id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19354 Reeve, Phyllis Seattle ’84 1983-12-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 898 38 70 The follow­ ing C LIP Notes in the series are still available: •CLIP Note #1-80— Performance Appraisal, $ 7 .5 0 for A C R L m em bers, $10 for non­ members. •CLIP Note #2-81— Collection Develop­ ment, $8.75 for ACRL members, $11.50 for non-members. Compiled by David Carlson and P. Grady Morein, it in­ cludes copies of policy statements, promotional literature, search request forms, transaction log forms, billing forms, evaluation forms, and sta­ tistical report forms from more than 50 col­ leges. cache/crln-19354.pdf txt/crln-19354.txt