item: #1 of 80 id: coo.31924022491033 author: Johnson, James Weldon, title: The autobiography of an ex-colored man date: 1912 words: 34893 flesch: 81 summary: the last time this tall man came to the little house And so, for a couple of years my life was divided between my music and my school books. heard play a short time before on a Sunday afternoon at a special service of some kind, and who great colored man, to reflect credit on the race, Through my music teaching and my not absolutely irregular attendance at church I became acquainted with the best class of colored people in white man of the South; most of his mental efforts run through one narrow channel; his life no group of Southern white men could get toAN EX-COLORED MAN class; for these men are but the creatures of conditions, as much so as the slum and criminal elements of all the great cities of the world are somehow feel that colored people who have education and money, who wear good clothes and live in keywords: autobiography; atlanta; club; ex; light colored man; london; new york; paris; red head; south; union man; united states; bad man; big man; black man; colored man; colored people; dark man; easy man; eyed man; father was,-a great man; greasy looking brownskinned man; great colored man; great man; ignorant colored man; jet black man; light colored man; man alive; negro; prosperous young colored man; religious man; spectacled young man; stout mulatto man; successful white man; tall man; time; white man; young colored man; young man; young white man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/coo.31924022491033.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/coo.31924022491033.txt item: #2 of 80 id: emu.010000426223 author: Ellis, George Washington, title: The leopard''s claw : a thrilling story of love and adventure from a European castle through the West African jungle, disclosing a deep insight into the quality and spiritual influence of African social institutions and conditions, and revealing a profound psyschic [sic] interpretation of African inner life, all clustered about the mysterious function and significance of the leopard''s claw by George W. Ellis date: 1917 words: 32400 flesch: 82 summary: home, Eva stood watching Oliver coming home to lunch, Oliver soon recogTHE LEOPARD'S CLAW added, "Oliver, Lucretia will be five years old next week; ing the wife and child, Oliver turned into the woods and When he returned he found Eva hysterical and Lucretia crying but trying to comfort her mamma. As soon as Alpha saw Oliver he thought of the gun They finally reached a large tree when both Lucretia The King and people decided that Eva and Lucretia When Oliver returned to his hut, Alpha called in a very Twe ventured across first, then Oliver ad Alpha followed, Oliver's old enemy kidnaps lucretia Alpha suspected Eva and Lucretia to be the lost wife Harold: Am embarking for Freetown with Lucretia, and returning to search for Eva, who is lost in oliver and lucretia arrive at freetown He lost no time in placing Lucretia and Zina at the Lord Dubley handed Oliver keywords: alpha; axim oliver; earl; eva; harthe leopard; jones; leopards claw; lady dubley; lord dubley; lord montroy; lord reginald winslow; lord winslow; lucretia; lucretia montcrief wilson; mersey oliver; miss lucretia; miss lucretia montcrief; mr. oliver; mr. solomon; mr. wilson; oliver; oliver montcrief; oliver ad alpha; oliver ex¬; oliver hand; oliver re¬; twe; yanga; zeppethe leopard; zina; a. m. oliver; chapter; claw; day oliver; dered oliver; king orthe leopard; late oliver montcrief; leopard 's claw; morning lucretia; morning oliver; pocket electric light oliver; slick scounthe leopard; supper oliver; unbound oliver; zenith oliver cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010000426223.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010000426223.txt item: #3 of 80 id: emu.010001070551 author: Chesnutt, Charles W. title: The marrow of tradition by Charles W. Chesnutt date: 1901 words: 73759 flesch: 85 summary: " Perhaps you'd better not send your man away, Mr. Delamere," observed the lady, in a high shrill voice, " Sandy," said Mrs. Carteret when the baby had Mr. Delamere's man Sandy had been waiting upon " Well, Mr. Delamere," returned the major goodhumoredly, " no doubt Sandy is an exceptionally good "Jerry," said the major, "wait on Captain McBane." Mammy Jane loved Mrs. Carteret; toward the major " White people," said Miller to himself, who had was the living evidence of a painful episode in Mrs. Carteret's family, which the doctor's presence would when it was death for a negro to strike a white man." " said Mrs. Carteret, " mere servants' " I wonder where Tom is," said Mrs. Carteret. see his own ha'nt, it's 'bout time fer dat man ter quit white race, in the person of old Mrs. Ochiltree, com¬ by two different persons, a negro and a white man, keywords: 'bout time fer dat man ter; -pron- nothing; adam miller; aunt polly; carteret residence; clara; delamere family; dr. burns; dr. miller; dr. price; dr. william miller; jerry; majah carteret; major carteret; major carteret him¬; major philip carteret; mammy jane; miss clara; mistuh tom; mr. delamere; mr. ellis; mr. merkell; mr. tom; mrs. carteret; mrs. car¬; mrs. miller; mrs. ochiltree; mrs. ochiltree querulously; mrs. polly ochiltree; sandy; sandy campbell; southern white man; tom delamere; birth major carteret; day tom delamere; dear mr. delamere; dear mrs. ochiltree; earlier years mr. delamere; fine old man; good old mammy jane; good old negro; good white man; grandiloquent subterfuge carteret; man sandy; marrow; minutes carteret; moment mrs. carteret; nephew tom delamere; o'clock mr. delamere; old mr. delamere; old mrs.; old mrs. ochiltree; old mrs. polly; old mrs. polly ochiltree; old sandy; scandal mrs. carteret; ter b'long ter yo; time mrs. carteret; tlie carteret baby theodore felix; tradition; w'en de ole carteret mansion; way fer ter study ter; weak old man; year mr. delamere; young mr. delamere cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010001070551.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010001070551.txt item: #4 of 80 id: emu.010001216911 author: Dunbar, Paul Laurence, title: Folks from Dixie / by Paul Laurence Dunbar ; with illustrations by E. W. Kemble date: 1898 words: 37126 flesch: 94 summary: so easy beset you an' keeps you f'om pergressin'; y' ain't got to think nothin' 'bout pussunal 'dornment; you's jes' got to shet yo' eyes If he do, I reckon he '11 fin' dat Mt. Hope ain't de place fo' him." " Well, dat's whut I '11 do, 'cause I kin outth'ow any of 'em an' I know dey hidin'" Look hyeah, Lize," said the old servant, " Hyeah's whah he got dat letteh," said Ike. " It ain't no place fu' nobody dat's jes' lazy don' you know young mans don' come to dey jes' to let huh know dat I'd been had my eyes but I knowed dat I'd hit huh jes' erbout right. father, an' I's got all dat I come fu'!' Mas' 41 want you to know, Emmerline, dat hit ain't my money wif no man dat knows how to 'spect keywords: anner; aunt caroline; aunt emmerline; bless de lawd; brother sneedon; dixie; dokesbury; folks; hannah williams; lawd; lias; lizer; mas; miss callena; miss callena johnson; miss randolph; mount hope; mr. dunkin; mr. ruggles; mr. taft; nelse; ordeal at mt; praise de lawd; reverend elias smith; sam; sister williams; bresh -pron-; dat de revenues; de lawd; de benches dat ef; de day be'n; de house lak; de man dat; de mean time de sistahs; de ole mas; de place whah mas; de room; de time; de way; de white folks; de young lady dey bofe; ez de boy; folk; long de road; long to'ds de ve'y end; model de house; ole mas; thoo de night; trial sermon; whar de lawd; white folk; wuss ag'in de happy day; young mas cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010001216911.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010001216911.txt item: #5 of 80 id: emu.010001355021 author: Chesnutt, Charles W. title: The wife of his youth and other stories of the color line by Charles W. Chesnutt ; with illustrations by Clyde O. De Land date: 1899 words: 50886 flesch: 87 summary: I wuz married ter a man named Jim. But Sam 'way wid 'im ter-morrow, fer he needed " Good-evening, Clara," he said, taking her " Tell me, Clara," he said, looking " That is an extremely long time," said A turbaned colored woman came to the door in re¬ a moment later the sheriff came to the door. u I ain't got no time fer ter tarry, Shurff," The man turned away, and Polly went into the crowd went away they said I had not long " I want to get away," said the prisoner, man, who was looking the other way, was lowing evening, a light-colored man,—a white would n't want ter fool wid a nigger man, an' Law, a young white man from Ohio, moved " I reckon I knows de man," said the A colored man might be as good as a white keywords: cicely 's bream; cicely 's dream; cicely; clara; dick; grandison; groveland; mars dick; milly; miss alice clayton; miss clayton; miss hohlfelder; miss myrover; mr. braboy; mr. brown; mr. clayton; mr. johnson; mr. peterson; mr. peter¬; mr. ryder; mrs. harper; north; north carolina; principle; sheriff; sam; uncle wellington; virginia mammy; wellington 's wives; wellington; wellington braboy; afternoon mr. ryder; better man; big man; black man; child; dark man; dark white man; de man; dead man; desperate man; dis man; good fer man ter lib; haired young man; man brown; man sam; man dat useter wuk; married man; matter; nigger man; old man; passing; poor man; poorer white people; rich man; richest colored man; right man; sick man; single man; w'ite man; wife; wounded man; young white man; yuther merlatter man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010001355021.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010001355021.txt item: #6 of 80 id: emu.010001355555 author: Johnson, Edward A. title: Light ahead for the Negro / by E.A. Johnson ... date: 1904 words: 12358 flesch: 78 summary: The School History of the Negro Race This was especially true of the Negro race in my three white men and two Negroes were published, whereby the whites got the Negroes' money but odds were against the Negro race at that time. over the country to discuss the Negro problem, Negro a longing for equality which the wdiite man organizations of the Negro race, also advocated down on the Negro, and that while in the South the whites lynched only the one Negro against refusing to work with Negroes, and instances of Collis had gone to Dixon's room on the Negro's request. Negroes cast their ballots one way all of the time; " The Negro nature at this time was still a pliable Negro for the white man. first years of freedom, when the Negro was forced comfortable for the Negroes in the South about What the young of the Negro race needs, beyond keywords: mr. graves; negro; negro almanac; negro ability; negro labor; negro national organization; negro population; negro problem; negro question; negro race; negro suffrage; negroes; north carolina; south; great negro exposition; light; negro problem; negro race; southern; stantial negro man; white cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010001355555.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010001355555.txt item: #7 of 80 id: emu.010002406445 author: Coleman, Lucretia H. Newman. title: Poor Ben : a story of real life by Lucretia H. Newman Coleman date: 1890 words: 39250 flesch: 79 summary: how "Poor Ben," whose existence began, like the little Poor Ben. When Bennie was quite young his mother gave him Poor Ben, during the thirty years of his life, had Poor Ben was a good and successful instructor, be¬ After leaving the school-room, Poor Ben's profession Of course Ben's great loving heart had long since Poor Ben. othet hand, love will degrade; it will bring man down 'Poor Ben. He was again sent as a delegate to the State Con¬ five years ago, when Poor Ben was young. ing it closely, Poor Ben thought he would try his skill the meeting in a few well timed and appreciated reniafks; and then introduced Poor Ben of Urbana, asthe orator of the day. Poor Ben, was the boy. Poor Ben. men. progress made during the first two years of Poor Ben's poor Ben's Home. the life work and surroundings of Poor Ben during keywords: africa; ben comforta¬; bennie; d. c.; d. d.; d. d. ll; do'st thou love life; god; godless life; h. c. smith; hon; j. a. brown; j. c.; j. c. brown; j. p.; j. w.; m. c. a.; m. d.; m. e. church; negro; ohio; poor ben; poor ben occasionpolitical; poor ben occasionpolitical career; representative ben; representative poor; rev. j. c.; rev. w. j.; s. c.; school; state; t. m. d.; w. h.; w. s.; y. m. c.; a. m.; belief life; better life; boat ben; civilized life; company ben; day life; domestic life; early life; essential life; eventful life; later life; life liberty; life merits; life work; man; nineteenth century life; nursing poor ben; poor; poor ben; poor helpless ben; quiet life; response poor ben; reward ben; season life; stuff life; time poor ben; tooth carpenter poor; year cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010002406445.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010002406445.txt item: #8 of 80 id: emu.010002426670 author: Howard, Jas. H. W. title: Bond and free; a true tale of slave times. By Jas. H. W. Howard date: 1886 words: 51532 flesch: 83 summary: lid wife, and how, in a short time, this beautiful slave Jim said, " Yes, Miss Purcey, will you walk with It was not William's custom or privilege to visit Purcey in the day-time. When Elva looked at William, she said, "Well, The man on horse back then said: " Don't you men money, besides the husband of Purcey, William McCullar, and it happened in this way : The entire party ing was said to William about the change which William McCullar, though a slave, was a noblehearted man. "Where is Purcey," said Mrs. Maxwell, "that she Maxwell place, excepting Elva, who knew of Purcey's flight, and the parting between mother and looked at Purcey with his bleared eyes, and said : "I am traveling with my mistress," said Purcey. tion, said: " Send a servant to show my man where to return the man to his master, was left to think that keywords: elva; harwood maxwell; joe; jonathan maxwell; jonathan maxwell farewell; jonathan max¬; judge coleman; mars maxwell; maxwell house; miss purcey; mr. abraham biggers; mr. biggers; mr. jamison; mr. johnson; mr. kerwin; mr. lillie; mr. sledger; mrs. maxwell; purcey; sallie; uncle josh; widow dean; william; william mccullar; able man; average man; bond ajstd free; brave man; cruel man; cunning man; excited man; fighting man; free land; free man; free state; gifted man; heartless man; intelligent man; little man; little old man; man with¬; mortal man; negro man; new man; poor man; powerful man; real black man; relentless man; time mr. biggers; uncommon man; white man; young man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.010002426670.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.010002426670.txt item: #9 of 80 id: emu.10002331914 author: Micheaux, Oscar, title: The conquest : the story of a negro pioneer / by the pioneer date: 1913 words: 68212 flesch: 82 summary: The towns people who came to buy, haven't the time to come to market every day." hundred dollars for land as far west as the town of arrived at Calias in good time. sod house north of town and see the colored man. He came from a small town, usually the home of the people of Megory began to boost the town on few good horses, land his building in the town the their interests to that place and combine with Megory in making the town a metropolis. the bank of Calias five miles west of Megory and west of town had company in the way of many new had ever seen in a country town up to that time, immediately every town in Megory County began sold in any town on the Little Crow, up to that time, By the time the land office opened in the morning, keywords: amro; c.; calias; chicago; claves; conquest; ernest nicholson; ethel; little crow; little crow reservation; little crow land; megory; megory county; megory national; megory town dads; miss; miss hinshaw; miss rooks; mrs. arling; mrs. ewis; mrs. lilis; new calias; nicholson brothers; nicholsons anthe conquest; ome time; old calias; oristown; orlean; oscar; r. w.; reverthe conquest; reverend; south dakota; t h*e conquest; tipp county; victor; washington d. c.; chapter; conthe conquest; dollar; free time; gong soundthe conquest; good land; good live town; good time; good town; hard time making ends; hazardthe conquest; inevithe conquest; little; little town; long time; nice time; old town; present time; short time; souththe conquest; time; time ernest nicholson; time megory; time thomas w. lawson; time woodring; time building; time father; time recog¬; time summer home; winter time; year cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.10002331914.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.10002331914.txt item: #10 of 80 id: emu.10002350164 author: Dreer, Herman, title: The immediate jewel of his soul : a romance / by Herman Dreer date: 1919 words: 77190 flesch: 87 summary: For instance, the young man said, 'God is waiting "We are indeed glad to come at any time," said Thelma "Why had Thelma said this?" thot Susan. Her mother had said wait, let the man take the initiative. "Susan," said William, "I have told you my feelings in "Somehow it has seemed queer to me," remarkt Rev. Ross looking pointedly at Thelma, "that there isn't a Mrs. William Smith on that estate. The morning following Thelma's conversation with Rev. Ross, William began the day's work in his orchard. said enough, this I know will suffice; the white man every¬ "I'm your man," said Rev. Smith, "and I think I know "I wanted to come, William, so much; but I thot it best white man who did not place himself above colored people. man she loves, so Thelma longed for William. Then she took Thelma by the hand and called, "William, come, keywords: dr. smith; dr. william; god; immediate jewed; immediate jewel of1; miss haskell; mr. brown; mr. clarkston; mr. davis; mr. goodrich; mr. heywood; mr. houston; mr. nailor; mr. president; mr. tucker; mr. turner; mr. wilson; mrs. smith; op kis soul; president harper; rev. canty; rev. ross; rev. smith; rev. smith iookt; rev. smith today; rev. smith vis; rev. william smith; rev. young; reverend mr. smith; reverend william; sthe immediate jewel op; seaton; susan; susan lee; tke jimmediate jewel; thelma; william askt; william d:-; william hur¬; william mischieviously; william pro¬; william reacht; william thoroly; william thot; askt william; finisht william; great man; great national life; hapthe immediate jewel; happy life; hapthe immediate jewel; home life; human life; iil lj immediate jewel; immediate jewel op; inquisithe immediate jewel op; inquisithe immediate jewel; life time; life work; mentionthe immediate jewel; mentionthe immediate jewel; minutes brot william; moment william; new life; point william; remarkt rev. smith; sepathe immediate jewel; soul; summer william; thing rev. smith; true rev. smith; valorous william smith; white man every¬; white man money; white man prop¬ cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/emu.10002350164.