id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18714 Library Association, American Guidelines on the selection of general collection materials for transfer to special collections 1987-09-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 3561 164 58 The transfer policy must: 1. prom ulgate publicly the library’s definition of, and policy tow ard, rare and special collections, strongly justifying the measures being taken to p ro ­ tect rare m aterials, and describing how these m ea­ sures will enhance the institution’s resources in car­ rying out its mission; 2. establish firm lines of authority for the con­ duct of an economical and expeditious program ; 3. list the criteria of rarity being used in selecting transfer items, w hich m ay be influenced to some extent by the n atu re and strengths of the library’s general and special collections; 4. set forth clear procedures to be followed in the transfer process, including procedures for recom ­ m ending transfer, altering bibliographic and cir­ culation records, and inspection by the Preserva­ tion Officer; and 5. stipulate procedures w hereby readers can re­ quest individual transfer items. In m any institutions it will be useful to solicit com m ents from fa c u lty , stu d en ts a n d /o r o th er well-informed researchers, consult w ith staff at other libraries, or bring in a consultant to review or advise on statem ent preparation. cache/crln-18714.pdf txt/crln-18714.txt