated by two canals, one of which connects the Loire and the Yonne, and has a length of 86 miles in this department; and the other extends alongside of the Loire for 30 miles in Nievre. The department forms the bishopric of Nevers; it contains 4 courts of the first in¬ stance, and 2 courts of commerce; 4 academies, 2 higher communal schools, and 330 elementary schools. The capi¬ tal is Nevers; and it is divided into 4 arrondissements, as follows:— Cantons. Communes. Pop. (185G.) Nevers 8 99 111,612 Chateau-Chinon 5 59 67,225 Clamecy 6 93 72,977 Cosne 6 65 74,272 Total 25 316 326,086 Nievre nearly corresponds with the ancient province of Nivernais, which was in early times a county subject to the dukes of Burgundy. Although it never had any his¬ torical importance, this country has given birth to several celebrated men. The people are in general lively, indus¬ trious, and hospitable ; but ignorant, passionate, and much given to pleasure. NIGDEH, or Nidech, a town of Asia Minor, in the pashalic of Karamania, on a hill 47 miles N.E. of Eregli. It is defended by ancient walls, and by 3 castles; contains several mosques, a Mohammedan college, and some remains of antiquity. Pop. about 5000. N I G E K. Niger. NIGER, Qcorra, Kwora, or Kawara, a large river —of Central Africa, which has long excited the interest of geographers, and the attempts to explore which have unfortunately, in too many cases, been attended with a melancholy loss of life. The points long undecided re¬ garding this river were—whether the large river in the in¬ terior of Africa, first mentioned by Herodotus, and after¬ wards by Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy, and others, could be identified with what is now called the Quorra or Joliba, the latter being the name given to it in the earlier part of its course ?—whether it lost itself in the great Lake Tschad, or terminated in the Atlantic Ocean ?—whether it carried its waters underground through the Great Desert into the Gulf of Syrtis ?—or whether it flowed in an easterly direc¬ tion, and formed a branch of the Nile? It is now very generally agreed that the modern Niger or Quorra is identical with the Nigeir of Ptolemy and others. Herodotus gives an interesting account of an expe¬ dition undertaken by five young men of the tribe of the Nasamones, a Libyan people who occupied the country lying between that of the Garamantes, or the modern Fez*- zan, and the great Bay of Syrtis. They set out for the interior, and after passing through the inhabited region and the country of the wild beasts, they traversed for many days, in a western direction, the great sandy desert, until they arrived at a country inhabited by men of low stature, who conducted them through extensive marshes to a city built on a great river, which contained crocodiles, and which flowed towards the east. This river was then supposed to be a branch of the Nile; but without going into the arguments for and against, we may give it as the now ge¬ nerally received opinion that they had reached the Quorra at a place where its course is eastward ; and some hold that the city to which they were conducted was none other than Timbuctoo itself. Notice is taken of the Niger by Strabo ; and Pliny treats of it at considerable length, as the Nigris of Ethiopia, but in a very confused manner, and as an af¬ fluent of the Nile. Mela, however, confessed that when the Niger reached the middle of the continent, it was not known what became of it. Ptolemy, who wrote later than the preceding geographers, and was better informed regard¬ ing the interior of Africa, lays down as the course of the Niger what corresponds tolerably well with what we know to be the course of the Joliba or upper part of the Quorra. He seems to have considered it as an interior river, having no communication with the sea. The celebrated Arabian geographers Abulfeda and Edrisi, and Leo Africanus, a native of Spain, all assigned to the Niger a westerly course ; and the two former represented it as rising from the same source as the Nile ; but Leo supposed it to take its rise in a, lake situated to the south of Bornou, whence it was be¬ lieved to flow westward to the Atlantic Ocean. The early European navigators, in their discoveries on the western coast of Africa, found successively the estu¬ aries of the Senegal, Gambia, and Rio Grande, and be¬ lieved them to be the mouths of the Niger. In course of time they were tempted to explore these rivers for the purpose of reaching the far-famed city of Timbuctoo, the reputed wealth of which had excited their cupidity. These they traced till they became mere rivulets, and yet found themselves no nearer to the object of their desires. In the meantime the French geographers De Lisle and D’An- ville devoted their attention to Africa. De Lisle, in a map published in 1714, gave the sources both of the Niger and Senegal the former being made to flow eastward and the iVf1 WnS Tand’ WjUch was an approximation to the truth. vievv in his maP of Africa pub- m i 9; and thus far a correct knowledge of the source and direction of the Niger was obtained, by its foSSegar 6351 rr°m the Nile’ and "K Lt VOL. XVI. The formation of the African Association in England in 1788 marks the commencement of a new era in the his¬ tory of African geography, The first and principal object which occupied the attention of this body was the course and termination of the Niger; and a reward was held out to the person who should succeed in determining them. We pass over the names of Ledyard and Lucas, the former having died at Cairo before accomplishing anything; and the latter having only gathered some information from the Arabs, which tended rather to perplex than to elucidate the subject. The third adventurer employed by the asso¬ ciation was Major Houghton, who had acted as British con¬ sul at Morocco, and had thus become familiar with Moorish manners. He sailed up the Gambia to Pisania, and thence proceeded into the interior, but he there met his death with¬ out accomplishing anything of importance. The honour of determining the course of the Niger was reserved for the celebrated traveller Mungo Park. Having offered his services to the association, and been accepted, he, on the 22d May 1795, left England, and on the 5th of July reached Pisania, where he remained for some time to acquire the Mandingo language. On 2d December he began his journey, and after crossing the country E.N.E. to Yarra, and then turning S.E. through the kingdoms of Ludamar and Bambarra, he came in sight of the Niger near Sego. “I saw,” says he, “with infinite pleasure, the great object of my mission, the long sought-for majestic Niger glitter¬ ing to the morning sun as broad as the Thames at West¬ minster, and flowing slowly to the eastward.” He traced its course downwards to Silla, and upwards as far as Bam- makoo, an extent of about 300 miles. From the latter place he crossed the country by a more southern route than his former track, and at length reached Pisania on the 10th June 1797. At the request of the British go¬ vernment he undertook another expedition, and set sail from Portsmouth, fully equipped, on 30th January 1805. Pisania was again his point of departure, which he left on the 4th of May 1805, accompanied by his brother-in-law Mr Anderson, surgeon; Mr George Scott, draughtsman ; five artificers from the royal dockyards; Lieutenant Mar- tyn, and thirty-five privates of the Royal African Corps stationed at Goree ; and a Mandingo, Isaaco, a priest and trader, who acted as guide. He chose the route by which he had returned on his first journey, but he had not pro¬ ceeded far when the rainy season set in, and by the time that he reached Bammakoo only eleven men remained with him, the rest having either died by the way, or been left sick in charge of friendly natives, but never afterwards heard of. The expedition descended the river in two canoes to Sansanding, where Mr Anderson and some others fell victims to the climate. His last despatches are from this place. Writing to Lord Camden he said :—“ I am sorry to say that of forty-four Europeans who left the Gambia in perfect health, five only are at present alive; viz., three soldiers (one deranged in his mind), Lieutenant Martyn, and myself.” He added—“ We had no contest whatever with the natives, nor was any one of us killed by wild animals or any other accident.” He set sail from Sansanding on the 19th November, and from information since obtained, he seems to have proceeded down as far as Boussa, 650 miles below Timbuctoo, where, having been attacked by the natives, he and his companions attempted to save themselves by swimming, but were drowned. Park had been led to adopt the opinion of Captain Maxwell, a slave trader, who had been accustomed to frequent the Congo, that that river formed the lower part of the Niger. After the time of Park this opinion con¬ tinued to gain ground, and the government was at length induced, in 1816, to despatch an expedition to attempt the solution of this question. It was divided into two parts: the one, under the command of Major Peddie, was to pene- 2 L 265 Niger. 266 N I G E K. Niger, trate across West Africa to the Niger; the other, under Captain Tuckey, to ascend the Congo. These threw no new light on our subject, and were attended with very disas¬ trous results; the commanders and most of the men hav¬ ing fallen victims to the climate. More recently the tra¬ vellers Laing, Caillie, Clapperton, and Richard Lander ascertained important facts regarding the Niger; but it is to the last of these that we are indebted for having pointed out the true mouth of the Niger. His first jour¬ ney was undertaken as confidential servant to Captain Clapperton, and on the death of that enterprising traveller at Saccatoo on the 13th of April 1827, he brought home his journal and papers. On his return to England he volunteered to navigate the river from Boussa, the point where Park perished, to its mouth. His offer having been accepted by the government, he set out on his mission, accompanied by his brother John, and reached Boussa on the 17th of June 1830. From Boussa theLanders proceeded up the river about 100 miles to Yaoori, where they arrived on the 27th of June. They commenced the descent of the river on the 2d of August; and on the 18th of Novem¬ ber following they entered the Atlantic by the River Nun, and thus set at rest the long disputed question of the mouth of the Niger. The return of the brothers Lander awakened anew the spirit of enterprise, and an expedition was fitted out by some merchants of Liverpool for commercial as well as geogra¬ phical purposes. It consisted of two steam vessels, and the general direction of it was intrusted to R. Lander. It proceeded up the Niger as far as Rabba, and likewise for nearly 100 miles up a hitherto unexplored affluent, the Shary or Tschadda. The results of the expedition, how¬ ever, were unsatisfactory to the projectors, and most fatal to those who had undertaken it, very few of the Europeans having survived. Among those who perished were the two Landers—John from the effects of the climate, and Richard from a wound received in an encounter with the natives. No further attempt of any magnitude was made until 1841, when the government fitted out three steamers built spe¬ cially for the purpose. This expedition was intended to carry out, besides extended researches, various philanthro¬ pic but ill-matured schemes. It shared no better fate than its predecessors, having only reached Egga, about 50 miles above the confluence of the Tschadda, when it was obliged to return in consequence of the sickness and death on board. In 1852 intelligence was received from Dr Barth, that on the 18th of June 1851 he had crossed a large stream named the Benue, or “Mother of Waters,” which, from the informa¬ tion received from the natives, he conjectured to be the upper part of the Tschadda affluent of the Niger. He reached it at a point called Taepe, where it is joined by the Faro, in Lat. 9.2. N., Long. 14. E., 235 geographical miles S. of Kuka, and 415 in a direct line E. by N. from the confluence of the Tschadda with the Quorra. It was here half a mile broad, and, when crossed, was 9|- feet deep in the channel, but on their return, eleven days later, it had risen l-£ feet. The Faro was five-twelfths of a mile broad, and 3 feet deep, and by their return had increased to 7J feet in depth. Both rivers had a very strong current, and flowed westward. Another expedition was now resolved on to explore the Tschadda branch of the Niger, and the Admiralty entered into a contract with Mr Macgregor Laird, one of the surviv¬ ors of the Liverpool expedition, to build and equip a suit¬ able vessel for that purpose. Accordingly, an iron screw schooner, named the Pleiad, was built at Birkenhead. “ She was of 260 tons measurement, 100 feet in length, with 24 feet beam, and her engine was of 60 horse-power. Her draught of water, when laden, was 7 feet, or 6 feet when in ordinary trim. A sailing-master, surgeon, officers, and crew, were provided for her by Mr Laird, and it was Niger, arranged that she should be sent to Fernando Po, where the officers appointed by government should join. The peculiar features of this expedition were, first, the employ¬ ment of as few white men as possible; secondly, entering and ascending the river with the rising waters, or during the rainy season ; and lastly, it was anticipated that the use of quinine, as a prophylactic or preventive, would enable the Europeans to withstand the influence of the climate. Mr Laird being permitted, by his agreement with the Ad¬ miralty, to trade with the natives whenever it was prac¬ ticable, provided a well-sorted cargo, and sent out persons specially to attend to this branch. The Pleiad having made a very satisfactory trial trip across the Irish Channel, finally took her departure from Dublin on the 20th of May 1854.” The expedition set out from Fernando Po on the 8th of July, and four days later entered the Nun branch of the Niger. In the beginning of August they reached the con¬ fluence of the two great rivers, speaking of which, Dr Baikie says,—“ From our anchorage at the confluence, near the Sacrifice Rock, as well as from the heights of Mount Patte, the Chadda appeared a much nobler and finer stream than the Kwora. The latter seemed small and narrow, and could be seen pursuing in the distance its meandering route from the northward, while full in front comes pouring from the E. the broad, the straight-coursed Chadda. The na¬ tives allege that there is a difference in the colour of the two streams, and hence the Kwora is named in Hanasa Fari ’n rua, or the ‘ White Water,’ while the other is known as Baki ’n rua, or the ‘ Black Water.’ I found the temperature of the former to exceed that of the latter by from half a degree to a degree of Fahrenheit.” The Pleiack ascended the Tschadda 250 miles above the point reached by the Liverpool expedition, and within about 50 miles of the confluence of the Benue and Faro where crossed by Dr Barth; and returned to Fernando Po on the 7th of November. The party numbered 66 persons (12 Euro¬ peans, and 54 persons of colour), and though they had been 118 days on the river, very little sickness had been experi¬ enced, and no life lost. The Quorra, or rather the Joliba, though its source has not been actually explored, is said to rise in Mount Loma, one of the Kong Mountains, in Lat. 9. 15. N., Long. 9. 36. W. Its course is at first N., then N.E. to Curuassa, about 100 miles from its source, where it was crossed by Caillie, and found to be, before the inundation commenced, 900 feet in width and 9 in depth, with a current of 2^ miles an hour. Before reaching Bammakoo, it receives the Tan- kisso and Sarano, both large streams; and at Bammakoo it commences its course over the plain of Bambarra, flow¬ ing still in a N.E. direction. It pursues the same course till it reaches Jenne, when it takes a bend nearly due N., flowing in that direction till it arrives at Lake Dibble, where it reverts to the N.E., and continues in that direc¬ tion till it reaches Timbuctoo, where the Quorra proper commences. Caillie navigated the river from Jenne to Timbuctoo, and represents the banks between these places as low and marshy. Below Lake Dibbie, which is of con¬ siderable size, the river is very deep, and from half a mile to a mile in breadth, with a considerable current. Near Kabra, the port of Timbuctoo, it divides into two branches; the larger of which is about three-fourths of a mile broad, and the smaller about 100 feet broad, but very deep. They appear to unite at no great distance farther down ; but from Timbuctoo to Yaoori very little is known of this great river, except that its general direction seems to be S.E. From Yaoori to the sea it was navigated by the Landers, and was found to flow at first nearly due S., then to take a rapid bend to the E., and afterwards gradually to return and take a S.S.W. direction to the Atlantic, which it enters by 22 mouths, the principal of which is the Nun. NIG Niger NIGER, C. Pescennius, a Roman general, was born at II Aquinum in Italy in the former half of the second century, Nijne-Nov- anj rose from a iow rank in the army to be governor of Syria, gorod. jn 0ffjce {jjg graceful and athletic frame, his soldier- like accomplishments, and his rigid enforcement of discipline, secured the esteem of the soldiers; while his mild but im¬ partial rule rendered him a favourite among the provincials. Accordingly, on the assassination of Pertinax in 193, he was proclaimed emperor by the united voices of the people of Asia and his own army. The intelligence that Septimius Severus was also up in arms for the crown soon hurried him into action. He marched westward from Antioch, securing the most important Asiatic cities, and despatching troops to occupy Thrace and Northern Greece. But the chivalrous unsophisticated soldier of Syria was no match for the wily and rapid Severus. His troops were finally routed at the Gulf of Issus, near the Cilician gates, and he him¬ self was sacrificed to the revenge of his victorious rival a.d. 194. (See Roman History.) NIGRITIA, or Soudan “ (The Land of the Blacks”), are names applied to the central regions of Africa; and, as used by Europeans, include the country lying south of the Sahara, and north of 6. N. Lat., bounded by Egypt and Abyssinia on the E., and by the nations on the western coast on the W. Until near the close of last century little was known of this extensive country; but in 1790 Houghton, who was the first European traveller in Central Africa, en¬ tered Nigritia from the west; and since that time several other discoverers have explored the western and central parts of this region, though the eastern part has not yet been visited by travellers. The principal mountains in Western Nigritia are the Kong chain, which stretches from W. to E. along the south of the country; and the principal river is the Niger, Quorra, or Joliba. The land is generally flat; and being watered by the annual overflowing of the rivers, as well as by the rains, there are some tracts of considerable fertility, on which maize, millet, rice, tobacco, cotton, &c., are raised. The climate is very hot and sultry, except during the rainy season, which extends from August to October. Central Nigritia consists of a mountainous and a flat region, the former lying to the W., and the latter to the E., of the 11th degree of E. Long. The mountains do not probably rise above 1000 or 1200 feet above the sea, and the country between them is occupied with forests and marshes. The level part of this district extends round Lake Tschad, and is watered by its tributaries. It is one of the largest tracts of inland alluvial ground in the world. The soil is very fertile, but the rank vegetation renders cultivation difficult; and the climate, though hot, is not un¬ healthy. Nigritia is divided into several smaller states, of which the principal are Bambarra, Timbuktu, Houssa, Bornu, Baghermi, Waday, Darfur, and Adamanua. (For an account of these, see Africa.) NIJ AR-Y-HUEBRO, a town of Spain, in the province of Almeria, and 14 miles E.N.E. of that town. It is ill built, and has a church and two schools. There are dye- works, and manufactures of woollen stuffs and pottery. Some trade is carried on in corn, cattle, barilla, and cloth. Pop. 5820. NIJNI-NOVGOROD, or Nishni-Novgorod, com¬ monly contracted to Nijegorod, a government of Russia, between N. Lat. 54. 30. and 57. 5., E. Long. 41. 45. and 46. 15. It is bounded on the N. by Kostroma and Viatka, w ' ^azan and Simbirsk, S. by Penza and Tambov, and W. by Vladimir. Its length is 185 miles; greatest breadth, lo6; area, 18,680 square miles. The surface is generally flat, but diversified in some places by undulating heights, which nowhere rise above 500 feet from the sea. The prevailing geological formation is limestone, and iron is the only rautal found here. A sandy soil, much mixed with vegetable mould, forms the greater part of the surface, NIJ 267 which is very fertile, and produces plentiful crops of Nijni-Nov- corn, so as to serve as the granary of Russia. The gorod. principal river is the Volga, which traverses the govern- v'—v-*-'' ment from W. to E., making a bend towards the S. It receives in the government the Oka, Kulma, Kirsenez, Sara, Verluga, and Alatyr. In 1849 there were 4,689,798 acres of arable land, 729,384 of meadow land, 5,105,469 of wood, and 1,243,109 of waste land. Farming is car¬ ried on here in a much superior style to what prevails in most parts of Russia, and the farmers are distinguished alike by their skill and industry. Besides corn, the prin¬ cipal crops raised are hemp, flax, hops, peas, and beans; and considerable care is bestowed on the cultivation of fruit,—apples and cherries especially being remarkable alike in quantity and quality. The forests of this country are a great source of wealth, on account of the abundance of excellent timber which they contain, of which oak, lime, pine, beech, and alder are the principal kinds. The breed¬ ing of cattle is also carried on, though not to such an extent as agriculture; and there were in 1849 in Nijni-Novgorod 326,425 horses, 273,863 horned cattle, 475,801 sheep, 121,803 swine, and 1128 goats. The horses are the best that are bred in Russia; and the horned cattle are also of good breed. Although there are but few large manufac¬ tories in the government, it is inferior to none in the extent to which the people are engaged in the pursuits of manu¬ facture ; for most of the villages are filled with artizans, who produce on a small scale a great variety of articles. Spin¬ ning, weaving, and pottery, are chiefly carried on in these small establishments; and among the more extensive pro¬ ductions leather, cloth, cordage, soap, candles, iron, steel, &c., are the principal. There is an active trade in the ex¬ portation of corn, flour, hemp, flax, horses, and manufac¬ tured articles; and the importation of iron, salt, brandy, wine, &c. The commerce of the country is greatly facili¬ tated by the large navigable rivers by which it is traversed. Pop. (1849) 1,124,251. Nijni-Novgorod, the capital of the above government, stands at the confluence of the Oka with the Volga, on the right bank of the latter river, 259 miles W. by N. of Mos¬ cow. It consists of three parts: the upper city, which stands on a hill between the two rivers; the lower city, which extends along the bank of the Volga; and a suburb, stretching along that of the Oka. The highest part of the upper city, which immediately overhangs the river, is occu¬ pied by the kremlin or citadel, which is surrounded by a lofty wall flanked with towers, and contains the principal buildings of the town. These consist of two cathedrals; the governor’s palace, a modern building,"commanding an exten¬ sive view; a Protestant church; and other public edifices. The town itself is pretty well built, though for the most part only of wood. There is an irregular public Place in the upper town. Nijni-Novgorod has 42 churches, 3 convents, a seminary for schoolmasters, and several schools. Manufactures of malt, beer, leather, cloth, soap, candles, copper and iron ware, &c., are carried on; but the chief importance of the place is derived from the great fair which is held here annually, and lasts from the latter half of July to the end of August. The place of these fairs is a low tract of ground, of a triangular shape, lying between the Volga and the Oka, and separated from the town by the latter river. At all other times of the year this place is quite deserted, and sometimes overflowed by the rivers; but as the fair is held at the dry season, it is then in no danger of this, and always presents a very busy and animated scene. It is laid out in broad and regular streets, crossing each other at right angles, and having in general covered arcades of iron along the sides in front of the shops. It is drained by a system of underground sewers, made of hewn stone, at a great cost. Access is gained to them at several points by means of staircases; and water is con- 268 NIK Nikolalev veyed through them from the rivers several times a-day. Nile. The only communication with the town is by means of "a v , y bridge of boats across the Oka. The governor of the pro¬ vince resides during the continuance of the fair in a hand¬ some building in the centre; and there is a Russian church and a Mohammedan mosque within the precincts of the fair. This part of the market is entirely built of stone, and con¬ tains 2521 shops, forming 60 blocks of buildings. This forms the inner market, and it is separated from the outer by a canal, which is crossed by four bridges. The outer market is built of wood, and contains upwards of 2000 booths, built in a very substantial manner. In the inner market are to be found chiefly the more valuable articles of manufacture; such as cloth from Moscow, silk from Persia, furs from Siberia, Astrachan, Buchara, and other places; tea from China; and other goods. Here also there are not such great crowds collected as in the outer market, but the most extensive business transactions are carried on. The outer market, which has more the character of a fair, is generally much crowded with people from all parts of the world, and contains most of the raw material and articles of small value. The rivers during the continuance of the market are crowded with vessels of all sorts and sizes, busily engaged in loading and unloading their cargoes; and a great number of people live entirely on the water. The whole number who attend the market, from first to last, is esti¬ mated at 200,000; those collected together at any one time being not more than 20,000. The amount of articles bought and sold is immense. The quantity of iron collected here in 1843 was about 60,000 tons; of copper, 800 tons, valued at more than L.200,000; besides which there were 39,000 chests of tea, and many other articles. Pop. of the town (1849) 30,710. NIKOLAIEV, a town of Russia, in the government of Kherson, occupies a large extent of ground at the conflu¬ ence of the Ingul and the Bug, 36 miles N.W. of Kherson. It has wide and regular streets, lined with very well built houses, one storey high, which have in general large gardens attached to them. It is surrounded by fortifications; and has a fine boulevard, planted with trees, along the edge of the river. I he public buildings are numerous ; and among them the most important are,—the cathedral, a modern edi¬ fice with a richly-decorated interior; the town-hall; the observatory; the admiralty; the naval barracks; and naval hospital. The dockyards are very extensive, and provided with machinery principally of British construction. The town has also numerous schools for naval cadets, pilots, ship-builders, &c. Nikolaiev is the principal station of the Black Sea fleet, and the residence of the admiral of it. It was founded in 1791, and at first made rapid progress; but it is now in a declining state, owing to the want of good water and timber, the competition of Odessa, and other causes. It is now kept up principally by the support of the government. Pop. (1850) 39,338. NIKOLSBURG, a town of Moravia, in the circle of Briinn, and 27 miles south of that town, is built round the foot of a rock, on which stands a castle flanked with high towers. It has ill-paved and dirty streets; and the prin¬ cipal buildings are, a handsome church, two synagogues, and a ITarist college. Manufactures of woollen and linen cloth are carried on here. Pop. 8000. s NILE. The whole subject of the geology, inundation, levels, volume of water> deposits, and agricultural action of the Nile in the northern portions of its course, has been so ^vYM\y treated of in the article Egypt (see vol. viii., pp. ^4-6), that we shall confine ourselves in the present article to the southern and less known portions of this great river and endeavour to throw some further light upon its probable sources and course—that great problem which has puzzled the geographers and men of science in all ages, and baffled the attempts of the ancient priests of the Nile, NIL of the Pharaohs, of the Phoenicians, the Greeks under the Nile. Ptolemies, the Romans under the Caesars, and, in much later times, of Bruce, and the numerous expeditions under Mohammed Ali and Ibrahim Pasha. The general features of the Nile, as you ascend it from 'Wady the second cataract at Wady Haifa to the junction at Khar- Haifa to toum, undergo no material change. From time to time the Khartoum, river flows through high rocks of dark syenite, and four cataracts (more properly called rapids) impede its smooth course for a few miles; but a detailed description of its banks would be uninteresting: desert wastes and fertile islands—sandyhills surmounted bydoum palms (here taking the place of date trees), and narrow strips of luxuriant ve¬ getation—villages deserted by a too-heavily taxed popula¬ tion, and large towns, the capitals of their provinces,—cha¬ racterize the scenery. The crocodile increases in number, as in size, and the ibis begins to appear. Near Berber, about 100 miles north of Khartoum, the hippopotamus ceases to be a rarity, and the white crocodile is occasion¬ ally to be seen. In Lat. 21. N. the river makes a great bend to the east- Dewtof ward, and the traveller southwards crosses the desert of Bayiouda. Bayiouda, which skirts the western banks of the Nile, a most beautiful ride of 250 miles through a garden rather than a desert. I he path lies through woods of good-sized trees—mimosas, myrtles, acacias, hung with tropical para¬ sites ; while the ground is covered with the senna, eolo- cynth, ice-plant, and many strongly-scented shrubs. From the dead roots of fallen trees rich orchids spring, and an infinite variety of gay-coloured birds are flitting about over head. Partridges and gazelles of several descriptions abound, and the whole country is thickly peopled with many tribes, who are in the habit of travelling from well to well, ac¬ companied by large herds of sheep, goats, and camels, in search of pasture. The great desert of Nubia borders the eastern bank of Desert of the Nile, and is of a very different description. With the Korusko. exception of some high rocks of quartz and granite, near the well of El-Morah, the route from Aboohamed to Ko¬ rusko, a distance of 350 miles, lies through a perfectly level, hard, gravelly plain ; no vegetation of any sort exists, save on the immediate banks of the river, and the only well is that of El-Morah, above mentioned. After a journey of twenty-five to thirty days from Wady Khartoum. Haifa, partly in boats, but chiefly on camels, the traveller reaches Khartoum, the capital of Nubia, and the seat of government of the “ provinces of the Soudan.” The town contains about 30,000 inhabitants; but with the exception of the governor’s palace, and one or two harems connected with it, there are no buildings in it of any importance. The gardens are most prolific: pomegranates, lemons, limes, oranges, grapes, cream-fruit, bananas, prickly pears, figs (two crops), and garden vegetables of great size and luxuriance (salads, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes, &c.), are to be had here in abundance. The trade in gum and slaves is the only very important one. There is also a small export trade in gold, ivory, and ostrich feathers ; while glass beads, gunpowder, and Manchester cotton goods are the principal imports of this city, which supplies the vast territories of Sennaar, Darfur, and Fazokl. The net revenue of these provinces is said to amount to from L.200,000 to L.250,000 per annum, which is remitted to Cairo, after deducting the various expenses of government, collection, and of the standing army. The latter consists of 15,000 in¬ fantry, 5000 cavalry, and 24 pieces of artillery. The go¬ vernor enjoys a more than viceregal power ;—at once com¬ mander-in-chief of the army, and chief judgeover these pro¬ vinces. Latif Pasha, who was the governor in 1850, told the writer that he was in direct or indirect communication with 30,000,000 subjects ; but as we found him ignorant of the number of tribes inhabiting the immediate districts NILE. Nile. kuse of e inun- |ition. ue Nile. round Khartoum, no great reliance can be placed on these ' figures, except in so far as they confirm all the accounts we have of the immense population of the banks of the White Nile. There is no reason to suppose that these nations are badly governed, though they appear somewhat over-taxed in certain districts ; for the rulers of the southern provinces of Egypt are all men of great ability,—and, for Turks, of rare intelligence,—in fact, they have, almost with¬ out exception, received these high preferments as a species of transportation for being too European and civilized in their ideas. Latif Pasha was an intimate friend of Linant Bey, Clot Bey, and Lambert Bey, all of whom were in great disgrace, and some of them in the same sort of hon¬ ourable banishment, during the latter part of the reign of Abbas Pasha, the late viceroy of Egypt. The city of Khartoum is situated in Lat. 15. 37. N., and Long. 33. E. from Greenwich, within 250 yards of the con¬ fluence of the Write and Blue Niles, the Bahr-el-Abiad, and the Bahr-el-Azrek. From this point the Nile flows 1500 miles ere it reaches the Mediterranean ; and with one exception, that of the small tributary the Atbara or Tacazze (a stream which may be waded across in the dry season), not one drop of water falls into it; while it sup¬ plies the innumerable shadoofs of Nubia, the thousands of sakias which water the land of Egypt, and the hun¬ dreds of canals which irrigate the country below Assiout; and, after its long journey of 1500 miles, moving along at the rate of from l|- to 3 miles an hour, exposed to the evaporating influence of the rays of a never-clouded sun, pours into the sea, through the Damietta and Rosetta branches alone, a volume of water amounting to from 151,000,000,000 cubic metres to 706,000,000,000 cubic metres per diem according to the season. The most superstitious and uneducated of the Arabs at Cairo still believe that one drop of water falling upon some particular rock in Abyssinia causes the inundation of the Nile; but the real cause of the annual overflow is well known to be the very heavy rains which take place in the south during the months of June, July, and beginning of August. The traveller, ere lie reaches the junction of the two Niles, will have already seen some traces of these heavy falls of rain. In the desert of Bayiouda, 150 miles from the river, the sides of each ridge of ground are marked with miniature river-beds; every little valley has a damp spot, where, for a few weeks, a small lake w^as collected; and his path is often traversed by deep water-courses, now long since dried up. At Khartoum the rains are described as lasting for four or five weeks without intermission, the streets are turned into rivers, the public square into a lake, and many of the mud-walled houses fall in, though the river does not overflow its bank on that side. In 1850 the Azrek rose at Khartoum as much as 18 inches in one night. Violent as these rains seem to be, there is no doubt that further south they are much mor6 violent, and of much longer duration. The two branches of the Nile rise at about the same time. The Blue Nile, during its tortuous course, is fed by the various streams which flow from the mountains of Abyssinia, and the Atbara collects the rain which falls on the high ground situated to the N.E.; but by far the largest body of water comes down by the White Nile from the marshes and lakes in Lat. 6. to 10. N., and from the original mountain sources yet farther S. 1 he sources of the Blue Nile, or Bahr-el-Azrek, as we know by the discoveries of Bruce, consist of three large springs among some mountains 6000 feet above the level of thesea, situated, according to his calculations,in 10. to 11. N. Lat., and 36. to 37. E. Long.; thence the river flows through the Lake of Izana or Dembea, known to Ptolemy by the name of Kaloe, and pursuing a most circuitous course (at one time almost returning to its original source), collects all the streams running down from the mountainous 269 regions of Gojam, and flowing northward through a series Nile of cataracts or rapids, descends into the district of Fazokl, v ' where the gold mines of the Pasha of Egypt are situated! There, having been enlarged by the influx of the Jumet from the S.W., the river reaches the plains of Sennaar bv another series of cataracts and rapids. The natural bed of the river at Khartoum is half a mile in width, and the water in the dry season from 400 to 500 yards wide. In the inun¬ dation it rises from 18 to 24 feet in height, and is from 1 to 1^ mile in width. The water flows very rapidly when compared with the White Nile, and opposite Khartoum is clearer, fresher, and sweeter, than after its junction with the latter. The sources from which we might draw our information White Nile, as to the White Nile are very numerous, but as very few of those who have ascended this branch of the Nile above Khartoum have taken reliable observations, and as no two accounts are easily reconciled, our task of selection is no easy one. We shall, however, briefly glance at the travels and opinions of the most trustworthy pioneers. Browne penetrated to the south of Darfur, and believes Opinions of that the actual sources of the Bahr-el-Abiad are situated Browne- in 7. N. Lat., and consist of many streams flowing from the Mountains of the Moon, which he places in 6. N. Lat., 4 degrees N. of the point to which the Nile has since been ' ascended. This is a revival of the opinion of Ptolemy, and we believe the correct one,—“ The Ethiopian Anthro¬ pophagi dwell around this gulf, which is skirted on the west by the Mountain of the Moon, from the snows of which the superabundant waters of the Nile are drawn.” (Ptol., Geogr. iv. 8.) Linant Bey, travelling for the African Association in Linant 1827, surveyed the course of the river a direct distance of Bey* 132 geographical miles, from Khartoum to about Lat. 10. N. He describes the river as in many places 1^ mile wide, while its banks seemed often as much as 4 miles apart; and asserts that when the river is at its greatest height it overflows its banks a distance of 20 miles on each side. The general appearance of the country is flat; the eastern side is desert, while the western banks are covered with vegetation, stretching inland. Farther south, the river becomes narrower, and the depth increases to from 6 to 8 fathoms. From information obtained at the most southern point of his journey, he seems to be of opinion that the White Nile rises from a System of lakes, and he ad¬ vances, in defence of this view, two facts,—Is#, That neither gravel nor sand, indicative of its being fed by torrents, are found in it, and that the clayey nature of its shoals proves that it does not come from mountains; 2d, That the pro¬ digious quantities of fish which arrive at Khartoum by the first freshes could only have come from lakes, where they had been imprisoned during the low water, and from which they escape when the heavy rains commence. Mr Hoskins believes that the source of the Nile could Hoskins only be discovered by means of an armed force, and that °S inS' it would require a large army to subdue the great extent of country through which the Bahr-el-Abiad passes. He thinks that not only the chiefs, but the whole population, instead of any of them joining the standard of the invader, or furnishing him with provisions, would resolutely oppose him ; each man would fight fbr the preservation of his property, family, and liberty. Colonel Leake observes that, if man-stealing had not c , , been the principal object of the numerous Egyptian expe- Leake! ditions up the W hite Nile, they would have been more successful in penetrating to its sources. He seems to be of opinion that a route by water in the direction of the sources of the Nile is afforded from the westward by means of the newly-discovered branch of the Quorra (the Shary), which is a mile and a half wide at its junction with the Quorra, and is navigable for a great distance above the confluence. 270 NILE. Nile. Werne. Marshes. As the Shary, where crossed by Dr Barth, in Lat. 9. 2. N., Long. 14. E., was found to be about half a mile wide, this hypothesis is not an unnatural one. The most ancient authorities uniformly maintain that the Niger and the Nile are connected together; and it has ever been a favourite opinion with the Egyptian race that the Nile flows from the sea through the centre of Africa, is lost in the sands of the great desert, and re-appears in the country of the Shellucs. Mr Werne, in his work on the White Nile, gives a most detailed account of his travels southward to about 4. 30. N. Lat. He formed part of the great expedition in 1840 of which Ahmed Pasha and Suliman Kashef were the chiefs, and MM. Arnand, Thibaut, and Sabatier the prin¬ cipal Europeans. The expedition consisted of 10 vessels mounting 10 guns in all, and manned by 260 Negro, Egyp¬ tian, or Syrian sailors and soldiers. They set sail for the southwards from Khartoum on the 23d November 1840. As they proceeded, they found the left shore wooded with a girdle of copsewood and large trees, extending just as far as the annual inundation ; while on the right shore the bare stony desert extended to the horizon. In Lat. 14. 35. N. the river, now 3 miles broad, becomes studded with fertile islands. They sail past the islands of Genna, Sial, and Salahieh, swarming with three distinct tribes of monkeys ; in the mud where they anchor, large river snails and oysters are found; the low banks of the islands are trampled with hippopotamus footprints; among the trunks of the trees, still standing in the water, large white aquatic flowers glisten, and the beautiful double lotus, sacred to the tem¬ ples of Lower Egypt, here first appears; the sun sinks be¬ hind the mountains of Hassanieh, and the roar of the lion resounds on the eastern bank. Twelve days’ sailing brings them to where the great population of the banks of the White Nile begins. At one moment 15 to 18 villages, with their round mud houses, each containing from 6 to 8 inhabitants, are in sight; a few minutes after, a bend of the river opens 20 to 25 more to the view—many of them containing from 200 to 300 houses. As far as the eye can reach, vast fields of corn stretch to the eastward, speckled with habitations; while the western side continues flat, and forms an immeasurable grassy sea, the limit of which is undiscernible from the masthead. A few hours farther on, they sail through a perfect sea of lotus, the whole river for many miles being white with these beautiful flowers. Flocks of guinea-fowls fly overhead, and geese, ducks, and many varieties of fresh-water fowl abound. They proceed past forests of tamarisks and lately covered pasture land, thickly peopled with the dark handsome Shelluc or Bakhara tribes, to where (Lat. 10 N.) the river winds in two vast streams round a large island of marshy meadow land, 6 miles from side to side, and nearly 20 long—forming no doubt the bed of the river in the inundation season. When again on the united stream, they find the number of villages undiminished, but they are now shaded by the African giant-tree {Adan- soma digitata), and in the woods the gum-bearing mimosa seems crushed by the slender aspiring Dhelleb palm, here taking the place of the Doum palm of Berber. At one moment six ostriches are in sight on the western bank, and sixteen white crocodiles are seen basking on the mud islands in the middle of the stream. As they reach the River Saubat (Lat. 9. N.), near the mouth of which 17 new Shelluc villages appear, they see a large city 9 miles off, on the confines of a fertile grassy plain, covered with huts and cattle. On the western bank, two giraffes are quietly browsing; and 35 villages, containing from 120 to 600 in¬ habitants each, are remarked at one moment. In Lat. 9. 4. N. all this population and fertility ceases, and the marshes begin. The bottom of the river is covered with black moss, the current falls to half or even a quar¬ ter of a mile an hour, and the air is alive with every species of mosquito and gnat; not a breath of air fills the sails ; the heat is most oppressive, every sign of firm ground vanishes, no tree, no village is in sight, and for days they row on in a sea of grass, the burning sky above them. The only sounds are the trombone gruntings of the numerous hippopotami, as they wallow among the dank grasses. The gnats are merciless—no protection from them can be devised, and there is no rest night or day from their attacks ; sickness appears—many of the crew die, and Mr Werner is himself insensible for four days. The papyrus, 15 to 20 feet high, and 2 inches thick, bearing on the top a corolla or tuft, branching out in rays, as depicted in the temples, though found in no other part of Egypt, is abundant here. This is the part of the journey up the White Nile which has proved fatal to the success of so many expeditions. The crews have generally revolted, and refused to proceed any farther, or the chiefs of the party have fallen ill, and ordered a return. At last they emerge into a canal 100 yards broad, sur¬ rounded by high reeds; the banks seem to be of a soft green colour, formed by pale green aquatic plants—lilac convolvulus, moss, water-thistles, and a kind of hemp—in which the yellow ambac tree flourishes, hung round with luxuriant deep-yellow creepers. Few land birds are to be seen, but the pelican, the black ibis, and the dark-red stork are not uncommon. The river winds so much (Lat. 7. 48. N.), that a boat which is four hours ahead seems to be moving along parallel with the rest of the expedition, and the progress is thought good when they make 2 miles due south in 24 hours. Again (Lat. 6. 42. N.) villages appear, and city succeeds city in the pasture land in the interior on both sides of the river, and the shores are lined with an innumerable population. A small army of elephants, with the white paddy birds sitting on their backs, are shak¬ ing the branches of the Dhelleb palm for its fruit; and the giraffe watches them from the borders of the desert. Shortly after entering the kingdom of Bary the expedi¬ tion was guilty of a rash brutality, which, had there not been a good wind at the time, enabling them to push for¬ ward, might have led to the most disastrous consequences. The Turks quarrelled about some exchanges with the de¬ fenceless natives, and fired among them, killing and wound¬ ing 20 or 30 men and women. The natives are of course not able to distinguish between the Turkish soldiery and Europeans ; and as each Turkish expedition robs and mur¬ ders without scruple, the natural timidity of the Negroes daily increases, and thus casts further difficulties in the way of peaceful traders. The European portion of the expedi¬ tion seem to have behaved pretty well towards the natives, but were, as we see from the three published accounts, quarrelling with one another the whole time, and would never have proceeded as far southwards as they did, had they not been under the command of a stolid, obstinate, and indifferent Turk. From Lat. 6. to Lat. 4. 30. N., the river winds among fertile fields covered with habitations, and the horizon is bounded on the east, west, and south by high mountain-ranges—the Alps of Central Africa. In 4. 30. N. Lat., on the sixtieth day’s sail from Khartoum, their progress was arrested by ridges of gneiss rock running across the river, and forming a rapid not unlike the second or third cataracts in Nubia, and which it would have been in vain to attempt to pass without unloading their diabehies. In a country rendered hostile by their own misdeeds, this would have been very dangerous ; and having stayed at this point for three days, they made sail northwards. The river was at this point 323 feet across, and seemed to stretch S.S.W. During their stay, Lakono, the King of Bary, one of the most powerful rulers of Central Africa, and his wife, paid a visit to the commander, Selim Capitan. He arrived es¬ corted by about 1500 Negroes, all armed, naked, painted Nile. M iiollet. ■lie. NIL red with ochre, and wearing plumes of ostrich, guinea-fowl, S or cocks’ feathers among their hair. Lakono wore a long and wide blue cotton shirt, and on his head an oval net¬ work cap covered with black ostrich feathers; his neck, arms, and legs were ornamented with rings of iron, red and yellow copper, ivory, and glass beads. In height 7 feet; the face oval; the forehead arched ; the nose straight or curved, with rather wide nostrils; the mouth full, like that of the ancient Egyptians, as sculptured in the temple of Aboo- simbel; the orifice of the ears large ; and the temples a little depressed : he may be taken as a type of his tribe. His queen was most simply attired in two red leather aprons ; the head was close shaved ; and she wore her usual orna¬ ments of iron, copper, and ivory round her neck, arms, and ankles. The king, and indeed most of the court, towered above the heads of their Turkish and Christian entertainers, being all from 6 feet 6 inches to 7 feet high. This tribe do not believe in a future life, but acknow¬ ledge one great invisible spirit, the creator of all things. They believe that he sometimes visits a particular tree or rock in the shape of a bird or lizard, and here a dervish or hermit priest dwells, to whom the tribe come, laden with presents, to consult as to their domestic, commercial, or war¬ like affairs. Lakono told Mr Werne, that in thirty days (travelling) from this point, the Abiad separates into four shallow arms, and the water only reaches up to the ankles; but whether these four brooks flow from the mountains or spring from the ground, he could not say. He seemed positive that there was no snow on these mountains, and they had great difficulty in making him understand what snow was. This seems to upset the theory that the melting of the snow on the mountains is a cause of the inundation. On the 28th of January the expedition began their re¬ turn, and after eighty-three days’ sail they arrived at Khar¬ toum. M. Brun Rollet, whom the writer rA this article had the pleasure of seeing in Khartoum, has (ft several occasions penetrated as far as the 5th and 6th dftrees N. Lat., and once reached the mountain of Garbo (3. N. Lat.), the highest point to which the Nile has been ascended. I rom this place (he says) there is every reason to believe that the river, becoming less and less, could be traced about 3 or 4 degrees to the southward, to the foot of the moun¬ tains of Komberat, on the equator. The Kuendas, inhabi¬ tants of these latitudes, say, that from this chain of moun¬ tains flow two small streams which unite in the village of LoLaya, S. of Robenza, at which spot the river may be crossed on the trunk of a fallen tree. These natives could not be made to comprehend what snow was. M. Rollet has devoted himself for many years to trading with the natives on the banks of the Misslad or Keilak, Saubat, and White Nile. Adopting their costume and speaking their language, he has resided among them year a tei year, exchanging beads and iron, against gum, ivory, and gold-dust. He has a very high opinion of most of the tribes with whom he came in contact, and believes much in tbe vahie of the commercial relations which might be es- tablished with them. Once promote commerce (says M. o et), )y protecting the navigation of the river and the pioperty on the banks, and vast pecuniary advantages would accrue to the Egyptian government; for the three principal tributaries of the Nile are navigable almost to their sources. By the Saubat, the foot of the mountains of Imadon, on the southern confines of the kingdom of Cafa, may be reached; fpatJLr ftrfC C' 111 uT-°^y’ S0^-dust, gum, cotton, and • i , ni1-? ^ e. estabhshed with the nations living on t S^fthe AdX- ^ a"d the ,ribeS “ tnn?Jn °.f ir°n for ivory’ which amounted to 20 tons in 1845, has risen to 100 tons in 1851 ; the export of N I M 271 gum has increased much more. When once the Keilac Nimeguen. has been ascended to Lake Fitry, will not (asks M. Rollet) the route of the White Nile monopolize and treble the vast export and import trade which has now to pass through the great desert from the sea at Tripoli and Morocco to’ Bor- nou, Ouaday, and Bagharmi ? The cataracts of the lower Nile will always prove a barrier to any very large exten¬ sion of commerce, but a railway from Assuan through the desert of Korusko would bring those rich countries to^within ten days’journey of Cairo. All these vast tribes—the Denkas, Shellacs, and Barys—would sooner or later become tribu¬ tary to Egypt, the slave trade raging between them would be abolished, and the ancient country would regain the hio-h rank which she enjoyed under the most powerful and pro¬ sperous of the Pharoahs. If this sounds enthusiastic, we must remember that these are the opinions of a quiet middle-aged man, a clever and successful merchant, who has lived for twenty years in Southern Africa engaged in the trade, and living among the people of whom he speaks. Much hope was entertained by all those who are in- teiested in the subject, either on commercial or on geogra¬ phical grounds, of the success of the great expedition’for the discovery of the sources of the Nile, which left Cairo last spring with flat-bottomed steamboats, and all necessary appurtenances; but the premature return of Mr A. W. Twyford, the only Englishman of the party (June 1857), with the news that the expedition was stopped by orders from Said Pasha at Meroe, near the Fourth Cataract, has disappointed all the expectations that had been formed. T he source of the Nile is therefore still unvisited ; but after reading the interesting travels of Messrs Werne and Rollet, we can almost answer the question asked by Tibul¬ lus 1400 years ago— “ Nile pater quanam te dicere causa ? Aut quibus in terris accoluisse caput ?” We may assume that the sources of the Nile consist of two or more mountain streams, flowing from the mountains of Kombirat, on the equator, or half a degree south of it; thence it flows northward to Lat. 9. N.; there it receives the tri¬ butary streams of the Misslad or Keilac from the west¬ ward, and the Saubat from the eastward ; thence, stretching in a north-easterly direction, it reaches the city of Khar¬ toum, about 1500 miles from its source, where it is joined by the Bahr-el-Azrek, or Blue Nile ; a few miles further on it is increased by the waters of the Atbara, whence it flows onward through Nubia; thence past the First Cataract into Upper Egypt at Assuan, past Cairo to the Barege; whence, diverging into two great branches, it falls into the Mediter¬ ranean through the Damietta and Rosetta mouths. The writei of this article has drawn his information from personal observation, and from the following works, espe¬ cially from the last three named:—Miss Martineau, East¬ ern Life; Captain Neel, Nubian Desert; Wilkinson, Modern Egypt; John Kenrick, Ancient Egypt; Clot Bey’ Aper$u Generate sur VEgypte ; Journal of the Geogra¬ phical Society ; Hoskins, Travels in Ethiopia ; A. Melly Lfttres dEgypte et de Nubie, 1852 ; M. Brun Rollet, Le Nil Elanc et Le Soudan, Paris, 1855 ; Ferdinand Werne, Expedition to discover the Sources of the White Nile’ London, 1849. (g> M>) ’ NIMEGUEN, or Nymegen, a town of Holland, in the Pr°™e f Gelderland, stands on the Waal, 10 miles S.S. W. of Arnheim, and 53 S.E. of Amsterdam. It is sui rounded by fortifications in the form of a crescent, and entered by ten gates. The church of St Stephen is a Gothic edifice in the form of a Greek cross, and contains some interesting monuments. There is also a town-hall, built in 1554, in the Renaissance style, and adorned in front with statues of the German emperors who have conferred benefits on the town. In this hall was signed the treaty of 1678 between Louis XIV., Charles II. of 272 N I M N I N Nimes Spain, and the Dutch States. On a hill near the town are II a few remains of the castle of Valkenhof, said to have been Nineveh, ^ Julius Caesar, and occupied by Charlemagne. “~v ^ Nimeguen has numerous churches, an hospital, military watch-house, barracks, arsenal, theatre, and prison. There is a large market-place; and on an eminence stands the Belvedere, a lofty summer-house built by the town, and commanding a fine view. Nimeguen is famous through¬ out the Netherlands for beer; and it also manufactures leather, hardware, stoves, glue, Prussian blue, soap, painted glass, See. There is a harbour in the river protected by a wall; and a considerable transit trade is carried on. Pop. (185Q) 21,272. NIMES. See Nismes. NINEVEH (Heb. ; Gr. Nm^Nivem; hat.Ninus, Ninos, Nineve ; Arab. <53**) ; in the Assyrian cuneiform character probably 4-U , Ninua; or (?) sometimes tm <%] ), the capital of the ancient Assyrian em¬ pire. It stood upon the eastern bank of the Tigris, but its exact site had not been satisfactorily determined until recent excavatiuns had laid bare some of its principal ruins. Tradition, however, had attached the name to a consider¬ able group of mounds, supposed, until lately, to be mere heaps of earth and rubbish, near the Arab town of Mosul. Nineveh offers almost a solitary instance of a great and re¬ nowned city having entirely passed away previously to what may be termed the historic period. It did not, survive the empire of which it was the capital. Both perished together about a century and a half before the birth of Herodotus, the father of history. Even the very ruins of its great national monuments seem to have disappeared before any pen could describe them. The Greek geographers col¬ lected some fabulous stories concerning the magnitude and duration of the empire, and the extent and magnificence of the capital; but the only contemporary notice of either is to be found in the Bible, and the details afforded by the Sacred records are few and meagre. It is, however, its connection with the Jews, with the fulfilment of prophecy, and more especially with the events of the first Captivity, that renders the history of Nineveh of so much interest. The earliest biblical mention of Nineveh is to be found in the 10th or genealogical chapter of Genesis. It is there placed among the primitive cities built after the dispersion of mankind, and its foundation is attributed to Nimrod or to Asshur, according to the different reading of the Hebrew text, which leaves it somewhat in doubt whether the latter name applies to an individual or to the country of Assyria. It would appear from the context that the Jews believed it to have been built and inhabited by the same race that raised Babylon, from which city the Ninevites were a colony. The next allusion to it, according to the generally received chronology, would be in the book of Jonah, B.c. 850; but some German critics have shown that that narrative could scarcely have been compiled earlier than the fifth century b.c., and consequently long after the destruction of the city. It is there described as an “ exceeding great city, of three days’ journey,” containing “ more than six score thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left, and also much cattle.” Nahum, when foretelling its approaching fate, about 720 B.c., alludes to its vast riches of silver and gold (ii. 9), and the multitude of its great men and merchants (iii. 16, l7). It is next men¬ tioned in Isaiah as the residence of Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, about 710 B.c. Zephaniah prophesies its impending ruin; and this is the last allusion to it we find in Scripture as an existing city. In the apocryphal books it is spoken of as the dwelling-place of Tobitand his family, and in Judith as the capital of Nebuchodonosor, King of Assyria. Zephaniah prophesied in the reign of Josiah, the date of whose death may be fixed about 609 B.c. Jeremiah Nineveh, (xxv. 18-26) enumerating, in the first year of the Captivity, or about 605 B.C., “ the kings of the north far and near, and all the kingdoms of the world,” omits from the list Assyria and Nineveh. It has been presumed, therefore, that both empire and city had ceased to exist, and that their fall had taken place between 609 and 605. This date is remarkably consistent with the statement of Hero¬ dotus, that Cyaxares conquered the Assyrians after the expulsion of the Scythians from Western Asia,—an event which did not occur, according to the most accurate com¬ putation, until 606 B.C.; the precise date which may therefore be assigned with some confidence, as founded upon the concurrent testimony of sacred and profane his¬ tory, to the ultimate destruction of Nineveh. (Clinton, Fasti Hellenici, i. 269.) It would appear, however, from the statements of Greek writers, that about two centuries and a half before that period the city had been devastated, if not destroyed, by Arbaces, King of the Medes, upon whose successful invasion of Assyria, Sardanapalus, the last monarch of the ancient Assyrian dynasty, burnt himself with his wives and riches on the funeral pile, according to the well-known Greek legend. Although Abydenus places this event 67 years before the first Olympiad, or 843 B.c. (Euseb. Chmn. i. 12), it has been confounded with the final overthrow of the empire, which occurred 237 years later, upon the invasion of Assyria by the combined armies of Cyaxares, King of Persia and Media, and Nabopo- lassar, King, or more probably Satrap, of Babylon, who had rebelled against the King of Assyria. Many ancient writers bring the Assyrian empire to a close with the death ot Sardanapalus. To reconcile this confusion of dates and events, it has been conjectured that there were two kings of the same name, and that the second Sardanapalus, who was also called Saracus, was the last of the second dynasty, and, like his predecessor, destroyed himself with his palaces and wealth when his capital was about to fall into the hands of his enemies. Josephus, on the other hand (Ant. ix. 11, 3), distinguishes between the extinction of the Assyrian empire and the fall of Nineveh ; the latter he places 115 years after the date of Nahum’s prophecy, or about 626 B.c.; the former (x. 2, 2), in the reign of Hezekiah, probably on the murder of Sennacherib by his sons, or 710 B.C. Hitherto the discoveries amongst the ruins of the city, and the interpretation of the cuneiform inscriptions, have furnished no evidence of any conquest of Assyria by a foreign race corresponding with the statements of the Greek historians and of Josephus, although there is reason to believe from the monuments that a change of dynasty took place about 750 B.C. It may therefore be presumed that the supposed destruction of Nineveh by Arbaces refers rather to a revolt of the Medes, ultimately suppressed, with which it has been confounded, than to a revolution causing the over¬ throw of the empire and an organic change of government. The whole question is involved in so much obscurity, that it can scarcely be determined by any attempt, however ingenious, to reconcile the conflicting statements of Greek writers. A better acquaintance with the contents of the cuneiform inscriptions can alone afford authentic informa¬ tion upon this subject. The earliest mention of Nineveh after its fall is to be found in the Greek geographers. Herodotus, b.c. 440, alludes to it, wKen describing a canal connecting the Euphrates with the Tigris, as having stood upon the banks of this latter river (i. 193); and again mentions it casually in his sketch of Assyrian history. He evidently speaks of it as no longer existing in his day. As he gives so ample a description of Babylon, and as, in his journey thither, he probably descended the Tigris, and must have passed the very site of the sister city, it is to be presumed that he would have left some account even of any ruins that might have NINEVEH. been still standing. The supposition that Nineveh had been entirely destroyed and deserted by its inhabitants long before his time, and had not been rebuilt, is confirmed by the fact, that Xenophon does not even mention the name of Nineveh, although, when leading the Ten Thousand in their memorable retreat through the Assyrian plains forty years later, he actually marched over the ground on which the city once stood ; a remarkable circumstance, considering the important part Nineveh had played in the history of Asia. He de¬ scribes, however, a large uninhabited castle, the walls of which consisted of a plinth 50 feet high, and as many broad, built of polished stones full of shells, and supporting a super¬ structure of brick masonry of the same breadth, but double the height. He gives no name to these ruins, although they were actually the walls of part of the ancient city of Nineveh, merely observing that they were near a Median town called Mespila, also, it would appear, uninhabited. Some similarity in the name has suggested the identification of this place with Mosul, which stands on the western bank of the Tigris, immediately opposite the remains described by the Greek commander. Ctesias, who was Xenophon’s contemporary, describes the city as one which had never been exceeded in the extent and magnificence of its walls, but makes the strange blunder of placing it on the Euphrates {Frag. i. 4), in which he has been followed by Diodorus Siculus (ii. 27, 28), and which can only be accounted for on the supposition, either that the city had completely disappeared, or that an error had crept at a very early period into the original text. A frag¬ ment from Ctesias, preserved by Nicolaus Damascenus, restores the city to its true site on the Tigris (K. O. Muller Frag. Hist. Grcec. iii. 858). About seventy years after the retreat of the Ten Thousand, Alexander fought his great battle of Arbela near the village of Gaugamela, almost within sight of the very ruins described by Xenophon ; yet none of the historians of his campaigns ever allude to them, or mention the name of Nineveh. Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Ptolemy, and other writers, only lefer to the city as having been the capital of the extinct Assyrian empire, or describe some of its monuments from traditions preserved in earlier records. We may therefore conclude that Nineveh was not only entirely deserted and destroyed after its capture by the Persians and Babylonians, but that no attempt was made to rebuild or re-occupy it. Indeed, its position was not such as to render it important as a centre of trade or traffic. It could only have risen to greatness and wealth as the capital of an empire and the seat of government. When Babylon usurped those honours, a busy population was no longer attracted to Nineveh. Some centuries later, however, a small fortified town, probably of Parthian origin, seems to have been built on the ruins of the ancient city, and to have been even called by its name. From the numerous Roman and Parthian remains, such as fragments of terra cotta figures and coins, found in the rubbish which had accumulated over the Assy¬ rian ruins, we may suppose that it stood on one of the great mounds opposite Mosul. Ammianus Marcellinus (xxiii. 20) mentions “ Nineve,” and Tacitus (xii. 3) alludes to the capture of “ Ninos ” by Meherdates. It became incorpo¬ rated at one time in the Roman empire; and two Roman coins are known to have been struck there; one of Traian, Ti!h thec ie/e?d AUG> FELL NINI CLAY, the ptIvtv TXirainus’ with the leSend COL. NINIVA. r v, , would seem’ from the epithet “ Claudio- po is, that the new town had been restored or rebuilt under the Emperor Claudius. (Layard, Nin. and Bab. 591.) It appears to have also borne at one time the name of Hierapohs. In a tomb, probably of Parthian origin, found Maxhffinus6 rUlnS, ^ preServedaSold coin of the Emperor A small village called Ninoua is mentioned both by the yoL. xvi, ; Arab geographers and by European travellers as standi no¬ on the site of Nineveh in the middle ages. Both villao-e and name have long since disappeared. The tradition of the site of the ancient city is, however, still preserved by the few Christians who live around the ruins, and by the Mohammedans in their peculiar veneration for an edifice supposed, but without any reason whatever, to cover the tomb of Jonah, built over one of the principal buried ruins and probably upon the foundations of an early Christian church or monastery dedicated to the prophet. The great mound opposite Mosul on which the Roman or Parthian fortress of Ninos is supposed to have stood, is now called by the Turks Kouyunjik—i.e., “ The Little Sheepby the Aiabs, Armousheeah. The origin oi both names is un- known. I he ruins opposite Mosul have been mentioned by most travellers, ancient and modern, who have visited that town ; but the first to give any accurate description and plan of Uiem was Mr Rich, for some years political agent of the East India Company at Baghdad. In the year 1820 he was able to make a careful survey of them, which was sub¬ sequently published by his widow. The Arabs in the neighbourhood informed him that some time previous to his visit the figures of men and animals sculptured in stone had been dug out of one of the mounds. They had been im¬ mediately destroyed by the Mohammedans as idols belonging to the infidels, and Mr Rich was unable to obtain even a fragment. He only succeeded in collecting a few speci- ments of pottery and bricks inscribed with cuneiform cha¬ racters, and one or two Assyrian relics. Ruins similar to those examined by Mr Rich abound in the region watered by the Euphrates and Tigris. They consist of enormous mounds of earth rising abruptly from the plain. At some distance they appear like natural elevations or mere heaps of earth ; it is only on closer inspection that they are found to be the work of men’s hands. Where the winter rains have worn deep furrows in their sides, may be traced masses of solid masonry, either of bricks baked in the kiln, or simply dried in the sun. On and around them, far and wide, are scattered fragments of pottery, the sure sign of former population. The Arabs not unfrequently choose these artificial elevations as the site of their villages of rude mud huts, either building upon their summit, as a position easy of defence against marauding Bedouins, or at their foot. They call them 7W, a name by which they appear to have been known even in the time of the Jewish cap¬ tivity. The principal mounds of this description on or near the site of Nineveh are those already mentioned near Mosul, usually identified with the remains of the city; Nimroud, near the junction of the Rivers Tigris and Great Zab, about 20 miles to the S. of Kouyunjik; Selamiyah, 3 miles to the N. of Niinroud; Khorsabad, 12 miles to the N.E. of Mosul; and Karamles, about 15 miles to the N.E. of Nimroud. The space between these ruins contains nume¬ rous smaller mounds covering the remains of ancient edifices; and on all sides may be found the traces of former habita¬ tions.^ The groups of Kouyunjik, Nimroud, Selamiyah, and Khorsabad, are remarkable as each comprising one or moi e large mounds, and the remains of a regular system of walls and defences inclosing a considerable area. The other ruins are isolated and scattered over the face of the country without apparent order or design. In the year 1841 M. Botta, who had been recently ap¬ pointed French consul at Mosul, determined to examine more carefully than had hitherto been attempted the mound of Kouyunjik. For this purpose he employed a party of Arabs to excavate in it, but without other result than the discovery of a few fragments of inscribed slabs. A peasant having informed him that remains of ancient buildings had been found at Khorsabad in digging the foundation of a house, he removed his workmen to that ruin. He was 2 M 273 Nineveh. 274 NINE Nineveh, almost immediately rewarded by the discovery of a series of V'-""-'' upright slabs in a coarse grayish alabaster, sculptured in bas- relief, with figures of men and animals, and with inscriptions in the cuneiform or arrow-headed character, then only known from Persian monuments of the Achmenian dynasty, and a few fragments from the ruins of Assyria and Baby¬ lonia. These slabs were found to be the panelling of the lower part of a room filled with earth and rubbish. A doorway opened into a second apartment, and further exca¬ vations disclosed a series of halls and chambers of different dimensions lined with similar sculptured slabs. After some months’ labour, the greater part of the ground plan of a magnificent palace was laid bare. This edifice had evidently been destroyed by fire, which had calcined the alabaster slabs. A mass of charred wood, bricks, and other materials, employed in the construction of the building, completely covered the ruins. Above this heap of rubbish soil had accumulated. The surface of the mound yearly produced a crop of barley or corn, and on one part stood a small Arab village. The huts were pur¬ chased, and pulled down. Subsequently, under the direc¬ tions of M. Place, the ruins of a propylaeum and of a broad flight of steps leading up to the building were uncovered. The principal mound at Khorsabad may be divided into two parts; an upper, about 650 feet square, and 30 feet high; and a lower, connected'with it, about 1350 feet by 300. At one corner it is a low pyramidal elevation, which may mark the remains of a watch-tower or the superstiucture of a royal tomb. The entire quadrangle, inclosed by walls, would be about 1£ mile square. It contains no other ruin of any importance. M. Botta’s discoveries at Khorsabad were followed by those of Mr Layard at Nimroud, where ruins of a similar character, though of greater antiquity and of more import¬ ance, as being the remains of buildings of several different epochs, were uncovered. A mound 700 yards by 400, surmounted by a conical elevation or pyramid 140 feet high, forms the corner of a walled inclosure 2331 yards by 2095 in the widest part. The Tigris once flowed under the western face of this quadrangle, and at the foot of the great mound. It is now 1-J mile distant. The northern wall still shows the remains of fifty-eight nearly equidistant towers; in the eastern only fifty can be traced. A deep ditch or moat appears to have defended such parts of the inclosure as were not protected by the river. 1 he remains of several distinct buildings, erected by different kings, were found in the principal mound. In one instance, ma¬ terials, such as sculptured slabs, had been taken from one edifice to be used in the erection of another. Some had been destroyed by fire, others appeared to have been sud¬ denly covered by the falling in of the upper stories. In the one case, the sculptures were calcined, as at Khorsabad; in the other, they were perfectly preserved with all their original sharpness and minute details. Many of the cham¬ bers were panelled with slabs having nothing but the same inscription repeated over and over again. Others were lined with bas-reliefs singularly interesting and elaborate. The pyramid was found to be the remains of a square edifice, solidly constructed of sun-dried bricks, faced to the height of 20 feet with masonry of large stones carefully squared and bevelled, and above that height with kiln- burned bricks. In the interior was discovered one vaulted gallery 100 feet long, 12 high, and only 6 broad. It was probably a royal sepulchre, but had been despoiled at some remote period of its contents. It has been conjectured that it may represent the tomb of Sardanapalus, which the Greeks described as placed at one of the entrances to the city. No remains of modern habitations existed in any part of the ruins. A small Arab village, named after them, has been built about one mile from the great mound. Excavations were also carried on by Mr Layard in the Y E H. ruins opposite Mosul, which consist of two principal mounds, Nineveh Kouyunjik, and that of Nebbi Yunus (or the tomb of the prophet Jonah). On the sides and at the foot of the latter, facing the river, is an Arab village, and the summit is covered with the graves of Mohammedans who have been buried around the holy edifice. A village formerly stood on Kouyunjik, but its inhabitants deserted it many years ago, and established themselves in the plain beneath. The two mounds form part of the western or river side of the fortified inclosure. Kouyunjik, the largest, measures about 866 yards by 500; Nebbi Yunus, 566 by 400. They are connected by the remains of part of the wall forming the western face of the quadrangle, which is 4530 yards in entire length. The northern wall is 2330 yards; the eastern, which forms a considerable curve, is about 5300; whilst the southern is scarcely 1000; the inclosure having thus the form of an irregular quadrangle, approaching to a trapezium. The northern face was defended by a deep moat; the western was protected by the Tigris, which washed the walls, but has long since deserted its ancient bed, and now flows about three-fourths of a mile from Kouyunjik; still, however, approaching the north-west corner of the inclosure. On the southern face was a ditch and an exterior rampart. The eastern face, being the most exposed, was the most strongly fortified. For this purpose the nature of the ground offered many advantages. The Khausser, a deep, sluggish stream, divides the quadrangle into two nearly equal parts, and winds round the base of Kouyunjik. Before entering the quadrangle, it runs for about 1J mile parallel to and near the wall, thus furnishing a strong natural defence. A low ridge of conglomerate rock beyond the Khausser was heightened, by artificial means, to form strong outer ramparts. The fortifications to the south of the point where the Khausser enters the inclosure were very extensive and complete. Two deep and broad ditches, fed by that stream, one dividing itself into two branches, and the outer and larger moat being no less than about 200 feet in width, were separated by a second wall or rampart; whilst a third, still in some places about 100 feet high, faced the open country, and extended almost the entire length of the quadrangle. This outer wall was probably that described by Diodorus Siculus as 100 feet high, and sufficiently wide for three chariots to drive abreast upon it. Its length he absurdly exaggerated. It appears to have been constructed chiefly of the earth and rubbish NINEVEH. Nineveh, removed to form the ditch. No remains of stone facings —have been found. The inner wall was built of stone and brick masonry. It no doubt resembled those of the fortified cities represented in the Assyrian bas-reliefs, with towers at equal distances (many may still be traced), and surmounted by ornamental battlements of stone, portions of which have been found among the ruins. The entrances or gateways were probably arched; two have been discovered and partly excavated, one nearly in the centre of the northern, the other in the inner eastern wall. The former consisted of two halls, 70 feet by 23, opening upon the plain, and upon the interior of the inclosure by gateways flanked by colossal man-headed bulls and winged human figures. On the pavement of limestone slabs could still be traced the ruts of the chariot wheels. From the immense mass of bricks, charred wood, and rubbish in which this gateway was buried, it may be conjectured that a lofty tower rose above it, which, like the palace, was destroyed by fire. The ruins of the palace at Kouyunjik are similar to those at Nimroud and Khorsabad, but belong to an edifice of greater extent and magnificence than either. The dimensions of the principal courts or halls exceed those of any other Assyrian building yet discovered. Every part of the palace was adorned with sculptures. During the ex¬ cavations carried on by Mr Layard no less than 71 cham¬ bers, panelled with nearly two miles of bas-reliefs, and 27 entrances formed by colossal winged bulls or lion sphinxes, were uncovered, and scarcely half the palace was examined. Works since carried on under the superintendence of Mr Hormuzd Rassam and of Mr Loftus have brought to light a large number of additional apartments. The sanctity attached by the Mohammedans of Mosul to the tomb of Jonah, has prevented Europeans from explor¬ ing to any extent the mound upon which it stands. Re¬ mains of building resembling those at Kouyunjik, and of nearly the same period, were, however, discovered by Mr Layard; and subsequent excavations on a small scale, undertaken by the Turkish government, have proved the existence of a palace adorned with sculptures and sphinxes. The ruins of a palace or temple have also been discovered in the mound of Shereef-Khan, about 5J- miles to the north of Kouyunjik; and nearly all the mounds scattered over the plain between the Tigris and the hills have, when examined, been found to contain remains of edifices, but none have furnished sculptured or inscribed slabs. The principal ruins in the district are,—Selamiyah, three miles north of Nimroud, with a walled inclosure about three miles in circuit; Karamles (near the field of the battle of Gaugamela or Arbela); Baashiekha; and Baazani. The most ancient Assyrian edifice hitherto discovered is that at the north-western corner of the mound of Nim¬ roud. It appears to have been rebuilt, if not founded, by a king whose name is believed, by some interpreters of the cuneiform character, to read Asshur-dan-pal, And to cor¬ respond with the Greek Sardanapalus. The approximate date of his reign may be from 950 to 920 b.c. His son, whose name is read Shalmanee-bar, erected a second palace in the centre of the same mound. His grandson (? Phal- lukha), whois identified with the Scriptural Pul, and whose queen is supposed to have been the celebrated Semiramis, ei name having been found on monuments from this build- in?plre^)u^t e(^ifice5 and founded a third near the spot. • ^ ,1°.next, Pa^ace in order of date is that at Khorsabad, raised by a king who has been identified with the Sargon o saiah (xx.), and who would have consequently reigned 275 about i25 B.c. The ruins of this building were called, after Nineveh, him, Saraoun even long after the Arab conquest. ’ The great palace excavated at Kouyunjik was founded by Sen¬ nacherib about 700 B.c., as well as those at Shereef-Khan and at Nebbi-Yunus, the latter of which appears to have been finished by his son Essarhaddon, who added an addi¬ tional edifice to the group already erected at Nimroud, and for this purpose appears to have destroyed, or taken materials from, those built by Sardanapalus, by the Tiglath- pileser of Scripture, and others, his predecessors. The son of Essarhaddon, whose name also has some resemblance to Sardanapalus, completed or enlarged the palace of his grandfather at Kouyunjik, and added to that at Shereef- Khan. Remains of an edifice belonging to his son, rudely constructed, and without the usual ornamental sculptures, were discovered in the south-east corner of the mound of Nimroud. It is possible that all these palaces may have been built upon the sites of more ancient edifices, of which, however, no traces have hitherto been found. There can be little doubt that Nineveh was founded several centuries previous to the erection of the earliest buildings as yet uncovered. If any value is to be attached to the dynastic lists of Cte- sias and other Greek writers, which are, however, rejected as entirely untrustworthy by the interpreters of the cunei¬ form inscriptions, the city must have existed nearly twenty- two centuries B.c.; and this conjecture is strengthened by its agreement with biblical chronology. The name of Ni¬ neveh occurs more than once on Egyptian monuments of Thothmes III., or fourteen centuries B.c. Kings who oc¬ cupied the throne long previous to the first Sardanapalus, the builder of the north-west palace at Nimroud, are men¬ tioned in the inscriptions; but although Nineveh appears to have been a flourishing city even under those monarchs, the capital of the empire, according to Sir Henry Rawlin- son, was some 60 miles lower down the Tigris, on the western bank, and is marked by the ruins of Kalah- Sherg- hat, where monuments of a highly interesting character have been discovered. The first of these kings may have reigned about twelve centuries B.c., but there is reason to believe that events of Assyrian history are alluded to on monuments of a much earlier date. According to the in¬ scriptions it would seem that Sennacherib was the first to move the seat of government to Nineveh, which he almost entirely rebuilt, the city having fallen into decay and ruin. But it must be observed, with reference to all conjectures founded upon the interpretation of the cuneiform characters, that our present knowledge of the ancient writing and lan¬ guage of Assyria is far too uncertain to admit of any positive conclusions. The dates of the earlier edifices at Nineveh depend entirely upon the correct rendering of the inscrip¬ tions. We know that the ruins of the north-west palace at Nimroud are the most ancient yet discovered, and the traditions still existing in the country point to them as such ; but as yet we have no positive evidence to identify its founder with any monarch mentioned in history, or the date of whose reign can be established by any proof.1 On the other hand, there is much concurrent evidence of a very remarkable character, besides the interpretation of the names on the monuments themselves, to enable us to assign the palaces of Khorsabad, and Kouyunjik to Sargon and Sennacherib. On monuments of the latter monarch have been discovered inscriptions of extraordinary interest, containing the name of Hezekiah, and a record of the inva¬ sion of Judea and siege of Lachish, mentioned in the book of Kings. be made of Jehu^ the^nn ^ ^ ^useum) raised by the son of the founder of the north-west palace, mention is believed to meats from the same edifif the T °f Kumri”.and of Samaria as “ ^h-Kumri,” (the House of Omri); and on monu- Assvria In an inarrinf ’ fenia*a ’ kin£> ^)ainascus (J lGnSs XXJ *s suPl)0se(l to be included in the list of kings who paid tribute to Tyre,” arc spoken of. ?t °f & m0narch’ ascertained to be the Scriptural Pul, “ Menahem, King of Samaria, and Hiram, King of NINEVEH. 276 Nineveh. Such being the ruins on or near the site of Nineveh, and their relative antiquity, it remains to be determined which represent the ancient city. It is evident that the space inclosed within the quadrangle opposite Mosul could not have contained a capital of such vast extent and importance as is assigned to Nineveh by the concurrent testimony of sacred and profane writers. The descrip¬ tion in the book of Jonah is too vague and obscure to convey any definite idea of its size. Do the three days’ journey imply the circuit of the city, its extreme length, or the time employed in traversing its principal streets ? Are the “ six score thousand persons who did not know their right hand from their left” intended to comprise a particular class, such as children; or is the expression used to mark the general ignorance of the whole population ? In the one case, the city would have been of enormous extent, and would have contained about 600,000 inhabitants; in the other, it would have been of moderate size, with a po¬ pulation of 120,000. The dimensions assigned to Nineveh by the Greek geographers are more definite ; and although in many respects undoubtedly fabulous, curiously confirm those given in the book of Jonah. Diodorus Siculus, who derived his information chiefly, it would appear, from Cte- sias, states that the city formed a quadrangle 150 stadia by 90, the square being thus 480 stadia, or about 60 miles, cor¬ responding to the three days’ journey of Jonah. Strabo declares that Nineveh was larger than Babylon, the circuit of whose walls were, according to him, 385 stadia ; and ac¬ cording to Herodotus 480. The inclosure of Kouyunjik being scarcely 9 miles in circuit, including even the outer ramparts, cannot be that described by Diodorus ; but as an instance of the inaccuracy of Greek writers in giving such dimensions, or of errors that may have crept into the text of their works, we find this very quadrangle opposite Mosul stated by Xenophon, after actual personal observa¬ tion, to be six parasangs, or about 18 miles in circuit, just double its actual extent.1 To reconcile all conflicting statements, it has been con-, jectured that Kouyunjik, Khorsabad, Nimroud, and Karam- les, with the numerous ruins in the intervening plain, may represent altogether the site of Nineveh. The careful surveys of Captain Felix Jones of the East India Com¬ pany’s navy (published by the East India Company), prove that these mounds occupy the four corners of a square, inclosing an area agreeing very nearly with that assigned to the city by Diodorus. It is assumed that each of these four groups was a fortified quarter of the city, a place of refuge and defence, including the palace of the king and his attendants, the temples and the dwelling-places of those attached to them, and the royal park or paradise. The space between them is assumed to have been occupied by the habitations of the people at large, scattered far and wide over the face of the country, and not collected together, as in a European city, by gardens and by cultivated fields. This is not inconsistent with Eastern habits. Ispa¬ han and Damascus, with their suburbs, are cities of this kind. Within the precincts of Babylon, according to Dio¬ dorus Siculus and Quintus Curtius, corn could be raised sufficient for the sustenance of the whole population, in the event of a siege. On the other hand, if the inscriptions be correctly de¬ ciphered, the inclosure opposite Mosul was alone called Nineveh ; Khorsabad and other mounds around having dis¬ tinct names. Nimroud (the Larissa of Xenophon) Sir H. Rawlinson would identify with Calah, mentioned in the I Oth chapter of Genesis. But then no ruins, except Sela- i miyah, which are not of sufficient extent or importance, would mark the site of Resen, “ a great city between Nineveh and Calah.” He assumes that all the ruins de- Nineveh, scribed represent separate and distinct cities, which were, i - Y->_' however, in the time of the prophet Jonah, known alto¬ gether by the common name of Nineveh. It is quite clear that, whatever may have been the extent of the city, there were no walls corresponding in extent with the description of Diodorus. If such ever existed, it is impossible that no traces of them should be found. There are no remains to show the general plan of the city or of its principal quarters, the form of its streets, or the nature of the common dwelling-places of its inhabitants. It probably consisted, like most modern Eastern cities, of a few great edifices devoted to royal or sacred purposes, and constructed of rich and valuable materials; the abodes of the people being of the meanest and rudest description. Bricks made of clay, mixed with chopped straw, and simply dried in the sun, were generally used for building, as they still are in Assyria. Houses so built, when once aban¬ doned, soon fell into complete decay ; and their ruins, ex¬ posed to the winter rains and the summer’s sun, soon crumbled to dust. A modern Arab village, when once deserted, disappears in a few years, leaving scarcely a trace behind. Masonry of sun-dried bricks, when properly pro¬ tected, and when buried, as in the Assyrian mounds, defies the ravages of time. The walls of the palaces of Nineveh in this material are in many places still as perfect as when first raised. The great public edifices have alone been sufficiently well preserved to furnish any idea of the style of architec¬ ture presented at Nineveh. Assyrian architecture appears to have originated on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates. It owes its distinctive features to the fact of the first great public edifices of the race which devised it having been erected upon the plains of Assyria and Babylonia. In order to raise the building, for the sake of dignity or defence, high above the surrounding country, it was neces¬ sary to form an artificial elevation, and those enormous plat¬ forms or mounds were constructed which form one of the chief characteristics of Assyrian and Babylonian ruins. This substructure was either of solid masonry of sun-dried bricks, or simply of earth and rubbish heaped up. In the bas-reliefs from Kouyunjik is represented the process of building it. Long lines of workmen, many of them pri¬ soners or slaves, chained together and in fetters, are seen emptying baskets filled with earth and stones on the accu¬ mulating heap. The substructure was raised about 40 or 50 feet above the level of the plain, and was generally faced with masonry or stone. Broad flights of steps led up to the summit. The public edifice or palace was constructed principally of sun-dried bricks, but parts of the building required more solid and more costly materials. To supply the first, the kiln-burnt bricks were used; for ornament, the Ninevites employed a coarse grayish alabaster found in abundance in the immediate vicinity of their city. A re¬ markable feature in these buildings was the immense thick¬ ness of the walls, rarely less than 10 feet, generally about 15 feet. They were built of sun-dried bricks, and panelled with upright sculptured alabaster slabs, from 8 to 10 feet high, 3 to 4 feet broad, and about 18 inches thick, placed close to one another, but not united by any mortar or ce¬ ment. Above these slabs the wall was either faced with kiln-burnt bricks, plain or coated with enamel, forming ele¬ gant designs and patterns of the most brilliant colours, or plastered and painted. Cedar and other precious woods, gilding, ivory, and bronze, were also used to decorate the sides of the chambers. These materials appear to be men¬ tioned in the inscriptions as having been brought from afar; cedar-wood, for instance, from Mount Lebanon. The ceil- 1 The length of Xenophon’s parasaug may be determined by reference to the distances assigned to the marches of the Ten Thousand in their retreat. N I N ? neveh. ings of the rooms were also probably of cedar. Large quan- titles of this precious wood were found in the ruins of Nimroud. There is reason to believe that many of the chambers were vaulted. Discoveries in the ruins prove that the Assyrians were well acquainted with the principle of the arch, and employed it in forming these entrances. The principal doorways, and generally all those leading into the great halls or courts, were flanked by those well- known emblematic figures, now characteristic of Assyrian architecture, uniting the body of a lion or a bull with the head of a man and the wings of an eagle. These were usually of gigantic proportions, and on these were generally inscribed the annals of the reign of the king who caused them to be erected. The alabaster slabs placed against the walls were sculp¬ tured in bas-relief, or had an inscription carved upon them. The sculptures were of two kinds—either figures of priests or divinities of colossal size, or subjects repre¬ senting battles, sieges, hunting scenes, sacrifices, &c. In the latter case, the slab was divided into two parts by an inscription running across in a horizontal band, and con¬ taining a description of the work portrayed above or beneath. Remains of colour upon the bas-reliefs prove that they were originally painted. The pavement of the chambers consisted of alabaster slabs, either carved with rich and elegant pictures, or covered with inscriptions, or more usually of large square kiln-burnt bricks. On the back of almost every slab or stone used in the building was carved the name of the king who founded it, together with a short inscription containing his titles, the names of the principal gods, and the countries he ruled over. Upon the kiln-burnt bricks also was generally stamped or inscribed the name of the king. The interior of these magnificent edifices was adorned with statues of the gods and of the king, and with obelisks and stelae of marble and other ma¬ terials covered with bas-reliefs and inscriptions record¬ ing the conquest and other remarkable events of the reigns of Assyrian monarchs. Several of these monu¬ ments discovered in the ruins are now in the British Mu¬ seum. These vast edifices were probably at the same time the palace and the temple, the residence of him who was both the high priest and the political chief of the nation. These offices were at one time similarly united in Egypt, and the palace-temple was the dwelling-place of the king. Parts of the building may have been specially set apart for worship and dedicated to a particular god ; but no detached temple, as in ancient Greece, has been as yet found on the site of Nineveh. The inscriptions, however, appear to mention the fact of temples of extraordinary magnificence, adorned with silver and gold, having been raised in differ¬ ent parts of the empire. The palace was also the house of records of the nation ; on its walls were pictured and de¬ scribed its triumphs, and the prowess of its monarch in war and in the chase. 1 he palaces of Nineveh seem to have been constructed upon one general plan, and consisted of a number of cham¬ bers of various sizes grouped round large central halls, which were probably open to the sky, and resembled the courts of modern Persian houses. No columns of any kind, nor pedestals for pillars of wood for supporting a roof, have been discovered. Pillars of wood brought from distant coun- tnes appear to be mentioned in the inscriptions, and columns are frequently represented in the bas-reliefs. No traces of windows have been found in the walls; consequently, it may e piesumed that the rooms were either lighted from above or through the doors only. The latter may have been the case, as in modern houses at Baghdad and Mosul, in which, or t le sake of coolness, the apartments are kept as dark as possible. From the immense heap of bricks, earth, and rubbish covering every part of the ruins, and filling every N I N 277 chamber, frequently rising as much as 15 or 20 feet above Ning-po. the level of the sculptured slabs, as well as from the representations of buildings seen in the bas-reliefs, it is probable that these palaces consisted of more than one storey, and that the upper part having fallen in, com¬ pletely buried the lower. The admirable preservation of the greater part of the sculptures, although executed in a very soft material, which would have perished from even short exposure, proves that such must have been the case, and that the entire destruction of the buildings must have been very sudden. No remains of the outer walls of an Assyrian palace, hitherto discovered, are sufficient to furnish an accurate idea of the exterior architecture of Nineveh. Only the lower part of a faqade at Kouyunjik has yet been ex¬ cavated. It consists of three grand entrances formed by groups of colossal winged bulls and human figures, some flanking the doorways, others placed back to back, and facing outwards. From what still remains, and by comparison with ancient buildings in other parts of the East, princi¬ pally in Persia, Mr Fergusson {Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Restored) has with great ingenuity endeavoured to restore a Ninevite palace. The discoveries at Kouyunjik of bas-reliefs supposed to represent an Assyrian edifice go far to verify his conjectures. There is nearly the same ar¬ rangement of columns in an upper storey resting upon a solid basement. The capitals are ornamented with volutes resembling those of the Ionic order, and they rest upon the backs of winged bulls and sphinxes. The Persians appear to have derived both their religion and their architecture from the Assyrians. The latter was somewhat modified by locality, and by the vicinity of quarries of fine building- stone ; but the palaces of Xerxes and Darius at Persepolis were erected upon nearly the same plan, and were adorned with nearly the same ornaments and the same typical figures, as those at Nineveh. Being built chiefly of stone, they have defied for a longer period, although exposed to the air, the ravages of time. One of the most remarkable facts con¬ nected with the discovery of the ruins of the palaces of Nineveh is, the proof which they afford that the Greeks derived their Ionic order of architecture from Assyria. It reached them through Asia Minor and Ionia. Not only was the Ionic volute the ordinary termination to an Assyrian column, but the usual ornaments found on Ionic monuments in Greece are for the most part purely Assyrian. Accord¬ ing to the interpretation of the inscriptions, the kings of Assyria shortly before the fall of the empire employed Greek and Phoenician artists in decorating their palaces, and records have been found of the names of the kings who sent them and the cities from whence they came. Another important result of the discoveries at Nineveh is, that they enable us to understand the architectural de¬ scriptions contained in the Bible, and especially those re¬ lating to the palaces and temples erected by Solomon, to which, both in the general plan, the materials employed, and the style of the ornaments, they appear to have borne a very close resemblance. The Jewish edifices were, how¬ ever, far inferior in size to those of Assyria. According to a tradition preserved by Greek authors, Nineveh was finally captured by the Persians and Baby¬ lonians through a breach in its walls caused by a sud¬ den overflow of the waters of the Tigris. There are no indications of this event either in the ruins of Kouyunjik or of Nimroud. All the edifices hitherto discovered, ex¬ cept the north-west palace, attributed to Sardanapalus, show undoubted marks of having been destroyed by fire, and many conclude that the city was at last overwhelmed, never to rise again, by one mighty conflagration, (a. h. l.) NING-PO, an important city of China, one of the five seaports open to foreign trade, and the principal emporium in the province of Che-Keang, stands in a fine plain on the 278 N I N Ninian ]eft bank of the Takia, Lat. 29. 51. N.; Long. 121. 32. E. „ It is surrounded by walls, having a circumference of 5 miles, jrnans,. . ^ jlejg].lt 0p 25 feej5 a breadth of 22 feet at the base and 15 at the summit; and is entered by five gates. The walls are in a state of considerable dilapidation, and there are large suburbs on the outside. Although considered by the Chi¬ nese as one of the finest cities in the empire, Ning-po does not strike Europeans as at all remarkable for its elegance; the streets being very narrow and dirty, and the houses, built for the most part of brick, rarely exceeding one storey in height. It is intersected by several canals, and the river is crossed by a floating bridge. Among the prin¬ cipal buildings are a hexagonal brick tower of seven storeys, 160 feet high, and said to be upwards of 1000 years old; nu¬ merous pagodas and public offices; as well as the temple of Ma Tsupu. Near the margin of the river there are nume¬ rous shops and storehouses, which excel in wealth and splendour those of Canton; and near the city gates there are many eating-houses and tea-shops. A missionary hos¬ pital, which was founded here in 1843, is of great public utility, and is used not only by the poorer classes, for whom it was specially intended, but by all ranks of so¬ ciety. Manufactures of silk are carried on here, as at Canton ; cotton stuffs, carpets, furniture, &c., are also pro¬ duced; and in the vicinity are large salt-works. The building of junks is also carried on to a considerable extent. The trade of the place is very considerable, as it is the principal port intermediate between the northern and southern provinces; and owing to the superior speed and safety of British vessels, the coasting seems to be rapidly passing out of the hands of the Chinese. The number of British vessels that entered and cleared here in 1856 was 206]; tonnage, 26,004. British goods are only imported to a small extent; but large quantities of the produce of Singapore and the Straits of Malacca find a market here. Among the ex¬ ports to Great Britain in 1856 was green tea to the value of L.4328; and the principal other articles of export are raw and manufactured goods of native produce, for the use of the Chinese on the coasts and in the British colonies. The trade of the port is on the whole in a flourishing and in¬ creasing condition. Pop. estimated at between 200,000 and 300,000. NINIAN, or Ninyas, commonly called St Ninian, and sometimes St Ringan, a distinguished bishop among the ancient Britons, and said to be the first who carried the light of Christianity into Scotland, seems to have been a Briton of noble birth and excellent genius. After receiving a tolerable education at home, he visited Rome in a.d. 370, where he spent several years in study. On his return to Britain he engaged with great zeal and success in preach¬ ing the gospel in the most uncultivated parts of the island. He chose the modern Whitehorn in Wigtownshire as the centre of his operations (called by Ptolemy, ii. 3, Aovko- wi/3ta; and by the Romans, who had a station there, Can¬ dida Casa), then one of the two towns of the Novantse (the Noomimu of Ptolemy), who inhabited Gallovidia (Gallo¬ way). We learn from Bede {Hist. Eccles., lib. iii.), that Ni- nian built a fine church there about a.d. 400, which he dedi¬ cated to St Martin; and owing to his great success as a Christian missionary was afterwards made bishop of White- horn. This place was the centre of Christian light in Scotland for more than a hundred years before the arrival ofColumba. Some of the ruins of St Ninian’s church are still shown at Whitehorn; and various localities in Scotland still bear traces of the name and the reputation of this zealous mis¬ sionary. NINIAN’S, St, a village and parish of Scotland, in the county of Stirling, about T mile S. of the town of Stirling. It consists of one main street of old whitewashed houses; and has a parish, a Free, and a United Presbyterian church and several schools. Malt, whisky, leather, carpets, tartans,, NIP nails, &c., are manufactured here. Pop. of the parish Ninove (1851) 9851. J NINOYE, a town of Belgium, in the province of East Nipissing. Flanders, on the left bank of the Dendre, 20 miles S.E. of v~»-' Ghent. It contains several churches and schools, a town- hall, and an hospital. There are breweries, dyeworks, bleachfields, brick-kilns, and manufactories of earthen¬ ware, leather, soap, tobacco, vinegar, thread, linen and woollen fabrics, &c. Some trade is carried on in wool, grain, cattle, and manufactured articles. Pop. 4718. NIOBE, the daughter of Tantalus, King of Lydia. The incidents in her life are related differently by different authors; but the following is the simple legend given by Homer:—She was married to Amphion, King of Thebes, and bore to her husband six sons and six daughters. Proud of the number of her children, she began to assert a scorn¬ ful superiority over Latona, who was .a less happy wife. Hereupon Apollo and Diana, enraged at the insult cast upon their mother, bent their bows, and slew the sons and daughters of the doting Niobe. The childless queen, in her distracted sorrow, found her way eastward to her father’s kingdom. As she stood one day on Mount Sipylus, in the motionless attitude of mute despair, she was changed by the commiserating Jupiter into stone. There for many ages afterwards the simple-minded believer of legends could still detect in the rough outline of a crag the weeping figure of the unhappy Niobe. This story was the subject of several ancient sculptures. One of these, a group of four¬ teen statues, representing the mother in the midst of her dying children, was dug up at Rome at some date before 1583, and was conveyed to Florence in 1775. It now stands in the Uffizi gallery of the latter city, exciting by its grandeur the admiration of connoisseurs. (See Arts, Fine.) Various conjectures have been made regarding the authorship and the original position of these statues. Winckelmann supposed that they were the work of Scopas ; and the English architect Cockerell has shown that they were probably arranged on the tympanum of a temple. NIORT, a town of Fi’ance, capital of the department of Deux-Sevres, stands in the midst of a rich and beautiful region, on the slopes of two hills, separated by the Sevre- Niortaise, 79 miles S.E. of Nantes, and 225 S.W. of Paris. It was formerly very meanly built; but has recently been much improved, and has now many handsome streets and two fine public squares. There are two churches, one of which is an ancient Gothic building w ith a lofty spire; a town-hall, formerly the palace of Eleanor of Guienne, queen of Henry II. of England; an old castle now used as a prison, in which Madame de Main tenon was born ; a pre¬ fecture, a theatre, public library, baths, cavalry barracks, civil and military hospitals, &c. Niort is the seat of courts of primary jurisdiction and of commerce, of a council of prud’hommes, an agricultural society, and a commercial col¬ lege. The principal manufactures are leather and gloves, especially of doeskin, of which not less than 30,000 dozen are annually made. Shoes, woollen and cotton yarn, saddles, paper, saltpetre, articles of wood and horn, &c., are also pro¬ duced here. The commerce of the place is considerable in wine, corn, flour, wool, timber, manufactured goods, &c. The Sevre is navigable as far as Niort. Pop. (1856) 18,136. NIPHON. See Japan. NIPISSING, Lake, a lake of Upper Canada, lying midway between the Ottawa or Grand River and Geor¬ gian Bay, an inlet of Lake Huron. Its form is irregular; its length is about 48 miles, its greatest breadth 25, and its altitude 750 feet above the sea. Its principal affluent is the Sturgeon River from the N., which connects it with other lakes; and it discharges its waters by the French River into Lake Huron. The lake contains several islands, occupied by Indians; and abounds in large flocks of geese. N I S Nisan NISAN, the first month of the Hebrew civil year. (See II Abib.) 'israes. NISHAPOOR, a town of Persia, province of Khorassan, the capital of a district of its own name, stands in a beauti¬ ful valley, 46 miles W, by S. of Meshed. It is meanly built, for the most part of mud, and many of the houses are in ruins. A wall and ditch, with a circumference of about 4000 paces, surround the town, in which the only public buildings are an unsightly mosque and a pretty large and well-filled bazaar. About 40 miles W.N. W. of Nishapoor there are eight or nine mines of very fine turquoises, from which our supply of these stones is chiefly derived ; but most of them are very ill worked, and some have been en¬ tirely abandoned ; so that their produce it much less than it might be under proper management. The town is said to be very ancient, and to have existed in the time of Alex¬ ander the Great, by whom it was destroyed. Under the Seljuk dynasty it was one of the four royal cities of Kho¬ rassan. In 1269 it was sacked by the Tartars; again by Jhengiz-khan; and, in 1749, by Nadir Shah; from which last calamity it has never recovered. Pop. estimated at 8000. NISI PRIUS, alegal phrase derived from an ancient writ in which the words occur. Previously to the statute of Westminster 2, trials by assizes or juries could only take place where the king happened to reside, or before the justices on their septennial circuit through the English counties; but by 13th Edw. I., cap. 30, the judges were directed to hold certain assizes in every county not oftener than three times in every year. The statute required that the day and place in the county in which a case was to be tried should be specified in the writ which assembled the jury. Instead, accordingly, of the old writ, commanding the sheriff' to bring the jury to Westminster to try the cause, a nisi prius clause was added to the writ as fol¬ lows :—“ We command you, that you cause to come be¬ fore our justices at Westminster, on the morrow of All Souls, twelve lawful men, who, &c., unless before {nisi prius) that day A. B. and C. D., our justices assigned for that purpose, shall come to your county to take the assizes there.” The day of summons to Westminster is always arranged to be later than the day for taking the county assize, and hence the cause is always tried before the date at which the sheriff is commanded to return the jury To Westminster. In time, the phrase nisi prius came to be applied to a large class of judicial business transacted at the several assizes throughout the country before judges of the superior courts. Judges of assize are called judges of nisi prius; they are said to be sitting at nisi prius, when sitting alone to try causes, and the law by which their de¬ cisions are regulated is called the law of nisi prius. NISMES, or Nimes (anc. Nemausus), a town of France, capital of the department of Gard, stands in a wide and fertile plain, between the Rivers Gard on the N., and Vistre on the S., 23 miles W.S.W. of Avignon, 30 N.E. of Montpellier, and 62 N.W. of Marseilles. The older part of the town is surrounded by boulevards, on the site of the fortifications by which it was once defended ; and contains narrow and irregular streets lined with old and ill-built houses. The boulevards form fine broad streets, with handsome houses, and are planted with trees; while the outer parts of the town, which comprise about three- fourths of its whole extent, have wide and regular streets, and handsome modern edifices. The line of the Roman walls of Nismes may still be traced; and some parts of them, and two of the gates, are in good preservation. The principal public buildings of the town are those of Roman origin. Of these the largest is the amphitheatre, an oval structure, which now stands, since the adjoining buildings have been cleared away, in the middle of a large open space; it is 437 feet long, 332 broad, and 70 high. The exterior N I S 279 is very well preserved, though the building was used as a Nismes. fortress in the middle ages. It has two storeys, each consisting of sixty arches. Within these arches, on each storey, a corridor runs entirely round the building ; that in the upper storey being smaller than the lower. °Access is gained to the interior by four entrances facing the four points of the compass ; and from these wedge-shaped passages lead to the centre, and stairs to the upper seats. On the exterior are also to be observed the holes in which the poles were inserted for supporting the awning which shaded the spectators from the heat of the sun. The interior is not so well preserved; but some of the ancient seats, of which there were thirty-two rows, are still to be seen. It is believed that this amphitheatre could contain upwards of 17,000 spectators. Parts of the interior have been restored, but rather clumsily, by a modern architect; and it is still used by the people of Nismes for bull-baiting and other favourite exhibitions. The date of the building is unknown. Antoninus Pius, Titus, and Adrian, have been each conjectured to have been its founder. Another fine building of Roman construction is a Corinthian temple, commonly called the Maison Carree, which is adorned with thirty elegant Corinthian columns. It seems to have originally stood in the market-place of Nemausus, which was inclosed by a colonnade. It has been employed at different times as a heathen temple, a Christian church, a town-hall, a stable, a burial-place, a court-house, a corn warehouse, and a museum ; in the last of which capacities it still remains, and contains some antique remains and pictures. A temple of Diana, or, according to some, of the Nymphs; a reservoir, forming the termination of an aqueduct; and a curious octagonal tower, called La Tourmagne, whose origin is unknown,—are the chief other ancient buildings in Nismes. Besides these, the town has a cathedral, built in the eleventh century, but considerably altered in subsequent times ; several elegant churches ; an episcopal palace and seminary; a college, public library, court of justice, barracks, hospital, theatre, &c. Nismes is also the seat of an appeal court for the departments of Gard, Lozere, and Vaucluse ; of courts of primary resort and of commerce; a school of design; agricultural and medical societies, &c. As a manufacturing town it holds a high rank ; and in the produce of silk it is among the most important places in France. There are several large establishments for dyeing and for printing silk stuffs; but the weaving, which employs from 7000 to 8000 looms in Nismes, is principally carried on by the workmen at their own houses, and not in factories.’ The silks of Nismes are generally imitations of those of Lyons, and of inferior quality; they are principally used by the lower classes. Tanneries, distilleries, vinegar-works, and potteries, are among the chief manufactories of the place; and in ad¬ dition to the articles already mentioned, cotton handker¬ chiefs, hosiery, velvet, chintzes, &c., are extensively pro¬ duced. An active trade is carried on, especially in raw silk, for which it is the principal emporium in the south of France; and in wine, vinegar, spices, drugs, &c. The importance of Nismes has been recently increased by the construction of railways diverging from this town to Mont¬ pellier, Alais, Avignon, Arles, and Marseilles. (Its ancient history is given under Nemausus.) After the fall of the Roman empire it fell into the hands of the Visigoths, who were dispossessed in the beginning of the eighth century by the Moors. The latter were expelled from Nismes by Charles Martel, on which occasion the amphitheatre was partially destroyed by fire, and the town much injured. At the Reformation the greater part of the inhabitants embraced the Protestant religion, and were in consequence subjected to great persecution and cruelty. About one- third of the population are still Protestants, and these form the most wealthy classes in the town. The greatest reli¬ gious animosity is still kept up between the two sects; and 280 N I S NOB Nissa in 1815 a renewed outburst of intolerance on the part of Nivelles ^ Ronmn Catholics took place. In more peaceful times k 'j the mutual aversion of the two parties is shown by the way v in which they keep aloof from one another, even frequenting different places of amusement. Nismes was the birth-place of Nicot, who introduced tobacco into France ; and of Guizot the historian. Pop. (1856) 49,291. NISSA, or Nisch, a town of European Turkey, in the province of Servia, stands in a fertile and well-cultivated plain, between two branches of the Balkan Mountains, 60 miles S.S.W. of Widdin, and 130 S.E. of Belgrade. It is separated into two parts by the River Nissava, an affluent of the Morava. The division on the right side, occupied by Turks, is surrounded by good fortifications and a dry ditch ; while on the other side is a bazaar, defended by a trench and palisade; and beyondthis is the unprotected Chris¬ tian quarter. The fortifications are mounted with numerous large guns; and Nissa commands the communication be¬ tween the provinces of Servia, Bulgaria, and Roumelia. The principal building is the palace of the pasha. This place was anciently called Naissus ; and is remarkable as the birth-place of the Emperor Constantine. It was taken by Amurath II. in 1389, and again by the Austrians in 1737. Pop. 10,000. NITH, a river of Scotland, rises on the confines of Ayr¬ shire, Kirkcudbrightshire, and Dumfriesshire, flows S.E. through Dumfriesshire, and falls into the Solway Firth after a course of 45 miles. The principal towns on its banks are New Cumnock and Dumfries, the latter about 8 miles from its mouth. The Nith has salmon fisheries of considerable value. It has been rendered a classic stream by the poetry of Burns, who resided for some time at the farm of Ellis- land, near Dumfries. NITHARD, an old French historian, was the son of the famous Abbot Angilbert, and of Bertha, the daughter of Charlemagne, and was born at some date before 790. Succeeding his father as duke or count of the maritime coast, he seems to have risen to an influential position at court. After the death of his uncle Louis Le Debonnaire in 840, his services were employed to effect a reconciliation between the three sons of that monarch; but he was un¬ successful in his negotiations, and it was soon his duty to record the war which broke out between the brother princes. His death took place in 858 or 859, in consequence of a wound which he received in repelling an invasion of the Normans. The history of Nithard is inserted in Duchesne’s Historic^ Francorum Scriptores, in 5 vols. fol., Paris, 1636-41-49. A French translation has recently appeared in the Collections des Memoires Relatifs d VHistoire de France, of Guizot. NITI, a celebrated pass over the Himalaya Mountains, so called from a village of the same name in the vicinity, in the British district of Kumaon, in the North-West Pro¬ vinces. The ascent from the southern side is for a great part of the way very steep, over rocks of blue limestone; and on the other side it leads to the valley of the Sutlej, which is here 14,924 feet above the sea-level. The height of the crest of the pass is 16,814 feet above the sea. At this great elevation the rarity of the air has been felt by travellers to produce the most painful effects; and even of those natives who train themselves for the purpose of cross¬ ing the mountains, some can never bring themselves to endure it. The pass remains open from the end of June till the middle of October; and during that time the most of the trade between Hindustan and Chinese Tartary is carried on by it; the merchandise being conveyed on the backs of yaks, goats, and sheep. NIVELLES, a town of Belgium, province of South Brabant, stands on the Thienne, 17 miles S. of Brussels. It is not very well built, but has two large squares and a fine public walk. There are 3 churches; one of which, that of St Gertrude, is a fine edifice in the Romanesque style, built Nivernaij in 1048. It contains two finely carved pulpits, one of wood |j and the other of marble; and has two towers, the lower of Nobility, which contains a chime of bells, on which the hours are struck by a colossal figure called Jean de Nivelles. The crypt is considered one of the finest in Belgium, and is much resorted to by pilgrims. Nivelles has also a convent, a college, normal school, academy of design and architecture, hospital, court of primary jurisdiction, &c. Manufactures of linen, woollen, and cotton stuffs, hats, lace, paper, oil, tobacco, and other articles are carried on here; and there is a considerable trade in corn, cattle, and swine. The town owes its origin to an abbey founded in 645 by St Gertrude, some cloisters of which still remain. It is said to have been much more populous in the sixteenth century. Pop. 8499. NIVERNAIS, an old province of France, which com¬ prised the present department of Nievre and part of that of Cher. NIXDORF, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of Leit- memz. stands near the borders of Saxony, 34 miles N.E. of Leitmeritz. Manufactures of linen, hosiery, cutlery, and hardware are carried on; and the latter articles are ex¬ ported to all parts of Germany. In the neighbourhood are mineral springs, over which baths have been erected. Pop. 5090. NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. See Hyderabad. NIZZA MONFERRATO, a town in the kingdom of Sardinia, in the division of Alessandria, stands at the con¬ fluence of the Belbo and Nizza, 16 miles S.W. of Alessan¬ dria. It has a silk-mill, and some trade in wine. Pop. 4376. NOAH. See Deluge. . NOBILITY, in the technical acceptation of the word, means generally that quality or dignity which raises a man above the rank of a commoner. Among the Romans, the nobiles or “ known” men, were so called by way of distinc¬ tion from the ignobiles, or vulgar, who were “ not known.” Originally the Roman patricians were the nobles, but b.c. 336 the plebeians obtained the right to rise to high offices in the state, and subsequently the descendants of plebeians who had filled curule magistracies inherited the jus imagi- num, or right of holding the images of their ancestors—a sort of coat of arms ; and were accordingly ranked with the nobiles, and bore the dignity of nobilitas. He that had only his own image was a novus homo, and he that had neither his ancestors’ nor his own was an ignobilis. “ The distinction of rank and honours,” says Blackstone, “ is necessary in every well-governed state, in order to re¬ ward such as are eminent for their services to the public, in a manner the most desirable to individuals, and yet with¬ out burden to the community; exciting thereby an ambi¬ tious yet laudable ardour, and generous emulation in others. And emulation, or virtuous ambition, is a spring of action which, however dangerous or invidious in a mere republic or under a despotic sway, will certainly be attended Yvith good effects under a free monarchy, where, without de¬ stroying its existence, its excesses may be continually re¬ strained by that superior power from which all honour is derived. Such a spirit, when nationally diffused, gives life and vigour to the community; it sets all the wheels of government in motion, which, under a wise regulator, may be directed to any beneficial purpose ; and thereby every individual may be made subservient to the public good, while he principally means to promote his own particular views. A body of nobility is also more peculiarly necessary in our mixed and compounded constitution, in order to sup¬ port the rights of both the crown and the people, by form¬ ing a barrier to withstand the encroachments of both. It creates and preserves that gradual scale of dignity which proceeds from the peasant to the prince; rising like a py¬ ramid from a broad foundation, and diminishing to a point nobility. Nobility, as it rises. It is this ascending and contracting proportion that adds stability to any government; for when the de¬ parture is sudden from one extreme to another, we may pronounce that state to be precarious.” The origin of nobility is a subject involved in obscurity. In the infancy of almost every nation we meet with a here¬ ditary nobility of some sort. It originally had a reference doubtless to superior merit; and in early times is found most frequently attaching to the warrior or the priest. An interesting passage bearing on the origin of hereditary no¬ bility occurs in the Franca Gallia of Francis Hotman, written in 1574. He says, “We must not omit making mention of the cunning device made use of by Hugh Capet for establishing himself in his new dominions (as king of France a.d. 987). bor whereas all the magistracies and honours of the kingdom, such as dukedoms, earldoms, &c., had been hitherto, from ancient times, conferred upon select and deserving persons in the general conventions of the people, and were held only during good behaviour, whereof (as lawyers express it) they were but beneficiaries, Hugh Capet, in order to secure to himself the affections of the great men, was the first that made those honours perpetual, which were formerly but temporary, and ordained that such as obtained them should have an hereditary right in them, and might leave them to their children. Of this see Fran- ciscus Conanus the civilian, Comment, i., ch. 9.” (Burke’s Peerage). Sir James Lawrence, who, in his Nobility of the British Gentry, maintains that gentility is superior to nobility (fit no- bilis, nasciturgenerosus), holds that a coatof arms is the crite¬ rion of nobility. (See Heraldry.) He says (p. 3), “ Any individual who distinguishes himself may be said to ennoble himself. A prince, judging an individual worthy of notice, gave him letters patent of nobility. In these letters were bla¬ zoned the arms that were to distinguish the shield. By this shield he was to be known, or nobilis. A plebeian had no bla¬ zonry on his shield, because he was ignobihs, or unworthy of notice. In an age when a warrior was cased in armour from head to foot, he could only be known by his shield. Fhe plebeian who had no pretensions to be known was clypeo ignobilis albo. Hence arms are the criterion of no¬ bility. Every nobleman must have a shield of arms. Who¬ ever has a shield of arms is a nobleman. In every country in Europe, without exception, a grant of arms or letters of nobility is conferred on all the descendants. In the north¬ ern countries—Germany, Hungary, Russia, Sweden, Den¬ mark—the titles also of baron or count descend to all the male posterity, and to all the unmarried females of the family ; but in the southern countries—France, Spain, Por- tugal, and Great Britain—the titles of duke, marquess, count, viscount, or baron, descend only according to the rules of primogeniture.” In Great Britain nobility extends to the five ranks of duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron. (See under each.) The right of peerage seemi to have been originally territorial; that is, annexed to lands, honours, castles, ma¬ nors, and the like, the proprietors and possessors of which were,in rightof those estates, allowed to be peers of the realm, and were summoned to Parliament to do suit and service to their sovereign ; and, when the land was alienated, the dignity passed along with it as an appendage. Thus in England the bishops still sit in the House of Lords, in right of succession to certain ancient baronies annexed, or supposed to be annexed, to their episcopal lands; and thus (I I Henry VI.) the possession of the castle of Arundel was adjudged to confer an earldom on its possessor. But after- waids, when alienations became frequent, the dignity of the peerage w'as confined to the lineage of the party ennobled, and, instead of territorial, became personal. Actual proof of a tenure by barony became no longer necessary to con¬ stitute a lord of parliament; but the record of the writ of VOL. X\ I. summons to him or his ancestors was admitted as a suffi cient evidence of the tenure. Peers of Great Britain are now created either by writ or by patent; for those who claim by prescription must suppose either a writ or patent to have been issued or granted to their ancestors, though by length of time it has been lost. The first of these sum¬ monses on record was made in the forty-ninth year of Henry HI.; and the first instance of barons made by letters patent dates from the reign of Richard II. The creation by writ or the king’s letter is a summons to attend the House of Peers, by the style and title of that barony which the king is pleased to confer: that by patent is a royal grant to a subject of any dignity and degree of peer- Fhe creation by writ is the more ancient way ; but a man is not ennobled thereby unless he actually take his seat in the House of Lords ; and some are of opinion that there must be at least two writs of summons, and a sitting in two distinct Parliaments, to establish a hereditary barony*3; and therefore the most usual, because the surest way is to grant the dignity by patent, which endures to a man and his heirs according to the limitation thereof, although he himself should never make use of it. Yet it is customary to call up the eldest son of a peer to the House of Lords' by writ of summons, in the name of his father’s barony, be¬ cause in that case there is no danger of his children losing the nobility in the event of his never taking his seat, seeing they will succeed to their grandfather. Creation by writ has also one advantage over that by patent. A person created by writ holds the dignity to himself and his heirs, without any words to that purport in the writ; but in letters patent there must be words to direct the inheritance, other¬ wise the dignity endures only to the grantee for life. The nobility of England are, as elsewhere, a privileged order. In criminal cases a nobleman must be tried by his peers—a privilege, indeed, secured to all by Magna Charta (c. 29). It is said that the privileges of nobility do not ex¬ tend to bishops, who, though they are lords of Parliament, and sit theie by virtue of the baronies which they hold^wre eccle- sice, yet are not ennobled in blood, and consequently not peers with the nobility. As to peeresses, no provision was made for their trial when accused of treason or felony till after Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester, wife to the Lord Protector, had been accused of treason, and found guilty of witchcraft’ in an ecclesiastical synod, through the intrigues of Cardinal Beaufort. This very extraordinary trial gave occasion to a special statute (20 Hen. II., c. 9) which enacted that peeresses, either in their own right or by marriage, should be tried before the same judicators as peers of the realm. It a woman, noble in her own right, marries a commoner, she still remains noble, and must be tried by her peers; but if she *be only noble by marriage, then by a second marriage with a commoner she loses her dignity; for as by marriage it is gained, so by marriage it is also lost. Yet if a duchess-dowager marries a baron'she continues a duchess still; for all the nobility are pares, and therefore it is no degradation. A peer, or peeress, either in her own right or by marriage, cannot be arrested in civil cases; and they have likewise many peculiar privileges annexed to their peerage in the course of judicial proceedings. A peer sit- ting in judgment gives not his verdict upon oath, like an ordinary juryman, but upon his honour; he answers also to bills in chancery upon his honour, and not upon his oath ; but when he is examined as a witness either in civil or cri¬ minal cases, he must be sworn ; for the respect which the law shows to the honour of a peer does not extend so far as to overturn a settled maxim, that in judicio non creditur nisi juratis. 1 he honour of peers is, however, so highly tendered by the law, that it is much more penal to spread false reports concerning them, and certain other great officers of the realm, than concerning other men; scandal against them being called by the peculiar name of scandalum niag- 281 Nobility. 282 N O C Noci. Nocera del natum, and subjected to peculiar punishment by different Pagani ancient statutes. In point of fact, however, their immuni¬ ties have relation more to dignity than powder. In theii legislative capacity, the peers of England form an estate of the realm intermediate between the crown and the com¬ mons. In their judicial capacity they constitute the su¬ preme court of justice, from whose judgment there is no further appeal. While bearing the minor crown, they wield no minor sceptre of personal power. They possess no regal jurisdiction, nor any sovereign seigniory. No peer can invade with impunity the rights of a commoner, nor exercise any peculiar authority not open also to the com¬ moner. A patent of English nobility, however, confers not only a title, but also a certain amount of political power and privilege. Yet there may be nobility without political privileges, as in the case of Scotch and Irish peers, who are not peers of the realm. There are also members of the House of Lords who are not peers of the realm, as in the case of the representative peers of Ireland and Scotian , and the bishops and archbishops of England and Iie.anc. The peerages of Great Britain and Ireland enjoy the same privileges in all other respects, however, except those de¬ pending upon sitting in the House of Lords (39 and 40 Geo. III. cap. 67). Peers of the realm are entitled to sit there either by hereditary claim, or from being elected by their own peers; whereas the rest of the nobility in t e House of Lords are nominated by the crown to places which entitle them to a seat for life, or for certain fixed periods. New additions are constantly being made to the Lnglish peerage. The persons selected for this honour are drawn chiefly from the following classes :—Peers of Scotland and Ireland; members of families already among the nobility ; distinguished lawyers, and naval and military commanders ; persons eminent in political life; persons of extensive landed property, and some who have acquired great wealth and attained to social importance in commerce. Hitherto distinction in science and literature has been rewarded by no higher dignity in England than that of a baronet, which does not confer nobility ; but this custom was broken through in 1857, in the case of Lord Macaulay, who was'elevated to the rank of nobility as a reward for distinguished literary merit. A peer cannot lose his nobility except by death or attainder, although there was an instance, in the reign of Edward IV., of the degradation of George Neville, Duke of Bedford, by act of Parliament, on account of his poverty, which rendered him unable to support his dignity. But this is a singular instance; and while it serves to show the power of Parliament, proves how tender that august assembly has always been in exerting so high a function.^ In France the titles and armorial bearings of the nobi¬ lity were abolished by order of the National Assembly, June 18, 1790, and the records of the French nobility, in 600 vols., were burnt two years afterwards. Napoleon created a new nobility in 1808, but the hereditary peerage was abolished in 1831. NOCERA DEI PAGANI, a town of Naples, province of Principato Citra, at the foot of a hill occupied by the ancient citadel, in the middle of a series of isolated heights, 21 miles E.S.E. of Naples. It consists of straggling groups of houses, with gardens and trees between; and has seve¬ ral churches, a convent, a clerical seminary and other schools, and good cavalry barracks. Manufactures of linen and other stuffs are carried on. Nocera occupies the site of the ancient Nuceria, which was destroyed by Hannibal in his invasion of Italy. It is supposed to have received its modern epithet from a colony of 20,000 Saracens, who were settled here in the 13th century by the Emperor Frederick II., in opposi¬ tion to thecourt of Rome and the Guelph faction. Pop. 6800. NOCI, a town of Naples, province of Bari, 28 miles S.E. of the town of that name. It has a large hospital; and some trade in corn, wine, oil, and silk. Pop. 8000. NOG NODES, the two points where-the orbit of a planet or Nodes comet intersects the ecliptic, or where the orbit of a satel- || lite intersects the orbit of its primary. (See Astronomy.) ^ent;19 NODIER, Charles, a distinguished French htte- rateur, was born at Besanpon, April 29, 1780. Fiom his father, who was mayor of his native town during the first years of the Revolution, he received an excellent classical training. While still a mere lad, he gave earnest of his future literary eminence by composing dramas and lyrics on classical themes, which were much admired by com¬ petent judges in the circle of his friends. Encouraged by their praises, he began to point his thoughts and studies to a definite aim, and in 1798 published his Dictionnaire des Onomatopees. This work, which displayed research and critical power remarkable in so young a man, was, by the advice of Fourcroy, adopted as a text-book in all the government lycees and public schools throughout France. At this period of his life Nodier devoted much of his time to the study of natural history. He only published two works bearing directly on that science; one, an Essay on the Organs of Hearing in Insects; the other, his Biblio- theque Entomologique; but nearly all his more mature works give evidence of great taste and knowledge in these branches of inquiry. His next work of importance was his Napoleone, published in 1800. It was written in defence of freedom, at that time rapidly dying out in France under the military despotism of Bonaparte. Many of the views and expressions were extremely distasteful to the First Consul, who, after keeping the poet in confinement for some months, banished him to his native town, and there put him under police surveillance. Nodier’s studies now took a philological turn, and his Examen Critique des Dictionnaires de la Langue Frangaise was a valuable con¬ tribution to a science at that time much neglected in France. For several years after this date, he led an unsettled and wandering life, till he found a resting-place at Dole. He there began a course of lectures on literary subjects ; gained great popularity as a lecturer and critic; and married Ma¬ demoiselle Charves, a young lady of great beauty and accom¬ plishments. For some years after his marriage Nodier continued to reside at Quintigny, near the Jura, till the necessities of his family, and the prospects of abundant literary employment, drove him to settle in Paris. For some years he contributed regularly to the Journal des Debats, and after the restoration of the Bourbons, became editor of the Quotidienne. In 1818 he published Jean Sbogar; in the following year his beautiful romance of Therese Hubert; in 1820 Adele; in 1821 Smarra; and in 1822 Trilby. These works served to establish Nodier’s fame, and soon after the appearance of the last mentioned of them he was appointed to the honourable position of librarian to the Arsenal. The duties of this office were severe, and the heavy exactions on his time by society left him comparatively little time for writing. Some of his best works, however, such as his Dernier Ban¬ quet des Girondins, his Fantaisies du Docteur Neophobus, and his Franciscus Columna, date after his appointment to the librarianship. He died on the 27th of January 1844,^ almost exactly ten years after his election as a member of the French Academy. Nodier was one of the most amiable, pure, and interesting among the French litterateurs of his day. It may be doubted if even his best works are of a texture to resist the tear and wear of all time. Fie wrote too much, and too variously, to insure himself a place in the front ranks of French genius; but it is hardly possible to deny that, had he concentrated instead of diffusing his powers, and written for the future rather than for the pass¬ ing hour, his chances of immortality might have become certainties. An interesting Life of Nodier, by his friend Francois Wey, was published at Paris in 1845. NOGENT-LE-ROTROU, a town of France, depart- N O I Noimou- ment of Eure-et-Loire, at the foot of a steep hill in a tiers beautiful valley on the left bank of the Huisne, 33 miles II W.S.W. of Chartres. On the hill are the ruins of an old Mlekens. cast]e> which was once the residence of the celebrated - ' Sully’ In the town are three churches, one of which is as old as the eleventh century, three hospitals, a chamber of manufactures, a college, and a court of the first resort. There are also dye-houses and fulling-mills, as well as manufactories of leather, serge, cotton yarn, sieves, &c. An active trade is carried on in linen, hemp, clover-seed, hay, cattle, and other articles. Pop. (1856) 6542. NOIRMOUTIERS, an island of France, off the coast of the department of Vendee, separated from the mainland by a channel about one mile in breadth, which is nearly dry at low-water. Its length is about ten miles, greatest breadth three; area about seventy square miles, of which only about one-fifth 4s cultivated. This part is very fer¬ tile; and the rest of the surface is occupied chiefly by pasture ground and salt marshes. The island lies gene¬ rally somewhat below the level of the sea, and is protected from inundation by embankments. The principal produc¬ tions are salt, corn, beans, and some wine. On the east coast stands a town of the same name, which is well built, and has an old castle and a harbour. Pop. 7011. NOLA, a town of Naples, in the province of Terra di Lavoro, stands on the plain between Mount Vesuvius and the Apennines, fourteen miles E.N.E. of Naples. It is ill built and dirty; contains several churches and convents, a college, hospital, and barracks ; and is the see of a bishop. The town is of great antiquity, and is remarkable in Roman history for the resistance it offered to Hannibal in B.c. 216, who received his first check from Marcellus under the walls of this town. Nola is also remarkable as the place where Augustus died, a.d. 14; and in the fifth century it was the see of StPaulinus,by whom church bells were introduced. Many remains of antiquity have been found at Nola. Pop. 9600. NOLLE PROSEQUI, a phrase used in judicial pro¬ ceedings, where a plaintiff in an action does not declare in a reasonable time, in which case it is usual for the defen¬ dant’s attorney to enter a rule for the plaintiff to declare, after which a non prosequitur may be entered. A nolle prosequi is esteemed a voluntary confession that the plain¬ tiff has no cause of action ; and therefore if a plaintiff enters his nolle prosequi, he may be amerced; but if an informer cause the same to be entered, the defendant may have costs. The phrase is derived from the words used in the formal entry of the withdrawal, in which the party agrees that he will not farther prosecute {se ulterius nolle prosequi). NOLLEKENS, Joseph, a distinguished English sculptor, was born in London on the 11th of August 1737. His father, a native of Antwerp, was a painter by profes¬ sion, and is mentioned by Horace Walpole, under the name of “ Old Nollekens,” as an artist of some repute. He died whilst Joseph was still very young ; and his widow having married again soon after his decease, the education of the youthful sculptor was much neglected. In his thirteenth year we find him in the studio of Scheemakers, where he exhibited his passion for his art by drawing and modelling early and late with the utmost assiduity. As his powers expanded, he became repeatedly a successful candidate for the prizes offered to rising genius by the Society of Arts. In his twenty-third year we find him in Rome, friendless, and nearly reduced to want, but enthusiastically pursuing his vocation. He modelled and carved in stone a bas-reliefj which brought him ten guineas in England; and in the following year his group of “ Timoclea before Alexander,” in marble, was honoured by the Society of Arts with a premium of fifty guineas. This success placed him above absolute dependence; and he was now noticed by the artists in Rome, particularly Barry, and also by some Eng¬ lish visitors, amongst whom were Garrick and Sterne. The N O L 283 great English actor recognising him one day in the Vatican, Nollekens. invited him to breakfast next morning, and ended by sitting y— to him for his bust, for the model of which Garrick paid twelve guineas to the artist. Sterne likewise sat to him at Rome; and the bust of the wit, which is in terra-cotta, is considered an admirable likeness. To the last hour of his life Nollekens alluded to it with pleasure. “ Dance,” he used to say, “ made my picture with my hand leaning on Sterne’s head; he was right.” He was liberally pa¬ tronized by his countrymen who annually migrated to the capital of Italy, and for whom he executed many consider¬ able works in marble, of which “ Mercury and Venus chid¬ ing Cupid” are considered as the best. For all his produc¬ tions he received immediate and liberal payment. Early misfortunes had made Nollekens acquainted with privation. Being an economist from necessity, he became frugal from habit; and this continued to influence his conduct when the necessity for parsimony no longer existed. He lived at Rome in a very humble manner, and, after ten years of profitable study, he returned to London comparatively rich. Nollekens was now prepared to commence business upon his own account, and accordingly he took a lease of exten¬ sive premises in Mortimer Street. The busts of Sterne and Garrick had spread his fame in his native country, and he no sooner opened his doors than orders came in in abun¬ dance. In 1771 he was admitted an associate of the Royal Academy, and in the following year was elected a member, much to the satisfaction of George III., who soon after¬ wards honoured the artist by sitting for his bust. Nolle¬ kens about this time married a lady who was the friend of Samuel Johnson, and, if report may in aught be credited, the great critic was not insensible to her charms. Nolle¬ kens was fully aware that his strength lay in busts; and as this line of art was an exceedingly profitable one, it may readily be supposed that his time and talents were prin¬ cipally devoted to it. Amongst his sitters were the great, the beautiful, and the titled of the land; and his profits were commensurate with the condition of his employers. He also found leisure to work out, slowly and with much care, marble groups and statues, amongst which may be mentioned those of “ Bacchus,” “Venus taking off her sandal,” “ Hope leaning on an urn,” “ Juno,” “ Paetus and Arria,” and “ Cupid and Psyche.” His portraits were ex¬ cellent, and there was generally a gentleness in the expres¬ sion, and a gracefulness in the handling, which never failed to please. The likenesses of his busts were acknowledged by all, and the prettiness of the statues could not fail to be as generally admitted. But original vigour was wanting. He was one in whom the merely imitative faculty greatly surpassed the imaginative. The want of imagination Nol¬ lekens partially supplied, however, by a diligent study of the antique; and hence, whilst every statue surpassed its predecessor in delicacy of workmanship, the artist only attained eminence by incessant labour. During a period of ten years, from 1776 to 1786, he exhibited sixteen busts, five statues, and four groups, some of which were not in marble. The statues were those of “Juno,” “Diana,” “ Adonis,” “ Cupid,” and “ Mercury,” in which he followed the beaten track, withoutattempting anything new. Amongst his monumental effigies may be mentioned that which com¬ memorated the three commanders who fell in Rodney’s great battle of the 12th April 1782. From his “ Venus,” and other statues of that description, we pass on to those pro¬ ductions which were more suitable to the genius of the artist. The ten years which followed 1800 were the busiest in the life of Nollekens; for although he was between sixty and seventy years of age, he continued to work with the same diligence and skill as in his youth. Upwards of fifty busts proceeded from his chisel, besides nearly a score of groups and statues. Amongst the former were the far- famed heads of Pitt and Fox, those of the Prince of Wales, 284 N 0 M iNombr6- afterwards George IV., Dr Burney, the Marquis of Staf- e‘ 103 ford, the Duke of Bedford, and others. Of the twenty Nominal- statues and groups, the statue of Pitt for Cambridge at- ists and fracted most attention at the time. The “ Venus anointing Tlpalists. herself,” however, was the favourite work of Nollekens, though it is deficient both in originality and in propriety of action. The workmanship of the statue, however, is very fine. From 1810 till 1816, the last year of his exertions, he modelled some thirty busts, not a few of which are ranked amongst the most valuable of his works. The principal heads are those of the Duke of York; Lords Castlereagh, Aberdeen, Erskine, Egremont, Liverpool; Canning, Perceval, Benjamin West, and Thomas Coutts the banker. Nollekens died on the 23d of April 1823, leaving a fortune of some two hundred thousand pounds. (Cunningham’s Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, vol. iii.) (J. F. s.) NOMBRE-DE-DIOS, a town of Mexico, department of Durango, and 45 miles S.S.E. of the town of that name. In the vicinity there are rich silver mines; but the princi¬ pal resources of the place are derived from the sale of a liquor called mescal, distilled from the aloe. Pop. 7000. NOMINALISTS and REALISTS, two opposing sects among the scholastic philosophers, celebrated for the bitter and even bloody hostility with which they maintained their disputes. The contest turned upon the nature of general terms, or universals. While both parties agreed that the object of the science of logic was universals, they differed upon the grand question as to whether these universals were real things or mere names. One party espoused the latter opinion, and went by the name of Nominalists; the other adopted the former view, and received the name of Realists. The Nominalist cited Aristotle in behalf of his position ; the Realist adduced Plato in favour of his. It becomes therefore necessary, in order to get to the root of this famous controversy, to advert to the doctrines of those ancient masters respecting common notions or ideas. According to the opinion of Plato, common terms, as re¬ presentative of the actual and eternal ideas of the Divine mind, according to which all particular existences are formed, have a real, permanent existence. The partial exponents of these ideas, as manifested in individuals, he held to be unreal and illusory; and that the only proper realities were those general notions or ideas denoted by the term universals. Words, according to Plato, are the means whereby wre ascend to a clear and vital perception of things, and behind every common term there lurks an unquestionable reality. To seize upon this reality is ac¬ cordingly the business of his dialectics. With Aristotle, again, whose philosophy was fundamentally distinct from his master’s, the business of dialectics is to treat of the manner in which our minds discourse of things: words, according to him, are the representatives of our thoughts; and class words set forth in speech our notions or general¬ ized conceptions of individuals. He therefore denied the eternal existence of Plato’s ideas, but admitted with him the existence of those ideas in every individual of the species of which they formed the proper essence. As the phiases went among the schoolmen, Aristotle maintained umversaha in re ; Plato, universalia ante rem; the No¬ minalists, universalia post rem. Logic, with Aristotle, was the science of names and notions; with Plato it was more the science of names and realities. With Aristotle logic was an end in itself—it was the science of the laws of discursive thinking; with Plato it was simply a means wheieby the eternal and only realities which lay concealed behind universals were to be laid hold of. It is curious, however, that “ different philosophers,” according to Sir W. . Hamilton, <£ have maintained that Aristotle was a Realist, a Conceptualist, and a Nominalist in the strictest sense.” (Hamilton’s Edition of Reid’s Works, p. 405, note.) N O M At a very early period in the history of the church the Nominal. Platonic ideas of being and unity had become inseparably ists and connected with the mysteries of the Christian religion. Realists. The science of logic, as taught in the Organum of the Stagyrite, who was, indeed, the true founder of the science, was expounded by the doctors of the schools according to the principles of Plato, which had no proper connection with it. This practice continued until the times of St Anselm, about the end of the eleventh century, when a disputed passage in Porphyry’s Introduction to the Organum of Aristotle, respecting the disagreement of the Platonists and Peripatetics on the nature of genera, brought matters to a crisis. Roscelinus, or Roscelin, a canon of Compeigne, maintained that the notions of universals, of genera, and species were possessed of no reality,—were nothing but mere words {flatus vocis) employed to designate qualities common to different individuals. By this man, and in this manner, was Nominalism founded. Although apparently a trifling dispute in itself, the theory of ideas was neverthe¬ less a fundamental one in the scheme of human knowledge. The controversy thus excited by the canon of Compeigne had accordingly an extensive bearing. If every genus is only a mere word, it follows that individuals are the only realities, and that the senses are at bottom the only sources of knowledge. And not only so, but on this theory no absolute affirmation respecting truth is possible, for such an affirmation involves of necessity a general idea, which, ex hypothesi, is destitute of real validity. Hence we have scepticism at the next remove. Among churchmen, of course, all such disputes partook more or less of a theolo¬ gical character. The Nominalist doctrine, by denying a real validity to abstract ideas, was charged with necessitat¬ ing the denial of the realities of unities, and, in particular, of the great unity which forms the basis of the Holy Trinity. If the Trinity represented^mly a nominal unity, then it was pretty obvious that Roscelinus, the Nominal¬ ist, was a very dangerous person indeed. The poor ca¬ non had therefore to retract, on pain of death, at the Council of Soissons in 1092. St Anselm was the first to attack the position of Roscelinus, in a work on the Unity of the T rinity, but with a degree of temperance all his own, and with a realistic creed different from that of the Realists of the schools. Seeing that Nominalism and heresy had now become synonymous, it behoved philosophic church¬ men to crush the error. William of Champeaux, in order to do the work effectually, rushed straight to the opposite extreme, and, as the founder of scholastic Realism, main¬ tained that universals, so far from possessing t. merely no¬ minal existence, were in point of fact the only real entities. Genera, according to him, individualize themselves in par¬ ticular beings in such a manner that individuals differ only by the variety of their accidents, but are identical as to their essence or real nature. A few steps further and we have pantheism. Such, then, were the alternatives to which the speculations of Roscelinus and William of Champeaux re¬ duced the thinkers of that time. Nominalism and scepti¬ cism, Realism and pantheism—such was the dilemma. Abe¬ lard, the illustrious pupil of the founder of Realism, like a wise man, chose a middle course in preference to the horn of either extreme. He ascribed a reality both to indivi¬ duals and universals, but a reality differing in the case of each. Individuals had, he maintained, an essential exist¬ ence, and universals an existence ideally real. Genera were abstracted from particulars, and existed in the mind in the form of notions, or (as we call them now) concepts, and were held together and expressed bywords CdAe&general terms. Hence the theory termed Conceptualism, or con¬ ceptual Nominalism, which was really the one main¬ tained by all succeeding Nominalists, and is the doctrine of ideas generally believed in at the present day. Abelard displeased his proud master, William, by this middle N O M Tomsz. course, and, as so often happens, gave satisfaction to no one. Realism accordingly triumphed in silence during the second stage of middle-age scholasticism. (See Cousin’s Introduction to the unpublished works of Abelard, and his Fragments de Phil. Scholast.) Nominalism had well-nigh died out, when William of Occam or Ockham, an English Franciscan, and pupil of Duns Scotus, came forward in the fourteenth century to revive its decadent glory. This “ invincible doctor” attacked the Realists with great spirit, and raised the doctrines of the Nominalists into greater repute than they had ever before enjoyed. Nominalism, however, was no longer upheld by Occam and his followers in its absolute form : Conceptualism is the appropriate de¬ signation for their theory. The contest between the op¬ posing parties was now conducted with a virulence and ferocity altogether unworthy of philosophers. The strife raged in the schools of Britain, France, and Germany with the greatest fury. When words would not carry convic¬ tion, the passionate doctors had recourse to blows: when argument and patience wrere alike exhausted, the invin¬ cible combatants drew upon, one another, and ended the quarrel in blood. The doctor invincibilis himself, after espousing the cause of Philippe le Bel, King of France, and of Louis of Bavaria, against the Popes Boniface VIII. and John XXII., died at Munich, “persecuted but not subdued,” about the middle of the fourteenth century. Realism, as then identified with the cause of the Pope and the church, continued to prosper in Italy under the patron¬ age of the Roman See; while Nominalism, which, from the influence of its most stanch supporter, had become identi¬ fied with the political movement then agitated against the church, was generally received throughout the greater part of the European continent. But the time came when not only the University, but the King, of France issued edicts of extermination against the Nominalists. Their writings were ordered by Louis XL, in 1473, to be seized and bound in the libraries in iron chains; but after some time the edict was mitigated, the exiled sect was permitted to return, and Nominalism gained the ascendancy in France as in Germany. The fruitless and fatal consequences of these wranglings gradually became apparent. Scholasti¬ cism, with its endless subtilties and perverse ingenuities, be¬ came suspected, and a disposition towards mysticism gra¬ dually made its appearance among thinking men. (See Mysticism.) The revival of letters, and the advent of the Reformation, eventually put an end to the fiercest contro¬ versy known in the annals of philosophical speculation. Among the most celebrated Nominalists not already men¬ tioned, were,—Durand of Saint Pourcain, John Buridan, Robert Holcot, Gregory of Rimini, and Henry of Hesse, in the fourteenth century; and Matthew of Crochove, Peter D’Ailly, Gabriel Biel, and Raymond of Sebonde, in the fif¬ teenth. Among the Realists not already cited may be men¬ tioned Henry of Gand, Walter Burleigh, Thomas of Stras- burg, Marsile of Inghen, and Thomas of Bradwardine,—all in the fourteenth century. In addition to the ordinary his¬ tones of philosophy, the reader may consult with profit Ueber Nominalismus u. Pealismus, von Erner, 1842; also Ke Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques. (j. d—s.) NOMSZ, Jan, a voluminous Dutch author, was born at msterdam in 1738, and renounced commerce to devote himself to literature. An epic poem, entitled William 1? the rounder of the Freedom of the Netherlands, brought him into notice in 1779. Stimulated by his success, his ac- ive bram continued to produce numerous works on differ¬ ent su ijccts. He wrote satires, poetical epistles, historical sketches, newspaper articles, and translations from the Trench. He also composed or translated more than forty plays, which acquired great popularity on the stage of his na ive city. Yet all these successful efforts did not prevent lum from falling into misfortune, losing his self-respect, and N O N bringing his life to a calamitous close. He died in an hos¬ pital in 1803. NONAGESIMAL, or Nonagesimal Degree, is the highest point, or ninetieth degree of the ecliptic, reckoned from its intersection with the horizon at any time ; and its altitude is equal to the angle which the ecliptic makes with the horizon at their intersection, or equal to the distance of the zenith from the pole of the ecliptic. It is much used in the calculation of the parallaxes of the moon. (See Astronomy.) NONAGON, a nine-sided polygon. (See Geometry.) NONCONFORMISTS, the name by which Protestant dissenters from the Church of England are generally known. I heir existence dates almost as far back as that church itself. The attempt made by Henry VIII. to constitute an Anglican church differing from the Roman Catholic church only on the point of supremacy, succeeded as long as his own energy and boldness remained to support it. A sys¬ tem which had burnt Reformers as heretics, and hung Papists as traitors, was not likely to find much favour in a country where the popular zeal ran high in favour either of the old opinions or the new. Henry’s system accordingly died with its founder ; and it was reserved for the pious and courtly Cranmer to have the honour of laying the first stone of the proud edifice of the Church of England. The government and the Protestants required the mutual sup¬ port of each other; and in order to a union, concessions were made on both sides. They took a middle course be¬ tween Rome and Geneva, and laid the foundation of the Church of England. Her principles of theology were mainly Protestant; her prayers and thanksgivings savoured of the ancient breviaries ; her government was episcopal; and the king was her head. Despite the ingenuity and good design of this compromise, it is obvious that it was calculated to give scandal not only to zealous Catholics by going too far, but also to zealous Protestants by not going far enough. It was from the latter class, accordingly, that the Nonconformists and Puritans of England afterwards sprung, who were ultimately destined to exert a powerful influence over the political as well as the religious institutions of the kingdom. If in the days of Edward VI. the discontent of this party caused the government not a little annoyance, the fiery trials through which they had to pass during the succeeding reign were not calculated to allay their scruples. The cruelties of Mary drove immense numbers of Protes¬ tants to the Continent for safety, and the majority of them found an asylum in Switzerland and Germany. A portion of them settled at Frankfort, and resolved, after some deli¬ beration, to adopt the Genevan service-book in preference to that of King Edward. Not a few of the exiles in Stras- burg and elsewhere opposed this step; and Frankfort be¬ came the theatre of a contest between the rival systems of Episcopacy and Presbytery. John Knox, who had minis¬ tered for a time to the exiles at Frankfort, was forced to flee from the scene of strife, and Episcopacy triumphed. From this dispute dates the existence of the Puritans or Noncon¬ formists ; both epithets having originated in the attitude assumed by the opponents of the Church of England. When Elizabeth came to the throne the exiles returned to England, and brought their ecclesiastical disputes along with them. The battle now began in real earnest on Eng¬ lish soil, but no concession could be obtained from Eliza¬ beth. She endeavoured, on the contrary, by the most vi¬ gorous policy to check the progress of this numerous, ac¬ tive, earnest-minded party. She occasionally even sent the more stubborn of them to prison; but so strongly were they attached to her as the mainstay of the Reformed churches, that they did not cease to pray, from the gloom of the dungeon, for the safety of her person and the victory of her arms. “ The Nonconformists,” says Lord Macaulay, “ rigorously as she treated them, have, as a body, always 285 Nonagesi¬ mal I! Noncon¬ formists. 286 NON NON EToncon- venerated her memory.” [History of England, vol. i.) formists. The acts passed during Elizabeth’s reign for the suppres- sion of Nonconformity were both numerous and severe. By the Act of Uniformity (1 Eliz., c. 2), rigorous penalties were enacted against all who should perform divine wor¬ ship after any other mode than that prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer. From 1558 to 1565 this law was only partially observed, but from the latter year it began to be applied in all its force. Many of the Nonconformists lost their preferments, for they had not as yet judged it ad¬ visable to separate themselves from the church. By the act 23 Eliz., cap. i., sec. 5, the Puritans were subjected to heavy fines as often as they indulged their antipathy to the Established Church by absenting themselves from its worship. The rigour of these fines was even increased by the statute of 29 Eliz., cap. 6, secs. 4, 6; and by an act of 3 Jac. I., cap. 4, sec. 11, this obnoxious enactment was rendered still more tyrannical and severe. The last statute of Eliza¬ beth’s reign which weighed heavily on Nonconformity in England was 35 Eliz., cap. 1. It converted fines into impri¬ sonment, and even perpetual exile from the kingdom, as the penalty of non-attendance at the Established Church, or of the countenancing of conventicles. It should be noted, however, that while those provisions severely affected the Protestant Nonconformists, they were perhaps directed mainly against the Roman Catholics. During this entire reign the Puritans were not without great strength and in- „ fluence in the House of Commons—an influence, moreover, that continued to increase despite the rigorous policy adopted for their suppression. And, after all, the demands of the more reasonable among them were not so very exorbitant. Not a few of them would have rested satisfied with the re¬ moval of such rites and ceremonies as they deemed a de¬ parture from the purity of Christian worship as revealed in the Scriptures. Others, with Cartwright of Cambridge at their head, were anxious for Presbytery rather than Episco¬ pacy; while a third party—the Brownists or Independents— advocated the entire separation of church and state. The death of Elizabeth came in 1603, however, and no conces¬ sions had as yet been made to the demands of the Puritans. The high hopes raised by that much-wronged party on the accession of a Presbyterian to the throne were not destined to be realized. James I. condescended to hold conference with the Nonconformists at Hampton Court, but was more anxious to impress them with a sense of his superiority in theological disputation, than to listen to their wrongs with a view to their amelioration. The king was ingenious, but the sturdy Puritans could not be convinced. They were accordingly dismissed with insults, only to have fresh tem¬ poral and spiritual penalties issued against them in the Book of Canons of 1604. The acts of 3 Jac. I., cap. 4, and of 21 Jac. I., cap. 4, were passed to circumscribe still more the liberties of the nonconforming community, and to ren¬ der their bondage yet more galling. Still, Puritanism con¬ tinued to make progress in England, and the Arminianism of King James added greatly to the number of the dis¬ affected in the bosom of the Church of England. The policy of Charles I. showed no improvement on that of his predecessors; and his bitter antagonism to the Puritans found a zealous supporter in the person of the notorious Archbishop Laud. To escape the atrocities of the Star Chamber and of the High Commission Court, not a few sought safety in voluntary exile to Massachusetts Bay, where they founded a colony, of which men still know something. But the sad relief of expatriation was soon denied them by ex¬ press proclamation. Hundreds of Puritan clergymen were ejected during this reign for their hostility to the Book of Sports: Calvinism was denounced by the king and court; and fresh restrictions were laid upon Nonconformist preach¬ ing. Human patience, however, has its limits ; and a day of dark retribution came, when the down-trodden people of England rose in their wrath to right themselves. Laud was ^ones beheaded in 1644: five years afterwards his royal master || shared the same fate: the Parliament had abolished Epis- Nonnus. copacy, and Presbyterianism had its short hour of triumph. During the Protectorate all manner of sects were tolerated: Independency prevailed in the army : Baptists and Quakers flourished: the most unheard-of visionaries sprung up ; but Episcopacy remained proscribed. The Restoration of 1660 placed Charles II. on the throne, and brought back the old established religion. A new “Act of Uniformity” was passed (14 Car. II., cap. 4) in August 24, 1662, excluding from its communion all non¬ subscribers to the doctrines of the church, and otherwise subjecting them to much suffering and cruel restriction. It is from this date that the title of Nonconformists comes most into prominence. On this occasion no fewer than 2000 ministers of the church resigned their livings rather than conform to the Thirty-nine Articles. During the same reign the Conventicle Act (16 Car. II., cap. 4), the Five Mile Act (17 Car. II., cap. 1), the Corporation Act (18 Car. II., cap. 1), and the Test Act (25 Car. II., cap. 2), fell either directly or indirectly with much severity upon the Protestant Nonconformists. The statute of 22 Car. II., cap. 1, was passed with a view to annihilate conventi¬ cles by means of fines of minute rigour and uncompromis¬ ing strictness. The opening of the reign of James II. brought no relief to the Nonconformists; but, to their no small astonishment and temporary delight, the 4th of April 1687, witnessed James’s arbitrary Declaration of Indulgence. This proved, however, to be only a move more cunning than wise on the part of his unfortunate Majesty, to unite the Puritans and the Church of Rome in a coalition against the Church of England. All classes of Nonconformists were now exempted from penal laws : Protestant and Ro¬ man Catholic alike enjoyed public toleration. The Pro¬ testant dissenters soon discovered, however, that their spi¬ ritual privileges had, in point of fact, been abridged rather than extended by this indulgence. If they were flattered by the favour shown them by the court, they soon dis¬ covered they had purchased this hollow honour only at the expense of treating the court religion—the religion of Rome—with a becoming tenderness and respect. This, to a genuine Puritan, was worse than gall and wormwood, and it ultimately produced its effect. The blessings of a better toleration were reserved for the reign of the Prince of Orange. By the Toleration Act of 1 Wm. HI., cap. 18, all Protestant dissenters, except those who denied the Trinity, were relieved from the penal statutes to which they had been subjected. The benefits of this act were afterwards somewhat circumscribed by the Occasional Communion Bill and by the Schism Bill. The latter was repealed, however, in the reign of Geo. III. (19 Geo. III., cap. 24) ; and the Corporation and Test Acts were abolished in the reign of Geo. IV. (9 Geo. IV., cap. 17). These and other im¬ provements, together with the passing of the statutes re¬ lating to registration and marriage, have now placed dis¬ senters in England in the enjoyment of full liberty of con¬ science in the matter of religious worship. (Special and detailed accounts of the various sects of the Nonconfor¬ mists will be found under the articles Baptists, Inde¬ pendents, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Quakers. See Price’s History of Protestant Nonconformity in Eng¬ land, 2 vols., London, 1838; and Macaulay’s History of England?) NONES, one of the three divisions of the Roman month. (See Calendar.) NONJURORS, those clergymen who refused to take the oaths to the new government after the Revolution, and who were in consequence subject to certain incapacities and liable to certain penalties. (See Britain, History of) NONNUS, a Greek poet, was a native of Panopolis in N 0 O 7>oaheeva Egypt, and flourished in the fifth century A.D. It is || likely that he was still a pagan when he wrote the former of ! jrberg. h;s tw0 extant works, the epic poem Dionysiaca. Then 'Kr—' having been converted to Christianity, and probably re¬ solving to consecrate his talents to the support of the new faith, he composed his hexameter paraphrase of the Gospel of St John. The epic is chiefly characterized by a cum¬ brous and disjointed plot, which runs lumbering on through forty-eight books amid much inflated verbiage and nume¬ rous inappropriate episodes. The paraphrase is valuable only on account of some of the various readings which it furnishes. The latest edition of the former of these works is that of F. Graefe, in 2 vols. 8vo, Leipsic, 1819-26. The latest edition of the latter is that of Passow, Leipsic, 1834. NOOAHEEVA,N ouheva, or N ouka-Hiva, the largest of the Marquesas Islands, is in S. Lat. 8. 53., W. Long. 139.49.; and has a length of about 18 miles. The surface is rugged and mountainous, and the coasts steep ; the whole island being apparently of volcanic origin. The soil is rich and deep in the valleys, but on the hills it is thin, pro¬ ducing only tufts of coarse grass. Bananas and cocoa-nut trees grow in abundance ; but as the inhabitants, who are very lazy, are supplied with food by the spontaneous pro¬ ductions of the soil, the only article that is cultivated is tobacco. The people are of a dark copper colour, and live in huts of wood or cane raised above the ground on a plat¬ form of stones. There are several tribes in the island, who are very warlike, and are believed to be cannibals. No trace of any religion is to be observed ; and the utmost licentious¬ ness seems to prevail. The population is variously estimated from 8000 to 18,000. NOODT, Gerard, a celebrated jurist, was born at Nime- guen in 1647. He began his studies in his native town, and finished them at Franeker, by taking his degree in law. A successful defence of two criminals, who were arraigned at the bar for murder, first gave him a start in his profession. After passing through several successive grades of promotion, he was ultimately appointed a law professor at Leyden. But it was in the character of a writer on jurisprudence that his talents and acquirements were chiefly displayed. His Latin style, modelled after the best writers, was pure and precise ; he had an intimate acquaintance with the laws, manners, and customs of ancient Home; his speculations were guided by a simple desire for truth, and by a wary dread of dogmatic conjecture; and his political opinions were animated by a spirit of Catholic toleration. Accord¬ ingly his numerous works, as they successively appeared, rose to the rank of standard authorities. Two of the most popular among them were translated into French by Bar- beyrac, and appeared at Amsterdam in 1707 and 1714, under the respective titles of Pouvoir des Souverains, and Liberte de Conscience. Noodt was still actively engaged in adding to the number of his treatises when he was cut off in 1725. His entire works, accompanied with a Life, were published by Barbeyrac, in 2 vols. fob, Leyden, 1735, and reprinted at the same place in 1760. NOOTKA SOUND, an inlet of British North America, on the W. coast of Vancouver Island; N. Lat. 49. 35., W. Long. 126. 35. It stretches in a N.N.E. direction for 10 miles, and forms a number of smaller bays and coves. There is a wooded island in the centre ; and the greatest breadth of water is not more than a quarter of a mile. The shores are rocky, and the bay forms a very safe harbour, but is not capable of accommodating more than two vessels. NORBERG, or Nordberg, George, the historian of Charles XII. of Sweden, was born at Stockholm in 1677. Having entered into holy orders, after the usual course of study at Upsal, he was appointed almoner to the army of Charles XII. n 1703, and was promoted to the office of chaplain to the king in 1707. He continued to hold this latter post till he was carried away from the field of Pultawa NOR in 1709 to a captivity of six years in Russia. All this while it had been his custom to keep a record of the prin¬ cipal incidents that came under his observation. Accord¬ ingly, several years after he had been settled down in a pastoral charge in his native city, he was employed by Queen Ulrica Eleonora to write the history of her deceased brother, Charles XII. The work, after undergoing royal inspection and revision, was published in 2 vols. fob, Stock¬ holm, 1740, and reappeared in a French translation in 3 vols. 4to, the Hague, 1742. Two years after this latter date the author died at Stockholm. NOR CIA, a town in the Papal States, delegation of Spoleto, in a lofty valley near the source of the Nar, 17 miles E.N.E. of Spoleto. It has a considerable trade in pigs, oil, wine, and other agricultural produce. Pop. 4000. NORD, a department of France, so called from its being the most northerly in the country, lies between N. Lat. 49. 58. and 51.5., E. Long. 2. 7. and 4. 23.; and is bounded on the N. by the German Ocean, N.E. and E. by Belgium, S. by Aisne and Somme, and S.W. by Pas de Calais. Its length from N.W. to S.E. is about 124 miles; the breadth varies from 2£ to 39 miles ; area, 2192 square miles. The whole surface consists of a flat and monotonous plain, slightly sloping towards the N.E., and diversified with a few hills, which do not exceed 400 feet in height. The south¬ eastern part of the department is occupied by the northern slopes of the mountains and the forests of Ardenne; and throughout the whole extent of the country cultivation is carried to the top of the highest elevations. The coast of the German Ocean is formed by a range of sand-hills, called dunes or downs, and the land beyond is little, if at all, above the level of the sea. The principal rivers flow N.E. towards the German Ocean, and owing to the flatness of the country are of a very sluggish nature. The principal of these are,—Ysser, Lys, Scarpe, Scheldt, and Sambre. The Aa, which has a N.W. direction, separates the depart¬ ments of Nord and Pas de Calais. The soil is generally very good; and near the coast, where the low land is of a marshy nature, a skilful system of drainage has rendered that not only fit for cultivation, but has reclaimed from the water a tract of great fertility. Part of this district, called the Watteringhes, has been drained from a very early period by canals of various sizes,—some natural and some artificial,—which convey the water of the marshes into the sea at low-water. This district comprises an area of 195,321 acres, and is divided into four sections, each under the superintendence of special commissioners to see that the works are kept in repair. The other portion of the marshy ground lies partly in France and partly in Belgium, and is known by the name of Moeres. It con¬ sists of a larger and a smaller Moere—the former having an area of 7664 acres, of which 2944 are in France; while the latter extends only to 433 acres. This ground has on several occasions been drained, and again laid under water for the protection of the frontier, but was finally recovered from the sea in 1826. The soil of Nord consists of rich alluvial earth in the northern part, and towards the south is of a calcareous and clayey nature. The principal mine¬ rals are iron, coal, marble, paving-stones, potters’ clay, &c. Cultivation is more largely and better carried on here than in most other parts of France; about 890,000 acres are occupied by arable land, 235,000 by meadows, 86,500 by wood, &c. The crops principally raised consist of wheat, rye, barley, oats, pulse, hemp, flax, tobacco, hops, &c. Pas¬ toral occupations are also largely pursued. The horses, estimated at 80,000, are strong and fit for farm labour; the horned cattle, of which there are 230,000 head, are of one of the best breeds in France; and the 240,000 sheep of the department produce excellent wool. There are also 75,000 pigs and 7000 goats. The mineral operations carried on in this department are probably the most extensive in 288 NOR Nord, France, consisting principally in the working of coal and otes u j,.on m;nes> "phe manufactures are many and varied; Nordhau- ^nen’ cotton, and woollen stuffs of all kinds; lace, tulle, sen. cambric, and lawn ; sugar, starch, soap, oil, glass, paper, earthenware, ropes, leather, cannon, &c. The commerce of the department is also very great, consisting of the ex¬ portation of the produce of the soil and of the manufac¬ tures, and in the importation of cotton, wool, flax, tobacco, wine, brandy, timber, &c., which are received from foreign countries and from the French colonies. There are two seaports on the German Ocean, Dunkirk and Gravelines,—• at the former of which the maritime trade is chiefly carried on. The people near the coast are employed to a large extent in the herring fishery; and many vessels are sent out from Dunkirk and Gravelines to the whale and cod fisheries. In no part of France are the internal communications so much facilitated by roads and canals as in this department, where there are 15 imperial roads, extending over 360 miles ; 17 departmental roads of 176 miles ; besides 6 navigable rivers and 23 canals, with a total length of 350 miles. There are also 4 principal railways, extending over 143 miles. Nord forms the diocese of the Archbishop of Cambrai, and con¬ tains 5 Protestant places of worship and a Jewish synagogue. It has a court of appeal, 7 courts of primary jurisdiction, 4 tribunals of commerce, and 7 councils of prucThommes. The educational institutions are,-^a primary normal school at Douai, 2 academies, 15 communal colleges, 934 public primary schools, See. There are also 47 hospitals, 2 deaf- and-dumb institutions, 3 lunatic asylums and other chari¬ table establishments, 9 prisons, and 13 fortified places. The capital is Lille ; and the department is divided into 7 arron- dissements as follows:— Cantons. Communes. Population, 185G. Lille 16 132 404,279 Douai 6 66 106,155 Dunkirk 7 59 105,717 Hazebrouck 7 53 102,734 Avesnes 10 153 150,523 Valenciennes 7 81 163,082 Cambrai 7 118 179,863 Total 60 662 1,212,353 NORD, Cotes du. See Cotes du Nord. NORDEN, a town of Hanover, in the province of Aurich, on a canal leading to the Bay of Leisand, in the German Ocean, which is 4 miles off, 16 miles N. of Emden, and 15 N.W. of Aurich. It is an ancient and well-built town, with a large market-place planted with fine trees. There are churches belonging to the Lutherans, Reformed Church, Roman Catholics, Moravians, and Mennonites ; a synagogue ; an hospital, which was formerly a convent; and a school. Norden has numerous breweries; manufactories of cloth, leather, and tobacco; and a considerable shipping trade. Markets for horses are held here. Pop. (1852) 6188. NORDHAUSEN, a town of Prussian Saxony, in the government of Erfurt, stands on the Zorge, at the foot of the Seyersberg, a branch of the Harz Mountains, and at the head of the fertile valley called the Guldene Aue, or Golden Valley, 38 miles N.N.W. of Erfurt, and 49 W. of Halle. It has an antique appearance, and is surrounded by walls and towers, with seven gates. There are a Roman Catholic and several Protestant churches, one of the latter contain¬ ing two paintings by Cranach; a town-hall; a theatre; 4 hospitals; and several schools. Nordhausen contains distil¬ leries, which are among the largest in Germany ; besides tanneries, woollen factories, soap-works, oil-mills, and manu¬ factories of linen, hats, sealing-wax, vitriol, and chemical NOR substances. An active trade is carried on here in corn and Nordh * cattle. Wolf, the famous classical scholar, was born in the ||eim neighbourhood of Nordhausen. Pop. 14,960. Norfolk. NORDFIEIM, a town of Hanover, in the province of Hildesheim, on the left bank of the Ruhme, 12 miles N. of Gottingen. It is well built, and defended by walls. There are saw-mills, and manufactories of cloth, leather, shoes, and tobacco. Some trade is carried on in timber. In the neigh¬ bourhood there are sulphureous springs. Pop. (1852) 4679. NORDKOPING, or Norrkoping, a town of Sweden, in the lan of Linkoping, near the mouth of the Motala, in the Bravik, an inlet of the Baltic, 24 miles N.E. of Lin¬ koping, and about 90 S.W. of Stockholm. It has a beauti¬ ful situation on both sides of the river, which here incloses two islands, and is crossed by several bridges. The streets are broad, straight, well paved, and lined with neat houses, generally only two storeys high, built some of wood and some of stone. There are three churches, a town-hall, a synagogue, an hospital, and several schools. Manufactures of linen, cotton, and woollen cloth, paper, starch, soap, tobacco, sugar, brass, hardware, &c., are carried on here; and there are docks for ship-building, in which many fine steamers have been constructed. A considerable trade is carried on in the exportation of iron, grain, and manufac¬ tured articles. Pop. about 12,000. NORDLINGEN, a walled town of Bavaria, in the circle of Swabia, on the Eger, 39 miles N.W. of Augsburg, and 48 S.W. of Nuremberg. It has 4 churches, one of which, completed in 1505, has a tower 268 feet high, and contains in the interior a fine organ and some paintings; \ ' a town-hall; an hospital; and several schools. Manufac¬ tures of carpets, woollen and linen cloth, leather, and glue, are carried on here; and the place is remarkable for its geese, in the feathers of which, as well as in cattle, an ex¬ tensive trade is carried on. Nordlingen is historically im¬ portant for the victory gained here in 1634 by the Aus¬ trians and Bavarians over the Swedes. A fresco painting of the battle adorns the town-hall. Pop. 7000. NORE, a part of the estuary of the Thames, to the E. of Sheerness, and about 50 miles below London. NORFOLK, an English maritime county, the most easterly and the fourth in territorial extent in the country, and tenth as regards population. It is bounded on the N. and N.E. by the German Ocean; on the N.W. by the estuary called the Wash ; and on the S. the rivers Waveney and Little Ouse divide it from Suffolk; while the Great Ouse, the Wilney, and the Nene separate it from Cam¬ bridgeshire. Its greatest length is about 70 miles from E. to W., and the broadest part is 42 miles from N. to S. It lies between 50. 17. and 52.56. N. Lat., and 0. 1. and 1.45. E. Long.; is about 180 miles in circumference; and contains within the county proper (as distinguished from the regis¬ tration county) 1,354,301 acres ; is divided into 33 hundreds and 740 parishes, including the city of Norwich, which is a city and county in itself. The population, according to the returns at the six Census decennial enumerations, amounted in 1801 to 271,125, in returns. 1811 to 288,305, in 1821 to 339,885, in 1831 to 384,142, in 1841 to 405,124, in 1851 to 433,716. The census of 1851 returns the registration county &s follows J— Areainsta- Inhabited Uninhab. Houses f■ tute acres. Houses. Houses, building. 10Pulat,0n' 1,300,311 91,144 3360 447 433,716 Males. Females. 210,759 222,957 The amount of real property assessed to the property and income tax in 1851 was L.2,463,893, and the amount These computations are founded on the principle adopted at the last census, which was taken in accordance with statutes 2 and 3 Will. IV., c. 64, and 7 and 8 Viet., c. 61, which altered the limits of counties, and made them consist of groups of registration districts, in general identical with poor-law unions. All isolated portions of counties are now considered part of the county surrounding them, or with which they have the greatest common boundary. Norfolk, by this arrangement, has been diminished in area, the extensive parish of Upwell having been detached from it and added to Cambridgeshire. Norfolk. NORFOLK. 289 assessed to the relief of the poor for the year ending March 1850 was L.l,865,216. The expenditure of the county for 1856 was— For Gaols L.6,407 18 10 Administration of Justice 4,201 5 10 Lunatic Asylums 1,770 17 7- Coroners 1,071 14 9 Militia and Artillery 1,124 18 6 Miscellaneous 2,623 10 11 17,200 6 5 The county rate levies amounted to L.13,393 0 0 And the receipts from Government to 3,544 0 0 mouth, Loddon, Long Stratton, Reepham, and North Norfolk. Walsham. West Norfolk comprises fifteen hundreds and i ' its polling-places are East Dereham, Fakenham, Lynn Downham, Thetford, and Swaffham; the latter of which is the principal place of election. The municipal boroughs and corporate towns of Norfolk, each also returning.two members to Parliament, are— Inhabited Houses. Population. Norwich 14;988 68,195 Great Yarmouth, with Gorleston 6,886 30,879 King’s Lynnj 3,845 Ip’sss Thetford 844 4,075 1 ysical c iracter- cs. ine. jfliia- m Uary diilsions. The births in 1851 were 14,345, deaths 9384, and marriages 3177. The places of' worship were—belonging to the Church of England, 719; and sittings, 187,210: belonging to other denominations, 722 ; and sittings, 125,703. There are about 100 endowed schools in connection with the Church of England, and above 1200 day schools of all denominations. The educational census gives the number of children of all ages at school—boys, 26,694; girls, 26,299. The Sunday schools are returned as 782 ; and Sun¬ day scholars, 50,182. The general census gives the total num¬ ber of children under ten years of age—boys, 52,996; girls, 53,082: and the total number under tuition at home or at school—boys, 17,990; girls, 17,271: leaving 70,817, inclu¬ sive of infants, not under any instruction. From its exposure to the North Sea, the climate of Nor¬ folk is generally colder than other parts of England, and the prevalence of easterly winds in the spring retards the growth of vegetation to a later period than in the western districts. The surface of the country presents less variety than most of the other English counties, being generally flat, and uninteresting to the traveller in search of the picturesque. The coast is chiefly comprised of low sandy beach, seldom rising into bold elevations. The only lofty cliffs are St Edmund’s Point at Hunstanton, and the chalk and clay cliffs at Cromer, which are fast yielding to the incursions of the ocean. The scenery is not woody; but of late years timber has been more generally planted, for use as well as ornament, than was formerly the case. The rivers, although slow and sluggish in their course, are easy of navigation, and, with the sea on the northern and eastern sides, form natural water-boundaries to this county, making it almost an island; in the eastern valleys the streams frequently expand into large meres or broads abounding with fish. The Great Ouse, navigable for barges 24 miles from its mouth, rises in Northamptonshire, enters this county at Downham, and enters the large estuary of the Wash, which divides Norfolk from Lincolnshire, near Lynn. It affords water communication with seven of the midland counties. The Little Ouse and the Waveney rise within ten feet of each other in the southern part of the county, but pursue directly opposite courses, forming the boundary line between Nor¬ folk and Suffolk until the Little Ouse meets the'Great Ouse on the borders of Cambridgeshire, and the Waveney, becoming navigable at Bungay, meets the Yare at Burgh, and falls into the sea at Yarmouth. The Bure rises near Aylsham, and, after receiving the Thurne and Ant, falls into the Yare, which rises near Attleburgh, becomes navigable at Norwich, and, after receiving the waters of the Tass and the Wensum, merges in the Waveney. A ship-canal has been cut across the marshes from Reedham to Lowestoft in Suffolk, connecting the Yare with the sea. The Nar rises near Litcham, and has a short course to the sea near Lynn, whence it is navigable to Narborough, a distance of sixteen miles. 1 he Reform Act divided the county into two parts, East and \V est Norfolk, each returning two knights of the sure to Parliament. The eastern division comprises eighteen out of the thirty-three hundreds into which the county is divided, and its polling-places are Norwich, Yar- The agriculture of this county is the foundation of its in- ^Rricul- dustrial prosperity. Few counties of England possess tare, a greater variety of soils, and the peculiar excellence of the far-famed Norfolk agriculturist consists in the skill with which he mixes these various soils, thereby improving the texture, and therefore the productive qualities of all. ° By judicious claying and marling, large tracts of light sandy desert, moor, and heath have been converted into rich arable land; and by the extensive use of draining-mills, both wind and steam, the low marsh lands have been con¬ verted into rich valleys of fruitful corn-fields. Ten years ago it was said of the agriculturists of this county, that they knew as much as would be necessary, if known generally, to make England produce half as much again as it was at that time doing. The more general diffusion of agricultural science since that time may have lessened the comparative superiority of the Norfolk farmers, but, as they took the lead in throwing off the fetters of antiquated systems, they continue to preserve their character for adopting readily ail hints for improvement, and still exhibit examples of the most judicious practices in husbandry. The ploughing and drilling here are excellent; even indifferent skill in these branches is very rare. The ploughs used are of light con¬ struction, drawn by two horses, or frequently bullocks, for which a peculiar breed of Devons are employed, and driven from behind with reins by the man who guides. This mode of driving is said to be the cause of the straightness of the lines preserved by both ploughs and drills. The most pre¬ valent system of cropping now' is the four-course, as first introduced by the late Earl of Leicester; and the usual ro¬ tation is, turnips, barley, clover or other grasses, and wheat. The five-course system is not uncommon, but the old six- course is very rare. Nearly all the corn is stacked in the field. The number of farms,in the county employing labourers is 4868; those not employing labourers, or not making returns, 1664—total, 6532. Number of labourers em¬ ployed in the field—-men, 32,840; w'omen, 606—total, 33,446. Upwards of200,000 acres of commons and sandy heaths have been inclosed during the last eighty years. Ihe average yield per acre1 is ten cooms or five quarters of barley, and nine cooms or four and a half quarters of wheat. Above 1,045,760 acres of land are under cultiva¬ tion. Its agricultural productions are chiefly wheat, bar¬ ley, oats, peas, beans, potatoes, turnips, mangel-wurzel, beet, hay (composed of rye-grass, clover, suckling, trefoil, or sainfoin). Hemp is grown on the borders of Suffolk, and flax is cultivated for the sake of the linseed to fatten cattle, as well as for the flax itself. The management of the turnip crop is a point on which Norfolk agriculturists have long been pre-eminent. This valuable root was first introduced into field culture in the reign of George I. by Viscount Townshend, upon his estates in Norfolk. By the immense stock of winter food they supply, an enormous increase in the number of cattle and sheep bred and fattened in the county has been produced. The principal implements used in husbandry here are light ploughs, scarifiers, harrows, drills, horse-hoes, chaff-cutters, and threshing-machines. Wheat is often dibbled, the women and girls finding em- 1 In 1831 the vol. xvr. average yield of wheat was 3 quarters to the acre, showing an increase —v-*; to Hitchin. Before the formation of railways, coals and heavy goods were brought to Northampton by means of the Nen and a branch canal from the Grand Junction at Blisworth. Markets for the supply of meat and vege¬ tables are kept on Wednesdays and Saturdays; the latter is also a cattle-market. About twelve fairs are held in the course of the year. That on September 19 is called the “ cheese fair.” The wool fair is held in the first week in July. The race-course is 117 acres in extent. The Northampton and Pytchley Hunt races are held in March, at the close of the hunting season. The barracks were finished in 1796 for the accommoda¬ tion of cavalry, and are situated at a short distance from the race-course. The borough gaol was opened in 1846. It is con¬ structed on the separate system, and is capable of contain¬ ing eighty persons. The county gaol was opened in the same year, and is capable of receiving 150 prisoners. About a mile S. of the town, on the old London road, is one of the crosses erected by Edward I. to the memory of his queen, Eleanor of Navarre. It is a work of great beauty, and in fair preservation, but the upper portion has long been wanting, and no record remains of its character. An entry in the expense rolls makes mention of five images, and it has been conjectured that the fifth (only four being required for the canopy) surmounted the monu¬ ment. The staple manufactory of the town is that of shoes, in which the great majority of the working-classes are en¬ gaged. A large proportion of the army contracts are exe¬ cuted here and in the adjacent town of Wellingborough. Stockings were formerly made here ; and the first stocking- frame used in Leicester was brought to that town in 1680 by a person from Northampton named Alsop. Lace¬ making also was carried on to some extent, but it has almost entirely ceased. There are three extensive iron- foundries in Northampton. At Rushmills, about 2 miles from the town, is a paper manufactory which supplies the bank-note paper and the stamps for postage. The popu¬ lation has rapidly increased during the last fifty years. In 1801 it amounted to 7220; in 1811 to 8427; in 1821 to 10,844; in 1831 to 15,351; in 1841 to 21,242; and in 1851 to 26,657. (j.e.r.) Northampton, a post-town and shire-town of Hamp¬ shire county, Massachusetts, one of the United States of North America. It stands on a hill near the west bank of the Connecticut River, 95 miles W. from Boston; and consists chiefly of two streets laid out with considerable re¬ gularity. It contains several handsome public buildings, of which the court-house, jail, and one of the churches are the most conspicuous. The private houses are in general large and in a good style, and many of them are elegant. Northampton is one of the most beautiful towns in New England, and distinguished for the refinement and intelli¬ gence of its inhabitants. A stream passes near the centre of the town, on which are erected numerous mills and many manufactories. The rearing of the silk-worm has been car¬ ried on here for some time, and large quantities of silk, as well as cotton and woollen goods, are manufactured. Far¬ mington Canal extends from Newhaven to this place. A bridge, built in 1826, connecting this town and Hadley, is 1086 feet in length by 36 in breadth, and is supported by six piers and two abutments. The lands bordering on Con¬ necticut River, in which are now the towns of Northampton, Hadley, and Hatfield, were first known by the Indian name Nonotuck. It was the third place settled on the river in this state, and was incorporated in 1654. Amongst the striking objects in the scenery of Northampton are the NOR ~ NOR 297 ; )rthamp-beautiful river, and the heights called Mount Torn and inland position of the county, it is less subject to heavy Northamp. jnshire. Mount Holyoke, the former being 1200 and the latter 900 and continued rains than most parts of England. The tonshire. feet above the river. Long. 72. 38. W., Lat. 42. 19. N. climate is' mild and salubrious ; and the soil is generally Pop. (1850) 5278. rich and fertile. It is pretty equally divided for the pur- NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, one of the midland coun- poses of tillage and grazing. Some of the farmers are ties of England, bounded by a greater number of counties great cattle-breeders, but the majority purchase beasts to than any other like division of England, having on the N. fatten them for the market. Another agreeable feature is the counties of Leicester, Rutland, and Lincoln ; E. those the great number of noblemen’s seats, and the mansions of of Cambridge, Huntingdon, and Bedford ; S. those of Buck- the gentry, with the parks and plantations that adorn them, ingham and Oxford; and W. Warwickshire. It lies be- The woodlands are extensive, consisting chiefly of the re¬ tween 51. 59. and 52. 40. N. Lat., and 0. 8. and 1. 20. mains of the royal forests of Rockingham, Salcey, and W. Long. It is about 66 miles in length ; the breadth in Whittlebury, with the chases of Geddington and Yardley. the widest part is 26 miles, in the narrowest not more than The ash is the staple timber tree of the county, and fetches 8 miles. Its extent is 630,358 acres, of which probably a high price. 580,000 are arable, pasture, and meadow land. In 1841 The county is not remarkable for mineral productions, the population was 139,228; in 1851 it had increased to Limestone is abundant, and within the last few years the 212,380, occupying 43,942 houses. soil has been worked for ironstone in the neighbourhood of In ancient British times this county was the most south- Northampton and along the line of the Peterborough Rail- ern part of the Coritani; by the Romans it was included in way, and has been found to yield a tolerably large per- the province of Flavia Caesariensis. The Roman roads centage. Good clay for bricks and tiles is to be met with Watling Street and Ermine pass through it; the former on in many parts : there are also quarries for roofing-flags, the S.W. from Towcester to Lilbourne, the latter enters by The only navigable river in this county is the Nen, or Castor, and branches oft’at Upton. In the Saxon period Nene. It rises in the western part, flows across the county, this county made part of the kingdom of Mercia. It suf- and then runs N. till it enters the German Ocean by Lin- fered repeatedly and severely from the incursions of the colnshire. The Welland rises at Sibbertoft, and forms a Danes. Simon De St Liz, a follower of William the Con- boundary between the county and Leicestershire and Rut- queror, having received from his sovereign the town of land. The other rivers, the Ouse, the Avon, the Severn, and Northampton to find shoes for his horses, fortified it, and the Charwell, which, like the two former, have their sources built t'ne castle at the west entrance. During the 12th in Northamptonshire, are but inconsiderable rivulets till thev century many councils were held at Northampton. The enter the adjoining counties. Previous to the construction battle which decided the fate of Charles I. was fought at of railways the canals were important aids to inland traffic. Naseby, June 14, 1645. Besides an obelisk erected a mile The Oxford Canal connects the county with that city. The to the east of the scene of action, the “ Sulby hedges” still Grand Junction Canal, communicating on the one hand remain as a more exact landmark. with London, and on the other with Liverpool and Man- The whole of the county is within the diocese of Peter- Chester, passes through the county, and is navigable for borough, with the exception of three parishes, Gretton, Nas- barges of 60 tons burden. The Grand Union Canal con- sington, and King’s Sutton,which are in the diocese of Lincoln, nects it writh Leicester. It forms an archdeaconry, containing 293 parishes, of which At the period of the Reformation the number of religious 172 are rectories, 93 vicarages, and 29 perpetual curacies, houses, including colleges and hospitals, amounted to nearly From the census of 1851, it appears that in this county sixty. Of the great abbeys, Peterborough is the only one there were at that time 592 places of worship, having in all that has been preserved entire ; to which may be added the 151,687 sittings. Of these, 292 places of worship belonged collegiate churches of Fotheringay, Higham-Ferrers, and to the Episcopalians, 122 to various bodies of Methodists, Irthlingborough. The principal monastic remains are to Si to Baptists, 56 to Independents, 6 to Quakers, 6 to be found at Daventry, Canons’Ashby, and Dingley. The Roman Catholics, 4 to Latter-day Saints, 3 to Moravians, county is rich in almost every style of ecclesiastical archi- and 16 to other bodies. The number of Sunday-schools lecture. As specimens of the early Norman style may was 426, with 33,614 scholars. Of the-former, 257 be- be mentioned the churches at Earl’s Barton, Barnack, longed to the Episcopalians, 68 to Methodists, 52 to Bap- Brixworth, Brigstock, Castor, Spratton, Barnwell, and lists, and 39 to Independents. Of day-schools there were Twywell. Of ancient mansions the most deserving of 276 public, with 18,969 scholars; and 411 private, with notice are Castle-Ashby, the seat of the Marquis of Nor- 7555 scholars. Of the public schools, 169 were supported thampton, of which the oldest part was built in the reign by religious bodies, 88 by endowments, and 14 by general of Henry VIII.; and Burghley House, near Stamford, or local taxation. There were also 15 evening schools for built by Queen Elizabeth’s lord treasurer, and now the adults, and 8 literary and scientific institutions. . seat of the Marquis of Exeter. Kirby Hall, near Rock- By the Reform Bill the county was divided into two ingham, built by Sir Christopher Hatton, is now falling divisions, N. and S„ each containing ten hundreds, and re- rapidly to decay, though habitable within the last half turning two members. The election for the northern century. Althorpe, the seat of Earl Spencer, of uncertain division is held at Kettering, and the polling-places are date, but restored by the Earl of Sunderland in 1688, claims Kettering, Peterborough, Oundle, Wellingborough, and notice for its magnificent library, formed principally by the Clipstone. The election for the southern is held at Nor- grandfather of the present Earl (1858), being the richest thampton, and the other polling-places are Daventry, Tow- in early printed works of any private collection in the cester, and Brackley. Two members are also returned for world. Of the crosses erected by Edward I. in memory of 1 eterborough, and two for Northampton. his queen Eleanor which still remain, two out of three are 1 his county, although destitute of any bold or striking in this county—one at Hardingstone, near Northampton, scenery, presents an agreeable variety of bill and dale, and the other at Geddington. bearing those marks of cultivation which indicate industry Of celebrated persons, who were natives of this county and comfort on the part oi the occupiers. The general ele- or connected with it, the following maybe mentioned:— vation of the land is about 300 feet above the level of the Robert Brown, founder of the sect of the Independents, sea ; and the highest point, Arbury Hill, in the neighbour- born at Tolthorp, in Rutlandshire; John Dryden and Jiood of Daventry, rises only to the height of 804 feet above Thomas Fuller, born at Aldwinckle ; James Hervey, author sea-level. Owing to this absence of elevations, and to the of the Meditations, born at Hardino-gtone, and died at VOL. XVI. 9 t. 298 NOR North Cape Weston Favell; Bishop Wilkins; William Law, author of ( II The Serious Call, born at King’s ClifFe; Dr Doddridge, Northcote. jn Lon[]ori) kut; resident at Northampton, minister of "“r '• the Castle-Hill Meeting-House, and tutor of the Dissenting Academy in that town; Parkhurst, the biblical lexicogra¬ pher ; Dr Paley; and Dr Carey, the missionary and ori¬ ental scholar, born at Paulerspury. Two of America’s greatest sons were connected with this county. Franklin’s ancestors had a freehold estate of about 30 acres for at least 300 years at Ecton, five miles from Northampton, where they carried on the trade of blacksmiths. General Wash¬ ington was the great-grandson of John Washington, of Sulgrave, who emigrated to America in 1637, and whose^ great-grandfather, Lawrence Washington, was mayor of Northampton in 1532 and 1548. At Northborough Oliver Cromwell’s wife died, and his favourite daughter, Elizabeth, married Sir John Claypole, the lord of the manor, the chapel of whose family remains attached to the parish church. At Abington, Shakspeare’s favourite grand-daughter, who married Sir John Bernard, lived and lies buried there. It would be unpardonable to omit the name of the late George Baker, whose History and Anti¬ quities of the county form a monument of the indefatigable researches and minute accuracy of the author; and which his sister, Miss Baker, his faithful companion and fellow- labourer, by her ample Glossary of Northamptonshire (Lon¬ don, 1854) has made a lasting contribution to the history of our language. (j. E. R.) NORTH CAPE, the most northerly point of Europe, is situated in the island of Magerde, separated from Norway by a narrow strait; N. Lat. 71. 10., E. Long. 25. 46. It consists of a long range of steep rocks, about three-quarters of a mile broad, and 1200 feet above the sea. The geolo¬ gical structure of these rocks consists of gneiss, quartz, and other primary formations. On the E. side there is a small bay, hollowed out of the rock, which affords a landing-place; but at all other parts it is inaccessible from the sea. NORTHCOTE, James, an eminent English painter and writer on art, was the son of a poor watchmaker, and was born at Plymouth on the 22d October 1746. After receiving a scanty education, he was apprenticed at an early age to the trade of his father. He soon betrayed a decided love for painting, however, and some humble successes in portraiture induced him, after he had reached his twenty- first year, to abandon watchmaking, and to set up a small studio in his father’s house. The chief event which deter¬ mined the success of his after career was his introduction to Sir Joshua Reynolds in 1771, who received the young aspirant into his own house as one of his pupils. Northcote now entered upon a course of regular study, with an untiring enthusiasm which secured the approval and lasting kindness of his master. Late and early he was found either in the gallery of Sir Joshua or in the Royal Academy. At the expiry of his term of five years, the desire to look upon the great paintings of Italy occupied his mind. During the next year he plied his pencil in order to obtain money for his travelling expenses; and in 1777 he repaired to Rome, with a scanty purse and with no knowledge of any language except his own. It was his purpose to make portraitures the staple of his support, and to devote his leisure moments to the higher and more congenial subjects of historical painting. Accordingly, during his sojourn of three years in Italy, the works of Titian and Michael Angelo were the chief objects of his study; and he flattered himself that he had caught the grand style of these great masters. Yet no sooner had he been removed from the daily inspection of Italian art, than he slid insensibly into an imitation of Sir Joshua Reynolds. On his return to London in 1780, Northcote became a professional painter of portraits and history. An air of pro¬ priety pervaded whatever he executed; his colouring, some- NOR what dull, and his drawing, stiff and defective, were redeemed Nortoem by a certain academic grace; and although he lacked the Circars highest gift of an historical artist—the power of conceiving || an entire scene in all its details—his knowledge of what a ^ortl1 picture ought to be enabled him, after much careful correc- tion and elaboration, to portray an event with feeling and clearness. A love of money combined with a love of art to keep him constantly before his easel. If his merits were not always recognised, it was not because he was too modest to display and avow them; and if his rivals sometimes threw him into the shade, it was because his contemptuous taunts and depreciating criticism failed to prevent them from rising. His services were soon hired by Alderman Boydell, a munificent patron of the fine arts, and the origi¬ nator of “ The Shakspeare Gallery.” Northcote was thus enabled to concentrate all his attention upon that branch of the art most congenial to his taste. The first paintings that he executed for his employer were, “ The Murder of the Royal Children in the Tower,” “The Death of Wat Tyler,” and “Arthur and Hubert;” and these at once established his reputation. The Royal Academy elected him a member in 1787, and he was welcomed into his seat by the president, his kind old master, Sir Joshua. Although, in a short time afterwards, the failure of Boydell threw him back upon portraiture, his fortunes did not cease to rise. Numerous sitters flocked to his studio; commissions for poetical and historical pieces occasionally dropped in; and in 1791 his earnings, which had been hoarded up with the utmost care, were fast swelling into a handsome com¬ petence. His fame, however, began to decline ; his portraits could not stand comparison with the masterpieces of Lawrence, which were now beginning to come into the field; and all his open depreciation of his young rival could not prevent the public from thinking so. He tried moral painting in 1796, in the “Modest Girl” and the “Wanton,” but found he could not compete with Hogarth. Falling back upon history, he produced “The Earl of Argyll in Prison,” and “ The Vulture and Snake.” But the golden age of historical painting was passing away, and his own hand, weakened by age, was gradually forgetting its cun¬ ning. Last of all, he tried book-making, and in 1813 pub¬ lished a life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, which was chiefly valued on account of the sayings and anecdotes which it preserved. It was while the reputation of Northcote had thus failed to be sustained by himself, that it was revived by his newly-acquired friend, the celebrated William Hazlitt. The two acquaintances had frequent intercourse; the painter vented his pungent remarks and cutting gibes while his hand plied the brush mechanically, and the writer noted down the conversation as it proceeded. The result was, that the sayings of Northcote were published by Hazlitt in periodical sections in the New Monthly Magazine, under the title of Hoswell Redivivus. The popularity which that series of papers secured confirmed the bond between the chronicler and his hero. A large work in 2 vols. 8vo, entitled Titian and his Times, was thus produced between the two in 1830. This was the last eftort of Northcote. He died on the 13th July 1831. (Cunning¬ ham’s Lives of Painters, &c.) NORTHERN CIRCARS. See Circars, Northern. NORTH SEA, or German Ocean, a part of the Atlantic Ocean, lying between Great Britain on the W. and Denmark and Norway on the E.; extends from N. Lat. 51. to 61., E. Long. 2. 30. to 7. 30. Its length is about 700 miles, its breadth about 420 miles, and its area about 270,000 square miles. Near the coasts of Norway, which are steep, and, though indented by deep fiords, send but few streams to the sea, the depth is the greatest, being about 190 fathoms; while the average depth of the whole sea is only 31. On the low southern shores the Elbe, Weser, Rhine, and Scheldt, which here discharge themselves, have I S'i’thum- trland. Sv—' NOR carried down immense quantities of sand, which have made the southern portions of the sea comparatively shallow; while on the coast of Great Britain the same effect, though to a less extent, has been produced by the Thames, the Ouse, the Humber, the Tyne, the Forth, and the Tay. The centre of the sea is occupied by several large sand¬ banks, the principal of which are, one extending from the Firth of Forth 110 miles to the N.E., another stretching nearly as far N.W. from the mouth of the Elbe, and the Dogger Bank, which lies between N. Lat. 54. 10. and 57. 24., E. Long. 1. to 6. 7. The North Sea has also some remarkable deep holes, such as the Little Silver Pit, off the Yorkshire coast, the Great Silver Pit, and the North North- East Hole. The seaabounds in fish, especially cod, hake, ling, turbot, soles, mackerel, herring, &c.; and fishing is exten¬ sively carried on, both on the different shores of the sea, and on the Dogger Bank, where cod is obtained. The tides in this sea are formed by the great wave of the Atlantic which passes round the S. and N. of the British Islands. The tide-waves from the N. and S. meet on the coasts of Jut¬ land, where the tides nearly neutralize each other. On entering the North Sea the height of the wave is about 12 feet; but the form of the shore, the nature of the bottom, and the direction in which it meets the land, cause it to vary somewhat in height at different places, and on the Humber it rises to 20 feet. The islands in this sea are of insignifi¬ cant size, and are three in number—Heligoland, off the Elbe; the Isle of May and the Bell Rock, in the Firth of Forth. On all these, and on many other points, light¬ houses have been erected. The North Sea is connected with the English Channel by the Straits of Dover, and with the Baltic by the Skagerrack, the Cattegat, the Great Belt, the Little Belt, and the Sound. NORTHUMBERLAND, an extensive county in Eng¬ land, situated on its northern extremity, upon the borders of Scotland, from which it is separated partly by the River Tweed, which, during the latter part of its course, flows between this county and Berwickshire, and partly by a line supposed to be drawn over the mountainous region on the W. and N.W., where it meets with Roxburghshire. The other boundaries are the German Ocean on the E., Durham on the S., and Cumberland on the W. On the N. are two small districts called Norhamshire and Islandshire, which, though belonging by their situation to Northumberland, formed a part of the county of Durham, along with another tract called Bedlingtonshire, on the S.E. By a recent act of Parliament these have been united to Northumberland, and the Tweed has thus become the northern boundary of the county. The town of Berwick, also on the N. of the Tweed, has been added to Northumberland for election purposes, but has still a separate jurisdiction, with a sheriff of its own. Lindisfarne, or Holy Island, on the N.E. coast, which in like manner belonged to Durham, is situated about two miles from the mainland, opposite to the mouth of the brook Lindis, and accessible to all kinds of convey¬ ance at low-water. Although about nine miles in circuit, it contains little more than 1000 acres, the half of which is sand-banks. In this view, Northumberland is situated between 54. 48. and 55. 42. N. Lat., and between 1.25. and 2. 41. W. Long. Its greatest extent from N. to S. is 64 miles, and irom E. to W. it varies from about 46 miles, which is its usual breadth between the River Tyne on the S. and the Coquet on the N., till it terminates at the town of Berwick on the N., in a breadth of only 5 or 6 miles. The area is 1952 square miles, or 1,249,299 acres. Nearly one-third of the county is scarcely capable of beneficial cultivation. It is divided into six wards, namely, Tyndale, Coquetdale, Glendale, Bamborough, Morpeth, and Castle; the first three comprising the western and mountainous district, and the second three the coast lands on the E. Besides these, NOR 299 Northumberland includes the county of Newcastle. The Northum- maritime wards, though extending over only one-fourth of berland. the county, are by far the most wealthy and populous, owing chiefly to the great coal-works in Castle ward, near the town of Newcastle, and along the banks of the Tyne. It contains five deaneries and seventy-three parishes, all of which are in the archdeaconry of Northumberland and diocese of Durham. All the western side of this county is mountainous, from the boundary of Durham on the S. almost to the valley of the Tweed on the N.; but this extensive tract, comprising more than a third of the whole area, is not all of the same character. The northern, or Cheviot Hills, extending to about 90,000 acres, being for the most part green nearly to their summits, comprehending many narrow but fertile glens, and affording excellent pastures for the breed of sheep to which they have given their name; whilst those to the W. and S. are, in general, open solitary wastes, covered with heath, and of very little value. Along the coast, from the mouth of the Tyne to that of the Tweed, the country is, with few exceptions, level and rich, with a soil which, in some places, is a strong clay, and in others a dry loam, but almost everywhere very productive, under the enlightened system of cultivation which prevails so generally throughout Northumberland. The climate of Northumberland is colder, and the time of harvest later, than in the more southerly parts of England. The western and upland regions are cold and bleak ; but near the sea, although chill east winds sometimes prevail, the temperature is consider¬ ably milder and warmer. The coast is generally low, and has numerous bays and headlands ; while near to the main¬ land there are several small islands which are included in the county. The principal rivers of the county are the Tyne, Blyth, Wansbeck, Coquet, Ain, and the Tweed, all of which fall into the sea, carrying with them the tribute of many smaller streams. The Till, which empties itself into the Tweed, is also a considerable rivulet. The Tyne and the Tweed are by far the most important, the tide flowing up the for¬ mer 16 miles, and up the latter 8 or 10 miles; whilst the navigation of the other rivers is confined to a small distance from their mouths. Both of these have long been celebrated for their salmon fisheries, which are, however, much less productive than formerly. Those on the Tyne barely supply the local consumption, but the Tweed fisheries afford a valuable article of trade with London, to which the fish are sent packed in pounded ice, by which means they are presented in the market in nearly as fresh a state as if they had been newly taken from the water.. Northumberland has long been distinguished for its sub¬ terranean treasures, which are the main source of its wealth and cause of its populousness. Of these, coal, which abounds in most parts of it, is by far the most important. It is of the best quality in the south-eastern quarter, on the banks of the Tyne, whence those vast quantities are exported which supply the great consumption of the metropolis, as well as other British and foreign ports. The coal is all of the kind called “caking coal,” which melts and runs together in the fire, and, when of the best quality, leaves very little ashes. Calculations have been made as to the extent of this tract, the quantity of coal which it may con¬ tain, and the period when it must be exhausted; but upon this latter point there is a great difference of opinion, some estimating that the supplies must cease in three hundred years, some not in less than eight hundred, whilst by others it is held to be almost inexhaustible. Of the coal found in Bamborough, Islandshire, and Glendale ward, the seams are in general thin, and the quality inferior, not caking nor burning to a cinder, but yielding a great quantity of ashes. This is used only for home consumption and for burning limestone, a purpose for which it is well adapted. Through 300 NOR NOR Nortbum- all this district coal and lime are generally found together: berland. hut the south-eastern quarter, which is so rich in coal, is destitute of limestone. Lead ore abounds in the mountains on the S.W., particularly towards the head of that branch of South Tyne called Allendale, where it has long been wrought to a considerable extent. Iron ore is found in many parts; stone marl near Tweedside, shell marl in Glendale ward, and various sorts of sandstone or freestone are obtained in almost every quartex*, some of it affording tolerable flags for roofing and for floors. In the sand¬ stone quarries excellent grindstones are obtained, and a great many are exported. The agriculture of Northumberland is an object which is only second in interest and importance to its coal-works. Almost all those branches of rural economy for one or more of which other districts are celebrated, may here be found combined into one system, and conducted upon the same farms. One finds here, in great perfection, the Lei¬ cester and Southdown sheep and the short-horned cattle of Durham and Yorkshire; the turnips of Norfolk, cultivated upon the drill system of Scotland ; the well-dressed fallows of East Lothian and Berwickshire; and that regular alter¬ nation of tillage and grazing which is, of all other courses of cropping, the one best adapted to sustain, and even to improve, the productiveness of the soil. These remarks apply in an especial manner to the northern part of the county, where the farms are in genei’al large, and the occu¬ piers men of education and liberal acquirements. This quarter has been long distinguished as a school of agricul¬ ture, to which pupils are sent, some of them gentlemen of fortune, from various parts. The common period of leases, at least in the northern district, is twenty-one years, although many are shorter, and upon a few estates no leases are granted. By the account taken for the purpose of levying the property-tax in the year 1843, it was found that the annual value of the real property amounted to L.1,542,434. It may be worthy of remark here, that at the seat of the Earl of Tankerville, called Chillingham Castle, there still exist in the forest some remains of the herds of wild cattle which are supposed to have formerly abounded in this island, and to have been the origin of our race of cows. This county is traversed by two principal lines of rail¬ way, extending from Newcastle, the one northwards along the coast to Berwick, and the other westwards to Carlisle. The length of the former, which is entirely in Northum¬ berland, is 66 miles, while the latter extends 41 miles befox-e it leaves the county. Thei’e ai'e also shorter lines con¬ necting Newcastle with North Shields, Tynemouth, and Blyth. Northumberland is not eminently a manufacturing county. Some wool-combing is carried on at Hexham, and some thread is spun in the villages; but the chief branches of manufacturing industry are those that depend upon the €01116068, and are chiefly carried on within and around the town of Newcastle, to which head in this work the reader is referred. Of all the English counties none is so rich as this in re¬ mains of the Roman era. Among these, the most important is the famous wall built by Agricola against the Piets, and subsequently repaix-ed and improved by Hadrian and Se- verus. It extends across the S. of the county from the Tyne to the Solway Firth. Thex-e is a great Roman road running northwards through Northumberland into Scotland ; and there are, besides, many Roman camps and stations. The population of the county at the six decennial enu¬ merations has been as follows:—In 1801 it amounted to 168,078, in 1811 to 183,269, in 1821 to 212,589, in 1831 North- to 236,959, in 1841 to 266,020, and in 1851 to 303,568. West Pa!. The number of inhabited houses in 1851 was 47,737. v BaS6- Northumberland contained, in 1851, 488 churches, with 136,066 sittings. Of these, 154 belonged to the Church of England, 198 to Methodist sects, 68 to Presbyterians, 20 to Roman Catholics, and 14 to Independents. There were also 359 Sunday schools-—131 Episcopalian, 115 Methodist, 55 Presbyterian, and 18 Independent. The number of scholars was 29,687. Of ordinary schools there were 642, with 37,289 scholars. The title of Duke of this county belongs to the family of Pei'cy, which passed into the female line in the last century. The Eai’l of Carlisle derives his second title from the town of Morpeth. This county is included in the northern circuit. The assizes are held at Newcastle thrice a year, and the quarter-sessions successively at Newcastle, Morpeth, Hex¬ ham, and Alnwick. For the purposes of election two divisions are formed, each returning two members. The elections for the northern division are held at Alnwick, and the polling- places are, besides that town, Berwick, Elsdon, Morpeth, and Wooler; for the southern they are held at Hexham, and the other polling-places are Bellingham, Haltwhistle, Newcastle, and Stamfordham. Besides Newcastle and Ber¬ wick, each of which retmms two members, Morpeth, which, previous to the Reform Bill, had two members, still retains one. By the same act one member was given to the borough of Tynemouth, which includes the town of North Shields, with a considerable rural district around it. The towns containing more than 2000 inhabitants, with their population in 1851, were the following:— Newcastle 87,784 Tynemouth 29,170 Berwick 15,094 Morpeth 10,012 Alnwick 6231 Hexham 4601 Blyth 2060 The noblemen’s and gentlemen’s seats are generally handsome edifices, but those especially worthy of mention are Alnwick Castle, the residence of the Duke of Nor¬ thumberland, and Chillingham Castle, that of the Earl of Tankerville. Alnwick Castle is at present undergoing most extensive improvements at an enormous cost, which, when completed (in about 1860), will render it the most complete and magnificent bai’onial residence in England. Lord Ravensworth resides at Eslington Park during a por¬ tion of the year, but his principal seat is Ravensworth Castle, in the county of Durham. Howick Hall is a hand¬ some building by Paine, under whose superintendence many of the mansions of the Northumbrian gentry were rebuilt about the middle of the last century. Bamburgh Castle, an ancient royal fortress, and the seat of the Northumbrian kings during the Heptarchy, came into the possession of Nathaniel, Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham, who left extensive estates to trustees for charitable purposes. The castle has been restored and fitted up for the occasional residence of the trustees. Ford Castle was rebuilt about a century ago by the late Lord Delaval. It is now the property of the Marquis of Waterford, whose agent occupies the castle. The modern additions are in bad taste, but there are interesting remains of the ancient fabric, long the residence of the noted border family of Heron. The re¬ mains of castles now in x'uins are Norham, Etal, Dunstan- burgh, Warkworth, Prudhoe, Langley, and Thirlwall, with many others of minor impox-tance. Of Wark and Mitford little remains but the foundations. Bothal has been fitted up as a residence for the agent of the Duke of Portland; and Morpeth for the agent of Lord Carlisle. (j. H.) NORTH-WEST PASSAGE. See Polar Regions. 301 I^OETH-WESTERN PROVINCES. isions nd tricts. The North-Western Provinces of Bengal form one of the great political divisions of Hindustan, comprehending a vast tract of territory, and constituting a sort of vice-pre¬ sidency under the chief government of India. The ad¬ ministration is conducted by an officer, bearing the title of lieutenant-governor, who is appointed by the governor- general in council. These provinces, intersected by the Jumna and the Ganges, lie between Lat. 23. 51 and 30. 26., Long. 75. 20. and 84. 40.; and are bounded on the N. by the Deyra Dhoon, Kumaon and Nepaul; on the E. by Nepaul, Oude, and the lower provinces of Bengal; on the S. by the lower provinces of Bengal and the native state of Rewah; and on the S.W. by Bundelcund, Scindia’s terri¬ tory, and Rajpootana. The whole territory, comprehending an area of 76,190 square miles, with a population, ac¬ cording to the census of 1852-53, of 30,473,927, is dis¬ tributed into six divisions and thirty-three districts. In the following list the names in capitals are those of the provinces, the others of districts. But there are districts also bearing the same name as the provinces, except in Rohilcund. The order is from north to south. 1. MEERUT, 2. Dehra Dhoon, 3. Saharunpore, 4. Mozuffurnuprgar, 6. Boolundshuhur, 6. Allygurh. 1. DELHI, 2. Bhuttiana, 3. Paneeput, 4. Hurreeanah, 6. Itohtuk, 6. Goorgaon. ROHILCUND, 1. Bijnour, 2. Moradabad, 3. Budaon, 4. Bareilly and Pillibheet, 5. Shahjehanpore. 1. AGRA, 2. Muttra, 3. Furruckabad, 4. Mynpoorie, 5. Etawah. 1. ALLAHABAD, 2. Cawnpore, 3. Futtehpore, 4. Humeerpore and Calpee, 5. Banda. 1. BENARES, 2. Goruckpore, 3. Azimghur, 4. Jaunpore, 5. Mirzapore, 6. Ghazeepore. Under the general arrangement for the government of India (3d and 4th William IV., cap. 85), the then existing Presidency of Bengal was to be divided into two Presi¬ dencies,—one retaining the previous name, the other to be called the Presidency of Agra. This plan, however, was not carried out; and by an act subsequently passed (5th and 6th William IV., cap. 52), power was given to the East India Company to suspend its operation, and to the go¬ vernor-general in council to appoint, during such suspen¬ sion, a lieutenant-governor of the north-west provinces, exercising his powers within an extent of territory to be defined by the authority from whom he received his ap¬ pointment, and with such limitations as the same authority might deem fit. Agra is the seat of the government thus established, from which circumstance the officer adminis¬ tering it is usually styled the Lieutenant-Governor-of Agra. In addition to the limits above defined, the jurisdiction of this functionary extends over some considerable tracts de¬ nominated the non-regulation districts, comprising the Saugor and Nerbudda territories, the Butty territory, the districts of Gurwhal, Ajmere, &c. By the Act of the Go¬ vernor-General in council, dated the 9th of January 1858, Mutiny of Delhi and Meerut, or some portions thereof, were placed 1857. under the Chief Commissioner of the Punjab. As tbe great mutiny of the Bengal army in 1857, though Causes of extending in some instances to Lower Bengal, and other parts sepoy of India, was chiefly confined to the north-west provinces, mutiny of the insertion of the present article seems to afford a fitting opportunity for giving a summary of the principal occur” rences connected with that extraordinary event. At the commencement of the year just mentioned a degree of un¬ easiness was first observed in a brigade of native infantry sta¬ tioned at Barrackpore, and the natives attached to the depot of musketry at Dum Dum, in the vicinity of Calcutta. A rumour had been insidiously spread that the sepoys were to be forced to embrace the Christian faith, and that as a prelude to the change, and with the view of entrapping the troops in¬ to a loss of caste, the government had given orders that the grease employed in the arsenal, in the manufacture of car¬ tridges for the new Enfield rifle, should be composed of the fat of pigs and cows. In using this description of cartridge one end is bitten off previous to loading ; and as the Moham¬ medan regards the hog as impure, while the Hindoo looks upon the cow as a sacred animal, it would be alike repug¬ nant to the religious prejudices of both creeds to apply the new ammunition to the mouth. The rumour appears to have been first put in circulation at Dum Dum. At this place a low-caste Hindu meeting a Brahmin sepoy, attached to the depot of musketry, solicited a draught of water from his lotah or drinking-cup. The Brahmin refused, observing, “ I have scoured my lotah, and you will defile it by your touch.” “Caste!” was the taunting rejoinder, “you think much of your caste, but wait a little; you are all going to eat bul¬ lock’s fat, and then what will become of your caste?” The news spread rapidly through the cantonment, and soon ex¬ tended to Barrackpore. At both stations it produced a high degree of excitement. An investigation into the matter was forthwith instituted under the orders of the government. In the course of the inquiry it was ascer¬ tained that hog’s lard did not in any way enter into the composition of the grease. At the same time, it could not be satisfactorily shown from what description of animal the tallow was obtained ; and, as under this doubt it would have been impossible to convince the sepoys that the ingredients were of an inoffensive character, the government at once determined to remove all cause of objection by ordering the cartridges to be issued altogether free from grease. A notification was accordingly promulgated abolishing the use of fat in the composition; but as the application of some greasy substance was absolutely necessary for the purpose of lubricating the bore of the rifle, the men were directed to apply with their own hands whatever mixture they might prefer. The alleged grievance being thus promptly re¬ dressed, and a full1 explanation of the matter having been made by the commanding officers, both at Dum Dum and The nddress to the troops by Major-General Hearsey, commanding at Barrackpore, is remarkable for its manly and straightforward character. In a letter to the government, dated the 11th February 1857, he observes,—“ I must mention that I had the whole brigade paraded on Monday afternoon, the 9th, and myself energetically and explicitly explained, in a loud voice, to the whole of the men the folly of the idea that possessed them, that the government or that their officers wished to interfere with their caste or religious preju- dices, and impressed on them the absurdity of their for one moment believing that they were to be forced to become Christians. I told them the English were Christians of the Book, i.e., Protestants; that we admitted no proselytes but those who, being adults, could read and fully understand the precepts laid down therein; that if they came and threw themselves down at our feet, imploring5 to be made “ Book ” Christians, it could not be done ; they could not be baptized until they had been examined in the tracts of the Book, and proved themselves fully conversant in them, and then they must of their own goodwill and accord desire to become Christians of the Book ere they could be made so. I asked them if they perfectly understood what I said, especially the 2d Grenadiers; they nodded assent: I then dismissed the brigade. I have since heard from officers commanding regiments, that their native officers and men appeared quite ( koosh ) pleased, and seemed to be relieved from a heaviness of mind that had possessed them.” NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 302 Mutiny of at Barrackpore, the sepoys appeared perfectly satisfied that 1857. no intention existed of interfering with their religious pre- judices. Shortly afterwards, however, a similar spirit of dis¬ content developed itself at Berhampore, a military canton¬ ment near Moorshedabad. An escort party of the 34th native infantry from Barrackpore had made known to the sepoys of the 19thregiment native infantry stationed at Berhampore the objections which had been urged against the new cartridges by their comrades at Barrackpore and Dum Dunu and though they had been apprised of the remedial mSisures which had been adopted, a conviction seemed nevertheless to be gaining ground that the government were steadily bent upon making the sepoys lose caste by forcing them to handle impure things. The men were consequently ripe for out¬ break. On the 26th of February the regiment was ordered to parade for exercise with blank ammunition. When the cartridges1 were about to be issued, the men, one and all, re¬ fused to receive them, upon the ground that the paper of which they were made was glossy, and when burned gave out a smell of animal fat. The plea was wholly without foundation. Upon being analyzed the paper proved to be free from all greasy or oily matter. Under these circum¬ stances, it became obvious that any farther continuance in a conciliatory course would be most impolitic. From the moment that the main facts of the outbreak were estab¬ lished, every member of the government felt satisfied that no penalty short of the disbandment of the regiment would meet the case. A severe example, it was hoped, would have the effect of convincing the native troops that they would only bring ruin upon themselves by failing in tbeir duty to the state, and in obedience to their officers. In this expectation the men were marched down to Barrack¬ pore, where, on the 31st of March, the regiment was formally disbanded. The example was at first believed to have produced the desired effect; and it was asserted that a better spirit had begun to prevail among the native troops. But almost immediately after, a European detachment was hur¬ ried down from Dum Dum to Calcutta, where an alarm had broken out, upon its becoming known that two sepoys of the 2d regiment of native infantry, while on duty at the fort, had been detected in an attempt to bring over the guard of the Calcutta Mint. In the following month a sepoy, and one of the native officers of the 34th native infantry stationed at Barrackpore, were found guilty of mutiny, and sen¬ tenced to be hung ; and on the 6th of May the general in¬ subordination of the sepoys rendered it incumbent upon the government to disband and dismiss from the service seven companies of the same regiment quartered at that place. At this juncture, moreover, information reached Calcutta of the mutinous conduct of the 7th regiment of the Oude irregular infantry at Lucknow. General These partial mutinies at Barrackpore, Fort William, outbreak. Berhampore, and Lucknow, indicating a wide-spread spirit of disaffection, were but the forerunners of the general Mutiny Cf revolt of almost the entire native army of Bengal. About 1857. the middle of May, the startling intelligence reached Calcutta that the flame of insurrection had burst forth at Meerut and Delhi; that six regiments quartered in those cities, viz., the 11th and 20th native infantry, and the 3d light cavalry, at Meerut, and the 38th, 54th, and 74th native infantry at Delhi, had risen in open mutiny, and that the insurgents had seized and retained possession of the city of Delhi. The announce¬ ment excited an all-absorbing interest throughout all classes of the community. Every one felt that a crisis was at hand, demanding from those who were called upon to encounter it the exercise of a vigorous judgment, combined with the most resolute courage and the greatest promptitude of de¬ cision. The government were not slow in proving them¬ selves equal to the occasion. A proclamation forthwith appeared, disavowing all intention on the part of the state to interfere with the caste or religion of its subjects;2 and this preliminary step being taken, Lord Canning proceeded to meet the emergency with all the energy and determina¬ tion which we are wont to admire in the earlier history of our Indian conquests. The one great object was to procure European troops. For this purpose prompt measures were adopted for intercepting the military force then on its passage from England to China; earnest requisitions for reinforcements were simultaneously dispatched to the Mau¬ ritius, Ceylon, the Cape of Good Hope, and Great Britain; and these were followed by the most vigorous preparations for concentrating in the disturbed districts the scattered military resources of the empire. In the following nar¬ rative, an attempt is made to connect the leading events which mark the progress of this momentous outbreak. Early in May 1857, the 3d regiment of Bengal light Meerut, cavalry, stationed at Meerut, refused to continue the use of the old cartridges; none of the new ammunition, as already observed, having been issued to any native regi¬ ment. For this act of mutiny all the men of the regiment armed with carbines were tried by court-martial, and eighty- five of their number sentenced to imprisonment for ten years with hard labour. The sentence was read at a general parade of the troops on the 9th of May, and the prisoners, after being ironed on parade, were marched off to the jail. Two other native regiments, the 11th and the 20th infantry,were also quartered at Meerut; and on the following day, the 10th of May, the men of these corps broke out in open mutiny, and joined the disaffected light cavalry. Col. Finnis, of the 11th regiment, attempting to expostulate with the men, was shot by the insurgents of the 20th re¬ giment. Several other British officers were then singled out as victims, and all Europeans—men, women, or chil¬ dren—upon whom the miscreants could lay hands, were ruthlessly murdered. The loss of life extended to about forty individuals. In the course of the night the mutineers, 1 These were the old cartridges which the regiment were in the habit of using. It is, indeed, worthy of remark, that the new cart¬ ridges had been issued only to the musketry depots at Dum Dum, Umballah, &c., and not to any native regiment. They were adapted exclusively to the new Enfield rifle ; and as the native regiments were armed hitherto with the common musket, it would have been use¬ less to have issued them. 2 The proclamation ran as follows:—“ The Governor-General of India in council has warned the army of Bengal, that the tales by which the men of certain regiments have been led to suspect that offence to their religion, or injury to their caste, is meditated by the Government of India, are malicious falsehoods. The Governor-General in council has learnt that this suspicion continues to be propa¬ gated by designing and evil-minded men, not only in the army, but amongst other classes of the people. He knows that endeavours are made to persuade Hindus and Mussulmans, soldiers and civil subjects, that their religion is threatened secretly, as well as openly, by the acts of the Government, and that the Government is seeking in various ways to entrap them into a loss of caste for purposes of its own. Some have been already deceived and led astray by these tales. Once more, then, the Governor-General in council ■warns all classes against the deceptions that are practised on them. The Government of India has invariably treated the religious feelings of all its sub¬ jects with careful respect. The Governor-General in council has declared that it will never cease to do so. He now repeats that declara¬ tion, and he emphatically proclaims that the Government of India entertains no desire to interfere with their religion or caste, and that nothing has been or will be done by the government to affect the free exercise of the observances of religion or caste by every class of the people. The Government of India has never deceived its subjects. Therefore the Governor-General in council now calls upon them to refuse their belief to seditious lies. This notice is addressed to those who hitherto, by habitual loyalty and orderly conduct, have shown their attachment to the government, and a well-founded faith in its protection and justice. The Governor-General in council enjoins all such persons to pause before they listen to false guides and traitors, who would lead them into danger and disgrace.” NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 303 Mt ny of having previously rescued the eighty-five prisoners of the !57. light cavalry who had been sentenced to hard labour, and having fired the cantonments, retired in the direction of Delhi. |lhi. This place the mutineers reached on the 11th. Crossing the Jumna by the bridge of boats, they made direct for the palace of the king, where, being promptly admitted, they sallied forth into the town. Here they were met by the Delhi troops, consisting of the 38th, the 54th, and the 74th native infantry. Both parties evidently understood each other. The three regiments at once fraternized with the rebels. This being done, they turned upon their officers, many of whom they shot or cut down; then continuing the career of atrocity commenced at Meerut, they proceeded to murder all Euro¬ peans wherever they could be found. The number who thus perished is said to have been very great. The next step of the mutineers was to take possession of the fort and city, and to secure the bridge of boats over the river. Lieutenant Willoughby, the commissary of ordnance, held charge of the magazine, and finding that the rebels were escalading the walls by means of ladders, which had been supplied from the palace, gallantly blew up the building. Unhappily, this heroic soldier received severe injuries, and did not long survive the daring act. All the Europeans within the palace were slaughtered with the concurrence, if not by order of the king, and the restoration of the house of Timour was proclaimed. Delhi, thus captured, remained in the occupation of the mutineers; and no inconsiderable portion of the Bengal army was now arrayed in armed resistance against the lawful rulers of the country. On the part of the British, it was felt that the prompt recapture of the city was of the first importance, it being obvious that the preservation of order throughout the north-west pro¬ vinces was mainly dependent upon the early and signal dis¬ comfiture of the rebels. Delay, however, was unavoidable. The commander-in-chief, General Anson, hastening down to Delhi from the hill station of Simlah, reached Kurnaul on the 25th of May, where he was attacked by cholera, and fell a victim to the disease on the 27th of May. Upon this the command of the army devolved upon Major-General Sir H. Barnard, who, having been joined by the troops of the Rajahs of Jheend and Pateeala, moved on towards Delhi, and reached Allipore, 10 miles from the city, on the 5th of June. Before, however, the new commander could reach the captured city, the insurgents sallied forth in great force, and attacked a portion of the troops from Meerut under Brigadier-General Wilson, at Ghazee-ood-deen Nug- gur. The attack was made on the 30th of May, and re¬ peated on the 31st ; but the assailants were thoroughly beaten and dispersed, leaving behind them five guns, and large stores of ammunition. Our loss on the two occasions amounted to 23 killed and 31 wounded. On the 8th of June, General Barnard advanced from Allipore, and being joined by Brigadier Wilson, made a spirited attack upon the enemy’s intrenched outposts at Badlee-ke-serai, cap¬ tured the heights in front of Delhi, together with 26 guns, and drove the rebels, dispirited, within the walls of the city. The position thus secured by the British extended from the river on the left, along the ridge facing the north side of the city as far as the Subzee Mundee suburb on the right, where the hilly ridge terminates; the distance from the city walls averaging from 1200 to 1500 yards. On this occasion a most determined resistance was shown by the enemy, and the loss of the British was no less than 51 killed and 134 wounded or missing, with 63 horses. Next day, and again on the 10th and the 11th, the enemy attacked the British position, but were repulsed, and re¬ treated within the city. On the 12th a very serious attack was made by the mutineers on the flagstaff picquet, nearly in the centre ol the British position, and a few hours after¬ wards, at the Subzee Mundee, on the British extreme right. The 60th native infantry, which had been detached to Rohtuck, and had there mutinied and joined the insurgents at Delhi, suffered mucli in this encounter. An assault upon the city had been arranged for the 13th of June, but, owing to the mistake of a superior officer in delaying to withdraw the picquets—without which the columns of at¬ tack would have been too weak—was abandoned. On the 15th the rebels again made a sortie, attacked the Metcalfe picquet, and tried to turn the left flank of the British, but after a sharp action, were repulsed with great Joss. On the 17th the enemy opened a very heavy cannonade to cover some batteries they were constructing. A single shot fired by them killed Ensign Wheatley of the 54th native in¬ fantry, and killed or wounded nine men. At 4 p.m. Majors Tombs and Reid led two columns to the attack of the works the rebels had just commenced, and destroyed them, losing only 18 killed and wounded. On this day the mutineers were reinforced by the Nusseerabad brigade, con¬ sisting of the 2d company 7th battalion artillery, No. 6 horse battery, the 15th and 30th native infantry, and a few troopers of the 1st Bombay lancers. On the 19th the enemy attacked the British position in great force, a very large body of them having got in the rear of it. The action lasted till late at night, and was renewed next morn¬ ing. It ended in the retreat of the rebels, but the British loss was 10 officers, 89 men, and 60 horses killed, wounded, or missing. Lieutenant-Colonel Yule, of the 9th lancers, was among the killed. On the 21st the rebels were joined by the 6th light cavalry, the 3d, 36th, and 61st native infantry from Jullundur and Phillour. On the 23d of June, being the centenary of Plassey, the rebels made a determined sortie,'which was not repulsed without severe loss to the British. A gun was disabled, and 4 officers and 156 men were killed or wounded. On the 27th, and again on the 30th, sorties were made, which the British repulsed, with the loss to themselves of 62 killed and wounded on the first occasion, and 46 on the second; but they were now joined by fresh troops, which, on the 3d of July, made up the besieging army to 6600 men of all arms. It was now again proposed to attempt to take the city by a coup de main; but the idea was again abandoned. On the 1st and 2d of July, the 8th irregular cavalry, the 18th, 28th, 29th, and 68th native infantry, No. 15 horse battery, and two 6-pounders, from Rohilcund, marched into the city across the bridge of boats. On the 3d the rebels moved a force of several thousand men against Allipore, which they plundered; but next day the plunder was retaken by Major Coke after a sharp skirmish. Further attacks were made by the rebels on the 4th and 9th of July, in the last of which the British loss amounted to 211 killed and wounded. General Barnard was attacked with cholera, and died on the morning of the 5th. The vacancy was supplied by General Reed; but before the close of the month this officer also was compelled, by severe illness, to hand over the chief command to General Wilson. On the 9th the enemy made a spirited sortie, and 100 of their horse charged right into camp, cutting down Lieutenant Hills and some camp followers. At the Subzee Mundee the fire was very hot. The total British loss was 9 officers and 214 men killed and wounded. In spite of past defeats the mutineers, on the 14th of July, made a bold attempt to capture the British batteries. The attempt proved abortive; but so fierce was the onset that the assailants inflicted a loss upon their opponents of 16 officers, including Brigadier Cham¬ berlain, and 194 men killed and wounded. On the 18th the last serious engagement in the Subzee Mundee took place, when the total of British casualties was 11 officers and 80 men. The British works were henceforward so complete in this place that the enemy could effect nothing. Again, on the 23d, the rebels came out in considerable strength, and moved upon the British position at the Metcalfe battery. Here they were taken in flank by a force under Brigadier Mutiny of 1857. * 304 NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. Mutiny of Showers, and put to precipitate flight. A lull of a few days v j succeeded ; but on the 31st of July, the anniversary of the Mohammedan festival, styled “ Buckree Eed,” the enemy poured out in great force, and commenced a general attack upon the advanced posts of the British. The contest was continued without intermission, day and night, until the morning of the 2d of August. Never before had the rebels displayed so great an amount of determination. Although their courage invariably failed them when about to make the final rush, yet never before had they so closely ap¬ proached the British breastworks. Throughout this pro¬ longed encounter, the British, well under cover, inflicted terrible punishment upon the enemy, with slight loss to themselves ; and when, about noon on the 2d, the rebels drew olf the dead and wounded, who lay in heaps before the British works, of the British only 46 of all ranks were wounded. A few days later (12th of August), a battery which had been opened by the enemy outside the walls, bearing upon the point known as Metcalfe House, was captured by a force under Brigadier Showers, who was severely wounded. In this gallant affair the casualties among the British extended to 117 killed and wounded; many of the latter, however, were but slightly injured. It may be here stated that, inclusive of three or four minor contests which it has not been thought necessary to notice, the number of engagements fought in front of Delhi from the date of the insurrection to the commencement ot August, amounted to no less than twenty-three. In these the aggregate loss of the British was 318 killed and 1062 wounded. Of the former, 22 were officers and 296 privates ; and of the latter, 72 were officers, the remainder consisting of rank and file. With respect to the mutineers, though their losses from their multiplied defeats must have been enormous, still their numerical strength was throughout far superior to the English; for, in addition to the reinforce¬ ments already mentioned, they had received a wing of the 12th native infantry, the 14th irregular cavalry, and half No. 18 light field battery from Jhansi, and the Neemuch brigade—viz., a troop of horse artillery, a wing of the 1st light cavalry, the 72d native infantry, the 7th Gwalior contingent, and the cavalry and infantry of the Kotah contingent, which arrived late in July, besides many smaller bodies. After the fruitless attempt of the 1st of August, the enemy appear to have lost all hope of dislodging the British, and for upwards of three weeks remained comparatively inactive, under shelter of their fortifications. On the 8th of August Brigadier Nicholson arrived in the camp with a strong brigade from the Punjab, bringing up the strength of the English army to 8122 rank and file, besides 1535 sick, and 304 wounded. On the 13th a body of the enemy’s cavalry left Delhi by the Nujufgurh road, with a view, it was thought, of interrupting the British communications with the Punjab. Several parties of them were cut up by Lieutenant Hodgson with his horse and the guide cavalry, and he returned to camp on the 22d. On the 24th a strong column of the rebels with 18 guns, proceeded in the Baha- durgurh direction, to intercept the field-train coming to the British camp from Ferozepore. General Wilson, penetrat¬ ing the design, despatched a force in pursuit, under Brigadier Nicholson, who came up with the rebels on the 26th, posted at Nujufgurh. Here he attacked them with great success, captured all their guns, and drove them back broken and dispirited to Delhi. Their loss was estimated at be¬ tween 300 and 400; that of the British was 95 killed and wounded. On the morning of the 27th a sortie was made from Delhi, under the impression that the British force was much weakened by the despatch of the force under Briga¬ dier Nicholson, who had not yet returned; but the attack Mutiny0f was easily repulsed. 1857. By the 6th of September, all the British reinforcements that could be looked for, together with the siege-train, had arrived. It was now determined to commence regular siege operations, and the effective force for that purpose amounted to 8748 men. There were besides in hospital 2977. The Europeans were—of artillery, 580; cavalry, 443 ; infantry, 2294. There were also the Cashmere con¬ tingent of 2200 men with 4 guns, and some hundred men under the Jheend Rajah.1 . The north face, from which side the stronghold of the rebels was to be attacked, comprised the Moree, Cashmere, and Water bastions, with the curtain-walls connecting them. Four batteries armed with heavy guns having been esta¬ blished in commanding positions, and within a short dis¬ tance of the walls, the bombardment commenced on the 11 th of September. In planning the attack one great object kept in view was to divert attention from the real point of the intended assault, and in this the British commander completely succeeded, the enemy obviously concluding, from their preparations that the attack was to be made from a point more to the right. On the night of the 13th two breaches near the Cashmere and Water bastions be¬ ing examined by the engineers, and pronounced practica¬ ble, orders for the assault were issued to take place at day¬ break the following morning. The arrangements for the storming, which was to be made by four columns and a reserve, were as follows:—1st column, Brigadier-General Nicholson,—Her Majesty’s 75th regiment, 1st Bengal fusiliers, and 2d Punjab infantry : to storm the breach near the Cashmere bastion, and escalade the face of the bastion. 2d column, Brigadier Jones, C.B,—Her Ma¬ jesty’s 8th regiment, the 2d European Bengal fusiliers, and 4th Sikh infantry: to storm the breach in the Water Bastion. 3d column, Colonel Campbell,—Her Majesty’s 52d regiment, the Kumaon battalion, and 1st Punjab in¬ fantry : to assault by the Cashmere gate after it should be blown open. 4th column, Major Reid,—Detachment of European regiments, Sirmoor battalion, Guide infantry, and detachment of Dograhs: to attack the suburb Kis- sengunge, and enter the Lahore gate. 5th column, Bri¬ gadier Longfield,—Her Majesty’s 60th Rifles, Kumaon bat¬ talion, and 4th Punjab infantry: the reserve. At four o’clock a.m. the several columns were marched to their respective positions, the heads of Nos. 1, 2, and 3 being concealed until the moment for action should arrive. The signal for the assault was to be the advance of the Rifles to the front to cover the heads of the columns by skirmishing. Upon the word of command being given, the Rifles dashed to the front with a shout, skirmishing along and through the low jungle which extended to within 50 yards of the ditch. At the same moment Nos. 1 and 2 columns, the one headed by General Nicholson and the other by Brigadier Jones, and consisting respectively of 950 and 850 men, emerged from the Koodsee Bagh, their place of concealment, and steadily advanced towards the breaches. On attaining the open space they were met from the front and both flanks by a storm of bullets, and officers and men fell fast on the crest of the glacis. For ten minutes it was found impossible to get the ladders down into the ditch, but the resolution of the British soldier carried all be¬ fore it. The scarp was ascended, and with a cheer and a rush both breaches were won, and the enemy fled in confusion. In the meantime the third column, consisting of 950 men under Colonel Campbell of Her Majesty’s 52d light infantry, made direct for the Cashmere gate, preceded by the explo¬ sion party under Lieutenants Home and Salkeld of the en- 1 The British troops actually engaged in the recapture of the city amounted to 2100 men. ifutiny of gineers. Tliis little band, advancing in broad daylight to the 1857. gateway in the teeth of a sharp fire of musketry, coolly pro- —v'*'' ceeded to adjust the powder bags. During the daring enter¬ prise Lieutenant Salkeld received two gunshot wounds. His first shot was through the.arm; notwithstanding this he went on to the gate, and while assisting in fastening the bags on the spikes, he was shot through the thigh, and fell. Sergeant Carmichael stepping forward to fire the train, u’as shot dead. Sergeant Burgess then made the attempt with better success, but paid for it with his life. Sergeant Smith, be¬ lieving that Burgess had also failed, sprang forward, but seeing the train alight, threw himself into the ditch, and escaped the effects of the explosion. A tremendous crash announced that the gate was blown in, and the 3d column rushed to the assault, and entered the town at ten o’clock, just as the 1st and 2d columns had won the breaches. To four of the little band of heroes who accomplished the' destruction of the gate the Victoria cross was afterwards awarded, viz., to Lieutenants Home and Salkeld, of whom the former was killed on the 1st of October by the prema¬ ture explosion of a mine in destroying the fort of Ma- lagurh, and the latter died of his wounds received at Delhi. The other two on whom the cross was bestowed were Ser¬ geant Smith and a soldier of Her Majesty’s 52d, who bound up Lieutenant Salkeld’s wounds. General Nicholson having formed the troops within the walls, directed his advance along the ramparts, occupying the defences as far as the Moree bastion. Here, while endeavouring to penetrate still further in the direction of the Lahore gate, this most able, zealous, and gallant soldier, whose exploits during the Afghan and Sikh wars, and recent victory at Nujufgurh, had covered him with glory, received a wound at the head of the advancing column, which, on the 23d of September, terminated in his death. Unhappily the 4th column, which had been destined to carry the suburb of Kishengunge and enter the Lahore gate, failed in the enterprise. The prin¬ cipal loss sustained by the assailants was due to the obstinate resistance they met with in clearing the way from the Moree bastion to the Caubul gate, in a vain attempt to take the Burn bastion, and in the repulse at Kishengunge. On the day of the assault alone the loss amounted to 1104 men killed and wounded, and 66 officers, exclusive of the losses of the Cashmere contingent, or Dograhs, who were completely routed by the rebels, and fell back to camp, leaving four guns in the hands of the enemy. The loss of the enemy is given at 1500 men. A permanent lodgement having been now effected, preparations were made on the 15th for shel¬ ling the rebels out of the palace, the fort of Selimgurh, and the other strong positions of the city. At dawn on the 16th the magazine was stormed. In it were captured 125 pieces of cannon. The palace now lying well exposed from this point, the guns opened upon it from the inclo¬ sure. The Kishengunge battery, which had repulsed the 4th column, was now evacuated by the enemy, and the guns there taken swelled the number of captured pieces to 200. On the 16th a chain of posts had been established from the Lahore gate to the magazine, and on the 19th the line was advanced to the Chandnee Chouk, the princi¬ pal street of the city. By the last mentioned day the re¬ sistance of the mutineers had become less decided ; and in the evening of that day the Burn bastion was captured by surprise, and early next morning the Lahore gate and Gar- stin bastion were taken and held. At length ,the enemy maintained only a desultory warfare from the tops of the houses; and on the 20th of September, after an arduous struggle, continued during seven days, the labour of the gallant troops were crowned with complete success, and the city of Delhi was once more in the exclusive possession of the British. Large bodies of the mutineers effected a timely escape. Among the fugitives were the king of Delhi and his two sons and grandson. The royal party fled in disguise VOL. XVI, 305 along the road south of the city, the king being accompanied Mutiny of by his favourite wife the Begum Zeenut Mahal, “ the Or- 1857. nament of the Palace.” On the 21st of September the kino- surrendered to Captain Hodson, who succeeded also in cap¬ turing his two sons, Mirza Mogul and Mirza Khizr Sultan, together with his grandson, Mirza Abu Bukr, at the tomb of Humayoon, about 5 miles from Delhi. The life of the king, now nearly ninety years of age, has been spared, and he may be safely allowed to pass the remainder of his days in peaceful exile. Not so the younger princes of the family. His sons and grandson, who were known to have taken an active part in the rebellion, on being taxed with their guilt, craved for mercy. But stern justice alone was to be dealt to them, and they were at once sentenced to be shot. Their execution took place at the Delhi gate on the 22d September. After the recapture of the city, General Wilson, then suffering from severe illness, resigned the command of the field force to General Penny, who, on the morning of the 24th of September, despatched Lieu¬ tenant Colonel Greathed of Her Majesty’s 8th regiment, with a strong moveable column to clear the Doab, and en¬ deavour to open communications with General Plavelock at Cawnpore. Cawnpore, one of the great military stations of the East Cawnpore. India Company, is situated on the right or western bank of the Ganges, immediately opposite to the territory of Oude. In the spring of 1857, the military quartered here consisted of three regiments of native infantry and one of native cavalry, together with a detachment of Her Majesty’s 84th regiment. For some weeks previous to the outbreak, the native troops were known to have largely participated in the general ex¬ citement caused by the insidious rumours regarding the de¬ filed cartridges. Symptoms of insubordination had been manifested from time to time in the ranks ; and at length, on the night of the 4th of June, the 1st regiment of infantry and the 2d light cavalry rose in open mutiny. At their head appeared a Hindoo rajah known as Nana Sahib. This monster in human form was the adopted son of the late ex-Peishwa, Bajee Rao of Poona, and as such he had laid claim to the reversion of the pension which the latter en¬ joyed from the British. His pretensions, however, were overruled by the government, and his subsequent atrocities would thence appear to have been prompted by personal resentment. Nana had been on terms of intimacy with most of the British officers at Cawnpore. He spoke Eng¬ lish, possessed a smattering of European literature, and was regarded by those who knew him as shrewd and intelligent. Before the mutiny broke out, and while the authorities were temporizing in the hope that the recapture of Delhi would restore peace and order, Nana proposed to strengthen the garrison of Cawnpore by the addition of his own troops. His offer was accepted, and about 300 or 400 men were brought down from his castle at Bithoor, and located near the magazine. At the same time he invited the officers to send theirwives and children to Bithoor as a place of safety. On the 4th of June, when the mutiny broke out, Nana placed himself at the head of the rebels, saying “ I came in appearance to help the British, but am at heart their mortal enemy.” On the following day the 53d and 56th regiments renounced their allegiance, and joined the mutineers. Nana was not slow in proving himself the fitting commander of the rebel force. An alarm having broken out at Futty- gurh, a military station situate about 70 miles above Cawn¬ pore, a party of 132 Europeans, consisting of men, women, and children, hurriedly quitted that place in boats, and were proceeding down the river towards Allahabad. Upon ar¬ riving off Bithoor, Nana opened fire upon them. An oi'der was then given to board the boats, which being done, the fugitives were seized and dragged to the parade-ground at Cawnpore, where the whole party were barbarously mur¬ dered. In the meantime the British force at Cawnpore 2 Q NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 306 NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. Mutiny of had taken refuge, together with the women and children, 1857. within an intrenched camp under the command of Sir Hugh Wheeler. Here, though besieged by a force 5000 strong, the garrison succeeded in repelling every attack, and, more¬ over, frequently sallied out from the intrenchments to dis- perse the rebels. In one of these sorties their gallant leader was severely wounded, and his little band, dispirited by the disaster, worn out by constant watching, enfeebled from want of food, and encumbered moreover with a number of women and children, were induced to surrender, upon re¬ ceiving the solemn promise of Nana that they should be allowed to withdraw with the whole of the European popu¬ lation to Allahabad. The capitulation was made out on the 1st of July. Upon giving up the treasure, with the guns and ammunition, the garrison with their followers were permitted to embark. But the moment had now arrived for carrying out Nana’s meditated treachery. He had never intended that his victims should be allowed to escape. No sooner had the boats loosened from the shore than a fire of artil¬ lery was treacherously opened upon them. The boats, with one exception, were then brought back, and the sur¬ viving occupants once more landed, when Nana, in spite ot his solemn pledge, issued his mandate for the indiscriminate massacre of the male portion of the prisoners. The boat containing General Wheeler does not appear to have been captured until nearly 22 miles below Cawnpore, when it was stopped, and all on board carried prisoners to Nana. Amongst them, besides the veteran commander, who was severely wounded, were Dr Harris and Captain Mackenzie. Their arms had been tied, and thus bound they were led off to execution. All met death bravely. Dr Harris fell saying that his countrymen would revenge his death. Lieutenants Henry Delafosse and Mowbray Thomson, both of the 53d native infantry, had escaped from the advanced boat by swimming. The women and children, in receiving a short respite, were but spared for a worse fate than in¬ stant death. For some days they were kept in the most agonizing suspense, and on the eve of the battle of Cawn¬ pore all were barbarously murdered. The number of Euro¬ peans thus slaughtered between the 1st and the 15th July amounted in the aggregate to 868, and consisted of 88 of¬ ficers, 190 rank and file of Her Majesty’s 84th foot, 70 ladies, 120 women and children of Her Majesty’s 32d foot, and 400 of the European population of the town, including civilians, merchants, shopkeepers, and others. If to these be added the number of fugitives who were intercepted in coming down the river from Futtyghur, the total number butchered by Nana amounts to no less than 1000 Euro¬ peans. The relief of Cawnpore had been intrusted to Brigadier- General Havelock. This officer reached Allahabad on the 30th of June. At this time the relieving force under his command was composed of two European regiments re¬ cently withdrawn from Persia—viz., the 64th and the 78th, mustering together 1100 or 1200 bayonets. Moving on from Allahabad on the 4th of July, the general was joined by a small detachment under Major Renaud. With the com¬ bined force, which, inclusive of 561 native soldiers, counted in all but 1964 men, the general, on the 12th of July, encoun¬ tered the rebels, amounting to 3500, with 12 guns, at Futtehpore, situated midway between Cawnpore and Alla¬ habad, and put them to complete route, capturing all their guns. The loss of the British was, perhaps, the lightest that ever attended such signal success. It amounted to no more than 6 sepoys killed, and 8 wounded and missing. General Havelock pursued the enemy in the direction of Cawnpore. On the 15th he again attacked the rebels in their entrenched position, close to the village of Osung, capturing four more of their guns; and on the 16th he signally defeated Nana Sahib in front of Cawnpore. At this place the enemy were posted behind a succession of villages, where a determined stand was to be made. The Mutiny of fight was most stubborn, and every inch of ground was 1857. resolutely disputed during the space of nearly three hours. At length the fate of the day was decided by a flank move¬ ment of the 78th Highlanders turning Nana Sahib’s left. «I never,” says an eye-witness, “ saw anything so fine.” The men of the 78th went on, with sloped arms, like a wall. Till within 100 yards not a shot was fired. At the word ‘ charge,’ they broke just like an eager pack of hounds, and the village was taken in an instant.” Cawnpore now lay open to the British. The rebel chief retired in the direc¬ tion of Bithoor, blowing up the magazine previous to his retreat. In this engagement the loss of the British was not inconsiderable, amounting to 70 killed and wounded out of a force falling short of 2000 men. This force, how¬ ever, it must be borne in mind, had been opposed to 6000 mutinous sepoys, armed and disciplined after the English fashion. Upon entering Cawnpore on the following morn¬ ing, the extent of the frightful catastrophe which had be¬ fallen the British garrison and the European residents first became fully known. A wholesale massacre had been perpetrated by Nana Sahib. The site was a paved court¬ yard. One writer describing the scene, observes :—“ The blood was two inches deep upon the pavement; and from the report we got from the residents, it appears that after we had beaten the enemy on the previous evening, the sepoys entered the place where the unhappy victims were confined, killed all the ladies, threw their naked bodies into a well, and hurled down the children alive upon their but¬ chered mothers. I saw it, and it was an awful sight.” Long tresses of hair, torn bibles and prayer-books, work-boxes and unfinished work, scattered about the red floor, told too well the harrowing tale. Two or three only of the captives, who had been concealed by their native servants, contrived to escape. The daughter of Sir Hugh Wheeler perished among the victims. This heroic lady, who appears to have inherited the indomitable spirit of her father, is stated to have shot five of the fiends with a revolver before they could get sufficiently near to her to cut her down. Another lady, previous to her death, is declared to have avenged herself by destroying the ruffian who had carried her oft, and who probably destined her for outrage. Upon reach¬ ing Bithoor in pursuit of the flying enemy, it was found that Nana had just evacuated the village, and the British commander was obliged to content himself with burning the palace of the rebel and bringing away the guns. Gene¬ ral Havelock then crossed the Ganges into Oude, on his march to Lucknow, leaving General Neill in charge of Cawnpore. On the 28th July, he twice attacked the rebels, and defeated them in both engagements. Arriving at Oonao on the 29th, he found the place defended by 10,000 of the insurgent troops, including a portion of Nana Sahib’s force. The village had been strongly fortified, and every house was loopholed. But the assault of the British was irresistible, and the enemy retreated, leaving behind them their guns. After a halt of four hours, the indefatigable and victorious commander pushed on for Futtehpore Chow- rasee, distant about 30 miles from Lucknow. Here a desperate engagement ensued, which resulted in the cap¬ ture of the town—the rebels withdrawing in the direction of Lucknow. On this occasion the British sustained a loss of 88 killed and wounded. After advancing still nearer to Lucknow, and fighting another battle, in which the British, though as usual victorious, incurred a loss of 85 killed and wounded, General Havelock had the mortification to find that farther progress was for the present impracticable. .A body of the rebels, 25,000 strong, were posted in an in¬ trenched position in his front; cholera was making its appearance in his small force, which had been already mate¬ rially reduced by incessant combats and successive victories. The strength of the little band had indeed been overtaxed. NOKTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 307 Mutiny of It had gained more victories than had ever before been won 1857. in so short a time; but its numbers were now reduced be- ^ low 900 men. In these circumstances, General Havelock, convinced of the impossibility of penetrating the thick masses of the insurgents, deemed it incumbent upon him to pause on his triumphant career, and to fall back upon Cawnpore. A retreat was accordingly commenced. The rebels, taking heart, closely followed in the rear, and ad¬ vanced as far as Nawabgunge. Here the British com¬ mander, nowise daunted by the enemy’s superiority of num¬ bers, once more halted to give them battle. Again he was victorious; and, having added two more of the enemy’s guns to his previous trophies, he leisurely crossed the Ganges, and on the 13th August rejoined General Neill at Cawnpore. Such a series of gallant exploits forms a bril¬ liant episode in Indian history. The battles of Cawnpore and Oonao lose nothing of their brilliancy, even when com¬ pared with the victories of Clive and Wellesley. Having rested for a few days at Cawnpore, General Havelock marched a second time to Bithoor, where it was under¬ stood that the rebels, about 4000 strong, were posted with two guns. Here, on the 16th of August, with a force mus¬ tering 1300 men and 14 guns, he again encountered them ; and, after an obstinate engagement, in which the enemy lost 250 killed and wounded, drove them from their posi¬ tion and captured their guns. The British loss was 14 killed and 30 wounded. General Havelock then determined to return to Cawnpore, there to await the arrival of reinforce¬ ments before advancing again upon Lucknow, mcknow. At Lucknow, the capital of Oude, as early as the 3d of May, the men of the 7th regiment of the Oude irregular in¬ fantry had mutinied. The city was held by Sir Henry Law¬ rence, one of the ablest and bravest officers of the Indian army. No time was lost in disarming the regiment. A strict investigation was then instituted, at the close of which it was deemed sufficient to dismiss the greater number of the native officers of the regiment, together with a few of the sepoys, and to overlook the conduct of the remainder. These conciliatory measures failed to produce a better feel¬ ing in the other regiments stationed at Lucknow. On the 30th of May an outbreak occurred, when about one-half of the men of the 48th and 7lst native infantry, and some few of the 13th native infantry, with two troops of the 7th light cavalry, rose in insurrection. A sharp encounter fol¬ lowed, in which the mutineers sustained considerable loss, but the greater portion contrived to elude pursuit in the direction of'Seetapore. The example thus set at Lucknow was promptly followed at every military station throughout the province. The troops at Seetapore mutinied on the 4th of June ; those at Fyzabad and Secrora on the 8th; at Sultanpore and Pertaubghur on the 8th ; at Pershadee- pore on the 10th ; and at Burraich and Gonda at dates not given. The regiments at these several stations consisted of two field batteries, two regiments of cavalry, and ten regiments of infantry. From Sultanpore, the 15th Oude irregular cavalry and the 8th irregular infantry, started at once for Delhi. It is worthy of remark, that at Fyzabad the mutiny was marked rather by the generous spirit of Europe, than by the barbarous customs of the East. Here the men alter mutinying, actually saluted their officers, and placed the ladies under protection. All the outposts of Oude being thus lost, the mutineers gradually closed in upon Lucknow. The position of Lawrence was now be¬ coming critical. His European force, the only one to be depended upon, was fearfully small. It consisted of 510 men of Her Majesty’s 32d foot; and within the intrench- ments there were no less than 350 women and children. 1 hree positions only were held by the British,—the Re¬ sidency, the Muchee Bhawan, and the cantonments. These were greatly strengthened, and the remaining military posts within the city were all abandoned. On the 30th of June, Sir H. Lawrence having learned, by a reconnoisance Mutiny of made on the previous day, that the rebel army were as- 1857. sembling at Chinhutt, about 10 miles from Lucknow 's——v— marched thither with 300 of Her Majesty’s 32d, 150 of the 13th native infantry, 100 of the 48th and 7lst, 125 Sikh horse, 30 mounted Europeans, 300 police, and 11 guns, of which 6 were manned by natives. On reaching the vil¬ lage of Chinhutt, he found the enemy to the number of 15,000 men, with 36 guns prepared to receive him. At the first shot the police went over in a body, and the native gunners, cutting the traces, galloped over to the enemy, or back to Lucknow. The rest of the force displayed pro¬ digies of valour, natives vying with Europeans in daring acts; but overpowered by numbers, the whole body were compelled to retreat to the Residency at Lucknow, leaving 118 European officers and men killed, and 182 natives killed and missing, besides 54 Europeans and 11 natives wounded. The death of Colonel Case, commanding the 32d regiment, who fell at the head of his men, deserves to be recorded. Captain Bassano seeing him fall, went up to assist him. “ Leave me to die here,” were the words of the wounded hero ; “ your place is at the head of your company. I have no need of assistance.” From the moment the force re¬ entered the Residency, the siege of that place commenced. On the 2d of July Sir H. Lawrence was wounded by a fragment of a shell; and after suffering amputation of the leg, died on the morning of the 4th, having nominated Major Banks to succeed him as chief commissioner and commandant. On the 20th of July the enemy in vast numbers attempted to storm, but were repulsed with the loss of 1000 men. Next day Major Banks was killed, and was succeeded by Brigadier Inglis, who continued the gal¬ lant defence, and repulsed several attempts to storm, of which one on the 10th of August, and another on the 5th of Sep¬ tember, were the most spirited. On the 25th of Septem¬ ber, Generals Outram and Havelock, with a force originally consisting of 2500 men, cut their way to the Residency, and it becomes requisite, therefore, to return to the opera¬ tions under Havelock at Cawnpore. After the second battle of Bithoor, fought on the 16th of August, General Havelock, as above noticed, retraced his steps to Cawnpore, where he expected to be reinforced by fresh succours from Calcutta. Here, on the 14th Septem¬ ber he was joined by a force under General Outram, who, though the superior officer, determined with chivalrous generosity to waive his rank on the occasion, and to leave to General Havelock the glory of relieving Lucknow, and rescuing its gallant and enduring garrison. In accordance with this determination, Sir James merely accompanied the force to Lucknow, in his civil capacity, as chief commissioner of Oude, at the same time tendering his military services to the general as a volunteer. On the 19th, General Have¬ lock having formed his little army into two brigades,—of which the first consisted of Her Majesty’s 5th fusiliers, the 64th and 84th regiments, the 1st Madras fusiliers, Captain Maude’s troop of horse artillery, and 150 European volun¬ teer cavalry ; and the second of Her Majesty’s 78th High¬ landers, the 90th light infantry, Captain Olphert’s horse bat¬ tery, and some irregular horse,—crossed the Ganges into Oude ; and on the 21st attacked the rebels at Mungarwar, and drove them from their position, capturing four guns, two of which, together with the colours of the 1st Bengal native infantry, were taken by the volunteer cavalry in a charge headed by Sir James Outram. The loss of the British was trifling. On the 21st of September the indefatigable general ac¬ complished a march of 14 miles, and one of 20 miles on the 22d, at the termination of which the firing at Lucknow was distinctly heard. A royal salute was then ordered by Ge¬ neral Havelock to be fired to announce his approach to the garrison. On the 25th the British force, skirting the city7 308 NORTH-WESTE Mutiny of forced its way to the Residency against enormous numbers 1857. 0f t}le enerny? anci with the loss of 550 officers and men ; Brigadier Neill and Colonel Bazeley being among the killed, and Sir J. Outram being wounded. It was now found that although, by a display of courage which has never been surpassed, the relieving army had made its way to the Residency, it was altogether too weak to remove the besieged, of whom the greater part were sick and wounded, and women and children. On the contrary, Generals Outram and Havelock were now them¬ selves besieged, and their communications even with Alum- bagh, where they had left their baggage with a guard of 300 men, were entirely cut off. At a short distance from the Residency, in the palace called the Kaiserbagh, were eight European prisoners, Sir M. Jackson, C.S., and his sister; Captain P. Orr, his wife, and child; Lieutenant Burnes, Ser¬ geant Norton, and Miss Christian ; but nothing could be done to relieve them, and all the males were subsequently blown from guns by the rebels. Every day desperate con¬ flicts took place in the inclosure to clear the buildings sur¬ rounding the Residency. Sir J. Outram had now taken command; and on the 26th of September ordered a sortie, under Lieutenant Lowe, who cleared the Captan ka^Bazar, to the east of the Residency, of the enemy, and took i guns, but with the loss of Captain Hughes and 2 men killed, and 2 officers and 8 men wounded. On the 27th a second sortie was made in much greater force against the enemy s Garden battery to the S.W. of the Residency, which suc¬ ceeded in destroying the battery, but with the loss of 10 killed and 11 wounded. On the 29th three sorties were made, in which Major Simmons, Captain M'Cabe, and a gentleman volunteer of distinguished gallantry, Mr Lucas, were killed, and about 50 others killed and wounded. On the 1st of October Colonel Napier made a very successful sortie, with trifling loss. In this manner such offensive operations as the smallness of General Outram’s force would permit were continued till the 16th of November, when a determined and successful sortie was made in the direction of the Kaisarbagh to aid the advance of Sir C. Campbell, who, with a force of about 4000 men, had advanced from Cawnpore upon Lucknow. Simultaneously with the sortie Sir Colin reached the Secunderbagh, a palace on the E. of the city, and S.E. of the Residency, filled with sepoys, and protected by the fire from a large mosque, called Shah Nujjuff, a little to the N., and nearer the Resi¬ dency. Here a terrific combat raged for three hours, when both places were at length taken, the latter chiefly by means of the 68-pounders of the naval brigade, com¬ manded by Captain Peel. In the Secunderbagh alone 2000 corpses of the enemy were counted. On the 17th other defences of the enemy, between the Residency and the buildings just mentioned, were carried ; and on the afternoon of that day, under a heavy fire, Generals Out¬ ram and Havelock advanced and met Sir C. Campbell. While Havelock was addressing his deliverers, his son was struck down close to him by a ball, but he continued his harangue, and did not turn to inquire the nature of the wound until he had concluded his address. In these opera¬ tions 10 officers and 112 men were killed, and 33 officers and 312 men wounded. The long-beleaguered garrison of Lucknow was saved; but the numbers of the enemy were still so great that it was necessary to evacuate the Residency, and retire upon Cawnpore, without making any attempt to take the city. At midnight on the 22d of No¬ vember the evacuation was noiselessly effected, most part of the effects belonging to the garrison being left behind; and so little was the retreat suspected by the enemy, that they continued to fire on the Residency long after it was de¬ serted, so well had the operation been planned and carried out by General Outram. On the 25th of November Ge¬ neral Havelock died of dysentery at Dilkusha, a palace RN PROVINCES. and park to the S. of the city. On the 27th Sir C. Mutiny of Campbell received intimation from General Windham, whom 1857. he had left to defend Cawnpore, that his position had been attacked by overwhelming numbers of the rebels. Sir Colin therefore hastened back to Cawnpoie with the ut¬ most speed, and arrived just in time to save the biidge of boats from being destroyed by the enemy, who were in pos¬ session of the town, had completely surrounded General Windham, and had brought some guns to bear on the brido-e. Their army, estimated at 20,000 men, consisted of the whole Gwalior contingent, comprising four batteries of artillery, two regiments of cavalry, and seven of infantry, and the forces under Nana Sahib and Koer Singh. On the 24th of November the vanguard had approached Cawnpore so close that General Windham resolved to advance to meet them, which he did on the 26th at the Pandu Nadee. After a sharp action he defeated them, and took 3 guns, losing 7 officers and 50 rank and file killed and wounded. Then, instead of retiring upon Cawnpore, he encamped in dangerous ground, amid thick jungle, where he was attacked next day, and, after a murderous conflict, driven into his intrenchments, the enemy occupying Cawnpore, which they plundered, setting fire to many of the public buildings. On the 28th Sir C. Campbell arrived, and ex¬ tricated General Windham from his perilous position, sur¬ rounded by an infuriated enemy, without supplies, and having lost more than 300 of his best officers and men. After keeping the rebels in check until the sick, wounded, and non-combatants had been safely despatched to Allahabad, Sir Colin, on the 6th of December, after skilfully drawing the enemy from their position, advanced on them with irre¬ sistible fury, and overthrew them with great slaughter, cap¬ turing 16 of their guns, and putting them to headlong flight. He then despatched Brigadier Hope Grant with the cavalry and artillery, who, coming up with the fugitives as they were preparing to cross into Oude, took nearly all their remain¬ ing guns, and inflicted a further heavy loss upon them. Sir Colin’s subsequent operations and his final victories at Lucknow will be found at the conclusion of this article. While the events above narrated were occurring at Punjab. Delhi, Lucknow, and Cawnpore, numerous outbreaks and slaughters were taking place in other parts of India. On the 13th of May an outbreak occurred at Ferozepoor, on the left bank of the Sutlej, doubtless prompted by in¬ telligence of the massacre at Meerut. At this station the crisis was manfully met by the British. The two regiments stationed here were the 45th and 57th native infantry. Upon being ordered to march from their cantonments, the 45th broke out into open mutiny. They were at once attacked by Her Majesty’s 61st foot and the 10th Bengal light cavalry, which remained stanch, and few escaped from the place. The 57th, upon being reasoned with, gave up their arms. Ferozepoor is about 50 miles south of Lahore, the capital of the Punjab. At Meean Meer, the cantonments of Lahore, Lwere quartered three regi¬ ments of native infantry, the 16th, 26th, and 49th, and the 8th light cavalry ; and the whole of these, upon the ar¬ rival of tidings of the mutiny at Delhi, it was resolved at once to disarm. This being accomplished, the men w>ere moving oft’ to join the disaffected corps at Ferozepoor, but being intercepted by a movement of the British troops, they speedily returned to obedience. The whole business was managed with a degree of tact and discretion which re¬ flects the highest credit on Sir John Lawrence, chief commissioner in the Punjab. Of the disarmed regiments at Lahore, one subsequently mutinied. This was the 26th native infantry, which, on the 30th of July, killed their commanding-officer, and then broke away. The fugitives were chased by the police and some of the new levies, and upwards of 500 were slain, or taken prisoners and executed. At Jullundur the 36th and 61st regiments mu- Mutiny of 1857. illygurh. fusseera- ad. lansi, lissar, nd Sirsa. NOETH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 309 tinied on the 4th of June, and with a few men of the 6th light cavalry proceeded to Phillour, where they were joined by the 3d native infantry. These corps crossed the Sutlej and entered Loodiana, whence, being driven out by a de¬ tachment of Her Majesty’s 8th foot, they made their way to Delhi. Symptoms of disaffection had also been manifested in the 51st and 55th regiments stationed at Peshawur, and some of the men had been discharged about the end of May. The 51st subsequently mutinied at Peshawur, and the latter at Huzzara. The 51st had been disarmed, and swift retribution overtook their treachery, nearly the whole regiment being cut up, or taken prisoners and executed. The 55th wore attacked and broken, and a large number taken prisoners were executed at Huzzara. A remnant escaped, and took refuge with the predatory Affghans of the frontiers; but although at first received as friends, they are said to have been forcibly converted to Mohammedanism, and sold as slaves. At Mooltan two native regiments were disarmed by Brigadier Chamberlain. Sealkote, another military station in the Punjab, took an active part in the mutiny. The 35th regiment of native infantry, part of the illustrious garrison of Jellalabad, proceeding from Sealkote to Delhi, were believed to be wavering in their fidelity, and were disarmed. The 14th native infantry, which had mu¬ tinied at Jhelum, had been completely broken, with the loss, however, of 50 Europeans of Her Majesty’s 24th regi¬ ment killed and wounded, besides 3 officers ; but a small remnant escaping to Sealkote, were there joined by the 46th regiment, and a wing of the 9th light cavalry. The main body of these mutineers was overtaken by General Nichol¬ son on the 16th of July, and completely cut up. In the meantime a moveable column had been organized by Ge¬ neral Reed, in concert with Brigadiers Chamberlain, Cotton, Edwardes, and Nicholson; and mutiny, wherever mani¬ festing itself in the Punjab, was speedily quelled and put down with a strong hand. Thus, not only did Sir John Lawrence suppress insurrection in his own province, but contributed also, in a great degree, to the success at Delhi, by forwarding large and timely reinforcements to the be¬ sieging army. Allygurh, an important post, as commanding the com¬ munications up and down the country, had been garrisoned by four companies of the 9th native infantry, the men of which had hitherto conducted themselves with steadiness. On the 20th of May these companies rose against their offi¬ cers, who were thus compelled to abandon the station. A portion of the same regiment, which was quartered at Myn- poorie, mutinied on the 22d of May; but by the tact and ad¬ mirable conduct of one of their officers, Lieutenant De Kantzow, the men were kept back from acts of violence, and finally quitted the station to join their comrades at Allygurh, en route to Delhi. At Nusseerabad, in the province of Ajmere, the 15th and 30th regiments of native infantry, and the 2d company of the 7th battalion Bengal artillery, mutinied on the 28th of May, and beat off with loss a portion of the 1st regiment of Bombay light cavalry (lancers), who gallantly charged the guns. In this engagement Captain Spoftiswoode and Cornet Newberry were killed, and Captain Hardy and Lieutenant Jack wounded. Colonel Penney, commanding the 1st light cavalry, was killed by a fall from his horse. The rebels marched with colours flying and bands playing to Delhi. Subsequently a portion of the 12th Bombay native infantry mutinied at Nusseerabad on the 10th of August, and was disarmed. On the 29th of May the Hurreeanah battalion and 4th irregular cavalry, stationed at Hansi and Hissar, to the north-west of Delhi, mutinied and massacred a number of Euiopeans. Many of the civil and military officers effected their escape. 1 he gallant general, Van Cortlandt, who so sig¬ nally distinguished himself in the Mooltan campaign, march¬ ing from the north-west, had two engagements with the rebels Mutiny of at Sirsa, defeating them in each instance with severe loss. 1857. At Bareilly the 18th and 68th native infantry, and the 8th irregular cavalry, rose en masse on the 31st of May. The Rarcilly. outbreak appears to have been concerted for a fixed hour at a given signal. Brigadier Sibbald was killed. Many of the European residents and civil servants of the Com¬ pany were massacred. Fortunately the ladies had quitted the station some days earlier for thatof Nynee Tal. Among the victims were the two judges of Bareilly, Mr Raikes and Mr Robinson. These two gentlemen were arraigned before one of the native judges. It does not appear of what they were accused, but a mock trial ensued, when they were found guilty and beheaded. A number of half-castes and native Christians, amounting to no less than ninety individuals, were also dragged to the church and there butchered. Shahjehanpore, situated 50 miles to the south-east of Ba- Shabjehan- reilly, was the scene of a more striking tragedy enacted on pore, the same day. Here the Christian residents were at church, when the 28th regiment, after cutting down their officers, surrounded the edifice, and massacred the whole congre- 7 O gation. Agra also added to its celebrity by the heroic conduct Agra, of its garrison during the military revolt. An escort of treasure, proceeding from this place to Muttra about the middle of May, and consisting of two companies of the 44th and 67th native infantry, shot their officers, and decamped with the booty. Intelligence of the atrocity being conveyed to Agra, the two regiments on the 31st of May were ordered to parade and deliver up their arms. No hesitation was evinced by the men in obeying the mandate. From this time all was quiet for several weeks. But at the commence¬ ment of July the city was menaced by the 72d native in¬ fantry, a wing of the 7th light cavalry, and the 4th troop Istbattalion horse artiller}', who, their ranks being swelled by bodies of malcontents, had marched to Futteypore Sikri from Neemuch, a cantonment distant 300 miles. At their ap¬ proach the European inhabitants took refuge within the fort. The garrison there consisted of the East India Com¬ pany’s 3d regiment of European infantry, numbering, with the artillery, 650 men, besides 500 volunteers, foot and horse. On Sunday, the 5th of July, about 500 of this garri¬ son,—it being known that the enemy were within 3 miles of the station,—boldly issued forth to confront the enemy. An obstinate battle ensued, and the rebels were dislodged from their position; when, the ammunition of the British force falling short, it was compelled to retreat. The Eng¬ lish loss amounted to 49 Europeans killed, and 92 wound¬ ed. The spirit and gallantry displayed on the occasion seems to have had one good result, in securing the fort from attack or investment. About 5000 Europeans, in¬ cluding the garrison, had taken refuge within its pre¬ cincts. The native troops stationed at Agra, consisting of the Kotah contingent and the Kerowlee horse, mutinied before the battle, and joined the rebels. Some weeks pre¬ vious to these events, i.e., on the 25th of May, a procla¬ mation had been issued by the lieutenant-governor of Agra, offering pardon to all mutineers who should lay down their arms. This proclamation was disapproved by the government, and another substituted. Subsequently the rebels were dispersed. On the 24th of August a detachment from the fort, under Major Montgomery, consisting of about 200 men, encountered a strong body of the insur¬ gents of the Doab, posted in the inclosed garden of Maun Singh, between Hatrass and Allygurh, and drove them back with great slaughter in the direction of Allygurh. At Benares, from the moment of the outbreak, great Benares, uneasiness had been felt, and when Colonel Neill reached that city with the 1st Madras fusiliers on the 3d of June, matters w ere in a very critical state. On the following NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 310 Mutiny of day a report reached the city that the 17th regiment of 1857. native infantry had broken out into open mutiny, and attacked an escort of treasure at Azimgurh, situated 80 miles north of Benares. Upon this it was thought advisable to disarm the 37th regiment of native infantry, in which some excitement had been displayed. The regiment being ordered on parade, Colonel Neill called upon the men to lay down their arms. This was answered by a fire upon the British, which was immediately returned by the artillery and Europeans. The Sikh regiment and the h- regular cavalry joined the mutineers. Upon observing the disaffection of‘the Sikhs, the artillery opened fire upon them, and broke them, though they charged up to the muzzles of the guns. The expulsion of the 37th from the lines was then effected, the mutineers taking the route of Jaunpore. After doing good service at Benares, Colonel Neill pushed on to Allahabad, where he arrived on the 11th of June, in time to save the fort. Here the 6th regiment of native infantry, which had rendered itself conspicuous by declara¬ tions of loyalty, mutinied on the 4th of June. The mutineers were joined by three troops of Oude irregular cavalry, and turned upon their officers, thirteen of whom they cut down. The remainder, with several civilians, took refuge in the fort, while the town was occupied by the insurgents; an in¬ fluential Moulvie having set up his standard in the imme¬ diate vicinity, and gathered around him the elements o rapine and disorder. Colonel Neill found the place close y invested by the rebels. These he attacked on the 13th and 15th of June, on which last-mentioned day the enemy,^ beaten on all points, abandoned the city. On the 12th of July Colonel Neill was promoted to the rank of brigadier- general ; and on the 16th, having handed ovei the command of the Allahabad garrison to Captain Hay of the 78th High¬ landers, proceeded to Cawnpore to join General Havelock. The death of this gallant officer at Lucknow has been al¬ ready noticed. Gwalior. The Gwalior contingent, a body of native troops paid by Scindia, but commanded by British officers, revolted on the 16th of June, in spite of the efforts made by the Maha¬ rajah, through whose aid alone the British officers escaped. From that time to the middle of November this powerful body of rebels remained inactive in the neighbourhood of Gwalior, being kept in check by Scindia, who called out his feudatories for that purpose. Several times a battle was on the eve of being fought, in which the superior discipline of the rebels would have probably given them the advan¬ tage. Had they succeeded, or had Scindia been less warm in the English cause, it cannot be doubted that the mutinous contingent would have agreed to the proposal of the In¬ dore rebels and marched on Delhi, in which case the British besieging army would have been in imminent peril. Foiled, however, by the opposition of Scindia, the Gwalior contingent at length, about November, advanced towards Calpee, and thence, on the 24th of that month, marched on Cawnpore, where they engaged and defeated General Windham, but were subsequently routed, as mentioned above, by Sir Colin Campbell. They, nevertheless, still continued to hang about Calpee; and on one or two occa¬ sions skirmished sharply with the English advanced posts in that direction. Indore. Holkar’s contingent rose on the 1st of July, and attacked the government British Residency, which they destroyed, and killed several officers and many persons connected with the English government. Most of the Indore officials and Europeans escaped to Sehore, from whence they arrived safely at Hoshungabad. The main body of these mutineers marched to Gwalior, where they vainly endeavoured to pre¬ vail on the Gwalior contingent to join them in an advance on Delhi. At last, on the 5th of September, they proceeded to Dholpore, about 30 miles from Agra, at the point where the road from Delhi to Bombay crosses the Chumbul, Fortunate it was that Delhi had fallen ere this great force of rebels Mutiny of could reach it. Colonel Greathed’s column, which had been 1857. despatched towards Agra as soon as Delhi was completely occupied, after dispersing the Jhansi rebels in a sharp action at Bolundshuhur on the 27th of September, and blowing up the fort of Malagurh on the 29th, reached Agra on the&10th of October early in the morning. The weary troops had scarce begun to encamp when they were charged by the cavalry of the Indore rebels, whose guns opened on them at the same time. The English suffered some loss, and had a gun captured before they could form their ranks to resist this surprise. The Sikh horse were the first to charge the enemy, and they were followed by the 9th lancers, who charged in their shirt sleeves. The English guns then opened, and, after a fierce engagement of two hours, the rebels were routed with great slaughter, with the loss of thirteen guns and all their camp equipage. From the date of this overthrow Holkar’s contingent never again formed a compact body. Indore itself was kept from join¬ ing fully in the rebellion, mainly through the zealous efforts of the young Prince Holkar, who throughout showed the most unshaken fidelity to the British. On the 15th of December the Malwah field force, under Brigadier Stewart, arrived in the city, and disarmed the malcontents, on many of whom summary justice was executed. At Jhansi the troops, consisting of a wing of the 12th Jhansi. native infantry and some irregular cavalry, mutinied on the 5th of June, and a large number of Europeans, men, women, and children, were horribly murdered. The rebels marched off to Delhi. Upon the recapture of the city by the Brit¬ ish on the 21st September, the Jhansi insurgents evacuated the place, and took the road to Bolundshuhur, where, on the 27th, as above stated, they were attacked by the pursu¬ ing column under Colonel Greathed, and completely routed. At Saugor, in Central India, although the majority of the Saugor. troops participated in the general spirit of mutiny, a re¬ markable instance of loyalty was displayed by one regi¬ ment. On the 3d of July, the 42d native infantry, and part of the 3d irregular cavalry, mutinied, and called upon the 31st regiment to join them. The latter regiment, deprived of its European officers, who had taken refuge in the fort, nevertheless behaved most loyally, drove the mu¬ tineers out of the station, retook a large signal gun and six elephants, which they restored to the authorities. The de¬ feated rebels were, however, joined by large bodies of Boondelas and other marauders, and soon after completely invested Saugor, which remained in a state of siege and in extreme danger till the 3d of February 1858, when it was relieved by General Sir Flugh Rose, commanding the Ner- budda field force. Though the spirit of disloyalty was known to be all but Dinapore, universal throughout the Bengal army, three regiments ol native infantry continued to be maintained in full force at Dinapore. These were the 7th, 8th, and 40th. A depu¬ tation of merchants had waited upon the governor-general, entreating that these regiments might be disarmed ; but the reply had been, that the government had every confidence in the fidelity of the men. Shortly afterwards, however, the symptoms of mutiny became unmistakeable, and on the 25th of July the three regiments threw off their allegiance, and broke out in insurrection. At this time Her Majesty’s 10th foot, and part of Her Majesty’s 37th regiment, with an European field-battery, were quartered at Dinapore. Nevertheless, by the mismanagement of General Lloyd, in command of the station, and owing to his physical unfit¬ ness for his duties, the three mutinous regiments were allowed to cross the Soane river, and to escape with little loss to Arrah, distant twenty-five miles west of Dinapore. Here Mr Wake, the magistrate of the district, with 11 other Europeans and 45 Sikhs had taken refuge within a small bungalow, which had been previously fortified. The build- NOHTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. ifutiny 1857. Jibbul- of Ing was forthwith surrounded by the insurgents. This being made known at Dinapore, a detachment composed of 350 men of the 10th and 37th regiments was despatched by boats for the relief of the little band; but being landed by night, under the direction of treacherous guides, the party fell into an ambuscade, and were driven back with a loss of more than half their number killed and wounded. The disaster was in some degree retrieved by the heroic defence of the besieged- garrison. These succeeded in holding the rebels at bay during seven days, until the 8th of August, when, after the failure of the expedi¬ tion from Dinapore, they were relieved by Major Vin¬ cent Eyre, of Caubul celebrity, who, with a detachment of 200 men and three guns from Buxar, dispersed a force of 3000 insurgents, headed by a native rajah, Kowur Singh, of Jugdeespore, with three pieces of artillery. The par¬ ticulars of this romantic defence are thus given by Mr Wake, the magistrate of Shahabad:—-“During the entire siege, which lasted seven days, every possible stratagem was practised against us. The cannons were fired as fre¬ quently as they could prepare shot, with which they were at first unprovided, and incessant assaults were made upon the bungalow. Not only did our Sikhs behave with perfect coolness and patience, but their untiring labour met and prevented every threatened disaster. Water began to run short—a well 18 feet by 4 was dug in less than twelve hours; the rebels raised a barricade on the top of the opposite house—our own grew in the same proportion; a shot shook a weak place in our defence—the place was made twice as strong as before; we began to feel the want, of animal food and short allowance of grain—a sally was made at night, and four sheep brought in; and finally, when we ascertained beyond a doubt that the enemy were undermining us, a countermine was quickly dug. On the 30th, the troops sent to our relief from Dinapore were at¬ tacked and beaten back close to the entrance of the town. On the next day the rebels returned, and telling us that they had annihilated our relief, offered the Sikhs and the women and children (of whom there were none with us) their lives and liberty, if they would give up the government officers. August the 1st, we were all offered our lives, and leave to go to Calcutta, if we would give up our arms. On the 2d, the greater part of the sepoys wrent out to meet Major Eyre’s field force, and on their being soundly thrashed, the rest of them deserted the station ; and that night we went out, and found their mine had reached our foundations, and a canvass tube filled with gunpowder was lying handy to blow us up; in which, however, I do not think they would have succeeded, as their powder was bad, and another stroke of the pick would have broken into our countermine. We also brought in the one gun which they had left on the top of the opposite house. During the whole siege, only one man, a Sikh, was severely wounded, though two or three got scratches and blows from splinters -and bricks.” The mutineers, driven from Arrah, retreated in the direc¬ tion of Jugdeespore, whither they were pursued by a de¬ tachment of the 10th foot. Here the men of that x-egi- ment gloriously avenged the slaughter of their comrades at Arrah. After a contest which lasted for upwards of two hours, Jugdeespore fell into their hands. No less than 400 of the rebels were cut down, and the remainder completely routed. General Lloyd being removed from his post, Sir James Outram succeeded to the command of Dinapore, but shortly after moved up towards Oude. Among the latest revolts was that of the 52d native in¬ fantry, which mutinied and quitted Jubbulpore, a station 111 miles S.E. of Saugor, with the view of effecting a junc¬ tion with the Dinapore rebels. The insurgents were met near the fort of Saugor by the column of Madras troops from Kamptee, and defeated, with a loss of 150 killed. Lieu¬ tenant Macgregor, who had been detained by the regiment 311 as a kind of hostage, was murdered by the rebels. His body Mutiny of was found by the British covered with wounds. J 1857. At the small town of Nagode or Nagound, on the road v--'' from Saugor to Allahabad, and about 30 miles to the N.W. Nagode. of Rewah, was stationed the 50th Bengal native infantry! This corps mutinied, but without slaughtering its officers' not long after the outbreaks at Saugor and Jubbulpore ; and thus the circle of rebellion was completed in Bundelcund. The rajahs of Saugor and Shahgurh, and the rani of Jhansi! aided the insurgents with all their power. The rajah of Rewah remained faithful, though his troops were disaf¬ fected. On the 21st of August a detachment of the JodhporeAboo legion, stationed at Aboo, rose, plundered the bazaar, and attempted to murder some invalids of Her Majesty’s 83d regiment, but were repelled from their barracks with loss. They wounded Mr A. Lawrence, son of General G. Law¬ rence, and, descending the mountain, plundered the village of Anadra at the foot ot it, and then proceeding to the stations where the other parts of the legion were, induced them to join. On the 1st of September General Lawrence marched from Ajmere to meet them, and on the 18th came upon them at Awah, and succeeded in driving them from their position outside the town, but finding this too strong to be attacked, was compelled to retire. Here Captain Monk Mason, who had pushed on from Palee to join General Lawrence, was killed in the attempt. About this time the chiefs of Dhar, Mundesore, and Amjheera, joined in the rebellion; and on the 19th and 20th of September a sharp action was fought at Neembhera, about 20 miles N.W. of Neemuch, in which the 12th Bombay native in¬ fantry, and the 2d Bombay cavalry, distinguished them¬ selves. The place was taken with the loss of one Euro¬ pean killed, and 16 natives killed or wounded. The Jodhpore legion was subsequently completely routed at Narnoul, 86 miles S. of Hansi, by Colonel Gerrard, who was killed in the action. Five officers were wounded, and the total of killed and wounded was 70. At Kotah, the capital of the Rajpoot state of that name, Kotah> situated on the right bank of the Chumbul, 195 miles S.W. of Agra, the forces of the rajah, consisting of 2140 infantry, 710 cavalry, and 600 artillerymen, rose against his authority, and in rebellion against British supremacy, on the 15th of October, and murdered the political agent, Major Burton of the 40th Bengal native infantry, with his two sons. They then plundered the Residency and set fire to it. Besides these principal outbreaks, many lesser risings and Mutinies mutinies of single corps, or detachments of corps, took place in other in various parts of India. Thus the Ramgurh battalion IJarts. mutinied near Sherghotty, and on the 29th of September were met and routed by Major English with a detachment of the 53d regiment and some Sikhs. The 32d native in¬ fantry rose at Deogurh in the south-west districts, and killed Lieutenant Cooper, Mr Ronald,and some others; the 34th at Chittagong, and the 73d at Dacca and Julpigoree, also mutinied so late even as November 1857, but" the defec¬ tion of these corps produced only local disturbance, and added little or nothing to the danger and magnitude of the general revolt. In the meantime, the Madras army, with the exception of the 8th cavalry, which refused to proceed on service to Bengal, and was consequently disarmed, and a few irregular troops at Nagpore, continued faithful and aided greatly in the suppression of the revolt. The prin¬ cipal native ruler in Southern India, the Nizam, threw the whole weight of his influence into the scale in favour of the British ; and his minister, Salar Jung, a nobleman of Euro¬ pean energy, courage, and abilities, crushed a desperate attempt of the fanatical Rohillas to raise the standard of rebellion at Hyderabad. In the Bombay army, where there were 15,000 soldiers, recruited from Oude and the adjacent provinces, the case was different. On the evening of the 312 NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCE S. Mutiny of 31st of July, 167 men of the 27th Bombay native infantry rose 1857. ^t Kolapore, in the South Mahratta country, and murdered three of their officers, and carried off 37,000 rupees from the treasury. They were shortly afterwards attacked by LieutenantKerr,with a bodyof the South Mahratta irregular horse, and dispersed or destroyed. The fugitives perished in the jungles of want, or were killed by the villagers. On the 10th of August a trooper of the 1st Bombay lancers attempted to raise an emeute at Nusseerabad, and was for a time protected by the 12th native infantry, but at length shot. About the same time a small part of the 2d Bombay cavalry mutinied at Neemuch, and were not overpowered without a struggle, in which four Europeans lost their lives. Plots were also discovered in the 2d grenadiers at Ahmeda- bad, and the 29th native infantry at Belgaum ; and on the 20th of August the havildar major of the latter regiment, and some others, were executed. At Bombay the 10th native infantry were discovered to be in a disaffected state ; and a soldier of that corps, and one of the marine battalion, were blown from guns. But it was in Sindh that the most extensive conspiracy was formed; and but for the fidelity of Jacob’s horse, and the admirable management of the commissioner, Mr Frere, the whole of that province would have been in a blaze. At Kurrachee the 21st Bombay native infantry were disarmed, and a considerable number of sepoys executed ; at Shikarpore and Hyderabad there were attempts at a rising; and at the former place the Bengal artillerymen seized the guns, and kept up a fire on cantonments for some time. These particulars suffice to prove the alarming state of India when the European rein¬ forcements from England began to arrive. It remains now to show how these were made available for the extinction of the revolt. Between June the 18th and the end of November 1857, ninety-four large transports were despatched from England, having on board 34,481 European soldiers to reinforce the royal army in India. In addition to these, 900 men were despatched overland; and several regiments were drawn from the Cape, Ceylon, and the Mauritius, and also from the China expedition, whence also was furnished a formi¬ dable naval brigade, the men of which served 68-pounder guns with terrible effect in the storming of Lucknow. In the beginning of November the bulk of these reinforce¬ ments began to arrive, and in the first fortnight of that month 8000 men were landed at Calcutta alone. Thus along the Ganges a stream of reinforcements was constantly flowing up, enabling the commander-in-chief to reduce Lower Bengal to order, garrison the chief places, and pre¬ pare a powerful army for the capture of Lucknow and the complete conquest of Oude. At the same time Sir J. Lawrence was actively engaged in levying new Sikh troops and despatching them to the south ; while Jung Bahadur, the regent of Nepal, sending forward several thousand Gorkhas to the aid of the British, prepared to descend from the hills into Oude with 10,000 more. At Madras and Bombay, as fresh European regiments arrived, those al¬ ready in the presidencies were pushed up towards Central India, and there formed into columns, which gradually swept the rebels towards the east, and co-operated with the columns from the Delhi and Punjab armies, which, advancing southward, cleared the Doab and Rohilcund, and drove the insurgents into Oude, where they were stopped by Sir C. Campbell and the main army. Turning to the operations of the subsidiary columns during the close of 1857, and taking that of Colonel Greathed first, it may be briefly noticed, that after the defeat of the Indore rebels on the 10th of October, this force halted a few days at Agra, and reached Mynpooree, 71 £ miles to the east of Agra, on the 19th; and on the day previous Brigadier Grant took command from Colonel Greathed. The guns and treasure of the rajah, who had fled with the rebels, were here cap-r Mutiny of 1857. Measures for sup¬ pressing the revolt. tured, and the fort was blown up. On the 23d the column arrived at Kanouj, and there falling in with a body of tlw Delhi fugitives, killed 200 of them, and captured five guns, — with the loss of one officer and two privates wounded. On the 26th the column reached Cawnpore, whence, its losses bein0, recruited bv fresh troops, and having been made up to 3460 men, with twenty guns, it moved on towards Luck¬ now, and arrived at Nawabgunge, near that city, on the 1st of November. From this date its operations merge in those of the main army. In the meantime, the districts west of Delhi were swept pcihi co. by a column under Brigadier Showers, who, on October the lumn. 2d, captured Rewaree, 50 miles S.W. of Delhi, the town of a rebel rajah, who fled, leaving twelve guns loaded on the ramparts of his fort. On the 12th Brigadier Showers reached Jhajhar, once the capital of the adventurer George Thomas, but now of a rebel naw'ab, who was made prisoner on the 17th, and subsequently hanged at Delhi. The column then moved to Dadree, cutting to pieces some small parties of rebels on the way, and thence to Kanound, where fourteen guns and considerable treasure and stores wrere taken. On the 31st of the same month a detachment of this column cut up a body of Mewatties on the heights near Sona, in the Goorgaon district. The column returned to Delhi on the 9th of November, and immediately after moved out again to Meerut, en route for Be war. From Madras a strong column having assembled at Madras Kurnool under Brigadier Whitlock, moved upon Jubbul-army, pore, and on the L5th of December advanced from that town into the Saugor territory, quieting the disturbed dis¬ tricts as it proceeded, and sending on two regiments of cavalry to clear the way to Benares. The advance of this column was greatly facilitated by the brilliant successes of Captain Osborn, the political agent at Rewah, and Lieu¬ tenant-Colonel Hinde, who, with the forces ol the rajahs of Punnah and Rewah, and some levies raised in Bundelcund, defeated several bodies of insurgents, and captured the strong fort of Bijrajoogurh, the killadar of which place, and ninety-three other prisoners, were shot by command of Brigadier Whitlock. Simultaneously almost with the suc¬ cessful operations of the last-named officers, an alarming out¬ break of the wild tribes in Sumbulpore, a large expanse of jungly country directly south of the region in which the column of Brigadier Whitlock was moving, was put down by Major Bates of the 40th Madras native infantry, and Captain Wood, commanding a squadron of the Nagpore ir¬ regular cavalry. On the 30th of December Captain Wood, with 73 horsemen and 200 infantry of the 40th native in¬ fantry and Ramgurh battalion, encountered a body of the rebels near Sumbulpore, and killed fifty-three and dispersed the rest. Captain Wood, who killed three of the enemy with his own hand, was wounded, with Dr Winslow and nine privates. These rebels had previously murdered Dr Moore not far from the spot where they were defeated. Another body of insurgents was shortly afterwards routed with great slaughter by Major Bates in the same district. Madras troops were likewise successfully engaged some weeks later in suppressing a rebellion raised by the rajah of Shorapore, a small principality in the S.W. angle of the Nizam’s terri¬ tories. On the 7th of February the troops of the rajah were defeated near his chief town by a small Madras column, with trifling loss to the English ; but Captain New- bery of the 8th Madras cavalry was killed, and Lieutenant Stewart of the same corps wounded. Shorapore was occu¬ pied next day by Colonel Malcolm, with the South Mahratta horse ; and the rajah himself was made prisoner at Hydera¬ bad, whither he had fled. From the Bombay side a column called the Malwah field force, consisting of the 14th light dragoons, Her Majesty’s arniy 86th foot, the 3d Bombay cavalry, the 25th native infantry, some Bombay artillery, and a strong force of the Nizam’s NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. 313 ihitinyof contingent, had been organized under Brigadier Stewart of 1857. the 6th native infantry,for operations in Central India. On the 22d of October this column defeated a body of rebels near Dhar; and on the 1st of November took that strong place, the fort being one of the strongest in India. After the battery had opened for four days, an advance was made to the breach, when the fort was found to be evacuated. A treasure of nearly half a million was here captured. On the 8th Brigadier Stewart marched north towards Mehid- pore, when an army of rebels under Heera Singh, formerly a jemidar in the Nagpore cavalry, had, with the aid of the Mehidpore contingent, which mutinied as they approached, committed great havoc, and killed Major Timms, Captain Mills, Dr Carey, and several other Europeans, as well as 150 of the contingent who remained stanch to the British. On the 13th Major Orr, with the 1st, 3d, and 4th Nizam’s cavalry, attached to the Malwah field force, came up with Heera Singh, and made a most brilliant and successful charge, retaking all the guns and stores just captured from the Mehidpore contingent. The rebels were pursued to a village ten miles from Mundesore, where their supports showed themselves in great strength. On the 21st the whole column, of which Major Orr’s cavalry formed part, was at¬ tacked by the Mundesore rebels, numbering about 8000 men, who were driven back into the town with heavy loss. On the 23d the column defeated Heera Singh at the village of Gooraria. The 14th dragoons captured five guns on the enemy’s left centre. Lieutenant Redmayne of that corps was killed, and seven officers w-ere wounded, and 68 rank and file killed and wounded. On the night of the 24th the rebels evacuated Mundesore. These rebels had besieged Neemuch for the three weeks previous to the arrival of the Malwah field force, and on the 21st had attempted to carry it by escalade, but were repulsed with loss. The casualties on the English side were two European officers and four sepoys wounded. The 12th Bombay native infantry here particularly distinguished themselves. In a battle fought, however, at Jeerun, near Neemuch, on the 24th of the previous month, the English garrison of that town had sustained severe losses. On that occasion Captain Tucker of the 2d Bombay cavalry, and Captain Reade of Her Majesty’s 83d foot, were killed, five officers were wounded, and other casualties were numerous. The Malwah field force now made a long halt at Mun¬ desore, where many of the rebels were executed. On the 2d of December it moved south to Indore, which it reached on the 15th ; and next day Sir R. Hamilton, the governor-general’s agent for Central India, and General Sir Hugh Rose, arrived there, and Holkar’s mutinous troops were forthwith disarmed, and numerous executions took place. General Rose having gained the chief command of this column, which was now called the Nerbudda field force, proceeded to Sehore, a town in Bhopal, 132 miles S.W. of Saugor. Arriving here on the 10th of January 1858, he disarmed the mutinous Bhopal contingent sta¬ tioned at Sehore, and caused 150 of them to be executed. He had now with him the 14th and 17th dragoons, and the 3d Bombay lancers, Her Majesty’s 86th foot, the 3d Bombay European regiment, and a very powerful force of artillery, sappers and miners, and engineers. On the 26th the general laid siege to the strong fort of Ratgurh, which was taken on the 29th, many of the rebels escaping down the precipitous rocks. The day previous an insurgent force which attempted to relieve the garrison was defeated, and driven across the river, by Captain Hare with the Hyderabad contingent. A pretender, who had assumed the title of a prince of the house of Timour, named Muhammed Fazl Khan, was here taken and hung with another chief over the gate. On the 30th Sir H. Rose marched for Saugor, and at the first stage from Ratgurh, drove a body of rebels from some difficult ground. Here VOL. XVI. Captain Neville of the royal engineers, aide-de-camp to Mutiny of Sir H. Rose, was killed. On the 3d of February Sir 1857. Hugh reached Saugor and relieved the garrison, which had been besieged since July of the previous year. Twenty rebels were executed here. On the 3d of March Sir H. Rose, moving on Jhansi, forced the Mudianpore Pass, with the loss to the British of 20 killed and wounded. Early in January 1858 a strong column, under Brigadier Roberts, prepared to move from Deesa in Gujerat into Rajpootana. On the morning of the 6th, 200 men of the 10th Bombay native infantry, 100 of Her Majesty’s 95th regiment, 2 guns, 30 men of Captain Aitken’s battery, and 20 of the royal sappers and miners, under command of Major Raines of the 95th, went forward to attack the village of Rowah, 9 miles from Deesa. It was found strongly for¬ tified, but the infantry gallantly stormed it. Three British officers were wounded, and several men. Gold and silver coins to the value of L.5000 were found among the ruins of the village. On the 10th Major Raines, having sent back his sick and wounded to Deesa, and having received rein¬ forcements, advanced towards Awah, his column now con¬ sisting of the 8th hussars, 1st Bombay lancers and 2d cavalry, Her Majesty’s 72d Highlanders, and 96th and 51st regiments, with a detachment of the 83d and the royal en¬ gineers, the 1st and 2d native infantry, Captain Aitken’s battery, 2 troops of horse artillery, and a siege train. On the 19th the column was joined at Jaitpoora, 2 miles from Awah, by two companies of the 83d, a battery of foot artillery, 600 Sindh horse, two squadrons of the 1st lancers, and part of the 12th native infantry, under Colonel Holmes of the latter regiment, who took com¬ mand of the whole force. On the night of the 23d this column captured Awah, one of the strongest towns in Rajpootana, taking 16 guns and 170 prisoners, of whom 25 were executed forthwith. On the 1st of February General Roberts marched from Deesa to join Colonel Holmes, having with him some sappers and miners, a wing of the 9th regiment, and some of the 2d cavalry, and having effected a junction, the whole column, 7000 strong, with 30 guns, marched towards Kotah, through the pass of Bharoondurrah. In the meantime, the commander-in-chief was busily Operations engaged in preparing for the final reduction of Oude and the 0f the main capture of Lucknow. After the complete route of the Gwa- army, lior rebels, and their flight across the river into Oude, or westward to Kalpee, Sir C. Campbell despatched a column under Brigadier Walpole to clear the Lower Doab, and make its way to Etawah. He himself, leaving three regi¬ ments at Cawnpore with instructions to put that place in a state of defence by digging rifle-pits, throwing up earth¬ works, and levelling buildings that might yield cover to an enemy, moved with the main army upon Furruckabad. This place, the capital of the district so called, and distant from Agra 90 miles, from Lucknow 95, is on the left bank of the Ganges, while the British cantonment of Futtygurh lies about 3 miles to the west, on the right bank of the river. Both places were occupied in great force by the rebels; and the nawab had taken a leading part in the insurrection, and by the murder of a great number of Europeans had made himself only less infamously prominent than Nana Sahib. As Sir C. Campbell approached, the nawab received an ac¬ cession of strength from Etawah, the rebels at that place deserting it on the 29th of December, when Brigadier Wal¬ pole entered, and flying to Furruckabad. On the 20th of January Sir Colin came to a place one march from Fur¬ ruckabad, where abridge over the Kalee Nadee had to be repaired. The working parties were attacked by about 5000 rebels, who were, however, quickly put to flight, with the loss of all their guns, seven in number. Here a most gal¬ lant officer, Lieutenant Younghusband, of the 5th Punjab 2 R 314 NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. Mutiny of cavalry, was wounded mortally, and Lieutenant Maxwell, 1857. 0f the Bengal artillery, severely. The next day Sir Colin occupied Furruckabad, which was evacuated by the enemy, the nawab leaving his guns and stores behind him. A column from Delhi, under Colonel Seaton, arrived at Fut- tygurh at the same time. On the 29th of December Cap¬ tain Hodson, of the irregular cavalry, had brought des¬ patches from this column to Sir Colin, riding 90 miles across a country overrun with rebels. In this hazardous exploit three of his escort were killed, and a few wounded. On the 13th of January Brigadier Walpole, with his brigade, was moved forward to repair a bridge over the Ram Gunga; and as a powerful force of the enemy assembled to oppose him on the opposite bank, reinforcements were sent out to him on the 15th. On the 26th a sharp action was fought between a force under Brigadier Hope, and 5000 of the rebels, with four guns, who had crossed the river at Mhow, 18 miles from Furruckabad. Captain Hodson was severely wounded, and his second in command, Lieutenant Mac- dougal, killed. Captain Steel of the 9th lancers, and Lieutenant Gough of the 3d Bengal cavalry, were also wounded; and 13 men and Dr Fairweather of the 4th Punjabees, and 10 men of Her Majesty’s 53d regiment, were killed or wounded by the explosion of one of the enemy’s tumbrils. On the 1st of February the com¬ mander-in-chief, leaving a brigade to watch the Rohilcund rebels, broke up his camp from Futtygurh and descended upon Cawnpore. He himself rapidly passed through the place on the 4th, reached Allahabad on the 8th, where he had an interview with the governor-general, who was now on his way to the seat of war. The same night he returned to Cawnpore, where, till the beginning of March, he was employed in superintending the concentration of stores and troops for the advance on Lucknow. On the 3d of Febru¬ ary the 88th regiment, with two guns and some Sikh horse, despatched to watch the Kalpee rebels, arrived at Bhogni- pore, 5 miles from Kalpee. Next morning they were at¬ tacked by the rebels from the latter place, consisting of part of the Gwalior contingent, and the 32d and 40th native infantry. The enemy first attacked the picquet of Captain Thomson, who commanded the Sikh horse. He bravely held his ground until reinforced, when the enemy were repulsed, and pursued to within a mile of Kalpee. Captain Thomson was wounded, and six men, the former severely. On the 7th of February Mr A. Hume of the civil service, with 400 matchlock-men, and a corps of irregular cavalry under Captain W. Alexander and Mr Maconochie, moved out from Etawah 22 miles to Anundram, where about 800 rebels occupied a strong position with one gun. Mr Hume gallantly led the storming party, and put the rebels to flight, who were then sabred by the cavalry. The enemy left 25 dead on the field; their gun was taken, and 6 prisoners, who were hanged. Mr Hume’s party lost 38 killed and wounded. About a month previous to this the Bareilly rebels despatched three columns, two to attack Nynee Pal, and the third to overrun the Saharunpore districts, On the 10th of February one of these columns was encountered by Colonel M£Causland from Nynee Tal, with the 66th Gorkhas, 200 cavalry, and 2 guns, near Buteree. The enemy lost 3 guns, and had 250 men killed. The British loss wras 35 killed and wounded, including 2 officers wounded. The third rebel column, led by the Nawab of ISajeebabad, crossed the river at Kunkhal, near Hurdwar, on the 10th of January, and were immediately attacked by Captain Boisragon with 100 Gorkhas, a few Sikhs, 10 Europeans, and 2 guns. The rebels fled in con¬ fusion on being charged by the Gorkhas in flanks, and by the Sikhs, led by Mr Melville of the civil service, in front; and the Moyapore dam being suddenly opened by Captain Drummond, of the canal department, as they were fording the stream on their retreat, great numbers of them were drowned. The nawab himself was wounded, and his nephew Mutiny of fell by Captain Boisragon’s own hand. 1857. It is requisite here, in order to complete the view of operations at this time, to revert for a moment to the Bom- Mutiny of bay presidency, where the Bheels in the Ahmednugur and the Bheels. Khandesh collectorates, and adjoining districts, and along the Sautpoora Mountains, had risen in arms so early as Sep¬ tember 1857. On the 8th of October a number of them, estimated at 1500 men, had posted themselves on a hill at Sinnore, 20 miles S. of Nassuk. Here they were on that day attacked by Lieutenant Henry, superintendent of the Ahmednugur police, who was killed, and his party repulsed with severe loss. On the 29th of the same month, Raghujee Bhangria, a Bheel chief, passed through the Ahmednugur districts, plundering and burning. During the end of No¬ vember and December the Bheels, under Khajja Singh, in great force, lined the Sautpoora Hills, near the Sindhia Ghat, and are said to have carried off plunder from the ad¬ jacent villages to the amount of L.140,000. Towards the end of January the Bheels of Chandore were attacked by Captain Montgomery, superintendent of the Ahmednugur police, in a dense jungle, 12 miles S.E. of that place, with indifferent success. He gallantly led his men three times to the charge, but was himself badly wrounded, and obliged to retire. Lieutenant Stuart of the nizam’s infantry was killed; Lieutenant Davidson of the 19th native infantry, and Lieutenant Chamberlain of the 26th native infantry, wounded,—the former dangerously. On the ]9th of February another engagement took place near the same spot, at Mahadeo Donger, when Captain Pottinger de¬ feated the insurgent Bheels, and took many prisoners. Returning to the operations in Oude, it is requisite, be- The Cork- fore describing the first advance of the commander-in-chiefha allies, from Cawnpore, to give a brief summary of the movements of the Gorkha forces despatched by Jung Bahadur to the aid of the British, and subsequently supported by a power¬ ful column under his own command. The Nepal chief had, soon after the outbreak, volunteered his assistance to the governor-general, but his overtures were at that time rejected. In July, however, 3000 Gorkhas had reached Goruckpore; but owing to the masses of rebels which sur¬ rounded them, they retreated from that place, with all the Europeans belonging to the station, on the 13th of August, towards Azimghur. At Gujhaba, 35 miles from Goruck¬ pore, they were attacked by some thousands of rebels under Mohammed Hoossain, but soon repulsed their assailants, killing 150, and taking many prisoners, who, with two ex¬ ceptions, were all put to death. The Gorkha loss was 2 killed and 7 wounded. Llaving arrived at Azimghur, which they found plundered by the rebels, they halted there, and on the 20th of September sent out 1000 men under Cap¬ tain Boileau to attack a party of insurgents at Nundowlee, belonging to the Rajah of Attroniah. The Gorkhas were completely successful, and took three brass guns at the point of the bayonet, killing 100 of the enemy, and having them¬ selves but 16 wounded. Jung Bahadur at this time sent a reinforcement of two regiments to the hill stations of Almora and Nynee Tal. Major Ramsay, with 150 Gorkhas, 25 irregular horse, and 30 gentlemen volunteers, before the above reinforcements arrived, attacked a body of 800 rebels advancing on Almora from Bareilly, and killed upwards of 100, losing only 1 risaldar killed, and 1 Gorkha wounded. On the 30th of October Colonel Wroughton, with 500 men of Her Majesty’s 10th foot, 1100 Gorkhas, and some guns, drove a body of 5000 rebels, with 4 guns, from a position at Chanda. The Gorkhas gallantly captured the guns, and killed 400 of the enemy, losing 13 of their own men killed, and 60 wounded. The same Gorkhas had, on the 19th, defeated Hasan Yar Khan at Kudwa. In that action Messrs Jenkinson and Carnegy of the civil service greatly distinguished themselves, and killed 7 of the enemy. NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES. Mutiny of Towards the end of November the rebels from Lucknow 1857. pushed heavy columns to the south ; so that the Gorkhas * ^ ^ were compelled to again evacuate the Goiuckpoie district and Azimghur. On the 2d of December Jung Bahadur arrived at Segowlee, in the plains, having with him 9000 regular Gorkha troops and a multitude of irregulars. °On the 19th of December the Calcutta Gazette an¬ nounced that Jung Bahadur was entering the plains of Hindustan to co-operate with the British troops in the restoration of order in the British provinces. Brigadier- General Macgregor was appointed to accompany the Ne- paulese chief; and a strong brigade under Colonel Franks was organized at Benares to co-operate with him by ad¬ vancing in the direction of Jaunpore and Azimghur. Her Majesty’s 97th and 20th foot, with a wing of the 10th regi¬ ment and some royal artillery, formed the nucleus of this force. On the 6th of January Jung Bahadur, with 14 regiments of infantry and 4 batteries of artillery of 6 guns each, took Goruckpore. The enemy’s position was strong, but their resistance feeble. They lost 7 guns, and had 200 men killed ; while the Gorkha loss was 2 killed and 7 wounded. Previous to this action a column of the Goruck¬ pore rebels had been defeated at Sobanpore, 5 miles S.E. of Majhowlee, and 40 from Goruckpore, by Colonel Rowcroft with the naval brigade (about 160 men) and two Gorkha regiments. The rebels lost a gun, and had 200 killed ; while there were but 4 wounded in Colonel Rowcroft’s force. In the meantime the enemy had shown themselves in such force near Azimgurh, that Colonel Longden, com¬ manding there, had been compelled to retire. By the 22d of January Jung Bahadur’s van had reached Belwa Bazar, on the Gogra, opposite Fyzabad ; and Colonel Franks’ column had been swelled by 4000 Gorkhas, some Madras troops, Sikhs, 200 sailors, while his artillery amounted to 24 guns. On the 4th of February the advanced troops of the Gorkha main army attacked and dispersed the rajah of Gondah’s army near Fyzabad, with the loss to themselves of only 1 killed and 2 wounded. But Brigadier Franks was now rapidly pushing forward; and on the 19th of February he defeated at Chanda two armies of rebels, one of 8000 men, the other of 11,000. The loss of the enemy was very heavy. On the 23d the same officer gained a still more decided victory, killed 1800 of the rebels, and captured their standing camp and 20 guns. The Bri¬ tish loss in the three actions was 2 killed and 16 wounded. Many rebel sepoys of the 13th, 15th, 20th, and 40th native infantry were killed in these engagements. Both the column of Brigadier Franks and that of Jung Bahadur joined the commander-in-chief at Lucknow without further serious opposition. 'apture of In the meantime, Sir J. Outram had repulsed incessant liucknow, attacks on his post at Alumbagh, just on the outskirts of the revolt0*1 Lucknow, which he held with a fine division of 5000 men, composed of the 1st Madras fusiliers, the 5th fusiliers, the 75th, 78th, and 90th, with Brusier’s Sikhs, Olphert’s and Maude’s batteries, some Madras sappers and miners, and the volunteer cavalry. To these regiments belongs the glory of maintaining the post of honour, and taking the lead in the final triumph at Lucknow. They were several times attacked at Alumbagh by immense masses of the enemy, and always repulsed them with terrible loss. On the 22d of December they took from the rebels 4 guns, an elephant, and great stores of ammunition. On the 12th and on the 16th of January they routed a mass of 30,000 men, which advanced on all sides of them. On February the 21st the rebels came out again in vast numbers, having sworn on the Koran to conquer or die. They formed in the shape of a crescent, and as the horns of their immense line began to converge on Alumbagh, General Outram attacked each extremity of it. They gave way almost at 315 once, leaving 500 dead on the field; while the British had Mutiny of only 6 wounded. On the 25th they made another and a 1857. final effort, the begum and her son coming out on elephants to witness the conflict, which ended still more disastrously for them than the preceding. These successes were a presage of the easy reduction of the city, which fell on the 19th of March. Sir C. Campbell had been detained at Cawnpore longer than was expected by the non-arrival of the siege train from Agra. At last, on the 10th of Febru¬ ary, an extra bridge having been thrown over the Ganges from the Cawnpore side, the passage began. Such, how¬ ever, was the prodigious number of men and animals, that it was many days ere they had crossed. The whole road from Cawnpore to Alumbagh was lined with troops and baggage-cattle, among which were 16,000 camels. The actual numbers of Sir C. Campbell’s main army were— infantry, 11,442; cavalry, 3961; artillery, 1669; naval brigade, 331; sappers and miners, 1970;—grand total, 19,373. Thus, with Outram’s and Franks’ divisions of 5000 men each, and Jung Bahadur’s army of 10,000 Gor¬ khas, the whole force arrayed against Lucknow fell little short of 40,000 men, with 180 guns; and it may justly be said that an array so formidable and so well appointed never was seen in Hindustan. On the 6th of March, Sir C. Campbell having arrived a few days previously, General Outram, with 5000 men and 30 guns, crossed the Goomtee, and took post to the E. of the city, pushing his reconnoissances to the S., and after repuls¬ ing an attack, bivouacked on the field of Chinhutt, where Sir H. Lawrence was so disastrously defeated. On the 7th Sir J. Outram despatched General Hope Grant with 2000 cavalry to the N.E., to make a reconnoissance, and during his absence the enemy made a second and more serious attack. On the 9th Sir James turned the enemy’s first line of works, which, though constructed with great care and skill by the revolted sappers and miners from Roorkee, were by a grave mistake made without protections from a flanking fire. In consequence, Outram’s guns enfiladed the whole line, and enabled General Lugard’s division, on the 10th, to carry the Martiniere and adjacent works on the S. of the city; and shortly after, the whole left of the enemy’s earthworks, to within 800 yards of Banks’ house. On the 10th this latter post was taken, and on the 11th the same division carried the begum’s palace, which had been fortified in a way to make it defensible against a whole army. Here 600 bodies of sepoys of the 22d, 38th, and other regiments, were counted; and General Lugard lost about 100 men of his division in killed and wounded; among them Captain Hodson, the capturer of the King of Delhi, and well-known commander of irregular horse. On the same day Jung Bahadur joined with his Gorkhas. A severe struggle now took place in the direction of the Moosa Bagh, to the N.W. of the city; and here Captain Cooper of the engineers, Captain Moorsom of Sir J. Outram’s staff, and many other gallant men, fell. On the 13th Sir Colin took the Imambara, and opened a tremendous fire on the Kaiser Bagh, the walls of which were shivered to pieces. On the 14th General Outram carried the town between the iron bridge and the Residency; and thousands of the enemy began now to stream out of the city, taking the road to Rohilcund. On the 16th the Muchee Bhawan and Great Imambara were captured; and on the 18th the Gorkhas carried a very strong position in front of Alumbagh. A detachment of these troops brought in Mrs Orr and Miss Madeline Jackson, who had born prisoners in the hands of the rebels since the advance of General Havelock. On the 19th the whole city was in possession of the British; and though many thousands of the rebels escaped, and a desultory warfare ensued, the close of the great revolt may be dated from this epoch. (e. t.) (e. b. e.) 316 NOR North- NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. See Hudson’s Bay West Territory. Territory NORTHWICH, a market-town of England, in the Norway, county of Chester, on the left bank of the Weaver, near its i confluence with the Dane, 15 miles N.E. of Chester, and 155 N.W. of London. It has an old-fashioned appearance, and contains many ancient buildings. The church, which is large, is remarkable for its semicircular chancel and curiously carved roof. There are also places of worship for Independents, Baptists, Wesleyan and Primitive Me¬ thodists, and several schools. Northwich is chiefly import¬ ant for its salt mines and brine springs, the former of nor which have been worked since the seventeenth century, and are believed to be the richest salt mines m the world ihe brine springs, however, are now more extensively used, and are calculated to yield from 300,000 to 400,000 tons of salt annually. This forms the principal aiticle of tiade m Northwich, being conveyed to Liverpool by the W eaver and Mersey, on which about 300 vessels are employed in this business. Ship-building, brick-making, iron and brass founding, brewing, and other avocations, are carried on here ; and fairs are held three times a jear. 1 op. (i851) 13TT NORTON-CHIPPING. See Chipping-Norton. Norton Chipping Norway. NORWAY. Histoiy. Norway is an extensive country in the north of Europe, united with Sweden under one king. All the territory which is now comprised by Norway and Sweden, w as de¬ signated *Sca«rfia by the ancients. Pliny calls \X. Scandia msuia, an appellation which derives its origin from the cii- cuinstance of the Romans, in the time of their great naturalist, being only acquainted with that part of the country called Skanen or Skonen,the little information which they possessed being obtained from some Germans. 1 his is the ancient province of Schonen or Scania, the most southerly of Sweden. The name was afterwards changed to Scandinavia, which has been called the “ stoie-house of nations,” but without any just title to such a distinction. It seems now quite certain that Scandinavia was not the native country of the Scythians or Goths, but that they migrated from Asia to Europe. 1 he fact of Pliny having designated Scandinavia as an island of considerable although uncertain magnitude, has also given rise to some discussion. To the imperfect knowledge of geography which the an¬ cients possessed may reasonably be attributed their, mis¬ taken notion as to the insular position of these countries.. Origin of But our present purpose is with Norway, which in the name. Swedish is called Norrige, and in Danish, Norge (pro¬ nounced Norre). “ In spite of the vague ideas which the ancients entertained of the northern countries of Europe,” says Make-Brim, “it cannot be doubted that the country which Pliny calls Nerigon is Norway. Many geographers1 have asserted that the name signifies the “Way of the North ;”2 but its true etymology seems to be ]\or-Rige, “ Kingdom of the North,” or rather, perhaps, assuming the word Nor as signifying gulf, “Kingdom of Gulfs,” because in effect its coasts are much more indented than those of Sweden. We thus see that the name of Nerigon has much more analogy with that of Norrige than with that of Nor- w7eg, which at the first glance appears to be the origin of the modern name. The early history of Norway is inter¬ woven with the annals of Sweden and Denmark, and con¬ sists in legends contained in the Heimskringla or Saga, a collection of ancient manuscripts, which is to Norway what the Edda is to Iceland. The petty sovereigns who held sway in Norway in remote ages were independent, but appear to have acknowledged a kind of supremacy in the kings of Sweden and Denmark, probably more nominal than real; but until the ninth or tenth century little is known of the annals of the country. The Norwegians, of course, constituted no inconsiderable proportion of those daring ad¬ venturers who, under the general name of Normans on the Continent, and Danes in Britain, became at one time the terror of all the maritime parts of Europe.3 The Royal Northern Antiquarian Society of Copenhagen has published a series of the Saga, comprehending the his¬ torical account of events which belong to European history, TH-tm-y as well as to that of Scandinavia, during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. It includes a period of about 170 years,, beginning with the Saga of St Olaf, the contemporary of Canute the Great of England, who assumed the crown of Norway in 1013, and continuing the series until the death of Magnus Erlingson in a sea-fight with Sverrer I. in 1184. This is one of the most curious and minute pictures of an age long past which the literature of Europe is possessed of. It is not only valuable as an historical document, confirm¬ ing or adding to our stock of facts relative to a dark period of English history, but as a record of the social condition of the country at that time, and of the influence of the I hing, or assembly of the people ; a reference of all matters to this popular convocation being one of the most striking facts re¬ corded in the Saga. From these rude annals we learn, that, at a period immediately preceding the first traces of free institutions in our own country, similar institutions existed in great activity amongst these northern people. It seems a fair inference from these facts, therefore, that we owe the political institutions which we enjoy to the Danes and Normans, who were more likely to impose their own peculiar institutions upon those whom they subdued, than to receive institutions from the conquered. From other Sagas preceding that of St Olaf, we learn, that about the middle of the ninth century Halfden the Black divided Norway into five districts, with fixed head places for holding Things in each. At these assemblies laws were framed suitable to the local circumstances of each district, which gave its name to the code. I his potentate was succeeded by the celebrated Harold Harfagr, or the Fair-Haired, who ascended the throne at ten years of age, and reigned from 863 to 936. I his warlike monarch, alter long fighting, reduced all the independent nobles or petty kings to the condition of subjects, and consolidated the various principalities of Norway into one kingdom. I hus was consummated in a single reign, and that, too, in the ninth century, a work which afterwards cost the other na¬ tions of Europe several centuries of bloodshed and co.iten tion. But this was more easily accomplished in Norway than elsewhere ; for in that country the great nobility never had feudal powrers, and consequently those who were under them as servants were bound by no such ties of vassalage as the retainers of a Highland chieftain or a Norman baron. They were not taught passive and unconditional submission to a superior, although he might bear the title of king; for before a small sovereign could make war he was under the necessity of assembling the Thing, and obtaining its sanc¬ tion. The equal division of property among children, which extended to the crown itself, prevented the accumu¬ lation of power in the hands of individuals; and the circum- 1 See the article “ Norwege ” in the Dictionnaire Geographique de VEncyclopedic. 2 Prom Nord and weg (way), Norweg. 3 See the articles Denmark, France, and England. \T O II W A Y. 317 stance of the total want of fortresses, castles, or strongholds ' in the country, owing to the division of estates, effectually prevented a nobility from attaining the same power with the nobles of feudal countries, and setting the royal autho¬ rity at defiance. Some of these nobility or small kings colonized Iceland; and Normandy was conquered by Rolt Gangr, one of those whom Harold Harfagr expelled from Norway. In this king’s reign Christianity was introduced into the country, and from this period the events recorded in the historical Saga may claim some degree of confidence.1 The length of this reign was no doubt favourable to the lower orders, by consolidating their institutions, which, as they weakened the authority of the petty kings, were favoured by Harold. Eric, his son and successor, whom he had associated with himself in the royal authority, was deposed by the Thing on account of his cruelty, and a younger brother succeeded him. Hakon, which was the name of this son of Harfagr, was brought up from his childhood at the court of Athelstane, King of England. He reigned nineteen years, during which period there was fre¬ quent reference to the Things, both for amending the laws and for the dissemination of Christianity. It appears that, in at¬ tempting to establish thereligionoftheCrossinhisdominions, Hakon had recourse to what were considered as unconsti¬ tutional means ; for we find that, at a meeting of the T hing, held in the year 956, a husbandman named Asbiorn, of Medalhuus, stood up and declared, on the part of his neigh¬ bours and of himself, “ that they had elected Hakon to be their king upon the condition that freedom of religion and freedom of conscience should be warranted to every man ; and if the king persisted in attempting to suppress their an¬ cient faith, they would elect another king;” adding, “and now, king, make thy choice.” This is certainly one of the most striking instances of parliamentary patriotism to be met with in the history of Europe; and we must descend six or seven centuries nearer to the present time before we can match it in the annals of our own country. Hakon was not only compelled to give way, but also to take part in the heathen ceremonies of the meeting. This king was slain in 963, in a battle with the sons of his elder brother Erie, upon whom Athelstane of England had conferred the king¬ dom of Northumberland. It appears that, after the death of Harfagr, the small kings again had risen to some degree of power, and that each in his own assembly, called also a Thing, had exercised a limited authority. Olaf the Saint, before he assumed the name of king, consulted one of these assemblies of the nobility as to the way of proposing his claim as heir of Harfagr to the general Things of the people; and he proceeded in such a manner as to show that their voice alone was insuffi¬ cient to constitute him supreme chief in the land, without the sanction of the general Thing. These institutions appear to have always conferred or confirmed the royal pre- rogative, and to have been of great importance-in that age amongst the whole Scandinavian people. In cases where the good of the community was at stake, they set the royal authority at defiance, and obliged the sovereign to accept of such international contracts as the Things of both coun¬ tries conceived was for their mutual benefit. The Thing of Sweden compelled the sovereign of that country to con¬ clude a peace with Norway, and to bestow his daughter in marriage on King Olaf, towards whom he cherished im¬ placable enmity. Olaf had the title of Saint conferred on him for the exertions which he made to introduce Chris¬ tianity amongst his subjects; but in prosecution of this v object he exercised the most atrocious cruelties, and com¬ pletely alienated the affections of his people. He attempted to govern without the intervention of the Things, which became the cause of his ruin; for when Canute the Great, who conquered Norway, invaded his dominions, the people literally “stopped the supplies;” and, unable to collect a force sufficient to oppose the King of England, he was com¬ pelled to seek refuge in Russia. For the purpose of re¬ covering his crown, he landed in Sweden with a few fol¬ lowers, and, having received an accession to his force from the king of that country, who was his brother-in-law, marched from the Gulf of Finland across the peninsula to the Fiord or Gulf of Trondhjem. In the meantime the Thing of Norway raised an army of 12,000 bonder, and placed it under the command of Olyer of Egge. At the debouche of the valley of Vaerdal they met Olaf at the head of about 4000 adventurers. The conflict could not be doubtful where there was such an inequality of numbers, and where the superiority lay on the side of those who were fighting in defence of their liberties. King Olaf was de¬ feated and slain, without even showing the prudence and courage which had distinguished his early career. This battle was fought on the 31st of August 1030, and not on the 29th of June or July 1033, as is commonly stated.2 The body of the fallen monarch was transported to St Clement’s church in Trondhjem, which had been erected by himself. In return for the services which he had rendered the church, the clergy soon afterwards canonized him; and even at Constantinople temples were erected to his memory. His tomb was regarded as a consecrated spot, to which pil¬ grimages were performed, not only by ardent devotees from the north, but also from the south of Europe. Canute the Great did not long remain in Norway ; and from the period of OlaTs death the country was ruled by native monarchs, who even for a time governed Denmark. It may be gathered from the ancient chronicles before re¬ ferred to, that at this period society was composed of four distinct orders. The first was the nobility, who were de¬ scendants of royal families ; and, without regard to priority of birth, those who were descended both on the mother’s side and father’s side from Harfagr were eligible to the supreme monarchy. They appear to have had no civil power or privilege as nobles, but merely this odelsbaarn-ret to the crown. The odelsbaarnmen, bondermen, or hus¬ bandmen, were the proprietors of lands held neither from the king nor from any feudal superior. These were the people who had a voice at the Things. A third order con¬ sisted of the unfree men, holding land for services as vas¬ sals or as labourers in cottages, but who had no voice in the Things in respect of their land. A fourth order was com¬ posed of the traelle or domestic slaves, who were private property, and in a lower state than the former class. This condition of society, which was equivalent to slavery, w-as abolished by Magnus VIE, who reigned from 1319 to 1344. The most important event in the history of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, in the middle ages, was the union of the three kingdoms under one sovereign, Margaret, daughter of Waldemar, King of Denmark, which was ef¬ fected by the league of Calmar, in the year 1397. The circumstances which led to this remarkable occurrence will Norw¬ ay- 1 Harold ITarfagr was born in the year 853; he began to reign in 863, and died in 936. St Olaf’s father was Harold Grtendske, his grandfather Gudrod, his great-grandfather Biorn Stawke, and his great-great-grandfather Harold Harfagr; and St Olaf was born A.D. 995, only fifty-nine years after the death of his great progenitor Harfagr. A contemporary of St Olaf was therefore a credible source of information for all the events of Harfagr’s reign, such as the conquest of Normandy by liolf Gangr, the colonization, of Iceland, &c. (Laing s Journal of a Residence in Norway.} a This is put beyond a doubt by a circumstance which all accounts of the battle mention, namely, that a total eclipse of the sun oc¬ curred on the same day. Professor Hanstcen of Christiania has calculated that such a celestial phenomenon could only have taken place on the 31st of August 1030. 318 NORWAY. Norway, be found narrated in the article Denmark. Had this princess been as capable of conquering national prejudices as she was of defeating armies, her dominions would have constituted a great and powerful monarchy. But the pas¬ sions of her people were more than a match for her policy ; and it was no doubt better that the three nations which she governed should each remain in quiet possession of its own freedom, as enjoyed under its own form of government and laws, than that they should lay aside all differences, and, heartily uniting as one kingdom and people, become the terror and scourge of Southern Europe. Margaret died without issue; but during her lifetime she appointed her grand-nephew, whom some historians call her cousin, Eric, a descendant of the dukes of Pomerania, as her successor ; and he succeeded to the triple crown of Scandinavia in 1412. The union, however, was far from being cordial; and for rather more than a century local insurrections from time to time broke out and distracted the country. The Swedes, in particular, felt great reluctance to submit to a foreign dynasty ; and after various attempts on their part to shake themselves free from the compact of Calmar, the oppression and cruelty of Christian II. led to the final separation of Sweden in 1520, under the celebrated Gus- tavus Erickson or Vasa. Norway and Denmark, however, remained under one sceptre, till, at the adjustment of European affairs after the fall of Napoleon, Norway was separated from Denmark, and united to the crown of Sweden. This took place in the year 1814. The circumstances which led to the forcible separation of two countries that had for centuries been united by the closest relations, and the union of one of them with another country which had for as many ages been regaided as a natural enemy, may be shortly stated. The grand object of the leading powers was to induce every state to join in the league against Napoleon ; and Sweden, in consideration of an ample bribe, acceded to the general confederacy. One of the foulest stains on the escutcheon of Great Bri¬ tain is the treaty which she entered into with Sweden* dated 3d March 1813. By this notorious compact against the liberties of a whole people, England gave to the King of Sweden the kingdom of Norway (which was no more hers than Rome or Pekin), together with Guadaloupe, and a million of pounds sterling, as a remuneration to his Swe¬ dish Majesty for joining the allied powers against France.1 After the battle of Leipsic, fought in October 1813, the Crown Prince of Sweden entered Denmark with his army ; and after some bloody scenes in Holstein, peace was con¬ cluded at Kiel on the 14th of January 1814. By this treaty Denmark gave up all right to Norway, considering it as quite hopeless to enter into a contest with Sweden and England. Although the King of Denmark might re¬ linquish his claim to the sovereignty of Norway, this was no reason for the people of that country making an uncon¬ ditional surrender of themselves to a foreign potentate. They declared themselves an independent nation, framed a constitution of their own, and proclaimed Prince Chris¬ tian, son of their former sovereign, and governor of Nor¬ way, as their lawful king. Not a little blood was shed in the contention between Sweden and Norway ; and England actively interfered by blockading the ports of Norway, for the purpose of starving the inhabitants of the country into subjection. But a speedy settlement of the question be¬ came necessary to all parties. The constitution which the Norwegians had prepared in April 1814, and which they were in arms to maintain, was guaianteed to them, upon condition of their accepting along with it the Swedish monarch as king, and the Crown Prince of Den¬ mark abdicating the throne. Matters were arranged on this footing ; and on the 17th May 1814, both parties, the King of Sweden and the Norwegian nation, solemnly entered into a compact to the effect stated, under the sanction and guarantee of the allied powers, and of Great Britain amongst the rest.2 By the treaty the entire inde¬ pendence of Norway as a kingdom was secured, the crowns alone being united, as in the case of Hanover and England. She had a constitution of her own framing, a legislature of her own electing, without being interfered with by any foreign authority in the exercise of her right, and laws of her own making and administering; in short, Norway remained a pure democracy in all but the name. Since this union of Norway and Sweden under one so¬ vereign, there have occurred only two events of any im¬ portance in the history of the former. The first was the abolition of hereditary nobility by the Storthing; and the second was an attempt of the Swedish cabinet in 1824 to force on the Norwegian people an entire amalgamation of their country with Sweden. But the firmness of the Stor¬ thing or Parliament, the honourable feelings of the sove¬ reign, and, it is said, the interference of Russia on the part of the allied powers, prevented such an infamous attempt to violate the faith of treaties, and bring disgrace upon those who had guaranteed them. Great Britain, as a party to the treaty of 1813, and as having inflicted some injury on the country by her ships of war, was especially bound to protect the liberties and national independence of Nor¬ way, and to preserve her from becoming a mere province of Sweden, as Poland is now of Russia. The facts relative to the abolition of hereditary nobility may be shortly stated. It is fixed that the executive power has not a final veto, but only a suspensive negative, till the law is passed by three successive Storthings. In the year 1815 both chambers of the Storthing proposed and passed a motion to abolish nobility for ever in Norway. The slender remains of this class were of foreign, and almost in every instance of recent origin ; besides, few of them had enough of property to enable them to hold a dignified sta¬ tion fn society. By the law of succession land is equally divided amongst all the children, so that large estates could not be entailed on the possessor of the family title ; and hence, to maintain his rank and respectability, a nobleman must have become a placeman or a pensioner, or engaged in operations which would bring nobility into contempt. The existence of a hereditary nobility in a country where the law of primogeniture was unknown in the succession to real property, seemed therefore an anomaly, which, in any circumstances, could not long be tolerated, and which was altogether unsuitable to the state of things which had long obtained in Norway. The royal assent, however, was re¬ fused to the proposed enactment in 1815, and again in the year 1818, after it had passed through a second Storthing. To prevent it from passing a third time became the grand object of government; for then it would necessarily have become the law of the land, with or without the royal con¬ sent. In 1821, the year when the measure was to be again brought forward, the king in person repaired to Christiania, and used every means to induce the Storthing to abandon it; but in vain. Six thousand soldiers were marched to the neighbourhood of that city, to overawe both the legis- 1 In the article containing the accession of England to the treaty, after various mutual stipulations, there is a provision containing the following words :—“ And his majesty the King of Sweden engages that this union shall take place with every possib e regai an consideration for the happiness and of the people of Norway.” _ . . . ,, 2 It is a fact worthy of being recorded, that the committee which drew up this constitution, and laid it before the Nationa ssem y, eat only four days, viz., from the 12th to the 16th of April. That so perfect a model of a free constitution should have been rame in so short a period is truly marvellous; especially as it was not a rough, unfinished outline, but a system of government comp c e in a its details. ' ■ NORWAY. orway. v-v-—^ FI sical Isfct. ]', rds. lature and the people; and extreme irritation prevailed. At this critical moment, when the flames of civil war were about to be kindled, both the Russian and American minis¬ ters interfered. What arguments or remonstrances they employed are unknown ; but the fact is, that government lowered its tone, the troops were withdrawn, and the Swe¬ dish government gave way. The Storthing having passed the measure abolishing hereditary nobility for the third time, it consequently became law. Norway therefore re¬ mains a pure democracy, federally united with the monarchy of Sweden. Its constitution has outlived two dangerous attacks upon it; and as the principles upon which it is based have been developed by practice, it has gained ad¬ ditional strength, and been further secured by the love and veneration of the people. The sudden disjunction of Den¬ mark and Norway left, of course, much business to be ad¬ justed between individuals of the two countries. It thus occasioned much distress and loss to persons having con¬ nections and property in both ; and it still produces a con¬ stant intercourse. Few, we believe, will admire the manner in which the union between Sweden and Norway was effected; but as few will doubt the benefits which must result to both from the exchange of mutual hostility for mutual cordiality, and to a certain extent an identity of interests. If the reader turn to the map of Europe, he will find that Norway extends from the 58th to the 7lst degree of N. Lat, and at the broadest from the 5th to about the 31st degree of E. Long. On the E. it is bounded by Sweden and Russian Lapland, W. by the North Sea, S. by the Ska¬ gerrack, and N. by the Arctic Ocean. At the broadest part it is scarcely 300 miles across, and N. of the 63d degree of latitude the breadth is very inconsiderable, the country narrowing to a mere belt. Its shape is peculiar, andx in the main, it resembles that of a Florence flask,—the rounded bottom being presented to the south, and the long narrow neck stretching to the north. Norway thus begins about the parallel where Scotland ends. The most southerly head¬ land in the former, that is the Naes, is nearly in the same parallel as the Pentland Frith, which divides the latter country from the Orkney Islands. The sea-coast presents many features similar to those which characterize Iceland, the north of Scotland, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and other islands and continental tracts of country exposed to the storms, the currents, and the perpetual buffetings of the Northern Ocean. The action of the sea alone, how¬ ever, could not have formed such immense fissures as are found in the solid primary rock on the Norwegian coast. The theory of the elevation of the land by volcanic impulse from below seems alone sufficient to account for such phenomena.1 The greater part of Norway may be said to have an outer and an inner coast, the former being a succession of rocky islands of all dimensions, from a mere point to more than a mile in length, and lying within about a mile of the mainland, thus circling all the coast as with a girdle. Boats and small vessels make their coasting voyages within the rocks; for, even when the ocean is strongly agitated, the outer barrier acts as a sort of breakwater, preventing the channel within from being thrown into violent commotion, except where directly open to the sea, when the wind rushes in with great force and agitates the waves. I hose immense arms of the sea which penetrate deep into the country are called fiords in Norway; a name in geographical nomenclature identifying them with the 319 firths of Scotland, to which they bear a slight resem- Norway, blance, and also to the maritime lochs so numerous on the ^ y west coast of that country; but the nearest approach to similarity, although it falls far short, is an inlet of the sea on the west coast of Ireland known as the Killeries. To enumerate these fiords were only to present a catalogue of names designating the same object in different situations and of different sizes. They vary from 60 to 200 miles in length, and from being several miles to less than a gun¬ shot in breadth; and altogether they constitute one of the most remarkable physical features of the country. In many of these fiords the rocks rise precipitously on either side, and the waiter is of great depth. The inland streams ge¬ nerally empty themselves into the fiords; and, as in the case of the firths of Forth, Clyde, and others, in Scotland, it is often difficult to say where the river ends and the ocean begins. All along the rock-bound coast these arms of the sea succeed each other with much regularity. In pene¬ trating within their sombre and sometimes dangerous mouths, the scene is all at once changed, presenting at the bottom of these bays, creeks, and other indentations, towns of a pleasant and cheerful aspect, and banks finely wooded with all the varieties of those forest trees which we are ac¬ customed to meet in more temperate latitudes,—such as oak, ash, elder, and elm trees,—and studded with cottages, farm¬ houses, and country residences, indicating taste and com¬ fort, if not luxury and wealth. The tide rushes into many of those fiords with great violence, especially on the north¬ westerly quarter of the peninsula. This is readily accounted for from the fact, that the interior basins are often very ca¬ pacious, whilst the mouths by which the water flows in to fill them are frequently very confined. Opposite to Folden Fiord is the Maelstrom, or Moskoestrom, long celebrated as the most appalling whirlpool in Europe ; but it owes much of its reputation to the exaggerated accounts of travellers. It is situated nearly at the extremity of the range of the Lofoden Islands, beginning between Moskoenaes and Mos- koe, and exhausting itself between Varoe and Rost, the last of which is the most westerly of the Lofodens. The whirlpool is simply caused by the rushing of the ocean, as the tide rises and falls, between this chain of islands, which impedes its course like the narrow mouths of the fiords. The relative position of the surrounding islands causes the Maelstrom to form a large circle; and the great inequalities of its bottom, which, from a few fathoms, deepens suddenly in many parts to 200, increase the violence of the current. A coast like that of Norway, so beset with irregular cur¬ rents, islands, and rocks, many of the latter close under water, requires at all times to be approached with extreme care, but particularly so in westerly gales, when it becomes a lee-shore. The Norwegian government has recently completed a series of splendid charts, on a scale of 3 inches to the mile (with necessary sailing directions), of the whole coast, from the Christiania Fiord, round the North Cape, to the Russian frontier in the White Sea; a most import¬ ant and valuable addition to hydrography, of which the lamented Sir Francis Beaufort, our hydrographer of the navy, did not fail to avail himself, and caused fifteen large sheets, together with an index chart, to be published there¬ from in 1855, for the benefit of British mariners. Neither are there wanting admirable maps of the interior, prepared by Professor Munch, by Capt. Rosen of the Engineers, and by Capts. Waligorski and Hergoland. The interior of Norway is almost one immense mass of Mountains, rocky mountains and plateaux. It is mountainous, but it is Indeed, the large rounded boulder-stones found on the tops of the highest mountains afford evidence sufficient of the fact that at one ime Norway had been submerged beneath the Northern Ocean. That the sea never flowed in this quarter of the globe (and conse¬ quently in every other), eight thousand feet (the height of the highest mountains) above its present level, may readily be taken for granted. \V e may, therefore, conclude, that the land has been raised by some mighty power; and we know of none which could effect ns but the pent-up fire and compressed gases of a volcano, which, striving for vent, upheaved the solid pavement of the globe which ay above them, and thus broke it up into innumerable fragments. ' t^Si* 320 NO R W A Y. Norway, so rather by rea-on of its general elevation.than from the conspicuous altitude of its summit,s._< The', mountains do not form continuous chains or ridges; neither are they a series of detached elevations ; but, especially in the S., they to hills of moderate elevation. Sneehcette alone comes upa mountain magnitude: it is <300 feet above the the-seal but this fell is 3000 feet at this farm-house (at Jerkin), which is about 12 miles from‘the base of Snee- Norwa fcrm plateaux or table-lands of great breadth, and generally ha:tip. The actual height, therefore, of this mountain, for more or less connected together, though occasionally sepa- rated by deep but always narrow valleys. Tliese table-lands are the fjelds of Norway, and are usually distinguished by specific names, as the Dovre Fjeld, Sogne Fjeld, Stagen Fjeld, &c. Their summits are often so level that, did roads exist, a coach and four might be driven, along and across them for many miles. The surface ot the country niay be distinguished into two distinct portions—the comparatively narrow district extending from near Trondhjem to the North Cape, a distance of more than 600 miles, and the more expanded portion, 400 miles in length, from Trondh¬ jem to the Naes of Norway. Throughout the former por¬ tion the mountains cling, as it were, to the coast; and though the eye, is about the same as that of Ren Nevis, about 4300 feet, with the disadvantage of gaining its apparent height by a slow rise from the fell. There is a considerable mass of snow in a hollow on the bosom of Sneehoette, but not more than remains for great part of the summer on hills in Aberdeenshire,—nothing like a glacier. The head and shoulder are clear of snow. The most extraordi- narv feature of this mountain tract is, that the surface of the fell, and of Sneehcette to its summit, is covered with, or, more properly, is composed of, rounded masses of gneiss and granite, from the size of a man’s head to that of the hull of a ship. These loose rolled masses are covered with soil in some places; in others they are bare, just as they Norway here occupies0 only one-fourth of the breadth of were left by the torrent which must have rounded them nonirtculo it- r>nnt-nin<2 nil flip mnrp mnsiderable eleva- and deposited them in this legion. The glaciers of Norway are neither so numerous nor so re- Glaciers. the peninsula, it contains all the more considerable elev tions. They assume here more the form of a connected range than in the southern part of the country, and are known by the name of the Kjolen Mountains. 1 he highest land is the mass called Sulitelma, some of the summits of which rise to the height of more than 6000 feet above the level of the sea. South of Trondhjem (in Lat. 63. N.) the high ground occupies by far the greatest part of the breadth of Norway, and on the parallel of the Dovre Fjeld, fully half the breadth of the peninsula. “ By a rude esti¬ mation,” says Professor Forbes, “ on Professor Keilhau’s map, I find that the portion of the surface of Norway, S. of the Trondhjem Fiord, which exceeds 3000 feet above the sea, amounts to very nearly 40 per cent, of the whole; and when it is recollected that only one summit exceeds 8000, and that the spaces exceeding 6000 are almost in¬ appreciable on the map, it will be more clearly understood how completely the mountains have the character of table¬ lands, whose average height probably rather falls short of than exceeds 4000 feet.” (Forbes.) The Dovre Fjeld, lying between 62. and 63. of N. Lat., is a table-land of an average height of rather more than 3000 feet above the sea, and having mountains rising, in the case of Sneehcette, and possibly one or two others, to the height of above 7000 feet. Ymes-Fjeld, the highest summit in Norway, in Lat. 61. 30. N., is estimated at 8400 feet above the level of the sea. Travellers are proverbially prone to give exaggerated descriptions of the physical features of the countries which they traverse; and from this cause our ideas of the height of some of the Norwegian mountains, and the sublimity of the scenery which they present, have occasionally been pitched rather above the truth, which is the case with re¬ spect to the Dovre Fjeld. Mr Laing, in his excellent account of the country, thus describes this great natural feature of Norway:—“The Dovre Fjeld here (at Jerkin, on the northern verge of the range) may be from 24 to 28 miles across. When we give things their real names we take away much of their imagined grandeur. The Dovre Fjeld sounds well, and we fancy it a vast and sublime na¬ tural feature. It really is no more than a. fell, like those of Yorkshire or Cumberland ; an elevated tract of ground, whence run waters in opposite directions, and which forms the base of a number of detached hills of moderate eleva¬ tion. In fact, as a scene impressing the traveller with ideas of vast and lonely grandeur, the tract from the waters of the Tay to those of the Spey, by Dalnacardoch, Dalwhinny, and Pitmain, greatly surpasses it. You are indeed 3000 feet above the level of the sea; but that is not seen ; it is a matter of reflection and information. You look down upon nothing below you, and look up only markable, either in beauty or extent, as those in Alpine coun¬ tries. The Norwegian mountains are, for the most part, continuous table-topped rocks, of an average height of from about 3000 to 6000 feet, intersected with deep fissures, forming the valleys, lakes, rivers, and fiords at their base. On the highest summit of these table-topped mountains the snow lodges, the point of perpetual congelation being be¬ tween 4000 and 5000 feet above the sea-level. It lies very deep, and in some cases extends in almost one uniform mass for many miles. The largest of these snow-fields is that of Justedalsbraen (sometimes called Sneebraen), and Folgefonden ; the latter an extensive plateau of some SOmiles long, by 6 to 18 miles in breadth. Professor Wittich, who ascende’d the Folgefonden, says, that at most places the snow- field extends to the steep precipices with which the moun¬ tainous mass on which it rests terminates on all sides ; and that in those places where its edges could be observed, the snow had a thickness of about 40 feet. Thanks to Professor Forbes, who visited Norway in 1851, we have now been made acquainted with the phy¬ sical geography of that country, in connection with the snow-fields and glaciers, ot which little or nothing was pre¬ viously known. He describes the Nygaard Glacier, on the Justedalsbraen, as in all probability the most regularly de¬ veloped glacier in Norway. Like the glaciers of Bondhuus and the Suphelle Glacier, it sweeps down into the very midst of the verdure of the valley. Professor Forbes’s observations extended also along the entire coast, up which he proceeded in one of the Norwegian steamboats which every summer thread their way to the North Cape through the numerous islands which lie off the land. 1 he glaciers are not so numerous as might be expected to the northwards, but in some cases they descend very close to the sea, as in the case of those of the Nus Fiord, “ the northernmost glaciers on the continent of Europe which descend below the snow-line.” ' There are a number of lakes in Norway, the largest of Lakes and which is the Myosen (now traversed by a steam-vessel), a rivers, splendid sheet of water, about 60 miles in length, and from 1 to 10 in breadth. Its scenery has been classed with the pastoral or beautiful, rather than with the sublime. Its shores are well cultivated ; and with the exception of a few rough promontories dipping into the lake, the slopes are easy, and yield fine crops of oats, here, flax, pease, and po¬ tatoes. Its direction, like that of a great many of the lakes and rivers in Norway, is from N.W. to S.E., crossing the 61st parallel of N. Lat. The depth of the Myosen varies greatly, but it is considered shallower than most of 1 Laing’s Residence in Norway, p. 52-3. N O R W A Y. 321 the other Norwegian lakes. The depth'in the lower parts, the whole, instead qf behig repelled by the wild tempest of Norway, is not more than 40 fathoms ; often if is mucli less ; but in ’ air which accompanies the greater cataract. At other the upper part it has been found to exceed a hundred, times single threads of snow-white water stretch down a Yet even this is nothing in comparison with the depth of steep of 2000 feet or more, connecting the Fjelde above the other lakes, particularly of the Fahmund Soe, which is and the valley below ; they look so slender that we wonder reputed to" be unfathomable ; a distinction always allotted at their absolute uniformity and perfect whiteness through- to the deepest lake in every mountainous country. A' out so great a space, never dissipated in air, never disap- lanm stream called the Vormen Elv, issues from the pearing under debris; but on approaching these seeming southern limit of Lake Myosen ; and at Lillehammer, which threads we are astonished at their volume, which is usually is its northern extremity, it forms a communication with such as completely to stop communication from bank to I ake Losna by the River Lougen. Into this lake flows bank.” (Forbes.) There are many other lakes and rivers in a river which rises in the Dovre Fjeld range of mountains, Norway .besides those which we have described, amongst and appears to be the one alluded to by Mr Laing in the which we may mention the Torris Elv, called the Odderen following passage “ The stream which runs through Gul- Elv during part of its upper course, a large stream, which brandsdal and&the Myosen, and reaches the sea at Fre- enters the sea at Christiansand; the Topdals, which falls into derickstad, beino- the same I left at Lien, comes down the sea near the same place; the Louven Elv, which rises in from the hills afor near Lessee, and is there divided into the Hardanger Fjelde, traverses several long, narrow lakes, two branches, one of which, as above stated, runs into the passes through Kbngsberg, and enters the sea near Nau- Myosen, and the other into the North Sea at the fiord in vig, in Lat. 59.; and between this stream and the Lougen, Romsdal amt, in which the town of Molde is situated ; thus which lies considerably to the N.E., there is more than one includino- in’its delta between four and five degrees of large river. A multitude of streams also run into the North latitude, and all the west and south of Norway. The Sea. The most important of these is the Namsen (now the course of this little river from Lessoe to the sea is very favourite resort of our countrymen for salmon-fishing), important, as it gives precision to our ideas of the shape which, from its exit out of the lakes that give rise to it, and direction of the Dovre Fjeld, and its connection with has a course of about 90 miles. From the ground sloping the Hurunwer, the Fille, and the Hardanger Mountains.” with more rapidity upon this side of the mountain chain This river°must therefore have a course of probably 100 than on the other, the water-courses must be considerably miles in a north-westerly, and above 250 in a south-easterly steeper. Mr Barrow, in his Excursions in the North of direction. It is in several parts of its course of considerable Europe, speaks in glowing terms of the “ snow-capped breadth, and at more than 100 miles from its embouchure mountains, the fir-clad hills, the lovely valleys, the clear is described as a large, dark-coloured, and rapid river. A and limpid streams, the clearer lakes, and unfathomable still larger stream is the Glommen, called by way of dis- fiords.” The extraordinary clearness of the water has tinctionStor Elven, or the Great River, from its being the been a subject of remark by all travellers, and has no largest in Norway. It rises in the government of Trondh- parallel in any other country; neither has it been satis- jem, not far from Oresund Lake, through which it runs; factorily accounted for. It may possibly be owing to the and’ it afterwards traverses the extensive government of purity of the water itself, the clear sky, and clear white Christiania, flowing through Osterdaelen and Hedemarken, sandy bottom which often prevails in the fiords. Sir passing Kongsvinger, and finally falling into the sea at Arthur De Capell Brocke makes the following observa- Frederickstad^ afte”- a course, reckoning its sinuosities, of tions upon the singular clearness of the water : —“ As we probably more than 400 miles, all in Norway. From passed slowly over the surface (of the fiords), the bottom, the heart of this continent it opens an easy communica- which was in general a white sand, was clearly visible, and its tion with the ocean, and through its means the produce minutest objects, when the depth was from 20 to 25 fathoms, of the interior is brought down to the coast. At about During the whole course of the tour I made, nothing ap- 200 miles from the sea it is described as a fine majestic peared to me so extraordinary as the inmost recesses of the stream, 200 yards in breadth. Navigation, however, is deep thus unveiled to the eye.” obstructed by numerous falls, one of which, not far from The forests of Norway, as is well known, are large and nu- Forests, its mouth, is called the cataract of Sarpen, the roar of merous ; but they do not appear to be so extensive as those which is heard at a great distance. There are other falls of Sweden. In the southern parts of Norway, indeed, on the same river; but the most stupendous natural phe- and up as far as Irondhjem the supplies of timber aie nomenon of this description is situated upon the opposite considerable ; but to the north of the lattei place, and along side of the mountain range, on streams which flow into the the sea-coast, as well as on the mountain ranges, wood is not North Sea. Mr Lloyd 1 (and all subsequent travellers plentiful, many parts of the country being perfectly destitute agree with him) describes the falls of Rjukanfos and Yo- ofit. Norway, however, from the district of Trondhjemsouth- ringfos as particularly grand, the first having a perpendicu- wards, may be considered as a country abundantly supplied lar descent of 450 feet, and the second of 900 feet, the with gigantic forests of magnificent trees, amongst which body of water in both cases being very considerable. Mr the pine, birch, and aspen are the most celebrated and the Forsell, in giving some statistical information regarding most valuable to the inhabitants. Norway, mentions other falls even more stupendous than The prevailing rocks found in Norway belong to the Geology, these. The waterfalls of Norway are, in fact, extremely primitive and transition series. The west coast is wholly numerous, and some of them are grand beyond description, composed of primitive rocks, gneiss and mica-slate greatly “ Running water of a bright and sparkling green is seen on predominating. Secondary rocks occur but rarely, and every side, at least in the valleys ; it pours over cliffs often alluvial deposits are not so abundant as in many other less in a single leap, but more frequently and more effectively extensive regions. Granite is rare. When it appears, it is in a series of broken falls, spreading laterally as it descends, frequently in veins traversing the primitive stratified rocks, and riveting the imagination for a long time together in the or running parallel with beds or strata; and sometimes it attempt to trace its subtle ramifications. The sound is is found spread over the surface of mica-slate, as at Forvig; rather a murmur than a roar, so divided are the streams, or irregularly associated with clay-slate and diallage rock, and so numerous the shelves of rock tipped with foam ; as in the island of Mageroe. But by far the most abundant whilst a luxuriant vegetation of birch and alder overarches rock in Norway is gneiss, all the others of the primitive 2 s VOL. XVI. 1 Field Sports of the North of Europe, vol ii., p. 295. 322 NORWAY. Norway, series appearing to be subordinate to it. Extensive tracts of country, and long mountain ranges, seem to consist al¬ most entirely of gneiss. In some parts it abounds in veins of rose and milk quartz, in iron ores, in garnets (sometimes the precious, but most frequently the common garnet), and other minerals. Mica-slate, however, which rests upon and alternates with the gneiss, is far from being so gene¬ rally distributed; as is also the case with the clay-slate. In some places steatite occurs in beds, and is quarried in slabs to be used for different purposes. Quartz rock, various hornblende rocks, and limestone occur in beds subordi¬ nate to the gneiss and mica-slate. One side of the valley of Shalheim, situated between Bergen and Sognefiord, is bounded by hills of snow-white quartz, which are almost bare, and present mural precipices having a very singular appearance at a distance, from their shining white colour. Gabbro or diallage rock occurs in great quantities, con¬ nected with clay-slate, in the island of Mageroe and in other parts of Norway. The class of transition rocks con¬ tains, besides graywacke, alum, slate, limestone (sometimes combined with tremolite), and other rocks well known to mineralogists as belonging to the following eruptive series : Granite, which sometimes contains hornblende; syenite, which contains a beautiful labradorite, and often crystals of the gem named zircon ; porphyry, and associated with it various trap rocks allied to basalt and amygdaloid. All the mountains, and especially those of the south, contain a great number of minerals much prized in collections, and of metals valuable to man, amongst which may be mentioned gold, silver, iron, copper, cobalt, and lead. I he mines of silver in Norway are situated at Kbngsberg ; but although they once afforded rich returns, they now scarcely repay the labour bestowed on them. Large masses of native silver have been found here; one of them, about 6 feet long by 10 inches in diameter, is now in the museum of Copenhagen, weighing upwards of 500 lb. The Kongs- berg mines abound with mineralogical curiosities, of which the most remarkable is native electrum, a natural alloy of gold and silver. There is a gold mine at Edswold, in the district of Rommarge, and mines of lead and silver in that of Jarlsberg; but they have not been wrought to any extent. The copper mines of Norway are chiefly situated in the northern division of the kingdom. The most considerable are those at Alten, situated in the 70th parallel of latitude, and worked by a company of English¬ men ; and at Roraas, on the Swedish frontier, in Lat. 62. 35. N.; the latter of which were discovered in 1644. These consist of three mines, called the Storvuitz, Roraas, and Ejda. The ore both of the Alten and Roraas copper mines is of the same character; the veins not rich, but numerous and powerful. Copper is supposed to exist to the northward of Roraas, in various parts of the mountain range which divides Sweden from Norway. The other copper mines are from 15 to 20 leagues from Trondhjem, at Quikne, Laeken, Selboe, and in the district of Christi¬ ania at Fredericksgave or Foledel. The principal iron mines are situated in Southern Norway; and of these the most distinguished are those of Arundal and Krageroe. The mines of Arundal are celebrated for the richness of their mineralogical treasures. Many of these are rare, such as botryolite, datholite, wernerite, scapolite, and mor- oxite ; besides abundance of epidote, actinolite, cocolite, and colophonite. The ore (magnetic iron ore) is found in beds of gneiss, of which the country is chiefly formed. The total quantity of iron ore obtained annually "does not exceed 30,000 tons, but it is of the finest quality. The total produce of copper varies from 400 to 500 tons. The mines of cobalt, which are worked at Modum and Fossum, are extensive, but not very deep. There is a mine of plumbago and black lead at Engledal. The mines of alum, which are worked in the mountains of Egeberg, near to Christiania, afford not only a sufficiency for the Norway, consumption of the country, but some for exportation. Norway possesses quarries of granite, marble, millstone, whetstone, slate, and clay. Granite is exported to Holland, and marble and other minerals to Denmark. Some valleys in Norway give abundant indications of Ancient their having been lakes of fresh water, which were either lakes, &c. gradually drained as the land became elevated, or, bursting the barriers that confined them, suddenly laid their basins dry. Mr Laing describes one of these in the following passage:—“ On ascending the steeps which bound the flat alluvial bottom of the valley on each side, and which con¬ sists generally of banks of gravelly soil, one is surprised to find a kind of upper terrace of excellent land, cultivated and inhabited like the bottom, and consisting of the same soil, a friable loam. This terrace rests against the primary rocks of the fjelde, which are here limestone, marble, and gneiss, or rock of the micaceous family, of which the laminae are singularly twisted and contorted ; and the terrace has evidently been the bottom of an ancient lake, which has been bounded by these fjelde ridges.” The same traveller gives an account of one of those ancient sea-beaches, which, in other countries besides Norway, are calculated to arrest the attention and excite the wonder of the ob¬ server of nature. He is speaking of the Snaasen Vand, a lake some 60 or 70 miles, north from Trondhjem. “ About 7 miles inland from the present sea-strand, at the head of the fiord, and about 60 feet above the pre¬ sent high-water level, there is an ancient sea-beach of a very remarkable character. About the house of Fossum, and 40 feet higher than the lake of that name, the sea- shells are so abundant that they might be applied to agricultural purposes, and they lie close to the surface.” At another place in the neighbourhood there is a large bed of shells, which have been used in mending the road for a considerable distance towards Snaasen Vand. “ They are entire; the upper and under ones of the mussel, cockle, and clam are united, and the mussels grouped together, as in the living state; so that this bed has clearly been the spot upon which the animals lived.” From these and other indications, it is concluded that a shore, in a direction nearly parallel to that of the present one of the Trondhjem Gulf, and on a level at least 60 feet higher, has existed at a recent geological period. These beds are not covered with any thickness of decayed vegetable soil, and the shells retain in part their natural hue and enamel. The land, therefore, has been elevated at no very distant period ; at what rate per century has not been determined as to this side; but the Swedish philosophers assert that the change of level in the Gulf of Finland is at the rate of 4£ feet in a hundred years. Such could not have been the case on the shores of Norway washed by the North Sea, for the relative positions of known points upon the line of the sea¬ shore, to the present level of the sea, are by historical evidence ascertained to have changed little if any during a thousand years. The change of level may have been local, or it may have gone on more rapidly at one time than at another. Earthquakes have been repeatedly experienced in Nor¬ way. History records one which occurred at Trondhjem on the 18th of July 1686, and another on the 1st of April 1692. On the 14th of September 1344, the River Guul disappeared in the earth; and on its bursting out again destroyed forty-eight farms and 250 human beings. About the same time a great earthquake took place in Iceland. Indeed the whole aspect of this country bears evidence to the fact, that at some period, or more probably at different periods, its surface has been elevated, depressed, and shattered by great convulsions. From the general elevation of the land, the climate is Climate of course rendered more severe than would naturally be-anii soi1. NOR Norway, long to a country under the same parallel, the general eleva- tion of which was more nearly on a level with the ocean. The winters are long and very cold ; but, as in all northern climates, their length and severity are in some measure compensated by the great heat, and consequently rapid vegetation, in summer. Towards the east, and in the in¬ terior, the winter is longest, the cold, generally speaking, always increasing towards the north. The effects of the sea-breezes upon the general temperature of the coasts of all countries are well known. Winter, however, is very pleasant and salubrious; for although the air is cold, it is dry and bracing, not damp and raw. But the west¬ ern part, especially about Bergen and along the coast, is proverbially rainy, owing probably to the high mountains, which attract the clouds wafted from the' ocean. But the country behind this barrier is on that account par¬ ticularly dry, perhaps somewhat too much so. In Norway the weather is in general more steady than in Britain; it is either good or bad for considerable periods. The summer season is delightful, and very warm. In narrow glens it is too hot during the middle of the day; but the morning, evening, and midnight hours are charming, and peculiar to this country. The sun is below the horizon for so short a time that the sky retains the glow, and the air the warmth and dryness, which are as grateful to the eye as they are pleasing to the feelings. A little north of Trondhjem it continues above the horizon for the twenty-four hours in the height of summer. Summer lingers long in this coun¬ try ; and, in general, it is an unbroken series of beautiful days. The disagreeable season is the spring (April and May), when, in the transition from winter to summer, the snows are suddenly melted, and the ground is rendered un¬ comfortable for travelling. Damage is sometimes done in this season by the rapid swelling of the torrents and rivers. When the white covering of winter disappears, vegetation bursts forth at once, and advances with asto¬ nishing rapidity. The mean annual temperature at Christiania is the winter being 23°-2, the summer 59°’8. At Bergen the mean annual temperature is above 5° higher than at Christiania, being 46°-8; and while in the summer months the temperature is nearly the same, the winter months at Bergen are, on an average, not less than 13° warmer. At Trondhjem, in Lat. 63. 26. N., the mean annual tempera¬ ture for the year 1826-7 was 40o-8, being in each month as follows:—November, 33°T ; December, 310,3; January, 180,5; February, 160,7; March, 270,5; April, 420,3; May, 560,3; June, 62°-4; July, 57°‘9; August, 54D,7; September, 510,1 ; October, 380,7. At Alten, in Lat. 69. 57., the average temperature for eleven years (1837-1848) was at 9 a.m. 34o'50, and 9 p.m. 32°-83 ; mean, 33°-66. The mean temperature of February, which is decidedly the coldest month, is 150,4; and of August, which is usually the hottest, 540,3. This range, however, is small com¬ pared with the actual extremes on particular days; for we find in 1848 the maximum at 860,9, the minimum at — 20o,2. It is rarely, however, that the mercury falls below zero; whilst there is not perhaps another part of the earth’s sur¬ face on this parallel where the mercury does not freeze in winter. Ihe fall of rain and snow here in 1848 was 17'19 inches. 1 he gulf-stream exercises an important influence upon the climate of Norway. Taking its rise in the Gulf of Honda, it proceeds northwards and eastwards, until it breaks on the shores of Europe and Northern Africa, a por¬ tion of it striking the western coasts of the British Isles, and being prolonged to the coast of Norway, imparting warmth to water and to land, and effectually repelling the invasion of floating ice, with which the coast of Norway would otherwise be continually menaced. It is a remark¬ able fact, that the smallest piece of drift ice is unknown on any part of the Norwegian coast, though it extends to Lat. WAY. 7L N.; while off the coast of North America they are oc¬ casionally seen as far south as Lat. 41. N. The luxuriance of vegetation being abridged by the length and severity of the winter, the soil is thus indirectly rendered comparatively sterile. In America the immense forests are continually enriching the mould with their de¬ caying foliage; but in Norway the paucity of alluvial tracts, the prevalence of rock, seldom far beneath, and often form¬ ing the surface, together with the want of vegetable decom¬ position, materially detract from the quantity as well as the quality of the soil. In some parts it is very rich ; and the valleys, in particular, are celebrated for their luxuriant fer¬ tility. But much of the soil is thin, and obstructed by rocky knobs rising above its surface, and interfering with the labours of the husbandman. “ I have not, indeed,” says Mr Laing, “ seen in Norway twenty acres of arable land in one field, without some obstruction from knobs of stone.” The vegetation of the west coast of Norway is very similar to that of Britain, but in the south and east there is found a completely different flora, approximating to that of Denmark and Germany. The cause of the remarkable difference between the flora, and also the fauna, of the two coasts, may probably in part be referred to the absence of tides on the south coast. This circumstance seems to exercise an important influence on the cha¬ racter of the natural productions of the country; and we the more especially refer to it, as it seems to have been hitherto entirely overlooked by naturalists. At Bergen the tide falls 6 or 8 feet, but on the south coast it does not fall 6 inches. “ In Norway,” says Mr Laing, “ the trees of the pine tribe Natural are called/mt-m and gran. Furu is our pine {Pinus silves- produc- tris), and gran is our fir (Pinus abies); the one is the red tions- wood, and the other the white wood of our carpenters. There are whole districts which produce only furu, others only gran ; and this seems not exactly regulated by latitude or elevation. The zones at which different trees cease to grow appear to be a theory to which the exceptions are as numerous as the examples. In Romsdal amt, at Fanne Fiord, near Molde, in Lat. 62. 47. N., and with a me¬ dium temperature of only 4° of Reaumur (41° of Fahren¬ heit), pears, the bergamot, gravenstein, and imperial, and also plums, come to perfection ; and the walnut tree often bears ripe fruit. Hazel and elm in the same amt form con¬ tinuous woods, as at Egerdal. Yet the gran disappears altogether, although in the same degree of latitude it grows at an elevation of 1000 feet above the sea in the interior of Norway, and even in Lat. 69. in Lapmark. It has been found a vain attempt to raise it in Romsdal amt, a locality in which the following trees and bushes grow readily:—Canadian poplar, balsam poplar, horse chestnut, larch, elder, yew, roses of various sorts, lavender, box, laburnum, white thorn, and ivy. Larch brought from Scot¬ land appears to thrive. There must be something in the nature of the plants, not connected with elevation or lati¬ tude, that determines the growth of the gran and furu.” Wood grows in sheltered situations in Nordland and Fin- mark, as far north as Alten Fiord (Lat. 70.), but of dimi¬ nutive size, and in limited quantity. Trees in the valley of the Ncimsen are large enough for building material and the masts of ships. Laing remarks, that he “ did not expect certainly to be charmed with the crops in the sixty-fifth degree of north latitude; but the vegetative power, whatever be the cause, is more vigorous here than in the north of Scotland. Some of the largest establishments of saw-mills in Norway are supplied with trees from the forests around the Snaasen Vand. Of ordinary productions,—as rye, oats, here, flax, hops,—there appeared to be great crops. This may well be in a soil and climate which raises such noble forests. Be¬ hind the house I inhabited is a standard cherry-tree bear¬ ing ripe fruit. It would be a rarity in Scotland to raise 324 NORWAY. Norway, them unless against a wall, even eight degrees of latitude v south of this.” Here Mr Laing found hops cultivated as a crop, while flax ripened so as to be fit for seed. The mountain and common ash are here scarce; the aspen, wild cherry, birch, and the pine tribes, being the trees, and the juniper, wild raspberry, and wild rose, the bushes which generally prevail. . The country south of the Namsen may be considered as capable of producing, in favourable situations, the grains and fruits of England, and these, too, often in the highest degree of perfection. Most kinds of fruit are abundant, but the greatest favourite is the cherry. The crop of cherries is scarcely ever known to fail; and in proof the abundance of this fruit, it maybe mentioned that the Norwegians pre¬ serve it in great quantities, and use it in many culinary operations. Amongst the fruits growing wild are straw¬ berries, raspberries, cloudberries, cranberries, and various other kinds of berries. The three first mentioned are con¬ sidered as delicious, and they are eaten both when freshly gathered, like cultivated strawberries, and after being pre¬ served. . . Zoology. The animal kingdom of Norway requires some notice. As population has increased, the wild animals have of com se gradually disappeared, and the bear and the wolf aie no longer the terror of the traveller, as they were wont to be. In November the bear retires to some sheltered hole in the rocks of the Fjeld, and remains in a state of inactivity, without food, it is said, until April. Indeed many of the smaller animals—the field-mice, the lemmings, and, Mr Laing conjectures, many of the birds—pass the winter in this cli¬ mate in a state of occasional torpidity. The wolves are not so dangerous animals as those of the south of Europe. I hey rarely attack a man, but they will carry off a dog at his side; and they often commit serious havoc amongst the domestic animals. The loss of sheep, calves, cows, and foals, in certain parishes, during the season when they are at pasture, is sometimes immense. Bears also commit depredations of the same kind, but not nearly to the same extent as the wolf, which, when he gets into a herd, bites and tears all that he can overtake. Many horses may be seen scarred by them. I he elk is now rarely met with, and in all likelihood has entirely disappeared from this part of Europe. It is described in former times as a magnificent animal, being often seventeen hands in height, and some¬ times exceeding in size the largest horse. Ihe glutton or wolverine, so called in America, is reckoned a Norwegian animal. Its total length is not more than two feet and a half, and it flies from the face of man. It feeds chiefly upon beasts which have been accidentally killed; but it will hunt small animals, such as meadow-mice, marmots, and the like, and occasionally attack disabled animals of a larger size. Although not fleet, it is very industrious, and does great injury to the small fur trade in the northern parts of Europe. The rein-deer, which is found in con¬ siderable numbers on the Hardanger Fjeld and the Sogne Fjeld, and the diversified qualities of which are so beau¬ tifully adapted to the bleak and inhospitable regions in the north of Norway, will be found described in the article Lapland. The author of Notes on a Yacht Voyage to Hardanger Fiord mentions falling in with a herd of from three to four hundred rein-deer when descending from the Folgefonden. “ The whole herd was soon out of sight. In the distance it resembled a vast moving cloud against the snow, with a small dark mote in front. The guide said they were not often seen congregated in such large num¬ bers.” The beaver, although not extinct, is rare, and lives solitary, not, like the American beaver, in society. A par¬ ticular kind of dog, with a remarkably fine, soft, and glossy fur, is bred for its skin, which is made into pelisses for winter wear. Besides the wild and tame rein-deer, red deer are pretty numerous in some districts. The fox and the lemming are abundant in some parts, paitieulaily in the Norway, north. A multitude of birds inhabit the coasts of the ocean, and Norway furnishes a considerable part of the eider-down, so well known to the luxurious in couches. Game is plen¬ tiful ; the principal birds being called the tydder, roer, ryper, and jerper. The tydder is the bird known of old in Scotland by the name of capercailzie, and which became extinct in that country, but has been introduced again of late years by the Marquis of Breadalbane and other noble¬ men. The cock is a noble bird, of the size of a turkey- cock, with a bill and claws of great strength. The roer is the female, and in size, plumage, and appearance so dif¬ ferent from the male, that it has received a different name in the language. T he ryper is the same as the Scottish ptarmigan, but larger and better clothed. Its flavour, how¬ ever, is inferior to the game of the Scottish hills. But the jerper is a more delicate bird for the table than any of our name. It is of the grouse species, and about the size of a full-grown pigeon. The silence of the forest solitudes is occasionally broken by the sweep of the eagle s or the heron’s wing; but the traveller in Norway is generally struck with the limited number of small birds which he meets in the course of his ramblings. Magpies, the lloys- ton crow, and swallows, are common ; but the lark, linnet, thrush, blackbird, robin, and some others common to Great Britain, are little known here. Mr Barrow mentions hear¬ ing the cuckoo, not far from Rbraas, at an elevation of 3000 feet above the level of the sea. Hares and squirrels are in considerable abundance; and there are some other quadrupeds and birds no strangers in the country, but they are of too little importance to require any particular men¬ tion. Amongst domestic animals may be mentioned the horse, goat, sheep, and cow; the goose, the duck, and the turkey, which are also found wild. Of horses there is a small breed very general in Norway, and another of a larger size, which is much esteemed for its swiftness and sureness of foot. “ These Norwegian horse are beyond all praise,” says Mr Laing: “ they scamper down hills as steep as a house roof, and in going up hill actually scramble. They have no objection whatever, if you have none, to any path or any pace; they are the bravest of horse kind. All travellers speak of them in similar terms. They are fed entirely upon hay, which, although merely withered grass, appears to be more substantial than ours, fiom the wind and powers of the horses, which live upon nothing else. The sheep are shaped like deer, having long legs and small muzzles. Numbers of goats and cows are kept, the milk which they yield being very rich and highly esteemed. Fish abound in the seas, lakes, and rivers of Norway ; and the inhabitants not only derive a considerable portion of their subsistence from fishing, but it also forms an impoit- ant article of export. Salmon-fishing in Norway has be¬ come a favourite pastime with many of our countrymen. Amongst the insects, the gnat, or rather mosquito, is found exceedingly annoying. They are in greatest abundance and most venomous in the north. The kuria infernalis, so called from the dreadful effects which follow from its bite, frequents the marshes or boggy grounds. The acute pain and inflammatory swelling which its bite produces are re¬ moved by a curd poultice, which is said to be an infallible cure. The entomology of the south of Norway is very similar to that of the south of England, whilst that of the west resembles the entomology of Scotland. The principal products of the Norwegian farm are,—oats, Agricul- rye, wheat, here, hops, flax, a kind of bearded spring grain, ^‘Pr0' with potatoes; and a large portion of every farm is set apart 11 to grow grass for the cattle and horses. The grass for the most part is natural, sown grasses for hay being very little cultivated. The land, after a here crop following potatoes, is left to sward itself with natural grasses for four years, and to form the hay land; so that the proportion of grass to NORWAY. S25 Norway, arable land is much greater than in our farms. Ihe natural grasses do not attain any length, and they are shaven as close to the gi'ound as a bowling-green. ^ I he fields are not what is called top-dressed, as with us. The scythe in use is much shorter in the blade than that of Great Britain, and it answers the purpose much better. Potatoes have been much cultivated since 1812 and 1814, when bad crops, and the war then raging, reduced many to the use of bark-bread. A small inclosure tor hops is attached to every farm-house ; but garden vegetables are little used. Probably the short interval between winter and summer allows little time for attending to any but the essential crops. The hop flour¬ ishes with little attention under the sixty-fourth parallel; a striking fact, seeing that this plant is delicate and pre¬ carious in the south of England. In farming operations, ditching, draining, and clearing land of vegetable and other obstructions, are prosecuted with great spirit and success. Agriculturists are continually adding to the quantity of arable land in the country by thus redeeming the soil from its original wild state. However, from causes already men¬ tioned, Norway is not capable of furnishing the means of subsistence to any considerable population. Generally speaking, only tbe glens of the country are inhabited. On the dividing ridges there is little or no cultivation, and, in¬ deed, no soil to cultivate, but only rounded masses of gneiss and micaceous rocks, with juniper, fir, aspen, birch, and beech, growing where they can amongst the stones. Mr Laing gives a minute account of a Norwegian farm rented by a Scotchman; and as he considers it “ fitted to be the representative of a large portion of the estates into which this country is divided,” we shall abridge his descrip¬ tion. Each farm may be considered as consisting of three divisions. The first is the infield, or what we should call the mains, or home acres, inclosed for the crops and the best hay. The next is the mark or outfield, also inclosed, and affording the out-pasture for the cattle. Parts of it are oc¬ casionally fenced off, and broken up for grain, and, when exhausted, are left to sward themselves ; so that when the cattle are sent to the fjelde in summer, some hay is got from the mark. There is often a still rougher piece of ground divided from the mark, as a range for goats and young cattle, called the out-mark. The third division is the seater. This is a pasture or grass farm, often at the distance of 30 or 40 miles up in the fjelde, to which the whole of the cattle and dairymaids are sent for three or four months in summer. The huts on these seaters are substan¬ tial buildings, with every accommodation necessary for the dairy, and butter and cheese are accordingly made in very considerable quantities. “ The farm of my countryman,” says Mr Laing, “consists of 1276 maelings, or 290 Eng¬ lish acres; but this does not include.the seater, which happens here to be on the hills immediately behind the farm, is covered with fine trees, and is of a defined boundary, extending about a Norwegian mile (7 Eng¬ lish miles) in circuit. On the measured lattd, 148 acres are cleared; but, being farmed in the Norwegian style, one- third only bears crops of corn and potatoes. The remain¬ der is always in grass or hay, for the winter support of the cattle. It is natural grass, not top-dressed with manure, and is mown when not above the length of one’s finger, so that tbe proportion of arable land that must be given up to keep the cattle in winter is enormous. It is the system of farming in this quarter; 142 acres outside of the 148 infield are halt cleared, being fenced off' and ploughed in patches. It bears good grass, but is encumbered in some places with brushwood and stones.” 1 his farm supports twenty cows, seven horses, and a score or two of sheep and goats. The accommodation for cattle is excellent. I hey stand in a single row in the middle of a wide house, with partitions between each, and loom before and behind greater than is occupied by the animal itself. The cow-house is lighted by glass-windows Norway, on each side. The cattle stand on a wooden floor, below which is a vault, into which the dung is swept by a grated opening at the end of each stall.” All the cow-houses in Norway are constructed on this large and convenient scale; and neither cows nor horses require litter, which is a great saving of fodder. Besides, they are kept perfectly clean with comparatively little trouble. The value of a farm in Norway depends very much upon the locality. In For¬ ester’s Norway (Appendix), one containing about 300 acres of cultivated land, besides some bogs capable of cultivation, and a good little forest of different kinds of wood, is men¬ tioned as having cost about 12,000 dollars, or about L.2200 sterling. Twenty years were allowed to discharge the pur¬ chase-money, the tenant in the meantime paying a rent of L.4 per cent. Many farms, however, of like extent, may be had for one-half, or even one-third of this sum. The one men¬ tioned by Laing was considered worth about 4000 dollars. “ The harvest-work here,” says Mr Laing, “ and I believe all over Norway, is well done ; and parts of their management might be adopted with advantage in our late districts, where so much grain is lost or damaged almost every autumn by wind or rain. For every ten sheaves, a pole of light strong wood, about the thickness of the handle of a garden-rake, and about 9 feet in length, is fixed in the ground by an iron- shod borer; it costs here almost nothing. A man sets two sheaves on the ground against the stem, and impales all‘the rest upon the pole, one above the other, with the heads hanging downwards.” This is certainly a mode very supe¬ rior to ours ; and they have likewise a better way of cutting it, by which little of the grain is lost. But for an account of this process, and other farming operations, we must refer to Mr Laing’s work (pp. 96, 106). The breed of cattle in Norway is fine-boned, thin-skin¬ ned, and kindly-looking; the colour is generally white, sometimes mixed with red, but seldom entirely black. The head and muzzle are as fine as in our Devonshire breed. There is so little coarseness about the head or neck of the bull, that the difference between him and the ox is less ob¬ servable than in our breeds. The cattle are all very care¬ fully attended to, and form an important branch of the hus¬ bandry, as dairy produce enters much into the food of every family, and is more certain in this climate than that of grain. The cows, sheep, and goats are more tame and docile than they are in Britain, from the constant care and attendance bestowed on them during the long period which they must stand within doors; and the Norwegians are re¬ markably kind to their domestic animals. Goats are a favourite stock, and on every farm appear to be much more numerous than sheep. The goat will eat and thrive on the shoots of the dwarf birch, beech, and young fir; but the sheep will not, and in winter it requires some hay. The goat then gets dried leaves and shoots of the beech, which only cost the trouble of collecting and drying them. Irrigation is carried on in many parts to an extent quite unknown in this country. Hay being the principal winter support of live stock, and both it and corn, as well as pota¬ toes, being liable, from the shallow soil and powerful reflec¬ tion of the sun’s rays from the rocks, to be burned and with¬ ered up, the greatest exertions are made to bring water from the head of each glen, along such a level as will give the command of it to each farmer at the head of his fields. This is done by conducting water in troughs made of the half of a tree roughly scooped out, from the highest perennial stream amongst the hills, through woods, across ravines, along the rocky and often perpendicular sides of the glens ; and from this main trough lateral branches shoot off to each farm. The farmer distributes this supply by moveable troughs amongst his fields, watering each rig successively. The quantity of land traversed by these artificial water-courses is very great, 326 NOR Norway. In winter, when agricultural operations are suspended, the v'—Norwegian employs himself in making all the implements, furniture, and clothing, which his family may require; thrashing out the crop, attending to the cattle, driving about to fairs, or paying visits. The heaviest of his occupations is driving wood out of the forests, or bog-hay from the fjeld where it is made in summer by those who attend the cattle. The distillation of potato-brandy was, until very lately, general all over Norway, every common bonde or peasant proprietor distilling his own few barrels. The vice of drunkenness, however, had become so flagrant, that it was considered necessary by the Storthing to place very stringent restrictions on the sale and manufacture of spirits ; and now private stills are strictly forbidden, and spirits are only allowed to be sold in the towns. The im¬ provement in public morals, in consequence, has been very marked. In the valley of the Miosen Mr Brace made inquiries as to the general morality of the bonders of the province, and learned that intoxication was certainly very much diminished since government had made it so diffi¬ cult to get brandy, and that altogether there was a great progress; which doubtless is the case in all other districts. The thrashing machines in general use amongst agri¬ culturists are similar in construction to those of Scotland; and some have grinding machinery attached to them. There is an institution of a very peculiar nature, which is quite common all over Norway. In this country there are no merchants equivalent to our corn-dealers, nor are there any weekly markets held for the sale of grain. There are no middle-men between the grower and the consumer, and any surplus grain which the farmer may have is stored up in what may be called corn magazines, which are just large warehouses erected in various parts of the country, as the necessities of the inhabitants require them. What grain the farmer thinks he will not require he conveys in sledges to these places, and for every eight bushels which he deposits, he receives nine at the end of twelve months; in short, he lays it out at interest, and has an increase of one-eighth per annum. If, however, he has none deposited, or overdraws, he pays for the quantity received in loan at the rate of one- fourth of increase per annum ; so that for every eight bushels which he takes he pays back ten at the end of twelve months, or at that rate for whatever time he may have the loan. This is, in fact, a savings-bank for corn, and is probably the most ancient of these institutions. The small profit which occurs upon these transactions de¬ frays the necessary expenses of building and keeping up the magazines, which are entirely under the management of the bonder or peasant proprietors. In Norway the bulk of the farmers have no rent to pay, the property being theirown; the articles which their farms produce constitute nearly the whole of the food or raiment which they and their people require ; and there are not, as in other countries, consider¬ able masses of population in towns and villages, who, not being producers of food themselves, must obtain it from those who are; so that the farmer is less dependent upon money-bringing crops than is the case with us. If he raise what is sufficient for his own household consumption, with a little surplus for sale to purchase a few luxuries, all the purposes of farming are served with him. State of “Property in Norway is held by what is called the udal propertju or 0(iei system of rights, not from any superior, not even from the king, but, as the possessors proudly express it, by the same right by which the crown itself is held; conse¬ quently there is no acknowledgment, real or nominal, as feu-duty or reddendo, paid. In this country all lands are theoretically said to be held from the king; and, according to Sir Edward Coke, we have no allodial lands. In Nor¬ way estates are allodial, the absolute property of the owner; they are therefore possessed without charter, and are sub¬ ject to none of the burdens and casualties affecting land WAY. held by feudal tenure direct from the sovereign, or from his superior vassal. There is, in short, a total negation of the v orWay- feudal principle; there is neither superior nor vassal; so that the military service which the latter paid to the former in consideration of the land which was granted appears never to have existed in Norway; and as this constituted the foundation of the law of primogeniture, so where such service was entirely unknown, there was no necessity for that law, which consequently remained equally unknown. In all feudal countries the eldest male heir has to pay an acknowledgment to the feudal superior on his entering as vassal in the land. But udal, or noble land, as the word signifies, not being held for military service to a superior, no delectus personce as to who should inherit it was competent to any authority, and consequently no preference of the eldest male heir could grow into the law of succession to land. Hence the land came to be equally divided amongst all the surviving children, male and female. There ap¬ pears, however, to be a species of entail connected with the udal tenure. If the udalman in possession should alienate to a stranger, the next of kin has a right of redemption on paying the price of the land. This is called the Odel- baarn’s Ret, and all the kindred of the udalman in posses¬ sion are what is called Odelsbaarn to his land, or, in other words, have a certain right in the order of consanguinity. By recent enactments, this right of redemption has been limited in its exercise to a period of five years; and it is provided that all improvements, as well as the original price, must be paid for. The equal partition of property amongst children by the udal tenure has prevented the accumulation of property in large masses; but, as might have been expected by theo¬ rists, it has not led to subdivisions of estates to an injurious extent. “ The division of the land appears not,” says Mr Laing, “ during the thousand years it has been in operation, to have had the effect of reducing the landed properties to the minimum size that will barely support human existence. I have counted from five-and-twenty to forty cows upon farms, and that in a country in which the farmer must, for at least seven months in the year, have winter-houses and provender provided for all the cattle. It is evident that some cause or other, operating on aggregation of landed property, counteracts the dividing effects of partition among children.” In another place Mr Laing says, “ The estates of individuals are generally small; and the houses, furni¬ ture, food, comfort, ways and means of living among all classes, appear to me to approach more nearly to an equality to one standard than in any country in Europe. This standard is far removed from any want or discomfort on the one hand, or any luxury or display on the other. The actual partition of the land itself seems, in practice, not to go below such a portion of land as will support a family comfortably, according to the habits and notions of the country; and it is indeed evident that a piece of ground without houses upon it, and too small to keep a family according to the national estimation of what is requisite, would be of no value as a separate property. The heirs accordingly either sell to each other, or sell the whole to a stranger, and divide the proceeds. The duty of the Soren- skriver, or district judge, consists chiefly in arranging this kind of chancery business, and all debts and deeds affecting property are registered w ith him.” The cause which, according to Mr Laing, has prevented excessive subdivision is, “that in a country where land is held, not in tenantry merely, as in Ireland, but in full ownership, its aggregation by the deaths of co-heirs and by the marriages of female heirs among the body of land- owners, will balance its subdivision by the equal succession of children.” This is undoubtedly true ; and when taken in connection with other facts, may sufficiently explain the case. Mr Laing informs us that the standard of living is NORWAY. )rway. high in Norway; or that the population is much better clothed, lodged, fed, and generally provided for, than our labouring and middling classes in the south of Scotland. The dwelling-houses of the meanest labourers are divided into several apartments, and have wooden floors and a suffi¬ cient number of good windows, with some kind of outhouse for cattle and lumber. Their food and clothing are equally good and substantial. Now it seems quite clear that a people habituated to such a standard of subsistence and comfort will not only not suffer their condition to sink in¬ definitely below it, but by prudence and foresight in the contraction of marriage and the raising of a family, will keep down their numbers considerably within their means of subsistence. In Norway, that condition which secures respectability to a common man is one in which be com¬ mands not only all the comforts, but most of the luxuries of life common to the country; and the natural desire of all mankind to keep up caste, to maintain themselves in that station in which they were born, not to decline from it, and fall, as it were, out of the ranks, will operate as a most powerful check upon the minute subdivision of land. There are other causes in operation, to which our circumscribed limits will only admit of our adverting. These are the ancient and confirmed habits of the people, which may be taken into account as a corollary of the preceding proposi¬ tion ; and the absence of impediments, such as fines or alienation, or imposts of any kind, in the way of sale or conveyance. Where such fines exist, the difficulties of re-uniting land which has been subdivided are great and annoying. The bulk of the population in Norway consists of two classes of landholders: those who have farms larger than they themselves can cultivate, and those who exclusively farm their own estates. The first are called proprietors, a sort of conventional term, equivalent to our esquire ; the smaller landholders, who work upon their own estates, are called bonder, a term, as appears, nearly equivalent to feuar in Scotland. The incomes of the former seldom exceed L.150 or L.200, although there are some who possess as much as L.3000 or L.4000 sterling per an¬ num. The Norwegian valleys are crowded with bonder farms, which are very numerous throughout the country, and, with their look ol plenty and completeness, may com¬ pete with the richest and most beautiful in Scotland. Mr Laing draws a very pleasing and interesting picture of this class of people, whose comfort and happiness may indeed be inferred from a short statement of facts. They are owners of their own little estates, which produce all the necessaries of life, and afford a surplus for the payment of taxes and the purchase of luxuries. They are exceedingly lodged, and the families live abundantly; the manner of living, indeed, is pretty much the same amongst all classes. 1 hese, and the comfortable assurance that in case of death the udalman leaves his wife and family provided for, are cer- tain y calculated materially to promote human -happiness. 1 his class, says Mr Laing, “ are the kernel of the nation. 1 Hey are in general fine athletic men, as their properties are not so large as to exempt them from work; but large enough to afford them and their households abundance, and even a superfluity, of the best food.” Besides the bonder, or agricultural class, properly so called, who occupy all the most fertile lands in the country ffom hesborede to the hill-foot,” whereon corn will glow, there is another class called fjeld bonder, who form scnb'eflalh^1" wereT> between the class above de- landb and hav^l 'Vanderi"? Lender. They also possess Sn,a"- ^ cimfort- try, their situaUon is not so ftvofraWe, ion equal to that of the other small proprietors The field bonders are “ the hewers of wood aJd drawer "of w£er^In Norway ; but they still possess property in cattle as well as in land, and they are described as extremely hardy and active and as having more robust frames than the agricultural bonder. There is yet another class of the population which is altogether distinct from any of the preceding, consisting entirely of fishermen, whose social condition must be con” siderably inferior to that of the others. In the provinces of Nordland and Finmark, which oc- Fish5n(y cupy the northern part of Norway, beyond the River Nam- K’ sen, agriculture is but a secondary business, and fishing may be said to occupy most of the attention of the inhabi¬ tants. Indeed, a Norwegian writer says, that were it not foi the Norwegian fishery, the whole of Finmark and a part of Nordland would be inhabited only by nomad Finns, and the towns all along the coast would languish and disap¬ pear. The crops of grain are too inconsiderable and pre¬ carious to afford them the means of subsistence, and the riches of the deep are brought in as a compensation for the poverty of the land. The winter fishery in the Lofoden Islands, from the middle of January to the middle of April, and the summer fishery over all the coast, which in some blanch or other gives employment for the remainder of the year, furnish the inhabitants with the means of pur¬ chasing the necessaries which they require. I he Oxonian in Norway, by the Rev. F. Metcalfe, published in 1856, gives a very complete account of the Lofbden fishery; and from that work we extract the fol¬ lowing pai ticulars : Ihe fishermen begin to arrive in open boats from all parts of Norway soon after New Year’s Day, and take up their positions along the coast, from Balstad on Jhe W., to Bretesnes on the island of Great Molle on the E. In each boat there are generally five men, one of whom commands and takes the helm. At Henningsvar, a favour¬ ite station, as many as 900 boats congregate; and it is computed that there are at least 3500 boats, giving an aggregate of 21,000 men, employed exclusively in fishing. Besides these, there are numberless jaegts and jagts, be¬ longing to merchants from far and near along the coast, which come to buy oil and fish, and sell groceries, &c. At Svolvar alone there were no fewer than 140 of these vessels. The fishermen live in huts along the shore, which, together with the permission to fish, they hire of the pro¬ prietors of the adjoining land at certain rates fixed by government. If the morning is fine and the weather suit¬ able, the government officers appointed for that purpose hoist the requisite signal, and the boats go out and set their nets and lines generally at right angles to the run of the coast. If the weather is bad, no signal is hoisted ; and every one venturing out under those circumstances is liable to a fine of 5 dollars, and to have all his fish seized. Most of the day is consumed in fishing with a hand-line and in taking up the nets and long lines. On getting to shore, the fish are gutted and hung up to dry on poles and cross¬ bars, which they hire of the proprietors along the coast. I hese ai e stock-fish (so called because they are dried on stocks oi poles), and are unsplit. Others, which are sold to the owners of the jaegts, are split open, salted down, and packed flat in the holds of these vessels. On obtain¬ ing a caigo, they leave for home; and on arriving there, the fish aie taken out of the vessel, washed, and dried upon ^^ese are khp-fish—i.e., rock-fish. The laws of N oi way are very stringent regarding the preparation of t le stock-fish. None are allowed to be taken down before the 12th of June, nor are any allowed to be hung up after the 14th of April. There is a fine of 2 dollars on every hundred fish taken down or hung up before or after the above dates respectively. Everything is managed accord- ing to strict rule, and under the surveillance of government officers. During the period of the fishery no steamer is allowed to come near, for fear of driving away the fish. All the fish caught after the 14th of April are prepared as klip- 328 Norway. NORWAY. Manufac¬ tures and commerce fish; but the fishing is virtually over then, and the men leave the Lofodens, returning, however, in die course ot the summer to take away the stock-fish. 1 he cod-hver oil so extensively used in medicine is prepared from the livers, which are put into barrels brought from home for the purpose, or sometimes sold to merchants on the spot. 1 e best oil is that which exudes from the natural fermentation of the liver. Cod-liver oil is not obtained solely from the cod-fish, but also from others, as the shark, the ling, and especially the sei or coal-fish, its liver being richer m oil than that of the cod. It is caught in large quantities in summer, especially in the Bay of Varanger. Cod-hver oil costs on the spot from 5 to 6 dollars the barrel of 120 pots, and a wine-bottle holds about three-fourths of a pot; so that, in round numbers, at the highest price, it costs about Is. the imperial gallon. . All the towns export fish. Bergen exports more thai one-half the stock-fish ; but of late the Romsdal towns, as they are called, have become dangerous rivals to it in tie klip-fish trade. Half the oil goes from Bergen. I here is still a heavy export duty on all kinds of fishery products. About L.6000 are also raised annually by the duty on salt the greater part of which is used in curing the fish. Until 1851, a tithe of all the fish and oil was paid to the clime i of the district; but instead of this tax, which was very vexa¬ tious, and led to numerous disputes and much dishonesty, an extra tax of two skillings per vvaag (36 lb.) is ievied on all fish exported ; while on oil the additional duty is 1- ski 1 gs (5d.) per tonde (30 gallons). The value of the different kinds of fish annually exported is estimated at about one million sterling The quantities are given in a subsequent table. Besfdes these important general fisheries, there is in every creek of the fiords, even at a hundred miles up from the ocean, abundance of cod, whitings, haddocks, floundei s, sea-bream, and herrings, caught for daily use and for sale by the seafaring peasantry. The rivers and lakes are like¬ wise well supplied with fish (the former with salmon), which may indeed be said to constitute the basis of a Norwegian repast. Dried and salted fish is sent in great abundance to the Mediterranean, and also to Hamburg and Holland. Lob¬ sters are caught among the rocky islands in immense num¬ bers for the supply of the London market. Anchovies are also caught in prodigious quantities. The manufactures of Norway are too unimportant to detain us long. Wood and fish are the chief produce of the country; and these find their way to every part ol Europe, chiefly in Norwegian vessels, which in return bring home whatever foreign articles are required, at the cheapest possible rate of freight. The import duties are very mode¬ rate. Before the importer pays his duties, he is allowed to take his goods to his own warehouse and shop, upon giving security for the amount of the duties ascertained by the custom-house officers at landing; he also keeps an account of his sales, and pays the duty every three months upon the quantity which appears to have been sold. I his must be of great advantage to the dealer in a country so poor as Norway, since it leaves his capital entirely free for active employment. Coffee, sugar, tea, French brandy, and French and Spanish wines, tobacco, and a limited quantity ot spiceries, are the principal articles for which the housekeepei has to disburse money. The other necessaries of life are pio- duced by themselves. Shoes, furniture, cloths, and the like, are all made at home. Looms are at work in almost every house in the country ; carding, spinning, and weaving form¬ ing constant occupations of the female part of the household. Woollen cloth, substantial but coarse, excellent bed and table linen, and checked or striped cotton or linen for female apparel, are the ordinary fabrics produced. These home¬ made stuffs, including boots, gloves, and in bad weather great-coats, clothe the greater part of the inhabitants, and more comfortably than is the case with the lower and mid¬ dling classes of people in most other countries. Ihe upper ranks or the people of condition, dress as in other parts of Europe; and as living and lodging are nearly on a level amongst all the respectable classes, the peasant proprietor, and those more wealthy than he is, this wearing of foreign articles by the latter, and home-made stuffs by the former, would seem to constitute a kind of conventional distinction between them. . . . The principal articles of export are timber, bark, iron, copper, fish, and some others. The principal articles of import are corn; colonial produce; woollen, linen, and cotton goods; wine; brandy, &c. The following is the quantity offish exported from Norway in the year 1855, viz.: Stock-fish tons 16,374 Klip-fish » 22,318 Cod Roes barrels 30,668 Herrings, salted... „ 519,868 Norway. Cod-Liver Oil ... barrels 78,804 Anchovies kegs 11,737 Salmon, smoked. lbs. 4,551 Salmon, salted... barrels 77 Lobsters, live... number 814,188 Other Fish, salted „ 3,040 In the year 1854, 31,000 quarters of oats were exported, which Mr Crowe states is unparalleled in the annals of the trade of Norwav, but is likely to be repeated, as the pro¬ vince of Hedemarken, which is now brought into connec¬ tion with the capital and sea-coast, is pre-eminently suited for the growth of that cereal. The total amount of cereals imported in 1851 was 631,390 imperial quarters; in 1852, 602,110 do.; in 1853, 567,192 do.; in 1854, 425,975 do.; and in 1855, 492,591 do. Mr Crowe further remarks that there has been a general increased importation of many articles, attributable to the pro¬ sperity of the country and the reduction of duties on a variety of articles entering largely into their domestic economy. The deals of Christiania have always been held in the highest estimation; a consequence of the excellence of the timber, and of the care with which the sap-wood and other defective parts are cut away. Like many other branches of the trade of Norway, that of preparing wood was formerly fettered by pernicious restrictions; the saw¬ mills being licensed to cut a certain quantity only, and the proprietors bound to make oath that it was not exceeded. But this absurd regulation no longer exists. The following is a return of timber and deals of every description, exclusive of deal-ends for splitwood under 20 inches long, lathwood, &c., exported from Norway in the years specified, viz.:— J . Loads. XiOStClSa 9 # n e f\C) 4 632,727 of which there were sent to Great Britain 165,024 701,462 ,, „ » ” 246 646 775,845 „ „ ” ” 236 247 743,468 „ „ » ” 217915 737,557 „ „ » •> The amount of wood under 20 inches, called splitwood, exported to Great Britain in 1855 was 40,980 loads. British manufactured goods are admitted into Norway on moderate duties, and are very generally made use of. The weights and measures ot Norway are the same^ those of Denmark. With regard to money, the principal ^ silver coin in circulation (for there are none of goid) is called a species dollar, which is divided into one hundred and twenty skillings. There are also half species, one-filth species, one-tenth species, one-twentieth, and what is deno¬ minated skillemynt, or small change—that is, four and two skilling pieces of silver, and also one-half, one, and two skilling pieces of copper. The dollar is worth four shi- liners and fourpence three farthings sterling at the present rate of exchange. There are, besides, notes of one do lar, half a dollar, and twenty-four skillings, all printed on white paper. The notes of five dollars’ value are on blue paper, those of ten dollars on yellow paper, those of fifty on green paper, and those of one hundred on red paper. RflVenue. The Norwegian finances are in a flourishing condition, Rev • the revenue having latterly increased considerably, me 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 N O R W A Y. 329 rway. Bank of Norway, which was founded in 1816, has its head-office in Trondhjem, with branches in the prin¬ cipal towns, and is under the direction of five stock¬ holders, with a council of fifteen representatives of the other proprietors. The transactions of this bank are conducted upon a principle totally opposite to that of the Scotch and other banking establishments. It is there considered as a first principle that the bank should hold only available securities, as bills or bonds at a short date, or payable at a short notice, for its issues or advances. The national bank of Norway is therefore a bank for landed property, and discounts mercantile bills and personal securities only as a secondary branch. Its chief business is advancing its own notes, upon first securities over land, any sum not exceed¬ ing two-thirds of the value of the property, according to a general valuation made in the year 1812. The borrower pays four per cent, for what he draws, and is bound to pay also five per cent, of the principal yearly. This kind of bank is exceedingly well adapted for the wants of the country ; and their paper can scarcely be considered as less secure than their silver. The Norwegian army consists of some 24,000 troops of all arms. Two companies belonging to each regiment in the Norwegian service are trained to the use of the skidor or skate. This corps, called the skielobere, move with sin¬ gular agility and speed, and, whilst skating along with the greatest velocity, perform their military evolutions with uncommon precision. The army is at the disposal of the king, as far as its services can be rendered available in Scandinavia; it cannot, however, be sent beyond the limits of the peninsula without the special permission of the Stor¬ thing. The king has the nomination of the superior officers of the army, as well as of some few of the first civil officers under the government; that of others rests with the Stor¬ thing. Norway is governed by a viceroy, appointed by the King of Sweden ; Christiania, the capital of the country, being the seat of government. She contributes nothing towards the expense of the Swedish government, beyond a trifling annual allowance to the royal family; but she supports all her own civil and military institutions, vy. The Norwegian navy consists of 3 frigates, 5 corvettes, 4 brigs, and 124 gun-boats. They have also 13 steam- vessels of war, of, in all, 1490 horse-power, the largest being of 200 horse-power. Nine of these are employed in the royal mail service, under the command of naval officers. During the summer months three ships are usually commis¬ sioned for a summer’s cruise with cadets. The officers of the Norwegian navy consist of a rear- admiral and 6 commodores, 12 captains, 12 lieutenant- captains, 24 first lieutenants, 35 second lieutenants, and 64 petty officers; besides 100 cadets, and 120artillery cadets. In case of war, every male is bound to serve a certain period either in the army or navy; and there are about 50,000 seamen, whose names are on the registers, liable to serve. There is a great difference in the pay of the navy and merchant service, the latter being more than double; but, as in our own case, the seamen are far better fed and pro¬ vided for in the naval service. The merchant seamen are generally engaged either in the transatlantic or North Sea and Mediterranean timber trade, or in the fisheries. They are described as amongst the hardiest and best race of seamen in the world, and accustomed to live on coarse fare, and put up with many hardships to gain their livelihood. The mercantile marine of Norway has greatly increased within the last few years, as appears by the following return:— No. of Vessels. Tonnage. Crews. 1851 4496 412,437 24,057 1852 4742 427,234 25,388 1853 4893 454,856 26,545 1854 5129 501,860 28,063 1855 5241 538,964 28,638 VOL. XVI. Vessels of all nations now trade with Norway, and her Norway ships are to be met with in every foreign port. Mr Crowe, i.