id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18049 McCoy, Ralph E. President’s Report, 1966/67 1967-06-30 4 .pdf application/pdf 2896 107 46 Guided by the ten-point national pro­ gram outlined at the junior college conference at Pomona, California, held in 1965, and under the chairmanship of Harriett Genung, the Sec­ tion has initiated a series of projects: With a $5,000 grant from the ACRL Grants Committee the Section is drafting proposals for establish­ ing demonstration junior college libraries sim­ ilar to the Knapp project for elementary and secondary school libraries; the Section has sub­ mitted a proposal to the J. Morris Jones—World Book Encyclopedia—ALA Goals Award to es­ tablish at ALA Headquarters on a one-year basis a clearinghouse of information relating to junior college libraries; a third proposal, still in the planning stages, is for a nationwide sur­ vey of junior college libraries, with the object of establishing criteria for library support that would be acceptable both to the American Li­ brary Association and the American Association of Junior Colleges. A volume on library surveys, prepared by Maurice Tauber and the Committee on Library Surveys, is now at Columbia University Press. cache/crln-18049.pdf txt/crln-18049.txt