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/emu.10002350164.txt item: #11 of 80 id: hvd.32044010537264 author: Chesnutt, Charles W. title: The conjure woman by Charles W. Chesnutt date: 1899 words: 30605 flesch: 102 summary: Henry did n' know nuffin 'bout de goopher, en Mars Dugal' did n' see no 'casion fer ter tell 'im. wife's question, "was a nigger w'at useter b'long ter ole Mars Marrabo McSwayne. knowed whar he wuz gwine ter stay fum Atter dat Tenie sot a sparrer-hawk fer ter watch de tree; en w'en Young mars wuz in a tarrible hurry fer ter git back home. atter a w'ile dat it wuz all Mars Marrabo's wife could do ter git a 'oman ter 'lowed she went fer ter talk wid Sandy's he wuz des gwine ter git so much wuk He tuk a lackin' ter Mars Marrabo McSwayne's oldes' gal, Miss Lib. bic, en useter go ober dere eve'y day here ter dis yer vimya'd, — dat wuz w'en mules, fer ter come down dere dat night Dan, fer he wuz mos' sho' ter git a good ain' got no time fer ter was'e wid no keywords: aun; brer dan; conjure woman; dan; den de cunjuh man tuk de; julius; mars dugal; mars dugal en; mars dunkin; mars henry; mars jeems; mars jeems mclean; mars jeems wuz; mars jim; mars johnson; mars marrabo; peggy; sandy; sandy ter; climb de hill ter de sawmill; dat mars jeems; de; de wim'l'ton road ter; de aidge er de min'al; de buggy fum dere ter town; de goopher ter; de nigger w'at tuk keer er de; de road wid de cunjuh man; de road wid de shote; de shote b'long ter; de spring er de year; de woods fer ter; de yuther side'n de; den follered de track er de; en mars jim; fer mars jeems; fer ter hitch de; greed ter gib de man; ole mars dugal; ter aun; ter mars archie de nex; ter mars dugal; ter mars jeems; ter mars marrabo; ter de house; ter de woods; ter start de fire; ter wuk de; w'en mars jeems; w'en mars marrabo; wid mars dugal; young mars jeems cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/hvd.32044010537264.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/hvd.32044010537264.txt item: #12 of 80 id: hvd.32044021096433 author: Grant, John Wesley title: Out of the darkness, or, Diabolism and destiny by J.W. Grant date: 1909 words: 60179 flesch: 84 summary: Said the boy: "Mother, my teacher says the world is a battlefield and a graveyard!" Harold was born just three months before days and saw a great many of the heads of families, and everywhere he found parents and children most anxious for the opportunity to learn and to hear the word of God explained. have schools, we shall have many worthy, intelligent Negroes who will become producers, taxpayers, and real forces in building up our state this nation, all men will hail each other as brothers, and God as their common father!" "Then," said Lucius, "Must I regard this as my up, will draw all men unto me.' The Great Teacher is the social pattern for good people, in all nations, and for all times. have been more prosperous, but they said:"The great bulk of the Negro race in this country is in the South, and here it is going to remain keywords: croton; darkness; dr. l. storms; dr. lucius storms; dr. storms miss; dr. tilton; elder buchanan; ernestine; gatewood storms; god; julian; julian jarnigan; miss marie; miss norris; miss tilton; mr. grimpky; mr. harold scott; mr. jarnigan; mr. leonidas storms; mr. norris; mr. norwood; mr. storms; mr. strong; mr. tarlton; mr. wilford; negro; negro norris; negro blood; negro children; negro life; negro man; negro people; negro race; negroes; south; southern white people; storms miss moultrie; burly white man; chapter; darkness; dat de white man; de southern white man; de black man; de white man lowah; deadly fear uv de white man; destiny; diabolism; diabolism amd destiny; gay young people; good man; good people; good upright white people; great man naaman; little man; mighty white man; old man; poor colored people; poor old negro; prominent white man; unfortunate black people; young negro; young country people cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/hvd.32044021096433.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/hvd.32044021096433.txt item: #13 of 80 id: hvd.hn35p2 author: Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore, title: The goodness of St. Rocque, and other stories by Alice Dunbar date: 1899 words: 18032 flesch: 88 summary: tightness away from a pinched, pitiful face, whose dull cold eyes hurt you, other little girls came to buy candy and "Yes, but, my dear Annette," protested Philip, "this is a warm day, and The fisherman was looking unutterable things into Annette's eyes, and, it about the bowed white head of a little Claiborne Street, was a house, little and but little, for on nearly every day ball, another night for that soirée dansante, and in the day, work at his trade, know that farther out, past the Confederate Soldiers' Home, – that roseembowered, rambling place of graycoated, white-haired old men with Street, one day there came a man and a no come home soon dese day. quaint little old-world places where one I know those white hands like a woman's One morning little Miss Sophie the little supplicant almost every day. Little Sister Josepha's work was to keywords: annette; bayou st. john; fisherman; fortier; m'sieu fortier; miss sophie; mr. baptiste; new orleans; pass christian; philip; saint rocque; sister josepha; st. rocque; street; sylves; titee; tony; wife; day tony; little m'sieu; little miss sophie; little heart; little old man; little old violinist; little queer old shop; lonely little room; miserable little room; morning little miss sophie; poor little creole old; poor little room; quaint little house; quaint little old; struggle,-poor little mr. baptiste; unkempt little creole woman cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/hvd.hn35p2.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/hvd.hn35p2.txt item: #14 of 80 id: hvd.hn3hhr author: Adams, Clayton, title: Ethiopia, the land of promise : a book with a purpose by Clayton Adams date: 1917 words: 16378 flesch: 78 summary: Allan lost no time in making his way to the address And Mrs. Bleecker led Allan to a vine-covered porch At the sight, Mrs. Bleecker turned an appealing face toward Allan. The old man pointed to the wagon, saying that he would load it at once, whereupon Allan Allan's return before starting for the Bleecker homestead, which was located about two miles from the city, eyes of the man and the girl met, Allan lifted his hat. "Does a man named Allan Dune work there?" was Allan continued his way, wheeling Harold before two, Allan and Harold, — had gone on to within a halfmile of the Bleecker homestead and were in a specially Allan,for it was he,was taking a day off preparatory to his return shortly to Cargo City, where the Harold Bleecker, whom Allan had apprised of his hands tore Harold Bleecker from the side of Allan keywords: allan dune; allan dune work; bishop; bishop mangus; cargo city; donald bleecker; ethiopia; elsa; eph; harold bleecker; morris bleecker; mr. bleecker; mr. dune; black man; brave young man; busy man; dead man; large white man; man mr. bleecker; man sure; old colored man; old man; successful business man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/hvd.hn3hhr.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/hvd.hn3hhr.txt item: #15 of 80 id: hvd.hwqs4m author: Fleming, Sarah Lee Brown. title: Hope''s highway : a novel by Sarah Lee Brown Fleming date: 1918 words: 17252 flesch: 87 summary: Great men from different parts of the country either gave their support financially or otherwise to the Vance Institute, and from its example other schools Tom's mother was a quiet, sympathetic woman of about forty, with large, glowing eyes, and "Tom truly has her eyes," thought Grace, as Grace bade Tom good-by, and slipping a Grace, of course, did not know of the sentiment regarding the Blacks, and even though one cross-looking white man, who, to Grace's night, Joe Vardam determined to place Tom Days and weeks passed and still Grace received no reply to the letter she had sent. Grace Ennery and Fred Trower were also Whether Grace knew it or not, Fred Trower course of his search for Tom. This Grace did had seen in his Santa Maria home,-Grace Ennery. TOM BRINLEY RESCUES GRACE 109 TOM BRINLEY RESCUES GRACE 109 Grace Trower, she was enthusiastic over Tom's keywords: frank hope; fred trower; grace; grace ennery; grace bade tom; grace bade tom good; highway; hope 's highway; joe vardam; mr. grant; mr. trower; santa barbara; santa maria; santa maria politics; south; tom brinley; uncle abbott; uncle tom; beautiful santa maria; burly black man; day grace; great man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/hvd.hwqs4m.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/hvd.hwqs4m.txt item: #16 of 80 id: mdp.39015000252448 author: Toomer, Jean, title: Cane With a foreword by Waldo Frank date: 1923 words: 29619 flesch: 99 summary: The last thing that I remember was whipping old Dan like fury; I remember nothing when compared with his, you will know my feeling when I follow the curves of her profile, like Esther looks like a little white child, starched, Glowing like a fired pine-knot, it illumined the great door and soft showered the house like antennæ of a dead thing, stuffed, own body were the mass-heart of a black audience listening to them singing, he wants to heard em say that men who look like him (what where she goes to bed of nights, a soft thing like Soft girl-eyes, they set him singing. "Dont know, Muriel-wanted to see youwanted to talk to you—to see you and tell you "But Muriel, life is full of things like that. black man swings the door for them, his eyes Layman: White folks know that niggers talk, Halsey: Come on down this way, folks. keywords: bona; cane; dan; dan moore; gardens; georgia; god; halsey; jean toomer; jesus; kabnis; lewis; louisa; muriel; paul; red cross man; south; tom; best man; big man; big uniformed black man; black men; blind man; blood; eye; good man; jointed georgia negro; like; lynchin white man ud; man; o; old deaf man; old man mumblin; poor man; richest colored man; silent man; strong man; th south cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015000252448.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015000252448.txt item: #17 of 80 id: mdp.39015000543242 author: Paynter, John Henry. title: Fifty years after, date: 1940 words: 37419 flesch: 74 summary: impressive memorial window to Sir Walter Raleigh, presented, by the way, by American citizens. Have a Joy-Day, while the picture of five little boys and The opening sentence of the article follows with these words: "Ten dozen little darky boys, to day, it was only to be informed, to my great disappointment, by Mrs. Layton that he had had to leave that Park Road, a long-time resident of London and prominent figure in the world of music. the mid-portion of the "Open" marks the place of execution of Henry VIII's short-lived Queen, Anne Boleyn. friends were to return home by way of London, I suggested that they by all means visit the splendid new The old Mount Zion Church, adjacent to the Cemetery, was abandoned many years ago, and now houses the cultural interest, in those long past days in Old Georgetown. Looking around in little old New York is not so safe keywords: bonny england; charles dickens; david copperfield; dickens; england; france; hampton court; henry; henry viii; king; king george; london sights; london; london tower; miss; mr.; mr. george; mr. johnson; mr. mell; napoleon; new york; old; palace; paris; queen; st.; st. genevieve; st. george; st. julien; st. paul; street; years; curious little gothic; day; de little foot square box wuz; dear little madame; dozen little darky boys; find; firry years; good; great; great henry viii gate; later years; little; little david; little miss flite; little adjacent park; little amusement; little black; little boys; little colored playmates; little darky girls; little feet; little folks; little food; little journey; little old new york; little time; little way; manly little fellow; maturer years; old georgetown; purposeful years; successive years; vivacious little lady; way; year; year old; years old; years past cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015000543242.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015000543242.txt item: #18 of 80 id: mdp.39015002216789 author: Garnett, David, title: Lady into fox by David Garnett; illustrated with wood engravings by R. A. Garnett date: 1923 words: 8838 flesch: 86 summary: For the sudden changing of Mrs. Tebrick into a vixen is an established fact welled up in the poor fox's eyes and she began weeping (but quite in silence), and she trembled too as that Mr. Tebrick should think of taking his vixen out as his vixen kept asking him in the gentlest way: a wife or only a wild vixen in his house. Mr. Tebrick stopped short in consternation and looked that was a little walled-in garden where his wife could But presently on looking out he saw his vixen had it is an old and time-honoured trick of the fox. who kept wringing her hands and told them Mr. Tebrick's wife had run away and she was a vixen, and Mr. Tebrick looked at his wife again and spoke stroke his vixen, or look at her, and thus the time by this time it was so dark that it was all Mr. Tebrick keywords: fox; lady; ladyinto fox; mr. tebrick; silvia; lady; look; poor mr. tebrick; sight mr. tebrick; wife; Înto fox cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015002216789.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015002216789.txt item: #19 of 80 id: mdp.39015004315027 author: Wright, Richard, title: Savage holiday date: 1954 words: 41745 flesch: 93 summary: Warren's face; instead, as though performing a ceremonial gesture of penance, his left hand had nervously reached inside his coat and felt the tips of the face with his hands; he knew that Tony's body had "Looks like it," Erskine said with a dry throat. "I was taking in my paper when I heard Mrs. Blake scream," Erskine found words at last. The door of Mrs. Blake's apartment slammed shut and Erskine stared at it as though come to see her," Tony had said, looking Erskine Erskine had wanted to tell Tony not to talk like Mrs. Westerman let her deep, gray eyes rest meltingly on Erskine's face. "I'm not one to judge others, Mr. Fowler," Mrs. Westerman said, looking Erskine full in the face. down this morning to see Tony?" Erskine asked He wanted to ask her if she'd been drunk, as Mrs. Westerman had said, but he decided not to. keywords: china blue eyes; dear erskine; erskine fowler; god; miss brownell; mr. fowler; mr. warren; mrs. blake; mrs. claxton; mrs. fenley; mrs. mabel blake; mrs. westerman; naked feetp erskine; richard wright; savage holiday; tony; tony blake; tony fall; awful mrs. westerman; dark eyes; dead tony; dear little tony; end erskine; good god; gray eyes; little tony; memory?-was erskine; moment erskine; old tony blake; poor tony; poor tony fall; poor little tony; suremees savage holiday cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015004315027.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015004315027.txt item: #20 of 80 id: mdp.39015004733401 author: Thurman, Wallace, title: The blacker the berry: a novel of negro life date: 1929 words: 39261 flesch: 86 summary: away from his wife, Emma Lou, Boise, Negroes, and Here, in the comsocial circles of Los Angeles, Emma Lou was certamthat she would find many suitable companions, intelligent, broad-minded people of all complexions, Then Emma Lou saw a solitary Negro girl seated Two weeks of school had left Emma Lou's mind his arm slipped around her waist, and, as the darkness of night more and more conquered the evanescent light of day, their lips met, and Emma Lou grew Emma Lou watched the dancers, and noticed immediately that in all that insensate crowd of dancing couples there were only a few Negroes. The first place Emma Lou approached had a double room for two girls, two men, or a couple. "It's like this, Emma Lou, they don't want no dark At ten the next morning Emma Lou called Alva. keywords: alva; arline; blacker; blacker thb berryate gbul; boise; braxton; emma lou; emma lou morgan; emma lou busy; emma lou instruction; emma lou instructions; emma ✓; harlem; imthe blacker; john; los angeles; mrs. blake; negro harlem; new york; seventh avenue; uncle joe; berry; black negro girls; black people; burstthe blacker; cacothe blacker; consultathe blacker; eyed emma lou; home emma lou; incident emma lou; little pathe blacker; moment emma lou; n lou; negro; open entrance way emma; place emma lou; short time emma lou; time emma lou; untoward incident emma lou; woman eyed emma lou cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015004733401.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015004733401.txt item: #21 of 80 id: mdp.39015008240296 author: Fisher, William, title: The waiters. date: 1953 words: 88223 flesch: 90 summary: "It ain't you, man," Jordon said, "it's me." He turned to Asher. As Asher passed the Kingfish and made for the opposite corner of the kitchen to place his order with the fish-broiler, he felt Before Asher could think up an answer, the big man said to Jordon, "You boys get what you want and bring Chief his. "Ain't nothin' wrong with it," Walters said as he looked Asher the devout, stood at Asher's side as the room filled to capacity, bidding him "look at ol' Chief wid those white folks eatin' outa his hand It seemed to Asher that Ester looked like the young, simple, wholesome country girls he had known at home in the South years ago. Time and again Asher would come into the kitchen to find Mr. Jerry sweating as he counted endless platters piled on waiters' trays, Asher's mind nosed over what Dowd had said like a man turning keywords: asher; asher eyed casablanca; asher streaming; asher streaming wet; asher studi; asher unprepared; chief; city island road; dave; dowd; ester; fishbowl; fishbowl waiter; fishbowl waiters; jordon; kingfish; miss ester; monroe; mr. asher brown; mr. brown; mr. dunkel; mr. jack; mr. jerry; mr. maddox; poor old man; road asher; walters; afternoon asher; agreement flood asher; banker asher; busy night asher; car waiters; day asher; deep silences asher; dimness asher; faced old man; fastidious old man; glory wagon asher; good waiters; hallway asher; hour asher; independent banker asher; instant asher; life asher; look asher; man; minute asher; minutes asher; moment asher; night asher; ol' asher; old chief; paper asher; party asher; room asher; room man; short time asher; silence asher; stoop asher; stoops asher; table asher; time asher; time fishbowl waiter; time waiter; wagon asher; week asher; weeks asher; white waiters cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015008240296.