-—. the intelligent consul-general at Christiania, remarks that “ a few years ago, the Norwegian flag was scarcely ever seen beyond the confines of Europe ; now it waves in every part of the globe.” Some very interesting and elaborate statistical tables connected with the population and productions of Norway, compiled from government sources, was published in Chris¬ tiania in 1857. From these it would appear that the follow¬ ing is the total amount of the population in 1855, viz.:— Province of Christiania ,, Christiansand, „ Bergen „ Trondhjem.... ,, Tromsbe 643,135 244,413 242,914 227,343 132,242 Total 1,490,047 The following is the amount of the population at various former periods:—1769, 723,141; 1801,883,038; 1815, 885,431 ; 1825, 1,056,318; 1835, 1,194,827; 1845, 1,328,471 ; and 1855, 1,490,047. The increase of population has chiefly taken place amongst the agricultural classes; and the additional food raised for their support, together with the advance of the people, is to be attributed partly to additional tracts of land having been taken in, and partly to improved methods of cultivating the old soil. The kingdom of Norway is divided into five sees or stifts, Political each of which is divided into a certain number of districts, divisions, corresponding to its size and importance, and these again into parishes, of which there are 336 in the country. The dioceses are—Christiania, containing Christiania, the capital; Christiansand, the largest town in which bears the same name ; Bergen, containing the large and important city of the same name ; Trondhjem, which contains the city of Trondhjem, situated on the south shore of a great fiord of the same name ; and Tromsoe, comprising the northern territories of Nordland and Finmark. The stifts are thus distributed:—Christiansand occupies the southern extremity of the country; Bergen and Christiania occupy, the former the western, and the latter the eastern side of Norway, where it is widest, extending over its whole breadth in that quarter, and being separated by the great moun¬ tain chain; still further north lies Trondhjem, which is succeeded by Tromsoe, the most northerly region of Norway, and of which the reader will find some account in the article Lapland. Each district, called a fbgderie or bailiwick, is under a foged, who has charge of the collection of taxes, police, and ail executive functions in his district. Besides this public functionary, there are military officers, who have official residences in the district; and the amtman, and sorenskriver or judge ordinary. Christiania, Bergen, Trondhjem, and the other large towns in Norway, will be found described under their own respective heads. The Norwegians enjoy more political liberty than any political other European nation. The parliament, called the Stor- constitu- thing, is chosen by the owners or life-renters of the land tion. who have attained the age of twenty-five years complete. The minimum value which gives a vote is 150 dollars, or L.33 ; a value which, from the large diflusion of property, renders the suffrage nearly universal. To render the elec¬ tor himself eligible as a representative, it is only necessary that he should be thirty years of age, have resided ten years in Norway, and be altogether unconnected with the state. The voters choose electing men, 1 to every 50 voters in towns, and 1 to every 100 voters in counties. The electing men, on a day fixed by law, choose their representatives, and the body thus elected forms the Storthing. The proportions of members chosen is founded on the principle that the towns in Norway should as nearly 330 NORWAY. Norway, as possible return one-third, and the country two-thirds of the whole body, which must not consist of less than 75, nor of more than 100 members. Each district elects as many substitutes as it elects representatives, to provide against death and other casualties. The Storthing is chosen every three years, and is assembled only once in three years, when it sits for three months, or until the business be despatched. The 1st of February is the day of meeting fixed by law. An extraordinary Storthing may be convened by the king, but its acts must be confirmed by the next regular Stor¬ thing. After some preliminary business, such as electing a president, speaker, and secretary, the Storthing divides itself into two chambers. One-fburth of its whole number is formed into a second chamber, called a Lagthing, or di¬ vision, in which the deliberative functions of the legislative body are vested. No bill can be introduced there; it must come from the other house, which is called the Odelsthing, or House of Commons. The Lagthing can only deliberate upon what is sent to it, and approve, reject, or send back the bill with proposed amendments. It is also the court be¬ fore which, aided by the Hoieste Ret Court, an independent branch of the state, the lower house may impeach ministers of state. The Storthing consists, in fact, of three houses —the Lagthing, the Odelsthing, and the entire Storthing. In this latter all motions are made and discussed ; and, it entertained, are referred to committees to report upon to the Storthing. The report, when received back from a committee, is debated and voted upon ; and, if approved, a bill in terms of the report is ordered to be brought into the Odelsthing. This house entertains or rejects the pro¬ posed bill, frames and discusses the enactments, if it is not rejected in toto, and sends it up to the Lagthing or upper house, to be deliberated upon, approved, rejected, or amended. In regard to the passage of bills through these two houses, the practice of the Norwegian Parliament does not differ materially from that of our own, except in the more limited functions of the Lagthing, the king having only a suspensive veto. But if a bill pass through three successive Storthings, it becomes the law of the land with¬ out the royal assent. This was exemplified in the case of the bill, already mentioned, for the abolition of hereditary nobility. The duties of the Storthing need not be minutely specified ; they may easily be inferred. The members are paid for their services ; and no executive officer of govern¬ ment can sit in either house. The clearest and most con¬ cise account of the constitution of Norway will be found in Mr Forester’s Rambles in Norway, published in 1850, and in Mr Brace’s Norse-Folk, published in 1857. Jurispru- F°r legal purposes, the whole country is divided into five dence. stifts or provinces, and these are farther subdivided into 17 amts and 64 judicial districts, each of which last comprehends several prestigilds or parishes. To each of these divisions there is a distinct tribunal, with a supreme court of ultimate appeal for the whole kingdom, established at Christiania. The lowest court, which is strictly one of equity, not of law, is the court of mutual reconcilement or agreement held in every parish, and over which presides a commissioner, who is elected every three years by the householders, and holds his court once a month, receiving a small fee. Every case or lawsuit whatsoever must pass through this preliminary court, where no lawyer or attorney is permitted to practise. Each party states his own case ; and if by the judgment or advice of the commissioner the parties are brought to agree, his opinion is duly registered in another court held in the parish, and it has all the validity of a final decision. If, however, the litigants are not satisfied, they carry their case to the lowest legal court, that of the sorenskriver, or sworn writer, wdiich is held in every parish of each district once in every quarter. The sorenskriver’s court is of great im¬ portance. Besides judging civil and criminal matters, it is the court of registration affecting property in the district, and also of ascertaining the value of, and succession to, the property of deceased persons. The court next above is the ^ stift-amt court, or that of the province, and is thus consti¬ tuted : It consists of three judges with assessors, is station¬ ary in the chief town of each province, and is the court of appeal from all the lower tribunals of the province, having at the same time the revision of their administration. It must likewise sanction their decision in criminal matters before sentence can be pronounced. There is, lastly, the Lloieste Ret Court of final appeal. It consists of seven judges, and, by the ground law, is one of the three estates of the constitution, being independent of the executive and leo-islative branches. To this court appeals are carried in the last resort, from the stift-amt courts, in criminal as well as civil cases. The Norwegian system of jurisprudence presents some remarkable features, not the least important of which is, that the judge is responsible for his legal decision ; and in a case of appeal to a higher court, he must there defend his judg¬ ment, being liable in damages for a wrong decision. This principle involves a high responsibility, and must occasion some individual annoyance, as well as expense ; but it does not prevent able lawyers from becoming candidates for ju¬ dicial functions; and beyond all doubt it is of great advantage to the public in giving certainty to the law, and in prevent¬ ing as well as remedying erroneous decisions. The punish¬ ment of death was abolished by the Danish government aboutthe latter end of the last century, a measure of question¬ able expediency in this country, at least where the second¬ ary punishments are by no means perfect. But the punish¬ ment which is found the most effective, and which forms Norway one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the country, is that of the “loss of honour.” From the earliest times this has been a specific punishment in the criminal law of Norway, standing next in degree to the loss of life. 1 here is, and always has been, much more of the real business of the country in the hands of the people of Norway, and trans¬ acted by themselves, than is possessed by the inhabitants of any other European nation. Now, as the “ loss of honour” involves exclusion from all the functions which naturally devolve upon them, the punishment is very severely felt, and looked upon, even by the humblest peasant, with the greatest dread. The Norwegian Church is in principle and doctrine Lu- Church, theran, and remains as it was originally moulded after the subversion of the ancient faith, unaltered by the spirit of innovation, and unviolated by the hand of power. It is es¬ sentially ceremonial, and has been considered by some almost as much so as the Roman Catholic. Mr Forester, however, justly observes, that such persons look only at the surface of things. “ They have been startled,” he says, “ by the array of images on the altar, the display of rich vest¬ ments in the celebration of the eucharist, and the use of the unleavened wafer, together with a high degree of re¬ verence, accompanying the administration of that sacrament; and from these appearances have been led to conclusions which are by no means justified.” “ It would be more cor¬ rect to say that the public worship of the Lutheran Church essentially differs from the Roman Catholic, and has a close affinity to that of the Church of England. It is, indeed, ceremonial and liturgical But there is nothing superstitious in her ceremonial; and her ritual, like our own, contains nothing that is contrary to the Word of God.” The altar of the Norwegian Church is decorated with crosses and images, and the priest, arrayed in embroidered robes of velvet, celebrates high mass under that name. There are in Norway 336 prestigilds or parishes, and many of these are exceedingly large, extending in some parts from the sea-coast to the Swedish frontier, and containing from 5000 to 10,000 inhabitants. This is certainly a low provi¬ sion for religious instruction ; but the people, generally NORWAY. 331 Jrway. E< nation. speaking, are scattered all over the country, not clustered in towns and villages; and although individually they are not affluent, they are at least respectable, notwithstanding that as a whole they are poor. Under such circumstances pa¬ rishes must necessarily be large. There are five bishoprics in Norway, each of which has in it a number of inferior clergy. The patronage is in the hands of the five bishops and the council of state, a committee of which has charge of all the affairs of the church. The incomes of the clergy are derived from tithes, commuted into a payment of grain, glebe farms (one of which the widow has for her life), offerings, and dues. These incomes in country parishes vary from L.150 to L.350; but in large towns or thickly-settled parishes they are higher. The bishops have about L.800 to L.900 each. In proportion to the other professional classes in the country, the clergy are well paid, and the church has always been the first profession to which talent is naturally directed. The clergy are laborious and zealous in the dis¬ charge of their duty, the church service forming the smallest part of it. They have school examinations, Sunday schools, and other institutions for the promulgation of Christian knowledge. It is a peculiar characteristic of the Norwegian Church that there is no dissent from it; there are no secta¬ rians in the country. In political rights and privileges the clergy are on a footing with the rest of the inhabitants, and are represented in the Storthing like other citizens. One chief cause of the influence of the ministers of religion, and the absence of dissent, is the high consideration in which the right of confirmation is held. The person who has passed this ordeal is regarded as having received amoral as well as a religious diploma, which capacitates him for an office of trust and responsibility. There are few countries, perhaps, where education has of late years been more attended to than in Norway. In all the large towns there are public schools, and academies and schools for mechanics and artizans. The latter are called drawing-schools, of which there are eight, where mechanics are instructed in modelling, drawing, mathema¬ tics, See. In the diocese of Christiania alone, Mr Brace tells us, that there are no less than 197 stationary schools, besides a high school. In many of the towns there are charity schools, where the children of the poor remain during the day, while their parents are at work. These are supported by public and private contributions. Education is very generally diffused ; but great difficulties exist, owing to the population, though not numerous, being so scattered. In the country parishes there are parochial schoolmasters, of whom some have fixed residences, and others live for one-half of the year in one place, and tor the other half in another. A small tax is levied from each householder, and every adult pays a small personal fee. There is a considerable de¬ gree of intelligence evinced in some of these communi¬ ties ; but the schools are too widely scattered over a thinly-peopled country to be equally beneficial to all. It may be mentioned, that the clergy pay particular attention to the diffusion of education. The higher department of university education at Christiania is expensive ; and, be¬ sides, there is not such a demand for educated men in the medical, legal, and commercial professions, as in more densely peopled and commercial countries, the tendency of which undoubtedly is to raise the standard of intellectual proficiency amongst all classes of the community. Those belonging to the learned professions are not numerous, be¬ cause the demand is not great, and the supply is adjusted accordingly. I he restrictions on the free exercise of trade and industry also operate with great force in depressing gene¬ ral education. Before a person can enter upon any medical 01 legal employment, before he can manufacture, buy, or sell as a mei chant, he must obtain peculiar privileges from a cor¬ porate body. “As the expense of preparation,” says Mr Laing, and the small number of prizes to be obtained, place the higher and learned professions out of the reach of the main Norway, body of the people, as objects of rational ambition, for which they might endeavour to bestow superior education upon w their children ; so the restrictions and monopoly system shutThe 1,reSS' them out from various paths and employments for which in¬ genuity, with ordinary useful education, might qualify them.” From the general diffusion of periodical publications, the Norwegians are a reading people. What is of great import¬ ance to the community is, that the press is by law perfectly free. There is no duty on newspapers. Every little town has its local newspaper; and from the importance attached to local subjects there discussed, the bulk of the community are the purchasers, not the educated few. In type and paper they are superior to the French or German papers, and much ability is shown in conducting them. There is no scurrility nor personal abuse displayed by those who write in them ; yet the most entire freedom of discussion exists, public men and public measures being handled freely but decorously, and with a strict eye to the general good. Se¬ veral monthly journals are devoted to literature, antiquarian, agricultural, and military subjects ; and in almost every news¬ paper there is the announcement of some new work or trans¬ lation. Yet the literature which ought strictly to be con¬ sidered as Norwegian is not yet of a very high order, compared with that of other countries. But the mind of the country is advancing, and literature, which is young in Nor¬ way, will advance along with it. The inhabitants of Norway are very polite in their man- Manners ners, as well to each other as to strangers. There is a na- an Novgorod, a breadth of 16, and an area of 346 square miles ; and Lake Vosche has a length of 14 miles, and an area of 177 square miles. There is a canal, 5 miles in length, connecting the rivers Msta and Volchov, by which navigation is carried on without passing through Lake Ilmen, as that extensive sheet of water is liable to dangerous storms. The soil in the southern parts is good and productive ; but in the north it is very swampy, consisting for the most part of peat bogs. The climate is cold, and the winter long, lasting from No¬ vember to May; while in the northern parts the cold is extreme, and the winter about a month longer than in the south. A large part of the land is covered with dense forests of pine, fir, birch, alder, elm, and other trees, which supply abundance of timber for export, and give shelter to great numbers of deer, elks, bears, wolves, lynxes, and other wild animals. The people are chiefly engaged in agricul¬ ture ; and the principal crops are rye, barley, oats, buck¬ wheat, potatoes, pease, flax, and hemp. Although there is much fine pasture ground, the inclemency and length of the winters prevent the rearing of more cattle than is necessary for farming; horses, oxen, and sheep of the common Rus¬ sian breeds, and a few goats and pigs, are kept. Next to agriculture, fishing is the most general occupation of the people; it is carried on with great success on the lakes and rivers. Coal, iron, freestone, slate, lime, marl, &c., are among the mineral produce of Novgorod; and there are also good salt springs. The manufactures are not very extensive ; and consist of coarse linen, soap, candles, potash, &c. Distilling, iron-smelting, and bell-making are also carried on. The exports of the province consist entirely of home produce, especially corn, hemp, flax, iron, timber, salt, hides, and furs. The principal place of trade is Nov¬ gorod, the capital. The government is divided into ten circles. Pop. (1846) 907,900. Novgorod, the capital of the above government, stands on the Volchov, where it issues from Lake Ilmen, 120 miles S.S.E. of St Petersburg. It is one of the most ancient towns in Russia, having been founded in the fifth century of the Christian area by the Sclavonians, who had long previously invaded Europe, and followed a wandering mode of life. Their government was at first democratic, but dissensions having broken out and greatly weakened their power, Ruric was invited in the ninth century to assume the government, and he established at Novgorod the original foundation of the Russian monarchy, the seat of which was soon afterwards removed to Kiev. Novgorod afterwards acquired many privileges from the Russian arch¬ dukes ; and in the twelth century became an independent republic under a hereditary magistrate of limited power. In the thirteenth century a factory of the Hanseatic League was established here; and for a long time Novgorod was the most important commercial city in the north-east of Europe. Its fairs were resorted to by the Hanse merchants, and by people from all the neighbouring countries; and in the fifteenth century it is said, though not probably with truth, to have contained 400,000 inhabitants. Indeed, so great was its power and prosperity at this time as to give rise to the saying, “ Quis contra Deum et magnam No- vogorodiam.” But this did not last long; for in 1477 its independence was completely destroyed by Ivan Vassilie- vich I.; and in 1570 Ivan IV. took occasion, from a trea¬ sonable correspondence of some of the citizens with Poland, to massacre more than 25,000 of the inhabitants. The trade of the place was still considerable, until the founda¬ tion of St Petersburg, which monopolized the Baltic trade, and completely destroyed the importance of Novgorod. It now presents most unmistakeable marks of fallen great¬ ness in its ruinous buildings, dilapidated walls, and grass- grown streets. The Kremlin, or fortress, stands on the north side of the river, and is connected by a fine stone NOV NUB 847 Novgorod- bridge with the commercial town and Sophiskaia on the Sieversk other side. There are numerous churches, the principal II of which is the cathedral in the Kremlin; three monas- Nowan- ter;eSj a bazaar, a palace, a poor-house, and an orphan school, uggur. gaji.c]otb5 leather, soap, and candles are manufactured. V Pop. 16,781. Novgorod-Sieversk, a town of Russia, capital of a dis¬ trict in the government of Tschernigov, stands on the right bank of the Desna, 109 miles E.N.E. of Tschernigov. It~is surrounded by walls, and has a castle, but neither is in a good state of repair. An active trade in corn, hemp, and lime is carried on; and several large fairs are held an¬ nually. Pop. (1849) 10,544. NOVI, a town of Northern Italy, capital of a cogno¬ mina} province in the division of Genoa, is situated in the plain of Marengo, at the foot of the Apennines, 25 miles N.N. W. of Genoa. It is surrounded by an old dilapidated wall; and of its old castle few remains now exist. The streets are irregular and narrow; but in the centre of the town is a handsome square adorned with a beautiful marble fountain. The principal public building is an an¬ cient church, a fine old edifice with two towers ; and some of the old houses are noted for their picturesque appearance. It is the seat of civil and commercial tribunals; and has a college, two monasteries, a theatre, and foundling hospital. Novi has an active trade; and carries on various manu¬ factures, the chief of which is silk, for which it is one of the most celebrated places in Italy. In the neighbourhood a severe action took place in 1799 between the French and Austro-Russians, in which the former were defeated. Pop. 10,500. The province has an area of 288 square miles, and contained, in 1848, 65,013 inhabitants. Noyi-Bazar, a town of European Turkey, capital of a cognominal sanjak in the government of Bosnia, is situated on the Rashka, 130 miles S.E. of Bosna-Serai. It is a place of some trade; and has several warm baths. Pop. about 8000. NOVICE, a person not yet skilled or experienced in an art or profession. In the ancient Roman militia, novicii or novitii were the young raw soldiers, distinguished by this appellation from the veterans. In the ancient orders of knighthood there were novices or clerks in arms, who went through a kind of apprenticeship ere they were ad¬ mitted knights. Novice is more particularly used in mo¬ nasteries for a religious person in his or her noviciate ox- year of probation, and who has not taken the vows. In nun¬ neries the novices wear a white veil, the rest a black one. The custom of giving novices the religious dress was not known before the twelfth century. The Council of Trent fixed the age of profession at sixteen years. NOVO-REDONDO, a seaport-town and fort of S.W. Africa, belonging to the Portuguese. The town occupies the summit of a x-ock at the mouth of the River Redondo, and is inhabited almost solely by free Negroes. Novo-Tscherkask, a town of European Russia, ca¬ pital of the country of the Don Cossacks, on the River Don, about 40 miles from its mouth. It was founded in 1806 in consequence of the unhealthiness of old 1 scherkask, the then capital. It is the seat of the government offices; and is well laid out with bi-oad and regular streets, the houses being generally of one storey. It has a cathedral and numerous other churches, a college, and several schools, and a large hospital. Pop. (1850) 17,875. NOWAGURH, a raj of India, subject to the political agent for the S.W. frontier. Its centre is in Lat. 20. 20. N., Long. 82. 25. E.; and it has an area of 1512 square miles. Pop. estimated at 68,000. The country is said to be among the worst governed of those within the circle to which it belongs. NOWANUGGUR, a town of India, peninsula of Kat- tywar, province of Gxizerat, 310 miles N.W. of Bombay. It stands on a creek indenting the S. shore of the Gulf of Nox Cutch; and carries on a great trade, being the principal II place of the district of Hallar, which is estimated to con- Nubia* tain a popidation of 207,680. The tow-n itself is nearly 4 miles in circuit, and is celebrated for its manufactures of fine cloth, as well as for the dyes given to that article. Copper ore has been discovered in a range of hills in the vicinity. NOX, one of the most ancient deities among the heathens, and the personification of Night. She was daughter of Chaos, and from her union with her brother Erebus, she gave birth to the Day and the Light. She was also the mother of the Parcse, Hesperides, Dreams; of Discord, Death, Momus, Fraud, &c. Nox is called by some of the poets the mother of all things, of gods as well as of men; and Homer makes her the subduer of gods and men, Zeus him¬ self being awed by her. (i7. xiv.) She was worshipped with great solemnity by the ancients, and had a famous statue, executed by Rhoecus, in the temple of Diana at Ephesus. It was usual to offer her a black sheep, as she was the mother of the Furies ; and a cock was also presented to her, as that bird proclaims the approach of day during the darkness of the night. She is repi'esented as mounted on a chariot, and covered with a veil bespangled with stars. The constella¬ tions generally went before her as her constant messengers. Sometimes she is seen holding under her arms two children, one of which is black, representing Death, and the other white, representing Sleep. Some of the poets have de¬ scribed her as a woman veiled in mourning, cx-owned with poppies, and on a chariot drawn by owls and bats. (See He¬ siod, Theog.; Euripides, Orestes and Ion; also Pausa- nias.) NOY, Sir William, an attorney-general, whose con¬ duct was one of the great causes of the civil war in Eng¬ land, was born in 1577. During the former part of his career his sentiments were patriotic, and he was distin¬ guished in Parliament as one of the most formidable oppo¬ nents of the despotism of Charles I. No soonex-, however, had he been appointed attox-ney-general in 1631, than he was suddenly transformed into one of the most pliant tools of the king. The legal knowledge and ingenuity of the political apostate began to be employed in extorting from the constitution certain precedents which might coun¬ tenance the tyranny of his royal master. He consummated his treachery to his country by devising the project of levying ship-money. But before he had seen the disasters which that act of his contributed to bring upon the land, he died, in 1634. Among his valuable legal works are, A Treatise of the Principal Grounds and Maxims of the Laws of England, of which the seventh edition was pub¬ lished in 12mo, 1806; and The Compleat Lawyer, of which the latest edition was published in 8vo, 1674. NO YON (anciently Noviomagus), a town of France, department of Oise, on the Vorse, a tributary of the Oise, 42 miles E.N.E. of Beauvais. The town is ancient, but well built; and is smrounded with numerous gardens. It was formed into a bishopric in 531 ; and its cathedral is a fine Romanesque edifice of the twelfth and thirteenth cen¬ turies. Charlemagne x-esided here; and Hugh Capet was here elected king of France in 987. Noyon is, however, chiefly remarkable as the birth-place of the Reformer John Calvin. Manufactures of linens, hosiery, leather, &c., are carried on, and a brisk general trade. Pop. 6322. NUBIA, a large country of Africa, lying between Egypt on the N. and Abyssinia on the S., the Red Sea on the E. and the Great Desert on the W.; and extending from N. Lat. 11. to 24., E. Long. 25. to 36. The name, how- evei’, is not always applied to the whole of this region, but is restricted by some geogx-aphers to the country east of the Nile, while the natives themselves apply the terms Nooha, or Wady-el-JVooba, to a comparatively small por- 348 NUBIA. Nubia, tion between Derr and Dongola. It is about 850 miles in length, and upwards of 600 in breadth ; while its area is estimated at 360,000 square miles. Character The aspect of the country in Lower Nubia is very dif- of the ferent from that of Egypt, though both alike form part of country. t]ie valley of the Nile. The mountains, which consist chiefly of sandstone and granite, approach much nearer to the river, leaving only a narrow strip of arable land along the water’s edge ; and the rocks in some places extend into the bed of the river, forming rapids, the lowest of which, called the First Cataract, occurs at the confines of Egypt and Nu¬ bia. Beyond the hills which line the river on either side stretches the desert of Nubia, extending on the one side to the Red Sea, and on the other being separated from the Sahara only by inconsiderable hills and table-lands. In some places the desert comes quite close to the Nile, forming sandy banks to the river, and in other places the banks are covered only with a thin strip of vegetation. Upper Nubia occupies the lowest of the three table-lands which are sup¬ posed to constitute this part of the African continent. The elevation increases towards the southern border of Nubia, which has a height of 4000 feet above the sea. 1 his district is also occupied by several mountain chains, which do not for the most part, as in Egypt, extend parallel to the river, hut from west to east, forming numerous valleys in the same direction. Of these chains the most important are the Gebel Snigre, Gebel Safieha, and Orbay Langay; the last of which stretches from Faka on the Albara to Suakim on the Red Sea, and has numerous offshoots in the east¬ ern Nubian desert. A range of mountains stretches along the coast of the Red Sea, but these are not very high, nor in any way remarkable. Coarse grey granite, quartz, and mica-slate' are the chief geological formations of Upper Nubia. Gold and silver mines are said to exist near the shores of the Red Sea; but all the attempts made by the Pasha of Egypt to work them have proved fruitless. In Upper Nubia the Nile is not so closely shut in by moun¬ tains as in the lower region ; and this country is also watered by other rivers, which discharge their waters into it. At the Second Cataract immense plains stretch out from either margin of the stream, exhibiting, it is said, even in their present neglected condition, unequivocal indications of fer¬ tility ; and as there seems to he little doubt that in former ages the annual inundation extended considerably beyond the limits of modern cultivation, so it may reasonably be presumed that anciently the country was much more pro¬ ductive and populous than in modern times, when the de¬ crease of the inundation, and the continual encroachment of the moving sands of the desert on either side, have com¬ bined to produce the desolation which now prevails. At present the Nile seldom or never overflows its banks in this part of Nubia; and the portion of the soil cultivated is irrigated by means of sakkeas, or Persian wheels con¬ structed for raising the water of the river to the level of the adjacent ground. The eastern bank of the Nile is much better adapted for cultivation than the western, be¬ ing more easily irrigated by artificial means. But it is not a little remarkable, that all the splendid ruins for which this region is distinguished, and which exhibit so great labour, ingenuity, and skill, are found upon the opposite bank ; a circumstance which seems to strengthen the pre¬ sumption that Nubia was formerly much more fertile and populous than in the present day. Divisions The country on the banks of the Nile is composed of of Nubia, two parts,—Wady Kenoos and Wady Nooba, so called from the tribes who inhabit them, and who differ from each other in language. The former extends from the confines of Egypt on the south to Wady Sebooa; and the latter, from which the general name of the country appears to have been derived, stretches as far as the frontier of Dongola. The chief distinction between these two parts consists in the circumstance, that the languages spoken in each are Nubia, entirely different. The grain which forms the principal object of Nubian, cultivation is dhourra, the Andropogon sorghum of bo¬ tanists. It is raised upon the patches of soil irrigated by means of the sakkeas or Persian wheels, of which there are from 600 to 700 between the First and Second Cataracts-; and when ground, it is formed into a cake somewhat re¬ sembling the Abyssinian teff. After the duourra, the Nu¬ bians raise a crop of barley, French beans, lentils, and sometimes also of water-melons. Sometimes a third crop is raised in the year, and this in these cases generally con¬ sists of dhourra again. Tobacco is everywhere cultivated, and constitutes the principal luxury of all classes, being either smoked or sucked in a peculiar manner between the gums and the lip. Animal food is scarce, and seldom eaten, even by the chiefs or sheiks. The liquors used are palm-wine, a spirit distilled from dates, and a sort of beer called booza, which is made from dhourra. Excessive in¬ dulgence in these liquors is general throughout the whole country. The only fruit trees cultivated in Nubia are palms, but the soil is adapted for several others. Great sameness prevails in the vegetation of the desert, the trees being mostly acacias, tamarisks, date and doum palms. The climate of Nubia, though intensely hot in summer, Climrite is nevertheless remarkably healthy. This is no doubt a consequence of the extreme dryness of the atmosphere, occasioned by the absence of rain and the absorbent qua¬ lities of the soil. The upper regions of Nubia, however, are by no means destitute of rain, but are exposed from March to May to those showers which cause the overflow¬ ing of the Nile. They do not extend N. of 17. 30. N. Eat. The plague has seldom or never reached Wady Haifa, and beyond the Second Cataract it is entirely un¬ known. The small-pox, however, is a fearful scourge, and, owing to the ignorance and filthiness of the people, occa¬ sionally commits dreadful ravages. * The people are now generally known by the-name of Nu- p0pU]a. bians, and are called by the Arabs Barabra. They consist ti0nt of the Kenoos and Nooba tribes, and differ considerably in appearance at different places, those to the south being much darker than the inhabitants of the country bordering on Ee;ypt. They are generally well made, strong, and muscular, and have tolerably good features. The women are not handsome, but perfectly well formed, and in general re¬ markable for agreeable countenances and pleasing manners. Great numbers of the Nubians repair to Cairo, where they usually act as porters, and are esteemed for their honesty; but they always return to their native villages with the little property which they have saved in plying their humble vocation. They excel the Egyptians in honesty and vera¬ city, though they are inferior in acuteness. They are like¬ wise distinguished for their brave, independent, and patrio¬ tic spirit. The inhabitants of Derr-el-Mahas and the more southerly districts differ considerably from the other Nu¬ bian tribes. They are of Arab descent, and speak the language and follow the wandering life of that people. Previously to 1821 the Nubians were independent, be-p, n ing ruled by chiefs of their own; but in that year they were brought under the power of the Egyptian pashas; commerce. and the government of Nubia is now, like that of Egypt, a military despotism. Some trade is carried on in Nubia, Sennaar and Shendy being the principal mart? for the commerce of eastern Africa. The principal articles of ex¬ port to Egypt are dates, which are obtained here of an ex¬ cellent quality ; gold, ivory, ebony, and slaves are imported into Nubia from the interior of Africa, and thence sent to Egypt, Arabia, or the East; and the principal imports through Egypt are soap, sugar, beads, coral, paper, and hardware. One of the most remarkable features of this region con¬ sists in the magnificent monumental remains with which it NUB N U D 349 N ubia. Monu¬ mental re¬ mains of Nubia. is covered along the line of the stream, and which continue to perpetuate the genius and power of the ancient popula¬ tion of the country situated on the Upper ISlile. I he prin¬ cipal remains in Nubia, beginning with the lowest down on the river and proceeding upwards, are the following : At Dabod on the W. bank, 15 miles above the First Cataract, are the remains of a temple, dedicated, according to a Greek inscription over the entrance, by Ptolemy Philometer and his queen Cleopatra, to Isis and other deities. 1 he temple of Kalabshee, whose ruins stand on the same side of the Nile about 29 miles above Dabod, is the largest in Nubia. It does not seem to be earlier than the time of Augustus, though the materials have apparently been taken from an older°building. The body of the temple consists of three parts and has twelve columns in front. It stands in the middle of an inclosure, which is entered by a portico with two pyra¬ midal towers. At The same place is an ancient temple of the a.cJtT^v, .... **} re* T*Si*«v Xjt/rcV (Ant. 1037-1039), can scarcely be doubted to refer to the metallic electrum. NUMISMATICS. 353 Definitions.or their neighbours, should be termed pale gold, as in the case of v, j some of the late Byzantine coins. f 5. Billon, a term applied to the base metal of some Roman coins, and also to that of some mediaeval and modern coins. It is silver with a great proportion of alloy. When the base, silver coins are replaced by copper washed with silver, the term billon becomes in¬ appropriate. 6. Brass, a compound metallic substance employed for coins. It may be used as an equivalent to the orichalcum of the Romans, a fine kind of brass, of which the sestertii and dupondii were struck, but it is commonly applied indiscriminately to the whole of their copper currency. 7. Botin, a term applied to the base metal of which some ancient coins are composed. It is softer than billon. 8. Various other metallic substances have been used in coinage. The so-called “glass money” of the Arabs has not been proved, to have borne any value, and if it had, it would be excluded with paper money and the like from the class of coins. 9. The forms of coins have greatly varied in different countries and at different periods. The usual form in both ancient and mo¬ dern times has been circular, and generally of no great thickness. 10. Coins are usually measured by Mionnefs scale, from which the greatest dimension is taken, or when they are square, the greatest dimension in two directions. This is, however, a very unsatisfac¬ tory scale, as its divisions are of an arbitrary character, and the in¬ struments for applying it are such as make exactness scarcely pos¬ sible. A kind of gauge, graduated to inches and decimal parts of an inch, would be far more satisfactory. 11. The weight of a coin is of great importance, both in deter¬ mining its genuineness and in distinguishing its identity. To as¬ certain exact weight to the tenth of a grain is therefore very neces¬ sary, and this can only be done by the careful use of excellent scales. 12. The specific gravity of a coin furnishes a ready means of de¬ termining the metal predominating in its composition. 13. Whatever representations or characters are borne by a coin constitute its type. The subject of each side is also called a type, and when there is not only a device but an inscription, the latter may be excluded from the term. This last is the general use. No distinct rule has been laid down as to what makes a difference of type, but it may be considered to be an essential difference, how¬ ever slight. 14. A difference too small to constitute a new type makes a variety. 15. A coin is a duplicate of another when it agrees with it in all particulars but those of exact size and weight. Strictly speak¬ ing, ancient coins are rarely, if ever, duplicates, except when struck from the same die. 16. Of the two sides of a coin, that is called the obverse which bears the more important device or inscription. In early Greek coins, it is the convex side; in Greek and Roman imperial, it is the side bearing the head ; in mediaeval and modern, that bearing the royal effigy, or the king’s name, or the name of the city; and in oriental, that on which the inscription commences. The other side is called the reverse. 17. The field of a coin is the space unoccupied by the principal devices or inscriptions. Any detached independent device or cha¬ racter is said to be in the field, except when it occupies the ex¬ ergue. 18. The exergue is that part of the reverse of a coin which is below the main device, and distinctly separated from it: it often bears a secondary inscription. Thus, the well-known inscription CONOB occupies the exergue of the late Roman and early Byzan¬ tine gold coins. 19. The edge of a coin is the surface of its thickness. 20. By the inscription or inscriptions of a coin, all the letters it bears are intended : an inscription is either principal or secondary. 21. In describing coins, the terms right and left mean the right and left of the spectator, not the heraldic and military right and left, or those of the coin. 22. A bust is the representation of the head and neck : it is com¬ monly used of such as show at least the collar-bone, other busts being called heads. 23. A head properly means the representation of a head alone, without any part of the neck, but it is also commonly used when any part of the neck above the collar-bone is shown. .In the pre¬ sent article we have followed custom in the use of the terms bust and head. 24. A bust or head is either facing or in profile, in which latter case it is described as to right or to left. Two busts may be placed in various relative positions which cannot be described in English without circumlocution. 25. A bust wearing a laurel-wreath is said to be laureate. 26. A bust bound with a fillet is described as with a fillet. The term diademed is scarcely permissible. 27. A bust of which the neck is clothed is said to be draped. VOL. XVI. 28. An object in the field of a coin which is neither a letter nor Arrange- a monogram is usually called a symbol. This term is, however, only ment of applicable when such an object is evidently the badge of a town Coins, or individual. The term adjunct, which is sometimes employed in- i ^ , j stead of symbol, is manifestly incorrect. 29. A mint-mark is a difference placed by the authorities of the mint upon all money struck by them, or upon each new die or sepa¬ rate issue. This term is properly used only with reference to some mediaeval and modern coins, since the mint-marks of ancient and oriental coins cannot be discriminated with any certainty. 30. A coin is said to be a surfrappe when it has been struck on an older coin, of which the types are not altogether obliterated. 31. A double-struck coin is one in which the die or dies have shifted so as to cause a double impression. 32. A coin which presents two obverse types, or two reverse types, or of which the types of the obverse and reverse do not cor¬ respond, is called a mule : it is the result of either a mistake or a caprice. Sect. II.—ARRANGEMENT OF COINS. No uniform system has as yet been applied to the arrange¬ ment of all coins. It is usual to separate them into the three great classes of ancient coins, comprising Greek and Roman ; of mediaeval and modern coins ; and of oriental coins. The details of these classes have been differently treated, both gene¬ rally and specially. The arrangement of the Greek series has been first geographical, under countries and towns, and then chronological, for a further division ; that of the Roman series, chronological, without reference to geography ; that of the mediaeval and modern, the same as the Greek ; and that of the oriental, like the Roman,—a treatment inadmissible except in the case of a single empire. Then, again, some numismatists have separated each denomination or each metal, or have separated the denominations of one metal and not of another. There has been no general and comprehensive system, constructed upon reasonable principles, and applicable to every branch of this complicated science. Without laying down a system of rules, or criticising former modes of arrangement, we offer the follow¬ ing as a classification which is uniform without being servile:— 1. Greek Coins.—All coins of Greeks, or barbarians who adopted their money, struck before the Roman rule, or under it, but without imperial effigies. The countries and their pro¬ vinces are placed in a geographical order, from west to east, according to the system of Eckhel, with the cities in alpha¬ betical order under the provinces, and the kings in chrono¬ logical order. The civic coins usually precede the regal, as more important. The coins are further arranged chronologically, the civic commencing with the oldest, and ending with those bearing the effigies of Roman emperors. The gold coins of each period take precedence of the silver, and the silver of the copper. The larger denominations in each metal are placed before the smaller. Coins of the same denomination and period are arranged in the alphabetical order of the magistrates’ names, or letters, &c., that they bear. 2. Roman Coins.—All coins issued by the Roman common¬ wealth and empire, whether struck at Rome or in the provinces, provided in the latter case that they are absolutely of the same character as the coinage of the city. The oldest proper Ro¬ man money is placed first, chronologically arranged ; then that of the commonwealth, bearing the names of those who had the privilege of striking it, coins of all metals and denominations being placed under each family, and the families being put in alphabetical order ; and, lastly, the coinage of each emperor, disposed either chronologically or geographically, according to the indications it offers, and without separation of denomina¬ tions. An alphabetical arrangement of inscriptions must be resorted to in the family series and the imperial, when no other method can be followed, and in the smallest subdivisions, such as the coinage of one denomination issued in a particular year or by a particular mint. 3. Mediceval and Modern Coins of Europe.—All coins issued by European states, their branches and colonies, from the fall of the Empire of the West to the present day. This class is arranged in a geographical and chronological order, as similar as possible to that of the Greek class, with the im¬ portant exception of the Byzantine coins and the coins follow¬ ing Byzantine systems, which occupy the first place. The' reason for this deviation is, that the Byzantine money may be regarded not alone as the principal source of mediaeval 2 y 354 NUMISMATICS. Greek coinage, but as the most complete and important mediaeval ^oins. series, extending as it does without a break throughout the middle ages. The regal coins usually precede the civic ones, as more important; and the medals of each sovereign or city follow the coins. The money of the Turkish empire is in¬ cluded in the oriental class. 4. Oriental Coins.—All coins bearing inscriptions in eastern languages, excepting those of the Jews, Phoenicians, and Car¬ thaginians, which are classed with the Greek coins, from their close connection with them. These coins should be arranged under two great divisions, Pagan and Mohammadan,—the one nearly corresponding to the Greek and Roman class, the other to the mediaeval and modern; for although the former includes modern coins, they are essentially similar to those of the ancient period. The first division is arranged for the most part according to the same general principles as the Greek series, the kingdoms being disposed geographically, and their sovereigns in a chronological order. It commences with the coinage of the Persian empire, and ends with that of China. The second division follows in general the same method of ar¬ rangement, with one important deviation, that the coins of the Umawee and Abbasee Khaleefehs occupy the first place. This method of arrangement will be found to be as uniform as it can be made, without being absolutely mechanical and ser¬ vile. It differs in some important particulars from most or all of those which have previously obtained ; but these very dif¬ ferences are the result of the consideration of a complete col¬ lection, and have therefore an inductive origin. A general uniformity is no slight gain, and may well reconcile us to some partial defects. These defects may be remedied in large col¬ lections by the use of “ cross-references” from one cabinet to another, and by the formation of independent series to illus¬ trate the general one. The latter suggestion is one that is well worthy careful consideration. A series illustrative of Greek art, and another of Roman art, might be formed. A series of portraits, and another of groups, would be equally valuable. Others might be made to show the changes of the coinage in relation to the condition of a state, with careful indications of the weight and composition of the examples, and to illustrate the history of a particular country or city. Thus, the Byzan¬ tine copper coinage exhibits the success or disaster of the im¬ perial arms, and the financial state of the empire, in its fluctu¬ ations ; while nothing can be more interesting than to see at one view the numismatic history of a great city. We have coins of Rome under the commonwealth and the empire, under the Ostrogoths, the Byzantines, the senate, and the popes. The series of London would be not the least curious. It would begin with the Roman coins issued by the mint of Londinium at the time of Diocletian and his colleagues, comprising those of the usurpers Carausius and Allectus ; then, having ceased not long after for a time, it would recommence with the Saxon pennies, including a specimen of those of King Alfred, which have for their reverse type the monogram of the city’s name ; and, continuing through the mediaeval period, it would con¬ clude with modern tokens and medals, among the latter of which might be placed a copy of that famous one of the first Napoleon, with the inscription “ Frappee a Londres,” which was intended to commemorate the success of the Boulogne expedition. Sect. III.—GREEK COINS. There are some matters relating to Greek coins in general which may be properly considered before they are described in geographical order. These are their general character, their devices and inscriptions, the art of such as are not barbarous, the mode of striking, and the chief denomina¬ tions, with the different talents of which they were the divi¬ sions. rlfararolr ii Pe™^ during which Greek coins were issued was proba¬ bly not less than a thousand years in length, commencing about the middle of the eighth century b.c.,1 and generally ending at the death of Gallienus, a.d. 268. If classed with reference only to their form, fabric, and general appearance, they are of three principal types,—the archaic Greek, the ordinary Greek, and the Graeco-Roman. The coins of the first class are of silver, Greek of electrum, and sometimes of gold. They are thick lumps of Coins an irregular round form, bearing on the obverse a device, with, in some cases, an accompanying inscription ; and on the reverse a square or oblong incuse stamp (quadratum incusum), usually divided in a rude manner. The coins of the second class are of gold, electrum, silver, and copper. They are much thinner than those of the preceding class, and usually have a convex obverse, and slightly concave or flat reverse. The obverse or¬ dinarily bears a head in bold relief. The coins of the third class are, with very few exceptions, of copper. They are flat and broad, but thin, and generally have on the obverse the portrait of a Roman emperor. It may be observed that the common division of Greek coins is into autonomous and im¬ perial, the former comprising all except those of the Roman period which have the effigies of emperors. In choosing the types of Greek coins (using the term in its Devices, restricted sense), the first intention was, that they should in¬ dicate the city or state by which the money was issued. The necessity for distinctive devices was most strongly felt in the earlier days of the art, when the obverse of a coin alone bore a design, and, if any inscription, but the first letter, or the first few letters, of the name of the people by which it was issued. The motive which dictated the kind of type to be selected was undoubtedly a religious one. This position has been established in a conclusive manner by Mr Burgon in his Inquiry into the Motive which influenced the Ancients in their Choice of the Various Representations which we find stamped on their Money.2 There are some isolated instances in which the religious character of a type is doubtful; but these, if proved, would be only exceptions to a general rule. The piety of that age adopted religious devices, and for a long time it was held to be impious to substitute any other repre¬ sentations for them. To the same cause may, perhaps, be partly ascribed the preference on the most ancient coins for devices of a symbolical character to actual representations of divini¬ ties ; although the difficulty of portraying the human form in the infancy of art must have had considerable influence in this direction. Greek coins, if arranged according to their types, fall into Classifica- three classes,—1. Civic coins and regal, without portraits of tion of sovereigns; 2. Regal coins bearing portraits; and, 3. Graeco- devices. Roman coins, whether with imperial heads or not. The coins of the first class have either a device on the obverse, and the quadratum incusum on the reverse, or two devices; and these last are again either independent of each other, though connected by being both local, or—and this is more common—that on the reverse is a kind of complement of that on the obverse. It will be best first to describe the character of the principal kinds of types of the first class, and then to notice their relation. It must be noted that a head or bust is usually an obverse type, and a figure or group a reverse one ; and that, when there is a head on both obverse and reverse, that on the former is usually larger than the other, and represents the personage locally considered to be the more important of the two. We must constantly bear in mind that these types are local and religious, if we would understand their meaning. An observation of Mr Burgon, in the essay to which refer¬ ence has just been made, puts this in a very clear light. “ 1 do not believe,” he says, “ that the types of coins are, on any occasion, original compositions, but always copied (from the earliest to the lowest times) from some sacred public monu¬ ment. Thus, when we find what is called a Boeotian buckler on coins, we are not to look upon the representation as a Boeotian buckler, but as the buckler of some Boeotian hero well known to the ancient inhabitants of that country, and ac¬ counted to be sacred by them. In like manner, when we find Minerva represented on coins, we are not to understand the type as a Minerva, but the Minerva of that place; and, in some cases which might be brought forward, the individual statues which are represented on coins, or ancient copies, will be found to exist. The only example of originality of composition apparent on coins is where types have been doubled or halved, to express similar modifications of value.”3 1 It is extremely difficult to fix the age of the earliest coins known to us; but on the whole it seems most reasonable to assume for them the ap- proximative date we have given. They may be somewhat older, but it is scarcely possible that they can be much later. Jyurmsmatic Journal, vol. i., p. 97; etseqq. /d., note 70, pp. 115,116. The doubling of a type is also indicative of two sovereigns reigning together, or of a king and his queen, ex¬ amples of both ot which cases occur on the Ptolemaic coins. 6 355 NUMISMATICS. Greek In thefollowing list we have classified the types of Greek coins Coins, of cities, and of kings, not having regal portraits, m a syste- v J matic order, without referring to their relative antiquity Coins with- Head or figure of a divinity worshipped at the town, or by the out regal people, which issued the coin,—as the head of Pallas on coins of portraits. Athens, and the figure of Hercules on coins of Boeotian Thebes. Groups are very rare until the period of Graeco-Roman coinage. 2. Sacred natural or artificial objects.- а. Animal sacred to a divinity of the place,—as the owl (Athens), and the tortoise (iEgina). б. Sacred tree or plant,—as the silphium (Cyrene), and the olive-branch (Athens). c. Arms or implements of divinities,—as the arms of Her¬ cules (Erythrae), the tongs of Vulcan (^Esernia). It is difficult to connect many objects comprised in this class with local divinities. The reason of this appears to be, that the Hellenes, wherever they colonized, and nowhere more than in Greece, found an earlier system of low Nature-worship, and endeavoured to incor¬ porate it into their own more intellectual mythology, sometimes with but partial success. 3. Head or figure of a local genius. «. River-god,—as the Gelas (Gela).1 6. Nymph of a lake,—as Camarina (Camarina). c. Nymph of a fountain,—as Arethusa (Syracuse). 4. Head or figure of a fabulous personage, or half-human mon- eter,—as Medusa (Neapolis Macedonise), the Minotaur (Cnossus). . 5. ’ Fabulous animal,—as Pegasus (Corinth), a gryphon (Panti- capaeum), the Chimaera (Sicyon). 6. Head or figure of a hero or founder,—as Ulysses (Ithaca) ; the Lesser Ajax (LocriOpuntii); Taras, founder of Tarentum (Taren- tum). 7. Objects connected with heroes. Animal connected with local hero,—as Calydonian boar or its jaw-bone (AStolians). Arms of heroes also occur as types, but their attribution to particular personages is difficult or impossible. 8. Celebrated real or traditional sacred localities,—asamountain or hillock (Apollonia Illyrici), the Labyrinth (Cnossus). 9. Representations connected with the public religious festivals and contests,—as a chariot victorious at the Olympic games (Syracuse). The relation of the types of the obverse and reverse of a coin is a matter requiring careful consideration, since they fre¬ quently illustrate one another. As we have before observed, this relation is either that of two independent objects, which are connected only by their reference to the same place, or the one is a kind of complement of the other. Among coins illus¬ trating the former class we may instance the beautiful silver didrachms of Camarina, having on the obverse the head of the river-god Hipparis, and on the reverse the nymph of the lake carried over its waters by a swan ; and those of Sicyon, having on the obverse the Chimsera, and on the reverse a dove._ The latter class is capable of being separated into several divisions. When the head of a divinity occurs on the obverse of a coin, the reverse is occupied by an object or objects sacred to that divinity. Thus the common Athenian tetradrachms have on the one side the head of Pallas, and on the other an owl and an olive-branch; the tetradrachms of the Chalcidians in Macedonia have the head of Apollo and the lyre ; and the copper coins of Erythroe have the head of Hercules and his weapons. The same is the case with subjects relating to the heroes: thus there are drachms of the AEtolians which have on the obverse the head of Atalanta, and on the reverse the Calydonian boar, or its jaw-bone and the spear-head with which it was killed. In the same manner the coins of Cnossus with the Minotaur on the obverse, have on the reverse a plan of the Labyrinth. Greek Besides the two principal devices, there are often others of less Coins, importance, which, although always sacred, and sometimes ^ symbols of local divinities, are generally indicative of the position of the towns, or have some reference to the families of the magistrates who used them as badges. Thus, for ex¬ ample, besides such representations as the olive-branch, sacred to Pallas, on the Athenian tetradrachms, as a kind of second device dolphins are frequently seen on coins of maritime places; and almost every series exhibits many symbols which can only be the badges of the magistrates -with whose names they occur. Regal coins of this class are usually of a local character, owing to the small extent of most of the kingdoms, which were rather the territories of a city than considerable states at the period when they were issued. The second great class—that of coins of kings bearing por- Coins with traits—is necessarily separate from the first. Religious feeling regal por- aflbrds the clue to the long exclusion of regal portraits. It traits, was not the result of that native horror of despotic power which made the early Greek kings or tyrants, from necessity or through policy, ape the character of citizens; but it was owing to a yet stronger feeling—the belief that it would be profane for a mortal to take a place always assigned hitherto to the immortals. Were there any doubt, it would be removed by the character of the earliest Greek regal portrait, that of Alexander, which occurs on coins of Lysimachus. This is not the representation of a living personage, but of one who wras not alone dead, but had received a kind of apotheosis, and who having been already called the son of Jupiter Ammon while living, had been treated as a divinity after his death. He is therefore portrayed as a young Jupiter Ammon. Probably, however, he would not have been able, even when dead, thus to usurp the place of a divinity upon the coins, had not the Greeks become accustomed to the oriental “worship” of the sovereign which he adopted. This innovation rapidly pro¬ duced a complete change ; and every king of the houses which were raised on the ruins of the Greek empire could place his portrait on the money 'which he issued, and few neglected to do so, while the sovereigns of Egypt and Syria even assumed divine titles. The reign of Alexander produced another great change in Greek coinage, very different from that we have noticed. Pie suppressed the local types almost throughout his empire, and compelled the towns to issue his own money, with some slight difference for mutual distinction. His successors followed the same policy; and thus the coins of this period have a new character. The obverses of regal coins with portraits have the head of the sovereign, which in some few instances gives place to that of his own or his country’s tutelary divinity ; while figures of the latter sort almost exclusively occupy the reverses. Small symbols on the reverses distinguish the towns in this class. The GrEeco-Roman coins commence, at different periods, Grasco- with the seizure by Rome of the territories of the Greek Roman states. They are almost all copper; and those in that metal coins, are the most characteristic and important. In their types we see a further departure from the original religious intention of those of earlier times, in the admission of representations not alone of eminent persons wtoo had received some kind of apotheosis, such as great poets, but also of others, who, al¬ though famous, were not, and in some cases probably could not have been, so honoured. We also observe on such of these coins as are Greek imperial many Roman types of an 1 The head of a river-god, supposed to be the Aohelous, is represented on coins of (Eniadae as that of a bearded man covered with the skin the head and neck of a bull. Col. Leake (Numismata Hellenica, Eur. Greece, pp. 79, 80) notices how this illustrates a passage in e rao nm Sophocles, where Dejanira describes the forms under which the Achelous appeared as her suitor. of of “ Mvytr'rMg yoco yiv poi ^orotf^os, Xtya, “Os (a lv Vcqru ‘roirgcfj *Poii7'&jv Ivocpyyjf mupof, uA.Xot ocioXof Aoolxcov iXixrof, ocXXot codgaw xvth BoUrfgCJgOf' lx ^2 h&.ffX'lOU yiVilOMiOf YL^ovvo) ^lippocivovro xgvvoi'iou vrorov.'’ (9-14.) The scholiast alludes to a passage in the description of the contest of Achilles with the rivers, in the Iliad, where the Scamander throws forth the slain, bellowing like a bull, tin radpof (xxi. 237.) The whole is very illustrative of the feeling which gave rise to the representations of vases and coins. Homer stands before the period of these designs, whereas the tragedians lived long after its commencement. ’ while they may but reflect in their writings the subjects which they saw everywhere portrayed. It may be observed, that the nrst and . ? of the Achelous mentioned by Sophocles occur as those of rivers on vases and coins, besides that the third is varied by being represen e vn a beard, and that the second is found on vases, as that of the Achelous. A bull is the most common symbolical form of a river on tne coins# 356 N U M I S M A T I C S. Greek allegorical character. The following principal hinds of types Goins. may. specific jn addition to those of the two previous classes:— 1. Head or figure of a famous personage who either had received a kind of apotheosis, as Homer (Smyrna), or had not been so ho¬ noured, as Herodotus (Halicarnassus), and Lais (Corinth). 2. Pictorial representations, always of a sacred character, al¬ though occasionally bordering on caricature. We may instance, as of the latter sort, a very remarkable type representing Pallas playing on the double pipe, and seeing her distorted face reflected in the water, while Marsyas gazes at her from a rock,—a subject illustrating the myth of the invention of that instrument (Apa- mea Phrygiss). 3. Allegorical Roman types, as Hope, &c., on the coins of Alex¬ andria of Egypt, and many other towns. These were of Greek origin, and owed their popularity to the sculpture executed by Greeks under the empire ; but the feeling which rendered such subjects prominent was not that of true Greek art, and they are essentially characteristic of the lower school, which attained its best condition at Rome under the early emperors. Of this sort of type we must again speak in noticing the Roman coinage. Those kinds of types which were common to this and the older classes were also considerably developed in their sub¬ jects. Thus, for instance, groups frequently took the place of single figures ; and the representations of sacred localities acquired a great prominence—the most common being of buildings, which are generally temples. In the architectural types, a tendency to pictorial representation is evident in the constant endeavours to depict edifices in perspective. Roman There is a class of coins which is always considered as part of colonial the Greek imperial, or Grasco-Roman with imperial effigies, coins. although in many respects distinct. This is the colonial series, struck in Roman colonias, and having almost always Latin in¬ scriptions. As, however, these colon ire were towns in all parts of the empire, from Emerita in Spain {Merida) to Niniva Claudiopolis {Nineveh) in Assyria, in the midst of a Greek population, and often of Greek origin, their coins help to complete the series of civic money, and, as we might expect, do not very markedly differ from the proper Greek imperial coins, except in having Latin inscriptions, and showing a preference for Roman types. Inscrip- We have now to speak of the meaning of the inscriptions tions. of Greek coins. These are either principal or secondary ; but the former are always intended when inscriptions are men¬ tioned without qualification, since the secondary' ones are non- essential. The inscription of civic money is almost always the name of the people by w’hich it wras issued, in the geni¬ tive plural, as A0HNAIflN, on coins of the Athenians ; STPAKOSinN, or coins of the Sy7racusans. The inscription of regal money is the name or name and title of the sovereign in the genitive, as AAESANAPOT, or BASIAEflS AAES- ANAPOT, on coins of Alexander the Great. It has been hitherto always supposed that the word understood is “ mo- ney ” {vopiay-u) ; so that the inscriptions were read “ money of the Syracusans,” “ money of Alexander,” &c. Mr Burgon has, however, formed a different opinion; and although he has not yret made public the results of his inquiry, he has very generously communicated them to us, with permission to use them, without of course entering into details. He supposes the inscription to relate to the type, and that the word under¬ stood is the name of that type. It should be remarked that the tjpe the reverse of a coin being usually a complement of that of the obverse, there is in general virtually but one type—that of a tutelary divinity of the place or sovereign. The Athenian coins we have mentioned with the inscription A0HNAinN have the type of a head of Pallas ; and the meaning is therefore, according to Mr Burgon s explanation, not “ the money of the Athenians, but “ Pallas of the Athenians.” When the name of the divinity represented is written, the word understood is supplied. Thus on coins of Syracuse, with the head of Are- thusa as the type, we read APE0O2A—2TPAK02K1N; and on others, with the head of Jupiter, ZET2 EAET0EPIO2—• 2TPAK02IflN. We should not be justified in further dis¬ cussing this explanation ; but we must add, that its fitness to all inscriptions, and its congruity with the religious meaning of the types, as first discovered by Mr Burgon, afford the best arguments for its correctness. The secondary inscriptions either describe secondary types, as A0AA, accompanying the representation of the arms given to the victor in the exergues of Syracusan decadrachms; or are the names of magistrates or Greek other officers ; or, in regal coins, those of cities, or those of the Coins, engravers of the dies, of whom sometimes two were employed, v one for the obverse, and the other for the reverse ; or are dates. These inscriptions are often but abbreviations or monograms, especially when they indicate cities on the regal coins. The importance of Greek coins as illustrating the character Art of of contemporary art cannot be easily overrated. We would coins, here speak of them in this relation in a general sense, without inquiring as to their bearing on particular branches of art. We would endeavour to assign them their true place as records of art, rather than to discuss their illustration of kindred mo¬ numents. It is indeed most desirable that something of this kind should be. attempted. The question that is here proposed has not received a proper consideration ; and the partialities of a period of bad taste, themselves founded on partly spurious merits, have been handed down as traditions not to be ques¬ tioned to those who receive with too blind a reverence all the productions of Greek art, Not alone discriminating praise, but the most jealous observation of faults, characterizes the highest kind of regard. All human art must be faulty ; and blind admiration indicates nothing better than a weak judg¬ ment. The Greek artists, indeed, by making beauty the first quality in art, and by forming a system which, wdiile it for¬ bade extravagance, checked development, committed fewer faults than any others ; but they did commit some faults. Notwithstanding the geometrical severity of their temples, the rigid exclusion of historical subjects from their sculpture of the best period, and the tameness of their use of colour in ceramic art, they have been in some things guilty of bad taste. Nothing could be more barbarous than to represent not only a human figure, but that of a woman, sustaining a vast weight, and sustaining it with difficulty. If it be excusable to repre¬ sent giants thus supporting great masses, can it be to put women in their place as the columns on which a building rests ? So, too, in sculpture—in a higher sense, and therefore as deserving far stronger censure—is false taste shown in the exclusion of historical subjects, because they were not ca¬ pable of ideal treatment. Who can forgive a nation which was content to commemorate the battle of Marathon in a perishable painting, when meaningless combats of Greeks and Amazons, sculptured in enduring marble, adorned the wralls of its temples ? Great Pericles must be represented in a helmet, because his head was too long to be symmetrical. Thus the Greeks, wbtli their love of material beauty, could not fully per¬ ceive the intellectual beauty of truth. In ceramic art, we find even in the best period faulty forms and exaggerated designs. We must the more carefully look for such things since the gene¬ ral excellence and uniformity of Greek high art is apt to deaden the power of discrimination. So long, however, as we know that this was a human art, worked out by human hands, which, like all other art, had its infancy, its manhood, and its decline and death, we know that it cannot have been perfect, and mistrust our judgment if for a time we think it so. Peeling thus, we come to the consideration of any monuments of Greek art, not wdthout earnest admiration and respect for its high beauties and excellencies, yet conscious of its defects and short¬ comings ; expecting to see in it, as in all human things, the mys¬ teriously-blended good and evil, and carefully maintaining such an independence as may enable us to avoid blind admiration, and such an interest as may preserve us from cold criticism. Excellence in art is not perceived at the first search, nor does it shine out in the boldest objects. So in nature the highest beauty often demands the greatest toil, and is found at last, not flaunting in the glare of sunlight, but hidden in some untrodden recess. We must not look to size, nor regard boldness, nor think of the value of the material. We must even set aside the mechanical fineness of execution, seeking only that pure excellence that requires no adventitious aid, and is seen, at least in its intention, through a rude exterior. A few lines by the hand of a master have more meaning than the most elaborate work of a copyist. It is also needful care¬ fully to separate the subject from the artistic execution. A fine head will often give a medal a supposititious excellence, while another difficult to treat will produce an equally sup¬ posititious badness. The art of Greek coins, strictly so called, is separated into three great periods—the period of advance, that of excellence, and that of decline, The first period extends from the time NUMISMATIC S Greek of the earliest coins to about the commencement of the admin- Coins. istration of Pericles, n.c., 440; the second period extends for ^ ) about a century from this era to the overthrow of Greek liberty, which -we may date at the battle of Chmroneia, b.c. 338 ; and the third period extends downwards to the cessation^ of the Greek coinage, at the death of Gallienus, a.d. 268. The last age might be held to conclude with the commencement of the Roman empire, since about that time the decline ot pure Greek art had been completed, and the later coins are rather to be con¬ sidered as Grasco-Roman in art, as in all else, than Greek. Here, however, we limit ourselves to the works of the second period, that of excellence, to which we have assigned a dura¬ tion of about a hundred years, from b.c. cir. 440 to 340. These may be considered as extreme limits, since in some Greek cities the coinage did not attain its highest beauty until somewhat after the rise of Pericles to power, and in none, before his time; and in the same manner, the decline appears in some cities to have commenced considerably before the reign of Alex¬ ander, but nowhere at a later period. It seems probable, judg¬ ing from the chronological and historical indications of coins, as well as from the reiative number of those of different styles, making, in the latter case, some necessary allowances, that in no city or state did the period of excellence last more than a cen¬ tury, and that its usual duration was from fifty to seventy years.1 The finest Greek coins may be separated into two great riod. classes, distinguished by a marked difference of style : those struck in Greek cities of Asia, of eastern Europe, and of the islands of the iEgean Sea ; and those struck in Italy and Sicily. The former class has far finer designs than the latter, but is frequently deficient in execution, partly, no doubt, on account of its having been issued by less opulent cities. The difference is not unlike that which we observe in ancient and modern gems, although it is not nearly so wide. An ancient gem of good time is characterized by an excellence of design, usually combined with an execution which is, however powerful, poor and rude. A modern gem rarely fails in skil¬ ful execution, although its design is generally, in comparison, either tasteless or in bad taste. The coins of Greece Proper and its eastern colonies during the best period, although often indifferently executed, show an unequalled vigour of drawing; while those of the Italian and Sicilian cities display far inferior art, of which the details are worked out in the most elaborate and delicate manner. The obverse-type of a coin of the Greek class looks like the copy of a head from the sculptures of the Par¬ thenon ; that of one of the Italian class, like a carefully-wrought gem. The former will bear magnifying rather than the latter, which has, nevertheless, the advantage in the execution of its details. We may thus separate two great schools, which may be compared to those of Phidias and Lysippus, as possessing like them these main characteristics : that the one aimed at reality,—the other at effect; the one at representing things as they are, either in reality or in the imagination,—the other at representing them so as to be seen to the best advantage. While the two schools endeavoured to attain the same result,— a representation of what was most beautiful,—they did so with a very different feeling. The nobler school set before it the perfection of various kinds of beauty, the vigorous as well as the delicate, and thus did not suffer itself to be entangled by that narrow pursuit of one class of objects which infallibly pro¬ duces mannerism. The inferior school, by requiring all beauty to be soft, and delicate, and rich, fell into the error of neglect¬ ing many noble subjects, and soon acquired a mannerism that rapidly destroyed its best elements, so that its decline (as 357 shown by coins of known date) was far more rapid than that Greek of the other. The difference between the two schools is best Coins. perceived when we recollect that the one contains examples of ^ v J all that is finest in the other, with the addition of many beauties which it does not possess. The Greek school repre¬ sents, in fact, all high Greek art ; while the Italian is but eclectic, and is almost limited to one kind of excellence. We therefore only call the former a school for the sake of clearness. The coins of the pure Greek school have scarcely been Pure enough studied for us to be able to point to one well- Greek known series as typical of the class. This is, however, partly school, owing to a cause to -which allusion has been already made-— the fewness of fine coins of this school in comparison to those of the Italian school of the same time, resulting from the rela¬ tive poverty of the towns by which they were issued. The rude archaic types of the Athenian coinage of the time of the Persian invasion were maintained until art had far declined, probably from commercial reasons ;2 and the art of the chief trading cities of the west coast of Asia Minor was checked by their conquest or government by the Persians at the time of its excellence. Corinth alone, of the great marts, sent forth a consistently beautiful coinage. The Italian and Sicilian towns, on the other hand, had wealth and leisure enough to carry out efficiently in their coinage their highest idea of beauty. The series which, as a whole, best illustrates the excellencies of the Greek school, is one not deservedly known to numismatists, while it is absolutely unknown to students of art. This is the series of electrum coins of Asia Minor, in so far as it was issued during the period of the best art. The rest of the finest coins of this school are almost exclusively silver; gold or elec¬ trum not having been generally common in the Greek cities before Philip’s time, and the copper money having been usually neglected. As among the most beautiful Asiatic coins, we must particularize those of Clazomenaa in gold and silver, of the early part of the best period, which bear heads of Apollo, facing, in the boldest and grandest style. In Europe, many of the cities of Macedon, Thrace, and Greece Proper, issued pieces of the highest merit. Nothing in the whole range of Greek art is more beautiful than the head of Apollo in profile on coins of the Chalcidians ; nor anything bolder than that of Bac¬ chus in profile on a coin of Thasos, and that of Mercury, facing, on coins of Minus. In Greece itself, we may notice, as among the finest coins, those of Elis, with the head of Juno, and those of the Locri Opuntii, with that of Proserpine. After a care¬ ful review of the best specimens of this school, we perceive that it is identical with the highest school of sculpture, more remarkable for its fidelity, breadth, and boldness, than for its minuteness of execution, and equally happy in purely ideal subjects and in the simple portrayal of natural objects. There are no finer representations of the Greek divinities than those borne by the coins ; as a series there are none as fine. Of the portraits the same can be said, but in a lower sense, since there is but one that belongs to the period of the highest art, that of a Persian ruler of Asia Minor, whom there is much reason for supposing to be Cyrus the Younger, on a coin of a Greek mint. The decline of this school was, however, so gradual, that some of the portraits on coins of the earlier part of what we have called the third period, issued in Greece and the East, give an excellent idea of what the best Greek medallic art could have effected in this direction. The representation of natural objects in general is characterized by an equal degree of force and vigour, although there is no attempt to idealize the animals; a lion is a lion, and nothing more.3 1 It is interesting to compare the duration of tho highest Greek art in other branches, and that of other art in different ages. The period of the best Greek sculpture and architecture appears very nearly to correspond to that of the best numismatic art in place and duration, though pro¬ bably it was a little earlier both in its commencement and its conclusion. The age of the best painting seems to have been even more nearly con¬ temporary with that of the finest coins. The great sculptors and painters after the time of Philip, if we may judge frotn the copies of their works and the descriptions that are extant, stood very much in tho same relation to their predecessors that the later Italian painters did to Raphael. The best Graeco-Roman art, in coins as well as in sculpture and architecture, had a longer duration, a circumstance which is explained by its com¬ parative mediocrity; but its utmost limit is less than two hundred years. In more ancient times, the highest Egyptian art in architecture and sculpture is likewise limited to a hundred and fifty years, although its rise and decline were of an extremely gradual character. Tho great variety of the developments of Christian architecture make it difficult to determine its best periods ; but if we separate it into styles, we shall find that the highest excellence of no one much exceeded a century and a half. Tho same is still more true of the modern schools of painting and sculpture, and of the art of modern coins and medals. If wo turn to the East, we observe the same law in the different styles of Mohammedan architecture. The brief duration of the highest art of Greek coins is therefore in no way remarkable ; especially when we recollect that its excellence was the result of a very rapid development, and was thus naturally, so to speak, as short-lived as it was extraordinary in its beauty. 2 The maintaining of the old Athenian types was probably owing to the reputation of the coins for purity and just weight among the barbarians. For the same reason the Austrian government not long ?go re-issued the dollars of Maria Theresa for the trade of the Levant. The Abyssinians in general would lately take no money but one variety of these dollars. (Isenberg’s Amharic Dictionary, p. 86). 3 It might seem unreasonable to suppose that the lower animals could be treated in art in an ideal manner; but it must be remembered that the 358 NUMISMATICS. Greek Coins. Italian school. Modes of coining. The most beautiful coins of the Italian school, unlike those just noticed, are well known to every one. They have come to be regarded as examples of the highest Greek medallic art and hence, perhaps, in some measure the unworthy estimate of that art shown by the neglect with which it is treated. The two most beautiful series are unquestionably those of Tarentum and Syracuse, the wealthiest of the Grecian colonies in the W est. Many of the gold coins of both cities belong to the best period of art, and for their rich beauty and exquisite workmanship deserve a high place in the scale of artistic excellence. . Their silver coins are still more worthy of careful study, as indicating the growth and decline of art, and as sometimes excelling the gold. The same praise cannot be given to the decadrachms of Syracuse, commonly called the Syracusan medallions. These, though certainly beautiful, display a considerable decline of taste, showing a first development of those faults which amount, to caricature in many of the coins of the Carthaginians of which the obverse is similar. Scattered throughout the class there are coins of extreme beauty, especially some of the towns of Heraclea and Thurium in Lucania, perhaps the most vigorous of all in design and treatment; and others of Neapo- lis, Metapontum, Velia, and Terina, as well as of the Sicilian town of Camarina. These coins, and many others, are un¬ doubtedly extremely beautiful; but as a class they lack the force which characterizes the purer school, and in their rich and profuse detail show a taste which must be pronounced false. We are apt to be dazzled in judging them by the fine¬ ness of their metal, the clearness of the execution, the accuracy of the work, and the richness of the designs ; but when we come to examine them critically, we look in vain for the bolder excellence of the Greek school; we see not alone very few things that are vigorously treated, but scarcely any that would bear vigorous treatment. Stripped of their ornamenta¬ tion, many of the designs would be weak, and scarcely any of them, tried by this test, would be for a moment comparable with those of the Greek school. It is important to study the mode in which Greek money was coined, because the forms of the pieces thus receive ex¬ planation, and true coins are discriminated from such modern falsifications as have been struck, and in some degree from those which have been cast. Our direct information on the sub¬ ject is extremely scanty ; but we are enabled by careful infer¬ ence to obtain a very near approximation to the truth on all the most important points. It is generally supposed that a certain Roman family coin, issued in the time of Augustus, bears a representation of the in¬ struments of coining. It is a denarius of the family Carisia, and sometimes bears the name of T. Carisius, who was a triumvir monetalis of Augustus. On the obverse is the head of Juno Moneta, with sometimes the name MONET A ; on the reverse we see an anvil, above which is the cap of Vulcan, bound with a laurel-wreath, while on the right is a hammer, and on the left a pair of tongs. The cap is but little different in form from that which is worn on the head of the bearded Vulcan on the coins of Lipara, and that of the young Vulcan on those of iEsernia; the latter of which has a wreath like the cap of the denarius under discussion. It is also to be noted, that on some coins of Lipara, Vulcan is portrayed holding his hammer in his right hand, and in his left a vessel he has just formed; while on those of iEsernia already mentioned the pair of tongs is placed behind his head as an appropriate symbol. Homer in two passages—the second of which Eckhel quotes— mentions the anvil, tongs, and hammer, as the implements of Vulcan, or of a worker in metal. First in the Iliad, when he describes Vulcan making the armour of Achilles, he says— &YIX.SU tv ci>cfio6tTw /nsyoiv olx./u,ovet' ytVTO (Ss yfiioi Px/ucr6v eigyx^sro’{Odys. iii. 432-435.) There could be no better description than these two passages afford of thq implements represented on the denarius in ques¬ tion : there we see the anvil with the projections by which it would be fitted in the anvil-block, the hammer, and the tongs ; nothing is omitted by the poet but the cap, which indeed, stands for Vulcan. With this explanation Eckhel perfectly agrees ; but of late it has been usual to consider the type as representing the implements of coining. The cap has been supposed to be a die placed above the anvil, and the hammer and tongg to be here coining instruments. The form of the cap, however, would have been most inconvenient for a die, and the hammer is far better suited for beating out metal than for striking a very heavy blow. Just as the head of Juno Moneta is represented on the obverse because she was held to protect the coinage, so the symbols of Vulcan, the tools of his craft, are placed on the reverse because he was the patron of the workers in metal. We will go further and say, that such an explanation is fully in accordance with the intention which guided the ancient medallists, whereas the other would require a departure from usage. We are able to describe but a single ancient die of the authenticity of which we are persuaded. Mr Burgon, to whose kindness we are indebted for an account of it, saw it during his residence in the East, but failed to persuade its possessor to part with it. He describes it, from recollection, as a piece of copper or bell-metal, in the shape of a truncated cone, flat at the top and bottom, about 3^ inches in height, and from about 3 inches in diameter at the bottom to 2 at the top. In the upper surface was cut the die for the re¬ verse of a tetradrachm of a Seleucide king of Syria, with the type of Apollo seated on a cortina. There appears to have been no trace of any method of adjusting this to the die of the obverse. From the appearance which the coins present, it may be in¬ ferred that the Greeks placed a ball of metal, carefully ad¬ justed to the proper weight, and cold, between two dies, and then struck the upper die a powerful blow with a very heavy hammer. There was no collar to give the coins an exactly circular form. The dies must have been of hard metal, though less so than modern ones. Some Greek coins have been found of the same die, but such as the writer has seen did not present any evidence as to the wear to which their dies had been subjected. The Roman coins appear to have been struck in the same man¬ ner, but with a more careful adjustment of the two sides, yet without a collar. Their dies, although hard, must have been, like the Greek dies, softer than those of the moderns, since, in the case of coins from the same die, we can trace the increase of imperfections through wear, and this notwithstanding the small period for which each die was used, and the relatively few coins struck from it. In the case of Greek coins, there is simi¬ lar evidence, in the great number which have bad or imperfect impressions, although not worn ; since all these can scarcely owe their inferiority to insutficient force having been used in striking them. Some few Greek and Roman coins were cast and not struck ; others, at least in the latter series, were first cast to give them their general form, and then struck. Both cases, however, form very rare exceptions, and are confined to particular groups of coins, and not to isolated examples. The monetary system of which we propose now to speak is Monetary that of the Greeks and Phoenicians alone. The barbarians system, who imitated Greek coinage, and whose money is therefore in¬ cluded in the same great class, had also monetary systems, as the general exactness of the weight of the gold and silver coins of any one people at a particular period undoubtedly shows. For the present, however, we must be content to collect evi¬ dence as to what these systems were, without attempting to form theories. The money of the Greek cities, except those of the west of Greeks idealized the human form, not alone in those expressions which depend upon mind, but in those which are not more than animal. The Egyptians, however, in one particular at least, surpassed them, since they idealized the forms of the lower animals with complete success. The Hons in the British Museum, brought by the Duke of Northumberland from Gebel Berkel in Ethiopia, are the best examples of this success in the collections of Europe. _ They show that the artist has grasped the idea conveyed to him by a lion—conscious strength; and has re¬ presented it in a manner which is sublime without being unnatural. No Greek lions are at all to be compared to these. Greek Coins. Silver money. NUMISMATICS. 359 Asia Minor, which issued electrum coins, appears to have been of silver only from the origin of coinage until after the expe¬ dition of Xerxes. Subsequently both gold and copper money was issued. Silver, however, seems to have continued to be the standard, and the gold coins were struck in denominations, usually, if not always, derived from the silver ones. Silver, therefore, is the most important metal. The denominations of silver coins were divisions of the mnaor mina, which again was a division of the talent. The mina and talent were monies of account as well as weights, and therefore, in discussing the coinage, they may be treated as coins. The only reason that they were not struck must have been their great weight. Although the same system of denominations obtained, with no very great variatfon, in all the Greek and Phoenician cities, yet there was a relative differ¬ ence of weight, owing to the use of at least four distinct talents. The ancients mention more talents than these, of else call some of them by more than one name. Mr Burgon, how¬ ever, after weighing a great number of coins, found no rea¬ son to distinguish more than four talents—the Attic, the fEginetan, the Alexandrian or Ptolemaic, and the Tyrian. The Attic talent was used by many Greek cities before Alex¬ ander’s time, and particularly had no rival in Italy, nor indeed in Sicily, except at two towns for a time at a very early period. Alexander adopted it, and thenceforward it be¬ came almost universal in Greek coinage. The weight of its drachm, as deduced from the best evidence, was properly about 67’5 grains troy, and that of its tetradrachm about 270. There was in general no very great depreciation of the Attic weight in subsequent times until the Roman period. The weight of the principal denominations, the drachm and the tetradrachm, we have given to show the relation of the talents. Of the other de¬ nominations we shall speak afterwards. The fEginetan talent was as ancient as the Attic, and it is possible that it was even of an earlier origin, most coins of the remotest period being ad¬ justed to it. The Attic talent was, however, the standard of some of the oldest coins, and the instances of the change from the fEginetan to it are not, on the whole, of a character that would warrant the conclusion that it was of later origin. The fEginetan talent is frequent in Greece and the islands in early times. Its drachm weighed about 96 grains, and the didrachm about 192 grains. The Alexandrian or Ptolemaic talent might, Mr Burgon holds, be more properly termed the Macedonian. The first Ptolemy, who was attached to all Macedonian usages, abandoned the Attic weight which Alexander had adopted, and issued money adjusted to the old talent of Macedon. We find this talent to have been that of the earlier coinage of the cities of Macedon and Thrace, and of the Macedonian kings, in both cases before Alexander the Great, and to have been re¬ stored, not invented, in the coinage of the kings of Egypt. In the former class, its drachm weighs originally about 58 grains, and its tetradrachm about 232 grains, but they fall gradually to much lower weights. In the latter class, the drachm weighs originally about 55 grains, and the tetradrachm about 220 grains. The Tyrian, which might rather be called the Phoeni¬ cian talent, was in use among the Persians and Phoenicians. The Carthaginians, however, adopted the Attic talent in Sicily, while still using the Phoenician in Africa, as the kings of Syria struck their general coinage on the former system, but that of their Phoenician cities on the Alexandrian. The drachm of this talent weighed, according to Mr Burgon, between 58 and 59 grains, and the tetradrachm about 235.1 The earlier Persian coins are of a somewhat heavier weight. The similarity of weight of the Alexandrian and Phoenician talents might sug¬ gest a common origin, but it would be hazardous, with the slight evidence we possess, to attempt to form anytheory on the subject. We are best acquainted with the denominations of the coinage of Athens, which followed the Attic talent. These denomi¬ nations were—the drachm, with its multiples, and its sixth part, the obolus ; and that division, with its multiples and its divisions. The following list is drawn out from that in Col. Leake’s Numismata Hellenica (European Greece, p. 21), where the standard weight of the Attic drachm is assumed to be 67'5 grains :— 1. 67-5 grains troy = 1 drachm. 2. Ai'tSgax/ut»i 135'0 „ — 2 do. 3. TsrjaSjar 270'0 „ =4 do. 4. Aix.ahga.^fjLov 675,0 ,, =10 do. 5. ’OfidXoi ll^S ,, = £ of drachm. 6. 16-87 grs. troy 7. AiufioXov 22’5 33-75 = { 1| obolus. 2 oboli. 3 oboli, or hemidrachm. 4 oboli. 5 do. 8. T^iu/itiXev, or 9. Tbt^uHoXov 45-0 10. nsvTaw/SsXov 56-25 11. Tgirccgrvftigiov, or Tj/- 1 J 12. 'HfiiofioXiov 5-62 13. Ti rx..o TYiU Or T«£- There were 100 drachms in the mna or mina, and 60 mina3 in the talent. 8-43 2-81 i of obolus. J do. £ do. In the civic money for which the Attic talent was used the most common piece was either the tetradrachm or the didrachm. Thus, at Athens the great currency was of tc tradrachms, at Corinth of didrachms. In the money of the kings the tetra¬ drachm was the chief coin. The smaller pieces were nume¬ rous, though fewer than these two most important denomi¬ nations, except in the lesser cities, which did not frequently strike the latter. A smaller coin that is very frequent in the later period appears to have been an Attic tetrobolon, but was probably also considered to be an iEginetan hemidrachm, since it was introduced not long after the general abandonment of the system of the latter, and when its weight would have been preferred, from its near approach to that of a well-known coin of that system. Those cities which used the JEginetan talent are not known to have issued any larger piece than the didrachm, which is their principal coin. The drachm and hemidrachm are, however, also frequent. In the Alexandrian talent the most common pieces, during the early period, when it should rather be called Macedonian, were the tetradrachm, didrachm, and drachm. At first octodrachms were struck. Under the Ptolemies the common coins were tetradrachms, but decadrachms were also issued. The system of the denomi¬ nations of the Tyrian or Phoenician talent was somewhat different from that of the other talents, though not essentially so. The principle of division into thirds, seen in the Attic talent in the case of the obolus, which is the sixth part of the drachm, is more fully developed in the Phoenician talent. The Carthaginian coins are principally tetradrachms and didrachms, but dodecadrachms and decadrachms also occur, as well as drachms and smaller pieces. In the cities of Phoenicia tetra¬ drachms were the largest and the most important coins. In the Persian series the principal pieces are tetradrachms and coins of a third of their value, with different types, which are usually called silver Darics. It is probable that this system tended to produce the issue of the pieces called cistophori by the cities of the west of Asia Minor at a late period. These coins must originally have been struck as Attic tridrachms; but they appear afterwards to have been considered to be tetradrachms, and if this be established, they are examples of a fifth system. It is probable that the names of most denominations were the same among the Greeks, and that the Persians and Phoenicians had a difierent nomenclature, although the Greeks would have called their coins, in so far as they agreed with their own, by Greek appellations. The gold and electrum coinage appears to have been every- Gold where based upon the silver in its denominations; for, although money, in many cases it is very difficult to arrive at even a probable conclusion, from the fewness of specimens, all the direct evi¬ dence seems to be in favour of this opinion. The oldest coins are the electrum staters of the west of Asia Minor, commonly called in ancient times Cyzicene staters. Their weight is about 248 grains, which is a little in excess of that of the Phoenician tetradrachm. It contains, however, only about 186 grains of pure gold, three-fourths of the whole weight, the re¬ maining fourth being of silver, and as the latter appears not to have been taken into account, the relation seems rather to have been to the .ZEginetan didrachm. There were smaller denominations, of which one, the hecta, which was the sixth part of the Cyzicene stater, was very common. Other pieces appear to have the weight of the third of the stater. The Persian staters, anciently called Daric staters, and now gold Darics, are of pure gold, and are in weight equivalent to rather light didrachms of the Attic talent. In European Greece there is little gold money before the time of Philip of Macedon. He issued staters of the weight of Attic didrachms. Subse¬ quent kings struck distaters, or gold tetradrachms ; hemistaters, Thomas Catalogue, Greek, &c., Coins, p. 57. 360 NUMISMATICS. Greek Coins. Copper money. G reek coinage of different countries. or gold drachms ; and smaller coins. The largest known coin of the cities which was struck in gold is the stater, and it is ; usually less common than lower denominations. The system upon which this coin, which maybe considered to be the basis of the gold money, was subdivided, has not yet been fully deter¬ mined. The Ptolemies struck staters, adjusted to the Alex¬ andrian talent, as well as octodrachms and pentadrachms. There are at least two distinct systems of denominations of Greek copper money anterior to the Roman domination, which we may term the Greek and the Italian. Of the former system the principal coin was the chalcus, or piece of brass, of which eight went to the obolus of silver. There was a smaller piece called a leptum, of which the chalcus is said to have contained seven. The coins have usually been so carelessly struck that it is difficult to separate them by weight. The Italian system, which was used in Italy and Sicily, and does not seem to be of foreign origin, is better known. The weight is more accurate, and the value is frequently marked upon the coins. The highest denomination was the as, according to the Roman nomenclature, which was at first, nominally, the pound coined, and was thence called as libralis; and the unit was the uncia, or ounce, its twelfth part. The common divisions were the semissis or semis, the half of the as ; the triens, or third; the quadrans, or quarter; the sextans, or-sixth*; -and the uncia. Although originally these were coined at near their full weight, they were afterwards rapidly reduced, until at length the as contained but half an ounce of metal. (The most important works on the entire class of Greek coins may be here mentioned. The account of Greek coins in Eckhel’s Doctrina Numorum Veterum} will be found to contain the condensed result of the studies of the author’s predecessors, with much valu¬ able matter of his own. Although not equal to the part relating to Roman coins, this treatise is of very high merit, and has not yet been superseded. Sestini, in his Classet Generales,^ has pub¬ lished an excellent companion and supplement to Eckhel. Follow¬ ing that author’s arrangement, he has enumerated the principal inscriptions of Greek coins, and has thus afforded great assistance to those who are engaged in their classification. Mionnet’s volu¬ minous Description de Medailles Antiques, &c.,3 is very useful, but of little authority. It is a catalogue of Greek coins, compiled with much industry by one who had great practical knowledge, but who was not otherwise qualified to attain a high place as a numismatist. Colonel Leake has lately published a catalogue of examples and electrotypes in his possession of coins of the Greek series, excluding most of those struck by barbarians.4 The notices given in this work of the geographical, historical, and mythologi¬ cal references of the coins are of high value. The most important work on the weights of Greek coins is Ebckh’s Metrologische Un- tersuchungen.5) We may now pass on to notice tbe Greek coinage of each country, following Eckhel’s arrangement. The series commences with Spain, Gaul, and Britain, three coun¬ tries of which the money presents a general resemblance, constitut- ing the only great class of barbarous Greek coinage. It must not be supposed that the money of the whole class is of one general character; on the contrary, it has very many divisions, distin¬ guished by marked peculiarities: it has, however, everywhere one characteristic in common,—that its devices are corrupt copies of those of Greek or Roman coins. The earliest of these barbarous coins appear to be the best imitations of the gold and silver money of Philip II., King of Macedon. Next in order of time come the imitations of Roman famdy coins, the denarii of the commonwealth, in both Spain and cuul, and that copper money of the former country which followed its silver imitated types. There are in these coinages evident imitations of Greek designs, besides the Macedo¬ nian ones we have mentioned, to which it is not easv to assign a chronological place, though they are probably anterior to the imi¬ tations of the Roman coins, but not to the more accurate money of Greek colonies, especially Massilia in Gaul. It is useless to at¬ tempt a very minute classification of the subjects of these barbarous types, since the artists by whom they were executed did not properly understand them; and we must be contented if we can perceive the Greek general though accidental principles to which they owe their origin. Coins The coinage of Hispania or Spain, corresponding to the modern y * Spain and Portugal, was issued during a period of not more than v _*1" three hundred years, from about b.c. 250 to a.d. 41. The earliest ®Pa^n- coins can scarcely be carried further back than B.c. 250, and pro¬ bably were issued long subsequently; while the latest are of the reign of Caligula, during, The ancient coins of Italy occupy the next place in Eckhel’s arrangement. They appear to have been struck during a period of more than 500 years, the oldest being probably of the beginning of the sixth century B.C., and the latest somewhat anterior to the time of Julius Caesar. The larger number, however, are of the age before the great extension of Roman power, which soon led to the use of Roman money almost throughout Italy. There are two great classes, which may be called the proper Italian and the Graeco-Italian ; but many coins cannot be referred to either, since they present peculiarities of both. The proper Italian coins are of gold, silver, and copper. Of these, the gold coins are extremely rare, and can never have been struck in any large numbers. The silver are comparatively common, but the copper are very numerous and characteristic. Some of the silver coins have an incuse de¬ vice on the reverse, which almost always is a repetition of that on the obverse : these are of Greek cities, but their fabric is nearly peculiar to Italy. There are also a few with a design on the ob¬ verse and a perfectly plain reverse. The most remarkable copper coins of this class are of the kind now called ces grave, some of which must be considered to be the early proper coinage of Rome, although others are known to have been struck by other Italian cities. These ’ Greek are very thick coins, some of which are of great size, while more have Coins, a rude appearance. The designs of the Italian coins are generally, if not always, of Greek origin, although the influence of the native " mythology may be sometimes traced. The inscriptions are in Latin or Oscan, and follow a native orthography: sometimes on the earlier coins they are retrograde. The art of this class is generally poor, or even barbarous. The denominations appear to be Greek, ex¬ cept in the case of the copper money, which follows a native sys¬ tem. Of this system, which we have already noticed, the early proper Roman coins afford the best known examples. The Graeco- Italian coins are of gold, silver, and copper. The silver and copper are very common, and the gold comparatively so, although struck by few states or cities. In form the silver and copper coins are thicker than those of Greece of the same period, but there is not the same difference in the gold. The designs are of Greek origin, although here, as in the proper Italian coins, but less markedly, can native influence be detected. This influence is evident in the frequent occurrence of types symbolically representing rivers, showing a bias towards the old nature-worship ; and still more in the use of Latin inscriptions, with half-Etruscan forms of the letters on coins otherwise purely Greek. Of the best art of ancient Italian money we have already spoken, and we shall have occasion to men¬ tion some of its most beautiful examples. The denominations of the gold coins are unquestionably derived from those of Greece, ac¬ cording to the weight of the Attic talent, the heaviest being a stater of that talent. The lower denominations require to be care¬ fully studied before they can be satisfactorily explained. The silver denominations are perfectly Greek, and follow the Attic talent: there are few tetradrachms, the didrachms are extremely common, and smaller denominations are usually not rare. \\re thus learn that the silver currency was chiefly of didrachms, smaller pieces being less used, and larger ones scarcely used at all.7 Commencing in the north of Italy, the first coins that strike us are those of Populonia in Etruria. The silver money of this place is especially remarkable for being generally of a peculiar fabric, al¬ ready noticed, in which the reverse is left perfectly plain. In Um¬ bria we may notice the ms grave of Tudor, and in Picenum that of Asculum and Hadria together,8 and that of Hadria alone. In Latium would be placed the early coinage of Rome, were it not included in the separate class of Roman money, with the exception of the pieces issued by the Campanian towns with the name of the city. In the province of Samnium we observe a very remarkable series of coins issued during the Social or Marsic War by the Italian states confede¬ rate against Rome. They rose to obtain the rights of Roman citizen¬ ship, but their league was gradually broken by the conclusion of se¬ parate treaties by the senate with individual states. The earliest common reverse-type of their coins represents eight persons, who are probably delegates of the eight states which composed the ori¬ ginal league, and certainly stand for those states, taking an oath over a sacrificial pig. The series, as it continues, commemorates the gradual violation of this engagement. The eight persons are reduced to six, the six to four, and the four to two. That these changes should be represented is the more remarkable, if we recol¬ lect that the war lasted but three years, from B.C. 90 to 88 inclusive. Some of the coins have Oscan, and others Latin, inscriptions. In the money of Campania we observe fine Greek work, com¬ bined, in some cases, with inscriptions showing an Italian ortho¬ graphy and form of letters. The coins of Cales afford examples of good art in both silver and copper; their inscription is C ALENO, apparently a genitive plural form. Those of Cumm are generally of coarse design and execution ; among them are some of an early time. The money of Hyria comprises didrachms of good work of the best period of art, and bearing very archaic retrograde inscrip¬ tions, as ANIRY. Hleapolis, the modern Naples, is represented by an extensive series, including fine silver coins, particularly di- 1 Ruding’s Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, 3d ed., vol. i., p. 98. 3 Bell. Gall., lib. v., cap. 22. 8 Annals of the Coinage, &c., p.97, etseq. 4 Silver Coins of England, p. 8, et seq. 6 Essai sur les Medailles Antiques de Cunobeiinus, Roi de la Grande-Bretagne, &c., par M. le Marquis de Lagoy, 4to, Aix, 1826. 8 “ On the Date of British Coins,” Numismatic Chronicle, vol. xii., p. 127; “ On the British Coins attributed to Dubnovellaunus,” vol. xiv., p. 79 ; “ Remarks on ‘ The Coins of Cunobeline and of the Ancient Britons,’ by the Rev. Beale Poste,” vol. xiv., p. 126 ; “ On some Rare and Unpublished British Coins,” vol. xvi., p. 80; “On a New Type in Silver of Dubnovellaunus,” vol. xvi., p. 176; “On a Method of Casting Coins in use among the Ancient Britons,” vol. xvii., p. 18; “ On the Coins of Cunobeline with the legend Tasciovani F.,” vol. xviii., p. 36 ; “ On some Rare and Unpublished Ancient British Coins,” vol. xviii., p. 44 ; “ On the Attribution of certain Ancient British Coins to Addedomarus,” vol. xviii., p. 155 ; “ Errors respecting the Coinage of the Ancient Celtic Kings of Britain,” vol. xviii., p. 161; “ On some Unpublished Types of Ancient British Coins,” vol. xix., p. 64 ; “ On a Gold Coin of Epaticcus ” (in the press). _ 7 We may hence infer the wealth of the population of Italy before the Roman domination, and the consequent high price of the necessaries of life. In Greece, on the other hand, except at the great towns, such as Corinth and Athens, we notice that the current money is in most places mainly of small denominations. The regal coinages are of course exceptions to this rule. The inhabitants of Greece were, however, less attentive to their copper coinage than those of Italy and Sicily, which may partly explain their having struck very small silver coins. The Athenians had no copper coinage, or one of a merely arbitrary value, when they issued a large number of the low denominations of silver money; but after they had struck copper coins of a real value, their smallest silver pieces were coined in a much less quantity. * When the names or symbols of two or more towns appear on a coin, it is understood to commemorate an alliance, called on the Greek imperial money, ‘O/tovoiK, NUMISMATICS Greek drachms, and copper coins as excellent in design, and usually coated Coins, with the beautiful blue or green patina produced by the soil of the v ' / neighbourhood. The coinage of the great Greek cities of Italy may ^ 1 * be considered to begin with Neapolis, though that of the Italian Italy. cities does not here cease. In Numismatics it is impossible to separate money according to a strictly geographical or historical order. The earliest coins sanctioned by the Roman state are classed as uncertain coins of Campania. Of these we shall speak in treating of Roman money, since to it they historically belong, al¬ though most of them are purely Greek in their art, and they are all rightly considered to be of the Greek class. In Calabria, Tarentum affords the largest series of any city of Italy, and one which is, for extent and beauty combined, second alone to that of Syracuse in all the West. The gold coins are extremely fine, and those of silver, which are principally didrachms, are interesting on account of the early style of some, and the exquisite work of others, the latter being of the best period. The usual types of the didrachms are, on the obverse Taras, son of Neptune and founder of the city, carried by a dolphin, and on the reverse a horseman, who, as we shall show in speaking of the coins of Sicily, appears to represent a victor in the horse-race at the Olympic games. The copper coins are few, and not remarkable. The money of the cities of Lucania is very interesting. Among the coins of Heraclea are didrachms of ex¬ quisite work, having on the obverse a head of Pallas, with the monster Scylla on the helmet, and on the reverse Hercules strangling the Nemean lion, a design of great vigour, and showing perfect anatomical knowledge. The series of Metapontum, or, to follow the Greek orthography, Metapontium, stands next in its silver to that of Tarentum in extent, and is as beautiful in its finest coins, the subjects of which are even better adapted for that delicate treatment in which the Italian and Sicilian artists espe¬ cially excelled. The great majority of these coins are didrachms, although the tetradrachm has been discovered. They commence at an early time with didrachms of a class that we have already mentioned as almost peculiar to Italy. The type of the obverse, an ear of bearded wheat, as a symbol of Proserpine, is repeated on the reverse, but is there incuse instead of being in relief. The didrachms of the best period have on the obverse the head of Proserpine, or that of some other divinity, and on the reverse the ear of bearded wheat. Some of these are of extreme beauty. Of Posidonia, after¬ wards called Psestum, there are archaic coins of the incuse class just mentioned, with the type of Neptune striking with his trident. The famous Sybaris, afterwards called Thurium, is represented, under its first name, by early didrachms with incuse, reverses, pro¬ bably of the sixth century b.c. ; and, under its second name, by a very fine series of silver coins of about 400 B.C. Sybaris having been twice overthrown by the Crotonians, the new city Thurium was founded in its stead by a colony from Athens, B.C. 444. The later coins are chiefly didrachms, but there are not a few tetradrachms. Examples of both denominations are of very fine work. Some of the tetradrachms are superior in the quality of boldness, which is rare in Italy and Sicily, and equal in execution to any other coins of those countries. They are nearest, though yet inferior, to the finest coins of Greece and Asia. On the obverse they have the head of Pallas, with Scylla on the helmet, and on the reverse ahull butting.1 Among the coins of Velia, which are principally di¬ drachms, we notice many of beautiful work. Their common re¬ verse-type, a lion seizing a stag, carries us to Asia, and reminds us that this town owed its origin to a colony of the Phocaeans of Ionia, whose native place was taken by the Persians. This and similar types are almost wholly found on Asiatic coins, particularly those issued under Persian rule. They are evidently adopted from eastern symbolism, but with a change of meaning: the original signification seems to have been the strength of regal power, the later one, the strength of a divinity, probably always Hercules. It should be remembered that the difference of feeling among the easterns and the Greeks as to the kingly dignity would render a change necessary to preserve the religious meaning of these types. Passing on to the province of the Bruttii, we observe the coinage of that people, or of the province in general, to be fine in the three 363 metals, though not of the best Italian style, the earliest pieces being Greek probably not anterior to the time of Pyrrhus, K:ng of Epirus. The Coins, money of Caulonia comprises early didrachms of the incuse class, i t with a type not yet satisfactorily explained, representing some v divinity. The town of Croton is represented by a series of much interest. It commences with incuse didrachms of an early period. Some didrachms and smaller coins of a time somewhat later are remarkable for having on the reverse, instead of a repetition of the tripod, which is the type of the obverse, an incuse flying eagle. The didrachms of the period of good art are extremely beautiful. Two of their types are of especial interest; one represents Belle- rophon on Pegasus, slaying the Chimsera; and the other portrays, on either side of the tripod, which is the most common type of the place, Apollo drawing his bow, and the serpent Python which he is about to destroy. The coin last mentioned exhibits very ad¬ mirable work. The money of the Locri Epizephyrii is fine, but not of an early period : it probably commences just after the time of Pyrrhus. The town of Pandosia is represented by rare silver coins of great beauty. The series of Rhegium comprehends archaic tetra¬ drachms, and others, as well as didrachms and copper pieces, of the best time, and of fine design and execution. The most interesting of these coins are some of the earliest. They are tetradrachms, having on the obverse a victor in a biga, and on the reverse a hare running. This is the type of tetradrachms of Messana of the same period so similar in work to these that theyr can only be distinguished from them with certainty by their inscription. The type ceases at Rhe¬ gium, but continues at Messana, and we perceive by the later coins of that place that the chariot is undoubtedly one drawn by two mules (unfivn)? Aristotle, cited by Pollux, relates that Anaxilaus of Rhegium, having introduced hares into Sicily, and having con¬ quered in the chariot-race of mules at the Olympic games, placed on the money of the people of Rhegium a mule-chariot and a hare.3 The types relating to victories in chariot-races always refer to the success at the Olympic games of a citizen or tyrant of the place which struck the coin, as we shall be able to show. The pieces of Rhegium and Messana in question can only relate to a contest dur¬ ing the period at which the chariot-race of mules prevailed, that is, during the years from B.c. 500 to 448, inclusive. The earlier coins of Messana, and all of Rhegium of this type, must also be of a time when the two towns were under a united government. In the case of Messana, the coins follow a Samian influence, if not domi¬ nation, since there is a piece of that town with the Samian types, which immediately precedes them.4 5 These particulars all point to the time of Anaxilaus, tyrant of Rhegium, who first invited the Samians perfidiously to seize Messana, then called Zancle, about B.C. 494, and afterwards expelled them, and ruled the two cities until his death. His reign, reckoned from his accession at Rhe¬ gium, probably lasted from B.C. 494 to 476. This period cor¬ responds to the style of the coins, which would point of itself to the earliest part of the fifth century B.C.6 We may therefore con¬ sider that these coins of Rhegium, and the coins of Messana of the same time, bearing the same types, were issued by Anaxilaus after his victory at the Olympic games, of which Simonides sang the triumphal ode.® While we accept the explanation which Aristotle gives of the chariot, we cannot take that of the hare, since there is nothing the least resembling it in Greek numis¬ matics. We would rather consider the latter type to be a relic of the old nature-worship, which was especially prevalent in Italy and Sicily, but of which the Greeks in Aristotle’s time had but an in¬ distinct knowledge. We will conclude this notice of ancient coins of Italy with those of Terina, of which the didrachms are of ex¬ treme beauty and delicacy. On the obverse they bear the head of a female divinity, called on a copper piece of the same place Pan- dina; and on the reverse, the figure of a local genius, or of the same divinity, usually, but mot always, winged. In one case, the figure is represented filling a jar at a fountain issuing from a lion’s head in a wall, and in another, resting seated on a jar, from which flows water; and it is worthy of note that, in the latter type, a flower springs up near the mouth of the jar. Pandina (IlavSnva) is probably a name of Hecate. 1 It has been suggested that the name Thurium, “impetuous ” or “ warlike,” might be indicated by the bull, as a speaking type ; but it is far more consistent with correct criticism to suppose that the latter refers to the rushing forth of a fountain, or rapid course of a river; a river, as we have seen is frequently represented as a bull, and a fountain might be with equal appropriateness. 3 The dvwn of the Olympic games was a chariot drawn by mules. A»«|iXa; o P»y7yo;) ouans iyovou rii; lixihitz; r'tus XKywuv, o Si, ilffayayuv « opov Si xai ,0\vp.?riot. wxjja'af aWvj), V*) yoa.iffp.Kri ruv 'VnyUuo lyiruvcoffw ivrivnv *al Xayav. (Aristot. ap. Poll., V. 75.) 4 There are also coins of Rhegium with the Samian types, which were probably struck at the same period; whence it is reasonable to suppose that some of the Samians settled at Rhegium at the time of the taking of Zancle. 5 The Syracusan decadrachms, called damaretia, which were struck in one of the three years B.C. 480-478, are certainly of better art than these coins of Rhegium and Messana; but this might be owing to the wealth and importance of Syracuse. 6 Millingen’s excellent paper “ On the Date of some of the Coins of Zancle or Messana,” in the Transactions of the JR* Soc. Lit., vol.i., part ii., P» 93 et seq., is here our chief authority. 364 NUMISMATICS. Greek (The most useful works on ancient Italian coins are Carelli’s Coins, plates,1 the account of the iEs Grave of the Kircherian Museum by MM. March! and Tessieri,2 and Millingen’s Considerations.3) The coins of Sicily properly follow those of Italy. They ap¬ pear to have been issued during a period of about six centuries or a little more. The oldest cannot be carried further back than the commencement of the sixth century B.C., and the latest are Roman colonial pieces of the reign of Tiberius. The earliest coins are silver; the gold money commences with the period of the best art in Sicily, but is not common during the earlier part of that time ; and the copper coinage probably begins during the fifth century B.C. The gold and the silver money cease at the subjugation of the island to Rome; but the copper continues later, some having been issued under the Romans. The latest coins are Greek imperial of Segesta and Roman colonial of Agrigentum, struck in each case under Augustus, and Roman colonial of Panormus, struck under Ti¬ berius. In form the silver and copper pieces are compact and thick. The types of Sicilian coins most resemble those of coins of Italy, especially of the south. They show the same partiality for representations of rivers, which are not unfrequently accompanied by their names. The most common and important device on the coins of the great towns, usually occurring on the reverse, and sometimes on the obverse, of the larger silver pieces, decadrachms of Syracuse, and tetradrachms and didrachms of that and other places, and on the reverse of some of the gold coins of Syracuse and its kings, represents a victor in a chariot-race. Its exact meaning never having been properly determined, we must give some space to its consideration. The same device, and others that belong to its class, occur on coins of cities out of Sicily; but as they are not so closely related to the Sicilian representation as the various types of that representation are to one another, we will not at present notice them. This device is found on coins of the Sicilian cities of Agrigentum, Camarina, Catana, Gela, Himera, Leontini, Messana, as well as Rhegium in Italy, with the same types as Messana, Segesta, Selinus, and Syracuse, and on coins of kings of the last town. The earliest and latest of these, of which the dates are most nearly known, were struck respectively in one of the years B.C. 480-478, and during the reign of Hiero II., King of Syracuse, B.C. 275-216. There are several types, which are of two classes. The first and more ancientclass comprises all theearly coins with this device, and closes at the commencement of the period of the best art, about B.C. 430 ; it is distinguished by the victor being a man. The second class extends through the periods of the best art, and of decline, to the time of the latest coin with the device; in it the victor is a goddess, and latterly usually Victory. On coins of one city, Selinus,, of both classes, Apollo and Diana are repre¬ sented together in the car; in the older ones Diana drives, in the later Apollo; and on tetradrachms of one type of Syracuse, a winged male genius acts as charioteer. The oldest coins of the first class generally have the type of a chariot drawn by two horses; others have a chariot drawn by two mules; and there are also trigse and quadrigae of horses. The later coins of the same class have almost always a quadriga of horses. On the earlier pieces the beasts are usually represented in slow action, probably through the unskilfulness of the artists; but on the later ones they are gene- rally in rapid course. One of the metae (vutr/rKi) is sometimes seen beyond the chariot, showing that the critical time of the race is intended, when the driver had to avoid disaster by the adroitness with which he turned.4 Victory hovers above, with a wreath, about to crown the charioteer, or as if intending to crown the horses. Beneath, in the exergue, on the later coins, we notice symbols, usually dolphins or other marine animals, or objects proper to the sea. On the coins of the second class, the chariot is always a quadriga, either in rapid course, or proceeding slowly as if in triumph. The place of the charioteer is taken by a goddess, as already mentioned, who is either a divinity of the place, as Proserpine at Syracuse and Segesta, and Minerva at Gamarina, or \ ictory ; and, except in the last case, Victory hovers above with a wreath, about to crown the victor. As we have already mentioned, on coins of Selinus, Apollo and Diana are represented in the car together, the former driving on those of this class; and on coins of Syracuse, a winged male genius is charioteer : these are exceptional examples. In the exergue are either marine objects or prizes, but not the wreath, with sometimes at Syracuse the inscription A0AA, leaving no doubt as to their meaning. These prizes are a suit of armour on coins of Syracuse, and two jars on those of Camarina. These types plainly refer to victories in the chariot-races of public games which had reflected honour upon the great towns of Sicily. Greek From the marine symbols, we should infer that they were cele- Coins, brated on the sea-shore, or were in some manner connected with the sea. The religious character of the types of Greek coins shows that these must have been sacred games; and the substitution of Slcily. divinities for the charioteers proves that they were held in the highest reverence. In the Iliad, when the divinities personally assist the heroes, as especially where Minerva acts as charioteer to Diomed, it is only on some occasion of the greatest importance, in accordance with the Horatian maxim. Usually they aid their favourites less directly, as at the games at the funeral of Patroclus, where the poet makes Eumelus about to succeed through the help of Apollo, until Minerva secures the victory for Diomed. In both cases the idea is the same as that intended to be conveyed by the later types of the coins. It might be contended that games held in such high honour could scarcely have been local celebrations at the towns on the money of which they are commemorated ; but there is direct evidence to show that they were not such. One of the metm is represented on coins of Catana, of about B.C. 380, and on others of Gela, of about fifty years earlier, and is in each case an Ionic column,6 although the treatment of the chariot and the general style is far different. The types, therefore, refer to chariot-races of four differ¬ ent kinds, celebrated at games held in the highest reverence. To no games will these particulars so well apply as to the Olympic. They were the most revered and famous of all the Greek games, being the chief of the four called sacred; and at them, during the periods at which the various types first occur, were held races of the very four kinds which they represent, the chariot-race of mules having lasted, as previously noticed, only fifty-three years, a period including that during which the first coin relating to such a contest ■was struck. A victory at the Olympic games was held to be no less glorious to the city of the victor than to himself. It is probable, indeed, that the highest honours were paid to the victor in the foot¬ race, after whom the Olympiad was distinguished; but there is no doubt that success in other, contests, and especially in the chariot- race, was considered as not much less glorious. Nothing, therefore, could be more proper than the commemoration on coins of victories in the Olympic chariot-race; and we have only to inquire whether the cities of Sicily with types relating to such races were success¬ fully engaged in that contest. The remaining odes of Pindar, which are of the very period of the earlier of the coins we are con¬ sidering, give no doubtful answer. Fourteen of these odes relate to the Olympic games, and of these, again, six celebrate success in chariot-races, every one of which was gained by a Sicilian,—two by an Agrigentine, two by a Camarinman, and two by Syracusans,—ail of cities which struck coins with the chariot-type. If we look at the lists which have been made of victors in the Olympic games mentioned by ancient writers, we perceive that not only these cities, but others of Sicily of which the coins have chariot-types, were suc¬ cessful in the Olympic chariot-race or at other contests of those games. If any doubt remained as to the correctness of this explanation, it would be removed by the direct statement of Aristotle, already noticed, that Anaxilaus, tyrant of Rhegium, placed the type of a mule-chariot on the coins of that place when he had been victo¬ rious at the Olympic games; and that of Plutarch, that Philip II. of Macedon commemorated his success in the Olympic chariot-race by placing the representation of a chariot on his money. The former story we have seen to be confirmed by coins of Rhegium and Messana, and the latter is shown to be correct by the representation, on the reverse of Philip’s gold pieces, or staters, of a victorious biga, a type not seen on the coins of earlier kings of Macedon. This explanation of the chariot-type in the case of Philip’s staters leads us to the discovery of the true meaning of a kindred device, occurring on his coins and those of several Greek cities. Philip is also related to have gained the prize in the horse-race at the Olympic games; and, accordingly, the common reverse-type of his largest silver coins, which are tetradrachms, represents a horseman holding a palm. The palm is not the only indication that a race is here referred to; for if we compare this type with the less common one representing a mounted traveller, probably some hero, we observe that the rider in the former case is smaller than in the latter, and the horse perhaps larger. There can, therefore, be no doubt that Philip commemorated his victory in the horse¬ race, as he did that in the chariot-race, on his coins. This result leads us to examine the common reverse-device of the didrachms of Tarentum, which represents a horseman, naked or armed, generally either crowned or about to be crowned with a wreath by Victory, flying above him, or crowning himself, or crowning his horse. a Franeisci Carellii Numorum Italice Veteris Tabulas ccii., edidit Cmlestinus Cavedonius, 4to, Leips. 1850 (best ed.). 3 tJ Aes Crave del Museo Kircheriano ovvero U Monete Primitive de'Popoli dell' Italia Media [Giuseppe March! e Pietro Tessieril, Roma, 1839. 4 townderations sur la Aumismatique de VAncienne Italie, par James Millingen, 8vo, Flor. 1841. Suppl. 1844. boph., Afertr. 720-722 and 743-748. The whole of this description, the locus classicus on the Greek chariot-races, deserves careful study in con* nection with the coins, although it must be remembered that it relates to the Pythian games. Comp. Hor. Carm., lib. i., od. i. 3-6. It would seem, from the description of Sophocles (Electr., loc. cit.), that the metse at the Pythian games were objects like posts, perhaps columns. NUMISMATICS. 365 Greek Coins. The importance of the horse is shown not alone by his being crowned by the rider ; in another type he is embraced, or at least welcomed, by Victory standing to receive him, as if after a race; and again, in another, a small figure, apparently a genius, raises one of his fore-feet and examines the hoof, as if to extract a stone. Another type shows two horses, the rider of one of which leads the other. In the exergue of these coins there are symbols, often of a marine character All these representations evidently relate to games held in high honour, at which the horse-races were of two kinds, —one the usual contest with single horses, the other that at which every rider had two horses, one of which he rode while leading the other. There must also have been some connection with the sea. Here, as in the case of the chariot-race, the parti¬ culars entirely agree with the Olympic games, at which there were the two kinds of horse-races represented—the common one, and that with two horses. As if to remove all doubt, a similar type to those of Tarentum occurs on the coins of Syracuse and Leontini smaller than the tetradrachms. In the case of the former town, a rider is re¬ presented on the reverse of didrachms, drachms, and hemidrachms, and in that of the latter, of didrachms and drachms; in each case of the earlier period. In one of the Syracusan examples, Victory flies above the horseman, while in the exergue there is a marine monster, two particulars which complete the parallel with some examples of the chariot-type on coins of the same place. If the explanation of the chariot-type be correct, it cannot be doubted, especially when we recollect the minute agreement in the instance last mentioned, that the similar type which we are considering must be explained in the same manner. It should, moreover, be borne in mind that the two types occur in Philip’s coinage, with strong evidence of their meaning, and that it is therefore probable that they have the same signification on the other coins mentioned above; in each case referring to two kinds of contests at the Olympic games. The gold coins of Gyrene, which we have not yet mentioned, have the two types. They present no difficulty. The chariot is always a quadriga, bearing in the earlier examples a figure seeming to represent a common charioteer, but in the later, a Victory driving. The horseman has, in one instance, the traveller’s hat, or causia, hanging from his neck behind; and here he might possibly be a hero, as on coins of Macedonian kings. As in the case of the Sicilian cities, we find from ancient writers that Gyrene was suc¬ cessful at the Olympic games. It is probable that, at a compara¬ tively late period, perhaps from the early part of the third century B.C., these types lost their proper meaning, and were no longer used with reference to any victory of the city or king issuing the coins bearing them, but were copied in a careless manner from the earlier coinage, or continued with a kind of heraldic intention. Some objections which are likely to occur to any one considering this question may be here noticed. A similar explanation of the chariot-types was offered by the older writers, and has been aban¬ doned by numismatists, except in the case of Philip’s staters. Why, it may be asked, has their explanation fallen to the ground if it be near the truth? We reply, because it was founded on bad criticism, and uncritically developed. It is no matter for surprise that the earlier numismatists should have supposed that these types referred to famous games, for they were always striving to dis¬ cover some reference to whatever was celebrated in ancient times. Thus far they happened to be right; but the next step led them into error, for, with their accustomed carelessness in such matters, they fixed in any case upon that one of the four sacred games to which the character of a particular device seemed at first sight to point. Such mere guesses, supported by no sound reasoning, were often necessarily erroneous, and the explanation fell into contempt. Nothing but a knowledge of the religious meaning of the types of Greek coins, and of the appropriateness of all their details, could establish a correct explanation. Another objection wears at first sight a more serious aspect. It seems unreasonable that the Olympic games should be commemorated on coins struck in Sicily, in Italy, in Macedonia, and in the Cyrenaica, and not on coins of Greece Proper. We must remember, however, that an Olympic triumph would have been esteemed of far more importance in remote places than those near the scene. The difficulties of the voyage or journey, the long absence of the competitors, and their great expenses, would, in the case of distant cities, forbid any but the most wealthy from engaging in the contest, and raise public expectation to the highest pitch while expecting the event. These conditions would, indeed, scarcely be those of the kings of Macedon ; but they had a special motive for feeling pride in an Olympic suc¬ cess : their country was out of the limits of Hellas, and as none but Greeks could join in the great contest, it was only by proving a Greek ancestry that they obtained, with difficulty, this privilege. The Greeks of Italy, of Sicily, and of Africa, may have felt a similar pride in being able to contend, while their neighbours, often not only little inferior to them in civilization, but far excel- Greek ling them in power, were rigorously excluded. Goins. In adopting the explanation given above of two classes of types v * of Greek coins, we must be careful to avoid an error into which the v earlier writers fell. It would be natural to suppose that the coins Sicily, bearing these types celebrate directly certain victories, or even vic¬ tors, at the Olympic games, but the principles which regulated the choice of types forbid such a conclusion, while the coins present no direct indications of any relation to individual persons, but in the later period the very contrary. The types were first adopted on occasions at which the city or sovereign acquired distinction at the Olympic games, but not wnth the intention of a direct historical or ■personal reference, although there is necessarily such reference of an indirect character. The nature of the difference is well explained by the absence, as far as we know, of any types referring to the foot¬ race, the successful contender in which was the especial Olympic victor, or to other contests besides the horse-race and chariot-race. In these other contests the victor was personally engaged, whereas in the chariot-race and horse-race this was not necessarily the case, and apparently very unusual; indeed, as to the latter, the evident light weight of the riders represented on the coins proves that, at the period to which they belong, the owners could not have gene¬ rally ridden their horses. The victors could not, therefore, be di¬ rectly commemorated by these types. It would be interesting to pursue this inquiry, but we cannot do so in the present article. We would, however, in conclusion, caution students against hastily sup¬ posing some apparently similar types to have the meaning of those we have explained. Investigations of this kind must be prosecuted with the utmost care, and coins or types must never be considered singly, except after every effort has been made to gain the illustra¬ tive light afforded by similar examples. The inscriptions of Sicilian coins, particularly the older, are in¬ teresting with respect to palaeography and for their orthography. We may especially point out the inscription AKPATANTOS, written in the boustrophedon manner on tetradi achms of Agrigenturn of the best period. Other instances will be mentioned when we speak of the coinage of the principal towns. We have already noticed the art of Sicilian coins, which may be regarded as on the whole more typical of the western school than that of the coins of Italy. The denominations are, in the case of gold, the same as those of Italy, —Greek in origin, though not wholly identical with any Greek sys¬ tem ; in the case of the silver, purely Greek; andin thatof the copper, Italian. The silver coins are of very heavy Attic weight, excepting only those of Zancle before it was called Messana, and the earliest of ilimera, both which follow the ^Eginetan system. The princi¬ pal silver coin is the tetradrachm, which takes the place of the didrachm of Italy. Although the copper money is adjusted to the na¬ tive Italian system, its art, as with the rest of the coinage, is Greek. The first coins to be noticed in the series of Sicily are those of Agrigentum. They include gold as well as silver pieces of the period of good art. The most remarkable of the silver are tetra¬ drachms, some of which have on the obverse two eagles devouring a hare, and on the reverse a successful chariot at the Olympic games driven by Victory; while others, as well as didrachms,have on the obverse an eagle standing, and on the reverse a crab. The cop¬ per coins are on the Italian system: many of them are of the good pe¬ riod, and of good work. The type most worthy of note is the headof a river-god, with the name Acragas, which was that of the river of the town. The success of Agrigentum at the games is attested by Pindar; while Virgil (AEw. iii. 704), Gratius {Cyneg. 526), and Silius Italicus (Punic, xiv. 208-210), mention its ancient renown for horses. Its lofty site (arduus Acragas), overlooking the sea, and on the bank of the stream of the same name, makes the eagles, the crab, and the river, appropriate devices, showing that Greek types have a local fitness, while chosen with a religious intention. The money of Camarina is of especial beauty and interest. The fifth of Pindar’s Olympic odes, that to Psaumis the Camarinaean, B.C. 452, affords an excellent commentary upon it. The earliest coin we know is a didrachm of about this time; whereas there are many pieces of from fifty to a hundred years earlier of most of the other important cities of Sicily. Camarina, however, was then but lately inhabited (veWo* KSjkv), having been recently twice devas¬ tated by the Syracusans. If there be any older coins, they are proba¬ bly of a different type. This has on its obverse a helmet upon a round shield, and on its reverse a pair of greaves, between which is a dwarf palm (Chammrops humilis).1 The arms are perhaps those of Minerva, kept here, as Virgil (^En. i. 16) and Ovid (Fast. vi. 46) say the arms of Juno were at Carthage; and the palm might re¬ present the sacred grove (cchiros aynov) in which the temple of the goddess probably stood. This piece is followed by tetradrachms and didrachms of the best period and of most beautiful work, vary¬ ing a little in their style. The tetradrachms have on the obverse 1 Oxford Essays, 1857, " Sicily,” by M. E. Grant Duff, p. 75. 366 NUMISMATICS. Greek the head of Hercules in the lion’s skin, and on the reverse Minerva, Coins. as a victor at the Olympic games, in a quadriga, a type of which we have already spoken. It was Minerva, protector of the city II«XXaf) whose sacred grove was made more illustrious by the suc¬ cess of Psaumis. The didrachms have on the obverse the head of a river-god, portrayed as a young man with small horns, and with his hair wet. Of the two rivers of Camarina, the Oanus and the Hipparis, the latter is here represented, for in one case the name is given on the coin. Pindar seems likewise to show the same pre¬ ference ; for while he merely mentions the Oanus . .."Cluvtv), he speaks of the sacred channels in which the Hipparis watered the city (aptiovi carols,"ixvaois ‘•‘triv a$u On the reverse the nymph Camarina (’flxsavoo . . . Kec^aj/va) is seen carried across her lake {iy^u^ii/.* . . . by a swan swimming with ex¬ panded wings, while she aids it by spreading her veil in the man¬ ner of a sail. Some of these didrachms have on either side, around the chief device, fresh-water fishes. The copper coins of Camarina are on the Italian system. The series of Catana comprises fine archaic tetradrachms and others of the time of the best art, which are handsome, though man¬ nered. The reverse-type of the latter is a victor at the Olympic games in a quadriga, passing one of the metae, which is a column of the Ionic order. Gela is represented by coins in the three metals. The archaic tetradrachms and didrachms must be especially mentioned. The former have on the obverse the fore-part of the river-god Gelas, whence the city took its name— - “ Immanisque Gela fluvii cognomine dicta” (uffln. iii. 702), as Agrigentum did from the Acragas, and Camarina from its lake. The Gelas is represented as a bull, having the face of a bearded man. On the reverse is a victorious biga at the Olympic games, in some examples represented passing a meta, which is an Ionic column, and resembles that on coins of Catana. A tetradrachm of the later portion of the time of good art, with the types of the fore-part of the Gelas and the victorious chariot, here a quadriga, is remarkable for having above the latter a bird, doubtless an eagle, taking the place of Victory. A tetradrachm of the com¬ mencement of the period of good art, and of the highest western style, characterized by a slight severity of treatment, has on the obverse the head of the Gelas, as a young man horned, surrounded by three fresh-water fishes; and on the reverse Victory in a biga, with a wreath above. The accompanying inscription is TEA- niON. Some of the copper coins are beautiful, but not of the finest style. The money of Himera is of great interest. The earliest pieces are didrachms, which, like the series of Zancle, follow the iEginetan talent. No other Sicilian cities are known to have struck coins on this weight. The oldest didrachms of Himera, which probably commenced in the sixth century B.C., bear on the obverse a cock, and on the reverse an incuse type. They are succeeded by archaic tetradrachms, which bear on the one side a victorious chariot, and on the other a nymph sacrificing, near whom a little Pan, or Paniscus, stands beneath the stream of a fountain issuing from a lion s head in a wall. The fountain no doubt represents the hot spring of the place, from which it was afterwards called Thermae. Leontini is chiefly represented by archaic tetradrachms and didrachms ; but there are a few tetra¬ drachms of the early part of the time of good art. The type of the chariot at the Olympic games occurs on these coins, of both periods. The series of Messana is one of particular value. It commences when the town was called Zancle, or, as it is written on the coins, Dancle, with early drachms and smaller pieces of the ^Eginetan weight, and of very archaic work. On the obverse is a dolphin, and around it a sickle ; and on the reverse is a shell in the midst of an incuse pattern. The place is said to have received its name on account of its resemblance in form to a sickle or ^aynXi]), like the town of Drepanum, or Drepana, in Sicily, and probably the promontory of Drepanum of the Peloponnesus. If there were no religious meaning attached to these names, this early design of Zancle would be an instance of what is termed a speaking tjpe. It is more reasonable, however, to suppose that in each case there was a primary religious meaning in the names, and indeed later writers say that the sickle of Saturn was buried here, and at the Sici¬ lian Drepanum, the descriptive character offering a secondary mean- ing. Nexu to these first coins of Zancle may be placed, as the oldest piece of the Attic weight, a tetradrachm with the Samian types,—a lion s scalp on one side, and on the other the head of a bull, and bear¬ ing the inscription ME22ENION (for Meoaxviav). This coin was Greek doubtless struck during the rule of the Samians, who took the place Coins, about B.c. 494, at the instigation of Anaxilaus, tyrant of Rhegium, v by whom they were subsequently expelled. (Thucyd. vi, 4.) The . . v next pieces are the earliest of those which have on the obverse a ^oily, chariot drawn by two mules, and on the reverse a running hare. They most closely resemble coins of Rhegium, with the same de¬ vices, and must be assigned, like them, to the rule of Anaxilaus. As we have already mentioned, the period at which this tyrant governed the two towns is thus indicated, particularly as these types cease in the coinage of Rhegium, although they continue at Messana, some of the tetradrachms bearing them being of the period of fine art.1 The copper coinage is of good work. When the town had been seized by the Mamertini, its name was changed to theirs, which is accordingly borne by the later coins, which are of copper. They are good, but not of the best style. Naxos is represented by handsome archaic tetradrachms and others of the fine period, and by smaller silver pieces, chiefly of the earlier time. There are some coins of the city of Panormus, but most of those which have been classed to it are of the Carthaginians, issued both in Sicily and Africa. Nothing is more probable than that many of these pieces were struck at Panormus, but there is no means of distinguishing any such, and if there were, the mere fact of their having been issued at the place would not justify us in classing them to it. The Carthaginian coins of Sicily may be best noticed after the Greek coins. Segesta is represented by tetra¬ drachms and didrachms of the archaic and of the good period. One of the tetradrachms of the early part of the latter time has on the obverse the Olympic victorious quadriga, driven by Proserpine, who carries ears of bearded corn, while Victory flies above, about to crown her. The reverse-type represents a hunter, that is, some divinity or mythical hero in that character. The series of the city of Selinus next demands notice. The first coins are didrachms, bearing on the obverse a leaf, and on the reverse an incuse square, either having several divisions, or else containing a repetition of the leaf. The representation of the leaf is not, either on these or later coins, very exact. The city and its river no doubt derived their name from the plant atXitov, the leaf of which must be here intended. There is some difficulty as to its identification; for in this case, as in those of many other natural objects, the Greeks may have given the same appellation to very different things. The plant sacred at Selinus appears to be, as Colonel Leake supposes, wild celery (Apium graveolens);2 but it does not follow that that of the same name with which the victors at the Isthmian and Nemean games were crowned was really the same.3 Tetradrachms of a later time, either of archaic style or of that of the earliest part of the period of good art, have devices of more than usual interest. The obverse bears a biga with Apollo and Diana, the latter of whom drives,—a type doubtless referring to the Olympic games; and the reverse exhibits a river-god, the Hypsas, sacrificing at the altar of iEsculapius, while a wading bird is sometimes seen behind him, as if departing. The latter subject appears to allude to the draining of the marshes into the river, by which the place was rendered more healthy. A tetradrachm of the best Sicilian style is important in connection with the opinion we have put forward as to the meaning of the chariot-types. It has on the obverse a quadriga, with two personages, doubtless Apollo and Diana, the former of whom appears to be driving; above them is a wreath, and below an ear of bearded wheat,—the former plainly indicating a victory, the latter connecting the type with a Syracusan one of the same period relating to the Olympic games. The reverse represents the Hypsas sacrificing, as usual. The illustrious city of Syracuse is worthily represented by its coins. Its early and long-continued greatness in commerce and in arms, its luxury and its love of the arts, are attested as fully by these monuments as by the voice of history. The best do not indeed ever display the breadth and grandeur, and rarely the simplicity, that characterize the highest examples of the medallic art of Greece and her Asiatic colonies, but rather err in an excess of rich¬ ness and a use of tricks of art; yet the intrinsic beauty of many, and the fine execution of almost all, command great admiration, while the historical value of the series gives it an additional interest. The system of the gold coins of the Syracusans, like that of those of the Greek cities of Italy, is fundamentally on the Attic standard, but presenting some remarkable differences. Thus, although there are gold drachms and hemidrachms, there are also pieces respectively a ear*y cojns of Messana compare Millingen’s paper in Trans. R. Soc. Lit., vol. i., pt. ii., pp. 93, et sea.; and p. 363, supra. a Numismata Hellemca, “ Sicily,” &c.; Oxford Essays ' lkl, “ Sicily,” p. 79. 1 rariv,U -1- a story of Timoleon which illustrates this question, relating that when he was marching from Syracuse to encounter the , afn^s> as 1113 soldiers were going up a hill, on the other side of which they expected to see the enemy, they met mules carrying parsley i -ii Vw vtioolj asa omen, because of the Greek custom to crown the sepulchres with parsley, which occasioned the proverb, of one Parsley- But their leader encouraged them by saying that Fortune had brought them their crowns before vic- xxvi) CaU3e tlie Lorint uan3 tlie crown of parsley sacred, and then deoorated with it the victors at the Isthmian games. (Plut. Timoleon, cap. NUMISMATICS. 367 as heavy as one and a half of each of these denominations. The oldest examples are of the early part of the period of good art, and therefore date from about the middle of the fifth century before the Christian era; and the latest probably immediately precede the reign of Agathocles (u.C. 317), the first tyrant whose name we find on the coins. There are some of these pieces which show marks of decline, but the greater number are of good work. One of the finest has on the obverse a head of Apollo, and on the reverse one of Diana, very differently treated, the former having an ideal character, but the latter resembling a portrait. Other coins present on the obverse heads of the young Hercules and of other divinities, while the most important reverse-type is a victorious biga. The silver coinage of Syracuse, which follows the Attic talent, presents many denominations. The decadrachms, though rare, are more common than those of any other city. The tetradrachms are extremely numerous, and evidently formed, at almost every period until about the time of Agathocles, the bulk of the silver coinage, the smaller denominations being of less frequent occurrence. The earliest coins are tetradrachms and didrachms of very rude work, which may be assigned to the later part of the sixth, century B.C. The tetradrachms bear on the obverse a charioteer in a biga, and on the reverse an incuse square of four divisions, having in°the centre a female head, probably that of Proserpine. The didrachms have a rider on the obverse, and the same reverse-types as the tetradrachms. A little later we find coins of much better execution, having a female head on the obverse, with dolphins, usually four in number, around it; and on the reverse Victory above the chariot or the horseman. Next in time to these are the famous decadrachms, believed to be the coins known as damare- tia, struck by Damareta, wife of King Gelon, on receiving a pre¬ sent of a hundred talents of gold, which the Carthaginians gave her when she had negotiated peace for them, after their defeat by her husband at the battle of Himera. As this battle was fought in the year B.c. 480, and Gelon died B.C. 478, the date of these coins is very nearly fixed, and may be considered to be B.C. 479. They afford an example of the highest archaic style, a style not without its excellence and promise. The resemblance to Egyptian art is most remarkable, and far greater than we observe in the money of Greece Proper. The obverse bears a female head, pro¬ bably that of Proserpine, bound with a wreath ; it occupies a circle, indicated by a fine line, without which are four dolphins, as though swimming round. The reverse-type represents a cha¬ riot, apparently drawn by three horses, in slow action, and driven by a man. Victory flies above, and below is a lion running. The style of the face of the goddess, with the slightly rounded nose, the eye as if seen in front, and the placid expression, no less than the treatment of the horses, at once recalls to one’s mind the colossi and battle-scenes of the temples of Egypt. There are tetra¬ drachms of so exactly the same work as these larger pieces that they must have been issued with them. After this time we per¬ ceive a rapid change to a much freer style, but yet one that already shows mannerism. The hair of the goddess, now undoubtedly Pro¬ serpine, is either partly covered with a kind of bag, or is variously arranged, sometimes in almost a fantastic manner ; and the dolphins around are less regularly placed than before. The period of good art may be considered to begin about B.C. 450, and to terminate with the commencement of the tyranny of Agathocles (b.c. 317). The length of this time is partly due to an accident which happened here towards its close—the introduction, when medallic art was fast declining, of coins with the types and style of those of Corinth, where that art had but little decayed; so that there was a kind of recovery, very unusual in ancient money. At the commencement of the period of the best art, we observe some admirable tetra¬ drachms, which, for the beauty of the face of* Proserpine, the treatment of her hair, and the vigour shown in the drawing of the horses, now and always henceforward on the civic coins re¬ presented at full speed, are in their class quite unexcelled. The finest of these coins known to us is one in the British Museum. It has on the obverse a most beautiful head of Proserpine sur¬ rounded by three dolphins, and on the reverse a victorious quadriga, driven by a bearded charioteer. Victory hovers above, holding in her right hand a wreath, and in her left a label bearing the inscription ETAINETO, supposed to be the name of an artist. The names of artists begin to appear on these coins about this time; and the distinction given to this word is by no means a proof that it is not one. Another, but little later, has on the ob¬ verse a head of Proserpine with ears of bearded wheat in her hair, and on the reverse a quadriga driven by a winged male genius, while Victory hovers above crowning him. On the obverse is EYM, the beginning of an artist’s name, and on the reverse EY@, the beginning of the name of another artist, showing that different hands were employed to design the two sides. Several coins, still somewhat later than this, have on their reverse Proserpine, with a flaming torch in her hand, driving the victorious quadriga. One of these has for the obverse-type a Greek helmeted head of Minerva. To the same time belongs a tetra- Coins drachm with a very beautiful head of the fountain-nymph Arethusa, whose name is sometimes written above in the form APE0O2A, as in Lord Northwick’s admirable specimen, which has also the name of the artist, KIMHN, on the fillet. The head is represented facing, but somewhat turned to the left, with the hair loose and as if wet, though skilfully arranged. The reverse bears Proserpine in a victorious quadriga. The name of Cimon also occurs on more than one of the decadrachms of the fine period, which we might otherwise have supposed to have been struck a little later. There may, however, have been two artists of the same name, or one may have worked at different periods of his life in styles varying as much as these. The later deca¬ drachms are not, however, like the earlier, all of the same time; for there are some of an inferior style, which must be referred to a lower date. All were, however, probably struck during the tyranny of the first Dionysius (b.c. 405-368). Their obverse-type is a head of Proserpine, with the hair variously arranged, some¬ times partly contained in a bag of net, sometimes bound with corn leaves, and surrounded by four dolphins. The reverse dis¬ plays the same goddess in a victorious quadriga at full speed, while Victory above is about to crown her ; and the reward, a suit of armour, sometimes with the word A©AA, is seen below. These coins have been commonly considered the finest in the Greek series ; but the best of them are excelled in design and in execution by tetradrachms of the same place, and even these cannot be com¬ pared to the productions of the pure Greek school, as we have already endeavoured to show. There are other tetradrachms, besides those already mentioned, of about the time of these deca¬ drachms ; and some of a later period and inferior work, which are probably of the reign of Dionysius II., and of the republic esta¬ blished by Dion and overthrown by the tyrant. All these have types very similar to those of the decadrachms. The figure in the quadriga of the latest is, however, Victory. After these it is most reasonable to place those didrachms and smaller coins, which, although of Syracusan fabric, have in the former case wholly, and in the latter partly, Corinthian types. They are of good work ; and the didrachms so closely resemble those of Co¬ rinth, that their issue can only be explained by the supposition of some extraordinary influence on the part of the parent city. This condition is perfectly fulfilled by what occurred at Syracuse on the final overthrow of the second Dionysius by Timoleon the Corinthian (b.c. 344). The depopulated state of the city accounts for the inferiority of those coins which we suppose to have been struck a little before this event; while a large issue of Corinthian coins at Syracuse would agree with the policy of Timoleon. He replenished the population with a body of Corinthian colonists, and sold the houses to them, depositing the proceeds in the treasury; and in accordance with his endeavours to connect the town as much as possible with Corinth, he would naturally, on issuing a new coinage from the sum thus obtained—said to have been a thousand talents (of silver)—have adopted the Corinthian types. There is a kind of hybrid coinage, half Corinthian and half Syra¬ cusan in character, which probably succeeded this, and lasted until the reign of Agathocles. The copper coinage of Syracuse anterior to Agathocles does not commence before the period of good art. It is on the Italian system, often of fine design and work, and well deserves the most careful study. The regal coins of Syracuse are of far inferior interest to those struck in the name of the people. Some of them are beautiful, but none in the highest style of Sicilian art. The series is im¬ portant on account of the weight of the silver pieces after the time of Agathocles. For these the Ptolemaic talent seems to have been used, their weights being in accordance with it; while the treatment of the portraits is similar to those of the Greek kings of Egypt. Of Hiero II. there are octodrachms, of Queen Philistis tetradrachms and smaller pieces, and of Hieronymus pentadrachms. It is to be observed that the drachms of Philistis have a low Attic weight. It is possible, from the rarity of these silver coins, that they were struck rather as medals than to form the bulk of the coinage. The money of Agathocles is in gold, silver, and copper ; that of Hicetas in gold; and that of Hiero II. and Hieronymus, again, in the three metals. Queen Philistis is only known from the coins and an inscription. She must have been the wife of Hiero II. towards the end of his reign, or of one of his sons. Her coins have fine though mannered designs; that of the obverse being her veiled head, and that of the reverse a victorious chariot. The later Gelon is probably a son of Hiero II., of that name, who may have been admitted to some share of regal power. The town of Tauromenium, represented by five pieces in the three metals, closes the series of those Greek cities of Sicily, which are of high numismatic interest. We must, however, mention the main characteristics of the true Siculo-Punic coins—that is, those 368 NUMISMATICS. Greek Coins. actually struck by the Carthaginians in Sicily. It has been usual to place together a large class of Graeco-Punic coins, on account of their general similarity. A careful examination, however, Sicily. shows that they must he separated into two distinct divisions, representing the coinage of the Carthaginians in Sicily and in Africa, as Mr Burgon pointed out in his catalogue of the Thomas Collection. These classes are mainly to be distinguished by their weight, the Sicilian coins being adjusted to the Attic talent, like those of the Greek cities of the island, while the African follow the Phoenician talent; but there is also a general difference in the types and style, which in the former are far more Greek than in the latter, in which Egyptian, or at least African, characteristics may be perceived. The Siculo-Punic coins are in silver and copper, for there are no gold pieces belonging undoubtedly to this series. Tetradrachms are the most numerous of the silver pieces. The most frequent types are, for the obverse, the head of Proserpine, and for the reverse a horse or horse’s head, both, especially the horse, being sometimes accompanied by a date-palm. The horse was probably sacred at Carthage, and thus came, to be the fa¬ vourite symbol of the city. In late times the head appears to have become the prevailing form of the symbol. It may be worth while to remind the reader that both Virgil1 * and Silius Italicus3 mention the digging up of a horse’s head—the symbol, says the former, of the future nation—at the foundation of Carthage ; and that the form of this tale given by Eustathius is still more illustrative of the coins. The last writer relates that the founders having dis¬ covered the head of an ox, took it as a bad omen, and left off dig¬ ging; but commencing again about a cultivated date-palm, like that of the coins (tpo'mxK vtipvrtvftivov, as distinguished from a wild one), found the head of a horse.3 This version of the story may be the origin of the combination of the horse and date-palm upon the Carthaginian money. We may also notice that there are Siculo- Punic tetradrachms with the head of Proserpine and a victorious quadriga, struck in imitation of coins of Syracuse of the same denomination. (The principal work upon the Sicilian coinage is that of G. L. Castelli, Prince of Torremuzza, which, although published towards the close of the last century, has not yet been superseded.4) The islands near Sicily struck copper coins which are often singu¬ lar, and always of some interest. Those of Cossura are Phoenician, with an Egyptian character ; those of Gaulos are Greek and Phoeni¬ cian ; and those of Melita, Phoenician, showing both Egyptian and Persian influence. Of Lipara there is heavy copper money on the Italian system, having on the obverse a head of Vulcan, and some¬ times on the reverse a figure of the same divinity seated, holding a hammer, and a vase which he seems to have just formed. The Tauric lu the Tauric Chersonese there are interesting coins of the city Chersonese, of Panticapaeum, the modern Kertch, in the three metals. Their obverse usually bears the head of a Pan, and their reverse a gryphon, or its head or fore-part. The money of European Sar- matia, of Dacia, and of Upper and Lower Moesia, is chiefly copper of the Greek imperial class. The few coins of earlier times are generally of a coarseness not far removed from barbarism. In European Sarmatia we may notice the autonomous and imperial pieces of Oebiopolis, and in Dacia the series bearing the name of the province. The Roman colonia Viminacium, in Upper Mcesia, is represented by numerous coins of a late time. Of Istrus, in Lower Mcesia, there are didrachms and drachms having a strange type on the obverse, representing two beardless heads side by side, the one upright and the other upside down. On the reverse is an eagle devouring a fish. The former type has not been explained: it probably relates to some Greek myth. The style of those coins, it may be noticed, is in general fair, though it sometimes ap¬ proaches to barbarism. There are abundant Greek imperial coins of Marcianopolis and Nicopolis; while Tomis, the place of Ovid’s banishment and death, is not unrepresented in this class. Thrace. The coins of Thrace are of high interest. The oldest are pro¬ bably of the sixth century B.c., and there are others of all subse¬ quent times, both while the country was independent and while it was subject to the Romans, until the cessation of Greek coinage. Some of the best period are of the highest artistic merit. So long as they maintain any general distinctive peculiarities of fabric and design—that is, from their commencement until the age of Philip— the Thracian coins resemble those of Macedon. They also follow the same talent, that of Macedon, commonly called the Alexandrian or Ptolemaic. The heaviest tetradrachms are the earlier, which Greek weigh about 232 grains : those issued at later times are generally Coins, much lighter. The money of Abdera comprises tetradrachms and i smaller coins of the period of archaic and fine art. The principal type is a seated gryphon. ASnus is remarkable for the great ^hrace* beauty of some of its coins. These are tetradrachms of the earliest part of the time of the best art. They bear on the obverse a head of Mercury, facing, in his cap, and on the reverse a goat. The broad, free treatment of the head cannot be sufficiently praised; and it is worthy of remark, that it is here far more effective than the later and artificial style. There are drachms of a period subse¬ quent to that of these coins, which enable us to make this com¬ parison. The money of the ancient city of Byzantium commences with early tetradrachms and smaller coins, having on the obverse a bull above a dolphin, and on the reverse an incuse square of four divisions. Tetradrachms of the late part of the time of good art, bearing the head of Ceres veiled, and with corn in her hair, on the obverse, and Neptune seated, on the reverse, should also be noticed, as well as the long series of copper coins issued under the empire. Of Cosa there are Graeco-Roman aurei, which were probably struck by Brutus during the short time that he maintained himself against the triumvirs. They bear on the obverse an eagle holding a wreath in one claw, and on' the reverse a figure in a toga between two lictors, with the Greek inscription K02flN. There is sometimes in the field of the reverse a monogram of the letters L B, which is supposed to indicate the name of Lucius Brutus, whom we know to have struck Roman money with the more famous Marcus Brutus. The Roman colonia of Deultum is represented by many coins; and the city of Hadrianopolis by a long series, comprising fine pieces. Of Maronea, anciently famous for its wine, there is an interesting series of coins, beginning with very early drachms. After these we notice tetradrachms of the fine period, having on the obverse a horse, and on the reverse a vineyard, conventionally represented by a vine in a square. There are also large tetradrachms of a late time, with, on the one side, the head of an androgynous Bacchus, and on the other the standing figure of a young Bacchus. The Greek imperial coins of Pantalia and Perinthus are worthy of notice. Among those of the latter town we may mention very fine pieces of Antoninus Pius and Sever us, and large coins, commonly called medallions, of Caracalla. In the Thracian Chersonese the most important series is one of autonomous silver coins, probably of the town of Cherronesus. The money of the island of Thasos is of much interest. It commences with extremely old silver coins, which appear to be on the iEginetan system. These are followed by a series on the Attic weight, ranging from a very early time to the commencement of the period of good art, some of the latest be¬ ing of fine style. The obverse-type represents a satyr carrying a female, and the reverse-type is an incuse square, divided, more or less rudely, into four parts. After this we observe coins bearing for their obverse-type the head of Bacchus. Some of these are of the best period of art, and one, a tetradrachm, is among the very finest Greek coins. The head of Bacchus is treated in a sculptural style that is remarkably broad and grand. The massive, powerful features, and the formal hair nearly falling to the neck in regular curls, like those of the full beard, are relieved by a broad wreath of ivy leaves designed with great delicacy and simplicity. The reverse bears a Hercules kneeling on one knee and discharging his bow, a subject powerfully treated. Of a far later period there are large tetradrachms much resembling those of Maronea. They were probably struck, in both places, in the early days of the Roman rule. The money of Lysimachus is of far higher importance than that of any other king of Thrace. The most common pieces are, in gold, staters, and in silver, tetradrachms. The earlier coinage follows the types of that of Alexander the Great. The later coin¬ age, of which the examples are far more numerous, bears as the obverse-type what is considered to be the first Greek regal por¬ trait, the head of Alexander with goat’s horns, deified as a young Jupiter Ammon :r> the reverse-type is a seated Minerva holding a little Victory. There are coins of the kings of Paeonia, which are chiefly silver, and have a resemblance to those of the Macedonian sovereigns, although they are somewhat barbarous. The coinage of Macedonia, both civic and regal, is of great Macedon. variety and interest. It commences at an early time, probably to¬ wards the end of the sixth century B.C. The oldest pieces are of silver, copper, and not long afterwards gold, having come into use 1 i. 441-445. 3 Pmm. ii. 410, 411. 3 Ol St xki rovro tfio) (paylv, u; clou, oi ’'E/Uffireev, yyouv ei (jura rm Ailovs, oovffffovri; ti; tfoXlu; xriiriv, xo.'i [-jogs logovri; x£Xtiv a.vro~i, xou ‘Xa.o aXXaiti 'boat') rgotpHs, xa.6a xa) ro7s 'Itf'roi;, txri(rtt.v iv ru rotouTai toKu rtiv x.r.X. (Eustathius ad Dionysium, Perieg. 195 ; comp. Justin, xviii., cap. v.) . Sicilies Populorum et Urbium Regum quoque et Tyrannorum Veteris Nummi Saracenorum Epocham antecedentes, fob, Panormi, 1781 (with two ap¬ pendices—first, 1789; second, 1791). * Some have doubted this type to represent Alexander, but the evidence in favour of its doing so must be considered to be conclusive. NUMISMATICS. 369 Greek Coins. Macedon. for coinage during the fourth century B.C. The types are of a Greek character, with, in the earliest class, a tendency to bar¬ barism. Their art, although at first slow in its development, at¬ tained great excellence. The standard of the earlier coins is that of the old Macedonian talent, which is better known as the Alexan¬ drian or Ptolemaic, from its restoration to use in the coinage of Egypt by the first Ptolemy. The weight of its drachm was at first about 58 grains. The heaviest denomination in Macedonia was an octodrachm. The coins of this denomination are of an early period, all dating about the time of Alexander I., and indicate the metallic wealth of the country rather than the success of its trade at that time, since they are more likely to have been coined from the produce of the mines than from silver acquired in commerce. Philip II. adopted for gold money, which he was the first Mace¬ donian king to issue, the Attic weight, striking staters on that sys¬ tem, while he maintained the old standard for his silver coinage. Alexander the Great made the weight of the gold and silver money the same by using the Attic system for both ; and from his time no coins of kings of Macedon, in these metals, were struck on any other. The series of Macedon commences with coins of the kingdom or province bearing the name of the Macedonians. Some of these seem to have been issued under the kings, hut others are of the Roman domination. The money of Acanthus comprises fine ar¬ chaic tetradrachms, and others of the commencement of the period of good art. The type of their obverse is a lion seizing a bull. There are smaller pieces of various kindred types. The money of jEneia is chiefly interesting from its bearing the head of the hero .Eneas. The town of Amphipolis is represented by a long series. There are tetradrachms having on the obverse a head of Apollo facing, which are of fine w'ork, but not in the severe and best style. The reverse-type is a torch in an incuse square. Other silver, as well as copper coins, display good art. There are also many Greek imperial copper pieces of this place. The territory of Chalcidice is pre-eminent for the high excellence of some of its silver coins. These are tetradrachms of the best period, and of an ad¬ mirable style. The more important design is that of the obverse, representing a head of Apollo in profile, crowned with laurel. It is in very high relief, and treated with great simplicity, though not with the severity of somewhat earlier pieces. The delicacy of the features is balanced by the shortness of the hair, and the broad, heavy wreath of laurel. On the reverse is a lyre of seven strings. Other tetradrachms are of comparatively coarse work. There is an early series of coins of Lete. Some are of a remote date, and none later than about the time of Alexander I. The obverse-type is a Pan or faun with a nymph, and on the reverse is an incuse square. These coins are nearly all tetradrachms. Of Neapolis there are archaic silver and copper coins, with, on the one side, a Gorgon- head, and on the other a head of a female. The coins of Philippi are in the three metals. The gold pieces are fine staters, with the head of Hercules in the lion’s skin on the obverse, and on the re¬ verse a tripod. The silver and early copper pieces have the same types. The style of all points to the reign of Philip II., who, hav¬ ing discovered or gained possession of a rich gold mine near Cre- nides, changed its name to Philippi. Pydna is represented by copper money of the best period, sometimes fine, and, in the case of one specimen we have seen, very beautiful. There is a long series of Greek imperial coins of Thessalonica. Traslium must also be mentioned on account of its archaic silver coinage, and for the excellence of some of its copper money of the best time. The class of uncertain coins of Macedonia is deserving of careful study. It comprises very early silver pieces, among which octodrachms of the Macedonian talent should be especially noticed. One of the latter, and a smaller piece, bear inscriptions which have caused them to be attributed to the Orestse, but both Millingen and Colonel Leake assign them to a people of Thrace, not otherwise known to us, whom they call the Orescii, from the inscriptions of the coins. There are also two coins of Geta, King of the Edoni, a prince of whom we have no other record. They are octodrachms of about the period of Alexander I. On the obverse is repre¬ sented a hero wearing a causia driving two bulls, and the reverse bears an incuse square of four divisions, having around it on one coin PET[A]2 BA2IAEfl2 HAHNAN, and on the other PETA2 HAONEON BA2[I]AEV2. The difference, not alone in con¬ struction, but in orthography, and the use of long and short vowels, is very remarkable, and seems to indicate barbarism, since the coins are unquestionably of the same period. Both were found in Baby¬ lonia by Mr Rich,—a circumstance that finds its explanation either in the commercial importance of the Macedonian silver at this time, or in the probability that the remains of the armies of Darius and Xerxes carried away with them some Greek money taken as plunder. The coinage of the Macedonian kings, since it includes the money Greek of Philip II. and that of Alexander the Great, is equal in interest Coins, to any other Greek regal series. The oldest pieces are of Alex- v , , under I., the contemporary of Xerxes. These are octodrachms, resembling those of Geta, King of the Edoni, but having on ^acedon. the obverse a hero by the side of a horse; and coins of a lower denomination with the same type. The next king known by his coinage is Archelaus (b.C. 413-399), of whose reign we have silver coins, some of which are of archaic, and others of fine work, as well as the earliest copper money of the series. Of Amyntas II. (b.C. 397-371) there are coins of fine work, both in silver and copper. The money of subsequent reigns is not remarkable until that of Philip II. His gold pieces are staters and a small division. The abundance of the former is attributable to his having possessed the gold mine of Philippi. The staters are Attic didrachms, and are of fine, but not of the highest art. They bear on the obverse the head of young Hercules,—not of a sufficiently manly cast, and re¬ sembling that of Apollo, though rightly attributed to the former divinity by Mr Burgon. On the reverse is a goddess in a victorious Olympic biga, a type we have already explained: in one case Victory flies before the horses. These coins were afterwards known as fik/rz-iia, and the gold money of Alexander as —-ap¬ pellations which probably did not include larger or smaller pieces. Horace calls the gold coins of Philip, “ Philips” (“ regale nomisma, Philippos”). (Epist. ii. 1., v. 232.) The silver coinage of Philip is exclusively composed of tetradrachms of the Macedonian talent. Their type of obverse is a head of Jupiter; and of reverse either a mounted hero wearing a causia, or a victor in the horse-race with a palm, a design already discussed. There is a difficulty in deciding as to the copper money of Philip. The coinage of Alexander the Great, both in the number of the cities where it was issued, and in its abundance, excels all other Greek regal money; but its art is, without being despicable, far below excellence. The types are not remarkable in themselves, and there is a great sameness characterizing the entire series. The system of both gold and silver is Attic, Alexander having made the money of these metals uniform in weight by substituting the Attic for the Macedonian silver talent. The gold coins are distaters or gold tetradrachms, hemistaters or drachms, with their half, and a smaller denomination. The types of the distaters and staters—the latter of which were the most common pieces—are, for the obverse the head of Minerva, and for the reverse Victory bearing a standard. The largest silver piece is the decadrachm, of which there is but a single specimen known, now in the British Museum. The types of the tetradrachms and most of the lower coins are, on the obverse the head of young Hercules in the lion’s skin, and on the reverse Jupiter seated, bearing on his hand an eagle. The head has been supposed to be that of Alexander; but this is not the case, although there is probably some assimilation to his portrait. The great currency was of tetradrachms, which were struck in different cities, distinguished by proper symbols and monograms. The classification of these coins is difficult, and has not been suffi¬ ciently studied. The copper money is not remarkable. (There is an essay upon Alexander’s coinage by M. Muller of Copenhagen, which will be found of service in its examination.1) The coinage of Alexander is followed by that of Philip Arrhidams, in gold and silver. To Alexander Egus no money has been assigned with certainty ; but it is probable that coins in silver and copper, usually attributed to Alexander II. of Epirus, were issued by Ptolemy I. in Egypt in the name of this titular sovereign. The obverse-type of these is a head of Alexander the Great, like that on the coins of Lysimachus, in the silver pieces covered with the skin of an elephant, and in the copper ones bare. The money of Cas- sander and his sons Philip IV. and Alexander IV. is not remark¬ able. The coins of Antigonus, King of Asia, are placed in the Mace¬ donian regal series, since he was a successor of Alexander, and his son Demetrius gained the Macedonian sovereignty; but this is scarcely a correct classification. He struck very fine tetradrachms, having on the obverse a head of Neptune, and on the reverse Apollo seated on the prow of a galley,—types indicating the naval power of this king. The coins of Demetrius I., Poliorcetes, comprise fine tetradrachms, the types of which have a similar reference. They bear either, on the obverse his portrait horned, and on the reverse a figure of Nep¬ tune, or on the one side a winged female figure (Victory)2 in the prow of a galley, blowing a trumpet, and on the other Neptune striking with his trident. The latter types cannot be doubted to relate to the great naval victory which Demetrius gained over Ptolemy. The tetradrachms of Antigonus I., Gonatas, which are of inferior style and work to those of Demetrius, have types which appear to refer in like manner to the great event of his time. Their obverse- 1 Numismatique d’Alexandre le Grand, suivie d’un Appendice contenant les Monnaies de Philippe II. et III. Par L. Muller, 8vo, Copenhagne, 1855 (with a vol. of plates in 4to). 8 Eckhel supposes this figure to be Fame, but in this instance he seems to have judged hastily (Doct. Num. Vet., vol. ii., pp. 120,121). VOL. XVI. 3 A 370 NUMISMATICS. Greek type is a Macedonian buckler, with the head of Pan in the midst; Coins. and their reverse-type Pallas Promachus. The head of Pan is supposed to have been taken as a device in consequence of the panic which led to the discomfiture of the Gauls at Delphi,—panics being attributed, as the name imports, to the influence of Pan. The money of Demetrius II. and Antigonus II. is unimportant. The tetradrachms of Philip V. have, on the obverse two kindred types, in each case a head in the helmet of Perseus, but one appa¬ rently representing Philip in the character of that hero, and the other the hero himself, though probably assimilated to the king. The reverse bears a club. Other tetradrachms and smaller coins have a simple portrait of Philip. The tetradrachms of Perseus are of a fair style, considering the time at which they were struck. They bear on the one side the king’s head, and on the other an eagle on a thunderbolt. Thessaly. The coinage of Thessaly presents very few specimens of a remote period, while coins of the best time are numerous. The latter are in general remarkably like the finest coins of Sicily and Italy, although there are some of a severer style. The weight is gene¬ rally, if not always, adjusted to the iEginetan talent. Of the town of Gomphi or Philippopolis there is a beautiful drachm, having on the obverse a female head facing, which is probably that of Juno. The coins of Lamia are also to be noticed for their beauty. The series of Larissa is well worthy of a careful examination. It com¬ mences with archaic pieces, and some of the early period of good art, but of rather coarse execution. These are followed by coins of fine work. The usual obverse-type is the head of the nymph of the fountain facing, and on the reverse is generally a horse, either free or drinking. On some the head is treated in a very rich manner, like that of the fountain-nymph Arethusa, facing, on tetradrachms of Syracuse ; indeed, in one case, the resemblance, in its obverse, of a didrachm of this place to these Sicilian coins is most remarkable. The small silver pieces have very interesting types, relating to the nymph of the fountain, and to be compared for mutual illustration with the common didrachms of Terina and with some of those of Elis. The copper money is also fine. The coins of Pharsalus and Pherae are worthy of note. Of the tyrants of the latter town, Alexander and Tisiphon are represented by their coins; but we agree with Mr Burgon in thinking the tetradrachms which have been ascribed to the former to be of a king of Paeonia. The coins of Tricca resemble those of Larissa. IHyricum. The coinage of Illyricum is poor and rude. The weight is at first ^Eginetan, but afterwards it appears to have been generally Attic, a change probably attributable to Corinthian commercial influence. Of Apollonia there is a large series of Attic drachms, the most important type of which is a reverse one representing three nymphs dancing around what appears to be a burning hillock, but may be intended for a volcano. There are also a few Greek imperial pieces. Dyrrhachium, which never, as far as is known, bears on its coins the more famous name of Epidamnus, is repre¬ sented by an important series. First, there are iEginetan di- drachms, with Cocyrman types,—on the obverse a cow suckling a calf, and on the reverse a device supposed to be a kind of ground- plan of the famous gardens of Alcinoiis. These are succeeded by didrachms with Corinthian types, and, of course, on the Attic standard; and then the old types are resumed, but apparently without a return to the former weight. Dyrrhachium, it should be remembered, was founded partly by Corcyrsean and partly by Corinthian colonists. The Corinthian types are, however, to be at least mainly ascribed to subsequent influence, although their adoption may have been furthered by the recollection of the origin of the town. A didrachm of the first class bears the name of a King Monunius, who has been supposed to be the Illyrian prince Monunius mentioned by Livy and Athenaeus, and who reigned about B.c. 180. All the AEginetan didrachms, however, must be concluded to have been struck from about B.c. 400 to 300, the Attic money supplanting them at near the latter date; and there¬ fore this supposition is not tenable. Epirus. The coins of Epirus are of higher interest and beauty than those of Illyricum. The weight is generally iEginetan, except in the regal series, which follows the Attic standard. Of the Epirots there are silver coins which appear to be ^Eginetan didrachms and drachms of low weight. They are of about the time of Pyrrhus and of a later period. The city of Ambracia is represented by beautiful silver pieces, with, on the one side a veiled female head, and on the other a kind of obelisk. Of Damastium there are rude coins, which are doubtless of an early period. The long series of Greek imperial money of Nicopolis must also be mentioned. The coinage known to us of the kings of Epirus begins under Greek Alexander I. His coins have been found in the three metals, but Coins they are rare. It is probable that they were struck in Italy while v l , he was in that country. The coins of Pyrrhus are of high in- terest, and remarkable for their beauty, although in a greatly Epirus, decorated style. There can be little doubt that they were for the most part struck in Italy and Sicily—at Tarentum, Syracuse, and probably other towns also. Some of the gold pieces are fine, but the silver are more worthy of note. The tetradrachm has for the type of the obverse a head of the Dodonasan Jupiter crowned with oak, and for that of the reverse Juno seated. A fine didrachm bears on the obverse a young male head helmeted, which we believe to represent Pyrrhus, though in a peculiar manner. It is said that Pyrrhus was judged by his contemporaries to bear a great resemblance to Alexander in face and manner j1 and if we compare this head with that king’s on the coins of Lysimachus, we perceive a remarkable similarity. There is what we should call a strong family likeness, if the term be admissible, between the two. The features are not alone similar, but they have the same animated expression. Visconti considered the head in question to be that of Pyrrhus, and brought forward the argument given above, but he did not meet the objection that the treatment is ideal. This diffi¬ culty is overcome if w e consider it to have been an idealized por¬ trait of Alexander assimilated to that of Pyrrhus, as the head of Hercules on the money of the former king is probably assimilated to his own. The portrait of Alexander on the coins of Lysi¬ machus, and again on those which we suppose to be of Alexander iEgus, is also ideally treated, more especially in the latter case.2 Among the copper coins of Pyrrhus we must remark the beautiful ones with the portrait of his mother Phthia. The money ascribed to later kings of Epirus is of doubtful attribution. The coinage of the island of Corcyra generally, or of the Corey- Corcyra. raeans, commences with very early didrachms and drachms of the AEginetan weight. These are followed by coins of the early part of the period of good art, but usually somewhat rudely executed. The types of the didrachms of this and the preceding group are, on the obverse a cow suckling a calf, and on the reverse the supposed gardens of Alcinoiis, both, as we have seen, like those of the first didrachms of Dyrrhachiums. These are followed by coins with, on the one side, the head of an androgynous Bacchus, and on the other a Pegasus. The former of these types is illustrated by the fame of the wine of Corcyra in ancient times; the latter by the colonization of the island from Corinth, to which town this type must be held to re¬ fer. These and the later coins are probably on the Attic standard. Copper money is abundant, both of the autonomous and the impe¬ rial class. There are, however, no pieces which can be considered to be of very fine art in either silver or copper. The coins of Acarnania are not remarkable for beauty, or for Acarnania variety in their types. We must mention those of the Acarnanians, which are AEginetan didrachms and drachms, having on the obverse the head of the Acheloiis, beardless, and covered with a bull’s skin, and on the reverse a seated Apollo. These are probably of about the time of Alexander the Great. Of Leucas there are silver and copper coins, the latter being numerous; and of (Eniadae, copper, with, on the one side the head of Jupiter, and on the other that of the Acheloiis, bearded, and in a bull’s skin. The honour in which the Acheloiis was held explains the occurrence of its head in more than one series. In AEtolia, the money of the AEtolians must be mentioned. The AEtolia. gold and silver coins are fine, but not of the best period or of a very good style, and are probably to be referred to about Alex¬ ander’s time. The gold pieces have on the obverse the head of Minerva or that of Hercules in the lion’s skin, and on the reverse AEtolia, personified as a female seated on shields, with a little Victory on one hand. There are similar types on the silver coins; and the drachms bear others relating to the chase of the Calydonian boar. The latter have on the one side the head of Atalanta wearing a causia, and on the other the boar and the spear-head with which he was killed. The standard is first AEginetan, and then Attic. In Locris the coins of the Locri Opuntii, no doubt struck at Opus, Locris. claim our notice. There are didrachms and hemidrachms on the AEginetan weight, of the best period, and of a style which is admirable, notwithstanding that it is very rich in the treatment of the subject occupying their obverse. This is a head of Proserpine, with corn-leaves in her hair. The reverse bears a warrior in a fighting attitude, with sword and shield. His name, A1A2, which is sometimes written beneath, shows that he is the Lesser Ajax, who led the Locrians to the siege of Troy. v toc%o$ ioxivcu xa.i Toii AXtZccv'dgotj XKI Tvs tyooGts vczivov xoc] filets Tctgce, Tolls ayavets Iv tovtu trxtots Tivots ogeerdoti xtxi pipripctru, ray a'kXojy fiatriXtay tv To^usotis xoti 2ogv( capi viii ) * Milhngen (Considerations, Supp.,pp, 27,28) supposed the head on the didrachm of Pyrrhus to be intended for that of Achilles, and his opinion has some support from the occurrence of the letter A in the field. This letter would, however, be equally appropriate in the case of Alexander. NUMISMATIC S. 371 (5 reek Coins. licsotia. Attica. There are silver coins of the Phocians and of Delphi. Those of the former are of archaic and of fine art, and follow the ^Eginetan system. The coins of Delphi, which are on the same standard, are not an important series. Among them are Greek imperial pieces, some of which have a representation of the famous temple on the reverse. The coinage of Bceotia forms an interesting series. It is chiefly of a period anterior to the reign of Alexander, under whom the political importance of Thebes and the whole country came to an end. The silver money is fine in its art, and a great similarity is observable in its fabric and types. The standard is iEginetan, but the Attic must have been introduced after Alexander’s time, as there are some specimens of its weight. The copper money is poor. Of the Boeotians there is a long series. The great currency was of A3ginetan didrachms, but many smaller coins are found. In the archaic pieces the obverse-type is a Boeotian buckler, which is probably that of Hercules, and the reverse bears an incuse square. On coins of the early part of the time of good art we find the buckler and a diota; the former seeming to stand for Hercules, and the latter for Bacchus, corresponding to the types of Thebes with the head of Bacchus on one side and Hercules on the other. Later coins of these types, and of a very fine style, bear on the reverse the earlier letters of proper names, which can only be of magis¬ trates. One, a didrachm, may be particularized for its beauty and on account of the inscription EIIAMI, which Mr Burgon supposes to be part of the name of the illustrious Epaminondas, an opinion which the style of the coin corroborates. On this piece there is a rose above the diota. The other names require to be carefully studied. There are still later pieces of inferior work. Very rare tetradrachms of Attic weight, standing quite by themselves in the coinage of Bceotia, must be referred to a time subsequent to that of the silver coins of Higinetan weight. Their obverse-type is a head of Jupiter, and their reverse-type a seated Neptune. The coinage of Orchomenus is fine. Very beautiful hemidrachms of the best time, with the head of Proserpine on the obverse, must be particularized. Of Tanagra there are coins of the archaic and the good period. The money of these lesser towns cannot, however, be compared for importance to that of Thebes. A few small gold coins have been found of this city ; but the great currency was of silver, and chiefly in didrachms, of course on the HSginetan stand¬ ard. The earliest silver pieces must be assigned to a time not long after the beginning of Greek coinage. These have on the obverse the usual buckler, and on the reverse an archaic © in the midst of an incuse pattern. After these there are pieces of early good style and others of rich work of a later time, although also of the age of the best art. The types appear mainly to relate to Her¬ cules and Bacchus. We may notice didrachms, with on the ob¬ verse the buckler, and on the reverse the diota, with the buckler, and the infant Hercules strangling serpents, and with the head of Bacchus, and Hercules stringing his bow. The last reverse-type is a very fine example of the early work of the good time. The copper money is not remarkable. The only other Boeotian town which need be mentioned is Thespias, of which there are silver coins of a late archaic time. In Attica the great series of Athens demands our consideration. The gold money is not common, and of a late time, probably near that of Philip. The pieces are staters or didrachms. The silver is very plentiful, and must anciently have had a high commercial importance. We have already spoken of the denominations in treating of those of Greek coins generally. It may be here men¬ tioned that the decadrachm of Athens is extremely rare; that the most common coin is the tetradrachm ; and that some of the smaller pieces are of frequent occurrence. The earlier coins have archaic types, commencing about B.C. 500, and reaching^own, without any essential change of style, througTi the period of good art,—a cir¬ cumstance which can only be attributed, as already remarked, to a desire not to injure the credit of the Athenian money for purity among the nations which received it in trade. They are thick and of coarse fabric. There was no doubt a still older Athenian coinage, of which specimens must remain; but on this subject nothing satisfactory has as yet been published. The most notable coins of the earlier class are the decadrachm, which has on the obverse the head of Minerva, and on the reverse an owl with spread wings, with the inscription A0E, and an olive branch, and the tetra¬ drachm, with the same obverse, and on the reverse an owl, usually turned to the right, but sometimes to the left, and more rarely facing, but with its wings closed. The coins of the later class are thinner, and consequently broader, and of a more recent style, than those of the earlier. They probably commenced not long after the time of Alexander, and lasted until that of Sylla,if not later. The principal pieces are tetradrachms, each bearing the names of three magistrates, among which occur those of two kings, Antiochus Greek (doubtless the third of that name), and the famous Mithradates of Coins. Pontus. Their obverse-type is a head of Minerva, probably copied from that of the ivory-and-gold statue by Phidias in the Parthenon rather than that of the bronze one by the same artist on the Acro¬ polis; and their reverse-type is an owl upon an amphora. The Athe¬ nian copper is of low art. The first attempt to introduce it failed j1 but the principal piece {% lib> xxxiii., § 54. Greek Coins. Paphlago¬ nia and Bithynia. Mysia. NUMISMATICS. 375 Greek reverse has the fore-part of a winged horse, the wing being Coins curled, and the body terminating in what seems to be a kind of , fin, so that the monster would appear to be a sea-horse. The old y "i gilver coins have on the obverse a Janus-like combination of two female heads. Of the good period there are some small pieces; and there is also an Attic tetradrachm of late time, showing the aban¬ donment of the old standard, which was probably Phoenician. The autonomous copper money is not very important. Of Parium there are silver coins of the early fine period, and of rather archaic style. Some copper pieces of good time are remarkable for bearing an altar in perspective, such objects being scarcely ever thus repre¬ sented until a much later period. The coins of the great city of Pergamus or Pergamum are chiefly of a late time. There are, indeed, gold and silver pieces of the good period, the former being very rare; but the most numerous silver coins are cistophori, and therefore late. The cistophorus, as we have already shown, is in weight an Attic tridrachm, but it probably came, through the depreciation of the Phoenician tetra- drachms of Rhodes and other places, to be considered a tetradrachm, and thus the half and quarter of it were struck, although apparently in no great numbers. All the cistophori are of the kingdom of Pergamus, which afterwards became the Roman province Asia. The oldest were most probably issued under the kings, but the later are of the Roman rule, and we find on them the names of proconsuls or propraetors of Asia, and of proconsuls of Cilicia, from the time at which Phrygia was given to that province. Thus the name of M. Tullius Cicero, as proconsul, occurs on a cistophorus of Apamea of Phrygia, and, with the title “ Imperator,” on one of Laodicea in the same country, the latter coin illustrating an event narrated by the orator.1 The obverse-type of these pieces is the cista mystica, a basket from which a serpent issues, all within a wreath of ivy; and the reverse-type, two serpents, partly inter¬ twined, and rising on either side of a bow-case, or sometimes, but rarely, of some other object. These proper cistophori are succeeded by coins of the time of the triumvirate of Mark Antony and his colleagues, with a Roman head or heads on the obverse, and ser¬ pents on either side of the cista, and of some other object, on the reverse; and these, again, are followed by the so-called imperial silver medallions of Asia, which are of the weight of cistophori. These last have on the obverse either the head of an emperor or that of an empress, and on the reverse various designs, and are of fine work for the period. The earliest are of Augustus, and the latest of Domitian.2 The copper pieces of Pergamus are numerous, both of the autonomous and of the imperial class, the latter com¬ prising some medallions. The principal coins of the kings of Per¬ gamus are Attic tetradrachms, with, on the obverse, a laureate head, believed to be that of the first king, Philetserus, and on the reverse a seated Minerva. The portrait is often very fine, when it must be considered to be one of the best Greek portraits, and an excellent example of the work of the time. The reverse is pro¬ bably taken from that of the common tetradrachms of Lysimachus, from whom Philetserus revolted. Although the inscription of the reverse is always #IAETAIPOT, a monogram or letter sometimes points out the king by whom a particular coin was issued. Be¬ sides these tetradrachms, there are copper coins, which, however, are unimportant. The Troad coinage of the Troad is chiefly interesting from its reference, ' in its later pieces, to the Trojan War, and the manner in which it thus illustrates the Iliad. We must recollect, however, that this kind of evidence on very late coins cannot be safely held to be in¬ dependent, except where the type is of an indisputably religious character, and also that, at the Roman time, and a period somewhat earlier, this character is not constant. Hence we must not hastily conclude that the coins show that there was a local tradi¬ tion of the great contest, nor that they prove its heroes to be my¬ thical. Of Abydos there are silver coins of the early part of the good period, which seem to be adjusted to the Phoenician talent. The drachms have on the obverse an anchor, to which a craw-fish is about to cling; and on the reverse a head of Medusa, with the serpents, which are not usually represented on the coins. There are Attic tetradrachms of a late time, noticeable for their strange fabric, which gives them the appearance of cast coins, and renders them suspicious to those who are unaware of this peculiarity. Alexandria is represented by late Attic tetradrachms, having on the one side a head of Apollo, and on the other, Apollo advancing with bow and arrow, and the inscription AIIOAAfiNOS ZMI6Et22 AAESANAPEfiN, &c. There are later autonomous and imperial Greek coins, in copper, of the Roman colonia. Of Ilium there are like- Coins, wise late Attic tetradrachms of coarse work, bearing on the obverse the head of Minerva, and on the reverse the same goddess advanc¬ ing, holding in her right hand a spear, which rests on her shoulder, and in her left hand a distaff, with the inscription A0HNA2 IAIAA02, &c. One of the autonomous copper pieces has on the obverse Hector in a combatant attitude, with his name EKTfiP, and on the reverse the wrolf and twins, showing that it is of the Roman period. On another copper coin Aeneas is represented carrying Anchises, and leading Ascanius. There are also many imperial copper pieces of this place. Of Scepsis, which is said to have been the capital of a Dardanian kingdom for a long period between the fall of Troy and the age of Alexander,3 there are archaic silver coins; and some of its copper money is of good style. Sigeum was for a great length of time a dependency of Athens; and the common types of its silver coins are accordingly Athenian, although the style of art is different. The island of Tenedos is represented by very early coins, and others of the fine and late periods. The usual obverse-type of all the silver pieces is a J anus¬ like combination of two heads, probably those of Jupiter and J uno; and the usual reverse-type of all but the oldest is a two-headed axe.4 The weight seems to be always Attic. In AEolis we may notice that some of the coins of A3gae are of a AEolis. very early time, and that the principal type, the head and neck, or fore-part of a goat, is probably connected with the name. The town of Cyme is represented by an important series of silver coins. A few of these are early, but most are fine late Attic tetradrachms, probably first struck not very long after Alexander’s time, and per¬ haps issued for about a hundred years. On the obverse is a female head, perhaps that of Diana, bound with a narrow fillet: the style has some purity and vigour, though yet far inferior to that of the best Greek coins, and thus shows the vitality of art in Asia Minor. The reverse-type is a horse within a wreath of laurel. There are also examples of fair work among the copper coins. Of Myrina there are Attic tetradrachms like those of Cyme, and of about the same period. The obverse-type, which is a laureate head of Apollo, is in a vigorous style. The imperial coins of .ZEolis are not very numerous. The coinage of Lesbos is remarkable for the base material of Lesbos, what we may consider, as a class, to be its oldest pieces. These, although at first heavier, probably represent Aiginetan didrachms and divisions, their original weight having been determined on the same principle as that which regulated the weight of the electrum coins of Asia Minor. They are doubtless of the different cities of the island, although it is difficult to attribute most of them. Cer¬ tain of these early base silver coins, with, on the obverse, two boars’ heads facing one another, and on the reverse an irregular incuse square, must be classed to Antissa, as Mr Burgon has determined, since one bears the letters AN in monogram. To Methymna may perhaps be assigned a coin of the kind just noticed, but there is also a silver one of very archaic style, which is, if not anterior to it, at least of the same time. Of a later period there are fine coins of this town. Among the copper pieces we must not pass by one already mentioned, on which Arion and the dolphin are repre¬ sented. The weight of the pure silver coins of Methymna seems to be always Attic. Mytilene appears to have struck electrum coins, for hectae are assigned to it, one of which bears the letters AE. It must be remembered that this was the chief town of the island, and, as Col. Leake supposes, Homer’s As^/Jav euxTijU.iyuv. There are early base coins of this place, and silver of the fine period. The standard seems to be yEginetan. The copper pieces are numerous, and the earliest are of fair style. The very late are interesting, as bearing the names and portraits of benefactors. Mytilene is thus shown to have honoured such persons as heroes or heroines; and one, Theophanes, the friend of Pompey, from whom he obtained for this city, his native place, the privileges of a free state, is in¬ deed even called a god; while Archedamis, probably his wife, is styled a goddess. The imperial coins of Mytilene may also be mentioned: they comprise medallions. There are beautiful copper pieces of Pyrrha of the good period. The electrum coins of Asia Minor may be best placed between j’iectTUra iEolis and Ionia, in the opinion of Mr Burgon, since this position is coins 0f about the centre of their geographical range. They form a most Asia interesting class, whether we consider the antiquity of the earliest, Minor, or the admirable style of the designs of a great proportion, or their 1 Having conquered the barbarians at Issus, Cicero received this title: “ Ita victoria justa Imperator appellatus apud Issum,” &c. (Epist. Farm. ii. 10.) a See, on the whole subject of the cistophori and imperial medallions, an excellent paper by M. Pinder, “ Uber die Cistophoren und fiber die Kaiserlichen Silbermedaillons der Rbmischen Provinz Asia, von M. Pinder” (Kbngl. Acad, der Wissensch.), Berlin, 1856. 8 Strabo, lib. xiii., chap. i. 4 Aristotle (ap. Steph. Byz. voc. TLsSo;) gives a puerile explanation of these types, which Colonel Leake (Num. Hel., “ Insular Greece,” p. 43) rightly condemns. 376 NUMISMATICS. Greek Coins. Ionia’ general importance in reference to Greek mythology. As to their art, it may be truly said that it is impossible to form a fair opinion of the artistic excellence of the coins of the west of Asia Minor with¬ out a knowledge of these, which make up the majority of the most carefully-executed specimens struck during the best period.. The earliest electrum coins have the appearance of a greater antiquity than any in the whole Greek series ; and thus explain the remark of Herodotus, that the Lydians, as far as he knew (for he does not here omit his characteristic cautious mode of expression), were the first who struck money. Although perhaps the first coins may have been struck in HSgina, and others soon afterwards, elsewhere in Greece, and this useful invention speedily adopted in. Asia, it seems more pronable that it was of Asiatic origin ; and it should be remembered that the part of Asia to which the electrum class belongs was at this early period subject to the Lydian kings. . The oldest pieces are staters and smaller coins, with rude and seemingly unmeaning incuse stamps on the obverse, and on the reverse a mere mark of the rough surface of the anvil. These are followed by coins with a rude design on the obverse, and irregular incuse stamps in a square on the reverse. After a time the art of the designs on the obverse improves, and the reverse is occupied by a quadripartite incuse square, of which each of the divisions is in a different plane. There are many staters and hectae of this class, which we may call the later archaic, to distinguish it from the older class which precedes it. To the same group must be assigned some hectae struck towards the close of its period, which are re¬ markable for having a second and incuse design on the reverse, differing from that on the obverse. The electrum coins of the best period commence with such as are slightly archaic. These have the quadripartite incuse reverse, which is, as far as we know, the in¬ variable reverse of the statersof this whole period. These staters are of pure and excellent style in their designs. The hectae are unex¬ celled for breadth and purity of style, combined with the greatest beauty and refinement. They present a most interesting series of heads of Greek divinities. The latest show a slight decline in their style. In Ionia we must first notice the town of Clazomenae, the earlier silver pieces of which bear the fore-part of a winged boar. Among the coins issued at a later time, we must notice three examples which worthily support the character we have given the artists of Asiatic Greece. These are, a gold coin of the weight of the third of an Attic tetradrachm, and two silver Attic tetradrachms. The obverse- type of all is a head of Apollo facing, and the reverse-type a swan. The age is about the middle or latter part of the fifth century B.C.; and the head is in the very best Greek style, the swan being not so finely executed. The former is slightly better on the gold coin, where it has a simple grandeur and beauty that gives it a place among the first monuments of Greek art. On the two tetradrachms the head is but little inferior; and it is noticeable that the artist, proud of his work, has inscribed on both (for they are by the same hand, though from different dies) “Theodotus made this ” (6EOAO- T02 EIIOEI). There is a tetradrachm, doubtless later, on which the head of Apollo shows an ornate and mannered style. Some of the copper coins are of the good time, and well executed. Passing Colophon, of which there are archaic coins and others of the fine period, we reach Ephesus. The early silver pieces of this town, which are not of a very remote period, have on the one side a bee, and on the other usually an incuse square, rudely divided into four parts. The most important of the older coins of the fine period are tetradrachms of the Phcenician talent, bearing on the obverse a bee, and on the reverse a date-palm and the forepart of a stag. The principal later coins of the same period are didrachms of a lower weight, and in time a little before the expedition of Alexander. They bear on the one side the bust of Diana, in a beautiful style, but not the finest j and on the other the fore-part of a stag. Of a still lower time there are many cistophori. Some of the autonomous copper pieces display a good style of art. There is a large imperial series, including some coins of silver. Of the latter metal certain are of especial interest, since they bear, although they are evidently of Roman weight, inscriptions stating them to be drachms and didrachms. These are followed by Roman denarii of fine work, with Latin inscriptions. The imperial copper money also presents specimens of good art for the period. There are coins in both silver and copper of Ephesus with the name of Arsinoe, which the city took from the wife of Lysimachus, and bore only during his life. They have the portrait of Arsinoe, which may be compared with that on her Egyptian coins as wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus.1 The money of Erythrae bears types con¬ nected with Hercules. Some of its silver coins, on the Phcenician standard, are of good style; and the autonomous copper pieces are no¬ ticeable for the great number of magistrates’ names which they bear, indicating the long period during which they were issued. On the coins of Magnesia are subjects connected with the River Greek Maeander. Thus the earlier silver pieces, which have on the Coins obverse an armed horseman galloping, bear on the reverse a humped bull butting, within a circular meander, or upon a straight device of the same kind; so that there seems to be a double symbolic representation of the river. There is also a fine spread Attic tetradrachm, of late time, but of fair work, like those of Cyme; and having on the obverse the bust of Diana, and on the reverse Apollo standing on a meander. Of Miletus there are a few archaic silver coins on the Attic standard, with, on the one side, a lion’s head and fore-leg, and on the other a conventional star in an incuse square. The later pieces, which appear mainly to follow the Phce¬ nician standard, are of good and sometimes excellent work. Their obverse-type is a head of Apollo, and their reverse-type a lion looking back at a star. The silver coins of Phocaea are very early, and have on their obverse a seal, reminding us of the derivation of the name of the place. The copper coins are much later, and some of them are in a good style. No early silver coins of Smyrna are known, the pieces in this metal being late Attic tetradrachms, with, on the obverse, a female turreted head, probably^ that of Cybele, and on the reverse a lion or a monogram, within a wreath of oak. In copper there is a large series, both of the autonomous and of the imperial class. Some coins of the former kind are of fair work. Certain of them have on the obverse a figure of Homer seated ; and it was doubtless copper money of Smyrna of this sort which Strabo mentions as bearing the name 'Opri^uoi. Other auto¬ nomous copper coins bear on the obverse the head of Mithradates VI., and were doubtless struck when he held the place. The impe¬ rial class comprises fine pieces, with portraits of great beauty and merit, and otherwise of good work. Historically the most in¬ teresting are those which bear the name of a Vespasianus Junior (na/Ti^os), supposed to be a prince of the Flavian family not other¬ wise known to us. Of Teos there are archaic HSginetan di¬ drachms, bearing on the one side a seated gryphon with curled wings, and on the other a quadripartite incuse square. There are later coins of the earliest good work, and others of subsequent times. Chios and Samos, islands of Ionia, are represented by interesting Chios and coins. Of the former there are archaic silver pieces, but the Samos, greater number of its coins are of the early fine period. The obverse-type is a seated sphinx with curled wing, and an amphora upon a slightly-raised surface like a shield; and the reverse bears an irregular incuse square of four divisions. The weight is Phceni¬ cian. There are later coins in silver, and many autonomous and imperial copper pieces. Some autonomous copper pieces of the Ro¬ man period have the value inscribed, thus ACCAPION HMT2T, [s«c.] ACC APIA ATO, ACCAPIA TPI A, and also OBOAOo, the latter being pro¬ perly the name of a Greek silver coin. The coins of Samos are on the Phcenician standard. There are numerous tetradrachms, some early, and many of the good period. Their common obverse-type is a lion’s scalp ; and the early coins have on the reverse the head and neck of a bull, the later, the fore-part. Some of the smaller silver pieces are supposed from their types to have been issued at a time when Samos and Clazomenae were in alliance. The autonomous civic coinage of Caria is generally poor in art, Caria. and even inclining to barbarism. Of the imperial class there are coins of many cities, but no one very large series. The autono¬ mous money of Cnidus, of which the silver follows the Phcenician system, deserves especial mention. The early coins have on the obverse the head and fore-leg of a lion, and on the reverse the head of Venus. The same types continue, but during the time of good art they change places. There are other silver coins of Cnidus, with, on the one side, a Rhodian type, the head of Apollo facing, and on the other the Cnidian head and fore-leg of the lion. These indicate a Rhodian alliance or domination. The money of Halicarnassus in¬ cludes some silver pieces of the good period. Of lasus there are silver coins of good but not the best style, having on the obverse the head of Apollo, and on the reverse a youth swimming beside a dolphin which he holds—a type reminding one of the well-known didrachms of Tarentum. Of Myndus there are silver pieces, with, on the obverse, the head of Jupiter, and on the reverse an Egyptian divinity’s plumed head-dress. The coins of Nysa, of Stratonicea, and of Tripolis may also be mentioned. The money of the kings of Caria is worthy of note. The weight is Phcenician. There are tetra¬ drachms, didrachms, and drachms, having for their obverse-type a fine head of Apollo, laureate, facing; and for the reverse-type a standing figure of the Carian Jupiter holding a two-headed axe and sceptre. These pieces are of Mausolus or Maussolus, of Idrieus or Hidrieus, and of Pixodarus. First of the islands of Caria, Calymna should be noticed. The 0alynina early silver coins are extremely barbarous, but the later are in a an(j 0o8i good style. The obverse bears a helmeted male head, in the earlier 1 See a paper by Mr Borrell of Smyrna (Num. Chron., vol. ii., p. 171, et seq.) N U M I S M A T I C S. 377 Greek pieces bearded, and in the later, beardless ; and the reverse, a lyre. Coins Cos affords an important series. The standard of the silver pieces ' , appears to be Phoenician, but if so, the weight of the earliest is very heavy. The oldest'tetradrachms have remarkable types: Cos. that of the obverse represents a naked male figure dancing and beating a tambourine before the tripod of Apollo, and the reverse is occupied by an irregular incuse square, divided diagonally, and having a crab in the centre. The obverse-type is in a very fine late archaic style. Among the later coins we must notice, as the most beautiful, although not severe in its treatment, one with, on the obverse, a head of Hercules bearded, and on the reverse a head of Ceres veiled. There are also small pieces of a subsequent time, which bear on the one side a head of ^Esculapius, resembling that of Jupiter, and on the other a serpent. Many copper coins also bear types relating to this divinity. The imperial money is in¬ significant. Rhodes. The island of Rhodes takes an important place in numismatics. In Homer’s time, three cities, Hindus, lalysus, and Camirus, di¬ vided its territories between them. After having existed several centuries, these cities united to found Rhodes, and ceased to possess separate laws. Strabo places this event in the course of the Pelo¬ ponnesian War (x«ra ra. nt\otri>»y>iiriKxd), and gives another indica¬ tion of its date when he says that the architect employed was Hip- podamus of Miletus, who built the Pirseeus of Athens, for the latter work was executed about B.C. 475. It may therefore be supposed that Rhodes was founded not very long, perhaps as much as twenty years, before the Peloponnesian War, which began B.C. 431. These particulars entirely agree with the numismatic evidence. The coins of the three cities, if we include those attributed to Astyra, are generally of archaic fabric, and in no case late; whilethoseof Rhodes do not in style reach earlier than the middle of the fifth century B.C. The coins of Camirus and those of lalysus, the latter seem¬ ing always to commemorate alliances, are worthy of careful study. Of Rhodes there are gold staters of Attic weight, and smaller pieces, all of a low period. The silver coins form a large series. The pieces struck before Alexander’s expedition may be considered as generally of the good period, although some of them are archaic; and those issued after his reign may be assigned to the time of decline. During that reign his regular coinage was struck at this city. The obverse bears a head of Apollo, facing in the large coins, and usually in profile in the small. The earlier are chiefly to be distinguished by the facing head of Apollo being bare, and the later, by its being radiate. On the reverse is a rose, almost always represented in a side view, but sometimes as seen from above. After a very careful examination of many examples, we are firmly convinced that this is nothing but a single rose. It has been suggested that it is a pomegranate flower (fiuXu.virriov'); but the coins seem to us absolutely to overthrow this theory, although supported by the opinion of Colonel Leake. Ifo doubt there is a certain degree of conventional treatment in the representation, but not enough to render its meaning in any degree doubtful. Some of these coins are fine, although most of them show, in the head, a degree of harshness. The weight is Phoenician, and becomes very low. The autonomous copper coins are similar to the silver; a few are fine, and some are very large. Those of the imperial class are unimportant. Entering Lycia, we are in a more Asiatic region than any through which we have passed. The earlier coins have a peculiarly local character in most instances, and are no doubt of the Persian do¬ mination. It seems probable that their issue ceased Somewhat before Alexander’s expedition, for we can scarcely bring the latest quite as low as that event. There can be no question that, here as else¬ where, a Greek coinage was then introduced, first struck by Alex¬ ander, and afterwards by the cities. The earlier coins are principally of silver, but copper pieces occur. Some of the farmer have a very archaic aspect; and the style of all would be called archaic else¬ where, but here the eastern character of the devices must be taken into account. The types present a union of Greek and oriental de¬ signs, the most common of which is one probably of the latter class— the so-called triquetra, an object resembling a ring to which three hooks are attached. A man-headed bull with curled wings is also to be noticed. The inscriptions are in Lycian characters, except in the case of the early pieces of Phaselis, which have Greek letters. The coins with Lycian inscriptions have not been satisfactorily at¬ tributed. The standard is probably Phoenician, but this cannot be regarded as certain. Sir Charles Fellows has published a list of all the specimens of this class known to him, with engravings of the greater number.1 The later coins, or such as were struck after Alexander’s time, are of inferior interest to those which we have just noticed. The common types are, for the obverse the head of Apollo, frequently in rather an androgynous character, and for the reverse, a lyre in a shallow incuse square. These occur on Greek small silver coins of the cities Cragus, Limyra, Massicytes, Patara, Coins, and Phaselis, the earlier coins of the last of which we have already noticed. The imperial pieces of Lycia, in silver and copper, form a very small class. The older of the autonomous coins of Pamphylia show oriental Pamphy • influence, although this is principally displayed in the weights and Ha. inscriptions. The imperial money consists of copper pieces, which are not of great importance. Of Aspendus there is a large series of silver coins. They appear, from their weight, to be double silver darics, equal to two-thirds of the Phoenician tetradrachm. The inscription is in a Pamphylian form, and written in Greek characters. The common coins are generally of the early part of the fine period; they have on the obverse two wrestlers en¬ gaged, and on the reverse a slinger discharging a stone, with, in the field, a triquetra formed of three legs, like that represented on coins of Syracuse. The autonomous series of Perga is not im¬ portant. Of Side there are archaic pieces of the weight of double silver darics. Their obverse-type is a pomegranate fruit (ri'Sn) above or upon a fish. Of a subsequent period are early fine silver coins of the same denomination as the older ones, although lighter. Their obverse-type is Minerva holding an owl or a little Victory, with a pomegranate in the field; and their reverse-type, a male figure sacrificing. They bear an inscription in Sidetan letters, which differ from those on the coins of Aspendus—some being apparently Phoenician, while others are Greek. After these coins are Attic tetradrachms, bearing on the one side the head of Minerva, and on the other a Victory, with a pomegranate in the field. They are very similar to the tetradrachms of Amyntas, King of Galatia. In Pisidia the only important autonomous series is that of Selge. Pisidia, with an Essay on the relative Bates of the Lycian Monuments Charles Fellows, 1855. VOL. XVI. m the British Museum, by Sir 3$ 378 Greek Coins. Lydia. Phrygia. NUMISMATICS. archaic appearance that more satisfactory evidence does not corro¬ borate. The denominations appear to be Phoenician, and there is no doubt that the heaviest is of the weight of two silver darics. Pieces having on the obverse a ram Ij’ing down, and a reverse, either perfectly plain, or else bearing a ram’s head or a kind of crux ansata, are assigned by the Due de Luynes to Amathus, with two exceptions. The coins with the Greek inscription MAP, before alluded to, he attributes to Marium. To Salamis he classes coins of which two types are worthy of note. One of these represents a female seated on or carried by a bull, and the other a figure, ap¬ parently also that of a female, carried by a ram. The former type connects the myth of Europa with the worship of the Cyprian Venus and Astarte; and the latter connects these again with the story of Helle, and the recumbent ram on the Cyprian coins with the famous one which bore the Golden Fleece. There are a few copper coins of this class. The Due de Luynes has published an excellent essay on these coins of Cyprus.1 A few pieces are known of the kings of Cyprus. Of the Greek imperial class there are base silver and copper pieces of the island generally, on which occurs, in both metals, a remarkable reverse-type representing the famous temple of Venus at Paphos. The coinage of Lydia is chiefly of copper pieces, the majority of which are either actually imperial or struck during the imperial period. The autonomous copper coins of Blaundus may be men¬ tioned, as well as those of Magnesia ad Sipylum. One of the latter place is of the highest interest, from its bearing a fine portrait of Cicero, which is no doubt nearly or quite contem¬ porary. It is of good work, resembling in that respect the Homan money of the earlier emperors. The autonomous cop¬ per coins of Philadelphia must also be noticed. Of Sardis there are cistophori, as well as many copper pieces. Some of the latter, of the imperial class, display good work.. There are copper coins of Thyatira, both autonomous and imperial, some of the latter being of fine work for the period to which they belong. Tralles is represented by cistophori and by copper coins. There are some uncertain Lydian coins, which were probably struck at Sar¬ dis by a Lydian king, perhaps Croesus. They are of both gold and silver, and bear on the obverse the fore-part of a lion facing the fore-part of a bull, as if attacking it, while the reverse is occupied by an incuse square rudely divided into two parts. The gold coins weigh the same as the darics, and the principal silver ones, like the °so-called silver darics, one-third less. The type is mani¬ festly of an oriental, if not a Persian character, being only another form of the common one of a lion seizing a bull. It would be hasty, however, to conclude that the coins are of the time following the overthrow of Croesus by Cyrus. The coinage of Phrygia is chiefly of the Roman period, and its imperial pieces are numerous and interesting. Of Apamea Cibotus, more anciently Celamse, there are cistophori and autonomous copper coins, some of which are of a fair style for the late time at which they were struck. The imperial series contains the remarkable pieces which have been supposed to bear a representation of the ark of Noah. These are of Septimius Severus, Macrinus, and Philip Senior, and have on the reverse an ark in the shape of a boat or chest, with two persons either within or near it, and upon it the letters NfiE or Nfi. It is not reasonable to suppose, as has been frequently done, that these coins directly refer to the Noachian Deluge. It does not seem possible that any Jewish or Christian community would have been able, at the time when these pieces were struck, to fix types of the public money of a pagan town, and it is by no means likely that any local tradition would have pre¬ served the actual name of Noah. The letters which appear at first to be that name may, however, be part of the name of the people, AFIAMEfiN, or they may have been added by tooling in modern times, but as to this we cannot speak positively, not having seen any of the specimens. In either case the designs would do no more than refer to the story of Deucalion, and so indirectly to the De¬ luge of Noah. The appellation xiptuiis given to the town implies some connection with an ark ; and it is very probable that the tradition of a great flood would be stronger in Phrygia than in Greece Proper, from the former country being much nearer the site where the ark must have rested than the latter. There is another coin of Apamea with a remarkable reverse, which we have already described in an earlier place. It is one of Septimius Severus, with the type of Minerva playing on the double pipe. Other pieces also have designs relating to the myth of Marsyas, as one of Hadrian, on which he is represented playing on the double pipe. Of Cibyra there are silver coins of a base style, and copper pieces; and of Hierapolis, copper coins, including some of a fine late style. Laodicea is represented by cistophori and autonomous copper coins, of which last some are of fair style, as one with the bust of MA or Lunus upon a crescent, wearing a Phrygian bonnet wreathed with laurel. Some of the early imperial pieces bear fine portraits. On the copper Greek coins of Prymnessus the bust of Midas is represented wearing a Coins. Phrygian bonnet. „ ^ The autonomous coinage of the cities of Galatia is very uni.m- GTT portant, and the imperial series is not extensive. There are coin? ^latiaand of several kings, of whom the principal one is an Amyntas, believed ^ppacto- to be the contemporary of Strabo. The gold money attributed to1^- him is of doubtful authenticity. His silver pieces are light Attic tetradrachms, greatly resembling those of Side. There are imperial copper coins of Galatia generally.—The autonomous civic coinage of Cappadocia is very scanty; but of the imperial class there is one long and interesting series—that of Caesarea. It comprises silver coins of somewhat base metal. These are of several denomi¬ nations, of which the basis seems to be a Greek denarius, than which there is a lighter piece as well as heavier ones. They were struck for about 200 years, terminating after the reign of Geta. Among the reverse-types must be noticed a Bactrian camel, and the sacred mountain Argseus. The latter subject is frequent on copper as well as silver coins ; and on the former the mountain is sometimes represented as if upon an altar. The money of the kings of Cappadocia is also worthy of note. It consists of silver pieces, which appear to be Attic drachms, and were struck during a period extending from about the last quarter of the third century B.C. to the time when Cappadocia was made a Roman province. The coins bear portraits which are sometimes well executed. There are a few copper pieces of the ancient kingdom of Armenia. The coinage of Syria commences with the series of the Seleu- Syrix, cidae, which, for the excellence of its portraits, may, as a whole, take the first place in the class of Greek regal money. It comprises a few gold pieces; its silver coins, which are chiefly tetradrachms, are abundant, and there are many copper coins. The reverse-types present no great variety, and are usually of little interest. The weight of both gold and silver coins is Attic, excepting those in the latter metal issued by the Phoenician mints, which, save the earliest pieces of Sidon, which are on the Attic weight, follow the standard of the Ptolemaic coins. Of Seleucus I. there are gold staters. Most of his tetradrachms have the same types as those of Alexander the Great, with sometimes this deviation, that the Jupiter on the reverse holds a Victory instead of an eagle. Some, however, have on the obverse a head, doubtless that of Seleucus, in a close helmet, mainly formed of the skin of a bull s head, with the horn and ear. Other tetradrachms have on the reverse Minerva fighting in a quadriga of elephants, with, in the field, an anchor, the symbol of Seleucus. It is remarkable that, under the next sovereign, An- tiochus I., tetradrachms were still struck bearing Alexander’s types, but with, in the only example we have seen, the same varia¬ tion of the reverse-type as in some of the similar coins of Seleucus I. The ordinary tetradrachms bear the king’s portrait and Apollo seated on a cortina, a common reverse-type of the earlier Seleu- cidae. The tetradrachms of Antiochus II., Seleucus II., Antiochus Hierax, and Seleucus III., are only interesting for their portraits. Antiochus III., or the Great, struck gold money, for there is an octodrachm, of course on the Attic standard, among his coins. The portrait on the tetradrachms varies according to his age : sometimes it is fine. The tetradrachms of Seleucus IV. need not be noticed, except as having portraits. Those of Antiochus IV. have two types of obverse, both of which are fine heads : one of these is undoubtedly that of this king; the other, which is bearded, may be that of Jupiter, although it has a resemblance to the portrait. The tetra¬ drachms of Antiochus V. and Demetrius I. have portraits. Of Alexander I. there are not only Attic tetradrachms, but also Ptole¬ maic of Tyre and Berytus, having an eagle on the reverse, the characteristic of the class, plainly showing its Egyptian origin. A tetradrachm of Sidon has Attic weight and a Syrian reverse-type. The portrait on one of Tyre is fine. On the earlier tetradrachms of Demetrius II. the king’s head is beardless, but on the later, bearded. One of them bears the design which has been supposed to repre¬ sent the monument of Sardanapalus. Of this Demetrius there are also Ptolemaic tetradrachms of Tyre and Sidon. The portrait of Antiochus VI. on his tetradrachms is very fine. That of Tryphon, upon an extremely rare coin of the same denomination, is remark¬ able for its strange helmet, having the horn of an ibex projecting in front. The tetradrachms of Antiochus VII. and of Alexander II. have portraits; and those of Cleopatra with Antiochus VIII., bear heads of the queen and king, one behind the other. Seleucus V. is represented by copper coins; there are tetradrachms with portraits of Antiochus VIII. alone, Antiochus IX., Seleucus VI., Antiochus X., Antiochus XI., Philip, Demetrius III., and copper coins of Antiochus XII. The tetradrachms of Tigranes have the bust of the king wearing a strange oriental head dress. The series closes with copper pieces of Antiochus XIII. In Commagene we may notice the autonomous and imperial cop- 1 Numismatiqm et Inscriptions Cypriotes, par H. de Luynes, 4to, Paris, 1852. Greek Coins. ^eleucis ind Pieria, Sc. Phcenicia. NUMISMATICS. 379 per coins of Samosata, and the pieces of Zeugma of the latter class. There is also copper money of the kings of Commagene. In Cyr- rhestica there are unimportant autonomous copper coins, and not very numerous imperial pieces in the same metal. Those of Beroea, Cyrrhus, and Ilierapolis, of the latter class, may be mentioned. There are a few autonomous copper coins of Chalcidene, but 1 almy- rene is not represented. Copper pieces are indeed known, purport¬ ing to be of the famous Zenobia, struck at Alexandria of Bgypt; but those we have examined are doubtful or false. In Seleucis and Pieria the series of the great city of Antioch on the Orontes must be first noticed. There are autonomous copper coins, but those of the imperial class are far more numerous and important. They form a very large series, extending through nearly the whole period of Graeco-Roman coinage. The types are not of much interest, and are very few in number; while the art of the coins is generally rude, although some of the silver pieces are in.a fair style. The series has, however, a historical value, in showing us what emperors here struck money, and therefore ruled in Syria. The silver coins are of base metal, which becomes potin, and even at last copper washed with silver. In weight they are very low Attic tetradrachms, each being equivalent to four denarii of the early empire. They do not lose weight by degrees, but the quantity of pure metal constantly decreases. They commence under Augustus, and last as late as the time of Volusian. The Era according to which the earlier are dated is the Caesarian, except during the reign of Augustus, and part of that of Tiberius, when the Actian was used. After Nero the tetradrachms bear no such date, the emperor’s tribunitian year taking its place. The obverse bears the head or bust of an emperor or empress, and the reverse, the city seated, or an eagle upon a thunderbolt or club. The eagle, with sometimes a symbol or letter between its legs, becomes at a late period the constant reverse-type. There are copper coins having Greek in¬ scriptions, and others contemporary with them having Latin in¬ scriptions, although after a time the two kinds merge into one, with Greek inscriptions, except that the Roman S. C. in Latin letters is added. It is to be remarked, that on some pieces of the last class the city is called a colonia, having been constituted one by Caracalla. The autonomous copper coins of Apamea may be noticed, as bear¬ ing an elephant for a reverse-type. Of Laodicea we must mention late tetradrachms, doubtless of the Roman period, and of the same standard as those of Antioch : their obverse-type is a turreted and veiled female bust, personifying the city. There are also autono¬ mous and imperial copper coins. Seleucia is represented by late autonomous tetradrachms of the same kind as those of Laodicea, and with the same type on the obverse, as well as by copper coins. In Ccelesyria there are some copper coins of Damascus, both autono¬ mous and imperial, and others in the same metal of a king Aretas. It is not certain to which, if any, of the sovereigns bearing his name, mentioned in history, this Aretas corresponds. In Tracho- nitis there are only a few imperial copper coins of Caesarea Panias; and in Decapolis there is a small number of pieces, of the same class and metal, of some of the cities. The money of Phoenicia is more interesting than that of the countries last mentioned. Here the autonomous coinage again be¬ comes important, and affords us some indications of the ancient power and wealth of the great commercial people from whom the region takes its name. The earliest coins, however, are classed with those of Persia, and were no doubt mostly struck under Per¬ sian rule; while such as were probably issued independently are sufficiently oriental in character to belong rather to that kind than to the Greek. Of Berytus there are copper coins both au¬ tonomous and imperial'; those of the latter sort are numerous, and struck by the city as a colonia. Of the imperial copper coins of Byblus, one of Macrinus may be noticed, as bearing for its re¬ verse-type the representation in perspective of a' temple of curious construction, one of the many illustrations of architecture which this class affords. The silver pieces of Sidon are tetradrachms and didrachms of the Ptolemaic talent. The obverse bears the bust of the city, personified as a female veiled and turreted ; and the re¬ verse the eagle of the Ptolemies. The earlier of the coins are of good work on the obverse, although not of a high style. The autonomous copper coins have interesting types, among which we Greek may notice Europa carried by the bull; a device mentioned by Coins. Lucian as borne on the money of this place. Some of the coins of this class have Phoenician as well as Greek inscriptions. The imperial copper does not form a long series : it first bears Greek inscriptions, but afterwards Latin as a colonia. The coins are dated by two eras, tbe first supposed to be that of the Seleucidse, the second that of the autonomy of the town. The autonomous and imperial coins of Tripolis must be mentioned. Next in order stands the series of Tyre. This comprises many silver autonomous coins, the principal pieces being tetradrachms of the Ptolemaic talent. The obverse-type is a laureate and beardless head, seemingly of Hercules ; and the reverse-type a Ptolemaic eagle, behind which is a palm-branch. The head may perhaps be assimilated to the por¬ trait of a Ptolemy. None of the pieces are fine, but a few have some merit; There are also autonomous copper coins, as well as imperial pieces of the Roman colonia. The dates are in two eras, as at Sidon, supposed to be that of the Seleucidse, and that of the autonomy of Tyre. There can be no doubt that some of the early so-called Persian coins must have been struck at Tyre. These may be distinguished by future investigations. The insular city of Aradus is represented by an interesting series. This probably commences with Phoenician pieces issued under the Per¬ sian rule, but such have not been positively attributed. The most important Greek coins are tetradrachms, having for their obverse- type the turreted and veiled bust of the city personified, but of Phoenician weight, unlike the similar coins of Syrian cities. They are of poor work, and bear dates in the Era of the Seleucidse. Drachms, which appear from their style to be somewhat earlier, have on the obverse a bee, and on the reverse a stag, behind which is a palm-tree—types of Ephesus. These must be of the Attic standard, somewhat depreciated, unless they are of a very heavy Phoenician weight. There are copper coins of Phoenicia, hav¬ ing Phoenician letters only, and at least generally subsequent in time to the Persian domination. These require careful study in order to their satisfactory classification to the cities which issued them. In Galilee there a few imperial copper pieces of Ptolemais, Judaea, &c. Sepphoris, and Tiberias; and in Samaria, some of Caesarea, and a greater number of Neapolis. In Judaea there are no autonomous coins of Jerusalem, although the pieces supposed to have been issued by Simon the Maccabee were no doubt there struck. There are, indeed, some imperial copper coins of the colonia HSlia Capitolina, founded on the ruins of Jerusalem by Hadrian. It may also be mentioned that there are a few copper pieces, both autonomous and imperial, of Ascalon and Gaza. By far the most interesting coins are, however, those with Hebrew inscriptions, which are usually assigned, and we believe justly, to Simon the Maccabee. These are shekels and half-shekels, respectively equiva¬ lent to tetradrachms and didrachms of the Egyptian talent.1 * The shekels bear on the obverse the pot of manna, with the inscription, Vpa (“The shekel of Israel”), and the letter V, for nrti (“year”), followed by a letter indicating the date; and on the reverse, Aaron’s rod that budded, with the inscription Tronpn (“ Jerusalem the Holy”). The half-shekels have the same types, but their reverse inscription is VpW *’Xh (“ Half-shekel”). The dates which occur on either shekels or half-shekels are those of the years 1, 2, 3, and 4. The letters are in what is called the coin character, an old form of Hebrew. The weight of the coins shows that they must have been struck under either the Ptolemies or the Seleucidse; and in the latter case they may be compared to the pieces of Phoenician cities following the. standard of the kings of Egypt, although issued under the authority of the Syrian kings. During the period thus indicated we find that the right of coining money with his own stamp was granted to Simon the Maccabee by Antiochus VII. ;s and there would be no question that this was the date of these pieces, were it not that it is said that the Jews adopted as an era the previous establishing of the freedom of the country by the treaty of Simon and Demetrius II., between two and four years earlier.3 This difficulty may, how¬ ever, be explained, if we suppose either that Antiochus merely con- i M Ch. Lenormant finds fault with Josephus for saying that the shekel is equal to four Attic drachms (» Si most interesting coins are the third brass pieces of Constantine, with the Christian monogram upon the standard (labarum), and the somewhat later folles, as those of Vetranio, with the inscription HOC SIGNO VICTOR ERIS. The coins of Julian the Apostate are to be noticed on account of their showing a recurrence to purely pagan designs. On the whole, it may be considered that the change of religion was fatal to the types of the coins, no doubt because it took place at a time when the art of the empire was in too low a condition to be capable of expressing new ideas. Sect. V.—MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN COINS OF EUROPE. The period of the mediaeval and modern coins of Europe must be considered to commence about the time of the fall of the Western Empire, so that its length to the present day is nearly 1400 years. The many groups into which this great class is divided are so remarkably different from one another that it cannot be treated, like the Greek or the Roman series, as a whole. It is also impossible to separate the mediaeval and modern coins, either in the entire class, because the time of change varies, or in every group, since there are usually pieces indicative of transition which display characteristics_ of both periods. The clearest division is, to place the Byzantine coin¬ age first alone, and to consider the rest of the class as possess¬ ing a kind of general similarity, though of the widest sort. . The Byzantine money is usually held to begin in the reign Byzantino of Anastasius, a.d. 491-518. The coinage is always in the empire, three metals, but the silver money is rare, and was probably struck in small quantities. At first both the gold and the silver are fine, but towards the close of the empire they are much alloyed. The types, except when they refer simply to the sovereign, are of a religious, and consequently a Chris¬ tian character. This feeling increases to the last. Thus, on the obverse of the earlier coins the emperors are represented alone, but from about the tenth century they are generally por¬ trayed as aided or supported by some sacred personage or saint. On the reverses of the oldest coins we have such types as a Victory holding a cross, but on those of later ones, a repre¬ sentation of our Saviour or of the Virgin Mary. Subsequently some allegorical religious types are introduced, as that of the Virgin Mary supporting the walls of Constantinople. The prin¬ cipal inscriptions for a long period almost invariably relate to the sovereign, and express his name and titles. The secondary inscriptions of the earlier coins indicate the town at which the piece was struck, and, in the case of the larger copper pieces, the year of the emperor’s reign is also given. From about the tenth century there are generally two principal inscriptions, the one relating to the emperor, and the other to the figure of our Saviour. The secondary inscriptions at the same time are descriptive, and are merely abbreviations of the names or titles of the sacred personages near the representations of whom they are placed. From the time of Alexius L, Com- nenus, the principal inscriptions are almost disused, and de¬ scriptive ones alone given. These are nearly always abbre¬ viations, like the secondary ones of the earlier period. The lan¬ guage of the inscriptions was at first Latin, with a partial use of Greek; about the time of Heraclius, Greek began to take its place on a rude class of coins, probably local; by the ninth century Greek inscriptions occur in the regular coinage ; and at the time of Alexius I. Latin wholly disappears. The Greek inscriptions are remarkable for their orthography, which indicates the changes of the language. Of the art of these coins little need be said. It has its importance in illustrating contemporary ecclesiastical art in the East, but is generally inferior to it in both design and execution. The denominations, except those of the gold money, present matter for careful inquiry, little that is definite 1 The beautiful bust in the British Museum, usually called that of Clytie, probably represents a Roman lady (if the^early days of the empire. That it is the work of a Grasco-Roman artist, and—whether meant to be an ideal subject °r not P01*. rai-. , , , . . ^ f doubt. In time it must be, judging from its style, of the first century of the Christian era; and the manner m w ic nrnhablo that earlier part of that period. The lady represented may be only a private person, but the excellence of the wor m Antonia with she is of an impeiial family. On a comparison with the coins, it will be noticed that the head bears a great resemb r„r,rp«ontp(l on some whose character the simple modesty of its expression, unexcelled in portrait-sculpture, would well accord. That An onia s p of these coins as Ceres or Proserpine, agrees with the conceit of the sculptor, who h^s made the bust to spring Irom a nowei. VOI-. XVI. 386 NUMISMATICS. Mediaeval having been ascertained respecting them. The chief gold and Mo- piece was the solidus or which maintained its just dern Coins, weight, as established by Constantine, for near 1000 years from the reign of Anastasius until the latter days of the Em¬ pire of the East, and without diminution of purity except dur¬ ing the time of disaster that closed this long period, its cor¬ ruption commencing under the Comnenian princes. This accuracy rendered the solidi famous in the commerce of Europe, so that they were the principal gold pieces, not alone of the East but of the West also, before the issue of florins and ducats by the cities of Italy. The smaller gold pieces were the half and third of the solidus, as in the late Roman coinage, but after a time they were both disused, and the solidus was alone issued. In the eleventh century the solidus begins to be struck in a very concave, or rather a cup-shaped form ; and this kind soon sup¬ planted the old flat coin, and continued to the taking of Con¬ stantinople. The silver and copper pieces take the same shape, but not so consistently. These concave coins are termed nummi scyphati. The silver money of Justinian I. has more denominations than that of the close of the Western Empire, but they are not satisfactorily determined and identified. In the reign of Heraclius, in a.o. 615, a large silver piece, weighing six grams, and therefore called a hexagram, was issued: its weight is about 105 grains. During the eleventh century con¬ cave silver pieces were issued, as well as flat and somewhat thick ones of a smaller size and lesser weight. The Byzantine copper money falls into two great classes, the first commencing under Anastasius and ending under Basil I., and the other beginning under Leo YI. and extending thence to the close of the empire. The former class is distinguished by the coins bearing numerals indicative of their value. It follows three systems,-—that of the empire generally, that of Alexandria, and that of Carthage. The unit was the coin called vovy-fttcu or ’hsTTTov. Under Justinian L, or about his period, we observe coins of the empire generally, with on the reverses the following indexes of value :—M, K, I, E, A, E, B, and A, or 40, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, nummia; the Latin equi¬ valents of certain of these being given on some coins, chiefly of western mints, and the index XXX also occurring without a Greek equivalent. Anastasius, in a.d. 498, reformed the copper coinage, and struck pieces with the index occupying the greater part of the reverse, and having beneath it the abbre¬ viated name of the place of issue. Justinian I. added, in the coinage of his twelfth year, a.d. 538, the regnal year. The weight of this copper money presents extraordinary variations, which indicate the condition of the imperial finances from year to year. There is, as might be expected, a decline which is constant, although irregular. The Alexandrian coins com¬ mence under Anastasius, and terminate with the capture of the city by the Muslims. They have two denominations, marked respectively IB and S, as containing 12 and 6 nummia, the former of which forms the great bulk of the copper money, and maintains its weight with tolerable accuracy. Some of these pieces of the reign of Heraclius, struck while his sons Heraclius Constantinus and Heracleonas were associated with him, have the double index IB and M, a circumstance ex¬ plained by the depreciation of the copper money of the empire generally, while that of Alexandria retained almost its just weight. There is an isolated Alexandrian coin of Justinian L, with the index AE (33), of great rarity: it was probably issued as an experiment, and never subsequently struck. The monetary system of the Vandals at Carthage is an offshoot of the Byzantine. It probably lasted from the accession of Hu- neric to the capture of the city and dethronement of Gelimer ; but the pieces bearing indexes of value have no sovereign’s name. The indexes are XLII, XXI, XII, and MI. The sys¬ tem must be regarded as a double one, comprising a piece of 42 and its half, and one of 12 and its third, the relation of all be- ing,. if we take the piece of 12 as the unit, for the sake of con¬ venience, 3’5, 175, 1, and ’SS. Under Basil I. there was a reform, and larger copper pieces were issued. The second class of Byzantine copper coins begins under Leo VI. The denominations are at first evidently the same as those of the preceding class. Besides the regular series of the Byzantine Empire, in which we include the money assigned to the Latin emperors of Con- Mediaeval stantinople, there are several groups connected with it, either and Mo¬ by their similarity, or on this account, and also because the dern Coins, sovereigns were of the imperial houses. The former of these ^/ two classes comprehends the money of the Ostrogoths struck gub B in Italy, that of the Vandals in Africa, and that of the Visigoths zantin^"' in Spain. The last series is wholly of gold pieces, which, not- groups withstanding their barbarism, are of interest, as showing the ° P ’ wealth of the kingdom. The latter class comprises the money of the emperors of Nicsea, of Thessalonica, and of Trebizond. The last group consists of small silver pieces, which were prized for their purity: they were called Comnenian aspers (oWgos Koy.v’/ivxTct'), the princes of Trebizond having sprung from the illustrious family of the Comneni. (The best work on the Byzantine coinage generally is M. de Saulcy’s Essai.1 The Letters of the Baron Marchant2 contain much that is valuable ; and the treatise of M. de PfaffenhofFen on the coins of the empire of Trebizond3 should also be consulted.) The class comprising the rest of the mediaeval money may Other me- now be generally described, before we briefly notice its several dieeval divisions with their modern continuations. The oldest of these coins, coins are imitations, more or less barbarous, of the late Roman and early Byzantine money. They are usually of gold, and represent the solidus and its divisions. In Italy, where much of the civilization and art of the Romans yet remained, the coins of the Lombard kings of Italy and dukes of Benevento are not greatly inferior to the contemporary coins of the Greek emperors. In France, the Merovingian sovereigns struck pieces which are sometimes even more faithful imita¬ tions than these. Britain, most completely cut off from civi¬ lization after the departure of the Romans, first issued bar¬ barous and blind imitations of the smallest Roman copper coins latterly in circulation, and then little silver pieces, with types sometimes of the same origin. In Spain, the gold money of the Visigoths, already mentioned, is in its general character similar to that of the Merovingian kings of France. A little before the commencement of the German Empire a new class of coins began to be issued, mainly consisting of two denominations,-—the denier, of silver, derived from the denarius ; and its half, theobole, which was first of silver, but afterwards of billon, and took its name from the obolus. These pieces rapidly supplanted the gold currency, although the imitation of the solidus, called the sol dSor or soldo d’oro, and its divisions, continued to be struck in France and Italy. The characteristic money of the middle ages begins with these coins. Though we still perceive the influence of Roman ideas, the effect of a new system is apparent, not alone in the types of many of the pieces, but in the extension of the right of coin¬ age. The principal coins of this class are of the German Em¬ pire, of France, of the Scandinavian states, and of England, and commence about the middle of the eighth century, lasting until the revival of art. Except in the empire, the denier was almost exclusively struck, and known as the penny or sterling. The coins were issued not alone by the emperors and kings, but also by the ecclesiastical princes and lords ; and, except in England, where the right was almost always more restricted, by the feudal lords and the heads of religious houses. The most common types of imperial and regal coins are, for the obverse the bust of the sovereign, and for the reverse what is commonly termed a Greek cross, varying in form, accom¬ panied respectively by the royal name and titles, and the name of the place of mintage, or of the moneyer, or both. The feudal lords and the ecclesiastics gradually adopted badges or distinctive types, those of the former being of a rude heraldic character, those of the latter having a religious meaning, though with a necessary local reference. The religious types also occur on the coins of sovereigns when struck at cathedral towns. Towards the close of the twelfth century the singular pieces called hracteates appear. They were issued in Germany, and seem to have been extremely common during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, after which period they ceased. They are coins of silver or billon, sometimes large, but very light, and bearing a single design, usually of very barbarous work. From their extreme thinness, they have the appearance of tinfoil impressions of coins. They often do not bear even a 1 Essai de Classification des Suites Monetaires Byzantines, par F. de Saulcy, 8vo, Metz, 1836 (with a volume of plates). ® Lettres du Baron Marchant sur la Numismatique et I’Histoire, nouvelle ed., 8vo, Paris, 1851. 3 Essai sur les Aspres Comnenats, ou Blancs d'Argent, de Trebisonde, par F. de Pfaffenhoffen, 4to, Paris, 1847. NUMISMATICS. 387 Mediaeval single letter, and rarely a full inscription, and there is there- and Mo- fore frequently much difficulty in ascertaining their proper lern Coins, attribution. During the time of the bracteates civic coins commence, issued by imperial cities, or free cities, or by corporations of towns under ecclesiastical or feudal lords. The first pieces which display any excellence in art are those of Italy, struck for the emperor, or for the various states, in the time of Frederic II. That sovereign’s Italian money affords remarkable evidence of the revival of art; but we do not see as great an advance in other countries. From this time, however, or not long afterwards, until the early days of the sixteenth century, there is a constant progress everywhere, and the coins, although they scarcely add to our historical knowledge, are interesting as works of art. The denomina¬ tions of both gold and silver money are very various, and some have several appellations in different countries when there is not a sufficient change of weight, style, or appearance to justify their being so separated. The basis of all the systems is, however, to be traced to the commercial cities of Italy, from the florins and ducats of which, the former either of gold or silver, the principal coins of other countries were derived. In the middle of the fifteenth century medals commence, and for about a hundred and fifty years are frequently of high merit and interest. It may be mentioned that the mediaeval silver coinage is on the whole the most important, the gold almost failing from the time of the decay of Roman influence until that of the revival of art, and the copper being much neglected, and sometimes altogether abandoned, until near the close of the middle ages. It is not necessary to speak at any length of the general characteristics of the modern coins und medals of European states and their colonies. In all that is technical, as in the preparation of the metals, the convenience of the form, and the mechanical execution, the moderns have far surpassed their predecessors ; but in the beauty and meaning of the types they are at as great a distance below them, and immeasurably below the Greeks. The French medals of the first Napoleon are alone in the least comparable with the earlier pieces of the same kind. We will not here enumerate the denominations; but it may be noticed that the sovereign and the dollar, sometimes yielding to the shilling, which may be termed its quarter, all with various appellations, but little difierence of weight, are the principal gold and silver coins of both hemispheres. j\rt. It would be interesting, had we space, to notice fully the art of this entire class, to examine its growth, and to trace its decline, but, as with that of Greek and Roman coins, we must limit ourselves to the best period. This is a space of about a hundred and fifty years, from the middle of the fifteenth cen¬ tury to the close of the sixteenth. The numismatic art of this time may not unworthily be placed by the side of its sculpture and its painting. Not alone have some of its medallists taken honourable places in a list where there was no room for ignoble names, but to design medals was not thought an un¬ worthy occupation for the most famous artists. There are, as we should expect, two principal schools, the Italian and the German. The former attained a higher excellence, not alone as possessing a finer style, but one especially adapted to coins or medals. The object which the artists strove to attain was to represent a head, or to commemorate an action, in the best manner possible, without losing sight of the' fitness of the designs to the form and use, real or imaginary, of the piece on which they were to be placed. For the successful attain¬ ment of this purpose, the style of the later pre-Raphaelites I was eminently suited. Its general love of truth, symmetrical grouping, hard drapery, and faithful though cold portraiture, were qualities especially fitted to produce a fine portrait and a good medal. The less sculptural and more pictorial German art was not so suitable to numismatic designs. The por¬ traits of the German coins and medals are often more charac¬ teristic than those of the Italian, and the groups have some¬ times greater expression; but both are less appropriate. They show also too great a profusion of detail, by which the effect of the boldness of the outlines is frequently lost; yet they display great originality and vigour, and will reward an atten- Mediaeval tive study. Both these schools, but especially the Italian, and Mo- afford the best foundation for a truly excellent modern me- dern coins, dallic art. The Greek and Roman coins are rather to be studied as examples of art in general than of this especial art, although they supply the most useful suggestions. To copy for a modern piece the design of a Greek or Roman coin is as inappropriate as it is to represent an English general in the garb of a Greek hero in one place, and in that of a Roman statesman in another. The finest coins and medals of Italy and Germany have an object far more similar to that we seek to fulfil in our own, and their nearness in time makes many details entirely appropriate. Thus, without blindly imitating them, our artists may derive from them the greatest assistance. (The most useful works on mediaeval and modern coins generally are, Appel’s Repertorium ;x the treatises of Mader1 * 3 4 and Lelewel;3 and, for current money, the Encyclopedic Monetaire.*') We do not purpose to enter in any detail into the various divisions of the subject we have treated in its main outlines. The questions that would require consideration are of two com¬ plicated and technical a nature to be illustrated in the present essay within any reasonable limits: our endeavour will there¬ fore be merely to indicate the principal matters of inquiry, and the most serviceable books for the student’s use. The money of Portugal is regal, and not of great interest. It Portugal affords indications of the wealth and commercial activity of the and Spain, state in the early part of the eighteenth century. There is no special work upon it. The coinage of Spain is, almost without ex¬ ception, regal, but a more curious class than that of Portugal. The coins of the early contemporary kingdoms, such as those of Arra- gon, and of Castile and Leon, are especially worthy of examina¬ tion. We may mention, as of a very peculiar character, a large gold piece in the coinage of the latter state, called the Bobla de la ^Vanda, from its bearing the shield of the famous order of knight¬ hood of the Yanda or Band. Of this there are examples assigned to John I. (1379-90) and John II. (1406-54). The money of the sole monarchy is less worthy of notice. The city of Barcelona is re¬ presented by coins bearing the names of various kings, except in the case of those issued at the time of the Peninsular war. The medals of Spain are not important. (There is no complete work on mediaeval and modern Spanish money, but the catalogue of M. Gaillard, referred to in speaking of the ancient coins of Spain, will be found of service in this department also.) The coinage of'France forms a large series. It begins with the France, money of the Merovingian dynasty. This consists almost wholly of gold pieces, imitated from those of the late Roman and Byzan¬ tine rulers, as already mentioned, the chief denomination in com¬ merce being the tremissis, or third part of the sol d’or (solidus). The coins are rare, and bear either the names of a king and city, or of a moneyer and city. They are of different degrees of bar¬ barism in their art. Under the princes of the Carlovingian dynasty the principal coins are deniers, and after a time oboles also, gold money being extremely rare. They bear the name of the king and that of the city where they were struck, and have a more original character than the earlier pieces, although they are still barbarous. The money of the Capetian house commences with coins like those of the line preceding it. By degrees the coinage improves. In the thirteenth century gold pieces were issued. There are several denominations of these and of silver coins, but to some different names are applied for various types with the same weight, as the denier Parisis of Paris, and the denier Tournois of Tours. At the time of Philip VI. the coins are fine. The modern coinage may be considered to commence under Henry II., whose portrait is of good work. During this period there is no very remarkable feature in the current money, except the occurrence in the seventeenth cen¬ tury of the pieces of the sort termed pied fort, which we must re¬ gard as a kind of patterns. The seignorial coins of France are, during the middle ages, of considerable importance, though inferior to the similar classes of German and Italian money. The medals are far more interesting than the modern coins. Their interest be¬ gins in the age of Louis XIV., but they take a fresh character under the first republic and the reign of Napoleon I. Almost every great event, from the beginning of the power of the emperor until his fall, is worthily commemorated in this series, unequalled in its class for extent, completeness, and excellence. The designs, notwith- 1 Appel's llepertorium zur Munzkunde des Mittelalters und der neuern Zeit, 4 parts in 7 vols. 8vo, Pesth, 1820-22; Wien, 1824-1829. 8 Kritische Beylrdge zur Munzkunde des Mittelalters, von Joseph Mader, 6 vols. 8vo, Prag. 1803-1813. 8 Numismatique du Moyen-Age, consideree sous le Rapport du Type, par J. Lelewel, 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1835, and vol. of plates, &c. , 4 Encyclopedic Monetaire, ou Nouveau Traite des Monnaies d’or et d’argent en circulation, &c., par A. Bonneville, fob, Paris, 1849. 388 NUMISMATICS. Mediaeval standing that mannerism which appears to be essential to modern and Mo- French art, are vigorous in drawing, and executed with great care dern coins. an(l skill. The intention of each subject is well carried out, if we x lir_ —, make the same allowance as before for national peculiarity of feel¬ ing ; and equal success is shown both in realistic representation and in idealistic composition. No other series of medals is at all to be compared to this, although individual specimens of the me- dimval period struck both in Italy and Germany are of a far higher style, more original, more vigorous, and altogether grander both in the idea of the artist and the form which he has given it. (The numismatists of France, especially of late, have displayed a most praiseworthy diligence ; so that we cannot indicate a tenth of the useful treatises they have produced. On the regal coinage the works of Le Blanc,1 and Fougeres and Combrouse,2 must be men¬ tioned ; on the seignorial, that of Duby ;3 and on the Napoleon medals, as we may term them, the volumes devoted to this subject in the series entitled Tresor de Numismatique et de Glyptique.*) England. The English coinage, as before mentioned, commences with two uncertain classes, which, wherever struck, certainly formed the currency of the country during the interval from the departure of the Romans, about A.D. 450, until the issue of money with royal names by the Saxon kings, a practice which cannot be carried earlier than about a century after this event. One of these classes consists of imitations of the latest Roman copper money, and the other of the small silver pieces to which the name of sceatta is applied, having rude types which are sometimes of Roman origin, but sometimes original. In all probability the former were first issued, and then the latter. The regular coinage commences under the Heptarchy. There is money of the kingdoms of Kent, Mercia, the East Angles, and Northumbria. The chief coins are silver pennies, but sceattas also occur; and of Northumbria there are stycas, which are pieces of a base metal in the composition of which copper is the largest ingredient. The most interesting coins of this group are those of Offa, king of Mercia • these are silver pennies, remarkable for their quaint designs and their relatively careful execution. Of this period, but extending into the earlier part of that of the sole monarchs, there are coins issued by the archbishops of Canterbury and York. The money of the sole mo¬ narchs, whether Saxons or Danes, is strictly a continuation of that of the Heptarchy : it consists almost wholly of silver pennies, which latterly were cut into halves and quarters to form halfpennies and farthings. Under the Normans and earlier Plantagenets the same coinage continues; but under Edward III. there is regular gold money, of which the chief piece is the noble of six shillings and eightpence ; and the silver groat, which supplanted the penny, has already commenced. The obverse-type of the noble, representing the kingin a ship,probably commemorates, as suggested by Ruding,6 Edward’s victory over the French fleet off Sluys, A.D. 1340. At the same time, there is a visible improvement in the art of the coinage, which advances until, under the early Tudors, it attains its highest excellence, from which, however, it is speedily to fall. Of Henry VIII. we have gold and silver coins of most existing denominations, as well as of earlier ones long since abandoned. The finest piece is the sovereign, a large flat coin of gold, bearing on its obverse the figure of the king (whence its name) on his throne. With Queen Elizabeth the modern money may be held to commence, the Gothic character of the types giving place to the later and far less beautiful style. The coinage of Charles I. pre¬ sents great varieties, owing to the civil war. The scarcity of silver in the royal treasury during the troubles induced the king to coin twenty and ten shilling pieces of silver, in addition to the crowns and smaller denominations. One of the most remarkable of his pieces is a crown struck at Oxford. It bears on the obverse the king on horseback, with beneath the horse a representation of the town, or rather of its principal buildings, and on the reverse the heads of the “ Oxford Declaration.” Of equal interest are the siege-pieces of many castles famous in the annals of those days. The coinage of the Commonwealth is of a plainness proper to the principles of those who sanctioned it. The great Protector, how¬ ever, caused to be designed money of his own bearing his head. This seems never to have been sent forth, and is therefore put in the class of patterns. Simon, the chief of English medallists, designed Mediseval the coins, which are unequalled in our whole series for the vigour of and Mo- the portrait (a worthy presentment of the head of Cromwell), and the dern coins, beauty and fitness of every portion of the work. Henceforward there i is a decline in the coinage, although skill is perceived in the portrait ^ '• of William III., whose grand features could scarcely have failed to stimulate an artist to more than a common effort. Queen Anne’s money is also worthy of note, since one of her coins, the farthing, has been the cause of an extraordinary delusion. It is commonly imagined that a very small number (some say three) of these pieces were struck, and that their value is a thousand pounds each, in¬ stead of a few shillings. In consequence, many imitations have been forged, and such are constantly brought to collectors by un¬ fortunate labourers and the like, who imagine that they possess the greatest numismatic treasure in the world. After this there is little to remark, except the baseness of the art of the coins under the first three Georges, until the genius of Pistrucci gave a worthier form to our currency, which the care and accuracy of Wyon has preserved without mere imitation. Besides the regal coinage, there is scarcely any baronial money, the class being represented by a few pieces, generally at least struck by personages of the royal house, and all belonging to the period of the close of the Norman line and beginning of the Plantagenet. The English tokens form a curious class. They are of two periods: the earlier, which are generally of brass, were issued at the middle of the seventeenth century and somewhat after; the later, which are mainly of copper, were struck during the scarcity of the royal coinage at the end of the last century, and during the earlier years of the present one. Both were chiefly coined by tradesmen, and bear their names. The medals of England are less important than those of France and Germany. Some of those of the Tudors, commencing with Henry VIII., are of good style. Those of the period of the Stuarts are more interesting than beautiful. During the civil war many pieces were struck commemorating the chief men and events of that time. The custom continued under the Commonwealth and after the Restoration; and there is a curious series of medals and what may be termed jetons, relating to the Popish Plot in the reign of Charles II. Of a later period are the medals of the two Pretenders and their family; but of our own times little worthy of note. The colonial money of England is unimportant until lately, when it is not unworthy of the wealth and activity of the dependencies. The money struck by the English kings for their French dominions forms a peculiar class, mainly French in its character, termed the Anglo-Gallic. This may be used to supply some gaps in the regal series of England, as, for instance, contain¬ ing money of Richard I., of whom no English coins are known. (On the English coinage generally there is the great treatise of Ruding ;6 on the silver money, the very complete and accurate work of Mr Hawkins ;7 on the Anglo-Gallic coins, Gen. Ainslie’s Essay ;8 on the medals, nothing better than the indifferent work of Pinkerton ;9 and on the tokens of the seventeenth century, a catalogue just pub¬ lished, which entirely meets the wants of the collector.10) The coinage of Scotland is allied to that of England, although Scotland, generally ruder; but it seems to have been more influenced in the early period from Scandinavia, and towards its close from France. The oldest pieces are probably silver pennies or sterlings, resem¬ bling the contemporary English money, of the commencement of the twelfth century. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries there is an important coinage, both in gold and silver, not the least in¬ teresting pieces being those of Queen Mary, many of which bear her portrait. The indifferent execution of the coins of this period is traceable to the disturbed state of the kingdom. (On the coinage of Scotland there is the old work of Cardonnel,11 and the later one of Mr Lindsay.12) The money of Ireland is more scanty and of less importance than Ireland, that of Scotland. The pieces most worthy of notice are the silver pennies of the early Norse kings. Of later times there is little that is interesting, except the coinage of James II. during his attempt to maintain himself in the island. (Mr Lindsay has written a work on the Irish coinage.13} Belgium occupies the next place in our arrangement. Its Belgium and Hol- I Traite Historique des Monnoies de France, par M. le Blanc, 4to, 1690. land. 8 Description complete et raisonnee des Monnaies de la 2me Race Roy ale de France, par F. Fougeres et G. Combrouse, fob, Paris, 1837; Suppl. 1838. 3 Traite des Monnoies des Barons, par M. P.-A. Tobiesen Duby, 2 vols. 4to, Paris, 1790. ^ 4 MedaUks de la Revolution Francaise (1789-1804), fob, Paris, 1836; Collection des Medailles de VEmpire Francais et de VEmpereur Napoleon, fob, 8 Annals of the Coinage, vol. L, p. 219. 6 Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its Dependencies, by Rev. R. Ruding, 3d ed., 3 Vols. 4to, Loud, 1840. 7 The Silver Coins of England arranged and described, by Edward Hawkins, 8vo, Lond. 1841. io ^vftrat}ons °f the Anglo-French Coinage, 4to, Lond. 1830. * The Medallic History of England to the Revolution, 4to, Lond. 1790. Tokens issued in the Seventeenth Century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by William Boyne, 4to, Lond. 1858. II Numismata Scotice, or a Series of the Scottish Coinage from the Reign of William the Lion to the Union, by Adam de Cardonnel, 4to, Edinburgh, 17 8b. 12 A View of the Coinageof Scotland, by John Lindsay, 4to, Cork, 1845. 13 A View of the Coinage of Ireland, by John Lindsay, 4to, Cork, 1839. NUMISMATICS. 389 'Mediaeval and Mo- lern Coins Switzer¬ land. Italy. coinage comprises many pieces struck by foreign rulers, and has little of an independent character, either in the regal or seigneurial class. It closely resembles the money of I ranee and Germany. The series of Holland is similar in character until the period of the revolt of the Provinces. The medals are highly interesting, more especially those which w'ere struck by the Protestants in comme¬ moration of current events, many of which relate to the great contest with Spain. Such are the pieces recording the raising of the siege of Leyden, likened to the destruction of Sennacherib s army; the assassination of William the Silent; and the discom¬ fiture of the Armada; affording striking indications of the zeal, the piety and the confidence in the right which built up the great political structure of the Dutch Republic. After this time the medals lose much of their interest. (Among the many works on the coins of the Netherlands and Holland, we must specify that of Van der Chijs.1) The money of Switzerland is of considerable importance, chiefly during the early period of its independence. The coins of both cantons and towns bear their ancient shields, drawn at first with a vigorous grotesqueness. There are also pieces of ecclesiastical lords, and others having the right of coinage in particular cities or districts. (The general works on German coins will be found to treat of those of Switzerland also, but we must mention the special essays of Haller2 and Dr H. Meyer.3) The coinage of Italy during the mediaeval period is alone rivalled by that of Germany, which, moreover, it excels in some respects. First in Italy the revival of art influenced the coins, and in Italy each step of advance found in them its record. The oldest mediaeval Italian coins are gold pieces of the Lombard kings of Italy and of the dukes of Benevento, occupying, as already mentioned, very much the same position in relation to the late Roman and the Byzantine money, as the earliest coins of Spain and France. The series of the kings of Italy is taken up by that of the emperors of Germany, which forms a remarkable class, especially as indicating the excel¬ lence of art here at a time when to the rest of Europe it was almost unknown. The great republics are worthily represented, their coins attesting by their purity, and the influence they seem to have exerted, the commercial energy of the states. Of Venice there is a long series, for the chief part bearing the names of the doges. Florence contends with Venice in the extent and purity of her coinage. Her florins of gold were for a great period as famous in European commerce as the gold ducats and silver matapans of her rival. The types of the florins—the lily of Florence, and the Bap¬ tist—were copied by the feudal lords of more northern lands, to the swamps of Holland and the shores of the Atlantic; the designs of the matapans—one of w’hich, the doge receiving the gonfalone from St Mark, was yet more distinctive—w’ere adopted by the half- barbarous tribes whose territories were the fighting-ground in the long contest of the German and the Turk. The medals of Florence, which are anterior to the time of the dukes, or those issued by them, not to omit the works of Florentine medallists which are not otherwise connected with their native state, are among the chief monuments of the numismatic art of Italy. The chief value of these medals lies in their bearing admirable portraits of persons of celebrity. Passing southwards, the series of Rome is of the highest historical and artistic value. It is for the greatest part struck by the popes, of whom there are both coins and medals. The later pieces commemorate the events of each reign, and are, as might be expected, of high excellence in style, although, from the excessive fondness of the artists for allegory, they are generally wanting in simplicity, and do not directly seize the attention. Another fault is partiality without invention or vigour. We may instance the medal of Gregory XIII. recording the Massacre of St Bartholomew, both for its reverse-type, an angel slaying the Huguenots, and the inscription VGONOTTORVM STRAGES. Far superior is the satire of some of the medals of the Dutch Protestants, and the dig¬ nity of others. Since the seventeenth century, few papal medals have been struck that are entitled to even moderate praise ; those of the present day are beyond measure poor and weak. We must also mention the money of Naples, especially the oldest, which is of its strong Norman princes, who, supplanting the Arabs in Sicily, at first there struck their coins with legends partly or wholly in Mediaeval Arabic characters, while on the mainland they issued the ordinary arKi jj0_ money of the day. Many other groups might be mentioned, as the dern Coins, coins of the Visconti and Sforza families of Milan, of the D’Este i | | / of Ferrara, and many more houses great in their love of arms and in their protection of art. (The coinage of Italy is amply illus- trated by excellent essays, mainly of the last century. We must particularize those of Argelati,1 2 3 4 * Zanetti,6 Bellini,6 Carli-Rubbi,7and Fioravanti.8) The money of Germany is, like that of Italy, far too various for Germany, us to be able to do more than sketch some of its main features. It comprises three great classes,—the coinage of the emperors, that of the electors, and that of the smaller princes, the religious houses, and the towns. The imperial money, even when limited to what is strictly German by the exclusion of pieces struck in France and Italy, forms a very large series. Its chief characteristics are the same as those of the other great medimval classes, except that, until near the close of the middle ages, it is considerably backward in its art. At this time its portraits are very characteristic, as well as the current coins as on the medals and the double-dollars, which are virtually medals. Of especial excellence is the medal of Maximilian I. and Mary of Burgundy, struck on their marriage; and the still finer medal of Maximilian, bearing on its obverse the emperor on horseback, fully armed, and said to have been designed by Albert Diirer, of whose hand it is not unworthy. The coinage of the archbishops of Cologne is a remarkable series. In the earlier period it bears representations of the cathedral, as is not unusual on ecclesiastical money of the time. The coins of Mayence, although they yield to those of Cologne in number and importance, form a large group. Of the dukes of Saxony there are fine dollars, which, at the period of the Reformation, bear vigorous and characteristic portraits. Of Treves there is another curious class, resembling that of Cologne. Besides these, there are very numerous bracteates and later pieces of temporal lords, of bishops and abbots, and of cities, some of which are free. (The treatises on this branch are many and excellent. We must specify those of Joachim9 and Cappe,10 besides remarking that the general works of Mader and Appel, before mentioned, give very large information on German money.) The coins of the Scandinavian states—Denmark, Norway, and Denmark, Sweden—are almost wholly regal. There are a few civic pieces, but Norway, the ecclesiastical bracteates assigned to this group are probably and Swe- for the most part of Northern Germany. The regal money of these den. states is closely connected. In the earlier period it resembles the English and Scottish coinage, although with a national character of its own ; afterwards it is more like that of Germany. There are some medals of historical interest. (This branch has not received the attention it merits, and there is no complete essay upon it. The great Danish work on medals, however, will be found to con¬ tain very full materials.11) The coinage of Russia is mainly of the modern period, and, until Russia, comparatively recent times, shows a remarkable degree of barbar¬ ism. The medals are of no intrinsic merit, their sole value being historical. Both coins and medals are regal, except such of the former as were struck in cities now included in Russia, while yet under Sweden. (The work of Baron de Chaudoir will be found to give a good account of Russian money.12) The coins of Poland are mainly of the kings, and resemble those of the Hungarian king¬ dom. Of the states between Germany and Turkey there are inter¬ esting coins. The kingdom of Hungary and the principality of Transylvania are each represented by an important series,thatof the latter comprising large and remarkable gold pieces of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. There are early coins of the patriarchs of Aquileia, and of the kings of Servia. The money of the Turkish Empire is of the oriental class, but there are many coins struck by Christian states in its present territories. This class may be called that of the Crusaders, comprising money of the princes of Achaia, and the dukes of Athens, in Europe ; and of the kings of Cyprus and Jerusalem, the princes of Antioch, and the counts of Edessa and Tripolis, in Asia. This is very similar to the contemporary mediaeval money. A kindred series is that of the knights of Rhodes and Malta, which bears testimony to the wealth and power of that 1 Verhandelingen, uitgegeven door Teyler’s Tweede Genootschap, 4 vols. 4to, Haarlem, 1851-5. ■ 2 Schweizerisches Munz-und MedaiUenkabinet beschrieben, von G. E. von Haller, 2 vols. 8vo, Bern, 1781. 3 Die Bracteaten der Schweiz, &c., von Dr H. Meyer, 4to, Zurich, 1845. ^ _ n 4 De Monetis Italioe Variorum lllustrium Virorum Dissertationes, &c., P. Argelatus collegit, &c„ 6 vols. fob, Med. 1750-1759. 6 Nuova RaccoUa, delleMonete e Zecche d’Italia, di G. A. Zanetti, 5 vols. 4to, Bologna, 1775-1789. . . . 6 V. Bellini de Monetis Italia Medii JEvi Dissertatio, 4to, Ferrarise, 1755 ; Altera Dissert., 1767 ; Postrema Dissert., 1774 ; Novissima Dissert., 17.9. T Delle Monete e dell’ Instituzione delle Zecche d’Italia, &c., Dissertazioni, del Conte Don G. Carli-Rubbi, 4to, Mantova,, DJI. 8 Antiquiores Pontificum Romanorum Denarii, &c., a V. C. J. Vignolio, iterum prodeunt studio, &c., B. ilorav antis, 4to, Rom. 1731. 9 Neu-erbfnetes Groschen-Kabinet, 13 vols. 8vo, Leipz. 1739-1769. . , 10 Die Miinzen der Deutschen Kaiser und Kdnige des Mittelalters, von II. P. Cappe, 2 vols. 8vo, Dresden, 1848-18o0; Beschreibung der Colnischen Miinzen des Mittelalters, 8vo, Dresden, 1853. v 11 Beskrivelse over Danske Mynter og Medaille i den Kongelige Samling, fob, Kiobenhavn, 1791, and vol. of plates. 18 Aper^u sur les Monnaies Russes, &c., par le Baron S. de Chaudoir, 2 vols, 8vo, St Petersbourg, 1836-7, and vol. of plates. 390 NUMISMATICS. Oriental Coins. America. Persian imperial coins. Coins of the Persian kings and satraps. illustrious order. (We must mention, in illustration of this group, M. De Saulcy’s account of the money of the Crusaders.1) Respecting the coinage of America it is needless to enter into detail. Neither the money of the Spanish and Portuguese depen- pencies, and of the later states, nor that of the English colonies and the United States, present much that is worthy of note. The coin¬ age resembles that of the parent countries, hut is of coarser work. The dollar is the chief denomination. There are some coins of historical value, as those with the portrait of the Mexican emperor Augustin ; and in the north, Lord Baltimore’s pennies. (The Ency¬ clopedic Monetaire, before mentioned among general works, will be found to be of great use in this branch.) Sect. VI.—ORIENTAL COINS. Oriental coins are of two great classes, the Pagan and the Mohammadan. (On both classes the great work of Marsden should be consulted.2) The first division is separated into the coins of the Persian Empire, the Parthians, and the Sassanians; of Bactria, and of the Hindus ; and into those of transgan- getic India, China, and Japan. The Persian coins probably range from the commencement of the reign of Cyrus, or his capture of Babylon, to the overthrow of the empire by Alexander the Great, a period of about two centuries. The only pieces we can positively attribute are of satraps of the later kings. There can be no doubt, however, that vre possess specimens of almost every reign, except the very short ones,from that of Cambyses, to which, if not to that of Cyrus, the oldest coins must be referred, from their style. The metals are gold and silver, the latter being that of the great bulk of the coinage. The form is usually flat and very thick. The types are of no great number. The main principle on which they were selected was a desire to honour the sovereign, which, if we recollect the worship the Achse- menian kings received, is not greatly different from the religious feeling of the Greek coinage. The chief observe-types represent the king in a chariot, sometimes hunting the lion, or as an archer drawing his bow. This personage is not, however, to be supposed in any case to be the reigning king, but rather the King of Persia in a kind of abstract sense. As a reverse to these types we notice occasionally a city or a galley. The money of the satraps is some¬ what more Greek in its character, although it has among its types the representation of a king or satrap, that of a city, and the eastern device of a lion seizing a bull, and the like. The undoubted regal coins have generally no inscription whatever. Some, seemingly of this class, though they are perhaps of satraps, bear Phoenician cha¬ racters, apparently the beginning of a name in one case, and in another, various dates. The coins of satraps have Phoenician in¬ scriptions, usually giving the name of the person who issued the money, and that of the divinity of the place where it was struck. The art of this class of coins is not remarkable; it is at first similar to contemporary Greek art, and generally maintains, at least in some degree, its original conventional stiffness. There is one ex¬ ception to this character in a beautiful coin attributed to Cyrus the Younger, to be soon mentioned, but this is in all respects a Greek piece, though evidently struck for a Persian king or usurper. The Persian coins are adjusted to the Phoenician talent. The principal denomination of the gold is the daric or daric stater. The chief silver coin is a third of the tetradrachm, a denomination which is not uncommon; and there are also octodrachms, as well as smaller pieces. We will notice some of the principal coins, first of the kings, and then of the satraps, in chronological order, as far as this is practicable. The oldest Persian pieces are probably certain octo¬ drachms of very early wrork. They bear on the obverse a galley beneath the wralls of a town, and on the reverse the king Jd his chariot engaged in a lion-hunt. These can scarcely be later than the age of Gyrus or Cambyses ; and it is most reasonable to suppose them to have been struck at Tyre. Next in time to these we would place the pieces with semi-Egyptian types, having on the one side an owl with a crook and flail, like the representations of Egyptian sacred hawks, and usually on the other a king or divinity riding upon a kind of sea-horse. The latter is sometimes the ob¬ verse-type. These we take to be the coins of Aryandes, satrap of whom Herodotus relates to have been put to death by Darius Hystaspis for striking silver money ; but they may perhaps he regal pieces. After these may be placed the gold darics and the silver pieces of the same type, and two-thirds of their weight, with the figure of the king, usually as an archer kneeling, on the obverse, and with an irregular incuse type on the reverse. These, or at least the gold coins, appear to have been current as late as the time of Artaxerxes Mnemon. To this reign we may assign, on strong evidence, a most remarkable coin, bearing the portrait of a Persian Oriental Coins. regal person on the obverse, and on the reverse a lyre, with the in¬ scription BA2IA. This is assigned by M. de Longperier to Cyrus the Younger ; and we accept his attribution as highly probable. Of the money of the satraps we may particularize the coins of Pharnabazus and Tiribazus, and those formerly attributed to Dernes, but given by Mr Waddington to the celebrated Datames. (The best work on the ancient Persian money is that of the Due de Luynes on the coins of the satraps.3) After eighty years of subjection, first to Alexander and his sue- Parthian cessors, and then to the earliest Bactrian kings, the Persian power c°ios. was restored by Arsaces. With him the Parthian series of coins commences. This consists mainly of silver money, though there are also copper pieces. It shows markedly the influence of the Greeks, having inscriptions in their language, and its reverse-types derived from their coinage. The obverses bear the sovereigns’ busts, which in the earlier period are often well executed. The denominations appear to be wholly of Greek origin. The Parthians were sue- Sassanian needed by the Sassanian princes. This line issued a more oriental coins, coinage than their predecessors, bearing on the obverse the king’s bust, usually wearing a very large and elaborate head-dress, and on the reverse the sacred fire-altar. The attachment which Arde- shir, the founder of this dynasty, bore towards the fire-worship, established this national reverse-type, which endured during the four hundred years that his house held the sovereignty. The Sas¬ sanian money is chiefly of silver ; gold pieces are very rare. (On the Parthian coins the work of Mr Lindsay4 * should be consulted ; on the Sassanian, M. de Longperier’s treatise.6) The Bactrian coins form an important link between the money Bactrian of the West and that of the East. They were issued by the princes coins, of one of the dynasties founded on the ruins of Alexander’s em¬ pire, in so distant a territory that its very existence was scarcely known until the discovery of the coins. This kingdom was estab¬ lished B.C. 256, in the reign of Antiochus II., king of Syria, by the defection of Diodotus, governor of Bactria. The coinage of this first sovereign evidently follows that of the Seleucidae in types and inscriptions, and, so far as the silver is concerned, in weight also; and the principal money of the subsequent rulers is of the same kind, although showing decay in its art. Under Agathocles, how- ever, who seems to have been the successor of Diodotus, and cer¬ tainly cannot have reigned much later, we observe the commence¬ ment of a peculiar class of coins, consisting of square copper pieces, bearing on the one side a Greek inscription, and on the other an Indian-Pali legend. The occurrence at this early period, in the midst of a Greek coinage, of pieces of a form unknown to the Greeks, and with an Indian as well as a Greek inscription, fur¬ nishes, as Mr Thomas argues, no weak evidence of an independent Indian coinage before this time—a subject to which we shall shortly recur. The Bactrian series is chiefly valuable from the aid it has afforded in the reconstruction of contemporary history. Much, however, remains to be done in the arrangement of the series before its full use can be realized. Of the coins of the successors of the kings already mentioned little need here be said, except that bilingual inscriptions become constant on silver as well as copper pieces, and that the former are sometimes of the square form. The Bactrian series is succeeded by more than one half-barbarous class similar to it, but far more oriental in character. The question of the independence of the earliest Indian coinage India, is of too complicated a nature to admit of its being here fully dis¬ cussed, but we must indicate its main features in order to draw attention to a matter affecting ancient civilization in the far East. It must not be supposed, however, that the conclusion that the Indians had struck money before the time of Alexander, would attribute to them the separate invention of coinage : in this case it is more reasonable to presume that they had received Greek coins in commerce, and had thus been stimulated to issue a metal cur¬ rency of their own. Mr Thomas has devoted much attention to this question, which will be found to be fully discussed in his edition of Prinsep’s Essays. He argues on the existence of the square copper pieces in the Bactrian series, on the character of antiquity displayed by the Behat copper coins, and on the presumptive evidence of written records. The earliest class he considers to be that 6f silver 1 Numismatique des Croisades, par F. de Saulcy, 4to, Paris, 1847. - Aumismata Orientalia Illustrata, by W. Marsden, 4to, Lond., part i., 1823; part ii., 1825. , Essai sur la A umismatique des Satrapies et de la Phenicie, sous les Hois Achcemenides, par H. de Luynes, 4to, Paris, 1846, with plates m supp ement. 4 A View of the History and Coinage of the Parthians) by John Lindsay, 4to, Cork, 1852. Essax sur les Medailles des Hois Perses de la Dynastic Sassanide, par A. de Longperier, 4to, Paris, 1840. NUMISMATICS. 391 Oriental Coins. j?iam and Jhina. Mohamma' dan coins. punch-marked pieces. Of a later period than this whole class are the coins of the Sah kings of Saurashtra, the age of which is far more nearly fixed. These are silver pieces bearing dates which show them to have been struck within about a hundred years. The dates Mr Thomas considers to be reckoned from the Sri Harsha Era, which would place the coins between the middle of the second and the middle of the first century b.c. The Sah kings were fol¬ lowed by the Guptas, who appear to have been at the first con¬ temporary with them. To these belong the rude gold coins, with figures of Indian divinities, which are frequently found in the country. Their importance at the time, and their influence on the later coinage, must have been very great. The types of the later Hindu coins are of the same character as those of this group, although recently better executed. Although they are still issued, these proper Hindu coins have been long since virtually supplanted by those of the Mohammadan dynasties and the Company. (The most useful works on Bactrian and Indian money are Prinsep’s Numismatic Essays, which have been collected and edited by Mr Thomas, and will be very shortly published. The original value of these papers is greatly enhanced by the labour and skill with which Mr Thomas has illustrated them, bringing them down to the present state of knowledge, and adding everywhere new infor¬ mation. Professor Wilson’s Ariana Antiqua1 must also be con¬ sulted. The most complete account, though one now requiring many additions, is in Marsden's great work, which we have already mentioned.) Beyond India, it may be mentioned that Siam has a coinage of its own, consisting of spherical lumps of silver, impressed w'ith a punch, in the place of which coins with oriental types, but on a European model both in form and art, are now being issued. The Chinese money offers a field for great research. Here the question of an origin of money in the East, independently of Greek influence, is raised by the great antiquity that the Chinese writers assign to the commencement of the art among them. The conclusion, for the present at least, must here mainly depend upon our estimate of the value of the written evidence, for the money affords but doubtful testimony, more especially as the Chinese fabricate coins as they do vases, to deceive the curious. Some existing specimens are attri¬ buted to the twenty-first year (b.c. 523) of the reign of the Empe¬ ror King-wang, of the Tcheow Dynasty ; but in the opinion of the Baron de Chaudoir, there is no certainty, before the reign of Chy- hoang-ty (b.c. 247-210), of the Heow-tsin Dynasty. The money consists almost wholly of copper pieces. These are at first of va¬ rious shapes, sometimes being in the form of a sword or a bell, though flat; but at length they take the usual shape of coins, ex¬ cept that they are perforated in the centre with a square hole, in order that they may be strung. The silver coins are dollars of a recent period. The rebels have issued copper money resembling that of the Mantchoo Dynasty, but with their own inscriptions. (On the Chinese coins, Baron de Chaudoir’s work should be con¬ sulted.2) The second class of oriental money—that of Mohammadan states—has been issued during a period extending from about the middle of the seventh century of the Christian Era to the present day. The oldest of positive date (gold coins) were struck a.h. /8. There are others, however (copper pieces), which must be ascribed to the interval between this date and the first great extension of Arab power, half a century earlier. We may mention the bilin¬ gual coins of cities of Syria and Palestine, Damascus, Emesa, and Tiberias, and barbarous imitations of the latest Byzantine money of Alexandria. Silver pieces are known of the year A.H. 79, but the dated copper coins do not commence until some years later: thenceforward the coinage of the greater number of Muslim states is in the three metals. The date of the earliest gold and silver coins thus falls into the reign of the Khaleefeh ’Abd-El-Melik Ibn- Marwan, under whom, in A.H. 76, the first Muslim coinage is re¬ lated to have appeared, by El-Mekeen, Es-Suyootee, and Ibn Ku- teybeh. There is a remarkable copper coin, generally resembling the bilingual pieces just mentioned, and having on one side a figure, probably representing the khaleefeh. In its inscriptions, which are wholly in Arabic, we read, “ The servant of God (or ’Abd-Allah), 5Abd-El-Melik, the Prince of the Faithful.”—The fabric and general appearance of the regular coins, especially for the first five centu¬ ries of their issue, is remarkably similar. They are always flat, and generally thin, and are without types, in the ordinary sense Oriental of the term, except some semi-barbarous ones, which originated in Coins, imitation of those of the current Byzantine money of the time, or y r t j of older Greek types. The whole of both sides of the coins is occu- pied by inscriptions, usually arranged horizontally in the areas, and in single or double bands around. With the rise of the Tatar power the old Arab type of the coins begins to be disused, and a new one introduced, mainly differing in the greater size of the pieces and the disposition of the inscriptions, which are placed in and around a square. This form was scarcely less wide in its use, or long in its duration, than that which it superseded. The prevalent metal of the earlier class is gold; of the later, silver. The intention of the inscriptions is religious. All Mohammadan coins bear the profes¬ sion of the faith—“ There is no deity but God: Mohammad is the apostle of God.” The Shiya’ees add—“ ’Alee is the friend of God.” The title of the khaleefeh, and afterwards his name also, or the name and title of the king, as well as the year of the Flight and the place of mintage, are generally given. The religious feeling as to the coinage was, until recent times, not less strong with the Muslims than with the ancient Greeks. For some centuries it was not lawful to put the name of any sovereign, as such, upon the coins, except that of the khaleefeh; and an independent prince, even if actually at war with him, continued to issue money in his name, doing no more than add his own, without any title, as though he were a provincial governor. The rival khaleefehs in Spain and Africa by degrees shook this privilege, and under the Turkish and Tatar dynasties it ceased, about the time when the khaleefehs of Baghdad had nearly lost all temporal power, shortly before their overthrow. Mohammadan coins cannot lay claim as a class to high artistic excellence. Their beauty depends, in the earlier period, upon the disposition of the inscriptions, and afterwards upon this combined with the form of the characters. Among the best of the older coins are those of the Umawee and ’Abbasee khaleefehs, and of the Fatimee khaleefehs in Egypt. The money of the Moors in Spain, of some of the later kings of Persia, and sultans of Turkey, affords beautiful specimens of the more recent coinage. The finest, however, are generally inferior in execution, and often in design, to the best engraved work of the same times. The principal deno¬ minations, particularly during the earlier period, are well known. For many centuries there were scarcely any more pieces than one of each metal, the deenar of gold, the dirhem of silver, and the fels of copper,—and these were of nearly the. same size, and other¬ wise very similar in their appearance. Their names betray a foreign origin ; the deenar derived its appellation from the dena¬ rius ; the dirhem, from the drachma ; and the fels, from the follis. In its weight the deenar, at first of about 65‘5 grains, followed that of the solidus, which at that time had succeeded to the aureus, and was doubtless the “ piece of gold.” The dirhem, of 45 grains, pro¬ bably was considered as equivalent to the chief silver coin of the Isaurian family. The fels, however, cannot be readily identified, from the irregularity of the contemporary copper money of the Byzantines. At a later time, as the influence of the Eastern Empire wore out, the money of the commercial states of Italy affected the oriental coinages ; and from this and other causes new systems took their rise, until in our own days the money of the Mohammadan dominions on the Mediterranean is generally assimilated to that of Christian Europe. (The most useful books on Mohammadan coins in general are, besides Marsden’s Numismata Orientalia, the works of Frahn3, Mbller4 *, and Erdmann.6) The coinage of the Umawee and’Abbasee khaleefehs merits the same place in this series as the Byzantine in the mediaeval. It pre¬ sents little matter of historical interest beyond the indications of the condition of the state, from the abundance or the scantiness, or even the entire absence, of money under particular reigns. Thus we have evidence of the magnificence of the earliest prinoes of the house of E1-’Abbas, and the misery of the latest, who yet held rule in the city of Baghdad, when the Tatar Hulagu was almost at its doors. Here and there the attention is fixed by a more definite fact, as when on the coins of Haroon Er-Itasheed we read the name of his famous wezeer Jaafar. First among the Muslims of Africa and Western Europe we would place the khaleefehs of Spain, who in that remote country restored somewhat of the greatness of their ancestors of the house 1 Ariana Antiqua, a Descriptive Account of the Antiquities and Coins of Afghanistan, by II. II. Wilson, 4to, London, 1841. 2 Recueil de Monnaies de la Chine, du Japan, &c., par le Baron S. de Chaudoir, fol., St Petersbourg, 1842. 3 Ch. M. Ercehnii llecensio Numorum Muhammedanorum Acad- Imp. Scient. Petrop. 4to, Petrop., 1826; Ch. M. Frashnii Nova Sup- plementa ad Recens., ed. B. Dorn, 4to, Petrop. 1855. 4 De Numis Orientalibus in Numophylacio Gothano Asservatis Commentatio Prima, edit, alt., auctore J. H. Mcellero, 4to, Gotha:, 1826 ; Commentatio Altera, 4to, Erfordiae et Gothae, 1831. 6 Numi Asiatici Musei Universitatis, Ac., Casanensis, recensuit, &c., F. Erdmann, 2 vols. 4to, Casani, 1834. 392 NUN N U N Nun of Umeiyeh. Their money resembles that of the contemporary i; ’Abbasees. Under later dynasties, and especially that of theopu- Nundinae. lent and luxurious kings of Granada, large gold pieces were issued, noticeable for the fineness of their work. The coinage of the shereefs(or khaleefehs, as they have called themselves) of Morocco or Fez, of the Aghlabee Dynasty, and of the Fatimee khaleefehs at Keyrawan, before they had conquered Egypt, offers little to detain us. The money of Egypt itself forms a long series, well deserving of study. There is nothing remarkable of the period during which it was governed by the naibs or lieutenants of the Umawee and’Abbasee khaleefehs, before the establishment of the independent dynasty of the Toolooneeyeh, a.d. 868. Of this house, and that of the Ikhsheedeeyeh, which succeeded it after a short in¬ terval, there are deenars bearing the name of the reigning prince, besides that of the khaleefeh. The gold money of the Fatimee khaleefehs, who overthrew the line last mentioned, is well executed, and usually has two oi three concentric inscriptions on each side. Under the Kurd or EiyoobeeDynasty the coinage is similar; but under the two Memlook dynasties—the Turkish and the Circassian —the money is coarse, and rather resembles that of the Seljuks than the earlier series of Egypt. Since the Turkish conquest the money of this country has been similar to that of Constantinople, although possessing peculiar characteristics. In Syria there are coins of the Eiyoobee princes. Next to these we may place the money of the Seljuks and Turkuman Ortokites, the latter remark¬ able for the use of barbarous figures, derived from the Byzantine or ancient Greek types. The coins of the Atabegs form a group similar to the last. The money of the Turkish Empire shows the influence of the Italian republics. Its principal gold coin at the first was the funduk, of about 54 grains in weight, which was de¬ rived from the Venetian sequin or gold ducat, that, from the time of the decline of the credit of the Byzantine solidi, formed a princi¬ pal coin of Western Asia. In recent times the money of the sultans of Turkey is of elegant work, although generally not of pure metal. The Persian coinage does not greatly differ from the contem¬ porary money of the more western states. It may be'said to com¬ mence under the powerful SamaneeDynasty, and to continue under the Soofees, and Nadir Shah and his successors. The most charac¬ teristic part of the coinage is the latest, in which we observe great beauty in the form of the letters and the ornaments, and an un¬ usual variety of types. Among the latter may be noticed one of some gold coins of Fet-h ’Alee Shah, representing the king on horseback slaying a lion ; and those of the copper pieces of uncer¬ tain date, one of which reproduces the ancient Persian device of the lion seizing the bull. The coins of the Mogul Tatars of Persia, of Teemoor, and of the Khans of Kapchak, resemble the contem¬ porary Mohammadan coinage of other countries. The money of the Muslim dynasties of India forms a considerable class, although it must yield in importance to that of the Hindus. The chief series is that of the Patan or Afghan sultans, and their successors the Mogul emperors. Among the minor groups we must notice the money of Tipoo Sultan, some of whose coins are very beautiful; and that of the kings of Oude, latterly remarkable for its grotesque imitation of modern heraldry. (This branch of Indian numismatics is treated of in the works before indicated as describing Moham¬ madan coins generally.) (h. s. p.) Nundinae. NUN, or Akassa, a river of Marocco, forming part of the southern boundary of that country. It rises in the Atlas range, and flows westward to the Atlantic, into which it discharges itself, 30 miles S.W. of Cape Nun, after a course of 130 miles. Nun, or Non, a promontory of Marocco, in N. Lat. 28. 46., W. Long. 11. 3. Nun, Nonn, or Nomi, a river of the Chinese Empire, rises in Manchooria, flows generally southwards, forming part of the boundary between Manchooria and Mongolia, and falls into the Songari, an affluent of the Amur. Its length is about 600 miles, and its chief tributaries are the Hoojur, Noomin, Yalo, Tchola, and Toro. NUNS, in the Roman Catholic Church, are female ascetics, who, like the monks of the other sex, retire from the world, form themselves into religious communities, and profess perpetual chastity. There are various orders of nuns; some devoting themselves entirely to private reli¬ gious exercises, while others engage in the more active duties of Christian charity. The first nunnery is said to have been founded by one St Syncletica, a contemporary of St Anthony, in the third century. (See Monachisbi.) The first institution of the kind in France was founded near Poictiers by St Marcellina a.d. 360; and the first established in England owed its origin, according to Dug- dale, to Edbald, king of Kent, who founded a nunnery at Folkestone a.d. 630. NUNCIO (Lat. nuntius; It. nunzio) signifies a mes¬ senger in general, but is employed specially to designate the ambassador sent by the Pope to Roman Catholic states. This functionary is usually a prelate, and when a cardinal he is styled legate. In those countries subject to the decretals and discipline of the Council of Trent, the papal nuncios act as judges of appeal from the decision of the bishops; but in other Roman Catholic states (as France, Austria, &c.), which maintain their independency of the discipline of the Court of Rome, nuncios possess no jurisdiction, and have simply the diplomatic character of any other ambassador from a foreign court. In former times, however, the influence of nuncios and legates at foreign courts was frequently all but supreme. NUNDINiE, as if Novemdince, from novem and dies, signifying literally the ninth day, was the name given to the weekly market-days of Rome. The term was also occasionally extended to the place and business of these markets, as well as to the time at which they occurred. According to the ancient Calendaria, the entire year, beginning with the first of January, was divided into weeks of eight days each. Seven ordinary days would therefore always intervene between the last day of one week and the last day of the week immediately succeeding it. To these seven days, the Romans, after their customary mode of reckoning, added, not only the one immediately succeed¬ ing, but also the one immediately preceding, which made in all nine days, and hence they spoke of the market-day as occurring on the ninth day. A similar usage is still known in some countries where the expression “ eight days” is frequently used for a week. Some affirm that the institution of the nundinae owes its origin to Romulus, while others attribute it to Servius Tullius. As, however, the nundinae were originally market-days for the country people, who, on these stated occasions, came to Rome to dispose of the produce of their labour, to provide themselves with necessaries, and to get their legal disputes adjusted by the king, it would seem to follow that the nundinae must have originated at a time when the Roman population extended beyond the precincts of the city. The nundinae were dies nefasti for the patricians, and fasti for the plebeians (Niebuhr’s Homan History, vol. ii.) ; but when such a dis¬ tinction arose does not appear, for, according to the ancient Calend&ria, the nundinae and dies fasti, or days of business, coincided. For the plebeians, however, the nundinae con¬ tinued to be business days, and on these they pled causes and held public meetings and debates with members of their own order on matters concerning the public or private interests of that order. The Romans were always peculiarly careful lest the nundinae should fall on the kalends of January, or on the nones of any month ; and to avoid such an unfortunate conjunction, they were particularly watchful in the insertion of the dies intercalaris, or the 355th day of the Roman year. The primce kalendce were avoided, according to Macrobius, from the public belief that, if the nundinae oc¬ curred then, the whole of the ensuing year would be sig¬ nalized by misfortune ; and the nones were shunned because the birth-day of Servius Tullius was celebrated on the nones of every month, and the presence of the country folk in the city on that occasion was deemed by the patri- nun N U R 393 Nunez. Nuneaton, clans to be dangerous to the peace of the lepublic owing to the excitability incidental to such a concourse of the plebeian order. Perhaps, however more satis¬ factory grounds for this prejudice were to be found in the fact, that the kalends of January were observed as occasions of intimate domestic intercourse, and that the nones were believed to want the protection of the ^NUNEATON, a market-town and parish of England, county of Warwick, on the left bank ^ ^nker here crossed by two bridges, 14 miles N.W. of Hugh}, and 17 N.N.E. of Warwick. It is well built, consisting of one main and several smaller streets. The parish church is a small but neat building, in the Gothic style, with a square tower. There are also places of worship for Independents, Wesleyans, Baptists, and Roman Catholics, as well as several’ schools. The chief manufacture is that of ribbons ; but malting and silk-making are also carried on. In the neighbourhood are coal mines and stone quarries; and neai the west of the town runs the Coventry Canal. 1 he mar¬ ket-day is Saturday; and three yearly cattle fairs are held. Pop. (1851) 4859. . , . , NUNEZ, or Nonius, Fernando, an eminent classical editor, was born in the latter half of the fourteenth century at Valladolid, and was surnamed “El Pinciano, from Pintia, the ancient name of his native town. I hough a scion of the noble family of Guzman, and a commander of the Order of Santiago, he consecrated his life to the pur¬ suits of polite literature. After sitting at the feet of the eminent Antonio Lebrija, he studied for some time at Bo- logna, and returned to Spain the first Greek scholar of his age. His talents were soon employed, at the request of Cardinal Ximenes, in preparing the Latin version of the Septuagint for the Complutensian Polyglott. He was then installed by the same munificent patron of letters in the Greek chair of the newly-founded university of Alcala de Henares. This office the force of circumstances induced him in course of time to abandon; and he was next ap¬ pointed professor of rhetoric at Salamanca. It was there that those services in the cause of letters were chiefly per¬ formed which elicited the commendation of such men as Erasmus, Lipsius, and Vossius. The annotations that he published in 1536 on the works of Seneca restored the text of that author. He also produced Observationes in Pom- ponium Melam, 8vo, Salamanca, 1543; and Observationes in Loca Obscura et Depravata liistonee baturalis G. Plinii, Salamanca, 1544. At the same time, both from the academical chair and at his hospitable table, he was instructing many a young man that was destined to spiead abroad the light of learning. He died in 1553, requesting that the following words might be inscribed on his tomb: Maximum vitae bonum mors—(“ The greatest blessing in life is death”). , Nunez, or Nonius, Pedro, an eminent Portuguese ma¬ thematician, was born at Alcacer do Sal in 1492. His attainments raised him to a high rank both as a teacher and as a writer in his own peculiar science. He became preceptor to Don Henry, son of King Emmanuel, and was installed in the mathematical chair at Coimbra. He also continued to publish, till his death in 1577, the following treatises:—De Arte Navigandi ; Annotationes in Iheonas Planetarum Purbachii; and De Crepusculis. It was in this last work that his device for subdividing the arcs of quadrants and other astronomical instruments was first pro¬ mulgated. It consisted in describing within the same quadrant 45 concentric circles, and then dividing the outer¬ most of these into 90 equal parts, the next into 89, the next into 88, and so on till the innermost, which is divided into 46. The nonius, as the instrument was called, was afterwards improved by others, until, in the hands of Pierre Vernier, it reached its present perfection, and received the ■'VOL. XVI. name of the vernier. A collection of the works of Nunez was published at Basle in 1592. NUNEZ, or Kakundy, a river of Western Africa, in Senegambia, flowing westward, and falling into the Atlantic v, in N. Lat. 10. 40., W. Long. 14. 40. Its banks are thickly wooded, and very unhealthy. Some traffic is carried on in gold, ivory, hides, &c. NUREMBERG (Germ. Numberg), a. town of Ba¬ varia, in the circle of Middle Franconia, stands on the Pegnitz, an affluent of the Regnitz, 95 miles N. by W. of Munich. It is built on both sides of the river, which is crossed by several bridges, on a sandy but feitile plain, about 1000 feet above the level of the sea; and from what¬ ever side it is viewed, the towers of its churches piesent a very fine appearance. No other German town retains so much of the appearance and character of the middle ages ; indeed, the principal feature of the town is the air of anti¬ quity which pervades it. It is encircled by a high wall, from which rise numerous turrets, said to have foimeily been 365, but now about 100 in number. Outside of the wall is a dry ditch, 50 feet deep and 100 broad, the sides of which are lined with masonry. The town is entered by four principal gates, which are flanked by large lound watch-towers, no longer necessary for purposes of defence, but adding to the picturesque appearance of the place. The streets are narrow and irregular, lined with antique houses, having in general narrow but highly-ornamented fronts, and pointed gables fronting the street. The ground stories are low, and generally employed as warehouses; but the upper apartments, occupied as dwellings, are often richly adorned with carving and stucco, while many of the larger houses include two or three open courts. Theie aie numerous public squares, of which the chief are the princi¬ pal market, in one corner of which is a fountain sui mounted by a Gothic obelisk, with statues in stone ; St Giles’ Square, which contains a statue of Melancthon; and the Goose Market, adorned with a fountain and bronze image. The largest and finest church in Nuremberg is that of St Law¬ rence a Protestant place of worship, which stands on the. south side of the river, and gives its name to that part of the town, as the church of St Sebald does to the other. It was built at the desire of the Emperor Adolphus of Nassau, in the thirteenth century, and has recently been completely restored. It is in the Gothic style, with two elegant towers surmounted by tapering spires. The portal at the west end is most profusely adorned with sculptures, and over it is a fine circular window 30 feet in diameter; while the inteiior is very rich in stained glass and ancient pictures. Its prin¬ cipal ornament, however, is a tabernacle, or repository for the sacramental wafer, a pyramidal erection of stone, 64 feet high, adorned with most exquisite carving. The church of St Sebald, though inferior to the former, is still one of the finest Gothic buildings in Germany, the west end being in the round style of the tenth century, while the towers, nave, and east end are of a later date, in the pointed style. The bronze shrine of St Sebald, the masterpiece of the celebrated Peter Vischer, who completed it, with the assist¬ ance of his sons, in 1519, after thirteen years’ labour, is the chief object of interest here. It consists of a rich Gothic canopy supported by slender pillars, having beneath it the oaken coffin of the saint, adorned with silver plates; and although the church is now used for the Lutheran service, this magnificent monument is allowed to retain its place. The Catholic church, or Frauenkirche, was founded by the Emperor Charles IV., and completed in 1361, in the best style of German-Gothic architecture. It contains many ancient monuments, and a complicated clock, which shows the movements of the sun and moon. Besides these, there is also a Gothic chapel, dedicated to St Maurice, which is now used as a picture gallery. The town-hall, a building in the Italian style, erected in 1619, contains 3 D Nunez Nurem¬ berg. 394 N U R ftumc. Nurpoor within it an older portion, built in 1340. The great hall, which is 76 feet long and 28 wide, is adorned with paintings by Albert Diirer; and there is a smaller council-chamber above. Underneath the building there are dismal dun¬ geons and a torture-chamber; and subterranean passages have recently been discovered leading beneath the city to the town ditch. To the north of the town, on a sandstone rock, stands the castle, built in 1030 by the Emperor Conrad II., and presented by the town in 1855 to the king. It is now used as a royal palace; and contains a linden tree, said to have been planted by Queen Kunigunda 700 years ago. Nuremberg has a grammar school, founded by Melancthon, whose statue adorns its front; a public library, with 30,000 volumes; a school of design; polytechnic, industrial, and other schools; a theatre; a general and a military hospital; a deaf-and-dumb asylum; orphan hospital; and other bene¬ volent institutions. There are also several scientific so¬ cieties. The churchyard of St John, about half a mile to the N.W. of the town, is remarkable as having been the burial-place for several centuries of the aristocracy of Nu¬ remberg. It contains 3500 grave-stones, all regularly num¬ bered, and most of them adorned with the armorial bearings of the dead. Between this and the city gate stand seven stone pillars, with sculptures representing scenes in the pas¬ sion of our Saviour. Nuremberg is at present the most im¬ portant manufacturing and commercial town in Bavaria. Cloth, brass, bronze, and steel-ware, wires, needles, musical and mathematical instruments, toys, and black-lead pencils are the principal articles made; and in these an extensive trade is carried on, as this place is the chief mart for goods passing between the north and the south of Europe. It was formerly a much more important city, and in the middle ages rose to a great height in wealth and prosperity. The ear¬ liest mention of the town is about the middle of the eleventh century, when it received from Henry III. the privileges of a free market, and the right of coining money and levy¬ ing toll. From this time it steadily increased in wealth and population, and obtained further privileges from sub¬ sequent emperors. In 1219 it was made a free city, in¬ dependent of any European power; and as such it con¬ tinued till it was given over by Napoleon in 1806 to the King of Bavaria. The period of its highest prosperity was during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when it was able to furnish 6000 men to the imperial army. But the discovery of the passage to India by the Cape of Good Hope, by directing the commerce with the East into a different channel, led to the decline of Nuremberg as a place of trade; and though it has recently again risen in importance, it has never regained its mediaeval prosperity. At the Reformation the inhabitants early embraced the Protestant cause ; and in the Thirty Years’ War they were on the side of the Swedes, and suffered much in 1632, during the blockade which Gustavus Adolphus endured from the imperial forces under Wallenstein. Nuremberg was the birthplace of many remarkable men, among whom the most distinguished is Albert Diirer the painter, whose house is still to be seen. Pop. (1843)45,381; (]855)about 50,000. NURPOOR, a town of British India, in the Baree Dooab division of the Punjab, on a small affluent of the Ravee, among the lower mountains of the Himalaya chain ; N. Lat. 32.18., E. Long. 75. 57. A large proportion of the inhabitants are Cashmerians, who are employed in the weaving of shawls. The town has a large and well-sup¬ plied bazaar; and derives much importance from its position on the route between India and Cashmere. It was ori¬ ginally governed by a hereditary rajah, but was afterwards seized by the Sikhs. Ihere is a fort of stones and mud, on an eminence 200 feet high, but it is commanded by the higher elevations which surround it. Pop. 6000 or 8000. NURSIA, an ancient city of the Sabines, situated at NUT the foot of that lofty group of the Apennine range now Nurtingen known as the Monti della Sibilla. From the nature of its || position, in the immediate vicinity of high mountains, the N“tnieg. climate of Nursia was somewhat cold. Virgil alludes to it as Nursia frigida {2En. vii. 716), and Silius Italicus (viii. 417) does the same. It is mentioned by Livy (xxviii. 45) as furnishing volunteers for the armies of Scipio during the second Punic war, about two centuries before the Christian era. At this period it must have been one of the most im¬ portant towns of the Sabines, as it is mentioned in the same connection as Reate and Amiternum. Under the Romans it held the rank of a municipal town, and seems to have been somewhat republican in its sympathies ; for we find its inhabitants chastised by Octavian for their adherence to the cause of the democratic party. Columella (x. 421) and Pliny (xviii. 13, § 34) allude to the rapa Nursina, or Nur- sian turnips, as having been celebrated in their day; and Martial (xiii. 20) refers to the same circumstance when he speaks of the pilce Nursince. From its secluded position, this town is not mentioned in the Roman Itineraries. It gave birth, however, to Vespasia Polla, the mother of the Emperor Vespasian ; and at a place called Vespasiae, not many miles from Nursia, the monuments of this distinguished family were to be seen during the time of Suetonius? It is perhaps more celebrated still as the birth-place of the fa¬ mous Benedict of Nursia, the founder of the first great monastic order in the Christian church. The place" had been made an episcopal see at a very early period, and is said to have had St Eutychius for its first bishop. Massive walls are said to be seen still at Norcia, resembling those of the Sabine towns of Reate and Amiternum. These ruins form the only traces of this old Etruscan town. NURTINGEN, a town of Wiirtemberg, circle of Schwarzwald, on the Neckar, 14 miles S.S.E. of Stuttgardt. It contains an old castle, a church, a rich hospital founded in 1480, and several schools. There are also cotton fac¬ tories, dye-works, and manufactories of musical instru¬ ments. Pop. 4550. NUSSEERABAD, a cantonment of British India, in the district of Ajmeer, North-West Provinces, stands on a large sandy plain, 15 miles S.E. of Ajmeer; N. Lat. 26. 20., E. Lon. 74. 50. It is large, and regularly laid out, with broad streets, and has several tanks and wells. The climate is considered superior to that of any other station in India; but the heat is very great, sometimes in summer rising above 100°. The mean annual temperature is about 76°. NUTMEG, the kernel of the fruit ofMyristica fragrant, Houttuyn (Nat. Ord. Myristicacece), and two or three other species of the same genus. The common nutmeg tree grows from 20 to 25 feet in height, and is very handsome in form and habit. The fruit, which is abun¬ dantly produced, resembles the peach in colour, but is rather pear-like in shape. This fruit consists of four parts. The outermost is a thick fleshy pericarp, which has a strong flavour of nutmeg. This portion is not generally used, but is occasionally preserved in syrup as a sweetmeat. The next portion is the curious scarlet mesocarp or arillode, called mace. This incloses the endocarp, which is a thin and brittle shell of a shining brown colour, furrowed longi¬ tudinally by the pressure of the mace, and within this shell is the kernel, or nutmeg. Nutmegs are imported from Penang and other Indian islands. The quantity imported in 1856 was 468,501 lb., of which a considerable quantity was again exported to other countries. Nutmegs are packed in very strong chests, and are usually powdered with lime, to prevent the attack of a weevil-like insect, the Arceocerus coffece, which is very destructive, often destroy¬ ing the entire contents of a chest (about 2|- cwt.), of the value ofL. 35. Besides the common nutmeg, a sort called the long, or wild nutmeg, is frequently imported. It is usually inclosed in the shell, and is nearly twice as long as N U T Nutrition the common nutmejr, but not any thicker. This is the II fruit of Myristica fatua, Houttuyn. It is brought from Nuts- the Banda Isles, and is inferior to the common nutmeg, v-—^ The nutmeg yields, by expression, a solid yellow fat, called oil of mace, or butter of nutmegs, which is sometimes used in pharmacy. (See Oils.) The duty on nutmegs is one shilling per pound. (t. C. a.) NUTRITION. See Food, and Dietetics. NUTS. The term nut is applied to that class of fruits which consist generally of a single kernel inclosed in a hard shell. Botanically speaking, they are one-celled fruits with hardened pericarps, more or less enveloped in a cupule or cup, formed by the aggregation of the bracts. Several nuts are of considerable importance, in consequence of their sweet edible kernels, and some from their abundant oil. The common Hazel-nut of the shops, or the small nut of our im¬ port tariff, is the fruit of the hazel {Corylus avellana, W.) The hazel-nut is now found generally throughout the temperate parts of Europe and in many parts of Asia. In Spain, Sicily, and some parts of Turkey, it is very extensively cultivated, and forms an im¬ portant article of trade. The import of hazel-nuts to this country alone is immense. In 1857 it was about 224,486 bushels, of which the chief part came from Spain, and the remainder from Sicily, Smyrna, and Constantinople. From Spain we receive two prin¬ cipal kinds, but they appear to differ only in the circumstance that the so-called Barcelona nut is kiln-dried, whereas the Black Spanish is the fresh ripe nut. The latter is only sent at the com¬ mencement of the season, as it will not keep long. They are usually sent in hags of two bushels each ; but it not unfrequently happens that they are imported in bulk, especially from Smyrna, whence we receive the small red nut (Corylus Colurna, Willd.) Besides its extensive use as an edible fruit, the hazel-nut yields an oil which is much valued by artists in oil-colours and by watch¬ makers. (See Oils.) The filbert is extensively cultivated in England, particularly in Kent; and the common hazel is one of the commonest of our coppice shrubs. The Walnut is the fruit of Juglans regia, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Juglandaceoe), and is found in the northern parts of Asia. It seems probable that the nuts mentioned in Genesis xliii. 11, were walnuts, as Pliny says the native country of the nut is Pontus, and vast quantities are still gathered in the neighbour¬ hood of Trebizond. He mentions two kinds, both of which were occasionally eaten roasted, viz., the Abellina (C. avellana, W.), so named from Abellinum in Campania; and another kind, which is supposed to have been the filbert (C. tubulosa, W.) The walnut tree is now cultivated generally throughout Europe, and is as much valued for the fine timber it produces as for its edible nuts. In this country the young green nuts, before the shells become hard, are gathered in considerable quantities and made into a favourite pickle. The nuts are imported from Germany, Italy, France, and Spain, and sometimes from Turkey: 57,000 bushels were imported from these places in 1857. They are only used in this country as an eatable fruit; but in Cashmere they are pressed for oil in great quantities. The Hog-nut (Juglans porcina, Michaux), and the Black walnut (Juglans nigra, Linn.), natives of Canada, are occasionally brought in small quantities from that country, and are sometimes seen in our fruiterers’ shops, but are inferior to the common walnut. Two other nuts, closely allied to the wal¬ nut in the same natural order, are the Hickory-nut (Carya alba, Nuttall), with which are often mixed the nuts of C. sulcata, Nutt., now frequently brought from the United States. These, however, are so much alike that they are not ordinarily'recognised as dis¬ tinct from each other. They are smaller than the vralnut, have smooth hard shells of a light colour, resembling common deal- wood, are marked by longitudinal ridges, and do not split into two shells. The Peccan-nut (Carya olivceformis, Nuttall), usually im¬ ported from New Orleans, is nearly of the shape and size of the olive, but somewhat longer and thinner. The shell of this favourite nut is very thin and smooth, and the kernel plump and large. The quantity of hickory and peccan nuts annually imported is small, probably not exceeding 800 bushels; but it cannot be ascertained with certainty, as the greater part received is in the form of pre¬ sents. They are, however, beginning to be in demand in our markets. The Chestnut is produced by a large tree (Castanea vesca, Gaertner), Nat. Ord. Corylacece. The tree takes its name from Castana in Thessaly, but is so commonly distributed over Europe that it is probably indigenous to most of the southern countries of that continent. It is very abundant in Spain, whence we receive the greater part of the chestnuts brought to this country. It was well known to the Romans ; and Pliny speaks of eighteen varieties of this fruit. He says it was called by the Greeks Bios balanon, or N U X 395 “ Jove’s acorn,” and Sardian acorn, from its having been first in- Nux troduced by the people called Sardes. In his day the choice sorts Vomica, were roasted and eaten, and the inferior ones used for feeding pigs, i . Of late, limited quantities of small sweet chestnuts have been im- ported from the United States, which are probably the fruit of * Castanea vesca, naturalized in America. The quantity of chestnuts imported from Spain and other parts in 1857 was 84,000 bushels. The Brazil-nut, or Juvia, is the fruit of one of the largest trees of the Brazilian forests, the Bertholletia excelsa, Humboldt and Bonp- land (Nat. Ord. Lecythidaceas). This nut, which is also called Para-nut and Castanha-nut, is at first inclosed in an outer apple¬ shaped shell as large as a moderate-sized melon. This usually con¬ tains about twenty of the nuts, which average an inch and a half in length, and are thick and triangular in the middle, but sharp at each end, with a rough greyish-brown shell. The kernel is very sweet and oily. They are imported chiefly from the ports of Para and Maranham, generally in bulk. The import for 1857 was 27,000 bushels. The Sapucaia-nut, another Brazilian fruit, is also seen occasionally in our fruit shops. It is produced by a large tree of the same natural order as the Bertholletia, called Lecythis ollaria, or “ Cannon-ball tree.” Its specific name is taken from the large urn-shaped capsules, called “ monkey-pots” by the inhabitants, which contain the nuts. The Sapucaia-nut has a sweet flavour, re¬ sembling the almond, and if better known would be highly appre¬ ciated. They are, however, scarce, as the monkeys and other wild animals are said to be particularly fond of them. This nut, which is of a rich amber-brown, is not unlike the Brazil-nut, but it has a smooth shell furrowed with deep longitudinal wrinkles. The Sapucaia-nut has hitherto only been imported into Liverpool; and the whole quantity is not more than forty or fifty bushels per annum. The Pistachio-nut is the fruit of Pistacia vera, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Anacardiaceoe). It is a native of Syria. Although a remark¬ ably delicious nut, and much prized by the Greeks and other eastern nations, it is not well known in this country. It is not so large as a hazel-nut, but is rather longer and much thinner, and the shell is covered with a somewhat wrinkled skin. The quantity im¬ ported is very small and uncertain. The small nut of Pistacia lentiscus, Linn., not larger than a cherry-stone, is also occasionally imported from Smyrna, Constantinople, and Greece. The Cashew- nut belongs to the same natural order as the Pistachio. It is the fruit of a small tree, the Anacardium occidentals, a few bushels of which are occasionally sent from the West Indies, where it is a native. The Cajou or Cashew nut is remarkable in consequence of the en¬ largement of the receptacle or peduncle after the flower falls. This receptacle, on the top of which the nut grows, becomes as large as a good-sized pear, and is sweet and agreeable to the taste. The Souari or Surahwa nut, called also the “ Butter-nut of Denierary,” and by our fruiterers the “ Suwarrow-nut,” is the fruit of Caryocar butyrosum, Willd. (Nat. Ord. Rhizobolacece),—the Pekea butyrbsa of Aublett, a native of the forests of Guyana, growing 80 feet in height. This is perhaps the finest of all the fruits called nuts. The kernel is large, soft, and even sweeter than the almond, which it somewhat resembles in taste. The few that are imported come from Demerary, and are about the size of an egg, somewhat kidney¬ shaped, of a rich reddish-brown colour, and covered with large rounded tubercles. The Cocoa-nut is the fruit of Cocos nucifera (Nat. Ord. Palmaceas). This nut is, when ripe, inclosed in a large fibrous husky shell, which yields the vegetable fibre called coir. The kernel forms an inner coating to the hard shell, about three-quarters of an inch thick, inclosing at first a sweet limpid liquid, called the milk, which afterwards becomes the albumen of the seed. It is the inner fleshy portion of the kernel which is eaten. In the tropics it is universally regarded as a very wholesome and nutritious fruit, and yields a large quantity of oil. (See Oils.) Cocoa-nuts are imported from the West Indies, and sometimes from Western Africa. About a million and a half are received annually. Oround-nuts are the fruits of Arachis hypogcea Linn. (Nat. Ord. Leguminosce). They are roundish, irregular¬ shaped pods, improperly called nuts, of a straw colour, covered with small square depressions, arranged with considerable regularity. They contain two or three reddish-brown seeds, which have the flavour of the gray field-pea. They are sometimes eaten when roasted, but are chiefly used for expressing oils. (See Oils.) They are sometimes imported in large quantities from Africa and the West Indies. It is said to be a native of South America, but there is reason to believe it came originally from Africa. (t. c. a.) NUX VOMICA, the seeds of a moderate-sized tree, StrychnosNux-Vomica, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Loganiacece, Div. Strychnece), a native of the coast of Coromandel. The nux vomica, or poison-nut, has been known for a long time, and is supposed to have been made known to Europe by the Arabian physicians; but one or two other seeds have evi- 396 N Y A Nyassi dently been confounded with it. The pulpy fruit which in- II closes the seed is about the size of an orange, with a thin Nyiregy* ^rjtt]e shell, of a brilliant orange colour; and, from the fact v aza‘- , that the pulp is eaten by birds, would seem to be innocuous. “^ * The fruit contains many seeds, imbedded in a white gela¬ tinous pulp. These seeds are about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, quite circular, slightly convex on one side, and depressed on the other ; of a peculiar silky appearance, and of a light-drab colour, not unlike silk-covered buttons. 1 hey are very hard and horny, and consist chiefly of dark greenish- gray albumen, in which their intensely poisonous quality le- sides. The deadly powers of this seed are due to the pre¬ sence of the alkaloid called strychnia or strychnine, a salt consisting of C44 H24 N2 08; but it contains another poison¬ ous alkaloid called brucine, of nearly similar composition— c 4 H25 N2 07. It was discovered in 1818 by Pelletier and Caventou, and it was afterwards proved by M. Ma- gendie and by Dr Fouquier that the salt possessed a re¬ markable specific action upon the spinal marrow without particularly affecting the brain. It has consequently been found very serviceable in certain spinal diseases, but its administration requires excessive care. Almost every part of the tree, except the pulp of the fruit, partakes of the intense bitter of the seed. The poisonous bark introduced into Europe as angostura bark did not come from South America, but from India, and proves to be that of the S. nux-vomica. The wood is very hard, and is used as a useful kind of timber. The imports of nux vomica were only 550 lb. in 1840; but in 1857 it was over 1000 bags, or about 250 cwt. The use to which this large quantity of so power¬ ful a poison is applied is by no means clear. Much is em¬ ployed for the destruction of rats and other noxious animals, but not sufficient to account for so great an increase. It is free of duty, and is almost always imported from Bombay in small bags of about 28 lb. each, and is worth from 6s. to 8s. per cwt. (t* c- a0 NYASSI, or The Sea, a lake in the interior of equa¬ torial Africa, has been known by report to Europeans for about three centuries, but has never yet been reached or explored by them. The latitude of its centre is about 10. S., and it is beliered to extend from S.E. to N.W. between E. Long. 30. and 35. It is known by various names, and appears to be the same as the lake called Maravi on old maps. The great rivers Nile, Zaire, and Zambesi have been supposed to take their source from this lake, but the truth of the statement is more than doubtful. NYIREGYHAZA, a market-town of Upper Hungary, in the county of Szabolcs, 29 miles N. of Debreczin. It has a Greek, a Roman Catholic, and two Protestant churches; a Protestant school; saltpetre-works; and mineral springs. A yearly market of considerable importance is held here. Pop. (1851) 13,826, mostly Protestants. N Y M NYKOPING, a seaport-town of Sweden, capital of a 3tykSping. Ian of the same name, stands on an inlet of the Baltic, 54 || miles S.W. of Stockholm. It is regularly built, and con- ^ymphs. tains a new and an old castle, several courts and public offices, three churches, an hospital, and manufactories of linen, cotton, and woollen stuffs, hosiery, tobacco, needles, &c. Pop. 3486. The lan is bounded on the N. by Lake Malar, which separates it from Upsala and Westeras, E. by Stockholm and the Baltic, S. by Linkoping, and W. by Orebro. Area 2497 square miles. Many valuable mine¬ rals, such as iron, copper, lead, &c., are obtained here: the higher regions are well wooded, and the plains fertile and well cultivated. The bays on the Baltic coast facilitate the exportation of metals, timber, corn, and cattle. Pop. (1850) 120,113. NYMPHS (Gr. vv^ai, Lat. vymphce), in Greek and Roman mythology, a class of inferior female deities of almost infinite number, who were held to preside over all parts of the earth. They were commonly represented as beautiful young women, and generally in the train of some of the greater divinities, such as Neptune, Juno, Diana, or Pan. In most parts of Greece and Italy they were worshipped with offerings of kids, lambs, milk, or honey, but never of wine. In the latter country they were sometimes honoured with special temples or chapels. The interest they took in men and human affairs was believed to be entirely of a kindly and beneficent nature. They presided alike over the dry land and the watery element. In the former class the most important were the mountain nymphs, the Oreades or Orodemniades, who also took local names from the special hills which they haunted, such as Cithceronides, &c.; the nymphs of trees, the Dryades and Hamadryades, whose life was commensurate with that of the forest tree in which they had their abode; and the nymphs of valleys and groves, the Napace, &c. Of the water-nymphs the most important were the Oceanides, the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, said to be 3000 in number. After them may be named the Nereids, the daughters of Nereus and Doris, fifty in number, of whom the most famous were Amphitrite, the wife of Neptune ; Thetis, the mother of Achilles ; Ga¬ latea, &c. Their favourite haunt was the JEgean Sea, and they were held in high honour throughout Greece, espe¬ cially at Corinth. The river-nymphs, the Potameides, were worshipped under local names, derived from the spe¬ cial rivers over which they presided; such as Acheloides, from the Achelous ; Pactolides, from the Pactolus, &c. The Naiades, or nymphs of the fresh water, were known as Limnades and Crencece, or Pegcece, according as they in¬ habited lakes or springs. Even the waters of Hades had their presiding nymphs, the Avernales, many of whom were believed to be endowed with prophetic power, and to com¬ municate that gift to their favourites among men. 397 0. O n the fifteenth letter and the fourth vowel of the Eng- || '"A lish alphabet, occupies a position in point of sound Oases, between the vowels a and u. The shape ot the letter seems ^ to have originated in the circular form assumed by the lips in pronouncing it; yet in the hieroglyphical characters, and even in the ancient Greek alphabet, it appears to have been taken from the shape of the eye. In English O has a long sound, as in bone, moan, broke, roll, winch is usually denoted in a word or syllable by a final e, as in bone, lonely, or bv a servile a as in moan, roaming. It has also a short sound as in hot, long, and a soft sound like the Italian u and the French ou, as in move, which is shortened in words ending in a close articulation, and represented by oo as in look, *root. The vowel o is convertible with a variety of vowels and of vowel combinations, in English, as well as in other languages; e.g., what is o to the eye is m to the ear in the words son, none, done, won. The English o in the words one, two, gone becomes a in Scotch as ane, twa, gane; and o interchanges with ea in cleave, clove ; heat, hot, &c. O was used as a numeral byMdie ancients to represent 11, and with a dash over it (O) to denote 11,000. Among the Irish O prefixed to proper names, like Fitz in England and Mac in Scotland, signifies son of, as 0‘Neal, the son of Neal; and was originally employed as a character of family dignity. O, a circle, or CO is called by the Italians circolo, and is used by them to ex¬ press tempo perfetto in music, or what we call triple time. (For the use of O in abbreviations, see Abbreviations.) O is often employed as an interjection to express a wish, admiration, pity, surprise, &c.; but when strong emotion is to be conveyed, the exclamation is written Oh! OAK. See Planting, Timber, and Ship-Building. OAKHAM, or Okeham, a market-town of England, capital of the county of Rutland, stands in the fertile vale of Catmore, 17 miles E. by N. of Leicester, and 85 N.N.W. of London. It is pretty well built; and contains an old castle supposed to have been built in the reign of Henry II., and now used as a county-hall; an ancient parish church, with a lofty spire ; Presbyterian, Independent, Wes¬ leyan, and Baptist places of worship ; national schools ; and a free grammar school, founded in 1584, with an hospital for old men attached to it. The chief manufacture is that of silk shag for hats. Oakham is not commercially of much importance ; and, though some traffic in coals is carried on, it depends principally on its retail trade in articles of home use. There is a canal between this place and Melton-Mow- bray. Several yearly fairs for cattle and sheep are held here. Pop. (1851) 2800. OASES was the name given by ancient writers to the verdant spots that occur at intervals in the midst of the waste sands of Africa, and is said to be derived from the Coptic word ouah, a resting-place. The foundation of an oasis is a hollow stratum of sandstone or clay, which retains the moisture that flows into it, and which is encircled by a rim of the limestone that forms the bed of the sur¬ rounding desert. On this basis springs up in green luxu¬ riance an orchard of date, fruit, and other trees, interspersed with wheat and millet. These oases, as the etymology given above implies, seem to have been originally used merely as halting-places for the Egyptian and Ethiopian traders in their journey through the desert. It was not until the Persian conquest of Egypt that they became per¬ manent settlements. They were afterwards garrisoned by the Greeks and Romans in succession; and at a still later period they became a place of refuge, first to persecuted Christians, and then to heretics. Their number was great. Herodotus likens them to a chain stretching from E. to W. Oates, through the Libyan desert. But the most celebrated were four, called respectively Oasis Magna, Oasis Trinytheos, Oasis Minor, and Ammonium. The Oasis Magna (the mo¬ dern El-Khargeli) is about 90 miles W. from the banks of the Nile, and is 80 miles in length, and from 8 to 10 in breadth. It was a district of great importance in ancient times. Herodotus called it the 1‘ City Oasis; and Josephus called it “ The Oasis” par excellence. In pagan times it was the site of a temple 468 feet long, and dedi¬ cated to Amun-Ra; and after the commencement of the Christian era it was crowded with churches and monasteries. The Oasis Trinytheos (the modern El-Bacharieh) was situated N. from the Oasis Magna, and W. from the city of Hermopolis Magna. There is no evidence that it was ever a permanent settlement of the Egyptians, the Per¬ sians, or the Greeks. The most ancient architectural re¬ mains are Roman. The fact, however, that several Arte¬ sian wells have been recently discovered there, and that the construction of these was unknown to the nations above mentioned, seems to indicate that the Oasis I rinytheos was visited at an early period by some people who had im¬ ported the art of making artificial springs from the eastern countries of Asia. The Oasis Minor (the modern El- Dakkel) was situated nearly N. fron the Oasis Magna, and W. from the city of Oxyrynchus. The ruins of a temple and several tombs show that it was a station of the Greeks. It was also under the dominion of the Romans, and was then famous for its wheat. Ammonium (the modern El- Shvah) was situated N.W. from the Oasis Minor. Though not more than 6 miles in length and 3 in breadth, it was at one t ime the most famous of all the oases. Its soil produced salt in great abundance and of the finest quality, and at the same time was well w’atered and iruitful. 1 here also was the celebrated “Fountain of the Sun” which Herodotus saw in the fifth century b.C. There especially was the temple of Jupiter Ammon, which Alexander the Great visited in 331 B.C., and which was built of stone, of a blue and green colour, and covered with hieroglyphics. The fountain is still seen springing up in a grove of dates ; and the walls of the temple, retaining their bright colouring, are still seen in ruins near the village of Gharmy. The term oasis has in modern times come to signify any fertile tract in the midst of a desert. OATES, Titus, the infamous fabricator of the “ Popish Plot,” was born about 1619. From the very first he was an apostate and a deceiver. He left the Anabaptists, among whom he had been trained, and after studying at Cambridge, accepted a benefice in the Church of England. With this position his life and opinions were soon found to be glar¬ ingly inconsistent; and he entered a Jesuit college in France. Even there his conduct was too unprincipled to be endured; and in 1677 he found himself obliged to take up the profession of a scheming vagabond. It was then that Oates, animated probably by the hope of gain and the love of low intrigue, resolved to take advantage of the alarm into which the English nation had been thrown on account of the suspected Popish inclinations of Charles II., the avowed Popish opinions of the Duke of York, and the growing confidence of the Papists in general. He patched up a chimerical story, and communicated it to the govern¬ ment at London as a plot which had been formed by the Roman Catholics. The capital, he said, was to be set on fire, the citizens massacred, the king assassinated, Ireland invaded by a French army, and certain Papists whom he named placed in the high offices of the state. This fabri- 398 OAT Oaths. Jewish oaths. cation realizing the apprehensions in the public mind, and seeming to be corroborated by certain events, gained uni¬ versal credence. The government were at their wits’ end; all London was instantly on the alert for the expected attack; and the people, hurried on by the blind instincts of hatred to their foes and gratitude to their supposed sa¬ viour, rushed into an extreme course of action. Oates was raised to the summit of popularity and power; a pension of L.900 a year was conferred upon him ; no¬ thing Jess magnificent than a suite of apartments in White¬ hall Palace was thought worthy of lodging his precious person ; and whenever he appeared in public he was greeted by the unbonneted populace. The fresh fictions which he continued to invent regarding the plot were also received without hesitation. With the aid of certain worthless as¬ sociates, he procured the conviction of many innocent Ro¬ man Catholics, and was the main cause of a series of judicial murders which extended over the space of two years. By that time, however, the nation was opening its eyes upon the monstrous system of deceit by which it had been duped, and a storm of retribution was gathering against the head of the arch offender. On the accession of James II. in 1685, he was tried before the Court of King’s Bench, was convicted of perjury, and was sentenced to be first pilloried and whipt at the cart’s tail, and then to be imprisoned for life. The former part of the punishment was executed with a severity which was evidently intended to kill him. The latter part was broken off by the accession of William III., and the simultaneous re-action in the state of public feeling. The trial of Oates was then declared by Parlia¬ ment to have been illegal; his crimes were pardoned by the king; and he was allowed to skulk away into obscurity with a pension of L.300 a-year. He died in 1705. (For the particulars of the “ Popish Plot,” see Britain. See also Lord Macaulay’s History of England?) OATHS are solemn declarations made, with an appeal to God or to some superior being, for the truth of what is affirmed, or for the honesty of what is promised. It is always to be presumed, in the taking of an oath, that the person imposing it believes that the swearer expects the superior being whom he calls to witness will visit him with punishment in the event of his violating that oath. On no other supposition can an oath be conceived of any value or significance. The person making the oath may or may not fear the evil consequences of perjury ; but the individual imposing the oath is supposed to believe that the swearer is apprehensive of those consequences. Oaths are asser¬ tory, or those by which something is affirmed as true; and promissory, or those by which something is pro¬ mised to be done. Oaths are again either voluntary or compulsory. It would appear, from all that can be gathered on the subject, that the practice of using oaths on certain im¬ portant occasions has been observed in all nations where any definite idea of a superior being has prevailed. This practice is found as early as the days of Abraham, who charges his servant: “ Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh ; and I will make thee swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that,” &c. (Gen. xxiv. 2, 3, 37). This oath was private rather than judicial or national. Instances of public or national oaths, in which an entire kingdom or a large body of people wrere involved, are to be found in Judges xxi.; also in 1 Kings xviii. 10; and the first example of a strictly judicial oath is to be found in Levit. vi. 3-5. This custom of oath-making, which had been in use amongst the Jews from the earliest times, was sanctioned by Moses, and employed by him in connection with his code of laws. Other beings besides God were sometimes invoked in taking an oath, among the Hebrews and certain other nations of the East; as the soul (2 Kings ii. 2 ; 1 Sam. xx. 3, &c.); the head or life of a O A T king (Gen. xlii. 15). The most solemn oath among the Oaths Persians, according to Hanway, is, “ By the king’s head ;” t and Aben Ezra informs us that this oath was common in Egypt in his time (a.d. 1170) among the khaliphs. Some¬ times the oath-taker swore by some precious part of his own body, as the head (Matt. v. 36); by the earth, the heaven, and the sun (Matt. v. 34, 35) ; by angels (Josephus, He Bell. Jud. ii. 16, 4); by the temple (Matt, xxiii. 16); and by Jerusalem (Matt. v. 35; compare Lightfoot, p. 281). The levity of the Jewish nation with regard to oaths became notorious; and while we find some of their doctors sharply reproving this vice (Othon. Lex., p. 351 ; Philo, ii. 194), it is nevertheless notorious that the rab¬ binical writers, by their nice distinctions, subtle casuistry, and perverse ingenuity on the subject of swearing, did much in effect to countenance open falsehood, and lessen the enormities of perjury and profanation. The heathen satirists poisoned their shafts against the Jew with the blasphemous perjury of that race (Martial, xi. 9) ; and when we come down to Christian times, we find a growing disposition to discountenance a practice which had been prostituted to the worst of purposes. Some contend that the language of Christ respecting oaths (Matt. v. 34-37) is absolutely prohibitory of that practice ; while others, with perhaps greater justice, suppose that his words apply to profane and wanton swearing, rather than to solemn and judicial oaths. Not a few of the early fathers held oaths to be unchristian ; and some modern sects, such as the Quakers, &c., decline, on Scriptural grounds, to take oaths in courts of law. Among the Greeks, oaths seem to have been taken both Greek between individuals and nations, on certain solemn occasions, oaths, from a very early period. When the fate of the Trojan war was to be decided by single combat, the agreement was ratified by oath. {Iliad, iii. 276.) A similar practice was observed in other treaties and alliances, as appears from Herod, i. 69, 74, 146, 165; Thucyd. v. 47. As is abun¬ dantly obvious from their writers, the Greeks held in great reverence the sanctity of oaths. Illustrations of this are to be found especially in Homer, Alschylus, Pindar, Euripides, and Sophocles. The ingenious prevarication and mental reservation of a Jew or a Jesuit was precisely what Homer’s great hero, in his noble heathenish indignation, hated “like the gates of hell” {Iliad, ix. 313). The story of Glaucus the Spartan, who was annihilated with his whole family for simply entertaining the question as to whether or not he should fulfil an oath, affords a good illustration of Greek feeling upon the crime of perjury. (See Herodotus, vi. 86 ; Juvenal, xiii. 202.) It is but too well known, how¬ ever, that, with the decay of everything great and noble among the Grecian states, the crime of perjury became an every-day occurrence; and a Greek became among the Romans only another name for a liar. Each nation or people swore by its own deity or hero: as the Thebans by Hercules, the Lacedaemonians by Castor and Pollux, and the Corinthians by Neptune. An oath was often suggested by office, character, place, or sex. Thus Iphigeneia the priestess swore by Artemis; Antilochus, in talking of horses, is told to swear by Poseidon, the equestrian deity ; Achilles swears by his sceptre ; Telemachus by his father’s sorrows; Demosthenes by the heroes of Marathon; and Pythagoras by the number Four. If the men found it necessary to swear by Hercules and Apollo, the women felt called upon to give weight or ornament to their words by invoking Aphrodite and Demeter. Citizenship was ratified by oath in Athens, and public functionaries were sworn in to their office. It is supposed that the oaths occasionally taken by witnesses in judicial proceedings were, for the most part, voluntary among the Greeks. Oaths with the Greeks were frequently accompanied by sacrifice and libation, and the swearer placed his hands upon the victim, OAT Oaths, the altar, or some other sacred thing, while he was taking the oath. (Livy, xxxi. 50.) noman Among the Romans, magistrates and other dignitaries oaths. had to come under an oath, in entering upon the public service, to protect and observe the laws. All Roman soldiers, on their enlistment for a campaign, had to take the military oath (sacramentum), binding themselves to be faithful to the commands of their superior officers. (Livy, xxii. 38.) In transactions with other nations, oaths were taken in the name of the Roman republic. Livy has recorded (i. 24) the most ancient form of this kind of oath, in a treaty struck between the Romans and the Albans. Jupiter was invoked, while the priest struck the victim with a flint-stone {lapis silex) ; and from the important part played by this instrument in oath-taking, the god himself came to be called Jupiter Lapis. During the latter years of the republic, the early reverence for international oaths became well nigh forgotten ; and in peijury, both individual and national, the Roman came to rival the Jew and the Greek. The remarks already made respecting the conversational oaths of the Greeks apply pretty correctly to those of the Romans: Hercules, Pollux, Jove, and Bacchus were the favourites of the men ; while women, lovers, and exquisites garnished their soft speech by appeals to Juno and Venus. Examples of this practice are endless among the classical writers. In Roman judicial proceedings, oaths were occasionally required from the plaintiff or defendant, or both. The oath of calumny {jusjurandum calumnice) was taken by the plaintiff in solemn declaration that there was no malice or dishonesty in his suit. It does not seem to have been always necessary to examine prisoners on oath in civil cases; but in the criminal proceedings of the judicia publica, oaths appear to have been administered. (Cicero, Pro Q. Rose. Com. c. 15; Noodt, Op. Omn. ii. 479 ; Digest De Testibus.) English a general rule, all testimony in English judicial pro- ‘,aths‘ ceedings requires to be given by oath. This custom is said to have been introduced into England by the Saxons A.D. 600. Only those can be sworn as witnesses, however, who will profess their belief in the existence of Deity, in a future state of rewards and punishments, and that perjury will be punished by God. A Jew, a Mohammedan, or a Hindu may be sworn as witnesses by the oath which they severally consider binding. All other persons, such as professed atheists, &c., cannot be admitted to give evidence on oath injudicial proceedings. Young children, imbeciles, &c.; are also incompetent, from deficient intelligence. Quakers and others, who object to taking judicial oaths on Scriptural grounds, are allowed to give their evidence on affirmation, both in civil and criminal proceedings. A peer or lord of Parliament, when a dependant in Chancery, is required to give his answer to a bill upon honour only ; and the members of a corporation give in their answer under the seal of their body. Oaths are also required by English law on admission to offices of public trust, as the oath of princes to rule constitutionally, the oath of supre¬ macy, the oath of allegiance, and the oath of office. All who hold offices of any kind under the government, as members of the House of Commons, ecclesiastics, members of colleges, schoolmasters, serjeants-at-law, councillors, attorneys, &c., are required by statute to take the oaths of allegiance, &c. The oath of supremacy was first administered to British subjects (26 Hen. VIII.) in 1535 ; that of allegiance was framed (3 James I.) in 1605 ; and the oath of abjuration (13 Will. III.) in 1701. A solemn affirmation or declaration may be substituted for an oath in certain cases by the Lords of the Treasury, according to the Act 5 and 6 William IV., c. 62. (See Knight’s Political Cyclopcedia, vol. hi., p. 436.) The principal sanctions against mendacity in a witness are—(1.) The legal punishment incidental to a conviction of false swear- O B A 399 ing ; (2.) The influence of public opinion ; (3.) The dread Oaxaca of future punishment from the Deity. Bentham, in his II famous attack upon the taking of oaths in his Rationale of 0ban* Evidence, denies that the third of those considerations has the force of a sanction at all, and maintains that the first and second alone have influence. But it must be obvious to every one, that while the third sanction may not be so universal in its influence as the first and second, it may be, and in point of fact is, in the case of not a few, regarded as a consideration of infinitely greater weight than any other whatever. And, as was said already, it is the opinion of the person who takes the oath that gives it value in the eyes of the person administering or imposing it. Nothing can be more obvious, however, than the very great abuses to which the practice of oath-taking is liable. So long as the moral and religious sense of a nation is sound and pure, its public or private oaths will carry with them a becoming awe and reverence; but no sooner does the national morality begin to decline than perjury becomes an every-day occur¬ rence, and men swear to anything that suits their interest or pleases their caprice. Such, at least, is the lesson taught us by the history of the Jew, of the Greek, and of the Roman. (See Ugolino’s Thesaurus Antiq. Sacr., vol. 26; Grotius, De Jure, &c., lib. ii., c. 13; Tyler’s Oaths, their Origin, Nature, and History; the Cyclopedia of Political Knowledge ; and Smith’s Diet, of Antiquities^) OAXACA. See Mexico. OBADIAH, the fourth of the minor prophets according to the Hebrew, the fifth according to the Greek, and the eighth according to the chronological arrangement, is supposed to have prophesied about the year b.c. 599. (Jaim’s Introd.) We possess but a small fragment of his prophecies, and it is impossible to determine anything with certainty respect¬ ing himself or his history. Several persons of this name occur about the same period, one of whom presided at the restoration of the temple in the reign of Josiah, b.c. B24, and is considered by many to have been the author of the prophecy. Another, who was governor of the house of Ahab, was regarded by the ancient Jews as the author of the book ; an opinion followed by Jerome (Hieron. Comm, in Abdiam; Sixtus Senens. Bib. Sa?ict.). Others place the author in the reign of Ahaz, b.c. 728-699 ; while some think him to have been a contemporary of Hosea, who prophesied b.c. 722. Jahn maintains, from the warnings to the Edomites, ver. 12-14, that Obadiah prophesied before the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar; while De Wette infers from ver. 20, that the composition of the book must be placed after the destruction of that city. From a comparison of Obad. ver. 1-4 with Jer. xlix. 14- 16 ; Obad. ver. 6 w’ith Jer. xlix. 9, 10; and Obad. ver. 8 with Jer. xlix. 7, it is evident that one of these prophets had read the other’s work. That Jeremiah was the original writer has been maintained by Bertholdt, Credner, De Wette, and others. (See Eichhorn’s Introd., sec. 512; Rosenmiiller’s Scholia; and Jager, Ueb. die Zeit Obadjah.) His prophecies are directed against the Edomites, and in this respect correspond with Amos i. 11, Jer. xlix. 22, Ezek. xxv. 12-14, and Ps. cxxxvii. 7; but he consoles the Jews with a promise of restoration from their captivity—a pro¬ phecy which was fulfilled in the time of the Maccabees, under John Hyrcanus, b.c. 125. The language of Obadiah is pure, but he is too fond of the interrogatory form of ex¬ pression ; his sentiments are noble, and his figures bold and striking. (In addition to the works already specified, the reader may consult Leusden’s Obadiah ; Pfeiffer, Comm, in Obad. ; Schrber, Der Prophet Obad., &c. ; Venema, Lectt. in Obad., with the additions of Verschuir and Lohze ; Kohler, Anmerkk. ; Schnurrer’s Dissert. Philol. ; Hende- werth, Obadjce Prophetce Oraculum in Idumceos.) OBAN, a parliamentary burgh and seaport of Scot¬ land, Argyllshire, 20 miles N.W. of Inverary, and 6 | 400 O B E Obe N.W. of Glasgow. It is built in the form of a crescent, || round the shore of a hay of the same name, and has an Oberlin. extensive coasting trade with the Clyde, as it is the chief seaport and market-town for a large extent of country. It contains places of worship belonging to the Established, the Free, the United Presbyterian, the Scottish Episcopal, and the Independent churches; several schools, a library, reading-room, savings-bank, and custom-house. I he har¬ bour is deep and safe, being sheltered by the island of Ker- rera; and the inhabitants are extensively engaged in fishing. Steamers ply regularly between this town and Glasgow; and during the summer it is a great resort for tourists, who make this their starting-place for the various parts ^f t ie Western Highlands. The Bay of Oban is surrounded by steep cliffs, on which stand the rums of Dunolly Castle; while about three miles to the north of the town aie t le remains of that of Dunstaffnage. Oban unites with Ayr and other burghs in returning a member to Parliament. Pop. (1851) 1742. , . • - a OBE, Obi, or Oby, a river of Siberia, rises in tne Altai Mountains, where it is formed by the union of two main streams, the Katunga and the Biya. ^ a.n irregular course, but generally towards the N.W., till it joins the Irtish from the south. It then turns northward, and flows in that direction, frequently dividing itself into two streams, which flow separately for long distances, and then unite again. It falls into the Gulf of Obe by three branches, the largest and deepest of which is that which lies to the east. Its whole length is estimated at 2000 miles. The principal affluents of the Obe are the Irtish, which is longer than the branch which retains the name of Obe, the& Tom, the Choolyn, and the Ket; while the Irtish receives from the west the 1 obol and the Iskim. Both the Irtish and the Obe abound in fish, which might be made a valuable article of export. The country drained by the Obe and its tributaries is calculated to have an area of 1,370,000 square miles. The Gulf of Obe, which derives its name from the above river, is an inlet of the Arctic Ocean, betwreen 70 and 80 miles in breadth, and upwaids of 400 in length. It lies between N. Lat. 67.30. and 72. 30.; E. Long. 72. and 77. OBELISK, a truncated, quadrangular, and slender pyramid, raised as an ornament, and frequently charged with inscriptions or hieroglyphics. Obelisks appear to have been of very great antiquity, and first raised to transmit to posterity certain precepts, which were cut in hieroglyphical characters ; but they were afterwards used to immortalize the great actions of heroes and the memory of persons who were beloved. The first obelisk mentioned in history was that of Remeses, King of Egypt, which was forty cubits high. Phius, another king of Egypt, raised one of fifty-five cubits; and Ptolemy Philadelphus, another of eighty-eight cubits, in memory of Arsinoe. Augustus erected one at Rome, trans¬ ported from Egypt, in the Campus Martius, which served to mark the hours on a horizontal dial drawn upon the pavement. They were called by the Egyptian priests the “ fingers of the sun,” because they were made in Egypt to serve also as styles or gnomons for marking the hours on the ground. The Arabs still call them “ Pharaoh’s needles.” (See the elaborate w’ork of Zoega, De Origine et Usa Obeliscorum, illustrated with very beautiful and accurate plates ; Sir G. Wilkinson’s An¬ cient Egyptians; and articles Architecture and Egypt.) OBERLIN, Jean Frederic, a celebrated philan¬ thropic pastor, was the son of a teacher, and was born at Strasburg on the 1st August 1740. Under the religious instructions of his mother, and of a devout Lutheran preacher named Dr Lorentz, he imbibed that spirit of pious zeal which determined his future career. Before the age of twenty he had formally dedicated himself to God; and at the close of his university course he became a minister of the French Protestant Church. The great work of his OBE life however, did not commence until, in 1767, he was Oberlin. appointed to the curacy of Waldbach in the valley of Ban de la Roche in Alsace. He then found himself among a few io-norant and half-savage parishioners, who were shut up from the civilized world within the cold bosom of their native mountains, were scattered over a stony uncultivated valley, lived upon wild apples and pears, and shivered in filthy cabins of turf. His first act was an attempt to induce the natives to open up their country by making regular highways. But he soon found that all his ardent expositions of the advantages of trade could not excite their sluggish desires. He therefore seized a mattock, and began to make a road with his own hands. This action struck the peasants like an electric shock. They could not stand idly by while their delicately-nurtured pastorwas sweating in their behalf: young and old came flocking to give their assistance ; highways began to traverse the valley; a bridge was thrown over a turbulent stream that interrupted all inter¬ course with Strasburg; and in a short time commerce was beginning to circulate through the country. I he same mode of teaching by example was used to introduce agri¬ culture. The pastor brought a patch of ground that was by the wayside under cultivation ; the fine crop, as it grew ripe, excited the envy of all that passed by; they came in crowds to learn the secret of his agriculture ; he gave them both instruction and assistance; and the result was that the desert of Waldbach soon began to “ blossom as the rose.” To improve the domestic economy of his parishioners was the next endeavour of Oberlin ; and he did it like one who, after the example of the Divine Master, deems it a sacred task to relieve even the meanest want of humanity. He assisted the men in building comfortable cottages; despatched the idle boys to the neighbouring districts to learn farming or the mechanical trades ; set the unemployed girls to knitting, straw-plaiting, and cotton-spinning; and instructed the housewives in using certain common plants for food and medicine. The love and gratitude which the natives felt for all these benefits, opened their hearts to receive the higher lessons of their pastor. Llis homely sermons on Sabbath, his prayer-meetings during the week, his habit ot blending religion with all the duties of common life, and his humble and active piety—all contributed to soften down their rough and stubborn dispositions. He induced them to start an itinerant library, to establish the first specimens of infant schools that had ever existed, and to build an ordinary school at each of the five villages in the parish. It w’as not even thought impertinent when he kept a register of their moral characters, and inquired into the most paltry of their family affairs. In fact, he had now come to be considered the father of his flock; and no circumstance in his large household wTas thought too trifling to demand his loving attention. The latter half of Oberlin’s life was spent in superintending the social organization which he had established in his parish, in entertaining the many pious individuals who came from different parts of Europe to visit him, in circulating copies of the Bible throughout France, and in advancing the cause of missions in heathen countries. He died on the 1st June 1826, and was interred with great honour, and in the presence of a great concourse of people, at the village of Foudai. The name of Oberlin was associated for some time afterwards with the active piety of Louisa Schepler, a humble woman, who had lived in his house for fifty years in the capacity of servant and house¬ keeper. This simple-hearted peasant continued till her death in 1837 to teach in the schools of the valley, to consecrate all her little earnings to Christian charity, and to wait without remuneration on the children of her beloved master. {Brief Memorials of Oberlin, by the Rev. Thomas Sims, M.A., London, 1830; and Memoirs of Oberlin, with a Short Notice of Louisa Schepler, London, 1838 and 1852.) 0 B E Oberlin Oberlin, Jeremie Jacques, a learned antiquary and II philologist, the elder brother of the preceding, was born Object. a(; gtrasburg in 1735, and entered the university of his ^ native place. His career was distinguished fiom the veiy first by an unwearied devotion to antiquarian research. At the end of his philosophical course, he produced a thesis, entitled De Vetevum Ritu Condiendi Movtuos. 1 hen, commencing a theological curriculum, he turned his attention exclusively to the archaeology of the sacred writings. Nor were his favourite studies discontinued when he was appointed assistant and successor to his father in the laborious duties of an elementary teacher in the gymnasium. He requested and obtained permission from the university of Strasburg to deliver a course of lectures on the Latin tongue ; he prelected and published manuals on archaeology and ancient geography; and he made frequent excursions into various provinces of France to investigate the antiquarian remains and the provincial dialects of the country. At length, in 1782, his appoint¬ ment to the chair of logic and metaphysics at Strasburg brought his philosophical activity into full play. He pub¬ lished smt* les Minnesingers in 1782-89; an edition of Horace in 1788 ; and Observations concernant le Patois et les Meurs des Gens de la Campagne in 1791. The troubles of the French revolution interrupted his studies ; and in 1793 he was imprisoned for some time at Metz; but on the restoration of tranquillity he returned with fresh zest to his books. His edition of Tacitus appeared in 1801 ; and his edition of Ciesar in 1805. He was engaged in editing Justin, when he was cut off by a stroke of apoplexy in 1806. OBERN A I, or Oberehniieim, a town of France, in the department of Lower Rhine, 14 miles N. of Schele- stadt. It is ill built; and has a large town-hall, college, and hospital; while in the vicinity are the ruins of a palace and a convent. Calico, leather, hats, soap, bricks, earthen¬ ware, nails, &c., are made here. The town was once fortified ; and has sustained several sieges. Pop. 5356. ©BIDOS, a fortified town of Portugal, province of Estremadura, stands on the Arnoia, where it enters the lagoon of Obidos, 47 miles N. by W. of Lisbon. It has some ancient remains; and is remarkable for a victory gained here by the British under Wellington over the French, 15th August 1808. Pop. 3000. OBJECT and OBJECTIVE, SUBJECT and SUB¬ JECTIVE, are two pairs of correlative terms, much used in philosophical speculation, and not always free from am¬ biguity. The foundation of this capital distinction in philosophical terminology is to be found in the ultimate analysis of knowledge itself, of which philosophy lays claim to be the science. For if knowledge is the result of a re¬ lation between that which knows (the subject) and that which is known (the object), it follows that the terms Sub¬ ject and Subjective, Object and Objective, stand forth as opposing contraries, to mark off compendiously the grand, the fundamental distinction which lies at the root of all knowledge. The general discrimination indicated by those terms is at once articulate and precise; but in their special application they are liable to ambiguity and equivocation. The Subject, as now commonly employed by philosophers, denotes that which knows; and is limited exclusively to the Ego, or conscious mind, called by the Germans Das Ich, and by the French Le Moi. Subjective, is employed in like manner to express what pertains to the mind, the Ego or thinking principle. The terms Object and Objective, again, are employed generally in contrast and correlation to these, to denote that which is known, the Non-ego, with its modes and properties, called by the Germans Das Nicht- Ich, and by the French Le Non-Moi. But it is obvious that the terms Subjective and Objective, while generally distinguishing what belongs to mind from what belongs to VOL. XVI O B O 401 matter, are not quite thorough and unambiguous in their Oblate discrimination. For the object known is not of necessity a II mode of what is called matter, or of the Non-ego. If I am ^0b°jaD- ^ conscious of joy or sorrow, for example, or call before my imagination the representation of a distant object, it is ob¬ vious that what the mind contemplates is, in this case, wholly in and of itself—is as emphatically a mode of the Ego as extension is of the Non-ego. But if the phe¬ nomena of the thinking subject can thus become objecti¬ fied, so to speak, and converted into the object known, there at once emerges a palpable equivocation in the use of the terms Object and Subject. This ambiguity may be effectually avoided, however, by coupling with those terms a qualifying attribute when it is necessary to do so. While, therefore, Subject and Subjective should be employed in their simplicity to denote what belongs to, or is dependent on, the knowing mind, whether of man in general or or some man in particular; and Object and Objective to ex press what does not so belong or depend; some nomen¬ clature is requisite to mark off precisely an object of know¬ ledge as a mode of mind on the one hand, or as something different from mind on the other. “ Without, therefore,” says Sir William Hamilton, “ disturbing the preceding no¬ menclature, which is not only ratified but convenient, I would propose that, when we wish to be precise, or when any ambiguity is to be dreaded, we should employ, on the one hand, either the terms subject-object, or subjective ob¬ ject (and this we could again distinguish as absolute or as relative) ; on the other, either object-object or objective ob¬ ject.” With respect to the alternative indicated above parenthetically of the absolute or relative element in sub¬ jective objects, he remarks in another place, “ But the sub¬ ject-object may be either a mode of mind of which we are conscious as absolute, and for itself alone,—as, for example, a pain or pleasure; or a mode of mind of which we are conscious as relative to, and representative of, something else,—as, for instance, the imagination of something past or present. Of these we might distinguish, when neces¬ sary, the one as the absolute or the real subject-object; the other as the relative or the ideal, or the representative sub¬ ject-object. Finally, it may be required to mark whether the object-object and the subject-object be immediately known as present, or only as represented. In this case we must resort, on the former alternative to the epithet presentative or intuitive ; on the latter to those of represented, mediate, remote, primary, principal” &c. See Hamilton’s edition of Reid, note B ; in which there will be found a historical and critical exposition of the use of these terms in the Greek and scholastic philosophy. (See also Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques.) It may not be improper to observe, that the words Subject and Object, besides possessing the technical sig¬ nification just described, are also used in a popular sense entirely different. Thus, in the expression “ subject of discourse,” the word “ subject” is employed for the ma¬ teria circa quam, where object would be exclusively ap¬ plied in philosophy. Object is also vulgarly used, both in France and England, for end, motive, final cause, &c. OBLATE, flattened or shortened, as an oblate spheroid, having its axis shorter than its middle diameter, and being formed by the rotation of an ellipse about its shorter axis. The earth, the polar diameter of which is shorter than the equatorial, is an oblate spheriod. OBLIQUE signifies generally something aslant, or de¬ viating from the perpendicular. Thus an oblique angle is either acute or obtuse ; that is, any angle except a right one. OBLONG, in general, denotes a figure the length of which exceeds the breadth ; as, for example, a parallelo¬ gram. OBOLLIS, an ancient Greek coin. (See Numismatics.) OBOJAN, a town of Russia, in the government of 3 E 402 0 B S Occam. Observa- Kursk, stands at the confluence of the Obojanka and Psiol, tones 35 miles S. of Kursk, and about 370 W.S.W. of Moscow. It is well built; has several churches, schools, and hospi¬ tals; and drives a flourishing trade in cattle, wax, &c. Pop. (1849) 4968. OBSERVATORIES. (See Astronomy, Supplement to part i.) OBY, a small island in the Malay Archipelago, S. of Gi- lolo ; S. Lat. 1. 30., E. Long. 127. 50. It is about 50 miles in length, and varies from 10 to 20 in breadth. It has lofty mountains and dense woods, and yields spices and sago. The Dutch have a settlement at the west end ; and near thisjs another island called Little Oby. OCANA, a town of Spain, in the province of Toledo, 35 miles S. of Madrid, and 26 E. of Toledo. It is an an¬ cient town, built on the sides and top of a hill, and is sur¬ rounded by ruinous walls. The streets are narrow and ill built, but there are several handsome squares, churches, convents, schools, an hospital, and a prison. The town is supplied with water by a stone aqueduct of nineteen arches, supposed to have been built by the Romans. Manufactures of soap, bricks, earthenware, cloth, &c., are carried on. In the neighbourhood the Spaniards sustained in 1809 a signal defeat from the French. Pop. 4789. Ocana, a town of New Granada, capital of a province of the same name in the department of Guanenta, on the Oro, 60 miles N.W. of Pamplona. It stands among the Andes; and there are copper mines in the vicinity. Some trade is carried on by the River Oro and the Canaverales, into which it falls. Pop. of town, 5500 ; of province, 23,450. OCCAM, or Ockham, William of, an English scholastic philosopher, and the great champion of Nominalism in the fourteenth century, was born at Ockham in Surrey in the latter half of the thirteenth century. He repaired to Paris at an early age, having been expelled from Oxford for ex¬ citing tumults among the students. On reaching that city he joined the ranks of the Franciscans, and sat at the feet of their great chief, Duns Scotus, “ the most subtle Doctor.” Nothing is known respecting Occam until he appeared as a public teacher in Paris. In this capacity he produced an extraordinary sensation. By the boldness of his speculations and the vehemence of his dialectics, mere tradition, no matter how venerable, whether political, religious, or philo¬ sophical, found no quarter with William of Occam. “ The invincible Doctor,” as he soon proved himself, threw the weight of his influence, as the advocate of Nominalism and free opinion, and the sworn foe of Realism and intellectual submission, on the side of Philip the Fair of France in his contest with Pope Boniface VIII. William published a celebrated manifesto in favour of the cause, entitled Dispu- tatio super potestate ecclesiastica prcelatis atque principibus terrarum commissa, which the successor of St Peter did not at all relish. The author and his followers were branded as innovators in the church as well as in the schools; and No¬ minalism became with the ecclesiastical party another name for heresy. On the death of Boniface, Pope John XXII. summoned Occam and his disciples before him at Avignon, and the “ invincible Doctor” only escaped the vengeance of his Holiness by a precipitate flight to Bavaria, on the 26th of May 1328. Here he gained the protection of Louis, and remained till his death, which took place at Munich some twenty years afterwards. (For the doctrines of Occam, see Nominalism and Realism.) The following writings compose Occam’s philosophical works:— Super libros Sententiarum subtilissimce qucestiones, fol., Lyon, 1495, in which will be found the substance of the author’s metaphysical doctrines ; Quodlibeta septem, fol., Paris, 1487, and Strasburg, 1491; Summa logices, 4to, Venezia, 1591, and frequently reprinted; Major summa logices, 4to, Venezia, 1522; Qucestiones in libros Physicorum, fol., Strasburg, 1491,1506; Expositio aurea super totam artem vete- rem, videlicet in Porphyrii proedicabilia et Aristotelis prccdicamenta, fol., Bologna, 1496. Ochino. O C H OCCULTATION is that phenomenon in which a star Occulation or planet becomes concealed from our view by the inter¬ vention of the moon. (See Astronomy.) OCCUPANCY, in Law, is the taking possession of that which before belonged to no one in particular. This, ac¬ cording to Blackstone {Commentaries, b. ii., c. 16), is the true ground and foundation of all property, or of holding those things in severalty which by the law of nature, un qualified by that of society, were common to all mankind. OCEAN. See Physical Geography. OCEANIA. See Australasia. OCEAN US, an ancient Greek god, was the son of Uranus and Gaea,* and the eldest of the Titans. Homer and Hesiod represent him as a divinity of might and im¬ portance, and they each mention several elements in his greatness. He was the father, by Tethys, of the rivers, and of the 3000 Oceanides, the goddesses of the rivers; he dwelt in a palace in the far west; and “ the ocean stream” over which he ruled encircled the whole earth, and touched the vault of heaven on every side. OCELLUS LUCANUS, a Pythagorean philosopher, born in Lucania in Italy, as his name implies, and supposed to have flourished during the fifth century b.c. He is said to have been a contemporary as well as a disciple of Pytha¬ goras. The only definite information we possess respecting Ocellus—and even that is not of the most authentic cha¬ racter—is to be found in two letters cited by Diogenes Laertius (lib. viii., c. 80, 81), in which Archytas sends Plato a reading of four works of the Lucanian philosopher. Plato, in acknowledging the receipt of the precious MSS., expresses his admiration of their contents. These books contained treatises on Law, on Kingly Rule, on Piety, and on the Nature of the Universe. Of these writings, the only one which has come down to us is the last, entitled Ilegi r^s tov TravTos cfivcrios; written originally in Doric Greek ; but the authorship of it is by no means clear. The best editions are those of Rudolphi, Leipsic, 8vo, 1801; and of Mullach, Berlin, 1846. The Marquis D’Argens pub¬ lished an 8vo edition at Berlin, 1762, with a French translation and a commentary. There is a good edition by Batteux, 3 vols. 12mo, Paris, 1768; and an English version of Ocellus was published in 8vo, 1831, by Thos. Taylor. OCHINO, or Ochinus, Bernardino, a famous Italian ecclesiastic, was born at Sienna in 1487, and assumed the monkish garb at an early age. After living for some time among the Franciscans, he passed over to the Capuchins, and was elevated in 1537 to the rank of general of that order. From that time Ochino was distinguished for his bold and earnest self-devotion to whatever he considered his duty. His simple and touching eloquence was zealously exerted in behalf of the church and his own order; none of the favours which admiring princes attempted to heap upon him could excite his cupidity; and he was content to be known throughout Italy as an itinerant preacher and a squalid, emaciated ascetic. In 1541, when the truth of the Protestant doctrines dawned upon him, he did not hesitate to cast away the great popularity he had gained in the Church of Rome, and to become a fugitive and a wanderer for the sake of his honest conviction. After taking refuge in Geneva and Augsburg, he found an asylum in England, in 1547. The accession of Mary in 1553 drove him back to the Continent; and not until 1555 did he obtain a per¬ manent footing as minister of an Italian church at Zurich. Before eight years had passed, his fearless avowal of his opinions brought him once more into trouble. Happening, in a volume of dialogues which he published, to maintain that polygamy was lawful under certain circumstances, he was driven forth from Switzerland in mid-winter to find another home. He retreated into Poland ; but no heretics could remain there. Worn out with age and travel, he O C H *)chUHills turned to go into Moravia: the plague overtook him at || Slawkow, and he died in 1564. „ O’Connell, Ochino was the author of a collection of sermons, which Daniel. was published in Italian, at Basle, in o vols. 8vo, 1562. ' Several of them have been translated at different times into English. He also wrote commentaries on the epistles to the Romans and Galatians, and some pamphlets against Popery. OCHIL HILLS, a mountain range of Scotland, in the county of Perth, about 24 miles in length, and having an average breadth of 12 miles. They extend from within 2 miles of the Forth, near Stirling, in a N.E. direction, to the Firth of Tay. The highest point is Bencleugh, at the S. W. extremity, 2300 feet above the level of the sea. The geo¬ logical formation is basalt and greenstone, probably cover- ino- Silurian formations; and iron and copper ores have been found. The greater part of the hills afford good pas¬ turage for sheep. OCKLEY, Simon, an eminent orientalist, and professor of Arabic in Cambridge, was born at Exeter in 1678. He was educated at Cambridge, and distinguished himself by uncommon skill in the oriental languages. Having taken a degree in divinity, he was, in 1705, presented by Jesus College with the vicarage of Swavesey, and in 1711 he was chosen Arabic professor of the university. He had a large family, and his latter days were rendered unhappy by pe¬ cuniary embarrassments. He died in the year 1720. Ihe principal works of Ockley are, Introductio ad Linguas Orientates, 1706; The History of the Jews throughout the World, from the Italian of Leo of Modena, 1707 ; The Im¬ provement of Human Reason, from the Arabic, 1708; The History of the Saracens, in 2 vols. 8vo, 1708—18.. d his last work was compiled from Arabic manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and is justly valued for its accuracy and erudition. OCLISEER, a town of British India, in the district of Broach, presidency of Bombay, 35 miles N. of Surat, and 50 miles S. of Baroda, on the route between these two towns. Pop. 7000. O’CONNELL, Daniel, a celebrated political agitator, was born at Carhen, in the neighbourhood of Cahirciveen, in the county of Kerry, on the 6th of August 1775. He was descended from an old Roman Catholic family in his native county, who could boast more of the antiquity of their descent than of the affluence of their circumstances. His father, Morgan O’Connell, if not a rich man, possessed at least a tolerable competence, the fruits of his own in¬ dustry and prudence; and enjoyed the advantage, during those stirring times, of comparative seclusion amid the romantic wilds of Kerry. Daniel received his first lesson from a poor old hedge-schoolmaster, who being engaged on a begging expedition, took a fancy for the child, and is said to have taught him his alphabet at a single sitting. At the age of thirteen O’Connell was sent to a school at Redington, Long Island, near Cove, conducted by a Ca¬ tholic priest named Harrington. After spending a year at this institution without, according to Fagan, giving much indication of superior talent, young O’Connell and his brother were removed by their uncle Maurice, who had adopted the lads, with the design of being sent to some suitable place of learning on the Continent. They accord¬ ingly entered the Jesuit’s college of St Omer’s in France in 1791, and after remaining a year there, they removed to the English college of Douai. At the former institution Daniel seems to have carried all before him, and the prin¬ cipal, Dr Stapylton, wrote of him when leaving, “ I never was so much mistaken in my life as I shall be, unless he be destined to make a remarkable figure in society.” The outbreak of the French revolution brought their studies to a close, and the two young Irishmen turned their faces towards England the same day the unfortunate Louis lost his head at Paris. The atrocities of the Reign of Terror O C O 403 produced a strong impression on the mind of O’Connell ; O’Connell, and he had no sooner got on board the English packet-boat Daniel, at Calais than he plucked the tricolor cockade from his v—^ cap, trampled it under his feet, and flung it into the sea. He returned to Ireland, he said, almost a “ Tory at heart.” During his absence the rigour of the penal laws against Roman Catholics had become somewhat relaxed; and the profession of law was now thrown open to the Catho¬ lic as well as the Protestant. O’Connell resolved to pre¬ pare himself for the Irish bar, and became a student at one » ofthelnnsof Court in London in 1794. He was called to the bar in 1798, and commenced a most brilliant career as a legal pleader. Politics do not seem to have occupied much of his public attention at this period, and he even held aloof from the wild and unscrupulous revolutionists of his time. The policy which subsequently guided his pub¬ lic life had already taken hold of his mind. “ He would accept of no social amelioration at the cost of a single drop of blood.” O’Connell made his first public appearance at a political meeting held by the Catholics of Dublin in the Royal Exchange Hall, on the 13th of January 1800, to petition against the proposed union of the English and Irish legisla¬ tures. In this short speech are to be found in germ the fun¬ damental ideas of his public life. There is a certain stiff¬ ness and formality about it, doubtless incidental to youth and inexperience; but it is pervaded by a sturdy energy and clear-headed determination which gives solidity to his patriotic indignation, and commands instant respect. From this period O’Connell gradually assumes a leading place among the political agitators of the day. In 1802 he was privately married to his cousin Mary, daughter of Dr O’Connell of Tralee. The disastrous insurrection of 1803, known as “Emmett’s rebellion,” found O’Connell enrolled among the “ lawyer’s infantry ” in the general arming which then took place. The calamitous results of that unhappy movement, and the temporary cruelties which it entailed, served more and more to inflame the passions of the dis¬ affected, and gave an increasing prominence to the “ Ca¬ tholic question.” The “ Catholic Board,” having incurred the displeasure of the government, was dissolved by pro¬ clamation in 1804; but the zeal and activity of its ad¬ herents succeeded in reviving it soon after under the title of the “ Catholic Committee.” Regular reports of the debates of this body are to be found in the Dublin news¬ papers from 1808. O’Connell, who was now in good practice, and who seems to have been regarded as the most promising barrister of the day, directed his surprising energies more systematically and continuously to the cause of the Roman Catholics; and became the acknowledged leader of political reform in Ireland. It is to this period of his life that O’Connell alludes in his pamphlet written in reply to the attack of Lord Shrewsbury in 1842, when he rebuts the taunt of receiving “ the rent,” as it was called, in the following words:—“For more than twenty years before emancipation, the burden of the cause was thrown upon me. I had to arrange the meetings, to prepare the resolutions, to furnish replies to the correspondence, to ex¬ amine the case of each person complaining of practical grievances, to rouse the torpid, to animate the lukewarm, to control the violent and the inflammatory, to avoid the shoals and breakers of the law, to guard against mul¬ tiplied treachery, and at all times to oppose, at every peril, the powerful and multitudinous enemies of the cause. . . . At that period, and for more than twenty years, there was no day that I did not devote from one to two hours, often much more, to the working out of the Catholic cause, and that without receiving or allowing the offer of any remu¬ neration, even for the personal expenditure incurred in the agitation of the cause itself.” The most painful occurrence, of a personal kind, of O’Connell’s entire career took place 404 0 C O O’Connell, in 1815. Having applied the term “ beggarly ” in one of Daniel, his speeches to the Dublin corporation, one ol the mem- bers of that body, Mr D’Esterre, came forth in defence of its injured dignity, and demanded satisfaction from the ag-itator. A duel followed, which ultimately proved fatal to D’Esterre. O’Connell never ceased to express the most painful regret at the issue of this melancholy affair. Beyond the general indication just given of the services rendered by him to the cherished cause, nothing of very special im¬ portance in O’Connell’s career demands attention until the summer of 1828, when the decisive struggle for Roman Catholic emancipation had reached its crisis. A vacancy having occurred in the representation of the county of Clare in the month of June of that year, O’Connell was proposed as a candidate, despite his adherence to the Ro¬ man Catholic faith, and was returned to Parliament by a great majority. On reaching Westminster, he refused to take the oaths, which had been framed with the express design of excluding Roman Catholics. The attitude which he assumed had the effect of bringing the civil dis¬ abilities of his party prominently before the nation. A year passed away full of keen and noisy debate, both in and out of Parliament, without any decisive result; yet the in¬ fluence of intelligent public opinion, even among Protes¬ tants, was waxing so strong in favour of Catholic emanci¬ pation, that the following year witnessed the repeal of the last of those civil disabilities to which Roman Catholics had been so long and so unjustly subjected. O’Connell took his seat as a member of Parliament in May 1829. Here he seems to have been both feared and disliked, and was received by the House with the most icy coldness. The day came, however, wrhen his matchless oratorical powers were recognised, and he ultimately became perhaps the most attractive debater in the House of Commons. (See an excellent sketch of the public speakers of that period in the New Monthly Magazine for 1832.) The career of O’Connell is of necessity so much interwoven with the public history of the time, from his entry upon his par¬ liamentary duties, that the reader will find his subsequent history placed in the most intelligible light by referring to the articles Britain, and Ireland. At the general elec¬ tion in 1830 he was returned for his native Kerry. He represented Dublin from 1832 to 1835, when he was un¬ seated. The following year he sat for Kilkenny; in 1837 he was once more returned for the capital ; and in 1841 he was chosen representative of the county of Cork. The Conservatives came into power in 1841, and the great Irish agitation in behalf of the repeal of the Union began to assume a formidable character. “Monster meetings” were held all over the country. The “ rent,” or annual subscription for the support of the “ Liberator” and the cause of repeal, poured in in the most cheering manner; and O’Connell strove to unite all Irishmen in the struggle. He announced in the Repeal Association—“ 1843 is, and shall be, the great repeal year.” Spots rendered sacred by tradition and song were chosen as rallying-points for the indignant display of popular independence; and the royal hill of Tara, the curragh of Kildare, and the rath of Mul- laghmast, shook with the noisy patriotism of thousands upon thousands of wild ignorant Irishmen. The chief laid aside for a time the dignified eloquence of the senator, and adopted a style better adapted to captivate the hearts of his admiring fellow-countrymen. Like Nestor of old in the camp of the Greeks, “ the words distilled from his lips like honeybut it is to be feared there was more “ blarney” than wisdom in them. No man knew better than O’Con¬ nell what to say, and when to say it; and if he treated the House of Commons to splendid displays of fiery logic, im¬ passioned invective, and brilliant retort, he knew well where a slight touch of swagger gave a man a kingly air, where a rare joke went farther than a good argument, OCT where big words passed for wisdom, and loud ones for Octagon courage. “ The great Irish people ” who believed in re- || peal were down on their knees before the “ Liberator : ” his Octavia. heart was cheered within him ; and out of the abundance of his generosity he made the most liberal promises. “I hope,” he said, “ to be able to give you, as a New Year’s gift, a Parliament in College Green.” Other cheer awaited that festive season, however. Another “ monster meeting” was projected at Clontarf, three miles from Dublin, at which the choice of those swaggering patriots were to appear on horseback, and parade before the idle and applauding mul¬ titude as the glorious “ Repeal Cavalry.” But the Irish go¬ vernment failed to sympathize with this grand conception ; and the iron hand of power was lifted menacingly in the face of repeal. The prohibitory proclamation of govern¬ ment was followed up by a peaceful recommendation from the “ Liberator,” who always strove to steer clear of a phy¬ sical collision. This proclamation was issued on the 7th of October 1843, and ere seven days had passed, the Chief and a number of the leading repealers were arrested on a charge of conspiracy and sedition. O’Connell had, throughout his entire career as apolitical agitator, manifested the most consummate skill and self-command in con¬ stantly treading on the very verge of constitutionalism, and yet always keeping within the bounds of strict legal activity. Attempts had previously been made to convict him of sedition, but to no purpose. But the flush of success of “the great repeal year” apparently threw him off his guard, and the “ Liberator” was now within the clutches of the law. After a trial of twenty-four days, the Irish judges sentenced O’Connell to imprisonment for twelve months, with a fine of L.2000, and bound him oyer to keep the peace for seven years. The judgment was carried before the House of Lords, and the decision of the Irish judges was reversed. This trial had the effect of dissolving the charm exercised by the “ Liberator” in Ireland: it well nigh beggared the Repeal Association, and indeed gave the death-blow to the entire movement. O’Connell’s doc¬ trine of the absolute renunciation of physical force in seek¬ ing political amelioration met with no favour at the hands of the “Young Ireland” party ; and in 1846 they seceded from a leader who had been the champion of the cause for forty years. The Irish famine was only needed to break the spirit of the indomitable O’Connell. With failing health and a heavy heart, he set out on a devotional pilgrimage to Rome in 1*847, but he had only reached Genoa, when he was suddenly called to lay down his load on the 15th of May of the same year. At his own request, his heart was embalmed and borne to Rome, and his body was carried back to the land which he had loved so well. He left three daughters and four sons to lament his loss. His eldest son Maurice, for many years the representative of Tralee, died in 1853. The Memoir on Ireland written by O’Connell never got beyond the first volume. (See the Life and Speeches of Daniel O’Connell, M.P., by his son, John O’Connell, M.P., 2 vols., 1846; The Life and Times of Daniel O'Connell, by William Fagan, M.P., 2 vols., 1847; Personal Recollections of Daniel O’Connell, by Daunt, 2 vols., 1848 ; Last Days of Daniel O’Connell, by Maccabe, 1847.) (.J. P—s.) OCTAGON, an eight-sided polygon. (See Geometry.) OCTAHEDRON, one of the five regular solids con¬ tained by eight equal and equilateral triangles. (See Geo¬ metry, part ii.) OCTAVIA, the youngest daughter of Caius Octavius, and the sister of Augustus. She was the widow of Caius Marcellus in 40 B.C., when her brother and Mark Antony concluded their recent variances by a formal treaty ol agreement. Her marriage with the latter was then pro¬ posed as a means of still further strengthening the union between the two triumvirs. To save her country from OCT civil broils, and to please her brother, the noble-minded matron sacrificed herself, and wedded the notorious liber¬ tine. It soon appeared that along with her hand she had given her life’s devotion. As long as Antony remained at home, her wisdom, her virtues, and the charms of her ma¬ ture beauty, were zealously employed to keep him on good terms with Octavianus. When he deserted her in 36 B.C., for the syren charms of Cleopatra, her conjugal fidelity re¬ mained unabated. In the following year she set out for Egypt to endeavour to regain his vagrant affections; on receiving at Athens an order from him to return home, she immediately obeyed ; and it was not until, in 32 B.C., he sent her a bill of divorce, that she could be prevailed upon to leave his house in Rome. Even after his death in 30 B.c„ she did not think that her obligations to serve him were at an end. She continued to bring up his younger son by his first wife Fulvia; a,nd when his children by Cleopatra were brought to Rome to grace the triumph of Octavianus, she adopted them into her own family. Octavia had now for several years been constantly attended by misfortune ; but the great and the closing sorrow of her life was yet to come. In 23 b.c. Marcellus, her son by her first husband, the idol of the Roman people, and the heir-presumptive to the empire, died at the age of twenty. She fell into a state of melancholy, which continued till her death in 11 b.c. The great worth of Octavia was celebrated by a public interment, and by a funeral oration delivered by her impe¬ rial brother. Her memory was preserved by a magnificent edifice built by Augustus, and called “ Porticus Octaviae.” Octavia, the grand-daughter of the preceding, was the daughter of the Emperor Claudius and Messalina, and was born about 42 a.d. Her short life was a series of the most cruel wrongs. At the age of six she was betrothed to Lucius Silanus, a young man of noble birth. About her eleventh year this betrothal had been nullified by the de¬ signs of her step-mother, the infamous Agrippina; and she was married to Nero, the son of the latter, and the heir to the empire. Nine years afterwards Nero, by that time emperor, divorced her on the charge of sterility, in order to make room for Poppsea. The innocent young princess next became the victim of the systematic vengeance of her triumphant rival. An attempt was first made to force her servants tp accuse her of incontinency; but not even thp torture could wring from them a word against the reputa¬ tion of their mistress, She was then exiled into Campania; but the people soon brought her back to Rome in triumph. At length the slave Anicetus was hired to procure her condemnation, by swearing that he had been her paramour. The helpless girl, in her twentieth year, was immediately taken away to the island of Pandataria to be put to death. Her veins were opened by the soldiers; extreme fear, how¬ ever, prevented the blood from flowing; and it was found necessary to stifle her in the steam of a hot bath. The woes of Octavia form the subject of a tragedy found among the works of Seneca, and they have also been dramatized by Alfieri. OCTOBER, in chronology, the eighth month, as the name implies, of the old Roman year, but the tenth in the calendar of Numa, Julius Caesar, &c. The senate gave this month the name of Faustinus, in compliment to Faustina, the wife of the Erpperor Antoninus ; Commodus wished it to be called Invictus; and Domitian named it Domitiqmus; but in spite of all these attempts it still retains its original name. This month was sacred to Mars ; and a horse, called the October Equus, was annually sacrificed to that deity. A race was run with chariots previously to the sacrifices, when the fleetest horse was made the victim. ODE, a short lyrical poem containing a vivid expression of the feelings of the poet in moments of high excitement. Among the Greeks and Romans the ode (wSiy, a song) was intended to be sung, and was usually accompanied by some ODE 405 musical instrument, especially the lyre. Hence the ex- Odeipore pression “ lyric poetry,” of which the earliest forms seem 1' to have been the ode. The most celebrated classical odes 0dessa- are those of Pindar, Anacreon, and Horace, which are still recognised by the moderns as models in that species of po¬ etical composition. In the modern use of the word, how¬ ever, the ode differs, on the one hand, from the song, by greater length and variety, and by not being necessarily adapted to music; and, on the other, from the ballad, by generally excluding narrative, and limiting its range exclu¬ sively to the expression of feeling or passion on a given subject. In English literature the odes of Dryden, Gray, and Collins are much esteemed. (See Poetry.) ODEIPORE, a raj of British India, under the jurisdic¬ tion of the political agent for the S. W. frontier of Bengal; N. Lat. (of centre) 22. 40., E. Long. 83. 23.; area 2306 square miles. This territory was forfeited to the British government on account of the systematic crimes of the rajah, and the want of direct heirs. The annual revenue is estimated at L.loQO. Pop. 133,000. The chief town is Odeipore, 183 miles S. of Benares, and 320 W. of Cal¬ cutta. ODENATHUS, a famous prince of Palmyra, and hus¬ band of the celebrated Zenobia. (See Palmyra.) ODENSE, a seaport-town of Denmark, capital of the island of Funen, on the N. bank of the Odense-Aue, a small stream flowing into the fiord of the same name, 88 miles W. by S. of Copenhagen. It is one of the oldest places in Denmark, and is said to have been founded by Odin, whose grave is shown about a quarter of a mile to the N. of the town. The cathedral, in the Gothic style, founded by Canute IV. in 1080, and completed in 1301, is one of the finest ecclesiastical buildings in Denmark, and contains the tombs of several Danish kings. There are here also an old episcopal palace, a royal palace, a town-hall, several schools, a theatre, two public libraries, an hospital, &c. The manufactories of the place consist of breweries, distilleries, iron-foundries, and woollen mills; and some trade is carried on, which is facilitated by several harbours near the town. Pop. (1851) 11,122. ODENS WALD, a range of mountains of Western Ger¬ many, in Hesse-Darmstaflt, stretching northwards from Heidelberg to Darmstadt. Its length is about 45 miles; and the highest point is the Katzenbuckel, 2300 feet above the sea. The western slopes consist of granite and gneiss, and the eastern of sandstone. The higher elevations are well wooded, and the lower regions cultivated. Several remains of Roman forts exist here. ODER, a river of Europe, rises in Moravia, about 15 miles E. of Olmiitz, flows N.E. to the confines of Prussia, then turns to the N.W., and flows generally in that direc¬ tion as far as Oderberg in Brandenburg, where it turns to the N.E., and discharges its waters through the Grosse Half into the Baltic. Its whole length is 550 miles ; and it is navigable for vessels of 50 tons as far as Breslau, and for small boats up to Ratibor in Prussian Silesia. It receives from the right the Malapane, Bartsch, and Wartha; and from the left the Oppa, Silesian and Bohemian Neisse, Katzbach, and Bober. The principal towns on its banks are Breslau, Glogau, Frankfort, Custrin, and Stettin. This river is connected by canals with the Elbe, the Spree, and the Vistula. ODESSA, a town of European Russia, in the govern¬ ment of Kherson, stands on the north-western shore of the Black Sea, 90 miles W.S.W. of Kherson, and 390 N. of Constantinople ; N. Lat. 46. 28., E. Long. 30. 43. Placed between the mouths of the Dniester and Bug, and not far from that of the Dnieper, the site is very favourable for commerce. From the reign of Peter the Great, Russia had been steadily looking forward to a maritime preponderance, both 406 ODE O D O Odessa, military and commercial, in the Black Sea ; and soon after the peace of Jassy, by which the province of Kherson was ceded to Catharine, that princess selected as the place for a commercial emporium a village called Kodschabeg, then inhabited only by a few fishermen. The town was founded in 1794 ; and the first settlers were a number of Greek families, who were induced to remove thither from other portions of the country which had been recently given up by the Turks. When the Emperor Alexander I. ascended the throne, he entered with zeal into the project which Catharine had formed. The French emigrant Duke of Richelieu, who had entered the Russian service, was ap¬ pointed governor, and displayed great zeal and judgment. Under his administration Odessa rapidly rose in prosperity ; so that by the year 1804 the inhabitants had increased to the number of 15,000. A fortress, a lighthouse, and a laza¬ retto, were constructed, as well as a mole to secure 300 sail of vessels from the S.W. winds, which sometimes blow with prodigious force. In 1817 the inhabitants were ex¬ empted from taxes for thirty years; and the port was de¬ clared to be an open one. All goods of every kind could now be imported without duty for the consumption of the city, or for re-exportation, but were chargeable with duty on passing into the surrounding country. This gave a great impetus to its advancement, which still operates. During the late Russian war the batteries of Odessa fired upon the Furious, a British steam-frigate under a flag of truce, on the Hth of April 1854 ; and as no reparation was made for this breach of the laws of war, a squadron of the allied fleet bombarded the place on the 22d of April, and greatly in¬ jured the fort, the batteries on the moles, and the vessels in the harbour. On the 12th of May the steam-frigate Tiger, which ran aground in a fog, was fired at by the ar¬ tillery of Odessa. The vessel was destroyed, the captain mortally wounded, and the crew captured. The prosperity of Odessa has risen in a great measure from its maritime accessibility. It has a spacious bay, which, though open to the easterly winds, is tolerably se¬ cure ; it is very extensive, and the anchorage ground is good. There is a kind of harbour formed by two moles, about two-thirds of a mile in length, and a handsome quay capable of accommodating 300 vessels. The town is re¬ gularly built; the streets are wide and straight; and the houses are for the most part built of stone, and two stories in height. The streets are, however, but partially paved. Odessa is defended by a strong citadel on the N.E., which has a double ditch and also several outworks ; and there are also batteries on the moles and on the shore be¬ tween them. Among the public edifices, the most conspi¬ cuous is the cathedral, a large and elegant pile. There are a number of other churches for the Greek worship; and the Jews, Roman Catholics, and German Lutherans have their respective places of worship. A college has been established, with a museum and botanic garden. The admiralty, hospital, exchange, and theatre (where plays, in the Russian and Greek languages, and Italian operas, are performed), are fine buildings. The town has several schools, a lazaretto, barracks, and the governor’s house, containing the public offices. Along the quay runs a boulevard, lined with handsome houses, and adorned with a statue of Richelieu. Most of the water is brackish ; and to provide that necessary element in purity, an aqueduct h*is been constructed at great expense, which conveys it from a distance of nearly 20 miles. The climate is healthy, though the summer is intensely hot. Winter is short, but severe, the sea being more or less frozen for about two months. The rapid growth of Odessa depends wholly upon its com¬ merce, the sources of which are to be found in the fertil¬ ity of its surrounding soil and that of the more distant dis¬ tricts, to which there is easy access. The steppes, which form a semicircle around Odessa, extend to nearly 100 miles from the city. This district is destitute of trees and of running water, but the soil is said to be favourable to the growth of corn, especially of wheat. There are many gar¬ dens and vineyards in the vicinity of Odessa; and the melons raised here form a favourite article of food. The soil of the districts bordering upon the northern side of the steppes, even with the negligent husbandry it re¬ ceives, is most abundantly productive of wheat. Indeed, there is no part of the world known in which, in propitious seasons, the increase of grain is so great. It is, however, liable to great variations in its growth, and sometimes years occur when the increase is very insignificant. The quantities of wheat exported from Odessa in each year from 1847 to 1852 may be seen from the following table :— Odiham Odoacer. Years. Qrs. Years. Qrs. 1847 2,016,692 1850 980,377 1848 1,409,963 1851 718,325 1849 1,127,000 1852 1,362,251 The quantity of Indian corn exported in 1852 was 225,635 qrs.; of rye, 216,229 qrs.; of barley, 35,102 qrs.; of oats, 6918 qrs.; and of pulse, 4291 qrs. The corn of Odessa is for the most part conveyed to the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean, and also in large quantities to Britain, to which there were exported from this place in 1852, 570,237 qrs. of wheat, 222,276 of Indian corn, 3644 of rye, 23,875 of barley, 1296 of oats, and 404 of peas. Of linseed there were exported in 1852, 135,880 qrs.; of tallow, 38,575 cwt.; of candles, 5688 cwt.; of wool of various sorts, 74,864 cwt.; of hides, raw and dressed, 1877 cwt.; of copper, 8133 cwt.; and of cables and cordage, 13,227 cwt. To the United Kingdom were exported, in 1852, 83,050 qrs. of linseed, and 16,450 cwt. of wool, besides smaller quantities of other articles. The total value of the exports from Odessa was estimated in 1852 at L.3,976,754. The imports consist chiefly of wine, porter, rum, sugar, tobacco, fruits, lead, tin, zinc, coals, hardware, machinery, and linen, woollen, silk, and cotton goods. The total value of the articles imported in 1852 was estimated at L. 1,637,895. The number of vessels that entered the port in 1851 was 698, and the ton¬ nage 196,218, including 126 British vessels, with a tonnage of 37,531. The number that cleared was 729; tonnage, 203,842 ; and among these, 130 British, tonnage, 38,830. The inhabitants are of very mixed races, but consist chiefly of Russians, Greeks, and Jews. German handi¬ craftsmen are also to be found amongst them in consider¬ able numbers ; whilst the more extensive mercantile houses are composed of Italians, English, French, or Armenians. In no spot perhaps in Europe are there so great a number of languages spoken as on the exchange of Odessa. The admixture of oriental dresses, manners, and languages pre¬ sents a very novel and lively picture; and the bazaars con¬ tain all the productions of the East, from Persian shawls down to rose-pastilles. Pop. (1850) 71,392. ODIHAM, a market-town of Hampshire, England, 37 miles N.E. of Southampton, It stands on the N, side of a chalk down, and consists of a well-built main street and two others of smaller size. The parish church is an old brick edifice, with a square tower. There are remains of an ancient palace, and a ruined castle in which David I. of Scotland was imprisoned for eleven years. Lily the gram¬ marian was born at Odiham in 1468. Pop. (1851) of the parish 2811. ODIN, the supreme divinity of the ancient Scandina¬ vians. (See Mythology.) ODOACER, the first barbarian king of Italy, was the son of Edecon, the minister of Attila. In 476 he wrested the sceptre from the hands of Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor of the West; and in 493 he was deposed and assassinated by Theodric the Ostrogoth. (See Italy.) 407 ODONTOLOGY,. Introduc¬ tion. Definition. INTRODUCTION. Odontology1 is that branch of anatomical science which treats of the teeth. The term “ tooth ” has been applied in Zoology and Zootomy to various organs and parts; usually to such as are so solid, so shaped, and so situated in animal bodies, as to serve for seizing and operating on the food; but it has been also applied to parts, such as the promi¬ nences on the hinge of bivalve shells, which have no rela¬ tion to the digestive function. The silicious spines of in- fusory animalcules, the calcareous jaws of sea-urchins, the chitinous hooks and booklets of sea-worms, and many cor¬ responding parts of invertebrate animals, are described as “ teethbut the present essay exclusively relates to those bodies, hardened chiefly by the phosphate of lime, which are attached to parts of the mouth or beginning of the alimentary canal, and which are peculiar to the vertebrated classes of animals. The term “ tooth” is immediately derived from the Teu¬ tonic word tunth, which we may trace through the old English or Anglo-Saxon tain, the Danish land, the Ger¬ man zahn, the Latin dens, the French dent, the Italian dente, the Greek odous, odontes, the Welsh dant, the Erse dend, and the Lithuanic dantis, to the Sanscrit mother- root dantas: these synonymes being strikingly illustrative of the coincidence, in one of the primary words, of a natural class of languages which prevails from Central Asia, west¬ ward, over Europe, and of the unity of stock of the great Indo-European family of mankind. True calcified teeth are primarily, if not permanently, distinct parts from the bony skeleton, and are exposed, save where their development is prematurely arrested, as, e.g., in the rudimental tusk of the narwhal. The exceptions to their calcified condition in the Vertebrata are very few; such, e.g., as the horny teeth in the Myxinoid fishes and the Monotremes. But true calcified teeth vary in their tissue and composition, and still more in regard to number, size, form, structure, position, and mode of attachment in different animals. They are principally adapted for seizing, tearing, dividing, pounding, or grinding the food: in some they are modified, to serve as weapons of offence and de¬ fence ; in others as aids to locomotion, means of anchorage, instruments for uprooting or cutting down trees, or for transport and working of building materials. They are characteristic ot age and sex; and, in man, they have second¬ ary relations subservient to beauty and to speech. Teeth are always most intimately related to the food and habits of the animal, and are therefore highly interesting to the physiologist. They form, for the same reason, most important guides to the naturalist in the .classification of animals; and their value as zoological characters is enhanced by the facility with which, from their position, they can be examined in living or recent animals; whilst the durability of their tissues renders them not less available to the palaeontologist in the determination of the nature and affi¬ nities of extinct species, of whose organization they are often the sole remains discoverable in the deposits of former periods of the earth’s history. I eeth are composed of a cellular and tubular basis of animal matter containing earthy particles, a fluid, and a vas- Introduc- cular pulp. In general, the earth is present in such quantity tlon- as to render the tooth harder than bone, in which case the animal basis is gelatinous, as in other hard parts where a Composi- great proportion of earth is combined with animal matter. In t10'1' the very few instances among the vertebrate animals above cited, where the hardening material exists in a much smaller proportion, the animal basis is albuminous; the teeth here agree, in both chemical and physical qualities, with horn. Teeth rarely consist, like bones, of a uniform or nearly uniform substance, but are composed to two or more tis¬ sues, characterized by the proportions of their earthy and animal constituents, and by the size, form, and direction of the cavities in the animal basis which contain the earth, the fluid, or the vascular pulp. The tissue which forms the body of the tooth is called “ dentine” (Lat. den- tinum; Gexm. zahn- bein, zahnsubstanz ; Fr. Vivoire) ; (fig. 1, d). The tissue which forms the outer crust of the tooth is called “cement” (Lat. cee- mentum, crusta petro¬ sa) ; (figs. 1 and 5, c), The third tissue,when present, is situated between the dentine and cement, and is called “ enamel ” (Lat. encaustum, ad- amas) ; (figs. 1 and 5, e). Dentine consists of an organized animal basis, and of earthy particles: the basis is disposed in the form of compart¬ ments (fig. 3, a), of minute tubes (fig, 3, d), and cells (fig. 3, g); the particles have a twofold arrangement, being either blended with the animal matter of the interspaces (e) and parietes ( ) ; the second is the capsule, or “ ce- y mental pulp” (fig. 16, c); the third is the “ enamel pulp ” (fig. 16, e). _ r The linear cavity in the gums of the embryo, in which the pulps of the first series of teeth are formed, is termed the “ primary dental groove:” where the first are succeeded by a second set of teeth, the pulps of these teeth are developed in a distinct recess, called the “ secondary dental groove.” In man a certain proportion only of the teeth developed in the primary groove are displaced by teeth developed in a secondary groove ; and the twenty teeth, so displaced, are called “ milk-teeth,” or deciduous teeth. The teeth of the molar series developed in the secondary groove are called “ premolars,” or bicuspids. The true molars are a conti¬ nuation of the primary series, and are only “ permanent,” inasmuch as those of the secondary series are not co-exten- sive with them in number and position in the jaws. The differentiation of teeth, according to place and order of de¬ velopment, is illustrated (fig. 17) in the lower jaw of a young Fig. 16. Matrix of a Human Tooth (magn.) Fig. 17. Section of Lower Jaw of a young Hog, showing the Teeth in course of formation. hog. The teeth of the grinding series marked d l to d 4, m 1 to m 3, are successively developed from before back¬ wards in the primary groove; the teeth marked p 2 to p 4 are developed in the secondary groove, as are also the successors of the canines and incisors. Both grooves fonds, que dans quelque sens qu’on coupe la dent, on coupe plusieurs fois chacune des substances qui la composen , e es son molaires de V elephant” The teeth ofthe ‘ Labyrinthodonts ? would come under this definition more tru y an ^se 0 , phant, although they differ from them in having no enamel; for a molar of an elephant might be bisected vertica y an ransv ) without cutting the tissues across more than once. . , ., o, a 4r. 1 Numerous other modifications of dental structure will be found described and figured in the author s Odontograp iy, o, 2 De Blainville, Osteographie, passim. 1 The general results of this communication were given in the Comptes Rqndus, 1839, p. 783. The commission appointed by the French Academy to report on a subsequent memoir on the same subject, advert to some of the phenomena previously communicated by the present writer. “ Quant aux preparations qui montrent 1’areolite de la pulpe, non seulement nous les avons reproduites avec suc¬ cess ; mais de plus nous avons constate, a I’etat frais, la granulation des areoles signalee par M. Richard Owen,” loc. cit. 1842, p. 1063. 416 ODONTOLOGY. Introduc- interpretation of the “proper parietes” of the dentinal tube, titm. 'phg indications of the primitive boundary or proper parietes of the parent cell (fig. 19, a) are in like manner more or less distinctly retained, through a modification of the arrange¬ ment of the calcareous salts in the boundaries and in the in¬ terspaces of the cells. The salts are sometimes blended with the blastema in these interspaces in a disgregated condition, which renders them almost as opaque as the arese of the tubes. When a layer of the calcified cells is carefully de¬ tached, the exposed uncalcified surface of the pulp pre¬ sents the appearance of a net-work, the meshes being formed by the exposed cells and the intervening very thin layer of blastema. Each mesh, however, which gives a transparent or bright contour to the cell, when viewed by transmitted light, instead of presenting a single stellate nucleus, shows, by well-directed light under a higher power, several points, each of which have been torn from the cavities of the den¬ tinal tubes in the displaced cap of dentine. A view of the thin transparent margin of the cap of a growing tooth, which may be cut off with a pair of fine scissors, easily affords the means of demonstrating the corresponding structure in that calcified part of the pulp. A slight change of focus is re¬ quired to bring the ends ofthetubuli in view, from that in which the clear outline of the dentinal cell is best seen. In propor¬ tion as the process of calcification approximates the cells, and as these have undergone the changes in their nucleolar contents preparatory to the proper arrangement of the har¬ dening salts within, the proportion of the basal substance in the interspaces of the cells to the enlarged cells them¬ selves decreases, and the cells become more readily detached, and seemingly independent, when torn out in the displace¬ ment of the cap of dentine. Although they are less ad¬ herent laterally to the basal substance of the pulp, they are more coherent with the cells of the same linear series, the tubes of the calcified cell accepting or effecting a union with the peripheral ends of the elongated granular nuclei, or nucleolar cavities of the contiguous cell in the next cen¬ tral layer. The angles at which the elongated nuclei, or suc¬ cessive portions of the dentinal tubuli, thus unite, con¬ stitute the secondary gyrations or curves of the cells. The primary curves depend upon the arrangement of the pri¬ mary linear series of the parent cells or compartments of the PulP* The original contour of these cells is most discernible after calcification of the teeth of the Mammalian class, and here with different degrees of distinctness in different spe¬ cies. They are the true dentinal cells or compartments (fig. 3, a, a), and must not be confounded with the so-called intertubular or interfibrous cells f, g, the first notice of which is due to Retzius. The diameter of the denti¬ nal compartments or calcified primary cells of the pulp is usually one-fourth or one-half larger than that of the blood- disc of the species manifesting them. These cells are figured in the treatise on Odontography above referred to, in the Mylodon (pi. 79), in the incisive tusk of the Dugong (pi. 95), in the premolar (pi. 113), and in the canine (pi. 113, a) of the Pteropus, in the incisor of the chimpanzee (pi. 119, a), and of the human subject (pi. 123), and in the molar of a rhinoceros (pi. 139). They have been subsequently de¬ scribed and figured by Czermak.1 The altered mode of action, or change in the nuclei of the smaller central cells of the pulp, is the first and essential step in the modification of the dentinal tissue which pro¬ duces the substances which are termed osteodentine and vasodentine. In the former, many of the cells retain their nucleus undivided, and the hardened salts are impacted around it in the interior of the cell, but enter only partially into the granular substance of the nucleus, in the minutely disgregated form, which produces the opacity and whiteness of the resulting corpuscle. In the formation of vasoden- Introduc- tine many of the cells lose their nucleus, which seems to tion. have become dissolved. In both the latter modifications of dental tissue the blood-vessels remain, and establish the wide tubular tracts in the calcified substance to which the name of the “ vascular canals” is given. In true, hard, or un- vascular dentine no trace of the blood-vessels remains ; all has been converted into a much more minute calcified tubular tissue by the assimilative or intersusceptive proper¬ ties of cells, and by the modification of their nucleolar contents. But the vascularity of the dentinal pulp, and especially the rich network of looped capillaries that adorns the formative peripheral layer at the period of its functional activity, have attracted general notice, and have been de¬ scribed by Hunter and subsequent authors on dental de¬ velopment. By most this phenomenon has been regarded as evidence of the secreting function of the surface of the pulp, and the dentine as an out-pouring from that vascular surface which was supposed to shrink or withdraw from the matter excreted. For it has been asked, “ If the unvascu- lar dentine be the effect of the conversion of the vascular pulp, by what process is all trace of the vascular ramifications obliterated, since none can be detected in such dentine ?” The same question is equally applicable to the nerves of the pulp. In the explanation of this process attention must first be paid to the almost straight and sub-parallel course of the vessel in the pulp’s substance, and to the remarkable regularity of form and size of the meshes of the terminal reticulation on the surface of the pulp. At the part where calcification has commenced the extremities of the capillaries are commonly found in a state of congestion, and crowded with blood-discs, which are pressed together into polyhedrons, and apparently stagnated and left out of the current of circulation. These aggre¬ gated blood-discs exhibited, in various and often in striking degrees, those changes of the contained matter to which their own multiplication may be due. In this present situa¬ tion and condition it is obvious that such changes must be preparatory either to their disappearance and removal, or to some important share which they are destined to take in the development of the dental tissue. The stagnant cor¬ puscles nearest the vascular and unchanged pulp exhibit the irregularity of contour which has given rise to the terms “ mulberry” or “ granulated,” applied to such altered blood-discs when seen in other circumstances. These cor¬ puscles in other respects, as colour, size, and general form, retained their usual character. The blood-discs nearer the cap of dentine exhibited more plainly the contained granules, to the commencing development ot which the irregular contour above mentioned is due; this appearance was associated with an increase of size, a change from the circular to the elliptical form, and a gradual loss of the characteristic colour, which was longest retained by the central granular matter. The enamel-pulp differs from the dentinal pulp at its first formation by the more fluid state of its blastema, and by the fewer and more minute cells which it contains. The part of the blastema next the dental pulp acquires more consistence by an increased number of its granules, and it contains more numerous and larger cells. Many of these show a nuclear spot, others a nucleus and nucleolus; the spherical nucleolar cells in the part of the blastema farther from the capsule are so numerous as to form an aggregate mass, with a small quantity of the condensed blastema in the minute interspaces left between the cells, which are pressed together into hexagonal or polygonal forms. In this state they constitute a great part of the enamel-pulp, which is of considerable extent in the complex molar teeth of the ruminants. The appearance produced by these 1 Beitrage zur Mikroskopischen Anatomie der Menschlichen Ad fine, 8vo, 1850, taf. i. unci ii. ODONTOLOGY. 417 Introduc- aggregate cells, in a section of the tooth-matrix of a calf s tion. molar, is compared by Raschkow1 and Purkinje to the actinenchyma of certain vegetable tissues, and the con¬ necting condensed blastema to threads of cellular tissue. The field of the final metamorphosis of the cells into the moulds for the reception of the solidifying salts is confined to close contiguity with the surface of the dentinal pulp. Here the cells increase in length, lose all trace of their nucleus, and become converted into long and slender cylin¬ ders, usually pointed at both ends, and pressed by mutual contact into a prismatic form. These cylinders have the property' of imbibing the calcareous salts of the enamel fiom the plasmatic fluid, and of compacting them in a clear and almost crystalline state in their interior—the disappearance of the nucleus being evidently the condition of the absence of any permanent cavity, cell, canal, or other modification of the mineral matter, at least in the enamel-fibres of the calf. In the human subject it is probable that the cavity of the cylinder may be subdivided, by a multiplication of delicate nucleoli, into compartments; or that the remains of such multiplied nucleoli may cause a modification of the walls of the cylinder, and so produce the characteristic transverse striae of the enamel-fibre. This appearance is not pre¬ sented in the enamel of the frog’s tooth, nor in that of the teeth of the hog or calf, in which animals the writer’s ob¬ servations of the development of this tissue have been chiefly made. As the development proceeds, the cells in immediate contiguity with the calcified prisms undergo the same changes as their predecessors, and become united to them by their peripheral pointed extremities ; whilst the fluid plasmatic contents of the cells are exchanged for the dense salts of which the enamel is chiefly composed. The selective surface formed by the organic membrane of the cell would seem to be destroyed by the very pressure re¬ sulting from its own action, and exerted by the contents of the closely-packed contiguous prisms when the cavities of the cells are completely filled. The membrane ceases, at least, to be distinguishable under the microscope from the solid contents of the cell, except at that surface of the enamel next the capsule, and which is still in progress of growth. What is remarkable here is, that not the whole of the actinenchymatous part of the enamel-pulp is con¬ verted into the long and slender prismatic cellular basis of the enamel; at least in the valleys of the complex crown of the molars of the ruminant and pachyderm (calf and colt). This part of the enamel-pulp originally occupies more space than the subsequent layer of enamel does ; and this super¬ fluous peripheral part seems to be absorbed, and its place to be occupied by a growth or thickening of the vascular capsule. No capillaries pass from the capsule into the actinenchymatous pulp of the enamel; nor has the writer been able to trace a blood-vessel into that part of the cap¬ sule which was actually the seat of the calcifying processes. Here, as in the dentinal and enamel pulps, the calcareous salts are selected and arranged by the assimilative, selec¬ tive, and intus-susceptive properties of the cell walls, and by the repellent power of their nuclei. The enamel pulp bears a relation to the dentinal pulp analogous to that which the peripheral part of the matrix producing the vitro- dentine of the shark’s tooth bears to the body of the matrix forming the osteodentine. Evidence of the close connec¬ tion between the enamel and dentine in the marsupial Mammals is given in plate 102 of the author’s Odonto¬ graphy. The differentiation of the two tissues, and the distinction of their formative pulps, become greater in the higher Mammalia. The blastema or fundamental tissue of the capsule is at first semitransparent, and of a pearly or opaline colour, but richly ornamented with blood-vessels. As the period of its Introduc- calcification approaches, which is later than that of the tion- dentinal pulp, it becomes denser, and exhibits numerous nucleated cells. The blastema itself presents more evi¬ dently a fine cellular or granular structure, in which the calcareous salts are impacted in a comparatively clear state, constituting the framework of the cemental tissue, d he characteristic features of this tissue are due to the action of the proper nucleated cells upon the salts of the plasma diffused through the blastema, in which those cells are imbedded—the cells being characterized by a single large granular nucleus, which almost fills the clear area of the cell itself. If, when the formation of the cement has begun in the incisor or molar of a colt, one of the detached specks of that substance, with the surrounding and adhering part of the inner surface of the capsule in which it is imbedded, be examined, these nucleated cells are seen closely aggre¬ gated around the calcified part in concentric rows, the cells of which are farther apart as the rows recede from the field of calcification. Those next the cement rest in cup-shaped cavities in the periphery of the calcified part; just as the first calcified cells of the thick cement which covers the crown of a complex molar are lodged in the exterior of the enamel. These exterior cavities of the cement are formed by centrifugal extension of the calcifying process in the blastema in which the cells are imbedded. The calcareous salts penetrate, in a clearer and more compact state, the cavity of the cell; but their progress is arrested apparently by the nucleus, which maintains an irregular area, partly occupied by the salts in a subgranular, opaque condition, but chiefly concerned in the reception and transit of the plas¬ matic fluid, which enters and escapes by the minute tubes which are subsequently developed from the nucleolar cavity as calcification proceeds. The radiated cells or cavities thus formed are the most common characteristic of the cement, but not the constant one. The layer of the cap¬ sule which surrounds the crown of the human teeth, and of the simple teeth of Quadrumana and Carnivora, consists of the granular blastema, without or with very few nucle¬ ated cells; and the radiated corpuscles are consequently not developed, or are sparingly developed, in the cement which results from its calcification. In the thicker parts of the inflected folds of the capsule of the complex teeth of the Herbivora, traces of the vascularity of that part of the matrix are persistent, the blastema calcifying around cer¬ tain of the capillaries, and forming the medullary canals. The parietes of these canals are traversed by minute tubes, continued from, or communicating with, the radiated cells. In the deep sockets of the teeth of persistent growth the matrix is maintained by the constant additions of new blastema and cell material to the bases of the dentinal, enamel, and cemental pulps. The author has demonstrated the partial growth of the enamel-pulp along the side of the capsule corresponding to the convexity of the long incisor of the under-jaw of the porcupine, in the preparation now in the physiological series of the Hunterian collection (No. 375 A.) Chemical analyses2 of the composite substances, as built Composi- up by the organizing processes in the fundamental tissues tion of of the matrix above described, have yielded the followingteeth' results:— Incisors of Adult Man. Dentine. Organic substance... 28'70 3'59 Inorganic substance. Tl'SO 96-41 Cement. L * II. 29-42 29 12 70-58 70-88 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 1 Meletemata circa dentium evolutionem, 4to, 1835. 2 These results are cited chiefly from Bibra’s Chemische Untersuchungen tiler die Knochen und Zdhne, 8vo, 1844. VOL. XVI. 3 G ODONTOLOGY. 418 Molars of Adult Man. 66-72 Dentine. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of' fluate of lime ^ Carbonate of lime 3-36 Phosphate of magnesia 1-08 Salts ; 0-83 Chondrine 27-61 Fat 0-40 100-00 Enamel. 89-82 4-37 1-34 0-88 3-39 0-20 100-00 Berzelius’ analysis gives— Dentine. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of) fluate of lime J Carbonate of lime 5"3 Phosphate of magnesia 1-0 Soda and muriate of soda 1-4 Cartilage and other animal matter 28"0 100-0 Enamel. 88-5 8-0 1-5 20 100-0 Canine of a Lion. Dentine. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of 1 60"03 fluate of lime J Carbonate of lime 3-00 Phosphate, of magnesia 4-21 Salts 0-77 Chondrine 31-57 Fat 0-42 100-00 Enamel. 83-33 2- 94 3- 70 0-64 9-39 a trace. 10000 Teeth of a Dolphin (Delphinus delphis). Dentine. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of l fluate of lime J Carbonate of lime l-84 Phosphate of magnesia 1-36 Salts 0-99 Chondrine 28‘62 Fat 0-82 100-00 Cement. 69-42 1-79 1-47 0-93 25-73 0-66 100-00 Tusk of Elephant. Ivory. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of fluate of lime.. 38-48 Carbonate of lime 5-63 Phosphate of magnesia 12*01 Salts 0-70 Chondrine 42-94 Fat 0*24 10000 Tush of Wild Boar. Dentine. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of fluate of lime.. 60-00 Carbonate of lime 2-51 Phosphate of magnesia 6*43 Salts 0-43 Chondrine 30-50 Fat 013 100-00 Incisors of Ox. Phosphate of lime, with a | trace of fluate of lime... J Carbonate of lime Phosphate of magnesia Salts Chondrine Fat Dentine. Enamel. Cement. 59-57 81-86 58*73 7*00 9-33 7-22 0-99 1-20 0-99 0-91 0-93 0-82 30-71 6-66 31-31 0-82 0-02 0-93 100-00 100-00 100-00 Crocodile. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of fluate of lime Carbonate of lime Phosphate of magnesia Salts Chondrine Fat Dentine. Cement. 53-69 53-39 6-30 6*29 10-22 9-99 1-34 1-42 27*66 28-15 0-79 0-76 100-00 100-00 Introduc¬ tion. Pike (Esox lucius), Large Teeth of Loioer Jaw. Dentine. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of fluate of lime... 63-98 Carbonate of lime 2-54 Phosphate of magnesia 0-73 Salts 0-97 Chondrine 30-60 Fat 1*18 100-00 The proportion of mineral or inorganic substance would seem to vary, within certain limits, in different individuals of the same species. Thus, in the molar teeth of one man Bibra found 79‘00 of inorganic matter, and in another, 7T99; whilst Berzelius found 72*0. The proportion of inorganic matter in hard dentine will depend in some degree upon the number of dentinal tubes, from the area of which the salts are in part excluded: thus, in the mo¬ dified dentine (ivory) of the elephant’s tusk, in which the tubuli are more numerous, close-set, and extensively un¬ dulated in a given space than in ordinary dentine, the organic bears a greater proportion to the inorganic matter than in the dentine of the teeth of most other Mammals. The cement of the composite molar teeth of the ruminants and of the elephant contains a little more organic matter than the dentine does; but in the cetaceous dolphin it con¬ tains a rather less proportion, and is consequently harder. The nerves of the teeth are derived from the trigeminal Nerves of or fifth pair, of which the second division supplies those of the teeth, the upper jaw, the third division those of the lower jaw (fig. 20). In the human subject, the three dental branches Eig. 20. Upper and Lower Jaws of a Hog, dissected to show the Nerves of the Teeth. of the infra-orbital nerve intercommunicate by their primary branches, from which, and from a rich plexus formed by secondary branches upon the membrane lining the antrum, two sets of nerves are sent off to the alveolar processes of the upper jaw : one set (rami dentales) supplies the teeth, the other (rami gingivales) the osseous tissue of the jaw and the gums. The latter agree in number with the in¬ tervals of the teeth, as the proper dental nerves do with the teeth themselves. These two sets are not, however, so distinct but that some intercommunications are established between the fine branches sent off in their progress to the parts they are specially destined to supply. The rami den¬ tales take the more direct course through the middle part of the osseous tissue to the teeth, penetrate the orifices of the fangs, and form a rich plexus with rhomboidal meshes ODONTOLOGY. 