id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18454 Library Association, American News from the Field 1982-10-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1874 108 71 The collection, which consists o f a wide range o f sub­ ject fields including many multi-volume sets o f Chinese calligraphy and art works, was on exhibi­ tion at ALA Annual Conference in Philadelphia. aw ren ce he served as library consul­ tant to the Merrimack Valley Health Planning C ou n cil and was r e ­ spon sible for the o r ­ ganization and d e ­ velopm ent o f a health planning scien ces li­ brary to serve both re­ gional health planners and health care p r o ­ vider agencies. cache/crln-18454.pdf txt/crln-18454.txt