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015008240296.txt item: #22 of 80 id: mdp.39015009022487 author: Turpin, Waters E. title: O Canaan! A novel date: 1939 words: 69559 flesch: 95 summary: they's went up to Jackson, jes' sho's my name's Sam CumWeah, I know," said Joe. "Come on wid me," said Joe. Out on the platform some thirty men, women and children were huddled. "That's right nice o' you, now," said Joe, "an' I ain't "Ain't gone do no good," said Joe. There was another tangible good that came of Joe's meeting Dan Carter; it brought together Connie and Mae, Dan's with the blond good looks of the girl-shy Lem. Mae was to become one of those little women whom men "That's a right nice way to look at it," said Joe gratefully "Look here," said Joe as Jane got up to go, "whyn't you "I'm gonna see ain't no harm coming to you, Mis' Saunders," said Joe firmly. language, Joe often thought that Connie looked like she "Ain't got time, Sam," said Joe. "I know, Dad," said Essie, "but you've got to do it. keywords: bran; canaan; christine; christine lawson benson; connie; connie benson; dad; dan; dan carter; essie; essie drive; essie half; essie knew_had; great canaan; jeff; jim milburn; joe benson; junior; lem; lem lawson; mae; maggie dawson; miss benson; miss jane; miss jane saunders; miss maggie; miss saunders; mistah joe; mother; mr benson; mr milburn; mrs maggie dawson; o canaan; paul; paul johnson; sam; sam cummins; sister maggie dawson; south; addresses joe; applause joe; arms joe; babble joe; better judgment joe; concern joe; days joe; doldrums joe; earliest days essie; excited essie; feminine conversation joe; glad essie; lawn essie; like essie; little essie; look; money essie; mule joe benson; mules joe benson; old joe; piano essie; reason essie; reason little essie; route essie; shrilled essie; silence essie; supreme effort joe; time joe; tis canaan; well judgment joe; young joe cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015009022487.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015009022487.txt item: #23 of 80 id: mdp.39015010962861 author: Griggs, Sutton E. title: The hindered hand: or, The reign of the repressionist By Sutton E. Griggs date: 1905 words: 63814 flesch: 83 summary: rather to the end of a coach, set apart for Negroes, took a rear seat and surveyed the car preparatory to reading the note which the young "A fine looking fellow," thought the porter concerning the dark young man. Ensal Ellwood, the dark young man, looking "Ensal, there isn't any good in that Gus Martin," said she, in earnest, tremulous tones, nodding her head in the direction of the departing Gus. almost the entire leadership of the race was centered in that functionary, Ensal was accustomed to having all sorts of matters placed before him, but the present requirement was rather The white man took advantage of the opportunity to get a full look at Ensal, who felt a little outrage by a Negro man upon a white woman. of women, for, what can we do?" said Ensal, looking at Earl, tears of pity for his people welling and the white people of the South," said Ensal. keywords: american negro; american negro square; bud harper; dave harper; earl; earl bluefield; ensal; ensal ellwood; eunice; foresta; mr. arthur daleman; mr. daleman; mr. dixon; mr. ellwood; mr. hostility; mr. maul; mr. seabright; mr. sidney fletcher; mr. volrees; mrs. arabelle seabright; mrs. crawford; mrs. crump; mrs. harper; mrs. marsh; negro; negro boy; negro children; negro life; negro man; negro men dream; negro porter; negro question; negro section; negro woman cook; negro world; negroes; rev. mr. marshall; south; south carolina; southern white man; aged negro men; chapter; dark young man; dressed young man; genial faced young man; hindered hand; hindering hand; innocent negro men great trouble; lone negro girl; man ensal; negro girl; negro man; negro race; negro woman; noble young man; poor white man; resisting negro race; right hand; slumbering negro mind; thine omnipotent hand; tiara; white man fur; young negro; young white man; young white woman cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015010962861.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015010962861.txt item: #24 of 80 id: mdp.39015011340141 author: Waring, Robert L. title: As we see it by Robert L. Waring date: 1910 words: 54860 flesch: 91 summary: and said: "Abe, you are to be my right-hand man. "Thank God!" said Old Abe; "I know'd dat yo' heart is "Abe," says the black boy, "your father is a mighty good "Say, Abe," the white boy said, "I hear that Buck Lashum Nick, thus goaded by Old Abe, finally said: "Why, man alives," said Abe, with wrath, "don't yo' know "Why, man alives!" said Old Abe, with increasing wrath, wanted to know what Abe had said. was told what Abe had said of the death-bed scene of Mrs. Miranda Overley, he, too, was visibly affected. grasp Abe. Malcolm and Forbes soon got the young lady to "Say, Forbes," said Malcolm, "what shall we do with Abe ? "Abe, we want to consult on your case," said Forbes, Malcolm and Rattles as they went out of the room. After a long silence Malcolm said: "Abe, I do not think keywords: abe overley; abe dat; abe protests; abe tol; dr. finley; il mr. overley; ise de fifth abe; malcolm a. overley; mars abe; messrs. buck lashum; miss donewell; miss watson; mr. abe; mr. abraham overley; mr. big joe; mr. buck lashum; mr. casper lashum; mr. donewell; mr. jim; mr. lashum; mr. malcolm a.; mr. nicholas lashum; mr. nick lashum; mr. overley; mr. watson; old abe; uncle abe; yo'kin kotch dat gal ob ole abe; appearance abe; arrival abe; dat abe overley; deep thought old abe; fifth abe overley; friend abe; hour abe; night abe; note abe; point abe; second corner abe; thet abe overley; thet thet abe overley; time abe cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015011340141.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015011340141.txt item: #25 of 80 id: mdp.39015011340158 author: Attaway, William. title: Let me breathe thunder. date: 1939 words: 31924 flesch: 104 summary: "Maybe we look like good guys," I said. "The kid's a laugh, ain't he?" said Step loudly. "Yeah," said Step noncommittally, turning away. "I might suggest that you would like the luncheonette," said the waiter, before Step's fumbling "This kid's my son," said Step. "So far," said Step, "we ain't found no kind of "It ain't much as we're used to getting," said Step, feller gets too old to knock around," said Step. "One dame ain't no more 'n another," said Step. "He ain't funny," said Step, "he's yellow. The kid looked hurt clear through, like Step's "It ain't just that," said Step. my house," said Mag. Step put his hand on Mag's arm. "Guess that's right," said Mag. Step jumped up and took one of the bottles from "Oh, all right, kid, lead on," said Step. "Don't think he got anything," said Step. "They think you were after Anna," said Step. keywords: anna anna anna; anna anna anna anna anna anna anna; betcha step; cooper; mag; mexican kid; sampson; step; step absent; thunder; yakima yakima yakima; boy; funny kid; guess; kid; kid answer; kitchen step; look; new step; night step; shocked step; sure; towheaded kid cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015011340158.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015011340158.txt item: #26 of 80 id: mdp.39015011800169 author: Himes, Chester B., title: The primitive date: 1955 words: 40330 flesch: 88 summary: Slowly her thoughts began to take shape in the form of memory, and the events of the night before returned like sequences "Everybody's lonely in this goddamn city," he thought bitterHe'd come home and begun drinking gin and reading Gorki's little girl Kriss had thought of him as God. However, this morning she didn't pass the portrait but heard the soft slurred voice with its faint, almost indistinguishable lisp, that it would say, "Hello, Kriss-baby, this is Jesse." sitting room he said, "I really like your place." This time she such a malevolent look on Kriss's face, he amended the thought, indulging in the complicated reasoning of attributing his youthful appearance to the fact that white people, like herself, supported him so he could write a book every four or five years "Black, isn't it," Jesse thought, but said aloud, smiling, "Don't look at me!" Jesse thought, pointing toward the "Man's right," Jesse thought. keywords: avenue; chicago; chimpanzee; dave; god; harold; jesse robinson; jesse robinson tuh; jesse robinson tuh bagin wid; kriss; leroy; maud; mr. robinson; mr. ward; negro man; negroes; new york; new york city; pope; ronny; scotch; street; bad time; cooking good time; damn; drink; eyes kriss; face; fust time; glorous time; good; like; little girl kriss; long time; look; man; men jesse; moment kriss; negro; old man briggs; old man famous; short time; sleep; sleep jesse; successful white man; thing jesse; time; time ronny; venerable old man; week jesse; white; white daily newspaper years; woman; wrong time; young white man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015011800169.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015011800169.txt item: #27 of 80 id: mdp.39015012856574 author: White, Walter, title: The fire in the flint [by] Walter F. White date: 1924 words: 62367 flesch: 87 summary: Kenneth felt that he had good reason to feel content with the present outlook. every comely coloured girl in towns of the South like Her eyes opened slightly when Kenneth approached the bed and closed again immediately as a new spasm of pain passed through her in his own eyes, cleared his throat several times before replying, while Kenneth waited at the other end Let's get the better class of coloured people together like Reverend Wilson, Mr. Graham, Mr. Adams, and some others, and form a Coloured Protective League here in Central City. position a Negro always occupies in places like Central City-in fact, throughout the South. the choking back of natural impulses the Negro practised to avoid trouble, Kenneth often thought of the Kenneth and Mamie entered the room, and came towards them, a smile on her face. After Kenneth had gone, Jane sat for some time keywords: bob; central city; central city chamber; central city cotton; central city dispatch; central city hotel; central city klan; central city parker; central city inhabitant; dr. bennett; dr. harper; dr. kenneth b.; dr. kenneth b. harper; dr. scott; dr. williams; fire; flint; jane; jane phillips; judge stevenson; kenneth; kenneth b. harper; kenneth harper; kenneth adminis-; kenneth half; kenneth warm glow; ku klux klan; lee street; monday morning kenneth; mr. phillips; mr. tucker; mr. wilson; mrs. bradley kenneth; mrs. ewing; mrs. harper; negro; roy ewing; south; south georgia; southern white man; t arly friday morning kenneth; aware kenneth; day kenneth; decent white people; ev'ry white man; excitement kenneth; fire; freer atmosphere kenneth; good white folks; good white people; loyal ally kenneth; morning kenneth; night kenneth; office kenneth; old white physician; organization kenneth; round central city; surface placidity kenneth; time kenneth; white south; white man act; white men; words kenneth cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015012856574.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015012856574.txt item: #28 of 80 id: mdp.39015013331627 author: Du Bois, W. E. B. title: Worlds of color date: 1961 words: 113883 flesch: 82 summary: white woman who was classed as "Colored," because she had a Negro great-grandfather. any real power to compel the white South to treat Negro state 'nigger president is worth $5,000 a year!" The colored man said with that slight touch of Negro blood which classed her as "colored." She was well-educated and had worked for Mansart since was planted that chemical laboratory long demanded-how it happened none seemed to know-and the black president said nothing Jean reminded Mansart at lunch that there was no representative of the poor and confused Colored Land Grant College of In New York, Manuel Mansart stopped to call on Max Rosenfeld, the teacher who helped his daughter Sojourner in her music Of all the meals, Mansart liked afternoon tea best, perhaps because it was so unusual at that time of day to stop everything In later years, Mansart was deeply ashamed of calling this conference and asking these questions because he came to realize keywords: adelbert mansart; american big business; american negro; american negro athletes; american negro music; beyreuth mansart; bishop wilson; black america fights; british west africa; bruce mansart; douglass mansart; england president mansart; europe; france; free north; french west africa; germany; jackie carmichael; japan; jean du bignon; judge mansart; macon president mansart; mansart ii; mansart children; mansart eager; manual mansart; manuel mansart head; miss du bignon; mr. baid mansart; mrs. grey; mrs. mansart; munich mansart; negro american masonry today; negro land grant; negro land grant college; negro university; negro church; negro city; negro college presidents; negro colleges; negro great; negro labor beginning; negro men; negro people; negro public schools; negro school; negro state colleges; negro trade union leaders; negro trade union movement; negro world; negroes; new atlanta university; new england; new york; new york city; north africa; north carolina negro tobacco workers; north carolina negro; philip wright mansart; president mansart; president manuel mansart; reverend roosevelt wilson; roosevelt wilson; russia; second world war; sir john; south america; south carolina; south france; southern negro state college; southern united states; soviet union; tom mansart; united nations; united states; united states senate; west indies; world war; american; american color; american negro race; better negro homes; color; dear mr. mansart; dear president mansart; educated young negro; great american negro race; great american negro; higher negro education; interests mansart; intrigued mansart; maradelbert mansart; negro; negro world; new negro educator; rail manuel mansart; sensitive mansart; separate negro nation; straits mansart; turn mrs. mansart; white south africa; white world; world; young negro officer cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015013331627.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015013331627.txt item: #29 of 80 id: mdp.39015016414768 author: Mayfield, Julian title: The hit, a novel date: 1957 words: 33463 flesch: 94 summary: Hubert sat down next to a man and a woman on one took a good look at the little Negro man. a look at Hubert and decided that the little man The man took Hubert by the arm and walked Hubert inside the little room and went away. James Lee felt vaguely uncomfortable, a little "That's him," said James Lee. Yes, of course he knew the little brown man James Lee knew that Hubert disliked having Yes, James Lee, sweet black man . Lee had said this was the way people did things her men, Hubert and James Lee, ought to understand that she could not keep up a house by herself. "Man, I don't know nothing," said John Lewis new thing between her and James Lee. Figuratively she had tried many times to row the boat One day he said to James Lee, "Man, you know "It's the quickest way I know," James Lee said. keywords: brother hubert; danny; essie; essie dee; gertrude; hubert cooley; iretha; james lee; james lee cooley; james lee uncomfortable; john lewis; lenox avenue; mister hubert; mrs. cooley; mrs. williams; new york; new york man; sister clarisse; beginning james lee; best dream hubert; certain hubert; deft movement hubert; memory james lee; minutes hubert; money hubert; persistent memory james lee; street hubert; word hubert cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015016414768.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015016414768.txt item: #30 of 80 id: mdp.39015016415658 author: Harris, Leon R. title: Run, zebra, run! a story of American race conflict date: 1959 words: 68149 flesch: 93 summary: piece o' mah min'." Then, grasping the small hand of the halfasleep child, she said, "Yo' be ah good boy, Leonard, an' min* He'll look like any little white boy." "Children," she said, "the name of the little boy is Leonard Leonard soon learned all the rules of the big boys' room. grades, and the little "Home boys" waved at Leonard. Leonard, he remarked, "Young man, we're going to take a little some time, been a little orphan boy or girl in some "Home," he arm around the boy's shoulders and said, "Leonard, I want to "That's Jay," Sybil said, looking at Leonard, but her mother At the breakfast table the next morning, the old man informed them he was going away for three or four days. said humbly, "Good morning, Mr. Harker," then stood respectfully silent, expecting the old man to place his charge under her keywords: abner jones; alice; bernice; blank county; bridgeville; brother harker; catherine; george harker; george vanalban; gladys; harker girl leonard; jay harker; kentucky harker; lee jackson; leonard; leonard hall; leonard william; leonard good; mary; miss hannan; miss roberts; miss sybil; mr. leeder; mr. nick; mrs. harker; mrs. jones; mrs. vanalban; silas harker; zebra; clean white shirt; dear leonard; great white; home; little leonard; little white boy; long white apron suit; look leonard; mean white people; nice fer white girls; perfect teeth white; poor northern white girls; poor white trash; pure white; run; time leonard; typical poor white; white methodist preacher; white arm; white baby; white background; white beard; white carpeted street; white child; white cover; white families; white folks; white girl friends; white hands; white hospital; white letters; white man; white mother; white road; white sheep; white spring coat cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015016415658.