id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18223 Rogers, Sharon ACRL President’s report, 1984-85 1985-07-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1638 75 65 1984-85 has been A C R L’s year to focus on in te rn a l goals, so th a t the mission of the associ­ ation and the needs of its m e m b e rs m a y be achieved w ith enhanced efficiency and effective­ ness. A C R L m e m b e rs w ere asked to invest in the association by providing their advice on the desirability and feasibility of m oving fo rw ard w ith the m any projects and activities rec­ om m ended in the 1982 Activity Model for 1990. cache/crln-18223.pdf txt/crln-18223.txt