id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20156 On the Status of Academic Librarians, The Committee ACRL STANDARDS & GUIDELINES: Guidelines for Academic Status for College and University Librarians: The final version approved by the ACRL Board on June 18, 2002, and the ALA Standards Review Committee in summer 2002 2002-10-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1267 82 62 Nonreap­ pointment should involve adequate notice, The “Standards for Faculty Status of Col­ lege and University Librarians” went through the revision process, was approved at Midwin­ ter 2001, and the final version was published in the March 2001 C&RL News. ACRL “Model Statem ent o f Criteria and P roced ures for A ppointm ent, Prom otion in Academic Rank, and Tenure for College and University Librarians” (1987), currently under revision. cache/crln-20156.pdf txt/crln-20156.txt