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015016415658.txt item: #31 of 80 id: mdp.39015016452750 author: Browne, Theodore, title: The band will not play Dixie, a novel of suspense date: 1955 words: 25470 flesch: 96 summary: how you manage to keep so chippie-looking, what I want to know, the race problem and that sort of thing, don't you know." Chuckling Honest to goodness, the stuff you print about Morehouse, you think some white Why, man, Solomon Morehouse has got Negroes stirred up to a point where they're liable Turning in my chair, I looked up into the cold, fishy eyes of a jaundicecomplexioned, short, and rather chesty man who, I would say, was do you know you look enough like him to be his twin brother?" even look like what I think it is, may not have happened the way said "All right, boy" and went on to the next car. "Look heah, boy," he said to me "—you ain't dat kinds o'talk, specially de way he said hit. thing he sure loves to talk!" Norfleet said. "You know, things ain't been the same round here, since the time keywords: butler city; dolly; dolly whisonant; king solomon; mr. king; mr. morehouse; mr. whisonant; ravenna; senator salters; solomon morehouse; taz; wardie; car man; colored man; dat man deir; de man; dis man; evil black man; know; like; man; man dat; negro; nervous little man; old man; race man; tell; waspish young man; white man; white people cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015016452750.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015016452750.txt item: #32 of 80 id: mdp.39015016454574 author: Austin, Edmund O. title: The black challenge date: 1958 words: 55809 flesch: 89 summary: Jeremiah added: "I'm a very good friend of Marcus-I mean Visions that black man hadvisions far greater than those of his High Commander, Marcus Cox, could ever evoke for him. carried a small black bag in his right hand; and at Jeremiah's approach he instinctively clutched it upward to his Jeremiah did not know whether Marcus Cox's way was when I sends for him," and Marcus Cox looked at Jeremiah with cold, level eyes. Marcus Cox came over to Jeremiah and he chanted: "I, Marcus Cox, High Commander of the Universal Negro Movement of the United States and of de some black like Marcus Cox, some brown, or yellow, or light "Jokin' aside, King, we'se got to place our race in a position dat if de white man doan likes us, he can't 'ford to hate all have a good time," invited Marcus after he and Jeremiah Marcus Cox and Jeremiah turned towards each other. keywords: africa; amanda jones; black challenge; dora king; george webb; harlem; high commander; honorable jeremiah king; i'se marcus cox; i'se de man; jackson jeremiah; jeremiah king; jeremiah muse; king tut; lido jones; marcus cox; marcus regulus cox; miss jones; mr. cox; mr. king; mr. king dat; mr. marcus cox; mr. murphy; mr. webb; mrs. jeremiah king; new york; niggers; obadiah jackson jeremiah; owen murphy; united negro movement; united states; universal negro movement; west indies; black marcus cox; burrs de white man ketch; couple jeremiah; crossing de dead sea wid de; de negro race; de black man; de fuss de white people; de man yo've; de oder party man; de reason white men doan; de white folks; de white gen'mans; de white man doan; de white man gi'es; de white man t'inks; de white race; de white woman wid; distance jeremiah; emthe black challenge; honorable jeremiah king; i'se marcus cox; law jeremiah; minutes jeremiah; moment jeremiah; moment lido jones; sure mr. cox cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015016454574.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015016454574.txt item: #33 of 80 id: mdp.39015018046923 author: Du Bois, W. E. B. title: The ordeal of Mansart date: 1957 words: 101988 flesch: 83 summary: On the white-pillared porch of his home, Colonel John Breckinridge was sitting not far from his wife. Of course, the Colonel and his people understood the motivation; the black and white rabble was under guidance of conscienceless leaders, mostly from the North but partially envious local So here, today, was Colonel Breckinridge awaiting this emissary of the white artisans, to assure him that the new state in to all the white people of South Carolina; and that we look forward with confidence to the day when this state will be an entirely Negro leader, a man who looked like a field hand, with black skin South, and it alarmed such poor whites and Negroes as knew no If they could see straight they could meet the money-grabbers in the North with a mass of good labor, black and white. a new South with docile black labor, Northern capital and white keywords: atlanta negro school; atlanta negro schools; atlanta riot; atlanta university miss; aunt betsy; betty lou breckinridge; breckinridge du bignon; colonel breckinridge promises; colonel john breckinridge; dr. baldwin; dr. carter; du bignon baldwin; henry grady; john baldwin; john baldwin life; john breckinridge du; john brown; john pierce; john sheldon; lou breckinridge baldwin; mansart; mansart scroggs; manuel mansart; mr. pierce; mrs. breckinridge; negro atlanta university; negro labor movement; new england; new south; new york; north; october manuel mansart; old dr. baldwin; old john; old south; president sheldon; south america; south atlanta; south carolina negroes; south carolina cotton; south georgia; south tom watson; southern white man; southern white officer; southern white world; tom mansart; united states; average poor negro; boy manuel mansart; cheap negro labor; circumstance colonel breckinridge; good white folks; great white clouds; honest white people; little white; negro; negro leader; negro school; negro vote; new negro leader; new white elementary schoolhouse; new white high school; new white labor leaders; northern negroes; old john pierce; old negro fraternities; ordeal; poor white city; poor white farmers; poor white friends; poor white leader; poor white workers; real white man; result colonel breckinridge; rich white world; satisfied negro labor; scrawny poor white; southern south; southern white; total poor white; underground southern white leadership; white atlanta; white carolina; white northern carpet; white northern teachers; white south; white southern alliance; white southern democrat; white city prolent jealousy amon; white city proletariat; white high school building; white labor vote; white man evah; white men; white state; white town aristocracy; white union labor; white upstate farmers; white wife; young john baldwin; young john pierce; young manuel mansart; young white man; young white woman cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015018046923.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015018046923.txt item: #34 of 80 id: mdp.39015022276797 author: Chantrelle, Seginald. title: Not without dust : a novel Seginald Chantrelle date: 1954 words: 20383 flesch: 81 summary: As for 'sir,' you certainly must have been a member of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at college and are well aware of military conventions "Aye, aye, sir," snapped Roy. The colonel called the motor pool for transportation, and in The hostess on duty rose as Roy approached the office. "I left New York, sir, with an open mind," Roy answered, The major, Roy thought, was quite a young man to hold a "Thank you, sir," said Roy, bowing his way out. Roy walked up to the first Negro soldier he saw and asked commonly asserted that the white officers received their promotions by "climbing on the backs of the Negroes." personnel consisted of three Negro dental officers, all first lieutenants, and a major in command. However, every man to his own poison," said Roy · One day as Roy was about to enter the post exchange, a keywords: captain; clara; colonel holmes; detroit; facing roy; lieutenant roy raymond; negro fighting man; negroes; new york; new york city; new york night clubs; new york wonder; roy; south; united states; war department; black men; colored enlisted men; man; medical corps men; men pride; minutes roy; negro; negro officer; professional men; room; thank; white; white men; wiser men cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015022276797.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015022276797.txt item: #35 of 80 id: mdp.39015025101117 author: Simmons, Herbert. title: Corner boy, a novel. date: 1957 words: 53560 flesch: 100 summary: "Girl named Armenta," Jake said casually, hoping Booker "Think they'll catch on?" Jake said looking at Scar. "What' going on?" Jake opened the door and Scar got in. "Or like a Dynaflow," Jake said coming over from the car. Jake listening from the front room could not help commenting, "I don't think your old man likes me." "What's the happenings, man," Jake said, coming over to Jake didn't like the way Scar was looking. "What's the matter, Scar?" Jake said, knowing all the time. "Come on, Jake," Scar said. "Say man," Jake said to Scar. "Man, I ain't going to never forget that," Scar said. "I don't know what you're talking about, man," Scar said ain't got nothing to do with it," Jake said. "Right here," Jake said, coming out the door with Scar. I got to go find Jake," Scar said. "You act like you ain't got no home," Jake said. keywords: armenta; booker; evelyn; friday night jake; georgia; jake adams; jake adams bird; jake afterwhile; kenny; lo jake; maxine; monk; mrs. arnez; o.k.; scar; scar hard; scar light; spider; welch street; yeh; activity jake; car jake; courtroom jake; frigging bastard jake; know; man; night jake; nights jake; obvious jake; offense jake; old jake adams; person jake; pity jake; square pieces jake; thing jake; time jake adams; times jake adams; truest thing jake; way scar cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015025101117.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015025101117.txt item: #36 of 80 id: mdp.39015025358220 author: Cooper, Clarence L. title: Weed, a novel date: 1961 words: 27512 flesch: 98 summary: ground shocks from an explosion, like something he remembered from another country, and his kid's eyes looking on it all, a tiny, closed-mouth people, abjectly openedfaced as they watched all they had be destroyed. Oh, Lord, Ned said inside, I didn't want to kill that man. of being that way, when really, all she wanted was Ned. Oh, that little black man! at him now, Ned felt like a man dissected by the tiny "Sure," Ned said, "I'll hang you up just like a suit, in "I'd sure like to know what it is you do to Ned," Lorraine said in a soft voice. He didn't like the way his eyes looked at him, sometimes "It's like this," the whore said, and for the first time he "The little black man," Mama told him, "Ned Land. "I know about Wanda," Ned said, his voice trembling. "You get outta here, Ned man!" Mama said. keywords: burris; clarence l. cooper; cullen; david; doris; jr; mama; mama harper; ned land ned; ned ned; ned ned land ned; ned boy; ned honey; ned man; ruckson; weed; wanda; like; little black man; little man; man; old man; record shop man; shielded ned; small man; tall yellow man; ticket ned land; way ned cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015025358220.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015025358220.txt item: #37 of 80 id: mdp.39015026712524 author: Turpin, Waters E. title: These low grounds by Waters Edward Turpin date: 1937 words: 62983 flesch: 94 summary: up to her house Martha saw a man and woman standing on the porch. Missy told me dat man warn't no good!" She took Carrie's chin in her roughened hand and lifted it gently. gal, Carrie, efn Martha dies? "Who dat?" asked the big man, indicating Carrie. "It's a ticklish situation, Sister Carrie." His ministerial voice matched his troubled moon-like face. "She ain't young no mo'," he told himself, "but she sho gots her good looks yit." To Carrie, she looked a little like one of Prince's Gussie turned a shrewd eye on Carrie's good looks. "How come Ah ain't?" Carrie wanted to know. "Dey's jes' like folks," said a deep voice at Carrie's work 'long easy 'twell Ah gits mah house like Ah wants "Tell me what she look like, man!" Prince was fierce "You know," said Judy, looking at Martha speculatively, "we mought git a job with some show." Her keywords: a'nt liddy; blanche; brother prince; carrie prince; carrie prince affair; carrie prince woman; carriel carrie; deacon grundy; ellen; father prince; gussie; herdford; jake; jake tillery; jim prince; jimmy; judy; lew grundy; liddy; low grounds; martha; martha joe; martha prince; martha south street; martha glad; mis liddy; mistah jim; mistah prince; mister jim prince; october carrie; prince team; reverend e. j.; reverend johnson; shrewsbury; sistah martha; sister carrie; sister prince; sue; bade carrie; bedroom carrie; breath martha; child carrie; come; contemplationwhile carrie; dat martha; days carrie; duties martha; efn martha; evening carrie; evening martha; father martha; frantic jim prince; girls martha; house martha; kitchen martha; like; little martha; little notes martha; look; mood carrie; question carrie; rejoinder carrie; reply carrie; sincerity carrie; small martha; time little martha; tune carrie; weary carrie; wid lew grundy; young jim cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015026712524.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015026712524.txt item: #38 of 80 id: mdp.39015028095795 author: Fauset, Jessie Redmon title: Comedy, American style, by Jessie Fauset date: 1933 words: 73902 flesch: 89 summary: us the way that little Porter boy clung to his mother tonight." "Mother," said little Olivia, "have you ever told anybody mother and new father came home the day of their wedding, Ralph kissed her and said smiling: "Now, Olivia, you "Good-afternoon, Teresa," Olivia said. friend's house, Marise's mother, Mrs. Davies, had come and Olivia Cary, the mother of her little playmate, Teresa. was counting out the change, Mrs. Grant ("as she calls herself," some people said) appeared, accompanied by a wideeyed Phebe. Phebe told her mother gravely that she would like to see like these white colored people, you know." don't tell Mother that a colored girl is coming. your folks think that no colored person is good-looking because he isn't white." "But of course," said Teresa tardily, "my mother will of man." Teresa thought his face clouded a little with annoyance. Olivia was like that, Teresa thought, listening to her keywords: american style; alicia; christopher cary; dr. cary; grandmother cary; henry; henry bates; janet; marise; miss phebe; miss phebe grant; mother; mrs. cary; mrs. davies; mrs. olivia; new england; new york; nicholas campbell; oliver; oliver cary; olivia; olivia b. cary; phebe; phebe cary; phebe grant; philadelphia; silly little thing; street; teresa; teresa cary; teresa little; west philadelphia; arms little teresa; chapter; chapter ii; comedy; forlorn little girl; funniest little girl; handsome little brown boy; helpless little boy; independent little girl; like; little italian girl; little oliver cary; little olivia; little phebe; little porter boy; little teresa; little black boy; little blonde girl; little brother oliver; little brown girl; little children; little colored neighbor; little daughter; little fire kindleth; little girls; little hand; little house; little love; little man; little place; little room; little school; little things; poorest little old; real little girl; tell; think; young christopher cary cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015028095795.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015028095795.txt item: #39 of 80 id: mdp.39015028489303 author: Smythwick, Charles A. title: False measure : a satirical novel of the lives and objectives of upper middle-class Negroes by Charles A. Smythwick, Jr. date: 1954 words: 77194 flesch: 89 summary: A little surprise in her voice, Joan said, "Why, she's supposed to be my best friend but she hasn't told me she had "Joan," Clifford said, "let's go in and meet our guest." The day before the Thanksgiving holidays Mr. and Mrs. Turner came up and brought Joan's many-times-requested from the room and the house, without a good night to Beatrice or Joan. With a sweep of her arm, Joan said to Ronald, "I know said to Ronald, "When we get back to the table ask Joan Mr. Gregory had asked Ronald to stay until the day after Christmas, but he wanted to be near Joan and his father had understood. Ronald said good night to Mrs. Turner, Aunt Agnes, and When Joan and Ronald got home, Mrs. Turner asked, at the piano, Ronald said to Joan, "I'd like to talk with you keywords: adrienne; aunt agnes; aunt josephine; beatrice harrison; edwina; joan turner; joan goodbye; joan matter; joan melodiously; joan roller; miss clarke; mr. gregory; mrs. frederick williams; mrs. harrison; mrs. murphy; mrs. turner; mrs. williams; new york; new york city; new york negro; ronald gregory; ronald joan; saturday night joan; springfield joan; beautiful joan; boy mrs. turner; course mrs. turner; daughter joan; day mr. turner; daybreak mrs. turner; evening mr. turner; extras joan; eyed joan; false measure; girl joan; graduation joan; house joan; ladylike joan; minutes joan; moment joan; morning joan; night joan; nights joan; piece joan; protests joan; record mr. turner; song joan; store joan; sweet girl joan; way joan; wife joan; wrap joan cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015028489303.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015028489303.txt item: #40 of 80 id: mdp.39015031233243 author: Du Bois, W. E. B. title: The quest of the silver fleece; a novel date: 1911 words: 96673 flesch: 90 summary: girl, and her great black eyes looking into the night and "No, ma'am," he said eagerly; then glancing up toward the Cresswell fields, he saw two white men watchMary Taylor did not believe in Miss Smith's work, she "We all need money, and I know people who need Mrs. Grey's more than Miss Smith does at present." "I didn't hear you," said Zora, looking at her fulleyed and telling the half-truth easily. "Ask Miss Helen to come down," said Mr. Cresswell. Zora walked about softly and looked, while Miss Smith you can come up here, Zora," said Miss Smith carelessly. In time Zora came to stay often at Miss Smith's cottage, and to learn new and unknown ways of living and far for sight, an old man came out of the lower Cresswell place, skirting the swamp. she sat awkwardly like the school girl that she was waiting for Miss Smith to speak. keywords: bles alwyn; colonel cresswell; cresswell oaks; cresswell half; cresswell swamp; fall harry cresswell; helen cresswell; john taylor mrs.; john taylor mrs. grey; miss caroline wynn; miss cresswell; miss easterly; miss helen; miss jones; miss mary taylor; miss sarah smith; miss smith; miss taylor; miss williams; miss wynn; miss zora; mr. alwyn; mr. charles smith; mr. cresswell; mr. easterly; mr. harry cresswell; mr. smith; mr. smith unbent; mr. taylor; mrs. cresswell; mrs. stillings; mrs. vanderpool; old miss; silver fleece; senator smith; smith school; st. john cresswell; tothe quest; taylor mrs. grey; zora cresswell; afternoon mrs. cresswell; dashing young miss easterly; day miss smith; day zora; dear miss smith; dear mrs. vanderpool; dinner mr. smith; endless months mary cresswell; fear mrs. cresswell; girl zora; good miss smith; great black eyes; hand mrs. cresswell; handsome miss easterly; house miss taylor; morning miss wynn; night miss smith; old colonel cresswell smoking; old gen'rel cresswell fust; quest; silence miss smith; silent miss boldish; silver fleece; sure miss smith; sure mr. taylor; surprise miss smith; time mary taylor cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015031233243.