419 Introduc- upon the coronal surface of the pulp, the peripheral elemen- tion. tary filaments returning into the plexus by loops. V—' In the lower jaw, the dental nerve, besides supplying the proper nerves to the teeth, also forms a rich plexus, in which it is joined by some branches from the division of the nerve that afterwards escapes by the foramen mentale, and from this plexus the cancellous tissue of the bone, as well as the gums, are supplied. In the dog and other Carnivora the nerve of the laniary tooth is conspicuous from its size: that which supplies the still more developed analogous tooth or tusk of the boar (fig. 20, c) is still more developed, having relation also to the continual reproduction of the matrix at the base of the tusk. In the lower jaw of the porcupine (fig. 21) the nerve of the great incisor is given off from the dental nerve (w), Fig. 21. Lower Jaw of a Porcupine, dissected to show the Nerves of the Great Incisor near the middle of its course through the osseous canal, and returns at an acute angle to penetrate the cavity at the base of the sealpriform tooth, and supply its persistent pulp i. This recurrent course indicates the progressive change in the relative position of the pulp to the origin of its nerve. Besides the branches for the molar teeth, many smaller filaments penetrate the spongy texture of the bone, and form a rich plexus, from which the gum derives its fila¬ ments. The maxillary plexus is most richly developed, in the horse, above and between the alveoli of the three pre¬ molar teeth; it is less complex where it supplies the molar teeth, their alveoli, and the gums. In the lower jaw of the horse a very rich plexus begins to be formed in the can¬ cellous substance of the bone by branches of the dental nerve soon after its entry into the canal. The intercom¬ munications between the dental and gingival nerves, and those supplied to the osseous tissue from the supra-maxil- lary and infra-maxillary plexuses, explain the sympathies manifested in neuralgy and rheumatic pains between the teeth and the osseous cavities in which they are implanted, of teeth^ c'ass t'ss,ies *n which teeth should rank has fre¬ quently been a subject of controversy in systems of histo¬ logy ; the fact being overlooked, that they have not the same unity of composition as bones or epidermal appen¬ dages. One constituent of teeth, viz., the cement, ought clearly to rank with the osseous tissue; and the dentine or ivory, which was described for the last time, probably, in July 1838, as being, “like the hair, arranged in concentric layers,” 1 bears, on tbe contrary, a close analogy to bone in structure, and is almost identical with it in chemical com¬ position. Its modifications, called “ vasodentine ” and “ osteodentine,” form intermediate gradations between the hard dentine and true bone. True enamel is a tissue per se ; but in the teeth of fishes there are several inter¬ mediate stages of gradation, which link enamel to dentine, as the dentine itself in most fishes passes gradually into bone. Heusinger2 admits that the relation of the teeth to the corneous tissue {horngeivebes) is not clearly elucidated Introduc- in human anatomy, but he affirms that it is most conelu- tion- sively established in that of the lower classes of animals. v'—^ No doubt, in tracing the modifications of the dental sys¬ tem through the animal kingdom, we find true horny pro¬ ductions substituted for teeth in certain vertebrate species, as the Ornithorhynchus, whale, tortoise, &c. So likewise the office of teeth is performed by parts (modified as to form) of the crustaceous and chitinous integuments of the articulate classes ; but there are no transitional or interme¬ diate structures, such as Heusinger alludes to, between teeth and nails, horns or hair. The lamellar disposition traceable in the texture of the hardest dentine is much more closely similar to that of bone, especially the con¬ centric plates surrounding the Haversian canals, than to the texture of nails. The structure .of the tooth of Orycteropus is essentially like that of all true teeth: the apparent resemblance which it presents to the horn of the rhinoceros, or to baleen, arises from its being compounded of i many minute parallel and elongated denticles. And the close resemblance in intimate struc¬ ture and chemical composition between true teeth and bones being established, it may be observed that the osseous tissue is not confined to the endo-skeleton: it is developed largely to form the exo-skeleton in fishes, in the lo¬ ricate reptiles, and even in the Mammalian class, —as, for example, in the armadillos, where bone is substituted, to strengthen the integu- , natural size. men^ for which forms the scaled armour of the allied pangolins. Now, the relation of the tooth of the armadillo to that of the Ornithorhynchus is precisely analogous to that which subsists between the osseous plates of the armadillo, and the corneous scales of the Manis; but this relation no more establishes identity of tissue or system of tissues in the one case than in the other. The general form of the matrix or formative organ of teeth, and the relative position of the dentinal pulp to its product, bear a close analogy with those of the formative organ of hairs, bristles, shells, and other productions of the epidermal system. In these, however, the papilla or pulp is developed from the external skin ; in the teeth from the mu¬ cous membrane or internal skin. Teeth further agree with the extra-vascular appendages of the skin in being shed and reproduced,—sometimes once,—sometimes frequently dur¬ ing the lifetime of the individual; the latter condition may be termed “interrupted reproduction.” In some cases, again, as with certain epidermal productions, the reproduc¬ tion of the tooth is “uninterrupted,” and goes on continu¬ ously during the lifetime of the individuals, new matter be¬ ing added to the base as the old is worn away from the apex or working surface of the tooth. A tooth, when fully formed, is subject to decay, but has no inherent power of reparation. A tooth of limited growth can only increase in size after its formation is com¬ pleted by abnormal growth of its most highly organized constituent, the cement. Thus the analogy of the dental organs to those of the corneous system holds only in their mode of development,3 in their shedding and reproduction, and in their exposure to external influences, and to the contact ot extraneous bodies: but the antlers of deer are similarly exposed, and are likewise shed and reproduced annually, and also contemporaneously with the fall and re¬ production of the hair; yet antlers are not therefore classed with the horny tissues, any more than the bony cone of the horns of the cavicorn ruminants. 1 Medico-Chirurgical Review, p. 43. 2 System der Histologie, 4to, 1823, p. 160. 3 The cells and fibres of the horny tissues are formed in, and not excreted from, the surface of their formative pulps. 420 Teeth of Fishes. Number. Substance. Structure. ODONTOLOGY. Sect. I.—TEETH OF FISHES. The fishes of Great Britain, and those which are known to us by vernacular names, form a comparatively small part of the class; but wherever the dentition of such is described, the species will be indicated in the present article by their common names. As, however, many interesting modifica¬ tions of the dental organs occur in exotic fishes, known by no other names than those by which they are recorded in the systems and catalogues of naturalists, the information respecting their dentition which is here endeavoured to be given must be unavoidably confined to those who com¬ bine some knowledge of Zoology with that of Comparative Anatomy. Excellent illustrations of the dental system in fishes are given in the article Ichthyology, as, e.g., from the preda¬ ceous Alepisaurus (p. 213, fig. 19), the phytiphagous Plo- tosus (p. 220, fig. 50), and in various other species, from figs. 52 to 62 inclusive, accompanied with so exact a sum¬ mary of the general modifications of the system in the piscine class, as leaves little to be added in the present article on that head. Yet this little appears necessary ; for the teeth of fishes, whether we study them in regard to their number, form, substance, structure, situation, or mode of attachment, offer a greater and more striking series of varieties than do those of any other class of animals. As to number, they range from zero to countless quan¬ tities. The lancelet, the ammocete, the sturgeon, the paddle-fish, and the whole order of Lophobranchii, are eden¬ tulous. The Myxinoids have a single pointed tooth on the roof of the mouth, and two serrated dental plates on the tongue. The tench has a single grinding tooth on the occiput, opposed to two dentiferous pharyngeal jaws below. In the lepidosiren (fig. 36), a single maxillary dental plate is opposed to a single mandibular one, and there are two small denticles on the nasal bone. In the extinct sharks with crushing teeth, called Ceratodus and Ctenodus, the jaws were armed with four teeth, two above and two below. In the Chimerce two mandibular teeth are opposed to four maxillary teeth. From this low point the number in dif¬ ferent fishes is progressively multiplied, until in the pike and many other fishes the mouth becomes crowded with countless teeth. With reference to the main and fundamental tissue of tooth, we find not fewer than six leading modifications in fishes:—Hard or true dentine,—Sparoids, Labroids (fig. 6), Lophius, Balistes, Pycnodonts, Prionodon, Sphyrcma, Me- galichthys, Rhizodus, Diodon, Scarus: Osteo-dentine,— Ceslracion, Acrodus, Lepidosiren, Ctenodus, Hybodus, Percoids, Scicenoids, Colloids, Gobioids, and many others : Vaso-dentine,—Lamna (fig. 7), Psammodus, Chimceroids, Pristis,Myliobates: Plici-dentine,—Lophius, Holoptychius, Lepidosteusoxyurus, at the base of the teeth: Labyrintho- dentine,—Lepidosteusplatyrhinus, Bothriolepis: and Den- dro-dentine,—Dendrodus (fig. 14) ; besides the compound teeth of the Scarus and Diodon. One structural modification may prevail in some teeth, another in other teeth of the same fish; and two or more modifications may be present in the same tooth, arising from changes in the process of calcification and a persist¬ ency of portions or processes of the primitive vascular pulp or matrix of the dentine. The modifications of dentine, called vasodentine and osteodentine,1 predominate much more than in the higher Vertebrata; and they thus more closely resemble the bones which support them. There is, however, great diversity in respect of substance. The teeth of most of the Chaetodonts are flexible, elastic, and com- Teeth of posed of a yellowish subtransparent albuminous tissue; Fishes, such, likewise, are the labial teeth of the Helostome, the premaxillary and mandibular teeth of the Goniodonts, and of that percoid genus thence called Trichodon. In the Cyclostomes (lampreys) the teeth consist of a denser albu¬ minous substance. The upper pharyngeal molar of the carp consists of a peculiar brown and semitransparent tissue, hardened by salts of lime and magnesia. The teeth of the flying-fish {Exoccetus') and sucking-fish {Remora) consist of osteodentine. In many fishes, e.g., the Acanthurus, Sphyrcena, and certain sharks {Lamna, fig. 7), a base, or body of vasodentine, is coated by a layer of true dentine, but of unusual hardness, like enamel; in Prionodon this hard tissue predominates. In the Labrus the pharyngeal crushing teeth consist wholly of hard or unvascular dentine (fig. 6). In Pycnodonts, and many other fishes, the body of the tooth consists of ordinary unvascular dentine, covered by a modification of that tissue which I have called “ vitro- dentine,” from its clear, polished, enamel-like character; but this is not enamel, nor the product of a distinct organ from the dentinal pulp: it differs from ordinary dentine in the greater proportion of the mineral particles, their more minute diffusion through the gelatinous basis, and in the straighter course and more minute size of the dentinal tubes ; it results from the calcification of the external layer of the dentinal pulp, and is the first part of the tooth which is formed. In Sargus and Balistes the body of the tooth consists of true dentine, and the crown is covered by a thick layer of a denser tissue, developed by a distinct organ, and diftering from the “ enamel” of higher animals only in the more complicated and organized mode of deposition of the earthy salts. The ossification of the capsule of the complex matrix of these teeth covers the enamel with a thin coating of “ cement.” In the pharyngeal teeth of the Scarus a fourth substance is added by the ossification of the base of the pulp after its summit and periphery have been converted into hard dentine; and the teeth thus composed of cement, enamel, dentine, and osteodentine, are the most complex, in regard to their substance, that have yet been discovered in the animal kingdom. The tubes which convey the capillary vessels through the substance of the osteodentine and vasodentine of the teeth of fishes2 were early recognised on account of their comparatively large size,—as by Andre, e.g., in the teeth of Acanthurus, and by Cuvier and Von Born in the teeth of the wolf-fish and other species. Leeuwenhoek had also detected the much finer tubes of the peripheral dentine of the teeth of the haddock. These dentinal tubuli are given off from the parietes of the vascular canals, and bend, divide, and subdivide rapidly in the hard basis- tissue of the interspaces of those canals in osteodentine; the dentinal tubuli alone are found in true dentine, and they have a straighter and more parallel course, usually at right angles to the outer surface of the dentine. Those conical teeth of fishes which, when fully-formed, con¬ sist wholly or in great part of osteodentine or vasoden¬ tine, always first appear with an apex of hard or true den¬ tine. In some fishes the simple central basal pulp-cavity of such teeth, instead of breaking up into irregular or pa¬ rallel canals, sends out a series of vertical plates from its periphery, which, when calcified, give a fluted character to the base of the tooth, e.g., in Lepidosteus oxyurus. Some¬ times such radiating vertical basal plates of dentine are wavy in their course, and send off narrow processes from their sides; and as a thin layer of the outer capsule inter- 1 Odontography, Introduction, p. Ixxii. 2 The vasodentine of Pristis and Myliobates is like that of the teeth of the Cape ant-eater (Orycteropus); the vasodentine of the Psam- modonts resembles that which forms the base of the tooth of the sloth and megatherium ; the vasodentine of Mammals differs from the osteodentine, in the absence of the radiated “ Purkingian ” cells. iTeeth of Fiflhes. Situation. Attach¬ ment. ODONTOLOGY. 421 digitates with the outstanding plates of the dentinal pulp, and becomes co-calcified with them, a transverse section of such a tooth presents a series ot interblended wavy or laby- rinthic tracts of thick dentine radiating from the centre, and of thin cement converging towards the centre of the tooth. An analogous but more complicated structure obtains, when the radiating wavy vertical plates of dentine dichoto¬ mize, and give off from their sides, throughout their course, numerous branch plates and processes, which are tiaversed by medullary sinuses and canals, with their peripheral ter¬ minations dilated, and becoming the centres of lobes or columns of hard dentine. The transverse section of such teeth gives the appearance of branches of a tree, with leaf¬ stalks and leaves radiating from the central pulp-cavity to the circumference of the tooth; whence the fossil fish in which this structure was first detected has been called Dendrodus (fig. 14). With respect to situation the teeth in sharks and rays are limited to the bones (maxillary and mandibular) which form the anterior aperture of the mouth. In the carp and other Cyprinoids the teeth are confined to the bones (pharyn¬ geal and basi-occipital) which circumscribe the posterior aperture of the mouth. The wrasses (Labrus) and the parrot-fishes (Scarus) have teeth on the premaxillary and premandibular bones, as well as on the upper and lower pharyngeals; both the anterior and posterior apertures of the mouth being thus provided with instruments for seiz¬ ing, dividing, or comminuting the food, the grinders being situated at the pharynx. In most fishes teeth are deve¬ loped also in the intermediate parts of the oral cavity ; as on the palatines, the vomer, the hyoid bones, the branchial arches; and, though less commonly, on the pterygoids, entopterygoids, the sphenoids, and even on the nasal bone (fig. 36, c). It is very rare to find teeth developed on the true superior maxillary bones ; but the herring and salmon tribes, some of the ganoid fishes, and the great Sudis, are examples of this approach to the mgher Vertebrates. Among the anomalous positions of teeth may be cited, besides the occipital alveolus of the carp,1 the marginal alveoli of the prolonged, depressed, well-ossified rostrum of the saw¬ fish (Prisiis). In the lampreys, and in Helostornus (an osseous fish), most of the teeth are attached to the lips. Lastly, it is peculiar to the class Pisces, amongst Vertebrata, to offer examples of teeth developed in the median line of the mouth, as in the palate of the Myxines ; or crossing the symphysis of the jaw, as in Notidanus, Scymnus, and Mylio- bates. Nor is the mode less varied than the place of attachment. The teeth of Lophius, Pcecilia, and Anableps are always moveable ; in most fishes they are anchylosed to the jaw by continuous ossification from the base of the dental pulp, the histological transition being more or less gradual from the structure of the tooth to that of the bone. Sometimes we find, not the base, but one side of the tooth anchylosed to the alveolar border of the jaw, and the teeth oppose each other by their sides instead of their summits (Scarus); in Pimelodus, however, where the teeth are thus attached, the crown is bent down in the upper teeth, and is bent up in the lower ones, at right angles to the fang, so that they oppose each other in the normal way. Certain teeth of recent or fossil cartilaginous fishes have their base divided into processes like fangs; but these serve for the attach¬ ment of ligaments, and are not set in bony sockets like the true fangs or roots of the teeth of Mammals. Some sharks have two divaricating fangs. Some fossil teeth, referred to the genus Petalodus by Agassiz, with the specific name “ radicans,” have the base divided into several fangs or processes, indicating a generic distinction. The base of anchylosed teeth is at first attached to the jaw-bone by ligament; and in the cod-fish, wolf-fish, and some other species, as calcification of the tooth progresses towards its base, the subjacent portion of the jaw-bone receives a sti¬ mulus, and develops a process corresponding in size and form with the base of the tooth. For some time a thin layer of ligamentous substance intervenes, but anchylosis usually takes place to a greater or less extent before the tooth is shed. Most of the teeth of the Lophius retain the primitive ligamentous connection. The ligaments of the large internal or posterior teeth of the upper and lower jaws radiate on the corresponding sides of the bones, the base of the tooth resting on a conformable alveolar process. Some implanted teeth in the present class have their hollow base further supported, like the claws of the feline tribe, upon a bony process arising from the base of the socket; the incisors of the file-fish {Batistes, fig. 22), e.g., afford an example of this double or reciprocal gomphosis. In fig. 22 the teeth in place, and the outer wall of the premaxil¬ lary, have been re¬ moved to show, as at «, the socket and the basal peg of the fully developed incisor; at b the apex of a succes- sional incisor, which has worn away the peg, and caused the fall of the incisor it was about to succeed ;' and at c the less advanced germ of the tooth destined to succeed that which was supported by the peg a. The vertical section of a pharyngeal jaw and teeth of the wrasse {Labrus, figs. 23 and 6), would afford the architect a model of a dome of unusual strength, and so supported as to Fig. 22. File-Fish (Batistes forcipatus). relieve from pressure the floor of a vaulted chamber (fig. 23, c, c) beneath. The base of the dome-shaped tooth a is slightly contracted, and is implanted in a shallow circular cavity, the rounded margin of which is adapted to a circular groove in the contracted part of the base; the margin of the tooth, which immediately transmits the pressure of the bone, is strengthened by an inwardly projecting convex ridge. The masonry of this inner buttress, and of the dome itself, is com¬ posed of hollow columns, every one of which is placed so as best to resist or transmit in the due direction the exter¬ nal pressure (fig. 23). The floor of the alveolus is thus relieved from the office of sustaining the tooth : it forms, in fact, the roof of a lower vault, in which the germ of a successional tooth (fig. 23, b, b) is in course of develop¬ ment. Had the crushing tooth in use rested, as in the wolf-fish, by the whole of its base upon the alveolus, the supporting plate, gradually undermined by the growth of the new tooth, must have given way, and been forced upon the subjacent delicate and highly vascular and sensitive matrix of the half-formed tooth. But the superincumbent pressure is exclusively sustained by the border of the al¬ veolus, whence it is transferred to the walls dividing the vaulted cavities containing the germs of the new teeth. 1 Odontography, pi. 8, vol. iii., p. 980, fig. 518. 422 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Fishes. Develop¬ ment. The roofs of these cavities yield to the absorbent process consequent on the growth of the new teeth, without mate¬ rially weakening the attachment of the old teeth, and with¬ out the new teeth being subjected to any pressure until their growth is sufficientlyadvanced to enable them to bear it with safety. By this time the sustaining borders of the old alveolus are undermined, and the worn-down tooth is shed. Many analogous structures could be adduced did space permit: in fact, the whole of this part of the organization of fishes is replete with beautiful instances of design, and instructive illustrations of animal mechanics. As might have been anticipated from the discovery of the varied and predominating vascular organization in the teeth of fishes, and the passage from non-vascular dentine to vascular dentine in the same tooth, the true law of the de¬ velopment of dentine “ by centripetal metamorphosis and calcification of the cells of the pulp,” was first definitely enunciated and illustrated from observations made on the development of the teeth of fishes.1 It is interesting to observe in this class the process ar¬ rested at each of the well-marked stages through which the development of a mammalian tooth passes. In all fishes the first step is the simple production of a soft vascular pa¬ pilla from the free surface of the buccal membrane. In sharks (fig. 24) and rays, these papillae c do not proceed to sink into the substance of the gum, but are covered by caps of an opposite free fold of the buccal membrane. These caps /, <7, do not contract any organic connection with the papilliform matrix ; but, as this is converted into dental tissue, the tooth is gradually withdrawn from the extraneous protecting cap to take its place and assume the erect posi¬ tion on the margin of the jaw, as at a, b. Here, therefore, is represented the first and transitory “ papillary” stage of dental development in Mammals; and the simple cre¬ scentic cartilaginous maxillary plate, with the open groove behind containing the germinal papillae of the teeth, offers in the shark a magnified representation of the earliest con¬ dition of the jaws and teeth in the human embryo. In many fishes, e.g., the angler (Lophius) and pike, the dental papillae become buried in the membrane from which they rise, and the surface to which their basis is at¬ tached becomes the bottom of a closed sac; but this sac does not become in¬ closed in the sub¬ stance of the jaw; so that teeth at different stages of growth are brought away with the thick and soft gum, when it is stripped from the jaw-bone. The final fixation of teeth so formed is effected by the de¬ velopment of liga¬ mentous fibres in the sub-mucous tis¬ sue betw een the jaw and the base of the Fjg. 24. tOOth; which fibre S Section of the Jaw and Teeth of a Shark (Lanina). become the medium of connection between those parts, either as elastic ligaments, or by continuous ossification. Here, Teeth of therefore, is represented the “ follicular” stage of the de- Fishes, velopment of a mammalian tooth ; but the “ eruptive ” stage takes place without previous inclosure of the follicle and matrix in the substance of the jaw-bone. In Batistes (fig. 22), Scarus (fig. 34), Sphyrcena, the Sparoids, and many other fishes, the formation of the teeth presents all the usual stages which have been observed to succeed each other in the dentition of the higher Vertebrata: the papilla sinks into a follicle, becomes sur¬ rounded by a capsule, and is then included within a closed alveolus of the growing jaw (fig. 22, c), where the develop¬ ment of the tooth takes place, and is followed by the usual eruptive stages. A distinct enamel-pulp is developed in Batistes, Scarus, Sargus, and Chrysophrys. No cartilaginous fish has teeth implanted in maxillary alveolar Squalid* cavities, or confluent with the substance of the jaw; they are at-or sharks, tached to the fibrous and mucous membrane which cover the max¬ illary cartilages ; thence it occurs, in certain genera, as Myliobates and Scymnus, that a single tooth in the median plane may lie di¬ rectly across the symphysis, and he supported by the two rami of the jaw. The Plagiostomes, like many other natural families of fishes, present such modifications of their common and character¬ istic type of structure as fit them for very different habits of life, and the acquisition of different kinds of food. The active and predatory sharks are associated in this order with the sluggish omnivorous rays, and the dental system presents every grade of modification from the laniary to the molary type. The Lamna (fig. 24), with its teeth exclusively adapted for holding, piercing, and lacerating, and the Myliobates (fig. 26), with its maxillary mosaic pavement of flattened molars, form the two extremes of the series. The sharks, or squaloid Plagiostomes, with few exceptions, have teeth of a conical, sharp-pointed, more or less compressed form, sometimes with trenchant or serrate edges and accessary basal den¬ ticles ; they are arranged along the margin and posterior surface of the jaws in close-set vertical rows of from three to thirteen teeth in each row, according to the species. The teeth of the contiguous rows in certain genera, as Selache and Lamna, are parallel to each other; but in (xaZews and Carcharias they are placed alternately, so that the base of one tooth advances laterally into the interspace of two teeth of the contiguous row, and reciprocally ; but the late¬ rally contiguous teeth are never articulated with each other, as in certain rays. In general the anterior or external tooth only of each row is erect, the rest being recumbent. In Lamna, however, the second and third teeth are commonly seen in positions intermediate be¬ tween those of the erect anterior (fig. 24, a) and the recumbent posterior teeth (c). It is scarcely necessary to repeat, that although the teeth of the sharks possess greater individual mobility than those of the rays, the recumbent ones (fig. 24, c) cannot, as has been supposed, be voluntarily erected. These teeth are still in pro¬ gress of development, and several of them are covered by a reflec¬ tion of the mucous membrane of the mouth (fig. 24, g), which would be lacerated by such a movement; it is by a gradual change of po¬ sition in the fibrous membrane, to which their base is attached, that the altered direction of the consolidated teeth is effected. The formation of the teeth of the sharks, as of many other fishes, exemplifies, on a large scale, the earliest or papillary stage of dental development in the higher classes of animals. It is not suc¬ ceeded here by either a follicular or an eruptive stage; the for¬ mative papillae are never inclosed, and consequently never break forth. The pulp, when consolidated by the deposition of the cal¬ careous salts in the pre-existing cells and tubes, is gradually with¬ drawn from the protective sheath (fig. 24, g), which the thecal fold of mucous membrane /, / afforded during the early stages of its formation. In the uterine foetus, one foot long, of the great white shark (Charcharodon), the jaws seem at first sight to be edentulous ; a fissure presents itself on the inner side of the margin of each jaw, running parallel with it, between the thin smooth membrane covering the convex edge of the cartilage, and the free margin of a fold of mucous membrane which lies parallel to and upon the inner side of the jaw. When this fold is drawn away from the jaw, the minute teeth are exposed, arranged in the usual vertical rows ; these points are all directed backwards and towards the base of the jaw, and are seen to slip out of fossae or sheaths in the membranous folds, as this is gradually reflected backwards and 1 In the author’s Hunterian Lectures, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, May 1839. See also Compte Rendu de VAcademic des Sciences, Dec. 1839, p. 784; and Odontography, Introduction, and part i., passim. ODONTOLOGY. 423 sth of ishes. towards the base of the jaw. Here the anterior lamina of the fold, which, from its office, may be termed “ thecal,’' is continuous with the mucous membrane at the base of the rows of teeth ; the poste¬ rior layer is reflected backwards to the front line of attachment of the tongue. Close to the anterior line of reflection there is a row of simple conical papillae; in the succeeding row the papillae are larger, the cone broader and flatter, and its apex is covered with a small cap of dense and glistening dental substance, which is readily removed, though not without displacement of part of the dental pulp, the granules of which, adherent to the cavity of the displaced dental cap, are always readily recognisable under the microscope. The third series of papillae, counting from below in the lower jaw, have acquired the size and shape of the future tooth, with the cre- nate edges well marked; half the tooth is completed, and its re¬ moval from the fleshy base of the pulp cannot be effected without evident laceration of the pulp. When this is done under the mi¬ croscope, the torn processes of the pulp continued into the medul¬ lary canals of the new-formed tooth are plainly visible. The fourth tooth is completely formed, as also the fifth and sixth in the ascending series : these progressively diminish in size. The last or highest, which is first exposed on reflecting the thecal fold, and the first which was completed in the order of develop¬ ment, consists of a simple cone, similar in form and size to the apical third of the ordinary-sized teeth below it; yet its growth is quite completed, and its base firmly attached to the maxillary membrane. In a foatus of a white shark (Carcharias ferox) 3 inches long, which had not lost its external branchi®, the membranous groove between the jaw and thecal fold was much shallower, and only two rows of papillae were present on the maxillary membrane. The minute anterior teeth in the more advanced foetus were developed from these primitive papilla;, which must be succeeded by others of progressively larger size, till the normal form and dimensions of the adult teeth are attained. The foetal shark is peculiarly favourable for such comparisons, as it presents nume¬ rous pulps and teeth in every stage of formation, easily detached, j and without violence, from their exposed situation, and of a flattened form, well adapted for microscopical observation. The unossified pulps, examined with a high power, consist of semi-opaque polyhedral granules or cells suspended in a clear matrix, and the whole is inclosed in a tough transparent mem¬ brane, which forms the outer surface of the pulp. Beneath this membrane, at the crenate margins, the nucleated cells are arranged in lines precisely corresponding with those of the subsequent dentinal tubes. The formation of the tooth com¬ mences by the deposition of earthy particles in the tough ex¬ ternal membrane of the pulp. The present writer has been unable to recognise the distinct arrangement of the hardening salts in this layer. It is transparent, extremely dense, and forms the enamel-like polished coating of the tooth; in sections of fully-formed teeth, the finest terminal branches of the parallel peripheral dentinal tubes are lost in the above clear enamel¬ like substance. When this outer layer of the apex of the tooth is completed, it is so easily detached from the subjacent pulp, that it might be readily supposed that there was no organic con¬ nection between them. If, however, the so exposed pulp be now examined with the microscope, and compared with an uncalcified pulp, it is seen to be no longer covered with the smooth, dense membrane observable in the latter; but the apical edges, from which the enamel-like cap has been detached, appear villous or floccular. It is obvious that the first shell of the tooth has been neither transuded from the superficies of the external membrane of the pulp, nor has been deposited between that membrane and the granular part of the pulp, but is due to the conversion of the ex¬ ternal membrane into a dense enamel-like bone. ‘The formation of the body of the tooth by deposition of earthy particles in pre¬ existing and pre-arranged cavities is still more satisfactorily demon¬ strable. In proportion as the formation of the tooth has advanced, the difficulty of separating the calcified from the uncalcified portion of the pulp is increased ; and at the same time it becomes easier to detect the continuation of the processes of the pulp into those medullary canals which form so many separate centres of radiation of the plexiform dentinal tubes. As a consequence of a formation of a tooth by conversion of, instead of transudation from, a pre-existing pulp, the successive formation of these pulps necessarily follows where a succession of teeth is required. These reproductive pulps are developed, in the shark, from the vascular mucous membrane at the angle of reflec¬ tion of the thecal fold upon the groove of the basal line of the jaws. They gradually advance from this situation towards the margin of the jaw, the centripetal calcification extends as they advance, and consolidation is completed (as in fig. 24, c) by the time the teeth are ready to change their recumbent for the erect position ba, and take the place of the tooth previously shed. The teeth of the rays are in general more numerous than those Teeth of of the sharks; they have less mobility, are more closely impacted, Fishes, and in some cases are laterally united together by fine sutures, so v _ ^ as to form a kind of mosaic pavement on both the upper and lower jaws. The Myliobates, or eagle-rays, which present the last-men- “alldaB> or tioned condition, unique in the vertebrate sub-kingdom, have large iiays* and massive teeth (fig. 26); but in the rest of the present family of cartilaginous fishes, the teeth (fig. 25) are remarkable for their small size as compared with those of the sharks. The teeth in some species of rays are adapted for crushing, but in others they have the middle or one of the angles of the crown produced into a sharp point. In all genera of the ray tribe, whatever the diversity of size and shape of the teeth, they are placed in several rows, and succeed each other uninterruptedly from behind. In the genus Rhina, each tooth is supported on a short fang or pivot, which tapers as it recedes from the crown ; there is a groove along the posterior part of the pivot, and a perforation on each side; the crown is lozenge-shaped, convex above, and sculptured with a series of transverse and slightly undulating and punctate ridges, presenting a pattern which somewhat resembles that of the grinding surface of the comparatively gigantic tooth of the extinct cartilaginous fish of the chalk formation called Ptychodus. The modification of the dentigerous surface of the jaws, and the beautiful quincuncial arrangement of these teeth, are exhibited in fig. 25. Fig. 25. Dental Pavement of the Upper Jaw {Rhina). The middle part of the upper jaw forms a bold prominent convexity, separated by a depression on each side from a lateral and less pro¬ duced rising. The contour of the dentigerous surface of the lower jaw presents depressions corresponding to the eminences above, and vice versa. The modification of the plagiostomous type of teeth, for the purpose of crushing alimentary substances, is most complete in the genus Myliobates. A view of this armature of the mouth, as seen from behind in the Myliobates aquila, is given in fig. 26. Both Jaws and Teeth of an Eagle-Ray {Myliobates aquila) jaws are covered with a pavement of broad teeth, having a flat grinding surface, vertical and finely-undulated sides, by which 424 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Fishes. contiguous teeth are joined together, as by a suture (fig. 27, c), and a base divided into a number of small parallel longitudinal ridges. The entire phalanx of dental plates of the upper jaw describes the segment of a circle. A longitudinal and verti¬ cal section of a single dental plate, viewed by a compound lens of an inch focus, exhibits at its base a coarse net¬ work of large irregu¬ lar canals, filled with a vascular medullary pulp. From this net¬ work smaller medul¬ lary canals proceed to¬ wards the flat grinding surface, in a straight Fig. 27. and slightly diverging Magnified Section of parts of two contiguous course, subdividing di- Denticles of Mj/tiofcates aguila. chotomously, with interspaces equal to their own diameter at the base, but much wider at the working surface of the tooth; under the same power, the area of the medullary canals presents generally an irregular elliptical form (fig. 27, a), from which radiating dentinal tubes are faintly perceptible. Each canal and its series of tubes is surrounded by a line of generally a hexagonal form (fig. 27, b), which constitutes the boundary between contiguous canals and tubes; the whole tooth being thus composed of an aggregate of slender, elon¬ gated, commonly six-sided prismatic teeth, placed vertically to the grinding surface. The wavy line of the suture, uniting two conti¬ guous teeth, is shown at c. The teeth of the Myliobates, like those of the rest of the Plagios- tomes, are successively formed at the posterior part of the tesse- lated series in proportion as they are worn away in front. A series of minute and closely-aggregated papilliform matrices rise from the mucous membrane behind the teeth, and are covered by a fold of the same membrane, which is reflected forward so as to conceal the pulps of the last-formed teeth. The papilliform pulps are ossified by the deposition of the calcareous salts in the peripheral cells and radiating tubes; but the medullary or central canal of each pulp continues to retain its organized and vascular contents until the whole of the compound tooth is completed; the calcified wall of the medullary canal is then thickened, and the area dimi¬ nished, by the successive formation of concentric laminse of osseous matter. As the teeth of the Myliobates are gradually carried forwards into action by the direction of growth of their basis of support, the areas of the medullary canals become progressively diminished, as in bone, by osseous deposition in concentric layers, and they thus become finally consolidated in the anterior teeth. Cestraci- dental characters of this family of cartilaginous fishes are onts. chiefly manifested in a form of tooth better adapted for crushing or comminuting alimentary substances which offer only passive resist¬ ance, than for piercing, cutting, and lacerating a living prey ; and in most of the species the teeth vary in form and size in the same in¬ dividual to a greater degree than in the sharks. Of the numerous singular forms of this tribe of cartilaginous fishes that once peopled the seas of the Northern Hemisphere, and which have left their less perishable remains in the secondary strata of the present dry land, all have now disappeared, and the sole existing representative is the genus Cestracion, of which the most common species is met with in the Australian seas. The ancient fossils above alluded to would have been scardely intelligible, unless the key to their nature had been afforded by the teeth and spines of the existing Cestracion. In the Port Jackson shark (Cestracion Phillippit), the jaws form a greater proportion of the skull than in any other existing cartila¬ ginous and plagiostomous fish. They are also more elongated, and directed more horizontally forward, thus approaching nearer to the usual position of the jaws in the osseous fishes. The teeth are ar¬ ranged, as in the Plagiostomes generally, in several antero-posterior rows along the margin and inner surface of both jaws (fig. 28); but the rows are more oblique than in the sharks, although less so than in certain rays,—e.g-., Rhina. The teeth of the upper jaw are delineated in fig. 28. Those at the anterior part of the jaws are the smallest; they present a transverse, subcompressed, conical figure, with the apex produced into a sharp point; the points are worn away from the used teeth at the anterior and outer parts of the jaw, but are strongly marked in those which still lie below the margin. There are six subvertical rows of these small cuspidate teeth on each side of the jaw, together with a median row close to the symphysial line, and there are from twelve to fourteen teeth in a row. Behind the cuspidate teeth the five consecutive rows of teeth progressively increase in all their dimensions, but principally in their antero-posterior extent. The sharp point is converted into a longitudinal ridge traversing a convex crushing surface, and the Teeth of Fishes. Fig. 28. Upper Jaw and Teeth of Port Jackson Shark (Cestracion), half nat. size. ridge itself disappears in the largest teeth. As the teeth increase in size, they diminish in number in each row. The series of the largest teeth includes from six to seven in the upper, and from seven to eight in the lower jaw. Behind this row the teeth, although preserving their form as crushing instruments, progressively dimi¬ nish in size, while at the same time the number composing each row decreases. From the oblique and apparently spiral disposition of the rows of teeth, their symmetrical arrangement on the opposite sides of the jaw, and their graduated diversity of form, they con¬ stitute the most elegant tesselated covering to the jaws which is to be met with in the whole class of fishes. The modifications of the form of the teeth above described, by which the anterior ones are adapted for seizing and retaining, and the posterior for cracking and crushing alimentary substances, are frequently repeated, with various modifications and under different conditions, in the osseous fishes. They indicate, in the present cartilaginous species, a diet of a lower organized character than in the true sharks; and a corresponding difference of habit and dis¬ position is associated therewith. The testaceous and crustaceous invertebrate animals constitute most probably the principal food of the Cestracion, as they appear, by their abundant remains in second¬ ary rocks, to have done in regard to the extinct Cestracionts, with whose fossil teeth they are associated. From the extensive series of osseous fishes, the limits of the pre¬ sent article compel a selection of a few of the more remarkable modifications of the dental system. Genus Anarhicas.—The cat-fish or wolf-fish (Anarhieas lupus) Anarhicas. has two kinds of teeth with well-marked distinction of form, ac¬ cording to which they might be termed laniaries or canines, and molars. The anterior teeth (fig. 29, a) form strong cones, and diverge so as to act as grappling hooks, well fitted for a firm grasp of the mailed body of a struggling lobster, or for extracting the shell-fish from his rocky recess or sandy burrow. The back teeth c are like paving-stones, and are powerful crushers. The pre¬ maxillary teeth (fig. 29, a) are all conical, and arranged in two rows; there are two, three, or four in the exterior row, at the mesial half of the bone, which are the largest; and from six to eight smaller teeth are irregularly arranged behind. There are three large, strong, diverging laniaries at the anterior end of each premandi- bular bone (fig. 29), and immediately behind these an irregular number of shorter and smaller conical teeth, which gradually ex¬ change this form for that of large obtuse tubercles; these extend backwards, in a double alternate series, along a great part of the alveolar border of the bone, and are terminated by two or three smaller teeth in a single row, the last of which again presents the conical form. Each palatine bone supports a double row of teeth, the outer ones being conical and straight, and from four to six in num¬ ber ; the inner ones two, three, or four in number, and tuberculate. The lower surface of the vomer (fig. 29, c) is covered by a double Lophius. ODONTOLOGY. 425 irregularly alternate series of the same kind of large tuberculate crushing teeth as those at the middle of the premandibular bone. Fig- 29. Upper and Lower Jaws and Teeth of the Wolf-fish (Anavhicas lupus), half nat. size. hones are two in number, and have the teeth arranged in a double Teeth of alternate row along each margin. Fishes. The pharyngeal, palatine, and vomerine teeth are fixed by anchy- ^ i losis to their respective bones; this is also the case with most of „ ... the premaxillary teeth, and with the exterior teeth of the lower jaw (fig. 31, a, a), but the remainder, and especially the large posterior teeth of the lower jaw (fig. 31, b, b), are attached by means of elastic ligaments to the margins of slightly elevated alveolar pro¬ cesses. These ligaments (fig. 31, c, c) are principally inserted into the inner straight margin of the base of the tooth, from which their glistening fasciculi radiate to be implanted into the jaw. The rest of the base of the tooth is connected at its circumference with more lax and yielding fibrous bands, and with the mucous membrane of the mouth, which covers the alveolar tract in the interspaces of the teeth. To any attempt to bend these teeth outwards resistance is offered by the internal ligaments above described, and by the pres¬ sure of the anterior angle at the base of the tooth against the alveolar processes or raised tubercle on which it rests ; but the tooth readily yields to a force acting in the opposite direction, and the Fig. 31. Section of Mandible and Teeth of the Angler (Lophius piscatorius). All the teeth are anchylosed to more or less developed alveolar eminences, but a narrow line of demarcation is long discernible (us at 2, fig. 30). From the enormous development of the muscles Fig. 30. Section of Lower Jaw and Teeth of Anarhicas lupus, half nat. size. of the jaws, and the strength of the shells which are cracked and crushed by the teeth, their fracture and displacement must obviously be no unfrequent occurrence: and most specimens of the jaws of the wolf-fish exhibit some of the teeth either separated at this line of imperfect anchylosis, or, more rarely, broken off above the base, or, still more rarely, detached by fracture of the supporting osseous alveolar process. The angler (Lophius piscatorius) has teeth on the premaxillary, premandibular, palatine, vomerine, and pharyngeal bones. They are of an elongated, conical, sharp-pointed, and slightly incurved form, presenting merely difference of size, degree of curvature, and mode of fixation, but all bespeaking the predatory and carni¬ vorous habits of the species. In the upper jaw, the teeth are congregated in three or four irregular rows at the median or upper third part of each premaxillary bone, and form a single and regular series along the lower two-thirds of the same bone. These latter, which may be termed the serial teeth, are from fifteen to eighteen in number; they are short, strong, pointed, and incurved, of nearly equal size, and placed at regular distances from each other. The two outer irregular rows of the median intermaxillary teeth are somewhat larger, and are directed forwards. The inner rows at this part contain the longest teeth, and their points are turned back; but they are movably connected with the bone by a me¬ chanism which will be described when treating of those of the lower jaw. The superior pharyngeal teeth are arranged in three groups upon as many separate bones on each side; each group describes a curve, with the convexity turned forwards. The teeth of the posterior bone are the smallest. The inferior pharyngeal YOL. XVI. largest and most prominent teeth can be bent inwards and back¬ wards (as at c, fig. 31), so as to point to the gullet when the hand is pressed over them in the direction a body would take when drawn into the mouth to be swallowed. The moment, however, this force ceases to act, the teeth recoil to their erect position, as shown by the dotted outline in fig. 31) as if operated on by a spring. If everything attached to the base of the tooth, excepting the internal pyramidal band of ligamentous fibres, be removed, the tooth, after being bent down, returns with the same force to the erect position; it is therefore to this band that its resilience is due. The cyprinoid fishes, properly so called, which are typified by Cyprinidse. the carp and loach, respectively representing the genera Cyprinus and Cobitis, have the jaws completely deprived of teeth. jphe inferior pharyngeals, or throat-bones, are armed with one or more rows of teeth, which are flattened, conical, or curved, according to the species. These are succeeded by teeth at the external, as the old are shed from the internal, surface of those bones. They work against each other, and upon the very hard callous or calcified plate which is fixed in a depression on the inferior surface of the basi-occipital bone. The omnivorous barbels (Barbus and Labeo- barbus) have three rows of pharyngeal teeth, which are weaker in the latter genus. In Acanthopsis the pharyngeal teeth are sharp-pointed, and are placed in a single row. In the loaches (Co&to), which feed on worms and aquatic insects, the pharyngeals are attenuated, with chisel-shaped extremities. In the gudgeons (Gobio), which feed on worms, aquatic larvae, and small molluscous animals, with their ova or fry, the pharyngeal teeth are conical, slightly curved at the extremity, and arranged in two rows. In the carp (Cyprinus Carpio), which feeds on the soft part of aquatic plants, larvas of insects and worms, the pharyngeal teeth have broad, flat-ridged crowns, like the molars of herbivorous quadrupeds. In the globe-fishes (Diodon), the lamellated structure of the tooth, p)j0(jon< and its reproduction by successive transudation of layers from a persistent pulp, were supposed to be clearly demonstrated in the broad rounded triturating tubercule which is situated behind the alveolar border of the upper and lower jaw. The exposed surface of this tooth presents, in fact, a series of transverse and parallel striae, which in a vertical section (fig. 32) are seen to be the mar¬ gins of thin, superimposed, horizontal, and slightly flexuous plates a, b, which have been partially abraded by trituration in an oblique plane. The superior layers are the most worn; in proportion as they descend, in the lower jaw, they increase in breadth, and fin¬ ally, instead of being soldered together, they become detached, thin¬ ner, and of a more friable texture ; the lowest and incompletely de¬ veloped plates lying loosely in the cavity of the jaw, beneath the superincumbent mass (as at a, fig. 32). If a vertical section of the dental tubercle be made on one side of the median plane, the 3 H 426 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Fishes. Scarus. laminae are seen to he developed in two distinct lateral moieties, which become anchylosed together by means of a thin median ver¬ tical osseous partition at their median mar¬ gins; their lateral mar¬ gins are similarly an¬ chylosed to the outer walls of the denti¬ gerous cavity. The laminae are developed successively; and in proportion as the an¬ terior ones are worn away, the posterior ones appear in readi¬ ness to replace them ; so that the due num¬ ber of ridges on the triturating surface is always maintained. To examine the struc- Fig. 32. ture of the lamelliform Section of Jaw and Deytal Mass of a Globe-fish denticles, it is neces- {Diodori). sary to make extremely thin sections in a direction vertical to their plane. Fjach plane then exhibits, instead of an amorphous or sub¬ crystalline mass of excreted calcareous matter, a series of extremely minute dentinal tubes, occupying its whole extent, and having a general direction vertical to its plane. The tubes are obviously wider at the lower side of the plate, and gradually disappear in the clear and dense substance at the opposite surface. When the thinnest and most transparent parts of the same section are examined with a compound lens of £-inch focus, the horizontal partitions which occupy the interspaces of the lamelliform teeth are seen to consist of a coarse cellular osseous texture, without any radiating cells, but similar to the texture of the rest of the endo-skeleton of the Diodon. The main tubes of the dental plate are continued immediately from the cells of the osseous septum ; they proceed for a short distance vertically, or with a slight curvature, in the substance of the dental plate, and then quickly divide and subdivide, the branches gene¬ rally coming off at an angle of 45°, being slightly bent, crossing each other in an inextricable manner, and terminating ultimately in the clear matr ix of the upper surface of the dental plate. By the time that calcification has begun in one pulp, a second has been developed beneath it, and it is the portion of the pulp solidified which gives rise, in the macerated and dried jaws, to the loose and thin lamellae in the dental cavity. These lamellae become fixed by means of the coarser calcification or ossification which subsequently takes place in the remains of the pulp; and their margins are thus anchylosed to the surrounding bones in a manner analogous to the fixation of the base of the ordinary shaped teeth in other fishes.1 Genus Scarus.—The dense tesselated covering of the beak-like jaws (fig. 33) of the parrot-fishes (Scarus) consists of a stratum of Fig. 33. Premaxillary Bone and Teeth of a Parrot-fish (Scarus muricatus). prismatic denticles (fig. 34, a), standing almost vertically to the external surface of the jaw-bone, the square tuberculate ends of which appear externally wedged close together, like the blocks in wood-pavement. This peculiar armature of the jaws is well adapted to the habits and exigences of a tribe of fishes which browse upon the lithophytes that clothe, as with a richly-tinted carpet, the bot¬ tom of the sea, just as the ruminant quadrupeds crop the herbage of the dry land. The irritable bodies of the gelatinous polypes, which constitute the food of these fishes, retract, when touched, into their star-shaped stony shells; and the Scari consequently require a dental apparatus strong enough to break off or scoop out these calcareous recesses. The jaws are therefore prominent, short, and stout; and the ex¬ posed portions of the premaxillaries and premandibulars are en¬ cased by the complicated dental covering represented in figs. 33 and 34. The polypes and their cells are reduced to a pulp by the Fig. 34. Section of Premandibular Bone and Teeth of Parrot-fish (Scarus muricatus). action of the pharyngeal jaws and teeth (fig. 35) that close the pos¬ terior aperture of the mouth. The typical Scari have both upper and lower pharyngeal bones paved with strong, thick lamelliform teeth, set vertically and transversely in the opposed surfaces of these bones. It is the posterior pair of the upper pharyngeals (fig. 35) which are thus armed. The lower pharyngeal bone is single. The superior dentigerous pharyn¬ geals present each the form of an elongated vertical inequilateral tri¬ angular plate ; the upper and pos¬ terior margin is sharp and concave ; the upper and anterior margin forms a thickened articular surface, convex from side to side, and playing in a corresponding groove or concavity upon the base of the skull; the in¬ ferior boundary of the triangle is the longest, and also the broadest; it is convex in the antero-posterior direc¬ tion, and flat from side to side. It is on this surface that the teeth are implanted ; and in most species they form two rows, the outer one con¬ sisting of very small teeth (fig. 35, a), the inner one of large teeth b. Upper Pharyngeal Bones and These present the form of compressed Teeth a Parrot-fish (Scarus conical plates or wedges, with the basis excavated and the opposite margin moderately sharp, and slightly convex to near the inner angle, which is produced into a point. These plates are set nearly transversely across the lower surface of the pharyngeal bone, and are produced beyond the margin of the bone, and interlock with those of the adjoining bone when the pharyngeals are in their natural position. The smaller denticles of the outer row are set in the external interspaces of those of the inner row. The dentine of the pharyngeal teeth of the Scarus consists of den¬ tinal tubes and a clear intermediate substance. The tubes average a diameter of ^^-^th of an inch, and are separated by interspaces equal to twice their own diameter ; and these tubes, on leaving the pulp-cavity, form a curve with the convexity turned towards the base of the tooth, and then bend slightly in the opposite direction ; the sigmoid curve being most marked in the tubes at the base of the denticles, whilst those towards the apex become longer and Fig. 35, Teeth of Fishes. v For other details of the gymnodont dentition, see Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 2de serie, tom. xii., p. 347, ODONTOLOGY. 427 m th of Straighter. Besides the primary curvatures exemplified in the Fishes figure, each dentinal tube is minutely undulated; it dichotomizes v ! three or four times near its termination, sends off many fine lateral 'l_ ^ 1 branches into the clear uniting substance, and finally terminates in a series of minute cells and inosculating loops, at the line of junction with the enamel. This substance is as thick as the dentine, and consists of a similar combination of minute tubes and a clear connecting substance. TIk tubes may be described as commencing from the peripheral surface of the tooth, to which they stand at right angles; and having proceeded parallel to each other half-way towards the dentine, they then begin to divide and subdivide, the branches crossing each other obliquely, and finally terminating in the cellu¬ lar boundary between the enamel and dentine. The teeth which present this complex structure are successively developed at one extremity of the bone in proportion as they are worn away at the other—not, however, as Cuvier describes, from behind forwards in both upper and lower pharyngeal bones, but in opposite directions in the opposite bones, the course of succession being from before backwards in the upper, and from behind for¬ wards in the lower pharyngeal bones. In the progress of the attrition to which they are subjected, the thin coat of cement re¬ sulting from the ossification of the capsule is first removed from the apex of the tooth, then the enamel constituting that apex, next the dentine, and finally the coarse central cellular bone supporting the hollow wedge-shaped tooth ; and thus is produced a triturating surface of four different substances of different degrees of density. The enamel, being the densest element, appears in the form of elliptical transverse ridges inclosing the dentine and central bone ; and external to the enamel is the cement which binds together the different denticles. The single inferior pharyngeal bone consists principally of an oblong dentigerous plate. Its breadth somewhat exceeds that of the conjoined dentigerous surfaces of the pharyngeals above; and it is gently hollowed, to correspond with their convexity. This dentigerous plate is principally supported by a strong, slightly curved, transverse, osseous bar, the extremities of which expand into thick obtuse processes for the implantation of the triturating muscles. A longitudinal crest is continued downw'ards and for¬ wards from the middle line of the inferior pharyngeal plate, ante¬ rior to the transverse bar, to which the protractor muscles are attached. A longitudinal row of small oval teeth, alternating with the large lamelliform teeth, like those of the superior pharyngeals, bounds the dentigerous plate on each side. The intermediate space is oc¬ cupied exclusively by the larger lamelliform or wedge-shaped teeth, set vertically in the bone, and arranged transversely in alternate and pretty close-set rows. There is a close analogy between the dental mass of the Scarm and the complicated grinders of the elephant, both in form, struc¬ ture, and in the reproduction of the component denticles in hori¬ zontal succession. But in the fish the complexity of the triturating surface is greater than in the mammal, since, from the mode in which the wedge-shaped denticles of the Scarus are implanted upon, and anchylosed to, the processes of the supporting bone, this like¬ wise enters into the formation of the masticatory surface when the tooth is worn down to a certain point. The proof of the efficacy of the complex masticatory apparatus above described is afforded by the contents of the alimentary canal of the Scari. Mr Charles Darwin, the accomplished naturalist and geologist, who accompanied Captain Fitzroy, R.N., in the circum- navigatory voyage of the Beagle, dissected several parrot-fishes soon after they were caught, and found the intestines laden with nearly pure chalk, such being the nature of'their excrements; whence he ranks these fishes among the geological agents to which is assigned the office of converting the skeletons of the lithophytes into chalk. Sphyrama. Genus SPHVRJiNA.—The most formidable dentition in the order of osseous fishes is that which characterizes the Barracuda sea-pikes (Sphyrcena), and some extinct fishes allied to this predatory genus. In the great Barracuda of the southern shores of the United States {Sphyrcena barracuda, Cuv.), the lower jaw contains a single row of large, compressed, conical, sharp-pointed, and sharp-edged teeth, resembling the blades of lancets, but stronger at the base. The two anterior of these teeth are twice as long as the rest; but the posterior and serial teeth gradually increase in size towards the back part of the jaw. There are about twenty-four of these piercing and cutting teeth in each premandibular bone. They' are opposed to a double row of similar teeth in the upper jaw, and fit into the interspace of these two rows when the mouth is closed. The outer¬ most row is situated on the premaxillary, the innermost on the palatine bones. There are no teeth on the vomer or superior max¬ illary bones. The two anterior teeth in each premaxillary bone equal the opposite pair in the lower jaw in size; the posterior pre¬ maxillary teeth are serial, numerous, and of small size ; the second Teeth of of the two anterior large premaxilliary teeth is placed on the inner Fishes, side of the commencement of the row of small teeth, and is a little inclined backwards. The retaining power of all the large anterior teeth is increased by a slight posterior projection, similar to the barb of a fish-hook, but smaller. The palatine bones contain each nine or ten lancet-shaped teeth, somew'hat larger than the posterior ones of the lower jaw\ All these teeth afford good examples of the mode of attachment by implantation in sockets, which is a rare one in the class of fishes. The base or fang of the fully-developed tooth of the Sphyrcena is anchylosed to the parietes of the socket in which it is inserted. The pressure of the crown of the new tooth excites absorption of the inner side of the base of the old, which thus finally loses the requisite strength of attachment, and its loss is followed by the absorption of the old socket, as in the higher animals. It is interesting to observe that the external teeth are in general contemporaneously shed, so that the maxillary armour is always preserved in an effective state. The relative position of the new teeth to their predecessors, and their influence upon them, resembles some of the phenomena which will be described in the dentition of the crocodilian reptiles. To the crocodiles the present voracious fish also approximates in the alveolar lodgment of the teeth ; but it manifests its ichthyic character in the anchylosis of the fully- developed teeth to their sockets, and still more strikingly in the intimate structure of the teeth. The loss or injury to which these destructive weapons are liable in the conflict which the Sphyrcena wages with its living and struggling prey is repaired by an unin¬ terrupted succession of new pulps and teeth. The existence of these is indicated by the foramina, which are situated immediately pos¬ terior to, or on the inner margins of, the sockets of the teeth in place. These foramina lead to alveoli of reserve, in which the crowns of the new teeth, in different stages of development, are loosely imbedded. It is in this position of the germs of the teeth that the sphyrsenoid fishes, both recent and fossil, mainly differ as to their dental characters from the rest of the scomberoid family, and proportionally approach the sauroid type. In all fishes the teeth are shed and renewed, not once only, as in mammals, but frequently during the whole course of their lives. The maxillary dental plates of Lepidosiren, the cylindrical dental masses of the chimseroid and edaphodont fishes, and the rostral teeth of the Pristis (if these modified dermal spines may be so called), are perhaps the sole examples of permanent teeth to be met with in the whole class. In the great majority of fishes the germs of the new teeth are developed, like those of the old, from the free surface of the buccal membrane throughout the entire period of succession; a circumstance peculiar to the present class. The angler, the pike, and most of our common fishes, illustrate this mode of dental reproduction; it is very conspicuous in the car¬ tilaginous fishes, in which the whole phalanx of their numerous teeth is ever marching slowly forwards in rotatory progress over the alveolar border of the jaw; the teeth being successively cast off as they reach the outer margin, whilst the new teeth rise from the mucous membrane behind the rear rank of the phalanx. This endless succession and decadence of the teeth, together with the vast numbers in which they often co-exist in the same fish, illus¬ trate the law of “ vegetative ” or “ irrelative repetition,” as it manifests itself on the first introduction of new organs in the animal kingdom; under which light we must view the above-described organized and calcified preparatory instruments of digestion in the lowest class of the vertebrate series. At the extreme limit of the class of fishes, and connecting that Lepidosi- class with the reptiles, stands the very remarkable genus, the dental ren. system of which is shown in fig. 36. This consists of two small, a b t Fig. 36. Skull and Teeth of the Lepidosiren annecteus. slender, conical, sharp-pointed, and slightly recurved teeth, which project downward from the nasal bone a, and of strong trenchant dental plates, anchylosed with the alveolar border of the upper (b) and lower (e) jaw, in each of which the plate is divided at the middle or symphysial line, so as to form two distinct lateral teeth. The office of the two laniariform teeth is to pierce and retain the ODONTOLOGY. 428 Teeth of nutritive substance or prey, which is afterwards divided and com- Keptiles. minuted by the strong maxillary dental plates. The upper pair of v — — ■> these plates is supported by the anterior part of a strong arch of bone, which combines the character of the superior maxillary, pala¬ tine, and pterygoid bones. The superior maxillary is represented by the median and anterior bar, passing in front of the dental plate of the lower jaw when the mouth is shut, and terminating on each side in a process which projects outwards and backwards on each side of the anterior part of the arch; the palatine portion consti¬ tutes the median part of the roof of the mouth behind the foregoing. The pterygoid portion is indicated by its fulfilling the usual func¬ tion of an abutment extended between the palatine portion of the upper jaw and the articular pedicle of the lower jaw. The upper dental plates are confined to the first two parts of the arch (maxillary and palatine), and do not extend upon the pterygoid portion; the lower dental plates are anchylosed to the preman- dibular bone. Viewing the upper pair of plates as a single tooth, it may be described as indented at its outer surface by five vertical angular notches, penetrating inwards through half the breadth of the supporting bone, and dividing the plate into six angular pro¬ cesses, which, from the direction and varying form and breadth of the entering notches, radiate from the posterior part of the median line or division of the tooth. The inferior dental plate is similarly notched on its outer side, but the proportions of the angular inden¬ tations are such that they receive all the processes of the upper dental plate when the mouth is shut, whilst only the four anterior processes are reciprocally received into the notches of the upper dental plate. The dental plate consists, as in the cod and Sphyrcena, of a central mass of coarse osseous substance traversed by large and nearly parallel medullary canals, and an external sheath of very hard “ vitrodentine.” Dendro- The labyrinthic structure of the teeth of the bony gar-fish of the donts. North American lakes and rivers (Lepidosteus) has been already alluded to in the introductory generalization on dental tissues. The still more complex structure of the fossil teeth of the extinct Dendrodonts (fig. 14) is there more fully described. As compared with the vasodentine (fig. 7) of the sharks and of many existing osseous fishes, the dental tissue of the Dendrodonts differs in both the extent and regularity of the radiating medullary canals, and more especially in the straight course of the fine dentinal tubes. Both the foregoing genera of fishes have been termed “ sauroid,” but are more truly “ salamandroid,” and approach, like the Lepi- dosiren, most closely to the lower confines of the reptilian class ; and as this existing annectant genus is allied to the perennibran- chiate Batrachians, so the Dendrodus may have linked some extinct group of the class of fishes with the equally extinct family of sauroid Batrachians which have been termed “ Labyrinthodonts.” Sect. IL—TEETH OF REPTILES. In the class Reptilia, the whole order of Chelonia is edentulous, as well as the family of toads (Bufonidce), in the order Batrachia ; certain extinct genera of Saurians were edentulous, e.g., the remarkable Rhynchosaurus of the New Red Sandstone of Shropshire, and some of the extinct Saurians of South Africa. In the tortoises and turtles, the jaws are covered by a sheath of horn, which in some species is of considerable thickness, and very dense ; its working surface is trenchant in the carnivorous species, but variously sculptured, and adapted for both cutting and bruising, in the vegetable feeders ; it may be said that the transitory condition of the mandibles of the batrachian larvae is here persistent. The development of the continuous horny maxillary sheath commences, as in the parrot tribe, from a series of distinct papillae, which sink into alveolar cavities, regularly arranged (in Trionyx) along the margins of the upper and lower jaw-bones; these alveoli are indicated by the persistence of vascular canals long after the originally separate tooth¬ like cones have become confluent and the horny sheath completed. The teeth of the dentigerous saurian, ophidian, and batrachian reptiles are for the most part simple, and adapted for seizing and holding, but not for dividing or masticating their food. The siren alone combines true teeth with a horny maxillary trenchant sheath, like that of Teeth of the chelonian reptiles. Reptiles. With respect to number, in no existing reptiles are the teeth reduced so low as in certain mammals and fishes; Number, nor, on the other hand, are they ever so multiplied as in many of the latter class. The extinct dicynodont reptiles of South Africa had but two teeth, which were long tusks implanted in the upper jaw (fig. 44).1 Some species of Amphisbeena (A. alba), with fifteen teeth in the upper jaw and fourteen in the lower, afford examples of the smallest number of teeth amongst existing reptiles ; and certain Batrachians, with teeth “en cardes” at the roof of the mouth, or which have upwards of eighty teeth in each lateral maxillary series, present the largest number. It is rarely that the number of the teeth is fixed and determinate in any reptile, so as to be characteristic of the species ; and still more rarely have the individual teeth such characters as to be determined homologically from one species to another. The teeth of reptiles, with few exceptions, present a Form, simple conical form, with the crown more or less curved, and the apex more or less acute. The cone varies in length and thickness; its transverse section is sometimes circular, but more commonly elliptical or oval, and this modification of the cone may be traced through every gradation, from the thick, round, canine-like tooth of the crocodile, to the sabre-shaped fang of the Varanus, the Megalosaur, and Cladeiodon.2 Sometimes, as in the fully- formed teeth of the Megalosaur, one of the margins of the compressed crown of the tooth is trenchant, sometimes both are so ; and these may be simply sharp-edged, as in the Varanus of Timor, or finely serrated, as in the great Varanus, the Cladeiodon, and the Megalosaur.3 The outer surface of the crown of the tooth is usually smooth: it may be polished, as in the Leiodon; or impressed with fine lines, as in the Labyrinthodon (fig. 11) ; or raised into many narrow ridges, as in the Pleiosaur and Polypty- chodon; or broken by a few broad ridges, as in the Iguano- don (fig. 42) ; or grooved by a single longitudinal furrow, as in some lizards and serpents (fig. 38).4 The cone is longest, and its summit sharpest, in the serpent; from these may be traced, chiefly in the lizard tribe, a progressive shortening, expansion of the base, and,blunting of the apex of the tooth, until the cone is reduced to a hemispherical tubercle or plate, as in the Thorictes and Cyclodus. The extinct Placodus was remarkable for the great size of its flat crushing teeth; in one species (PL laticeps) the diameter of the crown of the last palatal tooth is one inch four lines, the length of the skull being eight inches: this is the largest proportional grinding-tooth in the animal kingdom. In the Pleiosaur, the dental cone is three-sided, with one of the angles rounded off. The posterior subcompressed teeth of the alligator (fig. 46) present a new modification of form ; here they terminate in a mammillate summit, supported by a slightly constricted neck. In the tooth of the Hyloeosaur the expanded summit is flattened, bent, and spear-shaped, with the edges blunted. But the breadth of the compressed crown is greatest in the subcompressed teeth of the extinct Cardiodon and the existing Iguanas, the teeth of which latter reptiles are further complicated by having the margins notched. The great Iguanodon had the crown of the tooth expanded both in length and breadth, and combined marginal dentations with longitudinal ridges; this tooth (fig. 42) presents the most complicated external form as yet discovered in the class of reptiles. In no reptiles does the base of the tooth ever branch into fangs. With respect to situation, the teeth may be present on Situation. 1 Transactions of the Geological Society, 2d series, vol. vii., p. 59. 3 Ibid., fig. 60. 2 Odontography, pi. Ixii. A, fig. 4. 4 Ibid., pi. Ixv. 0 D O N T ’ Teeth of the jaws only,—viz., the maxillary, premaxillary, and man- Iteptiles. dibular bones, as in the crocodiles, and many hzaids, or upon the jaws and roof of the mouth ; and here, either upon the pterygoid bones, as in the Iguana and Mosasaur; or upon both palatine and pterygoid bones, as in most serpents; or upon the vomer, as in most Batrachians ; or upon both vomerine and pterygoid bones, as in the Axolotl; or upon the vomerine and phenoid bones, as in the sala- mandra glutinosa, Maclure. W ith respect to the marginal or jaw teeth, these may be absent in the premaxillary bones, as in many serpents ; or they may be present in the upper and not in the lower jaw, as in most frogs; or in both upper and lower jaws, as in the tailed Batrachians ; and among these they may be supported, upon the lower jaw, by the premandibular or dentary piece, as in the Salamander, Menopome, Amphiume, Proteus ; or upon the splenial piece,1 as in the Siren ; or upon both the splenial and premandibular bones, as in the Axolotl. The palatine and pterygoid teeth may, in the Batrachians, be arranged in several rows, like the “ dents en cardes of fishes. I he sphenoid and splenial teeth are always so arranged in the few species that possess them. The premaxillary, maxillary, and premandibular teeth are uniserial, or in one row, with the exception of the Ccecilia^ and the extinct Labyrintho- donts, which have a double row of teeth at the anterior part of the lower jaw. Attach- As a general rule, the teeth of reptiles are anchylosed to meat. the bone which supports them; when they continue dis¬ tinct, they may be lodged either in a continuous groove, as in the Ichthyosaurs,2 or in separate sockets, as in the Plesiosaurs and crocodiles (fig. 46). The base of the tooth is anchylosed to the walls of a moderately deep socket in the extinct Megalosaur and Theocodon. In the Labyrinthodonts and Caecilise, among the Batrachians, in most Ophidians,—and in the Geckos, IAgamians, and Varanians, among the Saurians,—the base of the tooth is imbedded in a shallow socket, and is confluent therewith. In the Scincoidians, the safeguards {Tejus) in most Iguanians, in the Chameleons, and most other lacer- tian reptiles, the tooth is anchylosed by an oblique surface, extending from the base, more or less, upon the outer side of the crown, to an external alveolar plate of bone,3 the inner alveolar plate not being developed. In the frogs, the teeth are similarly but less firmly attached to an external parapet of bone. The lizards, which have their teeth thus attached to the side of the jaw, are termed “ Pleurodont.” In a few Iguanians, as the Istiures, the teeth appear to be soldered to the margins of the jaws; these have been termed “ Acrodonts.” In some large extinct Lacertians,—e.^., the Mosasaur and Leiodon,—the tooth is fixed upon a raised conical process ofbone, as shown in the author’s “ Odon¬ tography,” plate 68, fig. 1 ; and plate 72, fig. 2. These modifications of the attachment of the teeth of reptiles are closely adapted to the destiped application of those instruments, and relate to the habits and food of the species: we may likewise perceive that they offer a close analogy to some of the transitory conditions of the human teeth. There is a period, for example,* when the primi¬ tive dental papillae are not defended by either an outer or an inner alveolar process, any more than their calcified homologues, which are confluent with the margin of the jaw in the Rhynchocephalus.5 There is another stage,6 in which the groove containing the dental germs is defended by a single external cartilaginous alveolar ridge ; this con¬ dition is permanently typified in the Cyclodus, and most existing lizards (fig. 41). Next, there is developed in the O L 0 G Y. 429 human embryo an internal alveolar plate, and the sacs and Teeth of pulps of the teeth sink into a deep but continuous groove, Reptiles, in which traces of transverse partitions soon make their ^ appearance : in the ancient Ichthyosaur the relation of the jaws to the teeth never advance beyond this stage. Finally, the dental groove is divided by complete par¬ titions,7 and a separate socket is formed for each tooth ; and this stage of development is attained in the highest organized reptiles—e.g., the crocodiles. The tissues entering into the composition of reptilian Substance, teeth may be four-fold, and a single tooth may be composed of dentine, cement, enamel, and bone; but the dentine and cement are present in the teeth of all reptiles. In the Batrachians and Ophidians a thin layer of cement invests the central body of dentine, and, as usual, follows any inflections or sinuosities that may characterize the dentine. Besides the outer coat of cement, which is thickest at the base of the teeth, a generally thin coat of enamel defends the crown of the tooth in most Saurians, and the last remains of the pulp are not unfrequently converted into a coarse bone, both in the teeth which are anchylosed to the jaw, and in some teeth, as those of the Ichthyosaur, which remain free. The only modification of the dentine, which could at all en¬ title it to be regarded in the light of a new or distinct sub¬ stance, is thatwhich is peculiar in the present class to the teeth of the Iguanodon, and which will be presently described. The varieties of dental structure are few in the rep- Structure, tiles, as compared with either fishes or mammals, and its most complicated condition arises from interblending of the dentinal and other substances, rather than from modifications of the tissues themselves. In the teeth of most reptiles, the intimate structure of the dentine coi res¬ ponds with that which has been described as the type, of the tissue,—e.g., the hard or unvascular dentine,—and which is the prevailing modification in mammals, viz., the radiation of a system of minute plasmatic tubes from a single pulp- cavity, at right angles to the external surface of the tooth. The most essential modification of this structure is the intermingling of cylindrical processes of the pulp-cavity in the form of medullary canals, with the finer tubular struc¬ ture.8 Another modification is that in which the dentine maintains its normal structure, but is folded inwardly upon itself, so as to produce a deep longitudinal indentation on one side of the tooth. It is the expansion of the bottom of such a longitudinal deep fold that forms the central canal of the venom-fang of the serpent; but a glance at fig. 39 will show that, notwithstanding the singularly modified dis¬ position of the dentine (6), its structure remains unaltered; and although the pulp-cavity {p) is reduced to the form of a crescentic fissure, the dentinal tubes continue to radiate from it according to the usual law. By a similar inflection of many vertical longitudinal folds of the external cement and external surface of the tooth, at regular intervals around the entire circumference of the tooth, and by a correspond¬ ing extension of radiated processes of the pulp-cavity and destine into the interspaces of such inflected and converg¬ ing folds, a modification of dental structure is established in certain extinct reptiles, which, by the various sinuosities of the interblended folds of cement, and processes of dentine, with the partial dilations of the radiated pulp-cavity, pro¬ duces the complicated structure, which has been described at page 412, and figured in cut 12. But this complication is, nevertheless, referable to a modification of form or arrangement of the dental tissues, rather than of their number in the same tooth: the dentinal tubes in each 1 “ Opercular bone ” of Cuvier (in reptiles). 2 Odontography, pi. xiii., fig. 9. 4 At the sixth week of gestation. See Prof. Goodsir “ On the Development of the Human Teeth,” Edinburgh Medical and Surgical , ° 2d Series, vol. vil.. I)t. 11.. ol. vi., figs. O and O, p. od. Journal, No. 138. 6 At the seventh or eighth week. (Ibid.) 6 Geological Transactions, 2d Series, vol. vn., pt. n., pi. vi., figs, o and b, p. Sd. 7 At the sixth month. (Ibid.) 8 Odontography, pi. Ixxi., “ Iguanodon. 430 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Reptiles. Develop¬ ment. Katrachia. sinuous lobe of dentine in the most complex tooth of the Labyrinthodon exhibit the same general disposition and course as in the fang of the serpent, and in the still more simple tooth of the Saurian. The teeth of reptiles are never completed, as in certain fishes, at the first or papillary stage ; the pulp in all sinks into a follicle, and becomes inclosed by a capsule : in cer¬ tain reptiles this becomes more or less surrounded by bone ; but in the existing species the process of development never offers the “ eruptive stage,” in the sense in which this is usually understood, as signifying the extrication of the young tooth from a closed alveolus. The completion of a tooth, with the exception of the extinct dicynodont rep¬ tiles, is soon followed by preparation for its removal and succession : the faculty of developing new tooth-germs seems to be unlimited in the present class, and the phenomena of dental decadence and replacement are manifested at every period of life. The number of teeth is generally the same in each successive series, and the difference of size pre¬ sented by the teeth of different and distinct series is con¬ siderable. The new germ is always developed, in the first instance, at the side of the base of the old tooth, never in the cavity of the base: the crocodiles form no exception to this rule. The poison-fangs of serpents succeed each other from behind forwards: in almost every other instance the germ of the successional tooth is developed from the bottom and towards the outer side of a small fissure in the mucous membrane or gum that fills up the shallow groove at the inside of the alveolar parapet and its adherent teeth ; the papilla is soon enveloped by a capsular process of the sur¬ rounding membrane ; a small enamel-pulp is developed in the matrix opposite the apex of the tooth ; the deposition of the earthy salts in this mould is accompanied by ossification of the capsule, which afterwards proceeds pari passu with the calcification of the dentinal papilla or pulp; so that, with the exception of its base, the surface of the uncalcified part of the pulp alone remains normally unadherent to the capsule. As the tooth acquires hardness and size, it presses against the base of the contiguous attached tooth, causes a progressive absorption of that part (fig. 46, a), and finally undermines, displaces, and replaces its predeces¬ sor. The number of nascent matrices of the successional teeth is so great in the frog, and they are crowded so close together, that it is not unusual to find the capsules of con¬ tiguous tooth-germs becoming adherent together as their calcification proceeds. After a brief maceration, the soft gum may be stripped from the shallow alveolar depression, and the younger tooth-germs in different stages of growth are brought away with it. The mode of development of the teeth of serpents does not differ essentially from that of the teeth of the Batra- chians above described, except in the relation of the papillae of the successional poison-fangs to the branch of the poison- duct that traverses the cavity of the loose mucous gum in which they are developed. The variations which the dental system presents in the Batrachian order of reptiles are more conspicuous in the number, situation, and structure of the teeth, than in their form or mode of attachment. Certain Batrachians are edentulous, as the genus Hyla- plesia, among the tree frogs, and the Bufonidce, or family of toads—some of the species of Bombinator excepted. The teeth, when present, are generally numerous, simple, of small and equal size, and close-set, either in a single row, or aggregated like the teeth of a rasp. It is not without interest to observe, that a characteristic condition of the dental system in fishes—viz., the absence of teeth on the superior maxillary bone,—is continued in those genera of perennibranchiate Batrachians which stand at the lowest steps of the reptilian class. In the Siren {Siren lacertina, Linn.), the lower margin of the intermaxillary bones, and the sloping anterior and upper margin of the lower jaw, are trenchant, and are each incased in a sheath of firm, albuminous, minutely fibrous tissue, harder than horn. The bones thus armed slide upon each other like the blades of a pair of curved scissors, when the mouth is closed, and are well adapted for dividing the bodies of small fish, aquatic larvae, worms, &c. The splenial or opercular element in the jaw is beset with numerous minute pointed teeth, arranged in short oblique rows, and directed obliquely backwards. The palatal surface of the mouth presents on each side two flat, thin, and moderately broad bones, forming an apparently single oblique oval plate, which converges to meet its fellow at the anterior part of the palate, so as conjointly to constitute a broad rasp-like surface in the form of a chevron. The anterior long plate on each side of the divided vomer, supports six or seven oblique rows of small pointed retroverted teeth ; the smallest posterior plate, probably the homologue of the pterygoid, is beset with four rows of similar teeth ; there being thus ten or eleven rows on each side of the palatal chevron. The number of denticles in the middle rows is eleven or twelve ; these become fewer in the anterior and posterior rows ; they are all of similar size and form, corresponding with those of the lower jaw, to which they are opposed. The condition of the dental system in this, the lowest of the Batrachia is not without interest, independently of the absence of the superior maxillary teeth, and of the presence of the palatal and inferior maxillary rasp-teeth (dents en cardes). The maxillary sheaths of the Siren being com¬ posed of horn, and being, moreover, easily detached from the subjacent bones, closely resemble the deciduous man¬ dibles of the tadpoles of the higher Batrachians. The Proteus anguinus, though retaining its external gills, offers a further advance to the dental characters of the higher Batrachians. The alveolar border of each inter¬ maxillary bone is armed with a row of eight or ten minute and fine sharp-pointed teeth ; each premandibular bone supports a greater number of similar but larger teeth, like¬ wise arranged in a single row. The vomerine bones sup¬ port a row of denticles, similar, and parallel to, the inter¬ maxillary crescentic series: but the horns of the palatine dental crescent are continued much farther back, and ter¬ minate, as in the Menobranchus, on the anterior part of the pterygoid bones ; each half of the crescentic or chevron¬ shaped series contains twenty-four teeth. The superior maxillary bones are repre¬ sented in the Proteus by mere cartilaginous rudi¬ ments. The Menopome makes a nearer approach to the caducibranchiate group, and allies itself most closely with the gigantic newt of Japan (Sieboldtia, Bonap.), and with that/7! equally gigantic extinct species of newt so noted in Palaeontology, as the “ Homo diluvii testis ” of Scheuchzer. The single F.g g. close-set series of small,Qranjnm an^ Upper Jaw and Teeth of the equal, conical, and slightly Menopome. (Menopoma aUeghanniense). recurved teeth describes a semicircle on both the upper and the lower jaws; in the former the majority are supported by true maxillary bones b, about eight or ten on the premaxillaries a. The row of similar but smaller teeth on the anterior expanded border of the divided vomer c runs parallel with, and at a short distance behind, the median part of the maxillary series. The pre¬ mandibular teeth are received into the narrow interspace Teeth of Reptiles. i 1 ( ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of between the two rows in the upper jaw when the mouth is Reptiles, closed. The teeth of the Menopome, as of the Amphiume are anchylosed by their base and part of the outer side to a slightly elevated external alveolar ridge. Genus Labyrinthodon.—The dental system in this ex¬ tinct genus is more formidable than in any existing Ba- trachian, the teeth being implanted in distinct sockets, and a few of the anterior ones developed into large tusks Ophidia. (fig. 11). A close-set series of subsequent teeth extends along the alveolar border of both upper and lower jaws, and along the anterior part of the outer margin of each broad vomerine bone. Both the division and dentigerous character of this bone exemplify the batrachian affinities of the reptiles in question. Two or three canine-shaped teeth, at least three times the size of the serial teeth, are placed in the pre¬ maxillary bones, also at the anterior and external angle of each vomer, at the fore-part of the maxillaries, and behind the anterior extremity of the serial teeth of the lowrer jaw. This allocation of teeth in a double row is peculiar, among reptiles, to the Cecilia and the present equally aberrant form of Batrachian : it is a common dental character in the class of fishes. But the remarkable characteristic of the teeth of the Labyrinthodonts is the complex structure described in the general introduction, and illustrated in fig. 12. By this character the author, in 1841,1 determined the nature of certain fossil teeth which had been found in a member of the New Red Sandstone series in Warwickshire, but which were of extreme rarity in that formation in England. The geological evidence at that period had left it uncer¬ tain whether this light-coloured sandstone was the equivalent of the “Keuper” or “Bunter” division of the German Trias.2 So far as the geological question depended upon the de¬ termination of the generic identity ol the reptilian fossils in the English and German formations, it supported the view entertained by certain geologists as to the correspondence of the Warwick sandstones with the Keuper sandstones ot Germany. And if, on the one hand, geology has in this instance derived any benefit from microscopical investiga¬ tions of animal tissues, on the other hand it must be ad¬ mitted, that in no instance has comparative anatomy been more directly indebted to geology than for the fossils, and the stimulus to their microscopic investigation, by means ol which a knowledge has been obtained of the most beautiful and complicated modification of dental structure hitherto known, and of which no adequate conception could have been gained from investigations, however close and exten¬ sive, of the teeth of existing species of animals. The order Ophidia, as it is characterized in the system of Cuvier, requires to be divided into two sections, according to the nature of the food, and the consequent modification of the jaws and teeth. Certain species, which subsist on worms, insects, and other small invertebrate animals, have the tympanic pedicle, of the lower jaw immediately and immovably articulated to the walls of the cra¬ nium. The lateral branches of the lower jaw are fixed together at the symphysis, and are opposed by the usual vertical movement to a similarly complete maxiilary arch above; these belong to the genera Amphisboena and Anguis of Linnaeus, the latter represented by our common slow-worm. The rest of the Ophidians, including the ordinary serpents and constrictors, which form the typical members, and by far the greatest proportion of the order, prey upon living animals of frequently much greater diameter than their own ; and the maxillary apparatus is conformably and pecu¬ liarly modified to permit of the requisite distension of the soft par'.s surrounding the mouth, and the transmission of their prey to the digestive cavity. In the present article the description will be restricted to the dental peculiarities of the true serpents. All these subsist on animal matter, and swallow their food whole, whether they prey on living animals, as is the case in almost every species, or feed on the eggs of birds, as in the Deirodon scaber, 0. (Coluber scaber Linn.) With the exception of this and some congeneric species, in which the teeth of the qrdinary bones of the mouth are so minute as to have been deemed wanting, the maxillary and premandibular bones in all true Ophidians are formidably armed with sharp.pointed teeth; there is on each side of the palate a row of similar teeth supported by the palatine and pterygoid bones. In the great Pythons, and some species of boa, the premaxillary bone also sup¬ ports teeth. All the teeth, whatever be their position, present a simple conical form, the cone being long, slender, and terminated by an acute apex, and the tooth is either straight, or, more com¬ monly, bent a little beyond the base, or simply recurved, or with a slight sigmoid flexure. The teeth are thus adapted for piercing, tearing, and holding, and not for dividing or bruising. In some species certain teeth are traversed by a longitudinal groove for conveying an acrid saliva into the wounds which they inflict; in others, two or more teeth are longitudinally perforated for trans¬ mitting venom ; such teeth are called “ poison-fangs” (fig. 38, b), and are always confined to the superior maxillaries, and are generally placed near the anterior extremity of those bones. In the genus Deirodon, the teeth of the ordinary bones of the mouth are so small as to be scarcely perceptible, and they appear to be soon lost; so that it has been described as an edentulous ser¬ pent. An acquaintance with the habits and food of this species has shown how admirably this apparent defect is adapted to its wellbeing. Its business is to restrain the undue increase of the smaller birds by devouring their eggs. Now, if the teeth had existed of the ordinary form and proportions in the maxillary and palatal regions, the egg would have been broken as soon as it was seized, and much of its nutritions contents would have escaped from the lipless mouth of the snake in the act of deglutition; but, owing to the almost edentulous state of the jaws, the egg glides along the expanded opening unbroken, and it is not until it has reached the gullet, and the closed mouth prevents any escape of the nutritious matter, that the shell is exposed to instruments adapted for its perforation. These instruments consist of the in¬ ferior spinous processes of the seven or eight posterior cervical vertebrae, the extremities of which are capped by a layer of hard cement, and penetrate the dorsal parietes of the oesophagus. They may be readily seen, even in very young subjects, in the interior of that tube in which their points are directed backwards. The shell being sawed open longitudinally by these vertebral teeth, the egg is crushed by the contractions of the gullet, and is carried to the stomach, where the shell is no doubt soon dissolved by the acid gastric juice. In the boa-constrictor, the teeth are slender, conical, suddenly bent backwards and inwards above their base of attachment, with the crown straight or very slightly curved, as in the posterior teeth. The premaxillary bone supports four small teeth; each superior maxillary bone has eight much larger ones, which gra¬ dually decrease in size as they are placed farther back. There are eight or nine teeth of similar size and proportions in each preman¬ dibular bone. These teeth are separated by wide intervals, from which other teeth similar to those in place have been detached. The base of each of the above teeth is extended transversely, com¬ pressed antero-posteriorly, and anchylosed to a shallow alveolus extending obliquely across the shallower alveolar groove. An affinity to the lizard tribes is manifested by the greater develop¬ ment of the outer as compared with the inner wall of the alveolar furrow. The palatine teeth, of which there are three or four in each pa¬ latal bone, are as large as the superior maxillary ones, and are simi¬ larly attached. The pterygoid teeth, five or six in number, which complete the internal dental series on the roof of the mouth, are of smaller size, and gradually diminish as they recede backwards. In the interspaces of the fixed teeth in both these bones, the places of attachment of the shed teeth are always visible, so that the dental formula, if it included the vacated with the occupied sockets, would express a greater number of teeth than are ever in place and use at the same time. In the smaller species of boa, the premaxillary bone is edentulous. All the teeth have a lethal perfection of form for piercing. Their direction prevents the escape of the prey in which they are once fixed; while the separate and independent movement of each half of both upper and lower jaw, and of the dentigerous bones of the palate, allows of the different series of teeth being successively withdrawn and implanted in a more ad¬ vanced position in the victim, which is thus gradually drawn into the gullet without the retaining force being unduly relaxed during any part of the engulphing process. The Colubers, like other true serpents, have two longitudinal 431 Teeth of Reptiles. W Proceedings of the Geological Society, Jan. 20, 1811, No. xx., p. 257. 2 Geological Transactions, 2d series, vol. v., p. 345. 432 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of rows of teeth on the roof of the mouth, extending along the pala- Reptiles. tines and pterygoids. The genus Oligodon appears to form the sole exception to this rule. In the Dryinus nasutus, M. Duvernoy has noticed a few small teeth on the transverse bone or external ptery¬ goid, as well as on the internal pterygoid. In certain genera of non-venomous serpents, as Dryophis, Dipsas, and Bucephalus, in which the superior maxillary teeth increase in size towards the posterior part of the bone, the large terminal teet i of the series are traversed along their anterior and convex side by a longitudinal groove. In the Bucephalus capensis, the two or three posterior maxillary teeth present this structure, and are muc larger than the anterior teeth, or those of the palatine or preman- dibular series ; they add materially, therefore, to the power of ie- taining the prey, and may conduct into the wounds which inflict an acrid saliva, but they are not in connection with the duct of an express poison-gland. The long grooved fangs are either firmly fixed to the maxillary bones, or are slightly moveable, according to their period of growth ; they are concealed by a sheath of thick and soft gum, and their points are directed backwards. The sheath always contains loose recumbent grooved teeth, ready to succeed those in place. In most of the Coluhri each maxillary and premandibular bone includes from twenty to twenty-five teeth; they are less numerous in the genera Tortrix and Homalopsis, and are reduced to a still smaller number in the poisonous serpents in the typical genera, of which the short maxillary bone supports only a single perforated fang. The transition to these serpents, which was begun in the Bucephali and allied genera with grooved maxillary teeth, is completed by the poisonous serpents of the genera Pelamis, Hydrophis, Elaps, Bungarus, and Hamadryas; which latter genus, as its cervical integument can be expanded into a hood, constitutes an intermediate link between Bungarus and Naja. The superior maxillary bone (fig. 38, &) diminishes in length with the decreasing number of teeth- which it supports; the ectoe pterygoid bone elongates in ths same ratio, so as to retain itt $ position as an abutment againsd the shortened maxillary, an- the muscles implanted into this ectopterygoid style communi cate, through it, to the maxillary bone, the hinge-like movements backwards and forwards upon Fig. 38. Skull and Teeth of the Rattlesnake {Crotalus durissus). the ginglynoid articulations connecting that bone with the anterior frontal and palatal bones. As the fully-developed poison-fangs are attached by the same firm basal anchylosis to shallow maxillary sockets, which forms the characteristic mode of attachment of the simple or solid teeth, they necessarily follow all the movements of the superior maxillary bone. When the external pterygoid is re¬ tracted, the superior maxillary rotates backwards, and the poison- fang is concealed in the lax mucous gum with its point turned backwards; when the muscles draw forward the external ptery¬ goid, the superior maxillary bone is pushed forwards, and the recumbent fang withdrawn from its concealment and erected. In this power of changing the direction of a large tooth, so that it may not impede the passage of food through the mouth, we may perceive an analogy between the viper and the Lophius; but in the fish the movement is confined to the tooth alone, and is dependent on the mere physical property of the elastic medium of attachment; in the serpent, the tooth has no independent motion, but rotates with the jaw, whose movements are governed by muscular actions. In the fish, the great teeth are erect, except when pressed down by some extraneous force ; in the serpent, the habitual position of the fang is the recumbent one, and its erection takes place only when the envenomed blow is to be struck. A true idea of the structure of a poison-fang will be formed by supposing the crown of a simple tooth, as that of a boa, to be pressed flat, and its edges to be then bent towards each other, and soldered together so as to form a hollow cylinder open at both ends. The flattening of the fang, and its inflection around the poison-duct, commences immediately above the base, and the suture of the in¬ flected margins runs along the anterior and convex side of the recurved fang : the poison canal is thus in front of the pulp-cavity. The basal aperture of the poison-canal is oblique, and its opposite outlet is more so, presenting the form of a narrow elliptical longi¬ tudinal fissure, terminating at a short distance from the apex of the fang. The character most commonly adduced from the dental system, as distinguishing the venomous from the non-venomous serpents, is, that the former have two, the latter four, rows of teeth in the upper jaw, the two outer or maxillary rows being supplied by the single poison-fang. The exceptions to this rule are, however, too nume¬ rous for its value as a distinguishing character in a question of such practical moment as the venomous or non-venomous properties Teeth of of a serpent. In all the family of marine serpents the poison-fang Reptiles, is only the foremost of a row of fixed maxillary teeth. In the ^ Hydrophis striatus, e.g,, there are four teeth, and in the Hydrophis schistosa there are five teeth behind the venom-fang, of rather smaller size than it; the two-coloured sea-snake (Pelamys bicolor) has also five maxillary teeth in addition to the perforated one. The poison-fang in this genus is relatively smaller than in 'the venomous serpents of the land, but presents the same peculiar structure, and death has followed the wound it has inflicted. The poison-glands occupy the sides of the posterior half of the head: each consists of a number of elongated narrow lobes, extending from the main duct, which runs along the lower border of the gland, upwards and slightly backwards; each lobe gives off lobules throughout its extent, thus presenting a pinnatifid structure ; and each lobule is subdivided into smaller secerning caeca, which con¬ stitute the ultimate structure of the gland. The whole gland is surrounded by a double aponeurotic capsule, of which the outermost and strongest layer is in connection with the muscles by whose contraction the several caeca and lobes of the gland are compressed and emptied of their secretion. This is then conveyed by the duct to the basal aperture of the poison-canal of the fang. We may suppose that, as the analogous lacrymal and salivary glands in other animals are most active during particular emotions, so the rage which stimulates the venom-snake to use its deadly weapon must be accompanied with an increased secretion and great distension of the poison-glands; and, as the action of the compressing muscles is contemporaneous with the blow by which the serpent inflicts its wound, the poison is at the same moment injected with force into the wound from the apicaT outlet of the perforated fang. The duct which conveys the poison, although it runs through the centre of a great part of the tooth, is really on the outside of the tooth—the canal in which it is lodged and protected being formed by a longitudinal inflection of the parietes of the pulp-cavity, or true internal canal of the tooth. This inflection commences a little beyond the base of the tooth, where its nature is readily appre¬ ciated, as the poison-duct there rests in a slight groove or longi¬ tudinal indentation on the convex side of the fang; as it proceeds, it sinks deeper into the substance of the tooth, and the sides of the groove meet and seem to coalesce, so that the trace of the inflected fold ceases in some species to be perceptible to the naked eye, and the fang appears, as it is commonly described, to be perforated by the duct in the poison-fang. From the real nature of the poison-canal it follows, that the transverse section of the tooth varies in form in different parts of the tooth. At the base it is oblong, with a large pulp-cavity of a corresponding form, with an entering notch at the anterior surface; farther on, the transverse section presents the form of a horse-shoe, and the pulp-cavity that of a crescent, the horns of which extend into the sides of the deep cavity of the poison-fang; a little be¬ yond this part the section of the tooth is crescentic, with the horns obtuse and in contact, so as to circumscribe the poison-canal; and along the whole of the middle four-sixths of the tooth, the section shows the dentine of the fang inclosing the poison-cavity, and hav¬ ing its own centre or pulp-cavity p, in the form of a cres¬ centic fissure, situ¬ ated close to the concave border of the inflected sur¬ face of the tooth. It is such a section of which a magni¬ fied view is given in fig. 39. The pulp- cavity disappears, and the poison-canal again assumes the form of a groove near the apex of the fang, and termi¬ nates on the ante¬ rior surface in an elongated fissure. The venom-fangs of the viper, rattle¬ snake, and fer-de-lance are coated only with a thin layer of a subtransparent and minutely-cellular cement; the disposition of the calcigerous tubes is obedient to the general law of verticality to the external surface of the tooth : it is represented, as seen in a transverse section from the middle of the fang, in fig. 39. Since the inflected surface of the tooth can be exposed to no other pres- Fig. 33. Transverse Section of the Poison-Fang of a Rattlesnake. ODONTOLOGY. 433 Teeth of sure than that of the turgescent duct with which it is in contact, Reptiles, the tubes which proceed to that surface, v, while maintaining their usual relation of the right angle to it, are extremely short, and the layer of dentine separating the poison-tube from the pulp-cavity p is proportionably thin. The dentinal tubes that radiate from the opposite side of the pulp-cavity to the exposed surface of the tooth d are disproportionately long. The teeth of all Ophidians are developed and completed in that which is the original seat of the tooth-germs in all animals viz., the mucous membrane or gum covering the alveolar border of the dentigerous bones. This gum presents the same lax tissue, and is as abundantly developed, as in the pike, Lophius, and many other fishes, in which it likewise serves as the nidus and locality for the complete development of the teeth. The primitive dental papilla in the common harmless snake very soon sinks into the substance of the gum, and becomes inclosed by a capsule. As soon as the deposition of the calcareous salts com¬ mences in the apex of the papilla, the capsule covering that part becomes ossified and adherent to the dentine, and the tooth begins to pierce and emerge from the gums before its mould, the pulp, is half completed. Fresh layers of cells are successively added to the base of the pulp, and converted by their confluence and calci¬ fication into the tubular dentine, until the full size of the tooth is attained, when its situation in the gum is gradually changed, and its base becomes anchylosed to the shallow cavity of the alveolar surface of the bone. In the posterior part of the large mucous sheath of the poison- fang, the successors of this tooth are always to be found in different stages of development: the pulp is at first a simple papilla, and when it has sunk into the gum, the succeeding portion presents a depression along its inferior surface, as it lies horizontally with the apex directed backwards. The capsule adheres to this in¬ flected surface of the pulp; and the introduction of the duct of the poison-gland is completed by the extension of the borders of the inflected pulp around that tube. Lacertia. Among the inferior or squamate Saurians (lizards, monitors, igua¬ nas) there are two leading modifications in the mode of attachment of the teeth, the base of which may be either anchylosed to the sum¬ mit of an alveolar ridge, or to the bottom of an alveolar groove, and supported by its lateral wall ; these modifications are indi¬ cated by the terms “ acrodont” and “ pleurodont.” A third mode of fixation is presented by some extinct Saurians, which in other parts of their organization adhere to the squamate or lacertine division of the order,—the teeth being implanted in sockets, either loosely or confluent with the bony walls of the cavity: these may be termed the “ thecodont”1 Lacertians. Most of the ancient triassic and permian Saurians belong to this group. Varanidte. In the crocodilian monitor-lizard (Varanus crocodilinus), the large fixed compressed teeth, of which there may be about seven in each upper maxillary bone, and six in each premandibular, are anchy¬ losed by the whole of their base, and by an oblique surface leading upwards on the outer side of the tooth to a slight depression on the oblique alveolar surface, as in the variety called striatus. In this monitor the base of the tooth is finely striated, the lines being pro¬ duced by inflected folds of the external cement, as in the Ichthyo¬ saur and Labyrinthodon, but being short and straight, as in those of the former genus. The alveolar channel or groove has scarcely any depth; but the anchylosed base of the tooth is applied to an oblique surface, ter¬ minating in a sharp edge, from which the outer side of the free crown of the tooth is directly continued. The great Varanus, like the variegated species, manifests its affinity to the Crocodilians in the number of successive teeth which are in progress of growth to replace each other; but from the position in which the germs of the successional teeth are developed, the more advanced teeth in this species, as in the variety variegatus, do not exhibit the exca¬ vation that characterizes the same parts of the teeth of the Enalio- saurs and crocodile. Dinosauria. The compressed piercing and trenchant form of tooth which characterizes the varanian lizards was anciently manifested by a gigantic extinct Saurian, of which the remains were discovered by the late Dr Buckland in the oolitic slate of Stonesfield, near Oxford. These remains have been examined by the writer in the geological museum of that university. The specimen which is most illustra¬ tive of the dental peculiarities is a portion of the lower jaw with a few teeth. The first character which attracts the attention of the anatomist in this fossil is the inequality in the height of the outer and inner alveolar walls. This assures him of the saurian affinities of the gigantic reptile, a similar inequality characterizing the jaws of almost all the existing lizards. But in these the oblique groove, so bounded, to which the bases of the developed teeth are anchy¬ losed, is much more shallow, and is relatively wider ; and the teeth in all the stages of growth are completely exposed when the Teeth of gum has been removed. Reptiles. In the great oolitic carnivorous lizard, which its discoverer has i / called Megalosaurus, the greater relative development of the inner M . alveolar wall, as compared with the dentigerous part of the jaw in 1 osau‘ existing Saurians, narrows the dental groove, and covers a greater proportion of the bases of the teeth, besides concealing more or less completely the germs of their successors. Moreover, instead of the mere shallow impressions upon the inner side of the outer alveolar plate to which the teeth are attached in modern lizards, there are distinct sockets formed by bony partitions connecting the outer with the inner alveolar wall in the jaw of the Megalosaurus. These partitions rise from the outer side of the inner alveolar wall in the form of triangular vertical plates of bone, and from the middle of the outer side of each plate a bony partition crosses to the outer parapet, completing the alveoli of the fully-formed or more advanced teeth; the series of triangular plates forming a kind of zig-zag buttress along the inner side of those alveoli. The outer parapet rises an inch higher than the inner one. Of the fully-developed teeth, only one has been preserved in situ, in the specimen under description; the others appear rather to have slipped out than to have been broken off, the anchyloses of the basal capsule of the tooth to the alveolar periosteum being but slight, and apparently taking place tardily, in the Megalosaurus. Fig. 40 exhibits a portion of another jaw of the Megalosaurus, also Eig. 40. Section of Jaw with Teeth of the Megalosaurus BuMandi, nat. size, from Stonesfield oolite, from which the inner wall has been removed 3 i VOL. XVI. 1 0»x», a sheath ; oou;, a tooth. ODONTOLOGY. 434 Teeth of to show the germ of a successional tooth c, about to succeed an old Reptiles, tooth a, which has been broken, and near to which is a newly- v J formed tooth coming into place &. These teeth well exemplify the shape of the crown of the tooth, which is subcompressed, slightly re¬ curved, sharp-edged, and sharp-pointed, the edges being minutely serrated; the edge upon the convex or front border b becomes blunted as it descends about two-thirds of the way towards the base of the tooth; that upon the concave hinder border a is continued to the base. The lower half of the crown is thicker towards the fore margin than towards the hind one; so that a transverse section, like that above (a, in fig. 40), gives a narrow oval form pointed behind. At the upper half of the crown the sides slope more equally from the middle thickest part to both margins, and the section is a narrow pointed ellipse. The crown is covered by a smooth and polished enamel, which wholly forms the marginal serrations. The base of the tooth is coated with a smooth, lighter-coloured cement, forming a thin layer, and becoming a little thicker towards the implanted end of the tooth. The remains of the pulp are converted into osteo- dentine in the basal part of the completely formed tooth. Moderately magnified, the surface of the enamel presents a finely-wrinkled ap¬ pearance. The marginal serrations show, under a somewhat higher power, that the points are directed towards the apex of the tooth a structure well adapted for dividing the tough tissues of the saurian integument. The main body of the tooth consists of dentine, of that hard unvascular kind of which the same part of the teeth of existing crocodiles and most mammals is composed. The dentinal tubules in the Megalosaurus are extremely fine and close-set, presenting a diameter of ^i^th of an inch, with interspaces varying between two and three times that diameter. They radiate from the pulp- cavity at right angles with the external surface of the tooth. The primary curvatures correspond with those of the dentinal tubules in the Varanus (figured in the author’s Odontography, plate Ixvii., fig. 2), but they are less marked; so that the tubules appear straighter in the Megalosaurus. After their origin, they dichoto¬ mize sparingly, but the number of minute secondary branches sent off into the intermediate substance is very great. These secondary branches proceed at acute angles from the primary tubules; the divisions of the latter become very frequent near the periphery of the dentine, and the terminal branches dilate into, or inosculate with, a stratum of minute calcigerous cells, which separates the dentine from the enamel.1 No part of the dentine is pervaded by medullary canals, as in the Iguanodon. A series of teeth from individual Megalosauri, of different ages, are preserved in the British Museum and in the geological museum at Oxford; although differing in size, they preserve the character¬ istic form above described. In one specimen the point of the crown and the trenchant margins have been rubbed down to a smooth obtuse surface; it seems to have come from the hinder part of the dental series, where the teeth may have been smaller and less sharp, or more liable to be blunted by a greater share in the imperfect act of mastication, than the teeth in advance. Successional teeth in different stages of growth are shown in the original portion of jaw of the Megalosaurus in the Oxford museum. Some, more advanced, show their crowns projecting from alveoli already formed by the plates extending across from the triangular processes before described. Vacant sockets, from which fully- formed teeth have escaped, occur, generally in the intervals be¬ tween these more advanced teeth. The summits of less developed teeth are seen protruding at the inner side of the basal interspaces of the triangular plate, between them and the true internal alveolar parapet. There can be no doubt that, in the course of the develop¬ ment of these teeth, corresponding changes take place in the jaw itself, by which new triangular plates and alveolar partitions are formed, as the old ones become absorbed, analogous to those con¬ comitant changes in the growth and form of the teeth, alveoli, and jaws which take place in so striking a degree in the elephant. The peculiarity of the Megalosaurus, as compared with the croco¬ diles and lizards, which have a like endless succession of teeth, is the deeper position of the successional tooth (fig. 40, c), in relation to the one (a) it is destined to replace, and the great proportion of the tooth which is formed before it is protruded. This interesting character is well exhibited in the portion of the jaw kindly sub¬ mitted to the author’s examination by the late Duke of Marlborough, and a portion of which is shown in fig. 40. The anterior tooth a in this specimen show's at the inner side of its base the commencing absorption stimulated by the encroaching capsule of the successional tooth c below, the crown of which is completed externally, though not consolidated. On one of the fractured margins of this piece of jaw, a part of the basal shell of an absorbed and shed tooth remains, Teeth of with part of the root of the successional tooth, which has risen into Reptiles, place, but which shows its base full of matrix, the pulp not having , > | , been calcified at that period of the tooth’s growth. In the proportion of the successional teeth which is formed in the formative cavity in the substance of the jaw, the Megalosaurus offers a closer resemblance to the mammalian class than do any of the recent or extinct crocodilian or lacertian reptiles. But the evi¬ dence of uninterrupted and frequent succession of the teeth in the Megalosaurus is unequivocal; and this part of the dental economy of the great carnivorous reptile is strictly analogous to that which governs the same system in the existing members of the class. The different forms of the teeth at different stages of protrusion did not fail to attract the attention of the gifted discoverer of the Megalo¬ saurus, in whose words this notice of its dentition may be fitly concluded:— 11 In the structure of these teeth we find a combination of me¬ chanical contrivances analogous to those which are adopted in the construction of the knife, the sabre, and the saw. When first pro¬ truded above the gum, the apex of each tooth presented a double cutting edge of serrated enamel. In this stage its position and line of action were nearly vertical; and its form, like that of the two- edged point of a sabre, cutting equally on each side. As the tooth advanced in growth, it became curved backwards in the form of a pruning-knife, and the edge of serrated enamel was continued downwards to the base of the inner and cutting side of the tooth, whilst on the outer side a similar edge descended, but a short dis¬ tance from the point; and the convex portion of the tooth became blunt and thick, as the back of a knife is made thick for the pur¬ pose of producing strength. The strength of the tooth was further increased by the expansion of its side. Had the serrature continued along the whole of the blunt and convex portion of the tooth, it would in this position have possessed no useful cutting power; it ceased precisely at the point beyond which it could no longer be effective. In a tooth thus formed for cutting along its concave edge, each movement of the jaw combined the power of the knife and saw ; whilst the apex, in making the first incision, acted like the two-edged point of a sabre. The backward curvature of the full-grown teeth enabled them to retain, like barbs, the prey which they had penetrated, In these adaptations we see contrivances which human ingenuity has also adopted in the preparation of various instruments of art.” 2 The lizards of the Iguanian family are characterized by a short Iguanidae. contractile tongue, slightly notched at its extremity, but are distin¬ guished for the most part by having teeth on the pterygoid bone, and also by the complicated form of the crown of the maxillary teeth in the typical genera, the species of which subsist chiefly on vegetable substances. In most of the Iguanians the teeth are lodged in a com¬ mon shallow, oblique, alveolar groove, and are soldered to excava¬ tions on the inner surface of the outer wall of the groove. In the pleurodont Iguanians, the teeth never present the true laniary form ; and if simply conical, as at the extremes of the maxillary series, the cone is more or less obtuse ; but in general it is expanded, more or less trilobate, or dentated along the margins of the crown. The dentition of the Basilisks differs little from that of the Iguanse. The posterior teeth are rather trilobate than tricuspid; the anterior ones are small, circular, pointed, and slightly curved. There are generally from five to six conical teeth on each pterygoid bone ; but in the mitred Basilisk there are twelve teeth in each of these rows. The Amblyrhynchus, a genus which is somewhat remarkable for the marine habits of at least one of the species (Amblyrhynchus ater), whose diet is sea-weed, has the tricuspid structure well developed in the posterior teeth. The typical genus of the present family of Saurians is charac¬ terized by the crenate or dental margin of the crown of the maxil¬ lary and premandibular teeth, a few of the anterior small ones excepted. The pterygoid teeth are arranged in two or three irre¬ gular rows, resembling somewhat the dents en cardes of fishes. In the full-grown horned Iguana (Metopoceros cornutus, Dum.), there are about fifty-six teeth in both the upper and lower jaws, of which the four first are conical and slightly recurved ; the twelve succeeding teeth are somewhat larger in size, with more compressed and expanded crowns; the rest are triangular, compressed, with dentated margins. The inner surface of the crown of the tooth is simply convex and smooth, the outer surface traversed by a median longitudinal, broad, obtuse ridge. Fig. 41 gives a view of these teeth on the inner side of the lower jaw: a, the teeth in place, anchylosed to the outer parapet of the alveolar groove ; b, the germ 1 The microscopic characters of the tooth of the Megalosaurus are represented in the Odontography, pi. Ixx. A, in part of a transverse section of the middle of the crown, including the pulp-cavity and its osteo-dentine. * Buckland, Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i., p. 237. ODONTOLOGY. 435 Teeth of °f a successional tooth ; c, a tooth more advanced, and rising into nlace. The base of the older teeth soon begins to be sapped by the Fig. 41. Lower Jaw and Teeth of an Iguana (Metopoceros cornutus). successors. In the common as in the horned iguana there is a single row of small teeth implanted in each pterygoid bone; but no iguanian lizard has teeth on the palatine bones. The pulp-cavity in old teeth becomes occupied by a coarse bone, characterized by large irregularly-shaped calciferous cells ; and the interspaces are filled with irregular moss-like reticulations of tubes. Branches of the pulp-cavity are never continued in the form of medullary canals into the substance of the dentine in the existing Iguanae. The germs of the successional teeth {b, fig. 41), are developed from the mucous membrane covering the inner side of the base of those in place. The apex of the dentated crown is first formed ; by its pressure it excites absorption of the base of the fixed tooth, and soon undermines it, and then occupies the recess in the alveolar plate in the interspace of the two adjoining fixed teeth. After the crown is completed, the rest of the tooth forms a contracted and elongated fang, which at first is hollow, then becomes consolidated by ossification of the remaining pulp c, and is afterwards a second time excavated by the pressure of a new tooth. Dinosauria. The value of a knowledge of the comparative anatomy of the teeth, and especially of their external characters, in the cold- Iguanodon. ki00(ied classes of animals, has never, perhaps, been placed in so striking a point of view as in the leading steps to the discovery of the present most extraordinary and gigantic reptile. The detached teeth and bones of the Jguanodon, successively discovered in the Wealden strata of Sussex, and afterwards found associated together to the extent of nearly half the skeleton of one and the same indi¬ vidual, in the greensand of Kent, offer not the least marvellous or significant evidences of the inhabitants of the now temperate lati¬ tudes during the later secondary periods of the formation of the earth’s crust. With vertebrae, subconcave at both articular extremeties, having, in the dorsal region, lofty and expanded neural arches, and doubly articulated ribs, and characterized in the sacral region by their unusual number and complication of structure; with a Lacertian pectoral arch, and unusually large bones of the hind limbs, exca¬ vated by large medullary cavities, and adapted for terrestrial pro¬ gression ;—the Iguanodon was distinguished by teeth, resembling in shape those of the Iguana, but in structure differing from the teeth of that and every other known reptile, and unequivocally indicating the former existence in the Dinosaurian order of a gigantic representative of the small group of living lizards which subsist on vegetable substances. The important difference which the fossil teeth presented in the form of their grinding surface was pointed out by Cuvier,1 of whose description Dr Mantell adopted a condensed view in his Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex, 4to, 1827, p. 72. The com¬ bination of this dental distinction with the vertebral and costal characters, which prove the Iguanodon not to have belonged to the same group of Saurians as that which includes the Iguana and other modern lizards, rendered it highly desirable to ascertain by the improved modes of investigating dental sWucture, the actual amount of correspondence between the Iguanodon and Iguana in this respect. This has been done in the author’s general descrip¬ tion of the teeth of reptiles,2 from which the following notice is abridged :— The teeth of the Iguanodon (fig. 42), though resembling most closely those of the Iguana, do not present an exact magnified image of them, but differ in the greater relative thickness of the crown, its more complicated external surface, and, still more essentially, in a modification of the internal structure, by which the Iguanodon equally deviates from every other known reptile. As in the Iguana, the base of the tooth is elongated and con¬ tracted ; the crown expanded and smoothly convex on the inner side; when first formed it is acuminated, compressed, its sloping sides serrated, and its external surface traversed by a median longi¬ tudinal ridge, and coated by a layer of enamel; but beyond this point the description of the tooth of the Iguanodon indicates cha¬ racters peculiar to that genus. In most of the teeth that have Teeth of hitherto been found, three longitudinal ridges traverse the outer Reptiles, surface of the crown, one on each side of the median primitive _ i Fig. 42. Front and side views of a Tooth of the Iguanodon, nat. size, ridge; these are separated from each other and from the serrated margins of the crown by four wide and smooth longitudinal grooves. The relative width of these grooves varies in different teeth; some¬ times a fourth small longitudinal ridge is developed on the outer side of the crown. The marginal serrations which, at first sight, appear to be simple notches, as in the Iguana, present under a low magnifying power (fig. 43), the form of transverse ridges, themselves notched, so as to resemble the mammilated margins of the unworn plates of the elephant’s grinder; slight grooves lead from the interspaces of these notches upon the sides of the marginal ridges. These ridges or dentations do not extend beyond the expanded part of the crown; the longitudinal ridges are continued farther down, especially the median ones, which do not subside till the fang of the tooth begins to assume its sub- Mar ina^ri^geg cylindrical form. The tooth at first increases both on the Tooth in breadth and thickness ; then it diminishes in ot the Iguano- breadth, but its thickness goes on increasing ; in don’ the larger and fully formed teeth, the fang decreases in every diameter, and sometimes tapers almost to a point. The smooth unbroken surface of such fangs indicates that they did not adhere to the inner side of the maxillae, as in the Iguana, but were placed in separate alveoli, as in the Crocodile and Megalosaur; such sup¬ port would appear, indeed, to be indispensable to teeth so worn by mastication as those of the Iguanodon. The apex of the tooth soon begins to be worn away, and it would appear, by many specimens, that the teeth were retained until nearly the whole of the crown had yielded to the daily abrasion. In these teeth, however, the deep excavation of the remaining fang plainly bespeaks the progress of the successional tooth prepared to supply the place of the worn-out grinder. At the earlier stages of abrasion a sharp edge is maintained at the external part of the tooth by means of the enamel which covers that surface of the crown; the prominent ridges upon that surface give a sinuous contour to the middle of the cutting edge, whilst its sides are jagged by the lateral serrations. The adaptation of this admirable dental instrument to the cropping and comminution of such tough vege¬ table food as the Clathrarice and similar plants, which are found buried with the Iguanodon, is pointed out by Dr Buckland, with his usual felicity of illustration, in his Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i., p. 246. When the crown is worn away beyond the enamel, it presents a broad and nearly horizontal grinding surface (fig. 44). and now another dental substance is brought into use, to give an inequality to that surface; this is the ossi¬ fied remnant of the pulp, which, being firmer than the surrounding dentine, forms a slight transverse ridge in the middle of the grinding surface: the tooth in this stage has exchanged the functions of an incisor for that of a molar, and is prepared to give the final compression, or comminution, to the coarsely divided vegetable matters. The marginal edge of the incisive condition of Fig.44. the tooth and the median ridge of the molar stage A worn Tooth of are more effectually established by the introduc- 116 guail° 0I1‘ Fig. 43 Ossemens Fossiles, 1824, vol. v., pt. ii., p. 351. Odontography, pt. ii., p. 249 ; Transactions of the British Association, 1838. 436 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of tion of a modification into the texture of the dentine, by which it .Reptiles, is rendered softer than in the existing Iguanas and other reptiles, and more easily worn away. This is effected by an arrest of the calcifying process along certain cylindrical tracts of the pulp, which is thus continued, in the form of medullary canals, analogous to those in the soft dentine of the Megatherium’s grinder, from the central cavity, at pretty regular intervals, parallel with the den¬ tinal tubes, nearly to the surface of the tooth. The medullary canals radiate from the internal and lateral sides of the pulp-cavity, and are confined to the dentine forming the corresponding walls of the tooth. Their diameter is ^th of an inch. They are separated by pretty regular intervals equal to from six to eight of their own diameters. They sometimes divide once in their course. Each medullary canal is surrounded by a clear space. Its cavity was occupied in the section described by a substance of a deeper yellow colour than the rest of the dentine. The dentinal tubes present a diameter of j^ogth of an inch, with interspaces equal to about four of their diameters. At the first part of their course, near the pulp-cavity, they are bent in strong undulations, but afterwards proceed in slight and regular primary curves, or in nearly straight lines to the periphery of the tooth. The secondary undulations of each tooth are regular, and very minute. The branches, both primary and secondary, of the dentinal tubes are sent off from the concave side of the main inflections; the minute secondary branches are remarkable at certain parts of the tooth for their flexuous ramifications, anastomoses, and dilata¬ tions into minute calcigerous cells, which take place along nearly parallel lines for a limited extent of the course of the main tubes. The appearance of interruption in the course of the dentinal tubes, occasioned by this modification of their secondary branches, is represented by the irregularly dotted tracts in the figure. This modification must contribute, with the medullary canals, though in a minor degree, in producing that inequality of texture and of density in the dentine, which renders the broad and thick tooth of the Iguanodon more efficient as a triturating instrument. The enamel which invests the harder dentine, forming the outer side of the tooth, presents the same peculiar dirty brown colour, when viewed by transmitted light, as in most other teeth. Very minute and scarcely perceptible undulating fibres, running ver¬ tically to the surface of the tooth, form the only discernible struc¬ ture in it. The remains of the pulp in the contracted cavity of the com¬ pletely formed tooth are converted into a dense but true osseous substance, characterized by minute elliptical radiated cells, whose long axis is parallel with the plane of the concentric lamellae, which surround the few and contracted medullary canals in this substance. The microscopical examination of the structure of the Iguano- don’s teeth thus contributes additional evidence of the perfection of their adaptation to the offices to which their more obvious characters had indicated them to have been destined. To preserve a trenchant edge, a partial coating of enamel is applied; and, that the thick body of the tooth might be worn away in a more regularly oblique plane, the dentine is rendered softer as it recedes from the enamelled edge, by the simple contrivance of arresting the calcifying process along certain tracts of the inner wall of the tooth. When attrition has at length exhausted the enamel, and the tooth is limited to its function as a grinder, a third substance has been prepared in the ossified remnant of the pulp to add to the efficiency of the dental instrument in its final capacity. And if the following reflections were natural and just, after a review of the external characters of the dental organs of the Iguanodon, their truth and beauty become still more manifest as our knowledge of their subject becomes more particular and exact:— “ In this curious piece of animal mechanism we find a varied adjustment of all parts and proportions of the tooth, to the exercise of peculiar functions, attended by compensations adapted to shift¬ ing conditions of the instrument during different stages of its consumption. And we must estimate the works of nature by a different standard from that which we apply to the productions of human art, if we can view such examples of mechanical contriv¬ ance, united with so much economy of expenditure, and with such anticipated adaptations to varying conditions in their application, without feeling a profound conviction that all this adjustment has resulted from design and high intelligence.”1 Dicynodon. The existing species of lizard differ from those of the crocodile in the anchylosed condition of the teeth, which present few modi¬ fications of importance ; those that yield most fruit to physiology, and which have most expanded our ideas of the extent of the re¬ sources and exceptional deviations from what was deemed the rule of structure in the Saurian dentition, have been discovered by the study of the fossil teeth of extinct forms of the order. Amongst these the most extraordinary, in respect of their dental system, have been recently discovered in a probably “ Permian” formation in South Africa. These fossil reptiles have been termed “ Dicyno- donts,” from their dentition being reduced to one long and large canine tooth on each side of the upper jaw, and these teeth impart, at first sight, a character to the jaws like that which the long poison-fangs give, when erected, to the jaws of the rattlesnake. Fig. 45 is a reduced side view of the skull and teeth of the Teeth of Reptiles. Fig. 45. Skull and Tusks of Dicynodon lacerticeps. Dicynodon lacerticeps. The maxillary bone is excavated by a wide and deep alveolus, with a circular area of half an inch, and lodges a long and strong, slightly curved, and sharp-pointed canine tooth or tusk c, which projects about two-thirds of its length from the open extremity of the socket. The direction of the tusks is for¬ wards, downwards, and very slightly inwards; the two converging in the descent along the outer side of the compressed symphysis of the lower jaw. The tusk is principally composed of a body of com¬ pact unvascular dentine. The base is excavated by a wide conical pulp-cavity, with the apex extending to about one-half of the im¬ planted part of the tusk, and a linear continuation extending along the centre of the solid part of the tusk. From this central line the dentinal tubes radiate, with a gentle curve at the beginning, con¬ vex towards the point of the tusk, and then proceeding straight to the periphery of the tooth, but inclining towards the apex. They present parallel secondary curves, divide dichotomously twice or thrice near their beginning, and send off numerous small lateral branches, chiefly from the side next the apex. At their primary curve the dentinal tubes are of an inch in diameter, and their intervals are of an inch across. The dentinal cells are most conspicuous near the periphery of the tooth, and vary in diameter from ^^^th to of an inch. The enamel, at least at the middle of the tusk, is thinner than in the teeth of the crocodile. It presents only a finely lamellated texture, the layers being parallel with the surface of the dentine on which it rests. There is only a fine linear trace of cement on the exterior of the sections of the implanted base of the tusks; and here it is too thin to allow of the development of the radiated cells in its substance. There is no trace of teeth or their sockets in the lower jaw,2 so much of the alveolar border as is exposed presents a smooth and even edge, which seems to have played like a scissor- blade upon the inner side of the corresponding edentulous border of the upper jaw; and it is most probable, from the analogies of similarly-shaped jaws of existing reptilia, that the fore-part of both the upper and under jaws were sheathed with horn. Until the discovery of the Rhynchosaurus, this edentulous and horn-sheathed condition of the jaws was supposed to be peculiar to the chelonian order among reptiles ; and it is not one of the least interesting features of the Dicynodonts of the African sandstones, that they should repeat a chelonian character hitherto peculiar amongstLacertians,to the above-cited remarkableextinct edentulous genus of the new red sandstone of Shropshire; but our interest rises almost to astonishment, when, in a saurian skull, we find, superadded to the horn-clad mandibles of the tortoise, a pair of tusks, borrowed, as it were, from the mammalian class, or rather foreshadowing a structure which, in the existing creation, is peculiar to certain members of the highest organized warm-blooded animals. Crocodilia.—The ancient writers on natural history appear to Crocodilia- have been much struck with the great number of teeth in the cro¬ codile ; and their descriptions were exaggerated to the tone of the impressions thus produced. Thus, according to Achilles Tatius, the crocodile had as many teeth as there were days in the year. How many teeth a crocodile may develop through the whole course of its life in uninterrupted succession, will never, perhaps, be determined; they then would doubtless far exceed in number the liberal allowance of Tatius; but with regard to those teeth which are in use in the jaws at any given time, the number is now 1 Buckland s Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i., p. 249. 2 2*s, two, xvvodous, canine tooth. ODONTOLOGY. 437 Teeth of well established—e.g., the crocodile of the ^as j^g 17—17 -16 =66 Reptiles.^ that of the West Indies (Crocodilus acwtws) has 1g_1g—66i the com- mon aligator (Aligator Indus), has lg ^=76. The great gavial 3Q 30 or garrhial (Gavalis Gangeticus) has oq r^^ius ^l^’ ferent species and genera of crocodiles differ from each other in the number of teeth, and also the individuals differ within small limits. The best and most readily recognisable characters by which the existing Crocodilians are grouped in appropriate genera are derived from modifications of the dental system. In the caimans (genus Alligator) the teeth vary in number from to ig 22 22 to 5 the fourth tooth of the lower iaw or canine, is 18_18 22—22’ received into a cavity of the palatal surface of the upper jaw, where it is concealed when the mouth is shut; in old individuals the upper jaw is perforated by these large inferior canines, and the fossae are converted into foramina. In the true crocodiles (genus Crocodilus) the first tooth in the lower jaw perforates the palatal process of the intermaxillary bone when the mouth is closed ; the fourth tooth in the lower jaw is received into a notch excavated in the side of the alveolar border of the upper jaw, and is visible externally when the mouth is closed. In the two preceding genera the alveolar borders of the jaws have an uneven or wavy contour, and the teeth are of unequal size. In the gavials (genus Gavialis) the teeth are nearly equal in size and similar in form in both jaws, and the first as well as the fourth tooth in the lower jaw passes into a groove in the margin of the upper jaw, when the mouth is closed. The number of teeth is always greater in the gavials than in the crocodiles or alligators. The first five pairs of teeth above are supported by the premaxillary bones; the first, second, and fourth of the lower jaw are the longest. The eight or nine posterior teeth are nearly conical, the rest are sub-compressed antero- posteriorly, and present a trenchant edge on the right and left side, between which a few faint longitudinal ridges traverse the basal part of the enamelled crown (fig. 46). The position of the opposite sharp ridges, and the direction of the flat sides of the crown, are reversed in the extinct crocodile (Grpc. cwZ- tridens), which in other respects most nearly resembles the gavial in the form of the teeth. In most of the extinct species of Crocodilians the teeth are characterized by more numerous and strongly developed longitudinal ridges upon the enamelled crown, than in the recent species; and they are commonly longer, more slender, and sharp-pointed. But in one of the crocodiles with sub-biconcave vertebrae (Gonio- pholis crassidens), from the Wealden formation and Purbeck lime¬ stone, the teeth have crowns which are as round and as thick in pro¬ portion to their length as in the recent crocodiles or alligators. The more ancient crocodiles, from the Oolite and Lias, called Steneosauri and Teleosauri, had jaws like those of the modern gavials, but sometimes longer and more attenuated, and armed with more numerous, equal, and slender teeth, adapted for the capture of fishes, which appear to have been the only other vertebrate animals exist¬ ing at those periods in numbers sufficient to yield subsistence to carnivorous marine Saurians. In all the Teleosauri the teeth are more slender, less compressed, and sharper pointed than in the gavial; they are slightly recurved, and the enamelled crown is traversed by more numerous and better defined ridges—two of which, on opposite sides of the crown, are larger and more elevated than the rest. The fang is smooth, cylin¬ drical, and always excavated at the base. The teeth of the Steneo¬ sauri, or extinct crocodiles with long and slender jaws, and with vertebrae sub-concave at both extremities,but with subterminal nos¬ trils, differ from those of the Teleosauri in being somewhat thicker in proportion to their length, and larger in proportion to the jaws. The teeth of both the existing and extinct crocodilian reptiles consist of a body of compact dentine, forming a crown covered by a coat of enamel, and a root invested by a moderately thick layer of cement. The root slightly enlarges or maintains the same breadth to its base (fig. 46, a), which is deeply excavated by a conical pulp-cavity extending into the crown, and is commonly either perforated or notched at its concave or inner side. In the black alligator of Guiana, the firstfourteen teeth in the lower jaw are implanted in distinct sockets. The remaining posterior teeth Fig. 46;. Teeth of the Gavial. are lodged close together in a continuous groove, in which the divi¬ sions for sockets are faintly ^ £ indicated by vertical ridges, as in the jaws of the Ichthyo¬ saurus. A thin compact floor of bone separates this groove and the sockets anterior to it (fig. 47) from the large cavity of the ramus of the jaw. Itispierced by blood-vessels for the sup¬ ply of the pulps of the grow¬ ing teeth and the vascular dentigerous membrane which lines the alveolar cavities. The tooth-germ c (fig. 47) is developed from the mem¬ brane covering the angle be¬ tween the floor and the inner wall of the socket. It be¬ comes, in this situation, com- ^ 47 pletely enveloped by its cap- Section of Jaw with Teeth of the Alligator, sule, and partially calcified, before the young tooth penetrates the interior of the pulp-cavity of its predecessor. The matrix of the young growing tooth affects, by its pressure, the inner wall of the socket, as shown in fig. 47, and forms for itself a shallow recess, at the same time it attacks the side of the base of the contained tooth; then, gaining a more extensive attach¬ ment by its basis and increased size, it penetrates the large pulp- cavity of the previously formed tooth either by a circular or semi¬ circular perforation. The size of the perforation in the tooth, and of the depression in the jaw, proves them to have been in great part caused by the soft matrix, which must have produced its effect by exciting absorbent action, and not by mere mechanical force. The resistance of the wall of the pulp-cavity having been thus overcome, the growing tooth and its matrix recede from the tem¬ porary alveolar depression, and sink into the substance of the pulp contained in the cavity of the fully-formed tooth. As the new tooth grows, the pulp of the old one is removed ; the old tooth itself is next attached, and the crown, being undermined by the absorption of the inner surface of its base, may be broken off by a slight external force, when the point of the new tooth is exposed, as in figs. 46 and 47, h. The new tooth disembarrasses itself of the cylindrical base of its predecessor (fig. 47, a) with which it is sheathed, by maintaining the excitement of the absorbent process so long as the cement of the old fang retains any vital connection with the periosteum of the socket; but the frail remains of the old cylinder, thus reduced, are sometimes lifted out of the socket upon the crown of the new tooth (as in fig. 46, a), when they are speedily removed by the action of the jaws. This is, however, the only part of the process which is immediately pro¬ duced by violence ; an attentive observation of the more important previous stages of growth, teaches that the pressure of the growing tooth operates upon the one to be displaced only through the medium of the vital absorbent action which it has excited. Most of the stages in the development and succession of the teeth of the crocodiles are described by Cuvier with his wonted clearness and accuracy; but the mechanical explanation of the expulsion of the old teeth, which Cuvier adopts from M. Tenon, is opposed by the disproportion of the hard part of the new tooth to the vacuity in the walls of the old one, and by the fact that the matter im¬ pressing, viz., the uncalcified part of the tooth matrix, is less dense than the part impressed.. No sooner has the young tooth (fig. 46, b) penetrated the interior of the old one (fig. 46, a) than another germ c, begins to be de¬ veloped from the angle between the base of the young tooth and the inner alveolar process; or in the same relative position as that in which its predecessor began to rise, and the processes of succes¬ sion and displacement are carried on uninterruptedly throughout the long life of these cold-blooded carnivorous reptiles. From the period of exclusion from the egg, the teeth of the crocodile succeed each other in the vertical direction; none are added from behind forwards like the true molars in Mammalia. It follows, therefore, that the number of the teeth of the crocodile is as great when it first sees the light as when it has acquired its full size; and, owing to the rapidity of their succession, the cavity at the base of the fully-formed tooth is never consolidated. The fossil jaws of the extinct Crocodilians demonstrate that the same law regulated the succession of the teeth at the ancient epochs when those highly-organised reptiles prevailed in greatest numbers, and under the most varied generic and specific modifications, as at the present period, when they are reduced to a single family com¬ posed of so few and slightly varied species as to have constituted in the system of Linnaeus a small fraction of the genus Lacerta. Teeth of Reptiles. 438 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. N umber. Sect, m.—TEETH OF MAMMALS. The class Mammalia, like that of Reptilia and Pisces, includes a few genera and species that are devoid of teeth ; the true ant-eaters (Myrmecophaga), the scaly ant- eaters, or Pangolins (Manis), and the spiny monotrematous ant-eater {Echidna), are examples of strictly edentulous Mammals. The Ornithorhynchus has horny teeth, and the whales {Balcena and Balcenoptera) have transitory embryonic calcified teeth (fig. 59), succeeded by whale¬ bone substitutes (fig. 58), in the upper jaw. Horny processes analogous to, perhaps homologous with, the lingual and palatal teeth in fishes, are present in the Echidna. The female Narwhal seems to be edentulous, but has the germs of two tusks in the substance of the upper jaw-bones (fig. 62); one of these becomes deve¬ loped into a large and conspicuous weapon in the male Narwhal (fig. 62, a), and accordingly suggested to Lin¬ naeus the name, for its genus, of Monodon, meaning single tooth. But the tusk is never median, like the truly single tooth on the palate of the Myxine; and occasionally both tusks are developed in the Narwhal. In another Ceta¬ cean—the great Bottle-nose or Hyperoodon—the teeth are reduced in the adult to two in number (fig. 61), whence the specific name, H. bidens; but they are confined to the lower jaw. The sharp-nosed dolphin {Ziphius) has also but two teeth, one in each ramus of the lower jaw ; and this is perhaps a sexual character. The Delphinus griseus has five teeth on each side of the lower jaw; but they soon become reduced to two. Amongst the Marsupial animals, the genus Tarsipes is remarkable for the paucity as well as minuteness of its teeth. The Elephant has never more than one entire molar, or parts of two, in use on each side of the upper and lower jaws, to which are added two tusks, more or less developed, in the upper jaw. Some Rodents, as the Australian water-rats (Hydromys), have two grinders on each side of both jaws, which, added to the four cutting teeth in front, make twelve in all; the common number of teeth in this order is twenty ; but the hares and rabbits have twenty-eight teeth. The Sloth has eighteen teeth. The number of teeth, thirty- two, which characterizes man, the apes of the old world, and the true Ruminants, is the average one of the class Mammalia ; but the typical number is forty-four. The examples of excessive number of teeth are pre¬ sented, in the order Bruta, by the Priodont Armadillo, which has ninety-eight teeth; and in the Cetaceous order by the Cachalot, which has upwards of sixty teeth, though most of them are confined to the lower jaw; by the com¬ mon porpoise, which has between eighty and ninety teeth ; by the Gangetic dolphin, which has one hundred and twenty teeth ; and by the true dolphins {Delphinus), which have from one hundred to one hundred and ninety teeth, yielding the maximum number in the class Mammalia. Where the teeth are in excessive number, as in the species above cited, they are small, equal, or sub-equal, and of a simple conical form; pointed, and slightly re¬ curved in the common dolphin; with a broad and flattened base in the Gangetic dolphin ; with the crown compressed, and broadest in the porpoise; compressed, but truncate, and equal with the fang, in the Priodon. The compressed triangular teeth become coarsely notched or dentated at the hinder part of the series in the great extinct cetaceous Zeuglodon. The simple dentition of the smaller Arma¬ dillos, of the Orycterope, and of the three-toed Sloth, pre¬ sents a difference in the size, but little variety in the shape of the teeth, which are subcylindrical, with broad tritu¬ rating surfaces ; in the two-toed Sloth, the two anterior Teeth of teeth of the upper jaw are longer and larger than the rest, and adapted for piercing and tearing. Teeth are fixed, as a general rule, in all Vertebrata, and the only known exceptions are those presented by certain species of fishes ; e. g., the Sharks, Lophioids, Goniodonts. In the higher Yertebrata the movements of the teeth depend on those of the jaw-bones to which they are affixed, but appear to be independent in the ratio of the size of the tooth to the bone to which it is attached. Thus the extent of rotatory movement to which the large perforated poison-fangs of the rattle-snake are subject, depends upon the rotation of the small maxillary bone; so, likewise, the seemingly individual movements of di¬ varication and approximation observable in the large lower incisors of the Bathyergus and Macropus,1 are due entirely to the yielding nature of the symphysis uniting the two rami of the lower jaw, in which those incisors are deeply and firmly implanted. In man, where the premaxillaries early coalesce with the maxillary bones, where the jaws are very short, and the crowns of the teeth are of equal length, there is no interspace or “ diastema” in the dental series of either jaw, and the teeth derive some additional fixity by their close apposition and mutual pressure. No inferior Mam¬ mal now presents this character; but its importance, as associated with the peculiar attributes of the human or¬ ganization, has been somewhat diminished by the discovery of a like contiguous arrangement of the teeth in the jaws of a few extinct quadrupeds ; e. g., Anoplotherium, Nesodon, and Dichodon. The teeth in the Mammalia, as in the foregoing classes, Develop- are formed by superaddition of the hardening salts to ment pre-existing moulds of animal pulp or membrane, organ¬ ized so as to insure the arrangement of the earthy particles according to that pattern which characterizes each consti¬ tuent texture of the tooth. The complexity of the primordial basis, or matrix, corresponds, therefore, with that of the fully-formed tooth, and is least remarkable in those conical teeth which con¬ sist only of dentine and cement. The primary pulp, which first appears as a papilla rising from the free surface of the alveolar gum, is the part of the matrix which, by its calcification, constitutes the dentine. In the simple teeth, the secondary, or enamel pulp, covers the dentinal pulp like a cap; in the complex teeth it sends processes into depressions of the coronal part of the dentinal pulp, which vary in depth, breadth, direction, and number, in the different groups of the herbivorous and omnivorous quadrupeds. The dentinal pulp, thus penetrated, offers corresponding complications of form ; and, as the capsule follows the enamel pulp in all its folds and processes, the external cavities or interspaces of the dentine become occupied by enamel and cement—the cement, like the capsule which formed it, being the outermost substance, and the enamel being interposed between it and the den¬ tine. The dental matrix presents the most extensive interdigitation of the dentinal and enamel pulps in the Capybara and Elephant. The matrix of the mammalian tooth sinks into a furrow, and soon becomes inclosed in a cell in the substance of the jaw-bone, from which the crown of the growing tooth extricates itself by exciting the absorbent process, whilst the cell is deepened by the same process, and by the growth of the jaw, into an alveolus for the root of the tooth. Where the formative parts of the tooth are reproduced indefinitely, to repair, by their progressive calcification, the waste to which the working surface of the crown of the tooth has been sub- 1 See Mason Good’s Book of Nature, vol. i. p. 285. 1826. ODONTOLOGY. 439 «Teeth of ject the alveolus is of unusual depth, and of the same The “bicuspids” in human anatomy, and the corre- Jeethof Mammals. Jforrn and d;ameter throughout, except in the immature spending teeth called “ premolars” in the lower mammals, ^ ' animal, when it widens to its bottom or base. In teeth illustrate this law. . . ^ ^ . of limited growth, the dentinal pulp is reproduced in The Mammalian class might be divided, in regard to progressively decreasing quantity after the completion of the succession of the teeth, into two groups—the Mono- the0exterior wall of the crown, and forms, by its calcifi- phyodonts,' or those that generate but one set of teeth, and cation one or more roots or fangs, which taper, more or the Diphyodonts? or those that generate two sets of teeth, less rapidly to their free extremity. The alveolus is The Monophyodonts include the Cetacea and the Bruta closely moulded upon the implanted part of the tooth; (Edentata of Cuvier); all the other orders are Diphyodonts. and it is worthy of special remark, that the complicated The teeth of the Mammalia, especially of the Diphyo- Form, form of socket which results from the development of two donts, have usually so much more definite and complex or more fangs, is peculiar to animals of the class Mammalia, a form than those of fishes and reptiles, that three parts In the formation of a single fang, the activity of the are recognised in them, viz. the “fang, the “ neck, reproductive process becomes enfeebled at the circumfer- and the “crown.” The fang or root (raaias) is the ence, and is progressively contracted within narrower inserted part; the crown {corona) is the exposed part; limits in relation to a single centre, until it ceases at the and the constriction which divides these is called the neck completion of the apex of the fang, which, though for a {cervix). The term “fang” is properly given only to the lon^ time perforated for the admission of the vessels and implanted part of a tooth of restricted growth, which fang nerves to the interior of the tooth, is, in many cases, gradually tapers to its extremity; those teeth which grow finally closed by the ossification of the remaining part of uninterruptedly have not their exposed part separated by the capsule. a neck from their implanted part, and this generally mam- When a* tooth is destined to be implanted by two or tains to its extremity the same shape and size as the more fangs, the reproduction of the pulp is restricted to exposed crown. . two or more parts of the base of the coronal portion of It is peculiar to the class Mammalia to have teeth Fixation, the pulp, around the centre of which parts the sphere of implanted in sockets by two or more fangs; but this its reproductive activity is progressively contracted. The can only happen to teeth of limited growth, and generally intervening parts of the base of the coronal pulp adhere characterizes the molars and premolars ; perpetually to the capsule, which is simultaneously calcified with growing teeth require the base to be kept simple and them, covering those parts of the base of the crown of widely excavated for the persistent pulp (figs. 54 and 55). the tooth with a layer of cement. The ossification of the In no mammiferous animal does anchylosis of the tooth surrounding jaw, being governed by the changes in the with the jaw constitute a normal mode of attachment, soft but highly organized dental matrix, fills up the spaces Each tooth has its particular socket, to which it firmly unoccupied by the contracted and divided pulp, and affords, adheres by the close co-adaptation of their opposed sur- by its periosteum, a surface for the adhesion of the cement faces, and by the firm adhesion of the alveolar periosteum or ossified capsule covering the completed part of the to the organized cement which invests the fang or fangs tooth. °f the tooth. The matrix of certain teeth does not give rise, during True teeth implanted in sockets are confined, in the Situation, any period of their formation, to the germ of a second Mammalian class, to the maxillary, premaxillary, and tooth, destined to succeed the first. This, therefore, when mandibular or lower maxillary bones, and form a single completed and worn down, is not replaced; all the true row in each. They may project only from the pre- Cetacea are limited to this simple provision of teeth. In maxillary bones, as in the Narwhal, or only from the the Armadillos, Megatherioids, and Sloths, the want of lower maxillary bone, as in Ziphius; or be apparent only germinative power, as it may be called, in the matrix, is in the lower maxillary bone, as in the Cachalot; or be compensated by the persistence of the matrix, and by the limited to the superior and inferior maxillaries, and not uninterrupted growth of the teeth. In most other Mam- present in the premaxillaries, as in the true Ruminants malia, the matrix of the first developed tooth gives origin and most Bruta. _ . to the germ of a second tooth, which sometimes displaces, The teeth of the Mammalia usually consist of hard Substance, sometimes takes its place by the side of, its predecessor unvascular dentine, defended at the crown by an invest- and parent. All those teeth which are displaced by their ment of enamel, and everywhere surrounded by a coat progeny are called temporary, deciduous, or milk teeth of cement. The coronal cement is of extreme tenuity (fi"? 17, di-d, 4). The mode and direction in which in Man, Quadrumana, and terrestrial Carnivora; it is they are displaced and succeeded, viz., from below up- thicker in the Herbivora, especially in the complex grindeis wards in the lower jaw, in both jaws vertically, are the of the Elephant, and is thickest in the teeth of the k.lot , same as in the crocodile ; but the process is never repeated Megatherium, Dugong, Walrus, and Cachalot. V ertica more than once in any mammiferous animal. A consi- folds of enamel and cement penetrate the crown of the derable proportion of the dental series is thus changed; tooth in the Ruminants, and in most Rodents and Pachy- the second, or permanent teeth (fig. 17, i 1 -p, 4), having a derms, characterizing by their various forms the genera size and form as suitable to the jaws of the adult as the of the last two orders; but these folds never converge displaced temporary teeth were adapted to those of the from equidistant points of the circumference of the crown young animal. towards its centre. The teeth of the quadrupeds of the The permanent teeth (fig. 17, ml-m,S), which assume order Bruta {Edentata, Cuv.) have no true enamel; this places not previously occupied by deciduous ones, are is absent likewise in the molars of the Dugong and the always the most posterior in their position, and generally Cachalot. Ihe tusks of the Narwhal, Walrus, Dinothe- the most complex in their form. The successors of the rium, Mastodon, and Elephant, consist of modified dentine, deciduous incisors and canines differ from them chiefly in which, in the last two great proboscidian animals, is pro¬ size. The successors of the deciduous molars may differ perly called “ivory,” and is covered by cement, likewise in shape, in which case they have always less The Dolphins and Armadillos present^ little variety Kinds, complex crowns than their predecessors. in the shape of the teeth in the same animal, and this 1 jttoyof, once; puw, I generate; odoug, tooth. 2 Sig, twice; and odoug. 440 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. Ornitho • rhynchus. sameness of form is characteristic of most of the Mono- phyodonts, in which, therefore, the teeth are not divisible into distinct kinds. In almost all the other Mammalia, particular teeth have special forms for special uses: thus, the front teeth, from being commonly adapted to effect the first coarse division of the food, have been called cutters or incisors; and the back teeth, which complete its comminution, grinders or molars; large conical teeth, situated behind the incisors, and adapted by being nearer the insertion of the biting muscles, to act with greater force, are called holders, tearers, laniaries, or more commonly canine teeth, from being well developed in the dog and other Carnivora, although they are given, likewise, to many vegetable feeders for defence or combat; e. g., Musk-deer. Molar teeth, which are adapted for mastication, have either tuberculate, or transversely rigid, or flat summits, and usually are either surrounded by a ridge of enamel, or are traversed by similar ridges arranged in various patterns. Certain molars in the Dugong, the Mylodon, and the Zeuglodon, are so deeply indented laterally by opposite longitudinal grooves, as to appear, when abraded, to be composed of two cylindrical teeth cemented together, and the transverse section of the crown is bilobed. The teeth of the Glyptodon were fluted by two analogous grooves on each side. The large molars of the Capybara and Elephant have the crown cleft into a numerous series of compressed transverse plates, cemented together side by side. The modifications of the crown of the molar teeth are those that are most intimately related to the kind of food of the animal possessing them. Thus, in the purely carnivorous mammals, the molars are simple, trenchant, and play upon each other like scissor-blades. In the mixed feeding species, the working surface of the molars becomes broader and tuberculated; in the insecti¬ vorous species it is bristled with sharp points; and in the purely herbivorous kinds, the flat grinding surface of the teeth is complicated by folds and ridges of the enamel entering the substance of the tooth, the most complex forms being presented by the Elephants. The substances serving for teeth in the anomalous Duck-mole or Platypus of Australia, are of a horny texture, consisting of close-set, vertical hollow tubes, resembling the outer compact tissue of baleen or “ whalebone.’’ They are eight in number, four in the upper, and as many in the under jaw. The anterior tooth of the upper jaw (fig. 48, o) is extended from behind forwards, but is low, very narrow, Fig. 48. Jaws and Teeth of the Platypus, (Ornithorhynchits paradoxus). and four-sided; the broadest side forms the base of attachment, and is slightly concave; the outer and inner facets converge to a serrated edge in the young Ornithorhynchus, but becomes worn in the old animal, and forms the fourth side of the tooth. The cor¬ responding tooth in the lower jaw is rather narrower, and retains longer its trenchant edge. _ At a distance from the anterior tooth, equal to its own length, is situated the horny molar (b), which consists of a flattened plate of an oblong subquadrate figure. A slightly raised margin includes two large concave surfaces, a little elevated above the intervening part of the grinding surface. The corresponding tooth in the lower jaw is somewhat narrower, but of similar form. Each division or tubercle of the molar is separately developed, and they become confluent in the course of growth. According to the analysis of Lassaigne, 99'5 parts of the dental tissue of the Ornithorhynchus have the com¬ position of horn; this is hardened by 0'3 parts of phosphate of lime. The notice of the dental apparatus of the Monotremes ought to Teeth of include mention of the two short and thick conical processes which Mammals, project from the forepart of the raised intermolar portion of the tongue in the Ornithorhynchus; which, like the more numerous spines on Ihe’ corresponding part of the tongue of the Echidna, represent, in these low-organized mammals, the lingual teeth of fishes. The teeth of the Orycterope, or Cape Ant-eater, are of a simple Order form but peculiar structure ; their common number in the mature Bruta. animal is 7 ;J-=26 (fig- 49, A), and they all belong to the molar series. The anterior teeth are very small, and are not unfrequently wanting, or are concealed by the gum, especially the first in the upper jaw; the second tooth of the upper jaw is small, compressed, and obtuse; it opposes a similar one in the lower jaw; the third and fourth molars increase in size, have an elliptical transverse section, and a triturating surface of two facets (fig. 49, B); the fourth and fifth molars are the largest in the upper jaw, are of equal size, and have a longitudinal depression in their internal and external sides, giving their transverse section a bilobed or hour-glass figure ; the seventh molar is smaller and has the same simple figure as the fourth, (fig. 49, B). The proportions of these teeth, the depth of their sockets, and their structure, as viewed in longitudinal section with the naked eye, are shown in fig. 50. The teeth are continued solid, and of the Kg. 50 Section of Lower Jaw and Teeth of the Orycteropus. Nat. size. same dimensions, to the bottom of the socket, and terminate by a truncate and undivided base. If each be viewed as an aggregate of teeth, as partially shown in fig. 15, it will be found that the com¬ ponent denticle has its base excavated by a conical pulp-cavity, as in other animals, and which is persistent, as in the rest of the order Bruta. The wide inferior apertures of these pulp-cavities constitute the pores observable on the base of the compound tooth of the Orycterope, and give to that part a close resemblance to the section of a cane. The canals to which these pores lead are the centres of radiation of the calciferous tubes of the denticle, (fig. 15); such denticles are cemented together laterally, slightly decreasing in diameter, and occasionally bifurcating as they approach the grind¬ ing surface of the tooth. The substance of the entire tooth thus resembles the teeth of the Myliobates and Chimceroids among fishes, rather than any true teeth in the Mammalian class, in which it offers a transitional step from the horny substitutes of teeth above described to the true teeth. The teeth of the Orycteropus, when rightly understood, offer, how¬ ever, no anomaly or exceptional condition in their mode of develop¬ ment. Each denticle is developed according to the same laws, and by as simple a matrix as those larger teeth in other mammals, which consist only of dentine and cement. The dentine is formed by ossifica¬ tion of the capsule; both pulp and capsule continue to be reproduced at the bottom of the alveolus, pern yxmw with the attrition of the exposed crown; and the mode and time of growth being alike in each denticle, the whole compound tooth is maintained throughout the life of the animal. The augmentation in the size of the whole tooth, during the growth of the jaw, is effected by the development of new denticles, and a slight increase of size in the old ones, at the base of the growing tooth, which, in the progress of attrition and growth, becomes its grinding surface. The teeth of the Armadillo-tribe are harder than those of any Genus other species of the order Bruta; but, as in all that order provided Dasypus. with teeth, they are wholly devoid of enamel. They consist, in ODONTOLOGY. 441 Teeth of both existing and extinct Armadillos, of three distinct substances, Mammals, of which the unvascular dentine is present in greatest proper- tion, and forms the main body of the tooth; bat it includes a small central axis of vascular dentine, and is surrounded by an ex¬ tremely thin coating of cement. The teeth are more numerous in the Priodon—the largest of the existing Armadillos—than in any other land mammal; but they are of very small size and simple form, and are all referable to the molar series (fig. 51). They vary Sloths. Kg. 51. Teeth of the Lower Jaw of the Great Armadillo, (Triodon gigas). in number from twenty-four to twenty-six in each upper jaw, and from twenty-two to twenty-four on each side of the lower jaw, amounting to from ninety-four to one hundred in total number. They are compressed laterally, increasing in size, and especially in breadth, as they recede backwards, with oblique or horizontal "flat grinding surfaces, and are continued of the same size and form to their implanted extremity, which is excavated by a large conical pulp-cavity. This absence of roots, and the undivided hollow base indicative of the constant growth of the tooth, are common not only to the teeth of the Armadillos, but to those of all the known species of the order Bruta. In the Priodont the teeth, though so unusually numerous, are many of them separated by slight intervals; those of the lower jaw oppose their outer sides to the inner sides of the upper teeth when the mouth is shut. The Armadillos of the sub-genus JSvphractus, Wagler, to- which the term Dasypus is restricted by F. Cuvier, are distinguished by having the anterior tooth (fig. 52, i), which is shaped like the succeed- Fig. 52. Jaw teeth of the weasel-headed Armadillo, (Dasypus 6-cinctus). ing molar, implanted in the premaxillary bone. The two anterior teeth of the lower jaw being in advance of the premaxillary tooth, are, with it, arbitrarily held to be incisors ; they are compressed, but are terminated by obtuse crowns. The rest of the series, from which the incisors are not separated by any remarkable interval, gradually increase in size to the penultimate molar; they have the same alternate position and obliquely- worn grinding surfaces as in the Tatusice. Some species of the extinct loricate genus, Glyptodon, surpassed the Rhinoceros in size, and the dentition of the genus was more com¬ plicated, and more adapted to a vegetable diet, than that of the small existing Armadillos. The total number of teeth in the Glyptodon has not yet been determined. A fragment of the anterior part of the lower jaw shows that the teeth extend close to the symphysis, and therefore indicates their presence in the premaxillary bones above.. The single tooth (fig. 53), on which the generic character of the Glyptodon was founded,1 is long, rootless as in the exist¬ ing Armadillos, but compressed laterally, and divided by two deep angular, longitu¬ dinal, and opposite grooves on each side, into three plates, which give the grinding surface the form of as many rhomboidal lobes. In the Glyptodon the osteo-dentine (fig. 53, o) occupies a larger proportion of the centre of the tooth than in the small Armadillos ; it is harder than the dentine {d) the most diminutive of the tribe, now exist. They are called Sloths, Teeth of or Tardigrades, from their inability to move otherwise than slowly Mammals, and with difficulty on the ground ; but they are excellent climbers, for ^"V—^ which their organization especial!}- befits them. The following are the common and constant characters of the dentition of the phyllophagous Bruta, both recent and extinct:— Teeth implanted in the maxillary and mandibular bones, few in number, not exceeding f :f ; composed of a large central axis of vaso- dentine, with a thin investment of hard dentine, and a thick outer coating of cement. To these, of course, may be added the dental characters common to the order Bruta, viz., uninterrupted growth of the teeth, and their concomitant implantation by a simple, deeply- excavated base, not separated by a cervix from the exposed summit or crown. The dental formula of the genus Bradypus is—i §; eg; m 18. Ur Brandt2 3 has described and figured the skull of a young Ai, in which a very small tooth preceded the compressed one on each side of the lower jaw, rendering the number of teeth equal to that in the upper jaw. In the two-toed sloth (Cholcepus didactylus, Ufig.) the teeth (fig. 54) offer a greater inequality of size than has yet been observed in any other genus of Bruta; the first of each series, o, in both jaws, which in the rest of the order is the smallest, here so much exceeds the others as, with its peculiar form, to have re¬ ceived the name of a canine. This tooth is separated by a marked in¬ terval from the other teeth, espe¬ cially in the upper jaw, so that those above play upon the anterior part of those below, contrary to the relative position and mutual action of the true canine teeth in the Quadrumana and Carnivora. They are of a triedral form, with the margins of the oblique abraded surface leading to the point, trenchant. The second tooth of the upper jaw (5) is the smallest of the series. The third (c) and fourth [d) molars are a little larger, and have two abraded surfaces which converge to the median ridge. The fifth molar (e) is the smallest, and has an oblique grinding sur¬ face. In each tooth the ridge is formed by the hard dentine, and is interrupted in the middle by an excavation of the soft dentine. The second, third, and fourth teeth of the lower jaw correspond in size and shape with the third and fourth above; and like the small upper molars, are separated by short intervals ; the last is the smallest and most curved. The teeth of the Sloths consist of a central axis of vaso-dentine (fig. 9, v), occupying rather more than half the thickness of the tooth, which is inclosed by a wall of unvascular dentine {d), and this by one of cement (c) of less thickness than the layer of hard dentine. Fig. 53. Fig. 54. Teeth of the two-toed Sloth (JJholccpvs, didactylus). or cement (c), and rises upon the grinding surface, in the form of a ridge extending Tooth of great extinct Arma- alo„g the middle of the long axis of that i o, ( yp o ii c avipes. gurface> anq }n tfiree shorter ridges at right angles to the preceding, at the middle of each of the three rhomboidal divisions of the tooth. Of the leaf-eating species of the order Bruta, very few, and these <£ 2 d 5 Fig. 55. Section of Upper Jaw and Teeth of the Megatherium. One-third nat size. The teeth of the Megatherium, the most gigantic of the extinct Megathe- rium. 1 Geological Transactions, 2d Series, vol. vi. p. 81-85. YOL. XVI. 2 Dissertatio Zoologicu inauguralis de Tardigradis, 4t'>, 1828, p. 31, pi. 2, figs, o and 6. 3 K 442 ODONTOLOGY. Lower Jaw and Teeth of Megatherium. Teeth of quadrupeds of the Sloth tribe, are five in number on each side of tbe Mammals, upper jaw (fig. 55), and four on each side of the lower jaw (fig. 56). They are more closely _ arranged, and longer, and more deeply implanted, than in the smaller Megatherioids, e. g., Mylo- don, Megalonyx, etc. They present a more or less tetragonal figure, and have the grinding surface traversed by two transverse angular ridges, big- 55 ex¬ hibits a longitudinal section of the five molars of the upper jaw, in situ, and demonstrates the great extent of the implanted part of the tooth ; the natural length of the series of five grinders is ten inches. Each molar tooth of the Megatherium is excavated by an unusually extensive conical pulp-cavity (p), from the apex of which a fissure is continued to the middle depression of the grinding sur¬ face of the tooth («). The central axis of vaso-dentine (z>) is surrounded by a thin layer of hard or unvascular dentine (d), and this is coated by the cement (c c), which is of great thickness on the ante¬ rior and posterior surfaces, but is thin where it covers the outer and inner sides of the tooth. The vaso-dentine (fig. 57, v) is traversed throughout by medullary canals, measuring of an inch in diameter, which are continued from the pulp-cavity, and proceed, at an angle of 50°, to the plane of the hard dentine, parallel to each other, with a slightly undulating course, having regular interspaces equal to one diameter and a half of their own area, generally anastomosing in pairs by a loop (l l), the convexity of which is turned towards the origin of ^ the tubes of the hard dentine, forming a continuous reflected canal. The loops are situated near, and for the most part close to, the hard dentine (d). In a few places one of the medullary canals may be observed to ex¬ tend across that tissue. The cement (fig. 57, c) is cha¬ racterized by the size, number, and regularity of the vascular or medullary canals (m) which tra¬ verse it. They present the diameter of T2W °f an jnch> are separated by intervals equal to from four to six of their own diameters. Commencing at the outer surface of the cement, they traverse it in a direction slightly inclined from the transverse axis towards the crown of the tooth, running parallel to each other ; they divide a few times dichoto- mouslyintheircourse; andfinally anastomose in loops, the con¬ vexity of which is directed to¬ wards, and in most cases is in close contiguity with, the hard dentine (d). Fine tubules are sent ofif, generally at right an¬ gles from the medullary canals, which quickly divide and sub¬ divide, form anastomosing reti¬ culations, and communicate free¬ ly with the similar tubes that radiate from the calciferous cells of the intervening tissue (r). The tooth of the Megatherium thus offers an unequivocal ex¬ ample of a course of nutriment from the dentine to the cement, and reci¬ procally. In the structure which the fossil teeth of the Megatherium and its extinct congeners clearly demonstrate, we have striking evi¬ dence of their rich organization, and that they were once pervaded by vital activity. All the constituents of the blood freely circulated through the vascular dentine and the cement, and the vessels of each substance, intercommunicated by a few canals, continued across the hard or unvascular dentine. With respect to those minuter tubes, the more important as being more immediately engaged in nutrition, which pervade every part of the tooth, characterizing: by their difference of length and course the Tig. 57. Highly magnified Section of the Dental Tissues, Megatherium. three constituent substances, they form one continuous and freely Teeth of intercommunicating system of strengthening and reparative vessels, Mammals, by which the plasma of the blood was distributed throughout the entire tooth, for its nutrition and maintenance in a healthy state. The grinding surface of the close-set molars of the Megatherium difiers, on account of the greater thickness of the cement on their anterior and posterior surfaces, from those of all the smaller Mega¬ therioids, in presenting two transverse ridges (fig. 56, d), one of the sloping sides of each ridge being formed by the cement (fig. 55, c), the other by the vascular dentine (fig. 55, v), whilst the unvascular den¬ tine (d), as the hardest constituent, forms the summit of the ridge like the plate of enamel between the dentine and cement in the Elephant’s grinder. The great length of the teeth, and concomitant depth of the jaws, the close-set series of the teeth, and the narrow palate, are also strong features of resemblance between the Megatherium and Elephant in their dental and maxillary organization. In both these gigantic phyllophagous quadrupeds, provision has likewise been made for the maintenance of tbe grinding machinery in an effective state throughout their prolonged existence ; but the fertility of the creative resources is well displayed by the different modes in which this provision has been effected ; in the Elephant, it is by the forma¬ tion of new teeth to supply the place of the old when worn out; in the Megatherium, by the constant repair of the teeth in use, to the base of which new matter is added in proportion as the old is worn away from the crown. Thus, the extinct Megatberioids had both the same structure and mode of growth and renovation of their teeth as are manifested in the present day by tbe diminutive Sloths. Those cetaceous Mammals which are properly called “Whales” ’Whales, have no teeth, but horny substitutes in the form of plates, ter¬ minating or fringed by bristles. Of these plates, called “ Baleen” and “ Whalebone,” tbe largest, which are of an equilateral tri¬ angular form, are arranged in a single longitudinal series on each side of the upper jaw, situated pretty close to each other, depending vertically from the maxillary bones, with their flat surfaces looking backwards and forwards, and their unattached margins out¬ wards and inwards, the direction of their interspaces being nearly transverse to the axis of the skull. The smaller subsidiary plates are arranged in oblique series internal to the marginal ones. Thus, if the upper jaw of one side of the skull of a Whale were bisected transversely, the flat surface of a series of the baleen-plates would be exposed, as in fig. 58, in which a is the supe¬ rior maxillary bone, b the ligamentous gum giv¬ ing attachment to c, the horny base and body of the chief baleen-plate, which terminates in d, the fringe of bristles; e marks the smaller baleen - plates. The base of each plate is hollow, and is fixed upon a pulp developed from a vascular gdm, which is attached to a broad and shallow de¬ pression occupying the whole of the palatal sur¬ face of the maxillary and of the anterior part of the palatine bones, the Whale being thus, like Echidna, an example of a mam¬ malian animal, which may be said to have palatal teeth. The base of each plate is unequally im¬ bedded in a compact sub-elastic substance (6), which is so much deeper on the outer than on the inner side, as, in the new-born whale, to include more than one half of the outer margin of the baleen-plate. This margin is shown at c (fig. 58), and is continued downwards in a line dropped nearly vertically from the outer border of the jaws. The inner margin of each plate (d) slopes obliquely outwards from the base to the extremity of the preceding margin ; the smaller plates decrease in length to the middle line of the palate, so that the form of the baleen-clad roof of the mouth is that of a transverse arch or vault, against which the convex dorsum of the thick and large tongue is applied when the mouth is closed. Each plate sends off from its inner and oblique/margin the fringe of moderately stiff but flexible hairs, which project into the mouth. The direction . Fig. 60. Transitory Denticles of Foetal WliaJe. Hypero odon. Fig. 59. Extremity of Lower Jaw of a Foetal Whale, with the Denticles. Nat. size, twenty-eight such denticles, that of the lower jaw forty-two. The anterior denticles in both jaws were the smallest; but.they increase in size more gradually, and maintain a greater regularity of form in the lower jaw, where they are also most numerous, and in.which the tvpical dentition of the carnivorous cetaceans manifests its plenary development in the great Cachalot. Fig. 60 exhibits three of the transitory teeth of a foetal Whale : one is simple, with the fang contracted to a point by the diminution and cessation of growth; the next tooth shows two fangs; and the third, more plainly, the origin of its double character to two contiguous and partly confluent tooth-germs. These small teeth and their matrices disappear before birth ; yet the foetal Whale comparatively long retains and palpably exemplifies the earliest stage of dental development in the higher Mammals, viz., the open fissure which in these is so rapidly closed, especially in the human subject. But beyond this stage, the true dentition of the Balaznidce is not destined to proceed, and they thus manifest, agree¬ ably with the general laws of unity of organization, their closest relations to the typical characters of their order at the early periods of development—divesting them¬ selves of part of the more general type, in order to assume their special and distinctive characters, as they advance towards maturity. The great Bottle-nose or bi¬ dent Whale offers a transitional grade between the true Whales and the typical Delphinidce. The palate is said to be beset with small, unequal, pointed, callous pro¬ tuberances, which Cuvier conjec¬ tures to be rudimental baleen-plates. The fetal denticles do not all perish, m . but two or three of the anterior pairs M of ’ ° acquire a large size as compared with their transitory representatives in the Balcemdce—and one of these pairs is long retained in the lower jaw, though functionless, and hidden by the gum. These teeth are figured, as seen, when the gum has been re¬ moved, at the extremity of the lower jaw of the Hyperoodon, in cut 61, b. They are conical, slightly curved, with an unusually sharp and slender apex, tipped by enamel. Though loose in their sockets, they project so little from them, and have such wide bases, that they are retained in situ, and do not fall out in the dried jaw ; two smaller cavities (fig. 61, a) in front, and the remains of a larger socket in the alveolar groove, behind the retained teeth, attest the former presence of other teeth. Mr. Thompson of Belfast3 has figured the lower jaw of a Hyperoodon with two small teeth on each side, near the sym¬ physis ; they were concealed by the gum, and so hidden in the sockets, as not to be visible in a side view of the jaw\ The animal was a male, and twenty-three feet long; the first tooth was seven and a half lines from the end of the jaw ; the second tooth was one and a half inch distant from the first. In the Narwhal [Monodon monoceros), two of the primitive dental Monodon. germs at the forepart of the upper jaw proceed in their development to a greater extent than do those in the lower jaw of the Hyperoodon; but every other trace of teeth is soon lost. The two persistent matrices rapidly elongate, but in the retrograde direction, forming a long fang rather than a crown ; each tooth sinks into a horizontal alveolus of the premaxillary bone, or, rather, at the junction of the Fig. 61. ' Clio borealis, Limacina arctica, and small pelagic Crustacea. Before the naturalists of the Arctic expeditions had determined the nature of the food of the true baltenae, John Hunter had stated, “ I do suppose the fish they catch are small when compared with the size of the mouth. On the Structure and Economy of Whales.”—BAi/. Trans. 1787, p. 397. .... , 7 7 7.,. 2 “ Masticationem absolvant prseter normam omnium animalium, non dentibus, quibus in umversum carent,. sed duobus osswus vahdis, candmis, seu dentium integris massis, quorum una palato, altera maxillae inferior!, infixa et huic opposita est. Insertio ipsa, seu connexio prorsus msqlita, nec ulla prorsus nomine exprimi potest, gomphosin vocare non licet ob id, quod ossa non infiguntur maxillis, sed multis papillis et pons, pons et papillis reciprocis, palati et mandibulae inferioris recipitur. Ossa haec molaria subtus multis foraminulis pertuste, velut netricum digitate yel spongta, quibus arteriae et nervuli eodem mode ut dentibus animalium inseruntur, superna parte glabra sunt.”—Nov. Commentar. Petropolit., vol. n. p. oOz. 3 Annals of Natural History, March 1846, pi. a. 444 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of premaxillary with the maxillary, and soon, by the forward growth of Mammals, these bones, becomes wholly inclosed, like the germs of the teeth of the higher Mammalia at their second stage of development. In the female Narwhal, the pulp is here exhausted, the cavity of the tooth is obliterated by its ossification, further development ceases, and the two teeth remained concealed, as abortive germs, in the substance of the jaws for the rest of life, so that in the skeleton a section oi the skull must be made in order to display them, as in fig. 61, b. In the Teeth of male Narwhal, (fig. 61, a) the matrix of the tooth in the left pre- Mammals, maxillary bone continues to enlarge ; fresh pulp material is progres- sively added which by its calcification elongates the base, protrudes the apex from the socket, and the tusk continues to grow until it acquires the length of nine or ten feet, with a basal diameter of four inches This is that famous “horn” which figures on the forehead Physeter. Base of Skulls of Male and Female Narwhal, with the Tusks and Lower Jaw. of the heraldic unicorn, and so long excited the curiosity and con- lectures of the older naturalists, until Olaus Wormius made an end of the speculative and fabulous “ monocerologies,” by the discovery of the true nature of their subject; whilst Anderson1 in the year 1736, took advantage of the accident of the stranding of a Narwhal at the mouth of the Elbe, to communicate to the zoological world an accurate figure of the animal which bore the supposed single horn. Linnaeus has embalmed the old idea of this weapon in the binomial Monodon monocevos, under which the Narwhal is entered in the Systema Natures. The exterior of the long tusk is marked by spiral ridges, which wind from within forwards, upwards, and to the left. About fourteen inches is implanted in the socket; it tapers gradually from the base to the apex. The pulp-cavity, as shown in the longitudinal section of the tusk, given in fig. 62, is continued nearly to the extreme point, but is of variable width; at the base it forms a short and wide cone ; it is then continued forwards, as a narrow canal, along the centre of the implanted part of the tooth, beyond which the cavity again expands to a width equalling half the diameter of the tooth; and finally, but gradually, contracts to a linear fissure near the apex. . Thus, the most solid and weighty part of the tooth is that which is implanted in the jaw, and nearest the centre of support, whilst the long projecting part is kept as light as might be compatible with the uses of the tusk as a weapon of attack and defence. The portion of pulp, in which the process of the calcification has been arrested, receives its vessels and nerves by the fissure continued from the basal expansion of the pulp-cavity. In a few instances, both tusks have been seen to project from the jaw. In the cranium of such a Narwhal, figured by Albers, the right tusk projects only six inches from the socket, is proportionally slender, and is smooth. With regard to the conjectured ulterior use of the concealed tusk (fig. 62, a), in the male, as a potential substitute, in the event of the joss of the large tusk, a conjecture more than once repeated by writers since first proposed by Eeisel, the solidity of the concealed tusk, and its distorted and generally-closed base, evince that the term of its growth has expired. In the Delphinus gnseus, the dentition of the upper jaw is transi¬ tory, as in Hyperoodon, but at least six pairs of teeth rise above the gum, and acquire a full development at the forepart of the lower jaw. The crowns of these teeth soon become obtuse, and even their duration is limited, for the specimen described by M. F. Cuvier2 had but two teeth on each side of the lower jaw. A Dolphin, perhaps an aged individual of this species, has been lately described with the dentition reduced to two teeth in the lower jaw. The outward and visible dentition of the great Sperm-whale or Cachalot {Physeter macrocephalus) is confined to the lower jaw. The series consists in each ramus of about twenty-seven sub¬ incurved, conical, or ovoid teeth, according to their state of develop¬ ment and usage ; the smallest teeth are at the two extremes of the series. In the young Cachalot they are conical and pointed; usage soon renders them obtuse, whilst progressive growth expands and elongates the base into a fang, which then contracts, and is finally solidified and terminated obtusely. The teeth are separated by intervals as broad as themselves. In respect of their mode of implantation in the jaw, they offer in the Cachalot a condition interme¬ diate between that of the teeth of the extinct cetaceous-like Ichthyo¬ saurus, and of those of the pis¬ civorous Delphinus. They are lodged in a wide and moderately- deep groove, imperfectly divided into sockets, the septa of which reach only about half-way from the bottom of the groove. These sockets are both too wide and too shallow to retain the teeth independently of the soft parts, so that it commonly happens, when the dense semi-liga¬ mentous gum dries upon the bone, and is stripped off in that state, that it brings away with it the whole series of the teeth like a row of wedges half driven through a strip of board. A firmer implantation would seem unnecessary for teeth which have no opponents to strike against, but which enter depres¬ sions in the opposite gum when the mouth is closed. That gum ^how¬ ever, conceals a few persistent specimens of the primitive foetal series of teeth; these (of which one is shown at the upper part of fig. 63) are always much smaller and more curved than the func¬ tional teeth of the lower jaw, of which a section is given in the same cut. There is a well-marked sexual distinction in the size of the jaws ol . . the PKymter maerocM,,. tto« of the matme lemale being rela- clialot, (Physeter macrocephalus). tively shorter by full one-third than in the male. There are usually twenty-three teeth in each ramus of the lower jaw of a full-sized female Cachalot. The first-formed extremity of the tooth in the young Cachalot is tipped with enamel; when the summit of the crown has been abraded, the tooth consists of a hollow cone of dentine (fi^. 63, d), coated by cement (c), and more or less filled up by the ossified pulp (o). _ Irre¬ gular masses of this fourth substance have been found loose in the pulp-cavity of large teeth. The external cement is thickest at the junction of the crown and base, which are not divided by a neck._ The permanent or mature dentition of the Beluga {Delphinus Delphinus. leucas, Pall.), though scanty, is more normal than in the Physeter, nine functional teeth being retained on each side of the upper jaw, and eight in each ramus of the lower jaw. They present the jorm of straight subcompressed obtuse cones. The Delphinus glohiceps. Fig. 63. ' Cited bv Cuvier in his Ossemens Fossiles, tom. v. pt. i. p. 319. 2 Dents de Mammifere, p. 243. It was eleven feet in length, and captured at Brest. ODONTOLOGY. 445 Teeth of which has 1^ = 52, strong, conical, and pointed teeth in the Mammals, vigour of its’age, begins soon after to lose them, and m old mdi- —viduals none remain in the upper jaw, and not more than eight or ten are preserved in the lower jaw; those at the anterior part pt the jaws last longest, and their summits are received in cavities in the upper jaw, or the gum covering it, when the mouth is shu . The most formidable dentition is that of the predaceous Grampus (Phoccena orca), whose laniariform teeth are as large in proportion to the length of the jaws as in the crocodile; they are in number i3-13=50’ all fixed in deep and distinct sockets, separated by interspaces ’which admit of the close interlocking of the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed; the longest and largest teeth are at the middle of the series, and they gradually decrease m size as they approach the ends, especially the posterior one; the short¬ ness of the anterior teeth is in great part due to the wearing down of the sharp summits, which are best preserved in the small posterior teeth; the position of the bruising and piercing teeth being the reverse of what commonly obtains. The tooth continues to expand below the enamelled crown to the middle of the fang, which is three times the length, or more, of the crown; it then gradually diminishes to a truncated base, more or less excavated, according to the age of the tooth. The expanded ventricose fang is subcompressed and flattened at the sides. A worn tooth of an old Grampus much resembles the canine of the Ursus spelceus; but the long ventricose fang of that is flattened only on one side, is convex at the other, and the pulp cavity is obliterated long ere the crown is worn down ; the base of the enamel is more evenly circular, less oblique from the convex to the concave side of the crown ; the fang in the Grampus is marked by many wavy transverse lines of growth. In the common Dolphin the number of teeth amount to 190, arranged in equal numbers above and below, and there is a pair of teeth in the premaxillaries which are toothless in the other Cetacea. They have slender, sharp, conical, slightly incurved crowns, and diminish in size to the two extremes of the dental series ; the acute apices are longer preserved than in tlm foregoing species. The teeth of the common Porpoise {Phoccena vulgaris), are arranged in equal number on each side of both upper and lower jaws, and are from 80 to 92 in number; the crown is slightly expanded and compressed, and the fully-formed fang is recurved and enlarged at its extremity. The Gangetic Dolphin {Platanista gangetica) differs from the rest of the Delphinidce scarcely less in the form of its teeth than in that of the jaws. Both the upper and lower maxillary bones are much elongated and compressed; the symphysis of the lower jaw is co¬ extensive with the long dental series, and the teeth rise so close to it, that those of one side touch the others by their bases, except at the posterior part of the jaw. The lateral series of teeth are similarly approximated in the upper jaw at the median line of union, which line is compelled, by the alternate position of* the teeth, to take a wavy course. There are thirty teeth on each side of the upper jaw, and thirty-two on each side of the lower jaw. In the young animal they are.all slender, compressed, straight, and sharp pointed, the anterior being longer than the posterior ones, and recurved. Contrary to the rule in ordinary Dolphins, the anterior teeth retain their prehensile structure, while the posterior ones soon have their summits worn down to their broad bases. The most remarkable change that occurs in the progress of growth is the antero-posterior expansion, as well as elongation of the implanted base of the tooth, which likewise has its outer surface augmented by longitudinal folds or indentations, analogous to, but weaker than, those in the base of the teeth of the Sauroid fishes. Sometimes the posterior tooth of the Platanista has the base divided into two short fangs—the sole example of such a structure which I have met with in the existing carnivorous Cetacea. at no period entirely enclosed in a bony cell; in which respect the Cetacea offer an interesting analogy to true fishes. The Cetacea permanently represent that early embryonic stage when no cervical constriction divides the large head from the trunk, and when the rudimental limbs offer no outward marks of joints or digits; they likewise retain a preponderating proportion of brain, and manifest for a long period, and on a magnified scale, the first stages in the development of teeth. When, by the increasing depth of the jaw, and the reciprocal elongation of the tooth, its base or fang becomes supported by bone (fig. 64, 6), a longer time than usual elapses before the alveolus is completed by the development of transverse partitions between the outer and inner walls of the open groove; and in the meanwhile the teeth are lodged, like those of the Ichthyosauri, in a common and continuous bony channel. In the Delphinidce the teeth are succes¬ sively developed from before backwards, and pass through all their stages of growth in that order of position—the anterior ones having their fangs and alveoli completed, whilst the posterior teeth are lodged in a common groove, or may be supported at the back part of the series by the gum only, as at a. When the formation of the entire series of teeth approaches its completion, the Dolphin resembles the Alligator in having the anterior teeth lodged in sockets, and the posterior teeth in an alveolar groove. In the Cachalot the large middle teeth of the series are the last to have the fang solidified. The conversion of the last remnant of the pulp produces the irregular bone-like deposit in the centre of the tooth, and closes up the lower aperture—one or two minute canals for the nutrient vessels being usually left. The mass of this fourth central substance is greatest in the Cachalot (fig. 63, o), in which the process^sometimes commences at an independent centre, and proceeds centrifugally, as in ordinary ossification, giving rise to the detached, stalactitic masses occasionally found loose in the unclosed pulp-cavity of large teeth. _ . . The remains of a gigantic animal discovered in a tertiary forma- Zeuglodon. tion in the State of Louisiana, and originally, interpreted to belong to the class of reptiles with the name of Basilosaurvs? having pre¬ sented, in both portions of upper and lower jaws, teeth implanted by a double fang in deep sockets, the writer demonstrated from this character, and the microscopic structure of the teeth, both the mam¬ malian nature and cetaceous affinities of the species, and proposed for it the name of Zeuglodon, or yoke-tooth.2 The crowns ot the large posterior teeth are sub-compressed and conical, with an obtuse apex. The upper part of the crown has its anterior and posterior margins strongly serrated (fig. 65). The crown is contracted from Fig. 65. Deciduous and Permanent Teeth of the Zeuglodon. side to side in the middle of its base, so as to give its transverse section an hour-glass form (fig. 66); and the opposite wide longitu- d Develop¬ ment fFig. 64. Section of Jaw and Teeth of a Dolphin (Delphbius delphis). The primitive seat of the development of the tooth-matrix in the vascular membrane or gum (fig. 64, a) lining an open groove on the alveolar border of the maxillary bones (6), is maintained much longer in the Cetacea than in the highest organized Mam¬ malia; a greater proportion of the tooth is also developed before the matrix sinks into, or is surrounded by a bony alveolus; and, with the exception of the rudimental tusks in the Narwhal, is Transverse Section of a Tooth of the Zeuglodon. Nat. size, dinal grooves which produce this form, become deeper as the crown approaches the socket, and at length meet and divide the root of the tooth into two separate fangs. The anterior teeth have a single root, and are somewhat smaller than the posterior ones; the crown is sharp-pointed, conical, slightly recurved and laterally compressed, the transverse section of the base forming an ellipse. Harlan, Medical and Physical Researches, 8vo, 1835. Prof. R. Grant, in Thomson’s British Annual for 1839. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, 2d Series, vol. vi. 446 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. Order Sirenia. Halicore. The teeth of a species of this genus were figured by Scilua in his work De Corporibus Marinis, 4°, 1747, tab. xii. fig. 1. They have been ascribed, since the above-cited memoir on Zeuglodon appeared, by Mr. Grateloup, to a genus called Squalodon, and by Dr. Gibbs to a genus called Dorudon. The mode of completion of the teeth in this extinct Cetacean is different from, and conforms to, a higher type than that of any of the existing carnivorous genera of the order. It is evident that the pulp which, from the form and structure of the crown, was originally simple, becomes afterwards divided into two parts, and that its calcification then proceeds towards two distinct centres, which are each separately surrounded by con¬ centric striae of growth. The cavitas pulpi, which is very small in the crown of the tooth, becomes contracted as the fangs descend, and is almost obliterated near their extremities. The summits of the crown of the teeth of the Zeuglodon were sheathed with enamel. Their base exhibits an investment of a thin layer of cement, which augments in thickness where it surrounds the fangs. _ Dr Carus1 figures a fragment of the under jaw of the Zeuglodon (see fig. 65), in which a worn-out deciduous molar appears to be dis¬ placed and succeeded vertically by a premolar ; this would imply an affinity to the Sirenia. In the Sirenia, whose dentition will next be described, the two-fanged structure is fully established in the Mana¬ tee, whilst the Dugong presents a near resemblance to the Zeuglodon in the composition and the intimate structure of the molar teeth. The vertebrae of the Zeuglodon resemble those of the carnivorous Cetacea. The size of the extinct animal is estimated at near seventy feet; it accordingly affords a very interesting addition to the history of the dental system in the Cetaceous order, and makes the typical group approach by another step nearer to the Dugongs and Manatees, which are more essentially related to the Pachyderms. Two marks of inferiority in the dental system of the carni¬ vorous Cetacea, which they have in common with many of the order Bruta, viz.—uniformity of shape in the whole series of teeth, and no succession and displacement by a second or permanent set,—disappear when we commence the examination of the dentition of those apodal Pachyderms, which have been called by Cuvier the Herbivorous Cetacea. In the Dugong (Halicore), for example, we find incisors distin¬ guished by their configuration as well as position from the molars, and the incisive tusk is deciduous, displaced vertically, and suc¬ ceeded by a permanent tusk; both these characters are shown in fig. 67. Of the incisors of the Dugong, only the superior ones project in. Fig. fi7. Section of Jaws and Teeth of a Dugong (Eitlicore indicus.) from the gum in the male sex, and neither upper nor lower ones are visible in the female. The superior incisors (i) are two in number in both sexes. In the male they are moderately long, substriedrai, slightly and equally curved, of the same diameter from the base to near the apex, which is obliquely bevelled off to a sharp edge, like the scalpriform teeth of the Bodentia. Only the extremity of this tusk projects from the jaw, at least seven-eighths of its extent being lodged in the socket, the parietes of which are entire, and the ex¬ terior of the great intermaxillary bones presents an unbroken surface. In the female Dugong the growth of the permanent incisive tusks of the upper jaw is arrested before they cut the gum, and they remain throughout life concealed in the premaxillary bones ; the tusk in this sex is solid, is about an inch shorter and less bent than that of the male ; it is also irregularly cylindrical, longitudinally indented, and it gradually diminishes to an obtuse rugged point; the base is suddenly expanded, bent obliquely outwards, and presents a shallow excavation. The deciduous incisors of the upper jaw (fig. 67, i d) are much smaller than the permanent tusks of the female,2 and are loosely inserted by one extremity in conical sockets immediately ante¬ rior to those of the permanent tusks (fig. 67), adhering by their opposite ends to their tegumentary gum, which presents no outward indication of their presence. Not more than twenty-four molar teeth are developed in the Australian Dugong (Halicore Australis), or more than twenty molar teeth in the Malayan Dugong, viz.—in the latter, five on each side of both upper and lower jaws (fig. 67, 1-5), but these are never simultaneously in use, the first being shed before the last has cut the gum. The period when the molar series can be viewed in its most com¬ plete state in the Dugong is that represented in fig. 67. The molar teeth increase very regularly in size ; the fang of the first (1) and of the second (2) is soon completed and solidified; that of the third (3) is more elongated, and retains its basal cavity longer, but it becomes at length contracted to a point, solidified, partially absorbed, and the tooth is then shed; the crown presents a regular oval shape in trans¬ verse section. The fourth molar, when fully formed, resembles a slightly bent cylinder with a nearly smooth outer surface ; the crown is flat, or slightly depressed at the centre. The opposite extremity of the tooth is excavated by a regular conical cavity, lodging the remains of the pulp, With age, however, the fang contracts, takes on an irregularly fluted and tuberculate surface, and is at last closed at its extremity. The matrix of the last molar tooth (5) expands as the crown is forming, and manifests a tendency to divide into two fangs; but having acquired the size and form exhibited in fig. 67, b, in transverse section, the pulp is maintained in a wide basal pulp-cavity, to supply the waste of the crown according to that pattern. The molar teeth of the Dugong consist of a large body of dentine (fig. 8, d), a small central part of osteo-dentine, and a thick external investment of cement (c). The communications between the tubes of the cement and those of the dentine are clearly discernible in several parts of the circumference of the latter substance, and the whole system of tubes adapted to circulate the plasma of the blood through the solid tissues of the tooth is, perhaps, in no existing mammal better seen than in the molar of the Dugong. The small portion of osteo-dentine in the centre of the tooth is permeated by a few vascular canals, which are derived frojjr the remains of the pulp. In the female Dugong the whole of the smaller extremity of the tusk is surrounded by a thin coat of true enamel, which is covered by a thinner stratum of cement. In the male’s tusk the enamel, though it may originally have capped the extremity, as in the female’s, yet, in the body of the tusk, it is laid only upon the anterior convex, and on the lateral surfaces, but not upon the posterior concave side of the tusk; which is thickly coated with cement. This side, accordingly, is worn away obliquely when the tusk comes into use, whilst the enamel maintains a sharp chisel-like edge upon the anterior part of the protruded end of the tusk. The presence of abortive teeth concealed in the sockets of the deflected part of the lower jaw of the Dugong (fig. 67, a, id) offers an interesting analogy with the rudimental dentition of the upper jaw in the Cachalot, and of both jaws in the foetal Whales. The arrested growth and concealment of the upper tusks in the female Duo-ong, and the persistent pulp-cavity and projection of the corre¬ sponding tusks in the male, are equally interesting repetitions of the phenomena manifested on a larger scale in the singular dental system of the Narwhal; but the habitual abrasion to which the tusks of the male Dugong are subject prevents their closer resemblance to the male Narwhal’s tusk in regard to length. The simple implantation of the molar teeth and their composition are paralleled in the teeth of the Cachalot; their difference of form, and the more complex shape of the hindmost tooth, are repetitions of characters which were present in the dentition of the extinct Zeuglodon. The co-existence of incisive tusks with molar teeth, and the suc¬ cessive displacement of the smaller and more simple anterior ones by the advance of larger and more complex grinders into the field of attrition, already seem to sketch out peculiarities of dentition, which become established and attain their maximum in the Proboscidian family (Elephants and Masto¬ dons) of the Ungulate order. The transition from the cetaceous to the more normal type of pachydermal dentition is effected by the Manatee (Manatus), especially by the modification of the molar series. The deflected anterior extremities of the inter- Fie C8 poartllaarsiJg?eeYedduous Lower Jaw and Teeth of a Young Manatee- tusk in the young Manatee (fig. 69, i); but this is not succeeded by a permanent one in either sex. Six depressions for rudimental teeth Teeth of Mammals. ManatuA 1 See Nova acta Caes. Leop. Carol, vol. xxii. tab xxxix. B. fig. 2, p. 390. Broceedbigs of the Zoolog. Society, 1838, n. 41. ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. Order Marsupi- alia. Thyla- cinus. occur in the gum, covering the deflected forepart of each ramus of the lower jaw in the young new-born American Manatee (fig. 68, 1- 6), and in the sixth (6) Stannius1 found a tooth, which he calls a sixth incisor. . . The molars of the American Manatee are thirty-eight in number, ten on each side of the upper jaw, and nine, at least, on each side of the lower jaw 5 but they are never simultaneously in place and use. The number of teeth ordinarily in use at the same time is that repre¬ sented in Fig. 69, 3-8, where the first and second molars (1, 2) have been shed, and the two last (9 and 10) have not come into place; The dental formula of the genus Dasyurus is— •4,4 1.1. 2_2 4 a _ 49 1 3.3 ’ ° 1.1 ’ ^ 2.2 ’ 4.4 The eight incisors of the upper jaw (fig. 70, i) are of the same 447 Teeth of Mammals. Dasyurus. 1'ig. 69. Teeth of the Upper Jaw of a Manatee. in the lower jaw seven molars are usually in use in the adult. The first (figs. 68 and 69, 1) in both jaws is small and simple. Beyond the second, the ciwns in the upper jaw are square, and support two transverse ridges with tri-tuberculate summits, having also an ante¬ rior and posterior basal ridge; each tooth is implanted by three diverging roots, one on the inner and two on the outer side , they increase in size very gradually, from the foremost to the last. The crowns of the four or five anterior molars of the lower jaw resemble those above, but the rest have a large posterior tubercle ; they are all implanted by two fangs, which enlarge as they descend, and bifurcate at the extremity; the crowns are of moderate height, and project only a few lines above the sockets. The molars consist of a body of dentine, a coronal_ covering of enamel, and a general investment of cement, very thin upon the crown, and a little thicker iipon the fangs. All the grinding teeth of the Manatee belong to the true molar series, in so far as that none are displaced by vertical successors; but the first molar (fig. 68, 1) is small, conical, and simple, and is separated by a brief interval from the first of the two-ridged molars (2 e). In this respect the Manatee manifests, like the Dugong, a cetaceous character, and the more strongly, inasmuch as the number of molars successively developed from before backwards is greater. The anterior teeth are, however, displaced before the posterior ones are developed, although they have no vertical successors; which cir¬ cumstance is also characteristic of the Elephant, and the shape, the structure, and the mode of implantation of the molars of the Manatee, accord with the pachydermal type, and herein more especially with the teeth of the Dinoiherium and Tapir. In the Marsupial order, the typical number of the teeth in the molar series is seven on each side of both jaws, the first three of which displace as many milk teeth, and are “premolars” (fig. 76, p 1, 2, 3), the other four are true “molars,” (fig. 76, m\, 4). Incisors (fig. 71, i) are present in all the species, but are variable in number, in some genera exceeding that of the Mammalian type. Canines (fig. 71, c) are large in the Dasyures, are feebly represented in the Phalangers and Petaurists, are absent in the lower jaw of the Potoroos and Koala, and in both jaws of the Kangaroos and Wombats. The Basyures and Thylacine offer the carnivorous type of the dental system, but differ from the corresponding group of the placental Mammalia, in having the molars of a more uniform and simple struc¬ ture, and the incisors in greater number; the dental formula of the Dog-headed Opposum, Thalydnus, is— i 4_* ; c — ; ; m ^ 46. 3.3 ’ 1.1 ’ r 3.3 44 The canine teeth are long, strong, curved, and pointed, like those of the dog tribe ; the points of the lower canines are received in hollows of the premaxillary palatal plate when the month is closed, and do not project, as in the carnivorous placentals, beyond the mar¬ gins of the maxillary bones. The premolars (p) present a simple compressed conical crown, with a posterior tubercle, which is most developed on the hindmost. The true molars (m) in the upper jaw are unequally triangular, the last being much smaller than the rest; the exterior part of the crown (fig. 70, a, b) is raised into one large pointed middle cusp and two smaller cusps; a small strong obtuse lobe (c) projects from the inner side of the crown. The nmltimate upper molars of the lower jaw are compressed and tri- Molar of the Thy- cuspidate ; the middle cusp being the longest, lacine. especially in the two last molars, which resemble closely the carnassial teeth (dents carnassieres) of the dog and cat. lug. 71. Dentition of the Ursine Dasyure. Nat. size. length and simple structure, and are arranged in a regular semicircle. The six incisors of the lower jaw (fig. 71, i) are similarly arranged, but have thicker crowns than the upper ones. The canines (fig. 71, c) present the same, or even a greater relative development, than in the Thylacine; in an extinct species of Vasyurus, they had the same form and relative proportions as in the Leopard. The premolars (p 2 and 3) answer to the two last in the Opossum, and have simple crowns. The upper true molars (m) have triangular crowns; the first presents four sharp cusps ; the second and third each five; the fourth, which is the smallest, only three. In the lower jaw, the last molar is nearly of equal size with the penultimate one, and is bristled with four cusps, the external one being the longest. The second and third molars have five cusps, three on the inner and two on the ■ outer side; the first molar has four cusps. The carnivorous cha¬ racter of the above dentition is most strongly marked in the Ursine Dasyure, or Devil of the Tasmanian colonists, the largest existing species of the genus. A carnivorous Australian marsupial, of the size of a Lion, Thylacoleo now extinct, which the writer determined under the name of Thylacoleo carnifex, in 1848, has a true carnassial tooth, upwards of an inch and a half in fore and aft extent, and one inch in height; consisting wholly of the “ blade ” in the lower jaw (fig. 72), and with the addition of a very feeble depressed tubercle in the upper jaw. On the occasion of a visit to London by M. Paul Gervais, at the period when the supposed marsu¬ pial character of the Ptero- don or Hynodon (fig. Ill) of the miocene deposits of Auvergne, Gard, and Vau Fig. 72. Fig. 70. Penultimate Upper cluse were under discussion, Lower Carnassial Tooth viewed from above, of the writer took the oppor- the Thylaeoleo. tunity to point out to that able comparative anatomist and palaeon¬ tologist, certain characters deducible from the foramen carolicum and foramen lacrymale, bearing on this question, and illustrated those con¬ clusions by reference to the then unique carnivorous fossil which had a short time before been transmitted from Australia. M. Gervais accor¬ dingly enters the genus Thylacoleo in the geographical table of fossil mammalia, of the “ Zoologie and Paleontologie Franfaise,” and in his remarks on those of Australia (Nouvelle Hollande), he writes, “ Les depots pliocenes ou pleistocenes ont fourni des Grand Kangaroos, un grand Wombat,2 divers autres especes congeneres de celles d’a pre¬ sent, les genres de Diprotodon et Nototherium, qui etaient aussi des Marsupiaux, mais dont les allues et la taille approchaient de celles de nos grands pachydermes Diluviens, et le Dasyurien, plus grand que le Lion, que M. Owen nomme Thylacoleo ” (p. 192). In some of the smaller species of the carnivorous group, as the Phascogale Phascogale, the canines lose their great relative size, and the molar teeth present a surface more cuspidated than sectorial; there is also an increased number of teeth, and as a consequence of their equable development, they have fewer and shorter interspaces. The genus Phascogale is characterized by— ip-,c l'4; p 3_3; m4:4 46. 0.0 1.1 0.0 4.4 In this dental formula may be discerned a step in the transition from the Dasyures to the Opposums, not only in the increased number of spurious molars, but also in the shape and proportions of the incisors. 1 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Amerikanischen Manati’s, 4to, Bostock, 1843. 2 That, viz., which is alluded to as being “ at least four times as large as either of the known existing species,” in the writer’s memoir on the extinct species of Phascolomys.—(July 1845), Trans. Zool. Soc. tom. iii. p. 306. 448 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of The general character of the dentition of these small predatory Mammals. Marsupials approximates to the insectivorus type, as will be exempli- fied in the Shrew, Hedgehog, etc., among the placental^ Mammalia, and corresponds with the food and habits of the species, which thus lead from the predaceous, or flesh-feeding, to the Entomophegous tribes. Phascolo- The interval is further diminished by a lost Marsupial genus, therium. which forms one of the ancient Mammalia that have rendered the oolitic formations at Stonesfield so famous. This genus, which the ■writer has called Phascolotherium,1 presents the same numerical dental formula as in Phascogale, viz.— i or 4.4; c ™ (^g-7^). But the incisors (i) and canines (c) are separated by vacant inter¬ spaces, and occupy a larger proportional space in the dental senes. Myrme- cobius. Amphi- ttierium. Tig. 73. Lower Jaw and Teeth of the Phascolothere. Nat. size, in outline. The transition from the false (p 1, 2, 3) to the true (m 1, 2, 3, 4) molars, is more gradual; the latter are more compressea than in the Opossum; the five larger teeth present each a large middle cusp, with a smaller one in front and behind it, and with a basal ridge, which, projecting a little beyond both the anterior and posterior smaller cusps, gives a quinque-cuspid character to the crown of the tooth. The Myrmecohius (fig. 74) is characterised by the following re¬ markable dental formula:— 11* ; c L1; p 33 • 3.3 ’ 1 1 ’ r ; ™ ~ = 54. From this formula it will be seen that the number of true and false molars, eighteen in both jaws, exceeds that of any other known existing Marsupial. The molars (m 1, 6) present a distinct multicuspid structure, and both the true and false ones pos¬ sess two separate fangs, as in other Marsupials. The inferior molars are Fig. 74. directed obliquely in- Dentition of the MyrmecoLius. waids, and the whole dental series describes a slight sigmoid curve. The premolars (p 1, 2, 3) present the usual com¬ pressed triangular form, wuth the apex slightly recurved, and the base more or less obscurely notched before and behind. The canines (c) are very little longer than the false molars. The incisors (i) are minute, slightly compressed, and pointed ; they are separated from each other and the canines by wide intervals. The genus Amphitherium is founded on fossil remains of lower jaws and teeth discovered, like those of the Phascolothere, in the oolitic slate at Stonesfield, in Oxfordshire, and it receives elucida¬ tion from the dental characters of the previous genus, but is remark¬ able for having a still greater number of molar teeth. The dental formula is as follows:— Tig. 75. Lower Jaw and Teetli of the Amphitherium. Twice nat. size. and separated by intervals, as in the existing Marsupial genus Myr- mecobius; the canine (c) had a similar form. The shape of the crowns of the premolars (p) and molars (m) is shewn in the specimens Teeth of of the larger species (Amphitherium Broderipii), in the museum at Mammals. York, their implantation of the jaw, each by two long slender roots, as indicated in to 1 and 2, is demonstrated by one of the specimens of the smaller species (Amphitherium Prevostii) in the museum at Oxford. The singular animal on which this genus was founded, has but Choercpus. two toes on each fore foot; its dental formula is— z y ; C y ; » 3 3 ; TO y = 46. 3.3 1.1 3.3 4.4 All the teeth are of small size ; the upper incisors are conical, the lower ones truncated, and the hindmost is notched ; the canines are conical and compressed; the upper one is simple and remote from the incisors; the lower one is near the incisors, and is notched ante¬ riorly; the premolars are separated by intervals, as in Myrmecobius; they are tricuspid, except the first in the upper jaw, which resembles the canine. Each true molar consists of two triangular prisms, those of the upper jaw being broader than those below, and with their base turned outwards, contrary to those in the lower jaw. The genus would seem by its dentition to rank between Myrmecobius and Perameles. Its digital characters are anomalous and unique among the Marsupialia, but are evidently a degeneration from the Saltatorial or Bandicoot type. The dental formula of the genus Ifidelphys is— .55 1.1 3.3 4.4 ,,-v *0! cn'>Palvm4A: 60 (yg-76). Didelphys, Fig. 76. Dentition of the Virginian Opossum. The Opossums resemble in their dentition the Bandicoots more than the Dasyures; but they closely resemble the latter in the tuber¬ culous structure of the molars, the two middle incisors of the upper jaw are more produced than the others, from which they are also separated by a short interspace. The canines still exhibit a superior development in both jaws adapted for the destruction of living prey, but the molars have a con¬ formation different from that which characterizes the true flesh-feeders, and the Opossums consequently subsist on a mixed diet, or prey upon the lower organized animals. The smaller species of Didelphys, which are the most numerous, fulfil in South America the office of the insectivorous Shrews of the old continent. The larger Opossums resemble in their habits, as in their dentition, the carnivorous Dasyures, and prey upon the smaller quadrupeds and birds; but they have a more omnivorous diet, feeding on reptiles and insects, and even fruits. One large species (Did. Cancrivora) prowls about the sea-shore, and lives, as its name im- ?lies, on crabs and other crustaceous animals. Another species, the 'apock, frequents the fresh water, and preys almost exclusively on fish. It has all the habits of the Otter ; and, in consequence of the modifications of its feet, forms the type of the sub-genus Chironectes, 111. Its dentition, however, does not differ from that of the ordinary Opossums. The dental formula of the genus Tarsipes has not been accu- Tarsipea. rately determined; the molars soon begin to fall; the small canines are also deciduous ; the two procumbent incisors of the lower jaw remain the longest. The inferior incisors are opposed to six minute incisors above, which are succeeded by a small canine and some small molars ; but these are reduced in some, perhaps old indi¬ viduals, to a single tooth on each side. The Phalangers, being provided with hinder hands and prehensile Phalan- tails, are strictly arboreal animals, and have a close external resem- gista. blance to the Opossums, by which name they are generally known in Australia and the islands of the Indian Archipelago, where alone they have hitherto been found. They differ from the Opossums chiefly in their dentition, and in accordance with this difference, their diet is more decidedly of a vegetable kind. The absence of anomalous or functionless premolars, and of Phasco inferior canines, appears to be constant in this genus, the dental larctos. formula of which, in other respects resembles that of Phalangista; it is— 1 n;c -p n;m £4 =30 (Fis-77)- The true molars (fig. 77) are larger in proportion than in the Pha¬ langers ; each is beset with four three-sided pyramids (a, b, c, d), the cusps of which wear down in age, the outer series in the upper Transactions of the Geological Society of London, vol. vi. 2d series, 1838, p. 58, pi. 6. ODONTOLOGY. 449 Teeth of teeth being the first to give way; those in the lower jaw are nar- Mammals, rower than in the upper; there is also the rudiment of a “ cingulum, ’ Hypsi- prymnus. Molar Tooth of the Koala ‘ ‘ • magnified. Dentition of the Koala (1‘hascolarctos fuscus.) as at * *■ The premolars (p 3) are compressed, and terminate in a cutting edge ; in those of the upper jaw there is a small parallel ridge along the inner side of the base. The canine (c) slightly exceeds in size the posterior incisor, and terminates in an oblique cutting edge rather than in a point; the fang is closed at the extremity; it is situated, as in the Phalangers, close to the premaxillary suture. The lateral incisors of the upper jaw are small and obtuse; the two anterior or middle incisors are more than twice as large as the rest; they are conical, slightly curved, sub-compressed, bevelled off obliquely to the anterior cutting edge, but differing essentially from the dentes scalprarii of the Rodentia in being closed at the extremity of the fang. The two incisors of the lower j aw resemble those of the upper, but are longer and more compressed. The dental formula of Ifypsiprymnus, the generic name of the Potoroos, or Kangaroo-rats, is— ,3.3 1.1 1.1 4.4 11.1 ’ C 0.0 ’ P PI ’ m 4.4 — 80 The anterior of the upper incisors, (fig. 78, i) are longer and more curved than the lateral ones, and their pulps are persistent. The canine (c) is larger than in the Koala; it is situ¬ ated on the line of the premaxillary suture; and while the fang is lodged in the maxillary, the crown projects al¬ most wholly from the premaxillary bone. In the large Hypsiprymnue ursinus, the canines Fig. 78. are relatively smaller Dentition of the Potoroo, (Hypsiprymnus.) than in the other Poto¬ roos, a structure which indicates the transition from the Poto¬ roo to the Kangaroo genus. The single premolar (fig. 78, p) has a peculiar trenchant form; its maximum of development is attained in the arboreal Potoroos of New Guinea (Hypsiprymnus ursinns and Hyps, dorcocepephalus), in the latter of which its antero¬ posterior extent nearly equals that of the three succeeding molar teeth. In all the Potoroos, the trenchant spurious molar (p) is indented, especially on the outer side, and in young teeth, by many small vertical grooves. The true molars (m 1, 2, 3, 4) each present four three-sided pyramidal cusps ; but the internal angles of the two oppo¬ site cusps are continued into each other across the tooth, forming two angular or concave transverse ridges. In the pld animal these cusps and ridges disappear, and the grinding surface is worn quite flat. In the genus Macropus (fig. 143), the normal condition of the per¬ manent teeth may be expressed as follows :— .3.3 0.0 1.1 4.4 0Q tn:cM;-Pu:m4T4=5:28- The main difference, as compared with Hypsiprymnus, lies in the absence of the upper canines as functional teeth; but the germs of these teeth are always to be found in the young mammary foetus of the Macropus major, and the writer has detected them, but of very small size, and concealed by the gum, in the adults of some small species of Kangaroos, as, e.g., Macropus rufiventer, Ogilby, and Macr. psilopus, Gould. This, however, is a rare exception; while the constant presence and conspicuous size of the canines will always serve to distinguish the Potoroo from the Kangaroo. The crown of the true molars supports two principal transverse ridges, with a broad anteiior talon and a narrow hinder one. In most species a spur is continued from the hinder to the fore ridge, and another from the fore ridge to the front talon. Dr Mason Good has remarked, “ The Mus maritimus, or African rat, has the singular property of separating at pleasure, to a con¬ siderable distance, the two front teeth of the lower jaw, which are not less than an inch and a quarter long; that elegant and extra¬ ordinary creature, the Kangaroo, which, from the increase that has lately taken place in his Majesty’s garden at Kew, we may soon hope to see naturalized in our own country, is possessed of a similar faculty.’’1 This faculty of divaricating the lower incisors is due to the laxity Teeth ot of the symphysial union of the two. rami of the lower jaw ; the teeth Mammals, merely move with the bones in which they are implanted. Remains of gigantic Kangaroos have been discovered in the same caves in Australia which contained the teeth and jaws of the large extinct Dasyurus laniarius, and they probably formed the prey of that species and of its contemporary the Thylacine, which has equally become extinct in the continent of Australia. A gigantic extinct herbivorous Australian Marsupial, the bulk jy;pro_ of which may be surmised from the length of the skull, which todon. equals three feet, manifests a dentition which makes the nearest approach to the type of the Kangaroos ; but the anterior or median pair of upper incisors of the upper jaw present the condition of large, curved, scalpriform, over-growing tusks, which work against a similar but straight procumbent pair of incisive tusks below; thus presenting a transitional feature between the Kangaroos and the Rodent form of Marsupial called Wombat (Phascolomys). By reason of this modification, the writer separated the above large fossil Marsupial generically from Macropus, and proposed for it the name of Diprotodon, or two-incisored, in his Description of the Australian fossil Mammalia, in the appendix to “ Mitchell’s Expe¬ dition into the Interior of Eastern Australia,” 8vo, 1838. He has since ascertained that the second and third incisors are present, though of diminutive size, in the upper jaw of the Dipro¬ todon ; but as these teeth are actually reduced to two in the lower jaw, and functionally so in the upper one, the generic name is still applicable. There is no trace of canines in either jaw. The molars present the double transversely-ridged type of the Macropus, an anterior and posterior low basal ridge being added to the two prin¬ cipal eminences. Five such molars were developed on each side of both jaws, pro¬ gressively increasing in size from the first to the fourth. The first is generally shed before the last is in place. A second genus of huge Marsupial Herbivora has been indicated under the name of Nototherium? The Thylacoleo seems to have been designed to keep these giants of the order in check. The dental system presents, in fig, 79, the extreme degree of p}iasco- lomvs. Fig. 79. Dentition of the Wombat {Phascolomys). that degradation of the teeth, intermediate between the front incisors and true molars, which has been traced from the Opossum to.the Kangaroos; not only have the functionless prem.olars and canines now totally disappeared, but also the posterior incisors of the upper jaw, which we have seen in the Koala and Potoroo to exhibit, a feeble degree of development as compared with the anterior pair; these, in fact, are alone retained in the dentition of the genus Phascolomys. The dental formula of the Wombat is thus reduced, both in number and kind, to that of the true Rodentia, viz.— ^g. 79). The incisors (i), moreover, are dentes scalprarii, with persistent pulps; but are inferior, especially in the lower jaw, in their relative length and curvature to those of the placental Glires; they present a subtriedral figure, and are traversed by a shallow groove on their mesial surface. The premolars (p) present no trace of that com¬ pressed structure which characterises them in the Koala and Kanga¬ roos, but have a wide oval transverse section; those of the upper jaw being traversed, on the minor side, by a longitudinal groove. The true molars (m 1-4) are double the size of the premolars; the superior ones are also traversed by an internal longitudinal groove; but this is so deep and wide that it divides the whole tooth into two prismatic portions, with one of the angles directed inwards. The inferior molars are in like manner divided into two triedral portions, but the intervening groove is here external, and one of the facets of each prism is turned inwards. All the grinders are curved, and describe about a quarter of a circle. In the upper jaw the concavity of the curve is directed outwards ; in the lower jaw, inwards. The false and true molars, like the incisors, have persistent pulps, and Book of Nature, vol. YOL. XVI. i. p. 285. 1826. 2 Owen, Report on the Extinct Mammals of Australia, cfc. 8vo, 1844, p. 12. 3 L 450 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. Order Insecti- vora. Chryso- chloris. Fig. 80. are, consequently, devoid of true fangs, in which respect the Wombat differs from all other Marsupials, and resembles the extinct Toxodon, the dentigerous Bruta, and herbivorous Bodentia. The cuts, figs. 72, 70, 77, and 80, showing the working surface of the molar teeth, exemplify stages in the progressive transition from the carnivorous to the herbivorous modification of those teeth in the Marsupial series. Figure 72, nat. size, is the lower carnassial tooth of the great extinct Thylacoleo. Fig. 70 is an upper molar of the largest exist¬ ing Marsupial carnivore, the Thylacine of Tasmania ; the addition of the inner lobe (c) gives it a triangular form.. In the Dasyurus the inner lobe is augmented, and the outer division is thickened by the development of a pointed tubercle or cusp from the cingulum. In the Bandicoot [Perameles Myosuros), a second lobe answering to d in fig. 77 is added to the inner division of the crown, and two tubercles are developed from the outer part of the cingulum; in the Phalan- gista and Koala (fig. 77). the outer tubercles are obsolete, and the principal lobes (a, b, c, d) are almost equal, with a posterior basal ridge and the rudiment of an anterior one. In the Hypsiprymnus the lobes answer¬ ing to a and c begin to coalesce and form a transverse ridge, as do those behind answering to b and d. In the Macropus (fig. 143) the coalescence is more complete; and in the Diprotodon the double cross- ridged structure is complete. The parts of the cingulum forming the anterior and posterior basal ridges are present in all Grinding Surface of a Lower the three last examples. Finally, the Molar (nat. size) of the Great \yombat (fig. 80) shows the most aberrant extinct om a . modification of the grinding surface. The cut is taken from a molar tooth of the lower jaw of the great extinct Phascolomys gigas. , , The dental system in this order is remarkable for the many varieties and even anomalies which it presents—almost the only characteristic predicable of it in the numerous small quadrupeds which constitute ft being the presence of several sharp points or cusps upon the crowns of the molar teeth, which are always broader in the upper than in the lower jaw. The teeth that intervene between these and the incisors are most variable in form and size, but are never absent; the incisors also differ in number, size, and shape, in different species, the ante¬ rior ones approximating in some species to the cha¬ racter of the scalpriform teeth of the Rodents. Of all existing Insectivora, the Chrysochlore, or irides¬ cent mole of th e Cape, makes the nearest approach, by the number of its molar teeth (fig. 81), to that remarkable condition which was mani- Fig. 81. fested in the most ancient Dentition of the Cape-Mole {Chrysochloris period of Mammalian exist- capensis) magnified. eI1ce Ly the extinct Awphi- therium and Spalacotherium of the Oolitic period in geology. At least true molars may be assigned to the Chrysochlore accord¬ ing to their form—the only character, in the absence of the known order of vertical displacement and succession by which the true and false molars can at present be defined in this species. The anterior large laniariform tooth, and the two succeeding small teeth, are in¬ cisors, by virtue of their position in the premaxillary bones; the next small tooth, with a simple compressed tricuspid crown, may be regarded either as a canine or a premolar. The crowns of the true molars are thin plates, flattened from before backwards, with two notches on the working edge, and a longitudinal groove along the outer and thicker margin. Another anomaly, more remarkable than that of the shape of the true molars, is their separation from each other by vacant intervals, as in many Reptiles. The crowns of the five lower true molars are compressed antero- posteriorly, but are of unusual length, and have the thicker margin turned inwards; the summit of the outer border is pointed and most prominent; the inner division is subdivided into two points. The anterior incisor is small and procumbent; the second has a larger laniariform crown; the third is small, and resembles the two pre¬ molars which intervene between this and the first large tricuspid molar. The lower molars are separated by wider intervals than those above ; the crowns of the opposing series enter reciprocally the interspaces, and interlock ; in mastication, the anterior margin of the lower tooth works upon the posterior margin of the opposite upper tooth. According to M. Cuvier,1 each series in the upper jaw of the Teeth of Chrysochlore includes one incisor and nine molars ; and in the lowei Mammals, jaw two incisors and eight molars. M. de Blainville, guided by the intermaxillary sutures in the young Chrysochlore, regards the first three teeth in each lateral series as incisors, the fourth as a canine, and the remaining six as molars in both upper and lower jaws. The writer’s views, as given in the foregoing description, are expressed by the following formula •— . 3.3 1.1 6.6 * 3.3 1 P 2.2 > m 6.5 ^O. The small insectivorous mammal, called Spalacotherium* which Spalaco- has left its fossil remains a a therium. in the upper Oolite of Pur- beck, bad ten molar teeth on each side of the lower jaw, of which six at least presented a tricuspid crown (fig. 82), with pro- Ig‘ ■portions very similar to °f Lcwer Jaw and Teeth of the Spalacothenum those of the Chrysochlore. Iricuspidcns. In the Shrew-moles of America (Scalops) the dentition makes an Scalops. important step towards the normal mammalian condition, by the restriction of the characters of the true molar teeth to the three posterior ones in each lateral series ; between these and the large scalpriform incisor, in the upper jaw, there are six teeth; the first two of which must also be regarded, by the analogy of the Chryso¬ chlore, as incisors; the next tooth might pass for a canine ; and the remaining three for premolars; of these the last is the largest, and has a triedral pointed crown. The true molars have large crowns, each with six cusps, four on the outer, and two on the inner part of the grinding surface. In the lower jaw the first incisor is small and procumbent, and the second large and laniariform, as in the Chryso¬ chlore ; the third is absent, and a vacant space separates the incisors from the three premolars, and the crown of each true molar consists of two parallel three-sided prisms, each terminated by three cusps, and having one of the angles turned outwards, and one of the faces inwards ; the interspaces between the angles makes the outer surface of the long molars of the Scalops appear grooved. The dental formula of this genus, according to the above description, is— . 33 1.1 3.3 3.3 * 2.2 > c 0.0 > .P 3.3 ’ m 3.3 = 36. The dentition of the common mole [Talpa europcea, fig.. 83) Talpa. includes eleven teeth on each side of both upper and lower jaws. The first three in the upper jaw are very small, with simple incisive crowns, and are each implanted by a long and slender fang. These teeth are incisors. The next tooth (c), by the size and shape of the crown, represents a canine, but it is implanted by two fangs like the succeeding premolar teeth. Three of these teeth (p 1,2,3) are of small size, with compressed conical crowns ; the fourth premolar (p 4) has a larger three-sided conical crown, supported by three fangs, the crowns of the true molars (m 1, 2, 3) are multicuspid; the middle one the largest, with five points, and usually supported by four fangs, the hindmost the small¬ est, with a tricuspid crown and three fangs. In the lower jaw Fig. 83. the first four teeth on each Dentition of the Mole {Talpa ettropaa). side are small, simple, and single-fanged, like the three incisors above; the fifth tooth has a large laniariform crown, supported by two fangs, being very similar to, but shorter than, the two-fanged canine above. As it passes behind that tooth when the mouth is shut, we must regard the fourth tooth below, notwithstanding its small size and similarity to the incisors, as the true inferior canine, as it is in the Ruminants. The fifth tooth (p 1) is then the first and largest of the series of four premolars, each of which has a small posterior talon at the base of the compressed conical crown. The three true molars (m 1, 2, 3) are each implanted by two fangs, and have quinque-cuspid crowns, the middle molar being the largest. The teeth of the mole have been differently classified by different authors; but the difference turns mainly upon the determination of the canine teeth. F. Cuvier3 and T. Bell4 both regard the fourth large tooth of the upper jaw (c) as a canine, notwithstanding it has two fangs. M. de Blainville5 describes it as an incisor, in which case the double implantation would be still more anomalous. The position of the incisive foramen, however, indicates that the double socket of this tooth is posterior to the premaxillary suture, and that the number of incisors has been rightly determined by F. Cuvier. 1 Dents de Mammiferes, p. 63. 2 Proceedings of the Geological Society, 4 History of British Quadrupeds, 8vo, 183.7, p. 85. June 1854. p. 426. 3 Dents de Mammiferes, p. 62. 5 Osteographie, Insectivores, 4to, p. 49. ODONTOLOGY. 451 Teeth of By this justly-esteemed authority, the canines are held to be wanting Mammals, in the lower jaw of the mole. Mr Bell regards as lower canines the large fifth tooth on each side, although posterior to the canine above; and M. de Blainville, having assigned eight incisors to the upper jaw, adopts the same view in regard to the lower jaw, and calls the first pre¬ molar {p 1) a canine. With regard to the fourth tooth above, if it be not developed in the premaxillary bone, it claims to be regarded as a canine by the size and shape of the crown, and to be a premolar by virtue of its two fangs; but, since the fang of a tooth is subject to more variety than the crown, the present writer has been guided by the more fixed character, and has called the tooth in question a canine.1 The fourth tooth below (o_),_although so. small, is the only one which has the true relative position of a canine, in advance of the one above when the mouth is shut, and we shall find in the fjenus Lemur a similar conformity of size and shape between the ower canine and incisors as exists in the common mole.2 .There is no difficulty about the other teeth, the canines being determined, and thus the dental formula of the genus Talpa is— . 3.3. 1.1. 4.4. 3.3 I 3~3 » ^ ’^44’ ^33 === According to this homology, the teeth are equal in number, and alike in kind in both jaws; the true molars are reduced to the nor¬ mal quantity in the placental series, and the entire dentition is the least anomalous of any which is manifested in the family Talpidoe. In the Talpa moogura, Temm., the inferior canine is absent, as in the genus Scalops. In the Condylure, or Rayed-mole, it is present, with the form and proportions of a canine. In Talpa leucura, Blyth (p 1), is wanting. Soricidse. The transition from the Moles to the Shrews seems to be made Solenodon. by the water-moles [Mygale), and the Solenodon. The latter insectivore combines the form of a gigantic Shrew, with a denti¬ tion resembling that of the Chrysochlore. Each premaxillary bone contains three incisors, the first large, canine-shaped, grooved anteriorly, with the point inclined backwards; the other two incisors small, with simple conical crowns; these are suc¬ ceeded by seven teeth, the two anterior having three-sided conical crowns, the other five bearing, in addition, an external tuberculate basal ridge In the lower jaw, the anterior incisor is very small, and the second large and laniariform, as in the Scalops and Chryso¬ chlore ; but it is remarkable for a deep longitudinal excavation upon its inner side,3 apparently produced by the friction of the large upper incisors which are received into the interspace of the lower pair; the third lower incisor is small and simple ; of the seven succeeding teeth, the four last have multicuspid crowns like true molars. Mygale. The Pyrenean Water-mole (Mygale pyrenaica) has eleven teeth on each side of both jaws; the first incisor above is relatively larger than in Scalops, trihedral, and sharp-pointed; the second and third incisors are very small; none of the succeeding teeth present the form and size of a canine ; the last three teeth are multicuspid, and are true molars. In the lower jaw, all the teeth anterior to the true molars are small and simple. The teeth in the lower jaw of a species of Water-mole (Palcco- spalax), as large as a Hedgehog, which has become extinct in Eng¬ land, present a close resemblance with those oi the Mygale; the true molars have square, quinque-cuspid crowns, but are distinguished from the teeth of all known recent Insectivora by the presence of a minute tubercle at the bottom of the outer vertical fissure of the crown.4 * The typical Shrews always manifest their rodent analogy by the great preponderance of the anterior pair of incisors in both upper and lower jaws. In the lower jaw the great incisor is uniformly succeeded by two small and three large multicuspid molars; but in the upper jaw the number of small premolars varies. The last true molar is commonly of small size. The subgenera of Shrews are chiefly based upon the form of the large incisors and the numerical variations of the dentition of the upper jaw. In the common Shrew (Sorex araneus oi Linnaeus) there are four true'molars and three small teeth between these and the anterior incisor; this tooth has a pointed tubercle at the back of the base of the crown. The long procumbent incisor of the lower jaw has the trenchant superior margin entire. In the Sorex (Amphisorex) tetragonurus, the upper edge of the lower incisor is notched; the large upper incisor appears bifurcate from the great development of the posterior talon; five small teeth, progressively decreasing in size, intervene between the upper large incisor and the true molars. In the Sorex (Hydrosorex) llermanni, the trenchant edge of the lower procumbent incisor is entire; there are four small teeth between the large anterior incisor and the true molars in the upper jaw, as in the great Sorex indicus; but the three first are subequal, and the fourth very minute ; there is a fourth small true molar above. The enamelled tips of the teeth of the species of Amphisorex and Hydrosorex are stained of a bright Teeth of brown colour; the teeth of Sorex proper, as the common Shrew Mammals. (S. araneus), are not so stained. In the progress of the formation of the large notched incisors, the summits of the tubercles are first formed as detached points, sup¬ ported upon the common pulp, and do not become united until the centripetal calcification has converted this into a common dentinal base. Some anatomists have regarded the large incisor so formed as an aggregate of two or three teeth; but in Sorex proper and Hydrosorex, the calcification of the lower incisor spreads from a single point, and the interpretation of the notched incisor of the Amphisorex,* us the representative of these incisors, might, by parity of reasoning, be applied to the human incisor teeth, the dentated margins of which are likewise originally three or four separate tubercles. The determination of the small teeth between the large anterior incisors and the multicuspid molars depends upon the extent of the early anchylosed premaxillaries; the incisors being defined by their implantation in those bones, the succeeding small and simple-crowned molars must be regarded as premolars ; not any of them having the development or office of a canine tooth; their homotypes in the lower jaw are implanted by two roots. The thickness of the enamel, in proportion to the body of dentine, is unusually great in these small insectivores, and the sharp points of the teeth long ^retain their fitness for the office of cracking and crushing the hard or tough teguments of insects.6 The enamel-pulp of the large lower incisors is so large as to overlap, in the young Shrew, the growing margin of the socket, so as to encase with enamel not only the crown of the tooth, but also the contiguous part of the jaw-bone. Daubenton first drew attention to this structure, and M. Duvernoy has likewise made the interesting observation, that the roots of the teeth of Shrews become anchylosed to the jaw-bone, a reptilian character offered by the Sorricidce alone in the mammalian class. In the dentition of the Tupaias (Olisorex) we begin to trace Erinaceidas. characters intermediate between those of the dentition of Shrews Glisorex. and of Hedgehogs. The dental formula of the Olisorex tana is— . 2.2 1.1 3.3 3.3 „„ 1 2.2 ’ C 1.1 ’ P 3.3! m3.3 — 36. The upper incisors are small, simple, and wide apart in the upper jaw ; the anterior incisor in the lower jaw is long and procumbent, but relatively smaller than in the Shrews ; the canines are small in both jaws; the premolars increase in size and complexity as they approach the true molars ; the first two of these are subequal, with six cusps in the upper and five cusps in the lower jaw ; the last true molar is smaller, and is tricus¬ pid. In Macroscelis (Ele¬ phant-mice of the Cape) and Gymnura, each in-i termaxillary bone con¬ tains three teeth, which, in the former genus, are succeeded by four pre¬ molars and three true molars, with the same number of teeth in the lower jaw. In Gymnura (fig. 84) the first tooth which succeeds the inci¬ sors has the form and size of a canine (c) in both upper and lower jaws, but has two roots in the upper jaw ; this is followed by four premolars (p 1-4), the last of which, in the upper jaw, is large and quadricuspid, the first (m 1) and second (m 2) of the true molars have square multi¬ cuspid crowns ; the last true molar (m 3) is smaller and triangular. In the lower jaw of the Gymnura the fourth premolar (p 4) has a compressed tricuspid crown. The dental formula of Gymnura is typical, viz.— Gymnura. Tig. 84. Dentition of the Gymnuria Rafflesii. ;3.3. '3.3’ ,1.1 4.4 . 4.4 U’PW™ Li = 42. The dentition of our common Hedgehog (Erinaceus europceus'', Erinaceus. shows greater inequality in the upper and lower jaws, the formal 1 being— % 3 3 1 P o ’ m 3.3 1 Odontography, 1842, p. 416. Mr Blyth has arrived, as it seems independently, at the same conclusion. He writes: “ In the moles, as in most other Insectivora, and also in the Lemuridce, the lower canine is minute, and takes the form of an incisor, for which it has been very commonly mistaken, and the first premolar is developed to assume the form of a canine.”—Journal of the Asiatic Society, No. 3, 1850. 3 See Brandt, Acta Petropol, ii. 1834. 3 The name of the genus (iroXiiv, a pipe, oSouf, a tooth, relates to this structure.) History of British Fossil Mammals, p. 25. See the beautiful monograph Sur les musaraignes, by Professor Duvernoy, in the Memoires de la Society d' Histoire Naturelle de Strasbourg, 1834. 6 See De Blainville, Osteographie dts Insectivores, p. 55 452 ODONTOLOGY. Centetes. The first incisor in Loth upper and lower jaws is larger and longer than the rest, and is very deeply implanted in the jaw; the tooth which follows the incisors is small in both jaws, but especially so in the lower; it has two roots in the upper jaw. The last premolar is the largest in both jaws; above it has a quadricuspid crown with three fangs ; below, a subcompressed tricuspid crown with two fangs. The true molars decrease in size from the first to the third in both jaws, the first and second have subquadrate four-pointed cro wns above , below, they are narrower, and the anterior and inner angle is produced into a fifth cusp. The true molars of the tropical Hedgehogs, forming the sub-genera Echinops and Ericulus, are more simple, and approach the form of those in the Chrysochlore, being compressed from before backwards, with two outer cusps and one inner cusp in the upper jaw, and with one outer and two inner cusps in the lower jaw. I he number of incisors is in both sub-genera, which are followed by small and simple premolars ; but Eviculus has \compressed tricuspid molars, and Echinops only The large Tenrecs or tailless Hedgehogs of Madagascar, combine the simple molars of the Ericulus with the most formidably developed canines which are to be met with in the whole order Insectwora. The incisors are two in number in the upper jaw, but three in the lower jaw ; very small and sub-equal in both ; the canines are long and large, compressed, trenchant, sharp-pointed, recurved, and single- fanged,° thus presenting all the typical characters of those teeth in the Carnivora. They are separated in both jaws by a wide space from the premolars ; the first above is compressed, unicuspid with a hinder talon, and two-fanged; the second has a larger prismatic tri¬ cuspid crown and three fangs ; of the four posterior teeth, which by their antero-posterior compression may be regarded as true molars, the first three have tricuspid crowns as in the Echinops, and have three fangs ; the fourth is smaller, is tricuspid, and has two fangs ; all the lower molars have two fangs. Structure. The teeth of the insectivora consist of a basis of hard dentine, with a thick coronal investment of enamel, and an outer covering of cement, very recognizable in the interspaces of the coronal^ cusps, in microscropic sections of the molars of the larger species, as the Tenrecs and Macroscelles, and always thick where it closes the extremity of the fangs. Here the cement is commonly more highly organized, is traversed by medullary canals, generally pre¬ senting concentric walls, thus assumes the character of true bone, and, in the Soricidce, is frequently continued into the substance of the jaw itself. The small proportion of dentine, in comparison with the thick layer of enamel, has been already alluded to in the Shrews, ypt the dentinal tubuli are at their commencement very little inferior in dia¬ meter to those of the human incisors ; the trunks are very short, and are resolved into radiated penicilli of undulating branches, which 3uickly subdivide, interlace and anastomose together near the boun- ary line between the dentine and enamel. In most of the Insecti¬ vora, the secondary branches of the dentinal tubes are unusually conspicuous, especially in the dentine forming the fangs. Thp den¬ tinal compartments are rarely well defined ; in the large canines of the Centetes, they are sub-hexagonal, and about -J^th of an inch in diameter, but diminish in size towards the periphery of the den- tine. The deciduous teeth of the Moles and Shrews are uterine, i.e., are developed, and disappear before birth. They are extremely small, and are all of the most simple form. In the foetal Sorex araneus, calcification of the papillary exposed pulps of the teeth, which are succeeded by the first and second premolars, proceed to a very slight extent, and these microscopic rudiments appear to be absorbed rather than shed. The deciduous incisors are further advanced before their displacement, and present the form of equal¬ sized dentinal spicula, tipped with enamel, attached by the opposite end to the gum, and not exceeding ^th of an inch in length; the number of the uterine series of teeth is In the volant Insectivora, or Bats, the canines are always present in both jaws, of the normal form, and with slightly variable propor¬ tions. The molar series never exceeds and is divisible into premolars and true molars ; the latter are bristled, with sharp points, and this type characterises the great bulk of the Cheiroptera of Cuvier. The molars of the large frugivorous Bats (Fteropus) have flat crowns. The incisors are the most variable teeth in the Cheiroptera ; they may be entirely wanting, or be present in the numbers of 1.1 to 2.2 in the upper, and from 1.1 to 3.3 in the lower jaw ; they are always very small, and, in the upper jaw, commonly unequal, and separated by a wide median vacancy. In the genus Chilonycteris, the mid¬ incisors above, and the outer ones below, have the crown notched ; the mid-incisors below have two notches, producing three lobes on Develop¬ ment. Order Cheiro¬ ptera. the cutting border. Taking the common simple-nosed Bat (Ves- Teeth of pertilio murinus) as a type of this Insectivorous group, we find its Mammals, dental formula to be— .2.2 1.1 3 3 1 3.3 i c 1.1; -P 3.3 = 38- The dentition of the suctorial or Vampire Bats deviates, as Desmodus. might be anticipated, in a remarkable degree from that of the In¬ sectivorous Bats. The crushing instruments required for the food of those species are not needed; and the true molars, with their bristled crowns, are entirely absent in the Vampires {Desmodus), (fig. 85). The teeth, at the fore-part of the mouth, are especially deve¬ loped, and fashioned for the infliction of a deep and clean triangular puncture, like that made by a leech. The incisors are two in number above, closely approximated, one in each premaxillary bone, with a very large, compressed, curved, and sharp-pointed crown, implanted by a strong fang which extends into the maxillary bone. The upper yig. 85. canines have similar large lancet-shaped Skull and Teetll of the vam- crowns, and their bases touch those of the pire-Bat (Desmodus Vam- incisors. In the lower jaw the incisors are pirus). two in number on each side, much smaller than the upper pair, and with bilobed crowns. The lower canines are nearly equal in size to those above, and have similar piercing trenchant crowns. The molar series is reduced above to two very small teeth, each with a simple compressed conical crown, implanted by a single fang. The first two molars below resemble those above ; but they are followed by a third, which has a larger compressed and bilobed crown, implanted by two fangs. This tooth corresponds with the last premolar in the more normal genera of Insectivorous Bats. The dental formula of the true Vampire Bat {Desmodus), is thus reduced to— .1.1 .1.1 P 3.3 = 20. The opposite extreme which the aberrant varieties of the Chei- Pteropus. ropterous dentition attain, is manifested in the great frugivorous Bats—sometimes, but erroneously, called Vampires—but which have never been met with in South America, the peculiar country of the true blood-sucking Bats. The complex stomach of a Pteropus is described as that of a Vampyre Bat in the “Lectures of Comparative Anatomy,” by Sir Everard Home, who thereupon infers that “ the Vampyre Bat lives on the sweetest of vegetables,” and that “ all the stories related with so much confidence of its living on blood, and coming in the night to destroy people while asleep, are entirely fabulous,” p. 160. But the blood-thirsty habits of the true Vampyres have been observed or experienced by more than one scientific traveller in South America. Dr Spix calls one of these Bats, which he discovered in Brazil, “ Sanguisuga crudelissimaand Mr Darwin has recorded the attack of another species which fastened upon the withers of his horse during a nocturnal bivouac in Chili.a In some African Pteropi {Pt. macrocephalus and Pt. Whitei), the last small molar would seem to be wanting in both upper and lower jaws, according to Messrs Ogilby and Bennett.* The frugivorous species, sometimes called “flying foxes,” and by the French “ Rousettes,” include the largest animals of the order Cheroptera, and constitute the genus Pteropus; their dental formula is— .2.2 1.1 2.2 3.3 12.2 > c 1.1 > V 33' m 3.3 The deciduous teeth make their appearance above the gum in Bats, as in Shrews, before birth; but they attain a more completely developed state, and are retained until a short time after birth, when they are shed. The Colugos {Galeopithecus) resemble the Bats in the great Galeopi- expanse of their parachute, formed by the fold of integument extend- thecus. ing on each side from the fore to the hind extremity ; but they appertain, by the essential characters of their organization, to the Lemuridce; the dental formula of the genus is—• . 2.2 1.1 2.2 3.3 * 4 3.3 > c 1.1 > P 2.1' m 3.3 The two anterior incisors of the upper jaw are separated by a wide interspace; in the Philippine Colugo they are very small, with simple bilobed crowns ; but in the common Colugo {Lemur volans, Linn ; Galeopithecus Temminckii, Wat.) their crown is an expanded plate, with three or four tubercles ; the second upper incisor, which is unquestionably supported by the intermaxillary bone, presents the peculiarity of an insertion by two fangs in both species of Galeopi¬ thecus. In the lower jaw the crowns of the first two incisors present the See Mr Martin’s Memoir in the Zoological Transactions, vol. ii. See Voyages of (he Adventure and Beagle, vol. iii. p. 25. * Trans. Zool. Soc. ii. p. 34. ODONTOLOGY. 453 Teeth of Mammals, Structure. Order liodentia. Fig. 86. form of a comb, and are in this respect unique in the class Mammalia; one is figured magnified three dia¬ meters in cut 86. This singular form of tooth is produced hy the deeper extension of the marginal notches on the crown, analogous to those on the edge of the new-formed human incisor; the notches being also more numerous as well as deeper ; each of these teeth is implanted by a single conical fang. In the broad pectinated incisors of the Galeopi- thecus the pulp-cavity divides at the base of the crown into as many canals as there are divisions of the crown, one being continued up the centre of each to within a short distance of its apical extremity. The dentinal tubes which radiate from these canals have a Lower*5 Incisor diameter at their origin of ~th of an inch; they quickly of Galeopithe- divide and subdivide dichotomously, with rather large cm. Magn. anq irregUlar secondary undulations, sending off many fine branches, and resolving themselves into numerous smaller rami¬ fications which interlace irregularly near the enamel. In different orders of the class Mammalia, there are instances in which the ordinary number of incisors is diminished, and their grow¬ ing power transferred to a single pair of tusks projecting from the forepart of the upper or the lower jaw, or of both. The Dinotheres, Toxodons, Mastodons, and Elephants, among the Ungulata, the Du gong in the Sirenia, the Aye-aye in the Quadrumana, the Dipro- todon and Wombat in the Marsupialia, and the Narwhal amongst the Cetacea, are instances of this modification ; which reaches its extreme in the latter mammal in which the dentiparous force seems concentrated in a single tooth of the upper jaw, which acquires the shape of a long spiral horn. But there is an extensive series of small Mammalia in which a single pair of large, curved, ever-growing incisors in each jaw is associated with so many other peculiarities of structure, as to have caused them to be regarded as a distinct order of the class, which Li mucus defined as the Glires, and which Cuvier called, from the habit associated with that dental modification, “ Rongeurs,” liodentia or Gnawers. These incisors (fig. 87, i), separated by a wide interval from a short series of molars, characterize the whole order of Rodents; the single exceptional family, Leporidce, including Hares, Rabbits, and Picas or tailless Hares of Siberia (fig. 90) retaining a second minute incisor (i, 2) behind each of the large ones in the upper jaw. The incisors are re¬ gularly curved, the Her ones (fig. 88, i) o o . awer ones (fig. 21) a 8maller°8egment of a larger circle; these are the longest incisors, and usually have their alveoli extended below, or on the inner side Pig. 88. Skull and Teeth of a Porcupine. Cranium and tipper Teeth of the Patagonian Cavy (Dolichitis). of those of the molars to the back part of the lower jaw (fig. 21, i). As in all teeth of unlimited growth, the implanted part of the incisors retains the form and size of the exposed part or crown, to the widely open base, which contains a long conical persistent dentinal pulp (fig. 21, a), and is surrounded by the capsule in a progressive state of ossification, as it approaches the crown, an enamel-pulp being attached to the inner side of that part of the capsule which covers the convex surface of the curved incisor. The matrix is here noticed in connection with the tooth, because it is always found in full deve¬ lopment and activity to the time of the Rodent’s death. The calcification of the dentinal pulp, the deposition of the earthy Teeth of salts in the cells of the enamel-pulp, and the ossification of the cap- Mammals, sule, proceed contemporaneously; fresh materials being added to the base of the vascular matrix as its several constituents are progres¬ sively converted into the dental tissues in the more advanced part of the socket. The tooth, thence projecting, consists of a body of com¬ pact dentine, sometimes with a few short medullary canals continued into it from the persistent pulp-cavity, with a plate of enamel laid upon its anterior surface, and a general investment of cement, which is very thin upon the enamel, but less thin, in some Rodents, upon the posterior and lateral parts of the incisor. The substances of the incisor diminish in hardness from the front to the back part of the tooth, not only in so far as the enamel is harder than the dentine, hut the enamel consists of two layers, of which the anterior and external is denser than the posterior layer, and the posterior half of the dentine is rendered by a modified number and arrangement of the dentinal tubes less dense than the anterior half. The abrasion resulting from the reciprocal action of the upper and lower incisors produces, accordingly, an oblique surface, sloping from a sharp anterior margin formed by the dense enamel, like that which slopes from the sharp edge formed by the plate of hard steel laid on the back of a chisel; whence the name “ dentes scalprarii,’’ given to the incisors of the Rodentia. The varieties to which these incisors are subject in the different Rodents are limited to their proportional size, and to the colour and sculpturing of the anterior surface. Thus in the Guinea-pig, Jerboa, and Squirrel, the breadth of the incisors is not half so great as that of the molars; whilst in the Coypu they are as broad, and in the Cape Mole-rats (JBathyergus and Orycteromys), broader than the molars. In the Coypu, Beaver, Agouti, and some other Rodents, the enamelled surface of the incisors is of a bright orange or reddish- brown colour. In some genera of Rodents, as Orycteromys, Otomys, Meriones, Girvilla, Hydrochcervs, Lepus, and Lagomys, the anterior surface is indented by a deep longitudinal groove. This character seems not to influence the food or habits of the species ; it is present in one genus and absent in another of the same natural family. In most Rodents the anterior enamelled surface of the scalpriform teeth is smooth and uniform. The molar teeth are always few in number, obliquely implanted and obliquely abraded ; the series in each side converging anteriorly in both jaws, but they present a striking contrast to the incisors in the range of their varieties, which are so numerous that they typiiy almost all the modifications of form and structure which are met with in the molar teeth of the omnivorous and herbivorous genera of other orders of mammalia. In some Rodents—e. g., Cavies (fig. 88), the molar teeth are root¬ less ; others—e. g., the Agouti, have short roots, tardily developed like the molars of the Horse and Elephant; others, again—e g., the Rat and the Porcupine, soon acquire roots of the ordinary proportional length. The differences in the mode of implantation of the molar teeth relate to the differences of diet. The Rodents, which subsist on mixed food, and which betray a tendency to carnivorous habits, as, e.g., the true Rats, or which subsist on the softer and more nutritious vegetable substances, such as the oily kernels of nuts, suffer less rapid abrasion of the molar teeth ; a minor depth of the crown is therefore needed to perform the office of mastication during the brief period of existence al¬ lotted to these active little Mammals ; and as the economy of nature is manifested in the smallest particulars as well as in her grandest operations, no more dental substance is developed after the crown is formed, than is requisite for the firm fixation of the tooth in the jaw. Rodents that exclusively subsist on vegetable substances, especially the coarser and less nutri¬ tious kinds, as herbage, foliage, the bark and wood of trees, wear away more rapidly the grind¬ ing surface of the molar teeth; the crowns are therefore larger, and their growth continues by reproduction of the formative matrix at their base in proportion as its calcified constituents, forming the exposed working part of the tooth are worn away. So long as this reproductive force is active, the molar tooth is implanted, like the incisor, by a long undivided continuation of the crown. When the force begins to be exhausted the matrix is simplified by the suppression of the enamel- organ, and the dentinal pulp continues to be reproduced only at cer¬ tain points of the base of the crown, which by their elongation con¬ stitute the fangs. The Beaver and other Rodents, in the second category of the order, according to the implantation of the molar teeth, exemplify the above condition. But in the Capybara, Doli- chotis (fig. 88), and other Rodents with rootless molars, the repro¬ duction of the grinders, like that of the incisors, appears to continue throughout the animal’s existence. The rootless and perpetually growing molars are always more or less curved (fig. 88, p, m); they 454 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. derive from this form the same advantage as the incisors, in the relief of the delicate tissues of the active vascular matrix from the effects of the pressure which would otherwise have been transmitted more directly from the grinding surface to the growing base. The complexity of the structure of the crown of the molar teeth, and the quantity of enamel and cement interblended with the dentine, are greatest in the rootless molars of the strictly herbivorous Rodents. The crowns of the rooted molars of the omnivorous Rats and Mice are almost as simple as the tuberculate molars of the Bear or of the human subject, which they appear to typify. They are at first tuber¬ culate. When the summits of the tubercles are. worn off, the inequality of the grinding surface is lor a time maintained by the deeper transverse folds of enamel, the margins of which are separated by alternate valleys of dentine and cement; but these folds, sinking only to a slight depth, are in time obliterated,, and the grinding surface is reduced to a smooth field of dentine, with a simple border of enamel. Examples of various forms assumed by the inflected folds of enamel in the molars of the Eodentia are given in the works of the Cuviers and other naturalists.1 These folds have a general tendency to a transverse direction across the crown of the tooth. Baron Cuvier has pointed out the concomitant modification of the shape of the joint of the lower jaw, which.almost restricts it to hori¬ zontal movements to and fro, in the direction of the axis of the head, during the act of mastication. When the folds of enamel dip in vertically from the summit to a greater or less depth, into the sub¬ stance of the crown of the tooth, as in those molars which have roots, the configuration of the grinding surface varies with the degree of abrasion; but in the rootless molars, where.the folds of enamel extend inwards from the entire length of the sides of the tooth,, the characteristic configuration of the grinding surface is maintained without variation, as in the Guinea-pig, the Capybara, and the rata- gonian Cavy. , _ , , . . The whole exterior of the molar teeth of the Eodentia is covered by cement, and the external interspaces of the enamel-folds are filled with the same substance. In the Chinchillidas and the Capybara, where the folds of enamel extend quite across the body of the tooth, and insulate as many plates of dentine, these detached portions are held together by the cement. Such folds of enamel are usually parallel, as in the large posterior lower molar of the Capybara, which, in shape and structure, offers a very close and interesting resem¬ blance to the molars of the Asiatic Elephant. The modification observed in the Yoles (Arvicola) calls to mind the molars of the African Elephant and some mastodons. The par¬ tial folds and islands of enamel in the molars of the .Porcupine and Agouti typify the structure of the teeth of the Rhinoceros. The Fig. 89. Structure of the Molar of the Water-Vole (Anicola amphibia), magnified. opposite lateral inflections of enamel in the molars of the Gerbille and Cape Mole-rat, represent the structure of the molars of the Hip¬ popotamus. The double crescentic folds in the Jerboa sketch out, as it were, the characteristic structure of the molars of the Anoplo- there and Ruminants, &c. The transverse section of the molar of the Water-vole (fig. 89) Teeth of shows that modification of the grinding surface in which the folds of Mammals, enamel (e) extend like promontories, some outwards, the others in- wards, into the substance of the crown ; a like section of the Beaver’s molar exhibits islands with a promontory of enamel.. The transverse section of the crown of the molar of Lagostomus displays not fewer than five islands of enamel, which hard substance is so thick that it enters more abundantly into the composition of the tooth than the dentine itself. The pulp, after the formation of a certain thickness of tubular dentine, becomes converted into osteo-dentine in both the rooted and rootless molars of the Rodents. This fourth substance is exhibited at o in the magnified transverse section of the Water-vole’s molar (fig. 89), which shows the four diflerent dental tissues, viz. cement (c), enamel (e), dentine (d), and osteo-dentine (o), entering in more equal proportions into the formation of the crown than has hitherto been demonstrated in any other mammalian tooth. When the crown is worn by mastication down to the place of the section figured, the four substances appear in the same proportions on the grinding sur¬ face, contributing to its efficiency as a triturating organ by the ine¬ qualities consequent on their various degrees of density and resist¬ ance to the abrading forces. The molars are not numerous in any Rodent; the Hare and Rab¬ bit (Lepus), have i. e., six molars on each side of the upper jaw (fig. 90), and five on each side of the lower jaw (fig. 91). The Pika (Lagomys), has s.s, Tim Squirrels have The families of the Dormice, the Porcupines, the Spring-rats (EcMmyidce), the Oc- todonts, the Chinchillas, and the Cavies (fig. 88), have molars. In the great family of Rats (Muridce), the normal number of molars is 3'f ; but the Australian Water-rat {Hydromys), has but molars, making, with the incisors, twelve teeth, which is the smallest num¬ ber in the Rodent order. The greatest number of teeth in the pre¬ sent order is twenty-eight, which is exemplified in the Hare and Rabbit; but forty teeth are developed in these species, ten molars and two incisors being deciduous. In all the Rodents in which the number of molars exceeds three in a series, the additional ones are anterior to them, and are pre¬ molars, i. e., they have each displaced a deciduous predecessor in the vertical direction. This it is which constitutes the essential distinc¬ tion between the dentition of the marsupial and the placental Rodent; the latter, like the placental Carnivora, Quadrumana, and Ungulata, having never more than three true molars. Thus the Rodents which have the molar formula of shed the first tooth, in each series, and this is succeeded by a permanent premolar which comes into place later than the true molars—later at least than the first and second, even when the deciduous molar is shed before birth, as was observed by Cuvier in the Guinea Pig. In the Hare and Rabbit, three anterior teeth in the upper jaw (fig. 90 y?) succeed and displace three deciduous predecessors (fig. 90, d), coming into place after the first and second true mo¬ lars (fig. 90, m) are in use, and 1 contemporane¬ ously with the last molar. It Fig. 90. does not appear ^ j)ecijuoug ana Permanent Teeth of the Hare, that the scalpn- ^ form incisors (fig. 90, i) are preceded by milk teeth, or, like the premolars of the Guinea Pig, by uterine teeth; but the second incisor (fig. 90, i 2) is so preceded—e. g., by the tooth marked d, i, 2, at which period of dentition six incisors are present in the upper jaw.2 This condition is interesting both as a transitory' manifestation of the normal number of incisive teeth in the mammalian series, and it eluci¬ dates the disputed nature of the great anterior scalpriform teeth of the Rodentia. Geoffroy St Hilaire contended 3 that the scalpriform teeth of the Rodents were canines, because those of the upper jaw extended their fang backwards into the maxillary bone, which lodged part of 1 See Natural History of the Mammalia, by G. R. Waterhouse; order Rodentia. 8vo, 1849. Ossemens Fossiles, G. Cuvier. Les Dents de MammifZres, E'. Cuvier. 2 PI. 104, fig. 5. 2 Geoffroy St Hilaire, in his Systeme Dentaire d’Oiseaux, 8vo, 1824, Appendix, p. 73, claims the discovery for himself by prevision, and fo r his assistant Delalande by demonstration, of this interesting fact. “ Je vis la un mode d’arrangement, comme on 1’avait observe chez les Kan¬ garoos ; et dans la ckaleur d'improvisation, je nvavisai d'ajouter que peut-etre un cas d’atrophie avait cause Fabsence de les treisieme paire de dents, laquelle, ne manquant chez les lapins que pour ce motif, n’emepcherait pas qu'ils ne fussent, tout aussi bien a Fdgard des incisives que sous d’autres rapports, comparables aux Kangaroos. J’etais comme de cotume accompagne de M. Delalande, qui prdparait mes logons; il prit confiance dans mon appergu; il fit. dans un intervalle de deux jours, et sans m’en parler, des recherches a cet egard ; et, a la legon suivant, il me surprit en me pr.e- sentant devant les elbves plusieurs pibces fraiches : ‘ Voici me dit il, en existence positive, voici en fait, ce que vous avez presenti pouvoir etre; voicj les tetes des lapins avec six dents incisives.’ M. Lemaire deLisan court, aujourdhui membre de FA cad. R. de Medecine, Fun de mes auditeurs a cette epoque, pent se rappeler la vive sensation que cela fit sur les eleves,” p. 72. 3 Isidore Geoffroy St Hilaire cites the opinion in Art. Rongeurs, Diet. Classique d’Histoire Naturelle ODONTOLOGY. 455 ■Teeth of )rder £uadru- nana 'heiromys. their hollow base and matrix. But the scalpriform teeth are con- fined exclusively to the premaxillary bones at the beginning of their formation, and the smaller incisors which are developed behind them, in our anomalous native Rodents, the Hare and Rabbit, retain their usual relations with the premaxillaries, thus pro¬ ving, a fortiori, that the tooth which projects anterior to them must also be an incisor. Fig. 91 shows the single incisor {i) of the lower jaw, the two de¬ ciduous molars {d p), Lower Deciduous and Permanent Teeth of the Hare. ^ twQ prelnolars (jj), and the three molars (m), of the young Hare (Lepus timidus). The law of the unlimited growth of the scalpriform incisors is unconditional; and constant exercise and abrasion are required to maintain the normal and serviceable form and proportions of these teeth. When, by accident, an opposing incisor is lost, or when, by the distorted union of a broken jaw, the lower incisors no longer meet the upper ones, as sometimes happens to a wounded hare,1 the incisors continue to grow until they project like the tusks of the Elephant, and their extremities in the poor animal’s painful attempts to acquire food, also become pointed like tusks. Following the curve prescribed to their growth by the form of their socket, their points often return against some part of the head, are pressed through the skin, then cause absorption of the jaw-bone, and again enter the mouth, rendering mastication impracticable, and causing death by starvation. In the Museum of the College of Surgeons, No.. 2203, Osteological Series, there is a lower jaw of a Beaver, in which the .scalpriform incisor has, by unchecked growth, described a complete circle. 1 he point has pierced the masseter muscle, and entered the back of the mouth, passing between the con¬ dyloid and coronoid processes of the lower jaw, descending to the back part of the molar teeth, in the advance of the part of its own alveolus, which contains its hollow root. The upper jaw of a Rabbit, with an analogous abnormal growth of the scalpriform and accessory incisors, is figured in cut 92,2 Cheiromys.—In this genus of the Lemurine animals, represented by the Aye-aye (fig. 93),as inPhascolomys amongst the Marsupials, Desmodus Forepart of tipper Jaw of a Rabbit, with Incisors of Abnormal Growth. Fig. 93. Skull and Dentition of the Aye-aye (Cheiromys ifaiagascaricnsiif). amongst the Bats, and Sorex amongst the Insectivores, the dentition is modified in analogical conformity with the Rodent type, to which, in the present instant, it makes a very close approximation, the canines being absent, and a wide vacancy separating the single pair of large-curved scalpriform incisors in each jaw from the short series of molars. The upper incisors are compressed, presenting a narrow oval transverse section, with the long diameter from before backwards. They are curved in the segment of a circle, and deeply implanted. The short exserted crowns touch one another; their simple widely excavated fangs diverging as they penetrate the substance of the jaw. These crowns also project obliquely forwards, and do not ex¬ tend vertically downwards, as in the true Bodentia. The lower incisors are more depressed, and of greater breadth from before backwards, than the upper ones. They are more curved than in the Bodentia, describing a semicircle, three-fourths of which are lodged in the socket, which extends backwards beyond the, last molar tooth to the base of the coronoid process. The most important cha¬ racter by which the incisors of this anomalous Lemur differ from those of the Bodentia is the entire investment of enamel, which is, however, thicker upon the front than upon the back part of the tooth. Tho molar teeth are four on each side of the upper jaw, and three on each side of the lower jaw; implanted vertically and in parallel lines. The molars are of simple structure, with a continuous outer coat of enamel, and a flat subelliptic grinding surface. The upper ones are of unequal size, the first being the smallest and the second the largest. In the lower jaw the inequality is less, and the last molar is the least. The first and last molars above have but one root; the second and third have each three roots. The first lower molar has two roots ; the second and third have each a single root. The dental formula, in the Slow Lemurs {Stenops), is— . 2.2 l.l 3.3 3.3 i 2.2 ’’ C 1.1 3.3 ’ m 3 3 In the Stenops Tardigradus, the first upper incisor is larger than the second, as in the genus Tarsius. The true Lemurs or Makis [Lemur, Geoff.) have the same number Lemur, and kind of teeth as the Slow Lemurs. The inferior canines are compressed and procumbent like the incisors, but are a little larger. In the upper jaw the incisors are small and vertical, with short ex¬ panded crowns; the two on the right side are separated by a wide space from the two on the left. The canine (c) is long, curved, com¬ pressed, sharp-edged, and pointed. The three premolars have the outer part of the crown prolonged into a compressed pointed lobe, whilst the inner part forms a tubercle, which is largest in the second and third. In the true molars the inner division of the crown is so increased as to give it a quadrate form, the outer division being divided into two pointed lobes. The first of the true molars is the largest in both jaws. All the Quad'rumana of America are distinguished from the Apes Platy- and Monkeys of the Old World by certain well-marked characters ; rhyn®. of these, the position of the nostrils at the sides of the broad nose, whence their collective name, is the most conspicuous; but they have a more important dental distinction in the superior number of the premolars, which are instead of §:£, whereby the American Monkeys manifest their closer affinity to the Lemurs, and their infe¬ rior position in the zoological scale. The small “ Marmosets,” how¬ ever, forming the genera ITapale and Midas, have but two true molar teeth on each side of both jaws—their dental formula being— i M ; c U; » = 32. 2.2 ’ 1.1 ^ 3.3 ’ 2.2 _ _ The lemurine character of the long, narrow, inferior incisors con¬ tinues to be manifested by the Sakis (Pithecia III.), which, like the larger species of Platyrhines called Howlers, Capuchins, and Spider- Monkeys, have the normal number of true molar teeth in the Qua- drumanous order—their dental formula being— P 3.3. m = 36. 3.3 The Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus) (fig. 94) have the four lower Fig. 94. Dentition of a Capuchin Monkey {Celus secniulus). incisors (i) with broad, thick wedge-shaped trenchant crowns ; a form 1 Professor Budge has described and figured the upper and lower jaws of a hare with preternaturally directed and elongated tusks, in the Verhandlingen des Naturhistor, Vereines der Treuss. Rheinlande, 6te& Jahrgang. &vo, 1849, p. 506. 2 See the specimens, Nos. 1966-197‘1, Mus. Coll. Chir. Lend. 456 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. Catarhina. which these teeth retain, with slight modifications, throughout the rest of the Quadrumanous order. The canines (c) are sufficiently developed to inflict severe wounds. The first three of the molar series (p, 2, 3, 4) are bicuspid premolars; the rest (m, 1, 2, 3) are quadricuspid true molars. . All the Platyrhine Monkeys have four more teeth m their first dentition than the Catarhine or Old World Quadrumanes possess-^ the deciduous formula being— i 2^ ; c k1; m 24. 2.2 1.1 3.3 Fig. 95 shows the deciduous series in place, together with the first of the permanent true molars (m, 1); the germs of the rest of the permanent teeth are exposed in the upper jaw. In the Catarhine division of the order, the first or deciduous dentition consists, as in man, of— i 2’2 • p ■ m — = 20. 2.2 ^ 1.1 2.2 The two milk molars are displaced and suc¬ ceeded vertically by the two bicuspid pre¬ molars, and are followed horizontally by three true molars on each side of both upper and lower jaws. The permanent formula in all the Old World Quadrumana is —• c U; P m~ — 32. The incisors have always a shape conform¬ able to their name, but are very thick and strong; in the upper jaw the middle are larger than the lateral ones, and both are larger than those below. The canines are conical, pointed, with trenchant posterior margins, always longer than the adjoining teeth, and acquiring, in the males of the great Baboons and Orangs, the proportions of those teeth in the true Carnivora. The Mandrills (Cynocephalus maimon) have these dental weapons most formidable for their size and shape; especially the upper pair, which descend behind the crowns of the lower incisors, As the precise characteristics of the human dentition are best de- Teeth of monstrated by comparison with that brute species which is most Mammals, nearly allied to man, and makes the first step in the descending scale, the details of such a comparison may perhaps be not unaccep- table, as one of its subjects is a species of Chimpanzee {Troglodytes panze"e Gorilla), unknown to science when the writer’s “ Odontography” Troglo- was published, and which, so far as its organization is known, is dytes. more anthropoid than even the docile and smaller species of Chim¬ panzee {Troglodytes niger). A side view of the teeth of a male full- grown, but not aged, specimen of the great Chimpanzee is given of the natural size in (fig. 96). This dentition, though in all its prin- Fig. 95, Deciduous and Permanent Teeth of a Young Cebus Jpdla. and along the outside of the first lower premolars, the crowns of which seem as if bent hack by the action of the upper can¬ ines ; the anterior longitudinal groove of these canines is very deep, their posterior margin very sharp. A long diastema divides the upper canine from the incisors, a short one sepa¬ rates it from the premolars; these and the three true mo¬ lars, are arranged in a straight line. In the great Orang-utan {Pi- thecus Wurmbi) the median in¬ cisors of the upper jaw are of unusual size and strength; the thickness (antero-posterior diameter) of the base of the crown almost equals the breadth of the same; and they are double the size of the lateral incisors. The abraded surface of the front incisors in the old Orang forms a broad tract extending obliquely from the cutting edge to the back part of the base of the crown; the lateral incisors are more pointed, the outer angle being obliquely truncated; a vacant space of their own breadth divides them from the canines. These, in the male of the Great Orang (Wurmb’s Bongo), have a long and strong slightly-curved crown, extending below the alveolar border of the under jaw when the mouth is shut, with a moderately sharp posterior margin, but without an anterior groove; the crown is convex exter¬ nally, with a slight convexity between two longitudinal depressions on the inner surface. In the female Orang the canines are smaller; the crowns extend only a short distance beyond the level of the ad¬ joining molars.1 In the upper jaw both premolars and molars are implanted by three diverging roots, two external and one internal; in the lower jaw the corresponding teeth are each implanted by two strong diverging roots; the series of grinders forms a straight line on each side of both jaws. Fig. 96. Dentition of an Adult Male (Troglodytes Gorilla), nat. size. cipal characters strictly quadrumanous, yet, in the minor particulars in which it differs from the dentition of the Orang, approaches nearer the human type. In the upper jaw the middle incisors (t) are smaller, the lateral ones (fig. 96, i, 2) larger than those of the Orang; they are thus more nearly equal to each other ; nevertheless the pro¬ portional superiority of the middle pair is much greater than in Man, and the proportional size of the four incisors both to the entire skull and to the other teeth is greater. Each incisor has a prominent pos¬ terior basal ridge, and the outer angle of the lateral incisors {i, 2) is rounded off as in the Orang. The incisors incline forwards from the vertical line as much as in the great Orang. Thus the characteris¬ tics of the human incisors are, in addition to their true incisive wedge-like form, their near equality of size, their vertical or nearly vertical position, and small relative size to the other teeth and to the entire skull. The diastema between the incisors and the canine on each side is as well marked in the male Gorilla as in the male Orang. The crown of the canine (fig. 96, c), passing outside the interspace between the lower canine and premolar, extends in the male Troglo¬ dytes Gorilla a little below the alveolar border of the under jaw when the mouth is shut; the upper canine of the male Troglodytes niger likewise projects a little below that border. In the male of the smaller Chimpanzee {Troglodytes niger), the upper canine is conical, pointed, but more compressed than in the Orang, and with a sharper posterior edge ; convex anteriorly, becoming flatter at the posterior half of the outer surface, and concave on the corresponding part of the inner surface, which is traversed by a shallow longitudinal impres¬ sion ; a feeble longitudinal rising, and a second linear impression divide this from the convex anterior surface, which also bears a lon¬ gitudinal groove at the base of the crown. The canine is rather more than twice the size of that in the female. In the male Gorilla (fig. 96, c), the crown of the canine is more inclined outwards ; the anterior groove on the inner surface of the crown is deeper; the pos¬ terior groove is continued lower down upon the fang, and the ridge between the two grooves is more prominent than in the Troglodytes niger. Both premolars (fig. 96, p 3 and p 4) are bicuspid; the outer cusp of the first, and the inner cusp of the second being the largest, and the first premolar {p 3) consequently appearing the largest on an external view. The difference is well marked in the 1 In tbe writer’s Odontography (1842, p. 442) is recorded a variety which he observed in the dentition of a full-grown Orang-utan, in the collection of the Baron Yan der Capella at Utrecht, viz., a supernumerary molar on each side of both jaws, making six molars, of which two only had the form of premolars. In the Calcutta museum Mr Blyth has noticed in an adult female Bornean Orang, a fourth true molar on the left side of both upper and lower jaw, the supernumerary tooth above being of a round shape, and very small. In a collection of skulls of the smaller species of Orang recently sent from Borneo {Pilhecns Aforio), the writer observed the skull of an adult male with the same supernumerary molar on each side of the upper jaw, but not in the lower jaw.— Trans. Zool. Soc. These instances illustrate the tendency to variety in the remarkable Anthropoid Apes of Borneo, a tendency which seems to he also manifested in an occasional arrest of development of the characteristic long upper extremities. ODONTOLOGY. 457 Teeth of female (fig. 97). The anterior external angle of the first premolar is Mammals, not produced as in the Orang, which in this respect makes a marked approach to the lower Quadrumana. In Man, where the outer curve Tig- 97. Dentition of an Adult Female Gorilla. of the premolar part of the dental series is greater than the inner one, the outer cusps of both premolars are the largest; the alternat¬ ing superiority of size in the Chimpanzee accords with the straight line which the canine and premolars form with the true molars. The true molars (fig. 96, wr 1, m 2, m 3) are quadricuspid, rela¬ tively larger in comparison with the bicuspids than in the Orang. In the first and second molars of both species of Chimpanzee, a low ridge connects the antero-internal with the postero-external cusp,, crossing the crown obliquely, as in Man. There is a feeble indica¬ tion of the same ridge in the unworn molars of the Orang; but the four principal cusps are much less distinct, and the whole grinding surface is natter and more wrinkled than in the Chimpanzee. _ In the Troglodytes niger the last molar is the smallest, owing to the inferior development of the two hinder cusps, and the oblique connecting ridge is feebly marked. In the Troglodytes Gorilla this ridge is as well developed as in the other molars, but is more transverse in {>osition ; and the crown of m 3 is equal in size to that of m 1 or m 2, laving the posterior outer cusp, and particularly the posterior inner cusp, more distinctly developed than in the Troglodytes niger. The repetition of the strong sigmoid curves which the unworn promi¬ nences of the first and second true molars present in Man, is a very significant indication of the near affinity of the Chimpanzee as com¬ pared with the approach made by the Orangs or any of the inferior Quadrumana, in which the four cusps of the true molars rise distinct and independently of each other. A low ridge girts the base of the antero-internal cusp of each of the upper true molars in the male Chimpanzee; it is less marked in the female. The premolars as well as molars are severally implanted by one internal and two external fangs, diverging but curving towards each other at their ends, as if grasping the substance of the jaw. I have found the two outer fangs of the second premolar connate in one female specimen of the Troglodytes niger. In no variety of the human species are the premolars normally implanted by three fangs; at most the root is bifid, and the outer and inner divisions of the root are commonly connate. It is only in the black varieties, and more particularly that race inhabiting Australia, that I have found the wisdom tooth {m 3) with three fangs as a general rule; and the two outer ones are more or less confluent. In the lower jaw of the Gorilla the lateral incisors are broader than the middle ones, although they are smaller relatively than in the Troglodytes niger; they are larger and less vertically implanted than in Man. The lower canines are two inches and a half in length, including the root; the enamelled crown is an inch and a quarter in length, and nearly an inch across the base; it is conical and trihedral; the outer and anterior surface is convex, the other two surfaces are flattened or subconcave, and converging to an almost trenchant edge directed inwards and backwards; a ridge separates the convex from the antero-internal flat surface ; both this and the posterior surface show slight traces of a longitudinal rising at their middle part. The lower canine of the male shows the same relative superiority of size as the upper one compared with that in the female in both species of Chimpanzee. The canine almost touches the incisor, but is separated by a diastema one line and a half broad from the first premolar. This tooth (p 3) is larger externally than the second premolar, and VOL. XVI. is three times the size of the human first'premolar (p 3); it has a sub- Teeth of trihedral crown, with the anterior and outer angle produced forwards, Mammals, slightly indicating the peculiar feature of the same tooth in the Baboons, but in a less degree than in the Orang. The summit of the crown ot\p 3 terminates in two sharp trihedral cusps—the outer one rising highest, and the second cusp being feebly indicated on the ridge ex¬ tending from the inner side of the first; the crown has also a thick ridge at the inner and posterior part of its base. The second premolar (p 4) has a subquadrate crown, with the two cusps developed from its anterior half, and a third smaller one from the inner angle of the posterior ridge. Each lower premolar is implanted by two antero-posteriorly compressed divergent fangs, one in front of the other, the anterior fang being the largest. The three true molars are equal in size in the Troglo¬ dytes Gorilla; in the Troglodytes niger (fig. 98), the first (m 1) is a little larger than the last (m 3), which is the only molar in the smaller Chimpanzee as large as the corresponding tooth in the black varieties of the human subject, in most of which, especially the Austra¬ lians (fig. 99), the true molars attain larger dimensions than in the yellow or white races. The four principal cusps, especially the two inner ones of the first molar of both species of Chimpanzee, are more pointed and pro¬ longed than in Man; a fifth small cusp is developed behind the outer pair, as in the Orangs and the Gib¬ bons, but is less than that in Man. The same addi¬ tional cusp is present in the second molar, which is seldom seen in Man. The crucial groove on the grinding surface is much less distinct than in Man, not being continued across the ridge connecting the anterior pair of cusps in the Chimpanzee. The crown of the third molar is longer antero - posteriorly from the greater development of the fifth posterior cusp, which, however, is rudi- Teeth of Right Side, Lower Jaw, of adult male Chimpanzee, {Troglodytes niger). Nat. size. mental in comparison with that in the Semnopitheques and Macaques. All the three true molars are supported by two distinct and well- developed antero-posteriorly compressed divergent fangs, longitu¬ dinally excavated on the sides turned towards each other; in the white and yellow races of the human subject these fangs are usually connate in m 3, and sometimes also in m 2. The molar series in both species of Chimpanzee forms a straight line, with a slight tendency, in the upper jaw, to bend in the opposite direction to the well-marked curve which the same series describes in the human subject. This difference of arrangement, with the more complex implanta¬ tion of the premolars, the proportionally larger size of the incisors as compared with the molars; the still greater relative magnitude of the canines; and, above all, the sexual distinction in that respect illustrated by figs. 96 and 97, stamp the Gorillas and Chimpanzees most decisively with not merely specific but generic distinctive characters as compared with Man. For the teeth are fashioned in their shape and proportions in the dark recesses of their closed formative alveoli, and do not come into the sphere of operation of external modifying causes until the full size of the crowns has been acquired. The formidable natural weapons with which the Creator has armed the powerful males of both species of Chimpanzee, form the compensation for the want of that psychical capacity to forge destructive instruments which has been reserved, as his exclusive prerogative, for Man. Both Chimpanzees and Orangs differ from the human subject in the order of the development of the permanent series of teeth ; the second molar (m 2) comes into place before either of the premolars has cut the gum, and the last molar {m 3) is acquired before the canine. We may well suppose that the larger grinders are earlier required by the frugivorous Chimpanzees and Orangs than by the higher organized omnivorous species with more numerous and 3 M 458 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of Mammals. Homo. varied resources, and probably one main condition of the earlier development of the canines and premolars in Man may be their smaller relative size. Having reached, in the Gorilla, the highest step in the series of the brute creation, our succeeding survey of the human dental system, cleared and expanded by retrospective comparison, becomes fraught with peculiar interest, since every difference so detected establishes the true and essential characteristics of that part of man s frame. The human teeth are the same in number and in kind as those of the Chimpanzee and Orang-utan, nor does man differ in this respect from any of the inferior catarhine Quadrumanes. The human dental formula is therefore— . 2.2 1.1 2.2 3.3 ^;cri! m3l = 32’ that is to say, there are on each side of the jaw, both above and be- ow, two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three true molars. They are more equal in size than in the Quudrumana. . No tooth surpasses another in the depth of its crown; and the entire series, which describes in both jaws a regular parabolic curve, is uninter¬ rupted by any vacant space (fig. 99). The most marked distinction Tig. 99. Teeth of Left Side, Lower Jaw, of Adult Male Australian. Nat. size. between the dentition of Man and that of the highest Quadrumanes, is the absence of the interval between the upper lateral incisor and the canine, and the comparatively small size of the latter tooth (fig. 100, c); but its true character is indicated by the conical form of the crown, which terminates in an obtuse point, is convex outwards, and flat or sub-concave within, at the base of which surface there is a feeble pro¬ minence. The conical form is best expressed in the Melanian races, especially the Australian (fig. 99, c). The canine is more deeply implanted, and by a stronger fang than the incisors; but the con¬ trast with the Chimpanzee is sufficiently manifest, as is shown in fig. 98. There is no sexual superiority of size either of the canine or any other single tooth in the human subject. Both upper and lower premolars (fig. 99, p 3 and 4) are bicuspid ; they are smaller in proportion to the true molars than in the Chim¬ panzee and Orang. In the upper premolars a deep straight fissure at the middle of the crown divides the outer and larger from the inner and smaller cusp; in the lower premolars the boundary groove describes a curve concave towards the outer cusp, and is sometimes obliterated in the middle by the extension of a ridge from the outer to the inner cusp, which cusp is smaller in proportion than in the upper premolars. These teeth in both jaws are apparently implanted each by a single, long, subcompressed, conical fang; but that of the upper premolars is shown by the bifurcated pulp-cavity to be essen¬ tially two fangs, connate, and which, in some instances, are sepa¬ rated at their extremities. The crowns of the true molars fig. 99, m 1,2, 3) are larger in propor¬ tion to the jaws, are a little larger in proportion to the bicuspids, and still more so in proportion to the canine and incisor teeth, than in the Chimpanzees and Orangs. The contour of the grinding surface is more rounded, and we have seen that the higher Quadrumana already approximate to this character by the angles of the crown being less marked than in the lower Quadrumana. The first and second true molars of the upper jaw support four trihedral cusps; the in¬ ternal and anterior one is the largest, and is connected with the external and posterior cusp by a low ridge extending obliquely across the grinding surface, with a deep depression on each side of it; the anterior groove extending to the middle of the outer surface, the posterior one to the inner surface. The enaihel is first worn away by mastication from the anterior and internal or largest tubercle, a line of enamel extending from the outside to the middle of the crown is the last to be removed before the grinding surface is reduced to a field of dentine with a simple ring of enamel. It is worthy of remark, that by the time when the permanent teeth have come into place the first true molar in both jaws is much more worn, as compared with the second and third molars, than it is in the Chimpanzee or Orang, owing to the slow attainment of maturity characteristic of the human species, and the longer interval which elapses between the acquisi¬ tion of the first and the last true molars, than in the highest Quad¬ rumana. In the last true molar, called from its late appearance the “ dens sapientise,” or wisdom-tooth, the two inner tubercles are blended together, and a fissure extends in many instances, especially in the Melanian varieties, from the middle of the grinding surface, at right angles to that dividing the two outer cusps, to the posterior border of the tooth. The first upper molar is always implanted by three diverging Teeth of fangs, two external and one internal. The second molar is usually Mammals, similarly implanted, but the two outer fangs are less divergent, are sometimes parallel, and occasionally connate; this variety appears to be more common in the Caucasian than in the Melanian races ; and in the Australian skulls examined by the writer, the wisdom-tooth has always presented the same three-fanged implantation as in the Chimpanzee and Orang. The crowns of the inferior true molars are quinque-cuspid, the fifth cusp being posterior and connected with the second outer cusp; it is occasionally obsolete in the second molar. The four normal cusps are defined by a crucial impression, the posterior branch of which bifurcates to include the fifth cusp ; this bifurcation being most marked in the last molar where the fifth cusp is most developed. In the first molar a fold of enamel, extending from the inner surface to the middle of the crown, is the last to disappear from the grinding surface in the course of abrasion. The wisdom-tooth (fig. 99, m 3) is the smallest of the three molars in both jaws, but the difference is less in the Melanian than in the Caucasian races. Each of the three lower molars is inserted by two sub-compressed fangs, grooved along the side, turned towards each other. This double implantation appears to be constant in the Melanian, especially the Australian race (fig. 99), in which the true molars are relatively larger than those of the Caucasian race. In Europeans it is not unusual to find the two fangs in both the second and third molars connate along a great part or the whole of their extent. With respect to the reciprocal apposition of the teeth of the upper and under jaw, it is interesting to observe that the crown of the lower canine is, as usual, in advance of that above, and fits into the shallow notch between that and the lateral incisor. The inferior incisors are so small that their anterior surface rests against the posterior surface of the upper ones when the mouth is closed; the other teeth are opposed crown to crown, the upper teeth extending a little more outwardly than the lower ones. Hunter remarks that the supernumerary teeth happen oftener in the upper than in the under jaw, and he believed them to be always incisors or canines. In the Osteological series of the Museum of the London College of Surgeons there is a skull of a male Hindoo (No. 5541), in which there were two well-formed canine teeth placed side by side in the left upper jaw, the series being very regular and even. The wisdom-tooth is sometimes not developed. The deciduous series of teeth in the human subject (fig. 100) con- Deciduous and Permanent Teeth, Human Child: set. 6£. The upper milk incisors of the Chimpanzee are relatively larger Comparison than in Man, especially the middle pair ; but the disproportionate of the size of these is still more manifest and characteristic of the Orang. deciduous The crown of the canine is longer and more pointed in the Chim- t^th in panzee than in Man ; still more so, and farther apart from the ™a.n>tlie incisor in the Orang. The first upper milk-molar (fig. 100, d 3) is as par|™"e an(j large in the human subject as in the Chimpanzee, and its crown is Qra ’ divided into two principal cusps, but the outer and larger one has a small subdivision notched off posteriorly, and the inner cusp is relatively larger than in the Chimpanzee. The first upper milk- molar of the Orang is simply bicuspid, but is larger than in the Chimpanzee. The second milk-molar of the human child (fig. 100, d 4) could scarcely be distinguished from that of the young Chim¬ panzee ; both are quadricuspid, and the same oblique ridge crosses the grinding surface from the antero-internal to the postero-externa Teeth of Mammals. Homo. \ Develop- I ment. Order Carnivora. Felis. ODONTOLOGY. 459 tubercle ; but the pointed summits of the two outer cusps are a little more produced in the Chimpanzee. The second molar of the Orang, besides its larger size, has the four tubercles better defined, and the oblique ridge less developed. The lower deciduous incisors of the anthropoid Apes differ from those of the human subject in their superior size, greater relative thickness, and, in the lateral incisor more particularly, by the rounding off of the outer angle. The lower canine of the Chimpanzee has a longer, larger, and more pointed crown, with a sharp posterior edge; it is less marked in the canine of the Orang, which is larger and thicker than in the Chimpanzee. The crowns of the upper and lower canines_ are more obliquely opposed, the lower one being more advanced in those apes than in the human subject. The first lower deciduous molar of the human subject has four tubercles and a small anterior ridge, and is larger than that of the Chimpanzee, which supports a single large-pointed cusp, and a posterior ridge. The corresponding molar of the Orang has a similar simple crown, but is as large as that of the human child. The second lower milk molar (fig. 100, d 4) is of equal or superior size in the human subject to that in the Chimpanzee, but it supports three outer and two inner cusps, while in the Chim¬ panzee it has but four cusps. In the Orang the fifth external and posterior tubercle is feebly indicated. The deciduous molars of the human subject, as in the Chimpanzee and Orang, have each three fangs in the upper, and two in the lower jaw. The differences brought out by the foregoing comparisons, though less striking than those exhibited by the permanent teeth, will be appreciated by the philosophical anatomist as yielding more certain evidence of the essential distinction of the Bimanous species. He will perceive that they are not due to mere adaptive developments, but are manifested at a period when the subjects of comparison are far from having attained the pre-ordained term of deviation from the common type ; that they are antecedent to those changes in the dental system itself, which more broadly characterize the species, and, in the Orang and Chimpanzee, proceed further to differentiate the male and female sexes. Calcification of the permanent series of teeth commences first in the pulp of the first true molar (fig. 100, m 1), and, very soon after, if not simultaneously, in that of the anterior incisor (zl), about five or six months after birth. The first true molar (m 1) comes into place and use between the sixth and seventh year; the first permanent incisor (i 1) between six years and a half and eight years ; the calci¬ fication of the pulps of the lateral incisor (i 2) and canine (c) com¬ mences about eight or nine months after birth, and they cut the gum, the canine quickly following the incisor, between the seventh and ninth years. Calcification of the first premolar (bz'cwspts, 3) begins at, or soon after, the second year; that of the second about a year later; and both premolars (p 3 and 4) have displaced the de¬ ciduous molars (d 3 and 4), and come into use between tbe eighth and tenth years. The pulp of the second molar (m 2) begins to be calcified about the fifth or sixth year, and it cuts the gum from about the twelfth year to the fourteenth year, but always later than the ermanent canines and premolars. The third molar (m 3) begins to e calcified about the twelfth year, and usually comes into place at or after the twentieth year. Both earlier and later periods of the development of the permanent teeth have been observed and recorded; but such varieties rarely affect the general order of succession. This order is here described as it occurs in the lower jaw, the teeth of which usually appear earlier than the corresponding ones above. It will be seen, therefore, that the human subject differs from the Chimpanzee and Orang in the order of progression of the permanent teeth. John Hunter, after indicating the first incisor and the first molar as the earliest of the adult teeth that are formed, rightly observes, “ The teeth between these two points make a quicker progress than those behind.”1 In the Quadrumana the progress is slower, the second molar preceding in the order of development the bicuspid, and the last molar the canines. The Lion {Felis Leo) may be taken as the type of the flesh-feeders. The largest and most conspi¬ cuous teeth in this and the other feline quadrupeds are the canines (fig. 101, c); they are of great strength, deeply im¬ planted in the jaw, with the fangs thicker and longer than the enamel¬ led crown ; this part is conical,slightly recurved, sharp-pointed, convex in front, with one or two Dentition of the Lion. longitudinal grooves on the outer side, almost flat on the inner side, and with a sharp edge behind. The lower canines pass in front of the upper ones when the mouth is closed. The incisors, six in number on both jaws, form a transverse row ; the outermost above (fig. 101, i) is the longest, resembling a small canine; the intermediate ones have broad and thick crowns indented by a transverse cleft. The first upper premolar (p 2) is rudimental; there is no answerable tooth in the lower jaw. The second (p 3), in both jaws, has a strong conical crown supported on two fangs. The third upper tooth (p 4) has a cutting or trenchant crown divided into three lobes, the last being the largest, and with a fiat inner side, against which the cutting tooth (m) in the lower jaw works obliquely. Behind, and on the inner side of the upper tooth (p 4), there is a small tubercular tooth. The feline dental formula is — i — ; c — ; p — ; m ^ — 30. A glance at the long sub-compressed, trenchant, and sharp-pointed canines, suffices to appreciate their peculiar adaptation to seize, to hold, to pierce, and lacerate a struggling prey. The jaws are strong, but shorter than in other carnivora, and with a concomitant reduction in the number of teeth; thus the canines are brought nearer to the insertion of the very powerful biting muscles, called “ temporal ” and “ masseter,” which work them with proportionally greater force. The use of the small pincer-shaped incisor teeth is to gnaw the soft, grisly ends of the bones, and to tear and scrape off the tendinous attachments of the muscles and periosteum. The compressed tren¬ chant blades of the sectorial teeth play vertically upon each other’s sides like the blades of scissors, serving to cut and coarsely divide the flesh ; and the form of the joint of the lower jaw almost restricts its movement to the vertical direction, up and down. The wide and deep zygomatic arches, and the high crests of bone upon the skull concur in completing the carnivorous physiognomy of this most for¬ midable existing species of the feline tribe. The penultimate tooth in the upper jaw (fig. 101, p 4), and the last tooth in the lower jaw (fig. 101, m), were denominated by Cuvier “ dents carnassieres,” which has been rendered “ dens sectorius,’’ the “ sec¬ torial,” or scissor-tooth.2 It is a very characteristic tooth in the carnivorous order, but undergoes many modifica¬ tions, and preserves its typical form, as represented in figures 102 and 103, only in the most strictly flesh-feeding species. In it may be distinguished the part called the “ blade ” (fig. 102, Fig. 102. Fig. 103. Working Surface of the Upper Sectorial Tooth, Side view of Lower Sectorial Tooth Hyaena. Nat. size. Lion. Nat. size. b, b), and the part called the “ tubercule ” (fig. 102, t). The lower sectorial in the genus Felis consists exclusively of the blade (fig. 103), which is pretty equally divided into two lobes. The blade of the upper sectorial always plays upon the outside, and a little in advance of the lower sectorial. The upper permanent sectorial (fig. 104,p 4) succeeds and displaces Devclop- a deciduous tubercular molar (fig. 104, d 4) in all carnivora, and is, ment. therefore, essentially a premolar tooth ; the lower sectorial (fig. 104, m 1) comes up behind the deciduous series {d 3, d 4) and has no immediate predecessor; it is, therefore, a true molar, and the first of that class. By these criteria the sectorial teeth may always be dis¬ tinguished under every transitional variety of form which they pre¬ sent in the carnivorous series, from Machairodus (fig. 145, VI.), in which the crown consists exclusively of the “ blade ” in both jaws, to Ursus (fig. 109), in which it is totally tubercular; the development of the tubercle bearing an inverse relation to the carnivorous propensities of the species. The dentition of this genus presents a nearer approach to the Hymna. strictly carnivorous type, than in other Carnivora, by the reduction of the tubercular molars to a single minute tooth on each side of the upper jaw, the inferior molars being all conical or sectorial teeth; the molar teeth in both jaws are larger and stronger, and the canines smaller in proportion than in the Feline species, from the formula of which the dentition of the hyaena differs numerically only in the retention of an additional premolar tooth, p 1 above andp 2 below, on each side of both jaws. The dental formula of the genus Hycena is:— • 3.3. 1.1 4.4 1.1 ^QQ) ^ \ l' P 001^1 3.3’ 1.1 1 Natural History of the Human Teeth, 4°, p. 82. Odontography, p. 475. 460 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of The crowns of the incisors form almost a straight transverse line in Mammals both jaws, the exterior ones, above, being much larger than the four middle ones, and extending their long and thick inserted base further P* Fig. 104. Deciduous Teeth; young Lion. back; the crown of the upper and outer incisor is strong, conical, recurved, like that of a small canine. The four intermediate small incisors have their crown divided by a transverse cleft into a strong anterior, conical lobe, and a posterior ridge, which is notched verti¬ cally ; giving the crown the figure of a trefoil. The lower incisors gradually increase in size from the first to the third; this and the second have the crown indented externally; but they have not the posterior notched ridge like the small upper incisors; the apex of their conical crown fits into the interspace of the three lobes of the incisor above. The canines have a smooth convex exterior surface, divided by an anterior and posterior edge from a less convex^ inner side; this surface is almost flat and of less relative extent in the inferior canines. The first premolar above (p 1) is very small, with a low, thick, conical crown ; the second presents a sudden increase of size, and an addition of a posterior and internal basal ridge to the strong cone. The third premolar exhibits the same form on a still larger scale, and is remarkable for its great strength. The posterior part of the cone of each of these premolars is traversed by a longitu¬ dinal ridge. The fourth premolar above is the carnassial tooth (fig. 102), and has its long blade (&, 6) divided by two notches into three lobes, the first a small thick cone, the second a long and compressed cone, the third a horizontal sinuous trenchant plate; a strong triedral tubercle (<) is developed from the inner side of the base of the ante¬ rior part of the crown. The single true molar of the upper jaw is a tubercular tooth of small size. The first premolar of the lower jaw, (fig. 105, p 2) fits into the interspace between the first and second premolars above, and answers, therefore, to the second lower premolar in the Viverridce; it is accordingly much larger than the first (pi) above; it has a ridge in the fore¬ part of its cone, and a broad basal talon behind. The second (fig. 105, p 3) is the largest of the lower premolars, has an anterior and a posterior basal ridge, with a verti¬ cal ridge ascending upon the fore as well as the back part of the strong rounded cone ; the third premolar (p 4) is portion- ably less in the Hycena crocuta than in the H. vulgaris; its posterior ridge is developed into a small cone; the last tooth (m 1) is the sectorial, Fig. 105. Dentition, Lower Jaw, of the Hyaena. and consists almost entirely of a blade divided by a vertical fissnre into Teeth of two sub-equal compressed pointed lobes ; the points are less produced Mammals, than in the Felines, but the lower sectorial of the hyaena is better distinguished by the small posterior basal talon, from which a ridge is continued along the inner side of the base, and is slightly thickened at the forepart of the crown. The deciduous teeth consist of— .33. „ l.t. 3.3 00 ^3.3 ’ C l.l’ ™ 3.3 22‘ The first normal deciduous molar is two-fanged, and has a more compressed and consequently more carnassial crown than that of the second permanent premolar, by which it is succeeded. The second deciduous molar is the sectorial tooth; the inner tubercle is con¬ tinued from the base of the middle lobe, and thus resembles the per¬ manent sectorial of the Glutton (Gulo) and many other Mustelidoe; the deciduous tubercular molar is relatively larger than in the adult Hycena, and offers another feature of resemblance to the permanent dentition of the Glutton. It is also worthy of remark that the exterior incisor of the upper jaw is not only absolutely, but relatively smaller in the immature than in the adult dentition of the hyaena, and again illustrates the resemblance to the more common type of dentition in the Carnivora. The permanent dentition of the Hyaena, as of other genera or families of the Carnivora, assumes those characteristics which adapt it for the peculiar food and habits of the adult, and mark the devia¬ tion from the common type, which always accompanies the progress to maturity. The most characteristic modification of this dentition is the great size and strength of the molars as compared with the canines, and more especially the thick and strong conical crowns of the second and third premolars in both jaws, the base of the cone being belted by a strong ridge which defends the subjacent gum.1 This form of tooth is especially adapted for gnawing and breaking bones, and the whole cranium has its shape modified by the enor¬ mous development of the muscles which work the jaws and teeth in this operation.2 Adapted to obtain its food from the coarser Earts of animals which are left by the nobler beasts of prey, the yaena chiefly seeks the dead carcass, and bears the same relation to the lion which the vulture does to the eagle. In consequence of the quantity of bones which enter into its food, the excrements consist of solid balls of a yellowish white colour, and of a compact earthy fracture. Such specimens of the substance, known in the old Materia Medica by the name of “ album graecum,” were discovered by Dr Buckland in the celebrated ossiferous cavern at Kirkdale. They were recognised at first sight by the keeper of a menagerie, to whom they were shown, as resembling both in form and appear¬ ance the fceces of the spotted Hyaena; and, being analysed by Dr Wollaston, were found to be composed of the ingredients that might be expected in fiscal matter derived from bones, viz. phos¬ phate of lime, carbonate of lime, and a very small proportion of the triple phosphate of ammonia and magnesia. This discovery of the coprolites of the hyaena formed, perhaps, the strongest of the links in that chain of evidence by which Dr Buckland proved that the cave at Kirkdale, in Yorkshire, had been, during a long succession of years, inhabited as a den by hyaenas, and that they dragged into its recesses the other animal bodies, whose remains, splintered and bearing marks of the teeth of the hyaena, were found mixed indis¬ criminately with their own. This family of Carnivora, which comprehends the Civets, Genets, Viverrid*. Ichneumons, Musangs, Surikates, and Mangues, is characterized with few exceptions, by the following formula :— 4 3.3 ’ C 1.1 ’P 4.4 ’ 2.2 (fig. 106). It differs from that of the genus Canis by the absence o a tubercular tooth {m 3) on each side of the lower jaw; but, in thus mak¬ ing a nearer step to the feline denti¬ tion, the Viverridce, on the other hand, recede from it by the less trenchant Dentition of Cynogale. and more tubercular character of the sectorial teeth. The canines are more feeble, and their crowns are almost smooth; the premolars, however, assume a formidable size and shape in some aquatic species, as those of the sub-genus Cynogale (fig. 106), in which their crowns (p 1-4) are large, compressed, triangular, sharp- pointed, with trenchant and serrated edges, like the teeth of certain sharks, (whence the name Squalodon, proposed for one of the species), and well adapted to the exigencies of quadrupeds subsisting princi¬ pally on fish; the opposite or obtuse, thick form of the premolars is manifested by some of the Musangs, as Paradoxurus auratus. 1 An eminent civil engineer, to whom the writer showed the jaw of a hyaena, observed that the strong conical tooth, with its basal ridge, was a perfect model of a hammer for breaking stones for roads. 2 “The strength of the hyaena’s jaw is such, that in attacking a dog, he begins by biting off his leg at a single snap.” Buckland, ’Reliquiae, Diluoiance, p. 23. ODONTOLOGY. 461 Teeth of Mammals, 'ail is. In the lower jaw the sectorial tooth (m 1) manifests its true molar character by the presence of an additional pointed lobe on the inner side of the two lobes forming the blade at the forepart oi the crown , the posterior, low, and large lobe of the tooth being also tntuberculate, as in the dog. The last molar (m 2) has an oval crown with tour small tubercles, resembling the penultimate lower molar m the dog, with which it corresponds. . . _T. . r c The deciduous dentition consists, in the Viverrine lamily, ot • 3-3 . ^11. ^ 33 _ 9ft * 3.3 ’ C 1.1 ’ m 3.3 If the first permanent premolar has any predecessor, it must be rudimental, and disappear early in both jaws ; the second premolar displaces the first normally developed deciduous molar; the third upper premolar displaces and succeeds the deciduous sectorial, which has a sharper and more compressed blade, and a relatively smaller internal tubercle, than the permanent sectorial. This tooth displaces the last deciduous molar, which is a tubercular tooth, resembling in form the first of the two upper permanent tuberculars ; these coming into place without pushing out any predecessors, enter into the cate¬ gory of true molar teeth. In the lower jaw the third premolar dis¬ places the deciduous sectorial, which has three trenchant lobes and a relatively smaller posterior talon than the permanent sectorial. The fourth premolar displaces the third or tubercular milk-molar. The permanent sectorial and tubercular molars displace no predeces¬ sors, and are therefore m 1 and m2. The alternate interlocking of the crowns of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, which is their general relative position in the Carnivora, is well-marked in regard to the premolars of the Viverridcc (fig. 106); as the lower canine is in front of the upper, so the first lower premolar (p 1) rises into the space between the upper canine and first upper premolar; the fourth lower premolar in like manner fills the space between the third upper premolar (p 3) and the sectorial tooth (p 4), playing upon the anterior lobe of the blade of that tooth which indicates by its position, as by its mode of succession, that it is the fourth premolar of the upper jaw. The first true molar below, modified as usual in the Carnivora to form the lower sectorial, sends the three tubercles of its anterior part to fill the space between the sectorial {p 4) and the first true molar {m 1) above. In the Musangs, the lower sectorial is in more direct opposition to its true homotype, the first tubercular molar in the upper jaw; and these Indian Viverridce {Paradoxuri) are the least carnivorous of their family, their chief food consisting of the fruit of palm-trees, whence they have been called “ Palm-cats.” The normal dental formula of the genus Cams is— i ; c —: p —; m‘^- — 22 (fig. 107, Canis). 3.3 1.1 4.4 3.3 ^ ^ The incisors form a continuous series, describing the segment of a circle in both jaws, and progressively increase in size from the first to the third ; the trenchant margin of the crown is divided by two notches into a large middle and two small lateral lobes. The canines (c) are curved, sub-compressed; the enamelled pointed crown forms nearly half the length of the tooth, and is smooth, without any groove. The premolars (p) have strong sub-compressed conical crowns gradually enlarging from the first to the third (p 3) in the upper jaw, and to the fourth (p 4) in the lower jaw, and acquiring one or two accessory posterior tubercles as they increase in size. The fourth upper premolar (p 4) presents a sudden increase of size, with its sectorial form; its blade is divided into two cones by a wide notch, the anterior cone being the strongest and most produced ; the tubercle is developed from the inner side of the base of this lobe. The first and second upper molars (m 1 and 2) are tuberculate ; but the second is very small, less than half the size of the first molar. The first true molar below (m 1) is modified to form the opposing blade to the sectorial tooth above; retaining the tuberculate cha¬ racter at its posterior half. The blade is divided by a vertical lineal fissure into two cones, the posterior being the largest; behind this Teeth of the base of the crown extends into a broad, quadrate, trituberculate Mammals, talon. The second molar has two anterior cusps on the same trans- verse line, and a posterior broad flat talon; the last lower molar (m, 3) is the smallest of all the teeth. The absence of a tuberculate molar in the lower jaw of the im¬ mature Dog, brings the character of the deciduous dentition of the genus Cams much closer to that of the typical members of the Car¬ nivorous order, and affords an interesting illustration of the law that “ unity of organization is manifested directly as the proximity of the animal to the commencement of its development.” 1 The succession of two tubercular molar teeth behind the permanent sectorial tooth in the adult, or permanent dentition of the lower jaw, carries the genus Canis farther from the type of its order, and stamps it with its own proper omnivorous character, and this contributes to adapt the Dog for a greater variety of climates and food, and of other circumstances, all of which tend, in an important degree, to fit that animal for the performance of its valuable services to man. In no other genus of quadruped are the jaws so well or so variously armed with dental organs ; notwithstanding the extent of the series, the vacancies are only sufficient to allow the interlocking of the strong canines. These are efficient and formidable weapons for seizing, slaying, and lacerat¬ ing a living prey ; the incisors are well adapted, by their shape and advanced position, for biting and gnawing ; the premolars, and espe¬ cially the sectorials, are made for cutting and coarsely dividing the fibres of animal tissues, and the tuberculate molars are as admirably adapted for cracking, crushing, and completing the comminution of the food, whether of an animal or vegetable nature. The dentition of the Weasel tribe (Mustelidos) is illustrated in Musteliuai. fig. 145, IV., Mustela, and by that, of the Otter, fig. 108, which is a great aquatic Weasel or Polecat; its dental formula is as U. 44; m LI _ 3g 3 3’ 1 1 ’ ^ 3.3 2.2 The canines (e) are shorter than those of the Fox, narrower than those of the Badger, larger and relatively thicker than those of the Martin-cat. The first premolar (p 1) in the upper jaw, which is absent in the Polecat and Weasel, is retained in the Otter (fig. 108 and is placed on the inner side of the canine; the sectorial premolar (p 4) has its inner lobe much more developed in Lutra than in Putorius, and the tubercular molar (m 1) is relatively larger. Similar modifications of these teeth distinguish the den¬ tition of the lower jaw of the Otter, which agrees in the number Tig. 108. and kind of teeth with Teeth of Upper Jaw of the Otter, that of the Polecat. The increased grinding surface relates to the inferior and coarser nature of the animal diet of the Otter, the back teeth being thus adapted for crushing the bones of fishes before they are swallowed. In the Martin cats (Mustela), the little homotype ofy> 1 above is present in the lower jaw ; in the bloodthirsty Stoats and Weasels, p 1 is absent in both jaws; as it is likewise in the great Sea-otter (Enhydra), in which’ also the two middle incisors are wanting in the lower jaw. In this animal the second premolar (p 3) has a strong obtuse conical crown, double the size of that ot p 2 ; the third premolar [p 4) is more than twice the size of ^ 3, and represents the upper carnassial or sectorial strangely modified ; the two lobes of the blade being hemispheric tubercles. The last tooth (m 1) has a larger crown than the sectorial, and is of a similar broad crush¬ ing form. The Mustelidoe present great regard to the number of their true molar teeth ; with one exception, the Ratel (Mellivora), in which p 2 is absent below, they have one true molar on each side of the upper jaw, and two on each side of the lower jaw ; the second of these has always a broad tubercular crown, like the one above. The upper true molar is supported by one inner, and sometimes by one (Putorius, Gulo), sometimes two (Mustela, Lutra, Melphitis) outer fangs. The second true molar below is also tubercular, but has a single fang. The crown of the first true molar below offers many gradations from the sectorial type, as manifested in Putorius and Gulo, to the tubercular type, as in the Taira, Eatel, and Sea- otter. The principal varieties occur, as usual, in the comparatively less important premolars; in the Martins and Gluttons, they are as numerous as in the Dog; the first, in both jaws, being implanted by a single fang ; the rest by two, with the exception of the last above, which has three roots. In the Otter, we find the first premolar removed from the lower jaw ; and the second (now the first) shows Us true homology by its double implantation, as well as by the position! of its crown behind the first in the upper jaw. 1 This law is defined and exemplified in the writer’s Lectures on the Invertebrate Animals, pp. 368, 800, ed. 1843; p. 645., ed. 1855. 462 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of In the Stoats, Skunks, and Eatels, the premolar series is. fur- Mammals. ther reduced by the loss of the anterior tooth (p 1) in both jaws, and by the diminution of the size of p 2, which thus becomes the first in both jaws, and is also now implanted by a single fang. In a South American Skunk, the second premolar disappears in the upper jaw, leaving there only the homologues of the third and fourth ot the typical formula, p 4 being always the sectorial in the Mustelidce, as in other terrestrial Carnivora. This tooth, under all its modifica¬ tions, retains the blade with the lobe, corresponding to the middle one in the feline sectorial, generally well-developed and sharp-pointed ; the differences are principally manifested by the proportions of the inner tubercle, and the relative size of the third root supporting, it. But the upper sectorial, being a premolar, and therefore requiring less modification of the crown to adapt it for its special functions, manifests a more limited extent of variety than the lower sectoiial, which, being a true molar, requires greater modification of the typical form of its crown to fit it for playing upon the sectorial blade of p 4 above. . , Melidie. In this sub-family is comprised the European Badger (, the Indian Badger (Ardonyx), and . the American Badger .(Taxidea); which, with respect to their dentition, stand at the opposite extreme of the Mustelidce to that occupied by the predaceous Weasel, and manifest the most tuberculate and omnivorous character of the teeth. The formula is— 3.3 . 1.1. „ 3.3. „ 1.1 * 8.3 ’ C 1 1 ; ^ 1.11 4.4 ’ 2.2 = 30. The canines are strongly developed, well pointed, with a posterior trenchant edge; they are more compressed in Arcionyx than in Meles. The first lower premolar {pi) is very small, single-fanged, and, generally, soon lost. The first above, corresponding with the second in the dog, is also small, and implanted by two connate fangs. The second upper premolar {p 3) has a larger, but simple, sub-com¬ pressed conical crown, and is implanted by two fangs. . The third (p 4) repeats the form of the second on a larger scale, with a better developed posterior talon, and with the addition of a trituberculate low flat lobe, which is supported by a third fang ; the outer pointed and more produced part of this tooth represents the blade of the sec¬ torial tooth and the entire crown of the antecedent premolars. The true molar in Meles (m 1) is of enormous size compared with that of any of the preceding Carnivora ; it has three external tubercles, and an extensive horizontal surface traversed longitudinally by a low ridge, and bounded by an internal belt, the “ cingulum’’ of Illiger. In the Labrador Badger, the last premolar has a larger relative size, the part corresponding with the blade of the sectorial is sharper and more produced, and the internal tubercle has two lobes; the succeeding molar tooth is reduced in size, and its crown presents a triangular form. The first true molar below has its sectorial lobes better deve¬ loped ; these differences give the North American badgers a more carnivorous character than is manifested by the Indian or European Pro- cyonidae. species. In other allied genera, which, like the badgers, have been grouped, on account of the plantigrade structure of their feet, with the bears, a progressive approximation is made to the type of the dentition of the Ursine species. The first true molar below soon loses all its sectorial modification, and acquires its true tubercular character ; and the last premolar above becomes more directly and completely opposed to its homotype in the lower jaw. The Racoon {Procyon), and the Coati {Nasua), present good examples of these transitional modifications ; they have the complete number of premolar teeth, the dental formula being, 4.4 P £4 40. 3.3 ’ “ 1.1 ’ 4.4 ’ "" 2.2 The development of the inner part of the crown of the last upper premolar, which constitutes the tubercle of the sectorial tooth, now produces two tubercles on a level with the outer ones which repre¬ sent the blade; and the opposite premolar below {p 4), which is the true homotype of the modified sectorial above, begins to acquire a marked increase of breadth and accessory basal tubercles. All the lower premolars, as well as the true molars, have two fangs ; the three first premolars above have two fangs, the fourth has three, like the two true molars above. The dental formula of the Indian Benturong {Arctictis) and Kin- kajou {Cercoleptes) is— 3.3’ v 1.1 co^S^S=36* Ursidae. The essential characteristic of the dentition of the Bears (figs. 109 and 145, II.), Ursus, is the development, in the lower jaw, of the true molar teeth to their typical number in the placental Mammalia, and their general manifestation, in both jaws, of a tuberculate grinding surface; the premolar teeth are much reduced both in size and number. In the frugivorous Bears of India and the Indian Archi¬ pelago, the four premolars {p 1-4) are commonly retained longer than in the fiercer species of the northern latitudes. In the Ursus labiatus, the third small premolar above, and the second and third below, have each two connate fangs; the fourth premolar above presents three sub-equal obtuse tubercles supported by two distinct fangs. It is the only one of the four lower premolars retained in the dentition of the great extinct Ursus spelccus; the first premolar Teeth of 4'ig. 109. Dentition of the Bear (ZJrsus). maritimus and U. arctos. The second lower premolar is soon lost in the Bears of temperate and northern latitudes, but is longer retained in the tropical species called “ Sun Bears ” [Helarctos, Horsefield). The first true molar (ml) has a longer and narrower crown than the one above. The second true molar (m 2) has a narrow, oblong, sub¬ quadrate, tubercular crown, which, like that of the first true molar, is supported by two fangs. The crown of the third lower molar (m 3) is contracted posteriorly, and supported by two connate fangs ; it is relatively smallest in the Sun-bears, and largest in the great Ursus spelceus. The dental formula of the genus Ursus is— i—-, c — ; p —; m = 42. 3.3 1.1 r 4.4 3.3 It is essentially the same both in number and kind of teeth as in genus Canis, but the individual or specific varieties, which in the Dog affect the true molar teeth, are confined in the Bears to the pre¬ molars. It would seem in the genus Ursus as if the preponderating size of the large tubercular true molars had tended to blight the development of the premolars. In fig. 110 the deciduous teeth and their successors are figured, Big. 110. Milk-Teeth of the Bear. as displayed by the removal of the outer wall of their sockets. The milk-molars, four in number on each side of both jaws, progressively increase from the first to the fourth. The characteristic relative position to them of the premolars is shown atp 2, 3, and 4. Behind these is shown the large formative cell of the first (m 1) of the true molar series. A tendency to deviate from the ferine number of the incisors is Phocidse. seen in the most aquatic and piscivorous of the Musteline quadru¬ peds, viz., the Sea-otter {Enhydra), in which species the two middle incisors of the lower jaw are not developed in the permanent denti¬ tion. In the family of true seals the incisive formula is further re¬ duced, in some species even to zero in the lower jaw, and it never exceeds |:|. All the Phoddce possess powerful canines; only in the aberrant walrus (fig. 112), are they absent in the lower jaw, but this is compensated by the singular excess of development which they manifest in the upper jaw, In the pinnigrade, as in the plantigrade, family of Carnivores, we find the teeth which correspond to true molars more numerous than in the digitigrade species, and even occasionally rising to the typical number, three on each side; but this, in the seals, is manifested in the upper, and not, as in the bears, in the lower jaw. The entire molar series usually includes five, rarely six, teeth on each side of ODONTOLOGY. eth of the upper jaw, and five on each side of the lower jaw; with crowns mmals. which vary little in size or form in the same individual. 1 hsy ar® -'y—•mS supported in some genera, as the Eared heals (Otanai) and Elephant Seals (Cystophora), by a single fang; in other genera by two fangs, which are usually connate in the first or second teeth; the lang or fangs of both incisors, canines, and molars, are always remarkable 101 their thickness, which commonly surpasses the longest diameter or the crown. The crowns are most commonly compressed, conical, more or less pointed, with the “cingulum” and the anterior and posterior basal tubercles more or less developed; in a few of the largest species they are simple and obtuse, and particularly so in the walrus in which the molar teeth are reduced to a smallei number than in the true seals.1 In these the line of demarcation between the true and false molars is very indefinitely indicated by characters of form or position ; but, according to the instances in which a de¬ ciduous dentition has been observed, the first three permanent molars in both jaws succeed and displace the same number of milk molars, and are consequently premolars; occasionally, in the seals with two- rooted molars, the more simple character of the premolar teeth is manifested by their fangs being connate, and in the Stenorhynchus serridens (fig. Ill) the more complex character of the true molars (m 1 and 2) is manifested in the crown. There is no special modifica¬ tion of the crown of any tooth by which it can merit the name of a “sectorial” or “carnassial;” but we may point with certainty to the third molar above and the fourth below, as answering to those teeth which manifest the sectorial character in the terrestrial Carni- vora. The coadaptation of the crowns of the upper and lower teeth is more completely alternate than in any of the terrestrial Carnivora, the lower tooth always passing into the interspace anterior to its fellow in the upper jaw. In the genus Phoca proper (Cabcephalus, Cuv.) typified by the common seal (Ph. vitulina), the dental formula is— 463 3.3 . 2.2 ’ -;p 33. 1.1 ’ m = 34. the external ones in the upper jaw are intermediate in size between the canines and the middle incisors. In the Stenorhynchus leptonyx each molar tooth in both jaws is trilobed, the anterior and posterior accessory lobe curving towards the principal one, which is bent slightly backwards; all the divisions are sharp-pointed, and the crown of each molar thus resembles the trident or fishing-spear; the two fangs of the first molar in both jaws are connate. In Stenorhynchus serridens (fig. Ill), the three anterior molars on each side of both jaws are four-lobed, there being one anterior and two posterior accessory lobes ; the remaining pos¬ terior molars (true molars) are five-lobed, the principal cusp having one small lobe in front, and three developed from its posterior margin; the summits of the lobes are obtuse, and the posterior ones are recurved like the principal lobe. Sometimes the third molar below has three instead of two posterior accessory lobes. Occasion¬ ally, also, the second, as well as the first molar above, has its fangs connate; but the essentially duplex nature of the seemingly single fang, which is unfailingly manifested within by the double pulp- cavity, is always outwardly indicated by the median longitudinal opposite indentations of the implanted base. These slight and unes¬ sential varieties, presented by the specimens of the Saw-toothed Sterrink [Stenorhynchus serridens) brought home by the enterpriz- ing naturalist of Sir J. Ross’ Antarctic expedition, accord with the analogous varieties noticed in other species of Seals, and show the inadequacy of such characters as marks of subgeneric distinction. In the genus Otaria the dental formula is— In the Phoca Caspica the upper molars have commonly one acces¬ sory cusp before, and one behind, the principal lobe; the lower molars have one accessory cusp before, and two behind, the lower molars. In the Phoca Orcemandica the upper molars have no anterior basal cusp, and only one behind ; the lower molars have two behind and one in front, except the first, which resembles that above, and like it has connate fangs. _ ^ The condition of the molar teeth is nearly the same in the Phoca barbata, but the crowns are rather thicker and stronger, and. the three middle ones above have two posterior basal cusps feebly indi¬ cated, the same being more strongly marked in the four last molars below. The following genera of Seals with double-rooted molars( Pelagius, Stenorhynchus) have four incisors above as well as below, i. e. f :f. The allied sub-genus (Ommatophoca) of Seals of the southern hemisphere has six molar teeth on each side of the upper, and five on each side of the lower jaw, with the principal lobe of the. crown more incurved. The two first molars above are closely approximated, but this may prove to be a variety. In the Stenorhynchus the jaws are more slender and produced, and the molar teeth are remarkable for the long and slender shape of the principal lobe, and of the accessory basal cusps. The incisors Fig. 111. Dentition of the Saw-toothed Seal. (Stenorhynchus). (fig. Ill) have sharp conical recurved crowns, like the canines, and 1.1, 35. -L Q Q ms~— 36. 2.2 2.2 ’ 1.1 x 3.3 The two middle incisors are small, sub-compressed, with the crown transversely notched; the simple crowns of the four incisors below fit into these notches; the outer incisors above are much larger, with a long-pointed conical crown, like a small canine. The true canine is twice as large as the adjoining incisor, and is rather less recurved. The molars have each a single fang. In the great proboscidian and hooded Seals {Cystophora), the incisors and canines still more predominate in size over the molars ; but the incisors are reduced in number, the formula here is— t ; <• y; p —; m ?:? = 30. 1.1 ’ 1.1 ’ r 3.3 ’ 2.2 All the molars are single-rooted, and all the incisors are laniariform. The two middle incisors above and the two below are nearly equal; the outer incisors above are larger. The canines are still more for¬ midable, especially in the males; the curved root is thick and sub¬ quadrate. The crowns of the molar teeth are short, sub-compressed, obtuse; sometimes terminated by a knob and defined by a constriction or neck from the fang; the last is the smallest. In the Walrus {Trichechus rosmarus, fig. 112), the normal incisive formula is transitorily represented in the very young animal, which has three teeth in each intermaxillary bone and two on each side of the fore¬ part of the lower jaw ; they soon dis¬ appear, except the outer pair above, which remain close to the intermaxil¬ lary suture, on the inner side of the sockets of the enormous canines, and seem to commence the series of small and simple molars which they resemble in size and form. In the adult there are usually three molars or premolars on each side, behind the permanent incisor, and four similar teeth on each side of the lower jaw; the anterior one passing into the interspace between the upper incisor and the first molar, and therefore being the homotype of the molar. In a young walrus’ skull with canine tusks eight inches long, the writer has seen a fourth upper molar (fifth including the incisor) of very small size, about a line in breadth, lodged in a shallow fossa of the jaw, behind the three persistent molars. The crowns of these teeth must be almost on a level with the gums in the recent head; they are very obtuse, and worn obliquely from above down to the inner border of their base. The molars of the lower jaw are rather narrower from side to side than those above, and are convex or worn upon their outer side. Each molar has a short, thick, simple and solid root. The canines (c) are developed only in the upper jaw, but are of enormous size, descending and projecting from the mouth, like tusks, slightly inclined outwards and bent backwards; they present an oval transverse section, with a shallow longitudinal groove along the inner side, and one or two narrower longitudinal impressions upon the outer side; the base of the canine is widely open, its growth being uninterrupted. The food of the walrus consists of sea-weed and bivalves; the Fig. 11-2 Skull and Teeth of the Walrus 1 The relation of Trichechus to the Phocidce is analogous to that of Machairodus to the Felidce, and also, in the simplification of the molars, to that of Prvteles to the Canidce. 464 Teeth of Mammals. Machairo- dus. Hyaenodon. ODONTOLOGY. molars are well adapted to break and crusli shells ; and fragments of a species of Mya have heen found, with pounded sea-weed, in the stomach. The canine tusks serve as Weapons of offence and defence, and to aid the animal in mounting and clamhering over blocks of ice. A large extinct carnivorous animal (Machairodus, fig. 145, _VI.), had the upper canine teeth (c) developed to almost the same dispro¬ portionate length as in the walrus, by which they were also com¬ pelled to pass outside the lower jaw when the mouth was shut. But these teeth were shaped after the type of the feline canines, only with more compressed and trenchant crowns; and they were assomated with other teeth in number and kind demonstrating the due affinity of the Machairodus to the genus Fdis. _ , The molar series of the upper jaw includes three teeth on each side, answering to the last two premolars (p 3 and p 4) and to the small tubercular tooth (m 1) in the lion. The inner tubercle oft I® carnassial tooth (p 4) is much less developed than in lehs. -< tie molar series of the lower jaw accords with that of the lion, but pd is relatively very small in the South American Machairodus {M. neoqosus). ... The symphysis of the lower jaw presents a rapid increase in vertical diameter, whilst a depression on the outer side, between the canine and the first molar, indicates the part which received the long upper canine. The lower canine is much reduced in size, and appears to form the exterior tooth of the series of incisors ; these are, however, six in number in the lower as in the upper jaw. „ 1 . Both the anterior and posterior margins of the long upper falci¬ form canines are finely serrated in Machairodus. The fossil teeth of this kind from Kent’s Hole, Torquay, indicate a species of Machai- rodus, as big as the lion, and distinct from that of the Italian pliocene deposits, on which Cuvier founded his “ Ursus cultridens.' In more ancient tertiary formations, remains of carnivorous mam¬ mals have been found with the three true molar teeth as expressly modified for the division of flesh, and as worthy the express term of “ sectorials” or “ carnassials,” as the teeth so called in the lion and other felines. And these teeth were associated with conical premo¬ lars, long canines, and short incisors, so as to exemplify the typical formula, e. g.— • 35 LI. „ 44 85 ^ 44. ° 3 3 1.1 ’ ” 4.4 3,3 rhe extinct Eycsnodon and Fterodon of the upper eocene formations if Hampshire,'and of parts of France, manifest this interesting and Instructive character of dentitiom ... A reduced view of the lower jaw of the IJyanodon llcguicni is yjven in fig. 113. After the canines (c) come four successively Pig. 113, Dentition, Lower Jaw, of Hycenodon. enlarging conical compressed premolars (p 1-4); then, instead of a single carnassial representing the first true molar, there are three of these singularly modified teeth—the first (m 1) being of suddenly small size, as compared with the antecedent premolar, and obviously illus¬ trating its true nature as a continuation of the deciduous series, with which, doubtless, it agreed in size. It became a permanent tooth only because there was no premolar developed beneath it, so as to displace it. The succeeding carnassial true molars (wi 2 and 3) pro¬ gressively increase in size. The symbols in fig. Ill denote the homologies of the teeth. The marks of abrasion on the lower teeth Tig. 114. Dentition, Upper Jaw, of Amphicyon, in the Hyccnodon prove the upper series to have been the same in number. The obvious number of premolars in the Hyamodon negatives Teeth of the notion entertained by He Blainville, that it was a marsupial Mammals, carnivore. . _ . ..... A second form of equally ancient Carnivore was a mixed-feeding . animal, allied to the Viverridai and to the Dog tribe, the true molars ^ presenting the tuberculate modification, and the typical number and kinds of teeth being functionally developed, as in the Hyamodon. The series in the upper jaw are shown in fig. 112. The term “ tubercular” is as applicable to the three true molars of the Amphycyon (jn 1, 2, 3) as the term “carnassial” is to those of the Hycenodon. The teeth of the Carnivora, -with the exception of the aberrant Structure amphibious forms, so closely correspond in their intimate struc- Carnivora, ture, both with each other and with those of the human subject, as to require here only a brief and general notice. They all enter into the category of “ simple teeth,” that is, the dentine or main body is not penetrated by folds of the other component tissues, but has an even exterior, covered, at the part forming the crown, with enamel, and having a general outer investment of cement, the coronal layer forming too thin a film to manifest any of the radiated cells. The dentine is of the kind called “ hard or unvascular; ” the tubuli are rather finer than in the human teeth; they have the same general direction from the pulp-cavity, but present stronger primary curva¬ tures, more frequent dichotomous divisions, and more numerous minute lateral branches, which latter usually curve from the trunks at right angles. The dentinal compartments are subhexagonal, about --U-th of an inch in diameter, with the peripheral contour forming almost a regular curve. In the Seals the dentine forms usually a smaller proportion of the tooth than in the terrestrial Car¬ nivora ; the characteristic thickness of the roots in this family, is principally due to the thick covering of cement, and the pulp-cavity is usually closed by a more than usual quantity of the osteo-dentine. The tubes in the Seal’s molar describe very strong and.irregular curves on leaving the pulp-cavity; but when within a third of the distance to outer surface, they fall into more parallel and regular undulations; they are y^L^^th of an inch in diameter,. and. the interspace between two tubes is about T_uTy_th of an inch in width. The tubes dichotomise less frequently and less regularly than in the teeth of the Dog or Hysena, but send off from both sides extremely numerous short branches, which bend almost transversely across the interspaces, and the side branches are occasionally sent off in greater abundance along lines parallel with the outer contour of the teeth, giving the appearance of opaque striae., or concentric layers, to polished sections of the dentine. The dentinal tubes resolve them¬ selves at their extremities into rich tufts of curved branches, which terminate in a layer of minute cells at the crown, and in the root communicate with the radiated cells of the cement. In the molar teeth of the Otaria jubata, the tubes, proceeding in the long axis of the crown, are, on the peripheral half of the dentine, nearly parallel; towards the side of the crown they proceed in more zigzag, almost angular curves, and appear to cross each other, con¬ spicuous branches being continued from the.angles; the interspaces of the tubes were about ^-^th of an inch in width. The dentinal compartments are more numerous and less regular than in the teeth of the ordinary Carnivora; and their contour is more obscured by the deeper curves and more numerous branches of the dentinal tubes. The enamel of the teeth of the Carnivora is extremely dense and brittle ; it consists of fibres similar to those in the Human teeth, but relatively smaller, as, for example, in the large canines of the Tiger, and the molars of the Hyaena; the transverse striae are also less distinct. In the molar of the Otaria, the enamel-fibres are very dis¬ tinct, placed at right angles to the plane of the crown, and less curved than in Man or the Quadrumana; instead of the transverse striae, they present a minute granular structure.2 The cap of enamel with which the teeth of the Walrus are at first tipped, is soon worn off; and, except at the abraded surface, the rest of the tooth—both tusks and molars—is thickly coated with cement. The dentine closely corresponds with that in the ordinary Seals; in the molar teeth the tubes present the same diameter, the same inter¬ spaces, and undulating curvatures ; but their dichotomous divisions are more marked. In the canines the lateral branches terminate in minute opaque cells, dispersed throughout almost the whole dentine, but most numerous and conspicuous near its periphery, where the dentine is defined by a distinct layer of these cells; only a third part of the periphery of the canine is composed of true dentine, the central third part of the tooth is filled up by osteo-dentine, which, as in the teeth of the Cachalot, often projects in irregular rounded masses into the short and wide basal pulp-cavity. The whole mass., indeed, of the osteo-dentine consists of numerous independent calcifications of the pulp, having as many distinct centres, usually hollow, and producing, when the substance is examined by the naked eye, the appearance which Cuvier has compared to “ pudding-stone.’ The central cavities are for the most part associated together and with the pulp-cavity by medullary canals. The tubes radiate from these central cavities in all directions, with sub-parallel, diverging curva- Ossemens Fossiles, 4to, 1824, vol. v. pt. ii. p. 517. 2 Retzius failed to detect any true enamel in the teeth of the Phoca anellata. ODONTOLOGY. 465 Ungulata, or Jlerbivora. tures, dividing, subdividing, and sending, off numerous branches, which anastomose with those of the adjoining masses, and, where these are situated next the dentine, with the. tubes of that tissue. In each lobe of the osteo-dentine the concentric rings parallel with the contour of the central medullary cavity are well marked. Myriads of minute calcigerous cells are dispersed throughout the osteo- dentine. The pulp- cavity of the incisor and molar teeth is filled up by a smaller quantity of the osteo- dentine.1 Minute vas¬ cular canals convey the capillary blood¬ vessels to this struc¬ ture, from the vascular membrane attached to the solid base of the molars, and in the tusks, from the per¬ sistent pulp, which fills the basal cavity. The cement of the Morse’s teeth is dis¬ tinguished from the osteo-dentine by its continuous uniform structure, by the absence of the detached centres, and their con¬ centric lines; but the radiated cells are disposed in regular layers, concentric and parallel with the contour of the body of dentine ; the radiating tubes, from the cells forming the layer next the dentine, communicate freely with the peripheral ramifications of the dentinal tubes, and also with the proper cemental tubes, which are disposed vertically to the plane of the cement. In¬ deed, the evidence of an intercommunicating system of canals, too minute for the gross fluid of the circulating system, is most striking and universal throughout the substance of both the tusks and. small teeth of the Walrus. Vascular canals are, however, present in the cement as in the osteo-dentine, from the capillaries in which it may be presumed that the colourless plasma is elaborated, which meanders through the minuter systems of cells and tubes. The first forms of vegetable-eating mammals of which we have cognizance, those, viz., that have been restored from fossil remains discovered in the eocene or oldest tertiary deposits, , have presented a dentition conformable, in number ^ and kind of teetb, to the typical condition in the j Placental Diphyodont series. The chief modifications are presented by the grind¬ ing surface of the molar teeth. In the Hyracothevium (e. g., fig. 115) the grinding surface supports four prin- lobes (o, v) are first abraded; those of the inner lobes (c, d) are next Teeth of abraded; and thus a double crescentic field of dentine is exposed, with Mammals, a detached island on the summit of the internal cone (m). This, afterwards, from the minor depth of the valley in front of its base, becomes blended with the lobe [d). In the Palceotherium (fig. 117) Fis. 118. Dentition of tlie Dichoikn cuspidatus. Fig. 115. tions of the Upper Molar of cipal cusps, each transverse pair (ac, b d) being con- molar Hyracothtrium. nected by a ridge which is raised midway into a teeth smaller conical tubercle, and the crown is girt by a cingulum. In the Anoplotherium (fig. 116) the crown is divided into a front (/, c) and a back {f d) lobe by a valley (e), extending from the inner side, two-thirds across, contracting as it penetrates. A second valley (— The extinct Cheeropotamus, Anthracotherium, Hyopotamus, and Hippohyus, had the typical dental formula, and this is preserved in the existing representative of the same section of non-ruminant Artiodactyles, the Hog. The permanent dental formula of the genus Sus is illustrated in fig. 20. The upper incisors (fig. 20, i) decrease in size from the first to sui(j® the third; the first has a short, strong, obtusely-pointed crown, Hog-tribe, obliquely levelled from the outside of the base to its apex, which. inclines towards and touches that in the other premaxillary by its produced inner part; the crown, before it is wmrn, presents a semi¬ lunar depression on its inner side, the concavity of which, directed towards the base, receives a tubercular prominence, it is implanted by a short, thick, curved fang; this incisor is relatively larger in the Sus larvatus than in the Sus scrofa; the basal line of the enamel is extremely irregular; that substance extends more than an inch upon the outer side of the tooth, but only two or three lines on the inner side, where an angular piece seems to be cut out. The second incisor in the common Hog has a crown as broad as the first, but shorter and thinner; its edge is trenchant and dentated, but is soon worn down; in this state the abraded surface of both incisors shows a dark mark in the centre. The third is a very small tooth, a little removed from the second. The lower incisors are long, sub-com¬ pressed, nearly straight; the second is rather larger than the first; the third is the smallest, as in the upper jaw. The upper canines, in the Wild Boar (fig. 20, c) curve forwards, outwards, and upwards ; their sockets inclining in the same direction, and being strengthened above by a ridge of bone, which is extraor¬ dinarily developed in the Masked Boar of Africa. The enamel covering the convex inferior side of this tusk is longitudinally ribbed, but is not limited to that part; a narrow strip of the same hard substance is laid upon the anterior part, and another upon the pos¬ terior concave angle forming the point of the tusk, which is worn obliquely upwards from before, and backwards from that point. In the Sow the canines are much smaller than in the Boar. Castration arrests the development of the tusks in the male. The teeth of the molar series progressively increase in size from the first to the last. The first premolar (fig. 20, p 1) has a simple, compressed, conical crown, thickest behind, and has two fangs ; it is further removed from the second in the Sus larvatus than in the Sus scrofa. The second premolar (fig. 20,p 2) has a broader crown with a hind-lobe, having a depression on its inner surface, and each fang begins to be subdivided. The third premolar (fig. 20, p 13) has a similar but broader crown implanted by four fangs. The fourth pre¬ molar (fig. 20, p 4) has two principal tubercles and some irregular vertical pits on the inner half of the crown. The first true molar [m 1), when the permanent dentition is completed, exhibits the effects of its early development in a more marked degree than in most other Mammalia, and in the Wild Boar has its tubercles worn down, and a smooth field of dentine exposed by the time the last molar has come into place; it originally bears four primary cones, with smaller sub¬ divisions formed by the wrinkled enamel, and an anterior and posterior ridge. The four cones produced by the crucial impression, of which the transverse part is the deepest, are repeated on the second true molar (fig. 20, m 2) with more complex shallow divisions, and a larger tuberculate posterior ridge. The greater extent of the last molar (fig. 20, m 3) is chiefly produced by the development of the hack ridge into a cluster of tubercles; the four primary cones being distinguishable on the anterior main body of the tooth. The crowns of the lower molars are very similar to those above but are rather narrower, and the outer and inner basal tubercles are much smaller, or are wanting; the grinding surface of the last is shown in fig. 122. The first or deciduous dentition of the Hog consists of— 3.3. 33’ = 28, (fig. 17). The first milk-incisor above is large, oblique, trenchant, and with a depression on the inner surface of the crown; the second and third are pointed, the latter being as long as the milk-canine. The first and second incisors, helow, are trenchant and oblique, and have the indentations and ridge slightly marked on the upper or inner side of the long and nar¬ row crown ; the third is pointed, and like a canine. The outer third milk-incisor in both jaws Kg. 122. is more advancedin growth than Last Lower Molar, Hog. Nat. size. the rest at birth, ihe canines are feeble, and have their nor¬ mal direction in both jaws, the upper ones ascending according to the general type, which is not departed from until at a later period of life. 1 Nova Acta Nat. Curios. 4to, 1824, tom. xii. pt. i. p. 265, tab. xxi. 468 ODONTOLOGY. The first deciduous molar is not succeeded by a premolar, but holds the place of such some time after the other deciduous molars are shed and succeeded by the premolars (p 2, 3, and 4). The last true molar (fig. 122) is remarkable for its large proportional size and complexity of grinding surface. By the time it is acquired and in use, the hrst true molar (m 1) is worn flat. The Hog is the only existing hoofed genus that manifests as regards number, the typical dentition displayed by the Dichodon in common with many other Eocene ungulate and unguiculate Mam¬ malia. The deviation in the Hog from this type is slight being confined to the non-development ot p 1, and the early reduction ot the numerical formula by the loss ol the small tooth [d 1, fa,.,, at the beginning of the molar series. / . • • p „„„ j That the Dichodon belongs to the Artiodactyle series is inferred notwithstanding the want of any direct evidence of the structure of its limbs, from the more simple form and structure of p 1, p 2, and p 3, as compared with the true molars, and from the symmetrical ruminating pattern of the grinding surface of the crown of the true '"From the true Ruminants the Dichodon differs in the development of the upper incisors and of p 1 in both jaws, which teeth are wanting in all the known existing species ^ , ,, , ,, , o Such feeble traces of embryotic rudiments of these teeth as have been observed by Professor Goodsir and others, in the Cow and Sheep, and the more conspicuous germs of upper incisors, of which one pair is functionally developed, in the Camehdce, are phenomena that derive increased significance and interest _ from the fact of the functional development of the same teeth in Artiodactyle Ungulates of the Eocene ^Inthe configuration of the true molars the Dichodon. would seem to be more nearly allied to the Ruminant section of the Arhodactyla; inthe number and kinds of its teeth it more resembles the Hog-tnbe amongst the non-Ruminant section. The known facts of the deci¬ duous dentition of the Dichodon supply an additional test of its affinities, owing to the marked differences, in the times and order of succession of the permanent teeth, between the Hog-tribe and the Ruminants, at least in the Ox and Sheep. In these the last true molar cuts the gum before any of the pre¬ molars appear, and the canine teeth (“corner-nippers” of the veterinarians) are the last of the permanent teeth to come into place, their appearance marking the completion of the third year in the Sheep, and a somewhat later period in the Ox. In the Hog the canines appear before the premolars, and these are in place and use before the last molar is on a level with the rest of the grinders. In the Dichodon cuspidatus the second true molar, in the upper jaw, is in place before any of the deciduous series of teeth have been shed; and it is coming into place, with the crown complete, before the pulps of the premolars have even begun to be calcified. The lower jaw of the sheep at from nine to twelve months would afford the nearest parallel amongst existing Artiodactyles to that of the immature Dicho¬ don figured in pi. 4. fig. 2, vol. iv. of the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. But by the time the second true molar in the Sheep is as far advanced in development as in the Dichodon fig. 2, loc. cit., p. 2, upper jaw) the first permanent incisor is in place, and the germs of the pre¬ molars in the cavities of reserve have calcified crowns. • The subjoined table indicates the several teeth by the symbols explained in the Section on the Homologies of the Teeth.1 The necessity of exactness in the records of the age of the valuable breeds of domesticated cattle, exhibited in competition at agricultural meetings, has led to a greater accuracy in the state¬ ments of the periods of development of the different teeth in the Ox, Sheep, and Hog; and the results of the writer’s observations, with those recorded by Bojanus, the learned veterinary profes¬ sor at Wilna, and by Mr Simonds, the professor of cattle path¬ ology in the Royal Veterinary College of London,2 are averaged in the following Table op the Times op Appearance op the Permanent Teeth in the Ox, Sheep, and Hog. Teeth of Mammals Ox. Symbols, yea^'Month. YearMonth i 1 i 2 i 3 c m 1 m 2 m 3 d orp 1 p 2 P 3 p 4 Sheep. Early. Year. Month. Late. Year. Month. Hog. Year. Month. The dentition of the Wart-hogs is reduced by the suppression of Phaco- certain incisors, and of the first two premolars—the tooth-forming chcerus. energy being, as it were, transferred to the last true molar, which is even more remarkable than in the common hog for its size and com¬ plexity in both jaws. Fig. 123 shows the condition of the upper Tig-123-1 Molar Series of adult Wart-hog (Phacochccrus). Nat. size. molar series in a Phacochcerus JEliani, soon after the acquisition of m 3. The first true molar (m 1), in consequence of its being in place much earlier than the rest of the permanent series, as shown in fig. 124, is now almost worn out. The premolars (p 4 and p 3) continue Fig. 124. Dentition of a Young Wart-hog, Phacochcerus. in use afterm 1 is shed; and by the modifying growth of the jaw and the pressure on the grinders, they are brought into contact with m 2. The writer has seen instances in which p 4 has remained after m 2 has been shed, and when the molar series has been reduced to the teeth marked p 4 and m 3. This tooth (fig. 123, m 3)—the last true molar—is the most characteristic tooth of the Phacochoerus, and perhaps the most peculiar and complex tooth in the whole class of Mammalia. The surface of the crown presents three series of enamel islands, in the direction of the long axis of the grinding surface; the middle row, of eight or nine islands, is elliptic and simple; those of the other rows are in equal number, but are sometimes subdivided into smaller islands. These islands or lobes are the abraded ends of long and slender columns of dentine, encased by thick enamel, and the whole blended into a thick coherent crown by abundant cement, See also Philosophical Transactions, 1850, p. 481. The Age of the Ox, Sheep, and Pig, 8vo, 1854. ODONTOLOGY. 469 Hippopo¬ tamus. Teeth of which fills up all the interspaces, and forms a thick exterior invest- Mammals. ment of the entire complex tooth. . ^ , Y ' The milk-molars are f:| in number - hut only the two last are succeeded by premolars (fig. 124, p 3 and p 4), although sometimes a small anterio? milk-molar {d 2) is developed m the lower as in the upper law. This interesting modification, as to order and number, in the change of the dentition, has thrown important light on the more anomalous dentition of the Elephant. , The tendency to excessive and, as it may be termed, monstrous development which characterises the canine teeth in the typical SuidcB, affects both these and the incisors in the present remarkable genus,’ of which the Hippopotamus of the great rivers ol Africa is now the sole existing representative. v , . , , , • The two median inferior incisive tusks are cylindrical, of great size and length, obliquely abraded at the upper and outer part of their extremity; the basal portion which is lodged in the deep alveolus is longitudinally grooved ; the two outer incisors are likewise cylindrical ancf straight, are much smaller, and are worn towards the inner side of their point. The upper canines curve downwards and outwards, their exposed part is very short, and is worn obliquely at the fore¬ part from above downwards and backwards; they are three-sided, with a wide and deep longitudinal groove behind. The lower canines (fig. 126) are extremely massive and large, curved in the arc of a circle, subtrihedral, the angle rounded off between the two anterior sides,’ which are convex and thickly enamelled, the posterior side of the crown being almost wholly occupied by the oblique abraded sur¬ face opposed to that on the upper canine. _ The implanted base of each of these incisive and canine teeth is simple, and excavated for a large persistent matrix, contributing to their perennial growth by constantly reproducing the dental matter to replace the abraded extremities. The direction of the abraded surface is in part provided for by the partial disposition of the enamel. The molar series con- sistsof- i>ii;ml5 = 28- The first premolar has a simple subcompressed conical crown, and a single root; it rises early, and at some distance in advance of the second premolar, and is soon shed; the other premolais form a con¬ tinuous series with the true molars in the existing species, but in the extinct Hippopotamus major, whose remains are found in the superficial deposits of this island and on the Continent the second premolar is in advance of the third by an interval equal to its own breadth. This and the fourth premolar retain the simple conical form, but with increased size, and are impressed by one or two longi¬ tudinal grooves on the outer surface, which, when the crown is much worn, give a lobate character to the grinding surface. The true molars are primarily divided into two lobes or cones by a wide transverse valley, and each lobe is subdivided by a narrow antero-posterior cleft into two half cones, with their flat sides next each other ; the convex side of each half cone is indented by two angular vertical notches, bounding a strong in¬ termediate prominence. When their summits begin to be abraded, each lobe or pair of demicones presents a double trefoil of enamel on the grinding surface, as shown in fig. 125; when attrition has proceeded to the base of the half cones, then the grinding surfaces of each lobe pi-esents a quadrilo- bate figure. The crown of the last molar tooth of the lower jaw is lengthened out by a fifth cone, deve¬ loped behind the two nor¬ mal pairs of half cones, and smaller in all its dimensions. The large tusks of the Hippopotamus exhibit the maximum ot density in the chief component tissues. The enamel “ strikes fire with steel like flint. The compact dentine has a high commercia value, especially for the fabrication of artificial teeth. It differs from true ivory by showing, in transverse section, the simple concentric instead of the “engine-turned” or curvilinear decussating hues. In the ordinary-sized tusks the fine-tubed dentine, which forms the concentric-lined ivory, continues with little or no alteration of texture from the periphery to the pulp-cavity; but in very large and old tusks the apex of that cavity contains osteo-dentine, and that tissue is abundantly developed when the normal function of the den¬ tinal pulp is disturbed by injury or disease. A very remarkable example of the inferior tusk of the Hippopotamus is figured in cut 126, exemplifying the subserviency of the osteo-dentine in the re- rig. 125. Molar Tooth, Hippopotamus. The iniury is indicated externally by a sudden transverse constric- Teeth of J J Mammals. Fig. 126. Lower Tusk, united after fracture, of the Hippopotamus. tion of the tusk (fig. 126), with an interruption in the ename! at that part, and irregular deposits of dentine both there and at the adjoining concavity of the tusk. A longitudinal section of the tusk showed the pulp-cavity obliterated at the fractured part, and for some distance below it, towards the base of the tusk by a mass of osteo- dentine, deposited principally in the form of nodules closely impacted together, their convex sides projecting into the re-established pu p- cavity next the base, the general disposition of the osteo-dentine being very like that in the centre of the tooth ol the Cachalot. Ine remains of the pulp-cavity in the protruded part, or crown of the tusk, were unusually conspicuous, m the form of a narrow canal near the concave side of the tusk, and opening like a fistula upon that surface lust beyond the fracture. Another irregular slender canal extended transversely through part of the uniting substance, and opened upon the concave side of the tusk just below the preceding. From these appearances it may be concluded that the tusk, either by the action of a shot, or other violence, had been snapped across its implanted and hollow base, with probably also fracture and injury to the prominent socket; but that the broken portions being held together by their adhesion to the surrounding parts, inflammation ot the pulp and capsule had ensued, ending in an altered mode of action in the calcifying processes, which produced the more vascular sub¬ stance, which has exemplified its resemblance to true bone by effect¬ ing the union of the fracture. . The true natural affinities of the Hippopotamus are clearly mam- Succession, fested by the character of its deciduous dentition; and it this be compared with the dentition at a like immature period in other Unqulata, e. g., with that of the Horse tribe, it will be seen, by its closer correspondence with that of Artiodactyles, and more es'pecm y the Phacochere, that the Hippopotamus is essentially a gigantic Hog. The formula of the teeth, which are shed and replaced, is— • ^ 2.2 l.l cn = 24. paration of a complete fracture of a tooth. If the small and simple tooth, which is developed anterior to the deciduous molars, and which has no successor, be regarded, irom its early loss in the existing Hippopotamus, as the first of the deciduous series, we must then reckon with Cuvier four milk-molars on each S1boutthe a; .Oo i, hoover, fitted for the first Tire anterior angle is more obliquely abraded, grvrng a pentagonal figure to the tooth in the upper jaw. The number of plates m the crown of this tooth is fifteen or sixteen; its length between seven and eight inches, its breadth three inches. It has an anterior simple and slender root supporting the three first plates ; a second of largei size and bifid, supporting the four next plates ; and a large contract¬ ing base for the remainder. The forepart of the grinding surface of this tooth begins to protrude through the gum at the sixth year ; the tooth is worn away, and its last remnant shed, about the twen¬ tieth or twenty-fifth year. It is the homologue of the first true molar of ordinary Pachyderms. „ . P ^ ,, The fifth molar, answering to m 2 m fig. 140, with a crown ot irom seventeen to twenty plates, measures between nine and ten incnes in length, and about three inches and a half in breadth. The second root is more distinctly separated from the first simple root than from the large mass behind. It begins to appear above the gum about the twentieth year; its duration has not been ascertained by observa- tion, but it probably is not shed before the sixtieth year. The sixth molar, answering to m 3 in fig. 140, is the last, and has from twenty-two to twenty-seven plates ; its length, or antero-poste- rior extent, following the curvature, is from twelve to fifteen inches ; the breadth of the grinding surface rarely exceeds three inches and 'a half. The reproductive power of the matrix in some cases surpasses that of the formative development of the cavity for lodging the tooth, and the last lamellse are obliged to be folded from behind forwards upon the side of the tooth. Fig. 141 shows this condition in the last lower molar. the pulp fit for deglutition. The structure and progressive develop¬ ment of the tooth not only give the Elephant’s grinder the advantage of the uneven surface which adapts the millstone for its oifice, but, at the same time, secure the constant presence of the most efficient arrangement for the finer comminution of the food at the part of the mouth which is nearest the throat. With regard to the microscopic structure of the peculiar modifica¬ tion of dentine called “ ivory,” this is characterised partly by the minute size of the tubes, which, at their origin from the pulp-cavity, do not exceed an in diameter; in their close arrange¬ ment, at intervals scarcely exceeding the breadth of a single tube; and, above all, on their strong and almost angular gyrations, which are much greater than the secondary curvatures of the tubes of ordi¬ nary dentine. The dentinal tubes of ivory, as they radiate from the pulp-cavity, incline obliquely towards the pointed end of the tusk, and describe two slight primary curves—the first convex towards that end, the second and shorter one concave. These curves, in narrow sections from near the open base of the tusk, are almost obscured by the strong angular parallel secondary gyrations. The tubes divide dicho- tomously, at acute angles, and gradually decrease in size as they approach the periphery of the tusk. The characteristic appearance of decussating curved strim, with oblique rhomboidal spaces, so conspicuous on transverse sections or fractures of ivory, is due to the refraction of light caused by the parallel secondary gyrations of the tubes above described. The strong contour lines observed in longitudinal sections of ivory, parallel with the cone of the pulp- cavity, and which are smaller, circular, and concentric, when viewed in transverse slices of the tusk, are com- One may reasonably conjecture that the sixth molar of the Indian , _ Elephant if it make its appearance about the fiftieth year, would, monly caused by strata of minute opaque cellules, which are unusually from its superior depth and length, continue to do the work of mas- numerous in the interspaces of the tubes throughout the substance tication until the ponderous Pachyderm had passed the century of its of the ivory, and by their very great abundance and larger size m existence. the peripheral layers of cement. The close-set lateral branches ot The molars succeed each other from behind forwards, moving, not the dentinal tubes unite with the tubuli of the cells. The decom- in a right line, but in the arc of a circle. The position of the grow- position of the fossil tusk into superimposed conical layers takes in"- tooth in the closed alveolus is almost at right angles with that place along the strata of the opaque cellules, and directly across the in'use. The grinding surface being at first directed backwards in course of the gyrating dentinal tubes. By the minuteness and close the upper jaw, and forwards in the lower jaw; and being brought arrangement of the tubes, and especially by their strongly undulating by the revolving course into a horizontal line in both jaws, so that secondary curves, a tougher and more elastic tissue is produced than the molars duly oppose each other when developed for use. The results from their disposition in ordinary dentine; and the modifica- imaginary pivot on which the grinders revolve is next their root in tion which distinguishes “ivory” is doubtless essential to the due the upper iaw, and is next the grinding surface in the lower jaw ; degree of coherence of so large a mass as the elephant s tusk, pro¬ in both towards the frontal surface of the skull. Viewing both upper jecting so far from the supporting socket, and to be frequently applied and lower molars as one complete whole, subject to the same revolv- in dealing hard blows and thrusts. The central part ol the tusk, ing movement, the section dividing such whole into upper and lower especially near the base of such as have reached their lull size, is portions, runs parallel to the curve described by that movement, the occupied by a slender cylindrical tract of modified ivory, perforated upper being the central portion, or that nearest the pivot, the lower by a few vascular canals, which is continued to the apex ol the tusk, the peripheral portion. The grinding surface of the upper molars is It is not uncommon to find processes of osteo-dentine or imperfect r r - r - . s • i i i-L-x .r xi.. i i _• —:—o e+oia/Ui'i-io fr>rm i mto the interior of consequently convex from behind forwards, and that of the lower molars concave. The upper molars are always broader than the lower ones. The bony plate forming the sockets of the growing teeth is more than usually distinct from the body of the maxillary, and participates in this revolving course, advancing forwards with the teeth. The partition between the tooth in use and its successor is perforated near the middle, and in its progress forwards that part next the grinding surface is first absorbed, the rest disappearing with the absorption of the roots of the preceding grinder. Structure. There are few examples of organs that manifest a more striking adaptation of a highly complex and beautiful structure to the exi¬ gencies of the animal endowed with it, than the grinding teeth of the Elephant. We perceive, for example, that the jaw is not encum¬ bered with the whole weight of the massive tooth at once, but that it is formed by degrees as it is required; the division of the crown into a number of successive plates, and the subdivision of these into cylindrical processes, presenting the conditions most favourable to progressive formation. But a more important advantage is gained by this subdivision of the tooth; each part is formed like a perfect simple tooth, having a body of dentine, a coat of enamel, and an outer investment of cement. A single digital process may be com¬ pared to the simple canine of a Carnivore ; a transverse row of these, therefore, when the work of mastication has commenced, presents, bone-like ivory, projecting in a stalactitic form1 the pulp-cavity. The musket-balls and other foreign bodies which are occasionally found in ivory, are immediately surrounded by osteo-dentine, in greater or less quantity.2 It has often been a matter of wonder how such bodies should become completely imbedded in the substance of the tusk, sometimes without any visible aperture, or how leaden bullets may have become lodged in the solid centre of a very large tusk without having been flattened. The explanation is as follows :— A musket-ball, aimed at the head of an elephant, may penetrate the thin bony socket and the thinner ivory parietes of the wide conical pulp-cavity occupying the inserted base of the tusk. The hole is soon healed and filled up, by ossification of the periosteum of the socket and of the pulp next the thin wall of ivory which has been perforated. The ball sinks below the level of this cicatrix, and the presence of the foreign body exciting inflammation of the pulp, an irregular course of calcification ensues, which results in the deposition around the ball of a certain thickness of osteo-dentine. The pulp, then resuming its healthy character and functions, coats the surface of the osteo-dentine, inclosing the ball, together with the rest of the conical cavity into which that mass projects, with layers of normal ivory. By the continued progress of growth the ball so inclosed is carried forwards to the middle of the solidified part of the tusk. 1 Haller seems to have been the first to notice these irregular internal deposits in the pulp-cavity of the elephant’s tusk. FAementa Physiologies, tom. viii. p. 519. 2 Cuvier, Annales du Museum, tom. viii. p. 115 (1806). Goodsir, Edinh. Philos. Trams., 1841, p. 97. 'Teeth of ilammals. ODONTOLOGY. 477 Should the hall have penetrated the base of the tusk of a young elephant, it may he carried forwards by the uninterrupted growth and wear of the tusk, until that base has become the apex, and be finally exposed and discharged by the continual abrasion to which the apex of the tusk is subjected. , , , i Yet none of these phenomena prove the absolute non-vascularity of the tusk, but onlv the low degree of its vascularity. Blood circu¬ lates, slowly no doubt, through the prolongations of the pulp in the minute vascular canals which are continued through the centre of the ivory to the very apex of the tooth. And it is from this source that the fine tubular structure of the ivory obtains the correspondingly minute villi carrying the plasmatic colourless fluid by which its low vitality is maintained. . i • i • The matrix of the tusk consists of a large conical pulp, which is renewed quicker than it is converted, and thus is not only preserved, but grows up to a certain period of the animal’s life. It is lodged in the cavity at the base of the tusk; this base is surrounded by the remains of the capsule—a soft vascular membrane of moderate thick- ness_which is confluent with the border of the base of the pulp, where it receives its principal vessels. The writer had the tusk and pulp of the great elephant at the Zoological Gardens longitudinally divided, soon after the death of that animal in 1847. Although the pulp could be easily detached from the inner surface of the pulp- cavity, it was not without a certain resistance ; and when the edges of the co-adapted pulp and tooth were examined by a strong lens, the filamentary processes from the outer surface of the pulp could be seen stretching, as they were withdrawn from the dentinal tubes before they broke. They are so minute that, to the naked eye, the detached surface of the pulp seems to be entire, and Cuvier was thus deceived in concluding that there was no organic connection between the pulp and the ivory. Each molar of the Elephant is formed in the interior of a mem¬ branous sac—the capsule, the form of which partakes of that of the future tooth, being cubical in the first molar, oblong in the last, and rhomboidal in most of the intermediate teeth; but always decreasing in vertical extent towards its posterior end, and closed at all points, save where it is penetrated by vessels and nerves. It is lodged in an osseous cavity of the same form as itself, and usually in part suspended freely in the maxillary bone; the bony socket being des¬ tined to form part of the socket of the tooth, the exterior of the membranous capsule is simple and vascular; its internal surface gives attachment to numerous folds or processes, as in most other Ungulate animals. The dentinal pulp rises from the bottom of the capsule, or that part which lines the deepest part of the alveolus, in the form of transverse parallel plates, extending towards that part of the capsule ready to escape from the socket. These plates adhere only to the bottom of the capsule; their opposite extremity is free from all adhesion. This summit is thinner than the base; it might be termed the edge of the plate, but it is notched or divided into many digital processes. The tissue of these digitated plates is iden¬ tical with that of the dentinal pulp of simple mammalian teeth ; it becomes also highly vascular at the parts where the formation of the dentine is in active progress. Processes of the capsule descend from its summit into the interspaces of the dentinal pulp-plates, and conse¬ quently resemble them in form ; but they adhere not only by their base to the surface of the capsule next the mouth, but also by their lateral margins to the sides of the capsule, and thus resemble partition- walls, confining each plate of the dentinal pulp to its proper chamber; the margin of the partition opposite its attached base is free in the interspaces of the orifices of the dentinal pulp-plates. The enamel organ, which Cuvier appears to have recognised under the name of the internal layer of the capsule, is distinguished by its light blue subtransparent colour and usual microscopic texture. For the details of the action of those parts of the complex matrix in the formation of the several tissues of the grinding tooth of the Elephant, reference may be made to the Ossemens Fossiles1 of Cuvier and the writer’s Odontography? in which the theories of ex¬ cretion and conversion may be contrasted. Section IY.—Application of Odontology to Classification. True teeth being restricted to the Vertebrate classes, their appli¬ cation to zoology is proportionally limited; but in them they form more or less important, if not essential, aids to the classification and grouping of species. In this relation, however, as zoological characters, teeth possess different degrees of value in different classes, the lowest degree being in the class of Fishes, and the highest in that of Mammals. Numerous rows of teeth, gradually succeeding and displacing each other, characterise the higher organized, or Plagiostomous Fishes, and particular modifications of form and size of their teeth dis- Teeth of tinguish the primary subdivisions of the Plagiostomous order. A Mammals, few other groups are well defined by dental characters, as the Pye- nodonts, Gymnodonts, Goniodonts, and Chaetodonts. The teeth afford good characters for the sub-division of the Sea Breams {iSpandae), and Cuvier 3 has availed himself of dental characters to establish four tribes of that natural family. But in most of the natural orders, and in many of the subordinate groups, the dental system is subject to very great diversity in regard to the form, number, and position of the teeth; and in some natural groups of Fishes, there is also a want of constancy in the structure of the teeth. There are extremely few genera of Fishes that can be characterised by a definite numerical dental formula, like that which is applicable to most of the Mamma¬ lian genera. Indeed, in the first introduction of true teeth into the animal series, regarded in the ascending order, they manifest, like the mouths of the Polypi, the stomachs of the Polygastria, the gills of the Nereids, and the generative organs of the Toenice, the principle of vegetative or irrelative repetition ; and in many fishes are too numerous to be counted. The limits within which the teeth are applicable as means of classification in Fishes, have been attempted to be defined in the writer’s Odontography. Traced from species to species, they are of great importance in the determination of the fossils of this class. With regard to microscopic structure, certain of the modifications of dental tissues, defined in the introductory section of the present Essay, are peculiar to, and characteristic of, the piscine class. Un- vascular, or fine-tubed dentine, forms the crown of the teeth in a few Fishes, but is more common in those of the higher classes, in which, however, it is always associated with enamel or cement, or with both substances. With regard to the class Reptilia, the teeth serve to charac¬ terize smaller and more definite groups, as, e. g., the venomous and non-venomous Ophidians, the acrodont, pleurodont, and thecodont Saurians. Certain genera, and even species, may likewise be known by peculiar forms of teeth ; but these are exceptions, and it is rarely that a definite dental formula can be assigned as a generic character of a reptile. There is no decided modification of dental structure peculiar to any of the class of reptiles; the poison-fang is rather a modification of form. The labyrinthic structure reaches its maximum of complexity in the great extinct Sauroid Batrachianis of the Keuper sand-stone, but “ it also exists at the base of the tooth in a few fishes,”4 * and specific instances of it in that class (Lejndosteus and a few other Sauroids) have since received illustrations in the works of Professor Agassiz 6 and Dr Wyman.6 The only constant and general character of the teeth of the cold¬ blooded classes of Vertehrata is derivable from the brief period of their existence in the individual, so that the few which develop roots have these always simple and undivided, usually hollow, and with the germ of a successor in or near them. With the exception of the composite dental masses of the Chimae- roids and the anomalous rostral teeth in Pristis, no existing species of fish or reptile could be said to have permanent teeth : no extinct species of either class has yet been found with teeth having divided roots implanted in sockets; and the sole evidence of perpetual growth by a persistent pulp, has but lately been given by the singular extinct Saurians of South Africa, with two long canine tusks in the upper jaw, which must have grown and been maintained throughout life, of due size and strength, like the tusks of the Boar and Walrus.7 In the mammalian class the value of the dental organs, as charac- Dicy- ters of classification, is much greater than in reptiles or fishes. Yet nodon. there is a difference in this respect in the different orders, and the dental system of the monophyodont Cetacea and Bruta has a much greater range of variation, and a less constant relation to the other characters on which the families and genera are founded, than in the diphyodont species. But, with respect to these also, the value of the teeth as zoological characters has been over-rated.8 It is true, indeed, that the most manifestly natural mammalian genera are those, the species of which are provided with absolutely similar molar teeth, and that those genera which include species with molars of different forms do not present the same character of unity. It does not follow, however, that by combining species of mammals with similar molars, a group will be formed perfectly analogous to those which may be considered as the most natural. Neither the molar teeth nor any other solitary character will serve to establish a natural classification. The molar teeth will least mislead in this respect where their modification is most extreme, as when they are adapted to divide the flesh of animals, in which case they must of necessity be associated with the faculties and instruments for seizing and destroying prey. 1 Ed. 1835, 8vo, tom. i. pp. 514, 869. 1 2 4to, 1841-5, pp. 645-655. 3 Eistoire des Poissons, tom. vi. p. 5. 4 Odontography, 1841, chap, ii., p. 201. 5 Poissons Fossiles, Notice sur les Sauroides, Janvier, 1843. 6 Trans. Boston Society of Natural History, August 1843. 7 Geological Transactions, 2d series, vol. vii. 8 M. F. Cuvier says:—“Cette recherche me fit reconnaitre que tous les genres manifestement naturels, et admis comme tels par tous les Naturalistes, etaient forme's d’esp^ces pourvues de machelfores ahsolument semblables; que ceux qui comprenaient des espfeces dont les machelfores differaient, n’offraient point ce caracfore d’unite' qui etait le partage des premiers ; et, enfin, qu’en reunissant les especes a machelieres semblables on reformait des groupes parfaitement analogues a ceux que Ton pouvait considerer comme les plus parfaits.” Dents de Mammiferes, 8vo., 1825, p. ix. 478 ODONTOLOGY. Teeth of But molar teeth may be similarly modified, and equally well adapted, Mammals. for crushing vegetable substances, which substances may be sought for by one species on the dry land, by a second in marshes, and by a third in the sea, or on the banks of rivers. The grinding surface of the molar tooth, for example, may for this purpose be elevated into a pair of transverse ridges, and we find such molars in the Kangaroo, the Tapir, and the Manatee, as also in the extinct Diprotodon, No- totherium, and Dinotherium. The small anterior molars of the Mastodon giganteus likewise present this form. It would be difficult to select, from the Mammalian class, the constituents of a more heterogeneous group than Wjould be constituted by the character which M. F. Cuvier has assigned as the true guide to the for¬ mation of the most natural and uniform genera in Mammalogy. Even in regard to teeth adapted to carnivorous habits, were these characters to form the sole guides in classification, species of pla¬ cental Mammalia would be associated with those of the implacental subclass; and M. F. Cuvier, in illustrating his generalization, ob¬ serves :—“ Les sarigues, les perameles, et les dasyures se sont reunis aux Insectivores, &c. &c., et je crois avoir ete conduit a ces modifi¬ cations par des motifs legitimes.’’1 The molar teeth, which are best adapted for dealing with vege¬ table food, as in the Kodents and the hoofed Mammals, shew modifi¬ cations of the enamel-markings of the grinding surface which are characteristic of families, of genera, and, in many instances, of species ; and which are of the greatest utility to the Palaeontologist from their conspicuous and well-marked features, and their con¬ stancy. It is interesting also to observe, that in their more general appear¬ ance, the patterns of the upper molars are more symmetrical in the Ungulata, with hoofs in even numbers (compare figs. 115,118, 120, 125), than in those with hoofs in odd numbers (compare figs. 117, 130, 132). Sect. IV.—HOMOLOGIES OF THE TEETH. Homolo- The idea of a recognition of answerable teeth in dif- giesofthe ferent animals has prevailed, more or less vaguely, in Teeth. Anatomy, from an early period of the science. When “incisors,” “canines,” and “molars” were pre¬ dicated of the dentition in different species, homologous teeth were recognised so far as the characters of those classes of teeth were defined and understood. The Cuviers2 went a step further, and distinguished the molar teeth into “ false ” and “ true,” into “ carnas- sial” and “tubercular.” De Blainville pointed out a particular tooth by the name of “principal,” which he believed himself able to trace from species to species.3 The results of the writer’s researches into the homo¬ logies of the teeth are given in his Odontography in the Transactions of the British Association for 1839, and in those of the Royal Society for 1850, p. 481. The first step in this inquiry is the elimination of those classes of Vertehrata and orders of Mammalia in which homology cannot be predicated of individual teeth. This limits the work to the group of Mammals which the writer has termed “ Diphyodonts.” Only in the Mammalian orders with two sets of teeth do those organs acquire fixed individual characters, sup¬ porting the application of special denominations ; and this individualization of the teeth is eminently significative of the high grade of organization of the animals manifest¬ ing it. Originally, indeed, the name “incisors,” “laniaries” or “ canines,” “ molars,” “ false molars,” were given to the teeth in Man and certain Mammals, as in Reptiles, in reference merely to the shape and offices so indicated; but names of teeth can now be used as arbitrary signs, in a more fixed and determinate sense. In some Carni¬ vora, e.g., the front teeth have broad tuberculate summits, adapted for nipping and bruising, while the principal back-teeth are shaped for cutting, and work upon each other like the blades of scissors. The front teeth in the Elephant project from the upper jaw in the form, size, Homolo- and direction of long pointed horns. In short, shape and gie*of the size are the least constant of dental characters; and the homologous teeth are determined, like other parts, by their relative position, by their connections, and by their development. Those teeth which are implanted in the premaxillary bones, and in the corresponding part of the lower jaw, are called “incisors,” whatever be their shape or size. The tooth in the maxillary bone, which is situated at, or near to, the suture with the premaxillary, is the “ canine,” as is also that tooth in the lower jaw which, in opposing it, passes in front of its crown when the mouth is elosed.- The other teeth of the first set are the “ deciduous molars the teeth which displace and succeed them vertically are the “ premolarsthe more posterior teeth, which are not displaced by vertical successors, are the “ molars,” properly so called. The premolars must displace deciduous molars in order to rise into place; the molars have no such relations. It will be observed in fig. 17 that the last deciduous molar (d 4) has the same relative superiority of size to <2 3 and d 2 which m 3 bears to m 2 and m 1 ; and the crowns of p 3 and p 4 are of a more simple form than those of the milk-teeth which they are destined to succeed. This, however, is not a constant or essential character. Teeth of each of the kinds arbitrarily termed “incisors,” “ canines,” “ false molars,” and “ molars,” have received other special names, having reference to certain peculi¬ arities of form or other property. The “ false molars ” in the human subject have been called “ bicuspids.” The last upper premolar and the first true molar in the Car-- nivora are termed “ sectorials,” or “ molaires carnassieres.” Teeth of an elongated conical form, projecting consider¬ ably beyond the rest, and of uninterrupted growth, are called “tusks;” such, for example, are the incisors of the Elephant, Narwhal, Dinotherium, and Dugong, the canines of the Boar, Walrus, and Hippopotamus. The long and large incisors of the Rodents have been termed, from the shape and structure of their cutting edge, scalpriform teeth, chisel teeth, “ dentes sealprariiT The lower incisors of the Flying Lemurs (Galeopithecus), with the crown deeply notched like a comb, are termed “ dentes pectinati.” The canines of the Baboons, which are deeply grooved in front like the poison-fangs of some snakes, are “ dentes canaliculati.” The compressed crowns of the teeth of short-clawed Seals (Stenorhynchus) and of the extinct Zeuglodon, being divided into points like a saw, are “ dentes serrati,” etc. But a true knowledge of nature, a right appreciation of what is essential in her phenomena, tends to explode needless terms of art invented for unimportant varieties, and to establish those terms that are the signs of true species of things. As most zoologists have adopted the Cuvierian system of nomenclature and homology of the teeth in Mammalia,- it may not be superfluous to explain what is here deemed objectionable in that system. In it the molar series of teeth, or those that follow the canines, are divided, accor¬ ding to their form, into three kinds, “false molars,” “ carnassials,” and “ tubercular molars,” and the generic dental characters of the Mammalia are formulized accord¬ ing to this system. Thus, the genus Felis has—“ fausses molaires” “ carnassieres” “ tuberculeuses” = jj.* This seems a true and natural way of expressing the homotypal teeth, or the answerable teeth in the upper and lower jaw. But to illustrate its error, the subjoined diagram (fig. 145) is appended, in which the dental 1 Loc. cit,, p. xi. 2 G. Cuvier, Lemons d'Anatomic Comparee, tom. iv. (1836). F. Cuvier, Dents des Mammiferes, 8vo. p. 77. * Osteographie des Mammiferes, tom. i. p. 43. 4 Ossemens Fossiles, 8vo. 1835, tom. vii. p. 14. Dents des Mammiferes, p. 77. ODONTOLOGY. 479 Homolo- system of the Cat-tribe {Fells V.). is associated with that of other Mammals, and in which the line marked u Cuvier" intersects the teeth in each jaw, called t4 car- nassieres,” those anterior to them being the teeth called Teeth. MlnrxnviUe. Cuvier Homo. IT. Ursus. JIT. Canis. IV, Musbelct. Y. Fein, VI- Machairodiia. 'VmHosckna. Cuvier Fig. 145. Homologies of Teeth. “ fausses molairesthose behind—a single tooth in the upper jaw of Fells—being the “ tuberculeuses.” In this genus the tooth {p 4) above chiefly plays upon the tooth (ml) below, which has a similar sectorial or carnassial modification of form; they fit, indeed, almost as Cuvier describes, like the blades of a pair of scissors. The two teeth in advance of the carnassial in the upper jaw {p 3, Homolo- p 2) in like manner are opposed to the same number of £ie8 of tlie “ fausses molaires” in the under jaw, and the canine (c) vJreeth- above plays upon the canine below; all seems fitting and symmetrical, save that the little tubercular (ml) above has no opponent in the lower jaw. And, perhaps, the close observer might notice that, whilst the upper canine {c) glides behind its homotype below, the first upper false molar {p 2) passes anterior to the crown of the first false molar {p 3) below ; and that the second false molar and earnassial of the upper jaw are also a little in advance of those teeth in the under jaw when the mouth is shut. In passing to the dentition of the Dog (fig. III. Canis), formulized by Cuvier as “ fausses molaires ||, carnas- sieres tuberculeuses || = it will be observed that here the first upper false molar {p 1) differs from the first {p 2) in Fells, inasmuch as, when the mouth is shut, it preserves the same relative position to its opponent below (p 1, in fig. III.) which the upper canine does to the lower canine, and that the same may be said of the second and the third false molars; but that, with regard to the carnassial above {p 4), this tooth repeats the same relative position in regard to the fourth false molar below {p 4), and not to that tooth (m 1) which Cuvier regarded as the lower homotype of the carnassial; and, indeed, the more backward position of the lower carnassial is so slight that its significance might well be overlooked, more especially as the two succeeding tubercular teeth above were opposed to two similar tuberculars below. How unimportant size and shape are, and how signifi¬ cant relative position is, in the determination of the homo¬ logies of teeth as of other parts, may be learnt before quitting the natural order of Carnivora ; e. g. by the con¬ dition of the dental system in the Bear (fig. II. Ursus). Here the lower tooth (m 1), instead of presenting the car¬ nassial character, and resembling in form the upper tooth (p 4), which is the homologue of the upper carnassial in the dog, has a tubercular crown, and corresponds in size as well as shape with the upper tooth (m 1), to which it is almost wholly opposed, and with the same slight advance of position which we observe in the lower canine as com¬ pared with the upper one, and in the four lower pre¬ molars (p 1, p 2, p 3, p 4) as compared with their veri¬ table homotypes above. F. Cuvier divides the molar series of the genus Ursus into “fausses molaires carnassieres tuberculeuses ~f = The tendency in every thinker to generalise and to recognise Nature’s har¬ monies, has led him here to use the term “ carnassi&re ” in an arbitrary sense, and to apply it to a tooth above (II. p 4), which he owns has such a shape and diminished size as would have led him to regard it as merely a false molar, but that the upper carnassial would then have entirely disappeared ; and it has also led him to give the name “ carnassiere” to a tooth below (m 1), which he, nevertheless, describes as having a tubercular and not a trenchant crown. In so natural a group as the true Carnivora, it was impossible to overlook the homologues of the trenchant carnassials of the lion, even when they had become tubercular in the omnivorous bear ; and Cuvier, therefore, having determined and defined the teeth so called in the feline genus, felt compelled to distinguish them by the same names after they had lost their formal specific character. And if, indeed, he had succeeded in discovering the teeth which were truly answerable or homotypal in the upper and lower jaws, the term “ car¬ nassial” might have been retained as an arbitrary one for such teeth, and have been applied to their homologues in 1 Ossemens Fossiles, tom. cit. p. 59. Dents des Mammiferes, p. 95. 54 Op. cit. p. 109. ODONTOLOGY. 480 Homolo- Man, the Ruminant, or tlie Pachyderm, where they are °f as certainly determinable as in those aberrant Carnivores, * — in which they have equally lost their sectorial shape. But the inconvenience of names indicative of such specialties of form will be very obvious when the term “ tuberculeuses ” comes to be applied to the three hind¬ most teeth in the Hycmodon (fig. 113), which teeth answer to the broad crushing teeth, m 1, m 2, and m 3, in the bear and some other existing Carnivora. Ih® analogous term “ molar” having a less direct or descriptive meaning, is therefore so much the better, as the requisite aibitraiy name of a determinate species of teeth. _ Had Cuvier been guided in his determinations ot the teeth by their mutual opposition in the closed mouth, and had studied them with this view in the Carnivora, with the dentition most nearly approaching to the typical formula, viz. the bear, he could then have seen that the three small and inconstant lower premolars 0 l,p 2, p 3) were the homotypes of the three small and similarly inconstant premolars above; that the fouith false molar {p 4 below), which, as he observes, “ alone has the normal form,”1 was truly the homotype of the tooth above (p 4), which he found himself compelled to reject from the class of “ fausses molaires,” notwithstanding it presented their normal form; that the tubercular tooth (m 1) which he calls t£ carnassiere ” in the lower jaw, was the veritable homotype of his first “ molaire tuberculeuse ” above (m 1), and that the tooth in the inferior series, which had no answerable one above, was his second u tuberculeuse (m 3) in the present Essay. The true second tubercular above {m 2) is, however, so much developed in the bear as to oppose both m 2 and wi 3 in the lower jaw, and it might seem to include the homotypes of both those teeth coalesced. One sees with an interest such as only these homological researches could excite, that they were dis¬ tinctly developed in the ancient Amphicyon (fig. 114), which accordingly presents the typical formula. Thus the study of the relative position of the teeth of the bear might have led to the recognition of their real nature and homologies, and have helped to raise the mask of the extreme formal modifications, by which they are adapted to the habits of the more blood-thirsty Carnivora. But the truth is plainly and satisfactorily revealed when we come to trace the course of development and succes¬ sion of these teeth. The weight which must ever attach itself to an opinion sanctioned by the authority of both the Cuviers, demands that a conclusion contrary to theirs, and which seems to be opposed by Nature herself in certain instances, should be supported by all the evidence of which such conclusion is susceptible. It is proposed, therefore, first, to show how, in the bear, the writer’s determinations of the teeth are estab¬ lished by their development, as well as by their relative position. As the question only concerns the molar series, the remarks will be confined to those teeth. In the jaws of the young bear, figured in cut 110, the first premolar is the only one of the permanent series in place ; the other grinders in use are the deciduous molars, d 2, d and d 4; dJ 2 will be displaced by ^ 2, 3 by y? 3, and d 4, by the tooth p 4, which, notwithstanding its size and shape, Cuvier felt himself compelled to discard from the series of false molars, but which we now see is proved by its developmental relations to d 4, as well as by its relative position and similarity to p 4 in the lower jaw (fig. 145, TIrsus) to be veritably the last of the premolar series, and Homolo. to agree not in shape only, but in every essential character, gks of the with the three preceding teeth called by Cuvier “ fausses molaires.” So, likewise, in the lower jaw, it is seen that the primitive deciduous series {d d 2, d 3, and d 4) will be displaced by the corresponding premolars (p 1, p 2, p 3, andp 4); and that the tooth m 1, called carnas¬ siere by Cuvier, in the lower jaw, difi'ers essentially from that (p 4) so called in the upper jaw, by being developed without any vertical predecessor or deciduous tooth. The same law of development and succession prevails in the genus Canis, as may be readily seen in the jaws of a dog of ten months’ age. Although the tooth (m 1, III. fig. 145) in the lower jaw has exchanged the tubercular for the carnassial form, it is still developed, as in the bear, behind the deciduous series, and independently of any vertical predecessor; and the tooth (p 4) above, although acquiring a relative superiority of size to its homologue in the bear, and more decidedly a carnassial form, is not the homotype of the permanent carnassial below, but of that premolar (p 4) which displaces the deciduous carnas¬ sial {d 4). The symbols in fig. 145 III. sufficiently indi¬ cate the relations of the other teeth, and the conclusions that are to be drawn from them as to their homologies. In the genus Felis (fig. 104), the small permanent tuber¬ cular molar of the upper jaw (m 1) has cut the gum before its analogue (d 4) of the deciduous series has been shed ; but though analogous in function, this tooth is not homologous with, or the precedent tooth to m but precedes the great carnassially modified premolar (p 4). In the lower jaw the tooth (m 1) which is functionally analogous to the carnassial above, is also, as in the dog, the first of the true molar series, and the homotype of the little tubercular tooth (ml) above. And the homologies of the permanent teeth (p 4 and m 1 below, fig. 145, V.), with those so symbolised in the dog (fig. 145, III.), teach us that the teeth which are wanting in the feline, in order to equal the number of those in the canine dentition, are m 2 in the upper jaw, m 2 and m 3 in the lower jaw ; p 1 in the upper jaw, p 1 and p 2 in the lower jaw; thus illustrating the rule, that, when the molar series falls short of the typical number, it is from the two extremes of such series that the teeth are taken, and that so much of the series as is retained is thus preserved unbroken. In the great extinct sabre-toothed tiger (Machairodus, fig. 145, VI.2), the series is still further reduced by the loss of p 2 in the upper jaw. That the student may test for himself the demonstra¬ tion which the developmental characters above defined yield of the true nature and homologies of the feline dentition, the most modified of all in the terrestrial Carnivora, he is recommended to compare with Nature the following details of the appearance and formation of the teeth in the common cat. In this species the decidu¬ ous incisors (d i) begin to appear between two and three weeks old ; the canines (d c) next, and then the molars (d m) follow, the whole being in place before the sixth week. After the seventh month they begin to fall in the same order; but the lower sectorial molar (m 1) and its tubercular homotype above (ml) appear before d 2, d 3, and d 4 fall. The longitudinal grooves are very faintly marked in the deciduous canines. The first deciduous molar (m 2) in the upper jaw is a very small and simple one-fanged tooth; it is succeeded by the corresponding 1 J^axts clcS IH^QTyiTYllfGTGS pill • 2 Machairodus, from a sabre; and o'ioo;, a tooth. This generic name was imposed by Dr Kaup on the extinct animal which was armed with canine teeth, like that in the above figure (c). Such teeth, long, compressed, falciform, sharp-pointed, and with anterior and posterior finely-serrated edges, were first discovered in tertiary strata in Italy and Germany, and were referred by Cuvier to a species ot hear, under the name of Ursus cultridens. ODONTOLOGY. 481 omolo- tooth of the permanent series, which answers to the of the secon(l premolar (p 2) of the hyrnna and dog. The second deciduous molar (in 3) is the sectorial tooth ; its blade is trilobate, but both the anterior and posterior smaller lobes are notched, and the internal tubercle, which is relatively larger than in the permanent sectorial, is continued from the base of the middle lobe, as in the deciduous sectorial of the dog and hymna ; it thus typifies the form of the upper sectorial, which is retained in the permanent dentition of several Viverrine and Musteline species. The third or internal fang of the deciduous sectorial is continued from the inner tubercle, and is opposite the interspace of the two outer fangs. The Musteline type is further adhered to by the young Feline in the large proportional size of its deciduous tubercular tooth (d 4). In the lower jaw, the first milk-molar (d 3) is succeeded by a tooth (p 3) which answers to the third lower premolar in the dog and civet. The deciduous sectorial (d 4), which is succeeded by the premolar (p 4), answering to the fourth in the dog, has a smaller propor¬ tional anterior lobe, and a larger posterior talon, which is usually notched; thereby approaching the form of the permanent lower sectorial tooth in the Mustdida. When the premolars and the molars are below their typical number, the absent teeth are missing from the fore¬ part of the premolar series and from the back-part of the molar series. The most constant teeth are the fourth premolar and the first true molar; and these being known by their order and mode of development, the homologies of the remaining molars and premolars are determined by counting the molars from before backwards, e. g., “one,” “two,” “three;” and the premolars from behind forwards, “ four,” “ three,” “ two,” “ one.” Examples of the typical diphyodont dentition are ex¬ ceptions in the actual creation; but it was the rule in the earlier forms of placental Mammalia, whether the teeth were modified for animal or vegetable food. Not only the Hycenodon (fig. 113) and Amphicyon (fig. 114), but the Dichodon (fig. 118), Anoplotherium, Palwo- therium, Chceropotamus,1 Anthracotherium,2 Hyopotamus,3 * Ilyracotherium^ and other ancient (eocene and miocene) tertiary Mammalian genera pi'esented the forty-four teeth, in number and kind according to that which is here pro¬ pounded as the typical or normal dentition of the placental Mammalia.5 When the clue is afforded, by the observed development and succession of the teeth, to their homolo¬ gies, it infallibly conducts us to the true knowledge of the nature both of the teeth which are retained, and of those which are wanting to complete the typical number. We have availed ourselves of this in deciphering the much modified dentition of the genus Felis; and the same clue will guide us to the knowledge of the precise homologies of the teeth in our own species. The discovery by the great poet Goethe of the limits of the premaxillary bone in Man leads to the determination of the incisors, which are reduced to two on each side of both jaws; the contiguous tooth shows by its shape as well as position that it is the canine, and the characters of size and shape have also served to divide the remaining five teeth in each lateral series into two bicuspids and Teeth. three molars. In this instance the secondary characters Homolo- conform with the essential ones. But since we have seen £hs of the of how little value shape or size are, in the order Garni- % vora, in the determination of the exact homologies of the teeth, it is satisfactory to know that the more constant and important character of development gives the requi¬ site certitude as to the nature of the so-called bicuspids in the human subject. In fig. 100, the condition of the teeth is shown in the jaws of a child of about six years of age. The two incisors on each side (d i) are followed by a canine (c), and this by three teeth having crowns re¬ sembling those of the three molar teeth of the adult. In fact, the last of the three is the first of the permanent molars; it has pushed through the gum, like the two molars which are in advance of it, without displacing any previous tooth, and the substance of the jaw contains no germ of any tooth destined to displace it; it is therefore, by this character of its development, a true molar, and the germs of the permanent teeth, which are exposed in the substance of the jaw between the diverging fangs of the molars (cZ 3 and cZ 4), prove them to be temporary, destined to be replaced, and prove also that the teeth about to displace them are premolars. According, there¬ fore, to the rule previously laid down, we count the per¬ manent molar in place the first of its series (m 1), and the adjoining premolar as the last of its series, and conse¬ quently the fourth of the typical dentition (p 4). We are thus enabled, with the same scientific certainty as that whereby we recognise in the middle toe of our foot the homologue of that great digit which forms the whole foot, and is encased by the hoof, in the horse, to point to p 4, or the second bicuspid in the upper jaw, and to m 1, or the first molar in the lower jaw, of man (fig. 145, I.), as the homologues of the great carnassial teeth of the lion (p 4, m 1, fig. 145, Y.) We also con¬ clude that the teeth which are wanting in man to com¬ plete the typical molar series, are the first and second premolars, the homologues of those marked p 1 and p 2 in the bear (fig. 145, II.) The characteristic shortening of the maxillary bones required this diminution of the num¬ ber of their teeth, as well as of their size, and of the canines more especially; and the still greater curtailment of the premaxillary bone is attended with a diminished number and an altered position of the incisors. One sees, indeed, in the carnivorous series, that a corresponding decrease in the number of the premolars is concomitant with the shortening of the jaws. Already in the Muste- lidce (fig. 145, IV.), the first premolar below is abrogated ; in Felis also above, with the further loss of the second premolar in the lower jaw ; the true molars being corre¬ spondingly reduced in these strictly flesh-eating animals, but taken away from the back part of their series. The homologous teeth being thus determinable, they may he severally signified by a symbol as well as by a name. The incisors, e. g., are represented in the present Essay (See figs. 20 and 118) by their initial letter i, and individually by an added number, i 1, i 2, and i 3 ; the canines by the letter c; the premolars by the letter p; and the molars by the letter m ; these also being differen¬ tiated by added numerals. Thus, the number of these 1 History of British Fossil Mammalia, v>. 416, fig. 164. 2 Jobert, Annales des Sciences, t. xvii. p. 139. 3 Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, May 1848, p. 103, pi. viii. 4 Geological Transactions, 2d series, vol. vi. p. 203. 8 Thirty-eight instances are cited in the writer’s memoir on “ Plioloplms,” Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, May 1857. The seeming exception afforded by the oolitic Plagiaulax, on which much stress is laid by Lyell (Supplement to Manual of Geology, p. 21), bears upon the generalisation with about the same value as the abnormal dentition of Proteles does upon the generalised dental formula of the genus Canis. It is objected that “ we ought, in every great amily of the Mammalia, to find evidence of closer adherence to the archetype the farth r we recede in time ” (ib., p. 22). And the Plagiaulax is cited as evidence to the contrary. But the force of the argu¬ ment really lies in the suppression of the fact, that all the other known instances of the same great Marsupial family, from oolitic strata, do give evidence of such closer adherence to archetype. The type of the Diphyodont dentition is a modification of the wider Yertebrate type of dentition ; and the great majority of known oolitic Mammals exhibit that greater degree of vegetative repetitioa of teeth (as in fig. 74), which the theory, rightly understood, would have anticipated. YOL. XVI. Z P 482 O D 0 N T Homolo- teeth, on each side of both jaws, in any given species, Sie®of the Man, e. g., may be expressed by the following brief formula:— . 2.2 1.1 2.3 3.3 oo . 12.2 ’ C 1.1 ’ -P 2.2 ’ m 33 ~ 32 ’ and the homologies of the individual teeth, in relation to the typical formula, may be signified by * 1, * 2 ; c ; p 3, p 4 ; ?n 1, m 2, m 3 ; the suppressed teeth being i 3, p 1, and p 2. If we were desirous of further testing the soundness of the foregoing conclusions as to the nature of the teeth absent in the reduced dental formula of man, we ought to trace the mode in which the type is progressively resumed in descending from man through the order most nearly allied to our own. Through a considerable part of the Quadrumanous series, e. g., in all the Old World genera above the Lemurs, the same number and kinds of teeth are present as in man, the first deviation being the disproportionate size of the canines and the concomitant break or “ diastema” in the dental series for the reception of their crowns when the mouth is shut. This is manifested in both the Chim¬ panzees and Orangs, together with the sexual difference in the proportions of the canine teeth. Then comes the added premolar in the New World Monkeys, and the further additions in lower quadrupeds, until in the Hog genus we see the old primitive type of Diphyodont denti¬ tion resumed or retained. The typical dentition is departed from in the existing Hippopotamus by the early loss of p 1, and the reduction of the incisors to in both jaws ; in the extinct Hippo¬ potamus of India, p 1 was longer retained, and the incisors were in normal number f :f; whence the term Hexaprotodon proposed for this interesting restoration by its discoverers, Cautley and Falconer. The existing even-toed or artiodactyle Ungulata superadd the characters of simplified form and diminished size to the more important and constant one of vertical succession in their premolars.1 These teeth in the Ruminants, e. g. (fig. 145, YIL, Moschus, p 2, 3, 4,), represent only the moiety of the true molars, or one of the two semi-cylin- drical lobes of which those teeth consist, with, at most, a rudiment of the second lobe, as Cuvier very accurately describes, and F. Cuvier figures in pi. 94 of his useful work, Dents des Mammiferes. An analogous morphological character of the premolars will be found to distinguish them in the dentition of the genus Sus (fig. 20), in the Hippopotamus, and in the Phacochcerus (fig. 124), where the premolar series is greatly reduced in number: yet this instance of a natural affinity manifested in so many other parts of the organization of the artiodac- tyle genera has been overlooked in F. Cuvier’s work above cited, although it is expressly designed to show how such zoological relations are illustrated by the teeth. Confiding in the accuracy of the Baron Cuvier’s division of the hoofed quadrupeds into “ Pachyderms ” and “ Ruminants,” M. I. Cuvier separates the non-ruminant artiodactyles from the ruminant genera of the same natural division, by interposing the Tapir, Hyrax, Rhinoceros, and Elephant; whilst the Horse, which, in the size and complexity of its piemolars, as well as in many other characters, agrees closely with the other perissodactyle Ungulates, is placed in close juxtaposition with the Ruminants. , ^ost °f the deciduous teeth of the Ruminants resemble in form the. true molars ; the last, e. g. (fig. 121, c? 4), has three lobes in the lower jaw, like the last true molar (?n 3). 0 L 0 G Y. Sufficient, it is hoped, has been adduced to prove that Homolo. the molar series of the Diphyodonts is naturally divisible Sles of the into only two groups, premolars and molars; that the . typical number of these is $'■$, ; and that each indivi- dual tooth may be determined and symbolised throughout the series, as is shown in the instances under cut 145. If anything were wanting to prove the artificial character of a threefold division of these teeth, and the futility of any other classification than that founded upon develop¬ ment, it would be afforded by the attempt to determine the homologous teeth, which is exemplified by the dotted line which traverses the series, and which crosses the teeth distinguished by the name “ principales ” in the great “ Osteographie and Odontographie ” of De Blainville. This author abandons the classification of the molar series adopted by the Cuviers, without assigning his ob¬ jections to it, and proposes another, in which he divides the series into “ avant-molaires, principales, and arriere- molaires he exemplifies this division by the human den¬ tition, in which the five grinders on each side of both jaws are formulised as “two avant-molaires, one principale, and two arriere-molaires.”2 With regard to the characters of these kinds of teeth, the avant-molaires are “ simple or complex,” the princi¬ pale is “ trenchant,” and the arriere-molaires are “ tuber¬ culous.” But as shape is not a constant character, especially in the “ principale,” the author proposes another from its position, describing it as “ being implanted below the root of the zygomatic process of the maxillary bone ” in the upper jaw; and stating that the tooth which opposes it below, and is in advance of it, is the lower “ principale.” In defining the dentition of the genus Felis) M. de Blain¬ ville accordingly assigns one “ avant-molaire,” one “princi¬ pale,” and two “arriere-molaires” in the upper jaw; and one “ avant-molaire,” one “ principale,” and one “ arriere- molaire” in the lower jaw.3 In another part of the same work, he, however, proposes another formula, viz., two “avant-molaires,” one “principale,” and one “arriere- molaire” above; one “avant-molaire,” one “principale,” and one “arriere-molaire” below; but, taking either of these determinations, or the dental formulae which heassigns to other carnivorous genera, and comparing them with his formula of the molar series in the Quadrumana and Man, we find that a tooth which displaces and succeeds a milk- tooth in one species is made the homologue of a tooth, which, in Man and Quadrumana, rises above the gum without displacing any predecessor; in other words, the “ principale ” is a premolar in certain genera, and a true molar in other genera. Reference may be made to the concluding pages of the chapter on the teeth of the Car¬ nivora in the writer’s Odontography, p. 514, for further proofs that a “ molaire principale ” does not exist in nature; that the characters by which it is defined by M. de Blainville are artificial; and that they fail in their application to determine the teeth in the series of placental Mammalia with deciduous and permanent teeth. In the series of figures under cut 145, the line, “ Cuvier” traverses the tooth or its homologue, from Man to the Ruminant, which Cuvier distinguished as the “ molaire carnassiere; ” the other line traverses that tooth which M. de Blainville distinguishes as the “ molaire princi¬ pale ; ” the letters and numbers symbolise the teeth, and indicate their individual homologies, and the binary division of the molar series, which it has been one object of the present Essay to illustrate. To show how these symbols may be applied to the exposition of facts in the ti ^ t^wr^er 8 " Remarks on the Classification of the Hoofed Quadrupeds,” in Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, May 1848. le o er Eocene genera, e. g., Lophiodon and Pliolophus, manifest a minor departure from type in a less changed form of one or two of the hinder premolar* a Osteographie, tom. i„ p. 43. « Osteographie, p. 43. ODONTOLOGY. 483 Homolo- comparative anatomy of the teeth, the difficult homology gies of the 0f ^e proboscidian dentition, and the complex and intricate subject of the succession of the teeth in the kangaroo, will be finally selected. With regard to the homologies of the complex molars of the proboscidian quadrupeds, a species of insight which may come to be deemed, in the course of anatomical science, as of equal import to the knowledge of the for¬ mative process of parts, it may be admitted that the mere fact of the marked and disproportionate increase of size of the first of the three last molars (fig. 139, to 1) over its predecessor (d 4), the last of the first three that are developed, seems to be but a feeble support to the ana¬ logical evidence on which chiefly the three last molars of the elephant are here classed in a category distinct from that of their smaller predecessors. But the value of such indication and analogy Avill begin to be apparent when we examine the condition of dental development in the primeval forms of Proboscidians. It has already been shewn that the typical character of the Diphyodont den¬ tition was more closely and generally adhered to in the genera that existed in the old tertiary periods in geology than in their actual successors; it became, of course, highly interesting to inquire whether the Miocene Masto¬ dons, the earliest of the great proboscidian quadrupeds of which we have any cognizance, manifested any analogous closer adhesion to type than their elephantine successors, and whether they would afford any actual proof of the true deciduous nature of the first, second, or third molars, by the development of a vertical successor or premolar. Cuvier first ascertained the fact, though without appre¬ ciating its full significance, in a specimen of the upper jaw of the Mastodon anguslidens from Dax, in which the second six-lobed deciduous molar was displaced by a four-lobed or quadricuspid premolar developed above it, and succeeding it vertically. The same important fact was subsequently confirmed by Dr Kaup, in observations of the Mastodon angustidens (his Mast, longirostris) of the Miocene of Eppelsheim. This satisfactorily proves the true deciduous character of the first and second molars (fig. 139, d 2 and 3) ; and, that the third molar in the order of appearance (d 4) is also one (the last) of the deciduous series, is indicated, both by the contrasted superiority of size of the tooth (m 1), and the more direct evidence which a comparison with the dentition of the wart-hog (fig. 124) affords, that to 1, fig. 139, is the first of the true molars. The great extent and activity of the processes of dental development required for the prepara¬ tion of the large and complex true molar teeth, would seem to exhaust the power in Proboscidians, which, in ordinary Pachyderms, is expended in developing the vertical suc¬ cessors of the deciduous teeth. In the miocene Mastodon above cited, this normal exercise of the reproductive force was not, however, wholly exhausted; and one premolar (fig. 139, p 3), of more simple form than its deciduous predecessor, was developed on each side of both jaws ; but even this trace of adherence to the archetypal dentition is lost in the more modified Proboscidians of the present day. Another and interesting mark of adhesion to the archetype was shown by the development of two incisors in the lower jaw in the young of some of the Mastodons, by the retention and development of one of these inferior tusks in the male of the Mastodon giganteus of North America, and by the retention of both in the European Mastodon angustidens (fig. 140). No trace of these inferior homo¬ types of the premaxillary tusks have been detected in the foetus or young of the existing elephants. In the gigantic Dinotkerium, the upper incisors were suppressed, and the lower incisors were developed into huge tusks, which curved down from the symphysis of the massive lower jaw. The chief modifications of the marsupial dentition have Homolo- already been described and illustrated. The observed Sies of the phenomena of the development and change of the teeth led to the generalisation that the marsupial differed from the placental Diphyodont mammals in having four true molars, i. e., to. ^ instead of to. ; and also that they differed in having only three premolars, i. e. p. ^ instead °fp. ^; the typical number of the grinding series, being the same. Since, however, there is reason to con¬ clude that to 1 in the placental series, as, e.g., figs. 17 and 124,isacontinuationofthedeciduousseries of molars, which might be symbolised as d 5, and only becomes a permanent molar because there is no premolar developed above it, so we may regard the tooth marked m 1 in figs. 75, 76 and 78 as being an antecedent tooth of the deciduous series, rendered permanent by a like reason, the suppression, viz. ofp 4. In other words, that to 1 in fig. 75 is the homo- logue of 4 in fig. 17, and that the true homologue of p. 4 is not developed in the Marsupialia. The homologues of the teeth of the Kangaroo are illus¬ trated in fig. 146, according to this idea of them. The permanent dental formula of both the Macropodidcs and Hypsiprymnidce, according to the usual view, as given at p. 449, is—> ss i.i c y o.o P y. i.i ’ m ii = 30. 4.4 According to the real state of things it is- . 3.3 1 i.i :o.o i.i ,i.i P i.ii.i 3.3 m 35 = 30- The canines, which are confined to the upper jaw, are small or minute when retained ; and disappear after being represented “ en germe ” in most of the true Kangaroos. The deciduous dentition of the great Kangaroo (Macro¬ pus major) is— .3.3 1.1 2.2 1Q i —; c —: m —= 18. 1.1 ’ 0.0 ’ 2.2 The canines are rudimental, and are absorbed rather than shed. The deciduous incisors are shed before the young animal finally quits the pouch ; when this takes place, the dentition is— the upper incisors being i 1, the molars d 2 and <7 3 of the typical dentition. This stage is exemplified in the lower jaw at A (fig. 146). The next stage shows the acquisition of i 2 in the upper jaw, and 4 in both jaws, and the formula is— * n; ^ m 18 fis-146)- At one year old, the dentition is- . 3.3 1 ri¬ el m 3.3 mri = 24; the additional teeth being i 3 and to 1 (C, fig. 146), in which the demonstration of the true deciduous character of <7 2 and <7 3 is shown by the germ of their vertical successor p 3, which is exposed in the substance of the jaw. The next stage is the shedding of d 2, and the acquisition of to 2 (D, fig. 146). Then <7 3 is shed by the ascent ofjo 3 into its place (E, fig. 146). Afterwards to 3 is acquired ; and in the Macropus gigas, p 3, simultaneously pushed out (F, fig. 146). Thus, four individuals of this species may be found to have the same number of molars, i. e. ; two of these individuals may seem, on a cursory comparison, to have them of the same shape, e. g., as in C and E, fig. 146, or as in D and F. In fact, to determine the identity or dif¬ ference in such instances, it requires that the substance of 484 ODONTOLOGY. Homolo- the jaws be examined, to see if the germs of successional gies of the ^eeth be present, as at^> 3, C and D, or at m 3, E. riie ee ' result of such examination may be to show that not one of the four Kangaroos with the m had the same or homologous teeth. The four grinders, e. g. may be— 2, tZ 3, cZ 4, m 1; as in C ; or cZ 3, (Z 4, to 1, to 2; as in D ; or y> 3, cZ 4, to 1, to 2 ; as in E ; or d 4, to 1, to 2, and to 3 ; as in F. The changes, however, do not end here. As age advances, d 4 is shed, and the molar series is re¬ duced numerically to the condition of B ; but, instead of cZ 4, cZ 3, and d 2, it consists of to 1, to 2, to 3. Finally, to 1 is shed, and the dentition is reduced to the same numerical state as at A ; the teeth, however, being m 2 and to 3. The order here described is not pre¬ cisely that which is followed in some of the smaller species of Kangaroo. In Macropus Benettii, e. g. the acquisition of to 3 is not accompanied by the displacement of p 3 ; and a molar series of is long retained. These symbols, it is hoped, are so plain and simple as to have formed no obstacle to the full and easy comprehension of the facts explained by means of them. If these facts, in the manifold diver¬ sities of Mammalian dentition, were to be described in the ordi¬ nary way, by means of verbal phrases or definitions of the teeth, c. g., the second deciduous molar representing the fourth in the typi¬ cal dentition, instead of d 4, and so on, the description of dental development would continue to oc¬ cupy much unnecessary space, and would levy such a tax upon the at¬ tention and memory as must tendto enfeeble the judgment and impair the power of seizing and appreciat¬ ing the results of the comparison. Each year’s experience has strengthened the writer’s convic¬ tion that the rapid and successful progress of the knowledge of animal structures, and of the generaliza¬ tions deducible therefrom, will be mainly influenced by the determi¬ nation of the homology of parts and organs, and by the concomi¬ tant power of condensing the pro¬ positions relating to them, and of attaching to them signs or symbols equivalent to their single sub¬ stantive names. In the writer’s work on the Archetype of the Skeleton, he has denoted most of the bones by simple numerals. The symbols of the teeth are fewer in number, are easily under¬ stood and remembered, and, if generally adopted, might take the place of names. They would then render un¬ necessary the endless repetition of the verbal definitions of the parts, harmonize conflicting synonyms, serve as a universal language, and at the same time express the Homolo- expositor’s meaning in the fewest and clearest terms-gies of the The entomologist has long found the advantage of such reetl1' Jig. 146. Development and Succession of the Molar Series, Kangaroo. signs as $ and 5, in reference to the sexes of insects, and the like ; and it is hoped that the time is now come when the anatomist may avail himself of this powerful instrument of thought, instruction, and discovery, from which the chemist, the astronomer, and the geometrician have obtained such important results. (n. o.) 0 D R Odrys® ODRYS^E, an important tribe of Thrace, occupied a territory whose limits were different at different times, but (Ecolampa- yyjjQgg central part was on the banks of the Artiscus and in dius- the neighbourhood of the Hebrus. They seem to have been a colony of that horde of barbarians that came pour¬ ing into Thrace from the north after the Trojan war. They were an important people from the first period of theii settlement. Their name frequently occurs in legendary history. Thamyris, the ancient bard, is said to have been one of their tribe, and Orpheus is represented to have been At the date of their introduction into authentic (EDI 485 cal Councils II CEdipus. tures. From this period CEcolampadius was a learned, (Ecumen tolerant, yet decided advocate of the opinions of the Re¬ formed in Switzerland. In a short time his elegant and powerful eloquence had overcome all opposition in Basle; and a thorough reformation of the church in that town was going rapidly on under his superintendence. He then went to the assistance of Zwingle in the controversy with Luther regarding the real presence in the Eucharist. A treatise, entitled De vero intellectu verborum Domini “ Hoc est Corpus Meum^ was published by him in 1525 ; this was followed, as the controversy proceeded, by several hSory^uring^he invasion of Scythia by Darius Hystaspis, letters and pamphlets; and in the celebrated discussion in their native mountains protected their independence against 1529 at Marburg between the championsof the two parties, their native the Persians ; and the fine breed of horses which they pas¬ tured on the plains of the Hebrus supplied their armies with a large and efficient squadron of cavalry. In the latter half of the fifth century b.c. they had extended their ter¬ ritory northward to the Danube, westward to Abdera, and eastward to the Euxine Sea; and their annual revenue had risen to be equal to the sum of 800 talents. The prosperity of the Odrysse, however, had now reached its zenith, and began to decline. A disputed succession divided them into factions, and made them an easy prey for their ambi¬ tious neighbours. In 357 b.c., after a course of various fortune, the Athenians wrested from them the Thracian Chersonese ; and in 343 b.c., after a war of nine or ten years, Philip II. of Macedon reduced them to the state of tributaries, and began to plant Philippopolis and other colonies in the very heart of the country. Yet the spirit of independence among the Odrysae soon began to revive, and even before the death of Alexander the Great they had raised the standard of rebellion. On the accession of Lysimachus to the sovereignty of Thrace they commenced a struggle for liberty, which continued with various inter¬ vals till the fall of the Macedonian kingdom. The Odrysas then became the auxiliaries of the Romans, and were em¬ ployed in subjecting the other Thracian tribes to the do¬ minion of Rome. Yet they retained a form of independ¬ ence, and were treated like allies rather than tributaries. Augustus allowed them still to be governed by native sovereigns, even though their king Sadales, in 42 B.C., had bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans; Crassus bestowed upon them parts of the territory of the Bessi; and in course of time Rome had placed the whole of Thrace under their control. Yet in the time of Tiberius they began a series of rebellions, which resulted in the abolition of their inde¬ pendence, and the reduction of their territory into the form of a Roman province, during the reign of Vespasian. CECOLAMPADIUS, the Graecized name of Johann Hausschein, one of the most eminent of the Reformers. He was descended by his mother’s side from a Swiss family, and was born at Weinsberg in Franconia in 1482. His father, a wealthy merchant, at first intended him for trade, and afterwards sent him to Bologna to learn jurisprudence. But the timid youth, averse to the turmoil of business and fond of letters, soon entered upon the peaceful and studious life of an ecclesiastic. He studied divinity at Heidelberg, and Greek and Hebrew at Stuttgardt; in 1516 he was preaching at Basle, and assisting his friend Erasmus in publishing Annotations on the New Testament; and in 1520 he retired into the monastery of Altenmunster, near Augsburg. Yet underneath this love of literary ease there was a strong sincerity of heart, which would not suffer him to remain undecided in the midst of the contro¬ versies of those reforming days. Before two years had passed, his attacks upon the creed of the Romish Church had brought him into danger: he escaped immediately from the convent, and took refuge in the castle of Ebernburg; and in 1524 he undertook the duties of a preacher and a he entered the lists against the great German Reformer. He was still busily engaged both with tongue and pen in refuting the Lutherans, when death closed his career, in December 1531. The principal works of CEcolampadius are—In Librum Job Exegemata—In Danielem Prophetam Libri Duo, fol. 1553; and Commentarii Omnes in Libros Prophetarum, in 2 vols. fob, 1558. His Life, written in Latin by Capito, and published in 4to, 1536, was translated into English, and printed along with those of Zwingle and Luther, by Henry Bennet Callesian, 8vo, London, 1561. There is also a Life, in German, by Herzog, in 2 vols., 1843. CECUMENICAL COUNCILS. See Council. OEDENBURG (Hung. Sopron or Soprony ; anc. Sem- pronium or Sopronium), a town of Hungary, capital of a county of the same name, stands on the Ilkva, not far from the Neusiedlersee, 36 miles S.S.E. of Vienna. It is well built, and has the appearance of a quiet Austrian country town, with little of the Hungarian character about it. The watch-tower, which is all that remains of the old fortifica¬ tions, is said to be the loftiest in Hungary. Some of the Ro¬ man Catholic churches are fine Gothic edifices; and there are also a Protestant church, a Dominican convent, a Ursuline nunnery, Roman Catholic and Protestant schools, orphan hospital, and theatre. Manufactures of woollen, linen, and cotton fabrics, potash, hardware, &c., are carried on; and the town has also sugar refineries and potteries. Some trade is carried on in these articles, as well as in the pro¬ duce of the country ; and large markets for cattle are held here, at which about 40,000 oxen and 160,000 pigs are sold annually. Many Roman antiquities have been found in the town. The inhabitants are mostly Germans, and about half of them are Protestants. Pop. (1851) 16,274. The county of Oedenburg, which is bounded N.E. by Wiesselburg, E. by Raab, S. by Eisenburg, W. and N. by the archduchy of Austria, has an area of 1272 square miles. It is occupied on the W. by low branches of the Styrian Alps, while towards the E. it is quite flat. Nearly the whole of Neusiedlersee is in this county, and it receives the most of the rivers. The soil is generally fertile, though swampy in some parts, and yields large crops of corn, flax, wine, and fruits. Live stock are reared to a considerable extent, and abundance of fish is obtained from the lake. Pop. 207,800. CEDIPUS, an ancient Grecian king, whose tragical sorrows were a favourite subject of the classical poets, was the son of Laius and Jocasta, the King and Queen of Thebes. The following is the ordinary account of the cruel destiny of his life. King Laius had been warned beforehand by an oracle that he should be slain by his son. Accordingly, no sooner was the infant born, than with his feet bored and bound together, he was carried away and exposed on Mount Cithaeron. A shepherd chancing to pass that way, took him up and conveyed him to Polybus, the tyrant of Corinth. This king, being childless, adopted the infant, and seeing his little feet swollen, called him CEdipus. Years passed by; theological professor at Basle, with the avowed intention of and the foundling was growing up at the Corinthian court teaching nothing but what was consistent with the Scrip- a young man, and the reputed son of Polybus, when one 486 0 E H Oehlen* day he heard his supposed parentage tauntingly questioned, schlager. This threw him into the torture of uncertainty, and hurried him away to consult the oracle of Delphi. The oracle would give no other response than the prediction that he should slay his father and marry his mother. Shuddering under the prophecy, CEdipus resolved to return no more to Co¬ rinth, and, led blindly on by Destiny, he bent his steps to¬ wards Thebes. On a narrow part of the road between Delphi and Daulis, a menial driving an elderly personage in a chariot called to him saucily to get out of the way. The insult was resented ; a scuffle ensued ; and the young traveller slew his two opponents. The elderly personage was Laius; and thus part of the horrible prediction had been fulfilled. Unconscious of what he had done, CEdipus held on his way ; and arriving at Thebes, found the neighbourhood in a terrible dilemma. 