id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18728 Library Association, American Candidates for ALA Council 1985-04-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1829 95 85 Marvin H. Scilken, d irecto r, O ran g e P ublic L i­ b ra ry , N ew Jersey. ■ ■ RESEARCH FORUM Stimulating quality research: Starting with the basics By D oroth y J. A nderson Chair, A C R L Research D ev elo p m en t C o m m itte e A C R L ’s new R esearch D evelopm ent C o m m ittee • c onfidence in th e ir ability; is la u n c h in g a p la n to stim u late superior research • h elp and train in g ; am ong academ cache/crln-18728.pdf txt/crln-18728.txt