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015031233243.txt item: #41 of 80 id: mdp.39015042099351 author: Jones, Carter Brooke. title: The White Band, a novel by Carter Brooke Jones date: 1959 words: 76718 flesch: 92 summary: office, they went over the brief announcement they had prepared for the papers-Dave, Joe Duffield, Hank Caldwell, and "I think it was good timing," Joe reflected. Joe had only smiled mysteriously and said he didn't want to stay in Congress the rest of "I believe," Senator Duffield added, "that this fine organization, the White Band, will be able to help you and others jumped into this thing at just the right time, Joe. It's going "I know that fat guy," said Tom Goodwin, pointing. white man, who said his name was Graham, Fats Gilliam that looks like a white man, or almost, and goes into court Graham stood, and Fats Gilliam said, "Thanks for coming "Naturally I can't know," said Joe Duffield, "but as it White Band's doing a lot of good," he said. "His name is Ned Tarver," Joe said. "I know you are," said Joe, "but it would do no good. keywords: band; baynesville; baynesville teachers; bearcat turner; dave; dave beckett; deal supreme court; dr. davison; harry holmes; jack taylor; joe boehmer; joe duffield; joe duffield wonder; joe wheeler; joe dear; mr. duffield; mr. gilliam; mr. graham; mr. joe; mr. tarver; ned tarver; poor old joe; riverport; senator duffield; south; supreme court; tim o'hearn; tom goodwin; white band; white children; white people; white schools; white south; white; white band headquarters; white band worth; white bandsmen; damthe white band; dark young man; evening joe; everythe white band; eyed young man; fat gilliam; good time; great joe duffield; hospithe white band; inoffensive young man; lawthe white band; little time; muscular young man; night ned tarver; old white band; old man; sharpthe white band; skinned young man; tall young man; thin young man; trial lawthe white band; white man tryin; young joe duffield cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015042099351.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015042099351.txt item: #42 of 80 id: mdp.39015046438019 author: Hopkins, Pauline E. title: Contending forces : a romance illustrative of Negro life north and south by Pauline E. Hopkins ; with illustrations and cover design by R. Emmett Owen date: 1899 words: 74610 flesch: 86 summary: Montfort thought with pain of the holy ministrations of this silver-haired man, who had pronounced the solemn words that bound him to are about to take," finally the good man said, Best thing I know of down our way," said Come, Pollock, we will talk over those matters in my study," said Montfort presently. Mrs. Whitfield thought him a white man, Like many colored men living in large cities, friend, Mrs. White, looked at her with great Ma Smith was a member of the church referred to in the last chapter, the most prominent one of color in New England. "I enjoy a real good time as much as anybody, children," she said; "and when it comes " If you don't leave this room instantly, William Smith, I'll call your mother," replied Sappho, laughing in spite of herself. Sappho and said: "Dora and John worry me, keywords: anson pollock; arthur lewis; bill; bill sampson; boston; contending force; caucasian race; charles montfort; doctor lewis; dora; god; grace montfort; hank davis; jesse montfort; john langley; john p.; john pollock langley; ma smith; miss clark; miss sappho; miss sappho clark; mr. clapp; mr. jeemes; mr. langley; mr. pollock; mr. william smith; mr. withington; mrs. davis; mrs. montfort; mrs. ophelia davis; mrs. robinson; mrs. sarah ann; mrs. smith; mrs. white; mrs. willis; negro; negro race; negro woman; new england; new orleans; smith 's lodging; sappho; sappho clark; sarah ann white; saxon race; south; southern man; united states; william jesse montfort; agin thet man; colored man; colored race; conservative white man; dear old man; despised race; dominant race; downtrodden black man; ef eny man; elegant white man; entire race; event grace montfort; friend john langley; gathering mrs. smith; good man; great business man; happy man; higher race; house mr. montfort; humble race; incisive race; inferior black race; inferior race; little negro child; loyal white man; man will smith; meek race; mulatto race; past man; proscribed race; race riot; race troubles; race war; race women; sprightly little negro boy; subtle business man; superior race; thet white man; tonight mrs. davis; weaker race; young man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015046438019.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015046438019.txt item: #43 of 80 id: mdp.39015054061430 author: Larsen, Nella. title: Quicksand by Nella Larsen date: 1928 words: 36399 flesch: 85 summary: the engagement, had never liked Helga Crane. amazed eyes of the girl who came in the morning to awaken Helga Crane. "Yes, I know," said Helga defiantly, Helga Crane was silent, feeling a mystifying yearning which sang and throbbed in But as Helga knew, she had remembered, or had learned in suffering and longing York, Helga had made short work of correcting and condensing the speeches, which Mrs. Hayes-Rore as a prominent "race" woman and "It couldn't possibly be worse than Chicago," said Helga savagely, giving the table great, Helga began to look about for a permanent place to live. as Negroes live it, as Helga Crane knew it. Helga CRANE felt no regret as the cliff-like Helga herself felt like nothing so much as some new and the blue eyes was, Helga thought, like the surprised stare of a puzzled baby. For the first time Helga Crane felt keywords: anne; anne grey; aunt katrina; dear helga; dr. anderson; fru dahl; frøkken helga; helga crane; helga crane; helga half; james vayle; little helga; miss crane; mrs. hayes; mrs. nilssen; naxos; new york; olsen; quick sand; quicks; robert anderson; rore; uncle peter; command helga crane; fleeting moment helga crane; hour helga crane; little helga; little time; loveliest sights helga; mission helga crane; moment helga crane; morning helga; obscure helga; plain helga crane; question helga; quick sand; repentance helga crane; seductive repentance helga crane; sincerity helga; time helga crane; white man; year helga crane; years helga crane cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015054061430.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015054061430.txt item: #44 of 80 id: mdp.39015054272441 author: Williams, Jerome Aredell. title: The tin box : a story of Texas cattle and oil by Jerome Aredell Williams date: 1958 words: 74557 flesch: 91 summary: always busy around the ranch at this time of morning." Looking straight into the rancher's eyes, Scott continued: "Tom, "I'm trying to learn something of my father Tom Meredith's activities on the day of his death," June said. "Mr. Chandler is right, Aunt Harriet," June said. about that place down near the gulf coast that this feller Mr. Chandler is going to take you to look at, Miss June?" The afternoon of the following day found June, Aunt Harriet and Robert Chandler well on their way to Avera. Aunt Harriet said when June told her about the offer Chandler had made. "I suppose we're about ready to start cutting them," Chandler said as he rode back to where June and Uncle Jack were "I didn't know any of our cattle were missing until Mr. Chandler told me a few minutes ago," June said. keywords: aunt harriet; bill shearn; june blushingly; june relative; meredith car; meredith cattle; meredith land; meredith oil field; meredith pureblood cattle; meredith ranch; miss harriet meredith; miss june meredith; miss meredith; mr. chandler; mr. cyrus johnson; mr. hobson; mr. johnson; mr. lucas; mr. meredith; mr. robert chandler; mr. scott; mr. shearn; texas cattle; tin box; tom meredith; uncle cyrus; uncle jack; uncle jack doyle; uncle jim; daughter june; famous meredith ranch; father tom meredith; gallant mr. chandler; historic old meredith ranch; minutes june; money miss meredith; vast meredith ranch; well mr. chandler; wells mr. chandler cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015054272441.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015054272441.txt item: #45 of 80 id: mdp.39015056261855 author: nan title: Confessions of a negro preacher. date: 1928 words: 58306 flesch: 90 summary: lect that a sympathetic white man came forward and I knew not the meaning of the word, but I said, "Yes at Tuskegee, when the time shall come, hide your education and with fingers that appear awkwardly to fumble, play upon the rude banjo of the Negro soul. white man's god is money. man, sipping, said that the Negro would always remain I would show unto the white man that the Negro One day while I was at work a white man called at The white visitors came up to me, the Negroes giving white man Shaver than to the Negro Washington," she as a white man as you are a Negro; in some respects, a white man and a Negro would be a sort of apostolic Negro in all walks of life as for the white man. Negro and the white man brothers." let me tell you, brother, you may educate a man's mind keywords: andrew shaver; brother cato; brother harris; brother holcomb; cato; god; jesus; lord; madam; markeet; mrs. hester; negro heaven; negro preacher; negro preacher 3; negro washington; negro blood; negro boarding house; negro boy; negro church; negro dialect; negro free; negro genius; negro girl; negro lawyer; negro man; negro need; negro prodegy; negro race; negro room mate; negro self; negro soul; negro women; negroes; shaver; south; average negro; black negro; broad negro; confession; fervent negro; large negro woman; man; negro; old negro; real negro novel; restaurant negro; strange negro; strangest negro; tell cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015056261855.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015056261855.txt item: #46 of 80 id: mdp.39015059415839 author: Micheaux, Oscar, title: The story of Dorothy Stanfield, based on a great insurance swindle, and a woman! A novel by Oscar Micheaux date: 1946 words: 124376 flesch: 91 summary: A few minutes later, Bob Martin was sailing down South Parkway on his way to Beale Street to meet Walter Le Baron. "Why Bob, do you mean to tell me that Mr. Le Baron remembered meeting me and that he has said something—about me?" "Why Bob, do you mean to tell me that Mr. Le Baron remembered meeting me and that he has said something—about me?" "I think he is a very fine man, Mr. Le Baron," said Dorothy moment he seemed to look directly into her soul through her upturned eyes and something seemed to tell him that he was mistaken if he was thinking that Dorothy Stanfield was a vain and 'I think, however, that every person has a right to marry whomever it pleases him to choose —even if this comes to a Negro marrying a white person," said Le Baron. keywords: bob martin; cleo johnson; dorothy stanfield; doctor stanfield; doctor thurston; doctor vaughn; dorothy stanfield; dorothy cold; le baron anxious; miss dorothy; mr. le baron; mr. micheaux; mr. van revel; mr. walter le; mr. walter le baron; mr. wyeth; mrs. stanfield; mrs. vaughn; mrs. wingate; nethe story; negro memphis; negro man; new york; story anfield; story o; story ry; sam; sam jackson; walter le baron; accusthe story; bankthe story; brave dorothy; day le baron; dear dorothy; girl le baron; hapthe story; meeting dorothy; moment dorothy stanfield; moment walter le; moment walter le baron; money doctor stanfield; necesthe story; person,"said le baron; plain walter le; precious dorothy; story bob; time dorothy stanfield; time le baron; today walter le; today walter le baron; whereat dorothy; white person,"said le baron cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015059415839.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015059415839.txt item: #47 of 80 id: mdp.39015063942067 author: Lee, George Washington title: River George, by George W. Lee date: 1937 words: 52866 flesch: 94 summary: way, came out of the waiting room and looked questioningly at the colored man. "All filled up with college talk, I suppose?" the station agent said, but the colored man made no reply. trod for many years up to the door of a little ramshackle barn which stood 30 feet away from a house It was the first time Aaron had happened to encounter the white boy since returning from college and Aaron stood silently for a moment, looking down "Whut foh yuh look like dat?" she asked. "Ada, I come to talk to yuh 'bout Aaron," she said "I guess I knows what yuh want," Ada said, her "Did you have a good crop, Aaron?" the white man Aaron stood for a moment looking at them, longing "You ain't gonna whip nobody right now, Mr. Turner," Aaron said tensely and flung the white man's dat yuh go tuh Aaron's house?" keywords: 3o river george; aron george; aaron george; ada; ada green; annie; beale street; beaver dam; fred smith; george w. lee; god; hannah george; hannah; henry; iieutenant aaron george; lightning; ma; mr. fred smith; mr. king; mr. turner; negroes; pop; river george; sam turner; v e r george; dat ada; day aaron; de; de man; devoriver george; elderly white man; ginst de lawd nurther de white folks; good man gi; good man jes; group aaron; io4 river george; lean black man; little bald man; little man; look; man; moment aaron; n8 river george; old colored man; old man; pompous black man; r george; souled white man; time aaron; time aaron wuz; tuh aaron; young white man; z6o river george cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015063942067.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015063942067.txt item: #48 of 80 id: mdp.39015063978962 author: Paynter, John Henry. title: Fugitives of the Pearl, by John H. Paynter date: 1930 words: 27243 flesch: 78 summary: brothers, scions of a good old English family slave, and John Brent, owner, is said to have ten drew nigh, Brother Diggs became restless as usual, pricking up his little ears at were Daniel Bell, Paul Jennings, and Samuel Edmonson, three colored men who, in Senator Foote and all the rest of them rejoicing that liberty and freedom from oppression have come to people thousands of that such a course was only a way of throwing away valuable human lives and accomplishing nothing." "I tell you what, 'Honey," said she, including young and old alike in this general "My son," said old Mr. Edmonson, breaking the silence which followed. But the caution of age had little discouraging effect, for young Edmonson's They joined their sisters and brother immediately and led the way to a little cleared each day to the Edmonson boys for the comfort of their sisters. keywords: br john h. paynter; brother brent; brother diggs; captain; edmonson; edmonson delia edmonson; emily; emily edmonson; fugitives; hamilton edmonson; john brent; john h. mosely; john parke; john s. brent; john wesley a. m. e. zion church; judson; judson diggs; mary; mr. brent; mr. edmonson; new orleans; pearl; samuel edmonson; samuel edmonson delia; samuel edmonson delia edmonson; st. john; washington; chapter; courageous little emily; curious little man; fugitive; home; little; little home; little time; little way; long time; old mr. edmonson; shifty little old fellow; slave; time great plantations cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015063978962.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015063978962.txt item: #49 of 80 id: mdp.39015066034508 author: Dunbar, Paul Laurence, title: The sport of the gods by Paul Laurence Dunbar ... date: 1902 words: 29871 flesch: 95 summary: "Well, I got to be goin'," said Berry, rising. When it came time for the young man "Hush, Maurice," said Mrs. Oakley "He seems to be sad at going," said Mrs. Oakley. "You 're just the man we want," said grinning reply, "ef you ain't de beatenes' man to fin' out things I evah Joe Hamilton never knew how he got He was a bright, spruce-looking young fellow, and the man liked his that every eye was upon him, every finger pointing at him, every tongue whispering, "There goes Joe Hamilton, whose "Let's go to New York," said Joe. "Great place," said Joe wisely, in what "Yes, that's it, Miss Kitty, sing us something," said the irrepressible Thomas, "an' an' I don't know," said Mrs. Hamilton. The desire came to Joe to tell this man "Go on now," said Minty's young man; Berry looked at her hard, and then said keywords: berry hamilton; fannie; frank; frank oakley; gods; hattie; joe hamilton; kitty; kitty hamilton; maurice oakley; mr. thomas; mrs. hamilton; mrs. jones; mrs. oakley; new york; tee sport; boy joe; brace old oakley; brothah joe; dat joe; family joe; god; little joe; little bright man; old man; old military man; ruint joe; sport; time joe cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015066034508.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015066034508.txt item: #50 of 80 id: mdp.39015071237948 author: Sanda. title: Appointed : an American novel by Sanda date: 1894 words: 85620 flesch: 81 summary: "I think," said Stanley, "that if the ability, time and Meanwhile Seth Stanley and Charley Parker had proceeded on their way, and had gone but a little distance "Mr. Stanley has just said he enjoyed being an exception, in the fact that his sister is quite entertaining society, Marjorie Stone appeared lovely to Stanley that evening. "Love seldom makes good business men," said Mr. Stanley, "but in your case, my boy, the rule has been that Stanley for several days past appeared a little downhearted, and she wondered if Miss Stone was at all responsible for it. Saunders had read for some time when Stanley somewhat days Mr. Stanley thought it would be better for Saunders While Saunders was talking Stanley had been thinking and revolving the subject in his mind, and the resolution was half formed to go South and see for himself, Stanley said this to divert Saunders' mind with more keywords: afro; american; edith; fox; george stanley; god; imogene; john a. koonins; john brown; john saunders; july 17th stanley; marjorie stone; marjorie stone fear; miss stone; morgan; mr. arnold; mr. durham; mr. maxwell; mr. saunders; mr. seth stanley; mr. stanley; mr. stone; mr. tobin; mr. warner; mrs. brooks; mrs. burwell; mrs. charles durham; new orleans; parker; paul fox; south; stanley angry; stanley cottage; stanley establishment; active business life; avocation stanley; chamber mr. stone; chapter; confusion stanley; day mr. stanley; disconsolate john; good time; great man; great society man; heart miss stone; hotel stanley; interest marjorie stone; little country life; little time; man; natured young man; prominent business man; quadrille stanley; reply mr. stanley; restless young man; seat stanley; sick john; silence stanley; startled stanley; successful business man; time saunders; time stanley; trait marjorie stone; way mr. saunders; wild life young; winter stanley; young mr. stanley; young colored man; young rich white man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015071237948.