1 he Sphinx, settled upon a rock, was exacting, on pain of death, from all who passed by an answer to a riddle; every one in turn was failing in the attempt to give a solution ; and the population was fast wast¬ ing away before the clutches of the monster. At this juncture CEdipus solved the fatal enigma, and the Sphinx fell lifeless from her lofty seat. The hand of Queen Jocasta was bestowed as a reward upon the deliverer of the people; and thus the fulfilment of the predicted destiny was com¬ pleted. Several years, however, passed before it was known. At length a plague fell upon the Thebans; the oracle de¬ clared that the calamity could only be stopped by the dis¬ covery of the murderer of Laius ; the seer Tiresias made this discovery ; and the revolting secret burst disastrously upon the royal family. Jocasta hung herself; CEdipus tore out his eyes. In course of time he wandered forth, led by his daughter Antigone, and after much travel, found him¬ self near Colonus in Attica. Entering the unapproachable grove of the Furies, he remained there under the protec¬ tion of these dread goddesses till his death. The history of CEdipus furnished the subject of several ancient tragic poems. The CEdipus Tyrannus and the CEdipus Colonus by Sophocles, and the CEdipus by Seneca, are still extant. OEHLENSCHLAGER, Adam Gottlob, the greatest poet and dramatist of Denmark, was born at Westerbro, a suburb of Copenhagen, on the 14th of November 1779. He was named after his father’s patron, Count Adam Gott¬ lob Moltke, who had secured for the elder Oehlenschlager the place of organist, and afterwards that of steward of the royal chateau of Fredericksborg. This palace, distant about two miles from Copenhagen, and built, it is said, after the de¬ sign of Inigo Jones, was a favourite resort of the court in summer, but in winter was left to the solitary occupa¬ tion of the poet’s parents, two watchmen, and a couple of dogs. Here the boy grew up; and he was fond of record¬ ing in later years the delight with which he used to tra¬ verse the stately but deserted apartments, feeding his childish eye with gazing on the portraits of heroes and kings, and imagining for himself a brilliant future of fortune and fame. Here he acquired such rudimentary knowledge as the dame’s school and the parish clerk could furnish, and he was allowed to read whatever came in his way, or could be found to his taste in a circulating library of the capital, to which he was permitted by his father to make exploring expeditions on fine days. His reading lay chiefly in ro¬ mances, old and new. Robinson Crusoe and Tom Jones shared his favour with the Arabian Nights and Siegfried the Dragon-Slayer ; and he knew the Comedies of Hol- berg, the German Moliere, almost by heart. In boyhood, as in after life, he felt the beauties of nature deeply, and was quick in the perception of character. The beautiful suburb in which he lived a free and rambling life gratified his sense of natural beauty; and even in the narrow and homely circle of his father’s friends he found scope for the exercise of his faculty of observation. The power of improvisation, and the impulse to convey his own ideas and impressions to 0 E H others, so often developed in boyhood and lost in after Oeh]<>ni. years, showed itself early in him ; and before he was twelve scnlager. years of age he was overheard by the clergyman preaching in the chapel to an imaginary audience with so much effect, that his unexpected auditor urged his parents to educate him for the church. To give him an education in the capital was, however, beyond his father’s humble means. Fortunately for his future career, his talents attracted the notice of Edward Storm, the Norwegian poet, who pro- cured his admission as a free scholar into the School for Posterity in Copenhagen, of which Storm was superin¬ tendent. Here the same activity of mind continued to be shown; but Latin and history suffered not a little beside the stronger attractions of poetry and the drama. Oehlen- schlager’s mind was not one to pursue any study with method, or to follow it into its depths. His curiosity and thirst for knowledge, always active, was quickly satisfied, and as quickly started off in search of some new object. As his boyhood advanced, the dramatic faculty became more developed. The characters he imagined, he was irresistibly compelled to embody and to put into action. Thus he used to write little pieces to be acted by himself and his playfellows, among whom he soon became a favourite and a leader. His facility of composition was even then remarkable. “My dear boy,” Storm said to him once with quiet irony, “ you are a greater poet than Moliere. It used to be thought a feat in him to write and bring out a piece in eight days; you dash it off with ease in one.” Storm, with whom he was a favourite, looked after his studies for three of the four years he remained at the Posterity School, when death de¬ prived him of the poet’s kind and thoughtful friendship. Oehlenschlager took a fair place among his fellow-students ; and, despite his desultory habits and imaginative pursuits, he acquired during this period a fair knowledge of history, geo¬ graphy, and his mother tongue ; he was w'ell up in geometry and trigonometry, had mastered German, knew something of French, and had gained a superficial knowledge of some of the sciences. At the age of sixteen Oehlenschlager was con¬ firmed, and left the school; and now the question arose, to what he was to turn ? His father’s scanty means made it important that the boy slxmld be speedily put in the way of earning his own livelihood. Commerce was talked of; but a merchant without money was, as his mother said, like a violin without strings. Oehlenschlager, besides, knew nothing of English, then, as now, the great language of trade ; and arithmetic had always been his stumbling-block. A vacancy, however, was heard of in the counting-house of a friend at Christianshafen, and thither Oehlenschlager, with a heavy heart, went with his father. To his infinite satisfaction they found that the young man whose place he was to fill had resumed his duties, and they had to return as they went. On the way back Oehlenschlager persuaded his father, whose disposition was easy to a fault, to allow him to prosecute at home the studies necessary to enable him to take his degree in arts. To these he applied him¬ self for some time with zeal, taking lessons in Greek and Latin from the tutor of the sons of the gardener at Fre¬ dericksborg ; but his progress in these severer studies was not great. The Muses continued to assert their mastery over him, and his scanty pocket-money was expended upon plays and visits to the theatre. Despairing of success in any other career, he determined to go upon the stage, for which he was in some measure prepared by his practice in the plays which he had been in the habit of performing with his companions. Having with some difficulty obtained his parents’ consent to this step, and secured from the necessary authority an admission to the court theatre at Copenhagen, he made his appearance, after a course of pre¬ liminary study under the direction of Rosing, then the lead¬ ing actor there. He continued on the Copenhagen stage for nearly two years ; but his success was simply respectable, and O E H L E N S Oehlen- not such as to reconcile him to the difficulties and anxieties schlager. of a profession for which he had manifestly no peculiar ^ ^^ vocation. His office was to write plays, not to act them. A variety of little circumstances combined to make his position in the theatre irksome. Rosing alone seems to have entertained hopes of him as an actor. Phis was not enough for Oehlenschlager, and he threw up his engage¬ ment, after having remained on the stage just long enough to learn something of the technical requirements of the art for which he was afterwards to minister such admirable materials. About this time, too, he had made the acquaint¬ ance of the brothers Oersted, one of whom afterwards mar¬ ried his sister. Their habits of methodical and profound study impressed him deeply. He had seen nothing like it before, and, contrasting their attainments with his own, he was stimulated to retrieve, if possible, the time which he had lost. To this he was encouraged by these gifted brothers ; and, under the guidance of Anders Sandbe Oer¬ sted, he devoted himself for a time with ardour to the study of jurisprudence, and passed the preliminary examina¬ tions with credit. Oehlenschlager was still only nineteen, and his poetic powers had been quickened into action by the loss of his mother, whom he loved tenderly and deeply, and by an attachment which he formed for his first and only love, Christiana Georgina Elizabeth Heger, the daughter of the Counsellor Heger. Literature soon divided his attention with the studies of law. He read much, espe¬ cially in the authors of the great German school, which had recently sprung up; and his writings, both in verse and prose, began to attract attention. He associated with men of letters, and gave much attention to the study of northern antiquities, mythology, and literature. The expedition of the British fleet against Copenhagen for a time interrupted these peaceful studies. Oehlenschlager joined a corps of volunteers, and has left an amusing account of their ama¬ teur military career. This temporary distraction over, he returned with renewed activity to his former literary pur¬ suits, and in 1803 published his first volume of poetry. Some of its contents are worthy of his subsequent fame ; but it was not until the appearance of his dramatic poem of Aladdin in 1804 that he gave the assurance of realizing the boast with which, in a moment of enthusiasm, he had on one occasion startled and amused his companions, that he would one day rescue Danish poetry from the decay into which it had fallen since the days of Ewald. This work bears the unmistakeable impress of genius. The luxuriance of fancy, the freshness and exuberance of feeling, the variety and truth of the characters, the spontaneousness of emotion, and the pervading sense of power, reconcile the reader to its want of compression and occasional feebleness of execu¬ tion. All the wealth of a lively and sensitive nature is scattered lavishly over its pages. In the composition of this work Oehlenschlager felt that nature had destined him for a poet, and not for a lawyer. His countrymen took the same view; and, through the interest of Count Schimmelman, he obtained from the Danish government a travelling pension in August 1805. With this he made a tour through Germany, where he made the acquaint¬ ance of Goethe and Wieland, and the brilliant circle whom the old Duchess Amelia had gathered around her at Weimar. At Halle he wrote his Hakon Jarl, his second play, in six weeks. At Goethe’s suggestion he translated the Aladdin into German, and he dedicated his translation to that poet in lines of great beauty. He followed the same course with reference to all his principal plays, revising as he translated them, so that they frequently appear to more advantage in their German than in their Danish dress. From Weimar he went to Paris, where he wrote his Pal- natoke, and Azel und Walburg, dramas unsurpassed by any of his later works. Here, too, he conceived the idea of his Correggio, the first and best of the long line of C H L A G E E. 487 art-dramas in which Germany has since been prolific, al- Oehlen- though it was in Parma that this fine work fitly took a schlager. definite shape, which was afterwards perfected in Rome. v-—v-*~/ After an absence of five years, Oehlenschlager returned in 1810 to Copenhagen, where he was already famous, and an enthusiastic reception awaited him. He had en¬ dowed some of the finest national legends with a noble dramatic life, and laid the foundation of a national drama of the best kind. His countrymen were proud of him, and at this early period, as through all the rest of his long life, were not sparing in their demonstrations of regard. Fie was appointed professor of aesthetics at the university of Copenhagen,—a position which he continued to fill with honour till nearly the close of his life. On the 10th of May 1810 he married Christiana Heger, to whom he had been so long betrothed, and whom, after the companionship of many years of uninterrupted happiness, he lived to regret. From the time of his return to Copenhagen, Oehlen- schlager’s life was one unbroken career of literary labour and of literary honour. He wrote much in nearly all de¬ partments of the belles lettres,—poems, dramas (serious and comic), operettas, tales, and novels. It is by his dramas, however, that posterity will know him. Besides comedies and operas, he wrote twenty-four tragedies, of which nine¬ teen are on Scandinavian themes. These are of various and unequal merit; but all are more or less deserving of perusal, and some will rank among the first in the first class of modern dramas. Like all dramatists of the highest order, Oehlenschlager himself is not seen in the best of his works. His characters feel and speak with a spontaneousness, and truth to the situation, which make the reader forget the author in the living reality of the scene. The art to blot, however, was one which Oehlenschlager seems never to have learned. As the first impulse came, so he w rote ; and his writings accordingly bear many traces of feebleness, which a more vigorous judgment would have been at pains to remove. Oehlenschlager was scarcely less esteemed in Sweden than in Denmark. In the summer of 1829 he visited that country, where he was greeted by all classes with a burst of enthusiasm such as commonly is bestowed only on conquerors or kings. He was met on the high road by a procession of students. Addresses were presented to him from all quarters. At the distribution of degrees in the ancient cathedral of Lund, Bishop Tegner, the greatest poet of Sweden, saluted him with a panegyric in hexameters in which he was hailed as the king of the poets of the north, and placed a laurel crown upon his head amidst a storm of music and artillery. Soon afterwards he was made a knight of the North Star by the King of Sweden, and received the diploma of doctor of philosophy from the university of Lund. Ova¬ tions not less gratifying awaited him on a subsequent visit to Sweden, and also to Norway. In 1815 he received from the King of Denmark the knighthood of Dannebrog, and in 1839 he was appointed counsellor of state. Other and higher honours were subsequently conferred upon him in his own country ; and from the sovereigns of Sweden, Prussia, and Belgium he received similar distinctions. A great festival was held at Copenhagen on the 14th November 1849, in honour of his seventieth birthday, on which occasion he recited a poetical address, in which he said,— “ Although the end far distant may not be, There’s life and sinew in the old man yet; To you I drink, and drain the cup with glee, For ’tis no funeral feast that here is set.,; He was then in the full enjoyment of all his powers, and was even then busy with literary tasks. But about six weeks afterwards symptoms of a breaking up of the constitution appeared; and he died on the 20th of January 1850. About an hour and a half before his death he requested his son to read to him that part of the scene in the fifth act of his tragedy of Socrates, where the philosopher speaks of death. 488 0 E L Oels “It is,” he said, “so unspeakably bea\itiful.” He heard [! the passage read with deep emotion, “ and with a smile,” says Oeniadae. t]ie biographer, “of rapturous delight. When it was con- V'—eluded, he put an end to the reading, and took leave ol his family.” The incident is characteristic, not, as has been said, of the poet’s vanity, but of his simple faith, which regarded himself only as the medium through which an inspiration from ahigher source spoke. So it was with Oehlenschlager through life. His poetry flowed from him under an inspiration as un¬ conscious, and often as fitful, as music from the wind-swept chords of an yEolian lyre. When the mood passed, he seems to have rarely set himself to the task of rejecting what was weak or indifferent, or heightening by the touches of art what had been left imperfect in the heat of composition. Oehlen- schlager’s death was felt as a national loss, and his obsequies were celebrated with almost regal honours. A funeral oration was pronounced over his remains by the Bishop of Seeland in the cathedral of Copenhagen, and they were then borne to the church of Fredericksborg attended by a crowd of more than 20,000 people, or about a sixth of the entire popula¬ tion of the capital. The prince royal, the royal aides-de- camp, the whole diplomatic body, all the clergy, and the different guilds of arts and manufactures, swelled the train ; and the coffin was borne by the youth of the public schools. Thus royally attended, the great Scandinavian bard was laid to rest in the grave of his fathers on the 26th January 1850. Oehlenschlager was robust in body as in mind,—a burly man, with a large head, and features which beamed with intellig'ence and vivacity. He seemed to be rather a child of the sunny south than of the noi’th. His complexion was tinged with ruddy bronze, his eyes were dark and brilliant, his smile full and joyous, his gestures animated and quick. His sensibilities were at all times readily moved. He en¬ joyed keenly, and his sympathies were wide and genial. There was to the last much of the child in him; and in the midst of their admiration his friends were often moved to smile at his harmless egotism. Rarely has a poet’s life been happier, or more in harmony with his nature. Born poor, he was fortunate in the love of parents with whom he grew up in an atmosphere of simplicity, integrity, and piety. He was fortunately enabled by well-timed patron¬ age to follow from the first the instincts of his genius. His country early recognised his claims. Placed by it in a posi¬ tion to pursue his literary career without anxiety, he was cheered through life by the assurance that his efforts were watched with interest, and welcomed with hearty sympathy. Rich in purse he never was ; but he was rich in the love of a wife to whom he was devoted, and of children who caused him no regrets,—rich in the possession of all his powers of mind and body to the close of a long life,—rich in the love of . honoured friends, and in the admiration of his country. In him genius was happily allied with goodness ; and the world dealt kindly with the man whom nature had endowed with many of her choicest gifts. (t. m—N.) OELS, a town of Prussia, in the government of Breslau, on the Oelsa, 17 miles N.N.E. of Breslau. It is fortified ; and has an extensive ducal palace built in the form of a square, and containing a good library; a Roman Catholic and three Protestant churches, a synagogue, several schools, an hospital, and a theatre. Manufactures of woollen, linen, and silken stuffs are carried on here ; and there are oil and other mills. Pop. 6928. OENIADiE (modern Trikardho), an important town of Acarnania in ancient Greece, was situated on the western bank of the Achelous (Aspropotamo), about 2 miles from the mouth of that river. Its name was probably derived from CEneus, a legendary iEtolian hero. It stood on an insulated hill, strengthened by massive walls, and sur- I’ounded on all sides by extensive morasses. These forti¬ fications, natural and artificial, rendered the town for a considerable time a formidable and invincible foe to the OFF Athenians. Pericles was unable to take it by siege in Oenotria 454 b.c. ; Phormion advanced against it in 429 B.C., but || could not pass across the swamps ; and it was not until 424 Offenbach, b.c. that it was forced by the general Demosthenes to take the Athenian side in the Peloponnesian war. This seems to have been a fatal blow to the independence of CEniadae. In the latter half of the fourth century B.c. it was taken by the iEtolians; in 219 B.c. it passed into the hands of Philip, King of Macedonia; and in 211 B.c. it was captured by the Romans, and given once more to the iEtolians. Although the citizens were freed from the do¬ minion of their fellow-countrymen in 189 B.c., they never recovered their former importance. From that date CEnia- dae disappeared from the arena of history. Large portions of its walls still remain in excellent preservation. OENOTRIA. See Italy. OERSTED, Hans Christian. See Dissertation Sixth, chap, vii., sec. 4. OESEL, an island belonging to Russia, stretches across the mouth of the Gulf of Riga, between N. Lat. 58. and 58. 40., E. Long. 21. 40. and 23. 20. Its length from S. by W. to N. by E. is about 45 miles; average breadth, 12 miles; area, about 1200 square miles. Next to Zealand, this is the largest of the islands in the Baltic. It has steep and bold coasts, and a rocky undulating surface, watered by numerous streams. The rocks are for the most part cal¬ careous ; and the soil, though not naturally fertile, may be made productive by means of manure. A great part of the island is covered with forests, and a considerable ex¬ tent of it is used as pasture ground. The climate is milder in winter than that of the adjacent mainland; but in spring and autumn severe storms frequently occur. Corn is raised in sufficient quantities to furnish an article of exportation ; wheat, rye, barley, and oats being the principal crops; while hemp and flax are also cultivated. Many of the inhabitants are also employed in pastoral and piscatorial pursuits. Few manufactures are carried on. The majo¬ rity of the people are Lutherans; and the chief town is Arensberg, on the S.E. coast. CEsel at one time belonged to the Teutonic knights, but was seized by the Danes at an early period, and ceded by them to Sweden in 1645. In the beginning of the eighteenth century it was taken possession of by Russia, to which power it was finally ceded in 1721 along with Livonia, of which government it forms a part. Pop. about 40,000. OETINGER, Friedrich Christoph, a mystic divine, was born in 1702 at Gbppingen in Wiirtemberg. After finishing his education at the university of Leipsic, and occupying himself with several learned engagements, he was appointed pastor at Hirschau in 1738. It was about this time that he began to imbibe the doctrines of mysti¬ cism from the treatises of Bcehmen and others. In 1765 his edition of the works of Swedenborg, in 2 vols. 8vo, and his treatise entitled Earthly and Heavenly Philosophy, revealed his opinions to the public, and drew down upon him the reprehension of his ecclesiastical superiors. Yet protected by the Duke of Wiirtemberg, and aided by his own excellent character, he rose to a high position in the church. After passing through several grades of promo¬ tion, he was appointed prelate at Murhard, and continued there till his death in 1782. OFANTO (anc. Aufidus), a river of Italy, in the King¬ dom of Naples, rises in the Apennines, province of Princi- pato Ultra, flows E.N.E., separating Capitanata from Ba¬ silicata and Bari, and falls into the Adriatic, after a course of 75 miles. On the right bank is the field of the battle of Cannee, where the Romans were totally defeated by Hannibal, B.C. 216. OFFENBACH, a town of Hesse-Darmstadt, province of Starkenburg, on the left banks of the Main, here crossed by a bridge of boats, 5 miles E.S.E. of Frankfort. It is well OFF Offenburg built and partly walled; and has a ducal palace, several 11 churches, a school, poor-houses, theatre, &c. Its manufac- Ohio. tures are extensive, consisting of woollen, cotton, and silken fabrics; gloves, wax-cloth, leather, soap, earthenware, &c. There are no fewer than ninety-five manufacturing establish¬ ments in the town, employing 6000 hands, and producing annually about L.650,000 worth of goods. I his place is also remarkable for its bookbinding, in which art it is supe¬ rior to any other place in Germany. An active trade is car¬ ried on in wine and other articles. Pop. (1852) 13,087. OFFENBURG, a town of Baden, in the circle of Mit- telrhein, on a hill near the Kinzig, 42 miles S.S.W. of Karlsruhe. It has a town-house, merchants’ hall, school, nunnery, hospital, &c. Manufactures of leather, glass, and other articles, and some trade, are carried on. Pop. 4010. OFFTCINAL, is the name applied to such medicines, whether simple or compound, as are required to be con¬ stantly kept in the apothecaries’ shops. OGDENSBURG, a town of the United States of North America, state of New York, on a plain at the con¬ fluence of the Oswegatchie with the St Lawrence, 200 miles N.N.W. of Albany. It is well and regularly built; and contains numerous churches, belonging to Presby¬ terians, Episcopalians, Methodists, Baptists, and Roman Catholics ; an academy ; and three banks. There are iron- foundries, machine-shops, and other manufactories. The trade of the town is considerable; and it communicates by steam-vessels with the different ports on Lake Ontario. It is also connected by railway with Boston and New York. The number of vessels that entered the port in 1852 was 830; tonnage, 347,698: that cleared, 798; tonnage, 341,188. Pop. (1853) about 6500. OGECHEE, a river of the United States of North America, state of Georgia, flows S.E., and falls into the Atlantic by Ossabaw Sound, 20 miles S. of Savannah. Its whole length is 250 miles ; and it is navigable by sloops for 30 or 40 miles. OGILVY, John, an industrious author and literary speculator, was born at Edinburgh in 1600. His father was a prisoner for debt in the King’s Bench, and could give him but little education. Yet the boy had a practical ingenuity, and an ever-wakeful prudence which led him over the greatest difficulties on towards success. While supporting himself by teaching dancing to the families of the English nobility, he contrived to gratify his eager avi¬ dity for learning. In 1649 his literary accomplishments had become so considerable that he became an author by profession, and began to publish a series of metrical trans¬ lations of some of the ancient classics. His Virgil ap¬ peared in that same year, his Fables of jFsop in 1651, his Iliad in 1660, and his Odyssey‘m 1665. Yet although Ogilvy had gained distinction by these publications, and although he had been appointed superintendent of the poetical part of the coronation pageantry in 1661, and master of the revels in Ireland in 1662, he continued to be the same plodding and practical man of business. After the great fire of 1666 had reduced him to beggary, he contrived in a short time to set up a printing-press; and in the capacity of cosmographer to the king, published a large atlas in several folio volumes, and a description of the roads in England from his own actual survey. Flis death took place in 1676. OPIIO, one of the United States of North America, situated on the river of the same name, which separates it on the S. and S.E. from Kentucky and Virginia; on the E. it has Pennsylvania; N., Lakes Erie and Michigan ; and on theW., Indiana. It has an area of 39,961 square miles, being somewhat greater than that of the kingdom of Por¬ tugal ; and, in all respects, it is one of the most important states of the valley of the Mississippi or of the American Union. O II I 489 The face of the country is delightfully varied, and presents Ohio, a table-land from 600 to 1000 feet above the level of the sea. A ridge of high lands divides the waters flowing Physical north into Lake Erie from those flowing south into the aspect. Ohio. There is a ridge crossing the state in the latitude of Columbus, south of which the surface is diversified by hills and valleys. Swamps and morasses occasionally occur, forming, however, only a twentieth part of the whole sur¬ face. The river-bottoms are extensive and very fertile. Prairies are numerous; but the country was originally covered with magnificent forests, which are still far from being extinct. The Ohio River and Lake Erie receive the waters of the state. Those streams which enter into the Ohio are the Muskingum, Hockhocking, Scioto, Miami, &c. The Muskingum is navigable 75 miles for steamers, and for small boats nearly to its source. The Flockhocking courses through a hilly and beautiful country, and is a deep and narrow stream. The Scioto can be ascended to nearly its source, and has many thriving towns on its banks. Its valley is wide and fertile. The Little Miami is less adapted to navigation than to mill-sites. The Big Miami enters the Ohio in the S.W. corner of the state, after a course of 100 miles. The northern rivers are the Maumee, Sandusky, Cuyahoga, which are in part na¬ vigable, but furnish the most abundant water-power for manufacturing purposes. The other streams are the Por¬ tage, Black, Rocky, Vermillion, &c. Over nearly the entire surface of the state there lies a Geology deposit of various thickness, known by the name of allu-an<1 nnnes' vium, believed to have been made by currents of water. One of the most important strata is a transition limestone, equivalent to the mountain limestone of Europe. It crops out in places, forming, at small cost, a valuable building material. East of the Huron and Olantangy rivers the lime stratum dips under one of shale or clay-slate ; farther east this passes under a stratum of sandstone ; still farther, the sandstone is overlaid by a conglomerate, and then by the lower coal series; and, finally, the upper coal series passes beyond the eastern and south-eastern boundary of the state. One-third of Ohio is therefore within the great coal basin, of which Wheeling, Virginia, Is the centre. In several of the southern counties are extensive beds of the best iron. In Western Ohio are found gypsum, salt, and lead. It is estimated that the beds of workable coal would be sufficient to last 10,000 years, supposing Ohio to use as much as is now used in England and Wales. By the census of 1850, it appears that Ohio produced as follows:— Establishments. Capital. Value of products. Pig iron 35 L.313,123 L.261,632 Iron castings 183 429,923 639,444 Wrought iron 6 34,331 26,632 Salt 32 39,320 27,558 The county of Tuscarawas is 550 square miles in extent, and in every part of it, it is said, coal may be found. Pro¬ fessor Mather, in his report on the geology of the state, estimates the quantity of coal in this county alone at 80,000 millions of bushels! In 1840 the production of coal in Ohio is stated at 2,382,368 bushels, in 1848 at 6,538,968, in 1857 at 40,000,000 bushels; and the pro¬ duction of iron has swelled to the aggregate of 100,000 tons. The coal is bituminous. A belt of ironstone, aver¬ aging 12 miles in width, is 100 miles or more in length. Salt springs are numerous, and salt-works are frequent and suc¬ cessful. Marble, freestone, and gypsum occur. Ohio is noted for the fertility of its soil. Where the transition lime rock is the upper stratum, as it is in nearly half the state, the soil is remarkably adapted to wheat and grass; and, indeed, seven-eighths of the state are considered well adapted to the growth of wheat. What is known as 3 Q vol. xvr. 490 Ohio. Climate. Forests. Agricul¬ ture. Manufac¬ tures. Commerce. OHIO. the Connecticut Reserve, having a shale and sandstone basis, is less fertile, yet pi'oducing fruits and grains suitable to the climate. About 25,000,000 acres of land in the state could be brought into cultivation, and would support many millions of inhabitants. On account of its elevation, the climate of Ohio is seve¬ ral degrees lower in average temperature than on the same parallel in the Atlantic states. The summer is subject to tornadoes, but the autumn is always serene and pleasant, though the winters are occasionally severe. Along the valley of the Ohio the temperature is milder than in the interior, but fever and agues prevail to some extent in this section. The climate otherwise is very healthy, as much so as that of the majority of the states. In the forests are found black walnut, oak, hickory, sugar and other maple, beech, poplar, ash, sycamore, papaw, buckeye, cherry, dogwood, elm, hornbeam. The cypress is almost the only evergreen, and it is but scanty. Medi¬ cinal roots, such as ginseng, valerian, columbo, snake-root, blood-root, &c., are found. Fish and game are abundant. At the last federal census (1850), it appeared that there were in Ohio 143,807 farms, having under cultivation about 10,000,000 of acres, with about 8,000,000 more inclosed, but unimproved. The average number of acres to each farm was 125 : average value of farm, L.518; and of farm¬ ing implements, L.37. Gross value of all the farms in the state, with their implements and machinery, L.77,500,000. The number of horses, asses, and mules, was 466,820; milch cows, 544,490; working oxen, 65,381 ; sheep, 3,942,929 ; and swine, 1,964,770. The total value of live stock was L.9,192,027 ; of animals slaughtered, L.1,549,839. The quantity of wheat raised was 14,487,351 bushels; of rye, 425,918; oats, 13,472,000; Indian corn, 59,078,695; po¬ tatoes, 5,245,760; barley, 212,440; buck-wheat, 638,060; hay, 1,443,142 tons; maple sugar, 4,588,000 ib.; tobacco, 10,454,449 ; wool, 10,196,371; silk cocoons, 1552; and wine, 11,524 gallons. Only another of the United States exceeded Ohio in the production of wheat. The other agricultural products are hops; clover and grass seed ; pease and beans; market, nursery, and orchard products; flax seed, flax, and hemp. The produce of the vineyards is large, and commands a market in all parts of the Union. Ohio, in the possession of coal and iron, may be said to have few rivals in capacity as a manufacturing state, when the full fruition of her reasonable hopes are realized. In 1850, she manufactured cotton goods to the value of L.231,462 ; pig-iron to about the same amount; castings, L.639,435; wrought-iron, L.26,632. She distilled or brewed nearly 100,000 barrels of ale, and 12,000,000 gallons of whisky, &c. The gross statistics of all the manufac¬ tures are as follows:—Establishments, 10,622 ; capital, L.6,045,733 ; raw material used, L.7,224,586; hands em¬ ployed, 51,500; wages paid, L.2,805,758; annual pro¬ duct, L.l 3,051,507. Ohio being an inland state, must show very low figures in the foreign commerce of the Union. For the inland or home trade she enjoys advantages on account of her posi¬ tion with reference to the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the lakes, together with her great works of internal improve¬ ments, enjoyed by few, if any, of the other states. One of her leading authorities says, at the close of 1857, that her production of corn has reached to 90,000,000 bushels, and of wheat to 22,000,000. He estimates the total agri¬ cultural, mining, and manufacturing produce of Ohio for that year at L.40,800,000; and says that Ohio is now worth L.200,000,000, and that three-fourths of it have been made out of the profits of labour applied in the in¬ dustrial pursuits. She exports L.12,500,000 of products, besides enjoying the commerce of her neighbours. The annual statement of commerce, published at Cin¬ cinnati, shows that the total produce received at that city Ohio, in 1856-57 reached L.l6,060,444 ; and that the exports were L.l 1,800,447. In the city and vicinity 500,000 bar¬ rels of whisky are distilled, consuming 8,000,000 bushels of corn and other grain. Number of hogs packed, 344,512. The city is increasing as a wheat, flour, and tobacco mart. Over 500,000 gallons of wine are produced from the vine¬ yards in the vicinity, giving employment to a large number of persons, and producing large returns to capital. The Ohio Canal was completed in 1832, from the Ohio Internal River to Lake Erie, 307 miles. Its branches or feeders improve- are,—the Columbus branch, 10 miles in length ; the Lancas- nients. ter branch, 9 miles ; the Athens extension to Hocking, a prolongation of the Lancaster, 56 miles; the Zanesville branch, of 14 miles, connects the Ohio Canal with the Muskingum improvement, by which another channel is opened to the Ohio River at Marietta; the Walhonding branch is 25 miles in length. The Miami Canal connects Cincinnati with Lake Erie, 270 miles, and was completed in 1832, with several branches. The whole number of miles of canals constructed by the state is 827, at a cost of over L.3,000,000. The other canals, which are private property, are the Sandy and Beaver, 76 miles, extending from the Ohio Canal to the Ohio River, at the mouth of the Beaver; the Mahoning Canal, 77 miles. The canals have, however, in part yielded to the railroads, and are in general far from being works of the first class. The oldest railroads are the Little Miami, from Cincin¬ nati to Springfield, 84 miles; the Mad River, from Lake Erie to Springfield, 134 miles; the Mansfield and San¬ dusky ; the Lake Erie and Kalamazoo, from Toledo, on Lake Erie, to Adrien, forming a junction with the Michi¬ gan Southern Road, to which it forms an outlet to the roads of Ohio, 35 miles. It would occupy too much space, however, to enter into a detail of the numerous railroad routes now in operation in Ohio. They constitute several great lines, running through the States from east to west, and from north to south, bringing nearly every county and town in its limits within reach of railroad improvement. Perhaps one of the most important of all these great works is the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, 330 miles in length, which has been lately completed, and connects by a direct route the cities of Cincinnati and St Louis. The railroads in progress or in operation in Ohio, at this time, make up an ag¬ gregate length of 3000 miles; the surface of the country being most favourable to their construction. There are no lines of pre-eminent importance, because it is said that trade and commerce are not, as in other states, forced into peculiar channels by the natural configuration of the country. Among the cities are Cincinnati, which is known as the Cities. “ Queen of the West,” supposed now to have a population of over 200,000, making it the fifth city of the American Union; Columbus, the capital of the state, is the centre of a rich country, which is daily adding to its opulence and extent; Dayton is at the meeting of various railroad lines, and is therefore accessible from every point; Zanesville, on the Muskingum, is in the midst of a rich and populous valley region; Chillicothe, on the Scioto, is inclosed by picturesque hills; Springfield is at the junction of the Mad River and Lagonda Creek, which affords every variety for mill-sites; Stenbenville and Portsmouth are on the Ohio ; Sandusky city is on Lake Erie ; and Toledo on the Maumee River, at the terminus of the Wabash and Erie Canal. The amount appropriated for schools in Ohio from the Education, several state funds reached, in 1855, L.544,540. The rfd'g1011* whole number of common schools was 12,012; number &c> of scholars attending, 357,547 males, and 311,477 females. Total number of school-houses 7830, which had been erected at a cost of L.464,561. There are 91 high schools, Ohio. OKI having about 4000 scholars ; and 88 schools for coloured children, with about the same number of attendants. There were also a large number of German schools, adapted to that class of population. Twenty-six daily newspapers were printed in 1850, 10 tri-weekly, 201 weekly; total of all classes, 261, printing annually 30,447,407 copies. The total number of libraries, other than private, was 352, having 186,828 volumes. The whole number of paupers reported was but 1673. There is a lunatic asylum at Columbus, which had at the last statement 261 inmates. Two other institutions of like character have been opened at Newburg and Dayton. The Ohio penitentiary at Columbus has about 600 inmates. A library and schools are attached to the prison, and the convicts are instructed in the elementary branches. The state derives a small revenue from the institution. There is a deaf and dumb asylum, with 148 occupants; and a blind asylum, containing 72. The value of church property in Ohio, by the census of 1850, was L.2,413,812, and the number of the church sittings was 1,457,769; the Methodist being the pre¬ dominating sect, giving, with the Baptists, one-half of the whole number of seats. There were, in 1850, 26 colleges, with 3621 pupils ; 206 academies and private schools, with 15,052 pupils; 66,020 persons in the state over twenty years of age were in¬ capable of reading and writing, or about 3 per cent, of that class, which compares very favourably with other western states. lievenue. The total revenue of the state of Ohio in the year end¬ ing with January 1856 was L.756,492, and the expen¬ diture L.731,681. The state cannot, by its constitution, contract debt for internal improvement. Total debt in 1856, L.3,390,334; value of the real estate at the same time, L.120,387,191; and of the personal estate, L,58,962,250. Total taxes of all sorts, L.1,765,520. History. After the western exploration of Marquette (1673) from Canada, and the expedition of D’Iberville to the mouth of the Mississippi and up its stream, the French began the construction of forts throughout the extensive region which they embraced. Thus was founded their claim to Ohio ; whilst the English, on the other hand, claimed it from grants made by their crown, which extended from sea to sea, and from a cession made by the six nations of Indians, who claimed the entire sovereignty of the Ohio valley. The English Ohio Company having made a settlement on the Great Miami, it was destroyed by the French in 1752, at which time war occurring between the two nations, many hostile expeditions were conducted with different results. The defeat of Braddock was followed by the victories of Dunmore. On the return of peace in 1763, the whole of Canada was ceded to England, and with it all the territory to the east of the Mississippi River. After the War of Independence the whole of the western lands held by the several states were ceded to the federal government. Surveys and sales of these lands being at once made, the Ohio New England Company purchased a tract lying adjacent to the Scioto and Muskingum rivers, where, in 1788, Marietta was begun, the first permanent settlement in Ohio. Governor Arthur St Clair was appointed territorial governor. In 1787 John Cleves Symmes purchased from Congress a million of acres in Ohio, northward from the Ohio River, and between the two Miamis, in which region was founded the second settlement at Columbia, about five miles distant from the present city of Cincinnati. Mathias Denman purchased for 500 dollars the site on which Cincinnati is built, and the first cabin was erected in 1788. Other settlements immediately followed. The Indians, in despite of all treaty stipulation, continued to harass the settlers. Block-houses were constructed; and in 1789 Fort Wash- O H I ington, as a means of protection, was begun. These aggressions continuing, General Harmar, with 1300 men, v- marched against the Indian towns, but was compelled to retreat. In 1791 General St Clair, at the head of an army of 3000 men, undertaking a similar enterprise, was attacked by a combination of nearly all the north-western tribes, and after a gallant struggle, sustained a most disastrous defeat. The result of those reverses was severely felt in the settlement, and for some time the tide of emigration actually ceased. In 1794 General Wayne assembled an army at Greenville, and soon obtained a decisive victory over a force of 2000 warriors, at the rapids of the Maumee. Not until the country was laid waste, and forts on every hand were seen springing up, did these hardy warriors abandon their futile struggles. “When we consider,” says an authority, “ the fierce and unrelenting warfare waged by the Indian tribe upon the white settlements of the West, during thirty-seven years of almost uninterrupted conflict from 1757, when the first white man was killed in Ken¬ tucky, down to the period of Wyne’s victory, we may form some faint idea of the toil and perils and sufferings of the bold and hardy race of the pioneers who effected the colonization of the Western World. An Indian chief, at the conclusion of a treaty yielding up the right of soil in Kentucky, said to Boone,—‘ Brother, we have given you a fine land, but I think you will have trouble to settle it;’ and his prediction was fully verified there and elsewhere.” Constant streams of population began now to pour into Ohio. Connecticut sent many to her reserved tract border¬ ing on Lake Erie. In 1798 the inhabitants of the territory numbered 5000, with eight organized counties. The first meeting of territorial legislature was held in September 1799. William Henry Harrison, then secretary of the territory, and afterwards president of the United States, was at that time elected to Congress. In 1802 the federal government authorized a convention to form a state con¬ stitution. It sat at Chillicothe ; and Ohio was admitted into the Federal Union soon after. The first legislature met in the same place in 1803; and two years later the United States acquired, by another Indian treaty, the reserve west of the Cuyahoga River, and subsequently the Maumee and Sandusky region. In 1811 the Indians were defeated by General Harrison at Tippecanoe; and in 1816 the seat of government was removed from Chillicothe to Columbus, where it now is. 491 Ohio. Population. Whites. Coloured 1800. 45,028 337 228,861 1,899 576,572 4,862 Total. 45,365 230,760 581,434 937,903 1,519,467 1,980,329 928,329 9,574 1,502,122 17,345 1,950,050 25,279 Density to the square mile in 1840, 38'02; 1850, 49’55. Of the total population, but 1,219,452 were born in the state, and 538,134 in the other American states; and 218,512 were born in foreign countries. Of these, about 120,000 were of German origin. Ohio, a river of the United States of North America, is formed by the confluence of the Alleghany and Mononga- hela, which rise in the Alleghany Mountains, and unite at Pittsburg, in the west of Pennsylvania. It then flows generally towards the S.E., separating the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, on the right, from those of Virginia and Kentucky, on the left; and falls into the Mississippi 1216 miles above its mouth; N. Lat. 37., W. Long. 89. 10. Its whole length is more than 950 miles; but its length in a straight line is not more than 614. At the con¬ fluence of the two great branches, the Ohio is somewhat more than 600 yards wide, and it immediately assumes that broad, placid, and beautiful aspect which it maintains to its 492 O H L Ohlau junction with the Mississippi. Its breadth varies exceed- II ingly, being in some parts 1400 yards, whilst in others it is ^ , only 400 yards across. Between Pittsburg and its mouth V**vr*" it is diversified with about 100 considerable islands, besides a great number of tow-heads (or barren sandy islands over¬ grown with willows) and sand-bars, which in low stages of the water greatly impede navigation. Some of these islands are of exquisite beauty, and afford most lovely situations for retired farms. The passages among them, and the sand¬ bars at their head, are great difficulties in the navigation of the river. Notwithstanding these obstacles, however, it is well adapted for boat navigation, the current being re¬ markably smooth and gentle, excepting at Louisville in Kentucky, where it is broken by falls, the water running for several miles with great rapidity, although not so much so as to be insurmountable by boats. A canal round these falls, a work of great magnitude and utility, has been com¬ pleted. The annual range of the Ohio, from low to high water, is about 50 feet; the extreme range is 10 feet more. When lowest it may be forded at several places above Cin¬ cinnati. Throughout the year it is subject to sudden and very considerable elevations and depressions. Generally, the navigation is obstructed by floating ice for five or six weeks in winter. When the river is at its mean height, its current is about 3 miles an hour ; when higher and rising it is more ; and when very low it does not exceed 2 miles an hour. The Ohio and all its tributaries cannot, it is believed, have less than 5000 miles of waters navigable for boats ; and taking all circumstances into account, few rivers in the world can vie with it, either in utility or beauty. From its very com¬ mencement it affords most delightful prospects. Rivers of a romantic and beautiful character flow into it almost at equal distances, like lateral canals. The aspect of the country on the banks has much grandeur, softness, and variety. Of the rivers and creeks which join it, the follow¬ ing are all navigable by steamboats for considerable dis¬ tances, viz., the Muskingum, Great Kanawha, Big Sandy, Scioto, Miami, Kentucky, Green, Wabash, Cumberland, and Tennessee. The last is by far the largest and most important tributary of the Ohio, watering considerable por¬ tions of Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Of creeks and smaller rivers there are probably nearly two hundred which enter the Ohio ; but a list of them would only be a dry catalogue of uncouth names. The area watered by the Ohio and its affluents is estimated at 200,000 square miles. OHLAU, or Olau, a town of Prussia, province of Si¬ lesia, government of Breslau, on the right bank of the Ohlau and left of the Oder, 18 miles S.E. of Breslau. It has a large castle, several churches, an orphan hospital, and a poor-house. There are extensive tobacco manufactories and a flour-mill, besides breweries, distilleries, &c. Pop. 6079. OHRDIIUF, a town of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, in the principality of Gotha, on the Ohra, 8 miles S. of Gotha. It has a castle, a newly-erected town-hall, and several churches and schools. Manufactures of woollen cloth, porcelain, or¬ gans, &c., are carried on here ; and there are also numerous mills and bleach-works. The trade is considerable in wool, coals, &c. Pop. 4559. OICIT, Loch, a lake of Scotland, county of Inverness, between Loch Ness and Loch Lochy. It is about 4 miles in length by 1^- in breadth ; it receives the Glengarry River, and discharges its waters by the Oich into Loch Ness. Phis loch is connected by the Caledonian Canal with Loch Ness and Loch Lochy. OILS. Under this head is ranged a group of organic compounds of great interest, both on account of their great economic value, and from the fact that they occur abundantly both in animals and plants. They consist chiefly of carbon and hydrogen, but more or less of oxygen is generally associated with them, and causes considerable O I L variation in their qualities. They are either solid or liquid, Oils, and in the former condition are more frequently termed/ate, These flits are more abundant in the animal than in the vege¬ table kingdom. Oils, whether liquid or solid, usually consist of three other substances, two of which, stearine (ariap, suet), and margarine (gapyapov, a pearl), are solid ; and the other, elaine or oleine, is liquid at ordinary temperatures. They are all from 6° to 9° lighter than water, and their liquid or solid condition depends upon the proportion in which their component parts are mixed. Thus, in the fats the oleine exists in small quantity, and in the liquid oils it is the chief constituent. A certain degree of heat is necessary to the mixture, for at low temperatures there is a tendency to separation : the stearine and margarine are precipitated and solidified, and, if pressed, can be entirely freed from the oleine. Both oils and fats, when boiled with water and al¬ kali, undergo the peculiar process of saponification, or, in other words, solidify, and become converted into soap; during this process a liquid of a sweet taste, called glycerine, is given off. (See Glycerine). Glycerine exists in oil and fats as a base to which stearic, margaric, and oleic acids are united, forming stearine, margarine, and oleine. The principal uses to which oils and fats are applied are soap-making, illumination by candles or oil, lubricating machinery, and dressing cloth. They are easily separated by moderate pressure from the animal or vegetable tissues which contain them, but are not usually pure until they are rendered so by clarifying. Of the animal oils, those are chiefly solid which are Fised and yielded by the mammals and birds; whilst those derived volal'le from reptiles and fishes are for the most part liquid at the 0lls• ordinary temperature. The true oils and fats are unchanged when heated even to a temperature above 400°; but there is another group of compound substances, termed essential oils, yielded bv the vegetable kingdom, which are volatile at ordinary temperatures; hence the term fixed oils \s often applied to the former, and volatile oils to the latter. The volatility of the essential oils renders distillation a ready means of procuring many of them. They resemble the fixed oils in many respects, but differ materially in others ; for instance, they do not undergo saponification when treated with alkalies; like them, however, they often separate at low temperatures into solid and liquid portions,—the former called stearopten, the latter elceopten. They are very slightly soluble in water, and they differ materially in the sensation they produce on the skin. Instead of the smooth soft feel of the true oils, they are harsh and rough to the touch. The essential oils are mostly pure hydro-carbons, but many are capable of absorbing oxygen when exposed to the air, which darkens their colour, and renders them resinous in appearance, a result which may be seen gene¬ rally around the mouths of bottles in which they are kept. Some are obtained already oxidized, and some are found to contain sulphur: hence they have been classified as pure hydro-carbons, when free from oxygen; oxidized essences, when obtained in combination with oxygen; and sulphu¬ retted essences, when combined with sulphur. The com¬ binations which the essential oils enter into render them peculiarly interesting to the student in organic chemistry. They appear to be the cause of all the more remarkable odours and flavours which characterize plants; and as they can generally be separated easily, they are very valuable in an economic point of view, affording us the means of con¬ centrating and retaining the perfumes of the most evanes¬ cent flowers, and in the same way of preserving the most pungent and delicate flavours. Essential oils are in some instances procured by simple pressure, as those from the rind of the orange tribe; others are distilled with water, and float upon the condensed water in the receiver. Some, however, are so easily destroyed by these processes, that they can only be obtained by the power OILS. 493 Rock oil. Sources of oils. Animal oils. which the fixed oils have of absorbing them. Thus, essence of jessamine is obtained by placing layers of the freshly- gathered flowers between layers of cotton-wool saturated with the fixed oil of almonds or of poppy seed, both of which are themselves odourless. They, however, soon ab¬ sorb the essential oil naturally emitted from the flowers, and become highly perfumed. Fresh layers of flowers are sup¬ plied until the fixed oil is saturated, when it is pressed out from the cotton-wool. . . .. , Besides the fixed oils and fats, and the essential oils, there is a mineral product called rock oil; it is not, however, properly speaking, an oil, but is a variety of petroleum, which exists abundantly in some bituminous shales. Works have been established in Dorsetshire and other parts of the kingdom for obtaining this material, but without much success. Large quantities are, however, brought from Ban- goon, in the Burmese empire, chiefly to Liverpool, where nearly700 tons weight were imported in 1857- Works exist at St Helen’s, near Liverpool, and other places, where from this material, which is of a dark greenish-brown colour, and nearly the consistency of butter, a light amber-co¬ loured oil-like liquid is obtained, said to be very useful as a lubricant for machinery. A considerable proportion of paraffine is obtained from it, and it yields a very volatile naphtha. In enumerating the oils, those produced from the animal kingdom will be first mentioned, and in the order of zoological classification ; then the fixed vegetable oils; and finally the three classes of essential oils. Of the twelve orders into which naturalists divide the mammalia, only four comprise animals which yield oils of economic value. These orders are Carnivora, Cetacea, Ruminantia, and Pachydermata. Of the carnivorous animals yielding oleaginous products, we have first the bear. The black bear (TJrsus Americanus, Gmelin), a native of North America, yields an abundance of grease or soft fat; which is collected by the hunters who pursue the animal for its skin and hams, and is occasionally imported into this country, not, as some may suppose, to be used by the hair-dressers and perfumers for pomades,but for the more useful manufacture of candles, &c. But the principal oil-producing carnivora are the seals, several species of which are killed on purpose. The quantity of seal oil imported is very great. Most of it comes from Newfoundland. The species which chiefly yield it are Callocephalus Grcenlandicus, Callocephalus vitu- linus, Pkoca barbata, and Arctocephalus Falklandicus. The part which yields the oil in these animals is the blubber, a peculiar layer of oil-cells which lies immediately under the skin of the animal, and in fact constitutes a portion of the skin itself. Seal oil is liquid, and, when pure, of a pale straw- colour. The first drawings from the blubber give the purest oil, which is obtained without pressure ; but the succeeding drawings from the blubber-cask are more or less deeply coloured brown by the decomposition of the oil-cells. The Cetacea are remarkable for the extent of this, peculiar skin-development called blubber, which in some species is one or two feet in thickness. This is not, however, the only source of the whale oil; for in the great-headed cachalot or sperma¬ ceti whale {Catodon macrocephalus, Cuv.), the gigantic head, which nearly equals the body in bulk, has an enormous receptacle on the upper part of the skull, from which oil is obtained. This receptacle consists of a dense bag, divided into numerous.large cells or compartments, in which the oil exists in a semi-fluid state, owing to the large quantity of stearine or spermaceti which it contains, and which can easily be separated from it by simple draining or slight pressure. The quantity ot oil yielded by some of the larger whales, especially the cachalots, ’is enormous, but is often erroneously stated, owing to a mis¬ understanding of the fact that quantity in liquid oils is cal¬ culated by the tun measure, and not by the ton wreight, as with solid oils or fats. A cachalot commonly yields 20 tuns, or 5040 gallons ; and single whales have been known to yield 30 tuns (7560 gallons). The following oils derived from the whale tribe are known in commerce :—Sperm Oil, and its stearine, Spermaceti, from the cachalot ; Train or Common Whale Oil, from the Right Whale (Balcena mystiedus) and other species ; Pot-head Oil, from both Olobicephalus deductor and Clobi- Oils. cephalus Swineval; and Porpoise Oil, from Phoccena com- v lT- munis. These oils are usually imported as train or sperm oils ; but the brokers are well skilled in distinguishing them. Of the ruminating animals, we have only two species which yield oleaginous products; but they are unequalled in value by any others. They are the ox (Bos taurus, Linn.), and the sheep (Ovis ammon, Linn.) The fat of both these animals melted down constitutes the tallow of commerce. They are so generally mixed together that there is no possibility of ascertaining the exact amount yielded by.each. We.receive our largest supply from Russia; but we import considerable quantities from Denmark, Prussia, the Hanse Towns, Holland, Turkey, South America (particularly Buenos Ayres and Monte Video), the Cape of Good Hope, the East Indies, Australia, &c. That imported from the ports of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres is chiefly, if not altogether, ox tallow ; whilst that from Australia is principally from the sheep. Besides the enormous quantity imported, we have to take into consideration that which is produced in Great Britain, which has been computed to be equal to the amount imported. From, the bones of the feet of oxen a valuable oil is obtained. It contains comparatively little of the harder portion, (stearine), and is in a fit state to be used for machinery. It is procured by boiling the bones, and skimming off the fatty oil as it rises to the surface of the water. It is called neats-foot oil; and from the fact that it remains liquid at a temperature below oJ , and is not liable to rancidity, it is peculiarly well adapted for turret clocks and other machinery much exposed to cold. The supply from such a source is necessarily limited. Of the Pachydermata only two yield oily products of any commercial importance. The first of these in point of value is the common hog (Sus scrofa, Linn.), the fat of which, under the name of lard, is very extensively used. Considerable quantities are consumed in articles of food. Most of the oint¬ ments of the pharmaceutist have lard for their base ; and.when too rancid for these purposes, it is used for greasing machinery, especially the axles of railway carriages. In the United States the production of lard is immense ; and its stearine, which is easily separable from the elain, is extensively used in the manufacture of candles. The liquid stearine, under the name of lard oil, is used for the finer parts of machinery, and for that purpose is extensively imported into this country from Europe and America. The fat of the horse does not, when melted, possess the same firm consistency as that of the ox, sheep, and swine. The proportion of stearine in it being comparatively small, it is only within the last eight years that it has attracted any attention ; but now it constitutes an important article of trade with Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, whence it is im¬ ported under the names of horse or mare’s grease.. The latter name is, however, more generally applied. From its liquidity, it is extremely penetrating ; hence the ordinary packages for grease and tallow were found to be insufficient, as the casks were frequently half empty on their arrival. This checked its introduction for some time ; but it is now put into square boxes lined with tin, and arrives without loss. It is found to answer very well as a lubricant for machinery. From the classes comprising the birds and the reptiles (Aves and Reptilia) neither oils nor fats of any importance are ob¬ tained, although the domesticated birds sometimes produce it in abundance. That of the goose, under the name of goose- grease, is occasionally heard of as a useful domestic remedy for various ailments. The class of fishes (Pisces) is a considerable source of oil, always of a clear liquid quality. It is nearly all yielded by one species, the common cod-fish (Gadus Morrhua, Linn.). The Cod Oil, and the Cod-liver Oil of commerce, are both ob¬ tained from the liver of the fish ; the latter, which is now so extensively used medicinally, being only prepared with a little more care. Its principal value as a remedial agent appears to depend upon its nutritive qualities, and the digestive powers of a portion of pepsin, or biliary matter, which is always pre¬ sent, and which may be detected by the application of a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid, wffien, if the oil be really cod- liver oil, a beautiful purple colour will be immediatelyproduced. The number of cod-fish captured is incalculable. The cod- fishers, in opening the fishes to salt and dry them, carefully preserve the livers, for which an extra boat is usually in at- 494 OILS. Oils- tendance ; these are taken on shore, and piled up in immense masses exposed to the sun. The heat soon makes the oil run from the livers in considerable abundance, and for a short time it is very clear, and of a light straw colour,'—'this is the first quality, and is kept by itself. As the livers begin to decom¬ pose, however, they give a darker colour to the oil, and several qualities are obtained, the last of which is thick, turbid, and extremely otfensive to the smell, and is known under the name of cod-pitchings. A small quantity of oil made from the com¬ mon herring {Clupea harengus, Linn.) is imported from time to time from North America; but its strong and unpleasant odour prevents it from being much used. Vegetable The vegetable sources of oils are very numerous, and some oils. are of great importance. Fixed Vegetable Oils.—Of these the most important is Olive Oil, procured from the ripe fruit of the olive (Olea Europwa, Linn.), which is cultivated for this purpose through all the countries of Southern Europe and Northern Africa. Its native country is Asia. On Lebanon and the Mount of Olives, and in the neighbourhood of Aleppo, the olive tree still grows wild. Its general diffusion through the countries suit¬ able to its growth is no doubt attributable to the Romans, al¬ though the Carthaginians and others had previously procured and cultivated it. Pliny says (book xv., Bohn’s edition), “ Fenestella tells us that in the year of Rome 173, being the reign of Tarquinius Priscus, it did not exist in Italy, Spain, or Africa; whereas at the present day it has crossed the Alps even, and has been introduced into the provinces of Gaul and the middle of Spain. In the year of Rome 505, Appius Clau¬ dius, grandson of Appius Claudius Caecus, and L. Junius, be¬ ing consuls, 12 pounds of oil sold for an as; and at a later period, in the year 680, M. Seius, son of Lucius the curule sedile, regulated the price of oil at Rome, at the rate of 10 pounds for the as, for the whole year. A person will be the less surprised at this, when he learns that twenty-two years after, in the third consulship of Cn. Pompeius, Italy was able to export oil to the provinces.” Its value has never decreased; and, next to corn, olive oil is still perhaps the greatest neces¬ sity of the nations of Southern Europe. It has been described as the cream and butter of Spain and Italy; and the quantity consumed in those countries as food, entering into their cookery in every imaginable way, is immense. There are several varieties in cultivation, which vary much in quality. That which yields the sweet Italian and French salad oils is the var. /3. longifolia, Aiton. Its fruit, when pickled unripe, is also most highly prized. The inferior oils of Spain are made from the large olive, var. o. latifolia, Aiton. In Italy and France the oil is obtained by crushing the fruit in mills,—the 'grind¬ ing stones of which are so set that they will thoroughly crush the pulpy part of the fruit without breaking the stone or kernel in the centre. The fruit, which is gathered for the purpose when very ripe, is not unlike a small damson in shape and colour, and the stone in the centre is very hard. After crush¬ ing in the mill, the pulp is put in bags made of rushes and slightly pressed, when the fine or virgin oil flows out abund¬ antly. Afterwards the cake or marc is again broken up, mixed with water, and returned to the press, and an oil of an inferior quality is obtained. The cake or marc is once more broken up and mixed with water, after which it is placed in vats to ferment, and then again pressed. The result is an oil of a very inferior sort, only useful to the soap-makers. The oil of the olive is liquid at the ordinary temperature, but becomes solid a few degrees below 32°. In Spain the process is less carefully conducted. Instead of being gathered by hand, the olives are beaten from the trees, and are consequently much mixed—ripe, unripe, and decayed. They are left in large heaps on the ground to ferment, which partly breaks up the oil cells; they are then ground and pressed, and yield a very inferior oil. The finest virgin oil for table use is imported from Leg¬ horn and from France. The common oil is chiefly used in England for dressing woollen cloths, for which purpose vast quantities are required in Yorkshire, the west of England, and other cloth districts. On the Continent it is also employed in making soap. In 1856 the imports were as followsFrom France, 358 tuns; Portugal, 3175 tuns; Spain, 2,301 tuns; Sardinia, 907 tuns; Tuscany, 1,973 tuns ; Two Sicilies, 6,093 tuns; Turkey, 491 tuns; Morocco, 2579 tuns; Malta, 360 tuns ; Ionian Islands, 2900 tuns; other parts, 278 tuns ; in all, 21,415 tuns, or 5,395,580 gallons, valued at L.1,124,755. Palm Oil is obtained from the fruit of the oil palm (Elceis Guineensis, Linn.), a native of Western Africa, by crushing the thin fleshy covering which surrounds the hard stone or seed, and by pouring boiling water upon the pulp, upon which the oil floats and is skimmed otf. In this process, however, much of the colouring matter of the drupe, which is a fine orange-yellow, is retained, which, besides its colour, imparts to the oil a sweet violet-odour. Palm oil, when imported, is of the consistence of butter. Vessels arrive entirely laden with it. It is put in casks of various sizes, but usually very large, and made to suit the stowage of the vessels. Spirits, tobacco, cutlery, cloths, beads, cowries, arms, gunpowder, and other articles, are given in barter to the natives in exchange for the oil. This trade has now obtained an immense importance, owing to the valuable discoveries by which the oil can be de¬ prived of its colour, and a solid part, called palmitic acid, con¬ verted into candles of a very superior quality. The addition of sulphuric acid entirely carbonizes the yellow vegetable colouring matter. It is then submitted to the action of steam, at a temperature of 612°, in a still of peculiar construction, which carries over the particles of oil with the steam, leaving behind the charcoal or carbonized vegetable matter. Previous to the distillation, however, lime is added to neutralize the acid, and that also remains behind. The material which conies over runs from the still as a clear colourless oil, which upon cooling has the colour and consistency of lard in cold weather. This is cast into square cakes about 14- inch in. thickness, and 18 inches square. The cakes are placed between mats made of coir, or cocoa-nut fibre, and submitted to the action of powerful hydrau¬ lic presses, which force out the elain, a liquid about the colour and consistency of linseed oil. The mats are then taken from the press, and the cakes, which are now much harder, are re¬ melted and made into candles. Nothing can give a better idea of the extent to which this manufacture is carried on than the fact, that Messrs Price and Co., at their works in Lon¬ don, and at Bromboro’ Pool, Cheshire, are now making 150 tons of these candles per week, and give employment to upwards of 2000 persons. Great quantities are also consumed in the manufacture of soap. When it is remembered that each drupe will only yield about iVth part of an ounce in weight, and that each palm only produces three or four pounds at one crop, the number of palms in the forests of Western Africa must be immense, and the industry called into action by this want of civilized man must exert a most beneficial influence over the destinies of the African races. The drupes are borne in im¬ mense clusters, each surrounded by sharp bracts, and they greatly resemble gigantic pine-apples both in shape and colour. Cocoa-nut Oil is produced from the white kernel which lines the shell of the large cocoa-nut (Cocos mia/era, Linn., Nat. Ord. Pahnacece). This kernel is ground in mills in Ceylon, where it is largely cultivated for its oil; and when ground, the mass, called copper ah, is submitted to considerable pressure. The oil runs at first limpid and liquid, but it afterwards becomes white and solid. It is largely used in making soap, and also in making candles; for the latter purpose the stearine only is used. The oleine, both of cocoa oil and palm oil, is used for lubricating machinery. It is nearly all obtained from Ceylon, whence it is exported chiefly to this country in large casks and iron tanks. Linseed Oil is pressed from the seed of the flax plant {Linum usitatissimum, Linn., Nat. Ord. Linacece). It is not imported very largely, being chiefly manufactured in this country from home-grown or imported seed. The seed is first ground in mills, and afterwards submitted to enormous hydrau¬ lic pressure. The oil yielded is of a dark brown colour, and is one of the best drying oils. It is therefore of great value to painters, who use this oil almost exclusively in mixing their paints. Linseed is imported in very large quantities from the East Indies, Russia, Germany, Holland, America, and other places. The total quantity received in 1856 was 1,180,180 quarters, valued at L.3,195,634. This does not represent the value of the oil, for the cake or marc, which remains after the oil is expressed, is of considerable value for feeding cattle. Seed Oil is a name applied to the expressed oil of the physic-nut (Jatropha curcas, Linn., Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacece). Within the last six years this oil has been brought into notice as a substitute for the dearer olive oil in dressing woollen fabrics. It has highly purgative properties; and the seeds imported, under the name of croton nuts, produced serious results OILS. 495 when first landed on the Liverpool quays; the tempting name induced many to eat their blandly flavoured white kernels, and the consequences were nearly fatal to some. 1 he oil, too, at first produced disagreeable effects amongst the workmen, "who have a habit of tasting with their fingers the various oils they use. This evil, however, soon cured itself, and the oil is now largely used. It is chiefly imported into Liverpool from Lisbon, but the Portuguese manufacturers obtain the seeds from the Cape de Verde Islands. There is no doubt that vast quantities might be obtained from the "West Indies, where the plant is indigenous. It is cultivated in the East Indies, and its oil is called Bhoga Bhirindi til. The imports have reached nearly 400 tuns per annum; but owing to the indefinite name given to it, this oil is confounded with others, and the exact quantity cannot be ascertained. The importers also have some interest in suppressing information respecting its source and true character. It is a good drying oil, and would probably, if boiled, be equal to linseed oil for painters’ purposes. Sessamum or Gingely Oil is made from the seed of Sessa- mum orientale, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Pedaliacece). This seed is grown extensively all through India, where its oil is known under various names, as Tillee Oil, Manchy noona:, Til he tel, nullenai, tamool, &c. The seed is small, not much unlike the flax seed in shape: the colour usually a light drab—but there are dark-coloured varieties. The oil is bland and sweet, and useful for all purposes to which the common kinds of olive oil can be applied. In 1856, 5269 quarters of this seed were imported for expressing the oil; and of the oil itself in 1857, 42,136 gallons, or nearly 166 tuns. The marc or oil-cake is much relished by cattle, and is very nutritious. Niger-seed Oil is expressed from the seeds of Verhesina sativa. H. K., or Guizotia oleifera, Cassini (Nat. Ord. Com- positce), another East Indian seed, also extensively used in that country under the names of Ram til, Valisaloo Oil, Valisaloo noonce, &c. The seed only is imported here. It is black and shining, resembling in shape the common sun¬ flower seed, but is scarcely larger than a caraway seed. The oil is as sweet and liquid as that of the olive, and answers the same purposes. About 700 quarters were imported in 1857. Safflower-seed Oil is expressed from the seeds of the safflower plant (Carihamus tinctorius, Nat. Ord. Compositce), also a native of India, where it is very extensively cultivated, both for its flowers and seed. The latter are of the same shape and size as those of the sunflower, but are white instead of black. They yield a large quantity of a fine clear oil, of a peculiar golden-yellow colour. It has good drying properties, and burns well, but has a peculiar and not very agreeable odour. There is good reason for believing that this oil, known in India under the name of Koosum Oil, is the celebrated Macassar oil of the Malays, and, in all probability, of our own perfumers. It has certainly a specific effect upon the growth of the hair. The oil is not often imported, but a large quantity of the seed now finds its way annually to this country ; but as the official designation of “ seed unenumerated” is applied to this and many others in the returns, the exact quantity cannot be ascertained. Between 300 and 400 quarters were imported in 1857 into the port of Liverpool, and probably a much larger quantity into London. Rape Oil is expressed from the seeds of Brassica rapa, and its variety B. oleifera, De Cand. (Nat. Ord. Cruciferce), a common European weed, which is, however, largely cultivated for its seed. It yields a yellowish-brown oil in considerable abundance, valuable for burning and other purposes. Several other cruciferous plants, yielding a similar oil, are also largely imported under the same name, and are consequently con¬ founded with it. Thus we have immense quantities of the seed of Sinapis toria, S. glauca, S. nigra, sent from India under the name of rape-seed, and the colsa or colza seed (Brassica campestris, var. a oleifera, De Cand.) is imported from Holland and Germany, and finds its way into our markets under the same designation. The quantity of seed imported as rape in 1856 was as follows:—From Russia, 2556 qrs.; Denmark, 4402 qrs.; Germany, 2267 qrs.; Holland, 1850qrs.; British East Indies, 251,890 qrs.; other parts, 1955 qrs.;— or 264,920 quarters in all, in which probably not more than 8000 quarters are genuine rape-seed. Besides the seed, a con¬ siderable quantity of the oil was imported from the continent of Europe. Ground-nut Oil is yielded by the seeds of Arachis hypo- gcea^irm. Ovd. Leguminosai). The seeds are about the Oils, size of a small horse-bean, generally two in a pod. They are ^ nl- ,, much used, when roasted, as food both in South America (its native country), and also in Africa, India, and China, in which countries it is” now naturalized and grown to a great extent. The oil is thin and limpid, burns well, and is a good substitute for olive oil, both for the table and other purposes, as it is remarkably free from rancidity. It is almost pure elain, and has accordingly been recommended for watch and clock-work, and other delicate machinery. The quantity of the seeds im¬ ported in 1857 was about 2500 tons. Some small lots of the oil have also been imported, but the exact quantity cannot be ascertained. It is known in India under the name of Katchung Oil. Castor Oil is expressed either with or without heat from the seeds of the palma-christi plant (Ricinus communis, Linn., Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacece), a native of the East Indies, where it is known under many names. In Tanjore the native name of that which is obtained by putting the crushed seeds into hot water is Adivia aumedum. It is used for burning in lamps. That which is expressed without heat, and is consequently known here as cold-drawn, is there called Arandee ha tel. Only the cold-drawn is sent to this country, and it is nearly all used for medicinal purposes, in consequence of its valuable aperient qualities. It is now disseminated pretty generally through all tropical and subtropical countries. About 1200 quar¬ ters of the seed were imported in 1857, besides large quantities of the oil. Another seed is imported for the purgative oil which it yields, but the quantity is very small. It is the fruit of Groton Tiglium, Lam. (Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacece), also a native of India ; the oil is never used except for medicinal purposes. The seeds of Jatropha curcas, before-mentioned, are often imported as croton seeds, but not more than a few bushels of the real croton seeds are annually brought to this country. Poppy-seed Oil, obtained from the seed of the white poppy (Papaver somniferum, Linn., Nat. Ord. Papaveracece), is most likely of Asiatic origin. It is cultivated chiefly for its narcotic juice (opium), but the value of its seed for oil purposes is rapidly increasing; and the fact that it is easily cultivated in France and other temperate parts of Europe, adds much to its interest. Thousands of acres of land in France alone are now annually covered with crops of the white poppy, grown only for its seed, which yields a sweet limpid oil, esteemed by many as preferable for most purposes to that of the olive, especially as a salad oil. The impression which long pre¬ vailed, that the seed of a plant producing so poisonous a juice as that of the poppy could not be otherwise than injurious, actually led to legislative enactments against its introduction into France in former times. But, like those in our own country against logwood, they have long since passed away, and poppy oil and logwood are now amongst the most useful of our commercial materials. In 1856, 24,121 qrs. of this seed were imported, of which no less than 24,073 qrs. were from British India. The oil has not been imported, unless in very small quantities, from France. Almond Oil is expressed from the kernel of the common almond (Amygdalus communis, Linn.) The value of the sweet varieties for other purposes causes the small bitter almond to be generally used for expressing this oil, especially as the essential oil can afterwards be distilled from the marc. The fixed oil of almonds is chiefly manufactured in France; it is much used by perfumers, as it is very nearly inodorous, and will consequently receive the most delicate perfumes. It is an expensive oil, as it requires 1 cwd. of almonds to obtain 50 lbs. of oil. It is of a light yellow colour, and contains very little stearine, only about 24 per cent. It is often adulterated with the oil of Guizotia oleifera. Besides its chief use by the perfumers, it is also, to a small extent, used in the operations of pharmacy. The imports are small, and published returns contain both the fixed and volatile oils, consequently the exact quantity of each cannot be ascertained. Most of that used in Great Britain is home manufactured. Amongst the less known oils and vegetable fats are the Madia Oil, yielded by the seed of Madia sativa, Molina (Nat. Ord. Compositce), a native of Chili, and cultivated in Italy for the sake of its oil, which is limpid and sweet. Gold of Pleasure Oil, from the seed of Camelina sativa, Granby (Nat. Ord. Cru¬ ciferce), a native of the continent of Europe. It does not succeed well in England, but the oil is used for many purposes 496 Oils. Essential oils. OILS. on the Continent, being even employed in culinary prepara¬ tions. Oil of Mexican poppyseed (Argemone Mexicana, Linn., Nat. Ord. Papaveracece) is a drying oil, and is used in Mexico, its native country, for polishing wood. It is also employed for various useful purposes in the East and West Indies, where it is now cultivated. Indian Almond Oil, a sweet limpid oil, is obtained from the kernels of Ter- minalia catappa, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Gombretacece)- I his tree is a native of India, and is now cultivated in the West Indies. The kernel is not very large, but closely resembles the almond in flavour. The oil has not yet been imported. Walnut Oil, expressed from the kernel of the common walnut (Juglans regia, Linn., Nat. Ord. Juglandacew), is extensively manu¬ factured in Circassia, where the tree is very’ abundant. It is used by the natives for almost every purpose to which oil is applied, but it is not exported. The following liquid oils were exhibited in the Indian col¬ lection at the Exhibition of 1851, but no information given as to their uses or commercial value. Gheeronjee Oil, from the seeds of Suchanania latifolia, Roxb. (Is at. Ord. Anacar- diaccal). Valuse mine, from the seeds of Guizotia abyssinica (Nat. Ord. Gompositce). Poonseed Oil, expressed from the nuts of an unknown species of Calophyllum (Nat. Ord. Glu- nacece). Oondee Oil, from the nuts of Calophyllum inophyl- lum. Caju-apple Oil, from the cashew-nut, Anacardium occidentale, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Anacardiacea). Neem Oil, ob¬ tained from the pulp of the margosa-berries, or fruit of Melia azadirachta, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Meliaceaa). Kurrunj Oil, ex¬ pressed from the nut of Pongamia glabra, Nentenat (Nat. Ord. Leguminosce). Its chief value is in veterinary medicine. Country Walnut Oil, from the kernels of Aleurites triloba, Forst. (Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacecc). Country Walnut Oil, from the seeds of liergera Konigii, Roxb. (Nat. Ord. Aurantiacece). Hingun or Hingota Oil, from the seeds of Balanites AEgyp- tiac'a, Delile (Nat. Ord. Amyridacece). Oil of Ben, from the seeds of Moringa pterygosperma, D. C. (Nat. Ord. Morin- gacece). Mooneela Grain Oil, from the grain of Dolichos bijlorus, Linn. (Nat. Ord. Leguminosce). Solid Oils, or Vegetable Tallows.—KoTcum or Cohum Oil, made from the fruit of Garcinia purpurea (Nat. Ord. Clusia- cece), is now frequently imported from India, usually in large candle-shaped rolls about eighteen inches in length, and from one to three inches in diameter. This oil has a sweet balsamic smell, and is said to be wholly used by the candle-makers for their best kind of candles. Muohwa Oil, or Bassia Butter, is made from the large seeds of Bassia latifolia and Bassia longifolia (Nat. Ord. Sapo- tacece). This material, which is rather softer than butter, and of a yellow colour, is used in India for food, burning in lamps, and making soap. It was first imported into England during 1857. The quantity, however, was very small. Chinese Vegetable Tallow, obtained from the seeds of Btil- lingia sebifera (Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacece), by placing them in boiling water, is white, and harder than common tallow. In China it is used for making candles, and in this country it has been employed to give firmness to softer fats, but the quantity sent is very small and uncertain. Essential Oils or Essences.—These are all of vegetable origin, usually of a pale yellow colour ; lighter than water, and nearly all liquid at the ordinary temperature. They appear to constitute the odorous and sapid principles of plants. They are slightly soluble in water, perfectly so in alcohol or ether; and they evaporate so readily that their adulteration by any of the fixed oils may be readily detected by a drop of the oil being applied to white paper. The greasy spot will entirely disappear if held before the fire, provided the essential oil be unmixed; but if a fixed oil has been added, the greasy stain will remain. They are obtained chiefly by distillation from various parts of plants, as the wood, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Some, however, are obtained by expression and other means. The essential oils or essences, as they are frequently called, are arranged by chemists under the three following divisions:— 1st. Pure Hydrocarbons, the principal of which are :—Oil of Turpentine, yielded by several trees of the Nat. Ord. Coniferce, the principal of which are Finns tceda, Linn., Finns palus- tris, H. K., and Abies excelsa, Poir. It is obtained by making holes in the base of the stem, from which a very large quantity of the fluid substance called turpentine flows and is collected in casks. This is of a light yellow colour, and oils of the consistency of thin honey; but soon gets hard, by i __ the evaporation of its essential oil. Turpentine, when dis- ^ tilled, yields about 25 per cent, of a thin, colourless essential oil, known as spirit or oil of turpentine, which is chiefly manu¬ factured in this country from turpentine imported from the United States ; but a considerable quantity is also sent from America. Oil of Orange Peel, from the yellow part ( flavedo) of the rind, is imported from Sicily, and is used in perfumery. Oil of Orange Flowers, or Oil of Neroli, from the petals of the flowers,is used in perfumery, and is imported from Italy. Oil of Orange Leaves, or Oil of Petit-grain, from the leaves and the immature fruit which falls otf soon after the flowers, is used in perfumery. It is imported from Italy and France. Oil of Lemon, from the yellow portion (flavedo) of the peel of the fruit, is used largely in perfumery ; and imported principally from Sicily. Oil of Bergamotte, from the rind {flavedo) of the Bergamotte orange, is used in perfumery, and is imported from Sicily. Oil of Cloves, from the spice called cloves, is used in confectionary and perfumery; andischieflydistilled inEngland. Oil of Pimento, from the spice called Jamaica pepper, allspice, or pimento, is used in perfumery and confectionary; it is chiefly made in England. Oil of Caraioay, from caraway seeds (the fruit of Carum Carui, L., Nat. Ord. Umbelliferce), is dis¬ tilled chiefly in this country for perfumery and confectionary. Oil of Camomile, from the dried flowers of the camomile {Anthemis nobilis, L., Nat. Ord. Composite), is prepared in England; it is used only in medicine. Oil of Juniper, from the berries of Juniperus communis, L., (Nat. Ord. Coniferce), usually imported from Holland, is used principally in veteri¬ nary medicine. Oil of Thyme, from the whole plant of Origanum vulgare, L. (Nat. Ord. Labiatce), is used in veterinary medicine; and is both made in England and im¬ ported from the continental ports. Oil of Peppermint, from the whole plant of Mentha piperita, L. (Nat. Ord. Labiatce), is used chiefly in confectionary. It is imported in considerable quantities from the United States and from the European ports ; but the best is that manufactured in England, at Mit¬ cham, in Surrey, where the cultivation of plants yielding essen¬ tial oils is extensively carried on ; and the distillation of the oils carried to so high a degree of perfection, that the prices realized are often nearly double that of the foreign ones. Attar, or Otto of Roses, is procured from the leaves of the rose {Rosa centifolia, L., Nat. Ord. Rosacea). This most delicate perfume is only made in India and Persia. The chief manufacture is at Ghazipore, on the Ganges, where thousands of acres of roses are cultivated. The petals of the flower are distilled with water, which comes over highly perfumed. This water is then set aside in basins, carefully covered over to prevent impurities being blown in ; and each morning the film of oil which has risen to the surface during the cool hours of night is carefully skimmed off with a feather, and placed in small glass bottles. When pure, it is extremely valuable; the present price in this country being about 80s. per ounce. It is too generally adulterated either with the odourless fixed oil of almonds orgingelly, or the sweet-scented oil of Andropogon calamus-aromaticus, a grass which yields an abundance of rose- scented essential oil. Sometimes it consists almost entirely of this sophistication ; but it is coarse and disagreeable to the prac¬ tised perfumer, and can easily be detected ; besides which, it remains liquid at the ordinary temperature, whereas pure otto of roses is solid at 83°F. The Persian is chiefly received from Turkey, and is generally considered the best. Oil of Birch is distilled in Russia from the bark of the common birch {Betula alba, L., Nat. Ord. Betulaccea). It has a sweet cedar-like odour, and is used in dressing Russia leather, to which it com¬ municates its peculiar smell. Lately small quantities have been imported for preparing leather in a similar manner. 2d. Oxidized Essential Oils.—Oil of Mint, distilled from the whole plant of common mint {Mentha sativa, L., Nat. Ord. Labiatce), is chiefly made in England ; and used only in pharmacy. Oil of Penny Royal, distilled from the whole plant oiMentha Pulegium, L. (Nat. Ord. Labiatce), is made in England for medicinal purposes. Oil of Cassia, distilled from the bark of Cinnamomum Cassia, Blume (Nat. Ord. Lau- racece), is manufactured in China, and imported in con¬ siderable quantities, usually in chests like those used for tea, each containing four tin canisters filled with the oil. It is used in perfumery. Oil of Cinnamon, distilled from cinnamon or O I s Oils the bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Nees (Nat. Ord. || Lauraccce), possesses, when pure, all the delicious flavour Oise. and pungency of the spice, and is used for similar purposes. Small quantities only are imported from Ceylon. It is fre¬ quently adulterated with oil of cassia. The essential Oil of Almonds is usually distilled from bitter almonds, although it can also be obtained from the sweet varieties quite as easily ; but for economy the cake of the former, from which the fixed oil has been expressed, is chosen. When first distilled, this oil contains hydrocyanic or prussic acid, and is consequently a dangerous poison ; but when purified by mixing with lime, and the proto-chloride of iron, and re-distilling, it becomes quite innocuous. Oil of Lavander, distilled from the flowers of Lavandula vera, De Cand. (Nat. Ord. Labiatce), is only used in perfumery. The best is made at Mitcham ; but con¬ siderable quantities are imported from France and Italy. An inferior kind is made from the flowers of L. spica, and is known in commerce as oil of spike. Oil of Rosemary, distilled from the leaves and flowers of Rosmarinus officinalis, L. (Nat. Ord. Labiatce). It resembles oil of lavander, and is chiefly O I s 497 made in England and France. Oil of Aniseed, is distilled both from the seeds of Pimpinella Anisum, L. (Nat. Ord. Um- belliferce); and from those of Illicium anisatum, L. (Nat. Ord. Magnoliacece). It is imported in the same manner as oil of cassia, in considerable quantities from China; and is used in medicine, perfumery, and the jnanufacture of liqueurs. The oils distilled from diflerent species of the genus Andro- pogon (Nat. Ord. Graminacece) are imported from Ceylon, and used in perfumery. Oil of Citronelle, from A. citratum, De Cand., has a lemon odour. Oil of Verbena, from A. Schce- nanthus, Linn., resembles the perfumed verbena (Aloysia citriodora). Oil of Rose-scented Geranium (from A. Cala¬ mus-aromaticus, Hoyle) is also produced abundantly in India, where the native medical practitioners use it as a rubefacient for rheumatism. It is also used in perfumery, and particu¬ larly to adulterate the otto of roses. 3d. Essential Oils containing Sulphur.—This division em¬ braces only a few chemical oils, such as oils of mustard, garlic, horse-radish, and some others of no general impor¬ tance. Oise. Imports and Exports of Oils in 1857, with the Current Prices and estimated Value (compiledfrom the Brokers' Circulars). Name of Oil. Animal Oils and Fats. Seal Whale or train, of various qualities. Sperm whale Tallow of Oxen and Sheep- British colonies Foreign countries Lard Lard oil Horse fat, called usually “mare’soil” Cod, or cod-liver, of all sorts Vegetable Oils and Fats. Olive Palm Cocoa-nut Sessamum, or gingelly Kape Castor Kokum oil Oil or spirit of turpentine Essential oils of all sorts....... Imports. 2,016,000 galls. 1,348,200 „ 1,360,800 „ 96,498 cwt. 919,811 „ 140,660 „ 114,984 galls. 12,360 cwt. 1,024,884 galls. 5,715,600 „ 873,000 cwt. 146,300 „ 42,136 galls. 1,131,480 „ 37,379 ,. 2,380 cwts. 71,584 „ 253,700 Exports. Average Price. Free. F ree. Free. Id. per cwt. Is. 6d. ,, Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Is. per lb. 27,216 galls. 227,000 „ 1,600 „ 116,300 cwt. 5,316 cwt. 654 galls. 270,600 galls. 555,158 „ 190,186 cwt. 1,274 „ L.O 0 0 3 6 per gall. 3 9 8 0 0 0 to L.2 15 0 per gall, f 2 10 0 to L.3 3 0 per cwt. 0 0 per gall. 14 0 j)er cwt. 4 0 per gall. 16,816 galls. 865 ,, Nil. 22,784 cwt. 97,000 lb. 0 4 0 „ 2 3 0 per cwt. 2 2 0 „ 0 3 6 per gall. 0 3 9 „ 0 12 0 „ 2 0 0 per cwt. 1 13 0 „ M O O tn Ti SO O Estimated value of Imports. L.352,800 252,787 544,320 2,926,275 22.997 20,962 204,973 1,143,120 1,882,950 307,236 7,374 212,152 224,027 4,760 120,797 152,034 (t. c. A.) OISE, a department of France, lying between N. Lat. 49. 4. and 49. 46.; E. Long. 1. 42. and 3. 8.; is bounded on the N. by Somme, E. by Aisne, S. by Seine-et-Marne and Seine-et-Oise, and W. by Eure and Seine Inferieure. Its form is nearly that of a parallelogram ; its length from E. to \\ . is 65 miles, average breadth about 40 miles ; area 2244 square miles. The surface is undulating, with a general slope to the S.W., except a narrow strip of land in the N. of the department, which slopes towards the N. A chain of hills traverses it near its northern boundary, and another runs parallel to the left bank of the Oise; but none of the elevations exceed 850 feet above the level of the sea. The principal river is the Oise, from which the department takes its name. It rises near Chimay, in the province of Hainault in Belgium, not far from the French frontier, and flows S.W. through the departments of Nord, Aisne, Oise, and Seine-et-Oise, until it joins the Seine about 12 miles below Paris. Its whole length is 137 miles ; and it is navigable as far as Chaunay 75 miles above its confluence with the Seine. It receives from the left the Serre, the Lette, the Aisne, and the Nonette; and from the right none but small streams, of which the most considerable is the The* rain. A small portion of the west of the department is VOL. XVI. watered by the Epte, a tributary of the Eure; and the S.E. corner is traversed by the Ourcq, which joins the Seine above Paris. The geological formation of the country is in general calcareous; and the soil in many parts fertile, consisting of a stiff clay; but in some places dry sandy tracts occur, which are entirely barren, or nearly so. Most of the land is well fitted for the cultivation of wheat or other kinds of corn; but the higher regions are chiefly used for pasture; and a great part of the country is covered W'ith wood. The climate is not insalubrious, but rather moist, especially during the long winters. The mineral productions are few and of little consequence, except lime¬ stone, which is extensively worked. Small quantities of iron of an indifferent quality are also found. The extent of arable land in the department is estimated at about 960,000 acres: of meadow land, 74,000 acres; of vineyards, 6000 acres ; of wood, 200,000 acres ; of waste land, 37,000 acres. Corn, pulse, potatoes, and beet-root are produced in sufficient abundance to form articles of export; and hemp, flax, fruits for cider, &c., are also raised. The wine produced in Oise is bad; and the number of vineyards is decreasing. Cattle and horses are reared in the department, but not to any great extent; and the greatest amount of attention is de- 3 b 49S Oka . II 0 Keeffe. OKA voted to the sheep, which are in general of an excellent breed. There are in Oise about 100,000 head of cattle, 60,000 horses, 600,000 sheep, 50,000 pigs, 1500 goats, 2500 mules, and 8000 asses. Manufactures of various kinds are carried on to a large extent. Among the most important is that of beet-root sugar; but there are also ma¬ nufactured broad cloth, bricks, tiles, pottery, porcelain, leather, cordage, paper, beer, glass, and other articles. The trade is considerable in the produce of the manufac¬ turing industry, and in grain, fruits, cider, and timber. The means of internal communication consist of the three rivers, Oise, Aisne, and Ourcq, navigable in this depart¬ ment for 82 miles ; two canals, 21 miles in length ; a rail¬ way traversing the department for 43 miles ; and numerous roads. Oise forms the diocese of the Bishop of Beauvais ; includes 4 courts of primary jurisdiction, 2 courts of com¬ merce, 3 communal colleges, and 841 primary schools. It returns three members to the legislative assembly. The capital is Beauvais, and the department is divided into four arrondissements as follows :— Cantons. Beauvais 12 Clermont 8 Compiegne ® Senlis ^ Total 35 Communes. 216 145 149 126 636 Pop. (1856). 128,721 89,413 95,002 82,949 396,085 OKA, a river of European Russia, rises in the govern¬ ment of Orel, and flows N.E. through those of Tula, Kaluga, Moscow, Riazan, Vladimir, and Nijni-Novgorod. After a course of about 600 miles, it falls into the Volga at the town of Nijni-Novgorod. It is navigable as far as Orel, and is of great commercial importance, as affording an easy means of communication for the produce of the different regions on its banks. The country that it waters is the most fertile portion of the Russian empire, and has an area of 127,000 square miles. It receives numerous tributaries ; of which the most important are the Upa, Jizdra, Nara, Moskva, Tzna, and Kliasma. OKAMANDAL, a small district of British India, in the presidency of Bombay, and province of Guzerat, form¬ ing the north-western portion of the peninsula of Katty- war. It is separated from the mainland by a runn or salt marsh, extending from the Gultof Cutch, in a S.W. direc¬ tion to Mudhe, where it is separated from the sea by a narrow sand-bank, which is altogether covered during high tides. The area of the district is estimated at 334 square miles; and the length of the coast-line is about 75 miles. The north-western extremity forms a bold headland, which is indented on the N. side by the harbour of Beyt, pro¬ tected by an island of the same name at its mouth. This district, on account of its favourable situation for molesting the commercial navigation of the Indian Ocean, was for a long time a favourite haunt of pirates ; but their lawless depredations have been completely put down by the British government. The soil of Okamandal is quite barren ; and the only articles of commerce yielded by the district are the sankh or conch-shells, which were formerly used as war trumpets by the Rajpoots ; but their principal use is now by the Brahmins for religious purposes. The district con¬ tains 43 villages, and a population estimated at 12,590. O’KEEFFE, John, a popular dramatist, was born at Dublin in 1747. Though educated for a painter, he exhi¬ bited from an early age a decided passion for the drama. At the age of sixteen he had composed a play; at the age of eighteen he wrote a comedy, which was acted on the stage ; and shortly afterwards he became a member of the com¬ pany of the Smock-alley Theatre, Dublin. His active brain, however, did not find scope enough in the position of a mere player. While performing at the Irish capital, or strolling during the summer through the provinces, he pro- O K E duced several little pieces which met with success on the Oken. stage. At length, in 1778, his farce entitled Tony Lump- kin in Town, was played with applause at the Haymarket; and the career of a dramatist was opened up to O’Keeffe. Abandoning the profession of an actor, and settling in London in 1781, he commenced, amid an increasing attack of blindness, to support his family by his pen. Comedies and operatic farces followed each other in quick succession, and were variously brought out by Colman of the Hay- market, and Harris of Covent Garden. Their genial and vivacious sentiment, and broad and whimsical humour, atoned for their poverty of incident and want of individual cha¬ racters ; the great majority of them had a long run of suc¬ cess ; and many of them were acted over again at the com¬ mand of Royalty. It was about 1798 that O’Keeffe, then almost blind, ceased to have connection with the stage. The rest of his life was spent under pecuniary embarrassments. An edition of 21 of his plays, which was published in 1798, scarcely paid the expenses ; and a small annuity, which he bought in 1800, and two royal pensions, which were respec¬ tively conferred upon him in 1803 and 1826, afforded him but an inconsiderable pittance. His death took place at Southampton in 1833. O’Keeffe, during his long life, had produced no fewer than 68 plays. Of these, Wild Oats, The Agreeable Surprise, The Poor Soldier, The Highland Heel, and some others, still retain their footing on the stage. {Recollections of the Life of John O'Keeffe, written by him¬ self, in 2 vols. London, 1826.) OKEN, Lorenz. Under this name the great natu¬ ralist of the transcendental or deductive school is com¬ monly known; but his real name was “ Lorenz Ockenfuss,” under which he was baptized at Bohlsbach, Wiirtemberg, being born in that small Suabian village on the 1st of August 1779. As “ Ockenfuss ” he was entered at the natural history and medical classes in the university of Wurzburg; whence he proceeded to that of Gottingen, where he became a private teacher, and abridged his name to “ Oken.” As Lorenz Oken, he published, in 1802, his small work entitled Grundriss der Naturphilosophie, der Theorie der Sinne, und der darauf gegrundeten Classifica¬ tion der Thiere, 8vo. This is the first of the series of works which placed Oken at the head of the “ natur-philosophie ” or physio-philo¬ sophical school of Germany. In it he extended to physical science the philosophical principles which Kant had applied to mental and moral science. Oken had, however, in this application, been preceded by Fichte, who, acknowledging that the materials for a universal science had been dis¬ covered by Kant, declared that nothing more was needed than a systematic co-ordination of these materials ; and this task Fichte undertook in his famous Doctrine of Science (Wissenschafts-lehre), the aim of which was to construct a priori all knowledge. In this attempt, however, Fichte did little more than mdicate the path ; it was reserved for Schelling fairly to enter upon it, and for Oken, following him, to explore its mazes yet farther, and to produce a systematic plan of the country so surveyed. In the Grundriss der Naturphilosophie of 1802, Oken sketched the outlines of the scheme he afterwards devoted himself to perfect. The position advanced in that remark¬ able work, and to which he ever after professed himself to adhere, is this,—“ that the animal classes are virtually no¬ thing else than a representation of the sense-organs, and that they must be arranged in accordance with them. Agreeably with this idea, Oken contends that there are only five animal classes :—1. The Dermatozoa, or Inverte- brata ; 2. the Glossozoa, or Fishes, as being those animals in which a true tongue makes, for the first time, its appear¬ ance ; 3. the Rhinozoa, or Reptiles, wherein the nose opens for the first time into the mouth and inhales air; 4. the Otozoa, or Birds, in which the ear for the first time opens O K E N. Oken. externally; and 5. the Ophthalmozoa, or mammals, in ^ ^ / which all the organs of sense are present and complete, the eyes being movable and covered with two lids. In 1805 Oken made another characteristic advance in the application of the a priori principle, by a book On Generation {Die Zeugung, Frankf., 8vo), wherein he main¬ tained the proposition “ that all organic beings originate from, and consist of, vesicles ov cells. These vesicles, when singly detached and regarded in their original process of production, are the infusorial mass or protoplasma {ur- schleim), from whence all larger organisms fashion them¬ selves, or are evolved. Their production is therefore no¬ thing else than a regular agglomeration of infusoria; not, of course, of species already elaborated or perfect; but of mucous vesicles or points in general, which first form them¬ selves by their union or combination into particular species.” This doctrine is strikingly analogous to the generalized results of the ablest microscopical observations on the de¬ velopment of animal and vegetable tissues which have been prosecuted of late years. One year after the production of this remarkable treatise, Oken advanced another step in the development of his system; and in a volume published in 1806, in which Keiser assisted him, entitled, Beitrdgen zur Vergleichenden Zoologie, Anatomic, und Physiologic, he demonstrated that the intestines originate from the umbilical vesicle, and that this corresponds to the vitellus or yolk-bag. Caspar Frie¬ drich Wolff had previously proved this fact in the chick but he did not see its application as evidence of a general law. Oken showed the importance of the discovery as an illustration of his system. In the same work Oken de¬ scribed and re-called attention to the corpora Wolffiana, or “ primordial kidneys,” as they are now termed and re¬ cognised. At this period, the enlightened Duke of Weimar and the poet Goethe (who repaid the friendship of his prince by the reflection of his own undying renown), were bringing to perfection the plan of general education for the grand- duchy. The university of Jena, under these auspices, had been rapidly rising to pre-eminence; not through the wealth of its endowments or by any artificial excitement, but through the celebrity of the professors and members, whose noble aspirations were stimulated by the encouraging eye of the prince, and the observant care of his minister for educa¬ tion. Under these auspices had been fostered a Griesbach, Fichte, Shelling, Feuerbach, the two Humboldts, Hufeland, and Schlegel. The reputation of the young privat-docent of Gottingen had reached the ear of Goethe, and in 1807 Oken was in¬ vited to fill the office of “ Extraordinary Professor of the Medical Sciences” in the university of Jena. He accepted the call, and selected for the subject of his “ Inaugural dis¬ course,” his ideas on the “ Signification of the bones of the skull,” based upon a discovery he had made in the previous year. This famous lecture was delivered in the presence of Goethe, as privy-councillor and rector of the university, and was published by the young professor in the same year, with the title, Ueber die Bedeutung der Schadelknochen, ein Programm beim Antritt der Professur an der Gesammt- XJniversitdt zu Jena, 4to, 1807. Of the relation of this essay to the vertebral theory of the skull, we shall subsequently offer a few remarks. With regard to the origin of the idea, Oken narrates in his Isis, that, walking one autumn-day in 1806, in the Hartz forest, he stumbled upon the blanched skull of a deer, picked up the partially dislocated bones, and, contemplating them for a while, the truth flashed across his mind, and he exclaimed, “ It is a vertebral column! ” At a meeting of the German naturalists, held at Jena, some years after¬ wards, Professor Kieser gave an account of Oken’s dis¬ covery in the presence of the grand-duke, which account is printed in the Tageblatt, or “ proceedings,”of that meeting. <- The professor states that Oken communicated to him his discovery when journeying in 1806, to the Isle of Wan- geroog. On their return to Gottingen, Oken explained his ideas by reference to the skull of a turtle in Kieser’s col¬ lection, which Oken disarticulated for that purpose with his own hands. “ It is with the greatest pleasure,” writes Kieser, “ that I am able to show here the same skull, after having it thirty years in my collection. The single bones of the skull are marked by Oken’s own hand-writing, which may be so easily known.” There was a cause, as we shall presently see, for this circumstantial testimony. Oken having delivered and printed his Introductory Lecture m 1807, informs us, in the heft vii. of his Isis, that he presented copies to Goethe and to other members of the grand-duke’s government. “ Goethe was so pleased with my discovery as to invite me to stay with him during the Easter week of 1808 in his house at Weimar, which invita¬ tion I accepted.” The range of Oken’s lectures at Jena was a wide one, and they were highly esteemed. They embraced the sub¬ jects of natural philosophy, general natural history, zoology, comparative anatomy, the physiology of man, of animals, and of plants. The spirit with which the professor grappled with the vast scope of science is characteristically illustrated in his essay Ueber das Vniversum als Fortsetzung des Sinnensystems, 4to, 1808. In this work he propounds “ that organism is none other than a combination of all the universe’s activities within a single individual body.” This doctrine led him to the conviction “ that world and organism are one in kind, and do not stand merely in harmony with each other.” In the same year he published his Erste Ideen zur Theorie des Lichts, &c., in which he advanced the proposi¬ tion, that “ light could be nothing but a polar tension of the ether, evoked by a central body in antagonism with the planets; and that heat was none other than the motion of this ether.” Here Oken may be said to have anticipated the doctrine of the “correlation of physical forces.”' In 1809, he extended his system to the mineral world, arranging the ores, not according to the metals, but agree¬ ably to their combinations with oxygen, acids, and sulphur. In 1810 Oken summed up his several views on organic and inorganic natures into one compendious system. The first edition of his Lehrbuch der Naturphilosophie appeared in that and the following years, in which he sought to bring his several doctrines into mutual connection, and to “ show that the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms are not to be arranged arbitrarily in accordance with single and iso¬ lated characters, but to be based upon the cardinal organs or anatomical systems, from which a firmly-established num¬ ber of classes would necessarily be evolved ; that each class, moreover, takes its starting point from below, and conse¬ quently that all of them pass parallel to each other.” That, “as in chemistry, where the combinations follow a definite numerical law, so also in anatomy, the organs—in physio¬ logy, the functions—in natural history, the classes, families, and even genera of minerals, plants, and animals—present a similar arithmetical ratio.” Three editions of this extraordinary book have appeared, each more fully elaborated than the former. An epitome of the work will presently be given. In continuing the personal history of the author of the Naturphilosophie, we may first mention that, on Goethe’s recommendation, Oken was honoured, on the publication of the first edition of the Lehrbuch in 1810, with the title of “ Hof-rath,” or court- councillor. In 1812 he was appointed “ ordinary professor of natural sciences” in the university of Jena.” 499 Oken. 1 Thcoria Generationis, 8vo, 1774. 500 O K Oken. In 1816 he commenced the publication of his well-known periodical, entitled Isis, ein Encyclopadische Zeitschrift, vorzuylich fur Naturgeschichte, vergleichende Anatomic und Physiologic, 4to. In this journal not only appeared essays^ and notices on the natural sciences, but on other subjects of interest; poetry, and even comments on the politics of other German states, were occasionally admitted. 1 his led to representations and remonstrances from the governments criticized or impugned, and the court of YV eimar gave Oken the alternative of suppressing the Isis, or of resigning his professorship. He chose the latter. I he publication of the Isis at Weimar was prohibited. Oken made arrange¬ ments for its issue at Rudolstadt, and this continued unin¬ terruptedly until the year 1848. The independent spirit manifested by Oken excited his courtly enemies to harsher measures. An accusation was preferred against Oken as a member of a forbidden seciet democratic society he stood his trial and was acquitted. He thereupon retired for a while into private life, occupying himself with the editorship of the Isis, and with his scientific works. Amongst these may be cited the Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1815-1825 ; his Handbuch der Natur¬ geschichte zum Gebrauch beij Vorlesungen, 1816—1820; and his Naturgeschichte fur Schulen, 8vo, 1821. In these manuals Oken considered that he had arranged for the first time the genera and species in accordance with the only true or physio-philosophical principles; stating briefly every¬ thing of vital importance respecting them ; and that it was the first attempt to frame a truly scientific history of nature. In 1821 Oken promulgated, in his Isis, the first idea of the annual general meetings of the German naturalists and medical practitioners, which happy idea was realized in the following year, when the first meeting was held at Leipzig in 1822. They have been continued ever since in Germany; and similar annual scientific gatherings have been adopted in other countries, of which the “ British As¬ sociation for the Advancement of Science” is an instance, avowedly, at its origin, organized after the German or Okenian model. The writer of the present notice at¬ tended the German annual meeting at Freiburg in 1838, and heard a fervid extempore address by Oken of upwards of an hour’s duration, in which the rare eloquence of the gifted man, and the sympathy and respect of his country¬ men for the orator, were strikingly manifested. In 1828 Oken resumed his original humble duties as “ private teacher” in the newly-established university of Munich ; and soon afterwards he was appointed “ ordinary professor” in the same university. In 1832, on the proposi¬ tion by the Bavarian government to transfer Oken to a professorship in a provincial university of the state, he re¬ signed his appointments and left the kingdom. Switzerland has the honour of affording the final place of refuge, with means of an independent pursuit of science, to this philosophic and patriotic naturalist. Oken was ap¬ pointed in 1833 to the professorship of natural history in the then recently-established university of Zurich. There he continued to reside, fulfilling his professional duties and promoting the progress of his favourite sciences, to the period of his demise, in the seventy-second year of his age. Oken’s phi- In his Lehrbuch der Naturphilosophie, of which a transla- losophy. tion of the last edition, by A. Tulk, Esq., has been published by the Ray Society, under the title of Elements of Physio- philosophy, Oken begins by asserting that philosophy, as the science which embraces the principles of the universe or world, is only a logical conception ; but it may conduct to the real conception. Thus the mathematics are principles (or a philo¬ sophy) of which the universe is the reality. “ The world con¬ sists of two parts—one apparent, real, or material; the other non-apparent, ideal, spiritual. Hence there are two divisions of philosophy,—viz., pneumato- and physio-philosophy.” The latter is the subject of this treatise. Its object is “to show how, and in accordance with what E N. laws, the material took its origin ; to portray the first periods oken. of the world’s development from nothing; how the elements v. and heavenly bodies originated ; in what method by self- evolution into higher and manifold forms they separated into minerals, became finally organic, and in man attained self- consciousness.” Physio-philosophy is, therefore, in fact, the history of creation, a name under which it was taught by the most ancient philosophers,—viz., as “cosmogony.” Man, being the crown of nature’s development, must com¬ prehend every thing that has preceded him. “ In a word, man must represent the whole world in miniature.” Hence the laws of spirit are not different from the laws of nature—both are transcripts of each other. Physio-philosophy, therefore, is more important than pneu- mato-philosophy, because nature is antecedent to the human spirit. And the whole of philosophy consists in the demonstration of the parallelism that exists between the activities of nature and of spirit. But inasmuch as the spiritual existed before the real, and gave it birth, physio-philosophy must commence from the spirit. It is divided into three parts : the frst, treating of spirit and its activities ; the second, of the individual phenomena or things of the world ; the third, of the continuous operation of spirit in the individual things. It would be impossible, within the limits of this article, to follow Oken through his extraordinary development of the science he has thus described. Every sentence is a link in the chain of argument, which could not be extracted so as to be in¬ telligible, nor would it endure further condensation. It must suffice to state that he traces, agreeably with his system, the evolutions of every form of being, organic and inorganic, in a regular series, from the simple element to the most complex shapes. “ Polarity is the first force which appears in the world.” “Galvanism is the principle of life,” “the vital force.” “The galvanic process,” he says, “ is one with the vital process.” “ There is no other vital force than the gal¬ vanic polarity.” Oken, then, contends that organism is gal¬ vanism, residing in a thoroughly homogeneous mass. A gal¬ vanic pile, pounded into atoms, must become alive. In this manner nature brings forth organic bodies. The basis of electricity is the air; of magnetism, metal; of chemism (the name he gives to the influence that produces chemical combina¬ tion), salts. The basis of galvanism, in like manner, is the organic mass. Accordingly, whatever is organic is galvanic ; whatever is alive is galvanic. Life, organism, galvanism, are one. Life is the vital process ; the vital process is an organic or galvanic process. Galvanism is the basis of all the processes of the organic world. At the creation God created a mass of organisms of no larger size than an infusorial point. Whatever is larger has not been created but developed. “ So,” says Oken, “ the Bible teaches us.” God did not make man out of nothing, but took an elemental body then existing, an earth-clod or carbon, moulded it into form, thus making use of water, and breathed into it life,—viz., air, whereby galvanism or the vital process arose.” Organization is produced by the co-operating influence of light and heat. “ The ether imparts the substance, the heat the form, the light the life.” The life of an inorganic body is a threefold action of the three terrestrial elements, in which three processes galvanism consists. The nutrient process is magnetic, present and en¬ tire in every part of the body, and wheresoever it is withdrawn there is death. It operates according to the laws of crystalliza¬ tion. The digestive process acts according to the laws of chemism, which is not only the process of liquefaction, but the process of formation or creation of new organic matter. The digestive process converts the inorganic to the organic mass. It is the formation of mucus. The chyle is strictly a mucus. Into mucus the air finally settles down by the process of oxida¬ tion, called the respiratory process. By this the juices emerge from their state of indifference, by which each point of the juice becomes polar towards every other ; all are mutually attracted, all repelled, and thereby a decided circulation-motion is originated. Every globule of sap or mucus \s per se indifferent. It has, therefore, a natural affinity for each of the three elements comprehended in the organism. By respiration it is united to the element air, hy digestion to the element water, by nutrition to the element earth. These three processes consti¬ tute the galvanic process. Thus the galvanic circle is com¬ plete, and motion is the manifestation of galvanism. The pro¬ cess of motion is synonymous with the galvanic process this is the vital process. , . . The distinction between the organic and the inorganic is self-motion. The organic is destroyed so soon as motion dis¬ appears in it; the inorganic is destroyed so soon as motion enters it. The above will serve as an idea of the spirit of the work, and of the author’s style and treatment of the most recon¬ dite questions. We now return to Oken’s essay on the Signification of the Bones of the Head, on which, perhaps, his reputation as an original discoverer is best founded. There nevertheless still prevails confusion, or indistinct¬ ness of ideas, in the opinions set forth relative to Oken’s claims to, or share in, the discovery of the vertebral nature and arrangement of the bones of the skull. All Oken’s writings are eminently deductive illustrations of a foregone and assumed principle, which, with other philosophers of the transcendental school, he deemed equal to the explanation of all the mysteries of nature. According to Oken, the head was a repetition of the trunk—a kind of second trunk, with its limbs and other appendages ; this sum of his observations and comparisons —few of which he ever gave in detail—ought ever to be borne in mind in comparing the share taken by Oken in homological anatomy with the progress made by other cul¬ tivators of that philosophical branch of the science. The idea of the analogy between the skull, or parts of the skull, and the vertebral column, had been previously pro¬ pounded and ventilated in their lectures by Autenreith and Kielmeyer, and in the writings of Jean-Pierre Frank. By Oken it was applied chiefly in illustration of the mystical system of Schelling—the all-in-all and all-in-every-part. From the earliest to the latest of Oken’s writings on the subject, “ the head is a repetition of the whole trunk with all its systems. The brain is the spinal chord ; the cranium is the vertebral column; the mouth is intestine and abdo¬ men ; the nose is the lungs and thorax ; the jaws are the limbs ; and the teeth the claws or nails.” Spix, in his folio Cephalogenesis, 1818, richly illustrated comparative crani- ology, but presented the facts under the same transcenden¬ tal guise; and Cuvier ably availed himself of the extra¬ vagancies of these disciples of Schelling to cast ridicule on the whole inquiry into those higher relations of parts to the archetype, which Professor Owen has called “ general homologies.” “ M. Spix,” Cuvier writes, “ makes this bone, which I call ‘ posterior frontal,’ the ‘ scapula ’ of the upper limb of the head ; and M. Oken, according to the same mystical language, makes it the ‘ merry thought’ ( four- chette) of the upper limb of the head; for it must be re¬ marked, that the Philosophy of Nature, in pretending to find again in the head all the parts of the trunk, acts so arbitrarily, that each of those who would apply it employ these strange denominations in a different manner.” “ Cet humerus de la tete de M. Oken devient pour M. Spix le pubis de cette meme tete, ou, pour parler un langage intelligible, un des osselets de 1’ouie.” 1 The vertebral theory of the skull had practically disap¬ peared from anatomical science when the labours of Cuvier drew to their close. It needs only to refer to the works of his chief pupils and successors, Milne-Edwards, John Muller (Physiologic), Wagner (Lehrbuch der Zootomie), or Agassiz (Poissons Fossiles), to have sufficient evidence of that fact. In Owen’s Archetype and Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton, the idea of the vertebral structure of the skull was not only revived but worked out for the first time inductively, and the theory rightly stated, as follows :—“ The head is not a virtual equivalent of the trunk, but is only a portion, i.e., certain modified segments of the whole body. The jaws are the ‘hoemal arches’ of the first two segments; they are not limbs of the head.”—(P. 176.) Vaguely and strangely, however, as Oken had blended the idea with his d priori conception of the nature of the head, the chance of appropriating it seems to have overcome the moral sense—the least developed element in the spiritual nature—of Goethe, unless the poet deceived himself. Comparative osteology had early attracted Goethe’s at¬ tention. In 1786 he published his essay Ueber den Zwischenckiefer den des Menschen und der Thiere, 4to, Jena, showing that the intermaxillary bone existed in man as well as in brutes. Not a word in this essay gives the remotest hint of his having then possessed the idea of the vertebral analogies of the skull. In ^^(MorphologieA^y. 250), Goethe first publicly stated that thirty years before the date of that publi¬ cation he had discovered the secret relationship between the vertebrae and the bones of the head, and that he had always continued to meditate on this subject. I he circum¬ stances under which the poet, in 1820, narrates having be¬ come inspired with the original idea, are suspiciously ana¬ logous to those described by Oken in 1807, as producing the same effect on his mind. A bleached skull is acciden¬ tally discovered in both instances ; in Oken’s it was that of a deer in the Harz Forest; in Goethe’s it was that of asheep picked up on the shores of the Lido, at Venice. Mr Buckle, in his discourse “ On the Influence of Women in the Pro¬ gress of Knowledge”—Fraser’s Magazine, April 1858, p. 402, states:—“ Goethe, strolling in a cemetery near Venice, stumbled upon a skull which was lying before him. Sud¬ denly the idea flashed across his mind that the skull was composed of vertebrae; in other words, that the bony cover¬ ing of the head was simply an expansion of the bony cover¬ ing of the spine. This luminous idea was afterwards adopted by Oken and a few other great naturalists in Germany and France, but it was not received in England till ten years ago, when Mr Owen took it up, and in his very remarkable work on the Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton, showed its meaning and purpose as contributing towards a general scheme of philosophic anatomy.” This reproduction of a disparaging statement respecting Oken necessitates the fol¬ lowing summary of the facts:— It may be assumed that Oken, when a private teacher at Gottingen in 1806, knew nothing of this unpublished idea or discovery of Goethe ; and that Goethe first became aware that Oken had the idea of the vertebral relations of the skull when he listened to the Introductory Discourse in which the young professor, invited by the poet to Jena, selected this very idea for its subject. It is incredible that Oken, had he adopted the idea from, or been aware of an anticipation by, Goethe, should have omitted to acknowlege the source—should not rather have eagerly embraced so appropriate an opportunity of doing graceful homage to the originality and genius of his patron. The anatomist having lectured for an hour, plainly un¬ conscious of any such anticipation, it seems hardly less in¬ credible that the poet should not have mentioned to the young lecturer his previous conception of the vertebro- cranial theory, and the singular coincidence of the accidental circumstance which he subsequently alleged to have pro¬ duced that discovery. On the contrary, Goethe permits Oken to publish his famous lecture, with the same unconscious¬ ness of any anticipation as when he delivered it; and Oken, in the same state of belief, transmits a copy to Goethe, who thereupon honours the professor with special marks of atten- 1 Ossemens Fossiles, 4to, 1824, tom. v., pt. ii., pp. 75-85, quoted in an able article in the Quarterly Review, vol. xciil., in which the his¬ tory of the Discoveries of the Archetype and llomologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton is briefly but convincingly discussed, pp. 70-8Q. 502 O K Oken. tion, and an invitation to his house. No hint of any claim of the host is given to the guest; no word of reclamation in any shape appears for some years. In Goethe’s Tag und Jahres Hefte, he refers to two friends, Riemer and Voigt, as being cognizant in 1807, of his theory. Why did not one or other of these make known to Oken that he had been so anticipated? “I told my friends to keep quiet,” writes Goethe in 1825! Spix, in the meanwhile, in ^1815, contributes his share to the development ot Oken s idea in his Cephalogenesis. Ulrich follows in 1816 with his Schildkrotenschadel; next appears the contribution, in 1818, by Bqjanus, to the vertebral theory of the skull; amplified in the Pavagon to that anatomist s admirable Anatome Testadinis Europcece, fob, 1821. And now, for the first time in 1818, Bojanus, visiting some friends at Weimar, there hears the rumour that his friend Oken had been anticipated by the great poet. He communicates it to Oken, who, like an honest man, at once published the statement made by Goethe’s friends in the Isis of that year (see p. 509), offering no reflection on the poet, but re¬ stricting himself to a detailed and interesting account of the circumstances under which he himself had been led, independently, to make his discovery, when wandering in 1806 through the Hercynian forest. It was enough for him thus to vindicate his own claims; he abstains from any comment reflecting on Goethe; and maintained the same blameless silence when Goethe ventured for the first time to claim for himself, in 1820, the merit of having entertained the same idea, or made the discovery, thirty years previously. Such an idea may have occurred to him at that time; in 1807 Goethe may have deter¬ mined to keep silence on the matter, and have permitted Oken to reap undisturbed the honour of the discovery; for the poet must then, at least, have been convinced that the young professor had made it independently. But this generous hypothesis is incompatible with Goethe’s later reclamation. In this he not only ascribes the dis¬ covery to himself, but writes, “ In the year 1807 this theory appeared tumultuously and imperfectly before the public.” By “ tumultuously” Goethe signifies his recollection of the applause with which Oken’s audience received the first announcement of the theory. What is worse, Goethe apathetically permitted, to say the least, some of his wor¬ shippers to undermine the moral character of Oken in re¬ ference to this cranio-vertebral hypothesis. In 1836 an anonymous statement appeared in the Allgemeine Zeitung, to the effect that Oken had stolen the idea of the vertebral nature of the skull from Goethe. Oken, with German bluntness, replied in the same journal, that his nameless accuser “was a liar and calumniator.”1 The accuser was silent. The German naturalists held their annual meeting that year at Jena, and there Professor Kieser publicly bore testimony, from personal knowledge, to the circumstances and dates of Oken’s discovery. Neither Goethe nor any of his friends had a word to offer on the subject. Yet the poet continued to permit his flatterers from time to time to ascribe to him the merit of the discovery; and again, in 1824, he claimed it for himself, with the contemptuous allu¬ sion, above cited, to the Introductory Lecture of 1807, but without mentioning Oken’s name. Goethe did not dare directly to impute plagiarism to Oken, who thereupon consistently kept silent. At length, in the edition of Hegel’s works by Michelet, 8vo, Berlin, 1842, there appeared the following paragraph, p. 567 :—“ The type- bone is the dorsal vertebra, provided inwards with a hole, and outwards with processes, every bone being only a mo¬ dification of it. This idea originated with Goethe, who worked it out in a treatise written in 1785, and published it E N. in his Morphologic, 1820, p. 162. Oken, to whom the Oken. treatise was communicated, has pretended that the idea was his oum property, and has reaped the honour of it.” This accusation again called out Oken, who thoroughly refuted it in an able, circumstantial, and temperate statement, in heft vii. of the Isis, 1847. Goethe’s osteological essay of 1785, and the only one he printed in that century, is on a different subject. In the Morphologic of 1820-24, Goethe distinctly declares that he had never published his ideas on the vertebral theory of the skull. He could not, there¬ fore, have sent any such essay to Oken before the year 1807. Oken, in reference to his previous endurance of Goethe’s pretensions, states, that “ being well aware that his fellow- labourers in natural science thoroughly appreciated the true state of the case, he confided in quiet silence in their judg¬ ment. Meckel, Spix, Ulrich, Bojanus, Carus, Cuvier, Geofffy St Hilaire, Albers, Straus-Durckheim, Owen, Kieser, and Lichtenstein, had recorded their judgment in his favour and against Goethe. But upon the appearance of the new assault in Michelet’s edition of Hegel, he could no longer remain silent.” A recent biographer of Goethe asks, “ why did not Oken make the charge of plagiarism during Goethe’s lifetime ? ”2 The answer is, that he at no time made such charge. He left Goethe’s affirmations for what they were worth, and to produce such effect as they might with the competent historians of science. It was possible that Goethe had stated a truth: he might only have been uncandid and un¬ generous. But that did not make Oken the less an original discoverer. Only when he was charged with plagiarism did he enter into the question with the view of honest self-vindi¬ cation, and that both before and after Goethe’s death. As to the question of the superiority of the deductive over the inductive method in philosophy, as illustrated by the writings of Oken. His bold axiom, that heat is but a mode of motion of light,—and the idea broached in his essay on Generation (1805), viz.,that “all the parts of higher animals are made up of an aggregate of infusoria or ani¬ mated globular monads,”—are both of the same order as his proposition of the head being a repetition of the trunk, with its vertebrae and limbs. Science would have profited no more from the one idea without the subsequent experimen¬ tal discoveries of Oersted and Faraday; or by the other without the microscopical observations of Brown, Schleiden, and Schwann ; than from the third notion without the in¬ ductive demonstration of the segmental constitution of the skull by Owen. It is questionable, indeed, whether in either case the dis¬ coverers of the true theories were excited to their labours, or in any way influenced, by the d priori guesses of Oken ; more probable is it that the requisite researches and genuine deductions therefrom, were the results of the correlated fitness of the stage of the science, and the gifts of its true cultivators at such particular stage. Oken’s real claims to the support and gratitude of natu¬ ralists rest on his appreciation of the true relations of natural history to intellectual progress, of its superior teachings to the mere utilitarian applications of observed facts, of its in¬ trinsic dignity as a science. To natural history thus worthily comprehended Lorenz Oken devoted his whole time and energies up to his last illness, which closed his career at Zurich, on the 11th of August 1851. A fine statue of the philosopher, by Drake of Berlin, has been erected to his honour in the university of Jena, where he first publicly taught. We give a list of Oken’s chief works and original essays: 1. Grundriss der Naturphilosophie, der Theorie der Sinne und der darauf gegrundeten Classification der Tfiiere. Frankf. 1802, 8°. 2. Die Zeugung. Frankf. 1805, 8°. 3. Abriss 1 “ Einen Itugner, Verlaumber und Ehrabschneider,” Ally, Zeit-, June 20. 2 Lewes, Life and Works of Goethe, 8vo, 1855, vol. ii*, P« 1*>9« Oken. 0 K E der Biologie. Gottingen, 1805, 8°. 4. Ueber die Bedeutung der Schadelknochen, ein Programm beim Antntt der Professur zu Jena. Frankf. 1807, 4°. 5. Ueber das Universum als Fort- setzungdes Sinnensystems. Jena, 1808. 4°. 6. Frste Ideen zur Theorie des Lichts, der Finsterniss, der Farben, und der Warme. Jena, 1808, 4°. 7. Grundzeicbnung des naturlicben Systems der Erze. Jena, 1809, 4°. 8. Ueber den Wertb der Naturgeschichte. Jena, 1809, 4°. 9. Lebrbucb der Natur- pbilosopbie. 3 vols. Jena, 1809-11. Ed. .Jena, Icol. Ed 3 Zurich, 1843.—(Angl.) Elements of Pliysio-pinlosophy: Ray Society. 8°. London, 1847. 10. Lehrbuch der Natur- geschichte. Leipz. 1813.—-Weimar, 1815, 1825, 8°. fig. 11. Isis 12 Handbuch der Naturgeschichte zum Gebrauch bey Yorlesungen. Niirnb. 1816-20, 8°. 13. Naturgeschichte fur Schulen. Leipz. 1821, 8°. fig. 14. Esquisse d’un Systeme d’Anatomie, de Physiologic, et d Histoire Aaturelle. Paris, 1812, 8°. 15. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte. Stuttg. 1833-42, 14 yols. 8°. fig.— Wiegm. Arch. 1835, I. p. 7. 16. Idees sur la Classification des Animaux.—Ann. Sc. n. (2e S) XIY. p. 247. 17. Das Thierreich. Stuttg. 1836-38, 4 vols. 8°. Atl. fol. 18. Idee sulla Classificazione filosofica dei tre Regni della Natura. —II Politecnico, Milano, III. 1840, pp. 8, 28.—Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 2, XIV. p. 247. 19. Fortpflanzung der Wasserschnecken ohne Paarung.—Isis, 1817, p. 320. 20. Ueber Geschlecht und Gattung.—Isis, 1817, p. 465. 21. Aufenthalt der Meerwiirmer und Anatomic von Arenicola piscatorwn.—Isis, 1817, p. 466, fig. 22. Reisefragen.—Isis, 1817, p- 537. 23. Ueber Proteus anguinus und die durchgehenden Naslocher als Character der Amphibien.—Isis, 1817, p. 641, fig.; 1821, p.27L _ 24. Nach- trag fiber die Bedeutung der Schadelknochen.—Isis, 1817, p. 1204; 1818, p. 510; 1823, pp. 353, 401; 1837, p. 575. 25. Nachtrag fiber die Entstehung der Darme aus dem Nabelblas- chem—Isis, 1818, p. 59. 26. Bedeutung der Knochen des Cro- codillschadels und der Nasenbeine derYdgel.—Isis, 1818, p.278. 27. Ueber die Farben der Blumen.—Isis, 1818, p. 472. 28. Die Presswerkzeuge der Insecten entsprechen den Fiissen.— Isis, 1818, p. 477, fig. 29. Verzeichniss der entomologischen Literatur von 1790-1800.—Isis, 1818, p. 711. 30. Anatomie von Thalassema.—Isis, 1818, p. 878. 31. Bestimmung der gis- tigen Milbe in Persien (Rhynchoprion persicum).—Isis, 1818, p. 1567. 32. Begriff des Muschelbaues.—Isis, 1818, p. 1817. 33. Deutung des Thieres von Stronsa.—Isis, 1818, p. 2099. —Entstehung des ersten Menschen.—Isis, 1819, p. 1117. t. 13. 34. Bein-Philosophie.—Isis, 1819, p. 1528. t. 18. 35. Ueber Pterodactylus longi- et brevirostris.—Isis, 1819, p. 1788. t. 20. 36. Ueber die Bedeutung des Insecten Leibes.— Isis, 1820, p. 552. 37. Ueber das Athmen der Pricken.—Isis, 1321, III. p. 271. 38. Nachtrag zu Richter's Aufsatz fiber den weiblichen Kuckucksmagen—Isis, 1823, II. p; 225. 39. Ueber die Sammlung der vergleichenden Anatomie zu Paris. Isis, 1823, Lit. Anz. p. 265. 40. Zahnsystem.—Isis, 1823, p. 274. 41. Bemerkungen fiber die Schadel der Saugthiere, Vogel und Lurche.—Isis, 1823, p. 353. 42. Ueber die bchadel der Fische und die Bedeutung des Kiemendeckels.—Isis, 1823, p. 401. t. 14, 15. 43. Ueber das Brust- und Schultergerfist und das Becken der Thiere.1—Isis, 1823, p. 441. t. 16, 17. 44. Bemerkungen fiber die Skeletevon Haarthieren.—Isis, 1823, p. 455. 45. Ueber die niederen Thiere in der Pariser Samm¬ lung der vergleichenden Anatomie.—Isis, 1823, p. 457-1. 17. 46. Ueber die Saugthiere in der Zoologischen Sammlung zu Paris.—Isis, 1823, p. 481. t. 17. 47. Ueber die Vogel, Lurche, Fische, Weichthiere, und Kerfe in dieser Sammlung. —Isis, 1823, p. 505. 48. Ueber das Ey und die Zitzen des Schnabelthiers.—Isis, 1823, p. 1427. 49. Rudimens des pieds vers I’anus des Boas.—Feruss. Bull. 1826, VII. p. 445. 50. Bau des Bisambeutels.—Isis, 1826, p. 849. t. 6 {Feruss. Bull. 1827, X. p. 144). 51. Ueber die Bedeutung der Foetus-hfillen und die Ursache des ersten Athmens.—Isis, 1827, p. 371. t. 4. 52. *Ueber die Bedeutung der Schulter und Muskeln der Schildkrote.—Isis, 1827, p. 456. 53. Ueber das Zahlengesetz in den Wirbeln des Menschen.—Isis, 1829, p. 306. 54. Ueber die Bedeutung der Farren- und Moos-capsel.—Isis, 1829, p. 395. 55. Cyprinus uranoscopus, Agass., aus der Isar.— Naturf. in Be'rl. 1828.—Isis. 1829, IV. p. 414. 56. Ueber die Aufnahme der Naturwissenschaften in die Gymnasien.—Isis, 1829, p. 1225. 57. Entwickelung des Kfichelchens im Ey.—• Isis, 1830, VI. p. 575. 58. Ueber das Betragen von Proteus.— Isis, 1832, p. 699. 59. Ueber die Richtung des Wurzelchens u. das Winden des Stengels.—'Isis, 1834, p. 804. 60. Ueber OLD 503 Lepidosiren.*—Ms, 1838, p. 347 ; 1839, p. 607; 1840, p. 467; Okhotsk 1843, p. 441. 61. Ueber den Steinbruch von GEningen.—Isis || 1840, p. 282.—L. u. Br. N. Jahrb. 1843, p. 230. 62. Ueber Oldcastle. das Perlboot {Nautilus Pompilius, L).—Isis, 1835, p. 1. 63. -y—^ Ueber die Schadelwirbel.—Isis, 1847. 64. Beitrage zur ver¬ gleichenden Zoologie, Anatomie und Physiologie.—Bamb. u. Wfirzb. 1806; 1807, 2 vols. 4°. fig.—Isis, 1818, I. p. 59, von Oken u. Kieser. (r. o.) OKHOTSK, a town and province of Eastern Siberia, in the district of Yakutsk. The province consists of a narrow strip of country, along the shore of the sea of Okhotsk, about 1000 miles in length, and varying from 80 to 200 in breadth. It is traversed through its whole extent by the Stanovoi Mountains, which run along the sea coast, and send down a few small streams to the sea. Of these the chief is the Okhota. The climate is very severe; but there are some tracts of pasture-ground and clumps of trees. The rein-deer and the dog are the only tame animals; and furs and timber are the only articles of produce. Fish is ob¬ tained along the coasts ; and shoals of small whales are occa¬ sionally met with. The district is used as a penal settlement for the most incorrigible criminals, with whom and their descendants it is for the most part peopled. Pop. about 7000. The town of Okhotsk stands at the mouth of the Okhota. N. Lat. 59. 21., E. Long. 142. 45. It consists of a collection of ill-built and irregularly arranged log- houses; and has a government house, hospital, church, storehouses, &c. It is the principal station of the Russo- American trading company, who convey furs hither from America, and hence to Kiachta, to exchange for Chinese goods. Pop. 957. Okhotsk, Sea of an inlet of the North Pacific Ocean, between Kamtschatka and Siberia, extending from N. Lat. 50. to 60., E. Long. 137. to 155. From its N. E. extremity the gulfs of Ijighinsk and Perjinsk stretch into the land. Its depth is generally great, and there are few islands. Near the coast it is frozen for 6 months of the year. OLAND, or Oeland, an island in the Baltic, belong¬ ing to Sweden, included in the lan of Kalmar, and separated from the mainland by the Kalmar Sound, which varies from 3 to 15 miles in breadth. Length 85 miles; average breadth 8; area 608 square miles. The western shores are low; those to the east high and steep; and the pre¬ valent formation throughout the island is limestone. To the north are a few small lakes; but no considerable streams anywhere occur. The soil, though scanty, is fertile ; and a great part of the surface is covered with fine forests. Cattle and sheep are extensively reared; and deer, wild boars, and other game abound. Oland is famous for its breed of ponies of very small size. The weaving of cloth is carried on, and furnishes an article of export trade. The island contains several villages, of which Borgholm the capital, on the west coast, is the chief. The people are extensively employed in fishing and navigation ; and there is an alum mine, the most important in the kingdom, which employs about 300 hands. Pop. 33,000. OLDCASTLE, Sir John, commonly called “ The good Lord Cobham,” was born in the fourteenth century, during the reign of Edward III. He obtained his peerage by marrying the heiress of Lord Cobham, who had distin¬ guished himself during the reign of Richard II. for his opposition to the tyranny of that monarch. He commanded an English army in France during the reign of Henry IV. where he displayed great military skill. Oldcastle had, from the outset of his career, set himself with great patriotism and independence to oppose the political and ecclesiastical corruptions of his time. Being a man of fine natural talents, and having a passionate thirst for know¬ ledge, he turned his attention to the doctrines of John Wycliffe; and after examining them with great care, declared his adherence to the cause of the reformers. He collected and transcribed the works of Wycliffe for circula- 504 OLD OLD Oldcastle tion among the people, and sent preachers of reform into N various parts of the country. The cause made great pro- en urg. gregs> an[j growth 0f heresy was attributed to this " v ^ nobleman’s influence. Henry V. had a partiality for the good lord, and tried to reclaim him by expostulation. “ Next to God,” said his lordship, “ I profess obedience to my king; but as to the spiritual dominion ot the Pope, I could never see upon what foundation it was claimed, nor can I pay him any obedience.” The king turned away in displeasure, and left the heretic to the tender mercies ot the Church. Escaping from the tower where he had been imprisoned as a heretic, he sought refuge in Wales. In 1414 the clergy got up a report ot an imaginary conspiracy of the Lollards, with Lord Cobham at their head, for the destruction of the king. A bill of attainder was passed against him; 1000 merks were set upon his head; and perpetual exemption from taxes was promised to any town that should secure him. After an exile of four years in , Wales he was at length seized, carried to London, and executed in St Giles’ Field in the most cruel and barbar¬ ous manner. Johan Bale tells us in his Brefe Chronycle of the examination and death of this nobleman : “ Than w as he hanged up there by the myddle in cheanes of yron, and so consumed a lyve in the fyre, praysynge the name of God so longe as his lyfe lasted” (p. 96). Thus died in 1418 one of the ablest and most brilliant men of his day, who, according to his biographers, was qualified to shine alike in the cabinet, the field, and the court. As a writer Lord Cobham is known by a piece entitled Troche Con¬ clusions Addressed to the Parliament of England. He thus stands distinguished as the first martyr and the first author among the nobility of England. (See Lives of Wycliffe and his Disciples, by William Gilpin, 1765.) Capgrave, in his Chronicle of England (edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston, London, 1858), gives a tolerably minute account of the career of Oldcastle ; but with a strong prejudice against him and all Lollards. The priestly chronicler remarks of his lordship : “ A strong man in bataile he was, but a grete heretik, and a gret enmye to the Cherch” (p. 304). OLDCASTLE, a market-town of Ireland, county of Meath, 20 miles N.W. of Trim, and 52 N.W. of Dublin. It has three churches, a market-house, savings-bank, dispensary, school, and poorhouse. There are here lime- quarries, and extensive flour-mills; and an active trade is carried on in yarn. Pop. 1072. OLDENBURG, Grand Duchy of, one of the states of the German Confederation, consists of three parts, separated from one another by other states. The duchy of Oldenburg properly so called, is bounded on the N. by the German Ocean, E. by Hanover and the territory of Bremen, S. and W. by Hanover; and lies between N. Lat. 52. 50. and 53. 44., and E. Long. 7. 40. and 8. 45. The principality of Liibeck or Eutin is bounded by the duchy of Holstein, the territory of the free city Liibeck, and the Baltic. The principality of Birkenfeld, which forms the third por¬ tion of Oldenburg, lies in Southern Germany; and is bounded N. and W. by Rhenish Prussia, S. and E. by Coburg and Hesse-Homburg. Total area, 2433 square miles. The surface of Oldenburg proper is level through¬ out, as it forms part of the great plain of Northern Ger¬ many. Its uniformity is only here and there broken by low sand-hills, such as the Osenberge, between the towns of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst. The land on the coasts of the North Sea and on the banks of the Weser and Jahde is low, rich, and marshy; and is protected by em¬ bankments from the incursion of the water. The inland regions consist of moors and heaths. The sea-coast is lined with extensive sand-banks, called Watten. The princi¬ pality of Liibeck is also for the most part flat and barren ; but near the sea there are some rich and fertile districts. Birkenfeld is a rocky and mountainous region, with nume- Oldenburg rous valleys of no great extent. Ihe duchy ot Oldenburg is washed by the German Ocean, which forms two gulfs, those of Jahde and Weser, at the mouths of the rivers of the same names; the principality of Liibeck is washed by the Baltic. The principal rivers in Oldenburg are the Weser, which forms its boundary on the side of Bremen and Hanover, and receives the Hunte with its tributary the Lethe, and the Ochtum with the Delme ; the Hase and the Leda in the S., which join the Ems ; and the Jahde, a small river near the coast. In the principality of Liibeck the Trave, a navigable river, and the Schwentine, both flow into the Baltic. In Birkenfeld the Nahe, an affluent of the Rhine, takes its origin. In Oldenburg and Liibeck there are numerous lakes, some of them of considerable size, but in Birkenfeld there are none. The most important in the duchy proper are the Zwischenahner-Meer, the Great and Little Bullenmeer, while Liibeck contains the Plciner-See, Eutiner-See, Keller-See, &c. The climate is temperate, but damp and foggy on account of the vicinity of the sea. Agricultural and pastoral employments are extensively practised in Oldenburg. In the marshy land the prin¬ cipal crops raised are wheat, barley, oats, rape-seed, beans, and peas ; in the sandy districts, barley, oats, potatoes, hops, flax, hemp, and tobacco, are raised ; while in both kinds of land rye is produced, but not enough to supply the inhabi¬ tants. In Liibeck the soil is good, and the same crops are cultivated as in the duchy ; in Birkenfeld, the stony nature of the ground prevents the raising of much corn, but potatoes, flax, See., are produced. The whole amount of corn produced in the grand duchy is estimated at more than 3,000,000 bushels. Forests occur chiefly in the prin¬ cipality of Birkenfeld ; there is little wood in Liibeck or in the alluvial tracts of Oldenburg, but part of the moorland region is covered with it. The rearing of cattle is carried on chiefly in Oldenburg proper and in the principality of Liibeck ; the horses are remarkable for their strength, and the oxen are of good breed. The whole grand duchy con¬ tained in 1853-4, 38,193 horses, 198,823 head of cattle, 293,985 sheep, 86,488 swine, and 9905 goats. Fowls are also numerous, and bees are very generally kept. Mining operations are carried on in Birkenfeld only, and these principally in iron, for which there is a furnace, pro¬ ducing; on an average about 500 tons yearly. Copper, lead, zinc, and precious stones, are also found in this principality. Manufactures are not extensively carried on in Oldenburg. Yarn-spinning, linen-weaving, and the making of woollen stockings, are the principal branches in which the people are employed. At Varel, the principal manufacturing place in the country, there are cotton factories ; and the duchy also contains many breweries, distilleries, meal, oil, and paper mills, saw-mills, See. Shipbuilding and navigation afford the means of subsistence to many of the inhabitants; and the trade of Oldenburg is of much more importance than the manufacturing industry. The exports consist of corn, cattle, horses, butter, cheese, bacon, hides, leather, yarn, linen, stockings, &c.; while the principal imports are wines, fruits, salt, woollen and silken stuffs, hardware, pottery, &c. The number of vessels that entered and cleared at the ports of Oldenburg in 1856, with their tonnage, was as follows :— Vessels belonging to Oldenburg Other countries, Total. 5072 2397 7469 82,764 68,622 151,386 Cleared. 4565 2182 6747 77,221 66,763 143,984 Oldenburg has no railways, but lines of telegraph extend from the town of Oldenburg to Elsfleth and to Bremen. The government of Oldenburg is a limited monarchy. OLD lldenburg. The office of grand duke is hereditary in the male line, and each prince on his accession has to take an oath that he will preserve the constitution inviolate, and rule according to the laws. According to the constitution of 1848, amended in 1852, there is a Diet in a single chamber, com¬ posed of members elected by the people. The people ap¬ point electors, one for every 300 inhabitants; and these again elect the delegates to the Diet, of which there is one for every 6000 inhabitants. The number composing the Diet is at present forty-seven. Every citizen of twenty- five years old and upwards has a vote for an elector, and is eligible as an elector and as a member of the Diet. The public receipts and expenditure for 1857 each amounted to L.71,970, and the debt at the end of 1856 was L.652,000. There is no established church in Olden¬ burg, but the grand duke and the majority of the people belong to the Lutheran body. The duchy contains also a considerable number of Roman Catholics, and a small pro¬ portion of Jews. The educational interests of the country are pretty well attended to, but the scarcity of villages, and the way in which the dwellings are scattered through¬ out the country, especially in the moorland regions, render it impossible to establish a number of schools sufficient for the population. There are in the entire state 4 gymnasia, 4 higher burgh schools, 2 normal schools, a military school, a school of navigation, and other superior and middle schools. The whole number of elementary schools in the grand duchy was (in 1855) 547, with 773 teachers, and 44,879 pupils. The judicial establishment of Oldenburg consists of an upper court of appeal at Oldenburg, courts of chancery in the duchy of Oldenburg and principality of Lubeck, a senate of justice in Birkenfeld, and several in¬ ferior courts. The people of Oldenburg are distinguished for order, courage, loyalty, patriotism, hospitality, and benevolence. The ducal family of Oldenburg is of very ancient origin, being descended from Wittekind, a Saxon chieftain, who submitted to Charlemagne in 785. The title of Count of Oldenburg was first assumed by Chris¬ tian I. in 1156, after he had erected the castle of Old¬ enburg. In 1232 the county became independent of the empire, and towards the end of the century Count Otto, a younger brother of Christian III. of Oldenburg, ob¬ tained by purchase the lordship of Delmenhorst; but the two families were afterwards united by marriage under Dietrich the Lucky. His eldest son, Christian, became King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and Duke of Schleswig and Holstein ; while from the younger son, Ger¬ hard, the dukes of Oldenburg are descended. His succes¬ sors enlarged their territory by the addition of Jever in 1575, and of Kniphausen during the Thirty Years’ War. In 1667 the ducal family became extinct, and Oldenburg come into the possession of Denmark; under which king¬ dom it remained till 1773, when Christian VII. of Denmark transferred it to the elder branch of the Gottorp line in the person of the grand prince Paul, afterwards Emperor of Russia, as a compensation for the claim of the House of Holstein-Gottorp to Schleswig and Holstein. The new possessor of Oldenburg gave it over to the head of the younger branch of the same house, Frederick Augustus, the Prince and Bishop of Lubeck; and in 1777 Olden¬ burg was raised by the Emperor Joseph II. to the rank of a duchy. In 1810 the duchy was conquered by Na¬ poleon I. and made a French department, but in 1813 it was restored to the ancient ducal family ; and at the Congress of Vienna, the principality of Birkenfeld was ceded to it by Prussia. The title of grand duke was first assumed by Duke Augustus in 1829. The lordship of Kniphausen, which had been since 1825 under the supre¬ macy of Oldenburg, became a part of the grand duchy in 1854. The capital of Oldenburg is the town of the same name, and the divisions of the grand duchy are as follows :— VOL. XVI. OLD Bailiwicks. Parishes. I. Duchy of Oldenburg 28 108 1. Circle of Oldenburg 4 13 2. ,, Nuenburg 4 9 3. „ Ovelgbnne 5 18 4. „ Delmenhorst 4 15 5. „ Vechta 3 14 6. „ Kloppenburg 3 15 7. „ Jever 5 24 II. Principality of Lubeck 3 14 III. „ Birkenfeld 3 22 Total grand duchy 34 144 505 Pop. in 1855. Oldenburg 232,950 11 42,593 36,891 30,419 34,976 33,191 31,786 23,094 21,684 32,529 287,163 Oldham. Oldenburg, the capital of the above grand duchy, is a well built though dull town, in a flat country, on the banks of the Hunte, 24 miles W.N.W of Bremen. The castle, where the grand duke resides, is a handsome freestone building, surrounded by beautiful pleasure-grounds. Here also are a palace for the princes, government offices, a bar¬ racks, which is a large and imposing edifice, and two theatres. The old church of St Lambert, the most remarkable of the three churches in Oldenburg, has avaultcontaining the tombs of the ducal family. For the intellectual culture of the in¬ habitants Oldenburg has many advantages: besides mili¬ tary, normal, and grammar schools, there are a collection of antiquities, a gallery of paintings, and a public library of 50,000 volumes. Sugar refineries, soap-works, brew¬ eries, distilleries, &c., are the principal manufactories ; and timber, wool, &c., the chief articles of trade. The date of the foundation of the town is not known ; but in 1155 it was first fortified as it still remains. Pop. (1852) 9526. OLDENBURG, Henry, was born about 1626 in the duchy of Bremen in Lower Saxony. He came to London in 1653, where he held the office of consul for the town of Bremen for nearly two years. Being discharged from that employment, he was appointed tutor to Lord Henry O’Bryan, an Irish nobleman, whom he attended to the university of Oxford, where he was admitted to study in the Bodleian Library in the beginning of the year 1656. He was afterwards tutor to Lord William Cavendish, and gained the friendship of Milton the poet. During his re¬ sidence at Oxford he became acquainted with the founders of the Royal Society, and was chosen assistant to Dr Wil¬ kins, the secretary to that body. Fie applied himself with extraordinary diligence to the business of his office, and in the year 1664 began the publication of the Philosophical Transactions, which he continued to No. xxxvi., 25th June 1677. After this the publication was discontinued till the January following, when it was again resumed by his suc¬ cessor, Nehemiah Grew, who carried it on till the end of February 1678. Oldenburg died at Charleton, in Kent, in August 1678. In addition to a few short papers on medical and other subjects published in the Transactions, Oldenburg translated several works into English from the French and Latin, under the anagram Grubendol. OLDHAM, an ancient parochial chapelry and market- town, and modern municipal and parliamentary borough, is situated in the hundred of Salford, in the county of Lan¬ caster, distant 7 miles N.E. from Manchester, and 186 miles N.N.W. from London. In the neighbouring hills are the sources of the rivers Medlock and Irk, which pass through the town, and supply moving power to many of the mills. Oldham is built upon an eminence, and is difficult of access by highways. It has no canal, nor was there any railway accommodation till the year 1842, when a branch was made from the Manchester and Leeds line; this is a great advantage to the district, although its utility is im¬ paired by a steep incline of 1 in 26. Notwithstanding these drawbacks, trade has rapidly extended, a fact which may be accounted for by the existence of vast fields of coal beneath and near the town. 3 s 506 OLD Oldham. For a long period Oldham has been distinguished for the V—manufacture of hats, a distinction which it maintained till the early part of the present century, when the use of silk instead of beaver considerably diminished the demand, and induced many of the work-people to seek employment in other branches. As little capital is required foi the pio- duction of silk hats, the trade is now largely distributed over the country. A few extensive establishments still exist here, one oi' which obtained the highest prize in this department at the Great Exhibition of 1851. . Another important branch of industry is the iron trade, the growth of which has greatly contributed to the pro¬ sperity of the place, there being several large works giving employment to upwards of 4000 persons The principal one, that of Platt Brothers and Co., n which 3000 men and boys find constant occupation, and receive G.idU,UUU per annum in wages. Cotton manufacture is the staple trade, there being within the borough, in 1856, 96 mills, with steam-engines of 3400 horse-power, and employing 7906 men and boys, and 8635 women and girls, or a total of 16,541 hands. Oldham was incorporated in 1849, and is governed by a mayor, 8 aldermen, and 24 councillors. Formerly its sanitary condition was exceedingly defective, the streets ill paved, and the supply ot water scanty. Improvements are going on rapidly, and since the water-works have been purchased by the corporation, an increased quantity equal to a million and a half of gallons daily has been secured, which will be sufficient to meet the growing wants of the town for many years to come. For educational purposes many private schools exist; there is also a most efficient blue-coat school for the in¬ struction and support of 120 orphan boys, endowed by Thomas Henshaw, an opulent hat-manufacturer, who, in 1808, bequeathed for the purpose L.40,000. At his death, in 1810, his heirs filed a bill in chancery, praying that the will might be set aside on the ground of the alleged in¬ sanity of the testator. This led to protracted litigation, which terminated in favour of the school. During this time the property bequeathed had accumulated to upwards of L.100,000. By local subscriptions a handsome and capacious building wTas erected, where, since 1834, nearly 700 orphan boys have enjoyed the comforts of home, and received a substantial English education; many of whom are now filling respectable positions in society. I here are several mechanics’ institutions; the principal one, the Lyceum, a large and beautiful structure erected at a cost of L.6000, and opened in July 1856, is supported mainly by working men. In the evening classes about 450 opera¬ tives receive the elements of a sound English education, with French, Latin, and the higher branches of mathema¬ tics, great proficiency being often attained, particularly in the latter study. There are also several national and British schools, and the Sunday-schools contain 12,500 children. Amongst the public buildings, besides the blue-coat school and the lyceum, is a handsome town-hall, a capa¬ cious working-man’s hall, and ample and well-arranged public baths. Parochially Oldham is united to Pi'estwick. The parish church, dedicated to St Mary, is an imposing modern structure, besides which there are eight other churches, four Independent chapels, two Wesleyan, one Roman Gatholic, and a large number of places of worship belonging to different Protestant dissenting communities. Since the passing of the Reform Act it returns two members to Parliament. The population amounted to 12,024 in 1801 ; to 16,690 in 1811; to 21,662 in 1821 ; to 32,381 in 1831 ; to 42,595 in 1841; and to 52,818 in 1851. The annual value of rateable property in 1692 was L.287; in 1857, L.166,815. OLDHAM, John, justly styled the “ English Juvenal,” OLD both from the power and severity of his satires, and from Oldham, his spirited delineation of contemporary life and manners, v^-vw was the son of a Nonconformist clergyman, and was born at Shipton near Tedbury, in Gloucestershire, on the 9th August 1653. He was educated at Tedbury school and at Edmund Hall, Oxford, where he distinguished himself in Latin and Greek, and displayed a great love for poetry. Scanty means compelled him to leave college after taking his degree of B.A. in May 1674. Idleness and depend¬ ence were peculiarly irksome to the proud young scholar, and in the absence of any definite plan of life, he was glad to secure occupation and independence as usher at the free school of Croydon in Surrey. His first published poem, a Pindaric ode on the death of his close companion, Richard Morwent, belongs to this period, and displays not only great power of illustration, but also a subtle tenderness of feeling peculiarly interesting and suggestive when con¬ trasted with the strong satirical vehemence of his subse¬ quent compositions. He endeavoured to lighten the thank¬ less task of “ beating Greek and Latin for his life,” as he calls it, by secret attention to the muses. Some of his pieces having found their way in manuscript to the liter¬ ary haunts of the London wits, drew upon their author the attention of such grand personages as Rochester, Dorset, and Sedley. These lettered nobles visited the poor scholar at Croydon, but no immediate consequences fol¬ lowed. In 1678 he became tutor in the family of Judge Thurland, at Reigate, where he remained till 1680. It was about this period he composed those celebrated Satires upon the Jesuits, which, appearing in 1679, during the ter¬ rible episode of the Popish plot, met with signal success, and at once secured for their author a great reputation. In boldness and bitterness, in strong rage and fierce rancour, no Protestant writer of that feverish time can be compared for a moment with this obscure young Noncon¬ formist. Dryden had more art than Oldham, but did not surpass him in power and depth of invective. On be¬ coming tutor to the son of Sir William Hicks, Oldham made the acquaintance of Dr Richard Lower, who inspired him with a temporary enthusiasm for the study of medi¬ cine. After a year’s estrangement from his muse, however, the old passion came back upon him, and he resolved no longer to prove inconstant to his first love. Having escaped from the bondage of tuition, Oldham settled in the metropolis, where he gained the acquaintance of the choicest spirits of the time. Dryden contracted the strongest attachment to the young satirist, and recognised in him a genius kindred to his own. Oldham just shared enough in the gaiety and dissipation of the town, to enable him, with fresh energy, to lash its vices and expose its vanities. He was not to be bribed or corrupted from his vocation. He declined the office of private chaplain to the household of the Earl of Kingston, but that generous nobleman, who seems to have had a sincere regard for the proud and manly satirist, prevailed upon him to become his guest at Holmes-Pierpont, in Nottinghamshire. This seclusion the poet did not long enjoy. His constitution was naturally consumptive, and an attack of small-pox put an end to his days on the 9th December 1683, in the thirtieth year of his age. I His last piece, A Sunday thought in Sickness, is peculiarly touching, from its devotional peni¬ tence and humble resignation. The poets of his time wrote enthusiastic tributes to his memory; and distinguished above them all, both for truth and pathos, were the generous lines of Dryden. Oldham’s poems, while remarkable for condensed force, rugged vehemence, and striking choice of language, are in general deficient in finish and harmony of versification. This he knew and vindicated. “ No one,” he says, “ would expect that Juvenal, when he is lashing vice and villany, should flow so smoothly as or Tibullus, when they are describing amours or gallantries. OLD Oldys His satires possess a lasting historical value, as a faithful I! picture of the life and manners of the Restoration ; and Olearius. while the subjects of his invectives are for the most part J temporary, the freedom and breadth of handling which they receive inspire them with an abiding interest. For courage and independence—for love of liberty, and scorn of the slavery of patronage—Oldham had no equals among the writers of that servile age. He casts a withering glance of his satirical eye upon “very sparkish dedica¬ tions,” and, reliant on his own genius and honesty of pur¬ pose, passes the patron by with a haughty modesty. His works were collected and published in a single volume in 1686; in 2 vols. in 1722. An edition in 2 vols., with a life of the author, edited by Captain Edward Thompson, appeared in 1770; and an admirable edition of Oldham’s works, with the omission of a few of his coarser pieces, together with a biography of the poet, appeared in 1854 in the Annotated Edition of the English Poets, edited by Robert Bell, London. OLDYS, William, a useful bibliographer, was the natural son of Dr Oldys, chancellor of Lincoln, and was born in 1696. He was an industrious and accurate scholar. Yet as he was a dissolute spendthrift, his whole life, with the exception of ten years, during which he was librarian to the Earl of Oxford, was lent on hire to the London booksellers. His claim to notice rests chiefly on his biblio¬ graphical works, such as the British Librarian, 8vo, Lon¬ don, 1737. He indeed wrote, among other works, the lives in the Biographia Britannica which are marked by the signature G.; and a Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, which was prefixed to that author’s History of the World. But these productions, though rich collections of rare and important facts, are utterly destitute of that sympathetic appreciation of character, which is a necessary element in all real biographies. The death of Oldys took place in 1761. He left behind a manuscript collection of notes on various bibliographical subjects, and a copy of Langbaine’s Lives, filled with annotations ; both of which are preserved in the British Museum. OLEARIUS, Adam, a famous German traveller, whose real name was QElschlager, was born in Aschersleben in Prus¬ sian Saxony in the year 1600. After finishing his studies at Leipsic he entered the service of Frederick, Duke of Hol- stein-Gottorp. There his knowledge of mathematics and geography soon attracted notice. Accordingly, when the duke, intent upon opening a commercial intercourse with India through Russia and Persia, was about to send Crusius, a civilian, and Brugman, a merchant, on two se¬ parate embassies to the Russian Czar and the Persian Shah, he appointed Olearius their secretary. The envoys set out on their first embassy in October 1633, and arrived at Moscow in August of the following year. The Czar Michael Federowitz approved and countenanced the en¬ terprise of their master; and they returned to Holstein in April 1635. Their second embassy commenced in Oc¬ tober of the same year. Having reached Moscow they embarked on the Moskva, passed from the Moskva into the Oka, from the Oka into the Volga, from the Volga into the Caspian, and, coasting along the western shore of that sea, were cast on shore at Derbend. Then they passed overland by the cities of Ardebil, Sultanieh, and Room, and arrived at Ispahan in August 1637. At the end of a few months the Shah had made up his mind to open a negotiation with the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, and the envoys turned their faces homewards. On his return, Olearius set himself to write an account of these expeditions, which was published under the title of Beschreibung der Mushowitschen und Persischen Reise, folio, Schleswig, 1647. The work gave much judicious and exact informa¬ tion regarding many subjects previously unknown, and it speedily became popular. It was translated into French by O L I 507 Wicquefort in 1727, and into English by Davies in 1662. Oleron The fourth edition of the original appeared in Hamburg II in 1696, twenty-five years after the author’s death. In atU 01lvarez> dition to other works of lesser importance, Olearius was also ^ the author of a chronicle of Holstein, 4to, Schleswig, 1674. OLERON (anc. Uliarus), an island lying off1 the W. coast of France, opposite the mouth of the Charente, and included in the department of the Charente-Inferieure. It is about 18 miles in length from N.W. to S.E., and 7 in extreme breadth; and at one part is within a mile of the mainland. The greater part of the island is fertile, but there are also some extensive salt marshes, from which a considerable quantity of salt is made. The chief pro¬ ducts are corn, wine, and vegetables. Pop. 17,000. The chief town, Chateau d’Oleron, stands on the S.E. coast, and contains about 3000 inhabitants. This island gives name to a code of maritime laws framed by Richard I. of Eng¬ land, when at Oleron in A.D. 1194. These laws were afterwards received by all the nations of Europe, as the basis of their marine constitutions. OLINDA, a city of Brazil, province of Pernambuco, 3 miles N. of Recife. It is beautifully situated on a cluster of eminences, and is rather well built. It has a cathedral and other churches, several convents, a bishop’s palace, college, hospital, botanic garden, and public library. Pop. 8000. OLIVA, Fernan Perez de, the most famous Spanish prose writer of his time, was born at Cordova about 1492. From his boyhood he was remarkable for his unwearied de¬ votion to letters. He studied successively at Salamanca, Alcala, Paris, and Rome; and, according to his own ac¬ count, travelled more than 3000 leagues in pursuit of know¬ ledge. But the chief cause of his fame was his successful attempt to develop the power and resources of the Spanish language, by introducing the custom of using it instead of Latin in serious prose compositions. While he was lectur¬ ing in the university of Paris on the ethics of Aristotle, he published in his native tongue a didactic dialogue on the Dignity of Man. The immediate result of this work, dis¬ playing as it did the first specimen of correct and elevated Spanish prose, was to establish its author’s reputation, and contribute to his promotion in life. He was successively appointed ethical professor and rector of the university of Salamanca; and would have been elevated to other dig¬ nities, had not his death happened prematurely about 1533. The ultimate effect of the dialogue was to induce the prose writers of Spain to use henceforth their own language. Oliva was also the author of other didactic discourses, and several translations from the classical dramatists. His writ¬ ings were published in 4to, Cordova, 1585, by his nephew, Ambrosio de Morales, and in 2 vols. 12mo, Madrid, 1787. (Ticknor’s History of Spanish Literature, vol. i., p. 491.) OLIVA, a town of Spain, province of Valencia, 43 miles N.N.E. of Alicante. It is built in the form of an amphi¬ theatre, on the side of a hill about IJ mile from the Me¬ diterranean. It has an ancient palace, two parish churches, several convents, and an hospital. Many of the inhabi¬ tants are employed in agriculture; and the manufactures are almost confined to hempen and linen cloths. Pop. 5600. OLIVAREZ, Gaspar Guzman, Conde Deque de, a celebrated Spanish statesman, was descended from an illus¬ trious Castilian family, and was born at Rome about 1587, during his father’s embassage to Sextus Quintus. After studying at the university of Salamanca, he received, through the influence of his uncle the Duke of Uceda, the appoint¬ ment of gentleman of the bed-chamber to the Prince of Asturias, and he immediately commenced the career of a political aspirant. His first design was to gain complete control over the simple boy, his master. He was fast worm¬ ing himself into favour, when, in 1621, the prince succeeded*. O L I to the throne of Spain, under the title of Philip IV. He then feigned a reluctance to engage in the new administra¬ tion. This apparent modesty served alike to conceal his de¬ signs, and to raise him in the estimation of the king; aim before a few months had passed, he received the title oi Duque de San Lucar, as a seal of the royal favour and con¬ fidence. The minion now flung aside the mask, and ap¬ peared in the character of a selfish and jealous despot. He displaced his uncle from the position of minister, dismisse many of the best servants of the state, and surrounded him¬ self with creatures of his own. It he also disbanded many idle officials, it was mainly to gratify a private distrust; and if he revoked many lavish government grants, it was mainly to defray the extravagant expenses of his ministerial pomp and splendour. At the same time the nation was groaning under the most burdensome imposts, and the consequent decay of agriculture, commerce, and the useful arts. Hie most disastrous, however, of all the measures of Olivarez, was an attempt to regain by arms the influence which Spain had formerly possessed over the other nations of Europe. Plappening in this enterprise to cross the path of the French minister, Cardinal Richelieu, he found himself en¬ gaged with an adversary who baffled him at every point, and ultimately effected his overthrow. The cardinal’s stratagems involved him in a long and unsuccessful war with the Dutch; the cardinal’s forces checked his armies in Germany and Italy; and the cardinal’s intrigues fanned the rising flame of insurrection within the Spanish do¬ minions. T. he national discontents were thus bi ought to a climax in 1640. The province of Catalonia rebelled, and called in the aid of the French; Portugal threw off the Spanish yoke, and elected the Duke of Braganza its king; and at the end of two years the insurgents had foiled all attempts at suppression, and were steadily increasing in strength. It was at this emergency, in 1643, that the numerous enemies of Olivarez succeeded in supplanting him in the king’s favour. The disgraced minister died at Toro in the same year, with the reputation of having brought his country to the verge of ruin. OLIVENZA, a fortified town of Spain, province of Estremadura, near the left bank of the Guadiana, on the Portuguese frontier, 15 miles S.S.W. of Badajoz. Ihe surrounding country is fertile in corn and wine, and an active trade is carried on in the town. There are several churches and convents, three hospitals, and a poorhouse. Olivenza is strongly fortified, and till 1801 belonged to Portugal. Pop. 6300. OLIVER, Isaac, an eminent miniature-painter, was born in England in 1556. After studying, it is said, under Nicholas Hilliard and Frederigo Zuccaro, he appeared be¬ fore the public as a professional artist. At times he painted history, and executed drawings after Parmigiano and other Italian masters. But it was in the field ol miniature por¬ trait-painting that his fame was won. Flis likenesses ot Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth, Henry Prince of Wales, Sir Philip Sydney, Ben Jonson, and others, were unrivalled for their delicate truthfulness and exquisite finish; and afterwards obtained a place in the celebrated collection of Dr Mead. It was after a miniature of his that the por¬ trait of James I. was painted by Rubens and \ andyck. Isaac Oliver died at his house in Rlackfriars in 1617. Oliver, Peter, the eldest son of the preceding, was born in London in 1601. He was instructed in art by his father, and succeeded to his father’s place and reputa¬ tion in miniature portrait-painting. Among other works, he executed a portrait of his wife, which was, in the time of W'alpole, in the possession of the Duchess of Portland ; and seven historical pieces, which were lately in Queen Caro¬ line’s closet in Kensington Palace. Flis death took place about 1654. OLIVESj Mount or, a ridge, now called by the Arabs O L I Jebel-el- Tur, lying on the E. of Jerusalem, on the other Olivet side of the narrow valley of Jehoshaphat. Towards the S., || over against the “ well of Nehemiah,” it sinks down into a °fivier. lower height, nowcalledby Franks the “Mount of Offence,” in allusion to the idolatrous worship established there by Solomon. Near this lies the usual road to Bethany, so often trodden by our Saviour. About a mile towards the N. is another summit, nearly equal in height to the middle one. Beyond the northern summit the ridge sweeps round towards the W., and spreads out into the high level tract N. of the city, which is skirted on the W. and S. by the upper part of the valley of Jehoshaphat. The elevation of the cen¬ tral peak of the Mount of Olives is estimated by Schubert at 2556 Paris feet, or 416 Paris feet above the valley of Je¬ hoshaphat. This considerable ridge derives all its import¬ ance from its sacred associations. To the mount whose ascent David “ went up, weeping and barefoot,” to which our Saviour ofttimes withdrew with his disciples, over which he often passed, and from which he eventually ascended into heaven, belongs a higher degree of sacred and moral interest than is to be found in mere physical magnitude, or than the record connects even with Lebanon, Tabor, or Ararat. OLIVET, Joseph Thoulier d’, an elegant writer and accomplished classical scholar, was born at Salins in 1682. Being destined for the church, he entered the Order of Jesus, and studied theology at Rheirns, at Dijon, and at Paris. But it was not until he had mingled familiarly in the society of such men as Boileau, Huet, and Rousseau, that his mind caught its fine ardour for classical learning, and his life took its peculiar bent. He soon afterwards re¬ solved to leave the society of the Jesuits : the offer ot the important position of tutor to the Prince of Asturias could not induce him to alter his resolution; and he retired to his quiet study in Paris, to live contentedly upon the emolu¬ ments of a small benefice. I hen began that series of literary publications on the works of Cicero which has as¬ sociated the name of Olivet with that of the great Roman orator. In 1721 was printed his translation of the De Na¬ ture, Deorum,—a work which was the means of gaining for him an admission into the French Academy. He published his version of the Orations against Catiline in 172/ ; and in 1737 he appeared, along with President Bouhier, as the joint-translator of the Tusculan Disputations. In 1740- 1742 was given to the public his masterpiece, the edition of the entire works of Cicero, in 9 vols. 4to. A collection of extracts from Cicero, accompanied with a French tiansla- tion, entitled Pensees, and published in folio, 1744, com¬ pleted his elucidations of his favourite author. Meanwhile the Abbe d’Olivet had been emulating the elegant and severely simple style ot the classical historians in his Hts- toire de VAcademic Fran^aise, intended for a continuation of Pelisson’s History, and published in 2 vols. 4to, 1729. His death took place in 1768. Olivet was also the author of a grammatical treatise en¬ titled Remarques sur la Langue Lrangaise, in 12mo, Paris, 1767; and of a translation of the Philippics of De¬ mosthenes, printed along with his version of the Orations against Catiline. Editions of his several translations from Demosthenes and Cicero appeared in 1 < 66. His edition of Cicero has been very frequently reprinted. OLIVIER, Guillaume Antoine, a learned French entomologist, was born at Arcs, near Draguignan, in 1756, and took the degree of Doctor of Medicine at Montpellier. His whole life was eagerly devoted to the advancement of natural science. While still a young man, he was diawing up an illustrated account of the Coleoptera for a projected entomological history by Gigot d’Orcy ; and he was also engaged in writing a natural history of insects for the Encyclopedic Methodique. After the convulsions of the French revolution had interrupted both these undertak- 0 L M O L O 509 Olmutz ings, his increasing reputation recommended him to the || notice of Roland, minister of the interior, as a fit person to Olonetz. be sent along with Bruguieres on a mission to Persia, tor W the purpose not only of establishing commercial relations with that country, but also of making contributions to na¬ tural science. On his return at the end of moie than six years, he set himself to write an account of his voyage, and in finish the two works he had left incomplete His elec¬ tion into the Institute in 1800 stimulated Ins industry. He published in 1802-7 his Voyage dans l Empire Olhoman, I’Eqyptc, et la Perse, in 3 vols. 4to; he finished in 1 08 his Histoire Naturelle des Coleopteres, in 6 vols. 4to; and he was crumbed in his Dictionnaire de l Ihstoire ISaturelle des Insecies de VEncyclopedie Methodique, when the dis¬ ease manifested itself which caused his death at Lyons in 1814. This last treatise, which had been begun to be printed in 1789, was completed in 1819, in 9 vols. 4to. Olivier also contributed several articles on his favourite studies to the Memoirs of the Institute and of the Society of Agriculture, and to Nouveau Dictionnaire d His¬ toire Naturelle applique aux Arts of Deterville. (For an account of his special services to the cause of natural science, see Entomology.) . . „ OLMUTZ (Morav. Holomauc), a city, capital ot a circle of the same name, and formerly the capital of Mora¬ via, stands on the River March or Marawa, 40 miles N.JN.L. of Brtinn. It is strongly fortified, being surrounded by walls and protected by a citadel, and is reckoned one of the strongest places in the Austrian dominions. It is entered by four gates, and is for the most part well built. I he ca¬ thedral is a fine Gothic edifice, founded about the beginning of the fourteenth century by Wenzel III. of Bohemia. Several of the other churches, of which there are twelve, are handsome buildings, particularly that of St Mauritius, which contains the largest organ in Moravia, and that of St Michael. Among the other public buildings are the town- hall, the archbishop’s palace, the former college of the Je¬ suits (now used as barracks), and the university buildings. The university was removed from Olmutz to Kremsir in consequence of the outbreak in Austria in 1848-50. The university library contains about 50,000 volumes. Among the educational institutions here are an academy of nobles, an archiepiscopal seminary, a gymnasium, and a military school. Olmutz is the seat of judicial and other courts, and various public offices of the circle. There are a maternity hospital, an hospital for the sick, and an orphan hospital. It has manufactures of linen, woollen, and cotton stuffs, leather, earthenware, and vinegar; and carries on an active transit trade, especially in cattle. Olmutz was taken by the Swedes during the Thirty Years’ War; but was be¬ sieged in vain for seven weeks by Frederick the Great in 1758. Lafayette was confined here in 1794. Pop. (1851), exclusive of the militarv, 11,406. OLNEY, a market-town of England, county of Buck¬ ingham, on the left bank of the Ouse, which is here crossed by a bridge of four arches, 18 miles E.N.E. of Buckingham. The town is small but neat, and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. It is chiefly celebrated as having been for a lengthened period the residence of the poet Cowper, during which time the Rev. John Newton was curate heie. The parish church is a large Gothic edifice, with a spiie 1 85 feet high. There are several almshouses and dissent¬ ing places of worship. I he inhabitants are employed in lace-making, hosiery, and silk-weaving. Pop. of parish (1851), 2329. . . . OLONETZ, a government of European Russia, lying between N. Lat. 60. and 64. 30., E. Long. 29. 40. and 42. 20., is bounded on the N. and E. by Archangel, S.E. bv Vologda, S. by Novgorod, S.W. by St Petersburg, and W. by Lake Ladoga and Finland. Its length from N.W. to S.F L 370 miles; breadth, 250 miles; area, 53,875 square miles. The surface is for the most part flat, but in the N.W. there are some hills of no great height, called the Mountains of Olonetz; while in the S. the country is traversed by a ridsre that divides the affluents of the Volga from those of the "Baltic. The geological formation of the hills is for the most part granitic, covered over with con¬ glomerate and clay-slate, and the tops are densely wooded, while the lower slopes are in many places quite open. The level part of the country consists to a large extent of marshy land, but much of the area is occupied by a rich clavey soil covered with greensw’ard, and the extent of ground under water is very great. Upwards of seven-tenths of the whole area is covered with wood. There are said to be 1998 lakes, and 858 rivers and streams. The principal lakes are Ladoga and Onega, which are described under their proper names. The chief rivers are—the Onega, which flows into the White Sea; the numerous streams, which fall into Lake Onega; the Svir, which joins Lake Onega with Ladoga; and a few tributaries of the Volga in the b. The mineral resources of Olonetz form no small portion of the wealth of the government. Iron ore is obtained on the lakes and marshes, and several mines, richer than those for¬ merly worked, have been recently discovered. Copper mines wTere formerly w'orked, but on account of their scanty produce, these have been abandoned. Some traces of gold have been observed, and it is believed to occur at a con¬ siderable depth below the surface. Coal is also expected to be obtained in Olonetz. Many kinds of marble, por¬ phyry, granite, and quartz, are found ; as well as amethysts, garnets, topazes, and other precious stones. In the marble works of Tewdia, many pieces of stone carving are made, which are remarkable for durability and beauty of work¬ manship. In this government was obtained the piece of porphyry which was sent by the Emperor Nicholas to France to form the coffin of Napoleon I. The climate is severe, the winter long and intensely cold, while dining the short summer the heat is very great. But notwith¬ standing this inclemency, agriculture is carried on in all parts of the government, though the produce is not suffi¬ cient for the domestic wants. Hemp and flax are exten¬ sively grown in places where corn would not thrive. But the most valuable part of the vegetable produce is timbei, of which there is a great abundance, especially of pines and larches, suitable for the masts of ships. Of the whole area of Olonetz, there are 91,186 acres ot meadow land, 692,816 acres of arable land, 237,647 acres ot hay, 26,81o,H5 acres of wood, and 6,505,009 acres of lakes, rivers, and marshes. Cattle are not reared in large numbers, owing to the expense of keeping them during the long and severe winters. Most of the peasants, however, have some horses, cows, and swine; but the total number, compared with the extent of the country, is small. There were in 1849, 53,356 horses, 96,392 horned cattle, 82,438 sheep, 5659’pigs, and 187 goats. Of wild animals, the govern¬ ment contains wolves, bears, elks, reindeer, foxes, &c. Seals are found in the large lakes, and the rivers abound in fish. Few manufactures are carried on, except at Petio- zavodsk, the capital, where there is an imperial cannon foundry. Trade also is in a low condition. The raw pro¬ duce of the country, together with tallow, cast-iron, and cannons, are exported to St Petersburg and Archangel. The inhabitants are almost all Russians, but there are some Finns in the western part, and a few wandering Laplanders. The people of Olonetz belong to the Greek Church, and to the see of the Archbishop of Novgorod. Ihere are in the government 46 educational institutions ot various kinds, with 102 teachers, and 2059 scholars. Pop. (1856) 285,945. OLORON (the ancient Iluro), a town of France, capital of a cognomina! arrondissementin the department of Basses- Pyrenees, stands on the summit and slope of a hill, on the Oloron. 510 0 L O Olot right bank of the Gave d’Ossau, where it unites with the il . Gave d’Aspe to form the Gave d’Oloron, 15 miles S.W. of ^yrapifu pau_ jj. j.jle gea|. 0f a 0f primary instance, and carries on an active trade in wool, sheep-skins, hams, cattle, and timber. The principal manufactures are woollen cloths and yarn, hosiery, leather, paper, and combs. Pop. (1856) 5869. OLOT, a town of Spain, in the province of Gerona, about 15 miles N.W. of the town of that name, and 85 from Barcelona. It lies on the left bank, and about two leagues from the source of the River Fluvia, on a small plain at the foot of the volcanic hill Montsacopa, and on the north of the small circle formed by that hill and six other extinct vol¬ canoes in the vicinity. In spite of its proximity to the Py¬ renees, the climate is remarkably temperate. The houses of the town are built of the light porous trap that abounds, made into a concrete by being mixed with gypsum in large moulds, basaltic stone forming the foundation. The streets are narrow and ill paved, but regular. The parish church, San Esteban, is a spacious and fine edifice, contrasting with the tasteless architecture of the other buildings of the town. There are, besides, seven other churches; one primary school, well endowed, in a building intended for an hospital; a grammar school, a school of design, and six smaller schools ; an ex-convent of Carmelites, now a barrack; a workhouse, a good modern theatre, and a small wooden circus for bull¬ fights. The town is remarkable for its copious supply of water. There are ten fountains within the walls, and out¬ side the city they are very numerous, forming convenient lounging and dining places in summer for the inhabitants. The surrounding country is woody and fertile, producing the cereals, legumes, wine of inferior quality, and oil. Cows and sheep are reared; and there is abundance of small game. The chief industry of the town is the production of coarse woollen and cotton fabrics, now falling into decay, the coarse woollen caps, which formerly constituted an important branch of manufacture, being now little worn. There are manufactures also of linen, paper, and leather to a small extent; and a ribbon factory, remarkable in Spain as being lighted with gas made on the premises, a convenience en¬ tirely wanting in the towns of the province. Olot is a very ancient town. There are remains of an aqueduct and bridge of Roman construction. In 1427 it was entirely destroyed by an earthquake. It figured and suffered much in the war of independence, being a strong point, and passed alter¬ nately into the hands of French and Spanish, until the latter dismantled the fortifications. In the last civil war it was much coveted, and frequently attacked by the Carlists, but unsuccessfully. Among its remarkable men the cele¬ brated jurist Fontenella may be mentioned. Pop. (1849) 9988 OLTENITZA. See Danube. OLYMPIA, a town of ancient Elis in Greece, stood at a small distance W. from Pisa, on the right bank of the Al- pheus (Rufia), in a plain that opened westward towards the Ionian Sea, and was skirted on all other sides by hills. It was chiefly famous for its sacred grove, said to have been inclosed by Hercules, and called by pre-eminence Altis, a word which is the Peloponnesian ASolic form of dAo-os. Many sacred edifices rose up among the planes and wild olive-trees of this grove. By far the most important of these was the Olympieium or Olympium, the temple of Jupiter Olympius, which stood near the southern boundary of the Altis, and faced the east. It was founded by the Eleians in 572 b.c. The spoils which that people had taken in their war against Pisa and the neighbouring cities were devoted to its erection ; and after the lapse of nearly a century, it received its last finish from the chisel of Phidias the great sculptor. It was a peripteral hexastyle structure of the Doric order, built of limestone from the adjacent mountains, roofed with slabs of Pentelic marble, occupying a site of 230 feet in length, and 95 in breadth, and rising O L Y to the height of 68 feet. Both pediments were enriched Olympiad with legendary stories in relief: the front pediment was || topped by a gilded statue of Victory, and below it, attached Olympias, to the frieze, hung twenty-one votive bucklers, the offering v'— of the Roman general Mummius. At the two ends of the temple were two brazen gates leading respectively into the two chambers into which the building was divided. The western and backmost chamber was called the Opisthodo- mus. On entering the eastern and front chamber, the spectator advanced straight forward up a double colonnade towards a rich and gorgeous curtain, which intercepted his view. The curtain was drawn aside, and there, on a cedar throne, spangled with inlaid gold, ivory, ebony, and pre¬ cious stones, and crowded all over with painted and sculp¬ tured stories of the gods, appeared the master-work of Phidias, the colossal gold and ivory statue of the Olym¬ pian Jove, seated with an image of Victory in his right hand and an eagle-surmounted sceptre in his left, and almost touching the roof with his olive-crowned head. Behind the temple of Jupiter the background of the sacred grove was crowded with other structures. There were the Herseum (the temple of Juno), the great altar of Jupiter, the Metroum (the temple ofthe Mother of the Gods), the Prytaneium, and the Bouleuterion. There were also altars, porticoes, monuments, and statues peeping out at intervals from among the trees. Olympia was also famous as the scene of the Olympic games. Close to the eastern wall of the Altis stood the stadium, or seat for the judges, a long embankment of earth bent into the form of a horse-shoe, resting its circular extremity on the foot of Mount Cronius, and opening its other extremity to the south. Joining the two ends ofthe stadium, and forming a continuation, were two rows of stables and other apartments, which, inclining towards each other, ran southward until they made a narrow aperture, and inclosed a space. This space was called hippaphesis, from being the starting-place of the horses ; and embolus, from having an outline like the beak of a ship. The aperture of the embolus led into the hippodrome or race¬ course, which extended for the space of two stadia towards the River Alpheus, and was bounded on the right by a small eminence, and on the left by an artificial embankment. The information regarding Olympia is chiefly derived from the fifth and sixth books of the Itinerary of Pausanias. Of all the edifices that he describes, the temple of Jupiter is the only one whose site can definitely be traced. Much light, however, has been thrown upon the subject by Leake’s Peloponnesiaca. (See also Mure’s Tour in Greece, &c., in 2 vols., 8vo, 1838.) OLYMPIAD. See Chronology. OLYMPIAS, the mother of Alexander the Great, was the daughter of Neoptolemus I., King of Epirus, and became the wife of Philip IL, King of Macedonia, about 359 B.c. The numerous amours of her husband soon began to keep her in the torment of jealousy; but it was not until 337 B.c., when he married Cleopatra, the niece of Attalus, that her revengeful and imperious disposition burst forth with remorseless fierceness. Hastening to her native country, she endeavoured to persuade her brother, the King of Epirus, to exact vengeance for her wrongs. Unsuccess¬ ful in this attempt, she returned to Macedonia to try more insidious measures. She encouraged her son Alexander to intrigue against his father, and at length, it is said, hired Pausanias to murder her husband. There is even reason for believing that she took up the body of the crucified assassin, placed a crown of gold upon his head, burnt his remains over the tomb of the murdered king, and instituted annual rites in honour of his memory. The accession of Alexander enabled Olympias to give freer vent to her lawless passions. One of her first acts was to put to death her rival Cleopatra, and her rival’s infant. Then, by attempting to usurp the chief power in the absence of her Olympic Games. O L Y son, she involved herself in an inveterate quarrel with the regent Antipater. During the life of Alexander she directed a continued series of recriminations against her adversary, and after the death of Alexander she plotted his overthrow in her retirement in Epirus. At length the demise of Antipater in 319 B.C. left Olympias free to engage in some new enterprise of ambition. Accordingly, in 31 ( B.C., she took the field in person to support the cause of the new Macedonian regent Polysperchon against Cassander and his allies, and advanced to encounter an army under the princess Eurydice. At the sight of the mother of Alexander, the opposing forces threw down their arms without striking a blow; and the queen celebrated the triumph by butchering in cold blood Eurydice, her husband Arrhidaeus, Nicanor the brother of Cassander, and a hundred Macedonian nobles. This was the crowning act of Olympias’ long course of vindictive cruelty, and retribution was close at hand. Towards the close of that same year she found herself besieged in Pydna by Cassander; in the spring of 216 B.C. her garrison was driven by famine to a surrender; and, contrary to the stipulations, she was condemned to death. A body of soldiers was sent to execute the sentence in the prison; but the fearless and commanding mien of Philip’s wife and Alexander’s mother overawed them, and sent them huddling towards the door. The Macedonians whose friends had been murdered by her then rushed in upon her ; but she received their strokes without uttering a single cry of weakness, and fell with all the dignity of a queen. OLYMPIC GAMES, the greatest of the national festivities among the Greeks. They derived their name from Olympia, the place at which they were celebrated. (See Olympia.) Their great antiquity is shown by the mythical accounts that are given of their origin. Hercules, Pelops, and Atreus are severally represented by different legends as the founders. But the first historical fact regarding the Olympic games is their revival in the ninth century B.C. by the conjoint exertions of Iphitus of Elis, Lycurgus of Sparta, and Cleosthenes of Pisa. The festival was then appointed to be held once every four years; the intervals between the periods of celebration were called Olympiads; all persons of pure Plellenic blood were invited to contend in friendly contests by the banks of the Alpheus ; a general armistice was preserved throughout Greece during the festive days; and the territory of Elis was considered consecrated ground. Great crowds of Greeks from all parts, both at home and in the colonies, were wont to frequent the Olympic games—some for the purpose of taking part in them or of seeing them, but many more for other purposes. Friends came to meet friends; traders to find customers; magnates to be the fowpot or representatives of their different states; painters and other artists to exhibit their works; and literary men to publish their books by reading them to the multitude. All women were forbidden, on pain of death, to be present, or even to cross the Alpheus. At first the inhabitants of Pisa superintended the games ; but after the conquest of that city by the Eleans, the conquerors claimed the management, and chose the hellanodicce or judges out of their own state. (See Hellanodica:.) How the com¬ petitors were trained previously, what exercises were the subjects of the competition, what honours were lavished upon the victors, and what effect the Olympic gatherings had upon the social prosperity of the Greeks, have all been fully noticed in the article Games. The Olympic games continued to be celebrated after the Greeks had been sub¬ jected to the yoke of Rome. Roman citizens took part in them; and Roman emperors expended large sums of money in celebrating them. At length, in 394 a.d., under the reign of the Emperor Theodosius, after they had existed for more than a thousand years, and had outlived O L Y 511 dorus Olympus. many famous kingdoms and republics, they were finally Olympio abolished. OLYMPIODORUS, a Neo-Platonic philosopher of Alexandria, flourished in the former half of the sixth cen¬ tury, immediately before the Pagan schools were closed by the edict of Justinian. He delivered comments upon the Gorgias, Philebus, Phcedo, and Alcibiades I. of Plato. These scholia evince extensive learning, and a special acquaintance with lamblichus, Syrianus, Damascius, and other Neo-Platonists. They also contain many striking and clearly apprehended modifications of the doctrine of the Alexandrian school. The most important of these is the distinction drawn between religion and philosophy. According to Olympiodorus, religion teaches by allegories, philosophy by clear and distinct thoughts; the former pre¬ sents an inert and barren symbol to the imagination, the latter fixes a living and procreative idea in the mind. It is therefore necessary that philosophy should strip off the allegorical dress of religious doctrines, and expose the naked truth within. Accordingly he gives a metaphysical and moral interpretation to the principal classical myths. Another interesting feature in the scholia of Olympiodorus is his occasional treatment of the great questions in psycho¬ logy and moral science. He holds that reason is the supreme element in the soul, and has a right to rule over sensibility and will, the two other elements. This doctrine leads him to maintain that the moral nature of man is in its best state only when it is wholly subject to reason, and that virtue is nothing else than wisdom. The human soul, thus governed by a principle more elevated than its fellows, he assumes to be the model for all political communities, and infers, like his master Plato, that an aristocratic government is the best. The scholia of Olympiodorus on the above-mentioned dialogues of Plato have not come down to us entire, but only in notes of his lectures taken by his students. Some of the scholia on the Phcedo were published by Forster, Oxford, 1745 ; those on the Gorgias by Routh, Oxford, 1785 ; those on the Alcibiades I. by Creuzer, Frankfort, 1821 ; and those on the Philebus, by Stallbaum, Leipsic, 1826. Olympiodorus is also the author of a Life of Plato, which has been published by Etwall, London, 1771 ; and by Fischer, Leipsic, 1783; in both cases along with some of the Platonic dialogues. A philosophical analysis and a bibliographical summary of his works are given in Cousin’s Fragments Philosophiques, 4th edition, 12mo, Paris, 1847. OLYMPUS, a lofty mountain in Greece, stands on the frontier line between Thessaly and Macedonia. Its position and aspect are worthy of its ancient fame; and it might still be called, as it was by the classical poets, “ the leafy,” “the shady,” “the many-ridged,” and “ the snowy” Olym¬ pus. It rises boldly up from the pleasant vale of Tempe on the south, and the Macedonian plains on the north, to the height of 9754 feet, towering above all the neighbour¬ ing summits, and looking eastward over the Thermaic Gulf to the distant peaks of Mount Athos. Forests of pine, oak, chestnut, beech, and other trees, sweep along its base and climb its sides; its rocky masses farther up are cleft by numerous yawning ravines; and its broad summit rises against the clear sky covered with a sheet of sparkling snow. Such lofty grandeur rendered Olympus a worthy habitation for the deities of the early Greeks. There Jove sat when he filled the sky with his thunder-clouds, and scattered his lightning-shafts over the world. There, too, in a palace reared by Vulcan, he summoned the gods to council or to banquet. From this spot also he was wont to pass out into the exterior sphere of the universe through an opening which was made in the metallic,dome of the sky, and which had a thick cloud for a door. Becoming thus, in course of time, identified with the abode of the gods, the 512 O L Y O M A word Olympus was afterwards used as a synonyme for heaven. There were several other mountains called Olympus, the most important of which were the hill in Elis near Olympia, the range in Mysia extending eastward along the boundary line between Phrygia and Bithynia, and the chain of heights in the island of Cyprus. OLYNTHUS, a town of Chalcidice, stood at the head of the Toronaic Gulf, between the headlands of Sithonia and Pallene, about 60 stadia from Potidsea. The early part of its history is not marked by much prosperity. During the second Persian invasion of Greece, Artabazus, the geneial of Xerxes, captured the town, slaughtered its Bottiaean in¬ habitants, and gave it to the Chalcidians. It next came under the yoke of Athens; and not until the commence¬ ment of the Peloponnesian war, when the Spartan general Brasidas crushed the Athenian power in Chalcidice, did it assert its independence. At that time, however, the Olyn- thians began to play an important part in history. The maritime situation of their city, and its central position among the neighbouring independent towns, were the na¬ tural advantages with which they started. One of their first deeds was to exact from Amyntas, the embarrassed king of Macedonia, some additional territory. Then, on the broad principle of a common participation in all civil rights and privileges, they established a confederacy with the other Chalcidian and several of the Macedonian cities. In 383 b.c. their strength had become so formidable that they refused to restore the land previously conceded to them by the Macedonian monarch, and threatened to punish the towns of Acanthus and Apollonia for not joining the league. Yet it was the assumption of this bold attitude that led to the overthrow of Olynthus. The aid of Sparta was immediately solicited to punish the arrogant Olynthians, and after a stout resistance, they were forced to surrender to Polybiades in 379 B.c. Their federation was forthwith broken up ; the seizure of Pydna, Methone, and Potidaea, not long afterwards, deprived" them of all hope of ever re¬ organizing it; and they were left alone to cope with the rising destiny of Macedonia. They warded off their fate for some time by forming a league with Philip, the king of that country. At length their alliance with the Athenians, in 352 b.c., led to an open war with the Macedonian monarch in 350 B.c. All the eloquence of Demosthenes could not incite his countrymen to send ade¬ quate succour to their struggling allies : all the resistance of the besieged citizens themselves could not keep out the bribes of the intriguing Philip. In 347 B.c. Lasthenes and Eutychrates betrayed the city ; all the inhabitants were sold for slaves ; and every building was razed to the ground. OMAGH, a market-town of Ireland, county of Tyrone, Ulster, on the left bank of the Strule, 27 miles S. of Lon¬ donderry. It is a neat, clean, and well-built town; the houses generally of stone, and the streets lighted with gas. Among the public buildings are the county court-house, an elegant building of Grecian architecture, the county jail, dis¬ trict lunatic asylum, infirmary, barracks, and union work- house. The river is crossed by a handsome stone bridge. There are a parish church, a Roman Catholic chapel, and several dissenting places of worship. Omagh was burned by James II. in 1689, and again by accident in 1743. Market-day, Saturday. Pop. (1851) 3385. OMAN. See Arabia. OMAR I., Abu Hafssah Ibn-al-Khattab, the second khalif of the Mussulmans, was the third cousin of Abdullah, the father of Mohammed. So inveterate an adversary was he at first to the new creed of Islam, that he set out one day to murder the prophet. Chancing, however, by the way to take up a copy of the Koran, and to read the 20th chapter, he was converted on the spot, and became from that hour the most zealous of the Moslems. His military talents and intrepid valour were forthwith devoted to the Omar, service of the founder of his religion. Among many other instances of fidelity that he gave was the promptness with which on one occasion he struck oft the head ot a plaintiff who had dared to question the justice of one of the pro¬ phet’s judicial decisions. In fact, a spirit kindred to that which influenced his master seemed to influence him. “If God should wish,” said Mohammed, “ to send a second messenger to this world, his choice would undoubtedly fall on Omar.” The self-sacrificing zeal of Omar came out into greater prominence at the death of the prophet in 632. When he saw the Mussulmans about to come to a schism touching the respective claims of himself and Abu Bekr to the caliphate, he put an end to the dangerous dispute by declaring for his rival. He then submissively undertook, and faithfully discharged, the duties of chamberlain to the khalif. Even when in the following year he was appointed successor to the khalifate by the death-stricken Abu Bekr, it was with reluctance that he accepted the appointment. “ I have no occasion for the place,” he said. “ But the place has occasion for you,” replied the dying khalif. In the position of “ Emperor of the Faithful ” the kingly spirit of Omar found its proper sphere. In no long time he com¬ municated his prompt vigour and high-toned fanaticism to the whole military administration. Devoted lieutenants were placed in command of the several armies ; the sol¬ diers were disciplined by severe abstinence, and animated by hopes of a voluptuous paradise ; and the Saracen con¬ quests extended themselves with a rapidity greater even than in the days of the prophet himself. In 637 Saad Ibn Abi Wakkass took Madayin, the capital of Yezdejerd, King of Persia; in the following year Abu Obeydah Ibn Jerrah and Khaled Ibn Walid completed the reduction of Syria; in 640 Amru Ibn-al-Ass had subjugated Egypt; and in 641 Mugheyrah subdued Armenia. A similar prosperity mean¬ while pervaded the civil administration. The khalif was ruling in Medina with a wise and self-denying beneficence that rendered him in reality the father ot his people. 1 he poorest subjects ever found him an impartial judge between them and their high-born oppressors. It was his custom every Friday night to expend all the contents of the trea¬ sury upon public and charitable purposes. A part of the money was given as regular pay to the soldiers, another part constituted pensions for meritorious officers, and the rest was distributed among his dependants, according to their necessities. He reserved nothing to support his own state, but he lived in primitive simplicity on a small pittance which he earned by manufacturing leather belts. Flis food was barley bread, his drink water, and his garb an old gown torn in twelve places. Unarmed and unguarded, he mingled with his people, took his daily walks out into the country, and enjoyed his noontide repose under a wayside tree, or on the steps" of the great mosque, among the beggars. At the same time, he was exhibiting in his life a model of Moham¬ medan piety. Much of his time was occupied in praying and preaching at the tomb of the prophet; occasional pilgrimages were made to Mecca ; and the words of the Koran and the precepts of wisdom were ever upon his lips. Such a severely pure and sublimely simple morality could not fail to awaken in some minds an overpowering reverence and awe. Accordingly, it was said that the staff of Omar was more dreaded than the sword of his successors. In other minds it could not fail to excite hatred and revenge. Accordingly, an arrogant Persian slave, who had applied in vain to the khalif to be relieved of half the tribute paid to his master, swore to be avenged on the inexorable judge. At¬ tacking him while saying the morning prayers in the mosque, he inflicted upon him three mortal wounds. After languish¬ ing for some days, Omar died in 643. It was in the reign of Omar that the famous Alexandrian library was burnt, and that several of the Mohammedan institutions began to be 0 M A Oroar formed. (See Ockley’s Saracens; Gibbon’s History; Planck’s Dissertatio de Omaro Chalifa, Lund. 1806 ; and Omen. Von Platen’s Geschichte der Todtung des Chalifen Omar, —^ Berk 1837. , „ , ^ . Omar II., the eighth khalif of the dynasty of the Ommi- ades, was the great grandson of Omar I., and succeeded Soli- nian in 717. In the midst of a luxurious and contentious people, he imitated the temperance and charity of his great ancestor. The chief purpose of his reign was to reconcile the followers of Omar and Ali, the two sects into which the Mussulmans were then divided, and to restore the latter to their property and privileges. Yet it was this genero¬ sity that led to his ruin. The Ommiades, dreading the fall of their faction, put him to death by poison in 720. OMEN literally signifies a sign or indication of some future event, taken from the language of a person speaking without any intention to prophesy. This appears from the archaic form of the word, which was osmen. Varro says {De Lingua Latina, lib. v., c. 7, § 76) “onewquod ex ore primum elatum est, osmen dictum and Freund conjec¬ tures that this original form of the word may again be re¬ lated to oo-o-a and cty, which signified primarily a prophetic voice. Cicero remarks {De Divinatione, i. 45) that the Pythagoreans attended to the words not only of gods, but also of men, which they called omens. The term omen became subsequently applied to all signs, of whatever na¬ ture, from which men believed themselves capable of ex¬ tracting any knowledge of future events. Omens are distinguished from all other modes of divination by their purely accidental character. To trace the history of this superstition, it would be necessary to begin almost with the origin of the race. There is perhaps no form of erroneous belief so common to all nations, and so similar in its special development, as that of omens. The causes of this uni¬ formity are not far to seek. The desire, so peculiar to man, of drawing aside the curtain of mystery which hangs over his life, combined with the general sameness of human ex¬ perience throughout the world, are sufficient to account for the striking coincidences often traceable between the omin¬ ous events of an eastern king and an ancient Roman, be¬ tween an old Greek and an ignorant Englishman. Light¬ ning, thunder, &c.; the motions and voices of animals, and particularly of birds ; personal sensations of body and mind, &c., were regarded by the Greeks and Romans as peculiarly ominous. The Romans especially carried this superstition to an extravagant extent. (See Augur.) One curious variety in ancient divination is, that to a Greek the right hand denoted good luck, and the left the contrary ; while the Roman exactly reversed this order. The portentous or supernatural omens were either ex¬ ternal or internal. Of the former kind were those showers of blood so frequently occurring in the Roman history, which were much of the same nature with the adventure of TEneas, which he calls monstra deum. Of the latter kind were those sudden consternations, which, seizing upon men without any visible cause, were imputed to the agency of the god Pan, and hence called panic terrors. But in¬ deed there was hardly anything, however trivial, from which the ancients did not draw omens. That it should have been thought a direful omen when anything befell the temples, altars, or statues of the gods, need excite no wonder; but that the meeting of a eunuch, a negro, a bitch with whelps, or a snake lying on the road, should have been looked upon as portending bad fortune, seems absurd enough. Of the countless occurrences still regarded by the igno¬ rant and superstitious as of ominous import, the following may be cited as examples:—To break a looking-glass is extremely unlucky ; for the party to whom it belongs will lose his best friend. If, going a journey on business, a sow cross the road, you will probably meet with a disappoint- VOL. XVI. O M E 513 ment, if not a bodily accident, before you return home. Omer, St To avert this you must endeavour to prevent her crossing [1 you ; and if that cannot be done, you must ride round on Ometepe. fresh ground. If the sow be attended with her litter of ^ pigs, it is lucky, and denotes a successful journey. It is unlucky to see first one magpie, and then more; but to see two denotes marriage or merriment; three, a successful journey; four, an unexpected piece of good news; and five, that you will shortly be in a great company. To kill a mag¬ pie will certainly be punished with some terrible misfor¬ tune. If in a family the youngest daughter should be married before her elder sisters, they must all dance at her wedding without shoes. This will counteract their ill luck, and procure them husbands. If you meet or pass a funeral procession, always take off your hat. I his keeps all the evil spirits attending the body in good humour. If, in eating, you miss your mouth, and the victuals fall, it is very unlucky, and denotes approaching sickness. It is lucky to put on a stocking the wrong side outwards ; chang¬ ing it alters the luck. When a person goes out to transact any important business, it is lucky to throw an old shoe after him. It is unlucky to present a knife, scissors, razor, or any sharp or cutting instrument, to one’s mistress or friend, as they are apt to divide love and friendship. 1 o avoid the evil effects of this, a pin, a farthing, or some trifl¬ ing recompense, must be taken. To find a knife or razor denotes ill luck and disappointment to the party that finds it. (For much curious information on this subject, see Brand’s Popular Antiquities, Bohn’s edition, vol. iii., pp. 110-255.) OMER, St, a strongly-fortified town of France, capital of an arrondissement of the same name in the department of Pas-de-Calais, stands on the River Aa, at the mouth of the Canal Neuffosse, 25 miles by railway S.E. of Calais. It is built partly on the declivity of a hill, and partly on low marshy land at its foot. It is surrounded by fortifications about 2 Jr miles in circumference, and is further defended by several strong and extensive outworks; but its chief strength consists in its being surrounded by marshes, and standing on the Aa, by means of which three-fourths of its circuit may be protected by water. I he principal streets are broad and regular, and the town is generally well built; but the houses have a dull and gloomy appearance, being chiefly built of yellow or gray bricks. There are numerous public fountains and several fine promenades. The cathe¬ dral is a very fine building in the Gothic style, completed about the middle of the sixteenth century. The abbey church of St Berlin, at one time the finest Gothic edifice in French Flanders, is now in ruins from the effects of the revolution of 1830. The college, town-hall, arsenal, prison, and theatre, are the principal public buildings. There are several convents and hospitals, courts of justice and com¬ merce, a public library of about 20,000 volumes, and an English college for the education of British Roman Catholics. Woollen cloth, paper, beer, brandy, and leather are among the principal manufactures; and an active trade is carried on in corn, wine, flax, wool, &c. Pop. (1856) 19,796. OMERCOTE, a town of British India, in Scinde, stands in the Eastern Desert, 90 miles E. of Hyderabad, N. Lat. 25. 22., E. Long. 69. 47. Near the town is a fort 500 feet square, defended by mud walls and by numerous towers. Omer cote was taken in 1813 by the ameers of Scinde from the Rajah of Joudpoor, and is the birth-place of the renowned Emperor Akbar. OMETEPE, an island of Central America, near the western shore of the Lake of Nicaragua, in length about 20 miles, and in breadth 7. or 8. It is of volcanic origin, and contains two conical mountains of granite, thickly covered with forests, and of which one manifests occasionally signs of volcanic action. The other summit is the higher of the two, and its height has been estimated at 5252 feet above 3 T 514 0 M N Omnium the sea. The island contains two villages, Ometepe and II , Muyagalpa; and the entire population is about 1700. ^Onegha.^ OMNIUM is a term employed at the stock exchange to denote the aggregate value of the different stocks in which a loan is usually funded. (See M‘Culloch’s Commercial Dictionary.) OMSK, a fortified town of Asiatic Russia, government of Tobolsk, stands on a barren sandy plain, at the conflu¬ ence of the Om with the Irtish, 280 miles S.E. of Tobolsk ; N. Lat. 54. 59., E. Long. 72. 54. It is well built, and con¬ tains, besides several churches, a governor’s house, hospital, a military school, and a college for the education of inter¬ preters for the army, in which the languages are taught. Manufactures of military clothing are carried on here; and here caravans start for Tashkend and Bokhara in Turke¬ stan. The fortifications are modern, regularly constructed in the form of a polygon, and flanked by five bastions. Omsk was formerly the capital of a separate government, which has been divided between those of Tobolsk and Tomsk. Pop. 11,705. OMUN, a town of Guinea, capital of a territory of the same name, stands on an island in the Old Calabar River; N. Lat. 6. 9., E. Long. 8. 15. Pop. estimated at 5000. ON. See Heliopolis. ON AT AS, an ancient Greek sculptor, was the son of Micon, and flourished at Algina in the fifth century b.c. The ascertained facts of his life, as recorded by Pausanias, consist mainly of short notices of his principal works. At Pergamus there was an Apollo ; in a sacred cave near Phi- galia there was a black Ceres, with the horse’s head; at Delphi there was a group of statues, the votive offering of the Tarentines; and at Olympia there were a Hercules, a Mercury, a bronze chariot, and a group representing the Grecian heroes drawing lots for the privilege of accepting the challenge of Hector. Onatas also practised painting. He was the assistant of Polygnotus in decorating the ves¬ tibule of the temple of Minerva Areia at Plataea, and in this capacity he painted a picture representing the expedi¬ tion of the Argives against Thebes. OND A, a town of Spain, province of Castellon de la Plana, in a hilly country, 37 miles N. of Valencia. It has broad and generally "well-paved streets, and several squares. Manu¬ factures of earthenware, tiles, paper, &c., are carried on, and there are also numerous flour and oil mills. On a hill near the town stands a large and ancient fortress. Pop. 4517. ONEGA, a lake of European Russia, in the government of Olonetz, lies to the N.E. of Lake Ladoga, next to which it is the largest lake in Europe. Its shape is irregular, its length from N.N.E. to S.S.W., being about 130 miles, and its greatest breadth about 50 miles; area estimated at 3400 square miles ; its depth for the most part varies from 80 to 100 fathoms. Near the shores there are numerous small islands, but the centre is quite open. It is fed by the rivers Migra, Shuia, Vodla, and Vytegra; and discharges its waters by the Svir into Lake Ladoga. The shores are generally rocky, and the waters clear, abounding in fish. Onega, Gulf of the south-western arm of the White Sea, runs into the land in a S.E. direction, having a length of 75 miles, and a breadth at its mouth of 60 miles. It receives at its head the River Onega, which issues from Lake Latcha in Olonetz, flows N.E. to the confines of Archangel, and thence N.W. to the sea; total length, 270 miles. It is used for floating down timber, but is seldom navigated on account of the numerous falls and rapids. ONEGLIA (Fr. Oneille), a seaport-town of the king¬ dom of Sardinia, capital of a province of the same name, in the division of Nice, at the mouth of the Impero, 55 miles S.W. of Genoa, and 41 E.N.E. of Nice. It is defended by fortifications, partly destroyed by the French in 1792 ; and contains a handsome church, court of justice, public offices, convents, grammar school, hospital, &c. Ma- o N o nufactures of soap, leather, &c., are carried on. The har- Qngol hour is not good ; but the situation is favourable for comT H merce. Pop. 5500. The province of Oneglia is moun- Onosander. tainous in the N., and slopes gradually down to the sea. Its principal produce is olives. Pop. (1848) 60,072. ONGOL, a town of British India, in the district of Nel- lore, presidency of Madras, 189 miles N. of Madras; N. Lat. 15. 30., E. Long. 80. 6. It is large, but consists for the most part of wretched mud hovels, covered with thatch; and has a ruinous fort. The scenery in the vicinity is picturesque ; and the country, though not fertile, is rich in copper ore. Pop. of the town and district annexed to it, 31,666. ONKELOS, the author of a celebrated Targum or Chaldee paraphrase of the Pentateuch, is supposed to have flourished during the first centuries of the Christian era, and most probably during the first. The notices of him are meagre and uncertain. He is mentioned four times in the Babylonian Talmud, but it is all but certain that he is there confounded more than once with the Greek paraphrast Aquila, who occasionally went by the same name. From the purity of his Chaldee, it has been inferred that he was a Babylonian ; but as we do not possess any specimens of the Palestinian Chaldee of that time with which to com¬ pare his version, little weight can be attached to this con¬ jecture. The knowledge of his paraphrase is supposed by Eichhorn and Bertholdt to have been confined to the Ba¬ bylonian Jews only for a long time, as Origen and Jerome are silent regarding it. But it is to be remembered that these fathers had to do with Greek versions of the original text when they were occupied with biblical literature. Prideaux also concludes, from the excellency of his para¬ phrase, that he must have been a native Jew ; and there can be no doubt that his knowledge of the Hebrew was worthy of all the praise bestowed on it by the Jews. In point of purity, the diction of his Targum approaches the style of Daniel and Ezra. His work is not properly o.para¬ phrase, as he for the most part adheres with great litera- lity to the original text, which renders his version useful alike for purposes of criticism and interpretation. The Targum of Onkelos was used by the Jews as a sort of dic¬ tionary of Hebrew words. The chief editions of it are those of Bologna, 1482 and 1490; Lisbon, 1491 ; Constan¬ tinople, 1505; Bomberg, in his rabbinical Bibles, 1518- 1549 ; also in Buxtorf’s rabbinical Bible, and in the Paris and London polyglotts. A Latin translation of it, with valuable notes, was published by Fagi at Strasburg in 1546 ; and an important work on the text of Onkelos ap¬ peared at Vienna in 1830, by S. D. Luzzato, under the title of Philoxenus. (See De Onkelo Chaldaico, Pent. Paraph., Leipz. 1846; also Dr S. Davidson’s Dihlical Criticism, 1854.) ONOMATOPOEIA (pvopa, name; Troieco, 1 make), is the name applied to those words which are supposed to be formed from an imitation of natural sounds. Such words are occasionally to be found in all languages, but the Greek and German are particularly rich in them. (See Dictionnaire raisonne des Onomatopees,by Ch.Nodier, 8vo, Paris, 1808.) ONOSANDER, the author of a famous work on mili¬ tary tactics, called Srpar^ytKos Adyos, is supposed to have lived about the middle of the first century after Christ, but nothing is known of his personal history. Subsequent Greek and Roman writers on military affairs made Onosan¬ der their text-book; and numerous generals, both in ancient and modern times, have expressed their obligations to him. His work was published first in Latin by Saguntinus, Rome, 1494 ; again in Latin by Camerarius in 1595 ; in French by Charrier, Paris, 1546; in Italian by Cotta, Venice, 1546; in English by Whytehorne, London, 1563; in Greek (for the first time) and Latin by Rigaltius, Paris, 1599. The best edition is that of Schwebel, Niirnberg, 1761, which O N T Ontario contains the French version of Zur-Lauben, and notes II from the MSS. of Jos. Scaliger and Is.Vossius. Onosander ’dcypoor. ^as a piatonist, and wrote a commentary on the Republic ' of his master, which is now lost. ONTARIO, Lake. See Canada. ONTENIENTE, a town of Spain, province of Valen¬ cia, on the right bank of the Clariano, 11 miles S.W. of San Felipe. It contains a ducal palace, town-hall, three churches, one of which has a lofty square tower, an hospi¬ tal, and several schools. Cloth, linen, paper, brandy, and earthenware, are manufactured; but the industry of the town is in a declining state. Pop. 9508. ONTOLOGY (ov, being; Aoyos, discourse) is that branch of philosophy which investigates the nature and properties of being, or reality, as distinguished from pheno¬ menon, or appearance. (See Metaphysics.) ONYX. See Mineralogy. OOCHEYRA, a native state of India, under the super¬ intendence of the lieutenant-governor of the North-Western Provinces of Bengal. It lies between N. Lat. 24. 10. and 24. 36., E. Long. 80. 35. and 81. 4., and is bounded on the N.E. by the jaghire of Sohawul and by Rewah, E. by Rewah, S.E. by Myheer, and W. by Punnah ; area, 436 square miles. The chieftain of this state having been convicted of the murder of his brother, was deposed and banished by the British government, who assumed the management of affairs during the minority of his son. He, however, when he assumed the power in 1838, found him¬ self totally unable to conduct the government, and at his own request, the country was again put temporarily under British administration. The annual revenue is estimated at L.6632, and the population at 120,000. OODEPOOR CHOTA, sometimes called Mahur, a district of British India, in the Rewa-Caunta, province of Guzerat, bounded N. by Deoghur-Barreea, E. by Allee- Mohun, S. by the districts of Akraunee and Mewassee, and W. by the territory of the Guicowar. It lies between N. Lat. 22. 2. and 22. 32., E. Long. 73. 47. and 74. 20.; and has an area of 1059 square miles. It is watered by the Orsung, an affluent of the Ncrbudda. It was formerly an independent state under British protection; but in 1855, on the discovery of a systematic bribery of the natives attached to the political agent’s office, the state was annexed to the British possessions. The capital is Oode- poor, a town on the Orsung, 105 miles S.E. of Ahmedabad, with a population of 6000. OODEYPOOR, or Mewar, a Rajpoot state of India, bounded on the N. and W. by the British district of Ajmere and the native states of GodwarandSerohee, theMyhee- Caunta, Dongurpore, and Banswara; and E. by Purtab- ghur, Tonk, Gwalior, and Boondee. It stretches from N. Lat. 23. 46. to 25. 56., and from E. Long. 72. 50. to 75. 38.; has a length of 150 miles, a breadth of 130, and an area of 11,614 square miles. The south-western part of this territory is occupied by the Aravulli Mountains, which extend thence along the frontiers of Oodeypoor northwards to Ajmere. To the north of Komulmair, this chain takes the name of Mhairwarra, and at this part it varies from 6 to 15 miles in breadth. The wild and deep glens of these mountains are occupied by Bheels, Minas, and Mairs; and the fastnesses of the southern part of the range have like¬ wise given shelter to numerous native tribes, acknowledg¬ ing no superior power, and paying no tribute. The geolo¬ gical formation of the mountains consists for the most part of granite, quartzite, and gneiss; and many valuable mine¬ rals are obtained here. Tin, silver, and copper are the prin¬ cipal metals that occur. The remainder of the country has an average elevation of 2000 feet above the level of the sea, and slopes gradually from S.W. to N.E. The principal rivers are the Banas and the Beris, flowing N.E. from the foot of the mountains* The rana or prince of o o M 515 Oodeypoor is regarded as the head of the Rajpoot States, Oodeypoor although his supremacy is not acknowledged in any other respect; from which circumstance it has been inferred that Oomrawut' these princes were formerly possessed of real power over ^ *ee’ the whole of Rajpootana. The state of Oodeypoor be- came tributary to the British government by the treaty of 1818; and the amount of tribute was originally fixed at L.22,400 per annum, but this was reduced in 1848 to L.20,000. A corps of Bheels was raised in 1841 at the joint expense of the British and Oodeypoor governments, in order to reduce to subjection the Bheel districts of the country; and this has been performed with complete suc¬ cess. Pop. estimated at 1,161,400. Oodeypoor, the capital of the above state, stands on a low ridge, in a valley surrounded by hills, 70 miles W. of Neemuch, 135 S.W.ofNusseerabad, and 395 N.of Bombay; N. Lat. 24. 37., E. Long. 73. 49. It presents a grand and beautiful appearance when seen from the east, but on a nearer approach is seen to be but ill built. The palace, a fine granite building 100 feet high, stands on a rock overlook¬ ing the city, and an artificial lake formed by the embank¬ ment of a stream. The town is said to have been founded and named after Oody Singh, Rana of Mewar, in 1568, and it was formerly very populous; but though in recent times the place has been recovering somewhat of its prosperity, it was estimated in 1818 to contain not more than 3000 houses. OOJEIN, a city of India, in the territory of Gwalior, stands on the right bank of the Seepra, 152 miles S.W. of Goonah, 260 S.W. of Gwalior, and 598 W.S.W. of Alla¬ habad ; N. Lat. 23. 10., E. Long. 75. 47. It is of an ob¬ long form, 6 miles in circumference, and is surrounded by a wall of stone, with round towers. The houses are very much crowded together, and are for the most part built either entirely of wood, or of a wooden framework filled up with brick, with roofs in some cases sloping and tiled, and in others consisting of terraces, after the eastern fashion. The principal bazaar consists of a broad and well-paved street, lined with houses of two stories in height, the lower of which, of stone, contain the shops, and the upper, of brick, form the dwellings. There are in the city four mosques and many Hindu temples; a large and convenient, though not very handsome palace belonging to the Scindia family; and an observatory, built by Jai Singh, Rajah of Jey- poor, and minister of Mahomed Schah, Emperor of Delhi (1719-1748). Oojein is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus ; and from it the degrees of longitude are calcu¬ lated by the Hindu geographers. It is of great antiquity; being believed to be the place mentioned by Ptolemy under the name of Ozoana. Vikramajit, King of Oojein, who ascended the throne in 57 B.C., was so celebrated in India that the Samvat era, which dates from the beginning of his reign, is still universally used throughout Hindustan ; and his son Chandrasen is said to have ruled over the whole of India. Oojein fell into the power of the Mohammedans in 1310. At this time it was the capital of Malwa; and along with this country it afterwards came under the power of the Patans, but was recovered by Akbar in 1561. In the middle of the eighteenth century it was conquered by the Mahrattas, and was regarded as the capital of Scindia’s dominions till 1810, when the seat of government was transferred to Gwalior. OOMRAWUTTEE, a town of British India, in one of the districts of Hyderabad, ceded by the Nizam to the British government, 245 miles N. of Hyderabad, and 350 N.E. of Bombay. It is of great commercial importance on account of the cotton grown in the surrounding districts, which is conveyed to the town, there cleaned, and sent for exportation to Bombay and Calcutta. Many mercantile firms are established here; and most of the great houses in Upper India have either branches or correspondents at 516 O O R Oorcha Oomrawuttee. This place enjoys great advantages on ac- II count of its freedom from transit duties; and will, before Opera, long, be connected with Bombay by a line of railway. OORCHA, a town of India, capital of a raj or princi¬ pality of the same name in Bundelcund, 131 miles N. of Saugor, 142 S.E. of Agra, and 743 N.W. of Calcutta; N. Lat. 25. 21., E. Long. 78. 42. It is built on a rocky hill, is about 3 miles in circuit, and is surrounded by an uncemented wall of unhewn stones, which has thiee lofty gateways. In the town is a fortress, separated fiom the rest of the buildings by a branch of the Betwa, which is filled with water during the time of the inundations, and crossed by a wooden bridge. In the fortress stands the residence of the rajah, and a handsome palace ; while in the town there is a temple adorned with lofty spires. 1 he raj of Oorcha, which is also frequently called Tehree, from a town of that name, where the rajah generally resides, has an area of 2160 square miles, yields a revenue of L.60,000 per annum, and maintains a force of 7000 or 8000 men. Pop. of the raj, 192,000. OORT, Adamyan, the teacher of Rubens, was born at Antwerp in 1557. His. early style, acquired under the tuition of his father, was marked by careful and correct drawing, and raised him to a high place in his profession. He was employed to decorate many of the churches and public edifices in Flanders ; he received into his school of painting such promising pupils as Rubens, Jordaens, Franck, and Van Balen; and so excellent did his artistic skill be¬ come, that, according to the greatest of his scholars, a course of study at Rome was the only training requisite to render him the first historical painter of his day. But the loose moral character of Oort prevented his further success. His cruel outbursts of passion drove away all his pupils except his future son-in-law Jordaens; his intemperance palsied his hand and broke up his studious habits; and the pictures he executed before his death, in 1641, were full of negligence and mannerism. OOSTERHOUT, a town of Holland, in the province of North Brabant, 5 miles N.E. of Breda. It has a town- house, churches, and schools. There are here potteries, producing a kind of earthenware which is highly prized ; be¬ sides breweries, tanneries, corn-mills, &c. Some trade is carried on in corn, timber, and cloth. Pop. 7500. OOTAKAMUND, a town of British India, presidency of Madras, district of Coimbatoor, stands on the Neilgherry Hills, at an elevation of 7300 feet above the sea, 32 miles N.W. by N. of Coimbatoor. It is partly occupied by natives, and partly by Europeans; the houses of the latter being scattered along the slopes of the valley in which it stands, while those of the natives are more closely collected together. There is an elegant church, and public gardens. Ootakamund is the principal as well as the most elevated sanatory station on the Neilgherry Hills. It was founded in 1822. OPERA, a lyrical drama set to music in recitations, airs, duetts, trios, quartetts, choruses, and finales; preceded by an instrumental overture, and accompanied by an orches¬ tra ; and, when performed, enforced and embellished by action and declamation, and appropriate costumes and scenery. The opera appears to have originated at Flo¬ rence about the end of the sixteenth century. (See Doni’s Works, passim.) The Italians divide their operas into tour kinds; the sacred opera, the serious opera, the semi-serious opera,‘‘and the opera buffa, or comic opera. The French have their grand?opera, in which the whole lyrical drama is sung; and the opera comique, in which the singing is intermingled with spoken dialogue. The Germans have a greater variety of such distinctions of operas; as the grand opera, the serious opera, the tragic opera, the heroic opera, the romantic opera, the allegorical opera, the military melodrama, the comic opera, and some ethers. O P H (Much amusing and interesting matter relative to the rise Ophicleide and progress of the opera may be found in Dr Burney’s || Tours and History, in the Baron de Grimm’s Correspon- °phir. dence, and in various German periodicals conducted by musicians. See also Arteaga, Manfredini, Signorelli, &c. For some technicalities relative to operatic music, see the article Music.) (G’ g.) OPHICLEIDE. See Music. OPHIOLOGY (o<£is, a serpent, Xoyos, a discourse) is that branch of zoology which treats of serpents. (See Rep- tilia.) OPHIR, Y'rx, the name of a place, country, or region famous tor its gold, which Solomon’s ships visited in com¬ pany with the Phoenician. Regarding its locality there are several interminable controversies. We shall lay before the reader the exact amount of our information respecting the subject, and show how far it applies to what appears to be the three most probable localities,—namely, Arabia, Africa, and India. Our information amounts to this, that King Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-ge- ber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom; that his Phoenician neighbour and ally, Hiram, King of Tyre, sent in this navy his servants along wdth the servants of Solomon; that they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, and brought it to Solomon ; and that they brought in the same voyage algum or almug trees and precious stones (1 Kings x. 11), silver, ivory, apes (or rather monkeys), and peacocks (according to some, pheasants, and to others, parrots). The first theory which appears to be attended with some degree of evidence not purely fanciful is, that Ophir was situated in Arabia. In Gen. x. 29, Ophir stands in the midst of other Arabian countries. Though gold is not now found in Arabia, yet the ancient writers, both sacred and profane, ascribe it to the inhabitants in great plenty. We may also suppose, along with some authors, that Ophir, situated somewhere on the coast of Arabia, was an emporium at which the Flebrews and Tyrians obtained gold, silver, ivory, apes, almug trees, &c., brought thither from India and Africa by the Arabian merchants, and even from Ethiopia. In favour of the theory which places Ophir in Africa, it has been suggested that w'e have the very name in ‘v'r.s, afir, and that the Chald. Targumist on 1 Kings xxii. 48 so under¬ stood it, where he renders by ; probably in¬ ferring from 2 Chron. xx. 36, that to go to Ophir and to Tarshish was one and the same thing. Origen also says, on Job xxii. 24, that some of the interpreters understood Ophir to be Africa. Michaelis supposes that Solomon’s fleet, coming down the Red Sea from Ezion-geber, coasted along the shore of Africa, doubling the Cape of Good Hope, and came to Tarshish, which he, with many others, sup¬ poses to have been Tartessus in Spain, and thence back again the same way; that this conjecture accounts for their three years’ voyage out and home ; and that "Spain and the coasts'of Africa furnished all the commodities which they brought back. Others have conjectured that Solomon’s fleet, after reaching Spain by that course, came home by the Mediterranean ; thus completing a circuit which Hero¬ dotus relates to have been completed by the mariners of Necho, King of Egypt. In behalf of the conjecture that Ophir was in India, the following arguments are alleged,— that it is most natural to understand from the narrative that all the productions said to have been brought from Ophir came from one and the same country, and that they were all procurable only from India. The^Sept. translators appear to have held this opinion, from rendering the word 2w0tp, 2ovip, 2w^>ipa, which is the Egyptian name for that country. Josephus also expressly and unhesitatingly affirms that the land to which Solomon sent for gold was “ anciently called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus, which belongs to India;” find the Vulgate renders the O P I O P I words “ the gold of Ophir” (Job xxvm. 16) by tinctis India; coloribus.” There are several places, such as Ma¬ lacca, comprised in that region which was actually known as India to the ancients, any of which would have supplied the car-o of Solomon’s fleet. (Among other works on this con- Cell "U 111 kjv/lwiiiwii o \ o __ • troversy not before referred to, see Wahner, DeRegione Ophir ; Tychsen, “ De Commerc. ^cbr.”jm Gott xvi 164 &c.; Huetii Commentntio de Navigatione Salomonis ; Iteland, Dissertt. Miscell. i. 172 ; or in Ugolini rJ1/iCSCIUT'US^ Vll.) OPIE, John, an eminent painter, was born in the parish of St Agnes, near Truro in Cornwall, in 1761. Although he was the son of a poor carpenter, and was placed at a very early age in his father’s shop, his artistic genius could not be suppressed. He decorated the walls of his paternal cottage with likenesses of his friends, and covered the deals which he planed with comic drawings in red chalk. But it was Dr Wolcott, better known as “ Peter Pindar,” who was the chief instrument in fostering his talents. That eccentric satirist, who was then a physi¬ cian at Truro, hired him as a menial, encouraged his aspira¬ tions, and took the charge of his fortunes. After allowing him to gain facility of hand by practising as an itinerant portrait-pain ter, he brought him to London in 17&1, and with both prose and verse introduced him to the world as “ The Cornish Wonder.” The public, who are always glad of anything to stare and gape at, were roused. 1 he peasant artist soon found himself the gazing-stock of all the minions of fashion ; it became no uncommon circumstance for the street in front of his house to be blocked up with carriages; and before a year had passed, he had painted the principal nobility, and had realized a handsome sum of money. But the tide of success which had risen so suddenly as suddenly ebbed. The fashionable world began to perceive that the manners of the rustic painter were too homely to be tole* rated in their refined presence, and that his style of por¬ traiture was too vigorous and natural to do justice to their aristocratic features. Accordingly they deserted him for some other novelty; the rest of the public followed their example ; and even Peter Pindar, offended at some neglect, either real or imaginary, began to cast gibes at the man he had formerly eulogized. It was under these unexpected disappointments that the full strength of Opie’s character began to appear. He set himself to remedy his defective education by studying the English classics, and by mingling in literary society. At the same time, his devotion to his art continued unabated; and though dexterous in execut¬ ing a picture, he became careful in conceiving it, and fas¬ tidious in correcting it. The results of such unwearied industry were great and palpable. It is true that he never attained to refinement in his portraits, or to poetry in his historical pieces; but both in his portraits and historical pieces there was latterly a power of imitating the colouring of nature which, according to West, no artist had ever rivalled. Some of his historical pieces came into favour with the public; and his portrait of Fox was for a while the talk of the town. Soon after 1801 more commissions began to flow in upon him than he could execute. In 1807 the height of his ambition was attained, when he was raised to the professorship of painting in the Royal Aca¬ demy. But he did not long enjoy his elevation. After delivering four lectures on Design, Invention, Chiaroscuro, and Colouring, he died on the 9th April 1807, and was buried near Sir Joshua Reynolds. His widow, the well- known writer, published jl^ Lectures on Painting, with a Memoir, in 1809. ** Some of the most popular pictures of Opie are, “ The Murder of James I. of Scotland,” “ The Death of Rizzio,” “ Arthur taken Prisoner,” “ Hubert and Arthur,” “ Belisa- rius,” and “Juliet in the Garden.” (Cunningham’s Lives of Painters, &c<) Opie, Amelia, the wife of the preceding, was the daughter of Dr Alderson, a physician in Norwich, and was born there in 1769. The circumstances of her early life gave the bent to her after-career. In her girlhood she beguiled the solitude of her father’s summer-house by com¬ posing songs and tragedies; on her visits to London, the superior society into which the accomplishments of her mind and the graces of her person introduced her, served to stimulate her aspirations ; and after her marriage in 1798, she was encouraged by her husband to become a candidate for literary fame. Accordingly, in 1801, she published a novel entitled Father and Daughter. Although this tale showed no artistic ability in dealing either with incidents or with characters, yet it was the work of a lively fancy and a feeling heart, and speedily brought its author into notice. She was encouraged to publish a volume of sweet and graceful poems in 1802, and to persist in the kind of novel- writing which she had so successfully commenced. Ade¬ line Mowbray followed in 1804, and Simple Tales u\ 1806. The death of her husband in 1807, and her return to Nor¬ wich, did not slacken her industry. She published Temper in 1812, Tales of Real Life in 1813, Valentine's Eve in 1816, Tales of the Heart in 1818, and Madeline in 1822. At length, in 1825, her assumption of the tenets and garb of the Quakers checked her literary ardour, and changed her mode of life. Besides a volume entitled Detraction Displayed, and several contributions in prose and verse to various periodicals, nothing afterwards proceeded from her pen. The rest of her life was spent in travelling and in the exercise of Christian benevolence. She died at Nor¬ wich in 1853. A Life of Mrs Opie, by Miss C. L. Bright- well, was published in 1854. OPITZ, Martin, Von Biberfeld, the father of modern German poetry, was born at Bunzlau in Silesia in 1597. At the universities of Frankfort and Heidelberg he studied his native literature, in addition to the regular branches of edu¬ cation. During the migratory life which he then began to lead his favourite study was not forgotten. While occupying the chair of philosophy and humanities at Weissenburg, in 1622, he published his first poem, Zlatna oder von der Ruhe des Gemiiths. At Vienna, in 1624, the death of the Archduke Charles afforded him a subject for an elegy, a production which was rewarded by Ferdinand II. with a laurel crown and a patent of nobility. During his residence at Dantzic, where he held the office of secretary and his¬ toriographer to the Polish king, he published several poems and translations,among which were versions of ihe Antigone of Sophocles, and of the Psalms. It was in this city that he was cut off by the plague in 1639. Opitz is now remem¬ bered less on account of his poetical excellence than for the correctness and purity of style which he introduced into German poetry. He was also the author of several prose works, of which his treatise on German Poetry is most esteemed. (See in particular Umstandliche Nachricht von des weltberiihmten Schlesiers M. Opitzen von Bober- feld's L,eben, Tode und Schriften, von C. G. Lindner, 2 vols., 1740-41.) OPIUM, the concrete juice of the white poppy {Pa- paver somniferum,) a plant of the natural order Papaver- acece. It is obtained by incisions made in the green capsule of the plant when nearly at maturity, from which it exudes' as a milky juice that concretes in a brownish mass, which is scraped off the capsule, and collected into lumps such as are found in the market. It is termed by Dioscorides /atj/cwvos ottos, sap GY juice of the poppy. It was anciently prepared in nearly the manner above described, and seems to have obtained its name from the Greek word ottos. It was used as a hypnotic by the ancients; and was long employed in modern times ere it was analysed. About 1812 it was found by Serturner to be a compound sub¬ stance } and the subsequent researches of Pelletier, RobL . f 518 0 P I O P O Opium. quet, Mulder, Anderson, and others, have detected in it no less than sixteen ingredients, besides saline matters,— 1. Morphine 2. Narcotine. 3. Thehaine. 4. Codeine. 5. Narceine. 6. Porphyroxine. 7. Meconine. 8. Meconic acid. 9. Papaverine. 10. Brown extract. 11. Caoutchouc. 12. Besin. 13. Concrete oil. 14. Gum. 15. Bassorine. 16. Lignine. The first nine are crystallizable, the rest amorphous. The therapeutic or medicinal properties of the drug are due to the morphine alone ; and it was a vast improvement in pharmacy to separate it from the other ingredients, which impair its power, or produce disagreeable effects in certain individuals. Thus, some persons suffer from headache, nausea, or intense itching of the skin, from crude opium, who do not experience these effects from morphia, winch, on account of its insolubility in water, is generally adminis¬ tered as a muriate or an acetate. The quantity of morphine differs somewhat in different kinds of opium. The best Turkey opium produces usually from &25 to 7'80 per cent, of pure muriate of morphia, containing 12 per cent, of the acid; but it is stated that an opium obtained from the purple variety of the P. somniferum in Germany con¬ tains a much larger quantity of this valuable principle. The only other principle in opium of importance is the me¬ conic acid, which affords to the toxicologist his best means of detecting the administration of opium or laudanum with a criminal intent. Formerly all our opium came from Asia Minor, and the opium of Turkey is still considered the best; but a few years ago the poppy began to be extensively culti¬ vated in India, especially in Bengal and Malwah, the greatest part of which is sent to China, to the extent, in 1856, of 4,735,500 lb. From Turkey, in the same year, we imported 74,914 lb.; from Egypt, 2958 lb.; from the Black Sea and other places, 2652 lb.; or in all, 81,524 lb. Of this quantity, 42,329 lb. were entered for home con¬ sumption, but principally employed in the manufacture of the salts of morphia, which are largely exported to various parts of the world. Good opium is also produced in Eng- and, in France, and Germany ; but the principal European supplies come from Asia, though it has been successfully cultivated in this quarter of the globe. A good description of the preparation of opium in India is given by Dr Joseph Hooker, who studied the process at Patna, one of the principal opium districts. The capsules are incised by a rude sort of knife with three or more blades, called nnstur, which is drawn along the capsules during the hottest time of the day: the white juice exudes and con¬ cretes into opium, which is scraped off in the morning. If the night dews are heavy, or if rain falls in the interval, the quality of the drug is much impaired. By 10 a.m. the process of collecting is finished; and an expert operator will thus produce in twenty-four hours about half a pound of opium. Dr Hooker considers the Indian opium inferior to the Turkish; and it certainly yields less morphia. The opium when collected is put into jars, called godowns, for transportation to Patna, where it undergoes the following process to prepare it for the market, according to Hooker:— “ At the end of March the opium jars arrive at the godowns by water and by land, and continue accumulating for some weeks. Every jar is labelled and stowed in a proper place, separately tested with extreme accuracy, and valued. The contents of all are thrown into capacious vats, occupying a very large building, from whence the mass is distributed to be made into balls for the markets. This operation is conducted in a long paved room, up and down which the workers sit; every man is ticketed, and many overseers are stationed to see the work properly conducted. Each workman sits on a stool, with a double stage before him, and a tray. On the top Oporto stage is a tin basin containing opium sufficient for three balls ; in y. the lower, another basin cortaining water. In the tray stands a brass hemispherical cup, in which the ball is worked. To the man’s right hand is another tray with two compartments—one contain¬ ing thin pancakes of poppy petals, the other a cupful of sticky opium-water, made from refined opium. The man takes the brass cup and places a pancake at the bottom, smears it with opium- water, and with many plies of the pancake, makes a coat for the opium. Of this he guesses at one-third of the mass before him, puts it inside the petals, and agglutinates many other coats over it. The balls are again weighed, and reduced or increased to a certain weight, if unequally made up. At the day’s end, each man takes his work to a rack with numbered compartments, and deposits in it that which answers to his own number. From thence the balls are carried by boys to the drying-room, each being put in a clay cup, and exposed in tiers in the enormous building called the dry¬ ing-room, where they are constantly examined and turned, to pre¬ vent their being attacked by weavils, which are very prevalent during north-east winds—little boys creeping along the racks all day long for this purpose. When dry, the balls are packed in two layers of six each, in chests, with the stalks, dried leaves, and capsules of the poppy plant, and sent down to Calcutta for the opium market, whither every ball is exported. A little opium is prepared, of very fine quality, for the Medical Board, and some for general sale in India; but the proportion is trifling, and such is made up into square cakes. A good workman will prepare from 30 to 50 balls a day—the total produce being 1000 to 1200 a day. During the working season 1,353,000 balls are manufactured for the China market alone.” The principal use which the Chinese make of opium is to smoke it with tobacco, when it produces a languor so pleasing and seductive that those who indulge in it are as little able to resist the temptation to repetition as the drunkard to relinquish his strong potations. The effects of this vice are even more debasing than that of habitual intoxication by alcoholic liquors,—enfeebling rapidly both the mental and bodily powers. The Chinese have long been the principal consumers of opium ; and notwithstand¬ ing the drug has latterly been cultivated to a considerable extent in China, the imports into that empire have been largely and rapidly increased. So much is this the case, that while the imports in 1827-30 did not exceed 16,000 chests, they now (1856-57) amount to from 65,000 to 70,000 chests—that is, to from 10,000,0001b. to 10,800,000 lb.1 This opium is entirely supplied by India; and being subjected to a high duty, partly levied on its production and partly on its exportation, it produces to the Indian treasury a net return of nearly four millions sterling a year (in 1855-56, L.3,714,353); every shilling of which is, of course, derived from the foreign consumers of opium, or Chinese. This system has been much objected to, but without any good reason. The high price charged for the drug must, of course, lessen its consumption, and conse¬ quently, also, the injurious effects which it is said to occa¬ sion ; so that, while the system we adopt yields a large revenue, it obstructs what is said to be the demoralization of the Chinese. The increasing use of opiates among our operative classes has been strongly condemned by many writers, though we would fain hope that the prevalence of the practice has been somewhat exaggerated; and the in¬ ferences on this head, from the quantity of opium imported, do not take into account the large exportation of salts of morphia from Britain, which in 1856 amounted to no less than 112 lb.—equivalent to two-thirds of the opium entered for home consumption. (See Annalen der Pharmakie, tom. iv.; Journal de Pharmacie, tom. viii.; Parliamentary Reports, “Poisons;” Christison’s Toxicology, and Dispensatory; Pharmaceuti¬ cal Journal, vol. xi.; Dr J. Hooker’s Botanical Journal, vol. i.) OPORTO (o Porto, “The Port”), the second city of the kingdom of Portugal, province of Entre Douro e Minho, the 1 40,000 to 50,000 chests of Bengal opium, at 160 lb. a chest, and from 20,000 to 25,000 Malwa opium, at 140 lb. per chest. OPORTO. 519 Oporto best cultivated and the most fruitful province in the kingdom, stands on the northern bank of the Douro, about a league from its mouth, in Lat. 41. 11. 15. N., Long. 8. 8. 22. W. Passengers by steamers and the larger vessels usually land at the town of Sao Joao de boz, built on low land at the mouth of the river, where there are a castle and lighthouse. The dangerous bar of the Douro, upon which many vessels have been wrecked, is near Foz. lo add to the difficulties of the passage, the bar is continually altering its position. The river itself is liable to sudden risings after heavy falls of rain on the mountains. It appears from the Itinerary of the Emperor Antoninus, that in the year a.d. 160 there was a town on the river over against the present city which bore the name of Cago or Gaia. At a subsequent period the Alani entered Lusitania, and founded a city on the site of the present Oporto, which they called Castrum Novum, in distinction to the Castrum Antiquum of the opposite bank. About the year 540 this portion of Lusitania was taken possession of by the Arian Goths under Leovogildo, who caused all persons refus¬ ing to adopt his opinions to be put to the sword, even, it is said, his own sons. In 716 the Goths gave way to the Moors under Abdul Hassan, who conquered Galicia, a.nd seized the whole country as far as the River Douro. The place afterwards fell into the hands of the Christians, and they were attacked by the Moors under Abderrahman in 820. A battle was fought at Campanha, in which Alfonso I. commanded the Christians. The Moors were defeated, and a part of the city whence the Christians issued to the contest received the name Batalha, which it still retains. However, such was the fluctuating fortune of the contending races, that the place afterwards fell under the power of the Moors, by whom it was retained until 1092, when certain knights of Gascony, commanded by Don Alfonso Fredrico, subdued the city, and it was ever afterwards retained by the Christians. In later times Oporto has been notorious for popular out¬ bursts. In 1756 there was an insurrection on account of the creation of the wine monopoly, and twenty-six persons suffered death. On the 11th May 1809 the Duke of Wel¬ lington passed the Douro here, and surprised Soult, who fled. The latest event of importance was its siege in 1832 and 1833 by Dom Miguel, and its successful defence by Don Pedro with 7500 men. In this siege the city suf¬ fered severely, and more than 16,000 of the inhabitants were killed. Oporto extends for about 3 miles along the river. The streets, though irregular, are tolerably well paved, kept pretty clean, and some of them are spacious. The principal buildings are,—the cathedral, originally of pointed Gothic, but barbarously mangled in later times; the bishop’s pa¬ lace, perched on a high rock, and containing a noble stair¬ case ; the Torre dos Clerigos, a tower 210 feet high, built of granite in 1779, commanding an extensive view, and visible from vessels 30 miles away; the English factory- house, a building 70 feet by 90, erected in 1790, and contain¬ ing a ball-room, library, refreshment-room, &c.; the build¬ ing, formerly a Capuchin monastery, in which the museum, and public library containing 70,000 vols., are deposited; barracks capable of housing 3000 men ; the Royal Hospital, commenced, like many of the edifices in Portugal, on an extravagant scale of vastness, and therefore incomplete; the foundling hospital, which annually receives from 1000 to 2000 infants ; and a large Italian opera-house. Amongst the numerous churches, that of S. Francisco is large and some¬ what imposing; and the Cedo-feita church, very curious. The church of our Lady of Lapa is a handsome Corinthian edifice, forming a well-known landmark. The chapels are very numerous; the monasteries, which formerly existed here to the number of twelve, and the five convents, have been suppressed. The English have a chapel and ceme¬ tery, and maintain a chaplain here. Oporto is lighted with gas, manufactured by a company, of which the chief pro- Oporto, prietors are British residents. Electro-telegraphic wire connect Oporto with the government offices at Lisbon. The manufactures of Oporto are on a small scale, and the produce is of a very poor quality. There are iron- foundries, cooperages, sugar-refineries, and roperies ; boats and small ships are built here. Oranges are grown in the neighbourhood, and camellias flourish remarkably well. The olive tree receives less attention here than in other parts of Portugal. Oporto has a botanical garden. Small quantities of tin and quicksilver are extracted in the neigh¬ bourhood. The chief exports, besides wine, are oil, oranges, and other fruits, cream of tartar, shumach, and cork. The principal imported articles are,—corn, rice, coffee, sugar, manufactured goods, hardware, and timber. Oporto has a bank which enjoys good credit, and is of great use in com¬ mercial operations; four insurance companies, a govern¬ ment industrial school, alyceum, an academia polytechnica with ten chairs, a medico-chirurgical school with nine chairs, an academy of fine arts with four chairs, and a public library belonging to the municipality. Nine daily newspapers are published here. The receipts at the custom-house in 1853 amounted to upwards of L.33,200, and the receipts from the duties levied on articles of consumption entering the city amounted to L.22,250 in the same year. Portuguese steamers connect Oporto with other parts of the kingdom, and British steamers establish a communication with Eng¬ land. The wine known in this kingdom as port, and which has hitherto found its largest market here, is produced in a mountainous district called the Alto-Douro, which is distant from Oporto about 15 leagues. The dimensions of the district are about 8 leagues by 4, and the rocks upon which the soil rests are of igneous origin. The sur¬ face is extremely irregular, and the roads very bad. rl he climate is an extreme one, being cold in winter and hot in summer. Until the vine disease entered the district it pro¬ duced about 105,000 pipes of wine annually, the average produce being rather more than one pipe per acre. The expense of a pipe of wine varies from 15s. to 60s., according to the nature of the ground. The vines are cultivated in terraces, and not suffered to grow higher than 3| feet, the effect being by no means pleasing to the eye. In the course of a year the soil is turned over three times: firstly, in au¬ tumn, when the earth is hollowed round the roots of the plants with the view of catching the rain ; secondly, in April, when the earth is replaced round the roots with the view of defending them from the sun’s power; thirdly, when the fruit begins to ripen. The chief part of the work of culti¬ vation is done by men from Galicia, about 8000 of whom are thus employed in the district. The pay of the men is from sixpence to eightpence a day, with ibod. The vintage commences in the latter part of September, and continues nearly a month. Women and children pick the grapes, which are removed in baskets by Gallegos (the inhabitants of Galicia), who carry them to the wine-press, where the juice is extracted by the pressure of men’s feet. The must is placed in casks to ferment; and after this process has been gone through, the wine is transferred to large vats, where a second fermentation ensues. Great Britain is the great market for port wine, but a very small part of that which reaches the island is the pure produce of the grape. Certain regulations of the Portuguese government hamper the importer—no wine being permitted to leave the country without the sanction of a committee of persons, who only allow a strong, black, sweet wine to be exported. It is said to follow, that the best wines of the country are either kept back, or must be treated with brandy, elder-berries, &c., be¬ fore they can obtain the necessary license. None of the beau¬ tiful white wines of the district reach this country; and wines which would rival the claret, Burgundy, &c., of other places, we never hear of. Of late years a disease has ravaged the O P P grapes of Portugal, and the produce of wine has been greatly reduced. Previously the average annual produce of the Alto-Douro district amounted to between 80,000 and 90,000 pipes, of which about 28,000 pipes were exported. In 1854 Great Britain imported 22,800 pipes of port wine, that being about the average amount for the preceding ten years. The length of Oporto along the river is nearly 3 miles, and its inhabitants amount to about 90,000. Many Biitish merchants, chiefly connected with the wine trade, reside here; and there is a British consul, as well as an English chaplain and English medical men. The public conveyances consist of hackney coaches, bullock carriages, and a few omnibuses, connecting some of the neighbouring towns with Oporto. A railway is in contemplation between this place and Lisbon, but many years must elapse before such an expensive work can be completed. One of the chief wants of the kingdom is good internal communication by means of roads, but the impoverished state of the country is too great to allow of these being soon made. OPPELN, a government of Prussia, occupying the greater part of Upper Silesia, is bounded on the N. by the government of Posen, N.W. and W. by that of Bieslau, S. by Austrian Silesia, and E. by Poland. It has an area of 5148 square miles, the greater part of which is covered with mountains and hills. The Oder traverses it from S. to N.; and the only other large river is the Vistula, which forms the boundary of the government to the S.E. There are, however, numerous small lakes and ponds which give rise to streams; and the country is also watered by the Neisse, an affluent of the Oder from the E. The mineral riches of the district are considerable, consisting of coal, iron, zinc, tin, argentiferous lead, &c. The climate is cold and moist, and the ground is covered with snow for a great part of the winter. A considerable part of the surface is occupied with forests; and though the soil is not so fertile as that of Lower Silesia, some of the valleys are very pro¬ ductive ; but the quantity of corn grown is not sufficient for the consumption. Cattle and sheep are kept in large num¬ bers. Manufactures are not carried on to any great ex¬ tent, except those of hardware, steam-engines, leather, and wmollen stuffs. Weaving is also carried on in the moun¬ tainous districts. Some trade is carried on in timber. Pop. 1,014,383. Oppeln, a town of Prussia, capital of the above govern¬ ment, on the left bank of the Oder, 51 miles S.E. ot Bres¬ lau. It is surrounded by walls, and entered by four gates. There are here several churches, a synagogue, schools, a town-hall, arsenal, hospitals, &c. Manufactures of linen, leather, earthenware, and other articles are extensively carried on ; and there is a considerable trade in timber, lead, zinc, wines, &c. Pop. 8439. OPPIAN, a Greek poet, was born at Corycus, or Ana- zarba, in Cilicia, towards the close of the reign of Marcus Aurelius, in the second century after Christ. His father, Agesilaus, was equally distinguished for rank and learning, and he caused young Oppian to be instructed in music, geometry, and the belles-lettres. Septimius Severus hav¬ ing seized upon the throne, arrived at Anazarba, and imme¬ diately the senate of the place threw themselves at the feet of the conqueror. Agesilaus stood aloof upon this occa¬ sion, being too much engrossed with his philosophical in¬ quiries,—a circumstance which so irritated Severus that he deprived the philosopher of all his property, and banished him to the island of Melita in the Adriatic. Thither Oppian fol¬ lowed his father, and it was in this compulsory retreat that he conceived and executed his two poems on Fishing ('AAicv- Ti/cd), and on Hunting (Kw^yertKa), written in Greek hexa¬ meters. When they were finished he went to Home, and pre¬ sented them to the son of Severus, Antoninus Caracalla, w ho O P P esteemed them so highly that he permitted the author to Oppian. demand of him whatever recompense he pleased. Oppian ]! asked only for the release of his father, with permission to 0PP^o. the latter to return to his own country. The emperor not only granted the favour, but added the gift of a piece of gold (about 15s. 6d. of our money) for each of the verses which he had just heard recited. If, as Suidas affirms, these verses amounted to 20,000, never did poet receive so splendid a recompense. But Oppian did not long enjoy his good fortune. Scarcely had he returned to bis own country, when he sunk into the grave, at the early age of thirty, having fallen a victim to the plague, which then desolated the city of Anazarba. His fellow-citizens erected to his memory a magnificent tomb, whereon was engraved an inscription in Greek verse, which still re¬ mains. This is all that we learn of Oppian from the ano¬ nymous Greek historian of his life, whom all the succeed¬ ing biographers have faithfully copied. We must, how¬ ever, except Schneider, the learned editor of his works, who, being struck with the disparity of style and poetic embellishment which he remarked in the poems on the Chase and on Fishing, conceived that two works which were so different in merit could not possibly have been the productions of the same author. Besides, the author of the Cynegetica states in two different passages that his native place was a city on the Orontes in Syria. The critic ac¬ cordingly supposed that there were two Oppians, the first of whom, a native of Cilicia and author of the Halieutica, preceded the second by several years. In the opinion of Schneider, it is to the latter that we are indebted for the Cynegetica, in which the author has, according to him, at¬ tempted to reproduce, but with great inferiority of talent, the manner and some of the imagery of the first Oppian. Belin de Ballu, however, attempted to refute this hypo¬ thesis in the preface to his Greek edition of the Cynegetica, published at Strasburg in 1786, where he proposes to get rid of the allusions to the birthplace of the author of Cyne¬ getica by a clumsy alteration of the text! I he unqualified praise generally accorded to Oppian by critics must have been bestowed in view of the Halieutica, and not of the Cynegetica, which is altogether an inferior production. John Tzetzes calls the author a model of grace ; J. C. Sca- liger compares him to Virgil in harmony and elegance of style; Gaspar Barth, Conrad Gesner, and many others, never cite him except to couple his name with laudatory epithets. The two poems have generally been printed to¬ gether. The only separate edition of the Greek text of the Halieutica is the editio princeps, Florence 1815. The first edition of both poems is that of Aldus, Venice, 1517, with the Latin translation of the Halieutica of Lorenzo Lippi, printed in 1478. I he best edition is that of Schnei¬ der, containing the Greek text, accompanied with a Latin translation, and followed by the paraphrase in Greek prose which the sophist Eutecnius had made of the Ixeutica (another poem attributed to Oppian, but now lost), Stras¬ burg, 1776, and Leipsic, 1813. The last edition is that of Didot, Paris, 1846. Both poems were translated into Italian by Salvini, Florence, 1728. Prior to this there were two French translations of the Cynegetica, one by Florent Chris- tien, Paris, 1575 ; and another by Fermat in 1690. I he Halieutica was translated into English heroic verse by Jones and others, Oxford, 1722, 8vo, with a Life of the author prefixed. OPPIDO, a town of Naples, in the province of Calabria Ultra I., 4 miles E.S.E. of Palmi. It is the see of a bishop, and is supposed to occupy the site of the ancient Mamer- tium. It is chiefly remarkable, however, for the great earthquake which took place here in 1783, during which several houses in the town, and an olive grove in the neigh¬ bourhood, were engulphed. Pop. 8000. 521 OPTICS. History. Optics, from the Greek word oTrro/xai, which signifies to see, is the name given to that branch of natural philosophy which treats of the nature and properties of light; of the changes which it suffers either in its qualities or in its course when transmitted through bodies, when reflected from their surfaces, or when passing near them; of the structure of the eye, and the laws of vision ; and of the con¬ struction of those instruments in which light is the chief agent. HISTORY. The early history of optics, like that of all the sciences cultivated in ancient times, is involved in much obscurity. After the art of glass-making was discovered, lenses and spheres of glass seem to have been used as burning-glasses. Aristo- In Aristophanes’s comedy of The Clouds a burning sphere phanes, js distinctly described. Pliny speaks of globes of glass B,c- which produced combustion when held to the sun. Lac- Lartan tantius informs us that a globe of glass full of water could, this T.d. 'wlien exposed to the sun, kindle a fire even in the coldest 303! weather. And it appears that globes of glass were used by the Vestal Virgins to kindle the sacred fire, and by sur¬ geons to burn the flesh of sick persons that required to be cauterized. Pythago- Among the earliest speculators on vision were Pythagoras ras- and Plato. The former held that bodies became visible by means of particles projected from their surfaces and enter¬ ing the eye, while the latter, in order to give the eye some share in the matter, supposed that something emitted from the eye met with something emitted from the object, and was again returned into the organ of vision. The fol- Plato. lowers of Plato, however, though they had deteriorated rather than improved the conclusion of Pythagoras, were acquainted with two important facts in the science. They taught that light moved in straight lines, and that when it was reflected regularly from the surfaces of polished bodies the angle of incidence was equal to the angle of reflection. Euclid, b.c. The earliest writer on optics was Euclid, the celebrated 300. geometer, whose treatise on the subject is still extant.1 It consists of two books on optics and catoptrics, and proceeds on the Platonic theory, that the visual rays pass from the eye to the object, forming a cone whose apex is in the eye, and whose base is the object. He shows that the angles of incidence and reflection are equal, and that the incident and reflected rays lie in a plane at right angles to the reflecting surface ; and he discusses the apparent magnitude and form of objects, and the apparent place of the images formed by reflection from plane, convex, and concave mirrors. In the 26th, 27th, and 28th theorems, he shows that the part of a sphere seen by both eyes, and having its diameter equal to, or greater or less than, the distance between the eyes, is equal to or greater or less than a hemisphere, and conse- quently that each eye sees dissimilar portions of the sphere, by the union of which it is seen when looked at with both eyes.2 The book on optics contains sixty-one, and that on catoptrics, thirty-one theorems. Aristotle!, As a naturalist Aristotle made some valuable optical ob- b.c. 410. servations. He described, with tolerable correctness, the phenomena of rainbows, halos, and parhelia. He considered the rainbow as produced by the reflection of the sun’s rays History, from the drops of rain which gave an imperfect image of the sun; and he ascribes the light which appears in the sun’s absence to the reflective power of the atmosphere. The speculations of Seneca and Cleomedes derive any Seneca, interest they may possess from their absurdity. Seneca A-D-65* noticed the magnifying power of a bottle of glass in enlarg¬ ing small letters, and he observed that an angular piece of glass produced all the colours of the rainbow. Cleomedes, Cleomedes, in his cyclical theory of motion, has given an elaborate ex--4-*13- 50- planation of the manner in which rays proceeding from the eye render the objects which they meet visible, but it is too stupid to demand the slightest attention. The science of optics may be justly considered as owing pt:olemy’ its origin to the celebrated Claudius Ptolemy, the astrono- £°rn A,D‘ mer of Alexandria, who flourished at the end of the first century. His work entitled Ptolemcei Opticorum Sermones quinque ex Arabico-Latine versi, was known in the time of Roger Bacon to have treated on astronomical refractions, but it had escaped the notice of philosophers, and its valu¬ able contents were unknown until 1816, when Delambre published an analysis of it from the manuscript in the Royal Library at Paris. Montucla had, long before the discovery of the French manuscript, mentioned that a manuscript copy of Ptolemy’s Optics was in the catalogue of the Bod¬ leian Library in Oxford. This interesting manuscript, which Professor Rigaud was so kind as to examine at our request, belongs to the Savilian Library, and had been the property of Sir Henry Savile himself. As in the Parisian manu¬ script the first book is wanting, but it has no blank spaces like the Parisian one, and it is accompanied with a preface by the translator, containing an abstract of the work, and stating that the fifth book is imperfect. The translator mentions that the second book had been previously trans¬ lated from Arabic into Latin by Amiratus Eugenius, a Sici¬ lian, from the latest of two copies of which the new trans¬ lation was made. The following abstract of this interesting work is taken from Delambre’s Analysis, and from the trans¬ lator’s abstract as communicated to us by the late Professor Rigaud. “ The Optics of Ptolemy consists of five books. The first book is wanting, but from the recapitulation of it at the beginning of the second, it appears to have contained a dis¬ sertation on the relations between light and vision, founded on the idea that the visual rays issue from the eye. In the second book he shows that we see better with two eyes than with one, and that the object is not seen in the same place with one eye as with two. Vision, he says, is single, if the two axes of the pyramids of the visual rays are directed in the same manner on the object, but becomes double if the axes are not directed in a similar manner, and if the distance is a little less than the distance between the eyes. He next proceeds to find, geometrically, the circumstances which produce single or double images. He ascribes imperfection of sight in old men to a want of the visual virtue, which, like the other faculties, decays with the ap¬ proach of age ; and he states that those who have concave eyes see at a less distance than those who have not such eyes. Rapidity of motion, he asserts, confounds the colours on a wheel. If the colour is in the direction of a radius 1 Euclidis Optica et Catoptrica nunquam antehac Graece edita. Eadem Latine reddita per Joannera Penam, Regium Mathematicum. His praeposita est ejusdem Joannis Penaj de usu optices prefatio, ad illustrissimum principem Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem, pp. 17,18, Parisiis, 1557 ; or Opera, by D. Gregory, pp. 619, 620, Oxon. 1703. 8 Dr Smith is of opinion that this treatise was not written by Euclid the geometer; an opinion which he rests on the number of blun¬ ders which the author has committed. (Smith’s Optics, vol. ii. Rem. p. 16, § 93.) VOL. XVI. 3 u 522 OPTICS. History, the wheel will appear entirely of this colour, and if different colours are at different distances from the centre, these will appear on the wheel as so many concentric circles differently coloured. When, after looking long at a coloured object, we direct the eye to another, we attribute to it the colour of the first. “ In the third book, which treats of reflection from plane and concave mirrors, he shows, that in a plane mirror the object is seen in the perpendicular drawn from the object to the plane of the mirror and continued behind it. He mentions that objects appear smaller towards the zenith and larger towards the horizon, because in the former case we see them in a position to which we are less accustomed. “ In concave mirrors the objects appear concave, and in convex ones they appear convex, and the image is seen at the point of intersection of the reflected ray, and the line drawn from the object to the centre of the sphere. “ The fourth book treats of concave and compound mir¬ rors, and of the effects of two or more mirrors. In these mirrors an object may be reflected and rendered visible by all the parts of the mirror, or by three, or two, or even one point. The image may be either on the surface of the mirror, or before the surface, or behind the eye, or behind the mirror. When the image is behind the mirror, the distance of the object from the mirror is less than that of the image. When the image is between the eye and the mirror, the distance of the object from the eye will be some¬ times greater than the distance of the image from the mirror, and sometimes it will be equal to it, and sometimes less. When the object is between the mirror and the eye, it will be seen in a part different from that where it really is; and if we give it a motion in one direction, it will appear to move in the opposite direction. “ The book is the most curious and valuable of the whole work. Ptolemy begins by explaining the experi¬ ment with the piece of money, which, when concealed be¬ hind the side of a vessel, becomes visible by filling it with water. The refraction of the visual ray in penetrating the water makes us see the piece of money out of its place, and in the prolongation of the primitive direction of the ray emitted from the eye. In order to measure this refraction at different angles, Ptolemy employs a circle divided into 360°, the inferior half of which is plunged in the water, so that the refracting surface covers one of the diameters of the circle. The centre of the circle is marked by a small coloured body, and a second similar body is fitted to one of the quadrants out of the water, and at a given distance from the vertical diameter ; a third coloured body slides on the lower part, which is immersed in the water. This last body is then pushed with a rod till the eye placed on the body in the air sees all the three in a straight line. The two distances of the second and third body from the vertical diameter are thus measured on the graduated circle. “ In this manner Ptolemy obtained the results in the fol¬ lowing table, which contains the angles of refraction from air to water from 10° up to 80° of incidence :— Angles of incidence. Angles of refraction. 0° 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction. . 0° 0' . 8 0 1 to 0-80143 .15 30 1 — 0-78136 .22 30... 1—0-76537 .28 0 1 — 0-73037 .35 0 1 — 0-74875 .40 30 1 — 0-76992 .45 01 1 — 0-75249 .50 0 1 — 0-77786 mark, that at an incidence of 40° and 50°, where the angle History, of refraction can be measured most accurately, the results of Ptolemy approach very near to the truth. “ In order to measure the angles of refraction from air into glass, Ptolemy adopted the ingenious idea of procur¬ ing a semi-cylinder of pure glass, and adjusting the diameter of it so as to coincide with the horizontal diameter of the graduated circle already described. By performing the very same experiments which he made with water, he found that there was no refraction at a perpendicular incidence; but that for every other position the angle in the air was always greater than the angle in the glass, and the refraction greater than in water. When the three bodies were placed in appearance in the same straight line they always re¬ mained there, whether the eye was placed above the glass or below it. The following are the refractions from air to glass which he obtained in this manner:— . , Ratio of the sines Angles ^ Angles ^ of the angles of incidence and refraction. of incidence. of refraction. 0°. 10 . 20 . 30 . 40 . 50 . 60 , 70 , 80 . 0° 0' . 7 0 0-70179 .13 30 0-68255 .20 302 0-70041 .25 0 0-65748 .30 0 0-65270 .34 30 0-65403 .38 30 0-66247 .42 0 0-67946 The mean of these ratios is 0-67386, whereas the true ratio is 0-64516; but at the angles of incidence of 40°, 50°, and 60°, the ratio is very near the true one. “ When the semi-cylinder of glass was placed on the sur¬ face of water, Ptolemy observed that the refractions from water into glass were less than any he had observed, be¬ cause the difference of density between water and glass was less than between water and air. The following were the results which he obtained:— Ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction. 0° O' 9 30 0-95044 Angles of incidence. Angles of refraction. 0° 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 .18 30 0-92774 .27 0 0-90778 .35 0 0-89233 .42 30 0-88192 .49 30 0-87804 .56 0 0-88422 .62 0 0-89657 The mean of these ratios is 0-76736, differing little from the correct one, viz., 0-7486; and it is interesting to re- The mean of these ratios is 0"90, the true ratio being 0*8760, the index of refraction for water being 1'336, and that of glass 1-525; but at the angles of incidence of 50°, 60°, and 70°, the ratio is very near the true one. “ Ptolemy now discusses the important subject of astrono¬ mical refractions, which he ascribes to the difference of den¬ sity between ether and air. If the visual ray, he remarks, is stopped by an impenetrable body, it could not show us a body which is hid behind the first; and if the second be¬ comes visible, it can only be on account of the flexion of the visual ray. This flexion takes place at its passage into a medium of different density; and the possibility of this flexion, he asserts, may be proved by the following pheno¬ mena. By observations on the stars, it was found that the parallels drawn through the apparent place of those which rise or set, are nearer the north pole than the parallels which pass through their apparent place when they are in the meridian; and the nearer the stars are to the horizon, the greater is the approach of their parallels to the pole. By observing a circumpolar star, Ptolemy found that it was nearer the pole in its lower passage across the meridian; but when it was near the zenith, its parallel became greater 1 This is 45° 30' in the Oxford manuscript. 2 In the Oxford MS. this is 18° 30'. Professor Rigaud supposes the real number to have been 19 30 . OPTICS. j History, in appearance, whereas in the first case it became smaller. Hence it follows that refraction raises the stars towards the zenith. In order to explain the manner in which refrac¬ tions operate, Ptolemy makes use of the same figure upon which Cassini has since founded his theory. He employs almost the same reasoning in order to determine the quan¬ tity of the refraction. He remarks, that the more a star is elevated, the less will be the difference between its true and its apparent place, and that this difference will be no¬ thing in the zenith, because a perpendicular ray experiences no flexion. He demonstrates by a figure, that in every case the refraction carries the star towards the zenith; and he states that the height of the atmosphere is unknown, but that it must begin below the sphere of the moon. From this general account of the fifth book of the Optics of Ptolemy, it will be seen that he gives a theory of astrono¬ mical refractions much more complete than that of any astronomer before the time of Cassini.” Galen, a.d. Claudius Galen, the celebrated Greek physician, who 130-218. wrote on so many other subjects than medicine, directed his special attention to the phenomena of vision. In the twelfth chapter of the tenth book of his work On the use of the different Parts of the Human Body, he has minutely de¬ scribed the phenomena which are seen when we look at solid bodies with both eyes, and with the right and left in succes¬ sion. He shows by diagrams that we see dissimilar pictures of the body in each of these three modes of viewing it. “ Standing near a column,” lie says, “ and shutting each eye in succession; when the right eye is shut, some of those parts of the column which were previously seen by the right eye on the right side of the column, will not now be seen by the left eye; and when the left eye is shut, some of those parts which were formerly seen with the left eye on the left side of the column, will not now be seen by the right eye. But when we, at the same time, open both eyes, both those parts will be seen, for a greater part is concealed when we look with either of the two eyes than when we look with both at the same time.”1 In this fundamental law of bino¬ cular vision so distinctly stated, we have the grand prin¬ ciple of the stereoscope, namely, “ that the picture of the solid column which we see with both eyes is composed of tivo dissimilar pictures, as seen by each eye separately.” During nearly a thousand years which elapsed after the death of Galen, no progress was made in optics. Banished from Europe along with the other sciences, it found shelter in Arabia, where it was destined to receive very important accessions. Alhazen, Alhazen, who flourished about the end of the eleventh a.d. 1100. century, was the individual who gave this fresh impulse to optical science.2 He establishes the opinion of Pathagoras, that vision is performed by rays which proceed from the object to the eye ; and he states that vision is not completed till the ideas of external objects are conveyed by the optic nerves to the brain; and after a description of the eye and its parts, he assigns to each of them the function which it performs in vision. He maintains that we see objects singly with two eyes, because we must perceive only one image when it is formed on corresponding parts of the retina. The instrument employed by Alhazen for measuring the angle of refraction, is more complex than that used by Ptolemy, and his knowledge of the refraction of the atmosphere and of fluids, is obviously inferior to that of the Alexandrian philosopher. Alhazen ascribes to refraction the twinkling of the stars, and the contraction of the diameters and dis¬ tances of the heavenly bodies; and it follows, from his me¬ thod of reasoning, that refraction elevated the stars towards 523 the pole and not towards the zenith, as had been sagaciously History, ascertained by Ptolemy. Alhazen has described seven spe- v'—» cies of mirrors, and he was the first person who determined the focus of rays after reflection, when the place of the ob¬ ject is known. He has treated largely of optical illusions, whether produced in direct or in refracted and reflected vision; and he ascribes the size of the horizontal moon to the apparent form of the concavity of the sky, which is imagined to be more remote in the horizon than anywhere else. Alhazen likewise observed that objects were magni¬ fied when held close to the plane side of the larger seg¬ ments of a glass sphere; and he has given rules, which are far from being correct, for determining the apparent size of objects when seen through such spheres. The next cultivator of optics was Vitello, whose work Vitello, was first published at Nuremberg in 1535.3 He made a a.d. 1270. series of experiments on the angles of refraction of water and glass, which apparently exceeded those of Ptolemy in correctness, the mean ratio of the sines being nearer the truth, and the ratio for each angle of incidence coinciding more accurately with the mean ratio. The following are the results he obtained with water:— Angles Angles Ratio of incidence. of refraction. of the sines. 0° 0° 0' 10 7 45 0-77658 20 15 30 0-78135 30 22 30 0-76537 40 29 0 0-75423 50 35 0 0-74875 60 40 50 0-74992 70 45 30 0-75904 80 50 6 0-77787 The mean of these ratios is 0-76414, whereas that ob¬ tained by Ptolemy was 0-76736, and the true ratio (the in¬ dex of refraction being 1-3358), 0-7486. The results for 30° and 60° are exactly the same as Ptolemy’s. The following were the measures obtained by Vitello for glass :— Angles Angles Ratio of incidence. of refraction. of the sines. 0° 0° O' 10 7 0 0-70179 20 13 30 0-68255 30 i...,19 30 0-66761 40 25 0 0-65748 50 30 0 0-65270 60 34 30 0-65403 70 38 30 0-66247 80 42 o 0-67946 The mean of these ratios is 0-66976, whereas that ob¬ tained by Ptolemy is 0-68736, and the true ratio 0-64516. In comparing this last table with the similar one given by Ptolemy, we cannot fail to be struck with their entire simi¬ larity, with the single exception of the angle of refraction at 30° of incidence, which Vitello makes 19° 30', and Pto¬ lemy, in the Paris copy, 20° 30'. Now, in the Oxford ma¬ nuscript the numbers are 18° 30'; and Professor Rigaud conjectures that the real number has been 19° 30', the same as Vitello’s. Hence we cannot on any just grounds regard the measures of refraction given by the Polish philosopher as anything else than those of Ptolemy, from whom he must have borrowed them. By comparing the two tables for water, we are inclined to make the same unfavourable supposition. The refrac¬ tion for 20°, 30°, and 50° of incidence are exactly the same in both; and Vitello’s measure for 70°, viz. 45° 30', is the same as Ptolemy’s in the Oxford manuscript. But this 1 Be usu Partium Corporis Humani, edit. Lugd. 1550, p. 593. 2 Montucla has very incorrectly charged Alhazen with borrowing the greater part of his optics from Ptolemy. Delambre has refuted this opinion, and rendered it probable that the Arabian philosopher never saw the work of Ptolemy. What assistance he obtained from his predecessors who flourished after Ptolemy cannot now be ascertained. See Connaissance des Terns for 1816, 3 This work has been very erroneously regarded as little more than a translation of Alhazen's treatise, 524 OPTICS. History, opinion is converted into certainty when we examine Vitello’s table of the refractions from water into glass, in which all the measures are identically the same with those of Ptolemy. In the course of his experiments, Vitello was led to ob¬ serve that whenever light was reflected or refracted by transparent bodies, a certain portion of it was lost, but he does not estimate the quantity, contenting himself with the observation that bodies always appear less luminous when seen by refracted and reflected light. In treating of the cause of the rainbow, he shows that refraction is as neces¬ sary to its production as reflection, but he of course does not ascribe the colours to refraction, regarding it merely as a means of giving strength or condensation to the solar rays. He imitated the colours of the rainbow (which, like Seneca, he considers as having their origin in a mixture of the sun’s rays with the blackness of the cloud) by placing a white piece of paper beneath a circular vessel of glass containing water; but he says that they are not the same colours with those of the rainbow, because they are not in the same number, and do not reach the eye after reflection. He shows that in those countries where the meridian altitude of the sun exceeds the semi-diameter of the rainbow, a rainbow cannot be seen at noon. His observations on the foci of glass spheres, on the twinkling of the stars, and on other optical phenomena, are of no value. Passing over Archbishop Peckham’s treatise on optics, en¬ titled Perspectiva Communis, as containing nothing either new or important, we come to consider the claims of Roger Roger Ba- Bacon to the invention of the microscope and the telescope, con, born Jn his Opus Majus, which embraces his Perspectiva and 1214* Specula Mathematica, he has given an account of his spe¬ culations and inventions in optics. Dr Plott, Dr Friend, Dr Henry, Wood, Muschenbroek, Jebb, and William and Samuel Molyneux have agreed in regarding Bacon as the inventor of the telescope; while Dr Smith of Cambridge is of opinion that he wrote only hypothetically, and had never made any experiments with real lenses. As this is not the place to discuss this subject in a critical manner,1 we shall content ourselves with giving a single extract respecting the telescope and microscope. “Greater things than these may be performed by refracted vision. For it is easy to understand by the causes above mentioned, that the greatest things may appear exceeding small, and on the contrary; also that the most remote ob¬ jects may appear just at hand, and on the contrary. For we can give such figures to transparent bodies, and dispose them in such order with respect to the eye and the objects, that the rays shall be refracted and bent towards any place we please; so that we shall see the object near at hand, or at a distance, under any angle we please. And thus from an incredible distance we may read the smallest letters, and may number the smallest particles of dust and sand, by rea¬ son of the greatness of the angle under which we may see them; and on the contrary, we may not be able to see the greatest bodies just by us, by reason of the smallness of the angles under which they may appear; for distance does not affect this kind of vision, excepting by accident, but the quantity of the angle. And thus a boy may appear to be a giant, and a man as big as a mountain, forasmuch as we may see the man under as great an angle as the mountain, and as near as we please ; and thus a small army may appear a very great one, and, though very far off, yet very near us, and on the contrary. Thus also the sun, moon, and stars may be made to descend hither in appearance, and to ap¬ pear over the heads of our enemies; and many things of the like sort, which would astonish unskilful persons.” Whether these remarks were the result of speculation or of actual experiment, it is not easy to determine; but in History, opposition to the opinion of Dr Smith, we may adduce a passage from Recorde’s Pathway to Knowledge, printed in 1551, in which he distinctly speaks of a “ glasse” used by Friar Bacon. “ Great talke there is of a glasse he made at Oxford, in which men might see things that weare don, and that was iudged to be don by power of euill spirites. But I know the reason to be good and natural, and to be arright by geometry (with perspective as a part of it), and to stand as well with reason as to see your face in a common glass.” On the authority of various passages in the writings of Invention Friar Bacon, M. Molyneux is of opinion that he was ac-ofspecta- quainted with the use of spectacles; and when Bacon says cles- that “ this instrument (a plano-convex glass, or large seg¬ ment of a sphere) is useful to old men, and to those that have weak eyes ; for they may see the smallest letters suffi¬ ciently magnified,”—we are at least entitled to conclude that the particular way of assisting decayed sight which he de¬ scribes was known to him, though he may not have used his segment of a glass sphere in looking at objects separated by an interval from its plane side. But whether spectacles were in use or not in Bacon’s time, it is quite certain that they were known and used about the time of his death, which happened in 1292. Alexander de Spina, a native of Pisa, who died in that city in 1313, having seen a pair of spectacles made by some other person, who was unwilling to communicate the secret of their construction, got a pair made for himself, and found them so useful, that he cheer¬ fully made the invention public. M. Spoon,2 to whom we are indebted for this fact, fixes the date of the invention be¬ tween 1280 and 1311. Signior Redi, from whom Spoon quotes the preceding fact, states that he possesses a manu¬ script written in 1299, Di Governo della Familia de Scan- dro di Pissozzo, in which the author says, “ I find myself so pressed by age, that I can neither read nor write without those glasses they call spectacles, lately invented, to the great advantage of poor old men, when their sight grows weak.” It is stated also in the Italian Dictionary Della Crusca, under the head of Occhiale or Spectacles, that friar Jordan de Rivalto, who died at Pisa in 1311, tells his audi¬ ence, in one of his sermons, which were published in 1305, “ that it is not twenty years since the art of making spec¬ tacles was found out, and is indeed one of the best and most necessary inventions in the world.” Bernard Gordon, too, a celebrated physician of Montpellier, in his Lilium Medi¬ cines, published about 1305, recommends an eye-salve as capable of making the patient read the smallest letters without spectacles; and Muschenbroek informs us that it is inscribed on the tomb of Salvinus Armatus, a Florentine nobleman, who died in 1317> that he was the inventor of spectacles. Before we quit the period of Friar Bacon, we must notice Leonard a claim to the invention of the telescope which has been Oigges,^ made in favour of Leonard Digges, an Englishman, because dietl lo'4 this claim, whatever be its amount, supports undeniably the prior claim of Bacon. The claim of Digges is founded on passages in his Pantometria and Stratiotikos. The first of these works appeared at London in 1571, and a second edi¬ tion of it, edited by his son Thomas Digges, Esq., was pub¬ lished in 1591. The Stratiotikos was published in 1579 and also in 1590. In the preface to the second edition of the Pantometria, Thomas Digges remarks:—“ My father, by his continuell painfull practices, assisted by demonstra¬ tions mathematical, was able, and sundrie times hath, by proportionall glasses, duely situate in conuenient angles, not onely discouered things farre off, read letters, numbred peeces of money, with the verye coyne and superscription 1 We must refer our readers to a series of able anonymous letters upon this subject, published in the Phil. Mag. vols. xviii. xix. 2 Recherches Curieuses d’Antiquite, dissert, xvi. OPT listory. thereof, cast by some of his freends of purpose upon downes in the open fields, but also seuen miles off declared what hath beene doone in priuate places.” In the twenty-first chapter of the first book, Leonard Digges himself says,—“ But marvellous are the conclusions that may be performed by glasses (mirrors) concave and convex, of circular and parabolic forms, using for multipli¬ cations of beams, sometimes the aid of glasses transposed, which, by practice, should unite or dissipate the images or figures presented by the reflection of others. By these kind of glasses, or rather frames of them placed in due angles, yee may not only set out the proportion of an whole region, yea, represent before your eye the lively image of every house, village, &c., and that in as little or great space or plan as ye will presente ; but also augment or dilate any parcel 1 thereof, so that, whereas, at the first appearance a whole toun shall present itself so small and compact together that ye shall not discover any difference of streets, yee may, by application of glasses in due proportion, cause any pecu¬ liar house or room thereof dilate and show itself in as ample form as the whole touns at first appeared, so that yee shall discern any trifle, or read any letter lying there open, espe¬ cially if the sun beams may come into it, as plainly as if you were corporeally pressent, although distant from you as far as eye can discrie. But of these conclusions I mind not here more to introduce, having at large, in a volume by itself, opened the miraculous effects of perspective glasses.” Now it is a curious fact that Thomas Digges expressly says that his father’s knowledge of optics “ partly grew by the aid he had by one old written book of Bakon’s Ex¬ periments, that by strange aduenture, or rather destinie, came to his hands.” In support of the opinion that the telescope was known in England more than forty years before 1609 or 1610, when it was supposed to have been invented in Holland, we may quote a passage or two from the celebrated John Dee’s mathematical preface to Euclid, written at Matloke on the 9th of February 1570, the year in which it was published. Dee speaks of having seen once or twice, in company with Orontius at St Denis in 1551, “the lively image of an¬ other man in the air aloft, walking to and fro or standing still.” But the most remarkable passage is that in which he speaks of the means of ascertaining the numbers of an enemy’s army: “ The herald, pursuivant, sergiant royall, captain, or whosoever is careful to come near the truth herein ; besides the judgment of his expert eye, his skill of ordering tacticaly, the help of his geometrical instrument; ring or staffe astronomical, commodiously framed for car¬ riage and use. He may wonderfully help himself hy per¬ spective glasses, in which I trust our posterity will prove more skilful and expert, and to greater purposes than in these days can be credited to be possible.” When polite learning began to revive in Europe, some of the more abstract sciences began to be cultivated with suc- Mauroly- cess. Maurolycus, a teacher of mathematics at Messina, ;us, a.d. was particularly distinguished by his optical researches, of 1525. which he published an account in his Theoremata de Lu- mine et Umbra and his Diaphanorum Partes, seu libri tres. In the first of these works, which was completed in 1525, but not published till 1575, Maurolycus treats of the mea¬ sure of light, or the illumination of bodies, and he particu¬ larly explained the curious phenomenon observed since the time of Aristotle, that when the sun shone through an aperture of any form, the figure of the aperture always ap¬ peared round; except when the sun was eclipsed, when it had the appearance of a crescent. He shows that each point of the aperture is the apex of two opposite cones of rays, one of which has the sun for its base, while the other, ICS. 525 when cut by a plane at right angles to its axis, will produce History, a luminous circle, whose diameter will be proportional to the distance of the plane from the aperture. “ Consequently if these images be taken at a considerable distance from the aperture, and therefore be pretty large when the aperture itself is small; since the whole image consists of a number of images, all of which are circular, the image of the sun formed by the aperture, of whatever form it be, must be circular also; and it will approach the nearer to a perfect circle the smaller is the aperture and the more distant the image.” In studying the phenomena of vision Mauroly¬ cus was very successful. He shows that the crystalline humour is a lens which collects the rays which enter the eye and converges them to foci on the retina; but he does not seem to have found that these foci depict an exact image or picture of the object upon the retina. Limited, however, as this discovery was, it enabled him to ascertain the cause of long and short-sightedness, the pencils in the former case coming to a focus before they entered the re¬ tina, and in the latter at points beyond the retina. Hence, as in both these cases vision is indistinct, either from a too early or a too late convergence of the rays, he concluded that concave glasses of suitable focus would relieve the short-sighted person, and convex glasses the long-sighted person. The subject of the rainbow also occupied Maurolycus’ attention. He found the diameter of the outer bow 42°, and that of the inner from 53° to 56°; but according to the theory which he adopted, namely that part of the sun’s rays were reflected from the exterior of the drop, while the rest entered the drop and circulated within it by reflection along the sides of an octagon, the diameters of the bow should have been 45° and 56°. Maurolycus supposed the colours of the rainbow to ha four, namely, orange {crocus), green, blue, send purple. Taking his crocus to be red, his enumeration in leaving out the yellow, as Dr Wollaston did more recently, show much accuracy of observation.1 Mau¬ rolycus attempted to discover the law of refraction, but without success. He supposed that the angle of refraction was always five-eighths of the angle of incidence, which is a tolerably correct estimate in the case of glass, but quite erroneous for bodies of low and high refractive powers. Maurolycus may be considered as the first discoverer of the aberration of figure, in so far as he observed that the rays which were incident at a distance from the axis of a trans¬ parent sphere, had their focus nearer the sphere than those which were incident nearer the axis. This happy observa¬ tion was the result of his having noticed the caustic curves formed by such spheres, which he justly described as arising from the continued intersections of the refracted rays. While the Sicilian philosopher was making new and im- Baptist,a portant discoveries, a celebrated Neapolitan, Joannes Bap- Porta, born tista Porta, was endeavouring to promote the interests of 1547, died science, as an ardent collector of its stores, as well as an original inquirer into its mysteries. He established an Academy of Sciences, which held its sittings in his own house, and which numbered among its members all the virtuosi in Naples. Each member was bound to contribute to the common stock something not commonly known, and in this way he obtained the materials for his Magia Natu- ralis, which appeared in the year 1560,2 when he was only about fifteen years of age. This work was speedily trans¬ lated into French, Hebrew, Spanish, and Arabic, and went through numerous editions in different parts of Europe. The Papal court viewed with jealousy the proceedings of a society which devoted so much energy to the spread of knowledge, and, though Baptista Porta was a Roman Ca¬ tholic, the meetings of the academy were prohibited. Al- 1 The yellow which is in the sun’s direct rays is observed when the sun’s rays are reflected from the sky or from clouds. 9 A second and greatly enlarged edition was published about thirty years afterwards. 526 OPTICS. History, though Baptista Porta was well acquainted with the writ- ings of his predecessors, yet the principal invention recorded in his Natural Magic is that of the camera obscura, which he seems to have brought to great perfection. He remarks, in the 17th chapter of this work, that if a small aperture is made in the shutter of a dark room, distinct images of all external objects will be depicted on the opposite wall in their true colours; and he further adds, that if a convex lens be fixed in the opening, so that the images are received on a surface at the distance of its focal length, the pictures will be rendered so much more distinct, that the features of a person standing on the outside of the window may be readily recognised in his inverted image. Baptista Porta applied his instrument to the representation of eclipses of the sun, and of hunting scenes, battles, and other events produced by moveable pictures and drawings. In this way he magnified small objects and drawings, and produced the effects of the magic lantern by the light of the sun in place of that of a lamp. He considered the eye as a camera obscura, the pupil as the hole in the window contracting and dilating with different lights, and the crystalline lens as the principal organ of vision, though he seems to have regarded it not as his convex lens, but as the tablet on which the images of external objects were formed, the cornea being, no doubt, in his estimation, the part of the eye which formed the picture. Baptista Porta was doubt¬ less acquainted with what may be called the simplest form of the refracting telescope, namely, that in which a convex lens is the object-glass, and the eye placed six inches be¬ hind its focus, the eye-glass. He found that when his eye was thus placed behind a convex lens, he could read a letter which he could not read with his naked eye. In another place Porta, after mentioning the effects pro¬ duced by a concave and a convex lens separately, remarks, “ that if you knew how to combine one of each sort rightly, you would see both far and near objects larger and more clearly.” “ If Porta,” says Mr Drinkwater Bethune, in his admirable life of Galileo, “had stopped here, he might more securely have enjoyed the reputation of the invention, but he then professes to describe the construction of his instrument, which has no relation whatever to his previous remarks.” “ I shall now endeavour to show in what man¬ ner we may contrive to recognise our friends at the dis¬ tance of several miles, and how those of weak sight may read the most minute letters from a distance. It is an in¬ vention of great utility, and grounded on optical principles, nor is it at all difficult of execution; but it must be so divulged as not to be understood by the vulgar, and yet be clear to the sharp-sighted.” The description seems far enough removed from the apprehended danger of being too clear; and indeed every writer who has hitherto quoted it, has merely given the passage in its original Latin, appa¬ rently despairing of an intelligible translation.1 At a more advanced age, Baptista Porta composed an¬ other work, entitled De Refractione Optices parte, libri novem, and in which he treats of binocular vision. He repeats the propositions of Euclid on the dissimilar pictures of a sphere as seen with each eye and with both ; he quotes from Galen the passage to which we have already referred, on the dissimilarity of the three pictures seen by each eye and by both. But having adopted the absurd opinion that we can see only with one eye at a time, he denies the accu¬ racy of Euclid’s theorem; and while he admits that the observations of Galen are correct, he endeavours to explain them on other principles. In illustrating Galen’s views on the dissimilarity of the three pictures above referred to, he gives a diagram,2 in which we recognise not only the prin¬ ciple but the construction of the stereoscope. It contains History, a view, represented by a circle, of the picture of a solid as seen by the right eye, of the picture of the same solid as seen by the left, and of the combination of these two pic¬ tures as seen by both eyes between the two first pictures. These results, as exhibited in three circles, are then ex¬ plained by copying the passage from Galen, in which he requests the observer to repeat the experiments, so as to see the three dissimilar pictures when he is looking at a solid column.3 A theory of the rainbow was about this time proposed Fleschier, by J. Fleschier of Breslau, in his treatise entitled De Iri- A-D-1571. dibus doctrina Aristotelis et Vitellionis, which was pub¬ lished in 1571. He supposes the rays to suffer two refrac¬ tions,—one on entering, and the other on emerging from the drop; but after one ray had thus been separated into a coloured beam by these refractions, he supposed that this beam was reflected to the eye from another drop. These views, imperfect as they are, paved the way for He Domi- the true theory of the rainbow. Antonio de Dominis, arch- ms’ l50™ bishop of Spalatro, first broached this theory in his treatise died De Radiis Visus et Lucis, which was published in 1611. He justly asserts that two refractions in a drop of water, and one intermediate reflection, were sufficient to bring back to the eye of the spectator the rays of light by which the bow was formed. An experiment with a globe of glass inclos¬ ing water, either suggested to him or confirmed this opinion. In following out this experiment, however, our author com¬ mitted several mistakes. He explained the exterior bow by the same number of refractions and one reflection, but he supposed that the rays which formed it were returned to the eye by a part of the drop lower than that which transmitted the red of the interior bow. In addition to this mistake, he supposed that the rays which went to form one of the bows came from the upper part, and those which went to form the other bow from the under part of the sun’s disc. Notwithstanding these mistakes, De Dominis is entitled to be regarded as the true discoverer of the cause of the primary rainbow. The treatise containing these discoveries was not pub¬ lished till after the use of the telescope by Galileo; but Bartolo, who published it, informs us in the preface, to use the words of the author of the Life of Galileo, “ that the manuscript was communicated to him from a collection of papers written twenty years before, on his inquiring the archbishop’s opinions with respect to the newly discovered instrument, and that he got leave to publish it, ‘ with the addition of one or two chapters.’ The treatise contains a complete description of a telescope, which, however, is proposed merely to be an improvement on spectacles; and if the author’s intention had been to interpolate an after- written account, in order to secure to himself the unde¬ served honour of the invention, it seems improbable that he would have suffered an acknowledgment of additions, previous to publication, to be inserted in the preface. Be¬ sides, the whole tone of the work is that of a candid and truth-seeking philosopher, very far indeed removed from being, as Montucla calls him, conspicuous for ignorance even among the ignorant men of his age. He gives a drawing of a convex and concave lens, and traces the pas¬ sage of the rays through them ; to which he subjoins, that he has not satisfied himself with any determination of the precise distance to which the glasses should be separated according to their convexity and concavity, but recommends the proper distance to be found by actual experiment, and tells us that the effect of the instrument will be to prevent the confusion arising from the interference of the direct 1 See “ Life of Galileo,” Libr. Useful Knowl., p. 21, for a translation of the passage, which we have not thought worthy of insertion. 2 This diagram is given in Sir David Brewster’s Treatise on the Stereoscope, p. 8. 3 Be Refractione, &c., lib. v., p, 132; lib. vi., pp. 143-5, Neap. 1593. OPTICS. 527 History. ivention ’ the tele- ope. etius. jipper- ; heim. and refracted rays, and to magnify the object by increasing the visible angle under which it is viewed.”1 From the great liberality of his sentiments, and his con¬ version to the Protestant faith, this eminent ecclesiastic was obliged to leave Italy, and to take refuge in London, in 1616, where he lived some years. Having been induced to return to Italy, his imprudence exposed him to new per¬ secutions; and having been imprisoned by Urban VIII., he died of poison in the prison of the Inquisition. Sentence was passed upon him after his death, and his body, with all his books and papers, was publicly burnt in the Campo de Fero in the year 1624. We now approach the time when the telescope was un¬ questionably invented. We have no doubt that this in¬ valuable instrument was invented by Roger Bacon or Bap- tista Porta, in the form of an experiment, though it perhaps had not in their hands assumed the maturity of an instru¬ ment made for sale, and applied to useful purposes both terrestrial and celestial. If a telescope is an instrument by means of which things at a distance can be seen better than by the naked eye, then Baptista Porta’s convex lens, with his eye looking at the image which it formed, and reading a letter too remote to be otherwise legible, was a real telescope; but if we give the name to a tube having a convex lens at one end, and a convex or a concave lens at the other, placed at the distance of the sum or the differ¬ ence of their focal lengths, then we have no distinct evidence that such an instrument was used before the beginning of the seventeenth century. In his Treatise on ^Dioptrics, Descartes has ascribed the invention of the telescope to James Metius, a citizen of Alkmaer, in Holland; but Huygens, in mentioning this claim,2 says, that, “ to his certain knowledge, telescopes were made before this at Middleburg, in Zealand, about the year 1609, either by John Lippersheim, whom Sirturus mentions, or by Zacharias (Jansen), whom Borellus makes the first inventor of them in his book de Vero Telescopii inventore. The telescope which they made did not exceed a foot and a half long. But much earlier than both, Joannes Baptista Porta, a Neapolitan, had delivered the rudiments of this art in his book on Dioptrics and Natural Magic, pub¬ lished fifteen years before telescopes appeared in our Bel¬ gium. In these books he speaks of his specilla as showing things placed at a distance as if they were nigh, and also of the construction of concave and convex lenses. But that he made no great progress in this art is hence evident, that in all that time it did not become famous; and that he did not discover any of those things in the heavens that were observed afterwards.” In this passage Huygens leaves the claims of his two Dutch friends on the same level; but though Borellus adopts the conclusion that Jansen was the inventor, yet it has been ingeniously suggested that Jansen’s claim as the inventor of the microscope has been mixed up with the invention of the telescope, on the evidence adduced by Borellus. On this hypothesis Lippersheim is supposed to have invented the telescope by accident in 1609, and that Jansen, possessing an instrument so like it, had been able, after hearing of Lippersheim’s contrivance, to make a simi¬ lar instrument, without having seen the telescope of his rival.3 Much light has been thrown on the early history of the telescope by Professor Moll, who has discussed the claims of the various competitors with much sagacity and fairness. It appears, from the official acts and journals of the States-General of Holland, still existing among the archives at the Hague, that on the 2d of October 1608 that body took into consideration a petition from Hans History. (John) Lippershey, a native of Wesell, and spectacle-maker v/—^ at Middleburg, praying that an instrument which he had invented for seeing at a distance might be rewarded, either by granting an exclusive privilege of making it for thirty years, or an annual pension to enable him to make these instruments for Holland alone. It was resolved that a committee should communicate with the petitioner, and inquire if he could not so improve the instrument as to enable one to look through it with both eyes. Lippershey offered to make three telescopes of rock crystal for one thousand florins each (about L.83 each), but the commit¬ tee was instructed to get him to moderate his charge, and promise never to transmit his invention to anybody. On the 6th of October a bargain was made that Lippershey should construct one instrument of rock crystal for the state, at the price of 900 florins (L.75), 300 florins to be paid down, and 600 when the telescope was completed and approved of. On the 16th December the committee report, “that they examined the instrument invented by Lippershey to see at a distance with tivo eyes, and that they approved of it.” But, in reference to the exclusive privilege, they “ resolved that, whereas it appears that many other persons have a knowledge of this new invention to see at a distance, it is expedient to refuse the prayer of the petitioner for an exclusive privilege, but that he will be commanded to make, within a certain time, two other instruments of his inven¬ tion for seeing with two eyes, at the same price.” These two new instruments were delivered before the 13th Feb¬ ruary 1609. While these transactions were going on, Jacob Adri- aansz, sometimes called Metius of Alkmaer, petitioned the States-General on the 17th of October 1608, for an exclu¬ sive privilege for a similar instrument. He was the third son of Adriaan Anthonisz, or Metius, who discovered the approximate ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circum¬ ference. His petition still exists among the manuscripts of Huygens, in the library at Leyden. He alleges that he began his researches as far back as 1606 ; that the inven¬ tion was accidental, and when he was making other experi¬ ments ; and that in 1608 when he sent in his petition, his instrument was made of bad materials. He at the same time readily admits that a spectacle-maker of Middleburg had offered before him a similar instrument to the states, which had been tried by Prince Maurice, and other persons. With regard to the claims of Zacharias Jansen, or rather Jansen. Tansz or Zansz, they cannot be supported by any evidence ; and there is reason to believe, as we shall afterwards see, that his invention of the microscope was mistaken for the invention of the telescope.4 The following is Professor Moll’s summary of the facts which he has established by authentic documents:— “That on the 21st of October 1608, John or Hans Lippershey, a native of Wezel, a spectacle-maker of Middle¬ burg, in Zeeland, was actually in possession of the invention of telescopes. “ That, on the 17th of October of the same year 1608, Jacob Adriaansz, sometimes called Metius of Alkmaer in Holland, also was in possession of the art of making tele¬ scopes, and that he actually made those instruments ; but that either from disgust or some other reason, he afterwards concealed his invention, and thus actually gave up every claim attached to the honour of it. “ That there is little reason to believe that either Hans or his son Zacharias Zansz were also inventors of the telescope; but there is every probability that this Hans, 1 “ Life of Galileo,” JAbr. Useful Knowledge, p. 22. 2 Dioptrics, p. 163-4. 3 “ Life of Galileo,” Libr. Useful Knowledge, p. 24. * Professor Moll’s interesting researches on the history of the telescope will he found in the Journal of the Royal Institution, Lond. 1831, vol. i., pp. 319, 483. 528 OPTICS. History, or John, or his son Zacharias Zansz, invented a compound v'—microscope about 1590. “ That this Lippershey used rock or mountain crystal in the construction of telescopes, and that he is the inventor of the binoculus.”1 Galileo’s When Galileo was at Venice early in 1609, he heard construe- rumours that an instrument which represented distant ob- tion of the jects as if they were near, had been invented by a Dutch telescoPe» spectacle-maker. This rumour was confirmed by a letter A’r>' ’ which he received from James Badorere at Paris, and Galileo, who asserts that he had never seen one of the instruments, set himself to discover the principle of their construction, and to make one for his own use. It has become a question, though one of no interest, whether the Italian philosopher had actually seen one of the new instru¬ ments. We cannot hesitate for a moment in believing Galileo’s assertion ; and even if we confide in the statement made by Fucarius, that he had himself seen one of the Dutch telescopes, which at that time had been brought to Venice, it by no means follows that Galileo saw it. It is quite certain, indeed, that previous to the 31st August 1609, one of the new perspective glasses had been sent from Flanders to the Cardinal Borghese ;2 and Lorenzo Pignoria, on the authority of whose letter of the above date this fact rests,3 adds, “ we have seen some here, and truly they succeed well.” The following is Galileo’s account of the matter, from a letter which he wrote in March 1610: “It is about ten months ago that it came to our ears, that a glass had been worked by a Belgian, by the help of which, visible objects, though at a great distance from the eye of the observer, may be seen distinctly. (In the Italian of the Saggiatore it is added, ne pia aggiunto, no more was added, or this was all.) And some experiments were related of the admirable effects of this instrument, which some believed, and others not. A few days afterwards the same was con¬ firmed by letters of a noble Frenchman, Jacob de Badorere, from Paris; all which occasioned me to apply myself wholly to inquire into the cause of this, and to think on the means by which the invention of a similar instrument might be brought about; in which I succeeded in a short time, assisted by the doctrine of refraction : and I first procured a leaden tube (an organ pipe), at the end of which I adapted spectacle glasses, both plane on one side, the one convex on the other side, the second concave. Bringing the eye near the concave glass, I saw the objects large and near enough: they appeared three times nearer, and nine times larger than if seen with the naked eye. “ Afterwards I made another instrument, which made objects appear sixty times larger. “ Finally, sparing neither industry nor expense, I suc¬ ceeded so far as to make an instrument of such excellence as to make the objects seen through it appear a thousand times larger, and more than thirty times nearer, than if seen with the natural power of the eye.”4 Galileo’s first telescope must have been made in May or June 1610. Viviani5 says, that it was in April or May 1609 that the rumour of the invention of the telescope reached Venice when Galileo was there, and that, with this information only, Galileo returned to Padua, and succeeded in finding out the principle in the following night. The new instrument long went by the names of Gali¬ leo’s tube, the perspective, and the double eye-glass, the more appropriate names of telescope and microscope History, having been afterwards given to these instruments by Demisiano. Telescopes were early and eagerly imported into Eng-Telescopes land, and known by the name of trunks and cz/Jmcfers ; in England, and so soon as July 1609 we find that our countryman 1-609. Harriot was directing them to the lunar disc, and had begun Harriot two full drawings of that luminary, which he afterwards completed.6 Harriot’s earliest observations on Jupiter’s satellites were made on the 1st October 1610, nine months after their discovery by Galileo. The earliest telescope in England must therefore have been obtained from Holland ; and in a letter from Sir William Lower to Harriot, dated the longest day of 1610, from Traventi in Caermarthen- shire, he says: “We are here so on fire with these things that I must render my request and your promise, to send more of all sorts of these cylinders. My man shall deliver you monie for anie charge requisite, and contente your man for his paines and skill. Send me so many as you think needful unto these observations: in requital I will send you store of observations. Send me also one of Galileus bookes, if anie yet be come over, if you can get them.” In a letter dated July 6, 1610, Sir Christopher Heyden writes to his friend Camden: “ I have read Galileus, and to be short, do concur with him in opinion, for his reasons are demonstrative ; and of my own experience with one of our ordinary trunks, I have told eleven stars in the Pleiades, whereas no age ever remembers above seven, and one of these, as Virgil testifieth, not always to be seen.”7 From this and other facts, Professor Rigaud infers “that it is perfectly clear that Harriot and his friend had been in the habit of using telescopes before the discoveries of Galileo were known to them ; and it appears likewise that in 16108 they were manufactured in England.” The mag¬ nifying power of some of the telescopes used by Harriot were -f-, \°, y, 3T2, In a letter from Sir William Lower to Harriot, dated Traventi, 6th July 1610, he says : “ I have received the perspective cylinder that you pro¬ mised me, and am sorrie that my man gave you not more warning, that I might have had also the two or three more that you mentioned to chuse for me. Henceforward he shall have orders to attend you better, and to defray the charge of this an others, for he confesseth to me that he forgot to pay the worke man. “ According as you wished, I have observed the moone in all his changes. In the new I discover manifestlie the earthshine a little before the dichotomic; that spot which represents unto me the man in the moone (but without a head) is first to be scene. A little after, neare the brimme of the gibbous parts, towards the upper corner, appeare luminous parts like starres, much brighter than the rest; and the whole brimme along lookes like unto the descrip¬ tion of coasts in the Dutch bookes of voyages. In the full she appears like a tarte that my cooke made me the last weeke. Here a vaine of bright stuffe, and there of darke, and so confusedlie al over. I must confesse I can see none of this without my cylinder ; yet an ingenious younge man that accompanies me here often, and loves you and these studies much, sees manie of these things, even without the helpe of the instrument, but with it sees them most plainlie, I mean the young Mr Protheroe.” It is highly probable that the first Dutch telescopes had their eye-glass concave, like Galileo’s, though this sup- 1 The binocular telescope. 3 “Life of Galileo,” Libr. Useful Knowl., p. 23. 3 The following is the passage: “ We have no news except the return of his Serene Highness, and the re-election of the lecturers, among whom Signior Galileo has contrived to get 1000 florins for life; and it is said to be on account of an eye-glass like the one which was sent from Flanders to Cardinal Borghese. We have seen some here, and truly they succeed well.” 4 Moll, Journal of the Royal Institution, vol. i., p. 488. 6 Viviani Fifa del Galileo, p. 69. ® liigaud’s Supplement to Bradley's Miscellaneous Works, pp. 20, 21. 7 Camden, Epistolos, p. 129, quoted by Professor Rigaud. 6 Before February. OPTICS. 529 Jansen. History, position is opposed by the traditional story of a large and inverted image of a weathercock having been seen through Astrono- the earliest of them, in which case the eye-glass must have mical tele- been convex. Even so late as the period when Descartes scone in- published his Dioptrics, which was in 163/, no other tele- vented by scope but a Ga]j]ean 0ne had been described, excepting in Kei>11611 Kapler’s Dioptrica, which appeared at Frankfort in 1611. A U‘ ' In his 86th proposition he explains the theory of the tele¬ scope, and has shown how an instrument which produces the same effects might be made, by substituting for the usual concave eye-glass one or more convex eye-glasses. Kepler, however, does not appear to have constructed such a tele¬ scope, and Father Scheiner1 seems to have been the first per¬ son who embodied the plan in an actual instrument, which has ever since been known by the name of the astronomi¬ cal telescope, in consequence of the inversion of the images not being disagreeable in astronomical observations. Invention The real inventor of the compound microscope is as little <>f the mi- bnown as the inventor of the telescope. It would be in ovoscope, vain t0 jnqUjre jnto tiie history of the single microscope, for the magnifying power of globes was known to the ancients ; and no individual ambition or national partiality has endeavoured to assign the honour of inventing it to any person whatever. We agree with Professor Moll, that Zacharias Zansz or Jansen has the best claims to be considered as the constructor of the compound micro¬ scope. He seems to have made one so early as 1590, and to have presented one to the Archduke Albert of Austria, who gave it to Cornelius Drebell, who lived, as mathematician to the king, at the court of our James the First. William Boreel, the envoy to England from the States of Holland, saw in England, in 1619, and in the hands of Cornelius Drebell, the very microscope which Zansz had given to the archduke. This account of its history was given by Drebell himself. The microscope in question was 18 inches long, consisting of a tube of gilt copper 2 inches in diameter, supported by two sculp¬ tured dolphins, resting on a base of ebony, upon which the objects were placed. M. Fontana, a Neapolitan, first described the compound microscope, consisting of two con¬ vex lenses, in his work entitled Novce Terrestrium et Celes- tium Observationes, which appeared in 1646; but claims to have made the discovery so early as 1618, though he does not adduce any evidence whatever of this fact. Huygens, on the contrary, says, “ It does not appear that these micro¬ scopes were made in the year 1618, because Sirturus, who published a book that year about the origin and construc¬ tion of telescopes, would hardly have been silent upon so remarkable an invention, if it had been thus known. Fontana, indeed, lays claim to it from the year 1618, in his hook of Observations, published in 1646 ; but the testimony of Lyrsalis, there printed, goes no higher than the year 1625. But that my countryman Drebelius made these compound microscopes at London in the year 1621, I have often been informed by several eye-witnesses, and that he was then reckoned the first inventor of them.” This testimony of Huygens in favour of Drebell is in direct contradiction to the statement said by Boreel or Borelli, to have been made to the Dutch envoy in 1619. In consequence of this conflicting evidence, Galileo may be regarded as having the best claim to the invention of inventor of (qie compound microscope. Viviani distinctly informs us, the micro- jn pjg 0j Qaine0t) that he was led to the invention of scope, a.d, tbe Horoscope by that of the telescope, and that in the year 1612 he actually sent a microscope as a present to Sigis- mund, King of Poland. Having been dissatisfied with the performance of this instrument, he seems to have devoted himself ttvelve years afterwards to its improvement; and in Fontana. Galileo the probable a letter to P. Frederigo Cesi, he says that he had delayed History, to send him the microscope, the use of which he describes, Vs— as he had only then brought it to perfection, owing to the difficulty he experienced in making the glasses.2 In his Magic of Nature, Schottus mentions a singular accident which took place with one of the newly-invented micro¬ scopes. A Bavarian philosopher, when travelling in the Tyrol, was taken ill on the road and died. The village authorities found a little glass instrument in his pocket, which happened to contain a flea fixed in the focus ot the microscope. Upon looking into the eye-glass, they were struck with terror at the sight of the gigantic animal, and the remains of the poor philosopher, who was thus proved to be a sorcerer, were pronounced unworthy of Christian burial. Some bold sceptic, however, explored the mystery, and produced the giant which had alarmed them.3 The name of Kepler, though associated principally with Discoveries astronomical discovery, will ever be venerated by the Cul-of Kepler, tivators of optical science. His researches, which relate 1630.' principally to vision and refraction, are contained in his Paralipomena ad Vitellionem, published at Frankfort in 1604, and in his Dioptrica, already referred to. His dis¬ coveries respecting vision, though founded to a certain degree on the views of Maurolycus and Baptista Porta, are nevertheless to a great extent original. He was the first person who actually showed that distinct and inverted images of external objects are formed upon the retina, as in the camera obscura, by the foci of pencils emanating from every point of the object. He explained the pheno¬ mena of distinct and indistinct vision, and showed how that indistinctness could be removed by the use ot convex and concave glasses. Although D’Alembert4 has asserted that all optical writers before him had assumed it as an axiom that every visual point is seen in the direction of its visual ray, yet, as Dr Wells has observed, this assertion is not well founded, for Kepler had long ago maintained that ob¬ jects are perceived not along the visual rays, but along lines which pass from their pictures on the retina through the centre of the eye ; an opinion in which he has been followed by Dechales and Dr Porterfield, to the last of whom Dr Reid has by mistake ascribed the discovery of this law. Hence Kepler was led at once to the true theory of erect objects being seen from inverted images. This he con¬ sidered as the business of the mind, which, when it judges of an impression made on the lower part of an inverted image on the retina, considers it as made by rays pioceed- ing from the higher parts of an erect object, a necessary consequence of his opinion that objects are peiceived in lines passing through the centre of the retina. In order to explain the adaptation of the eye to different distances, Kepler supposed that the ciliary processes dravy the sides of the eye towards the crystalline lens, by which change the .boi;n in so far as he proved by direct experiment that the pictures die(1 of external objects were distinctly delineated on the retina. By paring away the coats from the back of the eyes of sheep and oxen, and also the human eye, he made the in¬ verted pictures distinctly visible, and exhibited the experi¬ ment publicly at Rome in 1625. In his work entitled Oculus, published in 1652, he speaks of the great resemblance of the eye to the camera obscura, and gives various contrivances for erecting the images. He adopts the theory of Kepler respecting the visible direction of objects, and he observed the interesting fact that the pupil of the eye is dilated in viewing distant, and contracted in viewing near objects. In measuring the refractive powers of the humours of the eye, he makes that of the aqueous humour differ little from that of water, and that of the crystalline humour differ little from that of glass, ascribing to the vitreous humour an in¬ termediate refractive power. By tracing the progress of the visual rays through all the humours of the eye, he de¬ monstrates that the retina, and not the crystalline lens, is the seat of vision ; and he describes some interesting ex¬ periments respecting vision through one or more small apertures. We owe also to Scheiner the interesting ex¬ periment of exhibiting on the wall of a darkened room the disc of the sun with all its spots by means of a telescope. A new and very interesting branch of optics had begun Double re- to excite the attention of philosophers, namely, that of the fraction of double refraction of light. Erasmus Bartholinus, a physi- cian at Copenhagen, and the author of several excellent y works on geometry, received from some Danish merchants nug A D that frequented Iceland “ a crystal stone like a rhombic 1669. prism, which, when broken into small pieces, kept the same figure.” With this substance which was called Iceland spar, from its locality, Bartholinus made a number of experiments both chemical and optical, and he has published an account of the optical results which he obtained in a small volume which appeared at Copenhagen in 1669, under the title of Erasmi Bartholini Experimenta Crystalli Islandici, Dis- diaclastici quibus mira et insolita Refractio detegitur, and is dedicated to Frederick HI., King of Denmark. In seven¬ teen experiments and twelve propositions this able and saga¬ cious philosopher has presented us with an excellent sum¬ mary of the more prominent phenomena of double refrac¬ tion. He has shown that Iceland spar has the property ot double refraction,—that is, of giving two images of all ob¬ jects seen through it, whether its faces are parallel or in¬ clined, like those of a prism; that the incident light is equally divided between these two pencils ; that one of these refractions is performed according to the law of Snellius, the ratio of the sines being as 1 to 1-667, but that the other is performed according to an extraordinary law which had not previously been observed by philosophers. He observed also a position in which the object appears six-fold, but he did not discover that this took place only in some specimens which were composite or irregular crystals. These discoveries of Bartholinus having been commum- Discoveries cated to the Royal Society of London, and printed in No. 0f Huy- 67 of their Transactions, they attracted the notice of gens, born Christian Huygens, a celebrated Dutch philosopher 0f the 1629, died finest genius and the highest attainments. Having given a new theory of refraction, he wanted to repeat Bartholinus’s > In his Optics, hook ik„ p. 14T, Sir Isaac Newton gives ahnost the whole rainb°W t0 ^ Bays, “ The same explication Descartes hath pursued in his Meteors, and mended that f He OPTICS. 532 History, experiments, principally with the view of ascertaining if they ^ opposed any difficulties to that theory. His work on this subject, entitled De Vestrange Refraction du Cristal d’ls- lande, which forms the 5th chapter of his Trade de la Lu- miere, was written in 1678, and was read to Cassini, Roemer, and De la Hire, and to several other members of the Royal Academy of Sciences, which he had been invited to join by the liberality of the French king; but it was not pub¬ lished till 1690, when he was resident at the Hague. After giving Bartholinus the credit of having discovered some of the principal phenomena of double refraction, he describes the general properties of Iceland spar in forming two images of objects, and he shows that all the phenomena are related to the axis, or that diagonal of the rhomb, in the direction of which the crystal has no double refraction. He proves that the double refraction, or separation of the two images, gradually increases as the inclination of the refracted ray to the axis increases, and becomes a maximum in a plane at right angles to the axis. In the four preceding chapters of his Trade de la Lumiere he had explained all the pheno¬ mena of reflection and refraction upon a new theory, in which he supposed light to be produced in the same manner as sound, by means of undulations propagated in an elastic ethereal medium ; a hypothesis revived by Euler and ex¬ tended by Dr Young, and now almost universally embraced under the name of the “undulatory theory.” In applying the same theory to explain the phenomena of double refraction, he supposes the ray produced by the ordinary refraction of the medium to be produced by spherical undulations propagated through the crystal, while the ray formed by the extraordinary refraction is produced by spheroidal undulations, the ratio of the two refractions determining the form of the generating ellipse. Huygens then pro¬ ceeds to show that this theory affords, by calculation, re¬ sults agreeing very exactly with those which he had ob¬ tained by direct experiment. This discovery is perhaps the most splendid which has occurred in the history of optical science. Discovery When Huygens had finished his researches on double of the po- refraction, he discovered what he calls a “ wonderful phe- larization nomenon,”1 2 and, though he acknowledges that we cannot of light. fincj t^e cause 0f' jf? yet iie thinks it proper to indicate the phenomenon that others may inquire into it. This discovery is that of the polarization of the light which forms the two pencils of Iceland spar, and he confesses that he must add to this theory other suppositions in order to explain it, though he thinks that a theory confirmed by so many proofs will still preserve its plausibility (vraisemblance). Huygens had naturally supposed that the light which composed the two pencils was like all other light, but upon transmitting the two rays formed by one rhomb of calcareous spar through another rhomb, he was astonished to perceive that when the two rhombs were similarly placed as if they had formed one larger one, neither of the rays suffered double refraction in passing through the second rhomb, the ordinary ray from the first being only ordinarily refracted by the second rhomb, and the extraordinary ray only extraordinarily re¬ fracted. The same thing took place when one of the rhombs,—the second, for example,—was turned round 90°, with this difference, that the ordinary ray of the first rhomb suffered only extraordinary refraction, and the extraordinary ray only ordinary refraction from the second rhomb. But in all other positions of the second rhomb, excepting these two rectangular ones, the ordinary and extraordinary rays of the first rhomb were each divided into two by the second rhomb; so that there were now four rays, sometimes of equal, but generally of unequal brightness, and such that the light of all the four never exceeded that of the single ray inci- History, dent on the first rhomb. Huygens discovered also the double refraction of quartz, or rock-crystal, but he committed a great mistake in sup¬ posing that its double refraction was regulated by an en¬ tirely different law, the light being in this case propagated through it in two spherical waves, one of which was a little slower then the other? This result he mentions in his pre¬ face as having been obtained after he had read his work to his colleagues in the Academy of Sciences. It is, however, founded on an incorrect observation, as the extraordinary refraction of rock-crystal is produced by spheroidal undu¬ lations like that of Iceland spar, with this difference only, as afterwards discovered by M. Biot, that the spheroid is a prolate one. Even if Huygens had not immortalized his name by these great discoveries, his treatise on Dioptrics and on Halos, and his construction of refracting telescopes of immense size, would have given him the highest reputation. His treatise on Dioptrics, which was not published till 1703, among his posthumous works, and which he had begun to prepare at an early period of his life, was particularly ad¬ mired by Sir Isaac Newton. It contains a copious explana¬ tion of the properties of lenses of all forms; and their sphe¬ rical aberration is treated with much perspicuity, having previously, in the 6th chapter of his Trade de la Lumiere, published an interesting discussion respecting the figures of transparent bodies for refracting and reflecting light to a single focus. The subject of vision, and the method of assisting long and short sighted persons by lenses is ably discussed, and nearly the latter half of the work is devoted to the theory of telescopes, telescopic eye-pieces, and micro¬ scopes. Many of these theoretical views Huygens submitted to the test of experiment. Having acquired great expertness in the art of grinding lenses, he executed refracting tele¬ scopes 12 and 24 feet in focal length, and afterwards one of 120 and another of 123 feet, with which he discovered Saturn’s ring and the fourth of his satellites. These two last object-glasses he presented to the Royal Society; but as it was impracticable to use tubes of such enormous length, Huygens contrived a method of mounting them without tubes at the top of a long pole. The practical knowledge which he had thus acquired, was published along with his Dioptrics in a work entitled Commentarii de formandis poliendisque vitris ad Telescopia, a considerable part of which was published by Dr Smith in his Optics. Among his posthumous works appeared his DisserCatio de Coronis et Parheliis, a work of great merit, in which he ascribes these phenomena generally to crystals of ice in the upper atmosphere, and a translation of the whole of which Dr Smith has published in the first volume of his Optics. Among the eminent men who gave an impulse to optical James discovery, we must assign a considerable place to our coun- Gregory, tryman James Gregory. This eminent mathematician, in b?rn 1638’ confirming the experiments of Vitello and Kircher on the die x p. -[gy. 6 ThiV 1 ooa*' 18r2q’ P- 3.°,1.i Jour, of Science, vol. ii., p. 46. 6 Ibid> 1830) g7 or ibid vol m ^ 9 tJ n 9S7P' L°I lhJd- £-8-’ VoL m-’ 160' 7 Ibid-> ?• 135 5 or ibid- P- 218- 8 Ibid., p. 145; or ibid., p. 230. H pit’ T ’ V-’ N°iI'’ V°L iv-> PP- 136> 247’ 10 Min- Trans*vol. ix., p, 433. 14 mranS'' V°^ XU'’ P‘ 423 ’ or Min. Jour, of Science, N.S., vol. v., p. 197. is Ibid. 13 Ibid. l8 Tnhnqrnn’s* PA .1 /tt 15 Ibld‘’ I888* P- 1C Ibid., 1841, p. 43. 1T Proceedings of the Society, Dec. 5, 1841. Johnston s Physical Atlas, and Trans, of Royal Irish Academy, vol. xix., part ii. OPTICS. 543 History. 1831. double reflection and polarization, as exhibited on the sur- faces of chrysammale of potash, chrysammate of magnesia, and murexide} In 1846, he published2 his researches on the decomposition and dispersion of light in solid and fluid bodies (the fluorescence of Professor Stokes). In 1849 he exhibited to the Royal Scottish Society of Arts his lenti¬ cular stereoscope, now in universal use ;3 and in 1853 he discovered that the crystalline and doubly refracting struc¬ tures could be communicated to crystalline powders by compression and traction. Dr See- Dr Thomas John Seebeck of Nuremberg was an beck, born active and successful cultivator of the science of optics. 1770, died pjjs first experiments on this subject were published in Schweigger’s Journal for April 1813 and December 1814. In 1811 M. Arago observed the polarizing structure in thick pieces of flint, and in 1812 Sir David Brewster had noticed the same property in some pieces of plate glass.4 In Dr Seebeck’s paper of 1813, he observed the regular figure produced by polarized light, when the glass had the regular form of cubes and cylinders. In cubes of an inch in dia¬ meter, he found them to be indistinct, and not produced by fluor spar or rock-salt. In his second paper of December 1814, he shows that a plate of glass made red hot, and set upon its edges to cool, exhibits at the part which cools first a series of coloured fringes, which spread over the whole plate, the structure which produces them remaining perma¬ nently fixed in the glass. These experiments are posterior to those made in Scotland on the effects of heat upon glass, and on the polarizing structure of glass cooled in water. Early in 1816, Dr Seebeck discovered the property of certain essential oils in producing the polarized tints, the pro¬ perty of single refraction possessed by tourmaline, and the system of coloured rings produced by Iceland spar; but in these discoveries he was anticipated, as we have seen, by others, though he is entitled to all the merit of a second discoverer. In 1809 Dr Seebeck communicated to the Academy of Sciences at Berlin an interesting memoir on the unequal production of heat in the prismatic spectrum,5 in which he showed that the place of maximum heat varied with the substance of which the prism was made, being in the yellow rays in the spectra formed by water (and according to Wunsch, in alcohol and oil of turpentine); in the orange m concentrated sulphuric acid, and solution of sal ammoniac and corrosive sublimate ; in the middle of the red in crown and plate glass, and beyond the red in flint glass. Dr Turner6 ascribed these results to the different powers of these media to refract the rays of solar heat; but Sir David Brewster explained them by supposing that colourless transparent bodies exercise the same variety of absorptive action upon heat that coloured bodies do upon light, the body in the last case becoming coloured in consequence of that action. Hence the maximum ordinate of heat will shift its position with the nature of the body, and we shall no doubt find media with several maxima and minima, and points of no heat at all, according as we increase the size of the prism or the thickness which the heat traverses.7 The best way to carry on such researches is to use a prism of glass whose curve of heat is well ascertained, and then to determine the changes which take place in the curve by interposing thick plates of transparent solids and fluids. This eminent philosopher would have done still more for structive and accurate experiments on the polarizing angle History, of different substances, which confirm the accuracy of the ^ law of the tangents,8 and another on the polarizing angle of calcareous spar in different azimuths. We come now to that auspicious period in the history of Fresnel optics, when this science was destined to receive the grand- born 1788, est accessions from the genius of M. A. Fresnel, engineer died 1827. of roads and bridges. What Newton did for astronomy, Fresnel did for physical optics ; and all Europe will, we are persuaded, confirm the decision which places him pre-emi¬ nently above all the other cultivators of this branch of science. The discoveries of Fresnel, however, are so connected with theoretical considerations, that it is impossible, in a histori¬ cal sketch, to give anything like an idea of their magnitude and importance. The phenomena of rotatory polarization Circular in quartz, which had so much perplexed philosophers, have polariza- been completely explained by Fresnel. He found that they ti011* arise from the interference of two circularly polarized pen¬ cils, propagated with different velocities along the axis of quartz, the one revolving from right to left, and the other from left to right, and that a plane polarized ray is equivalent to two circularly polarized rays of half the intensity. These facts he verified experimentally, by an achromatic combina¬ tion of right and left-handed prisms of quartz, so disposed as to double the refraction of the images. M. Fresnel had also found that light was circularly polarized by two total reflections from glass at an angle of about 54° 37'; and by placing between two rhombs of glass, each of which polarized the light circularly and had their planes of reflection at right angles to each other, a crystal¬ lized plate, he observed that the light transmitted through this system exhibited phenomena analogous to those seen along the axis of rock-crystal. The rhomb of glass so cut, that when the incident rays enter and leave it perpendicularly, they have suffered two reflections at an angle of 54° 37', is well known by the name of Fresnel’s rhomb. Fresnel’s theory of double refraction and polarization, Theory of one of the finest efforts of genius, conducted its author double ve¬ to many important results which had escaped the notice fraction, of the most diligent observers. Hitherto it had been taken for granted by all, and appeared to be proved by Biot’s ex¬ periments on topaz, that in biaxal crystals one of the rays followed the ordinary law of the sines ; but it followed from Fresnel’s theory that it did not, and by a series of the nicest and most difficult experiments he determined, that neither of the two rays have a constant velocity, both being performed according to a new law. What had been called the extraordinary ray, he found by his theory to be regu¬ lated by the law discovered by Sir David Brewster, and simplified in its mathematical expression by M. Biot, and he showed that all the phenomena of double refraction could be accurately calculated. The axes of elasticity in Fresnel’s theory are the same as the axes of double refraction in Sir David Brewster's paper of 1818, and the laws of the compo¬ sition and resolution of such axes in uniaxal, biaxal, and tes- sular crystals which have no double refraction, previously given by the latter, are all necessary results of the same theory. But the most remarkable part of Fresnel’s theory is his an(j poiari- explanation of the polarization of light. The hypothesis of zation. transversal vibrations first presented itself to Dr Young while considering the law of extraordinary refraction in Dr A. See¬ beck. I ms eminent pnnosopner wouia nave none sun uiuie jui & — — . ; •7U o- t-. j the science of optics, had he not been attracted to the study biaxal crystals, as communicated to him by Sn Davi of thermo-electricity, in the creation and extension of which Brewster. M. Fresnel however, showed that it was a ne- he has immortalized his name. cessary consequence of the laws of interference and that We are indebted to Dr A. Seebeck for a series of in- the vibrations of a polarized ray are on the surface of the i Proceedings of Phil. Soc, St Andrews, Jan. 5, 1846; Report of Brit. Assoc., 1846 p. 7; Prof. Stokes’paper on “Metallic Reflection,” &c in Phil Ma 1853 2 Edm- Trans- 1846, vol. xvi., p. 111. C3 TVaJ.'soc.% Arts, 1849 ; Phil. Mag., Jan. 1852 ; and Treatise on the Stereoscope, Lond 1857 4 Treat, on New Phil lusts p. 335 6 Berlin Memoirs, 1818-1819, p. 305, or Edin. Jour, of Science, vol. 1., p. 358, No. 2, Oct. 1824 Chemistry, 3d ed., p. 84. 7 Second Report of the British Association, 1832, p. 294. 8 Edin. Jour, of Science, N.S., vol. v., p 99. 544 History. OPTICS. interfer¬ ence of po larized light. Diffraction of light. Reflection of light. wave, and perpendicular to the plane of polarization. In un¬ polarized light they are also only on the surface of the wave, and this species of light is conceived to “ consist of a rapid succession of systems of waves polarized in every possible . plane, passing through the normal to the front of the wave.” [Hence light is polarized by resolving the vibrations into , two sets in two rectangular directions.1 We have already slightly noticed the fine discoveries of MM. -4rago and Fresnel on the interference of polarized light, and we can now only refer with admiration to the beautiful series of experiments by which the phenomena of ,Xtioveable. polarization were properly explained, and brought r,under. the dominion of the undulatory theory. When a . polarized ray proceeding from a luminous point is trans¬ mitted thrpugh two rhomboids of Iceland spar of equal thickness, whose principal sections are inclined 45° to the plane of primitive polarization, the emergent light will di¬ verge as if from two near points, and the two portions will be oppositely polarized. MM. Arago and Fresnel found that the light formed by the union of these pencils was plane, circularly, or elliptically polarized, according to the difference of the paths traversed when they met. Follow¬ ing out this principle, MM. Arago and Fresnel were led to an experimentum crucis, to determine the accuracy of the theory of moveable polarization. A homogeneous ray of polarized light was transmitted through a plate of sulphate of lime, having its principal section inclined 45° to the plane of primitive polarization, and of such a thickness that it should be circularly polarized according to the undulatory theory, and plane polarized according to the other; and the result was decisive against the theory of moveable polarization. We owe also to M. Fresnel the true theory of the in¬ flection or diffraction of light. The Academy of Sciences made this the subject of their physical prize for 1818, and the memoir of our author was the successful one. He had at first adopted and extended the theory of Dr Young, that the fringes arise from the interference of the direct and in¬ flected light; but he was afterwards obliged to admit, that rays passing at a sensible distance from the reflecting body, deviate from their primitive direction, and interfere with the direct light. This interesting effect he ascribes to a number of elementary waves sent from each portion of the surface of the principal wave when it reaches the reflecting body, and he determines the resultant of all the elemen¬ tary waves sent by these portions to a given point. Upon applying this theory to various cases of inflection, he found it to agree so well with observation, that, with the exception of the cases of diffraction by narrow apertures, the theory did not err more than the 2500th part of an inch. Among the many important discoveries of Fresnel we must enumerate the theory of the reflection of light. Dr Young had shown on the undulatory theory, that at a per¬ pendicular incidence the intensity of the reflected light was a very simple function of the index of refraction.2 M. Poisson had arrived by another process at the same result, without knowing, we believe, what had been done by Dr Young;11 and he afterwards extended his inquiries to dif¬ ferent incidences.4 I he conclusions, however, at which this distinguished mathematician arrived, were inconsistent with observation; and Fresnel had the good fortune to give a complete solution of the problem, by combining the docv trine of transversal vibrations with the theory of waves. He assumes, that the elasticity of the ether in the two media aie equal, but their density different, though he also solved the problem on the more general assumption, that the elas- History, ticity was different in the two media. He thus obtained formulae for all incidences and all refractive powers, and the law of the tangents, as well as that of the equality of pen¬ cils polarized by reflection and transmission, became the consequences of these formulae. At a perpendicular inci¬ dence the formula coincides with that of Young and Poisson, and at 90° the whole light is reflected, a result which has been verified by observation.5 Among the active cultivators of the science of optics we Lord must place our distinguished countryman, Lord Brougham. Brougham. So early as 1796, when he was only eighteen years of age, he communicated to the Royal Society of London an in¬ genious paper on the inflection of light, and in 1797 another on the same subject.6 These researches were published before Dr Young discovered the key to this class of pheno¬ mena, and before Fresnel had explained them on the prin¬ ciple of the undulatory theory. In his early papers, Lord Brougham considered the phenomena of diffraction, as pro¬ duced by inflecting and deflecting forces emanating from the deflecting body, and acting, as Newton also supposed, on the passing rays. In his recent investigations, communicated to the Academy of Sciences and to the Royal Society, however, he has used these terms solely for the purpose of rendering more distinct the account of his experiments; and he has avoided all reference to the two rival theories. The recent investigations of Lord Brougham were made at Cannes, in Provence, with a very fine apparatus made for him by the late M. Soleil, and he repeated them in Paris before the Abbe Moigno and others in 1850, when they were communicated to the Academy of Sciences.7 The originality and importance of the discoveries of Lord Brougham may be judged of from the two following pro¬ positions, which relate to a new property of the inflected and deflected rays:— 1. “4 he rays of light, when inflected by bodies near which they pass, are thrown into a condition or state which disposes them to be on one of their sides more easily deflected than before their first flection, and disposes them on the other side to be less easily deflected; and when deflected by bodies, they are thrown into a condition or state which disposes them on one side to be more easily inflected, and on the other side to be less easily inflected than they were before the first flection.” 2. “ The rays disposed on one side by the first flection are polarized (or are in a state resembling polarization) on that side by the second flection ; and the rays polarized on the other side by the first flection, are depolarized and disposed on that side by the second flection.”8 Contemporary with the discoveries of Fresnel were those Fraunho- of the late M. Fraunhofer of Munich, who made several fer, born important observations on the solar spectrum, on the 1787, died diffraction of light, on refractive and dispersive powers, and 1826. on the refrangibility of the light of the fixed stars. By using fine prisms entirely free of veins, he discovered that the solar spectrum was crossed by about 590 black lines, and he executed a beautiful drawing of the spectrum, in which the most important of these are projected. Fraun¬ hofer was not aware that Dr Wollaston had previously dis¬ covered seven of these lines ; but this slight anticipation does not in the least degree diminish the singularity of this splendid discovery. He discovered similar lines in electric light, and in the spectra of the Moon, Venus, Mars, Castor, Pollux, Sirius, Capella, Betalgeus, and Procyon ;9 but none 2 ®ee Hulk tin de la Soo. Philqmathiqwe, 1824, and Mem. de VInstitut, torn. xvii. 4 jJ6 7 al',t7lcle Chromatics, written by Dr Young, vol. vi., sec. xvi, 3 Mem. de, VInst., tom. ii. Mem. de l Inst., tom. x. s Ann de chim., 1821. 6 Phil. Trans. 1796, p. 227, and 1797, p. 352. s ^ Renfus> &c-> 1850, tom. xxx., pp. 43, 67; and Abbe Moigno’s Repertoire d'Optique, &c., tom. iv., p. 1498. 9 Co™ brougham s paper is printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1850, pp. 235-260. rn. Journal of Science, No. xv., p. 7. Sir David Brewster asserts, that all the coloured stars derive their colours from defective lines in their spectra, hav ing found these lines in those most strongly coloured. History. Action of gases on spectrum. Sir John Herschel. OPTICS. 545 whatever in artificial white flames. These lines he found to have a fixed position in relation to the coloured spaces, and, by measuring accurately the distance of prominent lines in the different coloured spaces, he obtained measures of the refractive and dispersive powers of bodies with a degree of accuracy hitherto unknown. Fraunhofer con¬ sidered these lines as having their origin in the nature of the sun’s light; but Sir David Brewster, who by particular methods has discovered more than twice the number of lines reckoned by Fraunhofer, has established the curious fact that many of them are produced also by the action of the earth’s atmosphere. In his researches on this subject, Sir David Brewster discovered the remarkable property possessed by nitrous gas of producing analogous lines in great numbers, increasing in width with the thickness of the gas, or with an augmentation of its temperature. “ The power of heat alone,” says this author, “ to render a gas, which is almost colourless, as red as blood, without decom¬ posing it, is in itself a most singular result; and my surprise was greatly increased when I afterwards succeeded in rendering the same pale nitrous acid gas so absolutely black by heat, that not a ray of the brightest summer sun was capable of penetrating it.”1 Professors Miller and Daniel afterwards discovered numerous fixed lines, disposed at equal distances, in the vapour of bromine and iodine; and Sir David Brewster has more recently discovered hundreds of lines, under very singular circumstances, in the spectrum of an artificial substance, resembling mother-of-pearl;2 but what is most interesting, these lines are moveable, shifting their place in the spectrum by varying the incidence, and are produced by the periodical action of thin plates inclosed in the substance. He has also discovered that broad dark bands like those produced by absorbing media, but entirely different from the nearly equidistant bands formed by single thin plates, are produced by a number of thin plates in a state of combination.3 Considering the lines of the spectrum as produced by interference, Fraunhofer was induced to make a complete series of experiments on the inflection of light, particularly on the splendid colours produced by gratings of wires, and grooved surfaces, which were published in the year 1822, in the Memoirs of the Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences.4, He afterwards repeated these experiments with a finer apparatus, and communicated an account of them to the Academy of Sciences at Munich, on the 14th June 1823.5 The science of optics owes also to Fraunhofer the art of making the finest glass for achromatic telescopes and prisms; and such was the perfection at which he ailived, that, in a letter to the author of this article, he expressed bis willingness to undertake an achromatic object glass eighteen inches in diameter. Our author wrote also a treatise on halos, parhelia, &c., in which he ascribes the small solar and lunar halos to the inflection of light by particles of vapour in the atmosphere, and the great halos of 45° to the refraction of hexagonal prisms of ice.6 Among the most distinguished contributors to optical dis¬ covery, Sir John Herschel occupies a high place. The devia¬ tions of the polarized tints from the colours of thin plates, or those of Newton’s scale, had been discovered by Sir David Brewster in acetate of lead, tartrate of potash and soda, apophyllite, topaz, and various other minerals. He had divided these crystals into two classes, viz., those that had the red ends of the rings inwards, and the blue ends out¬ wards; and those that had the blue ends of the rings inwards, and the red ends outwards? In his paper of 1818, he states, that “ in almost all crystals with two axes, the History, tints in the neighbourhood of the resultant axes, when the v . plate has a considerable thickness, lose their resemblance to those of Newton’s scale, as will be more minutely described in another paper.” Conceiving that these deviated tints arose from the superposition of systems of rings of different colours, Sir John Herschel examined the coloured rings by homogeneous light, and established the important fact that the inclination of the resultant axes varied in the different colours of the spectrum, the poles or centres of the rings approaching to each other in red, and receding in violet light, in some crystals ; while in others they receded from each other in red, and approached in violet light. In tartrate of potash and soda, for example, the inclination of the axes was 75° 42’ in red, and only 55° 14 in violet light.8 These various axes all lie in the same plane, excepting in borax. In the paper containing this discovery, and in other two,9 communicated to the Cambridge Philosophical Society, he has described various interesting phenomena which he discovered in different specimens of apophyllite and in hyposulphate of lime,10 and which led him to some import¬ ant conclusions respecting the law of proportional action of these crystals on the different colours of the spectrum. We have already seen that the force which produces cir¬ cular polarization had been deemed a property of the ulti¬ mate particles of bodies, and totally unconnected with their mode of aggregation. In 1820 Sir John Herschel made the beautiful discovery, that the direction of the circular polarization in quartz was invariably the same with that of the plagiedral planes round the summit, the direction of the polarization being retrograde or direct, according as these planes leant forward or backward round this summit. We owe also to Sir John Herschel an interesting inquiry into the aberrations of compound lenses and object-glasses f a series of curious experiments on the phenomena produced by diaphragms or apertures of various shapes, variously applied to mirrors and object-glasses,12 and a great number of original views and valuable experiments, which are con¬ tained in his Treatise on Light, one of the most valuable and original works on science which has appeared during the last century. M. Fresnel was, we believe, the first person who ob- M. Mit- served the change produced by heat on the tints of sulphate scherlich. of lime. It is to M. Mitscherlich, however, that we owe the most complete investigation of this subject. He found that heat expands crystals differently in different directions. Iceland spar is expanded by it in the direction of its axis, while it is in a slight degree contracted in directions per¬ pendicular to the axis. The rhomb thus approaches to the cube, and the double refraction is diminished. M. Mitscher¬ lich also found that the inclination of the optical or resultant axes, which is about 60°, diminishes with heat till they actually form one axis, when by a farther increase of heat they again separate, and open out, as it were, in a plane at right angles to that of the laminae. We have repeated this experiment, and enjoyed the remarkable sight of observing the one system of rings marching towards the other in the plane of the laminae, and changing their form and size as they advanced.13 An analogous, and even a more remark¬ able property, was discovered by Sir David Brewster in glauberite. At the freezing point glauberite has two optical axes for all the colours of the spectrum, the inclination of the axes being greatest in red, and least in violet light. When heat is applied, the two axes approach, and those of different colours unite successively, the crystal possessing i P, yr,837- «- nr,,. t r f-iAQ 8 p/,,7 Trans 1820. p. 45. ^ Cambridge Trans., \o\s. \\. 1 Edin. Jour, of Science, No. xn., p. 348. vnu. irans. ^ ii zfi •, m iqoi „ 099 10 Sir John discovered similar deviations in vesuvian or idocrase (Treatise on Light, zrt. 1125.) Phi. Trans. 1821, p. 222. 12 Treatise on Light, §§ 767, 768, &c. 13 ^nd. and Edm. Phil. Mag., 3d senes, vol. 1., p- 417. VOL. XVI. OPTICS. 546 History, the remarkable property of being a uniaxal one for red, and a biaxtxlfor violet light. By increasing the temperature, the optical axes open out in the same order, but in a plane at right angles to that in which they formerly lay, and long before the temperature has reached that of boiling water the planes of the axes in all the prismatic colours are per¬ pendicular to their first position.1 Such a crystal would form a delicate chromatic thermometer.2 M. Marx has discovered an analogous property in topaz, in which the two axes separate with heat, the variation being greater in the coloured than in the colourless varieties.3 Sir David Brewster has discovered that regular double refraction is pro¬ duced in some soft substances by the application of heat. M. Rud- Some very excellent and interesting results have been berg. obtained by M. Rudberg, on the effect of heat upon doubly refracting crystals. He found that the extraordinary ray in calcareous spar (the line F was used) had its deviation increased 2' 34”, as the refractive index increased 000043, by a rise of temperature equal to 64°, the refracting angle of the prism being 59° 55' 9’'; whereas the refractive power for the ordinary ray, either does not change at all, or de¬ creases with the temperature by a quantity extremely small. In rock-crystal he found the deviation to be 42", or 000027, both on the ordinary and extraordinary ray, the angle of the prism being 45° 20' 5". In arragonite he found that the double refraction decreased a little with the temperature.4 We owe also to M. Rudberg a series of valuable experi¬ ments on the refractive actions of the differently coloured rays in crystals with one and two axes of double refraction. His measures were taken in reference to the fixed lines in the spectrum, and the minerals he employed were rock-crys¬ tal, calcareous spar, arragonite, and colourless topaz. He confirmed the existence of two dispersive powers in doubly refracting crystals, announced long before by Sir David Brewster; and the variation of the inclination of the optic axes with the different colours of the spectrum, which had also been previously discovered by Sir John Herschel.5 M. Rudberg was no doubt unacquainted with the previous labours of these authors, otherwise he would not have passed them over without notice. ho-nnsT’ every other branch of physical science, optics owes (lied 1840.’ mucl110 t'le profound researches of M. Poisson, which are in general of too recondite a nature to find a place in a popular treatise. The theory of the colours of thin plates was left incomplete by Dr Young. The two interfering portions from the upper and under surface of the plate were obviously unequal, and therefore could not destroy one another wholly by interference, as they are found to do. M. Poisson re¬ medied this defect by showing that there must be an infinite number of partial reflections within the plate, at each of which a very small portion of light was reflected, so that the sum of all these portions of light makes up for the defect of one of the pencils, and makes the interfering pencils equal. Hence M. Poisson has shown that at a perpendicular inci¬ dence, and at points where the effective thickness of the plate is an exact multiple of the length of half an undulation, the intensity of the reflected and transmitted light will be the same as if the plate were suppressed altogether, and the bounding media in absolute contact, so that when these media have the same reflective power, no light will be re¬ flected and the whole transmitted. By the aid of the pro¬ perty discovered by M. Arago, that the light is reflected in the same proportion at the first and second surfaces of a plate, M. hresnel extended M. Poisson’s conclusions to all incidences. In treating of the subject of diffraction, M. Poisson was led to the curious result that the centre of the shadow of a History small opaque circular disc, exposed to light diverging from i ^ a single point, is as much illuminated by the diffracted light, as it would be by the direct light if the opaque disc were removed. By cementing a small metallic disc upon a plate of pure and homogeneous glass, M. Arago verified this re¬ markable deduction of theory. In two memoirs read to the Academy of Sciences in Ampere. 1828,6 M. Ampere has made a valuable addition to the theory born 1775. of Fresnel. By an indirect and not very rigorous process, M. Fresnel had been led to the equation of the wave sur¬ face;7 but M. Ampere obtained a direct demonstration of it, deducing the equation in the manner which Fresnel had merely indicated, and he derived from this equation the elegant geometrical construction obtained indirectly by Fresnel. The undulatory theory of light has been greatly advanced M. Cauchy, by the researches of M. Cauchy, a French mathematician b?rn of distinguished eminence. In determining the law of pro- died 1857‘ pagation of a plane wave, he shows that a disturbance ori¬ ginally limited to a given plane will give rise to three pairs of plane waves with uniform velocities, and parallel to the original plane, the two waves of each pair moving in oppo¬ site directions, but with equal velocities. He shows that the separate pairs will move with velocities represented by the reciprocals of the axes of an ellipsoid, the form of which is regulated by the position of the plane wave, and the nature of the system, the absolute displacement of the molecules being parallel to the direction of these axes. Hence a system of plane waves superposed at the point of original disturbance, will be divided into three corre¬ sponding systems, and these will generate by their super¬ position a curved surface of three sheets, each sheet being touched by all the plane waves of the system. If these principles are established, it will follow as a necessary con¬ sequence that a single ray of light will he divided into three polarized rays, one of which will in all cases have little intensity. M. Cauchy, as Dr Lloyd remarks,8 has not pointed out the method of discovering this ray, or stated the precise physical condition on which its existence de¬ pends ; but it “ would seem to arise from the circumstance that the vibration normal to the wave is not absolutely in¬ sensible, so that the actual vibrations are not accurately in the plane of the wave.”9 “ The results of M. Cauchy’s Triple re¬ general theory,” continues Dr Lloyd, “embrace and confirm fraction, those ofFresnel; and the mathematical laws of the propagation of light are shown to be particular cases of the more gene¬ ral laws of the propagation of vibratory motion in any elastic medium composed of attracting and repelling molecules. Considered, however, simply with reference to the theory of light, the solution given by M. Cauchy cannot, I conceive, be considered as a complete physical solution. In other words, the phenomena of light are not connected directly with any given physical hypothesis, but are shown to be comprehended in the results of the general theory, in virtue of certain assumed relations among the constants which that theory involves. Ifj indeed, we were able to assign the precise physical meaning of these equations of condi¬ tion, we should have nothing more to desire in the general theory of light; for these equations must necessarily express the characteristic properties of the vibrating medium. In this point of view, their discussion becomes a subject of the highest interest; and it is probably that the important con¬ clusions, of which we have yet to speak, may in this man¬ ner be confirmed and extended.” Before quitting this subject, however, we ought to men- 1 Edin. Trans., vol. xi., p. 273; and Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag., 3d series, vol. i., p. 417. 3 Jahrbuch der Chimie, vol. ix. * Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag., vol. i., p. 409. Ann. de Chimie, tom. xxxix.; Moigno’s Repertoire d’Optique Moderne, vol. i., pp. 84, 85. 8 British Assoc., 4th Report, pp. 391, 392, 3 Phil. Trans. 1818, p. 108. 6 Ibid., vol. i., pp. 1, 89, 136, 146. 7 British Assoe., 4th Report, p. 391. 9 See p. 548 (note). OPT History, tion that there is an essential difference between the theories of Fresnel and Cauchy. In the former a ray is said to be polarized in or parallel to any plane, when the vibrations of the molecules of either are perpendicular to that line or plane; whereas, in Cauchy’s theory, a ray is said to be po¬ larized in or parallel to any plane, when the vibrations of the ether are performed in or parallel to that plane. Dispersion The inability of the undulatory theory to explain the dis- of light. persion of light was long one of the few exceptions to its universal application. Dr Young supposed that the material particles of bodies are incapable of permanent vibrations; that these vibrations will retard those of the ether; and that this retardation will be proportional to their fre¬ quency. Mr Challis, adopting Dr Young’s idea, has en¬ deavoured to explain the manner in which the undulations of ether within bodies are modified by their material atoms. He supposes that a sensible reflection takes places at every interruption of continuity in the medium; and he infers that the mean effect produced by a retarding cause propor¬ tional to the reflective power of the atoms, will be to make the condensation corresponding to a given velocity greater in a certain proportion than in free space, and to diminish the velocity of propagation in the same proportion. Mr Airy has more recently endeavoured to remove this diffi¬ culty, by supposing that in refracting media there may be something depending on time which alters their elasticity, in the same manner as in air the elasticity is greater with a quick than with a slow vibration of particles. An anonymous writer, in an article which appeared in The Philosophical Magazine, has proposed another hypothesis for obtaining a difference of elasticity. He supposes that the ether accumulates itself round the particles of transpa¬ rent media, and forms spheres of a density increasing to¬ wards their centre ; and he infers that a succession of vibra¬ tions, communicated through a medium thus constituted, will give rise to new vibrations propagated with various velocities corresponding to those of the different rays in the spectrum. The complete removal of this difficulty from the undula¬ tory theory has been effected by the skill of M. Cauchy. Regarding the sphere of action of the ethereal molecules as indefinitely small, in comparison with the length of an un¬ dulation, it had been inferred that the velocity of the undu¬ lations must be constant in the same medium ; but this restriction being removed as a groundless one, M. Cauchy considered the problem in a more general manner, and arrived at the result, that there exists a general relation between the length of the undulations and the velocity with which they are propagated, or the index of refraction ; and consequently that rays of different colours will have different degrees of refrangibility. I his relation is expressed by an equation involving two arbitrary constants, depending on the nature of the medium, and determinable by two values of the index of refraction for two waves of a known length. The refractive index for waves of other lengths may then be computed. Professor Powell has done this for several media,1 whose refractive indices for the fixed lines in the spectrum have been determined by Fraunhofer, Rudberg, and himself; but though there is a general coin¬ cidence with the theory, the differences are in some cases rather inauspicious.2 Mr Airy. In examining the two rays produced by the double re¬ fraction of quartz, Mr Airy was led to a discovery which we consider as one of the most important in its results, and one of the most beautiful in its phenomena, that has yet been made in this branch of optics. The circular polariza¬ tion of the two rays along the axis of quartz had been I c S. 547 studied by different philosophers, and had been explained History, by Fresnel with singular ingenuity, on the principles of the undulatory theory. No attempt, however, had been made to account for the existence of this property only in the rays which pass near the axis of the crystal, or to define the limit where the circular polarization ended, and the plane polarization commenced. Fresnel, and all who have written on the subject, seem to have shrunk from this difficulty; but Mr Airy thought that the two kinds of polarization must have some connecting link, and by the aid of theory and experiment he succeeded in discovering it. In place of the two rays in quartz consisting of plane polarized light, as was universally believed, Mr Airy has shown that they both consist of elliptically-polarized light, the greater axis of the ellipse for the one ray being in the principal plane of the crystal, and the greater axis of the other perpendicular to that plane. One of the rays he found to be right-handed elliptically polarized, and the other left-handed elliptically polarized. The proportion of the axes of the ordinary ray is more nearly one of equality than the proportion of the axes of the extraordinary ray, each proportion being one of equality when the direction of the ray coincides with the axis, and becoming more unequal with the inclination, according to a law not yet discovered. The results cal¬ culated from the theory are in perfect accordance with those which Mr Airy has obtained from very nice and difficult experiments; so that we may regard this beautiful and singular property of the two rays of quartz as perfectly es¬ tablished. Without knowing of the beautiful experiments of M. Arago, already referred to, Mr Airy was led to make the same experiment on the coloured rings formed between a lens and a metallic reflector, and to draw the same conclusion from it in favour of the undulatory theory. From a con¬ sideration of the formulae of Fresnel, Mr Airy expected that if the rings were formed between two substances of different refractive powers, such as plate-glass and dia¬ mond, the light being polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence, they should have a black centre at incidences less than the polarizing angle of the glass, and greater than the polarizing angle of the diamond ; while they should have a white centre at all intermediate angles. These anticipa¬ tions Mr Airy confirmed by experiment; and in the course of his observations he observed certain peculiarities in the phenomena, from which he has drawn the following con¬ clusions, viz:— 1. When the angle of incidence is less than the maximum polarizing angle of the diamond, the nature of its reflection is similar to that of metallic reflection ; the phase of vibra¬ tion in the plane of reflection being more retarded than that of vibrations perpendicular to the plane of reflection, but perhaps by a smaller quantity than in reflection from metals. 2. In the neighbourhood of the polarizing angle, the na¬ ture of the reflection is different from any that has hitherto been described. The vibrations in the plane of reflection do not vanish, but on increasing the angle of incidence by three or four degrees, the phase of vibration is gradually retarded by about 180°. In the reflection of light whose vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of reflection, there is no striking difference between the effects of diamond and those of glass. 3. For angles of incidence greater than the polarizing angle there is no sensible difference between the effects of diamond and those of glass.3 Hitherto the mathematical theory of light owed almost all its development to the distinguished members of the In¬ stitute of France,—to Malus, Arago, Fresnel, Poisson, and A rnu. irans. ioou-o/. , . • 2 For a general account of the researches of M. Cauchy, particularly those on metallic refiection, see Prof. Forbes Dissertation in this work, vol. i., pp. 920, 921; and also Abbe Moigno’s Repertoire, &c., vols. i. ii. and iv. 3 Cambridge Trans. 1832. 548 OPTICS. History. Cauchy; but it was now destined to receive a powerful impetus from those eminent members of Trinity College, Dublin, who have nobly sustained the honour of their country by their genius and discoveries. In his Essay on Sir Wm. R. the Theory of Systems of Rays, Sir William R. Hamilton has Hamilton, given an elegant analytical form to that part of the theory of Fresnel which relates to the determination of the velocity and polarization of a plane wave; and he has deduced the velocity and direction of the ray from that of the wave, and consequently the form of the wave surface.1 In these re¬ searches Sir W. R. Hamilton was conducted to the disco veiy of some new geometrical properties of the wave surface. He found that "this surface has four conoidal cusps at the extremities of the resultant or optical axes, at each of which the wave is touched by an infinite number of tan¬ gent planes, forming a tangent cone of the second degree, while at the extremities of the lines of single-wave velocity there are four circles of plane contact, in every part of each of which the wave surface is touched by a single plane. These cusps and circles, the existence of which does not seem to have been suspected by Fresnel, have led Sir W. R. Hamilton to some remarkable theoretical conclusions re¬ specting the laws of refraction in biaxal crystals. To this Conical re- new property he has given the name of conical refraction, fraction, because a single ray is refracted into an infinite number, forming a kind of cone. This conical refraction is of two kinds, external and internal. In external conical refraction one internal cusp ray corresponds to an external cone of rays; and in internal conical refraction, an external ray incident at an angle corresponding to the line of single¬ wave velocity within, is connected with an internal cone of rays.2 Dr Lloyd. Sir W. R. Hamilton requested Dr Lloyd of Trinity Col¬ lege, Dublin, to inquire experimentally into the existence of these two kinds of conical refraction. For this purpose he selected arragonite, a crystal of great biaxal energy, and having its optic axes inclined about 20°. It was cut with parallel faces perpendicular to the line bisecting the two optic axes. Upon looking at the light of a distant lamp through the crystal, and in the direction of one of the optical axes, Professor Lloyd saw a point more luminous than the space immediately about it, and surrounded by something resembling a stellar radiation. Hence the direc¬ tion of the optical axes may be determined by this modifi¬ cation of common light. When the adjustment was per¬ fected, and the light transmitted in the exact direction of the cusp ray, there appeared at first a luminous circle, with a small dark space in the centre, and in this dark central space were two bright points, separated by a narrow and well-defined dark line. These appearances rapidly changed in shifting the minute aperture next the eye. On examin¬ ing the emergent cone with a plate of tourmaline, Dr Lloyd was surprised to observe that only one radius of the circular section vanished in a given position of the tourma¬ line, and that the vanished ray ranged through 360°, while the tourmaline was turned through 180°. Hence it. follows that all the rays of the cone are polarized in different planes. On a more attentive examination of this phenomenon, Dr Lloyd discovered the remarkable law, “ That the angle be¬ tween the planes of polarization of any two rays of the cone is half the angle between the plane containing the rays themselves and the axis.” This law he found to be in per¬ fect accordance with the theory. The verification of the second kind of conical refraction Dr Lloyd found to be more difficult. The angle of the cone of rays which theory indicated should be seen within History, the crystal when a single external ray corresponding with a ray refracted along an optical axis, was 1° 55' in arragonite. The external ray was divided into two, but when the cri¬ tical incidence was gained, after much care in the adjust¬ ment, Dr Lloyd “ at last saw the two rays spread into a continuous circle, whose diameter was apparently equal to their former interval. “ This phenomenon was exceedingly striking. It looked like a small ring of gold viewed upon a dark ground ; and the sudden and almost magical change of the appearance from two luminous points to a perfect luminous ring, con¬ tributed not a little to enhance the interest. “ The emergent light, in this experiment, being too faint to be reflected from a screen, I repeated the experiment with the sun’s light, and received the emergent cylinder upon a small piece of silver paper. I could detect no sen¬ sible difference in the magnitude of the circular sections at different distances from the crystal. “ When the adjustment was perfect, the light of the entire annulus was white, and of equal intensity through¬ out. But when there was a very slight deviation from the exact position, two opposite quadrants of the circle ap¬ peared more faint than the other two, and the two pairs were of complementary colours. The light of the circle was polarized, according to the law which I had before ob¬ served in the other case of conical refraction. In this in¬ stance, however, the law was anticipated from theory by Professor Hamilton.” In addition to these interesting results, Dr Lloyd has published an account of a new case of interference, in which the experimental exhibition of the fact is much more manageable than in the experiment of two slightly inclined mirrors given by Fresnel. Dr Lloyd causes the light reflected at an angle of 90° from the surface of a single piece of plate-glass or a metallic reflector, to interfere with the direct light that passes parallel to the reflecting surface and near it. A screen placed on the other side of the mirror receives the direct and the reflected pencils, which, meeting under a small angle, after having traversed paths differing by a small amount, interfere. Dr Lloyd also re¬ ceived the two pencils upon an eye-piece placed at a short distance from the reflector, and saw a very beautiful sys¬ tem of bands, in every respect similar to one half of the system formed by the two mirrors in Fresnel’s experiment. Dr Lloyd has more recently, in 1836 and 1837, com¬ municated to the Royal Irish Academy the results of his researches on the propagation of light in uncrystallized media. His object was to simplify and develop that part of M. Cauchy’s theory which relates to the propagation of light in an ethereal medium of uniform density, and to ex¬ tend the same theory to the case of the ether inclosed in uncrystallized substances, taking into account the action of the internal molecules. In the first part of his memoir Dr Lloyd has given good reason for concluding that the theory in its present form is insufficient to explain the pheno¬ mena of light in bodies, and that it becomes necessary to take into account the action of the material molecules. In doing this he limits himself to the comparatively simple case in which the molecules of the ether and the body are uniformly diffused. In the expression for the velocity of propagation each term consists of two parts,—one of which is due to the action of the ether, and the other to that of the body. “ It is not improbable,” says Dr Lloyd, “ that there may be bodies for which the first or principal term is 1 The wave surface is a geometrical surface employed to determine the direction and the velocity of reflected and refracted rays. It is spherical in a singly refracting medium; a double surface, or one of two sheets in a doubly refracting medium ; and a surface of three sheets, on the supposition that there is. a triple refraction. It has always a centre round which it is symmetrical; and the radii drawn from this centre in different directions represent the velocities of rays to which they are parallel. (Maccullagh’s Irish Trans., vol. xvii.j 2 Irish Trans., vol. xvii., p. 136. 3 Phil. Trans. 1030, p. 325; or Edin. Jour, of Science, N.S., No. viii., p. 259. History. Professor Maccul- lagh, born 1809, died 1847. OPT nearly nothing, the two parts of which it is composed being of opposite signs, and nearly equal. In this case the prin¬ cipal part of the expression for the velocity will be that derived from the second term ; and, if that term be taken as an approximate value, it will follow that the refractive index of the substance must be in the sub-duplicate ratio of the length of the wave nearly. Now, it is remarkable that this law of dispersion, so unlike anything observed in transparent media, agrees pretty closely with the results obtained by Sir David Brewster in some of the metals. In all these bodies the refractive index (inferred from the angle of maximum polarization) increases with the length of the wave. Its value for the red, mean, and blue rays, in silver, are 3-866, 3-271, 2-824, the ratios of the second and third to the first being -85 and *73. According^ the law above given, these ratios should be "88 and *79.”1 We are indebted also to Dr Lloyd for an admirable Ele- mentari) Treatise on the Wave Theory of Light? and an excellent history Of the Progress and Present State of Physical Optics, published in the Fourth Report of the meeting of the British Association held in Edinburgh,—a history not less characterized by its candour and truth, and absence of all national partiality, than by the profound and accurate knowledge of the subject which it everywhere dis¬ plays. The only cultivator of physical optics to whom Dr Lloyd has done injustice is himself; and we are glad of the opportunity which we here enjoy of giving a brief and im¬ perfect account of his original and valuable researches. It is with no less pleasure that we proceed to give an account of the optical discoveries of another Irish philoso¬ pher, who, at an early period of life, had placed himself in a distinguished position both as a mathematician and a natural philosopher. We have already seen that M. Am¬ pere gave a direct demonstration of Fresnel’s construction for finding the surface of the wave. His solution, however, was extremely difficult and complicated. 1 he late Mr James Maccullagh was led in 1829 to believe, from the simplicity and elegance of the results, that there must be some simpler method of arriving at them, and, upon considering the sub¬ ject with attention, he was led to a concise demonstration of the same theorem, and of some of the other leading points of Fresnel’s theory. He has demonstrated a geome¬ trical construction for finding the magnitude and direction of the elastic force arising from a displacement in any direction, and by his construction, with the aid of a few lem¬ mas, he is immediately led to all the conclusions established by M. Fresnel. The magnitude and direction of this force are represented by means of an ellipsoid, having for its semi-axes the three principal indices of the medium, these axes coinciding in direction with, and being inversely pro¬ portional to, the axes of Fresnel’s generating ellipsoid. The properties of the wave surface, and its use in deter¬ mining the directions and velocities of reflected and re¬ fracted rays, seem to have been discovered independently by Sir W. R. Hamilton, M. Cauchy, and Mr Maccullagh; and in a paper entitled Geometrical Propositions applied to the Wave Theory of Light, Mr Maccullagh has applied the properties of that surface to the geometrical development of the theory of double refraction. Hitherto the remarkable laws of the double refraction of quartz, developed by the successive labours of Arago, Biot, Fresnel, and Airy, were merely a set of independent facts unconnected by any theory; but Mr Maccullagh, in a paper On the Laics of the Double Refraction of Quartz, sent to the Royal Irish Academy in February 1836, has shown how they may be explained hypothetically, by introducing differential coefficients of the third order into the equations of vibratory motion. ICS. 549 The theory of the action of the metals upon light hav- History, ing been long among the desiderata of physical optics, Mr Maccullagh thought it would be important to represent the phenomena of elliptic polarization, discovered by Sir David Brewster, by means of empirical formulae, in a manner analogous to that employed by Fresnel in the case of total reflection. Mr Maccullagh has applied his formulae to steel; and in computing from it the intensity of light reflected when common light is used, he obtained the remarkable result, that the intensity decreases very slowly up to a large angle of incidence (less that 75°), and then increases up to 90°, where there is total reflection. This result entirely accords with the remarkable fact discovered by Mr Potter,3 that the intensity decreases with the angle of incidence as far as 70°. Mr Maccullagh conceives that experiment alone can decide whether the subsequent increase indi¬ cates a real phenomenon, or arises from an error in the em¬ pirical formulae. Mr Maccullagh deduces also from his formulae the phe¬ nomenon observed by Mr Airy in the diamond ; and he has applied it successfully to the phenomena discovered by M. Arago respecting the rings formed between a trans¬ parent and a metallic surface. In this experiment Mr Mac¬ cullagh and Dr Lloyd have both discovered a curious ap¬ pearance unnoticed by any other author. Through the last twenty or thirty degrees of incidence, the first dark ring surrounding the central spot, which is comparatively bright, remains constantly of the same magnitude, though the other rings dilate greatly by an increase of incidence. Hitherto the undulatory theory had been unable to give any explanation of the variation of the polarizing angle, when the light was reflected in different azimuths from calcareous spar, and other doubly-refracting surfaces. Mr Maccullagh, however, was induced to exercise his mathe¬ matical skill on this interesting subject; and so early as 1834 he communicated to Dr Lloyd an expression for the angle of polarization at the surface of crystallized media, when the plane of reflection coincides with the principal section of Fresnel’s ellipsoid; and he found that the law, which he extended by analogy to all cases, represented with much exactness the observations of Sir David Brewster.4 In a subsequent paper On the Laxvs of Reflection from Crystallized Surfaces? he has explained the principles upon which his formula is founded. He was obliged to adopt the view of Cauchy, that the vibrations of polarized light are parallel to its plane of polarization, and being embar¬ rassed by his third i*ay, he altered Cauchy s six equations of pressure, so as to make them afford only two rays, and give a law of refraction exactly the same as Fresnel’s. It appears, from a subsequent paper of Mr Maccullagh’s,8 that M. Seebeck7 had solved the same problem long be- fore>—namely, in the case where the plane of incidence co¬ incides with the principal section of the crystal,—and had confirmed its accuracy by experiment. M. Seebeck had also pointed out a defect in Mr Maccullagh’s formulae Nos. 2 and 3, which induced the latter to resume the sub¬ ject ; and in a new paper, read to the Irish Academy on the 9th January 1837, a solution of the following problem is given for the first time :—“ Supposing a ray of light, polarized in a given plane, to fall on a doubly-refracting^ crystal, it is required to find the plane of polarization of the reflected ray, and the proportion between the ampli¬ tudes of vibration in the incident, the reflected, and the two refracted rays.” The hypotheses employed by our author are these, viz.,— 1. The density of the ether is the same in all media. 2. The vibrations are parallel to the plane of polarization. 3. The vis viva is preserved. i rr „ r, a „,i;t;r.n rmndon 1857. 3 Edin. Jour, of Science, N.S., No. 4. 1 P^oTLToTd’s^epJt'on Physical Optics,” in the ^ 1836, No. 6. 6 Lond. and Edin. Phil. Mag., vol. vm., p. 103. VOi- *•> P- * 550 History. OPTICS. 4. The vibrations are preserved; that is, the resultant of the incident and reflected vibrations are the same as the resultant of the refracted vibrations. “ This theory,” says the author, “ represents very accurately the experiments of Sir David Brewster and M. Seebeck on the light reflected in air from a surface of Iceland spar.” We owe also to Mr Maccullagh some interesting views respecting the nature of the light transmitted by the diamond and by gold-leaf. He conceives that there is a change of phase produced by refraction, as well as by reflection, from these bodies, the change being different according as the light is polarized in the plane of incidence, or perpendicular to it. If the incident ray, therefore, is polarized in any intermediate plane, the refracted ray should be elliptically polarized, which was found to be the case in gold-leaf. He conceived that the same remark explains the appearance of double refraction in specimens of the diamond which give only a single image, and that other precious stones are likely to have similar properties. Our author has obtained a general formula for the difference of phase between the two component portions of the refracted light,—one polarized in the plane of incidence, and the other perpendicular to it. He finds from this formula, that the difference of phase, which is nothing at a perpendicular incidence, increases until it becomes equal to the characteristic, at an incidence of 90°; and when the light emerges into air, the difference of phase is doubled. The science of physical optics has been recently cul¬ tivated with great success by several distinguished mem¬ bers of the Academy of Sciences, and by other eminent individuals in Paris—by MM. Babinet, Senarmont, Jamin, Foucault, Fizeau, Becquerel, and Pasteur. M.Babinet. The researches of M. Babinet are so numerous and varied that the narrow limits of this article will not permit us to give any detailed account of them. His memoirs on circular double refraction and polarization, on the rainbow and optical phenomena of the atmosphere, on the effect of heat upon the polarized rays in crystals, on dichroism and the absorption of polarized light by crystals, and his discovery of the neutral point, or the point without polarization, above the sun, to which his name is attached, place him on a high level among optical discoverers.1 * The science of physical optics has received many im¬ portant additions from the labours of M. Senarmont. In an interesting memoir published in the Annales de Chimie? on the reflection of light, he has given new methods3 of studying rectilineal and elliptical polarization, as exhibited in the reflection of light from transparent uncrystallized bodies, from uncrystallized bodies possessing metallic opacity, from transparent crystallized bodies, and from crystallized bodies possessing metallic opacity. He has also demonstrated that all the phenomena of reflection at the surfaces of bodies possessing metallic opacity are analogous to those at the surface of transparent crystallized bodies, and that they establish the existence of double refraction in crystals essentially opaque. In two interesting memoirs on the conductibility of crystallized bodies for heat,4 * * he has shown that, in general, heat is conducted by bodies according to laws almost identical with those by which light is propagated. The experiments of M. Senarmont ^ r > o r , df Chimie, &c., tom. xxi. xxii. xxiii., 1847-1851. An important memoir by M. Senarmont on the optical properties of ( * s? re ra^inS crystals will be found in the same journal, 3d series, tom. xxxiii., p. 391, and another on the optical properties of micas. 7 rptel n *' &Ck’,23d Jan- 1854> tom- P- 504. « Ibid., 21st Jan. 1856, tom. xlii., p. 65. Ann. de Chimie et Physique. 8 Comptes Rendus, &c., tom. xxv., p.714; ibid., tom. xxx., p. 99. OPTICS. 551 Introduc- Although more intimately connected with the history of tion. Photography,1 we cannot omit to notice the new and remarkable property of light recently discovered by M. M. Niepce Niepce de St Victor, commandant of the Louvre, to whom de St Vic- the photographic art is under the deepest obligations. This new property or new action of light is finely exhibited in the following experiment:—“I expose,” he says, “to the sun’s light a sheet of card-board strongly impregnated with two or three applications of a solution of tartaric acid, or nitrate of uranium; after insulation, I cover with card¬ board the interior of a long and narrow tube of white iron, and after sealing the tube hermetically, I find that after a very long lapse of time, the card-board ‘ impressions’ paper rendered sensible by the muriate of silver. The maximum effect is obtained in twenty-four hours, when the air is at its ordinary temperature; but if, after projecting into the tube some drops of water to moisten slightlythe card-board,we again shut up the tube and expose it to a temperature of 40° or 50° (centigrade, we presume), and subsequently open its mouth, and place upon it a sheet of sensitive paper, we shall in a fewr minutes obtain a circular image of its mouth as strong as if the sensitive paper had been exposed to the sun.” A simpler experiment, in which the same action is shown, is thus described by its author:—“ Expose to the light of the Introduc- sun, or even to diffused daylight, an engraving, and then tion- place it above a sheet of sensitive paper prepared with muriate of silver. A copy of the engraving will be ob¬ tained in the same manner as if the paper and engraving had been exposed to the light of the sun.” The intensity of the “persistent activity” thus exhibited by light after it has been imprisoned or laid up (emmaga- sinee) in paper or card-board, is more or less strong according to the nature of the substance, the time of ex¬ posure, and the state of the atmosphere. “ A body rendered active” (that is, in which the light is actively persistent) “ by insulation, will transmit this activity by contact in the dark to another body, such as tartaric acid.”1 If light is simply motion, it is difficult to understand how it can main¬ tain its motion in the card-board till it gives itself out and im¬ pressions sensitive paper ; or if its motion is extinct, how it can recover its state of motion from a state of rest. What¬ ever opinion we entertain of the theories of light, it seems quite clear that in its action on bodies there is a material agency different from that of simple motion. The ether itself may be a compound body consisting of, or containing, all the elements of matter. Light. OPTICS. Having thus given a condensed sketch of the history of optical discovery from the earliest to the present times, we shall now proceed to the proper subject of this article. As the nature of this work requires that the subject be treated in a very popular manner, we shall pass briefly over those branches of Optics which are generally treated mathematically, and which occupy a prominent part in all ordinary treatises, and occupy our limited space with the more interesting departments of Chromatics, Physical Optics, the Double Refraction and Polarization of Light, the Explanation of Natural Phenomena, the Laws of Vision, and the Construction of Optical Instruments. INTRODUCTION. The ancients confounded the phenomena of vision with those of light, by supposing that when we see external objects something passes from the eye to the object. The phenomena of light, however, are totally independent of those of vision, and have a real existence in nature, whether we suppose them to be objects of vision or not. 1. Light is the element by means of which we see ex¬ ternal bodies. These bodies may be divided, in reference to light, into two classes, self-luminous and non-luminous, or dark bodies. The first class includes the sun, the stars, flames of all kinds, and bodies which become luminous by friction, heat, and electrical and magnetical action. Such bodies become visible by the light which they themselves emit, and we then obtain a knowledge of their apparent form. The sun, for example, is seen to be round, and the flame of a candle to be of a conical shape. The second class of bodies, however, are never visible but when placed in the light of self-luminous bodies. It includes the moon and all the primary and secondary planets, of which we see only those portions upon which the sun’s light directly falls, and all the other objects upon our own glpbe. When we bring a lighted candle into a room, its light falls upon all the objects in the apartment, and they become visible. These bodies reflect or throw back the light of the candle, and they scatter it in all directions, because they are, gene¬ rally speaking, visible wherever we place our eye. But objects also become visible by the light thrown off by non- luminous bodies. When the moon has the form of a sharp crescent, we see the obscure part of her circular disc by the light thrown upon her from the earth, which is at that time almost fully illuminated by the sun. In like manner in the room lighted with a candle, objects are seen in corners and places upon which the light of the candle does not fall. These objects, however, are illuminated by the light of the candle thrown back by the white ceiling and walls of the apartment; and hence the reason why the ceilings of apartments should always be white, and why the walls should be as white as possible, if we wish to obtain the greatest quantity of light from a given flame. 2. The light thrown off from all bodies, whether self- luminous or non-luminous, if it has entered the body, is of the same colour as themselves. A red-hot body, or a stick of red sealing-wax, will make a sheet of white paper appear red if held near them. Light reflected from the surface of coloured bodies is white. 3. But though coloured bodies throw off light of the same colour with themselves, bodies do not appear of the same colour as that of the light which falls upon them. All bodies which are white in white light appear of the same colour as that of the light which falls upon them ; but other bodies, such as red wax, appear red even in white light, a property which they derive from a peculiar struc¬ ture acting upon the different colours of which white light is composed. Bodies of this kind, when illuminated with lights of different colours, always appear brightest in light of the same colour which they exhibit in white light. Thus a stick of yellow wax is more luminous than a stick of red wax, but the yellow wax will be less luminous than the red wax if we illuminate them both with red light. 4. Bodies, in their relation to light, are divided into two classes—opaque and transparent. An opaque body is one that stops the light that falls upon it, such as a piece of coal, or a plate of silver; and a transparent body is one which transmits the light through it, such as glass, water, and air. The most opaque body, hoover, may be made transparent by making it sufficiently thin, and the most transparent one may become opaque by making it suffi¬ ciently thick. 5. The opacity of bodies, or their power of intercepting light, gives rise to what is called the shadows of bodies. As the shadows of bodies are of the same form as the bodies, we thence deduce the fundamental optical fact, that light moves in straight lines. The same fact may be proved in a thousand ways, but most simply by placing three small 1 See Professor Forbes’ Dissertation, art. 569. 8 See Comptes Rendus, &c., 1st March 1858, tom. xlvi., p. 448. 552 OPTICS. Introduc- holes in a straight line. In this case the light will pass tion. through them, but if any one of them deviates from the straight line, the light will be stopped. 1 he same thing is finely seen, without any experiment, by admitting light into a dark room through a narrow circular aperture. Its path, marked out by the floating dust which it illuminates, will be seen to be a straight line. 6. Light issues or radiates in every direction and xiom every point in the surface of luminous and visible bodies. This fact is proved by the circumstance, that we see such bodies wherever we place our eye. However much we may magnify the bright part of the sun s disc through a telescope, or a sheet of white paper through a microscope, we shall never see any points destitute of light. 7. Light consists of separate and independent parts, which, when reduced to the smallest magnitude, are called rays of light. A beam of light transmitted into a dark room may be actually divided into smaller portions in a variety of ways. The smallest portion that we can allow to pass may be called a ray of light, and possesses the same properties as the larger beam. 8. Light moves at the rate of 192,000 miles in a second. This extraordinary property of light has been deduced by direct calculation from the immersions and emersions in eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites, which become visible to us nearly a quarter of an hour earlier when the earth is nearest Jupiter than when it is farthest from that planet. The exact velocity of light obtained in this manner is 192,500 miles in a second; whereas Dr Brinkley and M. Struve have found it to be 191,515 miles in a second, from the phenomena of aberration; or 191,500, if we take 20 '36, which is the most recent measure of the constant of aber¬ ration.1 This last determination is undoubtedly the most correct. By a beautiful experiment, M. Fizeau has recently found that the velocity of the light of a lamp is 196,000 miles. The velocity with which light travels is so inconceivable, that we require to make it intelligible by some illustrations. It moves from the sun to the earth in 7^ minutes, whereas a cannon-ball fired from the earth would require seventeen years to reach the sun. Light moves through a space equal to the circumference of the earth, or about 25,000 miles in about the eighth part of a second. The swiftest bird would require three weeks to perform this journey. Light would demonstrably require jive years to move from the nearest fixed star to the earth, and probably many thousand years from the most remote star seen by the tele¬ scope. Hence if a remote visible star had been created at the time of the creation of man, it may not yet have be¬ come visible to our system. 9. When light falls upon any body, whether rough or smooth, coloured or uncoloured, a part of the incident light enters the body, and is either lost within it or transmitted through it; and part of it is reflected from its surface, either in the same or in a different direction from that in which it came. The light which enters the body and is lost, the light which is transmitted through the body, and the light which is reflected from it, suffer certain changes in its direction and in its physical properties. It belongs to the geometrical or mathematical part of optics to assign the laws which regulate the change of direction which light experiences when it is transmitted through, or reflected from bodies whose density is uniform, and whose surfaces have a geometrical form ; and to physical optics, to explain the changes in the physical properties which light acquires in passing through bodies, in passing near them, or in being reflected from their surfaces. The laws which regulate the reflection of light constitute Catoptrics, that branch of optics which is called Catoptrics, and the laws which regulate the changes of deviation which light experiences when transmitted through bodies is called Dioptrics. Part I.—CATOPTRICS, OR THE REFLECTION OF LIGHT. The word catoptrics (derived from the Greek words Kara, from, and oTrro/xai, to see) signifies that department of optics Catoptrics, which treats of the reflection of light from the polished and regularly-formed surfaces of bodies, such as water, glass, and the metals. The name of speculum or mirror has commonly been given to bodies that have regularly-formed and highly- polished surfaces. The word speculum is generally applied to polished metals, and mirrors to reflectors made of glass and covered with an amalgam of tin and mercury, or with a coating of pure silver, in order to increase their power of reflecting light. There are four kinds of specula used in optics, namely, plane, convex, concave, and cylindrical, and when light falls upon any of these specula, which we shall always consider to be formed of polished metal, it is reflected according to the same law. Fig. 2. General Law of Deflection. Let AD (fig. 2) be a ray of light which falls upon a plane speculum MN, and strikes it at the point D, this ray will be driven back in the direction DB, so inclined to the original ray AD, that if we raise from the point D a line DE perpendicular to MN, the angle BDE will be equal to the angle ADE. The ray AD is called the incident ray, DB the reflected ray, ADE the angle of incidence, and DBE the angle of reflection. The two rays AD, DB, and the perpendicular DE, all lie in the same plane AEBD. This plane is sometimes called the plane of incidence, and some¬ times the plane of reflection, and it is always at right angles to the reflecting surface MN. When the reflecting surface is concave, as MN in fig. 3, and is part of a sphere, whose centre is C, a ray of light AD, falling upon any point D, will be reflected in a direction DB, so as to form the same angle BDC, with a line CD drawn ^ from the centre of the sphere to the point of incidence D, that the inci¬ dent ray AD does, viz., the angle ADC. In this case the line DC is perpendicular to the reflecting surface at D. When the speculum is convex, as in K fig. 4, and C the centre of its spherical surface, then if we draw CE, passing through any point D of the spherical surface MN, any ray of light AD, inci¬ dent at D, will, after reflection, take a direction DB, having the same inclination BDE to DE that the incident ray AD has. In this case also the prolonged ra¬ dius of curvature CE is perpendicular to the surface MN at D. When the surface is cylindrical, the form of the reflecting line, or the line lying in the plane of reflection, is a circle in one direction, a straight line in another, and an ellipse Fig. 3. Fig. 4. 1 See Aberration, vol. ii. OPTICS. 553 Catoptrics, in all intermediate ones; but in every case the reflected v—/ ray will take such a direction that the angle which it forms with a line perpendicular to a plane touching the cylinder at the point where the ray strikes it, will be equal to the angle which the incident ray forms with the same per¬ pendicular. This is true of all curved surfaces whatever. The results now stated have been established by direct experiment for all inclinations of the incident ray; so that it is a law universally true, that in the reflection of light the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Hence it follows that when the incident ray is perpendicular to any surface, it is reflected back in the direction in which it came; and when the incident ray is parallel to the re¬ flecting surface (when plane), or is inclined 90° to it, it will pass on without suffering any change in its direction. By means of the law of reflection we can easily deter¬ mine, even without any calculation, the effects produced upon light by specula and mirrors, and the shape, and mag¬ nitude, and position of the images of all objects seen by reflection from them. These effects we shall now proceed to consider in their order. Definitions.—Parallel rays are those which are parallel or equidistant, as AD, A'D' (fig. 5). Diverging rays are those which issue or diverge from a point, and separate from each other, forming an angle, as AD, AD', AD" (fig. 6). Converging rays are those which converge to a point, or approach to one another, as AD, A'D', A''D,' (fig. 7). Sect. I.—On the Reflection of Rays from Plane, Concave, and Convex Mirrors. Deflection from Plane Mirrors. Reflection of Parallel Rays.—When parallel rays AD, A'D' fall upon a plain speculum MN at the points D, D', they will preserve their paral¬ lelism after reflection. Drawing the perpendi¬ culars DE, D'E', make the angles of reflection EDB, E'D'B' equal to the angles of incidence ADE, A'D'E', and it will be found that DB is parallel to D'B.' If the space between AD, A'D' be supposed to be filled up with other rays parallel to AD, the space between DB and D'B' will also be filled up with parallel rays. Hence a beam of parallel rays ADD'A' will be reflected into the parallel beam BDD'B', the latter being the same as the former, but inverted. If the inverted beam suffers another reflection from another mirror, parallel to MN, it will be restored to a position exactly parallel to ADD'A', and no longer inverted. Reflection of Diverging J?a7/s—When diverging rays, AD, AD’, AD", fall upon a speculum MN, they will be reflected in directions DB, DB', D'B", found by making the angles BDE, BPD'E', B"D"E" respectively equal to ADE, AD’E', AD"E"; and the re¬ flected rays being con¬ tinued back till they meet, they will be found to meet at a ris-6- point A', so that the line AA' is at right angles to MN, and AN equal to AN. Hence the rays will have the same divergency after reflection as before it, and as if they came from A', the reflected beam being inverted, as in the pre¬ ceding case. VOL. XVI. Reflection of Converging Rays.—When converging rays Catoptrics AD, A'D', A"D", fall . ’ v ' upon a speculum MN, they will converge after reflection to a point B', so situated that if BB' is at right angles to MN, B'M will be equal to BM. The reflected rays, DB', D'B', D'B', will be found by making the angles EDB', E'D'B', E''D"B', respectively equal to the angles of incidence, ADE, A'D’E', A''D"E''. Fig. 7. Reflection from Concave Mirrors. Reflection of Parallel Rays.—Let MN (fig. 8) be a concave mirror whose centre of concavity is C, and let parallel rays, AD, A'D', J A"D", fall upon the mirror, the central ray AD passing through dB ~tk- the centre C. From C draw the lines CD', //'' n CD". Then since CD' is perpendicular to the Fig. s. mirror at D', the ray A'D' will be reflected in the direc¬ tion D'F, so that the angle of reflection CD'F is equal to the angle of incidence CD'A. In like manner, the ray A"D" will be reflected to F, and the central ray AD will be reflected back to F also ; all intermediate rays being like¬ wise reflected to F. If the curvature of MN is not deep, and if the points D', D" are taken near D, it will be found by making the angles of reflection equal to the angles of incidence, that the rays all meet accurately at F, which is called the focus of the mirror for parallel rays, or its 'principal focus. This focus is in all mirrors exactly half-way between the centre C and the surface of the mirror. The point F derives its name of focus from its being the burning point of a mirror, or the point where the parallel rays issuing from the sun are most condensed, and therefore occasion the most powerful heat. Reflection of Diverging Rays.—Let AD, AD', AD" (fig. 9) be diverging rays issuing from A and falling upon the mirror MN, whose centre is C, and principal focus O. Then if we make the angles of reflection equal to the angles of incidence, as in the last case, we shall find that the rays will be reflected to a point F, between the centre C of the mirror, and its principal focus O. If the radiant point A is removed from the mirror, and the rays fall on the same points of it, it is manifest that the incident rays will be re¬ moved farther from the perpendiculars CD', CD"; and con¬ sequently the reflected rays which meet at F will also be removed farther from them. Hence F will approach to O ; and when A is infinitely distant, and the rays parallel, F will coincide with O. But if A approaches to the mirror, the incident rays will approach to the perpendiculars ; and as the reflected rays will do the same, their point of con¬ course F will approach to C. When A reaches C, the focus F will also reach C, and the reflected ray will coincide with the incident ray. 554 OPT Catoptrics. If A still advances towards the mirror, the incident rays will get within the perpendicular, and therefore the reflected rays will be without it, and their point of concourse F will advance from C outwards, in proportion as the radiant point advances from C inwards. When A reaches the principal focus O, the reflected rays will be parallel, as seen in fig. 8; and when A comes still nearer the mirror, the reflected rays will diverge, as if they proceeded from some point be¬ hind the mirror, this point being called the virtual or ima¬ ginaryof such rays. In all the preceding cases the point A, from which the rays issue, and the point F, where they are collected by reflection, are called conjugate foci, because if we make A the radiant point, F will be the focus; if we make F the radiant point, A will be the focus. The conjugate foci of a concave mirror may be easily found by projection. The following rule will give the focus more accurately when the rays A'D', A"D'' are not far from the central one AD. Multiply the distance of the radiant point from the mirror, or AD, by the radius CD, and divide this product by the difference between double the distance AD and the radius CD, and the quotient will be the conju¬ gate focal distance required, or FD. If twice AD is less than CD, the conjugate focal point will not be before the mirror, but behind it, the focus being in that case a virtual one. Reflection of Converging Rays.—Let AD, A'D', A"D" (fig. 10) be rays converging to a point a behind the mirror make the angles of reflection CD/, CD/respectively equal to the angles of incidence A'D'C, A"D"C; and D/ D'/will be the reflected rays having their focus at f between the mirror and its principal focus F. If the point of conver¬ gence a of the rays, or the conjugate focus, approaches to the mirror, the other conjugate focus f will also approach to it; and if it recedes from the mirror, the focus f will also recede, reaching F when a is infinitely distant, in which case A'D', A"D" are parallel, as in fig. 8. The following is the rule for finding the conjugate foci when one of them is given :— Multiply the distance of the point of convergence from the mirror, or aD, by the radius of the mirror, or CD, and divide this product by the sum of double the distance «D and the radius CD, and the quotient will be the conjugate focal distance required—namely, /D—the focus / being in front of the mirror. Reflection from Convex Mirrors. Reflection of Parallel Rays.—Let parallel rays AD, AD', A"D7 (fig. 11) be incident upon the convex mirror MN, whose centre is C. Draw the perpendiculars CE, C E' passing through D' and D", and c making the angles of reflection ED'B, E'D 'B' equal to the angles of incidence A'D'E, A"D"E'; the reflected rays will be D'B, D"B', whose virtual focus F is behind the mirror, and so situated that FD is equal to FC. ICS. Reflection of Diverging Rays.—If we suppose the rays Catoptric*. AA'A" to diverge from any point in the line or axis AD, they will recede from CE, CE'; consequently the reflected rays D'B', D"B' will recede also ; that is, will become more divergent, as if they came from a focus between F and D, the virtual focus approaching to D as the radiant point A approaches to D. Reflection of Converging Rays.—In like manner, if the rays AA'A" widen at A—that is, converge to some point behind the mirror MN—they will approach to CE and CE', so that the reflected rays D'B, D"B" will also approach to CE, CE', and consequently diverge less, or have their virtual focus between F and C. When the converging rays coin¬ cide with CE, CE', they will be reflected back in the direc¬ tion in which they came, having C for their virtual focus. When the converging rays pass CE, CE', the reflected rays will also pass to the opposite side, and converge less after reflection, having their virtual focus beyond C. When they converge to F, the reflected rays will be parallel, as in fig. 11, where we may suppose BD', B'D" the incident, and D'A', D"A" the reflected rays. When the rays converge to a point between F and D, the reflected rays will con¬ verge to a point in the axis; and as the point of convergency of the incident rays approaches to F on the one side, the point of convergency of the reflected rays will approach to it on the other. It would have been easy, by the simplest elements of geometry, to have demonstrated the preceding truths ; but the demonstration would have been rigorous only when the rays fell upon the mirror at points infinitely near D in the axis AD. By finding from projection the foci of rays of all kinds, and falling upon the mirror at all degrees of obliquity, the reader will acquire more substantial knowledge of the subject than he can do either from geometrical or algebraic demonstrations. The same observation is appli¬ cable to the results obtained in the following section. Sect. II.—On the Formation of Images by Apertures, and by Plane, Concave, Convex, and Cylindrical Mirrors. Formation of Images by Apertures.—In optics an image is a luminous resemblance or picture of any object what¬ ever, formed either on a white ground, such as a sheet of paper, or seen through ground glass, or suspended in the air. In order to understand how images are formed, let us suppose that a soldier is standing on the outside of an open window (fig. 12), with a redcoat and blue trousers, strongly illuminated by the sun. The white wall WW opposite the window is illuminated by all the light which enters the window, the blue light of the sky, the green foliage, the red coat, and the blue trowsers, so that it has no distinct colour, but a mixture of all these. If ^ve close the shutters SS, so as to allow no light to fall upon the wall but the red light of the coat and the blue light of the trowsers, it will be illuminated only by a mixture of red and blue light. But if we close the shutters completely, and leave only a small hole A, about OPTICS. 555 Catoptrics, half an inch in diameter, then it is obvious that the red W^rays at and below R, passing through the hole A wdl illuminate the opposite wall at and above ^ with raZ lig it, and the blue rays the opposite point at and below b with blue light; and that no red light can fall upon b and no blue light upon r. Hence we shall have the rerf body of the soldier rudely shadowed out at and above r, and his blue legs at and below b, this small image being inverted, because the rays from the upper part of his body fall upon the lower part of the wall, and the rays from the lower part of his body upon the upper part of the wall. If we make the hole A smaller and smaller, the inverted image of the soldier will become more and more distinct, the colours will be better separated, and the picture may be made so distinct, that the features of the individual could be recognised. Now this separation of the various lights that at first fell upon the wall is effected solely by diminishing the aperture through which they pass; for if the aperture is exceedingly small, then as two rays cannot proceed from the same point of the object, they cannot fall upon or illuminate the same point of the image, and hence each point of the object is represented on the wall by the colour of the light which it throws out. As the coloured rays from the soldier are thrown off in all directions, an inverted image of that soldier may be formed in any part of space, by excluding all the other rays except those which pass through a small aperture. It is manifest, from a simple inspection of fig. 12, that the ' size of the inverted image will diminish not only with the distance of the aperture from the soldier, but also with the distance of the wall W W from the aperture. Formation of Images by Concave Mirrors.—1 he effect of a concave mirror in forming an image is the same as that of an aperture, but it produces a finer effect, and acts upon a different principle. From the doctrine of reflected diverging rays it follows, Catoptrics, and may be proved by projection, that as the object MN ' * ^ approaches to the mirror, the image mn will recede fiom the mirror, till the object and image meet one another at the centre C, where they will have the same size. If MN still moves towards the mirror within C> the image mn will move outwards beyond C, and the image will now be larger than the object. If the object comes to the place mn, and is of the same size as mn, the image of it will be formed at MN, and will have the same size as MN. it the obiect goes still nearer the mirror, the image will go still farther off than MN, increasing in size. When the object reaches the principal focus half-way betweeh C and 1), tie image will be infinitely distant; and when the object goes still nearer the mirror, as in fig. 14, where it is placed at MN, between the principal focus F and the mirror Ai>, Fig. 13. Let AB (fig. 13) be a concave mirror, C its centre, and MN an object placed before it. Of all the rays which flow from every part of this object in every direction, we shall consider only those which issue from its1 extremities M,N. The rays from M radiate in every direction, but those which fall upon the mirror, namely, the pencil or cone MAB, are the only ones which require our notice. This pencil ot diverging rays will have its focus at a point m farther from the mirror than its principal focus, and in like manner the pencil NAB will have its focus at some point n, pencils intermediate between M and N having their foci at points intermediate between m and n. These points may be found by projection, as already described, or by the rule given for diverging rays. , The image mn is obviously an inverted picture ot tne object MN, and its size is to that of the object as the dis¬ tance of the image from the mirror is to the distance of the object from it, that is, as wA is to NA, as may be found from projection, or from an experimental measurement of the distance, when a mirror is actually used. Fig. 14. the rays will diverge in front of the mirror, and foi m an in¬ verted virtual image, mn, behind the mirror. As the image MN approaches the mirror, the virtual image mn also ap¬ proaches to it. . . i If we take a concave mirror of some size, and place before it any highly luminous or strongly-illuminated object, such as a plaster-of-Paris cast, we may obtain an interest¬ ing experimental proof of the preceding results. When the image is formed in front of the mirror, it will appear sus¬ pended in the air, and the effect of this will be greatly heightened if it is received on a cloud of thin blue smoke raised from a chafing-dish below the place of the image. By considering that as the object moves from MN to L (fig. 13), the image mn advances to C, we obtain an explana- planation of the celebrated experiment with the dagger, in which a person with a drawn dagger striking at the mirror, is met by another person, viz., his own image, returning the stroke. • If the object MN is the sun, a small image of his disc will be formed at mn, in which are collected all the rays of light which fall upon the surface of the mirror. It will therefore have such a degree of heat as to melt even the hardest gems and metals. Such a mirror is called a burn- ino- mirror, from its effects. (See Burning Glasses.) °Formation of Images by Convex Mirrors.—ks convex mirrors often form a part of household furniture, we are more familiar with their properties. They always form erect images of objects, which appear at a distance behind them. IfAB(fig. 15) is a convex mirror whose centre is G, and principal focus F, and MN an object placed before it, it is obvious, from our description of fig. 11, that the diverging pencils MAB, NBA will diverge more after reflection, as if they came from virtual foci mn behind the mirror, so that our eye receiving such diverging rays will see an erect image of the object MN placed behind the mirror, and between F, its principal focus, and D. If MN approaches to AB, mn will approach it also, and if MN recedes from the 556 OPTICS. Catoptrics, mirror, mn will also recede from it, their relative sizes vary- ing as their distances. When the object touches the mirror, N Fig. 15. Kaleido¬ scope. the image also touches it, and they are then exactly of the same size. Formation of Images by Plane Mirrors.—Every person is familiar with the effects of a plane mirror, or looking- glass. The image of any object placed before it is seen behind it of the same size, in the same po¬ sition, and at the same distance from the mirror. In order to un¬ derstand this, let AB (fig. 16) be the mirror, MN the object, and E the eye of the observer, situ¬ ated in any given position. Rays from M and N fall upon every part of the mirror, but MC, MD are the only ones from M which can reach the eye E, as all the rest are reflected either above or below the eye E. In like manner, the rays NF, NG are the only ones from N which can enter the eye. The extremity M of the object will therefore be seen in the direction Era, and the concourse or virtual focus of the reflected rays will, as shown in fig. 7, be at a point ra, so situated, that if MAra is at right angles to the mirror, Am will be equal to AM. For the same reason, the point N will be seen at n, as far behind the mirror as N is before ’t; and it is obvious, from the parallelism of Mra and Nrc. and the equality of the distance of the points M, ra, and N, n, from AB, that mn is equal to MN. If two plane mirrors are inclined to each other, as AC, BC (fig. 17), and an object MN placed between them, an eye situated so as to receive the reflected rays, will see a series of images of MN all arranged symmetrically. Be¬ hind AC, for example, an image mn will be formed, and behind BC another image M'N'. But as the rays which form these images again fall upon the mirrors, we shall see images of mn and M'N' formed by AC and BC ; thus mn will be the image of mn formed by BC, and M"N" an image of M'Ps formed by AC. In like manner, mn will be the image o mn formed by AC, and the image of M' N" formed by B( will also lie upon ra « , so that we shall have two images a ra n overlapping each other, and forming one exactly, if thi angle ACB is exactly one-sixth part of 360°, or 60°; but i it is not, the compound image m'n" will be seen double an< imperfect. The five images above described, reckoning thi double one at ra 'n" as only one, will, together with the ob jeet MN, to which all the images are equal and similar, consti tute a perfect equilateral triangle ; so that if MN is a colourei and an irregular object, the symmetrical figure composed b' Fig. 17. it, and all its images, will be highly beautiful and agreeable Dioptrics to the eye. If MN, in place of being perpendicular to the ■ mirror BC, had been inclined to it, no pair of images would have formed a straight line, as in the figure, and the com¬ bination would have been more beautiful. This is the principle of the kaleidoscope, in as far as the multiplication and arrangement of the images is concerned ; but this in¬ strument has already been so admirably described by an eminent writer in our article Kaleidoscope, that we must refer the reader to it for farther information. Formation of Images by Cylindrical Mirrors.—It is not Cylindrical easy, in a diagram, to represent the progress of rays in the mirrors, formation of an image by a cylindrical mirror. As a cylin¬ der is in one direction a plane mirror, in another a convex mirror, and in all others an elliptical one, the eccentricity of the ellipse passing through all degrees, from a circle to a straight line, different parts of a regular figure presented to such a mirror will appear of different sizes, and at different distances behind it. Part of the figure will have the same form and position as in a plane mirror, part as in a convex mirror, and the other parts of the image will have interme¬ diate sizes and positions. Hence the image will be com¬ pletely distorted. If the mirror is placed horizontally, the human face will appear of the right size from ear to ear, but contracted, as in a convex speculum, from brow to chin. Hence, if a distorted picture is properly drawn, and properly presented to the mirror—that is, if the cylinder is placed vertically before the picture—the image of the distorted pic¬ ture will be rectified; the length between the ears will be contracted into the same proportional size as the shortness between the brow and the chin, and their shortness will remain unaffected. Such a distorted picture will be after¬ wards represented in the part of this article on Optical Instruments. In this section the objects are supposed to be lines, or surfaces composed of lines. But if the objects are solids, such as the human figure, or other bodies whose parts are at different distances from the mirror, the images of such ob¬ jects are different from the images of the same objects seen by the eye, when the diameters of the mirrors exceed that of the pupil of the eye. This subject, which is of the highest importance in photography, will be treated in part ii., sect. 4. Part II.—DIOPTRICS, OR THE REFRACTION OF LIGHT. Dioptrics (from Sia, through, and oTrro/xat, to see) is that branch of optics which treats of the passage of light through transparent bodies, and, consequently, of the changes which it experiences in entering and quitting such bodies. Sect. I.—On the Refraction of Light. If we hold a drop of pure water or an irregular piece of clear glass in the sun’s rays, each will have a sort of shadow like opaque bodies. Hence it follows that light has not passed freely through them, and must therefore have suffered some change in its direction, either whHe entering these bodies, or passing through them, or emerging from them. The change which it has suffered is called refrac¬ tion, and the nature of this change will be discovered by observing the effects produced upon light by transparent bodies whose surface is flat and regular. For this purpose let AB (fig. 18) be the surface of ivater in a vessel, and RC a ray or pencil of light proceeding from a candle or from the sun, through a small hole, and falling upon the water at C. Part of this light will be reflected in the direction O, so that the angle rCP is equal to RCP, PQ being a line perpendicular to the water at C; hut the greater part of the light will enter the water at C, and in place of going straight on to e, it will be bent OPTICS. 557 Fig. 18. Dioptrics, or refracted at C, or the ray Re will be broken back at C, and proceed in a straight line to E. Drawing a circle PAQB round C as a centre, and from the point E, where the refracted ray cuts it, drawing EK parallel to PQ, it was found by Snellius that CD was to CE or Ce as 3 to 4; and we have shown in the “ history of optics,” that if Rf and EF are drawn perpendicular to PQ, CD is to Ce as EF is to R/l But R/ is the sine of the angle of incidence RCP, and EF is the sine of the angle ECQ, which is called the angle of re¬ fraction. Now, Snellius discovered, by numerous experi¬ ments, that whatever was the magnitude of the angle of incidence RCP, the magnitude of the angle of refraction Was such that CD was to Ce as 3 to 4, or in a constant ratio. Hence it follows, that the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction R/and EF, are, in the case of water, in the constant ratio of 4 to 3. Snellius did not mention the constant ratio of the sines, but merely the constant ratio of CD and Ce, which is the same thing ; and he preferred the use of that ratio for the following reason:—When a luminous body is placed at E below water, and its light passes through a small aperture at C, it is found to be refracted or bent into the direction CR, so as to be seen by an eye at R, in the direction Re, elevated from E to D. As the incident ray RC approaches to the perpendicular PQ, the refracted ray CE approaches also to the perpendi¬ cular, and CD becomes less and less, and when RC coin¬ cides with PC, or when the ray is incident perpendicularly, the refracted ray CE will coincide with CQ, or the inci¬ dent ray will suffer no refraction at C. When the angle of incidence RCP increases, and RC approaches to the sur¬ face of the water CB, the angle of refraction ECQ will also increase, the line CD will increase, and the refracted ray approach also to the surface CA, and when RC coincides with BC, Ce will coincide with CA, and no light whatever will enter the w^ater, but it will all be reflected. When Ce coincides w'ith CA, CD will be 3, and D will coincide with K. Such are the phenomena and law of refraction when light passes from a rare medium such as air, into a dense medium such as water, the ray being always re¬ fracted towards the perpendicular, according to the fixed law already described. Let us now suppose, that the ray of light passes from a dense medium, such as water, placed above AB (fig. 19), into a rare medium, such as air placed below AB, and let PQ be a perpendicular to the surface of the water at C. It is found by experiment that the ray neither goes straight on to e, nor is refracted towards the perpendicular as before, but is refracted from the perpen¬ dicular into the direction CE ; so that, if the line KED is drawn through E, parallel to PQ, and cutting the original direction of the ray Re prolonged, in the point D, CD will be to CE or Ce, as 4 to 3, and in a constant ratio, or R/ the sine of the angle of incidence will be to EF the sine of the angle of refraction in the constant ratio of 4 to 3. When the ray RC coincides with PC, so that the angle of inci¬ dence is nothing, the angle of refraction will also be nothing, and the refracted ray CE will coincide with CQ, the inci¬ dent ray having gone straight on without experiencing any refraction; but when the angle of incidence increases, and RC approaches towards BC, the refracted ray CE will ap¬ proach to CA, which it will reach long before R reaches Dioptrics. B. When CE reaches CA, the ray RC will no longer emerge from the water into the air, but will suffer total re¬ flection at C ; and at every angle of incidence beyond that at which this total reflection commences, the light will continue to be totally reflected till RC coincides with RB. If we repeat all the above experiments with plate or crown glass, in place of water, we shall find the very same phenomena reproduced, with the difference only, that the constant ratio of CD to Ce, or of the sines Rf to EF, in place of being as 3 to 4 in one case (see fig. 18), and 4 to 3 in the other (see fig. 19), will be as 2 to 3, and as 3 to 2 ; or in the case of water the ratio will be as 1 to 1*333, and in glass as 1 to 1*500. The number 1*333 is called the index of refraction for water, and 1*500 the index of re¬ fraction for glass. In like manner, it is found that the index of refraction for ta- ^ basheer is 1*111, being less than that for water; for flint Fig. 20. glass 1*600, for diamond 2*500, and for chromate of lead about 3*00. Hence it follows, that bodies refract light in different degrees, measured by their indices of refraction. In order to have an ocular representa¬ tion of the different degrees of refraction, we have drawn in fig. 20 the different refracted rays, corresponding to a given incident ray RC, supposing the surface AB to be first air (the medium above it being a vacuum), then tabasheer, then water, then flint-glass, then diamond, and, lastly, chromate of lead. When the index of refraction of any body is known, we can easily ascertain the progress of a ray of light which falls upon such a body, and its direction after quitting the body. The following example of this we shall give for plate-glass. Let AB (fig. 21) be the surface of a piece of plate-glass whose index or ratio of refraction is as 2 to 3, or as 1 to 1'50, and let a ray of light RC fall upon it at C. Prolong RC to e, and upon a scale of equal parts take in the compasses CD, equal to 10 of these parts, and Ce equal to 15, or CD equal to 2, and Ce to 3 parts. Upon C as a centre, with the radius Ce, describe the semi¬ circle AeB, and through D draw KDE, perpendicular to AB, and meeting the semicircle in E; join CE, and CE will be the refracted ray. When the ray passes from a denser to a rarer medium, as in fig. 19, Ce is made equal to 10, and CD to 15, and KD being drawn perpendicular to AB, and a line drawn from C to the point E, where DK cuts the circle, CE will be the refracted ray. This method is obviously much more simple and elegant than when we use the sines of the angles. When E and K coincide with A (fig. 19), DK becomes a tangent to the circle at A, and the light suffers total reflection. If the preceding experiments are repeated with various solids and fluids, it will be found that the same law of re¬ fraction takes place with all of them ; the index of refraction varying more or less in each; the refractive power being least in the gases, and less in fluids, generally speaking, than in solids, as will be seen in the following table of re¬ fractive powers, collected from various authors, and deter¬ mined by methods possessing various degrees of accuracy. Fig. 21. 