id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18724 Segal, JoAn S.; Rogers, Sharon ACRL and higher education 1985-04-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2535 122 74 im p o rta n t for us, since th e C h i­ cago location m akes it possible for us to study the m eeting w ith an eye to how w e can use it m ost ef­ fectively to advance th e linking of lib rarian s and o th er academ ics. W e shared in fo rm atio n w ith them ab o u t w h a t is h a p ­ p ening in th e lib rary w o rld , and our conversation ra n g e d from scholarly p u cache/crln-18724.pdf txt/crln-18724.txt