id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-19890 Library Association, American ACRL preconferences in Miami Beach 1994-04-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2097 120 65 P r e c o n fe r e n c e A irlin e R e se rv a tio n s. Delta Air Lines, Inc., is the official airline o f the RBMS Precon ference. o f such issues as the expectations and needs o f collectors, the role o f planned givin g within a library’s developm ent policy, problem s encountered with don or restrictions, the role o f the b oo k and manuscript seller in placing a collection with an institution, and le­ gal problems related to agreements with d o ­ nors and their estates. cache/crln-19890.pdf txt/crln-19890.txt