558 Dioptrics. OPTICS. Table of the Refractive Powers of Gases, Fluids, and Solids.1 Dioptrics. Index of Refraction. A vacuum l-OOOO GASES.2 Hydrogen 1 Oxygen 1 Atmospheric air 1 Azote ....1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i i i i' i 000138 ■000272 ■000294 ■000300 •000303 ■000340 ■000385 ■000443 ■000449 •000449 •000451 ■000503 •000644 •000665 000678 ■000779 ■000789 000834 001095 001159 001500 Nitrous gas Carbonic oxide Ammonia Carburetted hydrogen Carbonic acid Muriatic acid Hydrocyanic acid Nitrous oxide Sulphuretted hydrogen Sulphurous acid Olefiant gas Chlorine Protophosphuretted hydro¬ gen 1 Cyanogen 1 Muriatic ether 1 Phosgene 1 Vapour of sulphuret of car¬ bon 1 Vapour of sulphuric ether, (boiling point at 35° cen- tig.) 1-001530 All the preceding observations were made by M. Dulong, excepting that on atmosphe¬ ric air, which we owe to M. Biot. FLUIDS AND SOFT SOLIDS. Ether expanded by heat to thrice its volume l-0570 Br. Volatile newfluid discovered by Sir D. Brewster in ca¬ vities in topaz (Brews- toline) 1-1311 Br. Volatile newfluid discovered by Sir D. Brewster in ame¬ thyst, at 83J° Pahr. (ame- thystoline) P2106 Br. Second new fluid discovered bySirD.Brewsterintopazl,2047 Br. Nitrous oxide, liqui- f much less 1 „ fled by pressure.... { than water J Muriatic acid', gas, do I nearly f much less-) ^ Carbonic acid [ equal ^than water! gas, do ) Chlorine { Slnwiter 1 „ Cyanogen I ^ Pres f perhaps less | l I than wfltpr J Do. do \ than water J do 1-316 Br. Sulphurous acid, liquified f same as ) „ by pressure { water J ‘ fN. Water l-336{ W. ( Br. „ fixed line E3 1-33585 Fr. Aqueous humour of the eye...1-3366 Br. n „ of haddock...1-341 Br. Y. Vitreous humour of eye.... J » „ lamb 1-345 \ ” » P^011 1,353 Ur Y Expectorated mucus 1-339 J Saltwater 1-343 Br. H. Br. Y. Br. Br. Eu. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. Y. He. Br. Y. W. Br. Y. W. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. C. He. Br. Br. Y. C. He. Br. Y. Br. Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Index of Refraction ( 1-344 Eu. Vinegar, distilled •( 1-372 (. 1-347 Acetic acid 1-396 Jelly-fish. (Medusa cequorea) 1"345 White of an egg 1-351 , , , / 1-359 „ a hen’s do j Port wine 1-351 Human blood 1-354 Saturated solution of alum and water 1-356 Oil of boxwood 1-356 nun J 1-358 Albumen 1-36 Brandy 1-366 Rum 1-360 Oil of ambergris j J.379 Alcohol, sp. gr. 0-866 1-371 (1-372 „ rectified spirits... •( l-374 (1-377 Saturated solution of salt 1-375 Muriatic acid, sp. gr. 1-134 j „ „ strong 1-401 „ „ highly concen¬ trated 1-4098 Bi. Oil of wine 1-379 Br. Sweet spirit of nitre 1-384 He. Malic acid 1-395 Pus 1-404 Nitrous acid j Crystalline lens of man, outer „ „ middle coat 1-3786 i Br. „ „ centre l,3970j Crystalline lens of lamb’s eye, outer coat 1-386 \ „ „ middle coat 1-428 ,, „ centre 1-436 Crystalline lens of pigeon 1-406 „ „ haddock’s eye, outer coat 1-410 „ ,, centre 1-439 j 1-380 1 1-447 J VV- 1-463 Eu. Solution of potash, sp. gr. 1-416 j fixed line E 1-40563 Fr. ( 1-410 Br. Y. Nitric acid, sp. gr. l-48...< 1-410 11-412 Hydrate of soda, melted by heat 1-411 Hydrophosphoric acid, do 1-423 Phosphoric acid fluid 1-426 Yolk of a fresh egg 1-428 f 1-430 Sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1-7. < 1-435 l 1-440 Oil of rhue j Phosphorous acid 1-437 Hydrophosphoric acid, cold.. .1-442 « .. 1f , ] 1-446 fepermacGti^ melted. ••••••••• j Oil of wax 1-452 Oil of wormwood 1-453 Oil of wormwood, boiling ...1-4416 M. Bees’ wax, melted 1-453 Br. Y. Br. Y. Crystalline lens of the ox.. W. C. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. He. W. Br. Br. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. W. Br. Y. C. Br. Index of Refraction. Bees’ wax, melting 1-4503 M. W. Br. Br. W. Br. Y. W. Br. Br. Br. Y. W. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. W. Br. Br. Y. W. Br. Br. Y. C. W. He. boiling 1-542 Oil of camomile 1-457 (1-457 Oil of lavender < 1-467 11-475 Tallow, melted 1-460 White wax, melted 2-462 Oil of poppy { Oil of peppermint j y.^yg Oil of rosemary j 1-472 Oil of spermaceti j J.^yg f 1-470 Oil of almonds < 1-481 11-483 Oil of turpentine, rectified...1-470 r 1-475 Oil of turpentine < 1-476 {1-482 (1-476 „ „ common | i-4gg » » sp. gr. 0-885, fixed line E 1-47835 Fr. (1-470 Br. Oil of olives, sp. gr. 0-913 < 1-4705 He. 1 1-476 Br. Y. Oil of bergamot j J^1 y Oil of birch, distilled from | 1*470 Br. Y. Oil of beech ? 1*471 l Br. Oil of juniper 1-473 J Butter, cold 1-474 Br. Y. Palm oil 1-480 W. Oil of rape-seed P475 Naphtha 1-475 Essence of lemon 1-476 Oil of dill-seed j Oil of thyme j Oil of cajeput 1-478 Naples soap 1*483 Oil of mace, melted 1-479 Oil of spearmint j Oil of lemon { 1 f3!? | 1-481 Oil of pennyroyal 1-482 ( 1-485 Linseed oil, sp. gr. 0-932... < 1-482 ( 1-485 Oil of savine 1-487 Oil of juniper j ^ Train oil 1-491 I Oil of wormwood 1-485 >Br. Y, 0“te°a (l-tssj Br. Br. Y. W. Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Br. Y. N. W. Br Y. Br. •485. Florence oil [.1-490 Oil of fenugreek j j^g Oil of hyssop | Windsor soap 1-487 Nut oil, perhaps impure... j Tallow, cold 1-492 Oil of caraway seeds j p.^gp Br. Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. Y. He. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. Y. Br. 1 In the above Table, the letter TVaffixed to any index of refraction, indicates that the observation was made by Newton ; 17, Hauks- bee; Eu, Euler; M, Malus; C, Cavallo’s table; Itu, Rudberg; Bi, Biot; Bo, Potter; Ze, Zeiher; Bx, Descloiseaux; Bose, Boscovich ; Fr, Fraunhofer; He, Sir John Herschel; F, Mr Faraday; Hat, Haidinger; Mil, Miller; W, Wollaston; S, Senarmont; Am, Angstrom; Heu, Ileusser; Br, Sir David Brewster ; and Br.Y, by Dr Young, who calculated the indices from Sir David Brewster’s observations. * Taken when the temperature was 32° Fahr., and the barometer at 29-922. 3 The fixed line E is given in this Table for several substances, as it is in the green space and nearly the mean ray. lioptrics. Index of Refraction. Oil of marjoram , Oil of nutmeg ... (1-4 11-4 (1-4 U-4 \V4 •490 •491 •491 •497 1-491 •493 Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. W. Br. Y. Br. Oil of angelica Bees’ wax * ®2IlBr.Y. „ „ cold 1*492 j AY. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. Br. AY. Br. ,, white wax, cold 1-535 ” f 1-494 Balsam of sulphur | 1-497 Honey Grass oil Treacle Oil of beech nut 1-500 f 1-500 1 Oil of rhodium { 1505 ) V 1'503 1 t> y . ,, f 1-503 JBr,Y* Spermaceti, cold j l-SSS AY. /V^lBr.Y. Oil of pimento 1-510 J 11-507 Br. f 1-505 AY. Oil of amber j i-507 \ Y Bird lime 1-506 } „ , , f 1-506 Br. Oil of sweet fennel seeds... j , . . f 1-507 Balsam of capivi OPTICS. Index of Refraction. Quartz, melted, red rays 1-453 S. Hyalite, red rays 1-455 Alum 1-457 458 Canada balsam. ri-6 ' X 1-515 ( 1-528 { 1-532 V. 1-549 Br. Y. AY. Br. Y. AY. Br. Y. Br, Br. Br. AY. Eu. Br. Y. AY. Oil cf cinnamon 1-508 Oil of mace 1519 1 gr v 11-522 J Kr* „ I 1-532 Oil of sassafras < 1-536 \ 1-544 Balsam of Gilead 1-529 f 1-535 Oil of cloves 1 1-539A Br. Y. Oil of cashew nut 1-536 l Br. Y. , ( 1-536 | Br. Y. Oil of anise seed | 1-601^ Br. Petroleum 1-544 Br. Y. Oil of tobacco 1-547 Br. Balsam of styrax 1-584 Br. / 1-534 Eu. I 1-589 \ \ 1-604 l Br. Y. { 1-632 J Balsam of Peru, mean 1-600 1 Essential oil of bitter almonds 1-603 J ( 1-631 } Br'T' Oil of cassia A i.64i \ 11-647 i Br. Sulphuret of carbon 1-678 J Muriate of antimony, vari¬ able, about 1'8 W. Oil of cinnamon SOLIDS. Tabasheer from Vellore 1-1111 A „ „ Nagpore 1-1454 „ „ ditto 1-1503 V Br. „ whitest kind 1-1825 I ( 1-3085 J Ice \ 1-310 AY. f 1-344 1 „ Cryolite | ^349 J Br. Sphene P> 1"361 Mil. Carbonate of potash, lowest refr. ••..*.• .....1*379 Br. Hydrophane, dry, red ray....1-382 1 „ full of water...1"438 J Gluten of wheat, dried 1-426 Fluor spar „ 1-714 Sulphate of Magnesia Borax, sp. gr. 1-7149 Fluellite ;.T47 AY. Gum-arabic, sp. gr. 1-375 ....1-467 N. Gmelinite 1"474 | Opal, partly hydrophanous...T479 J Arseniate of soda, least 1-479 1 „ „ ,, greatest...1-481 J Sulphate of ammonia and ) 4.473 g magnesia J „ „ H 1-483 n n /1-487 Camphor | 4.493 Sulphate of potash and j - 4-437 manganese J „ „ nickel... |3 1-4905 „ „ cobalt... |3 1-4655 /S, „ ammonia and nickel (3 1"499 I „ „ cobalt... )3 1-4925 „ „ zinc /3 1-491 J Obsidian 1-488 Br. Levo- and dextro-tartrate "I 4.4929A i llle. Br. AY. Br. Y. j 1-433 \l-4£ 436 of potash and soda, /3 red r p, green do, P red rays | 4.4935j 80daj/3 1-490 |g Br. Br. Y. Levo-tartrate of and ammonia... Dextro „ „ P 1-495 J Iceland spar, ext 1-488 AY. ditto 1-4833 M. fixed line E, do. 1"4887 Ru. ord 1-657 AY. ord 1-6543 M. fixed lineE,ord.1-6636 Ru. ord 1-667 N. Sulphate of iron, greatest ...1-494 Br. Sulphate of potash 1-509 Br. 1 axis, ord 1-493 ") „ ext 1-501 [ S. 2 axes P 1-494 J Oxalic acid P 1-499 Alii, Rochelle salt, mean, green...1-4985 He. „ „ red 1-4929 He. „ tartrate of potash and soda 1-515 Yolk of an egg, dry 1-500 Triple oxalate of chromium and potash, least 1-506 1 „ greatest 1-605 j Glass plate, English 1-500 1 „ French 1"50 J „ English, ext.... | 1-5133 He. red ray 11-514 Bose. Glass plate, Dutch 1-517 1 „ crown 1-525 J „ crown, prism Dollond, ext. red ray 1-526 He. „ crown, prism Dollond..1-5109 Br. „ crown, Fraunhofer, No. 13, sp. gr. 2-535, fixed line B. ..... 1-5314 Fr. Glass, crown, Fraunhofer, No. 9, fixedline, 2-535 1-5330 Fr. Do. do. sp. gr. 2-756, fixed lineE. ... 1-5631 Fr. Glass, bottle 1-582 Br. Starch, dry 1-504 Br. Y Stilbite 1-508 Gum-scammony 1-510 Gum-arabic 1-512 .. , / 1-513 „ not quite dry... | 4.544 ( 1-514 Human cuticle j 1-517 AY. Br AY.1 Br. AY. AY. Br. Br. Y. Mil. Br. Br. Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Y. AY. AY. Index of Refraction. Nitre, least index 1-335 greatest index 1-514 a 1-5052 P 1-5046 y 1-330 Dantzic vitriol, sulphate iron,1-515 N. Phosphate of ammonia, ord. ..1-5155.. , potash, ext 1-47651 ^ „ ord 1-50751 ext 1-4685J Nadelstein from Faroe 1-5153 Br. Mesotype, least 1-516 'j ,, greatest 1"522 V Br. Sulphate of zinc, ord. refr....1-517 J P 1-4845 Dx. ( 1-517 Br. Y. Myrrh gum j 4.526 \ Tartaric acid, least 1-518 l Br. ,, greatest 1-575 J AVavellite 1'52 , ( 1-520 Gum-dragon (tragacanth;, j Glass—borax, 1: silex, 2 1-528 r 1-521 Gum or shell-lac i 1-525 | y. ^ 1*528 J r 1*524 Caoutchouc •{ 1'534 {1-557 Tartrate of potash, neutral, p T526 Citric acid 1-527 Leucite 1-527 Sulphate of lime « 1-5297 I , „ yellow ray D p 1-5227 > Au. J y 1-5206 J Crystalline of ox and fish, dried 1-530 AY. (1-531 AY. Pitch { 1-581 Br. Y. { 1-586 Br. Sulphate of copper, least j 1-531 j refraction \ l‘o52 j f 1-532 Br. Y. Olibanum gum j 1-544 Br. Orthose P> 1-5225 Dx. Glass of phosphorus, phos¬ phoric acid fused 1-532 A Solid phosphoric acid 1-544 J-Br. Glass of borax, fused borax...1-532 ) Manna .1-533 Br. Y. Arragonite, ext. index 1-5348 1 >4 „ ord ......1-6931 } „ y 1staxisofelasticity 1*5326 S P 2d ditto 1-6863 V Ru. « 3d ditto 1-6908 J f u 1-6859 A „ axes of elasticity -I P 1-6815 y D x ( y 1-5301 J Arseniate of potash 1-535 Fahlunite 1-535 (1-535 1-547 1-550 f 1-535 Mastic gum •{ T549 U-568 . . f 1-535 Amme gum ■! 4.545 {1-535 Copal gum { 1-^4® {1-553 , . f 1536 Sugar, white j 4.544 „ melted 1"548 Agate, white, red rays P537 S. Dichroite, iolite, cordie- ( « 1-5433 A rite, from Ceylon, axes •! p 1-5413 y Dx, of elasticity { y 1"5371 J Felspar 1-536 Br. Mellite, least 1-538 1 „ greatest 1-556 J 559 Dioptrics. AY. Br. AY. Br. Y. Br. Y. AY. Br. Y. Br. AY. Br. Y. AY. Br. Br. Y. AY. Br. Y. Br. Y. Dr AVollaston informed us that he had mistaken Dragon’s-blood for Guir-dragon. 560 Dioptrics. Index of Refraction. Dx. Mellite, ord l-5455\ „ ext 1-5255 Nepheline, ord 1-5365 / „ ext 1-5415' Junipergum { ^ y Carbonate of barytes, least.. .1-540 Br. Formiate of strontian, | “ 6 1 Dx. axes of elasticity \ £ 1-48664 / Boxwood 1-542 W. Apophyllite 1-5431 He. Carbonate of strontian, least 1-543 l „ „ greatest...1-700 Rock-salt, sp. gr. 2-143 1-557 j Chio turpentine, mean 1-551 / Sagapenum gum 1-545 Turpentine 1-545 VBr.Y. Burgundy pitch, mean 1-558 J Gum-thus, mean 1-550 Br. Amethyst 1-562 W. Quartz, ord. ray 1-5484 M. „ ext 1-5582 M. „ ord., line E 1-5471 R. „ ext., ditto 1-5563 R. Amber 1-547 W. „ sp. gr. 1-04 1-556 N. Pennine, ord 1-576 ) TT . ,1-575 )nai- Br. Br. Y. Br. Br. Br. Y. W. S. ext. Resin, mean 1-554 Glue, nearly hard 1-553 Chalcedony ....1-553 Comptonite 1-553 r. . / 1-559 Parisite, ord 1-569 1 „ red rays, ext 1-670 J Hyposulphate of lime, mean red ray 1-561 „ „ mean green 1-566 Dragon’s-blood 1-562 tt / 1-565 Wernerite, ext 1-563 ,, ord 1-594 Baryto-calcite, least 1-565 „ greatest 1-701 Glass, pink-coloured 1-570 Staurotide l-572’6 Mil Assafcetida 1-575 Br. Y. Arseniate of ammonia, ord....l-5775-| „ „ ext.... 1-524 „ potash, ord 1-5915 j „ „ ext 1-5365-J f 1-576 Flint-glass,var. specimens-! 1-578 [ 1-583 He. He. Br. Y. Br. W. Br. extreme red.. ^1-584 1-594 1-596 1-601 Br. He. W. He. Bose. Br. He. Fr. ' 1-604 Br. Bose. Do. Fraunhofer, No.3,lineE..l-6145 „ Ho. 30, line E 1-6374 „ No. 23, ditto 1-6405 „ No. 13, ditto 1-6420 Andalusite, green 1-624 Mil. Prussiate of potash 1-586 Br. Anhydrite, ord 1-5772 Bi. » ext 1-6219 Bi. r« 1-614 \ „ axes of elasticity -( (Z 1-576 l Mil. ^ 1 y 1-571 J Hyposulphite of lime, least.. .1-583 l He. j. ,, greatest 1-628 J Emerald i-sgs Br. „ green ray, ord 1-5841 1 ^ >. _ „ ext 1-5780 / JJx- .Benzoic gum, mean 1-591 \V. OPTICS. Index of Refraction, Tortoise-shell 1-591 Br. (1-596 W. Guiacum gum.; < 1-600 Br. Y {1-619 Br. Beryl, ord 1-582 1 ^ „ ext 1-576 J Balsam of Tolu 1-60 W. „ „ mean 1-618 Br. Siliceo-carbonate of zinc and iron, least 1-6005 Br. Ditto, ditto, greatest 1-8477 Br. Hopeite, ord 1-601 \ Glass, ruby-red ,.1-601 l Br. Meionite 1-606 J „ ord 1-5955 1 n „ ext 1-5595 J ' Iron sinter 1-606 1 t. Glass, purple-coloured 1-608 J r‘ Resin of jalap 1-608 Br. Y. Hyposulphite of strontian, least 1-608 \ „ Ditto, greatest 1-651 J e’ Topaz, colourless 1-6102 Bi. „ 1st axis of elasticity...1-6145 Ru. „ 2d ditto ditto 1-6167 Ru. ,, 3d ditto ditto 1-6241 „ bluish,from Cairngorm 1-624 Br. „ Brazil, ord 1-6323 Bi. „ „ ext 1-6401 Bi. „ blueAberdeen 1-636 'j „ yellow 1-638 l Br. „ red 1-652 J „ Brazil yellow, for | greenrays U 1-6150 J Siliceo-carbonate of zinc from Aachen, least 1-6173 Br. „ greatest 1-6395 Br. „ from Bohemia, least 1-600 „ „ greatest 1-848 Castor 1-623 Br. Sulphate of barytes, ord .1-6352 M. „ „ ext 1-6468 M. „ „ ord 1-6201 Bi. Do. ord. yellow, green rays...1-6460 He. „ „ 1-646 W. Muriate of ammonia 1-625 Aloes 1-634 Glass, opal-coloured 1-635 Tourmaline, line D, ord 1-6366 „ „ ext 1-6193 Euclase, ord 1-6429 Bi. „ ext 1-6630 Bi. Sulphate of strontian 1-649 Mother-of-pearl 1-653 Spargelstein 1-657 Epidote, least 1-661 ,, greatest 1-703 Chrysolite, least 1-660 „ greatest 1-685 „ (cymophane), f * 1.7434 \ Dx axes of elasticity I ^ 1-7470 J Dioptase, ord 1-667 „ ext 1*723 Phenakite, ord 1-652 1 „ „ ext 1-672 j Chloruret of sulphur 1-67 Nitrate of bismuth, least 1-67 „ „ greatest 1’89 Glass, orange-coloured.. 1-695 ’ Boracite 1-701 Glass, tinged red with gold.. .1-715 „ deep red 1-729 Br Euchroite, least 1"709 I Nitrate of silver, least 1-729 ! ,, „ greatest 1-788 j Chromate of potash, yellow,/3 1-722 Hyposulphite of soda and silver, least 1-735 Br. Br. Y. Br. } Fr. /Br. He. S. He. He. Dx. He. Br. W. Br. W. Rubellite Br. He. W. Br. He Index of Refraction. Hyposulphite of soda and silver, greatest 1-785 Idocrase, ord 1-7205-v „ ext 1-71851 Nitrate of soda, ord 1-506 „ ext 1-366 Apatite, ord 1-646 1 „ ray D, ext 1-641 j Axinite 1-735 \ Nitrate of lead 1-758 ( ^ Cinnamon stone 1-759 f r‘ Chrysoberyl 1-760 j (1-756 He. Spinelle < 1-761 ( 1-812 Felspar, greatest refr 1-764 Sapphire, white 1-768 „ blue 1-794 'j „ ord 1-769 l Br. „ ext 1-762 J / 1-768 He. \ 1779) Ruby 1-779 i Br. Zircon, orange coloured 1‘782 J Glass lead (flint) 1-787 Ze. Pyrope 1-792 Labrador hornblende l-80 Arsenic 1-84 Garnet 1-815 Borate of lead, fused, extreme red ray 1-866 Leadhillite fi 1-8828 Dx. Sulphate of lead 1-925 V Withamite, least 1-931 V Br. „ greatest 1-960 J Glass—lead 2, sand 1 1-987 W. Zircon, least refraction 1-961 Br. „ greatest ditto 2-015 f 1-958 « 1 v .. 1.2-008 Sulphur, native ) ‘>•04 ( 2-115 „ „ melted 2T48 Calomel, ord 1-96 , „ ext 2-60 j Tungstate of lime, least l-970 1 t. „ „ greatest...2-129 J r' Glass—lead 3, flint 1 2-028 Ze. Carbonate of lead « 2-0745 l /3 2 0728 l Dx. 7 1-798 J Scaly oxide of iron 2-1 Y. r 1-889 Glass of antimony < ^ 2-216 Silicate of lead, atom to atom, extreme red 2-123 Phosphorus j Blende 2-260 Nitrate of lead, ord 2-322 Diamond, sp. gr. 3-4 j / 2-487 - \ 2-775 {fn«, Chromate of lead 2-479 1 Do. another kind, least refr. 2-503 l Br. Do. another kind, do 2-508 J Chromate of lead, another kind, greatest refraction 2-974 1 ^ „ another kind, do. 2-926 j r* „ „ ext 2-493 ] MU* Octohedrite 2-500 • Realgar, artificial 2-549 Red silver ore 2'564 Greenockite, ord 2-688 • Dioptrics. Br. Haiiy. Br. Y. W. Br. Br. • S brown coloured., N. W. Po.1 Bi:. He. Br. Y. Br. Br. He. N. Br. Br. • W. Br. 1 Deduced from its polarizing angle, which was 65°. OPTICS. 561 If light is regarded as consisting of material particles, it must move with greater velocity in bodies than in vacuo, in the proportion of the sines to which the refraction of these bodies is proportional. The power of bodies, there¬ fore, to refract and reflect light, must be inversely propor¬ tional to their specific gravities; for if a body of small specific gravity has the same index of ieh action as a body of &great specific gravity, the former must have exercised a greater absolute force upon light than the latter. On the hypothesis of emission, it. has been shown by Sir Isaac Newton that the absolute refractive power of bodies Dioptrics, is proportional directly to the square of the cosine of their maximum angle of refraction, and inversely to their specific gravity ; that is, calling R the absolute refractive power, m the index of refraction, and D the density of the body, we 1 shall have R = '-'‘ a formula by which the following table of absolute refractive powers has been computed. The numbers marked Dulong were, we believe, computed by Sir John Herschel from the refractive indices given by Dulong in the preceding table. Table of Absolute Refractive Powers. | Dulong. Newton. Dulong. Malus. Newton. Calcareous spar. Nitre Muriate of soda. rsn n) Index of Refraction. ( 0 0424 Malus. | 0-6536 Newton, j 0-6440 Brewster, •••• 1 0-7070 | T647 \ 0 7100 Alum 0-6570 Nitric acid 0-6676 Borax 0-6716 Hydrocyanic acid 0-7366 Ruby 0-7389 Sulphate of iron 0-7551 Muriatic ether vapour ...0 7552 Brazilian topaz 0-7586 Rain water 0 7845 Flint glass, mean 0-7986 Cyanogen 0'8021 Sulphuretted hydrogen. .0-8419 Gum-arabic 0-8574 Sulphuret of carbon va¬ pour 0-8743 Sulphuric ether vapour.. .0-9138 Proto-sulphuretted hydro¬ index of Refraction. Tabasheer 0 0976 -j Cryolite 0-2742 J. Brewster, Fluor spar 0-3426 J Oxygen 0-3799 Dulong. ( 0-3829 Dulong. Sulphate of barytes.... | 0.3979 Newton. Sulphurous acid gas 0-4455 Nitrous gas 0-4491 > Dulong. f 0-4528 J Air \ 0*4530 Biot. I 0 5208 Newton. Carbonic acid gas 0-4537 4 Azote 0-4734 l Dulong. Chlorine 0-4813 J Glass of antimony 0-4864 Newton Nitrous oxide 0-5078 Phosgen 0-5188 Selenite 0-5386 Carbonic oxide 0 5387 Quartz 0-5415 llock-crystal 0-5450 Common glass 0-5436 Muriatic acid gas 0-5514 Dulong Sulphuric acid 0-6124 Newton. gen The results given in the preceding tables are susceptible of increased accuracy, not only by taking accurate mea¬ sures of the indices of refraction of the bodies, in relation to the fixed line E of the spectrum, but also by obtaining more accurate measures of their specific gravities. Sect. //.— On the Refraction of Rays by Bodies with Plane and Spherical Surfaces. Having shown how to find the refracted ray, when the incident ray is given, and the constant ratio of refraction which belongs to any transparent body, we may trace the progress of rays through bodies of any form whatever, pro¬ vided we have the lines given which are perpendicular to the surface of the body at the points where the rays fall upon it. In all spherical surfaces this perpendicular is a line drawn through the point of incidence and the centre of the spherical surface; and in all other cases it is a line perpendicular to a line touching the surface at the point of incidence. The names of prisms and lenses have been given to those transparent bodies which are most useful in optical experi¬ ments, and in the construction of optical instruments. Sec¬ tions of these different refracting bodies are shown in the annexed diagram. Newton. Brewster. Newton. Brewster. Newton. Dulong. Brewster. Newton. Dulong. Brewster. Newton. Brewster. | Dulong. Newton. ■ Dulong. Dulong. Brewster. Dulong. Brewster. Dulong. ■ Newton. Index of Refraction. Ammonia 1-0032 Alcohol, rectified 1-0121 Carbonate of potash 1"0227 Chromate of lead 1-0436 Olefiant gas 1-0654 Muriate of ammonia 1 0788 Carburetted hydrogen....1-2204 Camphor 1-2551 Oil of olives 1-2607 Oil of linseed 1-2819 Spirit of turpentine 1-3222 Bees’ wax 1-3308 Amber 1-3S54 Octohedrite 1-3816 Bi-sulphuret of carbon ...1-4294 Diamond 1-4566 Newton. Oil of cinnamon r sp. gr. 1 1-4944 \ Oil of cassia 1 1-044 J 1-6184 j Realgar... ^So > B«!wster. Ambergris l-<000 . Sulphur 2 2000 j Phosphorus 2"8857 f Hydrogen 3-0953 Dulong. Malus. Newton. Brewster. .0-9680. 3. A spherical lens (C) is a lens whose surfaces have the same centre, and is consequently a sphere or a part of one. 4. A double convex lens (D) has two convex spherical sur¬ faces, whose centres are on opposite sides of the lens. It is said to be equally convex when the radii of its two surfaces are equal; and unequally convex when the radii are unequal. o. A plano-convex lens (E) is a lens which has one ot its surfaces flat or plane, and the other convex. 6. A double convex lens (shown at F) is a solid bounded by two concave spherical surfaces. It is equally concave when its surfaces have the same radius, and unequally con¬ cave when they have different radii. 7. A plano-convex lens (G) has one of its surfaces con¬ cave and the other plane. 8. A meniscus lens (H) has one of its surfaces concave and the other convex, the two surfaces meeting if con¬ tinued. The convexity predominates, and it acts as a convex lens. 9. A concavo-convex lens (I) differs from the meniscus only in the circumstance that the two surfaces do not meet if continued. Hence the concavity predominates, and the lens acts as a concave one. 10. A cylindrical lens is shown in fig. 23; it is merely a cylinder of glass, or any other transparent body. Fig. 22. 1. A prism, represented in the figure at A, is a solid piece of glass, having three plane surfaces, AR, AS, RS, which are called its refracting faces, the light passing through any two of them. 2. A plane lens {V>) is a lens the centre of whose surfaces are infinitely distant. Its sides are therefore parallel like a piece of plane glass. VOL. XVI. Fig. 23. Eig. 24. 11. A piano-cylindrical lens (shown in fig. 24) has one surface plane and the other cy¬ lindrical. 12. A transverse cylindrical lens (fig. 25) resembles two piano-cylindrical lenses, [Jane transversely, or with their lengths at right angles to each other, and joined together by their plane surfaces at a, b, c, d. 4 Fig. 25. 562 OPTICS. Dioptrics. Refraction by prisms. Refraction by Prisms. As prisms are essential parts of optical instruments, and are of peculiar value in experiments on light, it is necessary to have a correct idea of the phenomena which they ex¬ hibit in refracting rays of light. Let ABE (fig. 26) be a prism of two equal sides BA, BE, and made of glass whose index of refraction is 1*500, or whose ratio of refraction is as 1*500 to 1, or as 3 to 2, and let RC bearay incidenton its first surface at C. It is required to determine the path of this ray after it has suffered refraction at both its surfaces AB, BE. From any scale set off CG equal to 10 divisions, and CR equal to 15, and through G draw GD perpendicular to AC. From the point C, and on the line GD, set off CD equal to CR, and through D and C draw DCc; then Cc will be the refracted ray. From a scale on which pc is 10, set off cCg equal to 15 parts, and drawing gd perpendicular to BE, make cd equal to cC, and draw through d and c the line dcr ; then cr will be the path of the ray refracted by the second surface BE of the prism. When the radius Cc will not reach the perpendicular gd, the ray Cc will not be refracted at all, but will suffer total reflection. When total reflection commences, the point d will fall in the line EB, and the perpendicular gd will touch the circle de¬ scribed with the radius cC round c, at the point d. At all greater angles of incidence the ray Cc will be totally reflected. The sine of the angle of incidence at c, when the ray Cc is not able to emerge from the prism, but suffers total reflection, will be found in the case of plate-glass (whose index of refraction is T500) to be equal to 1 1*500’ or 0*666; the angle corresponding to which is 41° 48'. The total reflection which thus takes place within trans¬ parent bodies is a very remarkable and highly interesting phenomenon. The light is far more brilliant than what is obtained from the brightest silver, which gives more re¬ flected light than any other metal; and it possesses curious physical properties, which will be explained in a subsequent part of the article. The phenomenon of total reflection may be finely seen by filling a tumbler-glass with water, and placing it above the head, so as to see the image of a candle reflected from the lower side of its surface when at rest. I he brilliancy of the image surpasses that of every other species of reflection. Diamonds, precious stones, and the glass ornaments of chandeliers, &c. &c., are often cut so as to send to the eye light that has suffered total reflection. I he brilliant white lustre of dew-drops arises from totally reflected light. I o a person under perfectly still water, the vision of ob¬ jects either out of the water or on the bottom must be very singular. Ihe whole visible heavens, in place of being a hemisphere, will appear like a cone, with an angle of 97°. ‘ All objects,” says Sir John Herschel, “ down to the hori¬ zon, will be visible in this space, and those near the horizon much distorted and contracted in dimensions, especially in height. Beyond the limits of this circle will be seen the bottom of the water and all subaqueous objects reflected, and as vividly depicted as by direct vision. In addition to these peculiarities, the circular space above mentioned will appear surrounded with a perpetual rainbow of faint but delicate colours.” In order to understand this, let MN Fig. ‘.'7. (fig. 27) be the surface of the water, and E an eye bottom. Let DE be the direc¬ tion in which a horizontal ray ND would be refracted at D, and CE the direction in which MC would be refracted at C. Then it is clear that all objects on the horizon will be seen in the directions ED, EC, and as the same is true in every azimuth, ACEDB will be a sec¬ tion of the cone, which will comprehend within it all objects In the visible horizon. The sun and moon will appear to rise at A and set at B. They will have the appearance of ovals, with their smaller diameters vertical. They will quit the horizon, and descend to it again very slowly, as the angle of refraction varies very slowly from 90° of incidence downwards. If a man fishing near N stands up to his knees in water, his knees will just be seen above the water, in the direction EB, and his body standing within the cone BEA, while his legs will be seen bright, and inverted in the direc¬ tion of about EN, by the total downward reflection of the surface MN of the water. If we draw Cc and T)d, making the angles cCE, cfDE, equal to CED, then all objects in the water, to the right hand oft?, and to the left hand of c, will be seen by total reflection from the inner surface MN of the water, in the space surrounding the cone AEB. An object at c will be seen by reflection from the point C in the direction EC, and an object at d by reflection from D ; but none of the objects between c and d will be seen by reflection to the eye at E. Hence we see the reason why the fisherman’s legs, like other objects under water, will be seen by total reflection in a direction near to EN. The circular rainbow, or rather fringe of colours, which separates the objects out of the water from those which are beneath it, and seen by total reflection, is that band of colour which always bounds light that is totally reflected. It frequently happens, both in optical experiments and in optical instruments, that light is refracted at the surfaces of two media placed in contact, such as water and glass, and in compound lenses of flint and crown glass, either touching one another or united by a cement. In all such cases, it s necessary to determine the refraction which light expe¬ riences at their refracting surface. It is found by experi¬ ment, and may be proved theoretically, that the index of refraction for the separating surfaces of media is equal to the quotient of the most refractive divided by the least refrac¬ tive medium. Thus, the index of refraction for the sepa¬ Dioptrics. rating surface of water and plate-glass will be 1*500 1*336’ 1*122, which is nearly the same as that of tabasheer. In order, therefore, to find the refract¬ ed ray in this case, let MN (fig. 28) be a parallel stratum of water rest¬ ing upon a piece of parallel glass OP. A ray RC will be refracted in the direction Cc', and may be found by the method formerly given. In order to find the change produced in the direction of the ray at c', take a point g, in the line c'C, so that if e'C is T122, eg shall be 1*009, then drawing g d' perpendicular to the refracting surface, make cd' equal to c'C ; and having drawn through the points e?, c the line dec,—e'e will be the refracted ray. This ray being incident on the second surface of the glass plate at c, will be refracted in a direc¬ tion cr, which may be found by the method formerly de¬ scribed. It will be found both by projection and by ex¬ periment,—namely, by looking through the compound plate MNOP, and observing any distant object,—that the finally refracted ray cr is parallel to the incident ray RC. If the angle RCA (fig. 26), the complement of the angle OPTICS. 563 'Dioptrics. ot incidence, is increased, the point c, where the refracted v i |- y ray emerges from the side BE of the prism, will approach to E, and the angle rcE will diminish, till at a particular incli¬ nation of the incident ray the angle RCA will become equal to the angle rcE. When this happens, the refracted ray Cc, will be equally inclined to the refracting faces of the prism BA, BE, and will be parallel to the base AE. This will be obvious by considering Cc as an internal ray incident on both sides of the prism, and at equal angles to each, in which case it will suffer equal degrees of refrac¬ tion, and therefore be equally inclined to the refracting faces. If the eye is placed at r to receive the refracted ray cr, it will see the luminous body, such as a candle, from which the ray RC proceeds, in the direction rc, and the angle which this ray rc forms with RC will be the deviation of the ray produced by the refraction of the prism. Let us now suppose the candle to be fixed, and the prism turned round, so that the angle RCA maybe increased; it will be found experimentally, and may be easily proved by pro¬ jection, that the deviation of the ray rc is least when the angle RCA is equal to rcE, or when Cc is parallel to AE, and increases when Cc deviates on either side from this mean position. Now this position may be easily ascer¬ tained by placing the eye behind the face BE, and turning the prism till the refracted image of the candle, or other object, becomes stationary. When this takes place, Cc is parallel to AE, or CcB is an isosceles triangle ; and it may easily be shown, by similarity of triangles, or by pro¬ jection, that the angle of refraction at the first surface is equal to half the angle of the prisrn, or ^ABE. Hence we obtain the following simple rule for finding the index . of refraction, after having measured, with a goniometer or otherwise, the angle of incidence, or the complement of the angle RCA :—Divide the sine of the angle of inci¬ dence by the sine of half the angle of the prism, and the quotient will be the index of refraction. For the purpose of measuring indices of refraction, we do not require regular prisms of considerable size. Two small faces, well ground and tolerably polished, are sufficient for this purpose. They need never be larger than the pupil of the eye, and will answer well enough if they are of the size of a pin’s head. If we wish to measure the index of’r refraction of fluids, we have only to place a drop of the fluid at the an¬ gular point A of two pieces of par- rallel glass AB,AE (fig. 29), fixed Fig.29. at any angle by a piece of wood or wax BE. Enough of the fluid for the purpose will be retained by capillary attraction at the point A, and after measuring the angle BAE of the prism, and the angle of incidence at which the image of the candle becomes stationary, the index of refraction will be found as before. Refraction through Plane Glasses. Refraction Every person is acquainted with the fact that light which by plane passes through plane glasses, or glasses which have their glasses. two surfaces flat and parallel, like MN in fig. 30, does not suffer any very perceptible change, either in its general direction, or in the parallelism, convergency, or divergency of its rays. If AB, A'B', for example, be two parallel rays incident on the plate of glass MN, they will suffer equal refractions at B, B', because they are incident at the same angles, and the refracted rays BC, B'C' will there¬ fore be parallel. These parallel rays again falling upon the second surface at C, C' will suffer equal refractions Dioptrics, there, and will emerge parallel in the lines CD, C'D'. Hence we conclude that parallel rays after transmission, at any obliquity, through a plane glass, will emerge paral¬ lel. But as the rays DC, D'C' will, to an eye at D and D', be seen in the directions DCa, DC a, their absolute directions in space are altered, and the difference between the real and the visible direction will increase with the obliquity of the rays AB, AB, and with the thickness of the plate of glass. If we suppose MN to be part of a looking-glass, silvered on its lower side CC', then the re¬ fracted rays BC, B'C' will, after reflection at C, C', in the directions Cc, C'c, be refracted at c, c into the parallel directions cd, c'd'. But the rays AB, A B/ will be reflected, though in a much fainter degree, in the directions B6, B b ; so that an eye placed so as to receive these rays will see the bright image reflected from the silvered surface, in the direction cd, and the faint image reflected from the first surface, in the direction Ed, at a distance from each other depending on the obliquity of the reflection, and on the thickness of the plate. A candle, for example, will be seen double at a short distance from the mirror; but a larger object, in order to be seen double, must be viewed at a greater distance. At great obliquities, and when the ob¬ jects are very luminous, such as gas-burners, &c., other images will be seen by reflections at c, c, and the subse¬ quent reflections from the other side of the plate. If the two faces of the plate are not exactly parallel, the bright and faint images above described will change their dis¬ tance, sometimes overlapping each other, and sometimes separating, according to the part of the plate on which they fall, though the angle of incidence may remain the same.1 When diverging and converging rays pass through a plane glass, the position of the points of divergency and con¬ vergency are altered. Let ABB' (fig. 31) be a pencil of rays diverging from A, and incident upon the plane glass MN. The emergent rays CD, C'D will, after the second refraction at C, C', proceed as if they had M come from the point b. Hence a plane glass brings the divergent point of diverging rays nearer to it. For the same reason, if D&D' is a converging beam of- light, its point of convergency b, will be removed to A by the plane glass. When there is only one refraction, as in the case of standing water, whose surface is BB', and bottom CC', then the very reverse will be the result. A diverging beam ABB' will have its divergent point removed to a, and a con¬ verging beam would have it brought nearer the surface. Fig. 31. 1 We had once a looking-glass of this kind sent to us as a curiosity by a gentleman, who valued it on account of its remarkable proper¬ ties. It differed from all the rest in his possession only in its being the worst. 564 OPTICS. Dioptrics. Refraction of Rays by Spheres. Refraction When a ray of light falls upon a curved surface of any by spheres, kind, the infinitely small part of the surface which it occu¬ pies may be considered as coinciding with the tangent to the surface, or with a plane surface touching the curve at the point of incidence. When the surface is spherical, this tangent plane is perpendicular to the radius, or the line drawn from the centre of the sphere to the point of inci¬ dence. Hence it is always given when the centre is given. Let MN (fig. 32) be the section of a sphere of glass, whose index of refraction is 1*500, as before; a ray passing through its centre S, and therefore unrefracted, be¬ cause it is incident perpendicularly on both surfaces; and Fig. 32. RC, RC other rays parallel to, and equidistant from, RS/”; it is required to find the path of one of these, RC, through the sphere. Join SC, which will be perpendicular to the surface at C. From a scale on which RC is three parts, set off RG equal to 1, and draw GD parallel to CS (which is the same as drawing it perpendicular to the elementary surface, or tangent to the sphere at C). Make CD equal to CR, and through D and C draw the line DC/| meeting the posterior surface of the sphere at c, and the axis of the sphere at/. The point / would have been the focus, had there been no second surface to refract the ray Cc a second time. On a scale on which Cc is two parts, set oft’ Cg equal to 1 part, and having joined Sc, draw gd parallel to Sc, and make cd equal to cC. Through cdraw dcV, meet¬ ing the axis of the sphere in F. As the ray RC, below RS/J falls in the very same manner on the sphere MN, it will have its refracted ray in a similar direction, and the two rays will meet at F, which is called the focus of the sphere for parallel rays, or the principal focus of the sphere. If we determine the path of the ray RC, and find the foci /and F for both surfaces; by using different indices of re¬ fraction, we shall find that in every case the distance EF of the principal focus of the sphere is exactly one-half of the distance 1/ of the focus for the first surface, and that FS is to ES as the sine of incidence or the index of refrac¬ tion is to the difference between twice the sine of incidence and twice the sine of refraction ; that is, in glass, as 1*500 is to 3*000-2*000, or as T500 to 1*000. Hence we have for different refractive bodies the follow¬ ing results:— Index of Refraction. Tabasheer FS is to ES as 1*111 is to 0*222 Water FS is to ES as 1*336 is to 0*672 Glass FS is to ES as 1*500 is to 1*000 Zircon FS is to ES as 2*000 is to 2*000 Hence it appears that in the case of zircon, and all other bodies whose index of refraction is 2*00, the focus F falls exactly on the posterior surface of the sphere at E ; and it therefore follows that in diamond, phosphorus, &c., and all bodies whose refractive power exceeds 2*000, the principal focus falls within the sphere, the focus advancing from E towards S, as the index of refraction increases, and reaching the centre of the sphere S, when the index of refraction becomes infinite. It may be interesting to trace the distances E of the principal focus F from the sphere, in bodies of various re¬ fractive powders, supposing the radius of sphere to be 1 Dioptrics, inch, and placed in vacuo. Distances EF. Ft. in. Hydrogen 3623 inches 301 Oxygen 1833 ,, Atmospheric air 1701 „ Phosgen 432 „ Tabasheer 4 „ Water 0 98 „ Glass 0*50 „ ....... Zircon .. 0*00 „ Diamond within the sphere. 153 141 33 0 0 0 0 11 2 9 0 4 1 0i 0 nearly. In spheres of diamond, and other substances of high re¬ fractive power, a refracted ray Cc may fall so obliquely upon the inner surface of the sphere, that it would be totally reflected, and would therefore be carried round the surface of the sphere, without the possibility of making its exit. If the length of the refracted ray Cc should cut off an arc which is an aliquot part of a circle, the ray would describe a regular polygon, being always reflected from the same points; but if it was not an aliquot part of a circle, the points of reflection would vary in every revolution of the ray. The following is the rule for finding the principal focus of a sphere, or its focus for parallel rays:—Divide the index of refraction by twice its excess above unity, and the quotient is the distance of the principal focus from the centre of the sphere. When the rays RC, RC, in place of falling on the sphere in directions parallel to the axis, or to one another, proceed from a near object, and always from a point in the axis RSE, their focus may be found by the very same method which we have already given. When the point from which the rays diverge is very distant, the focus of such rays will be a little farther from the sphere than F, and as the radiant point approaches to the sphere, the focus F will recede from it, as will be more fully explained when we treat of the pro¬ gress of rays through lenses. Refraction of Rays by Convex Lenses. The action of an equally convex lens in refracting the Refraction rays of light, is exactly the r by convex same as that ofa sphere, with a lenses, this difference only, that the^ two surfaces are brought nearer each other, and in consequence of this, the ray refracted by the first sur¬ face falls upon the second surface at a different point, and at a different angle, the effect of which is to produce a change in the position of the focus. If LL (fig. 33) be a double and equally convex lens Parallel of glass, a line A/ passing through the centre C, or middle rays, point of its greatest thickness, is called its axis. Let paral¬ lel rays AB, A'B' fall upon the first surface at the points B,B'; these will be refracted in directions BD, B'D’, which will be determined by the method shown in fig. 32. Had there been no second surface, these rays would have con¬ verged to a focus at f but as they meet the second sur¬ face of the lens at D and D', they will there be refracted, as shown in fig. 32 for the sphere, so as to take the direc¬ tions DF, D'F, and have their principal focus at F. The following is the rule for finding the principal focus of a glass lens unequally convex :—Multiply the radius of the one surface by the radius of the other, and divide twice this product by the sum of the same radii. If the glass lens is equally convex, and has its index of refraction 1*500, the distance CF, or its principal focal dis¬ tance, will be equal to the radius of any of its surfaces. The following is the rule for finding the principal focal OPTICS. 565 •Dioptrics. )blique •ays. Fig. 34. Diverging rays. distance of a plano-convex lens of glass. \\ hen the convex side is exposed to parallel rays, the focal distance, reckoned^ from the plane side, will be equal to double the radius ol the convex surface, diminished by two-thirds of the thick¬ ness of the lens. When the plane side of the lens is ex¬ posed to parallel rays, the distance of the focus fiom the convex side will be equal to twice tne radius. When the rays AB, A'B', A"B" (fig. 34) are oblique to the axis, the middle ray ABC,a'^ passing through the centre C, will obviously suffer re¬ fraction at B, but as it falls upon the second sur¬ face at the same angle, it will be refracted a second time in an opposite direc¬ tion, so that it will proceed in a direction df parallel to AB. The rays A'B', A''B" will suffer refraction at the points B', B", and also at the points D, and D', and it will be found by projection that they meet in a focus F in the axis df. In the preceding case the parallel rays are supposed to issue from some very distant object; but if the object from which the rays proceed is near or not very distant from the lens, its focus will recede from the lens, in proportion as the object or point of divergence approaches to it. T his fact scarcely requires to be proved, for it is manifest that as the radiant point approaches to the lens, the rays fall more and more obliquely on the first surface, and less and less obliquely on the second, so that the deviation produced by refraction is not sufficient to bring them to a focus so near the lens as the point F, in fig. 33. This will be better understood from fig. 35, where LL is a convex lens, whose focus for parallel rays is F. Let RL, RL be rays diverging from a candle or other body, at R, then, if we trace the refract-j ed rays by the method already Fig. 35. the same distance RC, and from this product subtract twice Dioptrics, the product of the radii, for a divisor. The quotient of the dividend divided by the divisor will be the focal distance C/ required. When the lens is equally-convex, multiply the distance of the radiant point RC by the radius of the surfaces, and divide that product by the difference between the same distance and the radius, and the quotient will be the focal distance Qf required. If the lens \splano-convex, divide twice the product of the distance of the radiant point RC multiplied by the ra¬ dius of the convex surface, by the difference between that distance and twice the radius, and the quotient will be the distance of the focus from the centre of the lens. When converging rays fall upon a convex lens, they are Converg- always refracted to a point between the lens and their point ing rays, of convergence. Let RL, RL (fig. 36) ue rays converging to any pointr, behind the lens LL, it is very evident that refraction must always make Fig. 36. given in fig. 32, we shall find that they will meet at a point/, farther from the lens than F, and that if the point R advance to R', the focus/ will advance to/', and so on, the focus /' receding from the lens as R approaches to it. W hen the distance RC is equal to twice CF, or twice the principal focal distance, the distance of the focus/ from the lens will be equal to the distance of radiant point from it, or Cf will be equal to CR. When R comes nearer C,/' goes rapidly away from it, and when R comes to F', which is called the anterior focus, CF’ being equal to CF, the rays will be parallel, or what is the same thing, the focus / will have retired to an infinite distance. When R comes nearer to C than F, the rays will diverge, after passing through the lens, as if they 'came from some point in front of the lens, and this point, or virtual focus, as it is called, will approach to the lens as R approaches it, in moving from F' towards C. I he points R andy and R’ and /, are called conjugate foci, because it may be shown that rays diverging from / will be refracted to R, and rays diverging from /, to R'. It is indeed a general truth in all the phenomena of refraction and reflection, that if the refracted rays are supposed to be the incident ones, the incident rays will be the refracted ones; for the ray experiences the very same action in an inverse order, by retracing its path. The following is the rule for finding the focus/, or the conjugate focal length of a convex lens of glass for diverg- in»- rays:—Multiply twice the product of the radii of the two surfaces of the lens, by the distance of the radiant point or RC, for a dividend. Multiply the sum of the two radii by them cross the axis RCr of the lens somewhere between r and the lens, and always between the principal focus F and the lens. The exact point may be found by the methods already .given. As the point of convergence r recedes from the lens, the focus/will approach to the principal focus F, and when r is infinitely distant, the rays RL, RL become parallel, and / will coincide with F. When r approaches to C,/ will also approach to it. The focus of a double-convex glass lens, when its thick¬ ness is small, for converging rays, may be found by the fol¬ lowing rule :—Multiply twice the product of the radii of the two surfaces by the distance rC of the point of conver¬ gence, for a dividend. Multiply the sum of the two radii bv the same distance rC, and add to this product twice, the product of the radii, for a divisor. The quotient obtained by dividing the above dividend by this divisor, will be the focal distance/C required. When the lens is equally-convex, multiply the distance rC by the radius of the surfaces, and divide that product by the sum of the same distance and the radius, and the quotient will give the focal distance/C required. In plano-convex lenses we must divide twice the product of the distance rC multiplied by the radius of the convex surface, by the sum of that distance and twice the radius, and the quotient will give the focal distance required. Refraction of Rays by Concave Glasses. In order to show how to find the refracted ray when the Refraction light is incident on a concave surface, let LL (fig. 37) be le^"caVe a double and equally con¬ cave lens of glass, and RB, R'B' two rays parallel and equidistant from the axis RC of the lens. From a scale on which RB is 1*5, take BG equal to 1, and from G draw GD parallel to SB, the radius, and con¬ sequently perpendicular to Fig. 37. the first concave surface of the lens. Make BD equal to BR, and through D and B draw DB&, which will be the ray refracted by the first surface. On a scale where 6B is 1, make bftg equal to 1*5. From g draw gd parallel to bs, the radius of the second surface, and consequently per¬ pendicular to that surface at b. Make bd equal to AB, and through b draw dbr ; Arwill be the ray refracted by the second surface. In like manner, the other ray R'B' will be refracted 566 OPTICS. Dioptrics, by the first surface, in the direction B7/, and the two re- fracted rays br, b'r will diverge as if they had proceeded from a point F, found by continuing br, b'r' backwards, which is called the virtual focus of the concave lens LL. If we trace oblique 'parallel rays through a double con¬ cave lens in the same manner as we have done for a con¬ vex one in fig. 34, we shall find that they will be refracted as if they diverged from a focus in the axis or ray which passes through the centre of the lens. The rules for find¬ ing the virtual focus of parallel rays refracted by a double¬ concave or plano-concave lens, are the same as for convex lenses. Diverging When diverging rays RB, RB (fig. 38) fall upon a rays. concave lens LL, they will be refracted lines br, Hr, more divergent than paral- « lei rays, as if they proceeded from a vir¬ tual focus f nearer the lens than its principal Fis-38- focus F. As the radiant point R approaches to C, f will approach to C. The following are the rules for finding the virtual focus of a concave lens of glass for diverging rays:—Multiply twice the product of the radii by the distance RC of the radiant point R, for a dividend. Multiply the sum of the radii by the distance RC, and add to this twice the pro¬ duct of the radii, for a divisor. Divide the dividend by the divisor, and the quotient will be the virtual conjugate focal distance fC. If the lens is equallg-concave, multiply the distance of the radiant point R by the radius, and divide the product by the sum of the same distance and the radius, and the quotient will be the virtual focal dis¬ tance required. If the lens is a plano-concave one, multiply twice the radius by the distance of the radiant point, and divide this product by the sum of the same distance and twice the radius, and the quotient will be the virtual focal distance. Converg- When converging rays fall upon a concave lens, their ing rays, virtual focus will be without the principal focus on one side, if the point of convergence is without the principal focus on the other side. This case is shown in fig. 39, where the rays RB, R'B', con¬ verging to /, .... without the prin- 1 cipal focus F,v.-;li be refracted in the direction Br, fig- 3lJ- B r, as if they had diverged from a focus at f on the other side of the lens. When yC is equal to twice the principal focal distance CF, the virtual focus of divergence/' will be at the same distance on the left hand of C as the point of convergence f is distant on the right hand. When / ap¬ proaches the lens on the right hand, the virtual focus/1 will recede from it on the left. When/ reaches F, the virtual focus will be infinitely distant, or the refracted rays will be parallel; and when / advances from F to the lens, the re¬ fracted rays will converge on the right hand of the lens, and the focus will advance towards the lens, as the point of convergence advances towards it. The rule for finding the conjugate focus of a converging beam, for a doubly concave lens, is the same as that for diverging rays in a doubly convex lens. If the lens is plano-concave, the rule is the same as for diverging rays falling upon a plano-convex lens. Refraction of Rays by Memscuses, and Concavo-Convex Lenses. It would be quite unprofitable to trace the progress of different rays through these various forms of glasses, both Dioptrics, because they are but little used, and because the very same methods which are applicable to convex and concave sur- Refraction faces, are applicable also to them. When used by them- by menis- selves and for ordinary purposes, these lenses are inferior cases, to the common convex and concave lenses, and therefore are seldom met with. We shall therefore content our¬ selves with giving the rules for finding their foci. In a meniscus the focus for parallel rays is obtained by dividing twice the product of the two radii by their dif¬ ference, and the quotient wall give the focal distance. In the same kind of lens the focus for diverging rays will be thus found Multiply twice the distance of the ra¬ diant point by the product of the radii of the two surfaces, for a dividend. Multiply the same distance by the differ¬ ence between the two radii, and to their product add twice the product of the two radii, for a divisor. The quotient arising from dividing the dividend by the divisor, will be the focal distance of the meniscus. This rule will answer also for converging rays. In concavo-convex lenses the very same rules will apply, and ron- but the rays have a virtual focus in front of the lens, as in c^v0-con- concave lenses. 'vex senses. In treating of the passage of oblique rays through a double convex glass (as shown in fig. 34), we have stated that there is a point C, called the centre of the lens, through which the ray that passes suffers the same refraction at both surfaces, or emerges parallel to its original direction. In equi-convex lenses, this centre C is accurately in the middle line of the thickness of the lens ; but in other forms of lenses it is not. Hence it is necessary to point out the method of find¬ ing this centre. In double convex or con¬ cave lenses, the centre C (see figs. 34, 40, and 41) lies within the two surfaces of the lens vex and plano-concave lenses, it is coincident with the vertex of the convex or concave sur¬ faces, and in menis- K" cuses and concave-con¬ vex lenses it lies without the thickness of the lens, and nearest to the surface which has the greatest curvature. Let R, r (figs. 40-43) be the centres of the convex and concave surfaces of the lenses, and REr (figs. 40, 41), or RrE (figs. 42, 43), are their axes. Taking any point A in one surface, draw RA, and parallel to this draw ra, which will cut the other surface of the lens in a. Join Aa, and continue it till it meets the axis REr or RrE in some point E; this point E is called the centre of the lens, because every ray that passes through it will have its incident and emergent parts pamllel, such as QA and qa. From the similarity of the triangles REA, rEa, and the composition and division of ratios, we have RAqpra : ra = REq=rE (or Rr) : rE. Hence rE must be invariable like the other lines, and on whatever point the parallel radii RA, ra, are drawn, the line Aa must cut the Fig. 40. In plano-con- Fig.41 OPTICS. 567 Dioptrics, axis Rr in the same point E. t0 Pass ou^ ^ie ^ens ‘n both directions, it will suffer the same quantity of refrac¬ tion in opposite directions, , because the angles of inci¬ dence aAR, Ear, are equal. Hence the incident and emergent parts, AQ, a^, will be parallel Refraction by cylin¬ drical lenses. When the lens is small in diameter, or of a great focal length, or its thickness inconsiderable from other causes, the path of the ray Q Aay, may be taken as a straight line passing through the centre E of the lenses. This is evident from the circumstance that the perpendicular distance be¬ tween the lines AQ, aq diminishes both with the obliquity of the incident ray and the thickness of the lens. On the Refraction of Rays by Cylindrical Lenses. Cylindrical lenses may have all the forms of the lenses which we have already described. A perfect cylindrical lens corresponds with a sphere whose section is the same ; a plano-convex cylinder has its section similar to a plano¬ convex lens of the same dimensions ; and a meniscus cylin¬ der has one of the cylindrical surfaces convex and another concave. In all these cases the curved surfaces are cylindrical; that is, circular in one direction, and rectilineal in another ; but we may combine a spherical surface either convex or concave, with a cylindrical surface either convex or con¬ cave, and thus produce cylindro-spherical lenses, an ingeni¬ ous application of which to vision was made by Mr Airy, for the purpose of remedying a defect in his own eye. This class of lenses, therefore, whether entirely cylindrical or cylindro-spherical, having been found of real use both in matters of science and for the purposes of vision, it be¬ comes of consequence to give a general account of their properties. Let LLL'L' (fig. 44) be a double convex cylindrical lens, composed of two cylindrical surfaces, one of which is LLL'L' Then it RRR be three parallel and horizontal rays passing through the thinnest por¬ tion of the upper part of the lens, it is obvious that they will be refracted to a focus at F, at the same distance from the lens as in an ordinary lens. In like manner the rays R'R'R' falling upon the lowest portion of the lens will have their focus at F . Every intermediate portion of the lens will have a similar focus somewhere in the line FF', and if we suppose all the rays to proceed from a distant object, such as the sun, there will be an image of the sun, or a luminous focus in every point of the line FF', and FF' will be a brilliant line of light. This property of a cylindrical lens to form a bright line of light has been ingeniously applied by Captain Kater in the construction of his azimuth compass, which we have described in our article Magnetism, vol. xiv. In cylindrical lenses diverging and converging rays will have the same foci as in common and concave lenses of the same curvature; and therefore the rules for finding their foci are applicable also to them. Cylindrical lenses have been applied by Sir David Brewster for improving the vision of objects that are rectilineal, such as the defective lines in the solar spectrum. When these lines are not visible, or are very imperfectly visible, on account of the imperfections of the telescope, the application of a cylindrical lens, either solid or fluid, If we suppose the ray Aa renders them more visible when the axis of the cylinder or Dioptrics. cylindrical surface is accurately perpendicular to the lines. A prism has a similar effect. Both of them act in filling up the irregularities of the edges of the lines by a succes¬ sion of images of other parts of the line. If we look, for example, at a screw nail, or a twisted or rough rope, through a prism or cylinder, whose length is perpendicular to the screw or rope, the edges of both will be as smooth as if they were polished cylinders. A patent was taken out several years ago by a Parisian artist for a transverse cylindrical lens similar to that shown Fig. 43. in fig. 25; which differs from the cylindrical lens in fig. 42 in this, that the second cylindrical surface has the axis of the cylinder of which it is a part, perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder of which the first surface is a part. The effect of this combination is exactly equivalent to a plano-convex glass of the same radii of curvature, and therefore it does not possess any superior properties, as was believed by its inventor. If we cross two cylindrical lenses, such as that in fig. 41, at right angles, we shall have all the effect of a double con¬ vex lens. Or if we cross two good test tubes filled with water or any other fluid, in the same manner, we shall also obtain a rude imitation of the effect of a spherical lens, which may answer for the common purposes of a microscope. (See Microscope, vol. xiv.) The application of a cylindro-spherical lens by Mr Airy Mr Airy’s to the purpose of remedying imperfect vision in his own eye, sphero-ey- deserves to be more particularly noticed. He found that lindncal his eye refracted rays to a nearer or shorter focus in a I vertical than in a horizontal plane,1 so that his eye was completely useless. Hence he concluded that the curva¬ ture of his cornea was greater in a vertical than in a hori¬ zontal plane, and he ingeniously proposed to correct this defect by cylindrical refraction. As the eye was short¬ sighted, he required concave surfaces to correct the general defect of a too convex cornea. He therefore had a lens constructed which was doubly concave, one of the surfaces being spherically concave, and the other cylindrically con¬ cave, and of such a curvature as to bring to the same point the vertical and horizontal foci of the cornea. An artist of the name of Fuller, at Ipswich, constructed for Mr Airy lenses of the proper dimensions, which enabled him to read the smallest print at a considerable distance with his defect¬ ive eye, as well as he could do with the other. He found that vision was most distinct when the cylindrical surface was turned from the eye, and he placed the lens as near the eye as possible. There is another application of cylindrical lenses which we believe has not hitherto been made. In all preparations of natii -al history, objects which are gene¬ rally preserved in cylindrical bottles or vessels containing fluids, the objects are always seen distorted, being magnified to the greatest extent in a plane perpendicular to the length or axis of the cylinder, while in a rectangular direction the object is not magnified at all. In order to see the objects of their true shape, and have them equally magnified in all directions, a cylindrical lens of a suitable focus should be employed, so that the axis of the cylinder may be at right angles to the cylindrical axis of the vessel. Sect. III.—On the Formation of Images by Lenses, and on the Vision of Objects through them. In the preceding section we have treated of the forma¬ tion of images by rays transmitted through small apertures, and have considered the formation of images by reflecting surfaces. In order to explain the formation of images by convex lenses, whether double, or plano-convex, or meniscuses, let i This was the case also in Dr Thomas Young’s eye, but it did not injure his vision. {El. Nat. Phil., vol. ii., pp. 578,579.) 563 OPTICS. Dioptrics. LL (fig. 45) be a convex lens, MN an object farther from s—it than its principal focus. Let MLL be a cone of diver¬ gent rays proceeding from M, and having their focus at /;/ behind the lens; and NLL another similar cone from the other extremity N of the object, and having their focus at v. Every other part of the object will send out rays in all direc- Dioptrics. tions; but only those which fall upon the circular surface of the lens LL will be refracted by it, and they will all have their focus between m and n. These refracted pencils, however, cannot be shown in the figure without crossing one another. As every part of the object MN will there¬ fore send to corresponding points of the image mn rays of their own colour, an image of MN resembling it in all re¬ spects will be formed at mn, and as the rays from the upper part M of the object go to m, and from the lower part to n, this image will be an inverted one; and if we draw lines through the centre of the lens from M to m, and N to n, it will be evident from the similarity of triangles that the size of the image will be to the size of the object as the distance of the image from the lens is to the distance of the object. If we place the eye behind this image mn, we do not see it suspended in the air at mn, but it appears as if it were in front of the lens. That the image, however, is formed at mn may be proved by viewing it on smoke raised at that place, or on a piece of ground glass, or semi-transparent paper; or if we bring the eye in front, we shall see it dis¬ tinctly painted on any white ground, such as a piece of white paper. We shall suppose it, however, to be seen on smoke by the eye placed behind it at A or B. It will be seen exactly at mn as if it were a real object; and in order to see it distinctly, the eye must view it at the same dis¬ tance as it views other objects, and it may be viewed as any other object is, through a pair of spectacles or a mag¬ nifying-glass. As all the rays from MN cross each other at the points m, n of the image, the very same rays radiate from those points that radiated from M, N, and consequently the very same effect must be produced in the eye as if these rays proceeded from a real object at mn. Hence, by placing an¬ other convex lens at a proper distance behind mn, a distance greater than its principal focus, we may form another image of this image in the conjugate focus of the second lens. If we wish to form a magnified image of an object by any lens, we have only to place the object nearer the lens, and it follows from the rules for conjugate foci that the image will increase. If MN, for example, is brought nearer LL, the image mn will recede from the lens, and increase in size. When ML is equal to twice the principal focal distance of the lens, the distance of the image mL, and the size of the image will be the same as that of the object MN. If MN comes still nearer the lens, mn will recede still farther, and continue to increase in size till it becomes infinitely large and infinitely distant. When this happens, the rays which form it will have become parallel. If during all these changes the eye is withdrawn from the lens, so as to be at least six inches behind the place where the image is formed, it will observe the image distinctly’ before it. But when the rays become parallel, the eye may then be placed im¬ mediately behind the lens, and it wifi see the object dis¬ tinctly in the anterior principal focus of the lens, and mag¬ nified in proportion to the shortness of the focal distance of the lens. In the preceding paragraphs, we have described the prin¬ ciples of the camera obscura, the compound microscope, and the operation of the single microscope. When the image mn is distinctly formed on paper, the lens LL acts as in the camera obscura, painting all objects before it in their natural colours, in their just proportions, and with all their movements, on a white ground placed behind it. When the image mn has become greater than the object MN, by the advance of the latter to the lens, the eye views this mag¬ nified picture, and the effect is the same as in the compound microscope, whose object-glass is LL, and whose eye-glass has a focal distance equal to that of the eye. When the image is infinitely distant, and the rays enter the eye paral¬ lel, the object being then in the anterior principal focus of the lens LL, and the eye behind it, the lens is then acting as a single microscope. When objects are within our reach, such as microscopic objects, or near objects presented before a camera obscura, it is always in our power to illuminate them with artificial light, and thus make dark objects give brighter images ; but when this cannot be done, in consequence of the objects being out of our reach, we can increase the brightness of the image by increasing the area or superficies of the lens. If the area of the lens LL, for example, were doubled, it would collect twice the quantity of rays that flow from every point of an object, and concentrate them at the correspond¬ ing points of the image nm. In order to understand the principle of the telescope and single microscope, we must be acquainted with what is called the apparent magnitudes of objects. If we hold a sixpence A (fig. 46) at the distance of six or eight —___d_c b inches from the eye E, then it it will exactly cover or appear equal to a shil- T ling placed at B, a half-crown placed at C, and a crown at D. If we remove the sixpence A, the shilling will just cover the half-crown. If we remove the shilling, the half-crown will just cover the crown. Hence all these coins, placed as they are in the figure, are said to have, to an eye placed at E, the same apparent magnitude, because they are all seen under the same angle DEF, and would all cover the same portion of the sky, or of any dis¬ tant object. If the sixpence A is brought thrice as near the eye E as in fig. 47, its angle of apparent magni¬ tude will now be GEF thrice as great as DEF (fig. 46), and it will appear thrice as large as DF. The sixpence has therefore been magnified; and if. we interpose a lens between it and the eye, so as to make the rays refracted by the lens parallel, j&i- E Fig. 47. OPTICS. 569 Dioptrics, it will appear distinctly magnified, and the lens whic i e interpose will be a single microscope. , . Objects within our reach, and capable of being placed where we please, may be therefore magnified to any extent by placing them very near the eye, and m the anterior focus of a small convex glass, which, by making the diverging rays parallel, render the object as distinctly seen under a great angle as if it were a large object placed at a distance, and subtending the same angle at the eye. Rationale But when objects are at a distance and beyond our reach, ,of the tele- such as remote terrestrial objects, and the planets and stars, scope. we can magnify them, or represent them to our eye under a greater angle* of apparent magnitude, by a different prin¬ ciple. If, when the object is the dial-plate of a clock, at the distance of 12,000 feet, we place a lens whose focal dis¬ tance is six feet in the end of a tube about 6 feet long, and direct it to the dial-plate, a distinct inverted image of the dial-plate will be formed in the focus of the lens at a dis¬ tance of 6 feet from it. If we then view this image with our eye placed six inches behind it, we shall see the image of the dial-plate distinct and magnified. Now, as the dis¬ tance of the dial-plate is 12,000 feet, and that of the^image only six feet from the lens, the image will be ^ , or 2000 times smaller in diameter than the object, not in ap¬ parent magnitude, but by real measurement ; and if we were to take the image and place it beside the dial-plate, and view them both at the distance of 12,000 feet, then apparent magnitudes would, like their real magnitudes, be in the proportion of 2000 to 1. But the image is fortunately within our reach, and we can do with it what we choose. Let us first view it with the naked eye, which, generally speak- ins, sees objects most distinctly at a distance of 6 inches, and as we see it at the distance of 6 inches, it will appearas much greater as it would have done at the distance of 12,000 feet as 12,000 feet is to 6 inches, or as 24,000 is to 1. Hence it follows, that though the image is diminished in the focus of the lens 2000 times, yet it is magnified from its proxi¬ mity to the eye 24,000 times,—that is, it is magnified on the whole or twelve times. Now, this magnifying effect will be found under all circumstances to be equal to the focal length of the lens employed, divided by the foca distance of the eye, or the distance at which it sees small objects most distinctly, which is 6 inches,—that is, in the 6 feet 72 inches _ titrip, A Present “5e 6md^’ " Ttata’ ” ,W'lm ” , short-sighted person, whose eyes have a focus of only d inches, would be liable to see the same image of the dial- plate at the distance of three inches, and in his case the magnified effect would be ^ “^hesf °r 24 timeS 5 ^ ^ old person, or one whose eyes were long-sighted, so as not to be able to see objects distinctly nearer than 12 inches, would see the dial-plate magnified only 6 tunes. But both these persons could put on highly magnifying spectacles, so as to see the image at very short distances, or what is the same thing, to look at the image of the dial-plate throng i a magnifying glass, which would enable them to see it at the distance of 1 inch. In this case the magnifying effect 72 would be —, or 72 times. Telescopes. But the instrument which we have now fitted up is pre- * cisely a telescope, the large lens being its object-glass, and the small one used by the observer its eye-glass; and hence the magnifying power of such an instrument is always equal to the focal length of the object-glass divided by the focal length of the eye-glass. The image formed by such a Astrono- . n.ical. Their mag¬ nifying power. telescope is inverted, which is of no consequence when we Dioptrics, look at the heavenly bodies, and it is therefore called an astronomical telescope; but in looking at the dial-plate, and at terrestrial objects, the inversion would be disagree¬ able ; and it is therefore usual to make the image erect, by using either a concave eye-glass, or three or more convex eye-glasses. In the former case it is called the Galilean Galilean. telescope, and in the latter a terrestrial telescope. When the distance of the object is not very great, or when the focal length of the lens bears a considerable pro¬ portion to the distance of the object, the magnifying power of a lens, when the eye views the image formed by the lens at the distance of 6 inches, wfill be the following. Subtract the focal distance of the lens in feet from the distance between the image and the object, and divide the remainder by the same focal distance. By this quotient divide twice the distance of the object in feet; and the quotient will express the magnifying power, or the number of times that the object has been increased in apparent magnitude by the lens. The very same observations apply to images formed by concave mirrors ; and hence a single concave minoi be¬ comes the simplest form of the reflecting telescope, the eye viewing the image which it forms. In the case of such images”the body or the head of the observer must be placed between the object and the image, so that in order to use a single concave mirror, w'e must either make the miiror so large that the observer’s head will not obstiuctall the light, or we must make the reflection a little obliquely, oi, what is done in practice, we must by means of a small plane mirror or a prism reflect or refract the rays to one side, so as to allow the observer to look at the image formed by the concave mirror without obstructing the rays in their passage from the object to the mirror, the quantity obstructed by the plane mirror or prism being too small to do any injuiy. If we view the image through a convex lens, so as to mag¬ nify it still more, the mirror and the lens will constitute a reflecting telescope. Sect. IV.—On the Form of the Images of Objects PRODUCED BY LENSES OF DIFFERENT SlZES. Reflecting telescopes. Various optical writers1 have treated of the images of Form of objects, such as lines and surfaces; but, in so far as we images by know, no writer has treated of the shape and condition of the image of solids, such as the human figure, or of landscapes, the parts of which are placed at different distances from the lens or mirror by which they are formed. To the pho¬ tographer, and to the public who employ him, this subject is one of fundamental importance, whether the object to be delineated is to be looked at as a single picture, or consists of binocular images to be raised into relief by the stereo- SC The images of solid objects, or objects in relief, formed upon a plane surface, differ in many respects from the ob¬ jects themselves. Science the most profound, and art the most inventive, have been combined, and in a great degree successfully, in executing lenses for telescopes, microscopes, and photographic cameras; but even when a lens i^optically perfect, all points of the object placed at different distances fi-om the lens will be represented in the image with different degrees of distinctness. The same is true of the images of objects seen by the most perfect eye when fixed on one point of the object. By changing its focus, however, if one eye is used, or, if two eyes are used, by converging the optic axis upon every point of the object in rapid succession, a distinct view of every part of it is obtained. This, however, cannot be done with the images of lenses; and hence it is impossible to form upon a plane surface the image of any object in which all the parts shall be equally distinct. Smith’s Complete Syttem of Optics, vol. i., P- 238; and vol. n., p. 83. 4c VOL. XVI 570 OPTICS. loptncs. Following the geometrical principles of perspective, a cor- rect picture of any object whatever upon a plane surface is obtained by drawing lines from the point of sight through every point of the object to that plane. Such a picture, thus stippled as it were, will be more distinct than any picture formed in the most perfect camera, because every point will in the one case be equally and perfectly distinct, while in the other those points alone which are equidistant from the lens will be distinct, all the rest being little discs of light, increasing in diameter with their distance from their true foci. As the images seen by the human eye are formed by a lens, whose aperture is the pupil, about one-fifth of an inch in diameter, we may regard it as a correct repre¬ sentation of external objects, not differing perceptibly from the perspective picture. For the same reason, we may con¬ sider the image of an object formed by a lens one-ffth of an inch in diameter as a correct representation of it. If we now, in perspective, take a new point of sight one- fifth of an inch distant from the first, and draw lines as before from every point of the object supposed to be fixed, the perspective representations of it on the former plane will be changed, the two pictures will be dissimilar, and the similar points of the one will not coincide with the similar points of the other. For the same reason, if we look with one eye at the same object from two different points one-fifth of an inch distant, we shall obtain two views of this object equally dissimilar. The dissimilarity of the two pictures will increase with the distance of the two points of sight; and if the points of sight are distant inches, the dissimilarity will be considerable. But the two eyes of man are distant 2^ inches, and therefore the pictures of objects seen by each eye must be very dissimilar, the right eye seeing parts on the left side of a statue, for example, which are not seen by the left eye, and the left eye seeing parts on the right side of the statue which are not seen by the right eye. If we wish, therefore, to have a picture of any solid object exactly the same as it is seen with our two eyes, we must take it with two lenses one-fifth of an inch in diameter, placed at the distance of 2^- inches, and having their axes converged to the point of the object which we desire to see most distinctly. Or we may take the picture by a lens three inches in diameter, by means of two apertures one-fifth of an inch in diameter, the centres of which are one inch and a quarter distant from the centre of the lens, the line joining them being hori¬ zontal. The picture thus taken will not be so distinct as one taken with the single lens of the same diameter.1 These facts being admitted as rigorously true, let us suppose that a perfect lens four inches in diameter is em¬ ployed to produce upon a plane surface, the ground glass of a camera for example, the image of any object, lineal, superficial, or in relief, the diameter of the pupil being one- fifth of an inch. Then, as there will be in the lens several nundred areas (400 if the apertures are square) equal to that of the pupil, the image formed by the lens will be a compound image, or a combination of 400 perspective views of the object, taken from 400 different points of sight, each distant £th of an inch from its neighbour, and all those formed by the margin of the lens such as seen from points of sight 3 inches and four-fifths distant from each ot lei. Such a jumble of incoincident images cannot under any circumstances be a true representation of an object, vnet iei dead or alive. This view of the question, founded on the principles of perspective, will be more intelligible if we consider the subject in its optical aspect. Let LL/ (fig. 48) be either the horizontal or the vertical ^ec 'P11 0 a ens> and let ABDEC be the similar section of a solid cylinder ABCD, terminated by a cone CED, placed e oie t le ens in order to have an image or picture of it taken upon a plane surface behind the lens. Prolong the lines EC, ED, till they meet the lens at the points c, d, and Dioptrics. CA, DB till they meet it at the points a, h. If we now i cover all the lens i. except the central portion ah, or use a lens of the diameter ah, the image of the object ABE will be a circle, because not a single ray from the lines AC, BD, or CE, DE—that is, from the surface of the cylinder or the cone can reach the lens ah. In like manner, if we cover all the lens except cd, all the rays from AC, is, from the surface of the cylinder—will fall upon the lens cd, but none of the rays from EC, ED, the surface of the cone. But when the whole lens L'L is ex¬ posed, the rays from EC, ED will fall upon it, and have their image formed behind the lens. The image of the solid thus formed upon a plane, such as the ground glass of a camera, will be represented by a circle corresponding to AB, surrounded by a luminous ring, whose external diame¬ ter represents the surface of the cylinder, and a second ring whose external diameter represents the surface of the cone. If the object ABDEC is viewed by the eye, the diameter ol whose pupil is ah, the circular end AB of the cylinder w'ould alone have been seen ; so that it is obvious that the images of objects must vary with the diameter of the lenses which produce them. These results have been confirmed by direct experiment. Let us now apply these principles to pictures of the human bust taken by a photographic camera. The human face and head, or bust, consists superficially of various lines and surfaces, inclined at all angles to the axis of the lens by which their image is to be formed upon a plane surface. A true perspective representation of the human head placed at AB will be given by a lens ah, whose diameter is equal to that of the pupil of the eye. From such a portrait all surfaces, such as AC, BD, EC, ED, will be excluded, be¬ cause no rays from them can fall upon ah ; but if we use the whole lens EL', all these surfaces, and all those of an intermediate inclination, between AC and EC, and between BD and DE, will be introduced into the portrait. If LL' is a horizontal section of the lens, the marginal parts between a, and L might introduce into the portrait the left eye, the left ear, or the left side of the nose, which are not visible in a true perspective representation of the head; and for the same reason the marginal parts between b and L' might introduce into the portrait the right eye, or the right ear, or the right side of the nose, which are not visible in a true perspective representation of the head ; or all these features will be enlarged or widened horizontally, because they subtend a greater angle, as seen from the marginal parts of the lens. If LL' be a vertical section of the lens, the top of the head, the upper part of the lips, and the eyelids wilf be introduced into the portrait by the upper marginal part of the lens; while the lower part of the nose, the interior of the nostrils, the lower part of the upper lip, and the lower part of the chin will be introduced by the marginal parts Z»L of the lens. I he same is true of all other sections of the lens; and a monstrous representation will thus be ob¬ tained of the human head, the monstrosity increasing with the size ot the lens. The form and character of portraits will thus vary with the shape of the lens; so that by making it circular, oval, square, rectangular, triangular, or any irregular form, we may produce remarkable modifications of photographic portraits. A round and swelled face might 1 See Edinburgh Transactions, vol. xv., p. 365. OPTICS. 571 Dioptrics, be improved by a lens whose length is three or four times its breadth, and a narrow and pinched face might be im¬ proved by a large circular lens. The hideousness of photographic portraits is universally admitted. A distinguished writer speaks of the terrible reality of photography, adopting the general idea that the look of age and suffering exhibited in sun pictures arises from the unsteadiness of the sitter, and the necessary con¬ straint of feature and of limb under which the victim submits to the operation. The true cause, however, modi¬ fied doubtless by others, is to be found in the size of the lens, however perfect it may be.1 There is another defect in large lenses which requires to be mentioned. When pictures of trees, of shrubs, and flowers, or any other object smaller than the lens, are taken, the images of these objects, though absolutely opaque, are transparent; and leaves and stems, and small objects behind them, are seen like ghosts through the photographic image. This will be understood from the annexed figure, in which LI/ is a large lens, and AB an object whose picture is to Fig. 49. tion. be taken by it. It is obvious that rays from a small object D situated beyond AB, will fall upon the marginal parts Lm, LA of the lens, which will form an image of it in front of the image of AB, so that AB will appear transparent.2 The preceding observations, mutatis mutandis, are equally applicable to mirrors or specula, which are sometimes em¬ ployed for taking photographic pictures. Having described the nature of images taken by large lenses,3 it is of importance to notice certain properties of small lenses which render them peculiarly valuable in pho¬ tography, or other purposes where a very correct picture of objects is required. If we could illuminate objects suffi¬ ciently, or give a very high degree of sensitiveness to the collodion or other material for the reception of their images, a small pin-hole, without any lens at all, would give the most accurate picture of objects of all kinds, whether lineal, superficial, or solid.4 In cameras with two large achromatic lenses, the light has to pass through a great thickness of glass, which may not be altogether homogeneous, and which, if it is not, must deform the image. The light, too, has to pass through eight surfaces, which may not be truly spheri¬ cal, and, whether so or not, must scatter light in all direc¬ tions upon the sensitive plate. If the optical axes of these surfaces are not perfectly coincident, thq image must be injured; and whether they are or not, the lights reflected from them must fall upon the sensitive plate. In addition to these evils, the difficulty of keeping away from the sensi¬ tive plate all extraneous light is in proportion to the size of the lens. From all these imperfections small lenses are to a great extent free ; and we have no doubt that the time is approaching when a single achromatic lens one quarter of an inch in diameter will be in universal use. In proof ot this, we have now before us a photograph taken in sixty seconds with a single lens of rock-crystal,5 not achromatic, Spherical and which is far superior to all others of the same person Aberra- (and they are numerous) taken by the first photographic artists with the most perfect cameras. With these facts before us, we have no hesitation in expressing our con¬ viction that the photographer who has the sagacity to per¬ ceive the defects of his instrument, the honesty to avow it, and the skill to remedy them by the researches of optical science, will take a place as high in photographic portraiture as that of a Reynolds and a Lawrence in the sister art. Paht III.—ON SPHERICAL ABERRATION, AND CAUSTIC CURVES. The rules which we have already given for finding the foci of lenses and mirrors, are strictly applicable only to rays that pass near the axis of the lenses and mirrors ; and this may be readily proved by the method of finding the refracted and reflected ray which we have explained and used. Sect. I.—On the Spherical Aberration op Lenses. In order to prove and illustrate the preceding truth, we Spherical shall suppose parallel rays to be incident on a mass of glass aberration MNOP (fig. 50) in which there is only one refraction at its of le!lses• first surface, and we do this both to avoid the confusion of lines, and because it is perfectly sufficient for the purpose of explanation. Let RS be the axis of the spherical sur¬ face MN, passing through S, its centre of curvature; and if we consider it a ray, ' also, it will go on to F p- ■ without any refraction, j Let RB be a ray falling^ on the refracting surface^- at a distance from the axis RS, and parallel to it. e. From the point of inci¬ dence B draw BS, which Pig. 50. will be perpendicular to the surface at B,and take BG three- fourths of BR, BG being to BR as 1 is to PoOO, the index of refraction. From G draw GD parallel to BS, and making BD equal to BR, through the points D and B draw B/C for the refracted ray. Do _ the very same thing for the rav RB' falling on the point B, and parallel to RS, and equidistant from it, and B/A will be the refracted ray. If we now take two rays rb, rb' near the axis, and parallel to and equidistant from it, and apply the same method of projection to them, we shall find the refracted rays to be 5F, b'F crossing the axis, and converging at a point F, more remote from the refracting surface than/. If we draw through F a line AFC, perpendicular to the axis, then A and C being the points where the marginal or most remote rays which fall on the surface MN meet AFC, and F be¬ ing the focus of those nearest the axis, the distance /F is called the longitudinal spherical aberration, and AC the lateral spherical aberration of the lens. These results may be obtained experimentally by cover¬ ing up with a circle of black paper, all the central parts of the spherical surface, leaving a clear marginal ring corre¬ sponding with BB'. If the surface thus limited is exposed to the solar rays, we shall find a pretty distinct picture or 1 The photographic picture of a cube taken by a lens of a greater diameter than the cube, will show jive of its sides, when a true per¬ spective representation of it is simply a single square of its surface. . . . . 2 See Sir D. Brewster’s Treatise on the Stereoscope, p. 175, where this phenomenon is more u y exp aine 3 Lenses of nine and even twelve inches diameter have been used in photography. 4 See Treatise on the Stereoscope already referred to, p. 137. 6 A single lens of rock-crystal should have its radii as 14 to 1, which is nearly a plano-copvex, the flattest s;de being turned to the object. 572 OPTICS. tion. Spherical image of the sun formed at/ which, from a cause which Aberra- we g]^]] soon explain, will be highly coloured at the edges. If we now remove the black circle from the surface MN, and cover the outside surface with black paper, excepting a small opening in the vertex of the lens, where the axis RS cuts it, and expose the lens to the sun’s rays, we shall find the image of the sun distinct at F, and it will be less coloured than the image formed at f from another cause. If we now expose successive rings of the surface MN to the sun’s light, shutting up all the rest of the lens, we shall find that the ring nearest the axis will have its focus near/ between/and F ; the second ring, its focus still nearer F ; the third, its focus still nearer F; and so on, till the last ring will give its image of the sun close to F. Hence it follows, that there will be distinct images of the sun formed by each ring, and occupying the whole space /F; and, therefore, if we expose the whole surface MN to the solar rays, the image of the sun must be extremely confused and indistinct; and if received upon a sheet of white paper placed at AC, it will consist of a bright disc at F, sur¬ rounded with a broad halo of light, becoming fainter and fainter towards A and C. As this is true of every spherical surface whatever, it follows that every image formed by a spherical surface or lens, and every object seen through it, must be indistinct, from the confusion of rays produced by spherical aberra¬ tion. As this indistinctness increases with the aperture of the lens, or the distance of the marginal rays from the axis, we may remove it to a certain degree by limiting the aperture, or using smaller lenses; but excepting in the case of the sun or any highly luminous body, this diminution of the aperture would injure vision, from the want of light, especially in microsopes and telescopes; and hence it becomes an object of the highest importance in optics, and it is one which has occupied much attention, to discover methods of diminishing or correcting the spherical aberra¬ tion of lenses. Philosophers have therefore been led to calculate with accuracy the amount of spherical aberration in lenses of different forms, and having different sides exposed to the incident rays. The following are the results which they have obtained, and they may be readily verified either by experi¬ ment, or by tracing the refracted rays through large dia¬ grams of lenses of different shapes. 1. In a plano-convex lens (such as that shown at E, fig. 22.), whose plane side is turned to parallel rays, or to distant objects, if it is intended to form an image of them aberration. 'n f°cus» or with its plane side turned to the eye, if it is to be employed as a single microscope or magnifier,— the spherical aberration is times its thickness, or the greatest that can be obtained from it. This is called its worst position. 2. In a plano-convex lens, whose convex side is turned to parallel rays, the spherical aberration is only l^^ths of its thickness, or the least that can be obtained from it. This is called its best position. 3. In double convex lenses with equal convexities, the spherical aberration is lT$5^ths of their thickness, greater than that of a plano-convex lens in its best position. 4. In double convex lenses having their radii as 2 to 5, the spherical aberration will be the same as in a plano¬ convex lens in its viorst position, if the flattest side, or that which has its radius 5, is turned towards parallel rays ; and it will be the same as that of a plano-convex lens in its best posi¬ tion, if the surface whose radius is 2 is turned to parallel rays. 5. The lens of least spherical aberration is a double convex one, the radii of whose surfaces are as 1 to 6, hav- Forms of lenses of least and greatest 1-000 ing the surface whose radius is 1 turned towards parallel Spherical rays. In this, which is its best position, the aberration is Aberra- only IjJ^ths of its thickness. But if the side with the tion- radius 6 is turned towards parallel rays, the aberration will be S-j^ths of its thickness. If we determine the virtual focus of the central and marginal rays for a concave surface (as in fig. 50), we shall find that the spherical aberration is exactly the same for concave as for convex lenses ; and hence all the preceding results are equally applicable to them. If we suppose that the lens of least spherical aberration (as in art. 5) has an aberration expressed by unity, the com¬ parative aberrations of other lenses will be as follows:— Double convex or concave with radii as 1 to 6, in "I best position J Plano-convex or concave in best position 1-081 Double equi-convex or equi-concave 1-561 Plano-convex or concave in worst position 4-206 As a general rule for all lenses already made, and whose focus it is inconvenient to alter, the most convex surface should always be placed towards parallel rays when the lenses are used singly. The preceding results are calculated on the supposition, Aberration that the lens is made of glass whose index of refraction is with 1*500; but the numerical results vary greatly when we use je^ent nie" transparent media of higher and lower refractive powers. When the index of relfaction is 1*6861, which is nearly that of some of the metallic glasses, and of several precious stones, and of sulphuret of carbon nearly, the lens of least spherical aberration is not one which has its radii as 1 to 6, but one which is plano-convex; and when we come to higher refractive powers, such as those of sapphire, ruby, garnet, and diamond, of which lenses are now made for mi¬ croscopes, and ought to be made for the eye-glasses of power¬ ful telescopes, one of the surfaces of the lens of least sphe¬ rical aberration must be concave. This will be seen from the following results which we have calculated from Sir John Herschel’s formula,1 2 viz., ^r=:^ where R" R 2/D + ya and R' are the radii of the surfaces of the lens of least sphe¬ rical aberration, and p the index of refraction.* Index of Refraction. Ratio. Vacuum 1-000 1 to 1-00 equi-convex. Tabasheer 1-100 1 to 1-31 New fluid in amethyst 1-111 1 to 1-35 Second do. in topaz 1-200 1 to 1-76 Ice 1-300 1 to 2-43 „ Water 1-3368 1 to 2-77 Cryolite 1-350 1 to 2-93 Fluorspar 1-400... 1 to 3-60 Plate-glass 1-500 1 to 6-00 Quartz, Topaz 1-600 1 to 14-00 Chrysolite 1-686 1 to infinity, plano-convex. Sulphuret of carbon 1-700 1 to —93 meniscus Garnet, Ruby 1-800 1 to —12 Glass—lead 2£, flint 1 1-900 1 to—7 Zircon 2-000 1 to —5 Diamond, Octohedrite 2-500 1 to —2-5 Chromate of lead 3-000 1 to—2-1 3-500 1 to-1-6 4 000 1 to —1-5 equal radii. infinite 1 to —1 But it is not merely the curvature of the lens of least aberration that changes its character and its magnitude,— the aberration itself suffers a very great variation. This will appear from the table already referred to in the article Microscope. In the case of diamond the aberration must be next to nothing; but in order to obtain this great advantage, its second surface must be very concave, which diminishes 1 Phil. Trans. 2 See our article Microscope, vol. xiv., p. 771, for the numbers obtained by Mr Coddington, from indices of refraction from 1-4 up to 2 0. OPTICS. 573 Spherical Aberra¬ tion. \berration >f rays rot parallel. greatly its magnifying power. We have no doubt that arti¬ ficial glasses or other solids will yet be made by ait, and that mineral bodies will be discovered which will have such a high refractive power, as to enable opticians to lemove almost wholly the spherical aberration of single lenses. Hitherto we have spoken only of the aberration of parallel rays, the effect of which is invariably to shot ten the focus of the marginal or exterior rays; but when the incident rays converge or diverge, the aberration diminishes, and the focus of the marginal rays continues to be nearer the sur¬ face than that of central rays, till the focus of convergence or divergence comes up to two particular points in the axis, at the first of which, as will be presently seen, the aberra¬ tion disappears, and at the second of which, namely, the focus of parallel rays on the convex side, it is infinite. When the focus of convergence or divergence is situated between these points, the effect of aberration is to lengthen the focus of marginal rays, and shorten that of central rays, the focal distance of the latter being now shorter than that of the former. These results are true for all curvatures and all indices of refraction.1 Sir John Herschel has given the following general rule for all double convex or concave lenses, and for all menis- cuses and concavo-convex lenses in which the sum of the curvatures of their surfaces is greater than \/2/a + 3/a2 times their difference (/a being their index of refraction). The effect of aberration will be to throw the focus of marginal rays more towards the incident light than that of central ones, when the lens is of a positive character, or makes pa¬ rallel rays converge; but more from the incident light if of a negative character, or if it cause parallel rays to diverge.2 We have mentioned above, that there is a point in the axis, at which rays which diverge from it, and fall upon a concave surface, will have no spherical aberration. This will be understood from fig. 51, where BB' is the first concave surface of a medium, C its centre, BCD its axis, and A a point in the spheri¬ cal surface, where it meets the axis be¬ yond the centre C. If we take two points Fig. 51. R, F, such that RC is equal to the radius AC of the sur¬ face multiplied by the index of refraction, or RA to AF as the index of refraction is to unity, then all rays diverging from R, whether marginal or central, and falling upon the concave surface BDB', will be refracted at BB' in direc¬ tions Br, BV, which will proceed from the virtual focus F without any spherical aberration. This may be readily proved by the projection of the rays. Hence if, upon F as a centre, with any radius FE greater than FD, we describe a circle MEN, we shall have the second surface of a con¬ cavo-convex lens, which will be entirely free of spherical aberration. This is evident, as the rays refracted by the first surface BDB’ fall perpendicularly on the second sur¬ face, and suffer there¬ fore no refraction. As there is a concavo-convex lens without aberration, for rays diverging from one point of its axis R (fig. 51), so Dr Clair on spheri¬ cal aberra¬ tion. Set riSeLwithout aberration for rlys converging to nyl SH, RK;after refraetion by (he concave lens (fig. 54), a particular point in its axis. Let RB, R'B' (fig. 52) be Spherical rays converging to a point /in the axis RC/1 of a convex ■A^erra- refracting surface BDB', whose centre is C. If we take ^ tion. ^ fC so that it is to the radius CD as the index of refraction is to unity, then it may be shown, by projection or calcula¬ tion, that the refracted rays RB, rb, whether marginal or central, will be refracted in lines BF, 5F, having the same focus F, without any spherical aberration. Hence if, with F as a centre, we describe any circle, having its radius Fidal \irrors. a simple projection of the reflected rays, that R, R will in¬ variably be reflected to a focus F nearer the mirror than the focusof the central rays. The space Fy is called the longitudinal or linear spherical aberration, and it will ob¬ viously become greater as the diameter of the mirror is in¬ creased, its focal length or its curvature remaining the same, and with its curvature when its diameter or aper¬ ture remains the same. In mirrors, in all cases but one, the marginal rays have a shorter focus than the central ones, or, what is the same, have their focus nearest the reflecting surface. This case takes place when the radiant point is situated between the surface and the principal focus on the concave side of the mirror, in which case the focus of marginal rays is farther from the mirror than that of central rays. There are only two cases in which spherical reflecting surfaceshave no spherical aberration,—namely, when diverg¬ ing rays radiate from the centre of a concave mirror or spherical surface, in which case they are reflected back without aberration to the point from which they came, with¬ out any aberration; and when they converge to the centre of a convex mirror or spherical surface, in which case they will be reflected back in lines diverging from the centre or virtual focus behind it, without any aberration. One of these cases, namely, the first, is not an ideal one, but is actually applicable to practical purposes. For example, if rays diverging from F, the centre of curvature (not the focus) of the reflecting mirror MN (fig. 60), fall upon the mirror, they will be reflected to F, and pass through F to¬ wards a lens LL, which will refract them into a parallel beam LLRR, if’FL is the focal length of the lens; or into a converging beam, so as Fig. 60. Spherical Aberra¬ tion. Fig. 61. to illuminate strongly any near object, if FL is greater than the focal length of the lens. This contrivance has been proposed for lighthouse illumination, where, in addition to the beam FLL radiating directly from F, the lens LL re¬ ceives also the other beam FMN, both of which it unites in one parallel beam LLRR. In the accurate illumination of objects for the microscope this contrivance is also appli¬ cable ; and hence for this purpose a spherical mirror is better than a mirror of any other form. As we cannot in the case of reflectors diminish their spherical aberration as we did in lenses, by giving a different shape to the two surfaces, it becomes of great importance to form the reflecting surface in such a manner as to re¬ move the spherical aberration altogether. It is evident from the inspection of fig. 59, where CB is a perpendicular to the mirror at B, RMC the angle of incidence, and CBF the angle of reflection, that if the reflecting surface should be such that the line BF, drawn to a fixed point F, should always form equal angles with a line CB perpendicular to the mirror at the point of incidence, the parallel rays would all converge to the point F. Now the parabola is a curve which possesses this property, as shown in fig. 61. Let AEB be a parabola which forms a reflecting surface by its revolution round its axis RFE, and let R, R, R be parallel rays incident upon the paraboloidal surface at the points A, E, B. Then if F is the focus of the parabola, and GH a line touching the curve at A, it is a property of the parabola1 that the angle GAR is equal to HAF, but GAR is the complement of the angle of incidence, and therefore HAF will be the complement of the angle of re¬ flection, and consequently AF the reflected ray. As this is true for every ray parallel to the axis RFE, it follows that all parallel rays incident upon the surface of a parabo- '—'v—' loidal mirror will be reflected accurately to the focus of the paraboloid. It may be shown, in like manner, that convex parabo- Convex pa^ loidal reflectors will reflect parallel rays so as to make them raboloidal diverge from the virtual focus of the paraboloid. If, in fig. “irrors- 61, we continue the line RA to R', and also FA to r, it follows, from the above reasoning, that R'AH is equal to r AG, and that the reflected ray is Ar, diverging accurately from the focus F. When we wish to reflect diverging rays to a focus with¬ out aberration, we must have recourse to another solid of revolution,—namely, a prolate spheroidal surface formed by the revolution of an ellipse round its greater axis. In this case, rays diverging from one of its foci will be reflected accurately, without aberration, to the other focus. This will be understood from fig. 62, where R, F are the foci of an ellipsoid, AEB a section of the ellipsoidal surface, and GH a line touching the ellipse at A ; then if rays diverging from one of its foci R, fall upon the re¬ flecting surface at A, E, and B, they will be reflected accurately to the focus F, or if they radiate Flg'62, from F, they will be reflected to R. As it is a property of the ellipse2 that the angle GAR is equal to HAF, then since GAR is the complement of the angle of incidence, HAF must be the complement of the angle of reflection, and AF the reflected ray. As the same is true of every other point of the ellipsoidal surface, it follows that all rays incident upon it from one focus will be converged without aberra¬ tion to the other focus. In like manner it may be shown, by producing RA to ^°ncay° R', and RB to R', that rays falling upon a convex ellipsoi- a dal mirror, and converging to one focus, will be reflected as if they diverged accurately from the other focus; that is, rays R'AR, R'BR, converging to R, will be reflected in diverging directions hr, Br, as if they diverged from the focus F, or rays rA, rB converging to F, will be reflected in directions AR', BR’, as if they diverged from R as their virtual focus. If the concave surface of a mirror is a portion of a hyper- Hyperbo- boloid, a solid generated by the revolution of a hyperbola lo;dal about its axis, rays converging to one locus will be re¬ flected to the other focus. Let AEB (fig. 63) be a sec¬ tion of the hyperboloid, and RAR', RBR', rays converging to its fo- R- cus; these rays will be reflected to its other focus F. Let GH be a tangent to the hyperbola at A, r- then by a well-known property of the hyperbola,3 the angle GAR is equal to HAF ; but the former be- n ing the complement to the angle of incidence, and the latter the com- Fig. 63. plement to the angle of reflection, AF will be the reflected ray. For the same reason, if the rays diverge from the focus F, they will, after reflection, diverge in the directions AR, BR, as if they came from the other focus R'. In a similar manner it may be shown, that in a convex hyperboloidal mirror AEB, rays diverging from one focus R', will be reflected in directions Ar, Br as if they diverged from the other focus F. The preceding truths are of great practical use in the construction of optical instruments. In all reflecting tele- See Conic Sections, vol. vii., part i., prop, iii., cor. 3. 2 Ibid., part ii., prop, v., cor. 4. 3 Ibid., part iii., prop, v. 576 OPTICS. Caustics, scopes, where parallel rays are required to be reflected to a single focus, it is necessary that the figure of the reflecting surface should be that of a paraboloid ; and as in the spe¬ cula of such telescopes the portion of the paraboloid which is requisite does not differ much from the same portion of a spherical surface that has the same focal length, artists have contrived particular methods by which the marginal parts of the spherical surface shall be worn down in the act of polishing, so as to convert the spherical into a parabo¬ loidal surface. In the reflectors of lighthouses, where a large surface is required to be used, a copper plate thickly plated with silver is hammered by means of a gauge to as correct a para¬ boloidal figure as possible, and a lamp being placed in its focus, the light which it radiates is reflected in a beam of considerable brilliancy. Mirrors for In the construction of reflecting microscopes, where the micro- image of a small object placed in one spot has a magnified scopes. image of it formed in another point, an ellipsoidal speculum is used; and Mr Cuthbert, an eminent London artist, has succeeded in giving to such small specula an accurate ellip¬ soidal form. Professor Potter has also succeeded, as we have mentioned elsewhere,1 in giving specula a true ellipsoidal form, and has published an account of the method by which he was able to effect this important object.2 Sect. III.—On Caustic Curves formed by Spherical Reflecting and Refracting Surfaces. Caustic When two or more rays of light cross one another at any curves. point, they illuminate any reflecting substance placed in that point with their united light. Hence it follows, that when spherical surfaces converge the rays which fall upon them to different foci, these different foci must form so many illuminated points, if they are received on smoke, on white paper, or on water with any reflecting particles suspended in it. The lines which passthrough these luminous foci, or rather the lines formed by the union of a great number of them, are called caustics, or caustic curves. As these curves are in reality a visible representation of the pheno¬ mena of spherical aberration, they possess considerable in¬ terest as experimental illustrations of that class of facts. When diverging rays fall upon a spherical mirror, whose surface exceeds a hemisphere, the caustics formed by re¬ flection are exceedingly beautiful. Let ACB (fig. 64) be Fig. 61. the section of such a spherical surface; whose centre is E, and whose principal focus for parallel and central rays is at f. Let a beam of light RAC, diverging from R, be in¬ cident on the upper part AC of this mirror, the beam con¬ sisting of the individual rays Rl, R2, R3, &c., up to RIO; and let the reflected rays 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, &c., be found by making the angle of reflection which they form with the Caustics, perpendiculars drawn from 1, 2, 3, &c., to E, equal to the angles of incidence which they form with the same perpen¬ diculars. We shall then have the directions, and also the foci and intersections of all the rays. The ray 10-10 does not meet the axis RC at all, but falling on the mirror at the point 3, will there suffer a second reflection. The ray 9-9 has its focus exactly at C, the vertex of the mirror, where it will suffer a second reflection ; and so on with all the rest up to 12, which is the last which will suffer a second re¬ flection. All the reflected rays, after 9-9, cross the axis, or have their foci at points gradually approaching to /, which is the focus of the central ray Rl. As all the rays proceeding from R, but not drawn in the figure, which fall upon the other half CB of the mirror, at points correspond¬ ing to Rl, R2, &c., will have their foci in the same points between C and /, there will be along that line a series of foci constituting a line of light becoming more intense to¬ wards/. But the rays R 10, R 9, R 8 cross each other after re¬ flection, and before they reach the axis, as shown in the figure, and hence there will be a beautiful curve of light Af called a. caustic, formed by the intersection of these rays. The other half of the mirror CB will form a similar caustic, and the projecting points f are called the cusps of these caustics, and Cf their tangent. If a small pencil of light, consisting of two contiguous rays, moves from RA towards the position RB, being in¬ cident successively at 9, 8, 7, 6, &c., the conjugate focus of this pencil, or that formed by the intersection of the two rays of which it consists, will move along the caustic curve Af, while the points where it crosses the axis RC, or its focus formed by its union with a similar pencil similarly incident on the other half of the mirror, will advance from C to/. If we now consider ACB as a convex spherical surface, and place the radiant point R as far to the right of the ver¬ tex C as it is to the left of it in the figure, and if we project the reflected rays, we shall find that when traced back¬ wards, they wull intersect the axis and each other, in the very same manner as they do in the figure, forming an imaginary or virtual caustic, in place of a real one, the two being in every respect the same. If, while the radiant point R remains as in the figure, we suppose the convex surface ASB to receive the incident rays, it will then be found, by projecting the reflected rays, that they will form an imaginary caustic AB, less than A/B, and joining it at the points A, B. This difference in size arises from the radiant point being in this case much nearer the convex surface than before. Let us now suppose that the radiant point R recedes from the concave mirror ACB, the point/of the cusps will gra¬ dually approach to F, the tangent Of diminishing at the same time ; and when R is infinitely distant, or the rays parallel, the point / will coincide with F, the focus of parallel rays. The same will take place in the case of the convex mirror ACB ; but in the case of the convex mirror ASB, the point <£ of the cusps will approach to F', and will coincide with it when R is infinitely distant. If, in the case of the concave mirror ACB, the radiant point R now approaches to the mirror, the cusps / will ap¬ proach to the centre E of the mirror, the caustic curve Af becoming flatter and flatter, and when R reaches E, there will be no caustic at all, in consequence of all the rays being- reflected back to the centre, all their foci and intersections having united in that point. In the case of the imaginary caustic A<£B, when R approaches to S, will also approach to S, the caustic approximating in form to the circular arch AS; and when 1 Art. Microscope, chap, iii., vol. xiv. 2 Edin. Jour, of Science, N.S., No. xii., p. 228. OPTICS. 577 laustics. It reaches S, $ will also reach S, the caustic disappearing when it has reached that limiting form. All that we have said is obviously applicable only to one section of the spherical mirror; but as the same is true of every section whatever, the caustic will not be a cm ve, but a surface formed by the revolution of the curves A/*B round its axis /C, all the reflected rays being tangents to this surface. We shall now consider the change in the appearance of the caustic, when the radiant point comes within the sphere of which the reflecting surface is a part, and when the mirror becomes a concave polished sphere. The effect thus produced is shown in fig. 65, RE being less than RS. In this case a remarkable double caustic will be formed, F3, F3, to a focus /3, still nearer the mirror. If we Caustics, now conceive rays flowing from F to fall on the mirror ^ Fig. 05. composed of a short one of the kind shown in fig. 64, and another with two long branches, one of which is shown at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the dotted line below the axis SE showing the other halves of the caustic, and long branches converging behind the mirror. Had R been placed nearer S than E, the branches 1, 2, 3, &c., would have diverged behind the mirror, having their virtual foci within the mirror. When R is half-way between S and E, the curved branches be¬ come parallel lines. When R comes nearer E the branches 1, 2, 3, &c\, shorten ; the smaller caustics also shorten ; they both approach to the centre E, the long branches moving quickest, till at E, as w-e have already seen, all the rays from It are reflected back to the same point, and the caustics all disappear. M. A. Delarive, in his ingenious dissertation on caustic curves,1 has shown that caustics generated by parallel rays are epicycloids, formed by one circle rolling upon a fixed circle concentric with that ot the mirror, and having a radius equal to half of its own. Dr Smith has shown that when the radiant point is at S, the caustic is an epicycloid whose generating circle is two-thirds of the radius of the minor, and the fixed circle one-third of that radius.2 When the radiant point passes the centre E, the caustics shift their place to the opposite side of E, and present the same phenomena as before. There is a curious property, however, involved in these phenomena, which we have represented in fig. 66, where the radiant point is supposed to be at F, a very little within the principal focus of a spherical mirror ACB. We have supposed the rays to diverge from a point a little within the principal focus, because it is only in this case that the rays FI, FI, at a little distance from the axis, may be reflected in directions 1-1, 1-1, exactly parallel. The rays F2, F2, falling at a greater distance from the axis, will be made to converge to a focus at /2, and rays Fig. 66. between the rays FI, FI, and the axis FC, these rays will diverge, because they radiate from a point a little within the principal focus, and hence vve have one spherical mirror which has, under these circumstances, the paradoxical pro¬ perty of rendering a faint cone of diverging rays parallel, converging, and diverging, after reflection. All that we have said of the caustics formed by the sec- Caustics tions of spherical surfaces, are true of cylindrical surfaces, from cylin- and by means of surfaces of this kind the phenomena of sur- caustic curves may be beautifully exhibited. They are in¬ deed often presented to the eye at the bottom of china vessels of a cylindrical form, when exposed to the rays of the sun or to'the light of a candle. Owing to the depth of such vessels, the obliquity of the rays prevents the effect from being well seen; but we may take shallow cylindrical vessels, or make deep ones shallow by an artificial bottom of paper or pasteboard, or by filling them nearly with milk, or any other fluid with a white opacity, or with a fine white powder pressed into a smooth surface. In order to show the caustics, when the radiant point is placed within the cylindrical surface, a piece of card should be made to float upon oil in the cylindrical vessel, and a very minute wick inserted in the card at the points of the axis where we wish the radiant point to be placed. This wick, when lighted, will be the radiant point R in fig. 65, and the caustics will be beautifully formed on the surface of the white card. The following method, however, of exhibiting caustic curves, we have found very convenient and instructive, and it has the advantage of allowing the radiant point to come within the cylinder. A piece of steel spring, highly polished, such as a watch-spring, is bent into a concave form, like AB (fig. 67), and is placed vertically with its lower edge resting upon a piece of card or white paper. It is then exposed to the solar rays, or those of any artificial light, so that the plane of the card MN passes through the luminous body, and the caus¬ tic curves will be seen finely displayed, varying with the distance of the radiant point, °and with the reflecting arch AB. By altering, too, the curvature of the arch, arid bending it into different known curves, either by applying a portion of its breadth to the required curves delineated upon a piece of wood, and either cut or burned sufficiently deep in the wood to allow the edge of the thin strip of nietal to be inserted in it, a great variety of inter¬ esting phenomena may be observed. The brightest re¬ flector is a thin strip of polished silver or plated copper. Gold and silver foil will also answer, or a strip of mica. A cylindrical section of a wide glass tube or a bottle, especially if a piece is cut out of them to allow the incident rays to pass to the reflecting surface in the plane nearly of the base of the cylinder, will produce the caustic curves in great perfection. The caustic curves produced by a highly Fig. 67. l Dotation tur la Partie de VOplique qui traite des courles dites Caustlque,, p. 84, Geneve, 1823. This interesting dissertation con- xjisseriuLiui t v v ino\nA\nrr Malus and Gergonne, and merits the attention of those who wi^n tains an account of the labours of preceding mathematicians, including 0 „ • n vol> 174. to prosecute the subject mathematically. * * J 1 VOL. XVI. 578 OPTICS. Caustics, gilt or polished metallic ring, such as the ring of a bell handle, are exceedingly beautiful, the phenomena of a convex and a concave surface being here united. Caustics formed by diffracting Surfaces. It is evident, from what has been said of caustics formed by reflection, or Catacaustics, that analogous curves must also be formed by spherical refracting surfaces, which have been called Diacaustics. In order to explain these curves, we shall take the case of diverging rays falling upon a spherical surface, as shown in fig. 68, where DBD is the spherical surface, C its centre, R the radiant point, RD, RD, two extreme rays touching the sphere, and refracted in the directions D/, D/; and RB, RB, other rays nearer the axis, and refracted in the directions BF, BF. If we join CD, CD, and drawing the semicircles DEC, DE'C, make the lines CE, CE' in the same proportion to CD as unity is to the index of refraction, the caustic will begin at E,E', and extending in the directions EF', E'F, willapproach to the axis RC till it meets it at the principal focus F. The caustics formed by the two refractions of a sphere, or of a cylinder (in a plane perpendicular to its axis) are shown in fig. 69, where ACB is the spherical section, E its centre, R the radiant point, and RC the ray which touches the spherical surface. This ray will be refracted by the first surface in the direction 6-6, and by the second surface of the sphere at 6; the other rays, R5, R4, &c., will be all refracted in the directions indicated by the numerals 5, 4, &c., and their various intersections will form the caustic 6, 4, 3, 2, \,f each ray crossing the next ray before it cuts the axis, / being the focus or the point where the rays nearest the axis cut it. The luminous figure bounded by the intersection of the successive rays, is composed of the two bright caustic curves. Within these caustics there is also much light arising from the intersections between the caustics and the axis; but as there are no intersections without the caustics they are bounded by darkness. When parallel rays fall upon the spherical section ACB, the caustic commences at the extremity of a diameter per¬ pendicular to the axis of the section, because the extreme ray suffers refraction at that point, and will intersect the nearest a little within it; and they extend, as in fig. 69, to the principal focus of the sphere for rays near the axis. The real caustic will be the surface formed by the revolu¬ tion of the curves round the axis E/1; the section of this surface will be a luminous point atf but at the posterior part it will be a luminous circle vividly depicted on the sphere. M. Delarive has pointed out a method of deter¬ mining the index of refraction of solid spheres, or of hollow spheres containing different fluids, by measuring the diameter of this luminous circle, which is smaller in fluids of high than in those of low refractive power. The phe¬ nomena of caustics formed by refraction, may be distinctly exhibited by exposing to the rays of the sun, or a strong ctro. artificial light, a globe of glass filled with any fluid, or a inatics. solid transparent sphere, or the widest part of a round glass decanter. With all these bodies the whole of the luminous figure will be clearly seen. If we use a cylinder full of water, such as a tumbler or a cylindrical bottle, we shall see the caustic curves formed upon a white surface held parallel to the cylindrical surface of the fluid, the light falling upon the cylindrical surface in the same plane. Part IV.—ON THE REFRACTION OF COMPOUND LIGHT, OR THE DOCTRINE OF COLOURS AND THE PRISMATIC SPECTRUM. In the preceding pages we have considered white light, Chro- whether emanating directly from the sun or from artificial nmtics. flames, or consisting of the same rays reflected and modified by other bodies, as a simple element, all the particles of which had the same index of refraction, or suffered the same change of direction when refracted by any transpa¬ rent body. This, however, is not the nature of light. White light, as emitted by the sun or other luminous bodies, is a very compound element, all the parts of which possess very different properties, and these properties are of a very remarkable and interesting kind. The power which causes the reflection of light from polished metallic bodies is not capable of decomposing it, unless when it enters the sub¬ stance of the metal; but the power which produces refrac¬ tion is peculiarly influential in separating compound white light into its elements. The same decomposition may be effected by the interference of rays of light, by absorption, and by another principle of analysis which has been called dissection. The two first of these processes of analysis de¬ compose compound light of different degrees of refrangibi- lity, while the two last decompose compound light whose rays have the same refrangibility. Sect. I.—On the Decomposition of Light, and the Different Refrangibility of its Rays. The constituent parts or colours which compose white Seven co¬ light are seven in number—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, lours. indigo, and violet. These colours have been long observed and studied in the rainbow, and in the refractions produced by lenses and prisms, but till the time of Sir Isaac New¬ ton no satisfactory explanation had been given of their origin and properties. Descartes had found that colours similar to those of the rainbow were produced by prisms, and he endeavoured to explain them by saying that the particles of the medium, or matter which transmits light, endeavour to revolve with so great force, that they cannot move in a straight line, whence comes refraction; and that those particles which endeavour to revolve more strongly produce a red colour, those that endeavour to move a little more strongly produce yellow, and so on with the other colours. Now this explanation, as Dr Whewell1 has justly remarked, though it contains a gratuitous hypothesis respect¬ ing the cause of refraction, yet it proves that Descartes considered the different colours as produced by different degrees of refraction. In like manner Grimaldi, as the same author has observed, explains colours by saying “ that the colour is brighter where the light is dense; and the light is denser on the side from which the refraction turns the ray, because the increments of refraction are greater than the rays that are more inclined ;”a that is, that the blue rays are more refracted than the red rays. We cannot agree, however, with Dr Whewell in the opinion, that this expla¬ nation of Grimaldi’s might give an explanation of most of the facts, but one much more erroneous than a develop- 1 Hist, of Inductive Sciences, vol. ii., p. 350. 2 Ibid., p. 352. OPTICS. 579 Chromatics ment of Descartes’ views would have been.” It appears to us quite manifest, that both Descartes and Grimaldi had a vague sentiment that the different colours were produced by different degrees of refraction, and that Grimaldi’s is the more distinctly expressed of the two; but we cannot for a moment agree with the author above quoted, “ that Des¬ cartes was led very near the same point with Newton.” The sentiments expressed by Descartes and Grimaldi were mere notions of the moment, which authors often throw out without much thought, and which are employed in future times to pervert the history of science. If these two authors really thought that colours were produced by dif¬ ferent degrees of refraction, why did they not, as they did other opinions, submit them to the test of an experiment, which required neither thought nor labour, and the means of making which were in their hands? Sir Isaac Newton was well acquainted with the writings of Descartes, and so much with Descartes’ notions about colours, that the exa¬ mination of them was the object which he had in view in purchasing his prisms. He never refers to them as anticipa¬ tory of his own discoveries; and we must therefore continue to give Sir Isaac the undivided merit of the discovery of the unequal refrangibility of light, as well as its experimental establishment. We shall now pi’oceed to give our readers some account of this great discovery, and we shall make no apology in doing this to some extent in Sir Isaac Newton’s own words, abridging his descriptions where they are redundant or have become unnecessary, and omitting the demonstration of some of his propositions. We are induced to do this also because they exhibit the finest model of experimental re¬ search, and should be studied by every person who is de¬ sirous of investigating truth with diligence and patience. Unequal “ 1. The light of the sun coyisists of rays which differ refrangibi- in colour and refrangibility.—In a very dark chamber, at a lity of round hole F (fig. 70), about one-third of an inch broad, light. two rectilinear and parallel sides, and two semicircular ends. Chromatics On its side it was bounded pretty distinctly, but on its ends very indistinctly, the light there vanishing by degrees. At the distance of 18j feet from the prism the breadth of the image was about 2| inches, but its length was about 10f inches, and the length of its rectilinear sides about 8 inches; and ACB, the refracting angle of the prism, by which so great a length was made, was 64 degrees. With a less angle the length of the image was less, the breadth remaining the same. It is also to be observed that the rays went on in straight lines from the prism to the image, and therefore at their going out of the prism had all that inclination to one another from which the length of the image proceeded. This image PT was coloured, and the more eminent colours lay in this order from the bottom at T to the top at P: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet; together with all their intermediate degrees, in a continual succession perpetually varying.” Hence “ the light of the sun consists of a mixture of several sorts of coloured rays, some of which, at equal in¬ cidences, are more refracted than others, and therefore are called more refrangible. The red at T, being nearest to the place Y, where the rays of the sun would go directly if the prism was taken away, is the least refracted of all the rays ; and the orange, yet low, green, blue, indigo, and violet, are continually more and more refracted as they are more and more diverted from the course of the direct light. For, when the prism is fixed in the posture above mentioned, so that the place of the image shall be the lowest possible, the figure of the image ought to be round, like the spot at Y, if all the rays that tended to it were equally refracted. Therefore, since it is found that this image is not round, but about five times longer than it is broad, it follows that all the rays are not equally refracted. This conclusion is farther confirmed by the following experiments :— “ In the sunbeam SF (fig. 71), which was propagated into made in the shutter of a window, I placed a glass prism ABC, whereby the beam of the sun’s light SF which came in at that hole, might be refracted upwards, toward the op¬ posite wall of the chamber, and there form'a coloured image of the sun, represented at PT. The axis of the prism was, in this and the following experiments, perpendicular to the incident rays. About this axis I turned the prism slowly, and saw the refracted or coloured image of the sun, first to descend, and then to ascend. Between the descent and ascent, when the image seemed stationary, I stopped the prism, and fixed it in that posture, for in that posture the refractions of the light at the two sides of the refracting angles,—that is, at the entrance of the rays into the prism, and at their going out of it,—are equal to one another. “ Then I let the refracted light fall perpendicularly upon a sheet of white paper (MN) placed at the opposite wall of the chamber, and observed the figure and dimensions ot the solar image (PT) formed on the paper by that light. This image was oblong, and not oval, but terminated by the room through the hole F in the window-shutter EG, at the distance of some feet from the hole, I held the prism ABC in such a posture that its axis might be perpendi¬ cular to that beam : then I looked through the prism upon the hole F, and turning the prism to and fro about its axis, to make the image yt of the hole ascend and descend, when between its two contrary motions it seemed stationary, I stopped the prism; in this situation of the prism, viewing through it the said hole F, I observed the length of its re¬ fracted image yt to be many times greater than its breadth; and that the most refracted part thereof appeared violet at y; the least refracted appeared red at t; and the middle parts indigo, blue, green, yelloiv, and orange in order. The same thing happened when I removed the prism out of the sun’s light, and looked through it upon the hole shining by the light of the clouds beyond it. And yet if the refrac¬ tions of all the rays were equal according to one certain proportion of the sines of incidence and refraction, as is commonly supposed, the refracted image ought to have 580 OPTICS. Chromatics appeared round. So then, by these two experiments, it appears that in equal incidences there is a considerable in¬ equality of refractions.” 2. The light of the sky, or the light of the suii reflected from the first surface of bodies, and also the white fiames of all combustibles, whether direct or reflected, differ in colour and refrangibility, like the direct light of the sun. 3. Homoqeneal light is refracted regularly without any dilatation, splitting, or shattering of the rays; and the con¬ fused vision of objects seen through refracting bodies by 'heterogeneous light arises from the different refrangibility of several sorts of rays. „ , , 4. Every homogeneous ray considered apart is refracted, according'to one and the same rule; so that its sine of in¬ cidence is to its sine of refraction in a given ratio ; that is, every differently coloured ray has a different ratio be¬ longing to it. , , . , . . , Sir Isaac Newton has proved this by experiment; and in other experiments he has determined by what numbers these given ratios are expressed. For instance, if a hete¬ rogeneous white ray of the sun emerges out of glass into air; or, which is the same thing, if rays of all colours be supposed to succeed one another in the same line AC 72), and AD, their common sine of incidence in glass, be divided mioffty equal parts, then EF and GH, the sines of refraction into air of the least and most refrangible rays, will be 77 and 78 of such parts respectively. And since every colour has se¬ veral degrees, the sines of refraction of all the degrees of red will have all interme¬ diate degrees of magnitude from 77 to 77£; of all the degrees of orange from 77| to 77£; of yellow from 77£ to 77£; of green from 77J to 77£; of blue from 77£ to 77§; of indigo from 77§ to 77£; and of violet from 77£ to 78. 5. Whiteness, and all gray colours between white and black, may be compounded of colours; and the whiteness of the sun’s light is compounded of all the primary colours, mixed in a due proportion. Such is an abridged account of Newton’s great discovery of the different refrangibility of light, . . In examining the prismatic spectrum, it is difficult to discover the terminations or boundaries of the different colours. They pass into one another by insensible shades, and if any person were to lay down their apparent limits by the nicest observations, he would find, what has been recently discovered, that these limits vary with the state of the atmosphere, and with the altitude of the sun. Sir Isaac Newton, however, did make the attempt, and the following are the results which he obtained, we believe with crown or plate glass. We have added the results obtained long afterwards by Dr Wollaston1 and Mr Fraun¬ hofer2 with flint-glass, which shows the difficulty of this class of observations:— Fig. 72. The influence of these discoveries on the progress of Chromatics optical science was very remarkable. They led Sir Isaac to discover that the cause of the imperfections of the refract- imperfec- _ tion of refracting ing telescopes R was the differ¬ ent refrangibility of the rays of light. If LL, forR example, is a lens without spherical aberration, upon^ which parallel telescopes. Fig. 73, Newton in Crown-Glass. Red 45 Orange 27 Yellow 40 Green 60 Blue 60 Indigo 48 Violet 80 Wollaston in Flint-Glass. Fraunhofer in Flint-Glass. 56 I 27 Red 27 J 46 82-8 ...... 48 1 47 ] 109 90 .Blue 129-6 360 .360 .360 rays R, R, R of white light are incident, then it is obvious that the violet, or most refrangible rays, will be most re¬ fracted in directions Lv, L-y, crossing the axis at v, and there giving a violet focus of light. In like manner the red, or the least refrangible rays, will be refracted in directions Lr, Lr, crossing the axis at r, and there giving a red focus of light. In like manner, all the other rays will have foci of their own colour between v and r. If we draw the line ab, meeting the intersection of the extreme violet rays aftei their convergence with the extreme red rays befoie theii convergence, it will cut the axis at a point c. Ihe line vr is called the longitudinal aberration of refrangibility, or the longitudinal chromatic aberration, and ab is called the la¬ teral aberration of refrangibihty, or the diameter of the circle of diffusion, all the coloured rays being diffused over the circle of which ab is the diameter. Ihe space varb is called the sphere of diffusion, and the section ot it shown in the figure may be regarded as a parallelogram, on ac¬ count of the smallness of the angles rLv, t-Lv, which are greatly magnified in the figure. Hence it may be easily shown that the longitudinal aberration vr is to the lateral aberration ab as the focal distance of the lens is to its ladius or half its aperture. In the circle of diffusion ab the light becomes very faint towards a and b, and very intense in the centre c,. so that there is formed at c a sort of general focus indistinct and coloured. Every part of an object, therefore, will have its image, formed in the foci of such a lens, similarly indistinct and similarly coloured, and hence we see the leason why refracting telescopes had such great imperfections that it was necessary to make them of enormous length, in oidtr to obtain a sufficient magnifying power. From these causes, Sir Isaac Newton despaired of the improvement of refracting telescopes, and set himself at an early period of his life to execute reflecting telescopes. His successors, however, Mr Hall and Mr Dollond, studied the subject of refraction as produced by prisms made ot different substances, and found, as we have already fully stated in our history of Optics, that Sir Isaac Newton was mistaken in supposing that all refracting media gave spectra, oi se¬ parated the colours of white light, in the same proportion as their refractive powers, and that diffeient bodies had different dispersive powers, as well as different lefractive ones.3 This grand discovery we shall now proceed to explain. Sect. 11.—On the different Dispersive Powers of Bodies. The term dispersion has been employed to denote the Dispersion separation of the different rays of white light into that°fllgbt- divergent beam which constitutes the prismatic spectrum, the differently coloured rays having been dispersed or scat¬ tered by their different refrangibility. Sir Isaac Newton believed that all bodies whatever, whether water, or crown or plate or flint glass, dispersed light in an equal degree, 1 See sect. v. 3 See the article Achromatic Glasses, vol. ii. 2 These results are taken from his coloured figure of the spectrum. OPTICS. 581 -hromatics provided the mean refraction, that .s, the refraction of the mean or middle ray of the spectrum (the green ray, viz.), " of these bodies was equal; or, in other words, that the dispersion, or the angle formed by the extreme red and the extreme violet ray was in difterent bodies proportional to the mean refraction. . As Sir Isaac Newton submitted to experiment a number of fluid substances, in the form of prisms, it is, perhaps, one of the most remarkable oversights in the history ot science, that he did not think of comparing the length of the spectra which they formed; and it is equally strange that for more than a century he, and all his successors, should never have thought of forming the spectrum from any other luminous body less in diameter than the sun, or even from any luminous line of small breadth. Ihe consequence of these oversights was, that the most im¬ portant discoveries relative to light, and to optical instru¬ ments, were reserved for another age. In our History of Optics, and in the article Achroma¬ tic Glasses, we have given a detailed history of the suc¬ cessive labours of Hall, Dollond, Euler, and others, by which the achromatic telescope was invented and perfected. If we perform the experiment shown in fig. 70, with two prisms, the one of flint, and the other of crown glass, and measure in each the length of the spectrum PI, 01 rather the angles which the violet and the red rays PA, TA make with each other, and the angle which the mean qreen ray forms with the direction ot the white beam SY, this last angle will be the mean refraction of the prism, and the first the angular dispersion. We shall then find, that while in crown-glass the quotient obtained by dividing the greater by the lesser angle, or the part of the mean lefi ac¬ tion to which the dispersion is equal, will be seventeen hundredths (TVir), while in flint-glass it will be thirty hundredths (yW). this number varying with the nature ot the glass. , . . , This result may be exhibited to the eye by placing be¬ hind a prism of crown-glass C, another of flint-glass F, ot such an angle as not to produce any deviation by retrac¬ tion, the angle of deviation of the green ray produced by the crown-glass prism C, being compensated by an equal vex lens of mu^n-glass, as shown in fig. 73, may be cor- Chromatics reeled by a concave lens of/7m<-glass, while the rays pro- duced by the unbalanced refraction of the convex glass are still converged to a focus. Such a combination of lenses is called an achromatic object-glass, and a telescope with such an object-glass is called an achromatic telescope. Nothing is easier than to determine by experiment, when we have obtained good glass for the construction of these lenses, the proper radii to which they should be ground in order to correct the aberration of colour; but it may be readily shown that the aberration of colour produced by a convex lens of crown-glass will be corrected by a concave lens of flint-glass, provided the focal lengths of the two lenses are proportional to their dispersive power. Thus, in fig. 75, if LL is a convex lens of crown-glass, whose focus and opposite deviation produced by the flird-glass prism F ; that is, the green ray Kg will emerge parallel to the incident rav RA. When this has been effected, it will be seen that there is still a spectrum rv, which will colour the edges o any object which is viewed through the prism, and m which the colours will have the same position as if they had been produced by a small flint-glass prism placed in the same manner as the flint-glass prism F. If we now take two prisms, one of crown and the othei of flint glass, of such angles that all objects seen throug i them are colourless, or that a ray of light B^r, when re¬ fracted by them (as in fig. 74), shall be white, it will be found that the white pencil Bw will be refracted towards the base of the crown-glass prism, the flint-glass having corrected the colour produced by the crown-glass one, but still left a considerable balance of refraction produced by the latter. , j u Hence it is manifest that the colours produced by a con- Fig. 75. for green rays is at f, and for violet and red lays at v and r, and if F is the virtual focus of a concave lens ll of flint- glass, for the mean green ray, then parallel rays A, A, A will be refracted to a single focus at RV, where the violet and red rays will be united, provided the focal length of ll, viz., EF, is to E/, the focal length of LL, as 0'068, the dispersive power ot y?«72£-glass, is to 0'033, the dispersive power of erowm-glass. The dispersive powers of various glasses, and of some Dispersive fluids, had been measured with considerable care, in re- powers of ference to the improvement of the telescope, but no at- otl‘s- tempt was made to investigate it as a branch of physics, exhibiting new and interesting properties of transparent bodies. Dr Wollaston set the example of beginning this inquiry, and he determined in a very general manner the dispersive qualities of thirty-three substances, which he ar¬ ranged in the order of their dispersive powers, without giv¬ ing any numerical estimate of their value. In this state ot the subject Sir David Brewster, by a new method of measur¬ ing dispersive powers, which presented considerable facility of observation, made a very extensive series of experiments on the subject, which, in a physical point of view', presented several curious results. In laying the following table of his observations before our readers, we must warn them that they were made often with the most imperfect specimens of the minerals and fluid substances, from the difficulty of getting any other, and that they were intended only to in¬ dicate the general properties of bodies in dispersing light. The want of fixed points in the spectrum in reference to which the measures could be taken, rendered it necessary to use the extreme points, which varied with the intensity of the light employed, and with the absorbing action of the bodies themselves, when they happened to be coloured or imperfectly transparent. The discovery of the fixed lines, and their use in measuring dispersive powers, introduced by Fraunhofer, has given a new impetus to this subject; and when it is practicable to obtain good prisms ot the substance under examination, no other method should be adopted. This, however, is very difficult, and in genera impossible, especially in saline substances, minerals, and gems, which are never used in combination with glass, or with’one another, to produce achromatic combinations. The same remark is applicable to fluids, with very few exceptions. 582 O P T ICS. Chromatics Table of the Dispersive Powers of various Solid and Fluid Bodies. Chromatics Names of Substances. Chromate of lead 'j (greatest refrac- \ tion) estimated at J Chromate of lead 'j (greatest refrac- \ tion) must exceed J Realgar, a different 1 kind, melted j Chromate of lead 1 (least refraction).. J Realgar, melted Oil of cassia Sulphur, after fusion.. Phosphorus Sulphuret of carbon.., Balsam of Tolu Balsam of Peru Carbonate of lead J (greatest refrac- l tion) J Barbadoes aloes Essential oil of bitter 1 almonds J Oil of anise seeds....... Acetate of lead, melted Balsam of sty rax ... Guiacum Carbonate of lead (least refraction) . Oil of cummin Essential oil of tobacco Gum ammoniac Oil of Barbadoes tar.. Oil of cloves Green-coloured glass. Sulphate of lead Deep red glass Oil of sassafras Opal-coloured glass... Muriate of antimony 1 (refr. pr. r598)... / Rosin Oil of sweet fennel 1 seeds J Oil of spearmint Orange-coloured glass Rock-salt Flint-glass, Bosco- 1 vich’s highest J Caoutchouc Oil of pimento Flint-glass Deep purple glass Oil of angelica Oil of thyme Oil of fenugreek Oil of wormwood Oil of pennyroyal Oil of caraway seeds... Oil of dill seeds Oil of bergamot Flint-glass Ohio turpentine Gum thus Oil of lemon Flint-glass Part of the whole re fraction to which the dispersion is equal. 0770 0-570 0-394 0-388 0-374 0-089 0-149 0156 0-077 0-065 0-058 + 0-091 0-058 0-048 0-044 0-040 0 039 0-041 0056 0-033 0-035 0 037 0-032 0-033 0-037 0-056 0-044 0-832 0-038 0-036 0032 0-028 0-026 0-042 0-029 0-028 0 026 0-032 0-031 0-025 0-024 0-024 0022 0-024 0-024 0-023 0-023 0-029 0028 0-028 0023 0-028 Dispersive power. 0-400 0-295 0-267 0-262 0-255 0-139 0130 0-128 0-115 0-103 0093 + 0091 0-085 0-079 0077 0 069 0 067 0-066 0 063 0 065 0-064 0-063 0062 0-062 0-061 0-060 0-060 0060 0-060 0-059 0-057 0-055 0-054 0-053 0 053 0-0527 0052 0-052 0-052 0051 0-051 0-050 0-050 0-049 0-049 0-049 0-049 0-049 0-048 0-048 0-048 0-048 0-048 Names of Substances. Oil of juniper Oil of chamomyle.. Gum juniper Carbonate of stron tites (greatest re fraction) Oil of brick Flint-glass, Bosco- 1 vich’s lowest j Nitric acid Oil of lavender Balsam of sulphur Tortoise shell Horn Canada balsam Oil of marjoram Gum olibanum Nitrous acid Cajeput oil Oil of hyssop Oil of rhodium Pink-coloured glass Oil of savine Oil of poppy Zircon (greatest refr.) Muriatic acid Gum copal Nut oil Burgundy pitch Oil of turpentine Oil of rosemary... Feldspar Glue Balsam of capivi. Amber Oil of nutmeg .... Stilbite Oil of peppermint Spinelle ruby Calcareous spar (greatest refrac¬ tion) Oil of rape-seed Bottle-glass Tartrate of potash 1 and soda J Carbonate of potash ) (greatest refrac- J- tion) J Gum elemi Sulphate of iron Diamond Oil of olives Gum mastich White of an egg Oil of rhue Gum myrrh Beryl Obsidian Ether Selenite Alum Castor oil Sulphate of copper Crown-glass, very 1 green j Part of the whole re¬ fraction to which the dispersion is equal. 0022 0-021 0-025 0032 0-021 0-019 0-021 0-023 0-027 0025 0-024 0-022 0024 0018 0-021 0022 0022 0-025 0-021 0-020 0-045 0-016 0-024 0-022 0-024 0-020 0020 0-022 0-022 0-021 0023 0-021 0021 0019 0-031 0027 0-019 0-023 0-020 0-013 0-021 0-019 0-056 0-018 0-022 0-013 0-016 0-020 0-022 0-018 0-012 0-020 0-017 0018 0-019 0-020 Dispersive power. 0-047 0-046 0-046 0046 0-046 00457 0045 0-045 0045 0-045 0-045 0 045 0-045 0-045 0-044 0-044 0044 0-044 0-044 0-044 0-044 0-044 0-043 0-043 0-043 0-043 0-042 0-042 0-042 0-041 0-041 0-041 0-041 0-041 0-040 0-040 0-040 0-040 0-040 0039 0-039 0-039 0-039 0-038 0038 0-038 0-037 0-037 0037 0-037 0-037 0037 0-037 0-036 0036 0 036 0-036 Names of Substances. Gum arable Sugar, after being 1 melted and cooled J Jelly-fish, body of 1 (Medusa cequorea) j Water Aqueous humour of 1 a haddock’s eye... j Vitreous humour of 1 ditto J Citric acid Rubellite Leucite Epidote Common glass, Bos- 1 covich’s highest... J Glass of borax Garnet Pyrope Chrysolite Crown-glass Common glass, Bos- 1 covich’s lowest.... j Oil of ambergris Oil of wine Phosphoric acid, 1 solid prism, yellow j Glass of phospho- 1 rus, white .. Plate-glass .... Sulphuric acid Tartaric acid.., Nitre (least refraction) Borax Axinite Alcohol Sulphate of barytes .. Tourmaline Phosphoric acid, fluid Carbonate of barytes 1 (least refraction)1 J Malic acid Carbonate of stron- tites (least refrac tion) Crown-glass, Leith, Robison Rock-crystal.. Emerald Borax-glass, 1 bor, 2 silex Calcareous spar 1 (least refraction) J Blue sapphire Bluish topaz, from 1 Cairngorm J Chrysoberyl Blue topaz, from 1 Aberdeenshire ... J Sulphate of strontites.. Carbonate of potash 1 (least refraction).. J Prussic acid Fluor spar Cryolite Part of the whole re¬ fraction to which the dispersion is equal. ■:) :} 0-018 0-020 0013 0-012 0 012 0012 0019 0 027 0-018 0-024 0-018 0027 0-026 0-022 0018 0-012 0-012 0017 0-017 0017 0-014 0-016 0-009 0014 0-022 0-011 0-011 0019 0012 0-015 0-011 0-015 0014 0-015 0014 0-016 0 021 0016 0-019 0-016 0015 0-0088 0-008 0010 0-007 Dispersive power, 0-036 0036 0-035 0-035 0-035 0-035 0 035 0-035 0 035 0-035 0 0346 0034 0034 0-033 0-033 0-033 0-033 0-032 0-032 0-032 0-032 0-032 0-031 0-030 0-0304 0-030 0-030 0-029 0-029 0-028 0-0283 0-0285 0-0282 0 027 0033 0-026 0-026 0026 0-026 0-026 0-025 0-025 0-024 0-0 24 0-0233 0-0227 0022 0-022 The following measures of the dispersive powers of several varieties of glass were taken by Sir John Herschel, by a method which gave him nearly the extreme rays of the spectrum, namely, by viewing the spectrum through a dark blue glass, which stops the green, yellow, and most re¬ frangible red rays, and therefore allows the extreme rays ol the spectrum to be seen,—rays which the eye does not recognise in any of the ordinary lights which are used in 1 The dispersive power of the other image is considerably greater than this. See Edin. Trans., vol. vii., p. 289. OPTICS. 583 Chromatics optical instruments. If we condense the sun’s light, as we have done, in order to render visible rays at the extremities of the spectrum that have not been recognised, we should obtain dispersive powers still higher than those given by Sir John Herschel. By determining, however, the extremities of the spectrum seen by the ordinary light of the sky, it would be easy to accommodate all measures of dispersive power taken in such a light to those taken in the light used by Sir John Herschel, or in the more condensed and con¬ sequently elongated spectrum above referred to. In order that the measures in the following tables may be correct, it is necessary that they should all have been taken when the sun had the same altitude; because it is quite certain that the violet part of the spectrum diminishes in length very rapidly as the sun approaches the horizon, and some change also takes place at the red extremity. Dispersive Powers of different kinds of Glass. Names of Substances. Flint-glass Ditto Ditto Ditto, heavy Ditto Crown-glass Ditto, a different kind . Plate-glass Part of the whole refraction to which the dispersion is equal. 0-03849 0-03705 0*03734 0-03951 0-03747 002139 002494 0-02616 Dispersive power. 006404 0-06409 0-06386 0-06555 0-06409 0-04063 0-04704 0-05090 Sir John Herschel justly remarks, that it ought not to ex- Chromatics cite surprise that the dispersions deduced by this method ^ ■- v should considerably exceed all former estimates.1 In the preceding table of dispersive powers we have given Explana- two columns of numerical results, the first column contain-tion of the ing the part of the whole refraction, or angle of deviation to tables, which the angle of dispersion is equal, and the other the dispersive power itself. The first column is obviously not a measure of the dispersive power, because, if the dispersion in that column is ^th part of a low refraction in one body, and the ^th part of a high refraction in another body of great refractive power, the dispersive power of the latter must be smaller than that of the former, in the inverse ratio of the index of refraction of the two bodies minus unity. Hence the numbers in the second column, the dispersive powers, are obtained by dividing the first column by the index of refraction minus one. If we wish to have the intrinsic or absolute dispersive Absolute powers of bodies, in reference to the action of their ultimate dispersive molecules, on the theory of emission, and on the supposition, l,ower* as Sir John Herschel has remarked, in reference to abso¬ lute refractive powers, of the ultimate atoms of all bodies being equally heavy, we must divide the numbers in the second column of the preceding table by the specific gra¬ vities or densities of the bodies. In this way we have com¬ puted the results in the following table, containing the substances principally that exercise an extreme action in the dispersion of light. Table of Absolute Dispersive Poivers. Names of Substances. Sulphate of barytes ... Ditto strontites. Carbonate of barytes... Sapphire Chryso-beryl Topaz Fluor spar Cryolite Diamond Plate-glass Rock-salt . .. Specific gravities used. 4-48 3-95 3-70 3-50 3-93 3-50 3-17 2- 95 3- 50 2-76 2143 Absolute dispersive power. 0-00602 0-00607 0-0063 00066 0-00675 0-00685 0-0069 0-0074 0-0109 0-0112 0-0250 Names of Substances. Water Amber Oil of olives Oil of turpentine Sulphur, fused Realgar Phosphorus Oil of anise seeds Bi-sulphuret of carbon. Oil of cassia Specific gravities used. 1-00 1-04 0-913 0-87 200 3-50 1-75 0-987 1-27 1-044 Absolute dispersive power. 0035 00400 00415 0-0483 0-065 0-0728 0-0731 0-078 0081 0131 These results present us with several views of consider¬ able interest. The salts of barytes have, in reference to their density, the least dispersive power of all bodies, and the next in order are the gems, including even diamond, which occupies so different a place in our table of absolute refractive powers. The inflammable bodies, with the ex¬ ception of diamond, stand at the head of the table, oil of cassia having by far the greatest absolute dispersive power of any body yet examined. That this is owing to the hy¬ drogen which it contains is very probable, and has almost been proved by an experiment by Sir John Herschel, who deprived a portion of this oil of most of its hydrogen by making a stream of chlorine pass through it till it refused to act any farther. By this means he converted the oil into a viscous mass, the dispersive power of which was dimin¬ ished one-half, while its refractive power had hardly suf¬ fered any change. This result leads us to conclude that hydrogen has the greatest intrinsic dispersive power of all bodies. Fluorine seems to be the element which has nearly the lowest dispersive power. Double One of the most interesting results exhibited in the ge- dispersive neral table of dispersive powers relates to the dispersive power. powers of doubly-refracting substances. Dr Wollaston had measured the dispersive power of the ordinary ray in cal¬ careous spar, so far at least as to ascertain that it stood above water, and plate and crown glass. Sir David Brewster had been led to measure the dispersion of the extraordinary ray, and found it to be much lower than that of water. He was hence induced to examine the dis¬ persive powers of other doubly-refracting crystals, and was thus led to the result which we have stated.2 Similar re¬ sults have been more recently obtained by M. Rudberg and Mr Cooper, without knowing that the subject had been previously investigated. Sect. III.—On the Irrationality of the Coloured Spaces in the Spectrum, and the Existence of a Secondary Spectrum. We are indebted, we believe, to M. Clairaut for the dis- Secondary covery of the irrationality of the coloured spaces in the spectrum, spectrum. He found that when the flint-glass of an achro- Clairaut. matic object-glass had its aberration of colour as com¬ pletely corrected as possible,—that is, when the extreme red and violet rays were accurately united in the same focus,— still there remained a portion of uncorrected colour, which was of a purple or claret colour on one side of the focus, and of a green colour on the other. If prisms had been used 1 Edin. Trans., vol. lx., p. 458. 2 See Phil. Trans. 1813, p. 107, where this result was first published. 584 OPTICS. Chromatics in place of lenses, and the sun’s light transmitted through 's—them in the usual manner, there would have been a small residual spectrum, or secondary spectrum, as it has been called, consisting of purple anil green light. I he Abbe Boscovich. Boscovich afterwards observed the same fact, but con¬ sidered it so extraordinary that he suspected some latent cause of error, and submitted his experiments to the most rigid scrutiny. Heat last admitted the irrationality of the coloured spaces in the spectrum as a demonstrated truth, and has shown how three of the colours of the spectrum may be corrected or united in the same focus in achro- Bobison. matic telescopes. Professor Bobison obtained similar re¬ sults, and gave the name of outstanding colours to those which were not united, and which form the secondary spectrum. Blair. This subject was more fully investigated by Dr Blair, in his interesting paper on the unequal refrangibility of light,1 and he has shown that the proportions of the coloured spaces vary with the substance of the opposing prisms, so that a complete correction of colour cannot possibly be effected by two media of different dispersive powers. Hence Dr Blair was led to examine the nature of the dispersive action of different media, and by the most ingenious de¬ vices succeeded in producing fluid object-glasses in which the aberration of colour was completely corrected. The telescopes which he made on this principle were so extra¬ ordinary, that Professor Robison assures us that one of them, fifteen inches in focal length, equalled in all re¬ spects, if it did not surpass, the best of Dollond's fokty- two inches long. Wollaston. Under these circumstances, the scientific world was sur¬ prised at the following statement published by Dr Wollas¬ ton in the Phil. Trans, for 1803 :—“ Since the proportions of these colours have been supposed by Dr Blair to vary according to the medium by which they are produced, I have compared with this appearance the coloured images caused by prismatic vessels containing substances supposed by him to differ most in this respect, such as strong but colourless nitric acid, rectified oil of turpentine, very pale oil of sassafras, Canada balsam, also nearly colourless. With each of these I have found the same arrangement of these four colours, and in similar positions of the prisms, as nearly as I could judge, the same proportions of them.” Dr Blair was surprised that Dr Wollaston should have used such a coarse method of determining a point that required delicate observations, especially with the substances above men¬ tioned ; and he remarked to the writer of this article, that if Dr Wollaston would only make use of lenses, he would see his mistake after a single observation. There is no doubt, however, that the secondary spec¬ trum can be made very visible by prisms, and if we use a prism of oil of cassia to correct the colour pro¬ duced by another of sulphuric acid, we shall have a strik¬ ing ocular proof of the existence of a large secondary spectrum. The phenomena of a secondary spectrum will be under¬ stood from fig. 76, where RR is a ray passing through an aperture in the window-shutter SS, and refracted by a prism P in the direction PM, so as to form the spectrum AB on the wall—PA being the extreme violet ray, PM the mean ray, and PB the extreme red. The spectrum will consist of four palpable colours,—red, green, blue, and violet; and if the prism is one of crown-glass, the mean ray PMN which bisects the spectrum will be at the boundary of the blue and green spaces. If we were to take a prism of flint- glass with a much less refracting angle, and form a spec¬ trum CD of the same length as AB, and at the same dis¬ tance from the prism, the line mn which marks the bound¬ ary of the blue and green spaces will no longer be the Chromatics mean ray of the spectrum, but will be decidedly nearer the V— red extremity D. The least refrangible half of the spec¬ trum has therefore been more contracted, and the most refrangible half more expanded than in the crown-glass spectrum. If we now take a prism of sulphate of barytes or fluor spar, capable of forming a third spectrum EF of the same length as the other two, the boundary of the blue and green spaces will now be at gv, nearer the violet than the red extremity of the spectrum, and the least refrangible half of this spectrum will be more expanded, and the most refrangible half more contracted, than in the crown-glass spectrum. “ If a spectrum,” says Sir David Brewster,2 “ formed by flint-glass, had its co’oured spaces exactly of the same di¬ mensions with those of an equal spectrum formed by crown-glass, any object, such as a window-bar lying parallel to the common section of the refracting planes of the two prisms, shouldappear perfectly colourless when seen through the combined prisms. But if the coloured spaces in the two spectra are not proportional, as shown in fig. 76, but are irrational, then the window-bar cannot be wholly free from colour, for though the extreme red and violet rays of both the spectra are united, yet the intermediate colours are not rendered coincident. In the spectrum AB, formed by the crown-glass, the first green ray MN, which is here the mean ray, is obviously more refracted than the first green ray mn in the spectrum CD formed by the flint- glass, and therefore the flint-glass will not be able to re¬ fract the green ray so as to unite it with the red and violet. Hence the green ray will, as it were, be left behind, while the red and violet rays are rendered coincident. Thus, if a prism p of flint-glass is placed behind a crown-glass prism P, so as exactly to correct its dispersion, the spec¬ trum AB will be reduced to a secondary spectrum ab, the upper half of which is green, which is left behind, and the lower half is of a claret colour, formed by the union of the red and violet rays. If the bar of a window had been ex¬ amined through the combined prism Vp, the upper side of it would have been tinged with green, and the lower side of it with a claret-coloured fringe. “ By comparing, in a similar manner, the spectrum EF, formed by fluor spar, with the spectrum AB, formed by crown-glass, it will be found that the fluor spar, having a greater action than the crown-glass upon the green ray, will carry it beyond the place of the united red and violet, and will form a secondary spectrum ef the lower half of which is green, and the upper half of a claret colour, arising from the union of the red and violet light. If the bar of a window were viewed through the combined prisms of crown-glass and rock-crystal, it would be tinged with green on its lower side, and with a claret-coloured fringe on its upper side. “ When ahorizontal window-bar, therefore,is seen through any two prisms which correct each other’s dispersion, with¬ out uniting all the colours, the green fringe will always be 1 Edin. Trane., vol. iii., p. 3. a Treaties on New Philosophical Instruments, 1813, p. 356. 585 OPTICS. Chromatics on the same side of the bar with the vertex of the prism which has the least action upon the green light, or which contracts the red and green rays, and expands the blue and violet ones ; that is, if the vertex of the flint-glass prism is * pointing downwards, the uncorrected green fringe will be on the lower side of the bar. By observing, therefore, the position of the green fringe, we can immediately ascertain which of the two prisms has the greatest action upon the green light. The "following table contains the result of a numerous series of observations made by Sir David Brewster on the secondary spectra of different bodies, the substances being arranged inversely according to their action upon green light. The bodies at the top of the table form spectra in which the red and green spaces are most contracted, and the blue and violet ones most expanded. The rela¬ tive position of some of the substances, particularly the essential oils, is quite empirical; but by a refer¬ ence to the original experiments, it will be seen whether or not the relative action of any two bodies has been deter¬ mined.1 Table of Transparent Bodies arranged inversely accord¬ ing to their Action upon Green Light. 1. Oil of cassia. Sulphur. Sulphuret of carbon. Balsam of Tolu. 5. Carbonate of lead. Essen, oil of bitter almonds. Oil of anise-seeds. Oil of cummin. Oil of sassafras. 10. Oil of amber. Acetate of lead melted. Opal-coloured glass. Orange-coloured glass, lied-coloured glass. 15. Oil of sweet fennel seeds. Oil of cloves. Muriate of antimony. Oil of lavender. Canada balsam. 20. Oil of turpentine. Oil of sage. Oil of pennyroyal. Oil of poppy. Oil of hyssop. 25. Oil of spearmint. Amber. Oil of lemon. Oil of caraway-seeds. Oil of nutmegs. 30. Oil of thyme. Oil of peppermint. Oil of bergamot. Oil of marjoram. Oil of wormwood. 35. Oil of dill seeds. Oil of chamomile. Castor-oil. Gum copal. Kosin. 40. Diamond. Nitrate of potash. Oil of beech-nut. Oil of rue. Oil of savin. 45. Nut-oil. Balsam of capivi. Oil of fenugreek. Oil of rosemary. Oil of rhodium. 50. Flint-glass. Zircon. Oil of olives. Oil of rape-seed. Oil of spermaceti. 55. Oil of juniper. Oil of ambergris. Calcareous spar. Rock-salt. Gum juniper. 60. Tartrate of potash and soda. Oil of almonds. Crown-glass. Gum-arabic. Alcohol. 65. Ether. Borax, glass of. Borax. Tourmaline. Leucite. 70. Selenite. Beryl. Topaz, blue. Fluor spar. Citric acid. 75. Malic acid. Acetic acid. Nitrous acid. Muriatic acid. Prussic acid. 80. Nitric ticid. Rock-crystal. White of an egg. Ice. Water. 85. Super-sulphuretted hydro¬ gen. Phosphorous acid. Sulphurous acid. Phosphoric acid. 89. Sulphuric Acid. Dr Blair Finding it impossible to obtain any highly dispersing a plan a ti a medium which should refract the rays of the spectrum in the telescop ’ o same manner as crown-glass, Dr Blair thought of employ¬ ing this very imperfection in obtaining a perfect correction of colour. As the green rays remained the outstanding ones, or were not united in the same focus with the red and Fig. 77. violet, he considered that if an achromatic concave lens should refract the outstanding green more strongly than the v romatlcs united red and violet, while an achromatic convex lens " should also refract the outstand¬ ing green more strongly than the united red and violet, then twro such achromatic lenses combined might unite the outstanding green with the red and violet, and thus effect a perfect union of all the colours. Hence he took the com¬ bination shown in fig. 77, for a concave lens, composed of a con¬ cave lens ab, of crown-glass, and a convex lens cd of a fluid which had its dispersive power of such a character as to unite the red and violet rays as stated in the figures, and leave the green out¬ standing and most refracted. He then made an achromatic convex lens, fig. 78, composed of a convex lens hg of an essential oil, the same as that in cd, which disperses the rays in a lesser degree, and of a concave lens efgh of an essential oil which disperses the rays in a much greater degree. This compound lens has its convexity such as to unite at a convenient distance, rays which diverge from the violet focus of the compound concave lens shown in fig. 77, and there¬ fore its focal length must be much shorter than the other, like the flint lens in a common achroma¬ tic. But though the focal lengths of the two compound lenses are thus different, yet, the distance or deviation of the outstanding green from the united red and violet is equal in both. When these two compound lenses are placed in contact, as shown in fig. 79, it is manifest that the equal and oppo¬ site deviations of the green ray will balance each other, and that this ray will therefore be united with the red and violet, and thus form a pencil exempt from se¬ condary colours. The plates of glass shown by dotted lines at ef, cd, though necessary when the two compound lenses are se¬ parate, as in figs. 77, 78, are of course removed, since the two fluids which they separate, as fig. 79, are the same. Hence the compound object-glass consists of a concave lens of crown-glass ab, of a meniscus ef of a fluid, and a convex glass of another fluid, inclosed between two glasses like watch-glasses. Dr Blair found it best in practice to make all the glasses concave meniscuses, in place of having all the concavity in one lens ab. In continuing his experiments, Dr Blair happened to try the muriatic acid mixed with a metallic solution. He found it best to make his compound convex lens, as shown in fig. 78, of crown-glass and that fluid, which enabled him to cor¬ rect the colour of the compound concave in fig. 77, and like- 4 ii VOL. XVI. 1 Brewster’s Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments, pp. 373-387. 586 OPTICS. Chromatics wise to correct the aberration of figure by a concave which lengthens only by one-third the focal distance of the convex. When he was trying a compound concave formed only of crown-glass and muriatic acid, he observed that this fluid produced an inverted secondary spectrum, and gave a primary spectrum in which the green rays were among the most refrangible; and hence he was con¬ ducted to the idea of forming a compound lens consisting merely of a single concave lens of muriatic acid placed between a plano-convex and a meniscus of crown-glass. In this lens, which he actually constructed and used, he ob-' serves that the rays of different colours were hent from their rectilineal course with the same equality and regularity as in reflection} In such telescopes, Dr Blair found that when the focal length of the object-glass was nine inches, the aperture might be increased as far as three inches; and in order to distinguish such instruments where the aberration is re¬ moved, from achromatic ones in which it is only partially removed, he proposed the use of the term aplanatic} ^80- Section IV.—On the Tertiary Spectrum, and the Method of Correcting the Aberration of Colour by Prisms and Lenses of the same kind of Glass. Tertiary spectrum. The existence of the tertiary spectrum was discovered experimentally by Sir David Brewster, who deduced it also from the constant ratio of the sines. It is produced when the dispersion of a prism of any substance is corrected by another prism of the same substance with a different refracting angle. An irrationality takes place in the coloured spaces, which prevents the correction of colour from being complete. The residuary spectrum was there¬ fore called the tertiary spectrum, merely to distinguish it from the secondary one, which is produced by the specific quality in the refracting media, which act in opposition to each other. In examiningthephenomenaofthisnewspectrum, Sir David Brewster was led to a very paradoxical method of exhibiting it. Having formed ^ a prism of oilMlte“ of cassia, with a ^ large refracting Fig. 81. angle, and viewing through it the broadest horizontal bar of a window, so that the edges of the bar were free of all colours, he inclined the prism so as to make the bar exhibit at its edges the prismatic colours, as shown in fig. 81, where the edges Z>M and cN had spectra iaM, c/’N, consisting of the usual red and yellow rays, while the edges eM, 6N had spectra edM, bcS composed of the usual blue and violet rays. rI hese spectra increased from b and e towards M and N, and at the nodes b, e, where the spectra would have vanished, had each face of the prism received the rays symmetrically, the tertiary spectrum was clearly displayed in the form of a green and yellow fringe. In order to produce refraction without colour by two prisms of the same kind of glass, they may be combined, as in fig. 82, where a ray of light R in¬ cident on the first prism AB is re- r fracted to the axis m MF at F. I he Fig. 82. prism AB has a smaller refracting angle than CD, and is ^ acc ,in an oblique position, so that its dispersion is in- ci eased in a greater ratio than its refraction, for the purpose of correcting the dispersion of CD without balancing its Chromatics refraction; the prism CD having a position in which its re- v t fraction and dispersion are a minimum. The ray R will therefore converge colourless, and meet the axis at F. If the prisms have the same refracting angle, and are placed in the position shown in fig. 83, the ray R will emerge colourless in the direction mr. This combination of prisms, as well as that in fig. 82, has the property of expanding all ob¬ jects viewed through them, in a vertical plane passing through their sections BA CD; that is, of magnifying them in one plane. Hence, if we place another similar pair of prisms horizontally, this pair also will magnify objects in a horizon¬ tal plane, and by combining these two pair of prisms, we obtain an instrument which will expand or magnify objects in all directions. This instrument was first constructed by Sir David Brewster in 1812, under the name of a teinoscope, for alter¬ ing the proportions of objects in plans and drawings, by expanding them differently in rectangular directions ;a and there is reason to think that Dr Blair was acquainted with this method of magnifying objects by prisms. Mr Archi¬ bald Blair some years ago put into Sir David Brewster’s hands an instrument of this kind, composed of four prisms, which had been executed by his father, but the date of its construction he had no means of discovering. There cannot, therefore, be the shadow of a doubt that both the principles and the invention of an instrument for magnify¬ ing objects by means of prisms, were known and published in Scotland long before the celebrated M. Amici of Florence brought forward a contrivance of the same kind. That M. Amici’s invention was an independent one will not be questioned. As we conceive that a telescope of this kind may have many useful applications, we have given in the annexed figure a sketch of the instrument as actually fitted up for use. It consists of two prisms, AB, AC of the same kind of glass, and having a small refracting an- Fig. 84. gle. Their common line of junction at A is horizontal, and their planes of refraction vertical. Other two similar prisms DE, EF, are placed transversely, their common line of junction at E being vertical, and their planes of refraction horizontal. An object M, therefore, seen through the prisms in the direction OM, by an eye placed at O, will be magnified three, four, or five times, or more, ac¬ cording to the inclination and angles of the prisms. It is expanded or stretched out in a horizontal plane by the two first prisms ED, EF, and then expanded and stretched out in a vertical plane by the other two prisms AB, CD. If w’e use homogeneous light, we may construct the in¬ strument with only two prisms, as there is no necessity for correcting the colour with a second prism. For solar observations, the two prisms will constitute a telescope, a darkening glass being used as in other instruments. It will be thus equally useful for viewing the lines in the spec¬ trum, where homogeneous light is necessarily used ; and by placing two, three, or four instruments in the same tube, we 1 Edin. Trans., vol. iii., p. 53. 2 Ibid. 3 Edin. Phil. Jour., vol. vi., p. 334, April 1822. OPTICS. 587 Phenome¬ na of the spectrum. Prismatic may obtain any magnifying power we desire. The length Spectrum. 0f the instrument which we have drawn is only two inches and three-quarters. Sect. V—On the Optical Phenomena of the Spectrum. Although the discovery of the principle, and the actual construction of achromatic and aplanatic telescopes had directed the attention of many observers to the nature of the prismatic spectrum, yet, with the exception of its vary¬ ing length in different bodies, and the continuity of its coloured spaces, no attempt was made to question the general account of its phenomena given by Sir Isaac Newton. Owing to his having used the diameter of the sun as the body from which his spectrum was formed, and to the diffi¬ culty of procuring in his day good prisms of glass, Sir Isaac never obtained anything like pure homogeneous light, and was therefore unable to determine the exact boundaries of the coloured spaces. Had the spectrum been observed in the same manner on the planet Mercury and on Saturn, the spectrum produced by the same prism would have been very different. On Mercury the rays would have been less pure and homogeneous than that observed on our earth, and the mean refrangible rays of a different colour; while on Saturn the colours would have been more pure and homogeneous. 1. Discoveries of Dr Wollaston. The first person, in so far as we know, who proposed to form the spectrum by using a very narrow pencil of light in place of the sun, was Dr Wollaston, to whom we owe many most valuable observations on the subject. “ I cannot,” says he, “ conclude these observations on dispersion, without remarking, that the colours into which a beam of white light is separable by refraction, appear to me Discoveries of Dr Wol¬ laston. Fig. 85. Fixed lines to be neither seven, as they usually are seen in the rainbow, truin'3 S^CC" nor ret^llc^^e by any means (that I can find) to three, as some persons have conceived; but that by employing a very narrow pencil of light, four primary divisions of the prismatic spectrum may be seen with a degree of distinct¬ ness, that I believe has not been described nor observed before. If abeam of daylight be admitted into a dark room by a crevice ^ of an inch broad, and received by the eye at the distance of ten or twelve feet through a prism of flint- glass,/ree from veins, held near the eye, the beam is seen to be separated into the four following colours only, red, yel¬ lowish-green, blue, and violet, in the proportions represented in the figure. “ The line A that bounds the red side of the spectrum is somewhat confused, which seems in part owing to the want of power in the eye to converge red light. The line B, between red and green in a certain position of the prism, is perfectly distinct; so also are D, and E, the two limits of violet. But C, the limit of green and blue, is not so clearly marked as the rest; and there are also, on each side of this limit, other distinct dark lines,/and .9, either of Prismatic which, in an imperfect experiment, might be mistaken for the Spectrum, boundary of these colours. “ The position of the prism in which the colours are most clearly divided, is when the incident light makes about equal angles with two of its sides. I then found that the spaces AB,BC,CD,DE, occupied by them, were nearly as the numbers 16, 23, 36, 25.” Dr Wollaston adds, that when the inclination of the prism is altered so as to in¬ crease the dispersion of the colours, the proportions of them to each other are then also changed, so that the spaces AC and CE, instead of being as before 39 and 61, may be found altered as far as 42 and 58. The lines which Dr Wollaston has described in the pre¬ ceding observations, are called the fixed lines in the spec¬ trum, and may be considered, as we shall presently have reason to see, as one of the most valuable observations which have been made on this subject. He owed the discovery solely to his having used a narroiver line of light, and had he employed a still narrower and brighter line, he would have seen many more lines. In considering Dr Wollaston’s observations, and com¬ paring the results with those of Sir Isaac Newton, we must carefully attend to the circumstance, that he used a beam of daylight, not one of sunlight, and as this beam eman¬ ated from the blue sky, and was light which had been greatly modified by the action of the atmosphere, as we shall soon show, his estimate of the number and nature of the coloured spaces does not in the least affect or invalidate the obser¬ vations of preceding authors. The sun’s light used by Newton had lost many of its rays by the absorptive action of the atmosphere, before it fell upon Dr Wollaston’s prism. In consequence of taking it for granted that Dr Wollaston was analysing the same kind of light that Sir Isaac New¬ ton analysed, both he and Dr Young were misled in the interpretation of the phenomena. Speaking of the obser¬ vations of Newton and his followers, Dr Young says, “ The observations were however imperfect, and the analogy was wholly imaginary. Dr Wollaston has determined the division of the coloured image or spectrum in a much more accurate manner than had been done before; by looking through a prism at a narrow line of light, he produces a more effec¬ tual separation of the colours than can be obtained by the common method of throwing the sun’s image on a wall. The spectrum formed in this manner consists of four colours only, red, green, blue and violet, which occupy spaces in the proportion of 16, 23, 36, and 25, respectively, making together 100 for the whole length ; the red being nearly one-sixth, the green and the violet each about one-fourth, and the blue more than one-third of the length. The colours differ scarcely at all in quality within their respec¬ tive limits, but they vary in brightness; the greatest inten¬ sity of light being in that part of the green which is nearest to the red. A narrow line of yellow is generally visible at the limit of the red and green; but its breadth scarcely exceeds that of the aperture by which the light is admitted, and Dr Wollaston attributes it to the mixture of the red with the green light.1 There are also several dark lines crossing the spectrum within the blue portion and in its neighbourhood, in wdiich the continuity of the light seems to be interrupted. This distribution of the spectrum Dr Wollaston has found to be the same whatever refracting substance may have been employed for its formation ; and he attributes the difference which has sometimes been observed in the proportion, to accidental variations of the obliquity of the rays.”2 Hence Dr Young was led to sup¬ pose that the yellow line was the accidental union of the 1 Dr Young has given in his Elements of Natural Philosophy, vol. i., p. 786, plate 29, a small coloured drawing of the spectrum as seen by Dr Wollaston and himself, with the yellow line. This line has no existence in the true solar spectrum. 2 Nat. Phil., vol. ii., p. 637» 588 OPTICS. Prismatic extremity of the red and green spaces,—to regard yelloio Spectrum. as a niixture o\' red <\x\d green light, and to suppose that the green space consisted only of homogeneous green without any mixture of yellow. In consequence, says he, ot Dr Wollaston’s correction of the description ot the pris¬ matic spectrum compared with these observations, it became necessary to modity the supposition that I advanced in the last Bakerian lecture respecting the proportions of the sympathetic fibres of the retina ; substituting ked, green, and violet, for red, yellow, and blue.” In this manner the yellow space was struck out of the spectrum on the authority of Dr Wollastons observations . 2. Discoveries of Fraunhofer. mscoveries Without knowing anything of the discovery of fixed lines of Fraun- jn skylight by Dr Wollaston, M. Fraunhofer, a cele- hofer- brated practical optician at Benedictbaiern, near Munich, made a series of the most beautiful discoveries respecting the spectrum, which he published in 1814 and 1815. By making use of prisms of uniform density, and entirely free of veins, and by excluding all extraneous light, and stopping the rays which formed the coloured spaces which he was not examining, he made the important discovery that the Lines in solar spectrum was covered with a great number of black the spec- lines of different thicknesses parallel to each other, and tram. perpendicular to the length of the spectrum. All kinds of prisms, fluid or solid, provided they were good, exhibited the same lines, and Fraunhofer found that these5 lines had a fixed position in the spectrum, and that thev varied with the length of the spectrum, the distance between any two affording a precise measure of the action of the prism on the rays in which these two lines were placed. These lines are darker than the rest of the spec¬ trum, and some of them appear entirely black. The largest lines could scarcely be seen if the aperture exceeded a minute, and the finest lines also disappeared entirely when Prismatic the aperture was 40." The aperture used by Fraunhofer Spectrum, was nearly one-fiftieth of an inch wide, and 2-88 inches high. The prism was made of flint-glass, and had a re¬ fracting angle of nearly 60°, and was placed before the object-glass of the telescope so that the angles of inci¬ dence and emergence were equal, or the angle of refrac¬ tion a minimum. This apparatus is shown in fig. 86, Fig. 86. where the prism is seen in front of the object-glass of the telescope of a repeating theodolite resting on a horizontal plane with a steel axis, round which it moves. When the prism was turned round, so as to increase the angle of incidence, the lines disappeared, and the same took place when the angle of incidence was diminished. But the lines reappeared at a greater incidence by shortening, and at a smaller incidence by lengthening the telescope. The solar prismatic spectrum, as seen by Fraunhofer, is represented in fig. 87, which has been abridged, and many Fig. 87. of the lines necessarily omitted, Fraunhofer himself having been obliged to leave them out of his map. At the line A the red space nearly terminates, and the violet space at I; but when the light of an illuminated cloud fell upon the aperture in the prism, the spectrum appeared to terminate on one side at B, and on the other between G and H. At A there is a distinct and well-defined line, the boundary of the red space being a little beyond it. “At a there is a mass of lines, forming together a band darker than the ad¬ jacent parts. The line at B is very distinct, and of a con¬ siderable thickness. From B to C may be reckoned nine very delicate and well-defined lines. The line at C is broad, and black like D. Between C and D are found nearly thirty very fine lines, which, however, with the ex¬ ception of two, cannot be perceived but with a high magni¬ fying power, and with prisms of great dispersion; they are besides well defined. The same is the case with the lines between B and C. The line D consists of two strong lines separated by a bright one. Between D and E we recog¬ nise about 84 lines of different sizes. That at E consists of several lines, of which the middle one is the strongest. From E to 5 there are nearly twenty-four lines. At b there are three very strong ones, two of which are separated by a fine and clear line. They are among the strongest in the spec¬ trum. The space 6F contains nearly fifty-two lines, of which F is very strong. Between F and G there are about 185 lines of different sizes. At G many lines are accumulated, several of which are remarkable for their size. From G to H there are nearly 190 different lines. The two bands at H are of a very singular nature. They are both nearly equal, and are formed of several lines, in the middle of which there is one very strong and deep. From H to I they likewise occur in great numbers. Hence it follows that, in the space BH, there are 574 lines. The relative distances of the strongest lines were measured with the theodolite, and placed in the figure from observation. The OPT | * Prismatic faintest lines only were inserted from estimation by the Spectrum, eye.” The lines in the solar spectrum which wre have thus minutely described after Fraunhofer, are not seen in the spectra formed by any white flame or white light, whether it is generated by ordinary combustion, or produced by the application of intense heat to a solid body. In the flame of a lamp, however, Fraunhofer discovered that there is a double yellow line occupying exactly the same place as the double line D, the two black lines of D corresponding with the two luminous ones of the double yellow line in lamp light. Flence it follows that ordinary white light, pro¬ duced in the manner already mentioned, has 590 rays of I C S. 589 a definite refrangibility which do not exist in solar light, Prismatic and hence the black lines have been called defective rays Spectrum, or lines. By means of the apparatus shown in fig. 86, Fraunhofer determined in a very accurate manner the distances be¬ tween the principal fixed lines1 B, C, D, E, F, G, H, taking those which divided the spectrum most conveniently. The line b, for example, w'ould have been better than E for its magnitude and distinctness, but it does not divide the space DF so equally. He repeated these observations with dif¬ ferent kinds of flint and crown glass of several fluids, and obtained the results given in the following table:— Table showing the Distances of the Principal Fixed Lines in the Spectrum in various Media, according to Fraunhofer. Different Combinations of Refracting Media. o> ci iHPn Flint-glass, No. 13 Crown-glass, No. 9 Water Ditto Sol. of potash in water. Oil of turpentine Flint-glass, No. 3 Ditto No. 30 Crown-glass, No. 13 Ditto Flint-glass, No. 23 Ditto, ditto 651° 63* 65f 65* 52* Angle of the Prism. 3-723 2- 535 1-000 1-000 1- 416 0-885 3- 512 3-695 2 535 2- 756 3- 724 3-724 26° 24' 39 20 5 5 5 5 41 21 42 43 27 42 56 60 15 45 23 Angle of Deviation. 27' 8" 38 19 36 40 36 40 45 56 20 12 35 16-6 3 9 26 35-4 39 13 55 13-2 45 12-2 BC 3' 2 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 3 11 6 16" 44-5 24 12-4 2 56 8 35-6 5 32-8 12-6 26 CD 9' 4"-2 7 23-5 8 10 8 10-6 10 26 13 52 8 22 6 56-8 8 14-4 9 37-6 31 14-8 17 47-8 11' 50" 9 14 9 58 9 57-5 12 54 18 46-1 10 46 9 12-6 10 28-2 12 29-8 41 21-4 23 31-8 10' 3 3"-9 8 14 8 38 8 30-5 11 12 16 14 9 50 8 19 9 10 11 1-6 38 14-8 21 23-8 20' 23"-9 15 10 15 16 15 15-6 20 36 31 8 19 10 16 15-6 17 14-8 20 53-6 1° 14 45-2 41 33-4 GH 18' 18" 13 18 12 41-9 12 46-2 17 24 27 28 17 10 14 32-2 14 48-4 18 17-4 3-6 28-8 1° 8 These valuable data were deduced from measures taken six times for each substance ; but as the theodolite tvas only twenty-four feet distant from the window ot his dark room, it became necessary to apply a correction to the angle of deviation p, arising from the distance 4’25 inches of the centre of the prism from the axis of the theodolite. This correction w'ould have been very great for twenty-four feet, and therefore Fraunhofer, to avoid the uncertainty which arises from a great correction, determined the angle p for the yellow ray of the light of a lamp which has the same refrangibility as D. When the lamp was placed at the distance of 692 feet, the correction of p for crown-glass and water was only 40". Hence for the smaller arcs, which were really measured, the corrections were very small, being only 2"-o for BC, 6"-5 for CD, and 8" for DE. All the angular distances, therefore, in the preceding table have had this correction applied to them. M. Fraunhofer then proceeded to determine the index of refraction m for the different fixed lines, and calling cr the angle of incidence, p the angle of emergence, ^ the angle of the prism, and to the index of refraction, he obtained, (sin p + cos if/ sin o-)2 + (sin. i/r sin o-)2\ sin if/ J When the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence, or the angle of deviation a minimum, and if p is the angle of deviation, or that which the emergent ray forms with the incident ray, we have sin Up + if/) m— —.- ■-{———. sin When the dispersive power of the body under examina¬ tion is very great, the value of the index of refraction m given by this last formula will not be rigorously correct, as the equality of the angles of incidence and emergence can only take place for one ray. Fraunhofer, therefore, mea¬ sured the distances BC, CD, when the distance of the two lines B and C, C and D was the smallest, which takes place when the ray or line which bisects these spaces has its angle of incidence and emergence equal. When the substances have a less dispersive power, or the prisms a smaller angle, the same cave is not necessary to obtain this degree of accuracy. If we then call E/n the index of refraction for the ray E, we have Em=sin ifc + f + DE); sin -^if/ and for the ray F, pm_sin jC/* + + DE + EF) sin ^if/ In this way Fraunhofer obtained the following indices of refraction for the different solids and fluids formerly used:— 1 The reader will be desirous of knowing which of these principal lines were discovered by Dr A\ollaston. The following attempt to do this is given by Sir David Brewster in his “Report on Optics,” published in the Proceedings of the British Association, vol. i., p. 320, note 2:—“ In the spectrum formed by a narrow beam of daylight, Dr Wollaston had, previously to the year 1802, discovered seven lines, which he has designated by the letters A, B,/, C, g, D, E; the first line A being, according to his observations, the extreme boundary of the red rays, and the last line E the extreme boundary of the violet rays. The correspondence of these lines with those of Fraunhofer I have with some difficulty ascertained to be as follows:— A, B, f, C, g, D, E,—Wollaston. B, D, b, F, G, H,—Fraunhofer. There is no single line in Fraunhofer's drawing in the spectrum (nor is there any in the real spectrum), coincident with the Iine C of Wollaston ; and indeed he himself describes it as not being “ so clearly marked as the rest.” 1 have found, however, that this line O corresponds to a number of lines half-way between 6 and F, w-hich, owing to the absorption of the atmosphere, are particularly visi e in the light of the sky near the horizon. In order to have seen the lines B and H of Fraunhofer, especially the last, Dr Wollaston s “ beam of daylight” must have come from a part of the sky very near the sun’s disc.” 590 OPTICS. Prismatic Spectrum. Table showing the Indices of liefraction corresponding to the Principal Fixed Lines of the Spectrum, in various Media, according to Fraunhofer} Prismatic Spectrum. Refracting Media. Flint-glass, No. 13 Crown-glass, No. 9 Water Ditto Solution of potash in water Oil of turpentine Flint-glass, No. 3 Ditto No. 30 Crown-glass, No. 13 Ditto Flint-glass, No. 23, prism of 60c Ditto No. 23, prism of 45° Bm 1-627749 1-525832 1-330935 1-330977 1-399629 1-470496 1-602042 1-623570 1-524312 1-554774 1-626596 1-626564 Cot 1-629681 1-526849 1-331712 1-331709 1-400515 1-471530 1-603800 1-625477 1-525299 1-555933 1-628469 1-628451 Dot 1-635036 1-529587 1-333577 1-333577 1-402805 1-474434 1-608494 1-630585 1-527982 1-559075 1-633667 1-633666 Eot 1-642024 1-533005 1-335851 1-335849 1-405632 1-478353 1-614532 1-637356 1-531372 1-563150 1-640495 1-640544 Fot 1-648260 1-536052 1-337818 1-337788 1-408082 1-481736 1-620042 1-643466 1-534337 1-566741 1-646756 1-646780 Got 1-660285 1-541657 1-341293 1-341261 1-412579 1-488198 1-630772 1-655406 1-539908 1-573535 1-658848 1-658849 Hot 1-671062 1 546566 1-344177 1-344162 1-416368 1-493874 1-640373 1-666072 1-544684 1-579470 1-669686 1-669680 niuminat- Before he proceeded to employ these results to the con¬ ing power stmction of achromatic telescopes, Fraunhofer endeavoured of the spec- 1 trum. to determine by exact measurement the illuminating power of the spectrum at different points. In order to do this, he A constructed an apparatus represented in figs. 88, 89. To an eye-glass E, made on purpose for the telescope of the theodolite, he applied a small plane metallic mirror a, the edge of which being well defined, cut the field of the telescope in the middle, as shown in the figure. It was placed at an angle of 45° to the axis of the object-glass A, and in its focus. The eye¬ glass E is pulled out till the edge of the small speculum a is distinctly seen. At the side of the eye-glass, and in a direction at right angles to the edge of the speculum a, or to the axis of the telescope, he fixed a tube c&B, cut at the point b in the direction of its length, and in this opening he placed a narrow and a shorter tube MN, whose section is seen at b, crossing the larger tube cB at right angles. A small flame, supplied with oil from an external ves¬ sel, was placed in the tube MN(fig. 88), so as to be in the axis of the tube cB. At the point of the ft Fig. 89. narrow tube b or MN, where it was cut bv the axis of the tube cB, was a small round aperture for allowing the light of the flame to fall upon the speculum a. Hence it follows that the eye at E will see in half of the field the speculum a illuminated by the flame, and in the other half the colours of the spectrum formed by a prism placed, as formerly described, before the object-glass A. By making the tube MN and the flame approach the speculum, we increase its degree of illumination, and can therefore make it equal to the illumination of the part of the spectrum which we wish to determine. In this way he obtained for each coloured space in the spectrum a certain distance of the flame from the speculum, which afforded a measure of the intensity of illumination, the squares of the distances being inversely as the intensities. With the prism of flint-glass, No. 13, having an angle of 26° 24' 5", he obtained the following results. Though the experiments were made in clear weather, and at noon, he sometimes perceived, in the course of the observations, a slight change in the density of the light which the prism received. The differences in the four sets of expeiaments may have been partly owing to this change, and the flame may also have changed its intensity in the course of the observations. If we call the intensity of the light at the brightest part of the spectrum 1, we shall then have the intensities at the different points as under:— Table showing the Intensity of Illumination at different points of the Spectrum. Points of the Spectrum where the illumination was measured. At the line B At „ C At „ D At 2-7ths of DE from E At the line E At „ F At „ H At „ G Intensity of Light. Exp.l. Exp. 2. Exp. 3. Exp. 4. Mean 0-0100 0-0480 0-6100 1-0000 0-4400 0-0840 0-0100 0-00110 0-044 0-096 0-590 1-000 0-38 0-14 0-029 0-0072 0053 0-15 0-72 1-00 0-61 0-25 0 053 0-009 0-020 0084 0-62 1-00 0-49 0-19 0-032 0-005 0-032 0 094 0-640 1-000 0-480 0-170 0-031 00056 Fraunhofer found the brightest part of the spectrum at the distance of nearly it or £ of DE from D. The results of the preceding experiments are expressed in the curve which accompanies the spectrum in fig. 87, the preceding values in the last column of the table being the ordinates of the curve, and the angular distances BC, CD in the table on the preceding page, for flint-glass, No. 13, being the abscissae. If we suppose that the quantity of the light in the differently coloured spaces is represented by the areas of 1 The Abbe Dutiron has recently made a series of experiments with various kinds of glass, with a new instrument constructed by Brunner of Paris. (See Annalti do Chimie, 3d aerie*, tom. XXviil.) Prismatic Spectrum. Irrational¬ ity of the coloured spaces proved. Fixed lines in starlight. the curves BC, CD, we shall obtain the following results,— the area of the space DE being made equal to unity :— Quantity of light in, or area of, BC 0021 CD 0-300 DE DOOO Quantity of light in,or area of. EF 0-32S FG 0-185 GH 0035 Hence it follows, that in Fraunhofer’s spectrum the most luminous ray is nearer the red than the violet end of the spectrum, in the ratio of 1 to 3-o, and that the mean ray is almost in the middle of the blue space. Sir John Herschel has rendered visible the chemical rays Prismatic beyond the visible "violet rays: their colour is that of la- Spectrum. vender-gray; but they require to be concentrated with v'—^ a lens in order to be seen.1 2 M. Fraunhofer next proceeds to apply these interest-Achroma- ing results to the construction of achromatic combinationstlc potnbi- for telescopes. From his table, given at the top of thenatl0ns* preceding page, he obtains the following ratios of the different dispersive powers of the differently coloured rays in the different combinations mentioned in the first column:— Table showing the Hatios of the Dispersion of the differently-coloured Rays for each combination of Media? Refracting Media. Cn'—Bn' Flint-glass, No. 13, and water Flint-glass, No. 13, and crown-glass. No. 9 Crown-glass, No. 9, and water Oil of turpentine and water Flint-glass, No. 13, and oil of turpen¬ tine Flint-glass, No. 13, and kali Kali and water Oil of turpentine and kali Flint-glass, No. 3, and crown-glass, No. 9 Crown-glass, No. 13, and water Crown-glass and water Crown-glass, No. 2, and crown-glass, No. 13 Flint-glass, No. 13, and crown-glass Flint-glass, No. 3, and crown-glass Flint-glass, No. 30, and crown-glass, No. 13 Flint-glass, No. 23, and crown-glass, No. 13 2562 1-900 1-349 1- 371 1-868 2- 181 1-175 1-167 1-729 1-309 1-537 1-174 1-667 1-517 1-932 1-904 J)n'—Cn' Bn—Cn 2-871 1-956 1-468 1-557 1- 844 2- 338 1-228 1-268 1-714 1-436 1-682 1-171 1-704 1-494 1-904 1-940 En'—Dn' En—Dn 3-073 2-044 1-503 1-723 1- 783 2- 472 1-243 1-386 1-767 1-492 1-794 1-202 1-715 1-482 1- 997 2- 022 Fn'—En' 3-193 2-047 1-560 1-732 1- 843 2- 545 1-254 1-381 1-808 1-518 1-839 1-211 1-737 1- 534 2- 061 2-107 Gn'—Fn' 3-460 2-145 1- 613 1-860 1-861 2- 674 1-294 1-437 1-914 1-604 1-956 1-220 1-770 1- 579 2- 143 2-168 3-726 2-195 1-697 1-963 1- 899 2- 844 1-310 1-498 1-956 1- 651 2- 052 1243 1-816 1-618 2-233 2-268 The important results embodied in the preceding table, completely overturn the opinion of Dr Wollaston respect¬ ing the proportionality of the different colours, and establish beyond all question the irrationality of the coloured spaces. In the very first combination, for example, of flint-glass and water, the ratio of the dispersion of the rays in the red space BC is as 1 to 2-56, whereas in the violet space GH it is as high as 1 to 3‘726. In the combination ol flint- glass and oil of turpentine, we have a case where the irra¬ tionality is very trifling, and what Fraunhofer has not ob¬ served, the irrationality is nothing between the orange and blue spaces, and almost nothing between the red and indigo, but very considerable between the green and all the other- spaces, and a maximum between the green and the violet. The differences of the ratios, too, are negative or diminish¬ ing in the two first or least refrangible spaced, and positive in all the rest, the negative differences nearly balancing the positive ones; whereas, with very trifling exceptions, the ratios increase towards the most refrangible extremity of the spectrum. To tire Chevalier Fraunhofer we owe also the discovery of many fixed lines in the light of the planets and fixed stars. As the light of our sun is defective in so many rays, it was to be expected that the light of all the planets which he illuminates would be equally defective in the same rays. In the brighter colours of the moon's spectrum, we find the same fixed lines as in the sun’s light, and in the same place. The spectra from the light of Mars and Venus con¬ tained the lines D, E, b, and F, of solar light, and precisely in the same place. In the spectrum of Sirius he was unable to perceive fixed lines in the orange and yelloio colours, but in the green he saw a very strong streak, and in the blue other two very strong ones, having no resemblance to any of the lines in the solar spectrum. Castor gives a spectrum resembling that of Sirius. The streak in the green was so intense, that, notwithstanding the weakness of the light, he ascertained by measurement that it occu¬ pied the same place as the green streak in Sirius. He dis¬ tinguished also the two streaks in the blue, but he could not ascertain their place. In the spectrum of Pollux he found many weak and fixed lines, which resembled those of Venus. The line D he saw distinctly, and occupying the same place as in the pure light. In the spectrum of Capella he saw the lines D and b as in solar light. The spectrum of Belalgeus contains numerous fixed lines, which in a favourable atmosphere are sharply defined. There were lines like the solar ones D and b. In the spectrum from Procyon, some lines were perceived with difficulty, but they were not sufficiently distinct to be measured. In the orange space, however, he saw a line at D. In all these stars the light is colourless; that is, the de- Defective fective rays are equally numerous in the differently colouredlines in spaces of their spectra, or are so balanced that the obstruc- tion of light at these places does not affect the whiteness of their light. Presuming that in coloured stars the colour was caused by defective rays being more numerous in one part of the spectrum than in another, Sir David Brewster had an opportunity many years ago of confirming the con- 1 Phil. Trans. 1840, p. 19. 2 M. Dutiron has also given, in the work already referred to, a table of the dispersive powers of the substances whose refractive powers he had measured. 592 Prismatic Spectrum. Longitudi¬ nal lines in the spec¬ trum. Bright lines in spectra of different flames. OPTICS. jecture by examining with a very fine prism of rock-salt the orange-coloured slax of the double star £ Herculis, when seen through Sir James South’s largest achromatic telescope. One defective band was observed in the red space, and two or more in the blue space, and consequently the orange colour of the star was owing to a greater defect of blue than of red rays. In examining the spectrum of the sun, Professor Zante- : deschi, now of Padua, discovered a set of longitudinal lines in the spectrum perpendicular to the fixed lines of Fraunhofer, and has published beautiful drawings of them in his Ricerche sulla Luce} They were ob¬ served by Wartman in 1840, and by various authors; but the general opinion has been, that they arise from minute irregularities or particles of dust on the slit or line of light from which the spectrum is formed. More accurate obser¬ vations, however, have given a different character to the phenomenon; and M. Babinet, who has investigated the subject, regards it as a true and valuable discovery. Pro¬ fessor Zantedeschi and Professor Ilagona Scina have found that the lines are produced only when a lens or telescope is used along with the prism; and M. Babinet, who has observed them with a very fine apparatus made by M. Porro, has given an interesting explanation of them. The lines themselves are sometimes broad and sometimes narrow, generally black, but sometimes luminous, depending on the focal length and nature of the lens or lenses. When a lens has a proper diaphragm, M. Arago found that, setting out from its focus, the axis of a luminous pencil pre¬ sents a series of dark and bright points, surrounded with nar¬ row rays, bright and obscure, such as are shown in figs. 126, 127, 128, and described in section 3. Now, in Zantedeschi’s experiments “ every point of the luminous slit, according to its distance from the prism, the screen, or the eye-glasses, gives dark or bright spots, which are transformed by the action of the prism into longitudinal lines either dark or bright. The centre of a black ring, in dilating itself longi¬ tudinally, will give a large black line. The centre of a brilliant ring will in like manner produce a large bright line, coloured prismatically from red to violet. The dark and bright narrow rays will be produced from the dark and bright narrow rings which surround the bright and dark centres; and finally, according to all the circumstances of the relative position and magnitude of all the pieces of the apparatus, we ought to have an immense variety in the posi¬ tion and brightness of the different longitudinal lines.2 In the spectrum of the light of a lamp, and generally of all white flames, none of the defective lines are found, and consequently all such flames contain rays which do not exist in the light of the sun and stars. Fraunhofer, how¬ ever, observed in the orange space of the spectrum from the light of a lamp a bright line more distinct than the rest of the spectrum. He found it to be double, each bright line corresponding with each of the two dark lines forming the line D of the solar spectrum, already described in the preceding section. If we throw any of the salts of soda into the flame, the bright orange line D be¬ comes more brilliant, and I have discovered in the salted- wick flame a bright line placed nearly half-way between the two that compose D. On the less refrangible side of D I have found three equidistant bright lines in the salted- wick spectrum, the least refrangible of the three correspond¬ ing with a defective line in the solar spectrum lying be¬ tween Band D1 of Fraunhofer. I have discovered also Prismatic a band in the solar spectrum corresponding with the space Spectrum, between the two of the most refrangible of these three bright lines. Designating the two lines of D by the letters a, b, and the other three bright lines by c, d, h, and the small line between a and b bye, we have ab = cd=dh; bc= Ifai, and ae less than eb. When nitrate of strontian is thrown into an alcohol flame, a great number of brilliant red lines are exhibited on the most refrangible side ofD9, corresponding with defective lines in the pure light, and a few on the less refrangible side of D. In the spectrum produced by the combustion of nitre upon charcoal I have observed brilliant red lines corre¬ sponding with the double lines A and B, and with the group of eight lines between A and B in Fraunhofer’s map.3 In a series of experiments on the spectra produced in the combustion of various mineral and saline substances in oxygen and carburetted hydrogen gas, I observed many defective bands and lines, which gave to the flames the colour of the predominating rays, and also numerous bright lines analogous to those which have already been described.4 Sect. VI.—On the Physical Properties op the Spectrum. The physical properties of the spectrum, which have been Physical the subject of experimental investigation, are its heating properties power, and the chemical and apparently magnetical in-of,lie fluence of its rays. spectrum. Heating Power of the Spectrum.—That the heat of the Heating coloured rays should be most intense where their light w'as P0W(ir- strongest was long the general belief of philosophers ; and Landriani, Rochon,5 and Sennebier, found by direct experi¬ ment that the highest temperature existed in the yellow space. Sir W. Herschel, however, found that the heating Sir W. power increased from the violet to the red space, and that Herschel. the thermometer continued to rise when placed beyond the visible red extremity of the spectrum. He therefore drew the conclusion, that there were invisible rays in the light of the sun which had the power of producing heat, and which had a less degree of reffangibility than red light. Sir W. Herschel attempted in vain to determine the index of re¬ fraction of the extreme invisible ray which possesses the power of heating; but he ascertained that at a point H inch distant from the extreme red ray the invisible rays exerted a considerable heating power, even though the thermometer was placed at the distance of 52 inches from the prism. In 1801 Sir Henry Englefield repeated these ex-Sir Henry periments; but he does not acquaint us with the kind Englefield. of glass of which his prism was made. Fie obtained the following results, which confirm those of Sir William Herschel:— Colours of the Spectrum. Blue Temperature, Eahr. 56 Green 58 Yellow 62 Red 72 Beyond red 79 1 Chap, iii., Venezia, 1846. 2 Comptes Rendus, tom. xxxv., p. 415. 3 Ibid., tom. xxx., p. 578. ^,See a brief notice of these experiments in the Report of the British Association for 1842, p. 15, and the North British Review, vol. vi., The Abbfe Rochon used a prism of flint-glass, and a thermometer containing spirits of wine, and he found the maximum tempera¬ ture in the yellow-orange rays. See his Opuscules, 1783. Dr Hutton, in his Philosophy of Light and Heat, Edin. 1794, p. 38, remarks that “ the compound^ light, which is white, has a greater power of giving vision in proportion to its power of exciting heat; whereas in the red species it is the opposite, for here the power of exciting heat is great in proportion to its power of giving vision.” Prismatic Spectrum. Later ex¬ periments. Berard. Wunsch. Seebeck. OPT From our author’s own account of the method of making these experiments, we place no confidence in the principal result respecting the invisible rays. “ As I had nothing to do with light” says he, “it was not necessary to darken the room ; and as I wished to accumulate as large a por¬ tion of solar heat as possible, I placed the prism in an open window” As the whole interest of these experi¬ ments was concentrated in the determination of invisible heating rays, Sir Henry had a great deal to do with light, as the whole question turned upon an exact appreciation of the termination of the spectrum. In a dark room the spectrum is much longer than in open day ; and we have reason to believe from experiment, that Sir Henry Engle- field’s spectrum did not visibly extend beyond the line C of Fraunhofer; so that his maximum temperature of 79° was actually found in the red rays. With the view of throwing light upon this subject, Sir David Brewster has endeavoured to ascertain the visible extent of the spectrum by various methods of condensing the light, and absorbing by coloured media the luminous parts of the spectrum. By these means he has traced the visible spectrum, and the fixed lines in it, as far beyond the line A as the distance of the group of lines a is from A, and has seen it indistinctly to a distance as great as AB beyond A. Hence there cannot be the least doubt that the experiments beyond the visible red were actually made when the thermometer was placed in the red space. He does not, however, infer from this that there are no invi¬ sible rays beyond the red ; but merely that the experiments of Herschel and Englefield were made in a part of the spectrum where rays of light actually exist. On the con¬ trary, Sir D. Brewster concludes that there are rays of heat of all degrees of refrangibility, and consequently con¬ sisting of waves of all degrees of breadth and velocity. When produced by a slight vibratory movement, the waves of heat are broad and slow; as the temperature rises, they become narrower and quicker in their motion. When their velocity is such as to equal that of the extreme red ray, they become faintly visible, and the other colours are suc¬ cessively produced by quicker motion, till white light is radiated. This seems to be the process by which incom¬ bustible bodies are gradually raised from the deepest red to the brightest white ; and if we examine by means of a prism the changes which take place in the gradually in¬ creasing light, we shall find that the different rays of the spectrum are successively added to the red light.1 He con¬ ceives, therefore, that the sun emits rays of all degrees of refrangibility, extending probably far beyond the visible extremity of the violet, and though not capable of being rendered sensible, yet exercising powerful influences in the economy of nature. M. Berard and Sir Humphry Davy obtained results analogous to those of Sir W. Herschel,—M. Berard finding the maximum heat at the very extremity of the red ray, and Sir H. Davy beyond it. The most valuable series of experiments on this subject were made by Professor Wunsch and Dr Seebeck of Berlin. So early as 1807, Professor Wunsch3 had made experi¬ ments with prisms of various substances, and obtained the following results:— Substances of which the Place of Maximum Prisms were made. Heat. Alcohol Yellow space. Oil of turpentine Yellow space. Water Yellow space. Green glass Red Yellow glass Extreme red. These results were confirmed by Dr Seebeck, who ob¬ tained the following new results :— ICS. Substances of which the Place of Maximum Prisms were made. Heat. Sulphuric acid, concentrated Orange. Solution of sal-ammoniac Orange. Solution of corrosive sublimate...Orange. Crown-glass Middle of red. Plate-glass Middle of the red. Flint-glass, English Beyond the red. Ditto Bohemian Beyond but nearer the red. 593 Prismatic Spectrum. The explanation which was given of these results by Sir Brewster. David Brewster accounts in a very satisfactory manner for all the phenomena. He conceives that transparent bodies have the power of absorbing or stopping certain rays of the thermometric spectrum, as Dr Robison called it, in the same manner as coloured bodies have the power of stopping certain rays of the luminous spectrum. These last bodies necessarily became coloured by stopping certain rays; but as the eye is not sensible to heat in the same manner as to light, the absorptive power of transparent bodies for heat can only be proved by the thermometer. He considers ivater as the type of bodies which are uniformly transparent for heat, as its maximum of heat coincides with its maxi¬ mum of light. A prism of crown-glass, on the contrary, is less uniformly transparent for heat; and its maximum of heat is in the red space, because it has absorbed much of the heat in the yellow space. In like manner, flint-glass has absorbed more of the heating rays in the red than the crown- glass, and hence its maximum is about the extremity of the red, or beyond the end of the sp'ectrum as commonly seen. In coloured media the maximum ordinate of their luminous spectrum shifts along the whole prismatic spec¬ trum ; sometimes there are two or more maxima of light, and sometimes narrow and wide spaces entirely defec¬ tive in light. Hence Sir David Brewster3 supposes that there are defective spaces and lines in the thermometric spectrum. This view of the subject suggests a new mode of in¬ vestigating the phenomena of the heating rays. If we take a prism of coloured glass to investigate the dark spaces and lines produced by absorbing media, we shall only have a very imperfect approximation to the true results ; that is, we never could have absolutely dark spaces in the spec¬ trum as long as all the rays that went to the formation of the spectrum passed through all the different thicknesses of the prism. The thinnest parts of the prism allow all the rays to pass, and consequently illuminate the whole spectrum, so that the actions of various thicknesses of the media are confounded, and the real absorptive action at a given thickness concealed. In like manner, in the spectrum of heat, the heating rays which pass through the thin parts of the prism will throw heat into every part of the spectrum ; and hence the experiments should be made with the frus¬ tums of prisms, where the difference of thickness is small, and the want of area made up by an increased height of the prism. The best way,'however, of making the experi¬ ments would be to use a compound prism constructed as in fig. 90, where AB, MN, is the section of a compound prism consist¬ ing of four frusta of prisms, AB, ab, dl), &c., the frustum AB being part of a prism ABC, the frustum ab part of a prism abc, &c.; or this compound prism, in place b of being ground out of the mass, which would be difficult, though practicable, might be composed of a single prism ABC, with parallel plates 1 See Professor Powell’s “ Report on Radiant Heat,” British Association Reports, vol. i., p. 295. 2 Magazin der Gesellsch., &c. 3 Professor Powell's Report, pp. 293, 294. 4 tr vor.. xvi. 594 OPTICS. Prismatic of the same glass, added by cement so as to compose the Spectrum, notched parallelogram ABMN. Very interesting results v'—might also be obtained by using spectra formed by inter¬ ferences in the manner we shall afterwards describe. In all experiments with fluid prisms the results are per¬ plexed with the effects of the plates of glass by which the prisms are confined, in the same manner as we would distuib and indeed nullify the results respecting the absorption of light bv coloured fluids, were we to confine them in hollow prisms made of coloured glass. The only method of re¬ medying this defect in the experiment would be to form the spectrum by a prismatic vessel of the fluid, whose upper surface AC is formed by gravity, and its lower surface BC by a plate of highly polished silver, which reflects back the spectra through the first surface. According to Berard’s experiments the calorific rays of the spectrum are capable of being doubly refracted and polarized like those of light, and he obtained the same re¬ sult with culinary heat,—the heat of a dark body below redness being substituted for solar heat.1 Herschel. The calorific or thermic spectrum has been recently ex¬ amined by Sir John Herschel, by means of a new and in¬ genious process,—namely, by the drying power of the heat itself. A piece of thin paper, such as is used for foreign corre¬ spondence, is blackened on one side by Indian ink, or, what is better, by a smoky flame, and the other, or white side, is sa¬ turated with good* rectified spirit of wine, which will make it uniformly black. The solar spectrum being thrown upon this wet side of the paper, its heating power will be displayed by the whiteness produced by the evaporation of the alcohol. By this process, and with an object-glass of crown and flint glass, and a prism of flint-glass, he obtained the following results:—The thermic spectrum is continuous throughout the length of the luminous spectrum, but at a point a, considerably beyond the extreme red, the heating power is a maximum, having gradually increased up to this point. It then diminishes slightly for a short space, and again reaches a second maximum at ft; from this point it dimi¬ nishes and ceases altogether. It then reappears, and reaches another maximum at y; diminishes again; ceases, and reaches a fourth maximum at 8. Traces of a fifth maximum were seen at e. Calling the length of the luminous spectrum 57,—viz., 43 on the violet side of the yellow line D, and 14 on the red side,—the distances of the maxima will be as follows:— a = 18'2 from the line D. 0 = 267 y= 357 3 = 45-1 . = 55 The thermic spectrum thus extending the whole length of the luminous spectrum beyond the line D. With a crown-glass prism and lens, “ the insulation, Prismatic of y,” says Sir John Herschel, “ was much less sensible, Spectrum, and the separation of a and hardly to be perceived. This would go to point out the flint-glass as the origin of the spots; and to that idea I rather incline. With a prism of pure water, and also with one of a saturated solution of muriate of lime, the spot y was greatly enfeebled, and 8 invisible. Green glasses cut off nearly the whole thermic spec¬ trum.”2 On the Chemical Effects of the Spectrum.—It was long Chemical ago observed by Scheele that muriate of silver was rendered effects of much blacker in the violet rays of the spectrum than in the spec- any other part of it.3 In the year 1801 Professor Bittertrum* of Jena exposed muriate of silver in various parts of the Muriate of spectrum, and also beyond its apparent limits. He found silver, that the action was least of all in the red rays, greater in the yellow, greater still in the blue and violet, and greatest of all beyond the visible violet rays. Dr W ollaston and M. Beckman obtained a similar result, apparently without know¬ ing what had been done by Ritter. In repeating the experi¬ ments of Scheele with white muriate of silver, “ he found that the blackness extended not only through the space occupied by the violet, but to an equal degree, and to about an equal distance, beyond the visible spectrum; and that by narrowing the pencil of light the discoloration may be made to fall almost entirely beyond the violet. It would appear, that this and other effects usually attributed to light, are not in fact owing to any of the rays usually perceived, but to invisible rays that accompany them; and that if we include two kinds that are invisible, we may distinguish upon the whole six species of rays into which a sunbeam is divided by refraction.”1 The phrase almost entirely beyond the violet, used by Dr Wollaston, cannot be considered as indicating the ex¬ istence of invisible rays, even if we did not know from the experiments of Fraunhofer and others, that the visible violet space extends greatly beyond the place where both Ritter and Wollaston found the muriate of silver to be blackened. The existence of invisible rays, therefore, how¬ ever probable, cannot be regarded as a scientific fact. The chemical action of the least refrangible rays upon Gum guia- gum guiacum was discovered by Dr WTollaston. Havingcum’ washed a card with a solution of this gum in alcohol, he found that it acquired a green colour from the concentrated violet and blue rays. No change of colour was effected by heat; but in the red rays the tinged card lost its green and recovered its original colour. When the tinged card was placed in carbonic acid gas, the violet rays could not make it green ; but when made green as before, it was speedily restored to its original yellow colour by the red rays. As Dr Wollaston found that the back of a heated silver spoon restored the green colour as well as the red rays, we cannot attach any definite meaning to these experiments. MM. Gay-Lussac and Thenard discovered a very en-Hydrogen ergetic chemical action of the solar rays. On exposing and chlo- to a pencil of solar light a mixture of hydrogen gas andrine- chlorine, in equal volumes, a detonation of the mixed gases took place, and hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) was formed. M. Berard repeated the experiments with muriate ofM. Berard. silver, and with the preceding mixture of gases, which he placed in the different coloured spaces of the spectrum, and he found that the chemical action was in every case more powerful towards the violet extremity and a little beyond it. M. Berard likewise concentrated the least refrangible half of the spectrum by means of a lens, and then the most refrangible half. The latter, though the most intense, pro- i Mem. de la SocieU d'Arcueil, 1817, tom. iii. A fall account of these experiments, occupying a whole chapter of eighteen pages, will be found in Biot’s TraitS de Physique, tom iv., p. 600. 2 Brewster s Optics, p. 101. 3 Trail's de VAir et du Feu, sect. 63, 4 Phil. Trans. 1802. OPT Prismatic dnced no effect upon the muriate of silver, but the former Spectrum, blackened it in less than ten minutes.1 ''—v/—' Mrs Somerville2 found that the chemical rays passed as Mrs Somer-freely through blue glass coloured with cobalt, as through ville. colourless glass. Having dipped a piece of paper in a solu¬ tion of muriate of silver, and cut it into two parts, one of them was placed under a blue glass, and the other under a white glass, at the same instant. The one did not become black more than the other, and there was no difference in the intensity of their colour. Dr Young. Dr Thomas Young made a very interesting experiment with the view of determining if the invisible chemical rays interfered with the luminous ones. He produced the New¬ tonian rings with a thin plate of air, and having formed an image of them by means of the solar microscope, he threw this image upon paper dipped in a solution of nitrate of silver, and placed it at the distance of about 9 inches from the mi¬ croscope. “ In the course of an hour,” says he, “ portions of three dark rings were very distinctly visible, much smaller than the brightest rings of the coloured image, and coin¬ ciding very nearly in their dimensions with the rings of violet light that appeared upon the interposition of violet glass. I thought the dark rings were a little smaller than the violet rings, but the difference was not sufficiently great to be accurately ascertained. It might be as much as one- thirtieth or one-fortieth of the diameter, but not greater.”3 A more decisive experiment was afterwards performed by M. Arago. M. Arago, who formed a set of fringes by the interference of two solar pencils proceeding from a common origin, and having kept them very steadily for a long time upon the same part of a piece of paper rubbed with muriate of silver, a series of black lines were traced upon the paper, leaving their intervals smaller than those of the dark and bright fringes formed by violet light. Sir John In the summer of 1831 wre had the satisfaction of being Herschel. shown by Sir John Herschel a very interesting experiment on the chemical action of the violet rays. When a solu¬ tion of platinum in nitro-muriatic acid4 is mixed with lime- water, no precipitation to any considerable extent takes place in the dark, a slight ffocky sediment only being formed after long standing. But if a fresh mixture, or an old one cleared by subsidence of this sediment, is exposed to the sun’s rays, it instantly becomes milky, and a white precipitate is copi¬ ously formed. If the solution of platina is in excess, the precipitate is of a pale yellow colour. In the common light of a cloudy day, the same eftect is produced more slowly. When tubes containing the mixture are exposed within red fluids, or even yellow ones which absorb the violet rays, no precipitation takes place.5 As the art of Photography, comprehending the daguer¬ reotype and talbotype, depends on a knowledge of the che¬ mical properties of the spectrum, we must rei’er our readers to that article for what is practical in the art. It is only to the chemical properties of the spectrum that we can here direct the attention of the reader, confining ourselves to the researches of Sir John Herschel and M. Edmund Becquerel. In order to give a distinct account of the results obtained by Sir John Herschel, we must refer to the luminous spec¬ trum which he actually used in his experiments. Its total length was 53’92 thirtieths of an inch, the distance of the violet end from the line D being -f 40‘62, and of the red extremity from the same line —IS’SO. 1. Nitrate of Silver.—Paper washed wdth a solution, spe¬ cific gravity, IT 32. The colour of the spectrum impressed upon this paper by the chemical rays was pale brown, in- I C S. 595 dining to pink, and the most intense part was about the Prismatic middle of the blue ray. The total length was 85 parts, Spectrum, and it terminated at the line D. The point of maximum intensity was 23 parts on the violet side of D. Nitrate of Silver, ivith Muriate of Soda.—The paper was first washed with the nitrate, specific gravity, 1T32; then with the muriate of salt + 19 water; and again with the nitrate, specific gravity, T096. The spectrum impressed upon this paper is more variously coloured than any other. The tint is a pretty high red at —7‘6, beginning to pass into green at — 3’8, through a kind of livid mixed tint. The best green, however, which is of a sombre and dull charac¬ ter, is developed a little above ( + ) D, and covers a breadth of about 4 parts. From that point, with a barely percep¬ tible tinge of dark blue, it becomes rapidly an intense black, which at + 80 dies away into a purplish-broivn, and terminates the spectrum at + 90-23; the whole length of the chemical spectrum, or the discoloured impression, being + 97*83 parts. Nitrate of Silver, as before, with hydro-bromate of potash, instead of muriate of soda. The spectrum impressed upon paper thus prepared is a most extraordinary one. The instant the rays fall upon it, the action begins over its whole length, and the intensity is the same everywhere, but just at the extremities, where it gradually dies away. It extends, too, all the way to the extremity of the visible red rays. Its tint \s a. grayish-black. At the red extremity a contrary or oxidizing action now commences, producing whiteness in the paper, and extends to — 22*67. Hence the extent of the chemical beyond the luminous spectrum is — 9*37. The most refrangible extremity of the darkened portion is + 90*50, the total length of the darkened por¬ tion is 105*55, and the whole length of the paper visibly affected 116*77. The chemical and phosphorogenic properties of the spec-E(Jmund trum have been more recently studied by M. Edmund Becquerel. Becquerel. He has given measures and drawings of the chemical spectrum, which acts upon iodide of silver, chloride of gold, chromic acid, and guiacum. He has also given the chemical spectra obtained upon iodide of silver by means of the rays which have passed through colourless screens, such as sidphate of quinine, creosote, &c., and through coloured screens, such as yellow and blue glass, and solu¬ tions of tournesol and sulpho-cyanuret of iron. He found that the chemical rays which extend from the line H to their extreme limit render artificial phosphor! luminous; while the rays from H to A extinguish the phosphorescence thus produced. In Canton’s phosphorus (sulphuret of cal¬ cium) there is a dark space in the phosphorogenic spectrum nearly bisecting it. With the Bologna phosphorus (sul¬ phuret of barium) there is no dark space, and the spectrum is shorter. With transparent screens of turpentine and naphtha the more refrangible half of the phosphorogenic spectrum is almost extinguished, while with creosote and sulphate of quinine that hue is completely extinguished.6 Phosphoric light, however produced, I have found to con¬ tain rays of all colours and refrangibilities.7 Magnetic Influence of the Solar Rays.—Though many in- Magnetic teresting and apparently accurate experiments have con-influence ^ curred to indicate the existence of this property of light,the solar yet subsequent inquiries have thrown considerable doubtra^S’ upon the conclusions which have been drawn from them. Dr Morichini, a Roman physician, first succeeded in 1813 in magnetizing small needles, by making the focus of violet rays collected by a lens pass repeatedly from the middle to one end of a needle, without touching the other half. 1 Biot’s Traite He Physique, tom. iv., pp. 673, 674. 2 Philosophical Transactions, 1826, part ii., p. 136. 3 Elements of Natural Philosophy, vol. ii., p. 647. 4 The excess of acid must be neutralized by the addition of lime, and the solution well cleared by filtration. 6 See Land, and Edin. Phil. Mag., No. 1, July 1832, p. 58. 6 See Annales de Chim. et de Phys. 1843, tom. ix., pp. 257-323. 7 Brewster’s Optics, p. 103. 596 Prismatic Spectrum. OPTICS. Baumgart¬ ner. Barlocci. By continuing this process for an hour, the needle had acquired distinct polarity. In 1825 Mrs Somerville repeated, in a different way, the ■ experiments of Morichini. She took a slender sewing-needle an inch long, quite devoid of magnetism, and having covered half of it with paper, she fixed it to the panel of the wall with wax, so that its uncovered half should receive the violet rays of a spectrum formed by an equiangular prism of flint-glass, whose refracting faces were each 1"4 by I’l inches, and which was placed about five feet from the wall. The needle was placed in a vertical plane nearly perpen¬ dicular to the magnetic meridian, and inclined to the hori¬ zon, and as the sun advanced to the meridian, the needle was moved parallel to itself, to keep it in the sun’s rays. In less than two hours, when the sun had just passed the meridian, the exposed half of the needle attracted the south and repelled the north pole of the magnetic needle. In the blue and green rays the needles were magnetized, but less frequently, and always after a longer exposure, but the magnetism was always as strong as in the violet. The in¬ digo rays were nearly as efficacious as the violet. M. Baumgartner of Vienna,1 while repeating the experi¬ ments of Mrs Somerville, found that a steel wire, some parts of which were polished, while the rest were rough or without lustre, were magnetized by the action of the white light of the sun, each polished part exhibiting a north, and each unpolished part a south pole. A less equivocal method of proving the magnetic in¬ fluence of white light presented itself to Professor Barlocci. An armed natural loadstone, capable of carrying a weight of 1£ Roman pounds (a Roman pound is equal to SSO’lYQ grammes), after three hours’ exposure to strong sunlight, was able to carry 2 oz. or one-sixth of a pound more, and after an exposure of 24 hours, its force was almost doubled. A second loadstone of nearly the same power was put into a dark place of the same temperature as that of the solar rays, but acquired no additional strength. Among the most active labourers in this department of science we must rank M. Zantedeschi of Padua.2 He had early obtained results similar to those of Morichini, and he had remarked that suspended wire needles, devoid of all magnetism, and having one of their ends exposed to the white light of the sun under a glass receiver, turned that extremity to the north in the plane of the magnetic meri¬ dian. In repeating the experiment of Barlocci with artifi¬ cial magnets, M. Zantedeschi found that a horse-shoe mag¬ net, carrying 13^ ounces, carried 3£ oz. more after three days’ exposure to the sun, and by continued exposure, was able to carry 31 oz. A great degree of doubt has been cast upon the conclu¬ siveness of all these researches by a series of well-managed experiments more recently made by MM. Riess and Moser, who found that no effect was produced upon magnetic needles by the action of the sun’s rays.3 Sect. VII.—Recent Discoveries respecting the Spectrum. New ana- The analysis of white or compound light by the prism spectrum6 Was mac'e an^ perfected by Sir Isaac Newton ; but though the prism could not decompose them, he committed a mis¬ take in concluding that the colours of the spectrum were simple and homogeneous ; “ that to the same degree of re- frangibility ever belonged the same colour, and to the same colour ever belonged the same degree of refrangibility.” Now, though it is quite true that the green and orange Zante¬ deschi. Riess and Moser. colours of the spectrum cannot be decomposed by the prism Prismatic into more simple ones, the one into A/we and and the Spectrum, other into yellow and red, yet they can be decomposed by other means. This opinion respecting the compound nature of the colours of the spectrum, and the inability of the prism to analyze them, was first maintained by Sir David Brew¬ ster,4 who, with the view of placing it beyond a doubt, un¬ dertook a series of experiments, in which he examined the effects produced on the solar spectrum by viewing it through a great number of coloured media, and reflecting it from coloured surfaces. By these experiments he not only established the accuracy of his first opinion, that the green and orange colours of the spectrum were compound, the one consisting of blue and yellow, and the other of red and yellow, but was led to the more general result, that the whole spectrum was compound, consisting of three equal and super¬ posed spectra of red, yellow, and blue light.5 The following are the general results which he obtained:— “ 1. White light consists of three simple colours, red, yel¬ low, and blue, by the mixture of which all other colours are formed. “2. The solar spectrum, whether formed by prisms of transparent bodies, or by gratings or grooves in metallic and transparent surfaces, consists of three spectra of equal length, beginning and terminating at the same points, viz., a red spectrum, a yellow spectrum, and a blue spectrum. “ 3. All the colours in the solar spectrum are compound colours, each of them consisting of red, yellow, and blue light in different proportions. “ 4. A certain quantity of white light, incapable of being decomposed by the prism, in consequence of all its compo¬ nent rays having the same refrangibility, exists at every point of the spectrum, and may at some points be exhibited in an insulated state. “ This remarkable structure of the spectrum will be better understood from figs. 92, 93, 94, representing the three separate spectra, which are shown in their combined state in fig. 95. Red. Fig. 92. Yellow. Fig. 98. Blue. Fig. 91. “ In all these figures, the point M corresponds with the red, or least refrangible extremity of the spectrum, and N with the violet or most refrangible extremity; and the ordi- 2 Edinburgh Journal of Science, No. 5, N.S., 1830, p. 76. 4 Edin. Trans., vol. ix., p. 48. 1 Zeitscrift, tom. i., p. 263. 3 Edinburgh Journal of Science, No. 4, p. 225. 6 Edin. Trans., vol. x., p. 123. OPTICS. Prismatic nates ax, bx, cx, of the different curves, MRN, MYP\, Spectrum. MEN, represent the intensity of the red, yellow, and blue ray at any point x of the spectrum. “ If the distance in all these spectra be equal, then, in the combination of them shown in fig. 95, the ordinates Y ax, bx, cx will indicate the nature and intensity of the colour at any point x of the red spectrum. Thus, let “ The ordinate for red light ax = 30, yellow bx — 16, blue cx = 2, ax + bx + cx = 48 rays, then the point x will be illuminated with 48 rays of light, —viz., 30 of red, 16 of yellow, and 2 of blue light. “ Now, as there must be certain quantities of red and yellow light which will form white, when combined with two blue rays, let us assume these, and suppose that white light, whose intensity is 10, will be formed by 3 red, 5 yellow, and 2 blue rays ; hence it follows that the point x is illuminated by “ Red rays 27 Yellow rays 11 White light 10 48 rays. Or, what is the same thing, the light at x will be orange, rendered brighter by a mixture of white light. The two blue rays, therefore, which enter into the composition of the light at x, will not communicate any blue tinge to the pre¬ vailing colour. “ If the point x is taken nearer M, and if at that point the blue rays are more numerous in proportion to the yellow than 2 to 5,—that is, if they are as 3 to 5,—then there will be one blue ray more than what is necessary to make white light with the two yellow and the three red rays, and this blue ray will give a blue tinge to that part of the spectrum, or will modify the peculiar colour of pure red light. In like manner, the blue extremity of the spectrum may have its peculiar colour modified by an excess of red rays, so as to convert it into violet light.” Sir Isaac Newton and Fraunhofer, and many persons besides, have, from long observation of the solar spec¬ trum, concluded that there is a homogeneous unmixed yel¬ low, and a homogeneous unmixed orange space in the spectrum. Newton makes the yellow space 40, and the orange 27, or 67 in all; while Fraunhofer makes the yellow space 27, and the orange space 27, or 54 parts of a spec¬ trum whose length is 360 parts. Now, Dr Wollaston de¬ clares that a beam of daylight is refracted by the prism into Jive colours only— red, yello wish-green, blue, violet,—and he defines their limits with his usual accuracy. Dr Young, who repeated the same experiments with that exactness which was peculiar to him, declares that the spectrum formed in Dr Wollaston’s manner, consists of four colours omsc,— 597 red, green,blue, zx\& violet,—“the colours differing scarcely at Prismatic all in quality within their respective limits.” Now both these Spectrum, accurate observers have rejected the yellow and orange v'— spaces almost entirely, with the exception of the narrow line of yellow light formerly mentioned, thus running coun¬ ter to all the observations of Newton and Fraunhofer. The cause of such a difference is this:—The light analyzed by Wollaston was the blue light of the sky, which had been deprived, by absorption, of many of its rays having the same refrangibility as those which fell upon the prism. Dr Young’s green space was Sir Isaac Newton’s yellow space, deprived of most of its yellow rays, and the red space ad¬ joining the green was Newton’s orange space, deprived by the absorption of the atmosphere of almost all its yellow rays; and the sharp yellow line noticed by Dr Y oung, and regarded by Dr Wollaston as a mixture of red and green light, as if these spaces had overlapped a little, is part of the orange space of Fraunhofer and Newton, deprived of its red rays. This yellow band can be produced artificially upon all kinds of white light, and by the absorption of va¬ rious media. Flence it is obvious, that by comparing the light reflected and modified by the blue sky with the direct light of the sun, we may obtain irrefragable proof of the compound nature of the yellow and orange spaces. That red light exists at the most refrangible extremity, is obvious from its violet colour; and that blue light exists at the red extremity, may be proved by the following observation of Sir W. Herschel.1 He had occasion to view the prismatic spectrum when reflected from clear turned brass, and he observes, “ The colour of the brass makes the red rays ap¬ pear like orange, and the orange colour is likewise different from what it ought to be” Here, then, yellow light was seen at the very red end of this spectrum, and it was seen in consequence of blue light having been absorbed by the brass, because blue light, mixed with the orange observed by Sir W. Herschel, would alone recompose the original red. Here, then, there is a proof that blue light, and yel- low light, and red light, all exist in the same place, at the least refrangible end of the spectrum. Effects similar to these may be produced by various coloured media, such as chemical solutions, or the coloured juices of plants ; and by such means Sir David Brewster has succeeded in insulating white light in the spectrum, incapable of being decomposed by the prism. The existence of fixed lines in the spectrum, as dis¬ covered by Fraunhofer, was a fact unexampled in science. Yrarious coloured bodies were known to absorb particular parts of the spectrum, and their peculiar colour was the necessary consequence of this absorption. Some of them, such as smalt-blue glass, produced at a certain thickness several dark bands in the spectrum, but these bands shaded oft' by imperceptible degrees, and had no definite boundary.2 In examining the action of all the coloured solid and Action of fluid bodies which he could command, Sir David Brew'ster nitrous was led to observe the action of nitrous acid gas on t*16 ^dsggg0n spectrum.3 With a fine prism of rock-salt, having thejr^ec' largest possible refracting angle, he formed a spectrum with the light of a lamp transmitted through a small thickness of the gas, whose colour was a very pale straw-yellow, and he was surprised to observe the spectrum crossed with hun¬ dreds of lines or bands, much more distinctly pronounced than those of the solar spectrum. In the violet and blue spaces the lines were sharpest and darkest; they were fainter in the green, and almost imperceptible in the yellow and red spaces. By an increase in the thickness of the gas, 1 Phil. Trans. 1800, vol. xc., p. 253. 2 A remarkable example of a definite action on a part of the spectrum was discovered by Sir D. Brewster in the triple oxalate of chromium and potash. It absorbs a very definite band on the least refrangible side of B, a part of the spectrum oyer which it exer¬ cises no general absorptive action. This band lies in the space Ba of Fraunhofer s map, so that if x is its place, B* will be J Ba, or its index of refraction in the water spectrum is almost exactly l-33070. (See Phil. Trans. 1835, p. 93.) Phil Trans. 1837, part ii., p. 245; Edin. Trans., vol. xii. 598 OPT Periodical the lines were better developed in the yellow and red spaces, Colours. mi(j became broader in the blue and violet, a general absorp- tion or extinction of the light advancing from the violet extremity, while a specific absorption was going on on each side of the lines or bands. “ The power of heat alone,” says our author, “to render a gas which is almost colourless as red as blood, without de¬ composing it, is in itself a most singular result, and my sur¬ prise was greatly increased when I afterwards succeeded in rendering the same pale nitric acid gas so absolutely black by heat, that not a ray of the brightest summer’s sun was capable of penetrating it. In making this experiment the tubes frequently exploded, but by using a mask of mica and thick gloves, and placing the tubes in cylinders of tinned iron, with narrow slits to admit the light, there is little danger of any serious accident.” As the points of maximum absorption in coloured bodies were distinctly coincident with some of the principal lines in the solar spectrum, our author suspected that the same might be true with regard to the nitrous gas lines, and he therefore formed the solar and the gaseous spectrum with light passing through the same aperture, so that the lines in the one stood opposite to those in the other, and their coincidence became a matter of simple observation. He then superimposed the two spectra, when both were formed by solar light, and thus exhibited at once the two series of lines and bands, with all their coincidences and deviations. Action of In his examination of the spectrum, our author was led to the atmo- the discovery of a system of lines and bands, particularly in sphere on the red and green spaces, which at other times wholly dis- the spec- appeared; but by a diligent comparison of these observa¬ tions, he found that these lines and bands depended on the proximity of the sun to the horizon, and were produced by the absorptive action of the earth's atmosphere. “ The atmosphere,” he remarks, “acts very powerfully round the line D, and in the space immediately on the least refrangible side of it. It develops a beautiful line in the middle of the double line D, and by enlarging a group of small lines on the red side of D, it creates a band almost as dark as the triple line D itself. It widens generally all the lines, but especially the darkest one, which I call m, between C and D. It develops a band on the least refrangible side of m, and it acts especially upon several lines, and develops a separate band on the most refrangible side of C. The lines A, B, and C are greatly widened, and lines and bands are particularly developed between A and B, and generally throughout all the red space. “ The absorptive action of the atmosphere shows itself in a less precise manner in the production of dark bands whose limits are not distinctly defined. A very remarkable narrow one, corresponding to one produced by the nitrous acid gas, is situated on the most refrangible side of C. Another very broad one lies on the most refrangible side of D, close to a sharp and broad band of yellow light, displayed by the general absorption of the corresponding part of the super¬ imposed blue spectrum. There is also an imperfectly de¬ fined atmospheric action, corresponding to a group of lines where Dr Wollaston placed his line C.” Part V.—OX PERIODICAL COLOURS. Periodical The phenomena of periodical or recurrent colours, as colours. Dr Young lias very appropriately called them, are among the most interesting in optics, and have been treated of by him with great ability under the head Chromatics, though not in a sufficiently popular and descriptive manner. We shall therefore endeavour to give as perspicuous an account as we can of this interesting portion of physical optics. ICS. Sect. I.—On the Interference of Light. Periodical The discovery of the interference of light in its simplest vColou^ form is due to Grimaldi, as we have already seen. He admitted the sun’s light into a dark room, through two encTof1' small and equal apertures of a circular form. Two cones light, of diverging light were thus formed, and by receiving them on a screen held beyond the place where the cones inter¬ sected each other, two overlapping luminous circles were seen on the screen. A partially illuminated penumbra surrounded each of these cones, and at the place where the rays from each aperture met, the screen was, generally speaking, more strongly illuminated by the union of the two lights; but the boundaries of the penumbral portions which overlap arc much darker than the corresponding portions of the penumbra which do not overlap, as if the one light had at this part put out the other. Upon inter¬ cepting the light from one of the apertures, this dark part became brighter, and upon restoring the light it again became darker. The result, therefore, was here unam¬ biguous, and justified the observation of Grimaldi, “that an illuminated surface may be rendered darker by the addition of light.” Dr Hooke made a similar experiment, and observed the darkness produced at the overlapping part of the two cones ; but this result, remarkable as it was, seems to have excited no interest during nearly a century and a half, till Dr Young, who was unacquainted with the experiment ofDrYoung’s Grimaldi, obtained the same result in a different manner, exPerb and thus laid the foundation of the most interesting depart- men,i> nient of physical optics. The following is the experiment which he gave as “An Experimental Demonstration of the Interference of Lights “ I made a small hole in a window- shutter, and covered it with a piece of thick paper, which I perforated with a fine needle. For greater convenience of observation, I placed a small looking-glass without the window-shutter, in such a position as to reflect the sun’s light in a direction nearly horizontal upon the opposite wall, and to cause the cone of diverging light to pass over a table on which were several little screens of card-paper. I brought into a sunbeam a slip of card about -^th of an inch in breadth, and observed its shadow either on the wall or on other cards held at different distances. Beside the fringe of colour on each side of the shadow, the shadow itself was divided by similar parallel fringes of smaller dimensions, differing in number according to the distance at which the shadow was observed, but leaving the middle of the shadow always white. Now these fringes were the joint effects of the portions of light passing on each side of the slip of card, and inflected or rather diffracted into the shadow. For a little screen being placed either before the card or a few inches behind it, so as either to throw the edge of its sha¬ dow on the margin of the card, or to receive on its own margin the extremity of the shadow of the card, all the fringes which had before been observed in the shadow on the wall immediately disappeared, although the light in¬ flected on the other side was allowed to retain its course, and although this light must have undergone any modifica¬ tion that the proxi¬ mity of the other D edge of the slip of card mighthave been ^ capable of occasion¬ ing.” Although this ex- je periment is a very decisive one, yet M. Fresnel made one still more instructive and general, and free from any of the objections that might have been urged 1 Phil. Trans. 1804 ; or Elements of Nat. Phil., vol. ii., p. 639. OPTICS. 599 Dr Lloyd’s experi¬ ment. Fig. 97. Periodical against that of Dr Young. He took two plane mirrors C-nours. MN (fig. 96), which were inclined at a very great angle, a _^ - little less than 108°, and having allowed a beam of light Ra, ^ proceeding from a luminous point R, such as the focus of a small lens, he received tlie reflected rays on a piece of paper PQ. If the light was homogeneous, there was seen upon the paper a succession of blight and dark bands alter- natino-. These bands are parallel to the line of intersec¬ tion of the two mirrors, and they are placed symmetrically on both sides of a plane passing through the line of inter¬ section of the mirrors, and through a point A bisecting the distance of the points D, E, the virtual points of divergence of the two reflected^pencils aG, bG. That these parallel hands are produced by the mutual interference of the two beams is at once proved by intercepting one of them, or by covering one of the mirrors, when the whole series disap¬ pears. It is found also, by measuring the distances of the same bands from the line of intersection of the mirrors, and when the paper PQ is placed at different distances from the mirrors, that their different points lie in hyperbolas whose foci are D, E, and common centre A. A still more simple and elegant method of exhibiting the phenomena of interference has been given by Dr Lloyd of Dublin, which any j person may repeat with a single piece of B plate-glass. Having placed horizontally a piece of black glass QP (fig. 97), with his eye behind it at QM, he viewed by very oblique reflection, when the angle of incidence was nearly 90°, a horizontal narrow aperture placed at A, a distance of 3 feet from the reflector QP. The proper degree of obliquity was easily found by bringing the reflected image of the aperture A to coincide very nearly with the direct image, in which case the direction of the reflected plane BPQ bisected the dis¬ tance AA'. When the ray AM, which fell directly upon the eye at M, interfered with the reflected ray CM, which reached it by a longer path, they produced a system of fringes or bands, which were distinctly visible when received upon an eye-piece placed at a short distance from the re¬ flector. This system of bands was exactly similar to one- half of the system seen in Fresnel’s experiment. With compound white light the first band was a bright one and colourless. This was followed by a very sharply defined black band; then came a coloured one; and so on alter- natelv, seven alternations being easily counted, and the breadth of the bands being, as near as the eye could judge, the same throughout the series, and increasing with the obliquity of the reflected beam. When homogeneous light is used, the bands are alter¬ nately bright and dark, and varying in magnitude with the refrangibility of the light, as will be afterwards more fully explained. If the light of the sun is used, the bands may be distinctly seen upon a white screen placed at MQ. That they are produced by interference may be easily proved either by stopping the direct ray AM, or the reflected one CM, when the whole system of bands disappears. The leading phenomena of interference may be likewise exhibited by transmitting the light emanating from a lumi¬ nous point through the two faces of a prism the inclination of which is about 180°. The pencil or ray passing through one of the faces will be slightly inclined to the ray passing through the other at a small angle, and will interfere with it at their point of concourse, and produce the usual fringes. This form of the experiment is described by Sir Isaac Newton, who considered the fringes as produced by inflection. Newton’s experi¬ ment. In all the preceding experiments, two pencils of light, Periodical issuing from the same point or luminous origin, are made Colours, again to meet, the one having arrived at the point of con- course by a different and a longer path. Now it is obvious from the experiments, that, when the two portions of light thus intervening reach the spot where they interfere by paths exactly equal, they form a bright fringe having the intensity of its light greater than that of either portion. It is also evident that other bright fringes are produced when their paths differ in length ; and if we suppose d to be the difference of paths by which the second bright fringe is produced, similar bright fringes will be produced when the differences in the lengths of the paths are 2(7, 3(7, Ad, 5(7, 6c?, &c. But it is manifest from the preceding experiments that if the two portions of light interfere at intermediate points, or when the difference in the length of their paths is %d; d+ bd; 2d + ; 3(7 + £(7; Ad + bd, &c., the two in¬ terfering portions destroy each other and produce blackness, as appears from the dark fringes lying between the bright ones. Here, then, we have a remarkable property of light established by direct experiment, and well fitted to guide us in our inquiries into the physical cause of the various phe¬ nomena of light. We shall find the same property showing itself under various aspects in a succession of interesting phenomena, which we shall now proceed to describe. Sect. II.—Ox the Colours of Thin Plates. The colours of thin plates were first observed by Mr Boyle, Colours of who remarks that all chemical essential oils, as also goodthm P1^68- spirits of wine, by shaking till they rise in bubbles, appear of various colours, which immediately vanish when the bubbles burst, so that a colourless liquor may be immediately made to exhibit a variety of colours, and lose them In a moment, without any change in its essential principles. Mr Boyle also noticed these colours in soap-bubbles and in Boyle, turpentine, and he succeeded in blowing glass sufficiently thin to exhibit them. In 1666 Lord Brereton observed similar colours produced by the thin plates which are formed on the surface of glass by the action of the weather. In the year 1672 Dr Hooke exhibited to the Royal Society aMooke. soap-bubble with all its colours, in fulfilment of a promise which he had made at a previous meeting, “ to exhibit some¬ thing which had neither refraction nor reflection, and yet was diaphanous. ... By means of a glass pipe he blew several small bubbles out of a mixture of soap and water, when it was observable that at first they appeared white and clear, but that after some time, the film growing thinner, there appeared upon it all the colours of the rainbow, first a pale yellow, then orange, red, purple, blue, green, with the same series of colours repeated.” Dr Hooke made considerable progress in the investigation of this class of phenomena, and made experiments with thin plates of Muscovy glass (mica). He found that a faint yellow plate of this substance laid upon a blue one constituted a very dark purple; and Sir Isaac Newton,1 in a private letter to Dr Hooke, acknow¬ ledges that Hooke had observed previous to him “ the dila¬ tation of the coloured rings by the obliquation of the eye, and the apparition of a black spot at the contact of two convex lenses, and at the top of a water-bubble.” Sir Isaac Newton, whose investigations we shall presently Newtom give in his own words, made great progress in discovering the law of the phenomena; and it is a curious fact, not to be overlooked by physical inquirers, that his theory of the phenomena; elaborated with the utmost care, and gener¬ alizing an extensive series of facts, is now exploded, while the theoretical views of Dr Hooke are almost universally admitted. Mr Melville of Edinburgh proposed to make a perma- * Dated Cambridge, Feb. 5, 1675-6. (Brewster s Memoirs, etc., of Newton, vol. i.) 600 OPTICS. bubble. Periodical nent soap-bubble by freezing, but we believe the experi- Colours. ment hag never yet succeeded. Dr Joseph ^Reade has however been more fortunate in making what may be Dr Reade’s called a permanent soap-bubble for illustrating the colours permanent 0f thin plates, which we saw him exhibit at the meeting of soap' the Physical Section of the British Association at Liver¬ pool in 1837. The following is his own account of the method of making it:—“ Having put two ounces of distilled w’ater into an eight-ounce phial, and having added about the size of a large pea of Castile soap, I placed the bottle in a sauce¬ pan of boiling water on the fire ; the bottle was speedily filled with a dense volume of vapour, which expelled all the air. I now corked it, and after cooling and thus condens¬ ing the vapour, had perhaps as perfect a vacuum as could be formed, even by the best air-pump. I now held the bottle laterally between my hands, and by means of a cir¬ cular and brisk motion formed a circular film, on which, by resting the bottle on an inclined plane, were formed after a short time all the parallel bands or series of colours in the following order:—1. A white or silvery segment at top; 2. a snuff-coloured brown, inclined at bottom to a deep red; 3. blue; 4. yellow; 5. red; 6. blue; 7. green; 8. red; 9. green; 10. red; 11 green (as at A, fig. 98). White. Brown. / Blue. / Yellow. Red. Blue. Green. Red. Green. Red. Green. Black. White. “ After some time a black segment was seen to form at the top of the white, and continually to increase in size (fig. 98, B). After a few minutes the parallel bands in¬ creased in breadth, and running into one another, only three or four distinct bands were seen. Nothing can ex¬ ceed the beauty of these colours, equal to those of the rain¬ bow or the plumage of the tropics : whilst writing this de¬ scription, I have these bands in a bottle before me, feasting my eyes on their beauty. In a few minutes more this black segment or aqueous film occupies, perhaps, half the circular film, and the lower half becomes white tinged with orange (fig. 98, C). “ If we now incline the bottle towards the experimenter’s breast, the saponaceous atoms producing these colours are seen to float in the region of the black or aqueous ; when placed again on the inclined plane, they fall to the bottom of the film. In some time more the entire film becomes black, and all the colours disappear. “ Having now placed the bottle in a basin of boiling water, the evaporation was increased, and the black film soon became clothed with saponaceous atoms, which being variously condensed, produced all the colours of the clouds when the sun is setting on a summer’s evening. On again placing the bottle on the inclined plane, the parallel bands were again formed by the attraction of cohesion, and the colours afterwards gave place to the black film. I held the bottle laterally between my hands, and by means of a circular motion washed it, and thus clothed it with sapona¬ ceous atoms, which went through the same process on placing the bottle on the inclined plane. By means of washing the film every morning, I preserved it for more than three weeks.” Colours of The colours of thin plates are often exhibited in nature exhibited68 ^le mos*: beautIfld manner. On the surface of little in nature pools of mossy water, and especially in the proximity of springs containing iron, we observe thin bright films ge- Periodical nerally whitish, and often yellow and reddish. Between Colours, the plates of a mass of mica, or sulphate of lime, or talc, we observe thousands of open spaces where the rings are sometimes circular, consisting only of the first tint above blackness,—viz., the white of the first order, sometimes two, three, or more colours, according to their size, while at other times the rings of fringes are extremely numerous and often irregular. These colours are all produced by thin plates of air or of vacuity in these fissile minerals, and the colours may be all changed by admitting water or fluids of different refractive powers. In some specimens of Labrador felspar Sir David Brewster has found crystallized cavities so thin, or with so little depth, as to give the most splendid colours of thin plates, and to afford one of the finest subjects of popular display in the microscope.1 The colours produced by heat on highly-polished steel are all the colours of a thin plate of oxide; and they are often beautifully dis¬ played on the sides and on the bars of grates. When glass is exposed to the action of the weather, its Colours of surface acquires a thin film, which at first can only be ren- decoui- dered visible by examining the faint light reflected from itp ^ a when it is in contact with a fluid of nearly the same refrac¬ tive power. It forms most rapidly on the panes of glass in stable windows, but it is seen in the highest perfection in the specimens of decomposed glass found among the re¬ mains of Roman buildings. The glass is to a certain depth entirely decomposed into thin films of extreme beauty, re¬ flecting the most brilliant colours to the eye, and transmit¬ ting tints of the most exquisite brilliancy, and far surpassing any of the colours produced by art.2 Coloured films of the richest tints are also seen upon both the faces of cleavage of a sort of artificial mother-of-pearl, which has been called nacrite, and described by Mr Horner in the Phil. Trans. These films are all thin plates of extreme tenuity. When we breathe upon glass at a proper temperature, Of vapour and examine with a magnifier the margin of the film while evaporating, or when we observe the evaporation of different volatile fluids, we shall perceive many interesting examples of the colour of thin plates. One of the finest exhibitions of this kind with which we are acquainted is that which is produced by the ammo- p^te o? * nio-sulphate of copper, and which was observed by Sir^j,^ David Brewster. A solution of the ammonio-sulphate of copper in water is spread upon a clear plate of glass or any other surface. In the course of an hour or two a similarly coloured film is formed upon its surface, exhibit¬ ing the colours of thin plates from the white of the first order upwards. When the solution is strong, or the stratum of fluid deep, the thickness of the film increases, and the colours rise to higher orders of a beautiful green and pink colour. When the colours are such as we would wish to preserve, an aperture must be made in the film, and by in¬ clining the plate the fluid must be allowed to run out slowly, leaving the film on the surface of the glass. This film will become hard and permanent after the aqueous part of it has been evaporated. The fringes of colour take the shape of the mass of fluid, or of the piece of glass whose surface is covered with it. One of the most extraordinary examples of the colours Black of thin plates, or rather of the blackness that immediately fibres in precedes these colours, and one which almost requires the q11*11-12, evidence of ocular demonstration to credit, is the existence of filaments, or of a down of quartz so exceedingly minute as to be incapable of reflecting light. The very remarkable specimen of quartz in which this was discovered by Sir David Brewster belongs to the cabinet of the Duchess of Gordon. The original crystal was inches in diameter, 1 Edin. Trans., vol. xi., p. 322. 2 Phil. Trans. 1837, part ii. Ibid. 1838, p. 49, and 1837, part ii. OPTICS. Periodical and of a light smoky colour, but impervious to light except Colours. in sman pieces. Mr Sanderson, lapidary in Edinburgh, .had broken up the crystal for the purposes of his profession, but the apparent foulness of the fracture induced him to lay it aside. The following is an account given by Sir David Brewster, of the principal fracture :— “ At first sight, the absolute blackness of the separated surfaces seemed to me, as it did to every one, to be owing to a thin film of opaque and minutely divided matter that had insinuated itself into a fissure of the crystal; but this opinion was immediately overturned when I observed that both surfaces were equally and uniformly black, and that they were also perfectly transparent by transmitted light. “ Although I had now no doubt that the phenomenon was entirely of an optical nature, and that the blackness of the surfaces arose from their being composed of short and slen¬ der filaments of quartz, whose diameter was so exceedingly small that they were incapable of reflecting a single ray of the strongest light, yet it became desirable to establish this curious fact by experimental evidence. “ Having found that no detergent substances either re¬ moved or diminished the superficial blackness, I subjected the fragment to the action of cold and hot acids; but the surface continued unaltered by these operations. I now immersed the fragment in oil of anise seed, which approaches to quartz in its refractive power, and upon examining the light reflected at the separating surfaces of the oil and the quartz, I found that the blackness disappeared, and that the fragment, whether seen by reflected or transmitted light, comported itself like any other piece of quartz of the same translucency. Upon removing the oil from the surfaces, it resumed its original blackness, and the filamentous or vel¬ vety nature of the surface was rendered evident to the eye by the slight change of tint which was produced by press¬ ing the filaments to one side.” Colours of The colours of thin plates may also be exhibited by press- thin plates jng together two glass prisms that have moderate refracting angles. Various coloured fringes or portions* of coloured rings will be seen by viewing the light reflected from the surfaces in contact, and, in a much fainter degree, by exa¬ mining the transmitted light. The same phenomena may be seen with unusual brilliancy by taking a thick piece of glass, and having made a scratch on one side of it with a file, apply a heated wire to the scratch, so as to produce a crack in the glass, which may be extended at pleasure by a second and third application of the hot wire. If we now examine the surface of this crack in different directions, we shall see it covered with coloured fringes, which may be made to vary in breadth and position, by opening or closing the crack with the force of the hand. When we wish to examine and measure the coloured rings with care, the method used first by Hooke, and sub¬ sequently by Newton, should be adopted. Two convex lenses of very long focal length are placed the one above the other, so as to touch at their vertex; or a plano-convex lens may have its plane side AB laid upon the convex side CD (fig. 101) of another lens. Sir Isaac Newton used for the uppermost lens a plano-convex one, wdiose focal length was fourteen feet, and for the lowermost a double convex lens, whose focal length was fifty feet. These lenses must then be held together, and pressed, if necessary, by three clamp screws, as shown in fig. 99. The following is the general account of the phenomenon given by Sir Isaac Newton, though somewhat abridged:— “ Next to the pellucid central spot made by the contact of the glasses, succeeded blue, white, yelloio, and red. The blue was so little in quantity, that I could not VOL. XVI. between lenses. distinguish any violet in it, but the yellow and red were as copious as the white, though four or five times more than the blue. The next order of colours round those in the second was violet, blue, green, yellow, and red, all of them copious and vivid except the green. The third order was ■purple, blue, green, yellow, and red, the green being more vivid than in the last order. The fourth order was only green and red; the green being copious and lively, being bluish on one side, and yellowish on the other: the red was very imperfect. The succeeding rings or orders of co¬ lours were very faint; and after three or four orders, they ended in perfect whiteness. The form of the whole sys¬ tem of rings, when the lenses were most compressed, so as to produce the black spot in the centre, as shown in fig. 100, where a, b, c, d, e; f, g, h, i, k; l, m, n, o, p; 601 Periodical Colours. q, r; s, t; v, x; y, z, indicate the different colours begin¬ ning at the centre, viz.—1. black, blue, white, yellow, red; 2. violet, blue, green, yellow, red; 3. purple, blue, green, yellow, red; 4. green, red; 5. greenish blue, red; 6. green¬ ish blue, pale red; 7. greenish blue, reddish white. In order to find the interval between the glasses, or the thickness of the plate of included air (or space) at which each colour was produced, Sir Isaac measured the diameter of the first six rings at their brightest part, and found their squares to be in the arithmetical progression of the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c., and the intervals between the glasses are obviously in the same progression, one of the surfaces being plane, and the other spherical. He then measured the diameter of the rings at their darkest points, and found their squares to be in the arithmetical progres¬ sion of the even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, &c. In order to find the absolute thickness of the plate of air or space at which these different rings were produced, he measured the diameter of the fifth ring at its darkest point as produced by the different object-glasses. Diameter of Sphericity of the object-glass. 182 inches 184 inches Diameter of fifth dark ring. 100 1774784 5 88850 And dividing these diameters by 5, we obtain the diame¬ ter of the first ring gg^ and gg^ ; but as these measurements were taken at an angle of incidence of 4°, the results must be diminished in the ratio of the secant of 4°, or 10029, so that we have 0Qrw,o and ^go, the mean 88952 89063’ of which, 1 89000 nearIy exPresses, in parts of an inch, the thickness of the air at the darkest part of the first dark ring at a perpendicular incidence. By multiplying this interval by the series of odd and even numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, &c., and 2, 4, 6, and 8, &c., we obtain the following measures of all the rings:— 4 G 602 Periodical Colours. Effects of oblique in¬ cidence. Colours of soap. bubbles. OPTICS. First Ring, Second Ring, Third Ring, Fourth Ring, Thickness of the air at the brightest part. 1 Thickness of the air at the darkest part. 2 1 178000 3 178000 5 178000 7 178000 4 178000 6 or 17800 178000 8 178000 89000 2 89000 3 89000 4 89000 After measuring the diameters of the rings at different an¬ gles of incidence, Sir Isaac obtained the following results:— Anglo of Incidence on the Air. Deer. min. 0 0 6 26 12 45 18 49 24 30 29 37 33 58 35 47 37 19 38 33 39 27 40 0 40 11 Angle ofRefraction into the Air. Degr. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Diameter of the Ring. 10 lOf, m 10f hi 12* 14 15i 16* 19* 22f 29 35 Thickness of the Air. 10 ioa 10| 11* 13 15* 20 23* 28* 37 52* 84tV 122a From these measures, Newton inferred that the diameter Periodical of the rings increased with the obliquity of incidence, and Colours, he inferred that the thickness of the plate of air at which the same colour was produced was proportional to the sine of an angle whose sine had to the sine of the angle of incidence the constant ratio of ^+ m being the index 107 of refraction. MM. Provostaye and Desains have, how¬ ever, found that the thickness is simply proportional to the secant of the angle of incidence, as indicated by the un- dulatory theory.1 Sir Isaac next proceeds to describe the rings formed by Rings by the light transmitted through the two glasses. In this system of transmitted rings, the order of the colours was1^- yellowish red; black, violet, blue, white, yellow, red; violet, blue, green, yellow, red. The colours in these rings are very faint at a perpendicular incidence, but become brighter as the incidence increases. In fig. 101, Sir Isaac has represented the different colours reflected and transmitted, AB and CD being the surfaces of the glasses which touch at E, and the lines uniting them representing their distances in arithmetical progression. The words above the straight line AB are the colours of the reflected rings, and those below the circular arch CD those of the transmitted rings. When water was introduced between the lenses, the colours became fainter, and the rings less, and Sir Isaac found that the intervals were inversely as the indices of refraction in water and air. The rings were always larger in the homogeneous red light of the spectrum than in the violet light, in the ratio of 14^ to 9; and he concluded, from more detailed observa¬ tions, that the thicknesses of the air between the glasses when the rings were successively formed by the limits of the seven different colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, are to one another as the cube roots of the squares of the eight lengths of a cord which sound the notes in an eighth, sol, la, fa, sol, la, mi, fa, sol, that is, in the cube roots of the squares of the numbers 1, f, f, f, f, f, A, h or 1, 0-924, 0-885, 0-825, 0-763, 0-711, 0-681, 0"630; that is, if 1 be the interior diameter of any such red ring formed by the extreme red rays, the cube root of § will be the interior diameter of a ring at the boundary of the red and orange, and so on.2 The colours of thin plates of fluid or solid bodies are not so easily studied as those of air, from the difficulty of pro¬ curing, and working with, such evanescent films. Sir Isaac Newton, however, studied them in soap-bubbles, which, as soon as they were blown, he covered with a clear glass. In this way he observed the colours to emerge like so many concentric rings surrounding the summit of the bubble. As the bubble became thinner, by the subsidence and evapo¬ ration of the water, the rings dilated slowly, till they covered the whole bubble, descending in order to the bottom of it, where they vanished successively. After all the colours had emerged at the top, there grew in the centre of the rings a small round black spot, which continually dilated itself till it became sometimes more than a half or three quarters of an inch in breadth before the bubble broke. Some light was still reflected from the water at this spot, and Sir Isaac saw within it several smaller round spots much blacker than the rest, but still capable, like the larger one, of reflecting faintly an image of the sun. By observing how much the colours at the same places of the bubble, or at divers places of equal thicknesses, vrere varied by the several obliquities of the rings, Sir Isaac ob¬ tained the following thicknesses tof the water requisite to exhibit one and the same colour at several obliquities:— Incidence on the Refraction into the Thickness of the water. 0°... 15 ... 30 ... 45 ... 60 ... 75 ... 90 ... water. water. . 0° 0' 10 .11 11 10* .22 1 10* .32 2 11* .40 30 13 .46 25 14* .48 35 15* These results harmonize entirely with the rule already given for thin plates of air. When the system of rings seen by reflection was examined by a prism, and perhaps only eight rings visible, Sir Isaac counted sometimes more than forty on the side of the sys- 1 Comptes Rendus, 1850, tom. xxx., p. 498. 2 It has been noticed by M. Le Blanc, that if the two extreme terms of the preceding numbers, or any other two equidistant from the extremes, be multiplied together, their product will always be equal to *. OPTICS. 603 Periodical Colours. Solid bubbles. Iriscope. Films on metals. Films of de composed glass. tem to which the refraction was made, though he reckoned by estimation more than a hundred. Soap-bubbles also, before they exhibited any colours to the naked eye, have appeared through a prism girded about with many parallel and horizontal rings, to produce which effect it was neces¬ sary to hold the prism parallel, or very nearly parallel, to the horizon, and to dispose it so that the rings might be refracted upwards. By mixing a little sugar with the solution of soap, we may blow bubbles of a very large size, which exhibit the coloured zones in the most perfect manner. If we place one of these bubbles, when blown, near a fire, so as to eva¬ porate the water, the bubble upon bursting becomes solid, and falls down in coloured fragments, which are thin films of sugar and soap. An excellent method of showing the colours of thin plates of a solid body, is with a simple apparatus to which Dr Joseph Reade has given the name of Iriscope. This instrument consists of a plate of highly polished black glass, having its surface smeared with a solution of fine soap, and subsequently dried by rubbing it clean with a piece of chamois leather. If we now breathe upon the glass surface through a glass tube, the vapour will be deposited on the glass, and produce brilliantly-coloured concentric rings, the outermost of which is black, while the interior ones have various colours, or no colour at all, according as a greater or a less quantity of vapour has been deposited. The colours in these rings, when seen by common light, corre- Spoil d with Newton’s reflected rings, about to be described, or those which have black centres; the only difference being, that in the plate of soapy vapour, which is the thickest in the middle, the rings in the iriscope have black circum¬ ferences.1 Very beautiful phenomena of this kind may be observed by laying thin films of fluids upon the surfaces of fluid or solid bodies, or by stretching similar films of va¬ rious oils, such as oil of laurel, oil of cassia, oil of turpen¬ tine, &c., across circular apertures, such as rings made of wires. The coloured tints and other phenomena exhibited by these attenuated films are very remarkable. With oils of cinnamon, naphtha, spearmint, wormwood, rape-seed, pop¬ pies, nutmegs, bergamot, savine, rosemary, &c., the pheno¬ mena are peculiarly beautiful.2 The colours of thin plates of solid bodies are finely dis¬ played in the films of oxide formed upon plates of lead, and in the films of certain oxides or salts deposited on the sur¬ face of metals by the voltaic pile. The method of deposit¬ ing such films on plates of steel plunged in acid solutions, and of producing the beautiful chromatic designs which he executed, was discovered by Professor Nobili of Reggio. The colours of thin solid films are displayed with singu¬ lar beauty in the scales of decomposed glass that have been found among the ruins of Assyrian, Greek, and Roman buildings. The silex and alkali which form glass have been placed by fusion in a state of unnatural constraint, and the particles of each have a tendency to recombine. The action of moisture, or of air charged with ammonia or other bodies, assists the particles which compose the glass in separating from each other. The glass becomes opaque on its two surfaces, and the opacity gradually advances inward till the whole of the glass is decomposed. In this state it breaks with the slightest force, like the thinnest slice of an apple. In other cases the decomposition begins at a variety of centres, where, from some cause or other, the particles have been less firmly coherent; and it goes on in concentric spheres, separating the glass into thin films of a spherical form, and of surpassing beauty in point of colour. The decompositions round two or more centres often unite, and go on in rings surrounding the centres in question. In stable windows, or in glass that has been long in salt water, the decomposition into coloured scales takes place most quickly- Periodical In the specimens of decomposed glass from Rome and from Colours. Nineveh, which the writer of this article received from the late Marquis of Northampton and Mr Layard, centuries have been required to effect the decomposition.3 Sir Isaac then proceeds to a very important part of the Composi- subject,—namely, to explain the composition of the colours tion of the of thin plates, a topic of great interest and extensive appli- ®°|ours of cation : “ Let there be taken,” says he, “ on any right line in ^ a es' from the point Y (fig. 102), the lengths YA, YB, YC, YD, &c in the proportion of the numbers, 6300, 6814, 7114, 8255, 8855, 9243,1000; and at the points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, &c., let perpendiculars Aa, B/3, Cy, &c., be erected, by whose intervals the extent of the several colours set under¬ neath against them is to be represented. Then divide the line Aa in such proportions as the Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c., set at the points of division, denote, and through these divisions from Y draw lines II, 2 K, 3L, 5M, 6N. “ Now, if A2 be supposed to represent the thickness of any thin transparent body, of which the internal violet is most copiously reflected on the first ring, then HKwill re¬ present its thickness at which the outermost red is most copiously reflected in the same series. Also A6 and HN will denote the thicknesses at which those extreme colours are most copiously reflected in the second series, and A10 and HQ the thicknesses at which they are most copiously reflected in the third series ; and so on. And the thickness at which any of the intermediate colours are reflected most copiously, will be defined by the distance of the line AH from the intermediate parts of the lines 2K, 6N, 10Q, &c., against which the names of those colours are written below. “ But, farther, to define the latitude of these colours in each ring or series, let A1 be the least thickness and A3 the greatest thickness, at which the extreme violet in the first series is reflected, and let HI and HL be the like limits for the extreme red, and let the intermediate colours be limited by the intermediate parts of the lines 11, 3L, against which the names of those colours are written ; and so on. But yet with this caution, that the reflections be supposed strongest at the intermediate spaces, 2K, 6N, 1 See Diil. Trans. 1841, p. 43. 2 Ibid. 1841, p. 53 and note. 3 Brewster’s Treatise on Optics, p. 119. 604 OPTICS. Periodical 10Q, &c., and from thence to decrease gradually towards ^Colours.^ limits> H, 3L, 5M, 70, &c., on either side; where you must not conceive them to be precisely limited, but to decay indefinitely. And whereas I have assigned the same latitude to every series; I did it, because although the colours in the first series seem to be a little broader than the rest, by reason of a stronger reflection there, yet that inequality is hardly sensible. “ Now, according to this description, conceiving that the rays, originally of several colours, are by turns reflected at the spaces II, L3, 5M, 07, 9P, Rll, &c., and transmitted at the spaces AHI1, 3LM5, 70P9, &c., it is easy to know what colour must in the open air be exhibited at any thickness of a transparent thin body. For, if a ruler be applied parallel to AH, at that distance from it by which the thickness of the body is represented, the alternate spaces 1IL3, 5M07, &c., which it crosseth, will denote the reflected original colours, of which the colour exhibited in the open air is compounded. Thus, if the constitution of the green in the third series of colours be desired, apply the ruler as you see at tt p cr , and by its passing through some of the blue at tt, and yellow at cr, as well as through the green at p, you may conclude that the green exhi¬ bited at that thickness of the body is principally constituted of original green, but not without a mixture of some blue and yellow. “ By this means you may know how the colours from the centre of the outward rings ought to succeed in order as they were described. For, if you move the ruler gradually from AH through all distances, having passed over the first space which denotes little or no reflection to be made by the thinnest substances, it will first arrive at 1 the vio¬ let, and then very quickly at the blue and green, which, to¬ gether with that violet, compound blue, and then at the yellow and red, by whose farther addition that blue is con¬ verted into whiteness, which whiteness continues during the transit of the edge of the ruler from I to 3, and after that, by the successive deficiency of its component colours, turns first to compound yellow, and then to red, and last of all the red ceaseth at L. Then begin the colours of the second series, which succeed in order during the transit of the edge of the ruler from 5 to O, and are more lively than before, because more expanded and severed. And for the same reason, instead of the former white there in¬ tercedes between the blue and yellow a mixture of orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, all which together ought to exhibit a dilute and imperfect green. So the colours of the third series all succeed in order; first, the violet, which a little interferes with the red of the second order, and is thereby inclined to a reddish purple; then the blue and green, which are less mixed with other colours, and conse¬ quently more lively than before, especially the green: Then follows the yellow, some of which towards the green is dis¬ tinct and good, but that part of it towards the succeeding red, as also that red, is mixed with the violet and blue of the fourth series, whereby various degrees of red, very much inclining to purple, are compounded. The violet and blue, which should succeed this red, being mixed with, and hid¬ den in it, there succeeds a green. And this at first is much inclined to blue, but soon becomes a good green, the only unmixed and lively colour in this fourth series. For as it verges towards the yellow, it begins to interfere with the colours of the fifth series, by whose mixture the succeed¬ ing yellow and red are very much diluted and made dirty, especially the yellow, which, being the weaker colour, is scarce able to show itself. After this the several series in¬ terfere more and more, and their colours become more and more intermixed, till, after three or four more revolutions (in which the red and blue predominate by turns) all sorts of colours are in all places pretty equally blended, and Periodical compound an even whiteness. Colours. “ And since the rays endued with one colour are transmit- ted, where those of another colour are reflected, the reason of the colours made by the transmitted light is from hence evident. “ If not only the order and species of these colours, but also the precise thickness of the plate, or thin body at which they are exhibited, be desired in parts of an inch, that may be also obtained by the assistance of the pre¬ ceding observations. For, according to these observa¬ tions, the thicknesses of the thinned air, which between two glasses exhibited the most luminous parts of the first six rings, were 1 3 5 7 9 11 t f • h 178000’ 178000’ 178000’ 178000’ 178000’ 178000 Partsotanincn- Suppose the light reflected most copiously at these thick¬ nesses be the bright citrine yellow, or confine of yellow and orange, and these thicknesses will be FA, F^, F£, Fo, Ft. And this being known, it is easy to determine what thick¬ ness of air is represented by G?>, or by any other distance of the ruler from AH. “ On these grounds I have composed the following table, wherein the thickness of air, water, and glass, at which each colour is most intense and specific, is expressed in millionth parts of an inch. The Thickness of Coloured Plates and Particles of Air, Water, and Glass. Reflected Tints. Their colours of the first order < Very black Black Beginning black.... Blue White Yellow Orange VRed of Of the second order Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Bright red. V Scarlet Of the third order Purple Indigo .... Blue Green Yellow .... Red VBluish red /Bluish green ... Of the fourth ) Green order ) Yellowish green (Red Transmitted Tints. White. Yellowish red Black Violet Blue White. Yellow. Red Violet.. Blue Green. Yellow , Red Bluish green Red Bluish green Of the fifth f Greenish blue... order 1 Red Of the sixth t Greenish blue, order [ Red Of the seventh ( Greenish blue, order | Ruddy white .. Red. 1H 12| 14 16f 18i 19| 21 23f 25* 27* 29 32- 46 52A 58f 65 W ater. 11 3* 5* 6 6f 3f 9f 10* 14 12* 13 I3j 14? 15f 161 174 ISA 304 21 j- 24 25* 26* 27 30* 34* 394 53* 57? Glass. 4 ill 31 4? 5* 5* 7* 8A 9 9f 10-1 14 14 12? 13* J 14* 15 A 16* 17* 181 20f 22 22f 23* 26 29f 34 38 42 45* In a paper on the colours of thin plates,1 M. Arago has Mem. d'Arcueil. OPT Periodical given an account of some important discoveries on this Colours, subject. In viewing the reflected rings through a rhomb of Iceland spar, having its principal section parallel or per- A. Arago. pendicular to the plane of incidence, he observed that the intensity of light in one of the images varied with the angle of incidence, and that this image vanished at an incidence of 35°, the maximum polarizing angle for glass. He dis¬ covered the very same property in the transmitted rings. He found also that when the reflected and the transmitted systems of rings are superposed, they completely neutralize each other, forming white light; and hence he concluded that their colours were complementary, and the intensities of their illumination equal. M. Arago next examined the system of rings when formed between a lens and a metallic reflector. When he observed them with the rhomb of spar, one of the images vanished as formerly at 35° of incidence, the angle of maximum polari¬ zation of glass; but above and below that angle he ob¬ served the most singular phenomena. At incidences be¬ low 35° the two images formed by the doubly-refracting rhomb differed only in intensity, the colours and the diame¬ ters of the rings being exactly the same in both. Above the polarizing angle, however, the rings in the two images were of complementary tints, the orders of colours in the one beginning from a black centre, and in the other from a white centre. M. Arago also observed that the rings of the same order of colours in the two images had different sizes. Vfr Airy. Without knowing of these discoveries of M. Arago, Mr Airy,1 about twenty years afterwards, published similar results respecting the modification of the rings above and Dr Lloyd, below the maximum polarizing angle ; and Dr Lloyd has ingeniously observed that an analogous result “ may be obtained by combining, as in Fresnel’s experiment (fig. 96), a metallic reflector with one of glass. The light being polarized perpendicularly to the plane of reflection, the central band will be white, when the angle of incidence is below the polarizing angle of the glass. At the polarizing angle the interference bars will vanish altogether ; and be¬ yond that incidence they will reappear with a dark centre in place of a white one. This method of observation would seem to be peculiarly adapted to the investigation of the change of phase produced by metallic reflection at various incidences.”2 A consideration of Fresnel’s expressions, which had led Mr Airy to make his experiments with a metallic surface, led him also to expect that when the rings were formed between two transparent surfaces of different refractive powers, and when the light was polarized perpendicularly to the plane of incidence, the rings should be black-centred at incidences below the maximum polarizing angle of the least refractive surface, or greater than that of the highest refractive surface, and should be wA^e-centred when the angle of incidence was between these angles. By forming the rings between plate-glass and diamond, Mr Airy found ICS. 605 his anticipations correct. In the course of these experi- Periodical ments he observed that the rings did not disappear at Colours, the polarizing angle of diamond, but that the first black ring contracted as the incidence was gradually increased, and at last took the place of the central white spot. Hence he concluded that there is still some light reflected at the maximum polarizing angle of diamond, and that this body has no angle of complete polarization. (See History, p. 550, col. 1.) This interesting subject was studied by Sir David Sir David Brewster in 1840, and the results communicawd to the Brewster. Royal Society of London in 1841. Our limits will permit us only to give the following general expression of the facts which he observed :— “ When two polarized pencils, reflected from the surfaces of a thin plate lying on a reflecting surface of a different refractive power interpose, half an undulation is not lost, and white-centred rings are produced, provided the mu¬ tual inclination of their planes of polarization is greater than 90°. When this inclination is less than 90°, half an undu¬ lation is lost, and black-centred rings are produced. When the inclination is exactly 90°, the pencils do not interfere, and no rings are produced.” 3 M. Jamin has very recently observed some interesting M. Jamin. phenomena of the colours of thin plates when the reflected rings are formed between two prisms, and illuminated with the light of the spectrum. When the angle of incidence increases, the rings enlarge, and undergo a singular change. Each dark ring has in contact with it, externally if it is violet, a very brilliant fringe, and internally if it is red. As the angle of incidence increases, there arises in the bright and very wide space which separates two dark rings, obscure lines, which are all bordered with a brilliant fringe, and have the same appearance as the principal ring. Complementary phenomena are seen in the transmitted rays. These phe¬ nomena disappear only at the angle of total reflection ; but when the angle of incidence is very near the angle of total reflection, there is an instant when the reflected and transmitted rings are so enlarged that they go out of the field of vision, and there are now seen a considerable num¬ ber of new bright and dark fringes, produced at thicknesses of the thin plate of air too small for producing the ordinary rings. M. Jamin remarks that the theory does not afford any certain explanation of these fringes.4 Sect. III.—On the Diffraction or Inflection of Light. M. Grimaldi, to whom we owe the discovery of the inter- Diffraction ference of light, likewise made some important experiments of light, on what is called the diffraction or inflection of light. Having admitted a ray of solar light into a dark room, through a small hole AB (fig. 103), he placed in the conical beam ABCD an opaque body EF. The shadow of thisp ringes body was not bounded by the straight lines AEH, BFG, without the nor by the penumbra IL formed by the lines BEL, AFI, shadow> 1 Cambridge Transactions, 1832. The following note upon this paper we confess ourselves unable to understand “ I have carefully verified,” says Mr Airy, “ this assertion (that it is indifferent whether the light is polarized before or after reflection), because I think that it leads to important theoretical conclusions. If polarization were a modification of light (as Dr Brewster and others have sup- posed), it might be conceived that polarization before incidence might destroy its power of producing rings at a certain angle, or might change the tints; but when the reflection is performed, and the rings are actually visible to the eye with a dark centre, it seems quite inconceivable that any modification or physical change in the light should make that centre appear white. . dhe satisfactory explanation is, that polarization is a resolution of the vibrations into two sets at right angles to each other, performed in such a manner that the two sets can in general be separately exhibited, and that in this instance only one is transmitted to the eye. . The authors criticized in the preceding extract,—viz., Malus, Young, Biot, Herschel, and we believe MM. Arago and Presnel, all considered polarization as a modifi¬ cation of common light, and if a modification, certainly a physical change without any reference to theory. In every point of view, in¬ deed, the term is philosophical and unexceptionable. If polarization is a resolution, as Mr Airy affirms, of vibrations in an infinite num¬ ber of planes, into two sets at right angles to each other, which we do not question, this is certainly a pretty considerable modification, and a very remarkable physical change. As wre have nothing to do with theories in describing phenomena, we must continue to use the terms which have been regarded as appropriate by our contemporaries. 2 “ Report on Optics,” British Association Reports, Rep. 4, 1836, p. 366. 3 “ On the phenomena of thin plates of solid and fluid substances exposed to polarized light,” Phil. Trans. 1841, p. 43. 4 See Cotnptes Rendus, &c., 1852, tom. xxxv., p. 14. 606 OPTICS. Periodical but was enlarged to MN, and was much greater than it Colours, should have been if formed by rays passing in straight lines -N oa ET V Fig. 104. Fig. 106. Fig. 107. fine needle, Sir D. Brewster observed some interesting phe- Periodical f/L Fig. 108. past the edges of the body. Without the shadow of the body there were three fringes of coloured light, the broadest and most luminous of which, next to the shadow X (fig. 104), was MNO. There was no colour in the middle at M ; but it was hlue at the side NN, and red at the other side OO. The second fringe PQR was narrower than MNO. It was colourless in the middle at P, faintly blue at QQ, and faintly red at UR. The third fringe STY re¬ sembled the other two, but was the narrowest and the faintest in its colours. They were bent round the edges of the body, as shown in fig. 105. Fringes Grimaldi likewise discovered fringes within the shadow, within the which were best seen when the body was long, the light shadow. great, and the distance from the aperture considerable. These internal fringes in¬ creased with the breadth of the body, and they became narrower when they increased in number. They were bent round the angles of the body, as shown in fig. 106, where ADBC is the shadow, and a, b, c, d the inter¬ nal fringes. Short lucid streaks were seen pro¬ ceeding, as it were, from the angle D, and return¬ ing to it, as shown in the figure. What Dr Young has called the crested fringes of Gri¬ maldi are shown in fig. 107. These fringes are formed by any body that has a rectangular termination. At the line which bisects the right angle there is a white central fringe, bounded by hyperbolic curves, whose asymp¬ totes are the diagonal line ; and on each side of this are two or three other bands, disposed in hy¬ perbolic curves, which are convex to the diagonal, and converging in some degree as they recede from the angular point. When the diffracting body tapers like the point of a very nomena, which will be under- mt m Colours, stood from fig. 108, which very imperfectly represents the in¬ ternal and external fringes as produced by a needle-point like MN. The external fringes are represented by mn, m'n\ and are convex outwards, or parallel to the sides of the point MN. The internal fringes, as seen by Grimaldi and Dr Young, are shown by the deep black lines between A and B. These internal fringes, however, were observed to extend far beyond the shadow in fine hyperbolic curves, as shown between o and p, and o and p. These internal fringes intersect the external ones, and give them the appearance of screws or twisted cords. In homogeneous light, where the fringes are alternately dark and coloured, the dark fringes are dark at their inter¬ sections, and the coloured ones coloured. When the needle-point is illuminated by the spectrum, and the fringes viewed by a lens, which is necessary to see them, we re¬ quire to approach the lens to the fringes m!n! on the violet side of the spectrum, and to withdraw it on the red side, in order to see them distinctly. When this experiment is made with great care, twenty external fringes may be counted on each side of the shadow, which may always be seen most distinctly by looking through the margin of the lens. When the diffracting body is an exceedingly small one with parallel sides, the internal fringes extend far be¬ yond the shadow, mingling with the external ones, and completely altering their colours and forms. I he internal fringes beyond the shadow, like those in it, disappear by intercepting the light with a screen on the op¬ posite side of the diffracting body. In repeating the experiments of Grimaldi, Sir Isaac Sir Isaac Newton admitted the sun’s light through a small hole Newton, in a piece of lead the forty-second part of an inch in diameter ; he found the breadth of the shadow of a human hair, which was the 280th of an inch in diameter, to be as follows:— Distance of the paper receiving the shadow from the hair. Distance of the hair from the aperture. 12 feet 4 inches 12 „ 24 „ 12 128 .. , Breadth of the shadow. .0-01666 inches. .003572 „ .0125 Upon comparing the breadths of the fringes without the shadow, and their intervals at different distances, he found them to be nearly in the same proportion, the breadths of the fringes being as the numbers 1, k/I /\/—, &c., and v o v 5 their intervals to be in the same progression. Hence the fringes and their intervals together were as the numbers 1, \/\\/\ &c. When the hair was surrounded with water, the very same phenomena were seen, and metals, stones, glass, wood, horn, ice, &c., produced the very same fringes. The following was the order of the colours, reckoning from the shadow :— First fringe, violet, indigo, pale blue, green, yellow, red; second fringe, blue, yellow, red; third fringe, pale blue, pale yellow, red. When homogeneous light was used, Sir Isaac found that Fringes in the fringes were largest in red light, least in violet light, homogene- and of an intermediate size in green light. In one case the ou9 hfi*14, distance between the middle of the first fringe on each side of the shadow was of an inch in red light, and ~ in vio¬ let light. OPT i Periodical From experiments made by Sir Isaac Newton on the Colours, light which passed by the edge of a knife, and on that which passed between two knife-edges parallel to each other, he Jnife concluded that the light of the first fringe passed by the idges. edge of the knife at a distance greater than the 100th part of an inch; the light of the secotid at a greater distance than that of the first; and the light of the third fringe at a greater distance than that of the second. Sir Isaac then stuck into a board the points of two knives with straight edges, so that their edges formed an angle of 1° 47' 26", and from the observations which he made on the light which passed between them, he concluded that the light which forms the fringes is not the same light at all dis¬ tances of the paper from the knives, obviously considering each fringe as produced like caustic curves, by the inter¬ section of the inflected rays. When the fringes formed by these inclined knife-edges were received on paper held at a great distance, the fringes formed by the one knife-edge were bent into the shadow of the other knife, and formed cubical hyperbolas, whose asymptotes were for one set the knife-edge which produced the fringes, and a line perpen¬ dicular to the line bisecting the angle formed by the knives. Dr Thomas Although many attempts were made during the last cen- Young. tury to complete the unfinished labours of Newton on this subject, yet no decided discovery was made till the time of Dr Thomas Young. This distinguished natural philoso¬ pher, in endeavouring to explain the origin of the fringes which surrounded the shadow of the margin of a small cir¬ cular aperture, conceived that the light nearest its centre was least inflected, and that nearest its edges most; and that another portion of light reflected from the margin of the aperture, and coinciding either exactly or nearly with the direct light, after a circuitous path, would interfere with that light, and produce colour. In November 1803 he confirmed this supposition to a certain extent, in so far as the production of the colours by interference was con¬ cerned, by his discovery of the interference of light, as al¬ ready described. The fringes formed by inflection, as observed by Dr Young, are shown in fig. 109, where ABCD is the shadow & A B E Fig. 109. of the inflecting body with its internal fringes, which he considered as produced by the light passing on each side of the inflecting body, and bent into the shadow, so as to in¬ terfere in the manner already described. This is clearly proved to be the case ; but he was less successful in ex¬ plaining the external fringes between AC and GH, and be¬ tween BD and EF. He ascribed them to the interference of rays reflected from the margin of the inflecting body, with rays which passed by it directly. Dr Young examined the crested fringes of Grimaldi in the same manner as he did the internal fringes ABCD. He found that, when a screen was placed within a few inches of the inflecting angle of the body, so as to receive only one of the edges of the shadow, all the crested fringes disappeared ; but if the rectangular point of the screen was opposed to the point of the shadow, so as barely to receive the angle of the shadow, or its extremity, the fringes were in no way affected. M. Fresnel. M. Fresnel in France, and M. Fraunhofer at Munich, were simultaneously engaged in studying the inflection of light, and each of them published the results of their labours, with¬ out any knowledge apparently that the other had been similarly occupied. We shall begin by giving an account of Fresnel’s experiments. I c s. 607 In place of a small bole, M. Fresnel substituted a lens of Periodical short focal length, which collected the solar rays into its Colours, focus, from which they again diverged. When bodies were placed in this bright light they gave distinct fringes, which he was able to measure at various distances behind the in¬ flecting body, and at various distances of the inflecting body from the lens, simply by viewing the fringes with an eye-glass furnished with a micrometer. In this manner he measured their breadths within the one or two-hundredth part of a millimetre. He traced the external fringes up to their very origin, and by the aid of a lens of a short focus he saw the third fringe at the distance of less than the one- hundredth part of a millimetre from the edge of the inflect¬ ing body. He also found that the phenomena varied with the distance of the inflecting body from the luminous point, as in the following measures:— Distance of the Distance behind Angular inflection inflecting body the body where ofthe red rays from the focus the inflection of the of the lens. was measured. first fringe. 4 inches 3 281 feet 12' 6" 19-48 feet 3-281 „ 3 55 When the inflecting body was kept at a fixed distance from the lens, M. Fresnel measured the inflection of the same fringe at different distances behind the inflecting body, and the result was, that the successive positions of the same fringe did not lie in a straight line, hut formed a curve, whose concavity is turned towards the inflecting body. The successive positions of the same fringe in all the orders of colours he found to be hyperbolas, having the radiant point and the edge of the inflecting body for their common foci. Contrary to the opinion of Dr Young, M. Fresnel found that the fringes were independent of the curvature of the margin of the inflecting body, and that when the margin was made extremely sharp, the small quantity of light which it could reflect would be incapable of producing, by its in¬ terference with the direct light, such bright fringes as are actually observed. To assure himself of this, he took two plates of steel, the edge of each of which was rounded in one-half of its length, and sharp in the remaining half; he placed the rounded portion of one edge opposite the sharp portion of the other, and vice versa. Hence, if the posi¬ tion of the fringes depended on the form of the surface, the effect would thus be doubled, and the fringes appear broken in the middle. They were, on the contrary, perfectly straight throughout their whole length.1 M. Fresnel was therefore obliged to suppose that rays that pass at a sensible distance deviate from their primitive direction, and interfere with those which pass directly by the edge of the body. In order to settle this question, M. Fresnel compared the results of Dr Young’s hypothesis with those of his own, and he found that the breadth of any fringe of homogeneous light should be on the two hypotheses as 2 to T8726, and having measured the diameter of such a fringe, he found his own hypothesis more correct than Dr Young’s. In order to exhibit to the eye the hyperbolic form of the fringes, we have given a representation of them in fig. 110, where LL' is a lens of short focus, by which the rays of the sun entering a dark chamber are refracted to a focus F, from which they again diverge, forming the cone Ymti; or the lens may be fixed in a large diaphragm DD', which may stand on the table before the window at which the sun’s light enters. By means of a coloured glass VV' placed on either side of the diaphragm, or on either side of F, the light may be rendered homogeneous. If we now place a screen of any kind EC at some distance from F, having its edge somewhat smaller, and free of dust, and receive its shadow GT' upon a sheet of paper, or any white ground TT', or on a glass plate roughened with emery, we shall obtain the section of the fringes formed by 1 Memoire sur la Diffraction p. 370; Prof. Lloyd’s Report, ut anted. 608 OPTICS. Periodical diffraction. The line FEG, which is the geometrical shadow, Colours. js not j.|ie rea] shadow. On the side of it towards GT, the paper will not appear black, but illuminated with a visible shade, which goes on de¬ creasing nearly uniformly for a con¬ siderable distance. On the other side of EG there are several fringes or alternations of light and darkness. rYhefirst fringe 13 parallel to the shadow is bright, then a band S almost entirely black, which is the black fringe of the first order, then a second bright fringe 13', which is followed by the second black fringe S'. These alternations con¬ tinue to a great distance from G, so that even the sixteenth or seven¬ teenth order may be observed, the bright fringes becoming less coloured, and the black ones more luminous, till they are no longer visible. By varying the distance of the paper TT from the screen EC, or of the screen from the focus F, the same fringes are produced with certain variations depending on their dis¬ tances, the fringes being propagated in hyperbolas, as shown in the figure. The fringes are largest in red light RR, smallest in violet light VV, and of an intermediate size in green light GG, as represented in fig. Ill, where they are shown as on each side of the shadow of a human hair HH. Fig. 111. The following table shows the angular distances of the seven first fringes from the inflecting body EC (fig. 110), and the geometrical shadow :— For Red Light. Angles, FE=100 millimetres. Angles, FE=1000 millimetres. Angles, FE=10 millimetres. First order 3' 35" IP 20" 0°35/ 51" Second order 5 15 16 35 0 52 25 Third order 6 30 20 32 1 4 56 Fourth order 7 Fifth order 8 Sixth order 9 Seventh order 10 32 . 27 . 17 . 3 31 45 1 41 21 .23 50 1 15 21 .26 44 1 24 31 .29 20 1 32 44 Sir John Hcrschel. For Violet Light. First order 2' 58" 9'22" ....0°29'36" Second order 4 20 13 42 0 43 18 Third order 5 21 16 55 0 53 36 Fourth order 6 13 19 40 1 2 15 Fifth order 6 59 22 5 1 9 48 Sixth order 7 40 24 15 1 16 38 Seventh order 8 18 26 14 1 22 53 When the diverging light passes through a small circular aperture, very beautiful phenomena are observed, which were studied about the same time by M. Fresnel and Sir John Herschel.1 M. Fresnel had deduced the phenomena fix m theory, and subsequently confirmed his deductions by ex, teriment. The following is Sir John Herschel’s2 account of the phenomena:—“ Suppose,” says he, “ we place a sheet of lead, having a small pin-hole pierced through it, in the diverging cone of rays from the image of the sun formed by a lens of short focus, and in the line joining the centres of the hole and focus prolonged, place a convex lens or eye¬ glass, behind which the eye is applied. The image of the Periodical hole will be seen through the lens as a brilliant spot, en- Colours, circled by rings of colours of great vividness, which con- tract and dilate, and undergo a singular and beautiful alter¬ nation of tints, as the distance of the hole from the luminous point on the one hand, or from the eye-glass on the other, is changed. When the latter distance is considerable, the central point is white, and the rings follow nearly the order of the colours of thin plates. Thus, when the diameter of the hole was about l-30th of an inch, its distance (a) from the luminous point about six feet six inches, and its distance (b) from the eye-lens twenty-four inches, the series of colours was observed to be, “ Order, White, pale yellow, yellow, orange, dull red. “2c/ Order, Violet, blue (broad and pure), whitish, green¬ ish-yellow, fine yellow, orange-red, very full and brilliant. “ 3c/ Order, Purple, indigo-blue, greenish-blue, pure bril¬ liant green, yellow-green, red. “ Ath Order, Good green, but rather sombre and bluish, bluish-white, red. “ 5th Order, Dull green, faint bluish-white, faint red. “6^/i Order, Very faint green, very faint red. “ Ith Order, A trace of green and red. “ When the eye-lens and hole are brought nearer to¬ gether, the central white spot contracts into a point and vanishes, and the rings gradually close in upon it in succes¬ sion, so that the centre assumes in succession the most sur¬ prisingly vivid and intense hues. Meanwhile the rings surrounding it undergo great and abrupt changes in their tints. The following were the tints observed in an expe¬ riment made some years ago, the distance between the eye¬ glass and luminous point (« + /») remaining constant, and the hole being gradually brought nearer to the former:— 24,00 18'00 13-50 10-00 9-25 910 8-75 8-36 8-00 7-75 7-00 6-63 6 00 5-85 5-50 5-00 4-75 4-50 4-00 3-85 3 50 Colour of the Central Spot. White. White. Y ellow. Very intense orange. Deep orange-red Brilliant blood-red... Deep crimson-red Deep purple Very sombre violet... Intense indigo-blue... Pure deep blue Sky-blue. Bluish-white. Very pale blue., Greenish-white , Y ellow Orange-yellow.. Scarlet Red Blue Dark blue. Surrounded by f Rings as in the foregoing de- | scription. The two first rings confused, the red of the 3d, and green of the 4th orders splendid. Interior rings much diluted, the 4th and 5th greens, and 3d, 4th, and 5th reds, the purest colours. f All the rings are now much 1 diluted. The rings all very dilute. The rings all very dilute. The rings all very dilute. The rings all very dilute. A broad yellow ring. A pale yellow ring. A rich yellow. A ring of orange, from which it is separated by a narrow sombre space. ! Orange-red, then a broad space of pale yellow, after which the other rings are scarcely visible. A crimson-red ring. {Purple, beyond which yellow, verging to orange. Blue, orange. j Bright blue, orange-red, pale \ yellow, white. {Pale yellow, violet, pale yel¬ low, white. | White, indigo, dull orange, ) white. White, yellow, blue, dull red. {Orange, light blue, violet, dull orange. 1 Sir John Herschel’s experiment was made on the 12th July 1819, but was not published till 1825. 2 Treat, on Light, sect. 729, 730. OPTICS. 609 Periodical “ The series of tints exhibited by the central spot is Colours, evidently, so far as it goes, that of the reflected rings in the colours of thin plates; the surrounding colours are very capricious, and appear subject to no law.” We owe also to Sir John Herschel the following beauti¬ ful experiment with two equal apertures placed near each other. The rings are formed about each as in the case of one aperture, but these are accompanied with a set of straight parallel fringes, bisecting the interval between their centres, and perpendicular to the line joining their centres. Two other sets of similar fringes appear in the form of a St Andrew’s cross, forming equal angles with the first set, as shown in fig. 112. When the apertures are unequal, as in fig. 113, these Fig. 112. Fig. 113. M. Poisson. M. Arago. Negative diffraction. fringesassume the form of hyperbolas, having the apertures in their common focus. By varying the number and shape of the apertures, the phenomena became exceedingly beautiful. M. Poisson deduced from theory that the centre of the shadow of a small circular opaque disc, exposed to light ema¬ nating from a single luminous point, would be precisely as much illuminated by the diffracted light as it would be by the direct light if the disc were removed. By using a small disc of metal, cemented to a clear and homogeneous plate of glass, M. Arago confirmed this very remarkable result. We owe to M. Arago a series of beautiful discoveries re¬ specting the influence of transparent screens in the pheno¬ mena of inflection. When a thick piece of glass is used as a screen on one side of the inflecting body, the rings wholly disappear, as if the screen were opaque. If the screen is very thin, like a film of sulphate of lime or mica, the fringes still remain visible, but shift their places, and are moved from the side where the screen is interposed. If we make this experiment on the fringes produced by two apertures, we have only to cover one of the aper¬ tures with the screen. The same effect, however, will be pro¬ duced if we cover both apertures with screens of different thicknesses. In this case the fringes will shift their places from the thicker plate, without suffering any other change. This beautiful property has been most" ingeniously em¬ ployed by MM. Arago and Fresnel in measuring the re¬ fractive powers of different gases. For as the displacement of the coloured fringes depends on the refractive power as well as thickness of the plate, its refractive power may be computed from the displacement. In the same manner, if one of the interfering rays is made to pass through tubes filled with different gases, while the other does not, the dis¬ placement produced by the gas will give a measure of the refractive power of the gaseous medium. In all the preceding phenomena of diffraction the fringes or the foci of the interfering pencils are seen, in the an¬ terior focus of the lens by which they are viewed and mag¬ nified, as produced at different distances behind the diffract¬ ing body 6 or B (fig. 114). These classes of fringes may be called positive, because they are formed in space, or upon Periodical a screen, by rays crossing in a focus, as it were, at different Colours, distances behind the diffracting body; but I have examined v «- another class of fringes which may be called negative, be¬ cause they are not brought to a positive focus in space, or do not interfere till they reach the retina. In order to see these fringes, place the lens behind the diffracting body B, so as to see it distinctly, and without fringes. If we now advance the lens towards B, we shall see fringes formed round B, and of the same size as if we had withdrawn it as much behind its first position. The fringe increases as we advance the lens, and when it touches B, the fringes are the same nearly as if it had been twice its focal length be¬ hind B. If we wish to see the fringes larger, we must use a lens with a longer focus; and when the lens touches the diffracting body, the fringes will be the same as if they were seen by the lens when placed at twice its focal length be¬ hind B. In all these cases the interfering rays which pro¬ duce the fringes are those which virtually radiate from the anterior focus of the lens, and which, being refracted into parallel directions, enter the eye, where they interfere on the retina. The negative fringes will also be seen if the lens is placed anywhere between the diffracting body and the focus F of diverging rays in fig. 114. In consequence of the rays which produce the fringes not crossing one another before they enter the eye, the nega¬ tive fringes are much more distinct than the positive ones, a fact already established by the superior distinctness of vision in the Galilean telescopes where the rays do not form a positive image before they enter the eye, and in the Casse- grainian telescope before they fall upon the eye-piece. The phenomena of diffraction are beautifully seen by using a transparent diffracting body, such as lines drawn upon glass by fluids either pure or holding gums or other transparent bodies in solution. The colours are so splendid that an instrument could thus be constructed for giving new rectilineal patterns of ribbons of all forms and colours.1 The following experiments of Joseph Fraunhofer, made Fraun- with instruments of extreme accuracy, furnish data of the hofer. highest importance in physical optics.2 The apparatus employed by Fraunhofer was a repeating theodolite whose vernier read off to 4". In the centre of the circle, but above it, this instrument carries a flat circu¬ lar plate 6 inches in diameter, having its axis coincident with that of the theodolite, and graduated separately to 10". In the middle of this disc is placed a metallic screen, in which the necessary apertures are made, and which is in the axis of the theodolite. The divisions of this disc serve to mea¬ sure, if necessary, the angle of incidence of the rays. A telescope, having an object-glass of twenty lines in aper¬ ture, and 16’9 inches in focal length, is placed inches from the centre of this disc. This telescope is placed firmly on the alidade of the divided circle, whose diameter is 12 inches, and the whole is counterpoised. The axis of the telescope is exactly parallel to the horizon, as well as to the plane of this circle. The magnifying power which he employed was from thirty to fifty times. The instrument 1 Brewster’s Optics, pp. 116, 117. 2 Neue Modifikation des Lichtes durch gegenseitige Einwirkung und Beugurxg der Strahlen, und Gesetze derselben, von Jos. Fraunhofer in Munchen. Without a date. 4 H VOL. XVI. 610 OPTICS. Periodical did not communic ate with the floor of the room, from which Colours, it was wholly insulated. The heliostate was placed in the prolongation of the optical axis, at a distance ot 38 feet 7J inches from the centre of the theodolite. In order to make the heliostate follow the sun in his hourly motion, the ob¬ server could move the screw of the mirror by means of along rod of iron, which extends from the heliostate to the theo¬ dolite, and with this apparatus he could also vary at plea¬ sure the intensity of the solar light. The opening of the Periodical heliostate is vertical, being 2 inches high, and commonly Colours, from the 50th to the 100th of an inch. By means of an achromatic microscope, magnifying 110 times, Fraunhofer measured the aperture in the metallic screen, which he did to the fifty-thousandth, and sometimes to the hundred-thousandth part of an inch, provided the body was very fine at its edge. Fraunhofer’s first observations were made with a single slit, which was placed before the object-glass of the tele¬ scope, which had been previously directed to the aperture in the heliostate, so that the aperture was bisected by the wire of the micrometer. He then saw the fringes shown in fit:. 115. The middle fringe or band I/L1, bisected by the micrometrical wire K, was white, becoming yellow towards L1 and L1, where it was red. In the space L1 L11 there is a spectrum with very lively colours,—viz., indigo near L1, then blue, green, yelloiv, and red, near L11. The spectrum in Ln L111 is much less intense,—viz., blue near L11, and yellow, green, and red near Lm. The spectrum in the space L111 LIV is still fainter, being green on the side L111, and red on the side LIV. A great number of spectra follow these, becoming fainter and fainter, and losing themselves in a band of light, which is spread over a great space. All these spectra on both sides of K are perfectly equal, and consequently symmetrical. Both the colours and the spec¬ tra shade into one another imperceptibly. The following table contains the average of the distances L1, L11, Lm, and L1V, from the central line, all of them being equal, the mea¬ sures being taken from the red extremity of each spectrum ; so that if we wish to have the angle of deviation of L11 from K, we have only to multiply the value of L in the table by 2 ; and so on. Width of the Breadth of each Product of the aperture in parts spectrum, or values aperture by the of a Paris inch. of KL1, KL11, &c. deviation L. 0-11545 O' 37w-66 0-0000210 0-06098 1 11 17 0-0000210 0-03690 1 56-6 0 0000209 0-02346 3 4-43 0-0000210 0-01237 5 48-7 0-0000209 0-01210 6 1-84 0-0000212 0 01020 6 57-3 0-0000206 0-00671 11 6-4 0-0000217 0 00642 11 12-2 0 0000209 0-00337 21 10-3 0-0000207 0-00308 23 32-7 0-0000211 0-00218 3 40 0 0000213 0-00215 35 17 0-0000220 0-00114 1° 4 53 0-0000215 From these observations M. Fraunhofer deduces the following conclusions:— 1. That the angles of deviation of the luminous rays which pass through a single aperture are in the inverse ratio of the width of that aperture. 2. That ivhen a ray is diffracted in passing through a narrow aperture, the distance of similar rays from the middle in the several spectra, form in each case an arithme¬ tical progression, ichose difference is equal to the first term. 3. That if y is the aperture, the arches L1, L11, or the deviation of the inflected rays, are in general for the radius of a circle equal ,o 1, L, JW000211 0«>00211 r t„ o. 0-0000211, y y ’ I-* — o * - * By observing whether the micrometer wire appeared or disappeared in the different spectra, Fraunhofer ascertained that the spectra nearest K are not composed of homo¬ geneous light, but that the light becomes more and more homogeneous at greater distances from the axis. Fraunhofer next proceeds to describe the phenomena observed when the two edges which form the narrow aper¬ ture are at different distances from the object-glass. When the effective width of the aperture thus formed is from the 25th to the 50th of an inch, the spectra are the same as those before described; but when the opening becomes less, the spectra on one side of the axis become wider horizontally than those on the other side. When the ap¬ parent aperture is extremely narrow, the spectra on one side are two or three times wider than those on the other. By continuing to close the distant edges, the longest spectra begin to disappear successively, so that the fifth spectrum, for example, fills almost suddenly the whole field of the telescope till it ceases to be visible, then the fourth spec¬ trum presents the same phenomena, then the third ; and so on. During these changes the spectra on the other side remain unchanged ; but when all the former have vanished, they also disappear in their turn, not successively, but all at once, which happens when no light passes between the edges. The large spectra are always on the side of the screen which is nearest the object-glass. When the apertures, both in the heliostate and in front of the object-glass, are small circular ones, a system of rings is produced absolutely the same as those of thin plates, with this difference only, that the centre is white in place of black. The rings increase in size as the apertures diminish. By varying the apertures Fraunhofer obtained the following results :— 1. That the diameters of the coloured rings are in the in¬ verse ratio of the diameters of the apertures. 2. That the distances of the extreme rings (of any given refrangibility) from the centre, form an arithmetical pro¬ gression, whose difference is smaller than the first term. 3. That if y is the diameter of the aperture in Paris inches, tve shall have L = = L11 - L1 = L111 - L", &c. 7 T t 0-0000257 1-i — 7 pu_0‘0000257 l . an(j so on< 7 The most important and interesting of Fraunhofer’s re-Spectra searches are those which relate to the spectra produced by produced gratings, consisting of a number of parallel wires placed parallel also to the narrow linear aperture in the heliostate. gnro*ves. He formed these gratings of fine wires stretched across a rectangular frame ; the two shorter ends of the frame con¬ sisted of two fine screws made with the same die, and Periodical Colours. OPTICS. 611 having 260 threads in an inch. By placing a wire in each and the 100th of an inch wide, and the ifame of wires was Periodical thread he insured their exact parallelism. The diameter of placed before the object-glass, so that no other lio-ht could Colours, each wire was 0-002021 of a French inch, and the edge of be admitted but through them. Fraunhofer was astonished each wire was distant from the adjacent edge 0-003862 of at the phenomena which he saw. He saw the colourless an inch. The aperture of the heliostate was 2 inches long, line of light A (tig. 116), in the aperture of the heliostate Fig. 116. Diffracted and water spectra compared. exactly as if no wires had been interposed, and at some distance from it on both sides agreatnumber of coloured spec¬ tra exactly similar to those produced by a good prism. They w-ere larger in proportion to their distance from the central bright line, and they diminished in intensity in the same proportion. A part of these spectra are shown in fig. 116, where A is the aperture of the heliostate, absolutely without colours. On each side of A the spectra are perfectly symmetrical. When the apparatus is well made, the space AH1 is absolutely black. The first spec¬ trum occupies the space H^1; H1 being the usual limit of the violet, and C1 that of the red. Between H11 and Cn there is a second spectrum twice as long as the first, the order of the colours being the same, but their intensity a little less. The third spectrum occupies the space be¬ tween C" and FIV, but a part of its violet rays are mixed with the red of the second spectrum, and also a part of the red rays of the third with the blue rays of the fourth spec¬ trum. The fourth spectrum is seen between FIV and UIV, its blue extremity losing itself in the third, and its red ex¬ tremity in ihe fifth spectrum. Many other spectra succeed these, and when the apparatus is good, thirteen may be easily reckoned on each side of A. But what is the most interesting fact, when the appa¬ ratus is good, and the adjustments correct,—the fixed dark lines in the prismatic spectrum are seen at C1, D1, these lines being the same as those similarly marked in fig. 87. It is remarkable, however, that A is not seen, a fact which M. Fraunhofer neither notices nor explains. The lines, both great and small, are absolutely the same, both in this and the prismatic spectrum, though their distances are widely different. In a grating in which y, the distance between the wires, is 0-000628, and 8, or the diameter of the wires, 0-001324, the following are the distances :— Distance between the lines Bi and Ci Ci D1 Ei p' Gi D1 Ei Ei Gi H‘ Piffracted Spectrum. 2' 2"’6 4 23-2 4 5-2 2 39-9 3 37-6 2 12-5 Water Spectrum. 3"-3 41 16 47 67 14 Total length from Bi to Hr ...19 10 19 1-3 The diffracted spectrum is therefore a very extraordinary one. The green space from E to F is almost exactly the same in both, but all the less refrangible spaces are greatly expanded in the diffracted spectrum, and the more refran¬ gible spaces greatly contracted, the red space CD in the diffracted spectrum being twice as great as in the water spectrum ; and the violet space in the water spectrum twice as small. M. Fraunhofer repeated the above experiments with ten different gratings, in which the breadth of the wires and the spaces between them were varied, and he deduces from them the following laws:— 1. For two different gratings in which the parallel wires are of the same size and placed at equal distances, the magnitude of the spectra which arise from the reciprocal influence of a great number of rays diffracted by narrow apertures, and, their distances from the axis, are in the in¬ verse ratio of the intervals y + 8 ; that is, the space from the middle of one of the openings to the middle of the other. 2. In all the perfect mean spectra, or those in which the fixed lines are seen, the distances between the coloured rays of the same nature in the different spectra, or between the same fixed lines in them, form an arithmetical progression, ichose distance is equal to the first ter in. 3. In gratings in which the diameter 8 of the wires, and the distance y beticeen them, is expressed in Paris inches, the first term of the progression for thefixed, lines B, C, D, E, or those rays which have the corresponding degrees of re- frangibility, is represented by the following numbers :— 0-00002541 _ _ 0-00002425 _ n _ 0-00002175 _ y+8 ’ y+S ’ y+8 ’ 0-00001943 0-00001789 0-00001585 y4-8 ’ y + 8 ’ y + 8 ’ ir_ 0-00001451 y~8 • If we represent the numerator of each of these expres¬ sions by a, the angle of deviation of one of the same coloured rays in the first spectrum by 6', in the second by 6", in the third by 6"', w-e have generally <7= “ 6"= &c. y + o y + o If v stands for the number of the spectrum, v being = 0 for the axis, = 1 for the first spectrum, 2 for the second spectrum, and if we put € = y + 8, we shall have in general, gO1)- va The preceding results having been obtained with angles so small that the arcs and their sines and tangents are nearly in the same proportion, M. Fraunhofer began a new series of experiments, with the view of obtaining spectra in which the angles should be larger, and by which he might determine whether it was the arcs or their sines or tangents which had the proportions assigned by the experiments. This inquiry rendered it necessary to obtain much finer gratings than those he had used. He therefore coated a plate of glass with two or three folds of gold-leaf, in order to have the interstices filled up, and by a peculiar arrange¬ ment he traced upon the glass parallel lines in which e was =-000114 of an inch. When the lines were drawn closer, no gold remained upon the glass. With this system the spectra were larger, and the fixed lines distinctly seen, but they did not answer his purpose. He therefore thought of spun glass, which answered as well as wires ; and having covered a plate of glass with a thin coat of fat, so thin that it could scarcely be seen, he traced parallel lines upon it, the intervals of which were only half the size of those on the gold-leaf. The spectra produced by this system of lines gave the fixed lines very distinctly, so that their distances 612 OPTICS. Periodical from the axis could be accurately measured ; but he could Colours. n0(. succee(l in tracing, either upon a layer of fat or black Vs—varnish, lines closer than this. He at last succeeded in his object of tracing a finer system of lines by using a diamond, with which, by the aid of a machine, he traced lines so fine upon the surface of glass that they could not be seen by the most powerful compound microscope. In this way he obtained a set of several thousand lines, in which c=0-0001223 of an inch, and which were at distances so very equal that the fixed lines in the first and second spectrum were clearly seen.1 With the system when € = 0-0001223, and the number of lines 3601, the fixed line D is seen double in the first spectrum. When the light fell vertically on this grating, Fraunhofer obtained the following measures :— N ames of fixed lines. Distance of lines in first spectrum. Distance of fixed lines from the axis A. Fig. 8, Plate 1. C1 11° 25'20" C1 from D1 Cn 23 19 42 1° 10' 49" pv 10 14 31 D1 from E1 D11 20 49 44 1° 5' 31" E1 9 9 0 E1 from F1 E11 18 32 34 0° 32' 54" F1 8 26 6 F1 from G1 F\,. 17 3 34 0° 58' 47" G 7 27 19 G1 from H1 G1’ 15 3 9 0° 34' 43" Hi 6 52 36 With this grating, the third, fourth, and following spectra were well seen, but the fixed lines could not be seen with sufficient distinctness for accurate measurement in those beyond the first and second. He therefore used another grating in which e = 0*005919 of an inch ; and when the light fell upon it vertically, he obtained the following results for the first five spectra with the lines D, E, and F, for the first four with E, for the first three with F and G, and for the first two with H. Names of fixed lines. Distance of fixed lines from axis. C1 2° 20'57" D1 2 6 30 D’l 4 13 7 Dm 6 20 7 DIV 8 27 43 Dv 10 35 53 E1 1 53 7 E11 3 46 17 Ein 5 39 50 EIV 7 33 41 All the observations made with both the systems of lines are represented by the expression . ly) va sm 6 € Names of fixed lines. Distance of fixed lines from axis. Ev 9° 28' 3" F1 1 44 19 F11 3 28 45 F111 5 13 23 FIV 6 58 18 G1 1 32 22 G11 3 4 57 Gm 4 37 30 H1 1 27 0 Hn 2 50 11 That is, with rays falling vertically, the sines of the angle of deviation of any fixed line or ray of definite refrangibility from the axis in the different spectra which succeed others, are as the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The last of these systems of lines has the remarkable property of having all the spectra on one side of the axis twice as luminous as those on the other. Fraunhofer sup¬ posed that one of the sides of each line had been sharper than the other, and confirmed this opinion by tracing lines on a layer of fat, so that one line was less sharp than the other, and it produced the same inequality in the intensity of the light of the spectra on each side of the axis. If the ray does not fall vertically upon the system of grooves or lines, but is inclined to it in a plane which in- Periodical tersects the parallel lines vertically, the same effect is pro- Colours, duced as if the distance between the middle of the lines, or c, were diminished in the ratio of the radius to the cosine of the angle of incidence. Hence the distance of the spec¬ tra from the axis increases as the cosine of the angle of incidence. If cr therefore is the angle of incidence, then we have— • /i(v) va sm 6 ' = € cos cr This, however, is only true when the system of lines is coarse and cr not very large. But in fine systems of lines it is otherwise—the spectra on both sides of the axis are no longer symmetrical; and in the system where c = 0-0001223, when cr is = 55°, we have the deviation of D' on one side of the axis=15° 16', and on the other side of the same axis 30° 33'. Hitherto we have treated of spectra formed by the light Spectra by transmitted through the gratings, or through plates of glass reflection, with systems of lines etched upon one of its surfaces. But M. Fraunhofer examined also the spectra produced by reflection from the etched surfaces of the glass plates. For this purpose, he coated the surface of the glass with a black resinous varnish of the same refractive power as the glass. Then when light reflected from the system of lines fell on the object-glass of the telescope, the very same phenomena appeared as when the light passed through the same system of lines at the same angle of inclination, spectra not sym¬ metrical being seen. The intensity of the spectra was still such that the distances of the various lines can be deter¬ mined with great accuracy. M. Fraunhofer has noticed it as very remarkable that, Polariza- under a certain angle of incidence, & portion of a spectrum t*011 of produced by reflection consists of entirely polarized light. This angle of incidence varies greatly for the different n ht spectra, and even still very perceptibly for the different colours of one and the same spectrum. Thus, with the glass system of lines, where e = 0-0001223, the ray E1 in the green part of the first spectrum is polarized when cr = 490, but the same green part of the second spectrum on the same side of the axis is only polarized when o- = 40°, and the green part of the first spectrum lying on the opposite side of the axis is not polarized till cr = 69°. In this last case the remaining colours of the spectrum are imperfectly po¬ larized. This was less the case in the second spectrum above mentioned, where the colour still remained polarized when the angle of incidence was perceptibly altered. In the spectrum where the green light was polarized at 69°, the light was at no angle of incidence so completely po¬ larized as in the first spectrum at 49°. With a system of lines in which c is larger than the one above mentioned, the green rays in the spectra already referred to are po¬ larized at totally different angles of incidence. A very singular consequence arises from the formula de¬ duced from theory by M. Fraunhofer, and representing his experiments. If the distance c between the lines is less than the length of an undulation, and the light falls ver¬ tically on the grating, so that o-=0, it follows that no co¬ loured ray remains visible, however the light may fall, and only the white light becomes visible in the axis. Hence all scratches or inequalities on polished surfaces can pro¬ duce no spectra, or no disturbance in the light which the surface refracts or reflects, and consequently no imperfec¬ tion in the images which they form. M. Fraunhofer like¬ wise draws the conclusion “ that it would be impossible by 1 M. Fraunhofer remarks that it requires much good fortune, even with s=0’0001223, to find a diamond point which shall trace several thousands of such lines without being altered, and he had succeeded only in obtaining one system. It is only by trial that a useful diamond point can be obtained. As every line requires to be drawn singly with great care, the labour of drawing two thousand is enormous. Fraunhofer drew lines so close that there were 32,000 of them in a Paris inch. By etching the first and last lines of the system somewhat stronger than the rest, he measured, by a microscopic apparatus, the distance between these two lines, the etching machine itself reading the lines which were etched. In this way, knowing the number of lines, viz., 3601, and the distance between the first and last, he obtained t, or the distance between the middle of any two lines. OPTICS. 613 Periodical any means to render such inequalities (those less than e) Colours, visible,” and that a microscopic object, the diameter of which is =e, and consists of two parts, cannot be recognised as consisting of two parts. “ This,” he adds, “ shows us the limits which are set to vision through microscopes.” This result, if clearly established, would be a very remarkable one. It is very obvious, that if the distances of the etched lines or the wires in gratings are unequal, the larger distances c will give smaller spectra, and the smaller dis¬ tances e larger spectra, which will be mixed with each other. I Fraunhofer, however, conceived it would be interesting to know what would happen if the intervals c were regularly unequal, that is, if the inequality in the distances were re¬ gularly repeated in equal parts. With this view, he etched parallel lines in various ways, regularly unequal upon plates of glass covered with gold leaf. If the distances between the lines are expressed by c, €", e"7 and if one of the equal parts which consists of unequal e’s is expressed by e' + €" + c'" + €n, then the distances of the various spectra were found by experiment to be . rly) va sin 0 = , —jn . €+€ +€ +€n The phenomena of spectra thus produced are chiefly remarkable on account of their different intensity. With some systems of lines of this kind, several spectra, or parts of them, may be wholly wanting, or have so slight an inten¬ sity that they are not easily observed ; whilst the succeeding ones, ao-ain, become very intense. Owing to this cause, the fixed lines in these spectra may be observed. In the usual systems consisting of equal spaces 6, the lines CXI1, FXI1, or the fixed lines C, F, in the twelfth spectrum can be seen ; but with a regularly unequal system of lines, where every division consists of three shades e different among themselves, and are as 25 : 33: 42, the lines Cx», DXI1, Ex“, and F™ are seen with such distinctness that their distances from the axis can be accurately measured. The reason of this is, that with such systems of lines, the tenth and the eleventh spectra are almost wholly wanting. With this system of lines indeed, Fraunhofer saw EXXIV, or the line E in the 24th spectrum, so distinctly that its distance could be measured. When the gratings and systems of lines are immersed in fluids the same phenomena are produced, but the distances of all the spectra from the axis are diminished in the in¬ verse ratio of the indices of refrac¬ tion. Fraunhofer has given also some fine drawings of a beautiful class of phenomena pro¬ duced by the dif¬ fraction of light passing through round and quad¬ rangular aper¬ tures,either singly or arranged re¬ gularly. When a plate of brass perforated with / two equal aper- , , tures 0’02227 of / an inch in diame¬ ter, and 0'03831 distant, is placed Fig.m. in front of the object-glass, and the aperture of the helio Apertures. state round, the extraordinary appearance shown in fig. 117 Periodical was seen. It consisted of 65 elliptical spectra distributed Colours, in concentric rings, the outermost of which contains 28 spectra, the next 20, the next 12, and the central one 5. When the circular apertures are arranged so as to cor¬ respond with the (; four angles of a square, the effect produced is simi¬ lar to fig. 118. One of the most splendid figures of this kind is produced by crossing two gratings with the wires at right angles to each other: a circular image is covered rigiis. with narrow spectra radiating from the centre, but occupy¬ ing only parts of different radii. The spectra are rectan¬ gular, of about a line wide, and from five lines to five inches long. The violet end of each is towards the centre. In some places the spectra touch and overlap each other, but the greater number are insulated. Our limits will not permit us to pursue this curious sub¬ ject any farther, and we must refer our readers to Fraun¬ hofer’s own work,1 and to another published by Schwerd of Spires in 1835,2 in which he has given drawings of an immense variety of beautiful phenomena. As the various phenomena of diffraction observed by Arago, Fresnel, Young, Fraunhofer, and Schwerd are susceptible of being explained by the undulatory theory, even facts of the same class, and having a similar origin, cannot possess much interest in our inquiries into the physical causes to which they must be ultimately referred. We shall now proceed, however, to give an account of a new series of facts discovered by Sir David Brewster. In all the phenomena of gratings and systems of lines ob- Rece”t dls* served by Fraunhofer, the central image of the luminous coverie8‘ aperture in the heliostate is white, a result that might have been expected, as that light is reflected from the original surface of the glass, and cannot interfere with any other light. “ If the lines,” says Fraunhofer, “ were so thick that one touched another, and consequently had no space be¬ tween them, no light could be regularly reflected from the etched surface, and would, as from every other polished surface, be dispersed. Were the intermediate spaces equally wide as the lines, the etched surface could only re¬ gularly reflect half as much light as an equal surface of glass that was not etched ; therefore the quantity of regularly reflected light from an etched surface of glass is in pi-opor- tion to the quantity of light which is reflected from a sur¬ face of glass of the same size not etched, or as the width of the spaces between any two neighbouring lines is to the width of these lines.”3 These conclusions, however irresistible they seem to be, are very far from being correct; for, upon examining a series of several systems of lines or grooves cut on steel for him by the late Sir John Barton, Sir David Brewster observed, that in several of them the central image hitherto described as ivhite or colourless had a distinct colour, which was the same in every part of the system. In one of the systems, on which there were 1000 lines in an inch, the central image had its tint a greenish-blue at a perpendicular 1 See Edin. Journal of Science, N.S., No. xiii., p. 101, and No. xiv., p. 251. 2 Die Jjeugungs-ersheinungen, aus dem Fundamental-gesetz dem undulations theorie analytische entwickelt und in Bieldern dargestellt, ''on F. M. Schwerd, Manheim, 1835. ‘ 3 Fraunhofer, Edin. Jour, of Science, No. xiii., p. 109. 614 OPTICS. Teriodical incidence, which suffered no change by turning round the Colours, nor by reflecting the light from different parts of the system. He found the same colours on various other sys¬ tems of lines, and upon examining them at different angles of incidence, he found that the tints varied with the inci¬ dence, being a maximum at a vertical incidence, diminishing as the incidence increased, and disappearing at an angle of 90°. The following were the general results with the grooves on steel:— Number of Orders and portions of orders of colours from 0° to 90° grooves in Gf incidence, the inch. 500 Citron-yellow of the first order shading to white. 625 One complete order of colours, together with the reddish- yellow of the second order. The colours very faint. 1000 Four complete orders of colours. 1000 One complete order, with blue, green, and yellowish- green of the second order. 1250 One complete order, with blue and bluish-green of the second order. The colours very faint. 2000 One complete order, together with blue, green, and greenish-yellow of the second order. 2500 One complete order, together with the full blue of the second order. 3333 Gamboge-yellow of the first order. 5000 One complete order, together with bluish-white of the second order. 10,000 One complete order, with blue and fainter blue of the second order. In the third specimen, with 1000 grooves, mentioned in this table, the following were the four orders of colour:— Colours. White Yellow Reddish-orange Pink Junction of pink and blue, Brilliant blue Whitish Yellow Pink Junction of pink and blue, Blue Bluish-green Yellowish-green Whitish-green Whitish-yellow Y ellow Pinkish-yellow Pink-red Whitish-pink Green Yellow Reddish Angles of incidence. 90° O' 80 0£ 77 76 20 75 40 74 30 71 0 64 45 59 45 58 10 56 0 54 30 53 15 51 0 49 0 47 15 41 0 36 0 31 0 24 0 10 0 0 0 These colours are obviously analogous to those of the reflected rings in thin plates, though with a white centre, but they have not the same composition. By turning the system of lines round in azimuth, the same colours are seen at the same angles of incidence, and they suffer no change either by varying the distance of the luminous aperture, or the distance of the eye of the observer. Desirious of seeing what effect would be produced when Periodical the original surface of the steel was almost wholly removed, Colours. Sir John Barton executed for Sir D. Brewster a specimen v with 2000 grooves in an inch, in which this was nearly effected. Unfortunately, however, the diamond point which he used broke before he had executed any considerable space, and the experiments, therefore, with so small a portion, were less complete than could have been desired. The specimen, however, gave four orders of colours, which were developed at greater angles of incidence than in the preceding table. The following were the results:— Colours. Angles of incidence. White go0 O' Straw-yellow Faint red Pink ...i First limit of pink and blue 80 0 Blue Green Yellow Red Pink Second limit of pink and blue 69 40 Blue Green Yellowish-green Yellow Orange Scarlet Purple Third limit of pink and blue 48 0 Blue Brilliant green Yellowish-green Yellow Reddish 10 0 1 he property established by the preceding experiment is certainly one of a very remarkable kind. That a pure and highly-polished metallic surface, which reflects light per¬ fectly white, should actually decompose it when the surface is reduced to narrow lines, is inconsistent with every doc¬ trine respecting light. Here there are no rays to interfere, no doubly-refracted pencils, and, in short, none of the ordi¬ nary conditions on which the decomposition of light de¬ pends. That the colour does not arise from light that has entered a certain way into the body interfering with that which is regularly reflected, is obvious from the fact, that in two specimens of 2000 grooves in an inch, impressed on black wax, the new colours were very distinct, the vertical tint being a greenish-yellow of the second order in one specimen, and a gamboge-yellow in the other, in addition to one complete order of colours at greater incidences. The following experiments, intended to show the effect of a variable refracting power in the reflecting surface, are calculated to give us some insight into the nature of this new property of light. In the following table Sir David Brewster has described the changes produced upon the colours, by placing different fluids on the reflecting sur¬ face :— No. of grooves in an inch. 312* 500 625 1000 1250 Maximum vertical tint without a fluid. No colour Citron-yellow of first order Reddish-yellow of second order .. Yellowish-green of second order. Bluish-green, faint Maximum tint with three different fluids. 1. Water—tinge of yellow. 2. Alcohol—tinge of yellow. 3. Oil of cassia—faint reddish-yellow. 1. Water—tinge of red. 2. Alcohol—diluted pink. 3. Oil of cassia—a bluer pink. 1. Water—faint pink of second order. 2. Alcohol—ditto more pink. 3. Oil of cassia—bluish-pink of second order. 1. Water—pinkish-red, second order. 2. Alcohol—brilliant pink, ditto. 3. Oil of cassia—greenish-blue, third order. 1. Water—yellow, second order. 2. Alcohol—yellower. 3. Oil of cassia—yellowish-pink. OPTICS. Periodical Colours. 615 No. of grooves in an inch. 2,000 2,500 3,333 5,000 10,000 Maximum vertical tint without a fluid. Greenish-yellow, second order. Blue, second order Gamboge-yellow, first order... Bluish-white, second order Fine blue, second order Maximum tint with three different fluids. 1. Water—brownish-red, second order. 2. Alcohol—pinkish-red, ditto. 3. Oil of cassia—greenish-blue. f 1. Water—dilute-green. I 2. Alcohol—greenish-white, second order. { 3. Oil of cassia—bright gamboge-yellow. 1. Water—pinkish-red, first order. 2. Alcohol—reddish-pink. 3. Oil of cassia—bright blue, second order. f 1. Water—pale yellow. | 2. Alcohol—yellow, with tinge of orange. 1 3. Oil of cassia—yellowish-pink, second order. 1. Water—greenish-white, second order. 2. Alcohol—yellowish-white. 3. Oil of cassia—brilliant gamboere-yellow. Periodical Colours Similar results were obtained with grooves impressed upon wax ; hence it follows that more orders of colours, and higher tints, at a given incidence, are developed by diminishing the refractive power of the grooved surface. But one of the most interesting results in this table is the part in which the colours are entirely developed by the fluids ap¬ plied to the surface ; and hence if we had transparent fluids of much higher refractive powers, the colours would be pro¬ duced when the intervals were much larger. Similar phenomena were developed when the grooves were impressed on the fusible metal, on tin, and on isin¬ glass. In those on isinglass, the new colours were seen also in the transmitted central image, and were extremely bril¬ liant ; but they were not decidedly complementary to those^ in the reflected image. The following were the colours of the reflected and transmitted image in isinglass, beginning from 90° of incidence :— Colour of the Colour of the reflected same image, seen central image. by transmission. Yellow Deep blue. Orange Paler blue. Pink P1ue. First limit of pink and blue Blue. Blue Pink. Green Orange-pink. Yellow Orange. Orange Yellow. Pink Yellow. Second limit of pink and blue Yellow. Blue Yellow. Sir D. Brewster was now desirous of observing what took place in the prismatic images, when the colours appeared in the principal or central image. Let AB (fig. 119) be the reflected image of a longrect- angular aperture fi’om the spaces between the grooves, and ab, db', a"b", d"b"\ the a , ,, prismatic images ot it; w, vv, &c., being the violet sides, and rr, rr, &c., the red sides of these spectra. Then, in the First spectrum ab, the violet rays are obliterated at m at an incidence of 74°, and the red rays at n, at an incidence of 66°, the inter¬ mediate colours, blue, green, being obliterated at inter¬ mediate points between m and n , and at angles of in¬ cidence intermediate be¬ tween 74° and 66°. In the Second spectrum dl>, the violet rays are obliterated at J iri at an incidence of 66° 20', and the red at n at 54° 45'. In the Fig. 119. Third spectrum d'l)', the violet rays are obliterated at m at 57°, and the red at n at 41° 35'. And in the Fourth spectrum d"b"', the violet rays are obliterated at m" at 48°, and the red rays at n" at 23° 30'. Another similar succession of obliterated tints takes place on all the prismatic images at a lesser incidence, as shown at /iv, juV, the violet being obliterated at /jl, and the red at v, and the intermediate colours at intermediate points. In this second succession the line /xv begins and ends at the same angle of incidence as the line mn in the third prismatic image d'l)'; and the line \xv on the second prismatic image corresponds with m'n" on the fourth prismatic image. This singular obliteration of the colours is shown more clearly in fig. 120, where rmvn is a part of one of the pris¬ matic images, rr the red space, gg the green space, bb the blue, and vv the violet space. The line of obliteration mn begins at m, the extreme violet being obliterated there, so that the curve of illumination abm (fig. 121) is just affected at one extremity m. The line advances into the spectrum, and at the point corresponding to d (fig. 121) a portion of the blue and violet is obliterated, as shown by the notch in the curve; at e, a portion of the green and blue; at A, a portion of the red and green; and at n the extreme red. A similar obliteration of tints takes place on the ordinary image AB. The first obliteration—viz., that of the violet—takes place at o (fig. 119), and that of the red at p ; while the inter¬ mediate colours disappear at intermediate points. This first space of obliteration has no corresponding one at the same incidence in any of the prismatic images. The second obliteration of the violet in AB takes place at q, and that of the red at r, and this corresponds in inci- 616 OPTICS. Colours. h Periodical dence with the obliterations rriri, ruin on the second pris¬ matic image. The third obliteration of the violet takes place at s, and that of the red at and this corresponds in incidence with the four obliterations on the second and fourth prismatic • . f i in in ,f/ *,r images—viz.,/xv, /jlv, m n , m n . In all these phenomena the points m, n, [x, v, &c., are only the points of minimum intensity, or of maximum ob¬ literation ; for the tints never entirely disappear, and those obliterated at each line mn form an oblique spectrum con¬ taining all the prismatic colours. The analysis of these curious and apparently complicated phenomena becomes very simple when they are examined under homogeneous illumination. The effect produced in red light is represented in fig. 122, where AB is the image of the rect¬ angular aperture reflected from the faces n of the steel, and the four images on each side of it correspond with the prismatic images. All these nine images, however, consist of ho¬ mogeneous red light, which is ob¬ literated at the fifteen shaded rect¬ angles, which are the minima of the new series of periodical colours which cross both the ordinary and the pris¬ matic images. The centres p, r, t, n, v, &c., of these rectangles cor¬ respond with the points marked with the same letters in fig. 119; and if we had drawn the same figure for violet light, the centres of the rect¬ angles would have corresponded with o, q, s, m, fi, &e., in fig. 119. The rectangles should have been shaded off to represent the phenomena ac¬ curately, but the only object of the figure is to show to the eye the position and relations of the minima of the periods. If it should be practicable to remove a still greater por¬ tion of the faces n, the first minimum p (fig. 122), would commence at a greater angle of incidence ; and other two rows of minima—namely, rows of five and six—would be found extending to the fifth and sixth prismatic images. The arrangement and succession of these is easily deducible from fig. 122, where the law of the phenomenon is obvious to the eye. The following table contains the angles of incidence reckoned from the perpendicular at which these minima occur in the extreme rays :— B Fig. 122. Position of the Minima in Red Light. . T 1st Prism 2d Prism 3d Prism 4th Prism Ord. Im. Jm. Im. 1m. Im. First minima,p...76° O' 66° 0' 55° 45' 41° 35' 23° 30' Second minima,r..55 45 41 35 23 30 Third minima 23 30 Position of the Minima in Violet Light. ^ . T 1st Prism 2d Prism 3d Prism 4th Prism Ord. Im. Im. Im> Im. Im. First minima 81° 30' 74° 0' 66° 20' 57° 0' 48° 0' Second minima...66 20 57 0 48 0 Third minima 48 0 When the steel with 1000 grooves is exposed to common light, and the incident ray is very near the perpendicular, the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th prismatic images are combined into a mass of whitish light, terminated externally by a black space. As the angle of incidence increases, the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th images are combined into this mass, then the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th images, and so on; the black space which terminates this mass receding from the axis or image AB (fig. 119), as the obliquity of the incident ray Periodical increases. Colours. Having covered the steel plate with water and oil of cas- sia in succession, the angular distances of the black space were found to be as follows at the same incidence:— Air 12° 23' Water 17 15 Oil of cassia 21 22 the sines of which are inversely as the indices of refraction of the fluids. Phenomena analogous to those above described take place on the grooved surfaces of gold, silver, and calcareous spar, &c. In order to study this subject under a more general as¬ pect, it was desirable to examine the phenomena exhibited by grooved surfaces of different refractive powers. It was obviously impossible to procure systems of lines upon trans¬ parent bodies in which the grooves should have exactly the same distance and magnitude; but Sir D. Brewster con¬ ceived it practicable to impress upon different substances the very grooves which produced the preceding phenomena, and he succeeded in impressing the system of 1000 grooves upon tin, realgar, and isinglass. The following results were obtained with tfm, the colours being those upon AB, fig. 119:— White 90° 0' Yellow Pink First junction of pink and blue 76 20 Greenish-blue Yellow Pink (Second junction of pink and blue... 57 40 Bluish-green Yellow Orange Pink Third junction of pink and blue. First minimum of red .’ 76 0 Second „ „ 61 0 The following results were obtained with realgar:— White 90° O' Yellow 80 0 Pink 75 30 First junction of pink and blue 73 10 Blue 72 0 Bluish-green 70 15 Yellow 63 0 Bright pink : 54 0 Second junction of pink and blue... 47 0 Bluish-green 41 0 Yellow 36 0 Pink 32 0 More and more pink First minimum of red 72 0 Second „ „ 61 15 The following results were obtained with isinglass. The colours were generally the same as in the steel:— The first limit of pink and blue was at 75° 45' The blue of second order 73 45 The second limit of pink and blue was at 54 30 In these experiments the tin gave nearly the same results as the steel; but in the realgar and the isinglass similar tints were produced at a less angle of incidence than in the steel. The minima of the periods were exhibited very finely on the isinglass, and were produced at smaller angles of inci¬ dence. In a specimen with 1000 grooves upon isinglass, the third pink, or that seen upon steel at 36°, was the highest; but after drying, the pink descended to yellow, and subsequently to green. If the isinglass is removed from the steel when it is still soft, the edges of the grooves get rounded and lose their Periodical Colours. Properties of mother- of-pearl. OPTICS. sharpness, and only one prismatic image is seen on each side of the ordinary image, as in mother-of-pearl. The mass of white light is finely seen in the impressions taken upon tin, but never appears upon isinglass. The prismatic colours seen on mother-of-pearl are ex¬ actly of the same kind as the prismatic images of grooved surfaces, with this difference, that a single prismatic image only is seen on each side of the common colourless image. The following account of these colours has been given by Sir David Brewster, who first analyzed them, and discovered their communicabilify to wax, the fusible metals, &c.:— Mother-of-pearl, which constitutes the interior lining of the shell of the pearl oyster, and of various other shells, has been long employed in the arts for the purposes of use and of ornament. Every one must have observed the play of prismatic tints, from which this substance derives much of its value as an ornament; but the nature and origin of these tints were never made the subject of inves¬ tigation till Sir David Brewster took up the subject, and published the results of his observations in the Phil. Trans. for 1814. In order to study well the properties of this substance, we must select a regularly-formed piece or plate of mother- of-pearl, which is known by the uniformity of its colour in daylight, and scarcely exhibits in that light any of the prismatic tints. Let this plate be now ground flat on both sides (but not polished) upon a hone or piece of slate, or upon a bit of glass, with the powder of schistus, or with fine emery. When this is done, hold the plate close to the eye, and view in it by reflection the flame of a candle, or of an Argand lamp, or the flame of two or three candles, so placed as to appear like one, and we shall see a dull and reddish image, free from all prismatic colours, its dulness arising from the imperfect polish of the surface. On one side of, or above or below this image, will be seen a brighter image, with the colours of the spectrum, nearly as if it had been formed by a prism. When the plate of mother-of-pearl is turned round in its own plane, the prismatic image will follow the motion of the plate, and revolve round the common image, the blue rays being nearest the common image, and the red rays farthest from it. If the plate is so placed that the prismatic image is in the plane of reflection, and between the common image and the observer, it will be found that the distance between the two images increases with the angle of inci¬ dence, being about 2° 7' at an incidence not far from the perpendicular, and 9° 14' at a very great obliquity. This distance between the images varies more rapidly when the plate is turned round 180° in azimuth, so that the common image is between the prismatic image and the observer; but in this case we cannot measure the angle accurately much beyond 60°, when it is nearly 4° 30'. Beyond the prismatic image, and in the same line with it and the common image, will be observed a mass of coloured light, nearly as far beyond the prismatic image as the prismatic image is from the common image. The dis¬ tance of this patch of coloured light varies according to a different law from that of the prismatic image, as the rays which form it have previously suffered refraction. This mass of light has a beautiful crimson colour at great angles of obliquity.1 Hitherto we have considered the phenomena only when the surface has that degree of polish which accompanies smooth grinding. If a greater degree of polish, however, is communicated to the plate, the common image becomes more brilliant, and a new prismatic image starts up, dia¬ metrically opposite to the Jirst prismatic image, and at the same distance from the common image. This second pris¬ matic image resembles in every respect the first. Its bril- 617 liancy increases with the polish, and when this polish is Periodical very high, the second prismatic image is nearly as bright as Colours- the first, which has its brilliancy a little impaired by polish- ing. This second image is never accompanied, like the first, by a mass of coloured light. If the polish of the sur¬ face is removed by grinding, the second prismatic image vanishes, and the first resumes its primitive brilliancy. When the preceding experiments are repeated on the op¬ posite surface of the plate of mother-of-pearl, the same phe¬ nomena are observed, but in a reverse order, the first pris¬ matic image and the mass of coloured light being now seen on the opposite side of the plate. In measuring the angular distances of the prismatic image Its re- from the common image seen by reflection, Sir David fleeted co- Brewster had occasion to fix the mother-of-pearl to a gonio- meter by means of a cement made of rosin and bees’-wax. Upon removing it from the cement, by insinuating the edge of a knife, and making it spring off, the plate of mother-of- pearl left a clean impression of its own surface ; and he was surprised to observe that the cement had actually received the property of producing the colours which were exhibited by the mother-of-pearl. This was at first attributed by Sir D. Brewster, and others who saw the experiments, to a very thin film of mother-of-pearl detached from the plate, and left upon the cement; but subsequent experiments con¬ vinced him that the mother-of-pearl communicated to the cement its own properties. The properties of mother-of-pearl may also be communi¬ cated in this way to balsam of tolu, gum-arabic, gold-leaf placed upon wax, tinfoil, fusible metal composed of bis¬ muth and mercury, and to lead, by hard pressure, or the blow of a hammer. When the impression is first made upon the fusible metal, the play of colours is singularly fine; but the metallic surface soon loses its polish, and the colours gradually decay. If dissolved isinglass or gum-arabic, &c., is placed upon the plate of mother-of-pearl, and allowed to harden upon it, they will exhibit in the most splendid manner the colours of the substance; or if we indurate these gums between two plates of mother-of-pearl, we shall have transparent films, exhibiting on both sides the play of the prismatic tints. If we now examine the prismatic images reflected from the wax which has received the impression from an unpol¬ ished piece of mother-of-pearl, we shall find that the single prismatic image which is thus produced is on the right hand of the common image, whereas it is on the left hand of the common image in the mother-of-pearl itself. At different angles of incidence, the two coloured images formed by the wax follow the same laws as those produced by the mother-of-pearl; but the mass of green and crimson tints never appears in the impressions taken from mother- of-pearl, because they are produced by light which has penetrated the mother-of-pearl, and has after refraction been reflected from one or more thin plates which lie between the strata of which the mother-of-pearl is composed. In communicating to isinglass or gum-arabic the super- Transmit- ficial structure of mother-of-pearl, their transparency enablested colours, us to observe the phenomena of the transmitted colours. The two prismatic images were both visible—the primary one being remarkably brilliant, and the second one scarcely perceptible; but when the light was transmitted through the gum, the primary image was nearly extinct, while the secondary one was unusually brilliant and highly coloured, far surpassing in splendour those which are formed by transmission through the mother-of-pearl itself. When both the surfaces of isinglass or gum-arabic have received the superficial structure of mother-of-pearl, four images are seen. 4i vor.. xvi. l See Trans. 1836, p. 55. 618 OPTICS. Periodical Colours. From these facts it is obvious that the principal pheno¬ mena of mother-of-pearl have their origin in a particular configuration of its surface. By the use of the microscope Sir David Brewster discovered in every specimen of mother- of-pearl that gave the prismatic images a grooved structure upon its surface, resembling the delicate texture of the skin at the tip of an infant’s finger, or the lines which mark out islands and coasts upon a map. In many specimens of mother-of-pearl the grooves are parallel, but they are often arranged in all possible direc¬ tions like the veins of agate, and in this case the common reflected image is surrounded with a number of prismatic images, sometimes arranged in a circular or oval form more or less regular. Sometimes the spaces between the grooves, or rather the edges of the strata of the shell, can be seen by the naked eye, or by a magnifying power of six or eight times, in which case the prismatic images are less highly coloured, having whitish light in their centre, and are placed close to the common image. At other parts of the same plate more than 3000 grooves may be counted in an inch, and in some places they cannot be detected by ordinary magnifying powers. The direction of the grooves is always at right angles to the line joining the common image and the prismatic image. Had the grooved structure appeared only upon its external surface, the phenomena and the communicable colours would have disappeared when the surface was ground down; but the surprising part of the phenomena is, that if we grind down the external surface with the finest pow¬ ders, and polish it to the utmost degree, we never can grind out the grooved structure, and replace it by a flat surface. The edges of the shell break off by the action of the finest powders, so that the termination of one stratum can¬ not pass into the subjacent stratum without being separated by a distinct line or edge, formed by the fracture of its thin marginal parts. As all the strata have thus a prismatic termination, the mass of green and crimson light is reflected from near the edge of the surface upon which the super¬ incumbent stratum lies. Observa- Sir John Herschel discovered in very thin plates of tions of Sir mother-of-pearl a pair of nebulous prismatic images more John Her- distant from the central image than the two prismatic ones above described, and also a pair of fainter nebulous images, the line joining which is perpendicular to the line joining the first pair. He saw them by looking through thin pieces between the 70th and 300th of an inch thick. They are produced by a veined structure, in which there were 3700 veins in an inch. They cross the common grooves at all angles, and are parallel to the plane passing through the centres of the two systems of the coloured rings. In applying apertures of various figures to the mirrors and object-glasses of telescopes, Sir John Herschel obtained the following results:— Effects pro- With the largest circular diaphragm, either near to or duced by distant from the spectrum or object-glass, the disc and rings increase inversely as the diameter of the aperture. When the aper¬ ture was only 1 inch in a telescope of 7 feet in focal length, the disc of the star was well defined, and sur¬ rounded with one ring only faintly tinged with white, faint red, black, very faint blue, ivhite, extremely faint red, and black, reckoning from the centre. With a half-inch aper- Fig. 123. ture, the rings were invisible, the disc greatly enlarged, the . ,sliading to the circumference like some comets, ihis is shown in fig. 123. winula!l aPertl^res tlle phenomena were highly beau¬ tiful. W hen the outside of the annulus was 3 inches, and schel. apertures of various shapes. the inside l£, Capella appeared as in fig. 124, and the double Periodical star Cantor as in fig. 12o. When gw-’./v/.mmtm Colours, the breadth of the annular aper¬ ture is diminished, the disc and the breadth of the rings also diminish, while the number of visible rings increases. The appearance of Capella with an- Fig. 124. Fig. 125. nular apertures of 5*5 inches exterior and 5‘5 interior, of 0*7 exterior and 02 interior, and of 2‘2 exterior and 2 0 IFlg-12e- Fig. 127. Fig. 128. interior, is represented in figs. 126, 127, and 128. In the last figure the disc was reduced to a point, and the rings were so numerous and close that they could scarcely be counted. When the breadth of this annulus was reduced one-half, the rings were invisible. When two annuli, as shown in fig. 129, were used, large halos or rings were seen by Sir John Herschel, as in fig. 130. With an aperture of the shape of an equilateral triangle, or the opening between two concentric equilateral triangles, the figure was that shown in fig. 131, in which the small central disc was extremely bright, and the field of the telescope black. When fig. 131 is seen with the Fig. 129. telescope out of focus, it changes into fig. 132. When three circular apertures are placed at the angles of an equilateral triangle, the effect shown in fig. 133 is produced. Periodical Colours. Colours of thick plates. OPTICS. 619 When three equal and similar annular apertures were arranged in the same manner, the effect was as in fig. 124. lljpUM'""”— Fig. 132. When this was thrown out of focus, it had the appearance Fig. 133. I’ig. 134. Fig. 135. in fig. 134 ; when brought better into focus, it changed into fig. 135 ; and when in focus, into fig. 124.1 Sect. IV.—On the Colours of Concave Mirrors or thick Plates. The colours produced by thick plates were discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, who has given the following account of them :2—“ There is no glass or speculum, however well polished, but besides the light which it refracts or reflects regularly, scatters every way irregularly a faint light by means of which the polished surface, when illuminated in a dark room by a beam of the sun’s light, may be easily seen in all positions of the eye. The sun shining into my darkened chamber through a hole in the shutter AB (fig. 136), one-third of an inch wide, I let the intromitted beam Fig. 13G. of light RR' fall perpendicularly upon a glass speculum M, ground concave on one side and convex -on the other, to a sphere of 5 feet and 11 inches radius, and quick-silvered over on the convex side ; and holding a white opaque chart at the centre of the sphere to which the speculum was ground, in such a manner that the beam of light might pass through a little hole made in the middle of the chart to the speculum, and thence be reflected back to the same hole, I observed upon the chart four or five concentric rings of colours like rainbows. If the distance of the chart from the speculum was much greater or much less than that of 6 feet, the rings became dilute and vanished. “ The colours of these rainbows succeeded one another from the centre outerwards in the same form and order with those transmitted through the two object-glasses. “ The diameters of the first four of the bright rings, mea- Periodical sured between the brightest parts of their orbits at the distance Colours, of 6 feet from the speculum, were !-}-£, 2f, 2-iT-, 3f inches, whose squares are in arithmetical progression of the numbers 1, 2, 3,4. If the white circular spot in the middle be reckoned amongst the rings, and its central light, where it seems to be most luminous, be put equipollent to an infinitely little ring, the squares of the diameters of the rings will be in the progression 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. I measured also the diameters of the dark circles between these luminous ones, and found their squares in the progression of the numbers 1J, 3^-, &c.; the diameters of the first four at the distance of 6 feet from the speculum being 1T%, 2^, 2§, 4^5- inches. If the distance of the chart from the speculum was increased or diminished, the diameters of the circles were increased or diminished proportionally. “ When the beam of the sun’s light was reflected back from the speculum, not directly to the hole in the window, but to a place a little distant from it, the common centre of that spot, and of all the rings of colours, fell in the middle way between the beam of the incident light and the beam of the reflected light, and by consequence in the centre of the spherical concavity of the speculum, whenever the chart on which the rings of colours fell was placed at that centre. And as the beam of reflected light, by inclining the specu¬ lum, receded more and more from the beam of incident light, and from the common centre of the coloured rings between them, these rings grew bigger and bigger, and so also did the white round spot, and new rings of colours emerged successively out of their common centre, and the white spot became a white ring encompassing them ; and the incident and reflected beams of light always fell upon the opposite parts of this white ring, illuminating its perimeter like two mock suns in the opposite parts of an iris. * * “ The colours of the new rings were in a contrary order to those of the former, and arose after this manner. The white round spot of light in the middle of the rings continued white to the centre, till the distance of the incident and re¬ flected beams at the chart was about £ parts of an inch, and then it began to grow dark in the middle. And when that distance was about If of an inch, the white spot was become a ring encompassing a dark second spot, which in the middle inclined to violet and indigo. * * “ When the distance between the incident and reflected beams of light became a little bigger, there emerged out of the middle of the dark spot after the indigo a blue, and then out of that blue a pale green, and soon after a yellow and red. * * “ When the distance of the two beams of light at the chart was a little more increased, there emerged out of the middle in order after the red, a purple, a blue, a green, a yellow, and a red inclining much to purple.” The Duke de Chaulnes3 observed colours analogous to those of thin plates, when the surface of a mirror was covered with a thin film of milk after it was dry, or with a screen of gauze or muslin placed at a small distance in front of the mirror. Sir William Herschel4 has given an account of an interesting experiment, in which, by dispers¬ ing hair-powder in the air before a metallic speculum on which a beam of light is incident, and receiving the reflected beam on a screen, fine rings of colour are produced; or an analogous phenomena may be seen by scattering hair-pow¬ der on the face of a common looking-glass.8 Sir David Brewster has remarked,6 that the method which he has found the most simple for exhibiting these colours, is to place the eye immediately behind a small flame, from a minute wick fed with oil or wax, so that we can examine 1 Sir John Herschel’s Treatise on Light, § 769, &c., in which the reader will find the subject more fully treated. 2 This account is abridged from Newton’s Optics, book ii., part iv., p. 264. 3 Mem. de VAcad. de Paris, 1705, p. 136. 4 Phil. Trans. 1807, part ii. 6 See our art. Chromatics, § ix., vc*l. vi. 6 Treatise on Optics, p. 131, § 80. 620 OPTICS. Periodical them even at a perpendicular incidence. The colours of Colours, thick plates may be seen even with a common candle held 's—before the eye at the distance of ten or twelve feet from a common pane of crown-glass in a window that has accumu¬ lated a little fine dust upon its surface, or that has on its surface a deposition of fine moisture. Under these circum¬ stances they are so very bright, that they may be seen even when the pane of glass is clean. Colours of double plates of equal thickness. Fig. 137. Sect. V—On the Colours Produced by Double Plates of Glass of Equal Thickness. In 1815 Sir David Brewster published in the Transactions1 “ An account of a new species of coloured fringes produced by the reflection of light between two plates of parallel glass of equal thickness.” In these experiments he cut the plates of glass AB, CD (fig. 137) out of the same piece, and having placed between them a bit of soft bees’-wax, he pressed them together till they were at the distance of nearly the tenth of an inch, and slightly inclined to each other as in the figure, till one or more of the reflected images of a circular luminous disc seen in the direction VR by an eye at V, were reflected from the bright and direct image formed by transmitted light. When this was done, the reflected image was crossed with about fifteen or sixteen beautiful pa¬ rallel fringes. The three central fringes consist of blackish and whitish stripes, and the exterior ones of brilliant stripes of red and green light; and the central fringes have the same appearance in relation to the external fringes as the inter¬ nal have to the external rings formed by thin plates. If the two plates of glass are turned round in a plane at right angles to the incident ray, the reflected images will move round the bright image, and the parallel fringes will always preserve a direction at right angles to a line joining the centres of the bright and reflected images. Hence it fol¬ lows, that the direction of the fringes is always parallel to the common section of the four reflecting surfaces which exercise an action upon the incident light. The position of the plates remaining as before, let the inclination of the plates, or, what is the same thing, the distance of the bright and the reflected image, be varied by a gentle motion of one of the plates, the coloured fringes will be found to increase in breadth as the inclination of the plates is diminished, and to diminish as the inclination of the plates is increased. If the light of the circular object, instead of falling per¬ pendicularly upon the plates, is incident at different obli¬ quities, so that the plane of incidence is at right angles to the common section of the plates, no fringes are visible across any of the images. But if the plane of incidence is parallel to the common section of the plates, the reflected images increase in brightness with the obliquity of inci¬ dence, and the coloured fringes become more vivid. When the angle of incidence increases from 0° to 90°, the images that have suffered the greatest number of reflections are crossed by other fringes, inclined to them at a small angle. At an angle of about 44°, the image formed by four re- flections is covered with interfering fringes ; but it is not till the angle of incidence is greater that this is distinctly seen on the image formed by two reflections. Hitherto he had observed no fringes upon the first or bright image, which is composed of light that has not suf¬ fered reflection from the second plate of glass. By con- Periodical cealing, however, the bright light of the first image, so as Colours, to perceive the image formed by a second reflection within the first plate, and by viewing this image through a small aperture, which he found of great service in giving distinct¬ ness to all the phenomena, he observed fringes across the first image far surpassing in precision of outline, and in richness of colouring, every analogous phenomenon which he had seen. When these fringes were concealed, he also observed other fringes on the image immediately behind them, and formed by a third reflection, from the interior of the first plate. He concealed the second image, upon which the fringes were extremely bright, and very faint stripes were seen upon the one immediately behind it. In examining these phenomena a little more attentively, he observed that the size of the fringes in the first image varied with the distance of the eye from the plates, while those on the second and fourth image diminished with that distance. In pursuing this inquiry, Sir David Brewster found that the production of the fringes depends upon the action of all the four surfaces of the two plates of parallel glass ; and that the magnitude of the fringes are inversely as the thickness of the plates that produce them at a given inclination. When the eye is placed between the plates and the lu¬ minous object so as to see the first, third, fifth, seventh, &c., reflected images, the coloured fringes are also seen, and have the same character as those already described. In order to explain the changes which the light under¬ goes in its passage through the plates of glass, let AB, CD (fig. 137) be a section of two plates at right angles to the common section of their surfaces, and let RS be a ray of light incident nearly in a vertical direction. This ray, after passing through the first plate AB, will suffer a small re¬ fraction at P and Q, and emerge in the direction QY parallel to RS. At the point P, in the second plate CD, the ray TP will be reflected to a, again reflected to b, and after suffering a refraction at b and c, will emerge in the direction cd, forming with RV an angle equal to twice the inclina¬ tion of the plates. A portion of the reflected ray Pa will enter the first plate at a, and having suffered reflection and refraction at /3, the reflected portion /3y will reach the eye at 6. The ray Yabc will likewise suffer a reflection at c and e, and will reach the eye at g. In like manner, a part of the ray PQ will be reflected at Q, and move in the direction Qrsluv, and another part of it in the direction swxyz, and these rays will suffer several other reflections; but the images which they form will be so faint, that the eye will not be capable of perceiving them. When the observer, therefore, looks at a luminous body, in the direc¬ tion SR, through the glass plates, he will perceive two images, one of which is a bright image, seen by the trans¬ mitted light QV, and the other is a faint image, seen prin¬ cipally by the reflected light Yabcd, and composed of several images, formed by the pencils cd, uv, $, zfy, and ig. The bright image is not crossed by coloured fringes, but the fringes appear distinctly upon the other image ; and the light by which these fringes are formed has suffered two reflections from the exterior surfaces, and two refractions at the interior surfaces of the plates. Dr Thomas Young, in the article Chromatics in this work,2 has given an explanation of these phenomena upon the principles of interference; and Sir John Herschel has shown, by an interesting analysis of them, that they are well fitted for illustrating the "laws of this class of pheno¬ mena, and may be readily explained by interference.3 When two or three plates are combined, as in the form Fringes in of concave and convex lenses, and are combined as in the achromatic double and triple achromatic object-glass, a series of beauti-0,,ject- glasses. 1 Vol. vii., p. 435. § 6, vol. vi. 3 Treatise on Light, §§ 688-696, See also Biot’s Traite de Physique, tom. iv., p. 246. OPTICS. 621 Periodical ful systems of rings are developed. The method of ob- Colours. serving these rings, and by which Sir David Brewster dis- covered them, is shown in fig. 138, where ABCD is the section of the object-glass, including a meniscus of air. A small flame S is placed about four or five inches from the object-glass, and a small screen G is interposed between the flame and the eye at E, which is kept as close to S as possible. The distance of the object-glass is then varied, till the inverted greenish-coloured flame reflected interiorly from the concave surface A1B seems to cover the whole area of the object-glass. When this takes place the rings may, by a slight change in the position of the object-glass, or by screening the image formed by reflection from A IB, be seen in the distinctest manner over the expanded but enfeebled image formed by a second reflection from the same surface. When the flame is small, and the eye sees it projected against the centre of the object-glass, the rings form a con¬ centric system (as shown in fig. 139), approaching closer and closer to each other, towards the circumference of the lens. Two of these rings mmmm, nnnn, were distinguished from the rest by their dark¬ ness, and by the whiteness of the light between them ; and they are the bounding lines of four systems of fringes into which the general system subdivides itself by oblique reflection. In order to see this change, incline the object- glass so that the point A is farther from the eye than B, and so that the eye may receive the obliquely-reflected rays from every point of the surface A IB. At a slight deviation from the perpendicular, the rings become smaller and closer on the side A, and larger and more separated on the side B. At greater incidences the inner ring aa (fig. 139) contracts into an irregular crescent aa (fig. 140). The second and third rings bb,cc (fig. 139) do the same, as shown at bb, cc (fig. 140) ; and at a greater incidence the dark ring nn (fig. 139) assumes a similar form nnnn (fig. 140), and forms the boundary of the remote central system, ncbaabcn. In like manner, the lower part of the ring nn (fig. 139) has inclosed a smaller but similar system of rings, which are shown at nririri, and may be called the Fig.140. near central system. While these changes are going on, the rings without nn (fig. 139) are undergoing analogous, though opposite, inflections. The outermost, dddd (fig. 139), divides itself into two unequal portions, which run out into B Fig.141. x, and become exceedingly the circumference at the points d, d, d] d' (fig. 140). Then Periodical the next ring,—viz., the dark one mmmm (fig. 139) Colours, forming the boundary of the remote external system mmm\, and of the near central system nimniB (fig. 140). The four groups of rings thus developed assume at greater in¬ cidences the character shown in fig. 141, but they are not seen all at once ; and in trac¬ ing their form it is necessary to cause the image on which they are produced to be re¬ flected successively from dif¬ ferent parts of the lens. The rings are so closely packed together, at a distance from the white centres x, x, to which they are all related, that it is extremely difficult to perceive them in the present object-glass. At a still greater angle of incidence, the rays close in upon the centres x, close as the points x, x approach to the circumference of the lens, and the rays become brighter from the increase of the light at greater obliquities. In some double object-glasses the rings can only be seen by looking through the convex crown-glass lens AB. In one object-glass the four bounding fringes &tx, #(fig. 141) united and {formed a black cross, as shown in fig. 142. From a series of experiments, Sir David Brewster has found that in the object-glass shown in fig. 138, the action of the two surfaces 1, 2 of the convex lens AB, and the inner ni. surface 3 of the concave one CD, are necessary to the production of these fringes, and hence he concludes that the rings arise from the inter¬ ference of two pencils of light, one of which has suffered three reflections within the convex lens AB, and has passed four times through its thickness, with another pencil which has suf¬ fered ttvo reflections within the convex lens, and one re¬ flection from the inner surface of the concave lens, and has passed four times through the thickness of the convex lens, and tivice through the thickness of the meniscus of air. In a triple object-glass, which gave a system of rings similar to that in fig. 141, they were covered with another system of very minute fringes, parallel to one another, and to the line joining the centres x and a*.1 Fig. 142. Sect. VI.—On the Colours of Double Plates of Glass of Unequal Thickness, and other Analogous Phe¬ nomena. Mr W. Nicholson observed the colours of thick plates Colours of in the glasses employed for the sights of sextants, and he double considered them analogous to those of thin plates. They plates <>f have been ascribed, however, by Dr Young,2 “ to the rays u/,e or , 1 / R2 — r2\ . , •'*=7*-Uv) s‘n^ another quantity which depends on the difference between Double the radius of the sphere and that of the spheroid, the crys- Infraction, tals in which this happens may be called negative doubly- refracting crystals. The preceding law of double refraction was believed by Malus to be universal, and applicable to all crystals that had this property. M. Biot, however, discovered that in quartz or rock-crystal the extraordinary ray had its index of refraction in greater than the ordinary index m. This mineral crystallizes in six-sided prisms, as shown in the annexed figure, terminated by six-sided pyra¬ mids, A and B. If we grind down and polish the summits A and B of a large crystal, perpen¬ dicular to the axis AB, and if we determine the index of refraction when the rays pass along AB, we shall find it to be as Malus found it, 1*5484, and without any double refraction, and 1*5544 in a direction perpendicular to the axis. B If we now grind the crystal into a sphere rig-iso. ACBD (fig. 151), and if we perform the very same experi¬ ments with it as we did with Iceland spar, we shall obtain analogous results. The double refraction will be found to increase from the poles A, B to the equator CD, and to be the same in every part of the equator, and in each parallel of latitude; the only differences between it and calcareous spar being, that the double refraction is less, and that the index of refraction of the extraordinary ray is always greater than that of the ordinary ray. The extraordinary refraction of quartz will, therefore, as M. Biot has shown, be represented by a prolate spheroid generated by the revolution of the ellipse AcBrf, whose greater axis AB is to the lesser cd as is to & 1*5484 1*5544 or as *6458 is to *6418. Hence, if R6aO is a ray incident on the sphere at b, the radius 7^— will be the index of extraor- Oa dinary refraction for that ray. Hence we shall obtain Oa = // 9 . , 777 -^—r, and V(^ sin 2

of a lens, we shall here give the formula obtained by Malus. Calling r, r = radii of the anterior and posterior surfaces of a convex lens, d = distance of the radiant point, a —larger semi-axis of the spheroid of double re¬ fraction, b = shorter semi-axis of ditto, F = focal length for the ordinary ray, /= focal length of the extraordinary ray, when d is infinite, or the rays parallel, and

= —r. 8-8228602 F= — r . 0-764180 f-F= -F. 114-4546 1 Malus, Theorie, &c., p. 278, sect. 66, OPTICS. 629 Double 'fraction Crystals vith one ixis. In the case of quartz or rock crystal, where a = 0-645813 1-558176 6 = 0-641776 w =1*548435 we obtain „ „ ^ 0=-r. 0-962824 /-F=-F . 0-074846 F= -r. 0-895775 In all lenses of the same substance, the ratio of / to F will be constant, whatever be the form of the lenses, pro¬ vided the incident rays are parallel. If, in the general expression of Q, we make d infinite, we have a“brr certain crystals. Subphosphate of potash. Murio-carbonate of lead. Phosphate of ammonia and 4- Calomel, S. magnesia. + Phosgenite, Dx. Sulphate of nickel. 4- Rutile. , Sulphate of nickel andcopper. 4- Hydrofluate of the fluorine ot — Idiocrase. — Wernerite. — Paranthine or scapolite. — Meoinite. — Somervillite. — Edingtonite. — Arseniate of potash. — Matlockite. — Arseniate of ammonia. potassium, Dx. 4- Cyanuret of magnesium and platinum, Dx. 4- Prussiate of potash, yellow. 4- Urea, Dx. 4- Sarcolite, Dx. — Hydrate of strontites. — Chiolite, Dx. — Gehlenite. — Dipyre, Dx. — Mellilite, Dx. — Apophyllite of Cziclowa — Chalcolite, Dx. The following crystals and organized bodies have one axis of double refraction, but their primitive form has not been accurately determined. _ Xanthophilite, Dx Position of the axis- — Brandisite Mica from various localities...Perpendicular to laminae. — Mica, with amianthus Perpendicular to laminae. — Nacrite (See Phil. Trans., 1 pernendicular to laminae. 1836) J 4- Boracite Axis of rhomb of 90 . + Apophyllite (surcompos&e of 'l perpen(iicuiar to the table. Hauy) J 4- Sulphate of potash and iron...Axis of six-sided prism. 4- Kalapleite, Dx Axis of hexagonal plates. 4 Chlorite, white, Dx Do. Tortoise-shell (Sir J. Herschel) 1 Mai us, Theorie, &c., p. 278, § 66. - In this Table the crystals marked Dx. were observed by M. A. Descloiseaux (see Ann. des Mines, vol. xi., p. 261); and those marked S. by M. Senarmont (see Ann. de Chim. ct de Phiis., 3d series, tom. xxxiii.) 630 Double. Refraction. OPTICS. Fig. 159. Sect. II.—On the Law op Double Refraction in Crystals with Two Axes. When M. Malus published his theory of double refrac¬ tion, and even so late as 1816, all crystals were believed to have only one axis of double refraction, one of the rays be¬ ing refracted by the ordinary law, and the other by the ex- traordinary law, above explained. During the examination of an extensive class of minerals and artificial salts, Sir Da¬ vid Brewster was led to the discovery of crystals with two axes of double refraction. The general character of the phenomena presented by such crystals will be understood from fig. 15 95 where we may suppose, as before, the crystal to have the form of a sphere. In place of there being one line along which there is no double refraction, there are two such as POjo, P'O//, in which the incident pencil is not divided into two. The double refraction in¬ creases on each side of these axes, from P, to C and A, and from P' to D and A. The double refraction increases in the very same manner from jo to C and B, and from p' to D and B, according to a law which will afterwards be explained. In continuing his investigations. Sir David Brewster found crystals in which the axes POjo, P'Ojo' formed all possible angles with each other from 0° up to 90°, and he was led also to the important result, that these two axes were not real axes of double refraction like those in uniaxal crystals, but were only resultant axes, as he called them, or axes of compensation. The grounds on which he formed this opinion were, that these lines POjo, P'Ojo' had no relation whatever to any fixed or permanentlines in theprimitiveform of the crystals, like the axes of uniaxal crystals, and that the double refraction did not altogether vanish along these lines, as in Iceland spar and other minerals with no axis. He was led to these results, not by measuring the double refraction itself, but by the phenomena which will be presently ex¬ plained. At this time it was the opinion of our author, and afterwards that of M. Biot and other distinguished philoso¬ phers, that in biaxal as in uniaxal crystals, one of the rays was refracted according to the ordinary law of Snellius, and the other according to an extraordinary law, and hence the investigation of the extraordinary law occupied the at¬ tention of our author. In commencing this inquiry, he assumed as the two real axes of double refraction, the line AB bisecting the angle formed by the apparent or resultant axes POja, P'Ojt/, and another line at right angles to it, viz. either the line CD, 6r the line perpendicular to it passing through O. If the principal axis AB is positive, then if we assume O as the second axis, it must be taken positive also; but if CD is assumed as the second axis, it must be taken negative. Now, it is obvious that if we take AB as a.positive, and CD as a negative axis, the double refraction in the direction AB is the maximum double refraction of the axis CD, be¬ cause the effect of the axis AB is here nothing. In like man¬ ner, the double refraction along CD is a measure of the maximum double refraction of the axis AB. Hence we can easily ascertain the relative intensities of the doubly refracting force of each axis AB and CD. Having done this, the next step was to compute the double refraction at the point P produced by the positive axis AB acting alone as a single axis, and also the double refraction produced at the same point P, by the negative axis CD. When this was done, the two double refractions were found to be equal and opposite, and hence they compensated each other, and produced an axis Pp, in which there was no double refrac¬ tion, and which was the resultant of the actions of AB and L/.L/* In this way, and by experiments which will be related in a subsequent chapter, our author was led to the follow¬ ing method of finding the general law of extraordinary re¬ fraction in biaxal crystals. Make b == axis of revolution of the two spheroids. a, a' = the other axis of the spheroid. /3, f = the inclination of the incident ray to the axes of the crystal. ^ == the angle of the doubly refracting forces emanating from each axis. C = half the difference of the angle at the base of the parallelogram of forces. Then, as the velocity of the ray is inversely as the variable radius of the spheroid, will be the square of the velocity of the ordinary ray, and the square of the minimum velocity of the extraordinary ray, in virtue of the separate action of each axis, AB and CD. Hence the difference be¬ tween the squares of the velocities of the ordinary and ex¬ traordinary rays will be /a2=t:52\ . r^rjsm*/3 aW (anz±zb2\ V ) sin.3 /3 the sign being positive when the axis is positive, and vice versa. But as these expressions represent the sides of the parallelogram of forces, we have . „ _\ /a,2r±z52 Tang. £= (alz±zbt . 9„\ (c sin.2 /3 tang. £ yjt' z*=£:b* b* sin.’/S-f- a'=tzb2 a,zba sin.3 /S'. Consequently the difference between the squares of the velocities of the ordinary and extraordinary ray produced by the combined action of the two axes, will be sin.3 0) (sin. sin* (C+i^)- Hence, calling V the velocity required, we have (—i ^ sm- /3 (sm. yf) V2= 1 +- 63 — / b* sin. :2=t52 and v-t+ sin*2 Z3) (sin. yf) sin. (C+W The form of the compound, or irregular spheroid, may therefore be computed for all doubly refracting crystals. The general law of extraordinary refraction which has now been explained, may b© thus expressed. The increment of the square of the velocity of the extra¬ ordinary ray produced by the action of two axes of double refraction, is equal to the diagonal of' a parallelogram whose sides are the increments of the square of the velocity produced by each axis separately, and calculated by the law of Huygens, and whose angle is double of the angle formed by the two planes passing through the ray and the respec¬ tive axes. When the two axes are of equal intensity, and of the same character, the preceding law gives the very same re¬ sults as the law of Huygens does for one axis placed at right angles to the other two. From these views it follows as a necessary consequence, a consequence first deduced from them by M. Biot, that the difference of the squares of the velocities of the two rays are proportional to the product of the sines of the Double Refraction. OPTICS. 631 Double angles which each of them make with the two resultant Refraction. axes p an(j arKi hence making these angles

then V^D2 D2)sin A) V*=T>2 + (d2—D2)sin2i(a+A) In uniaxal crystals, when the two axes are reduced to one, we have A=a, so that V2=D2 ?;2=D2 + (d2—D2)sin 2A, that is, the ordinary velocity is constant in all directions and equal to D, and, as the second equation indicates, the extra¬ ordinary velocity v depends on the angle A, which the ex¬ traordinary ray makes with the axis. When this ray is in the section perpendicular to the axis, we have A=90°, and sin.2 A=l, hence Y'—d. When the ray is parallel to the axis A=0°, and sin.2 ArrO, whence v=D, so that in this direction only the ex¬ traordinary becomes equal to the ordinary velocity. In biaxal crystals, when the ray is in the section perpen¬ dicular to CD, fig. 159} it is evident that it always forms equal angles with the axes Yp, Y'p'. Hence A=a, and sin.2Jf, (a—A)=0, consequently V2=D2, or V=D. In this way D is the expression of the velocity in this case, and it is on this account that the term ordinary velocity is applied to all those which are given by the different values of V. When the ray on the contrary, is in the section perpen¬ dicular to AB, the sum of the angles A and a is always equal to two right angles, and sin.i(A + a)=l, whence it follows that Y2 =.(&•, and Y=d, and it is on this account that the term extraordinary velocity is applied to all those that are given by the values of v. When d is greater than D, the minimum of the ordinary velocity takes place when a=:A, or when V=D, and the maximum takes place when a—A is the greatest possible, which happens in the plane of the axes APCBDP'. The minimum becomes the maximum, and vice versa when D is greater than d. The maximum and minimum for the extra¬ ordinary ray take place also, when v—d, and consequently for the case when the ray is in the plane of the axes, but they in like manner change their part when d is greater or less than D. In every case the difference of the squares of the veloci- Double ties is expressed by the formula Refraction. v2—Y2=z(d2—D2) sin. a. sin. A. That is to say, the two ordinary and extraordinary rava having a common direction, the difference of the squares of their velocities are proportional to the product of the sines of the angles which each of them makes with the two axes. “ This remark, adds M. Pouillet, had been made by Sir David Brewster and M. Biot before Fresnel had pointed out the simple law which embraces the phenomena in all its extent.” List of the primitive forms of Crystals that have two axes of double refraction. From a great number of experiments, Sir David Brew- Crystals ster found that the property of possessing two axes of dou- with two ble refraction belonged to all the crystals that are included axes, in the prismatic system of Mohs, or which have the fol¬ lowing primitive forms of Hauy:— A right prism, Base a rectangle. Base a rhomb. Base an oblique parallelogram. Oblique prism Base a rectangle. Base a rhomb. Base an oblique parallelogram. Octohedron Base a rectangle. Base a rhomb. In these solids there is no single line or axis of sym¬ metry. The following table, which we could have enlarged con¬ siderably, contains most of the crystals with two axes, whose primitive forms have been determined by crystallogra- phers:— 1. List of Crystals of known Primitive Forms, and having Two Axes of Double Refraction. 1. Higlit Quadrangular Prism—Base a Rectangle. Cymophane, Young. Peridot, ditto. Prehnite, ditto. Stilbite, ditto. Comptonite, Brooke. Thomsonite, ditto. Anhydrite, Boumon. Tartrate of potash, ditto. Staurotide, Hauy. Datholite, do. Mica, do. Position of Principal Axis. Axis of right prism. Perp. to axis. Parallel to longest side of prism, or perp. to best cleav¬ age planes. Perp. to axis of right prism. axis of prism. Axis of right prism. Perp. to the flat rhomb, faces. Position of Second Axis. Perp. to the sides. Axis of right prism. Axis of right prism, or perp. to longest faces. Axis of that prism, or other axis. Axis of the prism. Perp. to sides of prism Parallel to a side of rhomb, prism. Talc, do. Axis of right prism. Axis of right prism. Spodumene, do. Axis of prism. Sulphate of barytes, Short diagonal ditto. rhomb, base. Sulphate of strontian, Axis of the prism, do. Sulphate of soda, Boumon. Citric acid, do. Tartrate of potash and soda, do. Chromate of lead, do. Stilbite, Brooke. Perp. to laminae. Mesotype of Auv- Axis of prism, ergne, do. Greater diagonal of it* rhomb, base. Diagonalof its rhomb base. In plane of laminae, of Long diagonal, or axis of prism. Perp. to axis of prism. In plane of laminae. Perpendicular to axis. 1 Ettmens de Physique Experim. liv- viii. cap. 1. 632 OPTICS. Double 3. Right Quadrangular Prism—Base an Obligue Parallelogram. Refraction Names of Minerals. Position of Principal Position of Second Axis. Axis. Needlestone ofFaroe, Axis of prism. Perpendicular to axis- do. Sulphate of lime, In plane of the lami- Axis of prism. Hauy. nse. Epidote, do. In base of prism. Axis of prism. Axinite, do. Heulandite, Brooke. Brevvsterite, do. Sulphato-carbon of lead, do. Acetate of strontian. Perp. to laminae. In plane of laminae- 4, Oblique Quadrangular Prism—Base a Rectangle. Names of Minerals. Muriate of barytes. Realgar. Orpiment. Lepidolite. Mesotype. Mesolite. Serpentine. Natrolite. Sulphato-bi-earbo - nate ot lead. Phosphate of iron. Harmotome, Petalite, Chabasie. Position of Principal Axis. In plane of laminae. Perp. to laminae. Axis of prism. Ditto. Axes of acute rhomb. In plane of laminae. Position of Second Axis. Perp. to laminae. Plane of laminae. Perp. to axis. Ditto. In plane of laminae. Perp. to laminae. Double Refraction 10. Crystals, whose primitive form has not been determined, but which have been found to have two axes, and lohich must belong to the Pris¬ matic System of Mohs. Borax, Hauy. Euclase, do. 5. Oblique Quadrangular Prism—Base a Rhomb. lolite. Indurated talc. Carbonate of potash. Perpendicular to sides of the prism. Axis of prism, other axis. or Perp. to axis of prism. axis of prism. Axis of prism. Axis of prism. Axis of prism. Perpendic. to faces. Diopside, Hauy. Euclase, do. Augite, do. Glauberite. Grammatite. Sulphate of iron, Wollaston. Super-sulphate of potash, Bournon. Acetate of copper,do. Tartaric acid, do. Oxalic acid, do. Sugar, do. Hydrate of strontian. Bitartrate of potash. Sulphate of soda. 6. Oblique Quadrangular Prism—Base an oblique Parallelogram. Feldspar, Hauy. Kyanite, do. Sulphate of copper,do. 7. Octahedron with a Rectangular Base. Nitrate of potash. Axis of octohedron. Perp. to sides of base Carbonate of copper. Sulphate of ammonia and magnesia. Axis of prism. Perp. to plates. Plane of axis perpen¬ dicular to the flat tables. axis of prism. In plane of laminae. In plane of tables. Shorter diagonal of Axis of hexagonal the rhomboidal prism, or longdiag. base. of rhomb, base. Sulphate of soda and magnesia. Sulphate of nickel. Short diagonal of the Axis of prism, or rhomboidal base. other axis. Oxy-nitrate of silver. Perp. to rhomb plates Long diagonal of Nitrate of ammonia. rhomboidal plates. of lime. of strontian, with water of crystallization. of copper. of zinc- of mercury. of bismuth. Nitrate of lead, certain specimens. Mr. Herschel, Edin. Ph. Jour. vol. ii. p. 184. Muriate of mercury. of magnesia. Acetate of lead. of zinc. Anagonite. Carbonate of lead. Sulphate of lead. Topaz. Muriate of copper. Axis of prism or per¬ pendicular to axis of octohedron. In plane of base of two pyramids. Axis octohedron. Long diagonal of rhomb, base. Perp. to sides of base Axis of the octohe¬ dron. Perp. to sides of rect. base. Short diagonal of the rhomb, base. 8. Octohedron with a Rhombic Base. Sulphur, Hauy. Sphene, do. Carbonate of soda, do. Diagonal of base through o of Hauy, PI. xxxix. Axis of octohedron or other axis. 9. Minerals belonging to the Prismatic System of Mohs, and having two axes, but not included in any of the above divisions of Hauy. Sulphate of magne- Cleavable diagonal of Perpendicular to axis, sia, Mohs. square base. or the other diagonal. Sulphate of manga¬ nese. Sulphate of zinc. Sulphate of ammonia. Axis of rhomboidal Short diagonal of rhomboidal base. Perp to axis. prism. Axis of hexahed. prism. Sulphate of cobalt. Carbonate of stron. Axis of prism, tian, do. Carbonate of barytes, Axis of prism, do. Diallage. Perp. to plates. Molybdate of am¬ monia. Perp. to axis. Perp. to axis. Plane of plates. soda. barytes. Phosphate of soda- Oxalate of ammonia. Hyper-oxymuriate of potash. Super-oxalate of pot¬ ash- Super-chromate of potash. Crystallized Chelten¬ ham salts. Murio-sulphate of magnesia and iron. Benzoate of ammonia. Benzoic acid. Chromic acid- Spermaceti. Boracic acid. Succinic acid. Super-tartrate of pot¬ ash. Tartrate of potash and antimony. Camphor. Hydrate of barytes. Prussiate of potash. Mother-of-pearl. Carbonate of ammo- Hyposulphite of lime. of ba¬ rytes. Perp. to broad sides of prism. In plane of hexag. plates. axis of prism. Perpendic. to rhomb, plates. Axis of prism. Cleavable diagonal of its square base. Perp. to lamina. Perp. to plates. Perp. to plates. hexag.plates. Perp. to faces of flat prism- Perpendicular to axis of prism. Perpendicular to axis of prism. Perp. to flat plates. Perp. to rect.lamina. Perp. to lamina. Short diag. of rhomb, and perp. to best cleavage. Sir John Herschel, Edin. Phil. Jour. vol. i. p. 15. Sir John Herschel. Axis of prism, or other axis. Perpendicular to hex¬ ag. plates. Axis of prism. Plane of axis in that diag. Perp. to axis. Axis of prism, or other diag. In plane of do. In plane of plates. In plane of plates. In plane of plates. In plane of these faces. Axis of prism. Axis of prism. In ane of plates. In plane of laminae. In plane of laminae. Axis of prism, or long diag. OPTICS. 633 Polariza- Sect. III.—Ox CRYSTALS WITH THREE AXES OF DOUBLE ti0n. Refraction. Having determined the primitive form to which those "•yu S8 crystals belong which have one and two axes of double re- "e fiction, Sir David Brewster found that all those crystals which have no resultant axes belonged to that class ol primitive forms which have three rectangular axes of form, namely, the cube, the regular octahedron, and the rhom- hoidal dodecahedron, or to the tessular system of Mohs. Since, however, every real axis of double refraction coin¬ cides with a prominent line in the primitive form of the crystal, he conceived that those crystals which had no ap¬ parent double refraction had actually three equal rectangu¬ lar axes, the effect of which was to compensate each other at. every point of the crystal, or, in other words, to have an infinite number of resultant axes. In confirmation of these views, Sir D. Brewster found various indications of positive and negative doubly-refracting structures in alum, diamond, &c., as if these equal axes had not exactly compensated each other, either from the three not being perfectly equal, or from their not being placed accurately at right angles to each other. The following is a list, which might be considerably ex¬ tended, of the primitive forms of the crystals that have no double refraction. . Primitive Form a CmSc.—-Muriate of soda, munate of potash, muriate of silver. Primitive Form an Octahedron.—Diamond, fluor spar, muriate of ammonia, pleonaste, nitrate of lead, sulphate of alumina, soda, alum, ruby copper, spinelle, nitrate of stron- tian octahedral, nitrate of lead, nitrate of barytes, sulphate of ammonia and chromium, sulphate of ammonia and iron, sulphate of alumina and ammonia. Primitive Form a Rhomboidal Dodecahedron.—Garnet, blende, sodalite, essonite, helvin, lazulite. There are some crystals, such as arseniate of iron, amphi- gene, analcime, boracite, aplome, all of which have double refraction, and therefore cannot belong to the tessular system. Sect. IV.—On Crystals with Planes of Double Refraction. Crystals In all the crystals to which we have hitherto referred with planes t]ie double refraction is related to one or more axes; but of double gir David Brewster has found that in analcime, a mineral refraction. mnked in the tessuiar system, there are several planes or sections of the crystal in which there is no double refrac¬ tion, the double refraction increasing with the distance from these planes according to a law which will be after¬ wards mentioned. When the ray is incident in any dhec- tion that does not lie in one of these planes, it is sepaiated into two images by double refraction. 1 his is the only substance which is known to possess this remarkable property. Part VIL—01S THE POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. Polariza- The light emitted from the sun, from a candle, or from tion of any self-luminous body, before it has suffered reflection light. from, or refraction by, any body, is called common light. If we allow a beam of such light to fall upon any refracting or reflecting body, whether transparent or metallic, or to pass by any diffracting body, it will suffer precisely the same changes, whether its upper, its under, its right or its left side, or any other side of the beam, is turned towards the refracting, reflecting, or diffracting body. Hence it fol¬ lows that this beam of light has the same properties in all its sides. VOL. XIV. Now this is not true of all light. If the preceding beam Tolariza- of common light is reflected at a particular angle, from trans- Uon* parent bodies, or passes obliquely through a number of re- fracting surfaces, or is transmitted through certain crystals, or suffers total reflection from the second surfaces of trans¬ parent bodies, or from the surface of metals ; in all these cases it has suffered such a change, that it no longer has the same properties in all its sides, but, on the contrary, exhibits distinct and remarkable properties in its different sides, or, what is the same thing, has polarity. This beam of common light is therefore said to be polarized. The different kinds of polarization which may thus be impressed upon common light are three,—viz., plane polarization, cir¬ cular polarization, and elliptical polarization; or the whole of these three kinds of polarization may be included in the general name of elliptical polarization, which be¬ comes circular when the two axes of the ellipsis are equal, and rectilineal ox plane when the minor axis of the ellipse is infinitely small. We shall now proceed to explain the phe¬ nomena of these three kinds of polarization in their order. Chap. I.—ON PLANE POLARIZATION. There are four ways by which common light may be plane po¬ p/awe polarized. larization. 1. By double refraction. 2. By one reflection from transparent bodies. 3. By several refractions through transparent surfaces. 4. By the absorption or dispersion of part of the light. These various processes exhibit many interesting phe¬ nomena and laws, which we shall proceed to explain. Sect. 1.—On the Polarization of Light by Double Refraction. The polarization of light by the double refraction of rolariza_ Iceland spar was discovered by Huygens. Upon examin- tion by double re¬ fraction. Fig. 160. ing the two pencils Oo, Ee (fig. 148) formed by double refraction, he found that they had different properties on different sides, and that both of them differed from common light, as well as from one another. He discovered this difference in the following manner:— Having taken two pieces of Iceland spar, he placed them symmetrically, as in fig. 160, with all the faces of the one parallel to all the faces of the other, ArX, A'GX' being the principal sections of two rhombs. A ray of common light Rr, incident upon the first crystal at r, is divided into two pencils /’C, ;-D, O being the ordinary and E the extra¬ ordinary ray, as formerly explained. Now the ordinary ray DG, falling upon the second crystal at G, and the extraordinary one CF at F, should have been each subdivided by double refraction into two pencils by that crystal; but they are not, the ordinary ray DG being only refracted ordinarily, and the extraordinary ray CF only extraordi¬ narily, as seen in the figure, where these rays FH, GK, emerge singly at FI and K, the one an ordinary and the other an ex¬ traordinary ray. If the upper rhomb re¬ mains fixed while the under one is turned round 90°, so that its principal section is perpendicular to that of the upper one, as shown in fig. 161, the same phenomena will take place, with this difference only, that the ray DG, refracted ordinarily by the first crystal, is refracted extraordinarily by the second, and the ray CF, refracted extraor- 634 OPTICS. dinarily by the first crystal, is refracted ordinarily by the second. Hence it is manifest that the ray of common light Hr, and the two doubly-refracted pencils CF, DG have all different properties. For if Rr were to fall upon the second rhomb, it would be divided into two pencils; whereas CF and DG refuse to be so divided, and are each refracted in different ways by the second crystal. Now, in every other position of the four rhombs, between the two where their principal sections are parallel or per¬ pendicular to one another, the two pencils CF, DG are divided into two pencils, and four separate pencils emerge from the second rhomb. In order to understand the phenomena presented by these four pencils, when the second rhomb performs a complete revolution behind the first one, let us suppose that the lower rhomb begins to revolve from the position in fig. 159, which we shall call 0° of azimuth, and in which case we shall have two horizontal pencils HE, KO (fig. 161), whose sections1 are shown in the annexed figure at B, oppo- a ® © site 0°, A representing the appearance of the aperture through the first rhomb. When the B * second rhomb has just begun to move out 0 < of its position of parallelism to the first, two ‘ extremely faint images begin to appear be- jj © ® tween the other two; and at 22^-° of azi- © © muth they will appear as at C. At 45° of E ® © azimuth their intensity will be equal as at ® # D; at 67^° the two most distant ones will ^ have become the faintest; and at 90° the r • four images will be reduced to two, this ® • being the position shown in fig. 160. By con- g @ • tinuing to turn the second rhomb, other two ^ faint images start up, which at 112^° appear H • © as at G; at 135° the four images are equally bright, as at H ; at 157i0 the two outermost are the faintest; and at 180° they all co¬ alesce into one bright image, as at K, having twice the brightness of either of those at A or F, and /bwr times the brightness of any one of the four at D or H. Mai us’ In making the preceding experiment, it will be seen that law of in- two of the images gradually increase in brightness, while tensity. other two gradually diminish. Malus investigated the law of the intensity for these images, both when the pencil of common light is incident perpendicularly and obliquely. Our limits will permit us to give only the simplest case, making o = ray refracted ordinarily by the first rhomb. s = the ray refracted extraordinarily by the first rhomb. oo — the ray refracted ordinarily by the first rhomb, and ordinarily by the second. oe — the ray refracted ordinarily by the first rhomb, and ex¬ traordinarily by the second. ee — the ray refracted extraordinarily by the first rhomb, and extraordinarily by the second. eo = the ray refracted extraordinarily by the first rhomb, and ordinarily by the second. Q = the quantity of light contained in the incident ray. (1 —m)Q = the quantity of light absorbed by the first rhomb. P = the intensity of any of the pencils. P0 = the intensity of the ordinary emergent ray. P,, = the intensity of the extraordinary emergent ray. Then, since the quantity of light contained in the two emergent rays is equal to the incident light diminished by the quantity absorbed, we shall have Q— (1 — Q = mQ; and since the light is equally divided between the two pen¬ cils, we obtain P0 = iwQ, and P^^wQ. But the quantity of light mQ which falls upon the second rhomb will be reduced by absorption to mQ, — (l—m) mQ = © o° • 22J° > 45° © 67*° 90° 112i° 135° ©8® 157J° : • 180° Fig. 162. ni1 Q; consequently, if a is the angle formed by the prin- Polarlza. cipal sections of the two rhombs, we shall have tion. First pencil, P00= i(»»2Q cos2 a). ^^ > Third pencil, Pfe= J(m2Q, cos2 a). Second pencil, Poe= i(m2Q, sin2 a). Fourth pencil, Pe0= i(m2Q, sin2 a). When the principal sections of the two rhombs are parallel, then a = 0, and sin2 a = 0, consequently Poe = 0, and Peo = 0; that is, the third and fourth pencils will disappear. When, on the contrary, the principal sections are at right angles to one another, a = 90°, and cos2« = 0, consequently Poo = 0s and P„ = 0; that is, the first and second pencils will disappear. When the incident ray is not perpendicular to the surface of the first rhomb, the intensities of the pencils are functions of the angles of incidence and the angle which the ray forms with the principal sections. All the phenomena above described may be produced by combining any two positive and any two negative crystals; but if a positive is combined with a negative crystal, the same effects will be produced when the principal sections are at right angles to each other, as when they are parallel in the other cases. The difference between common and polarized light, as evinced by the phenomena of double refraction, is, that the former may always be divided into two pencils by a doubly- refracting crystal, whereas the latter is not capable of being so divided under certain circumstances. As the four polarized pencils, when united, as at K (fig. 162), produce a pencil of common light, or rather a pencil which cannot be distinguished from common light, it is highly probable that the Iceland spar, in converting com¬ mon into polarized light, by refracting it into two pencils, has not communicated to it any new property, but has merely separated it into its two elements, just as a prism separates a pencil of white light into its seven elementary colours by refraction, these colours again forming white light by their re-union. Sect. II.—On the Polarization of Light by Reflection. We have already stated, in the History of Optics, the Polariza- manner in which the celebrated French philosopher Malus tion byre- discovered the polarization of light by reflection. Upon re- flection• peating his experiments with a variety of opaque and trans¬ parent bodies, not metallic, such as glass, water, See., he found that, when light was reflected at a particular angle from such bodies, it was polarized exactly like one of the pencils formed by double refraction, the pencil polarized by reflection having all its properties identically the same with that of the doubly-refracting crystal. Like the latter, it was no longer capable of being divided into two pencils by a rhomb of Iceland spar; and as, in the polarization of light by the double refraction of one crystal, that property de¬ pends on the angle formed between the principal sections of the two crystals, as shown in figs. 160 and 161, so in the present case the polarization depends on the angle formed between the plane of reflection and that of the principal sec¬ tion of the crystal which polarizes the light. In all such phenomena, indeed, as Malus remarks, the plane of re¬ flection replaces the plane of the principal section of the crystal. If we receive the ray polarized by reflection from water at an angle of 52° 45' upon any crystal having double re¬ fraction, it will not be divided into two pencils when the plane of reflection is parallel to the principal section, as if it had been a pencil of common light; but it will be re- 1 If we place a circular aperture, the size of the little dark circles in fig. 162, at r (fig, 161), the images will have that form. OPTICS. 635 Polar!za- fracted entirely, according to the ordinary law, as if the tion. crystal had lost the power of double refraction. If, on the other hand, the principal section of the crystal is perpen¬ dicular to the plane of reflection, the reflected ray will be refracted wholly, according to the law of extraordinary re¬ fraction. In all intermediate positions it will be divided into two rays, according to the same law, and in the same proportions, as if it had acquired its new character by the influence of double refraction. In order to analyse this phenomenon completely, he placed the principal section of a crystal vertically ; and after having divided a ray into two by it, he made these two rays fall on the surface of water at an angle of 52° 45'. The ordinary ray was partially reflected, like common light, but the extraordinary ray penetrated the water wholly., and not a single particle of it was reflected. When the principal section of the crystal was, on the contrary, perpendi¬ cular to the plane of incidence, the extraordinary ray was partially reflected, and the ordinary ray was wholly re¬ fracted. Malus found the phenomena to be the same for all other transparent bodies, whether solid or fluid; but the angle at which light experienced this modification was in ge¬ neral greater in bodies which refracted light most. Be¬ low and above this limit the rays were more or less modi¬ fied. This property of reflected light takes place at a different angle for pencils reflected at the second surfaces of bodies, and the sine of the angle at the first surface is to the sine of the angle at the second as the sine of incidence is to the sine of refraction. Hence, in parallel plates, either of glass or other bodies, the two pencils which are reflected in the same directions from both surfaces have equally re¬ ceived this new property, and the light which has received it is said to have been polarized hy reflection} M. Malus found the same property in black bodies, such as black marble, ebony, &c.1 2 Malus next proceeded to study the phenomena when the light R, polarized by one plate of glass A, was reflected from a second plate e/ C (fig. 163), the ray R A being incident on the first plate, and the polarized ray AC on the second plate, at an angle of 56°, the polarizing angle of glass. In the case Fi£-163- shown in the figure, the plane of reflection ACE, from the plate C, is at right angles to the plane of reflection RAC from the first plate, and in this case the reflected pencil CE wholly vanished, all the reflected and polarized light AC having penetrated the glass at C. If we now turn round the plate C from this point, or zero, into different azimuths, so that it is always equally inclined to the polar¬ ized ray, a small portion of the ray AC will be reflected from C, and this portion will increase till it becomes a maximum, when the plane ACE is parallel to RAC, or in the azimuth of 90°. By continuing to turn the plate C, the reflected ray CE will gradually diminish, and when C has reached the azimuth of 180° its plane of reflection will be perpendicular to that of A, and the reflected ray CE will wholly disappear. In advancing from 180° to 270°, CE will again reach its maximum, and at 360°, when it has re¬ turned to its position, as in the figure, it will again return to its minimum. While the reflected pencil CE passes from its minimum intensity at 0° and 180°, to its maximum at 90° and 270°, Polariza- Malus supposes the intensity to vary as the square of the tion- cosine of the angle of azimuth, or of any even power of the ^ cosine. Calling a the angle of azimuth which the plane of the second reflection makes with a plane perpendicular to RAC, I the maximum intensity of the reflected pencil, and P the intensity corresponding to any azimuth a, then P = I cos2 a. If we make a equal to 0°, 90°, I80u, and 270°, we shall have, when a = 0°, cos a —l, cos2 a—\, cos4 a= 1, -and consequently P = I, or the reflected pencil is a maximum. When a = 90°, cos a = 0, cos2 a = 0, cos4 a = 0, and F=0; that is, the reflected pencil wholly disappears. It is obvious, from the arrangement of glasses in fig. 163, that if the light R proceeds from the sky, an observer with his eye placed at E will see a black spot in the part of the sky from which the light R comes, as the whole of the light penetrates the plate C. If the light R comes from a house, the house will disappear if it is at a considerable distance ; and by turning round C, the house will have its greatest brightness when the two planes of reflection are parallel. If) in the position when the house was invisible, we breathe upon the plate C, the house will suddenly be¬ come visible, and will again disappear when the breath has evaporated. If we now place the plate C at an angle of 52° 45' to the ray AC, the house will be seen ; but if we again breathe upon C, the house will disappear. The cause of these phenomena is, that by breathing upon C we make the reflecting surface an aqueous one, which refuses to reflect light at an angle of 52° 45, but reflects it at 56°. If we place beside each other two sets of reflectors ar¬ ranged in the manner shown in fig. 163, C being inclined in the one set 56° to A, and in the other set 52 45, and the plates C, C being near each other, we may, by breath¬ ing upon each at the same time, exhibit the paradoxical phenomenon of reviving and extinguishing a luminous image by the same breath, or we may appear to breathe at the same time light and darkness.3 1. On the Law of the Polarization of Light by Reflection. After determining the angle at which different bodies ijaw 0f polarized light, Malus concluded that “ this angle followed polariza- neither the order of refractive powers nor that of the dis- tion by re- persive forces, and that it was a property of bodies inde- ection. pendent of the other modes of action which they exercised over light.4 In repeating the experiments of Malus, Sir David Brewster Law 0f the measured the polarizing angles of a great number of bodies, tangents, but experienced many difficulties in connecting them to¬ gether by a simple law. In some substances the light was not completely polarized at any angle. In others purple and blue light was left at the polarizing angles ; and in va¬ rious specimens of glass different parts of the same surface gave different polarizing angles. The first of these pheno¬ mena he ascribed to the circumstance that the differently coloured rays of white light were polarized at different angles; and the second he found to arise from changes that had taken place on the surfaces of glass by partial de¬ composition, owing to the action of the atmosphere. By rejecting those substances where the action of the surface was thus masked or disturbed, he was led to the following general law, that the index of refraction of any body is the tangent of its angle of polarization. The following were the experiments on which this law was founded:— 1 Theorie de, la Double Refraction, sect. 48. 2 Ibid., sect. 50. 3 This experiment was described by Sir David Brewster in the Edin. Phil. Journal, vol. vii., p. 146. See also his Letters on Natura Magic, p. 125. 4 Bull, de Scietices de la Soc. Philos., Juin 1811, No. xlv,, tom. ii., p. 284. 636 OPTICS. Polariza¬ tion. Names of the Observed Polariz- Calculated Polariz- .Bodies. ing Angles. ing Angles. .45° or 47° 45° O' 32" Air. Water 52 Fluor spar 54 Obsidian 56 Sulphate of lime 56 Rock-crystal 57 Sulphate of barytes 58 Opal-coloured glass 58 Topaz 58 Mother-of-pearl .58 Iceland spar 58 Orange-coloured glass....59 Spinelle ruby 50 Zircon 63 Glass of antimony 64 Sulphur 64 Diamond 68 Chromate of lead 67 591 53 11 50 55 9 3 56 8 28 56 45 22 56 58 29 58 33 1 58 33 40 58 34 47 58 50 23 58 51 12 59 28 6 60 25 8 63 0 45 64 30 10 63 45 2 68 1 42 68 3 Upon repeating these experiments with homogeneous light, Sir David Brewster also found that the angle of po¬ larization varied with the refrangibility of the light, and that the tangent of the polarizing angle was equal to the index of refraction of the light employed. Hence we are able to explain why, at the maximum po¬ larizing angle, a portion of unpolarized light must always remain, and why this portion increases with the refractive and dispersive power of the body. This will be understood from the following table :— Polarizing .. . .. Angle. Variation. .53° .0° 15' 21 24 Water. Refraction. Colonr of the Light. 1-330 Red 53° 4' \ 1*336 Green, or mean ray....53 11 l...( 1-342 Violet 53 19 J Plate- Glass. 1-515 Red 56 34 1-525 Green 56 45 1-535 Violet 56 55 Oil of Cassia. 1-597 Red 57 57 1-642 Green 58 39 V ...1 1-687 Violet 59 21 Now it is obvious, that when the green or mean, or most luminous ray, is polarized, and therefore vanishes, neither the red nor the violet has wholly vanished, and consequently a portion of unpolarized light, composed of a portion of these two colours, will still be visible. In oil of cassia the quantity of light is considerable, and is of a fine blue. Dr A. See- 1° 1830, Dr A. Seebeck of Berlin published a series beck’s ex- of very accurate and valuable experiments made by means periments. 0f an instrument constructed for the purpose, which, if any doubts had existed about the accuracy of the pre¬ ceding law, were sufficient to remove them. Dr Seebeck’s principal object seems to have been to obtain accurate measures of the polarizing angle of different glasses, when the surfaces were newly polished, in order to reconcile the law to that class of bodies in which the deviations had been found to arise from some chemical or mechanical changes produced upon their surface. The following table contains Dr Seebeck’s experiments :— Names of the Bodies. TRefra<> Polarizing Angles. tion. Observed. Calculated. Fluor spar, colourless D4341...550 6'7...55° 6'-7 „ greenish-blue 1-4343...55 3-8...55 7 0 Common opal 1-4516...55 29-3...55 26-3 Plate-glass, English, colourless 1-5130...56 36-0...56 32-2 ,, colourless 1-5266...56 45-5...56 46-4 Crown-glass, English 1-5321...56 50-2...56 52 0 » ditto 1-5523...57 12-6...57 12-6 Flint-glass, English 1-5783...57 41-0...57 38-5 » ditto 1-6206...58 16-6...58 194 PyfoP6" 1-8131...61 40...61 7-7 Yellow blende 2-3692...67 8-2...67 7-0 Upon examining the polarizing angles of different spe- p0lariza. cimens of glass at different periods after the surfaces were tion. " polished, Dr Seebeck confirmed the explanation given by Sir David Brewster, of the variations in their polarizing angles.2 When a •pencil of light is polarized by reflection, the sum of the angles of incidence and refraction is a right angle. LetMN (fig. 164) be the reflecting surface, and B A a ray of light polarized by reflection in the direction AD, and let AC be the refracted ray. I hen, since EF, the tangent of the polarizing angle BAE, is equal to m, or the index of refraction, vre have, by the law of the sines, CL=— = m -j BG ^ Tig-164- gp. But from the similar triangles ABH, AEF, we have AH, or BG: HB :: EF : rad., and HB = gg; consequently CL = HB, and the angle BAN = CAK. But EAB + BAN = 90°; consequently EAB + CAK = 90°. Hence the com¬ plement of the polarizing angle is equal to the angle o refraction. When a ray of light is polarized by reflection, the reflected ray forms a right angle with the refracted ray. Since the angles DAM, BAN, CAK, are equal to one another, the angle DAC is equal to the right angle MAK; hence the reflected ray AD forms a right angle with the refracted ray AC. When a pencil of light is incident on the second surface of transparent bodies, at an angle whose cotangent is equal to the index of refraction, the reflected portion will be either wholly polarized, or the quantity of polarized light which it contains will be a maximum. As the images formed by the first and second surfaces of a transparent plate are simultaneously polarized, this proposition is established by the experimental results in the preceding table. The angle of polarization at the second surface of trans¬ parent bodies is the complement of the angle of polarization at the first surface. As the angle of incidence at the second surface is equal to the angle of refraction at the first surface, and as this latter angle is equal to the complement of the angle of po¬ larization, it follows that the two polarizing angles are com¬ plementary to each other. When a ray of light is polarized by reflection from the second surface of transparent bodies, the reflected ray will form a right angle with the refracted ray. Let AB (fig. 165) be a ray incident at the first surface MN, AD the ray polarized at that surface, AC the ray incident at the second surface PQ, and CM the ray polarized at that surface ; then, pB if CF be the refracted ray, the angle MCF is a right angle. But Fie. 165. DAC is a right angle, and on account of the parallelism of MN, PC, and BA, CF, the angle FCP is equal to DAM; but MCP is equal to MAC; hence the whole MCF is equal to the whole DAC, or a right angle. Cor. 1.—Ihe ray MC, reflected by the second surface, is at right angles to the ray AB incident on the first sur¬ face. Cor. 2.—The internal reflected ray CM forms with the external reflected ray AD an angle equal to the angle of deviation CAO. 1 Mean of four observations by Malus, Biot, .Arago, and Brewster. 2 See Poggendorf’s Annalen, 1830, No. ix., p. 27 ; or Edin. Jour, of Science, N.S , vol. v., p. 09. OPTICS. 637 Polariza- Cor. 3.—The ray CF, emerging from the second sur- tion. face, forms, with the first reflected ray AD, an angle equal v/-*""'' to the complement of the angle of deviation. When a pencil of light is incident upon the separating surface of two media having different indices of refraction m, m', it will be polarized at an angle whose tangent is equal to the quotient of the greater index of refraction divided by the lesser, or —ifm exceeds m'. J m This truth is a necessary consequence of the general law, and was also deduced from direct experiment. If the uppermost of the two media is a parallel plate, such as water lying upon a horizontal surface, &c., the separating surface' of the two media cannot, at any angle of inci¬ dence upon the first surface, completely polarize the in¬ cident light, unless the sine of the angle whose tangent is is, when multiplied by m, less than unity. Thus, in m the case of water and glass the polarizing angle is 68° 47', but no ray incident upon the water, even at 90°, can fall at such an oblique incidence upon the glass as 48° 47'. For sin 48° 47' x ni (or the angle of refraction at an incidence of 90) is=T0048. When the upper medium has a higher refractive power than the lower, and lies in a parallel plate upon it, the same law is applicable, with this difference, that the ray is now polarized at the second surface of the denser medium, and the angle of polarization is that whose 771 cotangent is equal to the index of refraction of the separating surfaces. Partial po* In the preceding observations, we have considered only the lurization. light which is incident at thg polarizing angle. It becomes interesting to inquire, what is the condition of the light which is incident at angles above and below the polarizing angle. Malus, Arago, Biot, Fresnel, and other distinguished philo¬ sophers, considered the light thus reflected as consisting of two pencils, one of which preserved its state of common light, while the other pencil was polarized in the plane of inci¬ dence. In the year 1815, however, Sir David Brewster was led, by direct experiments, to a very different opinion, namely, that the pencil of light which was supposed to have preserved its character of common light had suffered a physical change, in its condition, or had acquired in various degrees a character approaching to complete polarization. He found, for example, that a pencil of light reflected from glass, either at 62° 30' or 50° 20', was so far polarized that it was wholly polarized by a second reflection at either of these angles ; whereas, had the unpolarized part been com¬ mon light, it could not have been polarized at any angle but 56° 45'. In like manner, he found that three reflec¬ tions at 65° 33' or 46° 30', and four at 67° 33' or 43° 51', polarized the whole pencil; and in general he found that a ray of light partly polarized by reflection at any angle, will be more and more polarized by every successive re¬ flection in the same plane till its polarization is complete, whether the reflections are made at angles all above or all below the polarizing angle. These views were not acceded to by philosophers, though founded on direct experiment; and, so late as 1825, Sir John Herschel, in discussing the question, gives his de¬ cision in favour of the opinion held by the French philo¬ sophers.1 Sir David Brewster was therefore induced to repeat and extend his experiments, and succeeded in confirming his original view of the subject. A brief ac¬ count of these experiments will form the subject of the next section. 2. On the Motion of the Plane of Polarization by Re- Polariza- flection. tion. MM. Fresnel and Arago, and Sir David Brewster, were Motion of engaged about the same time in inquiries upon this subject, the plane If we suppose a pencil of polarized light polarized in aof polariza- plane inclined 45° to a vertical line, and if we reflect it attl0n- different angles from a transparent surface in which the plane of reflection is perpendicular to the horizon, the plane of polarization will be gradually reduced from 45° to 40°, 35°, 30°, 25°, &c., as we diminish the angle of inci¬ dence from 90° till we reach the polarizing angle, when the plane of polarization will be inclined 0°, or will be brought into the plane of reflection. At angles less than the polarizing angle the plane continues to turn in the same direction, till at 0° it is again inclined 45° to a ver¬ tical plane, or to the plane of reflection, having performed a revolution of 90°, the first 45° during the change of inci¬ dence from 90° to 56° 45', and the other 45° from 56° 45' to 0°. M. Fresnel represented these changes by the following law: i being the angle of incidence, i the angle of refrac¬ tion, x the primitive inclination of the plane of the polarized ray to the plane of reflection, and the inclination to which that plane is brought by reflection. rp , . cos (i+i') Ian d> = tan x — cos (z — i ) When a’=45°, tan a:=l, and tan (fi = cos (i + i') cos (* — i') In these formulae founded on the law of the tangents, i + i! is the supplement of the angle which the reflected ray forms with the refracted ray, while i — i is the devia¬ tion produced by refraction. These formulae were verified by M. Arago at ten angles of incidence upon glass, and four upon water ; but his experiments were made only in the case where a: = 45 , and where tan x disappears from the formula. As Sir David Brewster’s experiments embrace a wider range of substances, and also required care where x varies from 0 to 90°, they are a better basis for a law of such extensive application. The following are the observations with glass and water made by M. Arago, in which a: = 45°:— Glass. „ Inclination of Plane of Polariza- Angles ot tion to plane of Reflection. Difference. Incidence. „ , . . , Observed. Calculated. 24 38° 55' 37° 54' -1° l' 39 24 38 24 38 + 0 3 49 11 45 10 52 -0 53 60 5 15 5 29 -0 14 70 19 52 20 24 -0 32 80 32 45 33 25 -0 40 85 38 55 39 19 -0 24 87 40 55 41 36 -0 41 88 41 15 42 44 -1 29 89 44 35 ••• 43 52 +0 43 * Treatiie on Light, sect. 866, 867. 638 OPTICS. Polariza¬ tion. Difference. -0° 31' Water. Angles of Inclination of Plane of Polarisa- Incidence. tion to Plane of Reflection. Observed. Calculated. 60 10° 20' 10° 51' 70 25 20 24 48 + 0 32 80 36 20 35 49 +0 21 85 40 50 40 32 + 0 18 The following observations were made by Sir David Brewster on glass. Glass. 45° 0' 45° 0' 0° O' 90°. 88 . 86 . 84 . 80 . 75 . 70 . 65 . 60 56 50 45 ., 40 .. 30 ., 20 10 .. .43 4 42 49 +0 35 .40 43 40 36 +0 7 .38 47 38 22 -f0 25 .33 13 33 46 —0 33 .28 45 27 41 + 1 4 .22 6 21 3 + 1 3 .14 40 13 53 4-° 4)7 . 6 10 6 16 —0 6 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 9 0 9 0 0 0 .16 55 16 31 + 0 24 .22 37 23 1 —0 24 .32 25 33 19 —0 54 .39 0 40 4 _1 4 .44 0 43 49 + 0 11 Diamond. 90° 85 80 75 70 67 60 50 O'. 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 43 . 0. 0 . .45° .34 .24 .14 . 4 . 0 .12 .24 O'. 30 . 0 . 30 . 30 . 0 . 30 . 0 . .45° O'. .33 56. 0° 0 .23 .13 . 3 . 0 .11 .23 12 8 54 0 41 30 . 4-0 . + 0 +1 + 0 , 0 +0 + 0 34 48 22 36 0 49 30 Our author also made another series of experiments, which confirms the general formula. As a: = 45° in the preceding experiments, he wished to observe the law of variation for

. 45° 0' 43 51 40 13 37 21 33 40 29 8 23 41 17 224 10 18 0 0 5 44 12 45 18 32 26 52 30 44 31 59 33 13 36 22 38 2 39 12 40 22-7 41 32 42 42 43 51 45 0 Quantity of Light Re¬ flected out of 1000 Rays. Quantity of „ ®'at.'0 Polarised I Polarised t Light Q. Reflected 43-23 43-39 43 41 43- 64 44- 78 46-33 49-10 53-66 61-36 79-5 93-31 124-86 162-67 257-26 329-95 359 27 391 7 499 44 560-32 616-28 676-26 744 11 819-9 904-81 1000 0 0 1-74 7 22 11 6 17-25 24-37 33-25 44 09 57-36 79-5 91-6 112-7 129-80 152-34 457-67 157-69 156 6 145 4 134-93 123-75 108-67 89-83 65-9 36-32 0 0 0-04000 0-16618 0-26388 0-3853 0-5260 0-6773 0-82167 0-9360 1-000 0-9628 0-90258 0-79794 0-59154 0-47786 0-43892 0-40000 0-29112 0-2408 0-2008 0 16068 0-12072 0-0804 0 04014 00000 Polariza. tion. “ As the preceding formula is deduced from princi¬ ples which have been either established by experiment or confirmed by it, it may be expected to harmonize with the results of observation. At all the limits where the pencil is either wholly polarised or not polarised at all, it of course corresponds with experiment; but though, in so far as I know, there have been no absolute measures taken of the quantity of polarised light at different inci¬ dences, yet we are fortunately in possession of a set of ex¬ periments by M. Arago, who has ascertained the angles above and below the polarising angle at which glass and water polarise the same proportion of light. In no case has he measured the absolute quantity of the polarised rays; but the comparison of the values of Q at those angles at which he found them in equal proportions, will afford a test of the accuracy of the formula. This com¬ parison is shown in the following table, in which column 1 contains the angles at which the reflecting surface polar¬ ises equal proportions of light; column 2 the values of p, or the inclination of the planes of polarisation; and co¬ lumn 3 the intensities of the polarised light computed from the formula. Angles of Incidence. Glass: No. 1. Inclination of Planes Proportion of of Polarisation to MN, Polarised Light, or _-T / ] • but as the value of x is always in the \cos. (l— *')/ J same ratio to the value of f, however great be the num¬ ber of reflections, we have tan. 6 = tan.”

