id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18163 Stevens, Norman D. Innovations: Humor and creativity: Preservation 1989-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2568 83 54 But those same issues obviously affect library staff who may be just as accustomed as users to a more casual approach to the consumption of food and drink at work. In one of the earliest known efforts at preservation hum or D avid W eber, in 1965, de­ scribed th e successful conclusion of a p ro ject, funded by the Sopwith Graphics Foundation, to develop a new felt tip pen ink containing a soluble pigm ent, 99.3% of which is absorbed into the fi­ bers of book paper w ithin 48 to 72 hours, thus elim­ inating the dam age caused by users who underline and otherwise deface library books through the use of the more common felt tip pen. cache/crln-18163.pdf txt/crln-18163.txt