id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-16682 Knies, Jennie Levine; Lynn, Valerie; Angel, Erik Parallel lives: Two Penn State campuses launch 3-D printing 2017-06-06 4 .pdf application/pdf 2443 129 59 There are also several associate degree programs; however, many students take advantage of Penn State’s “2+2 Degree Plan,” in which students spend the first two years of study at one Penn State campus and then transition to the main cam- pus at University Park or another campus for the remaining two years. Following the success of that pilot, the library purchased a Tinkerine DittoPro the following Jennie Levine Knies, Valerie Lynn, and Erik Angel Parallel lives Two Penn State campuses launch 3-D printing Jennie Levine K nies is associate librarian/head librarian at Pennsylvania State University-Wilkes- B a r re, e m a cache/crln-16682.pdf txt/crln-16682.txt