and cot. (p = ^^cot. x cos. (7 — i'). “ And when x — 45° and cot. a; = 1, as in common light, cot. 9 = (cos. (i — *'))"> cot.

“As the planes of polarisation of a pencil polarised 4- 45® and — 45° cannot be brought into a state of coincidence by refraction, the quantity of light polarised by refraction can never be mathematically equal to the whole of the transmitted pencil, however numerous be the refractions which it undergoes ; or, what is the same thing, refraction cannot produce rays truly polarised, that is, with their planes of polarisation parallel.” 2. On the partial Polarisation of Light by one or more Refractions. “ The analysis given in the preceding paragraphs, of the changes produced on common light, considered as repre¬ sented by two oppositely polarised pencils, furnishes us with the same conclusions respecting the partial polarisa¬ tion of light by refraction which we have already deduced respecting the partial polarisation of light by reflection. Each refracting surface produces a change in the position of the planes of polarisation, and consequently a physical change upon the transmitted pencil by which it has ap¬ proached to the state of complete polarisation. “ This position I shall illustrate by applying the for¬ mula to the experiments in a preceding page. “ According to the first of these, the light of a wax- candle at the distance of ten or twelve feet is wholly po¬ larised by eight plates or sixteen surfaces of parallel plate- glass at an angle of 78° 52'. Now I have ascertained that a pencil of light of this intensity will disappear from the extraordinary image, or appear to be completely polarised, provided its planes of polarisation do not form an angle of less than 88|° with the plane of refraction for a moderate number of plates, or 88^° for a considerable number of plates, the difference arising from the great diminution of the light in passing through the substance of the glass. In the present case the formula gives cot. 0 — (cos. (i — *'))16 and = 88° 50'; so that the light should appear to be completely polarised, as it was found to be. “ At an angle of 61° 0' the pencil was polarised by twen¬ ty-four plates or forty-eight surfaces. Here cot. 6 = (cos. (i — *'))48 = 89® 36'. « At an angle of 43° 34'the light was polarised by forty- seven plates or ninety-four surfaces. Here cot. 6 = (cos. (i — i'))94 and 6 = 88° 27'. “ It is needless to carry this comparison any further ; but it may be interesting to ascertain by the formula the small¬ est number of refractions wdnch will produce complete polarisation. In this case the angle of incidence must be 90°. “ Hence, © = 56° 29' and (cos. (* — i')^9 gives 88° 36', and (cos. (i — *'))10 89° 4'; that is, the polarisation will be nearly complete by the most oblique transmission through four and a half plates or nine surfaces, and will be perfect¬ ly complete through five plates or ten surfaces.” Sect. IV.— Comparison of the Laws of Intensity for Light polarised by Reflection and Refraction. “ Having obtained formulae for the quantity of light po¬ larised by refraction and reflection, it becomes a point of great importance to compare the results which they furnish. Calling R the reflected light, these formulae become OPTICS. Polariza¬ tion. a = R (l — 2 (cos. (i + i') \2 cos. (i — i')/ 645 xcos. (t + z')\ Vcos. (i — *')/ (cos, (i — i') )! 2 > and ^ V p + (cos. (i—i'))2)’ “ But these two quantities are equal, and hence we ob¬ tain the important general law, that,—Ai the first surface of all bodies, and at all angles of incidence, the quantity of light polarised by refraction is equal to the quantity polar¬ ised by reflection. I have said ‘ of all bodies,’ because the law is equally applicable to the surfaces of crystallized and metallic bodies, though the action of their first surface is masked or modified by other causes. “ It is obvious from the formula that there must be some angle of incidence where R = 1 — R, or the reflected equal to the transmitted light. When this takes place, we have sin.2 p = cos.2 = inclination produced by the second refraction at b> We shall have cot

and • sin2 (i + i’) tan2 (i+i') cos (i + i') \ 2 Q=I 1-2 (cos (i + i) \ (cos (i - i') f) / cos (i + i') \ \(cos (i - i') )7 / “ In like manner, if the intensity of CB = 1, we have cos (i + i ) tan x- (cos (i — i') )2’ and the intensity I of the transmitted pencil bs T , sin2 (i — i') „ tan2(^-i,) . „ , 1=1 —. .—ttt cos2 x + 7—,, sin2 x, and sin2 (i + i') ( Q = I 1-2 tan2 (*' + H) /(cos (i-i!) )3\ \ cos (i + i') ) /(cos i-i') ) \ 2 I y cos (i + 7) J J “ The following table, computed from the formulae in the preceding page, shows the state of the planes of po¬ larization of the three rays AC, CS, and bs. Angle of In¬ cidence on the First Surface. 0° 0' 32 0 40 0 45 0 56 30 67 0 70 0 75 0 78 37 79 0 80 0 83 0 86 30 90 0 Angle of Re¬ fraction at First Surface, and Angle of Incidence on Second Sur¬ face. 0° 0' 20 33 25 10 27 55 33 30 37 34 38 30 39 46 40 29 40 33 40 42 41 5 41 23 41 58 Inclination of Plane of Polarization of AC, fig. 172. 45° O' 45 34 45 58 46 17 47 22 48 57 49 33 50 45 51 49 51 56 52 16 53 21 54 47 56 29 Inclination of Plane of Polarization of CS, fig. 172. 45° O' 32 20 24 12 17 49 0 0 18 20 23 34 32 22 38 10 38 49 40 27 44 39 50 58 56 29 Inclination of Plane of Polarization of bs, fig 172. 45° 0' 32 51 24 56 18 38 0 0 20 50 27 6 37 48 44 59 45 46 47 46 53 40 60 13 66 19 olariza- Sect. VI.—On the Polarization of Light by Absorp¬ tion and Dispersion. In the preceding section we have considered common Lv'ab- light as consisting of two pencils of polarized light, having >rption, their planes of polarization at right angles to each other. The very same results would take place if we considered a beam of light as consisting of two sets of polarized rays, all those of one set having their planes of polarization in every possible direction, and of another set having their planes of polarization at right angles to those of the former.1 In this view of the subject common light is polarized when it issues from the luminous body, and when we polarize it or decom¬ pose it by double refraction, or polarize it completely by reflection or refraction, we merely separate the one-half of it polarized + from the half polarized —. This effect its analogous to the decomposition of white light into is colours. All the colours exist in the sun’s light, and they are merely separated by prismatic refraction, or by inter- Polariza- ference, or by absorption. tion- Now common light may also be decomposed by disper- sion and absorption ; that is, if we can contrive any method of dispersing or absorbing one of the two polarized pencils of common light, we shall exhibit the other pencil in its state of natural polarization. Crystals in which this effect is produced are called singly- polarizing or singly-refracting crystals. They were first observed and described by Sir David Brewster in the year 1812.2 The first mineral in which he discovered this pro¬ perty was the agate, in which one of the pencils is dispersed Agate, into a nebulous mass of light, sometimes of the form of a crescent, so that the bright image was all polarized in one plane, like one of the pencils of Iceland spar. The mass of nebulous light, too, was always polarized in a plane per¬ pendicular to that of the bright image. The same author discovered a similar property in certain Carbonate specimens of the carbonate of barytes, which exhibited of barytes, several interesting phenomena2 in thick crystals of mica,4 and in mother-of-pearl,5 and very curiously in oil of mace,6 and other substances. The same property he found in various artificial crystals, but particularly in nitre. Another very beautiful example of polarized nebulous images was observed by the same author in an artificial kind of nacre already referred to, in which there are three nebulous polarized images, with a bright image inclosed in the middle one of the three nebulous images.7 A similar property was discovered in 1815 in the tour- Tournia_ maline, nearly about the same time, by M. Biot and M. iine. Seebeck, the priority belonging to the former. This crys¬ tal has double refraction, like all other crystals of the same class; but when it is cut by planes passing through the axis of the crystal, and has a certain thickness (about the 25th of an inch, but which varies in different specimens), it transmits only one of the pencils formed by double re¬ fraction. The pencil polarized in the plane of the principal section is absorbed, or somehow or other lost, while the one depolarized at right angles to that section is transmitted. If we take two such plates of tourmaline, and place them with their axes parallel, the unabsorbed pencil will be freely transmitted through both; but if we begin to turn one of them round, the light will become fainter and fainter, and the luminous object will vanish entirely when the axes are at right angles to each other. By continuing to turn, the image again appears, reaches its maximum when the axes are parallel, and then vanishes when the axes are at right angles. In all the singly-refracting and polarizing crystals above enumerated, the effects described arise from a certain degree of imperfection in the structure and combina¬ tion of the elementary crystals, by which one of the po¬ larized pencils is reflected or absorbed; but Sir David Brewster found that the same property may be commu¬ nicated to any crystal, merely by altering its superficial conformation. If we take a hexahedral prism of nitrate of potash, and observe a luminous object through two of its inclined sur¬ faces that have a good natural or artificial polish, we shall perceive two distinct and perfectly-formed images. If we now roughen these two surfaces, and cement upon each of them a plate of glass by means of balsam of capivi, the character of the two images will be greatly changed. The image that has suffered the greatest refraction will be as distinct as before, but the other image will be either of a faint reddish colour or wholly invisible, according to the degree of roughness induced upon the refracting surfaces. 1 Phil. Trans. 1815, p. 149; ibid. 1830, p. 84. 2 Treatise on New Philosophical Instruments, p. 329 ; see also Phil. Trans. 1813, p. 101; ibid. 1814, p. 188. 3 Edin. Trans., vol. vii., p. 289. 4 Phil. Trans. 1814, p. 225. 6 Ibid. 1814. 6 Ibid., pp. 27 and 38. 7 Ibid. 1836, p. 53. 648 OPTICS. Polariza- When oil of cassia is used, the least refractive image, if tion. visible before, will now be completely extinguished. By substituting pure alcohol, or the white of an egg, in¬ stead of the balsam, the least refracted image will become distinct, and the most refracted image will be either a mass of nebulous light, or almost invisible. In order to explain these phenomena, we must recollect that the index of refraction for the ordinary image of nitre is 1-511, and that of \lr\e. extraordinary vm&ge 1'328. When the rough surface of the nitre is covered with balsam of ca- pivi, which has nearly the same index of refraction as the ordinary image, the same effect is produced as if the rough surface had been polished for the ordinary rays. All the little pits or depressions in the rough surface being filled up with balsam, the ordinary rays suffer little or no refraction in penetrating the crystal, and therefore the image which they form will be as clear and distinct as in the first expe¬ riment. But since the index of refraction for the extraor¬ dinary image is much less than that of the balsam, the rays of which it is composed will not enter the crystal undis¬ turbed, but will be scattered in the same manner as if its surface was rough, and had a refractive power correspond¬ ing to the difference between the index of refraction for the extraordinary ray, and the index of refraction for the bal¬ sam. When water or alcohol is substituted in room of the balsam, the effects now described are interchanged, the roughness being removed for the extraordinary rays by the application of a fluid of the same refractive density, while the rays that form the ordinary image are dispersed by the refractions which still exist at the rough surface of the crystal. These effects will be better understood by supposing the crystal to consist of an extraordinary and an ordinary me¬ dium, arranged in alternate strata, or as water exists in wet hydrophanous opal. When the superficial polish of both these media is removed, the application of the balsam re¬ stores, as it were, the polish of the ordinary medium, with¬ out restoring that of the extraordinary medium ; while the application of the alcohol restores the polish of the extra¬ ordinary medium without restoring that of the ordinary medium. These results were repeatedly obtained with calcareous spar, arragonite, nitre, carbonate of potash, and other crys¬ tals {Phil. Trans., 1819) ; and we have now before us a singly polarizing prism of Iceland spar, made nearly forty years ago, which answers all the common purposes of a plate of tourmaline or a parcel of glass plates. Sect. VII.—On the Depolarization of Light, and the Colours of thin Crystallized Plates in Polarized Light. The phenomena which we are about to describe are among the most splendid in optics. They were discovered by independent observation by M. Arago and Sir David Brewster, the priority of discovery belonging to M. Arago. The very same colours, indeed, as we shall presently see, had been observed by Huygens, Robison, Malus, and others, in Iceland spar; but they were not aware of their nature and origin. There are four methods of exhibiting these colours, which may be used at pleasure, and each of which has its advantages. First me- 1. If we take a plate of agate or tourmaline, or He- thod of rapath’s artificial tourmaline^ or any other of the artificial the'pheno- s*nS^y"P°lariz‘ng crystals already described, and having cut mena. it into two parts, each of which is at least equal to the dia¬ meter of the pupil of the eye, though this is not absolutely requisite, fix each of them above an aperture in a piece of card or brass, so that no light passes at their edges. Let them be now placed at the distance of an inch or more, the one near the eye being capable of turning round the axis of vision ; and let this last be turned into such a position that the light of the sky, or that of a flame enlarged by a lens placed near it, is no longer able to penetrate the second singly-refracting plate. If we now introduce between the two plates of tourma¬ line, for example, a plate, either thick or thin, of any doubly-refracting substance, we shall observe very curious effects. If the plate is thick, such as one of sulphate of lime, the 30th of an inch and upwards, we shall find that the insertion of the plate has revived, as it were, the light which refused to pass through the second plate, and this light will be white. If we turn the sulphate of lime round, we shall find four positions, 90° from each other, in which the revived light is a maximum; and other four bisecting these, and also 90° from each other, in which the light entirely vanishes, as before the sulphate of lime had been intro¬ duced. This property of reviving the light has been called the depolarization of light, because the sulphate of lime de¬ prives the rays polarized by the first plate of that kind of polarization which prevented them from penetrating the second plate. But if the plate is thin, between the 50th and 75th of an inch, we shall have precisely the same phenomena, with this difference only, that the restored light is brilliantly coloured. The colours vary in intensity, like the white light, disap¬ pearing in the positions 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, and reach¬ ing their maximum at 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°. If we now turn the plate of tourmaline next the eye round 90°, so that the axes of the two plates are parallel, and the pencil polarized by the first freely transmitted by the second, and if we then introduce the same plate of sulphate of lime as before, we shall now find that in the four positions of it, —viz., 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, where no light or colours were formerly, nothing but white light is visible ; but that at the positions 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°, where the maxi¬ ma of light and colour took place, we have the maxima of a colour complementary to that formerly seen, the intensity of this colour gradually increasing from nothing at 0°, reaching its maximum at 45°, again diminishing to 90°; and so on with the other quadrants. These colours are called the colours of crystallized plates, or the colours of polarized light. In the preceding experiment with plates of tourmaline, we see only one of the two complementary colours, while the position of the tourmaline remains the same. The disad¬ vantage of using the tourmalines is, that from their brown colour the brilliancy of the polarized colours is greatly in¬ jured ; and the tourmalines therefore cannot be employed, either when we wish to have the most brilliant representa¬ tions of the phenomena, or when it is necessary to study the exact tints developed. But if we use the plates of agate or of roughened Ice¬ land spar in the same manner, we shall not only have iden¬ tically the same phenomena of colour in the bright and distinct image formed by the agate with a purer light; but we shall have the additional phenomenon of this bright co¬ loured image placed in the middle of a nebula or haze of the complementary colour, so that we here see both the colours at the same time, and without any of the superadded brown colour imparted by the tourmaline. If the colour of the 1 These artificial tourmalines are thin crystals of the sulphate of iodo-quinine, which are impervious to light when crossed at right angles. Dr Ilerapath has made them six-tenths of an inch in breadth. Polariza- tion. OPTICS. 649 ray Rr emerges from Polariza- distinct image is green, it will be encircled by a haze of tion. red light; if it is blue, with a haze of orange light; and so on. Second me- 2. The second method consists in placing the film of thod. sulphate of lime GKHL between two bundles of glass plates A and B, which polarize the light by refraction, as shown in the annexed figure. A A, polarized as at st, and will freely penetrate the se¬ cond bundle 13, and emerge, as shown at vw, when the planes of refraction of A and B are parallel, as in the figure; but not a ray of st will emerge at v when the planes of refraction are perpendicular to each other. When we interpose, therefore, the sulphate of lime GKHL, it will exhibit identically the same pheno¬ mena as between the tourmaline plates, the bundle A cor¬ responding to the fixed plate, and B to the moveable one, and the planes of refraction corresponding to the axis of the tourmaline. If we suppose the bundles A and B to be placed with their planes of refraction perpendicular to each other, then the position of the plate of sulphate of lime in which no colour appears, is, when its axis of double refrac¬ tion CD is its principal axis (viz., the line bisecting the resvdtant axis), if it is biaxal, parallel ox perpendicular to the planes of refraction. When CD, therefore, or EF (per¬ pendicular to it), is in the plane of refraction of A, or the plane of primitive polarization, as it is called, not a ray of coloured light reaches the eye at v, and hence these have been called the neutral axes of the plate of sulphate of lime, because they produce no change upon the ray st. On the other hand, when the lines GH, KL, perpendicular to each other, and inclined forty-five degrees to the neutral axes, are in the plane of primitive polarization, the coloured light depolarized is a maximum, and hence they have been called the depolarizing axes of the plate GKHL, names which will be found very convenient in the description of phenomena. It is an interesting fact, which was discovered by Sir David Brewster, that nature actually presents us, in the case of certain crystals oi' nitre, with the whole of the ap¬ paratus in the space of half an inch. One part of the crystal has its laminae inclined like the bundle A, while another part has them lying in a rectangular direction like B ; so that such a crystal, by merely looking through it when the opposite faces are either polished by art or by a cement, exhibits its own coloured rings. Sir John Herschel subsequently observed the same fact in carbonate of potash, and proposes to call such crystals idiocyclophanous, or those which show their own rings. Third me- 3. The third method is shown in the annexed figure, thud. where A is a plate of black glass (or a bundle of 8 or 12 plates of thin transparent glass, for the purpose of increas¬ ing the light), which polarizes in a horizontal plane a ray Rr, incident at an angle of 56°, reflecting it polarized in the direction rs, where it is received upon a second plate of black glass B at the same angle of 56°, so as to reflect it to the eye at O. If the plane of reflection from B is vertical, so as to be perpendicular to that from A, not a ray of the pencil Rr will be reflected, but the eye at O will perceive a large black spot on the part of the sky or other luminous surface from which the ray Rr proceeds. The plate or VOL. xvt. plates at A are called the polarizing plates, and that at B Polariza- the analyzing plate. tion. The plate of sulphate of lime is then placed at GKHL, anywhere between the plates, and it will exhibit the very same phenomena as between the tourmalines and the bundles of plates, though with more brilliancy and distinct¬ ness, as there is no brown colour to disturb the tints, and no haziness, as happens with the second bundle B of plates of glass. In this method the planes of reflection perform the same part as the axis of tourmaline and the planes of refraction in the other cases. 4. The last method which we shall mention is to employ Fourth n e- rhombs of Iceland spar both for polarizing and analysing thod. the light. If the Iceland spar is converted into two of Nicol’s prisms, then each prism performs exactly the same part as the tourmaline and the reflectors, exhibiting only one of the complementary colours. This ingenious con¬ trivance, which derives its name from its inventor, William Nicol, Esq. of Edinburgh, consists of two pieces of calca¬ reous spar cemented together, so as to transmit only one of the polarized pencils; but the difficulty and expense of constnicting it well, and the risk of a change in the state of the cement which unites the two parts, render it desirable to have a simple, a cheap, and a durable substitute for it. The polarizer and analyser used by Sir David Brewster in many of his experiments in elliptical polarization, and in the action of crystallized surfaces, was a single rhomb of calcareous spar, having thin plates of colourless glass ce¬ mented to its natural surfaces by Canada balsam, which, while it removes any imperfection of surface, protects the surfaces from any accidental injury, or from the deteriora¬ tion of the polish arising from frequently cleaning them. This rhomb, shown at ABCD, may be of any thickness suited to the diameter of the pencil of light which we wish to have. By a rhomb one inch thick, we can obtain a pencil of light 0T15 of an inch in diameter; by placing an aperture of that diameter at a, on the lower side CD, we obtain two pencils b, c, polarized in opposite planes, and just touching each other. If we wish to use only one pencil, we can conceal b ox c with a wafer, and use the other; but for the purpose of our present ex¬ periment, they may both be left clear. If we now construct an exactly similar or a larger rhomb, without any aperture upon it, and place the two as we did the tourmaline plates, or in the position shown in fig. 160, we shall see only two images, the other two being evanescent. Let the plate of sulphate of lime be now interposed as formerly, and we shall find that when its principal axis CD forms angles of 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° with the plane of the principal section of the rhombs, no light is depolarized; but that when the axis forms angles of 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315° with the principal section, the two evanescent pencils are restored and bril¬ liantly coloured, let us suppose with green light, while the other two pencils formerly seen are brilliantly coloured with the complementary red colour. By turning round the rhomb next the eye, these two colours undergo all varieties of in¬ tensity from their maximum tint to evanescence. If we now enlarge the aperture a (fig. 17c) in the first rhomb, so that the two images b, c, in place of being in con¬ tact, overlap each other, we shall have the parts that do not overlap exhibiting the two complementary colours as before, while the parts that do overlap form perfectly white light; thus proving that the two colours are exactly complemen¬ tary to each other. In order to obtain a large pencil of polarized light b or c, we must make the rhomb very thick; but there is another way in which we may obtain the same effect in thin rhombs. There are particular specimens of the spar which are in-. 4 N 'O G>c Fig. 175. 650 OPT Polariza- terrupted with veins, and which will be described in a sepa- tion. rate section. If we obtain one of these in which the vein has a certain thickness, it will produce polarized images on each side of b and c, and these images will be perfectly white. We may therefore use a much larger aperture cr, and obtain a very effective apparatus. This, however, will be better understood afterwards. In the preceding observations, with the four different kinds of apparatus, we have supposed the polarizer and an¬ alyser to be fixed, either with their similar planes parallel or perpendicular to each other, and the plate of sulphate of lime to be moved round its axis. Let us suppose, however, that the sulphate of lime is fixed in the position where its colour {bright red, for example) is a maximum,—that is, where any of the depolarizing axes GH or KL (fig. 174) is parallel or perpendicular to the plane Rt\s of primitive polarization. In this position of GH, let the analysing plate B be made to revolve round the ray rs, its motion commencing at 0°, and always keeping the same inclination to rs—viz. 56°. The bright red visible at 0° will gradually diminish in intensity as B moves from 0° to 45°, when the red colour will wholly vanish, and the black spot be seen. Beyond Ao° a faint green tint will appear, gradually in¬ creasing, and attaining its maximum of brightness at 90°. At an azimuth greater than 90°, the green becomes paler and paler, till it vanishes wholly at 135°. Here the red again begins, and reaches its maximum brightness at 180°. Similar changes take place while the plate B moves from 180° to its original position at 360° or 0°. Hence it ap¬ pears, that when the sulphate of lime alone revolves, only one of the complementary colours is visible, whereas, when the plate B only revolves, both the complementary colours are visible during each half of its revolution. When these experiments are repeated with plates of sul¬ phate of lime, or any other mineral having different thick¬ nesses, different colours will be produced, varying with the thickness; and in every case the two colours which are produced, either when we use the two polarizing rhombs, or cause the reflector B to revolve, are always complement¬ ary to each other, or together make white light. If we remove the plate B, and look through the sulphate of lime, we shall find that the light which it transmits is always white, whatever be the position of the sulphate of lime, whatever be the inclination which the ray Rr forms with the polarizer A, and whatever be the condition of the polarizer itself. The decomposition of the white light, therefore, or its separation into two complementary co¬ lours, must be effected by reflection from the plate B. Now sulphate of lime is a doubly-refracting crystal, giving two oppositely polarized images, lying above one another, and one of its neutral axes CD is the section of a plane passing through its principal axis of double refraction, while EF is the section of a plane perpendicular to that section. Let any of these planes, suppose EF, be placed, as in the figure, in the plane of primitive polarization Rrs, then the ray rs will not be doubled, but will pass into the ordinary ray of the sulphate of lime, and, falling upon B, it will not suffer reflection. The very same will happen if CD is brought into the plane of primitive polarization, so that in these two positions none of the light transmitted through the sulphate of lime will suffer reflection at B, and reach the eye at O. In all other positions, however, of the sul¬ phate of lime, it forms two images or pencils of different intensities; and when either of the depolarizing axes GH or KL is in the plane of primitive polarization Brs, these two images or pencils will be of equal intensity, and polarized in opposite planes. Now, one of these images is red, and the other green, a fact which will be afterwards explained ; and as the red is polarized in the plane of primitive polarization, it will not suffer reflection from B ; while the green, being polarized in the plane of reflection from B, will be reflected ICS. to the eye at O, and is therefore seen alone. From the Polariza- same cause, when B is turned round 90°, the green will not tion- suffer reflection from it; while the red will suffer reflection, and be seen by the eye at O. The plate B has therefore analysed the compound beam of red and green light by re¬ flecting one and transmitting the other colour. Now, if the sulphate of lime had been thicker than the fiftieth of an inch, the two pencils would have been both white ; and when the plate was moved round, we should have had a white pencil reflected from B, and undergoing the very same changes that the coloured one did. In the preceding experiments, the sulphate of lime has been supposed to be so thin as to give a red and a green tint; but if the plate is only 0'00046 of an English inch thick, it will depolarize no light at all, and the black spot will be seen in every position of the sulphate of lime. If the thickness of the plate isO-00124 of an inch, the light depolarized will be the white, the first order of Newton’s scale, whose complementary colour is a deep violet; and if the plate is 0-01818 of an inch, or upwards, it will also polarize white light, composed of all the colours of the spectrum. When the plates of the mineral have an inter¬ mediate thickness between 0*00124 and 0*01818, they will give, at successive thicknesses, all the intermediate colours in Newton’s table, between the white of the first order and the white compounded of all the colours. The colours from the plate B will be those in col. 2 of Newton’s table, while the colours seen in turning round the plate B will be the complementary ones in col. 3 of the same table, the one corresponding to the reflected and the other to the trans¬ mitted tints of thin plates. By a variety of accurate experiments, M. Biot pointed out the connection between the colours of polarized light and of thin plates ; and in the case of sulphate of lime, the films of which he measured with the spherometer, he has proved that the thicknesses which produce the different colours in Newton’s table are proportional to the numerical value of the tints for glass ; this substance having nearly the same refractive power as sulphate of lime. If we wish, for example, to know the thickness of sulphate of lime which will give the red of the first order of colours; the number in the last column opposite red is 5£ths ; then, since the white of the first order is produced by a plate 0*00124 of an inch thick, the number opposite, which is 3fths, we say, as fifths is to of ths, so is 0*00124 to 0*00211, which is the thickness at which sulphate of lime depolarizes the red of the first order. The above phenomena may be beautifully exhibited by Popular combining pieces of sul|)hate of lime into a coloured Gothic experl- window, so that when the window is exposed to common or ments* to polarized light it appears perfectly colourless, but when seen by reflection it will exhibit all the splendid colours of the separate films. Though this experiment is well suited for exhibition, yet the following one, which was also made by Sir David Brewster, is more instructive. Selecting a uniform plate of sulphate of lime, about the 25th of an inch thick, he ground down with the powder of schistus one of its faces, so as to make it a sort of wedge, in which the thickness varies from the 25th of an inch down to the thinnest edge that could be made. The plate was then placed in water, which acted upon it slowly, making its edge thinner, and giving a slight polish to its surface. When this film is placed at GH, in fig. 174, its surface will be seen covered with coloured fringes, as in fig. 176, parallel to its edges. At its thin¬ nest edge the colours of the first order will com¬ mence from black, and gradually increasing, as 17G- in Newton’s table, till, at the thick edge AD, we have the sixth or seventh, or higher orders of colours. Here w*e see OPT Polari&a- at once how all the different tints and different orders are tion. connected with the different thicknesses of the plate. If we now cut this plate into two equal parts AB, CD, and cross them as in figure 177, a neio set of fringes will appear, parallel to a line joining the points where the two thinnest and the two thickest edges intersect,—that is, parallel to NP, one of the diagonals of the intersectional square MNOP. The line NP Will be black, and from NP to M and N the fringes will be exactly the same as I'ig-177* those from the thin to the thick edge of the plate. If the plates AB, CD have their axes at right angles to each other, there will be only one set of fringes, beginning at the angle where the two tints are a minimum. If we grind one side of the plate spherical, so that the thickness shall vary like the plate of air between a convex and a plane surface, then, by combining a plate of this kind with a prismatic plate, or by combining two similar plates, and by varying their maximum thicknesses, their breadths, &c., we shall produce, by their parallel or rectangular com¬ bination, intersectional fringes of figures of great variety and extreme beauty. If we grind concave surfaces on one of the faces of the crystalline plate, we shall have circular rings, equidistant if the concavity is conical, but resembling those of thin plates if it is spherical. Still more remarkable effects may be produced by turning beautiful patterns upon the sulphate of zinc, or etching them either by the action of pure water, or water slightly acidified. Lines of equal depths will be all equally coloured, and the slightest differences in depth, which can be easily regulated by a fine turning-lathe, will produce a great variety of different colours. Coloured figures and landscapes may be executed by scraping away the surface to proper thicknesses. A cipher, too, might be executed upon a mineral; and if we cover the surface upon which it is formed with a fluid of the same refractive power it will be absolutely illegible by common light, but may be distinctly deciphered when placed between the polarizing and analysing plates. A sheet of’ ice irregularly frozen and held in the posi¬ tion just mentioned, exhibits the colours of crystallized plates in a splendid manner; but if in a severe winter, when ice can be handled without melting, we take a uniform plate, and dissolve a pattern upon it by heat,which maybe applied in many ways, so as to affect only the parts to be made thinner, we shall observe a phenomenon than which nothing can be more splendid. Sect. VIII.—On the System op Bings produced by Uniaxal Crystals. Itlngs in In the preceding experiments the crystallized plate is iniaxal held at such a distance from the polarizing plate that its :rystals. surface could be distinctly seen by the eye; and it was from observations made in this manner that M. Biot deduced his empirical formulae for expressing the variation of the tint, as depending on the thickness of the crystallized plate, and on the square of the sine of the inclination of the refracted ray to the axis of the crystal. From this mode of observation M. Biot concluded that arragonite, topaz, sulphate of lime, felspar, sulphate of barytes, and sulphate of strontian, were all crystals with one axis of polarization and double refraction. In 1813, how¬ ever, Sir David Brewster was led to an entirely different mode of observation. He brought the crystal or plate as close to his eye as possible, and by using a large polarizing plate, such as a black japanned tray, he was able to see, at the same instant, the colours produced at various angles of inclination, in place of determining the loci of these colours, ICS. 651 as was done in the old way, by a great number of insulated Polariza- observations. tion. When, for example, he looked through the ruby, the emerald, topaz, ice, nitre, and other bodies, he observed the most beautiful system of rings when the polarized light passed along the axis of double refraction of these bodies. The rings in crystals with one axis are essentially different from those with two axes. The uniaxal system of rings is represented in figs. 179, 180. Sir D. Brewster discovered them in all the doubly-re¬ fracting crystals with one axis, already mentioned, excepting in Iceland spar, in which they were first observed by Dr Wollaston, and independently by M. Biot and Dr Seebeck. This system of rings is seen along the axis of double refrac¬ tion ; and it has been customary to cut faces upon the obtuse angles of the rhomb of calcareous spar perpendicular to the axis, in order to see them. Sir David Brewster, however, employed the simple method shown in the annexed figure, which does not require the aid of the lapidary. Let CDEF be the principal section of a rhomb of Iceland spar; cement upon CD and EF two small prisms DLK, FGH, having the anglesLDK, GFH about 45° each; and let this rhomb be placed between the polarizing and analysing plates, so that the polarized ray rs passes perpendi¬ cularly through the faces LD, FG. The rhomb must be held as close as possible to the reflector B (fig. 174), which need not be larger than the pupil of the eye. When the black spot is seen on the reflector B, in the apparatus as adj usted, then, when the rhomb isinterposed, the observer, with his eye close to the plate B, and looking, as it were, through the re¬ flected image of the rhomb, will see the beautiful system of rings shown in fig. 179, intersected by a black rectangular cross, the arms of which are parallel and perpendicular to the plane of primitive po¬ larization. The colours of the rings, of which seven or eight may be readily seen, are almost exactly the same as those of the reflected rings in thin plates, as seen in Newton’s table or scale of colours. If we turn the rhomb round its axis the rings will suffer no change, the four arms of the black cross revolv¬ ing round the circumference of the rings, or rather these four arms remain fixed, and the rings revolve with the rhomb. If the rhomb is now fixed so that the rings are distinctly visible, and if we cause the plate to revolve from zero or 0°, then the rings will change into the form shown in fig. 180, Fig. 179. Fig. 180. Fig. 181. in which the black cross is broken up ; and at 45° the rings 652 OPTICS. Polariza¬ tion. will appear as in fig. 181, which is the complementary system, with a white centre exactly similar to the system seen by transmission in thin plates. These two systems of rings superposed or placed one above the other, would produce uniform white light, without any trace ot rings. By con¬ tinuing to turn B (fig. 174), the primary system (fig. 1/9) will reappear at 90°," 180°, and 270°; and the secondary system (fig. 181) at 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°; while the intermediate system (fig. 180) will be seen at intermediate azimuths. It is very interesting to trace the passage of the primary into the secondary system. When B begins to turn, the arms of the black cross widen and become less black, and within them we can see segments of the complementary rings, whose dark intervals correspond to the bright ones of the primary rings, and vice versa. As B advances, the rings of the primary set grow less, and more dilute, while the others grow larger and brighter, till at 45° the secondary set is complete. When the light previous to polarization has passed through ground glass, the diluted primary rings appear of a gray-white colour, and as if they were nearer the eye than the rest. If, in place of the plate B, we use a polarizing rhomb or an achromatized prism of Iceland spar, and look through it along the axis of the other rhomb, then, when the plane of its principal section is parallel or perpendicular to the plane of primitive polarization, we shall see in one of its two images the primary system of rings, and in another the secondary system; and in intermediate positions we shall see the intermediate system, the one constantly passing into the other. When all these experiments are repeated inhomogeneous light, the system of rings will be smallest in violet and largest in red light, and of intermediate sizes in intermediate colours. If we divide the rhomb of spar (fig. 178) into two parts by the line MN, and examine the rings through each se¬ parately, we shall find that the rings produced by each part are larger than those produced by the whole, the thinnest piece producing the largest rings. Hence two rhombs united will give a system of rings corres¬ ponding to those produced by one rhomb of the same mag¬ nitude. Tositive The systems, if formed by zircon, ice, and positive systems of doubly-refracting crystals, are exactly the same as the pre- nngs. ceding. But if we unite a positive system with an equal negative system, they will destroy each other ; and if the two systems are unequal, we shall have a system equal to the difference of their effects. These experiments of com¬ bining systems of positive and negative rings, though rather troublesome, are extremely interesting. When such sys¬ tems are combined, and the space between the crystals that form them left open, a series of splendid changes are in¬ duced upon the resulting system, by placing one or more crystallized films in one or more azimuths between them ; but we shall have occasion to return to this subject in the section on the multiplication of images by Iceland spar. In examining the phenomena of the primary rings, it is obvious that there is no polarization, as there is no double refraction along the axis of the crystal. The tints polarized increase with the double refraction, that is, with the inclina- ition of the polarized ray to the axis of double refraction; and their numerical value, as given in Newton’s scale, in¬ creases with the square of the sine of that inclination. At any given inclination to the axis the tint increases with the thickness through which the polarized ray passes, so that when we have determined the tint at any given inclination and thickness, it is easy to find it for another inclination and ■thickness. In crystals with one axis of double refraction, the lines sof equal double refraction are circles when the thickness is equal, as in a sphere; in like manner, the lines of equal Polariza- tint, or the isochromatic lines, are circles, the tints being a tion. maximum in the equator, where the inclination to the axis is 90°. In crystals with great double refraction, the same tint at the same inclination to the axis is produced at a much less thickness than in crystals with feeble double refraction. Quartz, for example, has a very feeble double refraction, and at the same inclination to the axis it would require a plate of quartz 115 times as thick as a plate of Iceland spar to produce the same tint in Newton’s scale. In some crystals with one axis, such as quartz, amethyst, beryl, the system of rings is disturbed by secondary causes, which we shall have occasion to refer to more fully in regard to the two first crystals. In other crystals im¬ perfect crystallization is the general cause of these irregu¬ larities. In Iceland spar, zircon, ice, tourmaline, and various other minerals, the tints of the rings are very nearly those of Newton’s scale; but there are other crystals, such as apophyllite, in which Sir David Brewster and Sir John Herschel discovered remarkable deviations, which will be described in a subsequent section. The intensity of the polarizing force, or the value of the tint polarized at a given thickness, has been calculated by different persons for different crystals. The following have been given by Sir John Herschel for uniaxal crystals :— Thicknrsses that produce the same Tint. Numerical Value of the highest Tint. Iceland spar 35301 0-000028 Hydrate of strontia 1246 0-000802 .... 851 0-001175 .... 470 0002129 .... 312 0 003024 .... 109 0-009150 ... 101 0-009856 41 0-024170 ... 33 0-030374 3 0-366620 Tourmaline. Hyposulphate of lime Quartz ; Apophyllite, first variety Camphor Vesuvian Apophyllite, second variety., „ third variety.... These measures are calculated for the yellow rays. Sect. IX.—On the System of Rings produced by Biaxal Crystals. The biaxal system of rings was discovered by Sir David Biax-d Brewster while he was looking along one of the axes ot topaz, when the crystal happened to reflect the light of a part of the sky which was partially polarized, so that they were seen without the aid either of a polarizing or an ana¬ lysing plate. Upon examining other minerals, he discovered that the possession of two systems of rings was the characteristic of by far the greater number of crystallized bodies. In some of the crystals, such as topaz, the lines along which each system of rings is seen are so much inclined to each other, that we cannot see the two systems at once; whereas in others, where the inclination of the lines is small, both the systems may be distinctly seen at the same time. This will be understood, in the case of topaz, from fig. 182, where MN is a plate of topaz with parallel faces of cleav¬ age perpendicular to PQ, the principal axis of double refraction. If we expose this plate f to polarized light, so that the polarized ray passes along the line ABeE (the plane of incidence being in one of the two neutral axes of the plate) ; and if the eye at A receives this ray without using the analysing plate, it will -see in the direction of that ray a system of oval rings of extreme beauty, like that shown in fig. 183. When the polarized light is transmitted Polariza¬ tion. lings in itre. OPT along the line CBJD, equally inclined to the perpendicular PQ, it will see a similar system. The lines Bt/, Be are therefore the resultant axes of topaz, along which the double refraction vanishes. The angle ABC is about 121° 16', but the inclination of the refracted rays or of the resultant axes is only 6o°. Similar rings are seen by transmission in the direction Del, Ee, but only when the analysing plate is used. If we now receive the reflected ray upon the analysing Fit,'- 183. i’ig. 184. plate at 0°, the system of rings will appear as in fig. 184, which differs from fig. 183 only in the parts near the major axis. The colours are the same, but the central spots are much smaller, and the mass of darkness with which they are surrounded encroaches considerably upon the blue part of the first ring. The same system will be seen at 90°, 180°, 227°; but upon turning round the analysing plate, we shall see, at 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°, a third set, shown in fig. 185, which is comparatively faint in its colour, but distin¬ guished by its peculiarities. In its general structure it re¬ sembles the set in fig. 183, but in the middle of each central spot there is a darker spot, composed of blue and red chiefly, with a little green above the blue, and every ring is divided into two rings, each of which lias the same co¬ lours as the original ring. This divi¬ sion of the rings occupies only a part of the semicircumference of each, and is not seen beyond the third ring. When the analysing plate begins to move from 0°, 70°, &c., where fig. 184 is seen, towards 45°, 135°, &c., two blue spots, and the division of the rings, begin to appear at A and A in all the Fig.iss. rings, and in the two central spots, and move along each till they reach B at 45°, 135°, See. Continuing to turn the analyser, the spots and divisions move onward from B to C m all the rings, &c., and disappear at C at 90°, 180°, &c. 1 his curious system of rings is obviously the.first set in fig. 183, seen at the same time with their complementary rings, and is a very rare phenomenon. 1 he biaxal system of rings is best seen in nitre or salt- pelre, in which the inclination of the resultant axes is only about 5°, or forming an angle of with the axis of the six-sided prism. When a plate of nitre, about the sixth or eighth of an inch thick, is placed before a small analysing plate, and very close to it, and the eye also held as close to the analysing plate as possible, we shall see the beautiful biaxal system of rings discovered by Sir David Brewster, and shown in fig. 186, where the plane passing through the two axes ol nitre is parallel or perpendicular to the plane of primitive polarization. At angles inclined 45° to these planes the rings assume the form shown in fig. 187. In passing from the one of these states to the other, the rings assume the forms shown in figs. 188 and 189. The colours begin at the centres A and B of each system; but at a ICS. 653 certain distance, varying with the thickness of the plate, the rings, in place of returning and encircling each pole, en¬ circle the two poles, as an ellipse does its foci. When the thickness of the plate is very small, the rings enlarge, and the fifth ring will surround both poles; at a less thickness, Polariza¬ tion. Fig. 186. Fig. 187. the fourth ; and so on, till at a very small thickness the first ring will surround both poles, and the system then resem- Fig. 189. hies much the uniaxal system of rings. If the plate of nitre is very thick, the rings diminish in size. These colours deviate more and more from those of Newton’s scale, and the tints do not begin at the poles A and B, but at virtual poles in their vicinity. The colours of the rings within the two poles are red, and beyond them blue, and the great body of the rings is pink and green. The rings have been called isochromatic lines, or lines of equal tint; and the axes passing through the poles A, B, optical axes or axes of compensation, or resultant axes, because they have been found not to be real axes, but lines along which the opposite actions of other two real axes have been com¬ pensated, or destroy one another. In nitre and arragonite, the two systems of rings may be seen at the same time, as in fig. 186; but in topaz, mica, sulphate of iron, &c., only one of them can be seen, as in fig. 183. We have already given a long list of the various minerals and crystals which exhibit the biaxal system ot rings, and also the position of the line which bisects the angular dis¬ tance between the resultant axes, which is the principal axis of the crystal. The following table, showing the inclination of the re¬ sultant axes in different crystals, was drawn up from the observations of Sir David Brewster. Several results obtained by other observers have been added;— 654 Polariza¬ tion. OPTICS. Names of Mineralg. Bronkite axis very near. Dx. Lepidolite (Allenberg) very near. Fuchsite ditto. Margarite ditto. Gilbertite ditto. Antigorite ditto. Glucosate of sea salt very small. Dx. Glauberite —2° or 3 O' Sulphate of nickel, certain j 3 q specimens / Mica, certain specimens. In fifty-seven specimens of mica from various localities examined by M. \ — 6 0 Senarmont, the inclina¬ tion of the axes varies from 1° or 2° to 77° f Nitrate of potash ' — 6 10 Dx. Carbonate of strontites — 6 56 Do. do. barytes — Talc Carbonate of lead. 7 24 8 3 Dx. 8 16 Mil. -10 30 Sulphato-carbonate of lead Carbonate of lead (Lead- ) _po 35 j)x hillite) J Mother-of-pearl —11 28 Hydrate of barytes —13 18 Mica, certain specimens, ) -1 j n about [j-14 ° r -17 50 Dx. Arragonite < —18 12 Hu. 1 -18 18 Pyroxene (Miller)1 +19 30 Prussiate of potash, certain j 1 34. specimens J Prussiate of potash, red ... +19 35 Marx Borax +28 42 Anhydrite +28 7 Mica (Biot) —30 to 37 0 Sphene +30 22 Mil. Apophyllite, biaxal —35 8 Sulphate of barytes +36 48 Dx. Sulphate of magnesia —37 24 Spermaceti, about + 37 40 DichroiteofHaddam,feebly "l dichroitic j Names of Minerals. Levo-tartrate of ammonia Dextro-tartrate of am¬ monia Tincal, or native borax —38 Nitrate of zinc, estimated ) at about j Stilbite +41 Sulphate of nickel —42 Tartrate of ammonia —42 Carbonate of ammonia —43 I" + 43 Anhydrite ■{ +43 l +44 ( —44 Sulphate of zinc •! Sulphate of copper about 45 Tartrate of ammonia 45 Mica —45 Lepidolite —45 Benzoate of ammonia +45 Cymophane +45 Sulphate of magnesia and! soda J Sugar, from cane —47 Hopeite —48 Sulphate of ammonia +49 Sulphate of ammonia +49 Brazilian topaz +49 Sugar —50 Sulphate of strontites +50 Sulphate of magnesia 50 Sulphate of ammonia and | magnesia J Sulphate of potash and man- I ^.5^ ganese J Murio-sulphate of magnesia 1 and iron J Sulphate of ammonia and ) magnesia J Sulphate of potash and \ cobalt / Heulandite +54 Sulphateofpotashandnickel +54 Phosphate of soda — 55 Comptonite +56 Phosphate of soda —56 Arseniate of soda — 56 2' S. 2 S. 42 4 20 Mil. 24 32 Mil. 48 Her. 41 Biot. 2 S. 28 0 0 Her. 0 0 8 20 Dx. 49 16 Mil. 0 42 Marx 42 50 0 0 52 Mil. 4 S. 6 S. 16 22 11 S. 17 Her. 2 S. 20 6 40 Mil. 40 S. Polariz;, tion. :) ■ 69 57 Names of Minerals. Sulphate of lime +57°31' Felspar —58 30 Diopside +58 57 Dichroite or iolite .... .... —60 50 Tartrate of potash, neut., about 62 0 Oxynitrate of silver +62 16 Formiate of strontian —62 26 Topaz (Aberdeenshire) +65 0 Topaz of Brazil, colourless +65 14 Formiate of strontian —65 26 Sulphate of potash +66 54 Dichroite of Ceylon — 69 3 Orthose, Adularia —69 22 Dichroite of Orijarsoi strongly dichroitic Mica — from Oto 70 0 Carbonate of soda —70 1 Dichroite of Bodenmais —70 4 Acetate of lead —70 25 Citric acid +70 29 Tartrate of potash —71 20 Sulphate of soda —73 30 Sulphur + 70 to 75 0 Benzoic acid —75 0 Tartaric acid —79 0 Sulphate of oxide of iron i and ammonia J Tartrate of potash and soda + 80 Carbonate of potash 80 30 Kyanite (disthene) —81 48 Hyper-oxymuriate of pot- ) , 09 q ash J + Muriate of copper 84 30 Epidote about +84 19 Staurotide +85 0 Andalusite +87 34 Peridot +87 56 Crystallized Cheltenham 1 salts J Euclase +88 20 Hyposulphate of soda 89 20 Succinic acid, estimated at 1 go 0 about J Sulphate of iron, about ... 90 0 Sulphate of lead + near 90 0 Codeine ...—axes very wide. Orcine — ditto. Dx. Dx. Mil. Dx. Dx. Vio. S. Dx. Dx. Dx. Dx. Dx. Dx. Dx. Mil. 79 0 MU. 0 Mil. 88 14 Dx. Marx When the index of refraction was not determined, MM. Senarmont and Descloiseaux measured the apparent in¬ clination of the optical axes of the biaxal crystal (or ABC in fig. 182). The following table contains their results:— Names of Minerals. Kammererite below + 20° 0' Dx. Ripidolite below +20 0 Dx. Tabergite about +30 0 Dx. Sulphite of soda about +38 0 Dx. Formiate of lime +40 0 Dx. Clinochlore, Zillerthal +43 0 Dx. Bisulphate of soda...about +43 0 Dx. Clinochlore, Ural +50 0 Dx. Struvite Thomsonite, Dumbarton, about Calamine about ' +8', 0 Dx. Brewsterite about +85 0 Dx. Clinochlore, Pennsylvania.. +86 0 Br. + 59 30 Dx, + 79 0 Dx. Names of Minerals. Epidote +87° 5'Mil. Scorodite near +90 0 Dx. Harmotome about +90 0 Dx. Hyposulphate of soda+100 to 110 0 S. Prehnite +119 0 Dx. Formiate of barytes, + axis very wide. Dx. Cyanuret of barium and f +axis 1 g platina ( very wide. J Alstonite - axes very near. S. Damourite from —10 to 12 0 Dx. Nitrate of strontian...about —30 OS. Autunite about —54 0 Dx. Formiate of copper — 55 0 Dx. Borax —59 OS. Names of Minerals. rtO CCP ric | _ -60° O' Dx. 60 0 S. Scolezite about Levo- and dextro-tartaric acid, about Stilbite about —61 0 Dx. Bicarbonate of ammonia — 67 45 Dx. Oxalic acid — 68 to 70 0 Mil. Sub-carbonate of soda — 69 30 S. Bimalate of ammonia —76 20 Dx. Sulphate of magnesia —78 40 Dx. Soibine —99 30 Dx. Pyrophyllite about —110 0 Dx. Felspar, Moorston —120 0 Dx. Datholite — axes very wide S. In crystals with two axes it is usual to give the index of refraction for the three rectangular axes, by the action of which its biaxal system of rings is produced, called its axis of elasticity. These axes have been designated in the 1 Cambridge Trans., vol. v., pp. 431-439, and vol. vii., pp. 209, 215. OPTICS. 655 Polariza¬ tion. — table, p. 558, by the Greek letters a, ft y,—a being the maximum index of refraction, ft the index, and y the minimum index,—as obtained by three prisms of which the edge for a and y is parallel to the lines which bisect the acute and the obtuse angle ; and for a line perpendicular to the plane of the axes. If we call A the inclination of the resultant axes, then we shall have tan LA-x — _ v/ , Fig. 190. N'ft-y2 The numbers in the table have almost all been obtained by direct observation. The results obtained by Descloi- seaux are marked Dx.,1 and those by M. Senarmont, S? In order to explain the biaxal system of rings, and to discover the law of the tints by which every point of the complex system of rings can be calculated, Sir David Brewster considered the optic or resultant axes P, P' as produced by two or more rectangular axes, the principal one passing through O, and the other two at AB and CD. We shall suppose, however, the most simple case, where the axes are only two,—viz., that at O, and another either coinciding with AB or CD, perpendicular to O. Now, if O is a negative axis, AB must also be negative; but if we take CD for the other axis, it must be positive ; for as the axis CD compensates the negative axis O at P, acting in the same plane, it must be a positive axis ; for a negative would have united its effect with that of O. For a similar reason, the axis at AB must be negative, in order to compensate the negative axis O in a plane at right angles to it. Supposing, then, O and AB to be two negative axes, as in mica, let it be required to determine the system of rings which they will produce, or the tint at any point F. Now we may either assume the relative intensities of these axes, or, what is better, the angle formed by the two poles P, P', where the actions of the two axes are compensated, as this angle can be readily measured in any crystal. As the action of the axis AB (or the tint which it produces) at P is destroyed or compensated by the action of the axis O, or the tint which it produces, and as the tint is proportional to the square of the sine of the angle which the ray makes with the axis, it is evident that the intensity of the axis at O must be to the intensity of AB, as 1 to sjniQp‘ For as the tint produced at P by AB at an inclination of 90°, which is its maximum tint, is equal to the tint of O produced at P at an inclination equal to OP, the maximum tint produced at O will be found thus : Sin2 OP : rad2 or sin2 90° = 1: ■. „ y,. We have therefore obtained an sin2 OP accurate expression of the relative intensities of the two negative axes O and AB. If we had supposed the rings to be produced by a nega¬ tive axis O and a positive one CD (which would equally account for the phenomena), then the intensity of O will be to that of CD as cos2 OP is to sin2 OP. From a great number of observations made at all inclina¬ tions to the resultant axes, and from accurate measurement of the projected rings, Sir David Brewster found that all the phenomena of the rings, with all their varieties of form and curvature, were represented by the following law:— The tint produced at any point of the sphere, by the joint Polariza- action of two axes, is equal to the diagonal of a parallelo- tion< gram whose sides represent the tints produced by each axis separately, and whose angle is double of the angle formed by the two planes passing through that point of the sphere and the respective axes. In showing the application of this law, let it be required to find the tint produced at E (fig. 190) by the joint action of the two axes O and AB, whose relative intensities are as 1 to . 1 . . Through E draw three great circles AEF, sm2 OP CE, and OE; then let T = tint required at the point E ; Q =the arch between the point E and the axis O ;

). When a = 5, and the two axes O and AB equal, tt=w, and T = 2a (cos 27r). When twice the angle formed by the planes OE, AE or xP = 90°, then T = Va2 + b1. When ^=180°, T = a-b. When

= 40 4 a + c = 1 •25004 7r= 77 52 a-c =0-51616. Combining then O and AB, we shall have T = 0-7500, which will be + or positive, as if/ is greater than 180°. Then ^ + | = 49° 19', which gives 40° 21' for the direction of the new plane in which the forces O and A produce the combined tint of 0"7500. But the angle a> or OEG = 40° 41', so that the resultant lies in the plane CEG ; and hence, if we combine with this resultant, or +0-7500, the force — 0’7500, produced by CD, the result will be nothing. This method is also ap¬ plicable to the combination of axes of double refraction, the numbers corresponding to a, b, c being in that case the dif¬ ference between the squares of the velocities of the ordinary and extraordinary rays, as produced by each axis separately at the point E. The following table of the intensities of the polarizing force in biaxal crystals has been given by Sir John Her¬ schel :— Value of the Thicknesses that highest produce the same Tint. Tint. Nitre 7400 0‘000135 Anhydrite, angle of axis 43° 48'. ..1900 0 000526 Mica, angle of axes 45° 1307 0-000765 Sulphate of barytes 521 0 001920 Heulandite (white), angle of axes 1 0,000402 54° 17' J “ The numbers belong to the yellov/ ray. Sect. A.—On Conical Refraction in Biaxal Crystals. The phenomenon of conical refraction seen along the axes Conical of biaxal crystals was deduced by Sir W. R. Hamilton from refraction, the undulatory theory, and was discovered experimentally and examined by Dr Lloyd in arragonite. It followed from the theory, that a single ray proceeding from a point within the crystal, and emerging at each of the four poles, must be divided into an infinite number of emergent rays, consti¬ tuting a conical surface; and that a single ray incident externally would be similarly divided. In order to examine the emergent cone formed in air, Dr Lloyd placed a lens of short focus at its focal distance from the first surface of a plate of arragonite 0-49 of an inch thick, having its parallel faces perpendicular to the principal axis of the crystal, and so that the central part of the pencil might have an incidence nearly parallel to the optical axis. He then looked through the crystal at the light of a lamp placed at a considerable distance, and observed a point more luminous than the space around it, having a sort of stellar radiation. In order to examine this phenomenon, he placed a plate of thin metal, having a minute aperture, on the sur¬ face of the crystal next the eye, and adjusted the aperture so that the line connected with the luminons point on the first surface might be in the direction of the optical axis. When the adjustment was complete, there appeared at first a luminous circle with a small dark space in the centre, and in this dark central space were two bright points, sepa- OPTICS. rated by a narrow and well-defined dark line, as in figs. 192 and 193. When the aperture in the plate was slightly shifted, the phenomena rapidly changed, assuming suc¬ cessively the forms shown in figs. 194, 195, 196. In the first stage of the change the central Flg-192- Fis dark space became greatly enlarged, and a double appeared in the centre. The circle was reduced to shown sector about Fig. 191. Fig. 195. Fig. 1S6. a quadrant, and was separated by a dark interval from the sector just mentioned. This is shown in fig. 194. The re¬ mote sector then disappeared, and the circular arch dimin¬ ished, as in fig. 195 ; and as the inclination of the internal ray to the optical axis was farther increased, these two lu¬ minous portions merged gradually into two doubly-refracted pencils. This change is shown in fig. 196. In these ex¬ periments the emergent rays were received directly by the eye placed close to the aperture on the second surface. Dr Lloyd succeeded in showing the phenomena on ascreen with the sun’s light, and he found the light sufficiently dis¬ tinct when the diameter of the section was 1 £ inch. Upon ex¬ amining the cone with a tourmaline, Dr Lloyd was surprised to observe that one radius only of the circular section van¬ ished in a given position of the tourmaline, and that the ray which disappeared ranged through 360°, as the tour¬ maline was turned through 180°, the rays of the cone being all polarized in different planes. Upon a more attentive examination he discovered the remarkable law, “ that the angle between the planes of polarization of any two rays of the cone is half the angle between the planes containing the rays themselves and the axis.” The angle of the cone was found to be 6° 24', 5° 56', and 6° 22'; the mean of which is 6° 14'. When the aperture was considerable, such as that formed by a large-sized pin, two concentric circles were seen to sur¬ round the axis, the inner one being nearly twice as bright as the outer one, and consisting of unpolarized light, while the outer one was polarized according to the preceding law. By using smaller apertures the inner circle grew less, until it became a point in the centre of the fainter exterior circle, which remained fixed. With a still less aperture a dark space sprung up in the centre, increasing as the aperture diminished, until, with a very minute aperture, the breadth of this central space increased to about three-fourths of the entire diameter. In these cases the appearances are as Fig. 200. ing through the optic axes. The line had the appear¬ ance shown in fig. 200, swelling out into the form of an oval curve round the optical axis. By using a very minute aperture next the eye, the phenomenon was shown in fig.201. When the plate next the eye was slightly shifted, so that the plane passing the aperture did not co¬ incide with the plane of the optic axes, the curves rapidly changed, preserving, however, the form ot the conchoid whose pole was the projection of the axis of the emergent Fig. 201. Fig. 202. cone, and asymptote the line on the first surface, effects are represented in figs. 202 and 203. These Fig. 197. Fig. 198. Fig. 199. shown in figs. 197 and 198. When the line joining the luminous point on the first surface was slightly inclined to the axis, the appearance was that shown in fig. 199. Dr Lloyd observed an interesting variation in the phenomena by substitut¬ ing a narrow linear aper¬ ture for the circular one on the first surface of the crystal, this aperture and the one in the plate next the eye being in the plane pass- The second kind of conical refraction, deduced theoreti¬ cally by Sir W. R. Hamilton, takes place when a single ex¬ ternal ray is incident upon a biaxal crystal, so that one refracted ray coincides with an optic axis. In this case there should be a cone of rays within the crystal, the angle of the cone in arragonite being 1° 55'. As this cone will have its rays refracted at emergence, in a direction parallel to the incident ray, they will form a small cylinder of rays in air, the character of whose section by the surface of emer¬ gence being only 1° 55' at a distance equal to the thickness of the crystal. In order to detect the existence and measure the size of this cylinder, Dr Lloyd used the light of a lamp placed at some distance, and he made its light pass through two small apertures placed in a straight line, the one in a screen near the flame, and the other in a plate of metal close to the first circle of the crystal. Under ordinary circumstances, the incident ray will be doubly refracted within the crystal, and the two pencils will emerge parallel to the second sur¬ face. Dr Lloyd was able to distinguish these tw o pencils by means of a lens; and turning the crystal slowly, so as vary the incidence, he observed a position in which the two rays changed their relative places rapidly on any slight change of incidence, and appeared at times to revolve round one another as the incidence was changed. Being convinced that the ray was now at the critical incidence, Dr Lloyd changed the position of the crystal relative to the incident ray very slowly ; and after much care in the adjustment, he at last saw the two rays spread into a continuous circle, and exhibit the phenomena which wre have already described in his ow n words in our History of Optics. Dr Lloyd measured the angle of the cone by an indirect method, and found it 1° 50', differing only 5' from the angle deduced from theory.1 fleet. XL—On the Effect of Pressure and Heat on the Double Refraction of Crystals with One, Two, and Three Axes. The influence of pressure and heat in modifying the Influenco doubly-refracting structure of bodies that previously pos-ofPressill’a* 1 See Irish Trans. Ib33, vol. xvii.; and Land, and Edin. Phil. Mag., 1833, No. viii., p. 112, No. ix., p. 207. 4 O VOL. XVI. 658 OPTICS. Polariza¬ tion. sessed that property, and of creating a new doubly-refractive structure in uncrystallized bodies, was first studied by Sir David Brewster.1 By applying compressing and dilating forces to minerals, he succeeded in altering their doubly- refracting structure in every direction; but the effect was always most easily seen when it was produced along the real axis of uniaxal crystals, or the resultant axesofbiaxal ones, where the effect of the natural forces was either nothing or compensated. The following were some of the results to which he was led by applying the forces to parallel sur¬ faces. Axis of Compression and Dilatation parallel to the Axis of the Crystal. Positive crystals. Negative crystals Compressed. Dilated Compressed Dilated Tints rise in Newton’s scale. Tints descend in New¬ ton’s scale. Tints descend in New¬ ton’s scale. Tints rise in Newton’s scale. Axis of Compression and Dilatation perpendicular to the Axis of the Crystal. Positive crystals. Negative crystals. Compressed Dilated Compressed Dilated Tints descend in New¬ ton’s scale. Tints rise in Newton’s scale. Tints rise in Newton’s scale. Tints descend in New¬ ton’s scale. Influence of heat. Mitscher- lich. Sir John Herschel. The axis of compression and dilatation is the line per¬ pendicular to the two surfaces pressed together or drawn asunder. The above results were obtained by experiments both on uniaxal and biaxal crystals. When the axis of compression was perpendicular to the axis of double refraction of a uniaxal crystal, it was par¬ tially converted into a biaxal one with two axes, the poles of the two resultant axes being distinctly visible? M. Fresnel was, we believe, the first person who observed the influence of heat in altering the tints of sulphate of lime perpendicular to the laminae ; but we are not able to refer to the details of his experiments. Professor Mitscher- lich, however, has investigated the action of heat upon this mineral so completely as to include all previous experiments in his results. Having found that heat acts upon calcareous spar differently in different directions, expanding it in the direction of its axis, and slightly contracting it in directions perpendicular to the axis, he sought to determine if any variation in the double refraction was produced by heat. By the method of interferences, and observing the compen¬ sation produced by crossing plates of crystals at different temperatures, he observed that a change in the double re¬ fraction was produced. In extending these experiments, Professor Mitscherlich found that the two resultant axes of sulphate of lime in¬ clined 60° to each other at common temperatures, ap¬ proached each other when heated, till they met, and con¬ stituted one axis of double refraction. By increasing the heat they again separated in a plane perpendicular to the lamince. In this experiment the principal axis of double relfaction which bisected the optic axis gradually increased, while the second real axis perpendicular to the laminae diminished and disappeared when the crystal assumed the uniaxal state. A new axis then sprung up in the plane of the laminae perpendicular to the principal axis. Sir John Herschel, in mentioning this remarkable ex¬ periment, states that he observed the tints of a plate of Polariza. sulphate of lime rise rapidly in the scale when the plate was tion.- moderately warmed by the heat of a candle held at some distance below it, and sink again when the heat W'as with¬ drawn. He found, on the contrary, “ that mica similarly heated undergoes no apparent change in the position of its axes, or in the size of its rings, though heated nearly to ignition.”3 The extraordinary experiment of Professor Mitscherlich Later ex. was repeated by Sir David Brewster with one of the speci- periments. mens of sulphate of lime in which he discovered one of the resultant axes of this mineral. The following is the account which he has given of this experiment, and of the discovery of a still more curious property in glauberite :4—“ The specimen of sulphate of lime was about inch thick in the plane of the laminae ; and the system of rings which surrounded this axis was exceedingly minute, with the usual black brush at each end of them. The other system of rings could not be seen in this specimen, owing to the manner in which it was cut. Having brought the crystal to a considerable heat, and exposed it to polarized light, it was a singular sight to see the system of rings travelling along towards the line which bisects the optic axes, like a celestial body passing through the field of a telescope, and changing their form and size as they advanced. The speci¬ men did not permit me to see the two systems unite, and still less to see them open out again in a plane at right angles to the laminae ; but from the degree of heat which I used, and which drove off the water of crystallization from part of the specimen, I presume that the complete pheno¬ menon cannot be developed without destroying the consti¬ tution of the crystal—that is, that after the two systems of rings have opened out in a new plane, they will not return, by cooling, through their state of union, into their primi¬ tive inclination of 60° in the plane of the laminae. “ A similar property I discovered in glauberite. This mineral has at ordinary temperatures the curious property of tivo axes of double refraction for red light, and only one axis for violet light. If we apply heat to it, the two optic axes for red light gradually close, and at a temperature which the hand can endure, the two systems of rings for red light have united into one system, so that the crystal has now only one axis of double refraction for red light. By continuing to increase the heat, the two axes separated, and the single system of rings opened out into two systems, lying in a plane at right angles to that in which they were placed at first. The heat was now less than that of boil¬ ing water. By increasing it, the inclination of the optic axes gradually increased. “ I now applied artificial cold to a crystal of glauberite at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere. The inclina¬ tion of the optic axes for red light increased, as might have been predicted; but, what was very unexpected, a new axis was createdfor violet light, the plane of the two violet axes being coincident with the plane of the two red optic axes at and below the ordinary temperature. An in¬ crease of cold increased the inclination of the optic axes for all the colours of the spectrum ; the inclination of the axes being least for the most refrangible, and greatest for the least refrangible rays. “ These results appear very complicated when we begin with the effects at an ordinary temperature, and view them in the manner in which they w ere observed; but if w e commence the experiments at a low temperature, such as the freezing point, the order and connection of the pheno¬ mena will be more easily understood. “ At 32° glauberite has two axes of double refraction for rays of all colours, the inclination of the axes for the violet 1 Phil Trans. 1815, pp. 1, 60; 1816, p. 167 ; and Edin. Trans., vol. viii., p. 281. 2 Edin. Trans., vol. viii., p. 285. 3 Treatise on Light, sect. 1113, * Land, and Edin. Phil. Mag., Dec. 1832, vol. i., p. 417. I OPTICS. 659 Polariza- rays being least, and that for the red the greatest. As the tion. temperature rises, the optic axes for all colours giadually approach, and the axes for violet first unite into one. At this time the crystal has two axes for all the other colours; but as the heat increases, all the other pairs of axes unite in succession, and form a single system of rings. But be¬ fore this has taken place, the axes for violet rays have opened up again in a plane at right angles to that in which they originally lay, and they are followed by all the other pairs of axes; so that at a temperature much below that of boiling water, each pair of axes appears with different incli¬ nations arranged in a new direction. “ During all the changes which have been described above, the crystal lias preserved its constitution ; and by abstracting the heat, the phenomena are all repeated in an inverse order. “ If the crystal should happen to be observed at that temperature, which very often occurs, when the greenish- yellow or most luminous rays have the optic axes corre¬ sponding to them united, or form a single system of rings, then the blue rays will have two systems of rings lying in one plane, and the red rays also two systems of rings in a plane at right angles to this. In two rectangular positions— namely, when the planes of the double axes coincide with or are at right angles to the plane of primitive polarization, the black cross will be very distinct; but in intermediate positions it M ill be much less so, and the uniaxal system of rings which predominates, from the greater intensity of their light, will have that indistinctness of character which, whenever it occurs, indicates a peculiar action of the doubly- refracting force on the differently-coloured rays. When the black cross is perfect and equally distinct in all positions, while the colours of the rings deviate from those of New¬ ton’s scale, then the axes for all colours are obviously coin¬ cident, and the peculiarity in the colour of the rings is owing to an irrationality in the action of the doubly-refract¬ ing forces on the differently-coloured rays.” Professor A series of highly valuable experiments on the changes Kudberg. which temperature produces in the double refraction of crystals,1 were made by Professor Rudberg of Upsal. Professor Mitscherlich having only determined the ratio between the mean double refraction of Iceland spar in a cold and in a heated state, without ascertaining the separate variations in each pencil, Professor Rudberg was desirous of supplying this desideratum. For this purpose he constructed a box AB, having four of its faces double, so as to inclose a space M’hich received through the pipe P, and retained, the steam from a boiler. This space communicated also with the external air. The other two faces of the box M ere formed with plates of mica. The inner box, therefore, con¬ tained only air, which was heated by the surrounding steam. A thermometer T indicated the temperature of the air. A tube R, passing through the tM’o lower sur¬ faces of the box, formed a free communication between the interior and the exterior air, so that their elasticity was the same. Through this tube R, without touching its sides, there rose from the centre of the repeating circle a vertical copper rod, carrying a plate C, upon which the crystal was placed. This rod was at¬ tached below to another plate of copper, which rested on a ring of copper, which, having teeth upon its circumference, could be moved by a screw. By this arrangement he could rolariza- perform the experiments as readily as if there had been no tion. heating apparatus to obstruct them. The heating apparatus was attached by a rod Q of iron rising from the masonry on which the repeating circle rested. The experiments were made to determine the index of refraction of the ray F of Fraunhofer’s spectrum near the boundary of the green and blue spaces. In this way he obtained the following results :— 1. Calcareous Spar.—Refracting angle of prism 59° Calcareous 55’9". _ sPar- a. Ordinary Ray.—The minimum deviation of the line F produced by the prism was 52° 53' 43". With a differ¬ ence of temperature of 64° (Reaumur we presume), this ray suffered no change in its deviation ; from which Prof. Rudberg concludedthe refractive power of calcareous spar/or the ordinary ray either does not change at all with the temperature, or decreases with it by a quantity extremely small. The index of refraction of F at the ordinary temperature was 1 •66802. b. Extraordinary Ray.—By the difference of temperature of 64°, the deviation was increased 2' 26", or 2' 34" when corrected, which gives for the index of refraction 1-49118 at 64° 1-49075 at ordinary temperature. 0'00043 increase. Hence, in the extraordinary ray a rise of temperature of 64° increases the index of refraction 0‘00343. Professor Rudberg confirmed this result in the presence of Professor Mitscherlich in 1832. 2. Rock-Crystal.—Refracting angle of prism 45° 20’ 5". Rock -crys- In both the ordinary and extraordinary ray the devia- taL tion was decreased by a rise of temperature 42". The in¬ dices for the ray F became in the extraordinary ray r55868, being 0*00028 more than at the ordinary temperature; and m the ordinary ray P54944, being 0"00026 less. 3. Arragonite.—With four prisms he obtained the fol- Arragon- lowing results:— lte* NoT No-2- No-3- No-4' Variation of the deviation... —5'8" — 1'53" —4' 3" —2'58" Variation of refracting angle —00 +0 16 —1 53 —0 48-6 When corrected for the deviation of the plate of mica, they became No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Variation of deviation — 1' 47" —3' 57" —2' 52" Variation of angle +30 0 —1 44 —0 40 Hence he obtained the following indices of refraction:—• No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. At ordinary temperature 1-53478 1-69510 1-69058 At increased temperature 1-53416 1-6842I 1-68976 Changes on index —0-00062 —0-00089 —0-00082 While heat and pressure thus modify the doubly-refract- Regular ing structure in minerals, they are capable of creating it double re- with regular axes in several soft substances. This effect fiactlon is quite different, as we shall soon see, from that which is ^ preg_ produced upon bodies by pressure, where the result is mo- sure. dified by the external form of the body, and where the double refraction disappears when the heat or pressure is removed, or when the body is subdivided. A permanent change is induced upon the soft solids in question, and, when subdivided, each part of the mass or plate preserves the property communicated to it. Sir David Brewster de¬ scribed, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1815, the original experiment which he made on this subject with a mixture of rosin and white wax ; but in the same Mork for 1830 he has given a detailed account of his experiments 1 This interesting paper was communicated by the author to Sir David Brewster, and published in the Land, and Edin. Phil. Mag. Dec. 1832, vol. i., p. 409. 660 OPTICS. Polariza tion. Cause of double re¬ fraction. and of the conclusions to which they lead respecting the origin of the doubly-refracting structure. The follow¬ ing is the fundamental experiment described by our au¬ thor :— “ I took a few drops of the melted compound (rosin and bees’-wax), and placed them in succession on a plate of thick glass, so as to form a large drop. Before it was cold I laid above the drop a circular piece of glass about two- thirds of an inch in diameter, and, by a strong vertical pressure on the centre of the piece of glass, I squeezed out the drop into a thin plate. This plate was now almost per¬ fectly transparent, as if the pressure had brought the par¬ ticles of the substance into optical contact. “ If we expose this plate to polarized light, we shall find that it possesses one positive axis of double refraction, and exhibits the polarized tints as perfectly as many crystals of the mineral kingdom. The structure thus communicated to the soft film by pressure does not belong to it as a whole, nor has it only one axis passing through its centre, like a circular piece of unannealed glass. In every point of it there is an axis of double refraction perpendicular to the plates, and the doubly-refracting force varies with the in¬ clination of the incident ray to this axis, as in all regular uniaxal crystals. “ When the two plates of glass are drawn asunder, we can remove one or more portions of the compressed plate, and these portions act upon light exactly like plates of uniaxal mica or hydrate of magnesia, and develop a double- refracting force of nearly equal intensity.” By reasoning from this experiment, our author is led to the opinion that double refraction is acquired by the par¬ ticles of bodies at the instant of their aggregation, and arises from the pressures produced in the direction of three rectangular axes, by the forces of aggregation. When these forces are very weak, double refraction will not be produced ; when they are sufficiently strong and of equal intensity, they will produce tessular crystals; when they are equal in two rectangular directions, they will produce uniaxal crystals ; and when they are unequal in all the three directions, they will form biaxal ones. In this way all the phenomena of cleavage may be readily explained. Upon some substances heat performs the same part as pressure; but our limits will not permit us to detail the experiments of Sir David Brewster on this subject. Sect. XII.—On the Deviation of the Polarized Tints from those of Newton’s Scale. In all his investigations respecting the colours of thin plates, M. Biot happened to use only such crystals as gave polarized tints similar to those of Newton’s scale, and he therefore considered this to be their character. In 1813, however, when Sir David Brewster described the rings in topaz, he not only found these colours to vary in different azimuths in the same ring, but observed some colours at the extremity of the optic axes. In his paper on the Laws of Polarization, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1818, he remarks, that “ in almost all crystals with two axes, the tints in the neighbourhood of the resultant axes, when the plate has a considerable thickness, lose their resemblance to those in Newton’s scale.” In examining the colours of the polarized rings in biaxal crystals, he was led to divide them into two classes, viz.,— 1. Those that had the red ends of the rings inwards, or between the resultant axes, and the blue ends out¬ wards. 2. Those that had the red ends of the rings outwards, and the blue ends of the rings inicards. The crystals in which the deviation is very striking are given in the following table: — Class 1.—Red Nitre. Sulphate of barytes. „ of strontites. Tartrate of potash and soda. Phosphate of soda. Arragonite. ends inwards. Carbonate of lead. Sulphato-bicarbonate of lead. Hyposulphate of strontia (Herschel). Tartrate of potash. Polariza¬ tion. Class 2.—Red ends outwards. Topaz. Mica. Anhydrite. Native borax. Sulphate of magnesia. Arseniate of soda. Unclassed. Chromate of lead. Muriate of mercury. „ of copper. Oxynitrate of silver. Sugar. Crystallized Cheltenham salts. Nitrate of mercury. „ of zinc. „ of lime. Superoxalate of potash. Oxalic acid. Sulphate of iron. Cymophane. Felspar. Benzoic acid. Chromic acid. Nadelstein. Hyposulphate of soda (Her¬ schel). In examining the rings formed by biaxal crystals, Sir David Brewster found that the black spot at the point of compensation was not in the centre of the rings, and the position of this spot for topaz is given in his table of these colours. {Phil. Trans. 1814, p. 204.) It is to Sir John Herschel, however, that we owe the com- gjp jolln plete investigation of this subject. By using homogeneous HerscheVi light, he found that the angle of the resultant axes POp, expcri- POp' (fig. 159) was different for the different colours of the ments. spectrum, varying, in the case of tartrate of potash and soda, from 75° 42' in red light to 55° 14' in violet light; so that with v;hite light we have a system of rings con¬ sisting of five rings of all colours overlapping each other, and these five constituting an irregular system, unlike those produced by ordinary crystals. In crystals where the displacement of the rings is great, the oval central spot seen in figs. 183, 184, and 185, are drawn out, as Sir John Herschel remarked, into long spectra or tails of red, green, and violet light, and the extremities of the rings are distorted and highly coloured, as in fig. 205. When we view these spectra with coloured media, they are • » v Fig. 206. found to consist of well-defined spots of the several simple colours, arranged on each side of the principal section, as shown in fig. 206. These results are capable of being rigorously calculated by the law of resultant axes given by Sir David Brewster, and may be considered as a proof of that law. If this were not the case, tartrate of potash and soda would have two axes for every different ray of the spectrum, and four series of poles extending each over a space of ten degrees. \pophyl- ite. OPTICS. 661 Fig 207. In order to show how these phenomena may be calcu¬ lated by two axes, let O and A (fig. 207) be two negative axes, which in red light compensate each other at F and F'; then, if O and A had the same proportional action on the vio¬ let and other rays as on the red rays, F would also be the point of compensation for the violet and other rays. In this case F would be the centre of all the systems of rings, as in uniaxal crystals, and the tints those of Newton’s scale. But if the axis O has a greater proportional action upon the violet and other rays than A, the point of compensation will be at /, which will be the centre of the violet system of rings, the centres of all the other systems being between F and /’if the action of O upon them is of an intermediate nature. This is the case with all the crystals in Class 1 of the foregoing table. On the other hand, if O has a less proportional action on the violet than on the red, c, c will be the points of compensation for the violet rays, and the centres of the two systems of violet rings. The most remarkable instances of deviated tints are those discovered by Sir David Brewster in apophyllite, a crystal with one axis. Sir John Herschel, in examining a number of apophyllites, found that some specimens exercise negative action upon the rays at one end of the spectrum, a positive action upon rays at the other end, and no action at all upon the mean refrangible rays, the doubly-refracting action ceasing in the one case in the yellow rays, and in another in the indigo. In other specimens, the diameter of the rings was nearly the same for all the colours of the spectrum, and hence the rings were approaching to a series of black and white ones. All these phenomena may be separately calculated by the law of resultant axes already mentioned, on the supposition that apophyllite has three rectangular axes of double refraction. Sir David Brewster had dis¬ covered in the tesselated apophyllite portions which had two axes co-existing with portions that had one axis; and in his coloured drawings of the phenomena exhibited by this mineral, he has pointed out a most extraordinary law of symmetry which regulates its varying double refraction ; and as he had shown that a double dispersive power existed in the same crystal, the following explanation of the re¬ markable phenomena of apophyllite approaches to the cha¬ racter of demonstration. Let O (fig. 208) be the positive axis of uniaxal apophyl¬ lite, and let A and B be two positive axes which, if equal, would produce a negative axis at O. But as the real axis at O is a positive one, the apparent or finally resultant axis at O will be a single axis, negative if the negative is the strongest, and positive if the positive is the strongest. Let us now suppose that the two axes at O have equal intensity, —viz., + O = — O for yellow light ( — O being the resultant of + A and + B), and that — O acts more powerfully upon the red rays than + O, while + O acts more powerfully upon the violet rays. In this case, the two axes +0,-0 will exactly compensate each other. In yellow light a yellow ray will experience neither double refraction nor polarization ; whereas in red light, the predominance of — O will leave a single negative axis for red rays, and pro¬ duce a negative system of rings; and in violet light the predominance of + O will leave a single positive axis of double refraction for violet rays, and consequently a posi¬ tive system of rings. This compensation resembles that of a compound lens, consisting of a convex and concave lens of equal curvature, of such a glass that their refractive in¬ dex for yellow light is equal, while the index of refraction for the violet rays is greater in the convex lens, and the Fig. 208. index for the red rays greater in the concave lens. Such Polariza- a lens will converge the violet rays, diverge the red rays, ti011- and produce no deviations^ all in the yellow ones,—that is, the same compound lens will be a plane lens in yellow light, a convex one in blue light, and a concave one in red light. Hence each order of colours in apophyllite is, as it were, a secondary or residual spectrum arising from the opposite action of unequal negative and positive axes. From the fact of some apophyllites exercising a negative action, Sir David Brewster stated his expectation that apophyllites might be found in which the double refraction is negative for all the rays of the spectrum; and several years afterwards he discovered the remarkable mineral of oxahverite, which is an apophyllite with this property. {Edinburgh Journal of Science, No. xiii., p. 115.) Sect. XIII.—On Crystals with Planes of Double Refraction exemplified in Analcime. Analcime or Cubizite, a mineral ranked among the cubi- Analcime. cal crystals, was found by Sir David Brewster to be a singular body in its action upon light, and to exhibit the extraordinary property of many planes of double refraction, or planes to which the doubly-refracting structure was re¬ lated in the same manner as it is to one or tivo axes in other minerals. It crystallizes most com¬ monly in the form of the icosi- tetrahedron, as in fig. 209. If we suppose a complete crystal of it to be exposed to polarized light, it will give the remark¬ able figure shown in fig. 209, where the dark shaded lines are planes in which there is neither double refraction nor m polarization, the double refraction and the tints commencing at these planes, and reaching their maximum in the centre of the space inclosed by three of the dark lines. The tints are those of Newton’s scale, and are negative in relation to each of the four axes of the icositetrahedron. When light is transmitted through any pair of the four planes which are adjacent to any of the three axes of the solid, it is doubly refracted, the least refracted image being the extra¬ ordinary one, and consequently the double refraction nega¬ tive in relation to the axes to which the doubly-refracted ray is perpendicular. If we suppose the crystal to have the form of a cube, the planes of double refraction will be, as in fig. 210, a plane passing through the two diagonals of each face of the cube. The tints vary as the square of the distance from the nearest plane of double refraction. The tints shown in figs. 209 and 210 cannot of course be seen at the time, but are deduced from observations Fig. 210. same time, out are aeciuceci irom ooservations made by transmitting polarized light in every direction through the crystal. Sect. XIV.—On the Double Refraction and Pola¬ rization of Composite Crystals. In all the crystallized bodies whose action upon light we Composite have been considering, excepting analcime, the phenomena crystals are identical in all parallel directions, the smallest fragment having the same property as the largest, from whatever part of the crystal it is taken. In the mineral world, however, and among the products 662 OPTICS. Polariza- of artificial crystallization, there occur crystals which are tion. composed of several individual crystals whose axes are not parallel. These crystals sometimes occur in such regular symmetrical forms, that mineralogists have long regarded them as simple forms; and it is probable that they would have still been viewed in this light il they had not been exposed to the scrutiny of polarized light. One of the most remarkable of these composite crystals is Iceland spar, some specimens of which were observed, even by Bartholinus and Huygens, to exhibit phenomena quite different from those already described. Malus describes the phenomena as produced by fissures parallel to the surface of the variety of this mineral de¬ scribed by Haiiy under the name of chaux carbonatee equiaxe. He explains the duplication of the images on the supposition that there is a fissure or real opening be¬ tween the conjoined faces of the spar, and he ascribes the varying tints to a cause not adequate to the production of such splendid phenomena,—to the colouring of the thin plate of air included in the fissure. This class of phenomena was particularly investigated by Sir David Brewster, who found that the fissures de¬ scribed by Malus were thin crystallized lamince of Iceland spar, having their axes of double refraction inclined to that of the portions of the crystal which it separated ; that these laminae varied in thickness, the thinnest producing a large system of rings, and the thicker plates smaller systems, the plates being sometimes so thick that no colours whatever appeared. Hence it was obvious that each crystal of this kind was a polarizing and an analysing apparatus, the thin lamince being the plate which exhibited its polarized tints in this singular position. In order to understand this remarkable structure, we have represented the laminae in fig. 211 by the planes ABCD, ebcg, afhd, parallel to the edges EG, FH, and also to the long diagonals of the rhomboidal faces, or perpendicular to the short diagonal EF. When we look through a crys¬ tal with only one of these laminae, we observe the two principal images of the candle A, B, or luminous body (fig. 212), while at a vertical incidence and separated just as they would have appeared in a common crystal of the same thickness. But on each side of this double image is a single-po¬ larized image C and D, C being polarized in the same plane as B, and D in the same plane as A. Let us suppose that these phenomena are > n a b d seen through a rhomb with only one plane ABCD (fig. 211), and through the faces EADG, BFHC. Then, if we incline the rhomb in dif- F,s' 212' ferent directions slightly, we shall see the images C, D dis¬ appear when they have a certain distance from A, B. If we incline the rhomb, bringing EA nearer the eye than GD, the images C, D will approach to A, B, and the disappearance will be found to take place nearer and nearer to A, B as the in¬ clination is increased, it being necessary to bring the edge EG nearer the eye than AD, to make C and D disappear. While C and D are thus approaching to A, B, they become less and less coloured till they are all white. If w7e incline the rhomb in an opposite direction, so that GD is brought nearer the eye than EA, the images C, D recede from A, B, and become more highly coloured, the two images A, B becoming also coloured. The images C, D sometimes appear doubled when this inclination is going on, but it is only a duplicity of colour, so to speak, in consequence of the spectrum being divided by portions of it passing into Fig. 211. 6 the reflected pencil. When we bring EG nearer the eye Polarlza. than AD, the colours increase, A and B become also tion. coloured, and an apparent colorific duplication of the images C and D takes place. If the rhomb is inclined in an op¬ posite direction, so that AD is brought nearer the eye than EG, the images C, D become also at first more coloured ; but by increasing the inclination, the image C recedes rapidly on the right side from A, B, contracts in breadth, and becomes prismatically coloured, the spectrum which it exhibits being subdivided by several black lines or bands, the parts of the spectrum corresponding to these black lines or dark bands having passed into the reflected rav. The spectrum D recedes as rapidly to the left, expanding in breadth, and even disappearing, as well as the images A, B. All these phenomena are more finely seen, and the law of their changes more easily detected, if, instead of a candle, we look at a long line of light, such as the narrow opening between the edges of the window-shutters. If we look through the faces ADHF, CBEG of the rhomb, placing a prism of glass with an angle of 12° or 15° upon one of the faces, to permit the refracted rays to emerge at a moderate angle of deviation, the prismatic images formerly described will be large spectra, sub¬ divided by black spaces into 4, 5, 6, &c., coloured images of the candle, or of the long luminous line, exhibiting one of the most magnificent phenomena that can be witnessed. These phenomena vary, of course, with the thickness of the inclosed laminae, and as the laminae increase in thick¬ ness the subdivisions of the spectral images become more numerous. When we reflect light from these laminae ABCD, for example, by allowing the light to enter by the face BFHC, and emerge through the face AFHD, the boundary of total reflection is markedbya series of brilliant rectilineal fringes, polarized in the same manner as the image C, which is now the lowermost. When the light is transmitted through the laminae at the boundary of total reflection, by entering through the face BEGC, and emerging through AFHD, a series of rectilineal fringes complementary to the former reflected series is seen. They also are polarized in the same plane as C, or the lowermost secondary image, and become much more distinct, by causing the oppositely-po¬ larized pencil to disappear. The structure which produces the preceding phenomena, and the duplication of the images, will be understood from fig. 213, where ABDC is the principal section of a crystal of this kind of Ice¬ land spar, having AD for 3 its axis. One of the lami¬ nae oppositely crystallized is shown at Mm, N«, but much thicker than they are gene¬ rally, the angles AmM, D«N being 141° 44'. A ray of ordinary light R& will be re¬ fracted in the lines be, bd. These rays entering the lamina MN, will be again refracted doubly; but as the vein is so thin as to produce the system of uniaxal rings, the colours will vary with the thickness of the film and the inclination of the ray to the axis of the lamina. The four pencils will emerge from the lamina at , where the difference of co¬ lour is still well marked. The yellow image becomes fainter from a and b \.o p and p', till it changes into blue, and the faint blue image is strengthened by other blue rays, till the intensity of the two blue images is nearly equal. As the incident ray advances from c and d to p and p', the faint blue image becomes more intense, and the yellow one, re¬ ceiving an accession of blue rays, becomes of a bluish-white colour. The ordinary image is whitish from p and p' to o, and the extraordinary a deep blue ; but the whiteness gra¬ dually diminishes towards o, where they are both almost equally blue. The principal axis of double refraction in iolite is nega¬ tive. The most refracted image is purplish-blue, and the least refracted one yellowish-brown. The following table shows the colours exhibited by crys¬ tals with two axes :— Colours of the two Images in Crystals with two Axes. Names of Crystals. Axis of Prism in the Plano of Primitive Polarization. Axis of Prism per¬ pendicular to the Plane of Primitive Polarization. liaxal Mica Blood-red Pale greenish-yellow. rystals. Acetate of copper Blue Greenish-yellow. Muriate of copper1....Greenish-white Blue. Olivine Bluish-green Greenish-yellow. Sphene Yellow Bluish. Nitrate of copper Bluish-white Blue. Cremate of lead Orange Blood-red. Staurotide Brownish-red Yellowish-white. Chloride of gold and ) T ,, ^ sodium ) Lemon-yellow Deep orange. Chloride of gold and ) T ,, _ ammonia j Lemon-yellow Deep orange. Chloride of gold and 1 T ,, _ potassium J Lemon-yellow Deep orange. Augite Blood-red Bright green. Anhydrite Bright pink Pale yellow. Axinite Ueddisb-white Yellotyish-white. Diallage Brownish-white White. Sulphur Yellow Deeper-yellow. Sulph. of strontites....Blue Bluish-white. „ cobalt Pink Brick-red. Olivine Brown Brownish-white. Murexide2 Red Yellowish. Naline Yellow Pink. In the last eight crystals of the preceding table the tints are not given in relation to any fixed line. In Withamite, a crystal whose principal axis is negative in relation to the axis of the prism, the dichroism is beau¬ tiful, and is exhibited both in common and polarized light. When common light is transmitted through the two pa¬ rallel faces of the prism, the tint is of a crimson or ame¬ thyst colour, with a mixture of straw colour. Upon turn¬ ing the crystal round, the yellow tint disappears, and the colour becomes a deep crimson-red. On continuing- to turn the prism, the colour changes to a straw-yellow, and at the end of half a revolution the crystal resumes its com¬ pound tint. In the groups of crystals which have pene¬ trated the quartz, some of them occupy accidentally the position which gives the yellow colour, others that which gives the red colour, and some that which gives the com¬ pound tint, so that, without a knowledge of their dichroitic property, the group might have been considered as com¬ posed of three different sets of crystals.3 The following table contains the characters of the two pencils in crystals the number of whose axes has not yet been determined. Phosphate of iron Fine blue Bluish-white. Actynolite Green Greenish-white. Precious opal Yellow Lighter yellow. Serpentine Dark green Lighter green. Asbestos Greenish Yellowish. Blue carb. of copper Violet-blue Greenish-blue. Orpiment Sulphur-yellow Lighter yellow. Sir David Brewster found that the dichroism of several crystals is changed by heat, and that in some cases this property may be communicated to them.4 In several co¬ loured glasses, too, he found an analogous property, when they had received the doubly-refracting structure either temporarily or permanently.5 The curious subject of dichroism has been investigated with great success by MM. Babinet, Haidinger, and Se- narmont. M. Babinet found, that all negative crystals, such as calcareous spar, corundum, including ruby and sapphire, tourmaline and emerald, absorb in a greater de¬ gree the ordinary ray, with the exception of beryl, apatite, and some apophyllites; while positive crystals, such as zircon, smoky quartz, sulphate of lime, and common apo- phyllite, absorb in a greater degree the extraordinary ray. M. Babinet found also that certain crystals, such as red tourmaline and ruby, transmit rays of their peculiar colour without being polarized, in which cases the black cross of their system of rings is coloured, and this unpolarized light exists both in the ordinary and extraordinary ray. In several minerals three colours have been observed, and the name trichroilic given them,—a name which has been abandoned for polychroitic, used by M. Senarmont, and pleochroitic, adopted by M. Haidinger of Vienna, w ho has treated the subject with great fulness and ability. We re¬ gret that our limits will not permit us to give any account of his researches; but the reader w ill find them in Poggen- dorf’s Annalen,6 and in the Abbe Moigno’s Repertoire d' Optique Mod erne.1 We have already seen, in the History of Optics, that M. Artificial Senarmont has succeeded in imparting an artificial poly-polychro- chroism to crystallized substances. When certain crystalsisin* are formed in a solution containing a colouring matter suf¬ ficiently subtile, it is distributed almost molecularly in their interior between the minute laminae of which it” is com¬ posed. In this state it is absolutely foreign to the substance of the crystals, being chemically inert; and though it may spontaneously disappear after several successive dissolutions of the crystallization in pure water, yet it nevertheless communicates in the highest degree the properties of poly- chroism, and an energy of absorption comparable, if not superior, to those of substances naturally coloured, when it is shown in the distinctest manner. 1 The colours are given in relation to the short diagonal of its rhomboidal bar. - \\ hen the axis of the prism is in the plane of polarization. 3 Edin. Jour, of Science, April 1825, vol ii n °19 Especially in Brazilian topaz. (See Treatise on Optics, edit. 1853, p. 358.; 8 See Phil. Trans. 1819, p. 11; or Edin. Phil. Jour., vol. ii., p. 346. * lom. Ixi., pp. 295, 307 ; Ixx., pp. 531, 574; Ixxi., p. 321; and Ixxvi., pp. 99, 294. T Tom. iv., pp. 1565-1592. 668 Polariza¬ tion. Action of crystal¬ lized bo¬ dies on light. OPTICS. In crystals of nitrate of strontian, for example, coloured with a concentrated tincture of Campeachy wood brought to a purple tint by a few drops of ammonia, the crystals resembled chrome colour in their tint, and exhibited the following phenomena of polychroism:— 1. Common white light developed by transmission at certain incidences a red colour, and under others, a blue and violet colour. 2. One of the doubly-refracted pencils was red, and the other deep violet, according to the thickness; and these pencils changed their colours in proportion as the crystal¬ lized plate turned in its proper plane. 3. Two similar transparent plates, superposed similarly, allow a portion of white light to pass in the purple pencil, and when superposed transversely, they stop it like tour¬ maline, or, at least, reduce to a violet shade so obscure, that it may be regarded as extinct. 4. If we look along the optical axes of a detached plate, perfectly pure and homogeneous, we shall see alternately, in the direction of each axis, a brilliant orange spot crossed by a hyperbolic branch. These spots spread themselves to the right and left of the principal section in the form of curved pencils, half violet and deep blue, and divide the field of the plate into two regions, when the purple tints shade off on each side of their common limit. The dark brushes interrupted by the luminous spot are fringed to¬ wards the point with a little yellow and blue, arising from the dispersion of the optical axes. We look forward with much interest to the publication of M. Senarmont’s laborious researches on this curious subject.1 Sect. XVII.—On the Action of the Surfaces of Crystallized Bodies upon Common and Polarized Light. It was remarked by Malus, that the action of the sur¬ face of Iceland spar upon light is independent of the posi¬ tion of its principal section, and that its surface acts like that of any common transparent body.2 In examining, however, the superficial action of this mineral, Sir David Brewster discovered that all its surfaces, without excep¬ tion, exercise a remarkable action upon light, and that its polarizing angle varied in different azimuths, excepting when the surface was perpendicular to the axis. If A and A" are the minimum and maximum polarizing angles,—viz., in azimuth 0°, or in the plane of the principal section, and in azimuth 90°, or perpendicular to that plane,— he found that the variation of the polarizing angle was re¬ presented by the following expression, where A' is the polarizing angle required at the azimuth a:— A' = A + sin2 a. (A" — A); in a plane perpendicular to the axis, A" —A = 0, and con¬ sequently no change takes place in the polarizing angle; in planes inclined 4o° 23' to the axis on the actual faces of the rhomboid, A —A =2° 18 ; and in planes coincident with the axis, A" —A = 4° nearly. The following were the measures which were obtained on the natural faces of the rhomb :— Polarizing Angle. Azimuth 0° O' 57° 74' „ 50 57 58 32 „ 90 0 59 32 On faces nearly parallel to the axes :— Azimuth 0° O' 54° 18' „ 90 0 58 14 Sir David Brewster also observed that the polarization Polariza- was more complete in azimuth 0° than in azimuth 90° on tion. the faces of the rhomb ; but more complete in azimuth 90° than in azimuth 0° in faces parallel to the axis. As these experiments clearly proved that the forces which produced double refraction extended beyond the surface of Iceland spar, our author became desirous of ascertaining if the light polarized by reflection from the spar suffered any change from the same cause. He therefore thought of weakening the force which produces reflection, in order to allow the interior force to show its weaker influence; and he accomplished this by placing oil of cassia on its surface, and examining the light reflected at the separating surface of the spar and the oil. The experiments which were thus made, and which are detailed in the Philosophical Trans¬ actions for 1819, completely proved that the interior force polarized common light out of the plane of reflection, and modified the law of intensity, according to which light is reflected at different angles of incidence. These experiments excited no attention till 1835, when Professor Maccullagh of Trinity College, Dublin, began to investigate the laws which regulate the reflection and re¬ fraction of light at the separating surface of two media. He had anticipated from theory effects the reverse of those de¬ duced from the preceding experiments: and in order to account for the latter, he was obliged to modify his theore¬ tical views, and was thus led to the result, that when a ray is polarized by reflection from a doubly-refracting surface, the plane of polarization deviates from the plane of inci¬ dence, except when the axis lies in the latter plane. The formula which expresses this deviation represents very ac¬ curately the measures of the polarizing angles in different azimuths in the natural faces of the rhomb, the only sur¬ face in which the exception is true; but at all other incli¬ nations of the reflecting planes to the axis, the theory and the formula are in fault, for there is a large deviation when the axis or principal section of the crystal is in the plane of reflection. Professor Maccullagh’s success in deducing theoretically, the general fact of a deviation increasing as the refractive power of the medium approached to that of the spar, induced Sir David Brewster to resume his inquiries, the general re¬ sult of which he communicated to the British Association at Bristol in 1836, in the following very brief abstract:— “ When light is reflected at the separating surface of two media, the lowermost of which is a doubly-refracting one, the reflected ray is exposed to the action of two forces, one of which is the ordinary reflecting force, and the other a force which emanates from the interior of the doubly-re¬ fracting crystal. When the first medium is air, or even water, the first of these forces overpowers the second ; and, in general, the effects of the one are so masked by the effects of the other that I was obliged to use oil of cassia, a fluid of high refractive power, in order that the interior force of the calcareous spar which I wished to examine might exhibit its effects independently of those which arise from ordinary reflection. The separating surface, there¬ fore, which I used had a small refractive power; and the reflecting pencil is so attenuated, especially in using po¬ larized light, that it is almost impossible to use any other light than that of the sun. “ When a pencil of common light is reflected from the separating surface of oil of cassia and calcareous spar, the general action of the spar is to polarize a part of the ray in a plane perpendicular to that of reflection, and thus to produce by reflection the very same effect that other sur¬ faces do by refraction. 1 Spe Comptes Rendus, 1854, vol. xxxviii., pp. 101-105. 2 Theorie de la Rouble Refraction, pp. 240, 241; and Biot’s Traite de Physique, tom. iv., p. 339. OPTICS. 669 “ On the face of calcareous spar perpendicular to the axis of the crystal, the effect is exactly the same in all azi¬ muths ; but in every other face the effect varies in different azimuths, and depends upon the inclination of the face to the axis of double refraction. On the natural face of the rhomb common light is polarized in the plane of reflec¬ tion, in 0° of azimuth, or in the plane of the principal sec¬ tion ; but at 38° of azimuth, the whole pencil is polarized at right angles to the plane of reflection ; and in other azi¬ muths the effect is nearly the same as I have stated in my printed paper. “ In order, however, to observe the change which is ac¬ tually produced upon light, it is necessary to use two pencils, one polarized +45°, and the other —45°, to the plane of incidence. The planes of polarization of these pencils are inclined 90° to each other, and the invariable effect of the new force is to augment that angle in the same manner as is done by a refracting surface, while the tendency of the ordinary reflective force is to diminish the same angle. Hence I was led to make an experiment in which these opposite forces might compensate one another. I mixed oil of olives and oil of cassia till I obtained a compound of such a refractive power that its action in bringing to¬ gether the planes of polarization should be equal to the ac¬ tion of the new force in separating them. Upon reflecting the compound pencil from this surface, I was delighted to find that the inclination of the planes was still 90°, and I thus obtained the extraordinary result of a reflecting sur¬ face which possessed no action whatever upon common or upon polarized light.” Sect. XVIII.—On the Double Reflection and Po¬ larization of Light by the Surfaces of certain Minerals. louble light which transparent bodies reflect from their ejection. ^rg(. surfhCe does not enter the substance of the body, it was always supposed to be colourless, whatever was the colour of the body which reflected it. This supposition was not confirmed by experiment till chemistry presented us with various substances in which the light which they reflected appeared to be distinctly coloured. Having ob¬ served this fact, Sir David Brewster in 1845 examined the action of this class of crystals upon light, particularly chrysammate of potash, chrysammate of magnesia, murexide, and various other crystals in which the coloured reflection took place. The chrysammate of potash, which crystallizes in very small, flat, rhombic plates, has the metallic lustre of gold, from which it derives its name of golden sand. When the sun’s light is transmitted through the rhombic plates, it has a reddish-yellow colour, and is wholly polar¬ ized in one plane. When the crystals are pressed with the blade of a knife on a piece of glass, they can be spread out like an amalgam. The light transmitted through the thin¬ nest films thus produced consists of two oppositely-polarized pencils—the one of a bright carmine-red, and the other of a pale yellow. When the films are thicker, the two pencils approach to two equally bright carmine-red pencils. When common light is reflected at a perpendicular inci¬ dence from the surfaces of the crystals or films, it has the colour and metallic lustre of virgin gold. It becomes less and less yellow as the incidence increases, till at very great incidences its colour is a. pale bluish-white. This reflected pencil consists of two oppositely-polarized pencils—one polarized in the plane of reflection, and of a pale bluish- white colour at all incidences ; and the other polarized per¬ pendicularly to the plane of reflection, and of a golden- yelloiv colour at small incidences, passing successively into a deeper yellow, greenish-yellow, green, greenish-blue, blue, and light pink, as the angle of incidence increases. This very remarkable property is exhibited under the usual mo¬ dification if the surface of the chrysammate is in optical contact with fluids, or if it is a surface produced by pressure and traction. The same property is seen when the crystal is in the act of being dissolved, or when a fresh surface is ex¬ posed by mechanical means. When the chrysammate is re-crystallized from an aqueous solution, it appears in tufts of prisms of a bright red colour, the golden reflection being overpowered by the transmitted light; but when these tufts are spread into a film by pressure and traction, the golden- yellow colour reappears. When the crystals of chrysammate are heated with a spirit-lamp, or above a gas-burner, they explode with a flame and smoke like gunpowder j1 and, by continuing the heat, the residue melts, and a crop of colour¬ less amorphous crystals is left.2 This interesting subject has been studied by M. Hai- dinger under the name of chatoyement metallique. M. Babinet had found that in all crystals, whether negative or positive, the most refracted ray, which in the first of these classes is the ordinary one, is more absorbed than the extraordinary ox least-refracted ray; while the least-refracted ray, or the extraordinary one, is the least absorbed in the other class. Taking as the ground of comparison this law of Babinet, M. Haidinger found that the direction of the polarization of the reflected light coincided with the di¬ rection of the polarization of the ray which was most ab¬ sorbed in doubly-refracting crystals.3 Professor Stokes observed the same property of double reflection and polarization in carthamine, or safflower-red, and had been led independently to the fact of the orienta¬ tion of the reflected pencils.4 Sect. XIX.—On the Mutual Action of Polarized Rays. As this curious subject has been studied only by MM. Mutual Arago and Fresnel, we shall therefore make no apology for acti01} of giving an account of the results which they obtained nearly Polarize(i in the words of M. Fresnel himself:5— ra^s‘ “ In studying the interference of polarized rays, M. Arago and I found that they exercise no influence upon one another when their planes of polarization are perpen¬ dicular to each other—that is, that they cannot then produce fringes, although all the necessary conditions for their ap¬ pearance in ordinary cases be scrupulously fulfilled. Three principal experiments illustrate this fact. The first, by M. Arago, consists in making two pencils, emanating from the same point, and introduced by two parallel slits, traverse two piles of very thin transparent plates, such as those of mica or blown glass, wdiich are sufficiently inclined to each other to polarize almost completely each of the two pencils, taking care that the two planes are perpendicularly inclined to each other. In this case no fringes can be perceived, whatever care may have been taken thus to compensate the differences of both in varying very gently the inclination of one of the piles ; but when the planes of incidence of the piles are no longer perpendicular to each other, they always cause the fringes to appear. In proportion as the planes cease to be parallel the fringes become weaker, and they disappear altogether when they are rectangular. It 1 Sir David Brewster found the same explosive property in aloetinate of potash. 2 Proceedings of Phil. Soc. St Andrews, Jan. 5, Feb. 2, &c., 1846; Report of Brit. Assoc. 1846, p. 7; and Abbe Moigno’s Repertoire, &c., vol. iv., p. 1558 ; see also Phil. Mag., March 1854, vol. vii., p. 171. 3 See Poggendorf’s Annalen, tom. Ixx., Ixxi., Ixxvi.; and Moigno’s Repertoire d'Optique, iv. 1564. 4 Phil. Mag., December 1853. 6 Pouillet, Siemens de Physique Experimental et de Meteorologie, liv. viii., chap. iii. 670 OPTICS. results from these experiments, that rays polarized in the same plane influence one another, like the rays of light not modified ; but this influence diminishes in proportion as the planes of polarization deviate from one another, and be¬ comes nothing when they are rectangular. “ The following experiment leads to the same results :— Take a plate of sulphate of lime or of rock-crystal parallel to its axis, and of a uniform thickness ; cut it in two, and place each of the halves upon one of the slits of the screen. I suppose that we have turned the two halves in such a way that the edges which were in contact before the divi¬ sion of the plate are parallel, and the axes will also be parallel. But in this case we only perceive a single group of fringes in the middle of the bright space as it was before the division of the plates. But if we turn one of these halves in its plane, thus disturbing the parallelism of their axes, we make two other groups of fainter fringes spring up, situated one on the right and the other on the left of the group in the middle, and which are completely separated from it, in the white light when the plates of rock-crystal or of sulphate of lime which are used are only a millimetre thick. It is to be remarked that the number and breadth of the fringes lying between the middle of one of these groups and the central group is proportional to the thick¬ ness of the plates for crystals of the same kind, or whose double refraction is of the same strength, like rock-crystal and sulphate of lime. In proportion as the angle of the two axes increases, these new groups of fringes become more and more distinct, and attain at last their maximum intensity when the axes of the two plates are perpendicular to each other. In this position, the central group, which had been gradually weakened, has altogether disappeared, and is replaced by a uniform light. Hence the rays which produce them, by interference, are no longer capable of influencing one another. “ From the position of these fringes, it is easy to see that they result from the interference of the rays which have undergone the same kind of refraction in the two plates. Hence the fringes of the central groups w ere formed by the superposition of those which arise—1. From the interfer¬ ence of the ordinary rays of the left plate with the ordinary rays of the right plate; 2. From the interference of the extraordinary rays of the first plate with the extraordinary rays of the second. The two eccentric groups, on the con¬ trary, arise from the interference of the rays which have undergone different refractions in the two plates; and as it is the ordinary rays which move with the greatest velocity in sidphate of lime or rock-crystal, we see that if we employ one of these twro species of crystals, the left group ought to be formed by the union of the extraordinary rays of the left plate with the ordinary rays of the right plate, and the right group by the union of the extraordinary rays of the right plate with the ordinary rays of the left plate. This being established, it remains now to determine the direction of polarization in each of the pencils which interfere, in order that we may deduce from it what are the relative directions of the planes of polarization which favour or hinder their mutual influence. When the plates are one or two millimetres thick, and one of their edges is cut obliquely to separate the ordinary and extraordinary rays, w'e find that they are effectually polarized, the first in the principal sec¬ tion, and the others in a perpendicular direction. When the axes of the two plates were parallel, the rays which had experienced the same refractions in the two crystals were found polarized in the same direction, and those of contrary colours in rectangular directions. It is thus that the group of fringes in the middle which proceed from the interference of rays of the same name had a maximum intensity, and the two others, which resulted from the interference of the rays of contrary names, did not appear again. But w'hen the axes of the two plates formed an oblique angle, of 45° for instance, the rays of a contrary name, and those of the same name, could act at the same time one upon the other, since their polarizing planes were no longer rectangular, and the three groups of fringes were produced. When, in short, the axes became perpendicular to one another, the rays of the same colour wTere polarized in rectangular directions, and the central group, to which it had given birth, vanished, w hile the ordinary rays of the left plate were then polarized parallel to the extraordinary rays of the right plate; and this is the cause why the right group which they produce attained its maximum intensity. It is the same with the left group, arising from the interference of the ordinary rays of the right plate with the extraordinary rays of the left plate. “ The following is a third experiment, which confirms the results of the first:—Having polished a rhomb of calcareous spar upon two opposite faces, I sawed it perpendicularly to these faces, and obtained two rhombs of equal thickness, in which the routes of the ordinary and extraordinary rays were exactly parallel at the same incidence. I placed them one before the other, so that the rays from the luminous point which had traversed the first rhomb passed perpendicularly through the second; the principal section of the second rhomb being perpendicular to that of the first, so that the four pencils were reduced to two. The ordinary pencil of the first rhomb was refracted extraordinarily in the second, and the extraordinary pencil of the first was refracted ordi¬ narily in the second. From this arrangement it followed, that the difference of the route, proceeding from the differ¬ ence of velocity of the ordinary and extraordinary rays, was found compensated for by the two emerging pencils. They crossed each other, too, at a very small angle, and though the fringes ought to have had a magnitude sufficient to be seen, yet I never could succeed in making them appear. “ While I was searching for them with a magnifying glass, I gently varied the direction of one of the rhombs, in order to compensate the effect resulting from any difference of thickness, but I never could perceive any fringes. I easily succeeded, however, in making them appear by employing the light which had been polarized before it entered the rhombs, and in causing it to receive a new polarization after its emergence. It is then demonstrable that rays polar¬ ized. at right angles cannot exert any sensible influence upon one another. “ Another remarkable fact is, that when they have been once polarized in rectangular directions, it is not sufficient that they are brought back to a common plane of polariza¬ tion, in order that they may give apparent signs of their mutual influence. If we cause the rays which have emerged from the two slits, and which are polarized at right angles, to pass through a pile of inclined plates of plane glass, no fringes are perceived, in whatever direction its rays of inci¬ dence are turned. Instead of a pile, we may employ a rhomb of calcareous spar. If we incline its principal section at 45° to the plane of polarization of the incident pencils, so that it divides into two equal parts the angle which they make with each other, each image will contain the half of each pencil, and these two halves having the same plane of polarization in the same image, ought to produce fringes there, if it is sufficient to bring back the rays to a plane ot common polarization, to re-establish the apparent effects of their mutual influence. But the fringes can never be ob¬ tained by this method as long as the rays have not been polarized in the same plane, before they were divided into two pencils polarized at right angles. “ When the light has experienced this previous polariza¬ tion, on the contrary, the interposition of the rhomb makes the fringes reappear. The most advantageous direction to give the primitive plane of polarization is that which divides into two equal parts the angle of the rectangular planes in which the two pencils are polarized in the second Polariza. tion. Polariza¬ tion. Production of double refraction. OFT instance, because then the incident light is equally divided between them. Suppose that the primitive plane of polari¬ zation is horizontal, it will be necessary that the planes of polarization impressed upon each of the two pencils be inclined 45° to the horizontal plane, the one above it and the other below it, in such a manner that they remain per¬ pendicular. We can obtain this rectangular polarization either with the help of two little piles, or with two plates whose axes are rectangular axes, or with a single crystal¬ lized plate. We shall only consider this last case. “ To divide the light into two pencils, which cross under a small angle, and which may thus produce fringes, the apparatus of two glass mirrors blackened behind is generally better than the screen pierced by two slits, because it pro¬ duces more brilliant fringes. It has, besides, the advantage of giving immediately to the two pencils the previous po¬ larization necessary to our experiment; it is sufficient for this purpose that the mirrors be inclined 35° to the incident rays. We place near them, in the line of the reflected rays, and perpendicularly to their direction, a plate of sul¬ phate of lime or of rock-crystal parallel to the axis, and one or two millimetres thick, inclining its principal section 45° to the plane of primitive polarization, which we have sup¬ posed horizontal. The apparatus being thus placed, we only see a single group of fringes across the plate as before its interposition, and it occupies the same place. But if we put before the magnifying glass a pile of glass plates inclined in a horizontal or vertical direction, we discover on each side of the central group another group of fringes, which is the more distant as the crystallized plate is thicker. If we replace the pile of plates by a rhomb of calcareous spar, whose principal section is divided horizontally or vertically, we shall see in each of the two images the two systems of additional fringes which the interposition of the pile of plates has caused to appear, and these two images are complementary to one another. “ In this experiment the rays which have experienced the refractions of opposite names cannot influence each other, because, in emerging from the same plate in the case we are now considering, they are found polarized in rectangular directions; consequently the groups to the right and the left cannot exist, at least while we have not re-established the mutual influence of those rays by bringing them to a common plane of polarization ; this is what is effected by the interposition of the pile of plates or of the rhomb. The fringes thus produced are the more distinct, as the two pen¬ cils of contrary names which concur in their formation are more equal in intensity; and this is the reason why the direction of the principal section of the rhomb, which makes an angle of 45° with the axis of the plate, is the most favourable to the appearance of the fringes. When the principal section of the rhomb is parallel or perpendicular to that ot the plate, the rays refracted ordinarily by the plate pass entirely into one image, instead of being divided be¬ tween the two, and all the extraordinary rays pass into the other image, so that there can be no more interference be¬ tween them; and the additional groups of fringes disap¬ pear, each image presenting only the fringes which resulted from the interference of the rays of the same name,—that is to say, those which compose the central group.” Sec/. XX. On the Production of Double Refrac¬ tion and Polarization by Heat, Cold, Pressure, Slow and Rapid Induration, Traction, Electro- Magnetism, and Laminated Structure.1 I 0 s. 671 heat and cold, compression and dilatation, and by slow and gradual induration. The phenomena thus produced in po¬ larized light are exceedingly beautiful, and throw much light on the subject of double refraction. Polariza¬ tion. Art. I.— On the Transient Influence of Heat and Cold. The influence of heat and cold may be exhibited in cylin¬ ders, tubes, spheres, cubes, and rectangular plates of glass, all the phenomena of which were discovered by Sir David Brewster. 1. Cylinders of Glass with One Axis of Double Refraction. 1. Negative Axis.—If we take a cylinder of glass ABCD (fig. 228), from half an inch to an inch in diameter, or upwards, about half an inch or more in thickness, and transmit heat uniformly from its circumference to its centre, it will .a) exhibit, when placed between the polarizing and the analysing plate, and held about 8 or 10 inches from the eye, the system of uniaxal rings shown in fig. 228, exactly similar to those in fig. 179 ; and by turning round the analysing plate we shall see the complementary set, as in fig. 181. These rings will be seen as if they were in the substance of the glass; and hence, if we cover up any part of the circular surface, we shall cover up a corresponding part of the system of rings. The axis of the system, or of double refraction, is here fixed in the axis of the cylinder, and does not lie in every direction parallel to that axis, as in regularly-crystal¬ lized bodies. I he system of rings thus produced is negative, like those in calcareous spar. As soon as the heat reaches the axis of the cylin¬ der, the rings become less bright, and they disappear en¬ tirely when the heat is uniformly distributed through the glass. ° 2. Positive Axis.—If we heat a similar cylinder of glass uniformly in boiling oil or otherwise, and cool it rapidly at its edges by encircling its margin with a cold and good con¬ ducting material, it will exhibit a similar system, which will vanish when the glass is uniformly cold. This system of rings, however, is positive, like those of zircon ; and if it is placed above the equal negative system, produced as already described, they will destroy each other. If the two systems are not equal, we shall have a system equal to their difference, as in positive and negative uniaxal crystals. In both these systems the tint at any point varies as the square of the distance of that point from the axis; so that if T is the tint at any distance D, the tint t corresponding to any TD2 distance d, will be t= .2-. If V is the velocity of the ordinary ray, we shall have the velocity of the extraordinary ray v='V2 + ad2. If we transmit polarized light through the cylindrical surface of these cylinders, we shall observe the phenomena of biaxal systems exactly the same as in rectangular plates (fig. 240), the tints being produced by the action of the positive or negative axis of the cylinder acting in opposi¬ tion to an axis passing through each diameter of the cylin¬ der, drawn perpendicular to any point in the middle line of the cylindrical surface. I he various phenomena of double refraction, and the system of polarized rings, may be produced either tran¬ siently or permanently in glass and other substances by 1 See Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 46-114, 156-178 2. Oval Cylinders, with Two Axes of Double Refraction. If we perform the two experiments above described with Edin. Trans. 1816, vol. viii., pp. 353-371. 672 OPTICS. Fig. 229. Polariza- oval cylinders, as in fig. 229, we shall have a system of rings tion. j.wo axes. a. new axis is deve- A ''•v'"""’'’ loped perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder; and in the case of the heated cylinder, the new axis at O is a posi-Ci tive one, while in the cooled cylinder it is a negative one, the neutral black lines AD^ CB separating the two classes of tints, and corresponding to the dark hyperbolic branches in biaxal systems of rings. The figure referred to is that shown in azimuths inclined 45° to the plane of primitive polarization; but in the amizuths of 0° and 90°, the branches AD, CB resume the form of the rectangular cross. 3. Cubes and Parallelepipeds of Glass with Double Refraction. Cubes of Glass.—When the shape of the glass is that of a cube, as in fig. 230, the figure which it produces in amizuth 0° by the two processes of heating and cooling is that shown in the figure, the tints being negative or positive, ac- Fig.230. Fig. 231. cording as we apply heat or cold. The complementary system is shown in fig. 231. Parallelepipeds of Glass.—In a parallelepiped 0-38 of an inch square, and 1T1 long, the direct and complemen- Fig. 232. Fig. 233. or positive structure from the internal negative structure, Polariza. and vice versa. The breadth of the internal annulus ao is al- tion. ways less than Ao, that of the external one. 1 hey approach to equality as the bore of the cylinder widens, and the nega¬ tive structure grows very small, as shown in fig. 237, when the bore diminishes; so that when the bore becomes infinitely small, the system becomes either wholly negative or positive, according as heat or cold has been used. If when fig. 236 is fully developed, we cut a notch EF in the cylinder, we shall have a bi¬ axal system of fringes, in which there is a positive structure between two negative ones, or vice versa, as shown in fig. 238. The diameter op (figs. 236 and 237) is a geometrical mean between the interior and exterior diameters of the tube,—that is, op = V(Aft x ab). o. Rectangular Plates of Glass with Planes of Double Refraction. If a well-annealed parallelepiped of glass EFDC (fig. 239) is submitted to the processes already described, or even if we lay one edge of it CD on a piece of iron almost red hot, and place the whole between the polarizing and IE 1 tary systems at 0° of azimuth are shown in figs. 232 and 233. The first of these consist of a black cross surrounded with beautiful tringesofcon¬ trary flexure,and four bright green spots of the third or¬ der. The coloured spots at the angles of fig. 233 are of a brilliant pink colour, with a spot of blue in the middle of each. When the azi- ~M' Fig- 235‘ muth is 45°, the direct and complementary systems change into figs. 234 and 235. 4. Cylindrical Tubes of Glass with Two Axes of Double Refraction. When the cylinder has the form of a tube, as in fig. 236, the double refraction is singularly distributed by the appli- Fig. 239. analysing plates, so that if the heated edge CD is inclined 45° to the planes of primitive polarization, and the eye can see the whole surface of the glass, a series of remarkable phenomena will be produced. The moment the heat enters the lower surface at CD fringes of brilliant colours are seen above CD, and almost at the same instant, before the heat has reached the upper surface EF, or even the central line ab, similar fringes will appear at EF. Colours, at first faint blue, then white, yellow, orange, red, &c., of the first order spring up at ab, and these central colours are separated from those at the edges by two dark lines or planes MN, OP, corresponding to the hyperbolic branches in biaxal crystals, the double refraction between MN and OP being negative in reference to a line perpendicular to the fringes, while it is positive without MN and OP. The tints thus developed are those of Newton’s scale. If T is the central tint in the line ab, D the distance of either of the lines MN, OP from ab, the tint t at any other Td? distance d will be, £ = T — — „ a formula deduced from D2 the combination of two axes. TtZ2 The term —2 represents the influence of the principal axis or axes perpendicular to the line ab at every point of it; but as the axis in the plane of the plate produces a uniform tint T whose maximum is in the line ab, wdiere the action of the other axis disap¬ pears, and as these axes oppose each other by acting rect¬ angularly, they will compensate each other in the lines MN, OP, and the tint at any point must always be equal to Fig. 236. cation of heat or cold either to the outside ACBD of the cylinder, or to its inside acbd, or to both. A black circular fringe mpno is the central line which separates the outside the difference of the tints, or to T — Tdf D2 The magnitude 2D, or the distance between MN and OP, is a function of the breadth of the plate B, and 2D: B = 10: 16*02, and D = *312 B2. (Edin. Trans. \m.Z55.) OPTICS. 673 Polariza- The fringes seen through the thickness of the plates is shown tion. in fig. 240, ^ and the ore seenthrough the ends in fig. 241. Fig. 240. If we wish to find the tints in reference to the lines MN, OP, let S, S' be the distances from these lines of any point whose dis¬ tance from ab is d, then we have 8 = 1 — d, 8'= \ —d, and 88' = 1 — d1-, that is, the tint at any point varies as the pro¬ duct of the distances of that point from Fig.24i. the planes of the resultant axes MN, OP. If we make v1 — V2 + a8S', an expression which gives v the velocity of the extraordinary ray, we shall have the extraordinary re¬ fraction in such plates. 6. Spheres and Spheroids of Glass with Double Refraction. When equal rectangular plates of similar names,—that Polariza- is, both negative or both positive,—are crossed, the phe- tion- nomena of the inter sectional fringes, as they may be called are shown in fig. 242, where the isochromatic curves are hyperbolas. When the plates are of different names, the one positive and the other negative, and of the same breadth, and the same number of fringes, the isochromatic curves are circles, as in fig. 243. When the plates are of different names, and of different breadths, but containing the same number of fringes, Fig. 244. the isochromatic curves will be ellipses, as in fig. 244. 8. On the Effects produced by Altering the Form of, or Subdividing Plates of Glass under the influence of Heat or Cold. Spheres.—If we place a sphere of glass in a glass trough of hot oil, or otherwise heat it regularly, we shall find that when the heat is passing to the centre of the sphere, it will exhibit a positive uniaxal system of rings like that in fig. 228, in every direction in which we transmit the polarized light; that is, it will have an infinite number of axes of double refraction. If a hot sphere of glass is immersed in a glass trough of cold oil, a similar system of rings will be produced in every possible direction ; but it will be negative. Spheroids.—If we substitute oblate and prolate spheroids in place of the sphere in these experiments, we shall find that they will have each a positive system of rings round their axis of revolution. If the polarized light is trans¬ mitted through an equatorial diameter, we shall find that there are two axes of double refraction, the black cross opening out when the axis of revolution is inclined 45° to the plane of primitive polarization. In the prolate spheroid the black cross opens out in a different plane. 7. On the Effects produced by Combining Plates of Glass under the transient influence of Heat and Cold. If we combine any two plates of the same shape, the resulting system of fringes will be equal to the sum of their systems or effects, if the plates are of the same name,—that is, both positive or both negative,—or to the difference of their effects, if they are of different names. When the plates are solids or symmetrical forms, such as cylinders, cubes, or quadrangular plates, no essential variation of figure is produced by the combination; but when the plates are rectangular, very interesting phenomena are ex¬ hibited when plates of the same or of diffevent names are crossed rectangularly. Sir David Brewster has given for¬ mula; for calculating the forms of the compound or isochro- Fig. 242. Fig. 243. matic curves, as he calls them, but our space will only per¬ mit us to exhibit the effects to the eye. VOI-. XVI. If we alter the shape of any of the plates above described, the form of the isochromatic curve is immediately changed. If we cut any rectangular plate into two by a line passing through its middle, each of the two plates thus produced has the property of the whole plate, though the fringes are less numerous. If a plate ABCD gives the tints shown in Fig. 245. fig. 245, OP and MN being the dark neutral lines ; then if we cut it with a diamond at ab, so as to subdivide it into two plates, as in fig. 246, each of the plates EFr^, GHrs will have the same structure as ABCD,—viz., two neutral lines op, mn, and assume positive and negative tints. Art. II.— On the Permanent Influence of Rapid Cooling. In March 1814 Sir David Brewster found that glass melted and suddenly cooled, as in the case of Prince Ru¬ pert’s drops, possessed a permanently doubly-refracting power, and he communicated this fact in a letter to Sir Joseph Banks, dated April 8, 1814 {Phil. Trans. 1814), and without knowing that Dr Seebeck had published in December 1814 similar results with cubes of glass, our author had discovered that cubes, cylinders, plates, spheres, and spheroids of glass, exhibiting permanently the pheno¬ mena described in the preceding pages, may be formed by bringing them to a red A heat, and cooling them rapidly and equally on their edges. A great va¬ riety of beautiful optical figures, developed in po¬ larized light, may thus b be obtained by cooling Fig. 247. the glass on metallic patterns. A very simple effect of 4 Q 674 OPTICS. Polariza- this is shown in fig. 247, where the plate of glass was cooled tion. by resting it at its centre on a cylinder of iron. Art. III.—On the Production of Double Refraction by Compression and Dilatation. The effects of compression and dilatation in producing double refraction were discovered by Sir David Brewster, and communicated to the Royal Society in 1815. Our limits will permit us only to give a slight notice of them. The phenomena both of compression and dilatation or extension may be well seen by bending, merely with the force of the hands, a square rod, or a long and narrow plate of glass, as in fig. 248. When it is held between the po- Fig. 248. larizing and analysing plate, eight or ten inches from the latter, with its edge AB inclined 45° to the plane of primi¬ tive polarization, the whole thickness of the glass will be covered with two series of coloured fringes, like those in the figure separated by a dark neutral line MN, where there is neither compression nor dilatation. The fringes on the convex side are negative, being produced by the extension of the glass in the direction ;raA, wB, while those on the concave side are produced by the compression of the glass in the directions Cn, D«. The isochromatic curves marked by similar figures, indicating the orders of the co¬ lours, are bent as in the figure. When a plate of bent glass producing fringes crosses another at right angles, the effect at the intersectional space is shown in fig. 249, where the tint is supposed only to be the white of the first order. Fig. 249. B Fig. 250. Cin W3C- Concave When a plate of bent glass is crossed with a plate crys¬ tallized by heat, the fringes in the intersectional square will be parabolas, as shown in fig. 250, whose vertex will be to¬ wards the convex side of the bent plate, if the principal axis of the other plate is positive, but towards the concave side, if that axis is negative. Art. IV.— On the Double Refraction Produced by the gradual Induration and Difference of Density in Soft Solids. The phenomena of luminous sectors, separated by a black cross at the central part of the uniaxal system of rings, which Sir David Brewster discovered round cavities in the diamond, in glass, and in various gums, arise from the gra¬ dual induration of the mass, combined with the elastic pressure of the air included in the cavities. They are therefore not properly cases of induration alone. When isinglass is dried in a circular trough, it exhibits, by polarized light, the uniaxal system of rings like glass in fig. 228. When it is indurated in the form of a rectangular mass, Polariza- by the exposure of two sides, fringes are produced parallel tion. to these sides, and biaxal like those in rectangular plates of heated glass. A sphere of transparent jelly or isinglass, w'hen allowed to indurate gradually, will have an axis of double refraction in every direction, like a sphere of glass heated. In like manner an indurated spheroid will exhibit the biaxal struc¬ ture of a spheroid of glass. The most splendid examples, however, of this class of facts are exhibited in the lenses of fishes and animals, as shown in figs. 251 and 252. The first of these shows the n Fig. 251. Fig. 252. doubly-refracting structure of the crystalline lens of a cod, along the axis of vision. The central and the external lu¬ minous sectors have a negative doubly-refracting structure, while the intermediate ones have a positive structure.1 The figure given by the crystalline lens of a cow is shown in fig. 252, where there are four series of luminous sectors, the central ones being positive (marked + ), the next nega¬ tive (marked — ), the next positive, and the last negative? Art. V.— On the Production of the Doubly-Refracting Structure in Crystalline Powders by Compression and Traction. In spreading out on polished or ground glass, by compres¬ sion and traction, the crystalline powders of chrysammate of potash axidi other bodies, Sir David Brewster obtained a trans¬ parent film which exhibited the phenomena of double re¬ flection and polarization as perfectly as a large crystal. The film of chrysammate of magnesia, which is a red powder with specks of yellow reflected light, exhibits neutral and po¬ larizing axes in the light which they transmit, and doubly- polarized pencils in the light which they reflect. The same property was found in a gi'eat number of crys¬ talline powders, and in some soft solids, such as almond, soap, tallow, bees’-wax, bees’-wax mixed with rosin, and in oil of mace. For a list of the substances in which this pro¬ perty is produced, and of those in which it is not, with an attempt to explain the manner in which the crystalline par¬ ticles have their axes brought into parallelism, we must refer the reader to the original paper.3 We may, however, observe, that the development of electrical poles in crystals by heat and friction, and the influence of traction in draw¬ ing prismatic crystals, and those whose length exceeds their breadth, into parallel positions, may act either separately or in combination in producing the effects we have been con¬ sidering. Art. VI.— On the Influence of Electro-Magnetism in Pro¬ ducing Double Refraction, fyc. In Professor Forbes’s Preliminary Dissertation on Mathematical and Physical Science, a brief notice has been given of two important discoveries,—the one by Dr Fara¬ day, the other by Professor Pliicker,—showing the influence of electro-magnetism in producing double refraction, and its action upon the optic axes of crystals. 1 See Phil. Tram. 1816, p. 311. 2 Ibid. 1837, p. 253. 3 Edin. Trans. 1853, vol. xx., p. 555; and Phil. Mag. 1853. OPTICS. Polariza- An account of this great discovery, and of the researches tion. of M. Mathiessen of Altona and others, has been given in 's—our article Magnetism, chap, iii., sec. 3. In the extensive series of experiments by M. Bertin on Circular Magnetic Polarization, to which we have done little more than allude in that article, he obtained many important results, of which we shall now give a brief notice. In these experiments M. Bertin employed both the electro-magnet of M. Becquerel and the apparatus of Ruhmkorff. Becquerel’s improvement of Faraday’s apparatus consists in making the polarized ray pass not merely near the line of the poles, but through the line itself, by piercing the electro-magnet in that direction, which is done by placing perforated terminations on the two poles.1 This is proved by the following experiments :2— Rotation Rotation Millimetres. with the without the Terminations. Terminations. Very thick flint-glass 55-6 21° O' 4° 30' Faraday’s flint-glass 48-3 25 6 6 30 „ „ 183 0 18 20 2 30 Distilled water 130 0 5 30 3 0 „ „ 30-0 3 50 0 0 This increase in the rotation is still better obtained with Ruhmkorff’s apparatus, in which the helices are pierced in the direction of their axes. By means of one of these ap¬ paratuses, 54 kilogrammes in weight, and with 80 elements of Bunsen’s battery, M. Bertin was able to show the experi¬ ment at a public lecture. M. Bertin made a number of experiments to determine the law of the thickness and of the distance both with one and with two poles. The following is the law of the dis¬ tance :— When the distances of the flint-glass from the coil in¬ crease in arithmetical progression, the rotations of the plane of polarization are in geometrical progression. If we call A the rotation produced by the flint-glass in contact with the coil, and if Ar is the rotation produced at the distance of one millimetre, the action of the coil y at any distance x, in millimetres, will be y = A.r*. If each of the different sections of a substance is acted upon as if it were a single section, then we shall have the law of the thickness. If in a thickness of e millimetres we consider e sections of one millimetre, and call c the rotation produced by each of these sections, when in contact with the pole; then the rotation y, produced in contact by the thick¬ ness e, will be the sum of the terms of a geometrical pro¬ gression, the first term of which is c, the course r, and the number of the terms e ; that is, we shall have whence which represents the general action of a single pole. By the formula y = Arx, which gives the action of a single coil, we have also that of the two electro-magnetic coils facing each other with the poles of opposite names. If these two coils are at a distance d, the flint-glass of e thickness, placed at the distance x from the first, will be distant d — e — x from the second; and as the two actions add to each other, the total rotation z will be The first term of the geometrical progression—namely, c—|s called by M. Bertin the coefficient of magnetic polari¬ zation, and is calculated by comparing two rotations ob¬ served at short intervals upon two substances placed under certain circumstances, but always between two poles at the same distance. These coefficients for different substances are given in the following table:—■ Coefficient c. Faraday’s flint-glass 1-20 Guinaud’s do O'ST Mathiessen’s do 0-83 Common do 0‘59 Bichloride of tin O’TT Sulphuret of carbon 0-74 Proto-chloride of phosphorus 0-51 Chloride of zinc, dissolved 0-55 Chloride of calcium, dissolved 0'45 Water 0 25 Alcohol, ordinary, of 36° Reaumur 0-18 ASther 045 Art. VII.— On the Influence of Electro-Magnetism on the Axes of Crystals. In repeating the experiments of Dr Faraday on dia¬ magnetism, M. Pliicker3 of Bonn was led to a very beautiful discovery. When a crystal with one optical axis, like diop- tase, was suspended freely between the poles of an electro¬ magnet, the optical axis placed itself equatorially or perpen¬ dicular to the line joining the poles of the magnet. When a crystal with two optical axes, like topaz, was similarly sus¬ pended, the line bisecting the optical axes took the same position. These two crystals are positive; but when the crystals were negative, the same lines took the axial posi¬ tion ; that is, pointed in a direction parallel to the line joining the poles of the magnet. “ Hence,” says M. Pliicker, “ in a crystal which is neither transparent nor shows any trace of its crystalline structure, we may, by means of a magnet, find its optical axis or axes, and at the same time we get a new proof of the connection between light and magnetism.” These experiments were repeated and confirmed by Dr Faraday, under M. Pliicker’s “ own personal tuition,” with tourmaline, staurolite, red ferro-prussiate of potash, and Iceland spar. M. Pliicker also found that certain crystals, —uniaxal, like oxide of tin, and biaxal, like kyanite or blue disthene,—have such a degree of magnetic polarity that they point to the north by the magnetic power of the earth. In using crystals of bismuth, antimony, and arsenic, Dr Faraday obtained results which differed from those pro¬ duced by diamagnetic or by ordinary magnetic action, and also from those obtained by Pliicker. They indicated a new force, which he calls magne-crystallic, which in rela¬ tion to the magnetic field is axial, and not equatorial like that of Pliicker. It does not manifest itself by attraction or repulsion, but gives position only. The line of force tends to place itself parallel or at a tangent to, the magnetic curve, or line of magnetic force passing through the place where the crystal is situated?* Results differing from those of Pliicker were subsequently obtained by Professor Tyndall and M. Knoblauch. Out of eleven crystals of Iceland spar, five obeyed the law of Pliicker, and six contradicted it. In continuing their re¬ searches, they found at the conclusion “ that the attraction or repulsion of the optical axes is a secondary result, de¬ pending first of all upon the magnetism or diamagnetism, of the substance ; and secondly, upon the manner in which either force is modified by the peculiar structure of the crystals.” “ The conducting power,” they add, “ so to speak, of Iceland spar for both magnetism and diamagnetism appears to be in directions perpendicular to the lines of cleavage. M. Pliicker has, in a subsequent paper,5 admitted the correctness of these views, and says that some of them had been previously published by himself. 1 Ann. de Chim., &c. 3d series, vol. xvii., p. 437. -the numbers given by M. Bertin are the total rotations produced in the plane of polarization. See Phil. Mag., June 1849, vol. xxxiv., p. 450. * Phil. Tran,. 1849, p. 1, &c. 6 Phil. Mag., June 1851, vol. i., p. 447. OPTICS. 676 * Polariza- Art. VIII.— On the Polarization produced by Laminated ^on- Structure, or Lamellar Polarization. We have already seen that in certain imperfect crystals of .nitre there is a laminated structure, in virtue of which the incident light is polarized as if by a pile or bundle ot plates, and after passing through the crystal, the emergent light is analysed by other laminae lying in an opposite plane, and exhibits the biaxal system of rays produced by that salt. The same polarization is produced by films ot mica and decomposed glass ; and this is true lamellar polarization. M. Biot has given the same name to a supposed struc¬ ture which produces numerous remarkable phenomena of polarization, which in 1816 Sir David Brewster obseived in alum, muriate of soda, jluor spar, boracite, leucite, anal- cime and apophyllite} By a mode of rendering visible feeble polarized tints which Sir David Brewster had used in studying these phenomena,2 M. Biot examined the light polarized by crystals of alum, and concluded that they were formed by successive laminae superposed upon one another like a pile of plates, the laminae being parallel to the faces of the octahedron. The polarized tints were exhibited in alum containing ammonia, but were not visible in alum entirely free of ammonia. M. Biot conceives that the polarization thus produced differs from that of a pile of glass plates (or of certain crystals of nitre, or of decomposed glass) in this respect, that the polarization of the glass plate is not chromatic, whereas in alum it increases or diminishes the tints of sul¬ phate of lime. “ The difference,” he says, “ depends on this, that each, fuseau octaedrique carries away from the primi¬ tive polarization a group of luminous elements associated according to certain conditions of refrangibility, impresses upon them generally a direction of polarization different from that of the artificial pile, and communicates to this group, as well as to the complementary group, certain persist¬ ent dispositions, in virtue of which they ulteriorly polarize themselves in the thin plates endowed with double refrac¬ tion, as if they had traversed a plate of definite power.” By supposing apophyllite to consist of laminae perpendicular to an axis of double refraction, and also of laminae parallel to the four faces of its pyramidal summit, M. Biot tries to explain the beautiful symmetrical figure which Sir David Brewster discovered in this mineral,3 but he has not suc¬ ceeded; and we are convinced that there is no such pro¬ perty of light as its /awie/Zar polarization essentially different from the polarization of plates, and that of molecular polarization.4 The Abbe Moigno having taken the same view of the subject, says,—“ Must we really conclude from this long study of M. Biot,5 that the superposition of laminae, or, as M. Biot calls it, the lamellar tissue, exerts a proper action sui generis, a new kind of special polarization ? We say, frankly, that we do not think so. It is our profound con¬ viction that the true cause of these anomalies is connected with the phenomena of imbibition, of temper, &c.; with the crossing of different crystallographic structures, truncations, &c.; and with assemblages in mosaic of crystals placed in varied positions, and arranged in a very complex, though very symmetrical order.”6 In support of these views we may refer the reader to the complex structure of jluor spar, one of the regular octahedral crystals like alum, as discovered by Sir David Brewster by the reflection of a small pencil of light from its disintegrated surfaces, and represented in figs. 271, 272, Circular of this article.7 Polariza¬ tion. Art. IX.— On the Polarization produced by the Eye. M. Haidinger of Vienna, among the many important discoveries which he has made, observed the remarkable fact, that the human eye has, in its whole structure, or in the structure of some of its parts, the property of polariz¬ ing light to such a degree as to enable us to determine by it alone the direction of the plane of polarization. When we look carefully at light polarized by reflection or refraction, by double refraction, or by the blue sky at a point about 90° from the sun, where the polarization is greatest, we shall perceive along the axis of the eye two sectors or brushes (houppes, aigrettes) of yellow light, accompanied with other two sectors of a bluish light, the first two forming as it were the first and third quadrants of a circle, and the other two the second and fourth. The yellow sectors lie in the plane of polarization, and the bluish ones in a plane perpendicular to it. They are so very faint that many persons cannot see them. The sectors are seen by eyes deprived of the crystalline lens. Sir David Brewster found that they subtended an angle of 4° or 4^°, almost exactly the same as that of the foramen centrale in the retina with a yellow margin. Two explanations have been given of this phenomenon. In the one, the coloured sectors are supposed to be pro¬ duced by thin depolarizing films, which give a yellow tint which is subsequently analysed by a polarizing laminated structure within the eye; and in the other, which is that of Jamin,8 the yellow light is supposed to be the colour of light polarized by refraction, and the blue to be the re¬ sult merely of contrast. He considers the cornea alone as capable of producing the sectors. In referring the reader for further information to the works quoted below, we may mention that the thin films which traverse the vitreous humours in all directions, and inclose the fluid in separate compartments, may be a polarizing agent in the production of the coloured sectors.9 Chap. II.—ON CIRCULAR POLARIZATION. Sect I.—On the Circular Polarization in Rock- Crystal and Amethyst. The general phenomena of circular polarization were dis- Circular covered by M. Arago in 1811. He found that in plates ofpolanza- rock-crystal the colours polarized along its axis were ^^■tl°^1"rs. ferent from those which he had studied in plates of other ^ ■crys‘ crystallized bodies. When they were analysed by a prism of Iceland spar, he found that the two images had comple¬ mentary colours in the ordinary tints, but, what was re¬ markable, they descended in Newton’s scale as the prism revolved, so that if the tint of the extraordinary image was red, it became in succession orange, yellow, green, and blue. Hence he concluded that the differently-coloured rays had been polarized in different planes in passing along the axis of the rock-crystal. M. Biot took up the subject at this point, and investi¬ gated it with his usual ingenuity and success. He found that while in some crystals of quartz the tints descended in the scale of colours, by turning the analysing prism from 1 See sect. xiv. of the present chapter. 2 See Edin. Trans. 1816, p. 159. . 3 See Edin. Trans. 1822, vol. ix., p. 270, where a large coloured drawing is given of this phenomenon, of which hg. 222 is jin abridge¬ ment. 4 See Brewster’s Treatise on Optics, chaps, xxxiii. and xxxix. 6 Mem. Instil, tom. xviii., pp. 539-727. 6 Repertoire d'Optique, &c., tom. i., p. 371. 7 Edin. Trans. 1837, vol. xiv., pp. 164-176 ; or Phil. Mag., Jan. 1853, p. 16. 8 Comptes Rendus, &c., tom. xxvi., p. 197. 9 See Moigno’s Repertoire, tom. iv„ pp. 1327-1366 ; Phil. Trans. 1815, p. 151, props, xxiv. and xxv.; Reports of the British Association, 1840 p. 6; and Brewster’s Optics, chap, xxvii. OPTICS. i 677 Circular right to left, in others they descended in the scale by Polariza- turning the prism from left to right. The one he called turn. left-handed quartz, and the other right-handed quartz. He took a plate of quartz, for example, -^th of an inch thick, and having polarized the homogeneous colours of the spec¬ trum, he transmitted them in succession along the axis of this plate, and obtained the following results:—When the analysing plate was in 0° of azimuth, the red light polarized by the plate was a maximum. When the analysing plate was turned from right to left, the red tint gradually dimi¬ nished, and after a rotation of 17^°, it wholly vanished. With a plate of ^ths of an inch thick, the red tint did not vanish till after a rotation of 35°; and so on, every addi¬ tional 25th of an inch of rock-crystal requiring an additional rotation of 1 7^° to make the tint vanish. A whole inch of quartz, for example, would require 25 x = , or one whole turn, and 775° more, to cause the red tint to vanish. It is obvious that twenty-five plates of quartz, -^th of an inch thick, would produce the same effect as 1 inch of it. When right-handed plates, however, are combined with left-handed ones, the rotation produced is equal to the dif¬ ference of their actions ; thus a plate of left-handed quartz s^j-th of an inch, combined with a plate ^ths of an inch, would produce a rotation of only 17^°. The following table contains the rotations produced upon the other co¬ loured rays of the spectrum, as given by M. Biot:— Names of the ray. Extreme red Limit of red and orange Limit of orange and yellow. Limit of yellow and green. Limit of green and blue Limit of blue and indigo.... Limit of indigo and violet. Extreme violet Arc of rotation for l-25th of an inch in quartz. 17°-4964 20-4798 ....22-3138 25-6752 300460 34-5717 37-6829 44-0827 M. Biot conceived that this property of quartz belonged to its ultimate molecules, but Sir David Brewster proved that this was not the case, by showing that heat deprived quartz of the property of circular polarization ; and Sir John Herschel’s beautiful discovery, that it was connected with the crystallization of the mineral, put this result beyond a doubt. He found that those crystals in which the plagihe- dral faces described by Haiiy, went round the crystal from right to left, exhibited the optical properties of left-handed crystals, and these crystals in which the plagihedral faces leant round the crystals from left to right had the properties of right-handed crystals. Hence he concluded that what¬ ever be the cause which determined the direction of rotation, the same law acted in determining the direction of the pla¬ gihedral faces. When Sir David Brewster discovered the system of rings in quartz, he found the tints of circular polari¬ zation occupy, as might have been expected, the inner circle of the rings, as shown in fig. 253, only small portions of the black cross being visible ; but these black portions were larger as the plate became thinner. ngular In examining the operties structure and properties umc- tjle amethyst, Sir David Brewster found Fig. 253. that this singular mineral was actually composed of the two different kinds of quartz, viz., the right-handed and the left-handed. These two kinds of quartz are arranged in veins, as represented in figs. 254 and 255. In fig. 254 the shaded veins which correspond to each alternate face of the Circular pyramid turn the planes of polarization from right to left, Polariza¬ tion. Fig-254- Fig. 255. while all the rest of the crystal turns the same planes from left to right; and what is very interesting, the black lines where these two structures unite have no action whatever on the planes of polarization. In some specimens these opposite veins are so very minute that they destroy each other’s action upon the polarized ray, and when this hap¬ pens the single system of rings appears with its black cross, and entirely free of any of the tints of circular polarization. I he colouring matter of the amethyst is arranged in a very singular manner in relation to these veins ; and the frac¬ ture across the veins exhibits a beautiful, and sometimes a regular rippled structure, resembling the engine-turning of a watch, and affords an infallible mineralogical character of the amethyst, whether its colour is yellow, orange, olive, green, blue, or perfectly colourless. The general structure of well-crystallized amethysts is shown in fig. 255, which is of the natural size, and is taken from one of the finest specimens that Sir David Brewster met with. “ On the three alternate sides of the prism,” says he, “ viz., MN, OP, and QR, are placed sectors McN, OcfP, QaR, which are divided into two parts by dark lines cc, dd. aa, which separate the direct structures of A, C, and E from the retrograde structures of B, D, and F. On the other three alternate faces of the prisms are placed the three veined sectors Mc5aR, Ne5a?0, and Pd5aQ, which meet at b in angles of 120°, and consist of veins of opposite structure, alternating with each other, and so minute that in many places the circular tints are almost wholly extin¬ guished by their mutual action. The direct sectors A, C, and E, are all connected together by the three radial veins ba, be, bd, and are therefore to be considered as the ex¬ panded terminations of these veins. The retrograde sectors B, D, and F are expansions of the first retrograde veins next to dbc, dba, and abc, and the lines cc, dd, and aa are continuations of the dark or neutral lines which separate the first retrograde vein from the direct radial veins. “ All the sectors A, B, C, D, E, and F, are of a yellow¬ ish-brown colour, and all the rest of the crystal is of a pale lilac colour, the lilac tints being arranged in the manner previously described. The phenomena which I have now mentioned as existing in this specimen are very common in the amethyst; and I have never yet found a specimen in which the yellow tints were not confined to those portions which formed the expanded terminations of veins; a fact which indicates that this would have been the colour of the crystal, whether its action were direct or retrograde, and that the lilac colour affects in general those portions which are composed of opposite veins.” The subject of circular polarization received great acces- Fresnel’s sions from the genius of M. Fresnel. He conceived that discoveries, a ray passing al «.ig the axis of quartz should be refracted in two pencils, an 1 he ascertained this to be the case by the following experimentHe took a prism ACB (fig. 256), of right-handed quartz, having its faces AC, BC equally inclined to its axis AB, so that a ray PV should be incident at angles of 75° on either face. As a ray, however, refracted at R would not emerge at all from the 678 OPTICS. Circular Polariza¬ tion. other side CB, he took another similar prism, but from a crystal of left-handed quartz, and having cut it into two , halves, he placed these two halves ACD, BCE, as in the figure, so that he had an achromatic combination of tlnee prisms. Now a ray PQ, incident per¬ pendicularly at Q, should pass straight on without deviation, or double refraction, Fig. 256. quartz were like other uniaxal crystals. But if the pen¬ cil PQ suffer any double refraction at Q, this double re¬ fraction will be doubled at R, because ABC has an oppo¬ site kind of double refraction. The same effect takes place at C, so that the ray PQ at its emergence at Thought to have a very sensible double refraction, even if that at Q was very small. Now M. Fresnel found that this double refraction actually existed, but upon examining the image he found that they had suffered a new kind of double re¬ fraction, and acquired new properties. In place of their being polarized in opposite planes, like other doubly-re¬ fracted pencils, which, when examined with a doubly-re¬ fracting prism, give two unequal images, alternating in brightness during the revolution of the spar prism, they exhibit the following properties:— 1. Either of the quartz rays, when examined with a spar prism, gave two images of equal intensity in every position of the prism. Hence they resemble unpolarized light, as if they consisted of two rectangularly polarized rays. 2. They differ from unpolarized light in having the fol¬ lowing remarkable and characteristic property. If either of them be incident at right angles, as shown at RP (fig. 257), upon the face AB of a parallel- opiped of crown-glass, having its refract¬ ing index Pol, and its angles ABC and ADC, 54^°, it will suffer two total reflec¬ tions at Q and S, emerging perpendi¬ cularly from the surface DC in the di¬ rection ST. Now this ray ST is found to be completely polarized in a plane inclined 45° to the plane of its reflec¬ tions, whatever may be the position of that plane. If the other ray is incident, at rp, and is reflected at q and s, so as to emerge in the direction st, the one ray ST will be polarized in a plane 45° to the right, and the other st 45° to the left of the plane of reflection. Hence they emerge when superimposed in a state of common light. The two rays RP, rp are said to be circularly polarized. 3. If a ray thus circularly polarized is transmitted through a thin crystallized plate, and parallel to its axis, it is divided by double refraction into two rays of complementary tints, thus showing a decided difference from a ray of common light; and these complementary colours always differ from those that are produced from light polarized and analysed in the usual way, by an exact quarter of a tint either in de¬ fect or in excess. 4. A circularly polarized ray transmitted again along the axis of rock crystal, and subsequently analysed, produces, like common light, no colours, and differs in this respect from polarized light. As two circularly polarized rays RP, rp, emerge from Fresnel's rhomb (as the parallelepiped of glass ABCD, fig. 257, has been called), in rays, ST, st, polarized itz450 to the plane of reflection, it occurred to Fresnel, and he found it to be so, that a ray TS polarized 45° to the plane of reflec¬ tion in the rhomb would emerge in the direction PR, as a circularly polarized ray, possessing all the properties of Circular one of the rays formed along the axis of quartz. Polariza- In an extensive series of experiments, of which we shall give some account in the following chapter, Sir David Brewster had occasion to examine some of the kindred Later phenomena of circular polarization. His first experiments expert, on this subject preceded those of Fresnel. He found thatments- total reflection produced polarized tints analogous to those of crystallized laminae, and he supposed that these colours were produced by the interference of two portions of light, the one partially reflected in the first instance, and the other beginning to be refracted, and caused to return by the con¬ tinued operation of the same power.1 In continuing his experiments, he found that the colours produced by total reflection did not rise in the scale by successive reflections; and at the end of 1816 he announced in the Journal of the Royal Institution,2 that he had discovered “ a new species of moveable polarization, in which the complementary tints never rise above the white (the bluish white) of the first order, by the successive application of the polarizing influ¬ ence,” &c. He determined experimentally the angles at which this tint was successively produced and destroyed, and thus discovered some of the leading properties of total reflection. It was Fresnel, however, that discovered this new species of polarization to be circular, and made those other splendid discoveries which we have just detailed. We owe to Sir David Brewster, however, the discovery ot the inversion of the spectrum in the phenomena of total reflection, of which we shall give some account in the next chapter. . In giving the name of circular polarization to that which is impressed on the two rays along the axis of quartz, M. Fresnel was guided by theoretical considerations. Mr Airy Discovery has, however"taken a different view of the condition of the Mr liafit forming these two rays in quartz, and has been led to irF results of very high interest. The following are the expe¬ riments, which we shall give in his own words, on which he founded his deductions. They were made with a Fresnel’s rhomb, fitted up as in the annexed figure, where the rhomb is shown at rr. “ 1. If Fresnel’s rhomb, mounted as in fig. 258, be placed to receive the polarized light, so that the plane of reflection passes through the divisions 45° and 225°, the calc spar will Fig.257 Fig. 258. Fig. 259. present another appearance (fig. 259). The rings are ab¬ ruptly and absolutely dislocated; those in the upper right hand quadrant and the quadrant opposite to it are pushed from the centre by one-fourth of an interval, and those in the other quadrants are drawn nearer to the centre by the same quantity. The line separating the quadrants is nowhere black ; the intensity of its light is uniform, and about equal to the mean intensity. If the plane of incidence pass through 135° and 315°, the phenomena of adjacent quadrants are 1 See Chromatics, § xv., vol. vi., p. 657: and Phil. Trans. 1830, p. 310. Vol. iii., p. 213. Circular ’olariza- tion. Fig. 260. OPT exactly interchanged. No alteration is made by turning the analysing plate round the incident ray; the lines divid¬ ing the quadrants are always parallel and perpendicular to the plane of reflection at the analysing plate. “ 2. If the plane of reflection in the rhomb pass through 0° and 180°, or through 90° and 270°, the phenomena are precisely the same, and undergo the same changes as those in ordinary rings./ If while the plates are crossed, the rhomb be turned gradually from the position 0° towards 45°, the rings are gradually changed, at first becoming (as far as the eye can judge) elliptical, and then assum¬ ing the form represented in fig. 260. “ 3. If a plate of quartz, whether right or left handed, be interposed between the crossed plates, a set of rings is seen like those in fig. 253. As far as the eye can judge, the rings are exactly circular, but there is no black cross, and the central tint is not black, but removed from it by a number of tints in Newton’s scale proportional to the thickness of the quartz. Thus with a thickness of OAS inch, the central tint is pale pink ; with a thickness 0’38 inch, the central tint is bright yellowish-green ; with thickness 0'26 inch, it is a rich red plum colour; with thickness 0T7 inch, it is a rich yellow. “ The colours then appear to be nearly the same, begin¬ ning from the centre, as in Newton’s scale, beginning with the tint representing this central tint. At a considerable distance from the centre four dark brushes begin to be visible in the same direction as the arms of the black cross in calc spar. “ 4. Now (supposing the crystal right-handed), if the plate of quartz be thin, and the analysing plate be turned, the upper part towards the observer’s left hand, a bluish short-armed cross ap¬ pears in the centre, which, on turning further, becomes yellow, and the rings are enlarged. On turning still fur¬ ther, the cross breaks into four dots. The rings are no longer circular, but' of a form intermediate between a circle and a square, their diagonals (as well as the cross) being inclined Fig. 26i. to the left of the parallel, and perpendicular to the plane of reflection (see fig. 261). If the analysing plate be turned the other way, there is no cross; the form of the rings is changed from circular nearly as in the former case. “ 5. If the plate of quartz be thick, the dilatation of the rings, and the change of form, are all the perceptible phenomena; and on turning the analysing plate continually to the left, the rings continually dilate, and new spots start up continually in the centre and become rings. If the crystal be left-handed, the remarks in this and the last article apply equally well supposing the analysing plate turned in the opposite direction. “ 6. If Fresnel’s rhomb be placed in the position 45°, and the light thus circularly polarized pass through the quartz, on applying the analysing plate instead of rings, there are seen two spirals naturally inwrapping each other, as in fig. 262. If the rhomb be placed in position 135°, the figure is turned through a quadrant. If the quartz be left-handed, the spirals are turned in the opposite direction. The cen¬ tral tint appears to be white. With the rhomb which I have commonly used (which is of plate-glass, but with the angles given by Fresnel for crown-glass), there is at the centre an extremely dilute tint of pink. I think it likely that this arises from the cross in the angles, as the inten- ICS. 679 sity of the colours have no proportion to that in other Circular parts of the spirals. iiillSSiilSilSiE*! Polariza- The figure was tion- drawn from the appearances given by a plate of quartz 026 inch thick. “ 7. If two plates of quartz of equal thickness, but cut, one from a right- handed, and the other from a left- handed crystal, be attached together, and put between the polarising and analysing plates, the left-handed slice nearest to the polarizing plate, the appearance presented is that of fio-. 263. Four spirals (pro- Fig. 262. Fig. 263. ceeding from a black cross in the centre, which is inclined to the plane of reflection) cut a series of circles at every quadrant. The points of intersection are in the plane of reflection, and perpendicular to it. This is the simplest way of describing the form ; but if we followed the colours which graduate most gently, we should say that the form of each is alternately a spiral and circular arc, quadrant after quadrant. “ At a distance from the centre, the black brushes are seen. If the combination be turned, so that the right- handed slice is nearest to the polarizing plate, the spirals are turned in the opposite direction. This is one of the most beautiful phenomena of optics. The slices from whose ap¬ pearance the figure was drawn, are each 0T6 inch thick.” When the temperature of the two plates of quartz is greatly increased, the system of rings suffers certain changes which have not yet been carefully examined. The rotatory force of quartz wras found by M. Dubrun- faut to be increased 1° 50' by an additional temperature of 70° centigrade. With a spirit-lamp he succeeded in rais¬ ing it ]2°. The preceding phenomena are described as they appear when examined with an analysing plate of unsilvered glass. The following are the theoretical views which Mr Airy considers as consonant with these experiments. They had been originally suggested to him by the desire of finding some connecting link between the peculiar double refrac¬ tion in quartz, and the common double refraction :— “ 1. I suppose the ordinary rays to consist of light ellip- 680 Circular Polariza* tion. Professor Maccul- lagh. M. Jamin. OPTICS. tically polarized, the greater axis of the ellipse being per¬ pendicular to the principal plane ; and the extraordinary rays to consist of light elliptically polarized, the greater axis of the ellipse being in the principal plane. “ 2. I suppose that when the ordinary ray is right-ellip- tically polarized, the extraordinary ray is left-elliptically polarized, and vice versd. “ 3. I suppose that the proportions of the axes of the two ellipses are the same, each proportion being one of equality when the direction of the ray coincides with the axis, and becoming more unequal, according to some un¬ known law, as the direction is more inclined to the axis ; the minor axes of the ellipses having sensible magnitudes when the rays are inclined 10 to the axis. “ 4. I suppose that the course of the rays after refraction can be determined by the construction given by Huygens for calc spar, with this difference only, that the prolate spheroid for determining the course of the extraordinary ray must not be supposed to touch the sphere for determining the course of the ordinary ray, but must be entirely con¬ tained within it.” In a supplement to his investigations, Mr Airy remarks, that he has not yet ascertained the law which connects the ellipticity of the rays with the angle that they make with the axis. He considers, however, the following points as made out:— “ One of the rays is certainly right-handed elliptical, and the other certainly left-handed elliptical. The major axis of one is certainly perpendicular to the principal plane of the crystal, and the major axis of the other is certainly in that plane. Mr Airy remarks, that in some trials for mea¬ suring the ellipticities of the rays, he seems to have arrived at the conclusion, that the proportion of the axes of the oi-- dinary ray is more nearly one of equality than the propor¬ tion of the axes of the extraordinary ray.” This subject has subsequently been investigated by Pro¬ fessor Maccullagh, whose object was to pave the way for a mechanical theory, by showing that all the phenomena may be grouped together by means of a simple geometrical hy¬ pothesis. Setting out from this hypothesis, he arrives im¬ mediately at all the known laws, and obtains at the same time a law that was previously unknown, and which is tech¬ nically called the law of ellipticity. By this law Professor Maccullagh has been able to compute the ellipticities ob¬ served by Mr Airy in rays inclined to the axis of quartz, from the angles of rotation observed by M. Biot in rays parallel to that axis.1 In order to explain the phenomena of quartz, it was necessary to determine the ratio of the axes in each of the ellipses of the two refracted rays at different inclinations to the axes, and also the difference of the velocities of the two rays. This has been done by M. Jamin in an interesting memoir.2 The following are the ratios of the axes :— Inclination to the Axis. 1° 2 5 17'....-. 9 15 .... Ratio of the Axes. ...1-000 ...0-939 .. 0-641 ...0-309 Inclination to Ratio of the Axis. the Axes. 15°28' 0-125 19 42 0-087 24 30 0-052 The following results express in a fraction of the length of an undulation the difference of velocity of the two ellip¬ tical rays in a plate of quartz cut perpendicular to the axis, and the 25th of an inch thick. Inclination to the Axis. 0° 5 26' 11 0 15 33 Difference of Velocity. 0-120 0135 0-273 0-490 Inclination to Difference of the Axis. Velocity. 20°27' 0-219 25 17 1-231 30 26 1-774 35 3 2-287 Having obtained these measures, M. Jamin requested M. Circular Cauchy to apply to them his general theory of double re- Polariza. fraction. Without knowing the experimental results, this t'on. distinguished mathematician, whose recent loss science is now deploring, solved the problem; and M. Jamin, by a few hours’ calculation, ascertained that the theory repro¬ duced the facts with such marvellous exactness, that it was not necessary either to modify the formulae, or to endea¬ vour by new experiments to make them coincide with the theory. Circular polarization has been discovered by Sir David Brewster in plates of glass possessing the doubly-refracting structure. M. Dove of Berlin has found it also in com¬ pressed glass.3 Sect. II.—On the Circular Polarization of Fluids. Although this remarkable property was discovered in Circular some fluids by M. Seebeck by independent observation, yet polariza. M. Biot had anticipated him in it, and has made this sub- ll0.n in ject so completely his own, by a series of the most elaborate 111 s' and beautiful researches, that if he had done nothing else for science, they would have ensured him a high reputation. We regret extremely that our limits will not permit us to give anything like a full and satisfactory account of his discoveries, particularly those contained in his valuable paper of 1832. We must therefore refer the reader to his original memoirs, and give in as abridged a form as possible his leading results. M. Biot discovered that some fluids turn the planes of a polarized ray from right to left, and others from left to right. He found also that the tints rose in the scale, as in quartz, by an increase in the thickness of the fluid. The following table contains some of his results :— I. Fluids that turn the Plane of Polarization from Left to Right. Arcs of rotation with the red rays, with Fluids. Colours. a thickness of 200 millimetres. Oil of fennel seeds Palish-green 26°-32 „ caraway seeds Colourless ...131-58 „ lavender Greenish 4 -04 „ rosemary 6 -58 „ marjoram Orange-yellow 23 -68 „ sassafras Yellow 7 "06 „ savine Yellow 14 "12 „ bitter oranges Greenish-yellow 157 "89 „ bergamot ....Colourless 38 "16 „ lemons Colourless 110 -53 Neroli, common Yellow ^ths of oil of oranges. „ fine Orange-yellow do. „ superfine ...Reddish 5\ths of com. neroli. II. Fluids that turn the Plane of Polarization from Right to Left. Essential oil of turpentine..Greenish 59°-21 Naphtha Greenish 15 -21 Oil of anise seeds Greenish 1 -51 „ mint Limpid 32 -28 „ rhue Yellowish conjectured. Oil of mustard and oil of bitter almonds exercise no ac¬ tion upon polarized light. M. Biot found that in a solution of natural camphor in Camphor alcohol, in which there was 0‘37117 of camphor in weight to 1 of the solution, and its density 0-87221, the rotation for red light, and a thickness of 152 millimetres was 17°'56 from left to right. A solution of artificial camphor in alcohol, on the other hand, with 0-0917 of camphor to 1 of the solution, and having its density 0"8455, and in a thickness of 1357 millimetres, produced only a rotation of Report of the British Association for 1836, p. 18. 2 Comptes Rendus, tom. xxx., p. 99; and Moigno, Repertoire, &c., tom. iv., pp. 1502-1510. 3 This memoir has been translated and published in Taylor’s Scientific Memoirs, vol. i., part i., p. 75, OPTICS. 1-1052 1-2311 1-3114 1-0537 1-2460 of 152 millimetres 23° 28' 45' 52 7 30 70 11 15 10 21 40 48 30 0 i-34 1-1329 16 47 30 rotation. 83° 94 70-18 59-99 43-32 59-10 Circular 24°, but in the opposite direction, from right to left. In Polariza- gum from Senegal, of which 47"4 parts was dissolved in tion. gg.j 0p distilled water, there was a rotation from right to left of 12° 13' 20", with a thickness of 152 millimetres. The following table contains the results which our author obtained from different kinds of sugar:— From Left to Right. Proportion of sugar -p. Arcof rotation of red Molecular in 1 of the solution. Density, light in a, thickness power of OI mi llimof/roa. a Sugar of canes, syrup 1 n of J ,“0 Ditto ditto 0-50 Ditto ditto 0-65 Sugar of milk 0-14 „ starch...* 0-65 Crystallizable prin- 1 ^ , ciple of honey J c Sugar of grapes From Right to Left. The rotation being observed for the yellow rays, and the thickness of solution 152 millimetres as before. Sugar of grapes in syrup 10° 0' 0" Uncrystallizahl eprinciple of honey, alcoholic solution 3 38 20 The same dry 11 15 q M. Soubeiran found that honey contains three different kinds of sugar,—one like common sugar; another, which is liquid, and which turns the planes of polarization to the left; and a third kind, which gives a rotation to the right. M. Biot made experiments with various vegetable juices, all of which give a slight rotation from right to left. Thickness of fluid. Rotation Juice of grapes, white 160 millimetres 6° Do., red and white mixed ....160 „ 6-25 Chasselas 160 „ 5-50 Muscat 160 5-33 Verjuice 160 „ 1-81 Chasselas of Fontainbleau ....160 „ 8-00 Common black grape 160 „ 10-00 Apples for cider )f 3.33 lied gooseberries, very ripe... 80 „ 1-81 Berries of the service tree....160 „ 2-5 M. Biot also found that claret, white champagne, alcohol, sulphuric ether, citric acid dissolved in the proportion of 30 to 37 of water, sulphuric acid pure and colourless, and olive oil, produced no effect upon polarized light. He found, however, that tartaric acid dissolved in the proportion of 53 of acid to 52 of water produced a rotation of 8° from right to left. Dextrine. One 0f t]ie most curious discoveries contained in M. Biots memoir is that of the powerful rotatory property of dextrine, an uncrystallizable syrup which is found in the farina of rice, wheat, and even of ligneous tissue.1 It differs from gum in producing an opposite rotation, and from sugar in its superior power of rotation, which is almost triple of that which is exerted by sugar of canes. It surpasses all animal and vegetable substances at present known, at equal densities and thicknesses, in turning round the plane of a polarized ray,—rock-crystal only being superior to it. The name of dextrine has been given to it in order to mark the direction as well as the powerful energy of its force of ro¬ tation. M. Biot and M. Persoz more recently found a sugar of starch whose power of rotation is almost equal to that of crystallized sugar of canes. They also discovered, that when sugar of canes is dissolved in water mixed with dilute sulphuric acid, and heated below the boiling point, it loses its power of turning the planes of polarization from 681 left to right, like sugar of grapes not solidified. Sugar of Circular staich submitted to the same process did not experience Polariza- tlus mversion. M. Biot likewise found that the coloration tion- of liquids did not exercise any influence on their rotatory ' property. J In a series of experiments on the six vegetable alkalis, morphine, narcotine, strychnine, brucine, quinine, and cin¬ chonine, dissolved in alcohol or ether, M. Bouchardat found that all of them except cinchonine had — or left-handed cir¬ cular polarization. I he + rotatory force of cinchonine was very great. By the intervention of an acid the rotatory force was modified in all of them except morphine. The in¬ fluence of acids upon narcotine was enormous. Its rotatory force in alcohol and sulphuric ether is - 1510-4, in al¬ cohol 100°, and in chlorohydric acid it is + 83°. The ro¬ tatory force in brucine is diminished by acids and increased by ammonia. When camphoric acid was dissolved in alcohol, and ex¬ amined in a tube of 299 millimetres, its rotation was + 12° to the right. When the rotation was +38°-875, it was greatly diminished by saturation with an alkali, and re¬ stored by the addition of an excess of strong acid. Previous to these experiments tartaric acid was the only acid known to have a rotatory power; but its great power of dispersing the colours of the spectrum prevents it from being employed in the researches of mechanical chemistry, and consequently M. Bouchardat’s discovery of the rotatory force of camphoric acid is of great importance.2 The influence of heat on the rotatory force of fluids was Influence first observed by M. Mitscherlich in solutions of common heat- sugar. M. Dubrunfaut found that the same effect was pro¬ duced in solutions of dextrine, glucose, and the sugar of fruits, and that a sufficient quantity could change the direc¬ tion of polarization from left to right. The rotatory force of cane sugar is diminished 0-0232 by 100° of temperature from 0° to 100°. Glucose, in solution, has its force dimi¬ nished 0-0462 by the same increase of heat. Dextrine also loses T^ths of its rotatory force by a rise of temperature. A very ingenious method of magnifying weak rotatory forces, such as those of vegetable juices, has been pro¬ posed by M. Botzenbart. It is founded on the law of the rotation of the plane of polarization by refraction, estab¬ lished by direct experiment by Sir David Brewster.3 hen a polarized ray, which has experienced from the ac¬ tion of a fluid a small rotation, is made to pass through one or more plates of glass, its initial or primitive rotation will be greatly magnified. If

0tionZa" vvhicI‘ is simiIar t0 the effect produced by crossing the ^ v ^ uniaxal system of rings with a thin film polarizing the pale blue of the first order. If we substitute for the Iceland spar films of sulphate of lime, we shall find that their tints are increased or diminished ac¬ cording as the metallic action coincides with or opposes that of the crystal. This experi¬ ment led our author into the erroneous opinion that metals Fig. 264. acted like crystallized plates ; but when he found that a second reflection at 75° destroyed the effect of the first re¬ flection, he saw that this opinion was untenable, and was led to consider the phenomena as having some resemblance to those of circular polarization. \V e have already seen that a circularly-polarized ray RP (fig. 257) emerges after two total reflections in the direction ST, polarized 45° to the plane of the two reflec¬ tions in every azimuth. Now, if we reflect a ray of lieht R (fig. 265), polarized + 45° at Q, from one plate of silver CD, the rays QS will have acquired a pro¬ perty analogous to that of circular polarization; for if it is reflected a second time at S, the reflected ray ST will emerge polarized 39° 48' to the plane of reflection. Now the difference between this result and that from total reflection is, that one reflection from silver impresses the same character upon light, whereas in total reflection two reflections are necessary. Another point of difference is, that when the ray is restored by the same number of reflections, it is not wholly restored to a plane — 45°, but only to a plane — 39° 48. But there is another difference of a very inter¬ esting kind. In circular polarization the ray has the same properties on all its sides, and the angles of reflection at which it is restored to polarized light in different azimuths are all equal to the radii of a circle described round the rays. “Hence,” says our author, “ without any theoretical reference, the term circular polarization is, from this and other facts, experimentally appropriate.1 In like manner, without referring to the theoretical existence of elliptical vibrations produced by the interference of two rectilineal vibrations of unequal amplitudes, wre may give to the new phenomenon the name of elliptic polarization, because the angles of reflection at which this kind of light is restored to polarized light may be represented by the variable radius of an ellipse.” Now it is a curious fact, that while silver restores the ray to angles of 39° 48', other metals restore it to angles deviating more and more from 45°, as is shown in the following table :— Fig. 265. Inclination of Restored . Ray. Total reflection from glass 45° (T Pure silver 39 43 Common silver 35 0 Fine gold "35 0 Jewellers’gold 33 0 Grain-tin 33 q Brass 0 Tin-plate 31 0 Copper 29 0 Mercury 26 0 Platina ...22 0 Inclination of Restored Ray. Bismuth 21° O' Speculum metal 21 0 Zinc 19 10 Steel 17 0 Iron pyrites 14 0 Antimony 16 15 Arsenical cobalt 13 0 Cobalt 12 30 Lead 11 0 Galaena 2 0 Specular iron 0 0 Hence it appears that the elliptic polarization passes into ElliptiCli circular nearly in the case of silver, and into plane polariza- Polariza¬ tion in the case of galcena ; the ellipsis becoming nearly a tion. circle in the former case, and a straight line in the latter. As light polarized + 45° suffers different degrees of elliptical polarization by one reflection from metals, and is restored again to polarized light, though in different planes, by a second reflection, so it exhibits the same phenomena at 3, 5, 7,9, &e\, in reflections, and is restored to polarized light by 4, 6, 8, 10 reflections at the same angle. The follow¬ ing table shows the inclination of the plane of polarization of the restored ray to the plane of reflection, in various numbers of reflections from silver and steel. Number of Reflections. 2 4 6 8 10 12 18 36 Inclination of the Plane of the Polarized Ray. Steel. Silver. ....-17° O' — 38° 15' »...+ 5 22 + 31 52 ....- 1 38 -26 6 ....+ 0 30 + 21 7 ....- 0 9 -16 56 ....+ 0 3 + 13 30 ....- 0 0 - 6 42 .... 0 0 0 47 These results show in the clearest manner the reason why common light is polarized by eight reflections from steel, and not till after 36 reflections from silver; the planes of inclination of the two rectangularly-polarized rays re¬ quiring in each case that number of reflections to bring them into a state of parallelism. The angle at which elliptical polarization is produced by one reflection may be regarded, in the present state of our knowledge of the subject, as the angle of maximum polarization, and its tangent as the index of refraction of the metal, as given in the following table:— Name of Metal. kSI Grain-tin 78° 30' 4,915 Mercury 78 27 4-893 Galama 78 10 4-773 Iron pyrites 77 30 4-5H Gray cobalt 76 56 4-309 Speculum metal 76 0 4-011 Antimony melted 75 25 3-844 Steel 75 0 3-732 Bismuth 74 50 3-689 Pure silver 73 0 3-271 Zinc 72 30 3-172 Tin-plate, hammered 70 50 2-879 Jewellers’ gold 70 45 2-864 We may produce elliptical polarization by a sufficient number of reflections at any given angle, in the same man¬ ner as in plane polarization. The following table contains the results of observations made with steel:— Number of Reflections at Number of Reflections Observed Angle which Elliptical Polariza- at which the Pencil is Re- of tion is produced. stored to a Single Plane. Incidence. 3, 9, 15, &c 6, 12, 18, &c 86° 0' 2£, 7|, 124, &c 5, 10, 15, &c 84 0 2, 6, 10, &c 4, 8, 12, &c 82 20 14,H, 74, &c 3, 6, 9, &c. 79 0 1, 3, 5, &c 2, 4, 6, &c 75 0 14, 44, 74, &c 3, 6, 9, &c 67 40 2, 6, 10, &c 4, 8, 12, &c 60 20 24, 74, 124, &c 5, 10, 15, &c 56 25 3, 9, 15, &c 6, 12, 18, &c 52 20 At an incidence of 67° 40' elliptical polarization is pro¬ duced by 1^, 4jL, 74 reflections. Hence we draw the in¬ teresting conclusion, that the ray must have completed its elliptical polarization in the middle of the second fifth reflections; that is, when it had reached its greatest depth within the metallic surface. It then begins to resume its state of polarization in a single plane, and recovers it at the end of the 3d, 5th, and 7th reflection. Another very in¬ teresting effect is produced when one reflection is made on one side of the polarizing angle, and the other reflection on the other side. A ray that has been partially elliptically 1 See Sir John Ilerschel’s Treatise on Light,, f 1050. OPT I Elliptical polarized by one reflection at 85° does not, as in plane po- Polariza- larization, acquire more by a reflection at 54°, but it retraces tion- its course, and recovers its state of single polarization. We have seen that by two reflections there is only one an¬ gle—viz., 73° for silver—at which the elliptically-polarized ray can be restored to plane polarization. At three reflections there are two angles—viz., 63° 43', and 79° 40'—at which the restoration can take place ; at/owr reflections, three angles ; and so on. This phenomenon is exhibited to the eye in fig. 266, where the concentric arches I-I, 1I-II, &c., repre¬ sent the quadrant of incidence from one, two, &c., reflections, B being the point of 90° and C that of 0°. The print D on the line A is the point or line of maximum elliptic po¬ larization,—viz., 73° for silver ; and the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, indicate the points or nodes of restoration, and their dis¬ tances from C the corresponding angles of incidence at which the restoration takes place. The loops or double curves lying between the points 1, 2,3, &c., are drawn to give an idea of the intensity of the elliptic polarization, which has its minimum at 1, 2, 3, &c., and its maximum at the white intermediate parts. These points of maximum intensity do not bisect the loops, or are not equidistant from the minima ; but such is their relation that the maximum for n reflections is the minimum for 2n reflections. These phenomena lead us to the explanation and analysis of the complementary colours which accompany elliptical and cir¬ cular polarization. Sect. II.—On the Coi.ours of Elliptical and Circular Polarization. U mtica!^ When the preceding experiments are made with homo- iml circu- geneous light, we find that the points and angles of resto- ar polari- ration vary for the differently coloured rays. Thus in silver :ation. we have the maximum polarizing angle as follows :— Corresponding Index of Refraction. For red light 75£ 3-866 For yellow light 73 3-271 For blue light 70J 2’824 Hence it is obvious, that at the point of restoration, where the blue rays are restored and vanish, the red rays are not restored, and consequently will appear when the principal section of the analyzing rhomb is in the plane of reflection. Here, then, we have the cause of the phenomena of the complementary colours seen in reflection from metals. 1 hey are analogous to the colours in oil of cassia and chromate of lead at the maximum polarizing angle.1 I c S. 685 But the remarkable result of the preceding measures is, Elliptical that in metallic as well as in total reflection the index of Polariza- refraction is less for blue than for red light ; or, in the tlon• language of the undulatory theory, the refractive in- dex increases with the length of the wave. In a commu¬ nication to the Royal Irish Academy,2 on the propaga¬ tion of light in uncrystallized media, Dr Lloyd has ob¬ tained an expression for the velocity of the propagation of light, each of its terms consisting of two parts with oppo¬ site signs, one of which is due to the action of ether and the other to that of the body. Conceiving, therefore, that there may be bodies in which the principal term is nothing, the principal part of the expression will be that derived from the second term ; and if that term be taken as an approximate value, it will follow that the refractive index of the substance must be in the subduplicate ratio of the length of the wave nearly. “ Now,” says Dr Lloyd, “ it is remarkable that this law of dispersion, so unlike any¬ thing observed in transparent media, agrees pretty nearly with the results obtained by Sir David Brewster in some of the metals. In all these bodies, the refractive index (in¬ ferred from the angle of maximum polarization) increases with the length of the wave. Its values for the red, mean, and blue ray in silver are 3*866, 3*271, 2*824, the ratios of the second and third to the first being *85 and *73. Ac¬ cording to the law above given, these ratios should be *88 and *79.” Professor Maccullagh has3 endeavoured to represent the phenomena described in the preceding pages by empirical formulae, in the same manner as Fresnel re¬ presented those of total reflection. The following is a brief abstract of Professor Maccullagh’s researches, which we shall give in his own words :— “ The author observes that the theory of the action of metals upon light is among the desiderata of physical op¬ tics, whatever information we possess upon this subject being derived from the experiments of Sir David Brew¬ ster. But, in the absence of a real theory, it is import¬ ant that we should be able to represent the phenomena by means of empirical formulae; and accordingly the author has endeavoured to obtain such formulae by a me¬ thod analogous to that which Fresnel employed in the case of total reflection at the surface of a rarer medium, and which, as is well known, depends on a peculiar interpre¬ tation of the sign f — For the case of metallic re¬ flection the author assumes that the velocity of propa¬ gation in the metal, or the reciprocal of the refractive index, is of the form m (cos x + V' - 1 sin x) ; without attaching to this form any physical signification, but using it rather as a means of introducing two con¬ stants (for there must be two constants, m and x> ft>r each metal) into Fresnel’s formulae for ordinary reflection, which contain only one constant,—namely, the refractive index. “ Then if i be the angle of incidence on the metal, and i the angle of refraction, we have sin i = m (cos x + */ “ 1 sin x) sin and therefore we may put cos i=ni (cos x — V — 1 8111 X) cos if wt'4 cos4 e = 1 — 2m2 cos 2x sin2 i + m4 sin4 i, r m oiii am i and tan 2x = 5 —r-»-v A 1 — wr cos 2x sin2 i (1) (2) (3) (4) “ Now, first, if the incident light be polarized in the plane 1 For a full analysis of these phenomena, see Phil. Trant. for 1830, p. 319. 3 Proctcding* of Royal Irith Academy, Oct. 24, 1836. a Jan. 9, 1837. 686 OPTICS. Elliptical 0f reflection, and if the preceding values of sin cos i be °tk)i)Za" su^slil;uleci *n Fresnel’s expression sin {i — i) sin (i + i') ’ for the amplitude of the reflected vibration, the result may be reduced to the form a (cos 8 — V — 1 sin 8), . . . . (5) if vve put taniA=-^r, (6) m tan S = tan 2i//’sin (x + x') .... (7) a2_ 1 ~~sin 2x1/ cos (x + xO _ ^ (8) 1+sin cos + * w Then, according to the interpretation before alluded to, of V — 1, the angle 8 will denote the change of phase, or the retardation of the reflected light; and a will be the ampli¬ tude of the reflected vibration, that of the incident vibra¬ tion being unity. The values of m\ for any angle of incidence, are found by formulae (3), (4)—the quantities m, X, being given for each metal. The angle x is very small, and may in general be neglected. “ Secondly, when the incident light is polarized perpen¬ dicularly to the plane of reflection, the expression tan (i — i) tan (i + i) treated in the same manner, will become d (cos 8' — a/ — 1 sin 8') if we make tan ij/ = mm, (9) (10) 01) (12) tan S' = tan 2i// sin (x — x')> • • a/2 = 1 - sin 2^'cos (x-x') . 1 + sin 2i//cos (x — x) ’ and here, as before, S' will be the retardation of the reflect¬ ing light, and d the amplitude of its vibration. “ The number may be called the modulus, and the angle x the characteristic of the metal. The modulus is something less than the tangent of the angle which Sir David Brewster has called the maximum polarizing angle. After two reflections at this angle, a ray originally polarized in a plane inclined 45° to that of reflection will again be plane-polarized in a plane inclined at a certain angle <£ (which is 17° for steel) to the plane of reflection; and we must have tan . (13) slowly up to a large angle of incidence (less than 75°), and Elliptic then increases up to 90°, where there is total reflection. Poland This singular fact, that the intensity decreases with the tion. obliquity of incidence, was discovered by Mr Potter,1 whose experiments extend as far as an incidence of 70°. Whether the subsequent increase which appears from the table in¬ dicates a real phenomenon, or arises from an error in the empirical formulae, cannot be determined without more ex¬ periments. It should be observed, however, that in these very oblique incidences Fresnel’s formulae for transparent media do not represent the actual phenomena for such media, a great quantity of the light being stopped, when the formulae give a reflection very nearly total. £’ The value of 8' — 8, or the difference of phase, increases from 0° to 180°. When a plane-polarized ray is twice reflected from a metal, it will still be plane-polarized if the sum of the values of S' — S for the two angles of incidence be equal to 180°. “ It appears from the formulas, that when the charac¬ teristic x is very small, the value of 8' will continue very small up to the neighbourhood of the polarizing angle. It will pass through 90° when mm’ = I; after which the change will be very rapid, and the value of 8' will soon rise to nearly 180°. This is exactly the phenomenon which Mr Airy observed in the diamond. “ Another set of phenomena to which the author has applied his formulae are those of the coloured rings formed between a glass lens and a metallic reflector; and he has thus been enabled to account for the singular appearances described by M. Arago in the Memoires d’Arcueil, tom. 3, particularly the succession of changes which are observed when common light is incident, the intrusion of a new ring, &c. But there is one curious appearance which he does not find described by any former author. It is this : Through the last twenty or thirty degrees of incidence the first dark ring, surrounding the central spot, which is comparatively bright, remains constantly of the same magnitude, although the other rings, like Newton’s rings formed between two glass lenses, dilate greatly with the obliquity of incidence. This appearance was observed at the same time by Dr Lloyd. The explanation is easy. It depends simply on this circumstance (which is evident from the table), that the angle 180° —S', at these oblique incidences, is nearly proportional to cos i. “ As to the index of refraction in metals, the author con- M lectures that it is equal to .” ^ cos x Also, at the maximum polarizing angle we must have S'-8 = 90° (14) And these two conditions will enable us to1 determine the constants M and x for any metal, when we know its maxi¬ mum polarizing angle, and the value of ; both of which have been found for a great number of metals by Sir David Brewster. The following table is computed for steel, taking m = 3^, x = 54°:— 0° 30 45 60 75 85 90 27° 23 19 13 7 2 0 27° 31 38 54 98 152 180 •526 •575 •638 •729 •850 •947 •526 •475 •407 •308 •240 •491 K*2 + «'2) •526 •525 •522 •518 •545 •719 The most remarkable thing in this table is the last co¬ lumn, which gives the intensity of the light reflected when common light is incident. The intensity decreases very Sect. III.—On the Colours of Metals. In the year 1817 M. Benedict Prevost made a series ofcoloursof interesting experiments on the colours produced in metals metais. by successive reflections of white light between two parallel plates. He found that the colours became brighter and deeper with the number of reflections. After ten reflections silver assumed a tint analogous to that of bronze, gold and copper became of a fine purple colour, and, in general, all the metals experienced analogous changes.2 In the experiments of Sir David Brewster, already de¬ scribed, the same phenomena were seen in the different metals which he employed; but no attempt was made to employ their results in explaining the colours of metals. It was left to M. Jamin to do this both by theory and ex¬ periment, and the methods by which he made this fine discovery are given in his paper published in the Memoires des Savans Etrangers for 1847. In his beautiful theory on elliptical polarization, founded Theory of on the experiments already detailed, M. Cauchy repre- Caurhy- sented the phenomena by very complicated formulae, of 1 See Edin. Jour, of Science, N.S., Oct. 1830, vol. iii., p. 278. 2 Ann. de Chimie, &c^ tom. iv., pp. 192-201, and 436-443. OPTICS. 687 SlHptical which the following are the principal results, as enumerated Polariza- by M. Jamin :— tion. very oblique incidences, all well-polished metals are absolutely white. 2. When illuminated by polarized light in the plane of incidence, they have a very pale tint of their own colour, marked by a large proportion of white light. 3. When illuminated by light polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence, their tint is brighter, and less mixed with white. 4. At a perpendicular incidence, the proper colour of the metal, without being changed in its nature, does not vary with the azimuth of the incident ray. The formulae of Cauchy are founded on two data ob¬ tained from Sir David Brewster’s experiments:—1. The angles of incidence at which a completely polarized ray is restored to its polarized state after two reflections between two parallel metallic mirrors. 2. The azimuth of this po¬ larized light when that of the incident ray is 45°. In silver, for example, Sir David Brewster found that when the angle of incidence was 73°, and the azimuth of the po¬ larized pencil 45°, the angle of restoration was 39° 48', having experienced a rotation of 4o° —39° dS^d0 12'. Other metals give different degrees of rotation. Platina, for example, is 45° —22° = 230. As the two data above mentioned vary with the refran- gibility of the rays, the reflected light must generally be coloured. M. Jamin has therefore calculated the intensity of each reflected colour, and determined the colour arising from their combination by the method of Biot.1 The results are given in the following tables:— 5. That all those of the second class, though most fre¬ quently white, may have any colour in the spectrum. 6. In several metals the observed and the calculated tints are the same.2 In concluding our account of the phenomena of Physical Optics, we could have wished to have given a popular ac¬ count of the undulatory theory of light, and of the explana¬ tion which it affords of a great variety of the most interest¬ ing phenomena in Optics. This, however, has been done to such an extent by Dr Thomas Young, in the article Chromatics in this work, and in the article Polarization by M. Arago, that we would not be justified in entering again upon the subject. (See Professor Forbes’s Prelimi¬ nary Dissertation, chap, v.) Explana¬ tion of Natural Phenomena Undula¬ tory theory. Part VIII.—ON THE APPLICATION OF OPTICS TO THE EXPLANATION OF NATURAL PHENOMENA. As several of the subjects which belong to this branch of Optics have been treated pretty fully in other parts of this work, we must confine our attention to topics which have not been previously discussed. Sect. I.—On the Rainbow. A general description of the rainbow has already been Rainbow, given among the optical phenomena in Meteorology. In order to explain the progress of the rays of light which form the two bows, let R, R, R, R (fig. 267), be parallel rays proceeding from the sun, situated at the back of the One Reflection. D Q Copper 69° 56' Orange, very red....O'llS Brass 103 13 Yellow 0-112 Bell metal 83 10 Orange-yellow 0-065 Speculum metal 67 25 Orange, very red ...0’027 Zinc 180 67 Blue 0 021 Silver 89 0 Orange-yellow 0 013 Steel White O’OOO Ten Reflections. D Q Copper 42° 29' Red, average... 0-812 Brass 62 50 Orange, very red...0-349 Bell metal 40 40 Red 0-767 Speculum metal 53 59 Red orange 0-291 Zinc 267 58 Blue indigo 0-188 Silver 84 32 Orange-yellow 0-124 Steel White 0-000 % In these tables, D represents the angular distance in Newton’s circular spectrum from the extremity of the red space of the calculated tint, and Q the quantity of coloured light in the reflected pencil,- which is 1 ; the quantity of white light being 1 — Q. In these researches M. Jamin was led to the following laws, some of which, as will be seen from the preceding ar¬ ticle, were long before discovered by Sir David Brewster:— 1. rl hat the angles of restoration diminish from the red to the violet. 2. That the azimuth of restoration in some metals in¬ crease from the red to the violet, while in others they diminish. 3. In speculum metal the azimuths diminish from the red to the green rays, and increase from the green to the violet. 4. 1 hat all the metals of the first class have necessarily the less refrangible colour, always becoming red after nu¬ merous reflections. fall perpendicularly, and nearly so, will be transmitted through the drop, and of course never reach the observer at O. Other rays, however, especially those which fall ob- liquelyi vvill be separated into the prismatic colours at the first refraction, and will subsequently be reflected once, twice, and more times, within the drop, and emerge after one, two, or more reflections in different directions. Nowr, it is obvious that there will be some position of the drops, such as E, F, at which rays that have suffered one reflec¬ tion will reach the eye of the observer at O. Drops above these will throw the rays which they refract after one re¬ flection above O, and drops below these will throw the same rays below O. In like manner, there must be some posi¬ tion, as at H and G, at which other drops in which the light that has suffered two reflections will fall upon the eye at O ; the drops above these throwing the rays above, and the drops below them throwing the rays below O. Now, each drop forms by refraction a prismatic spectrum, or coloured 1 Traite de Physique, tom. iii., p. 445. 2 See Comptea Rendus, tom. xxv., p. 714; Moigno’s Repertoire d’Optique, tom. iv., pp. 1397-1437 ; Phil. Trans, 1830, p. 319. 688 OPTICS. Explana* and elongated image of the sun. The rays RE, RF, which tion of reach the eye at O, must fall upon the lower drops E, F on Natural thejr upper side, as shown in the figure, and consequently cnomena ^ may ije f'ouncl by tracing the rays through the drops) the ' spectrum which they form will have the red rays upper¬ most, asatr, near F, and the violet rays downwards, as atv, near E ; and as the same effect will be produced from all the other drops which reflect the sun’s rays to the point O, there will appear to an eye at O a coloured bow, such as we see it in the heavens, with all the colours of the spectrum, as if they had been formed from the sun’s image by a prism of water that produced the same degree of refraction. In like manner, the rays that enter the lower side of the drops will form an inverted spectrum, after two reflections, in which the red rays are below, and the violet ones above; and as this spectrum is much fainter, it will give a second coloured bow, fainter than the first, and having its red side below, and its violet side above. The following are the dimensions of the two bows :— Radius of the red edge of the inner how 42° 2' Radius of the tiioZet edge 40 17 Breadth of the inner how 1 45 Radius of the violet edge of the outer bow 54 7 Radius of the red 50 57 Breadth of the outer bow 3 10 Distance between the hows 8 55 Dr Halley has shown that the solar rays which suffer three reflections will form a bow round the sun at the dis¬ tance of 40° 28', and that those which suffer four reflec¬ tions will form a bow at the distance of 45° 33' from the sun ; but the light which reaches the eye after so many reflections is too faint to be seen, and these bows have consequently never been discovered. Supernumerary bows of red and green light, to the num¬ ber oi three, have been seen in contact with the violet arch of the inner bow, and we have seen them also on the out¬ side of the outer or secondary bow. The cause of these is not known, but a very ingenious explanation of them has been given in Chromatics, vol. xi., p. 634, sect. iii. Polariza- Sir David Brewster, upon examining the two rainbows tion of the wjth a rhomb of Iceland spar, found that they consisted rainbow. vv]10]iy 0f light polarized in the plane of reflection within the drop, or in planes coincident with the radii of the bow. The two bows present a case of conical polarization, the part of the bow vanishing as the principal section of the rhomb becomes parallel to its radius. It is strange that the polarization of the bow, and consequently of light, had not been discovered when it happened to be seen by reflection on panes of glass, or other reflecting substances, lying with their planes of reflection perpendicular to the planes of re¬ fraction within the drop, and near the angle of maximum po¬ larization. The polarization of the rainbow was observed also by M. Biot. Sect. II.—On Halos and Parhelia. Halos and The name of halos and parhelia have been given to circles parhelia. r0und the sun and moon, some of which are extremely com¬ plicated and beautiful. The general theory of this class of phenomena has been given by Dr Young in the article Chromatics, sect. ii.; and a description of the phenomena themselves, in the article Meteorology, by Sir John Herschel, vol. xiv., pars. 227-232. Artificial The production of halos, which have their origin in the re¬ halos. fraction and reflection of light by crystals of ice floating in the atmosphere, may be illustrated by the following method given by Sir David Brewster. A few drops of a saturated solu¬ tion of alum, spread over a plate of glass so as to crystallize rapidly, will cover the glass with an imperfect crust, which is composed, when examined by the microscope, of flat oc- Explana. tahedral crystals, scarcely visible to the eye. If the ob- tion of server places his eye behind this plate, and close to its Natural smooth side, he will see the sun or the candle encircled with Phenoinena three fine halos placed at diflerent distances. The interior one, which is the whitest, is formed by the refraction of the rays through two of the faces that have the least inclination to each other, and consequently give a spectrum in which the colours are not greatly dispersed ; and as a similar pair of refracting planes lie in every direction, there will be a spectrum in every direction, and consequently a rainbow of a circular form. The second halo, which is blue without and red within, with all the intermediate prismatic colours more highly dispersed, is formed by a pair of faces more in¬ clined. The third halo, which is larger and more brilliantly coloured, is produced by a third pair of refracting planes having a greater refracting power, and consequently giving a higher dispersion. When the granular crystals have double refraction, and when they crystallize with their axes perpendicular to the plates, combinations of greater variety and beauty will be produced. The phenomena presented by halos have been recently Op'iwii studied with much attention as a branch of what has been nuteoro- called optical meteorology. It has now been placed beyond a H'D doubtthat ice belongs to the rhombohedral system of crystals, and crystallizes in six-sided prisms with angles of 60° ; and as such crystals actually float in the atmosphere, the form and the luminous condition of halos can be calculated and as¬ certained with as much exactness as other optical phe¬ nomena. In an able and elaborate work on halos, published about ten years ago, M. Bravais1 has treated the subject in the most satisfactory manner. Two remarkable halos have at¬ tracted the notice of observers,—viz., the halo of 22° and the halo of 46°. The first of these is produced by the re¬ fraction of the incident rays by the angles of 60° of the prisms of ice, and the second by the refraction of the twelve dihedral angles of 90°, formed by the six faces of the prisms with their two bases or summits. In order to compare this theory with observation, M. Bravais obtained the following indices of refraction for the different colours of the spec¬ trum :— Index of Refraction. Extreme red R3043 Limit of orange and red 1-3078 Limit of yellow and orange l-3088 Index of Refraction. Limit of green and yellow 1-3100 Limit of blue and green 1-3133 Limit of violet and blue 1-3162 With these measures he obtained the following magnitudes of the different rings of the halos :— Halo of 22° Radius. Radius of Ring. Red ring 21° 37' Orange do 21 43 Halo of 46° Radius. I Radius of Ring. Yellow ring 21° 48' Green do 21 57 Radius of Ring. Red ring 45° 6' Orange do 45 25 Yellow do 45 38 Radius of Ring. Green ring 46° 3' Blue do 46 50 The following explanation of the different parts of the meteor has been given by M. Bravais :— 1. The halo of 22° is produced by the dihedral angles of 60° of prisms of ice that have no particular mode of orien¬ tation. 2. The parhelion of 22° is produced by the same angles when the axes of the prisms become vertical. 1 Mimoire sur les Halos, Paris, 1847, pp. 266, 4to j see also Moigno’s Repertoire, &c., tom. iv., 1627-1638. OPTICS. 68!) Explana- 3. The circumzenithal or upper tangential arc of the tion of halo of 46° is produced by the angles of 90° when the prisms are vertical. 4. When the axes take indeterminate directions they form across the same angles the halo of 46°. 5. The upper and lower tangential arcs of the halo of 22° are produced by the angles of 60° when the axes of the prisms are horizontal. When the sun is from 35° to 40° high, these arcs form an elliptical halo with its large axis horizontal, circumscribing the halo of 22°. 6. The parhelic circle, a white horizontal belt, sometimes incomplete, passing through the sun, is produced by reflec¬ tion from the vertical faces of the prism whose axes are ver¬ tical or horizontal. 7. The extraordinary halos (extraordinary circumzeni¬ thal arcs) are produced by the faces of the pyramids, either truncated or complete, which terminate the prism. 8. The parhelia on the parhelic circles at different dis¬ tances from the sun, are produced by compound crystals (asterial hexagons) of ice or snow, or by asterial dodecagons of different kinds. 9. The vertical luminous columns which appear above the rising sun are produced by internal reflections from the base or summit of the prisms when vertical, these prisms oscillating slightly round the vertical. The lustre and length of the columns are increased by 3, 5, and 7 reflec¬ tions, while 2, 4, and 6 reflections produce masses of light accompanying the sun from 20° to 30° of altitude. A lu¬ minous cross is produced when these masses of light are combined with portions of the parhelic circle. The false suns which have been so frequently observed, and the anthelia and other phenomena, may be explained by means of crystals of ice more or less perfect. M. Bravais has not made any reference to the possible production of luminous appearances round the sun by the internal condition of the crystals of ice. We have found in pieces of ice crystalline cavities, sometimes empty and sometimes filled with water, which, like the tubes in certain specimens of Iceland spar, may produce optical phenomena; and it is quite possible that the surfaces of the crystals may not only be striated, as M. Bravais supposes, but may be disintegrated, and produce surfaces such as those described in the following section. In order to reproduce halos and other optical phenomena artificially, M. Bravais constructed an apparatus, which is shown in fig. 268, where P is an equilateral hollow glass prism, with angles of 60°. It is filled with water by an ori¬ fice O in its tubular axis, and is made to revolve by a piece of clock-work round a vertical axis A. When it is made to revolve a hundred times in a second, and is illuminated by the sun, or by a lamp at pro¬ per distances, it will reproduce a large number of the pheno¬ mena already described. The nature and origin of halos is indicated by the state of the light of which they are formed. We owe to M. Arago the important observation that the light of halos is polarized by refraction.1 'fhe following observations w’ere made by M. Bravais :— 1. I he parhelic circle consists of a circle formed by ex¬ ternal reflection superposed upon a circle formed by inter¬ nal reflection. Polar! za- ion of the ight of i&los. Fig. 2GS. The first of these is polarized in a plane passing through Explana- the luminous source—that is, horizontally or negatively. It tion of is a maximum towards 70°, the polarization disappearing at Natural 0° and 180°. Phenomena In the second circle no polarization is seen in the part of the circle produced by total reflection, but it is very strong and horizontal or negative in the part formed by partial re¬ flection, the maximum being at and beyond 30°. Hence, when the two circles form the parhelic circle, there should be a maximum at 75°, and another towards 100° or 120°. 2. The halo of 22° is feebly polarized by refraction, the opposite polarization of the atmosphere by reflection re¬ ducing it considerably. 3. The tangent arcs of the halos of 22° and 46° ought to be polarized tangentially. 4. The parhelion of 46° ought to be polarized verti¬ cally. 5. The polarization of the anthelia ought to be horizontal and strong. 6. The luminous columns ought to be polarized verti¬ cally, and strongly at their extremities. These theoretical results, and others, have been confirmed by experiments with the apparatus above described, but, with the exception of M. Arago’s observations on the actual polarization of halos, the condition of the light of real halos remains to be investigated. M. Bravais, however, has made new observations on the halo of 22°. The tangential po¬ larization is always strong at its upper and lower points, and it extends 5° or 6° beyond the halo, there being a neutral ring at 27°, beyond which the polarization is normal. The polarization within the halo suffers remarkable changes. M. Bravais found it nothing in the upper part on the 4th October 1847; horizontal in its lateral parts on the 8th September, and on the 5 th, 10th, and 16th of October, 1847; and at other times vertical. These remarkable changes arise from extensive changes in the polarization of the at¬ mosphere.2 Among the phenomena of optical meteorology may be Converg- ranked those of diverging and converging beams. The ing beams, phenomenon of diverging beams is so common in sum¬ mer, when the sun is near the horizon, and its cause so obvious, that it is unnecessary to say more about it than that it arises from portions of the sun’s rays passing through openings in the atmosphere, the adjacent portions being stopped by clouds. The phenomenon of converging beams is of rare occurrence. It is seen in the horizon opposite to the sun, and the beams converge to a point as far beneath the horizon as the sun is above it; so that they appear to diverge as it were from another sun placed in the antesolar point. Sometimes the beams appear to be black, the dark spaces between the luminous radiations appearing the more dis¬ tinct of the two. The phenomenon is one of perspective. If the N. pole of a terrestrial globe is placed 10° above the horizon, and is supposed to send out radiations in the plane of each of its 15 meridians, they will all meet or converge to its south pole, 10° below the horizon.3 As explanatory of phenomena yet unex¬ plained, or which may yet be discovered in optical meteorology, we may describe the very curious luminous circles produced by looking at the sun or a candle through certain speci¬ mens of Iceland spar. In one position of the rhomb the two rings or circular bands A, B (fig.269), are equal, passing through their point of contact S, which consists of the two super¬ posed images produced by double refraction. Upon inclining the rhomb, the circle A be- Fig. 269. comes less and less, while B becomes larger and larger, till A Luminous circles in Iceland spar. 1 M. Bravais calls this tangential polarization, in opposition to normal, or polarization by reflection. 2 Brewster s Treatise on Optics, p. 391. 3 See Edin. Jour, of Science, April 1832, vol. vi., pp. 25, 256. VOL. XVI. . 4 g 690 OPTICS. Explana- disappears in S. Continuing the inclination in the same tion of direction, A reappears within the ring B, but always Natural touching S, and becomes larger and larger along with B till enomena |VV0 a|most form a straight line, and bend in the opposite direction. The two rings are the two images formed by double refraction, and are oppositely polarized. They are produced by reflection from the cylindrical sur¬ faces of minute tubes in the mineral, of which there are several thousands in an inch. We have found similar rings in beryl. The two are oppositely polarized, and aie pro¬ duced by the cylindrical surfaces of tubular cavities which contain, or have contained, the two new fluids called by Dana Brewstoline and Amethystoline, found in topaz, amethyst, and other minerals.1 Circular As compound crystals of snow, called lateral,2 are sup- crystals. posed by M. Bravais to produce some of the luminous por¬ tions of halos, there may be other crystalline groups in the air formed of other substances than water, which may pro¬ duce luminous phenomena. The subject of circular crys¬ tals, therefore, becomes an interesting branch of optical meteorology ; and when we consider how many substances exist in the air in a state of minute subdivision, and may therefore combine in single crystals, as well as in crystal¬ line groups, it is hardly philosophical to assume that the various complex phenomena produced by the sun’s light are owing solely to crystals of ice and snow. 1 he most beau¬ tiful halos may be produced by various bodies, whose sepa¬ rate crystalline particles arrange themselves in radial lines round a centre, and these halos are sometimes polarized tangentially or by refraction, like those in the atmosphere. These halos are finely seen in oil of mace, properly melted and cooled between plates of glass. Our limits will not permit us to treat of this subject. It may be sufficient to state that Sir David Brewster has given a list of seventy circular crystals, about thirty of which are positive, and forty negative.3 We have endeavoured, by looking through hoar-frost upon glass, to produce halos actually resembling those seen in nature; but we have not succeeded, though we have no doubt that it may be effected by causing vapour deposited under a variety of circumstances to be frozen in different ways. Sect. III.—On the Figures produced by Reflection whole of the original surface of the crystal which reflects Explana. it having been removed, and numerous facets variously tion of inclined to it developed. PhNatural By dipping the surface thus disintegrated into a saturated ^ enomena solution of alum, particles of alum will replace those which were removed, till, by repeated immersions, the surface ABC will become a perfect surface, reflecting, as it did at first, a bright image of the candle,—the particles of alum flying into their proper places with inconceivable rapidity. An octahedral face oi' fluor spar, acted upon for a few days by sulphuric acid, will display the remarkable figure shown in fig. 271, the parts of which are de¬ veloped in the following order :—A, B, C, mno, ef, gh, ik; then six curves proceeding from the image ef, gh, ik, as in fig. 272, and having a new round image within their con¬ cavity. Three insulated images appear also at l, m, n, 120° distant. The figure ah, ac, be was observed on a natural cleavage surface of fluor spar ; and the same was produced upon another cleavage surface by grinding it upon a rough hone. The figure ah, ac, be is sometimes seen along with the new figure, as in fig. 272. Different figures are produced on the faces of the cube, and singular varieties may be deve¬ loped by increasing the strength of the acid and the duration of its action. Figures analogous to those described may be seen on the natural cleavage planes of various crystals, such as Brazil, topaz, fluor spar, hornblende, axinite, horacite, dia¬ mond, garnet, amethyst, oligist iron ore, muriate of soda, &c. One of the most curious of these figures is shown in 1 See Phil. Mag. 1848, vol. xxxiii., p. 489. 2 Mr Glaisher has published an immense number of drawings of these singularly beautiful crystals. 3 See Phil. Tram. 1815, and Edin. Tram. 1853, vol. xx., p. 607. ^ 4 OPTICS. 691 Explana- Sect. IV.—On THE UNUSUAL REFRACTION AND ReFLEC- Natural TION 0F THE AtmospheRE. Phenomena Qne t|ie mogt interestjng applications of optical sci- ence is the explanation which it affords of the extraordinary refraction Phenomena w,lich arise f’rom difference of density in dif¬ ferent parts of the atmosphere. On this subject we shall confine ourselves at present to an account of the most ex¬ traordinary of all the phenomena of this kind which have been observed and correctly described. It was observed by Dr Vince, on the 6th of August 1806, about seven o’clock in the evening. Between Ramsgate and Dover there is a hill, over which the tops of the four turrets of Dover Castle are usually seen to a person at Ramsgate. At the time above mentioned, however, Dr Vince, when at Ramsgate, not only saw the four turrets v, x, iv, y, but the whole of the castle, m, m, s, r, appearing as if it were situated on the side of the hill next to Ramsgate, and rising as much above the hill AB as usual, as it it had been brought over and placed on the Ramsgate side of the hill (fig. 274). This appear- Fig. 274. a steep hill about 500 feet above the valley of New Radnor. Explana- About two o'clock, when the sun was bright and the day tion of sultry, she picked some wild flowers on the top of the hill Natural and then descended to a spot from which she could see the PheDOniena carriage with her friends whom she had left. After wavin'; her victorine, which she held in her hand, to her friend^ she perceived, upon turning round, a figure standing a few yards from her upon a wet spot, from which a little thin mist was rising. The figure stood directly opposite to her, wavering a little; and she did not recognise it to be her own image till she noticed that, like herself, it held a vic¬ torine and a bunch of flowers in its hand. The dress of the figure resembled her own, and the flowers were similar to those which she had gathered ; and the picture was so distinct that she could even see her own face. The effect, she said, was the same as if she had stood before a looking- glass, the figure moving its hand when she moved hers. The two ladies in the carriage at the bottom of the hill saw the image of the lady; and they asked her, when she joined them, who was her companion on the hill ! In the ordinary cases of mirage from unusual refraction, Lateral the refracted image is seen above the real one, either in- mirage, verted or erect, or both ; but cases of lateral mirage have occurred, in which the image is on the right or left side of the object. When any part of the ground has been heated by the sun, it forms in the atmosphere, on cooling, a column of heated air, which produces the phenomena of unusual refraction at its junction with the colder air around it. From this cause, ships on the Lake of Geneva have been seen doubled, and sailing at a considerable distance from each other; and persons walking have been seen in dupli¬ cate. ance continued about twenty minutes. Between Ramsgate and the land from which the hill rises there is about six miles of sea, and from thence to the top of the hill about the same distance, the height of the eye above the surface of the sea being about 70 feet. It is a very singular circum¬ stance in this phenomenon, that the image of the castle was so very strong and well defined that the hill itself did not appear through the image. In ordei to explain this phenomenon, Dr Vince supposes AB (fig. 275) to represent the castle, FC the cliff of T Fig. 275. Ramsgate, B I'D the hill, DC the sea, E the place of the spectator, 1 the top of the hill, AywE a ray of light coming from the top of the castle to the observer, and BxwV ano¬ ther ray coming from the bottom of the castle, and TxzTL a ray from the summit of the hill, reaching the eye at E, in a direction between those of the other two rays; then it is obvious that such a disposition of the rays will produce the observed appearance. In order to give such a refraction, the density of the air between yvV and xwV must have vaiied with great rapidity, so as to increase the curvature of the ray 1 .rzE, after it cuts BicE in x, in order to make the ray IxzV fall between the other two rays. (See Edin¬ burgh Transactions, vol vi., p. 245.) Some of the cases of mirage ascribed to unusual re¬ daction.have been produced by reflection from dense mist or fog in the atmosphere. Dr Buchan has described, in the Philosophical Iransactions, a remarkable case of this kind ; and another of peculiar interest was observed in Radnorshire on the 21st August 1851. A young lady, having left her party, ascended to the top of the Mynydot, Sect. V.—On the Colours of the Atmosphere. As the earth’s atmosphere acts upon light like all other Colours of transparent bodies, and is continually changing its chemical,the a-mo- mechanical, and hygrometrical condition, its action is mag- 8Phere- nified in very different ways under different circumstances. As the colour of the sky is absolutely black on the tops of the highest mountains, its blue colour in the regions which we inhabit is owing to the action of the atmosphere. That the blue light of the sky is light that has suffered reflection from the particles of our atmosphere is proved by the fact observed by Sir David Brewster, that this blue light is polarized in a plane passing through the observer’s eye and the sun. This fact is well illustrated by the dis¬ covery which we owe to the same author, of atmospheric lines in the spectrum formed by the blue sky. These lines are principally in the red or more refrangible spaces, as already described, and hence the prevailing light is blue. The splendid colours which mark the rising and the set¬ ting of the sun, varying from the deepest red to orange, yellow, and even green, arise from the same cause; for when we analyze these various lights with the prism, we find that they are owing to different parts of the spectrum having been absorbed by the atmosphere. The phenomenon of blue shadows is finely seen when the Blue sha- sky is particularly blue. It arises solely from the shadows dows* being illuminated by the blue sky, while the part round the shadow is illuminated by the sun, or by the light of a candle. If the light of the sun passes at the time through vapours, so as to make it yellow or orange, the contrast of the sha¬ dow is still more striking and beautiful. The light of a candle which contains a great excess of red light, and which' may be made to contain more by letting it burn with a long wick, exhibits along with the light of the sky the pheno¬ menon of blue shadows in great perfection. Much light, has been thrown upon the subject of Professor the colours of the atmosphere by Professor Forbes, in an Forbes’s able and interesting memoir, read to the Royal Society exPeri* J J merits. 692 OPTICS. Explana- 0f Edinburgh in 1839.1 In a previous communication he Natural ^rawn ^ie following conclusions from a series of im- PhenoinenaPortarit experiments “ On the Colour of Steam under cer- v , ^ , tain circumstances :— “ 1. Steam, in its purely gaseous form, is colourless,—at least at small thicknesses. “ 2. The orange red colour of steam by transmitted light appears to be due to a particular stage of the condensing process. Before condensation, it is colourless and trans¬ parent ; it is next transparent and smoke-coloured ; finally, it becomes colourless at small thicknesses, and absolutely opaque at greater. “ 3. The state of tension of the steam seems only to affect the phenomena so far as it renders the critical colorific stage of condensation more or less completely observable. “ 4. The absorptive action of steam on the spectrum is not exerted in the same way as that of other gaseous coloured bodies, such as nitrous acid gas and iodine vapour. It cuts off, however, totally the same part of the spectrum as nitrous acid does. Its phenomena, perhaps, have a greater analogy to those of opalescence than any other.” As the phenomena thus described do not require steam of high tension for their production, Professor Forbes “ thought it probable that the tints of sunset and artificial light seen through certain fogs may be owing to the absorp¬ tive action of watery vapour in this critical condition.”2 This ingenious theory of atmospheric colour is ably sup¬ ported in his second paper, in which Professor Forbes dis¬ cusses the various opinions on the colour of the sky and of the clouds which have been hitherto maintained. An instrument called a Cyanometer has been invented for measuring the blue colour of the sky. Sect. VI.—On the Polarization of the Atmosphere. Polariza- The polarization of the atmosphere,—that is, of the blue tion of the sky entirely free of clouds,—was observed and described atmos- different philosophers both in France and England, p ere. Whatever reflects and refracts light necessarily polarizes it at an angle dependent on the index of refraction. Hence it follows, that the polarizing angle of air is a little above 45°; and consequently, that, in the vicinity of the sun, and in the region opposite to him, the polarization should be a minimum, and a maximum in every part of a great circle distant a little more than 90° from the sun. Owing to the quantity of light polarized by refraction at every point where it is polarized by reflection, and to se¬ condary reflections within the atmosphere, the polarization is never complete in the great circle of 90° from the sun. It is equal only to a rotation of 30° of the plane of polarization, or what is produced by one reflection at an angle of 6o^Q from a surface of glass whose index of refraction is 1'483. Arago’s The first important step in studying this subject was made neutral by M. Arago, who discovered in the region opposite the point. gun a neuirai point in which there was no polarization. It was situated 25° or 30° above the antisolar point, or the point 180° from the sun. Sir David Brewster found, that when the sun was in the horizon, rising or setting, this neutral point was I850 above the antisolar point in the op¬ posite horizon. When the sun is 11° or 12° above the horizon, and the antisolar point of course as much below it, the neutral point is in the horizon, and therefore only 11° or 12° above the antisolar point. As the sun descends to the horizon, and the antisolar point rises, the distance of the neutral point from the latter gradually increases from its maximum 11° or 12°, till it becomes 18^° when the sun is in the horizon, and increases to 25° when the sun is so far below the horizon as just to render the point visible. In Explana. the latitude of St Andrews this neutral point is above the tion of horizon all the day between the middle of November and Natural the end of January ; and in the rest of the year it never r,,lenomena rises till the sun is within 11° or 12° of the horizon, and never sets till the sun is 11° or 12° above the horizon. On the 8th of June 1841, Sir David Brewster discovered Secondly a secondary neutral point accompanying that of Arago. Itneutral is best seen above the sea horizon. On the 21st April 1842,P0^ the secondary neutral point was 2° 50' high when the pri¬ mary neutral point was 15° above the horizon. These two neutral points were separated by negative or horizontal bands of negative polarization. When Arago’s neutral point rises, it does not first appear in the horizon, but 1^° above it. M. Babinet discovered a second neutral point at 18^° Babinet’s above the sun when rising or setting. It is never seen soneutral distinctly as that of Arago. When the sun is in the zenith, Point‘ this neutral point coincides with the sun; and as the sun’s altitude diminishes, it retires from the sun, becomes 13° distant at an altitude of 65°, and it reaches the distance of 18^° at sunrise or sunset. The secondary neutral point, which must accompany that of Babinet, has not yet been observed. Calling x the distance of this point above the sun, and A the sun’s altitude, we have x~ 18£° cos A. A third neutral point, indicated by theory, was discovered Brewster s beneath the sun by Sir David Brewster. This point is veryne^tral difficult to be seen. It is invisible in our latitudes in thePoint’ months of November, December, and January, unless when, early in November and late in January, a higher degree of polarization in the sky brings it above the horizon at noon. When the sun is in the zenith, it coincides with his centre ; and at an altitude of 45° it is nearly 7° distant from him. The secondary neutral point which must accompany it has not yet been seen, and is not likely to be discovered in this climate. The distance x of this neutral point below the sun will be # = -—- C0S ", z being the zenith’s distance of tan z ’ & the neutral point. When the sun is in the zenith, and the neutral points of Babinet and Brewster united in his centre, the system of lines of equal polarization will be analogous to those of uniaxal crystals; but in all other positions of the sun, the lines of equal polarization will resemble those in biaxal crystals, the line joining the sun and the antisolar point corresponding with the line which bisects the optical or resultant axes of biaxal crystals, the neutral points corre¬ sponding with the centres of the systems of biaxal rings. In anormal condition of the atmosphere, the phenomenaof atmospherical polarization maybe represented by the formula, R = 30° (sin D sin D'), in which R is the rotation or degree of polarization at any point of the sphere whose distance from the two neutral points is D and D'. By this formula, the lines of equal polarization would have the form of lemniscates, as in biaxal crystals, and the maxi¬ mum polarization would be in the horizon, and not in the zenith, which is contrary to observation. By making a correction depending on the zenith distance Z and the azi¬ muth A, the formula becomes R = 33 (sin D') — 6° 34' (sin Z sin A). A map of the lines of equal polarization will be found in Johnston’s Physical Atlas, part vii.3 Sect. VII.—On the Colours of Natural Bodies. The splendid colours which appear in the natural world Colours of natural 1 Edin. Trans., vol. xiv., part ii., pp. 375-391; or Phil. Mag., June 1839, vol. xiv., p. 419. 2 Phil. Mag., Feb. 1839, vol. xiv., pp. 121-126. 3 See also Phil. Mag., Dec. 1847, vol. xxxi., p. 444; and Moigno's Repertoire, &c., tom. iv., pp. 1639-1648. bodies. OPT Explana- have long attracted the attention of philosophers; but no tion of person ever had the courage to give a philosophical theory Natural 0f t]lem but Sir Isaac Newton. When he had completed ’henomena ana]ySis 0f t]ie colours of thin plates, he conceived that they furnished the true cause of the colours of natural bodies. If we take a thin film of mica, a few millionths of an inch in thickness, it appears to the eye of a bright blue colour. Sir Isaac Newton maintained, that if this film could be cut into a great number of minute parts of the same thickness as itself, these particles would “ keep their colour, and a heap of them constitute a mass or powder of the same colour which the plate exhibited before it was broken.” A plate of mica of a different thickness would be green, another yellow, and another red-, and all these, if broken down into particles “ of the same thickness with the plates,” would of course, according to our author, give a green, a yelloxo, or a red mass. We have already seen that different thicknesses of a trans¬ parent plate like mica give various orders of colours, each having a different tint corresponding with a particular thick¬ ness. Considering, then, the particles of all bodies whatever as transparent, and as having different sizes, they will produce colours corresponding to these different sizes; and conse¬ quently we shall have as great a variety of tints in nature as there are varieties in the sizes of the particles of bodies. A difficulty, however, here presents itself. The colours arising from thin plates vary rapidly by inclining them to the incident light, whereas those of coloured media suffer no such change. Hence Sir Isaac Newton was driven to the supposition that the particles of bodies have such an enormous refractive power, that the paths of the rays re¬ fracted by a parallel film will not differ much in length from, and consequently not be very oblique to, a perpendicular line. After explaining this theory, Sir Isaac ventures to affix to different natural colours the order to which they belong, the very tint of that order, and consequently the thickness of the particles which produce the colour. He says, for example, that the green colour of all vegetables, the most general tint in nature, is a green of the third order, and that the blue colour of the sky is a blue of the first order. Now, we know the composition of a green of the third order, and of a blue of the first order, as given by Sir Isaac New¬ ton himself. The green of the third order “ is principally constituted of original green, but not without a mixture of some blue and yelloiv that is, it consists of all the rays of the green space, with the least refrangible rays of the blue space, and the most refrangible rays of the yellow space, and it does not contain a single ray of indigo, violet, orange, or red light. reen Such being the case, it occurred to Sir David Brewster flours of that the green colour of plants could be accurately analyzed lants. by tjie prjsm . anc] having extracted, by means of alcohol, the green juice of a great variety of vegetable bodies, he ana¬ lyzed their colours by the prism. In all such bodies he found the composition of this green colour to be identically the same; but it had no relation whatever to the green of the third order. It contained portions of all the colours of the spectrum; and the prismatic spectrum seen through these green juices was divided unequally into six luminous bands of various breadths, separated by dark intervals.1 In the same manner he found that the blue colour of the sky was not a blue of the first order. From a series of experiments in which the same author has been engaged, he has been led to the conclusion that absorption is the cause of this extensive class of colours; ICS. 693 and that all the colours of natural bodies arise from the in- Explana- terference of light, by which certain rays are extinguished. tion of When the interference takes place as in thin plates, be- Natural tween the light reflected from the two surfaces, and be- ^benomena tween the direct transmitted ray and other transmitted rays which suffer reflection within the thin plates, we have two colours complementary to each other; but even in this case, when the number of films is great, as in decomposed glass, the transmitted colours lose all their resemblance to the colours of thin plates, while the reflected tints are ex¬ ceedingly brilliant and metallic in their lustre.2 In coloured fluids and coloured glasses, and coloured gaseous media, the interference arises from rays that ac¬ quire different velocities in passing through the coloured medium, one part of the intromitted light passing through the particles, and the other through the intervening spaces. Hence there are no reflected tints in such coloured media.3 Sect. VIII.—On the Colours of Dispersed Light within Solid and Fluid Bodies. In various solid and fluid bodies, coloured light is reflected Colours of from their interior when a colourless beam of light is trans- disPersed mitted through their mass. This light is produced by dif- |a°gpjj jlth" ferent causes, often by vacuities of various forms sufficiently an(i fluid small to reflect the colour of thin plates, as in Labrador bodies, spar, tabasheer, opals (precious and hydrophanous), and nu¬ merous chemical solutions. The colours, however, of which we mean to treat at present are of a different description, and have a different origin. The internal dispersion of light within /7wor spar (from which this class of dispersed colours has received from Pro¬ fessor Stokes the name of fluorescence) was first observed by Sir David Brewster, who described it in 1838 to the meeting of the British Association at Newcastle.4 The light itself had been observed by others, but it was be¬ lieved to be external, and was ascribed by Sir John Pler- schel to a structure of “ the surface of the spar, whether natural or artifical, which could not be removed by any polishing.”5 By examining various specimens Sir David Brewster not only found that the predominant blue light in the spar from Alston Moor came from the interior of the mineral, but that different strata dispersed light of different colours,—blue light from some strata, pink from others, and white from others, alternating with strata which dispersed no light at all. The same property of dispersing light of dif¬ ferent colours he found in various coloured glasses, espe¬ cially in yellow Bohemian glass, called canary glass, which dispersed a fine green colour, and in some specimens of colourless plate and colourless flint-glass. The most beauti¬ ful example of the phenomenon he found in an alcoholic solu¬ tion of the green leaves of plants (the common laurel leaf, for example, cut into shreds), which dispersed from its interior a blood-red light. The same property he found in guiacum, and in solutions of Colchicum autumnale, and sul¬ phate of strychnine? Chemists had long ago noticed the blue colour of a weak solution of sulphate of quinine, but Sir John Herschel7 was the first person who examined it experimentally. He gave it the name of epipolism, from cmiroX-q, a surface, believing it to be produced solely by the action of the surface. Upon examining it with a prism, he found it to consist of a “ small per centage of rays extending over a great range of refrangibility.” 1 See Edin. Trans., vol. xii. 2 phiL Trans 1837> p 245i 3 See Brewster’s Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton, vol i., chap. viii. 4 Report, &c., 1838, p. 10. 6 Treatise on Light, § 1076. 6 £vfcn. Trans. 1846, vol. xvi., p. HI. 7 “ On a case of Superficial Colour presented by a Homogeneous Liquid internally Colourless,” PhiL Trans. 1845, part ii., p. 143 ; and “ On the Epipolic Dispersion of Light,” ibid., p. 147. 1 694 OPT Explana- By transmitting a condensed beam of convergent light tion of through a vessel containing a solution of sulphate of quinine, Phenomena ^‘r Davicl Brewster found that the reflection was not super- v > j ficial but internal,as in fluor spar; and upon analysing it with *'v ^ a prism, he found that the blue light gave a continuous spectrum deprived of the less refrangible red, nearly of the whole orange, and all the yelloiv. A rich and broad band of fine green light, slightly fringed with red, passed into a copious indigo and violet, without the intermediate blue, the green extending over the blue and yellow spaces.1 In studying the nature of this internal dispersion, Pro¬ fessor Stokes of Cambridge has made the important dis¬ covery that the chemical rays in the spectrum between G and H produce in the quinine solution “ light of a sky-blue colour, which emanate in all directions from the por¬ tion of the fluid which was under the influence of the incidental rays.” The fixed lines in the violet space, and in the region of invisible rays beyond the violet are represented in dark lines corresponding with those on E. Becquerel’s map of the fixed lines in the chemical spectrum. Regarding this blue light as the invisible rays rendered visible by internal dispersion, Professor Stokes came to the conclusion that the dispersing cause had changed the refrangibility of the exciting rays, and given them all the different colours of the spectrum? We have already seen that E. Becquerel found that the chemical rays beyond H rendered artificial phosphorus luminous, while those from H to A extinguished the phos¬ phorescence thus produced. Sect. IX.—On the Eye and on Vision. The eye In our article on Anatomy,3 we have already given a full and vision, description of the organ of vision, and Plate XXXIII., fig. 3, exhibits a fine section of the eye after Soemmering. The following dimensions of the eye have been given by Dr Thomas Young, the measures being taken with great care from his own eye:— 100ths of an inch. Length of optical axis .' 91 Vertical chord of the cornea 45 Versed sine of ditto 11 Horizontal chord of the cornea 49 Aperture of the pupil seen through the cornea 27 to 13 Diminished in consequence of the magnifying power of the cornea 25 to 12 Radius of the anterior surface of the crystalline lens 30 Radius of the posterior surface 22 Distance of the optical centre from the anterior surface of the lens 10 Distance of the optical centre of the lens from the cornea 22 Focal length of the cornea for objects 10 inches distant 115 Joint focus of cornea and lens 91 — 22 = 69 Principal focal distance of lens 173 Distance of the centre of the optic nerve from the point oppo¬ site the pupil 11 Range of the eye, or field of vision 110 The following measures of the crystalline lens and cornea were taken by Sir David Brewster and Dr Gordon from the eye of a female above fifty years of age, a few hours after death :— Diameter of the crystalline 0-378 Diameter of the cornea 0‘400 Thickness of the crystalline ; 0T72 Thickness of the cornea 0,042 The following measures of the refractive powers of the humours of the eye were taken by the same authors from the same eye :— _ Index of Refraction. Refractive power of water 1-3358 Ditto of aqueous humour 1-3366 Ditto of vitreous humour 1-3394 ICS. Index of Refraction. -r, Refractive power of outer coat of crystalline 1-3767 -^xplana- Ditto of middle coat of ditto 1-3786 ^on °f Ditto of central part of ditto 1-3990 Natural Ditto of the whole crystalline 1-3839 enomena The following measures may be occasionally useful:—• V “ Index of Refraction. From aqueous humour into the crystalline 1-0466 Do. do.,taking the mean index of the crystalline...1-0353 From the crystalline into the vitreous humour 0-930 If we execute a large diagram of the eye, and by means vision of the above indices of refraction trace the progress of pa¬ rallel rays from the cornea to the retina, we shall find that they converge to points in or near to that membrane. The increase of density in the crystalline lens towards its cent e is calculated to correct the spherical aberration by bringing the central rays to the same focus with the marginal rays ; but there is no provision in the eye for correcting the aber¬ ration of colour, because the purposes of vision do not re¬ quire it to be corrected. It may be readily proved by trac¬ ing the rays diverging from both extremities of any object to the retina, and it may be also shown by direct experi¬ ment, that an inverted image of the object is formed upon that membrane. Now it is a law of vision, that when-a ray Law of of light falls upon any point of the retina, the mind infers vision, that the ray proceeded from a point in some line perpendi¬ cular to that point of the retina. Hence, as rays from the Qauge upper part of an object fall upon the lower part of the retina, erect vi¬ and vice versa, such rays will seem to proceed from theup-sion. per part of the object, and all points of an object will be seen in the direction of the rays which issue from them, and consequently the object itself must appear erect, though its image is inverted. As it is a law of vision that an object seen with a single Single vi. eye is seen in a fixed direction, arising from the form of the sion with retina as a whole, or from the form of its individual parts,two eJes- then if rays from the same object fall upon another eye, or upon a hundred other eyes which have the power of placing the retina of all the eyes so as to see the same object in the same direction, then the object thus seen must appear single. The only difference will be, that the object will be seen twice as bright with two eyes, and a hundred times as bright with a hundred eyes. If we place a hundred shil¬ lings in the same straight line, an eye whose axis coincides with the axis of the cylinder which they compose will only see one shilling, and the same effect would be produced if the shillings were transparent. If the hundred eyes were placed with their axes in a hundred different directions, a hundred objects will be seen. Small objects are seen double, and even triple, with one eye when the crystalline lens is not uniform in its refractive power. The subject of binocular vision will be treated of under the article Stereoscope. The defect of squinting may arise from several causes. It Origin of may be an original defect, in which the axis of the eye, or squinting, the light in which objects are seen most distinctly, does not pass through the centre of the pupil. In this case it is incurable ; but it is, generally speaking, a disease arising from an imperfection in one eye, from its having a different focal length from the other, from its giving a less distinct vision of objects, or from its muscles not being able to direct it as quickly as the other to visible objects. The consequence of this is, that as the observer can do without it, and uses only his best eye, the imperfect one does not follow the movements of the other, and therefore squints. When we wish to see any object very distinctly, we inva- indistinct- riably direct it to the axis of the eye, and it is a curious fact ness of that there is no retina at the point where the axis meets the oblique vi- back of the eye, the foramen corresponding to the 810n• extremity of the axis. When the eye thus sees an object 1 Edin. Trans. 1846, vol. xvi., p. 111. 2 Phil. Trans. 1852, pp. 463-562. 3 Vol. ill., p. 43. OPTICS. < icasional ijjiensibil- of the Jtina in (llique ion. Sxplana- with perfect distinctness, every other point of the same ob- tion of ject; js seen indistinctly, and there is no adjustment of the Tenomona e^e distinctness of vision can be obtained at any _ j distance from the axis of the eye, the only way of seeing *distinctly being to direct the axis to the point we wish to examine. distinct The opinion that the retina, though sensible to light, does eTas^ f n0t £'ve Perfect,y distinct vision, is favoured by the fact, e optic01 tllat when tlie ima&e any object falls upon the round irve base of the optic nerve (shown in Plate XXXIII., fig. 3 of Anatomy), the object is not distinctly visible. This may be easily proved by fixing on the wall of a room, at the height of the eye, three wafers, each two feet distant. Stand in front of the middle wafer with one eye shut, and beginning near the wall, withdraw gradually from it (continuing to view the left hand wafer it the right eye is open, and the right hand wafer if the left eye is open), till the middle wafer vanishes. This will be found to take place at five times the distance from the wall at which the wafers are placed,—that is, at the distance of ten feet in the present case. If we use three candles, the middle one will not vanish like the wafer, but will become a cloudy mass of light. The occasional insensibility of the retina to objects seen obliquely was discovered by Sir David Brewster, ItinaTn W^° ^ias blustrated it in the following manner:—If we one eye on a particular point, such as the head of a pin stuck into a green cloth, and lay down a quill or strip of paper upon the green cloth, some inches distant from the pin, and then keep looking steadily at the pin’s head, part of the quill, or the whole of it, will occasionally disappear, as it it had been wholly removed from the cloth. In a short time it will reappear, and again vanish. The very same effect is produced, though less readily, when both eyes are used, and when aluminous body is used in place of the quill. In this case the luminous body does not disappear, but ex¬ pands into a mass of nebulous light, which is of a bluish white colour, encircled with a bright ring of yellow light. 1 f ht e But though we cannot see objects distinctly by oblique c objects9 vision; yet they appear much brighter, and minute objects, especially luminous ones, are more easily seen, by turning the axis of the eye away from them. Various astronomers have found that very faint stars, and the satellites of Saturn, which disappear when the eye is turned fully upon them, may be distinctly seen by directing the eye to an¬ other part of the field. This effect seems to arise from the expansion and enlargement of luminous points seen obliquely.1 ( the seat it }las i0I)g heen disputed, but the question has not been c vision, agitated in modern times, whether the retina or the choroid coat behind it is the seat of vision. The insensi¬ bility of the base of the optic nerve, and the fact that vision is most distinct where there is no retina, are arguments in favour of the choroid coat being the seat of vision, as Mariotte believed. The transparency of the retina, and the opacity of the choroid coat, were considered as addi¬ tional arguments in favour of tliat opinion. Dr Knox has shown that in the eye of the cuttle-fish there is a membran¬ ous opaque pigment in front of the retina; so that in this case the retina must receive the influence of light from the vibrations of this membrane, just as it may receive them in other cases from the same membrane placed behind it. Some light has been recently thrown upon this subject by an experiment which we owe to Sir David Brewster, in which the foramen in the retina can be rendered distinctly visible. If, when the eye has been for some time in a state of repose, either by shutting it or remaining a short time in the dark, we direct it to a feebly-illuminated surface, we shall see, upon opening it, a dark brown or reddish circular spot 695 perior ightnesi objects n ob- uely. 1 See Lend, and Edin. Phil. Mag., Sent. 1832, p. 169. 3 Report of Brit. Assoc. 1852. which quickly disappears, and which may be renewed by Explana- again closing and opening the eye. If, in place of being tion °f rested, the sensibility of the eye had been reduced by Natural exposure to much light, the circular spot would have been Phenomena bright, and more luminous than the illuminated surface. As the choroid coat lies behind the retina, and gives the vision of objects, whose images fall upon the foramen of the retina, it follows from the first experiment that the retina is more quickly affected with light than the choroid coat, and from the second, that the choroid coat is more readily impressed with light. The diameter of the foramen is about the 35th of an inch, and the angle subtended by the dark circular spot is about 4^°, which corresponds with the other measure.2 In a very remarkable case, where the retina had been permanently rendered insensible by a blow on the head, Sir David Brewster found that vision was perfect over the space occupied by the foramen centrale; that is, when the image was received on the exposed part of the choroid. When a person was near the patient, he could only see his nose, or eye, or mouth, or a small portion of his face or figure; but he could recognise a friend at a distance when the whole of his face was included within a cone which bore to the foramen an angle of 4^0.3 The very same result was obtained in another case where the retina was only temporarily insensible. The insensibility of the retina to direct impressions of insensibili- faint light was discovered by Sir David Brewster,4 who ty of the found that when the eye directed its axis to objects faintly eye to di- illuminated, it could not keep up a sustained vision ofrect \m' them. They disappeared and reappeared, and the eye was f thrown into a state of painful agitation. am When we shut the eye quickly alter looking at an object, Duration we see it for an instant (about the seventh part of a second) of impres- in its own colours ; but this impression is instantly followed sions on by an image of the object in its complementary colours.tlle retina* If we look at a window at the end of a long passage, we first see, after shutting our eyes, a picture of the window, with black bars and white panes; but after the seventh of a second the picture is one with white bars and black panes. When we whirl a burning stick, we see a complete circle of red light, although the burning end of the stick can only be in one part of the circle at the same instant. When objects are placed at different distances, the focus Accommo- or point of distinct vision in the eye must vary. We feel dation of that the eye has the power of adapting itself to thesethe eJe to different distances so as to make the picture on the retina djfferent always distinct. How this is done has been long a matter dlstaDces- in dispute. There can be no doubt, however, that the first step in the process is the variation of the pupil, which seems by a mechanism at the base of the iris to increase the distance of the lens from the retina. At the age of about forty the eye loses this power of Longsight- adaptation in consequence of the flattening of the crys- edness. talline lens, which renders it necessary to use a convex glass, which just compensates the flatness of the lens, and permits the eye to adjust itself as formerly. The opposite shortsieht- state of the eye, not produced by age, but rather diminished edness! by it, is common even in young persons, arising either from a too great convexity or refractive power in the lens, or too great convexity in the cornea. In this state of the eye, the. image is formed in front of the retina and a concave lens is necessary to correct it. This is called short-sightedness, which almost always decreases by age, in consequence of the crystalline-lens becoming flatter. When the eye looks steadily at a bright-coloured red Ocular wafer, and then looks at the white paper on which the wafer spectra, or lies, it will see for a while a green one, the green being the accidental ——— — colours. 2 Report of Brit. Assoc. 1848, pp. 48, 49. 4 Edin. Jour, of Science, No. vi., p. 288. 1 696 OPTICS. Optical accidental colour, or the complementary owe to the red. struments. rn. rn>*ilnr snertrn.m. as it has no WCUlUcniUV UUlULll) vil LHC. ^ — The green image is called an ocular spectrum, as it has no real existence. The accidental colours and the original colours are the same as those given in Newton s Table, p. 604, where the reflected tints correspond with the original or red colour of the wafer, and the transmitted ones to the accidental colour, or vice versa ; so that we can determine from that table the accidental colours of any coloured obiect upon which the eye may look steadily. When the eye looks at the sun, or a bright image ot it, the ocular spectrum is not black, but of various colours m succession, each colour being surrounded with a rim of its accidental colour. _ . , ™ . The following beautiful experiment, showing the ettect produced 0f ];o-ht in diminishing the sensibility of the retina to par- by the un- ticu]ar colours, we owe to Mr Smith, surgeon at Fochabers. equal ac- Ho]d a g].p of white paper vertically about a foot from the liehton the eye, and direct both eyes to an object beyond it, the slip ° .11 J Ul~ i mo AnimllV W HI tP. Colours produced eyes, will’ appear double, and the two images equally white. Let a candle be brought near the right eye, so as to act strongly upon it without affecting the left, then the left image of the paper, or that seen by the right eye, will grow green, and the right hand image, or that seen by the left eve, wdll grow red, forming a beautiful contrast of colours. If the candle is brought round to the left eye, the images will first become of the same whitish colour, and then the right hand one will become green, and the left hand owe red} Insensibi- The insensibility of the eye to particular colours is far lity of the from being uncommon. Professor Dugald Stewart, Dr Dal- eyetopar- ton> an(j ^Mr Troughton were unable to distinguish the ticular co- i ^ i m All rpfl nhiprfs lours. colours at the red e°nd of the spectrum. All red objects appeared green, owing to the insensibility of their retinas to red colours. This subject has already been treated of in our article on Colours, vol. vii., p. 153. (See Dr George Wilson’s interesting volume On Colour Blindness.) Part IX.—DESCRIPTION OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1. 2. On the Camera Obscura. Optical In. We have already explained the principle of the camera v obscura in treating of the images formed by convex lenses. The instrument is indeed nothing more than a convex lens placed in a suitable box, on the side or bottom ot which an image of external objects is formed by the lens. A convenient portable camera obscura for drawing ob¬ jects is shown in fig. 277. The external object or landscape is reflected down into the lens AB by an inclined mirror CD. The rays thus falling vertically upon the lens are refracted to their foci, and form a distinct image of the landscape on the paper placed at EF. On one side of the box there is an opening through which the observer introduces his head and hand, care being taken, by a curtain of black cloth behind him, to exclude all extraneous light Fig. 277. M. Cauchoix of Paris has found that the best form of the lens for a camera is a meniscus having its convex surface towards the image, and its con¬ cave surface towards the object, and their radii of curvature as 5 to 8. As an instrument essential in photography, the camera obscura has become one of the most important of our optical instruments, both in a scientific and commercial point of view. The most distinguished professional opticians have vied with each other in bringing it to per¬ fection ; and from the condition of a toy, it ranks in im¬ portance with the microscope and the telescope. In the article Photography will be found drawings and descrip¬ tions of the most approved cameras. Optical in- The great number of optical instruments which have struments. been described in different parts of this work renders it scarcely necessary to treat this subject in the geneial article. Under the articles Burning Glasses, Camera Lucida, Kaleidoscope, Micrometer, Microscope, Pho¬ tometers, and Telescope, the reader will find some of the information which he might have expected here. There are instruments, however, so intimately connected with optics, and not previously described, which we must shortly notice, namely, the Cylindrical Mirror, the Camera Obscura, the Magic Lantern, and the Phantasmagoric Machine. 3. On the Magic Lantern. The magic lantern, an invention of the celebrated Magician. Athanasius Kircher, is shown in fig. 278. It consists merely tern. Fig. 278. Cylindrical Mirror. Cylindrical We have already (see p. 556) described the principle of mirrors, cylindrical mirrors. If we suppose one of these mirrors, AB, fig. 276, to be placed on a table with the portrait of any person laid before it on the table, the reflected pic¬ ture of the portrait in the cylindrical mirror will be dis¬ torted. If we take an accu¬ rate drawing of this distorted picture, and lay it before a cylindrical mirror, as shown at MN, where the human form can scarcely be recog¬ nised, we shall see in the cylindrical mirror its image reduced to symmetry. of a lens AB, which forms on the wall of a dark room a pic¬ ture of any object plac¬ ed before it, and at a greater distance than its anterior principal fo¬ cus. The light of an Ai S condensed state by the illuminating lens D (figs. 279,280) Fig. 279. upon transpa¬ rent varnished pictures painted on long sliders (fig. 281). The lens AB forms a Fig. 280. lens jad luim&a, = . r large circle of light upon the wall, which, if it is not smoo Fig. 281. 1 An analysis of this and similar experiments will he found in the Land, avd JEdin. Phil, ^^ag. 1832, p. 219 OPTICS. 697 Optical In-and white, should be covered with a white, smooth cloth, and struments. the images of’the coloured figure appear within this circle. matric lantern is the same as a solai microscope, the sun being used for the source of light in the latter case, and natural objects in place of pictures. The solar camera microscope, invented by Dr Croring, and fully described in our article Microscope, vol. xiv., p. 791, and the oxyhy- drogen microscope, described in the same article, may be con¬ sidered as the most perfect magic lanterns that have been constructed, there being no difficulty in adapting them to give magnified representations of minute transparent paintings. 4. On the Phantasmagoric Apparatus. Optical In- rumcnts. The apparatus for the phantasmagoria, or the raising of ~v— spectres, is nothing more than a magic lantern mounted Phantas- upon wheels, which, in place of throwing its pictures magoric upon an opaque white ground, upon which the spectator apparatus, looks, throws them upon one side of an imperfectly transparent screen, the spectator viewing them on the other side of the screen. The direct light of a lamp A, (fig. 282), and the light reflected from the concave mirror B, is thrown upon the two illuminating lenses C, D, which condense it, and thus strongly illuminate the spectres and figures painted upon sliders at E. These sliders are placed a little before the anterior focus of the magnifying lens F, which forms a highly-magnified picture of the figures on the transparent screen at G. When this apparatus is mounted upon a carriage with wheels, as at H, it may be made to ap¬ proach to, or recede from, the screen G, in consequence of which the figures may be made to contract into dwarfs, dis¬ appearing in a point of light, or swell out into giants of enor¬ mous magnitude. In order, however, to have the pictures distinct at different distances of the apparatus from the screen, an adjustment is necessary, to make the distance EF increase as the apparatus approaches to G, and diminish as it recedes from it. With this view, the lens F is fixed to a slider, which may be drawn out by the general frame H. When this frame H is drawn away from the screen, the point K is brought lower by means of the rod IK, con¬ nected with another rod KN fixed to the frame of the screen at N, where there is a joint or centre of motion. The descent of the point K causes another lever KL to move the horizontal slider (which carries the lens F) in such a manner as to keep the screen always in the focus of F, and consequently the picture upon it always distinct. When the frame H, on the other hand, advances to the screen, the point K rises, and the lens F is again adjusted by the motion of the slider. When the images diminish and appear to vanish, the support of the lens F permits the screen M to fall and intercept part of the light. The screen M may have a triangular opening, so as to uncover the middle only of the lens F. In this adjusting apparatus the rods KN and KL must be equal, and the point I must be twice the focal length of the lens F before the object, L being immediately under the focus of the lens. The object of the screen M is to diminish the illumination of the objects as they get smaller and appear to retire from the spectator, because in the instrument they actually become brighter. When M. Robertson exhibited this remarkable instru¬ ment, living persons were often strongly illuminated and introduced into the picture. The effect of life, however, was better given when the shadows of living objects only were introduced. VOL. XVI. 5. On the Thaumatrope or Wonder- Turner. The Thaumatrope or wonder-turner, invented by Dr Thauma- Paris, is a circular card with two strings made to whirl it rapidly round one of its diameters. If we draw a cage on turner * one side of the card, and a bird on the other, and whirl the card round, we shall see the bird within the cage, the retina retaining the impression of both pictures, even when none of them are seen, which is the case when the edge of the card is directed to the eye. 6. On the Phenakistoscope or Magic Disc. This instrument was, we believe, originally invented by Phenakis- Dr Roget, and improved by M. Plateau, at Brussels, and toscope or Dr Faraday. It consists of a circular disc from six to mRSlc dl8C twelve inches in diameter, with rectilineal apertures on its margin in the direction of its radii. A series of figures— of a rider, for example, leaping a fence—is drawn on the circumference of a circle parallel to the rim of the disc. The first figure represents the rider and horse standing be¬ fore the fence, and the last figure represents them stand¬ ing over the fence when the leap is completed. Between these two figures there are several others, representing the rider and the horse in different parts of the leap. The observer then stands in front of a looking-glass, with the disc in his left hand, attached to a handle, and by a piece of simple mechanism he whirls it rapidly round, looking at its image in the glass through the notches in its margin. He is then surprised to see the horse and his rider actually leaping the fence, as if they were alive, and returning and leaping again as the disc revolves. If wre look over the margin of the disc, at the reflected picture on the face of the disc, all the figures are effaced, and entirely invisible ; but when we look through the notches, we only see the figure of the horse and the rider at the instant the notch or aperture passes the eye, so that the picture instantaneously formed on the retina is not obliterated by preceding or subsequent impressions. Hence the eye receives in suc¬ cession the pictures of the horse and rider in all the atti¬ tudes of the leap, which are blended, as it were, into one action. The apparent velocity with which the horse and 4 T 698 OPT ORA Optimism rider advances (supposing the disc always to have the same velocity) depends on the proportion between the number v rac G‘ j of apertures in the margin of the disc and the number of figures of the horse and rider. If we use a disc with three concentric circles of aper¬ tures, each containing different numbers—8, 10, and 12, for example ; then, considering that these apertures revolve in the opposite direction in the reflected image, it is obvious that when we look through the circle of 10, which moves from left to right at the image of 10, revolving in the mirror from right to left, these opposite motions will destroy each other, and the circle of 10 apertures will appear to stand still in the picture. On the other hand, the circle of 12 apertures will always gain upon the one of 10, from which we look, and will appear to move from left to right with the difference of the velocities of the two, while the one of 8 will move backwards with the same Oracle, difference. i^ If we whirl a disc containing any word or figure upon it, without using a reflector, all is confused, and we cannot read the word or see the figure. Let it be whirled, however, in the dark, and let a spark of electricity, or the light of a little inflamed gunpowder, or of a percussion-cap, illuminate the disc, which it does only for an instant, and during that short instant the word or figure will be seen to stop, and we shall read the one and see the other with great distinctness. (For further information on the subject of this article, see Astromomy, vol. iv., p. 51, chap. iv.; Achromatic Telescopes, Burning Glasses, Camera Lucida, Chro¬ matics, Colours, Kaleidoscope, Meteorology, Mi¬ crometer, Microscope, Photography, Photometer, Stereoscope, and Telescope.) (d. b.) OPTIMISM is that philosophical doctrine which, start¬ ing from the absolute perfection of Deity, attributes to the universe, his work, the greatest possible perfection. This theory is to be found in some form or other in almost all the great speculative schools of antiquity, and especially among the philosophers of the Academy, of the Porch, and of Alexandria. Anselm and Aquinas were its chief advo¬ cates in the middle ages; its grandest developments, how¬ ever, belong to modern times, and, in particular, to the schools of Descartes and Leibnitz. The splendid scheme of optimism advocated by the latter in his Essais de The- odicee is well known. (See Dissertation First, part ii.) OR (Fr. gold), one of the metals used in blazonry. (See Heraldry.) ORA, an old Saxon coin. (See Coinage.) ORACLE (Latin, oraculum, from oris, of the mouth) is a term applied in ancient divination to the response of a deity, to the deity responding, or to the place where the response is delivered. The gavreiov and xprjo-nqpLov of the Greeks were employed with nearly the same latitude of meaning; for they were used both for oracular responses and for the seat of the oracle. The origin of the belief in oracles may no doubt be traced to that desire to penetrate the mysteries of the future so characteristic of man in all stages of his development. And not only were oracular responses sought after as a means of gratifying this universal curiosity; they were also prized for the divine sanction which they lent to the undertakings of men. Jove, as the father and ruler both of gods and men, was, to the mind of a Greek or a Roman, the ultimate source of all divine re¬ velations. But so far was he removed above the little affairs of men, that other lesser deities, and even heroes, had to be em¬ ployed to transmit his will to earth. The oracles of Zeus were accordingly few, while those of other gods were very numerous. The most elaborate oracular system of ancient times was to be found among the Greeks. What with Sibylline books, auguries, haruspices, and the like, the Roman did not find it necessary to call in the aid of oracular responses to disclose to him the future. The most celebrated oracles of the former people were those of Apollo. There are on record no fewer than twenty-two oracles at which this deity was consulted. These were Delphi, Abac in Phocis, Ptoon in Thebes, Ismenion in Bceotia, Hysise in Attica, Fegyra in Boeotia, Eutresis near Leuctra, Orbiae in Euboea, the Lyceum at Argos, the Acropolis of Argos, Didyma in Miletus, Claros in Colophon, Grynea among the My- rinaeans, Lesbos, Abdera, Delos, Patara in Lycia, Telmes- sus, Cilicia (two), Hybla in Caria, and Hiera Kome on the River Maeander. Of these oracles to Apollo, by far the most famous was that of Delphi. (For a full account of this celebrated oracle, see the article Delphi.) The revelations of Apollo were for the most part given by inspiration, while those of Jupiter were merely signs, which mortals had to interpret as best they could. (For the oracles of Zeus, see Dodona and Olympia.) There was also an oracle to Jupiter Ammon in Libya, which had a considerable reputation (Herod, ii. 29, &c.; also iv. 181). At Patrae in Achaia oracles were given by Demeter or Ceres concerning the recovery or death of the sick. In the centre of the market-place at Pharae, in the same district, stood an altar to Hermes or Mercury, at which that deity was supposed to give responses to questions whispered in his ear. At Charax in Caria, was an oracle of Pluto and Cora, with a cave adjoining, in which sick persons slept and had cures revealed to them in their dreams. In addition to those oracles of the lesser deities, the Greeks also consulted the oracles of certain heroes of dis¬ tinction. Such were the oracles of Amphiaraus, near Thebes, and at Oropus (Herod, viii. 134); of Amphilochus at Mallos in Cilicia ; of Trophimus at Lebadeia in Bceotia (Pausanias ix. 37, &c.); of Chalcas in Daunia; of Alsculapius at Epidaurus, and elsewhere; of Hercules at Bura in Achaia; of Pasiphae at Thalamiae; and of Phrixus in Iberia. While the Greeks, as a rule, had recourse to oracles to discover the will of the gods, the Romans, on the other hand, trusted more to augury and the Sibylline books, for their knowledge of the future. The only Roman oracles with which we are acquainted were those of Faunus, near the Tibur, and on the Aventine; of Fortuna at Antium, Praeneste, and elsewhere ; and of Mars at Tiora Matiena. Oracular responses were given for the most part in Ionic hexameters, partly because the answers of the deity were thus rendered more venerable, and partly because verse had the advantage of being easily remembered. These oracular verses, however, exhibited occasional metrical defects,—and this even at the oracle of Apollo—which provoked the satirical remark, that the god of verse was sadly deficient in poetical accomplishment himself. To prevent this scandal, it is said that the responses were sub¬ sequently given in prose, and in the Doric dialect. These responses, as might naturally be expected, were notorious for their want of meaning, obscurity, or equivocation. Ample latitude was generally given for personal preference in in¬ terpreting them, and when they were at all intelligible, they generally displayed such an exquisite ambiguity that it was impossible tor mortals to tell what they meant, or for the event to turn out different from some of their possible interpretations. The modes in which these deliverances were given were very various. At Delphi, they were ut¬ tered by the Pythia; at Dodona, they issued from a hollow rock; at the oracle of Jupiter Ammon, they were pro¬ nounced by the priests, who were very numerous. Painted dice were sometimes employed, as at Bura; and lots, some¬ times consisting of lettered sticks of oak, were made use of, as in the case of the Italian oracle of Praeneste. A very ORA Oran, frequent mode of oracular communication was through dreams, visions, and preternatural voices. The Urim and Thummim, and the Bath Kol of the Jews, are supposed by many to have borne a peculiar re¬ semblance to the heathen oracle. (See Kitto’s Cyclopcedia of Biblical Literature^ It was during the most flourishing period of Grecian history that oracles were held in greatest reverence and esteem. Every enterprise, no matter how private or trifling, had to receive the divine oracular sanction before it could be engaged in. Gradually, however, these mysterious de¬ liverances lost their hold upon the public faith. The scep¬ tical few always secretly ridiculed them as the offspring of subtle, unscrupulous priests. The philosopher smiled at them as a fresh illustration of human folly ; and the poli¬ tician, who held them in secret contempt, yet regarded them with public favour as a means of advancing his own designs. (See Cicero, Be Divinatione.) “ On what ac¬ count, Labienus,” says Cato, in that celebrated passage of Lucan’s Pharsalia, lib. ix., “ would you have me consult Jove ? . . . . Let us not ask him to repeat to us what he has sufficiently written on our hearts. Truth hath not re¬ tired into these deserts: it is not recorded on the sands of Libya. Let the irresolute and unstable have recourse to oracles ; for my part, I can extract the most steadfast resolu¬ tion from everything in nature. Death comes to the cow¬ ard as well as the brave. Jupiter can tell us no more.” While some have believed in the genuine divinity of ora¬ cular responses, and others have scouted them as the inven¬ tions of designing men, a third party have attributed them to the influence of the devil. The latter view was entertained by the Christian fathers; the second is maintained by Hiill- mann (Wurdigung des Delphischen Orakels, Bonn, 1837), at the present day; while the first finds a partial advocate in Klausen. (See art. “ Orakel” in Ersch and Gruber’s En- cyclopadie). Much controversy has also been created re¬ specting the period at which oracles ceased altogether to give forth their deliverances. Eusebius advanced the opinion, and the majority of Christian writers have followed him, that all oracles became silent at the birth of Christ. Milton has adopted this view in his grand Hymn of the Nativity. But traces remain of their having been consulted as late as 358 A.d. ; and edicts are known to have been issued against them by the emperors Theodosius, Gratian, and Valentinian. Oracles had long before lost their hold on the public, however, and what faint traces of the super¬ stition still lurked in remote corners gradually disappeared before the superior light of Christianity. (On the general subject of Greek and Roman oracles, see Wachsmuth, Hellen. Alt., vol. ii.; Hartung, DieRelig. der Homer ; Niebuhr’s History of Rome; and the Encyclo¬ pedic Moderne. Also the works of Daniel Clusens (1673), Anton Van Dale (1683), E. Dickinson (1686), Fontenelle (1687), J. C. Bulenger (1699), and Clavier (1819). On the Delphic oracle, see the works of C. F. Wilster, Pio- trowski, and W. Gotte; also those of Hiillmann and Klausen, already referred to. On the oracle at Dodona, see the works of Cordes, Arneth, and Lassaulx.) ORAN, a seaport-town of Algeria, capital of a military division and of a prefecture, stands at the head of a bay on the Mediterranean, 209 miles W.S. W. of Algiers ; N. Lat. 35. 44., W. Long. 0. 41. It is built on the two slopes of a ravine, which is traversed by a stream, here crossed by two bridges. As it is for the most part of modern origin, the streets are regular, and lined with handsome buildings. The defences of the place consist of three forts, which com¬ mand the roadstead of Oran, and the road to the neigh¬ bouring harbour of Mers-el-Kebir, one of the best on this coast. The parish church was originally a Mohammedan mosque; and another church, now connected with an hos¬ pital, was built by the Spaniards in the time of Charles V. ORA There are also an arsenal, artillery and cavalry barracxs, and some fine gardens. The roadstead at Oran is bad and un¬ sheltered ; but the harbour]of Mers-el-Kebir is only 3 miles to the north of the town. By means of this port a con¬ siderable trade is carried on with Morocco and Spain. Oran was taken by the Spaniards in 1509, and occupied by them till 1708. They again obtained possession of the town in 1732; but in 1790 it was much injured by an earthquake, and more so by the Moors, who besieged the town, and compelled the Spaniards to surrender it. When the French, in 1830, established themselves here, it was in a very ruinous condition. It is now, however, the second Christian city in Algeria, with a population of 20,775, of whom 13,560 are Europeans. ORANGE, a town of France, capital of an arrondisse- ment of the same name, in the department of Vaucluse, in the middle of a beautiful and fertile plain, about 3 miles from the left bank of the Rhone, and 13 north of Avignon. Many of the houses are handsome ; but the streets are nar¬ row, crooked, and not well kept. There are several ele¬ gant public fountains, well supplied with water. The most remarkable and splendid buildings are those which have remained from the time of the Romans, under whom Orange was known by the name of Arausio. About one- fourth of a mile from the town stands a triumphal arch in very good preservation, built of limestone of a deep yellow tint, in the Corinthian style of architecture. It has one central archway, with two smaller ones at the sides, and is profusely adorned with sculptures of naval trophies. No in¬ scription can be traced on the arch, except the single word “ Mario,” which has led to the supposition that it was erected to commemorate the victory of Marius over the Teutones at Aix in 102 b.c. ; but it is with probability be¬ lieved that the arch is of much later date. The Roman theatre stands on the slope, and at the foot of a hill at the other end of the town, and is of semicircular form. The chord of the semicircle is formed by a colossal wall 121 feet high, 334 long, and 13 thick. The exterior of this wall forms a magnificent front of five stories, with a large central archway supported by Corinthian pillars. In the interior are to be seen all the parts of an ancient theatre, though entirely stripped of its ornaments. Near the theatre are the remains of an ancient circus; and many sculp¬ tures, pillars, and slabs of marble have been found in the town. There are still some traces of the walls that surrounded the ancient Arausio, which, from the extent of these defences, may have contained a population of 40,000. The modern town contains a court of the first instance, a council of prudhommes, a public library, col¬ lege, &c. In the middle ages, Orange was the capital of a small independent principality, which belonged to several families, and finally to that of Nassau. The territory was ceded to France by Frederick William of Prussia at the treaty of Utrecht; but the title has still continued in the family of Nassau, and is now borne by the heir to the throne of Holland. Orange has manufactures of silks, cot¬ tons, handkerchiefs, serge, &c.; and there is some trade in corn, wine, brandy, oil, honey, and wool. Pop. (1856) of the town, 9685; of the arrondissement, 75,260. Orange River, or Gariep, a river of South Africa, bounding Cape Colony on the north, rises about 10,000 feet above the level of the sea, in S. Lat. 28. 40., E. Long. 28. 30., and flows first S.W., then N.W., and finally west¬ ward, in an irregular course, till it falls into the Atlantic, S. Lat. 28. 30., E. Long. |16. 30. Gold and copper ore have been found near its banks. The Orange River re¬ ceives several tributaries, both from the north and from the south. The largest of these is the Ky-Gariep, Vaal, or Yellow River, from the north, which has a longer course than the Orange River itself. The Kuruman, and the Borradaile or Fish River, also join it from the north; and the 700 Orange River So¬ vereignty II Oravicza. 0 R .A O R C Hartebeest or Visch River from the south. The length of the river, from the source of the Vaal to the sea, is 1000 miles. Orange River Sovereignty, a tract of country lying between the rivers Orange and Vaal, to the N.E. of Cape Colony, having an extent of 60,000 square miles. It was made a British territory in 1848, but was abandoned in 1854. ORANGE, the fruit of the sweet-orange tree (Citrus aurantium, Risso, Nat. Ord. Aurantiacece). This now well-known fruit is by no means an old inhabitant of Europe. Its native country is India, and perhaps China, but its intro¬ duction into Europe is possibly due to the Moors, who cer¬ tainly introduced and planted extensive groves of the bitter orange at Seville and other places in Spain. The sweet orano-e bears the climate of the south of Europe exceed- ino-ly well, and in consequence has been most assiduously cultivated in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Sicily. The lesult has been the production of a great number of varieties, no less than nineteen of which have been described by Risso, the historian of the cultivated orange. The foliage of the orange is very beautiful, and forms a large round head to a short but well-formed stem, which is for 5 or 6 feet free from branches. The flowers are white and unattractive, but have a most delicious fragrance; so also has the fruit, both in its green and ripe state. The odour of the fruit resides in the outer coating of the rind, which when ripe is of a golden-yellow colour; this is technically called the Jlavedo. It is usual for the orange tree to have almost con¬ stantly flowers, with green and ripe fruit at the same time. For the oils obtained from the orange, see Oils. The cultivation of the orange constitutes a most important branch of industry in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Azores, which countries supply the greater portion of this fruit con¬ sumed in Europe. Many of the plantations in Spain are of con¬ siderable a^e ; but the oldest are those formed by the Moors in the neighbourhood of Seville of the bitter orange (Citrus Bigaradia, Rissso), the fruit of which is sold under the name of “ Seville oranges” for the manufacture of marma¬ lade and other confections. The rind is also used in medicine as an agreeable tonic. When intended for export to other countries, the fruit is gathered a little before it is ripe, and each orange is wrapped either in thin paper or the spathes of Indian corn, and afterwards packed in chests or boxes,—the former containing about 800, and the latter 300. The chief places of import in this country are London, Liverpool, and Hull; and the quantity imported is immense. In 1857 we received from Portugal 229,116 bushels; the Azores, 274,200 bushels; Malta, 2430 bushels ; Spain, 68,436 bushels; Two Sicilies, 112,510 bushels ; Gibraltar, 3550 bushels ; and from other countries 2600 bushels ;—in all, 692,842 bushels, as nearly as can be ascertained; but there is some uncertainty as to the exact quantity, owing to oranges and lemons being given to¬ gether in the government returns. The duty on oranges is at present (1858) 8d. per bushel. A curious and de¬ licious variety of the orange is grown in Brazil, and oc¬ casionally sent in small quantities to this country; its rind does not perfectly inclose the pulp, as in the common orange, but breaks up into several portions at the top of the fruit, which is lemon-shaped, and very large. It is the Larangeira embeguda, or “ navel-orange” of orange cultivators, (t.c.a.) ORATORIO, in music, a kind of sacred drama, in which the poetry is derived from some Scriptural subject, and is set to music in recitatives, airs, duetts, trios, quar- tetts, &c., and choruses, accompanied by an orchestra, sometimes an organ, and introduced by an instrumental overture. The origin of the oratorio is not clearly esta¬ blished. Amongst the most remarkable oratorios of modern times is Haydn’s “ Creation.” (g. f. G.) ORATORY. See Rhetoric. ORAYICZA, a town of Hungary, in the Banat, circle of Lugos, 53 miles S.S.E. of Temesvar. In the vicinity are mines of gold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. The town is the seat of a board of mining for the Banat, and of some weaving establishments. Pop. 4840. ORB, a town of Bavaria, circle of Lower Franconia, 41 miles N.N.W. of Wurtzburg. It has rich salt mines, pro¬ ducing annually upwards of 1800 tons of salt; numerous mills, mineral springs, and an active transit trade. Pop. 4500. ORCAGNA, or Orgagna, Andrea, a celebrated Italian artist, was the son of Clone, a well-known goldsmith, and was born at Florence in the former half of the fourteenth century. His artistic talents were displayed at once in painting, sculpture, architecture, and poetry. He was first engaged, along with his brother Bernardo, in decorating churches. His chief pictures were “ The Triumph of Death,” and “ The Last Judgment,” both of which exist at the present time in the Campo Santo at Pisa, and bear testimony to the spirited and fertile invention of the artist. Then turning his attention to sculpture and architecture, he erected and ornamented the finely-proportioned Loggia di Lanzi and the church of Or San Michele, two edifices which are still seen in his native city. Meanwhile his leisure hours had been occupied in making verses ; and he now continued to dabble in poetry till his death, at the age of sixty. (Vasari’s Painters^ Sculptors, &c.; and Lanzi’s History of Painting.) ORCHARD. See Horticulture. ORCHESTRA (Gr. opxncrrpd) was the place allotted to the chorus in the Greek theatres ; but it signifies in modern times that place occupied by the instrumental band in a theatre, or by the instrumental and vocal performers in a concert-room. The word orchestra is also used as synony¬ mous with band. In the Leipsic Musical Gazette, passim, there are plans and descriptions of some of the most cele¬ brated orchestras—that of the Grand Opera at Paris, of a grand amateur concert at Vienna, of the San Carlo Theatre at Naples, of the Scala Theatre at Milan. (See also Burney’s account of the great Handel commemoration in Westminster Abbey in May 1784 ; and the published accounts of the Handel commemoration in the Crystal Palace in 1857. For remarks on orchestral instrumenta¬ tion, see article Music.) (&• ORCHESTRINO, a modern musical instrument, so called by its inventor Poulleau. It was shaped like a piano¬ forte, had similar finger-keys, and its sounds were produced by the friction of a circular bow upon the strings. It imi¬ tated the tones of the violin, the viola, the violoncello, the the viol d’arnour, the double-bass, &c. I he construction of the bow (of hair, &c.) is said to have been very curious and ingenious. (g. f* g0 ORCHESTRION, a musical instrument invented by the Abbe Vogler about 1789. It was a kind of portable organ, about 9 feet in height, breadth, and depth. Its power was that of an organ of 16-feet pipe, and it had a mechanism to swell or to diminish all the sounds within its compass. Another instrument of the same name, invented in 1796 by Kunz, a Bohemian, consisted of a pianoforte combined with some organ-stops. (g. f. g.) ORCHILLA WEED, the commercial name applied to several species of Rocella (Nat. Ord. Lichenes). Ihe most common is R. tinctoria, De Cand., which, although found growing on the rocks of European coasts even as far north as Britain, is chiefly collected on the tropical coasts of Lima and Angola. From the same localities, and also now in considerable quantities from India, R. fuciformis is also collected and exported. These are often mixed with other species, as R. dichotoma, R. pygmcea, R. flaccida, &c. These lichens are foliaceous, branched like a stag’s horn, but generally flat. Their colour is a greenish-gray ; and they have a peculiar and agreeable odour, resembling primroses, when in large quantities. When reduced to a pulp, and mixed with an ammoniacal liquor, they yield, after macera- Orb Orchilla, 0 R c Orchome- tion and fermentation, a beautiful purple colour, which is nus. called orchil or archil. Beckmann {History of Inventions) ^ narrates the accidental discovery of the colouring properties of this plant by a Florentine merchant, which serves to explain the fact that this rich dye was so long a secret, known only to the Florentines. It is more than probable, however, that the Phycos thalassion of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, used in their time for dyeing wool, and col¬ lected for that purpose in the Greek islands, was one of the species of Kocella. This dyeing material varies very much in price. It has been sold as high as L.1000 per ton ; but it now ranges from L.30 to L.70. The quantity im¬ ported in 1857 was 998 tons, the greater part of which was from Portugal and Lima. (t. c. a.) ORCHOMENUS, a city of Bceotia, and the capital of the powerful tribe the Minyae, was situated near the west¬ ern shore of the Copaic Lake, on a hill which overlooked the windings of the Cephissus. Its original inhabitants are said to have been Thessalian emigrants, and its ultimate name was derived from Orchomenus, one of the kings of the Minyans. The city seems to have been powerful and important from the very first. Its wealth was likened by Homer to that of the Egyptian Thebes ; its contingent of ships to the Trojan war amounted to thirty ; it seems at one time to have had jurisdiction over the towns of the neigh¬ bourhood ; and even when, shortly after the destruction of Troy, it was forced into the Boeotian confederacy, it was second among the allies to Thebes alone. The decline of Orchomenus may be said to have commenced in 395 b.c., when, averse to the democratic government of the Thebans, it took the field with Sparta in support of oligarchy. It is true that its cause triumphed at the battle of Coronea in 394 b.c., and that its independence was secured by the peace of Antalcidas in 387 b.c. Yet Thebes had contracted a deadly enmity against its former tributary, and only waited for an opportunity to inflict revenge. In 371 B.c. the victory of Leuctra, which restored to the Thebans their supremacy over Bceotia, afforded this opportunity. Orchomenus was destroyed, and its inhabitants were sold for slaves. It rose again not long afterwards, only to be destroyed in 346 b.c., by its implacable foes; and al¬ though its walls were rebuilt once more by the command of Philip of Macedon, it had sunk into ruins in the time of Strabo. When visited by Pausanias, the remains of Or¬ chomenus contained a temple of Bacchus; the tomb of Hesiod ; the tomb of Minyas, an ancient king of the town, who gave his name to the Minyans ; and a temple in which a famous festival in honour of the Graces had been wont to be held. The fortifications can still be traced near the village of Skripu. (Muller’s Orchomenos und die Minyer ; Leake’s Northern Greece ; and Mure’s Tour in Greece.) Orchomenus, an ancient city of Arcadia, stood in a plain surrounded by hills which separated its territory from that of Mantineaon the S., and those of Pheneus and Stym- phalus on the N. Its founder is said to have been Orcho¬ menus, the son of Lycaon. Its situation, in the midst of a well-watered valley, and its acropolis, upon a high and im¬ pregnable hill, seem to have rendered it in early times a very important city. Homer calls it “ rich in flocks ; ” and several of its kings are said to have spread their rule over all Arcadia. But during the Peloponnesian war, when its acropolis had probably fallen into ruins, and wdien its last king, Pisistratus, had been murdered by an oligarchical fac¬ tion, Orchomenus began to decline. About 367 b.c. three of its tributary towns were depopulated to furnish inhabi¬ tants to the newly-founded city of Megalopolis ; in 313 b.c. it was taken by the Macedonian general Cassander; and ever afterwards it continued to be bandied about between different belligerent powers. Yet, in the time of Pausanias, Orchomenus was still inhabited, and at the present day its ruins are seen near the village of Kalpaki. 0 R D 7oi ORDEAL, a term applied to an ancient form of trial, Ordeal, derived from the Anglo-Saxon ordirae/, compounded, accord- v ,, ing to Spelman and Ducange, of or, great, and duel, judg¬ ment. Lye and Bosvvorth derive it from or, without, and dael difference ; signifying thus a judgment without a differ¬ ence or distinction of persons, or, in other words, an impar¬ tial judgment. It agrees with the German urtheil. (See Hickes, Dissert. Epistol., p. 149.) It consisted in an appeal to the immediate interposition of Divine power, being particularly distinguished by the appellation of judicium Dei; and was sometimes called purgatio vul¬ garis, to distinguish it from canonical purgation, which was by oath. That the purgation by ordeal, of some kind or other, is very ancient, admits not of a doubt; and that it was uni¬ versal in the times of superstitious ignorance, seems to be equally certain. Perhaps the earliest trace of this practice is to be found in the book of Numbers, chap, v., where Hebrew wromen suspected of incontinency had to drink the “ waters of jealousy” as a test of their innocence. The ordeal of the “red drink,”employed by the inhabitants of the Gold Coast in Africa, resembles this Jewish custom not a little. (See Kitto’s Biblical Cyclopcedia.) It appears even to have been known also to the ancient Greeks ; for in the Antigone of Sophocles a person suspected by Creon of a misdemeanour, declares himself ready “ to handle hot iron and to walk over fire,” in order to manifest his inno¬ cence, which, the scholiast tells us, was then a usual mode of purgation. And Grotius gives many instances of water- ordeal in Bithynia, Sardinia, and other places. It seems, however, to have been carried to a greater height amongst the Hindus than ever it had been in any nation or amongst any people, however rude or barbarous; for in a paper in the Asiatic Researches (vol. i., p. 389), communicated by Hastings, we find that the trial by ordeal amongst that people is conducted in nine diffei'ent ways : by the balance; by fire; by water; by poison; by the cosha, or the water in which an idol has been washed; by rice; by boiling oil; by red-hot iron ; and by images. Two kinds of this trial were more common than the rest, at least in Europe,—viz., fire-ordeal and water-ordeal. The former was confined to persons of high rank, the latter to the common people. Both these might be performed by deputy ; but the principal was bound to answer for the success of the trial, the deputy only venturing some corporal pain, for hire, or perhaps for friendship ; hence the origin of the expression “ to go through fire and water” tor one. “ Fire-ordeal,” says Blackstone {Comm., vol. iv.,c. 27), “was performed either by taking up in the hand, unhurt, a piece of red-hot iron, of one, tw o, or three pounds weight; or else by walking, barefoot and blindfold, over nine red-hot ploughshares, laid lengthwise at unequal distances; and if the party escaped unhurt, he was adjudged innocent, but if it happened other¬ wise, as without collusion it usually did, he was then con¬ demned as guilty. However, by this latter method Queen Emma, the mother of Edward the Confessor, is mentioned to have cleared her character when suspected of familiarity with Alwyn, Bishop of Winchester.” “The water-ordeal w as performed either by plunging the bare arm up to the elbow in boiling water, and escaping unhurt thereby; or by casting the person suspected into a river or pond of cold water, and if he floated therein without any act of swim¬ ming, it was deemed an evidence of his guilt, but if he sunk he was acquitted.” The origin of this mode of trial may be traced to neces¬ sity as well as to superstition. At the time in which it origi¬ nated in England, as well as in other countries of Europe, it w'as no easy matter for an innocent person, when accused of guilt, to get himself cleared by the then established mode of trial. It was therefore natural for superstition to fly to heaven for those testimonies of innocence which the ab- 702 0 K D 0 R D Orders. surdity of human laws often prevented men from obtaining in the ordinary course of affairs. In this way, doubtless, did the trial by ordeal commence ; and being thus begun by necessitous superstition, it was fostered by impious priestcraft and unjust power. (See Jury Trial.) Besides the particular methods of trial which we have already men¬ tioned, there were some few more common in European countries; as the judicial combat, the ordeal of the cross, and the ordeal of the corsned. The judicial combat was exceedingly common in Ger¬ many in very remote ages; but it is not mentioned in any of the Anglo-Saxon laws, and it does not appear to have been much used in England until after the Conquest. It was so much the custom in the middle ages of Christianity to respect the cross, even to superstition, that it would indeed have been wonderful if the same ignorant bigotry had not converted it into an ordeal; and accordingly we find it used for this purpose in so many different ways as almost to preclude description. The corsned, or the con¬ secrated bread and cheese, was the ordeal to which the clergy commonly appealed when they were accused of any crimes. If the culprit swallowed the bread and cheese freely, he was declared innocent; but if it stuck in his throat, he was pronounced guilty. In the reign of Edward the Con¬ fessor, as historians assure us, Godwin, Earl of Kent,.in ab¬ juring the death of the king’s brother, appealed to this ordeal, and was choked by the corsned. (Blackstone, vol. iv.) Besides these, there were a variety of other ordeals prac¬ tised in Christian countries, many of which retain the same names which were used amongst pagans, and differ only as to the mode in which they were performed. In all nations of Christians where these trials were used, we find the clergy engaged in them. Indeed, in England, as late as the time of King John, we find grants to the bishops and clergy to use the judicium ferri, aquce, et ignis ; and both in England and Sweden the clergy presided at this trial, and it was only performed in the churches, or in other consecrated ground. But we find the canon law, at a very early period, declaring against trial by ordeal, or vul¬ garis purgatio, as being the work of the devil. A decree to this effect was issued in the eighteeenth canon of the fourth Lateran Council, November 1215. “ Upon this authority, though the canons themselves were of no validity in Eng¬ land, it was thought proper,” says Blackstone (as had been done in Denmark above a century before), to disuse and abolish this trial entirely in our courts of justice by an act of Parliament 3 Henry III., according to Sir Edward Coke, or rather by an order of the king in council. Spelman thinks, however (Glossary under Judicium Dei), that this law was merely temporary. It is clear that it must have fallen into disuse in England about the middle of the thirteenth cen¬ tury, as it had in most European nations long before. (Sel- don’s Notes to Eadmer ; see also Palgrave’s Rise and Pro¬ gress of the English Commonwealth, vol. i., p. 256.) That much priestly jugglery was practised in con¬ nection with ordeals there can be no manner of doubt. Artificial preparations were known and used which enabled the suspected to undergo the most unheard-of trials without injury. With the scientific knowledge of the present day this seems in no way so miraculous as it must have done to the ignorant of those early times. When the ordeal was abolished, and this art rendered use¬ less, the clergy no longer kept it a secret. ORDERS. In no Reformed church are there more than three orders, namely, bishops, priests, and deacons. In the Roman Catholic church there are seven, exclusive of the episcopate, all of which the Council of Trent enjoins to be received and believed, on pain of anathema. They are dis¬ tinguished into petty or secular orders, and major or sacred orders. The petty or minor orders are four; those of door¬ keeper, exorcist, reader, and acolyte. Persons in petty Orders orders may marry without any dispensation. In effect, the || petty orders are looked on as little other than formalities, Ordination, and as degrees necessary to arrive at the higher orders. The Greeks disavow these petty orders, and pass imme¬ diately to the subdiaconate; and the Reformed churches to the diaconate. Their rise Fleury dates in the time of the Emperor Justinian. There is no call nor benefice re¬ quired for the four petty orders; and even a bastard may enjoy them without any dispensation, nor does a second marriage disqualify. Orders, Religious, in the Romish Church, are generally reckoned three,—viz., the monastic, the military, and the mendicant. (Respecting these, see Monachism, Knights and Knighthood, Mendicants, and Jesuitism.) Orders, Holy. See Ordination. ORDERICUS, Vitalis, author of a very valuable his¬ tory of England and Normandy during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, was born at Attingesham (Atchani), a village on the Severn, near Shrewsbury, on the 17th of February 1075. Our information respecting his life is con¬ fined entirely to his own writings. His father, Odelerius, quitted his native city of Orleans to accompany Roger de Montgomery into England, and received from that lord a grant of lands near Shrewsbury, where he built a monas¬ tery, to which he retired in 1110. The child received the name of Ordericus after the priest who baptized him. At the age of five years he was sent to school at Shrewsbury, where he remained under the care of Siward, a priest, till his tenth year. His father then gave him in charge to Ray- nold, a monk, who conveyed him to the abbey of St Evroult, in the diocese of Lisieux in Normandy, and dedi¬ cated the boy to a monastic life. Ordericus received the tonsure in 1085, and assumed the name of Vitalis in honour of the saint whose memory was solemnized on the day of his admission to the monastic order. He attained after¬ wards to the rank of priest. The remainder of his days were devoted to the peaceful performance of the duties of his order, and to the composition of his Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. The rules of the cloister were not compatible with the gratification of his strong in¬ clination for travel; yet he was permitted occasional ab¬ sence for the purpose of collecting materials for his History. With this intention, he visited Croyland Abbey and Wor¬ cester on two separate occasions, besides making various journeys to different parts of Normandy. In 1141 he draws his History to a close, “ worn out by age and infirmities.” He was then in his sixty-seventh year, and must have died soon after. Although removed from his native country while yet a mere child, he never ceased to glory in the name of Englishman, and describes himself in the title of his great work as Vitalis Angligena. His History, which consists of thirteen books, seems to have been written in a very irregular manner. What stand now as books first, second, and seventh, were composed after the rest of the work had been completed. M. Guizot says of it in his Introduction to the French edition, “On more than one occasion his materials seem thrown together pell- mell, as chance or opportunity brought them into the author’s power. But this irregular surface covers a mine of real wealth. No book contains so much and such valu¬ able information on the history of the eleventh and twelfth centuries—on the political state, both civil and religious, of society in the west of Europe—and on the manners of the times, whether feudal, monastic or popular.” The entire work of Vitalis was first printed in the collection of Du¬ chesne in 1619; a French version of it by Dubois ap¬ peared in 1826 ; another, by Le Provost and Delisle, 1838- 54; and an excellent English version, by T. Forester, was published in 4 vols. by Bohn, London, 1853-56. ORDINATION is the solemn setting apart to the work OEDINATION. 703 rdination.of the Christian ministry in a congregation, or the act of —investing with the sacred office in the Christian church. The form in which this rite is administered is substantially the same in all sections of the church; but the rite has a very different signification, and is viewed with very different feelings, in different communions. These differences are determined chiefly by the views entertained of the nature of the sacred office itself, and of the relation of those in¬ vested with it to each other. Where a gradation of rank and authority obtains within the clerical body, and where the Christian ministry is regarded as a priesthood, it is ob¬ vious that ordination must have a very different meaning from what is attached to it by those who hold the parity of the clergy, and regard their functions as purely minis¬ terial, and in no respect sacerdotal. In the former case ordination will mean to confer orders (conferre ordines); in the latter it cannot mean more than to receive into the body {cooptare in ordinem). We shall best consult, we believe, the wishes of our readers if, without entering polemically into this thorny question, we place before them, from authentic sources, a statement of the opinions entertained by the leading sec¬ tions of the church regarding ordination. By the Homan Catholics ordination is regarded as a sacrament, and in its highest degree it is the investing with the priestly office and the conferring of priestly powers. To this there are several preliminary steps, which ascend in the following order:—The ostiariate, the lectorate, the exorcistate, the acolythate, the subdiaconate, and the dia- conate1 (Concil. Trident. Sess. 22, c. 2. Comp. Concil. Carthag. iv. c. 3—c. 9, in Caranza, Summa Cone., p. 167.) Through each of these steps the candidate ought regularly to pass; but in practice this rule is not always strictly fol¬ lowed, inasmuch as, when the service of the church requires, it is assumed that the proved fitness of a candidate for the higher stage renders it unnecessary that he should formally pass through the lower stages (Schnappinger, Doctrina Dogmatum Eccl. Christ. Cathol., vol. ii., p. 194). Ordi¬ nation can be administered only by a bishop, who is a successor of the Apostles, and in whom resides the faculty of communicating ecclesiastical authority and sacerdotal power. By imposition of hands upon the candidate, accom¬ panied with the words, “ Accipe potestatem offerendi sacri- ficium pro vivis et mortuis in nomine Patris, Filii, et Spiritus Sancti,” the bishop performs the act of ordination ; and the individual so ordained becomes thenceforward endowed with the Holy Spirit, and capable of offering the sacrifice of the altar, and of remitting or binding sins. The character thus impressed upon him is indelible; the priest can never again become a laic, even though he may cease to discharge the functions of his office. A recent expositor of Roman Catholic theology has thus stated the effect of ordination in relation to the three superior grades of the clergy:—“ The working of ordination is the sacerdotal grace, ‘the power of the Holy Ghost, and that in such a way as that the fulness of the priesthood shall belong to the episcopate, on which account bishops are the chief servants and organs of grace, and they who communicate the Holy Ghost in confirma¬ tion and ordination; a lesser portion falls to the priests, to whom is given the power of offering sacrifice and absolving; whilst on the deacons comes only a beginning and shadow of the priesthood, to whom are committed only the preach¬ ing, the preparation and distribution of the eucharistic offering, and the dispensing of baptism.” (Klee, Kath. Dogmalik, iii. 338.) In the Greek Church, ordination is regarded in much the same light as in the Romish church. “ The priest¬ hood,” says the Confessio Orthodoxa, p. 173, “inasmuch as it is a sacrament (pvar^piov), was appointed to the Ordination. Apostles by Christ; and ordination (xetporovia) takes place 's—v'—/ by the imposition of their hands even unto our day, the bishops having succeeded them for the communica¬ tion of the holy mysteries, and the ministry of the salva¬ tion of men.” In the Anglican Church, there are some whose views of ordination very slightly differ from those avowed by the Romanists (see Tracts for the Times, No. 4, and No. 54, &c.) But the judgment of the church, as such, is more justly expressed in the following statement. Ordination is ‘ a privilege peculiar to the character of a bishop, who is a governor in the church of God; whereby he conveys authority to some to preach the gospel, and to administer the sacraments, who are called presbyters, and from whence is derived our word priest; and to others to be assistants to himself and the presbyters in their spiritual administra¬ tions, who are called deacons ; which is performed by prayer and the imposition of hands—a solemn ceremony of bless¬ ing and devoting persons to the sacred function.” (Nelson’s Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, p. 526, 22d edit.) The Church of England for¬ mally repudiates the sacramental character of orders in her 25th article, but attaches importance to ordination, as need¬ ful for the maintenance of that “reverend estimation” in which the ministerial office ought to be held in the church. The right of ordaining is vested in the bishop, who is bound to satisfy himself that the candidate is “ a man of virtuous conversation, and without crime,” and that he is “ learned in the Latin tongue, and sufficiently instructed in holy Scripture.” No one can be ordained a deacon under twenty-three years of age, unless he have a Faculty; and every one who is to be admitted a priest must be full four- and-twenty years old. The canonical seasons for ordina¬ tion are the Sundays immediately following the four ember days; that is, the second Sunday in Lent, the Sunday after Whitsunday, the Sunday after the 14th of September, and the Sunday after the 13th of December {Can. 31); but on urgent occasions, according to the discretion of the bishop, ordination may be administered on any other Sunday or holy day, provided it be done “ in the face of the church.” The parties to be ordained are presented to the bishop by the archdeacon or his deputy, who is bound to attest their meetness for the office to which they aspire. After admi¬ nistering to each the oath of allegiance, and exacting from them an avowal of their conviction that they are moved by the Holy Ghost to take on them the sacred office, a profession of their belief in the canonical Scriptures, and a promise to read them diligently to the people, as well as to live so as to be an example to the flock, the bishop ordains them by laying his hands severally on the head of each, and pronouncing over each the formula of authorization to discharge the functions of the office to which he is set apart. In the case of deacons, this authorization is limited to the reading of the gospel in the church, and the preaching of the same if licensed thereto by the bishop himself. In ordaining priests, the bishop says, “ Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a priest in the church of God now committed unto thee by the imposition of our hands. Whose sins thou dost forgive they are forgiven, and whose sins thou dost retain they are retained. And be thou a faithful dis¬ penser of the Word of God and of his holy sacraments ; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” After this, the bishop delivers to every one of them, kneeling, the Bible into his hand, saying, “ Take thou authority to preach the Word of God, and to minister the holy sacraments to the congregation where thou shalt be lawfully appointed thereunto.” 1 Whether all of these are to he counted sacramental is a point not fully settled in the Romish Church. Bellarmine refers to the different views, and concludes,—“Absolute tamen probabilior sententia est, quae ordines omnes sacramenta esse docet quam ea quae negat.” {Sacr. Ord., c. 5.) 704 O li D Ordination. The Lutherans repudiate alike the sacramental character of ordination and the priesthood of the clergy. Preserving as a sacred truth the idea of the universal priesthood of the people of God in a spiritual sense, they deny the existence of any essential distinction between the clergy and the laity, and regard the sacred office as simply a ministry, not in any particular congregation, but in the church at large ■ a ministry the special function of which is to preach the Word of God, to administer the sacraments, and to remit or retain sins (see Apol. Confess. Aug., art. 7, art. 10, art. 14; Conf. Aug., art. 5). Ordination is with them, con¬ sequently, simple consecration or designation to the minis¬ terial office, and may be performed by an elder or pastor (Art. Smalcald, p. 352); though, for the sake of order, it is usually administered by a superintendent or prelate in the presence of other pastors (see Gerhard, Loc. Theoll., xii. 145, 159). In administering it, prayer and imposition of hands are used, the latter being regarded not in any sense as a sacramental symbol, but merely as a venerable usage, which has descended from apostolic times, and as useful for admonition (Gerhard, xii. 163). “ We have followed this usage,” says Reinhard (Dogmatik, p. 635), “ not from superstition, as if by it some special sanctity were imparted, but simply that the party who undertakes the office of a public teacher may be admonished of the importance of his office, and may be indicated to the congregation as one in whom it may repose trust.” The doctrine of the Reformed Church respecting ordi¬ nation does not essentially differ from that of the Lutheran. Persons duly appointed, whether by the choice of the people or by a patron, and found duly qualified, after examination by the pastors of the district, are publicly ordained by prayer and the laying on of hands. According to* Calvin himself, “ though there is no direct injunction of the imposition of hands, yet the rite having always been observed in apos¬ tolic times, deserves to be retained, and is useful as tending to commend to the people the dignity of the ministry, and to remind him who is ordained that he is not his own, but is bound to the service of God and the church.” He is doubtful, however, whether a plurality of pastors be indis¬ pensable for the ordaining of a minister, and he adduces the case of Timothy, as one in which ordination was adminis¬ tered by the Apostle alone (1 Tim. i. 5) ; the statement in 2 Tim. iv. 14 being understood by him “ non quasi Paulus de seniorum collegio loquatur, sed . . . quasi diceret, Fac ut gratia, quam per manuum impositionem recepisti, quum te presbyterum crearem, non sit irrita.” (Inst., lib. iv. c. 3, § 16.) According to the Presbyterians, ordination is “ the solemn setting apart to some public church office,” and is to be performed, with authority of the Presbytery, by prayer and imposition of hands. The doctrine of the Church of Scotland, as expounded by Dr Hill, is, that “ every one who is ordained by the laying on of the hands of the office¬ bearers of the church becomes a minister of the church universal. He is invested with that character, .... and by this investiture he receives authority to perform all the acts belonging to the character.” The business of the church, he adds, “ is to convey the powers [of the minis¬ terial office] to those whom she finds qualified. By ordina¬ tion they become ministers of the church universal;” and he carefully distinguishes between this and the election or appointment by which a man becomes the minister of a particular congregation ; “ this assignation of place being merely a matter of order, which is not essential to his cha¬ racter.” (Lectures in Divinity, vol. ii., p. 439, 440, third edit.) In the United Presbyterian Church, this local assig¬ nation enters as an important element into the effect of ordination : the party is ordained “ to the office of the holy ministry, and to the pastoral inspection of the congregation by whom he has been chosen and regularly called.” (Rules 0 R E and Forms of Procedure, &c., p. 47.) In administering Ordnance ordination, a minister, who is either the existing moderator || of the Presbytery, or one appointed to act as such for the f*re8- occasion, presides; a sermon is preached, in some cases by ''"“V”'*'' the moderator, in others by some minister appointed by the Presbytery; certain questions are then put to the candidate, bearing on his religious belief, ecclesiastical relations, and official engagements ; and on receiving satisfactory answers to these, the presiding minister engages in prayer, and by imposition of hands, in which all the members of the pres¬ bytery present join, ordains the candidate ; after which the latter receives the right hand of fellowship from his brother ministers, and suitable addresses are delivered to minister and people on their respective duties. By the Independents, or Congregationalists, strenuous objection is taken to the doctrine that ordination is the in¬ vesting of a man with the character of a minister of the church universal. Such an “ individuum vagum, or pastor at large,” they hold to be “ irregular and cross to the order of the gospel,” being a pastor without a flock, an officer without an office, a ruler without subjects. (Hooker and Cotton’s Survey of Church Discipline, part ii., chap, ii., p. 60 ; 4to. 1648.) They regard “ ordination not as a de¬ signation to the work of the ministry (of which they find no examples in the New Testament), but as a solemn ap¬ pointment to office in a Christian church” (Fuller, Works, v. 280); and, consequently, when a minister changes his place of service it would be according to their principles that he should be re-ordained in his new sphere. In prac¬ tice, however, this latter course is not always followed; nor are all agreed as to the necessity of ordination even in the first instance. The views chiefly prevalent among English and Scottish Independents are expressed in the following article of the Declaration of Faith, Church Order, and Discipline of the Congregational or Independent Dissenters, issued in 1833:—“ They believe that church-officers, whe¬ ther bishops or deacons, should be chosen by the free voice of the church; but that their dedication to the duties of their office should take place with special prayer and by solemn designation, to which most of the churches add the imposition of hands by those already in office.” The order usually adhered to in this service is as follows:—First, a sermon is preached, which is generally devoted to an ex¬ position and defence of Congregational church polity ; then certain questions are proposed to the candidate regarding his personal religious history, his views of divine truth, his motives for desiring the work of the ministry, and his in¬ tentions as to the actual discharge of the functions of the ministry in the sphere to which he has been called; the ordination prayer is then offered, usually by the minister who puts the questions, and, when imposition of hands is used, by all the ministers present uniting with him in this act; after which the ministers give to the newly ordained pastor the right hand of fellowship. Some minister of ex¬ perience then gives the charge to the pastor, and another addresses the people on their respective duties; and the service concludes, as it began, with prayer and praise. By some it is held that the right of ordination rests with the officers of the individual church in which the party to be ordained is to officiate, and, in the absence of such, with the private members (Davidson, Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament, p. 241, ff.); but these extreme views are not generally entertained by Congregational¬ ists. (w. L. A.) ORDNANCE, a general name for all sorts of great guns used in war. (For the various officers of the Ordnance, see Akmy, and Navi*.) ORES are the mineral bodies from which metals are extracted. Metals exist in ores,—(1.) In the metallic state, when they are either pure or combined with each other, as in the state of alloy; (2.) Combined with oxygen in the 0 II E )rebro state of an oxide; (3.) Combined with sulphur in the state II of sulphuret; and (4.) With acids, forming salts. (See rcgoTK AND MlNiXG.) 0REBRO, a town of Sweden, capital of a lan of the same name, stands near the western extremity of Lake Hielmar, 100 miles W. of Stockholm. The streets are wide and clean, and the houses neatly built of wood, painted of a red colour, with white doors and window-frames. In the principal church, which is a handsome edifice, there are numerous interesting monuments, and the grave of Engelbrecht Engelbrechtson, the Swedish patriot, killed in 1436. I he town contains also a fine ancient castle, a town-hall, assembly-house, hospital, &c., and the old house is still to be seen where Gustavus Vasa and Charles IX. lived, and where Bernadette was elected Crown Prince of Sweden in 1810. Manufactures of linen and woollen stuffs, waxcloth, hosiery, paper, and tobacco, are carried on here; and there is a large printing-house, where many of the best Swedish works are printed. A considerable trade is car¬ ried on with Stockholm through Lake Hielmar, the canal of Arboga, and Lake Malar. Pop. 5807. 1 he lan of Orebro is 98 miles in length from N. to S., and 57 in width at the broadest part, and has an area of 3250 square miles. It is hilly towards the north, and throughout the rest of its surface of an undulating nature. It abounds in lakes and rivers, and in the hilly region there are rich mines of iron and other minerals, and exten¬ sive forests, which furnish the principal articles of export from the ian. Cattle of good breed are reared in the pas¬ ture-grounds. The principal crops are, rye, barley, oats, and potatoes. Pop. (1850) 137,660. OREGON, a territory of the United States of North America, lies between N. Lat. 42. and 46. 18., W. Lon. 108. 44. and 124. 28.; and is bounded on the N. by the territory of Washington, from which it is separated by the Columbia River and the 46th parallel of latitude ; E. by Ne¬ braska, from which it is separated by the Rocky Mountains; S. by the territory of Utah and state of California; and W. by the Pacific. Its length from E. to W. is about 665 miles ; breadth, 279 miles ; area, 105,030 square miles. Be¬ sides the Rocky Mountains on the eastern frontier, Oregon is traversed by two other ranges having the same general direction from N. to S., and dividing the territory into three distinct regions. The most westerly of these is the Cas¬ cade Coast, or, as it is sometimes called, the President’s Range, at a distance varying from 80 to 150 miles from the coast. It is very lofty, having many peaks from 12,000 to 14,000 feet above the sea, and quite continuous, except where it is interrupted by the Columbia at the north fron¬ tier of Oregon. This mountain chain extends beyond the limits of Oregon, from Russian America in the north to the peninsula of California in the south. It almost entirely cuts off the communication between the coast and the in¬ terior, as there are but few passes, and these are so beset with difficulties as to be almost impracticable. The highest point in these mountains is Mount Hood, 18,361 feet above t ie level of the sea. Ihe Blue Mountains, though having t ie same general direction as the two ranges between which they stand, are more irregular and interrupted than either the Rocky Mountains or the Cascade range. They branch oft fiom the Rocky Mountains in British America, stretch southwards through Washington and Oregon, and finally extend into the state of California, where they take the name of Sierra Nevada. 1 hey send off branches on the east to the Rocky Mountains, and on the west to the Cas- cade range. Of the three regions into which Oregon is divided by these mountain chains, that which lies between the Cascade range and the ocean is the only agricultural part of the country, and is watered by the Willamette, Umpqua, and Rogue rivers, all of which rise in the Cascade Mountains, and fall, the first into the Columbia, and the two vcl. xvi. O K E 705 others into the Pacific. Many branches and offsets from Oregon. the main ridge diversify this country, and these are covered v ' with forests of oak, pine, fir, spruce, ash, and other kinds of timber, with a thick undergrowth of hazels, briars, &c. I here are also in this region many valleys and prairies, where the soil is rich and loamy, furnishing good land for cultivation, and excellent pasturage. The coast of Oregon, which is in general bold and steep, is rendered dangerous for navigation by the heavy surf which continually breaks against every part of it. Of the few promontories which diversify the uniformity of its outline, the most noteworthy are capes Lookout, Foulweather, and Blanco or Orford. There are no considerable inlets of the sea; and as the mouths of the small rivers here are generally obstructed by sand-bars thrown up by the violence of the waves, the har¬ bours are few and insignificant. Those in the estuary of the Columbia, and that which lies at the mouth of the Umpqua, are the most important seaports of Oregon. The middle region of the territory, lying between the Cascade and the Blue Mountains, is of a different nature, and more suitable for pastoral than for agricultural purposes. The surface is undulating, and in general elevated about 1000 feet above the sea. With a large extent of barren and lonely deserts in the south, this region contains throughout a great part of its area fine pasture-grounds, and is watered by the Fall River, an affluent of the Columbia from the south, and by several smaller streams. The most easterly region of the territory, extending from the Blue to the Rocky Mountains, is for the most part barren and rocky, so as to be quite incapable of improvement either for agiicultural or pastoral pursuits, except in the immediate vicinity of the rivers. In some parts the surface is covered with wood, and it is broken by numerous mountain ridges and isolated hills. 1 he Salmon River Mountains traverse this country from E. to W.; and the principal rivers are the Salmon River, to the north of this range; and on the south the Snake River, into which the former flows, and which discharges their united waters into the Columbia. In the Rocky Mountains, within the territory of Oregon, there is but one pass, the South Pass, at the extreme S&.E.,’ 7489 feet in elevation. This forms the great thoroughfare to Utah and California from the east, and by this path the stream of emigration enters these countries. In geological character, the whole country between the Cascade ancl the Rocky Mountains is of primitive formation. Traces of vol¬ canic agency occur in many places, and in some parts there are extensive beds of lava, in which the rivers have worn channels for themselves. In the western region formations of later eras are general, but in the southern part even of this region primitive rocks occur. Of the mineral wealth of the territory comparatively little is yet known; but gold has been found in the Cascade range and in the rivers that descend from it. Indeed the whole country to the west of the Blue Mountains is believed to abound in this metal. The valley of the Willamette is also rich in coal. The western region of Oregon enjoys a mild and temperate climate. I he summers are warm and dry, and the winters neither long nor severe, the difference between the ex¬ tremes of heat and cold not being so great as in places of the same latitude on the American shores of the Atlantic. A considerable amount of rain falls, chiefly in winter; but the snow only lies for a short time. At Oregon city, not far south of the Columbia, the mean temperature of the whole year is 54°; of spring, 54°; of summer, 70°; of au¬ tumn, 54£° ; and of winter, 40°. In the central region the climate is colder and more variable, but the atmosphere is healthy and bracing. In the eastern region the climate is very variable, and hardly any rain or snow falls. The forests of Oregon abound in many kinds of wild animals,— as elks, deer, antelopes, bears, wolves, foxes, beavers, &c. The eastern region of Oregon contains manv buffaloes ‘4 TI 706 ORE Oregon. Fur-bearing animals, which were formerly very abundant, are now falling otf in numbers, and constitute no longer a profitable pursuit. Ducks, geese, and other waterfowl are extremely numerous in spring and autumn on the rivers and lakes. In all these, as well as in the sea off the coasts, fish of many kinds are found; such as salmon, sturgeon, cod, carp, See., as well as crabs, oysters, mussels, and other shell-fish. The only part of Oregon that has yet been settled and cultivated is that which lies to the west of the Cascade Mountains. In 1850 the territory contained (exclusive ot the counties of Clark and Lewis, which then belonged to Oregon, but have since been formed into the territory of Washington), 115,691 acres of cultivated and 247,212 ot uncultivated land in farms. The whole value of the farms was in that year L.492,927 ; and that of the farming imple¬ ments and machinery L.34,112. There were produced m Oregon in the year ending June 1, 1850, 200,148 bushels of wheat, 2913 of maize, 54,524 of oats, 29,536 lb. of wool, 3822 bushels of pease and beans, 58,429 of potatoes,^ LI5 964 worth of market-garden produce, 209,564 lb. of butter, and 35,930 lb. of cheese. Of live stock there were in the territory in the same year 66/9 hoises, 414 asses and mules, 34,334 horned cattle, 4024 sheep, and 28,729 swine; the whole being valued at L.350,651. The only mining operation carried on in Oregon is gold-digging, which is pursued in the valleys in the south-west of the territory. Nor are the manufactures of the country of much importance, being confined to such articles as are required to supply the wants of a scattered agricultural people. Some trade, however, is carried on in the expor¬ tation of timber, leather, beef, pork, salmon, onions, pota¬ toes, butter, cheese, &c. A line of steamers plies between San Francisco and the Columbia. The exports of Oregon for the year ending June 30, 1856, amounted in value to L.1296; and the imports to L.565. According to the con¬ stitution of Oregon, promulgated in 1848, the executive power is in the hands of a governor, appointed for a period of four years by the president of the United States, and removable at will by the same authority. Hie legislatuie consists of a council of 9 members, and a house cf re¬ presentatives of not less than 18, or more than 30; both elected by the people, the former for three years, and the latter for one. The right of voting and of eligibility as a member of the legislative body belongs to every white male of full age in the territory who is either a citizen of the United States, or declares upon oath his intention to become such; but the legislature may introduce new limi¬ tations in the franchise. By a vote of the people in June 1857 a convention was appointed to prepare a constitution for Oregon as a state, which was to be submitted to the people for ratification. At the same time the questions con¬ nected with slavery, as regards Oregon, were to be decided by popular vote; and if the constitution be latificd, provi- sion is made for the election of a state government and representatives in Congress, June 7, 1858. The number of churches in Oregon, according to the census ot 1850, was eight, having an aggregate accommodation for 2633; and property amounting to L.15,315. Little progiess has yet been made in education, as indeed little could have been expected from the scanty population; but certain lands have been allotted for the endowment of a university, and of the public land, two sections in each township are reserved for educational purposes, an amount which will yield a large sum, being double what is allowed in the other new states. There were in Oregon in 1850, 29 academies and schools, with 44 teachers, and 898 pupils. In the same year the total number of adults in the territory unable to read and write was 156. Oregon is gradually rising to wealth and prosperity by the steady labour and industry of the inhabitants; while at the same time the means for the religious and intellectual advancement of ORE the people are by no means neglected. The discovery of the coast of Oregon is an honour disputed by the British and Spanish nations; for it was visited by navigators from both countries in the sixteenth century. Ferrelo, a Spaniard, is said to have reached as far N. as Lat. 43. in 1547; while in 1579 Drake arrived at the 48th parallel. The estuary of the Columbia was first entered in 1792 by Captain Baker, an Englishman, and Captain Gray, an American; and on account of the priority of the entrance of the latter, the American government laid claim to the entire country watered by that river and its affluents. These conflicting pretensions gave rise to many serious and long-continued dis¬ putes between the three powers, which were finally settled only by the treaty of 1846, by which all the country south of N. Lat. 49. was ceded to the United States. The whole of this country was originally comprised in the territory of Oregon, but has since been divided into those of Oregon and Washington. Pop. (1850), exclusive of the present territory of Washington, 12,093; (1853), 33,324; (1857), estimated at 43,000. OREL, or Orlov, a government of European Russia, lying between N. Lat. 51. 55. and 54., E. Long. 32. 40. and 38. 50., is bounded on the N. by the governments of Kaluga and Tula, E. by Tambov, S.E. by Voronetz, S. by Kursk, and W. by Tchernigov and Smolensk. Length from N.W. to S.E. 262 miles ; breadth, varying from 28 to 112 miles; area, 18,258 square miles. Though elevated throughout, the surface is not broken by any mountains; only some chains of limestone hills, and heights along the river-banks, intersect the country, forming in some places deep and picturesque valleys. Nearly a third part of the o-overnment is covered with forests ; but there are very few barren, heathy, or marshy tracts. The principal rivers are the Desna, a tributary of the Dnieper, which flows in a southerly direction across the west of Orel; the Oka, which flows through the centre and north of the government to join the Volga; and in the east the Sosna, an affluent of the Don, flowing N.E. There are also numerous smaller streams; but no lakes of any size. The soil is for the most part light and sandy, but well suited for all kinds of grain, which it produces in larger quantities than the wants of the inhabitants require. The climate of Orel is temperate and healthy. Agriculture is extensively carried on; all kinds of corn, hemp, flax, hops, and tobacco are grown. The extent of arable land in the government in 1849 was 5,608,392 acres ; of meadow land, 918,274 acres; of wood, 2,599,206 acres; and of waste land, 2,239,696 acres. Gardening is carried on here to a large extent, and is better understood than in any other part of Russia ; and fruits and vegetables are grown in large quantities. The trees most common in Orel are, limes, birches, alders, as¬ pens, firs, elms, &c. Foxes and hares are abundant, and are frequently hunted. The rearing of cattle is well at¬ tended to in Orel. Of horses, which are of excellent breed, suited either for riding or for farm labour, the government contained in 1849, 590,955 ; of horned cattle, 368,824 ;^of sheep, 1,038,721; of swine, 53o,/60 ; and of goats, 21/1. Great numbers of bees are kept. Many valuable minerals are obtained here, such as iron, lime, mill-stones, grind¬ stones, alabaster, &c. Few manufactures are carried on, as the peasants make for themselves those articles that they need. There were, however, in 1848 thirteen beet-root sugar manufactories, using 4435 tons of beet-root, and pro¬ ducing 2660 cwt. of sugar. Orel contains also a few other manufactories, where coarse woollen and linen stuffs, cord¬ age, earthenware, soap, iron, &c., are produced. 1 lie trade is considerable, consisting in the exportation of grain, flour, hemp, spirits, honey, iron, hardware, and other articles. The imports from foreign countries all enter the government by way of Moscow. The inhabitants are fruga and industrious ; but ignorant, and strongly prejudiced m ORE favour of old customs. The majority belong to the Greek Church ; hut there are about 650 Roman Catholics, and a few Protestants and Mohammedans. Education is in a very low state, though nominally under the management of the university of Moscow. Pop. 1,406,571. Orel, the capital of the above government, stands at the junction of the Oka and the Orlik, 201 miles S.S.W. of Moscow. It is defended by an ancient fort; and has a very gloomy appearance, with narrow, ill-paved streets, and wooden houses. There are here fine public gardens, well laid out, and commanding an extensive view. The town was destroyed by fire in 1848, when more than 1237 houses, four bridges, and many granaries full of corn and provisions, were burnt. On that occasion the emperor dis¬ tributed 50,000 rubles (L.7812) among the poorer people who suffeied by this calavnity. Orel contains numerous churches, several schools, and benevolent institutions. Ma¬ nufactures of linen, leather, tallow, and other articles, are carried on ; but the place is chiefly important for its trade, vyhich is much facilitated by the advantageous position of the town, in the middle of a fertile country, and on a navi¬ gable river. It is a great central mart for the com¬ merce between the Black Sea, the Baltic, and the Caspian. Corn wine, provisions, cattle, hemp, tallow, leather, See., are the articles of trade ; and both Moscow and St Peters- burg are supplied with corn and provisions to a large extent from Orel. Several annual fairs are held here, which are well attended. Pop. (1851) 25,630. ORELLANA, Francisco, the first European navi¬ gator of the River Amazon, was born at Truxillo in Spain about the beginning of the sixteenth century. While still a young man, he emigrated to the recently-discovered continent of America. His services were first employed by rrancisco Pizarro in the successful expedition against 1 eru in 1531. He then joined a band of adventurers who, under the command of Gonzalez Pizarro, the brother of the Peruvian conqueror, were bent upon carrying Euro¬ pean discovery into the interior of the continent. Starting horn Quito, the capital of the republic of Escuador, the ex- ploreis with exceeding difficulty reached the course of the Napo, a tributary of the Maranon. Famine compelled them to stop. Through the energy and courage of Orellana a vessel was built, manned, and despatched down the river, under his command, to procure provisions. No sooner had he sailed aw ay, than he formed the bold resolution of con¬ tinuing the expedition on his own responsibility, and with the force now under his command. At length, in August 1541, the solitary crew, after they had measured a con¬ tinent, and encountered the most unheard-of privations, came in sight of the open ocean. Orellana took the first opportunity of hastening to Spain to recount his adven- tuies. Ihe government believed his accounts of the tribe of female warriors that dwelt by the river he had discovered, and of the temples roofed with gold that he had seen. Accordingly the river was called the Amazon ; and a com¬ mission was given to the discoverer to establish colonies in i- a/aeVV J ^ Dorado.” Orellana returned, only to die, in lo49. ORENBURG, a government of Russia, partly in Europe and partly in Asia, lying between N. Eat. 47. and 56., E. Long. 50. 20. and 64. 20.; and bounded on the N. by t he government of Perm, N. W. by Viatka, W. by Kasan and Samara S.W. by Astrakhan, S. by the Caspian, S.E. am E. by the Kirghiz steppes, and N.E. by Tomsk and I obolsk. Its length from N.W. to S.E. is 800 miles; breadth about 4o0 miles ; area, exclusive of the Kirghiz steppes, 122,122 square miles. The surface of the country has a very different aspect in different parts. The Ural Mountains traverse it in an irregular line, but generally 10m JN. to S., dividing the area into two very unequal por¬ tions that to the W. being much the larger. The southern ORE 707 portion, which is occupied by the Ural Cossacks, consists Orenbur of a barren treeless steppe ; but farther to the north on the ' Asiatic side of the Ural chain, there is a large plain, with numerous swamps, morasses, and small lakes. To the west of. the mountains, again, the country is undulating ; with varied and picturesque scenery. The formation of the Ural Mountains at the base is granite; but above this there are quartz and calcareous rocks. Many large caverns occur in these mountains. Gold is found in the chain, and constitutes one of the chief sources of mineral wealth to the government. The country west of the mountains is watered by the affluents of the Caspian Sea; of which the principal is the Ural, flowing southwards from the mountains, and receiving in this government the Samara and other tributaries. This river forms part of the oundary between Europe and Asia. The western portion of Orenburg is watered by the Biela, Samara, and other streams which flow into the Volga, and thus into the Caspian. The rivers to the east of the Ural range are the .Tobol, Abuga, Oui, and Mijas, which flow northwards to the Arctic Ocean. The greater part of the surface has a fertile soil, especially in the N.W.; a large part of the government is covered with thick forests; and a still larger portion consists of natural pasture-grounds, on whTch large herds and flocks wander. The climate is excessive in. heat and cold, especially to the east of the Ural Moun¬ tains, where it is more rigorous than in the west. The southern steppes are very hot in summer, and these regions are afflicted by. excessive drought and swarms of locusts. Agriculture is in a flourishing state, on account of the richness of the soil. The arable land amounted in 1849 to 5,780,326 acres, the meadow land to 10,851,906 acres the wood to 29,612.4)89 acres, and the waste land to 48,451,163 acres. The amount of agricultural produce in the government in the same year was 38,112,219 bushels of corn, and 1,459,259 of potatoes. The principal crops raised are rye, barley, oats, buck-wheat, and millet. The inhabitants possess great numbers of horses, cattle, and sheep, in which the chief wealth of Orenburg consists There were here in 1849, 2,075,220 horses, 1,089,859 honied-cattle, 2,321,934 sheep, and 207,143 swine. Be- si es the gold of the Urals, otljpr minerals, such as copper, iron, salt, See., are found, and the working of these em¬ ploys a large number of hands. Great quantities of fish are obtained in the River Ural. Manufactures are not carried on to any very great extent, being chiefly confined to smelt¬ ing, founding, and other operations connected with the mines. 1 here are also, however, numerous tanneries, dis¬ tilleries, potash-factories, and a manufactory of arms. The women of the province show great skill in weaving and dyeing; and they make worsted shawls and similar articles, like those that are made in the Orkney and Shetland islands. The number of manufactories in Orenburg in 1849 was 244, employing 17,104 hands. Of these there were 63 tanneries, 61 potash-factories, 43 tallow-meltino- houses, 40 tile-kilns, 17 smelting-houses and foundries; besides other establishments. An extensive commerce is carried on in the government, with the wandering tribes, the Kirghizes, and the people of Bokhara. Horses, cattle, fms, &c., aie obtained from the nomad tribes in exchange for manufactured articles, brass, copper, iron, &c.; and silks, cotton, shawls, indigo, tea, and other goods are brought to Orenburg by the caravans from Bokhara. Mineral pro¬ duce is exported from Orenburg to the other parts of Euro- 1Jlus?ia; and especially to the shores of the Baltic, ihe Kirghizes and Cossacks in Orenburg are not subject to the civil government; but are under a military governor, whose principal duty is to superintend the line efforts by which the frontier towards Turkestan is secured. These extend in a line at the distance of 3 miles from each other from the River Tobol to the Caspian. Besides adherents 708 ORE Orenburg 0f the Greek church, there are in the government numer- I] ous Roman Catholics, Protestants, Mohammedans, and Ortah. Pagans. Exclusive of the country inhabited by the Cos- sacks, Orenburg is divided into nine circles, and contained, in 1851, 1,712,728 inhabitants, including 242,661 Cossacks. Orenburg, a town, formerly the capital of the above government, stands on the Ural, 465 miles N.E. of Astra- khan, and 657 S.W. of Tobolsk. It is of an oval form, with wide and regular, but ill-paved streets; and presents an active and agreeable appearance. It is surrounded by fortifications; and the most of the houses are of wood, thou oh a few are built of stone. It has a cathedral and other Greek churches, Roman Catholic and I ictestant places of worship, and two mosques. The town has also two bazaars, a European and an Asiatic, each on the side of the river belonging to their respective countries. The former contains 180, and the latter 492 shops. Manufac¬ tures of woollen cloth, leather, soap, and tallow, are carried on here. Orenburg is the chief emporium for the Russian trade with Central Asia. Caravans arrive here yearly from Bokhara, with jewels, gold, silk, cotton, &c.; and from the Kirghizes with cattle and hides ; while many merchants from China and India bring hither their goods. It is the principal military station on the Kirghiz frontier. Pop. 16,000. ORENSE. See Galicia. ORESTES, the hero of several old Greek tragedies, was the only son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. The events of his history appear under various modifications in the Chcephorce and Eumenides of JEschylus, in the Electro, of Sophocles, and in the Orestes and Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides. The following account, however, contains the essential incidents of the story. On the murder of Aga¬ memnon by Clytemnestra and her paramour ASgisthus, the boy Orestes was saved by his sister Electra, and was en¬ trusted to the protection of his uncle Strophius, King of Phocis. There he was educated, and formed a friendship with his cousin Pylades, which became proverbial. At the end of eight years a response of the Delphic oracle sent him home to Mycenae to revenge his father’s death. Gain¬ ing admittance into the palace by stratagem, he slew Cly¬ temnestra and iEgisthus with his own hand, and thus entailed upon himself the severest woes. The Eumenides imme¬ diately appeared, and in punishment for the murder of his mother, remorselessly hunted him from country to country. They had tortured him into frenzy when he found himself at Delphi. The oracle there, by informing him that he would free himself from his dread persecutors by bringing awav the statue of Diana from Tauris in Scythia, only sent him into new troubles. He and his friend Pylades were on the point of being sacrificed to Diana, according to the custom of the country, when his sister Iphigenia, the priestess of the goddess, discovering them, assisted them to escape, and gave them the object of their visit. 1 he sorrows of Orestes were thus ended, and the remaindei of his life was prosperous. 4 he hand of Hermione, the daughter of Menelaus and widow of Neoptolemus, was conferred upon him ; the death of his father-in-law left him in possession of his paternal kingdom of Mycenae; the Lacedaemonians voluntarily became his subjects; and the Arcadians and Phocians became his allies. He died at an advanced age in Arcadia, in consequence of a bite from a snake. His bones were afterwards removed from fegea to Sparta. ORFAH, or Urfah (anc. Edessa), a town of Asiatic Turkey, in the pashalic of Diarbekir, and 80 miles S.W. of the town of that name. It is built on the lower part of two hills, and in an intervening valley; and is surrounded by a lofty and strong wall, about 7 miles in circuit. The streets are narrow, but clean and well paved ; and there are nume¬ rous bazaars, and some good caravansaries. Among its O R F numerous mosques there is one very splendid building, with Orfila. several medresses or colleges attached to it. Coarse woollen and cotton stuffs are manufactured here; the corn grown in the vicinity is exported to Syria; and manufactured goods are imported by way of Aleppo from Great Britain. Pop. about 30,000. ORFILA, Mathieu-Joseph-Bonaventure, the founder of modern toxicology, and one of the most eminent of the French school of medicine during its brightest period, w-as by birth a Spaniard, and native of Minorca. An island merchant’s son looked naturally first to the sea for a pro¬ fession ; but a voyage at the age of fifteen to Sardinia, Sicily, and Egypt, did not prove satisfactory. He next took to medicine, which he studied at the universities of Valencia and Barcelona with so great applause, that the local government of the latter city granted him a pension, to enable him to follow his studies at Madrid and Paris, preparatory to appointing him professor. He had scarcely settled for that purpose in Paris, when the outbreak of the Spanish war, in 1807, threatened destruction to his pro¬ spects. But he had the good fortune to find a parent in a merchant uncle at Marseilles, and a patron in the good and great Vauquelin the chemist, who braved the wrath of Napoleon against the Spaniards, claimed him as his pupil, guaranteed his conduct, and saved him from expulsion from Paris. Four years afterwards, he graduated in his twenty- fourth year, and immediately became a private lecturer on chemistry in the French capital. The peace of 1814 re¬ opened to him his native country, to which he considered himself bound to offer his services. Barcelona, however, impoverished by more than its own share of the miseries and devastation of war, was obliged to decline his offer. The talent and energy even of an Orfila could scarcely have withstood the deadening influence of Spanish rule in the days of Ferdinand VII. So apparently thought Orfila himself. For, when invited at a later period by that monarch to fill the vacant chemical chair of Proust at Madrid, he resolved to adhere to France, which became the land of his adoption by letters of naturalization. From that period he had a long career of distinction and unbroken prosperity. In 1819 he was appointed professor of medical jurispru¬ dence, and four years later succeeded his aged patron, Vauquelin, as professor of chemistry in the faculty of me¬ dicine at Paris. In 1830 he was nominated dean of that faculty, a high medical honour in France. Under the Orleans’ dynasty, honours w’ere lavishly showered upon him; for he became successively member of the Council of Education of France, member of the General Council of the Department of the Seine, and commander of the Legion of Honour. But the republic of 1848 put an end to these adventitious distinctions, and reduced him to his simple professorship. His fame and happiness would have pro¬ spered better had he never aimed higher; for as a man in authority, he was eminently unpopular; and as a man ol business, he was of necessity withdrawn in some measure from his proper pursuits as a cultivator of science. Chagrin at the treatment he experienced at the hands of the go¬ vernments which succeeded Louis Philippe is supposed to have shortened his life. He died, after a short illness, in March 1853, in his sixty-sixth year, and in the lull posses¬ sion of his faculties and reputation. Only the evening be¬ fore his death, he delivered a lecture with his usual anima¬ tion ; and a few days previously, he read a scientific paper before the Academy of Medicine. Orfila’s chief publications are four in number,—on Ge¬ neral Toxicology; on Medical Jurisprudence; a treatise on Chemistry ; and a treatise on Medico-legal Exhuma¬ tions. But the medical journals team with valuable papers from his pen, chiefly on subjects connected with medical jurisprudence. His fame will ever rest mainly on his Traits de Toxicologic Generate^ first published in 1814, ♦ O R F Orford when he was only in his twenty-seventh year. It is a vast mine of experimental observation on the symptoms of Orgjin. poisoning of all kinds; on the appearances which poisons —v-—' leave in the dead body; on their physiological action ; and on the means of detecting them. When one rises from a perusal of the earliest edition of that work, and considers how vast a proportion of it was at the time entirely new, it is not easy to say whether it is with greater wonder at the immense mass of information he so quickly collected, and, indeed, called into existence, or at the deplorable con¬ dition in which toxicology, especially in its relations to the Jaw, must have stood before his researches. Few branches of science, so important in their bearings on every-day life, and so difficult of investigation, can be said to have been created, and raised at once to a state of high advancement by the labours of a single man. Orfila was superb as a lecturer. Possessed of a diction and method eminently lucid, a magnificent voice nicely toned by a musical ear and practice (it is said he was so admirable a vocalist, that he might have made his fortune as a baritone); discussing a subject of novel and intense interest, and of his own creation ; and with an audience of a thousand pupils before him, the most distant of whom he reached with conversational facility; nothing could be more attractive than his lectures on medical jurisprudence, as the writer heard them in 1821. In his frequent appear¬ ances as a witness on great criminal trials, he was no less conspicuous for the perfection of his preliminary inquiries, the luminous delivery of his statements in evidence, and his unflinching steadiness under cross-examination. Woe to the criminal whose guilt depended on the ability of Orfila to prove it! The usage he received in his latter years from the ruling dynasty of France did not take away from his attachment to the medical school of Paris, the scene and source of all his triumphs. In his will he left a fund of no less than 120,000 francs (L.5000), to establish prizes in the Academy of Medicine and the School of Pharmacy. According to the fashion of F ranee, in bidding adieu to her great men in science, his funeral was an ovation; and no fewer than six orations were pronounced over his grave in name of various scientific and professional bodies. (r. c.) ORFORD, a decayed municipal borough and market- town of England, county of Suffolk, at the confluence of the Aide and the Ore, 16 miles E. by N. of Ipswich, and 80 N.E. of London. The church is a fine old building, with a square embattled tower; and there is also here a town-hall, and the remains of an ancient Norman castle. The inhabitants support themselves chiefly by the oyster fisheries in the neighbouring rivers. On account of the sea having receded from the land, the harbour of Orford has been destroyed; and this has led _o the decay of the place. Pop. 10^5. ORGAN, by far the most noble and imposing of all mu- sica. instruments. It is quite inconsistent with the de¬ sign and limits of this work for us to enter into all the de¬ tails of the nature and structure of the organ. They w ould fill a volume, and require many illustrative plates. We shall, however, endeavour to give such a general idea of the nature of the instrument as may satisfy those readers who are not professionally interested in the subject; and we assure them that their own inspection of the mechanism of an organ (which is easily attained in every large town) will afford them more clear and satisfactory knowledge than hundreds of pages written in explanation of its con¬ struction. For minute details, we refer to LArt du Fac- teur dOrgues, by F. Redos de Celles, published at Paris in 1766 and 1778, in folio, with 137 plates. This is con¬ sidered, even now, as the best and most complete wmrk on organ-building. It is a pit}' w7e have none such in the English language. See also the Abbe Vogler’s German O it G 709 works upon organ-building, and G. Serassi’s Lettere sugli Organ. Organi, printed at Bergamo in 1816; together with Re- ports of the French Institute upon M. Grenie’s improve¬ ments on the organ. We suspect that the general want of improvement in organ-building in Great Britain may be traced to the absence of such works, and some others, in our own language, for the instruction of our organ-build¬ ers. This may also explain, in some degree, why almost all the best organs in England were constructed by fo¬ reigners. Recently, however, we are happy to perceive a spirit of emulation arising amongst our native organ-build¬ ers ; and we have little doubt that the ingenuity and supe¬ rior workmanship of British artisans will soon enable us to vie with, or excel, the best organ-builders of the Continent. But, to do this, we must cast aside all national prejudices as to organs, &c. and meet foreigners upon a fair and liberal ground of competition. The earlier history of the organ is extremely obscure. A small and imperfect instrument, somewhat on the prin¬ ciple of the organ, may have been known to the ancients ; but surely nothing like our great church-organ. We read of ancient hydraulic and pneumatic organs ; but such dis¬ tinction is so far erroneous, inasmuch as organ-pipes could not be made to sound by having water forced through them. The water must have been a moving power only, to impel the ivind into the pipes. It would seem that the Greek and Latin terms and organum, translated by the English word organ, originally signified an instru¬ ment or machine of any kind, and were afterwards applied to musical instruments of all kinds. “ Organa dicuntur omnia instrumenta musicorum," says St Augustin. Still later, according to St Isidore, these names, o^yam and or¬ ganum, were applied to none but wind-instruments. In modern times the term organ, in a musical sense, came to signify only the instrument which we now know under that name. The passage in Eginhard’s Annals which has been interpreted the sending of a?i organ by Constantine Co- pronymus to King Pepin in the year 757, may more pro¬ bably mean “ various musical instruments,” since the words are, “ Constantinus Imperator Pipini regi multa misit mu- nera, interque et organa," &c. A writer of the sixteenth century has ventured to describe the supposed organ sent to King Pepin ; and, by force of imagination, makes it out to have been a grand organ with pedals. In Luitprand’s His¬ tory (book vi. c. 2) there is a curious passage regarding an instrument sent to the Emperor Constantine in 950:— “ Erat Regia ornata sumtuosissime, ibi aenea inaurata ar¬ bor ante ipsius imperatoris solium effulgebat, expansis magnum in modum ramis aereis atque inauratis; in his Irequentissimse variarum specierum aves arte confictaj, quarum singulae speciei proprias voces cantusque emitte- bant, incredibili arte.” In the second volume of Gerbert (De Cantu et Musica Sacra, plate xxviii.) will be found a representation of a tree of this kind with birds upon it. 'ihe Chronicle of Albericus adds to the singing of the birds before Constantine, “ the roaring of enormous gilded artificial lions.” (See Gerbert, vol. ii. p. 151.) That such birds can be made, is certain from Maillardet’s beautiful little artificial bird, which started up out of a gold snuff¬ box, fluttered its wings, and sang w ith a pipe so clear and loud as to fill a large room. It would appear that,, in the rude instruments called organs in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the pipes were disposed in such a manner that every sound in its finger-key compass caused the fifth and the octave of that sound to be heard above it. Such a succession of fifths and octaves was called “ organum ,” no doubt par excellence. From this and the old and extraor¬ dinary specimens of Biscantus, or Discantus, given by Ger¬ bert and others, and alluded to in our article Music (page 623), we are inclined to believe that the modern mixture- stops of the organ have originated. We leave the consi. ORGAN. 710 v Organ, deration of the ancient organs to antiquaries, and now pro- > ceed to the modern organ, which seems to have assumed something of its present form in the fifteenth century. The mechanism of the modern organ has been much im¬ proved at different times by different builders. The fa¬ mily of the Antegnati, of Brescia, were amongst the earliest famous organ-builders in Italy in the fifteenth and six¬ teenth centuries. In the eighteenth century there were in Italy many celebrated organ-builders, amongst whom Se- rassi of Bergamo, and Callido of Venice, each constructed upwards of three hundred organs. Most of our readers probably know already that the great organ is a complex wind-instrument, consisting of a great number of pipes of different sizes, formed of wood and of different kinds of metal, some of which are flute- pipes or mouth-pipes, and others reed-pipes ; whilst all of these are made to sound by means of compressed air applied to them through certain channels, by bellows worked ei¬ ther by human force or by mechanism. There are differ¬ ent kinds of organs, from the Lilliputian bird-organ up to the great church-organ. We pass over the minor ones, in¬ cluding the chamber-organs and the smaller chapel-organs, and proceed to the great church-organ. We need not de¬ scribe its front, nor the case in which its mechanism is con¬ tained. The great church-organ has usually three rows of finger-keys, placed above each other like steps. In some j ©f the largest organs there are four, or even five such rows of keys. Besides these, there are rows of pedals, or foot- keys, which act upon the larger pipes of the organ. The bellows communicate, by a wind-trunk, with wind-chests, or reservoirs of air, whence the wind is distributed to the various pipes of the organ when the finger-keys or the foot-keys (pedals) are pressed down. Attached to the up¬ per part of each wind-chest is a sound-board, as it is rather improperly called. This sound-board consists of two parts, an upper and an under board, the latter of which is much thicker than the other. Both of these are formed of planks of wood laid horizontally side by side, and accurately join¬ ed together at their edges. In the under side of the lower board several rectangular grooves or channels are cut paral¬ lel to each other, and carried along nearly the whole length of the board, and as far as there are stops in the organ. In these channels are fixed bars of wood, so as to render each channel or partition completely separate from every other. In the upper side of this board are cut a number of other rectangular channels or grooves running across the board, and at right angles with the under grooves. Into these upper grooves are exactly fitted wooden sliders, or regis¬ ters, which run the whole length of the grooves. These sliders can be drawn out so far or pushed in at pleasure, by a mechanism attached to the draw-stops that are placed on the right and left in front of the organ. Holes corre¬ sponding with the number or rows of organ-pipes placed above the sound-board, are pierced through the latter into the above-mentioned channels, and also through the slid¬ ers or registers, in such a manner that when the latter are drawn out, their holes correspond with those of the sound¬ board, and allow the air from the wdnd-chest to pass through them and through the other holes in the sound-board; trhilst, on the contrary, when the sliders are pushed in, they completely prevent any air from passing from the wind-qhest to the pipes above the sound-board. Above all, and corresponding with the upper holes of the sound¬ board, are placed the pipes, fitted in by their conical feet to what are called the stock-boards. There are rows of thin boards, called racks, which are sustained by pillars of wood, and which receive the upper part of the feet of the pipes in holes made for the purpose. Opening into the wind-chest, and fixed upon the under side of the sound¬ board, are spring-valves, which are connected, by a parti¬ cular mechanism, with the finger-keys and pedals j and which, when the sliders are drawn out, and the keys and Organ, pedals pressed down, are made to open, and so to admit —v-*. the air from the wind-chest into the channels or partitions belonging to the different rows of pipes constituting the various stops of the organ. The pedals and the finger- keys communicate with these spring-valves by means of an apparatus of trackers, cranks, and rollers, acting upon pull¬ down wires that pass through the bottom of the wind-chest, and are attached to these valves. The draw-stop move¬ ment, by which the sliders are drawn out or pushed in, consists of a similar mechanism. In some organs these sliders are superseded by another contrivance. Thus, in what are called by the Italians somieri a vento, the open- ing of a given stop or register is not effected by drawing out a wooden slider, so as to make its apertures correspond with those in the sound-board; but by pulling open, all at once, in the channels of the sound-board, as many small valves as there are pipes to that given stop. These small valves are made to open by pulling out a draw-stop, and to shut by pushing it in again. They are considered to have many advantages over the ordinary slider, as being more durable, and less subject to the influence of changes of the weather. A stop is called simple if it consists of one row of pipes, and compound if it consists of more than one row. As to the different rows of finger-keys, each communicates with what is really a separate organ, or collection of pipes, with its peculiar wind-trunk, wind-chest, sound-board, &c. These different organs are generally three, and are called the great organ, the choir-organ, and the swell-organ. The middle row of keys is connected with the great organ, the lower with the choir-organ, and the upper with the swell- organ. The swell-organ has its pipes enclosed in a wooden box furnished with a sliding door, or a hinged door, which is gradually opened or shut by mechanism moved by the performer’s foot applied to a pedal. All these different organs, constituting the great church-organ, are supplied with air by the same bellows, and by suitable wind-trunks connected with the bellows. The bellows now generally used are horizontal ones, instead of the old ones resem¬ bling blacksmiths* bellows. For some improvements in the sound-board and its appurtenances, see Serassi’s Let- tere sugli Organi. We have already mentioned, that the pipes of an organ generally consist of mouth-pipes and of reed-pipes. With regard to the mouth-pipes, their nature may be pretty well understood by any one acquainted with the upper part of the common English flute, or the flageolet. The reed-pipes are explained in a subsequent part of this arti¬ cle. \V hat we have said regarding sonorous tubes in the article Music, pages 608, 613, 615, may assist the reader in understanding our notices of organ-pipes. Organ-pipes are either open, or stopped, or half-stopped. The stopped ones have a plug or tompion inserted into their upper end, and pushed down or pulled up to regulate the pitch. The half-stopped ones have a kind of chimney at the top. Some of the middle-sized ones are partly stopped, and have also on each side of the mouth a kind of ear of metal, by bending of which outwards or inwards, the pitch of the pipe may be regulated. The largest pipes are square ones of wood, and belong to the pedals. In some great organs, the largest open pipe is thirty-two feet in length. The other pipes are made of wood or of metal. It has been observed by organ-builders and others, that the quality of tone (timbre) of pipes depends much upon their proportions in length and width, the material of which they are made, &c.; and also upon the form of their open top, by which the wind escapes. We shall have occasion to notice this again, when describing some of Grenie’s improvements. A reed-pipe, with a conical tube which has a bell-shaped end, as in fig. 1, gives the most brilliant sound. If the pipe ORGAN. 