id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18709 Zipkowitz, Fay INNOVATIONS: The Yiddish Library Development Program 1987-09-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2728 109 63 W ith the rich cultural and professional resources available in the w estern M assachusetts region know n as the Pioneer Valley, the evolution of the N ational Yiddish Book C enter and the Yiddish L ib rary D evelopm ent Program is not surprising, b u t is still very gratifying. R e tu rn in g to A m h e rst, M a ssa c h u se tts, w here he h ad earned his u n d erg rad u ate degree at H am pshire College, Lansky conceived of a center for the exchange of Yiddish m aterials, saving them from d estru ctio n an d disuse, an d m ak in g them a v a ila b le to p eo p le w h cache/crln-18709.pdf txt/crln-18709.txt