id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19592 Scherer, Herbert Chairman’s Letter to the Art Libraries Subsection 1969-04-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 656 23 52 Let us hope that more active participation from all parts of our country and Canada soon becomes a reality.—Herbert Scherer, Chairman, Art Subsection. ■ ■ A rt S ubsection T itles for R e p rin tin g a n d M icrofilm ing At the business meeting of the Art Subsection at the ALA Convention in New York in 1966, a suggestion was made to form a committee to investigate a program for microfilming and re­ printing of unavailable source material in the field of art history. ■ C h a irm a n ’s L e tte r to th e A rt L ib ra rie s S ubsection With this issue of C&'R L News we are be­ ginning what I hope will be a continuing activi­ ty of our group, a roundtable of problems, news and ideas written for and by art librarians. cache/crln-19592.pdf txt/crln-19592.txt