711 Organ, have a reversed conical top, as in fig. 2, the sound be- —comes dull. If two similar truncated cones placed base to base be fixed to Fig-I- Fig’2. Fig. 3. the wider end of a long conical tube, as in fig. 3, a reed-pipe so formed will give fulness and strength to the sound. Theory affords no satisfactory expla¬ nation of these facts. The timbre of the stopped and of the half-stopped pipes is softer and duller than that of the open ones. Pipes of pure tin have long been known to possess a timbre more clear and penetrating than those made of tin mixed with lead. Some years ago, a Bohe¬ mian organ-builder made some of his pipes of zinc, which was said to answer better than even tin. No doubt vari¬ ous simple and compound metals, and various other sub¬ stances that have not yet been used in the making of or¬ gan-pipes, might be employed with advantage to produce a still greater variety of timbres and effects ; and for the same purpose, various modifications of the ordinary forms of pipes might also be employed. The pipes and stops of an organ differ in number and kind according to the size of the organ, the fancy of the builder, and the taste of the public. In some Dutch, German, and Italian organs, there seems to be a superfluity of stops. An immense organ at Weingarten, in Germany, is described as having sixty-six stops and 6666 pipes. The great organ at Haarlem contains sixty stops, and its largest pipe is thirty- two feet in length. For an enumeration of the stops of three of Silbermann’s organs at Dresden, we refer to a Ramble among the Musicians of Germany, published at London in 1828 (pp. 193, 194, 195). One of the largest organs in Italy is said to be that built in 1733, by Azzolino della Ci- aja, for the church of the Cavalieri di S. Stefano at Pisa. It is said to have four rows of finger-keys, and more than 100 stops. Another remarkable one is in the church of S. Alessandro in Colonna, at Bergamo. It was built by Serassi in 1782, and has three rows of finger-keys, and about 100 stops. In it the first and second rows of keys serve for the great organ, and the second organ or choir- organ, built together in the same part of the church. By mechanism, which passes under ground, and extends to a dis¬ tance of about 115 feet English, the third row of keys is con¬ nected with a third great organ placed in another part of the church, and directly opposite to the first great organ. Not¬ withstanding such a distance from the keys, the third or¬ gan obeys them as readily as the first one does. Its low¬ est pedal-pipes consist not only of mouth-pipes, but also of reed-pipes. The following is a brief description of an¬ other organ built by Serassi in 1796. “ Two rows of fin¬ ger-keys, the upper for the great organ, the ripieno of which consists of the following stops: Two principal soprani; two principal basses ; octave, twelfth, fifteenth, twenty- second, twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth, two thirty-thirds, two thirty-sixths, and twelve deep bass stops belonging to the chromatic scale, with the octaves of these, all, however, governed by one register. The different stops belonging to the great organ are, the sesquialtera ; two cornets ; flute in octave ; flute in twelfth ; German-flute ; vox humana ; viola ; bassoon ; English horn ; trumpets ; trombones ; cym¬ bals ; kettle-drums, and bass-drum, the last being man¬ aged by a pedal. The lower row of manuals or finger- keys serves for the second organ, or choir-organ. It has its ripieno, composed of principal, octave, fifteenth, nine¬ teenth, twenty-second, twenty-sixth, and twenty-ninth ; and has, besides, the stops of cornet, flute in octave, vox humana, and violoncello. By means of a pedal moved by the right foot, all the stops of the first organ can be open¬ ed or shut at once.” Of the different stops or registers of an organ, some de¬ rive their names from the instrument the tone of which they imitate, and some from the relation in pitch which theys bear to the sounds of the diapason stop, as octave, twelfth, fifteenth, seventeenth, and so on. We subjoin a brief account of the most usual organ-stops. I. Open diapason ; consists of metal mouth-pipes open at the upper end, and extends through the whole scale of the organ, as its name diapason imports. II. Stopped diapason; mouth-pipes generally of wood, and their pitch an octave below that of the open diapason. They are stopped at the upper end. III. Double diapason ; wooden mouth-pipes, open at the upper end, and their pitch an octave lower than those of the open diapason. They are generally confined to the two low¬ est octaves of the organ’s compass. In some of the largest organs, the gravest sound of these is rendered by an open pipe thirty-two feet in length. YV. Principal; metal mouth- pipes, the pitch of which is an octave above the open dia¬ pason. The principal is the first stop tuned ; and then, from it, all the other stops. V. Dulciana ; a metal mouth- pipe stop, tuned in unison with the open diapason. The sweetness of its tone originates in the length and narrow¬ ness of its pipes. VI. Twelfth ; metal mouth-pipes tuned a twelfth above the open diapason. VII. Fifteenth ; metal mouth-pipes tuned an octave above the principal. There are, in some organs, stops named tierce or seventeenth, la- rigot or nineteenth, tiventy-second, twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth, thirty-third. Sic., tuijed respectively at these intervals above the open diapason. VIII. Flute; metal and wood mouth- pipes, in unison with the principal. IX. Trumpet; reed- pipes of metal, in unison with the open diapason. X. Cla¬ rion or octave trumpet-stop; metal reed-pipes tuned an octave higher than those of the trumpet stop. XI. Bas¬ soon ; reed-pipes, in unison, as far as their compass reaches, with pipes of the open diapason. XII. Cremona, or pro¬ perly krum-horn; reed-pipes, in unison with the open dia¬ pason. XIII. Oboe ; reed-pipes, in unison with the open diapason. XIV. Vox humana ; reed-pipes, in unison with the open diapason, and intended to imitate the human voice, a function which in general they perform very unpleasingiy. Amongst the compound stops used in organs are, I. The sesquialtera, consisting of four or five rows of open mouth- pipes at the intervals of seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty- second, twenty-fourth, or twenty-sixth, above the open dia¬ pason. II. The cornet, a stopped diapason, principal, twelfth, fifteenth, and seventeenth. III. Mixture or furniture sto}), consists of several ranks of pipes nearly the same as those of the sesquialtera, but some of them of a higher pitch. Vogler denounces the mixture-stops as “ insignificant? We have sometimes heard a harsher term applied to them. In Costanzo Antegnati’s Arte Organica we find the following exposition of the series of registers or stops of the organs then used in Italy. 1st Stop, Organ. XIX. XXII. xxvi. In order to enable the reader to form a clearer idea of the distribution of the pipes of an organ, we subjoin a sketch of a row of the usual pipes of the great organ (as contradistinguished from the choir and swell organs), and as these pipes stand upon and are inserted in the top of the sound-board. To simplify the diagram, the rack-board and pillars are not represented here. The letter t indi¬ cates the trumpet; ff, furniture ; sss, sesquialter; 15, fif¬ teenth ; 12, twelfth; p, principal; sd, stopped diapason ; od, open diapason; SB, the top of the sound-board. The other rows of pipes are, of course, to be imagined as placed behind those pipes here represented, and as extending, in their respective ranks, the whole length of each stop 712 Organ. O 11 G A N. or register, in lines at right angles with the line formed by the row of pipes shown in the diagram. Fig. 4. o <7 <£ \/A n Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Not many years ago, M. Gre- nie, a French amateur of music, introduced several important im¬ provements in the construction of reeds for organ-pipes. (See the Reports of the French Institute, &c.) His reed (AB in the an¬ nexed figure 5) wras made of wood or copper, square-edged, and of the form of a parallelopipedon. [In order to show the difference between the construction of M. Grenie’s reed and the common organ-pipe reed, w’e add a dia¬ gram of the latter, fig. 6.] The tongue was a thin plate of brass, of an even surface, and cut in a rectangular shape, so as to fit almost exactly the grooved face of the reed. A strong wdre-spring cc kept down this tongue firmly upon the reed, at the proper length, so as to regulate the tongue’s vibra¬ tions. The result of such a construction is, that when this reed, enclosed in its tube, is made to sound by air forced into the porte-vent DBF, by the aperture at F, the air thus introduced not obtaining admittance into the reed between the tongue and the sides of the reed-groove, im¬ pels the tongue into the latter. A little air having been ♦bus admitted into the reed-channel, the elasticity of the tongue makes it resume its former position, so as again to exclude the air. The velocity which the tongue had ac¬ quired in its first vibration causes it, when returning, to pass beyond the limit of its former position, to which it is again brought back by the resistance of the air, and by its owrn elasticity, and whence the impulse of the current of air from the porte-vent again forces it into the reed- channel. The advantages of this construction are, that the tongue does not strike against the edges of the reed, as in the common reed-pipes, which thereby produce a harsh and uneven tone ; and that its movements are smooth and regular, since it has nothing to encounter in its vibra¬ tions but the air itself. The sound of M. Grenie’s reed- pipes is said to be, in the most acute as well as in the gravest of them, as sweet and pure as that of flute-pipes. M. Grenie adapted the degree of strength and rigidity of each tongue to the breadth of the reed-channel which it had to cover, so that the stream of air could never throw it into vibrations around its axis. The strength of thes spring-wire also kept the length of the vibrating portion of the tongue unchanged; so that, whatever the force of the wind, the tone never altered its pitch. Only the in¬ tensity of the sound was affected by the greater or less impulse of air. By means of a pedal, the performer moved a spring-bellows, and, by thus regulating at pleasure the force of the wind, could obtain a crescendo and dimi¬ nuendo in all the reed-pipes, as perfect as that of the hu¬ man voice, or of instruments modified in their sounds by the lips and breath of the performer. The air which causes these reeds to vibrate passes out through open pipes, bevelled off into a cone, and terminating in a hemisphere, fig. 7. This form is said to give roundness and strength to the tone. M. Grenie, when constructing his reed-pipes, was for a long time checked by a very curious phenomenon. He was at first occupied with the gravest octave of which the sound C is in unison with an open flute-pipe of eight feet; and had constructed a certain number of pipes, in giving wind to all his reeds by pipes of the same length, fig. 8. But when he had reached the first notes of the tenor compass, still con¬ tinuing to construct his porte-vents in the same manner, the reed would not sound at all. He in vain increased and diminished the wind, in vain length¬ ened and shortened the tongue; the reed remained mute, or produced only very bad sounds. At last, after many attempts, M. Grenie thought that the length of the pipe which conducts the wind to the reed might have some un¬ known influence upon its vibration. He therefore substitut¬ ed for his fixed tubes two pipes, of which the one was made to slide within the other, so that he could gradually vary the whole length. He tried this change of length until the reed produced a clear, pure, and sustained sound. He found also, that in order to obtain the tenor sounds in all their fulness, it was necessary to make the porte-vent much longer than for the sound immediately preceding, and this length always went on diminishing for the most acute octaves, as is represented by fig. 9. Then the tops Fie. 9. Fig. 8. of the pipes formed the curve C C' C". This seemed to indicate that, by prolonging that curve, one would obtain the most favourable dimensions for those pipes of the first octave which M. Grenie had at first made of equal lengths. But, to his great surprise, he found that there Organ. 0 R G 0rJ?a“* was no advantage whatever in doing so; but that, on the contrary, the sounds became very dull and irregular. He therefore reasonably adhered to his first construction, which, nevertheless, he still purposed to improve, by afterwards making all his porte-vents sliding tubes, so that each of them might have the most favourable length given to it. He has since constructed, on this same model, open reed- pipes of sixteen feet, which sound with very remarkable distinctness, strength, and regularity. In this case the tongue is a flat slip of copper, in length 0-24*0 of a metre, in breadth 0-035 of a metre, in thickness 0-003 of a metre ; equal respectively to 9-449040, and 1-377985, and 0-118113 English inches and decimal parts. Its vibrations are so powerful, that they cause the pipe in which it is placed, the porte-vent over which it is mounted, and all neighbour¬ ing elastic bodies, to tremble. Of course, in order to make it sound, a powerful and well-managed bellows-force is necessary. That which M. Grenie employed was perfect in regularity and power. It had a double current of air, and was worked by one handle. M. Grenie obtained a patent for his improvements. He considered the mixture- stops in common organs as productive of nothing but bad effects, and therefore excluded them from his organ. (See report by Cherubini, Catel, Baillot, &c. in 1811.) We have given so full an account of Grenie’s improvements, in order to excite the attention of British organ-builders to this subject, and induce them to discover many more improve¬ ments of which our organs are unquestionably susceptible. One of the greatest steps to improvement in English organ-building was made upwards of twenty years ago, by Messrs Flight and Robson of London, in the construction of their magnificent organ, called the Apollonicon. It was exhibited to the public, and attracted vast numbers of vi¬ sitors. The ingenuity of its mechanism, the excellence of its workmanship, the fineness of its tone, and the novelty and grandeur of its effects, were universally acknowledged, i his fine instrument was played either by means of the re¬ volutions of three large cylinders, or else by means of six different sets of finger-keys acted upon simultaneously by six different performers. 1 he Apollonicon was about twen¬ ty-four feet high and twenty broad. We heard it in 1817, and were much struck by its varied and powerful effects. However, the room in which it was placed was neither suf¬ ficiently large, nor so proportioned in form, as to display the powers of this organ to the best advantage. This fine instrument alone is sufficient to bear us out in what we have said at the beginning of this article, as to the cer¬ tainty of English organ-builders being able to rival, or to excel, the foreign ones, if they choose to exert themselves. Several methods have been proposed in England to ren¬ der the intonation of the organ less imperfect, by dividing the octave into a greater number of intervals than the usual twelve : amongst others, that employed in Hawke’s patent organ, described in the thirty-sixth and thirty-ninth volumes of the Philosophical Magazine. Hawke divided the octave into seventeen intervals. Loeschman’s patent organ was another of this kind. He divided the octave into twenty- four intervals, which were produced by six pedals and twelve finger-keys. (See description in vols.xxxvii.xxxviii. of Philosophical Magazine.) In 1810, the Rev. Henry Lis¬ ton, a clever and ingenious Scottish clergyman, obtained a patent for an instrument, constructed by Messrs Flight and Robson, which he named the Enharmonic Organ. (See vol. xxxvii. of Philosophical Magazine.) Another organ, similar to the one last mentioned, was made for Mr Liston by the same builders. (See Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxxix.) It had eleven pedals, six of which were the same as those in Loeschman’s organ. In the second organ built for Mr Liston, there was a contrivance for an occa¬ sional alteration of the pitch of the pipes, in the requisite degree, by means of flat metallic plates, wliich, when acted VOL. xvi. o R G 713 upon by the pedals, were brought, at due distances, over Organo- the tops of the open pipes, or opposite to the mouths of Lvricon. the stopped pipes, so as to flatten the pitch when this change was required. ihe object of Mr Liston’s organ was to supersede tem¬ perament ; but although its ingenuity and its effects were admired by many of the best musicians in London, the complexity of its manuals and pedals prevented it from ever being generally adopted. And this has been the fate of all such instruments, in modern as well as in ancient times; for attempts of a similar kind were made, cen¬ turies ago, to introduce such minute subdivisions of the octave into keyed instruments. The Spanish writer Sa¬ linas, in his work De Musica (lib. iii. c. 27), speaks dis¬ paragingly of an instrument called an Archicymbalum, which had been constructed in Italy above forty years before the publication of his work in 1577, and in which every tone was divided into five parts. “ Non silentio prse- termittendum arbitror instrumentum quoddam, quod in Italia, citra quadraginta annos fabricari coeptum est, ab ejus autore, quisquis ille fuit, Archicymbalum appellatum. In quo reperiuntur omnes toni in quinque partes divisi: ex quibus tres vindicat sibi semitonium majus, et duas semi- tonium minus, a quibusdam magni nominis musicis in pre- tio habitum, et usu receptum : eo quod omnis in eo sonus habet omnia intervalla, atque omnes consonantias (ut sibi videntur) inferne, et superne, et post certam periodum ad eundem, aut equivalentem sibi sonum post 31 intervalla reditur, &c. In the latter part of the last century, F. X. Richter, chapel-master in the cathedral of Strasburg, usu¬ ally composed upon a clavichord, which had twenty-one sounds to the octave, and which then seemed to be upwards of two hundred years old. Richter died in 1789, aged eighty. An Enharmonic Organ was built by Messrs Robson, London, in 1856. It is, according to its inventor, an at¬ tempt to determine the just division of the canon or musical string in one key, and then apply the same proportions over again, beginning from some of the previously determined divisions. The result is the production of 38 manuals in the octave, divided among three finger boards, and extend¬ ing to 20 keys. I he inventor has published an account of it (Wilson, Royal Exchange, London), with an appendix, tracing the identity of design with the enharmonic of the ancients. (For some hints regarding the proper use of the organ, see the article Music. Those who wish to extend their knowledge of this subject will find abundance of informa¬ tion upon the history and the construction of the organ, and the art of playing it, in works published in Germany, France, and Italy. 1 he German works are the most nu¬ merous. See in particular :—G. C. F. Schlimbach, Utber die Struktur, 1'*rItoItung, Stimmung und Erilpung dev Or- gel, Durchgesehen und Vermehrt von C. F. Becker, mit 5 kpfrt., gr. 8, Leipsic, 1S43 ; 7he Organ, its History and Construction, by Dr Rimbault and E. J. Hopkins, Esq., London, 1856; C. FI. Rink, Practische Orge^schule, in 6 parts, Leipsic, v. y., one of the best practical works on or¬ gan-playing.) (g.f.g.) ORGANO-LYRICON, a musical instrument invented at Paris in 1810, by M. de Saint Pern. Its height is about eight feet two inches English, its breadth six feet six and a half inches, its depth about four feet four inches. It consists of a piano-forte, coupled with twelve different wind- instruments, viz., three kinds of flutes, an oboe, a clarinet, a bassoon, horns, trumpet, and fife. It has two rows of fingei-keys. Ihe lower row belongs to the piano-forte; but, by an ingenious mechanism, and according to the de¬ pression of the keys by the performer, it may be made to sound either the piano-forte alone, or a flute, or an oboe, or to unite them all. ’Ihe upper row of finger-keys has 4 x 714 O R G Orgia no action on the piano-forte; but, by management of the pressure, it. causes the German flute or the oboe to sound, Oribasius. ant[ produces rinfoTzi by the gradual re-union of several wind-instruments. Independently of these functions, this row of finger-keys is destined for a great church-organ placed above it. The correspondence between the two rows of finger-keys is such that they may, at the will ot the performer, act together or separately, or even par¬ tially. The finger-keys are singularly light in their touch, even at their maximum of depression. At the bottom of the instrument there are pedals for the double bass, and for other combinations. The wind-chests are numerous, and of such capacity that the wind of the large bellows which fill them cannot produce in them any augmentation injunous to the purity of the timbre and the trueness of the intona¬ tion. In this instrument, by means of ingenious con¬ trivances, the inconveniences of an irregular supply of wind have been carefully avoided. A double pedal lor the. right foot enables the performer to work the bellows himself when he is alone. An adjacent pedal, turned the opposite way, enables an assistant to do this. But to avoid the trouble of these pedals, M. de Saint Pern placed in an adjoining room a large piece of clock-work, moved by a weight of fifty pounds, which served instead of a bellows- blower. The performer has beside him a mechanism that communicates with the clock-work, and, by means of a click and spring, leaves the weight going, or stops it at pleasure. (See report read to the French Institute on the 10th of September 1810; also report of the French Con¬ servatory of Music, 12th August 1810, where it is said that “ M. de Saint Pern’s organo-lyricon might, in a large room or a chapel, hold the place of an orchestra, and imitate nearly all the effects of one.” (g. f. G.) ORGIA. See Bacchus. ORI A, a town of Spain, in Andalusia, province of Almeria, 32 miles N. of that town. It is ill and irregularly built; and contains a church, several hermitages, and a school. The inhabitants are engaged in agriculture, and linen manufactures. Pop. 5600. Oria, or Uritania, a town of Naples, province of Brindisi, and 22 miles W.S.W. of that town, has a pic¬ turesque site on a steep hill, surmounted by an ancient castle. It contains a cathedral, and is the see of a bishop. In the vicinity are extensive olive plantations, gardens, orchards, and vineyards. Trade is carried on in honey and wax. Pop. 4820. ORIBASIUS, a celebrated Greek physician, was born in the former half of the fourth century at Pergamum, in Mysia, the birthplace of Galen. He studied medicine with success under Zeno of Cyprus, and soon acquired a great professional reputation. The chief cause, however, of the good fortune of his life was the steady friendship of Julian. On being elevated to the rank of Caesar, that prince took the young physician along with him into Gaul, made him his confidant as well as his medical adviser, and employed him to write an epitome ot Galen. After he had been proclaimed emperor in 361, he appointed him quaestor of Constantinople, and entrusted him with the vain enter¬ prise of restoring the Delphic oracle, dhe death of Julian, in 363, left Oribasius exposed to the malice of his enemies. His goods were confiscated, and he was exiled to some barbarous country. Yet the imperturbable fortitude which he then began to manifest soon led to his triumphant recall. He set himself actively to practise his profession ; the barbarians, astonished at his skill, scarcely refrained from paying him divine honours ; his countrymen soon repented of having banished such an able physician, and so mag¬ nanimous a man; and in the course of a few years he was recalled and restored to his former position of wealth and esteem. The rest of his life was employed in writing, amid other engagements, a synopsis of his epitome of Galen, for OKI the use of his son Eustathius. The date of his death is Origen. unknown. He was still living when Eunapius, the chief authority for his biography, about 395, insei ted his Life in the Vitce Philosophorum et Sophistarum. Of the several works which Oribasius is said to have written, three alone remain, either entire or fragmentary. His Swayary the ?^fatesJ cold about the middle of January; and the months equidistant from these are most nearly of equal temperature as February and December. In Orkney, however, February is the coldest month, though onlv 0°-17 colder than January ; and August is just the same decimal of a degree colder than July. Indeed, in the course of these thirty-one years, January has been colder than February sixteen years, and August has been hotter than July twelve years ; so that January and February may be considered equally cold, and July and August equally warm ; and the months equidistant from them on each side will be found to correspond most nearly in temperature, as March and December, and again, June and Sep¬ tember These facts are undoubted ; and meteorologists agree in ascribing this retardation of the period of extreme heat and cold to the influence of the surrounding ocean, which is neither so quickly heated in summer, nor cooled in winter, as the surface of the land. Durino- these thirty-one years the thermometer was once observed as low as 14’° on 16th March 1845, and once as high as 75 on 5th June 1846, but this was without the aid of registering ther¬ mometers, which have only been used for about two years. The mean state of the barometer for the last nineteen years is 29'762 inches • or, when corrected to 32° and sea-level, to enable us to compare it with other places, 29 839 inches. This does not differ materially from its mean height in other parts of Scotland; the mean of about fifty places published by the Scottish Meteorological Society, being for 1856, 29-869 inches, and for 1857, 29-894 inches; the mean of both being 29-881 inches, while the mean of Orkney was for 1856,29-898 inches, and for 1857, 29-881 inches; the mean of both being 29 889 inches, or a minute decimal of -008 above the other districts. So far as yet ascertained, therefore, they may be considered equal. The barometer generally attains its greatest height in May, and gradually descends on each side, the only exception being Septem¬ ber, when it takes a step upward, probably indicating the period of the Orkney “ peerie summer.” The gradual descent from the maximum height becomes prominent only in a long series of obser¬ vations. The same tendency may be perceived in the tables pub¬ lished in the New Statistical Account of Sandwick and of St Andrews though the descent is not so regular, and in the latter the greatest height is in June. On the 24th January 1840 the mercury was as low as 27-69 inches, and on 1st February 1841, as high as 31-76 inches ; giving a range during these nineteen years of 4-07 inches. _ The average annual quantity of rain that fell at Sand wick Manse, during the last seventeen years, is 36-66 inches. This is more than 10 inches above Dr Barry’s estimate, which had been assumed as correct by others, without actual measurement. The paucity of observations in other places renders it impossible to say at present whether this is above or below the average for Scotland; and, indeed, much would depend on the situation of those places from which that average was struck. It will probably be found equal to the average fall in the interior of Scotland and England, below what is stated to fall on the west coast, and above that on the east. If an extensive table now before us is to be relied on, it is about equal to the fall in Applegarth, Liverpool, and Swansea, which is 34 inches; Dumfries and Manchester, 36; Langholm, Dover, and Selborne, 37 ; Aberdeenshire, 38 : while it is decidedly above Edinburgh, which is 26 inches; York, 22, and London, 20. and below Glasgow, which is 40 inches; Ayrshire, 42; Mhite- haven, 48 ; Restwick, 67 ; and Easthwaite, 86. From the reports of the Meteorological Society, published for 1856 and 1857, it ap¬ pears that the average of all their stations for these two years was 31-78 inches; while the average of Orkney for the same years was only 29-66 inches, which makes Orkney appear particularly dry ; but it would be unfair to found such a conclusion on such a limited period of observation. They must rather be considered as excep¬ tional years, being the driest in Orkney during the period of regis¬ tration, so that the crops were injured by excessive drought, while there was excessive rain in more southerly districts, from which the Orkney crops there suffered severely. May has the least rain, as well as Islands the highest barometer; and the preceding months, embracing the v, previous December, have more rain the more they precede it. Again, the quantity gradually increases in the succeeding months till October, which is decidedly the wettest, only indicating the “peerie summer” in September by a somewhat smaller fall than during the “ Lammas speats” in August. The direction and force of the wind has also been noted every morning and evening for thirty-one years. The W. used to be con¬ sidered the most prevalent wind in Orkney, but from this it appears not to have been so for the period noted. It blew from the W., SAY,, S., and S.E., 6710 days; while, from the opposite four points, it blew little more than half that time, or 3947 days. The \Y . wind, in¬ deed, prevails more than that from any other cardinal point, but the S.E. prevails above it; for if we do it equal justice with the W., by adding 236 days of E.S.E. which were given to the E., and 250 days of S.S.E. which were given to the S., we find 2474 days of S.E. wind against the 2081 days of W., or 393 days in favour of the S.E. There seems to be a group of years when the S.E. is in excess, and then a group when the W. is so. In the first decade it exceeds the W. very little; in the second a great deal; in the third the W. not only seems to prevail, but the restoration of the intermediate points to the S.E. still leaves it in the minority. The institution of the Scottish Meteorological Society, and the publication of their reports by their able secretary, Dr Stark, pro¬ mise to illustrate the meteorology of Scotland ; from the great num¬ ber of observers using similar instruments, placed in similar posi¬ tions, and at the same hours, thus furnishing excellent means of comparison. In comparing the climate of Orkney with that of Scotland in general, it would, indeed, be absurd to form a decided opinion from the observations of one year; but it would be as absurd to shut our eyes to the light which they afford us, when they corro¬ borate and illustrate our former observations, and throw much light on other points not previously observed. The difference in the state of the barometer by these tables is too trifling to deserve notice. Orkney was a little below the average for Scotland in 1857, but it was more above it the previous year. The columns for registering thermometers prove the equability of the Orkney climate much more clearly than the previous table of temperature by the com¬ mon thermometer. It may be seen that in one part of acotland the greatest heat of summer was 25^° above that of Orkney, and the greatest cold of winter 21° below it, thus showing a much wider range of temperature ; but that is not a fair comparison, as it re¬ fers to only a single observation at one place only. June, July, and August are, at an average, 70"6 hotter during the day, and seven months are colder during the night throughout Scotland than in Orkney, while the latter has a smaller daily range of temperature every month, and in June the difference is 10°. By these obser¬ vations, the temperature of Orkney seems to be about half a degree lower than the other districts; but it was at least equal in 18o6. The mean temperature of Orkney for 1857 is proved to be 47 -4 by the entire agreement of the self-registering thermometers, the dry bulb one, and that 12 inches deep in the soil. The temperature of the deepest spring may also be considered a proof of its correct¬ ness, and of that of the mean annual temperature formerly stated ; for though it is not much influenced by the remarkable mildness of the latter months of the year, yet it is nearly half a degree higher than the mean annual temperature. The hygrometer, which is Mason’s, shows 0°-3 less evaporation in Orkney than in the other districts. In noticing the deductions calculated from Glaisher’s tables, we may pass without remark the minute difference in the •< dew point,” and in the “elastic force of vapour but we cannot thus pass the very unexpected result of this first year’s observa¬ tions, that the humidity of the atmosphere in Orkney is exactly equal to the average of Scotland. These islands have always been characterized as damp. The surrounding water led us readily to believe it. Salt and sugar are so apt to become damp, and steel to rust, that few could anticipate such a result. We were, however, in some measure prepared for it, as, during the latter halt of the previous year, when these hygrometric observations were first made, the humidity in Orkney was only 84°-l, while the average of Scot¬ land was 84°-8. The quantity of salt in the atmosphere, from the sea spray, may probably account for these effects of humidity. The number of rainy days in Orkney was 198, giving an average of 16 to each month; while in the average of all the districts it was only 163, giving an average of 14 to a month. That the difference should be on this side might be anticipated from the latitude of Orkney, and the peculiarity of its situation; and we believe that this difference will be rather increased than diminished by a long series of observa¬ tions ; for, in 1856 the number was 212 in Orkney, and only 160 over Scotland, giving 52 more to Orkney. The mean pressure of the wind in Orkney seems to have exceeded that in the other dis- O R K Orkney tr!cts a decimal of -19; but as no anemometer has been used, Islands can only i56 viewed as an approximation to the truth. ' j From observations made at least once a week, and generally more "r v frequently, we find that the mean temperature of the sea for the year is 49°-6, or 2°-2 above that of the air and the soil, and nearly 3° above that of our best springs. It is even above the mean tem¬ perature of any year yet recorded, and a little above the mean tem¬ perature of the sea around the coast of Scotland. This seems one of the strongest proofs that the Gulf Stream reaches the shores of Orkney, or that some stream from a warmer climate, by whatever name it may be called, raises the temperature of the sea beyond what it could be raised by the power of the sun in Orkney, and higher than it raises the air, the soil, or the springs. . The aurora borealis is sometimes very brilliant in Orkney, and frequently gives mere or less light during the winter nights. Sun-pillars are occasionally seen about sunset and sunrise in spring. They were first remarked in 1852, when they were particularly fine, and appeared six times at sunset in April alone. Water-spouts are very rare. The writer has only seen one, which passed over the sea, about a mile east of Stromness on 12th September 1839, and the upper portion caught his attention in Sandwick, 6 miles off, appearing like a dark funnel-shaped cloud, hanging down from other dark clouds. The Orkney crops of the more hardy kinds of grain, as oats, here, and barley, are equal to those of other parts of Scotland. Its potatoes are famous in the southern markets for seed, as the Ork¬ ney reds, grown in Orkney, are less apt to take the disease when planted in the south than any other variety; but green crop is that in which it particularly excels. The gardeners are scarcely be¬ hind those in the south, for the more hardy kinds of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Apples do not grow well as standards, but thrive pretty well as wall-trees. Pears and cherries grow, but are not very productive. Black currants thrive even better than in the south. Red and white currants and strawberries grow very well, but gooseberries do not always ripen. All the more hardy annuals and perennials met with in the south also adorn the Ork¬ ney gardens. The history of the islands will not detain us long. They seem to have been originally peopled by a Scandinavian tribe ; but little certain is known till the year 870, when the Norwegian chiefs who had fled from home because of the victories of Harold the Fair-Haired, arrived there. Harold pursued them six years afterwards, defeated them, and appointed Ronald, Count of Moere, jarl of Orkney. He was succeeded, after an interval and some changes, by his son Einar; while another son of his, Rolla, wrested Nor¬ mandy from Charles the Simple, King of France, and, be¬ coming duke of that province, was the great-great-great¬ grandfather of William the Conqueror. The descendants of Ronald ruled as jarls for more than four hundred years, when the male line terminated in the person of Magnus, the fifth earl of that name. He died about 1325, leaving one daughter, Matilda, who became the wife of Malise, Earl of Stratherne, and had issue Isabell, who married Sir Wil¬ liam St Clair, Baron of Rosslyn; and the son of this mar¬ riage, Sir Henry, was the first of the Scottish earls of Orkney. His title was admitted by Hacon VI., King of Norway, in 1379. By a treaty entered into before this period between the courts of Norway and "Scotland, the former ceded to the latter Man and the Western Islands, for the payment of a certain yearly sum called the “ Annual of Norway.” This tribute, not having been regularly ren¬ dered, soon amounted to a large sum ; and after much ne¬ gotiation on the matter, it was arranged that the arrears of the “Annual” should be held as discharged ; that James HI. should marry Margaret of Norway ; that her dowry should be 60,000 florins ; and that Orkney should be impignorated to Scotland for five-sixths of that sum—the islands to be redeemed on payment of the money. This treaty was en¬ tered into in 1468. The marriage-portion was never paid ; and it has given rise to much controversy whether the claim of Norway to these islands has been ever formally relin¬ quished. This is a question that need not be considered here, as it has been for centuries practically resolved. The earldom remained in the family of St Clair till 1471, when it and the title were merged in, or rather were united to, VOL. XVI. N E Y. 7,21 the crown of Scotland, never again to be alienated except Orkney in favour of a lawful son of the king. For almost a century Islands, the crown lands were leased to various tenants, till at length, in May 1564, Queen Mary granted a charter to Lord Robert Stuart, her father’s son by Dame Euphemia Elphin- stone, constituting him Earl of Orkney. Afterwards, by her marriage contract with Bothwell, dated May 1567, Mary bound herself to create her husband Duke of Orkney, and to put him in possession of the islands. He appears never to have been infeft, or at all events a month after the mar¬ riage he fled, and the dukedom was at an end. Earl Robert had no concern with Orkney from 1567 to 1581 ; but in the latter year he had another grant of the earldom made to him. This was revoked by King James upon his at¬ taining his majority in 1587. Again a further grant was executed in favour of him and his heirs in 1591, which in 1592 was confirmed by Parliament. Earl Robert died in that year, and the earldom was once more resumed by the crown ; and once more, in March 1600, Patrick, son of Robert by the Lady Jean Kennedy, got a grant in his favour; and in May of the same year he obtained a grant of the bishopric. Earl Patrick’s many crimes brought him to the scaffold in 1615 ; and after his death the Orkneys were again unalienably annexed to the Crown, and again they were alienated in 1643. This deed was declared null and void in 1669; and once again, in 1707, they were mortgaged to the Morton family, burdened with an annual payment of L.500 to the crown. In 1742 this mortgage was declared irredeemable ; and Lord Morton, in 1766, sold his right for L.60,000 to Sir Lawrence Dundas, in whose family (now Earldom of Zetland) the property still remains. Of the trade and manufactures of Orkney, it is not easy to give anything like an accurate estimate. In 1853 the number of vessels was 43, and the tonnage 2485. In 1856 there were 48 vessels, and the tonnage amounted to 3039 ; and this irrespective of a large unregistered flotilla of smaller crafts. The traffic in steam-vessels not entered in the Orkney custom-house is large, and increasing year by year. The tonnage of the coasting trade in 1856 was 27,680 tons imported, and 29,388 exported. The exports consist chiefly of grain, fish, cattle, sheep, butter, hides, &c. Till a recent period, the principal manufacture in the islands was kelp, which at one time brought L.12, L.16, or even L.20 a ton. The greatest quantity ever made in one year was in 1826, when 3500 tons were manufactured, which, on an average, sold at L.7 a ton. In 1837 there were 800 tons of drift-weed kelp made, selling at about five guineas a ton, and 300 tons of cut-weed kelp, averaging per ton half as much. In 1833 there were forty vessels of about thirty tons, each engaged in the cod-fishery, and they caught and cured about 560 tons of fish. In 1857 there were 318 boats of 10 tons or upwards, and the weight of the fish cured had swelled to 16,424 cwts. In addition to this there were 18 larger ves¬ sels, whose united produce amounted to 2731 cwts of salted fish. In 1857 there were 380 herring-boats engaged in that trade ; and there were cured and packed on shore 14,075 barrels, besides 700 barrels sold while fresh. During the same year, there were 117 lobster-boats. Sandey fur¬ nished the greatest number (23), and Shapinshey the smallest (2). It is estimated that the steamers last year carried from Kirkwall 2703 black cattle, and that 586 went by the sailing-vessels. About 800 went from Stromness. There are two licensed distilleries in Kirkwall; and in 1857 there were made 11,135 gallons of whisky in Kirkwall, and 5385 in Stromness, yielding, at 8s. a gallon, to the revenue a duty of L.6608. In conclusion, we would remark, that the improvements introduced during the last twenty, and especially the last ten years, are most striking. In the Mainland and North 4 Y 722 0 R L Orleans. Islands more than 4000 acres of waste land are said to have been reclaimed during the last five years. 1 he vast agri¬ cultural capabilities of the county are becoming known, and are being rendered available. Draining is extensively resorted to. Roads are being made under the sanction of an act of Parliament. An Orkney man is ceasing to be the amphibious animal his father was. Regard is had to the division of labour. The farmer is contented to plough his fields, leaving it to the fisherman to plough the main. The improvements in progress, and contemplated, will most ma¬ terially ameliorate and enrich the county. The lower classes are orderly, industrious, and far from being ill-informed. The upper classes, as a body, are not infertor to their equals in station in any part of Scotland. More frequent intercourse with the mainland of Scotland is rubbing off certain peculiarities; but we rejoice to know that the character which Orkney possesses for kindness, courtesy, and generous attention to strangers, remains unchanged. ORLEANS, a city of France, capital of the department of Loiret, stands on the slope of a hill on the right bank of the Loire, 34 miles N.E. of Blois, and 68 S.S.W. of Paris. Though large and presenting a fine appearance from a distance, it is, with the exception of a few modern streets, not well built; and has not that bustle and anima¬ tion which might be expected from its size and population. The river is crossed by a handsome bridge, which was built in 1761. It is 1089 feet long, and consists of 9 arches, the centre one of which has a span of 108 feet. From this bridge the principal street of Orleans extends northwards through the town to the Barriere de Paris, at the most northerly extremity. The length of this street is about three-fourths of a mile; and in the middle of it is the Place du Martroy, of an irregular shape, which contains a bronze statue of Joan of Arc, with four bas-reliefs, also in bronze, representing the principal events in her life. From this to the Loire, the street which is called the Rue Royale, is one of the handsomest in France; the part north of the Place du Martroy, which is called the Rue de Banier, is also a fine street. Another broad street has been opened up through an old and crowded part of the town, leading eastward from the main street to the cathedral, which is the principal building in Orleans, and is thus seen to greater advantage than it could be when blocked up by the sur¬ rounding buildings. To these modern streets the more ancient parts of the town present a striking contrast; as the streets in the latter are irregular and ill paved, and the houses for the most part built of wood. The cathedral is remarkable, as having been built in a pure Gothic style in the seventeenth century, at a time when that kind of architecture had entirely fallen into disuse. It was begun by Henri IV. in 1601; but has only recently been finished. The west front is very much admired; it has three pointed portals, and is flanked by two towers of great elegance and beauty, each 280 feet high. Among the other ecclesiasti¬ cal buildings of the town, the church of St Agnan,—a fine Gothic edifice, that has lost both its nave and steeple,—and that of St Pierre le Puellier, the most ancient in Orleans, possess the most interest. The old town-hall, which has recently been repaired, has long been used as a gallery of paintings and museum of antiquities. The court of jus¬ tice is a building in the Doric style, with four columns in front. Besides these public buildings, Orleans contains several houses that are interesting from their historical as¬ sociations. Such are the houses of Joan of Arc, of Francis I., of Agnes Sorel, of Diana of Poitiers ; some of which are remarkable for their architecture and ornaments. Orleans also contains a theatre, barracks, prison, hospital, several schools, scientific society, botanic garden, and public library. It is the see of a bishop ; and has a court of appeal for three departments, an inferior court, council of prucChommes, and chamber of commerce. There was formerly here a uni- 0 R L versity, at which Calvin, Beza, and other great men studied. Orleans The manufactures of Orleans are numerous, but not of very || great importance. They consist of woollen and cotton ^ Orley. stuffs, hosiery, hats, leather, refined sugar, beer, vinegar, iron- “ mongery, tools of various kinds, earthenware, &c. The trade of the place is extensive; but in recent times has been on the decline. Corn, wine, timber, wool, cheese, and the produce of the manufactures are the chief articles of trade. The situation of the town on the Loire, here navigable for small steamers, and at the junction of three railways, which communicate with Paris, Nantes, Bour- deaux, Lyons, and other places, give Orleans great import¬ ance in commerce. Both sides of the Loire are here lined with handsome quays ; and on the south bank stands the su¬ burb of Olivet. Besides this, there are numerous other suburbs, and many country houses in the neighbourhood. The old fortifications, which have been levelled with the ground, are now replaced by finely planted public walks. Orleans is generally believed to be the same as the ancient Genabum, a town of the Celtic people Carnutes, which was taken and burnt by Caesar in 52 b.C. It was afterwards called Aureliani, from which the modern name has been derived. In 451 a.d. Orleans was besieged by Attila, but in¬ effectually, as the place was relieved after a brave defence by iEtius. It subsequently fell into the hands of the Franks, and was made the capital of one of their small kingdoms. Under the Capetian kings, Orleans was one of the most important of their possessions on account of its military strength ; and it was only by this town that the French kings exercised any control over the south of France. The most import¬ ant event connected with Orleans in modern history, is its siege by the English in 1429; and its deliverance by Joan of Arc. She entered the town in spite of the besiegers, and brought a supply of provisions from Blois to the garri¬ son, then sallying out at the head of the French troops, having crossed the river in boats, she led on the attack on a fort erected by the English on the other side. This was compelled to surrender, and on the following day the be¬ siegers destroyed their remaining forts, and raised the siege. In the civil wars of the sixteenth century, Orleans was besieged in 1563 by the Duke of Guise, who was assas¬ sinated before the walls; and it suffered much then and subsequently from religious dissensions. Orleans gave the title of Duke to a branch of the family of Valois, to which Louis XII. belonged. Pop. (1856) 43,256. Orleans, the name of an island in the St Lawrence, Lower Canada, below Quebec. It is 25 miles in length, by 5 in breadth; and being fertile and covered with fine woods, it forms an agreeable place of residence, and is much frequented. ORLEANS, House of, a branch of the royal family of France. Besides those who succeeded to the king by title, the following are the Dukes of Orleans who play a promi¬ nent part in the history of their country. Louis, the second surviving son of Charles V., who was born in 1371, became regent to his brother Charles VI. in 1393, and was mur¬ dered by the Duke of Burgundy in 1407; Philippe, the celebrated regent, who was born in 1674, succeeded to the regency after the death of Louis XIV. in 1715, and died in 1723; and Louis Philippe Joseph, the father of the late French king, Louis Philippe, who was born in 1747, renounced his family title for the assumed name of Egalite, during the revolutionary turmoils of 1792, and was guil¬ lotined in the following year. (See France.) Orleans, New. See New Orleans. ORLEY, Bernard Van, an eminent painter, was born in Brussels about 1490. After studying at Rome under Raphael, he returned to settle in his native town, bringing back with him much of the taste and the grand style of the Italian masters. In a short time he had risen to profes¬ sional eminence. Margaret of Austria, the ruler of the O R L Orloff Netherlands, appointed him her painter; he executed seve- H ral pictures for churches both in Antwerp and Brussels; Orme. an(} hjg pencil was employed by Charles V. in painting, as cartoons for tapestries, several hunting pieces representing the emperor and his nobles in the Forest of Soignies. At the time of his death, about 1560, his pictures had amounted to a large number. A list of them, and of the places in which they are to be seen, is given in Stanley’s enlarged edition of Bryan’s Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. Two other artists called Orley—namely, Richard Van and Jan Van—were also natives of Brussels. ORLOFF or Orlov, Gregort, a favourite of Cathe¬ rine II. of Russia, was born in 1734, and having entered the Russian army, served in the Seven Years’ War. He had a handsome figure, a genteel bearing, an unscrupu¬ lous conscience, and all the other accomplishments essential to a tuft-hunter. Accordingly, he had not been long in St Petersburg when the Grand Duchess Catherine made him her favourite paramour, and her accomplice in her ambi¬ tious plots. His fortune rose still higher, when his mistress in 1762 had assassinated her husband, Peter III., and had mounted the throne. Dignities and riches were lavished upon him; he was allowed to wear the picture of the empress in his button-hole; and a medal was struck, and an arch erected in honour of his having stayed a plague at Moscow in 1771. Yet by this time the minion, in his pampered insolence, was bringing about his own disgrace. I he proposal of Catherine to marry him privately would not satisfy him. He would be her acknowledged husband and her associate in the throne, or at least he would be made the king of some such country as Astrakhan. This arro¬ gance gradually estranged the empress, until in 1772 she took advantage of his absence, on an embassy to the Turks, to supplant him by a new favourite. From this time OrlofF seems to have been the victim of disappointed ambition. Although honoured with the title of prince, supplied with large grants of money, and latterly re-admitted to the court, he could not tolerate the sight of his successful rival. He sought to forget his chagrin in foreign travel. Madness, however, seized him, and brought him to the grave in 1783. OrlofF had by Catherine a son named Bobrinski. Orloff, Alexis, a brother of the preceding, was born in 1737, and became a soldier by profession. His Herculean strength and stature, and his reckless audacity, rendered him a valuable tool for his brother in the revolution of 1762. He engaged to be one of the assassins of Peter III.; and it is said that it was his hands that strangled the un¬ fortunate monarch. The after services of Orloff in the cause of the Empress Catherine were of the same unprincipled stamp. It is true that in command of the Russian fleet in 1770 he burned the Turkish squadron in the Bay of Tches- me, and thus won many notable honours and the title of Tchesmenski. But most writers attribute his victory en¬ tirely to the counsels of the Englishman Elphinstone. He was certainly more in his element when soon afterwards he sought out the youthful Russian princess Tarakanova at Rome, decoyed her on board a vessel, and sent her home to spend her days in a dungeon. The public life of Orloff closed at the death of Catherine and the accession of Paul. After having been compelled to attend at the disinterment, and to assist at the funeral of Peter III., he was glad to escape from further punishment into Germany, and to remain away from Russia till the commencement of the next reign. His death took place at Moscow in 1808. 1 here were three other brothers who took part in the plots, and shared the prosperity of the two above men¬ tioned. ORLOP, in nautical language, the lower deck of a ship- of-the-line, or that on which the cables, sails, &c., are stowed. ORME, Robert, author of a History of British India, O R M was born at Anjengo, in Travancore, in 1728. He was educated at Harrow school, and after spending a year in a counting-house in England, he went to Calcutta in 1742 and engaged in commercial pursuits. His energy and in¬ telligence soon attracted notice; and for a number of years he rendered essential service in connection with the govern¬ ment of India. Failing health, however, compelled him to return to England in 1758. He settled in London, and employed himself for the two succeeding years upon his Military History. The first volume appeared in 1763, and was received with great approbation. The East India Company not only granted him free access to their re¬ cords, but appointed him their historiographer, with a salary °f L-400 a-year. He was chosen a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in March 1770; and was on familiar terms with the leading men of his time. After the publication of the second volume of his History in 1778, he continued to amuse himself with literary pursuits of a more general nature. In 1792 he retired to Ealing, where he died on the 13th January 1801. Good sense and sound judgment were the principal fea¬ tures of his mind. His works are more distinguished by simplicity, clearness, and precision, than by any very powerful eloquence, or a very nice discrimination of char¬ acter. His works are,—A General Ideal of the Government and People of Indostan, written in 1752, and printed among his posthumous works; History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan from the year 1745; the first volume, published in 1763, extends to 1756; and the second, published in 1778, carries the history down to the peace of 1763 ; Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, from the year ] 659, 8vo, London, 1782; first published anonymously, but acknowledged and reprinted in 4to in 1805, together with the Origin of the English Establishment at Broach and Surat, the General Idea of the Government and People of Indostan, and a Life of the author. Several hundred volumes of Orme’s manuscript collections, together with some scarce printed tracts relating to oriental history, are preserved in the library of the East India Company. ORMEA, a town of the Sardinian States, division of Coni, on the left bank of the Tanaro, 16 miles S. of Mon- dovi. It has an ancient castle, and is surrounded by ruinous old walls; the parish church is a large and handsome building. Candles and woollen cloth are made here; there are also saw-mills, and a trade in timber, rural produce, &c. Pop. 4750. V ORME’S HEAD, Great, a promontory of Wales, county of Carnarvon, 4 miles N.W. of Conway, forming, along with Little Orme’s Head, 4 miles E.S.E., a rocky inlet of the Irish Sea, called Orme’s Bay. It consists of a limestone peninsula, 676 feet high, on which stands Lland- dudno church. ORMOND, Duke of. See Butler, James. ORMSKIRK, a market-town of England, county of Lancaster, 12 miles N. by E. of Liverpool, and 42 S. by W. of Lancaster. It is clean and well built. From the market-place in the centre, in which stands a town-hall, four well-paved streets diverge at right angles. The church, a large building, which was rebuilt in 1729, has a tower and a spire separated from one another. It contains the tombs of the Earls of Derby. There are also places of worship in the town and neighbourhood belonging to Me¬ thodists, Independents, Unitarians, and Roman Catholics. Ormskirk has several schools, literary societies, a savings- bank, dispensary, almshouses, &c. The place is famous for the gingerbread made here; but the chief occupations of the people are handloom-weaving, rope-making, and brevv- ing. Near this place, in 1644, the Royalists were defeated by the Parliamentary troops wit! great slaughter. Pop. (1851) 5548. r o s p 72a Ormea 724 OEM 0 E N ORMUZ, or Hormuz, a small island at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, near its northern shore; N. Lat. 27. 5., E. Long. 56. 29. It is about 10 miles distant from the conti¬ nent, a rugged, bare, and sterile rock, without any vegetation, and about 12 miles in circumference. It has several high peaks covered with a transparent ice-like incrustation of salt. Other parts of the island consist of soil of a dark red colour produced by the oxide of iron, with which the whole is impregnated; while other portions are yellow with sulphur, or grey with copper. The shape and geological structure of the peaks seem to indicate that it is of volcanic forma¬ tion. Of the town on the northern side, which once con¬ tained about 40,000 inhabitants, nothing now remains but a mass of scattered ruins; among which the remains of aque¬ ducts and walls still attest its former greatness. There is, however, a good harbour and a fort, which stands on a pro¬ montory separated from the island by a moat. Ormuz was taken possession of by the Portuguese in 1507; and was made by them an emporium for the trade of India and the East. It thus became a place of deposit for the valu¬ able products of India, the jewels of Bokhara, and the manufactured goods of Europe and Asia. The town speedily rose, and the island attained to great importance under the Portuguese sway. It is to this period of its prosperity that Milton refers, when he speaks of the wealth of Ormuz in these lines:— “ High on a throne of royal state, which far Outshone the wealth of Ormuz and of Ind ; Or where the gorgeous East, with richest hand, Showers on her kings barbaric pearl and gold, Satan exalted sat.”—Paradise Lost, b. ii. It was taken from the Portuguese, and the town was demolished, in 1622, by Shah Abbas, King of Persia, assisted by a British squadron of ships. On the introduction of the Mohammedan religion into Persia, the disciples of Zoroaster took refuge in the rocky caves of Ormuz; whence they emigrated to Bombay, and now form the people called Parsees. The island still belongs to Persia; but it is rented by the Imam of Muscat, who keeps a small force here to defend the fort and harbour. There are no springs of fresh water in the island, which is supplied by rain water caught in reservoirs made by the Portuguese. ORNE, a department of France, lying between N. Lat. 48. 12. and 48. 58., E. Long. 1. 0., and W. Long. 0. 47. It is bounded on the N. by the department of Calvados, E. by those of Eure and Eure-et-Loire, S. by Sarthe and Mayenne, and W. by Manche. Its length from E. to W. is 84 miles; breadth, on an average, 28 miles; area, 2346 square miles. It is crossed from E. to W. by a chain of hills, which separate the waters of the Loire from those of the English Channel. The highest summits of these hills are only about 1368 feet above the level of the sea. The principal rivers are,—the Orne, from which the department takes its name, the Toucques, and the Dives, all flowing northwards from the hills into the English Channel; the Huine, Sarthe, Varenne, and Mayenne, which flow to the south, and discharge their waters into the Loire. None of the rivers are navigable in the department. Orne contains numerous lakes; but they are all small and insignificant. The character of the surface and of the soil is very various in different parts, bearing in some places evident traces of volcanic action. The extent of arable land in the depart¬ ment is 822,890 acres; of meadows, 323,730 acres; of wood, 177,922 acres ; and of waste land, 42,318 acres. The state of agriculture is not very highly advanced, and the arable land is not of any great fertility; so that notwith¬ standing its extent, the quantity of corn produced falls short by about a third of the demands of the population. Oats, buckwheat, potatoes, rye, hemp, and flax, are the principal crops raised ; in some places also beetroot is grown for the manufacture of sugar. The climate of Orne is temperate, but very damp; in spring and autumn much rain falls; and though the summer is mild and dry, during the winter snow, rain, and foggy weather prevail almost without inter¬ mission. No wine is made in this country; but there are very many apple and pear trees, in many places lining the roads, and affording quantities of cider and perry, the fa¬ vourite beverages of the inhabitants. The pastures are very good, and many cattle from the neighbouring depart¬ ments are sent here to be fattened. They, as well as the sheep of Orne, are numerous and of good breed ; the horses also, especially those of the plain of Alen^on, being of the purest Norman breed, are highly esteemed. The depart¬ ment contains about 135,000 head of cattle, 215,000 sheep, 30,000 pigs, 52,000 horses, &c. Iron mines are worked in some parts of the department, and among the mineral productions are granite, marble, building stone, porcelain, clay, &c. The principal branches of industry carried on are the working of iron and the weaving of cloth ; there are 49 smelting furnaces and forges for iron, besides cutleries, needle-manufactories, and establishments for making cloth, paper, glass, and lace which is highly esteemed. The articles of commerce, besides the produce of the manufactures, con¬ sist of corn, honey, cider, flax, wax, horses, cattle, poultry, timber, &c. The department forms part of the diocese of Seez ; and for public instruction contains 4 colleges, a normal school, 3 upper communal schools, and 623 ele¬ mentary schools. The capital is Alenfon, and the depart¬ ment is divided into four arrondissements as follows:— Cantons. Alenjon 6 Argentan 11 Domfront 8 Mortagne 11 Total 36 534 Pop. (1856.) 72,492 102,074 137,392 118,169 430,127 Orne, a river of France, giving its name to the above department, in which it rises, not far from Seez. It flows northwards to the borders of the department of Calvados, then turns N. by E., and falls into the English Channel, after a course of 90 miles. It receives the Noireau, the Aize, and the Oden, and is navigable as far as Caen, 10 miles from its mouth. 725 ORNITHOLOGY. History. Ornithology, from og,tg, bird, and \6yos, discourse, is ——y'-^that department of Zoology which treats of the history and attributes of the feathered race. Birds form the se¬ cond great division of the animal kingdom, being usually placed immediately after the Mammalia, and antecedent to the reptile class. They may be defined as vertebrated, oviparous animals, covered with feathers, organized for flight, and enjoying a double system of circulation and re¬ spiration ; that is, their whole blood, like that of quadru¬ peds, must visit the lungs and return to the heart before it is propelled to the extremities,—and the entire system is provided with reservoirs of air, in addition to the lungs properly so called. The vast extent which the science of Ornithology has acquired in recent times renders a full exposition impos¬ sible within our necessarily prescribed limits ; but we shall endeavour at least to indicate the majority of the more - important groups, to figure and describe in each some in¬ teresting species, and by frequent reference to such au¬ thors as have most successfully treated of the different branches in detail, enable such of our readers as desire a more elaborate view, to follow out the subject for them¬ selves. We presume it matters not with which depart¬ ment we commence. Let us begin, then, with the Bib¬ liography, which, however, need not detain us long. Few if any important works have been transmitted to us from antiquity. In the third book of Aristotle’s His¬ tory of Animals (Hsg/ Zuw 'Itfrogta, the period being about 350 years before the Christian era) we find recorded sundry observations, but brief and superficial, on the fea¬ thered race.1 His division seems to be into such as have hooked claws, such as have separated toes, and such as are web-footed ; and he observes, that the first have the breast the most robust. He describes the differences in the structure of the feet, and notices, that although the generality have three toes in front, and one behind, yet a few have only two toes in front. The bill supplies the place of lips and teeth, and passages in different parts of the head supply the place of the external organs of the senses of smell and sound. The eyes are furnished with a membrane like that possessed by lizards, but want eye¬ lashes. No bird with hooked claws has likewise spurs upon its legs. These are a few examples of Aristotle’s style of observation on the class in question. Pliny was born about the twentieth year of the Chris¬ tian era. The tenth book of his Historia Naturalis treats in part of birds, but in a very meagre and immethodical manner. He tells us of the raven and the phoenix, of the owl, the ibis, and the nightingale, of capons, and the cock¬ fights of Pergamus, and of the character and conduct of various other birds. hor 1500 years from the time of Pliny we have no re¬ corded observations on Ornithology deserving of the read- ei s recollection. About the middle of the 16th century Conrad Gesner, a native of Zurich, and a noted French¬ man called Pierre Belon, each published works in part devoted to Ornithology. The writings of Gesner {Histo¬ ria Animalium, 3 vols. folio) exhibit a cumbrous erudition, with a sprinkling of original observation, but are chiefly extracted from ancient authors. Baron Cuvier regarded him as an excellent compiler. His arrangement is alpha¬ betical. Belon s most successful efforts were in the ich- thyological department, but even in his Hisloria Avium, History. 1 vol. folio, 1551, we may trace an improved spirit of ob- servation, although the basis of his classification would scarcely suffice to support a system now-a-days. He di¬ vides the class of birds into six primary divisions. Is/, I he birds of prey, among which, misled probably by some false analogy of plumage, he includes the cuckoo. 2d, The Palmipedes. 3d, The Grallae, including, however, the king-fisher, bee-eater, and other anomalous species. 4>lh, All the species which place their nests upon the ground, —an extraordinary bond of union, which of course brings together the pheasant, the lark, and the woodcock. Ne¬ vertheless, our author does not confound them in his lesser groups, bth, The omnivorous and insectivorous birds, among which are placed the pigeons. &th, The insecti¬ vorous and granivorous species, which habitually frequent shrubs and hedges. Another noted writer of the sixteenth century was Ulys¬ ses Aldrovandi of Bologna, whose works amount to thirteen volumes folio ;—the majority of them, however, were not published till after his death in 1606. The first three, which treat of birds (as well as one on insects), made their appearance in his lifetime, that is, from 1599 to 1603. They contain some amusing information, amid a vast mass of learned rubbish borrowed from his predecessors. Profes¬ sor Savi, however, characterised the ornithological portion as “ un monumento glorioso del suo instancabile zelo, delle sue estese cognizioni ornithologiche, e della sua universale erudizione.” It is at the same time entirely deficient in scientific precision, and contains, amid much truth, a sad intermixture of unmeaning fable. The edition with which we are best acquainted is that of Bologna, 1634-. About nearly the same period a treatise was published by Gommer de Luzaney, with the title of De I'Autour- serie, which contains some good figures of the birds of prey used in falconry. One of the earliest sketches of the history of European birds is that given by Schwenkfeld, a Prussian naturalist, in a volume entitled Theorio-Trophe- um Silesice, 1603. The arrangement is alphabetical. Olina’s Uccelliera, which contains tolerable figures of a few species not previously published, appeared at Rome in 1622. It is a small affair, restricted to the description of very few species, but contains accurate and interesting records of their history and mode of capture, as practised by the Italians, with whom la caccia, very different from that of Melton Moubray, is a noted passion. A swarthy, fire-eyed hunter of sixty-five is as proud of a string of dead linnets as any young Scotchman of sixteen may be of his first well-filled bag of grouse or black game. We have next a dissertation on storks, cranes, and swallows, by J. G. Swalbacius (Spire, 1630) ; a natural history of Nurenberg (Antwerp, 1633) ; a description of the birds of the West Indies, by De Laet (Leyden, same year) ; a history of the birds of Brazil, by Marcgraaff (in his Hist. Rerum Nat. Brasilia, Amsterdam, 1648); and of those of Mexico, by Hernandez (in his Nova Plant. Animal, et Min. Mexicanorum Hist. Rome, 1651). A Scoto-Pole of the name of Johnston published about this period (some years elapsing during the completion of the various parts) his Historia Animalium, of which the second portion treats of birds. He is a follower, not so much of nature, as of Belon, and other authors of the pre- As in some of our preceding treatises on Natural History in this work (see, for example, the article Mammalia, vol. w e lave entered at greater length into the general character of the most ancient writers, our present notices are therefore xiv.p. 121) extremely 726 ORNITHOLOGY. History. ceding century, and was himself followed by Ruysch, whose Theatrum Universale Animalium Omnium may be regarded as a second edition of Johnston’s work. The Natural and Medical History of the East Indies, by Bon- tius, appeared in 1658, and contained descriptions of va¬ rious birds at that time new. Soon afterwards Perrault, Borrichius, and Bartolinus, began to furnish the earliest modern contributions to the anatomy of the feathered race. Willughby’s Ornithologia (a posthumous work, believ¬ ed to have been greatly amended and increased by Ray) was published in 1676. The first edition is in Latin, but an English translation, enlarged, made its appearance two years after. Ray’s own Synopsis Methodica Avium (et Piscium) was likewise published posthumously, under the care of Dr Derham, in 1713. The writings of these au¬ thors are remarkable, as manifesting an approach to a more natural system of arrangement than had hitherto prevailed ; but as they have been so frequently analysed, we deem it unnecessary to occupy our space with any de¬ tailed exposition of their views. Baron Cuvier has term¬ ed Ray “ le premier veritable methodiste pour le regne animal, guide principal de Linnaeus dans cette partie.” In Sir Hans Sloane’s Voyage to Jamaica, &c. (1707-25), we have notices of various birds, accompanied by rather poor engravings; but the work was of great use to science in England, by the attention and emulation which it ex¬ cited in regard to natural objects, of which the author had brought together upwards of 36,000, besides 200 volumes of preserved plants. His collections formed the original basis of the British Museum. A showy but inaccurate work by Marsilli (1726) is devoted to an interesting sub¬ ject, the birds of the banks of the Danube. Albin’s Na¬ tural History of Birds, in 3 vols. 4to (1731-38), contains above three hundred coloured figures of no great merit. Yet it was afterwards reprinted in French, with additions, at the Hague. About the same period was published Catesby’s Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, in 2 vols. folio, and appendix (1731-43), with numerous coloured plates of birds and other beings. Frisch’s excellent work on German birds ( Vorstellung der Vogel JDeutschlands) was commenced at Berlin in 1734, and was not completed when the author died. It was continued by a stranger, and a collected edition of the whole work, with two hundred and fifty-five plates, was published in 1763. Although by no means highly finish¬ ed, these engravings are accurate, and exhibit a good deal of the truth of nature. The arrangement is defective, and retrogrades from that of Ray. Seba’s great, or rather large work, the Locupletissimi rerum naturalium Thesauri accurata descriptio, was being carried on during this period at Amsterdam, in four volumes folio (1734-65). It is un¬ worthy of being quoted, except in reference to the plates. By this time the illustrious reformer of systematic na¬ tural history had made his appearance as an author; the first edition of the Systema Natures, consisting of only fourteen pages folio, having been published at Leyden in 1735, when Linnaeus was not more than eighteen years of age. It ran through twelve editions in little more than thirty years; the twelfth impression, the last which the author could himself revise, appearing at Stockholm in 1766-68. The influence exercised by the writings of the great Swedish naturalist is too important to admit of our proceeding farther without exhibiting a view of his clas¬ sification, so far at least as concerns the feathered race. The following table presents an outline of the Linnaean arrangement of birds, which he divides into six primary groups called orders. a tooth-like process near the tip; the feet short, robust, History, with acute hooked claws. Genus Vultur. Vultures. Beak hooked ; head bare : eight species. Falco. Eagles and hawks. Beak hooked; head fea¬ thered : thirty-two species. Strix. Owls. Beak hooked, feathers at its base di¬ rected forwards: twelve species. Lanius. Shrikes. Beak straightish, notched: twenty- six species. Order II. Pic.®. The bill cultriform, with the back convex ; the feet short, rather strong. Genus Psittacus. Parrots. Beak hooked ; upper mandible furnished with a cere : forty-seven species. Rhamphastos. Toucans. Beak very large, hollow, con¬ vex, serrated; both mandibles incurved at the tip: eight species. Buceros. Hornbills. Beak convex, curved, cultrate, large, serrated j forehead covered by a horny plate : four species. Buphaga. Beef-eaters. Beak straight, somewhat quad¬ rangular ; the mandibles bulging : one species. Crotophaga. Plantain-eaters. Beak compressed, half egg-shaped, arched, keeled on the back : two species. Corvus. Crows. Beak convex, cultrate; nostrils co¬ vered by recumbent bristly feathers: nineteen species. Coracias. Rollers. Beak conical, convex, straight, acute ; upper mandible slightly longer, and indistinct¬ ly notched: twenty species. Gracula. Grakles. Beak cultrate, convex, somewhat bare at the base : eight species. Paradisea. Birds of Paradise. Beak covered with the downy feathers of the forehead ; feathers of the sides long: three species. Trogon. Curucuis. Beak shorter than the head, cul¬ trate, hooked, serrated: three species. Bucco. Barbels. Beak cultrate, laterally compress¬ ed, notched at the tip, incurved, opening to beneath the eyes: one species. Cuculus. Cuckoos. Beak roundish; nostrils with a prominent margin: twenty-two species. Yunx. Wrynecks. Beak roundish, sharp pointed; nostrils concave : one species. Picus. Woodpeckers. Beak angular, straight, the tip wedge-shaped; the nostrils covered with recum¬ bent bristly feathers: twenty-one species. Sitta. Nut-hatches. Beak awl-shaped, roundish, straight: three species. Todus. Todus. Beak awl-shaped, a little flattened, obtuse, straight, with spreading bristles at the base: two species. Alcedo. King-fishers. Beak three-cornered, thick, straight, long : fifteen species. Merops. Bee-eater. Beak curved, compressed, keel¬ ed: seven species. Upupa. Hoopoes. Beak arcuate, convex, a little com¬ pressed, rather obtuse: three species. Certhia. Creepers. Beak arcuate, slender, acute: twenty-five species. Trochilus. Humming-birds. Beak slender, longer than the head, its tip tubular: twenty-two species. Order III. Anseres. Web-footed water-fowl. Bill smooth, covered with epidermis, enlarged at the tip; the toes united by a web, the legs compressed and short. Order I. Accipitres, or birds of prey. The bill more Genus Anas. Swans, geese, ducks. Beak lamellated at or less curved, the upper mandible dilated, or armed with the margin, convex, obtuse: forty-five species. ORNITHOLOGY. History. Genus Mergus. Mergansers. Beak denticular cylindrical, '■"■■“'v'"—^ the tip hooked : six species. Alca. Auks. Beak short, compressed, convex, fur¬ rowed, the lower mandible with a prominent angle : five species. ProceUaria. Petrels. Beak a little compressed ; the upper mandible hooked, the lower channelled and compressed at the tip: six species. Diomedea. Albatrosses. Beak straight; upper man¬ dible hooked at the tip, lower abrupt: two species. Pelecanus. Pelicans, solan-geese, cormorants. Beak straight, the tip hooked, unguiculate : eight species. Plotus. Darters. Beak straight, sharp-pointed, den¬ ticulate : one species. Phaeton. Tropic birds. Beak cultrate, straight, acu¬ minate : two species. Cobjmbus. Divers. Beak slender, straight, sharp-point¬ ed : eleven species. Larus. Gull. Beak straight, cultrate, the tip slightly hooked, the lower mandible with an angular pro¬ minence : eleven species. Sterna. Terns or sea-swallows. Beak slender, nearly straight, acute, compressed : seven species. Pynchops. Skimmers. Beak straight; upper mandible much shorter, lower abruptly terminated: two species. Order IV. Grall^e. Waders or shore-birds. Bill somewhat cylindrical; the feet long, bare above the tarsus, and formed for wading. Genus Phcenicopterus. Flamingoes. Beak incurvated as if broken, denticulate ; feet webbed: one species. Platalea. Spoon-bills. Beak flattish, the tip dilated, rounded, and flat: three species. Palamedea. Screamers. Beak conical; the upper man¬ dible hooked : two species. Mycteria. Jabiru. Beak acute; lower mandible tri¬ gonal, ascending ; upper three-cornered, straight: one species. Cancroma. Boat-bills. Beak bulging; the upper man¬ dible resembling a boat with the keel uppermost: two species. Ardea. Herons and cranes. Beak straight, acute, long, a little compressed, with a furrow from the nostrils to the tip: twenty-six species. Tantalus. Ibis. Beak long, slender, arcuate; face bare: seven species. Scolopax. Snipes and curlews. Beak long, slender, ob¬ tuse ; face feathered: eighteen species. Tringa. Sand-pipers, or shore-larks. Beak roundish, as long as the head; nostrils linear; feet with four toes: twenty-three species. Charadrius. Plovers. Beak roundish, obtuse; feet with three toes ; twelve species. Jlecurvirostra. Avosets. Beak slender, recurved, point¬ ed, the tip flexible : one species. Hcematopus. Oyster-catchers. Beak compressed, the tip wedge-shaped : one species. Fulica. Coots. Beak convex; upper mandible arch¬ ed over the lower, which has a prominent angle: seven species. Parra. Jacanas. Beak roundish, rather blunt; fore¬ head wattled ; wings spurred: five species. Rallus. Rails. Beak thicker at the base, compressed, acute: ten species. Psophia. Trumpeter. Beak conical, convex, rather sharp ; the upper mandible longer : one species. Otis. Bustards. Beak with the upper mandible arch¬ ed : four species. Struthio. Ostrich and cassuary. Beak somewhat co¬ nical ; wings unfit for flying : three species. Order V. Gallinaj. Poultry and other gallinace- History. ous birds. Bill convex, the upper mandible arched over ' v—— the lower, the nostrils arched with a cartilaginous mem¬ brane. Feet with the toes separated, and rough beneath. Genus Didus. Beak contracted in the middle, with two transverse rugae; the tip of both mandibles bent in¬ wards : one species, now extinct. Pavo. Pea-fowl. Head covered with feathers, those of the rump elongated, with eye-like spots: three species. Meleagris. Turkeys. Head covered with spongy ca¬ runcles ; the throat with a longitudinal membranous wattle: three species. Crux. Curassoes. Beak with a cere at the base; head covered with recurved feathers: five species. Phasianus. Domestic fowls and pheasants. Sides of the head bare : six species. Numida. Guinea-fowls. Carunculated wattles on each side of the face ; head with a horny crest: one species. Tetrao. Grouse and partridges. Bare papillae near the eyes: twenty species. Order VI. Passeres. Passerine birds, and others. Bill conical, sharp pointed; feet slender, the toes separated. Genus Columba. Pigeons. Beak straight; nostrils with a tumid membrane : forty species. Alauda. Larks. Beak slender, pointed; tongue slit; hind claws very long: eleven species. Sturnus. Starlings. Beak slender, pointed ; flattened towards the point: five species. Turdus. 1 brushes. Beak subulate, compressed, notch¬ ed : seven species. Ampelis. Chatterers. Beak awl-shaped, depressed at the base, notched ; seven species. Loxia. Gross-beaks, bullfinches, &c. Beak conical, bulging at the base: forty-eight species. Emberiza. Bunting. Beak somewhat conical; lower mandible broader : twenty-four species. Tanagra. Tanager. Beak notched, awl-shaped, coni¬ cal at the base : twenty-one species. Motacilla. Wagtails and warblers. Beak awl-shaped; tongue jagged; claw of the hind toe of moderate length: forty-nine species. Pipra. Manakin. Beak awl-shaped, feathers at its base directed forwards; tongue abrupt: fourteen spe¬ cies. Hirundo. Swallows. Beak very small, depressed at the base, incurved; the mouth wider than the head: twelve species. Caprimulgus. Goat-suckers. Beak very small, incurv¬ ed, depressed at the base ; large bristles; the mouth very wide : two species. The amount of species in the class of birds with which Linnaeus had to form his system did not greatly exceed nine hundred. Yet with what admirable tact has he seized upon the characteristic forms which so long served as the nuclei around which so many other species were assem¬ bled ! It is true that his arrangement, like all other in¬ ventions of human genius, is liable to many objections, and may not suit the subject in the wide extent acquired in re¬ cent times;—but when we see how closely his ordinal di¬ visions accord even with the most elaborate arrangements of modern days, and how gracefully his generic groups may now be formed into more extended families, each retain¬ ing such strong affinities in its constituent parts, we the more incline to marvel at the two following circumstances ; —1st, That Linnaeus himself should have so far advanced* before his age, and anticipated the labours of posterity; 2d, that that posterity, or such portion of the same as in- 728 ORNITHOLOGY. volumes 4to (1743 and after years), made known in a History, rough but recognisable style, many new and interesting species. “ C’est le recueil,” says Cuvier, “ le plus riche pour les oiseaux apres les planches enluminees de BufFon.” During the same period a letter was published at Pappen- heim, on the birds of the Black Forest, by J. H. Zorn, Epistola de Avibus Germanice, prccsertim Sylvce Hercynia, which contains many excellent observations ; and the cor¬ respondence was afterwards extended by Briickmann in his Aves in Germania obvice Epistolar. Itinerar. cent. ii. epist. 18, and Aves Sylvce Hercynice, ibid, epist. 17. In Ander¬ son’s Natural History of Iceland and Greenland (1750), we have among the earliest authentic notices of the Zoology of these northern regions. Klein and Maering each pub- the eannets^ with aTaVe and pointed bill, and the lished systematic works, but based on very artificial prin- b , i, i-Mi .. :— r-lnloo at tViie pnnrh. In Brown’s Civil and Natural His- History. cline not seldom to sneer at his unprecedented and even now unequalled labours, should not perceive that it is to his system they are indebted for almost all that is of any value in their own. But on this subject we shall not here enlarge. It has been sometimes remarked, that the characters given by Xfinnaeus to his orders are totally inapplicable to many of the species which each contains. Thus the vul¬ tures, it is said, which belong to the first order, have no projecting processes on the upper mandible ; the parrots, which are referred to the second, have the bill hooked, not cultriform, and bear no resemblance to the other species, among the Anseres, which are characterised as having the bill smooth, covered with epidermis, and enlarged at the tip, are divers, terns, and gulls, with bills not at all answering to ciples, at this epoch. the description given ; among the Grallse, with a cylindri¬ cal bill, are the ostrich, with a short depressed one, the canchroma, with one resembling a boat, the spoon-bill, the heron, the flamingo, and others, the bills of which differ from each other as much as from those of the snipes and curlews ; the character given to the bill of the Gallinae agrees with that of many Passeres; and the wag-tail, the swallow, the tit-mouse, the red-breast, and numerous other small birds, have bills very different from those of the gold¬ finch, bunting, bullfinch, and cross-bill, which, neverthe¬ less, are all defined under the same order, and by a similar phrase.1 We believe the truth to be, that the more natu¬ ral an order is, the greater the difficulty becomes of ex¬ pressing its characters in a single line, in accordance with the briefness of the Linnaean method,—because none of these characters, taken in disconnection, remain unmodi¬ fied throughout the extended series of beings which they are intended to define. There is always a blending or transition towards other groups, so that the character ex¬ pressed in words must be regarded as applying in force rather to certain species which exemplify the whole, and towards which the others tend, than to the entire as¬ semblage. Now the Linnsean genera are often natural as family groups, though their constituent portions may not accord with the definition ; and as they become ex¬ tended, or rather filled up, by the discovery of new species, the difficulty increases. Many of the modi¬ fying species, or connecting links, were totally unknown in the time of the great Swedish observer, who seized chiefly upon the more prominent and tangible points; and the necessity of forming new subdivisions in no way invalidates his claims upon the gratitude of all lovers of the lucidus ordo. At the same time his early disciples erred (though less grossly than many of the later rene¬ gades) in viewing all living things as merely destined to clothe with flesh and blood the gigantic frame-work which he had erected,—as if his exposition of the system of nature were in fact itself that system,—as if the highest attainments of any one, however gifted, in either art or science, were ever more than the passionate expression of some dim vision of truth, perceived through the influence of the love of knowledge. With all the lights of modern method, and the vaunted improvements in classification, see we not still “ through a glass darkly ?’’ Have not some of those who talk slightingly of the Swedish sage never contrived to see through the glass at all ? During the thirty years which elapsed between the first and twelfth editions of the Systema Natures, several im¬ portant additions were made to Ornithology from other quarters. Edwards, especially, in his Natural History of Birds, and other rare undescribed Animals, and in his Gleanings in Natural History, amounting in all to seven tony of Jamaica, there are several ornithological contribu¬ tions ; and we may here name another excellent English \xox]t,¥>ox\vLse,s Natural History of Cornwall, which appear¬ ed at Oxford in 1758. In 1760 Brisson published his great systematic Ornithologie, in six volumes 4to, still of value for the minute though laborious exactness of the descrip¬ tions. His method is founded entirely on the form of the bill and feet, the number of the toes, and the manner in which these are united, with or without membrane, to each other. The Ornithologia Borealis of Brunnich ap¬ peared at Copenhagen in 1764. The Storia Naturale degli Uccelli, printed at Florence in 1767, is the most extensive of all the Italian works on Ornithology, after that of Aldrovandi. It is frequently named by Temminck and other modern writers, most of whom, however, from their vague references, may be safe¬ ly inferred to quote at second hand. It consists of a large collection of plates both of indigenous and exotic birds, executed with sufficient exactness, considering the slight practice which obtained in those days in the representa¬ tion of natural objects. The position of most of the figures, as Signor Savi remarks, is forced and unnatural; and we may see at once that the artist was guided more by his own fancies than the accustomed observance of living na¬ ture. “ Illuminatio non semper optima, nec optimus sem¬ per avium situs,” are the observations made by Bcehmer.* The plates were engraved from drawings in the collection of a Florentine patrician, the Marchese Giovanni Gerini, a passionate lover of Ornithology, who passed much of his time in collecting, and causing to be described and figured, whatever birds he could procure from every clime and coun¬ try. After his death some learned men, unfortunately not much skilled in Ornithology, supposing either that general erudition might suffice for science, or that the superficial study of a few books might compensate the want of laborious observations carried on from year to year, undertook to pub¬ lish Gerini’s uncompleted work, to fill up the voids which he had left, and even to alter what he had already done. They thus compiled a superficial text, in which they con¬ fused the classification, mistook the species, omitted seve¬ ral of the most interesting, and neglected the localities,—so that a work which, in the hands of an able editor, might have added a new glory to the already illustrious literature of Italy, became nothing more than a disorderly collection of figures. It is, however, of some value, chiefly as con¬ taining representations of species not previously known, such as Falco cenchris, Fringilla cisalpina, Sylvia provinci- alis, melanocephala, and melanopogon. Sterna leucopiera,kc. From the year 1767 onwards, Pallas, in his Spicilegia Zoologica, the narrative of his various Travels, and the Acta of the Royal Academy of St Petersburg, contributed to Or¬ nithology, as to most other branches of zoological science; Macgillivray’s Lives of Zoologists, vol. i. p. 279. 8 Bibliotheca Scriptorum Historice Naturalis, &c. tom. iii. p. 502. ORNITHOLOGY. History, and about the same time the industrious Pennant was ac- lively engaged in his important labours. His numerous well-known works need not be here particularised. The great collection published at Nuremberg by Schligmann in 1768, though amounting to nine volumes folio, including an indifferent text, seems chiefly copied from preceding works, such as those of Catesby and Edwards. In 1770 and following years, Noseman, in conjunction with Sepp the engraver, published, in Dutch, his History of the Birds of the Low Countries. The concluding fasciculi are by Ilouttuyn. Baron Cuvier thinks the figures “ remarkable for their elegance.” Mr Swainson regards them as “ poor and unnatural.” The year 1770 is farther marked as an important epoch, by the appearance of the first two volumes of the Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, by Buffon. That illustrious writer was the first to clothe the descriptive portion of the science with colours as bright and varied as those which beautify the fairy forms of which he treats, but which had hitherto been viewed as it were only by the half-closed eye of the technical describer. The Planches Enhiminees, afterwards published by Daubenton the youn¬ ger, in illustration of Buffon’s work, amount to above a thousand plates of birds, being the greatest and most important collection yet achieved in this department. In 1774 we have the Elementa Ornithologica, by Schccffer, whose system rests entirely on the legs and feet of birds, the primary sections being divided into nudipedes and plumipedes, while the orders and genera are determined by the number, position, and connection of the toes. He never employs the bill when he can help it; from which we may infer the nature of the work, and its probable uti¬ lity to the student. 1 he Voyages aux Indes, &c. by Sonnerat (1775 and suc¬ ceeding years), contains figures and descriptions of many new exotic species. Scopoli’s Introductio ad Historiam Na- turalem, published at Prague in 1777, exhibits a systematic distribution of birds, based on the form of the scales which cover the tarsi. Thus the species which, like the gene¬ rality of the accipitrine kinds, parrots, the gallinse, grallse, and palmipedes, have those parts covered by small poly¬ gonal scales, form the section called retepedes ; while the others, which have the tarsi protected in front by semicir¬ cular plates, bordered behind on each side by a longitu¬ dinal furrow, constitute the scutipedes. The general result, however, of this view is by no means successful. In 1776 Francesco Cetti published his Uccelli di Sardigna, a small octavo volume, containing descriptions of only a portion of the Sardinian birds, but valuable, from its notices of their habits, and the description of various new species. Latham’s General Synopsis commenced m 1781. How¬ ever faulty in relation to the present state of the science, it was a work of great merit for its time, and contains, un¬ der not very appropriate names, by no means inaccurate descriptions of many rare birds, some of which have since been published, by more recent writers, as entirely new. Under this head we may mention both the Index Orni- thologicus of the same author (1790), and his greatly en- 1 urged and more modern work, the General History -of Birds, ten volumes 4to, 1821—24, which combines the two preceding (with their supplements); but is, we regret to say, a mere combination of those rather obsolete mate¬ rials, without critical discrimination, or any correction of the ancient errors. Ihere is great increase without much progression. Nearly contemporaneous with Latham’s first work, we find contributions to Ornithology by Gilius, Men hem, and Jacquin. About 1783 Mauduit commenced the Ornithology of the Encyclopedic JMethodique, for which Lonnaterre formed the system of classification which ac¬ companies the volume of indifferent plates. Of the de¬ scriptive portion an excellent modern continuation, if not completion, has been published by M. Vieillot, in three vo- 729 VOL. XVI. lumes 4to, 1823 Sparmann, a pupil of Linnmus, and a History. well-known traveller, published in 1786 the Museum Carl-" sonianum, in which several new species are represented and described. In 1787 R. L. Desfontaines (in the d/e- moires de VAcademic des Sciences') contributed some no¬ tices of birds which frequent the coasts of Barbary ; and, in the same year, Martinet, who had acted under the younger Daubenton as a superintendent of the Planches Enluminees, took it into his head to publish, on his own account, a collection of figures and descriptions of birds, amounting to no less than nine volumes octavo. Their number was not more alarming than their nature. In 1789 and following years, J. F. Gmelin published the thirteenth edition of the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus. “ Son travail,” says Baron Cuvier, “ tout indigeste et de- nue de critique et de connaissance des choses, est cepen- dant necessaire, comme la seule table un peu complete de ce qui a ete fait jusque vers 1790.” About a volume and a half is devoted to Ornithology. White’s Journal of a Voyage to JSew South Wales appeared in 1790, forming an interesting addition to the natural history of a country which still offers a vast field for zoological research ; and soon afterwards Shaw announced his Zoology of New Hol¬ land, which advanced no farther than a few fasciculi. We have likewise in 1790 the Fauna Groenlandica of Otho Fabricius, a work of great merit for the time, and still holding a high place in the estimation of the naturalist, from the accuracy of its descriptions, although in some in¬ stances the names are misapplied. In 1792 M. Beseke published in German his materials for the Natural His¬ tory of the Birds of Courland. The w orks by Lord, Hayes, Lewin, and others, which appeared about this epoch, in il¬ lustration of the birds of Great Britain, were so soon af¬ terwards superseded by the admirable and unequalled wood engravings by the inimitable Bewick, that it is scarcely ne¬ cessary to bring their names to the reader’s recollection. We may close our imperfect sketch of the Ornithology of the eighteenth century by the mention of Cuvier’s first work, the Tableau Elementaired'Histoire Naturelle (1798), which contains the methodical distribution of birds, which he afterwards completed in his Regne Animal. We may commence the present century with the title of Daudin’s work, the Trade Elementaire et complet d’Or- nithologie, two vols. 4to, 1800. It is an unfinished compi¬ lation, of no great merit, containing only the accipitrine birds, and a portion of the Passeres. Although Le Vaillant commenced his magnificent series of ornithological illus¬ trations during the preceding season, and continued them at intervals for several years, wc shall here group together the most important, for the convenience of the reader : 1st, Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de IAfrique, six vols. 4to, 1799-1800. The plates amount to 300, but are in¬ ferior to those of the other works of the same author. 2d, Histoire Naturelle d’une Partie d’ Oiseaux Nouveaux et Rares de VAmerique et des Indes, one volume 4to, 1801. This volume illustrates the Buceridce or horn-bills, and the Ampelidm or fruit-eaters. 3d, Histoire Naturelle des Perro- quets, 2 vols. 4to, 1801-5. Almost all the plates (139 in number) of this exquisite work are from drawings by Barrabaud, an almost unrivalled artist in the ornithological department. 4th, Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de Paradis, et des Rolliers, suivie de celle des Toucans et des Barbus, 2 vols. folio, 1806. “ Equally splendid,” says Mr Swainson, “ with the preceding. The size and extraordinary plu¬ mage of the paradise birds require a scale fully equal to the dimensions of this volume, which exceeds any other of the author’s in the beauty and splendour of its contents.” We believe that the two volumes, though generally regard¬ ed as one series, were published separately, with distinct titles. 5th, Histoire Naturelle des Promerops, et des Gue- piers, 1 vol. folio, 1807. Ihis rare and beautiful volums 4 z. 730 ORNITHOLOGY. Histo^. sometimes occurs alone, sometimes as forming volume third of the preceding series. A complete collection of Le Vaillant’s works forms of itself a noble gallery of or¬ nithological portraits. The letter-press, more especially that of the Oiseaux d'Afrique, is also of great value, and will be studied with additional advantage by those familiar with the delightful narrative of his first and second Tra¬ vels into the Interior of Africa, 1790-95. As belonging to the same class of works, and also of ex¬ cellent execution, may be mentioned Desmarets Histoire Naturelle des Tangaras, des Manakins, etdes Todiers, 1 vol. folio, 1805. M. Vieillot, who died in 1828, after a very active career in Ornithology, is the author ot the following works, all of a sumptuous character, and of considerable value in their wav, though inferior in beauty to those of the two preceding authors. Histoire Naturelle des plus beaux Oiseaux Chanteurs de la Zone Torride, 1 vol. folio, 1805 ; Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de TAmerique Septentrionale, 2 vols. folio, 1807 ;—Galerie des Oiseaux, 4 vols. 4to, 1826, an extensive series of figures, chiefly from the col¬ lection of the museum in the Garden of Plants. M. Vieil¬ lot is likewise the continuator of Audebert’s Histoire des Oiseaux dores, ou d rejlets metalliques (2 vols. folio, com¬ menced in 1802) ; and has written largely on systematic Ornithology in the Encyclopedic JHethodique (Ornitholo- gie, by the Abbe Bonnaterre, continued by M. Vieillot, 3 vols. 4to, besides the plates, Paris, 1823); and in the Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle. Lastly, he in¬ dicated various new groups, or at least a variety ot groups under new names, in his Analyse d'une Nouvelle Ornitholo- gie Elementaire, Paris, 1816 ; a work which seems to have occasioned great offence to M. Temminck,1 and some dis¬ satisfaction to Baron Cuvier.2 Alexander Wilson’s admirable American Ornithology, or Natural History of the Birds of the United States, was pub¬ lished in nine volumes quarto (including Mr Ord’s Supple¬ ment) between 1808-14. It still maintains its character as a work of the highest value, and although it has been since surpassed by other works in elegance of design and beauty of colouring, its descriptive or narrative portion has been scarcely equalled. Of this most remarkable production several editions have been published in America, and two in this country, viz. one by Professor Jameson, in a cheap and commodious form (four small volumes of Constable’s Miscellany, No. 68—71, 1831), with the advantage of a systematic arrangement of the original materials,—another by Sir William Jardine (in three large 8vo volumes, 1832), with plates, and consequently of higher price, but enriched by numerous notes of great value. We may here name the General Zoology, in fourteen volumes octavo, 1800-26, commenced by Dr Shaw, and concluded by Mr Stephens. The last seven volumes are devoted to Ornithology. Most of the plates are copies. II- liger’s excellent Prodromus Mammalium et Avium was pub¬ lished at Berlin in one volume octavo, 1811. It establishes several new and important genera. The first edition of the Regne Animal of Baron Cuvier (four vols. 8vo) appeared in 1817 ; the second (in five vols. 8vo) was published in 1829. We need say nothing of the surpassing excellence of a work which cast the whole sub¬ ject of Zoology into a new and more natural form, nor of the unequalled labours of the illustrious author, by whom the structure and characters of so many important groups nave been brought from darkness into light. The general features of his system have, with few exceptions, been steadily adhered to throughout the zoological treatises of this Encyclopaedia, and (which is more to be admired) do History, equally pervade and illumine the labours of many modern authors who yet place themselves in opposition to his doc¬ trines, and seem to have forgotten, or been blinded by, the dazzling source from which they drew their “ golden light as if the false though gorgeous glory of a cloud could of it¬ self adorn the beauty of the azure heavens,—as if the re¬ flection of a sparkling river were any thing more than the borrowed lustre of the “ Great Apollo.” Let the reader rest assured, that however praise-worthy may be the skill and devotedness of our ingenious system-makers, or how¬ ever valuable may be the materials which they have brought to bear upon isolated portions of nature’s most majestic kingdom, they are yet separated, by the will of God, in head and hand, “ longissimo intervallo,” from their great master. This is no reason, but the reverse, for their ceasing to exercise their useful talents and natural powers of obser¬ vation with assiduity and patience, as becomes alike the aspiring philosopher and the humble Christian ;—but let no man mistake “ the spirit he is of,” nor suppose an owl an eagle, seeing that not in every acceptation of the phrase is it true, that “ a living dog is better than a dead lion.” The natural history of the birds of Germany has been amply and successfully illustrated by the well-known works of Naumann (father and son), by those of Bechstein, and of Messrs Meyer and Wolf. We owe to M. Leisler a Sunplement to the work of Bechstein (Hanau, 1812—13), and of Naumann’s Naturgeschichte der Vcgel Beutschlands, a second edition (in octavo), with beautifully-coloured plates, was commenced in 1820, and continued by his son till 1846. Meyer and Wolf’s Taschenbuch der Deutschen Vogel- kunde amounts to a number of volumes, and is filled with excellent observations ; while their large illustrated work on German birds, commenced so far back as 1804, and now brought to a conclusion, is one of the most beauti¬ ful with which we are acquainted. M. Brehm published his Beitrage zur Deutschen Vogelkunde in 1820-22, in three large volumes, filled with minute details, which exhibit an accurate practical knowledge of the science. The author’s views of species are peculiar. His Lehrbuch der Natur¬ geschichte aller Europdischen Vogel (two volumes) was pub¬ lished in the following year. In this, too, he surely describes local races, or accidental varieties, as distinct species. To M. Brehm we likewise owe several fasciculi of a work com¬ menced in 1824, and published at intervals, under the title of Ornis. It consists of memoirs and memoranda, by va¬ rious authors, relating chiefly to Ornithology. Lastly, we may here name his Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vo¬ gel Deutschlands (Ilmenau, 1831), forming a goodly volume of 1100 pages octavo (with plates), which, M. Temminck remarks, may be reduced to at least one half, by suppress¬ ing the numerous indications of what the author calls sub¬ species. His system is partitioned into twenty-three orders, variously subdivided, and containing 196 genera. Some important additions have been made of late years to the Ornithology of northern countries. The birds of Sweden are described by Professor Nilson of Lund, in his Ornithologia Suecica, Copenhagen, 1817-21. The • same author published a Skandinavische Fauna in 1824; and a much more sumptuous work appeared at Lund in 1832, under the title of llluminerade figurer till Skandi- naviens Fauna, mit text. The first volume contains, be¬ sides quadrupeds, seventy-five figures of birds. In 1822 M. Boie gave forth his Tagebuch gehalten auf einer Reise durch Norwegen, in which, along with the narrative of his travels, he furnishes many valuable observations on the * See his Observations sur la Classification Methodique des Oiseaux, &c., 1817 J and Manuel d' Ornithologie, Introduction to the second edition, p. x. 2 Regne Animal, second edition, tom. i., note to Preface, p. 23. ORNITHOLOGY. History, history and manners of the birds of Norway. The same commenced the Iconogrqfia della Fauna Italica—a. '“■‘“V""-' author published a work under the title of Ornithologische sumptuous lithographic work, in large quarto devoted to Beitrage, in 1824. M. Faber’s excellent little volume, the Italian zoology,—consisting of thirty numbers forming three Prodromus der Islandischen Ormthologie, appeared in handsome vols. royal quarto, with magnificently-coloured 1822. It contains most interesting accounts of the birds plates, published at Rome, 1834-1842. Though not re- of Iceland, especially the aquatic kinds; and not less va- lating to Italy, we may here mention our author’s other luable is his later publication, Tiber das Leben der hoch- works, viz. American Ornithology., or the Natural History of nordischen Vogel, 1825, in which we have many acceptable Birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson observations on the geographical distribution, and the with coloured figures, three volumes quarto, Phi!adelphia, modes of life, of northern species. While on the subject of 1825-28 (only the land-birds have yet been published) northern birds, we need scarcely recall to the reader's re- Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson’s Ornithology, membrance the various appendices to the Voyages of Philadelphia, 1828;—and Genera of North American Birds, Parry and Franklin ; likewise Sabine’s Memoir on the with a Synopsis of the species found within the territory of Buds of Greenland t (Linn. Trans, vol. xii.); or the the United States, New York, 1828 (published in the An- beautitul work by Dr Richardson and Mr Swainson on the nals of the Lyceum of that city). The birds of Liguria birds of Northern America, which constitutes the second are enumerated and briefly described, particularly the im- vo ’J?16 0 1 le Fauna Boreali-Americana, 1831. mature conditions of the plumage, by Girolamo Calvi in his We have few systematic works devoted to the Ornitho- Catalogo d’Ornitologia di Genova, 1828. logy of the more southern countries of the European con- One of the most important works with which we are tinent. We are ourselves acquainted only by name with acquainted on the birds of Italy, is the Ornitologia Tos- the Ormtologia dell’ Europa Meridionale (dedicatio sig- cana of Professor Savi, in three vols. 8vo, with additional nata 1772), in fol. max., by Clement Bernini, a teacher of synoptical tables, Pisa, 1827-31. Though more specially drawing. 1 he birds of France in general are described by devoted to the birds of Tuscany, it also contains descrip- M. Vieillot in the corresponding portion of \\\eFau?ie Fran- tions of all the other Italian species, and may be regarded paise, an octavo work, still in course of publication; and those as a most valuable addition to our knowledge of the of Provence in particular, by M. Polydore Roux in his Or- feathered tribes of Europe. The southern position and de- nithologie Proyen^ale, 1825. Of a more general character, lightful climate of the Italian Peninsula induce the wan- though not without its bearings on our present subject, is dering wings of many species elsewhere rarce aves to wend fat Bistoire Naturellede VEurope Meridionale by their way towards the olive groves and richly laden fig- of Nice, in five volumes 8vo, 1826. We have already had trees of that favoured land,—thus connecting the Ornitho- occasion to name the Storia Naturale degli Uccelli, pub- logy of Europe with that of Africa and other sultry re¬ lished at Florence in 1767 ; and Cetti’s more restricted one, gions. Gli Uccclli di Sardigna, 1776. In more recent times We may be thought, in some of our preceding notices, (1811), Professor Bonelli of Turin published a to have entered too minutely into the enumeration of de- Oiseaux du Piemont, containing two hundred and sixty- scriptive local works, but we have been guided in so do- two species. In 1822, Giambatista Baseggio inserted in ing by two considerations : ls£, That none of our English the twenty-eighth volume of the Biblioteca Italiama an writers ever make any allusion to Italian Ornithology, ex¬ enumeration of the birds observed by him in the neigh- cept by casual reference to Carlo Bonaparte; and, 2dly, bourhood of Bassano, amounting to a hundred and thirty- that Buffon has recorded as his opinion, that “ le seul seven species. In 1823, Fortunate Luigi Naccari printed moyen d’avancer 1’ornithologie historique, seroit de faire at_ 1 revise his Ornitologia Veneta, ossia Catalogo degli 1’histoire particuhere des oiseaux de chaque pays ; d’abord Uccelli della provincia di Venezia, in which he notices de ceux d’une seule province, ensuite de ceux d’une pro- two hundred and six species. In the same year Savi the vince voisine, puis de ceux d’une autre plus eloignee; re- younger published, at Pisa, his Catalogo degli Uccelli del- unir apres cela ces histoires particulieres pour composer la Provincia Pisana, e loro Toscana Sinonimia. The spe- celle de tous les oiseaux d’une meme climat; faire la meme cies are classed in accordance with M. Temminck’s sys- chose dans tous les pays et dans tous les differens climats; tern, and amount to two hundred and twenty. From 1819 comparer ensuite ces histoires particulieres, les combiner to 1826, Professor Ranzani of Bologna gave forth his ex- pour en tirer les faits, et former un corps entier de toutes cellent Elementi di Zoologia, of which the third volume, ces parties separees.”1 consisting of nine parts, is devoted to the natural history The Natural History of British Birds, by Donovan, in ten of birds. It is, however, a general system, treating of volumes octavo, is a work of no great merit. Its period exotic as well as of indigenous kinds ; yet a good deal may of publication extends from 1799 to 1816. be gleaned from it regarding the Italian species. A work To no one of our recent writers is Ornithology more of more special interest is the Specchio comparative delle deeply indebted than to M. Temminck. His Histoire Na- Ornithologie di Roma e di Filadelfia, by Carlo Bonaparte, turelle GeneratedesPigeons et des Gallinacees, three volumes commonly called the Prince of Musignano. In this slight octavo, appeared in 1813-15. The portion which concerns but highly interesting volume (republished in the Nuovo the pigeons was also published in folio, with beautiful co- Giornale de' Letterati of Pisa), the author compares the loured plates, by Madame Knipp. His Manuel d’Ornitho- Ornithology of two distant regions of Europe and America, logic, ou Tableau Systematique des Oiseaux qui se trouvent en lying, however, under nearly the same latitude, and re- Europe, 1815, consisted at first of a single octavo volume; cords his observations on their history and manners. Of but a greatly improved and extended edition in two vo- the species of the Roman territory we had previously lumes appeared in 1820. Whatever difference of opinion scarcely any knowledge, and the Prince makes us ac- may prevail in regard to the author’s system, naturalists quainted with not fewer than two hundred and forty- are agreed that this is by far the most vaulable work we yet seven. By the same author we have also O&servazioni possess on the birds of Europe. Its main excellence con- sulla Seconda Edizione del Regno Animate del Baron Cu- sists in the attention bestowed upon the sexual distinc- vier, inserted in the tenth and eleventh fasciculi of the tions, and the successive changes of plumage from youth Annah di Storia Naturale of Bologna; and he afterwards to age. The first volume contains, under the title oTAna- 1 Hutoire Nat. des Oiseaux, Plan de 1’Ouvrage. o -<| 732 ORNITHOLOGY. History, lyse du Systkme Generals d' Ornithologie, a classification of '"■‘“V""*’'' birds in general. Instead of a third edition of his Manuel, the author published in 1835 a third part, as a supplement to the first volume, and a few years afterwards he gave out a fourth part, or supplement to the second vo¬ lume. These parts contain the corrections and additions rendered necessary by the lapse of many years. But M. Temminck has not confined his attention to the birds of Europe. In 1820 he commenced (in conjunction with M. Meiffren de Laugier) his Planches Coloriees, a work in¬ tended as a continuation and completion of the well-known Planches Enluminees of Buffon. It is printed in both a quarto and a folio form, and now amounts to one hundred and two parts, which concludes (so far, at least, as the first great series is concerned) what was originally de¬ signed by the author. It forms five volumes, com¬ posed in all of five hundred and ten plates, exhibiting seven hundred and fifty-five figures of birds, the majority unknown to prior writers. Each plate is accompanied by corresponding letter-press, containing the generic charac¬ ters, the description of the species figured, and in many instances by general observations on the distribution and construction of groups. The two concluding numbers contain a general index, as well as the tables and titles of the volumes. Now that this work has been completed, we trust M. Temminck will be encouraged to proceed to ano¬ ther series, as we know his materials are abundant, if not inexhaustible. It would in truth be desirable that some such established work should be generally regarded as a proper medium for the publication of new or rare subjects in Ornithology, for it is the bane of natural history in ge¬ neral, that every year should be distinguished by the ap¬ pearance of numerous abortive attempts, which each suc¬ ceeding season condemns to oblivion. Thus the tax be¬ comes both heavy and unproductive, yet we fear that na¬ tional pride and personal vanity will long prevent the in¬ troduction of a better system. We do not mean to say that we possess not among ourselves individuals compe¬ tent to do the subject justice, but assuredly there is much labour lost by a want of concentration. In connection with the labours of the last-named author, we may here mention M. Werner’s lithographic work, en¬ titled Atlas des Oiseaux d'Europe, pour servir de comple¬ ment au Manuel d'Ornithologie de M. Temminck, in two thick vols. 8vo, with 530 plates, 1848. M. Temminck had figured a few European novelties in his Planches Coloriees, but he appears to have remitted most of his rare indigenous kinds to M. Werner; and we are happy to find that he has communicated, so far as the publication of his European species is concerned, with our zealous and intel¬ ligent countryman Mr Gould. This leads us to record the title of one of the most sumptuous and beautifully execut¬ ed works within the whole range of ornithological illustra¬ tion, viz. The Birds of Europe, by John Gould, F.L. S. now completed in five volumes royal folio. The plates are chiefly from lithograph drawings by Mrs Gould, but many are also by Mr Lear, one of the best ornithological drafts¬ men the world has yet seen. Mr Gould’s other works, all of recent date, and of the same form and character as the preceding, are as follow:—a Century of Birds, from the Himalaya Mountains ;—a Monograph of the Toucans ;— History. a Monograph of the Trogons;—and, a Synopsis of the Birds of Australia.1 The latter is in a more portable form than the others; but it is the author’s intention to illus¬ trate the Ornithology of New Holland in the same moda as that in which he has treated the birds of Europe To M. Lesson the Ornithologist stands indebted for se¬ veral publications, both of a sumptuous and useful charac¬ ter. The last edition of his work on humming-birds bears the following title : Les Trochilides, ou les colibris et les oiseaux mouches, suivi d’un index general, dans lequel sont decrites et classees methodiquement toutes les races et especes du genre Trochilus, Paris, 1832, with seventy co¬ loured plates. Conjointly with M. Garnot, he pub¬ lished some figures of birds in the Zoological Atlas toDu- perrey’s Voyage autour du Monde, as well as in his own Centurie de Zoologie. His other works specially devoted to our present subject are,—Manuel d’ Ornithologie, two volumes 18mo, 1829 ; Traite cVOrnithologie, two volumes 8vo (with 119 plates), 1831 ; and Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de Paradis, des Sericides, et des Epimaques, one volume 8vo (with 41 coloured plates), 1835. Mr Swainson’s beautiful ZoologicalIllustratio7is(Y‘\rst.Se¬ ries, 3 vols. 8vo, 1820-23, Second Series 3 vols. 8vo, 1832-3) contain representations of many rare and remarkable birds, and yield to none with which we are acquainted, either in elegance or accuracy. By the same author (conjointly with Dr Richardson) we have, as already noted, the Fau¬ na Boreali-Americana, Part Second; and (without other aid than his own delightful pencil) several fasciculi of the Birds of Brazil. More recently Mr Swainson has en¬ tered into a minute as well as extended exposition of the Natural History and Classification of Birds, in two vo¬ lumes (1836-7), which form the ornithological portion of Dr Lardner’s Cyclopaedia. These will amply repay the most attentive study. The birds of South America, which, like all the pro¬ ductions of that splendid country, are extremely gorgeous, have been here and there illustrated in various works, and are partially so by Mr Swainson in one of those just named. In Azara’s Voyages dans VAmerique Mei'idion- ale (1809, 3d and 4th volumes) there are descriptions of many hundred species from Paraguay and La Plata. The ornithological portion of the French edition was translat¬ ed, with notes, by Sonnini.2 A great mass of Brazilian species is described and figured in Spix’s Avium Species Nome, &c. 2 vols. 4to, 1824-26; while the habits of se¬ veral of the more curious birds of Demerara are record¬ ed in Mr Waterton’s eccentric and well-known Wan¬ derings. The Ornithology of North America has been illustrat¬ ed in an extremely full and satisfactory manner. Indeed, of the feathered tribes of no country out of Europe, equal in extent, do we possess so ample and accurate a know¬ ledge as we do of those of the United States. We have already mentioned the immortal work of Alexander Wil¬ son, and its excellent continuation by Charles Lucien Bo¬ naparte ; but at present we have to record the title of a much more magnificent publication than either, we mean The Birds of America, engraved from Braivings made in 1 See list of recent works on Ornithology at the end of this article. 8 The truly important works of Don Felix Azara seem better known to European readers by the French translations than the original Spanish publications. He devoted all his leisure hours, whilst in South America, to the pursuits of natural history, from the year 1782 to 1801. He then transmitted the manuscript of his Apuntamientoa para la Historia Natural de los Quadrupedal del Paraguay to his brother Don Josef Nicolas, who handed it over to a French professor, M. Moreau de Saint Mdry, by whom it was translated, and published under the now well-known title of Essai sur VHistoire Naturelle des Quadrupedet du Paraguay, 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1801. The original, however, appeared at Madrid in the following year, with corrections and additions by the author. In 1802 he likewise pubhshed his ornithological work under the title of Apuntamientospara la Historia Natural de los Pajaros del Paraguay y Buenos Ayres ; and this portion of his labours forms the two concluding volumes of the French translation, entitled Voyages dans VAmerique Meri¬ dionals de 1781 jusqu en 1801, 4 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1809. ORNITHOLOGY. History, the United States, by John James Audubon, F. R. S., &c. *—/ 3 vols. folio, London, 1831-37 ; an undertaking which far exceeds in size and splendour all its predecessors in this, or indeed in any other department of Zoology. The di¬ mensions of the work, as we have elsewdiere noticed, are such as to enable the author not only to represent the largest birds of the United States, of the size and in the attitudes of living nature, but to figure a great proportion of them in family groups, so admirably conceived and skil¬ fully executed, as really to form historical pictures of the highest interest to the general observer, and of the great¬ est utility to the student of Ornithology. The completion of each volume of plates is immediately followed by a large octavo volume of descriptive and general history of all the species therein contained. Mr Audubon far excels Wil¬ son as an ornithological draftsman, and often equals him in his lively, eloquent, and interesting details of the life and manners of the feathered tribes. His descriptive vo¬ lumes are entitled Ornithological Biography, or an Ac¬ count of the Habits of the Birds of the United States. They amount to five in number; and were published at Edin¬ burgh between the years 1831 and 1839. The entire work is characterized by unusual excellence both in science and art. An extremely useful and well-concocted wTork, of less ambitious form than the preceding, is the Manual of the Ornithology of the United Stales and of Canada, by Thomas Nuttall, F. L. S., in two compact octavo volumes, Cambridge and Boston, 1832—34. The author made a scientific tour, some years ago, through the great western territories, including an extended range of the Rocky Mountains, with the design of extending his acquaintance with natural science. Although we have hitherto confined our bibliographical notices chiefly to the works of foreign writers, we have done so not in consequence altogether of our own poverty, but rather for the more ample information of the English reader, who may be supposed to require less assistance in regard to British authors. We have scarcely even named the British Birds of the unequalled Bewick. We name it, and nothing more, believing that every one who de¬ lights to see nature in art, is familiarly acquainted with a work which may be keenly relished without any arduous study, but which those who study most will best appreciate and enjoy. Although the descriptive portion is written with accuracy and intelligence, we doubt not it would be ad¬ vantageous to the author’s family, and prove a labour of love to one or more of the many skilful Ornithologists of the present day, that the plates should be re-arranged in conformity with modern views, the supplement incorporat¬ ed, the synonyms increased, and such rational alterations or additions effected, as would render it the manual of British Ornithology, if not for all time coming, yet for many future years. If accompanied by portions of the author’s autobiography, so much the better. We regret that the latter, so racy and original, should have not yet seen the light. The most recent and complete edition of Bewick’s Birds is that of 1832. A very beautiful pre¬ face is prefixed to the one published in 1826. 1 he most original descriptive works on the birds of Bri¬ tain are Montagu’s Ornithological Bictionary, 2 vols. 8vo, 1802, and Supplement to the same, 1 vol. 8vo, 1813. Ihesewere not only excellent works on British bird 5 simply as such, but valuable additions to the actual history of European species,—the chief merit of many of our other publications consisting in their applying the knowledge acquired by foreign writers to our indigenous kinds ; whereas Montagu rather gave than borrowed, his obser¬ vations being almost entirely original. His volumes are now extremely rare in their first form ; but a new edition, combining both works in one, was brought out in 1831, with notes, by Mr Rennie. Dr Fleming, in his History of British Animals, one vol. History, octavo, 1828, enumerates and describes the birds of Bri-'^-v'—- tain. Of this work, which has been very useful to some who say rather too little about it, we should desire to see a new edition, remodelled in accordance with the altera¬ tions and additions rendered necessary by the lapse of years. It is a publication of great merit. The letter-press to Mr Selby’s folio Illustrations of Bri¬ tish Ornithology (we mean the second edition, in two vols. 8vo, 1833) forms the best completed work we yet possess in accordance with the modern method of arrangement. Jointly with Sir William Jardine, Mr Selby has also brought out many fasciculi of Illustrations of Ornithology (small folio), in which are figured various interesting and curious forms of foreign species; and his well-instructed coadjutor was editor (and of several volumes author) of the NaturahsCs Library, in which a due portion is success¬ fully devoted to the history and representation of the feathered tribes. Both publications have done much to extend the knowledge of natural history. One of the most valuable and carefully constructed works with which we are acquainted is the Systema Avi¬ um of Dr Wagler, pars prima, Stuttgard, 1827. It con¬ sists of a series of monographs, not in systematic order, but including several extensive and difficult genera, such as Picus, Columba, &c. The author unfortunately died not long ago, in consequence of a gun-shot wound accidentally inflicted by himself while sporting, and the non-comple¬ tion of his work may be regarded as a great loss to Orni¬ thologists. Various additional though detached portions of it, however, may be found in the Isis, a German perio¬ dical published at Frankfort. Wagler is also the au¬ thor of a valuable descriptive summary of the parrot tribe, under the title of Monographia Psittacorum, one vol. 4to, Munchen, 1835. Our best previous treatise on that gorgeous family was published by the lamented Kuhl, in the Nova Acta of Bonn, vol. x. Of illustrated works on the subject, we have already mentioned that of Vaillant; and the English reader need scarcely be reminded of the extreme beauty of Mr Lear’s more recent Illustrations of the Psittacidce, in one vol. royal folio. A considerable flock of ornithological authors has re¬ cently appeared above the horizon, to enlighten, however, rather than obscure our vision. We shall name a few. Outlines of the Smaller British Birds, by R. A. Slaney, Esq. 12mo, 1833. Familiar History of Birds, by the Rev. Edward Stan¬ ley, 2 vols. 12mo, 1835. Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, by the Rev. Leonard Jenyns, 1 vol. 8vo, 1835. Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, by Robert Mu- die, 2 vols. 8vo, 1836. History of the rarer British Birds, intended as a sup¬ plement to Bewick, by T. C. Eyton, Esq. 1836. Of these, and other contemporary writers, the reader will find more ample notice in Mr Neville Wood’s Orni¬ thologist's Text-Book of 1836. The following works relate particularly to the more mu¬ sical of the feathered tribes : Harmonia Ruralis, or Natu¬ ral History of British Song Birds, by James Bolton, folio, 1794 ;—British Warblers, by Robert Sweet, F. L. S. 8vo, 1823-32 ;—Treatise on British Song Birds, by Patrick Syme, Esq. 8vo, 1823 ;—British Songsters, by Neville Wood, Esq. 8vo, 1837 ;-—Cage Birds, their Natural His¬ tory, Management, &c. (translated from the German), by J. M. Bechstein, 12mo, 1837. The late Mr Yarrell commenced his excellent History of British Birds in 1837, illustrated by a woodcut of each spe¬ cies, and numerous vignettes. The illustrations are for the most part remarkably accurate as ornithological represen¬ tations, and of extreme beauty in a pictorial point of view. ORNITHOLOGY. 734 Structure. The thirty-seventh part, completing the work, and forming three handsome volumes, Was published in 1843. In the se¬ cond edition of 1845, the author, besides other additions, published a supplement containing an account of the spe¬ cies obtained since the publication of the first edition. Last in our list, though the reverse of lowest in our es¬ timation, stand Dr Macgillivray’s characteristic volumes the Rapacious Birds of Great Britain (1836), and the History of British Birds, Indigenous and Migratory (vol. 1st, 1837). In regard to these two works, readers may pro¬ bably differ in their appreciation of some insulated passages, critical or otherwise, not essential to the exposition of the subject in hand ; but we think all must agree that they are written in a clear, vigorous, and original manner, and de¬ void of that vapid spirit of compilation which pervades the labours of so many of the ingenious author’s predecessors and contemporaries.1 We shall not here enter into any detailed exposition of the internal structure of birds. Our space would not ad¬ mit of our doing so in a manner likely either to satisfy our¬ selves or to instruct our readers. The subject is of too great importance to be superficially treated, and a deeper scientific examination is not to be looked for here. We regret to say, there is much reason to accuse the naturalist of confining his attention to the external characters of liv¬ ing beings, which, though important portions of the ani¬ mal economy, are nevertheless only portions, though too often looked upon as all in all. It is no reason for ne¬ glecting the internal structure, that a knowledge of such structure is not required to comprehend the modern sys¬ tems. This, we must admit, is true; but the systems are thereby so much the more defective. An assured anato¬ mical basis will never cause confusion or contrariety in any good arrangement formed on the groundwork of ex¬ ternal characters ; for the best of these are sure to conform themselves with all the important modifications of internal structure, while the sooner a bad arrangement is under¬ mined the better. At the same time, that Zootomist would know little of the practical importance of external forms who should not endeavour to connect these with his de¬ monstration of more recondite characters. In truth, how¬ ever desirable it may be to know the whole of the animal structure, whether external or internal, we must in rela¬ tion to museum specimens and to zoological collections in general, necessarily have recourse to superficial, or at least external characters, because none other are visible, or in¬ deed exist, in the subjects of natural history as usually preserved ; and we should debar a vast multitude from a most delightful study of graceful forms and gorgeous plum¬ age, if we could learn nothing important of beast or bird without prying into all the hidden wonders of its interior. Whatever progress comparative anatomy may in future make, we trust the Zootomist will ever bear in mind that the establishment of good external characters is a matter of the highest and most indispensable importance to the present state and future progress of natural history, of which the practical pursuit will ever mainly depend upon the class of characters in question. As we cannot here enter into the anatomical department of our subject, we shall give, in the subjoined note, the names of a few works likely to interest and instruct the reader.2 A few para¬ graphs will suffice for all we have ourselves to say, before entering upon our systematic portion. Ihe bill, composed of the upper and under mandible, varies almost infinitely in its form in the different genera, in the determination and construction of which it affords Structure, characters of the highest importance. As its modifications will be specially alluded to in our notices of the minor groups, and are moreover accurately represented in the plates which accompany the present treatise, we need not here fatigue the reader by an unnecessary enumeration. A portion at the base of the upper mandible, usually con¬ taining the nostrils, and sometimes covered with hairs or feathers, sometimes partially or entirely bare, is called the cere. It is very obvious in most birds of prey, but imper¬ ceptible in many other species. When we expand the mandibles, we of course perceive the opening to the ali¬ mentary canal or digestive organs, which usually consist of the following portions. The pharynx follows immediately after the cavity of the mouth. It leads into the oesophagus or gullet, which in many species swells into what is called the crop, by some regarded as the first stomach. This is followed by a se¬ cond enlargement, produced, however, rather by a thick¬ ening of the coats than by any increase of capacity within, named the proventriculus. It contains numerous glandular sacs interposed between its muscular and mucous coats, which secrete a gastric juice to aid the process .of di¬ gestion. This proventriculus leads to the gizzard or true stomach, by some regarded as the third stomachic expan¬ sion. Here the function of digestion is completed. The entrance from the stomach to the small intestine is named the pylorus, of which the structure is frequently valvular. The first fold of the small intestine is named the duode¬ num, and after receiving the pancreatic and biliary ducts, it forms various convolutions, and terminates in the rec¬ tum or large intestine. The cceca are usually placed at the commencement of the latter ; its termination is named the cloaca. These parts, it will be borne in mind, are variously mo¬ dified in the different tribes. In some the expansion called the crop is wanting, or not to be distinguished from the other upper portions of the oesophagus ; and the powerful muscles which constitute the peculiar strength of the giz¬ zard in granivorous birds are very feeble in the carnivo¬ rous and fish-devouring kinds. In some the intestine is long and narrow, in others short and wide, while the caeca exhibit a corresponding range, being in certain kinds ex¬ tremely long, in others merely rudimentary. Birds are remarkable for the energy of their respiratory functions. Although their lungs are rather small, they are perforated in such a way as to communicate with mem¬ branous cells distributed through various parts of the body, and even communicating with the interior of the bones, so that the atmospheric air not only comes in contact with the pulmonary vessels, but with a great proportion of the circulating system. Thus birds have been said to respire by the branches of the aorta, as well as by those of the pulmonary artery. It is thus that the most rapid exercise of the faculty of flight impairs not their power of breath¬ ing ; and the best-trained hunter that ever bounded re¬ joicingly over the fences of Leicestershire is far sooner blown than a field sparrow. The trachea or wind-pipe is composed of bony rings. The upper larynx is of comparatively simple structure, and of less importance than among the mammiferous class; but farther down, and close upon the bifurcation of the trachea, is the lower larynx, the true organ of the voice in birds. The vast bulk of air contained in the interior cells no doubt contributes to the strength of their vocal powers, while the muscles of the inferior portion of the larynx, and 1 For the more recent publications on Ornithology, see the end of the present article. 2 Q'xywc's Lemons d'Anatotnie Comparee; Carus’s Introduction to Comparative Anatomy, translated from the German by Mr Gore (there is a better and more recent French edition of this work) ; Meckel’s Traiti Gineral d'Anatomic Compane ; Grant’s Outlines qf Comparative Anatomy ; Mr Owen’s article Aves, in Todd’s Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology ; and the Introduction to Macgillivrajr’s History of Biitish Birds, vol. i. O IIN 1 T H O L O G Y. Structure, the length, diversified form, and varied movements of that s-—~v organ, bestow upon it a great facility of modulation. The anterior limbs of birds, corresponding to the fore ► legs of quadrupeds, have been converted into wings for the purposes of that aerial locomotion commonly called flight. It is true that some birds cannot fly, that is, leave not the surface of the earth; but these are exceptions to the ge¬ neral rule, and even among such exceptions the great ma¬ jority use their wings as a propelling power, whether cours¬ ing amid dry and barren deserts, or submerged beneath the waves. The bony portions of the wings consist of the humerus, the cubitus, the carpal and metacarpal bones, and fingers. We shall briefly describe these parts in so far as they are connected with the imposition of the plumage, and consequently with the external characters of the feathered race. The reader, if he so inclines, may here consult Plate III., figures 3 and 4. The humerus or arm bone (c) is joined to the body by means of a part of its own upper surface, which articulates with a correspond¬ ing cavity between the coracoid bone (b) and the scapula or shoulder-blade («). It is directed backwards in repose, and in a position more or less parallel with the spine. The other extremity of the humerus articulates with the cubitus or fore-arm, which is composed of the bones called the ulna (d) and radius (e), and is so jointed as to fold when at rest in a direction parallel to that of the arm. The car- pus consists of two small bones (jff) placed between the outer extremity of the cubitus and the metacarpus. The latter (o') usually consists of two bones united at both ends. From the anterior edge of the portion next the carpus, there projects a small bone, considered as analogous to the first digit or thumb, pollex (h); to the extremity of the outer portion of the metacarpus are usually attached two other digital bones («j) ; and to the extremity of its inner portion is frequently appended a smaller bone of corre¬ sponding nature. These are the fingers of birds. Now, the connection of the plumage the nreceding parts is as follows. Here consult Plate III., figures 1, 2, and 5. The small elongated tuft of stiffish feathers which clothe the upper exterior margin of a bird’s wing, in¬ creasing in size downwards, pointing towards the base of the outer primaries, and commonly called the alula, or spu¬ rious wing (see S. W. in figs. 1, 2, and 5), springs from the portion we have called the thumb. The primaries or greater quill-feathers of the wings, that is, the ten outer¬ most feathers, and which constitute the more or less pointed terminal portion (see figs. 1, 1 to 10, and figs. 2 and 5, at P. P.), spring from the digital and metacarpal bones. The secondaries, or lesser quill-feathers (figs. 1, 1 to 6, and figs. 2 and 5, at S. S.), which, when the wing is closed, usually cover a portion of the primaries, take their origin from the cubitus or fore-arm ; while a third series, inconspicuous in most birds, though very obvious in others, and named the tertials or tertiary feathers (fig. 2, T. T.), are derived from the humerus or arm bone. Above these, and lying over that portion of the wing which joins the body (or, as it were, between the wing and back), are the scapulars (fig. 2, Sc.), usually of an elongated form, and often distinguished from the surrounding plumage by a difference of tint or mark¬ ing. Lastly, various ranges of feathers which clothe the upper portion of the wings from the carpal joint backwards, covering the base of the primary and secondary quills, and spreading across from the spurious wing to the scapulars, are named the icing coverts, and are distinguished, accord¬ ing to their position, as the smaller coverts (figs. 1 and 2, at Sm. C.), which clothe the upper portion of the wing; the secondary coverts (figs 1 and 2, at S. C.), which pro¬ tect the base of the secondaries ; and the primary coverts, Structure, (figs. 1 and 2, at P. C.), which perform that office to the primaries. The feathers which clothe the under surface of the wings are named the under coverts of those parts ; and the terms upper and under tail-coverts signify the feathers which cover the base of the tail, above or below. But we need scarcely occupy our pages with the numerous particulars which might be brought forward, and which occupy so prominent a space in many ornithological vo¬ lumes. The terms in most cases explain themselves. When we speak of the crest of a bird, we of course mean to indicate the feathers on its head ; and the upper, central, or lower portions of the back, can be respectively nothing more nor less than one or other of these portions. When we mention the point of the bill, we literally mean the point, and there is no word in the English nor in any other language which can express it more clearly. Neither do we think it necessary, in an English work, to give a corre¬ sponding Latin phrase for every term we use, more espe¬ cially as many of these terms cannot be correctly Latinized, and in fact have never occurred at all in any books in that language. Their confinement, therefore, in a circumflex- ual prison, amid the unembarrassed freedom of the English tongue, is a sad and cruel mockery “ of things attempted yet in prose or rhyme and we believe is but seldom prac¬ tised by those who got through Ruddiman respectably in early life. We therefore deem it worse than useless to present an endless catalogue of terms in Ornithology, fol¬ lowed by explanations more obscure and ambiguous than the technicalities themselves; but shall rather endeavour either altogether to avoid unknown tongues, or, by the context, to render our meaning obvious to each capacity.1 Those minute discriminations, so often insisted on, are in truth but seldom necessary in the description of a bird’s external aspect, especially of its feathered portions, be¬ cause large spaces of the plumage have frequently an identical character both in texture and colour. Thus, if the entire head is either black, white, brown, or any other single colour, it would be a waste of words to de¬ scribe it in any other way than simply as being of that colour; that is, it would be unnecessary to say that the frontal, vertical, occipital, auricular, and ocular feathers of the head were coloured after such a fashion ; but if one colour prevails over another, and yet is traversed, or in any way varied by other colours, the precise region, whether frontal or occipital, in which the variation hap¬ pens should be stated. We would almost say, that our nomenclature of the parts themselves depends to some ex¬ tent on the distribution of the colours. Thus, of birds with a black abdomen and a scarlet breast, we can easily con¬ ceive, that even of the same species two individuals may so considerably differ in the proportional extent of the supposed colours, that the black in one instance shall en¬ croach upon what corresponds to the scarlet of the other, or vice versa ; but still the phrases “abdomen black, breast scarlet,” would suffice for both, though not proportionally the same in each. The fact is, that many of the special regions of a bird are by no means precisely marked, or at least are seldom seen to be so, unless we strip it of its plumage,—an untoward act, however, for one who desires to stuff or otherwise preserve its skin ; and therefore some latitude must be allawed in our expression of the external parts. The next portion to be briefly described is the leg or hin¬ der limb. This is divisible into the femur, tibia, tarsus, and toes. (See Plate III., fig. 3.) The femur, or thigh-bone (fi), is cylindrical, somewhat 1 A very ample and interesting account of the diversified form of bills, feet, and feathers, will be found fn Mr Swainson’ Hutory and Classification of Birds, vol. i., illustrated by numerous wood-cuts from the elegant pencil ofHhe author. s Natural 736 ORNITHOLOGY. Structure curved, usually very short, and always so concealed with¬ in the body as not to be apparent as an external portion of the limb. The next division is the leg or tibia (m), frequently but erroneously called the thigh, probably from its being the uppermost apparent portion. It is usually covered with feathers, though sometimes bare on its lower portion. Then follows the tarsus (ri), that long, slender, exposed portion, so conspicuous in almost all the species, varying considerably among accipitrine birds, ra¬ ther short in web-footed water-fowl, and greatly length¬ ened in the majority of shore-birds or waders. Its upper knobby portion, where it articulates with the tibia, is the true heel, although generally in colloquial, and not sel¬ dom in descriptive language, termed the knee. The pro¬ minences of its lower extremity articulate with the toes. The latter parts usually amount to four; the hind toe, how¬ ever, is wanting in many species, and the ostrich is general¬ ly supposed to have only two toes, although Dr Riley has demonstrated the existence in that bird also of a rudimen¬ tary inner toe. The hind toe is by some regarded as the first, the inner as the second, the middle as the third, and the outer as the fourth toe ; and in this order there is a progressive increase in the number of the joints of which each is composed,—the first having two, the second three, the third four, and the fourth five bones. The surface of the tarsus, toes, and sometimes of the base of the tibia when that part is exposed, is covered either with plated or reticulated scales, of various forms in different species; and the tarsus is moreover often armed with one or more spurs,—which, however, belong to the cutaneous rather than the osseous system. A general notion of the latter, as it exists in the class of birds, may be acquired by an inspection of the skeleton of the golden eagle just referred to (Plate III., fig. 3). We shall here add nothing more upon the subject. The position, and therefore to a certain extent the na¬ ture, of many modern genera, of which we are unable from want of space to give the characters, will be seen in the tabular views with which we terminate the present treatise. A considerable discordance still prevails in re¬ gard to the nature and amount of the generic groups in Ornithology,—some writers advocating a numerous sub¬ division, and consequent restriction, of characters ; while others adhere, perhaps too tenaciously, to old associa¬ tions, which naturally tend to the augmentation of spe¬ cies, in other words, to the extension rather than the in¬ crease of genera. The former plan is rendered neces¬ sary to a great extent by the vast additions which have been made to our knowledge of groups and of typical spe¬ cies within the present century, and might be deemed advisable among the larger genera even as a mere matter of convenience ;—its abuse in the hands of unskilful or in¬ experienced persons being of course no legitimate argu¬ ment against it. There is, however, a great deal that is arbitrary and unsettled in whatever principle may be sup¬ posed to guide the modern naturalist in the formation of his generic groups. The simplicity and ease of applica¬ tion which characterised the former artificial systems have been lost in their attempted demolition, while the recon¬ structions now arising (in spite of the abundant though not always acknowledged appropriation of some useful old materials) are not yet so complete and commodious as to afford the same accommodation to the benighted student. Order will no doubt some day spring from chaos, and even already, amid the darkness of the upheaving waters, are many sunny spots of terra firma towards which we fondly steer, “ well pleased that now our sea should find a shore.” Naturalists, however, need by no means quarrel with each other, as if there was a certain good to gain, or some great physical truth to be established. “ All the great business of genera and species,” says Locke, “ amounts to no more Genera, but this, that men make abstract ideas, and, setting themv-«- in their minds with names annexed to them, do thereby enable themselves to consider things, and discourse of them, as it were in bundles, for the easier and readier im¬ provement and communication of their knowledge, which would advance but slowly were their words and thoughts confined only to particulars.” “ The reason,” he says again, “ why I take so particular notice of this is, that we may not be mistaken about genera and species, and their essences, as if they were things regularly and constantly made by nature, and had a real existence in things,—when they appear upon a more wary survey to be nothing else but an artifice of the understanding, for the easier signi- fying such collections of ideas, as it should often have oc¬ casion to communicate by one general term, under which divers particulars, as far forth as they agreed to that ab¬ stract idea, might be comprehended.” The following observations by Mr Vigors may be intro¬ duced with propriety in this place, as according closely with our own views on the subject of generic divisions. “ But though nature nowhere exhibits an absolute divi¬ sion between her various groups, she yet displays suffi¬ ciently distinctive characters to enable us to arrange them into conterminous assemblages, and to retain each assem¬ blage, at least in idea, separate from the rest. It is not, however, at the point of junction between it and its ad¬ joining groups that I look for the distinctive character. There, as M. Temminck justly observes, it is not to be found. It is at that central point which is most remote from the ideal point of junction on each side, and where the characteristic peculiarities of the groups, gradually unfolding themselves, appear in their full development; it is at that spot, in short, where the typical character is most conspicuous, that I fix my exclusive attention. Upon these typical eminences I plant those banners of distinc¬ tion, round which corresponding species may congregate as they more or less approach the types of each. In my pursuit of nature, I am accustomed to look upon the great series in which her productions insensibly pass into each other, with similar feelings to those with which I contemplate some of those beautiful pieces of natural scenery, where the grounds swell out in a diversified in¬ terchange of valley and elevation. Here, although I can detect no breach in that undulating outline over which the eye delights to glide without interruption, I can still give a separate existence in idea to every elevation before me, and assign it a separate name. It is upon the points of eminence in each that I fix my attention, and it is these points I compare together, regardless, in m3' divisions, of the lower grounds which imperceptibly meet at the base. Thus also it is that 1 fix upon the typical eminences that rise most conspicuously above that continued outline in which nature disposes her living groups. These afford me sufficient prominency of character for my ideal divisions ; for ideal they must be, where nature shows none. And thus it is that I can conceive my groups to be at once separate and united ; separate at their typical elevations, but united at their basal extremes. “ It is difficult to convey, in terms sufficiently explicit, an accurate definition of abstract notions like the present. We may see the subject clearly ourselves, but not be able to communicate it by words sufficiently intelligible, unless to those who may happen to view it in the same light as ourselves. I shall therefore take a familiar illustration, which comes home to the feelings of every man, and where it will be immediately apparent that strongly marked di¬ visional groups may be kept apart from each other in our conceptions, although we can recognise no absolute boun¬ dary lines by which we can say the}' are separated. “ Let us take, for instance, that period of time which ift* ORNITHOLOGY. 737 Raptores. volves the annual revolution of the earth round the sun, and let us divide it into the usual departments which we call seasons. Every man can picture to his own mind the decided characters by which these divisions of the year are parted from each other; he can mark out by definite dis¬ tinctions those striking periods where the year bursts forth into bud, where it opens into flower, where it ripens into fruit, and where it lapses into decay. He can ascertain the nature of the impressions which each season forces upon his own feelings, he can communicate such sensa¬ tions to others, and he can embody those natural periods, of whose separate existence he feels conscious, into sepa¬ rate and well-characterised divisions, to which he can re¬ fer, without fear of being misunderstood, under the distinct appellations of spring or summer, of autumn or of winter. But can he at the same time point out the actual limits of these natural departments of the year ? Can he fix, for instance, in that intervening interchange of season, where the rigour of winter silently and imperceptibly relaxes into the mildness of spring,—can he fix, I say, upon the exact period when the former terminates, and the latter begins ? Can he assert at one moment t*hat he is within the pre¬ cincts of one season, and that, even while he speaks, he has passed into the confines of the other. He may, it is true, assign artificial limits to each department, and may calculate with mathematical precision the months, the days, the hours, of which it consists. He may even as¬ sign reasons for his arbitrary divisions, and prove their pro¬ bable approximation to the regular interchange of nature. And this is precisely as far as the Zoologist can go. But this is all that is in his power. He never can feel or assert that the character of one season is lost at one particular moment, and gives place to the character of that which succeeds. Here, then, we have four decided divisions, per¬ fectly distinct in themselves, yet to which we are unable to affix the limits. So it is with the groups of Zoology. They exhibit separate divisions, distinguished by separate characters, but run'ning into each other without any as¬ signable limits ; and any man may draw his imaginary line across that ‘ border country,’ that ‘ land debateable/ which stretches between the conterminous regions, accord¬ ing as it suits his fancy or his peculiar views, or as it may accord with the greater or less preponderance of those minor landmarks which serve as an inferior mode of de¬ marcation in the absence of all natural boundaries.”1 We shall now proceed with our proposed exposition of the various orders. Order I.—-RAPTORES, OR BIRDS OF PREY.2 Raptorial birds, under which term we include the tribes usually known by the general names of vultures, eagles, hawks, buzzards, kites, and owls, are distinguished by a strong, sharp-edged, acutely-pointed bill, more or less curved, but always hooked at the extremity of the upper mandible, which is covered at the base by the membrane called the cere. The nostrils are usually open. The legs, with few exceptions, are plumed as far as the top of the tarsus; the latter part itself is usually bare, but is entirely covered with feathers in most of the nocturnal kinds, and partially so in several of the diurnal. The toes are always four in number, very free in their movements, the outer sometimes versatile; and the whole, with rare exceptions, are furnished with strong, sharp, curved, prehensile claws. All raptorial birds feed on animal substances,—the ma¬ jority on living prey. Representing in their own class the ferine species among quadrupeds, they subdue their weak- Raptores. er brethren by force more frequently than guile; and if not more tyrannical than tigers, they at least exercise a more extended sway, for the fields, the woods, and waters, the barren mountains, and resounding shore, are all alike subjected to their fierce control. Their power of flight is remarkable for its surpassing strength and long endurance. They occur in some form or other under every clime, and their external aspect varies greatly, both in size and shape, from the ponderous eagle and condor of long extended wing, to the finch-falcon of Bengal, which is scarcely larger than a sparrow. But, generally speaking, raptorial birds are of considerable bulk, as might be anticipated from the necessity under which they lie of subduing an active and not always unresisting prey. Their forms, how¬ ever, are often graceful, their actions energetic, their eyes bold and bright, and their plumage beautifully varied ;— but they are more remarkable for chaste and subdued co¬ louring, for sober shades of intermingled black and brown, than for those brilliant or gorgeous hues which characterise so many of the feathered tribes. Their dispositions naturally fierce or unaccommodating, if not contentious, their ravening appetites, and dangerous weapons, induce them but seldom to associate with each other. We shall not here describe them, after the manner of many authors, as gloomy and mistrustful,—for what cause has an eagle, rejoicing in his strength, and winging his way from distant isles o’er waters glittering with re¬ dundant life, or hovering on the side of some majestic mountain, of which the purple heath is one wide store¬ house of the best of game,—what cause has he for gloom ? Or why should he mistrust, whose sail-broad vans might almost carry him across the vast Atlantic, or assuredly in a few brief hours transport him from his bold but barren eyrie, to richer pastures, reverberating with the varied voices of defenceless flocks? We believe there is nothing mournful or disconsolate in beings which pursue the un¬ fettered exercise of natural instinct. Such fearful attri¬ butes are but reflections from the melancholy mind of man (whose morbid reason often casts a gloom across the bright¬ est sun), but cloud not in reality the face of nature. Birds of prey, however, are not gregarious,—although, “ where the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” For eagles we presume to read vultures, the scavengers of the raptorial order, which in sultry regions are highly use¬ ful in clearing all decaying offal from the earth. With these exceptions, the others may be said to dwell in single pairs,—at times in solitude. They build their rude but sufficing nests amid precipitous rocks, on ancient ruins, and occasionally among forest trees, while a few take up their station on the ground. They seldom lay more than four eggs, and many only rear a pair of young. These are at first extremely helpless, and covered for a time with down. The females, in the generality of species, are con¬ siderably larger than the males. The plumage of the sexes often differs greatly, and in such cases the offspring for one or more seasons resembles the mother. The voice in the raptorial order is almost always harsh and unmusical, sometimes more plaintive in the hooting kinds, complaining by night from ivy-mantled tower or ancient tree; and only one species, a hawk from Africa, has been ever said to sing. The uses to the human race of birds of prey are not remarkable. The scavengers above alluded to are beneficial in their way, but the same can scarcely be alleged of such as carry off our lambs or poul¬ try ; and we are not aware that either their flesh or fea¬ thers are of much avail. More might have been said of certain members of the order, had not the practice of 1 Zoological Journal, No- ii. p. 196. 5 a VOL. XVI. * Accipithes, Linn.; Rapaces, Temtn. 38 ORNITHOLOGY. Uaptores. falconry, with other chivalrous uses, been about to pass away. SECT. I.—DIURNAL BIRDS OF PREY. Cere usually naked, or partly covered by setaceous fea¬ thers. Nostrils open. Eyes of medium size, lateral. Head rather small, and elongated ; face not surrounded by a completed disk of projecting feathers, as in owls. Ster¬ num strong and solid. Stomach membranous. Intes¬ tines not greatly extended. Caeca short. Toes naked. Of this section Linnaeus and the other naturalists formed only two genera, Vultur and Falco, which some regard as forming two large families, subdivided into numerous mi¬ nor groups. There is, upon the whole, a well-marked character, or at least a strong physiognomical distinction, between the Vulturidce and Falconidce ; but this is more easily seen than expressed, or, when expressed, is often erroneously so. Thus a strong alleged distinction is the nearly naked head of the former ; but the lammer-geyer (G. barbatus) has that part as densely plumed as any eagle. However, the nails are generally blunt, and the feet comparatively feeble. FAMILY I VULTURIDAS.1 The birds of this family are of large size and gluttonous habits. They prefer animal substances in a state of de¬ composition to living prey, and are frequently gregarious. The bill is never notched, and the feet and claws are more feeble and less curved than among the Falconidae. Though indolent, especially after meal time, they are distinguished by great powers of flight. Their bodies in repose assume a more or less horizontal position. Their flesh is disgust¬ ing as an article of food, but their down has been occasion¬ ally made use of for domestic purposes. Genus Vultur, Cuv. Bill large and strong, compress¬ ed, straight at the base, convex and rounded at the point. Nostrils naked, rounded, obliquely pierced. Head and neck bare of ordinary feathers, but covered by a short down. A collar of long soft feathers at the base of the neck. The true vultures, as now restricted, belong to the an¬ cient world. Their flight, though slow, is powerful and long sustained. They frequently rise, by repeated gyra¬ tions, to a great height in the air, and descend in a simi¬ lar manner. They assemble in troops, and feed for the most part on carcasses; yet the Dalmatian shepherds are said to dread their inroads among their sheep and lambs. They build among inaccessible rocks, and feed their young by emptying the unsavoury contents of their own crops. It does not appear that they can transfix or carry off their prey by means of their talons, as do hawks and eagles. We have two species in Europe, the cinereous vulture {V. cinereus, Linn., Plate IV., figure 1), called arrian on the Pyrenees, and the griffon or fulvous vulture (V. fulvus, Linn.) Both birds occur in Spain and the Tyrol, but are scarcely ever seen in Switzerland, and are rare in Germany. The nidification of the cinereous vul¬ ture is still unknown. It probably never breeds in Eu¬ rope, but rather in the mountainous countries of Asia, where it is known to occur abundantly. The fulvous vul¬ ture is more courageous than the preceding, and more inclined to seize on living prey. It is common in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar, abounds in Dalmatia during winter, and has been observed to breed in Sardinia on lolty trees. It lays two eggs, of a greenish white, with a rugose surface. It is widely spread over the continent Raptores. of Africa. Several other species are found in the warmer regions of the old world. Genus Sarcoramphus, Dumeril.2 Bill thick, straight from the base, but strongly curved at the extremity, the margin of the upper mandible having a somewhat sinuous or S-like outline. Nostrils longitudinal and oblong. Head and neck bare, wattled, surmounted by a fleshy crest. This genus is confined to America, and consists of three species, the famous condor of the Andes (S. condor), the king-vulture (S. papa), and the Californian vulture (S. californianus). The condor inhabits the loftiest of the Andes, and in its aerial flights is supposed to attain to a station far above that of every other living creature. According to Humboldt, it soars to an elevation nearly six times greater than that at which clouds are usually suspended in the sky. At the vast height of almost six perpendicular miles, the condor is seen majestically sail¬ ing through the ethereal space, watchfully surveying the airy depth in quest of his accustomed prey. When im¬ pelled by hunger, he descends to the nearest plains which border on the Cordilleras ; but his sojourn there is brief, as he seems instinctively to prefer the desolate and lofty mountains. The barometer amid such aerial haunts at¬ tains only to the height of sixteen inches. These rocky eyries (of which the plain is elevated about 15,000 feet above the level of the sea) are known vernacularly by the name of condor nests. There, perched in dreary solitude, on the crests of scattered peaks, at the very verge of the region of perpetual snow, these dark gigantic birds are seen silently reposing like melancholy spectres. Hardly an instance is known of their assaulting even an infant, though many credulous travellers have given accounts of their killing young persons of ten or twelve years of age.3 The history of the condor, like that of its Patagonian neighbours of the human race, has in fact been much ob¬ scured by exaggeration. An inspection of its feet and claws suffices to show that it is not gifted with great prehensile power, and could scarcely carry off the most ill-conditioned child, though not seldom accused of such evil practices. Condamine informs us that he has often seen condors hovering over flocks of sheep, some of which they “ would have carried away, had they not been scared by the shepherdsand this vague supposition is stated as a fact in their natural history I It is a bird of powerful wing, but of vulturine habits, feeding much on dead animal matter, but not unfrequently joining together in the attack of cattle, especially of such as are in any way enfeebled. Although the usual station of the condor is mountainous, it often descends, as we have said, to feed among the plains and valleys; and a female, now in the French museum, was found at sea, sitting on the dead body of a floating whale. It breeds amid the inaccessible peaks of the Andes, making no nest, but depositing its eggs upon the arid rock. It is a large bird, of from three to four feet in length, with an extent of wing very various¬ ly stated, but probably sometimes reaching from ten to twelve feet. The female is of a much browner hue, and wants the caruncles. She is less in size than the male, an unusual circumstance in this order, although we sus¬ pect that the greater bulk of that sex is a feature chiefly characteristic of the hawks and eagles. “In riding along the plain,” says Sir Francis Head, “ I passed a dead horse, about which were forty or fifty con¬ dors ; many of them were gorged and unable to fly; se¬ veral were standing on the ground devouring the carcass; 1 On the modern groups into which this family is divisible, the reader may consult a paper by Mr Vio-ors in the Zoological Jour, ml. No. vm. p. 36«. j i r j 0 o Vultur, Linn. Cuv. ; Cathartei, Illiger, Temm. * Nuttall’s Manual of Ornithology, i. p. 36. ORNITHOLOGY. 739 Raptores. the rest hovering above it. I rode within twenty yards of them ; one of the largest of the birds was standing with one foot on the ground, and the other on the horse’s body ; display of muscular strength as he lifted the flesh, and tore oft'great pieces, sometimes shaking his head and pulling with his beak, and sometimes pushing with his leg. Got to Mendoza, and went to bed. Wakened by one of my party who arrived ; he told me, that seeing the con¬ dors hovering in the air, and knowing that several of them would be gorged,1 he had also ridden up to the dead horse, and that as one of these enormous birds flew about fifty yards off, and was unable to go any farther, he rode up to him ; and then, jumping off his horse, seized him by the neck. The contest was extraordinary, and the ren¬ contre unexpected. No two animals can well be imagin¬ ed less likely to meet than a Cornish miner and a condor, and few could have calculated, a year ago, when the one was hovering high above the snowy pinnacles of the Cor¬ dillera, and the other many fathoms beneath the surface of the ground in Cornwall, that they would ever meet to wrestle and ‘ hug’ upon the wide desert plain of Villa- Vicencia. My companion said he had never had such a battle in his life ; that he put his knee upon the bird’s breast, and tried with all his strength to twist his neck ; but that the condor, objecting to this, struggled violently, and that also, as several others were flying over his head, he expected they would attack him. He said, that at last he succeeded in killing his antagonist, and with great pride he showed me the large feathers from his wings; but when the third horseman came in, he told us he had found the condor in the path, but not quite dead.”2 The king-vulture (S. papa, Plate IV., figure 3) is a much more gaily adorned species, the fleshy por¬ tions of its head and neck being red, orange, and purple. rl he upper parts of the plumage are of a pale reddish-white or clay colour, the collar at the base of the neck is bluish- gray, the quill-teathers and tail black (the former with paler edgings), and the under parts of the body white. This beautiful bird is found in America, from the 30th degree of north latitude, to about the 32d in the southern hemisphere ; that is, it occurs in Mexico, Paraguay, Gui¬ ana, llrazil, and Peru ; but most abundantly beneath the torrid zone. According to Azara, it makes its nest in hollow trees, and lays two eggs. It is supposed to derive its name from its habit of driving off the common vultures of America, called turkey buzzards, from their prey. The female king-vulture is of somewhat smaller size than the male. The ruff, and all the upper parts of her plumage, are brownish black, and her bill is destitute of caruncles. Genus Cathartes, Illiger. Bill much more slender than in the preceding genera ; the upper mandible inflat¬ ed above the nostrils, encroaching as it were upon the forehead, curved at the point, the margins nearly straight; the under mandible slender, slightly inflated, and obtuse at the terminal portion. Cere extended. Nostrils broad, quadrangular, longitudinal, very open. Head and neck naked, without caruncles. Tongue fleshy, fringed. Tarsi naked, rather feeble; claws short, curved, blunt. Tail- feathers twelve. 1 his genus, as now restricted, is likewise confined to America. It consists of two species, the common turkey buzzard fso called in the United States), C. aura, Plate IV., fig. 2, and the carrion-crow (of the same country), C. atratus. The former is abundant both in North and South America, and extends, in the central districts Raptores. of the fur-countries, as far north as the 54th degree. It is partially migratory, even in the middle states, retiring southwards on the approach of winter. A few remain throughout the year in Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey ; but none are known to breed in any of the Atlantic States to the north of the one last named. In the interior, however, they reach a much higher latitude during their summer migrations, probably owing to the greater heat of that season in the inland districts. A few make their ap¬ pearance on the banks of the Saskatchewan when the month of June is far advanced, and after all the other summer birds have arrived and settled in their leafy ar¬ bours. Though gregarious in more southern countries, where they fly and feed in flocks, towards their northern limits seldom more than a pair are seen together. They feed on carrion, which they discover at a great distance, it is now said, by the sense of sight alone. They some¬ times eat with such gluttonous voracity as to be unable to rise from the ground. They have been accused of at¬ tacking pigs, beginning the assault by picking out their eyes. But Mr Waterton, during his residence in Deme- rara, could not ascertain that they destroyed even living reptiles. He killed lizards and frogs and placed them in their way, but they took no notice of them till they began to emit a putrid effluvia. He differs from Mr Audubon in his ideas regarding the relative superiority in these birds of the organs of sight and smell. The one thinks the eyes have it, the other the nose. The turkey buzzard hatches her eggs in some swampy solitude, on a truncat¬ ed hollow tree or excavated stump or log, laying them on the rotten wood. This species roosts at night on trees, but more seldom than the other kind in flocks. In winter they sometimes pass the night in numbers on the roofs of houses in the suburbs of the southern cities, probably in¬ duced to do so by the warmth which emanates from the chimneys. On fine clear days, even in the winter season, they amuse themselves by soaring majestically into the air, rising rapidly in large gyrations; and ascending be¬ yond the thinnest fleecy clouds, they almost disappear from mortal view. In South America they will sometimes accompany the condor in his loftiest flights, rising, all fetid though they be, above the region of the purest Alps ; and thus exhibiting an emblem of the mind of man, so often sunk in Epicurus’ sty, yet for a time so raised by god-like genius, as not seldom to perceive “ far off the crystal battlements of heaven.” The other species of this genus is the black vulture, or carrion-crow of the United States, C. atratus. It is rather less than the preceding, measuring about twenty-six inch¬ es in length, the general colour of the plumage dull black, with a dark cream-coloured spot on the primaries. It is more impatient of cold, and prevails chiefly about the larger maritime cities of South Carolina, Georgia, and Flo¬ rida. They seem, from Mr Douglas’s account, to proceed further north on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. Although they rise at times to a considerable elevation, their flight is less easy and graceful than that of the tur¬ key buzzard. They are much more familiar, and in Charleston and Savannah may be seen walking the streets as demurely as domestic fowl.. They sometimes become individually known ; and a veteran with only one leg was observed to visit the shambles, and claim the bounty of a gentle butcher, for upwards of twenty years. all been caught in this manner! and hadVeen'hung o^rThoraM^Ld^^^^^ Coach" a dol ar, who immediately left me to consider what I could do with three such enomous birds." 8 6 ^ * Hough Notes across the Pampas. 740 ORNITHOLOGY. Raptores. Genus Neophron, Sav. Cathartes, Illig. Percnopte- '—"‘Y—' rus, Cuv. Bill long, slender, rounded, inflated at the curvature of the upper mandible, which is much hooked at the extremity. Nostrils median, oval, longitudinal, open. Cere covering two thirds of the bill. Face, cheeks, and throat naked, also a space extending down the middle of the neck. Tongue oblong, linear. Tail of fourteen feathers. These birds are inhabitants of the ancient world. They are less powerful than the true vultures, and of smaller size, but are still more useful in their scavengerial func¬ tions, their love of putrid flesh, and of all impurities, be¬ ing insatiable. The rachamach of Bruce, or gingi vul¬ ture of Sonnerat (Neophron percnoplerus, Sav.), affords a characteristic example. (See Plate IV., figure 4.) It is equal in size to a raven, the throat and cheeks na¬ ked, the feathers of the head and back of the neck long, narrow, and pointed. The plumage of the male is white, except the quill-feathers, which are black; that of the fe¬ male and young is brown. This species has been described under a great variety of names. It occurs in several parts of Europe, more especially in Spain, Italy, and the Island of Elba. It is likewise widely distributed over Africa, where it is known to the Hottentots by the name of hou- goop. It was held in great respect by the ancient Egyp¬ tians, and is frequently represented on the monuments of that mysterious people. It is said to follow caravans through the desert, for the sake of devouring every dead or unclean thing. We may add, that it has occurred once or twice in England. Genus Gypaetos, Storr. Bill strong, straight, curved at the point, and somewhat inflated at the curvature. Cere basal, covered by strong bristly feathers pointing forwards. Nostrils oblique, oval, concealed by bristles. Tongue thick, fleshy, bifid. Head feathered. A tuft of bristly or hair-like feathers beneath the bill. Tarsi short, thick, feathered. Tail-feathers twelve. This genus contains only a single species, the cele¬ brated lammer-geyer, or bearded vulture of the Alps (G. barbatus). (See Plate IV., figure 5.) It is one of the largest, or at least the longest-winged, of all the Eu¬ ropean birds of prey, haunting the highest mountains, and preying on lambs, goats, chamois, marmots, &c. Its strength and prowess are probably exaggerated, for al¬ though its powers of wing are undoubtedly great, its legs and talons are proportionally more feeble than those of eagles and falcons. It is said not unfrequently to secure its alpine prey by descending upon it suddenly with rush¬ ing wing, and driving it over a precipice, devouring the shattered limbs at leisure. It builds among inaccessible precipices, and lays two eggs. It is now one of the rarest of the birds of Europe, though formerly not uncommon among the mountains of Tyrol, Switzerland, and Germany. The peasant sportsmen of the last century often killed them, and one, Andreas Burner by name, is quoted by M. Michahelles as having shot sixty-five with his own hand. 1 hough a bird of rare occurrence, the bearded vulture is very extensively distributed. In Europe it haunts the steeps of the Pyrenean Mountains, and the central Alps from Piedmont to Dalmatia ; it is described by MM. Larey and Savigny as occurring in Egypt, and by Bruce as an inhabitant of Abyssinia; it has been received both from Northern Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, by M. Tem- minck ; in Asia it is known to cast its cloud-like shadow over the vast steppes of the Siberian deserts; while not many years have elapsed since Professor Jameson re¬ ceived it from the snow-capped ranges of the Himalaya Raptore?. Mountains. v'—-v"*- The bird described by Bruce under the title of Abou Duck'n, or Father Long-Beard, is certainly identical with the lammer-geyer, although we have been sometimes puz¬ zled to reconcile the comparatively feeble feet of the beau¬ tiful series submitted to our examination by Professor Jameson, with the meat-bearing prowess of the Abyssinian instance. On the loftiest summit of the mountain of La- mallon, while the traveller’s servants were refreshing them¬ selves after the fatigues of a toilsome ascent, and enjoying the pleasures of a delightful climate and a good dinner of goat’s flesh, a lammer-geyer suddenly made his appearance among them. A great shout, or rather cry of distress, attracted the attention of Bruce, who, while walking to¬ wards the bird, saw it deliberately put its foot into a pan containing a huge piece of meat prepared for boiling. Finding the temperature, however, somewhat higher than it was accustomed to among the pure gushing springs of that rocky and romantic region, it suddenly withdrew, but immediately afterwards settled upon two large pieces which lay upon a wooden platter, and transfixing them with its talons, carried them off. It then disappeared over the edge of a “ steep Tarpeian rock,” down which criminals were sometimes thrown, and whose mangled remains may be supposed to have first induced the bird to select the spot as a place of sojourn. The traveller, in expectation of an¬ other visit, immediately prepared his arms, and it was not long before the gigantic creature re-appeared. As when a vulture on Imaus bred, Whose snowy ridge the roving Tartar bounds, Dislodging from a region scarce of prey, To gorge the flesh of lambs or yeanling kids On hills where flocks are fed, flies towards the springs Of Ganges or Hydaspes, Indian streams ; But on his way lights on the barren plains Of Sericana, where Chineses drive With sails and wind their cany waggons light:— So landed with far-stretched fanning pinions our lammer- geyer, within ten yards of his expected savoury mess, but also within an equal distance of Bruce’s practised rifle, which instantly sent a ball through its ponderous body, and the magnificent bird sunk down upon the grass, with scarce a flutter of its outspread wings. We may here close our brief notice of the first great family of the raptorial order, merely remarking farther, that the species last alluded to, though not so regarded by any of our systematic writers, appears to us to bear a great resemblance to the kites. FAMILY II.—FALCONIDA:. This extensive family corresponds to the ancient unre¬ stricted genus Fcdco, now greatly subdivided by modern naturalists, but not yet very satisfactorily arranged.1 It contains a vast assemblage of eagles, hawks, buzzards, kites, &c., all characterized by a more or less curved bill, of which the upper mandible is strongly hooked ; by ob¬ vious or open nostrils, pierced in an almost always naked cere ; and by curved retractile pointed talons. The head is never bare of feathers, as in most of the preceding fa¬ mily, and the eye-brows are usually bony and projecting. The geographical distribution of the Falconidae, consi¬ dered in their generality, is universal, one or more species being found in all known countries from Spitzbergen to Lat^m’s^vX^m’2471Chw tt6 daJS °a Itin"aeus did not excee(1 thirty-two different kinds, amounts, in the last edition of Dr to the rank of synonyms.7' ^ n° d°Ubt 11 n°W exceeds 300 sPecies> even although many of Latham 's names are reducible ORNITHOLOGY. Raptores. New Holland, and several particular kinds having a very 's—' wide range, not only longitudinally across the whole tem¬ perate and northern parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, but latitudinally through almost every clime. Most of them are, to a certain extent, migratory in their habits, although their movements are by no means so re¬ gularly periodical as are those of more laborious wing. In fact, the birds of this family, surpassing all others both in the duration and rapidity of their flight, are scarcely amen¬ able to those natural laws which, in so many instances, ap¬ pear to regulate or restrict the location of other tribes ; and hence we find, that if a mural precipice, an insulated crag, the mouldering wall of a ruined castle, or the tor¬ tuous branch of some ancient and umbrageous forest tree, has been successfully sought for in spring as a secure re¬ treat for the purposes of nidification and the rearino- of their young, the other seasons of the year are usually spent in a life of wandering rapine. When we consider the facts which have been recorded of the flight both of hawks and pigeons, the migratory movements of birds in general be¬ come much less a subject of wonder (excepting always the beautiful instinct by which they are directed), than they would at first appear. It is well known that a falcon be- longing to Henry II. of France, which had been carried to Fontainebleau, made its escape, and was retaken next day in the island of Malta, where it was recognised by the rings on its legs. According to Colonel Montagu, it must have flown with a velocity equal to fifty-seven miles an hour, supposing it to have been on wing the whole time. “ But as such birds never fly by night, and allowing the day to have been at the longest, or containing eighteen hours of light, this would make seventy-five miles an hour. It is probable, however, that it neither had so many hours of light in the twenty-four to perform the journey, nor that it was retaken the moment of its arrival ; so that we may fairly conclude that much less time was occupied in performing that distant flight.” Another falcon having been sent from the Canary Islands to the Duke of Lermos^ then in Andalusia, was found in Teneriffe sixteen hours after it had taken its flight from Spain. In regard to this instance the calculation is more simple, and less likely to prove erroneous, because, supposing the bird to have fol¬ lowed anything like a direct course, its flight from the coast of Andalusia to its native island would lie through¬ out over the waters of the ocean, and must therefore have been continuous. Now the distance being not less than 752 miles, that space divided by sixteen, the number of hours employed would give an average of forty-seven miles an hour for the whole course. At this rate, if a falcon were to leave the rock of Gibraltar on a Monday morning, it might enjoy eight hours repose, and yet reach Edin¬ burgh Castle in the course of Tuesday forenoon. Pigeons have been shot in the far-inland forests of America with theii stomachs full of fresh rice, which, to have resisted the digestive process, must have been swallowed not many hours preceding, but could not have been obtained within eight hundred miles of the place where they were killed.1 It thus appears probable, that the most extended migra¬ tory movement which any species is required to perform, may in the greater number of cases be accomplished in a couple of days,—more frequently in the course of a few hours. The numerous species by which this great family is con¬ stituted, though rarely adorned by those brilliant colours which characterize so many of the gentler tribes, are per¬ haps of all the feathered race the most remarkable for beauty of form and elegance of proportion. Their eyes 741 are usually large and lustrous; their limbs, even when Baptores. light, very strong and muscular, and armed with formi-' dable claws with which they pounce their prey. Their general aspect (especially that of the true falcons), when compared with other birds, is well expressed by the word noble; and a single glance suffices to show that a combi¬ nation of fierceness, energy, and couragq, must form their predominating character. Like most other animals, how¬ ever, whether human or brute, they are by no means in¬ sensible to kindness ; and their instinctive sagacity, when directed by the skill and perseverance of man, has for ages been rendered subservient to his amusement in the sports of the field. But the princely art of falconry, whether from the progress of agriculture, the consequent minuter subdivision of land, and the increase of inconvenient bar¬ riers by the fencing of enclosed grounds,—or the tastes of men of rank and fortune having followed in another di¬ rection, has now almost entirely fallen into disuse. The species most generally trained for the purpose in this coun- try appears to have been the peregrine falcon, but many other kinds are used in eastern regions; and even pon¬ derous eagles are sometimes made subservient to the hu¬ man wall. Few things indeed more strongly illustrate the subduing influence of reason over instinct, than that a coarse illiterate groom, by tossing up a shapeless lure, should thus entice a proud rejoicing falcon from his airy height, and render him so submissively obedient as to forsake his soaring flight, and all his bright survey of field and river, and close contentedly his yet unwearied wings, to perch for hours upon a brawny arm, his lustrous eye encapped in velvet hood, and limbs “by jessies bound.” We must be very brief in our indications of the minor groups; and of several subgenera, as they are called, we can do nothing more than give the names. We do not here adopt the division of noble and ignoble birds of prey, which we deem a distinction wdthout a difference, seeing that some of the long-winged hawks are difficult to train, while seve¬ ral of the short-winged kinds are made with ease submis¬ sive to the human race. 'The genus Daptiuus of Vieillot (Caracara, Cuv.) is formed by the Falco aterrimus of Temm. (P/. Col. 37 and 342). The cheeks and front of the throat are bare of fea¬ thers. The cere is haired. The adult plumage of the species named is black, with a white band spotted with black at the base of the tail; the bare portion of the face is flesh- coloured, the cere and legs yellow, the bill lead-coloured. The total length is about fifteen inches. It occurs in Gui¬ ana and Brazil. Its habits are unknown. The genus Ibycter of the same author ( Caracara, Cuv.) has the cere smooth, and the upper part of the neck, as well as the cheeks, bare of feathers. The stomach is also bare and prominent. The tarsi are short, strong, and re¬ ticulated. We believe there is only a single species of this genus also, the lb. leucogaster of Vieillot (Gal. pi. 6), or Falco formosus of Latham. Its bill is feeble, and but slightly hooked, and its habits offer a corresponding non¬ conformity with the usual manners of the raptorial order. It is of a mild and peaceable nature, living, it is said, chief¬ ly on fruits and seeds, with the addition of a few insects, such as ants and locusts. It builds on trees, and utters from time to time a harsh discordant cry. It inhabits Guiana and Brazil, and, exhibiting some of the habits of the toucans, is called by the negroes the capitaine des gros bees. The genus Caracara, Cuv. (Polyborus, Vieih), has the face only partially naked. The C. Braziliensis (Plate IV., figure 6) is extremely common in Paraguay. bui “°1» ™ a species of con, which does „o. grow ORNITHOLOGY. 742 Raptores. It lives in pairs, flies rapidly, and preys on birds and small v'-~v ' quadrupeds, as well as on insects and reptiles. The fe¬ male is said to build upcn the ground when in the pampas, and on trees when located in wooded countries. This ac¬ commodating habit is known to prevail among many other birds. The three preceding genera, which some regard as form¬ ing the tribe of Caracaras, are all native to the new world, and may be said to form a link with the vultures, both in regard to the bareness of the face, and their alleged ten¬ dency to prey on carrion. We now proceed to the tribe of eagles, of which the bill is very robust, comparatively straight at its basal and middle portion, and suddenly curved at the extremity. It includes the species most celebrated for their strength and courage. Their strong limbs, curved talons, and broad ex¬ pansive wings, enable them to carry off well-grown lambs, and other bulky prey. They are therefore dreaded by shepherds and such pastoral people, as robbers of the first rank, and a high premium is placed upon their heads ac¬ cordingly. In the genus Aquila properly so called, the bill is shorter than the head, straight, curved at the tip, the edge of the upper mandible with a slight festoon; the nostrils are oblong and oblique ; the cere haired ; the tarsi short, and covered with feathers. The well-known golden eagle (A. chryscetos') affords a characteristic example. This fine British species is widely spread over Europe and America. In our own country it builds on the ledges of mountain precipices—on the Continent its nest is frequently found in forests; for example, in that of Fontainebleau. It is com¬ mon in the northern and central parts of Europe, but rarer in the south. It is, however well known in Italy. We have seen it sailing over the deep basin of the vale of D’Uomo d’Ossola, and high above the highest snowy peaks which glitter around the majestic passes of the Simplon. In America it breeds among the subalpine districts which skirt the Rocky Mountains, being seldom seen farther east¬ ward. It is regarded by the aborigines as an emblem of strength and courage, and the Indian warrior as well as the highland chieftain glories in his eagle plume. These birds sometimes soar to a vast height, but they seem to do so rather as a kind of sporting exercise, than with a view to search for prey. When employed in hunting, they keep far nearer the earth, sweeping up the valleys, and skirting the sides of heath-covered mountains. The golden eagle is becoming rarer in Scotland every year. Many ancient eyries are pointed out to travellers by gray-haired shep¬ herds, where the bird itself is now no longer known, and in no lengthened period we may expect its extirpation. Se¬ veral other kinds of feather-footed eagles are known to naturalists, such as the Aquila imperialis, a common Egyp¬ tian species, not unfrequent in the eastern countries of Eu¬ rope,—and l\\c Aquila Bonelli, a recent acquisition, native to the mountains of Sardinia, and no doubt inhabiting other alpine lands. Aquila fucosus is a New Holland species, very common near Port Jackson, and remarkable for its fine wedge-shaped tail. In the genus HALiiETUs, or sea-eagle, the bill is nearly as long as the head, and the tarsi are bare of feathers, ex¬ cept at the top. Their habits resemble those of the eagles proper, but they prey more on fish, and will feed more rea¬ dily on tainted flesh. Species occur in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. Our own white-tailed eagle (//. albicilla, Plate IV., figure 8) affords a good example. “On observing a person walking near their nests,” says Mr Macgillivray, “ they fly around him at a respect- Itaptores. ful distance, sailing with outstretched wings, occasionally uttering a savage scream of anger, and allowing their legs to dangle, with outspread talons, as if to intimidate him. I have observed them thus occupied, when on the edge of a precipice five hundred feet high, with a very steep slope above me, bounded by rocks, and from which I could not have made my escape had the birds been resolute. Al¬ though on such occasions they are in general extremely cautious, notwithstanding their manifest anxiety for the safety of their young, yet I once saw an eagle come within an hundred yards, when it was brought down with buck¬ shot by a friend whom I had accompanied to the place.”1 The same writer observes, that he has never heard of the sea-eagle attacking those employed in robbing its nest; but that he has been credibly informed of its having attempt¬ ed to molest individuals whom it chanced to find among its native crags, in perilous places. In the Hebrides it is itself frequently assailed by the skua-gull; and we have ourselves more than once seen it attacked by the raven. In our present group are many other species, such as the beautiful Halicetus kucogaster of New Holland, and the bald or white-headed eagle of America, H. leucocepha- lus. The latter is often seen sailing through and around the gigantic column of spray which rises from that “ hell of waters,” the cataract of Niagara. Though a bird of powerful wing, he seems to have fallen somehow into lazy habits, or at least prefers the produce of others’ labours to his own. “ Elevated,” says Wilson, “ on the high, dead limb of some gigantic tree, that commands a view of the neighbouring shore and ocean, he seems calmly to contem¬ plate the motions of the various feathered tribes that pur¬ sue their busy avocations below,—the snow-white gulls slowly winnowing the air,—the busy tringae coursing along the sands,—trains of ducks streaming over the surface,— silent and watchful cranes intent and wading,—clamorous crows,—and all the winged multitudes that subsist by the bounty of this vast liquid magazine of nature. High over all these hovers one whose action instantly arrests his whole attention. By his wide curvature of wing, and sud¬ den suspension in air, he knows him to be the fish-hawk, settling over some devoted victim of the deep. His eye kindles at the sight, and balancing himself with half-open¬ ed wings upon the branch, he watches the result. Down rapid as an arrow from heaven descends the object of his attention, the roar of its wings reaching the ear as it dis¬ appears in the deep, making the surges foam around. At this moment the eager looks of the eagle are all ardour; and levelling his neck for flight, he sees the fish-hawk once more emerge, struggling with his prey, and mounting in the air with screams of exultation. These are the signals for our hero, who, launching into the air, instantly gives chase, and soon gains on the fish-hawk ; each exerts his utmost to mount above the other, displaying in these ren¬ contres the most elegant and sublime aerial evolutions. The unencumbered eagle rapidly advances, and is just on the point of reaching his opponent, when with a sudden scream, probably of despair and honest execration, the lat¬ ter drops his fish :—the eagle poising himself for a moment, as if to take a more certain aim, descends like a whirlwind, snatches it in its grasp ere it reaches the water, and bears his ill-gotten booty silently away into the woods.”2 When forced to hunt for themselves, they often attack young pigs, lambs, and sickly sheep. In the genus Pandion the bill is much shorter than the head; the tarsi are short and naked, covered all round with 1 Rapacious Birds of Britain, p. 60. 8 American Ornithology, vol i. p. 23. We quote Professor Jameson’s systematic edition, in four small volumes (Constable’s Miscellany, 1831). The student of American Ornithology will find some valuable notes by Sir YViliiam Jardine, in another Edinburgh edition, in three vols. large 8vo, 1832 ORNITHOLOGY. 743 liaptores. imbricated scales; the claws are large and rounded on the under surface, the outer toe very versatile ; and the second feather of the wing the longest. Our British osprey, or small fishing eagle, is the Pandion halicetus. It breeds in the vicinity of many of our northern sea-lochs, often on the chimney-top of ruined castles by the shore. It destroys a vast quantity of fish, which it secures by thrusting its talons through their hacks during a sudden momentary plunge beneath the waves. It is remarkably abundant in North America; and Wilson observes that it permits the purple grakles to build their nests amid the interstices of the sticks of which it has framed its own. He adds, that it never picks up any fish which it may chance to drop either on land or water. We know not if this trait applies to those of the “ old country.” We once saw an osprey drop a large sea-trout, which it certainly did not attempt to recover; but then there happened at the same time to be an excel¬ lent shot, with a double barrel, within a rather dangerous distance of the same. The osprey occurs in New Holland, and is elsewhere very widely spread. The genus Circ^tus of Vieillot is in a manner inter¬ mediate between the fishing eagles, the ospreys, and the buzzards. We may mention as an example the bird called jean-le-blunc by the French (F. Gallicus, Gmelin), a com¬ mon continental species. In Harpyia, Cuv. the bill is very strong, and com¬ pressed, the upper mandible dilated on the margins, and much hooked. The head is crested, the tarsi thick, the wings rather short. The harpies are large birds of prey, which dwell chiefly in the forests of Guiana, making their nests on trees, and committing great depredations. The larg¬ est is the H. destructor of Daudin (Plate IV., figure 7), said to be capable of cleaving a man’s skull by a single blow of its beax. We doubt if any one ever tried. However, it carries off young fawns, and sloths of a year old. It is a rare bird, lately imported to the Zoological Gardens of London, and well exemplified by the specimen in the Edinburgh Museum. In the genus Morphnus of Cuv. (Spizcetus, Vieillot), the wings are shorter than the tail, the tarsi are length¬ ened (in some feathered), and the toes feeble. The spe¬ cies are extremely beautiful, and richly varied in their markings. They are chiefly found in South America. We have figured as an example (see Plate IV., figure 9) the Morphnus cristatus {F. Guianensis, Daud.), which strongly resembles the great harpy just mentioned in its general aspect, but is at once distinguished by its smaller size and longer tarsi. We may mention as an in¬ stance of those with plumed tarsi, the Falco cristatelius of Temm. PL Col. 282, which is a native of India and Ceylon. In Cymindis, Cuv. and Temm. the tip of the upper man¬ dible torms a lengthened curve, with a very acute point. 'Ihe nostrils are obliquely cleft, almost closed; the cere narrow. The tarsi are very short, and reticulated; the wings rather long. The species are South American, and we know of nothing remarkable in their habits. See Cy- mindis uncinatus, Illiger, PL Col. 103. The extremely hook-billed species ((7. hamatus, PL Col. 61) now forms the genus Rostrhamus. Its nostrils are rounded, the space before the eye is bare, and the tarsi are scutellated. Its habits are unknown. Naturalists differ greatly in their distribution of the pre- ceding genera. Mr Swainson thinks Circcetus is a sub¬ generic form of Gypogeranus, and he places Cymindis with the Caracaras, and certain other groups, in his sub-family Cymindime or kites, and locates Morphnus (Spizcetus, Yieil.) with the buzzards. V e now proceed to a third tribe, consisting chiefly of the sparrow-hawks and goshawks. The bill is curved al- Raptores. most from the base, convex, the upper mandible dilated ^ on the sides, the lower short and obtuse. The nostrils are nearly oval; the tarsi rather long and slender ; the claws broad and sharp. The wings have the fourth fea¬ ther the most extended, and are shorter than the tail. The species are numerous, and occur in all parts of the globe. The larger, which are also proportionally the more robust, with thicker tarsi and shorter wings, have by many Orni¬ thologists been considered as constituting a separate ge¬ nus, to which the name of Astur is applied. That rare British bird the goshawk (Astur pulumbarius) may be named as a good example, while the smaller and more slender kinds included in the genus Nisus are represent¬ ed by our sparrow-hawk (iV. communis, the Falco nisus of Linn.). The transition from one to the other is however very gradual, and some deem their separation unwarrant¬ able. Even the two British species, though usually re¬ garded as the types of their respective sections, do not dif¬ fer so much as to render the propriety of their separation very apparent, even were no other species known. They are all extremely active, as daring as the true falcons, and prey exclusively on living objects, which they seize with admirable dexterity. Their flight is generally low, and as they pass over the fields or woods, they dart upon their prey, whether it be in the air, among branches, or couch¬ ed upon the ground.1 The goshawk, though a short¬ winged species, was formerly held in great estimation for the purposes of falconry. It is one of the most generally diffused of all the accipitrine birds, but is now very rare in Britain. A beautiful white species (Astur albus) is found in New Holland. Of the sparrow-hawks we shall allude merely to the Nisus musicus of Africa, commonly called the chanting falcon. It is the only raptorial bird in any way gifted with the powers of song ; but we must not suppose that its notes at all resemble the harmonious tones of the nightingale, or those of even our less accom¬ plished songsters. Its voice is merely a little clearer than usual, although it seems impressed with a high idea of its own powers, and will sit for half a day perched upon the summit of a tall tree, uttering its incessant cry. A fourth tribe contains the kites, which are likewise sub¬ divided into several minor groups, all agreeing in their comparatively feeble bills and feet, their short tarsi, and long extended wings. The tail is forked. They are gifted with great powers of flight, but are neither strong nor courageous, seldom pounce on heavy game, sometimes contrive to prey on fish, and have never the slightest ob¬ jection to chickens. In the genus Milvus of Cuv. is included our common kite (M. regalis, Vieil.; Falco milvus, Linn.). The tarsi are scutellated in front, and tolerably strong. This beau¬ tiful bird is rare in many districts of Scotland, and is scarcely ever seen in the Lothians. We have received it from Argyllshire, but do not think it occurs in the West¬ ern Isles. We have often, in the North of England, ad¬ mired its wheeling flight, circling through the air with no perceptible motion of its long expanded wings, and sailing over that enchanting land of lakes and mountains, with such majestic sweeps as if it were itself “ sole king of rocky Cumberland.” The kite is distributed over all Eu¬ rope, but is unknown in America. Other species of the genus occur in Asia, Africa, and New Holland. In the genus Elanls of Savigny the tarsi are very short, reticulated, and half clothed with feathers. The wings are long, the tail but slightly forked. It contains F. dispar and melunapterus, two species which some re¬ gard as one and the same. They feed on small birds, in¬ sects, and reptiles, and occasionally devour dead animals. 1 Rapacious Birds, p. 231. 744 ORNITHOLOGY. Ttantores. If identical, the species must exist in America, Africa v'—""V”"*"'' (occasionally in Europe), and the East Indies. I he swal¬ low-tailed kite {M. furcatus) forms the genus Nau- CLERUS of Vigors. (See Plate V., figure 1.) The form is slender, the tail very long and greatly forked. I he spe¬ cies just named is white, with back, wings, and tail black, glossed with green and purple. It inhabits America, at least as far south as Buenos Ayres, and also passes the summer and breeds in the warmer parts of the United States. Tempted by the abundance of the fruitful valley of the Mississippi, a few are seen to wander as far as the Falls of St Antony, in the forty-fourth degree. Audubon states, that in calm warm weather they soar to an immense height, pursuing the large insects (probably libellula?) called musquito hawks, using their tails with an elegance peculiar to themselves, and performing the most singular evolutions. The Mississippi kite (F. plumbeus, Latham) constitutes the genus Ictinia of the modern systems. It is of a blackish ash colour, the head and under parts of a much paler ashy hue. Wilson frequently observed this hawk in the course of his perambulations, sailing about in easy circles, at a considerable height in the air, and gene¬ rally in company with Turkey buzzards, with whose mode of flight its own exactly corresponds. It is not easy to say why two birds, whose food and manners are in other re¬ spects so different, should so frequently associate in their airy gambols. Though the Mississippi kite feeds chiefly on reptiles and insects, it is a bold and energetic bird. The specimen obtained by Wilson, though wounded, and precipitated from a stunning height, exhibited great strength, and a most unconquerable spirit. He no sooner approached to pick it up, than the bird immediately gave battle, striking rapidly with its claws, wheeling round and round as it lay, “ partly on his rump,” and defending itself with vigilance and dexterity. Notwithstanding all the aggressor’s caution, it struck its hind claw into his hand, with such force as to penetrate into the bone. “ Anxious to preserve his life, I endeavoured gently to disengage it; but this made him only contract it the more powerfully, causing such pain that I had no other alternative but that of cutting the sinew of his heel with my penknife.” The whole time he lived with Wilson he seemed to watch his every movement, erecting the feathers of his head, eyeing him with fierceness, and no doubt regarding him (and with some show of justice) as the greater savage of the two. In a fifth tribe we may place the honey-hawks, buzzards, and harriers, small groups connected, in a variety of ways, bv the usual interlacements, with several of the preceding tribes. The buzzards, for example, both in form and plumage, resemble small eagles, though their bills are more curved from the base ;x the harriers in some measure con¬ nect the buzzards with the accipitrine hawks (gen. Nisus and Astur); while the honey-hawks {Pernis) unite the buzzards to the kites. The natural affinities of groups are in truth so multiplied and complex, that we need scarcely wonder that even those who have most devoted them¬ selves to explore such Cretan labyrinths, should have often failed in their supposed elucidation:—so much the worse for those who have never found the thread. In the genus Pernis, Cuv. the lore, or space between the bill and eye, is closely covered by small, compact, rounded feathers, the nostrils are narrow, and the tarsi short, stout, and reticulated. The British bee-hawk {P. apivorus), or honey-buzzard as it is usually called, though it cares less for the honey than for those that make it, is of this genus. We have no other indigenous, or indeed European species; but a beautiful crested kind (P. Raptores. cristata, Cuv., Plate V., figure 2) occurs in Java and the East Indies. P. Elliott is also native to the latter country. In the genus Buteo, Bechstein, the cutting margin of the upper mandible is more flexuous or tooth-like, the gape wider, and the space between the eye and the cere is co¬ vered by the same setaceous plumage which usually pre¬ vails in that part, the nostrils are rounded, and the tarsi scutellated in front. The buzzards are a numerous genus, distributed over most parts of the world. We have only two British species, the common buzzard (Buteo vulgaris), and the rough-legged kind (B. lagopus). The latter is a rare or rather accidental visitor, its proper districts being the northern parts of Europe and America. We think buzzards are most abundant in wooded countries. They fly more sluggishly than hawks, and generally rather low, but at times they ascend to a great height, sweeping round in easy circles, and uttering a frequent shrilly cry. In the genus Circus the bill is slender and compressed, the cere large, the cheeks encircled by a kind of recurved ruff, and the tarsi long, slender, and scutellated before and behind. We have three British species, the moor harrier (C. aeruginosas), the common ringtail or hen-har¬ rier (C.cyaneus, male,—C. pygargus, female), and Monta¬ gu’s harrier ((7. cineraceus). All these birds roost and breed upon the ground, fly low, and frequent mountainous or marshy places. They prey upon whatever small-sized creatures they can master, whether beast, bird, reptile, or insect. The hen-harrier is supposed to occur in almost all parts of the world, but the identity of the American and European specimens has not been definitely determined. We have figured a foreign species as an example in Plate V., figure 5. It is the Circus palustris of Tem- minck ( C. superciliosus of some other authors), and a na¬ tive of Brazil. We now arrive at the falcons properly so called, or those which have been sometimes distinguished by the appellation of noble birds of prey, probably on account of certain members of the group, such as the peregrine and jer-falcon, being held in high esteem as accessaries in the sports of the field. We cannot say that we have been led to our present arrangement by an impression that it is more natural than any other, for we have already left the point which would have conducted us more insensibly in¬ to the ensuing nocturnal group of owls ; but we do not think it is liable to more grave objections than are many others. Indeed the circular or recurrent nature of the actual affinities of natural groups renders their true expo¬ sition, so far as any consecutive system is concerned, im¬ possible ; for, instead of advancing, we must necessarily terminate where we began, and therefore either retrace a portion of our circle, or break or bend it, before we can proceed to another. Without, therefore, desiring the reader to suppose that the harriers in any special way conduct him to the falcons, we shall give a brief notice of the latter. The falcons are chiefly distinguished by the strong, tooth-like notching ot the bill, which in the preceding groups is either entirely absent, or shows itself only in the form of a more or less distinct festoon.* The first quill- feather is always long, the second longer than the third and fourth, so that the wing acquires a sharp or pointed form, instead of the rounded outline of the so-called ig¬ noble tribes ; and the points of the wings, when closed, usually attain to the end of the tail. 1 Mr Macgillivray mentions, that the digestive organs of the common buzzard so greatly resemble those of the golden eagle, a a figure of the one might serve for that of the other. _ . , . , . 1 It is, we believe, in vain that naturalists attempt exceptionless precision in their generalities ; for, in this very group, t ic jer- falcon, in one sense the noblest of all, frequently wants the tooth, and exhibits a bill festooned like the eaale’s. ORNITHOLOGY. 745 Raptores. In the restricted genus Falco, then, the bill is short, may, it has a strong, well-curved bill, a crested h^d n Rant but strong, conical, curved from the base, sharply hooked lengthened neck, and long, slender, crane-like lees It i P at the extremity, and almost always toothed as well as the only one of its genus, and has been designated bv l pointed; the nostrils are rounded, the cere bare, or mere- varietv of namps. Snmp p«ll P i .. pointed ; the nostrils are rounded, the cere bare, or mere¬ ly encroached upon by the bristly feathers of the lore. The tarsi are rather short and strong, and covered with scales of somewhat variable form, but usually rounded or angular. The wings are long and pointed. We have four variety of names. Some call it the messenger, because it runs with great rapidity, which few actual messengers ever do; others name it the secretary, because it has a pen¬ like plume behind its ear, where a secretary’s pen should never be ; while its frequent title of serpent-eater is pro- 111 u v- 1° • ?i riicvci uc , wiuie us irequent title or serpent-eater is pro¬ well-known British the peregrine falcon (^ere- bably better earned, by its useful habit if devouring those yrinus), the hobby (F. subbuteo), the merlin (F. czsalon), dangerous reptiles. Its diet, however, seems to be of a and the kestr.l (F. tinnunculus). Besides these we rather miscellaneous nature, as Le Vaillant found in the may name the jer-falcon (F. islandicus, Plate V., figure stomach of a single specimen twenty-one young tortoises 4) as an occasional, and the orange-legged hobby (F. three snakes, and eleven lizards, besides which there was vespertmus) as an accidental visitor. The jer-falcon, a large ball in the stomach, formed entirely of the scales of in spite of its alleged want of teeth, is one of the bold- tortoises, the vertebrae of snakes and lizards, the legs of lo- est and most powerful of the class. This fine species costs, and the wing-cases of coleopterous insects. ‘‘ In his seems now confined almost entirely to the most northern habits,” saysMr Bennet, “he partly resembles both the eagle parts of Europe and America. It is well known in Ice- and the vulture, but difters from them most completely in tlie land and Greenland, and was often seen by Dr Richard- nature of his prev, and in his mode of attacking it L ke son during h.s journeys over the “ barren grounds” of the former, he always prefers live flesh to carrbn; buUhe North America, where it preys habitually on ptarmigan, food to which he is most particularly attached consists of not, however, despising plovers, ducks, and geese. “ In snakes and other reptiles, for the destruction of which he the middle of June, he observes, “ a pair of these birds is admirably fitted by his organization. The length of his attacked me as I was climbing in the vicinity of their legs not only enables him to pursue these creatures over nest, which was built on a lofty precipice on the borders the sandy deserts which he inhabits, with a speed propor- ot Point Lake, in latitude 651°. piiey flew in circles, tinned to their own, but also places his more vulnerable uttering loud and harsh screams, and alternately stooping parts in some measure above the risk of their venomous with such velocity that their motion through the air pro- bite ; and the imperfect character of his talons, when com- duced a loud rushing noise; they struck their claws with- pared with those of other rapacious birds, is in complete in an inch or two of my head. I endeavoured, by keep- accordance with the fact, that his feet are destined rather iiig the barrel of my gun c ose to my cheek, and sud- to inflict powerful blows than to seize and carry off his denly elevating its muzzle when they were in the act of prey. When he falls upon a serpent, he first attacks it sti iking, to ascertain whether they had the power of in- with the bony prominences of his wings, with one of which stantaneously changing the direction of their rapid course, he belabours it, while he guards his body by the expan- and found that they invariably rose above the obstacle sion of the other. He then seizes it by the tail and with the quickness of thought, showing equal acuteness of mounts with it to a considerable height in the air from vision and power of motion. Although their flight was which he drops it to the earth, and repeats this process much more rapid, they bore considerable resemblance to until the reptile is either killed or wearied out; when he he snowy owl Upon the whole, we think that Great breaks open its skull by means of his beak, and tears it in Britain and Ireland are just as well quit of such a fierce pieces with the assistance of his claws, or, if not too large intruder Ihe Doctor adds, that when the jer-falcon swallows it entire. Like the eagles, these birds live in pounces down upon a flock of ptarmigan, the latter en- pairs, and not in flocks; they build their aiery, if soil may deavour to save themselves by diving instantly into the be termed, on the loftiest trees, or, where these are want- loose snow, and making their way beneath it to a consi- ing, in the most bushy and tufted thickets. They run derable distance. .... . . r , wilh extreme swiftness, trusting, when pursued, rather to A few species, in which the toothing of the upper man- their legs than to their wings; and as they are generally dible is double, form the genus Bidens of Spix, syno- met with in the open country, it is with difficulty that nymous we presume, with Harpagus of Vigors. Such are they can be approached sufficiently near for the sportsman bidentatus, Lath., F diodon, lemm. PI. Col. 198. In to obtain a shot at them. They are natives of the south Ierax of Vigors, the upper mandible seems as strongly of Africa, and appear to be tolerably numerous in the and sharply bidentated as in the preceding, but the under neighbourhood of the Cape, where, it is said, they have one is simply notched, as in the true falcons, and the been tamed to such a degree as to render them useful in- second quill-feather of the wing is the longest. This ge¬ rms includes the beautiful little finch-falcon pf Bengal, F. ccerulescens, the smallest of the hawk tribe. An elegant crested kind from Pondicherry serves as a type to the ge¬ nus Lophotes. We snail conclude this section by a brief indication of who disturb it by their brawls.”1 2 that remarkable bird, the secretary, or serpent-eater of Southern Africa—the Gypogeranus serpentarius of Ti- liger. (See Plate V., figure 9.) Its affinities have been in no way satisfactorily illustrated, and each author has hi¬ therto placed it according to his own fancy. Baron Cuvier mates of the poultry-yard, in which they not only destroy the snakes and rats which are too apt to intrude upon those precincts, but even contribute to the maintenance of peace among its more authentic inhabitants, by interpos¬ ing in their quarrels, and separating the furious combatants SECT. II.—NOCTURNAL BIRDS OF PREY. The great raptorial division called owls are usually dis- brTthe Uh flUf ga llnaceous accipiter, in strange company circle of feathers forming a facial collar, to^hich they 'Tm hc°rned SCreamer (Pal^m^a cnstata) of Brazil ; owe the most marked and peculiar feature of their nhvsi- wlule Mr Swainson is now satisfied that it^is no other than ognomy. The bill is curved almost from the base where the rasonal type of the aquiline circle. Be this as it it is greatly enveloped by setaceous feathers, which fre- 1 Fauna Boicali.Americana, part ii. p. 28. VOL. XVI. * Tower Menagerie, p. 211. 5 a 746 ORNITHOLOGY. Raptores. quently cover or conceal the cere and nostrils. The eyes v-*" are large, and so placed that vision is directed rather for¬ wards than laterally, and are furnished with a nictitating membrane. The tarsi, and even the toes, are closely covered by short downy or hairy feathers. The outer toe is versatile ; the claws extremely sharp. The plumage is remarkable for its great softness. The concha of the ear is for the most part very large ; and from this we may in¬ fer that the sense of hearing is acute. The greater proportion ot the species hunt by night, or during the sweet but sombre hours of twilight. Their flight is light, buoyant, noiseless, and performed by slow but regular flapping of the wings. Their food, like that of most birds of prey, is various; but we believe they pre¬ fer mice and similar small quadrupeds, probably because the habits of these minute creatures are, like their own, nocturnal. Owls are solitary, seldom more than a pair being found together, although the woodcock owl (Utus brachyotus) is found during autumn in small conjoined fa¬ mily flocks of ten or twelve together; and the Arkansa owl of America is likewise in a manner gregarious. “ There is something,” says Wilson, “ in the character of the owl so recluse, solitary, and mysterious, something so discord¬ ant in the tones of its voice, heard only amid the silence and the gloom of night, and in the most lonely and seques¬ tered situations, as to have strongly impressed the minds of mankind in general with sensations of awe and abhor¬ rence of the whole tribe. The poets have indulged free¬ ly in this general prejudice ; and in their descriptions and delineations of midnight storms, and gloomy scenes of na¬ ture, the owl is generally introduced to heighten the hor¬ ror of the picture.” The systematic arrangement of these nocturnal birds of prey is as yet unsatisfactory. The following is a brief view of Baron Cuvier’s system. The genus Otus has two well-marked aigrettes, or tufts of feathers, on the front of the head, capable of being depressed or raised at pleasure, and the conch of the ear extends semicircularly from the beak almost to the top of the head, and is furnished in front with a mem¬ branous opercle. Two British species maybe here placed, the long-eared or horned owl commonly so called (Strix otus), and the short-eared owl (Strix brachyotus). The genus Ulula consists of species resembling the preceding in the bill and auditory opening, but not possessed of ai¬ grettes. Such is the great northern species (& Laponi- ca, Gm.). The genus Strix properly so called has also large ear-openings, and wants the aigrettes, but is distin¬ guished by the bill being comparatively straight at the base, and curved towards the extremity. The facial disk is strongly marked, the tarsi are feathered, and the toes are haired. Example, Strix flammea, our barn or white owl. In the genus Syrnium, the facial disk is formed of decomposed or unwoven feathers, the collar is also large, and the aigrettes wanting, but the toes are feathered. (See Plate V., figure 6.) The brown or wood owl of Britain (/S', aluco and stridula, Linn.) is placed here The genus Bubo has the facial disk less marked, the ai¬ grettes conspicuous, and the toes feathered. The great eagle owl of Europe (i?. maximus, S. bubo, Linn.) affords a good example. It inhabits the larger forests of Russia, Hungary, Germany, and Switzerland, becoming very rare in France, disappearing altogether in Holland, and visit¬ ing Great Britain as it were by chance. Here also may be placed the great horned owl of America, S. Virgi- niana (Plate V., figure 8), which occurs in almost every quarter of the United States, and spreads into the far fur-countries of the north, wherever there is tim¬ ber of sufficient size to serve the purposes of nidification. His favourite residence, however, according to Wilson, is Raptores the dark solitudes of deep swamps, covered by a growth of gigantic timber, from whence, so soon as evening dark-, ens, and the human race retire to rest, he sends forth his unearthly bootings, startling the way-worn traveller by his forest fire, and “ making night hideous.” “ Along the moun¬ tainous shores of the Ohio, and amidst the deep forests of Indiana, alone, and reposing in the woods, this ghostly watchman has frequently warn'ed me of the approach of morning, and aroused me by his singular exclamations, sometimes sweeping down and around my fire, uttering a loud and sudden waugh o ! waugh o ! sufficient to have alarmed a whole garrison. He has other nocturnal solos, no less melodious, one of which very strikingly resembles the half-suppressed screams of a person suffocating or throttled, and cannot fail of being exceedingly entertain¬ ing to a lonely benighted traveller in the midst of an In¬ dian wilderness.”1 The genus Noctua consists of species in which the tufts or aigrettes are wanting, the concha of the ear small, with an ordinary-sized opening. The facial disk is likewise small and incomplete. This gives the countenance a more hawk-like physiognomy; and in ac¬ cordance with this expression, we find the habits of the spe¬ cies naturally more diurnal than those of many other owls. We here place the northern Harfang, or great snowy owl (Strix nyctea, Linn.), one of the most beautiful of the group, an occasional visitant of Great Britain, and not very unfrequent in the Orkney and Shetland Islands. It is a common inhabitant of the arctic regions of both the old and new world, from which it migrates on the ap¬ proach of winter, but without passing to the southward of the colder portions of the temperate zone. It frequently hunts by day; and indeed if it did not so, what would be¬ come of it in those far northern countries where a “ sleep¬ less summer of long light” knows not for months the re¬ freshing influence of nocturnal darkness ? It preys not only on quadrupeds and birds, but frequently strikes its talons into fish, and bears them astonished from their moist abode into the leafy recesses of the forest. There are few things more out of place than a trout on the top a large tree. Its own flesh is said to be white and well flavoured ; and when in good condition, is eaten both by the native Indians and the white residents in the fur-countries. Several of the small¬ er owls are included in the present genus, such as Strix passerina, Linn. In the genus Scops (Plate V., figure 7) the toes are naked, and the head furnished with tufts; and in certain peculiar foreign species of consider¬ able size, the tarsi (a very unusual character) are bare and reticulated. These have been formed of late into a genus called Ketupa. Example, Strix Ketupa, Horsfield, Temm. PL Col. 74. One of the most curious of owls, in its habits, is the burrowing species of the new world—Strix cunicularia of Bonaparte. Its particular genus has not yet been deter¬ mined. These birds inhabit the burrows of the marmot, and consequently dwell in open plains. They seem to enjoy even the broadest glare of the noon-day sun, and may be seen flying rapidly along in search of food or pleasure during the prevalence of the cheerful light of day. They mani¬ fest but little timidity, allow themselves to be approached sufficiently close for shooting, and though some or all may soar away, they settle down again at no great distance. If further disturbed, they either take a more lengthened flight, or descend into their subterranean dwellings, from whence they are dislodged with difficulty. When the young are only covered with down, they frequently ascend the entrance to enjoy the warmth of the mid-day sun ; but as soon as they are approached, they quickly retire within their burrow’. In North America the burrowing owl feeds 1 American Ornithology, i. p. 101. ORNITHOLOGY. 747 Insessores. chiefly on insects—in the West Indies (if the species are '■“‘"V—-'identical), on rats and reptiles. Order II.—INSESSORES or PERCHING BIRDS.1 This is the most numerous order of the class of birds, and, as Cuvier has observed, is distinguished chiefly by ne¬ gative characters; for it embraces all those various groups which, sometimes possessing but little in common, are yet in themselves neither raptorial, scansorial, grallatorial, na¬ tatorial, nor gallinaceous. At the same time they exhibit a general resemblance to each other in structure, and pre¬ sent such gradual transitions from group to group, as to render definite subdivisions by no means easy. They are said to possess not the violence of birds of prey,—meaning thereby our preceding accipitorial order. Yet a fly-catcher crushing the body of a slender-limbed and delicate gnat, a blackbird pertinaciously dragging a reluc¬ tant worm from its subterranean dwelling, or a sparrow with his bill as full of tortuous caterpillars as it can con¬ tain (to say nothing of the butcher-bird, which is said to impale his prey alive upon “ the blooming spray”), is as¬ suredly as raptorial or predaceous as need be well desired. Neither can the division of the smaller birds into granivo- rous and insectivorous be strictly maintained, though we doubt not that the strong, conical billed species eat most greedily of seeds and grain, while those of softer and more slender bill are chiefly avidous of insect life;—but all pre¬ cise divisions, founded on the 1 )ve of any special diet, must be received with reservation,—seeing that almost all passe¬ rine birds feed both themselves and young in spring and early summer with what may be correctly called animal food (that is, insects and worms), while in autumn and throughout the winter season they just as generally (and for the best of reasons) have recourse to all manner of seeds and grain. The tender-billed birds are certainly more dependent on insect food than the others, and it is consequently among them that we find the greater propor¬ tion of our migratory species; for as the increasing dull¬ ness of autumn depopulates the busy world of insect life, so our finest songsters (the familiar red-breast forming a delightful exception) take then their departure for other climes, not so much by reason of the immediate influence of cold upon themselves, as because they find their accus¬ tomed food becoming daily less abundant. Such of the insectivorous tribes as remain with us throughout the year assuredly combine the graminivorous diet with their more favourite food, just as the hard-billed species sustain them¬ selves during spring and summer by the capture of insects. In tropical countries, where the seasons are less strongly or differently marked, and the death-like torpidity of our northern winters is unknown, this periodical change of food may probably either not obtain, or be less perceptible in its occurrence; but as we know that over a great part of the globe it is true, that for one portion of the year most insect-eating birds feed on seeds, and that for another por¬ tion of the year most seed-eating birds feed on insects, we may be permitted to doubt the propriety of rigorously di¬ viding the great body of passerine species into insectivo¬ rous and granivorous sections. We admit that, either from the nature of things, or the feebleness of human lan¬ guage, the terms applied to the greater divisions of natural history ought not to be construed according to their strict¬ est literal interpretation, as they are frequently of a con¬ ventional character, and have in some cases been substi¬ tuted for numerical signs, as more easily held in remem¬ brance ; but it is nevertheless to be greatly desired, that those who are influential in the nomenclature of science Insessores. should avoid bestowing appellations which convey an erro-'^~y^-' neons idea of the objects intended to be expressed. The feet of the insessorial order are especially formed for perching, the hind toe springing from the same plane as the anterior ones,—a structure which gives them great power in grasping. Their legs or tarsi are always of mo¬ derate length, and the claws not strongly curved. The form of the bill is too various to be generalized; and the same may be said of the length of the wings, of which the comparative breadth generally bears relation to the habit of life of each particular tribe. The stomach is in the form of a muscular gizzard, generally preceded by a greater or less expansion in the shape of crop, and there are usu¬ ally two very small cmca. The lower larynx is very com¬ plicated, especially among the various tribes of songsters. We must now rest satisfied with these brief and barren generalities. “ The great order of Passeres or Insessores of authors,” Mr Macgillivray observes, “ is so heterogeneous in its composition, that all who have attempted to charac¬ terize it, whether in few or in many words, have utterly fail¬ ed; for this plain reason, that its various groups are as un¬ like to each other as they are to the Raptores or Rasores, and that in fact the only common features which they ex¬ hibit are those of the general organization of birds. A hornbill and a humming-bird, a parrot and a wren, a king¬ fisher and a swallow, a starling and a toucan, not to men¬ tion others still more dissimilar, are surely as unlike each other as a hawk and a shrike, a pigeon and a plover, or a flamingo and a pelican.”2 The first principal division of the passerine birds con¬ sists of those genera in which the external toe is united to the internal by not more than one or two of the joints, and contains the four great tribes of Dentirostres, Fissiros- tres, Conirostres, and Tenuirostres. Tribe 1st.—Dentirostres. Bill with a marginal notch towards the extremity of the upper mandible. The dentirostral tribe is composed chiefly of insectivo¬ rous groups, and, according to the modern views, contains the following five families, viz. Laniadce, Merulidce, Syl- viadee, Ampelidce, and Muscicapidce. We do not think the general reader, with whose tastes the treatises in our En¬ cyclopaedia are for the most part made to conform, would be benefited by our entering into the complexities of these circular arrangements, or by an extended exposition of the innumerable minor groups of which the families are com¬ posed. We shall therefore here content ourselves by no¬ ticing the principal generic groups which form as it were the groundwork on which the more elaborate systems have been erected, and with which it is necessary to become familiar in their more general and comprehensive form, before their minuter subdivisions (to be elsewhere studied) can be understood. The genera are chiefly determined by the form of the bill, which is strong and compressed among the shrikes and thrushes, depressed in the fly¬ catchers, rounded and thickish in the tanagers, slender and pointed in the warblers,—but in each and all exhibiting different degrees of the typical character, or a tendency to transition, which admits of various systematic views. Mr Swainson divides the Laniadae or shrikes into five sub-families, viz. Laniance, or true shrikes ; Thamnophili- nce, or bush-shrikes ; Dicrurince, or drongo shrikes; Ceble- pyrincE, or caterpillar catchers ; and Tyrannince, or tyrant shrikes; and each of these contains a great variety of ge- Pic.« and Passeres, Linn. * British Birds, vol. i. p. 311. 748 ORNITHOLOGY. Insessores. nera and subgenera. We shall here follow the outlines of Baron Cuvier’s system, which we shall illustrate by oc¬ casional figures.1 In the genus Lanius, the bill is of moderate size, but strong, somewhat triangular at the base, and laterally com¬ pressed. In the European species (which we call butcher¬ birds) the upper mandible is somewhat arched. Ihree of these (Lan. excubitor, colurio, and rufus') are natives ot England, but the first and last are very rare. The food of butcher-birds consists chiefly of insects, but they at¬ tack occasionally the smaller kinds ot birds and quadru¬ peds. Their mode of flight is irregular, the tail being kept in constant agitation. Ihe sexes differ from each other in their plumage, and the immature birds bear a resemblance to the adult females. In most of the species the moult is single, in others double, that is, certain parts of the plumage are changed twice a year. Our great ci¬ nereous shrike (L. excubitor) destroys its larger prey by strangulation, and transfixing it after death upon a thorn, tears it into smaller parts at leisure. This wise but some¬ what savage instinct seems implanted in the bird to make amends for the comparative weakness of its feet and claws. “ This singular process,” says Mr Selby, “ is used with all its food. I had the gratification of witness¬ ing this operation of the shrike upon a hedge accentor (.-f. modularis) which it had just killed; and the skin ot which, still attached to the thorn, is now in my possession. In this instance, after killing the bird, it hovered with the prey in its bill for a short time over the hedge, ap¬ parently occupied in selecting a thorn fit for its purpose. Upon disturbing it, and advancing to the spot, I found the accentor firmly fixed by the tendons of the wing at the selected twig. I have met with the remains of a mouse in the stomach of a shrike ; and Montagu mentions one in which he found a shrew.”2 We have figured, in illustration of the genus Lanius, the species called Jiscal {L. collaris) by Vaillant. (See Plate VI., figure L) When this bird sees a locust, man¬ tis, or small bird, it springs upon it, and immediately im¬ pales it on a thorn, with such dexterity, that the spine always passes through the head. It is a bold, vindictive, noisy, and even cruel bird, for it seems to kill many more victims than it actually requires for food. These are found transfixed on many a neighbouring bush and tree, the major part often so destroyed by dryness as to be totally unfit for food. Some foreign species, in which the upper ridge of the bill is straight, and the point only curved, form the genus Thamnophilus of Vieillot. The Thamnophili inhabit chiefly the tropical regions of the new world, but some of the species have an extensive range, from Canada as far southwards as Paraguay. In Tham. guttatus of Spix the bill is very strong, and the inferior mandible inflated. In others it is straight and slender, with its base adorned with reversed setaceous feathers. Such is L. plumatus, an African species, which forms the genus Prionops of Vieillot. In the genus Vanga (Plate VI., figure 3) the bill is large, greatly compressed throughout, the point of the upper mandible suddenly curved, the under mandible bent upwards. Example, Lan. curvirostris, Gmelin. In Ocypterus, Cuv. the bill is conical, rounded, scarcely arched towards the point, the termination very sharp and fine, slightly notched. The legs are rather short, and the wings long, from which characters the species have obtained the name of swallow butcher-birds ; but they are as courageous as other shrikes, and do not fear to attack Insessores. even crows. The species are numerous along the shores's— and islands of the Indian Seas, where they exhibit great agility in the capture of their insect prey. Ex. Lan. leu- corhynchos, Gm. In Baryta of Cuv. the bill is large, conical, straight, round at the base, and encroaching on the forehead by a circular notch; the ridge is rounded, the sides compressed, the point curved. The nostrils are small and linear. The species of this genus, as well as those of Vanga, are by some combined with the crows, as part of the conirostral tribe. We may name, as an ex¬ ample, the piping grakle of the older writers (Coracias ti- bicen, Lath.), a native of New Holland, where it is known by the name of Jarra-war-nang. It preys on small birds, and is said to have a melodious voice, resembling the tones of a flute. The genus Chalyb^eus, Cuv. has the bill re¬ sembling the preceding, but rather thicker at the base, and the nostrils are pierced in a broad membranous space. (See Plate VI., figure 6.) The species are natives of New Guinea, and are remarkable for their beautiful tints of burnished steel. C. paradisceus has the feathers on the head and neck like frizzled velvet, and was first de¬ scribed by Sonnerat as a bird of paradise,—Par. viridis, Gmelin. In Psaris of Cuvier the bill is conical, thick, round at the base, but not encroaching on the front, slightly compressed, and curved at the extremity. The genus is founded on the Cayenne shrike of Latham, La¬ nius Cayanus, Linn.3 It now contains many species, all classed by Mr Swainson among the Muscicapidae or fly¬ catchers. Their habits are said to resemble those of the butcher-birds. The genus Grauculus, Cuv. has the bill less compressed than in Lanius, the upper ridge sharp, equal¬ ly curved throughout its whole extent, the commissure or cutting edges also slightly bent. The hairs which sometimes cover the nostrils ally these species to the crows, from which they are distinguished by the notching of the bill. Their prevailing hues are ash-colour, and they are native to the Indian islands. Cuvier here places the beautiful Irena puella of Dr Horsfield, a Javanese species, of a fine velvet black, the back splendid ultramarine blue. It is ranged by others with the Orioles. To the same ge¬ nus he likewise refers the Papuan and New Guinea crow (6’. papuensis and Novce Guinea), and the Piroll of Tem- minck, of which the male and female differ so remarkably, the former being of a glossy blue, the latter greenish. This last species forms the genus Ptilonorhynchus of Kuhl,—Kitta of M. Lesson. It is the satin-bird of the co¬ lonists of Port Jackson, a solitary, fearful creature, which seldom leaves the cover of the umbrageous woods. The Australian natives call it cowry. In Bethylus, Cuv., the bill is thick, short, bulged, slightly compressed towards the end. Its type is the mag¬ pie-shrike of Latham, L. picatus, an inhabitant of Guiana and Brazil. (Plate VL, figure 2.) In Falcunculus the bill is much compressed, almost as high as long, the oil¬ men arched. It contains the Lanius frontatus of New Holland. The genus Pardalotus (which M. Lesson places with the tit-mice, and Mr Swainson with the mana- kins) is likewise constituted by a New Holland species, the Pipra punctata of Shaw. The bill is short, obtuse, convex, and slightly compressed. All the preceding genera of the dentirostral tribe are supposed by Baron Cuvier to be more or less allied to Lanius of Linnaeus. A great diversity of opinion, how¬ ever, exists regarding their natural distribution; and in the most recent systems they will be found differently 1 For more minute details, the student may consult Mr Swainson’s “ Inquiry into the Natural Affinities of the Laniadae or Shrikes," Zooloff/cal Journal, No iii. p. 289. 8 Illuttrations of British Ornithology, vol. i. p. 149. * See Zool. Journal, No. vii. p. 354, and No. viii. p. 483. O R N I T H O L O G Y. H?«w.s inhabits Brazil. These birds are by some conjoined with Todus, to which they are assured¬ ly allied. Certain species, of which the feet and legs are long and slender, and the tail extremely short, form the genus Conophaga of Vieillot. The fly-catchers properly so called, genus Muscicapa, Cuv., have the beard or bill- feathers less extended than in Muscipeta, and the bill itself is narrower, the ridge or culmen is distinctly marked, the margins straight, the point slightly bent. The species are peculiar to the ancient continent, and not more than four or five occur in Europe. Of these, two are British, M. grisola, or the spotted fly-catcher, a well-known and common species ; and M. luctuosa, or the pied fly-catcher, which is very rare. We have seen it on the banks of the Eden in Cumberland. Both are birds of passage. The species of this genus take their insect prey upon the wing, darting upon it at intervals from some favourite twig. The males and females differ considerably in their mark¬ ings, especially in spring and summer, although the former sex (at least in M. albicollis, Temm.) are scarcely to be dis¬ tinguished from the latter throughout the winter season. 'fhe modifications in the form of the bill in this extensive genus have led to the formation, so far as concerns exotic species, of a vast number of sectional groups, or subge¬ nera, the characters of which we cannot here detail. We now arrive, in accordance with Baron Cuvier’s sys¬ tem, though not, we fear, by natural transition, at the genus Gymnocephalus, of which the beak resembles that of Tyrannus, except that the ridge is more arched, and a great portion of the face is bare of feathers. (See Plate VI., figure 8.) There seems to be only a single species, commonly called the bald crow ((?. calvus), a bird about the size of a rook, of a uniform tobacco-brown colour, the feathers of the wings and tail black. It is called oiseaa mon prere by the Creoles of Cayenne, probably from its capucin aspect. Its bald front bestows upon it a very singular physiognomy. Vaillant regards the absence of feathers on that part as accidental; and he mentions in a note,3 that he received a specimen from Cayenne, in which the face was plumed. But M. Lesson states that he has examined more than twenty specimens, and has always found the face unfeathered. The genus Cephalopterus, on the contrary (see Plate 1 See Fauna Boreali-Americana, part ii. pi. Ixxxv. 5 Consult Mr Swainson’s “ Monography of the Tyrant Shrikes of America,” Journal of the Royal Institution, No. xl. 8 Ilistoire des Oiseanx de Paradis, t. i. p. 109. ORNITHOLOGY. 750 Insessores. yj^ f]gure 4^ ^35 front adorned by a very pecu- liar tuft of feathers, which, rising upwards, and then spreading around and drooping downwards, shades the head, as it were, beneath a parasol. Another expanded and lengthened set of plumes hangs in an apron-like fashion from the breast. The prevailing plumage is deep black, the parts first mentioned having a metallic lustre. The bill of the only species known (C. ornatus) is robust, the mandibles nearly equal, the upper being convex, without notch, and scarcely bent at the extremity. This bird was brovght to Paris, from the Lisbon Collection, by M. Geoff. St Hilaire, and was believed to have been sent originally from Brazil. As that country, however, has been so much explored without the Cephalopterus having ever since been met with, it is more likely, M. Temminck thinks, to have been obtained in the less-frequented countries of Peru, or the coast of Chili. On the other hand, M. Lesson alleges, that he was informed by a well-instructed Portuguese, that the bird in question came from Goa. It is the Coracina cephaloptera of M. Vieillot. We have no doubt it is a South American species. From these singular birds we proceed to the Cotingas or chatterers, genus Ampelis, Linn., a varied and beauti¬ ful family, now partitioned into several minor groups. They have all the depressed bill of the fly-catchers in general, but it is rather shorter in proportion, broadish, and slightly arched. Those in which the bill is the strongest and most point¬ ed, with dilated margins, are characterized by an insecti¬ vorous regime. These are the piahaus of South America, genus Querula, Vieil. The species fly in troops through the forests. Here are placed the Cotinga rouge of Vail- lant, or Ampelis phcenicia, also the Ampelis cinerea and Muscicapa rubricollis of Gmelin. In the ordinary Cotin¬ gas (or genus Ampelis properly so called) the bill is more feeble, little elevated, deeply cleft. The species inhabit moist places, and are remarkable for the rich and lustrous plumage of the males during the breeding season. We here place the Ampelis pompadoura, carnifex, and cotinga, Linn. In the genus Bombycilla, Brisson, which includes our European or Bohemian chatterer, the head is orna¬ mented by an elongated crest, and the majority of the spe¬ cies have the secondary feathers of the wings terminated by a small oval expansion, resembling a bit of scarlet sealing-wax. These birds prefer wild fruits to insects. The appetite of the American species (A. Americana) is stated by Mr Audubon to be of so extraordinary a nature as to prompt it to devour every fruit and berry in its way. In this manner it will gorge itself to such excess as to be sometimes unfit to fly, and may then be taken by the hand. “ I have seen some which, though wounded and confined to a cage, have eaten apples until suffocation de¬ prived them of life.”1 Our author adds, however, that they are also excellent fly-catchers, spending much of their time in pursuit of winged insects. They become very fat during the fruit season, and are then so tender and juicy as to be much sought for as an article of epicurean diet. They inhabit the United States throughout the year. The habits of the European wax-wing (A. garrula) are much less known. It not unfrequently visits Britain during win¬ ter, and is supposed to breed within the arctic circle. It likewise inhabits North America, but has not been ob¬ served to the southward of the fifty-fifth parallel. Dr Kichardson observed a flock of three or four hundred on the banks of the Saskatchewan in May. During their trips to Britain they feed, when they can get them, on the berries of the mountain ash ; and Sir William Jardine found the stomachs ot one or two killed near Carlisle to be cram¬ med with holly berries. A third species was some time ago Insessore* discovered by Dr Seibo.d in Japan. It is the B. phcetii- coptera of Temminck, and wants the wax-like appendages to the wings. In the genus Casmarhynchus, Temm., the bill is re¬ markably broad, greatly depressed, soft and flexible at the base, of a harder consistence, and somewhat compressed towards the extremity. The nostrils are large and open, and placed far forward on the bill. As an example, we may name that singular bird the araponga ( Cas. nudicollis, lemm. PL Col. 368-83), a Brazilian species, remarkable for the metallic resonance of its cry, which sounds like the clinking of a blacksmith’s hammer. By reason of this peculiarity, it is known to the Brazilians by the name of O. ferrador, or the blacksmith. The adult male is pure white, the face and front of the neck nearly bare, of a green colour, sprinkled with a few small black feathers. The female is green, spotted on the under parts with white, the upper plumage of the head nearly black. The young at first resemble the mother, and adolescent males are found with a mingled plumage of green and white. An¬ other species, of nearly corresponding plumage, is distin¬ guished by a long, fleshy, sometimes slightly feathered caruncle, hanging from the basal front of the upper mandi¬ ble. It is erectile, and sometimes projects upwards. This is the Ampelis carunculata of the older systematic writers. We presume it to be also the Campanero of the Spaniards, called dara by the Indians, and bell-bird by the English. “ It is about the size of a jay,” says Waterton. “ His plumage is white as snow. On his forehead rises a spiral tube nearly three inches long. It is jet black, clothed all over with small white feathers. It has a communication with the palate, and when filled with air looks like a spire ; when empty, it becomes pendulous. His note is loud and clear, like the sound of a bell, and may be heard at the distance of three miles. In the midst of these extensive wilds, generally on the top of an aged mora, almost out of gun reach, you will see the campanero. No sound or song from any of the winged inhabitants of the forest, not even the clearly pronounced ‘ Whip-poor-will,’ from the goat-sucker, causes such astonishment as the toll of the campanero. With many of the feathered race, he pays the common tribute of a morning and an evening song; and even when the meridian sun has shut in silence the mouths of almost the whole of animated nature, the campanero still cheers the forest. You hear his toll, and then a pause for a minute; then another toll, and then a pause again ; and then a toll, and again a pause. Then he is silent for six or eight minutes, and then another toll, and so on. Actason would stop in mid chase, Maria would defer her evening song, and Orpheus himself would drop his lute, to listen to him, so sweet, so novel, and romantic is the toll of the beautiful snow-white campanero. He is never seen to feed with the other Cotingas, nor is it known in what part of Guiana he makes his nest.”2 In a third species (Amp. variegata, Gmel. PI. Col. 51, Plate VI., figure 10) the front of the throat is all beset with numerous fleshy worm-shaped appendages. All these birds are vaguely said to feed upon insects, but on no authority that we can find. “ Could we but know,” says Mr Swainson, “ the habits and economy of these singular birds, which, had they not been seen, might be thought fabulous, what an interesting page of nature’s volume would be unfold¬ ed ! Yet at present we only know that they live in the deepest and most secluded forests of tropical America, where they subsist upon an infinite variety of fruits un¬ known to Europeans. They are much oftener heard than seen, since their notes are particularly loud, and are ut- 1 Ornithological Biography, vol. i. p. 227. Wanderings in South America, p. 121. ORNITHOLOGY. Insrssores. tered morning and evening from the deepest recesses of the ''“""'v'-"’"'' forests. We have sometimes caught a distant view of them, perched upon the topmost branches of the loftiest trees.’’1 In the genus Procnias (now more restricted than by Hoffmansegg) the bill is likewise very broad, and deeply cleft, but the structure is firmer, and the upper mandible more convex. The nostrils are basal. Example, P. ven- iralis, llliger, PL Col. 5. In the not very closely allied genus Ceblepyris, Cuv. which Mr Swainson classes as the most aberrant division of the shrikes, the bill resembles that of the Cotingas, but the shafts of the rump-feathers are sharp pointed. These birds inhabit chiefly Africa, and prey on caterpillars. Ex¬ ample, C. phcenicopterus, Temm. PL Col. 71. The genus Gymnodera, Geoff, (which forms a portion of the Coracirue of Vieillot), has the bill stronger than in any of the preceding Ampelidce, the neck is partially bare, and the head covered with velvety feathers. There does not seem to be more than one species (G. nudicollis), de¬ scribed by Shaw under the name of bare-necked grakle. It was classed by Gmelin and Latham as a crow,—the Corvus nudus of their respective works. The Drongos (genus Edolius, Cuv.) have the bill par¬ tially depressed and notched, and its upper ridge sharp ; but it is distinguished by both mandibles being slightly arched through their whole extent, and the nostrils are covered with feathers. The species are rather numerous, and are characteristic of the tropical countries of the East. The Malabar shrike of Shaw (Edolius renrifer, Temm. see Plate VI., figure 7), affords a good example. The posi¬ tion of this genus ought certainly to be in closer approx¬ imation to the Laniadce than it is in the arrangement of Baron Cuvier. Their habits are insectivorous, and some of the species are said to warble as sweetly as the nightin¬ gale. They usually dwell together in society, pursue bees with great avidity, and are often seen to combine in large groups on the outskirts of the forests during morning and evening. The species we have figured is a native of Java and Sumatra. In the genus Phibalura of Vieil. the ridge of the bill is arched, as in Edolius, but shorter, broad at the base, somewhat dilated laterally, and slightly notched. The only known species is a beautiful South American bird (Ph. jlavirostris, Vieil.; Ph. cristata, Swain., Zool. Illust. pi. xxxi.), which appears to occur chiefly in the mining dis¬ tricts of Brazil. It was very rare some years back, but has now become comparatively common in collections, in consequence of recent importations. We come now to an extensive group, the ancient Ta- nagers, genus Tanagra of Linn., which, like most of the other genera, has in recent times been numerously sub¬ divided. The bill is convex, sub-triangular at the base, the upper mandible slightly arched, curved at the point, notched, the margins flexuous and enlarged; the nasal fossae are deep and large, and closed by a membrane ; the nos¬ trils are rounded. The wings are rather short. The Ta- nagers are characteristic of America. They feed both on grain and insects, and are remarkable for the beauty and brilliancy of their plumage. The following are the princi¬ pal subdivisions. In Euphonia, Desm. ( Tangaras bouv- reuils, Cuv.), the bill is short, and exhibits, when viewed vertically, an enlargement at the base on either side. The tail is also short in proportion. Examples,— Tan. violacea, Lath.,—Pipra musica, Gmel.,— Tan. diademata, PI. Col. 243,—and Tan. chlorotica, Gmel. (See Plate VI., figure 9.) In the genus Saltator, Vieil. (Tangaras gros~ bee, Cuv.), the bill is conical, thick, inflated, as broad as high, the culmen rounded. Such are Tan. magna, atra, 7&L fammiceps, &c. In the restricted genus Tanager (pro-Insessores. perly so called) the bill is short, though longer than in 'v—^ Euphonia, as broad as high, slightly compressed. Exam¬ ples, T. tricolor, thoracica, auricapilla, &c. In the genus Tachyphonus, Vieil. (Tangaras loriots, Cuv.), the bill is more lengthened, conical, compressed, arched, sharp point¬ ed. Examples, T. cristata, nigerrima, &c. In the genus Pyranga, Vieil. (Tangaras cardinals, Cuv.), the bill is strong, lengthened, the point but slightly curved, the mar¬ gin of the upper mandible often strongly toothed. The wings are rather long. The habits of several of the spe¬ cies of this genus are better knowm than those of the pre¬ ceding, in consequence of their more hardy constitution, which enables them to spend the summer months in North America. One of the most beautiful of these is the scar¬ let tanager (Tanagra rubra, Linn.). Among all the birds that inhabit the woods of the United States, there is none, according to Wilson, that strikes the eye of a stranger, or even of a native, with so much brilliancy as this. Seen among the green leaves, with the light falling strongly on his plumage, he appears most beautiful. His whole plu¬ mage, with the exception of the w ings and tail, is of the most vivid carmine red. The wing-coverts, posterior se¬ condaries, and middle tail-feathers, are black, and form a rich contrast to the other portions of the plumage. After the autumnal moult the male becomes dappled with greenish yellow. The colour of the female is green above and yellow below; her wings and tail are brownish-black, edged with green. Though this lovely species sometimes builds in orchards, and visits cherry trees for the sake of their fruit, it does not frequently approach the habitations of man, but prefers the solitude of the umbrageous w'oods, where, in addition to fruits, its food consists of wasps, hor¬ nets, and humble-bees. The scarlet tanager comes just within the limits of the fur-countries, but is unknown as yet beyond the forty-ninth degree. His nest, placed up¬ on the horizontal branch of a tree, is built of broken flax and dry grass, so thinly woven that the light is easily seen through it. The eggs are only three in number, of a dull blue, spotted with brown ; but the bird is supposed to breed more than once a year. The genus Pyranga contains also Tan. (estiva and other species. We conclude our notice of the Tanagers by a brief in¬ dication of the genus Ramphoceles, Vieih, of which the bill is strong, compressed, with the sides of the lower man¬ dible so enlarged as to spread backwards towards the cheek. Such is Tanagra Jacapa of Gmelin, a South Ame¬ rican species, represented in Plate VII., fig. 2. Our next group consists of birds more or less allied to thrushes. In all, the bill is compressed and arched, but the upper mandible is but slightly hooked, and the notch¬ ing feeble. As in other extensive assemblages of species, however, the structure is considerably varied. The natu¬ ral regimen is mingled, consisting both of wild fruits, worms, and insects. A few species are gregarious, the majority solitary. Of ten or twelve kinds which inhabit Europe, we have six in Britain, viz. the missel-thrush ( T. viscivorus), the song-thrush (T. musicus), the field-fare ( T. pilaris), the red-wing (T. iliacus), the blackbird ( T. merula), and the ring-ouzel (T. torquatus). The aspect and general habits of most of these are too familiar to re¬ quire illustration. The blackbird and the thrush are two of our most delightful and accustomed songsters. When snow-drops die, and the green primrose leaves Announce the coming flower, the merle’s note Mellifluous, rich, deep-toned, fills all the vale, And charms the ravished ear. The hawthorn bush. New budded, is his perch ; there the gray dawn 1 Natural History and Classification of Birds, vol. ii. p. 75. ORNITHOLOGY. 7‘po Insessores. He hails, and there, with parting light, concludes s—— vHis melody. I'here, when the buds begin To break, he lays the fibrous roots, and see His jetty breast embrowned; the rounded clay His jetty breast has soiled: but now complete, His partner and his helper in the work, Happy assumes possession of her home : While he upon a neighbouring tree his lay, More richly full, melodiously renews. ..The thrush’s song Is varied as his plumes; and as his plumes Blend beauteous, each with each, so run his notes, Smoothly, with many a happy rise and fall. Sometimes below the never-fading leaves Of ivy close, that overtwisting binds Some'riven rock, or nodding castle wall, Securely there the dam sits all day long; While from the adverse bank, on topmost shoot Of odour-breathing birch, her mate’s blythe chaunt Cheers her pent hours, and makes the wild woods ring.1 The missel-thrush is the largest and strongest of the genus, at least in Europe. He is a bold, pugnacious bird, guarding his nest with great success from the intrusive magpie. His song is loud and clear, but monotonous; something like an ineffectual attempt to combine the tones of the thrush and blackbird. Yet Colonel Montagu ad¬ mired it greatly. The ring-ouzel affects mountainous and barren places." The field-fare and red-wing are only seen with us in winter, and are known to breed in the more northern parts of Europe. The former sings well, and we have somewhere seen it called the nightingale of Norway. One of the most noted of the foreign species of the ge¬ nus is the mocking-bird of America, T. polyglottus, Linn. It measures about nine inches in length, is cinereous above, whitish below, with the tips of the wing-coverts, the base of the primaries, and the lateral tail-feathers white. This unrivalled Orpheus and great natural wonder of the Ame¬ rican forests inhabits the whole northern continent from the state of Rhode Island to the larger islands of the West Indies, and, continuing through the equatorial regions, is found as far south as Brazil. Neither is it confined to the eastern or Atlantic states, being known to exist in the wild territory of the Arkansa, more than a thousand miles from the mouth of Red River. It breeds around the fur western sources of the Platte, near the very base of the Rocky Mountains ; and Mr Bullock observed it on the table-land of Mexico. The mocking-bird may be regard¬ ed as a permanent (we mean stationary) inhabitant ot the milder regions of the western world, though such as are bred to the north of the Delaware seem to move south¬ wards before the approach of winter.2 The period of in¬ cubation varies with the latitude. A solitary thorn, an almost impenetrable thicket, an orange tree, cedar, or holly bush, are favourite places ; and during this important period neither man nor beast can approach without being attacked. Cats are especially persecuted ; yet his chief and most vengeful rage is directed against the black snake, a mortal enemy. The male bird darts upon the insidious reptile with the greatest courage, and by violent and in¬ cessant blow's upon the head, sometimes deprives him of life. The boasted fascination of his race, his lurid eye, his sharp envenomed fangs, avail not when competing w ith the love of offspring, that pure and beautiful affec¬ tion, the least selfish of all instinctive feelings. “ The plumage of the mocking-bird,” says the first great histo¬ rian of the American feathered tribes, “ though none of the homeliest, has nothing gaudy or brilliant in it; and had he nothing else to recommend him, would scarcely entitle him to notice; but his figure is well proportioned, and even handsome. The ease, elegance, and rapidity of his movements, the animation of his eye, and the intelli-Insessores gence he displays in listening and laying up lessons, from '''—'v-w almost every species of the feathered creation within his hearing, are really surprising, and mark the peculiarity of his genius. To these qualities we may add that of a voice full, strong, and musical, and capable of almost every mo¬ dulation, from the clear mellow tones of the wood-thrush to the savage scream of the bald eagle. In measure and accent he faithfully follows his originals. In force and sweetness of expression he greatly improves upon them. In his native groves, mounted on the top of a tall bush or half-grown tree, in the dawn of dewy morning, while the woods are already vocal with a multitude of warblers, his admirable song rises pre-eminent over every competitor. The ear can listen to his music alone, to which that of all the others seems a mere accompaniment. Neither is this strain altogether imitative. His own native notes, which are easily distinguishable by such as are well acquainted with those of our various song birds, are bold and full, and varied seemingly beyond all limits. While thus exerting himself, a bystander, destitute of sight, would suppose that the whole feathered tribes had assembled together on a trial of skill, each trying to produce his utmost efforts, so perfect are his imitations, He many times deceives the sportsman, and sends him in search of birds that perhaps are not within miles of him, but whose notes he exactly imitates ; even birds themselves are frequently imposed on by this admirable mimic, and are decoyed by the fancied calls of their mates, or dive with precipitation into the depth of thickets, at the scream of what they suppose to be the sparrowhawk.”3 The mocking-bird sometimes breeds in captivity. Many years ago a Mr Klein, of Philadelphia, partitioned off a space of twelve feet square w ithin doors, lighted by a pret¬ ty large wire-grated w indow. In the centre he placed a cedar-bush, five or six feet high, in a box of earth, and scattered about a sufficient quantity of materials suitable for building. A male and female mocking-bird were in¬ troduced, and soon began to build. When the nest was completed the female laid five eggs, all of which she hatch¬ ed, and she fed the young with great affection till they were nearly able to fly. Business, unfortunately, called the proprietor from home for a fortnight, and the care of the colony being left to the domestics, the result may be anticipated. On his return the young were utterly dead, and the parents nearly famished. Several African species allied to our present group dwell together like starlings, in numerous chattering flocks, pursuing insects, and committing great depredations in gardens. Several are remarkable for the lustrous splen¬ dour of their plumage. Such are Turdus auratus and nitens of Gmelin. The Senegal species, called the glossy thrush, T. ceneus, is characterized by the magnificent length of its caudal plumes. These richly attired species belong to thegenusLampuotornis, Temm. Other species, in which the bill is slender and lengthened (as in the Bra¬ zilian thrush of Lath.), form the genus Ixos of the last- named author; while the genus Enicurus (more nearly related, however, to the fly-catchers) consists of one or two species with a stronger bill, the tail long and forked. Such is E. coronatus, Temm. PI. Col. 113 ; and E. velatus, ibid. 160, from Java. Grallina of Vieillot is constitut¬ ed by a New Holland species with a straight, lengthened, rather rounded bill, and long legs. The plumage is black and white. Ex. G. melanoleuca, Vieil. The genus Tri- chophorus, Temm. is composed of species of which the bill is very strong, and garnished at the base with long, projecting bristles, which sometimes prevail also on the 1 Grahame’s Birds of Scotland. 8 Nuttall’s American Ornithology, i. 321. 3 Wilson’s American Ornithology, ii. 92. ORNITHOLOGY. [nscasores. occiput. The manners of these birds are as yet unknown. They live in Western Africa. Ex. TV. barbatus, Temm. PL Col. 88. The ant-thrushes, Myothera, Illiger, come next in order. They are chiefly distinguished by their long, slender tarsi, and short tails. (See Plate VII., figure 1.) The species of the ancient world, inhabitants for the most part of India, the eastern islands, and New Holland, are characterized by brilliant and contrasted colouring. These are the Breves of Buffon, the short-tailed crows of English writers. They form the genus Pitta of Vieillot and Temm., of which the bill is strong but thrush-like (T*. cyanurus, brachyurus, &c.) ; while Myothera, as now re¬ stricted, contains the American species, of much more sober plumage, with the bill more abruptly hooked, and the tooth stronger. The species dwell among the enor¬ mous ant-hills of the western world, keeping much upon the ground. Ihey seldom fly, and certain kinds are re¬ markable for their deep sonorous voices. The largest, longest legged, and most singular in its general aspect, known under various names, such as long-legged crow, king-thrush, &c. (Corvus yrallarius, Shaw; Turdus rex-, Linn.), constitutes the genus Grallaria of the modern systems. It is a native of Guiana. The beautiful New Holland bird, with a bill like a thrush, but shorter, the legs long, the nails almost straight, and the lengthened tail-feathers terminated by sharp points, forms the genus Orthonyx, and is placed by Cuvier immediately after the preceding group of ant-eating thrushes. I he genus Cinclus, Bechstein, characterized by an al¬ most straight, compressed, sharp-pointed bill, comprises our well-known water-ouzel, C. aquaticus. This inte¬ resting bird is frequent along the banks of rivers, but seems to prefer those of a somewhat rocky, alpine charac¬ ter. It lives in pairs, keeping always close by the stony margin of its chosen stream. The nest, according to Sir William Jardine, is formed exactly like that of our common wren, with a single entrance, and is composed of ordinary mosses, without much lining. It is usually placed beneath some projecting rock, not many yards above the water, “ and often where a fall rushes over, in which situation the parent birds must dash through it to gain the nest, which they do with apparent facility, and even seem to enjoy it. At night they roost in similar situations, perched with the head under the wing, on some little projection, often so much leaning as to appear hanging with the back downwards. I recollect a bridge over a rapid stream, which used to be a favourite nightly retreat, under an arch; I have there seen four at a time sitting asleep in this manner, and used to take them with a light. Before settling for their nightly rest, they would sport in the pool beneath, chasing each other with their shrill and ra¬ pid cry, and at last suddenly mount to their perch; when disturbed, they return again in five minutes.”1 During winter they migrate to the lower streams ; but in summer are most abundant on the alpine tributaries. They feed on small fish and insects, and are remarkable for their power of walking, with the assistance of their wings, be¬ neath the surface. There is an American species (C7. Americanas), of somewhat larger size, and of a uniform brownish slate colour. It extends along the range of the Rocky Mountains, from Mexico to Lake Athabasca. There is also an Asiatic species, figured by Mr Gould,* under the title of C. Pallasii, a name formerly bestowed on a bird supposed to come from the Crimea. Mr Brehm has described another species by the name of black-bellied wrater-ouzel (C7. melanogaster). It inha- 753 bits the north-eastern parts of the European continent, Wssore* visiting in severe winters the coasts of the Baltic, where it is neither shy in its habits, nor distrustful of the pre¬ sence of man. We are rather inclined, however, to dis¬ trust some of Mr Brehm’s species. The genus Philedon of Cuvier has the bill slightly arched throughout its whole length, compressed, broad¬ ened at the base; the nostrils are large, protected by a cartilaginous scale, and the tongue terminates in a sort of tuft. Hence the species are by many classed among the honey-sucking or tenuirostral tribes. Many of them are remarkable for some particular garniture about the base of the bill, and are found in New Holland and the eastern islands. The genus is very extensive, but not very natu¬ rally composed, as it consists of species brought from a variety of other genera, such as Certhia, Merops, Gracu- la, Sturnus, &c. Some have a fleshy wattle depending from the lower mandible, as in Phil, carunculatus of New Holland (which forms the genus Creadon of Vieillot). In others the head is partially bare of feathers, as in the goruk, likewise a native of New Holland, a bold and rest¬ less bird, which feeds both on insects and honey, and often puts to flight whole droves of blue-bellied parra- keets. . Some have neither bare skin nor wattles, but are distinguished by a peculiar frizzled character of parts of the plumage. Ihe poe bee-eater of Cook’s voyage (Phil. Cincinnatus) is of this kind. It is a beautiful bird, of a glossy blackish green, with a band of white across the upper portion of the wing, and a pendent tuft oflong, twisted, white feathers on each side of the neck. It is a native of New Zealand, and was formerly in great request, as contributing to ornament the feathered mantles worn by chiefs and persons of distinction. The species is also said to sing well, and is moreover highly esteemed as an article of food. In the genus Eulabes, Cuv. (Mainatus, Brisson; Gra- cula, Vieil.), the bill is strong, compressed, high, the culmen arched, the sides dilated towards the gape. A portion of the cheek is bare, and a fleshy appendage stretches towards the occiput from either eye. Here are placed the famous mina birds, of which two species seem to have been confounded by Linnaeus under the title of Gracula religiosa. The specific name was first applied by misapprehension, in consequence of a Musulman wo¬ man refusing, on account of some religious scruple, to al¬ low a European artist to make a drawing of one of these birds, which she had in captivity. Some uncertainty seems still to pervade the naming of the species. The Indian kind (G. Indicus, Cuv.) is somewhat larger than a blackbird, the plumage of a fine silky black, with a white spot upon the central edge of the wings, the bill and feet yellow. This bird is easily tamed, and becomes extreme¬ ly familiar in confinement. It is probably the most ac¬ complished linguist of all the feathered tribes, and may be taught to pronounce long sentences in the most clear and articulate manner. It is consequently held in high esteem, and is frequently brought alive to European countries, although it must be confessed that the purity of the English tongue is not always exhibited by the re¬ sult of its maritime education. The food of the mina in a state of nature is said to consist both of fruits and in¬ sects. It greatly loves bananas, and in this country has no objection to either grapes or cherries. The larger species G. Javanus, Cuv.) equals the size of a jay. (See Plate VIL, figure 3.) The bill is broader, more hook¬ ed at the end, but without the notch. Now M. Les¬ son gives the name of Sumatranus to this species, and ‘Note to "Wilson and Bonaparte’s American Ornithology, vol. iii. p. 401. * Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. 5 0 754 ORNITHOLOGY. Insessores. says that the Javanese, who esteem it highly, and part habits are familiar, their docility remarkable, and their Insessores, v V with it unwillingly, obtain it only by navigation. The In- powers of imitation almost unparalleled. The only Euro- dian species he has named Javanus, but without assigning pean species hitherto classed with the grakles is the beauti- any special reason for such transmutations. The plumage ful rose-coloured ouzel (P. roseus), which occurs in several is the same in both. Old Edwards seems long ago to of the warmer countries of Asia and Africa, is not unfre- have indicated the two kinds. “ The greater minor,” quent in Spain and Italy, and shows itself in other parts says he, “ for bigness equals a jackdaw or magpie ; the of Europe, more rarely as we proceed northwards. Even lesser hardly exceeds a blackbird, so that the one is at in Tuscany and the Lombardo-Venetian territory it is es- least twice as big as the other.” The bird described by teemed unusual. A few are recorded to have built their Bontius as an Indian starling was a mina. It imitated nests in the Florentine district in 1739. We do not know man’s voice more accurately than a parrot, and “ was that they have been since observed to breed in Europe, oftentimes troublesome with its prattle.” They were very common in Dalmatia in 1832; and in the In the genus Gracula, Cuv. {Pastor, Temm.), the bill year following one was shot in Ross-shire. is compressed, straight, or but slightly arched, the notch In the genus Pyrrhocorax, Cuv. the bill is compres- feeble, and the commissures form an angle as in the star- sed, arched, rather slender, slightly notched, the nostrils lings. This restricted genus contains several interesting covered with feathers. We have two European species, species, such as the pagoda-thrush (G. pagodarum), so according to Temminck’s views, viz. the alpine crow of called from its frequent occurrence among the pagodas of Latham {P. pyrrhocorax), and our own red-legged crow Malabar and Coromandel. According to Sonnerat, it is (P. graculus). The former inhabits the highest of the often kept caged for the sake of its song. The paradise Northern and Helvetian Alps, seldom showing itself du- grakle of Latham {Par. tristis, Linn.) also pertains to this ring the summer season at any distance from the regions genus. It is well named Gracula gryllivora by Daudin, of perpetual snow ; the latter is also mountainous, but more and is remarkable, as its name implies, for the destruction widely spread over countries of less elevation. It is not of locusts. We abridge the following particulars from unfrequent along many of the rocky coasts of England and Buffon. The island of Bourbon, where this species was Wales, is frequent in the Isle of Man, and occurs occa- formerly unknown, was once overrun to an alarming ex- sionally along the western shores of Scotland, and in Co¬ tent by locusts, which had been accidentally introduced lonsay and other islands. Baron Cuvier places this bird from Madagascar. The governor-general and the inten- alongside the hoopoes, as a tenuirostral genus called Fre- dant of the island, alarmed at the desolation which was gieus. taking place, deliberated on the best means of extirpation, In the genus Oriolus the bill resembles that of the and with that view they introduced several pairs of the so- thrushes, but is more powerful. The legs are shorter, and called paradise grakle from India. The plan promised to the wdngs rather more lengthened. As now restricted, be successful; but unfortunately some of the colonists ob- this genus contains only the species of the ancient conti- serving the birds eagerly thrusting their bills into the soil nent, those of America {Icterus, Cassicus, &c.) being in- of the newly-sown fields, imagined they were in quest of eluded among the conirostral tribes. The golden oriole grain, and spread a report that the grakles, so far from {Oriolus galbula) is one of the most beautiful of European proving beneficial, were likely to be highly detrimental to birds. It occurs occasionally in Britain. It breeds in the country. The case was argued in due form. It was many parts of the European continent, arriving in spring stated on the part of the grakles, that they ransacked the and departing in autumn. It builds on the tops of trees, new-ploughed fields, not for grain, but insects ; but the op- its nest being attached to and partly suspended from a posite view prevailed, and two hours after the edict of forked branch. This species feeds on fruits and insects, proscription passed, not a living individual was to be found and is particularly fond of figs. The Italian peasants sup- in the island. A speedy repentance followed this intern- pose its cry to signify “ Contadino, e mature lo fico?” Its perate and hasty execution, the locusts regained their as- own flesh is of most excellent flavour, especially in au- cendency, and soon becoming more injurious than ever, tumn, when having for a time fared sumptuously on the the grakles were again introduced, after an absence of best of fruits, it has become extremely fat. The rich plu- nearly eight years. Their preservation and extension maged regent bird of New South Wales (Nmcu/ws cAn/so- now became an affair of state, laws were enacted in their cephalus, Swainson) is by some regarded as an oriole, favour, and the physicians (we presume, from policy) de- The genus Gymnops, Cuv. possesses the strong bill of dared their flesh unwholesome. An opposite inconve- the orioles, but a great part of the head is bare of feathers, nience, however, is said to have since arisen. The birds In some of the species there is a prominence on the base having prodigiously increased in numbers, and being no of the beak. Such are the knob-fronted bee-eater of longer adequately sustained by insect food, have had re- White1 {Merops corniculatus), figured by Vaillant under course to grapes, dates, and mulberries, and have even pro- the nameofcorbicalao^is.cfHmer^MeetfefesiWes, pi. 24), ceeded to scratch up rice, maize, wheat, beans, and other and the cowled bee-eater {Merops monachus, Latham), useful produce; they enter pigeon-houses, and attack both The tongue is said to be tufted like that of Phikdon. eggs and young ; and thus, after destroying the destroyer, To the genus Gymnops Cuvier also refers the bald grakle they have themselves become a greater pestilence than that {G. calva, Linn, and Lath.), a remarkable species, native which they extirpated. There is perhaps some exaggeration to the Philippine Islands, where it is said to build in the in the concluding parts of this statement, as M. Duplessin, hollows of the cocoa-nut tree. It feeds on fruits, and is who resided several years in the island, states that the laws extremely voracious. for its preservation are still in force. We may add, that In the genus Menura, Shaw, the bill is straight, some- this bird is of the same lively and imitative disposition as what triangular at the base, compressed, the nostrils the mina, and is easily taught to speak. When kept near lengthened, central. Region of the eyes bare. Feet large a farm-yard, or other place resorted to by different kinds and strong. The only known species of this singular and of creatures, it spontaneously acquires the various cries somewhat anomalous genus, the lyre-tail of New Holland of dogs, ducks, geese, sheep, pigs, and poultry. The man- {M. lyra or superba), is characterized by the great ex- ners of the genus in general resemble those of the star- tension and peculiar structure of the tail-feathers. (See ling. They fly in troops, searching for insect prey ; their Plate VII., figure 4.) It is equal in size to a pheasant. Voyage to Botany Bay, p. 190. ORNITHOLOGY. nsessores. The general plumage is brown. The tail of the female is —of the ordinary structure. This bird inhabits rocky dis¬ tricts. Though placed in its present station by Cuvier, it certainly seems more allied to the gallinaceous than the passerine order. Its history, however, is still obscure, and its anatomical structure, we believe, has not yet been in¬ vestigated. From the last-named genus, it would appear an abrupt and bold transition to the feeble-bodied, soft-billed stone- chats, warblers, wagtails, and other Sylviadce, all of which, however, Baron Cuvier has here grouped as intermediate between Menura and Pipra. They form a very nume¬ rous assemblage, all characterized by a rather straight and slender bill, but varying, on the one hand, by the de¬ pression of the mandibles, towards the fly-catchers, and on the other, by its compression and curvature, towards the straight-billed butcher-birds. The Sylviadae or war¬ blers are divided by Mr Swainson into the five following sub-families, viz. 1st, Saxicolinoe, or stone-chats, in which the bill is depressed at the base, the gape furnished with diverging bristles, the feet lengthened, the tail rather short, the head large ; 2d, Philomelince or nightingales, in which the general structure is larger and more robust than in the typical warblers, and the feet more formed for perch¬ ing ; 3d, SylviancB or true warblers, of which the size is very small, the structure weak, the bill very slender, straight, with the under mandible much thinner than the upper ; 4th, Pariana or tit-mice (placed by Cuvier in the conirostral tribe), in which the bill is either entire or very slightly notched, and more or less conic, the hind toe large and strong, and the lateral toes unequal; 5th, Motacillime or wagtails, in which the bill is lengthened, straight, and slender, the legs long, and formed for walking, the hind toe elongated, and the tail narrow and lengthened.1 Mr Swainson has elsewhere remarked, that the Sylviadfe might be termed “ ambulating fly-catchers,” since, when viewed collectively, they are only separated from the Muscicapi- nce by a different mode of feeding, indicated by the supe¬ rior length and structure of their feet,—these parts being adapted for constant locomotion, either among branches or upon the ground ; while in the true fly-catchers the feet are short, small, and feeble, in accordance with the seden¬ tary habits of the species. “ Comparing the warblers, on the other hand, with the thrushes, we see that the best distinction between the two groups lies in the very cha¬ racter which assimilates the Sylviadce to the fly-catchers, namely, the basal depression of the bill. We allude, of course, to typical examples; since all these distinctions are softened down, in proportion as the three groups approxi¬ mate.2 We shall now proceed with our exposition of Ba¬ ron Cuvier’s system. Ihe genus Saxicola, Bechstein, has the bill slightly depressed and broadened at the base. The species of this genus seem confined to the ancient continents and New Holland. They feed on insects, build on the ground or among heaps ot stones, and usually frequent rather wild and barren places. We have three British species, the wheat-ear or white-rump (S. cenanthe), which is migratory, and arrives with us in early spring, frequenting commons and mountain pastures, but also occurring in more culti¬ vated places, though always preferring open districts; the whin-chat (&. rubetra), likewise migratory, but later in its arrival, ,and frequenting moorlands and commons covered with furze or low brushwood, where it is almost always seen to alight upon the topmost spray; and the stone-chat (S. ru- btcola), which resides in Britain throughout the year, and is often found in moistish places. Of these the white-rump is the most esteemed as food, being compared by many to the ortolan. It is much sought after in Italy, that “ land of song, vvhere, by the strangest mal-association, a man Insessores. no sooner hears a feathered warbler sing than he desires to ' shoot and eat it. Even in the southern parts of Britain it is much esteemed; and Pennant tells us, that as many as 1840 dozen have been taken in a single season at East Bourne, in Essex. In the south of Europe it is usually captured by means of a peculiar net, and the lure of a living owl; with us a noose of horse-hair placed between two upraised or inclined portions of turf, between which the bird attempts to pass jn search of insects, is found sufficient. In regard to the stone-chat, Temminck mentions that, though sta¬ tionary in Africa, in Europe they are birds of passage. It is singular in this case that they should remain through¬ out the year in Britain. The fact that they do so, how¬ ever, is undoubted, as we have ourselves shot them on the Pentland Hills when the ground was covered with snow. Signor Savi mentions that they are stationary in Tuscany, although “ per il tempo del caldo maggiore dell’ estate, e dell autunno, molti abbandonano le pianure, e si retirano sii i monti per cercare luoghi pin freschi.’’3 In the genus Sylvia of Wolf and Meyer (Ficedula, Bech.) the bill is merely a little narrower at the base than in the preceding. The generic title, however, has been variously applied of late, by different writers, to their re¬ stricted groups,—Mr Selby using it to designate our willow and wood wrens, while Cuvier makes it contain, among others, the four following British species, viz. the red¬ breast (S. rubecula), the blue-throat (S. suecica), the com¬ mon red-start (S.phcenicurus), and the black red-start (S. tithys). Of these, the second and fourth can scarcely be regarded as otherwise than of accidental occurrence in England, and have never been seen in the northern quar¬ ters of the island. The red-breast is perhaps the most be¬ loved of British birds, and is remarkable for its combina¬ tion of familiarity and independence. When left to its “ own sweet will,” it enters houses freely in cold or snowy weather, will perch night after night on corniced book¬ case, or seek repose upon the golden scallop of a picture frame ; but it hates all forwardness in others, and will not voluntarily come in contact with any hand, however beau¬ tiful. It hops delighted, singing as it goes with low and plaintive note, along the comfortable carpet, or darting up suddenly towards the window-frame, will utter a louder gush of angrier melody on seeing some orange-breasted brother, perched on leafless spray, still braving the increas¬ ing darkness. For a time, just before nightfall, he seems himself to suffer from some uneasy instinct, or probably desires, from habit, to secure his usual perch in old fan¬ tastic yew or thick screened holly; but, on second thoughts, he soon assumes some quiet corner, above the reach of cu¬ rious children’s hands. Not seldom when the evening fire burns brightest, he descends on muffled wing, his large and liquid eye dilated less with fear than quiet wonder, and after a brief survey, he re-ascends his place of safety. Although this bird remains about our doors throughout the summer, building near out-houses and in orchards, yet Some red-breasts love amid the deepest groves Itetired to pass the summer days. Their song Among the birchen boughs, with sweetest fall Is warbled, pausing,—then resumed more sweet, More sad, that to an ear grown fanciful, The babes, the wood, the men, rise in review, And robin still repeats the tragic line. We have a notion, that in Scotland the female red-breast is migratory. At least, in the vicinity of Edinburgh, we recognise her not throughout the long-enduring winter. All the individuals then about our gardens sing and Jig/it, till, in the month of March, some strangers show them¬ selves, but do not sing, and ^re immediately followed and Xat. Hitt, and Clatsif. of Birdt, ii. 23ff, 3 Fauna Boreali-Americana, part ii. p. 20. Ornitologia Totcana, i. 23b 756 O R N IT H O L O G Y. Insessore»i birds from being attacked by monkeys, and other noxious animals. The method in which their nests are made is very curious. On one tree there could not be less than from eight hundred to a thousand under one general roof. I call it a roof, because it resembles that of a thatched house, and projects over the entrance of the nest below in a very singular manner. The industry of these birds seems almost equal to that of the bee. Throughout the day they appear to be busily employed in carrying a fine species of grass, which is the principal material they em¬ ploy for the purpose of erecting this extraordinary work, as well as for additions and repairs. Though my short stay in the country was not sufficient to satisfy me by ocu¬ lar proof that they added to their nest as they annually increased in numbers ; still, from the many trees which "l have seen borne down by the weight, and others which I have observed with their boughs completely covered over, it would appear that this is really the case. When the tree which is the support of this aBrial city is obliged to give way to the increase of weight, it is obvious that they are no longer protected, and are under the necessity of rebuilding in other trees. One of these deserted nests I had the curiosity to break down, to inform myself of the internal structure of it, and found it equally ingenious with that of the external. There are many entrances, each of which forms a regular street, with nests on both sides, at about two inches distance from each other. The grass with which they build is called the Boshman’s grass, and I believe the seed of it to be their principal food, though, on examining their nests, I found the wings and legs of different insects. From every appearance, the nest which I dissected had been inhabited for many years, and some parts of it were more complete than others. This, therefore, I conceive to amount nearly to a proof that the animals added to it at different times, as they found neces¬ sary, from the increase of the family, or rather of the na¬ tion or community.”2 The genus Pyrgita, Cuv., contains the sparrows proper¬ ly so called, of which the common house species (P. do- mestica) affords a familiar example. This bird is charac¬ teristic of the temperate and more northern parts of Eu¬ rope, and is scarcely known in Italy to the south of Pied¬ mont, being replaced by a closely-allied species, P. dsal- pina, which is the Passer volgare of Italian authors. Al¬ though M. Temminck thinks that the manners of the lat¬ ter are less domestic than those of our more northern kind, and that its love of fields and country places ally it rather to the P. montana, we doubt not that all who have lived in Italy will be of a contrary opinion,—in agreement with the following beautiful passage by Professor Savi, which we shall not injure by translating. “ Sembra che quest’ uccello non possa vivere se non con I’uomo. Eccetuate quelle region! alpestriove regnanoperpetuamente i ghiacci, in qualunque altro luogo in cui I’uomo si e stabilito, la Pas- sera 1’ha accompagnato ; e indifferente alia prospera, o con- traria fortuna, essa ha posta dimora nella dimora di lui. In riva delli stagni, in mezzo alia quiete tie’ boschi delle Ma- remme, sulla povera ed umile capanna d’un piscatore o d un pecorajo, ban domicilio le passere, le quali trovano il loro cibo nella sementa di grano del piccolo campo, ne’ frutti dell’ orticello, nello scarso becchime gettato alle gal- line o a’ piccioni. E nel modo stesso voi le vedete nel con- tro delle piu grandi e clamorose citta, porre il nido fra gli ornati d’una grandiosa cattedrale, o su i tetti d’un giardin di delizia, e cercare le granella o miche di pane in mezzo alle piazze piu popolate. Ma se I’uomo cessa d’abitare 1 Brilith Ornithology, 1. 241. * General Zoology, vol. ix. p. 303. ORNITHOLOGY. nsMsore*. quella capanna, o quella citta, la passera anche essa Tabban- ^ dona. Chi, girando nolle maremme, passa per antiche e dis- abitate abbazie, per fortilizi, o ville in rovini, vedra dalle finestre pin elevate di quelle, fuggire de’ piccioni insalva- tichiti, udira gridar la civetta che abita fra li spacchi de’ muri vestiti d’ellera e parietaria, vedra la ballerina conti- nuare a fabbricarvi il nido, ma in vano egli la cerchera il vo¬ latile parasite dell’ Europeo, quella specie d’uccello che pri- ma per il numero ogni altro ne superava in quel luogo. Cosl nel modo stesso che una figura geometrica vista sulla sabbia fu giudicata dal naufraga Filosofo per un segno certo della vicinanza deH’uomo, per un tal segno ancora puo ritenersi la presenza delle passere.”1 In regard to our.own species, Savi observes, “ non mi e noto se ne stiano anche in Lombardia, ma so di certo che alcuno giammai ne e stato visto in Toscana.” According to Temminck, the boundary of the latter species is the great chain of the Alps, on the southern slopes of which it disappears in favour of the cis¬ alpine kind. But it is our common British sparrow which occurs about Trieste, and through the north of Dalmatia, although separated from the region of P. cisalpina oi\\y by the waters of the Adriatic. “ I costumi,” adds the Ita¬ lian author, “ di queste due specie sono precisamente gli stessi. lo ho accuratamente ed in varj tempi osservate le abitudini della F. domestica, tan to in Svizzera che nel settentrione della Francia, e posso assicurare che le stesse sono di quelle della nostra specie Italiana.”2 In the restricted genus Fringilla, Cuv., the bill is ra¬ ther less arched than in the sparrows, and a little stronger and more lengthened than among the linnets. Cuvier in¬ cludes in it the chaffinch (F. ccelebs), the mountain-finch or brambling {F. montifringilla), and the snow-finch (F. ni¬ valis). The latter is scarcely ever found except in the near vicinity of ice and snow, and may be regarded (in common with Accenter alpinus) as the most mountainous of all the smaller birds of Europe. Yet though wild and solitary in our estimation, from associating it with the desolate scenery of the rock-surrounded glaciers, it is beau¬ tiful to see how, in the neighbourhood of the lonely shep¬ herd chalets of the Alps, it loves to humanise its feelings; and how, among the few sad dwellings of the Mount Cenis, and other lofty passes, it perches on the roofs of houses, hops about the beaten foot-paths, and builds among dis¬ mantled yet protecting walls. In winter it seeks subal- pine regions, or the snow-covered valleys of Piedmont, but scarcely ever migrates to the lowest plains. It is unknown in Tuscany. In the genus Carduelis, Cuv., the bill is more exactly conic, without bulging in any portion, and is rather length¬ ened. We may name as an example, our beautiful, live¬ ly, and intelligent goldfinch (C. elegans, Steph.,—F. car¬ duelis, Linn.), a bird widely distributed over Europe, and extending from the sultry shores of the Mediterranean to the plains of Siberia. It occurs in Holland only as a bird of passage. The siskin (F. spinus) is by some considered as a Carduelis, while others place it with the group which follows, viz. genus Linaria, Bechstein, in which the bill is equally conical, but not so long. Here we place our gray linnets and red-poles, among which the more or less decided crimson tinting of the breast and forehead, accord¬ ing to age and season, has occasioned some confusion. Our common or gray linnet (F. cannabina, Linn.,—F. linota, Gmel.) is, in the perfect nuptial plumage, synonymous with the rose-linnet and greater red-pole. Our lesser red-pole is the iP. linaria of Linn.; and the only other British spe¬ cies is the twyte or mountain-linnet, F. monlium, Gmel., formerly regarded as a bird of passage, but now known to breed in the northern counties of Scotland, if not else¬ where in Britain. We have caught the young ones, half- 761 fledged, among the Grampian Mountains. The amountInsessores. of foreign species is considerable. Of these, one of the most remarkable for its musical powers is the well-known canary (i^. canaria, Linn.), a native of the Cape de Yerd and other islands, where its natural plumage is green. It breeds readily in confinement with the linnet, goldfinch, siskin, and other species. _ The genus Vidua, Cuv., contains some remarkable spe¬ cies, with the bill more inflated at the base than the pre¬ ceding, but chiefly characterized by the extreme elonga¬ tion of the caudal plumage of the males. They inhabit India and Africa, and were placed by Linnaeus among the buntings. The genus Coccothraustes, Cuv., containing the gross-beaks, has the bill very conical, but of extreme thick¬ ness at the base, and rapidly tapering to the point. The cuhnen is rounded, the commissure slightly arched. The species occur in America, as well as in the ancient con¬ tinents. The haw-finch ( C. vulgaris,—Loxia coccothraus¬ tes, Linn.) visits the southern parts of Britain occasional¬ ly during winter, and is even said to have been found breeding in Windsor Forest. It feeds upon the larger kinds of seeds and berries, which it is enabled to bruise and break at pleasure, by means of the great strength of its bill. The evening gross-beak (C. vespertina, Cooper) is a beautiful American species, with the frontal feathers and a line above the eye yellow, the crown, wings, and tail black, the secondaries and inner wing-coverts white, the bill pale yellow. This newly-discovered bird inhabits the solitudes of the north-western interior, being met with from the extremity of the Michigan territory to the Rocky Mountains, and it is not uncommon towards the upper end of Lake Superior and the borders of the Athabasca Lake. To the east of these regions it appears to be only a tran¬ sient visitor during spring and autumn. Our homely and heavy-headed green linnet ( C. chloris, Fleming), of which the mature male is a rich and beautifully plumaged bird, belongs to our present genus. It is probable that the Fringilla incerta of Risso, figured by M. Roux (in his Ornithologie Provcn^ale), is nearly allied. It is one of the rarest of the European birds, appearing occasionally du¬ ring the autumn in Provence, and likewise occurring in the vicinity of Palermo. In the genus Pitylus, Cuv., are contained a few spe¬ cies (almost all, we believe, from South America), in which the bill, though thick, as in the preceding, is rather com¬ pressed, arched above, and has sometimes a projecting angle in the middle of the margin of the upper mandible. Such are the Loxia grossa, Portoricensis, &c. In the genus Pyrrhula, in which the bill is shorter and greatly bulged, we have the bullfinches, of which our British species, P. vulgaris, Temm.,—L.pyrrhula, Linn., is a well- known example. It is very generally distributed through out our wooded districts, but is nowhere very abundant, and may be called scarce in several quarters of the island. In the genus Loxia of Brisson, as now restricted, the bill is compressed, and the two mandibles so curved and deflected, that when closed they cross each other. This extraordinary structure is supposed to afford the species great facility in stripping the scales from the well-protect¬ ed seeds of the various kinds of pine-trees. The cross¬ bills are few in number, and occur both in Europe and America. Their habits as breeding birds are little known, but the period of incubation must be very early, as L. curvirostra sometimes visits this country in small flocks as early as June, lemminck says, somewhat vaguely, in regard to the parrot-billed species (L. pytiopsittacus), that it “ niche en hiver dans nos climats, sur les branches de sapin; en Livonie Tespece niche des les mois de Mais.” voi.. XVI. Ornxtologia Toscana, t. ii. p. 100. Ibid. p. 106. O I> 762 ORNITHOLOGY. Insessores. Their chief haunts are probably within the arctic circle. vIn America they are believed to breed about Hudson’s Bay, being seen in the United States only from Septem¬ ber to April. It thus appears, at all events, that they do not there breed during the winter season. The great pine gross-beak (Loxia enucleator, Linn., by some regarded as a bullfinch) may be here named as be¬ longing to the genus Corythus of Cuvier. It is a north¬ ern species, occurring in the colder regions both of Europe and America. Although Pennant mentions having met with it in the woods of Invercauld in the month of August, we are not aware of its having ever since been seen in Scotland. In the genus Colius, Gmelin, the bill is short, thick, conical, somewhat compressed, both mandibles arched, and of nearly equal length. The feathers of the tail are long and graduated, and the plumage, for the most part fine and silky, is usually ash-coloured. The hind toe can as¬ sume a forward direction, almost as in the swifts. (See Plate VIII., figure 3.) The species are found in In¬ dia and Africa. Prior to the time of Vaillant, we knew little of their habits. They are now known to be grega¬ rious, endowed with but feeble powers of flight, but almost as skilful as parakeets in climbing. They are not at all addicted to insect food ; but their love of fruits, and the tender buds of trees, makes them very injurious wherever land is under horticultural care. They not only dwell together in society, but build their nests in little groups upon the same thorny bush. They are moreover distin¬ guished by a singular custom of sleeping close together, suspended head downwards from the branches. The spe¬ cies here represented (Plate VIII., figure 2) is C. leu- conotus, Lath. ((7. erythropus, Gmel.), supposed to be iden¬ tical with C. capensis, Linn. The genus Buphaga of Brisson has the bill square at the base, and rather gibbous towards the point, which is abbreviated. The species, only two in number, are insec¬ tivorous, and have derived the name of beef-eaters from their habit of picking larvae from the hides of the larger kinds of cattle, thus freeing them from noxious parasites. The South African species (jB. Africdna, Linn.) was ob¬ served by Vaillant in the country of the Namuquas in small flocks. He found it shy, and difficult to be ap¬ proached. The other species referred to this genus is the B. erythrorhyncha of Temm., common in the north-eastern countries of Africa, where it follows caravans for the sake of picking insects from the woolly backs of camels, and other beasts of burden. It is singular, that although hi¬ therto unknown in Southern Africa, it should have been received from Madagascar. i In the genus Cassicus of Cuv. the bill is much more exactly conical, thick at the base, extremely sharp point¬ ed, the commissure forming an angulated line as in the starlings. These are American birds of gregarious habits, which feed both on fruits and insects, and frequently ex¬ hibit such surprising skill and ingenuity in the structure of their nests, that an old lady once gravely asked an Ame¬ rican Ornithologist whether he did not think they might be taught to darn stockings. In the genus Cassicus pro¬ perly so called, the base of the bill ascends upon the fore¬ head, so as to encroach broadly upon the frontlet feathers. Here are contained the largest species. The one we have figured (C. cristatus, Plate VIII., figure 5) is from Cayenne. In the genus Icterus the bill is arched, and Insessore* does not extend upon the forehead except by a sharp notch.1 With the Icteri Cuvier combines the purple grakle, or crow blackbird of America ( Quiscalus versicolor of Vieillot), between which and the fish-hawk a singular understanding seems to be kept up. The nest of the lat¬ ter is of large dimensions, often from three to four feet in breadth, and from four to five feet high, composed exter¬ nally of large sticks or faggots, among the interstices of which several pair of crow blackbirds will construct their nests, while the hawk sits hatching over all. These birds are very injurious to the crops of Indian corn, and some¬ times collect in prodigious flocks, descending on the fields like a blackening tempest. They occupy a great extent of territory, being widely spread from Hudson’s Bay to within the tropics. They are migratory in the colder districts, and on their first arrival feed on insects as well as seeds.2 According to Dr Richardson, their first appear¬ ance on the plains of the Saskatchewan is very striking. They arrive from their southern winter quarters in the be¬ ginning of May, the males and females in separate flocks of from twenty to a hundred, which perch in crowds upon the leafless branches of the trees, their plumage shining with metallic splendour. The genus Xanthornus (Jes carouges) scarcely differs from the preceding, except that the bill is straight. Here Cuvier places many of the American orioles, such as the red-shouldered species ( O. phceniceus, Linn.). These “ red¬ winged starlings,” as Wilson calls them, are generally mi¬ gratory in the states north of Maryland, but are found during winter in immense flocks along the lower parts of Virginia, both Carolinas, Georgia, and Louisiana, particu¬ larly near the sea-coast, and in the vicinity of large fields of rice and corn. “ In the months of January and Febru¬ ary, while passing through the former of these countries, I was frequently entertained with the aerial evolutions of these great bodies of starlings. Sometimes they appeared driving about like an enormous black cloud carried before the wind, varying its shape every moment; sometimes suddenly rising from the fields around me with a noise like thunder ; while the glittering of innumerable wings of the brightest vermilion amid the black cloud they formed, produced on these occasions a very striking and splendid effect. Then descending like a torrent, and covering the branches of some detached grove, or clump of trees, the whole congregated multitude commenced one general con¬ cert or chorus, that I have plainly distinguished at the distance of more than two miles; and when listened to at the intermediate space of about a quarter of a mile, with a slight breeze of wind to swell and soften the flow of its cadences, was to me grand, and even sublime. The whole season of winter, that with most birds is past struggling to sustain life in silent melancholy, is with the red-wings one continued carnival. The profuse gleanings of the old rice, corn, and buck-wheat fields, supply them with abundant food, at once ready and nutritious ; and the intermediate time is spent either in aerial manoeuvres, or in grand vocal performances, as if solicitous to supply the absence of all the tuneful summer tribes, and to cheer the dejected face of nature with their whole combined powers of harmony.”3 In this genus some have also placed the noted cow-pen bird of Catesby (Icterus pecoris. Bon.; Emb.pecoris, Wil¬ son), of which the most remarkable feature consists in its 1 For a detailed classification of the Icteri of Brisson, see Mr Visjors’s “ Sketches in Ornithology,” Zoological Journal, No. vL p. 182. > fe > s Great confusion exists in the nomenclature of these birds, and of their congeners the troupials, hang-nest orioles, and other American species, chiefly in consequence of the transposition of names. Almost every author has composed his groups of different materials, and of course has applied his designations differently. The genus Quiscalus of Vieillot contains four well-ascertained spe¬ cies, Q- major, versicolor, ferrugineus, and laritus. 3 American Ornithology, vol. i. p. 193. ORNITHOLOGY. 763 Insessores. depositing, like our European cuckoo, its eggs in the nests s-'-'of other birds. The circumstances by which Wilson first became acquainted with this peculiar habit are as follows. He had in numerous instances found in the nests of three or four particular species, one egg much larger and dif¬ ferently marked from those beside it. He at length de¬ tected the female of this cow-bunting, as he calls it, in the act, that is, sitting in the nest of the red-eyed fly-catcher, (her eyes might well be red, if she had ever fondly hoped for a legitimate posterity), which happens to be a very small one, and singularly constructed. Suspecting her purpose (and truly her position was more than suspicious), he cautiously withdrew without disturbing her, and had the satisfaction to find on his return, that she had left an egg exactly like that just alluded to. He afterwards, in many instances, found the young cow^bunting in the nest of these and of other birds, and also observed the latter followed by a foster child calling most clamorously for food. The cow-bird is gregarious and migratory, entering the middle and northern states about the end of March or beginning of April, and passing northwards as the season becomes milder. It arrives in the fur-countries in May, ranges to the sixtieth parallel, departs in September, and collects in large flocks in Pennsylvania during the following months, after which it retires to winter in the more southern states and Mexico. Its food consists of grain, grass, and worms, particularly certain intestinal ones, which it finds in the dung of cattle. The cow-bunting never pairs, and a state of general concubinage seems to prevail amongst them. Bred up as foundlings in the nests of other birds, and fed by foster parents,—owing their existence and preservation to a system of cunning deception, and commencing their career by the destruction of the natural inmates of that mossy dwelling in which they passed their own delusive infancy,—what hopes can here be cherished of the hallowed growth of home affections ? When the female is disposed to lay, she appears restless and dejected, and separates herself from the unregarding males, who care not for pos¬ terity. Stealing through the woods and thickets, she pries insidiously into every bush and branch for a nest that suits her fancy, and into it she darts in absence of the owner, and in a few minutes is seen to rise upon the wing, re¬ lieved from all maternal care. If the egg be deposited alone, that is, in a previously empty nest, it is almost uni¬ formly forsaken; but if the nursing mother has any of her own she immediately begins to sit. The red-eyed fly¬ catcher ( Vireo olivaceus) proves a most assiduous foster¬ parent. In the beautiful basket-like nest of one of these birds, Mr NuttalS found an egg of each species, and the female fly-catcher already sitting. He removed her own eSS> and left that of the stranger. She soon returned, and, as if sensible of wdiat had happened, gazed stead¬ fastly, shifted the egg, sat on it for a time, moved off, re¬ newed her observation, and at length settled down upon her nest. Two or three days after, however, she was found to have left the premises. Yet another bird for¬ sook two eggs of her own, because that of the cow-bird was taken away,—which proves that there is no account¬ ing for tastes. The blue bird, which exhibits a strong attachment to its breeding places, affords one of the few examples of a species not refusing to lay after the stran¬ ger’s egg has been first deposited. Mr Pickering observ¬ ed two nests of the blue-eyed yellow warbler, in which, previous to their own laying, an egg of the cow-bird had been deposited, and finding themselves unable to eject it, the warblers buried it in the bottom of the nest, by build¬ ing over it an additional story I The egg of the cow-bird, perhaps from being larger, and coming thus into closer contact with the body of its nurse, is sooner hatched than the others. The produce of the latter, though often stifled, Insessore* are sometimes reared along with the intruder. If the na-'s—^w tural offspring die, they are found lying at some distance from the nest, and not directly beneath it, which shows that they are carried out by the parents, and not heaved over by the giant intruder, as in the case of our European cuckoo. When fully fledged, the cow-bird soon deserts his foster-parents, and skulks for a time about the woods, till he instinctively joins a few of his own blood, and then he seeks his food more boldly (five or six together), in the fields and lanes.1 This bird measures about seven inches in length. The head and neck are blackish-brown, the rest black, glossed above with green, and on the breast with violet. The Baltimore oriole is another beautiful species of Ic¬ terus,—I. Baltimorm. The male is orange, with the head, neck, upper part of the back, and greater portion of the wings, black. It winters in South America, but makes its appearance in the United States in spring, where its ar¬ rival is hailed as the sure harbinger of warmth and sun¬ shine. Full of life and activity, it is seen vaulting like a fiery sylph among the boughs of lofty trees, vanishing with restless inquietude, and again flashing quickly into sight from amidst some wreath of waving foliage, showing like a living gem amid the green adornment of the leafy forest. The most remarkable instinctive feature of this bird is displayed in the structure of its nest, which con¬ sists of a pendulous cylindrical pouch of six or seven inches in depth, usually suspended almost from the extremity of some lofty drooping branch. The materials, according to Wilson, are flax, hemp, cow-hair, and wool, woven into a complete cloth, the whole being tightly sewed through and through with long horse-hairs, several of which mea¬ sure two feet in length. The bottom is composed of thick tufts of cow-hair, also sewed, and strengthened with strong horse-hair. The materials, however, vary, and so solici¬ tous is the bird to procure the best that can be possibly obtained, that during the building season the women in the country are under the necessity of narrowly watching their thread when bleaching. The genus Oxyrhynchus, Temm., has the conical sharp- pointed bill of the Icteri, but it is shorter than the head. Example, O. cristatus, Swainson’s Illustrations, vol. iii. pi. 49,—a Brazilian species. The genus Dacnis of Cuvier is formed by the Motacilla cayana of Linn. The genus Sturnus, Linn., also resembles the Icteri ; but the bill is depressed towards the extremity. There are two European species, one of which, our common star- ling (S. vulgaris), is well known in many parts of Britain, and is remarkable for its gregarious habits, and singu¬ lar aerial movements. Its glossy black and purple plu¬ mage, starred with little spots of white, render it a very ornamental bird ; and the great facility with which it may be taught to speak makes it much sought after as a domes¬ ticated species. S. unicolor inhabits Sardinia and the South of Europe. Baron Cuvier concludes the conirostral tribe with three well-marked groups, the crows, the rollers, and the birds of paradise. In the genus Corvus, Linn., the bill is strong, straight, rather long, compressed towards the point, the nostrils covered by stiff, reversed feathers. The plumage, though generally dense and dark, is soft and lustrous, and the species bear so great a resemblance to each other, that, as Dr Macgillivray observes, the most unpractised observer can scarcely fail to distinguish a crow. They also exhibit corresponding instincts, being, if not shy, at least cunning1 and watchful. I hey are omnivorous in the fullest sense of the term, and will poke their beaks into every thing 1 Nuttall, vol. i. p. 178. ORNITHOLOG Y. 704 Inses&oi-es. they can find, ffom a boiled potato to a dead horse. ~'Y“ When searching for food, they betake themselves to open places, walk in a sedate manner, keep a good look out, and on the least appearance of danger fly off to a dis¬ tance. Their flight is also sedate, moderately rapid, and performed by regular beats. Their cry varies from a hoarse croak to a caw or chatter, and some of them are musical. They nestle in high places, trees, towers, build¬ ings of various kinds, or rocks; and produce from three to nine eggs, which are deposited very early in the season. They repose at night in similar places, and when alarmed by day generally take themselves to heights. Some spe¬ cies are gregarious, others unsocial,—the latter being the more carnivorous ; but even they are observed to associate together when a large quantity of food attracts them to a particular place. The sexes do not differ much in exter¬ nal appearance; the male, however, being in general more robust, and having the plumage more glossy. Moulting takes place in the summer months, and is very gradual. Those which are more carnivorous have the faculty of dis¬ covering carrion at a great distance, in the same manner as the vultures, which they in some degree resemble in their habits. They are all easily tamed, and may be taught to imitate the human voice so far as to produce a few articu¬ late sounds. In a state of domestication they are much addicted to pilfering, their depredations not being confined to articles of food, but extending to objects in no respect useful to themselves.”1 Five species of crow occur in Britain, all permanent dwellers, viz. the raven (C. corax'), the carrion-crow ((7. corone), the hooded crow ( C. cornix), the rook (C. frugi- legus), and the jackdaw (C. monedula). We shall not de¬ scribe the external aspect of these birds, which, we doubt not, are familiar to our readers. The raven in a state of nature is remarkable for his great cunning and sagacity, while in the domesticated condition he is extremely fro¬ licsome and full of humour. We have seen one that, while engaged in amusing himself with a poodle dog, and unable to keep pace with his four-footed play-fellow, would seize him by a lock of hair, and hold on tenaciously while the dog was careering at full gallop; and his numerous devices, with a view to conceal the remnants of his own food, or appropriate that of others, were varied and unceasing. Ihis species is widely spread over the temperate and north¬ ern parts of Europe and America, and in the minds of the ignorant is usually regarded with some degree of supersti¬ tious terror. In summer, when the sky is serene, he flies in circles in the higher regions of the clear blue sky, and his deep and solemn croak may be heard at a great dis¬ tance ; but he is said to be sometimes also seen in the midst of thunder-storms, with the electric fire streaming from the point of his bill!—an extraordinary phenomenon certainly (if true), sufficient to terrify the superstitious, and to stamp its subject with the character of a restless and in¬ destructible demon. The carrion-crow, and the hooded species, are so like in Size ar,d structure, that it would be scarcely possible to distinguish them, but for the partially gray plumage of the latter ; and as a black and a gray crow are often seen to¬ gether, some naturalists incline to the belief that they are actually the same. Their geographical distribution, how¬ ever, seems to differ; the gray kind, though common in Britain and the continental countries of Europe, being unknown in America, where, at the same time, the car¬ rion-crow is described as identical with our own ; while, on the other hand, we find the latter extremely rare in the north of Italy, where the hooded crow abounds. The ^aCrr^avv an(l)he rook seem unknown in the western world. The magpies (genus Pica, Cuv.) are of smaller dimen¬ sions than the crows properly so called, and their tails, m-Insessores stead of being either round or square, are long and gra- duated. Their dispositions, however, are equally omnivo¬ rous, and they are distinguished by the same sly and fur¬ tive cunning. There is only a single European species, our common British kind (C.pica, Linn.), which occurs all over Europe, and is well known in North America, and some parts of Asia. Many beautiful species occur in Chi¬ na, and other eastern countries, such, for example, as the red-billed pie, P. erythrorhyncha, Gould. Its size exceeds that of our common kind, and the great length of its tail bestows upon it a still more slender and elegant aspect. The prevailing colours are blue, with bars of black and white. It is often kept in aviaries, where it is highly es¬ teemed, on account both of its docility and beauty. This species likewise inhabits the Himalaya Mountains, and there is reason to believe that it is fierce and tyrannical in a state of nature. Mr Shore states, that one which he kept in captivity, although it refused other food, pounced ferociously upon living birds, which were presented by way of experiment, and eagerly devoured them. When seen amid the foliage of trees, it forms an ornamental and con¬ spicuous object, flitting from bough to bough, its long and flowing tail waving in the wind, and its whole form full of vivacity and grace.2 The Chinese magpie (P. sinensis), made known by the researches of General Hardwicke, seems widely extended over tracts of land of very various character as to height and situation. It inhabits the higher portions of the Himalayas, the plains at the base of those mighty mountains, and a great part of the Chinese empire. The beautiful jays (genus Garrulus, Cuv.) are very nearly allied to the magpies, but the tail is not so length¬ ened, and the culmen of the under mandible is rather more convex. Our British species ( G. garrulus) is one of the most ornamental of our indigenous birds. It dwells in woods, beyond the outskirts of which it seldom wanders. Its food consists of insects, fruits, and forest seeds. Spe¬ cies of this little group are found in every quarter of the known world except New Holland. The blue jay of Ame¬ rica (G. cristalus, Plate VIII., figure 4) is an almost universal inhabitant of the western woods, frequenting the thickest settlements, as well as the deepest recesses of the unpeopled forest,—where his harsh voice often alarms the watchful deer, to the mortification of the dis¬ appointed huntsman. This species is a bitter enemy to owls, one of which he no sooner discovers than he sum¬ mons the whole feathered fraternity to his assistance, and the united mob proceed to vent their indignant spite against the blinking solitary, in the most w rathful and un¬ measured manner. But this jay himself cannot be held guiltless of the most owl-like depredations,—for he be¬ comes in his turn the very tyrant he detested, and sneaks through wood and thicket, plundering every nest his pok¬ ing bill can reach to, gobbling up the eggs, tearing the callow young to pieces, and spreading not only fear, but death, and sorrow, its sad concomitant, around him. An¬ other very ornamental species— Proud of caerulean stains From heaven’s unsullied arch purloined, is that mentioned by Pallas as having been shot by Steller when Behring’s crew landed upon the coast of America. It is the Corvus Stelleri of Latham, by whom it wfas first described from a specimen in Sir Joseph Banks’s collection from Nootka Sound. A larger and most magnificent bird is the Columbia jay (Garrulus Bullokii, Wagler,— G. gu- bernatrix, Temm.), figured in Mr Audubon’s splendid work. The colour is bright blue, with a lofty crest of separate plumes, the throat and breast black, the abdomen whitish * Macgillivray’s British Birds, i. 496. 8 Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains, plate xli. ORNITHOLOGY. iifessores. and two of the central tail-feathers extending far beyond ^ the others. It occurs chiefly in Mexico and California.1 In the genus Caryocatactes, Cuv., both mandibles are equally pointed, and straight to the tips. The only spe¬ cies known in Europe, called the nut-cracker (C. nucifra- ga), is an occasional visitant of Great Britain. Two others have of late years been discovered in Asia, one of which is figured by Mr Gould. They are all believed to inhabit forests, especially those of mountainous countries, whence at certain seasons they emigrate in large flocks. In their climbing tendencies they make an approach to the habits of the woodpeckers. The limited genus Temia, Vail, with the lengthened tail and general proportions of the magpies, has the bill elevated, the upper mandible bulged, and its base covered by short velvety feathers. Example, Corvus varians, Lath. (Phenotrix temict, Ilorsfield), of which the general plu¬ mage is bronzed green, the head black. It occurs in Java and elsewhere. In the genus Glaucopis, Forster, the bill resembles that of the preceding; but its base bears a pair of fleshy caruncles. G. cinerea is the only known species. It is a native of New Zealand, and was discovered during Captain Cook s voyage. Its flesh is excellent. It is the cinereous wattle-bird of Shaw. M. Temminck joins this and the preceding genus into one. In the genus Coracias, Linn., containing the rollers, the bill is strong, compressed towards the point, which is slightly curved, and the nostrils are oblong, not covered by the feathers, but placed at their margin. The feet are short and strong. These birds are confined to the ancient continents, and are remarkable for their beauty of plu¬ mage, of which the colours are usually different shades of purple, blue, and green. They are said to be wild and unsociable, feeding on insects, and keeping themselves concealed in the retirement of thick forests. The Euro¬ pean species (Coracias garrula, Linn.) has been some¬ times seen in Britain. A specimen in the Edinburgh Museum was killed at Dunkeld. Although rare in France, it is by no means uncommon in Sweden, where we would not expect to find a species characteristic of the south of Europe, and which is believed to winter in Barbary and Senegal. It is not unfrequent in the gardens of Rome, and is common in the Morea. It becomes very fat in au¬ tumn, and is much sought after during that season as an article of food, especially by the inhabitants of the Cy¬ clades. Several other kinds occur in Africa and the East. Of these the Abyssinian species is distinguished by the elongation of the lateral feathers of the tail. The Mada¬ gascar roller, and some allied kinds, distinguished by a shorter, more arched, and greatly broader bill, belong to the genus Colaris, Cuv., synonymous with Eurvstomus of M. Vieillot. I be genus Paradisea, Linn., with which we conclude our abridgment of the conirostral tribe, contairis the fa¬ mous birds of paradise, so noted during our early inter¬ course with eastern countries. The bill is straight, com¬ pressed, rather strong, unnotched, the nostrils surrounded by a close tissue of feathers of a velvet texture, sometimes resplendent with metallic lustre. (See Plate VIII., fig. 8.) These birds are native to New Guinea and tlm neighbouring islands, and in consequence of the delicately graceful structure of their plumage, and the pure and beau¬ tifully blended colours by which they are adorned, the spe¬ cies in general may be regarded as the most highly prized of all the feathered race. Their history was long obscure as night, and even now we have but few features of their character developed by the actual observation of trust¬ worthy witnesses. We cannot be here expected to throw 765 any new light upon the subject; but we shall give a por-Insessores. tion of the information which we have acquired from vari- ^ ous authors. In the second edition of Pennant’s Indian Zoology, there is a general description of the genus from Valentyn and other writers, by Dr J. R. Forster, preceded by a learned disquisition on the fabulous phoenix of antiquity, a bird of the size of an eagle, decorated with gold and purple plumes, and more particularly described by Pliny as being charac¬ terized by the splendour of gold around the neck, with the rest of the body purple, the tail blue varied with rose- colour, the face adorned with combs or wattles, and the head furnished with a crest. This excellently adorned phoenix Dr Forster very properly supposes to have been no other than a symbolical Egyptian illustration of the annual revolution of the sun, and the conversion of the great year, which, according to Manilius, corresponds with the supposed life of the phoenix, and from which period the same course of seasons and position of the heavenly bodies are renewed. Now, though it is certain, as D‘r Forster observes, that the birds of paradise were never known to ancient writers, and that whatever the Egyp¬ tian priests delivered concerning their fabulous phoenix has no apparent agreement with the birds in question, yet it is remarkable enough that the names applied to them, both by Indian and European nations, attribute something of a supposed celestial origin. Dr Shaw, however, thinks that this notion has in all probability arisen merely from their transcendent beauty, and the singular and delicate disposition of their plumage. The Portuguese who navi¬ gated to the Indian islands called them Passaros da Sol, in like manner as the Egyptians regarded their imaginary bird as symbolizing the annual revolution of that great luminary. The inhabitants of the island of Ternate call them Manuco-Dewata, or the Birds of God.2 The great bird of paradise (Paradisea apoda, Linn., so called from its supposed want of legs), the first of the genus made known to Europeans, was imported about the year 1522, by Antony Pigafetta, who accompanied Ma¬ gellan in his voyage round the world. Pigafetta was sa¬ tisfied by ocular demonstration from the first, that this bird, like every other, was supplied with legs, but that the natives cut them off, as parts of no importance. In con¬ sequence, hovyever, of this prevailing if not universal mu¬ tilation, a notion soon obtained in Europe that the bird was naturally destitute of these common-place but useful organs, and that consequently it floated for ever in the air, winnowing with loving wings the gentle breezes, or at times suspending itself for a few brief moments from some lofty sun-illumined tree, by the two peculiar lengthened filaments with which it is adorned. In accordance with this belief, it was of course consistent to suppose, that whatever indi¬ viduals were obtained “ on this dim spot which men call earth,” had fallen from their aerial heights immediately be¬ fore their dissolution. Even Aldrovandus, the most zeal¬ ous naturalist of his age, having himself seen only such specimens as had been mutilated in the usual manner, ac¬ cuses Pigafetta of audacious falsehood in asserting that the bird was naturally furnished both with legs and feet; and the great Scaliger, himself a naturalist of no mean or¬ der, gave equal credit to this foolish fancy. The true residence or breeding-place of these birds seems to be Papua or New Guinea, from whence they make occasional excursions to some smaller neighbourin<>- islands. They fly in flocks of about thirty or forty, led, it is alleged, by a single bird which the natives call their king, but which is said to be of a different species. It is further pretended, that when this bird settles, the whole flight settle also, in consequence of which they sometimes The Birds of America, plate xevi. * Shaw’s General Zoology, vol. vii. p. 479, ORNITHOLOGY. 766 Insessores.perish, being unable to rise again owing to the peculiar structure of their wings. They also always fly against the wind, lest their flowing plumage should be discom¬ posed. While flying they make a noise like starlings, but their common cry rather resembles that of a raven, and is very audible in windy weather, when they dread the chance of being thrown upon the ground. In the Aru Islands they are seen to perch on lofty trees, and are va¬ riously captured by the inhabitants, wTith bird-lime, snares, and blunted arrows. T. hough many are taken alive, they are always killed immediately, embowelled, the feet cut off, the plumed skins fumigated with sulphur, and then dried for sale. The Dutch ships frequenting the sea between New Guinea and Aru, a distance of about twenty miles, not unfrequently observe flocks of paradise birds crossing from one to the other of these places, but constantly against the wind. Should a gale arise, they ascend to a great height, into the regions of perpetual calm, and there pur¬ sue their journey. With respect to their food we have little certain information from the older authors, some of whom assert they prey on small birds, a supposition which Dr Shaw inclines to think is favoured by their strength of bill and legs, and the vigour with which they act in self- defence. They are also said to feed on fruits and berries; and Linneeus says they devour the larger butterflies,1 We owe the following observations to M. Gaimard, one of the naturalists who accompanied the expedition of Cap¬ tain Freycinet, and who having had an opportunity of seeing several living birds of paradise in the island of Waigiou, has furnished us with some interesting details. He says that they appear to prefer to all other places the most dense and secluded portions of the forests. When the heavens are clear, they perch habitually on the summits of the tallest trees. They fly with rapidity, but in an undulating man¬ ner, as is usual with birds which are adorned with long decomposed or disunited feathers; and he confirms the old account, that the luxuriant length of their superb plu¬ mage induces them always to fly in the direction from which the wind proceeds. “ Cette manoeuvre,” he observes, “ est pour eux tres-naturelle, puisqu’elle maintient les longues plumes appliquees centre le corps; dans une direction con- traire, le vent ne manquerait pas d’etaler et de relever ces plumes, et il en resulterait necessairement un grand em- barras dans le jeu des ailes.” Their total disappearance on the approach of any storm or tempest shows their con¬ scious weakness. In other respects, however, they are courageous, and even vindictive, pursuing fiercely any sup¬ posed enemy, however superior to themselves in strength of bill and talons. There is no instance, Captain Freycinet supposes (we now know he does so erroneously), of their being ever reduced to the domestic state; and they are never found caged by any natives of the Papous, where they are by no means rare, and where their skins form the principal object of commercial exchange between the in¬ sular inhabitants and the Chinese Indians or eastern Euro¬ peans. Authors (we speak not of those who assert that birds of paradise are nourished by dew, or by the perfume which exhales from fruits and flowers) have assigned different diets to these birds. Some say that they search for fruits and nectarous juices; others that they capture insects, and such small prey. There is truth in both statements, for it seems ascertained that they feed alike on fruits and insects. As to all those anxious interesting cares which precede, accompany, or follow incubation,—these and many other important particulars in their history are still un¬ known. The natives of New Guinea, in preparing the skins, content themselves by removing the fleshy mass of the body, and cutting off the two wings and legs. They then pass a piece of stick through the mouth downwards to the tail. Few of the museums of Europe contain any Insessorej. other specimens than these mutilated remains, which the'"“"V''-' gorgeous flowing feathers of the sides render still worthy of admiration, however unfit to convey a true idea of the natural state. We shall next extract some interesting information from a work by M. Lesson, one of the few European naturalists who have had an opportunity of beholding these extraordi¬ nary creatures in their native haunts. “ Les paradisiers ou du moins I’emeraude, seule espece sur laquelle nous pos- sedons des renseignemens authentiques, vivent en bandes dans les vastes forets du pays des Papous, group d’iles situees sous I’equateur, et qui se compose des lies Arou, de Waigiou, et de la grande terre nommee Nouvelle-Gui- nee. Ces sont des oiseaux de passage qui changent de dis¬ trict suivant les moussons. Les femelles se reunissent en troupes, s’assemblent sur les sommites des plus grands ar- bres des forets, crient toutes a la fois pour appeler les mdles. Ceux-ci sont toujours solitaires au milieu d’une quinzaine de femelles qui composent leur serail, a la ma- nidre des gallinacees. “ J’extrairai de mon journal inedit les details suivans, relatifs aux oiseaux de paradis : ils ont ete ecrits sur les lieux. Journal Ms., t. vi. p. 19 et suiv. Les oiseaux de paradis, a 1’exception de deux especes, nous etaient ap- portes par les Papous, ce qui etablit entre eux et nous un commerce actif d’echange. Je me procurai I’emeraude, le manucode, le loriot paradis orange, le sifilet, le superbe, les epimaques promefils, et a paremens Irises, le magni- fique, et le rouge. La quantile que les naturels de ces con- trees apportaient a bord de la corvette la Coquille doit faire supposer que ces oiseaux, si estimes en Europe, y sont singulierement multiplies. Le manucode se presenta deux fois dans nos chasses, et nous tuames le male et la femelle. Cette espece parait monogame, ou peut-etre n’est elle iso¬ lee par paires qu’au moment de la ponte. Dans les bois cet oiseau n’a point d’eclat; son plumage rouge de feu ne le de- cele point, et sa femelle n’a que des teintes ternes. II aime & se tenir sur lesarbres de teck, dont le large feuillage 1’abrite, et dont le petit fruit forme sa nourriture. II a 1’iris brun, et les pieds d’un bleu d’azur tres tendre. Les Papous le nomment saya. Des les premiers jours de notre arrivee sur cette terre de promission (la Nouvelle-Guinee) pour le naturaliste, je fus a la chasse. A peine avais-je fait quelques centaines de pas dans ces vieilles forets, filles du temps, dont la sombre profondeur est peut-etre le plus magnifique et le plus pompeux spectacle que j’aie jamais vu, qu’un oiseau de paradis frappa mes regards; il volait avec grace et par ondulations; les plumes de ses flancs formaient un panache gracieux et aerien, qui, sans hyper¬ bole, ne ressemblait pas mal a un brillant meteore. Sur- pris, emerveille, eprouvant une jouissance inexprimable, je devorais des yeux ce magnifique oiseau; mais mon trouble fut si grand que j’oubliai de le tirer, et que je ne m’aper- £us que j’avais un fusil que lorsqu’il etait deja bien loin. On ne pourrait guere avoir une idee exacte des paradis d’apres les peaux que les Papous vendent aux Malais, et qui nous parviennent en Europe. Ces peuples chasserent primitivement ces oiseaux pour decorer les turbans de leur chefs. Ils les nomment mamAe/bre dans leur langue; et les tuent pendant la nuit, en grimpant le long des arbres ou ilsse couchent, et les tirant avec des fleches faites exptfcs et tres courtes, qu’ils fa9onnent avec le rachis des feuilles d’un latanier. Les campongs ou villages de Mappia et d’Emberbakene sont celebres par la quantite des oiseaux qu’ils preparent, et tout I’art des habitans se borne a leur arracher les pieds, a les ecorcher, a leur fourrer un ba- tonnet a travers du corps, et a les dessecher a la fumee. Quelques uns plus adroits, et sollicites par les trafiquans Shaw’s General Zoology, vol. vii. p. 462-4. ORNITHOLOGY. 7d7 bassores. Chinois, les dessechent avec les pieds. Le prix d’un oiseau plusieurs substances dans son etat de liberte. Je puis Insessore*. de paradis chez les Papous de la cote est au moins d’une affirmer qu’il vit de graines de teck, et d’un fruit nomme piastre, et ces peoples preferent 1’argenta tout autre objet, amihou, blanc rose, de saveur fade et mucilagineuse, de la meme a du fer travaille. ^ grosseur d’une petite figue d’Europe, et qui appartient a “ Nous tuames, pendant notre sejour a la Nouvelle- un arbre du genre Jicus. Ces fruits plaisent a beaucoup Guinee, une vingtaine de ces oiseaux, que je preparai d’oiseaux, car ils sont aussi recherches par les calaos, les pour la plupart. Ils appartenaient a diverses personnes de manucodes, et les cassicans cahbe et phonygame. 1’expedition, et notamment au capitaine. Je n’en avais “ J’ai vu deux oiseaux de paradis conserves dans une point encore, lorsque M. Berard, lieutenant de vaisseau, cage, depuis plus de six mois, par le chef des coramercans zeld pour les colleetions que je formais en simple particu- Chinois, a Amboine. Ils etaient toujours en mouvement, Her, et a mes frais, pour le Museum, et pour remplir la et on les nourrissait avec du riz bouilli; mais ils aimaient promesse que j’avais faite au ministere, en m’embarquant, surtout les cancrelas (blatla), Ce Chinois me les fit 500 de recueillir les objets d histoire naturelle, voulut bien francs piece; alors, sans argent, et n’ayant point de credit m en remettre un pour la collection. Depuis, j’en achetai dans cette i!e, je ne pus reclamer ma solde, et ce fut en C°nC^ ^ T>n ^ ^e. ^ eclu>Page> que je lui payai vain que j’offris des objets de valeur a ce trafiquant opu- 150 francs. Jen tuai ensuite un avec un grand nombre lent, il fut sourd a mes prieres. Pourquoi, sur 1’argent de femelles: on les yoit au Museum. que nous possedions a bord, pour frais accidentels, et “L emeraude en vie est de la taille du geai de France ; qu’on a retourne a Paris, ne pas avoir achete, pour le son bee et ses pieds sont bleuatres; 1’iris est d’un jaune destiner a la France, un de ces magnifiques oiseaux, eclatant; ses mouvemens sont vifs et agiles; il ne se qui serait peut-etre mort en route, mais dont les habitudes perche communement que sur le sommet des plus grands vivaces, et analogues a celles de nos pies, nous donnaient arbres. Lorsqu il en descend, e’est pour manger les fruits tant de chances de succes P”1 de quelques arbres moyens, ou lorsque le soleil, dans toute We shall conclude our miscellaneous extracts in illus- sa force, lui fait un besoin de chercher de I’ombrage. Il tration of these birds, by a quotation from a recent English affectionne certains arbres, et fait retentir les environs de writer. The principal object of attraction to strangers at sa voix per^ante. Son cri lui devint fatal, parce qu’il Macao used to be the splendid aviary and gardens of nous indiqua les allures de cet oiseau. Nous 1’epiames, Mr Beale, who, after a residence of forty years in that et cest ainsi que nous parvimes a en tuer; car, lors- country, devoted his leisure to the cultivation of many of qu un paradisier male est perche, et qu’il entend bruiser the most delightful productions of nature, and among these dans le silence de la foret, il se tait et ne bouge plus. Son not the least remarkable was the bird of paradise, as cri dappel est un voike, voike, voike, voiko, fortement arti- thus described by Mr Bennet. “ The specimen in the cule. ^ La femelle a le meme cri, mais elle le pousse d’une possession of Mr Beale is a fine male, Pavadisea apoda of maniere bien plus faible. Celle-ci, dechue du brillant Linnaeus, the P. major of Shaw. He was at the time I plumage de son epoux n’a que de sombres atours. Nous beheld him arrayed in his full and splendid plumage; he en rencontrions a chaque arbre des vingtaines reunies, is enclosed in a large and roomy cage, so as not by con- tandis que les males, toujours solitaires, n’apparaissaient finement to injure in the slightest degree his delicate and que rarement. ^ elegant feathers. This beautiful creature has been in “ G’est au lever du soleil et a son coucher que 1’oiseau Mr Beale’s possession nine years, and was originally de paradis va chercher sa nourriture. Dans le milieu du procured from the island of Bouro (one of the Molucca jour, il se tient cache sous le large feuillage du teck, et n’en group), which is situated in about latitude 3° SCf south, sort point. Il semble redouter faction des rayons brulans and longitude 126° 30'east....The neck of this bird is of dp cet astre, et ne point vouloir s’exposer aux atteintes a beautiful and delicate canary-yellow colour, blend- dun rival. Nous apprimes, par une longue experience, a ing gradually into the fine chocolate colour of the other imiter la ruse de ce bel oiseau; mais le zele des tueurs de parts of the body ; the wings are very short, and of a cho- paradisiers etait si grand que personne ne voulait tirer sur colate colour. Underneath them, long, delicate, and aucun autre oiseau de peur de les effaroucher, et que, re- gold-coloured feathers proceed from the sides in two duit a peu pres a mes seules ressources, le tribut que beautiful and graceful tufts, extending far beyond the quelques personnes me donnaient de leur chasse fut bien tail, which is also short, of a chocolate colour, with two diminue; plus curieux, dans finteretde la science, d’un petit very long shafts of the same hue proceeding from the volatile inedit, que de posseder plus ou moins de depouilles uripigium. At the base of the mandibles the delicate d’une espece connue, bien que prisee, je ne guettai des plumage has during one time (according as the rays of paradis que pendant quelques jours, et tuai d’ailleurs toute light are thrown upon it) the appearance of fine black espece qui arrivait at ma portee. velvet, and at another a very dark green, which contrasts “ Pour chasser les oiseaux de paradis, les voyageurs admirably with the bright emerald of the throat....The ^ 11 ^ c x r i c i f v* I o NT /a v ^ 11 /“v f ■ 'i. i 4- r-t»—« — 1 _ _ _ A ? 1 _ 1 (y 1 * 1 . it i *1. i v recherchent a cause de leur fruit (notre sejour a eu lieu look; dances about when a visitor approaches the cage, and du 26 Juillet au 9 Aout), avant quatre heures et de- seems delighted at being made an object of admiration ; mie du matin, et de rester immobile jusqu’a que quelques its notes are very peculiar, resembling the cawing of the males, presses par la faim, viennent sur les branches qu’on raven, but its tones are by far more varied. During four aura juge a distance convenable. Il est indispensable de months of the year, from May to August, it moults. It posseder un fusil a tres longue portee, et charge a gros washes itself regularly twice daily, and after having per- plombs, car il est fort difficile de tuer roide un emeraude, formed its ablutions, throws its delicate feathers up nearly et s il n’est que blesse, il est bien rare qu’il ne soit pas over the head, the quills of which feathers have a peculiar perdu pour le chasseur, dans des fourrees tellement structure, so as to enable the bird to effect this object, epaisses, qu on ne peut y reconnaitre son chemin sans une Its food, during confinement, is boiled rice mixed up with boussole. . , , soft egg, together with plantains, and living insects of the “ Le paradisier petit emeraude mange sans doute de grasshopper tribe ; these insects, when thrown to him, 1 Manuel d'Ornithologie, 1.1. p. 387. ORNITHOLOGY. ^nsessores. ^}ie contrives to catch in his beak with great celerity ; ^ it will eat insects in a living state, but will not touch them when dead. “ I observed the bird, previously to eating a grasshopper given him in an entire or unmutilated state, place the in¬ sect upon the perch, keep it firmly fixed with the claws, and divesting it of the legs, wings, &c. devour it, with the head always placed first It rarely alights upon the ground, and so proud is this creature of its elegant dress, that it never permits a soil to remain on it; and it may be frequently seen spreading out its wings and feathers, and regarding its splendid self in every direction, to observe whether it is in an unsullied condition.”1 Dr Shaw alludes to an instance of the bird of paradise having been brought alive to England. It had, however, entirely lost the beautiful floating feathers which render its body apparently so light and buoyant, and did not long sur¬ vive its arrival in our murky clime. Although there are not above seven distinct species of these birds, they have been formed into no less than four separate genera by M. Vieillot. The most anciently known is the kind called in English books the great or common bird of paradise, Vemeraude of the French, P. apoda, Linn, to which most of the preceding memoranda may apply. (See Plate VIII., figure 6.) It is of a cinnamon colour, the upper part of the head and neck yellow, the front and throat emerald green, or black. It is the male of this species which bears the long, floating, yellow plumes so prized as articles of commerce, with a view to ornament in dress. Although the body is no larger than that of a thrush, the total length is two feet. In the red paradise bird (P. rubra) the head and throat are emerald-green, the back and front of the neck orange yellow and velvety, the throat chesnut or cinnamon colour, and the long fea¬ thers of the flanks brilliant carmine red. The two pecu¬ liar barbless shafts which proceed from the base of the tail, are broad, flattened, twisted, and of a brownish-red colour. These belong to the restricted genus Paradisea. The six-shafted paradise bird (P. seocsetacea, Shaw,— P. aurea, Gmel.) is black, with the throat of golden green, and three prolonged setaceous feathers proceeding from behind each eye, and terminating in a little expanded disk of golden green. It forms the genus Parotia of Vieillot. We shall merely add, that P.superba constitutes the genus Lophorina,—P. regia that called Cicinnurus,—and P. nigra, Gmel., another named Astrapia. The whole are figured by Buffon, Vaillant, or Vieillot, and their singular forms, gorgeous colouring, and exquisite structure of plu¬ mage, render them deserving of the most attentive con¬ sideration on the part of all admirers of nature. Tribe 4th.—Tenuirostres< Baron Cuvier here places a variety of generic groups which agree chiefly in possessing a slender lengthened bill, sometimes straight, sometimes considerably curved. Ac¬ cording to the structure of the tongue, which in several genera is not yet distinctly known, they feed either on in¬ sects or the nectarous juices of fruits and flowers,—a few, such as the humming-birds, combining both these habits. In the genus Sitta the bill is straight, pointed, com¬ pressed at the extremity, and the tongue short and corne¬ ous. The species called nut-hatches climb along the bark of trees with extraordinary facility, not only upwards, like the woodpeckers, but downwards, and in all directions. -The European species (S. Europea), though a constant re¬ sident in Britain, is rather rare in most localities. It breeds in hollow trees, not seldom using the deserted habitation of a woodpecker, the opening into which it contracts by means of a wall of clay. The female sits very close during Insessorej incubation, and instead of flying off' when approached, she“vw will utter a hissing sound, and make a show of striking at the intruder with her bill and wings. Sir W. Jardine someyearsago enjoyed an opportunity of observing a brood which had been taken young. They became remarkably tame, and when released from their cage, would run over their owner in all directions, poking into seams and pockets, as if in search of food upon some goodly tree, and uttering from time to time a low and plaintive cry. In climbing, they rest much upon the tarsus, but never use the tail. Several true nut-hatches occur in North America, but Pen¬ nant erred in supposing that the European species was likewise indigenous to the new world. In the genus Xenops of Illiger, the bill is rather more compressed, and the under ridge more convex, while in Anabates of Temm. it is the upper ridge which increases in convexity, so as to approach to that of the thrushes; but the tail in some of the species is long and wedge-shaped, and exhibits a worn appearance, as if it were occasionally used in climbing. In the genus Synallaxis, Vieil., the bill is straight, not much lengthened, considerably compressed, slender and pointed, and the tail is generally long and acuminate. (See Plate VIII., figure 7.) We know little of the habits of these birds, except that they are insectivorous, and dwell in forests. Most of the species are from South America, and to these it is probable that the generic term should be restricted. The old genus Certhia of Linnaeus was characterized by an arched bill, but the species possessed but little else in common, and have been therefore formed into several minor groups. The true or restricted creepers (Certhia, Cuv.), so called from their habit of running round the trunks of trees, have the bill of medium length, curved, compress¬ ed, slender, sharp pointed. The tail is wedge-shaped, and composed of stiff, deflected feathers. Our well-known Bri¬ tish species (C. familiaris) is the only example of the ge¬ nus found in Europe, and it is in fact doubtful whether there is any other elsewhere. The North American creeper seems identical, but the numerous other birds described as creepers do not belong to the genus Certhia. The so¬ litary type alluded to is a retired inhabitant of the woods, in no way conspicuous in colour, though pleasingly mottled above with black, brown, and grayish white; and being of small size, and seldom showing itself in open places, is deemed rarer than it really is. Fhough of a somewhat lengthened form, it is probably, with the exception of the golden-crested wren,, the smallest bodied British bird. It is said to feed entirely upon insects, although as a winter resident in many frost-bound regions, we shall not aver that it never swallows seeds. It builds in the hollows of trees, and may be often seen during the delightful autumn, when the rustling woods are fragrant with fallen leaves, flitting from the top of one trunk to the bottom of another, which it ascends by a kind of spiral progression, and then darting downwards to a neighbouring tree, it thus busily pursues from time to time its interrupted flight. This bird chiefly shows itself in our shrubberies and wooded plea¬ sure-grounds in winter. In the genus Dendrocolaptes, Hermann, the tail re¬ sembles that of the preceding, but the bill is much stronger, and enlarged at the base. In certain species it is greatly curved. (Plate VIII., figure 9.) These birds are Ame¬ rican, and are usually characterized by a reddish plumage. In Tichodroma, Illiger, the tail does not present a worn appearance at the point, although the best known, if not the only species, runs up rocks with great agility. The bill is long, slender, triangular, and depressed at the base 1 Wanderings in New South Wales, &c. vol. ii. ORNITHOLOGY. 769 T|,e European species, called by us the wall-creeper (T. the uniformity presented by all these circumstances in ar ' phcemeoptera, Temm,—ftrf/ua murarm, Gmel.), inhabits variety of individuals, that we are enabled to trace out the the southern countries of Europe, where it dwells among lofty and precipitous rocks. It is well known among the Swiss Alps, and the mountainous parts of Spain and Italy, where it is said to prey much on spiders and their eggs. In the genus Nectarinia of Illiger, the bill is arched, pointed, and compressed, resembling that of the creepers, with which the species were so long conjoined ; but they do not climb, and their habits, if the name is properly applied, are not so much insectivorous as honey-sucking. They are all exotic. The term guil-guit is given by the exact limits ot specific identity. Several species of Cinnyris occur in India, but the greater proportion are of African origin, and may be said to form the most signal and ad¬ mired feature in the Ornithology of that country. In the greater number the tail is equal. Of these we may name the superb creeper ((7.SM/>er6a), described and figured in the magificent work of M. Vieillot. Its length is six inches; the crown of the head, upper part of the neck, smaller wing-coverts, back, and rump, are bright-greenish gold; across the upper part of the breast runs a bar of French to certain small species, of which the plum/ge of bright gilcied ^benS the males is very rich and lustrous. Their tongue is bifid are deep brownish crimson ; the wings and tail are blackish and lamentary. Such are Certhia cyanea, cerulea, &c. brown, the legs are also brown, the bill is black. This of whiX?!,? t°f T !nd ]aSS ad°rn.ed P]u™age> and beautiful species was discovered at Malimba, in Africa, by of which the tongue is^ short and cartilaginous, have been M. Perrein. Another highly adorned species, such “ as separated from the others. Such is a South American species, the Merops rufus of Gmelin, as large as a night¬ ingale, of a reddish colour above, the throat whitish.& It constructs a covered nest, and serves as the type of Tem- minck’s genus Opetiorhynchus 1 limners love to paint, and 'ladies to look upon,” is the Certhia splendida of Shaw ( C. afra and lotenia, Linn. ?). It usually occurs in woody places, and, in addition to its splendid plumage, is said to be worthy of admiration for its musical powers, its song being by some esteemed equal The genus DiGSiuM of Cuv. has the bill longer than the to that ofihe righiingal^ Th^id breaSclS ba^P ’ TiarP’ C^rved’ dreTd> and 1broadened at the (C* maculata) also dwells in the forests of Malimba, and base. 1 he specms arc of small size,and usually or^ment- frequently approaches the habitations of the natives al- ed with portions of scarlet. They are natives of the East lured by the flowers of the Cytisus cajan, commonly called Indies. In Melithreptus of Vieillot, the bill is extreme- the congo pea, which, according to Dr Shaw, is much cul- ly long, and curved almost into a semicircle. Of this form tivated by the negroes. the hook-billed creeper, Certhia vestiaria, Shaw, affords a In some of these birds the central feathers of the tail are good example. (1 late IX., figure 2.) It is a native of .engthened in the males. Such is C. violacea, a Cape spe- the Sandwich Islands, where it is much valued on account cies, which likewise dwells in woods, and is said to build a nest of a singularly elegant construction. In a few the bill is almost straight, as in C. rectirostris, Vieillot. Our restricted limits will not admit of our expatiating on this delightful group. The genus Arachnothera of Temm. has the long ar¬ cuated bill of the souimangas, but it is of stronger struc¬ ture, and wants the dentations, and the tongue is short and cartilaginous. The species (such as A. longirostra and inornata, Temm. PL Col 84, figs. 1 and 2), so far as yet known, inhabit the Indian islands, and prey on spiders. The genus Trochilus, Linn., contains the true hum¬ ming-birds, a numerous group of fairy and fantastic forms, which inhabit both continents of America, and some neigh¬ bouring islands, but are altogether unknown in the ancient of its plumage, which affords the principal material in the formation of those gorgeous scarlet mantles worn by chiefs and persons of distinction. The souimangas (a Madagascar name, signifying sugar eaters, genus Cinnyris, Cuv.) have the bill long, slender, and finely toothed along the edges. The tongue is capa¬ ble of considerable extension, and terminates in a small bifurcation. The species are widely dispersed over all the southern regions of the old world (Africa, the Indian Archipelago, &c.), and seem in those countries to represent the beautiful humming-birds of the western world. Indeed these tribes greatly resemble each other both in form and habits. The souimangas are subject to a double moult, which occasions a considerable diversity in the plumage even of the same species, according to the season of the year; and hence our knowledge of this, as of several other sumptuous groups, though sufficiently voluminous, is pro¬ bably not yet remarkable for its accuracy. Several splen¬ did works, however, have been devoted, either in whole or in part, to its illustration.2 * * * The nuptial plumage is remark¬ able for its golden lustre, and the richness and variety of its innumerable iridescent hues; but after the termina¬ tion of the breeding season, a much more humble garb is assumed, and many a bizarre appearance is presented by the intermediate links of that changeable costume which connects the holiday-suit of spring with the more quaker- like attire of autumn. Hence the difficulty of distinguish¬ ing in many birds, between a specific difference and an in¬ dividual variation, more especially where foreign species are concerned ; for in such instances we have seldom a prolonged opportunity of verifying our observations on ex¬ ternal characters, by an examination of natural habits and instinctive modes of life. Yet it is only by ascertaining world. The bill is long and slender, but in its range throughout the entire species exhibits considerable modi¬ fication, being in some nearly straight, in others curved, and in a few turned upwards. Such as are characterized by an almost straight bill constitute the genus Ornismya, Lesson {Orlhorhynchus, Lacepede), Plate IX., figure 1 ; while those in which it is more or less bent remain under the ancient name of Trochilus, Jbid. fig. 6. The tongue is long and extensile, and is usually described as being composed of two muscular tubes united for the great¬ er part of their length, and broadening towards the point into a spoon-like portion. Sir W. Jardine, on relaxing a specimen of T. moschitus, observed the appearance of a fim¬ briated opening at the tip, the outer margin of each divi¬ sion being beset with recurved, sharp-pointed, pliable spines, while in all that Mr Swainson examined the two filaments were perfectly flat. Their feet are extremely small, their wings long and narrow, their tails comparatively broad,— whilst their shortened humerus and very large unnotched I he generic name of Nectannia was bestowed by Illiger upon those foreign creepers known by the terms euit-indts and soidman ga, but it has been applied more exclusively by Cuvier to the former, and by Temminck to the latter. The sou man as nnTl?; other hand, fall into Cuvier’s genus Cinnyru, while the guit-guits are placed in the genus Ccereba by Temm. These transpositioSs aa we have already remarked, are extremely perplexing. 1 s J j-nese transpositions, as J. XaiHant, Nat. de. Oueaux d'Afrique, 5 vols in 4to, 1799, and subsequent years,—and Audebert, Oueaux dorb ou a reRcu alhVtc, 2 vols. fol. Pans, 1802. A continuation of the latter work has been published by M. Vieillot. ’ f YOL. XVI. 0 E 770 ORNITHOLOGY. Insessores. sternum exhibit osteological features in relation to the power of flight resembling those of swifts. The beauty of their plumage, if equalled, is certainly unsurpassed among the feathered tribes. Humming-birds, in general, may be said to inhabit chiefly the intra-tropical regions of America, including the West Indies; but that they are capable of sustaining a considerable reduction of temperature, and of spreading themselves into comparatively rigorous climes, is evident from the observations of Captain King, who in his survey of the southern coasts met with numerous examples of these diminutive creatures flying about in a snow-storm near the Straits of Magellan, and discovered two species in the remote island of Juan Fernandez. Two other hardy species had been long known to migrate during summer far into the interior of North America, viz. the ruff-necked hum¬ ming-bird ( T. rufus), discovered during Cook’s voyage in Nootka Sound, and since traced by Kotzebue to the 61st degree of north latitude, along the western shores; and the ruby-throated humming-bird ( T.colubris), which was found breeding by Mr Drummond near the sources of the Elk River, and is known to reach at least as far north as the fifty-seventh parallel. Mr Bullock also discovered several species at a high elevation, and of course a coolish tempe¬ rature, on the lofty table-lands of Mexico, and in woods in the vicinity of the snowy mountains of Orizaba. The best and most ample history of these “ feathered gems” may be gathered from the pages of Wilson and Audubon, while the superb adornment of their beautifully pencilled plumage, so rich in its varied combination of lustrous green and gold, may be studied with advantage in the sumptuous pages of M. Lesson.1 They are of a most lively and active disposi¬ tion, almost perpetually upon the wing, and darting from flower to flower with the busy rapidity rather of a bee than a bird. In the uncultivated districts of the country they in¬ habit the forests, but in peopled regions they flock without fear into the gardens, poising themselves in the air, while they thrust their long extensile tongues into every flower in search of food. According to Bullock, they will remain suspended in a space so small that they have scarcely room to move their wings, and the humming noise which they produce proceeds entirely from the prodigious ve¬ locity with which they vibrate these tiny organs, by means of which they will remain in the ah almost motionless for hours together. An older writer, Fermin, a physi¬ cian of Surinam, compares this action to that of the bee-like flies which in still and sultry weather we of¬ ten see hovering in the vicinity of still waters; and Wil¬ son says, that when a humming-bird arrives before a thicket of trumpet-flowers in bloom, he suspends himself so steadily that his wings become “ invisible, or like a mist.” They often enter windows, and after examining any fresh bouquets with which fair hands may have decked the table, they will dart like sun-beams out by an opposite door or window. During the breeding season they be¬ come jealous of encroachment, and exhibit great boldness in defence of their supposed rights. When any one ap¬ proaches their nest, they will dart around with a humming noise, frequently passing within a few inches of the intru¬ der’s head. A small species called the Mexican star ( T. cyanopogon) is described by Mr Bullock as exhibiting great intrepidity while under the influence of anger. It will attack the eyes of the larger birds, striking at them with its sharp, needle-like bill; and when invaded by one of its own kind during the breeding season, their mutual wrath becomes immeasurable, their throats swell, their crests, tails, and wings expand, and they fight in the air ti 1 one or other falls exhausted to the ground. Indeed old Fernando Oviedo gives a still more alarming state- Insessore^ ment of their fiery temper. “ When they see a man climb ye tree where they have their nests, they flee at his face, and stryke him in the eyes, commying, goying, and returnyng with such swiftness, that no man woulde ryghtly believe it that hath not seen it.”2 Although humming-birds may frequently suck the juices of flowers, those naturalists err who allege that they sup¬ port themselves exclusively on that natural nectar. “ For myself,” says Wilson, “ I can speak decisively on the sub¬ ject : I have seen the humming-bird for half an hour at a time darting at those little groups of insects that dance in the air in a fine summer evening, retiring to an adjoining twig to rest, and renewing the attack with a dexterity that sets all our other fly-catchers at defiance.” Mr Bul¬ lock thinks it probable that all the species eat insects, and he had repeated ocular proof that many of them feed on flies, which they both caught themselves, and used to steal from spiders’ webs. It was only the smaller kinds, however, that they dared to molest, for the stronger spid¬ ers showed fight, on which the besiegers would shoot off with the rapidity of a sun-beam, and could scarcely be discovered but by the luminous glow of their refulgent colours. It may easily be conceived that creatures of such resplendent plumage, in spite of their irascible temper and pugnacious habits, are universal favourites wherever they appear; and that in “ the sweet serenity of a summer morning,” their visits to the dewy flower-beds of a cottage dwelling are surely welcomed with delight. When morning dawns, and the blest sun again Lifts his red glories from the eastern main, Then through the woodbines, wet with glittering dews, The flower-fed humming-bird his round pursues ; Sips with inserted bill the honey’d blooms, And chirps his gratitude as round he roams; While richest roses, though in crimson drest, Shrink from the splendour of his gorgeous breast. What heavenly tints in mingling radiance fly 1 Each rapid movement gives a different dye ; Like scales of burnished gold they dazzling show, Now sink to shade—now like a furnace glow ! In the summer of 1803 a nest of young humming-birds was brought to Alexander Wilson. They were nearly fit to fly ; in fact, one of them did fly out of the window the same evening, and falling against a wall, was killed upon the spot. The other refused food, and in consequence of this foolish obstinacy its life next morning was nearly ex¬ tinct. A lady in the house undertook to be its nurse, and placing it in her bosom, it immediately began to revive, which showed its good taste and natural sense of comfort. She then kindly dissolved a little sugar in her mouth, and thrusting its bill into the same, the creature sucked with great avidity. In this manner it was brought up until fit for the cage. Wilson kept it for three months afterwards, supplying it constantly with loaf-sugar dissolved in water, which it preferred to honey and water. He also gave it fresh flowers every morning, sprinkled with the sugary li¬ quid. It appeared quite gay, active, and full of spirit, hovering from flower to flower as if in its native wilds (alas ! it still was caged), and always expressed by its mo¬ tions and chirping the greatest pleasure at the sight of every fresh supply of flowers. “ Numbers of people,” says our author, “ visited it from motives of curiosity, and I took every precaution to preserve it if possible through the winter. Unfortunately, however, by some means it got at large, and, flying about the room, so injured itself that it soon after died.” Most of the preceding notices apply to the ruby-throat¬ ed humming-bird (71. colubris, Linn.), the species of which 1 2 Histoire NatureUe des Oiseaux Mouches ;—Hist. Nat. des Colibris ; History of the West Indies, translated by Richard Eden, p. 199. —Hist. Nat. des Trochilides. ORNITHOLOGY. 771 isessores, the particular habits and general economy have been the ~ most minutely studied. It sometimes makes its appearance in Louisiana as early as the 10th of March, and shows itself some weeks later in the northern states, varying not only with the latitude, but the temperature of each season. Its nest is described by Mr Audubon as being of the most delicate nature, the external parts formed of a light-gray lichen found on the branches of trees, or on decayed fence- rails, and so neatly arranged round the whole nest, as well as to some distance from the spot to which it is attached, as to seem part of the branch or stem. These little pieces of lichen, he and others allege, are glued together with the saliva of the bird ; but whether this fact has been proved by observation, or is only a natural inference from the actual ap¬ pearance of agglutination, we cannot say. The next coat¬ ing, however, consists of a cottony substance, and the in¬ nermost of all of silky fibres obtained from various plants, and extremely soft and delicate. In this delightful little bed the female lays only two eggs, of an almost oval form, and colour of pure white.1 Not more than ten days are required for hatching; the young are ready to fly in seven or eight days; they are fed or cherished by the parents for nearly another week; and Mr Audubon is of opinion that they are no sooner able to provide for themselves than they associate with other broods, and perform their migrations apart from the old birds, as he has sometimes observed twenty or thirty young humming-birds resorting to a group of trumpet-flowers when not a single adult male was to be seen.2 The migration of birds, as Dr Rich¬ ardson has well observed, has in all ages been an object of pleasing speculation to the philosopher; but in no in¬ stance does it appear more wonderful than when contem¬ plated in relation to these tiny tribes. The lofty and sus¬ tained flight of the eagle and albatross seems only com¬ mensurate with their gigantic size, and the irresistible sweeping of their mighty pinions; “ but how is our admi¬ ration of the ways of Providence increased, when we find that one of the least of its class, clothed in the most deli¬ cate and brilliant plumage, and apparently more fitted to flutter about in a conservatory than to brave the fury of the blast, should yield to few birds in the extent of its mi¬ grations.”3 The only instance with which we are acquainted of a humming-bird having been brought alive to England, is that mentioned by Latham. A young gentleman, a few days before sailing from Jamaica, observed a female of Trochilus mango sitting on her eggs. He secured the bird, cut off the twig, and brought the whole on board his vessel. The mother was fed with honey and water, and during the voyage hatched two young ones, which surviv¬ ing their parent, were landed in England and lived for some time in the possession of Lady Hammond, from whose mouth they readily sipped nectar. The longest survivor, however, died in about two months after its ar¬ rival. These frail creatures are in fact far too impatient of continuous cold to endure the climate of Britain during winter. We shall conclude by observing, that the species are very numerous, and, like the generality of extensive groups, have been of late partitioned into many minor ge¬ nera by M. Lesson, and others who have devoted them¬ selves to their consideration. The range of size, as well as of character, is considerable,— Trochilus miniums, which is no larger than an able-bodied bee, is the least of all the feathered race,—while Trochilus gigas, a “ triton ’mong the minnows,” is the largest of humming-birds, and al¬ most equals the dimensions of a swallow. In proceeding with our exposition of the tenuirostral tribes, we now approach the Hoopoes, in close approxima¬ tion to which is placed the genus Fregilus of Cuvier, con-Insessores. taining only a single European species, the Corvus gracu--v-'- lus, or red-legged crow of British writers, which we have already briefly noticed as a Pyrrhocorax. It is in truth so nearly allied to the Alpine crow ((7. pyrrhocorax), or choucard des Alpes, both in structure and habits, and is so often seen in company with that species, that wherever the one may be placed, the other should not be far dis¬ tant. M. Temminck, indeed, places them in the same ge¬ nus, although the bill of the red-legged bird (or Cornish chough) is longer than the head, more subulate and slen¬ der at the point, and without any notch. Cuvier regards the Corvus affinis of Latham, and another species from New Holland, as both belonging to the genus Fregilus. The true hoopoes (genus Upupa) are all distinguished by a crest upon the head, composed of a double row of lengthened plumes, and capable of being raised at plea¬ sure. The only European species ( U. epops, Linn. Plate IX., figure 3) is a summer bird of passage on the Con¬ tinent, where it travels northward even as far as Swe¬ den. It never breeds in Britain, though it sometimes ac¬ cidentally occurs there. We had one sent us a few years ago from the county of Fife. This bird is called buh- bola by the Italians, most probably from its peculiar cry. It keeps itself concealed among the trees; but is constant¬ ly heard repeating the syllable bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, with such a strong sonorous voice, that it may be heard at a great distance. Its song properly so called is only utter¬ ed during the honey-moon. Although the hoopoe lives and builds in woods, it may be often seen, in search of in¬ sect food, in fields and pastures. The nest is generally placed either in the natural hollow of a tree, or in the deserted excavation of a woodpecker. It is composed out¬ wardly of feathers, and is lined with the hair of cows and horses. The eggs are grayish white, finely spotted with brown. This bird is very common in Egypt. A nearly allied species (U. Capensis) is found at the Cape, and oc¬ curs also in the East Indies ; but we presume M. Savi is in error when he says the genus is likewise known in Ame¬ rica. The genus Promerops of Brisson has also an elongat¬ ed slender bill, finely pointed, laterally compressed, some¬ what convex above, with the nostrils open and cleft lon¬ gitudinally. The tail is very long and graduated, and the tongue is extensile and bifurcated, so that the species are able to absorb the nectarous juices of flowers. The title seems now restricted to the African species, of which the only one distinctly known is the Cape promerops (P. Ca¬ pensis, Merops coffer, Gm.), of a grayish brown above, with a white throat, bordered by two dark lines, the breast reddish, the abdomen yellow. The tail is of great length during the completed plumage ; but the long, ribbon-like feathers are often absent, which greatly alters the exter¬ nal character of the bird. (See Plate IX., figure 5.) In the magnificent and somewhat disputed genus Epi- machus, Cuv., the bill, though more robust in some of the species, resembles that of the two preceding genera ; but the base, or region of the nostrils, is beset with short, rounded, scale-like feathers, after the manner of the birds of paradise, which they somewhat resemble, moreover, in the great extension of certain portions of their plumage. They are also native to the same countries. The Epima- chus magnificus has the general plumage of a rich velvet black, the head and throat lustrous, with changing tints of green and blue. The tail is of ordinary length and struc¬ ture, but the sides are singularly ornamented by long ex¬ tended filamentous feathers. (See Plate IX., figure 7.) The female is much less adorned, being, according to M. 2 1 Dr Richardson describes the eggs as of “ Ornithological Biography, vol. i. p. 2ol. a reddish white colour, and obtuse at both ends.” 3 Fauna Borcali-Americana, part ii. p. 323. 772 ORNITHOLOGY. Insessores. Lesson, reddish above and gray below, streaked with from its being absent in some of the component members Insessores ''brown. The Epimachus superbus is likewise of a velvet of a natural family, and present in others. We may illus-' — black, glossed in various parts with golden green and pur- trate this by an example. In the South American genus pie, the flank feathers greatly developed, and terminated Ampelis there are genuine specice, in some of which the by a brilliant edging. The tail is of such enormous length outer and middle toes are united, while in others they are (Plate IX., figure 4) that the total extent of this species free. This is well seen in the beautiful Ampelis carnifex, in is nearly four feet. The female (Upupa fusca of which these parts are joined together, while in the closely Gmelin ?) is described as reddish on the wings and tail, the allied species A. pompadoura they are disunited. Having body of a mingled black and brown. The two preceding kinds inhabit New Guinea. I he JPavctdiseci alba of the older systems is by some referred to our present genus, which has also been made to contain a beautiful New Holland species, known to the natives by the name of rifle-bird, and described by Mr Swainson under the title of Ptilorus paradiseus. It is the Epim. regius of Lesson and Gar¬ net,1 and was previously figured by Mr Wilson as Epim. Brisbanii, in honour of General Sir Thomas ‘Brisbane, by whom it is believed to have been first transmitted to this country.2 If not a true Epimachus, it certainly greatly resembles that genus, having the form and colour¬ ing of E. magnificus, and the same tendency (though less strongly developed) to an elongation of the lateral plumes. The obscure black and brown plumage of the female like¬ wise corresponds to what M. Lesson regards as the sexual distinctions of the other species. We have had recent in¬ formation, which confirms our former views, that it is not of honey-sucking propensities. It rather exhibits a ten¬ dency to scansorial habits; and in its search for insects its bill may be heard from some distance tapping the bark, like that of a woodpecker. All the preceding groups of the Passerine Order belong to Cuvier’s first primary division, which, as we said at starting (see page 747), is characterized by never hav¬ ing the outer united to the inner toe by more than the length of one or two phalanges. Those which follow, on the contrary, forming the second and much less numerous primary division of our present order, have the outer toe almost as long as the middle one, and united to it as far as the base of the terminal articulation. Such a principle of division might, a priori, be inferred to lead to some serious mal-arrangement of the groups; for it is extremely unlikely that so trifling a character should be found in uniform accordance with other and more influential attributes, and the slightest study or most superficial inspection of this the Syndac- tylousDivision of Baron Cuvier’s passerine order will suffice to show that the said division is in many points extremely heterogeneous and unnatural. To prove this to the satis¬ faction of any one at all conversant with the character of the prevailing forms in Ornithology, it will suffice merely to enumerate its component parts, viz. the bee-eaters (A/e- rops), the motmots (Prionites), the king-fishers (Alcedo), the todies (Todus), and the horn-bills (Buceros). It is indeed surprising that any one so gifted with the power of philosophical observation, so qualified by his profound ac¬ quaintance with comparative anatomy to trace the natural relations of living creatures, and so signally successful in his usual generalizations, should either have brought to¬ gether, or permitted to remain in juxtaposition, so dis¬ cordant a group. The regulating character supposed to be competent to amalgamate these discordant materials is alleged to consist simply in the close adherence of the outer and middle toe throughout a considerable portion of their length, that is, as far as the penultimate joints. Now, that this character by itself is of no avail in the forma¬ tion of natural groups, is evident from two considera¬ tions :—IsZ, From its being found in numerous genera, which are admitted to bear no affinity to each other;—2dly, called the reader’s attention to this inconsistency, we shall proceed to a brief sketch of the different generic groups above named. In the beautiful genus Merops, Linn., the bill is elon¬ gated, somewhat triangular at the base, slightly arched, sharp pointed. The wings are long, and narrow at the extremity. The feet are short. The flight of these birds, commonly called bee-eaters, is easy and buoyant, resem¬ bling that of the swallow. The species are numerous in Africa and the East; but only one is accustomed to show itself in Europe, the Merops apiaster, or common bee-eater of English writers (to whom, however, it is one of the rarest of the feathered race), an elegantly-formed and richly-plumaged bird (Plate X., figure 2). It arrives in the southern countries of the Continent in March, and departs in September. It flies in flocks, usually at a con¬ siderable elevation, and utters with hoarse and guttural voice, in startling disaccordance with its slender aspect, a continual cry of gra, gra, gra. It builds in deep horizontal holes in sandy banks, which it excavates in whole or in part, working vigorously with feet and bill, and kicking out the dry earth behind it with great dexterity. It lays six or seven eggs, white, lucid, and almost spherical. When the young are partly fledged, but not yet fit to fly, they creep to the mouth of their holes, where they seem to enjoy the happy summer light and genial sunshine ; but on the least alarm they trundle stern foremost into their inner chambers, where they lie concealed until tranquillity again prevails. So accustomed do they seem indeed to this peculiar movement, that when taken from the nest, and placed in any more ex¬ posed position, they seek to escape by running backwards. In fact, for a time they seem unable to walk in any other direction. All these birds are exclusively insectivorous, and prey almost entirely on the hymenopterous tribes. Although they often take their food upon the wing, thev also gather it from the ground; and whenever they espy the small hole which leads into the nest of wasp or bem- bex, they place themselves close beside it, and snap up the industrious tenants on their exit or arrival. The Ita¬ lian contadini regard the cry of the bee-eater as a sign of rain when they hear it uttered from a great height. The appearance of this beautiful bird in England is acci¬ dental. We may add, that none of the species occurs in America. In the genus Prionites, Illiger, the feet and form are similar, but the bill is much stronger than in the preced¬ ing, the margins of both mandibles are crenelated (see Plate X., figure 3), and the tongue is feathered. These birds are natives of South America. The plumage of their head is loose, like that of our common jay, the tail is long and graduated, and in adult birds the two central feathers are often bare or barbless for a space not far from the extremity. They prey on insects, occasionally attack small birds, and build their nests in the hollows of trees. Example, the blue-crowned motmot, Eamphastos momota, Gmelin. The genus Alcedo, containing the king-fishers, has the legs still shorter than the bee-eaters, and the bill long, straight, angular, and pointed (Plate X., figures 1 and 4). As originally constituted, it contained a numerous assem¬ blage of species from various countries of the world, of shape 1 Voyage de Duperrey, pi. xxviii. 2 llluitrations of Zoology, vol. i. pi. xi. ORNITF uessores. and proportions rather awkward than elegant, but almost all remarkable for great splendour of plumage. The size and length of the bill are usually disproportioned to the body, and the feet and legs seem of a diminutive and apparently inconvenient form ; but the shining silky lustre of the fea¬ thers, and their rich and infinitely varied hues of the most brilliant green and blue, contrasted with different shades of orange, black, and brown, render the genus one of the most showy and attractive within the entire range of the ornitho¬ logical system. The Alcedo ispida(oxvc common king-fisher) is the only species which occurs in Europe, and it yields to few of its brethren in its lustrous beauty. It is one of the rarest, and certainly the most highly adorned, of all our resident species. It haunts the banks of lakes and rivers, building in hollows near their margin, and preys chiefly on small fish, on which it darts with the rapidity of an arrow, plunging its little gem-like body for one flashing moment in the crystal stream. Certain modifications observable in the form of the bill, and accompanied, as usual, by a corresponding change of habits, have induced the division of the original genus. For example, we owe to Dr Leach the formation of the genus Dacelo, of which the type is the giant king-fisher of New Holland (A. gigantea of Latham). The bill is very strong, curved at the extremity, and bulged beneath. These species (called martin-chasseurs by the French) inhabit forests, and build their nests, not in the excavated banks of rivers, but in the hollows of lofty trees ; whereas the true kmg-fishers (martin-pecheurs) are never found at any distance from the “ pure element of waters.” The former also feed on insects rather than fish, and, the larger kind especially, are clothed in a dingier and less adorned plumage. The one above alluded to (Z>. gigantea) is described by Mr Bennet as well known to the colonists of New South Wales by the name of laughing or feathered jack¬ ass,—a designation which occasioned a lady at home to declare, that of all the wonderful productions of Australia, she thought nothing could equal the “ feathered donkey.” Its peculiar gurgling laugh, commencing in a low and gradually rising to a louder tone, is often heard by travel¬ lers, proceeding from the branch of some lofty tree, where the bird is watching for its prey. It is said that one sel¬ dom laughs without being accompanied by another, ap¬ parently anxious to join in a duet. This bird is respected by Australian gardeners for destroying grubs, &c.; and Mr Bennet reports, that it also deserves protection on ac¬ count of its devouring mice and venomous reptiles. “ A gentleman told me he was perfectly aware of the bird de¬ stroying snakes, as he had often seen them carry the rep¬ tiles to a tree, and break their heads to pieces with their sharp, strong beaks.” “ One of these birds, seen upon the branch of a tree near a river, looking so stupid, and nod¬ ding as if asleep, was shot, and it was then found that this peculiar manner proceeded from its having swallowed a small snake, which had got into the stomach, throat, and bill, but had not yet accommodated itself in the former cavity.”1 A rare and remarkable species, from the Moluccas, with a shorter bill than usual, and a much longer tail, sometimes called the ternate king-fisher (A. dea, Linn.), forms the genus Tanysiptera of Mr Vigors,—while a few small species which either want the inner toe, or possess it in a very rudimentary state, constitute the genus Ceyx of Lacepede. The latter occur in India. Example, A. tri- bachys, Shaw. (Plate X., figures 5 and 11.) The genus Todus contains some small American birds, supposed to resemble the king-fishers in their general form, their feet, and lengthened bills; but the latter or- 0 L O G Y. 773 gan is horizontally depressed, and obtuse at the extremi- Insessores ty, the tarsi are more elevated, and the tail shorter. Their v''—' habits are insectivorous, and the species, very few in num¬ ber as the group is now restricted, are by most Ornitho¬ logists arranged among the Muscicapidce, near the genera Platyrhynchus and Muscipeta. The best-known, if not the only species, is the green tody (T7. viridis, Linn.). It is found in the Antilles, and some of the equatorial re¬ gions of South America, where it hunts insects like a fly¬ catcher, but builds in holes in banks, after the manner of a king-fisher. Its nest is placed in a little chamber at the termination of a tortuous gallery, and both sexes are re¬ markable for their strong attachment to their young. This delightful bird is named ground-parrakeet by the Creoles of St Domingo. Though not very rare, it usually dwells in wild and solitary places, which is probably the reason of its being by no means frequent in the collections of Eu¬ rope. The male utters an agreeable song during the pair¬ ing season, but at other times the green tody is a very silent bird. Its flight is straight and rapid, and it sits at times both on stones and trees. (Plate X., figures 6, 7, and 9.) The genus Buceros, which includes the calaos or horn- bills, is the last of the great passerine order in the ar¬ rangement of Baron Cuvier (Plate X., figures 8 and 10). It certainly differs greatly from those near which he makes it stand, nor does it amalgamate much better with its neighbours in more recent systems. The species are natives of Africa and India, and are characterized by their enormous bills, toothed along their edges, and frequently surmounted by an additional horny structure, which be¬ stows on them a very striking and peculiar physiognomy. These excrescences vary considerably with the age of the individual, and are scarcely perceptible in the young birds. The horn-bills may be said to resemble the toucans in their heads, the crows in their general habits, and the syndac- tylous tribes in the form of their feet. Their tongue is very small. These birds may be regarded as omnivorous, as they feed indifferently on fruits, mice, small birds, rep¬ tiles, and even carcasses. They exhibit an awkward and uncommon aspect while in the act of flying, in consequence of the great size of their beaks and lengthened tails, and al¬ together their appearance is extremely uncouth. Perhaps one of the most singular features in their economy consists in their feeding greedily, and without injury, on the seeds of nux vomica?