id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20337 Library Association, American CALLING ALL CONSTRUCTION! 1969-06-30 1 .pdf application/pdf 714 29 56 The Grants Section, headed by Mrs. Catherine Robertson, has “logged in” 2,282 applications for basic grants (of up to $5,000), 1,808 applications for supplementary grąnts (those that don’t require matching), 670 applications for Special Purpose Type A grants, 70 for Type B, and 61 for Type C (for co­ operative acquisitions by groups of libraries). The corresponding figures for 1968 were 2,153 basic applications, 2,111 of which received grants; 1,550 supplemental applications, 1,524 of which received grants; 493 Special Purpose Type A applications, 19 of which received grants; 52 Special Purpose Type B applications, 9 of which received grants; and Special Pur­ pose Type C applications from 173 libraries. cache/crln-20337.pdf txt/crln-20337.txt