id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20186 Ternberg, Milton G. BI for accounting students 2020-02-18 2 .pdf application/pdf 1744 76 65 The goals of the online dem onstration were: a) to expose stu d en ts to on lin e search in g in a n o n ­ threatening m anner through the use of a search in­ term ediary (librarian); b) to experiment w ith the usefulness of selected business databases in ac­ counting education; c) to determ ine student reac­ tions to the ease of online inform ation retrieval and to the cost; d) to prepare a user’s guide to business databases for distribution in the library; and e) to increase Business School faculty awareness of busi­ ness databases. ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1985 / 293 BI for accounting students B y M ilton G. T ern b erg Social Science/Business Library University of California, Berkeley Experimenting with online business databases in an accounting course. cache/crln-20186.pdf txt/crln-20186.txt