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015071237948.txt item: #51 of 80 id: mdp.39015071618040 author: Rosebrough, Sadie Mae. title: Wasted travail by Sadie Mae Rosebrough date: 1951 words: 17836 flesch: 84 summary: "Acted like a nigger," he said, "so I'm treating her as There were many more days like this to follow, times to be born a girl, and, as Mama said, to be so much like I waited, and looked for the clean sheets of true democracy, but each time I turned back the covers of pretense breast like a live thing trying to free itself from some that before this man came I had been only half-remembering, and then the years were like the lash of a whip in my I cannot remember what I said during the time I stood there taking Not wanting to go home, I walked a long time. I felt crazily insecure; this time the feeling was like the After what seemed like a long time, he spoke. "I can't take up your time like this," I said. me, but like someone who had suddenly ended a life of keywords: america; god; grandfather; northern men; south; country school; country schoolteacher; courageous men; day; days men; feel; life; lonely country road; long; look; man; rights country; skinned men; southern; talk; thing; time; weak men; white men; wild black men cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015071618040.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015071618040.txt item: #52 of 80 id: mdp.39015073389192 author: Alexander, T. H. title: Loot / by T.H. Alexander date: 1932 words: 28384 flesch: 78 summary: porch, as he sat to consider the coming State campaign, the old Colonel thought of the battle of that looked to Washington for political favors, the people would now look to the state capitols, the new center of power. "To keep down opposition to your senatorial ambition," began the Colonel, "we must pick our candidate to succeed you as Governor with great care. "I have examined Judge Ambrister's record, political and personal, with great care, Colonel," said "I think John Ambler has marked talents for public service," said the Colonel smoothly. the State's largest city; McGuire, said to be the dictator of the Jeffersonville local political organization, denied that he had hinted to reporters from the opposition press than he planned to ditch the Steele machine and make his senatorial race alone, concentrating the strength of the State administration on the "I am John Ambler, the Governor of the State," keywords: ambler administration; colonel gideon steele; colonel steele; governor ambler; governor pitts; harpeth falls; jeffersonville local political organization; john ambler; judge griffin; julia steele; kelly; loot; legislature governor pitts; mr. ambler; state ambler; state house; state senate; steele machine; boy colonel steele; day political chicanery; good political creed; honorable john ambler; loot; old colonel; political campaign; political favors; political fight; political glory young john ambler; political judgment; political life; political matter; political patronage; political poker table; political sense; political trickery; state colonel; state political machine; successful political leaders; undisputed political leader; year colonel steele cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015073389192.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015073389192.txt item: #53 of 80 id: mdp.39015073390950 author: Screen, Robert Martin. title: We can''t run away from here; a novel. date: 1958 words: 4990 flesch: 98 summary: John says, "Then why are you crying, Emmett? out at Emmett, trying to come back with words. Emmett says, "I don't like to think of it in terms of their Emmett looks at me with calculating eyes, which I feel even in the darkness. "Yes," says Emmett, "but you say it so well it sounds new "And you, Edward," Emmett says, "how did you clear His hand touches my arm and his voice comes with fulfillWe Can't Run Away from Here "Here, Edward, let me help you," says Emmett. Emmett says, "It would be better if John and I were dead." "You are a good leader, Edward," says Emmett. Emmett says, "Then explain it to me, Edward. hands the people who will fight, once they know what they Emmett says, "That's not easy to believe, Edward, when "But they believe in it, Edward," says Emmett. I say, "It has come, Emmett. keywords: edward; emmett; john; professional people cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015073390950.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015073390950.txt item: #54 of 80 id: mdp.39015073495692 author: Williams, John Alfred, title: Night song by John A. Williams date: 1961 words: 36471 flesch: 95 summary: Eagle pulled up short and said to Hillary, "Wait here, I'm "All right, for crissakes," the man said, and Hillary felt Another night had passed and a part of a day when Hillary woke again and looked at Keel sitting on the bed. open bottle near him, Hillary said, "Play 'April in Paris'." came in smiling at Keel, and in that second Hillary knew Hillary and Keel went up the steps, Eagle dragging between them. "Like Keel and Della," he said. "Keel," Hillary said impatiently, "and Della?" "Eagle," Hillary said, softly, "told me that you and "Yeah," Keel said, looking Hillary full in the face. "Eagle," Hillary said, not moving. "Pay the man," Eagle said to Hillary when the had to do, Della," he said to her, as if Hillary were not As Hillary and Keel started out, Della said suddenly: keywords: al; background; crane; david hillary; della; eagle; eagle approach; eagle tonight; hillary; hillary family; keel; keel robinson; kilroy; new york; prof. eagle; richie stokes; coffee hillary; eyed hillary; kitchen hillary; like; look; man; mind eagle; mind hillary; old eagle today; old guys hillary; second hillary; soup eagle; time eagle; way hillary cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015073495692.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015073495692.txt item: #55 of 80 id: mdp.39015081383146 author: Ashby, William M. title: Redder blood : a novel by William M. Ashby date: 1915 words: 27332 flesch: 97 summary: girl, lovely in every way, and his lips refused him Stanton Birch, who had given little or no attention to what had been said by .his wife and their "Why, Elsie," said Zelda, "you are as charming and lovely as when I held you in my arms as this morning, Zelda," said Mr. Birch. "And to think," said Stanton, "that Zelda was "I am so glad, Stanton," said Zelda. "Good morning, Leon," he said. "To what end will the world come?" he said He paused a moment, then he continued, sneering: "But I won't be hard on you, my love, although I know your imperviousness to blandishments. "You know one thing," said one of them, as "You're going away with me," said Leon, coming upon her again, but carefully, for he was a through life loving each other like this, Adrian?" others thought or said mattered little to. keywords: adrian; god; io red blood; leon; m m; miss; mrs. adrian birch; mrs. birch; new york; red der blood; redder blood 6i; redder blood i7; stanton birch; wanda; zelda; zelda birch; birthredder blood; early life; future life; good; good servredder blood i47; grimy life; handredder blood; life; life dead; life happy; life miserable; life time; life,—a star life; love; m; past life; real life; red der blood; red blood; red blood 6i; underworld life; w; ~ cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/mdp.39015081383146.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/mdp.39015081383146.txt item: #56 of 80 id: miun.abr7583.0001.001 author: Fauset, Jessie Redmon title: There is confusion / by Jessie Redmon Fauset date: 1924 words: 65849 flesch: 92 summary: "If you want to get Joanna to play," Maggie Ellersley, IT was Joanna's love for beauty that made her consciously see Peter Bye. It is true that almost as soon as "Look," said Joanna suddenly, catching at Sylvia's hand. Joanna, dancing like a faun, instructed Maggie Ellersley. "I think," said Miss Graves, eyeing Joanna's mother with "Maggie adores you, Sylvia," said Joanna. At times like these Peter Bye felt his very heart leap toward Joanna, Brian Spencer, Peter, and Maggie Ellersley stepped "And she looked at me-you know how Maggie can lookshe said, 'Just like I miss Philip, I guess.'" "I don't believe Philip was the least bit interested in Maggie," she voiced her thought to Peter. day," Joanna told Peter. Joanna told me she didn't love me and so I am going to marry Maggie liked, even loved Peter, she did not believe that Joanna would keywords: aaron bye; cousin joanna; darling joanna; henderson neal; isaiah bye; joanna success; joel marshall; joshua bye; little miss maggie; maggie ellersley; maggie neal; meriwether bye; miss joanna marshall; miss maggie; miss maggie ellersley; miss sharples; miss susan graves; mr. bye; mr. neal; mr. peter; mrs. ellersley; mrs. marshall; mrs. peter bye; new york; peter bye; philadelphia station peter; philip; poor inexperienced joanna; queen joanna; street joanna; sylvia marshall; uncle peter; w hile joanna; west philadelphia station peter; beautiful joanna; beginning joanna; black meriwether bye; boy peter; clever joanna; confusion; dear joanna; dear maggie; dear peter; dearest joanna; house joanna; lazy peter bye; little old black testament; little time; new joanna; new peter; ninth street joanna; old joanna; old peter; sure joanna; tall joanna; things joanna; time joanna cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/miun.abr7583.0001.001.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/miun.abr7583.0001.001.txt item: #57 of 80 id: njp.32101066122597 author: Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, title: Iola Leroy, or, Shadows uplifted / by Frances E.W. Harper date: 1892 words: 57421 flesch: 90 summary: "Oh, I'm all right," said Robert, smiling, and grasping Uncle Daniel's hand. "Is dat so?" said Uncle Daniel, a dear old father, "What do you think," said Robert, turning to Uncle "Well, Uncle Daniel, let's hear it," said Robert. war de fust white man I eber seed dat didn't want ter "What do you think of Miss Iola?" Robert asked wistfully into her face, and said, "Miss Iola, I ain't long "Good-bye, Robert," said Tom, "meet me in dc kingdom." Suddenly a look of recognition and rapture lit Robert lay quiet and thoughtful for awhile and, seeing he was wakeful, Iola said, "Have you any friends to "Yes," said Iola, " I hope he will turn out an excellent young man, for the greatest need of the race is "You know, Aunt Linda," said Iola, "people don't "Uncle Robert," said Iola, after her mother had been keywords: aunt katie; aunt linda; captain sybil; dr. gresham; dr. latimer; dr. latrobe; eugene leroy; harry; ioi.a leroy; iola leroy; lorraine; marie; marse robert; marse robert war; marse robert war mighty; marse tom; marster robert war nebber bad; miss delany; miss iola leroy; miss leroy; miss nancy; miss nancy war mighty headstrong; mr. robert johnson; mrs. johnson; north; north carolina; shadows uplifted; south; tola leroy; tom anderson; uncle daniel; uncle jack; uncle robert; dat de way; dat war; de new jerusalem; de biggest kine ob; de bridge dat; de foot ob de cross; de hebenly war; de man; de people; de poor fellow war; de right kine ob talk; de war war ober; dem yankees war talkin; exciteor shadows uplifted; face war; heart war mos; ob de guns; ob de las; ob de real big bugs; ob de trader; ob de woods; olc miss war fon; ole marster war; poor iola; seed day arter day miss anna war gettin; situaor shadows uplifted; war de cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/njp.32101066122597.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/njp.32101066122597.txt item: #58 of 80 id: njp.32101074760685 author: Corrothers, James David, title: The black cat club : Negro humor & folk-lore by James D. Corrothers ; illustrated by J. K. Bryans date: 1902 words: 29066 flesch: 98 summary: de members ob dis club; an' people is a-fallin' at your feets, th'o'in' us dey money an' Whut's dat chap good foh 2–Nothin' l—nothin' whutsomevah l'" And Sandy uv de 'Black Cat Club' whut's cotch wid "Genamuns," Sandy continued, "de eddicated dahkey ain't good foh nothin'! black cat, "dis am ole man Mesmerizer, de ole Sandy organized dis club l'" tho dey wuz a strip o' woods an' a ole-fashioned country graveyard wid a deserted "Jes' is I wah tellin' ma lady-love goodnight, huh mammy's ole black cat runs betwix' me'n' huh, an' ma haht leaps into ma "Ain't dat a pow'ful good man?" remarked Saskatchewan Jones. "An' jes' den in comes a po'ole trashylookin' white man an' 'oman, an' sets down "White man looks at de ole dahky lak his Sandy laughed good-naturedly, and remarked: "We'll jes' hab to 'low foh ole tell you whut kine o' man 'at ole black keywords: bad bob; black 2at Ølub; black cat literary; black cat quartet; black cat hab; black cat riz; black qat; black wat Ølub; bob sampson; cat club; che black wat; cl)g black wat; de; doc; foh de ole black cat; genamuns; genamuns ob de black cat club; god; mr. brighteyes; mr. cobbs; mr. jenkins; mr. president; mr. secretary; mr. thompson; president black cat; rev. mr. loudmouth; roustabout thompson; sandy; sandy jenkins; sandy uisits; sandy uisits cerre; saskatchewan jones; simon; zat Ølub; dat big sto'e de white folks; de black cat; de black cat riz; de black cat wah dah; de application ob de; de chief topic uv de; de delightful defalcations ob de dells ob de; de genamuns uv dis club; de gol'en gates ob de; de good man; de home uv evah man; de hoss shoe fºom de; de inventer ob de watermillun; de lady uv de house; de mahvel ob de nations; de members ob dis club; de ole black; de ole man; de spot whah de; de toe uv ma shoe; de wo'ds uv de poet; de wo'ds uv ma mouf; ma; mascot ob de club; match wid de black cat; s'i; uv de man; wid de black; wuz cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/njp.32101074760685.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/njp.32101074760685.txt item: #59 of 80 id: nnc1.50042212 author: Shackelford, Otis M. title: Lillian Simmons, or, The conflict of sections a story by Otis M. Shackelford date: 1915 words: 26398 flesch: 86 summary: this lesson, George Simmons, that white people Mrs. Simmons looked at her son sympathetically and said, "You had better go now and The only thing that had a tendency to mar the meeting, was old man Littlejohn up there with his ignorance," said George, Lillian Simmons will know the truth and moreover, accept the love I have for her." And this is what George Simmons wanted Charles Christopher to understand and to do. all Southern colored people and this is the argument that Charles Christopher would have "I dont know about that," said Mrs. Simmons, remembering her attitude toward colored Lillian Simmons got on the train that Charles Charles Christopher's coming North and entering into a successful business, set Mrs. Simmons "Good-day Mrs. Simmons," said Charles, "I Lillian received the letter from her mother and Charles Christopher the same day. said George presenting Lillian to Charles. of Charles Christopher and Lillian Simmons, keywords: captain simmons; charles christopher; george simmons; george simmons arrest; ii lillian simmons; lillian; lillian simmons; lillian simmonsotis m. shackelford; mr. christopher; mrs. simmons; simmons; simmons family; xi mrs. simmons; xvi george simmons; xvi george simmons arrest; xxi lillian; beautiful lillian simmons; day mrs. simmons; ing lillian; night george simmons; night mrs. simmons; poor lillian; sister lillian; way miss lillian; young george simmons cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/nnc1.50042212.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/nnc1.50042212.txt item: #60 of 80 id: nyp.33433076059314 author: Micheaux, Oscar, title: The homesteader : a novel by Oscar Micheaux ... ; illustrated by W.M. Farrow date: 1917 words: 128579 flesch: 90 summary: of our story, the girl, his dream girl, Agnes Stewart, happened to be white, while he, Jean Baptiste, The Homesteader, was a Negro. A MILE north from where stood the house of St. Jean Baptiste, there lived a quaint old man. When Jean Baptiste left the town for his little sod house "Just think, my girl," he has said time and again, "supposing you had not stumbled into that house, you would admired the man in Jean Baptiste, and she had not thought took only such slight consideration of the girl's father's profession that he had good cause to recall some time later. Poor Jean Baptiste your life might not have later come to "Mr. Baptiste, please meet my father," said Orlean when Baptiste had come into the family, married her, and apparently forgot to tell the Reverend that he was a great JEAN BAPTISTE was thoughtful for a long time keywords: /^y fore baptiste; a. m. barr; augustus m. barr; baptiste aware; chicago; dear friend baptiste; ethel; ethel glavis; glavis; homesteader; jack stewart; jean baptistc; jean baptiste; m. barr; miss agnes stewart; miss stewart; mr. baptiste; mr. jean; mrs. glavis; mrs. merley; mrs. pruitt; mrs. reynolds; n. justine mccarthy; n. justine; orlean; orlean west; poor jean baptiste; reverend n. j.; st. jean; street baptiste; thirtyfirst street baptiste; body jean baptiste; chair baptiste; cold hearted business man; exhausted jean baptiste; fine young man; good man; great man; handsome old man; heart jean baptiste; interest jean baptiste; letter jean baptiste; little jean; little man; little time; long baptiste; man baptiste; man jean baptiste; man orlean; moment jean; night jean baptiste; poor jean; poor jean baptiste; quaint old man; unusual man; white man; wonderful young man; years jean baptiste; young man work cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/nyp.33433076059314.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/nyp.33433076059314.txt item: #61 of 80 id: nyp.33433076094543 author: Gilmore, James R. title: Among the pines: or, South in secession-time By Edmund Kirke [pseud.] date: 1862 words: 58816 flesch: 90 summary: CHAPTER IV.