- The African horn-bill {B. Africanus) is entirely black, and nearly as large as a turkey. The crowned species (B. coronatus) is a much smaller bird, scarcely equalling the size of a magpie. Le Vaillant saw a flock of more than five hundred of these birds, in company with crows and vultures, preying on the remains of slaughtered elephants. It is figured by Mr Swainson in tbe third volume of the first series of his beautiful Illustrations. A large and re¬ markable Indian species - was several years ago described by Mr Hodgson. It measures four feet five inches from tip to tip of the wings, and is three feet six inches in length. Its body exceeds that of the largest raven, but is very lean and incompact. It is believed to feed chiefly on fruits, although it will seize upon reptiles when press¬ ed by hunger. Its freedom from any offensive smell, and the excellence of its flesh, which is much esteemed as an article of food, go far to prove that its habits are chiefly frugivorous. In a domestic state it will eat meat either raw or dressed. Mr Hodgson’s specimen, however, was fed mostly on boiled rice, mixed with ghee, and made into large balls. It was never observed to take any water. Whenever it swallowed a mouthful which on second thoughts it considered as somewhat too large, it imme- 1 Wanderings in New South Wales, i. 222. * Edinburgh Cabinet Library, British India, iii. 90. /* O R N I T Scansores. diately disgorged it for the sake of a little additional mas- v—> tication.1 Order III—SCANSORES or CLIMBERS. This somewhat heterogeneous group, continued by Ba¬ ron Cuvier as a separate order, forms, in the systems of our own more recent writers, merely an additional tribe in the primary division of the passerine or insessorial order. As the zoological treatises in our present work have been hitherto made conformable to the general principles which regulate the arrangement proposed by the great French anatomist, we shall not here swerve from our previous practice, although we doubt not, that among some recent alterations for the worse, there may also be found not a few for the better. We fear, however, that it may be some time before the Scansores, even of the modern sys¬ tems, can be regarded as composed of very closely allied groups,—at least so long as people feel averse to see any natural connection between a creeper and a cockatoo. Be this as it may, our present order is composed of species the great majority of which possess two toes before and two behind; that is, one of the three anterior toes com¬ monly so called, is either reversible at pleasure, or is per¬ manently thrown backwards, so as to give great power and tenacity of grasp during their infinitely varied movements over the rugged bark or smoother branches of the forest trees, on which they chiefly dwell. By this peculiar struc¬ ture many species are enabled not only to ascend with ease a perpendicular trunk, but to suspend themselves from the lower surface of a branch while searching for their favou¬ rite food, which consists of fruits or insects, according to the form of the bill, so greatly diversified in the scansorial order. In the parrot tribe the foot is also used in the conveyance of food to the mouth, and generally as a nre- hensile organ of a very perfect kind. We are aware that more than one excellent Ornitholo¬ gist has objected to the title of this order, as incapable of being strictly applied to the whole of the genera of which it is composed. It is no doubt true that many of the spe¬ cies (such as the cuckoo), in which the toes are in pairs, or yoke-footed, cannot climb, while it is equally evident that several other species (such as the creeper, C.familia- ris, the already alluded to very distant connection of the cockatoo) are excluded from this order by reason of the structure of their feet, in spite of which, however, they contrive to climb unceasingly; and that under these cir¬ cumstances the denomination cannot be rigorously applied as alike characteristic of what it contains, and as correct¬ ly exclusive of what it does not contain. But we believe the same objection may be made to apply at least with equal force to various parts of every other system yet pro¬ posed. The ordinal characters, considered in their tota¬ lity, are seldom so natural, yet extended, as to admit of no exception ; and it is extremely questionable whether a title should be immediately changed upon the discovery of every species which may not coincide with its most rigo¬ rous interpretation. In truth, this could not in many cases be effected merely on the consideration of a single charac¬ ter, without producing greater inconveniences than those which it is desired to obviate. Among scansorial birds, for example, we have several species with only three toes, and which it would therefore be unreasonable to expect should conform to the ordinal character of having two toes before and two behind. But in spite of that partial defi¬ ciency, they are, in every essential particular, “ true to their order.” H O L O G Y. The bill in the scansorial tribes varies so greatly in the Seansore* different genera, from the straight, lengthened, angular mandibles of the woodpeckers, to the deep, curved, com¬ pressed organ of the parrots, that we must omit all consi¬ deration of it in the ordinal characters, although the study of its form is essential in relation to the minor divisions. Ihe species of this order are, with few exceptions, inha¬ bitants of the forests, and usually build their nests in the hollows of ancient trees. Their powers of flight are not remarkable. The European genera are almost entirely insectivorous; the parrot tribe feed on fruits; the toucans exhibit a tendency to the carnivorous habits of the acci- pitrine tribes ; while other genera sensibly enjoy a mingled or miscellaneous diet.2 The genus Galbula, Brisson, has a straight, elongated, sharp-pointed bill, with the upper edge rather sharp ; the legs are very short, and the anterior toes much united. (Plate XI., figure 1.) The plumage of these birds usually, known under the name of Jacamars, is remarkable for its metallic lustre. The species inhabit South America, where they occur among trees in moist and marshy places. Exam¬ ples, G.paradisea and viridis, Lath. They generally sit, ac¬ cording to Mr Swainson, on low naked branches in the forest paths, from whence they dart upon butterflies, spearing them with their long bills ; and their haunts, indeed, may be frequently discovered by the ground being strewed with the beautiful wings of their mangled victims, the bodies of which they alone devour.3 “ A bird called jacamar,”says Waterton, “ is often taken for a king-fisher, but it has no relationship to that tribe; it frequently sits in the trees over the water, and as its beak bears some resemblance to that of the king-fisher, this may probably account for its being taken for one ; it feeds entirely upon insects ; it sits on a branch in motionless expectation, and as soon as a fly, butterfly, or moth passes by, it darts at it, and returns to the branch it had first left. It seems an indolent, se¬ dentary bird, shunning the society of all others in the fo¬ rest. It never visits the plantations, but is found at all times of the year in the woods. There are four species of jacamar in Demerara; they are all beautiful; the largest, rich and superb in the extreme. Its plumage is of so fine a changing blue and golden green, that it may be ranked with the choicest of the humming-birds. Nature has de¬ nied it a song, but given it a costly garment in lieu of it. The smallest species of jacamar is very common in the dry savannas. The second size, all golden green on the back, must be looked for in the Wallaba forest. The third is found throughput the whole extent of these wilds; and the fourth, which is the largest, frequents the interior, where you begin to perceive stones in the ground.”4 An Indian species (M. Lesson, however, assigns it to Cayenne), of which the bill is shorter, thicker, and somewhat arched, forms the genus Jacamerops of Le Vaillant (see Plate XI., figure 2); and another from South America, with only three toes (G. tridactyla, Vieil.), constitutes the genus Jacamar-alcyon (Plate XI., figure 3). These names, however unmusically composed, point out the na¬ tural relationship of our present group to the bee-eaters and king-fishers, with which (as fissirostral birds) they are combined in some modern systems. The genus Picus, Linn., contains the well-marked, nu¬ merous, and extensively distributed tribe of woodpeckers, which occur in all the great divisions of the earth, with the exception of New Holland. The vast and solitary fo¬ rests of North and South America ai’e, however, their chief dominion, the greatest number, both there and in the old world, being found within the tropics. The bill is rather long, straight, angular, somewhat compressed or w'edge- * Transactions of the Physical Class of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, part i. p. 178. Wilson s Illustrations of Zoology, vol. i. art. Scansores. 3 Nat- Hist, and Class, of Birds, ii. 154. 4 Wanderings, p. 137. ORNITHOLOGY. 775 nsores. shaped at the extremity, and admirably fitted for splitting ■^v^^the bark or excavating the decayed portions of trees. The tongue is long, and capable of great protrusion, in conse¬ quence of its muscular basis, and the length of the horns of the os hyoides. It is not only furnished with little spines pointing backwards, but is covered by a glutinous mois¬ ture secreted by the salivary glands, which aids in the capture of the smaller insects, the larger, it is said, being usually transfixed by the point itself. The tail-feathers are very stiff and elastic, and greatly aid the motion of the feet in climbing, being pressed upon the bark, so as in some measure to support the body. Woodpeckers are shy and solitary birds. During the breeding season they dwell in pairs, and are only met with in small family flocks through¬ out the autumn. With the exception of the parrots, they form the most extensive group among scansorial tribes, between one and two hundred species being known to na¬ turalists. We have only four in Britain, viz. the green woodpecker (P. viridis), our most common species; the great black woodpecker (P. martins), which is a much rarer bird ; the great spotted woodpecker (P. major) ; and the lesser spotted kind (P. minor). Besides these, several others occur on the continent of Europe. In whatever clime or country woodpeckers are found, they are characterized by strong affinities of form and co¬ lour, and constitute a very natural group, although some slight modifications of the bill have given rise in recent times to the formation of a few subgenera. Buffon has drawn a melting picture of the miseries of a woodpecker’s life. According to the views of the always eloquent, but frequently erroneous and sometimes incon¬ sistent Frenchman, no bird which earns its subsistence by spoil leads a life of such painful and uninterrupted labour. Nature appears to have condemned it to incessant toil,— for while other species freely employ their courage or ad¬ dress, and either glide along on fearless rapid wings, or lurk insidiously in closer ambush, the woodpecker is con¬ strained to drag on a miserable existence in boring through the scaly bark and tough unyielding fibres of the hardest trees. Necessity admits no intermission of its labours,— no interval of sweet repose. Not even the darkness of the night, nor sleep, that “ soft restorer,” who throws her balmy mantle over such a mass of human misery, brings any solace here,—for the nocturnal hours are spent in the same constrained and painful posture as are those of day. It never shares in the joyous sports of the other inhabi¬ tants of the woods, and so far from joining in their glad re¬ sponses, it rather deepens the natural sadness of the forest glades by its wild and melancholy cries. Now, what is all this but the most fantastic coinage of the brain ?—as if the blessed beings which people this gladsome world en¬ dured the primal curse, and shared the self-inflicted ruin of our race ! as if their joyful hearts were ever pressed by sorrow, or responded in wailing sadness to the woes of man ! Spirit of Eblis ! not yet has thy malign' influence so encroached upon the “ Benigner Power.” Is there any thing on earth for which we may not cry alas ! saving only the omnipotent goodness of God, who careth “ for all his creatures,”—and amid the unmeasured wretchedness which springs from human folly, the wan faces of our fellow-men pent up in close-built cities, the drunkard’s hollow eyes, his shaking limbs, and tattered garments (and all the horrid ills that vice is heir to), what is more inspiring than to see even a fragment of the face of nature,—some little open plot of garden ground, where in spring the blackbird still may sing his evening hymn, or the autumnal red-breast cheerily announce approaching winter ? Is there sorrow there or suffering, save what may spring from some dark spirit in the mind of man, the “ immortal rebel ?” When Buffon himself, a great interpreter of nature, in spite of all his fitful fancies, yielded up his life to God who gave it, did the lilied fields of France reflect the sun’s warm Scansoree. rays less brightly, or her sylvan choristers welcome with sadder note the rosy day-break of the ensuing morn ; or when that more wretched hour arrived (which the hoarv but irreverent parent was saved the pain to see) when hfs son’s fair locks, dishevelled but not dishonoured, were streaming on the blood-stained floor of that insatiate scaf¬ fold, what cared the gladsome birds in field or tree ? It would indeed be but a doleful thought, if misery such as man so often meets with among human kind, and which he is therefore prone to picture, were to spread itself from his own sad bosom into the depth of darkly shaded forests, where so many gorgeous feathered inmates dwell, or among ocean rocks amid upheaving waters, or wave-worn caves, or crystal rivers with their golden sands. Let those who dwell with pity on the fate of our condemned bird go with us to America, and listen to the high-toned note of Pious principalis (the name itself might “ threaten and command”), echoing from the giant trunk or moss-grown arm of some colossal tree, or watch his varied movements, while from gnarled stems he drives off impetuously broad flakes of flashing bark, which so accumulate around the base of pine or cypress, as if a human carpenter had there set up his habitation. Or if we cannot go to America, let us read a great observer’s history of another species. “ No sooner,” says Audubon, “ has spring called them (the golden-winged woodpeckers) to the pleasant duty of making love, than their voice, which by the way is not at all disagreeable to the ear of man, is heard from the tops of high decayed trees, proclaiming with delight the opening of the welcome season. Their note at this period is merriment itself, as it imitates a prolonged and jovial laugh, heard at a con¬ siderable distance. Several males pursue a female, reach her, and to prove the force and truth of their love, bow their heads, spread their tails, and move sideways, back¬ wards and forwards, performing such antics as might in¬ duce any one witnessing them, if not of a most morose temper, to join his laugh to theirs. The female flies to another tree, where she is constantly followed by one, two, or even half a dozen of these gay suitors, and where again the same ceremonies are gone through. No fightings oc¬ cur, no jealousies exist among these beaux, until a marked preference is shown to some individual; when the reject¬ ed proceed in search of another female. In this manner all the golden-winged woodpeckers are soon happily mated. Each pair immediately proceed to excavate the trunk of a tree, and finish a hole in it sufficient to contain themselves and their young." They both work with great industry and apparent pleasure. Should the male, for instance, be em¬ ployed, the female is close to him, and congratulates him on the removal of every chip which his bill sends through the air. While he rests he appears to be speaking to her on the most tender subjects, and when fatigued is at once assisted by her. In this manner, by the alternate exer¬ tions of each, the hole is dug and finished. They caress each other on the branches, climb about and around the tree with apparent delight, rattle with their bill against the tops of the dead branches, chase all their cousins the red-heads, defy the purple-grakles to enter their nest, feed plentifully on ants, beetles, and larvae, cackling at intervals, and ere two weeks have elapsed, the female lays either four or six eggs, the whiteness or transparency of which are doubtless the delight of her heart. If to raise a numerous progeny may contribute to happiness, these woodpeckers may be happy enough, for they have two broods each season. Even in confinement the golden-winged woodpecker never suffers its naturally lively spirit to droop. It feeds well, and by way of amusement will contrive to destroy as much furniture in a day as can well be mended by a different kind of workman in two. Therefore, kind reader, do not any longer believe that woodpeckers, I mean those of 776 ORNITHOLOGY. Scansores. America, are such stupid, forlorn, dejected, and unprovid- ed-for beings, as they have hitherto been represented.”1 The other species to which we have above alluded is the beautiful ivory-billed woodpecker (Picus principalis, Linn.), of which the broad extent of dark and glossy plu¬ mage, with the wTell-defined snowy markings of the neck and wings, relieved by the rich tracery of the carmine crest, and brilliant yellow eye, in some way so reminded the en¬ thusiastic Audubon of the noble productions of a great Flemish painter, that whenever he saw one of these gor¬ geous birds flying from tree to tree, he would exclaim, “ There goes a Vandyke.” The ivory-billed woodpecker confines its rambles to a comparatively small portion of the United States, and is never observed in the middle por¬ tions of the Union, where the nature of the wood does not appear to suit its habits. “ Descending the Ohio,” says Mr Audubon, “ we meet with this splendid bird for the first time near the confluence of that beautiful river and the Mississippi; after which, following the windings of the latter, either downwards towards the sea, or upwards in the direction of the Missouri, we frequently observe it. On the Atlantic coast, North Carolina may be taken as the limits of its distribution, although now and then an in¬ dividual of the species may be accidentally seen in Mary¬ land. To the westward of the Mississippi, it is found in all the dense forests bordering the streams which empty their waters into that majestic river from the declivities of the Rocky Mountains. The lower parts of the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, are how¬ ever the most favourite resorts of this bird, and in those states it constantly resides, breeds, and passes a life of peaceful enjoyment, finding a profusion of food in all the deep, dark, and gloomy swamps dispersed throughout them. I wish, kind reader, it were in my power to present to your mind’s eye the favourite resort of the ivory-billed woodpecker. Would that I could describe the extent of those deep morasses, overshadowed by millions of dark gigantic cypresses, spreading their sturdy moss-covered branches, as if to admonish intruding man to pause and reflect on the many difficulties which he must encounter should he persist in venturing farther into their almost in¬ accessible recesses, extending for miles before him, where he would be interrupted by huge projecting branches, here and there the massy trunk of a fallen and decaying tree, and thousands of creeping and twining plants of number¬ less species! Would that I could represent to you the dangerous nature of the ground, its oozing, spongy, and miry disposition, although covered with a beautiful but treacherous carpeting, composed of the richest mosses, flags, and water-lilies, no sooner receiving the pressure of the foot than it yields, and endangers the very life of the adventurer, whilst here and there, as he approaches an opening, that proves merely a lake of black, muddy water, his ear is assailed by the dismal croaking of innumerable frogs, the hissing of serpents, or the bellowing of alligators! Would that I could give you an idea of the sultry pesti¬ ferous atmosphere, that nearly suffocates the intruder dur¬ ing the meridian beat of our dogdays, in those gloomy and horrible swamps! But the attempt to picture these scenes would be vain. Nothing short of ocular demonstration can impress any adequate idea of them. “ The flight of this bird is graceful in the extreme, although seldom prolonged to more than a few hundred yards at a time, unless when it has to cross a large river, which it does in deep undulations, opening its wings at first to their full extent, and nearly closing them to re¬ new the propelling impulse. The transit from one tree to another, even should the distance be as much as a hun ¬ dred yards, is performed by a single sweep, and the bird appears as if merely swinging itself from the top of the Scansores one tree to that of the other, forming an elegantly curved line. At this moment all the beauty of the plumage is ex¬ hibited, and strikes the beholder with pleasure. It never utters any sound whilst on wing, unless during the love season; but at all other times, no sooner has this bird alighted, than its remarkable voice is heard, at almost every leap which it makes, whilst ascending against the upper parts of the trunk of a tree, or its highest branches. Its notes are clear, loud, and yet rather plaintive. They are heard at a considerable distance, perhaps half a mile, and resemble the false high note of a clarionet. They are usually repeated three times in succession, and may be represented by the monosyllable, pait, pa,it, pait. These are heard so frequently, as to induce me to say that the bird spends few minutes of the day without uttering them ; and this circumstance leads to its destruction, which is aimed at, not because (as is supposed by some) this spe¬ cies is a destroyer of trees, but more because it is a beau¬ tiful bird, and its rich scalp, attached to the upper man¬ dible, forms an ornament for the war-dress of most of our Indians, or for the short pouch of our squatters and hunt¬ ers, by all of whom the bird is shot merely for that pur¬ pose. “ Travellers of all nations are also fond of possessing the upper part of the head and the bill of the male; and I have frequently remarked, that on a steam-boat’s reach¬ ing what we call a ivooding-place, the strangers were very apt to pay a quarter of a dollar for two or three heads of this woodpecker. I have seen entire belts of Indian chiefs closely ornamented with the tufts and bills of this species, and have observed that a great value is frequently put upon them. The food of this species consists principally of beetles, larvae, and large grubs. No sooner, however, are the grapes of our forests ripe, than they are eaten by the ivory-billed woodpecker with great avidity. I have seen this bird hang by its claws to the vines, in the posi¬ tion so often assumed by a tit-mouse, and, reaching down¬ wards, help itself to a bunch of grapes with much apparent pleasure. Persimons are also sought for by them, as soon as the fruit becomes quite mellow, as are hag-berries. The ivory-bill is never seen attacking the corn, or the fruit of the orchards, although it is sometimes observed working upon and chipping off the bark from the belted trees of the newly-cleared plantations. It seldom comes near the ground, but prefers at all times the tops of the tallest trees. Should it, however, discover the half-standing broken shaft of a large dead and rotten tree, it attacks it in such a manner as nearly to demolish it in the course of a few days. I have seen the remains of some of these ancient monarchs of our forests so excavated, and that so singu¬ larly, that the tottering fragments of the trunk appeared to be merely supported by the great pile of chips by which its base was surrounded. The strength of this woodpecker is such that I have seen it detach pieces of bark seven or eight inches in length at a single blow of its powerful bill, and by beginning at the top branch of a dead tree, tear off the bark, to an extent of twenty or thirty feet, in the course of a few hours, leaping down¬ wards with its body in an upward position, tossing its head to the right and left, or leaning it against the bark to as¬ certain the precise spot where the grubs were concealed, and immediately after renewing its blows with fresh vi¬ gour, all the while sounding its loud notes, as if highly delighted. “ When wounded and brought to the ground, the ivory- bill immediately makes for the nearest tree, and ascends it with great rapidity and perseverance, until it reaches the top branches, when it squats and hides, generally with Ornithological Biography, voi. i. p. 191. ORNITHOLOGY. cansores, great effect. Whilst ascending, it moves spirally round the tree, utters its loud pail, pait, pait, at almost every hop, but becomes silent the moment it reaches a place where it conceives itself secure. They sometimes cling to the bark with their claws so firmly, as to remain cramp¬ ed to the spot for several hours after death. When taken by the hand, which is rather a hazardous undertaking, they strike with great violence, and inflict very severe wounds with their bill as well as claws, which are ex¬ tremely sharp and strong. On such occasions, this bird utters a mournful and very piteous cry.’n A few species in which the bill is obviously arched form the genus Colaptes of Mr Swainson. They seem, moreover, distinguished by the broad, bright-coloured shafts of the quill-feathers. Such is the gold-winged woodpeck¬ er (P. auratus) already alluded to. These birds perch more frequently than the genuine woodpeckers, that is, grasp or encircle the smaller branches, and they also often feed upon the ground. A Brazilian species is even nam¬ ed P. campestris, from its habit, of searching about in fields and plains for insects in the dung of cattle, or on ant-hills, where it finds an ample supply of favourite food. This form occurs also in Africa. Certain three-toed species were formed into the genus Picoides by Lace- pede. (Plate CCCXCV. fig. 3.) I he genus Yunx of Linn., containing the wrynecks, re¬ markable for their beautifully brindled plumage, is of very limited extent. The sole European species (Pwraa: tfor- quilki) is in Britain a rare but regular summer bird of pas¬ sage, breeding in hollow trees, laying numerous eggs, and feeding on insects. The genus Picumnus of Temm. is nearly allied, but is distinguished by its extremely short tail. Example, P. abnormis, Temm. PI. Col. 371, fig. 3, which comes from Java. Picus minutus, which some au¬ thors place here, is by others regarded as a Yunx. In the genus Cuculus of Linn, were originally placed a number of different insectivorous birds, commonly called cuckoos, which agreed in the general form of the feet, the lengthened tail, the bill of medium size, rather deeply cleft, somewhat compressed, and slightly curved. But they have since been formed into numerous minor groups, the most marked and conspicuous of which we shall here briefly notice. The true cuckoos, genus Cuculus, Cuv., have the bill of moderate strength, the tarsi short, and the tail of ten feathers. As an example, we name our common British species, C. canorus, so remarkable for its singular and somewhat anomalous habit of depositing its eggs in the nests of other birds, a fact now so well known, and so frequently recorded, that we need not here dilate upon the subject, however curious in itself. The nest of the hedge-sparrow (Accentor modularis) is that most usually chosen in the south of England,—that of the yellow-ham¬ mer (Emb. citrinclla), the wagtail (Mot. alba), and the 777 meadow titlark (.4. prulemis), being, however, likewise Scansorei. devoted to the purpose. “ In Northumberland,” says Mr' Selby, “ constant experience tells me, that the nest of the last-mentioned bird is the one almost always chosen. Taking advantage of the absence of its dupe during the time of laying (which generally occupies four or five days), the cuckoo deposits its egg among the rest, abandoning it from that moment to the care of the foster-parent. As the same period of incubation is common to both birds, the eggs are hatched nearly together, which no sooner takes place than the young cuckoo proceeds instinctively to eject its young companions and any remaining eggs from the nest. To effect this object, it contrives to work itself under its burden (the back at this early age being provided with a peculiar depression between the shoul¬ ders), and shuffling backwards to the edge of the nest, by a jerk rids itself of the incumbrance; and this opera¬ tion is repeated, till the whole being thrown over, it re¬ mains sole possessor. This particular tendency remains for about twelve days, after which the hollow space be¬ tween the shoulders is filled up; and when prevented from accomplishing its purpose till the expiration of that time, as if conscious of inability, it suffers its companions to remain unmolested.”2 Various supposed reasons have been assigned for this anomalous, and we might almost say unnatural, instinct. Some have attributed it to the displacement of certain viscera (the gizzard is said to be situate farther back than in most other birds), which unfits them for the purposes of incubation, while others imagine that the early period at which cuckoos migrate from this country (they are ge¬ nerally off by the beginning of July) makes it necessary that they should leave their offspring to the care of foster- parents.3 But anatomical investigation has not proved any thing sufficiently peculiar in their structure to warrant the first conclusion ; and as to the second, it seems to us not so much a deduction from a regulating and causative fact in their history, as the statement of an additional cir¬ cumstance which renders that history still more singular, and which naturally leads to the question, not easily an¬ swered, of why do they migrate so early ?4 In short, we know nothing at all about the matter, further than that the cuckoo of Europe, like the cow-bunting of America, always lays eggs, but never hatches them. The same custom is alleged, we think upon a narrow and ill-consi¬ dered generalization, to characterize the other kinds of cuckoo. It may be a practice common to several species, but the rare black and white spotted cuckoo ( CWw/ms Pi- sanus, Gm., an odd name for an African bird, which hap¬ pened once upon a time to visit Tuscany) is stated by the authors of the Storia degli Uccelli to have built a nest in the woods of Pisa, and reared four young ones. This spe¬ cies is extremely rare in Europe. It is known, however, in the Genoese territory,5 and the young have been occa- Ormthological Biography, i. 341. * British Ornithology, vol. i. p. 398. 3 British Ornithology, vol i. p. 399. Besides, in Italy and other southern parts of Europe, this migration does not take place till September, and yet the habits of the bird are precisely the same. “ Quelli uccellini,” says Savi, “ nel covo de’ quali il cuculo ha lasciato 1’uovo, non vi fanno attenzione; come uno de loro seguitano a covarlo, e quando e nato imboceano e custodiscono il piccolo cuculo, con lo stesso amore, e con la cura medesima de’ figli propri. Ma ben presto egli paga d’ingratitudine le premure dell’amorosa sua balia : crescendo molto piii de’ com- pagm, dopo poco tempo il nido e per lui troppo stretto : allora ricorre a un barbaro espediente per procurarsi un alloggio piii comodo &c....“ Kipete quest’ operazione successivamente, in ragione che cresce, e che gli altri compagni lo mcomodano, di modo che alia tine rimane solo nel nido usurpato. Cosi quei miseri uccelli che construirono il nido e che han fatto da balia al cuculo, sono da lui priyati ad uno ad uno di tutti i figli.” Itegarding the movements of the parent bird in Italy, he observes, “ E uccello migratono s arnva nell Aprile, e parti in Settembre. Appena arriva comincia a cantare, e quantunque il suo verso non abbia alcuna varieta non ostante la voce essendo dolce e rotonda, si sente con piacere. Grandissimo e il numero che ne rimane in Toscana : non vi e bosco in monte 0 in piano, che in primavera ed in estate, non risuoni dal cu cu, cu cu, di questo uccello. Nel Settembre comincia a muoversi per emigare: allora in alcuni anni se ne vede passare una quantita grandissima per la pianura Pisana. Nel Settembre del 1823 eli alben dello stradone che da Pisa va al Parco lleale di S. Itossore, attraversando vastissime praterie, ne furono pieni per una diecina di giorm. Volavano 1 cuculi da una pianta all’ altra, andavano a posarsi un poco sul prato, ritornavano sugli alberi, ma di la non si anontanavano, benche continuamente Ibssero molestati dai non pochi cacciatori che vi erano acccorsi. Quest! uccelli volano con grande e.sPesso’ particularmente andando a posarsi, senza muovere le ali, come sogliono fare i Falchi.” (Ornitologia Toscana, t. i. n. 152 1 * Cam, Catalogo d'Ornitologia di Genova, p. 55. 51 v VOL. XVI. , 5 y 778 ORNITH Scansores. sionally killed in the south of France.1 Many beautiful " v^y cuckoos are found in foreign countries. Those of North America belong to the genus Coccyzus of Vieillot, and are distinguished by a greater length of tarsus. (Plate XI., figure 4.) They seem to delight more in deep woody solitudes than the true cuckoos, the latter being often found on hilly pastures and open heathy ground, if fringed with wood. A stranger who visits the United States for the purpose of examining their natural productions, and passes through the woods in May or June, will sometimes hear, as he traverses the borders of deep, retired, high-timbered hollows, an uncouth guttural sound. He will frequently hear this without being able to discover the source from which it comes, as the yellow-billed cuckoo ( Coccyzus Americanus) is both shy and solitary, and always seeks the thickest foliage for concealment. This bird is of a grayish brown, with bronzed reflections, beneath white, the inner vanes of the primaries reddish cinnamon colour, the lower mandible white, and the length from bill to tail about twelve inches. Considerable discussion has taken place among philologists regarding the native languages of North and South America,—remarkable, we are led to un¬ derstand, for their great number and striking dissimilarity. We know not what may be the intention of the yellow¬ billed cuckoo in speaking as he does, or whether he is dis¬ tinctly comprehended by his neighbours; but the follow¬ ing is Mr Nuttall’s account of the elements of his conver¬ sation : “ The male frequently betrays his snug retreat by his monotonous and guttural kow how how how, or hoo hoo koo hoo, and ho huh, ho huh, hoo hoo koo huh, hoo ho hoo, koo ho hoo, uttered rather plaintively, like the call of a dove. At other times the kow how how how, and ’tk ’tk ’tk ’tk ’tak, or ’kh ’kh ’kh^’hh ’hah, kow kow koto kow, beginning slow, rises, and becomes so quick as almost to resemble the grating of a watchman’s rattle, or else, com¬ mencing with this call, terminates in the distant cry of koto kow kow.” From this peculiar iteration (Shakspeare would have called it “ damnable,” a word we sometimes hear in pulpits, but ourselves but seldom use), the species in question has received the name of fow-bird, and we do not wonder at it. It may be satisfactory to know, that the St Domingo cuckoo (Cf. Dominicus, Nut.) although it sometimes cries both kow kow kow kow and ’kh ‘kh ’kh ’kh ’kh ’kak, yet often utters, in a raucous guttural voice, espe¬ cially preceding rain, a word which sounds like orrattottoo or worrattottoo, exactly which has not been yet determined. In the genus Centropus of Illiger the bill is compress¬ ed and carinated, and the nail of one of the hind toes is long, straight, and pointed, like a lark’s. The tail is greatly elongated. The species are native to India and Africa, where they build in hollow trees, and feed on locusts and other insects. Such_are Cuculus JEgyptius, Senegalen- sis, Bengalensis, &c. The genus Leptosomus of Vieil¬ lot is constituted by the great Madagascar cuckoo (C. cafer, Lath.—Lep. viridis, Vieil.), the female of which, as described by Bufibn, is according to M. Lesson a distinct species—Lept. crombus. These birds are said to be fru- givorous. (Plate XI., figure 5.) In the genus Indicator, Vail., the bill is short, high, al¬ most conical. (Plate XI., figure 6.) The tail consists of twelve feathers, and is somewhat graduated, and at the same time a little forked. The skin is described to be so hard and tough as to resist the assaults of most hymenopterous in¬ sects ; but bees, which they incessantly torment, are said to sting them in the eyes. The species, few in number, are known by the name of honey-guides, and inhabit Africa. O L O G Y. The one mentioned by Sparrman is said to attract the no- Scansorea. tice of the Dutch and Hottentots by a shrill cry of cher, cher ; and when it perceives itself observed, it flutters on¬ wards to the hive of a wild bee, in hopes of partaking of the plundered honey. “ I have had frequent opportunities,” he observes, “ of seeing this bird, and have been witness to the destruction of several republics of bees, by means of its treachery. I had, however, but two opportunities of shooting it, which I did, to the great indignation of my Hottentots.” It may be here noticed, we hope without offence, that naturalists themselves seem not seldom to belong to that irritabile genus, of which poets are usually supposed to form the greater portion. Though Dr Sparr¬ man asserts that he was a frequent eye-witness of the cu¬ rious instinctive habits,*; of the honey-guide, yet Vaillant doubts if that traveller ever saw the bird at all. He says that the account is merely a repetition of a fable believed and repeated by credulous people at the Cape, and that it is erroneous to suppose that the bird seeks to draw man after it for the purpose of sharing the plundered sweets, the fact being, that it calls not the man, but that the latter knows, by attending to the cry of the honey-guide while searching for its natural food, that he will be sure ere long to find the stores of the industrious insect. According to Bruce, the moroc, for so this singular species is sometimes named, occurs in Abyssinia; and he too throws discredit on Sparrman’s statements,—his own being but ill received by not a few. However, Sir John Barrow, a careful and accurate inquirer, though not a professed naturalist, con¬ firms it by stating that people in the interior of the South of Africa are too well acquainted with the moroc to have any doubts, either as to the bird itself, or its singular in¬ stinctive habits. The Barbacous of Vaillant (genus Monasa, Vieil.) are South American birds, with rather conical elongated bills, slightly arched towards the tip, and furnished at the base with setaceous feathers. (Plate XI., figure 7.) Such are Cue. tranquillus and tenebrosus of the older systems, and the Bucco albifrons of Spix. We believe they are in¬ sectivorous. The Malcohas of Vaillant, again (genus Phce- NlCOFHiEUS, Vieil.), are Asiatic species, of which the most anciently known is native to Ceylon. (Plate XII., fig. 1.) We here place the Cuculus curvirostris of Shaw, Latham’s red-headed cuckoo, C. pyrrhocephalus of Forster, &c. and certain recent species described by Dr Horsfield and Sir Thomas Raffles. The preceding groups were all regarded as cuckoos by the older authors.2 The genus Scythrops of Latham, however, has a much stronger bill than any of these, marked by two slight lon¬ gitudinal furrows. There is a naked space around the eye, and the nostrils are rounded. Only a single species is yet known, Sc. Novce Hollandice, Lath., sometimes called the channel bill, a most peculiar looking bird, of the size of a crow, gray above, beneath dingy white. (Plate XIL, fig. 2.) In its bill it almost assimilates to the toucans, but its tongue is simple. Though it is mentioned both by White and Phillips, we know as yet but little of its habits. It occurs in New Holland, where it is sometimes seen in small flocks, but more usually injpairs, frequenting trees, and ut¬ tering during flight a loud and screaming cry, not unlike the crowing of a cock. Its food is said to consist both of fruits and insects. It also occurs in the Celebes, where its voice presages rain. The genus Bucco of Linn., is characterized by a thickish conical beak, bulged laterally from the base, and furnished with five fasciculi of barbs directed forwards. The wings 1 Roux, Ornithologie Proven^ale, p. 105. 2 For the various modifications of form exhibited by the Cuculidas, and the numerous minor groups which have thence resulted, see M. Lesson s Traite d’’Ornithologie, and a paper by Mr Swainson in the Magazine of Zoology and Botany. ORNITHOLOGY. Icansores. are short, and the flight heavy. The species feed on fruits ■“■‘V™"1'''and insects, and occasionally attack small birds. They build their nests in hollow trees. Cuvier divides them into three minor groups. The .Barfo'cans of Buffon (Pogonias, Illiger) have one or two strong teeth on each side of the upper bill, of which the ridge is arched and blunt. The barbs are very strong. (Plate XII., figure 3.) The spe¬ cies occur in Africa and India, and are more frugivorous than their congeners. Example, P. sulcirostris, Leach, Zool. Misc. xi. 76. The Barbus (genus Bucco, as re¬ stricted) have the bill simply conic, slightly compressed, the culmen blunt, and a little raised about the centre. The species live in pairs during the breeding season, and in small flocks at other times. They occur in both continents, and are adorned with lively colours,—Bucco grandis, viridis, flavifrons, &c. Lastly, the Tamatias, genus Tamatia, Cuv., have the bill more elongated and compressed, with the extremity of the upper mandible curved downwards. Their thick heads, large bills, and short tails, give them.a stupid aspect. They inhabit South America, feed on insects, and are of solitary ha¬ bits. Example, T. melanoleucos, melanotis, &c. They are known by the English name of puff-birds ; and Mr Swainson describes them as sitting for hours together on a dead or withered branch, from which they dart from time to time on such unwary insects as approach within their reach. He adds, that the hermit-birds (genus Mo- nasa), already mentioned, do the same, and frequently rise up perpendicularly into the air, making a swoop, and returning again to their former station. Similar manners belong to the jacamars, though their flight is weaker. In the genus Trogon the bill is also bearded, but short, and broader than high, the upper edge rounded. Their little feet are often feathered almost to the toes, and their soft, full, lax plumage, and lengthened tails, bestow upon the species a peculiar aspect. (Plate XII., figure 4.) These birds abound in South America, where they conceal them¬ selves in the central solitudes of umbrageous forests, and, except during the breeding season, dwell insulated and alone. They will sit motionless for half a summer’s day, often upon a withered branch, and if not concealed by some accidental intervening mass of foliage, they fall an easy prey to the keen-eyed hunter, who eagerly searches for birds not less remarkable for the delicacy of theirflesh than thebeauty of their plumage. During the morning and evening hours, Mr Swainson informs us, they become more active; ven¬ turing at these times into the open parts of the forest, and, taking a shady station, dart upon winged insects, particularly beetles. At other times they feed upon fruits, especially the rich purple berries of the different melastomae, “ at which,” says Mr Swainson, “ they invariably dart, pre¬ cisely as if they were insects capable of getting away.” It has been remarked by the woodland hunters, that the skins of these birds are of such delicate texture as to be with difficulty preserved in a natural or complete condi¬ tion. It is probably for this reason that in museums they exhibit a heavy, shapeless aspect, redeemed, it is true, by the gorgeous colours or metallic splendour of their plu¬ mage. The most magnificent of the genus is the quezal or golden trogon (T. pavoninus, Temm.), a rare and re¬ markable species, of which neither delineation nor descrip¬ tion can convey an adequate idea. The greater propor¬ tion of the plumage is apparently composed of burnished gold. The head ornamented by a brilliant crest of de¬ composed barbs, the wing-coverts falling in flakes of gol¬ den green over the deep purplish-black of the primary and secondary quill-feathers, the rich carmine of the lower parts bestowing a warmth and depth of effect which no Venetian painter ever equalled, and the long waving and 779 !&ra'!iC ff th“s of*6 “'-f vf‘f’ exten^ing about Scansore*. three times the length of the whole body, present a com-v bination of beauty almost unexampled in the feathered tribes. The first specimens seen in this country were brought, we believe, by Mr Schenley from Vera Paez, in central America. They are celebrated in the Mexican mythology, and are much sought after as head-gear by the Peruvian damsels. Trogons, of other kinds, occur also in the Indian islands, and the warmer continental regions of the old world.1 & The genus Crotophaga, Linn., is recognised by its thick, compressed, arched bill, without dentation, elevated, or surmounted by a vertical cutting crest. (Plate XIL, fig. 5.) Ihe species called anis or keel-birds inhabit South America and the West Indies. They are of a familiar and gentle disposition in confinement, easily tamed, and maybe taught to speak. Their plumage is black, with metallic re¬ flections. They build in bushes (some say upon the ground), and several pairs will lay and hatch together in the same nest, which is made of size proportioned to the partnership. They feed on insects, keep much upon the ground, where they also attack maize and rice. M. Lesson says that C. major dwells more habitually on large trees, while C. minor prefers the savannahs and marshy meadows. Mr Swain¬ son never saw the common ani perch on any thing higher than a bush. The genus Ramphastos, Linn., is distinguished by its enormous bill, which in some instances is almost equal in size to the body. It is, however, extremely light, and cellular within, arched towards the extremity, and irregu¬ larly toothed along the margins.2 The tongue is long, nar¬ row, and barbed on each side, like a feather. These birds, commonly called toucans, inhabit South America, where they live habitually in woods, and prey on fruits, eggs, and new-hatched birds. The species are pretty numerous, and almost all distinguished by brilliant colouring, which however is somewhat too strongly contrasted, and conse¬ quently deficient in that fine gradation or harmonious blending which beautifies less gorgeous tribes. We have never chanced to see them in the living state, but in mu¬ seums they present a somewhat awkward aspect, from their disproportioned bills, short feet, and lengthened tails. Their sense of smell is said to be extremely acute,—a fa¬ culty by some attributed to an extended ramification of nerves within the nasal portion of the bill. The genus is now divided into two: Is^, The toucans proper (genus Ramphastos (Plate XII., figure 6), which have the largest bills, with the ground colour of the plumage usu¬ ally black, the throat, breast, and rump being more gaily ornamented with white, yellow, and red. 2dly, The ara- caris (genus Pteroglossus, Illiger, Plate XII., figure 7), in which the bill is smaller than the head, and the ground colour of the plumage generally green, with red or yellow on the throat and breast. A live specimen of Ramphastos tuccmus, of which the manners have been described by Mr Vigors, was extremely fond of fruit, both fresh and dried. These it generally held for a short time in the extremity of the bill, touching them with ap¬ parent delight with its slender feathered tongue, and then tossing them into its throat by a sudden upward jerk. Its tendency to prey on animals was, however, strongly evinced by the excitement produced by the sight of a liv¬ ing bird ; and the carnivorous propensities of another in¬ dividual are curiously related by Mr Broderip. A gold¬ finch (though, we repeat, we approve not of the fact), in¬ troduced into the toucan’s cage, was seized and com¬ pressed so suddenly, that the poor little songster had only time to utter a short, squeak before it was dead, with its bowels protruding. The toucan then hopped with it to 1 Mr Gould published a Monograph of the Trogonidce, with sumptuous coloured plates. 2 On dissection, Professor Traill found it occupied by numerous blood-vessels and expansions of the olfactory nerve. 780 ORNITHOLOGY. Scansores. another perch, and began to strip off its feathers. When l^v-^/it was nearly naked, it broke the bones of the wings and legs, taking them in its bill, and giving them a strong la¬ teral wrench. Having reduced the little victim to a shape¬ less mass, it first swallowed the viscera, and then the re¬ maining parts, piece after piece, not even rejecting the legs and bill. Mr Broderip adds, that he has sometimes observed it return its food from its crop, and swallow it again, after a second mastication. The genus Psittacus, Linn., comprehending the almost innumerable tribe of parrots, lories, parrakeets, maccaws, and cockatoos, has the bill thick, hard, solid, rather short, rounded on all its outlines, deep, curved, and generally ■' sharp-pointed. The tongue is almost always thick, round, and fleshy, and the lower larynx furnished on each side with three peculiar muscles, which probably contribute to 7J the great facility with which these birds acquire the arti- culate intonation of the human voice. Their strong and powerful jaws are brought into action by muscles more numerous than usual. Their natural food consists of fruits and seeds. They climb trees with the greatest facility, and suspend themselves indifferently from feet or bill. Their voices are harsh and discordant, their forms often elegant, their plumage usually of great richness. They form indeed a magnificent family, abundant in almost every region of the torrid zone, and in the new world ex¬ tending from the shores of the Ohio to the Straits of Ma¬ gellan,—thus presenting a vast and varied assemblage of species from every country of the world, excepting the comparatively cold and cloudy clime of Europe. The gor¬ geous maccaws are characteristic of South America, the cockatoos of New Holland and the Asiatic islands, the lories of the East Indies and the Moluccas; whilst several groups of parrots, parrakeets, &c. are widely distributed over various regions of the earth. Above two hundred different kinds are known to naturalists. It was the opinion of Buffon that none of the parrot tribe extended either northwards or southwards beyond the twenty-fifth degree, on either side of the equator. Having apparently resolved, a priori, on these lines of cir- cumvallation, he despised, as Pennant observed, the au¬ thority of the Dutch navigator Spilbergen, who was eye¬ witness to the woods of Terra del Fuego, th^very south¬ ern boundary of the Straits of Magellan, in south latitude 44°, being full of them. He might also have cited the evi¬ dence of Captain Hood, who saw a parrot at Port Famine; and of Commodore Byron, who notwithstanding the cold¬ ness of the climate observed parrots innumerable in the woods of that same harbour. They were found by Captain Cook in New Zealand, by Captain Furneaux at Van Die¬ men’s Land, and by the learned Forster in the raw wet cli¬ mate of Dusky Bay. The emerald parrot, Psit. smaragdinus, Gmel., was discovered in great numbers by Captain King, among thick underwood, in the Straits of Magellan, south latitude 531° ; and others are well known to occur in Mac- quarrie Island, which lies in latitude 54£° south. A spe¬ cies inhabits North America, extending even beyond the Illinois River to the neighbourhood of Lake Michigan, in the forty-second degree of north latitude. It was seen by Alexander Wilson in the month of February, flying in flocks along the banks of the Ohio, during a storm of snow, and yet in full rejoicing cry. These, and many similar facts, are now well known to naturalists. The modern subdivisions of this great natural family are too numerous and minute to be here recorded.1 * We must therefore satisfy ourselves with a brief indication of the principal groups. W’e presume nobody at this time of day, under the pretence of popular reading, desires to be edified by anecdotes of parrots, so we shall devote the Scansorei. little space we can afford for miscellaneous matters, to''-’'V'^ a few notices of some of the species which have bred in Europe. Of these we may here mention, as the prin¬ cipal, the great blue and buff maccaw (P. ararauna); the gray parrot (P. eryihacus); the sinciale, ring-necked, and pavouan parrakeets (Z3. sincialo, torquatus, Guianensis) ; and the black-capped or Philippine lory (P. tricolor). The general belief is that the parrot tribe will not breed in Europe ; but knowing several instances to the contrary, we wish to impress upon the public the probability that many more would occur were the experiment tried with frequency and judgment. The gorgeous maccaws form the genus Macrocercus of Vieillot. The face is either naked, or merely striped with feathery lines. The tail is very long, wedge-shaped, and sharp-pointed. (Plate XIII., figure 1.) These birds, the largest and most magnificent of the parrot tribe, inhabit South America. The great scarlet maccaw (Psittacus ara- canga, Lath.), when in perfect plumage, sometimes mea¬ sures above three feet in length, the tail of course included. The prevailing plumage is scarlet, as its name implies, the wings blue, the wing-coverts varied with yellow, the cheeks white and wrinkled. It is certainly a sumptuous creature, but after all rather too like a richly liveried footman,—an association somewhat strengthened by its being so often seen as an inhabitant of lordly mansions, and surrounded by other menial bipeds, almost as gorgeous as itself. Our feelings would no doubt have been different had we ever witnessed their natural evolutions. “ It is a grand sight in Ornitho¬ logy,” says Waterton, “ to see thousands of aras flying over your head, low enough to let you have a full view of their flaming mantle.” How delightful would it have been, on some bright and dewy morning, to have accompanied Lord Anson to view a magnificent rapid in the island of Quibo. A fine river of transparent water there precipi¬ tates.itself along a rocky channel, forming numerous falls, and the great disrupted rocks which form its boundary on either side are crowned with lofty forest trees. “ While the commodore and those who were with him attentively viewing the place, were remarking the different blendings of the waters, the rocks, and the woods, there came in sight as it were still more to heighten and animate the prospect, a prodigious flight of maccaws, which hovering over this spot, and often whirling and playing on the wing about it, afforded a most brilliant appearance by the glit¬ tering of the sun upon their varied plumage ; so that some of the spectators cannot refrain from a kind of transport when they recount the complicated beauties which oc¬ curred at this extraordinary water-fall.” The blue and yellow species (P. ararauna, Linn.) is little inferior to the preceding, either in size or sumptuousness. It is less com¬ mon, and seems to have been first described by Aldrovan- dus, from a specimen which he saw in the palace of the Duke of Mantua. It is said to be also less easily reclaim¬ ed as a domestic bird,—yet we have not seldom enjoyed the society of a very fine example which made its way familiarly (such is its custom in the afternoon) amid the varied horticultural produce which graced the dessert of Dr Neill. Many other splendid species are described and figured in the works of naturalists. In the genus Aratinga of Spix, the bill is slender, dentated; the orbits of the eyes naked, the cheeks rarely so; the tail lengthened, wedge-shaped, the intermediate feathers prolonged. The species are peculiar to the new wrorld. Such are Ar. Carolince-Augustce, chrysocephahis, &c. To these the genus Psittacara of Vigors seems allied, the bill, however, being shorter and stouter, and 1 Two of the most complete and scientific treatises that can be found on the parrot tribe are,—Conspectut Ptittacorum, ab H. Kuhl, Ph. Dr. &c., in Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. tom. x. p. 1; and Wagler’s Monographia Psittacorum. ORNITHOLOGY. 781 •leansores, the upper mandible compressed at the tip. The head is —“v—''feathered, but the orbits are naked. The species, such as P. squamosus, &c. are likewise natives of South America. The genus Pal^jornis of Vigors has the bill rather thick, the culmen of the upper mandible rounded, the lower broad, short, emarginate. The middle feathers of the tail are greatly lengthened. The most anciently know n of the parrot race belong to this genus, such as the Alex¬ andrine parrakeet, and other long-tailed species, distin¬ guished by their elegance of form, their ruby-coloured bills, their semicircled necks, and the rich verdure of their plumage. The one just named is native to India and Ceylon, and derives its designation from the fact, real or supposed, of its having been first transported from Asia¬ tic countries by Alexander the Great. Its most distin¬ guishing characters consist in the broad black patch which occupies the fore-part of the throat, and extends laterally in tw'o narrow processes on each side of the neck; a black line stretches from the base of the beak to the eyes, and there is a deep purplish-red patch at the base of the wings. Its bill is larger than that of the rose-coloured parrakeet (P. torquatus), which, however, it greatly resembles in its general aspect. The last-named species is wddely spread over India, and as far eastward as Manilla. It appears, indeed, to be identical with another species extremely abundant on the African coasts, and well known in France under the title of perruche de Senegal. In so far as any conclusion can be drawn from the vague and brief de¬ scriptions handed down by ancient writers, it would appear that this species was, as it still continues to be, more fre¬ quent in the days of antiquity than any of its congeners. No allusion is made by these authors to those specific marks by which the Alexandrine parrakeet is so clearly distinguish¬ ed, and the general description applies very closely to the rose-necked kind. That the latter was extensively known, and held in high esteem on account of the brilliancy of its plumage, the docility of its manners, and its successful imitative powers, is proved by innumerable passages in the classical writers of antiquity, more especially from the earliest times of the Roman empire, to a very late period of its annals.1 The Alexandrine parrot is generally sup¬ posed to have been brought to Europe from the island of Ceylon, the ancient Taprobane. In the reign of Nero, the Romans introduced other species from different quar¬ ters of Africa.2 They were highly prized by that luxu¬ rious people, who lodged them in superb cages of silver, ivory, and tortoise-shell; and the price of a parrot in those days frequently exceeded that of a slave.3 Nor did Ovid think it beneath him to write a lengthened elegy on the death of Corinnass favourite,—a bird which, in the love it bore its mistress, seems to have emulated that of the dying Greek for his country :— Clamavit moriens lingua, Corinna, Vale.4 In the same group is generally included that beautiful and richly varied species from the Molucca Islands, called the blue-bellied parrakeet, Ps. cyanogaster, Shaw. Its tongue, in common with that of several New Holland par- rakeets, is finely ciliated at the tip on either side. Hence Scansores. the formation in their favour of Mr Vigors’s genus Tri- v—/ choglossus. Vailliant, during his residence at the Cape, had an opportunity of studying the manners of a pair of the species just named, which had been imported from Amboyna. They bred during their confinement in the menagerie of M. Van Bletemberg, then governor of the Cape. The female deplumed her beautiful breast, and after having collected the feathers into a heap, deposited two round white eggs, on which she sat most assiduously, the male feeding her at intervals, by disinterestedly dis¬ gorging what he had swallowed, and presenting the same to his spouse. The young were produced at the end of nineteen days, and in the space of a few more became co¬ vered with a gray cinereous down, which was by degrees succeeded by green feathers on the body, and by blue ones on the head. At the end of three weeks they left the nest, and perched upon the neighbouring sticks, where the male and female fed them in concert, as above de¬ scribed, after the manner of pigeons. The parent birds continued to tend them in this manner for six months, and often afforded a very interesting scene,—the young being frequently seated beyond the female, and the male not being able to reach them, first presented the food to his mate, who immediately delivered it to her young. These, though of different sexes, were perfectly alike till the first moulting, at which time red feathers bordered with green began to appear upon the breast, and the male became distinguished by the blue patch upon the ab¬ domen.5 In the genus Platycercus, Vigors, the tail is broad, depressed, and somewhat rounded. The species inhabit New Holland, and the islands of the South Pacific and In¬ dian Oceans. Examples PL Pennantii, Tabuensis, &c. Among the perruches ordinaires of Cuvier (a portion of the genus Conurus, Kuhl), distinguished by a regularly graduated tail, without any disproportionate prolongation of the central feathers, we have the Carolina parrot of Wilson (Ps. Carolinensis, Linn.), a green plumaged bird, with yellow head and neck, the forehead and cheeks orange. Of more than two hundred species now known to belong to the parrot tribe, this is the only one which inhabits the United States, where, it is chiefly restricted to the warmer portions,—venturing but rarely beyond Virginia. West of the Alleghanies, however, circumstancesinduce it to visit much higher latitudes,—so that, following the great valley of the Mississippi, it is seen to frequent the banks of the Illinois, and occasionally to approach the southern shores of Lake Michigan. Straggling parties have even been sometimes observed in the valley of the Juniata, in Penn¬ sylvania ; and a flock, to the great surprise of the Dutch in¬ habitants of Albany, are said to have appeared in that vi¬ cinity. This species constantly inhabits and breeds in the southern states, and is so far hardy as to make its appear¬ ance, commonly in the depth of winter, along the woody banks of the Ohio, the interior of Alabama, and the banks of the Mississippi and Missouri around St Louis and other places, when nearly all other southern birds have migrated 1 Ancient writers are unanimous in their statements that parrots came to us first of all from India. Aristotle calls the Psittacus “ ro ojvsavand Arrian also makes it a native of the East {Hist. Jnd. cap. xv.). The parrots of Africa became first known to the Romans in the time of Nero. (Plin. Nat. Hist. lib. vi. c. 29.) For the classical history of these birds, see Mr Vigors’s “ Sketches in Ornithology,”—Zoological Journal, vol. ii. p. 37- * See Zoological Gardens, vol. ii. p. 96. 3 The splendour of a parrot’s cage is thus described by Statius:— At tibi quanta domus, rutila testudine fulgens, Connexusque ebori virgarum argenteus ordo, Argutumque tuo stridentia limina cornu, Et querulae jam sponte fores : vacat ille beatus Career.—Sylv. bb. ii. 4 Edinburgh Cabinet Library, Africa, p. 480. 5 Shaw’s Generdl Zoology, vol. viii. p. 414. 782 ORNITHOLOGY. Scansores. before the storms of that inclement season.1 We may s,—"V""'”'' judge of the abundance of this species, even up to a recent period, from the statement of Vaillant, who assures us that he saw a package containing above 6000 skins, which had been sent to a plumassier at Paris, for the formation of ornamental dresses.2 Mr Audubon, however, discovered that their numbers were rapidly diminishing, and that in some districts where, not many years ago, they were plenti¬ ful, scarcely one was to be seen. “ I should think,” he adds (speaking of his own time), “ that along the Mississippi there is not now half the number that existed fifteen years ago.” To illustrate the habits of these birds, we give the follow¬ ing account from the work of an English gentleman who settled in America. “ The Carolina parrakeets in all their movements, which are uniformly gregarious show a peculiar predilection for the alluvial, rich, and dark forests bordering the principal rivers and larger streams, in which the towering cypress3 and gigantic sycamore4 spread their vast summits, or stretch their innumerable arms, over a wide waste of moving or stagnant waters. From these, the beech, and the hack-berry,5 they derive an important supply of food. The flocks, moving in the manner of wild pigeons, dart in swift and airy phalanx through the green boughs of the forest; screaming in a general concert, they wheel in wide and descending circles round the tall button-wood, and all alight in the same instant, their green lustre, like the fairy mantle, rendering them nearly invisible beneath the shady branches, where they sit, perhaps arranging their plumage, and, shuffling side by side, seem to caress and scratch each other’s heads with all the fondness and unvarying friendship of affectionate doves. If the gun thin their ranks, they hover over the screaming, wounded, or dying, and returning and flying around the place where they miss their companions, in their sympathy seem to lose all idea of impending danger. More fortunate in their ex¬ cursions, they next proceed to gratify the calls of hunger, and descend to the banks of the river or the neighbouring fields in quest of the inviting kernels of the cockle burr,6 and probably of the bitter weed,7 which they extract from their husks with great dexterity. In the depth of winter, when other resources begin to fail, they, in common with the yellow-bird and some other finches, assemble among the tall sycamores,8 and, hanging from the extreme twigs, in the most airy and graceful postures, scatter around them a cloud of down from the pendant balls, in quest of the seeds which now afford them an ample repast. With that peculiar caprice, or perhaps appetite, which charac¬ terizes them, they are also observed to frequent the saline springs or licks, to gratify their uncommon taste for salt. Out of mere wantonness, they often frequent the orchards, and appear delighted with the fruitless frolic of pluck¬ ing apples from the trees, and strewing them on the ground untasted. So common is this practice among them in Arkansas territory, that no apples are ever suffered to ripen. They are also fond of some sorts of berries, and particularly of mulberries, which they eat piecemeal in their usual manner, as they hold them by the foot. Ac¬ cording to Audubon, they likewise attack the outstanding stacks of grain in flocks, committing great waste ; and on these occasions, as well as the former, they are so bold or incautious as readily to become the prey of the sports¬ man in great numbers. Peculiarity of food appears wholly to influence the visits and residence of this bird, and in plain, champaign, or mountainous countries, they are wholly strangers, though common along the banks of all the intermediate water-courses and lagoons. “Of their manners at the interesting period of propagation Scansorej, and incubation we are not yet satisfactorily informed. They nest in hollow trees, and take little if any pains to provide more than a simple hollow in which to lay their eggs, like the woodpeckers. Several females deposit their eggs in the same cavity ; the number laid by each is said to be only three, which are nearly round, and of a light-greenish white.9 They are at all times particularly attached to the large sy¬ camores, in the hollow trunks of which they roost in close community, and enter at the same aperture, into which they climb. They are said to cling close to the sides of the tree, holding fast by the claws and bill; and into these hollows they often retire during the day, either in very warm or inclement weather, to sleep or pass away the time in indolent and social security, like the Rupicolas™ of the Peruvian caves, at length only hastily aroused to forage at the calls of hunger. Indeed, from the swiftness and celerity of their aerial movements, darting through the gleaming sunshine, like so many sylvan cherubs, decked in green and gold, it is obvious that their actions as well as their manners are not calculated for any long endurance, and, shy and retiring from all society but that to which they are inseparably wedded, they rove abroad with inces¬ sant activity, until their wants are gratified, when, hid from sight, they again relapse into that indolence which seems a relief to their exertions.”11 The pavouan parrakeet (Ps. Guianensis, Lath.) belongs to our present group. This species is native to Cayenne, and the Antilles, where it is not uncommon, often flying about in flocks, frequenting the wooded savannahs, and feeding by preference on the berries of Erythrina coral- lodendron. Its length is about twelve inches, its prevail¬ ing plumage green, the cheeks and sides of the neck being speckled with bright red, which becomes more conspicu¬ ous as the bird advances in age; the smaller wing-coverts are bright red, the greater yellow, and both the quill and tail feathers are dusky yellow beneath. The bill is whit¬ ish, the legs and feet gray. We owe to M. Gabriac the following interesting particulars regarding the breeding of a pair of this species in the domestic state. Two cages were prepared for their reception in the month of April. They.were placed contiguous, but communicating only by a small door, and the one enjoyed the “ blessed light of day,” while the other was kept covered, so that no light could enter but by the mutual door. The latter also con¬ tained an abundant supply of saw-dust. The birds were placed in the open apartment, which was the larger of fhe two, and they speedily showed symptoms of tender attach¬ ment to each other. They long declined, however, to en¬ ter the darkened dwelling, although the female put in her head, withdrew it again, advanced part of her body, then returned tail foremost,.—but finally, after several days of hesitation, she entered the mysterious chamber. There she expressed her satisfaction by little kindly cheerful cries, and often called in the male, who exhibited every proof of affection. She soon began to scrape about, and arrange a kind of nest, and on the I8th of May she layed her first egg, succeeded at intervals of three days by a se¬ cond, third, and fourth,—after which she sat assiduously. The male took no share in the hatching, but he kept con¬ stantly close by the nest, as if to cheer her sedentary hours. He did not however allow his affection to his wife to inter¬ fere with his duty to his hoped-for family. If the female, who never left the nest but to solace herself with meat and drink, appeared to devote too much time to that indul¬ gence, he remanded her back by a little blow with his I Nuttall’s American Ornithology, vol. i. p. 546. 4 Platanus ocddentalis. 7 Ambrosia, species. - Hist. Nat. des Perrorpaets. 5 Celtis occidentalis. 8 Platanus occidentalis. 3 Cupressus disticha. Xanthium strumarium. 9 Audubon, Orn. Biog. i. p. 139. 10 Coc& o/ the rock of Peru, which is also somewhat related, apparently, to the parrots. (Note by Mr Nuttall.) II Nuttall’s Manual of Ornithology, i. 456. ORNITHOLOGY. '■ansores. beak, which occasionally produced something approaching u*“'‘to a quarrel. At the termination of twenty-five days, there being no appearance of progeny, the eggs v/ere purposely withdrawn and broken, and were found to contain young in different stages of development, but all dead. This re¬ sult was attributed to stormy weather, which had pre¬ vailed during incubation. Fortunately a second laying, accompanied by the same circumstances as the first, com¬ menced on the 14th of July, and after twenty-three days, counted rigorously, the young appeared from each egg in a succession corresponding to the order of laying. They were at first covered by a grayish down, and were cherish¬ ed with the tenderest solicitude by the parents, who on the approach of any threatened danger defended them with the greatest courage. It was in truth a curious sight to see two creatures before so kind and tenderly affec¬ tionate to those around them, so grateful for their food, and so solicitous of human kindness, converted bv the strength of this new passion into little tigers, and so in¬ ti actable as to attend no longer to fair hands or gentle voices. This natural wildness showed itself also strongly in the young ones, who recognised alone their parents, and bit and scratched at all the world besides. A few species have the tail square, with the central fea¬ thers prolonged, and these in Ps. setarius, Temm. PI. Col. 15, are bare of barbs, except at the tip. The great mass of parrots properly so called, belonging to the restricted genus Psittacus, have the bill rather strong, the face clothed with feathers, the head large, without crest, the body thick, and the tail rather short and square. Green is the prevailing colour of the plumage, and the species are native to various countries both of the old woild and the new. One of the best known, and most remarkable for its easy docility, the distinctness of its articulation, and general loquacious powers, is the com¬ mon gray parrot, Ps. erythacus, of which the tail is red, and the orbits white and naked. It is an African species, and one of the earliest and most frequently imported. It has been known to breed in Europe,—a French gentleman at Marmande having had a pair which produced young ones for five or six years successively. They made their nest in spring, in a cask filled with saw-dust, the number of eggs being four, of which one was always unproductive. According to Labat a similar instance had previously oc¬ curred at Paris. Our present square-tailed group is very numerous. The lories (genus Lorius, Vig.) have the bill rather attenuated, the upper mandible much arched, compressed, the lower lengthened, and nearly entire. The tongue is described as bristly and tubular. The tail is rather short, slightly graduated. Various shades of red form the pre¬ vailing colour of the plumage. The species inhabit the East Indies and the Asiatic islands. Example, Ps. uni¬ color, garrulus, &c. Certain short-tailed species, of small size, which inhabit the tropical countries of both the new and old world, form the genus Psittaculus of Kuhl. Such are Ps. passerinus, tui, &c. They are erroneously called parrakeets by some of our English writers, a name which would confound them with the long-tailed species already alluded to, and more generally recognised under that title. The vast extent of the parrot tribe renders subdivision extremely desirable as a matter of convenience ; but it must be confessed that a mere difference in size and colour is not of itself sufficient to authorize the separation of groups, or the formation of genera. The genus Microglossus, Vieil., is, however, better founded. The bill, especially the upper mandible, is very large and strong, the head ornamented by a crest of nar- 783 row feathers, and the face naked. The tongue is cylin- Scansoran dncal, lengthened, and tubular, capable of beino- eTreat]v protruded from the mouth, and ending in a kind'of corne¬ ous gland, cloven at the tip. (See Plate XIII., figures 5 i and 6.) The legs are more naked than usual, and the tarsi, on which they occasionally rest while walking, very short and square. The tail is square or even. We are not ac¬ quainted with more than two species, both from eastern countries. The black or giant cockatoo (Ps. yiyas), called by old Edwards “ a parrot of the first magnitude,” and Ps. aterrimus of Gmelin, are the birds alluded to. Their sy¬ nonymy seems confused. They inhabit New Guinea and the isle of Waigiou ; and Edwards’s figure was taken from a living specimen in Ceylon, but whether indigenous or imported does not appear. Vaillant observes of one of the species (his ara noir d trompe), that in cold weather it covered the bare space on each side of its face by low¬ ering over them the feathers of the crest. Ihe great New Holland species, called the Banksian cockatoo, discovered in the course of Captain Cook’s first circumnavigation, forms, with others, the modern genus Calyptorhynchus. (Plate XIII., figure 2.) These large dark-coloured species are as yet but ill defined. They are said to live on roots ; but Mr Bennet alludes to one which feeds on the larvae of insects, as well as on the seeds of Banksia, Hakea, and even of Xanthorrhcea, or grass tree $ and in the travels of that gentleman we find the following passage, which relates to a certain locality in New Holland. Black and white cockatoos had lately become very nu¬ merous about this part of the country : the former appear¬ ed to have been attracted by some trees that had been felled when clearing a spot of land for cultivation,—as these birds visit the dead or fallen trees to procure the larvm of insects that breed in them. I have seen, more than once, small trees lying prostrate, occasioned by the powerful bills of the large black cockatoos, who, observing on the trunk, externally, indications of a larva being within, have diligent¬ ly laboured to extract it; and should the object of their seal ch be situated (as often occurs)far in, before they reach it the trunk is so much cut through, that the slightest puff of wind lays it prostrate.”1 I he white-plumaged cockatoos, with conspicuous crests, tinged in part with orange, red, or yellow, pertain to the genus Plyctolophus, Vieil. (Plate XIII., figure 3.) Ihey inhabit New Holland and the eastern islands, and are remarkable for their great docility. They are said to pre¬ fer the vicinity of marshy places. A beautiful small parrot, with longer legs than usual, and straighter claws, forms the genus Pezoporus, Illiger. It is green and yellow, spotted with black, the frontlet red, the tail long and graduated. The outer hind claw is very long. This singular bird, commonly called the ground parrot (P. terrestris, Shaw,—P.formosus, Latham), differs from its congeners in hardly ever perching upon trees. It remains upon the ground in sedgy plains, or runs among the long grass, almost after the manner of a rail. fPlate XIII., figure 4.) At the conclusion of the scansorial order Cuvier has placed two genera which have certainly but little in com¬ mon with the preceding groups, and which some consider as allied to the gallinaceous order, while others have placed them in the conirostral tribe of Passeres,—we mean Cory- thaix and Musophaga. In both the bill is rather short, the upper mandible bulged or rounded, the feet have a short membrane between the toes, and although these are not placed exactly in pairs, yet the outer toe is versatile to a considerable degree. The nostrils are simply pierced in the corneous portion of the bill, the margins of which are dentated. In the plantain-eaters (genus Musophaga 1 Wanderings in New South Wales, &c. i. 182. / 784 O IIN I T H O L 0 G Y. Rasores. isert> p]ate XIII., figure 8) the base of the bill forms a raised expanded disk upon the forehead. Ihe violet plantain-eater (iHf. violacea) is a bird of great beauty, the general plumage being of a rich glossy violet black, the crown and primaries crimson, the bill yellow tipt with red, and a clear white stripe beneath the eye. It occurs in the province of Acra, in Guinea, and in other parts of Western Africa, and feeds on the fruit of the musa or plantain tree. The touracos (genus Cokythaix, Illiger, Plate XIII., figure 7) want the expansion at the base of the bill, and have the head adorned by an elongat¬ ed crest. Several beautiful species belong to this genus, such as the Cuculus Persa of Linn., a native of the Cape, of a fine green colour, with a portion of the quill-fea¬ thers crimson. Vaillant informs us that there are great numbers of these birds in the country of the Kottinquas,— that they are very difficult to shoot, as they perch only on the summits of the tallest trees, and rarely suffer any one to approach within gun-shot,—but that they are easily caught alive in snares baited with such fruits as are in season. He adds, that they are excellent eating. Another species of this genus, which it is delightful to look upon, is the Pauline touraco, C. Paulina, also a native of South¬ ern Africa. M. Vieillot, who had occasion to examine one alive in Paris, informs us that its manners were mild and familiar, that it lived on succulent fruits, and was fond of sugar. Its habits were active, its voice sonorous, and apparently ventriloqual. Order IV.—RASORES.1 GALLINACEOUS OR RASORIAL BIRDS. The species of this order, by far the most valuable to the human race of all the feathered tribes (how many, regard¬ less of Ornithology, yet dwell with pleasure on a roast¬ ed turkey), are characterized by a rather short and con¬ vex bill. The upper mandible is somewhat curved, and furnished with a cere, sometimes naked, sometimes fea¬ thered. The head is generally small in proportion to the body. The nostrils are placed on each side of the bill, and usually in a fleshy protecting membrane. The tarsi are for the most part elongated. The toes are four in number, three of which are anterior, and united by a mem¬ brane more or less extended, at their bases; the fourth, posterior, is articulated higher than the others, and is in some cases very small, or even entirely wanting. This order, as we have elsewhere noticed, contains se¬ veral of the most ornamental, and a great majority of the most highly prized and useful species of the feathered race. While the peacock and golden pheasant stand un¬ rivalled alike for elegance of form and beauty of plumage, the turkey and domestic fowl, the grouse quail and par¬ tridge, lay claim to more substantial though less sentimen¬ tal regard, as conducing in no small degree to the social enjoyments of civilized life. Gallinaceous birds are gene¬ rally distinguished by a bulky form, and a heavy and some¬ what laborious flight. In fact, the sternum or breast-bone is so deeply notched on either side as to diminish the sup¬ port afforded to the action of the pectoral muscles; and the power of the wings, and consequent duration and velocity of their movements, suffer a corresponding diminution. With the exception of the alectors or curassoes, few of the gallinaceous species build on trees (in which they differ remarkably from the preceding orders), though all delight in basking on the ground, and scraping in the dry and sultry soil, for which purpose they are provided with muscular limbs and feet. They live upon all sorts of grain and seeds,—occasionally upon berries, or the buds of shrubs Rasores. and trees,—and, the younger birds especially, show them-v— selves sufficiently eager and expert in the capture of in¬ sect prey. The females lay a great number of eggs, in a rude and carelessly constructed nest; and the newly-pro¬ duced offspring, unlike the callow nestlings of the other orders, though they remain for some time associated with their parents, run swiftly, and pick freely from their first exclusion. The males, particularly towards the breeding season, are quarrelsome and courageous,—indulging in frequent and sometimes fatal contention. They are often furnished with spurs. In the satyr pheasant both sexes are so armed, and the males are moreover provided with a couple of horns. In the polyplectron the tarsi of the male are doubly armed, there being two spurs on each leg. In their general form and habits, the particular structure and functions of the digestive system, and the great bene¬ fits which they confer upon the human race, birds of this order have been observed to bear a considerable resem¬ blance to the ruminating or herbivorous quadrupeds. Like these, their stomach is of a more complex character, consisting of a dilated membranous pouch or crop, and a muscular gizzard,—in the former of which their food is rendered moist and pulpy, in the latter it is bruised and broken, and otherwise prepared for the production of the life-sustaining chyle; whereas in accipitrine birds the crop is either inconspicuous or non-existent, and the sto¬ mach, if not membranous, at least has its muscular coating very thin. The intestine in gallinaceous birds is rather long and wide, of nearly uniform diameter, and provided with two enormous ca?ca. Their flesh, we need scarcely say, is very delicate, and highly esteemed as a pleasing and nutritious food. It varies considerably in colour,— that of the turkey and common poultry being white, of the moor grouse brownish red, while the breast of the black¬ cock presents two distinct layers of red and white, the one imposed upon the other. We allude at present to its cu¬ linary aspect. Naturalists have erred in assigning the polygamous ha¬ bit as a general characteristic of our present order The instinct to pair, or habit of monogamy, is no doubt be¬ stowed only on those species to which it is necessary for the sustentation of their young, and differs considerably in the nature and permanence of the attachment, accord¬ ing as the nest is placed above or upon the surface of the ground. All birds which build on trees, as was long ago observed by Lord Kames, are hatched blind, or extreme¬ ly defective in the sense of sight, and almost without fea¬ thers,—thus requiring the sedulous care of both parents. But the generality even of gallinaceous birds, which breed upon the ground, do likewise pair, though the hatching of the eggs is entirely confided to the female, who completes her task by leading the young towards their proper food, which they are able to select for themselves, being active, completely formed, and well feathered, from their first ex¬ clusion. What is indeed more beautiful than the fond affection of these devoted creatures, teaching in the blind¬ ness of instinctive love, a lesson to proud but cold huma¬ nity? Who knoweth not (now divinely told) how the hen “ doth gather her brood beneath her wings how she shelters them from the nipping blast, expanding her downy breast and feathery pinions, till she becomes a populous tabernacle, a living temple of maternal love, beset with small protruding bills, and bright but gentle eyes; how she will dare, with upraised ruffled plumes, the fiercest on¬ set of the direst foe,—the callous school-boy with his threatening club, the snarling cur-dog with his ivory fangs, the insidious weasel, creeping serpent-like through tangled herbage, or the bolder bird of prey, “ lord of the lion 1 GALLiNiE, Linn. ORNITHOLOGY. asores. heart and eagle eye,” descending swift and sure, like thun- "V*""7 der-bolt from heaven! What are each or all of these in dread array, with death itself, to her at other times a fear¬ ful creature, but now pervaded by the deep intensity of mother love ? Who knoweth not these things may have wandered far through wood and wilderness, up vast and lonely mountains, in moist and green savannahs, o’er dry and desert sands,—but he has never turned a kindly and considerate eye towards perhaps the too familiar features of some lowly farm-stead close by his early home. Yet to such thoughts the mind, in those that loved them once, not seldom turns. The hoary worn-out warrior, with “ scars entrenched,” and decked with emblems of the blood-stain¬ ed field, the smooth but hollow statesman, gorgeous on gala days in regal throngs,—the lawyer with insidious tongue, by which the worse is made the better reason,— the nabob “ with visage discomposed,” sallow as his gold (his heart as pure ?),—the soft physician, with stilly foot and ever ready palm,—the merchant prince dreaming of “ lyre and Sidon,” of freighted vessels, and “ the injuri¬ ous sea, —think they not often of their boyish years, when one bright summer day seemed like a century of such de¬ light as all their best planned schemes of proud ambition since then have yielded never? But in these fantastic thoughts forget we not our gallinaceous order ? The male, though somewhat less assiduous than the fe¬ male, continues to manifest a certain degree of parental solicitude, by uttering the alarm note on the approach of birds of prey, or other dangerous foes. Black game and wood grouse, however, do not seem to pair at all, but in the genial spring a male assembles round him a certain num¬ ber of devoted females, which afterwards deposit their eggs, and rear their young altogether independent of the male parent. These birds are therefore polygamous in the proper acceptation of the term. Indeed, even among herbivorous quadrupeds pairing is rare, because the female can suckle her young while she herself is feeding;—but the monogamous habit probably obtains among most carni¬ vorous quadrupeds, and certainly among all carnivorous birds, because incubation leaves the female no sufficient time to hunt for food,1 and because young birds cannot bear a long fast, and therefore require the assistance of both parents while unable to provide for themselves. An extraordinary circumstance has been observed in the females of certain genera of this order, viz. an assump¬ tion of the male plumage after a certain period of life. We believe it to be a fact in the natural history of com¬ mon poultry, that all hen-birds which either by accident or design have been allowed to attain the age of sixteen years complete, have been observed to assume the plumage of cocks! The same change has been seen to take place both in the female pheasant and the pea-hen, but at more indeterminate periods of life, and less in connection with an advanced age. Though these facts have not escaped the observation of the philosophical naturalist, yet the different circumstances attending their occurrence have not been detailed with sufficient frequency or fulness to admit of any satisfactory theory being offered in their ex¬ planation.2 We shall conclude these general remarks by observing, that the gallinaceous order, with the exception of the pigeon tribe, and the genus Opisthocomus (Chaozin, Buffon), which certainly offer some very anomalous cha¬ racters, is naturally and consistently composed. We shall now proceed to a brief notice of the principal genera. The biids known by the general name of Alectors are species of large size from South America, somewhat allied to turkeys. Their tails are broad and rounded, and com¬ posed of large stiff feathers. They inhabit woods, living on fruits and buds, perching and building their nests on 785 trees, and dwelling gregariously in love and amity. They Basorea. are known under the by no means euphonious names of ^ hoccos and jaeous (words which we shall not pronounce ex¬ cept when necessary), and are arranged as follows by Ba¬ ron Cuvier. The hoccos properly so called, which are also known as curassoes (genus Crax, Linn., Plate XIV., fig. 1), have the bill strong, and its base surrounded by a skin sometimes of lively colour, and containing the nostrils. The head is ornamented by a tuft of long, narrow, recurved feathers. The most common kind is the Crax alector, or crested curasso, which was at one time almost completely acclimated in Holland, where they were as prolific as com¬ mon poultry. It is so frequent in the woods of Guiana as to form, according to M. Sonnini, the surest resource of every hungry traveller whose stock of provisions may be found exhausted, and who has therefore become de¬ pendent on his gun. They are gregarious, and even when a considerable number have been shot, the rest will re¬ main quietly perched, as if unconscious of the surrounding slaughter. Several other species are described in syste¬ matic works. C. globicera is distinguished by a large rounded tubercle on the base of the upper mandible. In the genus Our ax, Cuv., the bill is shorter and thicker, with its basal membrane, as well as the greater portion of the head, covered with short, velvety feathers. (Plate XIV., figure 2.) Here is placed the Ourax pauxi {Crax pauxi, Linn.), or galeated curasso, a large turkey¬ like bird, with plumage of a shining black with green re¬ flections, the abdomen and under tail-coverts white. At the base of the beak is a great oval tubercle, of a pale blue colour, and as hard as stone. The structure or posi¬ tion of the windpipe is peculiar. “ Sa trachee,” says Cu¬ vier, “ descend dehors, le long du cote droit jusqu’en ar- riere du sternum, se recourbe vers le cote gauche, et re- vient en avant pour rentrer dans la poitrine par la four- chette. Tous ces anneaux sont comprimes.” This species is a native of Mexico, where it lives gregariously, perching on trees, but building usually on the ground, and leading about its young after the manner of the pheasant and com¬ mon hen. It is easily domesticated. The guans or yacous, genus Penelope of Merrem, have the bill more slender than the preceding, with a bare space around the eye, and on the lower part of the throat,—the latter generally capable of inflation. The individuals of the same species seem to vary considerably, so that many doubtful kinds have been described by naturalists. The guan, commonly so called {Pen. cristata, Gmelin), is the largest of the genus, measuring about thirty inches in total length. The whole upper surface of the body is of a dusky black or bronze colour, glossed with green and olive. The feathers on the back of the head form a thick erectile crest. The fore part of the neck and breast are spotted with white, each feather being surrounded by a white border. The naked part of the throat is bright scarlet, with a depend¬ ing fold of the same colour. The manners of this bird re¬ semble those of the curassoes. They search for food along the ground, but perch and build upon the tops of trees. They are less gregarious, generally keeping together in pairs, and remarkable, it is said, for the strictest constancy, and their strong attachment to each other,—being thus deserving of the name they bear, that of the devoted con¬ sort of Ulysses. The genus Ortilda of Merrem sca.cely differs from the preceding, except in having a much smaller portion bare around the eye and throat. We are acquainted with only a single species, the Phasianus motmot of Gmelin {Phas. parragua, Lath.). Its voice is very strong, and the wind¬ pipe descends beneath the skin towards the abdomen, and then remounts into the chest. The plumage is of a bronzed See Karnes's Sketcha. VOL. XVI. * Wilson s Illustrationi of Zoology, yol. i. Order G allinac. 5 Q r86 0 R N X T II 0 I, 0 G Y. Rasores. brown above, and ashy-white below, the crest red. It in- ‘“•■‘y—habits Brazil, Paraguay, and Guiana. Two other species are described by M. Lesson, Ort Goudotii and squamala,— the former inhabits the mountains of Santa Fe de Bogota, the latter is native to Brazil.1 The genus Opisthocomus of HofFmansegg (Sasa of Vieil.) is associated in our present system with the preced¬ ing alectors. The only known species (Phasianus crista- lus, Lath.) has the bill short and thick, the nostrils pierced in its corneous portion, without the usual surrounding mem¬ brane. The head bears a crest of long, slender, decomposed feathers, and the toes (in which character it also differs from all the genuine gallinaceous kind) have no connect¬ ing membrane at the base. The bird occurs in Guiana, where it is usually seen perched in places subject to inun¬ dation. It lives chiefly on the leaves and seeds of a species of arum. Its flesh has a strong smell of castoreum, and is used only as a bait for fishes. “ II forme,” says Baron Cuvier, “ un genre tres distinct des autres gallinacees, et qui pourra devenir le type d’un famille particuliere quand on connaitra son anatomie.”2 Its true situation in the na¬ tural system seems at present quite uncertain, but, from its great diversity in different works, must assuredly in some be most erroneous. In the genus Pavo of Linn., the bill, of moderate size, is bare at the base, the nostrils lateral, sub-basal, open. The head is crested, the cheeks are naked, or nearly so. The tarsi are rather long, and armed with a conical spur. The upper coverts of the tail are of singular length and magnificence. The tail itself is erectile and wedge-shaped. The wings are rather short. This genus, as now restricted, contains only two species. The common peacock (Pavo cristatus, Linn.), so much admired for the surpassing splen¬ dour of its plumage, and now so familiarly known as a do¬ mestic bird, has probably been reduced to a state of de¬ pendence, if not of servitude, for some thousand years. The earliest notice we possess of it is contained in the se¬ cond book of Chronicles. “ For the king’s ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Hiram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.” The introduction of this beautiful bird to the western countries of Europe has never been clearly traced,—but every step of its progress has no doubt been owing rather to the agency of man than the in¬ stinct of nature. Its inborn tendency would clearly have been to return to whence it came,—to seek again the per¬ petual sunshine, and ever-verdant forests of Asia, the banks “ of Ganges or Hydaspes, Indian streams.” It ap¬ pears to have been unknown even in Greece during the early manhood of Alexander the Great, by whom it was first observed with no less wonder than delight in the progress of his southern expedition, and then transmitted to his na¬ tive country. There, however, it must have multiplied speedily, as Aristotle, who died in a year or two after “ the great Emathian conqueror,” mentions the peacock as a well-known bird. It is now distributed among most civi¬ lized nations, beautifying with lustrous train our verdant lawns, and arching its proud emblazoned neck among the “ ancestral trees” of many lordly dwellings. The cry of the peacock, unless when mellowed by distance, is harsh and unmusical, but extends far and wude. Indeed the notes of all birds, whether musically toned or inharmonious, are very clear and forcible. The voice of a blackbird may be heard as far as that of a man,—the clanging cry of the stork has been calculated to fill a circumference of nearly Uasore*. half a league, and the harsh scream of the peacock extends as far as that of an elephant.3 Mr Waterton observes, that the singular metallic note of the campanero or bell-bird of America is audible from a distance of three miles. The only other species of this genus (as now restricted) is the Japan or Javanese peacock (P. Japonensis, Briss.,— P. Javanicus, Horsfield), of which we have elsewhere figured both the adult male and young, under the name of Aldrovandine peacock, from the specimens in the Edin¬ burgh Museum.4 It occurs in Japan, Java, and other eastern and southern regions of Asia. The particular markings and general distribution of the colours in the train scarcely differ from those of the better-known species; but the Aldrovandine bird may be distinguished at first sight from the common kind, by a difference in the form, colour, and consistence of the cervical feathers; by the shape and structure of the occipital crest, of which the plumes are lance-shaped, or broadly linear, and barbed throughout their entire length, instead of being merely tufted at the extremities; by the dissimilar plumage of the wing-coverts, and the number of feathers in the tail, which in the former consists of twenty, in the latter of only eighteen. The genus Polyplectron, Temm., contains a few spe¬ cies formerly classed with the preceding, but of smaller size, and distinguished by a pair of spurs on each tarsus. Such is the beautiful Thibet peacock (Pol. Thibetanus), the peacock-pheasant of Edwards, of which a great proportion of the plumage is ornamented by large and very brilliant spots of greenish blue, changing with the varying light to gold and purple, and surrounded by circles of black and yellowish white. The male is about the size of the golden pheasant. The plumage of the female is less brilliant, and her tail shorter. The colour in the young of both sexes is earthy gray, with large spots and small lines of brown. This species is of easy domestication, and not re¬ markable for shyness even in a state of nature. It is na¬ tive to the mountains of Thibet, and is said also to occur in China. At least it is frequent in the aviaries of that leaf-soaking people. The genus Lophophorus, Temm., distinguished by its tufted hanging crest, and strongly bent and broadly mar¬ gined bill, contains that splendid bird the Impeyan phea¬ sant (Loph. refulgens), of which the colours of the plumage are so exceedingly brilliant from their metallic lustre, and so variable according to the direction of the light or the position of the spectator, that they cannot be expressed by words, and even the skill of the most accomplished painter would in vain attempt to equal the bright original. Purple, green, and gold, are the prevailing hues. The fe¬ male, however, is almost entirely' destitute of metallic splen¬ dour. This bird inhabits the mountains in the northern parts of Hindustan. Lady Impey endeavoured to trans¬ port it alive to England, but it died on the passage. It is known to the natives by the name of monaul, which signi¬ fies the bird of gold. The genus Meleagris, Linn., distinguished by its bare and wattled head and neck, and broad erectile tail, con¬ tains the valuable but unromantic turkey', M. gallo-pavo, Linn., a heavy and ungraceful bird, as it exists in the poul¬ try-yards of Britain, but of a richer plumage and more powerful wing in its native wooded wilderness. “ The wild turkey,” observes Mr Nuttall, “ once prevalent throughout 1 Dictionnaire des Sciences Nat. t. lix. p. 195. 2 Re^ne Animal, t. i. p. 473, note. 3 We have few opportunities (fortunately) afforded us in this country of judging of the strength of voice in wild beasts. Our own experience extends oniy to the following homely fact, which, however, it may be worth while to mention. During the residence m Edinburgh of Mr Wombwell’s and other travelling menageries, we have endeavoured to test the extension of the lion’s voice from different quarters. We have often heard it very distinctly on a still evening, about feeding time, from the top of Craigleith quarry, distant from the menagerie (on the Mound, Princes Street) about two miles and a half. 4 Illustrations of Zoology, vol. i. pi. 14, 15. ORNITHOLOGY. wsores. the whole continent of North America, from Mexico and the Antilles to the forests of Lower Canada, is now, by the progress and density of population, chiefly confined to the thickly woodtxl and uncultivated tracts of the western I states, being particularly abundant in the unsettled parts of Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, and throughout the vast forests of the great valleys of the Mississippi and Mis¬ souri. On the banks of the latter river, however, where the woods disappear beyond the confluence of the Platte, the turkey no longer appears, and the feathers of the wings, I for the purpose of pluming arrows, form an article of small commerce between the other natives and their western countrymen. For a thousand miles up the Arkansas and Red River, in the wooded alluvial lands, they are not un¬ common. They are likewise met with in small numbers Iin Tennessee, Alabama, and West Florida. From the At¬ lantic states generally they are now nearly extirpated. The wild turkey is neither gregarious nor migratory, but from the necessity of wandering after food; it is otherwise re¬ sident throughout the whole of the vast region it inhabits, including the greatest diversity of climate ; and it is pro¬ lific in proportion to its natural resources, so that while in the United States and Canada it only breeds once in the year, in Jamaica and the other West India islands it is said to raise two or three broods in the same period. In quest of mast, they therefore spread themselves through the country, and insensibly assemble in considerable num¬ bers to the district where their food abounds. These movements are observed to take place in October (the tur¬ key moon of the aborigines). The males, or gobblers as they are often called, from their note, are now seen apart from the other sex, in companies varying from ten to a hundred. The females move singly, or accompanied by their almost independent brood, who all at first shun assi¬ duously the persecuting society of the selfish male. Yet after a while, when their food proves abundant, separate mixed flocks of all ages and sexes often promiscuously join in the bounteous repast. Their migration, very un¬ like that of the rapid pigeons, is made almost entirely on foot, until their progress is perhaps arrested by a river. Their speed, however, is very considerable, and when sur¬ prised, they more commonly trust to their legs than their wings, running nearly with the velocity of a hound. On meeting with an impediment of this kind, after consider¬ able delay, they ascend to the tops of the tall trees, and, at the cluck of the leader, they launch into the air for the op¬ posite shore. The transit is a matter of little difficulty, though considerable labour, for the older birds; but the younger and less robust sometimes fall short of the bank, and are either drowned or attain the land by swimming. After crossing, it is remarked that they often become an easy prey to the hunter, as they seem bewildered by the new country in which they have arrived, or more probably are fatigued by the novelty and extent of their excursion. After long journeys and privations, particularly ‘in frosty weather, or while the ground is covered with snow, they are sometimes reduced to the necessity of making their appearance near farm-houses, where they now and then even associate with the poultry, and enter the stables and cribs after grain. In this desultory and foraging manner they spend the autumn and winter. “ According to the latitude, and the advancement of the season, though always very early in the spring, they begin to be actuated by the instinct of propagation. The males commence their gobbling, and court the society of their retiring mates. The sexes roost apart, but in the same vicinity, and at the yelp of the female the gobbling becomes reiterated and extravagant. If heard from the ground, a general rush ensues to the spot, and whether the hen appears or not, the males, thus accidentally brought together, spread out their train, quiver and depress their rigid wings, and strutting and puffing with a pompous gait, Rasores. often make battle, and directing their blows at the head, occasionally destroy each other in a fit of jealousy. Ab with our domestic fowls, several hens usually follow a fa¬ vourite cock, roosting in his immediate neighbourhood, until they begin to lay, when they withdraw from his re¬ sort to save their eggs, which he would destroy if disco¬ vered. “ The females are therefore seen in his company only for a few hours in the day. Soon after this period, how¬ ever, the male loses his ardour, and the advances of affec¬ tion now become reversed, the hen seeking out the society of her reluctant mate. In moonlight nights the gobbling of the male is heard, at intervals of a few minutes, for hours together, and affords often a gratifying means of their discovery to the wakeful hunter. After this period the males become lean and emaciated, so as to be even unable to fly, and seek to hide themselves from their mates in the closest thickets, where they are seldom seen. They now also probably undergo their moult, and are so dry, lean, and lousy, until the ripening of the mast and berries, as to be almost wholly indigestible, and destitute of nutri¬ ment as food. So constant is this impoverished state, that the Indians have a proverb, ‘ As lean as a turkey in sum¬ mer.* “ About the middle of April, in Kentucky, the hens be¬ gin to provide for the reception of their eggs, and secure their prospects of incubation. The nest, merely a slight hollow scratched in the ground, and lined with withered leaves, is made by the side of a fallen log, or beneath the shelter of a thicket, in a dry place. The eggs, from ten to fifteen, are whitish, covered with red dots. While laying, the female, like the domestic bird, always approaches the nest with great caution, varying the course at almost every visit, and often concealing her eggs entirely by covering them with leaves. Trusting to the similarity of her home¬ ly garb with the withered foliage around her, the hen, as with several other birds, on being carefully approached, sits close without moving. She seldom indeed abandons her nest, and her attachment increases with the growing life of her charge. The domestic bird has been known not unfrequently to sit stedfastly on her eggs until she died of hunger. As soon as the young have emerged from the shell, and begun to run about, the parent, by her cluck, calls them around her, and watches with redoubled suspi¬ cion the approach of their enemies, which she can perceive at an almost inconceivable distance. To avoid moisture, which might prove fatal to them, they now keep on the higher sheltered knolls; and in about a fortnight, instead of roosting on the ground, they begin to fly at night to some wide and low branch, where they still continue to nestle under the extended wings of their protecting parent. At length they resort during the day to more open tracts, or prairies, in quest of berries of various kinds, as well as grasshoppers and other insects. The old birds are very partial to pecan-nuts, winter grapes, and other kinds of fruits. They also eat buds, herbs, grain, and large insects ; but their most general and important fare is acorns, after which they make extensive migrations. By the month of August the young are nearly independent of their parent, and become enabled to attain a safe roost in the higher branches of the trees. The young cocks now show the tuft of hair upon the breast, and begin to strut and gobble, and the young hens already pur and leap. One of the most crafty enemies which the wild turkey has to encoun¬ ter is the lynx or wild cat, who frequently seizes his prey by advancing round, and waiting its approach in ambush. Like most other gallinaceous birds, they are fond of wal¬ lowing on the ground, and dusting themselves. “ When approached by moonlight, they are readily shot from their rousting-tree, one after another, without any 788 ORNITHOLOGY. Rasores. apprehension of their danger, though they would dodge or fly instantly at the sight of the owl. The gobblers, during the season of their amorous excitement, have been known even to strut over their dead companions while on the ground, instead of seeking their own safety by flight. In the spring, the male turkeys are called by a whistle made of the second joint bone of the wing of the bird, which produces a sound somewhat similar to the voice of the fe¬ male ; and on coming up to this call they are consequent¬ ly shot. They are likewise commonly caught in quadran¬ gular pens made of logs crossing each other, from which is cut a slanting covered passage sufficient to allow the entrance of the turkey. Corn is then scattered in a train to this cage for some distance, as well as within; and the neighbouring birds, in the surrounding woods, hav¬ ing discovered the grain, call on each other by a cluck¬ ing, and entering one at a time, they become secur¬ ed in the pen, as, for the purpose of escape, they constant¬ ly direct their view upwards, instead of stooping to go out by the path by which they had entered. The male wild turkey weighs commonly from fifteen to eighteen pounds, is not unfrequently as much as twenty-five, and some¬ times, according to Audubon, even thirty-six. The hen commonly weighs about nine pounds; and the usual price for a turkey from the Indians is twenty-five cents.’’1 The only other species of turkey is a very rare and beautiful bird (M. ocellata, Cuv.), of which, we believe, only a single specimen is yet known. It was captured by the crew of a vessel who were cutting wood in the Bay of Honduras, and was brought alive to the Thames, for pre¬ sentation to Sir Henry Halford, but met with an accident which caused its death. It afterwards became the pro¬ perty of Mr Bullock ; and on the dispersion of his collec¬ tion, was purchased by the French government for the Paris Museum. It is nearly equal in size to the common turkey. The tail is less ample, but its colours are more varied and beautiful, almost rivalling those of the peacock in its little mirrors of sapphire, surrounded by circles of gold and ruby.2 The species known to us by the name of Guinea fowls, form the genus Numida, Linn. The head is bare, the top in some crested, and the throat wattled. They are all either from Africa or Madagascar. The great genus Phasianus, Linn., including our cocks and pheasants, has the cheeks more or less bare of fea¬ thers, usually covered by a scarlet skin, and the tail-fea¬ thers so placed as to slope downwards, roof-like, from either side. The group was soon found to be too exten¬ sive and varied in its component parts to accord with the preciser views of modern times, and several subdivisions have been in consequence effected. . The restricted genus Gallus, for example (Plate XIV., figures 3 and 3 a), of which the head is gene¬ rally surmounted by a lleshy vertical crest, the base of the lower mandible furnished with two flattened wattles, and the tail-feathers, fourteen in number, rising in two almost upright planes, with ample coverts in the male sex, contains, among other remarkable species, our domestic cock and hen ( Gallus domesticas—Phasianus gallus, Linn.). The general attributes or special qualities of this brave, vi¬ gilant, and invaluable species, need not be here recorded ; and indeed a volume would scarcely suffice to describe its numerous variations, from the pure undaunted blood of Derby, fearless of death, to the crested dung-hill breed, almost equally pugnacious, and by no means cowardly, yet apt to turn tail on the sudden touch of unexpected steel. In our present paragraph we avail ourselves in part of a recent brief compendium. The cocks with ample crests, and five toes,—the rumpless cock, and those of many- Rasores. mingled colours,—appear to have arisen chiefly from the ''—V"1* various and prolonged circumstances attending domestica¬ tion, and the intentional crossing of the breeds. The most picturesque are those with superabundant crests, and full auricular plumes. The crest is composed of narrow, hackled feathers, which grow erect from the head, but fall down in graceful curves, sometimes of such length as to shadow or overhang the eyes. In some districts this breed is much cultivated, being esteemed in proportion as the colours of the body and crest can be made to form the most conspicuous contrast, the body black, the crest white, and vice versa. Other admired fancy breeds are the Dutch pencilled fowl, which are pure white, with black spots ; the Siberian fowl, with long tufts of hanging feathers springing from the lower jaw ; and the Barbary fowl, of a pale dun colour, with the feathers of the neck extremely ample, and spotted with black. But a more singular ano¬ maly is exhibited by those with five toes, commonly called dorkings, from being bred in most abundance in the neigh¬ bourhood of Dorking, Surrey. This race is easily conti¬ nued, and is much esteemed for the table, being white and large. Dr Latham records one which weighed near¬ ly fourteen pounds. A still more remarkable race is that without a tail, the rumpless or Persian cock, as it is some¬ times celled, which actually wants a portion of the caudal vertebrae. These are usually regarded as mere varieties, for the most part, probably, of accidental origin. There are, however, three races of cocks, of a very marked cha¬ racter, although their claim to actual specific distinction cannot be yet made out. The first is Gallus morio, of which the periosteum of the bones is black, and the comb, wattles, and skin, of a dull purple. It has received the name of negro or blackamoor cock, but is scarcely ever seen in the poultry-yards of this country. The other two races are more frequent, and are known as the silky cock (G. lanatus), and the Friesland cock (Gr. crispus). M. Temminck is inclined to regard the former as a distinct species. It occurs in China and Japan, where it is sold as a rarity to Europeans. In this country it crosses easily with the white domestic breed, and a mixed race is pro¬ duced with the feathers still silky, but less disunited. It is singular that the skin and periosteum of this kind are of the same sable hue with those of G. morio, although the flesh is remarkable for its whiteness. The size is rather small, the plumage of the purest white, the comb and wattles purple. The Friesland cock evidently belongs to the opposition, having all the feathers turned the wrong way, or standing nearly at right angles with the body. The general colour of the plumage of this kind is also white, but it varies like that of other captive races. It occurs in the domesticated state in Java and Sumatra; but M. Temminck thinks it is also a distinct species, pe¬ culiar in the wild state to some unexplored quarter of the Indian islands.3 We doubt that nature, in her first in¬ tent, should ever have produced such an oddity. Many fanciful and superstitious feelings are still main¬ tained regarding the domestic cock, and his nocturnal crowing ; and even his more familiar morning salutation is supposed to dispel all spirits, “ whether in sea or fire, in earth or air.’’ Some say that ever ’gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrate, The bird of dawning singeth all night long ; And then, they say, no spirit walks abroad ; The nights are wholesome ; then no planets strike; T\To fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm ; So hallowed and so gracious is the time. 2 Min. du Museum, vi. pi. 1; and PL Col. 112* * Naturalist’s Library, vol. iii. p. 173. 1 Manual, vol. i. p. (J40. ORNITHOLOGY. ?s. Of the numerous benefits which the goodness of God “"'has enabled man to derive from the wide circle of the feathered race, there is probably none which surpasses, either in extent or utility, the domestication of these most familiar birds. Of so long standing, however, has been the subservience of the race to man, that no authentic tradi¬ tionary traces now remain of its original introduction to any of the more ancient kingdoms of the earth,—its existence under human guardianship seeming indeed coeval with the most antique records. It may therefore be regarded as one of those particular and providential gifts, which, like the faithful and accommodating dog, was at an early period of the world added to the fortunes of the first fa¬ milies of the human race, and has since followed man in his wonderful and far-spread migrations through every clime and country. For some thousand years the observ¬ ers of nature were ignorant of any wild species which, even in a remote degree, resembled any variety of the domes¬ tic breed,—and from the era of Herodotus to that of Son- nerat, the domestic cock and hen might have been re¬ garded as birds, the living analogues of which were no longer known to exist in a natural and unsubdued condi¬ tion. In consequence of the remote obscurity in which the subject is thus involved, few points in natural history have occasioned more inconclusive speculation, or are even now more difficult to solve with certainty, than the source from which we have primarily derived our different races of domestic poultry. That they came originally from Per¬ sia, has been inferred from the circumstance of Aristo¬ phanes calling the cock “ the Persian bird.” Such an origin, however, is improbable, when we consider that the researches of modern travellers, and indeed of all who have visited that country since the revival of learning, have failed to discover there any species of wild poul¬ try,—no gallinaceous bird being found in Persia more nearly allied to the genus Gallus, than a species of />o- phophorus. If, however, it is merely meant that the Greeks, during the intercourse, hostile or otherwise, which existed between them and the Persian nation, may have obtained a breed previously domesticated, the idea is less objec¬ tionable ; for it is known that in a domestic state poultry have existed in Persia from a very remote antiquity. It appears from an ingenious dissertation by the late Dr Scot of Corstorphine, to have been the opinion of that learned Hebraist, that poultry were unknown to the Jews, or at least that they are not distinctly alluded to in the Old Testament. It cannot, however, admit of a doubt, that they were w’ell known over many parts both of Eu¬ rope and Asia for several hundred years before the Chris¬ tian era. When Themistocles took the field to combat the Persians, he alluded, while haranguing his troops, to the invincible courage of the feathered biped. “ Observe with what intrepid valour he fights, inspired by no other motive than the love of victory ; whereas you have to con¬ tend for your religion and your liberty, for your wives and children, for the tombs of your ancestors and it was on this occasion that the Athenians achieved one of the most memorable victories recorded in history. According to A51ian, it was in commemoration of this signal event, and of the ornithological image by which the courage of the soldiery had been excited and sustained, that the Athe¬ nians instituted those annual games of which cock-fighting formed so conspicuous a feature. Now Themistocles died in the sixty-fifth year of his age, and about the 449th year preceding the Christian era, and must consequently have been contemporary with Nehemiah the prophet; and as the Old Testament history does not conclude till about twenty years after the death of Themistocles, it may be 789 inferred, that if the later of the sacred historians do not Rasores. mention poultry, it must be from some other cause than' ignorance of their existence,—seeing that as the early Greek nations had received them prior to that period, either from Persia or the more south-eastern countries of Asia, they could scarcely have remained unknown in the intermediate regions inhabited by the Jews. For tlitse and other reasons, which it would here be tedious to detail, we do not agree with Dr Scot. In regard to the natural origin of these domestic birds, the first approximation to the truth (and we deem it but an approximation) resulted from the discovery by Son- nerat of a species of wild poultry native to the mountains of the Ghauts, in India. Ihis is the Gallus Sonneratii of systematic naturalists, better known to British residents by the now familiar name of jungle-cock. Our knowledge of gallinaceous birds, however, has so greatly increased during recent years, and so many additional species have been discovered, that we are able to proceed upon much more certain ground than were the naturalists of the last century. The jungle-cock is not only no longer the only claimant to the long dormant title which, under whatever name of honour, may be due to the species so greatly be¬ neficial to the human race, but other aspirants have come forward with such better-founded claims, that his may fairly be regarded as altogether set aside. In fact, seve¬ ral important characters of the jungle-cock have never been traced in any of the domestic varieties, and many of these latter present features which, if not incompatible with, at least bear no resemblance to any attributes of the supposed original. We may here observe, that the naturalybrm and structure of any portion of the animal or¬ ganization are much less easily effaced or altered than the more superficial character of colour; and hence, if a par¬ ticular species of bird be naturally distinguished by a pe¬ culiar consistence as well as colour of plumage, the influ¬ ence of those causes which produce variation less fre¬ quently affect the former than the latter. Reasoning therefore a priori, it would be more natural to expect that if the jungle-cock were the parent of our domestic breeds, such breeds, however they might vary in the co¬ louring of their plumage, would at least at times exhibit those marked and peculiar characters of form and struc¬ ture by which the feathers of the supposed original are distinguished. This, however, is not the case. Amid the infinite varieties which occur among our domestic poultry, the plumage of none is found characterized by those horny lamina, or expansions of the shaft, which form so marked a feature in the plumage of the jungle-cock, and which assuredly would have either continued a permanent fea¬ ture, or been occasionally manifested in one or other of our domestic breeds, had these been derived from the spe¬ cies in question. We may mention another circumstance on which we believe we were ourselves the first to insist.1 The native tribes of Indians inhabiting the districts where the jungle-cock abounds rear a breed of poultry which differs as much from the supposed original as our own, and which never intermingles with the forest brood. According to M. Temminck (and in this we quite agree with that industrious and observant naturalist), the species to which our domestic races are most nearly allied, are the Jago cock of Sumatra {Gallus giganteus), a wild spe¬ cies of great size, and the Bankiva cock of Java, another primitive species, which occurs in the forests of the last- named island (see Plate XIV., figures 3 and 3 a.) There are several circumstances which render the claims of these two birds much stronger than those of the jungle-cock. Is*, Their females bear a strong resemblance to our domestic hens ; 2dly, the common village cock, in its most ordi- See our Essay “ On the Origin of Domestic Poultry,” in the Wemerian Memoirs, vol. vi. p. 402. 790 ORNITHOLOGY. Rasores. nary condition, is intermediate, in respect to size, between “ these two species; 3d7?/, the nature of the plumage, which in its form, consistence, and distribution, is absolutely the same as in the common cock, greatly strengthens the sup¬ position ; \thhj, it is in these species alone that we find the females, as well as males, provided with a fleshy crest and small wattles,—characters which likewise distinguish both sexes of our common poultry, although they are for the most part but slightly developed in the females. Now the female jungle-cock possesses neither comb nor wattles. It may be stated as a curious though well-known fact, that when Captain Cook first visited the South Sea Islands, he found them well stocked with domestic poultry; and the more recent as well as more ample narratives of the mission¬ aries have confirmed the statements of the great navigator re¬ garding the practice of cock-fighting in Otaheite, and other islands of Polynesia. Mr Ellis describes the Faa-ti-to-raa- moa, or literally the causing fighting among fowls, as the most ancient game of the Tahitians; and he informs us, that according to the tradition of the natives, poultry have ex¬ isted in the islands as long as people,—that they either came with the first colonists, or were produced by Taaroa contemporaneously with men. Long before the first fo¬ reign vessel was seen off their shores, they were in the practice of training and fighting cocks. However, they never trimmed, as we do, their flowing plumes, but were proud to see the beautiful and gorgeous combatants with ample natural wings, full-feathered necks, and lengthened tails. We may observe, that the breed of these islands do not appear to have been what in this country we would denominate game ; for Mr Ellis (in his Polynesian Re¬ searches) incidentally mentions, that as soon as one bird avoided another, he was considered as vi, or beaten, and victory was declared in favour of his opponent. It is in¬ deed a singular circumstance that this barbarous practice should have pervaded so many unconnected nations, both savage and civilized. It has entirely ceased among the in¬ habitants of the Friendly and Society Islands since the establishment of Christianity, although still pursued by the practical heathen of other and more ancient Christian lands. We ourselves, to our shame be it spoken, once fought a main of cocks with an English clergyman who afterwards rose to a high and conspicuous station in the church. We believe, indeed, that he became a bishop,—haply forgetful of us and of our famous Faa-ti-to-raa-moa. In the genus Phasianus properly so called, the sides of the head around the eyes are covered for a space by a naked warty skin. The tail is very long and slender, each feather laterally inclined or roof-shaped, and the central pair usually much prolonged. The common pheasant of our coverts (P/i. colchicus) is the most familiar example. This bird is now well known in most of the temperate parts of Europe, though originally introduced from the banks of the Phasis (now the Rioni), a river of Chalcis in Asia Minor. Need we describe his glowing bright attire? Splendid his form, his eyes of flaming gold Two fiery rings of living scarlet hold ; His arching neck a varying beauty shows, Now rich with azure, now with emerald glows. His swelling breast with glossy purple shines, Chesnut his back, and waved with ebon lines ; To his broad wings gay hues their radiance lend, His mail-clad legs two knightly spurs defend. The variety called the ring-pheasant (Ph. torquatus), cha¬ racterized by a more or less completed circle of white around the lower portion of the neck, is by some regarded as a distinct species. The gold and silver pheasants of our aviaries (PA. pictus and nycthemerus), and several other still more magnificent birds, on the beauty of which we regret we cannot here dilate, pertain to our present genus. One of the most singularly superb of all the gallinace- Rasores. ous order, we mean the argus pheasant, now forms a se-v'—“y~^< parate genus under the name of Argus. Of this rare and remarkable hud^A. giganteus, Temm.) China and the ad¬ joining provinces of Tartary have been assigned as the na¬ tive country by various writers. This, however, requires confirmation, as all the specimens of which the origin is accurately known have been brought from the great east¬ ern islands and peninsula of Malacca. There is a passage in Marco Polo’s Travels, which may perhaps be construed as relating to the bird in question. In his description of the kingdom of Erginal (a district of Tangout, in the north¬ west of the empire), he observes, “pheasants are found in it that are twice the size of ours, but something smaller than the peacock. I he tail-feathers are eight or ten palms in length.” “ This,” observes Mr Marsden, the learned edi¬ tor of the English edition, “ is probably the Argus phea¬ sant, which although a native of Sumatra (where I have frequently seen it alive), is said to be also found in the northern part of China.”1 Though of late years well known in the Basses-cours of Batavia (from which M. Tem- minck received a splendid series), we are not aware that the Argus has been ever imported alive into Europe. It would certainly prove a more magnificent addition than any which has been made to our aviaries in modern times. The great apparent size of this bird arises chiefly from the peculiar formation of the wings, of which the secondaries are three times the length of the primaries, being nearly three feet long. In consequence of the unwieldy extent of that portion of the wing which is not under the imme¬ diate influence of muscular action, this magnificent bird is alleged to be almost destitute of the power of flight. Its progress, however, when running on the ground, is greatly accelerated,—the expanded secondaries, according to M. Temminck, acting as powerful and capacious sails, and furnishing a very fleet and effectual mode of transporta¬ tion. The body, when stripped of the feathers, scarcely exceeds that of a barn-door fowl, but in its “high an&plvmy state” it measures in total length about five feet three inches,—the tail-feathers being themselves nearly four feet long. The female is, as usual, less adorned. Her second¬ aries want the peculiar breadth and extension, as well as the beautiful eye-like markings which adorn the male. In consequence, however, of this homely appearance, she is less frequently sought for in her native forests, and is thus (in collections) by far the rarer of the two. M. Temminck, for example, thought himself fortunate in finding a brace of females among thirty males. In the genus Eupi.ocomus, Temm., the head is crested, the tail much broader than in the true pheasants, and some¬ times forked. The beautiful Macartney cock, or fire-back¬ ed pheasant (Eu. ignitus), is the most characteristic, if not the sole example. It was met with by Sir George Staun¬ ton in a menagerie at Batavia, and is believed to be a na¬ tive of Sumatra.2 The horned pheasant of Edwards and Latham has been made by Cuvier to constitute the genus Tkagopan. The head, though crested, is elsewhere almost naked; a little slender horn projects backward from behind each eye, and a loose and pendent skin, inflatable at pleasure, hangs from the base of the lower mandible (see Plate XIV., fig. 4). The group now consists of about four species, all remarkable for their richly varied and beautifully spotted plumage. They are bulkier birds than pheasants, with rounded tails of ordinary length. The females of such as are known are brindled with brown and black. We have yet learned nothing of the habits or natural economy of the Tragopans, although their external aspect has been render¬ ed familiar in elegant representations by Mr Gould.3 The Travels, pp. 225-9. Embassy to China, pi. xiii. 3 Century of Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. ORNITHOLOGY ores, first discovered species ( T. satyr us), though usually brought ' from Nepaul, has been ascertained also to inhabit Thibet; and Chinese specimens from the mountain province of Yun¬ nan were seen by Mr Bennet in Mr Beale’s aviary at Ma¬ cao.1 The genus Cryptonyx, Temm., has a bare space around the eye, the tail of medium size and flat, and the tarsi without spurs ; but the most peculiar character consists in the hind toe being destitute of claw. The best-known species is C. coronatus, or rouloul of Malacca (see Plate XIV., figure 5). The female is described by Latham under the title of Tetraoviridis. It inhabits deep forests, is wild and cunning in a state of nature, and in confine¬ ment impatient of restraint. The great genus Tetuao of Linn, has also been greatly subdivided in recent times. All the species seem to agree in having a bare band above the eye. The restricted genus Tetrao has the legs covered with feathers, and without spurs. In some the toes are naked, and the tail either forked or rounded. Such is the great wood grouse or capercailzie (T. urogallus), the largest and finest example of the gallinaceous order indigenous to Europe. In Britain it has been long extinct in the wild state (although of late several times imported with a view to re-establish the breed), and now occurs chiefly in Scan¬ dinavia, although not unknown among mountainous and woody regions southwards, as far as the Alps of Savoy and the Veronese. Although rather difficult to rear in Britain, the capercailzie is often domesticated in Sweden, where it becomes so tame as to eat familiarly from the hand. Though naturally shy and wary, they sometimes, even in their unreclaimed condition, manifest a singular and un¬ accountable degree of boldness. Mr Brehm mentions a cock bird that inhabited a wood near Renthendorf, through which there was a roadway, and whenever any one passed through, it would fly towards him, peck at his legs, and strike him with its wings. The black-cock ( T. tetrix) is a smaller, but very beautiful species, of hardy habits, and much on the increase in many parts of Britain, where it prefers alpine pastures, with a sprinkling of natural wood, inter¬ mingled with moist places covered by long coarse herbage. It is widely dispersed over the northern and temperate parts of Europe, and spreads somewhat farther south than the preceding, being found, though rarely, on the Apen¬ nines. We know that it breeds among the lofty hills above Albenga, near the Colie de Tende. Other species of bare¬ toed grouse occur in Europe, and a still greater number in North America. For the history of the latter we must refer to the well-known works of Alexander Wilson, C. L. Bonaparte, Audubon, Richardson, and others. 01 the feather-footed game-birds (genus Lagopus), the most noted for gastronomic excellence is our common red grouse, or moor-game (Zr. Scoticus), so highly prized and eagerly pursued by sportsmen. This well-known species restricts itselt chiefly to the sides of sloping mountains, and those extensive tracts of elevated land called moors, where it is careless of other shelter than that afforded by the natural roughness of the ground, and its plentiful co¬ vering of heath, or other alpine plants of still more lowly growth. The most singular fact in its history is its re¬ striction to Great Britain and Ireland,—all other parts of the world, from “ Indus to the pole,’’ being sought in vain for a single example. In this little group we also place the ptarmigans, distinguished from the other grouse by the assumption of a snow-white plumage during winter. These birds seem to prefer, in comparatively temperate climates, such as that of Scotland, the bare and stony sides or sum¬ mits of the highest mountains; but under the rigorous temperature of Greenland, and the most northern portions of America, they are chiefly found in the vicinity of the sea-shore, by the banks of rivers, and among the willow and other copse woods of the lower and more sheltered vales. The species of Europe and America are not yet in all respects sufficiently characterized and distinguished. The genus Pterocles, Temm., has a naked space around the eye, but not of a scarlet colour, as in grouse ; the toes are bare, the hind one very small, and the tail pointed (Plate XIV., figure 6). These birds, called gan- gas, or sand-grouse, live in sandy plains and deserts in the warmer regions of Asia and Africa, although two spe¬ cies, Pt. arenarius and setarius, Temm., inhabit some of the southern countries of Europe, especially Spain. The latter is the pin-tailed grouse of Latham, Tetrao alchata, Gmelin. Ihe genus Perdix of Brisson contains the partridges, distinguished by having the legs or tarsi bare, as well as the toes. The tail is also very short, although of greater length among the kind called francolins, and other foreign species. Of these several are armed with spurs ; and one especially, the sanguine partridge (P. cruentata, Temm.), has sometimes three or four spurs on each leg. The fran¬ colins perch on trees. The partridges properly so called always rest upon the ground. Their bill is not so strong, and their spurs, if they have any, are very short, or simply tubercular. Four or five sorts are found in Europe, al¬ though the common gray partridge (P. cinerea) is our only truly indigenous kind. The red-legged partridge (P. rubra), which in Italy is the most frequent, has been in¬ troduced of late years into the south of England, where it continues to breed spontaneously in a state of nature. Many other species occur in foreign countries. Ihe quails (genus Coturnix) are of smaller size than the preceding, the tail is still shorter, the spurs are wanting, and there is no coloured space above the eye. Ihe only British species is the common quail ((7. Euro-, a well-known bird of passage, generally but not abundantly distributed over the island. In Scotland it is even scarce, although we have found it occasionally near Edinburgh, as well as in Ross shire, and along the coasts of Aberdeen and Kincardine. The whole migrate from the colder and temperate parts of Europe during autumn, and re-appear in spring, in certain places, in enormous numbers. Along the Neapolitan coasts, for example, 100,000 have been taken in a single day. In some of the southern countries of Europe, however, many quails remain throughout the winter. In Portugal they are even more numerous during that season than in summer ; and Signor Savi says, in regard to those of Italy, “ Sono le quaglie uccelli viaggiatori, giacche la massima parte lasciano 1’Eu- ropa, traversano il mare, e vanno a passare il verno in Aflrica, ed in Asia; ma di Toscana, come pure dalle altri parti meridionali, non partono tutti, anzi una gran quar.tita ne resta per le stoppie delle nostre Maremme, ove trovano e molto nutrimento e dolce clima. Negli ultimi giorni d Aprile si rimetteno in moto ; quelle die avevan passate il mare lo passan di nuovo, e quelle che eransi ritirate no* siti aprici si spargon per tutti i campi e prati.”2 A vast number of quails of various kinds are found in foreign countries. A beautiful small species (Z. excalfactoria, lemm.,—-P. Chinensis, Lath.) is very abundant in China, where it is bred in the domestic state, and kept in cages for the singular purpose of warming people’s hands in win¬ ter. It is also patronised on account of its pugnacious disposition, being fought with its own kind, as common cocks are in this country. The American quails now form the genus Ortyx, anu are in some measure intermediate between the true quails and partridges. The bill is thick and strong, but short 791 Itasores. 1 Ornitologia Toscana, tom. ii. p, *00. * Wanderings, &c. vol. iu p. 61. 792 ORNITHOLOGY. Rasores. and rounded ; the tail more lengthened than in those of 'v-*-' tlie old continent. One species, O. Californica, has the head ornamented by a beautiful slender recurved crest. (See Plate XIV., figure 7.) Several other kinds were recently discovered and described by the lamented Douglas, the botanical traveller and collector, whose tragical fate in the Sandwich Islands caused the most sincere regret in the scientific world. They differ from the ordinary quails in usually perching upon trees at night. The Virginian Ortyx, O. borealis, has of late been reared in several parts of Eng¬ land, and may be said to be naturalized in Sussex. It is considerably larger than the common quail. The genus Ortygis of Illiger resembles the quails in general form, but the bill is somewhat compressed. The toes are so deeply divided, as scarcely to exhibit a vestige of the usual intervening membrane, and the hind toe is wanting. The species are of small size, and occur in In¬ dia, Africa, and New Holland. They are of polygamous habits, and dwell in barren places on the confines of de¬ serts, seldom taking wing except when closely run. One of these birds is also much used by the Malays and other eastern nations for fighting with its kind. (See Plate XIV., figure 9.) A bird of a very anomalous aspect and character, called the heteroclyte grouse (Tetrao paradoxus of Pallas), now forms the genus Syrrhaptes of Illiger. The bill is rather slender and compressed, straight, but as usual somewhat bent towards the tip. The tarsi are short and densely clothed with feathers; the toes are also very short and fea¬ thered, and connected together almost to the claws. The hind toe is not wanting, but seems buried in the feathers. The wings and tail are very long, and are both terminated by lengthened slender-pointed plumes. The only known species (named S. Pallasii by M. Temminck), inhabits the deserts of Tartary, near the shores of Lake Baikal. Owing to the peculiar structure of its feet, it can scarcely move upon the ground; but its flight is brisk and raoid, though seldom long sustained. The last group we shall here mention contains the Tina- mous—genus Tinamus, Lath.,— Crypturus, Illig. (Plate XIV., figure 8.) The bill is lengthened and slender, slightly arched, blunt-pointed, grooved on each side, the nostrils central, deepening obliquely backwards. The wings are short, the tail almost rudimentary. The pal- mation at the base of the toes is very short; and the hind toe, reduced almost to a little spur, does not reach the ground. The bare space around the eye is very cir¬ cumscribed. These birds abound in the Brazilian and other tropical forests of America, where they run swiftly, seldom fly, conceal themselves among long herbage, and perch (as some say) upon the lower branches of trees. They live on fruits and insects, and their flesh is much es¬ teemed. Rather than exercise their natural powers of flight, they will sometimes foolishly allow themselves to be killed in great numbers with a stick. They are also hunted with dogs. They build upon the ground, and their eggs are remarkable among those of gallinaceous birds for their brilliant tinting, some being bright blue, others of a bril¬ liant violet colour. The different species of Tinamous ex¬ hibit a great diversity in size, from that of a pheasant to a very small quail; and “as for their flesh,” says Mr Swain- son, “ we have often tasted it, and consider it, both in whiteness and flavour, infinitely above that of the partridge or pheasant. We believe these birds never perch, as some Rasores. suppose, but that they live entirely among herbage, prin- 's— cipally in the more open tracts of the interior.”1 The great family of the pigeons (Columba, Linn.) comes next in order in Baron Cuvier’s arrangement, and in that indeed of most of our systematic writers. There are several circumstances, however, which make it doubt¬ ful whether the pigeons should not form either a separate order of themselves, or undergo some other change in their position. As compared with ordinary gallinaceous birds, every one will admit that they present numerous and striking disparities. Their powers of flight, for ex¬ ample, if equalled are not surpassed even by those of the falcon tribe, their habits are monogamous, their haunts very generally arboreal, their eggs few in number, and hatched by the male as well as female, the young are at first extremely helpless, and are fed for a length of time from the crop of both parents,—in all these points, and many more, they differ remarkably from other gallinaceous birds. Professor Savi, we observe, places the pigeons in his concluding tribe of Passeres ( Uccelli silvani), as a con¬ necting link with the gallinaceous order, and for reasons closelv corresponding with those we have just assigned.2 Dr Macgillivray was the first to observe that “ the beauti¬ ful, very extensive, and generally distributed family of birds commonly known by the names of pigeons, doves, and turtle-doves, appears to form an order of itself, separated by well-defined limits; but yet, as in other cases, presenting modifications of form indicative of its affinity to contermin¬ ous groups. The peculiar shape of the head and bill, more than any other external feature, serves to render the dif¬ ferent species readily cognizable as belonging to a single tribe ; for, whatever may be the size, colour, or even shape, of a pigeon, it cannot be mistaken. But the relations of the family, it would appear, are not so readily perceived,— some of our most approved systematists having associat¬ ed them with the passerine, others with the gallinaceous birds,—while a few consider them as constituting a dis¬ tinct group. Linnaeus included them all under the single genus Columba, which has merely been sectioned by M. Temminck, and from which M. Vieillot has only separat¬ ed two genera under the names of Treron and Lophyrus; while Mr Swainson and other Ornithologists have convert¬ ed it into several generic groups, such as Vinago, includ¬ ing the thick-billed species, Ptilonopus, Columba, Turtur, Ectopistes, Peristera, and others, characterized by differ¬ ences in the wings and tail; and Lophyrus, formed, by Vieillot, of the great crowned-pigeon. The latter seems to connect this family with the Cracinae, which belong to the gallinaceous order, while other groups manifest an af¬ finity to the partridges and allied genera. The pigeons vary much in form, some having the body full, others slender ; while the tail is very short, moderate, or greatly elongated. In all, however, the head is small, oblong, compressed, with the forehead rounded; a circumstance depending partly upon the form of the skull, and partly upon the absence of feathers at the base of the bill. The latter organ is characterized more especially by having the nasal membrane bare, generally scurfy, fleshy, and tumid, with the narrow longitudinal nostrils placed un¬ der its anterior margin. It varies in size, but the upper mandible has its ridge always obliterated at the base by the encroachment of the nasal membranes, and its extre- 1 Nat. Hist, and Class, of Birds, vol. ii. p. 16‘8. “ Questa tribii forma il passagio dai Silvani ai Gallinacei, giacche i Piccioni, quantunque somigliano piix ai primi che ai secundi, pure nan caratteri comuni agli uni ed agli altri. Somigliano i Silvani, perche avendo ali grand! e coda larga, volano facilmente, con velocita, ed a grand! distanze ; sono monogami: nascono nudi, e per un tempo assai lungo (almeno per tutte le specie nostrali) non essendo capaci ne di moversi, ne di cercare il cibo, han bisogno d’esser covati, e imbeccati da’ loro genitori: fanno il nido sugli al ben, o nolle buche. Somigliano poi i Gallinacei per avere un gozzo molto dilatabile, e dove gli alimenti si trattengono e provano una certa preparazione alia digestione: i semi, di cui quasi esclusivamente si cibano, li inghiottono senza sbucciarli, o rompeili, e final- mente, come i Gallinacei, hanno lo sterno doppiamente scavato.” (Ornitologia Toscana, tom. ii. p. 152.) ORNITHOLOGY. 793 •Itasores. mity horny, arched, or convex, more or less compressed, —y—with a blunt thin-edged point. The tongue is fleshy, ta¬ pering to a point, and triangular in its transverse section. The throat is very narrow. The oesophagus is of mode¬ rate width, but expanded, or opening into a large crop, placed on the lower part of the neck and the fore part of the breast, and terminates below in an oblong proventri- culus, completely surrounded with large oblong glandules. The stomach is a powerful gizzard of a somewhat rhom- boidal form, and furnished with two very thick lateral muscles inserted into two tendinous centres, with an infe¬ rior thinner muscle inserted into the same tendons. The intestine is long and slender ; the caeca very small and cy¬ lindrical ; the rectum very short, and but slightly enlar¬ ged. The tarsi are generally short and stout, either scu- tellate or feathered. The foot is of that kind equally adapt¬ ed for walking and perching, having three toes before and one behind; the middle toe considerably longer than the two lateral, which are nearly equal, and the hind toe di¬ rected backwards, and shorter than the lateral. They are covered above with numerous short scutella, laterally mar¬ gined, beneath flat and papillate. The claws are short, compressed, moderately arched, rather blunt. The plu¬ mage is various, so that no general character can be derived from it, farther than that the feathers have the tube very short, the shaft commonly thick, and are entirely destitute of the accessory plumule, which is largely developed in the gallinaceous birds. The wings are for the most part large, more or less pointed, with the second, third, and fourth quills longest; but the primary quills vary in form, and pre¬ sent several very curious modifications. The tail is even, rounded, cuneate, or graduated.”1 The skeleton, Dr Mac- gillivray further remarks, differs very materially from that of gallinaceous birds, and the intestine is much longer, the difference, however, in the other Gallinse being made up by the great development of the caeca, which in pigeons are merely rudimentary, that is, extremely small, and secret¬ ing only a mucous fluid. We may add the following im¬ portant character, that the hind toe is articulated on the same plane with the three anterior ones, instead of being placed higher up, as in the rest of the gallinaceous order. Although their legs are short, pigeons walk with great ease and considerable celerity. These beautiful birds abound in most of the temperate and tropical regions of the earth, being, however, both more numerous and more gorgeously attired in the latter, where they often rival even the tribe of parrots in the splendour of their plumage, and literally realize the de¬ lightful expressions of the Holy Scripture—“as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yel¬ low gold.” The old genus Columba is one of the most cosmopolite with which we are acquainted, being found diffused alike through Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ; and even in the forests of the far-distant Southern Ocean, their radiant plumage Fills many a dark obscure recess With lustre of a saintly show. In no tribe of the feathered race do we meet with more to delight the eye by its richness and diversity. “ In some,” says Mr Selby, “ the plumage shines with a dazzling and metallic gloss, varying in tint with every motion of the bird, and which vies in lustre with that of the diminutive and sparkling humming-birds. In texture the plumage is generally close and adpressed, and the feathers feel hard and firm to the touch, from the thickness and strength of the rachis. or shaft. Upon the neck they assume a variety Itasores. of forms, in some species being rounded and stiff, and dis- posed in a scale-like fashion ; in others of an open, dis¬ united texture, or with the tips divided and curiously notched ; and in the hackled and Nicobar pigeons they are long, acuminate, and laciniated, like those of the domestic cock ; and, we may add, that in nearly all they are so con¬ stituted as to reflect prismatic colours when held at various angles to the light.”2 The vast variety of species and numerous sub-genera of which the Columbidce are now composed render a full ex¬ position impossible. We must, indeed, rest satisfied with a very brief notice of a few remarkable kinds. We have four species of pigeon in Britain, and we are not aware that more occur in Europe. ls£, The ring-dove, cushat, or wood-pigeon, C. palum- bus, Linn., a large, beautiful, and well known species, very generally distributed over the more or less wooded dis¬ tricts of our island, but avoiding bare and rocky regions. It breeds on trees in single isolated pairs, but is often gre¬ garious to a great extent in winter. It is a wary bird, of powerful wing, not easily approached even in the forest glades, yet not seldom building in groves or groups of trees in the immediate vicinity of human dwellings; and we have seen a gentle pair sitting for hours upon the branches of an almost leafless sycamore in early spring, preening their feathers in assured confidence, within a few footsteps of our cottage door. Indeed we have often no¬ ticed, as others must have also done, what may be called the discrimination of birds, in relation both to persons and to places. We allude to what we should call their ac¬ commodating rather than their natural instincts,—how, for example, after a season or two of observation or experi¬ ence, they will congregate around a spot where no rude hands disturb their mossy dwellings, nor climbing urchin shows his visage grim among the umbrageous boughs. This is beautifully exemplified (and on a greater scale than in a cottage garden) among the gladsome palace- groves of the Tuileries and Luxembourg in Paris, where, notwithstanding the gay and giddy stream of human life which flows for ever through those royal walks, the wood- pigeon builds her frequent nest, though far her flight to rural solitudes for every offering which she brings her much-loved young. This species generally breeds twice a year. 2c%, The rock or wild pigeon, C. livia, Briss., a smaller species, totally regardless of all the leafy glories of the forest, but loving devotedly the craggy cliffs and hollow caverns by the ocean-shore. This species is believed to be the original of our common domestic breed, of which the numerous and extraordinary, yet, with proper care, permanent varieties, are among the more puzzling pro¬ blems of Ornithology.3 3rf, The smaller wood-pigeon, erroneously called the stock-dove, C. anas, Linn. This bird is much more li¬ mited in its distribution than either of the preceding, being as yet unknown in Scotland, and frequenting chiefly the southern and midland counties of the sister kingdom. It is almost entirely confined to wooded districts, its habits, according to Mr Selby, being strictly arboreal; yet Mr Salmon records it as abounding in heaths and rabbit war¬ rens in the neighbourhood of Thetford, to which it an¬ nually resorts for the purpose of nidification.4 ith. The turtle-dove, C. turtur, Linn., a small and delicate species, unknown in “ bleak Caledonia,” but a constant summer bird in Kent, and other counties of the south of 1 British Birds, vol. i. p. 249. * Naturalist's Library, vol. v. p. 88. J For the domestic breeds, see Temminck’s Hist. Nat. Gin. des Pigeons et des GaUinacics, MM. liortard and Corbie’s Monographic des Pigeons Domestiques, the Pigeon Fancier, and other works. 4 Magazine of Natural History, vol. ix. p. 520. VOL. XVI. 5 H 794 ORNITHOLOGY. Rasores. England, where it breeds in woods. It is sometimes seen '“-'v'"—-' towards the end of summer in little flocks of a score or two together. This bird leaves Britain in the course of the autumn, and does not to our knowledge remain in any part of Europe throughout the winter season. Of the exotic pigeons one of the most remarkable is the goura, or great-crowned nigeon, Lophyrus coronatus, Vieil- lot. (See Plate XV., figure 1.) It is by far the largest of the tribe, measuring nearly two feet and a half in length. It inhabits Java, New Guinea, and most of the Molucca Islands, and is occasionally brought alive to Europe, where, however, the climate is too moist and variable to admit of its ever attaining to a good old age. One of the most magnificent of the tribe is the hackled pigeon ((7. Francice), distinguished by the irregular form of the feathers on the head, neck, and breast, which are long and narrow, and terminate in a shining appendage resembling in consistence, though not in colour, the tips of the wing-feathers of the waxen chatterer. It inhabits Southern Africa and the island of Madagascar. Another singular species is the parabolic pigeon ((7. arquatrix), discovered by Vaillant, and figured in his splendid work on the birds of Africa. The flight of this bird is very re¬ markable. It never proceeds in a straight line, but on commencing its route describes a parabola, and continues forming a series of arcs during the whole time, frequently uttering a peculiar cry. It inhabits the forests of Anteni- quois, and is so bold as to persecute the white eagle. The carunculated pigeon (C. carunculata, Temm.) is placed by Mr Selby with the ground doves, genus Geo- philus of that author. This little group is not only dis¬ tinguished by a greater length of tarsus and other organic characters, but by a striking departure from the general economy of the Columbidse, the number of eggs not being confined to two, but extending to eight or ten. Incuba¬ tion also takes place upon the ground ; and the young, like those of the true gallinaceous birds, are produced from the egg in so matured a state as to follow their parents from the first. They live entirely on the ground, but roost at night on trees and bushes. The carunculated species just referred to is observed by M. Temminck to show a strong resemblance to the gallinaceous tribes both in aspect and manners. The fleshy scarlet lobes around the eyes and throat correspond, it is supposed, to the wattles of domes¬ tic poultry. It builds its nest in slight depressions on the ground, of twigs and stems of grass, and lays from six to eight eggs, which are sat upon alternately by male and fe¬ male. The young are able to follow their parents as soon as hatched, and are led about by them, and brooded over with extended wings. Their first food consists chiefly of the larvae of ants and other insects, and when greater strength is gained, of seeds and berries. The beautiful Nicobar pigeon ((7. Nicobarica, Lath.) has been likewise referred to the same genus. Though of a heavy form and ungraceful carriage, it yields to none of its tribe in splen¬ dour of plumage, of which the prevailing hue is rich metal¬ lic green, with various reflections of copper and purplish red. It is generally described as residing habitually upon the ground, where it runs with great celerity,—perching on the lower limbs of trees at night. Yet Mr Bennet al¬ ludes to this species as usually seen perched on trees, even on the loftiest branches,—where, he adds, it rears its young “ similar to all the pigeon tribe.”1 It inhabits Ni¬ cobar, Java, Sumatra, and other eastern islands. We have already alluded briefly to the turtle-dove. The most common kind in cages, in this country, is not the English species, but that called the laughing or collared turtle, T. risorius (torquatus, Briss.). It is bred with great facility in Britain, but the winter cold would probably be Gralla. too much for it out of doors; and it seems, moreover, to tores. want that instinct of local attachment which induces our^^Y™^ common pigeon to continue in the place where it was born and bred. In its natural state this species occurs in vari¬ ous parts of Africa. Somewhat resembling the turtles in the length of its wings and tail is the famous passenger pigeon of America, of whose rapid flight and countless congregations we have such graphic accounts in the delightful pages of Wilson and Audubon. This bird is the Columba migratoria of authors, and is placed by Mr Swainson in his genus Ecto- pistes. It may be presumed to be sufficiently common in North America, from a fact, or rather calculation, given by Alexander Wilson. He estimated a flock which continued to pass above him for the greater part of a day, to have been a mile in breadth, and 240 miles in length, and to have contained (three birds being assigned to every square yard), at least two thousand two hundred and thirty million two hundred and seventy-two thousand pigeons ! Mr Audu¬ bon confirms his predecessor’s account by a narrative still more extraordinary ; and adds, that as every pigeon con¬ sumes fully half a pint of food (chiefly mast), the quantity necessary for supplying his flock must have amounted to eight millions seven hundred and twelve thousand bushels per day !2 We wonder, after this, that any farmer should ever dare to migrate to America. The genus Vinago of Cuvier consists of pigeons with strong solid compressed bills, short tarsi, and broad distinct¬ ly bordered feet. They inhabit forests, live on fruits and berries, and occur in the tropical regions of the old world. Their prevailing colours are various shades of green and yellow, contrasted with purple or reddish brown. The Columba aromatica of Latham is a Vinago. (See Plate XV., figure 3.) We shall now close our brief sketch of the gallinaceous order. Order V.—GRALLATORES.3 SHORE-BIRDS, OR WADERS. The characters of this order, so far as they can be for¬ mally stated, are as follows. The shape of the bill is in¬ determinate. The legs are long and slender, and more or less bare above the tarsus. There are three anterior toes, more or less united at their bases by a membrane or rudimentary web. The hind toe is wanting in one division of the order. Among the extensive and varied tribes which constitute the grallatorial order, the bill, as we have just intimated, is formed after so many different models (though always in beautiful accordance with the habits of each particular group), that its structure cannot be generalised, or senten- tiously expressed. The structure of the feet and legs is also admirably adapted for the exercise of their peculiar habits of life, being so lengthened as to admit of the species wrading to a considerable depth without wetting their fea¬ thers, and of running with great rapidity along the mar¬ gins of lakes and rivers, or the sea’s more sandy shores. It is to this length of limb that they owe the name of Oral- latores, as if they went on stilts. The French title of echassiers is also derived from the resemblance which the legs bear to the echasses, so frequently used by the natives of the landes of Aquitaine. A too exclusive attention, however, to this character seems to have misled some mo¬ dern naturalists, who have included several very remotely * Wanderings, &c. vol. ii. p. 64. * See his interesting account of the passenger-pigeon, in Ornithological Biography, vol. i. p. 319-26. * 3 GhallvE, Lina. ORNITHOLOGY. Gralla- allied genera under one order. Indeed a considerable di- tores. versity of opinion exists as to what ought to form the com- ponent parts of the grallatorial order. By means of the flamingoes and others, they are closely allied to the nata¬ torial or web-footed birds,—while a dismemberment, partly from the latter order, partly from the original Grallae, has been advocated in favour of the Grebes, Phalaropes, &c. as a separate and intermediate division under the name ofPiw- natipedes. The Grallatores seek their food in marshes, and along the banks of rivers and the shores of lakes. They also frequent the sea-coasts, where many kinds, especially in autumn, congregate in numerous flocks. But although the habits of the majority are littoral, many haunt habitually the arid deserts, the green and sedgy meadows, or the up¬ land moors. Who knows not the plover’s wailing cry among the desolate mountains,—the curlew’s shrilly voice, “ a viewless spirit of the elements,” far up amid those scenes of pastoral melancholy, where the lonely rocks seem some¬ times silent as gigantic spectres, and anon resound with varied and innumerable bleatings, as some gray-haired shepherd, “ loving the land which once he gloried in,” his dog his sole companion, gently leads along the fleecy people ? In truth we often seek in vain to generalise the habits of the feathered race. In our systems we can give them both a local habitation and a name, but in nature they have wings, and like the wind travel where’er they please, and no philosopher either from field or college can say from whence they come, or whither they are going. The food of our present order varies according to the form of the mandibles. Such species as are provided with a long, hard, sharp-pointed bill, as in the heron tribe, live on fish and reptiles; the species in which that organ is softer and more flexible feed on worms and insects, whilst a more limited number, for example the land-rail (Rallus crex). are partly granivorous, and consequently affect a drier soil. The jacana (P. chavaria) is said to feed on grass. The habits of many species are migratory ; and it has been re¬ marked, that the young and old birds always perform their journeys in separate assemblages. A great proportion of the order congregates in the southern countries of Europe before the arrival of winter,—a season which many of them are supposed to spend in Africa. A few are winter birds of passage, that is to say, the temperate countries of Eu¬ rope form their southern boundary, and during the breed¬ ing season they seek the colder regions of the north. The woodcock breeds in Scandinavia, where the observant traveller may frequently see it, not as with us the har¬ binger of storms, but darting across his dappled dusty path “in the leafy month of June.” However, in several parts of the north of Scotland, woodcocks are now very frequent throughout the summer season, rearing their ab¬ surd-looking, long-billed progeny along the banks of the Dee, or in the well-wooded valleys of the eastern parts of Ross-shire. The smaller species, such as rails and sand¬ pipers, run with great celerity ; the paces of the larger kinds are more measured and sedate. During flight the legs in many kinds are extended on a line with the body. In some entire genera, and in certain species of other ge¬ nera, the moult is double, that is, takes place both in spring and autumn, and occasions a great disparity between the plumage of the winter and summer seasons. The attire of the sexes is for the most part not very dissimilar. An ap¬ parent non-conformity may be said to exist in a few of the species, between the structure of the feet and the func¬ tions of these organs, which would disenable us from indi¬ cating, a priori, the habits of such species merely from an inspection of their organization. For example, the water- hen (Fulica chloropus) is an excellent and constant swim- 795 mer, and much more strictly aquatic than the avocet or Gralia- flamingo, yet its toes are long and deeply divided, and fur- tores, nished with an extremely narrow rudimentary web, while the last-named species, though semi-palmated, never volun¬ tarily venture beyond their depth. The migratory movements of the Grallatores are proba¬ bly determined in a great measure by the necessity of ob¬ taining suitable nourishment. The rigour of a Scandina¬ vian winter, which entirely congeals the surface of the moist forest-lands of Sweden and the swamps of Lapland, drives the woodcock to seek its food in the comparatively milder copses of Britain and Ireland; while the landrail, which is with us a native or summer bird, migrates in au¬ tumn to more southern regions, where it is probably known only as a winter visitant. Analogous facts have been ob¬ served in various parts of the world. Thus in regard to North America, the Grallatores, feeding by preference in marshy and undrained lands, frequent the Saskatchewan prairies only in the spring; and as soon as the warm and comparatively early summer has rendered the soil too dry for their accustomed purposes, they retire to their breed¬ ing places within the arctic circle. “ There,” says Dr Richardson, “ the frozen sub-soil, acted upon by the rays of a sun constantly above the horizon, keeps the surface wet and spongy during the two short summer months, which suffice these birds for rearing their young. This office performed, they depart to the southward, and halt in the autumn on the flat shores of Hudson’s Bay, which, owing to the accumulations of ice drifted into the bay from the northward, are kept in a low temperature all the summer, and are not thawed to the same extent with the more interior arctic lands before the beginning of autumn. They quit their haunts on the setting in of the September frosts, and passing along the coasts of the United States, retire within the tropics in the winter.”1 The majority of the Grallatores are swift and powerful flyers, being provided with rather long, acutely-pointed wings; but to these attributes we have a few strong and singular exceptions in such birds as the ostriches and cas- suaries, which have scarcely any wings, and cannot fly at all. Baron Cuvier .has established the five following tribes among the Grallatores, viz. Brevipennes, Pressiros- TRES, CULTRIROSTRES, LoNGIROSTRES, MacRODACTYLES. Tribe 1st.—Brevipennes. The small number of gigantic birds which constitute our present tribe differ greatly, not only from the other Gral- 1m, but from all known species; ls£, in the extreme short¬ ness of their wings, which, though no doubt useful in their way, are altogether destitute of power to raise their bo¬ dies from the earth ; and, 2dly, in the sternum or breast¬ bone being destitute of a ridge or keel. The muscles of the breast are also extremely slight and thin. “ II pa- rait,” says Cuvier, “ que les forces musculaires, dont la nature dispose, auraient ete insuffisantes pour mouvoir des ailes aussi etendues que la masse de ces oiseaux les aurait exigees pour se soutenir en 1’air.”2 This is not expressed according to the English mode of thought and feeling, but it may pass for what it means. To make amends, how¬ ever, for this supposed incapacity of nature, we find that the muscles of the legs have received an enormous deve¬ lopment, which enables the species to run almost with the rapidity of race-horses, and to be thus independent of aerial flight. In some of our modern systems these birds form the family Struthionida, and are placed in the gallinaceous order. In the genus Struthio, which contains the true ostrich, 1 Fauna Boreuli-Americana, part ii. Introduc. p. xix. * Rigne Animal, tom. i. p. 494. ORNITHOLOGY. 796 Gralla- the wings are adorned by loose flexible plumes, and though v t0reS‘ t sma^ extent, are still sufficient to afford effectual aid in running. The toes, at least externally, are only two in number. The only known species is the ostrich commonly so called [Struthio camelus, Linn., Plate XV., figure 5), a bird which forms one of the most remarkable cha¬ racters in the Ornithology of Africa, to which country it is believed to be almost entirely peculiar. It presents the tallest, and in many other respects the most singular ex¬ ample of the feathered race. It measures from six to seven feet in height; its head is very flat, extremely small, and almost naked; as is also the upper portion of the neck, which is very slender, and nearly three feet long. The general plumage of the male is black, varied with white and gray, the fine full feathers of the wings and tail being either black or white. Our engraving will best explain its outer aspect. The female is brown or ashy-gray upon the body ; the young are likewise of the latter hue, and have at first the head and neck densely clothed. The ostrich inhabits the deserts of Arabia, and a vast extent of open sandy plains in Africa, from Barbary to the Cape of Good Hope. Being consequently native to one of the most an¬ ciently peopled countries of the earth, it has excited the attention of mankind from the remotest periods of anti¬ quity. It is frequently mentioned in the book of Job, and in other portions of the Old Testament. Herodotus among the early Greek writers was well acquainted with its his¬ tory and appearance, and in after times it was not only frequently exhibited by the Romans in their games, but the brains of hundreds at a time were scooped out as a choice delicacy for the luxurious table of Heliogabalus. The ostrich is gregarious and polygamous. The female deposits her eggs, weighing nearly three pounds, in the sand. These, in equatorial regions, are hatched by the heat of the sun, with little or no attention on the part of the mother; but on either side of the tropics are said to be incubated in the usual fashion. This gigantic bird feeds naturally on seeds and herbage; but its taste is so obtuse, and its swallowing propensities so universal, that there are few substances, however incongruous or indi¬ gestible, which it declines. It is said by some to be the swiftest of all running creatures, and Adanson seemed sa¬ tisfied that those he saw at Podor, a French factory on the southern side of the Niger, would have distanced the fleetest race-horse that was ever bred in England. There is no doubt that the peculiar construction of birds, in rela¬ tion both to the respiratory and circulating systems, is such as to admit of their keeping in much better wind than is possible for any quadruped; and when, as in the case of the species in question, great muscular power is superadded, the natural result must be prodigious swift¬ ness. The nandou or American ostrich now forms the genus Rhea, of which it is the sole species, characterized by having three toes, the wings terminated by a little spur, and the tail wanting. It is not above half the size of an ostrich, of a whitish-gray, lead coloured on the back, the head covered with close-set blackish feathers, almost as stiff as hair. This bird inhabits the pampas of Paraguay, in troops of a few dozen, and extends almost as far south as the Straits of Magellan. It is a gentle, innocent crea¬ ture, of herbivorous habits, easily tamed if taken young, and laying an enormous number of eggs. As several fe¬ males sometimes sit together, it is probable that the num¬ ber of seventy or eighty eggs, alleged to have been found in a single nest, are not the produce of one bird, but ra¬ ther the result of a kind of joint-stock incubating com- Gralla pany. Its flesh is eaten by the Indians, and its feathers, tores, from their peculiar structure, make very good hair-brooms. ^ r In the genus Casuarius, the wings are still shorter than in either of the preceding, and seem of no use even in rim¬ ing. They consist, in fact, merely of a few hard, stiff, sharp-pointed, barbless shafts. The head is surmounted by a bony crest, and the bill is laterally compressed (see Plate XV., figure 2) 1 he sole species is the common cas- suary ((7. galeatus, Vieil.), a bird first imported to Europe by the Dutch in 1597. Like the rest of its tribe, it is ex¬ tremely large, measuring about five feet in height. Its plu¬ mage is very peculiar, being long, narrow, decomposed, and hair-like, and the plumule, or short inner feather (which exists in almost all birds except pigeons), is of nearly equal length with the outer portion, so that an appearance is pro¬ duced of there being a double feather to each quill. The prevailing colour is blackish. The cassuary inhabits the Moluccas, Ceram, Bourou, and especially New Guinea. These birds usually live in pairs, and the female lays three eggs, of a greenish hue, and punctured surface. They run with great swiftness, and defend themselves from dogs and other animals, by kicking like horses. The inner claw is very large and strong. Ihe emeu, or New Holland cassuary, forms the genu* Dromecius of Vieillot. The bill is much depressed, the head feathered, without osseous crest, the throat naked. The claws are of nearly equal length. The general co¬ lour is dull brown mottled with dingy gray ; the young are striped with black. Jhe plumule is equally extended as in the preceding species. (See Plate XV., figure 6.) Next to the ostrich, the emeu is the tallest bird we know. Its flesh affords admirable eating,—“ truly exqui¬ site,” says Peron, “ and intermediate, as it were, between that of a turkey and a sucking pig.” Mr Cunningham com¬ pares it to beef, which is also an excellent thing. This bird is widely spread over the southern parts of New Hol¬ land and the adjacent islands. It is tamed with great ease, and of late years has frequently bred in Britain. In the genus Apteryx of Shaw,1 the bill is slender and of considerable length, the legs short, with three anterior toes, and a posterior spur to represent the hallux. The wings are rudimentary. The only known species was ob¬ tained a number of years ago on the south coast of New Zealand, by Captain Barclay of the ship Providence, and was presented by him to Dr Shaw. It equals a goose in size. This bird, of which the history was long obscure, was several years ago received in London.2 The last ornithological form to which we shall allude under our present tribe is the mysterious Dodo (Didus ineptus), a bird which some regard as an extinct, others as a fabulous, species. In neither supposition would it fall within the limits of our present treatise, which seeks to present a sketch, however imperfect, of living nature ; and we shall therefore not occupy our narrow limits by a sub¬ ject of “ doubtful disputation,” on which we cannot our¬ selves throw any light, having neither been in the Mauri¬ tius, nor studied the works of Clusius and the early Dutch navigators.3 Tribe 2d.—Pressirostres. This tribe consists of the bustards, plovers, and other species which, like all the preceding, either want the hind toe, or have it so short as not to touch the ground. The bill is of medium size, but of sufficient strength to pierce the ground in search of worms and insects, the feebler 1. Naturalist's Miscellany, pi. 1057-8. * Yarrell, in Zool. Trans, i. pi. 10. Whoever desires it, will find a summarv view of authorities regarding the dodo, by Mr T. S. Duncan, in the Zoological Journal, No* xn. p* 554 ORNITHOLOGY. 3ralla- species often frequenting moist meadows and tilled ground tores. jn search of food. The stronger billed kinds feed also on v grain, &c. The genus Otis, Linn., possesses the bulky massive form of the gallinaceous order, and the upper mandible is somewhat arched ; but the bare space above the tarsus, the want of the hind toe, and the general structure both outward and internal, connect them more closely with the Grallatores. The great bustard ( Otis tarda) is the largest of the European birds, and one of the rarest of our Bri¬ tish species. It sometimes weighs nearly thirty pounds, and is now believed to be confined exclusively to Nor¬ folk. We have another species called the little bustard (O. tetrax), also very rare. Many fine species occur in Africa and the East. (See Plate XV., figure 4.) The genus Charadrhjs, Linn., likewise wants the hind toe. The bill is compressed, and somewhat enlarged to¬ wards the tip. It contains the various species commonly called plovers, and may be divided into two. (Edic- nemus, Temm., in which there is an inflation towards the terminal portion of the bill in both mandibles, and the nasal fossae are less prolonged. These are the larger spe¬ cies, of which the great plover (CEdic. crepitans), or thick- knee’d bustard of our English writers, affords a good ex¬ ample. It is a migratory bird, of rare occurrence, confin¬ ed chiefly to our southern and eastern counties, which it visits about the end of April. It is as yet unknown in Scotland. This bird is a nocturnal feeder, and preys principally upon insects. 2d, Charadrius, in which the bill is inflated only above, and two thirds of its length on each side are occupied by the nasal fossae, which renders the organ comparatively feeble. The species are grega¬ rious, and, like the gulls, beat the moist soil with their pat¬ tering feet, to terrify the incumbent worms. “ The mem¬ bers of this genus,” says Mr Selby, “ are numerous, and possess a very wide geographical distribution, species be¬ ing found in every quarter of the globe. Some of them, during the greater part of the year, are the inhabitants of open districts and of wild wastes, frequenting both dry and moist situations, and only retire towards the coast during the severity of winter. Others are constantly re¬ sident upon the banks or about the mouths of rivers, particularly where the shore consists of small gravel or shingle ; such are most of the smaller species. Except during the season of reproduction, most of them live in societies, larger or of less amount, according to the spe¬ cies. Their migrations are also performed in numerous bodies, the old birds usually congregating by themselves, and preceding the young in their periodical flights. They run with much swiftness, as might be expected from the simple structure of their feet; and from the shape and dimensions of their wings, they fly with strength and ra¬ pidity. They live on worms, insects, and their larvae, &c. and most of them are nocturnal feeders, as indicated by their large and prominent eyes. They are'subject to the double moult, and the change at the different seasons is in many species very marked. Their nest is on the ground, and their eggs are always four in number. The flesh of the larger species, and such as inhabit the plains of the interior, is delicate and high flavoured; but in many of the smaller kinds, that live on the coast, or on the banks of rivers, it is not so palatable.”1 The beautilul gold¬ en plover (Char, pluvialis) is the best-known example to which we need refer. The prevailing plumage of the up¬ per parts is brownish, or very deep hair-brown, each fea¬ ther being tipped and otherwise spotted with yellow. The chin and throat are white, the fore part of the neck, breast, &c. ash-gray, streaked with darker gray, and tinged w ith 797 yellow. During the breeding season, the cheeks, chin, Grafla- throat, fore part of the neck, centre of the breast, and ab- tores. domen, are of an intense black, and in this state it has been erroneously regarded as a distinct species. To the same group belong the dotterel (Char, morinellus), the ring- plover (Char, hiaticula), and many other kinds, exotic and indigenous. Several of the foreign plovers have sharp spurs upon the anterior margin of the wing, as well as fleshy flat¬ tened lobes upon the head. The genus Vanellus of Bechstein differs but little from the plovers, except in the possession of a small hind toe. We here place our elegant crested lapwing, or green plover (V. cristatus), commonly called in Scotland the pees-weep. The gray plover (C. squatarola, Linn.) forms the genus Squatarola of Cuvier, distinguished, like the preceding, by a very small hind toe; but the bill is more bulged beneath towards the extremity, and the nasal fossae are short. Ihe genus HjEmatopus, Linn., commonly known by the name of oyster-catcher, has the bill rather long, straight, pointed, compressed. The hind toe is wanting. Our British species (H. ostralegus), breeds along the rocky ledges of friths and bays, and is said to open oyster and other shells by means of its bill. We could never detect it in the performance of this feat, and we rather doubt the fact, till assured of it by a credible eye-witness. Oysters are by no means easily opened, even with a knife. Several nearly allied species have been discovered of late years in Asia, Africa, and America. One is found in New Holland. In the genus Cursorius the bill is slender, rounded, somewhat arched, without furrow. The legs are long, the hind toe wanting. Five or six species occur in Afri¬ ca and Asia, and of these, C. Isabellinus, Meyer, some¬ times accidentally appears in the south of Europe. A few specimens have been even seen in Britain. The genus Microdactylus, Geoffroy (Dicholophus, Illiger), has the bill stro-nger and more curved, with a wider gape. The legs are of great length, the toes slight¬ ly palmated at the base, the hinder one very small, and not reaching to the ground. The only known species is a singular South American bird called the ^ariama or crested screamer (AT. cristatus, Geoff.,—Palamedea cristata, Gm.). It is larger than a heron, the plumage reddish gray waved with brown, the forehead ornamented by a crest of recurved slender feathers. (See Plate XV., figure 3.) The plumes of the head and neck are also de¬ composed. The ^ariama inhabits elevated plains in Brazil and Paraguay, where it feeds on serpents and other rep¬ tiles, as well as on insects and their larvae. It flies feebly, owing to the shortness of its wings, but runs with consi¬ derable swiftness. When pursued, it is apt to conceal it¬ self by squatting in some cunning corner. Its flesh af¬ fords excellent food, and it is sometimes reared by the Spaniards in a domestic state. The female lays only two eggs. Tribe 3d.—Cultrirostres. In this tribe the bill is usually strong, of considerable length, •straight, cutting, sharp-pointed. In many spe¬ cies the trachea undergoes a peculiar duplication in the male sex. The caeca are short. Cuvier divides the tribe into three lesser groups,—the cranes, the herons, and the storks. The cranes properly so called (genus Grus) have the bill longer than the head. The most noted species is the common crane of Europe (G. cinered), a migratory bird, 1 British Ornithology, vol. ii p. 230. 798 ORNITHOLOGY. Grail a- tores. » well known in Britain during former ages, and still breed¬ ing in the northern and eastern countries of Europe. Part loosely wing the region, part more wise, In common, ranged in figure, wing their way, Intelligent of seasons, and set forth Their airy caravan high over seas Flying, and over lands with mutual wing, Easing their flight; so steers the prudent crane Her annual voyage, borne on winds, the air Flotes as they pass, fann’d with unnumber’d plumes. In our own island the appearance of this bird now-a-days may be regarded as accidental. It is a very large species, measuring above four feet in height. The prevailing plu¬ mage is of a deep ash-gray, the face and throat black, the rump and tertial feathers very long, loose, flowing, decom¬ posed. The whooping crane of the new world (Grus Americana) has a pure white plumage, with black primaries. (See Plate XVI., figure 1.) This stately bird, when standing erect, measures nearly five feet in height, and is the largest of the feathered inhabitants of the United States (bating Lynch law and the use of tar). It is widely spread over North America, from which it usually retires in winter to the West Indies, although a few hybernate in the warmer parts of the Union, or even linger throughout that inclement season in the swamps of New Jersey, near Cape May. When wounded this crane defends itself with vigour, and has been known to strike its bill through a person’s hand with the strength and sharpness of a dagger. It builds upon the ground, and sometimes congregates in vast flocks, the cla¬ mour of which is more easily imagined than described. It was heard with astonishment by Captain Amidas, the first Englishman wrho ever landed in North America, when he visited the island of Wokokou, off the coast of North Caro¬ lina. “ Such a flock of cranes,” says he, “ (the most part white) arose under us, with such a cry, redoubled by many echoes, as if an army of men had shouted all together.” The bustle of their great migrations, and their passage, as of mighty armies, fill the mind with wonder. Mr Nuttall, while descending the Mississippi in December, observed the whooping cranes in countless thousands, as if assembled from all the swamps and marshes of the north and west,—as if the entire continent was giving up its quota to swell the mighty host. Their flight took place during the night, down the great aerial valley of the river, whose southern course conducted them every instant towards more genial climes. “ The clangour of these numerous legions passing along, high in the air, seemed almost deafening; the confused cry of the vast army continued with the lengthened procession, and as the vocal call continued nearly throughout the whole night without intermission, some idea may be formed of the immensity of the numbers now assembled on their annual journey to the regions of the south.” Several other fine cranes inhabit America, as well as Africa, and the East. The beautiful Balearic crane (A. pavonina, Linn.) be¬ longs to the genus Anthropoides of Vieillot. (Plate XV., figure 9.) It occurs in Africa and in some of the Mediterranean islands. The Demoiselle (A. virgo), re¬ markable for its peculiar and what may be almost called affected gestures, is nearly allied. It is likewise of African origin, as is also the Stanley crane (Anth. Stanleyanus), belonging to the same restricted group, and more recently described by Mr Vigors.1 In the genus Psophia, which contains the South Ame¬ rican trumpeters, so called from their peculiar voices, the bill is less elongated, and the head and neck clothed with short down-like feathers. P. crepitans is easily domesti¬ cated, and becomes much attached both to places and to persons. It is even said to act as a guard or conductor to domestic poultry. It flies indifferently, but runs with great swiftness. (Plate XV., figure 7.) There are only two species. The genus Aramus of Vieillot is constituted by the courliri of Buffon, or scolopaceous heron, of which the bill, slenderer and more deeply cleft, is inflated towards the tip. The toes, all rather long, have no palmation. The only known species (Ar. scolopaceus) inhabits Cayenne, Brazil, and Paraguay, spreading into Florida and other southern parts of the Union. It is a shy and solitary bird, dwelling in pairs, and crying in a loud sonorous voice, con¬ tinually by night and day, carau, carau. It runs swiftly, and builds upon the ground, but often lights on trees. It is not fond of wading. A still more singular bird, classed by Linnaeus with the herons (Ardea helias), is the caurale snipeof Latham, which now forms the genus Eurypyga of Illiger. “ C’est un oiseau,” says Cuvier, “ de la taille d’un perdrix, a qui son cou long et menu, sa queue large et etalee, et ses jambes peu elevees, donnent un air tout different de celui des au- tres oiseaux de rivage. Son plumage, nuance par bandes et par lignes, de brun, de fauve, de roux, de gris, et de noir, rappelle les plus beaux papillons de nuit. On le trouve le long des rivieres de la Guiane.”2 The second group of the cultrirostral tribe, composed chiefly of the herons, is more strictly carnivorous than the preceding. The first genus is Cancroma, Linn., composed likewise of a single species called the boat-bill—C. cochlearia. The bill is comparatively short, but very broad, boat-shaped, with the upper mandible overlapping the lower. It inha¬ bits the moist hot regions of South America, frequenting the banks of rivers, preying on fish, and building its nest on low bushes. It is of an irritable passionate nature, and when enraged raises the feathers of its crest, so as to al¬ ter its usual aspect surprisingly. As it scarcely ever fre¬ quents the sea-coast, its alleged propensity to feed on crabs is probably ill founded. The boat-bill varies considerably in plumage, but it does not appear that there is more than one authentic species. The genus Ardea, Cuv., contains the true herons. The bill is as long or longer than the head, strong, hard, straight, compressed, sharp-pointed; the masticating edges sharp, the culmen rounded. The eyes are encircled by a bare skin, which extends to the base of the bill. The herons form a considerable group, almost all of which, according at least to our particular taste, are remarkable for beauty of plumage. They seldom, however, exhibit a preponde¬ rance of the brighter or more gaudy colours, such as red or yellow, being chiefly distinguished by a delicate har¬ monious blending of pearly-gray and brown, black, white, pale blue, slate-colour, and other sober hues. The forms of the plumage are graceful and elegant. Long pendent plumes frequently ornament the hinder portions of the head and neck, the lower part of the breast, and the dorsal region. The body is usually small and light, the limbs long and delicate, the toes narrow and taper, and the neck thin, pliant, and extremely graceful. Many species formerly re¬ garded as true herons are now excluded from the modern genus. The habits of the heron tribe are fully as aquatic as those of the majority of Grallatores. They usually walk, or rather wade, along the shores of lakes, rivers, stagnant marshes, or the land-locked waters of narrow seas, in search of their natural food, which consists of fish, frogs, several marine and fresh-water shells, slugs, worms, and various insects. During flight they extend their legs backwards instinctively, as if to counterbalance the weight of the an¬ terior extremity, and by a duplication of the neck they lower the head between the shoulders. In some instances Gralla- tores. 1 Zuol. Journal, voL ii. p. 234, pi. viii. * Rtgne Animal, tom. i. p. 509. ORNITHOLOGY. 799 la¬ res. they are gregarious, in others solitary. In the former case they build in trees,—in the latter, more frequently among reeds or rushes. Several species afford an excellent though now much-neglected article of food, and were not only prized as such in England in the olden time, but were objects of still higher interest and regard, as affording the finest display of strength and intrepidity in the practice of the noble art of falconry. Birds of this genus occur in al¬ most every quarter of the known world. The species which inhabit high northern latitudes, such as Kamts- chatka and the shores of Hudson’s Bay, migrate south¬ wards before the arrival of winter. Such as breed in warm or temperate climates are more stationary. Our common or long-necked heron (Ardea major et cinerea, Linn.) affords a familiar example of the genus. “ Yon Cassius hath a lean and hungry look,” yet when ex¬ amined close at hand he is an elegant and beautifully plu- maged species. The heron usually builds on the tops of lofty and umbrageous trees, yet in an island of Loch Conn we have seen its nest on pollards not more than ten feet high; and we lately noticed a large heronry among the precipitous cliffs which overhang the sea about a mile out¬ side the entrance to the Cromarty Frith, upon the northern shore. We have several other British herons, the majo¬ rity of which, however, must be regarded rather as strag¬ glers or accidental visitors, than as truly indigenous spe¬ cies. The egrets are beautiful crested herons, with the plumage usually pure white, and in part decomposed, or very loose and flowing. Of these, the little egret (Ardea garzetta, Linn.) is common in Turkey, and the east of Eu¬ rope, as well as in many parts of Asia, Africa, and the islands of the Mediterranean. It is frequently alluded to in the ancient household books of England; and in the re¬ corded bill of fare of the famous feast of Archbishop Ne¬ ville, in the reign of Henry IV., a thousand are said to have been served up at a single entertainment. It is in¬ deed extraordinary that a bird now so rare in all the west¬ ern countries of Europe, should have been at any time so superabundant in Britain; and Dr Fleming has judicious¬ ly suggested that the lapwing, which is so beautifully crested, may have been indicated under the old title of egritte. The true egret is not even alluded to as an indi¬ genous bird so far back as the time of Willughby and Kay. The great egret {Ardea egretta, Temm.) is well known in Poland and Hungary, but scarcely ever shows itself in the western parts of the European continent. The bitterns have the plumage of the neck extremely full and elongated. Their colours are usually brownish yellow, radiated or spotted with black. They form the modern genus Botaurus. The night-herons constitute another generic group, under the title of Nycticorax. The term, which signifies night-raven, has been no doubt applied from the circumstance of their feeding at night, and remaining in a state of comparative rest and inactivity throughout the day. The European species {Ardea nycti- corax, Linn.,—Nyc. Europeus, Stephens) is more common in America than in the old world. New Holland and Af¬ rica each possesses a species. In form, Sir William Jar- dine observes, these birds are intermediate to the bitterns and true herons ; the bill is short, and stronger in propor¬ tion than in either, and the hind head is adorned with (generally three) narrow feathers in the form of a crest. They feed by twilight, or in clear nights, and take their prey by wary watching, like the herons. They are grega¬ rious and build on trees, and are noisy and restless during the period of incubation. The prevailing colours are ash- gray and black, or pale fawn and chesnut. The young are always of a dingier hue than their parents, and have their feathers marked with whitish spots. The remaining genera of the Cultrirostres form Cuvier s Gralla- third group. tores. In the genus Ciconia, Cuv., the bill is large, without nasal groove or furrow, the nostrils pierced near the base, and towards the dorsal portion. The tarsi are reticulated, and the anterior toes strongly palmated, especially the ex¬ ternal. The mandibles are broad and light, and when struck together produce a frequent and peculiar snapping sound, almost the only one they ever utter. The best- known European species is the white or common stork (Ciconia alba), a bird somewhat smaller than the crane, but larger than the heron. The bill and legs are red, the whole plumage pure white, except the greater coverts, scapulars, and quill-feathers, which are black. It is a com¬ mon summer bird in several European countries, espe¬ cially Holland, where it is esteemed and protected, and has become so familiar as to build on the tops of houses even in the centre of large towns. Its periodical migrations have long excited the admiration of naturalists by their extent and regularity. They are indeed beautifully and wisely directed. “ Yea, the stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed times ; and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming.” The species appears to have been regarded with peculiar favour in al¬ most all ages and countries. By the ancient Egyptians it was looked upon with a reverence only inferior to that which they paid to the mystical ibis ; the same feeling still preponderates in many parts of Africa and the East; while nearer home the Dutch are remarkable for their affection¬ ate attachment to this “ household bird.” On the other hand, the stork itself appears to reciprocate this friendly feeling. Undismayed by the presence of man, it builds its capacious nest upon the house-top, or on the summits of “ ancestral trees” in the immediate vicinity of human dwell¬ ings, or even environed by the busiest haunts of men. “ It stalks,” says Mr Bennet, “ perfectly at ease along the busy streets of the most crowded town, and seeks its food on the banks of rivers, or in fens in close vicinity to his abode. In numerous parts of Holland its nest, built on the chim¬ ney top, remains undisturbed for many succeeding years, and the owners constantly return with unerring sagacity to the well-known spot. The joy which they manifest in again taking possession of their deserted dwelling, and the ^ attachment which they testify towards their benevolent hosts, are familiar in the mouths of every one. Their af¬ fection for their young is one of the most remarkable traits in their character. It is almost superfluous to Repeat the history of the female which, at the conflagration of Delft, after repeated and unsuccessful attempts to carry off her young, chose rather to perish with them in the general ruin than to leave them to their fate ; and there are many other and well-authenticated proofs of a similar disposition. They generally lay from two to four eggs, of a dingy yel¬ lowish white, rather longer than those of the goose, but not so broad. The incubation lasts for a month, the male sharing in the task during the absence of the female in search of food.”1 Of the foreign species, the gigantic stork (C. argala) is well known in India by the name of adjutant. It mea¬ sures upwards of six feet in height. A nearly allied spe¬ cies is the marabou of Africa {C. marabou, Temm.), very common in many parts of the interior. According to Ma¬ jor Denham, it is protected by the inhabitants on account of its services as a scavenger. Its appetite is most vora¬ cious, and nothing comes amiss to its omnivorous propen¬ sities. Mr Smeathman has given a long account of a bird of this kind which regularly attended at the dining table, and frequently helped itself to what it liked best. It one day darted its enormous bill into a boiled fowl, which it Zoological Gar dent, ii. 21. ORNITHOLOGY. 800 Gralla- swallowed so instantaneously that all hope of rescue was tores, in vain. On another occasion it actually bolted a cat. ^ The genus Mycteria, Linn., contains the birds called jubirus. They scarcely differ from the storks, except in the bill exhibiting a slight curvature upwards. rl he spe¬ cies, if correctly referred to by naturalists, though few in number, inhabit widely distant regions,—M. Americana being native to Cayenne, M. Australis to New Holland, and M. Senegalensis to Western Africa. Is the latter sy¬ nonymous with Dr Ruppell’s saddle-billed stork, C.ephip- piorhyncha ? The genus Scopus is composed of a single species, S. umbretta, Linn., an African bird, of the manners of which we are still entirely ignorant. In English books it is called the tufted umber. Its generic title (Sxoffo;) is Greek for sentinel. It is probably watchful and solitary. The genus Anastomus, of which the Pondicherry and Coromandel herons of Latham serve as examples, is pecu¬ liar to the East Indies. These species present a remark¬ able peculiarity in the structure of the bill. The mandibles touch each other only at their points and bases, thus leav¬ ing a gaping intervening space. An. Coromandelianus is common on the banks of the Ganges, and other eastern rivers, and likewise frequents the Coromandel coast during the months of September, October, and November, feed¬ ing on fish and reptiles. A more recently discovered spe¬ cies is An. lamelligerus of Temm. (PI. Col. 236), a native of the Cape. The genus Dromas of Paykull has the bill compressed and swollen at the base beneath, with the commissures close. The only known species is D. ardeola, Temm. PI. Col. 362, an African bird, with white plumage, the back and pinions, as well as the legs and bill, being black. It is of rare occurrence, but rather extended distribution, spe¬ cimens having been obtained both from the shores of the Red Sea and the Senegal coast. “ L’ardeole,” says M. Lesson, “ tient des cedicnemes par son bee, et memes des sternes, de 1’avocette, par son plumage et les tarses. C’est un veritable oiseaux de transition dans I’etablissement des families.’’1 Some recent writers regard this bird as iden¬ tical with the corrira so long ago described by Aldrovandi2 as an Italian species, but not since seen either in Europe or elsewhere. The descriptions however do not accord. Bechstein, Vieillot, and others, think the Italian corrira a fictitious species, made up from the body of an avocet and the legs of a thick-knee’d plover ; but Professor Ran- zani is of opinion, that as its name is a vernacular one, and there is no proof that Aldrovandi possessed any stuffed birds (none being mentioned in the catalogue of his mu¬ seum, and the art in those days being almost unknown), a well-known living species must have been alluded to. In¬ deed it appears that Charleton, at least seventy years after the printing of the Italian author’s third volume, received a specimen from Merret of what he considered as the bird in question.3 “ Non vi ha al certo,” observes Ranzani, “ alcun giusto motive di rivocare in dubbio, che al tempo di Aldrovandi si trovasse ne’ luoghi vallivi del territorio Bolognese un uccello steganopodo, il quali venisse da’ cac- ciatori chiamato corrira, perche correva velocemente.” “ E quantunque,” he afterwards adds, “ oggidi niuno de’ molti cacciatori Bolognesi da me consultati conosca la corrira, non cesserd io per questo dal fame le piu diligenti ricerche, potendo benissimo accadere, ch’essa torni alcuna volta a visitare i nostri terreni vallivi.”4 In the genus Tantalus, Linn., the bill, nostrils, and feet resemble those of the storks, but the back of the upper mandible is rounded, its point curved a little down¬ wards, and sligntly notched on either side. A portion of Gra.ia- the head, and sometimes of the neck, is bare of feathers, tores. The species, formerly confounded with the ibises, are of^—V"*- large size, and inhabit Asia, Africa, and America. The best known is Tantalus loculator, called the wood ibis in the United States. It is white, with the face and head greenish blue, the quill and tail feathers black, with co¬ loured reflections. It measures above three feet in length, and the bill itself is about nine inches long, very broad at the base. The wood ibis is a solitary indolent bird, sel¬ dom associating in flocks, but resting alone, like a feather¬ ed hermit, listlessly on the topmost limb of some tall de¬ cayed cypress, with his neck drawn in upon his shoulders, and his enormous bill resting like a scythe upon his breast. Thus pensive and lonely, he has a grave and melancholy aspect, as if ruminating in the deepest thought; and in this sad posture of gluttonous inactivity (for in truth he has only over-eaten himself) he passes much of his time, till aroused by the cravings of hunger. He feeds on snakes, young alligators, fish, frogs, and other reptiles, and wisely migrates southwards on the approach of winter.5 In the United States the principal residence of this bird is in the inundated wilds of the peninsula of East Florida. The Tantalus ibis of Linn, is an African species, long er¬ roneously regarded as the bird so highly venerated by the Egyptians ; but it scarcely occurs in the country of the py¬ ramids, being usually imported from Senegal. The other species of this genus are T. leucocephalus, from Ceylon and Bengal; and T. lactea (Temm. PI. Col. 352), from Java. The last genus we shall mention of our present tribe is Platalea, Linn., containing the birds called spoon-bills, which, like the preceding, are also few in number. The chief character is constituted by the rounded flat enlarge¬ ment or dilatation at the extremity of the bill, from which they derive their English name. They inhabit marshy and muddy places, where they grope about with their spoons in search of worms and mollusca. They are gre¬ garious and migratory, build on trees, occasionally among rushes, and occur in Europe (PI. leucorodia), Africa (PI. nudifrons), and America (PL ajaja). The last-named species, called the roseate spoon-bill, is a beautiful bird, the ground-colour white, but richly tinged with rose-colour, deepening in part into carmine-red. The feet are half webbed, and the toes are very long. (See Plate XVI., fig. 2). This bird is more maritime in its habits than the European kind, and wades about the coast in quest of shell¬ fish and small crabs. According to Captain Henderson (in his account of Honduras), it occasionally both swims and dives. Although it now and then straggles up the Mississippi towards Natchez, into Alabama, and even as far north as the banks of the Delaware, it is a truly tropi¬ cal bird, frequent in Jamaica and other islands of the West Indies, as well as in Mexico, Guiana, and Brazil. In a southerly direction, it is said to spread as far as Patagonia. Tribe 4th.—Longirostres. In this tribe the bill may be characterized as lengthened and feeble. The species belong chiefly to the old genera Scolopax and Tringa of Linn. They bear a general resem¬ blance in their forms and habits, and frequent moist places, where their slender bills can probe for worms and insects, without the risk of fracture. In the genus Ibis, Cuv., the bill is long, arched, broad, and squarish at the base, with the point depressed, obtuse, rounded, and the upper mandible deeply furrowed through¬ out its whole length. The nostrils are narrow and oblong, 1 Traite. d'Orn'ithologie, p. t)Jl. 3 Exerciiationes de differentiis Animalium, Oxonii, 1677> P* 102-3. * Ornithologia, t. iii. p. 288. 4 Etementi di Zuvlogia, t. iii. parte ix. p. 300-2. 5 Nuttall’s Manual, vol. ii. p. 83. ORNITHOLOGY. trail*- and pierced through the membrane of the furrow near its ,res> base. The forehead and lores are bare of feathers. ^ The species of this remarkable genus are distributed over the warmer zones of all the four quarters of the globe, the green or glossy ibis {Ibis falcinellus), being it¬ self found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and oc¬ casionally in Great Britain. The sacred or Egyptian ibis (Ibis religiosa, Cuv.,— Tantalus Ethiopicus, Latham) is a bird of a more striking and peculiar aspect, though undis¬ tinguished by much diversity in the colours of its plumage. It measures about two feet six inches in length. The head and neck are, in the adults, bare of feathers, presenting nothing but a dark cutaneous surface. The prevailing colour is white, with long funereal-looking nlumes of a purplish black colour, proceeding from beneath the ter¬ tiary wing-feathers, and hanging down not ungracefully on either side. The legs and feet are deep lead-colour. Among the ancient Egyptians, a people prone to award divine honours to the brute creation, the ibis was regarded as an object of superstitious worship, and its sculptured outline frequently occurs among the hieroglvphical images which adorn the walls of their temples. The conserva¬ tion of its mystical body occupied the assiduous care of their holiest priests while living, and exercised the gloomy art of their most skilful embalmers when dead. To slay or insult it would have been deemed a crime of the dark¬ est hue, and sufficient to call down upon the offender the immediate vengeance of heaven. The incarnation of their gods was effected through the medium of this sacred bird, and the tutelary deity of Egypt was supposed to be thus imaged to the eyes of adoring mortals when he descended from the highest heavens. The embalmed bodies of this species are still found in the catacombs, and other places of ancient sepulture ; and the antiquary and the natural¬ ist marvel alike at the wonderful art which, for some thousand years, has handed down unimpaired to a far-re¬ moved posterity the form and features of so frail a crea¬ ture. Ihe perfection of an unknown process has almost defied the ravages of time, and through its intervention the self-same individuals exist in a tangible form, which wandered along the banks of the mysterious Nile in the earliest ages of the world, or “ in dim seclusion veiled,” inhabited the sanctuary of temples, which though themselves of most magnificent proportions, are now scarcely discernible amid the desert dust of an unpeopled wilderness. 'Ihe natural and mythological histories of this remark¬ able bird are so closely combined by ancient authors, that it is scarcely possible to gather from their statements any rational meaning. Those, indeed, whose province it is to illustrate the history of mankind, by explaining the rise and progress of superstition, and the frequent connection between certain forms of a delusive worship, and the phy¬ sical conditions of clime and country, may find in the dis¬ torted history of Egyptian animals an ample field for the exercise of such ingenious speculations ; but the* Zoologist has to do rather with things as they are, than as they were supposed to be,—and his province is to explain (or attempt so to do) the works of the God of nature as they exist in their most beautiful and harmonious simplicity, undeformed by the multitudinous fables of a remote an¬ tiquity. We need not, then, to inquire whether the basi¬ lisk be born from an egg produced in the body of the ibis, by a concentration of all the poison of all the serpents which it may have swallowed in the course of a long and reptile-eating life;—nor whether the casual touch of its lightest plume still suffices not only to enchant and ren¬ der motionless the largest crocodile, but even to deprive it at once of life;—nor whether the ibis itself, according to an expression of the priest of Hermopolis, sometimes Gralla- attains to so great an age that “ it cannot die,” unless tores. when, removed from the sustaining soil of its beloved v v— Egypt? it sinks beneath the nostalgia of a foreign land! For we know that the basilisk does not exist; that youn^ ibises have been seen flapping themselves across the out¬ stretched bodies of sleeping crocodiles, which afterwards sought the waters of the Nile with their accustomed ala¬ crity ; and that the age of the sacred bird, though from the skill of the embalmers it may be said to be “ in death immortal,” does not exceed that of the rest of its con¬ geners. The sacred ibis is usually observed either in pairs, or in small groups of eight or ten together. They build their nests on palms and other elevated trees, and lav two or three whitish eggs. They do not breed in Egypt, but arrive in that country when the waters of the Nile begin to swell. This apparent connection (as of cause and ef¬ fect) between the presence of these birds and the ferti¬ lizing flow of the mighty and mysterious river, probably gave rise to their worship as divine agents in immediate connection with those grander processes of nature by which the surface of the earth was regulated, and sustain¬ ed in a fit condition for the health and prosperity of the human race. A slight knowledge of natural history would indeed have sufficed to show, that such divine honours had not been awarded as a consequence of their destruction of serpents and other venomous reptiles; for the modern Egyptians confirm the views of Colonel Grobert, that the ibis does not prey on serpents at all, but feeds very much after the manner of the curlew, on insects, worms, small fishes, and molluscous animals.1 A smaller sized though much more splendidly attired species, is the scarlet ibis (/. ruber) of America. This brilliant bird is confined to the new world, where it is chiefly tropical, abounding in the West Indies and the Bahama Islands, and stretching southwards of the equator at least as far as Brazil. In the course of the summer (ge¬ nerally in July and August) it migrates into Florida, Ala¬ bama, Georgia, and South Carolina, retiring into Mexico and the Carribbean Islands on the approach of the winter season. It is gregarious, feeding along the sea-coast, the shores of estuaries, and the banks of rivers, on small fry, shell-fish, insects, and worms. Although they often perch on trees (where the contrast of their fiery plumage with the surrounding foKage is said to produce a most resplen¬ dent effect), they build their nests upon the ground. The young for several seasons exhibit obscure shades of brown, they afterwards become spotted with red, and then assume the splendid attire of the parents, which is a uniform and dazzling scarlet, with the exception of the extremities of the first four primaries, which are of a rich bluish black. Pennant says that the scarlet ibis has been domesticated in Guiana; and Dr Latham possessed one which was brought alive to England, and lived for some time with his poul¬ try. It is clear from the statements of American writers, that it is, at least in temperate countries, a bird of pas¬ sage, although Cuvier observes, “ que cette espece ne voyage point.” When taken young it is easily tamed, and submits to domestication without repining. Delaet says it has even propagated in captivity; and M. Delaborde has given the history of an individual which he kept for above two years, feeding it on bread, raw or cooked meat, and fish. It was fond of hunting in the ground for worms, and was in use to follow the gardener in expectation of that favourite food. It roosted at night upon the highest perch in the poultry-house, and flew out at an early hour of the morning, sometimes to a great distance from home. Our climate is probably too cold and variable for a bird which 5 I VOL. XVI. 1 Wilson’s Illustrations of Zoology, vol. i. pi. xix. 802 ORNITHOLOGY. Gralla- on the approach of winter always migrates southwards, tores, otherwise it would assuredly form a splendid (it is even said a savoury) addition to our stock of domestic fowls.1 In the genus Numenius, Cuv., the bill is arched, as in the preceding, but still more slender, and rounded through¬ out its entire length, instead of being square at the base. The extremity of the upper mandible extends beyond the under one, and projects a little over it at the base. There is an obvious palmation at the root of the toes. To this genus belong the curlews,—well-known birds, of shy and wary habits, which, according to the season, haunt either the hilly pastures or the sandy shores. The North American species (N. longirostris, Wilson) is remarkable for the extraordinary length of its bill. (See Plate XVI., fig. 3.) The common curlew of Britain (N. arquata) seems to inhabit exclusively, during the breeding season, our up¬ land moors and pastures, and descends to the sea-coasts in winter. The smaller British species, called whimbrel (A7. phceopus), seems scarcely known in England during sum¬ mer, but is then frequent in the north of Scotland, where it breeds. It is distinct from any of the American curlews,— with one of which, however, it has sometimes been con¬ founded. A nearly allied species, first described by M. Vieil- lot under the title of Niimenius tenuirostris, as a native of Egypt, has been ascertained by C. L. Bonaparte to exist in great numbers along the banks of the Tiber, where it occurs during winter. It has also been discovered byr Signor Savi in the neighbourhood of Pisa, by Dr Pajola in the Venetian territory, and by Professor Bonelli in Piedmont. We doubt not it occurs occasionally in most parts of Europe (espe¬ cially the eastern countries), although it escapes detection in consequence of its strong resemblance to the common whimbrel. Its distinctive phrase is—Numenius pileo ci- cerino e nigro maculate: pennis longioribus ilium candi- dis, immaculatis.2 The small esquimaux curlew (W. bo¬ realis, Lath, and Richardson) passes over a vast extent of territory in its migrations,—breeding in the barren lands within the arctic circle, and spending the winter in Brazil. In the genus Scolopax, Cuv., containing the snipes and woodcocks, the bill is very long, but straight, and pervaded almost throughout its entire length by a nasal furrow. The upper mandible is slightly inflated at the tip, which is rather soft, and extremely delicate in its perceptions. The feet are not palmated. The head is compressed, the eyes large, and situate far back upon the head,—“ ce qui,” says Cuvier, “ leur donne un air singulierement stupide, qu’ils ne dementent point par leurs mceurs.” Now, though the birds in question may want those accommodating in¬ stincts which elevate the character of many other species al¬ most into a semblance of reason, we are not aware that they are in any way of defective intellect, that is, that their pro¬ ceedings are at all discordant with self-preservation, the enjoyment of their natural propensions, or the continuance of their kind ; and as to the position of the eye, whatever may be its physiognomical effect, is it not admirably adapt¬ ed to their general modes of life, and their particular habit of plunging their bills into the mud.of marshes, enabling them so to do, and yet to keep a sharp look-out around them ? Depend upon it, their eyes are in the right place, and their large size cannot be otherwise than advantageous to birds which feed by night. We have five British species of Scolopax, of which the woodcock ($. rusticola) is the chief, a bird much admired by epicures, who eat him, entrails and all,—a dirty practice, we opine : but, de gustibus non disputandum est. During the day this species usually frequents the closest brakes, Gralla. where the ground, from depth of shade, is nearly free from tores, herbage. They abound most in thickets by the sides of open glades, or where roads intersect; for by these they pass to and from their feeding ground at evening and the dawn of morn. “ Unless disturbed,” says Mr Selby, “ they remain quietly at roost upon the ground during the whole day; but as soon as the sun is wholly below the horizon, they are in full activity, and taking flight nearly at the same instant, leave the woods and cover for the adjoining mea¬ dows or open land, over which they disperse themselves, and are fully engaged in search of food during the whole night. Advantage has long been taken of this regular mode of going to and returning from the feeding grounds by the fowler, in those districts where woodcocks are abundant, by suspending nets across the glades, or by the sides of hedges, where they are observed to pass conti¬ nually ; and though the adoption of the fowling-piece has in general superseded the modes of capture formerly prac¬ tised, great numbers are still taken in this manner in De¬ vonshire and Cornwall. Another method of entrapping woodcocks (as well as snipes) is by the springe, which is set in places where those perforations made by the bill of the woodcock in search of food, and technically called borings, are observed to be most frequent. It is formed of an elastic stick, of which one end is thrust into the ground, the other having affixed to it a noose made of horse-hair; the stick being then bent down, this noose is passed through a hole in a peg fastened to the ground, and is kept properly expanded by means of a fine trigger, so set as to be displaced by the slight pressure of the bird’s foot. To conduct them to this trap, a low fence of twigs, or of stones placed so closely together as to leave no passage through the interstices, is extended to some distance on each side of the springe, and generally in an oblique direction; over which obstacle, however trifling, it seems the birds never attempt to hop or fly, but keep moving along it, till they approach the part occupied by the noose of the springe: upon attempting to pass through this apparently open space, they displace the trigger, and are almost invariably caught by the noose, and retained by the spring of the stick against the opposing peg. Day being the woodcock’s time for repose, it sits very close, and is not easily fiushed; the sportsman then requiring the aid of the busy spaniel, or the bush in which it is en¬ sconced to be actually beaten by an attendant, before it will take wing. It rises, however, with much quickness, and threads its way through the branches with great ra¬ pidity, until the underwood and trees are fairly cleared, when its flight becomes measured, and offers an easy aim to the sportsman. When roused, it seldom flies to any great distance, but alights in the first thicket that attracts its attention, closing its wings, and dropping suddenly down, and in such cases it is not unusual for it to run a little way before it squats. Just before rising, upon be¬ ing disturbed, or when running, it jerks its tail upwards, partly expanding it, and fully showing the white that dis¬ tinguishes the under surface of the tips of the tail-fea¬ thers. In feeding, the woodcock inserts its bill deep into the earth in search of worms, which are its favourite and principal food. This instrument is most admirably calculated for the offices it has to perform when thus im¬ mersed in the soil; for, in addition to its great length, it possesses a nervous apparatus distributed over a great por¬ tion of its surface, and especially on such parts as are likely to come first into contact with its prey, giving it Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society. We do not know how it has happened that the wood-cut of the scarlet ibis in the wor jus re erred to is copied into Mr Nuttall’s excellent Manual of American Ornithology, under the name of wood ibis, Tantalus loculator, a bird which belongs to a different genus. Ormtologia Toscana, tom. ii. p. 324. ORNITHOLOGY. 803 the sense of touch in the highest perfection ; and to enable it to secure the object thus detected by the discriminat¬ ing sensibility of the bill, it is further provided with pe¬ culiar muscles (common, I believe, to all the members of the genus), which by compression of the upper or basal part of the bill, are brought into action so as to expand the tips of both mandibles sufficiently wide to lay hold of and draw forth the hidden treasure. The digestion of this bird is rapid, and the quantity of worms it can devour in the course of a night is astonishing. I have known one that consumed at a meal (that is, within the night) more large earth-worms than half filled a garden-pot of consi¬ derable size. It may, however, by management, be brought to eat other food ; as Montagu mentions one that was in¬ duced to feed on bread and milk, by worms cleanly washed being put into a mess of that kind ; and by this practice being persisted in, the bird soon acquired a relish for this new sort of aliment, and, with the addition of a few worms, throve well upon it.”1 We have already mentioned that the woodcock is now of frequent and constant occurrence as a breeding bird in several of the northern parts of Scot¬ land. Our other species of this genus are the common snipe, S', gallinago, Linn., which also occurs m the temperate parts of Asia; and the jack-snipe, S. gallinula, a winter visitant, which breeds, though sparingly, in the north of Scotland. Besides these, we have as occasional visitants,— the great or solitary snipe, S. major, Gmeh, which haunts the vast marshes of the north of Europe,—and a species of which only one or two examples have been as yet dis¬ covered (it was first shot in Queen’s county, Ireland, we believe in 1822), named S. Sabini, by Mr Vigors.2 Al¬ though some of these birds have an extended geographical distribution, the great similarity of several species, both in size and plumage, has caused misapprehension. There is now no doubt that the species of Europe and America are quite distinct. The lesser woodcock, S. minor, is a beauti¬ ful bird, well known in the United States. The brown snipe of Pennant (-S', grisea, Gmel.) forms the genus Ma- croramphus, Leach. Its toes are webbed at the base. The genus Rhynchaia, Cuv., has the bill very similar to that of the snipes and woodcocks, but it is slightly arched towards the tip, and wants the furrow on that part. The toes have no palmation. The species are more richly co¬ loured than their congeners, and, in consequence of their occasional variation, have been as yet but indifferently dis¬ tinguished. The Cape species so called (i?. capensis,—Scol. capensis, Gm., Plate XVI., figure 4), occurs in Java and the East Indies; while R. variegata, by some regarded as its young, has been received both from China and the south of Africa. A very distinct species, however (B. hilarea), described by M. Valenciennes, has been discovered in South America.3 In the genus Limosa of Bechstein, the bill is still longer than among the woodcocks, straight, or even slightly turned upwards, and pervaded by lengthened grooves, although the terminal single groove is wanting. The tip is blunt and depressed. There is a palmation at the base of the outer toes. The general form of the species is more slen¬ der, and the legs longer, than in the immediately preceding groups. They haunt more habitually saline marshes and the sea shore. We here place the birds called godwits, of which we have two British species,—the black-tailed godwit, L.melanura, Leisler and Temm. {Scot, cegocephala, Linn.), and the red godwit, L. rufa, Briss. (^Scol. Lapponica, Linn.). Ot both of these birds the synonyms, till lately, were greatly con¬ fused, owing to the double moult to which they are sub¬ ject, and which, producing a remarkable change in the nup- Gralla- tial plumage from that of autumn and winter, led to a cor- tores, responding multiplication of names,—each kind being de- scribed as two species, according to the season in which it was observed. Although the bill in the godwits possesses much of the general form of that of the woodcocks, it wants the extraordinary plexus of nerves, and therefore does not become rugose by exsiccation after death, but continues smooth and polished. It is also more solid, less flexible, and thicker towards the base. These birds inhabit marshes, and the banks and mouths of rivers, where the mud is soft and deep, and there they probe with their long extended bills in search of worms and insects. When thus engaged, they are frequently seen with their heads entirely under water; and we accordingly find them provided with that peculiar gland above the eye, of which the function appears to be to lubricate and defend that delicate and important organ from the irritating effect of saline waters.4 The females considerably exceed the males in size. Several fine god¬ wits, distinct from those of Europe, occur in North America; and a semi-palmated species, with a strongly recurved bill (Scol. terek, Lath.), is found both in India and Van Diemen’s Land, and seems in some of its characters to lead towards the avocets. In the genus Tringa of Temm., Selby, &c. (Calidris and Pelidna, Cuv.), the bill equals or is longer than the head, is straight or slightly arched, compressed at the base, the tip blunt, smooth, and dilated, semi-flexible, and furrowed throughout its length. The legs are of medium length, very slim, the feet four-toed, divided to the base, slightly margined, with the hind toe scarcely reaching to the ground. The elegant and interesting species which compose this rather numerous genus are commonly known by the name of sea-larks or sandpipers, a term likewise bestowed upon the Totani. Many of them breed by the margins of lakes and rivers in the interior, although the majority congregate in autumn in numerous flocks along the sea coast. They moult twice a year, and their spring and summer plumage is generally very different from that of autumn and winter. This has occasioned great confusion in the history of seve¬ ral species. The sexes present no great disparity in point of plumage, but the females are of larger size. We coin¬ cide in Mr Selby’s opinion, that the new genera Calidris anA. Pelidna, which Baron Cuvier has proposed in place of Tringa, are not so distinct or well defined as to warrant their adoption, being in fact only such slight modifications of form as might naturally be expected in birds placed at the ex¬ tremes of the group to which they belong, and of which the intimate connection is shown by the intervention of species of intermediate form, leading gradually, almost impercep¬ tibly, from one to the other. Besides, if these two generic groups are adopted, it would appear that Tringa would cease to exist as a recognised title, which is surely not in S accordance with established rule. The species of our present genus are very widely distributed, and several are identical in Europe and America. The dunlin or purre, T. variabilis, Temm. (T. alpina and cinclus, Linn.), is a strictly indigenous bird in Scotland, where it breeds both near the margins of our inland waters and along the sea-shore,—residing with us throughout the year. In America it penetrates during the summer season to the utmost habitable verge of the arctic circle, breeding on the desolate shores of Melville Peninsula. It likewise inhabits Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, and probably most of the coasts of Europe. We know that at least during winter it frequents the Italian shores. In the southern hemisphere it sometimes wanders as far as the Cape of 1 British Ornithology, vol. ii. p. 110. 8 Linn. Trans, vol. xiv. p. 556. 3 Ferrussac’s Bulletin des Sciences, 2d cah. 4 Selby’s British Ornithology, vol. ii. p. 94. 804 ORNITHOLOGY. Gralla- Good Hope, and has been met with both in the West Indies tores, and South America. When flying in great autumnal flocks, its aerial movements are extremely beautiful, each indivi¬ dual of the vast assemblage yielding so instantaneously to the same impulsion as to exhibit alternately the upper and the under surface of the body, so that we have for a time a living moving cloud of dusky brown, and then a brilliant flash of snowy whiteness. The larger species, called the knot ( T. canutus, Linn.), has also a vast range in a northerly direction. It passes the summer within the arctic circle, breeding in Melville Peninsula, and in Hudson’s Bay, as far south as the fifty- fifth parallel. It lays four eggs of a dun colour, spotted with red, upon a tuft of withered grass. The knot win¬ ters in Britain, but many proceed much farther south, as we know they occur towards the end of autumn in the Venetian territory. The great mass of the North Ame¬ rican knots pass over the United States, and spend the winter within the tropics. The other British species are T. rufescens, Temminckii, minuta, maritima, and sub- arquata. The genus Arenaria, Bechstein, closely resembles the sandpipers of the genus Tringa, but is distinguished by the entire absence of the hind toe. The only known spe¬ cies is the sanderling (A. calidris), one of our winter birds of passage, which breeds in the remotest northern re¬ gions, forming a rude grassy nest among the desolate marshes, and laying four dusky coloured eggs, spotted with black. The genus Falcinellus, Cuv. (composed of Scol.pyg- mcea, Linn.), has the bill considerably arched, and the hind toe wanting. The only known species is an African bird, which occasionally makes its appearance in Europe. M. Temminck seems to think it should be regarded rather as a synonym than a distinct actual species. The genus Machetes, Cuv., bears a great resemblance to Tringa, except that there is an obvious palmation at the base of the toes. It contains only one species, com¬ monly called the ruff {T. pugnax, Linn.), well known in the Lincolnshire fenns and the London markets (see Plate XVI., fig. 5). It is a summer bird of passage, arriving in the fenny districts of England in the month of April, and departing towards the end of September. The ruff, as its specific name implies, is a remarkably pugnacious species, a disposition which probably arises from its polygamous ha¬ bits, in which it differs from its congeners. Some people say there are more males than females. Be this as it may, as soon as these birds arrive, each male fixes upon a small hillock or dry grassy spot among the marshes, where he keeps turning about till he has almost trodden it bare ; but the moment a female makes her appearance, a general com¬ bat commences, the male birds lowering their heads, ex¬ panding their neck-feathers, and flying at each other with the action of fighting cocks. These battles are obstinate and long continued, and whoever proves the victor for the time obtains the female. They disperse at night for the sake of feeding, but every morning soon after daybreak each male returns to his hillock, where the same scenes of rivalry and love take place, and continue till their pas¬ sionate fervour is abated, towards tbe end of June. The plumage of the ruff presents an almost infinite variety, scarcely two individuals being ever found precisely the same. The lengthened feathers of the head and neck are produced in spring, and shed towards the close of summer ; and during autumn and winter the plumage be- ^*^eren^ from that of the breeding season, that e birds would not be recognised as the same by any one previously ignorant of such mutation. Their flesh is high¬ ly esteemed as a delicate and nutritious food. Though Grall these birds extend northwards as far as Iceland, and the tores' colder parts of Russia, they never visit Scotland, the v . marsh of Prestwick Car, near Newcastle, appearing to be their British boundary. They occur, though rarely, in North America. Though their natural food is worms and water insects, they fatten soon in confinement on boiled wheat, or bread and milk mixed with bruised hemp- seed. Ihe genus Heteropoda of Nuttall has the bill straight, rather enlarged and punctate at the extremity, the tarsus of moderate length, the three anterior toes connected at the base by a membrane. Example, Tringa semipalmata, Wilson. In the genus Hemipalma, Bonaparte, the bill is much larger than the head, partly arched, dilated, and studded at the tip with minute tubercles. The tarsus is very long, and the toes are usually connected by a mem¬ brane as far as the first articulation. The species are call¬ ed stilt sandpipers, of which H. himantopus was discover¬ ed by C. L. Bonaparte and Mr Cooper. Both these genera are American. In the singular genus Eurinorhynchus, Wilson, the bill is short, thin, depressed, spoon-shaped, the tarsi short, slender, reticulated. The only known species is a very rare and remarkable bird, E. griseus, native, it is suppos¬ ed, both to Europe and America.1 It was formerly class¬ ed with the spoon-bills (Platalea pygmea, Linn.), though scarcely larger than a sparrow. There is a specimen in the French Museum, which was accidentally killed near Paris. The plumage is gray above, white beneath. In the genus Phalaropus of Brisson, the bill, though more flattened, resembles that of Tringa, but the toes are margined by a broadish membrane. In their habits the species are more aquatic than most of their congeners; for though they cannot dive, they float buoyantly on the sur¬ face, or even make their way by swimming with almost the ease of the regularly web-footed birds. The gray phalarope or scallop-toed sandpiper (JPhal. lobatus, Flem.) is found occasionally in Britain during winter. It breeds habitually within the arctic circle, in Hudson’s Bay, among the North Georgian Islands, and along the sterile shores of Melville Peninsula. According to Mr Bullock, it is not uncommon in the marshes of Sunda and Westra, the most northerly of the Orkney Isles. When seen swimming in pools, it is continually dipping its bill into the water, as if feeding on some minute aquatic creature. The plumage varies greatly with the season, and a variety of names have been bestowed in consequence of these mu¬ tations. The red phalarope ( Tringafulicaria, Linn.) re¬ presents the summer plumage. It was seen by our north¬ ern navigators on the 10th of June, in latitude 68°, swim¬ ming at its ease though several miles from land, but sur¬ rounded by mountains of ice. In the genus Strepsilas, Illiger, the legs are rather low, the bill short, and the toes without palmation as in Tringa, but the bill is conical and pointed, with the nasal fissure extending only one half its length. The hind toe nearly touches the ground. The only known species, St. interpres (of which St. morinellus is the young) is a winter bird of passage on the mainland of Britain, though it breeds and remains throughout the year among the Shetland Isles. The turnstone, as it is vernacularly called, is one of the most generally distributed of birds, being found at some season or other in almost every region of the globe. The English name is derived from its habit of turning over little stones along the shore in search of food, which it is enabled to do by its bill being proportionally stronger and stiffer than that of its congeners. 1 Acad. Suec. 1816, pi. vi. O ii i\ 1 T H O L O G Y. ■tiralla- In the genus Totanus, Cuv., the bill is slender, round, tores, pointed, firm, the upper mandible slightly arched, with the nasal groove not extending above half its length. The form is light and active, the legs rather long, the toes webbed at the base, more especially between the outer and middle toe. In birds of this genus, as Mr Selby has observed, the comparatively hard and sharp-pointed bill indicates a corresponding change in habits and economy; so that instead of seeking their food by probing in the sand or softer mud, they search for it along the pebbly banks of lakes and rivers, or the ocean’s gravelly shore. Some reside habitually in inland districts, while others prefer the sea-coast, or migrate thither during the autum¬ nal season. The British species are the dusky sandpiper, T. fuscus, Leisler ; the redshank, T. calidris, Bechst.; the green sandpiper, T. ochropus, Temm.; the wood sandpiper, T. glareola, Temm.; the common sandpiper, T. hypoleucos, Temm.; and the greenshank, T. glottis, Bechst. Besides which, the spotted sandpiper, T. macularia (a very com¬ mon species in North America), &c. are of occasional oc¬ currence. Regarding the last-named species, Mr Bartram informed Alexander Wilson, that he saw one of these birds defend her young for a considerable time from the repeat¬ ed attacks of a ground squirrel. The scene of action was on the river shore. The parent had thrown herselfj with her two young behind her, between them and the land ; and at every attempt of the squirrel to seize them by a circuitous sweep, she raised both her wings in an almost perpendicular position, assuming the most alarming aspect possible, and rushing forwards on the squirrel, which for a time drew back intimidated; but soon returning, was met as before by the affectionate but infuriated bird, her wings and whole plumage bristling up to twice their natural size. This interesting, but, for one of the parties, fearful play, continued for about ten minutes, when the strength of the bird began to flag, and the attacks of the quadruped be¬ came more audacious, on which Mr Bartram interfered, “ like one of those celestial agents,” says Wilson, “ who in Homer’s time so often decided the palm of victory” ! The green-shank ( T. glottis), though usually regarded as mere¬ ly a passenger in spring and autumn, is now known to breed in Scotland. It inhabits the northern parts of both conti¬ nents, but is rarer in the new world than the old. Mr Au¬ dubon traced it as far south as the Tortugas, near the ex¬ tremity of East Florida, and Latham received it from Ja¬ maica. It also occurs in Bengal. Our common red-shank (T7. calidris) is found occasionally in North America. A large species well known in the western world by the name of willet, and characterized by all the anterior toes being conspicuously webbed at the base, forms M. Bonaparte’s genus Catoptrophorus. This bird not only wades, but swims. It is the semi-palmated snipe (Scol. scmi-palma- tas) of the older systems. The genus Lobipes of Cuvier combines the bill of the preceding genus ( Totanus) with the lobated toes of Pha- laropus. We may mention as an example the red-necked phalarope,— Tringa hyperborea, Linn. (Lob. hyperborea, Cuv.), a species not uncommon among our northern islands, where it swims with great ease,—resembling when in the water a beautiful miniature representation of a duck. It like¬ wise breeds all along the forlorn shores of arctic America, resorting to Hudson’s Bay in autumn. Another species (Z. Wilsonii) seems confined to the new world, where it breeds on the banks of the Saskatchewan, and occurs at least as far south as Mexico. It does not advance to so high a northern latitude as the hyperborean species, being as yet unknown beyond the fifty-fifth parallel. It forms an artless nest within the shelter of some grassy tuft, lay¬ ing two or three pear-shaped eggs, of a tint between yel¬ lowish gray and cream colour, interspersed with small roundish spots, and a few larger blotches of umber-brown 805 towards the obtuser end. It can only be regarded as a Gralla- straggler in the United States. This bird forms the sub- torea. genus Holopodius of Bonaparte, the basal web between''““'v'"-*'' the inner and middle toe being less than in the preceding species. The synonyms of both are still somewhat con¬ fused. The genus Himantopus, Brisson, has the bill round, slender, pointed, the nasal furrow extending only half its length. But the principal and most peculiar character consists in the enormous length of the leg and tarsus, from which the species have derived the title of stilts, or long- legged plovers. The toes are united by a basal web, larger on the outer than the inner portion of the foot. These birds have a greater predilection for the borders of the sea, and for brackish lakes, than for the banks of rivers or pure fresh-water lakes. Their movements are rapid on the wing, but their gait is somewhat staggering, from the dis¬ proportionate length of their legs. The kind which occurs in Europe (Him. melanopterus, Meyer), called the black¬ winged stilt, has been known to breed in France, and ac¬ cidentally visits England, but its chief resorts are the great salt marshes of Hungary and Russia. It is often seen in Italy in little flocks in spring, travelling northwards. It likewise occurs in Asia, Africa, and America ; but the spe¬ cies of the new world, described by Wilson, is the Him. ni- gricollis of Vieillot. We shall here quote his account of its manners and mode of nidification, as the history of the Eu¬ ropean stilt, in these particulars, is scarcely known. “ This species arrives on the sea-coast of New Jersey about the 25th of April, in small detached flocks of twenty or thirty together. These sometimes again subdivide into lesser parties; but it rarely happens that a pair is found soli¬ tary, as during the breeding season they usually associate in small companies. On their first arrival, and indeed dur¬ ing the whole of their residence, they inhabit those parti¬ cular parts of the salt marshes pretty high up towards the land, that are broken into numerous shallow pools, but are not usually overflowed by the tides during the summer. These pools or ponds are generally so shallow that with their long legs the avocets can easily wade them in every direction ; and as they abound in minute shell-fish, and multitudes of aquatic insects and their larvae, besides the eggs and spawn of others deposited in the soft mud below, these birds find here an abundant supply of food, and are almost continually seen wading about in such places, often up to the breast in water. “ In the vicinity of these bald places, as they are called, fifty yards off, among the thick tufts of grass, one of these small associations, consisting perhaps of six or eight pair, takes up its residence during the breeding season. About the first week in May they begin to construct their nests, which are at first slightly formed of a small quantity of old grass, scarcely sufficient to keep the eggs from the wet marsh. As they lay and sit, however, either dreading the rise of the tides, or from some other purpose, the nest is increased in height with dry twigs of a shrub very com¬ mon in the marshes, roots of the salt grass, sea-weed, and various other substances, the whole weighing between two and three pounds. This habit of adding materials to the nest after the female begins sitting, is common to almost all other birds that breed in the marshes. The eggs are four in number, of a dark yellowish clay colour, thickly marked with large blotches of black. These nests are often placed within fifteen or twenty yards of each other; but the greatest harmony seems to prevail among the pro¬ prietors. While the females are sitting, the males are either wading through the ponds or roaming over the ad¬ joining marshes; but should a person make his appear¬ ance, the whole collect together in the air, flying with their long legs extended behind them, keeping up a con¬ tinual yelping note of click, click, click. Their flight is ORNITHOLOGY. Gralla- steady, and not in short, sudden jerks, like that of the tcres* plover. As they frequently alight on the bare marsh, they Y v drop their wings, stand with their legs half bent, and trembling, as if unable to sustain the burden of their bo¬ dies. In this ridiculous posture they will sometimes stand for several minutes, uttering a curring sound, while, from the corresponding quiverings of their wings and long legs, they seem to balance themselves with great difficulty. “ Thissingular manoeuvre is, no doubt, intended to induce a belief that they may be easily caught, and so turn the attention of the person from the pursuit of their nests and young to themselves. rlhe red-necked avocet practises the very same deception, in the same ludicrous manner, and both alight indiscriminately on the ground or in the water. Both will occasionally swim for a few feet, when they chance in wading to lose their depth, as I have had seve¬ ral times an opportunity of observing.”1 The singular birds called avocets form the genus Rk- curvirostra, Linn. Their feet are almost as fully pal- mated as those of certain Natatores, yet they are gene¬ rally classed among the Grallatores, by reason of their lengthened tarsi, and legs bare above the knee. The bill also has the same lengthened, slender, pointed form, and smooth elastic structure, which characterize our present order, with which the birds in question agree in their ge¬ neral mode of life. The character which distinguishes them from all other birds is the extraordinary upward cur¬ vature of the bill (See Plate XVI., figure 6.) The avocets live either in pairs or small companies in the midst of marshes, where they wade about with great ease, and to a considerable depth, in consequence of their bodies being raised so high above the surface. Though web-footed, they do not swim except by compulsion ; yet one which Wilson wounded attempted repeatedly to dive, but the water was too shallow for his purpose. They run rapidly, and their flight is powerful and long sustained. Their nests are described as small cavities in the earth, lined with a few weeds, or merely the bosom of the bare sand; sometimes, however, they are raised several inches above the surface, as if to avoid the effects of moisture or inun¬ dation. The European species (H. avocetta, Linn.) is not uncommon along the eastern coasts of England south of the Humber. It breeds in the fenny parts of Lincolnshire and Norfolk, as well as in Romney Marsh in Kent. They assemble during winter in small flocks, frequenting the oozy shores about the mouths of rivers, where they scoop out small worms and mollusca. Buffbn indulges in one of his characteristic vagaries while discussing the singular bill of this bird, which he supposes to be “ one of those errors or essays of nature, which, if carried a little further, would destroy itself; for if the curvature of the bill were a degree increased, the bird could not procure any sort of food, and the organ destined for the support of life would infallibly occasion its destruction.” This essay of nature is, however, as it happens, a most successful one ; for by means of its lengthened legs and upturned bill, the avo¬ cet feeds with facility in muddy marshes, where if other¬ wise organized it would probably starve. If a devoted servant of God, while tonsorially engaged on some beau¬ tiful Sabbath morning, were to move the edge of his glit¬ tering blade an inch nearer his carotid artery, he would die, leaving behind him, in all probability, a disconsolate widow, and a large family of small children; but as he takes especial care to move his useful weapon in another direction, the artery remains intact, and the crime of sui¬ cide unaccomplished. We doubt not that the curvature of the bill in question could not have been better project¬ ed even by Buffbn himself, although he was addicted in his youth to mathematics. The American avocet (JR. Americana, Linn., Plate XVI., figure 6) has the head and Gralla- neck pale rufous, and the bill takes a downward curve to- v tore8- wards the extremity. Though abundant on the banks of the Saskatchewan, as far as the fifty-third parallel, it does not seem to proceed into the more northern regions. Be¬ sides these species, there are the K. alba of Latham (i?. orientalis, Cuv.), from India ; and the R. rubricollis, Temm., a native of New Holland. Our indigenous species also oc¬ curs both in Asia and Africa. FAMILY V._MACRODACTYLES. The prevailing character of this group consists in the extremely long narrow form of the toes, which are with¬ out any connecting web. Nevertheless the species run with great ease in moist places, and some of them swim very swiftly. The bill, more or less compressed laterally, varies in length in different genera, but is never so deli¬ cately slender as among the preceding family. The body in these birds is much compressed, a form determined in a great measure by the narrow nature of the sternum. The wings are of medium length, or short; and the power of flight, though necessarily efficient in such as are birds of passage, is on the whole restricted, or but sparingly exer¬ cised. The posterior toe is of considerable length. The first genus, called Parra by Linnaeus, contains the jacanas, by some named spur-winged water-hens. The bill is rather longer than the head, nearly straight, laterally compressed, and somewhat enlarged both above and below towards the extremity. There is usually a small fleshy shield upon the base of the forehead. The toes are of great length, very narrow, unwebbed, and the claws, especially the hin¬ der one, very long and sharp (See Plate X VI., fig. 7.) The anterior angle of the wing is armed with a spur. The jaca¬ nas occur in the warmer countries of the world—in Ben¬ gal, Java, the Celebes, China, South America, and parts of Africa. They inhabit marshy places, and run with great facility over the surface of aquatic plants, their long, ex¬ tended toes spreading over so much space as to prevent their sinking in the water. They feed on insects, build their nests among the moist herbage, and lay four or five greenish eggs spotted with brown. Their flight, though low, is rapid. They are shy and silent birds, except at night, when their voices are often heard among the marshes. The Chinese jacana of Latham {Parra sinensis, Gmelin) is found both along the marine shores and the moist plains of the interior. This species, as Mr Gould observes, is distinguished not more by grace and beauty of form, than by its admirable adaptation to the particular localities to which nature has allotted it. Formed for traversing the wide morass, or lotus-covered surface of water, it supports itself upon the floating weeds and leaves by its extraordi¬ nary extent of toes and unusual lightness of body. Like our common water-hen, of whose habits and manners it partakes largely, it is no doubt capable of swimming, al¬ though the long and pendent tail-feathers seem an incon¬ venient appendage for such a purpose. Its powers of flight appear deficient, the quill-feathers being terminated by a slender process proceeding from the tip of each shaft. This singular bird has been long known as a native of the low lands of India and other eastern countries, but was not till lately ascertained to occur in the Himalaya, where it inhabits lakes and swamps among the hills.2 Another eastern species {P. gallinacea, Temm. PL Col. 464) is provided with a crest, but wants the spurs upon the wings. In the genus Palamedea, Linn., the bill is rather short, conical, compressed, convex, and curved at the extremity. There is a bare space around the eyes, the wings are am- 1 American Ornithology, vol. iii. p. 76. * Century qf Birds from the Himalaya Mountains. ORNITHOLOGY. ' 807 Gralla- pie, furnished with strong spurs. The tarsi are short and tores, thick, the toes and daws long. Some systematic writers ' include in this genus only a single species, P. cornuta, Linn., called kamichi or the horned screamer, a South American bird, larger than a goose, with a slender move- able horny projection on the forehead. Though this bird affects inundated places, its toes are without palmation. In its general aspect, and several of its special habits, it exhibits an approach to the gallinaceous order; and al¬ though its stomach is but slightly muscular, it lives much on grain and herbage.1 It is also easily reduced to the domestic state; and although it lays only two eggs, the young speedily follow the parents. It is by no means easy to conjecture' the natural uses of these formidable weapons on the wings of this and se¬ veral other species. One would suppose them intended to wage war among their kind,—yet the birds so endowed are for the most part peaceable, and averse to broil and battle,—even in most instances of a timid and fearful na¬ ture ; and in the case of several of the plover tribe, there is no appreciable difference in the habits of the armed and unarmed kinds. All who have studied the manners of the kamichis agree that they are the gentle inhabitants of moist savannahs, or the shores of those extensive rivers which intersect the southern portion of America, and that there is nothing pugnacious in their temper. Yet they are “ doubly armed,” the margin of each wing bearing a pair of very large spurs, thick at the base, but tapering sharply to a point, and, no doubt, when driven forcibly for¬ ward by the muscular action of a powerful wing, capable of inflicting such a blow as would at once deprive most small animals of life. Another bird, by some referred to our present genus, is Pal. chavaria, Temm. (LY. Col. 219), the Parra chava- ria of Linn., known in some English works as the faithful jacana. Instead of a horn, its head is ornamented by a feathered crest, and there is an obvious palmation between the outer and middle toes. , For these and other reasons it forms the genus Chauna of Uliger. Its head and upper neck are clothed with down, the latter being surrounded by a black collar. The rest of the plumage is lead colour and blackish, with a white spot upon the front of the wings, and another on the base of the primaries. Linnaeus, on the authority of Jacquin, gives the following history of this bird :—“ It inhabits the rivers, lakes, and marshes, near the river Sinu, about thirty leagues from Carthagena, in South America. It feeds on vegetables; its gait is solemn and slow, but it flies easily and swiftly ; it cannot run unless assisted by the wings at the same time. When any part of the skin is touched by the hand, a crackling is felt, though it is very downy beneath the feathers; and this down adheres so closely ns to enable the bird at times to swim, notwithstanding the length of its legs and of its cleft feet; which latter enable it also to walk on the aqua¬ tic plants of the pools. It has two strong and pointed spurs on the bend of the wing, which are, however, hid¬ den when the latter is closed, but when expanded they become formidable weapons, aided by the strong and lengthened wing ; and by means of them it is able to drive off birds as big as the carrion vulture, and even that bird itself. The natives, who keep poultry in great numbers, have one of these tame, which goes along with the flock about the neighbourhood to feed during the day, when this faithful shepherd defends them against birds of prey: it never deserts the charge committed to its care, although able to fly, but returns home with them safe in the even¬ ing. It is so tame as to suffer itself to be handled by a grown person, but will not permit children to attempt the same. Its voice is clear and loud, but far from agreeable.”2 Baron Cuvier here places the genus Megapodius, Quoy Gralla- et Gaim., of which the bill is slender, straight, flattened, lores, and enlarged at the base, restricted at the centre, and in- ''“"'v-— flated towards the point. The tail is small and wedge- shaped. The general form is massive, the plumage usual¬ ly brown, without lustre. The species inhabit New Gui¬ nea, the Marianne Islands, &c. and are described in the voyages of Freycinet and Duperrey. They are remark¬ able for the largeness of their eggs. Some authors place them with the genera Crax and Penelope^ rather than in the grallatorial order. The extensive genus Rallus, Linn., is in one or other of its forms known in almost every country of the world. With Bechstein, we would restrict the title to such as have the bill longer than the head, rather slender, compressed at the base, with the tip cylindrical, and slightly curved. As a British example may be mentioned our common water-rail (i?. aquations')., a shy and solitary bird, which resides throughout the year in Britain. It is extensively spread over Europe, but does not occur in America. The land-rails form the genus Crex, Bechstein, and have the bill shorter than the head, thick at the base, somewhat cultrate, and compressed. The wings are armed with a small concealed spine. Besides the well-known corn-crake (C. pratensis), a summer bird of passage, of which the de¬ ceptive note is heard so often during evening twilight, we have the spotted crake, C. porzana, Baillon’s crake, C. Baillonii (Olivaceous gallinule of Mont.?), and the little crake, C. pusilla. The Carolina rail seems a Crex in the form of its bill, though its aquatic habits assimilate it to Rallus. It assembles during autumn in vast numbers on the reedy shores of the larger rivers in the middle and southern states of North America, and affords abundant occupation to sportsmen. Any active and expert marks¬ man may kill ten or twelve dozen in a few hours. It win¬ ters to the south of the Union. The diet of the different species probably varies with time and place. The Ame¬ rican bird just named is very fond of rice. Our own spe¬ cies feed both on grain and insects. Sir W. Jardine found a short-tailed field-mouse in the stomach of a land-rail. This bird is called king of the quails in some continental countries, in consequence of its arriving and departing with these birds. The old genus Fulica, Linn., has, like the preceding, been also subdivided, in accordance with the form of the bill and lobation of the toes. For example, the genus Gallinula of Briss. and Lath, has the bill resembling that of Crex, but there is a flat fleshy shield upon the fore¬ head. The toes are long, and bordered by an extremely narrow lateral margin. We here place our British galli¬ nule, familiarly known by the name of water-hen, G. chlo- ropus, Lath. This bird, though with us a permanent re- sidenter, is migratory in all the more northern parts of Europe. It occurs both in Asia and Africa, but not in America, as some erroneously suppose. It swims and dives well, though its feet might, a priori, be deemed but little fit for such aquatic service. The water-hen is of rather familiar habits, that is, a pair are sure to make their appearance as soon as any small artificial piece of water has been formed, even in the closest proximity to human dwellings. It builds by the water-side, and lays a great number of eggs, from eight to ten, which it is said to cover carefully during its occasional absence in search of food. The purple and Florida gallinules ( G. Martinica and guleata) occur in North America; and a Javanese spe¬ cies (G. ardosiaca) is described by M. Vieillot. In the genus Porphyrio of Brisson, the bill is higher in relation to its length than in the preceding. The toes are extremely long, with scarcely a perceptible bor- 1 flajon, Mem. tur Cayenne, t. ii. p. 284. 3 Shaw’s General Zoology, voL xii. p. 272. 808 ORNITHOLOGY. Gralla- der; and the frontal disk, sometimes rounded, sometimes tores. Square above, is of considerable size. The species are Y *~ remarkable for richness of colouring. P- hyacinthinus, Temm. (Fulica porphyria, Linn.), is an African species, not unfrequent in Sicily and Sardinia. The genus Fulica, as now restricted, is chiefly distin¬ guished from its congeners by a scallop-shaped or broadly- festooned membrane on each side of the toes. It con¬ tains the coots, of which F. atra, Linn., our common coot, affords a good example. This bird, as generally distri¬ buted in Britain throughout the summer season as the water-hen, leaves the northern portions of the island on the approach of winter. It dislikes being approached in open water, though a good diver, and quickly betakes it¬ self to some protecting cover of reeds or other water-plants on every slight alarm. The cinereous coot of the western world (F. Americana, Gmel.) is a distinct species, though not so regarded by Alexander Wilson. It is widely spread over a vast extent of territory, from the steaming marshes of Jamaica to the cool and grassy lakes which skirt the plains of the Saskatchewan. Baron Cuvier terminates his systematic exposition of the grallatorial order by three genera of a somewhat ano¬ malous nature, which certainly do not amalgamate either with their neighbours or each other. The genus Chionis of Forster has the bill short, strong, compressed, the nostrils tubular, and protected by hard, elevated, and compressed folds, which envelope the base. (Plate XVL, fig. 8.) The front of the head and part of the face are naked, the wings long, the feet short. There is only a single species known. It is called the sheath-bill, Ch. Forsteri, or necrophaga, or vagmalis, and is of snowy whiteness, and of the size of a pigeon. A great diversity of opinion exists regarding its position; some writers re¬ moving it into the ensuing order, while Mr Swainson places it among the Columbidae. It inhabits New Zealand, Ker¬ guelen’s Land, Staten Land, and other countries of the southern hemisphere, where it is said to frequent the sea¬ shore in flocks, feeding on mollusca and carrion, which lat¬ ter renders its flesh offensive to the taste. It was dis¬ covered during Cook’s circumnavigation. The genus Glareola, Gmel., contains the pratincoles, or sea-partridges as they are sometimes called. The bill is short, compressed, somewhat arched throughout, and rather deeply cleft. The wings are of great length, and very sharp pointed, somewhat resembling those of swal¬ lows. The legs are of medium length, and there is a slight palmation between the outer and middle toes. The tail is usually forked. These birds fly in numerous noisy flocks, and feed on insects, “ particulierement des mouches et autres insectes ailes qui vivent parmi les joncs et les roseaux; il se lance” (M. Temminck alludes particularly to the European species) “ sur ces insectes avec une rapi- dite etonnante, et les saisit au vol ou a la course.”1 The pratincoles inhabit the temperate and warmer regions of the old world, and are unknown in America. The col¬ lared or Austrian species (G. torquata, Meyer) is com¬ mon in the south-eastern countries of Europe, and has been killed occasionally in Britain.2 G. lactea, Temm., inhabits Bengal ;3 G. grallaria of the same author is na¬ tive to New Holland. Lastly, the genus Phcenicopterus, Linn., contains those extraordinary birds called flamingoes. The bill is Palmi. higher than wide, dentated, conical towards the point, the Pecks- upper mandible suddenly bent from its centre downwards upon the under one, which is the broadest. The neck and legs are of extraordinary length, and the anterior toes are united by a broad palmation. Mr Swainson regards this genus as the grallatorial type of the Anatidce, and he con¬ sequently places it in the natatorial order, which we are just about to enter. The only species known in Europe is Ph. ruber, Linn., a bird well known in Sicily and Calabria, and very abundant in Sardinia, especially among the la- gunes and marshes in the neighbourhood of Cagliari. Large flocks occur almost every year along the southern coasts of France, and a few sometimes stray as far north¬ wards as the banks of the Rhine. It is common in many countries of Africa and Asia; but the American species, regarded as synonymous by Wilson, is a distinct kind, men¬ tioned long ago as such by Molina. (See Plate XVI., figure 9.) It is theP/<. Americanus of Mr Nuttall, and the bird alluded to by Thomas Campbell in his Gertrude of Wyo¬ ming :— Then, where of Indian hills the daylight takes His leave, how might you the flamingo see Disporting like a meteor on the lakes. Another western kind occurs in South America (P/<. ignipalliatus, Isid. Geoff.),4 while a fourth (Ph. minor) is native to the Cape and Senegal.5 These birds in ge¬ neral inhabit solitary sea-coasts in most of the warmer regions of the earth, where they associate in flocks, and migrate in bodies formed into an angular phalanx, like wild geese. They feed upon mollusca, insects, and spawn, which they fish up by means of their lengthened necks, sometimes turning their bill upside down, to take advan¬ tage of its peculiar, and apparently inconvenient form. They are said to be extremely shy and watchful (although Dampier and his two companions succeeded in killing fourteen at once6), and place sentinels, which on the ap¬ proach of threatened danger, give alarm by a loud and trumpet-like cry. They also breed together in inundated marshes, raising their nests to a considerable height, by collecting the mud into a pyramidal hillock with their toes, after which they brood and hatch their eggs in what may be called a standing posture, their feet and legs be¬ ing often in the water. The young are only two or three in number, and run almost as soon as excluded from the shell. They sleep standing upon one leg, with the neck folded back upon the body, and the head reclined beneath the wing. They run swiftly, but never swim from choice.7 The tongue of the European flamingo was much admired by ancient epicures; and Apicius, that “ deepest abyss of wastefulness,” as Pliny calls him, is supposed to have been the first to discover its exquisite flavour. Order VI.—PALMIPEDES, or WEB-FOOTED BIRDS.8 The birds of this order are especially characterized by their peculiar adaptation for swimming, their feet being gene¬ rally short and placed far behind, their tarsi short and com¬ pressed, and their anterior toes connected by membranes, 1 Manuel, ii. p. 502. a Bullock, in Linn. Trans, xi. 177* 3 See Planches Col. 399;—also Leach in Linn. Trans, xiii. pi. 12. 4 Annul, des Sciences Nat. xvii. 454. * Temminck, PI. Col. 419. 6 Voyage, i. 70. 7 Nuttall’s Manual, ii. 70. 8 Natatohes, llliger. ORNITHOLOG Y. 809 telmi- or inlayed by lateral lobes. Their plumage is close, often edes. glossy, and imbued with an oily fluid, which repels the vwater; and their skin is moreover covered with a dense layer of down, which prevents the rapid escape of the heat generated in their bodies. They are the only birds whose neck exceeds their legs in length, the reason of which ar¬ rangement is, that while swimming on the surface of the water they have often to search for their food at some depth. Their sternum is elongated so as to cover the greater part of the viscera, and has only a lateral notch, or oval fora¬ men, so that a large surface is afforded for the insertion of the pectoral muscles. Their oesophagus is always wide, their gizzard generally muscular, and their intestine fur¬ nished with two rather long caeca. Their windpipe varies in form, but the inferior larynx is simple, although in one family it has a curious bony and cartilaginous dilatation. This order has been divided into four families ; 1. The Brachypterce, or short-winged sea-birds, having the wings very short, and the feet placed so far behind that they are obliged to assume a nearly erect posture when on shore. 2. The Longipenno!, or long-winged sea birds, having the wings extremely long, the hind toe free or wanting, and the bill horny. 3. The Totipalmce, of which the hind toe is connected with the rest by a common web, the wings long, and the bill horny. 4. The Lamellirostres, whose bill, which is thick and co¬ vered with a soft skin, has the edges furnished with trans¬ verse horny plates or teeth.1 FAMILY I—BRACKYPTER^E, OR DIVERS. The organization of these birds renders them more aqua¬ tic than those of any other family. Many of them reside almost entirely on the waters, fly little, and walk with diffi¬ culty, their feet being placed very far behind. Their wings are generally extremely short, and their flight, although sometimes rapid, is neither undulated nor buoyant. In some species they are reduced to mere organs of natation, the quills not being developed. All the species are furnished with a dense and short plumage, swim and dive with re¬ markable agility, and pursue their prey under the surface, employing their wings as well as their feet to aid their progress. They are generally distributed, migrate exten¬ sively, and breed in society, often on rocky islands or abrupt cliff’s. This family may be divided into three tribes. Is/. The divers,—Colymbidce, are characterized by their straight, compressed, pointed, smooth bill, linear and lateral nostrils, narrow wings, and short tail. In some the feet are lobed, in others webbed. The grebes, genus Podiceps (Plate XVII., fig. 1), re¬ semble the coots in the form of their feet, their anterior toes, instead of being connected by webs, being merely dilated by means of lateral lobes. Their body is generally short and depressed ; their neck long and slender ; their bill straight, compressed, tapering, and pointed ; their nos¬ trils linear and pervious. The legs (tibiae) are entirely concealed in the abdomen ; the tarsi are extremely com¬ pressed ; and the claw of the middle toe is flattened and dilated. The plumage is remarkably soft, silky, and often, especially on the lower part, has a shining gloss. Their wings are very narrow, and their tail is generally reduced to a slight tuft of scarcely distinguishable feathers. These birds when on shore are obliged to stand in a nearly erect posture ; but although they walk with difficulty, their flight is rapid, and their motions on the water extremely quick. Palmi. They dive and pursue their way under water with extreme pedes, agility, and when apprehensive of danger generally disap- pear under the surface, instead of flying off. Their food consists of small fishes, Crustacea, mollusca, and insects, as well as seeds of aquatic plants; and they nestle in marshy places, laying several eggs, generally of a white colour. Their plumage varies so much, according to age and sex, that the species have been erroneously multiplied by au¬ thors. Four species inhabit Europe, of which two may be particularly mentioned. The great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus, is of the size of a mallard, blackish brown on the upper parts, with a white band on the wing, and of a silvery white beneath. The adults have a double black crest, and a large reddish ruff or tippet margined with black, on the upper part of the neck. This species inhabits the northern part of both con¬ tinents, where it breeds, and whence it migrates southward ' on the approach of winter. The nest is made of rushes and flags, or other aquatic herbage; and the eggs, three or four in number, are of a greenish white. Several au¬ thors allege that the female sometimes succours her young, when fatigued or in danger, by carrying them on her back or beneath her wings. From their surprising agility in diving they are not inappropriately named water-witches and dippers in America. The skins are dressed and made into muffs and tippets. The little grebe, or dobchick, Pcdiceps minor, is the smallest of the species, not exceeding ten inches in length. It is not uncommon in most parts of Europe, as well as in the north of Asia, and the country around Hudson’s Bay. In large rivers and lakes individuals are said to be some¬ times devoured by pike and other fishes. In the adult the upper parts are deep black, the lower silvery gray, the throat black, and the neck ferruginous. The finfoots, Podoa, Illig., have the feet lobed like the coots and grebes ; but their tail is more developed, and their claws more pointed. (Plate XVII., fig. 2.) To this genus have been referred the African finfoot, P. Senegalen- sis, and the Surinam species, P. Surinamensis, which latter, however, is by some considered as belonging to Anhinga. The divers properly so called, genus Colymbus, greatly resemble the grebes in form, but differ from them in hav¬ ing the toes regularly webbed, and the tail moderately de¬ veloped. Their body is elongated, and somewhat depressed; their neck long, their head small, oblong, and compressed ; their bill rather long, straight, and tapering to a point; their plumage short and close; their wings of moderate length, but very narrow. These birds are peculiarly aqua¬ tic, and while in search of food remain often longer sub¬ merged than on the surface, to which they seem occasion¬ ally to come merely for the purpose of respiring. They feed on fishes of various kinds, but generally of small size, as well as on Crustacea. Like the grebes, they dive when alarmed, and are not easily raised from the water, although their flight, which is direct, is very rapid. On land they stand erect, and walk with difficulty. They are generally solitary, breed on the margins of lakes in the arctic re¬ gions, and lay two or three very elongated, dark-coloured, and spotted eggs. Their flesh is dark-coloured and unsa¬ voury. Of this genus the more remarkable species are the following. The great northern diver, Colymbus glacialis, is about two feet and three quarters long, with the upper parts black, spotted with white ; the head and neck glossy black, with green reflections, the lower parts white; the tail has twenty feathers. This species is generally distributed in 1 For some interesting general observations on certain genera of this order, the reader may consult “ Remarks on the Pelagic Birds, and on certain other Palmipedes, considered especially as regards their habits and their geographical distribution in the Oceans of the Globe,” published in Freycinet’s Voyage autour du Monde,—Pariie Zoologique, par MM. Quoy and Gaimard. VOL. XVI. 5 K 810 ORNITHOLOGY. Palmi- the'cold and temperate climates of the northern hemi- Pe —‘ > spliere* It breeds in the arctic regions, generally on the margin of- lakes, or on islands, laying three eggs of a dull olive tint spotted with dusky. “ Far out at sea in winter,” says Nuttall, “and in the great western lakes, particularly Huron and Michigan, in summer, I have often heard, on a fine calm morning, the sad and wolfish call of the solitary loon, which like a dismal echo seems slowly to invade the ear, and rising as it proceeds, dies away in the air. This boding sound to mariners, suppos¬ ed to be indicative of a storm, may be heard sometimes for two or three miles, when the bird itself is invisible, or reduced almost to a speck in the distance. The abori¬ gines, nearly as superstitious as sailors, dislike to hear the cry of the loon, considering the bird, from its shy and extraordinary habits, as a sort of supernatural being. By the Norwegians its long-drawn howl is, with more appear¬ ance of reason, supposed to portend rain.” The flesh of this bird is dark and unpalatable; but its skin, with the feathers on, is used by various barbarous tribes as an arti¬ cle of clothing. Two other species, of inferior size, the red-throated di¬ ver, C. septentrionalis, and the black-throated, C. arcticus, inhabit the same regions, and are nearly similar in ha¬ bits. Both these birds breed in some of the northern parts of Scotland. The guillemots, genus Uria, have the bill of moderate length, robust, straight, compressed, and pointed; the nostrils nearly basal, lateral, linear, and partially covered by short feathers. The head is rather large and oblong, the neck short. The legs are placed far back, and their feet differ from those of the divers in wanting the hind toe. Their wings are short, narrow, and pointed; but they fly with considerable speed, and their tail is very short and rounded. These birds migrate in small flocks, and collect in vast assemblages to breed on the abrupt precipices and rocky islands of the northern seas, whence they again retire towards the end of autumn. They form no nest, but deposit their single egg, which is pyriform and of great size, on the bare rock. The common guillemot, Uria troile, is somewhat less than the mallard, and has the bill longer than the head; its upper parts are black, the lower white, as are the tips of the secondary quills ; in summer the head is brown, and the adult has a black stripe behind the eye. This spe¬ cies is very abundant along the northern coasts of Eu¬ rope and America, and nowhere more so than in the Bri¬ tish seas. i Another species, about the same size, but distinguishable by having the bill shorter and much more robust, is the thick-billed guillemot, Uria Brunnichii, which also occurs in the northern seas of both continents, but does not ex¬ tend so far south as the former. The Greenland dove, or little guillemot of authors, has been considered by some as constituting a distinct genus, to which Cuvier has given the name of Cephus. It is about the size of a large pigeon, and is entirely black, ex¬ cepting a large white space on the middle of the wing, and the feet, which are red. This species, unlike those men¬ tioned above, breeds under stones or in the crevices of rocks, wjiere it lays two or three light-coloured eggs, spotted with dusky. It is frequent in the northern seas, and breeds on the Scottish coasts in great numbers. 2ef The auks,—Alcadce, which form the next group, are very closely allied to the guillemots, from which they are easily distinguished by their extremely compressed and vertically elevated bill, which is usually transversely fur¬ rowed. The toes are entirely webbed, but the hind toe is wanting, as in the guillemots, which they further re¬ semble in their habits and distribution. This tribe may be divided into several subordinate genera. The puffins, genus Fratercula, have the bill shorter Palmi. than the head, and as high at the base as it is long, a cir- pedes, cumstance which gives these birds an extraordinary ap- pearances-and'has given rise to the appellations of coulter- nebs and parrot-bills, vulgarly applied to them. At the base of the bill there is generally an elevated fold of bare skin ; and the nostrils, which are close to the margin, are mere slits. The puffins fly with rapidity, in a direct line, at the height of only a few feet over the waves ; swim and dive with extreme dexterity; and nestle in the crevices of rocks, or more generally in holes formed by themselves in the turf. The species best known and most extensively distribut¬ ed is the common puffin, Fratercula arctica, which is of the size of a pigeon or jackdaw, with the upper parts dusky, the lower white, a broad black band round the neck, the bill red, with three grooves across each mandible. It is abundant on the northern coasts of Europe and America, where it breeds in burrows formed by itself in the soil of unfrequented islands and headlands, making no proper nest, and laying a single whitish and pyriform egg. Another species, having a still more singular appear¬ ance, on account of two tufts of silky feathers on its head, inhabits the shores of Kamtschatka, the Kurile Isles, and others lying between Asia and America. The skins are employed by the natives as an article of clothing. Some species having the bill less elevated, somewhat quadrangular, and notched near the tip, have been distin¬ guished by M. Temminck under the generic name of Pha- leris. Of these may be mentioned the Ph. psittacula, and Ph. cristatella, both inhabitants of the north-western coast of America, Kamtschatka, and the Kurile Isles. The auks properly so called, or restricted genus Alca, have the bill more elongated, and in shape somewhat re¬ sembling the blade of a common pocket-knife, its base being feathered as far as the nostrils. As an example of the er¬ rors into which persons little conversant with living birds may fall, may be adduced the following statement of Cu¬ vier with regard to the auks: “Their wings are decidedly too small to sustain them, and they do not fly at all.” So far is this from being the case with our common species, that it flies with as much celerity as the guillemot and puffin, and in its ordinary flight outstrips the gulls and terns, although these birds fly with greater buoyancy. The statement, however, is correct as applying to the great auk, which might perhaps with propriety be referred to a separate genus. The species so common on our coasts, as well as on those of Europe and North America, is the razor-billed auk, Alca torda, which is about the size of the common guillemot, and similarly coloured, being black above and white beneath, with a white band on the wing, and a line or two of the same colour on the bill. The great auk, Alca impennis, is the largest bird of this family, equalling a goose in size. Its colour is similar to that of the common species; but its bill, which is marked with eight or ten grooves, is entirely black, and it has an oval white spot between the bill and the eye. Its wings are reduced to a kind of paddles, and are similar to those of the penguins, so that it does not possess the faculty of flying. It inhabits the highest latitudes of the globe, but is extremely rare, so that specimens are of very unfre¬ quent occurrence in collections, and the only one in this country is that of the British Museum. A few instances have occurred of its being seen on the northern coasts of Scotland. In the northern seas this remarkable bird seems to represent the species of the next group, which belong to the other extremity of the globe. 3d. The penguins,—Aptenodidcs, are entirely destitute of the faculty of flying, their wings being converted into small, oblong, flattened paddles or fins, covered with mi- ORNITHOLOGY. 811 Imi- nute scale-like feathers. Their body is elliptical and de- two feet long, with the upper parts, a band on the breast, Palmi- des. pressed, their neck of moderate length, their head oblong, and a collar on the middle of the neck, black, inhabits pedes, their bill of moderate length, generally slender and point- Terra del Fuego, the Straits of Magellan, and other parts ed, the upper mandible covered with feathers for a third of the antarctic regions, where they are very numerous, of its length, or as far as the nostrils, whence a groove ex- This species, like the gorfou, and probably all the birds of tends to the tip. Their legs are very short, and placed so this tribe, has a habit of leaping several feet out of the far behind that they cannot support themselves on land, water, either when about to dive, or when it meets with even in a vertical position, without resting on their tarsi, any obstacle on the surface, which are flattened behind, somewhat like the foot of a quadruped. Their life is chiefly spent on the ocean, and as they possess the faculties of swimming and diving in FAMILY II LONGIPENN-ffi. the highest degree of perfection, they are the most truly aquatic of all birds, and the analogues of the swallows, To this family belong those wandering sea-birds which, which are the most aerial. If any bird approaches nearly having a flight characterized by extreme buoyancy and in structure and habits to a quadruped, the penguins rapidity combined, are met with on all parts of the ocean, may claim kindred with the seals, which they greatly re- frequently at the greatest distance from land. Their wings semble in their mode of life, going on shore merely to are always very long, although often extremely narrow; breed, and dragging themselves over the rocks in a similar and their tail is proportionally developed. Their hind toe manner. „ is small and free, or wanting; their bill pointed or hooked The penguins peculiarly so named, genus Aptenodytes, at the tip, but without lamellae; their inferior larynx has , as restricted, have the bill rather long, slender, and point- only one muscle on each side; their oesophagus is wide, ed, the upper mandible slightly arched towards the end, their stomach muscular, their caeca short. They are inca- and covered with feathers at the base; the nostrils linear, pable of diving and pursuing their prey under the surface, with the nasal groove extending to the tip. but they swim with ease, and sit lightly and gracefully on The Patagonian or great penguin, Aptenodytes Pata- the water. Some of them obtain their food by dipping or gonica (Plate XVIL, fig. 4), is nearly of the size of the plunging from on wing, others by picking it up as they great auk, of a dark-grayish blue above, white beneath, swim, while several wander to great distances in quest of the head black, and a yellow curved band on the fore dead animals of all kinds, and are in fact the vultures of neck. It occurs in great flocks on the coasts of the Falk- the sea. land Isles, New Guinea, New George, the Straits of Ma- The petrels, Procellarice, have their bill hooked at the gellan, and other antarctic lands; feeds on fish, crusta- tip, which seems as if formed of a separate piece articu- cea, and mollusca ; and is employed by the natives as an lated to the rest (Plate XVII., figures 5, 6, and 9); their article of food, although its flesh is dark-coloured and rank, nostrils placed close together, and enclosed by a tube which The gorfous, genus Chrysocoma, have the bill short, lies on the back of the upper mandible; and their hind strong, and somewhat conical, with the point a little arch- toe reduced to a knob with a claw upon it. These birds, ed. (Plate XVII., fig. 3 A) The groove from the nostril although many of them are very small, reside on the open ends about a third from the tip. In other respects they ocean, where they are met with by voyagers in the most do not differ materially from the penguins. tempestuous as in the calmest weather. Their food con- The leaping gorfou, Chrysocoma saltator, is a handsome sists of Small fishes, Crustacea, and especially oily sub¬ bird, of the size of a domestic duck, with the head and stances of all kinds; and most of them when seized, whe- upper parts grayish black, the lower white, and the head ther, on being wounded or on being dragged from their ornamented with a large crest, of which the central part holes, disgorge an oleaginous matter, or squirt it through is erect and dusky, the lateral portions deflected, and of their nostrils. They are incapable of diving, and seldom a yellow colour. It is common in the Falkland Islands swim, but are generally seen flying or gliding over the sur- and other parts of the sou thern seas ; and, like the Pata- face of the waves, mounting upon their ridges and descend- gonian penguin and other birds of this group, is said to be ing into the hollows, often so close as to seem walking on so stupid as to allow itself to be assailed without attempt- the water. Hence the name Petrel, or Little Peter, be¬ ing to escape. It is extremely expert at diving; and like se- stowed upon them, in allusion to St Peter’s progress on the veral birds of different families, such as the cormorants and waves. In stormy weather they frequently fly in the Wake darters, is often observed, while about to plunge beneath of a ship, to shelter themselves from the wind. On account the surface, to leap several feet out of the water,—whence of this habit they are held in aversion by sailors, who, ima- our sailors have named it the hopping penguin, or jump- gining them to be predictive of tempests, and in league ing Jack. The word gorfou is a corruption of goir-fugel, with the mysterious source of evil, bestow on them the or gare-fowl, applied in Ferroe and the north of Scotland opprobrious appellation of Mother Carey’s chickens. I heir to the great auk, Alca impennis. ' flight is rapid and buoyant; they breed in holes and cre- Several other species of this genus are known, and in- vices of the rocky coasts; and are more numerous in the habit the same seas, such as the Papuan gorfou, Chr. Pa- antarctic than in the northern seas. pua ; the collared, Chr. tor quota ; the red-footed, Chr. Those which have the lower mandible truncate are more catarructes; and the little gorfou, Chr. minor. peculiarly named petrels, genus Procellaria. Thesphenisques, genus Spheniscus, form a group cha- Of these the largest is the giant petrel, Procellaria gi- racterized by their straight, compressed bill, which is irre- gantea, which has a length of about three feet and a half, gularly grooved at the base, and has the tip of the upper and is of a dusky colour above, whitish beneath, with the mandible curved, while that of the lower is obliquely trun- bill and legs yellow. It is of frequent occurrence in the cate, as in the cormorant. (Plate XVII., figure 3 a.) southern seas, is observed to be most lively in stormy The Cape sphenisque, Spheniscus demersus, is about weather, and feeds on fishes, and the carcasses of seals, twenty inches long, black above, white beneath, with the birds, and other animals. throat and cheeks black, a white line over each eye, and The*pintado, or Cape petrel, Procellaria Capensis, is a black band across the fore part of the neck, and extend- about fourteen inches long; "variegated with browh and ing along each side of the body. It occurs in the vicinity white, and occurs in large flocks in the antarctic seas, par- of the Cape of Good Hope, where it nestles in the rocks, ticularly in the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope. Like Another species, Spheniscus Magellanicus, upwards of most of the other species, it flies very low, feeds on fish 812 Palmi¬ pedes. ORNITHOLOGY. and the carcasses of cetaceous animals, and when caught squirts out a quantity of oil from the nostrils. In the arctic seas a very abundant species is the fulmar petrel, Procellaria glacialis, which is nearly of the size of the herring gull, and has the upper parts of a light bluish- gray, the head and lower parts white. It is extremely voracious, and although its principal food consists of fish, it devours indiscriminately any floating animal substance, and follows in flocks the track of a wounded whale, until the huge animal is exhausted, when it alights on the car¬ cass, and devours the blubber until satiated. This bird is one of those most familiar to the sailors of the whale-ships, on which it constantly attends, to pick up any offal that is thrown overboard, and come in for its share of the plunder when a whale has been captured. It breeds abundantly in the island of St Kilda, the inhabitants of which obtain a large quantity of oil from the stomachs of the individuals which they catch for that purpose. Of the smaller dark-coloured species may be mentioned the common or storm petrel, P. pelagica, which is not larger than a lark, and in its flight resembles a swallow (Plate XVII., figure 5) ; Leach’s petrel, P. Leachii ; and Wilson’s petrel, P. Wilsonii. Respecting the latter, we may quote the following passage from the description given of it by M. Audubon, in his Ornithological Biography. “ But now, ever flapping its winglets, I have marked the little bird, dusky all over save a single spot, the whiteness of which contrasts with the dark hue of the waters, and the deep tone of the clear sky. Full of life and joy, it moves to and fro, advances towards the ship, then shoots far away, gambols over the swelling waves, dives into their hollows, and twitters with delight as it perceives an object that will alleviate its hunger. Never fatigued, the tiny petrels seldom alight, although at times their frail legs and feet seem to touch the crest of the foaming wave. I love to give every creature all the pleasure I can confer upon it, and towards the little things I cast over the stern such objects as I know they will most prize. Social crea¬ tures I would that all were as innocent as you! There are no bickerings, no jealousies, among you; the first that comes is first served: it is all the result of chance; and thus you pass your lives. But the clouds gather, the gale approaches, and our gallant bark is trimmed. Darkness spreads over the heavens, and the deep waters send back a blacker gloom, broken at intervals by the glimmer of the spray. You meet the blast, and your little wings bear you up against it for a while; but you cannot encounter the full force of the tempest; and now you have all come the nostrils opening, not by a common orifice, but by two distinct apertures. (Plate XVII., fig. 9.) Of this genus may be mentioned the cinerous puffin- ' petrel, Puffinus cinereas ; the Manks petrel, Pr. anglorum ; and the dusky petrel, Pr. ohscura. In the genus Haladroma of Illiger, the throat is di¬ latable like that of the cormorants, and the hind toe is entirely wanting as in the albatrosses. In the genus Pa- chyptila of the same author, the bill is enlarged at the base, and its margins are garnished interiorly with fine delicately-pointed vertical lamellae. (See plate XVII., fig. 6.) The albatrosses, genus Diomedea, are the largest and most powerful of all the feathered wanderers of the ocean. Their bill, which is large, strong, and sharp-edged, is terminated by a strong hook ; their nostrils, which are tu¬ bular, are placed apart; and their feet are destitute of the hind toe. Their plumage is full, soft, and elastic, and their wings, although narrow, are exceedingly long. They are thus equally organized for swimming and flying, and are met with in all parts of the intra-tropical and southern oceans, sometimes following a ship in full sail for many days, to pick up the refuse thrown overboard. They fl) with surprising buoyancy and speed, and are able to bear up against the most violent tempests. When fatigued or satiated they rest upon the waters. Their food consists of the carcasses of all sorts of animals, as well as live fishes, Crustacea, mollusca, and other creatures, and their voracity is such that sometimes having gorged themselves to ex¬ cess, they are unable for a time to fly, and may be caught or destroyed. Under these circumstances, however, birds generally disgorge the contents of their gullet and sto¬ mach, and by thus lightening themselves, are enabled to escape. Of the different species of this genus, that which is the best known, as well as the largest, is the wandering alba¬ tross, Diomedea exulans. It is as large as a swan, being four feet in length, and measuring ten feet between the tips of its extended wings ; its upper parts dusky, the low¬ er white, the neck and sides transversely streaked with brown, the primary quills black, the bill yellowish white, the feet flesh-colour. This celebrated bird is principally met with in the seas adjacent to the Cape of Good Hope, and in those that separate the American continent from the Asiatic. It is extremely voracious, feeding on fishes, mollusca, and the carcasses of whales and other animals It is said that when it cannot swallow a large fish at once, it introduces part of it, and waits until it is digested be- close beneath me, where you glide over the curling eddies fore swallowing the rest. Its flesh, although hard and dry. caused by the motion of the rudder. You shall have all possible attention paid you, and I will crawl to the cam- boose, in search of food to support your tiny frames in this hour of need. But at length night closes around, and I bid you farewell....The gale is over ; the clear blue of the sky looks clearer than ever, the sun’s rays are brighter, on the quiet waters the ship seems to settle in tute an extensive group repose, and her wings, though widely spread, no longer found in all parts of the is eaten by the inhabitants of Kamtschatka, who use its bones for tobacco-pipes and needle-cases. From the albatrosses to the larger birds of the next ge¬ nus the transition is but slight, both as regards form and habits. The gulls, genus Larus, Plate XVII. fig. 8, consti- of which representatives are lobe. They are characterized swell with the breeze. At a distance around us the dusky by their longish, compressed bill, of which the upper man- wanderers are enjoying the bright morning; the rudder- dible is arched towards the end, while the lower is there fish, yesterday so hvdy, has ended its career, so violently furnished with an angular prominence. The nostrils, 7hn * ,1 thG WaTS *he vessel5 and aow which are placed near the middle, are linear-oblong and VariL ? ga e/. arTnC* VV*1 floats oa the usur^e. pervious. Their body is generally light, the neck of mo¬ tile fri& ° Y ^ er t ey n , lere a small ciab, theie derate length, their head ovate and rather large, their legs raLe °faSfa?lant* L°W °VT the deep 5ey of ordinary length, and their hind toe very small, or some- a^e theh '“f f?8 ran on the ^ers. hew times obsolete. Some of the species are met with in It is needle?’^ S^t theiv ^easure, at this moment. the open ocean5 but it is chiefly along the coasts, and will return to my t“sk»0 fPecial,y "ear the mouths of rivers, that they are most The miffin rwLio8 " r> i /• frequently seen, and in stormy weather thev often make ^.?e.nuU* P™F.IN0S.' are separated/rom over the land in Ja|.ch of wormS) lartK> - the rest nn lu ~ incursions over the land i t rest on account of their having the extremity of the rnrrjnn lower mandible decurved as well - ~ ■ - carrion. / and , . ,, . - , Their food consists chiefly of small fishes, as that of the upper, and crustacea, and mollusca ; but to the larger species hardly Palmi¬ pedes. ORNITHOLOGY. ’almi- any animal substance comes amiss. They breed along the ^edes. shores, on unfrequented islands and headlands, laying in a hollow on the ground from two to four eggs, spotted with dusky. Among the larger species, some are remarkable for the dark or blackish hue of their back and wings; but in ge¬ neral the colour of those parts is a light-grayish blue, while that of the lower is pure white. One species, the ivory gull, Larus eburneus, has the plumage entirely of the latter colour when in the adult state. The greater black- backed gull, Larus marmus, the smaller black-backed gull, Larus fuscus, and the thick-billed gull of New Hol¬ land, Larus melanoleucos, afford examples of the first kind above alluded to. The largest known species is the bur¬ gomaster, Larus glaucus, of a light-grayish blue above, white beneath, with the tail and tips of the wings also white. It inhabits the arctic regions of Europe and Ame¬ rica, seldom making its appearance in the temperate cli¬ mates. One of the most common species on our coasts is the herring gull, Larus argentatus, which remains with us throughout the year. A gradual transition is observ¬ able from these larger species, which assimilate to the alba¬ trosses, to the smaller, which are intimately connected with the terns. Some species having very peculiar characters, have been separated from the gulls, and formed into a genus apart. These are the jagers, genus Lestris, which have the tip of the upper mandible hooked, and the nostrils larger and placed nearer the end of the bill than those of the gulls. Their tail is generally pointed, their wings long, and their flight is extremely rapid. Although they occasionally fish for themselves, they obtain their food chiefly by attacking various species of gulls and terns, which they teaze to make them disgorge their food, which they then swallow. Of this genus the more remarkable species are the skua, Lestris catarractes, which is nearly equal in size to the great black-backed gull ; the pomarine jager, L. pomari* nus; and Richardson’s jager, L. Jiichardsonii, which is common on our coasts in autumn, and breeds in the Shet¬ land Islands and Hebrides. The terns, genus Sterna, are generally of small size, and remarkable for their slender body, long and narrow wings, and forked tail. Their feet are extremely short, and their bill longish, compressed, and pointed. They very seldom swim, but, when fatigued or satiated with food, re¬ pose on the rocks or sands. Their flight is extremely buoyant, and they usually obtain their food by plunging after it into the water from on wing. From their form and the peculiar mode of flying, they have also obtained the name of sea-swallows. The most common species on the coasts of Europe are the arctic tern, Sterna arctica ; the common tern, St. Hi- rundo; and the little tern, St. minuta ; but several other species occur there. The noddies, genus Anous, differ from the terns in hav¬ ing the tail even at the end, and nearly equal with the wings. Their bill also is more like that of the smaller gulls. They are said to be so stupid as to allow themselves to be killed without attempting to fly off; but this only happens in places where they have not been accustomed to meet with man. The species best known is the black noddy, Anous niger (Sterna stolida, Linn.), which is very common in the tropical seas, and is of a sooty-brown, excepting the top of the head, which is grayish white. It often settles on the rigging of vessels, when the sailors sometimes catch it at night while asleep. The skimmers, genus Rhynchops, (Plate XVII., fig. 7), are very nearly allied to the terns, but are distinguished from all other birds by the extraordinary form of their bill, of which the upper mandible is considerably shorter than 813 the lower, and grooved beneath, so as to receive the edge Palmi- of the latter, which is extremely thin. They procure their pedes, food in the same manner as the terns, skimming along the surface of the water, and dipping their bill into it to seize a small fish, as opportunity occurs. The only species whose habits are known is the black skimmer, Rhynchops nigra, which is about twenty inches long, its bill and feet red, its upper parts black, the lower white, its wings considerably longer than the tail. It oc¬ curs along the coasts of America, from New York to Bra¬ zil, breeding on the sandy shores in June, and continuing in flocks all the year. FAMILY III—TOTIPALMJE. The birds of which this family is composed are those to which the palmipede is more peculiarly applicable ; for not only are their anterior toes connected by webs or membranes, as in the other tribes, but their hind toe is similarly connected with the inner. Their tarsi are gene¬ rally short, their wings and tail long, their neck elongated, and their bill rather slender, somewhat conical, but gene¬ rally hooked at the joint. They swim, and for the most part dive, with admirable dexterity, generally fly with great celerity, feed entirely on fishes and other marine ani¬ mals, and are remarkable among web-footed birds for fre¬ quently perching on trees. The pelicans, Pelecani, comprehend those which have at the base of the bill a space destitute of feathers. The skin of their throat is extensile, their tongue very small, their gullet of great width, their caeca small, their nostrils mere slits, sometimes obsolete. The pelicans properly so called, genus Pelecanus, Plate XVII., fig. 10, are distinguished from all other birds by the singular structure of their bill, of which the upper man¬ dible, however, presents nothing very remarkable, while the lower has its rami extremely slender and elastic, with a large dilatable membranous bag attached to it. They are birds of large size, with wings of moderate length, the tail rounded, the feet short, and the claws curved. The most remarkable species is the common pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus (above referred to), which is as large as a swan, and entirely of a white colour tinged with red, excepting the alula and primary quills, which are black. Its length is nearly six feet, and its extended wings mea¬ sure about fifteen. Its upper mandible is flattened, with a hook at the point; and the sac appended to the lower mandible extends about nine inches down the neck, and may be dilated so as to hold a man’s head with ease. This pelican occurs in the tropical and warmer temperate re¬ gions of the old continent, and is common in the eastern countries of Europe. Its principal food is fish, which it catches with great dexterity, by plunging after it from on wing. In fishing it fills the gular pouch, and does not im¬ mediately devour its prey, but when it has obtained a suf¬ ficiency, returns to the shore, and swallows it at leisure. The female forms a large nest of grass in a marshy place, and lays two or three white eggs, similar to those of a swan. The brown pelican, P. fuscus, of a grayish-brown colour, and nearly four feet in length, is common in most parts of America, and especially in the West Indies. A very large species, P. australis, of a white colour, with the upper part of the back, the quills, and tail, black, inhabits New Hol¬ land. The cormorants, genus Phalacrocorax, resemble the pelicans in their general form, but are destitute of the large gular sac, having merely a bare dilatable mem¬ brane at the base of the lower mandible. They differ far¬ ther in not procuring their prey by plunging after it from 814 ORNITHOLOGY. Palmi- on wing, their mode of fishing being similar to that of the pedes, divevs. Ihe common cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo, is nearly as large as a goose, and has a brownish-black colour, with a white spot on the thigh, and streaks of the same colour on the head and neck. It nestles in the cavities of rocks, or on trees, laying three pale-green eggs, crusted with white calcareous matter ; and is common in the northern parts of both continents. It is stated that this species was formerly trained in England for the purpose of catching fish. “ When they come to the rivers,” says Willughby, “ they take off their hoods, and having tied a leather thong.round the lower part of their necks, that they may not swallow down the fish they catch, they throw them into the river. They presently dive under water, and there for a time, with wonderful swiftness, they pursue the fish, and when they have caught them, they rise presently to the top of the water, and pressing the fish lightly with their bills, they swallow them, till each bird hath in this manner swallowed five or six fishes; then their keepers call them to the fist, to which they readily fly, and, little by little, one after another, vomit up all their fish, a little bruised with the nip they gave them in their bills. When they have done fishing, getting the birds on some high place, they loose the string from their neck, leaving the passage to the stomach free and open ; and for their reward they throw them part of the prey they have caught, to each, perchance, one or two fishes, which they by the way, as they are falling in the air, will catch most dexterously in their mouths.” A very common species on our coasts is the crested cormorant, Phal. cristatus, which is of a dark-greenish colour, with a recurved frontal tuft, and resembles the preceding in its habits, breeding in the rocky caverns of islands and headlands. Many other species occur in differ¬ ent parts of the world, the genus being generally distri¬ buted. The frigate-birds, genus Tachypetes, differ from the cormorants in having the tail forked, the wings extremely * elongated, the feet very short, with their webs emarginate, and the tip of both mandibles decurved. Their flight is extremely rapid and buoyant, and they prey upon fishes, which they capture by plunging after them from on wing, or obtain by forcing the gannets to disgorge. Only one species is well known. The common frigate-bird, Tachypetes aquilus, is of a dusky colour, more or less variegated with white on the neck, and sometimes measures ten feet between the tips of its extended wings. It inhabits the tropical regions, and is found in great abundance on the island of Ascension. Its principal food consists of flying-fishes, which it cap¬ tures during their aerial excursions. The following ac¬ count of this remarkable species, generally known to na¬ vigators by the name of the man-of-war, or frigate, is given by Mr Audubon. “ This bird is possessed of a powrer of flight, which I conceive superior to that of per¬ haps any other bird. However swiftly the Cayenne tern, the smaller gulls, or the jager, move on wing, it seems a matter of mere sport to it to overtake any of them. The goshawk, the peregrine, and the gyr-falcon, which I con¬ ceive to be the swiftest of our hawks, are obliged to pur¬ sue their victim, should it be a green-winged teal or pas¬ senger-pigeon, at times for half a mile, at the highest pitch ot their speed, before they can secure them. The bird of which I speak comes from on high with the velo¬ city of a meteor, and on nearing the object of its pursuit, which its keen eye has spied while fishing at a distance, darts on either side to cut off all retreat, and with open bill forces it to drop or disgorge the fish which it had just caught. See him now ! yonder, over the waves leaps the Palmi. brilliant dolphin, as he pursues the flying-fishes, which he Pedes. expects to seize the moment they drop into the water. The frigate-bird, who has marked them, closes his wings, dives towards them, and now ascending, holds one of the tiny things across its bill. Already fifty yards above the sea, he spies a porpoise in full chase, launches towards the spot, and in passing seizes the mullet that has escaped from its dreaded foe ; but now, having obtained a fish too large for his gullet, he rises, munching it all the while, as if bound for the skies. Three or four of his own tribe have watched him, and observed his success. They shoot towards him on broadly extended pinions, rise in wride cir¬ cles, smoothly, yet as swiftly as himself. They are now all at the same height, and each, as it overtakes him, lashes him with its wings, and tugs at his prey. See ! one has fairly robbed him, but before he can secure the contested fish it drops. One of the other birds has caught it, but he is pursued by all. From bill to bill, and through the air, rapidly falls the fish, until it drops on the waters, and sinks into the deep. Whatever disappointment the hungry birds feel, they seem to deserve it all.”1 The boobies, or gannets, genus Sula, have the bill straight, conical, a little compressed, and with the point somewhat deflected, the edges serrate, or cut into by short parallel lines. The throat and the space around the eyes are bare; the claw of the middle toe serrate, the wings long and very narrow, and the tail cuneate or tapering. They hover over the water when fishing, and plunge head¬ long after their prey, resting a few moments on emerging before they resume their flight. The common gannet or solan goose, Sula bassana, occurs on the coasts of Europe and North America, and breeds in vast numbers on remote and rocky islands. The Bass Rock at the entrance of the Frith of Forth is a well- known haunt of this species, as are Ailsa Craig in the Clyde, St Kilda, and Suliskerry. The nest is very bulky, and composed of sea-weeds ; the single egg not larger than that of a domestic duck, and of a white colour ; the young, at first covered with snow'-white down, is when fledged of a dark-brown colour, spotted with white. Although the flesh of this species is rank and oily, it was formerly con¬ sidered a kind of delicacy, and is still sparingly used in the south of Scotland. The booby gannet, Sula Candida, is inferior in size to the species just mentioned, which it closely resembles in form and habits. It is common on the coasts of the warm¬ er parts of America, particularly in the Bahama Islands and the Brazilian seas. Although it sometimes nestles on the ground, it generally builds on trees, and reposes there at night. It is said to be a very stupid bird, allowing it¬ self to be knocked on the head or seized, without attempt¬ ing to escape,—whence the name of booby, commonly given to it by the sailors, who frequently employ it as an article of food, although its flesh is dark-coloured and dis¬ agreeable. The darters, genus Plotus, resemble the cormorants in the form of their body and feet, but are more slender, and have a very elongated neck, with a small head, and a straight, slender, and pointed bill. Like the cormorants, they swim deep in the water, but with agility, and in div¬ ing spring fairly out of it to plunge headlong after their prey. They inhabit the warm countries of America. The black-bellied darter, Plotus melanogaster, Plate XVIII., figure 1, is upwards of three feet long, of a dusky colour, with the neck and back streaked with white. The white-bellied darter, P. anhinga, is about the same size, but has the lower parts white. It inhabits Brazil and * Ornithological Biography* ORNITHOLOGY. hlmi- other parts of America, roosting at night on trees, whence, :?des. should one approach, they drop into the water as if dead; and on emerging at a distance, show only their long slen¬ der necks and heads, which bear so much resemblance to those of serpents, that this species is frequently named the snake-bird. The tropic birds, genus Phaeton, which form the last group of this section, bear a considerable resemblance to the gannets, but are readily distinguished by the two extremely elongated feathers of their tail, on account of which the French give them the not inappropriate name ofpaille-en-queue. Their head is entirely feathered ; their bill straightish, tapering, pointed, and denticulated on the edges; their feet are short, and their wings long. The flight of these birds is rapid and buoyant, and they are often seen far out at sea. As they seldom extend their range beyond the tropics, their occurrence apprises navi¬ gators of their entrance into the warmer regions. They perch and nestle upon trees. Two species are distinguished ;—the common, or white¬ tailed tropic bird, Phaeton cethereus; and the red-tailed species, Ph. phcenicurus. The former is white, with the ocular region and shoulders black, the primary quills of the same colour, and the bill red. It inhabits the Atlantic Ocean. The latter is of a pale rose-colour, or reddish white, with the ocular region and wing-coverts deep black, and the two elongated feathers of the tail red. It occurs in the Indian and African Seas, at Madagascar, the Cape of Good Hope, the Isle of France, and many of the South Sea islands. FAMILY IV—LAMELLIROSTItES. The birds of this family are readily distinguished from those of the preceding by the peculiar structure of the bill, which has its margins furnished with horny lamellae, or dentiform processes, and its surface covered with soft skin, in place of the horny envelope which is spread over that of the other Palmipedes. The tongue, which is broad and fleshy, has its margins also lamellate ; the gizzard is ex¬ tremely muscular, although not of large capacity, and the caeca are rather long. Another remarkable distinction is found in the lower larynx, which generally has a very ex¬ traordinary dilatation in the males. Their body is usually somewhat depressed, their wings of moderate length, their feet short, and their neck more or less elongated, some¬ times of extreme length. They swim with ease, but walk in a constrained and vacillating manner ; and are for the most part phytophagous, though many feed on mollusca, Crustacea, and fishes. They occur in all parts of the globe,—some being maritime, but the greater number lacustrine or fluviatile, that is, frequenting lakes or rivers. They are naturally arranged into two groups;—the one {Analidce) comprising the swans, geese, and ducks ; the other {Mergidce) composed of the mergansers. The great group of Anatidce includes all those web¬ footed birds which have their bill large and broad, covered with a thin membrane, and having its edges furnished with transverse or oblique lamellae, the object of which seems to be to allow the water to escape when the bird has seized its food. Vegetable substances, especially seeds, roots, and blades”of grasses, form the principal nourish¬ ment of many of the species ; but others feed on fishes, moiiusca, insects, and worms. The piscivorous species dive in pursuit of their prey, while those which feed on vegetable matter either procure it on shore, or along the margins of the water, or, while floating on the surface, ob¬ tain it from some depth by means of their long neck. The flesh of many of these birds is much esteemed, but is not *o readily digestible as that of the waders and gallinaceous 815 order. Many of them moult twice in the year, and after Palmi- the summer change the males assume in part the colours pedes, peculiar to the females, which, on the contrary, exhibit no variation. They generally breed in marshy places, and deposit numerous eggs. The young, which are at first covered with stiffish down, are capable of walking and swimming immediately after birth. The characters by which the subdivisions of this group are distinguished are derived chiefly from the form of the bill. In the swan that organ is as broad at its fore part as at the base, where its height is greater than its breadth, and the nostrils are placed about the middle. In the geese, the bill is shorter than the head, higher than broad at the base, and narrower towards the end. Lastly, in the ducks properly so called, the bill is at least as broad at its extremity as at the base, where it is broader than high the nostrils are placed on the back of the bill near the base. In the swans the neck is extremely long, in the geese of moderate length, and in the ducks generally rather short. The swans, genus Cygnus, are the largest birds of the family, and are characterized by the elegance of their form, and the graceful ease with which they glide over the sur¬ face of the water, although on land their motions are more constrained. Their body is large, their neck extremely elongated, their head oblong, their wings large, and their feet short and strong. They live chiefly on the seeds and roots of aquatic plants, and nestle among the feeds by the margins of lakes and rivers. They are strictly monoga¬ mous, and the young swim and walk immediately after exclusion. The wild swan, Cygnus ferus, has the bill yellow at the base, and black towards the end, the plumage pure white, but in the young of a gray colour. It is readily distin¬ guished from the domestic swan by having the base of the bill flattened above, and by the curvature formed by the wind-pipe, which enters into a cavity in the crest of the sternum, from which it is reflected anteriorly, and then passes into the thorax. This species inhabits the northern regions of both continents, whence it migrates southward on the approach of winter, remaining in the temperate countries until the i-eturn of spring. The female lays from five to seven or eight eggs, of a whitish colour tinged with olive, and is said to incubate six weeks. The flesh and eggs are highly esteemed, and the skins are prepared with the down to be made into garments. The down itself forms an article of commerce, which is in considerable de¬ mand in the colder countries of Europe. The song of the swan is familiar to all the lovers of poetry ; but, like many equally accredited facts, has no real existence; for the cry of this bird, although clear and shrill, is never modulat¬ ed into harmony. When heard at a distance, however, especially from a flock on wing, it is extremely pleasing. Another fable regarding the vast strength of wing of this bird was long believed,—a blow from it being alleged as sufficient to break a man’s thigh. “ It is high time,” says Montagu, “ such absurdities should be erased in this philosophic age, and that the mind of man should reason before he continues to relate such accounts, only calcu¬ lated to frighten children. Let the bones of the wing of the swan be examined, and compared with the thigh of a man, or even of his arm, and it will be evident that it would be as impossible for a swan to break a man’s arm, as it would be to break his head with a reed. The bone of a man’s arm would bear a pressure fifty times as great as the bone of a swan’s wing; how, then, is the inferior in size and strength to break the superior, without at least being itself fractured? It should also be recollected, that a bird is incapable of striking with any degree of force while all its quill-feathers are perfect, the resistance of the air against such a surface being too great to allow of 816 Palmi- pedes. O R N I T H 0 L O G Y. its moving with sufficient velocity to inflict any sensible pain A species very nearly allied to the above is Bewick’s swan, Cygnus Bewickii, which was first distinguished as a species by Mr Yarrell and Mr Richard Wingate of New¬ castle. It has the bill black, with its base orange yellow, the plumage white, and the tail of eighteen feathers, whereas there are twenty in that of the common wild swan. The curvature of the trachea is also different, and the size of the species is about a third smaller. It inha¬ bits the arctic regions of both continents, migrating south¬ ward in winter. The mute or tame swan, Cygnus olor, has the bill red, its edges, the nail at its tip, and a large knob at the base of the upper mandible, black ; the plumage white, the tail of twen¬ ty-four feathers. In this species the trachea has no extra thoracic curvature. The tame swan is said to be found in its wild state in the eastern countries of Europe and Asia. It is generally distributed over Europe in a domesticated state, forming a great ornament to our rivers and artificial pieces of water. It makes its nest of grass, among reeds, and deposits seven or eight eggs of a greenish-white co¬ lour, which are hatched in seven or eight weeks. The young are of a gray colour, and were formerly much es¬ teemed as an article of food. The black swan, Cygnus atratus, of which the general colour of the plumage is brownish black, with part of the wings white, and the bill red, inhabits various parts of New Holland, and is now not uncommon in a domesticated state in this country. (See Plate XVIII., figure 5.) Intermediate between the swans and geese are several species, such as the Guinea goose, slnas cygnoides of Lin¬ naeus, and the spur-winged or Gambia goose, Anas Gam- bensis of the same author,—which, although less elegant than the swans, are yet nearly allied to them in the form of their bill. The geese, genus Anser, are distinguished, as has been already said, by the form of their bill, which is short, and narrowed towards the point. Their feet are also pro¬ portionally longer than those of the ducks, so that they have a greater facility in walking. They swim less, how¬ ever, and are incapable of diving. They live in flocks, feed on gramineous plants and seeds, migrate in large bo¬ dies, which during their flight are usually disposed in di¬ vergent lines, and breed in marshy places, laying nume- rous eggs. Those species which have the bill more slen¬ der and somewhat cylindrical, are separated by some au¬ thors to form the genus Bernicla. Three species of geese properly so called, and two of bernicles, are not uncommon during winter in this and other countries of Europe. That to which the origin of the domestic goose is attri¬ buted, the gray lag, or common wild goose, Anser ferus, is nearly thiee feet long, with the bill large and of an orange colour, the feet flesh-coloured, and the plumage light gray and clove brown ; the rump and lower parts white. It was formerly very abundant in this country, where it resided all the year, but is now met with only in small flocks in the winter season, although a few individuals have recent¬ ly been found to breed in the north of Scotland—for ex¬ ample, in the islets of the lochs of Sutherland. The bean goose, Anser segetum, is a little smaller, with the bill more elongated, and of an orange colour, with its base and the nail black; the upper part ash-gray tinged with brown, the rump dark brown, the abdomen and lower tau-coverts white. This species is much more plentiful with us than the last, appearing in large flocks in Novem¬ ber, and retiring northward in April and May. The white-fronted goose, Anser albifrons, has the bill and legs orange, the plumage gray on the upper parts, on the lower white, and a patch of the same colour on the forehead. Ihe common bernicle, Anser leucopsis, which has the forehead, cheeks, and throat white, with the crown of the head, the neck, and the breast black, is not unfrequent on the western coast of Britain in winter; and the brentgoose, Anser torquatus, characterized by having the head, neck, and breast black, with a white patch on each side of the neck, is also common in many parts, especially along our eastern shores. The former of these species was long be¬ lieved, even by the learned, to be the produce of a species of cirripodous animal, the Lepas anatifera of Linnams, the long feather-like branchiae of which gave rise to this ab¬ surd fable. Another species of bernicle was observed, on Captain Parry s second voyage, on Melville Peninsula, and named by Dr Richardson, in the Fauna Boreali-Americana, in ho¬ nour of Mr Hutchins, from whom Pennant and Latham derived most of their information respecting the birds of Hudson s Bay. It is about twenty-five inches in length with a very short black bill; the head, neck, rump, and tail pitch-black, and a white kidney-shaped patch upon the throat. From the bernicles and geese some authors distinguish, under the generic name of spurwing, Chenalopex, the species usually named the Egyptian goose, which has the bill longer than the bernicles, and has the wings armed with a spur upon the bend. It inhabits various parts of Africa, especially Egypt and the Cape of Good Hope, whence it has been introduced into this country. I he next genus, Cereopsis, is formed by a New Hol¬ land species, resembling the bernicles in form, but with the bill smaller, and having at its base a membrane ex¬ tending over the forehead. The palmation of the feet is not so full as usuaD (Plate XVIII,, figure 2.) The ducks, properly so called, have the legs much shorter than the geese, and placed farther back, the neck shorter, and the body more depressed. Their trachea also has a large dilatation at its bifurcation. Some of them, having the hind toe margined with a membrane or lobe, the tarsi more compressed, the head larger, and the wings shorter, feed on fishes and other aquatic animals, and are less expert at walking, but dive with greater agility. These species have been variously grouped by authors into numerous genera, of which the following are among the more remarkable. The scoters, genus Oidemia, have the bill short and broad, with an elevated tumour or knob at the base, but towards the tip much depressed and flattened, the nail ob¬ tuse and roundish; the lamellae widely set, and scarcely projecting ; the nostrils oval and sub-medial, the tail short and graduated. To this genus belong the velvet scoter, Oidemia fusca ; the black scotei, O. nigra j and the surf scoter, O. perspi- cillata ; which occur along the coasts of the northern tem¬ perate regions in winter, feeding on fishes, and especially mussels and other testaceous mollusca. Like that of the other sea-ducks, their flesh is held in little estimation, be¬ ing dark-coloured and tough, with a fishy flavour. The garrots, genus Clangula, have the bill shorte than the head, elevated at the base, narrowed towards the end; the lamella numerous, but not projecting ; the nos¬ trils roundish, and medial; the tail of moderate length, and graduated. Ihe golden-eye, Clangula chrysophthalma, which is white, with the head, the back, and the tail black, a small ^ Ornithological Dictionary * ■ For the history of the only known species, CVr. Now Holland^, see Zoological Garden,, vol. ii. p. 315. ORNITHOLOGY. 817 •des. spot before the eye, and two bands on the wing, white, breeds in the arctic regions of both continents, and appears on the estuaries and lakes of the more temperate countries in winter. The female is of a gray colour, with the head brown. To this genus belongs the harlequin-duck, Clangula his- trionica (P\a.te XVIII., fig. 3, which is distinguished by having a large patch of white on the lore, a spot on the ear, a longitudinal band on the sides of the neck, a transverse band on the neck, and another on each side of the breast, white; with the speculum or wing-spot blue, and the legs dusky. It derives its name from the singularity of its mark¬ ings, and inhabits the northern parts of both continents. The pochards, genus Fuligula, have the bill as long as the head, broad and much depressed anteriorly, and a little dilated towards the tip ; the upper lamellae not projecting beyond the margin ; the nostrils oblong, sub-basal; the wings and tail short, the latter rounded. This section con¬ tains a great number of species, most of which are mari¬ time and piscivorous, although the flesh of many is consi¬ dered palatable, and that of one, the canvass-backed duck, has been celebrated by the epicures of the western world. The red-headed pochard, Fuligula ferina, of which the head and neck are bright chesnut, the breast black, the sides and scapulars marked with undulated lines of black and grayish white, is not uncommon on the coasts of Europe during the winter, and is not unfrequently seen in our markets. Another common species is the scaup-pochard, Fidigula marila, which has the head and neck black glossed with green, the back and scapulars whitish with undulating black lines, and the alar speculum white. The canvass-backed pochard just alluded to, Fuligula valisneria (Plate XVIII., figure 4), resembles the red¬ headed species, and is characterized by having the fore¬ head and cheeks dull brown; the head and upper part of the neck fulvous, the lower part with a black belt; the back, scapulars, and belly white, marked with narrow black lines. These birds arrive in the United States from the arctic regions about the middle of October, and fre¬ quent the large rivers and lakes, where they feed chiefly on the roots of a grass-like plant, the Valisneria spiralis. Although extremely shy, vast numbers of them are killed on account of the delicacy of their flesh. Towards even¬ ing they collect into large flocks, so extensive as some¬ times to cover several acres, and, when rising simultaneously on wing, to produce a noise like thunder. The eiders, genus Somateria, have the bill more elon¬ gated than that of the garrots, tumid and elevated at the base, and extending over the forehead in the form of two narrow processes ; the lamellae large and distant; the nos¬ trils small, oval, and medial; the wings and tail short. The males are distinguished by their greater size and su¬ perior beauty. Only two species of this genus are known, both inhabiting the northern and temperate regions of Eu¬ rope and America. The common or St Cuthbert’s eider, Somateria mollis- sima, is characterized by having the bill furnished at its base with lateral prolongations, in the form of two narrow flat lamellae. The male has the lower parts black, the up¬ per parts and the neck white, the top of the head violet- black, and the cheeks pale green. The female has the whole plumage reddish brown, with transverse black bars. This species is extremely abundant in Iceland, Lapland, Greenland, Spitzbergen, and the countries bordering on Hudson’s and Baffin’s Bays; but it is also common in ail the northern parts of Europe and America. The female lays five or six pale greenish-gray eggs, and lines her nest, which is composed of sea-weeds and other maritime plants, with the fine and elastic gray down, which she plucks from her breast for that purpose. This down is carefully collected VOL. XVI. in northern countries,—each nest being generally robbed Palmi- twice in the season. One female is stated to yield half a pedes, pound of down, which, however, is reduced to one half by s'— being cleaned. It is extremely soft and warm, and so elas¬ tic that two handfuls are sufficient to fill a quilt five feet square. In 1750, the Iceland Company at Copenhagen sold so much of this article as produced 3747 rix-dollars, in addition to what was sent directly to Gluckstadt. Be¬ sides supplying this valuable down, the eiders afford an es¬ teemed article of food to the Greenlanders, who moreover convert their skins into warm and comfortable under gar¬ ments. Although the species occurs in Britain, it is no¬ where so plentiful as to afford enough of down to render it available as an article of commerce. The king-eider, Somateria spectabilis, which has the la¬ teral prolongations at the base of the bill in the form of two elevated, compressed tubercles, is very similar to the other species, and inhabits the same countries, breeding in the same manner, and lining its nest with down of equal quality, plucked from its own plumage. The skins are formed into winter garments by the inhabitants of Siberia and Kamtschatka ; but as this species is not so numerous as the other, its down is not of equal importance in a com¬ mercial point of view. Other groups of ducks have the hind toe not bordered by any membrane, the head smaller, the feet narrower, the neck longer, the bill less tapering, and the body more slender. They feed chiefly on vegetable substances, al¬ though they also devour fishes, insects, worms, and mol- lusca. In this section, likewise, various generic divisions have been made. The shovellers, genus Rhynchaspis, have the bill longer than the head, with the upper mandible semi-cylindrical, and enlarged at the end, and the lamellae so long and slen¬ der as to resemble filaments. Tho common shoveller, Rhynchaspis clypeata, inhabits various parts of the north of Europe and America, and is sometimes met with in England. It is about twenty inches in length, with the head and neck glossy-green, the back brown, the breast and abdomen brownish red, and the small¬ er wing-coverts pale blue. Another species, the fasciated shoveller, Rhynchaspis fasciata, of a rusty-brown colour, transversely^ striped with white beneath, and having the tip of the bill membranace¬ ous, is a native of New South Wales. The shielducks, genus Tadorna, have the bill tumid and elevated at the base, where there is a small tubercle, but much flattened towards the point; the lamellae short and distant; the nostrils oval and medial. The common shieldrake, Tadorna Bellonii, which is one of the most beautiful species of this family, is not very un¬ common in some parts of Britain, and occurs also on the coasts of the northern and western countries of Europe. It is characterized by having the head and upper part of the neck greenish black ; the back, wing-coverts, and flanks white; the scapulars black, and a broad band on the breast ferruginous. The female nestles in a rabbit-burrow, or other hole in the sandy pastures on the sea-shore, gene¬ rally forming her nest of down plucked from her breast, and laying from eight to twelve white eggs. Instances have occurred of its breeding with the common duck; and Montagu states that it bears confinement well, appearing to enjoy perfect health, provided access to a pond is al¬ lowed it. The musk-ducks, genus Cairina, have the bill also furnished with an elevated tubercle at the base ; the edges of the mandibles sinuated ; the face and lores covered with a bare tuberculated skin ; and the wings furnished with a knob or spur at the bend. The common musk-duck, Cairina moschata, which is now generally distributed over Europe in a domesticated 5 L 818 Palmi¬ pedes. ORNITHOLOGY. elate, is a native of ftie warmer parts of America. In its natural state it has the plumage entirely of a black colour, glossed with green and blue, excepting the wing-coverts, which are white. The pintails, genus Dafila, have the bill destitute of tubercle at the base, narrow, somewhat cylindrical, with its edges dentato-laminate ; the nostrils are basal, and the tail elongated, and tapering to a point. The common pintail, Dajila acuta, has the head umber- brown, with a longitudinal white line on each side of the occiput and hind neck ; the back and flanks undulated with black and grayish white ; the lower parts white ; and the two central tail-feathers black. It breeds in the arctic re¬ gions of Europe, Asia, and America; retires southward in winter ; is very shy and vigilant; and is much esteemed as an article of food. The ducks, strictly so called, genus Anas, are distin¬ guished by having the bill simple at the base, as long as the head, depressed, broad, and obtuse ; the nostrils oval and small; the tail moderate, even, or rounded, often with the middle feathers and their coverts recurved. Of this genus, the most common species in Europe is that which is supposed to be the original of the domestic duck, and which with us is named the wild duck or mal¬ lard, Anas boschas. The male is a very beautiful bird, having the head and upper part of the neck deep green, the latter with a white ring; the four middle tail-feathers recurved ; the upper parts marked with fine undulated grayish-brown and white lines, the breast deep chesnut, the lower parts grayish white, undulated with grayish- brown lines; the alar spot green, edged above and be¬ low with white. It inhabits all the northern countries of the globe, and is common in Britain, where it breeds, forming its nest of withered plants in marshy places, and laying from ten to fifteen bluish white eggs. Instances have occurred of its occupying the deserted nest of a crow. Its flesh is justly held in great estimation, and vast num¬ bers are shot and caught in decoys. The following ac¬ count of the method employed in capturing wild ducks in the fens of Lincolnshire is given by Bewick. “ In the lakes where they resort, the most favourite haunts of the fowl are observed: then in the most seques¬ tered part of this haunt they cut a ditch about four yards across at the entrance, and about fifty or sixty yards in length, decreasing gradually in width from the entrance to the farther end, which is not more than two feet wide. It is of a semicircular form, but not bending much for the first ten yards. The banks of the lake, for about ten yards on each side of this ditch (or pipe, as it is called), are kept clear from reeds, coarse herbage, &c. in order that the fowl may get on them to sit and dress themselves. Across this ditch, poles on each side, close to the edge of the ditch, are driven into the ground, and the tops bent to each other, and tied fast. "Ihese poles at the entrance form an arch, from the top of which to the water is about ten feet. I his arch is made to decrease in height as the ditch decreases in width, till the farther end is not more than eighteen inches in height. The poles are placed about six feet from each other, and connected together bv poles laid lengthwise across the arch, and tied together. Over them a net with meshes sufficiently small to prevent the fowl getting through is thrown across, and made fast to areed fence at the entrance, and nine or ten yards up the ditch, and afterwards strongly pegged to the ground. At the farther end of the pipe a tunnel-net, as it is called, is fixed, about four yards in length, of a round form, and ept open by a number of hoops about eighteen inches in diameter, placed at a small distance from each other to keep it distended. Supposing the circular bend of the pipe to be to the right, when you stand with your back to the lake, on the left-hand side, a number of reed-fences' are constructed, called shootings, for the purpose of screen¬ ing from sight the decoy-man, and in such a manner that the fowl in the decoy may not be alarmed when he is driv¬ ing those in the pipe: these shootings are about four yards in length, and about six feet high, and are ten in number. From the end of the last shooting a person can¬ not see the lake, owing to the bend in the pipes: there is then no farther occasion for shelter. Were it not for these shootings, the fowl that remain about the mouth of the pipe would be alarmed, if the person driving the fowl already under the net should be exposed, and would be¬ come so shy as to forsake the place entirely. The first thing the decoy-man does when he approaches the pipe, is to take a piece of lighted turf or peat, and hold it near his mouth, to prevent the fowl smelling him. He is attended by a dog taught for the purpose of assisting him ; he walks very si¬ lently about half-way up the shootings, where a small piece of wood is thrust through the reed fence, which makes an aperture just sufficient to see if any fowl are in ; if not, he walks forward to see if any are about the mouth of the pipe. If there are, he stops and makes a motion to his dog, and gives him a piece of cheese or something to eat; upon receiving it, he goes directly to a hole in the reed-fence, and the fowl immediately fly off the bank into the water; the dog returns along the bank between the reed-fences and the pipe, and comes out to his master at another hole. The man now gives him another reward, and he repeats his round again, till the fowl are attracted by the motion of the dog, and follow him into the mouth of the pipe. This operation is called working them. The man now re¬ treats farther back, working the dog at different holes till the fowl are directly under the net; he now commands his dog to lie down still behind the fence, and goes for¬ ward to the end of the pipe next the lake, where he takes off his hat, and gives it a wave between the shooting; all the fowl under the net can see him, but none that are in the lake can. The fowl that are in sight fly forward, and the man runs forward to the next shooting and waves his hat, and so on, driving them along till they come to the tunnel-net, where they creep in: when they are all in he gives the net a twist, so as to prevent their getting back ; he then takes the net off from the end of the pipe with what fowl he may have caught, and takes them out one at a time, and dislocates their necks, and hangs the net on again, and all is ready for working again. In this man¬ ner five or six dozen have been taken at one drift. When the wind blows directly in or out of the pipes, the fowl seldom work well, especially when it blows in. If many pipes are made in the lake, they are so constructed as to suit different winds.”1 The better to entice the fowl into the pipe, hempseed is strewed occasionally in the water. I he season allowed by act of parliament for catching these birds in this way is from the latter end of October till February. I he Chinese duck, Anas galericulata, with a pendent crest, and the inner wing-feathers enlarged and raised in a vertical direction, is an extremely beautiful species, a native of China and Japan. Ihe summer duck, Anas sponsa, which also has a pen¬ dent crest, is not less beautiful. (Plate XVIII., figure 8.) It inhabits Mexico and other parts of North America, migrating northward in summer, rarely visiting the sea¬ shore or salt marshes, but frequenting the muddy creeks, ponds, and mill-dams of the interior. Ihe tree duck, Anas arborea, of a gray colour, the ab- Palmi. pedes. 1 British Birds, vol. ii. p. 294. ORNITHOLOGY. Mger's domen spotted with black and white, and the head ystem. slightly crested, inhabits the warmer parts of America, ^^and is remarkable for building in the holes of decayed trees. The gadwall or gray, j4nas strepera, the Dominican duck, A. Dominicana, the Spanish duck, A. viduata, and many other species, belong to this genus,—which might include the teals, although these are separated by several authors. The wigeons, genus Mareca, may be distinguished from the ducks, as they have the bill shorter than the head, higher than broad at the base, depressed and nar¬ rowed towards the end; the lamellae slightly projecting; the tail short and acute. They are, however, very inti¬ mately allied to the pintails. Of this genus one of the best examples is the common wigeon, Mareca Penelope, which has the forehead yellow¬ ish white, the rest of the head and the neck chesnut-red, the back and flanks undulated with black and white. The male of this species has been known to pair with the fe¬ male pintail, and produce a hybrid brood. It also pairs with the common duck. Wigeons are abundant in winter in many parts of Britain, and are very much esteemed for the table. The teals, genus Querquedula, are distinguished from the other groups by their diminutive size. Their bill is narrower than that of the wigeons, proportionally longer, and has its base more elevated. The species are generally very beautiful. The garganey teal, Querquedula circia, of a gray colour, variegated with black, and having a white streak above the eyes, with a green spot on the wing, inhabits the more temperate parts of Europe, and is abundant in Holland during its winter migration. The common teal, Querquedula crecca, which has the head brownish red, the body transversely undulated with dusky, a white line above and another beneath the eye, and the alar spot black and green, is plentiful in many parts of Europe and North America; while the blue¬ winged teal, Q. discors, characterized by the light blue colour of the wing-coverts, is peculiar to the latter conti¬ nent, as is likewise the American teal, Q. Carolinensis. The second principal group named Mergidce, consist- ing of the genus Mergus of Linnaeus, includes the re¬ maining birds of the great family of Lamellirostres, which are usually designated by the vernacular name of mer¬ gansers. They differ from the ducks in having their bill slender, almost cylindrical, and furnished on the margins with dentiform points directed backwards, and resembling the teeth of a saw. (Plate XVIII., figure 6.) Their sum¬ mer residence is in the colder regions of both continents, whence they migrate southward on the approach of win¬ ter. Their body is elongated and depressed, their feet short and placed far behind, their wings rather long and narrow, their neck of moderate length. They fly with ra¬ pidity, swim and dive with the greatest facility, and gene¬ rally feed on fishes. In their habits they are interme¬ diate between the ducks and divers; but in their organi¬ zation and plumage they are more nearly allied to the for¬ mer. Their tracheae, besides having an exceedingly large dilatation at its bifurcation, is also enlarged previous to its entrance into the thorax. In accordance with their pisci¬ vorous propensities, their gullet is wider than that of the ducks, and their gizzard less muscular. Three species occur in the temperate parts of Europe. The goosander, Mergus merganser, of which the male is black, with the lower parts buff-coloured, and the head purplish green, with a slender elongated crest; the red¬ breasted merganser, M. serralor, about the size of the mal¬ lard, also crested, the male black above, white beneath, with the head dark green; and the smew, M. albellus, which is smaller than the golden-eye, varied with black and white, and having a large compressed white crest. All these occur also in the northern parts of America, which has moreover a species peculiar to itself, the hooded merganser (M. cucullatus, Plate XVIII., figure 7), of a blackish colour above, white beneath, with a semicircular black crest, white on each side. The females and young of all the species differ greatly in colour from the adult maies. (j# w ) THE ORDERS, FAMILIES, AND GENERA, OF BIRDS, ACCORDING TO THE SYSTEM OF ILLIGER. Order I.—Scansores. 819 llliger’s System. Family Psittacini Gen. Psittacus, Pezoporus pedester). Family Serrati Gen. Rhamphastos, Pteroglossus (rrngov, penna, yAotfffa, lingua), Pogonias (vuyuviat, barbatus), Corythaix (xoguda/£, galea, cristam movens), Trogon, Musophaga. Family Arnphiboli Gen. Crotophaga, Scythrops, Bucco, Cuculus, Centropus (x£nr£/y, stimulus, calcar; flrous, pes). Family Sagittilingues Gen. Yunx, Picus. Family Syndactyli Gen. Galbula. Order II.—Ameulatores. Family Angulirostres Gen. Alcedo, Merops. Family Suspensi Gen. Trochilus. Family Tenuirostres Gen. Nectarinia {nectar Jlorum haurientes'), Tichodroma (rsi^o;, murus, boo/iot, cursitana), Upupa. * Prodromut Mammalium et Avium, Berlin, 1811. ORNITHOLOG Y. Gen. Certhia, Dendrocolaptes IHiger'i Gen. Xenops (%ms, inusitatus, novus, vultus), Sitta, Buphaga, Oriolus, Cassicus, System. Sturnus. Gen. Turdus, Cinclus, Accentor, Motacilla, Muscicapa, Myiothera (fiuia, musca, Sjjoaai, venor, caplo), Lanius, Sparactes (ffwagaxr^f, lanio, lacerator), Todus, Pipra. Gen. Parus, Alauda, Emberiza, Tanagra, Fringilla, Loxia, Colius, Glaucopis, Phyto- toma. Gen. Prionites (vgiun, serra), Buceros. Gen. Corvus, Coracias, Paradisea, Cephalopterus, Gracula. Gen. Ampelis, Procnias. Gen. Hirundo, Cypselus, Caprimulgus. Order III.—Raptores. Gen. Strix. Gen. Falco, Gypogeranus (yu^, vultur, yiganof, grus\ Gypaetusu Gen. Vultur, Cathartes (xadugrtis, purgator). Order IV.—Rasores. Gen. Numida, Meleagris, Penelope, Crax, Opisthocomus (HofFmansegg, 06- dpite comatus), Pavo, Phasianus, Gallus, Menura, Tetrao, Perdix. Gen. Ortygis (ogrv%, coturniz), Syrrhaptes (euppavmv, consuere). Gen. Columba. Gen. Crypturus (xevrrvv, occultare, caudd). Gen. Didus. Order V.—Cuhsores. Family Proceri Gen. Casuarius, Struthio, Rhea. Family Campestres Gen. Otis. Family Littorales Gen. Charadrius, Calidris, Himantopus, Haematopus, Tachydromus (ra^uJ^ao;, velociter currens), Burhinus. Order VI.—Grallatores. Gen. Chionis. Gen. Glareola, Cereopsis, Dicholophus ( e'ght.V-fiv6 are summer birds of passage, which visit us from the south, may probably be regarded as accidental stm^W ^w fr0m seems to leave ten species unaccounted for: these states the total number of species actually k iTied nr ^ ^ that Mr D°ubleda^’ in his. Nomenclature of British Birds (1036), setsorcs 117, the Hasores seventeen the Cratl tn ,caPture< ln Britain as amounting to 323, of which the Raptores are thirty, the In. seventeen, the Grallutores sixty.six, and the Natatores ninety-three. ORNITHOLOGY. Bids of Circus rufus, Briss. Irope. C. cyaneus, Meyer. C. paliidus, Sykes. C. cineraceus, Meyer. Strix flammea, Linn. Bubo maximus, Sibb. B. ascalapbus, Sav. Otus vulgaris, Flem. O. brachyotus, Cuv. Scops Aldrovandi, Will, and) Ray. j Surnia cinerea. S. nyctea, Dum. S. Uralensis, Dum. S. funerea, Dum. Ulula nebulosa, Cuv. Syrnium aluco, Sav. Noctua nudipes, Wils. N. ? tengmalmi, Selby. N. passerina. Marsh Harrier. Hen Harrier. Pallid Harrier. Ash-coloured Harrier. Barn Owl. Great-horned or Eagle Owl. Eastern Great-horned Owl. Long-eared Owl. Short-eared Owl. Scops-eared Owl. Great Cinereous Owl. Snowy Owl. Ural Owl. Hawk Owl. Barred Owl. Tawny or Wood Owl. Little Owl. Tengmalm’s Owl. Sparrow Owl. Order II.—Insessores.1 Caprimulgus Europaeus, 1 Linn. J C. ruficollis. Cypselus murarius, Temm. C. alpinus, Temm. Hirundo rustica, Linn. H. rufula, Temm. H. rupestris, Linn. H. urbica, Linn. H. riparia, Linn. Merops apiaster, Linn. Coracias garrulus, Linn. Alcedo ispida, Linn. A. rudis, Linn. Muscicapa luctuosa, Temm. M. albicollis, Temm. M. parva, Bechst. M. grisola, Linn. Collurio excubitor, Vig. C. meridionalis, Vig. C. minor, Vig. Lanius collurio, Linn. L. lafus, Briss. Oriolus galbula, Linn. Merula vulgaris, Ray. M. torquata, Briss. M. migratoria, Swains. Turdus atrogularis, Temm. T. pilaris, Linn. viscivorus, Linn, musicus, Linn, iliacus, Linn. Naumannii, Temm. pallidus, Pall. Whitei, Eyton. Sibericus, Pall. Cinclus aquaticus, Bechst. C. melanogaster, 1 Brehm. J C. Pallasii, Temm. Petrocincla saxatilis, Vig. P* _ cyanea, Vig. Saxicola cachinnans, Temm. S. leucomela, Temm. S. cenanthe, Bechst. stapazina, Temm. S* aurita, Temm. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. European Goat-sucker. Red-collared Goat-sucker. Swift. White-bellied Swift. Chimney Swallow. Rufous Swallow. Rock-Martin. Martin. Sand-Martin. Bee-eater. Roller. Kingfisher. Black and White Kingfisher. Pied Fly catcher. White-collared Fly-catcher. Red-breasted Fly-catcher. Spotted Fly-catcher. Great Shrike. Great Gray Shrike. Lesser Gray Shrike. Red-backed Shrike. Wood-Chat. Golden Oriole. Black Ouzel or Blackbird. Ring-Ouzel. Migratory Ouzel. Black-throated Thrush. Fieldfare. Missel-Thrush. Song-Thrush. Redwing. Naumann’s Thrush. * Pallid Thrush. White’s Thrush. Siberian Thrush. Water-Ouzel. Black-bellied Water-Ouzel. Pallas’s Water-Ouzel. Rock-Thrush. Blue Thrush. Black Wheat-ear. Pied Wheat-ear. Wheat-ear. Russet Wheat-ear. Black-eared Wheat-ear. Saxicola rubetra, Bechst. Whinchat. S. rubicola, Bechst. Stonechat. Phoenicura ruticilla, Swains. Redstart. Ph. tithys, Jard. 1 and Selb. J Ph. suecica, Jard. 1 and Selb. J Erythaca rubecula, Swains. Accentor alpinus, Bechst. A. modularis, Cuv. A. montanellus, 1 Temm. J Locustella fluviatilis. L. avicula, Ray. L. luscinoides. L. certhiola. Salicaria turdoides, Selb. S. S. 825 Birds of Kuroj e. Black Redstart. Blue-throated Warbler. Robin. Alpine Accentor. Hedge Accentor. Mountain Accentor. Reed Locustelle. Brake Locustelle. Willow Locustelle. Creeping Locustelle. Great Sedge Warbler, olivetorum,Strickl. Olive-tree Salicaria. arundinacea, Selb. Reed Wren. S. palustris. S. phragmitis, Selb. S. melanopogon. S. aquatica. S. galactotes. S. cisticola. S. ? Cetti. S. ? sericea. Philomela luscinia, Swains. Ph. turdoides, Blyth. Calliope Lathamii. Curruca Orphea. C. atricapilla, Bechst. C. hortensis, Bechst. C. Rupellii. C. melanocephala, | Lath. J C. leucopogon. C. cinerea, Bechst. C. garrula, Bechst. C. conspicillata. C. sarda. C. Marsh Warbler. Sedge Warbler. Moustached Warbler. Aquatic Warbler. Rufous Sedge Warbler. Fan-tail Warbler. Cetti’s Warbler. Silky Warbler. Nightingale. Thrush Nightingale. Gorget Warbler. Orpheus Warbler. Black-cap. Garden Warbler. Ruppell’s Warbler. Sardinian Warbler. Sub-alpine Warbler. Common White-throat. Lesser White-throat. Spectacle Warbler. Marmora’s Warbler. Barred Warbler. nisoria. Melizophilus provincialis, | Dartford Warb,er Troglodytes Europaeus, Cuv. Wren. Sylvia trochilus, Gmel. S. rufa, Lath. S. sibilatrix, Bechst. S. icterina, Vieill. S. hippolais, Temm. S. Nattereri, Temm. Anthus Richardi, Vieill. A. pratensis, Bechst. A. rufescens, Temm. A. aquaticus, Bechst. A. arboreus, Bechst. A. rufogularis, Temm. Motacilla Yarrellii. M. lugubris, Pall. M. alba, Linn. M. neglecta, Gould. M. boarula, Lath. Regulus ignicapillus, Cuv. R. vulgaris, Cuv. R. modestus. Parus major, Linn. P. lugubris, Natt. P. Sibericus, Gmel. P. bicolor, Linn. Willow Wren. Chiff-Chaff. Wood Wren. Yellow Willow Wren. Melodious Willow Wren. Natterer’s Warbler. Richard’s Pipit. Meadow Pipit. Tawny Pipit. Rock or Shore Pipit. Tree Pipit. Red-throated Pipit. Pied Wagtail. White-winged Wagtail White Wagtail. Gray-headed Wagtail. Gray Wagtail. Fire-crested Wren. Golden-crested Wren. Dalmatian Regulus. Great Tit. Sombre Tit. Siberian Tit. Toupet Tit. 1 Including the Scansobes of the preceding Treatise. VOL. XVI. 5 M 826 Birds of Europe. ORNITHOLOGY. Parus cyanus, Pall. P. P. P. P. P. caeruleus, Linn, ater, Linn, palustris, Linn, cristatus, Linn, caudatus, Linn. A. A. Calamophilus biarmicus, 1 Leach. J CEgithalus pendulinus, Vig. Bombycivoragarrula, Temm. Alauda tartarica, Pall, calandra, Pall, brachydactyla, ) Temm. J A. alpestris, Linn. A. cristata, Linn. A. arvensis, Linn. A. arborea, Linn. Certhilauda bifasciata. Plectrophanes Lapponica,) Selb. j PI. nivalis,Meyer. Emberiza miliaria, Linn. E. Azure Tit. Blue Tit. Cole Tit. Marsh Tit. Crested Tit. Long-tailed Tit. Bearded Tit, or Reed Bird. Penduline Tit. Waxen Chatterer. melanocephala, ) Scop. J E. citrinella, Linn. E. aureola, Pall. E. cirlus, Linn. E. hortulana, Linn. E. rustica, Pall. E. lesbia. E. cia, Linn. E. pithyornus, Pall. E. caesia, Cretz. E. palustris, Savi. E. schoeniculus,Linn. Pyrgita domestica, Cuv. P. montana, Cuv. P. Hispaniolensis, Cuv. P. cisalpina, Cuv. P. petronia. Fringilla coelebs, Linn. F. montifringilla, ) Linn. f F. nivalis, Linn. F. ? hyemalis. Linaria cannabina, Swains. L. montana, Ray. L. canescens. L. minor, R.ay. Serinus flavescens. Carduelis elegans, Steph. C. spinus, Steph. C. citrinella. Coccothraustes vulgaris, 1 Briss. J C. chloris, Flem. Loxia pityopsittacus, Bechst L. curvirostra, Linn. L. leucoptera, Gmel. Corythus enucleator, Cuv. C. longicauda. Erythrospiza erythrina, Bon E. rosea. E. githaginea. Pyrrhula vulgaris, Temm. Sturnus vulgaris, Linn. S. unicolor, Marm. Pastor roseus, Temm. Nucifraga caryocatactes, ) Briss. ( Calandra Lark. Short-toed Lark. Shore-Lark. Crested Lark. Sky-Lark. Wood-Lark. Bifasciated Lark. Lark-heeled Bunting. Snow-Bunting. Common Bunting. Black-headed Bunting. Yellow Bunting. Yellow-breasted Bunting. Cirl Bunting. Ortolan Bunting. Rustic Bunting. Lesbian Bunting. Meadow-Bunting. Pine-Bunting. Cretzschmar’s Bunting. Marsh-Bunting. Reed-Bunting. Common Sparrow. Tree-Sparrow. Spanish Sparrow. Alpine Sparrow. Doubtful Sparrow. Chaffinch. Mountain or Bramble Finch. Snow-Finch. Winter-Finch. Common or Brown Linnet. Mountain Linnet or Twite. Mealy Redpole. Lesser Redpole. Serin Finch. Goldfinch. Siskin or Aberdevine. Citril Finch. Hawfinch. Green Grosbeak. .Parrot Crossbill. Common Crossbill. White-winged Crossbill. Pine Grosbeak. Siberian Grosbeak. Scarlet Grosbeak. Rosy Grosbeak. Vinous Grosbeak. Bullfinch. Starling. Sardinian Starling. Rose-coloured Pastor. Nut-cracker. Garrulus glandarius, Briss. G. infaustus, Temm. Pica caudata, Ray. P. cyanea, Wagl. Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax, 1 Temm. J Fregilus graculus, Cuv. Corvus corax, Linn. C. corone, Linn. C. cornix, Linn. C. monedula, Linn. C. frugilegus, Linn. Picus martius, Linn. P. viridis, Linn. P. canus, Gmel. ^ P. leuconotus, Bechst. major, Linn P. medius, Linn. P. minor, Linn. Apternustridactylus, Swains. Yunx torquilla, Linn. Sitta Europcea, Linn. S. Syriaca, Ehrenb. S. Asiatica, Temm. Certhia familiaris, Linn. Upupa epops, Linn. Tichodroma phcenicopte-’J ra, Temm. j Cuculus canorus, Linn. C. glandarius, Linn. Coccyzus Americanus, Vieill. Jay. Siberian Jay. Magpie. Azure-winged Magpie. Alpine Chough. Chough. Raven. Carrion Crow. Hooded Crow. Jackdaw. Rook. Great Black Woodpecker. Green Woodpecker. Gray-headed Green Wood¬ pecker. White-rumped Woodpecker. Great Spotted Woodpecker. Middle Spotted Woodpecker. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Three-toed Woodpecker. Wryneck. Common Nuthatch. Dalmatian Nuthatch. Asiatic Nuthatch. Common Creeper. Hoopoe. Wall-Creeper. Common Cuckoo. Great Spotted Cuckoo. American Cuckoo. Birds of Europe. Order III.—Rasores. Columba palumbus, Linn. C. (Enas, Linn. C. livia, Linn. C. turtur, Linn. Phasianus colchichus, Linn. Tetrao urogallus, Linn. T. hybridus, Sparrm. T. tetrix, Linn. Bonasia Europsea. Lagopus Scoticus, Lath. L. mutus, Leach. L. rupestris, Leach. L. saliceti, Swains. L. brachydactylus. Pterocles arenarius, Temm. P. setarius, Temm. Francolinus vulgaris, Briss. Perdix rubra, Ray. P. petrosa, Lath. P. saxatilis, Meyer. P. cinerea, Lath. Coturnix dactylisonans, 1 Meyer. J Hemipodius tachydromus, { Temm. j Glareola torquata, Briss. Cursorius Isabellinus, Meyer. Otis tarda, Linn. O. houbara, Linn. O. tetrax. Wood-Pigeon. Stock-Dove. Rock-Dove. Turtle-Dove. Common Pheasant. Capercailzie, or Cock of the Wood. Hybrid Grouse. Black Grouse. Hazel Grouse, or Gelinotte. Red Grouse. Common Ptarmigan. Rock Ptarmigan. Willow Ptarmigan. Short-toed Ptarmigan. Sand-Grouse. Pin-tailed Sand-Grouse. European Francolin. Red-legged Partridge. Barbary Partridge. Greek Partridge. Common Partridge. Quail. Andalusian Turnix. Collared Pratincole. Cream-coloured Courser. Great Bustard. Ruffed Bustard. Little Bustard. Order IV.—Grallatores. Grus cinerea, Bechst. Common Crane. G. leucogeranus, Temm. White Crane. Anthropoides virgo, Vieill. Numidian Demoiselle. Ardea cinerea, Lath. Common Fleron. ORNITHOLOGY. Ardea purpurea, Linn. A. comata, Pall. A. alba, Linn. A. garzetta, Linn. A. russata, Wagl. Nycticorax Europaeus, Steph. Botaurus stellaris, Steph. B. lentiginosus, Steph. B. minutus, Selby. Ciconia alba, Bellon. C. nigra, Bellon. C. Maquari, Temm. Platalea leucorodia, Linn. Phoenicopterus ruber, Linn. OEdicnemus crepitans,Temm. Himantopus melanopterus, 1 Meyer. j Squatarola cinerea, Cuv. Vanellus cristatus, Meyer. V. Keptuschka,Temm. Pluvianus spinosus. Charadrius pluvialis, Linn. C. morinellus, Linn. C. hiaticula, Linn. C. minor, Meyer. C. Cantianus, Linn. C. pyrrhothorax, } Temm. / Haematopus ostralegus, Linn. Ibis Falcinellus, Temm. Numenius arquata, Lath. N. Phaeopus, Lath. N. tenuirostris, Sav. Limosa melanura, Leisl. L. rufa, Briss. L. terek, Temm. RecurvirostraAvocetta,Linn. Totanus fuscus, Leisl. T. calidris, Bechst. T. semipalmatus, 1 Temm. j T. glottis, Bechst. T. Bartramius, Temm. T. stagnatilis, Bechst. T. ochropus, Temm. T. glareola, Temm. T. hypoleucus, Temm. T. macularius, Temm. Strepsilas collaris, Temm. Scolopax rusticola, Linn. S. major, Linn. S. Sabini, Vig. S. gallinago, Linn. S. gallinula, Linn. Macroramphus griseus, 1 Leach. J Calidris canutus, Briss. 1 and Cuv.J Machetes pugnax, Cuv. Tringa rufescens, Vieill. T. pectoralis, Bonap. T. subarquata, Temm. T. variabilis, Meyer. T. Schinzii, Bonap. T. platyrhyncha,Temm. T. minuta, Leisl. T. Temminckii, Leisl. T. maritima, Brunn. Arenaria calidris, Meyer. Phalaropus hyperboreus, 1 Lath. j Purple Heron. Squacco Heron. Great Egret. Little Egret. Rufous-backed Egret. Common Night-Heron. Common Bittern. Freckled Bittern. Little Bittern. White Stork. Black Stork. Maquari Stork. Spoonbill. Common Flamingo. Thick-kneed Bustard. Long-legged Plover. Gray Plover. Lapwing. Keptuschka Lapwing. Spur-winged Plover. Golden Plover. Dotterel. Ring-Dotterel. Little Ring-Doiterel. Kentish Plover. Red-chested Dotterel. Oyster-Catcher. Glossy Ibis. Common Curlew. Whimbrel. Slender-billed Curlew. Black-tailed Godwit. Bar-tailed Godwit. Terek Godwit. Avocet. Spotted Redshank. Redshank. Semipalmated Sandpiper. Greenshank. Bartram’s Sandpiper. Marsh Sandpiper. Green Sandpiper. Wood Sandpiper. Common Sandpiper. Spotted Sandpiper. Turnstone. Woodcock. Great Snipe. Sabine’s Snipe. Common Snipe. Jack Snipe. Gray Snipe. Knot. Ruff. Buff-breasted Sandpiper. Pectoral Sandpiper. Pygmy Curlew. Dunlin or Purre. Schinz’s Sandpiper. Broad-billed Tringa. Little Sandpiper. Temminck’s Tringa. Purple Sandpiper. Sanderling. Red-necked Phalarope. Phalaropus platyrhynchus, 1 Temm. j Fulica atra, Linn. Rallus aquaticus, Linn. Porphyrio hyacinthinus,Tem. Gallinula crex, Lath. G. chloropus, Lath. Zapornia porzana. Z. Baillonii, Leach. Z. pusilla, Steph. Gray Phalarope. Coot. Water-Rail. Hyacinthine Porphyrio. Land-Rail. Common Gallinule. Spotted Crake. Baillon’s Crake. Little Crake. 827 Birds of Europe. Order V.—Natatores. Anser hyperboreus, Pall. A. ferus, Steph. A. segetum, Steph. A. albifrons, Steph. A. leucopsis, Bechst. A. ruficollis, Pall. A. brenta, Flem. Chenalopex iEgyptiaca, ) Steph. j" Cygnus mansuetus, Gmel. C. ferus, Ray. C. Bewickii, Yarr. Tadorna vulpanser, Flem. T. rutila, Steph. Mareca Penelope, Selby. Rhynchaspis clypeata, Steph, Anas Boschas, Linn. Querquedula Crecca, Steph. Q. glocitans, Vig. Q. circia, Steph. Dafila caudacuta, Leach. Chauliodes strepera, Swains. Fuligula ferina, Steph. F. leucophthalma,) Steph. / F. rufina, Steph. F. cristata, Steph. F. marila, Steph. F. dispar, Steph. F. marmorata. Somateria mollissima, Leach. S. spectabilis, Leach. Oidemia perspicillata, Flem. O. fusca, Flem. O. nigra, Flem. Clangula vulgaris, Leach. C. Barrovii, Sw. and ^ Rich. j C. histrionica, Leach. Harelda glacialis, Leach. Undina leucocephala. Mergus merganser, Linn. M. serrator, Linn. M. cucullatus, Linn. M. albellus, Linn. Podiceps cristatus, Lath. P. rubricollis, Lath. P. cornutus, Lath. P. auritus, Lath. P. minor, Lath. Colymbus glacialis, Linn. C. arcticus, Linn. C. septentrionalis, ^ Linn. j Uria troile, Linn. U. lachrymans, Lapyl. U. Brunnichii, Sab. U. grylle, Lath. Alca impennis, Linn. Snow-Goose. Gray-Lag Wild Goose. Bean Goose. White-fronted Goose. Bernicle Goose. Red-breasted Goose. Brent Goose. Egyptian Goose. Domestic Swan. Whistling Swan or Hooper. Bewick’s Swan. Common Shieldrake. Ruddy Shieldrake. Wigeon. , Shoveller Duck. Common Wild Duck. Common Teal. Bimaculated Teal. Gargany Teal. Pin-tail Duck. Gadwall. Red-headed Pochard. White-eyed or Castaneous Duck. Red-crested Duck Tufted Duck. Scaup Pochard. Western Duck. Marbled Duck. Eider Duck. King Duck. Surf Scoter. Velvet Scoter. Black Scoter. Golden Eye. Barrow’s Duck. Harlequin Duck. Long-tailed Duck. White-headed Duck. Goosander. Red-breasted Merganser. Hooded Merganser. Smew. Great crested Grebe. Red-necked Grebe. Horned Grebe. Eared Grebe. Little Grebe, or DabchicL Northern Diver. Black-throated Diver. Red-throated Diver. Foolish Guillemot. Bridled Guillemot. Brunnick’s Guillemot. Black Guillemot. Great Auk. 828 Biblio¬ graphy. ORNITHOLOGY. Alca torda, Linn. Mergulus alle, Bon. ’ Mormon fratercula, Temm. M. glacialis, Leach. Pelecanus onocrotalus, Linn. P. crispus, Feld. Phalacrocorax carbo, Steph Ph. gracnlus, Briss. Ph. pygaemus, Stepli. Ph. cristatus, Steph. and Flem. j Ph. Desmarestii. Sola Bassana, Briss. S. melanura, Temm. Sterna Caspia, Pall. S. cantiaca, Gmel. S. Anglica, Mont. S. hirundo, Linn. S. Dougallii, Mont. S. minuta, Linn. S. stolida. Viralva nigra, Leach. V. leucoptera, Leach. V. leucopareia, Steph Razor-billed Auk. Little Auk. Puffin. Northern Puffin. Pelican. Dalmatian Pelican. Common Cormorant. Black Cormorant. Little Cormorant. Green Cormorant. Desmarest’s Cormorant. Solan Goose. Black-tailed Gannet. Caspian Tern. Sandwich Tern. Gull billed Tern. Common Tern. Roseate Tern. Little Tern. Noddy Tern. Black Tern. White-winged Tern. Moustache Tern. Xema ridibunda, Boie. X. atricilla. X. melanocephala, Boie. X. minuta, Boie. X. Sabinii, Leach. Larus marinus, Linn. L. fuscus, Linn. L. glaucus, Brunn. L. islandicus, Edm. L. argentatus, Brunn. L. rissa, Linn. L. eburneus, Gmel. L. canus, Linn. L. Audouinii, Temm. Lestris catarractes, Temm. L. pomarinus, Temm. L. Richardsonii, Swains. L. parasiticus, 111. Puffinus Anglorum, Ray. P. obscurus. P. cinereus, Steph. Procellaria glacialis, Linn. Thalassidroma Leachii. Th. pel Th. dngica, ) Selby. J ? Bulwerii. Laughing Gull. Black-winged Gull. Black-headed Gull. Little Gull. Sabine’s Gull. Great black-backed Gull. Lesser black-backed Gull. Glaucous Gull. Iceland Gull. Herring Gull. Kittiwake Gull. Ivory Gull. Common Gull. Audouin’s Gull. Skua. Pomarine Gull. Richardson’s Lestris. Parasitic Gull. Manks Shearwater. Dusky Shearwater. Cinereous Shearwater. F'ulmar Petrel. Fork-tailed Petrel. Common Storm-Petrel. Bulwer’s Petrel. Biblio. graphy LIST OF CHIEF WORKS ON ORNITHOLOGY PUBLISHED SINCE 1842. Agassiz (L.), Nomina Systematica generum Avium, tam viventium quam fossilium. 4to. Soloduri, 1842. Audubon (J. J.), The Birds of America, from drawings made in the United States and their Territories. 7 vols. 8vo. New York, 1840-1844. Bailly (J. B.), Ornithologie de la Savoie. Paris, 1853. Blyth (Kdw.), papers on Indian Birds in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ; and Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta, 1849. Bonaparte (C. L.), Nouvelles Especes Ornithologiques (Comptes Rendus, 1849, &c.) ; and New Species of Birds described (and several figured), in the Illustr. Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, and in Cabanis’ Journal. ■ and II. Schlegel, Monographic des Loxiens. 1850. 4 to. Conspectus Systematis Ornithologiae, in several large sheets. Conspectus generum Avium. 2 tom. 8vo. Leyden, 1850- 1857. (Vol. 2 left unfinished by the death of the author.) Bourcier, New Humming-Birds, in the Annales de la Societe d’Agric. de Lyon. Vol. 10. And Revue Zool. Cuvierienne. Brandt (Prof.), On Birds of Russian Possessions in Asia, in the Bulletin de PAcademie de St Petersbourg. Brehm (Chr. L.), Monographic der Papageien (the Parrot family). Folio. Burmeister (Dr), Systematisches Uebersicht der Thiere Brasiliens. 2 th. (Birds). papers on Brazilian Birds, in Cabanis’ Journal. Cabanis (J.), Journal fur Ornithologie. 8vo. Cassel, 1853, &c. (^r)i Museum Heineanum. Cassin (J.), Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, and British and Russian America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854, &c. various papers on New Species of Birds (Caprimulgidae, &c.), in the Proceedings of the Academy of Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia. Chenu (Dr), and 0. Des Muro, Oiseaux, in the Encyclopedic d’Histoire Naturelle. 6 vols. Degland (C. D.), Ornithologie Europeenne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris and Lille. 1849. D Orbigny, Voyages dans PAmerique Meridionale. Several new species described and figured in this work, with the eggs of 140 species. ’ Ornithology, in Sagra’s Hist. Nat. de File de Cuba. Dubois (G. K), Planches Coloriees des Oiseaux de la Belgique et de leurs CEufs. Brussels. Du Bus (B. Vicomte), Esquisses Ornithologiques, ou Descriptions et 1 igures d'Oiseaux, nouveaux ou peu connus. 4to. Brus¬ sels. D'Urville (Dumont), Voyage au Pole Sud. Falconry in the British Isles. By F. H. Salvin and W. Brodrick. Falconry in the Valley of the Indus. By R. F. Burton. Fraser (Louis), Zoologia Typica. 1 vol. folio. 1845. And many papers on African Birds and general Ornithology in the Pro¬ ceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Galinier et Ferret, Voyage en Abyssinie. Birds, by Guerin Meneville. Gambel (VV.), contributions to American Ornithology (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.) Philadelphia, 1848, &c. Gay (Claudio), llistoria fisica y politica del Chile. Paris, 1847. Text 8vo, plates folio. Giraud (J. P.), The Birds of Long Island. 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1844. Gosse (P. 11.), The Birds of Jamaica. London, 1847. Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica. Large 8vo. Lon¬ don, 1849. Gould (John), Birds of Australia. Folio. 1837-1848 ; and two Supplements since published. Introduction to the Birds of Australia. 8vo. 1848.’ Monograph of the Trochilidae or Humming-Birds. Lon¬ don, 1850. Folio. (In progress.) A Monograph of the Ramphastidae or Toucans. Lon¬ don, 1852. Folio. A Monograph of the Ortyginae or Partridges of America. London, 1844. Folio. The Birds of Asia. Lond. 1850. Folio. (In progress.) ■ Birds Collected on Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur. Gray (George Robert), The Genera of Birds, illustrated with plates by D. VV. Mitchell. 3 vols. folio. 1844-49. Catalogue of the Genera and Sub-genera of Birds con¬ tained in the British Museum. 1855. Birds of New Zealand, in the Zoology of H.M.SS. Erebus and Terror. 4to. 1844, &c. Catalogue of Occipitrine Birds in the British Museum. 1848. Catalogue of Passeres (Fissirostres) in British Museum. 1848. Catalogue of Ramphastidae in British Museum. 1855. Catalogue of Columbae in British Museum. 1856. Author of many papers on Birds in the Illustrated Pro¬ ceedings of Zool. Society of London. Hamel (Dr Jj, Der Dodo, die Einsiedler, und der Erdichtete Nazarvngel. St Petersburg. IlARTLAUB(Dr G.), Memoirs on Ornithology in Guerin Meneville’s Revue Zoologique de la Societe Cuvierienne, in the Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Cabanis’ Journal, and Naumannia. System der Ornithologie West Africa’s. 8vo. Bremen, 1857. / ORNITHOLOGY. IIartlaub (Dr G.), Beitrag zur Ornithologie West Africa’s, in the IlamburLT Abhandlungen, vol. 2. Hewitsun (W. C.), Coloured Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, with Descriptions of their Nests and Midiacation. 2 vols. 8vn (3d edition). 1856. Hodgson, On Nepalese llirds, in Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. 13, and Proc. Zool. Soc. London, and Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal. HOLLBoLLA on Greenland Birds, in Kroyer’s Tijdskrift iv. Hombron and Jacquinot, Voyage au Pole Sud. Plates folio, textSvo. Paris, 1853. IIorsfiei.D (Dr.), an.l Moore, Catalogue of Birds in the Museum of the East India Company. Vol. 1. Jardine (Sir W., Bart.), Contributions to Ornithology. 8vo. 1848, &c. Natural History of Nectariniadae or Sun Birds (Naturalist’s Library). Jekdon (T. C.), Illustrations of Indian Ornithology. 8vo. Madras, 1843. Kaup (Dr), Monographien der genera der Falconidae und Strigidae, in the Isis. System der Falken und Eulen (Arch. f. Nat., 1851; and Museum Senckenbergianum, 1845). Lafresnaye (Baron), many papers on new species and genera of Birds, in Guerin Meneville’s Ilevue Zoologique de la Socieie Cuvierienne. Layard, Birds of Ceylon, in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Lefevre, Voyage en Abyssinie. Vol. 6, Birds, by Prevost and 0. Des Murs. Lembeye (J.), Aves de la Isla de Cuba. Havana, 1849. Lesson (R. P.), memoirs on various new species of Birds in the Revue Zool. Cuv. Macgillivray (Prof. Win.), History of British Birds, Indigenous and Migratory, &c. Vols. 4 and 5, 1852 (Grallatorial and Aquatic Birds, concluding the work). Malherbe (Alfred), Faune Ornithologique de la Sicile. 8vo. Metz, 1843. Nouvelle Classification des Picinees (Woodpeckers), in Mem. Acad. Sc. Metz. Melville. (See Strickland.) Meyer (II. L.), Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1854-56. Morris (F. 0.), British Birds. 8vo. London, 1851, &c. Murs (0. Des), Iconographie Ornithologique: Nouveaux recueil general de planches peints d'Oiseaux, destine a servir de suite et de complement aux planches enlumin^es de Buffon et aux planches colorizes de MM. Ternminck et Laugier De Char- trouse. Paris, 1845. papers on the Eggs of Birds (Ovographie Ornitholo¬ gique), in the Revue Zool. Cuv. (See Chenu, Prevost.) Muhle (H. Graf von der), Beitrage zur Ornithologie Griechen- lands. Leipzig, 1844. Muller (S.), and Schlegel, Birds of the Indian Archipelago, in the great work on the possessions of the Dutch in these parts. Naumann (A.), Naturge-chichte der Vogels Deutschlands. 11, 12, and part of 13th vols. (Leipzig, 1842-1846), by his son J. F. Naumann. Naumannia, Archiv fur die Ornithologie, von E. Baldamus. Stuttjrard, 1849, &e. Owen (Prof.), On Dinornis, an extinct genus of Tridactyle Struthious Birds, with descriptions of portions of the skeleton 829 of five species which formerly existed in New Zealand. There Index, are six memoirs, which include descriptions «.f the genera v ' Palapteryx, Notornis, Nestor, in Transactions of the Zoological * v~'“J Society of London. Vols. 3 and 4. Owen (Prof.), on the Anatomy of Apteryx Australis (Trans. Zool Soc. London, vols. 2 and 3). Peale (Titian), Birds in the United States Exploring Expedition commanded by C. Wilkes. Philadelphia, 1848. Peters, Birds of Mozambique. Prevost and Des Murs, New Birds, described and figured in the Voyage de la Venus, and in Lefevre’s Voyage en Abys¬ sinie. Pucheran (Dr), Birds described in Dumont D'Urville’s Voyage au Pol Sud et dans 1'Oceanie sur les corvettes I’Astrolabe et la Zelee. Alemoires sur les Types des Oiseaux du Musee de Paris (Arch, du Museum, and Rev. et Mag. de Zoidogie). Reich enbach, Avium Systema Naturale. Rupfell (Dr F..), Systematische Uebersicht der Vogel Nord-ost Afrikas. Frankfort, 1845. 8vo. Birds of North-East Africa, in the Museum Senckenber¬ gianum. Vol. 3. Schlegel (H.), Faunna van Nederland. Vogels. Leiden, 1854. (See Bonaparte and Temminck.) Schomburgk (R.), Reisen in Guiana. Birds, by Cabanis, in vol. 3. Sclater (P. L.), many papers on Ornithology in the Illustrated Proceedings of the Zoological Society, and Annals of Nat. Hist., and Edin. New Phil. Journal. • Monograph of the Birds forming the Tanagrine genus Calliste, illustrated by coloured plates of all the known species. Smitm (Dr Andrew), Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. 4 to. 1838. St Hilaire (Isidore Geoffroy), On (Epyornis Maximus, ac extinct bird from Madagascar. Strickland (H. E.), and Melville (Dr R. G.), the Dodo and its Kindred; or the History, Affinities, and Osteology of the Dodo, Solitaire, and other Extinct Birds of the islands Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Bourbon. many papers on Birds in the Annals of Natural History, and Proceedings of the Zoological Society, and Jardine s Contributions to Ornithology. Ornithological Synonyms, a posthumous work, edited by Mrs S. and Sir W. Jardine, Bart. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1855. Sundevall (Prof), on African Birds in the Stockholm Ofvers of Kongl. Vetensk Acad. Forh. 1849. Temminck and Schlegel, Birds of Japan, in Siebold's Fauna Japonica. Thienemann (F. A. L.), Rhea, a journal devoted to Ornithology. Fortpflanzungeschichte der Gesammten Vogel. Thompson (Wm.), Natural History of Ireland. Vols. 1 and 2 contain Birds. London, 1849. Townsend (Dr), papers on North American Birds in the Journals of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia. Tschudi, Avium Conspectus quae in Republica Peruana reperiun- tur et pleraque observatae vel collectae sunt in itinere. Wieg- mann, arch. 10. (J. V.), Fauna Peruana. 1844-46. Verreaux (J.), New African Birds, in the Rev. and Mag. de Zoologie, and Cabanis’ Journal fur die Ornithologie. Yarrell (Wm.), Supplement to the History of British Birds. INDEX. Paste Abou-duck'n 740 Accentor 756 Adjutant 799 Aluuda 759 Albatross 812 Alca 810 Alcedo 772 Alectors 785 Ampelis 750 Anabates 768 Anas 818 Anastomus 800 Anous 813 Anser 816 Anthropoides 798 Anthus 757 Aptenodytes 811 Page Apteryx 796 Aquila 742 Aracaris 779 Arachnothera 769 Aramus 798 Araponga 750 Aratinga 780 Ardea 798 Arenaria 804 Argus 790 Arrian 738 Astrapia 768 Astur 743 Auks 810 Avocels 806 Barbacous 778 Paee Barbicans 779 Baryta 748 Baya 760 Beccamoschino 756 Bee-eater, common 772 cowled 754 knob-fronted 754 poe 754 Beef-eaters 762 Bell-bird 750 Bethylus 748 Bernicla 816 Bidens 745 Birds, structure of. 734 plumage of..., 735 Paso Birds, of Europe, List of. 824 of paradise 765 BIRDS OF PREY 737 Diurnal 738 Nocturnal 745 Bitterns 799 Blackbird 751 Black-cap 756 Blackcock 791 Blue bird 756 Blue throat 755 Boat-bill 798 Bombycilla 750 Boobies 814 Botuurus 799 Brachypter^ 809 830 ORNITHOLOGY. Index. Page , Erambling 761 v ^ Brevipennes 795 Bubo 746 Bucco 778 Buceros 773 Budytes 757 Bullfinch 761 Buntings 760 Buphaga 762 Bustard 797 Butcher-birds 748 Buteo 744 Buzzards 744 Cairina 817 Galaos 773 Caloptrophorus 805 Calyptorhynchus 783 Campanero 750 Canary 761 Cancroma 798 Capercailzie 791 Caprimulgus 758 Caracara 741 Carduelis 761 Cariama 797 Caryocatactes 765 Casmarhynchus 750 Cassicus 762 Cassuary 796 Casuarius ib. Cathartes 739 Catoptrophorus 805 Ceblepyris 751 Centropus 778 Cephalopterus 749 Cephas 810 Cereopsis 816 Certhia 768 Ceyx 773 Chaffinch 761 Chalybaeus 748 Charadrius 797 Chatterers 850 Chauna 807 Chenalopex 816 Chionis 808 Chrysocoma 811 Cicinnurus 768 Ciconia 799 Cinclus 753 Cinnyris 769 Circastus 743 Circus 744 Clangula 816 CLIMBERS 774 Coccothraustes 761 Coccyzus 778 Cock, Bankiva 789 domestic 788 Jago 789 jungle ib. Macartney 790 Cockatoos 783 Colaptes 777 Colaris 765 Colius..... 762 Columba .....792 Colymbus 809 Condor 738 CONIROSTRES 759 Conophaga .749 Conurus 781 (loots 808 Coracias 765 Cormorants 813 Corn-crake 807 Corrira 800 Corvus 763 Corythaix 783 Corythus 762 Cotingas 750 Page Coturnix 791 Cow-penbird 762 Cowry 748 Cranes 797 Crax 785 Creadon 753 Creepers 768 Crex 807 Cross-bills 761 Crotophaga 779 Crow, bald 749 carrion 744 hooded ib. red-legged 771 Cryptonyx 791 Cuckoos .• 777 Cuculus ib. CULTRIROSTRES 797 Curassoes 785 Curlews 802 Curruca 756 Cursorius 797 Cushat 793 Cygnus 815 Cymbirhynchus 757 Cymindis 743 Cypselus 758 Dacelo 773 Dacnis 763 Dafila 818 Daptrius 741 Dendrocolaptes 768 Dentirostres 747 Dicaeum 769 Diomedea 812 Divers 809 Bobchick ib. Dodo 796 Dotterel 797 Dromas 800 Dromecius 796 Drongos 751 Ducks 816-818 Dunlin 803 Eagles 742 Ectopistes 794 Edolius 751 Egrets 799 Eiders 817 Elanus 743 Emberiza 760 Emeu 796 Enicurus 752 Epimachus 771 Eulabes 753 Euphonia 751 Euplocomus 790 Eurinorhynchus 804 Eurylaimus 757 Eurypyga 798 Falcinellus 804 Falco 745 Falconid^: 740 Falcons 745 Falcunculus • 748 Field-fare 751 Finches 761 Finfoots 809 Fissirostres 757 Flaningoes 808 Fly-catchers 749 Francolins 791 Fratercula 810 Fregilus 754-771 Frigate-birds 814 Fringilla 760 Fulica 807 Fuligula 812 Fulmar 812 Page Galbula 774 GALLINACEOUS] ’ BIRDS ) 784 Gallinula 807 Gallinules jb. Gallus 788 Gangas 791 Gannets 814 Gar rots 816 Garrulus 764 Geese 816 Geophilus 794 Glareola 808 Glaucopis 768 Goatsuckers 758 Godwits 803 Goldfinch 761 Goosander 819 Gorfous 811 Goura 794 Grackle, bald 754 bare-necked 751 paradise 754 piping 748 Gracula ib. Grallaria 753 GRALLATORES 794 Grallina 752 Grauculus 748 Grebes 809 Greenshank 805 Griffon 738 Gross-beak evening 761 pine 762 Philippine 760 sociable ib. Grouse, heteroclyte 792 pin-tailed 791 red ib. sand ib. wood ib. Grus 797 Guan 785 Guillemots 810 Guinea-fowl 788 Guit-guit 769 Gulls 812 Gymnocephalus 749 Gymnodera 751 Gymnops 754 Gypaetos 740 Hasmatopus 797 Haladroma 812 Haliaetus 742 Harfang 746 Harpies 743 Harpyia 743 Harriers 744 Hawfinch 761 Hawks 743 Hemipalma 804 Herons 798 Heteropodo 804 Himantopus 805 Hirundo 757 Hobby • 745 Hoccos ; 785 Holopodius 805 Honey-guides 778 Hoopies 771 Hornbills 773 Humming-birds 770 Ibis 800 Ibycter 741 Icterus 762 Ictinia 744 lerax 745 Indicator 778 INSESSORES 747 Inde* Ixos 752 Jacamars 774 Jacamar-alcyon ib. Jacamerops ib. Jacana 807 Jackdaw 764 Jacous 785 Jagers 813 Jarra-war-nang 748 Jays 764 Jean-le-blanc 743 Kamichi 807 Keel birds 779 Kestril 745 Ketupa 746 King-bird .. 749 King-fishers 772 Kites 743,744 Knot 804 Kow-bird 778 Lagopus 791 Lamellirostres 815 Lammer-geyer 740 Lamprotornis 752 Lanius 748 Lapwing 797 Larks 759 Larus 812 Leptosomus 778 Lestris 813 Limosa 803 Linaria 761 Linnets 761 Lobipes 805 Longipenn.® 811 Longirostres 800 Lophophorus 786 Lophorina 768 Lophotes 745 Lories 783 Lorius ib. Loxia 761 Lyre-tail 754 Maccaws 780 Machetes 804 Macrocercus 780 Macrodactyles 806 Macroramphus 803 Magpies 764 Malcohas 778 Manakins 757 Marabou 799 Mareca 819 Martin 758 Megapodius 807 Meleagris 786 Melithreptus 769 Menura 754 Mergansers 819 Mergus ib. Merlin t 745 Merops 772 Microdactylus 797 Microglossus 783 Milvus 743 Min a-bird .753 Mocking-bird 752 Monasa 778 Monaul 786 Morphnus 743 Motacilla 756 Muggy ib. Musicapa 749 Muspipeta ib. Musk-duchs 817 Musophaga 783 Mycteria 800 Myothera 753 ORNITHOLOGY. 831 Page Nandou 796 Nauclerus *44 Nectarinia 769 Neophron 740 Nightingale 756 743 Noctua 746 Noddies 81.!3 Numenius ....802 Numida 788 Nutcrackers 765 Nut-hatches 768 Nyctibius 759 Nycticorax 799 Ocypterus 748 (Edicneraus 797 Oidemia 816 Opetiorhynchus 769 Opisthocomus 786 Oriole, Baltimore 763 golden 754 red-shouldered 762 Oriolus 754 Ornismya 769 ORNITHOLOGY 725 History of. 725 Illiger's system of 819 Linnaeus’s 726 Swainson’s 823 Temminck's 821 Vigors’s ib. Orthonyx 753 Ortilda 785 Ortolan 760 Ortygis 792 Ortyx 791 Osprey 743 Ostrich 796 Otis 797 Otus 746 Ourax 785 Ouzel 754 Owls 746 Oxyrhynchus 763 Oyster-catcher 797 Pachyptila ..812 Palaeornis 781 Palamedea 806 PALMIPEDES 808 Pandion 742 Paradisea 745 Pardalotus 748 Parotia 768 Parra 806 Parrakeets 782 Parrots 783 Partridges 791 Par us 759 Pavo 786 Peacocks ib. Pelecanus 813 Pelicans ib. Penelope 785 Penguins 810 PERCHING BIRDS 747 Perdix 791 Pernis 744 Petrels 811 Pettychaps 756 Pezoporus 783 Phaeton 815 Phalacrocorax 813 Phalaropes 804 Phalaropus ib. Phaleris 810 Phasianus 788 Pheasants 790 Page Phibalura 751 Philedon 753 Phoenicophseus 778 Phoenicopterus 808 Piahaus 750 Pica 764 Picoides 777 Picumnus ib. Picus 774 Pigeon 792 carunculated 794 great-crowned ib. hackled ib. Nicobar ib. parabolic ib. passenger ib. rock 793 wood ib. Pin-tails 818 Pipit 757 Pipra ih. Pitta 753 Pitylus 761 Plaintain-eaters 784 Platalea 800 Platycercus 781 Platyrhynchus 749 Plectrophanes 7 60 Ploceus 760 Plotus 814 Plovers 797 Ply ctolophus 783 Pochards 817 Podargus 759 Podiceps 809 Podoa it*' Pogonias 779 Polyplectron 786 Porphyrio 807 Pratincoles 808 Pressirostres 796 Prionites 772 Prionops 748 Procellaria 811 Procnias 751 Promerops 771 Psaris 748 Psittacara 780 Psittaculus 783 Psittacus 780, 783 Psophia 798 Ptarmigans 791 Pterocles ib. Pteroglossus 779 Puff birds ib. Puffins 8-10 Puffinus 812 Purre 803 Pyranga 751 Pyrgita 760 Pyrrhocorax 754 Pyrrhula 761 Quails 797 Querquedula 819 Querula 750 Quezal 779 Rachamach 740 Rallus 807 Ramphastos 779 Ramphoceles 751 RAPTORES 737 RASORES 784 Raven 764 Recurvirostra 806 Redbreast 755 Redpole 761 Redshank 805 Redstart 755 Page Redwing 751 Regent-bird 754 Regains 756 Rhea 796 Rhynchaea 803 Rhynchaspis 817 Rhynchops 817 Rifle-bird 772 Ring-dove 793 Ring-ouzel 751 Rollers 765 Rook 764 Rostrharaus 743 Rouloul 791 Ruff 804 Rupicola 757 Salicaria 756 Saltator 751 Sanderling 804 Sand-pipers 803, 805 Sarcoramphus 738 Satin-bird 748 Saxicola 755 SCANSORES 774 Scolopax 802 Scops 746 Scopus 800 Scoters 816 Screamer 807 Scythrops 778 Secretary 745 Sheath-bill 808 Shielducks 817 Shovellers ib. Shrikes 748 Siskin 761 Sitta 768 Skua 813 Snipes 803 Solan-goose 814 Somateria 817 Souimangas 769 Sparrow, hedge 756 house 760 Spheniscus 811 Spoon-bills 800 Spur-wing 816 Squatarola 797 Starling ...763 Steatornis 759 Sterna 813 Stone-chat 753 Storks 799 Strepsilas 804. Strix 746 Struthio 795 Sturnus 763 Sula 814 Swallows 737, 738 Swans 815 Swifts 758 Sylvia Synallaxis Syrnium Syrrhaptes 755 768 746 792 Tachypetes 814 Tachyphonus 751 Tadorna 817 Tamatia 779 Tamatias ib* Tanagers 751 Tanagra ib* Tantalus 800 Tanysiptera 773 Teals 819 Temia 765 Tenuirostres.. 768 Page Index. Terns 813 y Tetrao 791 " Thamnophilus 748 Thrush, ant 753 glossy 752 missel 751 pagoda 754 song 751 Tichodroma 768 Tinamous 792 Tinamus ib. Tit-mice 759 Todius 773 Totanus 805 TOTIPALM.E 813 Toucans 779 Touracos 784 Tragopan 790 Trichoglossus 781 Trichophorus 752 Tringa 803 Trochilus 769 Troglodytes 756 Trogon 779 Tropic-bird 815 Turkey 786 Turkey-buzzard 739 Turnstone 804 Turtle-dove 793 Twyte 761 Tyrannus 749 Ulula 746 Upupa 771 Uria 810 Vanellus 797 Vanga 748 Vidua 761 Vinago 794 Vulturid.® 738 Vultur ih. Vulture, bearded 740 black 739 Californian 738 cinereous ib. fulvous 738 gingi 740 king 739 WADERS 794 Wagtail 756 Warblers ih. Water-hens 806, 807 Water-ouzel 753 Water-rail 807 Wattle-bird 765 Wax-wing 750 WEB-FOOTED \ BIRDS J Wheat-ear 755 Whimbrel 802 Whinchat 755 White-throat 756 Wigeons 819 Willet 805 Woodcock 802 Woodpeckers * 774 Wren 756 Wry-neck 777 Xanthornus 762 Xenops 768 Yacous 785 Yunx 777 i9 END OF VOLUME SIXTEENTH. PRINTED BY NEILL AND CO OLD F1SHMARKET, EDINBURGH. Bablisked- "by A& C. Black:, Ediiilnrgh . O UNIT HO LOGY PLATE m. VOL. XVI. j * S. Secondaries. T. Tertuds. Wing of Starling ^Stumus vulgaris. Sm. C. Smaller Coverts. S. C. Secondaty Coverts. S. If. Spurious Wiry. P. C. Primary Coverts. 1 to W, Primaries. 1 to 6, Secondaries. Qj/uinipi Uvia ct. Scapula, b, tip of Coracoid bone., c.Humerus, d, Ulna., e, Radius. Cf Carpus, yp. Metacarpus. h.Pollex. ip Dibits. /. Scapula, b, Coracoid, bone 'rC/aviclc. c. c. Humerus, l.d.lflna. e„ e. Radius. . Carpus, p.p. Metacarpus, i. Pollex. i, i Diaits. icrri—ColiJinJia livia. S. If. Spurious Winp. S. S. Secondaries. P. P Primaries. Skeleton, of Golden Eagle _ Acgida ch/ysaetns. j V It Mfiegil/iyrqy. fh v. AiXmtm,. Smlp1 TtLbniahfid. by -A. & C.^la-ck. EcLizCb-argh . S\ A ”...V : •- ' '* - i t ; 1 ■■ r I 1 pv/jr/ ORNITHOLOGY. PL A TK JV. iyjlj) CafAartes m/vi/ Vj/lti/r cisiert'/ss. Sarcoramphus papa Gy par/as bar&atus Neophron percnopjterus. Caraaira £razfINnsis ^Morphnus cristntus. Ilaliajtus albidlln ffarpvia destructor. i'ublxaied "by/ £: C JjXaxdc EimbuirA. ■ i ORNITHOLOGY PLATE V. k ■ •> ■ 1//J.VUS furcatus. Perms fris/a/a. ffear/ of Falco. Islandiais , Vi 7 '/ua/n pagodantm Orri/s s//j C>) pogemmis scrpcnturius Jiubo Vu'p/jij/jmLs AJc/nwi. Sculp1. sli e3. by A. hC.IBlack, lldiJi'bnx^!i \XVL ]. picatus Lanzas coUari 'razums £mk of C/wlybmw ILeat/ of Gymzwcepkolas Cephafnptems ornatus Erl ol/ns remifir Tanpara chlorotzai Published by A.& C.BlachEdmbiLrgb. i asrnarln ’/alms varlrpatus. (n’o.. Wanna, Sculp? XVI. Oj' ORNITHOLO GY. PLATE VI/ ORNITHOLOGY. PLATE VZ/l. PuMislel ty A.& C.Black,Edinburgh. PLATE IX. Geo. A ikrrum, Sculp T Tubliakei *by A- & C31ack,E4nilniEgh.. fV VI. O RNITHOLO GY. PLATE X. TnhTi slip.a "by A k C.Black, Ean£bTir|k Geo. Aikman... $cui[> 7. ORN1THOLOGT PLATE XL. XvX k/ffjwi' Galbula rutUnmia Jacamerops grandis. Foot of Picoides. Hill of Lcptosomus. MT' Coayzus cristaius. muioi [otK/sa difo/tty PiiliUalic'i V A- * C. BUck, Edinlnirgh. ORNTTHOLO GY PL ATE XU. Pogonuis major. 1 inrairovh/rjis suprrriliosus. ScyPropXjNfmr Poll/uu lue ('m top hag a ant Trogon viridis Ptrroglossus aracan Ramphastns toco. hihlis]ii«'l hy A. & C.BlaA, Kdiuliurfh.. TuHislEKl "byiLA C.]31adk.I!dmbm:^i: &eo. Aiknum, Sculp f (r alius BanJava Malt. Bfead of Ourax t alius BanJaxu, Female Pterocles arenarius. Cr\/ft vi i: t • con v/atu. v Tin/unus rufeseens. Orfyqis pm/mix ('ahronlii'ii w- ORNITII OLOGY. PLATE IX1X IPiibHsIiel "by A. h. C- 31a ck, Elmbux^li. Geo. Aiknum. Sculpt PLATE XV. #'UVK • ' ■'' AntlirovoiJfs fxn oniwi. Tablisied ~by'JL& (Black, lEdmlritti^b- '. Aikuuin. Sculp] ■ .-.-r,l ■•>• . m PLATE XVI L ORNITHOLOGY. Grus Aimricajui Nu/fwwis 16 PlataZea ajaja Recun 'irostm ATumama . UacJuies nut/na \ \ R/ivnc/um mi/uv/s/s — (Ziionis vaqimilis. -- Pnrrn albinuai. lilhlisiLeiL IjyA. & (’. lila-ck, Ed nil hix-^l. OR NITHOLOGY PLATE XML. /.tinis iihtriims. I‘rh-cnnus <>iii>rwt(dus. Tabliiihed.fryA.& C.Slack,Edinbnrgi.. ProceUaritt pda/jira. IbJjja Surinameiis is. i Lp/erwdytrs j latapomra. ' reo.. Ukuuut Sculpt Fu Jujuhr, Yalismeri . ORNITHOLOGY. PLATE XVIII. VI. PuKLisKed hy A. & C. Black. Edinimxgli. PlotLLS melamqos/pr. ■- Cereopsis Novce Ilo/JjtnJj/r. ♦