id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-20345 Library Association, American Copyright: An ACRL resolution 1984-05-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1997 85 71 The Association of Research L ibraries has described the Classroom G uidelines as “unsuitable in the context of postse­ condary e d u catio n ,” and the Am erican L ib rary As­ sociation has stated th a t the Classroom Guidelines “norm ally w ould not be realistic in the University settin g .”3 T hough the Classroom G uidelines clearly state the purpose is “to state the m inim um and not the m axim um standards of educational fair use,” expe­ rience shows th a t such guidelines are often referred to as if they provided outer limits; for exam ple, the NYU policy says th a t permission is required for copying “ not Persons interested in copyright m ay obtain a copy of the 8-page bibliography by sending an SASE to M ary Lee Sw eat, University L ib ra r­ ian, Loyola University, 6363 St. C harles Street, New O rleans, LA 70118. cache/crln-20345.pdf txt/crln-20345.txt