id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-18914 Library Association, American ACRL Officers for 1983-84 1983-09-01 10 .pdf application/pdf 6574 350 68 The statements to be reviewed are: Guidelines and Pro­ cedures for the Screening and Appointment of Aca­ demic Librarians (C&RL News, September 1977); Joint Statement on Faculty Status of College and University L ibrarians (C &R L News, February 1974); Model Statement of Criteria and Procedures for Appointment, Promotion in Academic Rank, and Tenure for College and University Librarians (C &R L N ew s, Septem ber and O ctober 1973); Standards for Faculty Status for College and Uni­ versity Librarians (C&R L News, May 1974); State­ m ent on Collective B argaining (1975, available from ACRL); and Statem ent on the Term inal Pro­ fessional Degree for Academic Librarians (1975, available from ACRL). O kla­ hom a State University L ibrary, Stillw ater, OK 74078 (314). cache/crln-18914.pdf txt/crln-18914.txt