id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20298 Lee, Hwa-Wei; Mulliner, K. International Exchange of Librarians and the Ohio University Internship Program 1982-11-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 3180 137 52 ■ ■ r S J International Exchange of Librarians and the Ohio University Internship Program H w a-W ei L e e K. M ulliner Ohio University L ibraries E d ito r ’s N ote: This p a p e r w as p resen ted to th e ALA International Relations Round T able at the P hiladelphia Annual C on feren ce on July 12, 1982. The fact that many institutions are will­ ing to send their librarians to Ohio University L i­ braries for internship training at their own expense manifests the value of such short-term training. cache/crln-20298.pdf txt/crln-20298.txt