-Poor WHITES.—The Mills House -South Carolina Clay-Eaters.--Political Discussion.-President Lincoln a war would come in consequence of the stand South Carolina had taken ; and when I said to him : "But if it LORD bless you, massa, de blacks am all freemasons ; dat ar ole man and woman wud die 'fore dey'd "Bery good man, massa, but de white folks don't "It mean, massa, dat de darky hab run away, and "Don't you know massa, my boy ?"' said the Colonel, your massa har," replied the mulatto man, turning his "Come away, Moye," said the Colonel, advancing "Jim, you — rascal," said the Colonel to that courageous darky, who was skulking off, "raise every nigger " Jake, come here," said the Colonel; "this man would "'Taint for a darky to say dat, massa," said the negro, "I reckon so, massa," said the darky, looking very keywords: andy; charleston; colonel; colonel a-; colonel jim; cunnel j; juley.-the colonel; lord; madam p; massa davy; massa k; massa k- cunnel; massa tommy; moye; new england; new york; north carolina yankees; north county; pines; sam; scip; south carolina; south carolina family; south carolina gentleman; south carolina planter; union; wal; washington; yas; case de lord dat; case de brack man; chapter; dar'm places dar whar de ole debble; dat de blacks; dat de ole gubner; de chris'mas time; de cunnel; de lord; de black people; de house war; de hull way; de kine dat; de ladies war gwine; de little cabin dat; de ma'am war dar lass night; de nigga wid de leff; de ole cabin fur; de ole man dusn't; de ole plantation; de ole woman; de pore man; de time; de vail ob de temple war rent; de waster dat shill; de way fru; de white folks brown; de white man; fru de winder dat; gabe jim de grip; good; hab de ugly dan de; leab de ole man har; man jim; massa; old south carolina; plantation; poor; southern; stand south carolina; tink dat de rest ob de souf; whar de little; white; winder ob de carriage war cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/nyp.33433076094543.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/nyp.33433076094543.txt item: #62 of 80 id: osu.32435001929710 author: Kelley, Emma Dunham. title: Four girls at Cottage City / by Emma D. Kelley-Hawkins date: 1898 words: 72459 flesch: 95 summary: Allie laughed her low, lady-like laugh, (everybody dz'd laugh at Jessie's little sayings.) "I "Now look here, girls," said Garnet, in her " Yes, let Vera keep them," said Allie, passing " \Ve won't tell her," said Vera, looking across let," said Vera, sitting very upright on a hard little " You tell her, Vera," said Garnet. "Just like that lazy little Jess," said Garnet. "Just look at that child's hair," said Vera, our friend Vera," said Jessie. As they were about to leave the cottage, Mrs. Hood caught the longing look in Vera's gray eyes. " Come, Jessie," said Vera, about 7 o'clock that Fred bent his head over Vera's little white hand, Garnet looked earnestly into Vera's smiling face, " I'm telling them all about our visit this afternoon, Vera," said Jessie. " Well, bless her little heart," said Vera, smoothing the wrinkles away in Jessie's forehead, " we'll keywords: allie; birls; charlotte hood; cousin fred; erfort richards; fastidious vera; fred; fred travers; garnet; garnet dare; garnet'and vera; god; gottage gity; gottage gtty; grandpa; jessie; jessie dare; jessie l; jfour girl; miss jessie; miss vera; mother; mr. atherton; mr. richards; mr. travers; mrs. hood; poor jessie; poor vera l; s4 jfour girl; sir launcelot; vera; vera earle; vera katherine earle; vera askance; back'with vera; careless little jessie; chapter; child vera; comical figure jessie; friend vera; hearted jessie; hearted vera; impulsive jessie; little jessie; poor garnet; proud vera; supper table jessie; time vera; trip jessie; troubled jessie; unsuspicious jessie; word vera; flash jessie cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/osu.32435001929710.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/osu.32435001929710.txt item: #63 of 80 id: osu.32435017886441 author: Griggs, Sutton E. title: Pointing the way, by Sutton E. Griggs date: 1908 words: 39274 flesch: 89 summary: Clotille said, "Uncle Jack, this is Miss Eina Rapona, who is to be your landlady." rights and privileges, it would, according to Clotille's way of thinking, operate to make Miss Letitia less pessimistic, more hopeful of the colored hitched up fur yer?" said Uncle Jack loudly, moving off towards Clotille's buggy and beckoning She soon made the discovery that Baug Peppers affiliated with the colored people socially and her great desire to unravel the mystery of his face threw itself on ax uv yer, please, miss," said Uncle Jack to Eina. "Uncle Jack," said Eina, one day, as she stood "Wal, I'll tell yer, Miss Eina," said Uncle Jack, sober old-time colored man like you," said Eina. "Miss Eina, do yer think de bes' white people will evah 'gree ter wuk 'long wid de cullud race question for Belrose," said Eina, her beautiful eyes resting upon Baug with a trustful keywords: baug peppers; belrose; boston | seth; clotille; conroe; eina changeth; jack summoned eina; miss clotille; miss eina; miss eina rapona; miss eina kind; miss eina kinder thort; miss letitia; miss rapona; mistah jack; mr. baug; mr. seth molair; mrs. molair; seth molair; south; southern white man; uncle jack; uncle jack summoned; beautiful eina; breakfast eina; chapter; day uncle jack; de ole man; dear uncle jack; distance uncle jack; ez de cullud man ter; haired uncle jack; handsome fellow eina; interested eina; old uncle jack; point molair; purpose eina; quality white man w'en dey; sympathetic uncle jack; time uncle jack; time uncle jack summoned eina; time colored man; untutored uncle jack; way eina; white man ef; | belrose; | face; | world cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/osu.32435017886441.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/osu.32435017886441.txt item: #64 of 80 id: osu.32435018461947 author: Wilson, Harriet E., title: Our Nig : or, Sketches from the life of a free black, in a two-story white house, North, showing that slavery''s shadows fall even there by "Our Nig" [i.e. Mrs. H. E. Wilson] date: 1859 words: 12231 flesch: 88 summary: They rallied others when they discovered that another little colored girl was missing, a favorite playmate of Frado's. Mrs. Bellmont, and Mag asked if she would be "Show the child to bed, Jack," said his mother. Frado, chagrined and grieved, felt that her anticipations of pleasure at such a place were far During school time she had rest from Mrs. Bellmont's tyranny. Her education completed,as she said, Mrs. Bellmont felt that her time and person belonged Aunt Abby returned to her apartment, followed by John, who was muttering to himself "I said I hoped the child never would come into Aunt Abby's room; Mr. Bellmont and "Do you know where Frado is?" asked Jane Henry soon followed, and presented his cause to Mrs. Bellmont. less repose if there should be a change of attendants; and Mrs. Bellmont, she well knew, and aspirations, she attended an evening meeting with Aunt Abby, and the good man urged keywords: aunt abby; h e r d e; mrs. bellmont; n e w h o m e f o r. m. e.; o u r n i.g.; o u r n ig; o u r n t g; o u r nig; p e r p l e x; n i g; n t g; o u; r n i.g.; r n ig; u r n; u r nig cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/osu.32435018461947.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/osu.32435018461947.txt item: #65 of 80 id: osu.32435018561423 author: Pryor, George Langhorne title: Neither bond nor free. (A plea.) ... By G. Langhorne Pryor ... date: 1902 words: 35146 flesch: 84 summary: "Walk in, Mr. Ripley," said Merna as Toussaint Edward Strother, a young man known to good VAN CourTNEY did not see Ethel and her company "later on," the evening of the lawn party when The three sat down to tea, and while Van Courtney only sipped a little of the beverage, Ethel managed to make away with one cup of it. Charles Van Courtney, Merna Attaway ,Toussaint Van Courtney having learned that it was the intention of Merna and Ethel shortly to take one of "Come, Ethel, let us go," said Merna, not waiting for the reply. This perfect summer day finds Merna and Toussaint, Ethel and Strother, Mr. Burleigh and Clarissa, on the spacious grounds of the Southern play the game," said Toussaint, addressing Merna. "Come, Merna, Ethel is calling for you," said I did not think to ask Mr. Strother," said Merna. between the races, Merna and Strother were at home keywords: bond mor i'ree; charles van courtney; ethel; ethel gay; free; jack dempsey; jack eyed merna; meither bond; meither bond; merna; merna attaway; miss ethel; mr. attaway; mr. burleigh; mr. ripley; mr. robbins; mr. strother; mr. van; ralph attaway; rev. burleigh; south; toussaint ripley; toussaint credit; van courtney; van courtney trial; asmeither bond; bond; boy toussaint; chapter; fast young man; free; free man; friend mr. van; friend mr. van courtney; friend van courtney; good man; interrupted van courtney; organized white man; peneither bond; poor white man; race man; retrospect merna; stalneither bond; time toussaint; white man north; white race; young colored man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/osu.32435018561423.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/osu.32435018561423.txt item: #66 of 80 id: osu.32435060119922 author: Brown, William Wells title: Clotelle; or, The colored heroine : a tale of the Southern States / by William Wells Brown date: 1867 words: 13629 flesch: 83 summary: It was on the second day of the steamer's voyage, that Pompey selected five of the oldest slaves, took them into a room by themselves, At this the man appeared frightened, and inquired what was the matter with him, in answer to which Sam said, – Isabella had been with her new mistress but a short time when she When this news reached Mrs. Miller, through her daughter, she became furious with rage, and calling Clotelle into her room, stripped her grief that the slave-girl heard the footsteps of her master on his return "Come, girl, it is time for you to go," said the jailer, as Jerome was When Jerome entered the barn, the two farmers closed the door, remaining outside themselves, to confront the slave-catchers, who now Fifteen days from the time that Clotelle was introduced into her "I have always treated my slaves well," said Mr. Linwood to Jerome, keywords: c l o t e l l e; c. l. o.; clotelle; e l l p.; e l l. e.; isabella; jerome; mr. wilson; o l; o. t e; p t e r i.; p t e r x x x v; p t e r x x xv i.; p t e r x. x.; p t e r xx ii; t e l l e.; c l; e l l; e r; l e.; l l; p t cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/osu.32435060119922.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/osu.32435060119922.txt item: #67 of 80 id: uc1.a0011554979 author: Griggs, Sutton E. title: Wisdom''s call by Sutton E. Griggs date: 1911 words: 27707 flesch: 79 summary: settled for all time to come the question of theinnate capacity of the white South for great achievements. epidemics of yellow fever which in times past disorganized the business of states and nations, and converted whole cities into one great funeral procession, the Negro resting wholly upon such sense of guardianship as might be developed in the white race. Negro, the strain of brutality creeps through intermarriage into the entire life of the white South, look condition of society in which there is no law governing men save the sentiment of the people as manifested on any given occasion. posed white South to revise its attitude toImpediward the Negro with regard to the Negro men accord the white women of the of the Southern white man toward the Negro so for the Southern white man, asks, not that the South One-party political life is not the white man's method. keywords: georgia south; mr. bryan; negro; negro man; negroes; south africa; south america; south americanized; south carolina; south americanized; south escape; south national; south outfree; wisdom; wrong south; chapter; day south; distinguished white man; entire white south; great; great white nations; man; native white men; negro man; negro race; negro woman; new south; present day south; solid south; southern white; southern white man; white south; white people; young southern white man; º cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.a0011554979.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.a0011554979.txt item: #68 of 80 id: uc1.b2838559 author: Ferguson, Ira Lunan, title: Ocee McRae, Texas; a novel of passion, petroleum and politics in the Pecos river valley, by Ira Lunan Ferguson date: 1962 words: 35634 flesch: 88 summary: Mike left the Whittaker home, shaking hands with Larry, patting the little girl on the head, and waving good-bye to Emmie, "Say," Ocee asked, "isn't that where those famous Texas Aggies come from?" "Thanks, Grant," Ocee said, extending his hand as he moved Smiling, Grant shook Ocee's hand and said, "This isn't going Grant nodded and, turning to Ocee, said, "You know, I'm Before Ocee said good night to Francisco and Juanita to return to his hotel, he asked, "I wonder if it would be all right to country, Big Ben," Ocee laughed, "but I don't think I'd ever want a man, and think of you as a friend." Ocee waited while Big Ben "Good man, Ocee," Randall said. "I need to know something about the law," Ocee told Grant to leave Big Ben and his wife, as Ocee said, "But the time has keywords: b e r k e l e y; big ben; c o n t e n t s; emmie; fort worth; francisco; grant; helen; juanita; mike; mr.; mrs. ocee; mrs. ocee mcrae; o c e e m c r; ocee; ocee mcrae; ocee mcrael; p t e r iii; p t e r v ii; r s t e d; señor ocee; señor ocee mcrae; t e x; texas; texas city; texas city yesterday; texas city |; texas girl; tirabuzon; united states; h a p; hel ocee; late ocee; point ocee; r a e; t e r; time ocee cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b2838559.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b2838559.txt item: #69 of 80 id: uc1.b2839282 author: Burke, Lily. title: Search for accord. date: 1959 words: 62926 flesch: 90 summary: His asking her to come to his house came as a left work early and would appreciate a long night's rest. I hope you won't be gone long." She immediately started to work, remembering the experiences Kissing her good-bye, he said, "I won't be gone long." She was suddenly brought back to the immediate present by his asking, "What time is the show Friday night?" Coming back up from the dining room to kiss her goodbye, he said, "I'll be at the library this afternoon, or I'll "Yes, fish takes a long time." She went into the house he's going to stay here this evening." While they were sitting on the sofa after lunch, she asked in an off-hand manner, "Do you have to go to town today?" The next morning Louise called Joan, "Is George coming to lunch on his way back from the dentist?" The keywords: friday; joan; laura; louise; marie; mr. benson; new jersey; new york; philip; philip benson; richard; saturday; saturday night; sunday; william; awful long time; class room; dear philip; earliest possible time; exact time; good; good time; hard time; leave; little room; living room table; particular time; restful time; second time; small room; summer time; thank; time; time philip; time library job; usual time; wonderful time cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b2839282.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b2839282.txt item: #70 of 80 id: uc1.b3273229 author: Graham, Katheryn Campbell. title: Under the cottonwood; a saga of Negro life in which the history, traditions and folklore of the Negro of the last century are vividly portrayed. By Katheryn Campbell Graham date: 1941 words: 73887 flesch: 97 summary: good field hand; and Jake had saved a little money and was "We mus' miss town, Brother Jake; duh crowd's too big. "Duh winmen folks say duh baby looks jes lak little Mamie Ah gits little Mamie tuh write; she is uh good chile. School, an' uh girl frum Norf is come tuh play duh orgun fuh "Saml come hep me in duh house, son," called uncle Jake come as I did this time," said Master Jim. Neither Uncle Jake, nor anyone else could understand Jake, sen' little Mamie fuh duh Uncle Jake smiled at little Mamie, "Wonder who dat is on out wid duh cap'n tuh hide dey tresure." Uncle Jake cleared When little Mamie got home she found the old men "Not meny, Jake, an dey's duh littles', tightes' things Ah you ladies wuz ole uhnuff tuh 'member dem days," said Uncle keywords: aunt mamie; dr. simpson; elder simpson; ellen; goodbye jake; hey jake; jake stearns; jake hyer; jake kin; jim stearns wuz; lena; mamie p; miss henry; miss mamie; monday morning jake; moster jim; mr. alvin; mr. ferris; mr. jenkins; mr. joe; mr. joe stearns; mr. joe today; mr. johnny; mr. leslie; mr. stearns; mr. trimble; mr. weatherly; nancy; pappy; penhook; saul; uncle clem; uncle ed; uncle ezrul; uncle henry; uncle jake; uncle jim; uncle meek; uncle reb; uncle remus; uncle sam; yas mr. don; books little mamie; breakfast table uncle jake; brother jake; dat mr. joe; dat little rascal tol; day long uncle jake; deep uncle jake; deepest uncle jake; duh; duh little; faithful mr. joe; fergit uncle jake; flame jake; gits little mamie tuh; good little root; good little sulky; illness uncle jake; jes lak little mamie; little mamie; little mamie p.; little mamie chile; little mamie fuh; little consumpted man; little money uhlong tuh; little old noisy uncle clem gillum; little time; little tuh; long uncle jake; money jake; o'clock little mamie; ole jake stearns; poor uncle jake; table uncle jake; thin nervous little man; times little mamie; tuh mr. stearns; tuh duh cabins; tuh duh woods lak; uncle jake; uv dem little red cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b3273229.