id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19330 Sutton, Ellen; Jackson, Margaret Innovations: The Presidential Campaign Hotline: Its Use in Libraries 1988-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2177 99 55 One research project involving the H otline con­ cerns the effect the H otline may be having on the reporting of political news—the communication behavior of reporters and political analysts as well as the effect on the content of the reporting. News The Presidential Campaign Hotline: Its Use in Libraries By Ellen Sutton Form er Social Sciences R eference Librarian University o f North Carolina at C hapel Hill and M argaret Jack son Social Sciences R eferen ce Librarian University o f North Carolina at C hapel Hill The Hotline (until just recently called the Presi­ dential Cam paign Hotline), an online daily cur­ rent awareness service, gathers and distributes the latest available information on political campaigns and candidates. cache/crln-19330.pdf txt/crln-19330.txt