id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19489 Hisle, W. Lee ALA reorganization destined for further study: Actions at ALA Council, Chicago, 1995 1995-09-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 641 29 59 Wedding doesn't stop conference attendance Mary Lou Goodyear, ACRL member and the 1995–96 ALA Reference and Adult Ser­ vices Division (RASD) president, was mar­ ried during the 1995 ALA Annual Confer­ ence in Chicago. ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 19 9 5 /5 3 3 A LA re o rg a n iza tio n d estin ed for fu rth er study: Actions at ALA Council, Chicago, 1 9 9 5 At the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in June, the ALA Council voted not to reorga­ nize the association at the present time but to continue to study the possibility. cache/crln-19489.pdf txt/crln-19489.txt