id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18226 Wilson, Bill Baltimore ’86 1985-07-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1784 76 62 the evaluation of the effects of financial and other resource constraints on university library ser­ vices; 2. the development of standards criteria for aca­ demic libraries w ith special reference to develop­ ing countries; 3. a study of the treatm ent and use of official publications in academ ic libraries; 4. Contributed papers Three types of contributed papers will be fea­ tured: research reports (descriptions of studies u ti­ lizing rigorous reseach methodology), position p a ­ pers (id en tificatio n of problem s and proposed solutions) and idea briefs (new concepts and pro­ g ra m m a tic concerns to s cache/crln-18226.pdf txt/crln-18226.txt