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b3273229.txt item: #71 of 80 id: uc1.b3470438 author: Micheaux, Oscar, title: The masquerade : an historical novel / by Oscar Micheaux date: 1947 words: 89195 flesch: 84 summary: Johnny took his books and went home then, leaving Mrs. Obermark to close the school and go home, thinking; 'House Divided' argument, his "This country cannot endure permanently half slave and half free." That argument goes home; it puts you to thinking," Judge Straight raised his eyes and met those of Johnny Northcross, looking straight at him with a sort of bold, defiant expression. connection with his past, his mother, his sister; away somewhere to study law, passing for white as he does so." "Oh, Rena, you look just like a white girl." Now that he and his mother were alone for a few moments while Rena was preparing the meal, he decided to return to the subject that was uppermost in his mind. "Good morning, Judge Straight," the young man said, early the following morning—and Rena had left Fayetteville for the first time in her life for a long trip. keywords: abraham lincoln; dr. green; dred scott decision; fayetteville; frank fowler; free negro; george tryon; george wendell tryon; henry fowler; jeff wain; john brown; johnny northcross; johnny walden; judge straight; judge straight today; judge taney; mas querade; miss rena; mr. abraham lincoln; mr. lincoln; mr. wain; mrs. fowler; mrs. green; mrs. molly northcross; mrs. newberry; mrs. northcross; mrs. obermark; mrs. tryon; negro; negro fayetteville; negro blood; negro boy; negro family; negro freedom; negro girl; negro men; negro race; negro slavery; new york; rena; rena northcross; rena tryon; rena walden; richard northcross; slave states; south carolina; southern white people; union; united states; united states government; united states vests; best white people; contemporary negro life; curious white people; free negro contractors; friend judge straight; great negro abolitionist; great man; little negro school; man lincoln; meeting white people; old judge straight; old negro woman; old man; people white; poor white man; rich white man; time rena; wealthy white man; white man tryin; white people darker; young negro builder; young white man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b3470438.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b3470438.txt item: #72 of 80 id: uc1.b3687493 author: Carrere, Mentis, title: Man in the cane by Mentis Carrere date: 1956 words: 32851 flesch: 96 summary: "It's about time we evened things up," said Jimmy, and moved "You mean it?" said Jimmy, looking back. "Tha's all that white man calls yuh-jis nigger?" asked Pigbelly. and right off a nigger wants to sass a white man." He flopped down "I said I'm paying cash." Jimmy took a silver dollar from his "Jimmy," said Charley, "this here crazy nigger's been tryin' to "That's true," said Jimmy, "but you know how white folks are." "Hell," said Jimmy, "you guys ought to know I wouldn't just "Jail ain't no place for a nigger like that," said Daniel, looking "Jimmy's urging those niggers to revolt," said Tillman. "Mist' Joe," said Bigman, stepping close, "don't hit Jimmy, if the nigger had been a white man, telling Pierre about Dixon's "Hmm," said Aunt Hannah and looked at Jimmy. "Tony," said Jimmy, "there's a man on Saint Agnes named "Call Jimmy Dixon," said Touchard. keywords: aunt hannah; aunt hannah eyed jimmy; daniel george; hannah eyed jimmy; jerry gordon; jimmy dixon; jimmy dixon guilty; jimmy dixon"-he; jimmy tonight; joe tillman; mr. adams; mr. dixon; mr. george; mr. gordon; mr. joe tillman; mr. tillman; mr. touchard; pierre; river bend; river bend white folks; saint agnes; ax jimmy; entrance gate jimmy; guys white men; o'clock jimmy; real white man; store jimmy; trail jimmy; white man jis; white man ridin; white men devoid cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b3687493.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b3687493.txt item: #73 of 80 id: uc1.b3688021 author: Jones, Joshua Henry. title: By sanction of law, by Joshua Henry Jones, jr. date: 1924 words: 75233 flesch: 91 summary: two healthy young people like John and Lida long fu-fufu-tuh to be holdin' hands and lookin' calf eyes at each Lida and Bennet had forgotten time and were only recalled to their senses when Louise Comstock came into Lida started from Bennet's side toward the girl but before Louise?" Lida asked turning to Bennet. "I don't know," Bennet replied, "Never mind her, Girl for a moment, her hands still resting on Bennet's shoulders, her eyes looking up to his, a yearning in them. "What about breaking the heart of the girl who's trusted you with her love — her happiness?" Bennet asked. Dr. Tansey looked at the young man shrewdly — studiously, for some minutes then asked, "Does she know who Every man on the veranda was on his feet as Dr. Tansey and Bennet who had remained quiet all this time Lida's house, the girl turned to Bennet. keywords: colonel lauriston; colonel park lauriston; dean sandager; doctor tansey; dr. bayard tansey; dr. dennig; dr. frederick lauriston; dr. tansey; god; law; lida fu; lida long fu; lida meeting; lida mention; lida | lida; lida | lida p; louise comstock; miss comstock; miss gregory; miss lauriston; miss lida lauriston; mr. bennet; mr. truman bennet; old john marley; professor armstrong; san ction; south carolina law; truman bennet; bed dr. tansey; cab lida; cigar dr. tansey; crisis lida; dear miss gregory; dear mr. bennet; elder bennet; enchantment lida; explanation lida; father lida; friend mr. bennet; glad lida; house lida; instant lida; law; moment colonel lauriston; moment dr. tansey; old man; poor dr. tansey; reply lida; threat lida; time bennet; time dr. tansey; week miss gregory; white southern man; words lida; young white man; youth bennet cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b3688021.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b3688021.txt item: #74 of 80 id: uc1.b3688127 author: Gilbert, Mercedes. title: Aunt Sara''s wooden god / by Mercedes Gilbert date: 1938 words: 54114 flesch: 94 summary: a liar yuh is 1" Jim's remark raised William's fury "What was that Jim was sayin' 'bout Mr. Gordon?" Sara Lou asked. strong boy lak Jim nearby," Sara Lou said, bustling "Dat ain't no way to talk to Ruth kaise she got to Ruth smiling and happy with his brother Jim. 48 AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD "Oh, Byron's fine, Cotton Eye," William answered, as he tried to pass on down the street. kaise dat other white man whut you owes ten dollars done been heah an' said de self-same mournful words dis mornin'," Slippery informed. "But William dat ain't nothin' to de one dey calls william rose early and helped Jim and Ruth with Lou, Ruth and Jim hurried home, but William had William's heart towards Jim. Instead he had plenty of time while sitting idle through the long nights "Ah ain't never loved William, Jim," Ruth almost sobbed. keywords: aunt sara; cotton eye; daddy jenks; ethel; gordon whut william; jim; jim carter; jim p; john carter; macon; mr. gordon; owen gordon; ruth; sara 's wooden; sally ann; sally ann peck; sara lou; sara lou carter; saturday afternoon william; slippery; spring william; sugar kid; sugar kid dat; wooden god; william; william carter; william p; william comin; william dat; william goin'ter git; william kaise ah; baby william; beloved william; certain extent william; dat william; day sara lou; dis man gordon whut william; dollars william; evening sara lou; kin dey brodder william; kindness william; little shedaunt sara; manner sara lou; note william; straight handsome william; things william dat; time william; whar wid brudder william; whut jim cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b3688127.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b3688127.txt item: #75 of 80 id: uc1.b3711121 author: Micheaux, Oscar, title: The case of Mrs. Wingate by Oscar Micheaux date: 1945 words: 169660 flesch: 92 summary: So Sidney Wyeth, called the pioneer Negro Motion Picture producer, more than twenty years before, had started making the kind "I asked, dear Edrina," he said, looking down into her eyes, his reception room, than in walked Bertha Schultz, dressed more beautifully than ever, smiling and peeping into Wyeth's office at Marie, "And now he's in love with a-show girl," said Bertha, looking "I know that I must meet Mr. Wyeth now," said Bertha. Hoped that she liked Mr. Wyeth and planned to make him a good wife," said Mrs. Graham. "I can," said Bertha, "but still you haven't explained why Mr. Wyeth should know so much about all the things you've told me." Looking at her, Wyeth thought of what Marie had said; that the "Mr. Wyeth is a wonderful man," said Bertha, smiling up at what the Jew is doing to keep the Negro down," said Early, looking at Wyeth. keywords: bertha schultz; edrina; florence adair; heinrich schultz; herr heinrich schultz; herr schultz; knowing mr. wyeth; mrs; marie; miss florence; miss schultz; mr. early; mr. hans schiller; mr. jackson; mr. kermit; mr. levine; mr. mantan; mr. schultz; mr. wyeth; mrs. adair; mrs. florence wingate; mrs. graham; mrs. kermit early; mrs. wingate; negro; negro america; negro nazi spy; negro angle; negro author; negro book; negro contact man; negro father; negro grade school; negro husband; negro insurance agents; negro insurance company; negro man; negro money; negro motion picture director; negro motion picture producer; negro newspaper; negro pictures; negro publishing house; negro schools; negro section; negro shows; negro situation; negro story; negro theatres; negro thought; new york; plain sidney wyeth; sidney wyeth; south america; wingate; case; contemporary negro life; conventional negro life; dear mr. wyeth; early; entire negro population; entire negro race; intelligent negro life; interesting negro; love sidney wyeth; man wyeth; moment bertha schultz; money mr. wyeth; outright negro picture; pioneer negro motion picture producer; sure mr. wyeth; usual negro inclination; young negro builder cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b3711121.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b3711121.txt item: #76 of 80 id: uc1.b4450881 author: Flemister, John T., title: Furlough from hell : a fantasy by John T. Flemister date: 1963 words: 14281 flesch: 82 summary: earth, I said to myself, "So long, Zeno, and may God bless you." Negroes holding office became easy victims of selfish snow men present day, the southern snow man pretends to hate the Negro. so-called Negro reds actually hate the democratic government, and come hell or high water, would do anything to destroy it. who are rich and live fabulously, and, as I've said before, although the Russians are snow, "all white folks ain't bad." Many Every native Negro American and every native snow American are just as much related as Jesus Christ is to God, but they What goes up must come down, Mr. Snow Man. God did not mean for us to be separated. The Negro has not yet been able to break the snow man's American Negro has for the snow man is strictly in his own made by one snow man, did for the rural Negro schools of the keywords: american negro; american snow man; god; master satan; mr. negro; negro; negroes; satan; united states; zeno; american snow; dead man return; friendly snow man; great snow man; man; northern snow man; poor man; sighted snow man; snow; southern snow man; untouchable black man; white man cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b4450881.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b4450881.txt item: #77 of 80 id: uc1.b5521446 author: Fowler, Charles H., M.D. title: Historical romance of the American Negro by Charles H. Fowler date: 1902 words: 89357 flesch: 77 summary: new to us, and as the fall weather was of the most delightful description, my dear mother and I spent a great deal of time on deck. Still the Abolitionists did not have the entire field to themselves, for there were thousands and thousands of people in the Northern states who believed in slavery for the colored man as much as the fight?" It will also secure for us more civil treatment from white soldiers, both North and South, and remind them that the Great Creator himself, and all foreign nations, make no difference whatsoever on account of great was the prejudice against color that white men were even unwilling to fight side by side with our own people; and then Lincoln It was most refreshing to read the letters from the white soldiers at the time, commending these colored men in every possible way. keywords: american negro; buffalo; dear beulah:-with great pleasure; general grant; god; john b. sutherland; lord god almighty; m. e. church; mississippi; mr. thomas lincoln; mrs. beulah lincoln; mrs. jackson; mrs. john b.; mrs. lincoln; mrs. sarah jackson; mrs. sutherland; new albany; new bedford; new bedford mr.; new orleans; new orleans hospital; new york city; north atlantic; ohio; richmond hill; riverside hall; solid south; south carolina; southern states; sunny south; tde american negro; tom lincoln; uncle sam; uncle tom; union; union general; united states; united states army; united states arsenal; united states government; united states senator; united states treasury; united states volunteers; a. m. e.; clever colored men; dear tom; entire south; entire colored race; good time; great american family quarrel; great empire state; great lord; great north; great northern heart; great ohio; great southern; great uncle sam; great city; great days; great events; great excitement; great favor; great feet; great force; great heart; great house; great importance; great joy; great meeting; great nation; great noi hern heart; great overshadowhistorical romance; great people; great river; great things; great time; great union people; great war general; great way; historical romance; innocent colored men; time tom; upright colored men; young colored men cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uc1.b5521446.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uc1.b5521446.txt item: #78 of 80 id: uiug.30112003263263 author: Nash, Theodore Edward Delafayette title: Love and vengeance; or, Little Viola''s victory; a story of love and romance in the South; also society and its effects. By T. E. D. Nash date: 1903 words: 26150 flesch: 93 summary: The sick man turned his head slowly upon the pillow and let his eyes rest on the face of the young About this time there lived in the village a beautiful girl, the daugher of a poor working man. young man sat with pale face and eyes dilated with Bertram looked at the old man on whom the death Arnold Campbell was a handsome man, good bearing with dark hair and eyes, but the sinister lines aloud, and she failed to hear the light steps of Bertram as he came quickly up the green walk and found The old colored man, looking around for something to bathe her face, as he did not have a handkerchief, saw by the dim light of the moon, which had There was a few moments pause, and then she answered: "I would like to know if you love that pauper, Viola Dunkirk, and if you are going to marry keywords: bertram heathcourt; bessie; miss mona; mona; mona hawthorne; mr. arnold; mr. heathcourt; mr. quimby; mrs. bertram heathcourt; mrs. hawthorne; viola; viola arnold campbell; viola dunkirk; chapter; day viola; days bertram; energetic young man; good man; little viola; love; man; morning bertram; old colored man; old man; poor viola; time viola cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/uiug.30112003263263.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/uiug.30112003263263.txt item: #79 of 80 id: wu.89000744367 author: White, Walter, title: Flight / Walter White date: 1926 words: 70970 flesch: 86 summary: "Stop calling her my mother!" Mimi half angrily demanded, all the cheerfulness gone from her voice and face. Jean had often told Mimi how Mary Robertson had come known only as "Mimi," was eleven when Mary Robertson entered Jean Daquin's life. Then did Mimi know they would some day soon leave New Mrs. Adams started to move away to another group and the motion brought Mimi face to face with a girl of her own age That night Mimi told Jean of the things she had seen and "She likes you, Carl," Mimi ended, "and she's been thinking all summer that I, her best friend, have been trying to "I asked Carl at church two weeks ago," she began, Mrs. Hunter meanwhile waiting anxiously for Mimi's decision, when Mimi did not feel like walking or going to a movingpicture show, they sat at home, Carl talking or reading some keywords: atlanta; carl hunter; creole new orleans; dr. adams; f light; fl i g; hilda; jean daquin; madame francine; mimi daquin; mimi forresters; mimi darling; mimi face; mimi half; mimi persecution; mr. robertson; mrs. adams; mrs. crosby; mrs. daquin; mrs. horace crosby; mrs. hunter; mrs. king; mrs. mahoney; mrs. manning; mrs. plummer; mrs. rogers; mrs. williams; new orleans mimi; new york; petit jean; t o mimi; thursday evening mimi; arrival mimi; barrier mimi; beginning mimi; check mrs. daquin; conviction mimi; day mimi; days mimi; dear mimi; degree mimi; direction mimi; embrace mimi; evening mimi; girl mimi; glances mimi; house mimi; immense mimi; life mimi; little mimi; man mimi; months mimi; mourning garments mimi; night mimi; notion mimi; o mimi; papa jean; people mrs. hunter; questions mimi; right mimi; room mimi; time mimi; time mrs. crosby; time mrs. daquin; tiny mimi; weeping mrs. daquin; year mimi cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/wu.89000744367.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/wu.89000744367.txt item: #80 of 80 id: wu.89098876212 author: Jacobs, Harriet A. title: The deeper wrong, or, Incidents in the life of a slave girl written by herself ; edited by L. Maria Child date: 1862 words: 64507 flesch: 89 summary: I met my grandmother, who said, " Come with me, Linda;" and from Little attention was paid to the slaves' meals in Dr. Flint's house. THE SLAVES' NEW YEAR'S DAY. THE SLAVES' NEW YEAR'S DAY. happy New Year." Children bring their little offerings, and raise their rosy lips for a caress. But to the slave mother New Year's day comes The Slaves New Year's Day. children were sold to a slave-trader, and their mother "O Linda, Ben and his master have had a dreadful time!" said he. ." I have come," said Benjamin, " to tell you good During the day Mrs. Flint heard of this new arrangement, and a storm followed. words of my grandmother came to my mind, —" Perhaps your mother and father are taken from the evil time," said my grandmother; " we will take the children to church, and have them christened." keywords: american children; benjamin; dr. flint; ellen; fugitive slave; fugitive slave law; god; life; linda; mr. sands; mrs. bruce; mrs. flint; mrs. hobbs; new year; new york; slave girl; slave law; william; beautiful children; bereaved grandmother; child; children free; colored children; day mrs. flint; day time; dear grandmother; encounter dr. flint; evening dr. flint; good old grandmother; happy grandmother; helpless children; incident; little children; little slave; little time; negro children; night dr. flint; niy grandmother; old mrs. flint; old master; old slave woman; oldest children; orphan children; poor children; poor old grandmother; poor old slave; slave; slave mother new year; uli uy grandmother; ward dr. flint cache: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/cache/wu.89098876212.txt plain text: /shared/reader-library/africanAmericanFiction-from-hathi/txt/wu.89098876212.txt